2015 09 Sep NECPS Newsletter · materials and the right to deny borrowing privileges to anyone who...

New England Carnivorous Plant Society (www.NECPS.org) September, 2015 Newsletter The Second Post Fall Carnivorous Plant Show will take place on Saturday, September 19 (9AM5PM) and Sunday, September 20 (8AM4PM) at: Lake Street Garden Center 37 Lake Street, Salem, NH 03079 http://www.lakestreet.com/directions/index.php "The mission of the New England Carnivorous Plant Society shall be to share, to gain knowledge of, and to achieve expertise in all phases of growing, education, appreciation, and conservation of carnivorous plants in New Members A warm welcome to Mary McNulty, Catherine Best, and Monica Slayton! President’s Message We drew huge crowds at Tower Hill this weekend. They ran out of parking spots at one point and we broke their computer system. They are going to give us the official attendance count when it is available. Most of our vendors did well and we were immediately invited back next year. The Boston Globe had a great story on our show. The success of our show is attributed to the members of the NECPS who participated in planning and carrying out the show. We also received amazing cooperation and goodwill from Tower Hill. We made a great impression for the type of people we are and we have the support of many people from Tower Hill. Our plants made quite the impression on the crowd, many who have never seen anything like it.

Transcript of 2015 09 Sep NECPS Newsletter · materials and the right to deny borrowing privileges to anyone who...



New  England  Carnivorous  Plant  Society  (www.NECPS.org)  

 September,  2015  Newsletter  

The  Second  Post  Fall  Carnivorous  Plant  Show  will  take  place  on    Saturday,  September  19  (9AM-­‐5PM)  and  Sunday,  September  20    (8AM-­‐4PM)  at:    

 Lake Street Garden Center

37 Lake Street, Salem, NH 03079


"The mission of the New England Carnivorous Plant Society shall be to share, to gain knowledge of, and to achieve expertise in all phases of growing, education, appreciation, and conservation of carnivorous plants in

New  Members    

A  warm  welcome  to  Mary  McNulty,  Catherine  Best,  and  Monica  Slayton!  

President’s  Message        We  drew  huge  crowds  at  Tower  Hill  this  weekend.  They  ran  out  of  parking  spots  at  one  point  and  we  broke  their  computer  system.  They  are  going  to  give  us  the  official  attendance  count  when  it  is  available.  Most  of  our  vendors  did  well  and  we  were  immediately  invited  back  next  year.  The  Boston  Globe  had  a  great  story  on  our  show.    

The  success  of  our  show  is  attributed  to  the  members  of  the  NECPS  who  participated  in  planning  and  carrying  out  the  show.  We  also  received  amazing  cooperation  and  goodwill  from  Tower  Hill.    We  made  a  great  impression  for  the  type  of  people  we  are  and  we  have  the  support  of  many  people  from  Tower  Hill.  Our  plants  made  quite  the  impression  on  the  crowd,  many  who  have  never  seen  anything  like  it.    



Announcements  and  Upcoming  Events        • Volunteering  for  the  Show:  we  are  looking  for  volunteers  and  plant  donors  for  this  

weekend’s  show!  Specifically:  o  We  need  help  with  setup  on  Friday  the  18th  from  12-­‐4  PM,  and  during  cleanup  

Sunday  from  4-­‐5  PM.    o To  contribute  plants  for  display  at  the  show,  please  fill  out  the  preregistration  

form  attached  with  this  newsletter  and  send  it  to  Shaun  ([email protected]).  

 • The  Boston  Globe  published  a  fantastic  article  on  this  month’s  NECPS  pre-­‐show  at  Tower  

Hill,  which  can  be  found  here:    o https://www.bostonglobe.com/lifestyle/2015/09/11/carnivorousplants/948PlJt4

WvuAAtZPFSeoiP/story.html      • Winners  from  the  raffle  and  voting  events  at  the  Tower  Hill  show  are  out!  A  full  summary  

of  winners  is  attached  with  this  newsletter.  

Post  Fall  Show  Saturday-­‐Sunday,  September  19-­‐20  9AM-­‐5PM  Saturday,  8AM-­‐4PM  Sunday  Lake  Street  Garden  Center,  Salem,  NH  

(Press  release  and  plant  preregistration  form  attached  with  this  newsletter)    Over  100  plants  are  scheduled  to  be  on  display!  Free  handouts  on  growing  and  feeding  carnivorous  plants  will  be  offered!  Lots  of  opportunities  for  photographers!    Visit  the  Venus  Fly  Trap  feeding  area  where  you  can  observe  up  close  how  these  plants  devour  insects.  Plants  and  growing  accessories  will  be  available  for  purchase  for  both  novice  and  experienced  growers  from  carnivorous  plant  vendors  and  the  NECPS.  Society  members  will  be  present  both  days  to  explain  how  the  plants  feed,  what  they  eat,  where  they  live,  and  how  they  can  be  grown  and  enjoyed  at  home.    



NECPS  2015  Event  Calendar  Sept  19-­‐20   Post  Fall  Show  at  Lake  Street  Garden  Center  Oct  10   Post-­‐show  evaluation  Nov  14   TBA  Dec  12   Holiday  Social,  Yankee  Swap  

Meetings, unless otherwise noted, are held at Roger Williams Botanical Gardens, 1000 Elmwood Ave., Providence, RI. from 12:30 - 2:30 PM. Regular program segments

include: Bog pruning, Speaker or workshop, silent auction, plant displays, refreshments, and informal social discussion.

Recent  Events  of  Note:  NECPS  Pre-­‐Show,  2015    

    This  year’s  show  was  one  of  our  most  successful  ever!  A  record  2,000  people  attended,  and  198  plants  were  displayed  with  each  of  the  14  carnivorous  plant  genera  represented  (one  of  only  five  times  this  has  happened  in  the  last  twelve  years  of  shows).  Flytrap  feedings  ran    almost  every  hour  and  upon  several  requests.  Two  vendors  sold  out  their  entire  stock  of  plants.      For  all  of  this,  we  owe  a  huge  Thank  You  to  Tower  Hill  Botanical  Garden,  to  the  vendors  who  attended,  and  to  all  members  who  participated  in  this  milestone  event  for  our  society!    


Jeff  Mattesons’  ever-­‐popular    Barrel  of  Flytraps  

Visitors  swarm  around  almost  200    plants  on  display  



NECPS  Officers  and  Contact  Information  President   Dave  Sackett   [email protected]  

Vice  President   Emmi  Kurosawa   [email protected]  Secretary   John  Twomey   [email protected]  

Membership  Secretary   Shaun  Montminy   [email protected]  Treasurer   Shaun  Montminy   [email protected]  Librarian   Don  Gallant   [email protected]  Webmaster   Ken  Matteson   [email protected]  Newsletter  Editor   Ben  DeMeo   [email protected]  

NECPS  Website:  www.necps.org  NECPS  Yahoo  group:  http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NECPS/  NECPS Forum: http://necps.proboards.com

Library  News    

A  copy  of  the  NECPS  Library  policy  is  appended  to  this  newsletter.  Please  contact  Don  Gallant  ([email protected])  to  suggest  books  that  should  be  purchased  or  if  you  have  

books  to  donate.        

On  the  following  page  is  the  complete  NECPS  library  listing.  






  NECPS Library Policy

The loan period for all items including: books, magazines, and videos are 1 month with one renewal period. No renewals are allowed for books, magazines and videos on reserve.

All material will be stored at a secure location deemed by the library committee and confirmed by the Executive board.

Failure to bring back books within 2 months will result in loss of borrowing privileges!

Any member wishing to check out any NECPS library materials must present a valid membership number. Cards are not transferable. You are responsible for any materials checked out in your name.

NECPS library patrons may take out one (1) item, as they are willing to be responsible for. NECPS library patrons may sign up for one (1) additional book such that at the end of the meeting if no one has already signed up for the item you will be allotted to take that item for the duration until the next meeting. When there is a high demand for a particular item, there will be a limit of one (1) item per person. The only exception to the above rules are for approved functions by the Executive board that are sponsored by the NECPS may reserve any and all material providing a months notice is given to guarantee that material will be available.

The NECPS Library reserves the right to determine charges for lost or damaged materials and the right to deny borrowing privileges to anyone who has library materials overdue for more than two (2) months to the NECPS library or owes fines amounting to more than ten dollars ($10.00) from the NECPS. The NECPS library also reserves the right to deny borrowing privileges to any parent or guardian whose child and/or children have the above delinquencies.

All material taken from the NECPS library is the responsibility of the NECPS library patrons. For one of a kind items NECPS library has the right to refrain from loaning the material and may keep it as a reference item to be viewed solely at meetings and functions.

Please be kind. Rewind the videos before returning them to the NECPS library. Patrons are responsible for damage to videos, so please be careful. Never leave the tape partially rewound as this can cause damage to the tape. Also, videocassettes and equipment are to be used at room temperature as extremes of heat and cold may damage the video or equipment. Also exposure to magnetic fields can cause erasure or distortion.

The NECPS library is not responsible for damage to patron's VCR that may result from damaged or defective videos.

The copyright proprietor has licensed the picture contained in these videocassettes for private home use only and prohibits other use, copying, reproduction, or performance in public, in whole or in part. (U.S. Code, Title 17, Sec. 501 & 506).