· 2017-12-25 · LONG "AUTO" Toil! WEI west .r>i>-sT. Roundthe il'arid...

LONG "AUTO" Toil! WEI west .r>i>-sT. Round the il'arid Journey. Ch-uì-M J. Glidden, the well known globe trot- ttng KUtomobilist, accompeinied by his -wife, ar¬ rived here yesterday on the Kronprinz "Wilhelm. On reaching this city Mr. Glidden completed a trip of 2_,<316 miles. S.999 of which were covered in his 40-horsepower EagHsh Napier machine. When be landed at the pier yesterday, Mr. Glidden e_dd: I had a great trip, but I am glad to get back. ? left Vancouver on December 9, accompanied by mv wife and chauffeur, sailing direct to Honolulu I had a wait there of two hours before the steamer sailed for the Fiji Islands, and as soon as we got the machine ashore we took a two hour spin about the it-land, covering thirty miles. We made a ten ¿ay stop at the Fiji Islands, and made a tour of two hundred miles My automobile was the first to reach the islands, and it created a great scare among th« natives. They «called It the *'Father of all Devils" and "the boat on the road." After ? bey bad seen us spin about without harm to our¬ selves they ventured closer, and many offered a shilling for a ride- King Katu Penia Kadviu Lera Boko Tui Taileru paid us a visit, and we took him for a ride. The first question he asked was. "Will the Mr devil go -sixty miles an hour?" The King .was an interesting fellow. He was educated in Sydney, and.showed much Intelligence. His attire though was rather Incongruous. He wore a coat ar-v" vest of English cut. a white shirt and a loin cloth. This outfit was the complement of his wardrobe. His long. dark, bar» legs stood out in bold relief against his white shirt. The priny of the island. Miss Adi Cakovan. accompanied us on a short ride. Her parents were caxr.ibals. She wore a long, loose white gown made of silk. When we visited New-Zealand we were greeted _t Auckland by the Automobile Club of New-Zea¬ land, and at that -port we paid the highest de¬ posit. J6S0. for bringing our machine into the eour.try. We got over 1,146 miles of New-Ze-ic.-vl territory, and then went into Tasmania. Tasm·,· is a great place. It has the flnue. roads in M world. They are *-*onstru<»-ted and kept in spie: con «Uta en by convict labor. Mr. Glidden was interrupted "In his narrative by the cuestión. ""Where did you find the worst roadsr* Without h«ssitatlon he said: "For the -worst roads on the face of the eu-th there is no place to beat Melbourne. Australia. " Continuing, he said: "Java is an ideal place to motor through. It is interesting and beautiful in many ways. The scenery is fiiscinating. the peo¬ ple are entertaining, the roads are perfect and the hotels «are all that one «sould wish for. There is (dm an even temperature of S7 degrees. "While going through a dense grove we came across a Mg tribe of monkeys. They were frightened by the automobile, and those on the ground quickly »ought the high branches. When we came to a hait tfcey pelted us with cocoanuts, and we had to move on. Altogether we travelled 23,617 miles bv sea, which took us seventy-sir days." Mr. Glidden has ofrered" to the American Auto¬ mobile Association a Jî.OOO touring trorhv for a two weeks' endurance test to the White Mountains. The contestants will vote for the nest three cars sad the best machine will be selected from the three by a committee. EMPIRE CITY "AUTO" RACING. Fastest Cars in the Country Entered in Ten- Mile Championship. Vtota all indications the race meeting at the Empire City track on Saturday will be one of th« greatest ever held in the metropolitan district. Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt has entered the sport again, and his car is among those entered. Paul Farter! and Barney Oldfleld will represent last year's great cars, and Louis Chevrolet and Webb Jay wiii represent the new "discoveries" of this Mann. The championship of America race will be for tfa miles, and promises to be the most interesting ever held, as an array of the greatest cars of the ?*? will strrv-e for the honors. Oldfleld will be there with his 60-horsepower Green Dragon. Major C J. S. Miller will be represented by «Chevrolet ln his SO-horsepower Fiat: Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt will be represented by Paul Sartori in his 90-horse- power Fiat; Roberts will have his new 60-horse¬ power Thema*», and "Webb Jay will have his 20- horsepower White Bt___ar. The Oldfleld-Chevro- let match, for $2,(XV>, will also be an attraction. «Tiny Vaughn will start for the second time on Friday for a twenty-four hour ride against time at the Empire City track. Incidentally, he hopes' to have better luck than at his first trial, when puncture after puncture robbed him of any chance ¡¡or tbe record, and rain finally fell and compelled him to withdraw. Vaughn will be accompanied by I... A Mitchell. The pair will enden vor to place the thousand miles to their credit in twenty hours, ar.d will then go ahead for the extra four hours to establish a mark for one day. Officials are now being selected ar.d arranjrements made. The car to be used bv Vaughn Is the 40-horsepower Decau¬ ville. A LIBERAL PRIZE LIST. Many Trophies Offered by Seaxoan- haka-Corinthian Yacht Club. The liberal list of valuable prizes offered by the Beawanhaka-Corinthlan Yacht Club to the winners ln the vitrions classes on their three race days this week.Thursday. Friday and re¬ sulting big list of entries for each day's race. Wben m than one yacht starts In a class, there will be a first prize; when more than three, a second prize, and when more than four, a third prize, and a sailover prize goes to my yacht appearing alone in her class, if she sails over the course. In addition to these prizes, there are aeries prizes for the winning yacht ln the 83-foot class of sloops; ln the New-York Yacht Club's special one design class, and in the Seawanhaka-Corinthlan Ya-»ht Club's IS-foot ciass. b_5ed on the point fvftem of scoring, by which the -winner ln each -a-e receives five points, the second yacht three points the third yacht two points, and the fourth \acht one point. The yacht securing the greatest "number of points in three races wUl receive the ».eries prize. A «series will also be given ln class ? of sloops, provided five or more yaxhts start each day. Ties are to he sailed off on dates *ixed by "the committee. ______-· THE YACHTS GATHERING AT KIEL. Many American Boats to Take Part in the Coming Regatta. Kul, June 30..The American yachts Endymion, owned by George Lauder. of the Indian Harbor Yacbt Club; tho Fleur-de-Lys. owned by Dr. Lrewfc A. Stimson. of the New-Tork Yacht Club; the Hildegarde, owned by Edward R Coleman, of tbe Corinthian Yacht Club. Philadelphia; the Alisa, owned by Henry S. Redmond, of the New-York Yacht Club, and the North Star, owned by Re-ar « "ommodore Cornelius Vanderbilt. New-York Yacht Club, «arrived here to-day. There also arrived the .r.giish yacht S&tanlta, owned by Sir M. Fitz- teraJd; the yawl Formossu owned by Sir J. ?. E. Huirá: the vawl Lethe, owned by Colonel T. F. A. W. Kennedy, and the auxiliary schooner yacht ¿unbeam owned by l_ord "_tr__>sey. L The American yacht Nahma, on which Charle¬ magne Tower, American Ambassador to Germany, and Mrs. Tower are guests of her owner. Mrs. Rob¬ ert Goelet, Is due to arrive lo-morrow. The American auxiliar}' yacht Atlantic, owned by Wilson Marshall. New-York Yacht Club, and winner of the transatlantic race for Emperor Will¬ iam's cup and of the race for auxiliaury yachts from Dover to Heligoland, is coming through the Kiel Canal to-night. Emperor Wliliam will arrive here :o-morrow. The Kiel regatta will take place on June 2S and 30. m- INTEIiNATIONAX CHESS. Marsha.]! Wins Another Game.Tarrasch Holds the Lead. Oetend. Belgium. June 20..The «seventh round of the. International cbess master«' tournament was be-gun at the Kursaal In this city this morning. At the first -adjournment, made at 1:*W o'clock this afternoon. Burn had gone down before Janowskl. Marshall had beaten Tschigorln, Teichmann bad disposed-of Wolf, -while the games between "Leon- hiu-dt and Taubenhaus and Schlechter rand Marocxy, aa that between Marco and Alapln, had been drawn. In the afternoon sitting Tarraach drew wltb Blackburne. and thus the former leads Janowskl and Maxoczy by half a point. Following is the record to date: Woe. Loan.) Won. Lost. Alapln .8** »-i. Marmhall .S*_ ft** Blackburn· .S 4 I Schlechter . SV. Sì» Burn .2?? 8*|Ti_n__»-_ 2 J__jw__i .«fe lfclT&ubeahaua .1* 4tt I_eonh-_rdt . 3 jT-lchtnann .8?» in _Uroo .2V4 8i_|TBchlgoi_ .2 8 Marocry .4_ 2V»i*«*o« . S*·» 8H Tbe (adjourned game» between Taubenhaus and Burn from tbe fourth round, and that between Janowskl ana Marco from the sixth round, will be completed to-morrow. G rter on Pullman C_r.Beg pardon, sah; but d'.s ere half _o_Ur you gave me bas a hole in it, s_r. Passerger -Sn ·__-·: ·:.· _-.__*._. e *- .·-- _:_¦.·¦ _.--_ .-.-*. **-^-*-.i-.(jb.oo__.*_; l__£t. THOMAS DIMOND THE PI LOTS IN ? Investor Buys Land in West 30 ment He Thomas Dimond, a dealer in iron work, bought yesterday, through Thomas & Eekerm;v_i. Noa. 116. 118 and 120 West 33d-st., near Broadway. The prop¬ erty has a frontage of 50 feet, and is 70 feet deep, irregular, and 78 feet wide, with two two story stables on same. Mr. Dimond owns the property at Xo. 12S West 33d-st.. where he carri« s on his business; also the property extending from No. 137 to 149 West 32d-st. He lakes title to Xo. 147 and Hi-» West 32d-st. to-day. whicli adjoins the land re¬ cently bought by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com¬ pany. Edward T. Hayward and Crawford. I>enison & wl"11*,1"-!?· Xo.1*1 Broadway, have sold about 183 vestment ' H*m"Tm*- lo a *=ii«111- for in" vu^hJü'*. J^sh«1". ilooney & Co. have sold for «s/lf£?_-* bcììmitider Fenrich and Margaret Fenrich «.Art ¿SrÄ ^©.Property at Xo. 147 West 3(«th-st.. tSn.?L ? h,ej-ri-L of George Kreiter the adjoining wit h ¿Ù ? °ù}i0 Wtsl *«»-«., together Sflac£_» feet. n.«> f ¿ull,3lI1<Ss. to a client, for investment. Xo» ? _l»,^'u "?ve r<iSold for -Nathaniel B. Ellis, atorV ·,^·_.1'8?,° and 1"8S7 Ainsterdani-ave.. three Uve story tenements, on plot 75x1 ?? toot. CHEMICAL BANK'S NEW HOME. ill Erect an Imposing Strnotnre in the Rear of Its Present Quarters. Plans have been filed with Buildings Superin¬ tendent Hopper for a new building, to be erected for the Chemical Xational Bank, now at Xo. 270 Broadway, in Chambers-st., In tho rear of its pres¬ ent building and adjoining tbe Xational Shoo and Leather Bank, at the southwest corner of Broad¬ way and Chambers-st. The new building -will be a four story* and base¬ ment edifice, of granite, classic in design, with a facade adorned with, engaged columns and spanned mr^iifirW .dorne- Th<* "M ending will bo re- ¿?ri.!;JìfJÌ .i° an .rr-t-rante corridor to the new ^??-?? '.-.the cc,rndc-r being »1 feet deep. The ÌS|tÌn,^|nklnJ? h1a," 7i-3 f«»* wide and 100 wVi?^»· and wlU be horned with arches support- ??£.^ß»a???ß· which is to be lighted by huge win- w 8ie°f» ornamental lattice work. The new bulld- ¦hifrt« _? tC?sÍ *3?0·0<»· "The architects are Trow- pl-ted in 190ftiusatOn' The building -will be com- INVESTOR BUYS 71ST-ST. HOUSE. Mack & TuthiU have sold Xo. 123 West Tlst-st., a four story brownstone high stoop dwelling house, en a plot 19x100 feet, for Louis Blum to an in¬ vestor. TO REBUILD WANAMAKER ANNEX. Sherry's Hotel To Be Remodelled for Addi¬ tional Rooms. Plans have been filed by D. H. Burnham, of Chi¬ cago, as architect for John Wanamaker, for im¬ provements, to cost $50.000, to be made to the old A. T. Stewart lOth-st. store, adjoining the big new Wanamaker stores at 4th-ave-, Sth and 9th sts., of which It Is to be an annex. Seven new passenger elevators and two freight elevators are to be In- Stalled, the show windows extended outwardly and the entrance enlarged and improved. Plans have also been filed for the remodelling of the öth-ave. end of Sherry's Hotel, at Bth-ava nnd 44th-st., to make additional apartments and dressing rooms on the third, fourth and fifth ¦stories. The Improvements are to cost Jli.OiiO, ac¬ cording to the estimate of Charles F. Rose, the architect. The building ls owned by Isaac V. Brokaw. e 1ST-AVE. BLOCK SOLD. The Hamburger-Kleinfeld-Rothfeld Realty Com¬ pany has sold the block front in lst-ave., between »Sth and 69th eta., flve six story dwelling houses In «course of construction, «each 40x3 «30 feet. TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY. Jesse C. Bennett & Co. have sold for the Doug¬ las Realty Company to an Investor the Cameron, a modern seven story dwelling house, at the north¬ east coiner of St. Xicholas-ave. and 126th-st-, oc¬ cupying a plot of about four lots, with frontages of 100 feet and an easterly line of 111.10 feet. Slawson & Hobbs have sold for Alice E. Longley No. 804 West 71st>st., a five story American base¬ ment dwelling house, on lot 17.3xS4.5 feet. Benedict & Co. and A. Rothmillcr have sold for Harriet Buehler to Clementina Rothmiller, Xo. 2S7 West 141st-st_ and Xo. 288 West UM-st., abutting, two four story double flathouses, each on lot 25x99.11 f«?et- This is the first sale of the property ln sixteen years. Heilner & Wolf have sold to R. Ansbacher through M. Goodman Xo. 1,487 Eth-ave., a five story double flathouse, with store, on lot 25x91 feet Joseph F. A. O'Donnell has sold for the Thomas Lenane estate the northwest cornei of 123d-st. and _d-ave-, a five story flathoivs·. with store, 25x90 feet, to Charles A. Wlngert. Ferdinand Marz has bought from Henry Hughe· through Henry S. Hewson Xos. 260 and 262 West 37th-et.. two three Btory dwelling hooeee, on plot S3 4x98 9 feet William W-olfTs Son has resold for Fhlfelder & Weinberg to Haft, Grodginsky & Wolff. Ng. 1.105 Sd-ave., a five story tenement house, with stores, on lot 25x100 feet. Charles E. Duross has sold the new six story- tenement house Xo. 506 West 27th-st., 25x9i>.9 feet, for the Prudential Real Estate «Jorporatlon to Jacob Schneeweiss, for about $35,000. Kassel & Goldberg have bought Xos 1,956 and 1,9!.S 2d-ave., two five story double tenement houses, on a plot 50x100. John R. Davidson has sold for John Sasey the flve story fiathouse, with stores, at the southwest corner of Columbus-ave. and I05th-st.. on a plot 60x105 feet. P. D. Benson has sold for Miss R. McCabe Xo. G.1 "West 114th-st., a flve story fiathouse, on a lot 25x100.11 feet. M. L. and C. Ernst have sold, through Philip A. Pavton. to Meta ?. Fink Xo. 3S5 West 134th-st., a flve storv dwelling house, on a lot 25x9<..ll f-»et. A L. Mordecal & Son have sold for Charles T. Barnev to Hellner «fe Wolf four lote on the south side of 122d-stv. and two lots on the north side of 100 f«?et west of Amsterdam-ave. Matthew B. Larkin ha* sold for Charles T. Barnev to Horowitz & Lefkowitz a lot on the north side of 122d-st.. 150 feet west of Amsterdam-ave. The purchasers own adjoining property, and will Improve the entire plot. Bernard Smyth & Sons have sold for .T. F. bemon Xos 453 and 455 West 152d-st., between St. Nicholas and'Amsterdam aves., a five story dwelling house, lust completed, on a plot 5««x74.11 feet. J. E. BrigiTs has sold for the Hudson Renlty Company the northeast corner of 93--st. and Am¬ sterdam-ave., a five story dwelling house, with stores, on lot 25x68 feet. Louis Becker has sold for Mary E. Magnus No. 543 West 159th-st.. a three story and basement limestone front dwelling house, on lot 14.9x99.11 feet, to Hugh McGowan for occupancy. Benjamin Xatkins. of Xatkins & Co., and Her¬ man Arns, have sold for Gold:«. Kaufman Xo. 42a West 56th-st. a flve story double tenement house. on lot 25x100-5 feet. Harrv Goodeteln has sold to William H. _«>gers the three flve storv double flithous-as Xo. 21b to 222 West 138th-st-, on lot 100?1·?».11 feet. Bened'ct ? Co. have sold for Erlanger and Reis to John Bonnert the live story double flathouse Xo. 129 West 138th-st.. on lot 26x99.11 feet. ?. ? Mosher & Co. have sold for Abraham teli- verson to Rosa Engländer and Amalia Brach Xo. ÍS6 West 143d-st.. n six story apartment house. with stores on lot 25x9iUl feet The Brman Realty Company has sold for Ler- kowltz & Horowitz Xos. MM and 1499 Madison-av-e a new six story apartment hous·«·. on plot 50x100 f«M5t. to Ravitch Bros., who have resold the prop- ertv' to Devin & Feeder. Edpar ? Klngslev and 8. Goldberg have sold No. 176 2d-ave.. a four story tenement house, on lot ~Geor*e W. Godward has bought the plot, fi·*·*]·-** feet on the west side of Cr.oper-st.. IDO feet south of Emerson-et. Abram ?. Tyson holds title. The Pitkin & HoMswortb Company has sold to I, Miller & Sons th.- Éaotery buildings, on plot 12G? 19910 f-eet, on the south side of 13«"ith-st.. extending through to 129th-st.. 1C0 feet w-st of Broadway. C & H. Friedman have sold No?, sne and 3f« East 112th-st a sáx storv anartment house, in course of construction. 426x100.11 feet. They hnvr also sold No 308 East 10&th-st.. a four story dwelling house. 26x136 feet. The buyer of the lati*»- property is the industrial school which now occupies It, Lew & Friedman have sold for Improvement the plot 06x99.11 feet, on the south side of 138th-st.. 120 feet west of Bth-ave. Louis Aaron and Kallman Cohen have sold to I. Kraushaar Xo. 2.195 r*h--v··.. .·, flve story double fleth-^use, on a lot 25x75 feet. -,_ Well A Mayer hav- bought Xos. 223 and 22- East 78d-st., two five story tenement houses, ou a plot ^Phflio Bernstein has sold to Morris Sltfka Noe. 136 and "-S·1 Fast S^th-st.. two five story flathousos, on a plot 60x100.8 feet. M Flr-eeteln has sold to Mo-ris >.<">. 213 East 98th-st.. a flve story tenement house, on a lot John Kafka has sold to Joseph I.lchtenstein the tnix story apartment hou=e No. "F, East 110th-st., on a not 4610x100.11 feet. Louis Le·""? has sold Nos. íSO and 332 East I2lst-st., two four story buildings, on a plot 49x100.11 feet. Samuel Levin has sold to Joseph Schiff the G.?<· story'flathouse No. 110 East 102d-st.. on a lot 2_x 100 11 feet. Nathan Klreh he« bought from Samuel Wacht Sos. 1,-WB *na 1,687 lst-ave., old buildings, on a plot ¡0 3_ · feet Nathan Kireh lia* sohl the six story tenement ROPERTY SOU). rRCHASER BIG SALE OF UONXVILLE. h-st..Three Amsterdam-axe. Tenc¬ as cs Sold. houses Nos. 410 and 418 East lOth-st.. on a plot 44x9(2.3 feet. Natimi« Kirsh has bought from Lipman & (Sold the three six story tenement houses No. 92 to 100 Cani-.oii-st., on a plot HBxlOÒ feet. Annie Jacob« hab sold to Morris Callender No. 142 Suffolk-st., h. six story tenement house, on a lot 25x100 feet. Slawson & Hobbs have sold for Alice E. Longley to a client for «occupancy, the five story American basement dwelling house. No. L'04 West ilst-st-, on a lot 17.2X.4.S feet. l'ois«.m Brothers havp sold for the Rev. Henry E. Hovey, of Portsmouth, N. HL, the two Uve story modern double nement houses. Nos. ;«2_ and 5.? West 6_t _t~, (JOxKAS feet, i<> an Investor. Baturin. Weissman & Henschel have sold for Dr. H. C. Basterbrook tbe three story two-family dwelling house No. 1.728 Washington-ave., on lot 2Sx!\!» feel tn 'Mrs .1 C Kaven. TRANSFERS. 1«X>: Wllhelmlne ? Becker to <3_rtr_de Lauer- man; mortgage. $4,5«X). rcSi.iLu j., ouu _-i_iii-r io ìi.-iian Bank; lSth-st. No 3Î5 East; 6 yea cent . Daly-ave, n w eoraer Ifetüh-et, 35.2xWì; I>aly»~ ave. w s, 35 ft ? l-Oth-iu, lòoxlbO.l.; Raphael Kurzrok to Max Kurzrok. *__6th-st. No 241 Kast, ***__".. 11; Ujrothua Koster to Jacob Uhannowitz ana another. Lot 67, map part i-UBt estate; Moore Realty Compaa}- to «jiiarles Knauf; mortgage, $500. 2ütjth-sl, s ß, 1(X> ft e liioaxwooa-itve. lWxll4, Wakeflelà; George Mci_r to Jacob l_ubin; tnort- c-ia-e. £ 1.50t« . 100 100 100 Avenue ?. ? e corner 117th-_t; 1 year, ß per cent . 43.000 Chainowltz. Jacob, to D Koster; 126th-_t, No 241 East; 2 years. P-Jlvej-macher. U to C <"*arreau; 2d-ave, No 2,147; 8 years. 5 per oent. Same to same; same property; S years, ß per cent. Dallas Realty and Construction Company to V Everlt Macy and another: 138th-et, s s, 37C it w of Broad»*-ay; 8 years, 5 per cent. 45.000 7.000 10.000 3.500 Church of St Montea to Emigrant Industrial Sav¬ ings Bank: SOth-et. s a, 10O ft e of lst-ave; 1 year; 4 per cent... 200.000 Grot·, Dora P. to lawyers' Title Insurance and Trust «Company; Beck-st, - a. 350 ft ? of 15eth-et ; as per bond.,. 7,000 Hahn. Joseph, to Samuel Hahn; 3d-ave. vr s, being lot 24. map Morrlsanla: as per bond.... 0,000 Bailey, F "U and another to ? ? 'Warach; Le~ -«--__· TN-Vw (3?· «nata!rvi«nf_· «rt i_>r rent._ BOO witz to Mary Muivihill, mortgage, $_3.???- 100 SOlet-st. ? e cor ilarioJi-ave. 7í»xlK; George to CUiarles H Weigie .*,\V¿* Perry-ave, w a, 710.4 It Old road, s?????.«; Samael ? Ball to John ? Mluhel ._.. . Cuas load, w s, 133.0 tt ? -i ¿amuel st. lt>..>x .?2- liuward O Tree to John H Keller.-Nominal Anorcwa-üve. w s, 2i.i0.10 it n of lb_d-st, -Ux 80.11; Tcoma- hadcock to Cyrus C Miller.Nominal _____Ua~_-t, w cor Poplar-st, 21.S_i»7.o; George Bor-iey to busaa Duryea; mortgage, $S4U.. 100 Map't-st, w e. 75 ft s of lat-ave. 2_xl00; A O Bait.· to Adelaide Burlando.Nominal Same property; Adelaide Burlando to Prank Petti- nati; au liens .Nominai 86th-.·-. No 226 East. 25x100; Julia Lavy to Ben- jamiu jscoba and another; mortgage, $18.000.. 100 2d-_ve. No 2.147. w e. 25.2--00; cyrUle Carreau to Lavinia Pul-i-ennacher; mortgage. $13,500.. 3,500 Fulton-st. ses. lot 104. map Washington-ville; 83xl5L8; George Ui'.l to William W Benfleld. .Nominal lat-ave. Nos _,--- ani 1.4_ß, e 8, 52.2x irreg¬ ular; Yorkvlile Realty Company to Fintala Na- than; mortgage. »45,000 . 100 lst-ave, s w cor 3_d-_t, 40.4x05; Yorkville Realty Company to Pinkus Nathan: mortgage. 32,000. 100 £d-ave, w s, C0.5 ft ? of BAth-st, 5o.bxlO); Iv»na Ehrmann to Samuel Greenftld and another; mortgage, s>40,uoo . 100 «àame propertv; Samuel Greenfeld et al to Leopold Barth and "another: mortgage, $40.000 . 100 106th-st, No 175 Kast, 25x100.11; Harris Blnino- vlch to lsidor Damraner; mortgage, $21,800-Nominal 18th-st. s s. «5.6 ft w of Avenue ?, 175x92; Ger¬ mania Realty ani Mortgage Company to l'»ul Hellmaa et al; mortgage, $51.00*.. 100 B>_Ch-ave, W s. 15«. ft a of 152d-et, 150x100; Ba¬ rali Solomon to Ignatz Florio Co-Operative As¬ sociation amor.s corl-unesi; mortgage. $l*>,0O0.N__aiii_U Beln:,.nt-ave, No 2,503. w s, lS.yxi»7.ti; Philip Birman to Hermu-i Paradis and another; mort¬ gage. <3,500. 100 llbth-et. No 22 East, 25x100.11; Abram Abra¬ hams to Julius Weinberg; mortgage. $ß,500- 10O Avenue A. No 1.020. e s. 25x80: Joseph Horowitz to Brneat Graf: mortgage, .15.000. 100 Park-ave. No 1.680, w s, *__.U*__0; Morris Levy to Simon «_nd another; mortgage, $25,- S00 . 100 Delaneey-st, No 28, n s, 25x80; Barnet Michalover and another to Louis Kuines; mortgage. $29.- ooo . io. 215th-st. n s. 200 ft e of 6th-av_, ftfxlo«». Liconia Park; Irving Realty Company to Vito L Carello; mortgag·*·, $750. 100 Park-a.fc. ? e corner loSth-_t, Soxôo: Sarah H Wentworth to Eugene Elsworth; all liens.Nomina! Sair._ property; Eugene Els-.vorth to Harris Man¬ delbaum and another. loo 76lh-_t. No 8ßd Kast. 25x102.2; Irving Bachrach to Benjamin Guth and another; mortgage, $11,- 000 . 100 60ih-et, ? s, 225 ft vr Of "West End-ave. 124 Sx ??a?; Prc-erlc .7 Fuller to William ? Hookey; -tri·. tJ7,7ô<". 100 Avenue ?, ·a m corner "lst-st, 26xS0: I>ouis Mer- >u^!-. to Jin·:!- IfeUlerie*. 100 .Oth-st. Nos 102 and 104 West, 40x irregular: Stanley Y Ranger to Robert Taggart; mort¬ ual;-. $-.5.000. 100 le Drive, ? a a 47*< 4 it ? w of 115th-at, Hit llx irregular; City Real Estate Company to Henry C.r::; mortgage, $33,iX)0. 100 Riverside Drive, n e s, 272.4 ft ? w of lWSth-st, *?*5.11?-_*57.ß; N'.rth Riverside Drive Improve¬ ment Company t.. Henry Corn. 100 Prospect-ave, No 631, tv s. 25x100; Mary Folks to Anne Cohen: mc.rtg.ige. $.",000. 100 Tlmpt o Place, a a s, 158.8 ft s w of 149th-st, 2f_100: Maria Dunn to August A Matz; mort- frags. $2.000. 100 llCth-st, No 130 West. (2x100.11: Louis Bern¬ stein to George E Falle; mortgage. $37,- -00 . 100 Melrose-ave, ? e corner lCîd-st. 100x22.7; Eleanor Gell to Carl G Tiemann; mort¬ gage. $21.000. 100 Lots 5Ö2, G.0" and 529, map Gleason property; Joseph J Gleaeon to Rebecca Del Gauder. .Nominal 3d-ave. e s. 50.5 ft ? of 65th-st. 25x1 Of,. Fred Srlegelberg. ref, to Simon Thlfelder and another . 14.6.0 Sth-ave, tv s, 25 ft R of 13.d-st. 25x Irregular: Theresa, Prooks to Lena Wilson; mortgage. $22.000 . 100 7th-st. s s. 12S.6 ft e of Ave C. 45.5x90.10; Bertha Wo'kenherg to Joseph Wolkenberg: r.:ortf-ige, 130,000.Nominal 72d-st. n s, 24».6 ft tr of M-ave, 50.5x102.2: Peter A Menakakls. Individual and as trus¬ tee, et al to Hellenic Eastern Orthodox Chl-tetiaa Church: mortgage. $52.000.Nominal E4th-t-t. ? ß. 95 ft e Of Sth-ave, 13x100.5; Caroline L Foley to Netherlands Corpora¬ tion: all Hens.Nominal Soofl. !r*!-av-, b s, 100 ft e of Maln-st. 307x Irregular. Citv Island; Sadie M Begen to <"l:y Real Estate Company.Nominal Lots ? and 4, plot 1; lots 1 and 2. plot 2: lot« <*¦ to 8. plot 3; lots 4, 5. 10 and 11: plot 4: lots 3. 4. 5, 9, 10. 13. 14 and 3fi. plot 5; plot fi. all on map land of Francis Scofteld estate. City Inland; Katherine D Mackenzie to City Real Estate Company.Nominal 22d-st. No 14? We.-t, 20.10x98.9: Margaretta A Love to Patrick Harte; mortgage, $16.- 100 . 100 West End avo. ? e corner 97th-st. 60x100; Leopold Kaufman to Jonas Weil and an¬ other: mortgage, $1"0,000.Nominal Same property; .lonaä We¡! et al to Leopold Kitufman; mortg-age, $100.000.Nominal USth-st, ? s. 243 ft e of Anisterdam-ave. 49x 1 ¦¦¦< 11; Eugene Vallens to Annie Davis; mortgage. $70,000. log l.Tth-Ht. Ños 121 and 123 West, 10x99.11; Bertha Goldstein to William M Enge! arid another; mortgage, $41.000. 100 Lot 281 to 2M. map Seton Homestead. West- chester; Peton Homestead I_nd Company to Alice J Merriam and another, executor«.Nominal ? a 1"0 ft r of Washington-ave. BlOx Irregular, CUty [alasd; D Mackenzie to < Ity Real Estaie Company. 100 97th st. No 10 Earn. 87.<facM0.Il: !>7Th-et. No 20 :..7x irregular; Eugene Vallens to Annie . 100 ltMh-/». Nos 108 an.: 110 Beat, BO.lOx Irregular; Annd Hoi-owitz to Samuel Heyman; mortgage, 122,000. 100 Maln-st. lot 655 to <ß7, MS to 355: Minneford- .'¡70 Io -'i7K. map land E!i;-_.L>et h ? ? ? ·. D Miickt-nzle to Cits? ::>.Nominal I, nnd pert lot 92. map nt, 100x115: Abtrabaia Obersteln. referee, \ ii Gain·, , xftrutrix and trustee; . 5,700 ·, ?*,. 51 West, 25x100.11; Rosanna Me¬ ri,, rn-; mortgage. $2i'.i»0«>. KX» Walnut-ave, ? W cormr 141st-st. 139.5x275; Ed¬ mund IKiidriiks to John ? Shipway and on- other . 1-0 Frankfort-st. No 53. w s. Ii».e_s71.9; Gold-nt. No Us, ¦ ». 21.3x5»· 3; Carrie G McClellan to William H Harknees. 100 3d-eve. ¦ s, lftO (fl w of Fort Morris Branch of New-York and Haxlem Railroad. 51 -49.1«¦»57x77; George H Burns tn Aeher Cohen; mortgage. $8.«tO0 . !P0 Avenue A. e ?????? Ist-nt. 117 2x4.*"-5 f>, I'nlon- port Frances Murphv to Joseph E Butterworth HiO 6th-ave. e e. 2S.ti ft ? of 31st-st, 28x150; Augustus Healv to City Invesilng Company. 10O Lets IM. î"7, 224. 225. _4S and 241». map land 8 Cambrellngr et al. at Fordham; Augustus M Nicholson ot a! to Charlee Bjorkegren.*Nc-o_aa.! Onlilev-*t. c s, l'i» ft w of Kepler-ave. 60x100; Katie Prey to Rlchartl Wehher. 100 100th-st. Nos 142 ani 144 West 5O_100.ll; Will¬ iam 3hr.t«ki *¦> .tames H McHefTey; mortga_-e. $:«o.i*>iv. loo Crlmmlr.s-avf, w r. ?* 4 ft ? of 141st-st. 2.*i0xf-»; Max Llpmann et al to Moritz Klein and an¬ other; niortcsge. fM.000. 100 7fith-et. ? ß, 35« 4 ft e of 4th _ve, ie.8*fl02;2; Martha S Huribut to Edward R Kock. 100 84'r. <¦·. No 152 West. 2»?.»??.?», Philippe ? Rogers et a! to Mary E Strong: 5-4 parts. 100 24__-st, ? a, 677.«$ ft · «X ___.*._. _<__->_._. _J_-r-jr ? "Williamson et al to Man· ? Ptrotwr. 10° 8th-st. s s, 5«» ft w of Avenue L>. 50?ß0: I·*!·*» Mli-nelson to «olomon Salovlnsky ani another; moi-lraee. $33.0O> . 10° 10»th st. Ne« 142 and 144 West. 50x100.11: James ? McHefTey to Harry Qoodstein and another; ¦mortgage. $48,000 100 Berkowltx. M. to State Bank; Delancey-it. Noe 186 and 188; eecorea note*. -.- .v°no Reiiing. P, to M Moritz; Madtaon-at, e ·. 1>6 ft ? «rf Morris Park-ave: two mortgag·*;*. $. ¦· y«?ars, 6 ? per cent.. . «5,-W» «-"urtle, Mar!· to WllllBm Carroll; 84'h-!»t. ne, 70 ft w of West End ave; per bo.'i'î 11.000 Wah'ig * Sonsin Company to Charles Lewln; mortgage, $42,000. I0° Decatur-ave. ? e corner Oliver Place, 100x100; Frederick ? Pox to Mina M Edison. ??? New-Haven Hallroad-ave, ? w e. lot· 59 and -0. map central part village "West Ch«s»ter, lOOx 100; Margaret A Tullman et al ta John ? Shaw . 2.800 Madison-ave. ¦ e conio 85th-st. 24.8x100; -Isrla V A Jesup to Tliomas G Evans.Nominai Same property; Thomas <_· Evans to Morris ? Jesup .Nominal 84t h-¡-?. ? 5, 70 ft w of "West End-ave. 30?4ß; Wiliiani Carroll to Marie L, «Turtle; mortgage. Si·».«XX« .Nominal Leroy-vt. No «DO, a s. 25«5x90; Moses ? Wallach to Florence L. Bailey and another; mortgage. $21. (tur .,_.Omitted Pleasant-eve. Ko _. _. ·=· s. 25.3x70; Esther "Davis to J'iss'ph Isaac; niortg-age. $14.000. 100 24th-st. No 15 West. 20x9*9; Amella (Tauender to Marv E Strong; l-ß part; all title. 100 133d-st. No 214 West. 27x99.11; James W Thomp¬ son in William Nelson.Nominal West-st. ee corner Albany-st. 33.4x47.8: West- st. e f. 33.4 ft s of Albanv-st, 26.4X irregular: Emma C Sp-ser to Margaret M Spear; 1-5 part; all title; mortgage 1-6 of $19.740 65; also mort¬ gage, $11.000.Nominal Amsterdam-ave. w s. 24.11 ft s of 140th-et. 60x 75: A!va S Walker and another. trust«jes. to Stanwall Realty and «»onstructlon -Oompan·,·. 67.000 St NI-holas-ave, e ß. 79.11 ft s of 148th-st. COx 200; J FYed Cowperthwalte and another, ex-sc¬ ut«·., tr. Bath M Milliken; mortgage. $18,00»!.. 27,000 Chrvstie-st. No 228. e s, 25x75; Valentine Yehl- ing to Lia Machis; mortgage. $13.000. 100 24th-.«t. No 13 West. 26x98.9; ButltK* Williamson to Mary ? DeWitt et al.Nominal R lord an. D J. to F ßß ? Foster: libui-s-c. ?? __o West; 3 years, 5 per cent. 36,000 .Same to ? Fisher; same property: 3 years, 6 per cent. 6.000 Gro-s, Max. to ? Mayer; Broome-at, Nos 25 and 27: 3 years. 6 per cent. 38.000 Weinberg, Julius, to A Abrahams; 118th-st, s a, 85 ft w of Maalson-a s e ; 3 years, ß per cent- 6,500 Carelli, V L, to Irvings Realty Company; 215th- st. n s, 3G?) ft e of 6th-ave; due September 17, 1906: 5 per cent. 250 Paradise. H. to ? Bryman: Belmont-ave, No 2,503; 4 years, 5 per cent. 1.000 Halms. U to ? Michalover; Delancey«-st. No 28: 1 year, ß per cent. 3,400 Damrauer. laidor, to Samuel Grossman; 106th-et, No 175 East. 3,450 Wilson. Lena to ? Proops; 8th-ave. w s, 23 ft s of 13-"d-et; 3 years, 6 per cent. 4.500 Levenstein. A. to A J Simpson; Eldrldge-st, No 5 yeses, 5 per cent. 30.000 Guinr.. William, and another to State Realty and Mortgage Compaivv; Old Broadway, ? w cor¬ ner 129th-st; 1 year. 6 per cunt. 70,000 Gross, Max, to Jonas Weill and another; Broom-ä- st. Nos 25 and 27; due August 1. 1014: 6 per cent . 19.400 Graf, Ernest, to J Horowitz; Avenue A, No 1.020; due December 15, 1906; 6 per cent. 1,000 Lewis. William II. to Teachers' Building and Loan Association; 10th-ave. see. 74.11 ft s w of 2«>8th-it; Instalments, 5 per cent. 480 Loeb, Morris, to A Hornbesfier; 1220-st. ? ß. 307.6 tt e 4th-ave: 1 year, 6 per cent. 1.50O Conkïin, E C. to E tìnedeker; Bank-«, Nos 126 and 12S; 1 year. 0 p<sr «ent; gold. 1,000 Melstcrles. Jennie, to L M-aryash and another; Avenue ?. ? w coihit Slst-et; 3 years, ß per cent .-·,··.·;¦ 7.1M Taggert. Robert, jr. to S S Ranger; 40th-st. No ._ lo- West ; 3 years, 6 pel* cent. 15,000 Same to saine; 46th-et. Nos 10*_ and 104 West; two mort«<a¿es. $10,000: 3 years. 6 per cent. 20.000 Mandelbaum, Harris, and arother to Lawyers' Title Insurance and Trust Company; l'Äth-st. ^^ ? e corner Park-ave; as per bond. 18,000 Wallach, R, to Lawyers* Title Insurance and Tr.frt Company; 113th-st, Nos 132 and 134 East; as per bond. 34,000 Cowman, Ellen, and another to C A Ruck; 134th- ¦»t. No 314 Vest; 1 year, 6 per cent. 1,500 Wllner, Leon, to Farmers' Loan and Trust Com¬ pany: Broad-st, No IOS; as per bond. 52.000 SsnOlippo, Frank, to D Sh:a and another; James- st. No ß; G. years, 4 per cent. 4.000 Gun, William, ani an<uher to State Realty and M»rtirugö Company: 129th-st, ? i, 76.4 ft w of Old Broadway. 1 year, 6 per cent. 62,000 Same to same 12-ath-st. n s. 122.H ft m- ot Broad¬ way 1 rear, «¡ per cent. 26.500 Diamond. Thomas, to Dry Dock S_vings' Institu¬ tion; 32d-st, ? 8. 25«) ft e of 7th-ave; as per bond . 100.000 Rogers D, to Franklin Savings Bank; Broad¬ way. No 4.306; as per bond. 9.000 Connor. Gerald C. to M Archer et al: Lorlllard Place, ß e, 91.5 ft ß of 187th-st; 3 years. 5 per cent . 3,000 Aaronson, Rot=e, to Dollar Savings Bank; Mapes- ave, e s. 195 ft ? of 179th-st; 1 year. 5 per cent . 3,300 Same to J Leltner; -same property; 1 year, 6 rtr cent . 1,000 Fell. M. to J B Ryer; Lafontaine-ave. e s. 25 ft ? of 178th-st; 1 year, 6 per cent. 3,500 Morris. Flora, to F C Beer; Southern Boulevard, n s, 115 ft e of Wlllir?-ave; 2 vears. 5 per cent-. 30.000 Rosenblatt, L. to H Rosenthal; öth-ave. No 2,164; demand. 6 per cent. 7,000 Good-stein, Harry, and another, to Franklin Sav¬ ings Hank: Brailliurst-ave. No «M; as per bond.. 30,000 Dallas Realty and Construction Company to State Realty and Mortgage Company; 12*th-Ft. s s. 375 ft w of Broadway; prior mortgage. $45,000. 4.700 Bänke. Otto C. to Charles C Baake; 80th-et. No 310 East: 7 years, ."*. r-ar cent. 14.000 Wokoun. Frar.k. to S M Harburger; Amsterdam- ave. No 1.412; 3 years, 5 por <*-er,t. 10.000 Mulvihlll. M E. to S Lefkowitz; 50th-st, No 407 Wert; Instalments; C per cent. 1.500 Miller, Cvrus, to ? Haddock; Andrews-ave, m s. 200.10 ft r. cf 183-st: 5 years. 5 per cent. 4,500 Hefelt, Simon, and another, to E Amon: 3d-ave. w s. being part of lot 32, map Mcrrisania; 5 years, 4 per cent . 8.000 Cohen. A N, to Title Guarantee and Trust Com¬ pany; 6th-ave, e s, 45.5 ft ? of 62d-st; as iter bond . 28.000 Fatte, George E. to L Bernstein; 116th-st, No 130 West; as per bond . 6.000 Guth, B, and another, to Irving Bachrach: 76th- st, No 365 East; 5 years. 6 per cent. 4.500 Northwestern Realty Company to Broadway In- vesttng Company; 138th-et, due February 1, 1906; 0 per cent . «30.000 Coin. Henry, to City Real Estate Company; Riverside-ave, ? e s. 478.4 ft w of 158th-st; as per bond . 39,000 Huppert, H, and another to Lawyers' Title In- e-uran-se and Trust Companv; Rivington-st, No 239; as per bond . . 15.000 Cowman. E. to Robert H Oakley; 134th-st. No :U4 West; It years, 5 per cent. 28.00«) «Cohen, Anne, to M Fclks; Prospect-ave. No 631; 3 years. 5 per cent . 2.600 Del «Gaudio. R, to J J Gleason. lots 502, 503 and 529, map Gleason property; 3 years, 6 per cent. 1.000 Northwestern Realtv Companv to Manhattan MorTifage Company; 138th-et. "n a, 125 ft e of St. Ann's-ave; due February 1, ????ß: 6 per cent.... 150.000 Corn, Henry, to North Riverside Drive Improve- ment fompnny: Riverside Drive, n s s. at s s 160th--:t. ; as PST bond . 72.000 ! Sani- to «ame; Riverside Drive, r. e a, at line 576 ft w of Broadway; as per bond . 72.000 M'Tia.«h. Louis, and anoth«_r to Title Insurance <\ima»ny: lst-ave. ? e cor lOOth-st; 1 year. 5 ?»·G < ent . 55.000 Same to same; 101st, s s, 200 ft e of lst-ave; 1 year. S per reeni . 34.0OO Bame to sarr,.·: lOOtb-St, n s. 172.6 ft e of lfT-ave; 1 year. 5 per cent . 16,000 Same to same; 100th-et. n s. 247.6 ft e of lst- ave ; 1 year. 5 per cent . 15.000 Da-i«. Annie, to E D Lincoln, 97tb-_t, No 16 Eist; 5 joars. 6 per cent. 15.000 Walsh. Robert E. to Emigrant Industrial Sav¬ ings Bank; 33d-t*t. No «111 Weet; 1 year. 4 per .»«nt . 5.000 Breault. Edward, to ? ,T Rver; lot 389. block L. map Mapes estate; :i year·"·, 0 per cent, sold.... l.«300 Rouse. <". to Harry G Rouse"; ir»lst-at. No 58 to (S East: three mortgases. $",000; 3 years, 6 per cent ..". 15.000 Mater, Genrire, to Chatham National Bank« 12th- ave. n s. lot 134. map Wakefleld; 8 yearn, 6 per «nt . 1.500 Davis. Annie, to E D Lincoln: 106th-»t, n s. 249 ft ß of AmF-.e«-,lam-ave; 2 years. 6 per cent_ 10.000 Patrie same; same r-rop-ertv: 2 vears. 5 per cent. 20.000 Davis. A. to E I> Uncoln; UGth-st, No 3:38 Esst; per bond . 2.000 I Same to Mme; 97th-st. No 20: 4 vears. 6 per '.ent .I. 15.000 Rahman, William H. to Irvlnsr Savings InetUu- tion; ISM-st, s a, 250 ft w of Amsterdam-ave; rs. 4'.*. per cent. 9,000 Same to F C Batimán: aame property; S years, 6 P-r cent ..'. . 3.000 Seaman. E H to Bank for Saving«; ISiat-et. s ¦. r>o4 ft e of Lfiwt-avp; years. 4 -oer «rent. 12.000 Btssra H. to Greenwich Savings Bank; 38th-et, No 1" En it 3 vears, 5 per cent. 75.000 Weigle. Charles H. to Clara Stern: 201st-st. ? e corner Marion-ave; 8 years. 5 psr cent. 10.000 Price. S. to R McCSt*: 114tT)-et, ? ß. ß70 ft m of r-th-ave 3 -pears. 5 per cent. 3,500 Penfle',1*!. Wiriism W. to Georg« Hill, lot 104. niap Waahlngtorrvlïle; lnf,talp_*nts. 6 per cent. 2.500 C!««-·- M R. ? Bmlgrsnt Induatrial Savings Lank: H*th-«t. No 114 West; 1 year, 4 per cent. 1*000 Knauf, cbsrlep. to Moore Realty Company: ¡ot 57. msp Hunt estate; 1 veer. 5 per rent. 500 Mlt.-lT-l. J P. to J 0*C Sloan; Perry^-ave, w a. 710 .ft a of 0_S Road; 5 year». 5 per e-sr.t. 1.800 Goodsteln. H. and others to M Marx: 144th-trt. ? Mr Urs_hurst-ave; due February 28. IBOT. 6 per cer.t. Ä.0OO Ginsberg M. to A Bs/*hrsch 102d-st. n s. 237.6 ÍC e r.t Park-ave: 1 year, ß per e«at. 6,500 Fennell, W. to Emigrant Industrial Saving· _.___, ìws-a-aw. No au'· E-t-t, ; j«M«r. * per >.-«_ntv. 14.000 D_,iiir io same; sanie μ??μ^?.?. jj-i uuu.j. ..... Glnsburg. Simon, to Meyer Frank; ?·.·ß ?*, ? · corner Dth-st; 5 y«sars, 6 per cent. :$,000 Same to same; Ave C, e s, 36.10 ft ? st : 5 years. 6 per cent. 12.000 Davis, B. to E Pfund; Bíd-s* No 430 West; 3 years, 6 per cent; prior mortgage. $1T.000. $,009 Johnston, M M. to Elsie Boyd: 7Bth-st, No 62 East; 4 years, 4«. per cent. «. 7,000 Reilly, May E. to Julia ? Blalsdell: I'th-st. n s. 325 ft w of West End ave; 1 year. 6 per cent. 4.000 Lowenfeld, P. and another to American Mort¬ gage Company; Grand-st. No 20S; 1 year. S per cent. 5.000 Solonlnsky. 8, and another to L MicpeUon: Sth-et. Noe 400 and 402 East; instalments. 6 per cent. 12,300 Glgerlch. Leo, tn E Gigerlrh; Melrose-ave. ? w corner 157th-st; 3 years. 6'_ per cent. 6.000 Sullivan, D. to German Savings Bank; Perry- st, s, ß, 75 ft w of Waverley Place; 3 years, 414 per cent. 22.000 McKee. John, to Lawyers' Title Insurance and Trust Company: 26th-st, s s, 215.6 ft east of 8th-ave: per bond. 24.000 Vlemelster, Cat!:, to Emigrant Industrial Sav¬ ings Bank; Perry-st. No 77; 1 year. 4 per cent . 2S.0O0 Pantano. P. and another to E 3 Appleby. trus¬ tee; Baxter-st. No 7Î; 5 years. 6 per cent. 24,000 Meyerhoff. C A. to H J Douglass: lot 349·, map West Mount Vernon; 3 years, 6 per cent . -.000 Frlnberg, E, »o D Karp and another: 128th-st. s s, 172.6 ft e of Lenox-ave: 2 years, 6 per cent . 8.0-0 Machis. Ida. to V Tehllng: Chrystle-.t. No ??s- R v__r* c -.__ ^^._f nnn Beckhardt. A L. to M A Koch; 18th-st. Nos 220 and 222; due September 1, 1806; ß -per cent_ 6.000 McHeffey. J H. to William Shretskl; lOOth-et. No 142 West; 2 years; 5*. per cent. 8.000 City Investing Company to A A Healy: 5th-at-e, e s. 28.9 ft ? of 131st-et: 3 years. 4 per cent... 80,000 Winters, Samuel, to F N Goddard;, w s. 75.7 ft ? of lllth-et; 5 years. 4s. per cent . 29,000 Koch. Edward R, to M S Huribut: 78th-et. No 131 East: I year. 5 per cent. 2.500 Some to Union Square Bank; same property; 1 year. 4 per cent. 1L000 Leasenfeld, Charles, to J M Beattle; Cooper-st. n s, 100 ft w of Hawthorne-st ; 8 ytarn. 6 per cent . 10,000 City and Suburban Homes Company to Title Guarantee and Trust Gjmpany; 7$th-«t, ? a. Ill ft e of Avenue A; per bond.__. 150.000 Cohen. Asher, to George ? Burns; 8d-ave. 8 ß. 100 ft w of Port Morris Branch of New-Tork and Hartford Railroad; 1 year, ß per cent. 3,000 Avatar Realty Co-npnny to "Lawyers' Title Insur- ance and Trust Company; 36th-et. s ß, 60 ft w of 4th-ave; per bond. 20.000 Murray, James, and another to Title Guarantee and Trust Companv: Bradhurst-ave. ? e corner 153d-st; per bond. 3S.000 Meehtui. M. to same: Lon-rwood-ave. s ß. 90.6 ft w of Hewitt Place; per bond. 25.000 Meehan. Michael, to Title Guarantee -nd Trust Companv; Lonj-rwood-ave. a a. 61.5 ft w of Hewitt Place; per bond. 25.000 Winters. Samuel, to F de ? Foster: Lenox-ave. e ß, 26.10 ft ? of 117th-st: 2 mortgages; 5 years. 4V. per cent. 62.000 Noble & Gauss Construction Company to M O'Rourke; Grant-eve. we 55.5 ft s cf 182d-et; per bond. 3,000 Jacob». I, to I Frank: Madlson-eve. w a 74.11 ft ? of Slst-et- 5 years. 4 per cent. 12.600 8cott Ellen Y, to 4. R Hastings et al; Broadway. Nos 1.721 and L72S: 5 years, 5 per cent. 25,000 Franklin. A E. to I Koch; 126th-et, No 231 East; 8 years, ß per <*ent. 3,500 MscCarthy. Charlee, to J L Welch: 4th-et. s ß. 425 ft w of Avenu. D; 3 years, ß per oent. 600 Butterworth. Joseph E, to F Murphy: Avenue A, s e corner let-_t;»6 years. 5 per cent.... 2,600 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. Prospeet-ave. No 2,150; Francis X Kle·. agt Rue- sell Realty and Improvement Company; June 5. 1806 (by deposit). $82 S3 Edgecombe-ave. No 117: Joseph Diamond agt ? Relmis et aj; June 18, 1T05 (by deposit). 40 00 Broadway, w s. 116.8 ft ß of «33d-st. x. ; Roebiing Construction Comp«_ny agt Colonial Theatre Company; March 21. 1805.4.460 88 l«J6th-st. n s, 100 ft ß of Tinton-ß?ß. 2Ex.; Christian Vorndran agt Frank ? Von Waffen- stein; May 10. 1806. 250 00 Clinton Place. No 66 to 70. The Bronx: Henry Newbury agt George Lynn et «1: June 17. 1905 271 87 Park-ave "No 1.648: Samuel Rosenberg agt Albert L House: May 26, 1806 (by bond). 367 68 MECHANICS' LIENS. 118th-et, No 452 East; Carmine Altieri a-rt Gio¬ vanni Levoll. owner and contractor. $1,300 18th-st. Nos 220 and 222 West: David Brown agt Abraham L Beckhardt. owner and contractor.. 10O MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS. Audubon-ave, s e cor 178th-et, for a six story brick tenement house. 10xS8x irreg; Levlngten & Rat-ekes, owners; L J F Weiher, architect.$146,000 12th-st, n s, 283 ft w of Avenue B. for two six story brick tenement houses. 26x88.**; M Wimple, owner: Bernstein ? Bernstein, architecte. 60,000 Broadway. No 270. for a four story brick bank. 24.11x100.11; Chemical National Bank, owner; Trowbridge & Livingston, architects. 350,OX) THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. Llnd-ave. e s, 114.8 ft s of 165th-et. eight two story and basement frame dwelling houses, 21x 60: Joseph H Jones, owner and architect. $40,000 Crotona-ave. w s. 86.47 ft ? of lS3d-et. two -rtory tame dwelling house. 206x50; Charlea ? omite rk. owner; Bernhard Ebeîlng. arcbltecl. 6.000 Beaumont-ave. es 93.1 ft ß of 183d-^t. two (rtory frame dwelling house. 20.6x60: Charles Lemback, owner; Bernhard Ebeltng. architect. 5,000 Jefferson-st. ß 8, 105 ft s cf Barnet Place, two story frame dwelling house. 21x50: Aipbene Cacher, owner: Bernhard Ebeling. architect- 4.600 Garfield-st, w t>. 100 ft ? of Columbus-ave, two story frame dwelling house, 22x52; Anna Rem¬ ington, owner; Bernhard Ebellng*, architect. 6.000 Garlieid-st w ß 130 ft ? of Columbus-ave. two atory frame dwelling house. 21x80: Adelaide Grossman, owner; Bernhard Eberlng. architect. 4,500 148th-et, No 781 East, one story talc*, stable, ffix 70: R I Kranmer. owner; John J Kennedy, architect . 3.000 THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS. 233d-et. n s. 528 w of Katonan-ave, one story frame greenhouse. 22.6x48; Gottlob H Steuber. owner; Louis F_lk. architect. $300 239th-st, n s. 320 ft e of Keplf_r_v_, one etory frame henhouse. 12x10: Herman Steeckaxnp. owner: Louis Falk. architect. 200 23»th-et. 82«* ft e of ___plai»_ve, two story and attic frame dwelling house, 23x84; owner end architect as above. -.000 BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS. l_d-_t, n s. 100 ft w of Lenox ave. 50x99.11; the CommonweeJth Mortgage Company loans the Psaty-Edelson Construction Company .$42.50. Amsterdam-eve. ? w cor LUst-st- 100.11x100: New-York Mortgage and Security Company loans Herman Flchter . 70.000 Fulton-st. Nos 46 and 68; same can» Charlee Buek . 50.000 Plettaant-ave. ? w cor 117th-et. 76.7x88: Max Llpman lo&as Samuel Lip-nan and Morris Naf- tolowitx . 43,000 Old Broadway, ? w cor 129th-et. 100x151.4: State Realty and Mortgage Company liens William Gunn and Andrew Grant . 132.000 Avenue C. Nos 9S and 100; the Jefferson Hank loans Adolph Danziger . 19.000 115th-et. ß a. 226 ft w of Broadway 50x100 11; Metropolitan Lite Insurance «Company loans Frank Woytlsek . lOO.OOO LIS PENDENS. 2d-ave. No 1.165: United Statee Trust Co of New-Tork tgt «""harl-a M WtodL lndlv and executor, et al (fore¬ closure of mortgage) : atty. E .W Sheldon. Audubon-ave. 8 e cor 183d st. 104 11x100. Jacob Timple agt Louis Block and another (action to impress vendee's lien); atty. E A I»aao». Allen-st. Nos 202 and 204: Samuel Rothschild agt Fred¬ erick W Seller and another (action to impress Hen); atty, G W Minor. Washington-ave. w a 100 ft ? of Fleteher-et, 48x110; Mary A Sheldon agt Randolph D Bl-menthal. lndlv and «im. and another iforeclneure of mortgage»; atty, E R Eck ley. Park- ave. e a. 325 ft > of 171et-et 75x150: Frank Stark- agt Julius Lehmen (specific performance); atty. ? Knox. 124th-et. No 634 West: John J ¦iherlda'i agt <_ar!es Adams «action to foreclose n»e-fca_uc's Item: atty. L ? Minger Sd-ave. tt e cor 1st »t. 78 8xlt3 8; Edwin D »? eoo trustee, agt Louis Mar.i.e rr. ani _.-. »ther l__-.ti©n to de¬ clare ·.·:_.» voi.}, atty.s Prait J_ K-«_*_»r. Real Estate. Guaranteed Mortgages FOR Endowments & Trust Funds The ino.-tt profitable investment is that which combines a large net return with absolute secur¬ ity. T:.- i*"Uir ¦.·.". ·? r»i-rrgHgea of this Company net i% and 4#,i and are in tbe same class of Kecurities as municipal and rail- rond bonds. Bond & Mortgage Guarantee Go Capital and Surpîus $4,750,000. 146 Broadway. 17C· Remsen St, Now York. Brooklyn. ??S HOMZSEEKER OR INVESTOR. Have you looked all over for property and »re not yet .satisfied? If «©, It may be of some benefit for you to look us up. We have beautiful and bargain properties ia Weetchester and Nassau Count!«-·». Brooklyn. Staten Isl¬ and. New- Jersey, the Southwest and Cuba, and may hav· ;ust what vou are look-inn- for. «.'all or write. TRIO REALTY CO.. 132 Nassau Street. Auction Sales of Real Estate. Bryan L. Kennelly. Auct'r .-'.'. »#*'.. ¦___. acttlnn Friday, June 30. 1905, at 12 o'clock noon, at the "?««»»-' York Heal "Se-tate Sa!-_s- room. 1«S1 Broadway. By order of the Commissioner of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York. 66, 68, 70, 72 Elm St. ADJOINING LEONARD ST., th· three 3, 4 and 5 story brl-lc Bu*·".-ir-gs, size 100x*30x lrreg*!i".ar. -: . «.G·1 -'"! ·*":.lier partjvr.i'.ars at. the CONTROLLER'S OFFICES. ;.£.'. G*'-G·! .' - _·; . :-,-_---> -*. ?"-' 1 Unfurnished Apartments to Let. _g SPE1MGER ARMS A iloderr. Apartment H »-:se at tt- best. Broadway at 69th St. A magnificent high-*·!»»«--. -.·-.--;- f.rerroof structure, the most complete and elegant build¬ ing; of Its class so far erected ln this city. READY FOB OCCUPANCY SPENCER REALTY CO.. Owner. _Superintendent on Premie·-. TELEPHONE, 3996 C-OLUMBTS. QQTH. 436 E,.Single fiat; throughout licht; 12 room»; O«-/ dining room. bath, laundry, loe box: near Park; *·+·*> Brooklyn Property for Sale. BROOKLYN MANOR Queens Borough's Finest Spot. ENGELHARDT CONSTRUCTION* CO. MODEL HOMES For One or Two Families. EAST TERMS IF DESIRED. JAMAICA AND WOODHAVEN AVENUES. TEL 236 RI-CHMOXD HILL Fumished Houses to Let.Country. SHELTER ISLAND. L Summer Cotisées TO RENT, FTBN1SHED, AT M A ? H A N S ? ? MANO R, SHELTER ISLAND, L. __, X. T. Kor Tenr.s and Diagrams address ROBERT MURRAY, Room 3, 28 Union Square, Ne-w York. "SOUTHAMPTON- AND SHTN-NXCOCK ??-T.S. ?«. J_ Furnished Cottages to rent. List on appücatlisc. J. METCAUFE THOMAS. 19 LIBERTY ST.. NEW YORK. BEAL'TIFL'L -COl"NTRY HOUSE to not. G.h*at§a large shad-sd grounds; modern lmpro«i»eraente: gax- den, fruit; bathing; beautiful drives. FRAN-CIS H. BREWER, Fair-field, Oonn. f? LET.COTTAGE; NEAR PORT JEFFERSON. 1». X.: X 10 rooms and bath: six bedrooms; tally furnished for housekeeping; delightfully situated on -water; boating·. bathing, fishing; rent. $400 for season. Writ· IS· Eft. Janv-s Place. Brooklyn. Telephone. 1.447-R Prospérât Country Property for Sale. Building Sites FOU SALE r.EASON'ABLE PRICES. Ldjacent\ » MINUTES EDGEMERE LONG ISLAND. FROM NEW YORK. 50 private residences hav« been eit-trti*-d on the pro-perty. WAL-1TER SCHULXE^ 1.170 BROADWAY. NEW YORK CITY. *-_*·*!·._·*_-,-< .- -:;.rr.--7 Colony. AT MAMAHONECK, A BEAUTIFUL SKQRQ FRONT PROPERTY OF FIF¬ TEEN ACRES. WITH ."««JO FEET OF WATER t t "NINTERRUPTED VIEW AC7ROSS THE SOUND. FXN'B MODERN HOUSE. BARNS. ETC PARTICULARS OF kcland * wernwo CO. 5 BEEKMAN ST- "?? BUILDING LOTS G? ·-. -»·- »· p-.··» Fare. "l)vU ? Y- Send for particulars. A- C. TODD VF».LTY CO.. 92 Sprlng-st-, N'srw-York City. Country Property to Let. 8 ROOM HOUSE. JUST COMPLETED; TILED B-XTH. BUTLERS PANTRY: ALA. IMPROVE¬ MENTS. LARGE RESTTRI-s-TED OROl*ND(B; FOR RENT. «ng_- ·._·. __·-- u r RIEGEL Cres-klll. .\. J EAST ORANGE. N. J..Furnished house for wuon; * rooms end hath; good location; piazza screened; **-&- month^ddr-sss S. R. ???. O Bos ¡HZ. X. Y- HOUSE AT LAWRENCE. 10 rooms, bath: low resrt; tSR per ro«nth. D. E LENNOX. Lawren·:·, L. I. Real Est,¡te (?'anted. FAMILY OF THREB deslr· small furnished fcimui. accessible to city, for three months or less, or might consider flrat class offer of t»" rootms and board tn privat· family only. Addrea·, ststlng lowest terms. LAWYE-B. 22 William Strft. New York._ _ WAWTED TO BUT.An Inexpensive covintry ooao· .rty within forty miles of New-York, or will bey five or ten acres, of tmtntprovM property Addi-M· SILICON. Box I«. Arlbun· Offl.. A DVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for Th· Trf-Mm· ?. received at their Uptown OtBce. No. 1.S84 BROADWAY. Advertisements rse-stved at th· foilowlnr branch ofîce» a: - :at-· until 8 o'clock p. m . vu.: 2M »ch- ave.. s. e. cor. 234-ac. : W tt_> »v·.. OM ._:- .·. 92 E.-u¡t U-_-*c. 257 "Aui A_4-_t, .·«_.>_-»._ 1i__ and ¡UH .i«_.

Transcript of · 2017-12-25 · LONG "AUTO" Toil! WEI west .r>i>-sT. Roundthe il'arid...

Page 1: · 2017-12-25 · LONG "AUTO" Toil! WEI west .r>i>-sT. Roundthe il'arid Journey. Ch-uì-M J. Glidden, the well known globe trot-ttng KUtomobilist, accompeinied

LONG "AUTO" Toil! WEI west .r>i>-sT.Round the il'arid Journey.

Ch-uì-M J. Glidden, the well known globe trot-ttng KUtomobilist, accompeinied by his -wife, ar¬rived here yesterday on the Kronprinz "Wilhelm.On reaching this city Mr. Glidden completed a

trip of 2_,<316 miles. S.999 of which were covered inhis 40-horsepower EagHsh Napier machine. Whenbe landed at the pier yesterday, Mr. Glidden e_dd:

I had a great trip, but I am glad to get back.? left Vancouver on December 9, accompanied bymv wife and chauffeur, sailing direct to HonoluluI had a wait there of two hours before the steamersailed for the Fiji Islands, and as soon as we gotthe machine ashore we took a two hour spin aboutthe it-land, covering thirty miles. We made a ten¿ay stop at the Fiji Islands, and made a tour oftwo hundred miles My automobile was the firstto reach the islands, and it created a great scareamong th« natives. They «called It the *'Father ofall Devils" and "the boat on the road." After?bey bad seen us spin about without harm to our¬selves they ventured closer, and many offered ashilling for a ride- King Katu Penia Kadviu LeraBoko Tui Taileru paid us a visit, and we took himfor a ride. The first question he asked was. "Willthe Mr devil go -sixty miles an hour?" The King.was an interesting fellow. He was educated inSydney, and.showed much Intelligence. His attirethough was rather Incongruous. He wore a coatar-v" vest of English cut. a white shirt and a loincloth. This outfit was the complement of hiswardrobe. His long. dark, bar» legs stood out inbold relief against his white shirt.The priny of the island. Miss Adi Cakovan.

accompanied us on a short ride. Her parents werecaxr.ibals. She wore a long, loose white gownmade of silk.When we visited New-Zealand we were greeted

_t Auckland by the Automobile Club of New-Zea¬land, and at that -port we paid the highest de¬posit. J6S0. for bringing our machine into theeour.try. We got over 1,146 miles of New-Ze-ic.-vlterritory, and then went into Tasmania. Tasm·,·is a great place. It has the flnue. roads in Mworld. They are *-*onstru<»-ted and kept in spie:con «Utaen by convict labor.Mr. Glidden was interrupted "In his narrative by

the cuestión. ""Where did you find the worstroadsr* Without h«ssitatlon he said:"For the -worst roads on the face of the eu-th

there is no place to beat Melbourne. Australia. "

Continuing, he said: "Java is an ideal place tomotor through. It is interesting and beautiful inmany ways. The scenery is fiiscinating. the peo¬ple are entertaining, the roads are perfect andthe hotels «are all that one «sould wish for. Thereis (dm an even temperature of S7 degrees. "Whilegoing through a dense grove we came across a

Mg tribe of monkeys. They were frightened bythe automobile, and those on the ground quickly»ought the high branches. When we came to ahait tfcey pelted us with cocoanuts, and we had tomove on. Altogether we travelled 23,617 miles bvsea, which took us seventy-sir days."Mr. Glidden has ofrered" to the American Auto¬

mobile Association a Jî.OOO touring trorhv for atwo weeks' endurance test to the White Mountains.The contestants will vote for the nest three carssad the best machine will be selected from thethree by a committee.


Fastest Cars in the Country Entered in Ten-Mile Championship.

Vtota all indications the race meeting at theEmpire City track on Saturday will be one ofth« greatest ever held in the metropolitan district.Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt has entered the sportagain, and his car is among those entered. PaulFarter! and Barney Oldfleld will represent lastyear's great cars, and Louis Chevrolet and WebbJay wiii represent the new "discoveries" of thisMann.The championship of America race will be for

tfa miles, and promises to be the most interestingever held, as an array of the greatest cars of the?*? will strrv-e for the honors. Oldfleld will bethere with his 60-horsepower Green Dragon. MajorC J. S. Miller will be represented by «Chevrolet lnhis SO-horsepower Fiat: Alfred Gwynne Vanderbiltwill be represented by Paul Sartori in his 90-horse-power Fiat; Roberts will have his new 60-horse¬power Thema*», and "Webb Jay will have his 20-

horsepower White Bt___ar. The Oldfleld-Chevro-let match, for $2,(XV>, will also be an attraction.

«Tiny Vaughn will start for the second time on

Friday for a twenty-four hour ride against timeat the Empire City track. Incidentally, he hopes'to have better luck than at his first trial, whenpuncture after puncture robbed him of any chance¡¡or tbe record, and rain finally fell and compelledhim to withdraw. Vaughn will be accompanied byI... A Mitchell. The pair will endenvor to placethe thousand miles to their credit in twenty hours,ar.d will then go ahead for the extra four hoursto establish a mark for one day. Officials are nowbeing selected ar.d arranjrements made. The car

to be used bv Vaughn Is the 40-horsepower Decau¬ville.


Many Trophies Offered by Seaxoan-haka-Corinthian Yacht Club.

The liberal list of valuable prizes offered by the

Beawanhaka-Corinthlan Yacht Club to the winners

ln the vitrions classes on their three race daysthis week.Thursday. Friday and re¬

sulting big list of entries for each day's race.

Wben m than one yacht starts In a class, therewill be a first prize; when more than three, a

second prize, and when more than four, a third

prize, and a sailover prize goes to my yachtappearing alone in her class, if she sails over thecourse.

In addition to these prizes, there are aeries prizesfor the winning yacht ln the 83-foot class of

sloops; ln the New-York Yacht Club's special one

design class, and in the Seawanhaka-CorinthlanYa-»ht Club's IS-foot ciass. b_5ed on the pointfvftem of scoring, by which the -winner ln each-a-e receives five points, the second yacht threepoints the third yacht two points, and the fourth\acht one point. The yacht securing the greatest"number of points in three races wUl receive the».eries prize. A «series will also be given ln class? of sloops, provided five or more yaxhts start

each day. Ties are to he sailed off on dates*ixed by "the committee.



Many American Boats to Take Part in the

Coming Regatta.Kul, June 30..The American yachts Endymion,

owned by George Lauder. of the Indian Harbor

Yacbt Club; tho Fleur-de-Lys. owned by Dr.

Lrewfc A. Stimson. of the New-Tork Yacht Club;the Hildegarde, owned by Edward R Coleman, of

tbe Corinthian Yacht Club. Philadelphia; the Alisa,owned by Henry S. Redmond, of the New-York

Yacht Club, and the North Star, owned by Re-ar« "ommodore Cornelius Vanderbilt. New-York YachtClub, «arrived here to-day. There also arrived the

.r.giish yacht S&tanlta, owned by Sir M. Fitz-

teraJd; the yawl Formossu owned by Sir J. ?. E.

Huirá: the vawl Lethe, owned by Colonel T. F. A.W. Kennedy, and the auxiliary schooner yacht¿unbeam owned by l_ord "_tr__>sey. LThe American yacht Nahma, on which Charle¬

magne Tower, American Ambassador to Germany,and Mrs. Tower are guests of her owner. Mrs. Rob¬ert Goelet, Is due to arrive lo-morrow.The American auxiliar}' yacht Atlantic, owned

by Wilson Marshall. New-York Yacht Club, andwinner of the transatlantic race for Emperor Will¬iam's cup and of the race for auxiliaury yachts fromDover to Heligoland, is coming through the KielCanal to-night. Emperor Wliliam will arrive here:o-morrow. The Kiel regatta will take place onJune 2S and 30.



Marsha.]! Wins Another Game.TarraschHolds the Lead.

Oetend. Belgium. June 20..The «seventh round ofthe. International cbess master«' tournament was

be-gun at the Kursaal In this city this morning. Atthe first -adjournment, made at 1:*W o'clock thisafternoon. Burn had gone down before Janowskl.Marshall had beaten Tschigorln, Teichmann baddisposed-of Wolf, -while the games between "Leon-hiu-dt and Taubenhaus and Schlechter rand Marocxy,aa that between Marco and Alapln, had been drawn.In the afternoon sitting Tarraach drew wltb

Blackburne. and thus the former leads Janowskland Maxoczy by half a point. Following is therecord to date:

Woe. Loan.) Won. Lost.Alapln .8** »-i. Marmhall .S*_ ft**Blackburn· .S 4 I Schlechter. SV. Sì»Burn .2?? 8*|Ti_n__»-_ .ß2J__jw__i .«fe lfclT&ubeahaua .1* 4ttI_eonh-_rdt. 3 jT-lchtnann .8?» in_Uroo .2V4 8i_|TBchlgoi_ .28Marocry .4_ 2V»i*«*o« . S*·» 8HTbe (adjourned game» between Taubenhaus and

Burn from tbe fourth round, and that betweenJanowskl ana Marco from the sixth round, will becompleted to-morrow.

G rter on Pullman C_r.Beg pardon, sah; butd'.s ere half _o_Ur you gave me bas a hole in it,s_r.Passerger -Sn ·__-·: ·:.· _-.__*._.e *- .·-- _:_¦.·¦ _.--_ .-.-*.

**-^-*-.i-.(jb.oo__.*_; l__£t.


Investor Buys Land in West 30

ment He

Thomas Dimond, a dealer in iron work, boughtyesterday, through Thomas & Eekerm;v_i. Noa. 116.118 and 120 West 33d-st., near Broadway. The prop¬erty has a frontage of 50 feet, and is 70 feet deep,irregular, and 78 feet wide, with two two storystables on same. Mr. Dimond owns the propertyat Xo. 12S West 33d-st.. where he carri« s on hisbusiness; also the property extending from No.137 to 149 West 32d-st. He lakes title to Xo. 147 andHi-» West 32d-st. to-day. whicli adjoins the land re¬cently bought by the Pennsylvania Railroad Com¬pany.Edward T. Hayward and Crawford. I>enison &

wl"11*,1"-!?· Xo.1*1 Broadway, have sold about 183vestment

' H*m"Tm*- lo a *=ii«111- for in"

vu^hJü'*. J^sh«1". ilooney & Co. have sold for«s/lf£?_-* bcììmitider Fenrich and Margaret Fenrich«.Art ¿SrÄ ^©.Property at Xo. 147 West 3(«th-st..tSn.?L ? h,ej-ri-Lof George Kreiter the adjoiningwit h ¿Ù ? °ù}i0 Wtsl *«»-«., together Sflac£_» feet.n.«> f ¿ull,3lI1<Ss. to a client, for investment.

Xo» ? _l»,^'u "?ve r<iSold for -Nathaniel B. Ellis,atorV ·,^·_.1'8?,° and 1"8S7 Ainsterdani-ave.. three Uvestory tenements, on plot 75x1 ?? toot.


ill Erect an Imposing Strnotnre in theRear of Its Present Quarters.

Plans have been filed with Buildings Superin¬tendent Hopper for a new building, to be erectedfor the Chemical Xational Bank, now at Xo. 270Broadway, in Chambers-st., In tho rear of its pres¬ent building and adjoining tbe Xational Shoo andLeather Bank, at the southwest corner of Broad¬way and Chambers-st.The new building -will be a four story* and base¬

ment edifice, of granite, classic in design, with afacade adorned with, engaged columns and spannedmr^iifirW .dorne- Th<* "M ending will bo re-

¿?ri.!;JìfJÌ .i° an .rr-t-rante corridor to the new^??-?? '.-.the cc,rndc-r being »1 feet deep. TheÌS|tÌn,^|nklnJ? h1a," b» 7i-3 f«»* wide and 100wVi?^»· and wlU be horned with arches support-??£.^ß»a???ß· which is to be lighted by huge win-w 8ie°f» ornamental lattice work. The new bulld-¦hifrt« _? tC?sÍ *3?0·0<»· "The architects are Trow-pl-ted in 190ftiusatOn' The building -will be com-

INVESTOR BUYS 71ST-ST. HOUSE.Mack & TuthiU have sold Xo. 123 West Tlst-st.,

a four story brownstone high stoop dwelling house,en a plot 19x100 feet, for Louis Blum to an in¬vestor.


Sherry's Hotel To Be Remodelled for Addi¬tional Rooms.

Plans have been filed by D. H. Burnham, of Chi¬cago, as architect for John Wanamaker, for im¬provements, to cost $50.000, to be made to the oldA. T. Stewart lOth-st. store, adjoining the big newWanamaker stores at 4th-ave-, Sth and 9th sts., ofwhich It Is to be an annex. Seven new passengerelevators and two freight elevators are to be In-Stalled, the show windows extended outwardly andthe entrance enlarged and improved.Plans have also been filed for the remodelling

of the öth-ave. end of Sherry's Hotel, at Bth-avannd 44th-st., to make additional apartments anddressing rooms on the third, fourth and fifth¦stories. The Improvements are to cost Jli.OiiO, ac¬cording to the estimate of Charles F. Rose, thearchitect. The building ls owned by Isaac V.Brokaw.


1ST-AVE. BLOCK SOLD.The Hamburger-Kleinfeld-Rothfeld Realty Com¬

pany has sold the block front in lst-ave., between»Sth and 69th eta., flve six story dwelling housesIn «course of construction, «each 40x3 «30 feet.

TRANSACTIONS IN REALTY.Jesse C. Bennett & Co. have sold for the Doug¬

las Realty Company to an Investor the Cameron, a

modern seven story dwelling house, at the north¬east coiner of St. Xicholas-ave. and 126th-st-, oc¬

cupying a plot of about four lots, with frontagesof 100 feet and an easterly line of 111.10 feet.Slawson & Hobbs have sold for Alice E. Longley

No. 804 West 71st>st., a five story American base¬ment dwelling house, on lot 17.3xS4.5 feet.Benedict & Co. and A. Rothmillcr have sold for

Harriet Buehler to Clementina Rothmiller, Xo. 2S7West 141st-st_ and Xo. 288 West UM-st., abutting,two four story double flathouses, each on lot25x99.11 f«?et- This is the first sale of the propertyln sixteen years.Heilner & Wolf have sold to R. Ansbacher

through M. Goodman Xo. 1,487 Eth-ave., a fivestory double flathouse, with store, on lot 25x91 feetJoseph F. A. O'Donnell has sold for the Thomas

Lenane estate the northwest cornei of 123d-st. and_d-ave-, a five story flathoivs·. with store, 25x90 feet,to Charles A. Wlngert.Ferdinand Marz has bought from Henry Hughe·

through Henry S. Hewson Xos. 260 and 262 West37th-et.. two three Btory dwelling hooeee, on plotS3 4x98 9 feetWilliam W-olfTs Son has resold for Fhlfelder &

Weinberg to Haft, Grodginsky & Wolff. Ng. 1.105Sd-ave., a five story tenement house, with stores,on lot 25x100 feet.Charles E. Duross has sold the new six story-

tenement house Xo. 506 West 27th-st., 25x9i>.9 feet,for the Prudential Real Estate «Jorporatlon toJacob Schneeweiss, for about $35,000.Kassel & Goldberg have bought Xos 1,956 and 1,9!.S

2d-ave., two five story double tenement houses, ona plot 50x100.John R. Davidson has sold for John Sasey the

flve story fiathouse, with stores, at the southwestcorner of Columbus-ave. and I05th-st.. on a plot60x105 feet.P. D. Benson has sold for Miss R. McCabe Xo. G.1

"West 114th-st., a flve story fiathouse, on a lot25x100.11 feet.M. L. and C. Ernst have sold, through Philip A.

Pavton. to Meta ?. Fink Xo. 3S5 West 134th-st., a

flve storv dwelling house, on a lot 25x9<..ll f-»et.A L. Mordecal & Son have sold for Charles T.

Barnev to Hellner «fe Wolf four lote on the southside of 122d-stv. and two lots on the north side 100 f«?et west of Amsterdam-ave.Matthew B. Larkin ha* sold for Charles T.

Barnev to Horowitz & Lefkowitz a lot on the northside of 122d-st.. 150 feet west of Amsterdam-ave.The purchasers own adjoining property, and willImprove the entire plot.Bernard Smyth & Sons have sold for .T. F. bemon

Xos 453 and 455 West 152d-st., between St. Nicholasand'Amsterdam aves., a five story dwelling house,lust completed, on a plot 5««x74.11 feet.

J. E. BrigiTs has sold for the Hudson RenltyCompany the northeast corner of 93--st. and Am¬sterdam-ave., a five story dwelling house, withstores, on lot 25x68 feet.Louis Becker has sold for Mary E. Magnus No.

543 West 159th-st.. a three story and basementlimestone front dwelling house, on lot 14.9x99.11feet, to Hugh McGowan for occupancy.Benjamin Xatkins. of Xatkins & Co., and Her¬

man Arns, have sold for Gold:«. Kaufman Xo. 42aWest 56th-st. a flve story double tenement house.on lot 25x100-5 feet.Harrv Goodeteln has sold to William H. _«>gers

the three flve storv double flithous-as Xo. 21b to222 West 138th-st-, on lot 100?1·?».11 feet.Bened'ct ? Co. have sold for Erlanger and Reis

to John Bonnert the live story double flathouse Xo.129 West 138th-st.. on lot 26x99.11 feet.?. ? Mosher & Co. have sold for Abraham teli-

verson to Rosa Engländer and Amalia Brach Xo.ÍS6 West 143d-st.. n six story apartment house.with stores on lot 25x9iUl feetThe Brman Realty Company has sold for Ler-

kowltz & Horowitz Xos. MM and 1499 Madison-av-ea new six story apartment hous·«·. on plot 50x100

f«M5t. to Ravitch Bros., who have resold the prop-ertv' to Devin & Feeder.Edpar ? Klngslev and 8. Goldberg have sold No.

176 2d-ave.. a four story tenement house, on lot

~Geor*e W. Godward has bought the plot, fi·*·*]·-**feet on the west side of Cr.oper-st.. IDO feet southof Emerson-et. Abram ?. Tyson holds title.The Pitkin & HoMswortb Company has sold to

I, Miller & Sons th.- Éaotery buildings, on plot 12G?19910 f-eet, on the south side of 13«"ith-st.. extendingthrough to 129th-st.. 1C0 feet w-st of Broadway.C & H. Friedman have sold No?, sne and 3f« East

112th-st a sáx storv anartment house, in course ofconstruction. 426x100.11 feet. They hnvr also soldNo 308 East 10&th-st.. a four story dwelling house.26x136 feet. The buyer of the lati*»- property is theindustrial school which now occupies It,Lew & Friedman have sold for Improvement the

plot 06x99.11 feet, on the south side of 138th-st.. 120feet west of Bth-ave.Louis Aaron and Kallman Cohen have sold to I.

Kraushaar Xo. 2.195 r*h--v··.. .·, flve story doublefleth-^use, on a lot 25x75 feet. -,_

Well A Mayer hav- bought Xos. 223 and 22- East78d-st., two five story tenement houses, ou a plot

^Phflio Bernstein has sold to Morris Sltfka Noe.136 and "-S·1 Fast S^th-st.. two five story flathousos,on a plot 60x100.8 feet.M Flr-eeteln has sold to Mo-ris >.<">. 213

East 98th-st.. a flve story tenement house, on a lot

John Kafka has sold to Joseph I.lchtenstein thetnix story apartment hou=e No. "F, East 110th-st., on

a not 4610x100.11 feet.Louis Le·""? has sold Nos. íSO and 332 East I2lst-st.,

two four story buildings, on a plot 49x100.11 feet.Samuel Levin has sold to Joseph Schiff the G.?<·

story'flathouse No. 110 East 102d-st.. on a lot 2_x100 11 feet.Nathan Klreh he« bought from Samuel Wacht

Sos. 1,-WB *na 1,687 lst-ave., old buildings, on a plot¡0 3_ · feetNathan Kireh lia* sohl the six story tenement


h-st..Three Amsterdam-axe. Tenc¬ascs Sold.

houses Nos. 410 and 418 East lOth-st.. on a plot44x9(2.3 feet.Natimi« Kirsh has bought from Lipman & (Sold

the three six story tenement houses No. 92 to 100Cani-.oii-st., on a plot HBxlOÒ feet.Annie Jacob« hab sold to Morris Callender No. 142

Suffolk-st., h. six story tenement house, on a lot25x100 feet.Slawson & Hobbs have sold for Alice E. Longley

to a client for «occupancy, the five story Americanbasement dwelling house. No. L'04 West ilst-st-, ona lot 17.2X.4.S feet.

l'ois«.m Brothers havp sold for the Rev. HenryE. Hovey, of Portsmouth, N. HL, the two Uve storymodern double l· nement houses. Nos. ;«2_ and 5.?West 6_t _t~, (JOxKAS feet, i<> an Investor.Baturin. Weissman & Henschel have sold for Dr.

H. C. Basterbrook tbe three story two-familydwelling house No. 1.728 Washington-ave., on lot2Sx!\!» feel tn 'Mrs .1 C Kaven.

TRANSFERS.1«X>: Wllhelmlne ? Becker to <3_rtr_de Lauer-man; mortgage. $4,5«X).

rcSi.iLu j., ouu _-i_iii-r io ìi.-iianBank; lSth-st. No 3Î5 East; 6 yeacent .

Daly-ave, n w eoraer Ifetüh-et, 35.2xWì; I>aly»~ave. w s, 35 ft ? ?£ l-Oth-iu, lòoxlbO.l.;Raphael Kurzrok to Max Kurzrok.

*__6th-st. No 241 Kast, ***__".. 11; Ujrothua Kosterto Jacob Uhannowitz ana another.

Lot 67, map part i-UBt estate; Moore RealtyCompaa}- to «jiiarles Knauf; mortgage, $500.

2ütjth-sl, s ß, 1(X> ft e oí liioaxwooa-itve. lWxll4,Wakeflelà; George Mci_r to Jacob l_ubin; tnort-c-ia-e. £ 1.50t« .




Avenue ?. ? e corner 117th-_t; 1 year, ß percent . 43.000

Chainowltz. Jacob, to D Koster; 126th-_t, No 241East; 2 years.

P-Jlvej-macher. U to C <"*arreau; 2d-ave, No 2,147;8 years. 5 per oent.

Same to same; same property; S years, ß per cent.Dallas Realty and Construction Company to VEverlt Macy and another: 138th-et, s s, 37C itw of Broad»*-ay; 8 years, 5 per cent. 45.000


Church of St Montea to Emigrant Industrial Sav¬ings Bank: SOth-et. s a, 10O ft e of lst-ave; 1year; 4 per cent... 200.000

Grot·, Dora P. to lawyers' Title Insurance andTrust «Company; Beck-st, - a. 350 ft ? of15eth-et ; as per bond.,. 7,000

Hahn. Joseph, to Samuel Hahn; 3d-ave. vr s,being lot 24. map Morrlsanla: as per bond.... 0,000

Bailey, F "U and another to ? ? 'Warach; Le~-«--__· TN-Vw (3?· «nata!rvi«nf_· «rt i_>r rent._ BOO

witz to Mary Muivihill, mortgage, $_3.???- 100SOlet-st. ? e cor ilarioJi-ave. 7í»xlK; George to CUiarles H Weigie .*,\V¿*Perry-ave, w a, 710.4 It oí Old road, s?????.«;Samael ? Ball to John ? Mluhel ._.. .

Cuas load, w s, 133.0 tt ? -i ¿amuel st. lt>..>x.?2- liuward O Tree to John H Keller.-Nominal

Anorcwa-üve. w s, 2i.i0.10 it n of lb_d-st, -Ux80.11; Tcoma- hadcock to Cyrus C Miller.Nominal

_____Ua~_-t, w cor Poplar-st, 21.S_i»7.o; George1» Bor-iey to busaa Duryea; mortgage, $S4U.. 100

Map't-st, w e. 75 ft s of lat-ave. 2_xl00; A OBait.· to Adelaide Burlando.Nominal

Same property; Adelaide Burlando to Prank Petti-nati; au liens .Nominai

86th-.·-. No 226 East. 25x100; Julia Lavy to Ben-jamiu jscoba and another; mortgage, $18.000.. 100

2d-_ve. No 2.147. w e. 25.2--00; cyrUle Carreauto Lavinia Pul-i-ennacher; mortgage. $13,500.. 3,500

Fulton-st. ses. lot 104. map Washington-ville;83xl5L8; George Ui'.l to William W Benfleld. .Nominal

lat-ave. Nos _,--- ani 1.4_ß, e 8, 52.2x irreg¬ular; Yorkvlile Realty Company to Fintala Na-than; mortgage. »45,000 . 100

lst-ave, s w cor 3_d-_t, 40.4x05; Yorkville RealtyCompany to Pinkus Nathan: mortgage. 32,000. 100

£d-ave, w s, C0.5 ft ? of BAth-st, 5o.bxlO); Iv»naEhrmann to Samuel Greenftld and another;mortgage, s>40,uoo . 100

«àame propertv; Samuel Greenfeld et al to LeopoldBarth and "another: mortgage, $40.000. 100

106th-st, No 175 Kast, 25x100.11; Harris Blnino-vlch to lsidor Damraner; mortgage, $21,800-Nominal

18th-st. s s. «5.6 ft w of Avenue ?, 175x92; Ger¬mania Realty ani Mortgage Company to l'»ulHellmaa et al; mortgage, $51.00*.. 100

B>_Ch-ave, W s. 15«. ft a of 152d-et, 150x100; Ba¬rali Solomon to Ignatz Florio Co-Operative As¬sociation amor.s corl-unesi; mortgage. $l*>,0O0.N__aiii_U

Beln:,.nt-ave, No 2,503. w s, lS.yxi»7.ti; PhilipBirman to Hermu-i Paradis and another; mort¬

gage. <3,500. 100llbth-et. No 22 East, 25x100.11; Abram Abra¬hams to Julius Weinberg; mortgage. $ß,500- 10O

Avenue A. No 1.020. e s. 25x80: Joseph Horowitzto Brneat Graf: mortgage, .15.000. 100

Park-ave. No 1.680, w s, *__.U*__0; Morris Levyto Simon «_nd another; mortgage, $25,-S00 . 100

Delaneey-st, No 28, n s, 25x80; Barnet Michaloverand another to Louis Kuines; mortgage. $29.-ooo . io.

215th-st. n s. 200 ft e of 6th-av_, ftfxlo«». LiconiaPark; Irving Realty Company to Vito L Carello;mortgag·*·, $750. 100

Park-a.fc. ? e corner loSth-_t, Soxôo: Sarah HWentworth to Eugene Elsworth; all liens.Nomina!

Sair._ property; Eugene Els-.vorth to Harris Man¬delbaum and another. loo

76lh-_t. No 8ßd Kast. 25x102.2; Irving Bachrachto Benjamin Guth and another; mortgage, $11,-000 . 100

60ih-et, ? s, 225 ft vr Of "West End-ave. 124 Sx??a?; Prc-erlc .7 Fuller to William ? Hookey;

-tri·. tJ7,7ô<". 100Avenue ?, ·a m corner "lst-st, 26xS0: I>ouis Mer-

>u^!-. to Jin·:!- IfeUlerie*. 100.Oth-st. Nos 102 and 104 West, 40x irregular:Stanley Y Ranger to Robert Taggart; mort¬ual;-. $-.5.000. 100

le Drive, ? a a 47*< 4 it ? w of 115th-at,Hit llx irregular; City Real Estate Companyto Henry C.r::; mortgage, $33,iX)0. 100

Riverside Drive, n e s, 272.4 ft ? w of lWSth-st,*?*5.11?-_*57.ß; N'.rth Riverside Drive Improve¬ment Company t.. Henry Corn. 100

Prospect-ave, No 631, tv s. 25x100; Mary Folksto Anne Cohen: mc.rtg.ige. $.",000. 100

Tlmpt o Place, a a s, 158.8 ft s w of 149th-st,2f_100: Maria Dunn to August A Matz; mort-frags. $2.000. 100

llCth-st, No 130 West. (2x100.11: Louis Bern¬stein to George E Falle; mortgage. $37,--00 . 100

Melrose-ave, ? e corner lCîd-st. 100x22.7;Eleanor Gell to Carl G Tiemann; mort¬gage. $21.000. 100

Lots 5Ö2, G.0" and 529, map Gleason property;Joseph J Gleaeon to Rebecca Del Gauder. .Nominal

3d-ave. e s. 50.5 ft ? of 65th-st. 25x1 Of,. FredSrlegelberg. ref, to Simon Thlfelder andanother . 14.6.0

Sth-ave, tv s, 25 ft R of 13.d-st. 25x Irregular:Theresa, Prooks to Lena Wilson; mortgage.$22.000 . 100

7th-st. s s. 12S.6 ft e of Ave C. 45.5x90.10;Bertha Wo'kenherg to Joseph Wolkenberg:r.:ortf-ige, 130,000.Nominal

72d-st. n s, 24».6 ft tr of M-ave, 50.5x102.2:Peter A Menakakls. Individual and as trus¬tee, et al to Hellenic Eastern OrthodoxChl-tetiaa Church: mortgage. $52.000.Nominal

E4th-t-t. ? ß. 95 ft e Of Sth-ave, 13x100.5;Caroline L Foley to Netherlands Corpora¬tion: all Hens.Nominal

Soofl. !r*!-av-, b s, 100 ft e of Maln-st. 307xIrregular. Citv Island; Sadie M Begen to<"l:y Real Estate Company.Nominal

Lots ? and 4, plot 1; lots 1 and 2. plot 2: lot«<*¦ to 8. plot 3; lots 4, 5. 10 and 11: plot 4:lots 3. 4. 5, 9, 10. 13. 14 and 3fi. plot 5; plotfi. all on map land of Francis Scofteld estate.City Inland; Katherine D Mackenzie to CityReal Estate Company.Nominal

22d-st. No 14? We.-t, 20.10x98.9: MargarettaA Love to Patrick Harte; mortgage, $16.-100 . 100

West End avo. ? e corner 97th-st. 60x100;Leopold Kaufman to Jonas Weil and an¬other: mortgage, $1"0,000.Nominal

Same property; .lonaä We¡! et al to LeopoldKitufman; mortg-age, $100.000.Nominal

USth-st, ? s. 243 ft e of Anisterdam-ave. 49x1 ¦¦¦< 11; Eugene Vallens to Annie Davis;mortgage. $70,000. log

l.Tth-Ht. Ños 121 and 123 West, 10x99.11;Bertha Goldstein to William M Enge! aridanother; mortgage, $41.000. 100

Lot 281 to 2M. map Seton Homestead. West-chester; Peton Homestead I_nd Company toAlice J Merriam and another, executor«.Nominal

? a 1"0 ft r of Washington-ave. BlOxIrregular, CUty [alasd; D Mackenzieto < Ity Real Estaie Company. 100

97th st. No 10 Earn. 87.<facM0.Il: !>7Th-et. No 20:..7x irregular; Eugene Vallens to Annie

. 100ltMh-/». Nos 108 an.: 110 Beat, BO.lOx Irregular;Annd Hoi-owitz to Samuel Heyman; mortgage,122,000. 100

Maln-st. lot 655 to <ß7, MS to 355: Minneford-.'¡70 Io -'i7K. map land E!i;-_.L>et h ? ?

? ·.D Miickt-nzle toCits?::>.Nominal

I, nnd pert lot 92. mapnt, 100x115: Abtrabaia Obersteln. referee,

\ ii Gain·, , xftrutrix and trustee;. 5,700

·, ?*,. 51 West, 25x100.11; Rosanna Me¬ri,, rn-; mortgage. $2i'.i»0«>. KX»

Walnut-ave, ? W cormr 141st-st. 139.5x275; Ed¬mund IKiidriiks to John ? Shipway and on-

other . 1-0Frankfort-st. No 53. w s. Ii».e_s71.9; Gold-nt. No

Us, ¦ ». 21.3x5»· 3; Carrie G McClellan to WilliamH Harknees. 100

3d-eve. ¦ s, lftO (fl w of Fort Morris Branch ofNew-York and Haxlem Railroad. 51-49.1«¦»57x77;George H Burns tn Aeher Cohen; mortgage.$8.«tO0 . !P0

Avenue A. e *» ?????? Ist-nt. 117 2x4.*"-5 f>, I'nlon-port Frances Murphv to Joseph E Butterworth HiO

6th-ave. e e. 2S.ti ft ? of 31st-st, 28x150; AugustusHealv to City Invesilng Company. 10O

Lets IM. î"7, 224. 225. _4S and 241». map land 8Cambrellngr et al. at Fordham; Augustus MNicholson ot a! to Charlee Bjorkegren.*Nc-o_aa.!

Onlilev-*t. c s, l'i» ft w of Kepler-ave. 60x100;Katie Prey to Rlchartl Wehher. 100

100th-st. Nos 142 ani 144 West 5O_100.ll; Will¬iam 3hr.t«ki *¦> .tames H McHefTey; mortga_-e.$:«o.i*>iv. loo

Crlmmlr.s-avf, w r. ?* 4 ft ? of 141st-st. 2.*i0xf-»;Max Llpmann et al to Moritz Klein and an¬

other; niortcsge. fM.000. 1007fith-et. ? ß, 35« 4 ft e of 4th _ve, ie.8*fl02;2;Martha S Huribut to Edward R Kock. 100

84'r. <¦·. No 152 West. 2»?.»??.?», Philippe ? Rogerset a! to Mary E Strong: 5-4 parts. 100

24__-st, ? a, 677.«$ ft · «X ___.*._. _<__->_._. _J_-r-jr

? "Williamson et al to Man· ? Ptrotwr. 10°8th-st. s s, 5«» ft w of Avenue L>. 50?ß0: I·*!·*»

Mli-nelson to «olomon Salovlnsky ani another;moi-lraee. $33.0O> . 10°

10»th st. Ne« 142 and 144 West. 50x100.11: James? McHefTey to Harry Qoodstein and another;¦mortgage. $48,000 100

Berkowltx. M. to State Bank; Delancey-it. Noe186 and 188; eecorea note*. -.- .v°no

Reiiing. P, to M Moritz; Madtaon-at, e ·. 1>6 ft? «rf Morris Park-ave: two mortgag·*;*. $. ¦·

y«?ars, 6? per cent.. . «5,-W»«-"urtle, Mar!· 1» to WllllBm Carroll; 84'h-!», 70 ft w of West End ave; per bo.'i'î 11.000

Wah'ig * Sonsin Company to Charles Lewln;mortgage, $42,000. I0°

Decatur-ave. ? e corner Oliver Place, 100x100;Frederick ? Pox to Mina M Edison. ???

New-Haven Hallroad-ave, ? w e. lot· 59 and central part village "West Ch«s»ter, lOOx100; Margaret A Tullman et al ta John ?Shaw . 2.800

Madison-ave. ¦ e conio 85th-st. 24.8x100; -IsrlaV A Jesup to Tliomas G Evans.Nominai

Same property; Thomas <_· Evans to Morris ?Jesup .Nominal

84t h-¡-?. ? 5, 70 ft w of "West End-ave. 30?4ß;Wiliiani Carroll to Marie L, «Turtle; mortgage.Si·».«XX« .Nominal

Leroy-vt. No «DO, a s. 25«5x90; Moses ? Wallachto Florence L. Bailey and another; mortgage.$21. (tur .,_.Omitted

Pleasant-eve. Ko _. _. ·=· s. 25.3x70; Esther "Davisto J'iss'ph Isaac; niortg-age. $14.000. 100

24th-st. No 15 West. 20x9*9; Amella (Tauender toMarv E Strong; l-ß part; all title. 100

133d-st. No 214 West. 27x99.11; James W Thomp¬son in William Nelson.Nominal

West-st. e e corner Albany-st. 33.4x47.8: West-st. e f. 33.4 ft s of Albanv-st, 26.4X irregular:Emma C Sp-ser to Margaret M Spear; 1-5 part;all title; mortgage 1-6 of $19.740 65; also mort¬gage, $11.000.Nominal

Amsterdam-ave. w s. 24.11 ft s of 140th-et. 60x75: A!va S Walker and another. trust«jes. toStanwall Realty and «»onstructlon -Oompan·,·. 67.000

St NI-holas-ave, e ß. 79.11 ft s of 148th-st. COx200; J FYed Cowperthwalte and another, ex-sc¬ut«·., tr. Bath M Milliken; mortgage. $18,00»!.. 27,000

Chrvstie-st. No 228. e s, 25x75; Valentine Yehl-ing to Lia Machis; mortgage. $13.000. 100

24th-.«t. No 13 West. 26x98.9; ButltK* Williamsonto Mary ? DeWitt et al.Nominal

Rlordan. D J. to F ßß ? Foster: libui-s-c. ?? __o

West; 3 years, 5 per cent. 36,000.Same to ? Fisher; same property: 3 years, 6per cent. 6.000

Gro-s, Max. to ? Mayer; Broome-at, Nos 25 and27: 3 years. 6 per cent. 38.000

Weinberg, Julius, to A Abrahams; 118th-st, s a,85 ft w of Maalson-a se ; 3 years, ß per cent- 6,500

Carelli, V L, to Irvings Realty Company; 215th-st. n s, 3G?) ft e of 6th-ave; due September 17,1906: 5 per cent. 250

Paradise. H. to ? Bryman: Belmont-ave, No2,503; 4 years, 5 per cent. 1.000

Halms. U to ? Michalover; Delancey«-st. No 28:1 year, ß per cent. 3,400

Damrauer. laidor, to Samuel Grossman; 106th-et,No 175 East. 3,450

Wilson. Lena to ? Proops; 8th-ave. w s, 23 ft s

of 13-"d-et; 3 years, 6 per cent. 4.500Levenstein. A. to A J Simpson; Eldrldge-st, No7ù 5 yeses, 5 per cent. 30.000

Guinr.. William, and another to State Realty andMortgage Compaivv; Old Broadway, ? w cor¬ner 129th-st; 1 year. 6 per cunt. 70,000

Gross, Max, to Jonas Weill and another; Broom-ä-st. Nos 25 and 27; due August 1. 1014: 6 percent . 19.400

Graf, Ernest, to J Horowitz; Avenue A, No 1.020;due December 15, 1906; 6 per cent. 1,000

Lewis. William II. to Teachers' Building andLoan Association; 10th-ave. see. 74.11 ft s w

of 2«>8th-it; Instalments, 5 per cent. 480Loeb, Morris, to A Hornbesfier; 1220-st. ? ß. 307.6

tt e oí 4th-ave: 1 year, 6 per cent. 1.50OConkïin, E C. to E tìnedeker; Bank-«, Nos 126and 12S; 1 year. 0 p<sr «ent; gold. 1,000

Melstcrles. Jennie, to L M-aryash and another;Avenue ?. ? w coihit Slst-et; 3 years, ß per

cent .-·,··.·;¦ 7.1MTaggert. Robert, jr. to S S Ranger; 40th-st. No

._lo- West ; 3 years, 6 pel* cent. 15,000

Same to saine; 46th-et. Nos 10*_ and 104 West;two mort«<a¿es. $10,000: 3 years. 6 per cent. 20.000

Mandelbaum, Harris, and arother to Lawyers'Title Insurance and Trust Company; l'Äth-st.

^^? e corner Park-ave; as per bond. 18,000

Wallach, R, to Lawyers* Title Insurance andTr.frt Company; 113th-st, Nos 132 and 134 East;as per bond. 34,000

Cowman, Ellen, and another to C A Ruck; 134th-¦»t. No 314 Vest; 1 year, 6 per cent. 1,500

Wllner, Leon, to Farmers' Loan and Trust Com¬pany: Broad-st, No IOS; as per bond. 52.000

SsnOlippo, Frank, to D Sh:a and another; James-st. No ß; G. years, 4 per cent. 4.000

Gun, William, ani an<uher to State Realty andM»rtirugö Company: 129th-st, ? i, 76.4 ft w ofOld Broadway. 1 year, 6 per cent. 62,000

Same to same 12-ath-st. n s. 122.H ft m- ot Broad¬way 1 rear, «¡ per cent. 26.500

Diamond. Thomas, to Dry Dock S_vings' Institu¬tion; 32d-st, ? 8. 25«) ft e of 7th-ave; as perbond . 100.000

Rogers D, to Franklin Savings Bank; Broad¬way. No 4.306; as per bond. 9.000

Connor. Gerald C. to M Archer et al: LorlllardPlace, ß e, 91.5 ft ß of 187th-st; 3 years. 5 percent . 3,000

Aaronson, Rot=e, to Dollar Savings Bank; Mapes-ave, e s. 195 ft ? of 179th-st; 1 year. 5 percent . 3,300

Same to J Leltner; -same property; 1 year, 6 rtrcent . 1,000

Fell. M. to J B Ryer; Lafontaine-ave. e s. 25 ft? of 178th-st; 1 year, 6 per cent. 3,500

Morris. Flora, to F C Beer; Southern Boulevard,n s, 115 ft e of Wlllir?-ave; 2 vears. 5 per cent-. 30.000

Rosenblatt, L. to H Rosenthal; öth-ave. No 2,164;demand. 6 per cent. 7,000

Good-stein, Harry, and another, to Franklin Sav¬ings Hank: Brailliurst-ave. No «M; as per bond.. 30,000

Dallas Realty and Construction Company to StateRealty and Mortgage Company; 12*th-Ft. s s.375 ft w of Broadway; prior mortgage. $45,000. 4.700

Bänke. Otto C. to Charles C Baake; 80th-et. No310 East: 7 years, ."*. r-ar cent. 14.000

Wokoun. Frar.k. to S M Harburger; Amsterdam-ave. No 1.412; 3 years, 5 por <*-er,t. 10.000

Mulvihlll. M E. to S Lefkowitz; 50th-st, No 407Wert; Instalments; C per cent. 1.500

Miller, Cvrus, to ? Haddock; Andrews-ave, m s.200.10 ft r. cf 183-st: 5 years. 5 per cent. 4,500

Hefelt, Simon, and another, to E Amon: 3d-ave.w s. being part of lot 32, map Mcrrisania; 5years, 4 per cent . 8.000

Cohen. A N, to Title Guarantee and Trust Com¬pany; 6th-ave, e s, 45.5 ft ? of 62d-st; as iterbond . 28.000

Fatte, George E. to L Bernstein; 116th-st, No130 West; as per bond . 6.000

Guth, B, and another, to Irving Bachrach: 76th-st, No 365 East; 5 years. 6 per cent. 4.500

Northwestern Realty Company to Broadway In-vesttng Company; 138th-et, due February 1,1906; 0 per cent . «30.000

Coin. Henry, to City Real Estate Company;Riverside-ave, ? e s. 478.4 ft w of 158th-st;as per bond . 39,000

Huppert, H, and another to Lawyers' Title In-e-uran-se and Trust Companv; Rivington-st, No239; as per bond. . 15.000

Cowman. E. to Robert H Oakley; 134th-st. No:U4 West; It years, 5 per cent. 28.00«)

«Cohen, Anne, to M Fclks; Prospect-ave. No 631;3 years. 5 per cent . 2.600

Del «Gaudio. R, to J J Gleason. lots 502, 503 and529, map Gleason property; 3 years, 6 per cent. 1.000

Northwestern Realtv Companv to ManhattanMorTifage Company; 138th-et. "n a, 125 ft e of St.Ann's-ave; due February 1, ????ß: 6 per cent.... 150.000

Corn, Henry, to North Riverside Drive Improve-ment fompnny: Riverside Drive, n s s. at s s160th--:t. ; as PST bond . 72.000 !

Sani- to «ame; Riverside Drive, r. e a, at line 576ft w of Broadway; as per bond . 72.000

M'Tia.«h. Louis, and anoth«_r to Title Insurance<\ima»ny: lst-ave. ? e cor lOOth-st; 1 year.5 ?»·G < ent . 55.000

Same to same; 101st, s s, 200 ft e of lst-ave;1 year. S per reeni . 34.0OO

Bame to sarr,.·: lOOtb-St, n s. 172.6 ft e oflfT-ave; 1 year. 5 per cent . 16,000

Same to same; 100th-et. n s. 247.6 ft e of lst-ave ; 1 year. 5 per cent . 15.000

Da-i«. Annie, to E D Lincoln, 97tb-_t, No 16Eist; 5 joars. 6 per cent. 15.000

Walsh. Robert E. to Emigrant Industrial Sav¬ings Bank; 33d-t*t. No «111 Weet; 1 year. 4 per.»«nt . 5.000

Breault. Edward, to ? ,T Rver; lot 389. block Mapes estate; :i year·"·, 0 per cent, sold.... l.«300

Rouse. <". to Harry G Rouse"; ir»lst-at. No 58 to(S East: three mortgases. $",000; 3 years, 6percent ..". 15.000

Mater, Genrire, to Chatham National Bank« 12th-ave. n s. lot 134. map Wakefleld; 8 yearn, 6 per«nt . 1.500

Davis. Annie, to E D Lincoln: 106th-»t, n s. 249ft ß of AmF-.e«-,lam-ave; 2 years. 6 per cent_ 10.000

Patrie tó same; same r-rop-ertv: 2 vears. 5 percent. 20.000

Davis. A. to E I> Uncoln; UGth-st, No 3:38 Esst;per bond . 2.000 I

Same to Mme; 97th-st. No 20: 4 vears. 6 per'.ent .I. 15.000

Rahman, William H. to Irvlnsr Savings InetUu-tion; ISM-st, s a, 250 ft w of Amsterdam-ave;

rs. 4'.*. per cent. 9,000Same to F C Batimán: aame property; S years, 6P-r cent ..'.. 3.000

Seaman. E H to Bank for Saving«; ISiat-et. s ¦.r>o4 ft e of Lfiwt-avp; G« years. 4 -oer «rent. 12.000

Btssra H. to Greenwich Savings Bank; 38th-et,No 1" En it 3 vears, 5 per cent. 75.000

Weigle. Charles H. to Clara Stern: 201st-st. ? e

corner Marion-ave; 8 years. 5 psr cent. 10.000Price. S. to R McCSt*: 114tT)-et, ? ß. ß70 ft m ofr-th-ave 3 -pears. 5 per cent. 3,500

Penfle',1*!. Wiriism W. to Georg« Hill, lot 104. niapWaahlngtorrvlïle; lnf,talp_*nts. 6 per cent. 2.500

C!««-·- M R. ? Bmlgrsnt Induatrial SavingsLank: H*th-«t. No 114 West; 1 year, 4 per cent. 1*000

Knauf, cbsrlep. to Moore Realty Company: ¡ot 57.msp Hunt estate; 1 veer. 5 per rent. 500

Mlt.-lT-l. J P. to J 0*C Sloan; Perry^-ave, w a. 710.ft a of 0_S Road; 5 year». 5 per e-sr.t. 1.800

Goodsteln. H. and others to M Marx: 144th-trt. ?

Mr Urs_hurst-ave; due February 28. IBOT.6 per cer.t. Ä.0OO

Ginsberg M. to A Bs/*hrsch 102d-st. n s. 237.6 ÍCe r.t Park-ave: 1 year, ß per e«at. 6,500

Fennell, W. to Emigrant Industrial Saving·_.___, ìws-a-aw. No au'· E-t-t, ; j«M«r. * per >.-«_ntv. 14.000

D_,iiir io same; sanie µ??µ^?.?. jj-i uuu.j. .....

Glnsburg. Simon, to Meyer Frank; ?·.·ß ?*, ? ·

corner Dth-st; 5 y«sars, 6 per cent. :$,000Same to same; Ave C, e s, 36.10 ft ?

st : 5 years. 6 per cent. 12.000Davis, B. to E Pfund; Bíd-s* No 430 West;

3 years, 6 per cent; prior mortgage. $1T.000. $,009Johnston, M M. to Elsie Boyd: 7Bth-st, No 62

East; 4 years, 4«. per cent. «. 7,000Reilly, May E. to Julia ? Blalsdell: I'th-st.n s. 325 ft w of West End ave; 1 year. 6per cent. 4.000

Lowenfeld, P. and another to American Mort¬gage Company; Grand-st. No 20S; 1 year. Sper cent. 5.000

Solonlnsky. 8, and another to L MicpeUon:Sth-et. Noe 400 and 402 East; instalments.6 per cent. 12,300

Glgerlch. Leo, tn E Gigerlrh; Melrose-ave. ? wcorner 157th-st; 3 years. 6'_ per cent. 6.000

Sullivan, D. to German Savings Bank; Perry-st, s, ß, 75 ft w of Waverley Place; 3 years,414 per cent. 22.000

McKee. John, to Lawyers' Title Insurance andTrust Company: 26th-st, s s, 215.6 ft east of8th-ave: per bond. 24.000

Vlemelster, Cat!:, to Emigrant Industrial Sav¬ings Bank; Perry-st. No 77; 1 year. 4 percent . 2S.0O0

Pantano. P. and another to E 3 Appleby. trus¬tee; Baxter-st. No 7Î; 5 years. 6 per cent. 24,000

Meyerhoff. C A. to H J Douglass: lot 349·,map West Mount Vernon; 3 years, 6 percent . -.000

Frlnberg, E, »o D Karp and another: 128th-st.s s, 172.6 ft e of Lenox-ave: 2 years, 6 percent . 8.0-0

Machis. Ida. to V Tehllng: Chrystle-.t. No??s- R v__r* c -.__ ^^._f nnn

Beckhardt. A L. to M A Koch; 18th-st. Nos 220and 222; due September 1, 1806; ß -per cent_ 6.000

McHeffey. J H. to William Shretskl; lOOth-et. No142 West; 2 years; 5*. per cent. 8.000

City Investing Company to A A Healy: 5th-at-e,e s. 28.9 ft ? of 131st-et: 3 years. 4 per cent... 80,000

Winters, Samuel, to F N Goddard;, w s.75.7 ft ? of lllth-et; 5 years. 4s. per cent . 29,000

Koch. Edward R, to M S Huribut: 78th-et. No131 East: I year. 5 per cent. 2.500

Some to Union Square Bank; same property; 1year. 4 per cent. 1L000

Leasenfeld, Charles, to J M Beattle; Cooper-st.n s, 100 ft w of Hawthorne-st ; 8 ytarn. 6 percent . 10,000

City and Suburban Homes Company to TitleGuarantee and Trust Gjmpany; 7$th-«t, ? a.Ill ft e of Avenue A; perbond.__. 150.000

Cohen. Asher, to George ? Burns; 8d-ave. 8 ß.100 ft w of Port Morris Branch of New-Torkand Hartford Railroad; 1 year, ß per cent. 3,000

Avatar Realty Co-npnny to "Lawyers' Title Insur-ance and Trust Company; 36th-et. s ß, 60 ft wof 4th-ave; per bond. 20.000

Murray, James, and another to Title Guaranteeand Trust Companv: Bradhurst-ave. ? e corner153d-st; per bond. 3S.000

Meehtui. M. to same: Lon-rwood-ave. s ß. 90.6 ftw of Hewitt Place; per bond. 25.000

Meehan. Michael, to Title Guarantee -nd TrustCompanv; Lonj-rwood-ave. a a. 61.5 ft w ofHewitt Place; per bond. 25.000

Winters. Samuel, to F de ? Foster: Lenox-ave.e ß, 26.10 ft ? of 117th-st: 2 mortgages; 5 years.4V. per cent. 62.000

Noble & Gauss Construction Company to MO'Rourke; Grant-eve. we 55.5 ft s cf 182d-et;per bond. 3,000

Jacob». I, to I Frank: Madlson-eve. w a 74.11 ft? of Slst-et- 5 years. 4 per cent. 12.600

8cott Ellen Y, to 4. R Hastings et al; Broadway.Nos 1.721 and L72S: 5 years, 5 per cent. 25,000

Franklin. A E. to I Koch; 126th-et, No 231 East;8 years, ß per <*ent. 3,500

MscCarthy. Charlee, to J L Welch: 4th-et. s ß.425 ft w of Avenu. D; 3 years, ß per oent. 600

Butterworth. Joseph E, to F Murphy: Avenue A,s e corner let-_t;»6 years. 5 per cent.... 2,600

SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS.Prospeet-ave. No 2,150; Francis X Kle·. agt Rue-

sell Realty and Improvement Company; June5. 1806 (by deposit). $82 S3

Edgecombe-ave. No 117: Joseph Diamond agt ?Relmis et aj; June 18, 1T05 (by deposit). 40 00

Broadway, w s. 116.8 ft ß of «33d-st. x. ;Roebiing Construction Comp«_ny agt ColonialTheatre Company; March 21. 1805.4.460 88

l«J6th-st. n s, 100 ft ß of Tinton-ß?ß. 2Ex.;Christian Vorndran agt Frank ? Von Waffen-stein; May 10. 1806. 250 00

Clinton Place. No 66 to 70. The Bronx: HenryNewbury agt George Lynn et «1: June 17. 1905 271 87

Park-ave "No 1.648: Samuel Rosenberg agt AlbertL House: May 26, 1806 (by bond). 367 68

MECHANICS' LIENS.118th-et, No 452 East; Carmine Altieri a-rt Gio¬vanni Levoll. owner and contractor. $1,300

18th-st. Nos 220 and 222 West: David Brown agtAbraham L Beckhardt. owner and contractor.. 10O

MANHATTAN BUILDING PLANS.Audubon-ave, s e cor 178th-et, for a six story

brick tenement house. 10xS8x irreg; Levlngten &Rat-ekes, owners; L J F Weiher, architect.$146,000

12th-st, n s, 283 ft w of Avenue B. for two sixstory brick tenement houses. 26x88.**; M Wimple,owner: Bernstein ? Bernstein, architecte. 60,000

Broadway. No 270. for a four story brick bank.24.11x100.11; Chemical National Bank, owner;Trowbridge & Livingston, architects. 350,OX)

THE BRONX BUILDING PLANS.Llnd-ave. e s, 114.8 ft s of 165th-et. eight two

story and basement frame dwelling houses, 21x60: Joseph H Jones, owner and architect. $40,000

Crotona-ave. w s. 86.47 ft ? of lS3d-et. two -rtorytame dwelling house. 206x50; Charlea ? omite rk.owner; Bernhard Ebeîlng. arcbltecl. 6.000

Beaumont-ave. es 93.1 ft ß of 183d-^t. two (rtoryframe dwelling house. 20.6x60: Charles Lemback,owner; Bernhard Ebeltng. architect. 5,000

Jefferson-st. ß 8, 105 ft s cf Barnet Place, twostory frame dwelling house. 21x50: AipbeneCacher, owner: Bernhard Ebeling. architect- 4.600

Garfield-st, w t>. 100 ft ? of Columbus-ave, two

story frame dwelling house, 22x52; Anna Rem¬ington, owner; Bernhard Ebellng*, architect. 6.000

Garlieid-st w ß 130 ft ? of Columbus-ave. two

atory frame dwelling house. 21x80: AdelaideGrossman, owner; Bernhard Eberlng. architect. 4,500

148th-et, No 781 East, one story talc*, stable, ffix70: R I Kranmer. owner; John J Kennedy,architect . 3.000


233d-et. n s. 528 f» w of Katonan-ave, one storyframe greenhouse. 22.6x48; Gottlob H Steuber.owner; Louis F_lk. architect. $300

239th-st, n s. 320 ft e of Keplf_r_v_, one etoryframe henhouse. 12x10: Herman Steeckaxnp.owner: Louis Falk. architect. 200

23»th-et. 82«* ft e of ___plai»_ve, two story andattic frame dwelling house, 23x84; owner endarchitect as above. -.000

BUILDING LOAN CONTRACTS.l_d-_t, n s. 100 ft w of Lenox ave. 50x99.11; theCommonweeJth Mortgage Company loans thePsaty-Edelson Construction Company .$42.50.

Amsterdam-eve. ? w cor LUst-st- 100.11x100:New-York Mortgage and Security Companyloans Herman Flchter . 70.000

Fulton-st. Nos 46 and 68; same can» CharleeBuek . 50.000

Plettaant-ave. ? w cor 117th-et. 76.7x88: MaxLlpman lo&as Samuel Lip-nan and Morris Naf-tolowitx . 43,000

Old Broadway, ? w cor 129th-et. 100x151.4: StateRealty and Mortgage Company liens WilliamGunn and Andrew Grant . 132.000

Avenue C. Nos 9S and 100; the Jefferson Hankloans Adolph Danziger . 19.000

115th-et. ß a. 226 ft w of Broadway 50x100 11;Metropolitan Lite Insurance «Company loansFrank Woytlsek . lOO.OOO

LIS PENDENS.2d-ave. No 1.165: United Statee Trust Co of New-Tork

tgt «""harl-a M WtodL lndlv and executor, et al (fore¬closure of mortgage) : atty. E .W Sheldon.Audubon-ave. 8 e cor 183d st. 104 11x100. Jacob Timple

agt Louis Block and another (action to impress vendee'slien); atty. E A I»aao».

Allen-st. Nos 202 and 204: Samuel Rothschild agt Fred¬erick W Seller and another (action to impress Hen); atty,G W Minor.

Washington-ave. w a 100 ft ? of Fleteher-et, 48x110;Mary A Sheldon agt Randolph D Bl-menthal. lndlv and«im. and another iforeclneure of mortgage»; atty, E REck ley.

Park- ave. e a. 325 ft > of 171et-et 75x150: Frank agt Julius Lehmen (specific performance); atty. ?Knox.

124th-et. No 634 West: John J ¦iherlda'i agt <_ar!esAdams «action to foreclose n»e-fca_uc's Item: atty. L ?Minger

Sd-ave. tt e cor 1st »t. 78 8xlt3 8; Edwin D »? eootrustee, agt Louis Mar.i.e rr. ani _.-. »ther l__-.ti©n to de¬clare ·.·:_.» voi.}, atty.s Prait J_ K-«_*_»r.

Real Estate.

Guaranteed MortgagesFOR

Endowments & Trust FundsThe ino.-tt profitable investmentis that which combines a largenet return with absolute secur¬

ity. T:.- i*"Uir ¦.·.". ·? r»i-rrgHgeaof this Company net i% and 4#,iand are in tbe same class ofKecurities as municipal and rail-rond bonds.

Bond & Mortgage Guarantee GoCapital and Surpîus

$4,750,000.146 Broadway. 17C· Remsen St,Now York. Brooklyn.

??S HOMZSEEKER OR INVESTOR.Have you looked all over for property and »re not yet

.satisfied? If «©, It may be of some benefit for you to lookus up. We have beautiful and bargain properties iaWeetchester and Nassau Count!«-·». Brooklyn. Staten Isl¬and. New- Jersey, the Southwest and Cuba, and may hav·;ust what vou are look-inn- for. «.'all or write.

TRIO REALTY CO.. 132 Nassau Street.

Auction Sales of Real Estate.

Bryan L. Kennelly. Auct'r.-'.'. »#*'.. ¦___. acttlnn

Friday, June 30. 1905,at 12 o'clock noon, at the "?««»»-' York Heal "Se-tate Sa!-_s-

room. 1«S1 Broadway.

By order of theCommissioner of the Sinking Fund of

the City of New York.

66, 68, 70, 72 Elm St.ADJOINING LEONARD ST.,

th· three 3, 4 and 5 story brl-lc Bu*·".-ir-gs,size 100x*30x lrreg*!i".ar.

-: . «.G·1 -'"! ·*":.lier partjvr.i'.ars at. theCONTROLLER'S OFFICES.

;.£.'. G*'-G·! .' - _·; . :-,-_---> -*. ?"-' i·1

Unfurnished Apartments to Let.


A iloderr. Apartment H »-:se at tt- best.

Broadway at 69th St.A magnificent high-*·!»»«--. -.·-.--;- f.rerroof

structure, the most complete and elegant build¬ing; of Its class so far erected ln this city.


SPENCER REALTY CO.. Owner._Superintendent on Premie·-.TELEPHONE, 3996 C-OLUMBTS.

QQTH. 436 E,.Single fiat; throughout licht; 12 room»;O«-/ dining room. bath, laundry, loe box: near Park; *·+·*>

Brooklyn Property for Sale.

BROOKLYN MANORQueens Borough's Finest Spot.


MODEL HOMESFor One or Two Families.



Fumished Houses to Let.Country.SHELTER ISLAND. I» L

Summer CotiséesTO RENT, FTBN1SHED, AT

M A ? H A N S ? ? MANO R,SHELTER ISLAND, L. __, X. T.Kor Tenr.s and Diagrams address

ROBERT MURRAY, Room 3,28 Union Square, Ne-w York.


Furnished Cottages to rent. List on appücatlisc.J. METCAUFE THOMAS.


BEAL'TIFL'L -COl"NTRY HOUSE to not. G.h*at§alarge shad-sd grounds; modern lmpro«i»eraente: gax-

den, fruit; bathing; beautiful drives. FRAN-CIS H.BREWER, Fair-field, Oonn.

f? LET.COTTAGE; NEAR PORT JEFFERSON. 1». X.:X 10 rooms and bath: six bedrooms; tally furnished forhousekeeping; delightfully situated on -water; boating·.bathing, fishing; rent. $400 for season. Writ· IS· Eft.Janv-s Place. Brooklyn. Telephone. 1.447-R Prospérât

Country Property for Sale.


Ldjacent\ » MINUTES



50 private residenceshav« been

eit-trti*-d on the pro-perty.WAL-1TER SCHULXE^1.170 BROADWAY.NEW YORK CITY.


.- -:;.rr.--7




kcland * wernwo CO.5 BEEKMAN ST-

"?? BUILDING LOTS G? ·-. -»·- »· p-.··» Fare."l)vU ? Y- Send for particulars. A- C. TODDVF».LTY CO.. 92 Sprlng-st-, N'srw-York City.

Country Property to Let.


MENTS. LARGE RESTTRI-s-TED OROl*ND(B; FOR RENT.«ng_- ·._·. __·--u r RIEGEL Cres-klll. .\. J

EAST ORANGE. N. J..Furnished house for wuon; *rooms end hath; good location; piazza screened; **-&-month^ddr-sss S. R. ???. O Bos ¡HZ. X. Y-

HOUSE AT LAWRENCE. 10 rooms, bath: low resrt;tSR per ro«nth. D. E LENNOX. Lawren·:·, L. I.

Real Est,¡te (?'anted.

FAMILY OF THREB deslr· small furnished fcimui.accessible to city, for three months or less, or might

consider flrat class offer of t»" rootms and board tn privat·family only. Addrea·, ststlng lowest terms. LAWYE-B.22 William Strft. New York._ _

WAWTED TO BUT.An Inexpensive covintry ooao·

.rty within forty miles of New-York, or will beyfive or ten acres, of tmtntprovM property Addi-M·

SILICON.Box I«. Arlbun· Offl..

A DVERTISEMENTS and subscriptions for Th· Trf-Mm·?. received at their Uptown OtBce.No. 1.S84 BROADWAY.

Advertisements rse-stved at th· foilowlnr branch ofîce» a:- :at-· until 8 o'clock p. m . vu.: 2M »ch-

ave.. s. e. cor. 234-ac. : W tt_> »v·.. OM ._:- .·. 92 E.-u¡tU-_-*c. 257 "Aui A_4-_t, .·«_.>_-»._ 1i__ and ¡UH .i«_.