2017-2018 Annual Report - Studio2880...2. Launched a new sister organization - the Northern...

The Community Arts Council of Prince George & District 2017-2018 Annual Report Prepared by Sean Farrell, Executive Director September 2018 Kikiwin Art & Wellness @ Big Brothers & Big Sisters - 2018

Transcript of 2017-2018 Annual Report - Studio2880...2. Launched a new sister organization - the Northern...

Page 1: 2017-2018 Annual Report - Studio2880...2. Launched a new sister organization - the Northern Indigineous Artists’ ollective 3. Initiated a number of 50th annivesary projects to culiminate

The Community Arts Council of Prince George & District

2017-2018 Annual Report

Prepared by Sean Farrell, Executive Director

September 2018

Kikiwin Art & Wellness @ Big Brothers & Big Sisters - 2018

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Table of Contents Executive Summary......................................................... 2

Membership .................................................................... 3

Financial Outcomes ......................................................... 3

Major Funders ................................................................. 3

Policies & Governance .................................................... 3

Current Board Members ................................................. 4

2017-18 Programs & Services ......................................... 4

Events .............................................................................. 6

Art Battle ......................................................................... 6

Studio Fair ....................................................................... 6

6x6 Auction ..................................................................... 6

Spring Arts Bazaar ........................................................... 6

Northern Indigenous Artists’ Collective .......................... 9

Advocacy ......................................................................... 9

Facilities ........................................................................ 10

Studio 2880 ................................................................... 10

New Facility ................................................................... 10

Artisan Gift Shop ........................................................... 10

Upcoming Initiatives ..................................................... 10

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Executive Summary Congratulations and thank you to everyone who made a contribution to community arts here in Prince George during

the 2017-2018 year. We represent an incredibly diverse creative sector that includes visual artists, artisans, artisan

guilds, performing arts organizations, musicians, actors, dancers, galleries, museums, writers, poets, digital artists, art

therapists, content developers, food creators, business owners and more!

With the help of our members, volunteers, funders, donors, staff members, program participants, board members, city

staff members and elected officials, together this year we accomplished the following:

1. Expanded our programming to deliver new youth arts event (Teen Art Workshop & Showcase and Young Canadian

Music Festival), and a new art and wellness program (Healing Arts Kits)

2. Launched a new sister organization - the Northern Indigineous Artists’ Collective

3. Initiated a number of 50th annivesary projects to culiminate this year

4. Continued to improve our financial stability and efficacy, and increased our New Facility Fund by 70%

5. Increased our membership base by 45%

6. Co-created a new annual fundraising event The Mayor’s Black & White Ball for the Arts, with the PG Symphony

Orchestra & Theatre NorthWest

7. Completed the initial needs assessment and capital investment analysis on our new facility and have begun the

process of negotiating with major funders

Once again, I am very honoured to work with an exceptional team. This small, but hard-working and dedicated group

accomplishes so much! My sincerest thank you goes to:

• Lisa Redpath, Program Manager

• Seth Phillips, Facility & Finance Administrator

• Sue Johansson, Gift Shop Coordinator

• Manmeet Kaur, Administratrive Assistant

• Irene Tapp, Gift Shop Worker

• Tori Isaac, Custodial Worker

And, for the second year in a row, I wish to thank our very

special Volunteer Gift Shop Worker Gail Walton, who works

so hard every single Tuesday to promote artisan items to

visitors in our shop. All in this year we benefitted from over

800 hours of volunteer contributions to our organization, an

in-kind financial value of $16,000. Thank you to all our


Photo: Michael Kast

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Membership In 2016-2017 there were a total of 145 members in the CAC. In 2017-2018, we had a total of 210 members, an increase

of 45%. This was in part due to our success in bringing youth members into the organization. Thank you to everyone who

joined us again already for this new year!

Financial Outcomes For the second consecutive year we continued to simultaneously broaden the scope of activities, while creating financial

efficiencies within the organization, allowing us to meet and exceed our financial goals. Overall, our financial capacity

increased by approximately 10% over the previous year. At year’s end our New Facility Fund was valued at just under

$83,000, up from $49,500 last year. Thank you to our Treasurer, Penny Fahlman, for sharing her years of experience and

expertise with our organization!

Major Funders We are grateful to the following organizations for their

financial support over the 2017-2018 year.

• The City of Prince George

• The Province of British Columbia Community Gaming

• The BC Arts Council Operating Assistance Program

• The Prince George Community Foundation

• The Vancouver Foundation

• Northern Development Initiative Trust

• The Regional District of Fraser-Fort George

• The BC Arts Council, Arts-Based Community Development

• The Government of Canada - The New Horizons for Seniors

• The Government of Canada - Canada Summer Jobs

• The Prince George Kiwanis Club

Policies & Governance We had a successful first year of management under our new Employment Policies and Procedures, and Board Policies

and Procedures. This year, our board underwent a board orientation session in October. Our annual strategic planning

session occurred in January and resulted in an updated strategic plan. We also underwent a board evaluation process in

late winter. Thank you to our Past-President Zelda Craig for her efforts in implementing these new processes, and thank

you to our Vice-President Philomena Hughes for being such a constant supporter in our day-to-day activities.

Congratulations to our new President Linda Rempel - thank you for taking up this important leadership role in this very

important new chapter our organization is now entering.

I wish to thank all our board members for their great work this year. I look forward to welcoming new members at our

AGM – you are joining an awesome team!

Art Monkeys is funded by BC Gaming, PG Community Foundation & Private Donors

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Current Board Members


• Linda Rempel, President

• Philomena Hughes, Vice-President

• Penny Fahlman, Treasurer

• Louise Kerr, Secretary


• Ivan Paquette, Reconciliation Officer

• Zelda Craig, Director (Past-President)

• Karen Heathman, Director

• Diane Levesque, Director

• Doug Hofstede (City Liaison)

2017-18 Programs & Services We diversified and expanded our programs and services this year. We were honoured to work with so many wonderful

professional artists and arts organizations to deliver programs to children, youth and adults. As always, Lisa Redpath has

provided the community with an amazing suite of arts programming and events – thank you Lisa! One highlight was the

expansion of our Kikiwin program lead by Dr. Si Transken, who along with artists Carla Joseph and Clayton Gauthier

delivered therapeutic art programs to PG Activators, Big Brothers & Big Sisters, Kikino Metis Family Services, and Baldy

Hughes Therapeutic Community.

Our new Healing Arts Kits were a big success, and we acknowledge the

incredible artists who have contributed to the creation of this new program,

specifically designed for seniors, but deliverable to people of all ages and

from all walks of life.

• Laura Chandler (Acrylic)

• Cliff Mann (Watercolour)

• Renee Franz (Jewelry)

• Karen Heathman (Clay)

• Carol Johnston (Fibre)

• Birthe Miller (Knitting)

• Joanne Mikkelsen (Clay tiles)

• Mo Hamilton (Block printing)

• Sharron MacBride / Andrea Fredeen (art journaling)

And a special thank you to Karen Heathman for her work in sourcing funding for

and coordinating this project!

We launched two new youth-orientated initiatives this year – the Teen Art Workshop & Showcase, in collaboration with

the Prince George Library, and the Young Canadian Music Festival, in collaboration with the Prince George Symphony

Orchestra and the Prince George Conservatory.

Testing a new Healing Art Kit

CAC board and staff enjoy a meal together, courtesy of the generous board members.

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We also congratulate and thank our co-Artists in Residence this year – Michael Kast and Lynette LaFontaine. Such

talented and unique individuals, each with a strong artistic voice. We certainly enjoyed having you as part of the Studio

2880 community this year and we look forward to our continued relationship with you! A summary listing of our

programs and services this year includes:

1. Arts Camps (Pro D Day & Summer “Art Monkeys”)

2. Professional Development Workshops (Taxes / Publishing / Insurance / Business Planning / Media Relations /


3. Feature Gallery Exhibits

a. Jim Savage

b. Jeff Braizer

c. Cher French

d. James Doyle

e. Roger Klein

f. Kat Valcourt

g. Joy Webster

h. Michael Kast & Lynette LaFontaine

i. Jose Delgado

j. Audrey MacKinnon

4. Arts Notes Newsletter

5. Prince George Citizen Arts Notes & Performance Reviews

6. Kikiwin Art & Wellness

7. Artists in Residence (Michael Kast & Lynette Lafontaine)

8. Artnerships (City Hall 5th Floor, PG Library, Tourism PG)

9. Teen Art Workshop & Showcase (PG Library)

10. Artists-in Schools (“Clay & Pottery: A Global View” @ Ron Brent

Elementary School with Leanna Carlson & Joanne Mikkelson)

11. Scholarships & Bursaries

a. SD 57


c. CNC

d. Youth Indigenous Artists

Jose Delgado at his very successful Feature Gallery Opening

Water-colourist Cliff Mann at the Teen Art Workshop

Pro D Day Baking Camp

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Events All our four signature events this year were a success, both in community engagement and financial return. Our events

committee lead by Karen Heathman did excellent work in defining the purpose of these events. We thank everyone who

helped organize, participate in, volunteer at, and promote these events. We were also thrilled to start a new annual

tradition, the Mayor’s Black & White Ball for the Arts, which is a new fundraising event for the CAC, Prince George

Symphony Orchestra, and Theatre NorthWest. Thank you to Mayor Hall, Teresa Saunders and Marnie Hamagami, as well

as event producer Kim Royale, for the incredible opportunity to collaborate with you.

Art Battle

Congratulations to Christina Watts – 2017 winner!

Studio Fair

A record attendance year – proceeds from Studio Fair have made

a significant contribution to our New Facility Fund .

6x6 Auction

A new venue – Omineca Arts Centre – with live music and

outdoor seating made for a beautiful Spring evening event

Spring Arts Bazaar

We have established a new relationship with the Prince George

Kiwanis Club to assist with organizing and promoting the event – now

renamed “Chili Fest”. We look forward to seeing this relationship

contribute to this classic event continuing to thrive in the future.

2018 Chili Champions!

Congratulations Christina!

Celebrating a record year at Studio Fair.

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6x6 ready to go at Omineca!

Shirley Babcock & Tourism PG Artnership

Dr. Transken & community members try Healing Arts

Lori Elder @ Young Canadian Music Festival

Joanne Mikkelsen & Leanna Carlson - Artists in Schools

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Mayor Hall visits AIR studio with Michael Kast & Lynette LaFontaine

Past-President Zelda Craig (3rd from right) receives civc award for volunteerism with the CAC

Lisa prepares one of her beautiful exhibit openings in the Artisan Gift Shop

Sending 50 years of CAC records with Ramona Rose, to our new official archive

repository at UNBC

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Northern Indigenous Artists’ Collective The Northern Indigenous Artists’ Collective launched this year. Led by

a steering committee, the group now has an office at Studio 2880,

engages in online communications, and is organizing local events. The

group will be hosting a major Indigenous Arts Symposium in 2019. We

will be beginning shortly to recruit for an Indigneous Arts

Administrator over the coming months. Thank you to the various

steering committee members:

• Shirley Babcock

• Jennifer Pighin

• Diane Levesque

• James Corbiere

• Len Paquette

• Carla Joseph

• Lynette Lafontaine

• Kim Stewart

• Sonya Rock

And a huge thank you to Ivan Paquette, our Reconciliation

Officer, for his tremendous contributions of time, spirit, and

enthusiasm for the community, local arts, and reconciliation.

Ivan is now also joined by Diane Levesque on the CAC board

- the two together will be a strong, dynamic voice of

Indigenous leadership for the organization and the


Advocacy The Community Arts Council has been a strong voice for

Prince George and local arts and culture in the following


• Juror, BC Arts Council

• Juror, Celebrate PG Grant Program

• Stakeholder, Northern BC Tourism

• Member, City of Prince George Healthy City Framework Select Committee

• Member, College of New Caledonia Fine Arts Program Advisory Committee

• Member, College of New Caledonia Human Resources Management Program Advisory Committee

• Member, Prince George Chamber of Commerce

• Member, Volunteer PG

• Member, Northern Interior Communities Association

NIAC Office Opening Celebration

NIAC steering committee members at a Feature Gallery Opening

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Studio 2880

We continue to keep everyone as comfortable as possible in our ever-aging facility – certainly this is tremendous

motivation to envision our new facility! We have had a complete slate of full-time tenants all year. Thank you to

everyone for working hard to be as energy efficient as possible and for supporting each other in our unique endeavours

on site. I am grateful to Seth Phillips and Tori Isaac for their work in keeping Studio 2880 functioning 24/7! And a thank

you to the City of Prince George for 40+ years of incredible support for a local, community arts centre!

New Facility

It was finally announced this year, after over a year of behind-the-scenes work, that the City of Prince George acquired a

new facility for us, located at 3rd and Quebec. Then, the heavy lifting work started. We contracted PNL Consulting, via

partial funding from the City and Northern Development Initiative Trust, to undertake a needs assessment project that

will result in a capital investment analysis report, laying out construction costs and operating costs of the new facility for

the first five years of operation. We are currently reviewing the draft report and we hope to have it released in a matter

of weeks. Our plan, as of this time, is to develop the existing 12,000 square foot building, into a nearly 30,000 square

foot state-of-the-art cultural hub and arts-based community centre. The site will be rich in amenities and will become a

centerpiece of downtown Prince George revitalization. Thank you to the staff and elected officials of the City of Prince

George for working so diligently and faithfully on this new project, and thank you to Louise Kerr, our Facility Committee

chairperson, for the amazing work she has done to get us to where we are with our new home!

Artisan Gift Shop It has been another successful year in the gift shop. While sales were down slightly from last year, we have successfully

implemented a new inventory tracking system as well as monthly promotional activities. It is our hope this year to

leverage some of our new insights gained from these two initiatives to engage more customers, increase traffic to the

shop, and increase sales. Thank you to Sue Johansson and Irene Tapp for all the care and love that they put into

managing this wonderful community asset, and an extra special thank you to Karen Heathman for all her many donated

hours as our graphic designer and promotions consultant – for the gift shop and all of our other programs and events!

Upcoming Initiatives We have four exciting new initiatives that are about to be launched:

• A new website at www.studio2880.com that will be rich in publishing opportunities for members and event sharing

• A year-long media campaign, partially sponsored by Jim Pattison Group, with TV and radio commercials driving

traffic to the new website and highlighting the richness of our local arts and culture sector

• A new cultural plan to be developed by the City of Prince George, with a major cultural cataloguing / mapping

project being undertaken by the CAC – stay tuned to visit www.princegeorgeculture.com for more information.

Thank you to Manmeet Kaur and Doug Hofstede for their leadership on this project!

• A suite of 50th anniversary projects, including a new book edited by Mr. Trelle Morrow on the history of the CAC and

Studio 2880, and a new video on the value of the CAC and community arts, produced by 6ix Sigma Productions

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Screen shot of new Studio 2880 website homepage – a new community resource for accessing information on local arts and cultural activities.