2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at...

1 2016 KACRAO Conference Kansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers September 28-30, 2016

Transcript of 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at...

Page 1: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United


2016 KACRAO Conference

Kansas Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers

September 28-30, 2016

Page 2: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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6:00-7:00 p.m. LAC and Program Commi�ee Mee�ng

7:00-8:00 p.m. Execu�ve Council Mee�ng


9:00-4:00 p.m. Registra�on and Informa�on Booth Open

1:00-1:25 p.m. Opening Session

1:25-1:45 p.m. Campfire Session: Who We Are

1:45-2:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker

2:30-2:45 p.m. Snack Break

2:45-3:30 p.m. Interest Sessions

3:35-4:05 p.m. Campfire Session: How We Got Here

4:15-5:00 p.m. Interest Sessions

6:00-9:00 p.m. Dinner at the Discovery Center

8:30-9:30 p.m. New Member Welcome Recep�on

8:30-10:00 p.m. Past Presidents’ Recep�on


8:00-9:00 a.m. Breakfast

9:00-9:45 a.m. Interest Sessions

9:50-10:20 a.m. Campfire Session: How We Made It

10:20-10:35 a.m. Snack Break

10:35-11:20 a.m. Town Halls

11:30-1:00 p.m. Lunch, Awards, Business Mee�ng

1:15-2:15 p.m. Interest Sessions

2:30-3:30 p.m. Interest Sessions

3:30-4:00 p.m. Snack Break

4:00-5:00 p.m. Interest Sessions


7:00-8:00 a.m. Breakfast

8:00-8:45 a.m. Round Tables

8:50-9:35 a.m. Interest Sessions

9:40-10:10 a.m. Campfire Session: How We Enjoyed the Journey

10:10-10:40 a.m. Break to check out of hotel

10:40-11:40 a.m. Closing Speaker

11:40-12:10 p.m. Business Mee�ng, Door Prizes


Schedule at a Glance

Page 3: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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David joined Newman University’s Advancement Department in 2013 as Senior Development Officer.

Prior to joining Newman, he served more than fourteen years in various fund development roles at the

Via Chris� Founda�on, YMCA of the Rockies and The Salva�on Army. David also served for ten years as

an American Bap�st Pastor. He is a graduate of Luther Rice College with a B.A. in Religion. David and

wife, Flossie, have seven children ranging in ages from 16 to 26 and one very precious granddaughter.

To relax, he enjoys spending �me on his motorcycle.


Featured Speakers and

Conference Logo Sponsors

Dubbed “the prophet of an educa�on revolu�on” by the Kansas City Star and “the

explainer” by Wired Magazine, Wesch is a recipient of the highly coveted “US Professor of

the Year” award from the Carnegie Founda�on. AGer two years studying the implica�ons of

wri�ng on a remote indigenous culture in the rain forest of Papua New Guinea, he turned

his a�en�on to the effects of social media and digital technology on global society and

educa�on. His videos on culture, technology, educa�on, and informa�on have been viewed

over 20 million �mes, translated into over 20 languages, and are frequently featured at

interna�onal film fes�vals and major academic conferences worldwide. Wesch has won

several major awards for his work, including a Wired Magazine Rave Award, the John Culkin Award for Outstanding

Praxis in Media Ecology, and he was named an Emerging Explorer by Na�onal Geographic.




Page 4: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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CAMPFIRESPEAKER:MIKEROUNDSRounds is currently the Associate Vice Provost for Human Resource Management at the University of Kansas, a posi�on

he has held since April 2014. Prior to moving to a posi�on in higher educa�on, Mike served in the Army for nearly 30

years, re�ring in December 2009. AGer re�ring from the Army, he has worked in the public educa�on sector.

Rounds graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1981. His educa�on also includes an MS in East Asian

Studies from Yale University, an MS in Strategic Management from the Army War College, and an MBA from Baker

University. He is 2011 graduate of the Broad Superintendents Academy.

Mike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a

junior at the United States Military Academy.

Paul is the Dean of Student Services and Success at Johnson County Community College. He has had the privilege and

honor to serve students in higher educa�on for over 33 years, in the capacity of Recruiter, Registrar, Counselor and

Enrollment Management. He has been ac�ve in KACRAO for many years serving in mul�ple roles and presen�ng on a

variety of subjects. He is currently the president of the na�onal organiza�on of AACRAO. His professional philosophy is

students first and servant leadership. He seeks to live his life in the order of his faith, spouse, family, and others, as well

as live life as though heaven is real.

CAMPFIRESPEAKER:CHARLIEWILKSCharlie Wilks grew up in Emporia, Kansas and graduated from Emporia High School. He is now a senior at Kansas State

University majoring in music and business. When he was five years old he had a brain tumor that was crushing his

op�cal nerve. Charlie had three surgeries before he was seven that successfully removed the tumor, but caused him to

lose his eyesight permanently. That wasn’t going to stop Charlie. He believes that "You determine who you are-not any

other event or person in your life.” At KSU he plays in the marching band and plays chess with the Chess Club. Wilks

has used his blindness to mentor others with physical impairments, and his posi�vity and mo�va�on are constant

sources of inspira�on.

CAMPFIRESPEAKER:LESLIEQUINNLeslie Quinn completed her Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy from the University of Louisiana at Monroe

and is working on her doctorate in Educa�onal Leadership at Baker University. She enjoyed counseling teens and their

families but stumbled into a love for higher educa�on and never looked back. For the past 15 years, she has served in

various roles including director of enrollment management, psychology instructor, and registrar. She currently serves

as the registrar for JCCC, has a passion for details, loves helping students accomplish their goals, and is s�ll the number

one fan of LeRoy Rooker in the known universe.

WHATISACAMPFIRESESSION?We have a unique adventure planned for you with KACRAO Campfire sessions designed to engage you in the

discussion. These sessions are all about our journey as higher educa�on professions and will take a look at who we are,

how we overcome challenges, who mentors us along the way, and how we make the journey fun. These short,

engaging Campfire sessions will give you an opportunity to connect and engage with your en�re KACRAO

community. We hope you enjoy this journey through change and challenge at KACRAO on the Konza.

Page 5: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Casey is an Assistant Director in the Office of Admissions at the University of Kansas specifically

working with Transfer Opera�ons and Prospect Data Entry. She has worked in Admissions for

thirteen years, beginning at Johnson County Community College in 2003 before moving to KU in

2014. Casey received a Bachelor of Science in Public Administra�on from Northwest Missouri State

University and a master’s degree in Higher Educa�on Administra�on from the University of Kansas.

She has served on a variety of KACRAO commi�ees, as well as serving as the chair of the KC Metro

College Expo ad hoc commi�ee, and Vice President of Associa�on Services.

Casey lives in Lawrence with her husband, Derick, and two daughters, Jensen, 5, and Laney, 3. She

also considers her “Li�le Sister”, Des�ni, to be a part of her family. They have been matched for nine years through Big

Brothers Big Sisters. Casey is Vice President for Educa�on for the Lawrence Toastmasters Club.


Lara Medley is the Registrar at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, where she

has been for twelve years. She has worked in higher educa�on for 31 years total with

experience in all areas of registra�on and records, advising, transfer evalua�on, and

computer programming.

She was on the RMACRAO Board of Directors for 11 years in several roles including

President, Vice President for Colorado, and Exhibitor and LAC Liaison. For AACRAO, Lara was

previously the Chair of the State and Regional Rela�ons Commi�ee, Co-chair of Volunteers

for the Denver mee�ng, and is the Vice President for Records and Academic Services on the

AACRAO Board of Directors. Lara holds a Bachelor of Arts in Interna�onal Spanish for the Professions as well as a

Master of Public Administra�on, both from the University of Colorado.


Maggie is an Admissions Representa�ve at Barton Community College. She began her admissions

career in 2010 at Salina Area Technical College before se�ling in at Barton. She is in her fourth year at

Barton. She has an associate’s degree from Dodge City Community College and a bachelor’s degree

from Washburn University.

Maggie has been ac�ve in KACRAO since 2010 and has served on numerous commi�ees. She has

served on the Execu�ve Council since 2011 in the roles of secretary, Summer Drive-In chair, and Vice

President of Professional Development. She was elected President-Elect and awarded the Beth

Tedrow Outstanding New Professional award in 2014.

Maggie lives in Great Bend with her husband, Cody, and daughter, Ella.


Page 6: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Hilton Garden Inn Hotel

Parking Garage

Page 7: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Opening Session Kaw Nation/Big Basin

President Welcome Maggie Harris

Conference Welcome Larry Moeder


Registration and Information Lobby


Campfire Session #1: Who We Are

Kaw Nation/Big Basin


Paul Kyle, Dean of Student Services, AACRAO President

Johnson County Community College


Keynote Speaker Kaw Nation/Big Basin

Mission Possible David Alexander


Snack Break Lobby


Interest Sessions

New Counselor Workshop Part 1



Lynnette Hilty, Admissions Counselor

Hutchinson Community College

Welcome to KACRAO! Intended for first-year admissions

professionals, this introductory session will focus on the ins and

outs of CPCs and the unique differences between them and

normal recruitment visits.


Konza Prairie


Lara Medley, Registrar

Colorado School of Mines

This session will provide information regarding the latest

legislative issues related to higher education. This discussion will

also outline AACRAO's involvement in those issues, as well as

questions and concerns on the local and federal levels.


Interest Sessions

Transfer Swirl



Yangchen Zawadzki, Assistant Dir., Transfer Admissions

Newman University


Neil Hoelting, Senior Community College Coordinator

Wichita State University

What is Transfer Swirl? According to the report released by the

National Clearing House in 2012, 'One Third of the College

students switch institution before earning a degree,' who is

affected by this, what factors contribute to this issue and

challenges. What kinds of outcomes can be addressed?

Getting our Piece of the P.I.E

Flint Hills


Jeremiah McCluney, Recruitment Specialist

Kansas City Kansas Community College

We know that when it comes to advancing our careers, it's more

than just your ability to do the work (performance). It's also about

who knows you (exposure) and what they know you for

(image). In his book, Empowering Yourself: The Organizational

Game Revealed, author Harvey Coleman, explores how these

components interact to shape our career's trajectory. In this

session, we will discuss how intentional application of these

concepts can help us get a bigger piece of the

"P.I.E.". Participants are encouraged to share their best tips for

getting ahead.

Establishing and Finding Key Performance Indicators



Steve Grenus, University Registrar

University of Kansas


Philip Schiffelbein, Assistant Dir., Enrollment Mgmt.

University of Kansas

This session will offer information about identifying, creating,

and communicating Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) to

various stakeholders. What distinguishes a KPI from a goal?

What is important; to whom? Learn how multiple, integrated

service centers work with a diverse group of stakeholders to

ensure that quick and comprehensive services and systems are

offered to customers.


Page 8: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Interest Sessions

New Counselor Workshop-Part 2



Lynnette Hilty, Admissions Counselor

Hutchinson Community College

This sessions continues to build off session 1 with more ideas and

opportunities to learn about your new role. We will focus more

about KACRAO, recruitment visits, travel tips & staying


The Impact of Federal Student Aid Regulations on Student

Enrollment Reporting



Robert Auten, Associate Registrar

Kansas State University


Robert Gamez, Director of Student Aid

Kansas State University

Ever wonder how federal student aid regulations play such an

outsized role in student enrollment reporting? If yes, join Robert

Auten, Associate Registrar at K-State and Robert Gamez,

Director Student Aid at K-State, for an overview of the objectives

behind all the regulations. We will be discussing lessons learned

in how the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) interacts with

the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS) and how

monitoring eligibility for federal subsidized student loans has

impacted enrollment in recent years. Audience discussion of best

practices in meeting enrollment reporting obligations will be

highly encouraged. Let's learn from each other!

Student Refund Account Choice Required by the Dept. of Ed.



Dave Riggs, SVP Business Development

Herring Bank—College Green

The new Department of Education rules are in full effect as of

July 1st, 2016. This plays a major role in the way college students

select how they receive a credit balance payment from colleges.

Helping the students make an easy selection to their personal

bank account, or a college sponsored account will save the

college time and money. Stop in and listen to our session, as we

discuss all the benefits of the Herring Bank - College Green

product and the student refund account choice process we



Interest Sessions

What’s New at the Clearinghouse?



Nancy Penna, Regional Director

National Student Clearninghouse

Come to this session to hear the latest news around enrollment

reporting and work with the Veteran’s Administration and

certification of international credentials. Get the scoop on

Reverse Transfer. Hear your colleagues share their experiences

with electronic transcripts and using the Audit Resource Center.

Learn how to create a revenue stream in your office with degree


Campfire Session 2: How We Got Here

Kaw Nation/Big Basin


Mike Rounds, Associate Vice Provost

University of Kansas



Interest Sessions

New Registrar Workshop



Gina Crabtree, Registrar

Wichita State University

Welcome to KACRAO! Intended for newer professionals in the

registrar’s office, this introductory session will give you an

overview of KACRAO. You will also learn about various topics

and issues within the registrar's office.


Flint Hills


Mike Rounds, Associate Vice Provost

University of Kansas


Cassie Keefer, Assistant Director, Admissions

University of Kansas

Join us as we discuss the formal mentoring process that is a

cornerstone of the Staff Fellows program at The University of

Kansas. We’ll discuss the advantages, successes and pitfalls from

a coordinator and a participant perspective. Learn tips on how to

leverage a formal mentorship program in your organization.

Page 9: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Interest Sessions

KICA Update

Konza Prairie


Matt Lindsey, President

Kansas Independent College Association

The Kansas Independent College Association president will

provide attendees with updates on the association.

Interest Sessions

Where are Students Going?

Flint Hills


Molly McGaughey, Director of Admissions

Kansas State University

Join us for a roundtable discussion about using the information

that is publicly available to determine enrollment trends in

Kansas. Moderator Molly McGaughey will lead with questions

for representatives from around the state. Public 4-year,

community colleges, vocational and private institutions will be

represented. If you have questions about post-secondary

enrollment, bring them. If you have answers, bring them too!

Automatic Awarding of Degrees, How to Make it Work



Leslie Quinn, Registrar

Johnson County Community College

Come learn how Johnson County Community College

implemented "automatic graduation." In this session you will

hear about the early pilot project, lessons learned, tips for

implementation, and the evolution to full application of this

procedure for all degree and certificate programs. We will discuss

the pros, cons, and concerns about automatic graduation; impact

to graduation data; and how we have utilized automatic

graduation to assist us with reverse transfer. Join us in discussing

how this useful tool can help you increase your graduation rates

while ensuring that students receive the degree or certificate they

have earned.

FERPA for Beginners and How to Build Your Training



Jasmin Dauner, Academic Services Coordinator

Kansas Wesleyan University


Cathy Britton, Registrar

Bethany College

Equally as relevant today as it was when passed in 1974, FERPA

continues to influence the work of higher education professionals

every day. This session will provide an overview of FERPA

regulations and test your knowledge of everyday situations. It

will also provide suggestions on how to implement campus-wide

awareness and training for faculty and staff.


Registration Open Lobby


Breakfast Kaw Nation/Big Basin




Evening Activity

Flint Hills Discovery Center

315 South 3rd Street

(located across the street from the Hilton Garden Inn)

6:00-6:30—Social Hour and Cash Bar

6:30-8:00—Dinner Catered by Coco Bolos

8:00-9:00—Self-guided tour of the Discovery Center

Past Presidents’ Reception

Maggie Harris’s Suite


New Member Mentoring Social

Finn’s Pub

317 Poyntz Avenue

After dinner and the Discovery Center tour please join the first

time KACRAO attendees cash bar at Finn’s Pub.


Page 10: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Interest Sessions

Leading Yourself to Success: Being Your Own Best Mentor



Lara Medley, Registrar

Colorado School of Mines

Whether or not you have been fortunate enough to have people

who guide you on your professional path, there are many things

that you can do to move yourself forward in your profession. We

will discuss many things that you can do to move forward

without having official or unofficial mentors.

Concurrent Enrollment

Konza Prairie


Kirsten Allen, Director of Admissions

Butler Community College

Join colleagues for a discussion on concurrent enrollment

opportunities and how such programs can work as recruitment

and enrollment tools.

Catalog, Curriculum, and Syllabi -- Bringing It All Together



Anita Aker, Sales Director

SmartCatalog IQ

SmartCatalog IQ is the leading provider of catalog, curriculum,

and syllabi management. IQ streamlines managing catalogs,

curriculum, and syllabi with custom forms, flexible workflows,

searchable online catalogs, and fully formatted print-ready

documents. IQ also offers Directories, Handbooks, and Transfer

Credit Evaluation modules. IQ integrates with all student

information systems. SmartCatalog IQ is today’s technology for

all of your academic content management needs.

Campfire Session 3: How We Made It

Kaw Nation/Big Basin


Charlie Wilks, Student

Kansas State University


Town Halls

Join your colleagues for a discussion of current issues & events.




Corbin Strobel, Director of Admissions

Hutchinson Community College




Leslie Quinn, Registrar

Johnson County Community College

Enrollment Management

Flint Hills


Sean Pitzer, Assistant Dir, Enrollment Mgt. Services

University of Kansas

Lunch, Awards, & Business Mtg. Kaw Nation/Big Basin


Interest Sessions

KBOR General Update


Presenter :

Cynthia Farrier, Director of Data, Research and Planning

Kansas Board of Regents

Presenter :

Elaine Frisbie, Vice President for Finance & Admin.

Kansas Board of Regents

The Kansas Board of Regents will discuss and provide updates

on current topics in higher education including information on

the budget, research, and more.

KCAC/NAIA Registrar's Association

Flint Hills


Tricia Hartshorn, Registrar

McPherson College

The 2nd Annual NAIA Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference

(KCAC) Registrar’s meeting. We will attempt to meet annually

at the KACRAO conference to share information, have topical

discussions or just get to know each other.



Snack Break Lobby


Page 11: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Interest Sessions

ALiCE Training



Sgt. Chad Jager, Police Officer

Kansas State University

Kansas State University Police Department offers training for

citizen response to active shooter and critical incidents called

ALiCE (Alert, Lockdown, inform, Counter and Evacuate).

Current College Freshman Panel

Konza Prairie


Deana Core, Assistant Director of Admissions

Kansas State University

Have you ever wanted to know what was going through the

minds of the high schoolers you just recruited? This is your

chance to talk to college freshman from a variety of institutions

as they reflect on their school choice process and what they liked,

loved, and hated about the recruitment process.

Cloud County Community College Looks to the Course

Schedule to Better Serve Students and Meet Budget Demands



Mary Werner, Process Consultant

Ad Astra Information Systems, L.L.C.


Brenda Edleston, Vice President for Academic Affairs

Cloud County Community College

Cloud County Community College turned to the academic course

schedule to identify and act on high impact changes for fall 2015

to better meet students’ needs and find opportunities for

efficiency. CCCC partnered with Ad Astra Information

Systems™ L.L.C. to analyze course and classroom scheduling

efficiency and effectiveness over the past five years. This

analysis recommended candidates for course additions and

reductions that were applied to the fall 2015 schedule. This

student-aligned schedule produced astounding results.

• From fall 2014 to fall 2015, there was an enrollment decline

of 264 students

• There was a 10.5% reduction in total registrations for the


• However, the college saw an 18% increase in the average

student credit hour load

Join our session to learn how your campus can create schedules

to advance efficiencies and student progression and completion.


Interest Sessions

Hiring Awesomeness



Sean Pitzer, Assistant Dir., Enrollment Mgmt. Services

University of Kansas

Geared toward new managers and supervisors, this session will

cover recruiting and hiring a great staff. Screening and

interviewing applicants is so much more than asking the general

questions. Tailor your process to focus on your needs as a

department or institution and measure not only the required

qualifications, but also skills, job fit, and organizational fit.

Coupled with Kirsten Allen’s session titled, “Implementing Staff

Success In Your Office” we will work together to build the most

awesome staff in the history of awesome staffs!



Interest Sessions

High School Counselor Panel

Konza Prairie


Deana Core, Assistant Director Admissions

Kansas State University

Come receive feedback and have your questions answered from

a variety of high school counselors in the area. Panelists will

give KACRAO members insight from the high school counselor

point of view in a Q&A format. Come with your questions.

Implementing Staff Success in Your Office



Kirsten Allen, Director of Admissions

Butler Community College

Geared toward new managers and supervisors, this session will

help you set your staff up for success. Hear about implementing

staff success starting with the first day on the job. We will also

discuss communication, staff engagement, increasing morale,

hosting monthly meetings, and office retreats. This session is

coupled with Sean Pitzer’s session titled, “Hiring


Page 12: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Interest Sessions

Colleges and Departments: Intentional Relationship-

Building with Campus Partners



Aaron Hamilton, Associate Director, Admissions

Wichita State University


Ricki Ellison, Senior Admissions Representative

Wichita State University

People all over campus are interacting with prospective students

and parents. What are they saying? What are they doing? You

don’t know until you reach out and partner with them. Find out

what Wichita State is doing to intentionally reach out to faculty

and staff all over campus to partner with them in the recruitment


Data Collection and Policies pertaining to Credit for Prior

Learning (CPL) and System Wide Transfer (SWT) courses

at the Kansas Board of Regents



Karla Wiscombe, Associate Director, Academic Affairs/

Transfer Coordinator

Kansas Board of Regents


Samantha Christy-Dangermond, Reporting and Research


Kansas Board of Regents

Recent Board initiatives involving CPL and SWT in Kansas

require new data collection and updated policies. Topics covered

include common cut scores for Advanced Placement and

College Level Examination Program. In addition we will discuss

categories of CPL, lower division versus upper division

undergraduate courses, Kansas Regents Shared Numbers

assigned to SWT courses, course inventory, and other topics.

Executive Council Transition Time

Big Basin


Casey Wallace, Assistant Director, Admissions

University of Kansas

The new 2016-2017 Executive Council, Coordinators, and

Chairs will meet to discuss upcoming meetings, reports for the

consent agenda, and transition into new roles by meeting with

the current person in the role.

2:30-3:30CONT. 2:30-3:30CONT.

Interest Sessions

Not Getting What You Want? Get Visual!

Flint Hills


Molly McGaughey, Director of Admissions

Kansas State University


Sara Blankley, Associate Director

Kansas State University

The use of graphs, charts, workflows and other visual

representations are powerful tools when communicating about

problems or planning change. Examples used to train new staff,

discuss issues, and implement new procedures will be offered.

We will introduce basic concepts and definitions and provide on

the job success stories. Attendees will be encouraged to practice

visualizing problems or new ideas to fast track discussions with

superiors and co-workers.

In-House Diploma Printing and Fulfillment Services



Steven Black, Regional Sales Director


Come and learn how SCRIP-SAFE can make your

commencement process easier. With Diplomas on Demand you

can print diplomas in your office or have us print them for you.

Whatever your commencement needs are, we have a solution for


Interest Sessions

Commencement Updates; Adding Electronics, Social Media

and Delivering What Your Audience Wants

Flint Hills


Al Suckow, Commencement Consultant and Sales

Lifetouch Special Events

A group discussion lead by Al Suckow. Al is a veteran of

commencement ceremonies; he has attended over 800 events.

This is a time to share your success stories and what your school

has recently implemented and to learn what others are doing.

This will be a fun session and attendee participation is expected.


Snack Break Lobby


Page 13: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Interest Sessions

Reverse Transfer Panel

Konza Prairie


Mandy Tetrick, Associate Registrar

Butler Community College

Sheila Markowitz, Assistant Registrar

Emporia State University

Steve Grenus, Registrar

University of Kansas

Gina Crabtree, Registrar

Wichita State University

What is your school doing? How is it working? What are the

rewards? Since it has been institutionalized by the state we have

seen some challenges and some successes. What can we do to

continue to grow?

Mid Level Management



Cassie Keefer, Assistant Director, Admissions

University of Kansas


Aaron Hamilton, Associate Director

Wichita State University

Not the director, but not the entry level professional? Join us as

we discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by mid-level

managers in enrollment management, admissions and registrars.

We will share how we stay current in the profession, find

victories in the small things and practice leading from where we

are – in the middle. The formal presentation of this session will

be short, so please come prepared with questions for other mid-

level professionals. This session is geared toward professionals

who supervise staff or large program areas.

What's the Future of Higher Education in Kansas?



Dr. Michael Calvert, President

Pratt Community College

Join Dr. Calvert for a frank discussion about the future of higher

education in the state of Kansas. He will discuss a variety of

topics in relation to meeting Foresight 2020 Strategic Goals.

Some of those include: mergers, funding, concurrent enrollment,

and service areas. He will also discuss how we can work together

to help Kansas meet its goal to have 43.4% students earn an

associate degree or higher.

4:00-5:00CONT. 4:00-5:00CONT.

Interest Sessions

Planning for College Certification Training Session 1



Chad Steinkamp, Assistant Director, Admissions

Wichita State University

Planning for College is a free presentation provided by

KACRAO certified presenters. Attending these two sessions will

certify you to present. Issues discussed during the presentation

include the importance of the ACT and GPA, how to get the

most out of a college fair, visiting a college campus, admission

requirements, scholarship opportunities, and considering all

options among the two-year and four-year institutions in Kansas.

ACT Enrollment Management Solutions: Insights, Research,

and Services for Every Enrollment Planner



Lisa Wolf, Account Executive

ACT, Inc

This interactive session will provide all KACRAO attendees,

regardless of level of experience, with evolutionary insight into

the current suite of ACT enrollment management tools and

demonstrate how they can easily be applied to “best” practice. In

addition, this session will provide you with a “sneak peek” of

what new tools are on the horizon and how they are very likely to

assist you with meeting enrollment objectives on your campus.

Round Tables

Gather to discuss current issues and trends related to like

institutions in the state.

Four Year Public Admissions



Aaron Hamilton, Associate Director

Wichita State University


Breakfast Kaw Nation/Big Basin



Page 14: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Interest Sessions

Planning for College Certification Training Session 2



Chad Steinkamp, Assistant Director, Admissions

Wichita State University

Continuation of Planning 4 College Presentation Training

Session 1. Please attend both sessions to be certified.


Interest Sessions

Road Warriors (roundtable)

Konza Prairie


Lynnette Hilty, Admissions Counselor

Hutchinson Community College

Meet with fellow Road Warriors to converse about opportunities

and challenges on the road. There will also be discussion of the

upcoming KACRAO College Planning Conference circuit along

with other important information for life on the road.

Parent Engagement Programs and Offices: Turning the

Helicopter Parent into an Advocate for Student Success



Paul Kyle, Dean of Student Services

Johnson County Community College

This session will focus on how institutions can reframe the role

the parent can play in helping with student success. Institutions

are finding new ways to train the parent in motivating their

student to be more accountable and more focused in achieving

their educational goals. This session will point out some best

practices in Parent engagement programming like; Parent

Engagement offices, Parent 101 classes, On-Boarding for Parents

and other techniques to harness the parents’ passion for student

success, therefore bringing the parent in for a soft landing.

Results include better retention, more engaged students and

parents less concerned in how you conduct your business.

Apply Kansas-Come on Board



April Cozine, Assistant Director

Wichita State University

Apply Kansas is a state-wide initiative sponsored by KACRAO

as part of the American College Application Campaign. This

national effort is aimed at increasing the number of first-

generation and low-income students pursuing a college degree or

other post-secondary credential to help ensure that 60% of

Americans and Kansans have some sort of degree or credential by

2025. The primary purpose of this effort is to help high school

seniors navigate the college admissions process and ensure they

apply to at least one postsecondary institution. Learn more about

these efforts in Kansas, KACRAO’s role, and how you can

become involved.


Round Tables

Four Year Private Admissions



Yangchen Zawadzki, Assistant Director

Newman University

Four Year Public Registrar



Steve Grenus, University Registrar

University of Kansas

Four Year Private Registrar Roundtable

Flint Hills


Karissa Swenson, Assistant Registrar

Kansas Wesleyan University

Two Year Admissions Roundtable

Big Basin


Corbin Strobel, Director of Admissions

Hutchinson Community College

Two Year Registrar Roundtable



Leslie Quinn, Registrar

Johnson County Community College

Technical College Roundtable

Konza Prairie


Brenda Carmichael, Dean of Enrollment Management

Flint Hills Technical College


Page 15: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Program and Conference Sponsors

Interest Sessions

Get Involved!

Flint Hills


Maggie Harris, Admissions Representative

Barton Community College

A session dedicated to informing the membership on what each

committee does and how to get involved.

Recognizing and Managing Difficult Situations



Shanna Legleiter, Director of Learning and Development

Kansas State University

This session helps participants to recognize common difficult

behaviors, learn strategies for coping with difficult behaviors,

understand the conscious/competence cycle methods for

resolving conflict.


Break-Check out of hotel


Campfire Session 4: How We Enjoyed the Journey

Kaw Nation/Big Basin


Leslie Quinn, Registrar

Johnson County Community College


Closing Speaker Kaw Nation/Big Basin

Generation Z Goes to College Dr. Michael Wesch

Generation Z grew up with touch screens, smart phones, and

always on-demand entertainment. They've given up Facebook

messaging for Snapchatting and Yik Yakking. So has college life

changed? Dr. Wesch, an anthropologist at Kansas State

University, decided to find out by actually joining them for a

wild night out. He went to frat parties, college bars, and joined

them for late night adventures around campus to find out just

how much has changed since he went to college 20 years ago. In

the process, he learns that he may have as much to learn from

them as they do from him.


Business Meeting & Door Prizes Kaw Nation/Big Basin



Herring Bank

National Student Clearinghouse


ACT, Inc.

Ad Astra

Life Touch




American Military University

CB Graduation Announcements

Mennonite Press

Valley Offset Printing/CSS Graphics

Page 16: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Thank you to our


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2015-2016 Executive Council,

Coordinators, and Chairs

2016 Conference Planning Committees


President: Maggie Harr is, Bar ton Community College

President-Elect & Program Chair: Casey Wallace, University of Kansas

Past President & Awards and Accolades Chair: Kirsten Allen, Butler Community College

Vice President for Association Services & Membership Chair: Mark Br itton, Fr iends University

Vice President for Outreach: Ter ra Higgins, Pittsburg State University

Vice President for Professional Development: Lynnette Hilty, Hutchinson Community College

Secretary: Michelle Ponce, Butler Community College

Treasurer: Lori Crowther , Bar ton Community College

Admissions Advocate-at-Large: Corbin Strobel, Hutchinson Community College

Records/Registration Advocate-at-Large: Leslie Quinn, Johnson County Community College

Historian/Constitution Coordinator: MargE Shelley, Johnson County Community College

Technology Coordinator: Brian McDow, University of Kansas

Corporate Liaison Coordinator: Christina Long, Hutchinson Community College

Planning for College Coordinator: Chad Steinkamp, Wichita State University

College Planning Conference Committee Chair: Hugo Perez, Hutchinson Community College

Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair: Susan Cooper , Kansas State University

Local Arrangements Committee Co-Chair: Barb Nagel, Kansas State University

Publications Committee Chair: Leah Brown, Washburn University

Scholarship Committee Chair: Kitti O’Donnell, University of Saint Mary

Summer Drive-In Workshop Committee Chair: Denelle Hurd, Empor ia State University

Audit Committee Chair: Heather Eckstein, Pittsburg State University

KC Metro Fair Committee Chair (ad hoc): Daphne Reynolds, University of Saint Mary

ACAC Chair (ad hoc): April Cozine, Wichita State University



Casey Wallace (chair), University of Kansas

Barb Nagel, Kansas State University

Susan Cooper, Kansas State University

Cassie Keefer, University of Kansas

Sean Pitzer, University of Kansas

Lynnette Hilty, Hutchinson Community College

Corbin Strobel, Hutchinson Community College

Yangchen Zawadzki, Newman University

Leslie Quinn, Johnson County Community College

Brenda Carmichael, Flint Hills Technical College

Justin Heinzeker, formerly Hesston College

Krista Lough, formerly Kansas Wesleyan University

Susan Cooper (co-chair), Kansas State University

Barb Nagel (co-chair), Kansas State University

Robert Auten, Kansas State University

Shannon Castleberry, Kansas State University

Deana Core, Kansas State University

Andrew Kohls, Kansas State University

Monty Nielsen, Kansas State University

Michael Torres, Emporia State University

Christina Long, Hutchinson Community College

Teresa Leland, Johnson County Community College

Nicole Bollig, Washburn University

Bill Disberger, formerly Kansas State University

Kathy Sanders, Kansas State University

Page 18: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Page 19: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Past Recipients

Awards and Accolades

Richard N. Elkins Special Service Award—RNESP

Beth Tedrow Outstanding New Professional Award—ONP

Honorary Member—HM

Certificate of Appreciation—CA

Distinguished Service—DS

Ev Kohls Equal Opportunity Award—EEO

Special Service Award—SP

Laura Cross Distinguished Service Award—LCDS



HM Don Davis ACT

HM Chuck Gavin CEEB

CA John Ewert Tabor College

CA Bill Smith Salina High School

CA Rich Davis Wichita State University


HM Leon Burch Bethany College

CA Russell Graham


Coffeyville Community


CA Hugh Haire Allen County Community


CA Ray McKinney Pra� Community College


CA William C. Cummins Butler Community College

CA Irene Feak Wichita State University

CA Zelma Farr Fort Hays State University


DS Joe LeCluyse Johnson County Community


DS Hazel Schelper Bethany College

CA Dr. C. Ray Baird Pi�sburg State University

CA Jerry Snyder Sco� City High School

CA Bill Sco� (posthumous) Cowley Community College


DS Dr. Lee Dodson Washburn University

DS Marge Blank Kansas City Kansas

Community College

SP Dick Elkins Kansas State University


EEO Marshall Jackson University of Kansas

CA Jim Warren Derby High School

CA Lyle Welch Holton High School


DS Deborah Castrop Colby Community College

EEO Mary Navarro Wichita Public Schools

CA Keith Rickner McPherson High School

CA Cheryl Thalheim McPherson High School


DS Walter Gehlback KU Medical Center

DS Ralph Decker Southwestern College

EEO Lydia Gonzales Garden City Community


CA Bob Ingel Leavenworth High School

CA Bob Blackman Olathe High School

CA Stanley Henderson AACRAO Representa�ve


DS James Parker Pi�sburg State University

DS John Triggs Washburn University

DS Dick Elkins Kansas State University

EEO Lavonna Spencer Wichita State University

CA Mary Chubb Baldwin City High School

CA Horton Flaming Augusta High School


DS/HM Russ Wentworth (Ret.) Wichita State University

DS/HM Don Stump Kansas City Kansas

Community College

DS/HM Ev Kohls Butler Community College

Page 20: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Past Recipients

Awards and Accolades PASTRECIPIENTS


HM Dr. Lee Dodson Washburn University

SP Gunile DeVault Kansas State University

EEO Rudy Or�z Dodge City Community


CA Dr. Ed King Shawnee Mission East High



LCDS Laura Cross Wichita State University

EEO Alice Brummell-

Jenkins Sumner Academy

CA Randy Burwell Iola High School

CA Larry Fowler Garden City Community



LCDS Rosalie Pennington Barton Community College

HM Jan Jantzen Emporia State University

SP Louise Cummings-

Simmons Bethany College

EEO Patrice Olysas Newton High School

EEO John Augusto Washburn/Garden City

Community College

CA John Burgardt Topeka High School


SP Don Foster Kansas State University

SP Rich Morrell University of Kansas

EEO Ed Franklin Johnson County Community


CA Mark Bandre’ Tabor College

CA Helen Anderson Chanute High School

HM Wally Carlson Cloud County Community


HM Sister Dorothy Saint Mary College

HM James Kellerman Fort Hays State University

HM Bill Schulte Emporia State University

HM Ken Snow Baker University


LCDS Dick Elkins Kansas State University

SP Jerry Hedrick Seward County Community



EEO Dwight Jones Wichita High School


HM Deborah Boulware University of Kansas

HM Louise Cummings-


Bethany College/Baker


CA Joyce Reger Wichita Public Schools


RNESP Richard N. Elkins Kansas State University

LCDS Beth Tedrow Garden City Community


HM Richard N. Elkins Kansas State University

HM Theron Johnson Colby Community College

EEO Reverend Walter Simpson Minister

CA Susan Johnson Oswego High School


LCDS Gary Royce Butler Community College

RNESP Mel Schremmer Phillipsburg High School

RNESP Hoyt Sunderland Wichita West High School

EEO Dr. Placido

Hoernike Fort Hays State University

CA Marco Rivera Kansas State University

CA Don Foster Kansas State University

CA Jody Schlup Kansas State University

CA Joy Moeckel Fort Hays State University


DS Gunile DeVault Kansas State University

LCDS Gunile DeVault Kansas State University

ONP Heather Eckstein Pi�sburg State University

RNESP/SP Glenn Lygrisse Tabor College

HM Barbara Dawes Kansas State University

EEO Alice Jenkins Sumner Academy

CA Kay Dunning Erie High School

CA Johnny Roy Labe�e County High


CA Pat Atkins Hugoton High School

CA Marvel Castor Russell High School

CA Allen Fitzgerald Sacred Heart High School


CA John Wilkerson Flint Hills High School

Page 21: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Past Recipients

Awards and Accolades PASTRECIPIENTS


LCDS Lee Christensen Pi�sburg State University

ONP Chris Meiers University of Kansas

Medical Center

SP Joyce Reger Wichita Public Schools

DS Lee Christensen Pi�sburg State University

DS Pat Mahon Fort Hays State University

DS Pat Long Johnson County

Community College

HM Brenda Selman University of Kansas

HM Barbara Schountz Pi�sburg State University

HM Pat Mahon Fort Hays State University

HM Peggy Hoytal Donnelly College

HM Tom Green Newman University

HM Pat Flynn Fort Sco� Community


EEO Grady Landrum Wichita State University

CA Pat Flynn Fort Sco� Community


CA Barbara Schountz Pi�sburg State University

CA Brenda Selman University of Kansas

CA Lisa Pinamon� University of Kansas

CA Marylinn Peaslee KSCA

CA Tom Green Newman University

CA Lynne�e Brumme� Kansas State University

CA Victoria Jackson Wichita NE Magnet High



DS/LCDS Ev Kohls Butler Community College

ONP Jon Armstrong Seward County

Community College

RNESP/SP Don Foster Kansas State University

HM Joel Keller Hutchinson Community


CA Melinda Fiken Colby Community College

CA Karl Kandt Emporia State University


LCDS Don Foster Kansas State University

ONP Chad Steinkamp Butler Community College

RNESP/SP Ange Peterson Pi�sburg State University


CA/DS/HM Don Foster Kansas State University

EEO Debbie Lloyd Dodge City High School

CA Don Wedel Flint Hills High School

CA Sharon Mangels El Dorado High School

CA Dave Zachman Russell High School

CA Pa� Hess University of Kansas

Medical Center


DS/LCDS Paul Kyle Butler Community College

ONP Gina Helget Johnson County

Community College

RNESP/SP Bill Wynne Wichita State University

EEO Holly Dressler Johnson County

Community College

CA Lanny Carpenter Riley County High School


EEO Melinda Lewis El Centro, Inc.

HM Chris Meiers University of Missouri

LCDS Neil Hoel�ng Wichita State University

ONP Todd Moore Hutchinson Community


RNESP Melinda Roelfs Pi�sburg State University

CA Susan Cooper Kansas State University

CA Chris Meiers University of Missouri

CA Larry Hill (Ret.) Chanute High School

CA Gary Murphy

(Ret.) Cherryvale High School

CA Cheryl Bowen

(Ret.) Parsons High School

CA Melba Gahagan


Altoona-Midway High



LCDS Jim Shor� Manha�an Area Technical


ONP Ben Schears Cowley College

RNESP Diane Barnes Wichita State University

SP Rich Morrell University of Kansas

EEO Darryl Neighbor Wichita State University

HM Ange Peterson Pi�sburg State University

Page 22: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Past Recipients

Awards and Accolades PASTRECIPIENTS


HM Roger Schieferecke Fort Hays State University

HM Pat Robinson Emporia State University

CA Brad Young Bluestem High School

CA Ken Valen�ne Douglass High School

CA Pam Lloyd (Ret.) Riverton High School


ONP Sherri Conard Butler Community College

EEO Kim Starks Hutchinson Community


LCDS Diane Barnes Wichita State University

RNESP Heather Eckstein Pi�sburg State University

RNESP MargE Shelley Johnson County Community



RNESP Beth Tedrow Garden City Community


ONP Kala Steffen Barton Community College

LCDS Joey Linn Fort Hays State University

HM Lee Christensen

(Ret.) Pi�sburg State University

HM Forest Smith Cowley College

EEO Mary Collins Pi�sburg State University

CA Debi Hudson St. Teresa’s Academy

CA Ann Koch Maize High School

CA Karen Kreutzer Campus High School


RNESP Carla Rausch Washburn University

ONP Jayre Lee Garden City Community


LCDS Glenn Lygrisse Butler Community College

EEO Itzel Rodriguez Garden City Community


HM Beth Tedrow Garden City Community


HM Be�y Kruse Colby Community College

CA Ryan Ruda Garden City Community


CA Lynn Perez Colby Community College


LCDS Bill Wynne Wichita State University

ONP Mys� Byrd Pi�sburg State University

RNESP Shirley Rueb Newman University

EEO Alicia Mar�nez

Newell Wichita State University


DB Heather Eckstein Pi�sburg State University

LCDS Dr. Cindy Derri� University of Kansas

RNESP Gina Crabtree Wichita State University

ONP Tony Fuentez Pi�sburg State University

EEO Precious Porras University of Kansas

HM Dr. Pat Long Baker University

HM Gunile DeVault Kansas State University

CA Melinda Roelfs Pi�sburg State University

CA Chris Meiers University of Kansas Medical


CA Gina Crabtree Wichita State University

CA Penny Cook Pi�sburg State University

CA Aaron Hamilton Wichita State University

CA Joy Mildfelt

CA Heather Eckstein Pi�sburg State University

CA Fonda Briles University of Kansas Medical


CA LeRoy Rooker AACRAO


DB Nikki Geier Garden City Community


LCDS Rodney Frey Bethel College

RNESP Ev Kohls Butler Community College

ONP Amy Jo Troyer Emporia State University

EEO Dr. Chris�e

Brungardt Fort Hays State University

HM Glenn Lygrisse Butler Community College

HM Julie Katz Kansas State University

HM William E. Wynne Wichita State University

CA Cheryl Semmel USA/Kansas

CA Jim Flax Wichita Public Schools

CA Teresa Maly Emporia High School

Page 23: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Past Recipients

Awards and Accolades

Past Conferences



EEO Cara McNorton Kennedy Elementary School

HM Deanne Duerksen Tabor College

HM Dr. Carla Rasch Washburn University

CA Dr. Lee Furbeck University of Kansas

CA Casey Wallace University of Kansas

CA Brian McDow University of Kansas

CA Dr. Edward

Hammond Fort Hays State University

CA Dr. Dennis Day Johnson County Community


CA Randy Myers Hutchinson Community


CA Dr. Edward Berger Hutchinson Community



LCDS Gina Crabtree Wichita State University

RNESP Lori Crowther Barton Community College

ONP Mandy Tetrick Butler Community College

DB Debbie Greve Pi�sburg State University

EEO Kaye Mar�n-Monk Wichita State University


ONP Tana Cooper Barton County Community


RNESP Dr. Lee Furbeck University of Kansas

LCDS Heather Eckstein Pi�sburg State University

DB MargE Shelley Johnson County Community


EEO Eric Wilkinson Kauffman Founda�on


ONP Dr. Brent Yoder Hesston College

DB Kirsten Allen Butler Community College


LCDS Nikki Geier

Garden City Community


RNESP Aaron Hamilton Wichita State University

EEO Maria Hernandez Dodge City High School

CA Mert Barrows Fort Sco� Community College

CA Casey Wallace Johnson County Community



ONP Maggie Harris Barton Community College

DB Dr. Joey Linn Fort Hays State University

LCDS Melinda Roelfs Pi�sburg State University

RNESP Nancy Unruh Garden City Community


PASTCONFERENCESYear Host Ins�tu�on President President's Ins�tu�on

1960 University of Wichita Thelma Book Wesleyan University

1961 Kansas Wesleyan University Evelyn Clark Friends University

1962 University of Kansas Worth Fletcher University of Wichita

1963 McPherson College C.E. Taylor Hutchinson Junior College

1964 Kansas State College of Pi�sburg Margaret Bloomquist Bethany College

1965 Emporia State University James J. Lewis Kansas State University

1966 Sterling College Carl Fahrbach Wichita State University

1967 Southwestern College William Kelly University of Kansas

1968 Washburn University E. Douglas Norton Kansas State College of Pi�sburg

1969 Hutchinson Junior College Murrel Snyder Southwestern College

1970 Fort Hays State University Clint Weber Emporia State University

1971 Sacred Heart College Sister Anastasia Jilg Sacred Heart College

1972 Bethel College Robert L. Boring Kansas City Community College

Page 24: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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PASTCONFERENCESYear Host Ins�tu�on President President's Ins�tu�on

1973 Emporia State University Laura M. Cross Wichita State University

1974 Johnson County Community College V. James Sherer Dodge City Community College

1975 Wichita State University Lee Christensen Kansas State College of Pi�sburg

1976 Kansas State College of Pi�sburg Vernell Waltner Bethel College

1977 Kansas State University Dennis Michaelis Colby Community College

1978 Kansas City Kansas Community College Jerry Dallam Kansas State University

1979 Dodge City Community College James Parker Pi�sburg State University

1980 Washburn University Beth Tedrow Garden City Community College

1981 Wichita State University Russell Wentworth Wichita State University

1982 University of Kansas Richard Elkins Kansas State University

1983 Hutchinson Community College John Triggs Washburn University

1984 Fort Hays State University Don Foster Kansas State University

1985 Johnson County Community College Evere� Kohls Butler County Community College

1986 Kansas State University Debbie (Castrop) Boulware Hutchinson Community College

1987 Dodge City Community College Jan Jantzen Emporia State University

1988 Wichita State University Carla Rausch Washburn University

1989 Pi�sburg State University Don Stump Kansas City Kansas Community College

1990 KCTI and Kansas Wesleyan Bill Rinkenbaugh University of Kansas Medical School

1991 Emporia State University Barbara Dawes Kansas State University

1992 Garden City Community College Patricia Long Johnson County Community College

1993 Hutchinson Community College Bill Wynne Wichita State University

1994 Barton County Community College Louise Cummings-Simmons Bethany College

1995 University of Kansas Glenn Lygrisse Tabor College

1996 Wichita State University Paul Kyle Butler County Community College

1997 Pi�sburg State University Pat Mahon Fort Hays State University

1998 Fort Hays State University Ange Peterson Pi�sburg State University

1999 Johnson County Community College Joel Keller Hutchinson Community College

2000 McPherson College Diane Barnes Wichita State University

2001 Kansas State University Joey Linn Fort Hays State University

2002 Dodge City Community College Lisa Miller Pra� Community College

2003 Emporia State University Heather Eckstein Pi�sburg State University

2004 University of Kansas MargE Shelley Johnson County Community College

2005 Butler County Community College Rich Morrell University of Kansas

2006 Hutchinson Community College Jon Armstrong Seward County Community College

2007 Pi�sburg State University Gina Crabtree Wichita State University

2008 Garden City Community College Melinda Roelfs Pi�sburg State University

2009 Wichita State University Chris Meiers University of Kansas Medical Center

Page 25: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Past Conferences,

& Scholarship Recipients PASTCONFERENCES

Year Host Ins�tu�on President President's Ins�tu�on

2010 Washburn University Ben Shears Cowley Community College

2011 Fort Hays State University Aaron Hamilton Wichita State University

2012 Johnson County Community College Nancy Unruh Garden City Community College

2013 Dodge City Community College Pete Belk Johnson County Community College

2014 University of Kansas Kirsten Allen Butler Community College


Bethany College, Bethel College, Hesston College,

Central Chris�an College of Kansas, Kansas Wesleyan

University, McPherson College, Sterling College,

Tabor College

Kirsten Allen Butler Community College

2016 Kansas State University Maggie Harris Barton Community College


Community College

Tyler Phillips

Mission Valley High School

Butler Community College

Public Four Year

Morgan Laudan

Paola High School

Emporia State University


Kristen Zerr

Wheatland High School

Benedictine College

Technical College

Madisan Nicholson

Wallace County High School

Bellus Academy

Page 26: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Mission: To minimize hunger and poverty through the distribution of available food and to nurture projects that help

alleviate hunger and poverty.

The Flint Hills Breadbasket is a Community Food Network founded in 1983 in a small shed in which the City of Manhattan housed machinery. Since then we have grown, but continue to offer much needed food to those in need through community donations and volunteer support. Hunger is oftentimes an invisible tragedy, and for over thirty-two years the Flint Hills Breadbasket has been collecting and distributing food to ensure that no one in the community goes hungry.

Did you know?

23.2% of Riley County's citizens live at or below the poverty level.

In 2015 The Breadbasket received over 700,000 pounds and served over 23,000 individuals.

Page 27: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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Page 28: 2016 KACRAO Conference agenda.pdfMike and his wife, Julie, have two children. Kaitlin is a senior at the University of Missouri studying journalism. Alex is a junior at the United



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September 27-29

Emporia State University

Emporia, KS


September 26-28

Garden City Community College

Garden City, KS

AACRAO 2017 Annual Meeting

April 2-5

Minneapolis Convention Center

Minneapolis, MN

Welcomes KACRAO in September 2017 to...