2015 Humanities July Exam Study Guide (1)


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2015 HUMANITIES Semester 1


Guide to the exam:

The exam is divided into 2 sections:

Section 1: Geography of wellbeing

Section 2: Australia and the War in the Pacific

Each section contains short-answer questions, as well as some longer answer questions. Many questions will ask you to refer to source material/ data so you will be expected to refer these in

your answers as well as apply your own knowledge.

How to study for the exam:

Apply some of the strategies you learnt during the Elevate study skills session. Create revision notes based on the points listed below. Your Humanities teacher will discuss in class

how these notes could look. For the History unit, you should refer to your OneNote History textbook in addition to notes you took

during class.

Command terms used in this exam:

Analyse Break down in order to bring out the essential elements or structure. (To identify parts and relationships, and interpret information to reach conclusions.)

Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or process. Discuss Offer a considered and balanced review that includes a range of arguments, factors or

hypotheses. Opinions or conclusions should be presented clearly and supported by appropriate evidence.

Evaluate Make an appraisal by weighing up the strengths and limitations.An appraisal = a judgment or opinion on something or somebody, especially one that assesses effectiveness or usefulness.

Explain Give a detailed account including reasons or causes. (See also “Justify”.) Identify Provide a specific answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state briefly a

distinguishing fact or feature. Justify Give valid reasons or evidence to support an answer or conclusion. (See also “Explain”.) Suggest State a possible reason or course of action (no

development required)Outline Give a brief account or summary

A command term is a word that instructs you HOW to answer a question.

Note the difference between these questions: Suggest reasons for the outbreak of war in the Asia Pacific Explain reasons for the outbreak of war in the Asia Pacific Analyse reasons for the outbreak of war in the Asia Pacific

You should be familiar with these words and what they mean because they are used all through this Year 10 exam, the VCE and IB programs in all subjects.


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Term 1 - Geography of Wellbeing unit

You need to know the following:

1. Definitions of the following key terms: wellbeing, GDP, GDP per capita, GNI, life expectancy, HDI, NGO, maternal mortality, OECD, sustainable development, AUSAID, Millennium Development Goals. Learn these definitions and have examples available for each of them.

2. How can Wellbeing be measured using indicators? What are the advantages and disadvantages of different indicators? Composite indicators e.g. HDI.

3. Issue and example involving gender equality/inequality. Refer back to your notes made from “Girl Rising”

4. Issues affecting development and their impact of human wellbeing. Knowledge of the millennium development goals (when, why, how, what etc) including evidence of their progress/lack of progress and responses by various global actors to these such as governments, NGOs

5. Educating girls and benefits of gender equality. Outline the advantage of educating girls. 6. HIV/AIDS as an issue impacting on human wellbeing (the AIDS highway: Africa)7. Health issue (AIDS in Botswana). Factors affecting the development of the issue. Response by a

government or NGOs to a health issue (AIDS in Botswana. Evaluation of the response (SWOT). See Assessment task 2

Students who are missing relevant notes due to absences should prioritise the above areas (print emailed notes, photocopy from other students and ask your Humanities teacher). Ensure that your workbook is up-to-date and that handouts are filed appropriately. Some helpful locations for notes:

Study Aid SitesGeography of Health You Tube playlist


War in the Pacific You Tube playlist


Quizlet ( study aid) for making cue cards and testing

http://quizlet.com/ Geography of Well Being. Key Terms and definitions:http://tiny.cc/WellbeingtermsSpecific quizlet provided for War in the Pacific, made for Wesley students: http://tiny.cc/WAPQuizlet (Note that the tiny.cc URLs are case sensitive)

This section has some PRACTICE questions:

1. Quiz. How well do you know the MDGs?


What are the MDGs? Background? Progress or lack of progress made in relation to the MDGs

Define the terms used in the course (see list at the beginning of the guide)

Below are some sample graphs. On the exam, you are required to read graphs and draw conclusions from them. You must be able to use the PQE technique for a graph. (See sheet at end of this guide)


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2. Use some of the data below and complete the following series of questions:a. Describeb. Explainc. Compared. Suggest reasons why

Sample A

Sample B and C


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Sample D

3. Outline the responses of governments (both the Batswana government and other countries) and Non-Government agencies in response to HIV/AIDS)

4. Select one of the strategies used to respond to the AIDS/HIV epidemic in Botswana.Describe the strategy. Evaluate the effectiveness of this response.

5. Girl Effect. http://www.girleffect.org/knowledge-tools/

What is gender inequality?

Outline the challenges many girls face in an LEDC.What programs can be implemented to reduce the problems girls face in LEDCs?

Term 2 – Australia and the War in the Pacific

Background / Causes of WW2:

Causes of WW2 in Europe Japanese Imperialism + causes of war in Asia

Outbreak of War in the Pacific + Source Analysis skills


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Primary source analysis skills; be able to identify and describe different elements in a cartoon (i.e who does the man in the slouch hat represent?). Be able to explain the wider context of a primary source and describe its historical meaning.

The impact of World War II at a local and national level

Fall of Singapore 1942; reasons, results Kokoda: conditions, reasons, help from PNG ‘fuzzy wuzzy’ angels Bombing of Darwin, reasons, government response Japan’s motives for the bombing of Darwin The shift in security needs from Britain to US (Curtin’s speech: “Look to America” 1942)

Social Impact: - The Home Front

Changing role of women, Conscription, Aboriginal soldiers, censorship, propaganda, prisoners of war, the enemy within.

Go over the group task notes from the research activity.


You are attempting to show your knowledge of the topics, so try to use key terms/vocabulary in your answers.

Use your reading time effectively. Have an answer ready to go in your mind so you can start writing immediately.

Start with the easiest questions; leave the harder ones for last. Leave yourself time to read over your answers. Check and recheck that you have completed

all questions. If the question states: “Use an example…”, make sure you

include that example! An example can come from topics you’ve studied in class, they can come from past assessment tasks or from research you’ve done.

If the question states: “Using the sources and your own knowledge, describe….” Then that means that you should quote or paraphrase elements of the source to support your answer. Use elements of the sources as examples and evidence to back up your answer. You could use sentences like this in your answer:

o “An example of this is Source 6, which states that….”,

o “As seen in Source 3, ……” o “Australia looks to America” (Source 9)…o “Source 1 suggests that…”


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Data analysisDescribing patterns and trends

Geographers gather a lot of information to help them analyse the issues they are studying. They represent this information or data in maps, graphs and tables.

Representing data serves two purposes. Firstly, you can begin to process the data by categorising and classifying it so that it is easier to understand. Secondly, the 'new' representation allows a clearer analysis of what the data means. You can now generalise and see the most important features of the information. This makes it easier for you to compare and contrast different aspects of the data, and to draw conclusions from these observations.

PatternsPatterns usually occur whenever data is represented. They might be distribution patterns on maps, showing where most people live.

TrendsUsually shown on a graphs showing change over time.They could be trend lines on graphs, showing how many babies are born in a certain area.

Information in graphs and maps can be described using the same procedure.

In its simplest form, this process of description can be done in three steps: general pattern or trend quantification (= to use numbers), exceptions

We call this process PQE (Pattern, Quantification, Exception).

When you use these steps, and use an appropriate range of geographical terminology, you will be able to analyse and make sense of any information in maps or graphs.

Geographical terminology to use:To describe a trend / pattern: increase, decrease, gradual, rapid, trend, inverse, minor, steady, fluctuate, plateau, even, uneven, sparse, random, dispersed

Quantification: use units of measurement where possible (degrees Celsius, metres, dollars, percentages etc). On a graph, refer to both axis, On a map, use hemispheres, continents, regions, north, east, south, west, distance from major features eg cities, coastline.

Exception: Be specific about the exception. Use data from the graph / map to precisely describe the anomaly / irregularity. If there really is no single bit of data that stands out, you could say: There is no exception to this trend”. But be careful, because more often than not there will be one or two anomalies / irregularities.


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Describing data in three steps

By reading your PQE, other people should be able to understand the data you are describing, without needing to see the original map or graph.

Step 1: Pattern

This part is of the data analysis is a simple and general description of the overall pattern. The best way is to describe your first impression of the data. There will be parts of the data that do not fit with your description of the general pattern, but that is to be expected.It is a good habit to start this step with: “The overall pattern of X could be described as uneven / even + more info ….X = the data you are describing (i.e. the amount of dollars tourists spend, rise of CO2 emissions, general population etc look at the title of the map/graph)

Words you could use: increase, decrease, gradual, rapid, trend, inverse, minor, steady, fluctuate, plateau, even, uneven. Mention the time element. Always refer to the title of the map / graph or data that is described.

Step 2: Quantification (Quantifying the data = Using numbers to explain the data)

You should now describe this general pattern with examples from the data, using numbers or areas on a map. Try to pick examples which support the general pattern you have detected. The examples should, where possible, represent the extremes of the data, reinforcing the general pattern from low to high indicators. Give place or region names when describing a map.

This should be the biggest part of your PQE. Use numbers and measurements, use the units of measurement used in the graph / map (dollars, kilometres, temperature etc). Have an estimate of each group eg 35% of Australia receives less than 250 mm of rainfall. Use distance from major features

Words you could use: units of measurement where possible (degrees Celsius, metres, dollars, percentages etc) On a map, use hemispheres, continents, regions, north, east, south, west, names of countries.If you are looking at a graph showing change over time of a unit (s) of measurement, do some simple calculations ie what it was in the beginning and what is at the end.

Step 3: Exception

The next step is to describe any exceptions to this general pattern. An exception is anything that stands out as different to the general pattern. Highlighting the exceptions will allow you or other people to ask more specific questions and draw conclusions later. Be specific when highlighting the exception, describe where it starts / ends.

Exception: If there really is no single piece of data that stands out, you could say: “There is no exception to this trend”. But be careful, because more often than not there is an anomaly / irregularity.

Have you done it well? You have done it well if a class mate was given a blank map and could colour in their map correctly after reading your analysis.


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