20151021111015Unit 5 Organising

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  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-1

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-2

    !Describe si" #ey ele$ents in or%aniational

    desi%n!Contrast $ehanisti and or%ani strutures!Discuss the ontin%eny 'ators that 'avor

    either the $ehanisti $odel or the or%ani

    $odel o' or%aniational desi%n!Describe traditional or%aniational desi%ns

    Chapter 5: oundations of  !rgani"ational #esign

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-3

    #esigning !rgani"ational$tructure! Organizing - arranging and structuring %or& to

    acco'plish an organi"ation(s goals.

    ! Organizational Structure - the )or'alarrange'ent o) *obs %ithin an organi"ation.

    !Organizational Design - a process in+ol+ingdecisions about si &ey ele'ents:

    ! -or& speciali"ation

    ! #epart'entali"ation

    ! Chain o) co''and

    ! $pan o) control

    ! Centrali"ation and decentrali"ation

    ! or'ali"ation

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-4

    Ehibit 101: Purposes o)!rgani"ing

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-5

    !rgani"ational $tructure

    ! -or& $peciali"ation ( /he degree to %hich tas&s in the

    organi"ation are di+ided into separate

     *obs %ith each step co'pleted by adierent person.

     ( !+erspeciali"ation can result in hu'andisecono'ies such as boredo', )atigue,

    stress, poor uality, increasedabsenteeis', and higher turno+er.

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-6

    #isecono'ies o) -or&


  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-7

     /ypes o) ob #esign

    !  ob si'pli3cation 4 rearranging the duties andtas& so it %ill be unco'plicated and easy tohandle.

    !  ob rotation 4 a practice %here *ob is changed

    syste'atically %ithin a ti'e duration in aseuence o) *ob o%.

    !  ob enlarge'ent 4 %iden the scope and nu'bero) tas& and indi+idual to carry out a speci3ed *ob.

    !  ob enrich'ent 4 increase the nu'ber o) tas& andresponsibility to enhance the capability,'oti+ation and per)or'ance o) an e'ployee.

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-8

    #epart'entali"ation by /ype! Functional

     ( 6rouping *obs by)unctions per)or'ed

    ! Product ( 6rouping *obs by

    product line

    ! Geographical

     ( 6rouping *obs on thebasis o) territory orgeography

    ! Process

     ( 6rouping *obs onthe basis o) product

    or custo'er o%! Customer

     ( 6rouping *obs bytype o) custo'er

    and needs

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-9

    !rgani"ational $tructure7cont.8! Chain of Command - the

    continuous line o) authority thatetends )ro' upper le+els o) an

    organi"ation to the lo%est le+els o)the organi"ation9clari3es %horeports to %ho'.

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-10

    !rgani"ational $tructure7cont.8! Authority - the rights inherent in a

    'anagerial position to tell people %hatto do and to epect the' to do it.

    ! Responsibility  the obligation orepectation to per)or'.

    ! nity of Command  the concept that

    a person should ha+e one boss andshould report only to that person.

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-11

    Ehibit 10: /he i+e Co''onor's o) #epart'entali"ation

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-12

    or's o) #epart'entali"ation


  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-13

    or's o) #epart'entali"ation


  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-14

    !ther !rgani"ational$tructures!  /ea';ased $tructure! ;oundaryless !rgani"ation

    ! ery eible and can respond rapidly tochange.

    ! Each e'ployee has t%o bosses %hich cancause proble's.

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing asPrentice Hall

    Management , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-15

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-16

    Ehibit 10?: Chain o) Co''andand @ine Authority

    hibi 0 i $

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-17

    Ehibit 105: @ine +s. $taAuthority

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-18

    $pan o) Control

    ! Span of Control - the nu'ber o)e'ployees %ho can be eecti+ely andeBciently super+ised by a 'anager.

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-19

    -idth o) span is aected by:

    ! $&ills and abilities o) the 'anager! E'ployee characteristics

    ! Characteristics o) the %or& being done

    ! $i'ilarity o) tas&s

    ! Co'pleity o) tas&s

    ! Physical proi'ity o) subordinates

    ! $tandardi"ation o) tas&s

    !$ophistication o) the organi"ation(sin)or'ation syste'

    ! $trength o) the organi"ation(s culture

    ! Pre)erred style o) the 'anager

    E hibi 10 C i $ )

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-20

    Ehibit 10: Contrasting $pans o)Control

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-21


    ! Centralization - the degree to%hich decision 'a&ing isconcentrated at upper le+els in the

    organi"ation.! /his is co''on in organi"ations in %hich top

    'anagers 'a&e all the decisions and lo%erle+el e'ployees si'ply carry out those


  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-22


    ! Decentralization - %hen anorgani"ation relegates decision'a&ing to 'anagers %ho are closest

    to the action.! E'ployee E'po%er'ent

     ( Increasing the decision'a&ing authority

    7po%er8 o) e'ployees

    E hibit 10 D C t li ti

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-23

    Ehibit 10D: Centrali"ation or#ecentrali"ation

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-24


    ! Formalization  the degree to %hich *obs %ithin the organi"ation arestandardi"ed and the etent to %hich

    e'ployee beha+ior is guided by rulesand procedures.

     ( Highly )or'ali"ed *obs oer littlediscretion o+er %hat is to be done.

     ( @o% )or'ali"ation 'eans )e%erconstraints on ho% e'ployees do their%or&.

    E hibit 10 < h i ti >

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-25

    Ehibit 10: ersus!rganic !rgani"ations

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-26

    Contingency actors

    ! $tructural decisions are inuencedby:

     ( !+erall strategy o) the organi"ation

     ( $i"e o) the organi"ation ( /echnology use e'ployed by the


     ( #egree o) en+iron'ental uncertainty

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-27

    Contingency actors 7cont.8

    ! $trategy ra'e%or&s: ( Inno+ation

    ! Pursuing co'petiti+e ad+antage through'eaning)ul and uniue inno+ations )a+orsan organic structuring

     ( Cost 'ini'i"ation

    ! ocusing on tightly controlling costs reuires

    a 'echanistic structure )or the organi"ation

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-28

    Contingency actors 7cont.8

    ! $trategy and $tructure ( Achie+e'ent o) strategic goals is )acilitated

    by changes in organi"ational structure thatacco''odate and support change.

    ! $i"e and $tructure

     ( As an organi"ation gro%s larger, its structure

    tends to change )ro' organic to 'echanistic%ith increased speciali"ation,depart'entali"ation, centrali"ation, andrulesFregulations.

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-31


     /echnology and $tructure

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-32

     /raditional #esigns

    ! $i'ple structure! @o% depart'entali"ation, %ide spans o) control,

    centrali"ed authority, little )or'ali"ation

    ! unctional structure! #epart'entali"ation by )unction

    ! !perations, 3nance, 'ar&eting, hu'an resources,and product research and de+elop'ent

    ! #i+isional structure! Co'posed o) separate business units or di+isions

    %ith li'ited autono'y under the coordination andcontrol o) the parent corporation

    Ehibit 10 10: /raditional

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-33

    Ehibit 1010: /raditional!rgani"ational #esigns

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 PearsonEducation, Inc. Publishing as

    Prentice HallManagement , Eleventh Edition, Global Edition by Stephen P. Robbins & Mary Coulter  ©2012 Pearson Eduation 10-34

     /er's to Kno%

    ! organi"ing! organi"ational structure! organi"ational chart! organi"ational design! %or& speciali"ation

    ! depart'entali"ation! cross)unctional tea's! chain o) co''and! authority! responsibility! unity o) co''and

    ! span o) control! centrali"ation! decentrali"ation! e'ployee e'po%er'ent! )or'ali"ation

    ! 'echanistic organi"ation! organic organi"ation! unit production! 'ass production! process production

    ! si'ple structure! )unctional structure! di+isional structure! tea' structure! 'atri structure! pro*ect structure! boundaryless organi"ation! +irtual organi"ation! net%or& organi"ation! learning organi"ation

  • 8/19/2019 20151021111015Unit 5 Organising


    Copyright © 2012 Pearson

    Education Inc Publishing asM t El th Editi Gl b l Editi b St h P R bbi & M C lt