2016 - Accueil

2016 2016 Activity Report

Transcript of 2016 - Accueil

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20162016 Activity Report

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PREVENT, SUPPORT, EMPOWERWe have young people in mind.

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Table of contents

A message from the co-chairs of the Board of Directors

Our spokesperson

Two foundations unite to help young people

A new face for a new foundation

2016 highlights – The Mental Illness Foundation

2016 highlights – Fondation Québec Jeunes

2016 fundraising activities

Fundraising activities for the Mental Illness Foundation Fundraising activities for Fondation Québec Jeunes Joint fundraising activities

Our team Board of Directors The foundation team Partners for Life program facilitatorsOur partners and donors The Mental Illness Foundation Fondation Québec Jeunes











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A MESSAGE FROM THE CO-CHAIRSOF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe year 2016 marks a turning point in the history of the Mental Illness Foundation and Fondation Québec Jeunes. Following an agreement reached in 2015, the two foundations decided to join forces and missions in order to become Fondation Jeunes en Tête. This merger became a reality in February 2017.We wish to highlight this unity by presenting you with a single activity report for the year 2016. Upon reading this report, you’ll recognize the extensive amount of work the two foundations underwent in order to achieve this merger, as well as the efforts of all stakeholders, partners, donors, organizations, and volunteers. Year after year, these groups of people help us prevent distress among young people aged 11 to 18, as we guide them through their difficulties.

Thank you to all those who, from near and far, help us reach close to 70,000 young people annually. It’s thanks to your support and generosity that our two foundations were able to collect nearly $3 million in 2016.

We pursue our mission by providing the “Partners for Life” outreach program in Quebec high schools and by supporting community organizations that are developing restorative and preventative programs for the wellbeing of young people.

While continuing what has already been accomplished by the two founding organizations, Fondation Jeunes en Tête now begins a new chapter. We hope we can count on your support in the coming years for the wellbeing and development of the next generation.

Éric BujoldPresident of National Bank

Private Banking 1859Co-Chair of the Board of Directors

Donald BastienCorporate Director

Co-Chair of the Board of Directors


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OUR SPOKESPERSONStéphane Bellavance, spokesperson for Fondation

Québec Jeunes since 2014, has wholeheartedly agreed to support Fondation Jeunes en Tête,

the result of a merger between the Mental Illness Foundation

and Fondation Québec Jeunes.

He recognizes the great impact that this merger will have on young people struggling with issues that are often interrelated. Stéphane’s commitment to supporting us in promoting our message of hope to the business community and the general public

makes him a valuable asset. Together we will ensure the sustainability of our Partners for Life

outreach program and financially support community organizations that reach nearly

70,000 young people provincially.





Stéphane BellavanceVolunteer spokesperson

Jack of all trades, Stéphane loves exploring all facets of his profession. Games,

entertainment, directing, writing, teaching, and production bring many projects his way,

and he dedicates himself to all of them. Stéphane approaches all of his projects with passion and happiness, which makes him a

committed and dedicated spokesperson!


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“We work with one objective in mind: to have a greater impact through the synergy of our efforts in the prevention and support of young people in difficulty. This is why we’re confident that this merger will allow us to better respond to existing needs by offering more inclusive services.”

Éric BujoldCo-Chair of the Board of Directors.


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TWO FOUNDATIONS UNITE TO HELP YOUNG PEOPLEIn 2016, the Mental Illness Foundation and Fondation Québec Jeunes worked together toward an important goal: to join forces in the prevention, support, and development of the wellbeing and mental health of youth in Quebec.

The Mental Illness FoundationEstablished in 1980 under the leadership of Dr. Yves Lamontagne, eminent psychiatrist who chaired the Collège des médecins du Québec for many years, the Mental Illness Foundation supported the advancement of research and awarded various postdoctoral grants. It is notably the source of funding for the Fernand-Seguin Research Centre, named in honour of the great scientist. Today, the Fernand-Seguin Research Centre brings nearly 75 researchers and associate researchers together from various disciplines. They focus on developing knowledge and treatments for various mental illnesses.

One of the most significant achievements of the Mental Illness Foundation is the Partners for Life program.

The goal of this initiative is to raise awareness among Quebec students in secondaries 3 to 5 about the fact that depression is treatable. Recognized by the scientific community, this program reaches close to 50,000 people annually, including the parents of the young participants, the school educators, and CLSCs. In fact, since 1998, more than one million young people and their entourage have heard this message of hope!

Fondation Québec JeunesFondation Québec Jeunes traces its origins back to the Promexpo Foundation, founded in 1995 by business people gathered around Mr. Pierre Parent, then president of Promexpo. Renamed Fondation alcoolisme, drogues et dépendance in 2002, they eventually settled on the name Fondation Québec Jeunes in 2004. Since 1995, the foundation has devoted itself to promoting the wellbeing of disadvantaged youth.

Fondation Québec Jeunes supports projects and resources that help young people between the ages of 11 to 17 who find themselves in difficulty or who are likely in need of help. In 2016, 47 youth support partners from across Quebec received assistance from the foundation.

A few years ago, Fondation Québec Jeunes launched the Prix Inspiration to highlight the work of exceptional organizations dedicated to the welfare of the young people it supports financially.



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In conjunction with the Orange Tango agency, the whole team was called on to find a name for the new foundation. Several brainstorming sessions later, Fondation Jeunes en Tête emerged as the best choice. The name evokes our desire to help adolescents and is a nod to our internal mental health awareness program.

Once this stage was successfully completed and once again with the Orange Tango agency, the team worked on creating a launch video and website for the reveal of the new identity. In 2017, other tools will be implemented that reflect the new image.

A new foundation calls for a new image. One of the major projects of 2016 was, therefore, to create a new visual identity for the foundation and, above all, to find a new name reflecting our desire to propel young people forward.


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Launch video




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2016 HIGHLIGHTS THE MENTAL ILLNESS FOUNDATIONTHE SOLIDARITY FOR MENTAL HEALTH PROGRAM Since its creation in 1998, the program has reached more than one million young people.

A validated and recognized programTwo studies carried out in 2000 by Dr. Richard Boyer of the Centre de recherche de l’institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal demonstrated that the program helped to significantly increase knowledge about depression among young people and change their attitude towards asking for help.

The program meets the criteria for good prevention and promotion of health in schools according to the standards set by the “Écoles en santé” program, implemented by the Institut national de santé publique du Québec.

The Mental Health Commission of Canada

referred to the program as a good example of prevention in the mental health strategy for Canada, “Changing Directions, Changing Lives”, published in 2012.

It should be noted that the program is offered free of charge in English and French throughout Quebec and Ottawa and reaches an average of almost 50,000 young people, parents, and other participants in more than 300 institutions annually.


* Teachers, practitioners, support staff; all adults working in a school that participated in a presentation.

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Results of the program for 2016Thanks to the dedicated team of facilitators, 45,000 high school students, parents, and school staff have benefited from the outreach program for mental illness, specifically by being made aware of the signs and symptoms of depression in adolescents.

Youth and adult awareness 2015-2016 : 45 141 Since 1998 : 1 040 995

Schools visited2015-2016 : 327Since 1998 : 864

Number of presentations 2015-2016 :1 421Since 1998 : 24 621

Cities visited 2015-2016 :144Since 1998 : N/D

Regions covered2015-2016 : 17Since 1998 : 18 (17/17 in Quebec and Ottawa)

Each year, we invite schools to answer our questionnaire to assess the presentations and their impact. In 2016, 233 out of 327 schools responded to our call—that’s 70% of them.

School assessmentsHow many young people would you say have been monitored for treatment of depression by stakeholders within and outside of school ? *

2015-2016 : 661Since 1998 : 9 620

Do you know how many young people have been hospitalized ? *

2015-2016 : 32Since 1998 : 1 211

* This data is an estimate based on the rate of school responses.


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PRIX INSPIRATION 2016 For a 4th year, Fondation Québec Jeunes awarded its Prix Inspiration to the youth organizations it funds that stood out because of the effectiveness of their methods and interventions with youth in difficulty.

Prizewinner for Montreal and other administrative regions: Exeko Exeko is a social innovation organization, based in Montreal since 2006. The people of Exeko use creativity—art and philosophy—to promote the social inclusion of those who are isolated or are at risk of social exclusion.

Above all, Exeko acknowledges everyone’s potential to think, analyze, act, create, and be a contributing member of society, regardless of his or her circumstances or journey. The organization and its co-founders and co-directors, Nadia Duguay and François-Xavier Michaux, have distinguished themselves in the community because of their approach based on intellectual and cultural mediation.

Prizewinner for Quebec and Eastern Quebec: Gestion Jeunesse Gestion Jeunesse is a non-profit organization based in Saint-Roch, Quebec that was founded in 1985 in order to meet an urgent need among high school dropouts.

The organization defines itself as a centre of expertise and services, specializing in the labour market and school integration of adolescents. The organization and its director, Marco St-Pierre, stand by their role as a bridge between companies that need workers, and young people who wish to develop skills in the labour market.

Fondation Québec Jeunes also highlighted the excellent work of the finalists for the Prix InspirationFinalists for Montreal and other administrative regions: • Centre des jeunes l’Escale• Maison des jeunes de Saint- SSauveur / Piedmont

Finalists for Quebec and Eastern Quebec: • Native Friendship Centre of Montreal• Centre Cyber-Aide


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À deux mainsAction Jeunesse de l’Ouest-de-l’ÎleAu Trait d’Union QuébecBureau de la Communauté Haïtienne de Montréal Carrefour jeunesse-emploi de la Capitale NationaleCarrefour jeunesse-emploi Sainte-FoyCentre communautaire Tyndale St-GeorgesCentre Cyber-aide Centre d’amitié autochtone de QuébecCentre de pédiatrie sociale de GatineauCentre des jeunes l’EscaleCentre Le S.P.O.T Centre Solidarité JeunesseCorporation d’animation l’Ouvre-Boîte du quartierCumulusEnviro Éduc-Action Fondation du Centre jeunesse de Québec Fondation Tel-JeunesGestion Jeunesse Intègr’Action jeunesseJe Passe-PartoutJeunes musiciens du monde La Fondation du Centre de traitement pour enfants d’OttawaLa Maison AnnickLa Tablée des Chefs


L’Ancre des JeunesLe Pignon BleuLes Œuvres Jean Lafrance L’Unité d’intervention mobile L’Anonyme Maison de jeunes MashadoMaison de jeunes KekpartMesures Alternatives Jeunesse FrontenacMobilisation VanierMotivaction JeunesseParaloeil Perspectives jeunesse Plein MilieuPour 3 PointsProjet TRIPPro-Jeunes-Est de RimouskiRevdecSQUAT Basse-VilleTandem-JeunesseToujours ensembleUniversité d’OttawaVallée JeunesseYWCA

In 2016, Fondation Québec Jeunes supported and collaborated with nearly 50 youth aid organizations across Quebec. All of them work with young people struggling with various issues, through the use of innovative programs and projects.

A WORD TO OUR PARTNERS “Since August 31, 2016, 53% of the youth in our Drop-In program achieved their goals and 35% are returning to school full-time or part-time,” according to Perspective Jeunesse, Montreal.

“The demand exceeds the supply! In working on protective factors such as building self-confidence, Jeunes musiciens du monde helps improve the reputation of this neighbourhood, known for having the highest dropout rate in Quebec,” according to Jeunes musiciens du monde, Vanier.


Gestion Jeunesse, Québec


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The 2nd Bal des lumièresWith the theme “United for mental health,” the second Bal des lumières was held on March 23, 2016 at the Bell Centre benefiting Fondation de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal, the Douglas Mental Health University Institute Foundation, and the Mental Illness Foundation. More than 850 guests attended the event, including the Minister of Health and Social Services,Mr. Gaétan Barrette, Minister of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and


The following pages highlight the great generosity of our donors and partners through the fundraising activities held in 2016 to benefit the two foundations. Each year, they can count on the commitment of the community and of large corporations to act as ambassadors for the needs of young people.

Transport Electrification, Mr. Jacques Daoust, and Montreal Mayor Mr. Denis Coderre.

A new record for fundraising in support of mental health was set as we surpassed the $1.1 million raised at the first Bal des lumières in 2013.

This extraordinary evening was hosted by Bell Media’s Isabelle Racicot and co-chaired by Mr. George Cope of Bell, Mr. Serge Godin of CGI, Mr. Geoff Molson of the Club de Hockey Canadien, Bell Centre and evenko,

and by Mr. Louis Vachon of the National Bank.

The event also featured a fundraising auction and performances by DJ Ève Salvail, Brigitte M, Dominic Lacasse, Diva5, and Luc Langevin.

An amount of $475,000 was donated to the Mental Illness Foundation to maintain the Partners for Life program.

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AMBASSADORS FOR THE CAUSEEach year, we can count on the support of people to help youth understand depression, its symptoms, and to know to call on the resources available to them in their community.

The “Let’s Bond” event Let’s Bond is a collective of committed young and dynamic Montreal professionals whose mission is to raise funds to break the taboos surrounding mental illness. The 6th edition of the annual ball “Let’s Bond, Goldeneye”, presented by RBC, took place at Le Salon 1861 on October 14, 2016.

This elegant and ambitious urban ball has thrilled more than 900 young professionals and entrepreneurs, all allies to the cause of mental illness and awareness of its effects on the people who suffer from it. A total of $196,000 was raised at the event and 80% of the proceeds were donated to the Mental Illness Foundation to help it continue its mission of outreach to adolescents.

The “Let’s Bond” event at Holt RenfrewFollowing the success of its annual ball, the “Let’s Bond” team launched a new initiative, “En Vogue with Holt”,to raise funds to support the efforts of organizations dedicated to mental health.

The first edition of the event took place on May 4, 2016 at Holt Renfrew Montreal and attracted more than 600

guests. A total of $8,000 from ticket sales as well as 10% of the evening’s sales were donated to the foundation.

The 3rd edition of “One in five, running for mental illness”For a third consecutive year, the one in five team successfully crossed the finish line in the Montreal marathon. The team outdid itself by collecting$14,861.93, which they donated to the foundation. Congratulations and thank you for your efforts, your determination, and your generosity!

The 3rd edition of the one in five team consisted of: Marie-Eve Bigras, Romi Bertrand, Gabrielle Jutras, Alain Poirier, Francisco Molina, Guillaume Monast, Philippe de Beaumont, Gabriel Miron, David Brissette Cayer and Julien Brissette Cayer.

For Juliette, I am a Partner For Life Two years after the death of her daughter Juliette at the age of 15, Annie Carpentier wanted to commemorate her memory and offer help through the Partners for Life program. Annie and her good friend Nathalie Després travelled the 160 km of the Traversée de la Gaspésie by cross-country skiing from February 20 to 27, 2016 in order to collect donations.

This great adventure helped raise $81,200 to support the foundation’s mental health awareness and prevention efforts. A grand gesture of love, courage, and determination to protect youth in Quebec!

Other eventsEach year, the Mental Illness Foundation can count on the support of business activitiesand people dedicated to the wellbeing of youth and their mental health. We thank them wholeheartedly for supporting our mission.

The ARPAC Foundation was established in 1995 by members of the Association of Auto Part Recyclers in Quebec to achieve their goal of helping their community. The ARPAC Foundation’s Car for Life program allows individuals to donate their old vehicle to a charitable organization of their choice operating in the health sector. This year The ARPAC Foundation donated $2,525.

With the collaboration of its students, Zoom Académie put on the “Dans ma Bulle” event and collected $3,209 for the benefit of the foundation. Thank you Zoom Académie and congratulations to the talented and inspiring students!


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The 13th edition of the Valentine’s Day Ball was held on February 11, 2016. Under the honorary co-chairmanship of Mr. Robert Dumas, president of Sun Life Financial Quebec, and Mr. Mario Desautels, vice president and director of Scotiabank for Eastern Canada, this prestigious “Street ball” themed event took place at the Arsenal, where more than 700 guests from the business community gathered to show their commitment to help thousands of young people in difficulty.

This unique charitable event helped raise $525,000!

The 14th edition of the Gala Accroche-CœurOn September 20, 2016, the 14th edition of the Gala Accroche-Cœur took place under the honorary chairmanship of Mr. Jean-François Grenier, vice president of client services for Mosaic, and of Mr. Florent Bayle-Labouré, vice president of Fido.

The event, which was held at the Monument-National, brilliantly combined business networking, comedy, and unity.

The foundation was able to raise $100,000 for youth in difficulty. François Massicotte, François Bellefeuille, Simon Leblanc, Sylvain Larocque, Jean-Thomas Jobin, Louis-José Houde and Martin Vachon came to lend our spokesperson Stéphane Bellavance a helping hand during the fundraiser, entertaining 800 people from both the Montreal business community and the general public.

The 6th Bal du Maire de Québec

The 6th Bal du maire de Québec took place on December 2, 2016 under the chairmanship of Ms. Anne-Marie Hubert, partner in advisory services, Quebec market, EY, and Mr. André Vézina, managing partner, Quebec market, EY. This philanthropic event helped raise $365,000 for the youth aid organizations of Quebec and Eastern Quebec. This year, under the theme “Russia romance”, the Bal du maire welcomed nearly 500 people from the business community who came to lend a helping hand to this event of hope.

The 13th edition of the Valentine’s Day Ball


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AMBASSADORS FOR THE CAUSEWe are grateful to be surrounded by citizens and businesses that support us in various ways for causes that support youth. We sincerely thank all those who make a difference at our side!

The 6th edition of the NB grand tourSome 200 National Bank employees who travelled nearly 345 km in the Gatineau and Ottawa regions from July 8 to 10, 2016 can say, “mission accomplished”. The National Bank’s cyclists and volunteers managed to exceed the objectives set for the event, having raised $150,000 for this 6th edition.

“The results of the 6th edition are not only financial; they are a concrete demonstration of the solidarity of the employees of the National Bank. I am extremely proud to see that, year after year, employees from all sectors of the bank are rallying for youth.

The NB Grand Tour is a major challenge, but contributing to the wellbeing of young people in the different communities visited motivates us along the way”, noted the honorary chairman of the 2016 Tour, Denis Garneau, senior vice president, insurance and president, National Bank Insurance.

The Alouettes withClub 52In collaboration with the Montreal Alouettes and Fondation Québec Jeunes, Club 52, founded by football player Nicolas Boulay and his family, invited 52 young people to every Alouettes home game during the 2016 season. This second edition allowed young people from across Quebec to attend a game in a reserved section and to subsequently meet Nicolas and his teammates. Hundreds of young people were able to enjoy an exceptional and unforgettable day!


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On June 13, 2016, the Mental Illness Foundation and Fondation Québec Jeunes enthusiastically welcomed some 200 people to the 26th annual golf tournament.

Under the honorary co-chairmanship of Mr. Steve Foley, managing director, head of institutional sales, RBC Dominion Securities, and Mr. François-Xavier Souvay, chairman of the board, president and chief executive officer of Lumenpulse, partners and business people alike had the pleasure of playing at Île Bizard’s Elm Ridge Country Club, one of the most beautiful golf courses in Quebec.

All were there to help change the course of a young person’s life! Thanks to the big-hearted partners and participants, $302,000 was raised to ensure the continuation of the youth outreach program Partners for Life.

26th annual golf tounament


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$ 1,900,000


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Éric Bujold, Co-chairPresident, National Bank Private Banking 1859

Donald Bastien,Co-chairCorporate Director

Luc Bachand,Vice PresidentCorporate Director

Nicolas Brunet,Secretary-treasurerDirector, Investment & Corporate BankingBMO Capital Markets

Michelle Courchesne,Executive CoachOptimum Talent

Nathalie Gagnon,Partner BCF Business Law

Diane Lafontaine,Associate Vice President,Marketing and Communications, Sun Life Financial

André Morrissette, Partner BCF Business Law

Patrick Palerme,Managing DirectorGlobal Change Leaders North America

AdministratorsJanie C. Béïque,Senior Vice President,Natural Resources, Industries, Entertainment and Consumer GoodsFonds de solidarité FTQ

Luc Bisaillon,Managing DirectorNational Client Group - Quebec, RBC Royal Bank

Réal Bellemare,Senior Vice President,Finance, Treasury and Administration,Desjardins Group

Ian Boeckh,President and DirectorGraham Boeckh Foundation

Caroline Bourdon,Vice President - Finance and Administration Groupe E.E.C Specialized Packaging

Nicolas Chevalier,Partner and Portfolio ManagerPembroke Management

Bruno Desautels,Chief Investment and Corporate Affairs Officer Cogir

Annie Desjardins,Communications Marketing Consultant

Pierre Donaldson,PresidentAheeva Technology

Chantal Gagnon,Vice PresidentSt-Hyacinthe Region Intact Insurance

Marie-France Gagnon,Partner - Financial ServicesMcCarthy Tétrault

Dr. Yves Lamontagne, Psychiatrist and founder of the Mental Illness Foundation

Vincent Lebrun-Fortin,Partner, Institutional Sales Fixed Income Group Capital Market Desjardins Wealth Management Securities

Nicolas Marcoux,National Managing Partner,Montreal and major cities,PwC

Grace Di Meo,Executive DirectorUBS Bank

Érik Ryan,Vice President Strategy, Marketing and External Relations,SNC Lavalin

Dr. Martin Tremblay,PsychiatristExpertise NeuroSciences Clinic

Paul Wilson,Partner and DirectorNational

Ex-Officio memberPaul Gaulin, President,Groupe E.E.C Specialized Packaging


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EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Isabelle Limoges,Executive Director

Mélanie Boucher, Assistant Executive Director

Julie-Catherine Côté,Executive Assistant

Manuela Samar,Executive Assistant

THE FOUNDATION TEAM Josiane Babin,Youth Advisor

Line BellavanceDirector of Communications

Catherine Burrows,Director, Youth Services

Van-Thao Dam Thi,Communications Officer

Ariane Desrosiers,Intern

Raymond-Pierre Gervais, Data entry technician

Isabelle Hudon,Communications

Maryève Lamothe, Coordinator,Partners for Life

Colin McDonald,Intern

Isabelle Morin,Philanthropic Development Advisor

Rebecca-Sarah Potvin,Events Coordinator

Chantal Raymond, Events Manager

Stéphanie Trudeau,Administrative Officer

Simon Thériault,Coordinator,Partners for Life

Stéphanie Therrien,Team Leader,Partners for Life

Roxanne Vachon,Senior Manager and Publicist,Bal du maire de Québec

Hugo Vermette,Team Leader,Partners for Life

PARTNERS FOR LIFE PROGRAM FACILITATORS 2016–2017 Anabel Allen-ViauMarc-Oliver Blondin-Provost Stefanie BrideauSamuel CotnoirClaude Coulombe-LévesqueRida HamdaniAlexandra O’DowdMaxime PériardGrace Skahan Charles Smith


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Alain DumasAna Maria MonteiroAndré VézinaAnick BeaulieuAnne-Marie HubertAnne-Marie HuppéAnn RamsayAnnie CarpentierAnnie RobitailleAriane BureauAudrey LavigneBritta KrögerBruno DéryCatherine LapointeCatherine MichaudCharles Soucy-FradetteChris HardenClaude TessierClaudia BrochuColin McDonaldDaniel DesjardinsDaniel LachapelleDaniel LapointeDanny BertrandDavid Brissette CayerDenis Lefrançois

Denise BoucherDominique DumasÉdith BoulianeFlorence GervaisFrançois SanterreFrédérique Bégin-HalleyGeneviève DutilGilbert GuayGuylaine LeblancHenrik MichaelsenHugo CôtéJean GagnonJean QuennevilleJean-Paul GagnéJean-Sébastien LandryJoanie AubéJocelyn BeauchesneJoe RedaJulie SavardKevin VinceletteLine AllardLine GagnéLise LapierreLysanne DavidManon NormandeauMarc-André Gagné

Marc-André GravelMarie-Andrée TraversMarie-Eve De ChamplainMarie-Huguette CormierMathieu DuguayMaude Leblanc-GagnonMélissa GauthierMichael GrondinNancy AvoineNathalie GrattonNathalie LeclairNathalie MillerPierre DesjardinsPierre GagnonOlivier RochetteRichard GouletRoger T. DuguaySerge LeBelSimon DupéréSonia KatiyaSylvie CarrierYves Nadeau

We are fortunate to have a team of dedicated volunteers to count on. Some support us at the logistical level, others are involved in our fundraising activities, and all are committed to helping young people in difficulty. We wish to express our gratitude to them all. Thank you for your great generosity, your time, and your passion for the health, success, and wellbeing of young people!


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152245 Canada152245 Canada inc.1832 Asset Management L.P.3249531 Canada inc.9149-3221 Quebec inc9229-6425 QC Inc9294-1905 Québec inc.9304-0160 Québec inc.Académie LafontaineAcadémie Ste-ThérèseAccès Physio BrossardAchille JoyalActavis Pharma CompanyAdam SultanAdelina Arnoldo MartiniAdok Consultation Adriana Di SchiaviAdrien LavoieAéroports de MontréalAgathe BolducAgnès PichéAgropur coopérativeAimé GagnéAissata N’DiayeAlain BlaisAlain BrazeauAlain GirouxAlain GouletAlain LanctôtAlain LarocqueAlain MartelAlain PoirierAlain RichardAlain RobergeAlain RondeauAlan KatiyaAlberico PoggiAlbert TessierAldev Construction Alex BrosseauAlexandra FattalAlexandra GoutierAlexandra JolinAlexandra JonesAlexandra MathieuAlexandra PapineauAlexandra PoirierAlexandre BurrowsAlexandre Picard-HooperAlexandre Préfontaine

Alexandre TailleferAlexis BironAlexis LabrecqueAlfred BarriosAli ExcavationAlice Vien-BélangerAline DrapeauAline G. LauriaultAline GagnéAline LalandeAline LongpréAline PaquetteAlithyaAlix AdrienAlizee MascaroAlliance PrévelAltus Group LtdAlyne TurcotteAmélie Campeau-LanctôtAmelie FaheyAmélie GouinAmélie ProulxAndre BedardAndré BergeronAndré BernardAndré BoisclairAndré BouchardAndré BourqueAndré BourretAndré BrissetteAndré CampeauAndré ChalifouxAndré GagnonAndré GoyetteAndré HouleAndré LachanceAndré LachapelleAndré LafrenièreAndré LauzonAndré Louis-SeizeAndré RacineAndré VachonAndré VeronneauAndré VilleneuveAndreanne ForgetAndrée ChalifouxAndrée G GauthierAndrée Le BlancAndrée PigeonAndrée Pinard

Andrée PoirierAndrée ThibodeauAndrée WaidAndree-Anne BettezAndré-Marie TremblayAndrès J VerdejaAngelbert LacroixAngo Mode inc.Anick BeaulieuAnita AbelAnna DrouinAnna KhananianAnnabel Dufour-BrownAnna-Isabelle Morency-BotelloAnna-Marie MichaudAnne CharronAnne DuplessisAnne Joncas CôtéAnne ProulxAnne Von FinckensteinAnne-Marie BrouilletteAnne-Marie SauvageauAnne-Marie SmilgaAnne-Sophie LeclercAnnette ArseneaultAnnette AsselinAnnette Patry-LescotAnni BlaquiereAnnick CourchesneAnnie BourdagesAnnie BruneauAnnie CarpentierAnnie FortinAnnie LaflammeAnnie MénardAnnie PhamAnnie PronovostAnnie RobertAnnie-Catherine ParentAnn-Sophie VerrierAnonyme AnonymeAnouk LaurentAnthony GravelAnthony-Charles AlbertAntoine LacoursièreAntoine LamarcheAntoine Morrissette-BeaulieuAntoine Morrissette-BoileauAP&C Advanced PowdersApartment 11 Productions



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Arbour PhotographeArcelorMittal Produits longs CanadaArden Holdings Ariane LauzonAriane SavardAriane SimonelisArik OlloArlette TourignyArmand JuneauArobasArthur FauteuxArthur McClementsArtopexAubainerieAurora Realty Consultats Avison YoungAziz KatiyaBanque de MontrealBanque NationaleBanque Nationale du CanadaBarbara HervieuxBauval carrieres regionalesBCF avocats d’affairesBehaviour InteractifBelinda PotvinBénédicte NicoleBeniamino ColomboBenjamin ProulxBenjamin ThibaultBenoit BouchardBenoit ChatignyBenoît FortinBenoît HouleBenoît MelançonBenoît ParadisBenoit PepinBenoît RocheleauBernard BouchardBernard BrunetBernard DrouinBernard GarceauBernard GaudreauBernard HarveyBernard L’HeureuxBernard NormandBernard ParéBernard TaylorBertrand Lussier-GaudetteBertrand PaquetBetty Leclair MonetteBetty-Ann PionBianca Brault LampronBiasino Di FrancescoBibiane DuquetteBibiane RoyBlythe SpraggBMO Nesbitt Burns BMO Staff EXPBNP ParibasBorden Ladner GervaisBordure et trottoir RSFBoutique la BonnetièreBPBrendan BaxterBridgit Courey

Brigitte LabergeBruno LagendykBruno MichaudBruno VilleneuveC.R.H. Oral DesignCaisse populaire Desjardins Préfontaine-HochelagaCaitlin NightingaleCamille DelageCamille LebelCamille TroudeCanaccorrd GenuityCandid MorinCarine DubuissonCarl De LongchampCarl DupuisCarmel PelletierCarmel RitterCarmen Beauchamp CharetteCarmen BussièreCarmen CaronCarmen DucharmeCarmen GagnonCarmen GervaisCarmen JacquesCarmen LabergeCarmen LavalléeCarmen Rubio Carol HuntCarol KhouryCarol-Ann Beaulieu-BastienCarole BeaudoinCarole CastonguayCarole HebertCarole ProvostCarole RiendeauCarole RobidouxCarole SiroisCarole ValiquetteCaroline DrouinCaroline FournierCaroline FrappierCaroline GodinCaroline JodoinCaroline WaltonCarolle BrabantCarolyne ShapiroCascades Canada ULCCatherine ChartierCatherine Côté-MarchandCatherine DeslauriersCatherine DionneCatherine PapineauCatherine RossCatsimaCécile BédardCécile BoivinCécile LambertCécile MarchandCécile P. FortinCécile PetitclercCéline DesbiensCéline DrouinCéline ImbeaultCéline Laperrière

Céline LemayCéline RacineCentraide du Grand MontréalCentria Commerce Cesare SantaguidaCEZincCGI Chantal AuclairChantal AutexierChantal BenoitChantal CorriveauChantal FontaineChantal HenriChantal MichaudChantal SauvageauChantal TremblayChantale McDuffCharles CarréCharles CasgrainCharles HébertCharles MartelCharlotte CaronCharlotte DesgagnéCharlotte ValléeChartrand Ford Chloé Ciani-BoisvertChloe DufresneChloé ForgetChocolat Perfection Christian CharbonneauChristian CôtéChristian DiazChristian GilbertChristian LabrieChristian LemoyneChristian MaltaisChristian OuelletChristiane BeaudoinChristiane BolducChristiane De TonnancourChristiane FournierChristiane GrignonChristiane LefebvreChristiane LévesqueChristiane Luna-BeaudoinChristiane MichaudChristiane PoirierChristina PaliottiChristine BergeronChristine BonenfantChristine Cadrin-PelletierChristine GagnéChristine ValleauxChristophe SauvéCindy HoCindy RobillardClaire BoudreauClaire CloutierClaire DrasseClaire Huot LaurinClaire LalondeClaire LoiselleClaire O’NeilClaire PaquetteClaire Picotte


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Claire RémillardClaude BélangerClaude BernardClaude DechamplainClaude DolanClaude G DufourClaude ImbeauClaude LacombeClaude LatreilleClaude Longpré -PoirierClaude Mc MullenClaude MichaudClaude MongeauClaude MorinClaude PaquetteClaude PinsonnaultClaude SavardClaude ThibeaultClaude Van UytfankClaude VanierClaudette AsselinClaudette FortinClaudette FréchetteClaudette LapradeClaudette LessardClaudette MoreauClaudette NaudClaudette TremblayClaudia PearsonClaudine FyfeClaudine GagnonClaudine MarineauClaudine MaryClément HamelColasCanada Colette HoudeColette Saint-MartinColin McdonaldColliers International HotelsColombe DrapeauCommission scolaires des ChênesConam Charitable FoundationConseil central CSN de la MontérégieConseil des Médecins, Dentistes et PharmaciensConsilium Assurance groupe conseilConstance LivernoisConstruction Cogela IncConstruction Édouard BeauchesneConsuktation FE Erik Tremblay Consultants en développement et gestion urbaine Corporation Fiera CapitalCorporation Financière PowerCouche-TardCristina CuffaroCynthia LapointeCyrille DufresneCyrille LambertDale GurrDamir Metz FleuryDanie BernardDanie MarchandDaniel AllaireDaniel Assouline

Daniel DumasDaniel JutrasDaniel MonastDaniel NoelDaniel SoucyDanièle LongpréDanièle MénardDaniele MiletteDanièle Papineau CoutureDanielle BittonDanielle BosséDanielle CornellierDanielle DaveluyDanielle LambertDanielle LégaréDanielle L’HeureuxDanielle MarsanDanielle PlanteDanielle PoirierDanielle ReiberDanielle RobergeDanielle TessierDanielle TrepanierDanielle TurcotteDanny BérubéDanny HarewiczDanny LalondeDanny RainvilleDave MorissetteDavid BeaudinDavid Brissette CayerDavid FoisyDavid GouletDavid GuayDavid LangelierDavid ParadisDavid PlattsDavid PontbriandDavid ReckziegelDavid ShabatDaviesDebra TrudelDeburexDefensus Consultation Delphine DeltourDemix BétonDenis BaillargeonDenis BeaulieuDenis BernardDenis ChartrandaDenis GendronDenis GiguèreDenis GoyetteDenis HébertDenis LemieuxDenis PionDenis SamsonDenis ScullionDenis TessierDenis VincentDenise B. MorinDenise BarretteDenise BatesDenise BélisleDenise Duval

Denise GasconDenise HémondDenise HouleDenise Lessard ChoinièreDenise LevertDenise MontmagnyDenise MontpetitDenise MorencyDenise VerretteDentonsDenyse BrassardDenyse ThéoretDenyse VézinaDesjardins Assurances générales Desjardins Gestion internationale d’actifsDesjardins Valeurs MobilièresDevencore NKFDevra OuimetDiala MardiniDiane BurnetDiane Carrière-DesprésDiane CraigDiane DézielDiane DrouinDiane GabouryDiane GemmeDiane Gendron MigneaultDiane LaverdiereDiane PerreaultDiane PitreDiane QuirionDiane TrépanierDidier LeconteDistnetDivcoDocteur Robert Noiseux Dollarama Domenic FabianoDominika SultanDominique BouchardDominique CharbonneauDominique DifrancescoDominique GiguèreDominique PrudhommeDominique RollandDominique SanschagrinDonald FréchetteDonald MartineauDoris DessureaultDoris Dixon-RochefortDoris JacquesDory MaaloufDuliot & BassoDuy LeEddy PetersonÉdouard CadotteÉdouard OuelletEdwina MarcouxEl dorado Capital Advisors Élaine MartelEliane DuquetEliane FavreauElisabeth ChicoineElisabeth DavidElisabeth Lavigueur


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Elisabeth LoiselElise CouillardÉlise MaynardElsa Kelly-RheaumeEmballages Mitchel-LincolnÉmile BéginÉmile Denis LtéeEmilia KopcikEmilie BaillargeonÉmilie BlanchardÉmilie GosselinÉmilie JutrasEmilie RocheleauEmmanuelle ArpinEmmanuelle BussièreEmmanuelle GuèvremontEna ThibodeauEnzo BlasiEquifax Canada Équipe Media RanchÉric ArchambaultÉric BourcierÉric DelandÉric DurocherEric GirardEric Hebert DuhamelEric LabergeEric MichaudEric Paul-HusErik RyanErmes TuttinoEYEsther PépinEtienne Myette-CoteEvan PapermanExelradio IncExilda FréchetteExpert Analytis Externat Sacré-Coeur Fabienne MarcusFabienne PluvioseFahey & AssociésFamily Life CentreFélix BéginFernand JubinvilleFernand MatteFernand PotvinFernand RoyFernande BouchardFernande MalletteFernande PelletierFernande PigeonFGL Sports Ltd.Fidelity Investments Canada ULCFiducie FrançoisFilip RusescuFinances QuébecFinancière Banque NationaleFlorence KhoriatyFlorence MooreFlorian GagnonFond des travailleurs Boeuf Mérite MTL-TUAC1991PFondation Bon départ de Canadian Tire du Québec

Fondation Catherine ChenelFondation charitable RichterFondation Communautaire Juive de MontréalFondation de bienfaisance T.A.St-GermainFondation Deloitte CanadaFondation famille WoodFondation J.-Rodolphe-La Haye Fondation Le SalésienFondation McCarthy TétraultFondation Paul A. FournierFondation Québec PhilanthropeFondation St-hubertFonds de Bienfaisance des Employés de Rheinmetall CanadaFrance BeaudryFrance BellevilleFrance BoutinFrance CorbeilFrance DuchesneFrance DupéréFrance DurocherFrance FiliatraultFrance M PoulinFrance MagnanFrance RousseauFrancesca PietropaoloFrancine BrienFrancine Carignan MercierFrancine CharbonneauFrancine DesrosiersFrancine DubéFrancine DuchesneauFrancine FortinFrancine JacquesFrancine LachanceFrancine LandryFrancine Langlais GauthierFrancine LétourneauFrancine ParéFrancine PhaneufFrancine RoyerFrancine TremblayFrancis CanieauFrancis DeschênesFrancis MaheuFrancis PaquinFrancisco MolinaFranco MastromonacoFrançois AnctilFrancois BeaudryFrançois BouthillierFrançois CôtéFrançois CoutureFrancois CroteauFrançois DelormeFrançois DufaultFrançois DumaineFrançois FortierFrançois HamelFrancois LachanceFrançois LajeunesseFrançois LégaréFrançois LemoineFrançois Paré

Francois VillemureFrançoise DéryFrançoise FontaineFrançoise FortinFrançoise FoucaultFrançoise LavoieFrançoise LebrunFrançoise LussierFrançoise MonetteFrançoise TousignantFrederic LetourneauFrédéric PérodeauFrédérique BouchardFrédérique MarsanFreedom International Brokerage CompanyFumiko YamadaGabriel ChamberlandGabriel DouvilleGabriel Gonneville MironGabriel Lavery LepageGabrielle AsselinGabrielle BergeronGabrielle JutrasGabrielle MarceauGaétan GrégoireGaétan HudonGaetan HuotGaetan JarryGaétan PaquinGaetan SarrazinGaétane BédardGaétane CaouetteGaétane PageauGamil El GomayelGascon et AssociésGaston Allard Médecin Gaston BergeronGDI services aux immeublesGemma BoucherGeneviève BeauregardGenevieve DagenaisGeneviève EiermannsGeneviève GélinasGenevieve HélieGeneviève LangevinGenevieve Parent-HouleGenevieve PoliquinGenevieve SénéchalGeneviève TerreaultGenevieve TremblayGennarino TomainoGeorge BastienGeorgette FrénetteGeorgette GendronGérald MarcouxGéraldine GagnéGérard CaisseGerard HarveyGérard LapointeGerard MoreauGerard TaillonGermain AdamGertrude ValcourtGestion Claude Limoges


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Gestion Dagi Inc.Gestion Digamma Gestion Fremican Gestion Immobilière C.O.B.Gestion Immobilière GM Gestion Immobilière Luc Maurice Gestion L. Perreault Gestion Luc Dufour Gestion YBGhislain Bédard D.D.Ghislaine BlaisGhislaine HérouxGhislaine PollenderGhislaine Tremblay ChamberlandGilles AllardGilles BeaudryGilles BeaulacGilles BinetGilles BourassaGilles ChénardGilles DemersGilles DesaulniersGilles DesrochesGilles DuboisGilles GrenierGilles LabrecqueGilles LeblancGilles MetcalfeGilles MontpetitGilles PichetteGilles RegazzoniGilles SimardGilles TremblayGilles VanasseGillett BradleyGina HébertGinette BouchardGinette BourassaGinette DrouinGinette FerlandGinette GrégoireGinette LabontéGinette LafontaineGinette Lamothe JohnerGinette LavoieGinette Lévesque NormandGinette NoëlGinette PomerleauGiovanna Aita BlussonGisèle BellavanceGisele BoutetGisèle BrunetGisèle ClavetGisèle CordebasGisèle Cormier BarbeauGisèle FournierGisèle GroleauGisèle HardyGisèle HarveyGisèle PrévostGisèle SellierGisèle TurmelGiusseppe PincinGivesco Inc.Global Change Leaders

Godelieve Debaene-VanaertGordon MacphersonGrant ClitsomeGrant GuevremontGraziella MossaGreg LanctotGregory VillemejaneGroleau Gauthier PlanteGroupe ABSGroupe AltusGroupe Altus LimitéesGroupe Dynamite Inc.Groupe Emballage spécialisé Groupe LPCGroupe Marc Brosseau Groupe Massé Immobilier Groupe MorzacoGroupe Ostiguy et GendronGroupe technologie DesjardinsGuard-X Guillaume ChampouxGuillaume Lamoureux-BélairGuillaume MeyzonnatGuillaume MonastGuillaume OuelletteGuillaume Savard F.Gullaume ParenteauGuy A. BlouinGuy BeaulieuGuy BernardGuy BoucherGuy CloutierGuy DumontGuy FortinGuy Lacombe Dentiste inc.Guy LaraméeGuy LépineGuy RossGuy ValléeGuy VallièresGuylaine DesrochersGuylaine LemieuxH.C SauerweinHélène AlloccoHélène B. TremblayHelene BouchardHélène Bourgie-DuboisHélène BrissonHélène Caouette DesmeulesHélène DuclosHélène FillionHélène FréchetteHélène GosselinHélène KearneyHélène KellyHélène L’AnglaisHélène LaraméeHélène LefebvreHélène LemaireHélène LepageHélène LussierHélène MonbourquetteHélène NolinHélène ParadisHélène Quesnel

Hélène St-Yves DuboisHélène ValentiniHelia TaheriHenri BenoualidHenri DorvilHerbo technologies inc.Hermel ChapadosHéroux DevtekHervé DrouinHolt RenfrewHoward SteigerHubert De CarufelHubert LévesqueHugo BessetteHugo LangshurHugo MatteHugues MoisanHuguette BrazeauHuguette MénardHuguette MorissetteHuguette OuelletHuguette RacineHuguette SevignyHydro-QuébecIleana LunguImmobilier CarbonleoIn SunwooIndustriel AllianceInnuScienceIoannis BoyronikosIrène BoilardIrène Ferland CrossleyIrina WolfsonIsabel DupontIsabel Plasencia FernandezIsabelle BédardIsabelle CuillerierIsabelle DagenaisIsabelle DemersIsabelle DeshaiesIsabelle DuboisIsabelle GendronIsabelle GirardIsabelle GuerraIsabelle LemayIsabelle LimogesIsabelle LordIsabelle RuyssenIsabelle SicardIsabelle SomersIsabelle SoucyIvan RoyJ. SavardJ.A. René BourassaJacinthe BruneauJacinthe DoraisJacinthe GaudetJacinthe LaliberteJacqueline BoissonneaultJacqueline ChanteloisJacqueline Doré LabossièreJacqueline StratfordJacqueline TherrienJacqueline TrudelJacques Lalonde


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Jacques CayouetteJacques ChabotJacques DermineJacques DeslauriersJacques FortierJacques HartonJacques LalibertéJacques LaroseJacques LavoieJacques MassicotteJacques MélançonJacques MouirenJacques O’ConnorJacques PhilipponJacques Saint-LaurentJacques VigerJacques VilleneuveJacynthe CoteJames MarcotteJames PapadimitriouJamie McconnelJanie DugasJanine B RémillardJanine BarilJanine Moisan DesjardinsJany-Eve SaucierJared KeesoJean B. PéladeauJean BeaudoinJean BelleriveJean BouchardJean CappelliJean ChalaouiJean CreteJean D. BrissonJean De MontignyJean DesgreniersJean DolbecJean DroletJean DubergerJean LetendreJean Louis DuplessisJean Marc LaferrièreJean MinvilleJean Pierre AllardJean PrécourtJean RobitailleJean RodrigueJean-Charles BouvretteJean-Charles MarcotteJean-Christofe ArdeneusJean-Claude GuimontJean-Claude LafontaineJean-Claude MorissetJean-Claude MullerJean-Francois BeauregardJean-Francois BouvetteJean-François ChassayJean-François GirardJean-François LauzièreJean-Francois LaverdureJean-Francois MartinJean-François MunnJean-Guy AllardJean-Guy Beauchamp

Jean-Guy PineaultJean-Guy ProvencherJean-Guy RenéJean-Hugues LangloisJean-Jacques ForestJean-Jacques GiguèreJean-Jacques ProulxJean-Luc Du SaultJean-Luc GariépyJean-Luc GrenierJean-Marc MinvilleJean-Marc VaillancourtJean-Marie LanceJeanne DusseaultJeanne FontaineJeanne FortinJeanne G. KoenigJeanne HélieJeanne OstiguyJeanne VeilletteJeanne-D’Arc TrottierJeannette BeaudinJeannine BlondinJeannine ProulxJeannine VeilleuxJean-Noël ProulxJean-Paul AuclairJean-Paul LafontaineJean-Paul SchaackJean-Philippe SamsonJean-Pierre BeaumontJean-Pierre DagherJean-Pierre LemieuxJean-René BadeauJean-Rock LeblancJean-Sébastien GrégoireJean-Sébastien MontyJean-Yves BernardJean-Yves ChartrandJean-Yves HébertJean-Yves HuardJean-Yves SavardJean-Yves SimardJeffrey ConstantinJelena TerzicJennifer EthierJennifer FitzpatrickJennifer HumJérémi BoucherJessi CarrierJessica GendronJessica PaulJessica RodriguesJessica-Lauren VieiraJM Beau Psychiatre inc.Joanne CoteJoanne LesageJo-Anne PattonJo-Anne TrempeJocelyn BéliveauJocelyn BoutinJocelyn ChantalJocelyn FaganJocelyn RichardJocelyne Auger

Jocelyne Chevalier GirardeauJocelyne CoulombeJocelyne GagnéJocelyne GendronJocelyne LabelleJocelyne LevacJocelyne MatteJocelyne NoiseuxJocelyne SauvéJocelyne SéguinJohanne BoyerJohanne GravelleJohanne LagueJohanne LavoieJohanne LebeauJohanne OtisJohanne PichéJohanne SaucierJohanne SavardJohanne TardifJohn DavidJohn DixonJohn RobbJonathan BarretteJonathan Dicaire TittleyJonathan FecteauJonathan GagnonJonathan LafranceJonathan LalibertéJonathan LapointeJonathan LerouxJonathan Pierre-ÉtenneJosé SoucisJosée BeaudetJosée BrysJosée GirardJosée LaferrièreJosée LalibertéJosée LemireJosee MontpetitJosée St-GermainJoseph Di IoiaJoseph GaglianoJoseph RibkoffJosette PfisterJosiane TurcotteJosianne PoirierJosianne TheriaultJosie CiccotelliJudith LavoieJules ArsenaultJules CharetteJules De CésareJules MorissetteJulia BernardJuliane CayerJulie Beauregard-ThibodeauJulie ChenetteJulie DonedaJulie DubeJulie FortierJulie LapointeJulie LerouxJulie LévesqueJulie Martin


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Julie MorierJulie OuimetJulie PaquetJulie ParentJulie PicardJulie ProvostJulie RochetteJulie TrepanierJulie VeilleuxJulien CayerJulien Hebert-NguyenJulien OuelletteJulien PatoineJulien TurcotJustiane RuelJustin MartelJustine GravelJustine Leveille-LavigneKaba Ilco Inc.Karima LatbiKarin JonssonKarine DrouinKarine DumaisKarine FahmyKarine FortinKarine GarceauKarine Nadeau-LéveilléKarine PelletierKarine SavageKarine ThellierKarine ViensKarl GrenierKaroline TrudeauKatherine Cabrejo-JonesKatherine MartelKathleen O’MearaKathleen SénéchalKathryne ToporowskiKeigan AshallKenny TangKenza BensaidKeroseneKevin BelomosKevin LabelleKevin PerreaultKim PhamKimberly BiggsKirsty WhitefieldKPMG MSLPKristin GableKrystel LapointeKseniya VeretelnikLa Fondation CSTLagacé Électrique Lamyaa GuennouniLapointe Rosenstein Marchand MelanconLaura IalentiLauren BrownLaurence Charbonneau-EmeryLaurent BélangerLaurent LapointeLaurent MagnierLaurent VinetteLaurette DrouinLauriane Boulet

Laval BolducLaval FortinLaval LapointeLavasoft (Adaware)Lavery de BillyLawrence GriffinLCM Avocats Le Groupe Fuller Landau Le Groupe LuminairesLe Lunetier LasalleLe Relais Chevrolet Cadillac Buick GMC LtéeLea GirardLéandre ThébergeLeila Labrecque MartinLeila YacoubiLeo Grenier-SaloisLéon AuclairLéon BonneauLéonard CouturierLéonide BergerLes Aciers Coudibec inc.Les Automobiles PopularLes Dominicaines Missionnaires AdoratricesLes employés de La Mutuelle des municipalités du QuébecLes Entreprises de Fibre de Verre Pro-Fibre Les entreprises MAVI électriqueLes excavations Gilbert Théorêt Les Habitations Sylvain MénardLes Soeurs de Miséricorde de MontréalLet’s BondLg2Liane LetendreLiette LeducLily CoutureLina MartelLina MorelLina PallottaLina TartagliaLinda And Donald SebergerLinda Brault MoreauLinda CazaleLinda ElbazLinda HuotLinda HuynhLinda LeducLinda ThériaultLinda ThibaultLine BellavanceLine JulienLine MarchandLine St-LouisLionel BeaudoinLisa MillerLise AprilLise BastaracheLise BergeronLise BlanchardLise CarrierLise CloutierLise DarrasLise Dazé

Lise DionLise Dulude-FelsnerLise DupontLise FortierLise GagnéLise Labonté BoisvertLise LevasseurLise MasséLise Murphy ThibodeauLise OuelletLise PierreLise PronovostLise ThiviergeLise Tremblay ChatignyLisette GagnonLisette GauthierLisette GirardLloyd CooperLorenzo PietrantonioLorne LiebermanLorraine Et Réal Lévesque LandryLorraine PotvinLoto-QuébecLouis BeaumierLouis ClémentLouis CôtéLouis CoutureLouis DubéLouis DusseaultLouis FreundLouis GouletLouis GuilbaultLouis Léon RoquetLouis RabeauLouis RobergeLouis TaschereauLouis VézinaLouisa ArcandLouise TremblayLouise AubinLouise AudetteLouise BelleriveLouise BouchardLouise BrûléLouise CambronLouise ChalifourLouise Chamard BergeronLouise DesrochersLouise DozoisLouise DubreuilLouise DucharmeLouise DuplessisLouise FerlandLouise Fortin GauthierLouise JanvierLouise JutrasLouise LabelleLouise LachapelleLouise LafondLouise LalondeLouise LebrunLouise LeclercLouise LégerLouise MasséLouise Noreau


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Louise OstiguyLouise O’SullivanLouise OuelletLouise PascalLouise PetitpasLouise RacetteLouise RacineLouise RochLouise RouillardLouise SavoyLouise TurgeonLouise ViauLouise.V. BachandLouise-Lise DeschenesLouisette Dion BouletLouisette Simard GravelLouis-Marie CarrierLouis-Martin OneillLouis-Philippe EdgerLouis-Philippe GauthierLPLV avocatsLuc AmyotLuc BachandLuc BeaudinLuc BoileauLuc DesrochersLuc FiliatraultLuc HannaLuc LacombeLuc MilletteLucia DoraisLucie ChasséLucie De MarbreLucie DesrochesLucie DorvalLucie DubéLucie FournierLucie GenestLucie GriséLucie MagnanLucie Mailloux CeratLucie RousseauLucie TeasdaleLucie TousignantLucie TurgeonLucie VerretLucien AllardLucile de RepentignyLucile MorinLucille BertrandLucille DesgagnéLucille DoyonLucille HurteauLuigi RiccardiLuisa DanesiLumenpulse Corporate HQLydia RodriguesLyette Babin-MackayLyette BouléLynda Ste-MarieLyne BaillargeonLyne BoudreauLyne DuplessisLyne GravelLyne Guimond

Lyne LandryLyne MartelLyne RivardLynn JeanniotLyse BoileauLyse CoutureLyse DenomméLyse MathieuLyse RoyM Normand LeclercM.A. Baulne Inc.Mackenzie InvestmentsMaçonnerie E. Gravel Madeleine D. LéonardMadeleine DesrochesMadeleine DrobeyMadeleine GagnonMadeleine GauthierMadeleine HuardMadeleine JolinMadeleine LepageMadeleine MironMadeleine Ouimet TherrienMadeleine PaquetteMadeleine ParadisMadeleine PayetteMadeleine PerronMadeleine RobidouxMadeleine RousseauMagali PhamMagda FrancescuttiMaguy HachemMaison BrisonMaison Lipari LNCMaj Média secMajella MarandaMalika DaoudManon CroteauManon DeraîcheManon DuguayManon DussaultManon Fortin DubéManon LanoueManon LetellierManon Loustalet-SensManon LussierManon PoirierManon SavardManon Walsh-TherrienMarc BélangerMarc Bovet Marc CôtéMarc DoréMarc DrouinMarc JulienMarc LaverdiereMarc LavoieMarc LemireMarc PlamondonMarc PouliotMarc RochefortMarc VilleneuveMarc-André CharronMarc-André DépinMarc-André Duguay-Blais

Marc-André GodinMarc-Antoine Brault-BrissetteMarc-Aurélien PoretMarcel BéchetteMarcel BouchardMarcel DeneuxMarcel FiolaMarcel GrondinMarcel LaurenceMarcel LefebvreMarcel MailhotMarcel MorinMarcel ParentMarcelle BardierMarcelle R. St-JeanMarcelle RaicheMarcelle VeilleuxMarcelle VilleneuveMarc-Olivier MccrawMarguerite RivestMarguerite AuclairMarguerite DraperMarguerite LandryMarguerite LechasseurMaria DastousMaria El-HachemMaria Guadalupe Rincon RobichaudMaria TournasMariana SalajanMarianna NikolaevMarie BolducMarie Claire CantinMarie Claire HélieMarie D’AmoursMarie FontaineMarie GourdeauMarie JacquesMarie LapointeMarie LefrançoisMarie MartelMarie MénardMarie PoirierMarie Vernier PapillonMarie-Alice GuayMarie-Andrée GagnonMarie-Andrée MelocheMarie-andrée ThéorêtMarie-Céline BriseboisMarie-Chantal CloutierMarie-Christine DumasMarie-Christine DupontMarie-Christine Roch-HansenMarie-Claire BombardierMarie-Claire LaflammeMarie-Claire LemieuxMarie-Claude ArmstrongMarie-Claude BabinMarie-Claude BaillargeonMarie-Claude Saint-AmourMarie-Claude SarrazinMarie-Élaine LépineMarie-Emmanuelle CadieuxMarie-Ève BigrasMarie-Eve BrunetMarie-France Bedard


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Marie-Helene BournivalMarie-Hélène ChartrandMarie-Helene CoutuMarie-Irène LavoieMarie-José DeschampsMarie-Josée CardinalMarie-Josée CazaMarie-Julie GravelMarie-Laurence GuindonMarie-Laurence MaisonneuveMarie-Laurence TourillonMarielle ContantMarie-Michel GirardMarie-Pascale RollandMarie-Paule HarnoisMarie-Paule PaulinMarie-Pier DesmeulesMarie-Pier GagnéMarie-Pier VillemureMarie-Pierre CournoyerMarie-Rose TessierMarie-Sophie MarceauMarie-Thérèse ParentMariette Valois BraultMarieve TremblayMarilou CampeauMarilyn LafranceMario DoraisMario FoucaultMario GauthierMarion RevertMarisol RheaultMarissa RosenMarjolaine Verdon-AkzamMarlaine BissonMarlène LarueMarsh &McLennan companiesMarthe BouchardMarthe Dubé BelleriveMarthe LamontagneMarthe SansregretMartin BéchardMartin BernatchezMartin BissonnetteMartin CharronMartin et AssociésMartin GagnonMartin LongpréMartin SheehanMartin ThibodeauMartine BerrouardMartine CampeauMartine DupuisMartine FavreauMartine GodboutMartine HeilerMartine LandryMartine LapierreMartine WalshMaryse BeaudryMaryse BellevilleMaryse CyrMaryse ForbesMaryse PoirierMaryse Robitaille

Massilia BelaidMathieu BisaillonMathieu CallewaertMathieu JolicoeurMathieu LupienMathieu ValckeMatilde DelbrassinneMatthew VachonMaude ChapadosMaude LeprohonMaude LongtinMaurane Lavoie-GuérinMaurice BrosseauMaurice HubertMaurice TinleMaxime FilionMaxime Girard-MurrayMaylan GroupMaysa HabelrihMcKinsey & Company CanadaMeïssa N’GaraneMelanie CaronMélanie FournierMélanie La SalleMelina LignosMelissa LessardMelissa-France HerediaMEP Mercer Meril MeryseMetro Richelieu Mia GalvailMichael BoilyMichael FinnertyMichael GrondinMichael HanleyMichel BeauchampMichel BeauchesneMichel BeaudoinMichel BeaulneMichel BoisvertMichel BoudreaultMichel ComtoisMichel CôtéMichel CoutureMichel FarmerMichel G. DrapeauMichel GrahamMichel J. MessierMichel JacquesMichel JoanisMichel LafontaineMichel LapierreMichel MénardMichel PerreaultMichel PrinceMichel RompréMichel TessierMichel ThéorêtMichel TremblayMichel TurgeonMichele BastienMichèle CastonguayMichèle DroletMichèle Gagné

Michèle LeavittMichèle LedecqMicheline ArsenaultMicheline BeaumontMicheline BertrandMicheline GreffeMicheline GrenierMicheline LamoureuxMicheline LavoieMicheline Lavoie DesrochersMichelle AdamsMichelle BraisMichelle GirouxMichelle PatenaudeMichelle TaylorMichelle ToutantMilad JawabraMiller Thompson Mireil FortinMireille BusqueMireille ChauretMireille GagnonMireille Le HouillerMirella MastroianniMiriel BrazeauMiss Prêt à MangerMNPMonica WelhanMonika RoyMonique BergeronMonique BoileauMonique C. DenisMonique CantinMonique ChagnonMonique CloutierMonique Crevier ToulouseMonique DebloisMonique DionMonique Dupras BonhommeMonique FillionMonique FortierMonique GrondinMonique GrouMonique GuévremontMonique L. RivestMonique LeboeufMonique Martin SarrazinMonique MongeauMonique PerazzelliMonique RaymondMonique Robitaille MartelMonique RoyMonique SignoriMonique St-CyrMonique ValleeMorency Société d’avocatsMouvement DesjardinsMurielle CaronMurielle LachapelleMurielle MorissetteMylène BergeronMylene Blais-PoulinMyreille AlaryMyriam BarilMyriam Chantal


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Myriam ElieMyriam VigneaultMyron SteinMyrtho DrouinNadine GingrasNatacha DufresneNatalie ChabotNatalie CourreyNathalie BironNathalie DemersNathalie DesprésNathalie GiguèreNathalie GoyetteNathalie GuittaNathalie LamyNathalie LeclairNathalie MassicotteNathalie RemondNeville VilleneuveNGM Proulx Nick LangeNicolas DaoudNicolas DesourdyNicolas GabouryNicolas LachanceNicolas LemayNicolas RubboNicole ArpinNicole BaroletNicole BellemareNicole BoutinNicole DubeauNicole Dubrule-LanielNicole GayNicole GendronNicole Gouin TerrillNicole HomsiNicole Leduc St-AubinNicole LefebvreNicole Nadon-CloutierNicole PiggottNicole RenauldNicole VachonNikolas AubertinNikolas LerakisNikolina VulicNoëlla ChagnonNoëlla Joanne FournierNoëlla Plasse LafrenièreNoemie LachapelleNormand GervaisNormand LabelleNormand LarochelleNormand LavoieNormand ParisienNormand SalmanNormand SimardOdette CoutureOdette MontourOdette PlanteOdette QuirionOdette RicherOdette TaillonOdile BouchardOdile Dallaire

Olga FurtadoOlivia PietrantonioOlivier LippOlivier ProulxOrange TrafficOthmane JabouriOuassim TadlaouiPages JaunesPaige BlumerPanneaux 3D Pascal Dandavino-ForgetPascal Karel MattePascal SalaganPascale DaigneaultPascale MercierPascale Pageau Avocate Patrice LemayPatrice MartinPatricia ChiricostaPatricia GarelPatricia Gionet CarrierPatricia HalléPatricia MoreauPatricia RabyPatrick DuffyPatrick TobinPaul André BoursierPaul DionPaul GaulinPaul GendronPaul Guy TremblayPaul OuelletPaul PoirierPaul RouleauPaul-André CharronPaul-Andre LarosePaul-André MathieuPaule ArsenaultPaule BeaudryPaule Beaugrand-ChampagnePaule LafontainePaule VilleneuvePaulette GalipeauPaulette ReynaudPaul-Henri FournierPaul-Henri MartineauPauline Alacoque-MartineauPauline BeaupréPauline BédardPauline BergeronPauline Croteau LafleurPauline GaulinPauline GendronPauline GermainPauline LecoursPaul-Michel GrattonPawla GhalebPembroke Management Pharmacie Jean CoutuPhil BlackPhilippe BergelPhilippe BrodeurPhilippe CouturePhilippe De BeaumontPhilippe Gaudreau

Philippe HynesPhilippe JacquesPhilippe PodetenevPhilippe PodtetenevPhillip StrachanPierre ArchambaultPierre BatesPierre BeaulieuPierre BelangerPierre BordeleauPierre BoyerPierre ChenardPierre ComtoisPierre CossettePierre CourchesnePierre DesaulniersPierre DeslièresPierre DubéPierre FitzgibbonPierre ForgetPierre GlobenskyPierre GuimontPierre HannaPierre JeanPierre JodoinPierre LacroixPierre LafrancePierre LatendressePierre LaverdierePierre LerouxPierre LévesquePierre MénardPierre PaquetPierre PaquettePierre PetroniPierre PlamondonPierre PoliquinPierre RacinePierre TellierPierre TeolisPierre TougasPierre TrudeauPierre TurcottePierre-André PerreaultPierre-Luc Du SaultPierre-Philippe DoraisPierrette DuquettePierrette GadouaPierrette GauthierPierrette LabrecquePierrette LapierrePierrette LétourneauPierrette Marquis PetitclercPierrette Rousseau VadnaisPierrette St-AmourPierrette St-PierrePierre-Yves MénardPina ManzanilloPlacement Montrusco Bolton Placements Goreynie Prématernelle KinderPricewaterhouseCoopersProaction International ProMetic BioProductionPromutuel Assurance Rive-Sud


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Protection incendie Viking Fire Protection PVTRON Quadbridge Quincaillerie Bordeleau Rachel Bonin GagnonRachel BrosseauRachel ChasséRachel MarcouxRacine ChamberlandRainui LeverdierRalph DiorioRaphaël Gagné ColomboRaphaelle NadeauRaul BalcarcelRaymond Chabot Grant ThorntonRaymond CloutierRaymond DoucetRaymond James LtéeRaymond LépineRaymonde BeaudoinRaymonde CossetteRaymonde FrenetteRaymonde GabouryRaymonde LemayRaymonde PoirierRaymonde RobergeRaymonde VaillancourtRaynald JoubarneRazvan LunguRBC Capital MarketsRBC DominionRBC Dominion Valeurs Mobilières, Le Groupe BernierRBC FondationRCR InternationalReal AlixRéal BironRéal DubucRéal LupienRéal PaquinRéal SamsonReal VerreaultRebecca FotiadiRégis CaronRegis RaymondRegulvarReina ÉmondRéjean BergevinRéjean BironRéjean CaronRéjean LalibertéRéjean LorionRéjean MichaudRéjeanne BolducRéjeanne DumouchelRéjeanne GuayRemi AsselinRémi CharronRémi LachanceRémy ForgetRemy ReynaertRena LavalléeRénald ArguinRené BeaugrandRene Lapointe

René ParisienRené Tinawi Inc.René W. RoyerRenée AmiotRenée LamontagneRenée LaroucheRenee LoiselleRenée MadoreRenée SoucyRestaurant Le Bouleau Revêtement R.H.R. Reza AlizadehfarRichard BérubéRichard BoisclairRichard BoivinRichard BriseboisRichard CazaRichard CoderreRichard FaucherRichard GilbertRichard GobeilRichard LaurendeauRichard MoisanRichard MorandRichard MorencyRichard ThibaultRima Hamaoui HassouneRio Tinto Alcan Rita LafondRita Limoges BenoîtRita MarcouxRita MorinRobert BureauRobert AscahRobert CayerRobert DalpéRobert DufresneRobert DusablonRobert GalipeauRobert GiardRobert GrondinRobert HastieRobert LaporteRobert MarchandRobert MetcalfeRobert OuelletteRobert Ouellette Robert PinardRobert RobertRobert RoyRobert VillemureRobyn UrtickRoger BanfordRoger BolducRoger FortinRoger GamacheRoger LarameeRoland A. HérouxRolande Potvin GarneauRollande Allard CharronRollande BergeronRollande Seyer ParenteauRomeo GosselinRomi BertrandRosaire Fafard

Rosaire NadeauRosanne Busque BretonRose Carmen DecembreRoseline ChartrandRosemarie PedroRoss CullyRoss GendronRoxane BergeronRoxane GalarneauRoxanne Lajoie Roy MillingtonRyan LincolnSabrina ClementSalvatore IaconoSamantha CinquinoSamysange Samilla MusemeSandra AudetSandra EtchendaSandra FerreiraSandra PoliquinSandrine LeducSandy DedeianSaputo inc.Sara JahanbakhshSarah BeaudoinSarah Gobeil BoulangerSaraloi incScotia CapitauxSDU DeveloppementSébastien BouchardSébastien EthierSébastien HébertSébastien RajotteSebastien TrottierSébastien YergeauSEISeneva Snyder-CaronSenso Groupe ConseilSerge AllaireSerge AudetteSerge BaillargeonSerge BoucherSerge GagnéSerge LarocheSerge LarochelleSerge MesservierSerge MorinSerge PalinSerge RocheleauSergio Demis LongoniServices Conseils ThinkmaxServices Financiers ConsiliumServices OR LP/SECShane CurreySilvana PernaSimon BissonSimon DesbiensSimon DionneSimon DumasSimon DupéréSimon FrenetteSimon LajoieSimon LarivièreSimon MadoreSimon Marceau


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Simon PelletierSimon RouillierSimon-Benjamin LarivièreSir Wilfrid Laurier School BoardSobeys Inc.Société des médecins de l’Université de SherbrookeSolange BinetteSolange S. FosterSolaris Québec Soleno Solider structures d’acierSOLOTECHSonia BouchardSonia CastonguaySonia GonzalezSonia LupienSonya DhamiSophiane RousseauSophie BénazetSophie BlackburnSophie BoyerSophie BrunetSophie D’AstousSophie DesrochersSophie GlorieuxSophie LambertSophie MethotSophie RoySophie Sicotte TeasdaleSoukitna SoeungStacie GoldingStageline Scene MobileStanpro Lighting Systems Stefan LeauteStéphane FournierStéphane MongeauStephane RoyStephane TessierStéphanie AbelhausserStephanie CaronStéphanie ChartrandStephanie GaudetteStéphanie GibeauStephanie KrohnStéphanie PépinStéphanie RainvilleStephanie WuethrichStephen J. WexlerSteve FoleySteve PaulStingray Digital Group Inc.Succession Hélène Germain DeCorwinSuccession Madeleine ChampagneSuccession Marcel GendreauSuccession McShaneSuccession Whittom HermelSuzanne AubrySuzanne CorbeilSuzanne DubéSuzanne DuprasSuzanne DuquetteSuzanne FortinSuzanne GodboutSuzanne Groulx

Suzanne LahaieSuzanne Lapointe-DelandSuzanne MoquinSuzanne PauzeSuzanne Pouliot DrouinSuzanne R VilleneuveSuzanne SavardSuzanne VilleneuveSuzie HoudeSylvain BissonnetteSylvain BolducSylvain CardinalSylvain HuchetteSylvain LambertSylvain LavoieSylvain LeprêteSylvain LippeSylvain MalenfantSylvain TremblaySylvain-Paul MorencySylvia EssiembreSylvia JankowskiSylvianne RiopelSylvie BeaudoinSylvie BeaulieuSylvie CharbonneauSylvie DesbiensSylvie Forcier DubéSylvie GaronSylvie GosselinSylvie LaplanteSylvie MailhotSylvie PirroSylvie RémillardSylvie VaillancourtSylvio VaudryT. NguyenTamara CimpeanTamila ZianiTania WehlanTelusTeresa AversaTeresa BotelloThang Ngo QuangTheresa HolstThérèse GabouryThérèse Bigras LapierreThérèse BrochuThérèse C. BeauregardThérèse DemersThérèse Duplessis FortinThérèse ForgetThérèse Gagnon GiassonThérèse LaverdureThérèse MoraisThérèse PageauThérèse PineaultThérèse Plamondon EmondThérèse Thibodeau RoyThérèse ViensThierry Cochaux-LabergeThomas VilleneuveThu Van Nguyen HuynhTidan Hospitality and Real Estate GroupTiffany Teixeira-Cortina

Tissus Remmus Textiles TLC Médical Inc.Toitures Omer BraultTommy FréchetteTourangeau Crochetière CPA Tournoi de golf ABRTransat A.T. Tristan BournotTVA Productions II Tyler FairfieldTyphoon Média United Way Burlington & Greater HamiltonUnited Way OttawaUnited Way of Greater TorontoUniversité de SherbrookeValactaValerie BoivinValerie DesmaraisValerie GohierValerie MarchandValerie RoyValerie-Eve CyrValeurs mobilières DesjardinsValmont VeilleuxVanessa MongeauVanessa TherrienVasanth SridaranVentec Inc.Verna HubertVeronik BastienVéronique Beauregard Courtier immobilierVéronique LanctotVéronique LapointeVeronique MondouxVéronique WartholdVicki Thai Thao TranVicky BertrandVictor PerraultVille de Montréal - Service des financesVincent BolducVincent ChristVincent DionneVincent FortinVincent FrechetteVincent Gaudreau-Bussière Vincent MorinVincent RoyVinna VyVirginie FerlandVirginie L’Homme-LangloisVitrerie Chatelle Simard Viviane DesrosiersWAFU Inc.Wallace LeeWarren GoodmanWilfrid HénaultWissam BettaharWolfgang LocquetXavier Girard LachaineXavier Poirier-MoisanXavier VillemaireYanie LamontagneYanik LussierYann GrenierYannick Lacoste


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Yannie CodèreYasaman JahanbakhshYasser BouhidYohan Dube-FilionYohann Yohann CamYolande Arsenault-GuénetteYvan BriandYvan BrochuYvan CarrierYvan RobinYves BaribeaultYves GrenierYves PetitYves RinfretYves SaucierYves St-ArnuadYves ThibodeauYvette LepageYvon PichetteYvon QuesnelYvon SabourinYvon St-JacquesYvonne DolbecZita LéonardZoom Evenements




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147755 Canada inc.1832 Asset Management LP3320294 Canada inc.3373517 Canada inc.9138-2036QC inc.9172-4245 Québec inc.ABCP Architecture et Urbanisme Acosta Canada inc.Aéroports de MontréalAgence QuébéComm Alain TanguayAlbert MiletteAlexandre ViauAmélie L’HeureuxAndré G. PlourdeAndré LaforgeAndré LortieAndré MorrissetteAndré RoyAnn MagnanAnnie DesjardinsAntoine TremblayAtelka Entreprise Auberge Saint-AntoineBagages de FranceBanque Laurentienne du CanadaBanque Nationale du CanadaBanque Nationale Gestion Privée 1859Banque ScotiaBCF Avocats d’affairesBelairdirectBell CanadaBenoit PrimeauBernard BélangerBijouterie RicciBMO Marchés des capitauxBombardier AéronautiqueBoutique S.A.K.S. & ONEBoyden MontréalBritta KrögerCaisse de dépôt et placement du QuébecCaisse Desjardins des RivièvesCarlos CastroCaroline BourgeoisCaroline GodinCaroline PhiselCatsima CEDROM-SNICentre Commerciaux - Ivanhoé CambridgeCentre Desjardins aux entreprises Québec-PortneufChantal PelletierChantal RaymondCharles S N ParentCharlotte Dumouchel

Christophe Gagnon-LavoieClaude BoilardClaude BoulayClaude LimogesClaude-Frédéric RobertClaudiane BoulayClaudine CloutierClemens MayrCoArchitecture CominarCoopérative de solidarité du Quartier Petit ChamplainCORPIQCristal Control Croisières AMLCSSMIDavid FurlingDeragon Location DermapureDesjardinsDesjardins Gestion de Patrimoine - Gestion PrivéeDiane DeslauriersDiane HamelDiane LafontaineDonald BastienDS Avocats CanadaDufresne Hébert Comeau AvocatsÉdifice 500 Grande Allée EMS Structure incEnglobeEntrepreneur Capital Éric BujoldÉric DupontÉric MichaudÉrik RyanESP Services ConseilsÉtienne BorgeatExpertise NeurosciencesEYFasken Martineau DuMoulinFednav LimitedFestival d’été de QuébecFidelity InvestmentsFido Solutions Inc.Financière ManuvieFinancière Sun LifeFoisy ArianeFondation Bon Départ de Canadian Tire du QuébecFondation McCarthy TétraultFonds de solidarité FTQFonds immobilier de solidarité FTQFrançois AirdFrançois Leduc

Gab’s Resto BistroGaz MétroGDI Services aux immeublesGestion Ali-Servix Gestion Chades Gestion privée de placement Pembroke Gilles PépinGRAPHICAGraphiques M&HGravel Bernier Vaillancourt, AvocatsGroupe DeschênesGroupe DesgagnésGroupe Emballage Spécialisé Groupe Germain HôtelGroupe LuminairesGuy CoutureGuylain BriandHardy Normand & AssociésHatem + DIlo307Industrielle AllianceInnovitechIntact AssuranceIO Solutions Call Center Isabelle HudonIsabelle LimogesIsabelle SomersIvanhoe CambridgeJames ParkynJane LalondeJean LeclercJean Martin GagnéJean-Bernard BélisleJean-François ByetteJean-François DelisleJean-François PouliotJean-François Robert BolducJeanne MiletteJean-Paul GagnéJean-Pierre DuplantieJean-Roch VachonJL Desjardins Auto Collection Joaillerie Zimm’sJohn ParisellaKaren LeggettKarine CloutierKarolyne DuvernoisKim ThomassinKugler Kandestin La Boutique de Noël de Québec La Capitale Groupe Financier La Fondation Communautaire Juive de MontréalLa Maison SimonsLambert et Co.


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Landr Audio LCM AvocatsLe Cabinet de relations publiques NationalLe Café-Boulangerie PaillardLe Groupe Restos PlaisirsLes Investissements IMQUA Les Rôtisseries St-HubertLibrairie PantouteL’IntendantLouis-Daniel GauvinLouise PoirierLouis-Marie BeaulieuLuc BachandLuc BisaillonLuc NadeauManulife FinancialMarie-Danielle RoyMarie-Josée LacroixMarie-Line DeslauriersMartin HouleMcCarthy Tétrault Mckesson CanadaMétro Richelieu Michel RinguetMichelle BernardMorency AvocatsMouvement DesjardinsNathalie GagnonNicolas BoulayPaladin LabsPaquet TellierPascale SéguinPatrice VézinaPatrick PalermePaul GaulinPaul GobeilPaule LabellePetra LtéePierre CampeauPierre SimoneauPierre VézinaPlacements Montrusco Bolton PomerleauPort de QuébecPricewaterhouse CoopersPrivate Brands Consortium PBCQuébécorQuébecor MédiaRaymond Chabot Grant ThorntonRBC Banque RoyaleRBC Dominion Valeurs mobilièresRestaurant d’OrsayRestaurant LégendeRichterRio TintoRoy Livraison spécialisée S.U.B.-Sometco SD MedicoSerge SavardServices bancaires Comm. T.D.Services ORServomaxSid LeeSirco

SNC Lavalin Sobeys QuébecSociété de gestion Cogir Société en Commandite Services S&ESociété Financière WalterSophie BanfordSSQ Société d’assurance-vie StantecStéphane MironStikeman ElliottStingray DigitalSt-Viateur BagelSuzanne MiletteTAXITC TranscontinentalTélésystème LtéeTétra Tech QI Thérèse CyrVille De QuébecVincent MarquisVirginie GuilbeaultWells Fargo Capital FinanceYves Néron




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804 – 55, Mont-Royal Avenue WestMontreal, Quebec

H2T 2S6

514 529-5354 / 1 888 529-5354

Charity No.

Fondation Québec Jeunes : 889367371 RR0001Fondation des maladies mentales : 101836641 RR0001

To learn more, visit our new website: www.fondationjeunesentete.org