2015 Jan/Feb - Lose to Win - Maximized Living Magazine

1 MaximizedLiving Magazine January - February 2015


Lose to Win: This edition is focused on Essential 4- Maximized Oxygen and Lean Muscle. You’ll find articles that provide the information you need to achieve healthy body weight.

Transcript of 2015 Jan/Feb - Lose to Win - Maximized Living Magazine

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

Maximum Blessings,

Dr. Ben Lerner Co-Founder of Maximized Living





Will this finally be the year you get in great shape?

As hard as I try not to, I make people feel guilty. I once attended a seminar where at the lunch break, the speaker suggested that no one eat lunch with me. He said, “Dr. Lerner will make you afraid of your food.”

I'm really into exercising. When it comes to lifting weights, burpees, or fitness challenges like triathlons, marathons, and obstacle races – I love them all. I know, weird – right? Knowing about my love for getting in shape, when people get around me, they’ll often ask me what I do for workouts. After I tell them, they follow it up with the guilty and uncomfortable phrase, “I’ve got to start working out.” Generally, when I run into those same people days, weeks, months, or even years later one thing is clear - they never started working out.

So what’s holding you back from getting in the best shape of your life? Is it time, energy, the boredom of exercise, think you’re too far gone, or do you just hate the gym? Even though I’m one of those freaks that actually likes sweating, I can struggle with all of the above too. In fact, virtually every nutrition or exercise recommendation I’ve made for 25 years was birthed from how hard and painful it can be to eat well and get or stay fit.

For example, for me and the mass majority of the tens of thousands of clients and patients I’ve worked with over a quarter of a century, we want to be able to eat a lot of food and satisfy a pretty relentless sweet tooth. Thus the book, “Maximized Metabolix: A diet based on hormones and desserts” which shows you how to be lean and healthy while staying full and eating cookies.

For fitness, to get in the shape of your life and stay that way, life has to be easier, not harder to live than it is right now. That’s why we created MaxT3; to overcome much of what we all hate at times – or all of the time – about exercise.

I like gyms due to the accountability, better equipment, and the fact that if you win the half of the battle by showing up, you’ll probably workout now that you’re there. On the other hand, sometimes there’s just no extra time to make that gym trip and back. MaxT3 can all be done at home with limited and inexpensive equipment, it crushes the time excuse because workouts are only 12 minutes, the intensity boosts your energy levels, and the variety keeps it from getting boring. There are a whole lot of good fitness programs out there and like I said, I never met a workout I didn’t like. But, if you want to actually start and keep working out, plans like MaxT3 are the best.

To win the fight to be fit this year and beyond, Sun Tzu in the Art of War tells us, “It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles.” So, know yourself. You know you won’t stick to the plan if you hate it and it’s too hard. You can make your life and finally your body look better this year through Maximized Living.

In view of the complex, individual nature of health and fitness problems, this magazine and the ideas, programs, procedures, and suggestions in it are not intended to replace the advice of trained medical professionals. All matters regarding one’s health require medical supervision. A physician should be consulted prior to adopting any program or programs described in this magazine, or any of the Maximized Living® resources. The contents of this magazine are based upon the opinions of the authors. The authors and publisher disclaim any liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of this magazine.

This magazine is not intended to make recommendations related to getting on or off prescription or over-the-counter medication. If you face any current health concerns, or are currently taking medication, it is always recommended to seek the advice of your physician before starting a new health care program. Only your medical doctor can prescribe drugs or tell you to get off of drugs. Our role is to make you aware of the hazards of poor lifestyle decisions while helping you to create optimum function and healing in your body. In time, you must begin to judge for yourself whether your medications are keeping you alive, merely palliating symptoms of an unhealthy body, or actually causing some of the ailments you suffer from. With the guidance of your prescribing physician, you need to make your own best decisions on medication. As you heal, work with your medical doctors to help you reduce or eliminate the drugs you’re on.

The information in this magazine is intended to be educational and should not replace consultation with a competent health care professional. This magazine is intended to be used as an adjunct to responsible health care supervised by a healthcare professional. The authors and Maximized Living® are not liable for any misuse of the material contained in this magazine.

Contact us: Maximized Living1170 Celebration Blvd., Suite 100BCelebration, FL 34747P: (321) 939-3060




Your Time To Get In Shape



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1. I have never experienced anything like the culture in my Maximized Living office. How do you establish such a positive atmosphere? Dr.Greg- We have created this culture of support through

extensive efforts so that you get well and stay well. You are the culture of our office “family”. Hundreds of thousands of ML patients like you in hundreds of offices across the globe, working together to make a healthier world. We can’t do it without you, so thank you!

2. I have seen chiropractors for years but I have never been taught about chiropractic in any detail before. Why did my old chiropractor never explain the origins of chiropractic?

GL- One thing you will experience in all Maximized Living offices is we educate and empower you to care for you and your family’s health. This has been the largest missing component in all of health care. That’s why our first essential is Maximized Mind. We are committed to making sure you understand exactly how your body heals and functions, and what you can do to live a maximized life.

3. I am trying to help my parents successfully lose weight like I did with Maximized Living. What would you say are the three best pointers I could give them?

GL- Brutally honest: they will not listen to you. However, here are some suggestions: 1. Get them to a Maximized Living doctor and team. They are trained to know how to properly lead your parents through the process of getting well through safe, reasonable weight loss. 2. Purchase them a copy of the Maximized Living Nutrition Plans book. Typically, people will listen to authorities on a subject, and our nutrition plans simply work. 3. Invite them to one of the next talks hosted by your Maximized Living office. Most people see greater fitness and weight loss results when they attend and come to the conclusion themselves, as opposed to being told they need to lose weight.

4. How does spinal correction help my body detoxify? GL- Understanding the connection between the nerve

system and the rest of the body is essential. Our vital orders and processes-including liver, kidneys and metabolism are directly controlled by our nerve system. If your spine is experiencing unhealthy pressure, then irritation occurs. This causes malfunction to the organs directly related to detoxification. By getting your spine corrected, you boost your body’s ability to function which equals better detoxification and overall health improvement.

5. My husband and I just finished 30 days on the Advanced Plan. He lost 21 pounds and kept it off, but I lost 10 pounds and gained 1 back. We’re eating the same meals at the same times, what could be causing our different results?

GL- Congratulations on losing 9 pounds! There are three areas to look at that could be influencing your weight loss result: first, you may need to evaluate your protein intake. Excess protein converts to sugar and gets stored as fat. Second, you may be taking in too many calories for your average amount of daily activity. And third, have you started working out with our MaxT3 program? This will boost the good hormones that help your body burn fat so you can lose weight. You have made great progress so far, so don’t give up.


SOURCEEach issue, we will look to Maximized Living co-founder Dr. Greg Loman to answer some of the burning questions we receive from our readers. If you want to ask Dr. Loman a question, you can email him at [email protected].

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

Lately many people have noticed that chiropractic has become an important part of many expecting mothers preparation for giving birth. These women are realizing the benefits of regular chiropractic adjustments as they prepare for safer, easier birthing for both themselves and their babies.

With the increased interest in natural birth, and effort to avoid having a C-section, a growing number of mothers have incorporated chiropractic into their prenatal care. To understand how chiropractic care can contribute to a better birth, it is important to look at the mother’s and baby’s biomechanics throughout pregnancy.

During pregnancy, there are many changes that occur within and to the female body. These changes can often times place a significant amount of stress on the female spine.

As the baby grows, the mother’s center of gravity begins to shift forward to the front of her pelvis. Although a woman's pelvis is designed for this process, the increased weight still places additional stress on her joints. As the mothers belly grows in size, the woman's weight is projected even farther forward. To counteract this, a woman’s posture begins to change. The curvature of her lower back will increase, the curvature of the mid back increases, and her head will shift forward of her shoulders. These changes can lead to spinal and pelvic misalignments and the back and neck pain many women experience during pregnancy. Spinal pain, by itself, is a burden to a woman’s daily function and quality of life. However, the misalignment of the spine and pelvis can have far more serious

Why Should a Woman Have

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy?

consequence to a mother and her developing baby. In chiropractic, these misalignments to the spine are called subluxations. If not corrected these subluxations can cause stress to the mother’s nervous system, potentially impairing her vital systems and organs. During pregnancy, when a mother’s body systems are basically functioning for two, any interference to the nerve transmission supporting their function can be detrimental to her health and well-being, as well as the growing baby’s. Correcting these misalignments/subluxations can significantly benefit both mother and baby!

Many pregnant women have sought the care of a chiropractor for various reasons, and many not just for back pain! Here are just a few:

• Back and neck pain.• Constipation due to pressure on the nerves running

from the lower spine to the digestive tract.• Headaches from pressure and tension in the neck.• Sciatica caused by pressure on the nerves running down

the legs.• Nausea which can come from pressure to the

brain stem.• Better circulation and reduced

swelling in the legs.• High blood pressure from

pressure on the brain stem.

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• Gestational diabetes, recent research has shown that pressure on the brain stem can cause poor blood sugar regulation.

• Heart burn due to pressure on the nerves running to the stomach and esophagus.

• Insomnia, another problem that can arise from pressure on the brain stem.

• Breech presentation/intrauterine constraint! Pelvic misalignments and “locking” of the pelvis restricts the baby’s ability to move and may not allow for the baby to “turn.” In turn this reduces the risk of C-section.

• Reducing labor times!

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

Probiotics, Prebiotics or Both?We get asked a lot about probiotics, prebiotics and which one is best to supplement with.

The quick answer is: Both are good and, in fact, absolutely necessary to maximize your health.

The long answer is: Probiotics are critical to keeping your immune and digestive systems thriving. Also crucial for digestion, prebiotics play an even more important role. And here’s why...

UNDERSTANDING BACTERIAThe easiest way to understanding the microfloral balance in our gastrointestinal (GI) systems is to know that probiotics are “good” bacteria that help keep our GI tracts healthy by controlling growth of harmful bacteria. Working hand-in-hand, prebiotics like inulin are indigestible carbohydrates that serve as food for probiotics. In essence, if you want to enjoy the benefits of probiotics, you need prebiotics. This is why prebiotics are so important and why so many probiotic supplements on the market aren’t very effective because they don’t include inulin and other indigestible fibers!

KEY TO IMMUNITYAccording to most authorities, “The primary benefit of probiotics and prebiotics appears to be helping you maintain a healthy digestive system.” Sadly, this explanation just barely touches on the importance of pre/probiotics. In the words of Johns Hopkins Integrative Medicine & Digestive Center, “Because 70 percent of the cells that make up the body's immune system are found in the wall of the gut, what we eat also may affect the body's immune response.” Essentially, what this means is that if your gut walls is destroyed because of toxic foods, chronic stress and an imbalance of microflora literally 70% of your immune systems will be hindered! When your

digestive system is maximized by strong pre/probiotic levels, however, your weight, mood and immune system will be firing on all cylinders. Additionally, probiotics are effective at enhancing immune function because they have been shown to be anti-inflammatory, which is arguably the #1 cause of all disease today. Here’s just a sample of the health conditions that are caused or exacerbated by inflammation: • ADD/ADHD• Allergies• Alzheimer’s Disease• Anemia• Ankylosing Spondylitis• Asthma• Autism• Arthritis• Cancer• Carpal Tunnel Syndrome• Celiac Disease

• Dental issues• Type 2 diabetes• Headaches/migraines• Heart disease• GI disorders• Obesity• Pain disorders• Peripheral neuropathy• Stroke• Thyroid disorders

In fact, most natural health experts agree, inflammation literally affects every aspect of our health. And where do you think a majority of inflammatory processes begin?

The gut of course!

PROBLEM WITH INFLAMMATIONWe live in a toxic environment where fresh food, water and air are virtually impossible to come by. Because Americans live on chemically-laden, pro-inflammatory foods, the stomach linings of most people has been destroyed. In the words of Dr. David M. Marquis, “When the intestinal lining is repeatedly damaged due to reoccurring leaky gut syndrome, damaged cells called microvilli become unable to do their job properly. They become unable to process and utilize the nutrients and enzymes that are vital to proper digestion. Eventually, digestion is impaired and absorption of nutrients is negatively affected. As more exposure occurs, your body initiates an attack on these foreign invaders. It responds with inflammation, allergic reactions, and other symptoms we relate to a variety of diseases.” Sometimes taking years to develop, symptoms due to inflammation are usually not clinically significant and most doctors cannot detect them until it’s too late. This is why it’s so important to take proactive measures at keeping inflammation at bay. According to Dr. Marquis, the key to preventing inflammation is to avoid these key triggers:

• Diet: Alcohol, milk, commercial dairy products, processed foods, and sugar.

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• Hormonal: Thyroid, progesterone, estradiol, testosterone.• Infections: Such as H-Pylori, yeast infections or bacterial

overgrowth, viral and parasitic.• Medications: Antibiotics, antacids, corticosteroids and

xenobiotics.• Metabolic: Glycosylated end products (inflammatory end

products of sugar metabolism).• Neurological: Brain trauma, stroke, neuro-degeneration.• Stress: Increased cortisol and catecholamines dopamine,

norepinephrine, and epinephrine (adrenalin).

PRE/PROBIOTIC SOURCESIn addition to avoiding these triggers, you can enhance your pre/probiotic intake by eating the following foods:

Most people do not eat the quantity and quality of probiotics and prebiotics necessary for good health through food alone. Since most people are not eating enough raw vegetables and raw cheeses or getting them at every meal, the BEST approach is to get what you need is to take a probiotic supplement that includes a prebiotic like inulin and maximize your nutrition plan to include the foods we listed above. At the end of the day, it’s far better to be safe than sorry.

If you are unsure how to best supplement with pre/probiotics, consider following the guidance of a natural health Maximized Living health expert by focusing on The 5 Essentials. If you’re unfamiliar with The 5 Essentials or have gotten distracted from keeping them, contact your local Maximized Living doctor today and get back on track!

Prebiotics: • Raw chicory root (64.6%

prebiotics by weight)• Raw Jerusalem artichoke (31.5%)• Raw Dandelion green (24.3%)• Raw Garlic (17.5%)• Raw Leek (11.7%)• Raw Onion (8.6%)• Cooked Onion (5%)• Raw Asparagus (5%)

Probiotics: • Yogurt• Kefir• Sauerkraut• Kimchi• Miso soup• Raw cheese

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

The After-burn Effect The Better Fitness Solution

Overcome by the hustle and bustle of life, many folks find it extremely difficult to spend time at the gym every day and just end up not exercising at

all. People have basically given up and are desperate to experience the weight loss benefits of exercise without having to do the work. Stuck between a rock and hard place, this is why so many flock to gimmicks like useless vibrating slimming belts and dangerous weight loss pills.

Thankfully, there’s a better solution: The Max T3 after-burn effect!

BURNING FAT AFTER YOUR WORKOUT IS COMPLETEExercise “after-burn” is defined as the “calories expended (above resting values) after an exercise bout,” and is best referred to as “excess post-exercise oxygen consumption” or EPOC. In layman’s terms, this is when you burn calories and lose weight long after you exercise.

Sound too good to be true?

It’s not, it’s the real-deal!

Technically speaking, after-burn is the amount of oxygen you consume above resting level, which your body needs to return itself to a pre-exercise state. Although there are varying reports to the extent at which this occurs, most physiology and nutrition texts state that for every liter of oxygen consumed, approximately 5 calories are burned; which can become quite significant for people if they keep their EPOC up. According to researchers, the key to maximizing after-burn is to exercise smarter, not just longer or harder.

• “The intensity in an aerobic exercise bout has the greatest impact on EPOC. As exercise intensity increases, the magnitude and duration of EPOC increases. Therefore, the higher the intensity, the greater the EPOC and the greater the caloric expenditure after exercise.”

• “Following the highest intensity exercise, the duration of EPOC was significantly longer when compared to the lower intensities (10.5 hours versus 0.3 and 3.3 hours).”

• “Although the energy cost of both exercise bouts was 500 calories, the higher intensity bout caused a significantly higher EPOC than the lower intensity bout (9.0 liters, 45 calories versus 4.8 liters, 24 calories).”

• “Several studies have concluded that intermittent aerobic exercise bouts elicit a greater EPOC response when compared to continuous exercise bouts.”

THE MAXT3 DIFFERENCEAs seen in these studies, the key to maximizing your aerobic activity and taking full advantage of the after-burn effect is to regularly engage in high intensity interval training (HIIT), which is what our MaxT3 program is directly based off of!

Combining brief high-intensity exercises with slower recovery exercises over a 12-minute session, HIIT is performed at 85-100% maximum heart rate, rather than 50-70% as experienced in more moderate activities. No more do people have to struggle fitting in time at the gym and jumping on the treadmill for 60 minutes. This technique has long been obsolete, yet unfortunately, people still do it all the time! MaxT3 can be done virtually anywhere and is extremely time efficient. Just 12 minutes, 3-5 times per week and you’ll be well on your way to reaching your health and fitness goals!

We recommend contacting your local Maximized Living doctor today and finding out when they host MaxT3 workouts. They take all the guesswork out of it for you and free classes are offered all across the country! Best part, you can hit two birds with one stone: Get your spine cleared of neurological interference AND maximize your after-burn effect at the same place. Pure genius! Gotta love Maximized Living!

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Need a dairy-free, vegan, vegetarian alternative? Try Perfect Plant Protein®.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

A healthy lifestyle starts with a healthy diet Healthy lean body tissue depends upon an adequate supply of high quality protein. The protein acts to repair damaged muscle tissue and provide growth factors that improve muscle fiber growth and rejuvenation. Although the quantity of protein consumed is important, it is much more important to consider its quality. Perfect Protein is an excellent protein choice as it comes from undenatured whey from 100% grass-fed and naturally raised cows. It contains all 20 amino acids and 9 essential amino acids the body needs to form enzymes, heal and repair muscle tissue, form immune complexes and carry out trillions of functions in the body every minute.

Talk to your Maximized Living doctor about integrating Perfect Protein® into your healthy lifestyle TODAY!

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

Even at Maximized Living, focus on the The 5 Essentials takes teamwork and effort.At Maximized Living our company is no different than any other company in that it takes a lot of work to create and maintain a corporate culture that is exciting and keeps people motivated.

Part of that motivation for us is encouraging all of our team members to live The 5 Essentials that are taught to people just like you in our clinics throughout the country every day. Two of the absolute hardest things for people when it comes to living The 5 Essentials are to: (1) stay focused; and (2) persevere through the tough times. None of us are perfect and we all experience setbacks, but it’s how we respond to those setbacks that makes all the difference. I have been living The 5 Essentials for about a decade now. Not perfectly, I must admit, but I try to stay focused on doing the best I can. For me, Essential #4 (Maximized Oxygen and Lean Muscle) is in the form of training and competing in triathlons. In October of 2006 I completed my first iron-distance triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) in Clermont, Florida.

Race morning I was feeling good. The swim took me just over an hour and a half. The bike was extremely hard. The temperature was in the mid 90’s and the heat coming off the pavement made it feel like 100 degrees or more. The run course was a short out and back on a trail followed by three times around Lake Minneola. Each time around the lake was 7 miles. After about 10 miles on the run I started hurting pretty bad and my run pace was starting to slow significantly. By this time in the day it was also starting to get dark. I did notice that at any point around the lake I could look across and see the finish line glowing from all the lights. That sight became my focus as the night grew later.

In a race like this one, every athlete battles the same struggle at certain points. Your muscles have been hurting for a while, and not just your legs, but your entire body is hurting. Your body is yelling at you and telling you to stop (quit), but your will is telling you to keep going. It’s an inner struggle that is only understood by those who have been through it. About 10:30pm (I started at 7:30am that morning) I was about 3 ½ miles from the finish and I was still focused on the glow of finish line across the lake. I had been stopping along the way to stretch my legs out to prevent cramping when my right foot did something I had never experienced before. My toes cramped up and curled under my foot along with a sudden, stabbing pain. My body was telling me to quit. I looked over at the finish line again. Through the pain, I forced my toes to straighten out

Setting the Goal...

Maintaining the Focus.

Living the 5 Essentials is...



izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

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and kept walking. By this time I could only walk because every time I tried to jog my calf muscles would cramp up with intense pain. I kept my eye on that finish line and limped my way in for the next three miles to finish just before 11:30pm.

I tell you this story because you may be—no—you will be in the same place, probably more than once along this journey of health that you are on. Two things will get you through- focus and perseverance. Since that first iron-distance race in 2006 I have completed 4 others. I have also found myself in many situations where I was able to help inspire people to keep going and reach their fitness goals, whatever they may be (you don’t have to be a crazy long distance triathlete like me to stay healthy and in shape!).

When it comes to living The 5 Essentials you can be an inspiration to the people around you. At the Maximized Living corporate offices we are in the middle of an office fitness challenge because we know how difficult it is to keep our focus and persevere, and many of us find the time to exercise a difficult task with our daily schedules. Our office fitness challenge is set up so everyone, at any level can participate. The exercises can be done at the team member’s desks or with groups if they choose for just a few minutes per hour spread out over the course of the day. It keeps people moving and energized all day long, and also keeps people interacting with each other. By learning to live The 5 Essentials in your Maximized Living clinic, you too can be an inspiration to the people around you. You can inspire the people around you to take control of their health. You can be the source of encouragement to your co-workers, your family members, your church, the civic groups you are a part of, the social clubs you are in, wherever you are you can encourage people to live a better life! If you want to start a fitness challenge, it’s not hard. Just ask your Maximized Living doctor for ideas. Want to encourage people to learn how eating the right foods can change their life? Bring them to a community dinner. Want to help people understand how important their nervous system is? Bring them to a Maximized Living Makeover. You can be an inspiration—stay focused and persevere!

Travis Jacob is the Chief Culture Officer (CCO) for Maximized Living. His focus is on creating a work environment of trust, value and confidence among all team members. This is the foundation to what he teaches and calls a Winning Culture.

Kick off the New Year by kicking the toxins Toxins accumulate over time and can lead to weight gain, fatigue, chronic illness and disease. Reboot your liver, kidneys and colon by supporting your body’s natural ability to detox with Maximized Living Detox System®.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose,

treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Talk to your Maximized Living doctor about daily detoxification or a

15-day Kickstart Cleanse TODAY.

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

Healthy Recipes

Blasted Cauliflower

Ingredients1 head of cauliflower1/8 cup of olive oil1/2 tsp granulated garlic + 1/4 tsp sea salt1/2 cup of nutritional yeast (not to be confused with brewer’s yeast – this is a highly nutritious condiment) Optional (these are great spicy): ¼ tsp black pepper, ¼ tsp crushed red pepper or a sprinkle of cayenne pepper

Directions1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.2. Wash and clean the cauliflower. Cut off and discard the stem. Cut the cauliflower florets into

small pieces.3. In a large bowl, combine the olive oil, garlic, salt and nutritional yeast. Add the cauliflower

pieces and thoroughly coat each piece.4. Place cauliflower pieces onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for one hour

turning a few times during cooking. You will want them to look browned.

Buffalo Chicken Wraps(Serving: 8-10)

Ingredients2-3 organic chicken breasts, poached and shredded¼ head green cabbage, sliced very thin or shreddedHot sauce (buffalo wing sauce) to taste 1-2 tsp coconut oil4 Coconut Wraps OR small bibb lettuce leaves

Directions1. Heat coconut oil in a non-toxic skillet. Add cabbage and sautee until soft. Add chicken and

enough hot sauce to fully coat the mixture.2. Take coconut wraps and cut them in fourths or small lettuce leaves and fill them with a

tablespoon or two of the chicken mixture.3. If using the coconut wraps, wrap and put seam side down in a baking dish and bake for about 5

minutes in a 350 degree oven (watch them because the wraps can burn easily). If using lettuce, just place them in a dish with the open side up (like a taco).

The BEST Grass Fed Burgers

Ingredients1 small or about 1/4 cup onion, coarsely grated1½ pound grass-fed ground beef1¼ teaspoon sea salt½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper ¼ teaspoon garlic powderCoconut oil for frying

Directions1. Using your hands, gently mix onion, beef, salt, pepper, and garlic power in a medium bowl. Do

not overmix. Gently shape into four 1½”-thick patties. These burgers can be grilled or fried.2. If using a grill, sprinkle patties with a little more salt and pepper. You will want to sear the

burgers to seal in the juices then finish cooking on much lower or indirect heat.3. To fry, heat coconut oil in a large skillet (cast iron works best), over medium-high heat. Sprinkle

patties with a little more salt and pepper, place in skillet, and immediately reduce heat to medium. Cook 4–6 minutes per side for medium-rare (the best way to serve grass fed burgers or steaks).

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Healthy RecipesRaw Pecan Pie Mini Tarts(18 mini tarts )

IngredientsCrust1 3/4 cup walnuts3 medjool dates, soaked for at least 30 minutesCoconut oil, for greasing the pan

Pecan Filling1½ cups large medjool dates, soaked for at least 30 minutes½ cup pecans plus more for garnish

Directions1. In a food processor combine the ingredients for the Crust. Pulse until the mixture is broken

down and sticks together when pressed. Spoon evenly into oiled (use coconut oil) mini muffin pan and press down gently to create a thin, even crust on the bottom and sides. Place in freezer while making the filling.

2. Place the soaked dates in a food processor. Add the pecans and about 1-2 tbsp fresh water and blend until smooth and gooey, scraping down the sides often. Spoon filling into chilled crusts and top with pecans. Place back in the freezer and allow to set up for at least 1 hour. Remove from the pan by running a knife around the edges and popping them out. Place them in mini muffin cup liners or on a dish and store in the refrigerator.

Sweet Barbecue SauceIngredients7 oz. organic tomato paste7 oz. filtered water2 ½ T rice vinegar2 T Coconut liquid aminos * or Liquid Aminos¼ tsp. ground celery seed3/4 tsp. sea salt1 tsp. chili powder¼ tsp hot pepper sauce½ tsp. stevia (adjust to personal sweetness preference)

Directions1. Heat in a small saucepan. 2. Brush on meat the last few minutes of baking or grilling. 3. Cook for a few minutes, flip, and then brush the other side of the meat before baking for a few

more minutes. 4. Serve with extra sauce.

Boost your workout for

Maximum Results Taking creatine, even in the short term, significantly improves maximal strength and endurance. Creatine intake also results in improved concentration, higher endurance in training and faster recovery. But not all creatine is created equal. Max Fit® now includes Creapure®, the premium brand for creatine worldwide. When it comes to manufacturing creatine, no other brand combines the three pillars of quality the way Creapure® does: careful selection of raw materials, high-performance technology thanks to sophisticated process engineering under GMP conditions, and precise chemical analysis.

Talk to your Maximized Living doctor about Max Fit®TODAY!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Creapure® is a registeredtrademark and a registered logo,standing for high-quality purecreatine (monohydrate).

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

could your mattress be part of the problem?BioPosture is the prioprietary brand of mattresses and pillows available exclusively through your

Maximized Living Doctor. BioPosture is not available in any retail location.

• Only the BioPosture mattresses are covered in Celliant™, a patented and clinically-validated textile made from 13 optically-responsive minerals that reflect the body’s natural energy back to the sleeper as far infrared light. This leads to increased blood flow and oxygen delivery to body tissue through a process known as “Biophotonics”.

• BioPosture mattresses are zoned to provide better ergonomic support and “Zero Gravity” comfort.• Every BioPosture mattress uses open-cell memory foam for better response and cooler sleeping.

The leading store-bought brands of memory foam tend to sleep hot and make the sleeper feel like they are stuck when they try to change positions during the night.

• Each BioPosture mattress is made on order and shipped direct to your patient by UPS, vacuum-packed and factory fresh. Orders are shipped about 2 weeks from date of order, from our US-based factory.

• Only BioPosture mattresses can be manufactured without the federally-mandated chemical fire barrier, with a Letter of Medical Necessity. This is possible because we manufacture each mattress on order, one at a time. BioPosture is the only nationally-distributed mattress that offers this extraordinary benefit.

• BioPosture mattresses are priced 15-20% below comparable retail brands.• BioPosture offers a “60 good-nights’-sleep” guarantee. If you’re not 100% happy after 60 nights,

we will make it right.• Each BioPosture mattress comes with a 10-year limited warranty against material defect when

purchaser returns the warranty card included with each shipment.


BioPosture10 Inch Mattress

BioPosture3 inch Topper

BioPosture8 inch Mattress

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izedLiving Magazine

January - February 2015

Lose to Winin Just 12

minutes a day!TALK TO YOUR MAXIMIZED LIVING TEAM ABOUT MAXT3 WORKOUTS AT HOME OR IN-CLINICRead page 8 for great infoabout the After-burn Effect of MaxT3.