2016-Situation of Organic Production in Argentina · National Directorate for Agri-Food Safety and...

National Directorate for Agri-Food Safety and Quality Directorate for Agri-Food Quality Coordination Office for Ecologic Products “Situation of Organic Production in Argentina during 2016” National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality SENASA Buenos Aires, March 2016

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Page 1: 2016-Situation of Organic Production in Argentina · National Directorate for Agri-Food Safety and Quality Directorate for Agri-Food Quality Coordination Office for Ecologic Products

National Directorate for Agri-Food Safety and Quality Directorate for Agri-Food Quality

Coordination Office for Ecologic Products

“Situation of Organic Production

in Argentina during 2016”

National Service for Agri-Food Health and Quality


Buenos Aires, March 2016

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Page 3: 2016-Situation of Organic Production in Argentina · National Directorate for Agri-Food Safety and Quality Directorate for Agri-Food Quality Coordination Office for Ecologic Products


Situation of Organic Production in Argentina during 2016


Following the method used in the tests carried out since 1998, this report aims at

providing an overview of the situation of organic production under certification in the Argentine

Republic during 2016.

For the analysis, productions exclusively complying with the American regulations

(USDA-NOP) have not been considered since, as they do not fully comply with Argentine

regulations, they do not acquire the category of “organic”. Those products that have complied with

both regulations (of Argentina and US) have indeed been included.

This report, based on the information provided by Certification Bodies authorized by

SENASA, intends to show the evolution in organic production statistics during the period of 2016,

in relation to 2015 and previous years.

The scope of the analysis is the following:

• 1.- harvested land areas by groups of crops and their provincial distribution,

• 2.- quantity and land area of productive units,

• 3.- livestock production and its provincial distribution,

• 4.- commercialization in the:

o foreign market: exports according to groups of products and destinations,

o domestic market.

In relation to the harvested land area, it corresponds to the calendar year 2016 and

with regard to exports, even though they were certified during 2016, they may include volumes

harvested in previous years.

Generally, the results obtained from this work point out that:

a) the main destinations of organic products continue to be the USA and the European Union,

b) the USA continues to be the main destination for our organic products exports, which

account for 53 % of the exported volume,

c) total exports of organic products rose by 8 % in relation to the previous year, mainly due to

the increase in the export of oilseeds and industrialized products,

d) even though fruit exports have decreased by 7 % in relation to the previous year, the

export of industrialized by-products increased (cider, pear purée, etc.),

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e) in the domestic market, consumption of organic products continues to show a very low

participation of the commercialized volume, although more presence was observed,

f) exports of products of animal origin have decreased by almost to the half due to a drop in

wool sales, but honey exports showed a recovery,

g) the land area under follow-up shrank by 2 %,

h) an increase in productive units under follow-up (7 %) was evidenced,

i) bovine stock rose by 6 %, while ovine stock fell by 1 % since last year,

j) in apiculture, exports showed a recovery, but apiary stock under follow-up showed a new

decrease in comparison to 2015.

1.- Harvested land area

It refers to the harvested organic land area of industrial crops, aromatic herbs, vegetables,

legumes, fruits, grains and oilseeds. A detail of crops covered in each group is found in annex 1.

During 2016, the harvested organic land area presented a growth of 11 % in relation to

last year, and oilseeds and industrial crops showed the highest increase (24 % and 30 %,


During 2016, the harvested organic land area was a total of 83,754 ha, reaching a

new maximum value since the beginning of the organic activity in the Argentine Republic.

The provinces of Salta, Mendoza and Río Negro showed the highest

increases in harvested land areas. Besides, chia, grapevine, sugar cane and olive crops

showed the highest growth in harvested hectares.

The province of La Rioja showed the highest decrease in harvested land area of

organic crops (57 %).

The harvested land area with oat, rice and soy crops showed the most significant


As in previous years, the main harvested organic crops belong to the group of grains

and oilseeds. Industrial crops are in second place.

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2.- Analysis of productive units

During 2016, an increase in the number of livestock farms covered in the system

(7 %) was observed, putting an end to a period of 6 consecutive years of decrease.

The average size of establishments under follow-up decreased by 10 % in

comparison to 2015. This trend was observed in the main producing provinces, both in number of

establishments and in land area under follow-up.

At country level, a decreasing trend in the average land area of operators has been

observed since 2014.

The proportion of land area under follow-up in relation to the total land area of

establishments reaches 95 %.

3.- Livestock land area under follow-up

The land area under follow-up intended for this activity shrank by 7 % in comparison

to the previous year due to the exit from the system of a great number of producers engaged in

sheep production. There was a slight increase in the land area intended for bovine rearing, but only

a 6 % of the livestock land area is involved.

4.- Volume of production of animal origin

Exports of products of animal origin have dropped mainly due to the decrease in wool


5.- Analysis of production destination

Export continues to be the main destination of certified organic production.

The United States is still the main destination of our exports, as the exported volumes

account for 53 %. Sales to said destination increased by 8 % in 2016 and the main products

triggering this growth are oilseeds.

The European Union is still showing the same trend as in 2008 and continues to diminish its

participation in exports, accounting for 28 % of them. In 2016, the sale of industrialized products

(sugar and wine) to this destination increased, while the sale of fruits (apples) decreased. Within

the European Union, the main countries of destination included the Netherlands, Germany,

Belgium and the United Kingdom.

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Other destination countries maintained the import volumes of organic products

originating from Argentina and participation in 2016 was of 13 %. Canada, Ecuador, Bolivia and

Brazil were the main purchasing markets. These four countries, along with Russia and Norway,

accounted for 90 % of the exported volumes to “other countries”.

Exports to both Switzerland and Japan grew once again. Switzerland accounted for

5 % of exports of Argentine organic products and showed a significant rise in wheat and sugar


6.- Domestic market

As in previous years, the domestic market is still characterized by a great variety in

product supply and its little relevance as production destination, although there has been an

increase in the number of local fairs and in direct home delivery of products from


The volume of certified products for final consumption was of 1.3 %.

7.- Characteristics of 2016

The Argentine organic production had the following features during 2016:

1. The United States continue to be our main destination for exported organic


2. In relation to the group of products of plant origin, the main exported volume was

constituted by industrialized products, fruits and grains.

3. Regarding all products of plant origin as a whole, volumes exported of pear, soy,

sugar cane, apple, wheat, durum wheat, wine and rice outstood, as in the previous


4. There was an important recovery in oilseed exports, particularly of soy.

5. At product level, exports of soy, sugar cane, durum wheat, wine, cider and pear

purée soared.

6. Besides, exports of pears, wheat, rice and corn decreased.

7. Among exports of organic products of animal origin, wool exports significantly

decreased and honey ones showed a recovery.

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8. The harvested land area for industrial crops, oilseeds and fruits has significantly

increased. In 2016, 83,754 ha of land area were harvested, reaching a new

maximum value since the beginning of the Argentine organic production.

9. The total harvested land area increased by 11 % since 2015, showing a growing


10. Among industrial crops, sugar cane outstood; among oilseed crops, soy outstood;

and among grains, wheat outstood.

11. The largest reductions of harvested land areas were observed in oat, rice and soy.

12. The land area intended for livestock activity decreased by 7 % due to the exit of

producers engaged in sheep rearing.

13. The relative importance of organic products constituting the largest volume of

exports is maintained, such as grains and oilseeds (wheat, corn, rice, and soy),

fruits (pear and apple), vegetables (garlic and pumpkin), and industrialized products

(sugar and wine).

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Description of the Primary Sector

1) Land area under follow-up and average size of fa rms

The land area under organic follow-up in the country during 2016 was of more than

3 million hectares1, slightly decreasing since the previous year. Out of this land area, around 2.6

million hectares were allocated to livestock production and 224 thousand hectares were allocated

to plant production.

The number of agricultural farms under organic follow-up showed an increase of

7 %, mainly due to the entry into the system of producers from the provinces of Río Negro,

Neuquén and Entre Ríos.

In 2016, the trend observed since 2009 changed.

1 It does not include the land area exclusively intended for apiculture and it includes a land area with no intended use informed by the certifying body.

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Table 1: Provincial distribution of establishments

Province 2015 2016 Difference 2016 /

2015 No. %

Country total 1.074 1.148 74 7 Buenos Aires 144 145 1 1

Catamarca 10 8 -2 -20

Chaco 13 12 -1 -8

Chubut 45 41 -4 -9

Córdoba 17 18 1 6

Corrientes 15 11 -4 -27

Entre Ríos 46 57 11 24

Formosa 3 3 0 0

Jujuy 19 20 1 5

La Pampa 4 4 0 0

La Rioja 34 38 4 12

Mendoza 147 149 2 1

Misiones 208 206 -2 -1

Neuquén 55 74 19 35

Río Negro 151 212 61 40

Salta 42 37 -5 -12

San Juan 40 34 -6 -15

San Luis 9 7 -2 -22

Santa Cruz 14 14 0 0

Santa Fe 18 17 -1 -6

Santiago del Estero 10 10 0 0

Tierra del Fuego 5 3 -2 -40

Tucumán 25 28 3 12 Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.










Provincial distribution of farms under follow-up. Year 2016

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The province of Río Negro now has the highest percentage of production units

under follow-up (18.5 %), followed by the province of Misiones (17.9 %).

In Patagonia, the provinces of Chubut, Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego have large

farms engaged in organic sheep farming. Such provinces account for 86 % of the land area under

follow-up and with only 5 % of the farms in the country. The average land area of farms under

follow-up was of 78 thousand hectares in Santa Cruz, 59 thousand hectares in Tierra del Fuego

and 28 thousand hectares in Chubut.

This led to a decrease in the average land area, as producers were introduced in

the provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén for fruit production and others exited the large-estate

system of Tierra del Fuego and Chubut for sheep production.

2) Organic agricultural land area

The area under follow-up intended for organic agriculture was of 223 thousand

hectares. When compared to previous years, the relative participation of the province of Buenos

Aires maintains a decreasing trend, dropping from 59 % to 36 % of the land area under follow-up

intended for plant production. Regarding the participation of other provinces, the next most

important are Salta, Entre Ríos, Córdoba and Jujuy with 16 %,11 %, 9 % and 7 %, respectively.

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

3) Harvested land area

0 10.000 20.000 30.000 40.000 50.000 60.000 70.000 80.000 90.000










Plant production land area under follow-up. Year 20 16

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During 2016, the same observations from 2014 were maintained, with an increase

of 11 % in the harvested land area in comparison to the previous year and reaching 83,633

hectares. The trend of this variable shows an annual average growth of around 7 % and 9 % since

1995 until 2016.

Data of 2016 have been analyzed following the criteria of soil use per group of

products and the regional distribution of the harvested land area:

• Per group of products: the distribution of the harvested organic land area showed a

greater participation of organic grain and oilseed production (59 %), followed by organic

industrial crops (29 %), fruits (8 %) and organic vegetables and legumes (4 %),

• Regional distribution: regarding regional distribution of harvested land area, the province

of Buenos Aires is still the main participant with 31 thousand hectares, which is equivalent

to 37 % of the total harvested organic land area. The provinces of Salta and Jujuy follow,

with almost 24 thousand hectares between the two of them. Entre Ríos and Mendoza

account for 9 % and 8 %, respectively.

Table 2: Provincial Distribution per Crop Group. (% ) Year 2016.

PROVINCE Grains Oilseeds Industrial crops

Aromatic herbs Vegetables Legumes Fruits Others Total

Buenos Aires 76 46 2 5 9 3 2 5 37

Catamarca 1 0 1 5 0 10 0 2 1

Chaco 1 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0

Chubut 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0

Córdoba 1 0 4 50 1 31 0 0 2

Corrientes 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 2

Entre Ríos 11 17 1 0 0 9 3 0 9

Formosa 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0

Jujuy 3 4 25 0 0 20 0 0 10

La Rioja 0 0 3 3 0 0 0 0 1

Mendoza 0 0 21 0 57 0 4 0 8

Misiones 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0

Neuquén 0 0 0 0 0 0 16 0 1

Rio Negro 0 0 0 15 0 0 52 0 4

Salta 1 29 32 1 20 17 0 72 19

San Juan 0 0 1 15 9 0 1 0 0

San Luis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0

Santa Fe 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Santiago del

Estero 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Tucumán 0 1 8 0 0 0 17 19 4

TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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In 2016, and as in previous years, Grains and Oilseeds were mainly harvested in the

province of Buenos Aires (62 %), followed by the province of Entre Ríos (14 %).

The land area harvested with Grains showed no increase in comparison to 2015.

The land area harvested with Oilseeds showed a recovery, with more than 23

thousand hectares. Chia crop (in Salta) set this trend. Soy was the main harvested oilseed once


The main provinces producing Industrial Crops were Salta (32 %), Jujuy (25 %), and

Mendoza (21 %).

The land area harvested with Industrial Crops increased since 2015, mainly due to a

rise in grapevine and sugar cane crops in the provinces of Salta and Tucumán, respectively. An

outstanding increase in the harvested land area of olive trees was observed in the province of


The harvested land area of fruits increased once again. The main producing

provinces were Río Negro (52 %), Tucumán (17 %), and Neuquén (16 %). Río Negro and

Neuquén harvested pome and stone fruits, and Tucumán harvested lemons and blueberries.

Among fruits, an increase was once again observed in the harvested land area of

apples, pears and blueberries.

The harvested land area of vegetables remained the same and that of legumes

decreased significantly in comparison to 2015. Those crops that had increased in 2015 now show

a decrease (beans and chickpeas) in the provinces of Salta and Córdoba. Among vegetables, the

harvest of squash and garlic decreased in the province of San Juan.

The following table shows the level of specialization of the Argentine provinces in

the production of different crop groups. The features of each crop group regarding soil demand for

crop development shall be taken into account in the analysis.

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Table 3: Harvested Organic Land Area per Crop Group . (%) Year 2016.

PROVINCE Grains Oilseeds Industrial crops

Aromatic herbs Vegetables Legumes Fruits Others Total

Buenos Aires 63 34 2 0 0 0 0 0 100

Catamarca 37 0 39 0 0 23 0 1 100

Chaco 87 0 0 0 13 0 0 0 100

Chubut 0 0 0 8 3 0 87 2 100

Córdoba 10 6 60 1 1 22 0 0 100

Corrientes 88 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 100

Entre Ríos 38 54 4 0 0 1 2 0 100

Formosa 0 0 7 0 0 0 93 0 100

Jujuy 9 11 76 0 0 3 0 0 100

La Rioja 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 100

Mendoza 1 0 80 0 16 0 4 0 100

Misiones 0 0 96 0 1 0 2 0 100

Neuquén 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 100

Río Negro 0 0 0 0 0 0 99 0 100

Salta 1 43 50 0 2 1 0 2 100

San Juan 0 0 39 1 38 0 22 0 100

San Luis 0 0 0 0 66 0 0 34 100

Santa Fe 0 99 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 Santiago del

Estero 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 100

Tucumán 0 5 58 0 0 0 34 2 100

TOTAL 31 28 29 0 2 1 8 0 100

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

Out of the harvested land area of organic Grains (25,879 ha), the largest land area

corresponded to the harvest of bread wheat (48 %), corn (18 %), rice (12 %) and oat (11 %). For

the first two crops, the main producing province was Buenos Aires, and, in the case of rice,

Corrientes and Entre Ríos.

Out of the harvested land area of organic Oilseeds (23,333 ha), the largest land

area corresponded to the harvest of soy (44 %), which was mainly harvested in the province of

Buenos Aires. Chia (35 %) was considered another significant crop, mainly harvested in the

province of Salta.

Out of the 6475 ha harvested with Fruit Trees, the most important crops were pears

(34 %) and apples (32 %). The provinces of Río Negro and Neuquén produced almost the total


Among the most important industrial crops, sugar cane (51 %), grapevines (25 %)

and olive trees (19 %) outstood. Organic sugar cane was mainly harvested in the provinces of

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Jujuy and Salta. Grapevine crops outstood in the province of Salta, where more than half of the

land area for organic grapevine was harvested; the province of Mendoza followed in second place.

Olive trees were mainly harvested in the provinces of Mendoza and Córdoba.

The most important organic vegetables harvested in 2016 were garlic (36 %) and

squash (37 %). Garlic production was concentrated in Mendoza, and squash production, in Salta

and Mendoza.

4) Land Area intended for organic animal production

Organic livestock has decreased by 7 % in relation to the land area under follow-up,

reaching 2,621,201 hectares. A 92 % of said land area corresponds to sheep production in

Patagonia, the activity responsible for said decrease.

A 97 % of the land area intended for organic livestock under follow-up corresponded

to the provinces of Chubut, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and Río Negro. Chubut is the main

province where the decrease in organic sheep activity was observed (a drop of 10 % in land area

and 9 % in operators) and where a 44 % of participation in said production is registered.

Even though the organic bovine activity participates with 7 % of livestock land area,

its growth outstands, mainly due to the allocation of greater land area to rearing activities.

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

0 200.000 400.000 600.000 800.000 1.000.000 1.200.000 1.400.000












Livestock production land area under follow-up. Yea r 2016

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5) Stock of organic animals

• Likewise the land area under follow-up, bovine cattle stock increased by 6 % in 2016 due to

the stock recovery observed in the provinces of Buenos Aires and Córdoba.

• The greatest amount of bovine stock under organic production is located in the provinces of

Buenos Aires (31 %), Chubut (24 %), Salta (17 %) and Córdoba (14 %).

• Sheep livestock (789 thousand heads) decreased once again in comparison to 2015. Said

decrease was mainly observed in the province of Chubut.

• Sheep livestock is mainly located at Patagonia and distributed among the provinces of

Chubut (40 %), Santa Cruz (38 %) and Tierra del Fuego (18 %).

• The number of young female animals for restocking purposes (heifers or lambs) is still

adequate (35 %), which would enable the increase in bovine and sheep activities provided

the conditions are favorable.

• As in 2009, organic beekeeping recorded a new drop in the number of hives under organic

production, which added up to 13,362 hives. Hive stocks are mainly located in the

provinces of Chaco, Santiago del Estero and Santa Fe, with 40 %, 16 % and 15 %,


• In 2016, the province of Jujuy showed an outstanding presence with 9 % of hives, even

though no hives under follow-up were recorded in 2015.

6) Commercialization of Organic Products

In 2016, the volume of exports of organic products saw an increase of 8 %, reaching

173.6 thousand exported tons (those of plant origin increased by 8 % and those of animal origin

decreased by 47 %).

This increase confirms a trend set 20 years ago. Said trend has had an annual

growth of 4 % since 2007.

It is worth noting that this comparison is done based on exported volumes and that

the data gathers a great diversity of products with different added values; thus, the evolution at

product or market basket level should be taken into consideration.

6.1) Exports of plant products

The organic products of plant origin produced in the country are mainly intended for


Oilseed exports showed a strong recovery during 2016.

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Among grains, the increase of wheat (bread and durum types; 12 %) and the

decrease of corn (74 %) and rice (21 %) outstood.

Regarding oilseeds, soy and linseed crops outstood the most, increasing by 225 %

and 42 %, respectively; thus, showing a recovery from the drop observed in the previous year.

Among fruits, pear and blueberry exports decreased by 12 % and 11 %,

respectively. %). It is worth highlighting an increase in plum exports (79 %).

Among exports of vegetables and legumes, the volume of garlic exports showed a

recovery (31 %), while squash exports decreased (22 %). Among legumes, the export of chickpeas

boomed (317 %) due to the greater amount of land area harvested in 2015.

Among industrialized products, the exports of cane sugar (114 %) and wine (11 %)

showed a recovery, and the export of cider (249 %), pear purées (21 %) and concentrated lemon

juice (18 %) showed an outstanding growth.

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Table 4: Difference in the amount exported for sele cted products. 2016 vs 2015 (kilograms)

Products Difference

Absolute % Wheat 2.951.565 12% Rice -1.551.872 -22% Corn -9.785.684 -74% Soy 17.682.123 225% Linseeds 600.460 42% Chia -218.107 -10% Pear -3.781.142 -12% Apple 425.633 2% Blueberry -36.891 -11% Plum 93.130 79% Kiwi 70.400 147% Garlic 613.935 31% Squash -304.761 -23% Butternut squash 107.021 12% Chickpea 243.920 363% Onion 191.589 318% Pea -35.190 -14% Cane sugar 12.116.002 114% Wine 980.748 11% Cider 2.770.543 249% Pear purée 622.052 21% Concentrated lemon juice 203.000 18% Cornmeal 1.166.161 957% Olive oil -781.918 -41% Corn pellet 8.040 2% Dried plums 369.170 1801% IQF blueberry 19.681 5% Jojoba 23.940 17%

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

With 53 % of the exported volume, the United States was the main destination for

exports of organic products of plant origin in 2016, showing an increase of 8 %.

Exports to the European Union increased by 1 % in 2016, reaching to 28 % of the

exported volume.

Exports to Switzerland significantly increased by 328 % and those intended to

Japan grew by 11 %. Both markets have a participation of almost 5.1 % and 0.5 %, respectively, in


Exports to other destinations decreased by 2 %. It is worth emphasizing the growth

of exports intended to Ecuador, Bolivia, Brazil, Norway and Korea, as well as the decrease in the

volumes of products exported to Canada and Russia.

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Table 5: Organic Products of Plant Origin. Percenta ge Share in the Main Products, per Destination. Year 2016 (%)

Products Destination

Total European Union

United States Switzerland Japan Others

2016 Export Total 28,0% 52,9% 5,1% 0,5% 13,5% 100,0% Grains 6,9% 47,0% 19,2% 26,9% 100,0%

Wheat 5,1% 34,2% 49,7% 11,0% 100,0% Durum wheat 59,4% 40,6% 100,0% Rice 33,2% 22,3% 44,5% 100,0%

Oilseeds 6,9% 89,1% 0,7% 3,3% 100,0% Soy 99,4% 0,6% 100,0% Linseeds 8,5% 68,2% 23,3% 100,0% Chia 62,1% 16,6% 11,9% 9,5% 100,0% Fruits 40,2% 48,0% 11,8% 100,0% Pear 44,9% 49,4% 5,7% 100,0% Apple 31,8% 47,0% 21,1% 100,0% Vegetables and Legumes 66,7% 27,8% 0,4% 5,1% 100,0% Garlic 55,5% 42,9% 0,8% 0,7% 100,0% Squash 100,0% 100,0% Butternut squash 84,8% 15,2% 100,0% Industrialized Products 40,6% 43,4% 3,0% 1,1% 11,9% 100,0% Cane sugar 43,7% 32,3% 6,5% 1,0% 16,5% 100,0% Wine 83,6% 6,0% 1,0% 2,1% 7,3% 100,0% Cider 100,0% 100,0% Pear purée 31,3% 56,6% 12,2% 100,0% Concentrated lemon juice 44,4% 48,2% 1,5% 5,8% 100,0% Cornmeal 96,9% 3,1% 100,0% Pear pulp 9,7% 83,0% 7,3% 100,0% Aromatic Herbs Total 100,0% 100,0% Lavender 100,0% 100,0% Others Total 37,2% 16,6% 46,2% 100,0% Jojoba 100,0% 100,0% Rosehip 100,0% 100,0% Mushrooms 100,0% 100,0%

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

All product groups, except for vegetables and legumes, were mainly exported to the

United States. Out of the main organic product groups exported to said destination, oilseeds

(27,252 tons), industrialized products (23,141 tons), and fruits (21,816 tons) were the most

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important ones. These volumes accounted for the following export percentages: 89 % for oilseeds,

43 % for industrialized products, and 48 % for fruits.

Below are the details of the main products exported to the United States:

• Oilseeds: soy, linseeds and chia;

• Industrialized products: cane sugar, cider, pear purée and corn meal;

• Fruits: pears, apples and blueberries;

• Grains: corn and wheat;

• Vegetables and legumes: garlic and peas.

Exports to the European Union basically included industrialized products (21,606

tons), fruits (18,233 tons), and vegetables and legumes (3,687 tons).

Below are the details of the main products exported to this destination:

• Industrialized products: cane sugar, wine, pear purée and concentrated lemon juice;

• Fruits: pears and apples;

• Vegetables and legumes: garlic and squash;

• Grains: rice and wheat;

• Oilseeds: chia.

Exports to Switzerland recovered the shipping of grains (wheat 7,200 tons), and the

rest corresponded to industrialized products (mainly cane sugar 1,475 tons).

In the case of Japan, 845 tons of products of plant origin were exported, mainly

industrialized products (cane sugar, wine and concentrated grape most).

Exports to other destinations reached 23,239 tons, out of which the exports of

grains (wheat and rice), industrialized products (cane sugar, wine and pear purée), fruits (apple

and pear), and oilseeds (linseed) outstood.

6.2) Export of products of animal origin

During 2016, the exported volume of products of animal origin decreased by 47 % in

comparison to 2015.

The recovery seen in organic honey exports to the European Union did not

compensate for the significant drop in organic wool exports, which decreased by 75 % as the

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destinations for said product did not include the Chinese market.

Exports of bovine meat have basically decreased and the few shipments made were

sent to the Netherlands and Switzerland.

7) Domestic market

Although domestic consumption of certified organic products is still low (1.3 %), it is

observed that, according to the information provided by the certifying bodies, there is more product

diversification and presence in local fairs and in direct distribution to consumers.

Industrialized products are intended to this market, such as flour, sugar and yerba

mate, and different vegetables.

All in all, the participation of certified organic products intended for domestic market

is still low.

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Tables and Graphics

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Evolution of the Land Area intended for Organic Production

Year Livestock (2) 1995 104,357 1996 215,800 1997 207,600 1998 269,866 1999 987,254 2000 2,643,037 2001 2,896,016 2002 2,711,195 2003 2,684,831 2004 2,391,083 2005 2,296,123 2006 2,164,200 2007 2,543,186 2008 3,646,472 2009 3,892,255 2010 3,705,173 2011 3,463,809 2012 3,345,211 2013 3,013,801 2014 2,814,069 2015 2,830,165 2016 2,621,201

Year Harvested Land

Area (1) 1995 12,162 1996 18,400 1997 23,646 1998 21,739 1999 23,709 2000 39,218 2001 63,704 2002 51,260 2003 45,697 2004 43,949 2005 43,747 2006 56,289 2007 61,264 2008 71,298 2009 56,290 2010 69,337 2011 64,540 2012 59,613 2013 65,555 2014 68,476 2015 75,472 2016 83,663

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies. (1) Organic harvested land area, does not include w ild harvest. (2) Does not include the land area intended for hon ey production.

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Table 6: Establishments and land area under follow -up per province. Year 2016. Establishments (*) Land Area (**)

Province Amount (%)

Establishment total Land area under follow-up

(ha) Provincial % Average (ha) (ha) Provincial % Average (ha) Buenos Aires 145 12,6 137.419 4,6 954 123.932 4,3 861 Catamarca 8 0,7 4.340 0,1 542 1.841 0,1 230 Chaco 12 1,0 1.690 0,1 338 1.690 0,1 338 Chubut 41 3,6 1.194.447 39,7 29.133 1.170.194 41,0 28.541 Córdoba 18 1,6 31.341 1,0 1.959 23.467 0,8 1.467 Corrientes 11 1,0 10.549 0,4 959 8.055 0,3 732 Entre Ríos 57 5,0 31.155 1,0 556 28.522 1,0 509 Formosa 3 0,3 910 0,0 303 170,65 0,0 57 Jujuy 20 1,7 82.887 2,8 4.362 16.610 0,6 874 La Pampa 4 0,3 417 0,0 104 417 0,0 104 La Rioja 38 3,3 7.429 0,2 196 4.790 0,2 126 Mendoza 149 13,0 20.655 0,7 140 10.384 0,4 70 Misiones 206 17,9 1.468 0,0 7 1.296 0,0 6 Neuquén 74 6,4 1.863 0,1 25 1.552 0,1 21 Río Negro 212 18,5 109.929 3,6 519 103.720 3,6 489 Salta 37 3,2 66.751 2,2 1.804 64.382 2,3 1.740 San Juan 34 3,0 3.360 0,1 99 1.908 0,1 56 San Luis 7 0,6 2.889 0,1 413 2.889 0,1 413 Santa Cruz 14 1,2 1.099.531 36,5 78.538 1.099.156 38,5 78.511 Santa Fe 17 1,5 3.366 0,1 374 3.073 0,1 341 Santiago del Estero 10 0,9 1.646 0,1 411 257,49 0,0 64 Tierra del Fuego 3 0,3 178.064 5,9 59.355 177.682 6,2 59.227 Tucumán 28 2,4 19.688 0,7 703 11.005 0,4 393 Country totals 1.148 100,0 3.011.794 100,0 2.687 2.856.995 100,0 2.549 Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bod ies. (*) Establishments for exclusive beekeeping purpose s are included. (**) Establishments for exclusive beekeeping purpos es are not included.

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Table 7: Harvested Organic Land Area per Crop Group . (ha). Year 2016.

PROVINCE Grains Oilseeds Industrial crops Aromatic herbs Vegetables Legumes Fruits Others Total

Buenos Aires 19.699 10.641 506 2 154 37 146 17 31.201 Catamarca 212 220 2 130 6 569 Chaco 350 53 403 Chubut 2 1 20 1 23 Córdoba 177 106 1.071 19 17 381 1 0 1.771 Corrientes 1.512 205 1.717 Entre Ríos 2.835 3.970 326 1 111 165 7.406 Formosa 7 90 97 Jujuy 768 907 6.220 255 1 8.150 La Pampa 62 90 122 274 La Rioja 805 1 1 807 Mendoza 40 5.123 999 274 6.436 Misiones 403 0 4 1 8 2 417 Neuquén 1.029 1.029 Rio Negro 17 6 3.354 3.377 Salta 226 6.759 7.884 0 350 213 249 15.680 San Juan 160 6 153 88 407 San Luis 12 6 18 Santa Fe 451 0 1 2 454 Santiago del Estero 250 250 Tucumán 160 1.856 2 1.092 65 3.176

TOTAL 25.879 23.333 24.596 38 1.748 1.248 6.475 346 83.663

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 8: Certified Organic Products of Plant Origin for export. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Total European Union United States Switzerland Japan Others

2016 Export Total 48.384.199 91.424.284 8.787.884 844.644 23.239.451 172.680.462 Grains 2.605.330 17.610.200 7.200.310 0 10.085.166 37.501.006

Wheat 735.940 4.946.340 7.200.310 1.595.086 14.477.676 Durum wheat 7.983.970 5.451.450 13.435.420 Rice 1.865.390 1.256.200 2.499.530 5.621.120 Corn 4.000 3.346.550 5.640 3.356.190 Oat 520.120 520.120 Popcorn 77.140 13.340 90.480

Oilseeds 2.107.195 27.252.365 0 222.180 1.003.110 30.584.850 Soy 25.363.155 161.500 25.524.655 Linseeds 171.720 1.381.740 471.270 2.024.730 Chia 1.159.975 309.410 222.180 176.620 1.868.185 Safflower 448.600 448.600 Sunflower 244.900 99.360 50.720 394.980 Sesame 82.000 143.000 225.000 Rapeseeds 98.700 98.700 Fruits 18.232.744 21.815.935 0 0 5.356.101 45.404.781 Pear 12.009.725 13.187.176 1.521.074 26.717.976 Apple 5.750.605 8.495.336 3.818.009 18.063.951 Blueberry 146.514 133.423 14.018 293.954 Plum 207.500 3.000 210.500 Kiwi 118.400 118.400 Vegetables and Legumes 3.687.120 1.537.544 0 20.000 280.324 5.524.988 Garlic 1.437.240 1.111.240 20.000 19.200 2.587.680 Squash 1.026.639 1.026.639 Butternut squash 840.648 150.124 990.772 Chickpeas 163.620 59.840 87.650 311.110

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Onion 138.383 92.296 21.180 251.859 Peas 214.810 214.810 Beans 58.750 58.750 Asparagus 36.318 2.170 38.488 Shallot 3.840 23.040 26.880 Tiger nut 18.000 18.000 Industrialized Products 21.606.175 23.141.940 1.587.574 602.464 6.333.700 53.271.852 Cane sugar 9.942.500 7.349.322 1.475.000 220.000 3.761.100 22.747.922 Wine 7.976.796 575.241 92.574 203.583 694.474 9.542.667 Cider 3.881.780 3.881.780 Pear purée 1.134.074 2.051.265 440.592 3.625.930 Concentrated lemon juice 581.500 631.500 20.000 76.250 1.309.250 Cornmeal 1.248.019 40.000 1.288.019 Pear pulp 123.800 1.063.079 94.064 1.280.943 Apple purée 962.790 242.431 1.205.221 Olive oil 1.000.480 11.891 118.452 1.130.823 Concentrated grape must 672.347 109.604 182.032 963.984 Hominy grits 65.250 381.840 21.750 269.000 737.840 Concentrated pear juice 545.226 175.851 721.077 Cane syrup 683.760 683.760 Apple pulp 14.350 415.042 29.784 459.176 Corn pellet 417.080 417.080 Dried plums 233.670 156.000 389.670 IQF blueberry 386.814 386.814 Raisins 224.532 108.037 332.569 Frozen concentrated orange juice 314.740 314.740 Concentrated apple juice 277.473 21.240 298.713 Zootechnical meal 270.520 270.520 Raisins 148.000 20.400 10.400 41.401 220.201 Yerba mate 82.484 70.108 3.996 21.277 177.865 Sunflower seed expeller 152.880 152.880 Soybean flour 152.000 152.000 Apricot purée 54.800 34.650 89.450

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Dried apples 47.361 8.641 9.520 65.522 Jojoba oil 44.640 14.400 59.040 Treacle 55.440 55.440 Sunflower oil 42.580 42.580 Lemon essential oil 19.440 7.200 8.640 35.280 Frozen lemon pulp 31.680 31.680 Apple aromas and essence 27.252 27.252 Frozen concentrated lemon juice 25.000 25.000 Rosehip husk 23.260 23.260 Natural pasteurized lemon juice 20.000 20.000 Concentrated grape juice 19.736 19.736 Concentrated pear aroma 19.295 19.295 Concentrated turbid lemon juice 17.500 17.500 Concentrated mandarin juice 15.900 15.900 Orange essential oil 10.600 10.600 Jojoba oil 8.215 8.215 Pear aromas and essence 7.949 7.949 Grapefruit essential oil 5.220 5.220 Peach pulp 901 901 Mandarin essential oil 540 540 Rosehip oil 50 50 Aromatic Herbs Total 0 1.500 0 0 0 1.500 Lavender 1.500 1.500 Others Total 145.635 64.800 0 0 181.050 391.485 Jojoba 161.100 161.100 Rosehip 93.600 93.600 Jojoba seeds 64.800 64.800 Seaweeds 26.776 19.950 46.726 Rosehip seeds 25.000 25.000 Mushrooms 259 259

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 8.1: Certified Organic Products of Plant Orig in intended for the European Union. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Germany Austria Belgium Denmark Slovakia Spain Estonia Finland France 2016 Export Total 8.321.593 14.076 4.929.427 3.577.758 900 548.955 14.652 538.003 2.439.332 Grains 94.080 0 887.110 127.730 0 36.500 0 0 1.136.140 Rice 94.080 887.110 127.730 32.500 400.200 Wheat 735.940 Corn 4.000

Oilseeds 860.600 0 98.975 80.000 0 93.500 0 0 40.000 Chia 395.000 98.975 80.000 80.000 40.000 Safflower 448.600 Sunflower Linseeds 17.000 13.500 Sesame

Fruits 1.788.135 0 28.800 917.014 0 2.160 0 63.462 0 Pear 1.316.810 27.000 310.693 9.030 Apple 460.233 599.372 54.432 Plum 6.950 Blueberry 11.093 1.800 2.160 Kiwi

Vegetables and Legumes 40.800 0 0 0 0 119.540 0 0 568.660 Garlic 22.200 568.660 Squash 40.800 Butternut squash Chickpeas 79.340 Onion Beans Tiger nut 18.000 Shallot

Industrialized Products 5.419.119 14.076 3.914.542 2.453.014 900 297.255 14.652 474.541 667.756 Cane sugar 3.645.000 2.603.000 123.500 80.000 Wine 693.336 1.165.366 2.453.014 900 14.652 474.541 141.591 Pear purée 144.016 108.000 Concentrated lemon juice 400.500 Concentrated pear juice 491.520

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Frozen concentrated orange juice 47.880 Dried plums 94.470 Raisins 224.532 Raisins 74.000 Pear pulp 17.875 Yerba mate 45.164 14.076 11.895 Hominy grits

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

Table 8.1: Certified Organic Products of Plant Orig in intended for the European Union. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Germany Austria Belgium Denmark Slovakia Spain Estonia Finland France Dried apple 47.361 Jojoba oil 44.640 Frozen concentrated lemon juice Rosehip husk 23.180 80 Lemon essential oil 2.160 17.280 Concentrated pear aroma 19.295 Concentrated mandarin juice Apple pulp 14.350 Orange essential oil 10.600 Pear aromas and essence 2.271 Grapefruit essential oil 5.220 Mandarin essential oil 540 Rosehip oil 50

Others 118.859 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26.776 Rosehip 93.600 Seaweeds 26.776 Rosehip seeds 25.000 Mushrooms 259

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 8.1: Certified Organic Products of Plant Orig in intended for the European Union. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Total Greece Ireland Italy Lithuania Netherlands Poland United

Kingdom Czech

Republic Sweden

2016 Export Total 23.796 792 3.950.255 8.820 16.703.986 13.925 4.721.320 202.646 2.373.963 48.384.199 Grains 0 0 248.770 0 0 0 75.000 0 0 2.605.330 Rice 248.770 75.000 1.865.390 Wheat 735.940 Corn 4.000

Oilseeds 0 540 326.900 0 565.680 0 41.000 0 0 2.107.195 Chia 425.000 41.000 1.159.975 Safflower 448.600 Sunflower 244.900 244.900 Linseeds 540 140.680 171.720 Sesame 82.000 82.000

Fruits 18.900 0 931.761 0 12.255.189 0 1.988.522 0 238.800 18.232.744 Pear 18.900 898.273 8.274.626 955.594 198.800 12.009.725 Apple 11.088 3.617.254 968.226 40.000 5.750.605 Plum 200.550 207.500 Blueberry 66.759 64.702 146.514 Kiwi 22.400 96.000 118.400

Vegetables and Legumes 0 0 770.363 0 1.564.326 0 623.432 0 0 3.687.120 Garlic 618.590 183.790 44.000 1.437.240 Squash 985.839 1.026.639 Butternut squash 283.216 557.432 840.648 Chickpeas 62.280 22.000 163.620 Onion 89.183 49.200 138.383 Beans 58.750 58.750 Tiger nut 18.000 Shallot 3.840 3.840

Industrialized Products 4.896 252 1.672.461 8.820 2.318.792 13.925 1.993.366 202.646 2.135.163 21.606.175 Cane sugar 1.314.000 322.000 1.630.000 200.000 25.000 9.942.500 Wine 4.896 252 219.261 8.820 427.341 13.725 246.292 2.646 2.110.163 7.976.796 Pear purée 882.058 1.134.074 Concentrated lemon juice 181.000 581.500

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Concentrated pear juice 53.706 545.226 Frozen concentrated orange juice 266.860 314.740 Dried plums 139.200 233.670 Raisins 224.532 Raisins 74.000 148.000 Pear pulp 105.925 123.800 Yerba mate 200 11.149 82.484 Hominy grits 65.250 65.250

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

Table 8.1: Certified Organic Products of Plant Orig in intended for the European Union. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Total Greece Ireland Italy Lithuania Netherlands Poland United

Kingdom Czech

Republic Sweden

Dried apples 47.361 Jojoba oil 44.640 Frozen concentrated lemon juice 25.000 25.000 Rosehip husk 23.260 Lemon essential oil 19.440 Concentrated pear aroma 19.295 Concentrated mandarin juice 15.900 15.900 Apple pulp 14.350 Orange essential oil 10.600 Pear aromas and essence 5.678 7.949 Grapefruit essential oil 5.220 Mandarin essential oil 540 Rosehip oil 50

Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 145.635 Rosehip 93.600 Seaweeds 26.776 Rosehip seeds 25.000 Mushrooms 259

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 8.2: Certified Organic Products of Plant Orig in intended for other countries. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Netherlands Antilles Australia Bermuda Bolivia Brazil Canada Chile China Colombia Korea Costa

Rica Ecuador

2016 Export Total 720 461.894 504 2.125.000

1.740.549 10.280.486 252.560 136.498 15.007 889.220 14.541 4.229.072

Grains 0 0 0 2.125.000

1.416.980 1.590.640 0 0 0 112.720 0 4.200.826

Durum wheat 1.276.860 1.050.750 112.720 2.955.120 Rice 2.125.000 314.530 Wheat 130.000 210.380 1.245.706 Oat 10.120 Popcorn 11.340 Corn 3.640

Oilseeds 0 0 0 0 151.500 396.710 0 0 0 0 0 0 Linseeds 308.230

Chia 37.760 Soy 151.500 Sesame Sunflower 50.720

Fruits 0 0 0 0 34.143 4.250.453 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apple 3.629.513 Pear 34.143 603.922 Blueberry 14.018 Plum 3.000

Vegetables and Legumes 0 0 0 0 0 232.674 0 0 0 0 0 0 Butternut squash 150.124 Chickpeas 40.000 Onion 21.180 Garlic 19.200 Asparagus 2.170

Industrialized Products 720 441.944 504 0 137.926 3.810.008 252.560 136.498 15.007 776.500 14.541 28.246 Cane sugar 2.686.900 19.600 89.100 776.500 Wine 720 24.246 504 25.488 392.059 19.446 9.607 14.541 4.050 Pear purée 108.000 108.000 108.317 22.275

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Hominy grits 269.000 Apple purée 169.200 67.831 5.400 Concentrated grape must 164.930 Sunflower seed expeller Olive oil 104.550 1.696 Raisins 108.037 Pear pulp 90.441 3.623 Concentrated lemon juice 50.000 3.750 22.500 Raisins 4.401 Cornmeal 40.000 Apricot purée 23.400 11.250 Apple pulp 29.784 Yerba mate 698 2.368 7.505 5.677 Dried apples 9.520 Lemon essential oil 8.640 Jojoba oil Peach pulp 901

Others 0 19.950 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jojoba Seaweeds 19.950

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 8.2: Certified Organic Products of Plant Orig in intended for other countries. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Arab Emirates Philippines Hong

Kong Israel Laos Lebanon Malaysia Mexico Norway New

Zealand Panama Paraguay

2016 Export Total 51.475 24.669 540 229.902 7.479 100 30.000 147.095 984.784 152.840 1.030 4.914

Grains 0 0 0 64.000 0 0 0 0 510.000 0 0 0 Durum wheat Rice 60.000 Wheat Oat 510.000 Popcorn 2.000 Corn 2.000

Oilseeds 0 0 0 163.040 0 0 30.000 143.000 5.860 0 0 0 Linseeds 163.040 Chia 30.000 5.860 Soy Sesame 143.000 Sunflower

Fruits 11.430 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 178.416 0 0 0 Apple 10.080 178.416 Pear 1.350 Blueberry Plum

Vegetables and Legumes 40.000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.650 0 0 0 Butternut squash Chickpeas 40.000 7.650 Onion Garlic Asparagus

Industrialized Products 45 24.669 540 2.862 7.479 100 0 4.095 282.858 152.840 1.030 4.914 Cane sugar 24.000 Wine 45 669 540 2.862 7.479 4.095 129.978 1.008 1.030 4.914 Pear purée 94.000 Hominy grits Apple purée

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Concentrated grape must 17.102 Sunflower seed expeller 152.880 Olive oil Raisins Pear pulp Concentrated lemon juice Raisins 37.000 Cornmeal Apricot purée Apple pulp Yerba mate 100 3.729 Dried apple Lemon essential oil Jojoba oil Peach pulp

Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jojoba Seaweeds

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 8.2: Certified Organic Products of Plant Orig in intended for other countries. Year 2016 (kg)

Products Destination

Total Peru Puerto

Rico Russia Singapore Sri Lanka Thailand Taiwan Ukraine Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam

2016 Export Total 109.548 360 911.854 25.585 143.960 4.890 6.103 600 253.718 893 1.062 23.239.451 Grains 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65.000 0 0 10.085.166 Durum wheat 56.000 5.451.450 Rice 2.499.530 Wheat 9.000 1.595.086 Oat 520.120 Popcorn 13.340 Corn 5.640

Oilseeds 100.000 0 0 0 0 3.000 0 0 10.000 0 0 1.003.110 Linseeds 471.270 Chia 100.000 3.000 176.620 Soy 10.000 161.500 Sesame 143.000 Sunflower 50.720

Fruits 0 0 881.659 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.356.101 Apple 3.818.009 Pear 881.659 1.521.074 Blueberry 14.018 Plum 3.000

Vegetables and Legumes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 280.324 Butternut squash 150.124 Chickpeas 87.650 Onion 21.180 Garlic 19.200 Asparagus 2.170

Industrialized Products 9.548 360 30.195 25.585 143.960 1.890 6.103 600 17.618 893 1.062 6.333.700 Cane sugar 25.000 140.000 3.761.100 Wine 9.548 360 30.195 585 3.960 1.890 2.700 893 1.062 694.474 Pear purée 440.592 Hominy grits 269.000

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Apple purée 242.431 Concentrated grape must 182.032 Sunflower seed expeller 152.880 Olive oil 6.103 6.103 118.452 Raisins 108.037 Pear pulp 94.064 Concentrated lemon juice 76.250 Raisins 41.401 Cornmeal 40.000 Apricot purée 34.650 Apple pulp 29.784 Yerba mate 600 600 21.277 Dried apples 9.520 Lemon essential oil 8.640 Jojoba oil 8.215 8.215 Peach pulp 901

Others 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 161.100 0 0 181.050 Jojoba 161.100 161.100 Seaweeds 19.950

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Participation of destination countries in the export of different organic products

Composition of organic exports of plant origin in the years 2005-2016

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Table 9: Organic products of animal origin under follow -up. 2016 Totals. Cattle Stock. Provincial Distribut ion.

Province Cattle total Cows Heifers Calves Bulls Steers Milk cows

(Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads)

Buenos Aires 11.924 5.811 1.774 2.885 171 1.242 41

Chubut 9.270 4.235 1.137 2.731 190 977

Córdoba 5.498 1.517 951 2.525 85 420

Misiones 276 147 62 63 4

Río Negro 1.275 603 123 489 25 35

Salta 6.438 3.394 1.284 854 310 596

San Luis 912 647 221 20 24

Santa Fe 1.371 388 469 357 64 93

Tierra del Fuego 1.779 1.153 170 255 100 101

Country total 38.743 17.895 6.191 10.179 973 3.429 76

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 10: Organic products of animal origin under f ollow-up. 2016 Totals. Ovine, Caprine and Other Species Stock, and Number of Hives. Provincial Distribution.

Province Ovine Total Sheep Yearling

sheep Rams Neutered Lambs Poultry Goats Guanacos / Llamas

Number of hives

(Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads) (Heads)

Buenos Aires 64 34 4 26 4.299 895

Chaco 5.331

Chubut 312.315 159.023 60.744 13.196 55.016 24.336

Córdoba 211 1.404

Entre Ríos 193

Jujuy 1.301

Río Negro 36.778 16.521 6.800 1.147 6.681 5.629

San Luis 204 124 5 75 219

Santa Cruz 299.451 191.388 54.190 12.296 8.629 32.948

Santa Fe 2.032

Santiago del Estero 2.206

Tierra del Fuego 139.979 94.440 38.939 4.801 1.799

Country totals 788.791 461.530 160.673 31.449 72.125 63.014 4.299 211 219 13.362

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Table 11: Certified Organic Products of Animal Orig in for export. Year 2016 (kg)

Destination Product

Total Beef Wool Wool tops Honey

2016 Total Exports 8.273 338.335 48.258 529.874 924.740 European Union 4.685 338.335 48.258 510.837 902.115 Germany 44.070 135.541 179.611 Belgium 59.491 59.491 Bulgaria 63.115 63.115 Spain 86.973 86.973 France 167.628 167.628 Italy 4.188 43.200 47.388 Netherlands 4.685 18.004 22.689 Czech Republic 275.220 275.220

Switzerland 3.588 3.588 United States 19.037 19.037

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

Table 12: Certified Organic Products intended for d omestic consumption. Year 2016 (kg or l)

Of Plant Origin Product Total

Overall total 2.054.586 Grains 238.102 Oat 66.956 Millet 54.229 Rice 49.300 Rye 29.124 Sorghum 24.870 Barley 13.623 Oilseeds 134.617 Sunflower 51.320 Soy 40.800 Linseeds 37.497 Sesame 5.000 Fruits 28.616 Olives 11.211 Kiwi 5.184 Pear 3.285 Pecan nut 2.666 Raspberry 1.820 Blackcurrant 1.173 Cherry 945 Strawberry 861 Nuts 572 Blueberry 547 Chestnut 203

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Plum 150 Vegetables and Legumes 159.905 Garlic 49.859 Butternut squash 43.090 Potato 20.391 Squash 10.736 Sweet potato 10.255 Onion 10.006 Carrot 3.573 Read beans 3.000 Melon 1.730 Shallot 1.440 Kabocha squash 823 Corn 627 Green kale 523 Pumpkin 419 Globe squash 354 White cabbage 332 Broccoli 329 Lettuce 317 Cucumber 283 Beet 229 Fennel 200 Red cabbage 176 Green onion 175 Watermelon 126 Radish 120 Eggplant 98 Leek 93 Jam 90 Cauliflower 87 Black kale 80 White kohlrabi 69 Red kale 60 Purple kohlrabi 49 Zucchini 47 Pak choi 44 Watermelon radish 21 Purple kale 19 Chard 15 Arugula 12 Radicchio 7 Green beans 6 Cabbage 3 Industrialized Products 1.492.971 Wheat flour 384.779 Cane sugar 372.708 Yerba mate 302.740

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Apple purée 86.157 Pear purée 56.816 Baby food 50.989 Cornmeal 41.250 Tea 26.238 Sunflower oil 24.127 Apple pulp 22.862 Pear pulp 21.749 Aloe vera juice 18.346 Frozen blueberry 17.490 Sunflower seed expeller 15.270 Rye flour 14.742 IQF frozen strawberry 9.751 Raisins 5.740 Olive oil 5.420 Wine 4.428 Linseed oil 3.965 Wheat meal 2.569 Rosehip husk 1.860 Alcohol 1.610 Food produced from wheat sprouts 678 Frozen concentrated lemon juice 490 Stevia rebaudiana 150 Fine fruit in syrup 47 Aromatic Herbs 269 Oregano 98 Lemon verbena 59 Tarragon 52 Peppermint 40 Thyme 20 Others 32.910 Aloe vera 32.860 Seaweeds 50

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

Table 13: Certified Organic Products intended for d omestic consumption. Year 2016 (kg)

Of Animal Origin Product Total

Total 189.007 Honey 189.007

Source: SENASA. 2017. Based on data from Certifying Bodies.

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Annex Details of plant species per crop group

Group Species Group Species Group Species Group Spe cies Group Species

Industrial crops

Aloe Vera









Cane sugar Swiss chard Turnip greens Hazelnut Oat

Jojoba Chicory Turnip Berries Barley

Hop Pepper Garlic chives Cassis Rye

Olive tree Garlic Pak choi Chestnut Kamut

Tobacco Akusay Potato Cherry Corn

Tea Basil Cucumber Plum Blue corn Vine Artichoke Squirting cucumber Apricot Popcorn Yerba mate Celery Parsley Peach Millet

Aromatic herbs

Satureja Burdock Pepper Raspberry Foxtail millet

Basil Sweet Potato Green bean Pomegranate Sorghum

Amaranth Eggplant Leek Redcurrant Durum wheat

Xylopia aromatica Brassica alboglabra Radish Sour cherry Bread wheat

Lemon verbena Brassica juncea Radical Fig



Coriander Broccoli Chicory Kiwi Colza

Redcurrant Welsh onion Beetroot Lemon Black oil sunflower seeds

Dill Onion Green cabbage Tangerine Confectionery sunflower seeds

Tarragon Corn Red cabbage Apple Linseed

Fennel Chives Arugula Quince Peanut

Hyssopus Cabbage Watermelon Berry Soy

Laurel Cauliflower Tomato Orange

Lavender Chrysanthemums Cherry tomato Nectarine

Broadleaved lavender Echalion shallots Carrot Walnuts

Chamomile Shallot Buttercup squash Avocado

Marjoram Endives Squash Pear

Lemon balm Asparagus Butternut squash Grapefruit

Mint Spinach Zucchini Blackberry

Orégano Strawberry Legumes


Peperina Broad bean Dry beans

Pennyroyal Fennel

Rosemary Ipomoea

Sage Lettuce

Thyme Luffa cylindrica