· 2017-12-15 · BY & DILL. 13, 35. USLLlV-li- r, ID trembled swelled;...

BY & DILL. 13, 35. USLLlV-li- r, ID trembled swelled ; the fierce bosom the baaner few still- - cb with 'he din summer bat'le 33 am; it THE BAXK-NT- 8 Prom tit Kmcherbe T o would ar :et rfciui I had beta Ik law Stat9 risen, v. 'rison'-- ' I .tboetl. "Ok' of rra sr., as a visitor," aad 1 feli- - ajr boat bad i convict. I re ip-- d erraia, drappiaf at luip tgsible ! ting, anr! loiked al me, wi:h a sort of MV : ' True, eTer) axr. Elmore vrl near Natrtaex.ta'M.seBt ivs!f an ariist, waaat ibi osten- - krr ea sed daoe-ir.- Aaaetti, a air youar b iUtV Of sei eateen. mr stay hi air a If bom lonrer tbaa SeSXy purposes of paint -- eat trbirli wiil appear I Hal I IT"''' i on the planta- -' And of ten, in the calm at aroalil all est leeeirieT on the ix'k fr bou e in a home-lik-e, old-- ; T, under the or the dan if. an aa i eoonc. !" I rai- l e, iuaranPY box It CO l '. I tuat m Id, benevolent O ld I '.ave bees ao abused. wo ild lite to hear hoar R bap, id. inquiring'?. ' v are wtllin- - to Der " 1 hate aever osa a of it eiace I have been hare, bu if Ton v ill uvea to an old jo aa day, I was v.r old, ac a H may now aeem, 1 was orae'i law ta the city of Boston. Or, rather, I z in int onW waitinc to araetire. ttber, bad died when I wa but a Be ' been a lawrer before aaa, and H waa m ittina alaara to be i ke him, aa I dimly m ared urn. a .J as my mother deacrilved bis " At tlia t iv mother and myself tfifrett a little boose at and ( bad j a aa to see earn prospect of ucrss in gai " There w .tic of m a'. Louts Mihoa br a t Out tim- - ashier la one of the cltr bar "C rC'iBHv hid 'brown cs mack to- ld irether and , .roan to be verr rood friends, mi tuv :,- - hid often smken me of e ce Man M irvhall, wiioa ha parents. " Westers Marshal' anas a we&iuiy ianper'er I had never aeea !i t but whoa ha e that she wou'd n i a j - in or whole r toe(ner in the y. In one of the turned to n "I am that I had never had that Do j lie til l ladv drea ber hat?' I repl rme iiars that ngt.t ls as sound and dream! ti a sleep a if thrr- Here never a woman in Cbrie "Mahap you have noticed if yoa have what people c Tl ' aa ear f ir tnn'i-- ,' vou cer- - i I j ' ago tn n arqaisiti ib some j j but ia la I rmOrV V ith mo'e j't f imdiar face-- , th it at oc- - life there of curdling of bsviag ar, some only j Nre of and I leave to prof ouaaer spec eeui-- d de- - i orctsel, aad It anata- - tha entire morning, ;g the attack wbca-io- nt by assidao-i- ap- - al of Cke and Lyttle- - if the am- day I waa r emont There for e diys, aad tbe Now aad tbea, when I too s, th- - ..ampeaiBg of -- s' deluged me b en walking I was knocked was to raiae ion ; the next, ared. But the tbe work of e product d by in, soun rom- - ves 1 had at tha - It i ail to yea beer tt happe sage and aceom-ttoa- ; or liow a tg t of that .nd atber tiams I tH! yo:. what ! eas-.u- a a icb. long be ore lg spring, bad love, and that all might be set ap is e tamer birds. o Uhs Same, lit tie a said by any party ia ret ; ejstared tato b uia aad afarv . aad tt .r bad aaaircety girea e. with rae, now i n, or, at ieu' Bit eauaes MCh I ' aoea bco aglit it of the bonsee of non wi lunitv, had been snt saeculstioB, tsrming exteat, bei a uaager, aad ton lor wealth, tcb ' ok-- d to the !e I him with . I araa poor, t. i" would nave Keen worse thaa i - to bav awoken then. forward toto tbe aeel entails ,i th-- i cue it wihl a bank-no- te ne hasten over ap rtion of my life ea give vou little rleaur' rn the bearing, and is br.tor ia tha mesaoTT. " Tbe next mor ting I araa srree ed, charged Ted ce mtetfeel m aey. I A I, evea if res unable t'erlv rhirh poor mother.'' The old man's voice tremt-ied- , as he nervously kneeled tt.e ssttea 1 turned away my fare, aa 1 ia tt stare emir, I breamed swar t WOU d te of me. a "We came on. I did all I thought I could, that I had given the aot bete ceuid be im uoat a id tbe r- - ; eld ar ta bt of ho- lered infamous, s der that I auffering f Tl rnHeasnes" o- agony, aader that ten no human can tea." ' Tbs oka mat ... io aad K.i. Elm re, turned Ler face tows- j Kexnwl m Pecu'ni"y i ' pressors gved-- . und nth MaraLall und H that tbe latt hope air tot Howfallwdaas TTi tTT' but too eorn iw. ..t.. use uuj since ceae entevo-t- T h trbter this aaa ia-- t tried comraaode. Roth aad bvs now resorted to entreat y. Ha faithfaily repreeeated her the sasaaaW of Bis afiai's, and u'ged her to sare hia froen ru r ar t disgiat-- e by mi trying the son or me nep nansrer. axarueo asue prospe - o: tier isuier a iar TIN MEMPHIS DAILY APPEAL. M'CLANAHAN, TROUSDALE MEMPHIS. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY I860. VOLUME XI.-NTTM- PER ppcai. pendin; penary, soviridlr set befurs hsr, ut- terly I'seolste at heart ; fealin; keenly that all bar hopes of happiness were wrecked entirely and forever, she h.iallr rieldet, a mariyr, an labe tboaafbt, to her father's rood : aad tn y were married. Alaa ! bow vara ta aacrmce Within a week sfter their marriage matotl ex- planations disclosed the truth, and both bou-e- s failed the same day. boa's Msrshsn wasfoaad dead. Poison, was suspected, but the truth is not known to this day. Louis Ml-on- , the maraitnde of the temp'.a tloa to dishonesty, gathered o:ether all be coold of ska acatterea remuante of bo b fcsrdleas of bh father, or of his ered itora. aad departed suddenly . tine knew whith- er carrring with him bia bumbled and sorrow-ia- g wate. ..... .. " The world eras s'arMed for a momeat br the extent of the failures : but in a few brief weeks the thing waa a m sat forgot-- : n, savs by those who suffered immediate Inas " AH theae thiara I learned long afterward. It would profit aothiag to detail to you to weary and bumiliattn; routine of my Brieo Ufa. Let me paas ta the close. " I bad been shut oat from the world nearly two years, and oae evening was aitting on the low bed in my solitary cell, dreimingly wander-la- among the 'gardens of memory.' Sorrow- ful eaeacb ta this, avaa to him whom lime his brought no ahado w of disgrace; who, while he looks into the Irrevocable 'long age,' bis aVeaide, those who love him, and those be loves ? who shall sy kow maay 'grim faces of unrrpented error-loo- oot from its shswdow upon even the hsp-pia- man" How much less, then, sbll anv :ontue tell bowbittsrer thingall U was to loot i ito 'he past, to aae.wbo. wbfle ts vownr hsd seen mv mai staioea wuu i all my aaplratioos In s moment erosheil, and v dearaat Dopes, even in their broadest Boon, blotted Ma instant night. Kmd mo I waa stttin- - in the trowing gloom of that autumn evening, mentally living over again the days that were gone, when the door opened, and the turnkey, accompanied by two or three eentlemn, entered the cell. Oae of the gentlemen I recognlied as having been the proaecutiiaj attorney upon my trial. " 'Tbaa is the asaa, Mr. Crampton,' aaid the turnkey. "Mvdear Elmore,aaidtheattoraey,frai k'y eztsndiag his haad, 'let me congratulate you apaa your restorstioa to rife, liberty and the pwrauit of happiness, as tha aaeieata bare it. Tou are, from tikis moment, free to wander whithersoever you ehore. Come, let aa go aat lata the opea air ; it makes me feel sgueisfa la here.' I waa completely bewildered, aad suffering myself to be led without a word, before I could collect myself to ask the meaning of this un- expected proceeding, I found myself once mors under God's blesed stars, accomparied by, ar rather feeiag dragred by the old lawyer. And what waa the r asoa ? you ask Simply this. The note. for the atter-ingo- f which I had bea impriaoned, wss the issue of a country bank, and, aince mv trial, bad remained in the band of Mr. Crampton, the attorney. A short time previous o my re- lease. Mr. Wilson, one of the who accompanied Mr. Cramp'on to the prison, and president of rhs bank whence the ote was issued, beinc la Boston, was aittiag in Cramp-ton'- s . Bice, when some casual remark recalled to toe memory of the latter the eircumstaneee attendin my sonviction. From mere curiosity ha showed the Bete to Wilson, and ba, to Crair.pton's astonishment, It gaums' And so I bad been guilty of no crime, either ia thought or deed. Bu where wss the redress f What redress coold there be for a mother murdered and a aame d. .honored ? "Tea need aat be seed my reason for quitting Boston forw-- v. I eaase here after m in v wsn-tenn- ; aad, to this day, bo soul there ksows bat that I am dead.'' Once more the eld man pa need, relighted his pipe, aad In a more cheerful tone continued bia story : " I had lived here with aa old negro woman for housekeeper for nearly four years. h n an uBaecoualeblc impulse me to riait New Orleans. There waa m. reason why I sbould either go ob, or stay, except my own hBcbaatton ; aadao I ran dowo the bank there, bailed 'he first boat bound downwa' d, and took " It waa a bet but beaa'iful dav in May, whaa the White Ctoed swuag out into the car-rse- t, aad stesmed dowa the river. The beat was tampered by a atrong breeze from the south, before which small fleecy cl uda. tb a seemed almoat me! in into the distant blue, like little fairy bargee, scudded swiftly to the northward. Always silent and abstracted, I waa that day tbought-- j fat. I remember I sat all day on the ruarda, to all looking at the bank of the river, but really looking dreamily Into my own heart h story, with that sort of pieasan sad- ness whic a every meditative man so often feels ; that partial losing of one's preeeet conecieua-- l neas in the cloudy living over again the pleas- antness of ' years agoae.' " Late ia the afternoon the sub disappeared bebiad a mass of leaden-blu- e clouds, gilding its votumed verge wi'h a tine of daxzlinc light, The wind ceased entirely, a stifling closeness crept through the atmosphere . aad ta an eye a' all weather wise, it was evident that the ar-- j mie of the air srere mastering conflict. By aad by the thunder which, like Me artillery of . .. . . I I en k- -J -- It .k klBLSUl U'l UlUIIIIVII along tbe horixon, nearer and more near lightning, spirit of the storm, leaped from the of cloud, "d waved bis flamiag la adrasrr, a large drops, which la the oppressive aeaaaeunded like a shower of shot flattered up-- I the deck ; and then, all of the tempest, the elemental ernr.e True, sore sbsioo- - twenty-tar- e vroSsble who were liv.Dff Rashers, to Mary?" pleasure. the at to frienu-iu- p before hamijor which certainly ongue pnaoB-hous- e !y, to Twenty-fo- ar theresfter, commercial aorrounded br geatletoea ero.iooaced prompted gsl'at.tly annaually appesraaee around ua. For more than three boars the storm raged with una ated furr, and even I S reeet rush had swept away to the East, the rata ' poured down ia heavy torrents, and, except for aa occasional pile flash of lightning, the airht was iBteBselv dark Dunag the whole of the firat half of the night I lelt no incline- - hob to steep. iratDer rert as ir i couie eot sleep, snouid l try evsr so earnestly, aau ax nearly two o'clock in the morning I waa stead- ing at one of the glaas doors of tha social ball. do no know bow long I had a' cod there ; I oaly know that I aloae of all the passengers waa waktog, aad except for the escaping stesm there waa bo souad on boaid. " Saddealy I waa arouasd by loud shouting without, followed in quick auacessloo br the harried tramping of feet, aad a crashing shock, that made the veeael tremb'e t her keel. Aa gaiaed the de. k, the sir was fi'ied with loud screams aal agonuei cries for hato Th next meaaeat the roaia torches of the boat flashed their red light upon the darkaeas, aad there, close before ua, lav a disabled steamer, ainkiag rapidly. Ia the thick darkaeaa the eye coutd not properly nseasue aistancea, and ia a rash attempt tn ernes tbe coarse of the RMor deed sh bad been cut far below tbe water-lin- e. " I had not dwelt so long upon the river's bank wi beart familiarizing myself with the oae of the ear, aad with the aid of two or three of the first who recovered their launched one of the steamer's boata aad pushed off to the assistance of those who were struggling in tbe water. I shall never forget the faces I saw that night ; aad I shudder now as I recall their looks of despairing supplica-tio- n as tbe turbid waters eloaed over them for- - ever, witfaia airht, almost within reach of tbs j neipmr canoe. - I araa s anding ia the bow of the beat aa we wert returning sl wly from a I vng circuit aroun 1 the sunken steamer, when I saw close befote us the gleam ef a white garmei t upon the water, aad a faint, bubbling call i cached ear ears. The boat abet forward under tbs impulse of the rowers. But the object was goae. We were jaat turning to leave the spot, when the water parted agala below aa, ana the glare face. I needed bo second gbnee : mr heart leaped lato m" throat, aad with a spring that carried me far over the boat's aide, I graaped the white figure with enabling fingers, aad sspported it aatil strong anas ia the boat lifted us from the water. " Tbs aeat rveaing Mary Marshall I coeld aat call her Mary Milton aad I aat together in New Orleans, aal talked hour after boor. - Let me make ber "They had gone e Orleans, where Lotus eooa obtained e aa book-keep- ia one ef the banks of tbe cfy Bat the lose of bia wealth and position had completely east dowa bis weak sprit. Hs fall into be kits ef drunkenness, was rarely at heme, eoeaeUaaea lea ease ber to their boarding boose for days together. He ea'.ertaiaed an insane hope of regaining bia lost wealth at the gaming table, aad withtn twelsa months from their marriage be area brougb home dead, subbed in a drunken brswl in one ef tbe gambling bells of tbe city. For unately for Mary, she had gaiaed the af- fection aaJ esteem of the wife of the araaaaamt of (be bank where Loots bad k-- en earntoyod, who now offered her a home ostensibly aa a teacher of music fo ber dau.hter. And here she had been evsr since, meeting nothing but k.ndaess, aad contented with ber let. She was accompanying the family on a northera tour, when the accident occurred which brought us together. " More tbaa thirty years hart, " solemnlv continued the eW maa, after a passe, "rolled away, aad never since then, for a single day, have Mary and I been partod." Mrs. Elmore roes softly from ber chair, and kneeling beaide ber husband, hid ber face in bia bosom, aad sobbed like a child. Sileatly walked dowa the pathway, and. leaning apea the rustic gate, looked far dowa where the light ef the i e rise-, moon slept upon the water, aad I atoaed to the airht wind it wbtepei ed softly to the slumberi ng flowers. Present; r I felt, rather than heard, a Tight step babied axe. A little white bead waa laid upon mv sbeatder, I paaaed my arm loving! v around yielding figure, and tbea, with epiiita that tael ed into each other, aad in that blissful bear lived aa bat one essence, Annette and 1 etood dreaming under the silent stars, until the asM Sana's voice said : Tome, children, it la late." That little bead ia aat so fair and plump now aa tbea, and the floats ef age ars beginning o sliver my hair, bnt s' ill the autumn evenings often find us etandir-- f at the rustic gate. Tbs same river flows unchangingly at our feet, aad Annette and I are aa a asafai a 1 j oae spirit now aa then. A Txst. Oae of tbe beat ways to ascertain 'be nature ef thtogs is ta aak dyrag aiaaara. Tatoy commealy apeak clearly aad nn. form li- ters, Kot one of them has ever pronounced gold, or rtblj "" c,"l pl'aaore, of real value Wo oae of them has ever pro-- aooaced a tfe of sa wise, or a death ie sin raine or me.r atrong delusions, even when nag uem raat. IV utmost error eaa do ta that awful hoar ia to make those it miller, or irriUbU. It assay kiJcMTle countenance with an nneBrrhi . .-- si. I. . er g iver songs ia the night " The doctrine of the cross Is the onlr rellnon for s rfvln- - ner." Hothing else bears tbe sou! above tbe world. Nothing else gives tbe Unl ahoat ef victor) to u dying mart ideas as o 'Link of it in roar action wi'h the home of bit playmates. Certainly, It allowed to do so, be can aa readily connect happiness with paren s, brothers aad ateters, aa with those of ott er kin. Aad the rt.ild will do so, ufleaa happineas and pleaaure, when ne calls for them aawer the parental reef, respond, ' Not at home!'' Ail home picturea sbould bs clean and joy oae. If basne Kfe ts well ordered, 'he children hav-nr- aseordmj toa?e,vi rkins me. aJa, tisna, books, irsmei aad har seaoH sysapatbies, tkey will lov-- I one. sndnS.I pleasure there. Give the li tie ores slates and penwne, sou encourage their attempts to make pictures. Drawirg will amuse them ertiea noisy plays hue los' he r rest, or are unseasonable I anu the art will be useful to them ir, all the baja nesa of after life. Have taem to read to each other atones snd psratrraphs of your sejec. ton ssve the funny things ai.d the p.easant and books to re w to ones, rou aea ia papees leisure. Tnu c r fi;'n- - then, at vour aad how it aill please tnem, anu new is em well for them ki.l Ik. at fr, VWI. Bo' eboose for the impression mads la tbelr tnl ao will last whe the nnm ci um Hsvr them sine and ainz with them, teaching them so hymns. U! rkem af ail proper ' n en nations that their kabasa irm wrrk toceuisr bovs and girta. tbs boy art ndarstand ,rla amasi tiom m to n : , practical: , too, a thereby they may avoid j h,ucd discomfort i ii'ure life. Let them work 1aetber in the (a ta --hoys tod girls both Mad ork. Together let them , their mmm. ri '.dies, et- c- all their ka and work while the parents' eyea oireet aad smpa tttze, and laeir lead vo.ces blend in loving accord. Lift IUmmtrattd. I Havib't the Tisii. " rorre,'' aala baa teacher one afemooB, " I srlsh you would ar- range reear drawing materiak In a little better a so. Jar. Wiltoa,-- - re-- rge. 1 haven't the time.'' aa," returned Mr. Wiron. st law of heaven," aad it first law of eatth. When ur drawtnr this afternoon, you had be one-ha- lf hour looking for yo r i'npler even then yoa were forced to borrow, rise yea ecufd not find them, It is a lame act, that a bad practice a habit, and, like an infections disease, soon contaminates the ober fecultiae " George A'wll was a frank, boy, studious aad obedieat in eebool, aaid. in truth, industrious ; but bis industry consisted in b drying to overtake time already lost. " Ib ven't the ti ma," waa his ex use for any neglect of duty ; and so good was be in bis disposition that bia fault was passed over bv bis widowed mother, who doled on her boy. will era fasten tfc- - h.ngs on '.ie garden mtte?" asked bis mother one moraiag. " 1 haven't the time now, mother. I shall be late at school if I stop to do it, for I base bad to bnrry av about that wood I could not cut last Bight, b it I srill fix it after school." " There, mother." .aid Geerg-- . a. he waa about to retire. " I forg-o-t all about that hinge ( but, biwever, I hadn'' 'be 'ime to fix it to- night. Never mind, I'll do it to the morning." George arose early, and on repairing ti the gardm a aad airht waa preseated. The cat- tle, finding the broken gate no tbetruction, had entered 'he gar lea, trampled the beds, broksn down or ea rn the iee ables, while a score of pigs had finished the work of destruction so well begun. Georce wept with sorrow aad vexation, but non cot "oled himself with the thought that it waa no- - hia fault, for ue should certainly have mend'd tha ga'e, if be only had time. " The better way," said bia mother, is to defer bo' till what should be doae and if you will only remember that there "ia a time for everything, aad will do do evrrrthing is its time, the difficulty will be avoioe : a valuable hors'.'was drowned, became lejey boy had not time to cover the well ia the lot. When he became a man, he lost bis farm by not having me tn inquire into the validity of tbe title. Then bia house was basnied, and, and, alas lit was not Insired; the policy bad expired a few days before, and he had not found time to have it renewed. HxaoiSM Possislx to All. All n souls have wrapped up in them wosderfal en erries ; but theae energies are all needed, and can an be nobly exercised la any sphere of operation where God's places ibeir possesaor-- . No truly intelHgaat maa despises his own sph-i- e or the sphere of sny fellow-ta- x a. The immortal faculties of human nature scope everywhere, and re- ward and bo ior everywhere, when tbs grand plan ef God is apprehended and is ea'ered rate with cordial faith. In the army of Crom- well every Ironside felt bimaelf to be perform rag an iBdispeasable part, and never felt de br the caaceit that be waa nobo-iy-. Much more ought this to be the rase in the great army of the World aod the church ; for, interlinked with one another aa we are, each of ua ia ordinary life baa a sphere full of in- finite interests to be promoted by endeavo a srfe eh hare far more independence than the operatioea of any literal army. There is not one of us that may not in tbe world warfare form a character and perform exploits trhieb, in the public opinion f heaven, will be deemed heroic and even god-lik- Si,, Vwr. Nt-w- Vhr ws th " Bc-a- H f I , t) hnwr, t, t hsl he mit-h- t feed he hmiry milh t. b.tlJ ot ift? Why waa itself weary, but to give tha weary r.,,? Wb w j,, prine, f peace" in txeuble, b it that the troubled might have ,., w Qie Imaee of Coil " could r,or. u. to Go None bat the Prince of Peace could bring tbe Uod of Peac and the Peace of God to poor sinners. Shost Scbmox nil thx LrrtLC Folks. Many ef our little frienda have by soma means given themselves a very foolish hab.t of ma- king use of many words and phrases which are of no use to any one, and do not at all re- lieve the mind of the speaker. This practice is not onlr very foo!ish and ailly. but tt is d - eide-ll- wrong. Let me illustrate this by a case ia point. Here Is Harry Hills a smart little boy ot eev'-- summ-r- s, loved by all who anew him. His mother is our neighbor, and a iow picket fence divides our gardens. A fea-- days ago, while I was weeding a plot near the fence, ! beard some one exclaim impatiently " By jlnmiiry, that's co mean." I looked up aad saw Harry, who colored up to .dc r s or dis nair. .s i ssaeu, " What's loo mean " " Why, yo . see, I was raking here la the garden, and my rake caught ia a root, aad three of the teeth came out." " Tea, Harry, I see, but suppose all the teeth had come out, or even tbe rake broke so that it would he impossible to mend it, is that aay reason you should swear about it V " Bat I ctidn't swear, I only said " " Yea, Harry, I am sorry to ssy you did. By jimminy is just aa much aa oath aa any other. 01 anything, no matter now smalt, is swear- lug, aad tbs fact is yon take an oath. Do yoa ..ou'-rsia- i Harr did, and the bright tears rolled dowa. hia cheeks aa 1 talked to him of" little oaths." aad showed him the atep waa small from these to the time arbea he would, wituoat thinking, take tbe name of bia Creator ia vain. Since that time I have not Leard Harry use aay word not necessary to show his sseaaing. Children, think of tins, and remember to " sweax not at all." A'. Y. saVaeodrat. Oheerinf News to the Afflicted GXSTLXalK tt science msr specula's and UVeeiss, vuctb m as to tbe emtcted tbaa all She iBerias the osrM ever peetsaea, DS A. G. GO0DLET6 Improve i f.m.-lf- '. Panieva. Is brail bo have civsw It s trial. s bs ooe oi tbe test .ce. evsr need fav the care at st' assesses an. am truss a dMoceereS aaaasrb. ar sa o pars stair nr Cos saina. Tbe maoa sasaotaaiax ears pei lis sssi bribe " rsoacea" is ib city atflpwavilk sad vicinitT an-- in every sectiaa of the saaatfy when it has been ia'.r iocsjd is a ssBosal rwsatse tt It Tbe Ber. J. C. BovsV-e.o- dlaBsvltle, Tvea., ejseha tans: Bm. X. a ssooplxt Pear Bir It mi beSTatifsioi terse u bat atocab's Pawoo, prerrsd aod son. If va. is doina alseaoa .rk in the re'tef of voor fel-i- o set Purine aar r ceo; trsvots la reversl msuKie, .a .... - t... toe met tho-- h nave iiii'S IS The sjnrvrBl ' r:i n r SB, R is tb beat I have ever hsrd ' It has beso very OMrsi I sroiieb oh by preorhtne ir tb mrnrn sar soa labor in revival, neas maBS m rant in this place. Very j. c- aowrxia O. W JOKS b DO . XXS Hhlh streM. BBS SOIDLSTT SCO .X Proa: Bow. -- mpl.i.,ToB. B. B. GOOOljrTT a do , u r Teas. A Memphis Invention. t SO EL ft PATEN T ftPSC- - J TACLkBS BUrxT. 7 !t I M Rl. !t iliwtiiiK to th m ( FIVE WATCHES, a , (r. ttiatods.) tBUaMR ir ain RlK' f Wkf Rwrfa R: (JO tai WatcAe. Lr rr ia Lett Irtrwh At So f T. VOSI. trs "voiirf . ma ae MBB 4 iwsit ? li son. the soaarsixsse ns HselDa iilsaa ssBiost aM bb. doty aslbeaticatd witaiie tb berwis lhy will he borrad. BOdaH Borsoav aseisifS t sa; t moSist paymen: sprl-lva- i RwWlH, IT VIX6 beea arP" tb soie ot ;he y.ritias oss'ltles W):tte Lead maae- - lnuil leor Vis a Strmota C .. BISl lai Ms . I sib pre sat ea k. aapray tbe trees, oni tbs aOly at liberal rotes. Tb qsslity of tht teesd ts eot eaoalled by say brand aa tbe Slates, aad sweeBed hveniath Wit a. l. ccaaisro. fee- - adaoac .treel. pradler W- - II. LOVER afc ., (Iwri Raari ta Ml i ' 8Wr it Cm.,) WHOLESALE GROCERS, 40TT0N FACTOR- -. RECr.IVIWQ. FORWABDINC ABB Com miRRioa Mr rr hitils. No. 16 Faaai Row. a. ss 53 BBBPnia. -- xvs asaai. Yotice. tltbsrh. niKSHELL & tliTTHEWo, r TX r laeiiBmi sf n rrest sadcetenrBter, rhei icsl Pvers sod Bsserers, UOOK b MATTPIW1 oj oorr BB t Kbjs. aiiaailomur b! BenU are s . .. Call sot eaooiia BsaaKsaaaaSOosi tos pi the to BiOsee sssl m to is wv Bale irsos BdBoHHj a iirmvi i vp Kxsti.r. oas vaoTsnata 1e & DILL, LASSSSS saauaaul rsdw me et? TT six LxT-iia- e ea rasas saocu' - max. TZi- IKK Hi XI tvsreet per anasa a as s ia ecrimk-- e, . . La saarteaee. uvii.v k ft v run ADVEMTiAipiu. I t f r a en a osi s sa in so i is seanii i kw so .a su,i tin ac sc so ou,3i te ai sol 121. '"IT b srTSaa.-kk- o tc XI OftEl AiefltM tt ia 4 r ;7 to 2i onr oot&onu'BistcH i oo ffu eon to o no m boss so f 11 1016 90 25 W Tl M OP M St f7 i !t 0jn M HM OOsW tS 0O4S twte wsbk, " tt tt Tt ei-- rartrMf wiwRty par RDTTir tt tt " " tKe Mt, tO M Ef Al) tor Im IppiH MH t mmw--a E . Crt' ( . At) :'rii-i;i- I RdvrT,BwaftU mtit w- t- tm r -- limt . M mo: t&m ruarkd, tm wiU mm rturt oM wakk, mud dlejat tasl Rt tbm end at tJP- - Ail irriidrx rs,oir4 to bm krpt a r. r. Mf tBAttEn AS few EACH DAT, aa tbirtj jhh b .l'lacdi irrr sttv rr:e. ; f dlrdKtot to b i:srtjmi. or Mi U mTft rr,' CiRrfd DOriLJ r r.'rr. rr TmtI hlfrfUiffi wit mm emrral rxtXR tar Rr ttw jtrct. rM oriit-- :. uiai rirt if to to mt to Rdrumfn: krpt ua .Mid ot HE; TvbRjiV aVTTTtl-cM-- a Will b 'Z- tr at rff5- - tor rL-- h for Wui. mU, lit. AkiTlifM sitM?T t PAinrofe tf wi) r?r in ho W- k rriNf tt' t tHtht Vfnsa!yn,psJT Uy, at a irr?ilavj latorra!9 ia mtmr t tk pmprt, miV. b chRrrM t! mr Rqnsr tar rb tivl mm wry tnOTr- - ML T 1 -i lAf CAeUAfR (ar SUU. ronoty nd II- - dirl Odrn $4 mcti. to b? wit r, r.1- ib trvrnj ' Al' RdTrtisrfBnitR r iMtiUEtoa. Fir fliinapan r Ward, Tomrm mmd mtStr Fafclic Mtinn, to bo rwi half UTir. "f" llArrtAltAR Rff! lVPRtB" Art Ur!ijt R5 HMTI , bttt iriiari, TrlbfMoi mt EAcprrt aat Fonrr&. Invtwifm A dPLbP- - RjTfr'.UfSDT.Ls TT kWlstmM tUkd Trn4A( AtRfM iniiiTiH mm -.- r'c-1 by tU laaatrttoa Cf" Editorial HotK in Local OoIbbr-- will m rhrrJ 9 af per Iter. CT" dMnrtido or Tarlatioa will b madt Tram it tarAOointi rmtoc. ( I.AM AR AK. TR( An A I.r A PIU or thx coaptrtoa op tut f'iiy Fire Ins"riinci roapany of Hartfnrl. JANUARY 1, lMO. Tmtme Vomtrmtler mf the Stmtrof Temwtee: The same of toe cumpany Is I'ITT Ptax laao aasce roarisy or Hssrrnta, at setsare. The .'apnal --- of tk r.Baaajt is ... taVlono The amoantor ani'sj isi rs pail s? - Bbs Atert cf tha rapsay are as ro'tosea : Par Bsrtei Volnc ISB Sbsre Park R.nk k r aiK IS 'a Sfk R.T.. 10 not) 10 1U tKpo'itaB B t s T. man BR ImrT.AT-jdeftb- 't P m T. 10 SOS ii.1 99 a t et n -. ' a oao s tou ,ls Baa- - Pits. ST. T.. IS SOS em to She-a- a ke- - .st'a..v T (000 o us) iii i.'nsii t.. soon it as B't r OBercrB-- l St l. Boston 0 000 M Berctta' B'k '"k, Psabn. 0,000 5.J0O so B deAI.c,-ke- r B kSl'k " S.000 a. Sa'ir Pond " N 000 10 300 1T B yr inms) to ton Bees ml. B'l Si t BstU id IS SOU sot 101 Ck'neytpak " is.ese I0AO0 ao P.lw.-- " d.eoo Aetna " " LOtl t.aos B' b lakBaa. " " i.:O0 a.ito I'm a t.a t Pnf f a mm t BSC a sas 10 Br l Sioesorn. t Bsr W I- - i 1S-- I 5 'fr- tllt.iaO tlBBOTS Accruet iniye-- t ,a li.iesSaiei. Bsrskte Jsn- - BBTT '. 19S0 " tn s- BBIaocer oo tk- S se .in Ageut. . I 'I Caab so baod aod la Bank..... . ti sas 57 Cask is band if Area's, or IB tr.n Ie ronunbsdflos sad - Mm m Loans ub Mart sax ot Real Ksuia Loans tecared by pledge ed Bsak s d ether Sloe ...41. Til 14 Leas- - on r r.-n- or other apprered recari ;es, IISS 0 rtdlre Pnraite: BB7 Likrsry i,; .. i.iis rt Bslanoe In favor of rioaopsay M Oawtai Stock paid ae. Suck- snl LIABILITIXS. No Liabilities to Bank-o- r atbers, ea and not ena Wo Lsaeet sdiasted and do. Lnsasa and not doe .C4C Lass reported aasdja.d,of M waauos fsnb r proof No other da una agauma tk tnawaoy Tba en' 4 Ib compaoy limit tbe smovjit id aop sj iMtteRaM Ta sroBte.i avaaoat allowed to a tasared ie any so ctry, saaa or vi.iaoe, sari acaurdiaata lis sis and rty. Th- - rr..t-- - .;! ;at allowed to be .o.ared m v t block, vseies as in ftie precedint. No par: of its capital orarnina are depwlted witk any Stat or Stat as Beeeriry for tbersia. An if trcorpartlioa I some as h'i eteforefltet. C. B. BOWtBS, President. C. C. WalTE. Seetry. STATB I.F CONICWrTtrrr, j HsSTroan COTBTT. Rartf- rd. J.e tt 'SO Prrsuoatly appeared. C.B BOWBBA. PresideBl, snd C. C. WAlTX. Seereury 4 tb City rire lnstirssce riatpsny rf Bartfoed, and tnsde a ar tfcst the toreoolna xtatemrst. by them robscribea, ea. fall and oorter' of Ik aaTairs of said c mpany, aid exhibit, sb far aa ran ba sasertslnad at tb data, ha actoal en- - dmon on Ibe first day of January. Bsfsrs sae. B. D D. Kolory IC Statk or TxaaxssKK, Costb Ltt'tiirrtct. i Bbville. Jsi ssry IS, laao ) This is I certify that Ibe Cltr Pire Isaai toia C mpj-a- locBled st in Ibe Slate sf Oooectirat. bat ssaaplied with alt lb rairaaeBt sf aa set passed tb Oenerel Aaeembty of the Slate of Tennessee, ir. March, I St. entitled. " Ao Act to rental tbs assoc.. .r isaor iBB oirsiiaai not incori,rtd by th Sute rJ Teseoases." and that J B CnanwtrK snj V. I SILU are ibe ioliy BBtb riaoJ asec a ct laid cobs psny. ia the town of Msnvpbm. Stat of Tea e. J. T. DCSLA?. Coktotler. P lines Isseed aod received in th abvy tellable Quag OT by CBADWICC a WBLL5. Agent. JaW Bank Bslldjaf, Main sueet LOOK 10 YOUR INTEREST ! J. A Tl. FLAHERTY HAVE OX HAND, AND ARE DAILk RECEIVING, A LA1GE ASSORTMENT OF MOST ELEGANT Fl'RNITL'RE, PI- ANOS, CARPETS, OIL CARPETING, BTC, AT. NO. 41 UNION STREET. AND INVITE THE PUBLIC TO CALL AND EXAMINE THEIR STOCK BEFORE PURCHASING EI.5F, Wit rTR E. ja Laator! Cvpvaas Lambsr. ate feet Cedar Peu-iu- g Pwata. ma ass utha ShiBst. In addii tern tm geoeat ssssetmeat already in pard. Iia-l- a , M. B. COCMBAJg. .t,Cm pabll- - -l Zxitf tradtac tor a THE br me w M UTalhRO f - ".no la', - Two. ieoa. mWn lae ao isavi a'k-- ia. aafanaaaaa fraadalat.y aad I wit. the par. I axte-.- t of the !sw, r. W. VKWHAir Q-arde- n Seeds ! GRASS SEEDS! fJ-- TI a said i laaiallafli H ttaa attentioa tt all aer-T- v morts want ia( ae d to (he tori, thai wt have the arcee aad aauat ecaaatot akeft eree br um to thia ai't't all "f whufe wa war raat traah. Vwr sale wwote-aaA- e aad retail by -- TAtD & McCI tLLA YD, Wauleea-- Dratxi st axl tVsMmea. Maa. Pft aad ITT Maia Street, Oaawalto Woraajua Mooee T Itee Public. VH BatOAPWAT i Via Tn aa Jaiiaary U mm YXT aauoa mm aMio- - r p,- -i 'r Atlaota (tSa.i VV Caadrary. ta which bb aasaa ks atoaed u the - ca;a4 TRarfc List mt Hew J yet erchaau. Tmm Hat ia u cuatam the iismpi f I n kawa t-- , ha sata- - BraswaisaB. Helf-ris- far as tba chart relate ua it la aadkctoa aa4 tales ua ary partitor aa owr rnradi aaaih aad Varth will teaUry. We an dUtodte (mpomm4 ta aedaajB-t- aad practice, ayaaaathy aad avrauaseai to AbolltteatoK. n"hlean tmm sad all the tai ahne aaatd. W arc aad aver have aee t ttaajwaahty war riawa, aad thA b rf charjf be.Ltriii,-ag- ( vUi dattrra a freal iaJao irm RilBERTft RHDRS H CO. irtR.tAmtk co... ..fir, wATta A ro Csavra, VLU Vw Orla. L NaT Tl aiTES A Cw RAKDISO, ITC A CO Padrarah, Kf 1. Loau, U". OfTES, HAl'IfKS a CO.. nmailsiion and Porwartliac MERC HANTS,1 On then New Wbairnoat, Cmirm, Illinois. VALI5TISISMALISTIHS! w0. fATTt-O- S A C6., BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS. BA Mai Street. Jns reeeivs1 th aad Beat ssaoned HATB sr ' V ALBNTIHBB Pvr brosatb' to Stm BssBPhls Stfls TALByrrnrBS at aav . Til iKTTXCB al TiLajrn.via si i 'k ALis.Tt.vis at ie. TAl.ts.nvej tt s CO IOC TALXVTIkBl SXITIBXPTIL AJTB aOTiABLB TALKtmyaa TALBRTISB IK' - i v r a ijRBTiaa rabm iui ntiiskff. P AKBKI.S - WXIsty f .rle by rmM a 00. IUI For alc kBAtrarf aad a. mcr. timctmA tm a THIRTEEK lyian ftctb nVn4. rit mmi hi Lr Ut. f a 3mmk rtr . ; 3o mm em dAtood tbre rf silk caa laael am emt'.lj a( ib nUtiTa;: Aim. fnd fmrma, sis milmt tim ill alaa tttDot, mm tat Ifrmphii and Ohia railr4, eoaiaininf 130 term 119 tn ramratioa,) Trnmm imr'.l'mm, nmtrm qnArtm all wiury i ::t. alt tc fOOd ardAT. j BOWKS k W..EBT. l'or Sale. A K ttairoV44 cUsUtvsn froaUnc ttM V .llpu X rlFRT, MlW Rials, lOpl'N fiiel. s a ras sets, id ,eat sa , son acres is the tran SSS la csJuratlea I so vsosdsal dvrluaci 10 oeeri saBSBS. claiers huMaaf aso barrels vbi, r ; tars sla tans, sta aad will alt is aider; ytabl'S. krta atsl liupiuiiual. ah ta paas order. If ileslred. Ibe ee snd sadJoe, da besd eteasrls. laSbsss SSslieep will b odd sat tb piss. 1 b has a sood orcbard tba lead rato. -A- LSO 0mm ptBSUttoi. Tootlr.r on tk tadsslapl river ttree mils, it Beaks avast r, Arkswu i sat asrss m ike crx'--l '6J in eolilTBU-m- ; sa xcHent rraaa dwelluaf sad reed ooar ler a lor SO baud. , Isrs ten starry gRl sees wlis eslra tin aaltl snd press; ptentr ci'teenscf wattr, sod alt necessary bnildinev alt tm ssdar, RS hvod is pilot of saataeaah any. also. It dotted. I OSS wSIOsaaslsifa,raxs.awaaM SO oi W boss. IS or 1 bead r catus. 10 koreea sad moles, IS er at arid Sands as rrcetleal baresta. ists Hnprres a bibbt. Alss, a Bar i ill IB plantation IS miles below Criiteoden suooar, Aattfsaa. Iruouaaot Praocla rivet, ana saw Isnd. loss serss is tbe iet. fseerd, rm) la catlivalicr. too mere dead en t ; r.raro qsarten, ct. tees wata sin boese wHb sis an-- t mill, all la aod ask ear. mirxissa xmer. for sate, BBt eel tnmt e new Slabs Ua road, rose 4ACBxa, tn ieel. neat cottage, wi'h Irs rataaa. paetry. ktebes ist Ivs servaava. moms amokeBsoae, SUble. earns bas ad eetl erlb. SH milts m m CaorlSi, srs. Itrbll Uortlbdh BIBBT F O R S A. Ia K .f rtrf Terms :. .'atlow,u prspsrty. ua sad tbree-(ua- miles THX from Court tki'.r P ur and a bait Beret oi Land oo Bass strret, with a rot Family srrtB Sla rooms, servsm't and kltcBsn. istovs. csrriaa binin i isals sadaolsai it. al sslliisiaait ALSO A rood roaittr Basadeor. en Jaeiuao street wita seven rervsatt' rtesas, ctstera, ion SBOd sreHs carnage boase. stable a: 1 garden, a.l io ft-- order sadbsaiiUrvJ ligation oxao BVjrssln Tsooti Me Ten ernes! with 'oar tort rwaBa, kltefcaa. act-r- vsnts rokin and rle -- ro, s't ' wr-- Deft and Brmandn streets, so tk ait, at tha anr f tfc a'ley luo-I- .i Bi.asosii Packer .a am a brick osia sla touaa aaJ lamt at t mt'a ronant, ctstm, garde, csrriase biiese stab rwcktAFd. in ikit ftata tre-- e ar tbrot sere mt at Tb krr ata-- a Fori picascaas is a Promt ronoa. fcitcbeo and servant': Portorther in f.T.ttoo st t e Calbom tBscB, t irnec d - an I Mais stream. PEI KS k Kt&BT. J. W. HOPKINS .V RICHARD M. EDtBT, DEALERS IN ttE.1L ESTATE Oftrs in tbe iotib; Procs, corner of Main a. js in ao - ii alti sat ar' toeaalaati to aay mmi mil vrmmm teada f r aVACitoinAat ia um M ' Hf1 "" dad aaaM mt il Ka. Acta. Svwaa b' """fcn';."' ""c: Stat. teo 4 iBv'ri. a eon, rteiitsudsn, Ark. BR 4 north, a east, " 10 4 aarth, S east, aartk, 7 rest, trrl acres deadened. 4 nerfb. f east Oillllsti a. Ark III a north, f east, sit 5 aorta. 0 cert, north, d east, 7 eottk, 6 eai. t oortk, B east. 1 anttk t east s asrta a ai a nartb t east s north 7 east BOB acres deadened, s north S ea--t Ortnesdea. Ark. S escth 7 east Sen acre dead.! ia north 0 rail Mississippi. Art. lew sere. ies.ler.r . II Omsk 0 t Maasaaatupl. Ark. IS aoB teal M Tt north n east line M north a eoot II nortk 4 i vat PUaasst Ark. IS encB 4 t S earth s west .lactase and at. Praa. rim. Ark Cue river. 4 nrs-t- h I west a tkvta 4 t Jarkaoa, Ark a torta I ' 14 erh i teeot Preo .. Art 14 t ism 5 north aet Vbil es . Ark. tlto ts sontb ff west C ra Ark 10 scuth t weal Degha Co,, Ark. 11 scat 1 west - 4 -- rath II west Ttuvana oo. . I SSI ie want t - nth wsm f - Mis. sso acres at aati at a. aaast kTith 4 west " "s axea 1 west Tallahatchie Miss. Ua C a "lay t boroo. 11 so St Math 5 . - ' Snnnower Co. , Miss 17SS M mmem Ik Iv Bstnuwoo . let t west kannowar. Mias Ktar McSntt I wet Wastiittgieri. Miss. Stir Lake. ia i I west Wastuaarloa, Mass. aw n Sun it Sdt sere, fonr sail north Pais! .. Jwksm coonty. Alabama l a t'mtatt-M- en f e shove, 400 ocr cnltivalod land, and is repetad to ba r tbebest utton pttntttbaoa IB that port of Alabama, Ib reference lo mia last mentiuoed ptantatii.n, call .3 J. W Scraxxs, Hasten, Ie, Alabama or on as here. Having th foretear lit. as well maas other tracts, eoo lots. sse.. we are epanpetk.1 to xr real estate aaaat sf war attect ion. and aa it la about as s - wt B hesyy as a moderate rhrt of land, see tender ear to the pntdsc geeeralir as "rents to cor or sail, or lease, if, rnanired. any and all praaert intrnsted to one are. ithT in th dtv or country We oissd give a aat lafactory nBeahev of reference., bnt deem reference of Sat little vaaxkttnde, s anyb-id- eon rive names enoturh. W prefer oar patron tboahl call an.1 see na. and then nqnire after cor road ef rmstness. BtarTT MM A IIRilT t. 1 SMITH. IAS. T 1'TMt. J J. tIITII & CO., CofflniMon and Forwarding MrrchanLv AND MAI. tllfi IX Boat toie-- i an-.- l hlp hHiirtlrry. (liwar Whirr ! ) MEM PHIS, TE !1 HE S I r TT ATI NG pnrcha-- tm. Wharf Boat 11 arMsnR ( Mwr. PnTR, A'fi k Pi , ff ba- - had hrr tli n utti If r?,-- aad with thr add Uoc of cm .of Bada It K'Ku's 0!bratrd Strsai Pnmpn. aaa is now saaa at tha aaf-a- : Bnota m tha taatoatal rioa-- r. t are premmrd, tu do a a! Cnm-nl- a anj Fir- - wardiac lump. (with Trr rat l try rr makric llbaral cati aaaaajaaj on rroititca. ate., sooomiAWe Um tt tor al AM 4 mr l i . t. (tn'H ullteTWlp' - atract) will t- - I (ir - - i" ' ria-- mi bell KLA.sralisrGi n.n . k f .r .r. .r. Practial Bfll Hanpr snl Loeksmith, Ooraar rmoo atraal ami Sacoad Atj. LI.S Haag aad Krpairad ; Kryx fl tM; locks re- - B paired elc. rr-ona- l atrr.i"n toRnaA and atmP:. beat bhlng. aSl-- lj WETHERILL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGISTS, No. 05 MAIN STKEFF. J Below rnion, west aide, GREENLAW'S BLOCK, MFMPHIS, TF..W B eaa aar data in ever breach cf oar VA taaatHM at th KK A50VRLK B .TB5 periit attentiaa paad to tbe araparalura 4 fHtSICUNS' PRESCRlPTmS. JUST RECEIVED aide's Plain and Carved Ivory Handled Hair it rushes. RRIDE'S PLAIN AND CARVED IVORY C O TVI Tl JS . BRIDE'S SPONGE. Cons'antlv.on hand tbe Cttoiceat Selection of Toilet trtlcres Bvr to any aonthern ur western tuartet. We psnsrularly-di- r Ibe attention of pby.iciana to oar asperior Chemical aad Pharmaceutical Preparations. DEARINC, A WETHERILL, 333 Bste street. JUST ARRIVED! Earae Stock O F PUMPS! For Ervrsj ritrpose. Brsps Forte Pumps, Copper Forte Pomp, Cnmpoeitton Forte Pumpa, Iron Forte Pumps, Fnfine Doobie-artio-a Piimpe, n ' Railroad Pump, Boner Feeu Pomps, . Hydraulic Pumps, Iron Ritarr Pomps, Brass Rotary Primps, Deep Well P i raps Brass Lift P .mpa. Copper Lift Ptimpe, Iron Lift Poops, Beer Pomps. Liquor Asataa, Cistsrn Pomp, Chain Pomps, Pumas e ererr dseeription, all an.l prlea, at V. A. PARR a. O.-- , m Vo- - 1' Main Street. Business Carts. . j. vaittt. B A OILXtV. w t AKcitra, rarelroa K ttarstlna. a. Catenae h. J. WARB EN & CO. 0r Ffrt fear Ir TttmplK OCTOBER, 1869. twtb ARaKiMr itxcxmso ABU OPBWIMOVB JEWELRY, Diamond; Silver and Silver-plate- d If are. FANCY GOODS, Catlerj, Plstals, Ctaes, Etc., Etf, f )asrt ad bey our ajda mt m SaaaafRC ivrrra fa Oaaa And toltating that oar atock will eaMpara 1itw' Nr. in Lt7. !, aad arica. with any ia the mmnQrmrn aaaaUj. w- - raractfal y inlto aa imtpmHim mmim bttyaag rLcwbtra. We h r iraaU nai r" nl watakaukara aad -- thAT rk-aaaa, aad wiU da all work arrtolaias to w baalaaa, aat Uftrtori'T. A. J. WAJULEX h CO., ct Urn 201. onrarr Mrid ad Hoard rtrrft. . a. WALT. w JAM- Joiisioa, llcrrbia, Tiii, f UaiRTilia, Ey. WALT & JOHNSON, (Ettoccaauc-- la A. J. TaJt A Oo ,) If holemate Grocers ftattpkasMMM ntGRCH AiVTS, No. 77 Front Row. TePB 3 urn r ms Rik tss. . fee sale a bars and wU assortad i;at.H:aaixji. ugi ux i M, viks an i ran-le- t. solicttsd for Ptoar. Pork. Baron, tod new afntiua pile to Consitnaienll cd Oot- id Osantry Prodsc eoerstly atHS dlv b "tt'-t- i a r. lirpa. Brmidiis. TeOn. Unas Bora Alt. MEMPHIS IIAT MANUFsCTORT. n. H. MII.I.I R m CO., ixpobttxs. at a Kr pa rmfts, no' mtr vp trn raturu nr ITS, tF9 STRAW GOODS, Jf. 9T jaaita Btrtet. (TrprttTTB onrrBr aaviaBB. li3Cemi"li1a-B- . Tormoaaoo. GAYOSO SAVINGS' INSTITUTION, rBABTKBSD BT TUB i.i t.isi.i ri re or Ti:; vM i . 8100,000. 74 4TOMBT varaivsd ondeOuattm tens of Pre Dollars ISA Bad upwards, on which mtere.l at the rat ' per cent, per srratrm ia paid far stun reaeainloe s. mostha or looter. DIRECTOR!;: r m nt's a. a rncTB. :johx 'snaBiaa b. m. ami, C. 1 RKLDBT w . JACOB J. PR REM, Professor of Oriental Languages MEMPHF8, TECN. rcBTBCmiiH ia Bsor'w, Cnootsic ass! Arabic ; sow won 1 i mj randsrsta. Pn Beisnty is tha Orients: Lsasrnaxe uaxht is three v e msw CAiii n i v . Arctiiteot, arwrari I to lww- -i rawifrj aod at JkitHiaaa rf mmmrg da Tiptiua, aad alao pw hia pr- - ti i u. taair f ractijQ a:a aad Aaaaaa alrfM, .it ie H- i- ir. P. A . HE( KliB. - r i : iv direct. ii,-,i- i.ii a ii-- -. Hoaie, MEMPHIS, TENN., nxALxaa ix OLD BOURBON AND HIE WIDSKI, Brandies Nat: .a Win a, Uiat aal Ft new Wimm. Omgar Tina, Caaaaaaasa Wioaa, StoaiacA Bittora, Ktuamal, aad all kiadA mt vtlir tinmt Lifiaar aad Cigar a. aotf-- w Uotleem f th- - rlar it thA U id ..f 0FFir CRTjcwy mt t Oatr . f M rcipkia: ittoro raiifi. n tx mmrit ptiuutn. Pc'Jt!aar, a rrc" man af cvler. Ba. Ttu day tlad ia aa;i "ort h a u relofta'i'T .nm hi ma If lato iRA-- ry an-- t cfio.-- a aiaacar an-- mvt aaattnaAr aad VI 1:td K. hia daairad w:r. ara aArrtay - qatrad to appear at tha aeat Mr: :. tna rA aai aaart, rcxJ answer sorh lRterrosatoriaa astray ba ataaaaajdaa thewi ta the areaiiaaa XABCtTSJ WElriHT. CVrk. lt JilUMTOM. I REAL ESTATE AGENCY. THOS. PETERS, AQBHT FOB TUB SALB OF Keal Estate in the City of Memphis, aaa I and tn Tennessee. Arkansas. .Wiaatoaifsmi, OFFICE, NO. 5 CALHOUN BLOCX atAlH 9uAt, eutxar of XaaraA, Ifemphit. Tenn. peraoo wtahlac m bay MM ib the M itaaippi ALU are cordially invited t call at my t m tki e what I aar for and if I canaot salt thaa, cat (:ee th"in free of charge, all the aareaaary lafwnaatt'ir f th-- c- imry retieraHv. aad ,n detail ta BMBt caae ae t aaaUty. irt&Uty. price, tittea, mitt, vary oae daav-ro- ot aacb tatortoaUon. wtfl tad at av otLX a wliliac :2 act rnmmonjrr.Dff iffs. thomas prrietis. tS ef Heal awl iIt can ffad fuad barcainr P bit rroprru U Ua list he low. 1 will P prrpe-rT- ta th- -a w:bitwr tn Tbearrha- - it ad tor thoia who to co into the hat dart hie a Baa whs at acoaaiated to Rhea da 'tffere.1, ur (Co m7t. SIta a trial MO acre laiprTfred, na the lssl9iaa4 rieer. ld acrea la niitinitttei. CM acrra near Depot, a UUle Keck bj PFI Acres deaden "! deemed a oprjor 1000 acre la toila from Kuaiaaiai river, to aal lea t atraiahia, imprTved aad ffred low on time to a anad Mtf i" . .' nmmr th Af Fra-- . :t- in Cnnpgssa aad M.MiMtpai aatoa. tSyUUO acre wall sitaatad ib roianett eoanty. otthrad m tor aarh. rm acrea la Pram jani . rood hiajh !aad a harcaaa - cnfJhrl ia thia laaa. lA.dOO aar bi Na. I 'aad ta Hoars aaaaty. in tractoto ait aarchas-era- . lOav arroatatt. fraaeis r mjnty, well iwawoe. wd reraearS hoa aad aerv awanere. (ta aaii). etr.,M0 aere cleared, lae creek bottom, ahove twerflow aad very neb tfd. can b-- ardd tor h eaah. halaar la tour rmymrata with latereat. ) It arre ta Chicot oeaair. oa "U tea Cram Oaiaa', 400 a rea aa old vjevasitiiiia. weli prtKectonj frnm an eerdapw, u aaa a fmae road w tae near Ifll acra ia Crit:adea coaaty, aoar St. Fraacla rr t and nmmt the rallraad, MO arTs mid deai if i HlBIOIPPI l.Al. 9500 Icvaa ia Taaica ommty, well impri OTfm, oa tha 9Sk Mm te OoaJNawa aaaaty, a toe well 2"O0 acre in Botivar aaaaty, tt aaefy tiaarfed. ira--a j'.MB 9 Tr CrlTT.t T. el10 M .t1-- Ittf frjr--l aMax. htah iaa1. 1MB a ea mm the rwr ia Betlvar connty, aaad laaal aad a toe 449 arrea :o 9Mtear euaaty. ! mil- - frota the rlrer, ro fr ft Tj:t .rataV-r- . anJ w;i imar aaia tofffhred. Id.MO arrea ta Paiiear roacte, wild C IT1 ASD l'BI'RB.l Pr rrty tad ail aor la, usea ba1 oneMlttijap lmcrtrvM and cDiaipnve-- de!7 THOS. PETER. FOREIGN EXCHANGE. Exohauio on fflalmi. Ireland, Scotland and Wales, nt STBS 0P atl AJTD rrPWABD BT TUB e.ATOSO MIIMiv DrSTITl'TIO-f- . airrt-s- Twosipsen ax a a. saat a. aai.a iK4 & HALE, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AJiB Dealers in Flour and WTiisfcy. Has IB sad It Bsssiuuve street, II.NXIKKATI OBl'l. AiXTl FOB TBI Cincinnati A. .Wemphts ParReta. Al. AtboaoB and Whit Birr: stall Basra. lam? s. tooki: f itf:i;HTO. Lad W Mllia, Ton., Reeeiwisg, Forwardiaa ft General Commiatioa Jvijaxiar-rLtcivr- T. iw aaa It tb ma ibe of II 1 1 ia, aaiaaja. sarcw. V. lea vKmslsnniesw .1 riaSer Sat l new will receive nertsl Btaaaalei. ilJi.' WOBSHAH HOUSE, rXNTBALLT LaCATKD, t'arocr Wala an Adams Strreta MEMPHIS, TENN. J. j. woiexaia t HTS!HATS! t 1860. Spring 8tyle. 1860. T TTTt.l, b reared for sets this dev. Beeelwd by it eayesss 1.51 a. a ill an a. cn. IRISH LINENS, DAMASKS, DIAPERS, fc TC, ootatairaj b 1 Hi tniriea the, iarthe am . id wtB ibe fall nam at tbe area, J. W birHABrif r.y. aojrs a 0W- - OBht si a gnsrsatee sf tha s sett dnsoMlttrsf Tsi rsetin is re.le c eaaetiaUy aoaeamrr, ae tePBB qooau: u u lafa.-u- aad dafseuve Lliaas srest saatsaj aeorcn aft. t sfoti. and aaled with tb Barn of buses wb rwgaretses th njerr tkas ssBissed al . tea Amenenn ardth ruBBBfarta'Bv f th Bsosist goad, win a rsnd&y aBBSdae a baaineaa ao prodtaiU, wbil lar chaser. eTth ts .moated in with geadsof a worthies, rearaeter. J. rnvmonx r. n locxb, :. Tcsi PLUMMFaR GILBERT DRI'titiltiTS, wHo'-aas- asp aaraiu 261 JVLA.IN STREET HTOtTK .COMPLETE. o " m o h tj as ? fc P 5 5 S E 3 3 3 B IS f i i 13 ? COME CM SEE US. VOIR ORDFKH. Cash ami Credit I w a wtoos. WISiS BROTHER, DRUIrftBTS AND APOTHEf'ARIES, kst I sen a sa CHBM1CAL8, PERFUMERY ToUet articles, Faints, Otis. MASS ARP SABDBaT .StPTis Pre StC , Cr. Wain and Inlon Rtreeta, rn Jf I CASH -- li Hflrfal Cares. A. tk. J. P. Sar aeon Dentists. 4 rVSTX ae sin street eer Maaqaald J a Oa.s. Bs XSI and sn. Bapbl Taoo where aie r bath tan b all Una. Or. A. bos beea aTsdsssiiia far ib last etxreen years, and ywsrs reBbaai aadtb itJiitmtB sssassss. AB wllBatal tooth Www see ts b fall set Inserted sa atmnspbersr pressnre. me as psraws dssir. aad gearaetoed. BATB9 OP CBAB6BS pust of teeth aiatat Pee leseruiia partial at (per loath) .......... aaa lap foil esedlam ;l ooveUO mmm l at P..e tleoMXa tsettT I Bxtrartjrg leetb 14.. 4. 1 SS If- - Tth auctd witbnet air is poia. aiSI y DR. B, HOWCOTT OP BRATI tl!S sl ALL notica, and gaaraetlett, alt .Moderate Friers. o r r 1 c. a ffWra BntMte-- . 2d Floor, Mai. Sired, Peplar aai Wetkneto.. lylB-l-y DR. G. W. ACREE, Df o ti 8 l , Covin -- treet, rrrroplts A T. Wills a Bra an. - rr. s:;s tse '"st sa psiai- - ss nam aaa m ma mmx i ts. si teas- -. D- - aaaae at sb no tooth aerraaafnliy uested ArUSclsl tosth loasrted orsas the nnst apprveed plan, with gnaranty and an L either oM or new. is rsd t laaptr she .In wit- - rer.Sd- - iwp tain, av BB so Islai laiBB SlOO Retrarttm rr-- m ta tstecrlber. llv RA.tjwar n.ea Pitt-- Calbovt Blss ,ue lhastb Joly, lane aay Bgr is in N XL SUM, XX yrara ua cot rr zmhat. Urge hiskers. high eheeki. eye. tsaall aod untamed, wettbing onoet le , asm, aaa aaaa a ssst s r io ng-- slam ers a moan desl wbi the time b left return pants sad shirts. 1 will gls lb ' tewsrtl for tbe apprehension or delivery of said seem, ar hia mem la Jail so I get htm. JABN WOODALL. 4Tsdy Rtokp. O, Cslhoan euanty. Mas laaippl Wool Hata! Wool Hat.! R sedred tSnaea asanrtsd oriers received this day TWO lb- - Beadinga Virginia Wssl Hal Bills .. a. BILLBB a oo. I Mil A H ti. H ARRIS, eorniifom or yhi srart or mririsMi To the Shtrifof Uu Count v of Shdlbj, is said 8UU, Grmtig: ara aray ootaauadatl U apaa aad hmmi aa YOU al all 'bp ptarp r.f boMifMl Alactioa-- i ia aaar wanly oa th Utt day ot FabraarT, I MO aftar haiuf Iira "f!r a raaiairael br law. for th alactiaa at a Jaaaw for tba Qaaaaa Law aad Caatwrr oaart, or t city .f MAmakia. ia aaAd SUtA. to til tAavacaak-- accauaaaal ay Oja rcAisaaUaa of John J Caratkara, aad daa raiara tharanf raafea to ma, aeeordiac ta Uw la aaarao'. I baa Iraraaata met mv . f' Aad aad caaaM :ha aroat aaal mt aatd &Ma va J da SUenJ at Xaabvtlla. thm Tih day ot Jaanary. - 1NQ By Ua florfrw, 19HAV A H4RRIA J. U. ft. fcAt Secrtlafo fcat. - PLANTERS TENMffl ALABAMA NORTH MISSISSIPPI, RHODES' Suner Phosphate THE STANDARD HAR0RE, rOTTOB COBB. eVATB aad VttBAT rrLTf BP, r bsida tb vermes Boat Craps. Oerdea, Trait Tress, etr This Bsnnr bm received th treaeseanset at am SOLTB CIBOU.HA Slats fbwiety OB0XS1A " - " ALA BAB A " " " Tbe Xt. rte,' .nor sspplle pelubl PWpbsrte Arid, tbs independable nstrtmant ad Ptaoto. That P anasrs way hay th ogoartaaitr of th arprirting sea., sappliss will be plaeed with Bl.DBBk PABISB BeSBpOvs, w. howabd a ra . Mnmpais. B. 4 H ir .' X rm B. B BBODBS a CO , BalUmsre. Keep Your Eyw BCUDtTT, raMiOK IB tba City af 0N MkbdAm. ia laa holder mt claiapt QaaW OAuaaaaad A mmd mrmmlt imtiTftaany, aad I hmr Aby fm'aaaaa aM paraaca aat to traaa for altaar aa tt aaay ba afwaaaary t r thrm mmt to tell back oa tbaaa for laarinaity, aa ke aaa ad io taka andor-aoi- d aad plaj lAA Taokao trirfe witk thua aad mm ; aad 1 aa dAtrriainAd to coat oat at taa aad af Ua !iw, to WlKb tiara MM two an te. !.. COOPWOOD. HEIU PIKE & CO., pTaa. Iflt aad IOC Lrraa. saiptt i. oris, k i sso u mi Kc c? attarca "t mU kiada af UOACESTIO lalQUO And Sot riiipiirlws ad has ceAabraied br BSSABIVB AMD r If C LB SAM arVti T.Tf'.W CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. R ssls of all hinds ar Pi lam. JAN. B. COOK, Civil Eagiarar, Architect aod Sarmir 13 Madison Street. BaiB anu Pi aat Iw mYOttCCm RAT P. Ibis Jar ild my setira Inters, td tb flroi ef I Crew, fc rt to Basset. C- ewa fc Bavl, who isbtllli sod saswta sfiB sb, arm. I rherrslly reeeanwead tb new Bnn to my frisnd and lb public g.r.ersily. beepeaa f r theni a totiatiaac id lb pslmnag which ha ben m tiadly a the oid see A. BBBTOCB. JEW TlRB. j. at. catwt. a. i. oavia. Of Benovhls. Ot moeh vtUe.Tnn. CRFW a DdlFiK, XXTHOUtSaLB aodBoUll saroosts sod Ccaomiwion VV aod dealer in Pawy Oroceri', Braad-- s. Win. WblsBtaa. Clean, etc., 5s St BsJisr.n street Jsattary IT. IBeB Jn- - Notice to Caatomers B have remnvad oar 'ear to Ibe Clay Bni idlng. . w tn Heia stre t, sp amies, waers we are pusnios as weal to ill tat to ar frienda aaal sslsBBSiv. The lat Arc br which w wr beret oel will eat In t.rteee is th Meal wiU tbs trtnmtiten sf ooe tssltlw. POWI.XItA fc CO 1 OtiC Cm TjABTlCt'LAX alienttoa pud to Bttlnx ep Ss-- r loses, ear. All erdera aod Jaoalas Ml IS I H tt st lull aslBls. tad ami tTb 'ii- - aad dinpabrh by . B. PrtOBT. Bees Onrpssbrr and BntMsv, ,BI SBss Osewer Pmsrvh sd Marfi-- trae tllrron! Jltrrars! S1ZK PI XX BTBBOBft ow i LABSB Pier Mlrrora. Oval Bsnt-- Seenre Archtao " " B.rrrrs mode to ,rdar. M:rr i at Xsw Tart. Pa, Tahehsd ef lb sedeetiened. Aserl ftr the I Laoblng illaas Katablinhwaet to Ww City L.. UlTZEL, FMIIaY GROCER, SOITH ST., EAST OT CEMETERY, AP. vest r tvd four eteoe Bo fat ChirBsaa, snd H teens j qafinlrr sa aaaa rrosa awwsv, aao aaa rTlre Seps ie iw to wis htm a cell A Rare Chance. 1 SB Sil K LL XT M3SFRV LOT, atUatr at asTivata aata aaar aaat tea aaa. IH0 AIM ti aat aei laa. I mill SELL AT PThUC AlmUK, hi kaia la aaU aw rr aaaaaa. I a aata aj aa tawa wtaa-tar- u (aaa-- f tasaoaaim i , - , toappf Airly. dtTaa, 'im wiati :ra .aw a fcwaa, 1 aaaa a- - TWO I)VL:iI.IInTGS b. m'f Ar, aM vt aWuli " U taraia and lT ICAA. AW 7 mm taaatA aa f Maa pat a. aa aVara Lakt re' a uiixit l rtcaiBa LINDSEY 4 Fl KLXN, OHKKIO Y1FRI h l.vra ABB WHOLBSALI DBPLBBB IR Flour, Grain and Peed, so. ia nawirn nun . iBPan ran t'XKP . b.L-.- l s m- - ... nt at ri.MJB ead jTV see I w pi I Bill mnt BBAV tc . whiab ibey trtll nBraiat at bst Basis pood farltniaa fee lb mm mm ea mf datotauaeuaa not mas sedsred ua r by aay leeatiawu daly la ttia city, wa tespssnfoUy roll stlsalluew,uer,.ocXaod.tei! sibos-- .l aeaile nstran. taaii-dt- rl umTiuni Z.rz. mm i VI..!. 'tk. Ji'lEY moiii ur Slaves, IT4 WAIJT STREET, Momultlas, Tooaoamo. SIXTV t.lht t V JTFOKOFS FOR SAJjE. TTTB have, sad will inslaBiyy hoop so hood ewfho. VP teat, a sss let si Begrssa, seta as s fBO BaodB sad bosxe nwiaets, tool e wis sell ae RL on mt r aamsaaaiaa sola We will trord ts ! sell Bserees sa Came T Tb hlgasM eaah petes paid sdhB I earreea. est J. HALLOS, 8te PTsBBtor L V 74 tk "ALLOV PRACTICAL PLlBERS; STEAM It GAS FITTEKS 1A4 .tffai st street. aB has aesened the ia ptctMn J tb sOblw the VP msm alstl Bbsra hi Baph 4 CBindiuar. Pec- - Bcarheu . Bail Liable, Ba'b Talis. Water Ooe!, Wa-- b Stseets. P m Gtssaa, Water assans. alarm Osnae 1 ''! Whistles. Load, lean sad Todsv no, rem pa, a tc. ae4 rvlhias omsi ifd wuh tba brads. Water. Stesm sad Alarm Oanxs repair sd. JaaVrp I O saa rstai, ia w. i est Ear. ...w. a lovk. af. D- - nOR TO A CO., RBCBIVIHO, rorwanlliff & CaaalssUa Mrrrlaat, raorxiiEToBs op cttt wbabp boat, , aad dealers la Lvert I'arlelwor Una! Stores, aaapaia. raati. Tr Btrk raiBaan as see Car. C. BUCKMU LER A CO, atpacttibs or aaalaalxd Iron C'omit'ea. aODLDINOS, WINDOW CAPS, ETC Alan, Aeawssfev M IAVLOR. TtOSr.Lt At O'S., rarriiycatid Iron UsKinn;! jaaaaam sspaet, BssaaaaanasM m Third GREAT BIBCCTION 1 5 PRICKS! la order to close oat oir satire WINTER ITOCK Pf GBta Fine Clothing AND FURNISHING GOODS, Wa will aeil for the next Our satire stock i f AT GREATLY fetfeVCM PRICE S, All of which we guarantee equal is style sod qaalitj to anr ia tbe marker. JOHNSON & JUST, Wholesale and Retail Clothiers, Geatlemea 2 CtothiBr and Fu'Dishin No. 3 Clark's Marble Block, 272 Main Street. S.H AMdrldas. A.B.Asstla.g 1 Sear., .5 B. Alrrridgejr ALDBIDsalE, ACSTIN a CO., Importers and JufSsels ta HOSIERY. GLOVES A F ACY GOODS, Combe, Brush ea and Furals ib Goods, ATOs. 411 and 41 S .WarJkvt Street, PHILADELPHIA. Cf igrat, far the best mate nt HOOP SXTXT3 Jail Bm af. sf, White V t o.. IHPOUtM or ioita taa attantifSa it DEALERS VO THBIH PBXSBST STOCB C0XSI3TTBO TK PABT sss pair Trsea Cos rss asted aaeaMaaa) ISO am best Best seams ion " moms Collars Po ' Chops is Axe SB - htesl on bms star I 'on a ISO TaWe X Hires s IOO Avery. Pear. cA sod mt be moka f Plow. Au oi It ibssi will he asM to mr a n th sx nvrrable tersa. A. J. WtltTB fc CO . IsJl-tt- lti Be 40 Bow. A CARD. ATiSG asetsriatad with la tmy M bnaisswi. thai sf beytne aaa itBlsa aallsm. both no -- meuwica Mt sa art, ads atmmrt. Br s. i. Josxt. f Di Ua . and ws beoaher, w rl Ponai.T t Biwahll I con tenser to sap frames better fseil .tie than I has Oar aaltdiam art located at To BS 1 tarns atrt. nx-e- est of ray old man They are igmiiaa, conabintni tablbBbmBt d tba hiad ib lbs Stale, aad ssanl to sat ii... j has ever iupectd. t rsotseri fully solicit Air oar new Bros from my 4 friends ts easterners snd 'tie public, the pat nooge which I have largely aad liberally rseisd hither from them, and will only add lhat wwacB we neoaaiss nr ay w gnsr.'bte . B. POBBXPT a. a. roaaxsT a. t joaxs...-srai- . a. roaarsv emphl. Desoto, Bias. Beorph t. F0HIK8T, A CO., DEFERS IN SLAVES No. 89 ADAMS STREET, ivttjtvitvixis. tbisxtnt. rxvBBT aad sol' as snaiuia, and I IS ss stent s e hand s Seesd I st aWsis sal Carolina Bsaress. 500 Negroes Wanted. I will pap more than any tdbat persoo for B. w Xegr al:d to th Sew Orleans marhet : popaewr jiixxs a naaaJBTCa a joi ett. PRODUCE AND PROVISION Coiuuiibision 1 PINK STREET, ST. I )l IS. B. B. Pxsnt.XTO, I w. a Bofsr to listes. Wood fc BcKalabk nd Vase fcT.. arm mat Petitln for Dowter, Parti tion, etc. COCSTT 00CBT. PBBaCABT TSUt. ISSB. Teres Bw-- . ssb. etc.. Andrew Bar. eiT, Beca-di- rt Baro, Arig'.o arra, aad others, legatee er next or tbs. appear ns from afg lavit B'rd Io Ihta caae. thai r Trs Bos, and aargarM, Tisnect. Bsr. ihokanew Bary and ISaninic Bncto d fin teal ra Ken oboe patiu-e- . Bf oatsdsM of lae Stole trf ordered that pobticalion be msd in sb 'i APPBAI. for thirty data far sold defeoxaota t e hsr their tppearaore at th Marco term (orx ) ot this aaart, e tool tuuo will be leeoa lee sasssssea aa ta kWrtaa Sty baod, st i ate, tbto sd day of IvbrsarT, tsaa, JOBW TBBXBTABT, Ctort Br B. B TBBXBTABT D C. L. r. ttABB. Attoeaey br prtqttaa. lad lm LJCKI r.nBROtDFHIF.H, FANCY GOODS. ptrtMaann tim hub iuha TBtTBT 4K0 HCB CTPrs B'BBOBP PBKVnrB-K- X'.KXTS. WOBK BOXBB ISTIhT .soTt :. TvrTs arc., wrc , At prices is ii thetamnt aasJtArrOXaX9 cap XVIIT aTjFTFsLo US Ito stroet. betwteo Gtpaan aod stem. UHit portKmlsr mnaaia to ssst It soil. CWa aaad t s Dri SB tSB ' BBI o' ChlUreL'. CloU-.-- 3tm-)lB- Jon. si she, notice taa Sartors. C. . UHITaOKK, tOTTtKT F.tfTOn AW CO IMISSIOS KERCHAH'T. Mm. 4 lvam, Tb omos aaan a i aplad bp Twsand h tPBamure ; IB - 'apt oar sasal unset thaf.ha fe lb ssrsoa--- . swsd span u M grs. m tb IMS ste yews, si 4 la. mtatatiaa-smtaloaaM- , la atasiaa tba a- i- wnS - old . rr.rii-'- . Sivl l,-- l m.,r t hii tBssawsaes wtm. it etU be ia.ared. bTWl- - rax. nrttleg sse may , ', I b mm . ay bsi Bstinq. iso, msi est lamilil I ba,lea memaj. a. a, asm wsi aiuaasenasMKrieai.rrfw re-- I APtf-- . Wl1' bu pe bsas ; e atsepig svt -- i mem f Psades 1 IbsBBii 6A93rv, raa aea a hoi.t. COTTOJV tobacco facto t"t rmcmlvmti tltmmt ft m thm Skaaafactarara an al alt tm tkmiw wa , tm in aaar atbar taiag - 'a- w.a.- 'aada af Tataana: Fmtpp ' Fartt t itiaaa, rfMtawt af ih lirra, ai-- i aaacararf Mafa ' i tfajtvaai Baaaaa Uuawa mt UrOArt!- - 3oW LaafT I J Minor a Kaan-aa- la leal p. Tytgk im ma waaliw. ate., aar. I -- .T" taaai nWifl tpwtrm mat fmrn. M. - - "' ," ! w.r, 1,5,2,7 , Ta . Aibp.a Bra leahris sxsoeaaar a fey. Fmro Bra. ta atora tmt mr m bj M941ir TtAim 4 BOLT. itfe tm$ r ir Ma. a aaa) I7ai m V. LAW tt CO., COTTON FACTORS aire t o.n.wissio.r .nr.Rt n.t.r rs No. 2 South Side iTaiaa Street, MEMPHIS. TENN. t tin.,., axwTon roae a. c rsaatsiu TITB rtura war eicr U.IEA. .' VP fneosa and atusit whe have bere-brd-ar so libera, y pair aiged es. sod bcbib psiatieidlni rss. I toil lf rrsfx rsr .a th ca- pacity of rottos ractoss ahd comnssio.v Ws tn always too. at .sort lata ope Sd the lewam smsaet rssss. One nherasssw (alUog oed Bmrma OsSbsa win a TS ret tor boto, sod for Moras so Mtppang SB ssoss par bat. tbei abaaad m no bp h.i e. will bcored by or Open Pilrry f is ilw eueirsrr lamrvaxasos ar gives. Ci ion shi is the at'y. caoxswe mt storisa Su.ui Uslas a CoThaa. Laberal Cs Advanee rosl ao Cnftee In stors wSir. r. LANs a oo. a. a ins. a ar wear a. arxpieoT GATES, WUOD 4 ilcJOTGHT, GROCERH urn ranvTinaiins. oo 07 voa-en- t a xr,-- v si.ia.iaarejtv,i laaiaasama sa i Van, i5 a in nd 3 aara stmt, .nCAMFMIS, TsXJrjrBSSEE, rollier mat LctT icd "l CoapaaT, ar. Louis, no. HAZARD POWDER COMPAAV. mr roTK. BBALBBS IB UtrSXm CASTOX. LABS A VB TP UN o i 1, m , Lime, Cement and Piaster Paris. ata-alrlt- a Turpcmtine, AJTD BATAi. STOBBS r.BXBBAlXT. Atmaa sbaab ml n ll.trlM.. MPE AID TWINE, Wish a asmial etssk ml SVPPW.1F.S. XMJS win ae bee in sow a Wrae atsab at to T W1BBB, BBAXriB.1. ttaABII. and in fact 0.0011, lept is so, urar bosuns. Oaten, Wood a, TK aDicbf. sell -- dmwl r a.l en WQOWBI BT w. a. PKaxrr. H.RRIS, W'.RMIIET 4 (O.. carra.A racraaa onocunst. ABB ur.rF.R.ti co.n.tissio.r MERCHANTS, Asx3rn fob tub MILS OF T&E EVtsLE COTTOS A LL lan.awiBti wo a a aw avae piilin will ba A inaarrad agolBtot Ptr wbito ba ar. aad all roeripts by rivers ur sid Vy ar pso poi icy of 1 near sac, tales stberwaso Inolrorie-T- . Onr charge for storing oBS elrng Cotbm a 75 conta porbnl. rami!, sod rtantatl-- n Series, lailalag at port .d th hem bgoads of Csntoehy and St. Ueaa powee and haest tmmm f Twtaa ; M aaiaa Boa ; Ma liMtr lu Baeaa, Lard, Salt; Taaaraap VWaz-- ; amrnr. CsMwrn; Tei Votaaaaaat Waifc j, mmt., ate. ALSO A aalact rtoCut ot rW- - inmoandlLw ' Its m Peine tm serial a. lawns. ...m. a wrrcwKLx a. w. taant SAWPI.E. J1ITCHEL1. a CO., oBBissifrl, HwiTlBjr ud ForAtrdiBg IER( B 1XTS. JlaaWs-Jt- ., Three Doors Btut of Cmitr. Memphis. Tenn. sl dsoly JtH 8EY UR, CiJTTON FACTOR, RecflTla- -. Farwartiac aod fee aeral COMMISSION MERCHANT. .To. mmm .stain Street, MEMPHIS, TE1JIE1IEE. CtOLI AOBPTT f ie the lef KAXAWHA SALT Beep o hood a rtrrt sopptr ot Baaxinx. Bee. Iron, Xslla, sbbst. abst. snd Oeoreries generally, which will be ud ai us lowest taarkr: grico. lyl-t- ly tt. . WllilulAMNO-- . GROCER AXD Commission Merchant, yo. 19 FRfT ROW, MEMPHIS, TEJrE99-E- . sel-l- y JOSE. W4LKEB tk CO., COTTON FACTORS, a m Mt tm io ABB Forwarding Alerebaats. BO. 18 I mux 3TBBBT, - - HIP OBLBA KS. Alfred A. SmtthWicA, EpAi-ee- a at sgti . rj-ofa- st A. T. Wen,-- J. A J. STEELE tc CO., cottos Finals ag COMMISSION MERCHaNTS. IVo. 1 EXCHAN6K BUILDINGS, MEMPHIS TENESMEE. A LABOB oocX of roaerlaa, Baaxinx. Boo and . X . M o t n Y . CO.V9MSaiO.T .! KR( U.t.TT AHD cxyirroiv PAcrron, Ofta ife. 15 Noses t 6Wi Rntrnc paoirr bow, bixhia tbs n tsaa x .av-- i aia ariae io ta pioirs a Rtpacrpt;ia.T rormtry for Or trsaosstioe at their amaaam sTi'llaal'ysp heed tba hem BssBbsa is I Bop sa wul Bll all isBtom!" ardersaesa blm oo tisot term SOLB taBHT her. tic fttraah'a Ptaatat: e in arbsat ain.. Ail Coatee this, asm htm hp rtvne. aol abm i issao. for aol. will ba lead, BO I sss baiMBMag aSborwie by owt on at hippers. Bocalvtnt an-- ror S. BUSBT EW FIK.M. ias- - rmocsn. .. m. aaTxa ...w. u. hobtoa HOKT0. ESTE8 A (., (eoi us HI t0. evtaa a Co.) Cotton Factors AHD eScaml (AaiaiMniaB MrrchaBts, HO. IB PB4IHT BOW. t'OB. OHBOBBT , CP STAIB5. HEMP BIS. B. B A Bead .Sort at BssBsoe and Bops always on hood, r.antauoe ssspllaa fnrnihd at th lowsst toortet rsles. Pnrttrnlnr attention psid to lbs or .birment of Oscton e .thee Pi isroCO. am Aaamam BAPOUXOP aiu ro a, m. no aios, ib BILL sfe DORIOY, COTTON FACTORS, .ajj, raulssloa, RrcflTlR A Fanrarilag arX BHCBANTS. OFFICE NO. 18 FRONT ROW, Oa Seened Pdor at MosbT a Hsot's Banding. a ajar Hia, II MB IMP and BOPS and Plantatioa Sappliaa sl mrtt rates. IT niisiies u, Tt wilt ba .ton ASA IKELT-1S- r t. lovxs SHRLTOX, JONES 4 COw Cotton & Tobacco Factors t osassmtsaimta ataaf FORWARDING MERCHANTS. NO. 40 FRONT ROW, Mempbis, Tenn. iSlae.ll mat sn sbipmenH. Orders toe Beoe CAB Bono sad anxspiiss miassiU alias. Cummii- - 100 fur Cosbso, TB coot per Sola. wly TERvOS CO.., necelvtaa FORWARJING3int CHANTS, Asm temeral Prsilti Brokers. ho. a rasiST bow, -- SASH sdvoacoa mi i at Coram. W- - solsoa so nrsdoc la hand, ar am aipasir l tj Mils oi ding. Ords pnre-- n atiena n CARPKIVTEB JOI IIIB ailiaso end jsaewaiaasms VIX a ii ill lb maaiifaatai n t liBsalaii eve Ha r.l... SU,tre--'- . "sMtV Bill W adtBCSl 4ro. ow sr saaoatc saceSooll srdaeB m rb aaoos aTwtrh isismraii sod liaita, instomes rjsertaa, srwtasrilrdinK. aaaa, Mernee ' "TT ., toh A bnlldloaa w. imks. e"0 gi i alii pal' , oedtva mt as sBaer tsbSH--ly BUSS a JOHPSOAT. 'ails. - r mt. atmimrt-7- 1 AB1 ARWADl 'a , eBf)! ftSALB OBOCXaVS, i' niilnz and Geaaaj faostaioi Levee a Washington !: sr. Louts, ace. t tls paisaiit attsuaaaatamesal el aaa rtwiix tecaranr. arm at art m.--s nr Mml. 'b-- s and BbM Baps with diaea-o- mt the s ltd M rte. Otdaf rgr- y ii its nwoop a tfaawa nvrsa spraaeoa. .V.a. aenaroaup. A.TD! 'OI t HAXaAEAKO, HITEOTS Till BO AD 8TCAaOBX---- ., 'er BetMrfaa.) 141(1, OHIO. eaa Co., BimshB, Tsea. DEtV fc RAU, tt DemUrs in flovt'r nd frhisky, Maa. l aad 21 Rrcamore afreet, Clnclunatl Ohiix. AOnrra of ttts Ciaclxxatl tzi vlirmpaia , rictiri. BBBflm mmi a aa as,: Bsma. ?,01I18VIM,F JPAPgR Hlh 0. I. A V DaPOHI, o aewa and Book Friotiof Paper, aaa Pxairae w aapxas or alt. stttds, fni?4TeEti- - laAH, Ar ATT MalBa Street. LouisTlUe, ay. 00MMISSI0N MrarHAHT NO. t6 CA RONDEL ET STREET, Ness Orleaas, .T rs ii s p o rtnt i o u aHUhlaariti niihi!.. aaAOhi RAT L R err P ' "tD wita Iltlasts ...IS I ...IS k, 'V. . jn .. baton This to 'be sadp rsttoble rout. waiaa aaso I rheero f. ,. tjnn Pse r art a Loir-- , PI hone, to SB Lotus, SB I at m Loeieviu, a a- Bt ' rr"Tbhrts O aod PuUHlX But 'SBS, east at 'tea. I) BX.thl! aol. bvm .'CUPJIlt A.N D Li TILE ROCK R A I L ROAD. et!re t .'Hrrrkaats aod bippen. ov?ajssSawl.w: raaaaaaiMt tmr aaa frmtmbL oaft. fJrliTarad iu tba coax. aaay airnr, n a aaU; aa4 mnu iiMdtUw ail aaa-t- aaej "li.r fr.-aal- Ihmt cajr bm tcpsrd tTar laat raaa, fraaa HaaJi- -n an4 at aar awtata. at la vaaaaaaa's aapvi ia B aatri, aaa aaU auify tim twiniH at taa arrtaal of ttrurtt. 9bippT Oiay ta't awoa fea tm t I Mil at) P. N.i Ja Sheriff TAriaa nt iir urjt-- r o a.i BT of Smnrtby mntttj, 9mm ti CAaaaaaa Law an, fbtn- - c- -u aat, uom iq faror vt Csiaaitt, Hi Amuiitf. jnm XM farvar af Ford. Baxbt A (V tot of Moaaa Jinaaa, taa nhar in tav r at 3 aaatint J?taP anamr, I wm aayaff Marrb. IMO. in frejaktwf t! THTJNDER AND LIGHTHIlfO rrsmttMt Lightning Rods I E. F. GOODE & CO., OUaALB aad rrlail da era in tmprtved Uabt-- w HOUSE AND LOT FOE SALE. Jew Franae House. rOKTAtVINfs: Past front oa J i.i chnrrh I , r 1ITB k Co., By. at Bos BELLEVUE Gardens and Nursery. urct-- Baata a THX t vrgreae. hmttrey ..f BOd Tsrieeeled acta, Uem..s-hAB- weeping BvseaPBBBBa of tsrta aoitobl for ceTaererieo tut Flmwera BevnwaoS st sst sesaaen at the year. A choice col. ttctwe of Bulb and fleam Seed daily just racolvsa From para, aa aaaa- - wa n taa a torn ar ibpHi f fl r mnt all AH mm r f'bB.aM hit apacil direciiooa i tor abipm-- at aaal pteca of miatot A mm'r' 'or pK:n7. innaa m w-- w smmmm rji-a- an mcIii. sner beirta imslstsd for by sc or JV rand, see at too rM mt lbs tnuThsser. SOontl sr aslstako occur ts a shipment, Ik sB b cheetaty i.niM.d saoa not, betes glosa to aba aaaHaJaaal rataUrtraaa aant nit or iBAROt ta all apaUnMb Jf pt nti ta, Ta. n m P. EE WmiSm CORNER OF Main and Monroe Streets. MEMPHIS TKNNp jmaji v rtc. t r m m a or Saddles. Hanrss. Bridlts Hags, 4, AHD BBALEB tht Iaaathorsi Bnch oe SBtlruner. Hsmea. hW Beidte. Cslf Sal Pa) bent sod Basatssslad lesatber'. Be. Ot tx xrx 33 aaila, . Oouovs, Wn.a. Homos. F 'a S4'n pa. bv , bo. SHOE FINI)IN'J, SADDLERY. H RDW ARE, trunks A.vr- rAuaaa otrT asBoaiamBPdw.rra I worrsot. a 1 eorrlcToeaso flll bo: tb beat wxrBrsee vrd have nu bead b. - at Cf v llraevl-fsas- t roars fa. Hwgoed t JIB XanS XeoaJt ka wiuo and sper eo.iottb mm oris. Mp boolnes. nd I wl!' ,i! 11 al s rBPaMo BPSST-- an-- oo kmmmg fall fl fee yoursee. rBAll a dsis acomptly ttenle.l to st the shall I ao ttcV w- r. ura-is- . tAOW of tb Pta Wr J. . MILLS, JsT o . a roplar Street MIH1".:; TBHH., llrastf it and Apothecary, (aarccsacr re K. 3. tanpbit r) in Fiirxt, OUa, W.adow Ola- -. 9na Braiarr, DlyLSl and I.iqnort, Cbamicala ai:A PiffaaiirTa ajaa-- aal cit tba patroaasa i f tha atueaa at aHAmahia an ic;:.. PrPesertaainaA earafn'ty pnrret. mt alt aaara of 4mw ant. aiaht. aa Oaktrood oi'Mrsery. T BaTX for sale imoisdtat! tba teolcvnce 1 af Cat. Jsrae A Carr.s. l.rcr toent-- PXT IT rjsra .ncnaiae Pe.b Tr. Bvergreen u.l l".,.w Sun tocrediB several ! ed HBW v.t RTSTIB3, aad a aowsral assortment f s.oalry fonodla a Harsery. wttich I will all on scoammadsu t leraas Io paectOBl leler. All or ler from the eoontry lllleo pear ,nd iti.rr-w- d by Rail r Water, at the riaX dlter reaeer. aaip-s-ni a. ac nt. atmav BLACKSMITHINO AJTD nnaon ofIaI:inam aCv TBaebsa-ias- r la he here branch tb corner of vaocei .iret 9eath ori o h BBBt ' t ucrttsmie, mmt Mil Blway ind bi bia Shop dn ALB . a a J. M. VEO.Y, Ifote. Stock & afxch aa Brok M Front Row. X'Otxs, ant at Baabam iN s:S 3ts nr U of ot RBSULTTD r tic m two of toe - B. B- BtcWAnr tl snsBhla -i . "A

Transcript of · 2017-12-15 · BY & DILL. 13, 35. USLLlV-li- r, ID trembled swelled;...

Page 1: · 2017-12-15 · BY & DILL. 13, 35. USLLlV-li- r, ID trembled swelled; the fierce bosom the baaner few still--cb with 'he din summer bat'le 33am; it THE

BY & DILL. 13, 35.

USLLlV-li- r, IDtrembled swelled

; the fiercebosom the

baanerfew still- -

cb with 'he dinsummer bat'le

33 am; itTHE BAXK-NT- 8

Prom tit KmcherbeT o would ar :et rfciui I had beta Ik law

Stat9 risen, v.

'rison'-- ' I .tboetl. "Ok'of rra sr., as a visitor," aad 1 feli- -

ajr boat bad

i convict.I re ip-- d erraia, drappiaf

at luip tgsible !

ting, anr! loiked alme, wi:h a sort ofMV : ' True, eTer)

axr. Elmore vrl nearNatrtaex.ta'M.seBt ivs!fan ariist, waaat ibiosten- - krr ea seddaoe-ir.- Aaaetti, a air youar b iUtV Of

sei stay hi air a If bom lonrer tbaa

SeSXy purposes of paint --

eat trbirli wiil appearI Hal I IT"''' i on the planta- -'

And of ten, in the calmat aroalil all est leeeirieT on

the ix'k fr bou e in a home-lik-e,

old-- ; T, under the or thedan

if. an aa i eoonc. !" I rai-

l e, iuaranPY boxIt CO l '. I tuat m Id, benevolentO ld I '.ave bees ao abused.

wo ild lite to hear hoar Rbap, id. inquiring'?.

' v are wtllin- - to Der

" 1 hate aever osa a of it eiace I have beenhare, bu if Ton v ill uvea to an old

jo aa day, I wasv.r old, ac a H may now aeem,1 was orae'i law ta the city of Boston.Or, rather, I z in int onW waitincto araetire. ttber, bad died when Iwa but a Be ' been a lawrer before aaa,and H waa m ittina alaara to be i ke him,aa I dimly m ared urn. a .J as my motherdeacrilved bis

" At tlia t iv mother and myselftfifrett a little boose at

and ( bad j a aa to see earn prospect ofucrss in gai" There w .tic of m a'. Louts

Mihoa br a t Out tim- - ashier la one ofthe cltr bar

"C rC'iBHv hid 'brown cs mack to-ldirether and , .roan to be verr rood

friends, mi tuv :,- - hid often smkenme of e ce Man M irvhall, wiioa ha

parents." Westers Marshal' anas a we&iuiy ianper'er

I had never aeea!i t but whoa hae that she wou'd

n i a j - in or whole

r toe(ner inthe y. In one ofthe turned to


"I am that I had never had that

Do jlie til l

ladv dreaber hat?'

I repl


that ngt.t ls as sound and dream! ti asleep a if thrr- Here never a woman in Cbrie

"Mahap you have noticed if yoa havewhat people c Tl ' aa ear f ir tnn'i-- ,' vou cer- -




ago tn n arqaisiti ibsome j


but ia laI

rmOrV V ithmo'e j't f imdiarface-- , th it at oc--

life thereof curdlingof bsviag

ar, someonly j

Nre of andI leave to prof ouaaer spec

eeui-- d de- - i

orctsel, aad It anata- -tha entire morning,

;g the attack wbca-io-

nt by assidao-i- ap- -

al of Cke and Lyttle- -

if the am- day I waar emont Therefor e diys, aad tbe

Now aad tbea, when I

too s, th- - ..ampeaiBg of

--s' deluged meb en walking Iwas knocked

was to raiaeion ; the next,ared. But the

tbe work ofe product d byin, soun rom- -

ves 1 had at tha

- It i ail to yea beer tthappe sage and aceom-ttoa-

; or liow atg t of that.nd atber tiams I

tH! yo:. what ! eas-.u- a

aicb. long be orelg spring, badlove, and that all

might be set apis e tamer birds.o Uhs Same, lit

tie a said by any partyia ret ; ejstaredtato b uia aad afarv .

aad tt .r bad aaaircetygirea e. with rae, now

i n, or, atieu' Bit eauaes

MCh I ' aoea bco aglit it

of the bonsee ofnon wilunitv, had beensnt saeculstioB,tsrming exteat,

bei a uaager, aadton lor wealth,tcb ' ok-- d to the

!e I him with. I araa poor,

t. i" would naveKeen worse thaa i - to bav awokenthen.

forward toto tbeaeel entails

,i th--

i cue it wihl a bank-no- te

ne hasten over a p rtion ofmy life ea give vou little rleaur' rnthe bearing, and is br.tor ia thamesaoTT.

" Tbe next mor ting I araa srree ed, chargedTed ce mtetfeel m aey. I

A I, evea ifres unable



The old man's voice tremt-ied- , ashe nervously kneeled tt.e ssttea1 turned away my fare, aa 1 ia ttstare emir, I breamed swar tWOU d te of me. a

"We came on. I did all I thoughtI could, that I had giventhe aot bete ceuid be imuoat a id tbe r- -

; eld ar tabt of ho-

lered infamous,s der that I

auffering f Tl rnHeasnes" o- agony,aader that ten no human cantea." '

Tbs oka mat ... ioaad K.i. Elm re, turnedLer face tows- j

Kexnwlm Pecu'ni"y i

'pressors gved-- . und nthMaraLall und H that tbelatt hope air tot

Howfallwdaas TTi tTT'but too eorn iw. ..t.. use uuj sinceceae entevo-t- T h trbter

this aaa ia-- t tried comraaode. Rothaad bvs now resorted to

entreat y. Ha faithfaily repreeeated her thesasaaaW of Bis afiai's, and u'ged her to sarehia froen ru r ar t disgiat-- e by mi trying theson or me nep nansrer.

axarueo asue prospe - o: tier isuier a iar


ppcai.pendin; penary, soviridlr set befurs hsr, ut-

terly I'seolste at heart ; fealin; keenly that allbar hopes of happiness were wrecked entirelyand forever, she h.iallr rieldet, a mariyr, an

labe tboaafbt, to her father's rood : aad tn ywere married. Alaa ! bow vara ta aacrmceWithin a week sfter their marriage matotl ex-

planations disclosed the truth, and both bou-e- s

failed the same day. boa'sMsrshsn wasfoaad dead. Poison,

was suspected, but the truthis not known to this day. Louis Ml-on- ,

the maraitnde of the temp'.atloa to dishonesty, gathered o:ether all becoold of ska acatterea remuante of bo b

fcsrdleas of bh father, or of his ereditora. aad departed suddenly . tine knew whith-er carrring with him bia bumbled and sorrow-ia- g

wate. ..... .." The world eras s'arMed for a

momeat br the extent of the failures : but in afew brief weeks the thing waa a m sat forgot-- :

n, savs by those who suffered immediate Inas" AH theae thiara I learned long afterward.

It would profit aothiag to detail to you toweary and bumiliattn; routine of my BrieoUfa. Let me paas ta the close.

" I bad been shut oat from the world nearlytwo years, and oae evening was aitting on thelow bed in my solitary cell, dreimingly wander-la-

among the 'gardens of memory.' Sorrow-ful eaeacb ta this, avaa to him whom lime hisbrought no ahado w of disgrace; who, whilehe looks into the Irrevocable 'long age,'

bis aVeaide, those who

love him, and those be loves ? who shall sykow maay 'grim faces of unrrpented error-loo-

oot from its shswdow upon even the hsp-pia-

man" How much less, then, sbll anv

:ontue tell bowbittsrer thingall U was to looti ito 'he past, to aae.wbo. wbfle ts vownr hsdseen mv mai staioea wuu iall my aaplratioos In s moment erosheil, and

v dearaat Dopes, even in their broadest Boon,

blotted Ma instant night.Kmd mo I waa stttin- - in the trowing gloom

of that autumn evening, mentally living overagain the days that were gone, when the dooropened, and the turnkey, accompanied by twoor three eentlemn, entered the cell. Oae ofthe gentlemen I recognlied as having been theproaecutiiaj attorney upon my trial.

" 'Tbaa is the asaa, Mr. Crampton,' aaid theturnkey.

"Mvdear Elmore,aaidtheattoraey,frai k'yeztsndiag his haad, 'let me congratulate youapaa your restorstioa to rife, liberty and thepwrauit of happiness, as tha aaeieata bare it.Tou are, from tikis moment, free to wanderwhithersoever you ehore. Come, let aa goaat lata the opea air ; it makes me feel sgueisfa

la here.'I waa completely bewildered, aad suffering

myself to be led without a word, before I couldcollect myself to ask the meaning of this un-

expected proceeding, I found myself oncemors under God's blesed stars, accompariedby, ar rather feeiag dragred by the

old lawyer. And what waa the r asoa ?

you ask Simply this. The note. for the atter-ingo- f

which I had bea impriaoned, wss theissue of a country bank, and, aince mv trial,bad remained in the band of Mr. Crampton,the attorney. A short time previous o my re-

lease. Mr. Wilson, one of the whoaccompanied Mr. Cramp'on to the prison, andpresident of rhs bank whence the ote wasissued, beinc la Boston, was aittiag in Cramp-ton'- s

. Bice, when some casual remark recalledto toe memory of the latter the eircumstaneeeattendin my sonviction. From mere curiosityha showed the Bete to Wilson, and ba, toCrair.pton's astonishment, Itgaums'

And so I bad been guilty of no crime,either ia thought or deed. Bu where wss theredress f What redress coold there be for amother murdered and a aame d. .honored ?

"Tea need aat be seed my reason for quittingBoston forw-- v. I eaase here after m in v wsn-tenn-

; aad, to this day, bo soul there ksowsbat that I am dead.''

Once more the eld man pa need, relighted hispipe, aad In a more cheerful tone continuedbia story :

" I had lived here with aa old negro womanfor housekeeper for nearly four years. h n

an uBaecoualeblc impulse me toriait New Orleans. There waa m. reason whyI sbould either go ob, or stay, except my ownhBcbaatton ; aadao I ran dowo the bank there,bailed 'he first boat bound downwa' d, and took

" It waa a bet but beaa'iful dav in May,whaa the White Ctoed swuag out into the car-rse- t,

aad stesmed dowa the river.The beat was tampered by a atrong breezefrom the south, before which small fleecycl uda. tb a seemed almoat me! in into thedistant blue, like little fairy bargee, scuddedswiftly to the northward. Always silent andabstracted, I waa that day tbought-- jfat. I remember I sat all day on the ruarda,to all looking at the bank of theriver, but really looking dreamily Into my ownheart h story, with that sort of pieasan sad-

ness whic a every meditative man so often feels ;

that partial losing of one's preeeet conecieua-- lneas in the cloudy living over again the pleas-antness of ' years agoae.'

" Late ia the afternoon the sub disappearedbebiad a mass of leaden-blu- e clouds, gildingits votumed verge wi'h a tine of daxzlinc light,The wind ceased entirely, a stifling closenesscrept through the atmosphere . aad ta an eyea' all weather wise, it was evident that the ar-- jmie of the air srere mastering conflict. Byaad by the thunder which, like Me artillery of

. . . . .I I en k- -J -- It .kklBLSUl U'l UlUIIIIVIIalong tbe horixon, nearer

and more near lightning, spirit ofthe storm, leaped from the of cloud,"d waved bis flamiag la adrasrr, a

large drops, which la the oppressiveaeaaaeunded like a shower of shot flattered up-- I

the deck ; and then, all of thetempest, the elemental




sbsioo- -

twenty-tar- e



wereliv.Dff Rashers,







frienu-iu- p





pnaoB-hous- e


Twenty-fo- ar



aorrounded br







around ua.

For more than three boars the storm ragedwith una ated furr, and even I S reeetrush had swept away to the East, the rata '

poured down ia heavy torrents, and, exceptfor aa occasional pile flash of lightning, theairht was iBteBselv dark Dunag the wholeof the firat half of the night I lelt no incline- -

hob to steep. iratDer rert as ir i couie eotsleep, snouid l try evsr so earnestly, aau axnearly two o'clock in the morning I waa stead-ing at one of the glaas doors of tha social ball.

do no know bow long I had a' cod there ; Ioaly know that I aloae of all the passengerswaa waktog, aad except for the escaping stesmthere waa bo souad on boaid.

" Saddealy I waa arouasd by loud shoutingwithout, followed in quick auacessloo br theharried tramping of feet, aad a crashing shock,that made the veeael tremb'e t her keel. Aa

gaiaed the de. k, the sir was fi'ied with loudscreams aal agonuei cries for hato Thnext meaaeat the roaia torches of the boatflashed their red light upon the darkaeas, aadthere, close before ua, lav a disabled steamer,ainkiag rapidly. Ia the thick darkaeaa theeye coutd not properly nseasue aistancea, andia a rash attempt tn ernes tbe coarse of theRMor deed sh bad been cut far below tbe

water-lin- e.

" I had not dwelt so long upon the river'sbank wi beart familiarizing myself with theoae of the ear, aad with the aid of two or threeof the first who recovered their

launched one of the steamer's boata aadpushed off to the assistance of those who werestruggling in tbe water. I shall never forgetthe faces I saw that night ; aad I shudder nowas I recall their looks of despairing supplica-tio- n

as tbe turbid waters eloaed over them for- -

ever, witfaia airht, almost within reach of tbs j

neipmr canoe.- I araa s anding ia the bow of the beat aa

we wert returning sl wly from a I vng circuitaroun 1 the sunken steamer, when I saw closebefote us the gleam ef a white garmei t uponthe water, aad a faint, bubbling call i cachedear ears. The boat abet forward under tbsimpulse of the rowers. But the object was goae.We were jaat turning to leave the spot, whenthe water parted agala below aa, ana the glare

face. I needed bo second gbnee : mr heartleaped lato m" throat, aad with a spring thatcarried me far over the boat's aide, I graapedthe white figure with enabling fingers, aadsspported it aatil strong anas ia the boat liftedus from the water.

" Tbs aeat rveaing Mary Marshall I coeldaat call her Mary Milton aad I aat togetherin New Orleans, aal talked hour after boor.- Let me make ber

"They had gonee Orleans, where Lotus eooa obtained e

aa book-keep- ia one ef the banksof tbe cfy Bat the lose of bia wealth andposition had completely east dowa bis weaksprit. Hs fall into bekits ef drunkenness,was rarely at heme, eoeaeUaaea leaease ber totheir boarding boose for days together. Heea'.ertaiaed an insane hope of regaining bialost wealth at the gaming table, aad withtntwelsa months from their marriage be areabrougb home dead, subbed in a drunkenbrswl in one ef tbe gambling bells of tbe city.For unately for Mary, she had gaiaed the af-

fection aaJ esteem of the wife of the araaaaamtof (be bank where Loots bad k-- en earntoyod,who now offered her a home ostensibly aa ateacher of music fo ber dau.hter. And hereshe had been evsr since, meeting nothing butk.ndaess, aad contented with ber let. Shewas accompanying the family on a northeratour, when the accident occurred which broughtus together.

" More tbaa thirty years hart, " solemnlvcontinued the eW maa, after a passe, "rolledaway, aad never since then, for a single day,have Mary and I been partod."

Mrs. Elmore roes softly from ber chair, andkneeling beaide ber husband, hid ber face inbia bosom, aad sobbed like a child.

Sileatly walked dowa the pathway, and.leaning apea the rustic gate, looked far dowawhere the light ef the i e rise-, moon sleptupon the water, aad I atoaed to the airht wind

it wbtepei ed softly to the slumberi ng flowers.Present; r I felt, rather than heard, a Tight stepbabied axe. A little white bead waa laid uponmv sbeatder, I paaaed my arm loving! v around

yielding figure, and tbea, with epiiita thattael ed into each other, aad in that blissfulbear lived aa bat one essence, Annette and 1

etood dreaming under the silent stars, until theasM Sana's voice said :

Tome, children, it la late."That little bead ia aat so fair and plump

now aa tbea, and the floats ef age ars beginningo sliver my hair, bnt s' ill the autumn

evenings often find us etandir-- f at the rusticgate. Tbs same river flows unchangingly atour feet, aad Annette and I are aa a asafai a 1joae spirit now aa then.

A Txst. Oae of tbe beat ways to ascertain'be nature ef thtogs is ta aak dyrag aiaaara.Tatoy commealy apeak clearly aad nn. form li-

ters, Kot one of them has ever pronounced gold, orrtblj "" c,"l pl'aaore, of real value

Wo oae of them has ever pro--aooaced a tfe of s a wise, or a death ie sin

raine or me.r atrong delusions, even whennag uem raat. IV utmost error eaa do tathat awful hoar ia to make those itmiller, or irriUbU. It assay kiJcMTlecountenance with an nneBrrhi . .-- si. I. .er g iver songs ia the night " The doctrine ofthe cross Is the onlr rellnon for s rfvln- -

ner." Hothing else bears tbe sou! above tbeworld. Nothing else gives tbe Unl ahoat efvictor) to u dying mart

ideas as o 'Link of it in roar action wi'h thehome of bit playmates. Certainly, It allowedto do so, be can aa readily connect happinesswith paren s, brothers aad ateters, aa withthose of ott er kin. Aad the rt.ild will do so,ufleaa happineas and pleaaure, when ne callsfor them aawer the parental reef, respond,' Not at home!'' Ail home picturea sbould bs

clean and joyoae.If basne Kfe ts well ordered, 'he children

hav-nr- aseordmj toa?e,vi rkins me. aJa,tisna, books, irsmei aad har seaoH sysapatbies,tkey will lov-- I one. sndnS.I pleasure there.

Give the li tie ores slates and penwne, souencourage their attempts to make pictures.Drawirg will amuse them ertiea noisy playshue los' he r rest, or are unseasonable I anu

the art will be useful to them ir, all the baja

nesa of after life. Have taem to read to eachother atones snd psratrraphs of your sejec. ton

ssve the funny things ai.d the p.easantand books to re w toones, rou aea ia papees

leisure. Tnu c r fi;'n- -then, at vouraad how it aill please tnem, anu new is em

well for themki.l Ik. at fr, VWI. Bo' eboosefor the impression mads la tbelr tnl ao

will last whe the nnm ci um

Hsvr them sine and ainz with them,teaching them so hymns. U! rkem

af ail proper' n

en nationsthat their kabasa

irm wrrk toceuisrbovs and girta.

tbs boy artndarstand ,rla

amasi tiom m to n :, practical: , too, a thereby they may avoidj h,ucd discomfort i ii'ure life. Let them work1aetber in the (a ta --hoys tod girls bothMad ork. Together let them

, their mmm. ri '.dies, et-c- all theirka and work while the parents'

eyea oireet aad smpa tttze, and laeir leadvo.ces blend in loving accord. Lift IUmmtrattd.

I Havib't the Tisii. " rorre,'' aala baateacher one afemooB, " I srlsh you would ar-

range reear drawing materiak In a little better

a so. Jar. Wiltoa,-- - re--rge. 1 haven't the time.''

aa," returned Mr. law of heaven," aad itfirst law of eatth. When

ur drawtnr this afternoon,you had be one-ha- lf hour looking foryo r i'npler even then yoa were forcedto borrow, rise yea ecufd not find them,It is a lame act, that a bad practice

a habit, and, likean infections disease, soon contaminates theober fecultiae "

George A'wll was a frank,boy, studious aad obedieat in eebool, aaid. in

truth, industrious ; but bis industry consistedin b drying to overtake time already lost.

" I b ven't the ti ma," waa his ex use for anyneglect of duty ; and so good was be in bisdisposition that bia fault was passed over bv

bis widowed mother, who doled on her boy.will era fasten tfc- - h.ngs on '.ie

garden mtte?" asked bis mother one moraiag." 1 haven't the time now, mother. I shall

be late at school if I stop to do it, for I basebad to bnrry av about that wood I could notcut last Bight, b it I srill fix it after school."

" There, mother." .aid Geerg-- . a. he waaabout to retire. " I forg-o-t all about that hinge (

but, biwever, I hadn'' 'be 'ime to fix it to-

night. Never mind, I'll do it to the morning."George arose early, and on repairing ti the

gardm a aad airht waa preseated. The cat-

tle, finding the broken gate no tbetruction, hadentered 'he gar lea, trampled the beds, broksndown or ea rn the iee ables, while a score ofpigs had finished the work of destruction sowell begun.

Georce wept with sorrow aad vexation, butnon cot "oled himself with the thought that it

waa no- - hia fault, for ue should certainly havemend'd tha ga'e, if be only had time.

" The better way," said bia mother, is todefer bo' till what should be doae

and if you will only remember thatthere "ia a time for everything, aad will dodo evrrrthing is its time, the difficulty will beavoioe :

a valuable hors'.'was drowned, becamelejey boy had not time to cover the well ia thelot.

When he became a man, he lost bis farm bynot having me tn inquire into the validity oftbe title. Then bia house was basnied, and,and, alas lit was not Insired; the policy badexpired a few days before, and he had notfound time to have it renewed.

HxaoiSM Possislx to All. All n

souls have wrapped up in them wosderfal enerries ; but theae energies are all needed, andcan an be nobly exercised la any sphere ofoperation where God's rrovlder.replaces ibeir possesaor-- . No truly intelHgaatmaa despises his own sph-i- e or the sphere ofsny fellow-ta- x a. The immortal faculties ofhuman nature scope everywhere, and re-

ward and bo ior everywhere, when tbs grandplan ef God is apprehended and is ea'eredrate with cordial faith. In the army of Crom-well every Ironside felt bimaelf to be performrag an iBdispeasable part, and never felt de

br the caaceit that be waa nobo-iy-.

Much more ought this to be the rase in thegreat army of the World aod the church ; for,interlinked with one another aa we are, eachof ua ia ordinary life baa a sphere full of in-

finite interests to be promoted by endeavo a

srfe eh hare far more independence than theoperatioea of any literal army. There is notone of us that may not in tbe world warfareform a character and perform exploits trhieb,in the public opinion f heaven, will be deemedheroic and even god-lik-

Si,, Vwr. Nt-w- Vhr ws th " Bc-a- H

f I , t) hnwr, t, t hsl he mit-h- t feed hehmiry milh t. b.tlJ ot ift? Why waa

itself weary, but to give tha wearyr.,,? Wb w j,, prine, f peace" intxeuble, b it that the troubled might have

,., w Qie Imaee of Coil " couldr,or. u. to Go None bat thePrince of Peace could bring tbe Uod of Peacand the Peace of God to poor sinners.

Shost Scbmox nil thx LrrtLC Folks.Many ef our little frienda have by soma meansgiven themselves a very foolish hab.t of ma-

king use of many words and phrases whichare of no use to any one, and do not at all re-

lieve the mind of the speaker. This practiceis not onlr very foo!ish and ailly. but tt is d -

eide-ll- wrong. Let me illustrate this by acase ia point. Here Is Harry Hills a smartlittle boy ot eev'-- summ-r- s, loved by all whoanew him. His mother is our neighbor, and aiow picket fence divides our gardens. A fea--

days ago, while I was weeding a plot near thefence, ! beard some one exclaim impatiently

" By jlnmiiry, that's co mean."I looked up aad saw Harry, who colored up

to .dc r s or dis nair. .s i ssaeu," What's loo mean "" Why, yo . see, I was raking here la the

garden, and my rake caught ia a root, aadthree of the teeth came out."

" Tea, Harry, I see, but suppose all the teethhad come out, or even tbe rake broke so that itwould he impossible to mend it, is that aayreason you should swear about it V

" Bat I ctidn't swear, I only said "" Yea, Harry, I am sorry to ssy you did. By

jimminy is just aa much aa oath aa any other.01 anything, no matter now smalt, is swear-lug, aad tbs fact is yon take an oath. Do yoa..ou'-rsia- i

Harr did, and the bright tears rolled dowa.hia cheeks aa 1 talked to him of" little oaths."aad showed him the atep waa small from theseto the time arbea he would, wituoat thinking,take tbe name of bia Creator ia vain.

Since that time I have not Leard Harry useaay word not necessary to show his sseaaing.Children, think of tins, and remember to" sweax not at all." A'. Y. saVaeodrat.

Oheerinf News to the AfflictedGXSTLXalK tt science msr specula's and UVeeiss,

vuctb m as to tbe emtcted tbaa all SheiBerias the osrM ever peetsaea,

DS A. G. GO0DLET6Improve i f.m.-lf- '. Panieva.

Is brail bo have civsw It s trial. s bsooe oi tbe test .ce. evsr need fav the care at st'assesses an. am truss a dMoceereS aaaasrb. ar sa opars stair nr Cos saina. Tbe maoa sasaotaaiax earspei lis sssi bribe " rsoacea" is ib city atflpwavilksad vicinitT an-- in every sectiaa of the saaatfy whenit has been ia'.r iocsjd is a ssBosal rwsatse tt It

Tbe Ber. J. C. BovsV-e.o- dlaBsvltle, Tvea., ejsehatans:

Bm. X. a ssooplxt Pear Bir It mi beSTatifsioiterse u bat atocab's Pawoo, prerrsd aod son.If va. is doina alseaoa .rk in the re'tef of voor fel-i- o

set Purine aar r ceo; trsvots la reversl msuKie,.a .... - t... toe met tho-- h naveiiii'S IS The sjnrvrBl ' r:i n r SB, R is tb beat

I have ever hsrd ' It has beso very OMrsi I

sroiieb oh by preorhtne irtb mrnrn sar soa labor in revival, neas maBS mrant in this place. Very

j. c- aowrxiaO. W JOKS b DO . XXS Hhlh streM. BBS

SOIDLSTT SCO .X Proa: Bow.-- mpl.i.,ToB.

B. B. GOOOljrTT a do , u r Teas.

A Memphis Invention.t SO EL ft PATEN T ftPSC- -

J TACLkBS BUrxT. 7 !t

I M Rl. !t iliwtiiiK to th m ( FIVEWATCHES, a , (r. ttiatods.) tBUaMR ir

ain RlK' f Wkf Rwrfa R:(JO tai WatcAe. Lr

rr ia Lett Irtrwh At Sof T. VOSI.

trs "voiirf .

ma aeMBB

4 iwsit ? li son. the soaarsixssens HselDa iilsaa ssBiost aM bb.

doty aslbeaticatd witaiie tbberwis lhy will he borrad. BOdaH

Borsoav aseisifS t sa; t

moSist paymen:sprl-lva- i

RwWlH,IT VIX6 beea arP"

tb soie ot ;he y.ritias oss'ltles W):tte Lead maae- -lnuil leor Vis a Strmota C .. BISl laiMs . I sib pre sat ea k. aapray tbe trees, oni tbsaOly at liberal rotes.

Tb qsslity of tht teesd ts eot eaoalled by say brandaa tbe Slates, aad sweeBed hveniath Wit

a. l. ccaaisro.fee- - adaoac .treel. pradler

W- - II. LOVER afc .,(Iwri Raari ta Ml i ' 8Wr it Cm.,)



Com miRRioa Mr rr hitils.No. 16 Faaai Row.

a. ss 53 BBBPnia. -- xvs asaai.

Yotice.tltbsrh. niKSHELL & tliTTHEWo,

r TX r laeiiBmi sf n rrest sadcetenrBter, rheiicsl Pvers sod Bsserers, UOOK b MATTPIW1 oj

oorr BB t


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At) :'rii-i;i- I RdvrT,BwaftU mtit w- t- tmr -- limt . M mo: t&m ruarkd, tm wiU mm

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tJP- - Ail irriidrx rs,oir4 to bm krpt a r. r.

Mf tBAttEn AS few EACH DAT, aa tbirtj jhhb .l'lacdi irrr sttv rr:e.; f dlrdKtot to b i:srtjmi. or Mi U

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HE;TvbRjiV aVTTTtl-cM-- a Will b 'Z- tr at rff5- -

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tf wi) r?r in ho W- k rriNftt' t tHtht Vfnsa!yn,psJT

Uy, at a irr?ilavj latorra!9 ia mtmr t tk pmprt,miV. b chRrrM t! mr Rqnsr tar rb tivl mm wry tnOTr- -MLT 1 -i lAf CAeUAfR (ar SUU. ronoty nd II- -

dirl Odrn $4 mcti. to b? wit r, r.1- ib trvrnj

' Al' RdTrtisrfBnitR r iMtiUEtoa.Fir fliinapan r Ward, Tomrm mmd mtStr Fafclic Mtinn,to bo rwi half UTir.

"f" llArrtAltAR Rff! lVPRtB" Art Ur!ijt R5 HMTI , btttiriiari, TrlbfMoi mt EAcprrt aat Fonrr&. InvtwifmA dPLbP- - RjTfr'.UfSDT.Ls

TT kWlstmM tUkd Trn4A( AtRfM iniiiTiH mm

-.-r'c-1 by tU laaatrttoaCf" Editorial HotK in Local OoIbbr-- will m rhrrJ

9 af per Iter.CT" dMnrtido or Tarlatioa will b madt Tram it

tarAOointi rmtoc.( I.AM AR AK. TR( An A I.r A PIU

or thx coaptrtoa op tutf'iiy Fire Ins"riinci roapany of Hartfnrl.

JANUARY 1, lMO.Tmtme Vomtrmtler mf the Stmtrof Temwtee:

The same of toe cumpany Is I'ITT Ptax laaoaasce roarisy or Hssrrnta, at setsare.

The .'apnal --- of tk r.Baaajt is ... taVlonoThe amoantor ani'sj isi rs pail s? -Bbs Atert cf tha rapsay are as ro'tosea :

Par Volnc

ISB Sbsre Park R.nk k r aiKIS 'a Sfk R.T.. 10 not) 10 1U

tKpo'itaB B t s T. manBR ImrT.AT-jdeftb- 't Pm T. 10 SOS ii.199 a t et n -. ' a oao s

tou ,ls Baa-- Pits. ST. T.. IS SOS emto She-a- a ke- - .st'a..v T (000 o

us) iii i.'nsii t.. soon itas B't r OBercrB-- l St l. Boston 0 000M Berctta' B'k '"k, Psabn. 0,000 5.J0Oso B deAI.c,-ke- r B kSl'k " S.000 a.

Sa'ir Pond " N 000 10 3001T B yr inms) to ton

Bees ml. B'l Si t BstU id IS SOU sot101 Ck'neytpak " is.ese I0AO0ao P.lw.-- " d.eoo

Aetna " " LOtl t.aosB' b lakBaa. " " i.:O0 a.itoI'm a Pnf f a mm t BSC

a sas10 Br l Sioesorn.t Bsr

W I- - i1S-- I 5 'fr-

tllt.iaO tlBBOTS

Accruet iniye-- t ,a li.iesSaiei. Bsrskte Jsn- -BBTT '. 19S0 " tn s-

BBIaocer oo tk- S se .in Ageut. . I 'ICaab so baod aod la Bank..... . ti sas 57

Cask is band if Area's, or IB tr.n Ieronunbsdflos sad - Mm m

Loans ub Mart sax ot Real Ksuia gt.eti.toLoans tecared by pledge ed Bsak s d ether

Sloe ...41. Til 14

Leas- - on r r.-n- or other apprered recari ;es, IISS 0rtdlre Pnraite: BB7 Likrsry i,; .. i.iis rt

Bslanoe In favor of rioaopsay MOawtai Stock paid ae.Suck- snl

LIABILITIXS.No Liabilities to Bank-o- r atbers, ea and not enaWo Lsaeet sdiasted and do.Lnsasa and not doe .C4C

Lass reported aasdja.d,of M waauosfsnb r proof

No other da una agauma tk tnawaoyTba en' 4 Ib compaoy limit tbe smovjit id aop sj

iMtteRaMTa sroBte.i avaaoat allowed to a tasared ie any so

ctry, saaa or vi.iaoe, sari acaurdiaata lis sis andrty.

Th- - rr..t-- - .;! ;at allowed to be .o.ared m v tblock, vseies as in ftie precedint.

No par: of its capital orarnina are depwlted witkany Stat or Stat as Beeeriry for tbersia.

An if trcorpartlioa I some as h'i eteforefltet.C. B. BOWtBS, President.

C. C. WalTE. Seetry.STATB I.F CONICWrTtrrr, j

HsSTroan COTBTT. Rartf- rd. J.e tt 'SO

Prrsuoatly appeared. C.B BOWBBA. PresideBl, sndC. C. WAlTX. Seereury 4 tb City rire lnstirssceriatpsny rf Bartfoed, and tnsde a ar tfcst the toreoolnaxtatemrst. by them robscribea, ea. fall and oorter'

of Ik aaTairs of said c mpany, aid exhibit,sb far aa ran ba sasertslnad at tb data, ha actoal en--dmon on Ibe first day of January.

Bsfsrs sae. B. D D. Kolory ICStatk or TxaaxssKK, Costb Ltt'tiirrtct. i

Bbville. Jsi ssry IS, laao )

This is I certify that Ibe Cltr Pire Isaai toia C mpj-a-locBled st in Ibe Slate sf Oooectirat.

bat ssaaplied with alt lb rairaaeBt sf aa set passedtb Oenerel Aaeembty of the Slate of Tennessee, ir.

March, I St. entitled. " Ao Act to rental tbs assoc...r isaor iBB oirsiiaai not incori,rtd by th Sute rJ

Teseoases." and that J B CnanwtrK snj V. ISILU are ibe ioliy BBtb riaoJ asec a ct laid cobspsny. ia the town of Msnvpbm. Stat of Tea e.

J. T. DCSLA?. Coktotler.P lines Isseed aod received in th abvy tellable

Quag OT by CBADWICC a WBLL5. Agent.JaW Bank Bslldjaf, Main sueet








EI.5F, Wit rTR E. ja

Laator!Cvpvaas Lambsr.

ate feet Cedar Peu-iu- g ass utha

ShiBst.In addii tern tm geoeat ssssetmeat already in pard.

Iia-l- a , M. B. COCMBAJg.

.t,Cmpabll- - -l Zxitf tradtac tor aTHE br me w M UTalhRO f - ".no la', -Two. ieoa. mWn lae ao isavi a'k-- ia. aafanaaaaa

fraadalat.y aad I wit. the par.I axte-.- t of the !sw,

r. W. VKWHAir

Q-arde- n Seeds !

GRASS SEEDS!fJ--TI a said i laaiallafli H ttaa attentioa tt all aer-T- v

morts want ia( ae d to (he tori, thai wt have thearcee aad aauat ecaaatot akeft eree br um to thiaai't't all "f whufe wa war raat traah. Vwr sale wwote-aaA- e

aad retail by--TAtD & McCI tLLA YD,

Wauleea-- Dratxi st axl tVsMmea.Maa. Pft aad ITT Maia Street,

Oaawalto Woraajua Mooee

T Itee Public.VH BatOAPWAT i

Via Tn a a Jaiiaary U mmYXT aauoa mm aMio- - r p,- -i 'r Atlaota (tSa.iVV Caadrary. ta which bb aasaa ks atoaed u the

- ca;a4 TRarfc List mt Hew J yet erchaau. Tmm Hatia u cuatam the iismpi f I n kawa t--, ha sata- -

BraswaisaB. Helf-ris-

far as tba chart relate u a itla aadkctoa aa4 tales ua ary partitor aa owr rnradiaaaih aad Varth will teaUry. We an dUtodte (mpomm4

ta aedaajB-t- aad practice, ayaaaathy aad avrauaseai toAbolltteatoK. n"hlean tmm sad all the tai ahneaaatd. W arc aad aver have aee t ttaajwaahty

war riawa, aad thA b rf charjf be.Ltriii,-ag-( vUi dattrra a freal iaJao irm


irtR.tAmtk co... ..fir, wATta A roCsavra, VLU Vw Orla. L


Padrarah, Kf 1. Loau, U".

OfTES, HAl'IfKS a CO..

nmailsiion and PorwartliacMERC HANTS,1

On then New Wbairnoat,

Cmirm, Illinois.



BA Mai Street.Jns reeeivs1 th aad Beat ssaonedHATB


V ALBNTIHBBPvr brosatb' to Stm BssBPhls Stfls

TALByrrnrBS at aav .Til iKTTXCB alTiLajrn.via si i 'k

ALis.Tt.vis at ie.TAl.ts.nvej tt s



r a ijRBTiaa rabm iui

ntiiskff.P AKBKI.S - WXIsty f .rle by

rmM a 00.IUI

For alckBAtrarf aad a. mcr. timctmA tm aTHIRTEEK lyian ftctb nVn4.

rit mmi hi Lr Ut. f a3mmk rtr . ; 3o mm em dAtood tbre rf silk

caa laael am emt'.lj a( ib nUtiTa;:Aim. fnd fmrma, sis milmt tim ill alaa tttDot, mm tat

Ifrmphii and Ohia railr4, eoaiaininf 130 term 119 tnramratioa,) Trnmm imr'.l'mm, nmtrm qnArtm allwiury i ::t. alt tc fOOd ardAT.j BOWKS k W..EBT.

l'or Sale.A K ttairoV44 cUsUtvsn froaUnc ttM V .llpu

X rlFRT, MlW Rials, lOpl'N fiiel. s a rassets, id ,eat sa , son acres is the tran SSS lacsJuratlea I so vsosdsal dvrluaci 10 oeeri saBSBS.claiers huMaaf aso barrels vbi, r ; tars sla tans, staaad will alt is aider; ytabl'S. krta atsl liupiuiiual.ah ta paas order. If ileslred. Ibe ee snd sadJoe, dabesd eteasrls. laSbsss SSslieep will b odd sat tbpiss. 1 b has a sood orcbard tba lead rato.

-A- LSO0mm ptBSUttoi. Tootlr.r on tk tadsslapl river ttreemils, it Beaks avast r, Arkswu i sat asrss m ikecrx'-- l '6J in eolilTBU-m- ; sa xcHent rraaa dwelluafsad reed ooar ler a lor SO baud. , Isrs ten starry gRl

sees wlis eslra tin aaltl snd press; ptentr ci'teenscfwattr, sod alt necessary bnildinev alt tm ssdar, RShvod is pilot of saataeaah any. also. It dotted. I OSS

wSIOsaaslsifa,raxs.awaaM SO oi Wboss. IS or 1 bead r catus. 10 koreea sad moles, IS erat arid Sands as rrcetleal baresta.

ists Hnprres a bibbt.Alss, a Bar i ill IB plantation IS miles below

Criiteoden suooar, Aattfsaa. Iruouaaot Praocla rivet,ana saw Isnd. loss serss is tbe iet. fseerd, rm)

la catlivalicr. too mere dead en t ; r.raro qsarten, ct.tees wata sin boese wHb sis an-- t mill, all la aod askear. mirxissa xmer.

for sate,BBt eel tnmt e new Slabs Ua road, rose4ACBxa, tn ieel. neat cottage, wi'h Irs rataaa.

paetry. ktebes ist Ivs servaava. moms amokeBsoae,SUble. earns bas ad eetl erlb. SH milts m mCaorlSi, srs. Itrbll Uortlbdh BIBBT

F O R S A. Ia K.f rtrf Terms :..'atlow,u prspsrty. ua sad tbree-(ua- miles

THX from Court tki'.r P ur and a bait Beret oiLand oo Bass strret, with a rot Family srrtBSla rooms, servsm't and kltcBsn. istovs. csrriaabinin i isals sadaolsai it. al sslliisiaait

ALSO A rood roaittr Basadeor. en Jaeiuao streetwita seven rervsatt' rtesas, ctstera, ionSBOd sreHs carnage boase. stable a: 1 garden, a.l io ft--

order sadbsaiiUrvJ ligationoxao BVjrssln Tsooti

Me Ten ernes! with 'oar tort rwaBa, kltefcaa. act-r-

vsnts rokin and rle -- ro, s't ' wr-- Deftand Brmandn streets, so tk ait, at tha anrf tfc a'ley

luo-I- .i Bi.asosii Packer .a am a brickosia sla touaa aaJ lamt at t mt'a ronant, ctstm,garde, csrriase biiese stab rwcktAFd. in ikit ftatatre-- e ar tbrot sere mt at Tb krr ata-- aFori picascaas is a Promtronoa. fcitcbeo and servant':

Portorther i n f.T.ttoo stt e Calbom tBscB, t irnec d - an I Mais stream.



ttE.1L ESTATEOftrs in tbe iotib; Procs, corner of

Main a.js in ao

- ii

alti sat ar'

toeaalaati to aay mmi mil vrmmmteada f r aVACitoinAat ia um M ' Hf1 ""

dad aaaM mt ilKa. Acta. Svwaa b' """fcn';."' ""c: Stat.

teo 4 iBv'ri. a eon, rteiitsudsn, Ark.BR 4 north, a east, "1 0 4 aarth, S east,

aartk, 7 rest,trrl acres deadened.

4 nerfb. f east Oillllsti a. ArkIII a north, f east,sit 5 aorta. 0 cert,

north, d east,7 eottk, 6 eai.t oortk, B east.1 anttk t easts asrta a ai a

nartb t easts north 7 east

BOB acres deadened,s north S ea--t Ortnesdea. Ark.S escth 7 east

Sen acre dead.!ia north 0 rail Mississippi. Art.

lew sere. ies.ler.r .

II Omsk 0 t Maasaaatupl. Ark.IS aoB tealM Tt north n east

line M north a eootII nortk 4 i vat PUaasst Ark.IS encB 4 t

S earth s west .lactase and at. Praa.rim. Ark Cue river.

4 nrs-t-h I westa tkvta 4 t Jarkaoa, Arka torta I '

14 erh i teeot Preo .. Art14 t

ism 5 north aet Vbil es . Ark.tlto ts sontb ff west C ra Ark

10 scuth t weal Degha Co,, Ark.11 scat 1 west -

4 -- rath II west Ttuvana oo. .

I SSI ie wantt - nth wsm f - Mis.

sso acres at aati at a.aaastkTith 4 west "

"s axea 1 west Tallahatchie Miss.Ua C a "lay t boroo.

11 so St Math 5 . - ' Snnnower Co. , Miss17SS M mmem Ik Iv Bstnuwoo .

let t west kannowar. MiasKtar McSntt

I wet Wastiittgieri. Miss.Stir Lake.

ia i I west Wastuaarloa, nSun it

Sdt sere, fonr sail north Pais! ..Jwksm coonty. Alabama l a t'mtatt-M- en f e shove, 400ocr cnltivalod land, and is repetad to ba r tbebestutton pttntttbaoa IB that port of Alabama, Ib referencelo mia last mentiuoed ptantatii.n, call .3 J. W Scraxxs,Hasten, Ie, Alabama or on as here.

Having th foretear lit. as well maas other tracts,eoo lots. sse.. we are epanpetk.1 to xr real estate

aaaat sf war attect ion. and aa it la about as s -

wt B hesyy as a moderate rhrt of land, see tender earto the pntdsc geeeralir as "rents to cor or sail, or

lease, if, rnanired. any and all praaert intrnsted to oneare. ithT in th dtv or country We oissd give a aatlafactory nBeahev of reference., bnt deem reference ofSat little vaaxkttnde, s anyb-id- eon rive names enoturh.W prefer oar patron tboahl call an.1 see na. and thennqnire after cor road ef rmstness.


t. 1 SMITH. IAS. T 1'TMt.J J. tIITII & CO.,

CofflniMon and Forwarding MrrchanLvAND MAI. tllfi IX

Boat toie-- i an-.- l hlp hHiirtlrry.(liwar Whirr ! )

MEM PHIS, TE !1 HE S I rTT ATI NG pnrcha-- tm. Wharf Boat11 arMsnR ( Mwr. PnTR, A'fi k Pi , ffba- - had hrr tli n utti If r?,-- aad with thr addUoc of cm .of Bada It K'Ku's 0!bratrd Strsai is now saaa at tha aaf-a- : Bnota m tha taatoatalrioa--r.t are premmrd, tu do a a! Cnm-nl- a anj Fir- -wardiac lump. (with Trr rat l try rr makricllbaral cati aaaaajaaj on rroititca. ate., sooomiAWe Um tttor al

AM 4 mr l i . t. (tn'H ullteTWlp' -atract) will t- - I

(ir - - i" ' ria-- mi

bell KLA.sralisrGin.n . k f .r .r. .r.

Practial Bfll Hanpr snl Loeksmith,Ooraar rmoo atraal ami Sacoad Atj.

LI.S Haag aad Krpairad ; Kryx fl tM; locks re- -B paired elc. rr-ona- l atrr.i"n toRnaA and atmP:.beat bhlng. aSl-- lj



Below rnion, west aide,


B eaa aar data in ever breach cf oarVA taaatHM at th KK A50VRLK B .TB5

periit attentiaa paad to tbe araparalura 4



aide's Plain and Carved Ivory Handled




Cons'antlv.on hand tbe Cttoiceat Selection of

Toilet trtlcresBvr to any aonthern ur western tuartet. Wepsnsrularly-di- r Ibe attention of pby.iciana to oarasperiorChemical aad PharmaceuticalPreparations.

DEARINC, A WETHERILL,333 Bste street.


Earae StockO F PUMPS!

For Ervrsj ritrpose.Brsps Forte Pumps,

Copper Forte Pomp,Cnmpoeitton Forte Pumpa,

Iron Forte Pumps,Fnfine

Doobie-artio-a Piimpe,n ' Railroad Pump,

Boner Feeu Pomps, .

Hydraulic Pumps,Iron Ritarr Pomps,

Brass Rotary Primps,Deep Well P i raps

Brass Lift P .mpa.Copper Lift Ptimpe,

Iron Lift Poops,Beer Pomps.

Liquor Asataa,Cistsrn Pomp,

Chain Pomps,Pumas e ererr dseeription, all an.l prlea,

at V. A. PARR a. O.-- ,m Vo- - 1' Main Street.

Business Carts.. j. vaittt. B A OILXtV. w t AKcitra,

rarelroa K ttarstlna. a. Catenae

h. J. WARB EN & CO.

0r Ffrt fear Ir TttmplK

OCTOBER, 1869.

twtb ARaKiMr itxcxmso ABU OPBWIMOVB

JEWELRY,Diamond; Silver and Silver-plate- d


FANCY GOODS,Catlerj, Plstals, Ctaes, Etc., Etf,

f )asrt ad bey our ajda mt m SaaaafRC ivrrra faOaaa And toltating that oar atock will eaMpara 1itw'Nr. in Lt7. !, aad arica. with any ia the mmnQrmrn

aaaaUj. w- - raractfal y inlto aa imtpmHim mmim

bttyaag rLcwbtra.We h r iraaU nai r" nl watakaukara aad -- thAT rk-aaaa,

aad wiU da all work arrtolaias to w baalaaa, aat

Uftrtori'T. A. J. WAJULEX h CO.,ct Urn 201. onrarr Mrid ad Hoard rtrrft.

. a. WALT. w JAM- Joiisioa,llcrrbia, Tiii, f UaiRTilia, Ey.

WALT & JOHNSON,(Ettoccaauc-- la A. J. TaJt A Oo ,)

If holemate GrocersftattpkasMMM ntGRCH AiVTS,

No. 77 Front Row. TePB3 urn r ms Rik tss. .

fee sale a bars and wU assortadi;at.H:aaixji. ugi ux i M, viks an i ran-le- t.

solicttsd for Ptoar. Pork. Baron, todnew afntiua pile to Consitnaienll cd Oot-

id Osantry Prodsc eoerstly atHS dlv

b "tt'-t-i a r. lirpa.Brmidiis. TeOn. Unas Bora Alt.


ixpobttxs. at a Kr pa rmfts, no' mtr vp

trn raturu nrITS, tF9 STRAW GOODS,

Jf. 9T jaaita Btrtet.(TrprttTTB onrrBr aaviaBB.

li3Cemi"li1a-B- . Tormoaaoo.GAYOSO SAVINGS' INSTITUTION,


i.i t.isi.i ri re or Ti:; vM i .

8100,000.74 4TOMBT varaivsd ondeOuattm tens of Pre DollarsISA Bad upwards, on which mtere.l at the rat 'per cent, per srratrm ia paid far stun reaeainloe s.mostha or looter.

DIRECTOR!;:r m nt's a. a rncTB.

:johx 'snaBiaa b. m. ami,C. 1 RKLDBT w .

JACOB J. PR REM,Professor of Oriental Languages


rcBTBCmiiH ia Bsor'w, Cnootsic ass! Arabic ; sowwon 1 i mj randsrsta.

Pn Beisnty is tha Orients: Lsasrnaxe uaxht is threev e msw

CAiii n i v .

Arctiiteot,arwrari I to lww--i rawifrj aod at

JkitHiaaa rf mmmrg da Tiptiua, aad alao pw hia pr- -ti i u. taair fractijQa:a aad Aaaaaa alrfM, .it ie H- i- ir.

P. A . HE( KliB.- r i : iv direct. ii,-,i- i.ii a ii-- -. Hoaie,



BrandiesNat: .a Win a, Uiat aal Ft new Wimm. Omgar Tina,Caaaaaaasa Wioaa, StoaiacA Bittora, Ktuamal, aad allkiadA mt vtlir tinmt Lifiaar aad Cigar a. aotf--w

Uotleemf th- - rlar it thA U id ..f0FFir CRTjcwy mt t Oatr . f M rcipkia:

ittoro raiifi. n tx mmrit ptiuutn.Pc'Jt!aar, a rrc" man af cvler. Ba. Ttu day tlad ia aa;i"ort h a u relofta'i'T .nm hi ma If lato

iRA-- ry an-- t cfio.-- a aiaacar an-- mvt aaattnaAr aadVI 1:td K. hia daairad w:r. ara aArrtay -

qatrad to appear at tha aeat Mr: :. tna rA aai aaart,rcxJ answer sorh lRterrosatoriaa astray ba ataaaaajdaathewi ta the areaiiaaa


lt JilUMTOM. I



Keal Estate in the City of Memphis,aaa

I and tn Tennessee. Arkansas..Wiaatoaifsmi,

OFFICE, NO. 5 CALHOUN BLOCXatAlH 9uAt, eutxar of XaaraA,

Ifemphit. Tenn.peraoo wtahlac m bay MM ib the M itaaippiALU are cordially invited t call at my t m tki

e what I aar for and if I canaot salt thaa, cat(:ee th"in free of charge, all the aareaaary lafwnaatt'ir

f th-- c- imry retieraHv. aad ,n detail ta BMBt caae aet aaaUty. irt&Uty. price, tittea, mitt, vary oae daav-ro-

ot aacb tatortoaUon. wtfl tad at av otLX a wliliac:2 act rnmmonjrr.Dff iffs. thomas prrietis.

tS ef Heal awl i It can ffad fuad barcainrP bit rroprru U Ua list he low. 1 willP prrpe-rT- ta th--a w:bitwr tn Tbearrha- - itad tor thoia who to co into the hatdart hie a Baa whs at acoaaiated to Rheada 'tffere.1, ur (Co m7t. SIta a trial

MO acre laiprTfred, na the lssl9iaa4 rieer. ld acreala niitinitttei.

CM acrra near Depot, a UUle Keck bj

PFI Acres deaden "! deemed a oprjor1000 acre la toila from Kuaiaaiai river, to aal lea

t atraiahia, imprTved aad ffred low on timeto a anad

Mtf i" . .' nmmr th Af Fra-- . :t- inCnnpgssa aad M.MiMtpai aatoa.

tSyUUO acre wall sitaatad ib roianett eoanty. otthradm tor aarh.rm acrea la Pram jani . rood hiajh !aad a harcaaa

- cnfJhrl ia thia laaa.lA.dOO aarbi Na. I 'aad ta Hoars aaaaty. in tractoto

ait aarchas-era- .

lOav arroatatt. fraaeis r mjnty, well iwawoe. wdreraearS hoa aad aerv awanere. (ta aaii). etr.,M0

aere cleared, lae creek bottom, ahove twerflow aad veryneb tfd. can b-- ardd tor h eaah. halaar la tourrmymrata with latereat.

) It arre ta Chicot oeaair. oa"U tea Cram Oaiaa', 400 a rea aa old vjevasitiiiia.

weli prtKectonj frnm an eerdapw, uaaa a fmae road w tae near

Ifll acra ia Crit:adea coaaty, aoar St. Fraaclarr t and nmmt the rallraad, MO arTs mid deai if i

HlBIOIPPI l.Al.9500 Icvaa ia Taaica ommty, well impri OTfm, oa tha

9Sk Mm te OoaJNawa aaaaty, a toe well2"O0 acre in Botivar aaaaty, tt aaefy tiaarfed.ira--a j'.MB 9 Tr CrlTT.t T. el10 M .t1-- Ittf frjr--l

aMax. htah iaa1.1MB a ea mm the rwr ia Betlvar connty, aaad laaal

aad a toe449 arrea :o 9Mtear euaaty. ! mil- - frota the rlrer,

ro fr ft Tj:t .rataV-r- . anJ w;i imaraaia tofffhred.

Id.MO arrea ta Paiiear roacte, wild

C IT1 ASD l'BI'RB.lPr rrty tad ail aor la, usea ba1 oneMlttijap lmcrtrvM andcDiaipnve--



Exohauio onfflalmi. Ireland, Scotland and Wales,


e.ATOSO MIIMiv DrSTITl'TIO-f- .airrt-s-

Twosipsen ax a a. saat a. aai.aiK4 & HALE,


Dealers in Flour and WTiisfcy.Has IB sad It Bsssiuuve street,



Cincinnati A. .Wemphts ParReta.Al. AtboaoB and Whit Birr: stall Basra.

lam?s. tooki: f itf:i;HTO.

Lad W Mllia, Ton.,Reeeiwisg, Forwardiaa ft General Commiatioa

Jvijaxiar-rLtcivr- T.

iw aaaIt tb ma ibe of II 1 1 ia, aaiaaja. sarcw.V. lea vKmslsnniesw .1 riaSer Sat lnew will receive nertsl Btaaaalei. ilJi.'WOBSHAH HOUSE,


t'arocr Wala an Adams StrretaMEMPHIS, TENN.

J. j. woiexaia

t HTS!HATS! t1860. Spring 8tyle. 1860.

T TTTt.l, b reared for sets this dev. Beeelwd by

it eayesss1.51 a. a ill an a. cn.


DAMASKS, DIAPERS, fc TC,ootatairaj b

1 Hi tniriea the, iarthe am . id wtB ibe fallnam at tbe area, J. W birHABrif r.y. aojrs a 0W- -OBht si a gnsrsatee sf tha s sett dnsoMlttrsf

Tsi rsetin is re.le c eaaetiaUy aoaeamrr, ae tePBBqooau: u u lafa.-u- aad dafseuve Lliaas srest saatsajaeorcn aft. t sfoti. and aaled with tb Barn of

buses wb rwgaretses th njerrtkas ssBissed al . tea Amenenn ardthruBBBfarta'Bv f th Bsosist goad, win a rsnd&yaBBSdae a baaineaa ao prodtaiU, wbil lar chaser. eTth ts.moated in with geadsof a worthies, rearaeter.

J. rnvmonx r. n locxb,:. Tcsi


DRI'titiltiTS,wHo'-aas- asp aaraiu



o " m o h tj as? fc P 5 5 S E 3 33 B IS f i i

13 ?




Cash ami Credit I

w a wtoos.


kst I sen a sa

CHBM1CAL8, PERFUMERYToUet articles, Faints, Otis.


Cr. Wain and Inlon Rtreeta,

rn Jf I CASH --li

Hflrfal Cares.A. tk. J. P.

Saraeon Dentists.4 rVSTX ae sin street eer MaaqaaldJ a Oa.s. Bs XSI and sn. Bapbl

Taoo where aie r bath tan ball Una. Or. A. bos beeaaTsdsssiiia far ib last etxreen years, and ywsrsreBbaai aadtb itJiitmtB sssassss. AB wllBatal toothWww see ts b fall set Inserted sa atmnspbersr as psraws dssir. aad gearaetoed.

BATB9 OP CBAB6BSpust of teeth aiatatPee leseruiia partial at (per loath) .......... aaalap foil esedlam ;l ooveUO mmm l atP..e tleoMXa tsettT IBxtrartjrg leetb 14.. 4. 1 SS

If-- Tth auctd witbnet air is poia.aiSI y

DR. B, HOWCOTTOP BRATI tl!S slALL notica, and gaaraetlett,

alt .Moderate Friers.o r r 1 c. a

ffWra BntMte-- . 2d Floor, Mai. Sired,Peplar aai Wetkneto..


DR. G. W. ACREE,Df o ti 8 l ,

Covin --treet, rrrroplts A T. Wills a Braan. - rr. s:;s tse '"st

sa psiai- - ss nam aaa m ma mmx its. si teas--. D-- aaaae at sb notooth aerraaafnliy uested ArUSclsl tosthloasrted orsas the nnst apprveed plan, with gnaranty andan L either oM or new. is rsd t laaptr she

.In wit- - rer.Sd- - iwp tain, av BB so Islai laiBB

SlOO Retrarttmrr-- m ta tstecrlber. llvRA.tjwar n.ea Pitt-- Calbovt

Blss ,ue lhastb Joly, lane aay Bgr is in N XLSUM, XX yrara ua cot rr zmhat. Urge hiskers.high eheeki. eye. tsaall aod untamed, wettbing onoet le, asm, aaa aaaa a ssst s r iong-- slam ers a moan desl wbithe time b left return pants sad shirts. 1 will gls lb' tewsrtl for tbe apprehension or delivery of said

seem, ar hia mem la Jail so I get htm.JABN WOODALL.

4Tsdy Rtokp. O , Cslhoan euanty.Mas laaippl

Wool Hata! Wool Hat.!R sedred tSnaea asanrtsd oriers received this dayTWO lb- - Beadinga Virginia Wssl Hal Bills.. a. BILLBB a oo.

I Mil A H ti. H ARRIS,eorniifom or yhi srart or mririsMiTo the Shtrifof Uu Count v of Shdlbj, is said

8UU, Grmtig:ara aray ootaauadatl U apaa aad hmmi aaYOU al all 'bp ptarp r.f boMifMl Alactioa-- i ia aaar

wanly oa th Utt day ot FabraarT, I MO aftar haiufIira "f!r a raaiairael br law. for th alactiaa at a Jaaawfor tba Qaaaaa Law aad Caatwrr oaart, or t city .fMAmakia. ia aaAd SUtA. to til tAavacaak-- accauaaaal ayOja rcAisaaUaa of John J Caratkara, aad daa raiaratharanf raafea to ma, aeeordiac ta Uw

la aaarao'. I baa Iraraaata met mv. f ' Aad aad caaaM :ha aroat aaal mt aatd &Ma va

J da SUenJ at Xaabvtlla. thm Tih day ot Jaanary.- 1NQ By Ua florfrw,

19HAV A H4RRIAJ. U. ft. fcAt Secrtlafo fcat. -





rOTTOB COBB. eVATB aad VttBAT rrLTf BP,r bsida tb vermes Boat Craps. Oerdea, TraitTress, etr This Bsnnr bm received th treaeseansetat am

SOLTB CIBOU.HA Slats fbwietyOB0XS1A " - "ALA BAB A " " "

Tbe Xt. rte,' .nor sspplle pelubl PWpbsrte Arid,tbs independable nstrtmant ad Ptaoto.

That P anasrs way hay th ogoartaaitr ofth arprirting sea., sappliss will be plaeed

with Bl.DBBk PABISB BeSBpOvs,

w. howabd a ra . Mnmpais.B. 4 H ir .' X rm

B. B BBODBS a CO , BalUmsre.

Keep Your EywBCUDtTT, raMiOK IB tba City af0N MkbdAm. ia laa holder mt claiapt QaaW

OAuaaaaad A mmd mrmmlt imtiTftaany, aad Ihmr Aby fm'aaaaa aM paraaca aat to traaa for altaar aa ttaaay ba afwaaaary t r thrm mmt to tell back oatbaaa for laarinaity, aa ke aaa ad io taka andor-aoi- d

aad plaj lAA Taokao trirfe witk thua aad mm ; aad1 aa dAtrriainAd to coat oat at taa aad af Ua !iw, toWlKb tiara MM two an te.


HEIU PIKE & CO.,pTaa. Iflt aad IOC Lrraa.

saiptt i. oris, k i sso u miKc c? attarca "t mU kiada af

UOACESTIO lalQUOAnd Sot riiipiirlws ad has ceAabraied br



Rssls of all hinds ar Pi lam.

JAN. B. COOK,Civil Eagiarar, Architect aod Sarmir

13 Madison BaiB anu Pi aat Iw

mYOttCCmRAT P. Ibis Jar ild my setira Inters, td tb flroi efI Crew, fc rt to Basset. C- ewa fc Bavl, who

isbtllli sod saswta sfiB sb, arm.I rherrslly reeeanwead tb new Bnn to my frisnd and

lb public g.r.ersily. beepeaa f r theni a totiatiaacid lb pslmnag which ha ben m tiadly athe oid see A. BBBTOCB.

JEW TlRB.j. at. catwt. a. i. oavia.

Of Benovhls. Ot moeh vtUe.Tnn.CRFW a DdlFiK,

XXTHOUtSaLB aodBoUll saroosts sod CcaomiwionVV aod dealer in Pawy Oroceri', Braad-- s.

Win. WblsBtaa. Clean, etc., 5s St BsJisr.nstreet Jsattary IT. IBeB Jn- -

Notice to CaatomersB have remnvad oar 'ear to Ibe Clay Bni idlng. .w tn Heia stre t, sp amies, waers we are pusnios

as weal to ill tat to ar frienda aaal sslsBBSiv.The lat Arc br which w wr beret oel will eat In

t.rteee is th Meal wiU tbs trtnmtiten sf ooe tssltlw.POWI.XItA fc CO

1 OtiCCmTjABTlCt'LAX alienttoa pud to Bttlnx ep Ss-- r

loses, ear. All erdera aod Jaoalas Ml IS I H tt stlull aslBls. tad ami tTb 'ii- - aad dinpabrh by

. B. PrtOBT.Bees Onrpssbrr and BntMsv,

,BI SBss Osewer Pmsrvh sd Marfi-- traetllrron! Jltrrars!

S1ZK PI XX BTBBOBft ow iLABSB Pier Mlrrora.

Oval Bsnt--

SeenreArchtao " "B.rrrrs mode to ,rdar.M:rr i at Xsw Tart. Pa,

Tahehsd ef lb sedeetiened. Aserl ftr the ILaoblng illaas Katablinhwaet to Ww City


SOITH ST., EAST OT CEMETERY,AP. vest r tvd four eteoe Bo fat ChirBsaa, sndH teens j qafinlrr sa aaaa rrosa awwsv, aao aaa

rTlre Seps ie iw towis htm a cell

A Rare Chance.

1 SB Sil

K L L XT M3SFRV LOT,atUatr at asTivata aata aaar aaat tea aaa.IH0 AIM ti aat aei laa. I mill

SELL AT PThUC AlmUK,hi kaia la aaU aw rr aaaaaa. I a aata aj aa tawa wtaa-tar- u

(aaa-- f tasaoaaim i ,- , toappf Airly. dtTaa, 'im wiati :ra .aw a fcwaa,

1 aaaa a- -

TWO I)VL:iI.IInTGSb. m'f Ar, aM vt aWuli " Utaraia and lT ICAA.

AW 7 mm taaatA aa fMaa pata. aa aVara Lakt re'

a uiixit l rtcaiBaLINDSEY 4 Fl KLXN,


Flour, Grain and Peed,so. ia nawirn nun .

iBPan rant'XKP . b.L-.- l s m- - ... nt at ri.MJB eadjTV see I w pi I Bill mntBBAV tc . whiab ibey trtll nBraiat at bst

Basis pood farltniaa fee lb mm mm ea mf

datotauaeuaa not mas sedsred ua rby aay leeatiawu daly la ttia city, wa tespssnfoUy rollstlsalluew,uer,.ocXaod.tei! sibos-- .l aeaile nstran.

taaii-dt- rl umTiuniZ.rz. mm i

VI..!. 'tk. Ji'lEYmoiii urSlaves,IT4 WAIJT STREET,

Momultlas, Tooaoamo.SIXTV t.lht t V JTFOKOFS

FOR SAJjE.TTTB have, sad will inslaBiyy hoop so hood ewfho.VP teat, a sss let si Begrssa, seta as s fBO

BaodB sad bosxe nwiaets, tool e wis sell ae RLon mt r aamsaaaiaa sola

We will trord ts ! sell Bserees sa Came

T Tb hlgasM eaah petes paid sdhB Iearreea.

est J. HALLOS,8te PTsBBtor


PLlBERS; STEAM It GAS FITTEKS1A4 .tffai st street.

aB has aesened the ia ptctMn J tb sOblw theVP msm alstl Bbsra hi Baph 4 CBindiuar. Pec- -

Bcarheu . Bail Liable, Ba'b Talis. Water Ooe!,Wa-- b Stseets. P m Gtssaa, Water assans. alarmOsnae 1 ''! Whistles. Load, lean sad Todsvno, rem pa, a tc. ae4 rvlhias omsi ifd wuh tbabrads.

Water. Stesm sad Alarm Oanxs repair sd. JaaVrp

I O saa rstai, iaw. i est Ear. ...w. a D- - nORTO A CO.,


rorwanlliff & CaaalssUa Mrrrlaat,raorxiiEToBs op cttt wbabp boat,

, aad dealers laLvert I'arlelwor Una! Stores,

aaapaia. raati.Tr Btrk raiBaan as see Car.

C. BUCKMU LER A CO,atpacttibs or

aaalaalxd Iron C'omit'ea.aODLDINOS, WINDOW CAPS, ETC

Alan, AeawssfevM IAVLOR. TtOSr.Lt At O'S.,

rarriiycatid Iron UsKinn;!jaaaaam sspaet, BssaaaaanasM m Third


1 5

PRICKS!la order to close oat oir satire WINTER


Fine ClothingAND


Wa will aeil for the next

Our satire stock i f



All of which we guarantee equal is style sodqaalitj to anr ia tbe marker.


Wholesale and Retail Clothiers, Geatlemea 2

CtothiBr and Fu'Dishin No. 3 Clark'sMarble Block, 272 Main Street.

S.H AMdrldas. A.B.Asstla.g 1 Sear., .5 B. Alrrridgejr

ALDBIDsalE, ACSTIN a CO.,Importers and JufSsels ta


Combe, Brush ea and Furals ib Goods,

ATOs. 411 and 41 S .WarJkvt Street,PHILADELPHIA.

Cf igrat, far the best mate nt HOOP SXTXT3Jail Bm

af. sf, White V t o..IHPOUtM or

ioita taa attantifSa it


PABTsss pair Trsea Cos rss asted aaeaMaaa)

ISO am best Best seamsion " moms CollarsPo ' Chops is Axe

SB - hteslon bms star I 'on a

ISO TaWe X Hires s

IOO Avery. Pear. cA sod mt be moka f Plow.Au oi It ibssi will he asM to mr a n th sx

nvrrable tersa. A. J. WtltTB fc CO .

IsJl-tt- lti Be 40 Bow.

A CARD.ATiSG asetsriatad with la tmy M bnaisswi. thaisf beytne aaa itBlsa aallsm. both no -- meuwica

Mt sa art, ads atmmrt. Br s. i. Josxt. f DiUa . and ws beoaher, w rl Ponai.T t Biwahll Icon tenser to sap frames better fseil .tie than I has

Oar aaltdiam art located at To BS 1 tarns atrt. nx-e-

est of ray old man They are igmiiaa, conabintni

tablbBbmBt d tba hiad ib lbs Stale, aad ssanl to satii... j has ever iupectd.

t rsotseri fully solicit Air oar new Bros from my 4

friends ts easterners snd 'tie public, the pat nooge

which I have largely aad liberally rseisd hitherfrom them, and will only add lhat wwacB we neoaaiss nray w gnsr.'bte . B. POBBXPT

a. a. roaaxsT a. t joaxs...-srai- . a. roaarsvemphl. Desoto, Bias. Beorph t.F0HIK8T, A CO.,


ivttjtvitvixis. tbisxtnt.rxvBBT aad sol' as snaiuia, and I IS ss

stent s e hand s Seesd I staWsis sal Carolina Bsaress.

500 Negroes Wanted.I will pap more than any tdbat persoo for B.w Xegr al:d to th Sew Orleans marhet

: popaewr jiixxs a


Coiuuiibision1 PINK STREET,

ST. I )l IS.B. B. Pxsnt.XTO, Iw. aBofsr to listes. Wood fc BcKalabk ndVase fcT.. arm mat

Petitln for Dowter, Partition, etc.


Teres Bw-- . ssb. etc.. Andrew Bar. eiT, Beca-di- rt

Baro, Arig'.o arra, aad others, legatee er nextor tbs.

appear ns from afg lavit B'rd Io Ihta caae. thair Trs Bos, and aargarM, Tisnect. Bsr.ihokanew Bary and ISaninic Bncto d fin teal ra Kenoboe patiu-e- . Bf oatsdsM of lae Stole trf

ordered that pobticalion be msd in sb 'i

APPBAI. for thirty data far sold defeoxaota t ehsr their tppearaore at th Marco term (orx ) ot thisaaart, e tool tuuo will be leeoa lee sasssssea aa ta

kWrtaa Sty baod, st i ate, tbto sd day of IvbrsarT,tsaa, JOBW TBBXBTABT, Ctort

Br B. B TBBXBTABT D C.L. r. ttABB. Attoeaey br prtqttaa. lad lm


ptrtMaann tim hub iuhaTBtTBT 4K0 HCB CTPrs B'BBOBP PBKVnrB-K-

X'.KXTS. WOBK BOXBB ISTIhT.soTt :. TvrTs arc., wrc ,

At prices is ii thetamnt

aasJtArrOXaX9 cap XVIIT aTjFTFsLoUS Ito stroet. betwteo Gtpaan aod stem.

UHit portKmlsr mnaaia to ssst It soil. CWa aaad

t s Dri SB tSB ' BBI ui.S.tgo' ChlUreL'. CloU-.-- 3tm-)lB- Jon. si she, notice






Tb omos aaan a i aplad bp Twsand h tPBamure ;

IB - 'apt oar sasal unset thaf.ha fe lb ssrsoa--- .swsd span u M grs. m tb IMS ste yews, si 4

la. mtatatiaa-smtaloaaM- ,la atasiaa tba a- i-wnS - old .rr.rii-'- . Sivl l,-- l m.,r thii tBssawsaes wtm.

it etU be ia.ared. bTWl- -rax. nrttleg sse may , ', I b mm .

ay bsi Bstinq. iso, msi est lamililI ba,lea memaj. a. a, asmwsi aiuaasenasMKrieai.rrfw re--

I APtf-- . Wl1' bu pe bsas ; e atsepig svt -- i

mem f Psades

1 IbsBBii

6A93rv, raaaea a hoi.t.COTTOJV

tobacco factot"t rmcmlvmti tltmmt ft m thm Skaaafactarara anal alt tm tkmiw wa , tm in aaar atbar taiag

- 'a- w.a.- 'aada af Tataana:

Fmtpp ' Fartt t itiaaa, rfMtawt af ih lirra, ai-- i

aaacararf Mafa ' i tfajtvaai Baaaaa Uuawa mtUrOArt!- - 3oW LaafT I J Minor a Kaan-aa- la

leal p. Tytgk im ma waaliw. ate., aar.

I -- .T"taaai nWifl tpwtrm mat fmrn. M.- -"' ,"! w.r, 1,5,2,7 , Ta . Aibp.a Bra

leahris sxsoeaaar afey. Fmro Bra. ta atora tmt mr m bj

M941ir TtAim 4 BOLT.itfe tm$ r ir Ma. a aaa) I7ai m

V. LAW tt CO.,


t o.n.wissio.r .nr.Rt n.t.r rsNo. 2 South Side iTaiaa Street,

MEMPHIS. TENN.t tin.,., axwTon roae a. c rsaatsiuTITB rtura war eicr U.IEA. .'VP fneosa and atusit whe have bere-brd-ar

so libera, y pair aiged es. sod bcbibpsiatieidlni rss. I toil lf rrsfx rsr .a th ca-pacity ofrottos ractoss ahd comnssio.v

Ws tn always too. at .sort lata ope Sd

the lewam smsaet rssss.One nherasssw (alUog oed Bmrma OsSbsa win a TS

ret tor boto, sod for Moras so Mtppang SB ssoss parbat.

tbei abaaad m no bph.i e. will bcored by or Open Pilrry f is

ilw eueirsrr lamrvaxasos ar gives.

Ci ion shi is the at'y. caoxswe mt storisaSu.ui Uslas a CoThaa.

Laberal Cs Advanee rosl ao Cnftee In stors wSir.r. LANs a oo.

a. a ins. a ar wear a. arxpieoTGATES, WUOD 4 ilcJOTGHT,

GROCERHurnranvTinaiins. oo 07 voa-en- t a xr,--v si.ia.iaarejtv,i laaiaasama sa i

Van, i5 a in nd 3 aara stmt,.nCAMFMIS, TsXJrjrBSSEE,

rollier mat LctT icd "l CoapaaT,ar. Louis, no.

HAZARD POWDER roTK.BBALBBS IB UtrSXm CASTOX. LABS A VB TP UNo i 1, m ,Lime, Cement and Piaster Paris.

ata-alrlt- a Turpcmtine,AJTD BATAi. STOBBS r.BXBBAlXT.

Atmaa sbaab ml

n ll.trlM.. MPE AID TWINE,Wish a asmial etssk ml SVPPW.1F.S.XMJS win ae bee in sow a Wrae atsab at to

T W1BBB, BBAXriB.1. ttaABII. and in fact0.0011, lept is so, urar bosuns.

Oaten, Wood a, TK aDicbf.sell --dmwl r

a.l en WQOWBI BT w. a. PKaxrr.H.RRIS, W'.RMIIET 4 (O..

carra.A racraaaonocunst.


ur.rF.R.ti co.n.tissio.rMERCHANTS,

Asx3rn fob tubMILS OF T&E EVtsLE COTTOS

A LL lan.awiBti w o a a aw avae piilin will baA inaarrad agolBtot Ptr wbito ba ar. aad all roeriptsby rivers ur sid Vy ar pso poi icy of 1 near sac, talesstberwaso Inolrorie-T- .

Onr charge for storing oBS elrng Cotbm a 75 contaporbnl.

rami!, sod rtantatl-- n Series, lailalag at port .d thhem bgoads of Csntoehy and St. Ueaa powee and haest

tmmm f Twtaa ; M aaiaa Boa ; Ma liMtr luBaeaa, Lard, Salt; Taaaraap VWaz--; amrnr. CsMwrn; TeiVotaaaaaat Waifc j, mmt., ate.

ALSOA aalact rtoCut ot rW- - inmoandlLw '

Its mPeine tm serial

a. lawns. ...m. a wrrcwKLx a. w. taantSAWPI.E. J1ITCHEL1. a CO.,

oBBissifrl, HwiTlBjr ud ForAtrdiBgIER( B 1XTS.

JlaaWs-Jt-., Three Doors Btut of Cmitr.Memphis. Tenn.

sl dsoly


RecflTla- -. Farwartiac aod fee aeralCOMMISSION MERCHANT.

.To. mmm .stain Street,MEMPHIS, TE1JIE1IEE.

CtOLI AOBPTT f ie the lef KAXAWHA SALT Beepo hood a rtrrt sopptr ot Baaxinx. Bee. Iron, Xslla,

sbbst. abst. snd Oeoreries generally, which will beud ai us lowest taarkr: grico. lyl-t- ly

tt. . WllilulAMNO-- .


Commission Merchant,yo. 19 FRfT ROW,


sel-l- y


a m Mt tm ioABB

Forwarding Alerebaats.BO. 18 I mux 3TBBBT, - - HIP OBLBA KS.

Alfred A. SmtthWicA,EpAi-ee- a at sgti . rj-ofa- st A. T. Wen,--

J. A J. STEELE tc CO.,cottos Finals ag


MEMPHIS TENESMEE.A LABOB oocX of roaerlaa, Baaxinx. Boo and

. X

. M o t n Y .


cxyirroiv PAcrron,Ofta ife. 15 Noses t 6Wi Rntrnc

paoirr bow, bixhia tbs n tsaa x.av-- i aia ariae io ta pioirs aRtpacrpt;ia.T rormtry for Or trsaosstioe at their

amaaam sTi'llaal'ysp heed tba hem BssBbsa is I Bopsa wul Bll all isBtom!" ardersaesa blm oo tisot term

SOLB taBHT her. tic fttraah'a Ptaatat: e inarbsat ain..

Ail Coatee this, asm htm hp rtvne. aol abm i issao.for aol. will ba lead, BO I sss baiMBMag aSborwie byowt on at hippers.

Bocalvtnt an-- rorS. BUSBT

EW FIK.M.ias- - rmocsn. .. m. aaTxa ...w. u. hobtoa

HOKT0. ESTE8 A (.,(eoi us HI t0. evtaa a Co.)

Cotton FactorsAHD

eScaml (AaiaiMniaB MrrchaBts,HO. IB PB4IHT BOW. t'OB. OHBOBBT , CP STAIB5.

HEMP BIS.B. B A Bead .Sort at BssBsoe and Bops always on

hood, r.antauoe ssspllaa fnrnihd at th lowsst toortetrsles. Pnrttrnlnr attention psid to lbs or .birmentof Oscton e .thee Pi isroCO. am Aaamam

BAPOUXOP aiu roa, m. no aios, ib


raulssloa, RrcflTlR A FanrarilagarX BHCBANTS.OFFICE NO. 18 FRONT ROW,Oa Seened Pdor at MosbT a Hsot's Banding.

aajarHia, II MB IMPand BOPS and Plantatioa Sappliaa

sl mrtt rates.IT niisiies u, Tt wilt ba

.tonASA IKELT-1S- r t. lovxs


Cotton & Tobacco Factorst osassmtsaimta ataaf


Mempbis, Tenn.iSlae.ll mat sn sbipmenH. Orders toe Beoe

CAB Bono sad anxspiiss miassiU alias. Cummii- -100 fur Cosbso, TB coot per Sola.




temeral Prsilti Brokers.ho. a rasiST bow,

--SASH sdvoacoa mi i at Coram. W- -

solsoa so nrsdoc la hand, ar am aipasir l tj Mils oi

ding. Ords pnre--n atiena n

CARPKIVTEB JOI IIIBailiaso end jsaewaiaasms

VIX a ii ill lb maaiifaatai n t liBsalaii eveHa r.l... SU,tre--'- . "sMtV Bill W adtBCSl

4ro. ow sr saaoatc saceSooll srdaeB m rb aaoosaTwtrh isismraii sod liaita, instomes rjsertaa,

srwtasrilrdinK. aaaa, Mernee' "TT ., toh A bnlldloaa w. imks.

e"0 gi i alii pal' , oedtva mt as sBaer


'ails.- r mt. atmimrt-7- 1


i' niilnz and Geaaaj faostaioiLevee a Washington !:sr. Louts, ace.

t tls paisaiit attsuaaaatamesal el aaartwiix tecaranr. arm at art m.--s nr Mml.

'b-- s and BbM Baps with diaea-o- mt the s ltdM rte. Otdaf rgr- y

ii its nwoop a tfaawa nvrsaspraaeoa. .V.a. aenaroaup.


HITEOTSTill BO AD 8TCAaOBX---- .,'er BetMrfaa.)

141(1, OHIO.eaa

Co., BimshB, Tsea.

DEtV fc RAU,tt

DemUrs in flovt'r nd frhisky,Maa. l aad 21 Rrcamore afreet,

Clnclunatl Ohiix.AOnrra of ttts

Ciaclxxatl tzi vlirmpaia ,

rictiri.BBBflm mmi a aa as,: Bsma.

?,01I18VIM,F JPAPgR Hlh0. I. A V DaPOHI,


aewa and Book Friotiof Paper,aaa Pxairae waapxas or alt. stttds,

fni?4TeEti- - laAH, ArATT MalBa Street. LouisTlUe, ay.


Ness Orleaas,

.T rs ii s p o rtnt i o u

aHUhlaariti niihi!.. aaAOhi


errP ' "tD

wita Iltlasts

...IS I


k,'V. . jn ..

batonThis to 'be sadp rsttoble rout. waiaa aaso I

rheero f. ,. tjnn Pser art a

Loir-- , PI hone, to SB Lotus, SB I at m Loeieviu, aa- Bt '

rr"Tbhrts O aod PuUHlXBut 'SBS, east at 'tea.

I) BX.thl! aol.bvm


R A I L!re t .'Hrrrkaats aod bippen.

ov?ajssSawl.w:raaaaaaiMt tmr aaa frmtmbL oaft. fJrliTarad iu tba coax.aaay airnr, n a aaU; aa4 mnu iiMdtUw ail aaa-t-

aaej "li.r fr.-aal- Ihmt cajr bm tcpsrd tTar laatraaa, fraaa HaaJi- -n an4 ataar awtata. at la vaaaaaaa'saapvi ia B aatri, aaa aaU auify tim twiniH at taaarrtaal of ttrurtt. 9bippT Oiay ta't awoa featm t


Milat) P. N.i


SheriffTAriaa nt iir urjt-- r o a.iBTof Smnrtby mntttj, 9mm ti

CAaaaaaa Law an, fbtn- - c- -u

aat, uom iq faror vt Csiaaitt, Hi Amuiitf. jnm XM

farvar af Ford. Baxbt A (V tot of MoaaaJinaaa, taa nhar in tav r at 3

aaatint J?taP anamr, I wmaayaff Marrb. IMO. in frejaktwf t!

THTJNDER AND LIGHTHIlfOrrsmttMt Lightning Rods I

E. F. GOODE & CO.,OUaALB aad rrlail da era in tmprtved Uabt--w


rOKTAtVINfs:Past front oa J i.i

chnrrh I , r

1ITB k Co.,By. at Bos

BELLEVUEGardens and Nursery.

urct-- Baata aTHX

tvrgreae.hmttrey ..f

BOd Tsrieeeled acta, Uem..s-hAB- weeping BvseaPBBBBaof tsrta aoitobl for ceTaererieo

tut FlmweraBevnwaoS st sst sesaaen at the year. A choice col.

ttctwe of Bulb and fleam Seed daily just racolvsa

From para, aa aaaa- - wa n taa a torn

ar ibpHi ffl r mnt all

AH mm r f'bB.aM hit apacil direciiooa i torabipm-- at aaal pteca of miatot A mm'r'

'or pK:n7. innaa m w-- w smmmm rji-a-

an mcIii. sner beirta imslstsd for by sc or JV

rand, see at too rM mt lbs tnuThsser. SOontl

sr aslstako occur ts a shipment, Ik sBb cheetaty i.niM.d saoa not, betes glosa to abaaaaHaJaaal

rataUrtraaa aant nit or iBAROt ta all apaUnMb

Jf pt nti ta, Ta.


Main and Monroe Streets.MEMPHIS TKNNp

jmaji v rtc. t r m m aor

Saddles. Hanrss. Bridlts Hags, 4,AHD BBALEB tht

IaaathorsiBnch oe SBtlruner. Hsmea. hW Beidte. Cslf Sal Pa)bent sod Basatssslad lesatber'. Be.

Ot tx xrx 33 aaila, .Oouovs, Wn.a. Homos. F 'a S4'n pa. bv , bo.SHOE FINI)IN'J,


trunks A.vr- rAuaaaotrT asBoaiamBPdw.rra I worrsot. a 1 eorrlcToeasoflll bo: tb beat wxrBrsee vrd have nu bead b. - at

Cf v llraevl-fsas- t roars fa. Hwgoed t JIBXanS XeoaJt ka wiuo and sper eo.iottb mm oris. Mp

boolnes. nd I wl!' ,i! 11 al s rBPaMo BPSST-- an--

oo kmmmg fall fl fee yoursee.rBAll adsis acomptly ttenle.l to st the shall I ao

ttcV w- r. ura-is-. tAOW of tb Pta Wr

J. . MILLS,JsT o . a roplar Street

MIH1".:; TBHH.,

llrastfit and Apothecary,(aarccsacr re K. 3. tanpbit r)

in Fiirxt, OUa, W.adow Ola- -. 9na Braiarr,DlyLSl and I.iqnort, Cbamicala ai:A PiffaaiirTaajaa-- aal cit tba patroaasa i f tha atueaaat aHAmahia an ic;:..

PrPesertaainaA earafn'ty pnrret. mt altaaara of 4mw ant. aiaht. aa

Oaktrood oi'Mrsery.T BaTX for sale imoisdtat! tba teolcvnce1 af Cat. Jsrae A Carr.s. l.rcrtoent-- PXT IT rjsra .ncnaiaePe.b Tr. Bvergreen u.l l".,.w

Sun tocrediB several ! ed HBW v.t RTSTIB3,aad a aowsral assortment f s.oalry fonodlaa Harsery. wttich I will all on scoammadsu t leraas IopaectOBl leler.

All or ler from the eoontry lllleo pear ,nd iti.rr-w- dby Rail r Water, at the riaX dlter reaeer.

aaip-s-ni a. ac nt. atmav


aCv TBaebsa-ias- r lahe here branch

tb corner of vaocei.iret 9eath

ori o h BBBt ' t ucrttsmie, mmt

Mil Blway ind bi bia Shop dnALB

. a a

J. M. VEO.Y,Ifote. Stock & afxch aa Brok

M Front Row.

X'Otxs, ant at BaabamiN s:S 3ts nr U of

otRBSULTTDr tic m two of toe -

B. B- BtcWAnr tlsnsBhla -i .
