2015 PAGES … · Web viewHeritage trail brochure from the map box at the R H bitumen. *Bring along...

Joe Gorostiaga, (the RH boxing trainer), was one of the first babies born in Spain on 1/1/1925. Happy 90 th birthday Joe. CAMP IMPROVEMENTS Prior to Easter, the four 'feeble fossils' Rod Lawrence, Ian Husband, Barry and Kevin Kakoschke spent a week at Radium Hill carrying out a number of improvements to the camp area. Barry had obtained material for a pergola which was installed adjacent to the BBQ shelter. We now have a covered 'Wet Canteen Beer Garden' area. The 'feeble four' also finished the new 'toilet'. Kevin Kakoschke was the first to test the long drop dunny just after Ian had hung the door. His mother had always told him, 'make sure you close the door when you're in the toilet'. By coincidence the back page of the paper which he was reading had the big bold headlines,' YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING'. The weather was quite hot and water was scarce. Barry solved the problem by taking a dip in the water trailer tank. Life is like a hot bath. The longer you stay in it the more wrinkled you get. A real cool Barry after a hard day's yakka. WHAT A GIFT Remember Jack & Win Pope, they used to bake Easter buns for us at Easter in Radium Hill. Well their son Barry, who was only 10 when in R H and his wife Marnie and son Michael, who were over from Tasmania last Easter and asked us if we wanted something big. Barry had a look at the water trailer which we use for carting water for the camp and trees. It was very rusted out. He then said ,"you need a new trailer, that one has had it" . You need an 8' x 5' double axle one which is galvanised". They then said, We'll put money in your bank account for you to get a new trailer. And they did. $3,000! What great supporters. Many thanks.

Transcript of 2015 PAGES … · Web viewHeritage trail brochure from the map box at the R H bitumen. *Bring along...

Page 1: 2015 PAGES … · Web viewHeritage trail brochure from the map box at the R H bitumen. *Bring along your UHF set (we communicate on channel 30), prospecting pick, binoculars, bathers,

Joe Gorostiaga, (the RH boxing trainer), was one of the first babies born in Spain on 1/1/1925. Happy 90th birthday Joe. CAMP IMPROVEMENTSPrior to Easter, the four 'feeble fossils' Rod Lawrence, Ian Husband, Barry and Kevin Kakoschke spent a week at Radium Hill carrying out a number of improvements to the camp area. Barry had obtained material for a pergola which was installed adjacent to the BBQ shelter.We now have a covered 'Wet Canteen Beer Garden' area.

The 'feeble four' also finished the new 'toilet'. Kevin Kakoschke was the first to test the long drop dunny just after Ian had hung the door.

His mother had always told him, 'make sure you close the door when you're in the toilet'. By coincidence the back page of the paper which he was reading had the big bold headlines,' YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING'.The weather was quite hot and water was scarce. Barry solved the problem by taking a dip in the water trailer tank.Life is like a hot bath.The longer you stay in itthe more wrinkled you get.

A real cool Barry after a hard day's yakka.WHAT A GIFTRemember Jack & Win Pope, they used to bake Easter buns for us at Easter in Radium Hill.Well their son Barry, who was only 10 when in R H and his wife Marnie and son Michael, who were over from Tasmania last Easter and asked us if we wanted something big. Barry had a look at the water trailer which we use for carting water for the camp and trees. It was very rusted out. He then said ,"you need a new trailer, that one has had it" . You need an 8' x 5' double axle one which is galvanised". They then said, We'll put money in your bank account for you to get a new trailer.And they did. $3,000!What great supporters. Many thanks.

Ian, Barry and Rod filling up the water tanks on the new trailer at Teasdale dam.

Kerry Pinch has donated a projector and screen for showing movies. Fantastic.

A BAR CAT?We've all heard of the "bar flies" who are those 'fella's who can't seem to leave the hotel bar until they run out of money or the pub shuts.Well, the Olary hotel has a "bar cat" by the name of "Biddy". She just stretches out along the bar top as if she owns it, cool as you'd like.No flies on her.

Bar Cat, 'Biddy' on the bar.'Biddy' has a sister called 'Iddy'. What a pair of kitties.Unfortunately on the 16th Nov. 'Biddy' was staggering across the highway after the pub had closed and didn't see a road train bearing down on her.She finished up in the tyre treads. R.I.P. 'Biddy'.'Iddy' has now replaced her sister 'Biddy' on the bar.

A LEASHED CAT?Talking about cats, well I've seen it all now at Easter 2014.Everything was humming along nicely when 'lo and behold', there it was, walking across the bitumen at the end of a leash, a tabby cat. Folk couldn't believe their eyes, and many had to look twice to make sure that they weren't seeing things. It was certainly a head turner.

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'Jack' Geer's eleven year old great-grand daughter, Chernice Warren, had that cat very well trained, even better than some of the dogs around the place. It's name would you believe is "Sweetie". What a cat.

'BRAVEST OF THE BRAVE' EXHIBITIONOur group was approached by History SA to consider running the 'Bravest Of The Brave'. Victoria Cross winners of WW1 Exhibition. The Yunta District Hall was large enough to mount the display and in Sept/Oct 2014, together with 'They Served, Their Stories' from the Radium Hill Heritage Museum were set-up by Helen Treloar and Kevin. He also manned the Exhibition. The response for volunteers to help man the display was very disappointing.

Visitors viewing the display in the Yunta District Hall.

It was surprising the number of overseas visitors who called in to see the display. Two of these VC award recipients were Phillip Davey and Roy Inwood who had worked in Radium Hill.Phillip had also been awarded the Military Medal for another act of conspicuous bravery.

Phillip had been gassed and wounded during his war time experiences in France which

had left him with chronic bronchitis and emphysema. At Radium Hill he laboured underground but was transferred to the electrical workshop due to his breathing problems. In 1953 he was admitted to the Dawes Road Repatriation Hospital where he passed away later that year.

Roy had enlisted in Broken Hill and gained quite a reputation in the 'Silver City', especially when he returned after the war. At a civic reception he mentioned that if he had a machine gun he would go to one end of the street and line up all the 'Bolsheviks' at the other end. No explanation is needed to explain what he would do to the Bolsheviks. Both of these men had also fought at Gallipoli.

Arthur...., the most notorious soldier in the Australian Army during WW2, also worked in Radium Hill. His blemished record certainly makes for interesting reading in our museum. He was sacked from the mine when he disagreed with the instructions of the mining engineer and thumped him, the same as what he did to his superior officers in the army.Court marshall after court marshall. Whew!

HERITAGE MUSEUMThe 'They Served, Their Stories' display is now mounted in our Museum.It is certainly an impressive display and their stories are so

personal, both sad and humourus. Tales of hardship, as prisoners, women who served and acts of heroism certainly makes interesting reading.

'They Served, Their Stories' display set up in the Radium Hill Heritage Museum.

EASTER 2014Perfect weather ensured the makings of a fabulous week-end for our Easter re-union.

One hundred and twenty former Radium Hill uranium mine residents, families and friends travelled from the far corners of Australia to attend the Easter 2014 reunion at the ghost town of Radium Hill, located 85 km as the crow flies, SW from Broken Hill. It has been sixty years since the mine was officially opened on Wednesday, 10th November, 1954 by the Governor General of Australia, Field Marshall, Sir William Slim.

REGISTRATIONMany of the former school children were now grand-parents and had faces creased with the lines of maturity. Name tags worn by the attendees helped many to

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recognise old friends and school mates.

Michael, Barry and Marnie Pope being issued name tags by Debbie and June Kakoschke.

HERITAGE TOUROn Saturday morning a convoy left the camp area for a Heritage tour of the old town-site and mine areas. It certainly brought back memories of yesteryear. Viewing of the sixteen, 'Then and Now' historic photo sites, eighty-nine house name plaques and the overgrown boulder bordered garden beds provoked much talk of 'remember when' as the elderly grew younger as they relived the days when they were young and full of vim and vigour.

RADIUM HILL PIONEER CEMETERYAt twelve noon on Saturday, an Anzac Commemoration Ceremony was held at the Radium Hill Pioneer Cemetery. A special booklet was produced by Jan and Mick Roffey outlining awards earned by some of estimated five hundred former residents who had served their country, including two Victoria Crosses, Distinguished Flying

Cross, Military Medal, Iron Cross First Class and others. Guy Moderiano was awarded the Medaille Militaire, Croix de Guerre, Bronze and Silver. Sadly, Guy passed away in Dec. 2013.

Mick conducted a very moving ceremony recognising their sacrifices for our benefit. Thanks Mick.ASHES BURIALThe service was followed by the interment of John 'Jack' Geer's ashes. 'Jack' was a bugler and survivor of the cruiser 'HMAS Australia', the most bombed Australian naval ship during WW2. The ship survived six direct hits by Japanese Kamikaze suicide plane bomb attacks in which 73 crew members were killed in the battles at Leyte Gulf, Philippines. He also played the bugle at the Radium Hill Anzac Day Dawn Services in the 1950's/60's and wished that his ashes be buried at Radium Hill.

Kevin Kakoschke had selected a rock for his headstone which 'Jack' may have mined when working at Radium Hill. It was a dark gneiss rock, nearly the shape of Australia and was set in a sea blue concrete base symbolising the sea.

A ceramic coloured photo of 'Jack' playing the bugle on the 'Australia' was set into the stone above his RSL plaque.His children Kay, Dennis, Nerelle and Teena placed his ashes beneath the headstone as

June Kakoschke sang the war time song, 'We'll meet again'.A very moving occasion.

John 'Jack' Geer's headstone.We then gathered at Barry and Sylvia Kakoschke's former house site, number 113, 'Wog Alley', to unveil a ceramic plaque showing a smiling younger couple with baby daughter Helen in their arms all those years ago.

Barry, Helen and Sylvia 'now & then'

Wolf Fellegger ably assisted by his nieces Brianna and Katelyn Pullan plus Kevin Egel, constructed a new roof for one of the church rooms. Three hours and it was done. A brilliant job from one whose workmanship can be highly recommended. Check it out.

THE LUXEMBURGSAfter a quick lunch, it was all aboard the 4WD's for the trip out to the Luxemburg goldfield to unveil plaques at the Lux and Queen Bee mines.The drive was a bit 'hairy', especially at creek crossings where the banks had to be

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broken down for the convoy to cross. And the creek-bed sand?

Kevin and helpers at Gall's Well creek 'crossing'.

We had previously installed historic plaques outlining some of the history associated with these two mines which were donated from the proceeds of the book 'Minerals of the Radium Hill and Luxemburg Mine areas', written by Glyn Francis and Kevin.

Without the historical information contained on the plaques, the shafts and dumps would be just another old deserted mining area containing heaps of rocks.

Andy Treloar unveiling the plaque at the Lux mine watched by his parents, Keith and Jenny, and Bob Mansfield.

The convoy then moved onto the Queen Bee mine site. Leith Singe, one of the last to mine the Queen Bee in the 1950's wasn't able to make it for the unveiling but his nephew Arthur did the honours for him.Some of the younger fossickers literally picked up

handfuls of 'yellow gold' for their treasure chests?

Arthur unveiling the historic Queen Bee Mine plaque.

RAFFLEPrizes for the giant raffle were terrific, something for everyone's taste if their lucky number was drawn. Thank you to the many donors.

GHOST TOWN CABARETIan Husband had spent most of Saturday making up the stage lighting assembly. Terrific result. Ann Domerdich together with Margot sorted out the program music and items. Ann was also the sound engineer.

Master of ceremonies Ian, had the microphones, speakers, lighting and music discs arranged to perfection.

THE SHOWIt all began when seven gaily decked out performers jigged out of the twilight dusk and into the lit stage area where they danced and swayed, all leied up on their way 'to Rio'. What a colourful spectacle.

Ian Husband then changed the singing pace as he 'Danced the Night Away' and 'Rolled over Beethoven'.

He is good.

Victor Harbour's Rock-a-billy' star Ian Husband giving it all he had.

The 'ABBA' girls, Anna and Freida, portrayed by the slinky dressed Irene Peryman and Bev Janzow were the 'Dancing Queens' and oh, 'Mumma Mia', they looked just gorgeous.

A change of pace saw Kevin Kakoschke using hypnosis, get into the sub-conscious minds of Ann Fleming, Billy Davis and Mervyn Smith. They couldn't do what they were consciously told to do.Never mind.

A skit by the 'Fantastic Trio', young Lara, Chelsea and 'Sir Bentley' the pug, saw children involved in the entertainment.

Ian returned to the spotlight and entertained us by singing 'Rave On' over 'Love Letters'.Margot Binkowski accompanied by Kevin on the guitar sang that they were, 'Going Back to Jackson'. The duet of Ann and Lois walked through 'Run, Run, Run'. Good entertainment.

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From the movie 'Grease', Kevin Kakoschke as John Travolta and June as Olivia Newton-John. They danced and sang a sexy interpretation of, 'You're The One That I Want'. Wow.

Danny Fleming on harmonica and Kevin Egel with guitar, just brilliant.

Danny Fleming accompanied June Kakoschke as she sang 'Danny Boy', a song which he reckoned was written about him. He had a selection of eight harmonicas to cover the various musical keys.

Danny also sang a verse from his new song, 'Radium Hill Blues' . He will perform the whole song next Easter.His expertise on the harmonica is brilliant.

Rod, Barry('The widow') and Kevin at the 'bus stop'. They didn't like the 'widows' late husband's ashes being thrown around and blowing over them.

When Ian Husband launched into 'Johnny Be Good' the words and musical beat was too much for Josie Bennett. Before she could stop herself, she was up on her feet and amid wild applause jumped, jived and swayed in wild abandon. She was unbelievable, poetry in motion. Thank you Josie from everyone who witnessed your extraordinary performance.

Sadly,the night's entertainment came to an end with the flashes and booms of the pyrotechnic extravaganza lighting up the night sky, thanks to Karen Kakoschke.

SUNDAYAfter the Easter egg hunt by the kids early on Sunday morning, it was up to the old Catholic Church ruins for the Easter service conducted by Pam Barrett. Very moving.

Tag-a-long to the Maldorkys

Sunday afternoon saw the convoy of vehicles heading out to the Maldorkys and Lake Maldigo. Some of the gums along Olary Creek are really beautiful and the scenery and wildlife never ceases to amaze.

.For Sunday night at the 'Drive-in Movies', Ron Tame had selected a terrific DVD, 'Celtic Music' to show on the 'Big Screen'. Margot and Kevin had cooked a goat for supper. Yummy.

OBITUARIESRegretfully a number of our friends have passed away since our last newsletter including;

Batchelor, Moira Andergrove QldBertocchi, Orlando Shelley WABlake, Robert 'Bob' Adelaide SACicchitti, Louie Adelaide SAGreenhalgh, Rosalie Christies Downs SAJolly, Dulcie Cairns QldMathias, Inge Canberra ACTModeriano, Guy Adelaide SARees, Iowerth 'Taffy' Georgetown TasStocco, Bruno Adelaide SAStorm, Joan Adelaide SASyrus, Faustus Adelaide SAWickham, John Broken Hill NSWTo their families we offer our deepest sympathy and condolences for their loss.

MINE TRIVIAIn 1912, there were 35 men working at the Radium Hill mine. No wonder the union steward George Pickett, came

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down from Broken Hill to sign them up before he met his end.In 1953, the four compartment Main shaft, 16ft. x 12 ft., was sunk by the contractors ACE to a depth of 600feet at a cost of £150,000. (later,1378ft.)

I miss the age I was,when I thought I would havemy life together by the timeI was the age I am now.

BOOK RELEASEKevin Kakoschke's new book, 'OFF THE BARRIER HIGHWAY, History, Stories, People and Places', is finished at last. A history of the N E of Sth. Aust. its towns, including tales of Radium Hill and an updated name's list of the people who were there, 398 pages, $39 plus postage $10.(A number have bought it as a gift).

EASTER 2015The tentative program for Easter 2015 looks exciting.Some folk will be arriving on the Tuesday to get in early to camp on a choice spot. Remember, first in, best dressed.

Meet Harry Gohn and family, straight from Germany, returning to join us for the Easter reunion. Terrific.

Friday, pm, locate the spot where the fatal railway accident occurred in 1953.

Saturday, 9.30am heritage tour tag-a-long, town/mine.

12 noon, ANZAC commemoration wreath laying at the Cemetery. Bring

and wear family service medals.

Luxemburgs, and 'Watty' McDonald's poisoning? Pick up gold for the young ones.7.00pm giant raffle, more raffle items needed.

Ghost Town Cabaret, 2015, at 7.30pm including;Australia's favourite, Danny Fleming on the harmonica and singing his latest hit, 'Radium Hill blues'. Victor Harbour's own 'Rock-a-Billy star' Ian Husband.

Straight from Canberra, the mesmerising dancer, Josie Bennett.

Plus your act and a 'helluva' lot more.

Join in the fun.

MEMORY JOGGERS*Please contact June, our secretary if you change your address or hear of any ex-Radium Hill resident who may have passed away.

*Fill up with fuel at Yunta or Broken Hill. A fridge is at our campsite for food and drinks plus a stove and BBQ.

*Order your Iron-on Radium Hill monogram, just $5 ea. which includes postage.

*Write a comment in the guest book section of our web site. View it at www.radiumhill.org*The Olary oasis Hotel host is Sam McLeod,08 8091 1856.

Dianne Highet ph. 08 8650 5904 hosts the Mannahill Hotel and Ryan Esam is mine host at the Cockburn Hotel.Call in, have a chat and ask to have a look at paintings or museum items. They're good.

*Sign the visitors book at the Museum. On the way out to RH, stand on the spot where the water either drains to the River Murray or Lake Frome.

*Pick up your RH site map and Heritage trail brochure from the map box at the R H bitumen.

*Bring along your UHF set (we communicate on channel 30), prospecting pick, binoculars, bathers, cameras etc. (40 chairs are on-site).

*Sign the register, pick up and pin on your name tag, (it helps to 'break the ice').*Rubbish, you bring it in, you take it out. Leave the camp site neat and tidy (its appreciated).

* Contact Andy Treloar if you want to stay in the shearer's quarters at Easter.

*If unable to contact June or myself by phone, please leave a message with Margot Binkowski who will pass it on.

If you intend calling into Radium Hill other than at this Easter, please write or phone both Andy Treloar, Tikalina Stn. via Olary, Ph. 08 8091 1529 and Maurice Francis, Oulnina Stn. via Mannahill ph. 08 8650 5901.