2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116

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  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116



     YEAR OF





  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    7 "You are the LORD God, who chAbram and brought him from ur

    the chaldeans and renamed himAbraham. 8 hen he had !roedhimself faithful, #ou made a cowith him to gie him and his

    descendants the land of thecanaanites, hittites, amorites,!eri$$ites, %ebusites, and girgas

    And #ou hae done what #ou

    NEHEMIAH 9:7-8

  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    &' You sent #our good (!irit to instthem, and #ou did not sto! giing tmanna from heaen or water for ththirst. &) *or fort# #ears #ou sustaithem in the wilderness, and the# lanothing. heir clothes did not wearand their feet did not swell-

    NEHEMIAH 9:20-25

  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    && "hen #ou hel!ed our ancestorsconuer +ingdoms and nations, an

    !laced #our !eo!le in eer# cornerland. he# too+ oer the land of /i(ihon of 0eshbon and the land of /Og of 1ashan. &2 You made their

    descendants as numerous as the sthe s+# and brought them into the#ou had !romised to their ancesto


  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    &3 "he# went in and too+ !osse

    of the land. You subdued wholenations before them. 4en the5anaanites, who inhabited the lwere !owerless- Your !eo!le co

    deal with these nations and the+ings as the# !leased.


  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    &6 Our ancestors ca!tured fortiecities and fertile land. he# too+

    houses full of good things, withcisterns alread# dug and ine#aand olie groes and fruit trees

    abundance. (o the# ate until thewere full and grew fat and en%o#themseles in all #our blessings


  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    nderstand our


  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    *aithfulness wresult to e>traa

    harests.A. God !roed Abraham faithful1. 0e !romised him and his descendants

    4?RA@AGA: A:Ocessie and 0igh

    2. 4>tremel# be#ond a normal limit 0AR@


  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    (ering faithfull#

    unsto!!able G).Banna from 0eaen C.&'&.ater from the Roc+ 2.Lac+ed :othing

    3.5lothes did not wear out6.God hel!ed them conuer +ingdoms anationsE.Descendants of Abraham becomes num

    as the stars in the s+#7.he too+ in and ossess the land


  • 8/18/2019 2016 – Our Year of Extravagant Harvest, Favor and Success by Apostle Abraham 010116


    (ering faithfull#

    unsto!!able G8. he 5anaanites where 9!owerless; agthem C.&3

    F. he# ca!tured *ortied 5ities and thei)'.he# too+ oer houses full of good th

    C.&6)).@ine#ards, cistern alread# dug :o stress