2016 Student Bible Study Notes (Sample)



Student Bible study notes and small group discussion resources for students.

Transcript of 2016 Student Bible Study Notes (Sample)

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Table of Contents

Lesson Title Page

Roots (Student Basics)

The Ultimate Superhero (The Gospel) ............................................................................. 6

Life-Changing Habit (Quiet Time)...................................................................................... 8

Tell It Like It Is! (Testimony) .................................................................................................10

Bring Out the Big Guns (Scripture Memory) ................................................................12

Your Spiritual Life Coach (Creative Discipleship) .......................................................14

Good Intentions to Great Results (Accountability) ...................................................16

Supernatural (Holy Spirit)

Personality Transformation ................................................................................................20

Outside Inside or Inside Out ...............................................................................................22

Pay Attention to the Tension ..............................................................................................24

Know Him and No Fear .........................................................................................................26

Blueprint (Man)

Trust the One Who Made You ............................................................................................30

Distortion or Reflection ........................................................................................................32

God Created Me as Me .........................................................................................................34

Live Like You’re Loved ...........................................................................................................36

I’m In (The Church)

I Identify ......................................................................................................................................40

A Bond with Great Benefits ................................................................................................42

Celebration Time .....................................................................................................................44

Tell the Story .............................................................................................................................46

Message (The Bible)

Is the Bible Relevant Today? ...............................................................................................50

Are You Listening? ...................................................................................................................52

Embracing the Process ..........................................................................................................54

Mirror, Mirror ...........................................................................................................................56

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Lesson Title Page

#Applied (Philippians)

Partnerships that Work ........................................................................................................60

Practice Humility, Even if it’s Humiliating .....................................................................62

Completely Righteous ...........................................................................................................64

Mind Your Mind .......................................................................................................................66

#Notforgotten (Job)

Where’s God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense?............................................................70

Caught in Friendly Fire ..........................................................................................................72

Never a Bad Plan .....................................................................................................................74

Hope in Suffering .....................................................................................................................76

Defend (Apologetics)

I Hear Voices .............................................................................................................................80

Big, Bigger, and Really Big ....................................................................................................82

The Mystery Revealed ..........................................................................................................84

The Source of Love ..................................................................................................................86

Attitude (Topical)

Epic Fail (Failure) ....................................................................................................................90

Bitter or Better (Bitterness) ...............................................................................................92

Don’t Forget to Say Thank You (Gratitude) ..................................................................94

The Battle for Number One (Self Glory) .......................................................................96

The Story (Story of the Bible)

Glory Given .............................................................................................................................. 100

Glory Stolen ............................................................................................................................. 102

Glorious Grace........................................................................................................................ 104

Glorious Hope ......................................................................................................................... 106

Character & Key Verse

Do Hard Things (Josiah) ....................................................................................................... 110

Don’t Wait Till It’s Too Late (Philip) .................................................................................. 112

No Duel for Rule (Ephesians 2:8-10) ............................................................................... 114

Grace that Saves and Works (Matthew 6:33) ............................................................. 116

Creative Discipleship ................................................................................................................. 124

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Trust the One Who Made You

T H E TRUTH Two Worldviews

Kingdom of Darkness

1. People are of God’s truth (Ephesians 4:18).

2. People God’s truth (Romans 1:18).

3. People are to God’s truth (2 Corinthians 4:4).

4. People to keep people from God’s truth (Romans 1:25).

5. People are to God’s truth (Ephesians 2:1-3).

Kingdom of Light

1. In Colossians 1:16-17 we find the essence of what Scripture says about this

world, who created it and how it is held together. Jesus Christ


2. Christ was all things. As God, He was here before Creation.

He it.

3. Not only is Christ the one who created everything, He also it all



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S M A L L G R O U P D I S CUS S I O N Q UESTIONS What are some of the things that confuse people about the Creation/evolution


Why should you not be intimidated by your teacher when they push you to accept

evolution as fact?

T H E DECISION Memorize Colossians 1:16-17. This will encourage you about Christ’s absolute

involvement in Creation. Recite this verse every day this week and ask God to give

you confidence to believe the Bible over evolution.

S T I C K Y STATEMENT Your confusion ends at the real beginning.

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Is the Bible Relevant Today? T H E TRUTH Predicting the (Isaiah 53: 4-8)

1. ago in a place far away.

2. A very revelation

The Prediction

1. Examining the

The Witness Account (1 Peter 2:23-24)

1. The eye witness account of Peter in 1 Peter 2:23 again points to the fact that

Jesus at the crucifixion Isaiah’s prophecy.


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S M A L L G R O U P D I S CUS S I O N Q UESTIONS Why is the significance of time between Isaiah’s prophecy and Jesus’ crucifixion

important when we consider the relevance of the Bible for today?

What does Peter’s view contribute to the study of Isaiah and Jesus?

1 Peter 2:23-24

Why can we trust the Bible?

T H E DECISION Take the challenge this week to see for yourself. Go and re-read Isaiah 53 and the

crucifixion account of Jesus (Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 22, or John 18). See that

Christ fulfilled Scripture.

S T I C K Y STATEMENT The Bible, flawless in the past, flawless today!

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I Hear Voices

T H E TRUTH The World’s

1. There are two primary for the origin of the conscience.

2. There are three basic explanations for the existence of



1. The Bible has for where our conscience comes from.

(Romans 2:14-15)

2. Why do some people not hear God’s ? (Romans 1:19)

It makes more sense that an intelligent placed in His

creation the knowledge of right and wrong than it does to think that

processes somehow became organized and caused within

us that knowledge.


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S M A L L G R O U P D I S CUS S I O N Q UESTIONS If the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche was right and there is no God, then

what are some of the possible results of this?

If someone was in strong opposition to God, how could an “apologetic of touch”

help them see the truth of Scripture?

T H E DECISION Determine to obey the conscience that God has put inside you when it convicts you

of wrong or confirms that you are doing right.

Decide to tell your friends about the God who has revealed Himself to us and loved

us enough to die for our sin so that we can have a relationship with Him.

S T I C K Y STATEMENT Don’t deny what has been placed inside.

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