2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

- 1 - 你是否 曾經聽過一種聲音 閉上眼 便看見山 看見水 找到心中失落已久的故鄉 原聲教育計畫 勾勒每一張臉上最真的笑容 傳唱每個人心中最美的聲音 請聽 你會聽見玉山正在唱歌 也會聽見屬於你自己的

Transcript of 2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

Page 1: 2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

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便看見山 看見水 找到心中失落已久的故鄉






也會聽見屬於你自己的 原 聲

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1 序2 目錄 4 關於原聲 5 感恩誌謝篇 8 大會議程 9 會員名錄


10 2014 年監察報告書

11 2014 年收支決算 12 2014 年工作報告

22 2014 年工作紀事

32 2015 年工作計畫

40 2015 年收支預算

41 2015 年工作人員待遇

42 2015 年行事曆


44 2014 年推展原住民國際交流合作計畫 48 2014 年國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

51 2014 年花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫

56 2015 年高雄衛武營音樂會行程

57 2015 年參加會員大會行程

62 2015 年錄製「我愛唱的歌」專輯計畫

64 2015 年歐洲演出及參訪行程概要

66 2015 年合唱團演出行程

67 2016 年受邀演唱原則


68 東京博物館及全日本合唱連盟邀請函

71 活動計畫

78 訪日紀實


Vox Nativa association annual report 2014

發行人 洪春滿(阿蠻校長)

編輯 阿貫(Akuan)

視覺設計 宗佑

攝影 呂克勝(小呂)

印刷 千業快速影印社



Vox Nativa association



電話049‐2831824 02‐29333381


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82 學生學習單

85 訪日留影


87 UNITY 團員訪台心得

94 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

129 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

139 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


143 2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫

145 2014 年南投縣信義鄉「說族語闖天下」比賽實施計畫

147 2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫

150 2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫

152 2014 年原聲大事紀


153 第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

155 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 1 次會議紀錄

156 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 2 次會議紀錄 157 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 3 次會議紀錄 158 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 4 次會議紀錄

159 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議紀錄

160 會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 164 支原者芳名錄

171 編後語

172 支原好康報

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關於原聲 原住民文化 一直是真正的台灣本土文化 是充滿著對於自然生活深刻體會與豐沛情感的人文經驗 長久以來 與世界上許多土地原生的傳統文化一樣 受到新時代資本主義主流文化的侵略輕視與壓抑 原住民的歌聲 是他們凝聚生活中所有的體會 並 淬練內心所有深厚感情的真實聲音 在他們傳唱的聲符與嗓音之中 我們可以聽見 內心對生命的悸動 聽見 原本屬於每一個人生命中的真實歌聲 原聲 透過歌唱 讓新一代原住民小朋友 重新感受一直屬於自己血脈的驕傲 從心體會偉大先祖的生命智慧與情韻 同時更透過教育 讓出生在這個時代的原住民新血 可以活在當下 活出自我的真實生命 原聲教育協會相信 原始的生命之歌 可以超越語言文化的藩籬 直達每一個遠離遺忘了內心原鄉的人心之中 更可以重新釋放原住民內心被壓抑束縛已久的奔放靈魂 讓新一代的原住民 可以用自己的驕傲與力量 面對快速變遷的社會大環境 他們的生活哲學 相對於主流文化 不再只是 被研究的標本 或 供賞玩的表演 不再只是資本主義生態下 苟延殘喘的保育類族群 而可以繼承古老的血脈用自己的意志走向下一個時代的里程碑

原聲會員 ndash Jerry

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特別感謝 Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 八方雲集食品有限公司 元大文教基金會 元昌投資股份有限公司 千業快速影印社 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 中華電信基金會 中興大學 EMBA 校友會 台北市城東扶輪社 我們的文化基金會 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 柏緯鐵工股份有限公司 神腦國際企業股份有限公司 財金資訊股份有限公司 晶豪科技教育基金會 誠品股份有限公司 傳承教育基金會 傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司











林 燕








張 楨













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榮譽團長 美青姊姊

謝謝 您 聆聽原聲 謝謝 您 讓更多人聽見玉山唱歌

您的愛 我們永銘在心



























不二齒科 陳維斌 王貞惠 元大文教基金會 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 台灣新聞 公寓美裝 吳文貴 平田法律事務所 平田 達 正和航業株式会社 梁德健 広瀨耳鼻医院 頌彥 真賢 守谷眼科皮膚科医院 游泰慶 蕭悧悧 全日本合唱連盟(JCA) 男声合唱団東京 1925 東京中華学校校友会 東京台灣商工會議所

東京華僑商工聯合會 東京華僑總会

東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 春山齒科 春山 綋輝 株式会社 中正堂会館 株式会社 里水 桃井 美鈴 國際ビル株式会社 李愛珠 國際傑人会 日本總会 張榮發基金會 間宮內科 間宮 康喜 恆暘貿易有限公司 微熱山丘 SunnyHills







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天主教海星中學 台灣基督教門諾會

台灣原住民族文化館 佛教慈濟慈善基金會

蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 國立東華大學

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會議程 會議時間2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)下午 200~400 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數 貳大會開始 參主席致詞 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告 二監事會監察報告 伍討論提案 案由一本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案(如 2014 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案業經本會第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後

陳報內政部核備 決 議 案由二本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2014 年報)提請討

論 說 明本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 3 屆理監事

聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議 陸臨時動議 柒原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 330~400)

1 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 2 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語) 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 7 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 8 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 9 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明

安可曲 玖散會(下午 400)

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會員名錄 會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 1 尤美女 36 章大中 2 毛應騂 37 曾世彬 3 王貫寧 38 童禕珊 4 林靜一 39 賀志強 5 王麗楨 40 黃 生 6 林武田 41 黃春木 7 朱賜麟 42 黃 煌 8 何光明 43 黃憲宇 9 李志勳 44 廖達珊 10 宋祥興 45 廖達琪 11 李錫津 46 劉美珠 12 沈容伊 47 樓海鳥 13 卓娟秀 48 蔡聰池 14 姒元忠 49 謝志松 15 林比亨 50 韓慶仁 16 林礽堂 51 尹秀蓮 17 林晉源 52 羅綸有 18 林基興 53 蘇玉枝 19 林祥源 54 蘇錦淑 20 洪毓廷 55 朱芳琳 21 保美玲 56 吳素絹 22 洪春滿 57 吳清福 23 楊文貞 58 李月霞 24 孫文先 59 李宏學 25 孫蘭芳 60 李麗敏 26 徐正梅 61 林佑璟 27 徐德蓮 62 周筱婷 28 秦永悌 63 林金盾 29 秦美燕 64 林盱生 30 馬彼得 65 林信安 31 高淑瑛 66 林聰慧 32 許正瑛 67 侯嘉珊 33 許建志 68 姚淑美 34 陳海茵 69 徐淑芬 35 陳調鋌 70 馬松季

會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 71 張正華 106 文士豪 72 張 楨 107 熊偉傑 73 曹先進 108 黃慶忠 74 裘友棣 109 薛如娟 75 陳麗瓊 110 曾哲明 76 楊智麟 111 霍幼芬 77 崔秀雲 112 林三元 78 劉玉山 113 陳念萱 79 劉翠華 114 鄺麗君 80 蔡敏麗 115 周志宇 81 蔡銘城 116 李元正

82 鄭湧涇 117 林美鈺 83 黃玉娟 118 高光正 84 賴騰仙 119 車平道 85 繆友勇 120 李秉文 86 謝宜為 121 史秀琴 87 魏宏仁 122 廖惠慶 88 顧長永 123 陳元昭 89 林昭嚴 124 謝孝宗 90 江睿智 125 姜秀瓊 91 許皓淳 126 陳聞詩 92 劉有富 127 王師 93 申爵瑞 128 廖南詩 94 謝燕珠 129 廖楓 95 林恩源 130 張秋娥 96 洪筱琍 131 王國昌 97 歐德濾 132 王涵江 98 李訓帆 133 陳榮枝 99 歐陽魁鴻 134 邱媛美 100 黃昭展 135 薛富州 101 周麗芬 136 王維君 102 吳雨哲 103 蕭淑敏 104 楊佳勳 105 伍懿芳

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 103 年度 監事會 監察報告書

查本會自民國 103 年 1 月 1 日至 103 年 12 月 31 日止監事會參與理事監事

聯席會議瞭解各項業務決議與推行本會 103 年度財務報表經本監事會審查




第 3 屆監事會

監事會主席 黃生 簽章

104 年 1 月 24 日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年收支決算




13958627 693


408300 2 辦公費

274649 14


62490 03



科 目 決算數 占決算收入總計 20137964 100

課業輔導費 4005157 1989 教材教具講義費 734537 365餐點營養費 893324 444交通旅運費 1788878 888 獎助學金 741479 368 假期營隊活動 348526 173 教學及演出活動費 2149689 1068其他業務費 217290 108部落服務活動費 2335087 1160業務推展費 744660 370

業務費 13958627 693 人事費 408300 20

文具紙張印刷費 13791 007郵電費 21598 011車旅膳雜費 5208 003公共關係費 48248 024 租賦費 21105 011其他辦公費 14699 007 辦公室租金 150000 075

辦公費 274649 14 建校規劃 62490 03 提撥基金 1255300 62 建校基金 4178598 208 支出總計 20137964 100

餘絀 0 0

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台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作報告


阿蠻 理事長


假期77-711 原聲建中成長營714-717 數學學習營721-731 國際志工擔任教師的英文

學習營731-86 參加東京國際合唱節88-815 海洋學習營另外也安排了國三畢業生的壯

遊課程國二學生到台北的密集暑期課業輔導 原來部落孩子的假期生活乏善可陳家長忙著種田打零工無暇也無力幫孩子規劃暑



下來每個孩子都得到許多的成長和進步 日後我們期望規劃更完整的第三學期課程讓部落家長社區耆老有機會一同來教導自


對他們日後在求學和職場上絕對是有幫助的 山上的孩子普遍早熟國中階段就急著談戀愛想要在朋儕間相互取暖獲得溫情家



越來越窮困同時也衍生許多社區和學校照顧上的問題 馬彼得在部落出生長大他深深知道這些問題不是靠著政府補助或投入經費就可以馬上


好 「改變」是多麼困難的工作在練唱的時候校長一遍又一遍的講述自己當年就讀國中




遍又一遍一個又一個的故事他不厭倦地說了不知多少年 七年來有些孩子吃不了苦放棄離開原聲但也看到許多孩子被薰陶被成就學習變得



個個儼然都是一副小馬彼得的樣子 有時我們會為了孩子的表現和遇到的困難感到沮喪失望有時也會為了某些事情意見不



看到孩子的進步就得著前進的力量 在這裡當然更要感謝原聲的每一位天使因為有您們在背後的支持和幫助我們才能繼



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在忙碌中學習 成長

Bukut 團長 初看春花紅轉眼已成冬在忙碌中一年就這樣過去了 回顧一年來的行程足以用「匆匆」兩字形容除了寒暑假固定的營隊活動外今年


這是必然之事問題在於我們如何面對接踵而來的演出壓力如何在忙碌中淬鍊自己成長 我常常跟學生說忙碌是一功課懂得享受忙碌生活才能充實豐美在一連串緊湊的

學習活動與演出中我們的孩子也在學習學習如何運用零碎時間充實自己 暑假從日本回來才休息一天便又匆匆去花蓮途中休息時我把巧蝶叫到身邊問她


洋是陌生的遙遠的難得有這樣的機會去親近它誰都不願放棄 我再問「那功課會不會跟不上」我的話語顯示我的焦慮這焦慮不是沒有道理的巧


的落差還是不免讓我擔心 巧蝶很有自信的回答我「沒有關係我會自己利用時間看書」在花蓮的活動期間我

的確幾次看見巧蝶利用零碎時間看書 11 月 15 日受邀參加台大校慶音樂會演出在休息室裡等待的時刻大部分孩子都在喧



懂事啊」 12 月 13 日舉行親子運動會的上午進行母語闖關比賽巧蝶沒參加比賽她獨自在教


保有優異的成績表現在第二次期中評量中得到全班第一名 不只是巧蝶與景文高一的孩子學會利用時間多次在外出演唱的車上總是會看到幾個

孩子拿起書本把握有限的時間專注看書這樣的孩子在原聲這個團體裡是越來越多了 由於資質性向的差異不可能讓每個孩子都像巧蝶一樣有著優異的成績表現但我們

希望的是每個孩子都有著和巧蝶一樣的態度 我常跟孩子說「聰明的人把握零碎時間愚笨的人製造零碎時間」我們的孩子越


- 14 -


Uli 秘書 今年在教學與師生的溝通了解家長互動上有更多努力的空間與省思以下為工作概要

課程實施 週六早上數學課仍由漳興國小林宜城校長團隊帶領當有老師請假時林校長也會立刻



的學生老師也會利用下課或中午時間留下來特別加強 週日下午是上英文課由於老師都是新聘教師所以前兩個月師生磨合期學生較為躁



其中且也會利用活潑的遊戲方式教習英文 出席率及作業繳交 本年度學生出席率相當理想尤其低年級學生出席踴躍但高年級少部分學生較常請假





並勸導學生爾後應主動及準時繳交作業 家庭訪問 今年度家庭訪問以新生家庭為主訪問部落有雙龍地利潭南人和信義豐丘



聲可能提供的協助 在原聲積極募集資源的協助下期許學生能更懂得珍惜感恩也期盼本人與學生皆能有


- 15 -


Balan 秘書 食 原聲提供學生午餐若有留宿則會提供晚餐以簡單營養的二菜一湯為原則此外因

為大部分學生住家路途遙遠為避免回家途中飢餓放學時會發放點心飲品 本人負責擬菜單及向菜商訂菜同時請廚媽協助與校長監督校長要求少油少鹽無


菜切菜除了減輕廚媽工作量之外也讓家長有機會參與原聲大家庭的活動 衣 勸導學生應愛惜制服或書包發放制服時要求學生在制服裏襯名條上寫名字以便在


中制服及黑包的尺寸不合及脫色損舊 住

學生住宿於羅娜國小 2 樓三四五六年級教室因此 4 間教室為木地板又因兩側


服務志工也會陪學生一同就寢可就近進行夜間照護幫助很大我或 Uli 老師也會輪流值

夜留守以因應突發狀況 目前羅娜國小可供使用的浴室共有 9 間男用 3 間女用 6 間稍嫌不足又因衛浴熱


用擦身的方式以免學生受涼此實有待改善 行 今年度增加 1 台中型巴士共 4 台學生專車接送學生上下學2015 年預計招收仁愛鄉國

小學生可能需增訂 1 台專車 目前學生專車皆包租員林客運專車其中 3 台路線分別為東埔線陳有蘭溪線及雙龍地

利人和線以上為水里站發車另 1 台為潭南線是由員林客運總站發車此乃因交通部從

2014 年起將潭南線路權劃歸豐榮客運以致我們需用比學生專車費用更高的遊覽車資來租

用此台專車 受贈物資 原聲三不五時會收到食品衣物小禮物文具書籍等物資捐贈者有企業愛心團

體學校原聲老師甚至學生家長等 食品類有糖果餅乾健康食品蔬果等糖果和餅乾必須在食用期限內發給學生健

康食品目前有維他命 C 錠在學生午休後每人發兩粒蔬果則暫放冰箱以供午餐或晚餐用 衣物及其他物資類會先清點後登入捐物系統再請示校長如何處理原聲每學期末有拍


- 16 -


1 專場音樂會日程

2 公益活動日程

5 獻詩日程

日期 活動名稱 地點 124(五) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 125(六) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 315(六) 第 5 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 412(六) 「看見台灣聽見原聲」音樂會 誠品松菸館表演廳 81 (五) 「玉山天籟」日本音樂會 東京新宿文化中心 89(六) 「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會 花蓮原住民文化館 822-23(五-六) 「台中心動」影像音樂會 台中圓滿戶外劇場 1115(六) 台大 86 週年校慶音樂會 台大活動中心大禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 223(日) 兆如老人安養護中心義演 台北市文山區 81(五) 王園特別養護中心義演 王園特別養護中心 82(六) 白金之森特別養護老人之家義演 老人之家 84(一) 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

故宮神品至寶開展演出 群馬縣廳 東京博物館

85(二) 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院義演 橫濱中華學院 88(五) 門諾醫院公益演唱 門諾醫院壽豐分院 89(六) 慈濟醫院公益演唱 花蓮慈濟醫院大廳 109(四) 雙連安養中心義演 雙連安養中心 1210 (三) 東元生命藝術體驗營演出 南投縣立文化局演藝廳 1225(四) 南投縣長就職典禮演唱 南投縣政府禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 413(日) 台北華山救世主天主堂獻詩 華山救世主天主堂 720(日) 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 武界基督長老教會 720(日) 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩 曲冰基督長老教會 84(一) 橫濱基督長老教會獻詩 橫濱基督長老教會 914(日) 廈門街浸信會獻詩 廈門街浸信會

- 17 -


1 總課表 序 日期 11 年級(高二) 10 年級(高一) 9 年級(國三) 8(國二)~3 年級

1 77-711 夏令營-原聲建中成長營 2 714-717 各校輔導課 數學學習營 數學學習營 3 721-724 國際志工英語營 4 728-731 國際志工英語營 國際志工英語營 5 731-86 放假 東京國際兒童合唱節

6 88-15




導課(Jessica 教室)花蓮海洋營

2國三課表(728-815) 時間 0800-0850 0900-1150 1150-1300 1300-1550 1600-1650 1700-1850 1900-2150728-81 84-88

數學 自習


早餐 打掃


午餐 午休



晚餐 運動


日期 星期 上午(3 節) 教師姓名 下午(3 節) 教師姓名 晚上(3 節) 7 月 28 日 一 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 7 月 29 日 二 歷史 張凌琳 地理 侯曉潔 7 月 30 日 三 公民 彭偵艷 作文 吳書君 7 月 31 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 理化 王維聰 8 月 1 日 五 數學 曾明德 自習 自習


8 月 4 日 一 數學 曾明德 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 5 日 二 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 8 月 6 日 三 數學 曾明德 公民 彭偵艷 8 月 7 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 自習 自習


8 月 8 日 五 自習 自習 理化 王維聰 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 11 日 一 公民 彭偵艷 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 12 日 二 自習 自習 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 13 日 三 國文 林芳如 理化 王維聰


8 月 14 日 四 國文 林芳如 作文 吳書君 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 15 日 五 國文 林芳如 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟)

- 18 -

3 原聲建中成長營課表(77-711)

7 月 7 日 7 月 8 日 7 月 9 日 7 月 10 日 7 月 11 日 日期時間 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五

起床號 0700-0800 內務整理環境打掃早餐

醫療小常識 眼睛的幻術 幾何

幾何 認識世界 醫療小常識 壓力與生活 宇宙的奧秘 吃軟不吃硬

0810-1000 學員報到 開幕典禮

吃軟不吃硬 能源 壓力與生活


吃軟不吃硬 壓力與生活

壓力與生活 吃軟不吃硬

醫療小常識 幾何 1000-1150

相見歡 (小隊凝聚)


團康活動 小隊時間


成果展 結業典禮 合影留念 (全體)

1200-1250 午餐 1250-1320 午間小憩

宇宙的奧秘 能源

認識世界 1330-1420



合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)


能源 認識世界 宇宙的奧秘 眼睛的幻術 眼睛的幻術 能源

1620-1710 給未來的信 (全體)

認識世界 宇宙的奧秘


1720-1800 小隊時間 晚餐

1810-2000 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐


才藝晚會 (全體)


學員返家 服務志工 部落巡禮 體驗學習


2000-2010 星光夜語

2010-2110 盥洗

2140~ 進入夢鄉

洗澎澎 (2100-2200) 進入夢鄉



備註建國中學志工團隊於 7 月 6 日下午進駐並完成在地場布準備12 日上午收拾行李


- 19 -

4 英語學習營課表(721-724)

時間日期 721 Mon 722Tue 723 Wed 724 Thur

0530-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐

0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃 0800-0830 健康時間 0840-0920 0930-1010

美國生活影片 英文教學

1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110

1120-1200 英文教學 Halloween Craft Ballroom Dance

3 art projects (Loom Lanyard

Bracelet) 1200-1240 午餐 1240-1320 午休 1330-1500 1510-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴 1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

打掃時間 放學 (1730)

1800-1840 晚餐


相見歡晚會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

Halloween Party 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 志工盥洗

2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

師資慧智文教基金會甄選美國高中及大學生為教學志工 領隊教師吳翠萍Chen Brian 陳伯恩(共 9 女 8 男) 林德馨 Lam Der-Hsin Andrea 李珣安 Li Shane 劉亮言Liu Liang Yen林艾妮 Lin Diane Amy 張皓瑄 Chang Megan 陳琬元 Chen Sophie 陳寬 Chan Andrew Marcus 蔣承祐 Chiang Eugene 何珞宇 Ho Roy 陳可馨 Chen Kexin Carrie 連凱文 Lian Kevin 于凱如 Yu Crystal 鄭豫婷 Zheng Yuting Rebecca 杜昕芳 Du H Justine 孫楷 Swen D Kye

- 20 -

5 英語學習營課表(728-731) 時間日期 728 Mon 729 Tue 730 Wed 731 Thur 0630-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐 0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃

0800-0830 健康時間

0840-0920 0930-1010


1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110 1120-1200

Science Project Food ProjectBallroom Dance 英文教學

1200-1240 午餐

1240-1320 午休 1330-1410 1420-1500 1510-1550 1600-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

打掃時間 放學 志工物資行李總


1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴

1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

1800-1840 晚餐


才藝表演 小品音樂會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

惜別餐會 成果展 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

- 21 -


學生經由合唱練習和表演所建立的自信心明顯表現於其課業學習如下 1 國三升學成績8 位國中畢業生

姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校 姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校

幸琳茹 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 谷皓傑 男 民和國中 國立清水高中

全心潔 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史凱文 男 同富國中 曾文農工

全雅安 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史志祥 男 同富國中 埔里高工

幸念緹 女 水里國中 長庚護校 謝韶翔 男 同富國中 鶯歌工商

2 小二至國二生學習成效90小學生成績居全班前 1460國中生成績居全班前 12


1 辦理親職教育2014 年已舉行 4 次(111315628913)家長出席率達 90 2 以部落為單位選出 8 位家長委員組成家長會並輪流至學校擔任餐廚志工

序 部落 委員 身分 子女 職務 1 潭南 林佳文 母 幸琳茹幸美茹幸明仁幸明山 委員 2 地利 松能武 父 松昱希松昱蕎 副會長 3 雙龍人和 幸美花 母 司曄恩司曄宇 委員 4 明德三十甲 全昊妤 母 田有宏田祈宏 委員 5 新鄉豐丘 松定安 父 松瑋恩 委員 6 羅娜 伍錦紅 母 李羽妃李謙 委員 7 望鄉久美 史添發 父 史庭伍瀚史灝 委員 8 東埔 伍順良 父 伍恩 會長

- 22 - 台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作紀事

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

119 Bukut 校長於遠雄人壽公司及臺北大學體育館演講(Nuskin) 阿蠻小呂藍

蔚阿貫 120-25 9 年級學生 7 人至台北 Jessica 老師教室集中課輔 聖堯胤哲 121-22 於羅娜國小實施寒假合唱及打擊樂課 124-27 於台南樹谷園區舉行冬令營

124 1900-2030 於樹谷演藝廳舉行專場音樂會 125 1400-1500 於樹谷演藝廳為南科台積電員工公益演出 126 獨木舟探索活動 127 參觀港香蘭生技製藥公司及蘭花園區

24 原聲+阿布電影公司+慧智文教基金會討論「看見台灣」美國


212 拜訪建中校長商借場地舉行會員大會 214 參加北海扶輪社捐款感謝聚會 小呂藍蔚阿貫


215 原聲開課南投中興新村燈會 215 與信義鄉農會總幹事討論贊助玉山星空音樂會 215 1800-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會部落工

作協調會議 215 2030-2200 於 Aziman 家討論東光布農合唱團演出事宜 216 0930-1030 草坪頭茶園 216 1100-1200 與望鄉部落合作社松芳古洽談日本仙台大專

生訪問交流行程 216 1300-1400 二年級新生家長座談會 1400-1600 舊生家長座談會 216 1500-1700 內湖實踐家教育集團演講(阿貫)




217 玉山星空音樂會技術籌備會天作之合劇場辦公室(八德路 2段 203 號 4 樓)飛陽音響黃逢斯薛翔中


呂藍蔚阿貫 219 與 Teddy 理事討論玉山星空音樂會海報邀請函主視覺設計

台大服務課志工期初分享會台大生科館 和道Teddy小

呂藍蔚阿貫 221 至建中「夢紅樓」展演廳場勘及借器材(指示牌) 小呂藍蔚阿貫

222 於建中「夢紅樓」召開第 3 屆第 1 次會員大會選舉理監事 第 3 屆新任理監事舉行第 1 次理監事聯席會議選舉理事長

223 1000-1100 於兆如老人安養護中心義演(陳姿伶指揮) 1100-1200 參觀政大於學生餐廳午餐

224-25 日本仙台大專生望鄉及東埔部落之旅 與全淵能主任討論日本仙台高中生參訪地利部落行程


- 23 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

227 台大服務課志工鍾昭慶拿電子報照片 阿貫 31 至大稻埕扶輪社演講 小呂阿貫 33-4 上山

向族人解說申請販賣公益彩券辦法 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 2 次部落工作協調會


38-9 上山

二年級新生入學 雅云指導玉山星空音樂會主持人司婷


311 玉山星空音樂會台大志工工作會議 美智小呂藍蔚

312 至木新路 2 段 156-1 號表演 36 房拜訪景文高中優人表演藝術

班陳麗娟主任 小呂去中天電視台溫攝影師處拿「中天夢想驛站」訪問原聲影





313 玉山星空音樂會舞台完工(黃逢斯未依圖施工) 1900-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 3 次部落工

作協調會 314 「看見台灣」於地利國小感恩放映(阿布電影公司) 1600-2000 天作之合劇場抵達走位及彩排 1700~攝影組志工張育銘團隊抵達 舞台組志工及主持人司婷確認 rundown 315 1230-1630 於梅子夢工廠演講 3 場美國嘉賓團台北

嘉賓團磊山保經團(阿貫) 1500-1730 羅娜圓環風味餐(美智藍蔚) 1830-2130 玉山星空音樂會 2200-2330 校長家感恩飛鼠哄啪 316 0900-1130 拜會新竹企經團達谷蘭 1130-1430 與贊助人在喜覺支午餐 1430-2030 與聯奇公司企劃徐香華至達瑪巒部落場勘


321 1000-1200 UNITY 拜會原民會 1600-1800 帶資訊工程師志工 Richard amp Hank 至信義國中羅

娜國小東埔國小場勘網路環境 1330-1500 順發吳董夫婦及女兒上山瞭解原聲志工服務內容




1300-1600 台灣公益團體自律聯盟第 3 屆第 3 次會員大會 324 1330-1530 與台大生科王俊能師及生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書

長討論部落生態復育(阿貫) 1330-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談(藍蔚) 1830-2030 感謝玉山星空音樂會聚餐

325 1400-1600 輔大偏鄉課輔計畫分享會智融基金會 1830-2030 與 Stanley 嚴及鳳文邀請聚餐討論原民遊學辦法亞都麗緻飯店




- 24 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

326 1530-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談 藍蔚 326-27上山

日本仙台高中生達瑪巒部落之旅 台灣生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書長至東埔國小環境調查


328 國三生琳茹雅安心潔皓傑凱文韶翔及高一生景文來台北參

加景優班術科甄選考試 Jessica聖堯胤

哲 329 琳茹雅安心潔皓傑景文至景文高中參加優人表演藝術班術

科甄選考試凱文韶翔陪考 Jessica小呂藍

蔚阿貫 41 1500-1700 信義鄉史強鄉長訪冶鑄建築師事務所瞭解建校規畫




42 1430-1600 天下文化未來兒童創刊茶會(拍手歌授權) 阿貫 43 1400-1600 國泰世華銀行倪秀金周嘉祺經理來訪討論贊助信

義鄉國小早餐事宜 阿貫

44 合唱團加課練習確認聘請李彩霞擔任行政秘書 藍蔚 46 赴屏東牡丹鄉參加原住民醫學會華國媛理事長父親追思禮拜 阿貫 48 1300-1530 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-一籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長等) 1600-1700 晶仁國際公司負責人文鑑宇及行銷部專案經理洪嘉

慧來訪討論明年 11 月公益演出事宜


411 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1000-1200 至武陵高中演講


412 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1430-1530 合唱團於磊山保經群英會演唱 1900-2000 合唱團於誠品松菸表演廳演出專場音樂會



413 0900-1130 於華山救世天主堂參加聖枝主日敬拜獻詩及午餐 奧地利上奧邦(Upper Austria)之邦立衛爾音樂學校

(Landes-MusikschuleWeyer)校長舒茲爾 Johannes Sulzer 聖樂合

唱分享由普羅藝術家樂團廖嘉弘教授主持 交通大學喀報記者陳佩瑄訪問 Bukut 校長



415 1430-1530 公益團體自律聯盟訪視 1530-1730 阿布電影公司來訪討論「看見台灣」台中音樂會


416 1230-1330 台大原聲社團會議 寄出東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫給中國國際商銀


藍蔚 阿貫

417-18 邀請德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校資深音樂教

師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss 於草屯國小辦理音樂研習


419 馬可思 Marcus s 指導原聲合唱團 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 1 次籌備會建中



- 25 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

424 1300-1700 理查漢克贊助並裝置 2 台電腦桌機於協會辦公室 1700-2100 參訪輔大遠距課輔現場輔大聖言樓 SF305

425 參觀中研院植物所彭鏡毅研究員秋海棠溫室 小呂阿貫 426 1000-1200 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台北場 小呂阿貫 428 1400-1500 與睿智理事討論原聲協助家長投保微型保險 藍蔚 429 0900-1000 拜訪台大師培中心田芳華教授

1400-1500 輔大遠距教學 JOINNET 平台使用訓練 藍蔚阿貫

430 1000-1100 至冶鑄建築設計事務所討論校舍校園規劃平面圖 1430-1700 和中華電信基金會執行長三元拜訪華新扶輪社社長

新北市淡水區興華村北新路 26-1 號


51 行政秘書李彩霞到任 52-3 上山


小教職員宿舍無線網路 53 1000-1200 阿貫於雄中資優班人文教育演講 53 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台中場


54 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-高雄場 Bukut阿滿 56 1000-1200 赴北安路拜訪李宜靜討論日本音樂會

1300-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-二籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長王梅等)



57 赴台南與和聲兒童合唱學園負責人 Vicky 討論日本行程 藍蔚阿貫 59 布農族射耳祭台東 515 自律聯盟會計讀書會第三章 1-3 節 藍蔚 516 0830-2230 東元原住民兒童之夜舞台組志工報到及服務

0730-2200 觀賞東元原住民兒童之夜演出 小呂藍蔚阿貫

Bukut阿滿 517-18上山

517 理查漢克建置羅娜國小各班無線網路環境 517 1700-1800 召開校務會議討論暑期行程 518 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書館手機借還書系統 518 1100-1200 勘查羅娜村司山生司山秀房屋火災受損狀況


519 1300-1400 華新扶輪社演講大直典華 1500-2000 藍蔚陪同蘇老師拜訪關西國中


蔚阿貫 521 1400-1630 嚴長壽總裁至信義國中演講

1210-1330 於奕青酒莊午餐 小呂彩霞藍


522 0930-1130 拜訪張榮發基金會討論日本機位及機票 藍蔚阿貫 524 召開第 3 屆第 2 次理監事會聯席會議 525 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 2 次籌備會建中

1800-2100 日本行籌備會議(with 李宜靜會長) 春木藍蔚阿


- 26 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

526 1000-1200 復旦中學演講 阿貫小呂 528 1430-1830 亞太產經研究會演講大直典華 阿貫小呂彩霞

62 0930-1130 原聲建中成長營住宿規劃協調會 藍蔚阿貫 64 1700-1945 台大志工期末分享會(UliBalan 參加) 藍蔚小呂彩

霞阿貫 66-8 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書管理系統及輔大遠距課輔系統安

裝及設定 理查漢克

66 0730-0830 台大晨行人捐款儀式台大司令台(小呂阿貫) 1215-1315 拜會台大師培中心賴進貴主任(藍蔚阿貫)

613 2030-2230 遠距教學系統架構技術討論會北辦 理查漢克睆

文彩霞 613-15 上山

宜靜會長訪視原聲 小呂阿貫

617 1200-1500 與日本深澤直樹及宜靜會面討論音樂會相關事宜 與 Teddy 理事討論日本音樂會海報及 DM 設計 1500-1800 至新竹 Amy 及竹北 Lisa 處載運物資(小呂阿貫)



618 1530-1630 至千業印刷印刷日本音樂會海報及 DM 阿貫 619 1030-1200 載運及清點物資(小呂彩霞)

1200-1430 城東扶輪社演講華漾飯店(阿貫小呂彩霞) 1430-1530 Balan史偉華至台北搬運物資上山 1530-1630 至千業印刷日本音樂會海報改版(阿貫) 2200-2230 至千業印刷載新舊版日本演出海報送至宜靜家(阿貫小呂)

621-22 上山

621 庶古公司副總吳明榮探視認養受助生 621 1330-1500 原聲建中成長營原聲志工培訓會(藍蔚春木

凱翔) 621 1700-1730「桃蛙源記」電影首映演唱等相關事宜討論(阿滿BukutPaul慧菁) 622 1030-1130 日本行最後名單確認(Bukut阿滿慧菁) 622 1230-1330 升國三生暑期輔導課程討論(Jessica聖堯胤



624 2200-2300 至尤監事家載運物資Balan史偉華至台北搬運物

資上山 阿貫小呂

625-26 花蓮

0900-1000 太平洋聽玉山唱歌花蓮記者會 1030-1130 門諾醫院壽豐分院場勘 1400-1500 慈濟大愛廣播台花蓮台專訪 1500-1600 慈濟醫院場勘 1600-1700 花蓮原民文化館場勘



- 27 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

72-3 合唱團加課 73 遠距課輔北辦測試及討論(理查漢克睆文) 73~5 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 3 次籌備會建中 75 訪日合唱團加課 1500-1600 副總統訪視原聲


76-12 上山

原聲建中成長營(戴志清師督導) 76 1200-1640 抵達午餐場地佈置 79 1830-1930 小品音樂會-排灣族林文表演 710 1900-2100 成長營晚會 711 0900-1100 成長營結訓典禮 1300-1700 部落巡禮 1700-1830 建中與原聲志工球類友誼賽 712 0800-1200 繳作業環境復原返回建中


77-78 台視「熱線追蹤」記者上山採訪 77 1000-1200 日本演出及交流行程討論(宜靜曾碧卿Vicky


78 德國公共廣播聯盟特派員上山採訪 711 0900-1030 竹光國中演講沙里仙飯店 小呂阿貫 714 花蓮 1400-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-三籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長蘇帆海洋基金會林向揆王梅等) 藍蔚彩霞阿貫

714-17 暑期學習營第 1 週mdash數學學習營 716-717上山

討論暑期事務 藍蔚小呂阿貫

718 0900-1000 富邦人壽演講 1500-1700 Teddy 節目手冊製作討論


霞阿貫 719-20上山

美國慧智文教基金會國際志工上山 順發 3C 女兒 Jenny 和綸有女兒亦萱上山擔任志工 2 週

0830-1230 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 1330-1500 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩


721-24 暑期學習營第 2 週-國際志工英語課程 722 1900-1930 小品音樂會-原聲打擊樂團 724 1300-1600 合唱團去南投文化局演藝廳模擬演出


728~31 暑期學習營第 3 週-國際志工英語課程 729-30上山

730 0930-1030 日本行前家長說明會 藍蔚小呂阿貫

728-815 國三生至台北暑期課輔 Jessica

- 28 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

731-86 參加日本東京國際兒童合唱節 81 1025-1040 王園特別養護中心演出 1900-2100 玉山天籟音樂會新宿文化中心 82 1115-1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出 1400-1800 戶崎大師音樂工作坊洗足學園音樂大學 83 1100-1720 東京國際兒童合唱節音樂會昭和女子大學 84 1210-1300 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出 1630-1700 東京博物館演出 85 1030-1100 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院演出


88-15 花蓮海洋學習營國中畢業生壯遊 88 1900-2000 花蓮門諾會醫院壽豐分院義演 88 國中畢業生參訪茂林鄉多納部落 89 830-1130 慈濟精舍及靜思堂參訪 1500-1530 慈濟醫院義演花蓮慈濟醫院 1900-2100 花蓮原住民文化館音樂會 89 國中畢業生參訪霧台鄉神山部落 810~813 花蓮海洋學習營 810~813 國中畢業生參加內本鹿生態文化體驗營 814 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

819 合唱團加課 822-24 822 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場

823 1130-1300 紅敞牛排館品嘗牛排 1500-1700 參觀自然科學博物館 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場 824 1000-1500 遊覽后里區麗寶樂園

826 1300-1700 新竹市竹光國中演講 小呂彩霞阿貫

827 車埕國小場勘(阿蠻Bukut) 小呂阿貫 830 理查漢克建置羅娜國小遠距課輔系統安裝及設定

召開第 3 屆第 3 次理監事會聯席會議

96-7 中秋節連假原聲加課 913-14 913 1200-1600 「桃蛙源記」首映會台北市立動物園

1600-1730 遊覽動物園 1800-2000 邱董宴請晚餐 914 0900-1300 廈門街浸信會獻詩



917 1200-1330 台大服務課期初說明會 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 918 1330-1700 原聲阿卡開課討論會 阿貫小呂鳯


- 29 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

922 探視鳳文討論訪歐行程及阿卡課程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

923 1100-1330 原聲第 3 份專輯討論會(阿貫阿滿藍蔚Bukut天豪小呂彩霞) 1330-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚阿貫彩霞) 1600-1800 校長夫婦探視鳳文

924 赴阿布電影公司拜訪 藍蔚阿貫小呂

925 0900-1230 赴雙連安養中心場勘 1230-1330 赴汐止梵斯製衣看運動服樣衣



926 1800-1900 桃蛙源記科博館放映 927 1400-1600 家長座談會 929 拜訪親愛國小


101 1030-1200 晶仁公司-公益媽媽手札活動企劃會議 藍蔚阿貫小呂

102 1000-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan103 1230-1430 明門扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

104 1900-2230「看見台灣」跨界音樂會 阿貫藍蔚小呂

108-9 「四海同心」聯歡會及雙連安養中心 108 1300-1430 四海同心聯歡會彩排小巨蛋 1500-1800 合唱團練習建中資源大樓 5F 1400-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚) 109 0800-1300 雙連安養中心參訪義演 1530-1600 四海同心聯歡會演出



1010 0830-1130 劉水池老師和三位高中生初見面 1000-1200 玉山星空音樂會籌備會 1長安東路


呂和道美智 1017 1330-1530 原住民遊學方案討論會議

1530-1730 原聲專輯 MV 拍攝討論 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道美智 1018 1730-1900 奧地利代表會面 1930-2130 高一阿卡團上課 阿貫藍蔚小呂

1020 快樂髮廊義剪 1023-24 去台南拜訪全樹曦及 Vicky

1023 至善化拜訪全樹曦 1024 去台南市拜訪 Vicky 阿貫藍蔚和道

1025 五~七年級老部落尋根之旅 小呂和道 1026 1430-1630 維也納少年合唱團音樂會台中 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道鳳文 1027 1830-2030 數位學伴研習會 藍蔚彩霞 1029-31 上山

1030 0900-1300 旅英布農藝術家優席夫amp比勇演講信義國

中 1400-1600 去親愛部落 1031 1330-1400 曲冰部落-萬豐國小 1530-1730 桃米社區-紙教堂-新故鄉基金會-廖嘉展


- 30 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1102 和丰診所義診 1104 0730-1200 新竹市綜合活動領域演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1104-06 1105 赴花蓮參加 PriDoc 太平洋原住民醫學會文化之夜 1105 1400-1530 台中洲際棒球場場勘


BukutTiang 1107-08上山

1107 1800-2100 21U 世界棒球錦標賽開幕演出 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1111 上

山 親愛+萬豐國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1113 0930-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan1114 1630-1830 原住民海外遊學會議 阿貫藍蔚 1115-16 台大校慶音樂會

1115 1400-1800 合唱團及打擊樂團練習及彩排活大 1900-2100 台大校慶音樂會演出 1116 0800-1000 原聲小音樂家的臺大課程體驗 0900-1000 歌聲夢想的起點原住民教育座談會 1000-1210 臺大校園歷史建築導覽



1120 上

山 豐丘+新鄉國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂美智 1121 1900-2100 北辦網路拉線及線路調整 彩霞漢克理查

1122 1530-1730 Suzzan 討論專輯贊助 阿貫藍蔚 1123 1430-1600 曦爵公司--討論歐洲行程 阿貫藍蔚和

道鳯文 1127 0900-1130 三重欣明製衣公司--東埔國小衣褲尺寸及數量 阿貫藍蔚Ben1128 1200-1400 芝山扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1129 1630-2200 原聲阿卡赴苗栗欣賞 Voco Novo 演出 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1202 0900-1130 去三重欣明製衣-東埔國小及親愛愛樂制服製作 阿貫藍蔚 1203-05 台東踩線場勘之旅 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1206-07 上山

綸有Teddy陳慧玲上山 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1208 0930-1130 高雄衛武營榕園場勘

1130-1400 拜訪傳承基金會阮女芳總經理 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂黑導 1210 東元藝術體驗營 1010-1015 合唱團彩排

1140-1200 原聲禮讚演出 阿貫藍蔚小


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日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1219 1200-1400 陳皓玫mdash討論華航機票優惠 阿貫藍蔚和

道黑導 1220 召開第 3 屆第 4 次理監事會聯席會議 1221 1200-1400 胡卓君mdash討論香港演出事宜 阿貫和道黑導

1225 南投縣長就職典禮演出 阿滿BukutUliBalan小呂

1226 0900-1100 聚點影視公司與藏傳佛教協會理事長討論贊助原

聲事宜 藍蔚阿貫小呂

1229 1220-1310 台大志工期末分享會(藍蔚阿貫小呂Uli 彩霞) 1900-2100 共乘即時通技術討論會議協辦(藍蔚小呂漢


101 1400-1630 星空志工amp網頁更新會議(美智漢克理查宗

佑宜蕙文鴻敬恆羅揚) 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 103 1130-1300 原聲學生社團成立會議 藍蔚阿貫

Jessica 109 1100-1330 與姒元忠鳳文討論歐洲行程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

110 去高雄拜訪贊助人-吳老闆 阿貫小呂 112 1600-1700 台北新辦公室場勘 淑媛藍蔚彩霞

113 1000-1200 八方雲集公司拍照募款 藍蔚阿貫小呂

114 1430-1630 振興醫院場勘 藍蔚阿貫小呂

121 1400-1630 徐匯中學+蘆洲功學社場勘及簽約 藍蔚阿貫小


124 召開第 3 屆第 5 次理監事會聯席會議 經常性工作 1 每月 1 日支付辦公室租金(轉帳) 2 每月 18 日信用卡捐款授權日 3 每月 30 日支付教師授課鐘點費(轉帳)員林客運學生專車費(支票)及餐點菜金 4 每週統計學生出席率及作業繳交情形每月底繳交工作日誌 5 志工上山前一日辦理旅遊平安險

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年工作計畫

前言 台灣原聲音樂學校是一所體制外假日住宿學校為社團法人台灣原聲教育協會於 2008 年

5 月在南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳成立目前借用信義鄉羅娜國小及東埔國小校舍上課每年 2月在信義鄉招收各部落小學二年級的原住民學童(6 成多為布農族籍)其中近 9 成來自低收



擁有選擇未來人生的能力和權利直到他們大學畢業 原聲音樂學校下設原聲童聲合唱團A cappella(阿卡貝拉)人聲樂團及打擊樂團以音



會員大會 136 人

理事會 15 人 監事會 5 人


洪春滿 監事會主席

黃 生

行政組 音樂學校 125 人









高二 7 人高一 8 人 國三 12 人國二 14 人

國一 16 人小六 21 人

小五 16 人小四 17 人

小三 14 人








A cappella 團






馬聖堯蕭淑敏 馬胤哲

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服務對象南投縣信義鄉水里鄉仁愛箱各部落原住民學生 1 人數2014 年 12 月小三至高二為 125 人(高中 15 人國中 42 人國小 68 人)

20085 第 1 次招生錄取小二~四 42 人(20148 升 9~11 年級餘 26 人留校率 62) 20092 第 2 次招生錄取小二 21 人(20148 升八年級餘 14 人留校率 67) 20102 第 3 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升七年級餘 16 人留校率 57) 20112 第 4 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升六年級餘 21 人留校率 75) 20122 第 5 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 升五年級餘 16 人留校率 80) 20132 第 6 次招生錄取小二 25 人(20148 升四年級餘 18 人留校率 72) 20142 第 7 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 生三年級餘 14 人留校率 70) 20152 第 8 次招生預計錄取小二 20 人

2 學生名單

3 學生性別

性別 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 女 5 4 11 8 13 11 7 9 6 74 男 2 4 1 6 3 10 9 8 8 51 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125

人數 年級 學生姓名

7 十一 谷佳芳 司侑宗 松瑋恩 田景文 史婉容 伊部塔給鹿敦 謝孟庭

8 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 幸念緹 全心潔 全雅安 史志祥 史凱文 謝韶翔 司念祖 松皓淵 幸詩涵 司季璇 王卉軒 司莉君

12 九 司孟奾 史 庭 松夢葶 松夢筑 田雨卉 伍冠因 田芷恆 田芷婷 幸于辰 幸雪芬 松昱希 全襄柔 司季欣

14 八 松憓婷 松雅各 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶 幸美茹 松昱蕎 幸雪芳 申 薇 全襄娃 司 美 全芷芸 全唯芯

16 七 李羽妃 石伯華 何瑞耘 全 芊 松慈媗 伍主兒 伍宇欣 方 政 幸明仁 全雅平 松詠婕 申雨軒 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 全家榆 松鈺婷

田鎞鎷 松雅德 伍雨晨 伍承琳 伍邵恩 尤蘇諾乃家納 全文祥 21 六

何家程 林郁家 松慈芸 伍 恩 伍明威 釀恩塔給鹿敦

谷巧玟 全郁華 金芊璦 賴念慈 幸聖君 司曄宇 田有宏 全亞恩 16 五

全聖煜 伍恩婕 史俊祥 李 謙 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍主恩 伍約翰

幸明山 松冠銘 谷 薰 金家儀 田祈宏 全光榮 司若庭 向 萱 呂宇澤17 四

陽詠智 林采萱 馬妤芯 史 灝 方 琪 方 圓 伍書韓 伍皓詳

辜歆菲 呂啓佑 松毓傑 司曄恩 金佑翊 全若綺 史念恩 14 三

史祥恩 松耀祖 史玥兒 王 讓 馬沛羽 林凡羽 伍奇浩

- 34 - 2 學生背景所屬部落族群家庭環境

(1)所屬部落 部落 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 潭南 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 14 雙龍 1 2 1 3 1 1 9 地利 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 12 人和 1 2 3 明德 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 12 豐丘 3 1 1 3 8 新鄉 1 2 1 1 5 羅娜 3 2 2 3 3 5 2 20 久美 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 12 望鄉 2 2 1 2 1 8 東埔 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 22 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


族群 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 布農 5 6 9 10 8 16 10 9 9 82

布農漢 1 2 2 4 3 1 5 2 20

布農泰雅 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9

布農鄒 1 1 1 1 4

布農太魯閣 1 1 1 1 4

布農賽德克 1 1 1 3

布農阿美 1 1 2

泰雅漢 1 1

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


家境 高二 高一 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計

低收入 5 7 10 11 12 16 13 14 12 100 80

小康 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 25 20

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125 100

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南投縣政府於民國 102 年 10 月公布「南投縣縣立中小學實驗教育學校設置要點」信義

鄉羅娜國小於 103 年 8 月據以向南投縣政府申請開辦實驗教育學校已獲南投縣政府於 103年 11 月 17 日「府教學字第 1030226302 號」函告審查通過讓原聲音樂學校實體化進度向前

邁進一大步期望於 2016 年成立實體學校以下為 2015 年目標重點 培養原住民典範人才 一 與信義鄉各部落國小溝通協調尋覓最適學校開辦實驗教育規劃校園建築配置設計

校舍及景觀 二 使用中華電信基金會提供之 Joinnet 視訊平台實施互動式遠距教學初期由 7 年級英文及

9 年級數學課開始試用 三 支援信義國中「數位學伴」支援台大學生利用 Joinnet 視訊平台擔任信義國中學生每週

晚自習課之遠距家教 四 高國中部皆設班級導師國中學生身心成長迅速需請具專業素養瞭解布農文化且

深富愛心耐心之老師來陪伴和協助孩子 五 針對高中生量身打造個別輔導課


補與平地學生間之學習落差 六 輔導國三學生生涯探索適當選擇升學進路九年級 12 位學生於 2015 年暑假將邁入下


力選擇適當志願 七 擬訂並執行原住民師生海外遊學辦法與公益平台文化基金會合作辦理 八 支援信義鄉同富國中信義國中及仁愛鄉親愛國小教學資源 九 支援部落文化活動舉辦玉山星空音樂會族語闖關比賽布農詩歌比賽等活動支援

全國原住民運動會開幕表演 讓世界聽見玉山唱歌 一錄製音樂專輯傳揚來自玉山的純淨天籟作為贈送贊助者之禮物 二赴歐洲巡演預定於 2015 年 8 月底至 9 月初赴德國波蘭奧地利三國巡演擬於法蘭

克福柏林波茲南 Poznań維也納等城市演出並與維也納少年合唱團同台演唱交流

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1 學期中數學英文及國文依年級分班合唱課分為一二團兩班

高一二每週六上午數學下午 A capella(在台北上課)

國二三每週二三晚數位學伴遠距課業輔導 2 寒暑假 寒假1 週冬令營 (台北白金錄音室錄製音樂專輯) 暑假1 週夏令營(與台北市建國中學人文社會資優班長期合作辦理) 暑假6 週學習營每週全日上課 4 天實施數學英語國文及合唱打擊樂教學出

國演唱 2 週 二合唱團及打擊樂團 1 合唱團(一團)指揮mdash馬彼得鋼琴伴奏mdash趙慧菁 (1)十八姑娘(客語) (2)火金姑叼位去(台語) (3)酒矸倘賣無(國語) (4)愛情樹(國語) (5)快樂天堂(國語) (6)原住民組曲(族語) 2 打擊樂團指導老師mdash陳姿伶

新生小鼓基本練習木琴基本練習Mickey Mouse March 就地取材打擊Stinkinrsquo Garbagekipahpah imaLittle star 人身打擊Our Favorite Son 舊生合奏曲 Tijuana SambaEine Kleine TischmusikLidsThe William Tell Overture

星期六 國二三 國一 國小 0830-1200 數學 1200-1320 午餐午休

1320-1610 理化 合唱 生物(1 次月)

合唱 打擊樂

1620-1710 作業時間 1710-2000 沐浴晚餐閱讀打掃 2000-2130 少年團契小品音樂會電影欣賞

2130~ 就寢

星期日 國二三 國一 國小 0700-0800 起床早餐運動

0810-1000 國文社會 語文閱讀

1010-1200 作業時間 合唱

1200-1250 午餐午休

1300-1550 英文 1550-1610 打掃放學

(7) Palis angelicus(拉丁語) (8) Mozart Alleluia(拉丁語) (9) Ode an die Freude(德語) (10) Edelweiss(英語) (11) Adieu sweet amaryllis(英語) (12) Hymm to Freedom(英語)

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3 A cappella 合唱團指導老師mdash劉郁如

(1)基礎樂理音感節奏感讀譜訓練 (2)練習 A cappella 曲目 (3)練習 A cappella 簡易編曲 (4)練習 Beat-box 人聲伴奏

三師資 1 行政人員

校長洪春滿mdash負責校務及語文閱讀課程 秘書Uli 馬慧如mdash負責學校教務學務輔導及家長聯絡事宜 秘書Balan 梁賜輝mdash負責學校庶務財務及志工事宜 秘書李彩霞mdash負責協會行政業務及出納

2 學科教師

數學劉水池(北一女退休教師)曾明德(台北南門國中教師) 陳清河(新竹德霖技術學院教授)林宜城(南投漳興國小校長) 林麗敏蕭玉鳳林麗娟林紀穎(漳興國小及中寮國小教師) 英文陳聞詩姚淑美(建中退休教師)葉芳吟(台北國中英文教師輔導團) 陳怡帆蕭慧鈞(台大外文系畢國中實習教師) 劉原良張藝寶(靜宜大學應用英語系教授及研究生) 蕭淑敏(麥偲克補習班英語教師)楊鈞堯(羅娜國小英文專長替代役) 理化黃錦珠(國中理化退休教師)生物薛如娟(北一女退休教師) 社會馬聖堯(台中教育大學)馬胤哲(台北教育大學) 合唱馬彼得(羅娜國小校長)趙慧菁(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 打擊樂陳姿伶(國立台灣交響樂團管樂團團員) A cappella劉郁如(Voco Novo 團長) 四校外教學及演出 1 表演活動結合校外教學參觀等豐富多元學習活動以拓展視野薰陶素養 2 年度專場演出次數 8 場以不影響課程及學生作息為原則 3 參加公益活動以教導學生感恩回饋

高一二 9 年級 8 年級 7 年級 6 年級 5 年級 4 年級 3 年級 2 年級 數學 劉水池 曾明德 陳清河 馬聖堯 林麗敏 林宜城 蕭玉鳳 林麗娟 林紀穎 英文 陳聞詩 蕭淑敏 陳怡帆 葉芳吟 楊鈞堯 劉原良 姚淑美 張藝寶 蕭慧鈞 導師 馬聖堯 蕭淑敏 馬胤哲 馬聖堯 -- -- -- -- --

- 38 - 預定活動


1 辦理親職教育及家長讀書會 (1) 2015 年預定召開 4~6 次座談會期許家長作孩子榜樣(戒酒努力工作等)並請家

長互相分享教養心得及相互勉勵 (2)每雙月舉行家長讀書會由健康飲食親子教育心理行為等類書為始鼓勵家長

閱讀學習並以身教做孩子榜樣 2 舉辦玉山星空音樂會

預定 3 月 21 日晚間於羅娜國小運動場舉辦預定邀請 Voco Novo 合唱團阿美族歌手以

莉高露以及在地的布農族古謠合唱團和原聲童聲合唱團原聲 A cappella 團共同演出

日期(星期) 活動名稱 地點 主辦單位 128-30(三-五) 原聲音樂學校冬令營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園廣場 衛武營藝術文化中

心籌備處 2224(一三) 原聲童聲合唱團寒訓營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 26(五) HTC 尾牙感恩音樂會 南港展覽館 飛虹公關整合行銷 27(六) 原聲會員大會成果發表 建國中學 原聲教育協會 29-13(日-五) 錄製音樂專輯 功學社音樂廳 原聲教育協會 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 328-29(六-日) 全國原住民運動會開幕式 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台鐵大樓 竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 76-11(一-六) 原聲建中成長營(夏令營) 東埔國小 建國中學 713-16(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 720-23(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 727-30(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 731(五) 原聲長榮聯合音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保經公司 83-6(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 810-13 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 卡度基督長老教會 原聲教育協會 817-20 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 828-910(五-四) 歐洲巡演 德國波蘭奧地利 Vocal Asia 1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 111(日) 南松山天主堂獻詩 南松山天主堂 原聲教育協會 125(六) 原聲親愛音樂會 新竹市立演藝廳 心築愛樂 1212(六) 原聲親子運動會 羅娜國小運動場 原聲教育協會

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3 舉辦布農詩歌合唱比賽

預定於 12 月農閒時期舉辦提供優厚獎金以鼓勵族人傳承發揚布農歌謠提供各部落


音樂會表演 4 引介資源

(1)引介扶輪社為東埔國小及親愛國小學生製作制服 (2)引介統一星巴客咖啡提供設備及協助信義國中實施職涯探索咖啡特色課程 (3)引介雅丰診所至信義鄉義診 (4)快樂麗康髮廊每月上山義剪 (5)推介日本仙台大專生訪台行腳至望鄉及東埔部落進行認識布農生態文化之旅 (6)關懷生命協會林雅哲醫師團隊至信義鄉實施貓犬義務絕育活動

5 教會詩歌見證預定赴仁愛鄉教會獻詩


一九年級升學成績12 位畢業生預期 6 人升入高中6 人進入高職 二二年級至九年級學習成效

項目 效益 指標 知識 知道好的學習

行為 90孩子至少理解三項正確的學習行為(準時上學完成作業

認真閱讀) 行為 實行好的學習

行為 留校率達 90全勤率達 50閱讀課外優良讀物平均達到 40本最少者不低於 20 本

成績 好的學習成就 80小學生成績居全班前 1470國中生成績居全班前 12 三合唱團練習成效複習 50 首舊曲目學會 12 首新曲目 四打擊樂團練習成效學會 4~5 首打擊樂曲 五A cappella 團成效學會 4~5 首心曲目 六學科學習成效以教師上課紀錄志工觀課札記學生成長日誌及學習回饋單評量

日期 教會名稱 日期 教會名稱 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 111(日) 南松山天主堂

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年收支預算表 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日

科 目 年度 2014 年 2015 年說 明 款項目 名稱 預算數 預算數 1 本會收入 26360600 23358900 1-1 入會費 0 0不收新會員 1-2 常年會費 136000 1360001000人136 1-3 捐款 25352600 21932000 1-4 補助收入 780000 1200000申請政府補助 1-5 其他收入 92000 90900存款利息 2 本會支出 26360600 23358900 2-1 人事費 382200 436800 2-2 辦公費 324600 294700 2-3 業務費 16098500 14207000 2-3-1 課業輔導費 4123500 4742000 2-3-2 教材教具講義費 1047000 747000 2-3-3 餐點營養費 864000 700000 2-3-4 交通旅運費 1485000 1800000 2-3-5 獎助學金 793200 753200 2-3-6 假期營隊活動 790000 320000冬令營及夏令營 2-3-7 教學及演出活動費 2660000 6520000含歐洲巡演旅費 2-3-8 其他業務費 240500 229000

2-3-9 部落服務活動費 3020000 2080000玉山星空音樂會部落

古謠比賽等 2-3-10 業務推展費 1075300 2575800合唱專輯製作等 2-4 購置費 0 0 2-5 折舊 0 0 2-6 專案-建校基金 8300000 1000000建校規劃

2-7 提撥基金 1255300 1160400收入 5 3 本期餘絀 0 0

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

- 41 -


一收入 2015 年所需經費劇增募款壓力亦加重本協會仍將以捐款贈送音樂專輯方式努力推

展小額募款不但可宣揚原聲教育理念且可收聚沙成塔眾志成城之功2014 年單位捐款

迄今為 604 萬元較 2013 年的 655 萬元略有衰退或因高雄氣爆事件使善款較為集中於彼

惟根據歷年經驗工商行號於年底結算若有盈餘時亦會尋找特定目標贊助 二支出

2015 年預定至德國法蘭克福柏林波蘭的波茲南奧地利的維也納等地巡演且開始


726 萬元之鉅約占全年支出總預算之 13 社團法人台灣原聲教育協會工作人員待遇表

2015 年 1 月 1 日

職 稱 姓名 性別 到職日 月支薪資 備 註

秘 書 長 孫蘭芳 女 9771 15000 專職(全數捐回協會)

教務執行秘書 馬慧如 女 102831 25300 專職

總務執行秘書 梁賜輝 男 10261 25300 專職

出納及行政 李彩霞 女 10351 33000 專職

攝影紀錄 呂克勝 男 10291 20000 兼職

合 計 118600

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

一月 二月 三月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

11-4 新年放假 117 電子報出刊(11~12 月) 124 第 3 屆 5th 理監事會議 127 休業日 128-30 寒假學習營

21 高雄衛武營榕園音樂會 22 24 合唱團上課 26 HTC 感恩音樂會 27 原聲會員大會及成果發

表會 28 振興醫院公益演唱 29-13 合唱團錄音(國三生

上課) 215-23 放假(218 除夕 219春節) 224 開學日 227-28 二二八紀念日連假

31 二二八紀念日連假 37 原聲始業 38 家長座談會

314 電子報出刊(1~2 月號) 314 第 3 屆 6th 理監事會議 321 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會

325-26 日本仙台高中生參訪

望鄉東埔部落 328 全國原住民運動會開幕

表演 329 全國原住民運動會音樂

四月 五月 六月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

31 43 合唱團上課 43-6 婦幼節及清明節放假 45 復活節 411 台鐵大樓慈善音樂會 412 桃園中正扶輪社音樂會


52 微熱山丘總店市集演出

(其他學生照常上課) 58 布農日 510 母親節 516 電子報出刊(3~4 月號)530 監察院舍百年紀念音樂

613 第 3 屆 7th 理監事會議 620-21 端午節連假 628 原聲休業及家長座談會

630 休業日

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

七月 八月 九月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30

30 31 75-11 原聲建中成長營 713-16 語文學習營 718 電子報出刊(5~6 月號) 720-23 727-30 英文學習營

(國際志工服務) 731 原聲長榮聯合音樂會


81 磊山保經感恩音樂會(華山文創) 83-6 810-13 數學學習營 817-20 合唱團集訓及補課 822 第 3 屆 8th 理監事會議

828-31 歐洲巡演 831 開學日

91-11 歐洲巡演 919 電子報出刊(7~8 月號) 919 原聲始業 920 家長座談會 926-28 連假(927 中秋節)

十月 十一月 十二月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

109-11 國慶放假 1031 幸福親子公益音樂會


111 台北南松山天主堂獻詩

1120 電子報出刊(9~10 月

號) 1126 感恩節

125 原聲親愛音樂會(新竹演

藝廳) 1212 族語闖關親子運動

會才藝表演晚會 1220 國中生母語認證考試 1219 第 3 屆 9th 理監事會議

1219-2026-27 聖誕節放假

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日 2015 年原聲上課日數78 日

1 月 10-1117-1824-2528-30 9 7 月 6-1013-1620-2327-30 17 2 月 24 2 8 月 3-610-1317-20 12 3 月 7-814-15 4 9 月 19-20 2 4 月 318-1925-26 5 10 月 3-417-1824-25 6 5 月 316-1723-24 5 11 月 7-814-1521-2228-29 8 6 月 6-713-1427-28 6 12 月 12-13 2

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2014 年台灣原聲教育協會推展原住民族國際交流合作計畫 一計畫名稱美國「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」交流參訪 二計畫緣起

1 「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」去年獲邀前往美國出席「2013 UNITY( United National Indian Tribal Youth ) Conference 印地安原住民青年聯盟年會」開幕獻唱為加強聯繫交流爰

邀請「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」參加本年 3 月於南投縣信義鄉舉辦之「玉


並吸取該團辦理及培訓原住民青年組織經驗 2 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」總部設於美國奧克拉荷馬州為美加地區原住民青


地與學習成為向美國與世界發聲的原住民代表本年將由UNITY執行長Mary Kim Titla及 1 位協會工作幹部帶領 6 名美國各州印第安學生代表組成「UNITY-印地安原住民青

年聯盟代表團」參訪台灣原住民文化 3 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」擬邀請我國原住民團體代表出席該會 2014 年 7 月於

西雅圖年會活動並參與擔任該組織友邦團體 三計畫目標藉由交流互動分享部落成長經驗學習國際培育原住民青年組織經驗

建立國際交流管道 四指導及辦理單位 指導單位行政院原住民族委員會外交部

主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 協辦單位慧智文教基金會美國加州舊金山灣區志工 五計畫實施期間103 年 3 月 13 日(星期四)至 22 日(星期六) 六計畫實施地點南投縣花蓮縣台東縣屏東縣台北市 七計畫內容

(一)資源分析 台灣原聲教育協會 httpvoxnativaorg 負責活動規劃行程安排 慧智文教基金會 httpwwwwceoprogramorg及舊金山志工負責經費籌措及落地接待 南投縣信義鄉公所主辦「玉山星空音樂會」 行程承攬為姊妹旅行社(桃園市萬壽路 3 段 156 號 1 樓03-3340928)

(二)人員參與情形 「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」8 人 1 Mary Kim Titla Executive Director UNITY

2 Christine Porter Mohawk is the Youth Council Coordinator with the Ft McDowell Education Division on Ft McDowell Yavapai Reservation

3 Tyler Owens president for the Akimel OrsquoodhamPee-Posh Youth Council Chairperson for the Inter-Tribal Youth Council of Arizonarsquos planning committee

4 Simon Montelongo He belongs to the Eastern Band Cherokee tribe and is from Cherokee North Carolina He is a returning member of the Executive Committee as the Southeast Area Representative and is looking forward to yet another successful year for UNITY

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5 Santana Little Bear Johnson Southern Plains Representative for this years Executive Committee (EC)

6 Aaron Leaureaux member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Treasurer and founding members of the Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council

7 Alex Toledo UNITY Regions Representative for the Southwest Region 8 Carrie Hood comes from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation located in Phoenix Arizona Shersquos currently the 2013-2014 Miss Fort McDowell


(四)計畫進度 102 年 12 月底前完成訪團邀請行程規劃地點探勘經費預算 103 年 1 月完成訪團名單確認各組工作分配(活動組行政組公關組總務組 接待組) 103 年 2 月完成經費籌募計畫演練 103 年 3 月計畫執行 103 年 4 月完成經費結報與計畫檢討

(五)人力分工(參與計畫工作人員名單現職及其負責人之工作項目) 姓名 職稱 工作分配 洪春滿 原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 活動組 馬彼得 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 活動組 孫藍蔚 原聲教育協會秘書長 行政組

日期 活動內容 3 月 13 日(四) 抵達桃園國際機場 3 月 14 日(五) 前往日月潭(邵族)

3 月 15 日(六) 1拜會南投縣信義鄉 2參訪原住民文創產業-梅子夢工廠 3出席 2014 年玉山星空音樂會(布農族)

3 月 16 日(日) 1拜會原住民學校-羅娜國小參訪「原聲音樂專業學校」校址預定

地及簡報建校計畫 2前往屏東參觀原住民族文化園區(排灣族)

3 月 17 日(一) 1參訪屏東霧台部落(魯凱族) 2前往台東住宿布農部落休閒農場

3 月 18 日(二) 1參觀台東布農部落與蝴蝶谷(布農族) 2參觀台東史前文化博物館與卑南文化公園

3 月 19 日(三) 1參訪吉籟獵人學校(阿美族) 2前往太魯閣國家公園

3 月 20 日(四) 1參訪太魯閣國家公園 2經宜蘭返回台北

3 月 21 日(五) 1拜會原住民族委員會及僑務委員會 3 月 22 日(六) 1參觀故宮中正紀念堂101 大樓


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廖阿貫 原聲教育協會理事長 行政組 馬慧如 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 行政組 梁賜輝 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 行政組 全秋雄 南投縣信義鄉鄉公所觀光所所長 公關組 賴美智 慧智文教基金會執行長 總務組 車和道 原聲教育協會海外代表 接待組 何台光 石氏基金會執行長 接待組

(六)文宣方式報紙電視社群網站社團動員 八預期效益 1 藉由交流互動學習營造原住民社群與組織 2 建立原住民對話管道為台灣在國際發聲 3 培育原住民國際觀傳承發展原住民青年領導能力 4 促進文化交流提升台灣能見度 九經費預算表 UNITY 團8 人出席行程9 天 8 夜領隊車和道

經費項目 單價 數量 總價 計算方式及說明 1人事費 小計 (1)機票費 $50000人 8 $400000 內陸及國際航程機票 (2)餐費 $500日人 98 $36000 9 天餐費

$300日人 98 $21600 租用遊覽車費 $75人 8 $600 環島過路費停車費 $450人 8 $3600 入管制山區接駁車費用

(3)交通費 (含遊覽車停車費

接駁車船費) $125人 8 $1000 船費(日月潭遊船) 小計 旅館費 8 夜

3住宿費 $1800日人 88 $115200 住宿日月潭雲品飯店東埔沙里仙渡假




4雜支 小計 (1)食宿費 $2000日人 91 $18000 英語導覽員餐點及住宿費 (2)導覽費 $3000日人 81 $24000 英語導覽員每日 3 千元


$2945人 8 $23560 門票含原住民文化園區梅子夢工廠台




租借台北 101 大樓觀景台

(3)保險費 $100日人 98 $7200 9 日旅遊平安保險費 (4)其他 $600日人 93 $16200 司機領隊食宿及小費 總計 $666960 元

- 47 -

左 1 為原聲海外代表車和道左 2 為 UNITY 理事會秘書 Christine Porter Mohawk 2014315 於信義鄉羅娜村

UNITY 團員合影留念右 1 為信義鄉史強鄉長左 1 為 UNITY 執行長 Mayr Kim Titla(頭戴史鄉長贈


- 48 -

2014 年台灣原聲音樂學校國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

一 目的讀萬卷書行萬里路他山之石可以攻錯

二 日期2014 年 8 月 8 日(星期五)至 8 月 15 日(星期五)

三 主辦單位台灣原聲教育協會

四 協辦單位內本鹿人文工作室

五 參加人員

學生8 人(4 女 4 男)


師長志工4 人(3 男 1 女)


六 乘車資訊員林客運 20 人座中型巴士(8~10 日)

0730 東埔國小(谷皓傑史凱文謝韶翔)rarr0755 晨軒梅莊(馬聖堯馬胤哲馬胤

凱吳松儒吳璠)rarr0805 信義鄉公所rarr0820 玉山國家公園管理處(幸念緹全心潔

全雅安幸琳茹)rarr0850 竹山交流道rarr經國道三號rarr1050 高雄rarr高雄茂林鄉

七 活動地點

88(五) 南投東埔rarr高雄茂林鄉

89(六) 高雄茂林鄉rarr屏東縣霧台鄉

810(日) 屏東縣霧台鄉rarr台東縣延平鄉桃源村內本鹿「布農山林文化體驗營」

813(三) 台東縣桃源鄉rarr花蓮市海星高中

814(四) 花蓮市海星高中rarr太魯閣國家公園rarr花蓮市海星高中

815(五) 花蓮海星高中rarr南投縣信義鄉東埔

八 住宿

88(星期五)多娜民宿負責人馬秀玉 0910-708089 兩間團體房男女各 1 間 15002


89(星期六)撒拉伯民宿 負責人柯啟川 salabu巴佳英 lailai

902 屏東縣霧台鄉霧台村神山巷 14-6 號 08-790-2277 0921-003590



四人房2 間2000 6 人房12500(含 810 早餐)

89 晚餐 200人(可在附近吃完再去民宿)


傍晚兵分兩路遊覽車載 9 人到桃源村另再載聖堯胤哲松儒 3 人到台東鹿野車站

1台東桃源村 內本鹿人文工作室辦理的[布農山林文化體驗營]

活動時間2014810~13(共 4 天)810 下午 5 點到桃源村813 下午 5 點至鹿野車站

2 花蓮海洋營馬聖堯馬胤哲吳松儒

- 49 -


十經費概算 項目 內容 金額 備註

遊覽車(8~10 三天) 27000 9000天 車資 火車票_台東鹿野-花蓮 2768 1815~莒光 23912

住宿 高雄茂林多娜民宿 3000 全棟 2 大間房 屏東霧台撒拉布民宿 6500 4 人房 2 間6 人房 1 間 活動 台東布農山林文化體驗營 31500 35009 餐費 88 中餐+89 中晚餐+810 中餐 7800 150134 總計 78568

時間 內容 早餐 自理 上午 東埔rarr高雄市茂林區 中餐 自理 下午 打獵體驗 晚餐 多娜民宿供應美食

8 月 8 日 (星期五)

晚上 自由活動

早餐 民宿供應

上午 出發到屏東縣霧台社區

中餐 自理

下午 霧台社區文化部落的洗禮---石板部落屋群魯凱文物館卡拉瓦之家


晚餐 自理

8 月 9 日 (星期六)

晚上 住宿霧台部落撒拉伯民宿 早餐 民宿供應

上午 Sabaw 霧台--再見雲豹的故鄉rarr台東市

中餐 自理 下午 參觀國立臺灣史前文化博物館臺東市博物館路 1 號rarr台東桃源鄉

8 月 10 日 (星期日)

晚餐 參加布農山林文化體驗營

8 月 11 日

-13 日 (星期一)



8 月 14 日

(星期四) 全天


8 月 15 日

(星期五) 全天


- 50 - 布農山林文化體驗營

一 集散時間810下午 5點來到桃源村813下午 5點送至鹿野車站結束

二 活動費用每人 3500 元(含講師費食宿活動糧食旅平險車站接駁)

三 聯絡人katu(柯俊雄) 0911‐334448

四 課程大綱

前一天 810 第一天 811 第二天 812 第三天 13













































二攜帶裝備 如不需帶上山的物品或衣物可協助保管於下山後領取

項目 說明

穿著裝備 T恤長袖長褲 (衣褲以輕便易乾排汗的材質為佳)

揹負裝備 背式背包(需協助背負公裝與公糧)

吃飯裝備 碗筷(鋼杯為佳)

走路裝備 本次路線泥土與石子路穿著雨鞋尤佳搭配厚襪可準備拖鞋於營地使用

照明裝備 因有夜間狩獵體驗行程建議使用頭燈出門前檢查是否夠亮需攜帶備用電池

禦寒裝備 厚外套(晚上睡覺以穿著保暖外套作為睡袋)

遮陽裝備 鴨舌帽或頭巾防曬乳視個人需求

雨衣裝備 輕便雨衣即可(上下兩段式為佳)

水壺 每日所需之行動水

糖果餅乾 建議可帶巧克力乾糧牛奶糖咖啡包可可亞等

個人藥品 請視個人身體狀況準備

文具 小本筆記本與筆 1隻衛生紙垃圾袋(自己垃圾自己帶回)

備用衣物 下山後更換的衣物

- 51 -

2014 年原聲音樂學校花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫


蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會於 2011 年選擇在太平洋左岸的美麗小漁村鹽寮設立扮演推展



有正確的認識與觀念相信透過認識海洋親近海洋能夠讓下一代更深刻的愛上海洋臺灣 當蘇帆碰到了原聲玉山連結了太平洋山上的布農族孩子有了在太平洋划獨木舟的機


蓮海星中學一起籌辦 海星中學推動原住民教育不遺餘力設立有原住民音樂與文化專班培養學生多元能力



活動日程 一門諾會醫院義演88(五)1900-2000 二慈濟醫參訪及義演89(六)0820-1530 三「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會89(六)1900-2100 四海洋學習營810(日)~813(三) 五太魯閣國家公園之旅814(四)

活動地點 一 基督教門諾會醫院壽豐分院(花蓮縣壽豐鄉共和村魚池 52 號) 二 天主教海星中學(花蓮縣新城鄉嘉新村嘉新路 36 號03-8223116) 三 慈濟精舍靜思小築(花蓮縣新城鄉康樂村精舍街 88 巷 1 號) 四 慈濟醫院靜思堂(花蓮市中央路 3 段 703 號) 五 花蓮縣台灣原住民族文化館(花蓮市北興路 460 號) 六 蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會(花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村鹽寮 148 號) 七 國立東華大學(花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路 2 段 1 號)

- 52 -

學生名單86+7人(50 女 43 男)

人數 年級 姓 名

7 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 全心潔 全雅安 幸念緹 史凱文 謝韶翔

8 八 幸于辰 松昱希 全襄柔 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶

七 伍宇欣 伍主兒 方 政 松慈媗 全 芊 李羽妃 石伯華 全芷芸 15

七 司 美 全襄娃 幸雪芳 松昱蕎 幸美茹 申 薇 全唯芯 何瑞耘

六 伍 恩 伍明威 松慈芸 林郁家 何家程 全文祥 尤蘇諾 六 伍承琳 伍邵恩 伍雨晨 松雅德 全家榆 松鈺婷 19 六 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 申雨軒 全雅平 幸明仁 松詠婕 五 伍約翰 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍恩婕 王凱嚴 史俊祥 全聖煜 田有宏

14 五 賴念慈 谷巧玟 伍主恩 金芊璦 全郁華 司曄宇

四 方 琪 伍皓詳 史 灝 林采萱 向 萱 何恩淑 伍書韓 呂宇澤 16

四 司若庭 全光榮 田祈宏 金家儀 谷 薰 幸明山 松冠銘 陽詠智

三 伍奇浩 林凡羽 馬沛羽 史玥兒 松耀祖 史祥恩 史念恩 14

三 全若綺 呂啓佑 松毓傑 辜歆菲 金佑翊 司曄恩 王 讓

說明事項十年級參加壯遊於 813 傍晚會合於花蓮

師長志工名單 師長12+2人 Bukut 團長慧菁(伴奏)姿伶(打擊樂)Uli(教導)Balan(總務)彩霞(行政)黑導(舞台總

監)小呂(攝影)藍蔚師阿貫師聖堯胤哲富州程瀚程芸 志工4+3人 田景文黃敬恆柳宜蕙鍾昭慶吳 璠吳松儒馬胤凱 參加壯遊

- 53 -


88 (星期五) 時間 活動內容 備註

0730~1700 東埔rarr花蓮縣壽豐鄉門諾分院 高雄或屏東午餐 1700~1800 走位彩排 門諾分院大廳 1800~1850 晚餐 門諾招待飯捲 1850~1900 準備 1900~2000 『禮讚門諾敬頌上帝』義演 門諾分院大廳

2000~2020 門諾分院rarr海星中學 2020~2050 Check in 及認識環境 海星中學學生宿舍

2050~2130 沐浴洗衣

2130~ 進入夢鄉

89 (星期六) 時間 活動內容 備註

0630~0700 起床盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳 0800~0830 海星中學rarr慈濟精舍靜思小築 0830~0930 參訪精舍 分高中低年級 3 組 0930~1000 靜思小築rarr慈濟醫院靜思堂 醫院正門下車 1000~1130 靜思堂參訪(先看慈濟簡介影片) 靜思堂 B2 220 講堂 1130~1230 午餐 同心圓餐廳

1230~1240 慈濟醫院rarr海星中學 經大學人文教室至大喜館停車場

1240~1430 午休 1430~1445 海星中學rarr慈濟醫院 醫院正門下車 1445~1500 走位 慈濟醫院大廳 1500~1530 義演 原下午茶時段 1530~1545 慈濟醫院rarr原住民族文化館 1545~1745 彩排 1745~1820 晚餐 1820~1850 更衣準備 原民館 1900~2100 『太平洋聽玉山唱歌』音樂會原民館 2100~2120 原民館rarr海星中學 2120~2200 沐浴洗衣

2200~ 進入夢鄉

- 54 -

810-13 (星期日-三)

810(日) 811(一) 812(二) 813(三) ~0630 起床 0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐海星 0800~0850 閱讀寫作業 0900~0950 1000~1050 1100~1150

高海泳 中引導教育 低參訪東華

高參訪東華 中翡翠谷溯溪 低海泳

高獨木舟默契 中參訪東華 低翡翠谷溯溪



賞鯨之旅 午餐午休

1150~1350 高蘇帆 中海星 低東華

高東華 中翡翠谷 低蘇帆

高蘇帆 中東華 低翡翠谷

高清水斷崖 中低多羅滿賞

鯨船 1400~1450 1500~1550 1600~1650

高獨木舟基礎 中海泳 低引導教育


中翡翠谷溯溪 低獨木舟基礎

高獨木舟模擬 中獨木舟基礎 低翡翠谷溯溪



1700~1750 沐浴洗衣 1800~1850 晚餐海星 1900~2100 高引導教育 中低影片欣賞 排練晚會節目 2100~ 進入夢鄉 說明事項 1 海泳與獨木舟場地在蘇帆基金會 2 引導教育(冒險教育-心理諮商)場地在海星高中禮堂 3 清水斷崖賞鯨之旅從花蓮港出發 4 清水斷崖獨木舟之旅從崇德沙灘出發


1 需備換洗衣物建議穿著泳裝下水 2 會暈船者請自備暈船藥 3 注意保暖

- 55 -


時間 活動內容 備註 0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐

0800~0900 海星中學rarr太魯閣國家公園

0900~1200 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1200~1250 午餐

1300~1500 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1500~1600 太魯閣國家公園rarr海星中學

1600~1700 準備惜別晚會 海星中學宿舍

1700~1750 沐浴洗衣

1800~1850 晚餐 海星中學餐廳

1900~2100 惜別晚會 海星中學教室

2100~ 進入夢鄉


時間 活動內容 備註 ~0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳

0800~0830 整理環境 海星中學宿舍

0835~0855 前往火車站 新城火車站

0900~0910 快閃 新城火車站

0920~1040 搭乘復興號火車至蘇澳新站

1040~1700 搭乘遊覽車回溫暖的家

- 56 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團衛武營音樂會行程 一日期2015 年 2 月 1 日(星期日)1530~1640 二地點高雄市衛武營榕園藝術廣場(高雄市鳳山區南京路 449-1 號) 三乘車資訊2 月 1 日(星期日)員林客運 938-WW 林介川 0982-988788

0730 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0750 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0800 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0805 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0835 水里玉管處rarr 0920 名間交流道rarr經國道 3rarr 1150 衛武營

四工作人員穿原聲制服或志工背心 阿蠻校長Uli皓玫敬恆伯峰小呂育銘藍蔚阿貫

五演出人員39 人(女 33 男 6) 指揮馬彼得 鋼琴伴奏趙慧菁 擊樂李謙 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣申 薇申雨軒伍承琳伍曉葳全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔向 萱

李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕 松鈺婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 9 男 4) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳幸雪芬 史俊祥田鎞鎷伍卲恩松雅德

六演出曲目 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 6 心肝寶貝(台語) 編曲冉天豪 7 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 8 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 9 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 10 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 11 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 12 We are the world(英語) 曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 13 明天會更好(國語) 編曲冉天豪 安可曲

七活動行程 時間 內容 備註 1150-1400 午餐午休 室內表演場 1400-1520 練習走位(音響確認)更衣 演員休息室 1530-1630 演出 榕園藝術廣場 1630-1700 更衣分發飯盒 演員休息室 1700-2030 衛武營rarr東埔

- 57 -

2015 年原聲音樂學校參加會員大會及義演錄音行程

一 活動目的展現學習成果感恩會員會友為長者演唱學習付出及回饋 二 活動日期2015 年 2 月 6 日至 2 月 14 日(星期五~六) 三 活動地點2 06(星期五)南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號)

2 07(星期六)建國高中夢紅樓二樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 2 08(星期日)振興醫院(台北市北投區振興街 45 號) 2 09(星期一)天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 2 10-13(星期二~五)功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號) 2 14(星期六)郭元益糕餅博物館(台北市士林區文林路 546 號 4 樓) 大黑松小倆口牛軋糖創意博物館(新北市土城區自強街 31-2 號)

四 乘車資訊2 月 6 日(星期五) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 0830 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0850 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0900 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0905 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0935 水里玉管處rarr 1020 名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr 1230南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號) 大巴 (44 人) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 Uli 師Balan 師方 琪伍 恩伍主兒伍宇欣林巧蝶伍約翰松慈芸松慈媗




賴念慈申 薇申雨軒幸明仁 原聲公務車(5 人)

阿蠻校長Bukut 校長伍承琳伍書韓向 萱 2 月 7 日(星期六) 中巴(9 人) 耐斯客運 A4-037 駱界華 0981-385512 0800 羅娜(國小大門)rarr 0805 久美rarr 0815 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0845 水里玉管處rarr 0930名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr1140 徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號)

姿伶師何進榮伍恩婕田有宏尤蘇諾何瑞耘何家程林郁家李 謙 五 台北工作人員

2 6(星期五)皓玫伯峰敬恆小呂藍蔚阿貫 2 7(星期六)皓玫伯峰敬恆宜蕙羅揚威愷柏哖小呂育銘彩霞 2 8(星期日)敬恆小呂彩霞美智仁達藍蔚阿貫

六 住宿地點天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 七 住宿人員

2 月 6 日2 月 8 日至 13 日(需 15 間寢室) 學生 45 人教師 5 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏

慧菁師)大學志工胤凱高中志工念緹皓傑 2 月 7 日 61 人(仍為 15 間寢室) 學生 52 人教師 6 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏


- 58 - 八 打擊樂團學生7 人(女 1 男 6)

尤蘇諾田有宏伍恩婕何家程何瑞耘李 謙林郁家 九 合唱團學生45 人(女 37 男 8)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十 成果發表曲目

打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 天下別無拯救(國語)3rsquo18rdquo 編曲林雲郎 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 乘著氣球上天空(日語)3rsquo05rdquo 編曲平吉毅州 7 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 8 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

十一公益演唱曲目(振興醫院) 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 台北的天空(國語)4rsquo30rdquo 編曲林福裕 4 故鄉(日語)2rsquo55rdquo 編曲田中和音 5 讓生命圓滿(國語)2rsquo40rdquo 編曲冉天豪 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 7 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

- 59 -

十二住宿分配(4 人 1 間)

2 月 6 日至 2 月 13 日 住宿 9 天 8 夜 序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友 1 阿滿校長Bukut 團長 9 佩婷宇欣昱蕎詠捷 2 Uli 師念緹主兒恩婕(27) 10 雪芬唯芯慈媗念慈 3 慧菁師一家姿伶(27) 11 芷芸雪芳慈芸方琪 4 季欣嘉馨雨軒書韓 12 巧蝶伍恩雨晨谷薰 5 襄柔申薇承琳曉葳 13 伯華明仁俊祥光榮 6 全芊襄娃雅平郁華 14 卲恩雅德約翰聖煜 7 羽妃美茹向萱家儀 15 Balan 師胤凱皓傑司機

(27) 8 詠祈司美家榆鈺婷 首位為室長次位為副室長

十三2 月 7 日(星期六) 住宿 1 晚

序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友

1 何爸瑞耘家程 13 尤蘇諾郁家(與伯華等同室)

14 李謙有宏(與卲恩等同室) 十四餐飲供應 日期 26(五) 27(六) 28(日) 29(一) 210(二) 211(三) 212(四) 213(五) 214(六)早餐 自家 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 午餐 自訂 八方 振興 八方 八方 八方 八方 八方 自訂 晚餐 自訂 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 徐匯 自家 十五活動行程(26-27)

2 月 6 日(星期五) 2 月 7 日(星期六) 0830~1230 東埔rarr南港展覽館 1230~1430 午餐(自訂飯盒)午休 1430~1700 練習試音彩排 1700~1800 休息更衣 1800~1830 待機 1830~1845 HTC 尾牙演出 1845~1900 更衣 1900~1930 晚餐(自訂飯盒) 1930~2000 南港展覽館rarr徐匯中學 2000~2100 沐浴 2100~2130 閱讀祈禱就寢

0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~1130 練唱(演藝廳) 0800~1130 羅娜國小rarr徐匯中學(打擊樂團) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1430 練習(演藝廳) 1430~1520 徐匯中學rarr建中資源大樓 5 樓 1530~1600 參加會員大會成果發表演出 1600~1700 建中rarr徐匯中學 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2030 練習(演藝廳) 2030~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢

- 60 - 十六活動行程(28-29)

2 月 8 日(星期日) 2 月 9 日(星期一) 0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~0930 練習(演藝廳) 0930~1000 徐匯中學rarr振興醫院 1000~1020 進場待機 1030~1100 義演(三院圓中心)(送錦旗專輯 1)1100~1115 合影留念 1115-1140 參觀藝術家莊靜雯銅雕展 1140~1230 午餐(第一會議室) 1230~1300 醫療課程--呼吸道感染衛生指導

(小兒科張嘉侃主任授課) 1300~1330 振興醫院rarr徐匯中學(合唱團) 1330~1430 午休(合唱團) 1430~1700 練習(合唱團)(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 1300~1350 振興醫院rarr景文高中(打擊樂團) 1400~1600 欣賞景優班成果發表(打擊樂團) 1600~2000 景文高中rarr信義鄉(打擊樂團)

0800-0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室)

0830~1130 練習(演藝廳) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1700 練習(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 借用演藝廳練習時段 27 上午下午半小時晚間 28 早上 1 小時下午 29 上午下午

十七錄音行程(210-213) 星期時間 210(二) 211 (三) 212 (四) 213 (五) 214 (六)

0700-0800 起床盥洗早餐 0800-1100 赴功學社音樂廳練習 1100-1130 午餐 1130-1300 午休




1300-1700 錄音 1 kipahpah ima拍手歌 2天下別無拯救 3 Take these wings 4更高處

錄音 5如鹿渴慕溪水 6耶和華祝福滿滿

7台北的天空 8我們的桃蛙源

錄音 9讓生命圓滿


11天黑黑 12花樹下

錄音 13ふるさと故鄉 14花兒會開 15乘著氣球上天空 16紅蜻蜓等(3 選 1)

1730-1900 晚餐盥洗 1900-2030 課輔(志工)閱讀 晚會或電影欣賞 2030-2100 消夜晚禱

2100~ 就寢


- 61 -

十八學生自備物品(9 天 8 夜) 『確認後打勾』

序 項 目 數量 確認 備註

1 行李箱 1

2 原聲背包 1

3 文具(鉛筆橡擦等) 1 寫作業用

4 寒假作業課外讀物 2

5 健保卡 1

6 牙刷牙膏毛巾 各 1

7 肥皂洗髮精 各 1

8 環保餐具(杯筷匙) 1 組 耐熱杯

9 中型塑膠袋 2 裝換洗衣物

10 長袖黑帽 T 1

11 長袖白帽 T 1

12 長袖黑圓領 T 1

13 長袖白圓領 T 1

14 長袖 polo 衫 1

15 原聲黑外套 1

16 牛仔褲(藍) 3 含穿 1 條

17 休閒褲 2

18 便服 2

19 內衣+內褲 8 條 含穿 1 套(不含表演用)

20 黑色襪 4 雙 含穿 1 雙

21 球鞋 1 雙 穿著

22 拖鞋 1 雙

23 圍巾 1 條

表演服mdash團服(女) 1 套 頭飾上衣裙斗篷皮鞋24

表演服mdash團服(男) 1 套 頭飾上衣褲斗篷皮鞋

25 黑短安全褲白內衣 2 套 表演用

26 珊瑚絨毯 睡袋 各 1

27 衣架 4 個 十九公用器材原聲錦旗 2專輯 2(以上台北準備)鐘琴鈸團旗 1 吹風機4 喉糖醫藥箱預備團服(男女各 1) 康樂器材(球類)輕便雨衣 2 箱 二十本活動計畫由社團法人台灣原聲教育協會理事長依協會年度工作計畫決行修訂亦同

- 62 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團「我愛唱的歌」專輯製作計畫


曲目錄音並搭配 MV製作成「我愛唱的歌」音樂專輯具體呈現出孩子的自信喜悅

以及想要分享與感恩的心情 二目的公益發行以感恩支持原聲的朋友並作為贊助原聲之禮物 三主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 四贊助單位



有限公司錸德文教基金會傳承文教基金會慧智文教基金會 五日期2015 年 2 月 10 日(二)至 13 日(五)5 天(0800~1100 練習1300~1700 錄音) 六地點錄音mdash功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號 )

住宿mdash天主教徐匯中學(2 月 6 日至 13 日共 8 晚) 七專輯工作人員


呂克勝(攝影及 MV 製作)侯宗佑(視覺設計)梁哲瑋(文案企劃) 八後勤工作人員

洪春滿校長(領隊)李彩霞(聯絡)馬慧如 Uli(教導)梁賜輝 Balan(總務)藍蔚

師(財務)阿貫師(企劃)高一志工幸念緹 九錄音人員45 人(女 37 人男 8 人)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十1 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 天下別無拯救(國語) 詞曲蕭泰然 編曲林雲郎 3 Take these wings(英語) 詞Steve Kupferschmid 曲Don Besig 4 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 5 如鹿渴慕溪水(英語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲Phil Dave 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 編曲游智婷 7 台北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 8 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲編曲林志忠 9 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 曲冉天豪 10 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城等 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 11 天黑黑(台語) 詞臺灣民謠 編曲詹興東 12 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 13 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 63 -

14 花は咲く花開(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 15 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 16 選 1赤とんぼ (日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 明天會更好(華語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

十一經費預算 項目及內容 單價 數量 小計 備註

旅運費(45 萬) 車資(東埔harr板橋) 14500輛天 12 29000 26 及 214

車資(板橋harr台北) 4000趟輛天 212 16000 27 及 28 租公車接送

膳食費 27-14 三餐 210人天 658 109200 早餐 50午晚餐各 80 住宿費 水電及清潔費 200人天 528 83200 徐匯中學宿舍

製作費(843 萬)

專輯音樂製作 -- 1 -- 音樂企劃錄音混音後製等 錄音工程 -- 1 -- 清唱人聲樂器等錄音及混音 鋼琴伴奏 1000時 35 35000 鐘點費 文案企劃 20000人 1 20000 文案撰寫

視覺設計 30000人 1 30000 碟面說明書封套等

平面攝影 4000天 4 16000 側拍封面照宣傳照等

MV 製作 4000分 25 100000 製作 6 曲 MV

歌曲版權費 6000曲 10 60000 公益發行版權費

編曲費 30000曲 4 120000 4 曲重新編曲

錄音場地租金 17000天 4 68000 功學社音樂廳(含鋼琴)

鋼琴調音 4000次 1 4000 印製費(412 萬) 母片製作費 6000片 2 12000 CD+DVD 壓片費 5片 16000 80000 CD+DVD 碟面印刷運費

印刷及包裝費 40份 8000 320000 說明書封套印刷品成型等

業務費(8 萬 920) 聯絡 6000人 1 6000 版權聯絡授權處理

雜支 74920式 1 74920 茶水郵電醫藥費等

總計 1183320 音樂製作及錄音工程費未計入


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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團歐洲演出及參訪行程概要 一活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二邀請單位柏林市立綜合高中維也納合唱學校(Wiener SaumlngerknabenWSK) 三主辦單位Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會 四贊助單位慧智文教基金會(Wisdom Culture amp Edudation Organization WCEO)元大文


傳承教育基金會臺灣期貨交易所 臺灣證券交易所hellip 五活動日期2015 年 8 月 28 日(星期五)至 9 月 11 日(星期五)共計 15 日 六航班中華航空公司

《去》8 月 28 日 CI61 桃園 TPE 法蘭克福 FRA 2330 0650 +1 日 《回》9 月 10 日 CI64 維也納 VIE 桃園 TPE 1135 0605 + 1 日


829~830拜會德國法蘭克福歐洲期貨交易所舉行專場音樂會(旅館 2 晚) 831~901德國得勒斯登(旅館 2 晚) 902~903德國柏林(旅館 2 晚) 904~905拜會波蘭波茲南 Poznań市政府及合唱學校與市立男童及女童合唱團舉行聯

合音樂會(接待家庭 2 晚) 906拜訪德國柏林市立綜合高中 Bettina von Arnim Schule與該校合唱團舉行聯合音樂

會(旅館 1 晚) 907柏林至維也納 參訪奧地利維也納聖彼得教堂於教堂內演出(旅館 3 晚) 908~909參訪維也納合唱學校與該校師生聯誼交流及與維也納少年合唱團聯演

八參訪人員54 人(學生 40 人師長 14 人)

第一聲部 13 人(女 13) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔

向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕松鈺婷

松憓婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 8 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳史俊祥田鎞鎷

全聖煜伍卲恩松雅德 師長14 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長及原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 林宜城 男 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣南投市漳興國小校長) 林麗敏 女 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣中寮鄉中寮國小教師)

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冉天豪 男 原聲音樂學校特約編曲(天作之合劇團藝術總監特約編曲) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 梁賜輝 男 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞台總監(導演) 黃敬恆 女 原聲教育協會助理舞台總監(政大社會系二年級) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影師志工 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事


1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 Hymm to Freedom(英語) 編曲Oscar Peterson 6 We are the world(英語) 編曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 7 Alleluia(拉丁語) 編曲Mozart 8 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 9 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 10 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 11 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 12 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 13 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 14 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 15 永遠讚美耶和華(國語) 編曲馬彼得 16 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 17 pakadaidaz 相親相愛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 18 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 安可曲 19 高山青(國語) 編曲馬彼得 20 Ode an die Freude(德語) 編曲 Beethoven


1 Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會負責聯絡安排行程及活動 2 行程承攬雄獅旅行社(台北市內湖區瑞湖街 111 號 2 樓 02-87932106)

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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團演出行程

2015 年演唱場次已滿額恕不再接受邀請謝謝各界對原聲教育協會暨所屬音樂學校與原



活動名稱 地點 主辦單位

21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園藝術廣場 衛武營藝術文化中心籌

備處 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 329(日) 全國原住民運動會音樂會 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台北火車站台鐵大樓 嘉旺竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 731(五) 原聲+長榮交響樂團音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保險經紀公司 830(日) 「玉山天籟」法蘭克福音樂會 德國歐洲交易所 Vocal Asia 95(六) 「玉山天籟」波蘭音樂會 波蘭 Poznań 音樂學校 Vocal Asia 95(六) 原聲+波茲南音樂學校聯合音

樂會 波蘭 Gods Mother of Sorrows Church

Vocal Asia

96(日) 原聲+柏林市立綜合高中

Bettina von Arnim Schule 聯合


德國 Ernst Reuter Saal Hall

Vocal Asia

98(二) 「玉山天籟」維也納音樂會 奧地利維也納聖彼得

教堂 Vocal Asia

99(三) 原聲+維也納少年合唱團

(WSK)聯合音樂會 奧地利維也納少年合

唱團(WSK)學校 Vocal Asia

1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 125(六) 原聲+親愛愛樂提琴隊音樂會 新竹市立文化中心演

藝廳 心築愛樂

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2016 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團受邀演唱原則 一公益演唱請邀約單位負擔交通及膳宿費 1 國際活動慶典 2 國家活動慶典 3 地方活動慶典僅限南投縣政府所屬單位 4 醫院學校教會監獄慈善及教養機構(安養院育幼院等) 5 回饋贊助及合作者 2014~2015 年團體捐款贊助台幣 50 萬元以上個人捐款 20 萬元以上者 二贊助演唱接受公益基金會協會及民間公益團體(如扶輪社獅子會崇她社等)

邀約 1 邀約單位負擔交通膳宿費 2 邀約單位捐款本協會作為建校基金(贊助費視演唱時間場次方式等相關內容而定) 三受邀注意事項 1 公益及贊助演唱場次兩者合計一年不超過八場為原則以維持團員正常作息及課程實施 2 邀請單位請於預定演出時間之前至少半年提出邀約以利作業安排 3 邀請單位請先以 email(akuanliaogmailcom)與台灣原聲教育協會聯繫

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2014 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日特輯


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- 71 -


一 活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二 邀請單位全日本合唱連盟(Japan Choral Association JCA)及東京國立博物館 三 受邀單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團 四 指導單位文化部外交部(駐日代表處)原民會教育部僑委會 五 主辦單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團東京公演實行委員會 六 協辦單位JCA 全日本合唱連盟東京男聲合唱團 Tokyo Liedertafel 1925 (TLT)台南

大家庭兒童青年合唱團及和聲兒童合唱學園 七 參訪日期2014 年 7 月 31 日(星期四)至 8 月 6 日(星期三) 八 航班長榮航空公司

《去》7 月 31 日 BR190 臺北松山 TSA 東京羽田 HND 1600 1955 《回》8 月 06 日 BR189 東京羽田 HND臺北松山 TSA 1050 1330

九 活動主題 台灣原聲童聲合唱團一行 46 人(團員 35 人師長 11 人)應「JCA 全日本合唱聯盟」

邀請於 7 月 31 日至 8 月 6 日前往日本東京參加 2014 年第 28 屆 JCA Kodomo Chorus Festival 活動以行銷台灣相關交流參訪活動包含 1 於東京新宿文化中心演出「玉山天籟」專場音樂會宣慰僑胞並為日本民眾祈福 2 與歷史悠久蜚聲國際之東京男聲合唱團(1925 成立)同台演出交流 3 於 JCA 國際兒童合唱節壓軸演出(為唯一受邀國外團體)以行銷台灣 4 參加指揮大師工作坊與來自日本各地 14 個兒童合唱團交流切磋 5 參加群馬縣政府「台灣展」演出 6 參加國立故宮博物院「神品至寶」於東京博物館開展演出 7 拜會老人養護中心並義演 8 拜會橫濱中華學校交流演出 9 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)

十 參訪人員46 人 學生35 人(女 29 人男 6 人9 歲 1 人10~12 歲 29 人13 歲 5 人) 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃 全襄柔李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 11 人(女 10 男 1) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全唯芯全家榆松昱蕎松鈺婷松詠婕 松憓婷伍約翰 第三聲部 12 人(女 7 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳方 政石伯華 伍邵恩松雅德釀恩塔給鹿敦 師長11 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長及指揮(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師)

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陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞臺總監(理事) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影志工 王月娥 女 原聲教育協會翻譯志工(台南和聲兒童合唱學園負責人) 曾碧卿 女 原聲教育協會錄影志工

十一住宿 731~83 85 東京大都會飯店 Hotel Metropolitan Edmont【5 晚】 東京都千代田區飯田橋三丁目 10 番 8 號 Tel 03-3237-1111 84 橫濱-玫瑰飯店【1 晚】 神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77 號 Tel 045-681-3311


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)





抵松山機場長榮櫃檯 check inrarrrarr1600航班 BR190rarrrarr1955東京羽田機場


晚餐 飛機餐(旅行社備有三明治飯糰茶水)



晚上 2100機場‐‐‐2145入住大都會飯店 2145~祈禱盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0930旅館‐‐‐1015王園 Kingrsquos Garden特別養護中心

(練馬區早宮 2‐10‐22 Tel 03‐5399‐2201)

1025‐1040 王園特別養護中心演出(演出後離場)

1050王園特別養護中心‐‐‐1120 鳥茶屋

中餐 1130‐1200 鳥茶屋餐廳(親子丼)


1200鳥茶屋‐‐‐旅館 1210

1215‐1400 午休 1400旅館‐‐‐1430新宿文化中心(新宿區新宿 6‐14‐1)

1500‐1700 台灣原聲童聲合唱團彩排 1600‐1700 TLT陸續到場

1730‐1800 東京男聲合唱團(TLT)彩排

晚餐 1730‐1800 飯糰+味噌湯(宜靜姊姊招待)(TLT自備)




1800‐1830 更衣 1830‐1900觀眾入場

1900‐2100 音樂會



- 73 -


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


1000旅館‐‐‐1025白金之森特別養護老人之家(港區白金台 5‐20‐5)

1115‐1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出

1130白金之森特別養護老人之家‐‐‐1140 TEREZZA 餐廳

中餐 1200‐1300 TEREZZA 餐廳(港區白金台五丁目)(美青姊姊招待)


1300 TEREZZA 餐廳‐‐‐1340洗足學園音樂大學

(神奈川縣川崎市高津區久本 2‐3‐1)

1340‐1400 於銀山廳報到註冊

1430‐1800 於銀山廳 1F參加Ms Fumiyo Tozaki戶崎文葉大師工作坊

1800洗足學園音樂大學‐‐‐1900 丸龜製麵店(宜靜姊姊招待)

晚餐 1900‐2000 丸龜製麵店(澀谷區代代木 3‐22‐7新宿文化クイントビル 1F)



晚上 2000丸龜製麵店‐‐‐2020旅館 2030~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0920旅館‐‐‐1000昭和女子大學(世田谷區 1minus7minus57)

1000‐1015 於人見記念講堂報到

1030音樂會開場與 14個日本兒童合唱團交流

1100‐1145 JCA合唱節開幕式(各團在座位上表演團呼 30秒)

1155‐1305 第 1段音樂會

中餐 1305‐1405 大學內食堂中華或日式便當(不炸不辣不冷食)午休


1415‐1525 第 2段音樂會(1525‐1545中場休息)

1545‐1705 第 3段音樂會(1625‐1645原聲壓軸演出演出前自介 30秒)

1705‐1720 全體大合唱 ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo 1735‐1745 大合照

1800昭和女大‐‐‐1815微熱山丘東京店(港區南青山 3‐10‐20)03‐3408‐7778

1815‐1900 欣賞微熱山丘建築 1900微熱山丘‐‐‐1920神樂坂春波餐廳

晚餐 1930‐2045 春波餐廳(高麗菜為主的煎餅お好み焼きの夕食)



晚上 2045春波餐廳hellip2100 旅館 2110~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0900旅館‐‐‐1100群馬縣政府(前橋市大手町 1‐1‐1)027‐223‐1111

中餐 1115群馬縣政府招待便當 1140‐1210更衣走位


1220‐1250 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

1310群馬縣政府‐‐‐1530東京博物館(台東區上野公園 13minus9)

1530‐1630 待機 1630‐1700東京博物館演出


1800東京博物館‐‐‐橫濱玫瑰飯店 1840(神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77)

晚餐 1900‐2050 自由行(發晚餐費分 6組6 小孩+2大人組)



晚上 2100~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

- 74 - 續前

音樂節 SCHEDULE Saturday 2 August at the SenzokuGakuen College of Music Meeting point amp time (on 2 August) 1430 at the lobby of the Silver Mountain Building Atelier (including rehearsal session for the Sing Together) 1500-1800 Break-up 1800 Sunday 3 August at the Showa Womenrsquos University Hitomi Memorial Hall Meeting point amp time (on 3 August) 1015 all singers to be seated in the hall Concert 1100 Opening 1125 Open Singing (warm ups and sing a song directed by Mr Johansson) 1200 Performances 1305 Lunch break 1415 Performances 1535 Meet at the lobby of the hall (our staff will attend your choir until breakup at 1757) 1543-1553 (10 min) dressing room (you can change cloth here)

時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 玫瑰飯店早餐


0900‐1010 橫濱自由行(拉麵博物館)

1015hellip1020 玫瑰飯店hellip橫濱中華學校(中區山下町 142)

1030‐1100 中華學校 1F保育院演出

中餐 1100‐1230 玫瑰飯店午餐


1230玫瑰飯店‐‐‐1320 Hello Kitty Land(東京都澀谷區神宮前 6‐1‐9)

1320‐1630 遊覽 Kitty Land原宿店

1630Kitty Land hellip1645 明治神宮


晚餐 1700‐1745 葵丸進餐廳高級天婦羅套餐




1800‐2000 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)



早餐 0645‐0730 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0745旅館‐‐‐0830羽田機場 0830‐0915長榮櫃檯 check in

搭乘 1030 長榮航班 BR189

中餐 飛機餐







晚餐 溫暖的家

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1600-1610 (10 min) room for last rehearsal 1615 Back stage 1625-1645 Your own performance on stage 1645 Stand by for Atelier performance 1655-1705 the Atelier performance (cond Ms FumiyoTozaki) 1705-1720 Sing Together ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo (your choir will be on stage) 1735 A time for taking photos at the lobby 1745-1755 dressing room for change cloth 1757 Break-up 十三演出曲目(視情況微調) 81(五) 1015-1030 東京都 王園特別養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 81(五) 1900-2100《玉山天籟》音樂會東京新宿文化中心 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 tankaunhanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 臺北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 8 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 中場休息 9 Muss i denn(德國民謡) 演唱TLT 編曲Friedlich Silcher 10 からたちの花(日語) 演唱TLT 曲山田耕筰 11 斎太郎節(日本民謡) 演唱TLT 指揮岩佐義彥 12 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 13 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 14 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 15 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 16 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 17 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 18 明天會更好(國語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 安可曲 19 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 20 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 76 - 82(六) 1115-1130 東京都 白金之森養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 82(六) 1500-1800 洗足學園音樂大學銀山廳戶崎文葉大師班練唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1625-1645 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂演出 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 4 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 83(日) 1655-1705 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂戶崎大師班合唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1705-1720 大合唱 Hymn to freedom(英語)

84(一) 1220-1250 群馬縣廳 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 84(一) 1630-1700 東京博物館

1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得

85(二) 0930-1000 橫濱中華學校

2 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得

- 77 -

4 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 6 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 十四說明事項

1 行程承攬日本南瓜旅行社(パンプキントラベル) Tel 03‐5367‐2271

東京都新宿區四谷 2‐5‐3 負責人西村勝則 090‐1552‐4986

聯絡單位 李宜靜 台灣原聲童聲合唱團日本公演實行委員會會長 深澤直樹 深澤雅子 Tel +81-3-3350-1141 王月娥 日譯志工 台南大家庭兒童青年合唱團和聲兒童合唱學園 台南市東區 70159 東興路 52 號 2F Tel 06-2385-666 原聲小朋友造訪東京都神奈川縣琦玉縣

- 78 -

台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日紀實 日本公演實行委員會會長 李宜靜





的退休老師知道日本合唱連盟協會邀請『原聲』參加 8 月 2 日3 月日本兒童合唱


流我為了瞭解『原聲』從 YouTube 看到很多關於馬彼得校長的訪問報導馬校長


在海拔 1000 公尺的玉山腳下有這麼一位充滿愛心的小學校長他是位基督徒





















- 79 -






















- 80 -


Bukut 團長 當確定受邀參加東京國際兒童合唱節時我的壓力便開始加身出國演出對孩子們來說








這些訊息都是由台南和聲合唱團的 Vicky 姊姊所聯絡提供她甚至還安排了歷史悠久










為了讓孩子們回家時也能練習還請上山裝置視訊設備的原聲電腦志工 Richard 和 Hank幫忙將每首歌的音檔 po 上網讓學生設法下載練習當孩子們練到相當程度時再請姑姑










- 81 -









抵達日本即在 8 月 1 日於新宿文化中心舉辦了一場專場音樂會而在來到日本的第一夜我



禱告除了為日本 311 大地震受難家屬祈福更為高雄氣爆事件祈福阿蠻校長真誠關懷





因緣巧合8 月 4 日也受邀至東京國立博物館所舉辦的「台北國立故宮博物院神品至寶」













- 82 -


- 83 -

- 84 -

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731 晚上 8 時許抵達羽田機場李宜靜會長及文化部駐日長官接機


- 86 -



- 87 -

山谷回音 UNITY--印地安原住民青年聯盟訪台代表團團員訪台心得

「UNITY‐印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」一行 8人接受台灣原聲教育協會邀請於 2014

年 3月 13 日來台參加玉山星空音樂會並環島參訪部落 10天於 3 月 22日圓滿返美

5月 9日在 Indian Country Today Media Network (美國最主要的原住民新聞雜誌)

httpenwikipediaorgwikiIndian_Country_Today_Media_Network 刊登了一篇執行長Mary

Kim Titla 寫的文章記述他們 3月來台的見聞文情並茂在文中Mary Kim Titla

提到布農族 ‐ 4次

提到原聲 ‐ 6次

提到原民會(包括副主委)‐ 2次

提到玉山星空音樂會(包括美青姊)‐ 2次

提到日月潭 ‐ 4次

提到東華大學 ‐ 2次

( httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity‐youth‐and‐indigenous‐tribes‐taiw

an‐exchange‐culture‐memories‐154749 )


UNITY Youth and Indigenous Tribes of Taiwan Exchange Culture Memories Mary Kim Titla 592014 The idea that indigenous tribes of Taiwan might benefit from the creation of youth councils led to an amazing overseas exchange between six Native American youth leaders and two chaperones during a 10-day journey in East Asia The six Native youth leaders representing tribes across the US are part of UNITYmdashUnited National Indian Tribal Youth Inc UNITY has a network of 140 youth councils in 35 states The UNITY delegation sponsored by Taiwanrsquos Vox Nativa visited the aboriginal homelands of seven of the 14 indigenous tribes including the Thao Bunun Rukai and Paiwan tribes in the lush and mountainous interior of Taiwan Flying 6500 miles to Taiwan requires a 14-hour plane ride from San Francisco The 14000 square mile island sits more than 100 miles off the southeast coast of mainland China with sub-tropical and tropical weather Taiwanrsquos history is intriguing Between 1626 and today the indigenous tribes experienced colonization with the Spanish Dutch Japanese and Chinese The tribes face challenges similar to those of US tribes with culture language and ancestral land preservation Tribal leaders are battling social ills such as rampant poverty alcoholism and high school drop out rates while striving to build their local economies Indigenous villages some rich with slate rock and nearby marble canyons rely heavily on tourism by performing tribal dances and selling tribal arts and crafts

- 88 - Aside from touring tribal villages by bus and trying indigenous foods like wild boar meat squid duck turnip cakes and rice cooked in bamboo UNITY youth shared their tribal songs friendship dances and their involvement in the National UNITY Council Two special exchanges happened during the pre-show of the annual Jade Mountain Starry Night Concert featuring Vox Nativarsquos youth choir which was attended by Chow Mei- ching the First Lady of Taiwan and with indigenous college students at National Dong Hwa University After Tyler Owens 19 shared an Akimel Orsquoodham friendship dance at the college the Taiwan students spontaneously engaged UNITY youth in one of their friendship dances ldquoTo see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating I enjoyed our time with the students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs and dances from homerdquo said Owens The UNITY delegation toured the country with a group of 15 Chinese American tourists including two indigenous college students who served as translators While visiting the Yanping village a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng through a translator explained how his small village moved from extreme poverty to thriving conditions through the establishment of a foundation to build a tourist village that includes a cultural theater restaurant coffee shop convenience store and weaving shop Interestingly the US based company 7-Eleven which can be found everywhere in Taiwan assisted by encouraging what amounted to millions of dollars in donations to the foundation Bunun which means ldquopeoplerdquo with 40000 to 50000 members is the fourth largest tribe in Taiwan They are known historically for being headhunters ldquoGetting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going through today with trying to keep their languages alive brought me back to some of the struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservationrdquo said Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai According to the Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park website there are two theories to explain the origin of the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan One advocates the indigenous people migrated from the southeast coast of China The other recognizes that Taiwan is the ancient origin of the Austronesian peoples which includes the ethnic groups of Malaysia Philippines and Polynesia Some tribes like the Bunun are patrilineal while others like Amis are matrilineal Unlike most non-indigenous Taiwanese who practice Buddhism more than 90 percent of the indigenous Taiwanese are Christian The dominant languages are three Chinese dialects however many indigenous adults and elders still speak their languages

- 89 -

The UNITY organization began a relationship with the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in 2013 The choir made up of Bunun tribal youth performed at the National UNITY Conference in Los Angeles California It was the grouprsquos first US tour and first contact with Native Americans specifically Native American youth Vox Nativa then extended an invitation for UNITY youth to travel to Taiwan in mid-March for a cultural exchange and to discuss the concept of a youth council network Vox Nativa is a nonprofit organization dedicated ldquoto achieve social reform within the poverty stricken aboriginal populations and communities through cultivation of gifted aboriginal childrenrdquo and ldquoto preserve and promote aboriginal culture pride and identity through a childrenrsquos choir grouprdquo Vox Nativa runs a weekend magnet and music school in the XinYi Township known for its plum farms The villagersquos annual Starry Night Concert attracts 3000 people Before leaving Taiwan UNITY youth leaders met with Kao Yang-sheng Deputy Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to explain how UNITYrsquos youth council network operates Owens explained the annual elections of the National UNITY Council and how officers are selected from 10 US regions with two co-presidents leading the Executive Committee ldquoYou are excellent Indian youth representatives chosen by states so I see you as the hope of your people Your visit of UNITY and comments will help us improve ourselves hererdquo said Yang-sheng On itswebsite the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan claims to ldquofollow the concepts of upholding national interest with priority given to promoting quality of life among indigenous peoples when formulating policy directions and strategies to enhance the living standards of the pride among Indigenous tribes and to restore their confidence and statusrdquo Five of the six UNITY youth leaders who traveled to Taiwan serve as regional representatives of the National UNITY Council They include Alex Toledo 19 Jemez Pueblo (Southwest Region Representative) Tyler Owens 19 Akimel OrsquoodhamGila River Indian Community (Western Region Representative) Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson 19 Kickapoo (Southern Plains Representative) Aaron Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa (Midwest Region Representative) and Simon Montelongo 16 Eastern Cherokee (Southeast Region Representative) Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai and the current Miss Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation also traveled with the group Mary Kim Titla San Carlos Apache and UNITY Executive Director as well as Christine Porter Mohawk and Ft McDowell Youth Council advisor served as chaperones ldquoI will never forget the amazing indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language We are thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the samerdquo said Porter

- 90 - ldquoI learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Irsquom thankful for this experience I will cherish the memories foreverrdquo said Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa

UNITY and Vox Nativa are planning future exchanges

Read more at httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity-youth-and-indigenous-tribes-taiwan-exchange-culture-memories-154749 UNITY youth leaders and their chaperones pose in front of Taiwans National Concert Hall The National Theater and Concert Hall are two of the first major modern performing arts facilities to be established in Asia On this day a large ceramic panda exhibit was on display Pictured from left in the back are Mary Kim Titla Carrie Hood Tyler Owens Aaron Leaureaux Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson Christine Porter and Simon Montelongo Alex Toledo is in the front These young women are members of the Thao Tribe They posed for a picture in between their performances for tourists at Sun Moon Lake the tribersquos indigenous homeland (Mary Kim Titla)

UNITY in Taiwan Experience (UNITY團員參訪心得分享) Aaron Leaureaux Going to Taiwan was the trip of a lifetime The views were amazing as were the people Their culture was similar to ours and it was amazing to learn that Native Americans are viewed as role models for Taiwan Indigenous natives My favorite part of the trip was visiting the National Dong Hwa University and seeing them perform their traditional dances and songs Another highlight of the trip was meeting with Taiwan Deputy Minister Kao Yang-Sheng and members of the Taiwan Indigenous Council During our stay we experienced a minor earthquake while Tyler Owens Carrie Hood and I were debriefing about our day As a result of the earthquake the very next day we got stuck in a tunnelcave while on our bus as heavy equipment was used to remove loose rock hanging above the roadway My favorite memory is taking the boat tour of Sun Moon Lake and learning about the history of the Thao tribe I learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Thank you so much for this experience I will cherish the memories forever

- 91 -

Tyler Owens Taiwan was a once in a lifetime trip and was so enlightening If I had the opportunity or the money to go back and do it all over again I would From getting to see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating The locals were so sweet and welcoming that it gave me a home like feel The vibrant colors on all the traditional clothing was exciting and the songs were so beautiful I enjoyed our time with the college students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs from home and got to traditionally dance Throughout the trip we got to try all kinds of food my favorite was the chocolate maugi even though it is not a food more like a dessert The Starry Nights Concert was astounding and we were recognized I felt famous for a moment and was so excited to finally get to take a group picture with the Vox Nativa students From the night market in Taipei to the food we ate on Sun Moon Lake there will never be a trip in my lifetime that could possibly top my ten beautiful days in Taiwan Thank you for this experience Carrie Hood The trip to Taiwan was awesome I wouldnt change anything about it Traveling around the island to visit 7 out of the 14 aboriginal tribes Bonding with all of the indigenous people was something so unforgettable Getting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going though today with trying to keep their languages alive Brought me back to some of struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservation With that being said the indigenous tribes we visited were amazing from the singing dancing and them just embracing us as one of them was such an amazing opportunity to have I can truly say that this was a trip of a lifetime and I would do it again any day 4) Christine Porter From March 12th ndash 22nd I accompanied our Fort McDowell Youth Council President 5 youth from tribes around the Nation and the Executive Director of UNITY on a trip to Taiwan to participate in a cultural exchange with the Indigenous tribes We visited 7 out of the 14 tribes We listened to them sing watched their dances and ate their traditional food We also visited various museums and historical sites I want to thank the Creator for keeping us all safe as we traveled to Taiwan I know the stress of planning a trip for a group of people and I have much respect and appreciation for Herdaw Che a volunteer with Vox Nativa and the others who helped him plan and prepare for this trip The youth and I felt important and special wherever we went whether to a village dinner or a performance Everyone we interacted with was kind and happy to see us

- 92 - When I saw the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in Los Angeles last year at the UNITY Conference I was in awe of their singing I instantly became excited when I saw that they would be performing a concert in Taiwan The highlight of the concert in Taiwan was when we were invited on stage to take a picture with them I already miss Taiwanese food Almost all the food was new to me and I promised myself I would try new things Irsquom so glad I did I ate duck turnip cakes and foods Irsquom uncertain of for the first time One of the highlights of the trip for me was when we visited the college After we heard the students sing Tyler Owens sang a couple songs as we all danced together But just as Tyler finished her song the students immediately took us into their dance and started singing Nothing was said we just danced I will carry that feeling with me forever Taiwan is one of the most beautiful places Irsquove ever been to The hotels were very fancy and I didnrsquot mind the hours on the bus because the view was mesmerizing On this trip I witnessed the love between human beings Each day we would visit an Indigenous village and every single time whether it was for 1 hour or 4 hours we created a bond with the people there We shared and interacted with love and kindness Everyone was sad when it was time for us to leave Our goodbyes were ldquoSee you laterrdquo ldquoCome back to visit us soonrdquo Whatrsquos your Facebook namerdquo We shook hands gave lots of hugs and then waved goodbye until we could no longer see them We spent 9 days on a bus with 15 other people also touring Taiwan In that time we shared snacks laughed took ldquoselfiesrdquo and sang karaoke together We formed friendships that will be cherished forever Last but not least I will cherish the friendships made between us and the interpreters They helped us understand what was going on and what was being said One interpretation was ldquoHe said we just had an earthquakerdquo Good thing it was small We joked together and had so many laughs They taught us and we taught them Irsquom thankful that they were able to spend the time with us and really make an effort to get to know us personally None of this would have happened if not for Vox Nativa and any other sponsors Thank you for this trip of a lifetime I will never forget the amazing Indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language Thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the same

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5) Mary Kim Titla --UNITY Executive Director I will never forget my trip to Taiwan The people of Taiwan were gracious hosts embracing us so wonderfully and throughout treating us like royalty The food was incredible Among many things we ate rice cooked inside bamboo eggs boiled in tea dried mini fish wild pig yellow watermelon wild Indigenous plants The UNITY youth most enjoyed themselves when they were able to engage with the Taiwan Indigenous youth When visiting the Thao tribal village the youth from two different continents played basketball together which is a universal sport and while there was a language barrier it did not prevent a most memorable exchange The UNITY youth brought gifts to share We did protocol gifting with a representative from the Thao Tribe among others Miss Ft McDowell Carrie Hood gave ground Acorn an Apache seasoning and a beautiful silver bolo tie Aaron Leaureaux gave a nice Beach towel with his tribal logo I was very proud of our young people The Starry Night Concert was certainly a highlight especially when we heard the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir Our UNITY group was called on stage to be recognized This was so exciting for everyone especially since the First Lady of Taiwan was present I was very honored to have received a gift from the Bunun village leader The Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park proved to be very educational which is equivalent to our National Museum of the American Indian Our group tried some archery and had fun on a big swing The Indigenous people also do great beadwork We all bought some nice items as souvenirs We were very honored to have met a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng The UNITY Youth presented him with a blanket and a shawl for his wife It was a first exchange he meeting American Indians for the first time and of course us meeting him We enjoyed listening to him talk about his tribe and their struggles to build their local economy Their Indigenous history is similar to ours It made my heart sad a little as he repeated the story of colonization But when I saw the young people the hope in their eyes made my heart happy again When we returned to Taipei we visited the second tallest building in the world 101 which has 101 floors It also has the worldrsquos fasted elevator getting us to the top in 30 seconds We also saw the Changing of the Guard at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall which was very impressive Irsquom so grateful to have started a relationship with Vox Nativa The UNITY organization extended an invitation for Indigenous youth of Taiwan to attend our National Conference in the US sometime in the future We look forward to that and possible future exchanges A big thanks to Herdaw Che for volunteering many hours to organize this trip and to Vox Nativa and other sponsors for giving Native American youth what may be a once-in-a lifetime experience

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山谷回音 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

Larry Liu Monday July 21 2014 This year I didnrsquot have a class to teach and instead worked in the office Although I was unable to learn specifically about on certain class my experience from my constant patrols allowed me to observe the activities of the camp as a whole As expected the youngest classes (2nd and 3rd grade) were the rowdiest and the hardest to control To help improve this the teachers of these classes could implement a randomized seating chart to separate the trouble-making kids and have one teacher up in front teaching and the other two helping out the teachers on the side As of now controlling the classes is definitely the biggest problem What I thought was nicely done was how the teachers would switch off to cover for each other when one of the teachers was out of the classroom Most importantly I believe that we can definitely be more proactive in solving our problems and helping our teammates Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the time seemed to pass by much faster since most of the team was almost over their jet lag However there were still several problems that our team encountered Most importantly our team still lacked control and authority over the students The 2nd grade class was extremely rowdy during homework time the 5th grade class was still asking inappropriate questions and the 3rd grade class still refused to listen to some of their teachers Each of these problems need to be addressed immediately and a strict unyielding way of dealing with instances of inappropriateness is the solution No is and must always be no If we fail to reprimand the students they will soon learn that they can keep on pushing the line and fail to see us as their teachers but rather their peers On the flip side English classes and bachata dance lessons were quite successful The kids were overall much more respectful to their teachers having warmed up to them My favorite part of the day was when I found a successful method to teach the kids bachata splitting them into 4 small groups and having them practice at separate times By applying this method to large group activities I can focus on each group and make sure that no one is left in the back and either not paying attention or struggling to seehear Overall I feel that our performance was equal to yesterdayrsquos performance but could definitely be better Wednesday July 23 2014 Since today was the middle of a typhoon many of the kids were sort of out of it during their lessons Nevertheless we did a much better job at controlling the kids WIth each class either adding new rules or enforcing them more strictly there were less kids wandering about and being rowdy Crafts today were a great success The kids were super focused and on-task constantly trying to improvedecorate their artwork Compared to the previous two days the kids were much more controlled and quiet I suspect this is so because the activities were more party oriented and

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hands-on as opposed to a purely education and lecture-style class However the afternoon meetings definitely still need work WIth so many people at the room at the same time itrsquos hard to not get distracted When one person starts to relax others will soon observe and follow suit I find that this is detrimental to the productivity of the group To solve this problem it would be better to clearly create committeesset a concrete goal with a deadline This would help keep all of us on track Thursday July 24 2014 Due to the change in schedule today class periods 3 and 4 were shorter The change in schedule threw off the pace of many classes causing us to forget when to startstop class I should have patrolled around and went to each class five minutes before in order to remind the teachers Today was our arts and crafts day for lanyards friendship bracelets and rainbow loom bracelets Just like yesterday the kids were extremely well behaved They really enjoy their arts and crafts The best part about them was when the kids wanted to keep on making more for their family members that didnrsquot attend Vox Nativa The fact that these students are not very fortunate yet still worrylook out for their family members first really inspired me They truly have compassionate hearts The most important part of the day was the activity leading period We were given all the time from nap-time to leaving school to take care of the students so we played games and danced In general the children liked dancing over games What we should have done is split the kids in smaller groups according to grade level so that the older kids wouldnrsquot be bored In addition we need to be more proactive and organized so that there are less awkward pauses during activities Otherwise the day ran pretty smoothly Monday July 28 2014 Today half of the team got up at 500am to pick grapes at Uli 老師rsquos house This proved to be quite exhausting because many had slept at 100200 and were sleep deprived throughout the day Because of this many of the teachers napped during classes in front of the kids I feel that it would be a much better idea for teachers to nap inside of our office instead of doing it inside of the classrooms This allows teachers to maintain a sense of professionalism and show the kids that we are not their peers but rather figures of authority that they should respect When the flubber project started today I immediately saw the problem with the younger classes WHen the teachers were going around one by one to give the kids materials other kids who hadnrsquot received materials began talking and playing with them before the teachers explained the project TO mitigate this one teacher should prepare materials for all the kids ahead of time before passing them out at the same time This takes out the awkward pauses during class time during which the class gets out of control Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was without a doubt the busiest day of the trip Right after breakfast the office crew immediately got to work preparing the banquetfood pick up area by sweeping and rearranging tables I was pleased with our productivity we had taken down the Halloween decorations the previous day so that we could immediately start preparing However when it came to the time

- 96 - where we were preparing food for the banquet we lost our previous productivity Because the kitchen had a limited number of knives and cutting boards only a few people worked continuously while others lingered around and just talked We made those we had already finished their job of washing vegetables start practicing the song that we would perform for the show tonight The strategy of splitting up a large group into smaller groups and keeping everyone busy by assigning new jobs is one that keeps the group on track Like always the ending performance was bittersweet What struck me the hardest was the fact that my kids still remembered me from last year even though I hadnrsquot talked to them much during the entire trip Knowing that I was an important figure in the kidsrsquo lives filled me with a sense of accomplishment and provided me with a sense of closure for I knew I had succeeded as a teacher when I touched the hearts of my students last year Wednesday July 30 2014 The best way to describe today would be a day of early farewells Due to their Tokyo performance a bit less than half of the students left today THeir early departure left the school with a sense of emptiness as many of the older kids were gone Seeing my kids from previous years leave also left me with a sense of emptiness as well When it came to the time for group activities it eventually devolved into just movie-watching for the kids I still feel like we should have spent this time more wisely such as teaching more crafts and socializing with the kids in order to learn about their personal circumstances Watching movies should be done only as a last resort Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of the volunteer portion of the trip the official day of farewells Instead of teaching English for the entire day most of the teachers ended up throwing some type of farewell party for the kids I thought that this was appropriate seeing how many of the classes had already taken their final exam the previous day and most of the kids were already in a end-of-school type of mood Again we showed a movie which I think was acceptable but obviously had better alternatives When it came to the time to say our goodbyes many of the kids from the lower grades came to give me a hug I felt appreciative because even though I wasnrsquot their teacher I constantly went into their classrooms to help their teachers control the class to the point where they recognized me as one of their ldquounofficial teacherrdquo Having that sense of belonging despite not teaching a class really was the highlight of my service

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and mostly paid attention Unfortunately the problem with these students are that they donrsquot have enough confidence in my opinion When we asked them to read aloud their mad libs all of the students basically whispered it even when we told them to talk louder I think theyrsquore afraid of pronouncing words wrong Also they donrsquot ask questions even when they need help Instead they just sat there and talked to their friends Hopefully in the next few days the kids can open up to us and not be afraid to ask questions and mispronounce words In addition the lesson plan we had made the day before was not followed as the time we had estimated for the activities were so long In the end we ended up playing games with the vocabulary we taught them For upcoming classes I hope to better plan our activities so we donrsquot have to improv Tuesday July 22 2014 After today I noticed how responsible these kids are Because seventh grade is in the choir room we donrsquot have our own mops Even though breakfast time had already started the students who were in charge of mopping the floor stayed back and finished mopping the floor before they went down to breakfast Although this may be a daily routine for them I still think it is amazing how disciplined and responsible these kids are They donrsquot have any mindset to first eat breakfast and then come back later to mop the floor After letting the students pick their seats yesterday they ended up talking to their friends and therefore did not pay too much attention during class However today after creating a seating chart and interacting with them for a day I realized they help each other a lot talk less and participate more Also they started to speak louder after getting to know us In order to create the environment for them to be speaking English without hesitation we have to let them know that wersquore here to help them improve their English and help them not to laugh at them Because today was the first day of Bachata I didnrsquot know what the expect However I was amazed at how fast they remembered the moves Although they were a bit noisy at first after blowing the whistle and separating the entire group into fours they paid more attention By splitting into groups of four the children danced group by group and it was easier to control them and ensure they are doing the right moves Wednesday July 23 2014 Although the students paid attention during class and did their assigned classwork I still think not all of them were putting 100 into learning We asked them about the typhoon before class started and it seemed as if they were all really worried including their parents Some wanted to go home but couldnt due to the Japan trip and others said they were going to miss us They were getting distracted during their classwork and started talking during read aloud or with someone else was talking by the lightning and the thunder Today I realized how they normally dont have much of a choice when doing something because of the typhoon there was a power outage therefore the quizzes the students were supposed to take couldnt be printed leaving a hole in our schedule We told her class to write a dialogue with the partner on any subject as long as each person said at least five lines each line including one vocab word Before they started they kept confirming with us that the dialogue could be on any topic

- 98 - The concert after dinner was funny and cute Even though the performance with the tunes might have been boring as they started learning just three days ago they made it funny and entertaining to watch I learned that even though you might not be too advanced at playing instruments when giving a performance try your best if it is boring think of something to do to make it entertaining The Halloween party afterwards was pretty exciting as the lightning from the typhoon added to the spookiness Spending the effort of decorating the office and the classrooms was really worth it I think the kids got a feeling of Halloween but they still need to experience the fun of walking around neighborhoods with their friends on Halloween night trick-or-treating Thursday July 24 2014 For some reason every time our class plays games and we tell them to split into teams and create names they come up with the strangest names The team names are all related to one another One team comes up with a name and the other teams find another name related to it For example on the second day two teams name themselves team Jesus and team Lord The last team decided to name them selves team God Yesterday one team name themselves team team so the other two teams name themselves team team number two and team team number three Finally today when we split them into two groups one decided on the name fish power so that the other team decided to name themselves dust power Although Im not really sure how these kids come up with these names Im amazed at their creativity When we did rainbow loom in the second session I thought a lot of the students knew how to do it however I was surprised that they didnt know how to use the loom itself instead the kids used another tool to make their bracelets Since my class is in seventh grade most of my kids left for their tripAfter a week of teaching them I feel like our kids are having more fun during class and opening up to us more however I still think they are afraid to ask those questions answer incorrectly or get laughed at by their friends Monday July 28 2014 Picking grapes at a great plantation was a great experience except for the bugs and tall grass I always love eating Taiwan fruit because it tastes sweeter than the ones in America and there are more kinds Today in class three new students came bringing the total to 12 students Unfortunately we planned a unit 5 to 7 test After the kids finished it and we graded it we realized that the two worst test scores were Ryan and Jacob once again from last week We talked with them and asked why they didnt study Apparently they work on the farm during the weekend and didnt have time to study Therefore we retaught the units and they retook the test Im amazed how hard-working they are even when theyre not at school Unlike students in the US the students in Taiwan work on farms on the weekends Students in the US sleep in on weekends and just hang around the house or with friends Although we decided to combine classes for the talent show when we all gathered we had absolutely no idea what to do Originally my kids didnt want to perform with the sixth graders because six and seventh grade always combine but it was too late We ended up dancing to Best Day of My Life I was pretty surprised how fast they learn the moves just like Bachata I try to get them to send certain parts of the song and exaggerate their moves except it didnt really work

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Hopefully by tomorrow night they can dance more freely Tuesday July 29 2014 Im still surprised at team names the kids come up with today they came up with susu power and gin gin power Every time Crystal and I asked him how they came up with their names they just make a sound and move on After trying a flash card game where there are two teams and each team has a person guessing While the rest of the team describes the card last week we found it pretty effective therefore we decided to play it again today Thinking back on it this game is helpful as you have to know what the word is and what it meansThis relates to what my chemistry teacher said all year you dont really understand something until you can teach someone else and apply it For example if one person on the team did not know what the word meant but everyone else knew and was explaining it to the gas soon then the person who didnt know before would learn it Tonight after the concert to be honest I thought I wouldnt cry Even though I taught my class for only two weeks I didnt bond with my students thats much as I have the oldest class and there are disciplined so I dont have to yell at them or talk to them as muchHowever by the end watching people cry listening to sad music and the kids hugs are you eventually cried For one performance sixth and seventh grade performed best day of my life Since they only danced it for one and a half hours before the performance I was proud of them for dancing and singing on stage Wednesday July 30 2014 Since there was a unit eight test today and a concert the night before we gave the students time to study and review After correcting the tests we realized the worst two scores were once again Ryan and Jacob This happened on Monday to therefore I retaught them the unit with the hope that they would learn it properly this time Since the choir kids had to leave at 11 AM we planned to let the rest of the kids play basketball I threatened the two kids that if they didnt really learn the unit properly they couldnt go out to play When reteaching them I think they know the content they just dont spend the time to study and memorize it The kids dont seem to like studying as much because they have to work on the farms over the weekend and they wont use English that often It was really interesting that the kids in our class we watched our performance from last night and played demons and best day of our life during break time on their phones I dont know whether they already know the songs before hand but I thought it was pretty cute They also started to sing-along and hum the tune Thursday July 31 2014 Because my class is done with the textbook and Justines class only had one student left we decided to combine classes and make rainbow loom bracelets together Although we tried teaching this during class we only got through the simplest design therefore this time we gave them examples and asked them which one they wanted to learnSome kids were amazing at making bracelets while others struggled a little bit Some students made bracelets for a family member while others made bracelets for themselves or their group of friends After a wild we took them out to play basketball

- 100 - however they couldnt find a ball so they went to climb the tree in the back parking lot Unfortunately that tree is a historical tree and they werent supposed to climb it Before I knew it it was time for the kids to go The goodbyes were short and soon the kids left These past two weeks were a really fun and nice experience Comparing last year with this year is really difficult because they are two separate sets of experiences Although its the same concept of teaching English the approach methods and memories are different I am really glad I got to spend two weeks at Vox Nativa helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Rebecca Zheng Monday July 21 2014 Today I was pretty anxious and worried while I was waiting for the students to come in the class I was afraid that they would not listen to me and that we would not be able to teach them properly First the students were very shy and curious about us When we started class I tried my best to project my voice and lead the class We utilized a variety of techniques to teach the students including repeat after me call and answer and fill in the blank I was surprised that the kids proficiency in English was relatively low and we ended up having to use Chinese for most of the class Although most of the kids were not extremely disciplined they were responsible for their age and completed all of their jobs I feel like we had a pretty good first day especially since it was both Kevins and my first time teaching English Tuesday July 22 2014 We used similar techniques to teach class today I felt like the students were getting bored of some of the activities we used and that the students who didnt participate as much were not learning I hope thats we will be able to get these certain students to participate more During lunch it took a long time for the kids to get their meals and to bring the food I need to figure out if this is the normal amount of time needed for the kids to complete their tasks The kids also had a hard time falling asleep Dinner time today was also very chaotic because it seemed like the kids duties werent defined I thought it was impressive that the kids all knew how to ration their portions so everyone had the same amount Homework time was also very hectic The kids did their Hobart but they just went to the back and were playing and goofing off Wednesday July 23 2014 Today there was no power or water for the first half of the day I was worried because I knew it would be harder to teach with no lights We were able to get through our lesson plan but the kids were much sleepier today They were also more board and made the classroom messier because they cannot fool around outside For the Halloween night all of the kids were very excited They probably only got 2 to 5 pieces of candy each but they were very happy We had a problem with cleaning up afterwards because the kids spilled a lots of Jell-O and candy wrappers everywhere It took a while but in the end the class was somewhat orderly again As a whole I think we need to figure out a better way to get the kids to do their jobsSuch as bringing the meals putting away the

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dishes and cleaning the classroom Some kids are not as responsible as others Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had to supervise the kids until 430 PM I figured out that sending a kid to get food with their friends or bribing them by helping them with their projects worked well The kids were very excited to make lanyards today and we were surprising me patient They did not get frustrated when they did not understand how to make the lead beard and all of them eventually learned how to make one We also had to supervise the kids after nap timeWe went to the auditorium and we danced and played a few games The kids seemed a little bored when they were dancing but they liked the games and most of the kids participated At the end of the day the students with hope They looked happy and sad at the same time and I feel like I learned a lot Monday July 28 2014 This morning I had a hard time waking up Some people went to pick grapes and Im glad I didnt get up that early to do so because I was very tired We made flubber today It was a very simple process for the kids but in retrospect I dont think it was a good idea because the kids always play with them during class which is a huge distraction and also created a huge mess English class was okay We worked out a routine where we spend half of the time reviewing and half of the time learning new material We gave out a worksheet and the kids struggles At this day I know everyones name most of the Chinese names and how good their English is I also know who the smart kids are so I will only call on them only when nobody else knows the answer Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we did not have an activity planned for class so we did English class for four periods We gave out a pretty simple test but most of the students were unable to do most of the questions Because of this we had to do review for most of the class offering stickers as incentives I think this review was very beneficial and the students learned a lot I realized how important the review was to the kids because they take a long time to absorb new information We also spent a lot of time preparing for the banquet I decorated the office which didnt take too long I think the kids enjoyed the food but there was no interest among them with the clam chowder We should have served him the chowder with their food The kids really liked the spam musubi and the chocolate fondue Next year I think we should include more protein in the menu Wednesday July 30 2014 This morning I really could not get up But I eventually did We made gingerbread houses today and I think the kids really enjoyed it It wasnt too messy and we had a lots of candy left over We used the candy as incentives during class time We only had one period of English and we used it as a wrap up lesson Many kids are not going to be here tomorrow I found that using the whistle was effective in getting the kids attention I usually blow the whistle to get the kids to light up After class at that time we watched a movie but the kids did not understand what the movie was about because it was all in English After the movie we played with the kids had dinner supervise the

- 102 - kids and cleaned the bathroom Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day I was not sad or sentimental at first because all of my favorite students had left the day before We watched movies for the entire time and we had our last meal together I was happy because the kids prayed for us and thanked us for teaching them Then we assigned the kids their jobs and we yelled at them to do their jobs Most of them were pretty responsible but some of the kids who were asked to do extra because they had simple jobs were very lazy After to clean up we said bye to the students and watch them board the bus The funny thing is that I was more sad about leaving the other classes then my own I cared about my own kids but it is hard for me to make a close bond with young children The sixth and seventh graders felt closer to me than my fourth-graders We rode the bus and the train to Taipei and I wished those kids the best of luck for their future because they are talented helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Andrea Lam Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first team meeting or class of second graders They were all super friendly and kept wanting us to play with them But because of how playful you were it was kind of hard to control them 30 class Something interesting we learned today was that even though all of the kids were in the same grade they had varying skill levels in English A few of the kids were amazing at English while other new on the how to write the uppercase or lowercase letters Because of the difference in skill level it was hard for us to teach because some of the kids who already knew everything would get restless and bored I think something we need to improve on is getting the kids to listen to us and pay attention during class and not fool around as much Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the students were a bit more behaved they listen to us a lot more and actually paid attention in class The Halloween crafts we made today in preparation for our Halloween party tomorrow were extremely interesting for the kids One of the Halloween crafts we had to make was a paper pumpkin The kids were so excited when they found out it would be baking a pumpkin and some kids came up to me to ask about the history of pumpkins in Halloween I was very surprised when the kids came up to me to ask me to help them perfect their pumpkins They hated seeing its lopsided or seeing it have holes in between the paper strips In the end the kids were happy after finishing your paper pumpkin and many of them kept telling me they cannot wait to bring it home to show their parents Wednesday July 23 2014 Even though today was not the first day of class our kids were still very miss behaved at times and required us yelling at them several times before they would quiet down Because of this Megan Marcus and I decided to use a new system to control the kids Our new system was that for each

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Time a kid disobeyed one of our rules they would get their name written on the board and fall Louit offenses would result in checks next to their name If a kid had two checks next to their name then they would be sent to the principals office Surprisingly this new method worked extremely well Once one student got two checks and was sent to the office the other students knew we were serious and quieted down oboist immediately After that the kids were being well behaved for the majority of the class Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had a craft to teach our kids during class We taught the kids how to make bracelets out of seven pieces of string using cardboard circles At first the kids had a hard time grasping how to make the bracelets but eventually the kids got very into it and begin to be able to make them on their own without our help After finishing the first bracelet many of the kids asked for more string to make bracelets for their siblings or parents Overall I think teaching the kids how to make bracelets was a good idea because it was simple enough to keep them quiet for the majority of the time Monday July 28 2014 Today during third and fourth period we taught our class how to make flubber When we first told the kids we would be baking flubber and explain to them what it was they were excited and could not sit still To get all of the students to quiet down we told them that they would not get any of the materials unless they were quiet and sitting down at their desks Eventually they were quiet enough for us to begin the project The kids had so much fun making the flubber After the flubber was done the students started throwing it around like a bouncy ball which made a best in the classroom It was still a very fun experience for the students Tuesday July 29 2014 Tonight was the farewell show that all the kids and all the Connexpedition team performed at The show as funny entertaining and full of memories When our slideshow came on and when some of our members said their speeches Justine Jenny Crystal and I started crying It was so emotional hearing everyone describe their experiences with each of their classes It made me reflect on my own experiences with my 2nd grade class When my kids came up to hug me when I was crying it was incredibly touching and only made me cry harder All the kids were incredibly sweet telling us not to cry and to save our tears for more important times This farewell show was the moment that made me realize how much all of our hardships were worth in the end Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we made graham cracker houses in class It was so extremely messy and many of the kids somehow managed to get the frosting all over their clothes desks and the floors However it was fun to see the kids being creative in decorating their graham cracker houses For the project we divided our class into groups of 2 which forced the two kids to cooperate and work together in order to successfully builddecorate their graham cracker house One pair worked extremely well together

- 104 - They had a whole system of who would ice the graham cracker while the other held the house together It was so satisfying to see the students be able to work together properly and build a beautiful graham cracker house Thursday July 31 2014 Our last day with the kids at Luo Na was incredibly sad I teared up and started crying once I saw my students get on the bus ready to leave us and head home When the buses started to pull away all of the kids opened the windows to wave goodbye Afterwards as I was walking back to the classroom to do a final cleanup I was struck by how empty and quiet the school seemed without the kids Looking into my classroom and seeing how orderly and lifeless it seemed only made me tear up again After getting to know such amazing kids after two weeks the thought of not being able to ever see them again is disheartening I want to be able to see the kids I taught succeed in life and grow up to become adults Hopefully some day in the future I will be able to meet my kids again and see just how much they will have grown helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Shane Li Monday July 21 2014 Today was the first day of our actual service This year I was in a class teaching instead of not teaching I am in charge of the third grade class They are basically the students from Andrearsquos class last year It really isnrsquot that bad but I almost lost my voice today I managed to get my voice back by not talking for four hours There is also a typhoon coming in and I am actually not sure if I want it to come or not I sort of donrsquot like who I am teaching with but I also donrsquot want to leave the kids I guess this just means that I need to suck it up if I have to teach with Roy There were also things I learned about lesson planning I under-planned a lot and I realized that we should always overplan so we will never run out of material Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day of teaching It was a rather better day today but also a tougher day English first period went pretty well I learned new ways of getting the kids to participate I developed a new strategy on what to do to get the most participation from the kids I feel like my lesson planning could have been better though The class sort of fell apart during second period I think partly because I ran out of steam but in the end the class did go better than yesterday I started to get sick today and I had some diarrhea I am really feeling what it is like to have to work a twelve hour day while sick and having a lack of sleep I guess I really did not understand how stressful it was to do this until this trip because culture camp back at US is not anywhere near what I do here Also last year I did not teach a class I need to improve on controlling my kids more and better lesson planning and not bore the students I have a lot to learn before I get anywhere close to a perfect day Wednesday July 23 2014

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Today was the first day I let Roy teach a whole class by himself At first he really took control of the class and actually taught However as the class went on it became obvious he was starting to make things up (on the spot lesson planning) Ping also told me that I should be less mean when speaking to the kids and not yell at them all the time I will try to be softer with all of the students tomorrow and see how that goes Making the faces and costume for the kids were really fun They all extremely enjoyed it I realized today that some of these kids can be very creative Maybe and probably even more than me I find it really saddening that the kids arenrsquot as fortunate as me when it comes to ability to expand their abilities It really touched me today to realize that Vox NAtiva has basically changed these children Sometimes I really wonder where these kids will be without Vox Nativa Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of the week English class was really smooth and nothing really went wrong I gave them a test and half the class did not do so well so Irsquom not really sure if it is my problem or if the kids did not study The other half of the class did really well though The kids really liked dancing to the music THey only like fast-paced music though which I can understand I am going to try to get along with Roy more next week since I feel like it is affecting our class Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of the second week The kids all came into the class extremely tired for some reason It was a good thing since they were all very quiet Today I made Roy teach both classes of English He somewhat struggled because he is not able to make decisions by himself He would constantly look at me and ask me what to do next I feel like having a good voice makes kids listen to you more I always try to have a solid voice and Irsquove realized if you did not have one the students will be less likely to listen to you Instead they will just laugh at your voice and make fun of it We made flubber today as our science project I used a new system in teaching them how to make it I would do it once in front of the whole class then have them come up one by one and get the ingredients This method worked really well and I was able to keep the class clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a pretty tiring day because of the banquet and lack of sleep the day before Today I taught English class and I realized that I love my voice I canrsquot raise my voice anymore because when I do it just sound extremely blank I realized it was easier to speak normally to the kids than shouting I made Roy actually start yelling in class today Honestly it did not work out so well since the kids just laughed at his voice Today was also the goodbye banquet The students had really cute performances especially my own class Those kids were always gone and now I know why - because they were practicing for the performance It really touched me because they prepared for it In the very end after the video we all went up to give speeches and a few of my students started crying I started to tear up as well even though I usually donrsquot cry at all Wednesday July 30 2014

- 106 - In the morning the kids were all really tired today probably because the banquet went really late last night Today Roy kept falling asleep in class This really ticked me off I had to constantly wake him up and every time he goes back to sleep During second period I gave Roy my lesson plan and made him teach It didnrsquot go so well though He was not able to control the class so I had to constantly raise my voice and get them to listen to Roy Next period we made graham cracker houses I thought it was really messy but the kids actually took care of the room I am pretty sure they got into a sugar high after because they ate so much candy Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of our service In the morning all of the lower classes came to our room and we all just watched a movie together I feel the kids donrsquot have the luxury of watching movies because most of them had never seen The Incredibles or Cars After movies the kids ate lunch and went home After thinking about it I have learned a lot of new things on this trip different from last year I learned that you donrsquot always get to work with who you want to work with because life does not work that way Also sometimes i realized I just need to suck it up and do things I donrsquot necessarily like I also found that you have to establish a line with the kids If I am always nice to them they wonrsquot listen to me If I am always mean to them they will not respect me There is a way to balance these two and I feel like I did that fairly well this year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kevin Lian Monday July 21 2014 Going into today I was really excited because it is always exciting meeting new students When they started entering though I did not start interacting with them right away I eventually did start approaching the kids to start talking to them When we started teaching the class was pretty rowdy We ignored them and raised our voices which was not very effective It was not until we started deducting points from their score that they started to listen to us We should have enforced the policy from the beginning From then on we started to threaten them with deducting points to keep them quiet We were not able to learn the kidsrsquo Chinese names because they were harder to read Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll find a way whether it be memorizing pinyin or the characters ANother thing we could improve for tomorrow is preparing a longer lesson plan We planned to spend a lot of time on the introduction part but it went by really quickly Our English lesson included multiple pauses when my partner and I discussed what to do next Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I got a better grasp on the studentsrsquo names I forced myself to remember them by picking on all the kids to participate This way they get practice in English and I was able to learn their names During the arts and crafts portion of the class period I realized that the kids were really needy However that is to be expected because they are young Next time I am going to make the class wait for every student to finish before teaching the next step We tried giving the kids less points during the lesson today but they kept on complaining Also it is hard to keep the point system fair

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because not every kid participates equally While part of the reason may stem from their English level a bigger reason is that theyrsquore too shy to break away from their comfort zone My kid David is usually outgoing during the break times but during class he never participates Looking back Irsquove realized that my class responds well when we yell at them However a kid cried together when we yelled It might have been because we singled her and another kid out when they had books out Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll gain more respect from the kids Wednesday July 23 2014 I really liked how we handled class today The class was really responsive because we included two activities in which the kids were able to get out of their seats instead of just listening to the lecture The class was a bit restless because of the lack of electricity but they still listened to us after a while THe kids complained about us teaching too quickly so I think wersquoll go back to review more in the future Irsquove also bonded really well with the kids now because they talk to me during breaks During breaks the kids tell stories They are stories either about their lives or ghosts so I decided to share my own past with them and how we live life in America I still raise my voice at them when they donrsquot listen but I donrsquot threaten with taking them to the office anymore The Halloween preparation was fun The kids were excited to learn about our tradition probably because they would get candy The classes are passing by quickly unlike the previous classes and more students are participating Thursday July 24 2014 Last day for the first week I really think Irsquove grown as a teacher throughout the week In the beginning I was afraid to use my authority However now Irsquove realized that I need to use that just to get them to listen to me It also helps now that I know their names in English I know the troublemakersrsquo names in Chinese just to make sure they will listen to us The art project was really difficult to start The kids were impatient and we were slow to help them individually Thank goodness Brian Amy and Larry came to help us Next time we should start the lanyards for them before class Overall though I feel like we are consistently improving compared to before Also it is easier to lead the class now that wersquove been here for a week I am looking forward to next week with the students Monday July 28 2014 Seeing the kids again after the weekend was refreshing because the weekend seemed pretty lackluster without them I feel like I yelled at my students a lot more today THe flubber project was hard to manage because we could only help one group of kids at a time Therefore the other kids would talk a lot while waiting Also since we had to get our own water the person in the classroom had to help the class while controlling the sound level at the same time I got really mad at my class after dinner because the students kept switching groups for the talent show THey would prepare with one group then one person would leave and start another This took away from the time they had to prepare Also there was another group of kids who did not want to participate I had to feel them ideas and even then they would not make up their minds I had a personal talk with a student

- 108 - who lost her parents Looking at her I would not have realized that she had such a difficult childhood One quote will stay with me for a while ldquoIf you miss someone just imagine that theyrsquore here with you Then you wonrsquot feel lonelyrdquo Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a difficult day for me I felt unrested so I was impatient with the students I specifically sat next to James and made sure he paid attention in class He often fell asleep and would not participate in discussions I talked to him privately during the break and he was pretty quiet for the rest of the class I think he had trouble paying attention in class because his English is not as good as the other students He also had very little motivation to work hard Getting food during dinner and banquet was difficult because the kids were restless and hungry but they seemed to really enjoy eating the food I thought that the show at night was pretty emotional The kid I yelled at today still came up to me and hugged me I told him ldquoGood luck in the futurerdquo and he smiled at me I really hope that I have changed how he viewed education at school Wednesday July 30 2014 The class president and vice president was not here today These two students were extremely helpful because they would help control the class and distribute work for the rest of the kids Without them the class was unwilling to bring updown the dishes and the meals Also since most of our better behaving students left today there was no balance in the classroom This shows the two extremes in the class I guess I should have noticed earlier but I didnt really mind because the class was still productive If I am in charge of a class in the future I would be a lot stricter in the beginning of the teaching period The most meaningful part of today was when the kids handed us thank you notes I really appreciated how they were thankful for what we had done for them That was a motivating experience because it directly showed how we were able to influence the kidsrsquo lives and futures Thursday July 31 2014 The last day with the kids It was pretty emotional because I really got to know one of the students really well David was one of the kids whose parents helped us out over the weekend His family offered us the pig to each Well after we went to his home he started talking to me a lot more On the last day he really helped out with cleaning the classroom I gave him one of the three rainbow looms He was the only kid sitting quietly and raising his hand The other students rushed and shouted I guess his behavior really showed me how he developed through the class because he used to be one of the kids who wouldnrsquot listen at all This last moment with him really boosted my confidence as a teacher helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kye Swen Monday July 21 2014 Today went surprisingly well considering the first day is usually the hardest Meeting the children

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was a serendipitous experience in the sense that the children were surprisingly and unexpectedly docile English lessons were carried out in a rather organized succession of activities with alternating teacher taking charge of every other activity This cooperative system proved useful and semi-harmonious The children are not exactly the most loquacious kids but they were well-behaved and obedient I learned that life is not the same everywhere and that not all children are born equal Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos class went fairly smoothly Games such as hangman and charades were played to joyous children Although the children were rowdier today than yesterday they still seemed rather attentive and open to teaching All the children were relatively happy but three students were more participative than the rest Perhaps our most important goal is to get more people to participate in class discourse and answer questions The English lessons seem to be getting shorter and shorter as todayrsquos lesson time was subtracted due to Bachata lessons and tomorrowrsquos English lesson time will be cut short by Halloween craft-making I hope to properly cover all the planned material in the limited time allotted for English lessons Wednesday July 23 2014 Throughout all of today the clear highlight of the day had to be the Halloween party After the party the only event that stood out in my mind was Halloween Looking back my memories of the day are a kaleidoscopic array of strobe lights and dismembered mannequins In regards to the teaching of our English class we are beginning to find that our students are showing less and less vigor and vitality in our classes Their participation seems to be lacking and the course of our ENglish lessons do indeed seem to be lacking in luster I think that ramping up and overhauling our point-prize system will increase participation and morale in our classes Thursday July 24 2014 Today went extraordinarily well Almost all of our kids participated a reasonable deal and we have taught a significant portion of English in the first 40-minute half of our first English session After dumping out our prize collection on the front desk to show them to possible rewards for racking up enough point for their respective teams the rate of participation went up The second half of our English session was dedicated to giving out tests to our students A twenty minute test was administered and though our expectations were high the results were massively disappointing The test results were atrocious and with each test I graded the grades seemed to drop lower in some horrible vertiginous descent I hope to talk to the kids that did the worst and find out why their results were so disappointing Monday July 28 2014 I have come to a realization that two periods of English class are the most I will ever get to teach English in a day This epiphany struck me like a lightning bolt in the middle of a typhoon while I was halfway done teaching Unit 5 in my English textbook In an activity-packed day there seems to be less and less time to teach what is vital and more and more time amusing the kids with dance

- 110 - shows and impressing the staff with events While these activities and performances are indeed important I would say that English should remain the top priority If we as a team had the option to place equal amounts of attention to lesson time allotment as we do event planning the breadth and quality of our teaching would rise in scope as well Tuesday July 29 2014 I remember the most of the talent show when I think back to my memories of today English class went by as usual and as the day drew to its inexorable conclusion I began to think more and more about the talent show It was called something along the lines of ldquonight farewell performancerdquo but it was in essence an amalgamation of hastily put-together acts reminiscent of a talent show As the lackluster Master of Ceremonies for that evening my appalling on-stage rambling was accompanied by a lineage of performances some decent and some visual atrocities My sixth and seventh grade classes for example danced to ldquoBest Day of My Liferdquo and had to be led by Justine The actual performance dance though relatively easy to dance to still managed to be exceedingly ugly Wednesday July 30 2014 The sun beat down upon our brows as we stood near the steps watching our students slowly file away into their respective cars and buses Yet as sunny as the day was a perpetual cloud of gloom hung over the heads of my co-teachers Justine and Jenny Red eyed and morose they sobbed as they hugged the children they had yelled at and laughed with for almost two weeks Some of the children cried with them mingling the sadness of parting ways with the warmness of remembrance It was strangely beautiful to see a group of people so utterly different in so many different ways unite as one in heart and temper Yet I felt no sense of sadness as I watched the people I taught leave us It was the same with yesterdayrsquos farewell concert It was as though I could not register the emotions I was supposed to and expected to feel I donrsquot exactly know why I wasnrsquot sad when they left and looking back I can honestly and forthrightly say that I did bond with many students in my class Nearly everyone else called me callous and cold which I suppose was fair for them to say I certainly donrsquot consider myself to be either of those things but based on my apathy who can blame them for thinking I am There I am bidding farewell to James and Anna and Ivy Tears flow yet my eyes remain dry Melancholy is suspended in the air like some invisible gas yet I cannot seem to breathe it in or absorb any of it I know I will miss all of them but I accept the fact that the people we see will become only memories and fade away as we meander onwards and forwards through time Our dearest friends our closest family our favorite teachers and our cherished studentsndashwe will gradually lose contact with them and they will inexorably diminish into a mere idea in the deep recesses of our hearts and minds The people we treasure will fade away into mere memories like ripples dissolving in a pond I fully and unflinchingly accept this perpetual truth and perhaps that is why I never felt the hot pangs of sadness as my children left We cry we wave goodbye and we remember That is all any of us can ever hope do

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the very last day we got to see the students still at the school Brian and Ping Ah Yi told us to take the kids and clean up any trash remaining on the school grounds Crystal and I lead a group of rowdy teenage boys to clean up the front of the school As our motley cleaning crew progressed they talked of subjects that most interested them girls sports and themselves We cut them some slack and allowed them to talk about a broad range of subjects and thus conversations of somewhat phallic and ribald natures ensued I realized then that despite their circumstances they were exactly like me when I was their age Like all of them I was once a hormonal and immature teenage boy No matter how different we may seem we are more similar than any of us will ever realize As we shouldered our bags and stepped onto the bus to leave I took one last look at Balan and the school and I suddenly felt a brief but strong sense of nostalgia It quickly passed however and my mind began to visualize our trip to Taipei The hectic night markets the teeming city the cramped buildings and humid air all appealed to my sense of travel As the green trees and small towns rolled by our window and forever into our pasts I thought of all the memories this powerful experience has left me As the American author John Steinbeck once wrote ldquoWe find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip a trip takes usrdquo As the bus rushed by the surrounding countryside and as I drowsily fell into a long overdue sleep I slowly began to realized that I couldnrsquot agree more helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Roy Ho Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first official day of service for the Connexpedition trip With barely enough sleep I got up at 6AM to prepare for the day that laid ahead of me I was actually excited to get started as this wa the day that we had been preparing for over 6 months to get to My first impression was that they werenrsquot as bad as I had imagined based upon past stories As we were introducing ourselves I finally figured out how clueless these kids are for example they saw a picture of me in a Boy Scouts uniform and thought I was a police officer After that however it started to get tougher We dealt with a girl that was homesick boys that wonrsquot stop hitting each other and kids that showed us absolutely no respect I learned today what it really means to be a teacher It really involved setting a good example and gaining the respect of those you teach A lot of things went wrong today such as flaws in our lesson plan or inability to control our kids but despite all that I have learned a lot in just one day Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was our second day I am starting to get used to this school its rules and its procedures As I get more and more familiar with my students a lot of new experiences meet me but at the same time a lot of problems arise Today was a tough day for me my two other co-teachers and basically everyone on our team For me personally I ran into the problem of two boys asking me inappropriate questions They asked it in Chinese at first not sensing the danger I asked them to explain After understanding it I felt so awkward that instead of lecturing them I just played dumb

- 112 - I think that was just one of my many mistakes today Despite that I continued to learn and grow in my own way and I bonded a lot more with everyone Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day It was my turn to teach the English classes today I feel like I screwed up a lot and had a lot of issues including insufficient Mandarin skills and being unable to get down my student names Starting today we decided to add more rules about asking before leaving class and I was a lot more strict about enforcing rules The results were pretty positive I think the most meaningful part of today was getting to be the main teacher of the class At night we had our Halloween party where we introduced the kids to the American tradition of Halloween It was really fun our students had masks and candy bags and we went to other classes to ask for candy We taught the kids how to say ldquotrick-or-treatrdquo However after the party my kids were way too hyper resulting in me having to shout multiple times and punish the extremely naughty kids Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of our first week Some things I feel accomplished about today was that I finally learned most of my studentrsquos names Throughout this week I bonded a lot with all my students At the beginning I had to raise my voice to get them to do anything however since Irsquove gotten to know the kids better I can get them to listen to me more out of respect rather than fear My favorite experience today was when we tried combining all the classes in the auditorium We started by playing a couple of songs next we danced One of the problems was that we kept messing up the direction of the moves In class today we started with a crossword puzzle and then took a test I was very disappointed however as I graded the tests because the highest score was a 95 and the lowest was 10 The rest got between 40-60 As I watched my kids leave I felt relieved to have an opportunity to rest but at the same time I miss them already Monday July 28 2014 Today was the start of our second week After three days of break it felt like a brand new start My students seemed to be extra quiet today compared to usual Like last week we continued teaching English The project today was flubber I think my kids had fun with it but they were also very messy I started English class today by going over the test they took last week I feel really disappointed with my kids because we reviewed everything on the test multiple times yet the majority still fails the test I feel like I know all the procedures better now as well as the kids Irsquom starting to get a sense of each kidsrsquo personality I am looking forward to a great final week Tuesday July 29 2014 The first thing we were told about today was that it would be very tiring I like to say I was prepared because it honestly was not that bad for me We started a new unit in English today I doubt we will finish it though We were supposed to teach Bachata today but all the lower grade teachers decided that it would be too difficult My class ended up making lanyards It was not easy though because the kids just could not get the concept down and kept messing up As the kids went to choir practice

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all of us gathered in the meeting room and started our preparations for the banquet I was assigned to cooking so the majority of my time was spent in the kitchen However despite our hard work the kids still disliked the food In the evening we had our closing ceremony which I felt would have been better if it had been placed later this week because now I canrsquot stop thinking about the end Regardless it was a very bittersweet evening It made me realize what short time I had with these kids and that therersquos an even shorter time remaining Finally it really touched my heart that the kids actually cried and some came to me to give me a hug Wednesday July 30 2014 The students performing in Japan left today for my class that was actually just one kid The project today was graham cracker houses It was a fun and interesting ldquofinal projectrdquo My kids ended up eating a lot of the material before they were told to but luckily we had a surplus of supplies In the afternoon all the Choir 2 students had class as usual but the CHoir 1 kids all went to the auditorium and we watched a movie Funny thing was that most of the teachers fell asleep and soon after the students did too Tomorrowrsquos the last day I felt restless and kind of anxious I hope it goes smoothly Thursday July 31 2014 Today was our last day at Vox Nativa I woke up this morning to Amy knocking on the door because all of us guys had overslept I then moved on to packing my stuff then went up to my classroom For the morning it was the usual procedure the students cleaned then ate breakfast Except today instead of teaching class we ended up to my surprise watching two movies As a parting gift we gave everyone in my class a bag with a WIsdom culture camp t-shirt candy and some other stuff Finally it was goodbye It has been a tough frustrating and tiring two weeks Yet at the same time it was a fun new and a once-in-a-lifetime experience Seeing the kids go was sad yet relieving at the same time It was bittersweet helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Justine Du Monday July 21 2014 Personally today was an exceptionally good day I expected the students to be rowdy and a bit disrespectful but things turned out pretty well All the children were well-disciplined responsible efficient and they are good at time management They treat their peers and teachers with respect Something new I learned today was that the kids take the bus to get to Luo Na school Though there were many great characteristics of the children they also are pretty noisy and rude to each other sometimes Today a student was teasing another student about being too slow on writing his nametag so that kid pinched him THen the kid started crying and the other kid was reluctant to apologize Eventually I got them to talk their problems out and everything got better Also many kids did not like to speak up so participation issues were huge I think I can improve on controlling the children more

- 114 - Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day with the children from Vox Nativa Something interesting I found out today was that the kids are all very enthusiastic during morning exercises I thought they would be groggy and unwilling to run and play dodgeball but everyone seemed to be having a great time I find the childrenrsquos respect for the teachers and their kindness extremely meaningful to me At lunch one of the girls said to me ldquoJiejie are you done eating I can clean up your dishesrdquo I find that really sweet and cute Also today was the first day of teaching Bachata I was shocked that the children picked up the dance so quickly and they were all paying attention However it was very messy and noisy in the beginning After a while we improved by having only one person explaining so the children we not confused on who to listen to Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day of teaching the Vox Nativa children and things definitely progressed Even though we had a typhoon with high winds and thunderstorms everywhere the kids kept a calm attitude and were still ready to learn However the loud rain sounds also distracted the kids They would work on a worksheet for five minutes then they would avert their attention towards the window We also prepared for the Halloween party today There were some difficulties in the beginning because I could not find any markers in the office and there were many kids in our class Also they were pretty loud and kept playing with the pumpkin strips so it was a challenge trying to get them to pay attention However after a while everything cooled down and we explained how to decorate everything The kids listened attentively and all went well A meaningful aspect of today was bonding with my kids During the breaks I was sitting down monitoring the kids and a group of girls crowded around me and we all got to know each other better sang some songs and shared some stories Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the fourth day and the last day of the first week wersquore here At first during Monday and Tuesday I thought these two weeks would pass by excruciatingly slowly After Wednesday and today I felt like time passed by so quickly We are practically half way done and I feel like we just got here Class went pretty smoothly and since the typhoon was over it warmed my heart seeing all the children smiling while doing their morning exercises today We also gave our first test today Some kids did exceptionally well but some did not I feel we can improve ourselves by paying even more attention to their studying methods A really meaningful aspect of today was when two girls hugged me before they left for Nantou This just showed me that I bonded close with them and it was touching Monday July 28 2014 Here starts a new week The first two periods of today went pretty smoothly The kids were still really respectful and kind The main problem is still participation though Only a certain two or three students always raise their hands and answer the questions However I did attempt to solve that problem by going to each table and listen to them individually They still speak very softly but

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at least I can hear the pronunciations and help fix them if they say the word wrong I always find it really thoughtful and polite of the kids to smile and say ldquoJiejie 你好rdquo They make my day and the little acts of kindness from my kids are the most meaningful aspects of my day During the flubber project however the kids were all so noisy and sometimes troublesome since the seventh grade class joined our class for projects activities and meals the room gets even more compact and noisy Tuesday July 29 2014 I felt that today was one of the best days of the two weeks I have been in Connexpedition My bonds with my children grew even stronger it all started from early this morning during exercise time I was just walking with Megan on the track when all of a sudden two of my kids surprised me with hugs and just those acts from them pretty much kept a smile on my face the whole day Personally I would have assumed 6th grade kids wouldnrsquot have that much affection towards a teacher but it made me really happy that not just girls will spend quality time with me talking but I even became pretty close with the boys from both 6th and 7th grade Through that bond I gained respect from them Also today was the banquet Though tiresome and challenging preparing for the banquet was really fun During the performance it was super adorable and heartwarming to see everyone smiling and dancing The most meaningful aspect of today would definitely be the speeches and songs at the end I was the first one to cry and I cried the hardest the realization of how much these kids meant to me just broke me down in addition the way that the kids would hug and comfort me just made me even more emotional Wednesday July 30 2014 Today was the second to last day of our trip and I canrsquot believe itrsquos almost over already Today went relatively well I felt bad for giving the kids a big final on their last day but they all did well so I thought that was a big breakthrough for me i felt they actually enjoyed learning English from us and they were happy spending quality time with us The climax of today was probably when the kids got called in by Uli laoshi to leave for Japan I cried again today and it was a really meaningful and emotional moment for me My kids came up to me and hugged me while saying ldquoYou better come back next yearrdquo Saying goodbye was really difficult but at the same time I felt really happy for them to have such a great opportunity like this I hope they have an amazing time in Japan Thursday July 31 2014 Today was a pretty sad day for all of us i woke up this morning feeling like ldquoOh itrsquos our last day here at Luona Theyrsquore all leaving todayrdquo Everything was a meaningful moment today spending quality time with my kids while they were cleaning the campus was pretty fun They all told me how much they were going to miss me and how they wanted me to teach them again That moment was extremely touching for me especially because they were my ldquobro grouprdquo I almost cried but I saved that until after cleaning When the kids stuck their hands out the window I felt so sad and reluctant to let them go These 2 weeks have taught me to be a better selfless person and to never take things for granted I am super grateful and thankful to have had this opportunity

- 116 - helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Carrie Chen Monday July 21 2014 Today I learned that being a teacher is very difficult It was not as simple as I thought it would be It was hard to be the studentsrsquo friend and an authoritative figure at the same time It was difficult to draw a boundary line between being the studentsrsquo friend or teacher When I was nice to the students they often take advantage of my kindness in a disrespectful way I also learned that every student in the class varied in their English comprehension skills It made it very difficult to teach the class It also made it hard to decide whether to speak more English or more Chinese Many things went wrong today one of the main reasons was that today was our first day It was difficult to figure out what we can let the kids do and what we canrsquot let the kids do Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos morning class went by pretty well The kids were more comfortable with speaking English in class than the first day It was great when I bonded with the girls during break time I got to know more about their lives and the kids got to know about me I found out it was useful to effectively use the points system The students got very competitive and more kids raised their hands to participate in discussions The evening however was very chaotic The students were very loud during homework time and there was a conflict between me and my teaching partner It was very frustrating to have my partner contradict with what I am saying Wednesday July 23 2014 today the kids took midterms for most of the time We also made pumpkins and decorated the classroom The classes went smoothly today I learned that it is hard to quiet down the kids when they are into their own little conversations but I also learned that stop talking and stop walking would help to quiet down the kids They often realized that teachers were waiting for them to quiet down It was also helpful to ask the class leader for help She knew everyonersquos names At night the Halloween party was a blast The kids were very excited to go ldquotrick-or-treatingrdquo in other gradersquos classrooms They also had fun coming to the office to get more candy and jello Thursday July 24 2014 Today the class was out of control The lessons and quizzes went very well but during breaks the boys were being very inappropriate and noisy Eugene did not do anything about it and that really frustrated me The boys are very smart but they have a hard time understanding the line between teachers and fellow students In the afternoon the games were really well-played and it was very fun The kids seemed to enjoy it very much The dances were also very energetic and the students loved the fast-paced dances we taught them Monday July 28 2014 Today we finished class early Eugene and I did not have anything planned after our lesson plan We

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can improve by planning some lesson related games just in case we finished early again I also learned that if I threatened to send the kids to the office they will most likely quiet down After lessons we taught the kids how to make flubber It made the classroom floor dirty and the students had trouble cleaning up after themselves At night we tried to organize a singing show for the show on Tuesday It was very difficult to find a song everyone knew It was also hard to get the kids to pay attention Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we finished all of our lessons We also played hangman for about 20 minutes It was easier to get the kids to participate when prizes were involved We used laffy taffy to motivate the kids to raise their hands Some of the girls were still very self-conscious They were still afraid of making mistakes in front of the whole class even though we were just playing a game We had a busy afternoon to prepare for the banquet and at night the kids were especially excited to see what we had planned The show at night was great and the kids put on a great show that definitely showed us how much they enjoyed our company and it was very meaningful Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we had finals Most of my kids had to leave at 1100AM Before they left we had a relay race on the track We all had a wonderful time After 1100 we came back and combined with the 4th grade class to play games for 4th period THe choir kids leaving made me realize that hard work paid off It did not matter how much I yelled or got mad at them They still came back and hugged Eugene and I THey also asked us to come back next year I realized that all the preparations really were worth it One of the girls came up to me today and gave me a matching rainbow loom bracelet It was just a little handmade bracelet but it really touched me because before today I thought the kids were all really scared of me but that was not true Thursday July 31 2014 Today the kids watched a movie with the other classes These two weeks were really meaningful to me I learned to step out of my comfort zone I am more capable of making difficult decisions For example when two kids came to me with their problems I had to be able to tell them how to solve the problem I also became more confident over these two weeks I was not capable of raising my voice the first few days but as time passed I was able to become a teacher and take control of the classroom It was really honorable to have had this opportunity Many of the students are incredibly smart even though some of them are really naughty They were all amazing to be with helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Crystal Yu Monday July 21 2014 This morning a village girl approached me and asked where I was from I told her America and the shock on her face seemed unreal She immediately called me a liar and retorted back that if I was from America the she was from India In retrospect this incident is a pretty clear indicator that for

- 118 - them us living in America is probably only something that they could dream of Hence I hope this service trip can help up to motivate the kids to dream bigger and show them a world with more possibilities Later on one of my students saw me writing in my journal and was so intrigued and told me to read aloud what I wrote so he could learn more I thought this attitude was so new to me I donrsquot think Irsquove ever been this active with my learning This gives me hope that the rest of the students will have this attitude because it will also prompt me to want to teach them more than I had anticipated As an activity we gave the kids mad libs to do and it did not turn out that well since most kids had a hard time translating words such as ldquovegetablerdquo to a Chinese vegetable they knew and back to English We also made the kids stand up and read their mad-libs Most students were afraid or shy to speak loudly most likely because of their fear of pronouncing words incorrectly Hopefully by the end of next week they will be more confident Tuesday July 22 2014 Coming into this service trip I expected or hoped that the students would want to do more cultural exchanges I was really excited to ask them questions about their lives but they did not reciprocate with questions of their own I did share some but was overall very surprised that the children seemed to have little to no interest in our lives in America I also wished they interacted with me more because it seems to be just me and Sophie trying to create a relationship while theyrsquore more aloof making it a one-way street Though these kids are much more rowdy than students in the US the sense of responsibility instilled in them is pretty amazing For example Ryan never pays attention in class and is extremely talkative but when it came time for him to clean up he was extremely patient Our room was missing his mop and had to wait for the 6th grade class to finish so we could borrow their mop The 6th graders did not finish until breakfast time but Ryan waited until then did his job nicely with no rush at all and then went to breakfast with no complaints I expected him to whine or to eat breakfast without doing his job but he clearly surprised me showing that I probably should not judge these kids too harshly Another issue arising in our classroom is confidence in speaking in English We have to do more read alouds and dialogues to make them feel more comfortable speaking English Wednesday July 23 2014 We started off class with more energy but the kids seemed to be a little unresponsive and dazed I asked and they were all worried about the lack of water and electricity and started dreaming up the most terrible scenarios Their parents were also constantly checking in on the kids through texts and calls I canrsquot really blame for for being afraid of the whole idea of the typhoon since I was pretty worried myself but the distractions in class did make our jobs harder For a class assignment the kids were told to write a dialogue Sophie and I gave them the freedom of having the dialogue on any subject as long as they used one vocabulary word per sentence and everyone had to speak at least five lines The students were confused by this sense of freedom and gave me the feeling that they usually only have assignments with very strict instructions The result

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of the dialogue assignment was good however since each group created different stories Due to the unfortunate weather the test could not be printed out so the students got to skip a quiz One girl actually forgot there was one which surprised me because I was given the impression the children were very studious However now the electricity is back and I hope the students will remember my reminder about the quiz tomorrow Thursday July 24 2014 Today the students seemed to be in a better mood though they still donrsquot talk to me and Sophie unless we speak first Perhaps the good mood could be attributed to the weather the idea of the weekend ahead them feeling comfortable with us or the fact that therersquos a big bag of candy sitting at the front of the desk Either way Irsquom happy that maybe finally my students and I can connect and hopefully will improve by the time next week rolls around During class the students had a unit 7 test Out of the 8 students 6 finished within reasonable time On the other hand two boys turned in their test with about 3 or 4 out of the 26 questions answered I was so shocked by their attitudes because I thought studying here was taken very seriously I was also even more surprised by one of the two boys since he had received perfect scores on every homework assignment Since I was so disappointed by these scores I made them promise me that if their scores were not much better on Mondayrsquos test I would have to report them to the principal The 6th and 7th graders combined only had 3 students I actually bonded with the boys that were still here and it somewhat reassured me that they might not hate me as much as I think they do and I just have to give them a little time to warm up to me Monday July 28 2014 Today was slightly more chaotic than usual First three new students came to class today and was immediately set upon disrupting class and making a ruckus Second the class schedule was shifted without any warning All classes except mine received the new schedule throwing me and Sophie off track from our lesson plan Thirdly Ryan and Jacob performed way below expectations hence breaking their promise with me from the previous test to do better on this one I asked them why they did so poorly and they responded that they have to work all day on the farms This made me feel sympathetic for them but they need to learn to balance the different aspects of their lives Uli was there when I brought in Jacob and Ryan and made them agree to study and retake the test and if scored poorly would have to speak to the principal This threat immediately whipped the children into shape which resulted in very high test scores This scenario shows me that itrsquos not their varying English skills that caused the low test scores but rather different attitudes towards learning Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was our banquet and ldquotalent showrdquo The banquet was harder to do here in Taiwan than in the United States even though we had the same number of supplies and materials It was probably due to the lack of rest and how exhausted we all were After teaching classes in the morning all my kids and 6th graders were all really excited about the banquet because they wanted to try American food made by real Americans I think their energy really pumped all of us and made us be excited with

- 120 - them For the talent show me and Justin were really worried about our kids performance because they didnrsquot really seem to be interested in the dance When the group went up to perform they did much better than I expected so I was genuinely surprised But in the middle of the dance I noticed all the older boys in the group were missed and spotted them outside the auditorium They ran as soon as they saw me and tried to excuse their behavior by telling me they had to move buckets for the music teacher but the teacher contradicted that statement causing me to be extremely upset with them I planned on yelling at them and giving them a whole lecture but by the end of the show I was too busy and tired from crying that I just planned on sternly lecturing them tomorrow Wednesday July 30 2014 Today the kids have a test on Unit 8 SInce they had no time last night due to the banquet and talent show I gave them time to study during class today and threatened that if their scores were too low they would be sent to the principalrsquos office This threat worked and all of the kids started frantically studying Though they probably arenrsquot motivated to study because they want to learn I am still content with the fact that they are learning regardless of the reason behind it Some kids in my class were watching our performance on their tablets during break and started listening to the song ldquoDemonsrdquo I was elated when I saw that because at least now they can have some tangible memories of our two weeks together It was also nice to see the kids like it so much because the whole point of the show was for the kids and them enjoying it means the world to me Since most of my students left for Japan today I only had five boys left and all of them are troublemakers with the lowest scores in the class But I think I got to know the kids more which makes me sad because I wish I got to know them earlier in the trip We played a form of truth or dare and though it might have not been the most productive it did allow me to bond with the students which is worth it in my mind Thursday July 31 2014 Today most of my children left for Japan and the other ones that were left were the boysThe sixth and seventh grade classes combined for the day since all the boys were friends and the 6th grade class only had one student For the first part of the class we played chubby bunny and did rainbow looms I thought I was able to connect with the boys more because on Thursday I treated them more like friends than students since we were done with our English lessons When we left Vox Nativa on Thursday it seemed like the boys of my class were closer to me considering how much attention I gave them due to low test scores and behavior in class especially compared to the girls On the bus ride to Taipei I thought of how much I wanted to see them in the future five or ten years down the line Some of the children are truly bright like Nick and Apple but might not be able to attend college or even high school due to the circumstances they are in However I feel like I should not pity them because they seem very satisfied with their life and maybe would not want to leave their hometowns But are they only content because they donrsquot know of any other life I think Vox Nativa does help open doors of opportunities for these children and I know itrsquoll help and grow more in the future

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helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Megan Chang Monday July 21 2014 Today a student from our class was crying because she was homesick At first I thought everyone was willing and excited to be here but I forgot about the difficulties even these little kids have Even though they go home on the weekends especially for shyer more introverted kids during the weekdays it is understandable that they miss their parents and their home Also Marcus heard a student being rude and another student asked them why they had no manner and if their mom was a drunkard It just makes me realize how different their lives are from ours and how innocent we were as kids compared to them This makes me more dedicated to teach them and give them a chance at a better life Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I think the main thing that went wrong is losing control of the class In the morning during our English lesson and Halloween project the kids were pretty well behaved For the English lesson we all taught and patrolled the class and when they started playing game I would correct papers while Andrea and Marcus took turns leadingquieting the students For the Halloween project I taught while Andrea and Marcus passed things out and helped those who needed it During lunch time the kids started being too loud and we had to quiet them a few times I feel that since we werenrsquot standing in front of the class in control the kids lost sight of us as teachers We could improve by making the ones that talk stand in front or maybe make a game of the quietestcleanest eater During homework time nearly all the kids had no homework and either played by themselves or with us It was difficult to both control the other kids and the kids talking to us face-to-face asking questions We have installed a new rule of writing names on the board with consequences and will see if it works starting tomorrow Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started using the warning on the board system It worked relatively well except we still need to learn how to write their Chinese names For the most part it worked really well especially since we also told Uli laoshi about it so if we brought someone to the office she would know we already talked to them twice THey were really well-behaved today during the lessons despite our lessons having a sudden change One thing we could change about the lessons is while Andrea and I were discussing the next lesson we forgot to help Marcus keep control of the class However when it got too loud Andrea and I realized and told the class that they had to respect and listen to the teacher during lessons Starting tomorrow we will always have at least one person to help control the class Also during trick-or-treating our class was very separated One of our kids was with his brother and when we needed to tell our class to head back to our room after getting candy we could not find everyone NExt time we will clarify to the kids before we leave to stay together

- 122 - Thursday July 24 2014 Today is the last day of the first week I think we improved immensely We have gained more control of our class by taking turns patrolling giving points writing names and using their old rule of standing up Our kids really enjoyed our worksheets today One thing we have to improve on is properly estimating how long each worksheet is going to take so we can either find games to play or tell them to work faster WHen we were teaching them how to make the bracelets it was hard to get the children interested in making the bracelet The boys did not really want to make it because they kept messing up After they got into the habit of making it they wanted to make one for everyone in their family Next time we need to start the project with clearer instructions so we can use time more efficiently Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of our second week For the most part our kids we well-behaved throughout the day During lesson times it was under control and relatively quiet For the flubber project they were surprisingly quiet because we only passed out the materials to those who were quiet Near the end there was a little chaos because we did not have enough bags and others were popping theirs One big issue was that the kid were either washing their flubber or their bags and trying to either wipe it or blow dry it Cleaning up was again a big problem They were not willing to pick up the smallest pieces and the boysrsquo mopping left a lot of water on the group Next time we will split up and supervise different groups clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was the most tiring day so far Some kids are having a hard time remembering shapes and saying it because their previous teachers did not teach it yet We tried reviewing it different ways and making competitions and having them take notes but they still canrsquot completely remember them Some of them did not want to play the games and play their own We had a lot of extra time today because we did not have enough worksheets to cover two English classes Some of their tests have color so if the printer canrsquot print it we will need to edit and hand color them for tomorrow Yesterday it was kind of a mess practicing for the banquet but today we rehearsed some more and it is kind of coming together I hope the performance tonight will be phenomenal and hope that the students will enjoy it very much Wednesday July 30 2014 I cried when my kids hugged me Today our kids were discussing their religions and one kids said his religion was ldquosui jiaordquo (sleeping) Marcus and I found this super funny and we are glad that the kids were able to keep us entertained Our kids are honestly the cutest and it is so bittersweet to have to say goodbye to them tomorrow Andrea told me that even though itrsquos tiring throughout the weeks yoursquoll want to come back because if you donrsquot you will probably never see them again In these short eight days wersquove become so attached to them and now I wonder how they will turn out in the future and I wish I could still be a part of it

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day with the kids Everything went wrong because I was so sad When we watched a movie in the morning a student caught a lizard and cut off its legs and tail They kept pretending to eat it and were behaving very poorly As the kids left it was so hard for me to say bye and smile because my voice would crack This was honestly such a heartwarming experience and I will never forget the things these kids said and did They have impacted me by making me more grateful and faithful I did not want to say goodbye at all and I really hope I get the chance to come back next year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Jenny Wu Monday July 21 2014 I wasnrsquot really doing anything yesterday I arrived here at afternoon and they were already done with their teaching schedule for today We are going to have talent show tonight and I did practice with them I am not sure whether if I am going to be an audience our performed with them but I am prepare for it I guess Today is my first day of teaching and I am teaching sixth grade It has been a good start but there were also some problems The first problem is that most of the students are really shy and they refused to answer even though they know the answer for the question I solved the problem by telling them to repeat the answer with me and it works The other problem is some students will use their phone under the table during class They were not using it constantly but I think that is not respectful If they are using again next time then we will take away their phone There is one problem just for me personally I think probably because I am the youngest among all the members and I am only two years older than the students so they do not listen to me When both of my partners were gone I was telling them to go to sleep However they kept on talking and ignored me It only happened once when my partners werenrsquot there but they listen to me for most of the time The members of the group are all really nice but it is kind of hard for me to fit into them They have been speaking English throughout their whole life and all of them grow up at California except one Some of them just met each other before the day I came here However they fit in really well I can understand them but I just donrsquot know what to say and a lot of them are going to their junior year or senior year All of them at least have some experience of volunteering or teaching kids It seems like they all know what to do and how to do except me I hope I can overcome these problems by the end of this week and I also hope I can be part of them some how Tuesday July 22 2014 Everyone participates well but few of them are still very shy We realized that some of them are more outgoing than others and they try to answer most of the questions Kye and Justine solved the problem by separate them into groups and allowed student who donrsquot speak up have a chance to answer During lunch they are still loud and very chatty However they quiet down by themselves without us telling them This afternoon I wasnrsquot working with my group I went to the warehouse instead I went to help out

- 124 - for folding counting and separate clothes to piles by sizes I kept on doing the same thing for around three hours and then I came back to the TA classroom During dinner some students were using their phones and iPad but they it away when I told them to do so Other than the technology everything went okay During the summer homework time the students barely ask us questions even though they have questions They use their phones and search it or ask their friends instead Wednesday July 23 2014 Our kids are more outgoing today They interacted with us and they raced their hands more often When we were playing hangman we used some vocabulary that they learned before They can figure out the word right away without their textbook If they donrsquot know the word then they will discuss before then answer The phones are kind of distracting during dinner A lot of girls are using their phones and I had to yell at them to put it away Everyone is very excited for the Halloween party They were keep on asking what are the pumpkins that they made in class for During the party all the kids were eager for the candies and they also helped out for hanging out the candies for little kids Thursday July 24 2014 Before the class started I asked everyone who has phone hand them to the very front of the table I want them to pay attention in class not using their phones under the table We encouraged students to raise their hand by showing them the prizes and they tend to participate and answer more than usual We also gave groups with fewer points more chances I think this gave them confident to speak in English because all of them know how to answer We gave them a test after recess In the middle of the test I separated two kids because they were siting closer and closer to each other I was afraid that they are cheating The test seems hard for two or three students but they were still able to finish it on time Because there are 35 kids who are going to perform this weekend they leave around noon During afternoon we combined kids from 2nd to 7th grade together and we played games and dance with them I am glad we combined all of them together because I can know and hangout with more kids from different grades Some of the students do look like my reflection I helped them by telling them show me their answer and I read it out and let them repeat after me I also them they can get more points and prizes if they answer and both of these solutions work Actually the students are not allowed to keep their phone during class They are supposed to give it to another teacher I told them to put their technologies to our table and we will give it back after class is ended They are not using their phones for researching so I have I think it is better to take it away Their phone really distracts them during breakfast lunch and dinner

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Monday July 28 2014 This morning Justine Kye and I waited outside the door and went in when the bell rang We were trying to let the kid say good morning to us and they did which is good When we were doing 比

手畫腳 some of the kids yelled the answer out instead of raising their hand They didnrsquot stop when the first time I told them but when I told them I would take off their points they listened to me right away We were making flubber for third and fourth period Our students got too chatty so I had to yell at them Well at least they listened to me and quiet down In my opinion every studentrsquo behavior is improving day by day They can be sassy sometimes but they know when to stop It have only been a week but I can see the difference in all of them Tuesday July 29 2014 We gave our students a test today Before I give them the test we told them that we expect them to pass at least 50 13 out of 16 students pass 50 which is a lot better than our previous test I yelled at some of the guys because they were talking inappropriate stuff I kind of feel bad when I yelled at them because I was kind of being too harsh to them There were 5 guys who got into trouble this afternoon because they didnrsquot finish their cards for the Japan trip I was really shock when they were gone because I thought they would be send home Thankfully they didnrsquot got kick out We had a banquet tonight because students who are going to japan are leaving tomorrow I did some mistakes on playing piano but I think our group performance covered my mistakes Over all every one did great in their own performance Some students and teachers cried during the slide show and speeches it was sad that people are leaving However this also proved the unbreakable relationship we made Wednesday July 30 2014 We gave our kids another test today Everyone did great except one but he did improve When we were taking test I was really surprise by how many questions they asked They used to be afraid to ask us question especially the first week Justine and I were very busy during the test but we rather to answer their question than sitting aside and do nothing It was really sad when the students were leaving We have 16 students but 15 of them have performance in Japan which means almost the whole class is gone We combined 6th and 7th grade for the rest of the afternoon since we only have 1 student in my class I am glad that we combined together because I got to know and became closer with kids in 7th grade I thought those 7 guys are going to be loud and disobey when other students left However they listened to me without me yelling It was better than what I imagined I got to know them better by the end of the day and I realize that they are actually sweet and nice I thought they were naughty because they like to joke around with me Thursday July 31 2014 This morning we were chatting instead of cleaning up because we did it last night We didnrsquot do much today We didnrsquot teach our students English we taught them how to make rainbow loom instead Our students picked up trash around the school today They were lazy and didnrsquot want to do it but they still finish their job in time We said bye to them after they finish cleaning Honestly it

- 126 - was even sad for bye to those seven guys than saying bye to my own six grade students It has only been two days but I felt like I know them longer than my six grade students I know I probably will never see them again but what we have been through and our memories will be saved in all of us helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Marcus Chan Monday July 21 2014 Before starting todayrsquos teaching I was really nervous I thought the kids would be really unfriendly and distant so I felt it would be hard to interact with them They were a lot better than I thought As soon as they arrived theyrsquod be willing to talk to us about things like how to say English names They immediately involved us in their games and a girl clung to me everywhere She later cried about being homesick and now Megan is comforting her There is one kid who wanted an English name and I decided to call him Jordan because he is really cute and friendly like a Jordan I know from summer camp He really liked the name I gave him and kept repeating it so I guess that was one of the most meaningful moments of today I learned about how a lot of the parents donrsquot live at home with the students A group of kids were talking about where their mothers lived and they were naming all the different villages in the area Another time two girls started fighting and one of the girls teased the other by asking if her mother was a drunkard Everyone then began to discuss whether or not their parents drank alcohol at home This was a very different experience from what I expected and very different from what would happen in a traditional American classroom Today we couldnrsquot think of any games to play along with our lesson and it was difficult to split the teams fairly to get the less motivated students involved The kids donrsquot really care about points so I canrsquot control them that way Tonight I will try to think of games to play so we donrsquot waste any time tomorrow It was also difficult trying to grasp what their routine was and to not forget We werenrsquot told about the vitamins the kids had to take after meals and I was not sure where to get them Throughout the week I think we will begin to learn the kidsrsquo names and the schoolrsquos procedures and become accustomed to them Tuesday July 22 2014 Irsquom going to start with something that happened yesterday because it happened after I wrote yesterdayrsquos journal During homework time one of the kids drew me pictures Betty wrote ldquoGod helps me I will not be afraidrdquo in English and Chinese It was really cute The pictures the kids drew during homework time last time really showed their affection towards us (Me Megan and Andrea) Some of the students cling to my arms It worries me a little because it means they are too close to me and I must keep my relationship to them as a teacher Irsquom not as strict as Andrea and Megan and those two are much better leaders than I am At summer camps in America I had much more confidence because it was in English so by the end I was able to control the classes better Here I donrsquot have very much confidence in my Chinese so it is a struggle to get out the words

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Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started a new system of writing the studentsrsquo names on the board for a first offense and a check next to their name for each next one After two checks we would send the kid to the principalrsquos office It worked pretty well today and we will continue it tomorrow Today a big trouble was not knowing the kidsrsquo names in Chinese I could not just call them by saying ldquoHey yourdquo I had to know their names because I was their teacher Today I led an activity by myself while Andrea and Megan were preparing the next activity It was kind of hard to think of more to say about the subject of colors I yelled at the kids a lot more today though They were surprised because I had not been as strict before I was extremely impressed with the percussion performance That teacher must have worked so hard My mom is a teacher and when she come home she is always extremely tired and her throat hurts The music teacher must have worked so hard to prepare a performance like that Thursday July 24 2014 Today in the morning Brian came to watch the kids while they were cleaning That helped a lot and they worked more quietly and efficiently We taught the kids how to make friendship bracelets today We started by telling them to follow the pattern of numbers and letters but that was too difficult so we started to teach them to do it by counting three to the right This was still difficult for them and we had to reteach it many times afterwards Today was again hard to keep the kids away from me They get really attached and it is hard to tell them to keep a boundary When they left I was sad that the ones who like me the best did not come to say bye to me Monday July 28 2014 We did the flubber project today We could have planned it better When we ran through the instructions the day before the bowl had begun to wear down and almost break That happened again today and we had to double bowl the water I also had not devised an efficient way of getting warm water from the water dispenser so I wasted a lot of time I also wasted time by not having the amount of water figured out so I had to continuously refer to the instructions I used to be more conscious about making the kids like me but now I donrsquot care as much If I care too much I canrsquot control the children as well for fear of losing their affection I donrsquot understand how Megan and Andrea can be stern with them and at the same time have the kids love them so much Maybe itrsquos that they just donrsquot like boys as much or maybe Irsquom meaner I guess it is a sign of how I am more distant to the kids than Megan and Andrea are Maybe it is a sign that I need to improve my Chinese I prided myself in my Chinese until I came here Now I donrsquot want to speak at all Tuesday July 29 2014 I forgot to write about how yesterday we prepared the performances for today It was so unorganized It was difficult to figure out what the kids were going to perform We werenrsquot clearly told whether the whole class had to perform or not I wished we had been given notice ahead of time so we would have more time to prepare When we finally got the kids into 2 groups we asked if they had anything planned and they said no They wanted to sing the song ldquoLet it Gordquo but they

- 128 - did not know the lyrics Finally they chose some Chinese song that they all knew It does not sound that bad but it was so stressful and difficult I wish we had been warned earlier and had more time to prepare Today after we held the performances most of the kids went to hug Andrea and Megan I donrsquot blame them for liking them better They are better with the kids Maybe it comes more naturally to them Thursday July 31 2014 Today we went to watch a movie in Shanersquos room I was surprised how even with six teachers it took a while to settle the kids I think it was the excitement of seeing the other kids from other classes It was difficult getting the room totally clean so that we could return it to the school It had to be cleaner than usual but the kids werenrsquot less rowdy than usual There were more things to do When the kids let I was able to give them hugs so that was nice It was sad seeing them leave but I did not get as attached to the children as some of the girls did helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

719 國際志工抵達羅娜國小原聲英文學習營舉行營前會議前排左 2 為領隊吳翠萍老師

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山谷回音 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

長期志工 馬胤凱 103 年的暑假是個特別的暑假是個與原聲國三生有著共同回憶的暑假雖然過程中



了解彼此 一 壯遊前天





二 DAY ONE 經過一整夜的翻來覆去後終於到了早上與原聲國三生會面後便踏上了這奇妙的旅




- 130 -




此困難的工作 走訪多納部落後我們認識了魯凱族的傳統文化更深入了解魯凱族中貴族生活所給族


如此保護 到晚上我們品嚐了石板烤肉透過多納部落所出產的石板使我們所烤的肉並不會太



三 DAY TWO 到了第二天因為路途較遙遠所以我們一大早便前往霧台神山到了神山後由於大




是精心設計的 在參觀長老教會的時候外面突然飄起雨來透過長老教會的牧師我們可以下山到下





- 131 -

四 DAY THREE 一樣的我們為了趕路一大早便出發但對我而言我覺得這兩天真是過的太快了離台東



快的我們到了台灣的東部在某個海邊我們一行 12 人留下了在此次壯遊的最後一張團照對




- 132 - 五 DAY FOUR~DAY EIGHT 經過舟車勞頓後我們在第三天的晚上 11 點多到達了花蓮第四天我便加入其他原聲小

朋友的海洋營在海洋營中我與 Uli 老師一起擔任低年級的帶隊老師第四天低年級前往蘇



快感 到了第五天雖然我只有待半天一個早上我非常幸運的可以參加溯溪這是我人生中

的第一次溯溪這一個早上我真的覺得花蓮是個好山好水的地方甚至比南投還要好 10 倍以

上因為在花蓮還有這種溪可以讓我們玩真不愧是世外桃源 經過趕場後在第五天晚上我們又再度回到花蓮我以最有效率的方式與另一個晚會的




有原聲小朋友讓他們可以學習我那不害羞的一面 到了最後的最後我們告別了花蓮海星中學我們帶著小朋友體驗火車之旅雖然只有


非常多的幸福及溫暖使我覺得我們更要懂得去珍惜身邊那些時常給我們幫助的人 這次壯遊是我人生中的第一次壯遊壯遊使我們堅強讓我們學習使我們更珍惜彼此

這不僅是屬於我的壯遊更是屬於我們 12 人的壯遊

- 133 -

長期志工 吳璠

其實這回出發前內心是相當忐忑的 升大二那年我在建中成長營期間認識這一屆的原聲孩子們韶翔皓傑凱文念緹



年前截然不同的風景了那麼對於孩子們呢他們對於世界的想法又是什麼形狀了呢 三年前我和同輩的大學生們出於對原住民文化的欽慕對中華文化中心主義的教育







而未必能帶著他們特殊的資產(原住民文化)走出一條不一樣的路 這些疑問當時曾經提出來與老師校長們討論過事後自己也反省到誠如老師們所




態來繼續投入 沒想到這一抽離就是將近兩年的時光期間自己也經歷了一些波折ndashndash摯愛的親人離世





與憧憬嗎 然而在 Pasnanavan 的森林深處這些疑問都安頓了下來 在部落長大都市求學現在回到部落經營部落文化工作室的 Katu 老師唱了自己創作的

歌曲〈梅子夢〉給我們聽 我有個小女兒名叫 Buni(布農族名)

她嫁到遙遠的 Amalika(美國) 我想說今年梅子開很多花 我開心地打長途電話給她 口白Buni namahtu Dama gusia Amalikana aida inaka suidaijubudes (布農語Buni 爸爸有錢可以去美國看你了日語沒問題的) 忽然有天早上村長廣播 他說今年梅子農會不收 我不知該如何對女兒說 我難過地不知該如何 從稻米到玉米 從李子到梅子 我努力地工作卻不一定有收穫

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我不知道這是甚麼時代 wakalan ne kunna nu zidai wa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) Buni Buni miliskin gasu (布農語Buni Buni 想念著妳) nidumahtu gusia Amalika (布農語沒有辦法過去美國) nidumahtu sadu gasu (布農語沒有辦法過去看妳了) wakalan ne kunna nu zidaiwa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) 我不知道這是甚麼時代


四散到島嶼東南西北求學下次這樣團聚在一起歌唱不知是什麼時候了 Buin 於是老師坐在爐火前面抱著吉他唱起〈Ka Tu 別哭〉與當年準備到都市去求學

工作的 Ka Tu 告別也唱出部落青年離開家鄉到都市的心情「臺北不是我的家」 孩子們因為歌曲中的幽默而笑倒在彼此的懷中



解開了不論是 Dama KatuDama Buin 還是我自己我們都是在與大社會互動的過程當中



能做的就是為他們爭取更多空間與資源讓他們有更多的天地有機會做更多元的選擇 一路上雅安曾經激動的說「我們回去就要找部落的社區發展協會因為保存文化很重




很努力在感受在觀察的 而與布農獵人學習也讓我重新確認了自己對原住民文化的愛從哪裡來 山中第二夜男孩們帶回了山羌



許就能「逃過一劫」ndashndashDama Buin 看出了我的遲疑把內臟推向我說「透過實際的山林探



噁心那就背叛了牠的犧牲屠宰場反而讓這一切對話遠離了我們」 我這才知道該如何描述我熱愛這一切的理由現代文明使我與一切切割開來碎成一片


在肉身的實作中作回一個大地之子 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

長期志工 吳松儒 出發前壓根兒沒想過會有這麼不同凡響的體驗謝謝老師們給我這個機會跟孩子們共



- 135 -
























有 wifi因此孩子們有使用行動上網的需求但進入高中後應該就沒有差了)










記得走上這條路的初衷 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 136 -

長庚護校 幸念緹













helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip 景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全雅安



















- 137 -

景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全心潔























鶯歌工商 謝韶翔














- 138 -

清水高中 谷 Biung

在高中新生訓練第一天的自我介紹中我這麼自敘著「大家好我名叫谷 xx來自南投






























- 139 -

山谷回音 2014 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


舞台總監 楊智麟 我跟原聲的因緣結了有六年這六年裏我學到了一件事 許多偉大的故事在一開始都是一個瘋狂的想法 原聲是玉山星空也是 我記得在拍『唱歌吧』的時候有一天 Bukut 校長跟我說他要去別的部落找小朋友來試


始了嗎就這樣我帶著我的懷疑看著原聲走過了六年 我也還記得五年前莫拉克風災剛肆虐過去就在羅娜國小的校長室Bukut 校長看著[溫布尼森林音樂會]的 DVD邊看邊對我說他覺得我們也可以在部落裏辦這樣的草地音樂


結果就是我們今天在這裏準備舉行第五屆的玉山星空音樂會 這兩件事情讓我學到只要一個滿懷希望的想像再加上一群很容易衝動的人就可以創造

前所未有的局面 於是我們邊走邊整隊邊做邊學習玉山星空音樂會成長到了現在這個規模五年來到


團舞台愈做愈大觀眾愈來愈多名聲也愈來愈響亮 這一切的開始真的就只是五年前我在校長室裏聽到的那一句即使現在想起來也還是很

瘋狂一句話 現在我看到原聲孩子的表現就知道他們一定會越來越好那是因為 Bukut 校長阿蠻校

長以及藍蔚跟阿貫老師都是教育專業所以會把這群孩子教得很好那是理所當然的 但是同樣也是這一群人把玉山星空音樂會做的愈來愈大這就是一件很令人驚訝的事情了 在他們過去的人生中不管是在工作中還是生活中我想跟辦音樂會這種揮霍大量金錢的


在傳播圈打滾這麼久的專業眼光來看根本就是在胡思亂想而已 但也許就是我那打滾太久的專業眼光侷限了我的想像力也是因為他們不專業所以看不



- 140 - 我常常在想一個高雄的樂迷為了一場音樂會專程坐高鐡到國家音樂廳去欣賞真的是


在中正紀念堂下車捷運站的出口就直接是國家音樂廳了 可是玉山星空音樂會卻是要來聽的樂迷們自己想盡辦法跋山涉水的才能來到這個

深山之中的部落小學來享受這一場音樂盛宴國家音樂廳的座位有 2074 個我們今天在操


音樂會從頭到尾都是一個又一個的奇蹟累積起來的 你們都是在學業上很優秀的人也正在跟很多專業和頂尖的人才學習但是我希望各位





做出來的 在那時候你就可以告訴他們這個音樂會是怎麼誕生的是怎麼樣集合大家的力量來完成


一員 這是一個不售票的音樂會因為我們不想讓門票變成門檻來玉山星空音樂會惟一需要的



樂就是這場音樂會最好的回報 今天我想跟各位志工分享這些故事是因為我希望你們知道當你們決定來到山上當音樂



美好記憶 (工作時請叫我黑導)3-14-2014 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 141 -






















Bukut 與阿蠻是孩子們的守護獵人在孩子的教育上何止翻轉何止投入他們告所我




後必須擁有中央山脈 VIP 入山證在我家來去的企業家領袖海哥車大哥台光哥綸有














- 142 -
























綠繡眼 3-17-2014

Dear 綠繡眼



和阿蠻Bukut 兩位校長都是用生命在做原聲的工作加上這回的靜一及許多有才華又願

意付出的志工才有今天的局面 這麼多志工投入這麼多的資源這麼卯著勁辦原以為可以吸引更多的人關心原聲


想到兩位老師經常因為捐款不濟困坐愁城又想到 Bukut 校長阿貫老師的願那麼大未



綸有 3-17-2014

- 143 -

2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫 壹依據 一教育部國民及學前教育署十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質計畫 二南投縣 102 年度十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質整體計畫--部必辦處延

續政策申辦教師音樂專業成長研習 貳研習目標 一為二十一世紀的孩子創造音樂學習之旅 二二十一世紀的孩子需要什麼樣的音樂 三如何為不同年齡及孩子選擇音樂 四如何以音樂滿足孩子所需的挑戰

參研習內容 一以趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂包括音樂遊戲與即興創作等 二提供一至八年級精心挑選的樂曲 三以孩子需求所挑選的歌謠(藉由詮釋音樂內涵的過程)給予孩子適切的挑戰 四以多元文化為重點介紹中古世紀至古典時期音樂 五融合新設計的樂器奧福樂器與直笛創新運用奧福的內涵理念

肆指導單位南投縣政府 伍主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 陸協辦單位草屯國民小學 柒研習對象對華德福音樂教育有興趣之各國中小教師共計 60 人 捌研習日期103 年 4 月 17~18 日(星期四~五) 玖研習地點草屯國民小學承學堂 拾研習講師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss

目前服務於德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校為資深音樂教師此校為華德

福系統中包含特教功能的融合教育學校Marcus 畢業於英國愛默生學院音樂系在北美

洲曾指導多場音樂工作坊Markus 專長在華德福音樂教育及多元文化音樂表演(他對各

種民族的音樂很有涉獵)更擅長於 Werbeck 發聲教學也就是協助每個人排除發聲的

身心阻礙將屬於自己的聲音解放出來用整個人而不僅是某個器官來發聲此外Markus擅長 1~8 年級音樂教學(含特殊兒童)結合打擊樂器與詩歌的演奏中高年級的管絃樂



拾壹研習報名 一請各國民中小學教師即日起至 103 年 4 月 11 日前至全國教師在職進修資訊網報名聯

絡人張淑甚主任049-2362007112 二報名後如確有重大原因未能參加研習者請另函通知協辦單位以免造成訓練資源之

浪費 三為響應環保減少垃圾請自備筷子湯匙及水杯

拾貳研習時數本研習採計研習時數 12 小時參加人員請各服務單位給予公假登記(如有


- 144 - 拾參研習課表 日期 上課時間 課程內容 授課老師

0820~0850 報到 陳恆聰校長 0850~0900 開幕式 黃寶園處長 0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for

warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm focus games body percussion pedagogical issues

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊

第一天 4 月 17 日 (星期四)

1330~1630 1 Singing focus combining rhythm with songs experiencing world music developing creativity in the classroom 2 Finetune our work with songs for further performance

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm advanced deepening of the elements from Day 1

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊 第二天 4 月 18 日 (星期五) 1330~1630 1 Singing advanced bringing the

elements together enhancing the songs through use of rhythm instruments 2 Further songs round-up question answer time reflection

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師 黃寶園處長



一參加研習之教師能運用趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂 二參加研習之教師能配合孩子發展的特定需求選擇音樂 三加研習之教師能鼓勵並引導學生創作自己的歌 四參加研習之教師有 90感覺有收穫

拾陸研習成果 由主辦單位將研習成果(含電子檔)彙整成冊送本府教育處提報敘獎


項目 單價 數量 金額 便當 70 140(2 天) 9800茶水 20 140(2 天) 9800

場地布置費 3000 一式 3000雜支 3000 一式 3000

總計 25600

- 145 -


一 目的鼓勵各校學童與家長一同學習母語融入生活中透過親子間的學習與互動提


知及應用本土語文的能力 二 主辦單位南投縣政府教育處 三 承辦單位南投縣東埔國民小學羅娜國民小學 四 競賽規則原住民族語【說族語闖天下】比賽


組辦理每位學生各闖關大項至多可各參加兩項 (二)競賽內容每位競賽者依事先公佈題庫進行闖關活動 (三)競賽方式分家長與學童二組進行比賽各自錄取中年級高年級和國中組優勝名

單 (四)競賽內容題庫於賽前一個月由主辦單位公布

五 報名時間 自104年11月20日起至12月4日(以郵戳為憑)請傳真或電子郵件報名 聯絡人東埔國小教導主任蔡榮哲 電話(049)2701340-12

六 競賽日期104年12月12日(週六)上午800-820報到830比賽開始 七 競賽地點南投縣羅娜國民小學 八 獎勵

(一)學生及教師 各組擇優錄取第一名1人第二名2人第三名3人優勝若干名凡成績列前三名及優勝


乙次以資鼓勵餘者則頒給獎狀乙紙以資鼓勵 (二)家長依參賽結果頒發獎狀

九 辦理本次活動之有功人員依本縣教育人員獎勵標準規定核予獎勵 十 附則

(一)各組參賽人員應於賽前30分完成報到手續 (二)各組參賽人員必頇依照規定時間準時到場並於競賽全部結束後始可離場比賽結

束後即進行頒獎 附件一語詞闖關活動內容

項目 活動說明 參賽資格



1依據下列基本三項自自我介紹可自行補充 1(族名)氏族 2家人數多少 3來至於哪裡 評審提問 評審 3 人採四個等級評分給分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名



1參賽者請看 ppt 圖示三個圖片中任選一項並以完

整的族語一分鐘內說出圖中表達的內容 2能說出二至三項者逐條加分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名

- 146 -

評審 3 人採四個等級給分



1四篇短文賽前 6 分鐘現場抽題目並請以社群正確

語音朗讀完成 1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名




2~3 分鐘為限 家長


項目 活動說明 參賽資格




1布農語(巒郡卓群)國中組 200 字(字音字形各

100 字)國小中高年級組 100 字(字音字形各 50字)華語翻布農語布農語翻華語各半

2原住民語請用教育部與原民會 94 年 12 月頒布「原

住民族語言書寫系統」之拼音用音 3各組每人均限 15 分鐘 4200 字者每字 05 分100 字者每字 1 分塗改不



1國小每校 3 名 2國中每校 5 名





1基本過關 50 字 2進階80 字 3高階100 字 4挑戰150 字以上

1分巒郡卓三群 2每校至多 5 名 3取個人名次




1每校 4 人一組 2選題庫(分 2 組每組 100 題) 3二人以動作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另二人猜

出詞彙 4計時 2 分鐘每答對 1 題得一分(不會可放棄) 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

一組 3國中組二組




1親子兩人一組 2題庫(初級詞彙) 3一人以重作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另一人猜

出詞彙 4計時 1 分半每答對 1 題得 1 分 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

1 組 3每校 5 組


- 147 -

2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫 壹 緣起

星空下山谷中縈繞耳際的美好樂聲將是您一生中難以忘懷的憶念helliphellip 為了充實部落生活內涵鼓舞學童家長及部落鄉親南投縣信義鄉公所和台灣原聲教育

協會仿效德國溫布尼夏日森林音樂會模式於 2010 年在海拔近千公尺的羅娜國小運動場舉


夜和群山的環繞下能夠聆賞國際級的演出在大自然的懷抱裏輕鬆愜意的欣賞音樂 在信義鄉公所和原聲教育協會的共同努力下星空音樂會已從單純的地方活動發展


外也順便悠閒採梅泡溫泉及欣賞原住民手工藝品體驗布農文化之美2014 年吸引近

三千位民眾上山 2015 年玉山星空音樂會已邁入第六年這一年音樂會特別邀請近八十歲的原住民之友

蘇秋女士蒞臨以及在第 23 屆金曲獎中囊括三項大獎的阿美族歌手以莉高露演出音樂

會開始由原聲打擊樂團以趣味節奏樂開場甫成立一年的原聲 A Cappella 合唱團以及曾

獲得奧地利「2012 vokaltotal International A Cappella Festival」金牌獎的 Voco Novo 爵諾人



中這動人的生命力不易從城市的日常生活中獲得只有您身歷其境才能感受 貳目的



三充實部落生活內涵培育藝術人文素養 參指導單位南投縣政府 肆主辦單位信義鄉公所羅娜國民小學台灣原聲教育協會 伍協辦單位



落會議羅娜基督長老教會羅娜天主堂信義鄉各國民中小學 陸贊助單位八方雲集食品有限公司元大文教基金會中國國際商業銀行文教基金會


智文教基金會 柒演出時間2015年 3 月 21日(星期六)1850~2100(1830入場) 捌演出地點南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小運動場 玖演出單位

一原聲打擊樂團 10rsquo(1900~1910)

二向蘇秋致敬mdash羅娜古謠采風 10rsquo (1910~1920)

三原聲 A Cappella 合唱團 10rsquo (1920~1930)

四Voco Novo爵諾人聲合唱團 20rsquo (1930~1950)

五以莉高露 20rsquo (1950~2010)

六原聲童聲合唱團 50rsquo (2010~2100)

- 148 - 簡介





原住民的這份情緣種下她日後投入原住民文化保存工作的因 蘇秋女士畢業於台南師範深愛藝術半生投身於影像紀錄曾製作多部紀錄片獲獎


原住民的歧視她畢生所做的不在乎能賺多少錢只在乎能為原住民做些什麼 1986 年蘇秋女士來到羅娜部落以影像記錄了羅娜布農人的日常生活祭典及傳統歌謠

當時二十多歲的布農青年老師 Bukut(即今之馬彼得團長)為蘇秋擔任翻譯此後兩人未

再有任何聯繫去年 12 月中華電信基金會林三元執行長提及蘇秋女士傳奇的一生一個美好


會將放映當時紀錄片中珍貴的片段Bukut 會向蘇秋女士獻上最高敬意這場跨世紀跨族


以莉高露 Ilid Kaolo

以莉middot高露是花蓮吉納路安部落阿美族人2011 年發行首張個人創作專輯《輕快的生活》

獲得中華音樂人交流協會年度《十大優良專輯》第 1 屆《音樂推動者大獎》年度專輯大獎

以及第 23 屆金曲獎三項大獎mdash最佳原住民語歌手獎最佳原住民語專輯獎及最佳新人獎 2010 年與先生共同在宜蘭縣南澳鄉投入有機稻米栽植成為左手種稻右手寫歌的音樂

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲合唱團

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲樂團成立於 2009 年演唱技巧純熟曲風多元除了演唱流行與當 代的人聲爵士樂以外無國界的世界音樂及源自生活經驗的創作曲更是 Voco Novo 的一大

特色 歌曲充滿畫面感與原創風格的 Voco Novo 曾榮獲奧地利 2012 年《vokaltotal國際人聲藝

術節》流行組與爵士組雙料金牌並以客家歌曲「花樹下」獲最佳編曲獎2013 年榮獲 CARA美國現代阿卡貝拉《最佳亞洲專輯》獎以及「迢迢牽牛星」獲提名《最佳世界音樂歌曲》

音樂實力深獲國際肯定讓世界各地觀眾愛上這支東方意象獨樹一格的台灣音樂隊伍 Voco Novo 擅長於創作以及將具有台灣特色文化意涵的歌謠改編為充滿畫面感的 A

Cappella 音樂音樂總監劉郁如表示「看得見的音樂」是 Voco Novo 追求的音樂理想要讓

聽眾能從音樂想像台灣之美感受土地的風光 Voco Novo 經常受各機關團體邀請於國家音樂廳及台灣各地演出推廣人聲音樂近幾



- 149 -

Voco Novo 也致力於編曲教學與創作以及與其他藝術形式合作實現一個最 ldquoVocordquo (源自英文 ldquoVocalrdquo「 人聲」) ldquoNovordquo( 源自拉丁文「創新」)的新人聲合唱音樂願景帶


原聲 A Cappella 合唱團


仍保有對歌唱的熱愛於是在 2013 年 10 月成立 A Cappella 合唱團先後受教於嘉義大學音

樂系張得恩師及 Voco Novo 雙雙團長自 2014 年 10 月開始利用週末下午練習 1 個多小時








台北雙連扶輪社牽成下這個構想真的實現了2012 年 9 月原聲打擊樂團成立 目前打擊樂團有十餘位團員由國立台灣交響樂團資深團員陳姿伶老師指導希望創新



台灣原聲童聲合唱團成立於 2008 年 6 月隸屬「台灣原聲教育協會」羅娜國小校長馬



聲來自心靈深處清澈純淨又和諧彷如天籟 2010 年 5 月應邀赴上海世界博覽會於台灣館開幕典禮中演唱2011 年受邀於百年國慶大

典中以布農語客語台語華語演出「百年禮讚組曲」2013 年 7 月應邀於美國加州 City Fremont 慶祝國慶升旗活動中演唱美國國歌同年 10 月再度受邀於國慶典禮中領唱國歌2014年應「全日本合唱連盟」邀請赴日本參加「東京國際兒童合唱節」並隨榮譽團長周美青女士

於東京博物館「國立故宮博物院神品至寶」開展表演 台灣原聲教育協會希望透過教育培育原住民孩子成為具有使命感的典範以帶動部落


- 150 -

2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫 壹宗旨 一傳承發揚布農歌謠領悟布農文化之美 二提供各社區教會詩歌交流觀摩提升詩歌演唱水平 三以音樂影響社會教化涵養社區優質生活 四以詩歌頌讚耶穌基督的誕生 貳指導單位行政院原住民委員會行政院文化部南投縣政府 參主辦單位信義鄉公所社團法人台灣原聲教育協會台灣基督長老教會中部布農中會 肆協辦單位信義國中羅娜國小各村辦公室及鄉內各教會 伍比賽項目布農詩歌合唱比賽 陸比賽地點信義國中禮堂 柒比賽日期中華民國 104 年 12 月 11 日(星期五)上午九時起 捌參賽資格


一隊參賽 玖報名

參賽隊伍請於報名截止日 2015 年 12 月 4 日(星期五)前將報名資料以掛號郵寄或親送至 南投縣信義鄉羅娜村信筆巷 73 號(羅娜國小)馬慧如小姐(以郵戳為憑逾期恕不受理) 電話049-2831824

拾比賽辦法 一比賽曲目由大會選擇三首指定曲由參賽隊伍自行選擇一首演唱自選曲則必須

演唱布農古調詩歌不符規定者則不予計分 指定曲如下 (一)Iesu hai maisna dihanin kunastucin(布農聖詩 42 首)唱 12 節 (二)Tensi tahu sinpinaskal(布農聖詩 41 首)唱 12 節 (三)Santaishang bintuhan sia dihanin(布農聖詩 477 首)

二比賽人數每隊至少 20 人(不含伴奏與指揮)最多 40 人不足或多出者每不足

或多一人則扣總平均分數 05 分依此類推 三比賽規則

1 演唱曲目與報名曲目不符者一律不予計分 2 演唱時間以 15 分鐘為限自第一首歌指揮下手式開始計時指揮離開舞台時結


警示時間一到按鈴一長聲逾時即開始扣分逾時每 1 分鐘扣總平均分數 05 分

不滿 1 分鐘以 1 分鐘計依此類推 3 比賽演出人數應與報名表列相同不含指揮伴奏不得超過 40 人最少不低於 20人演出時可依樂曲之實際編制變換隊形 4 本比賽提供鋼琴其他無調性打擊樂器請自行準備若因歌曲特殊需要得以自

行錄製之卡式音樂帶CD 或自備之樂器伴奏 5 比賽將依序進行各隊報到時間請依主辦單位之通知(公布)於報到時間前完成


- 151 -

6 參賽者應於司儀唱名時立即進入舞臺開始表演若唱名三次未進場者視同棄權 7 評分標準音色 40音準 20演唱技巧 20指揮(伴奏)10整體藝術

表現 10依照分數之高低評定名次比賽結束後當場宣布成績並頒獎 8 車馬費補助凡參加比賽者由大會補助車馬費每隊 5000 元 9 報名隊伍如未達八隊則取消比賽(電話通知各隊)



獎金金額如下 第一名獎金 80000 元 第二名獎金 60000 元 第三名獎金 50000 元 第四名獎金 40000 元 第五名獎金 30000 元 第六名獎金 20000 元 第七名獎金 10000 元2

二獲得第一名之隊伍並於 104 年 3 月辦理之玉山星空音樂會中擔任演唱如第一名隊


音樂會之演出為原則) 拾貳經費本次比賽經費由信義鄉公所及台灣原聲教育協會共同籌措

- 152 -


200805 台灣原聲音樂學校及台灣原聲童聲合唱團誕生於南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳 200906 公益發行《唱歌吧》專輯入圍第 20 屆傳統藝術類「金曲獎」最佳傳統歌樂專輯獎 201001 接受廈門市台胞及台商聯誼會邀請首次於海外演出 201003 公益發行之《唱歌吧》紀錄片獲第 32 屆「金穗獎」最佳影片首獎 201005 受邀參加上海世界博覽會台灣館開幕典禮演出 201008 Bukut 團長獲選為遠見雜誌『新台灣之光』99 位人物之一 201010 受邀於中央研究院演唱為國內首次專場演出 201012 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201105 於國家音樂廳和國家國樂團聯合演出 201106 與哈佛大學鱷魚合唱團於東埔國小同台演出 201107 參加香港國際青少年合唱比賽獲童聲組金獎及民歌組銀獎 201110 於建國百年國慶大典中演唱「百年禮讚」組曲 201111 公益發行《不只唱歌吧》音樂專輯和紀錄片 201202 受邀於台南奇美博物館演藝廳及樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201203 受邀赴北京柏萊沃古典音樂俱樂部於金融家年會「寶島之夜」專場演出 201208 於新竹縣文化局演藝廳為創世基金會募款專場慈善演出「愛築家園」音樂會 201209 原聲兒童打擊樂團誕生 201211 受邀協助齊柏林導演空拍紀錄片「看見台灣」登玉山主峰於峰頂演出 201211 參加南投縣政府「全民運動會」開幕典禮演出 201212 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201307 受邀出訪美國加州參加國慶領唱國歌及國慶遊行巨人大聯盟球場Children

Discovery MuseumForest Lawn MuseumUNITY ConferenceICICE 全球華文網路

教育研討會Facebook 總部獻唱並於舊金山及洛杉磯劇院演出兩場專場音樂會 201308 受邀於高雄市文化中心至德堂專場演出 201310 受邀參加國慶典禮領唱國歌 201310 原聲A capella合唱團誕生 201311 受邀與長榮交響樂團於中興大學惠蓀堂聯合演出 201312 受邀於總統府「總統文化獎」頒獎典禮演唱 201402 受邀於台南樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201404 受邀於台北誠品松菸表演廳「看見台灣聽見原聲」專場演出 201408 應「全日本合唱連盟(JCA)」邀請赴日本參加第 28 屆東京國際兒童合唱節於新宿


物院「神品至寶」開展演出 201408 受邀於台中市圓滿劇場為「看見台灣-臺中心動影像音樂會」演出 201409 受邀於木柵動物園為台灣自製第一部 3D 動畫長片「桃蛙源記」首映會演唱 201410 受邀於台北小巨蛋參加慶祝國慶「四海同心聯歡大會」演出 201411 受邀於台中洲際棒球場參加「21U 第一屆世界棒球錦標賽」開幕領唱國歌 201411 受邀參加臺灣大學 86 週年校慶音樂會專場演出 201412 受邀參加南投縣長就職典禮演出

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

會議時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 200~430 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數

應出席人數 136 人實際出席人數 83 人(含親自出席 66 人委託出席 17 人) 貳大會開始 參主席致詞略 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告如 2013 年報 p10~22 二監事會監察報告如 2013 年報 p8 伍討論提案 案由一 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案(如

2013 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案業經

本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第 14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核

備 決 議通過 案由二 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2013 年報)提請討論 說 明 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第

14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 陸臨時動議無 柒選舉第 3 屆理事監事 有效選票理事票 83 張監事票 83 張 發票員黃煌蕭淑敏徐德蓮鄺麗君 唱票員楊智麟徐德蓮廖南詩蕭淑敏 監票員鄺麗君邱媛美

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理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠



監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥


捌原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 340~420)

1 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 西北雨直直落(福佬語) 詞葉明龍 曲黃敏 編曲楊耀章 3 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 4 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲林志忠 5 心肝寶貝(福佬語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 如鹿渴慕溪水(國語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲 Phil Dave 8 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

玖散會(下午 430)

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 1 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 400~430 開會地點台北市南海路 56 號夢紅樓二樓會議室 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠

楊智麟廖南詩廖達珊鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 候補理事林恩源江睿智(請假)賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 壹報告事項第 2 屆理監事於 4 月 26 日任期屆滿將移交給第 3 屆理監事會 貳討論提案無 肆選舉第 3 屆監事會主席及理事長

當選名單監事會主席mdash黃生理事長mdash洪春滿 參臨時動議

案由推選廖達珊為執行理事 決議通過


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 5 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200~430 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美(請假)許正瑛洪春滿黃春木

黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩(請假)廖阿貫鄺麗君(請假)羅綸有蘇錦淑(請假) 候補理事林恩源(請假)江睿智賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞(請假)樓海鳥(請假) 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 列席人員禹連泉孫藍蔚李彩霞呂克勝 壹報告事項

一建校規劃報告禹連泉建築師 二執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 5 月工作報告 2 2014 年下半年活動日程 3 2014 年暑期營隊課程及活動 4 2014 年 8 月參訪日本行程及活動 5 「十年樹木百年樹人」計畫-東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫 6 原住民師生美加遊學推薦實施辦法草案

三秘書長報告 1 2014 年 1 月至 4 月財務報告 2 遠距課輔及數位學伴規劃報告

四理事長報告 1 原聲音樂學校現況報告 2 東埔國小及原聲音樂學校親師生比賽及期末點數拍賣會(募集獎項)

貳交接前後任理事長印信文件交接 參討論提案無 肆臨時動議無


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 3 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 8 月 30 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木(請假)黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員馬彼得李彩霞呂克勝羅 揚高達瑋 壹報告事項

一主席報告 1 暑期學習營成果報告

(1) 日本演出及交流活動成果報告 (2) 暑期花蓮海洋營成果報告 (3) 母語推廣活動報告

2 原聲音樂學校學生的優秀表現分享 (1) 孩子在暑假有很多成長 (2) 學長姐與學弟妹分享學習心得mdash鼓勵學弟妹不畏辛苦努力學習

3 成就孩子時自己也被成就 二團長報告

1 建校規劃報告-建校場地相關事宜報告 三執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 8 月財務報告 5 月餘絀 -579070 6 月餘絀 3247291(磊山 220 萬元大 100 萬) 1-6 月餘絀 1538696 7 月餘絀 -1156540 8 月餘絀 -1214827 1-8 月餘絀 -832671

2 2014 年 9~12 月活動日程 貳討論提案 案由一修訂「台灣原聲音樂學校學生接受認養贊助辦法」 說 明受助生升入高中後皆在外地求學每月認養金 1 千元不敷使用且每位受助生狀況

不同需隨個案彈性處理 決 議依個案彈性處理 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 4 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 12 月 20 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興(請假)林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木黃慶忠(請假)楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有(請假)蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員孫藍蔚裘友棣車和道蕭淑敏呂克勝李彩霞柳宜蕙 壹報告事項

一2014 年校務報告阿滿理事長 1 校務現況報告原聲的孩子透過平日的假日學校及暑假活動(日本行花蓮海洋營



的生活教育 2 建校報告

(1) 實驗教育法已通過原聲申請設立實驗學校 20141117 通過現已可掛牌薵備 (2) 原來預定設立地點在羅娜部落的羅娜國小(原因腹地大羅娜部落是全國最大的


召開部落會議溝通若仍有意見再思考更換建校地點 二2014 年度財務報告藍蔚秘書長

1 至 201410 月止本年度餘絀為負 79240 元至 201411 月止本年度餘絀為負 81058元

2 2014 年至 11 月止捐款達成率 529支出達成率約 55支出減少是因建校支出

還未動用 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2015 年「年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」草案 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備並實施 決 議通過 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 5 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2015 年 1 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200-400 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興(請假)林靜一(請假)邱媛美許正瑛黃春木


監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生(請假)楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員裘友棣柳宜蕙 壹報告事項 一2015 年建校進度報告阿滿理事長 二2014 年度財務報告(決算)藍蔚秘書長 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2014 年「年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收

支表」草案(如附件) 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 案由二確定第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會召開日期地點議程 說 明擬於 2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)1400 假台北市南海路 56 號建國高中「夢紅樓」二樓

展演廳舉行 決 議通過 參臨時動議 肆散會

- 160 -

會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 一 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)編曲馬彼得


同時也鼓勵小朋友早起 kula vali panangausan taki litu vava su-u hongku tasa dusa tau pat ima num pitu vau kula vali panangausan taki litu he he~ he~ he~ he-he

二 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語)編曲Edwin O Excell


農語和國語三種語言來表達 アメイジンググレイス 何と美しい響きか 私のような者も救って下さる さまよう私をお救いになり 今では神の恵みを見て取れる makitvaivi singkadaidaz laduaz inulivan minupungav inkaduanin maimabual minsinghal Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found Was blind but now I see 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見

三 天下別無拯救(國語)詞曲蕭泰然

看哪 我的僕人 我所揀選 我所親愛 看哪 我的僕人 是我心所喜悅 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 因為在天下別無拯救 因為在天下別無拯救 沒有賜下別的名 可靠著得救 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主啊 我的基督啊 願你快快再來 願頌讚與榮耀智慧 願感謝與尊貴權柄 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 哈利路亞讚美主 阿們 阿們 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 阿們 阿們 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主 我的基督 哈利路亞 讚美主 阿們 阿們

四 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 曲游智婷 編曲游智婷

田中的白鷺鷥 無欠缺過甚麼 山頂的百合花 春天現香味 總是全能的上帝 每日賞賜真福氣 使地上發芽結實 顯出愛疼的根據 耶和華祝福滿滿 親像海邊土沙 恩典慈愛 直到萬世代 我要舉手敬拜他 出歡喜的歌聲 讚美稱頌祂名 永不息

五 乘著氣球上天空(気球に乗ってどこまでも)詞東龍男 曲平吉毅州 中譯白蕊




- 161 -

時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 風に乗って 野原を越えて(野原をこえて) 雲を飛び越え(雲をとびこえ) 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに何かが(そこになにかが) 待っているから(まっているから) 大空に ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン 時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 星を越えて(星をこえて) 宇宙を遥か(宇宙をはるか) 星座の世界へ 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに輝く(そこにかがやく) 夢があるから ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ 乘著氣球上天空(中譯) 有的時候會想起 天空真神秘 有的時候會想起 上天去遊玩 乘著一個大氣球 航向神秘的天空 隨風飄 隨風飄 越過一座座高山 飛過雲霄 飛過雲霄 乘著氣球上天空去 好去看天空上 有多少 神秘光景 啦~~~~~~~ 好去找宇宙中 有多少 多少寶藏 啦~~~~~~~

- 162 - 六花は咲く(日本語) 編曲西條太貴

真っ白な 雪道に 春風香る わたしは なつかしい あの街を 思い出す 叶えたい 夢もあった 変わりたい 自分もいた 今はただ なつかしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの歌が聞こえる 誰かを励ましてる 誰かの笑顔が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 夜空の 向こうの 朝の気配に わたしは なつかしい あの日々を 思い出す 傷ついて 傷つけて 報われず 泣いたりして 今はただ 愛おしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの想いが見える 誰かと結ばれてる 誰かの未来が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか恋する君のために


白雪覆蓋的路上 瀰漫著馥郁的春風 我想起了 懷念的那座城市 曾有著想要實現的夢想 也有著想要改變的自己 如今卻只想起 思念的那個人 聽到有人在唱歌 好像在鼓勵什麼人 看到有人的笑顏 就在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 夜空的另一邊 有著清晨的氣息 我想起了 懷念的那些往日 受傷過 也傷人過 也曾沒得回報而哭泣過 如今卻只思念 所愛的那個人 看到的是誰的思念 跟誰相連在一起 看到的是誰的未來 在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天會戀愛的你啊


這首詩歌曲風為 ABA 形式是露營佈道會最愛選唱的詩歌由原聲孩子清澈純淨的歌聲


- 163 -

這上山路 我努力跑 一天一天 越跑越高 向前之時 常求我主 求立我腳 在更高處 求舉我起 而容我站 因信在天堂巍巍山 更上一層 我心切慕 求立我腳 在更高處 帶慈悲心 主耶穌來 為尋找我 以賜其愛 雖罪其深 怙惡不改 但恩主拉起我 從禍坑口 祂拉起我 伸憐憫手 祂拉起我 從黑暗夜 到光明界 啊讚美主 祂拉起我 我心所望 非此非彼 唯仰望主 寶血之義 我決不敢 托親托鄰 只完全靠主耶穌名 求舉我起 而容我站(從禍坑口 祂拉起我) 因信在天堂巍巍山(伸憐憫手 祂拉起我) 更上一層 我心切慕(從黑暗夜到光明界 啊 讚美主) 求立我腳 在更高處 在更高處(啊 讚美主 更高處 在更高處)

八kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語民歌) 詞王拓南曲伍欽光編曲Bukut

kipahpah ima kipahpah ima muskunta kipahpah ima 拍拍手 拍拍手 我們一起來拍手 kahuzasa kahuzasa muskunta kahuzas 歌唱吧 歌唱吧 我們一起來歌唱 manaskal saikin sadu mas muu tu taisisan 看見各位弟兄姐妹 我心歡喜快樂 mahtu mapasadu manaskalik(manaskalik) nakahuzas(nakahuzas) 能和各位相見 我心歡喜來歌唱 manaskal(manaskal) manaskal(manaskal) manasasi sang tama kamisama 快樂歡喜 快樂歡喜 歡喜快樂仰望上帝 uka hanimumulan uka kaisalpuan is-ang kaupahanian aluskunan kamisama 沒有憂愁 沒有煩惱 上帝日日與我同在 manaskal(manaskal) matumashing(matumashing) kaupakaupa hanian manaskal 歡喜讚美 日日都快樂歡喜 taisisan(taisisan) kahuzas(kahuzas) muskun kahuzas matumashing 歌唱吧朋友 一起唱歌讚美

九故鄉ふるさと Furusado(日本童謠) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

兔追いしかの山 こぶな釣りしかの川 夢は今もめぐりて 忘れがたき故鄉 如何にいます父母 つつがなしや友がき 雨に風につけても 思いいずる故鄉 こころざしをはたして いつの日にか帰らん 山はあおき故鄉 水は清き故鄉 在山上追逐兔子 在小溪釣小魚 至今我仍常夢到 難忘的故鄉 不知道父母是否安好 不知道朋友是否無恙 就算刮著風下著雨 我仍思念著我的故鄉 希望能夠達成志向 有一天能衣錦還鄉 山巒翠綠的故鄉 水質清澈的故鄉


自 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2014 年 12 月 31 日贊助者名錄如下篇幅為節省版面捐款抬頭為

5 個字以上者另立名錄欄皆依首字母筆劃數排序感恩所有支ldquo原rdquo者

- 164 -


B02 室 2000 王裕鈞 1500 江亭潔 2000 吳炳昇 2000 宋祥興 40000

丁懷箴 2000 王詩辰 2000 江慶祥 12000 吳美慧 5000 宋隆傑 2000

尤麗惠 2000 王道維 24000 艾惠鵝 2000 吳哲彬 2000 宋德令 2000

尹世鈴 8631 王鈺琪 2000 何 易 1500 吳哲綸 1500 巫晟豪 1500

方思文 1500 王靖文 2000 何宜軒 2000 吳素雲 3500 李友尊 4000

方雅虹 2000 王翠華 2000 何怡君 2000 吳素絹 1400 李世忠 2000

方馨嫺 2000 王語瑄 2000 何明彥 1500 吳國榮 12000 李永勝 2000

毛恆祥 2000 王輝煌 2000 何冠儒 2000 吳婉君 2000 李玉如 5000

毛淑婷 2000 王靜君 5000 何振綱 2000 吳淑女 2000 李志勳 150000

王又 2000 王嶽璽 4000 何敏媛 2000 吳淑蓉 2000 李佳玲 2000

王士榮 2000 王薏蘋 2000 何淑娟 10000 吳清福 10000 李宗榮 3600

王如華 2000 王嬿茹 2000 何進村 2000 吳彭弘 100000 李旻真 3600

王佳華 200 古哲安 2000 何瑜芳 2000 吳敦義 55000 李昇修 2000

王宗鼎 2000 正能千惠 2000 何瓊文 2000 吳舒婷 2000 李明彥 3000

王怡文 2000 田淑嬿 3500 余大全 2000 吳瑪琍 2000 李枝昌 200000

王長婷 2000 田籠範子 1439 余沛婕 3000 吳慧君 2000 李芳禎 2000

王俊惠 2000 白佳欣 2000 余采親 1500 吳潔 2000 李金恭 100000

王俞芳 2000 石東千 2000 吳予仁 2000 吳憲昭 2000 李品欣 1500

王冠雅 2000 石麗珍 2000 吳玉英 2000 吳靜宜 2500 李宣澤 2000

王昭君 6000 仲淵 2000 吳秀娟 2000 吳耀敦 2000 李峙錡 1500

王界欽 2000 任柏叡 1500 吳佾其 2000 呂之華 2000 李昭慧 2000

王美玲 5000 全樹曦 4000 吳孟蓉 2000 呂文香 10000 李昭緣 2000

王美惠 2000 成溪玲 12000 吳旻芬 2000 呂玉華 20000 李修惠 2000

王英宏 2000 曲維正 2000 吳昌政 2000 呂昇祐 2000 李宴昌 2000

王娟卿 2000 朱久光 2000 吳昌錫 6000 呂冠磐 2000 李家媛 2000

王悟生 2000 朱佩珊 2000 吳明昌 2000 呂政明 5000 李婉如 2000

王效婷 2000 朱念慈 2000 吳明榮 6000 呂春桂 2000 李彩珠 2000

王海龍 10000 朱彥縉 2000 吳明錥 2000 呂美莉 2000 李彩嫻 2000

王崇蓉 2500 朱敏諄 2000 吳易縝 2000 呂茂源 2000 李淑芬 2000

王捷輝 2000 江文標 6000 吳秉儒 1500 呂淑貞 2000 李淑娟 2000

王組修 2000 江玉娟 300 吳金萬 2000 呂淑雲 10000 李愛珠 12877

王訢伃 2000 江志龍 2000 吳俊龍 2000 呂淳嫻 1000 李楊鈞 10000

王惠美 600 江奇駿 4000 吳冠陞 2500 呂惠玲 2000 李瑋珊 2000

王開敏 2000 江宜虔 10000 吳建明 100000 呂惠菁 2000 李瑞華 2000

王新立 10000 江青玲 2000 吳政宇 2000 呂琳琳 2000 李嘉哲 2000

- 165 -

李嘉菊 2000 林玉芳 20000 林芳瑜 2000 林銅城 2000 洪家妮 20000

李嫚珠 2000 林宇哲 2000 林芳瑾 4000 林慧茹 2000 洪素梅 20000

李翠娟 2000 林安瀛 2000 林芷琳 2000 林慶恩 100000 洪富美 12000

李慧鳯 500 林宏明 2000 林金輝 2000 林曉真 10000 洪皖中 2000

李曉雯 2000 林志明 20000 林俊吉 2000 林燕 100000 洪瑜堇 2000

李鎮樟 2000 林杏芝 2000 林俞男 2000 林靜慧 2000 洪筱琍 2000

李耀武 5000 林秀芬 5000 林信子 8631 林麗芳 2000 紀佳緯 13900

李權泰 2000 林秀濤 2000 林冠廷 1500 林麗雪 5000 紀宜君 2000

李歡仁 5000 林育正 1000 林品儀 10000 林麗碧 5000 胡志宏 12000

杜薇 1000 林育如 2000 林品翰 2000 林寶彩 40000 胡秀華 10000

汪玄珠 4000 林育業 18000 林姵君 2000 邱一平 20000 胡芸瑄 2000

沈志宇 1500 林育靖 6000 林昭凱 500 邱玉青 2000 胡信馨 2000

沈岱育 2000 林育德 12000 林昭鳳 2000 邱佳秀 2000 胡秋香 2000

車平道 2000 林良貞 2000 林柏宏 2000 邱傑男 3000 胡夏萍 2000

初郡恩 2000 林辰學 1000 林祈芬 6000 邱媛美 23000 胡祖銘 2000

卓俊諺 2600 林京里 2000 林美玲 2000 邱義桓 2000 胡淑芳 5000

卓晨如 2000 林佩娟 12000 林羿君 2000 邱碩揚 20000 胡語姍 2000

卓儀泙 6000 林佩瑩 2000 林香吟 2000 邵崇榮 2000 范君瑋 2000

周文華 2000 林佳輝 2000 林原豐 2000 長與博典 8631 范志強 1000000

周文鶱 2000 林協進 2000 林家緯 2000 阿部哲夫 2877 范芯語 2000

周志明 2000 林孟辰 2000 林展禾 1500 凃雪玉 6000 范姜群澔 10000

周邦昀 2000 林宛臻 50000 林庭如 2000 姚淑美 11000 范舒涵 2000

周怡禎 2000 林宛霖 2000 林恩源 20000 政敏 2000 范曉恩 2000

周明翰 1500 林宜慧 2000 林財發 2000 施心韻 2000 香草氣球 20850

周美蘭 2000 林宜臻 216165 林啟信 4000 施牧之 1500 候靖柔 2000

周晴禎 900 林幸儒 2000 林國興 2000 施建興 3000 唐世昌 2000

周詩婷 2000 林念竹 2000 林淑惠 6000 施春成 2000 唐怡芳 2000

周蓓蕾 4500 林怡儀 2000 林淑慧 2000 施相如 2000 唐晨瑜 2000

周慧芳 2000 林昀靚 4000 林添樹 2000 施美妏 5000 夏以寧 2000

姒元忠 5000 林昆禾 2000 林森醫院 2000 施堯寬 2000 孫文先 9000

東森電視 2877 林昆慶 2000 林湘評 2000 施鈞凱 2000 孫立銓 2000

松澤寬文 8631 林明和 4000 林紫璿 2000 春山齒科 8631 孫譽真 2000

林乃杞 5000 林明達 2000 林雅玲 2000 柯玉環 2000 徐力克 2000

林三元 12000 林欣儀 2000 林雅容 2000 柯佩雰 2000 徐文輕 2000

林千翔 2000 林武田 10000 林毓文 2000 柯喬馨 2000 徐世禎 100000

林心蘭 2000 林泛俊 4000 林鈺清 2000 段成龍 2000 徐志婷 3070

林文淵 12000 林秉緯 2000 林嘉彥 2000 洪正容 2000 徐妮 2000

- 166 - 林月鈴 2000 林芳如 5400 林榮茂 2000 洪春滿 8500 徐芷唯 2000

林玉枝 2000 林芳如 4000 林維甫 10400 洪柏青 2000 徐復民 10000

徐慧珠 2000 張郁偵 2000 梁榮華 2000 郭盈芬 2000 陳勇洲 3600

秦永悌 10000 張徐庭芝 500 梁靜舒 2000 郭美秀 2000 陳品璇 1500

翁怡涵 2000 張恩瑜 2000 渉谷和典 14385 郭軒綸 1500 陳奕均 2000

翁素蓉 2000 張素華 2000 焉保元 2000 郭瑞意 2000 陳威羽 1500

袁嘉彬 2000 張淑蕙 2000 莊士興 2000 郭榮烈 4000 陳屏萍 2000

馬彼得 100000 張淑櫻 2000 莊秀娥 2000 陳人瑄 500 陳建芳 2000

馬松季 5000 張淨環 2000 莊佳慧 2000 陳大雄 2000 陳彥佑 3600

馬經方 2000 張琇喬 5000 莊惠如 2000 陳小玲 2000 陳彥谷 2000

高天翼 2000 張琇雁 2000 莊漢宗 2000 陳文欣 2000 陳彥豪 2000

高忠義 2000 張翊宸 4000 莊慧文 2000 陳民慶 2000 陳玲涵 2000

高振興 3000 張婷 2000 許文忠 2000 陳永金 111 陳盈謀 3072

高曼玲 30000 張媚 2000 許文龍 50000 陳立苹 2000 陳祈宏 100000

高逸紋 2000 張斯堯 10000 許玉治 2000 陳光誠 9600 陳秋伶 2000

高瑞穎 2000 張智映 2000 許成功 2000 陳安琪 2000 陳秋鳳 2000

高蒂燕 3000 張朝銘 2000 許秀蘭 2000 陳宏正 2000 陳紅蓮 100

高慧玲 15000 張雅筑 2000 許育宏 2000 陳宏瑜 2000 陳美如 2000

高橋功 2877 張楨 433900 許芳 2000 陳希臨 3600 陳美雲 10000

高橋晴美 2877 張瑋哲 2000 許美蓮 2000 陳志方 2000 陳虹陵 2000

崔秀雲 1000 張瑞玲 2000 許修誠 2000 陳志誠 13000 陳貞任 2000

康素珍 11000 張瑞純 2000 許家彰 2000 陳志彰 2000 陳郁文 5500

康瑤華 120000 張義雄 2000 許家榮 3000 陳杉豪 60000 陳淯芳 2200

康銘利 2000 張裕安 2000 許素修 2000 陳秀慧 15000 陳素庈 2000

張仁輔 2000 張裕忠 8400 許素蘭 20000 陳佳祺 3000 陳健生 18000

張文山 2000 張嘉耘 2000 許淑霞 2000 陳孟祺 2000 陳健丞 2000

張文祥 4000 張寧惠 2000 許凱翔 1500 陳孟慧 2000 陳彩秝 3000

張文通 2000 張榮哲 2000 許皓淳 1400 陳昀瑋 1500 陳晨昱 2000

張文靜 2000 張碧芳 2000 許萸晶 4000 陳欣榆 2000 陳梅瑛 2000

張月萌 2000 張肇祺 2000 許盟安 2000 陳玟伶 2000 陳淑君 2000

張玉姍 2000 張鴻章 2000 許嘉鎂 5000 陳玫荃 5000 陳淑宜 4000

張玉瑩 1500 張簡尹佩 2000 許綺紋 10000 陳采秝 2000 陳淑美 2000

張光宇 12000 張繐雅 2000 許慧玲 12000 陳雨航 2000 陳惠玲 2000

張君旭 6000 張馨勻 2000 許蕙宇 1000 陳亮伃 2000 陳焱煌 2000

張廷安 2000 強釖英 2000 許瓊禧 2000 陳俊良 10000 陳菀蓁 2000

張明因 1500 曹彥盛 2000 郭佳憲 2000 陳俐婷 4000 陳逸彥 11000

張明龍 2000 曹雅慧 2000 郭忠吉 2000 陳俐嬛 2000 陳逸穎 2000

- 167 -

張長軾 3000 曹蕙珍 2000 郭怡君 2000 陳俞蓁 4000 陳新宇 2000

張彥偉 2000 梁汝鎮 2000 郭玫君 2000 陳冠維 2000 陳新駿 2000

張春玲 2000 梁惠珠 5000 郭俊驛 1500 陳冠霏 2000 陳嘉彣 2000

張秋森 2000 梁詩屏 2000 郭昱秀 2000 陳勇安 2000 陳壽美 50000

陳旖益 2000 曾子銓 2000 黃克勤 2000 黃靜薰 2000 葉紅 2000

陳榮富 2000 曾克修 10000 黃志祥 6000 黃薰威 6600 葉美琴 4000

陳碧蓮 2877 曾宜謙 1500 黃邦定 3800 黃鐙麒 2500 葉書佑 2000

陳維斌 10000 曾明德 6000 黃忠賢 2000 黃馨儀 1500 葉書村 2000

陳維新 6000 曾俊峯 2000 黃東生 3309 楊大和 3000 葉淑鈺 6000

陳綺芳 2000 曾院介 3600 黃玟瑄 2000 楊仁賢 10000 葉惠盈 2000

陳銘元 2000 曾涵芝 2000 黃秉愷 2000 楊月華 2000 葉鍚東 2000

陳魁 2000 曾淑菁 2000 黃冠閔 12000 楊永昌 1500 董富儒 500

陳鳳怡 2000 曾源裕 1500 黃建誠 2000 楊光 6000 虞濟華 2000

陳鳴鈴 2000 曾鈺智 2000 黃建彰 6000 楊佳勳 1500 詹志鴻 2000

陳慧容 2000 曾嘉盈 2000 黃昭贊 2000 楊宗諭 2000 詹佳寧 2000

陳毅祥 2000 曾碧卿 20000 黃柏偉 2000 楊定諺 2000 詹雪玉 2000

陳蔚綺 2000 游郁欣 2000 黃盈甄 2000 楊宜華 1500 詹琪 2000

陳調鋌 20000 游雪惠 2000 黃若芸 3000 楊明芳 2000 鄒桂雲 2000

陳興海 200000 游貴美 2000 黃郁婷 4000 楊俊岳 2000 雷佳縈 2000

陳靜如 2000 湯秀滿 2000 黃祐鈞 2000 楊素端 10000 頌彥真賢 14385

陳靜宜 2000 湯明璋 2000 黃素娟 2200 楊高融 2500 嘉仁藥房 220

陳靜慧 2000 程延和 2000 黃國銘 2000 楊敕貝 8000 廖文怡 2000

陳膺州 2000 華國媛 6000 黃婉玲 2000 楊淑芬 2000 廖平生 2000

陳駿為 2000 賀志強 4000 黃彫棠 2000 楊淑珍 2877 廖怡鳳 2000

陳鏡安 1500 辜郁純 10000 黃御唐 7000 楊淨雅 2000 廖南詩 1300

陳麗如 2000 間宮內科 8631 黃晨雅 4000 楊連發 138000 廖建華 2000

陳麗姿 2400 飯塚能成 2000 黃清俊 2000 楊勝哲 3000 廖修筠 2000

陳麗秋 2000 馮怡敏 5000 黃清雄 2000 楊博欽 12000 廖書緯 18000

陳麗敏 2000 馮興儒 1500 黃竟修 12000 楊筠芃 8000 廖清佑 2000

陳露施 2000 黃 石 2000 黃創夏 10000 楊靖民 2000 廖湘如 2000

傅榮禎 2000 黃千真 2000 黃惠玲 2000 楊碧玲 2000 廖楓 12000

傅碧如 2000 黃大芪 900 黃智芸 2000 楊熾光 2000 廖達琪 200000

傅應翔 2000 黃子瑜 2000 黃智俐 4000 楊環菁 2000 廖嘉紅 2000

單彥榕 1500 黃介民 2000 黃雅梅 2000 楊韻秋 3000 廖榮山 2000

嵇彭傑 2000 黃文定 2000 黃雅慧 2000 溫孝文 2000 廖維旺 2000

彭沁璘 2000 黃文涼 2000 黃雯綉 2000 溫志中 2000 熊文瑗 2000

彭玟光 2000 黃文鴻 2000 黃源森 200 溫秭翊 2000 趙子佑 2000

- 168 - 彭泰彥 2000 黃世明 2000 黃裕洲 2000 萬瑾璇 2000 趙伊望 2000

彭紫晴 2000 黃令苹 3000 黃鈴淨 2000 葉子平 2000 趙淑琴 2000

彭嘉明 60000 黃玉娟 1000 黃鈺恩 2000 葉妍杏 2000 趙毓美 2000

彭鴻森 2000 黃生 1000 黃慶忠 20000 葉知定 4412 齊藤美弘 2877

景雯霞 2000 黃旭宏 1500 黃憲宇 1000 葉芳吟 18600 劉成 2000

曾于書 2000 黃竹瑄 2000 黃錦梅 10000 葉俊毅 20000 劉光雄 3000

劉有富 4000 蔡孟軒 3600 鄭倩玉 2000 戴志清 5000 魏延豪 2000

劉佩宜 2000 蔡孟琳 3600 鄭振家 2000 薛如娟 2300 魏筱君 2000

劉怡孜 2400 蔡宗立 2000 鄭浩民 2000 薛雅文 2000 龎睿穎 2000

劉明宜 2000 蔡宜廷 2000 鄭純淑 2000 薛雅齡 2000 繩蘇生 4000

劉欣怡 2000 蔡明安 2000 鄭素治 2000 謝一新 2000 羅一新 2000

劉秉怡 2000 蔡俊逵 1500 鄭欵 2000 謝元勳 50000 羅正宏 2000

劉俊宏 20000 蔡盈康 2000 鄭紹東 7000 謝如君 6000 羅宇棠 4000

劉俊茂 2877 蔡張金權 10000 鄭莉玲 2000 謝佩珊 2000 羅佳勳 2000

劉奐岑 2000 蔡淑莉 2000 鄭博仁 2000 謝佳芳 2000 羅金蘭 2000

劉珊如 15000 蔡陸宗 1500 鄭惠娟 4500 謝宛潔 2000 羅倩儀 2000

劉家振 2000 蔡雪美 2000 鄭鳳君 2000 謝宛勳 2000 羅揚 1500

劉晏汝 2000 蔡惠英 500 鄭興 2000 謝昀叡 1500 羅慈為 4000

劉素滿 12000 蔡椏芝 2000 鄭靜怡 2000 謝昌衛 2000 羅綸有 324000

劉淑 2000 蔡菁菁 2000 鄭靜芬 2000 謝政誼 2000 邊野吉 5754

劉淑貞 2000 蔡雅帆 6000 盧怡志 2000 謝炳邦 2000 龐晴 1500

劉博文 2000 蔡聖爵 200 盧崑瑞 2000 謝張芳珠 2877 蘇玉琦 2000

劉詠華 2000 蔡碧珊 2000 盧雅馨 2000 謝逸琦 2000 蘇佩誼 2000

劉瑞敏 4000 蔡維恭 2000 盧蓂朻 1500 謝嘉濬 2000 蘇明慧 2000

劉廖阿鈺 2000 蔡語嫣 1500 穆文誠 2000 謝實毅 2000 蘇秉夆 2000

劉漢倚 2000 蔡銘城 1400 蕭伃真 2000 謝瑩龍 6000 蘇建宏 2000

劉慧敏 2000 蔡德輝 2000 蕭妍庭 2000 謝燕珠 2600 蘇映吟 2000

劉澄豪 2000 蔡歐芳情 2000 蕭家列 2000 謝錫濱 2000 蘇郁雅 2000

劉麗芬 2000 蔡潔葳 2000 蕭淑敏 139000 謝麗燕 2000 蘇容瑾 2000

劉懿嬅 12000 蔡霈榆 4000 蕭登元 2000 鍾明芝 2000 蘇銹燕 2000

歐陽如蘭 2000 蔡耀毅 2000 蕭睆文 2000 鍾道之 2000 蘇曉棠 2000

歐濾德 11000 蔣耿義 2000 蕭劉阿玉 2000 簡劭庭 181500 蘇錦淑 10000

滕蕙蘭 2000 蝸行基金 17600 賴一湉 2000 簡欣華 2000 蘇靜君 2000

潘妤庭 2000 鄧沛雯 2000 賴乙晴 2000 簡湘容 2000 饒珍櫻 2000

潘信宏 2000 鄧依均 2500 賴如足 24000 簡嘉萱 2000 顧正禧 1500

潘威成 2000 鄧鵬 2000 賴建呈 10000 簡銘均 2000 蔡秀芳 2000

潘彥均 1500 鄭文珠 5000 賴素娥 2000 簡慧鍾 2000 蔡佳祝 11000

- 169 -

潘素貞 2000 鄭永玉 2000 賴素鏡 2000 簡薰育 10000 鄭美玲 2000

潘豐富 2000 鄭宇宏 1500 賴國豪 1000 藍文君 2000 鄭美惠 2000

蔡一輝 2000 鄭宇清 2000 賴惠鈴 2000 闕欣男 2000 駱慧君 1800

蔡玉茹 2000 鄭志明 2000 賴慶芳 1500 顏士致 2000 應丞武 2000

蔡宏達 2000 鄭秀足 2000 賴頤珊 1000 顏禾洋 20000 顏惠美 2000

蔡沛潔 2000 鄭宜欣 2000 霍安莉 2000 顏沛霂 2000 顏際隆 2000

006-0000560227844537 12000 兆豐產物保險股份有限公司 20000

0000-130540072691 2000 光友科技股份有限公司 2000

000-0404221176770 21143 艾葳精品婚紗有限公司 2000

004-00000115004038376 6000 利河伯實業有限公司 20000

009-0030105141735801 5000 吳尼可國際有限公司 2000

012-4924960183929900 600 巫葉子設計有限公司 2000

013-06053397 12000 李東陽里金館有限公司 2000

805-0006000400003506 13000 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 100000

808-0000543968111696 30000 和聲合唱團 5000

822-0000347532690803 36000 姊妹旅行社股份有限公司 20000

Lok Wing Lam 2000 旺宏電子(股)公司中華文化研習社 4000

Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 2607887 東京華僑商工聯合會 28770

士筌實業股份有限公司 2000 東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 2877

大可禾文化教育股份有限公司 20000 松山慈惠堂 2000

中央研究院化學研究所 40000 社團法人中華民國亞太產業經營研究會 15000

中正堂会館株式会社 8631 社團法人中華磊山慈愛社 2438000

中玨實業有限公司 2000 長霖寰宇企業有限公司 6000

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 100000 青境工程顧問有限公司 2000

丰雅時尚診所 2000 冠英水電工程有限公司 100

五福創新有限公司 2000 威盈貿易有限公司 6000

元昌投資股份有限公司 100000 恆暘貿易有限公司 8631

太鼓餐飲股份有限公司 2000 星新國際有限公司 2000

以琳內科診所 2000 映畫傳播事業股份有限公司 123800

台北北海扶輪社 20000 看見台灣-日本 SUZUKI amp MAYUMI 14385


北醫學大學 10000 美裝公寓大廈管理維護股份有限公司 10000

台北市城東扶輪社 107000 胡凱閔 黃雅青 2000

台北尚邑扶輪社 10000 苗栗縣物理治療師公會 2000

台北金鷹扶輪社 20000 郁建國際有限公司 4000

- 170 - 台北真善美扶輪社 60000 財金資訊股份有限公司 100000

台北雙和扶輪社 20000 財團法人中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 920000

台北雙連扶輪社 20000 財團法人中華基督教廈門街浸信會 43600

平田法律事務所 17262 財團法人臺灣基督教門諾會 30000

玄啟有限公司 2000 銘久股份有限公司 2000

白宇白米 2000 劉昭宏建築師事務所 14000

財團法人元大文教基金會 1000000 模組電腦實業社 3000

財團法人我們的文化基金會 200000 熱鐸(上海)貿易有限公司 2000

財團法人蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 43847 蔡恆維周英娟 10000

財團法人傳承教育基金會 300000 蔡蕙璟蔡華庭 10000

財團法人臺北市實踐家文教基金會 12000 樹德企業股份有限公司 12000

財團法人慶恩教育基金會 4025 橫濱中山協會 2877

國史館愛心社 3000 橫濱自由華僑婦女協會 2877

國際傑人會日本會 8631 穎珠投資股份有限公司 2000

康軒文教事業股份有限公司 16000 爵色餐飲股份有限公司 2000

康熹文化事業股份有限公司 9000 環通投資有限公司 2000

梁德健(正和航業) 8631 總編輯影像工作室有限公司 3000

牽猴子整合行銷股份有限公司 5000 聯合造形設計工作室 2000

笠源科技股份有限公司 2000 聯奇開發股份有限公司 21000

第一金證券投資信託股份有限公司 20000 聯瑋國際有限公司 2000

翊杰國際有限公司 4000 聯曜企業管理顧問有限公司 2000

陳慧蓮石智良 2000 聲創教育坊 2000

婷維國際有限公司 2000 謝博軒謝宜澄 2000

晶仁國際行銷股份有限公司 3015 鎮宸有限公司 5500

游泰慶蕭悧悧 17262 寶萊祥投資有限公司 2000

華山天主堂聖詠團 6000 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 100000

陽光雪梨投資有限公司 4000 誠品股份有限公司 300000

雲朗觀光股份有限公司高雄分公司 2000 實踐家商業模式顧問有限公司 10000

微熱山丘株式會社 1439 臺大客家研究中心 2000

傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 60000 臺中市中興大學 EMBA 校友會 150000

群馬縣台灣總會 8631 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 300000

悍創運動行銷股份有限公司 30000 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司 300000

桃井美鈴(里水株式會社 ) 8631 無名氏共 16 筆 321387

神腦國際企業股份有限公司 750000

- 171 -

編後語 喧囂波折的一年已接近尾聲 在世事紛擾中 原聲孩子在山裡 仍然絃歌不輟 平安成長 七年前原聲成立時招收的小四 小三學生 如今大致適才適性地就讀高中或高職一二年級

(2008 年原聲成立時招收小學二 三 四年級學生 利用每週六日及寒暑假上課 此後每年寒假僅招收小二生) 這兩屆原聲孩子國中畢業升高一前的暑假 我們都會安排一趟部落壯遊 讓他們去到南部和東部的魯凱 排灣 布農 阿美等部落去觀摩學習 回來後需繳心得報告 下文是其中一位生長在潭南部落的高一孩子所寫 他家境困頓 但今年很努力的考取台中市國立清水高中 新生訓練時 有同學竊竊私語原住民加分的 他寫下了他心中所想hellip但我卻不以為意因為我已經做到初步的自我認同helliphellip






難題我都能夠以布農族的智慧去面對並解決問題 這一兩年 總會有人說你們原聲很棒啊 做得很好啊 我會問好在哪裡呀 回答常常是你們小朋友唱得真好聽啊 是的 在看見台灣之後 更多人聽見原聲 但我們內心始終明白原聲的終極目標不是唱 而是培養出像 Biung 這樣的孩子--有自信 認同自己文化 對部落 對族人 有使命感 從他的字裡行間 您是否已可看到一位未來部落典範的身影 建立信心 自我認同 說起來容易 但絕非一蹴可幾 原聲六年多來 著力最深的就是儘量設法塑造原聲音樂學校的教育氣氛 它不在巍峨校舍裡 也不在先進設備中 而是一群最優秀最熱心的老師 一群認同學校理念 向心力超強的家長 在林宜城 Bukut 阿蠻三位校長帶領下 經由假日課程(數 英 語文 音樂) 讓孩子浸潤在專注 耐性 毅力 恆心的嚴格紀律下 一遍又一遍的聽校長分享困苦的成長經驗 講述布農傳統的智慧 日積月累一點一滴形塑了這樣的學校氛圍 也對孩子產生了深刻的影響 它不會像唱歌那麼迅速地被聽見看見 過程中更有辛勞 挫折 也有無奈 但這是我們真正要做的 是您的支持 鼓勵 和慈愛 陪伴原聲一路勇往直前 向您獻上原聲的歲末感恩 httpyoutubedFzSQ2aYEuk 祝福 您 身心喜樂康泰 行止自在安和

阿貫 2015 初春

- 172 -


2000 元傳播無限能量 2011 年 11 月公益發行的《不只唱歌吧》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 2015 年 7 月公益發行的《我愛唱的歌》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 以上凡捐款 2000 元 即敬贈 1 份專輯(請任選其 1) 等待有緣人 以上皆開列捐款收據 依所得稅法第十七條第 2 項第 2 款「個人對於教育文化公益慈善機構或團體之捐

贈總額最高不超過綜合所得總額百分之二十者得申報為『列舉扣除額』」 依所得稅法第三十六條第 2 款營利事業之捐贈以不超過所得額百分之十為限得列



捐款帳號永豐銀行(807)汀州分行176-001-0038951-6 兆豐國際商業銀行(017)台北復興分行008-10-53083-0 元大銀行(806)景美分行20152000000308 國外捐款帳戶httpgive2asiaorgfunds

Click Search Funds SEARCH BY NAME Click v And you will find Vox Nativa Association DONATE ONLINE


Page 2: 2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

- 2 -

1 序2 目錄 4 關於原聲 5 感恩誌謝篇 8 大會議程 9 會員名錄


10 2014 年監察報告書

11 2014 年收支決算 12 2014 年工作報告

22 2014 年工作紀事

32 2015 年工作計畫

40 2015 年收支預算

41 2015 年工作人員待遇

42 2015 年行事曆


44 2014 年推展原住民國際交流合作計畫 48 2014 年國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

51 2014 年花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫

56 2015 年高雄衛武營音樂會行程

57 2015 年參加會員大會行程

62 2015 年錄製「我愛唱的歌」專輯計畫

64 2015 年歐洲演出及參訪行程概要

66 2015 年合唱團演出行程

67 2016 年受邀演唱原則


68 東京博物館及全日本合唱連盟邀請函

71 活動計畫

78 訪日紀實


Vox Nativa association annual report 2014

發行人 洪春滿(阿蠻校長)

編輯 阿貫(Akuan)

視覺設計 宗佑

攝影 呂克勝(小呂)

印刷 千業快速影印社



Vox Nativa association



電話049‐2831824 02‐29333381


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82 學生學習單

85 訪日留影


87 UNITY 團員訪台心得

94 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

129 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

139 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


143 2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫

145 2014 年南投縣信義鄉「說族語闖天下」比賽實施計畫

147 2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫

150 2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫

152 2014 年原聲大事紀


153 第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

155 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 1 次會議紀錄

156 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 2 次會議紀錄 157 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 3 次會議紀錄 158 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 4 次會議紀錄

159 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議紀錄

160 會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 164 支原者芳名錄

171 編後語

172 支原好康報

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關於原聲 原住民文化 一直是真正的台灣本土文化 是充滿著對於自然生活深刻體會與豐沛情感的人文經驗 長久以來 與世界上許多土地原生的傳統文化一樣 受到新時代資本主義主流文化的侵略輕視與壓抑 原住民的歌聲 是他們凝聚生活中所有的體會 並 淬練內心所有深厚感情的真實聲音 在他們傳唱的聲符與嗓音之中 我們可以聽見 內心對生命的悸動 聽見 原本屬於每一個人生命中的真實歌聲 原聲 透過歌唱 讓新一代原住民小朋友 重新感受一直屬於自己血脈的驕傲 從心體會偉大先祖的生命智慧與情韻 同時更透過教育 讓出生在這個時代的原住民新血 可以活在當下 活出自我的真實生命 原聲教育協會相信 原始的生命之歌 可以超越語言文化的藩籬 直達每一個遠離遺忘了內心原鄉的人心之中 更可以重新釋放原住民內心被壓抑束縛已久的奔放靈魂 讓新一代的原住民 可以用自己的驕傲與力量 面對快速變遷的社會大環境 他們的生活哲學 相對於主流文化 不再只是 被研究的標本 或 供賞玩的表演 不再只是資本主義生態下 苟延殘喘的保育類族群 而可以繼承古老的血脈用自己的意志走向下一個時代的里程碑

原聲會員 ndash Jerry

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特別感謝 Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 八方雲集食品有限公司 元大文教基金會 元昌投資股份有限公司 千業快速影印社 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 中華電信基金會 中興大學 EMBA 校友會 台北市城東扶輪社 我們的文化基金會 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 柏緯鐵工股份有限公司 神腦國際企業股份有限公司 財金資訊股份有限公司 晶豪科技教育基金會 誠品股份有限公司 傳承教育基金會 傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司











林 燕








張 楨













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榮譽團長 美青姊姊

謝謝 您 聆聽原聲 謝謝 您 讓更多人聽見玉山唱歌

您的愛 我們永銘在心



























不二齒科 陳維斌 王貞惠 元大文教基金會 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 台灣新聞 公寓美裝 吳文貴 平田法律事務所 平田 達 正和航業株式会社 梁德健 広瀨耳鼻医院 頌彥 真賢 守谷眼科皮膚科医院 游泰慶 蕭悧悧 全日本合唱連盟(JCA) 男声合唱団東京 1925 東京中華学校校友会 東京台灣商工會議所

東京華僑商工聯合會 東京華僑總会

東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 春山齒科 春山 綋輝 株式会社 中正堂会館 株式会社 里水 桃井 美鈴 國際ビル株式会社 李愛珠 國際傑人会 日本總会 張榮發基金會 間宮內科 間宮 康喜 恆暘貿易有限公司 微熱山丘 SunnyHills







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天主教海星中學 台灣基督教門諾會

台灣原住民族文化館 佛教慈濟慈善基金會

蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 國立東華大學

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會議程 會議時間2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)下午 200~400 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數 貳大會開始 參主席致詞 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告 二監事會監察報告 伍討論提案 案由一本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案(如 2014 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案業經本會第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後

陳報內政部核備 決 議 案由二本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2014 年報)提請討

論 說 明本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 3 屆理監事

聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議 陸臨時動議 柒原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 330~400)

1 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 2 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語) 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 7 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 8 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 9 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明

安可曲 玖散會(下午 400)

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會員名錄 會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 1 尤美女 36 章大中 2 毛應騂 37 曾世彬 3 王貫寧 38 童禕珊 4 林靜一 39 賀志強 5 王麗楨 40 黃 生 6 林武田 41 黃春木 7 朱賜麟 42 黃 煌 8 何光明 43 黃憲宇 9 李志勳 44 廖達珊 10 宋祥興 45 廖達琪 11 李錫津 46 劉美珠 12 沈容伊 47 樓海鳥 13 卓娟秀 48 蔡聰池 14 姒元忠 49 謝志松 15 林比亨 50 韓慶仁 16 林礽堂 51 尹秀蓮 17 林晉源 52 羅綸有 18 林基興 53 蘇玉枝 19 林祥源 54 蘇錦淑 20 洪毓廷 55 朱芳琳 21 保美玲 56 吳素絹 22 洪春滿 57 吳清福 23 楊文貞 58 李月霞 24 孫文先 59 李宏學 25 孫蘭芳 60 李麗敏 26 徐正梅 61 林佑璟 27 徐德蓮 62 周筱婷 28 秦永悌 63 林金盾 29 秦美燕 64 林盱生 30 馬彼得 65 林信安 31 高淑瑛 66 林聰慧 32 許正瑛 67 侯嘉珊 33 許建志 68 姚淑美 34 陳海茵 69 徐淑芬 35 陳調鋌 70 馬松季

會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 71 張正華 106 文士豪 72 張 楨 107 熊偉傑 73 曹先進 108 黃慶忠 74 裘友棣 109 薛如娟 75 陳麗瓊 110 曾哲明 76 楊智麟 111 霍幼芬 77 崔秀雲 112 林三元 78 劉玉山 113 陳念萱 79 劉翠華 114 鄺麗君 80 蔡敏麗 115 周志宇 81 蔡銘城 116 李元正

82 鄭湧涇 117 林美鈺 83 黃玉娟 118 高光正 84 賴騰仙 119 車平道 85 繆友勇 120 李秉文 86 謝宜為 121 史秀琴 87 魏宏仁 122 廖惠慶 88 顧長永 123 陳元昭 89 林昭嚴 124 謝孝宗 90 江睿智 125 姜秀瓊 91 許皓淳 126 陳聞詩 92 劉有富 127 王師 93 申爵瑞 128 廖南詩 94 謝燕珠 129 廖楓 95 林恩源 130 張秋娥 96 洪筱琍 131 王國昌 97 歐德濾 132 王涵江 98 李訓帆 133 陳榮枝 99 歐陽魁鴻 134 邱媛美 100 黃昭展 135 薛富州 101 周麗芬 136 王維君 102 吳雨哲 103 蕭淑敏 104 楊佳勳 105 伍懿芳

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 103 年度 監事會 監察報告書

查本會自民國 103 年 1 月 1 日至 103 年 12 月 31 日止監事會參與理事監事

聯席會議瞭解各項業務決議與推行本會 103 年度財務報表經本監事會審查




第 3 屆監事會

監事會主席 黃生 簽章

104 年 1 月 24 日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年收支決算




13958627 693


408300 2 辦公費

274649 14


62490 03



科 目 決算數 占決算收入總計 20137964 100

課業輔導費 4005157 1989 教材教具講義費 734537 365餐點營養費 893324 444交通旅運費 1788878 888 獎助學金 741479 368 假期營隊活動 348526 173 教學及演出活動費 2149689 1068其他業務費 217290 108部落服務活動費 2335087 1160業務推展費 744660 370

業務費 13958627 693 人事費 408300 20

文具紙張印刷費 13791 007郵電費 21598 011車旅膳雜費 5208 003公共關係費 48248 024 租賦費 21105 011其他辦公費 14699 007 辦公室租金 150000 075

辦公費 274649 14 建校規劃 62490 03 提撥基金 1255300 62 建校基金 4178598 208 支出總計 20137964 100

餘絀 0 0

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台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作報告


阿蠻 理事長


假期77-711 原聲建中成長營714-717 數學學習營721-731 國際志工擔任教師的英文

學習營731-86 參加東京國際合唱節88-815 海洋學習營另外也安排了國三畢業生的壯

遊課程國二學生到台北的密集暑期課業輔導 原來部落孩子的假期生活乏善可陳家長忙著種田打零工無暇也無力幫孩子規劃暑



下來每個孩子都得到許多的成長和進步 日後我們期望規劃更完整的第三學期課程讓部落家長社區耆老有機會一同來教導自


對他們日後在求學和職場上絕對是有幫助的 山上的孩子普遍早熟國中階段就急著談戀愛想要在朋儕間相互取暖獲得溫情家



越來越窮困同時也衍生許多社區和學校照顧上的問題 馬彼得在部落出生長大他深深知道這些問題不是靠著政府補助或投入經費就可以馬上


好 「改變」是多麼困難的工作在練唱的時候校長一遍又一遍的講述自己當年就讀國中




遍又一遍一個又一個的故事他不厭倦地說了不知多少年 七年來有些孩子吃不了苦放棄離開原聲但也看到許多孩子被薰陶被成就學習變得



個個儼然都是一副小馬彼得的樣子 有時我們會為了孩子的表現和遇到的困難感到沮喪失望有時也會為了某些事情意見不



看到孩子的進步就得著前進的力量 在這裡當然更要感謝原聲的每一位天使因為有您們在背後的支持和幫助我們才能繼



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在忙碌中學習 成長

Bukut 團長 初看春花紅轉眼已成冬在忙碌中一年就這樣過去了 回顧一年來的行程足以用「匆匆」兩字形容除了寒暑假固定的營隊活動外今年


這是必然之事問題在於我們如何面對接踵而來的演出壓力如何在忙碌中淬鍊自己成長 我常常跟學生說忙碌是一功課懂得享受忙碌生活才能充實豐美在一連串緊湊的

學習活動與演出中我們的孩子也在學習學習如何運用零碎時間充實自己 暑假從日本回來才休息一天便又匆匆去花蓮途中休息時我把巧蝶叫到身邊問她


洋是陌生的遙遠的難得有這樣的機會去親近它誰都不願放棄 我再問「那功課會不會跟不上」我的話語顯示我的焦慮這焦慮不是沒有道理的巧


的落差還是不免讓我擔心 巧蝶很有自信的回答我「沒有關係我會自己利用時間看書」在花蓮的活動期間我

的確幾次看見巧蝶利用零碎時間看書 11 月 15 日受邀參加台大校慶音樂會演出在休息室裡等待的時刻大部分孩子都在喧



懂事啊」 12 月 13 日舉行親子運動會的上午進行母語闖關比賽巧蝶沒參加比賽她獨自在教


保有優異的成績表現在第二次期中評量中得到全班第一名 不只是巧蝶與景文高一的孩子學會利用時間多次在外出演唱的車上總是會看到幾個

孩子拿起書本把握有限的時間專注看書這樣的孩子在原聲這個團體裡是越來越多了 由於資質性向的差異不可能讓每個孩子都像巧蝶一樣有著優異的成績表現但我們

希望的是每個孩子都有著和巧蝶一樣的態度 我常跟孩子說「聰明的人把握零碎時間愚笨的人製造零碎時間」我們的孩子越


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Uli 秘書 今年在教學與師生的溝通了解家長互動上有更多努力的空間與省思以下為工作概要

課程實施 週六早上數學課仍由漳興國小林宜城校長團隊帶領當有老師請假時林校長也會立刻



的學生老師也會利用下課或中午時間留下來特別加強 週日下午是上英文課由於老師都是新聘教師所以前兩個月師生磨合期學生較為躁



其中且也會利用活潑的遊戲方式教習英文 出席率及作業繳交 本年度學生出席率相當理想尤其低年級學生出席踴躍但高年級少部分學生較常請假





並勸導學生爾後應主動及準時繳交作業 家庭訪問 今年度家庭訪問以新生家庭為主訪問部落有雙龍地利潭南人和信義豐丘



聲可能提供的協助 在原聲積極募集資源的協助下期許學生能更懂得珍惜感恩也期盼本人與學生皆能有


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Balan 秘書 食 原聲提供學生午餐若有留宿則會提供晚餐以簡單營養的二菜一湯為原則此外因

為大部分學生住家路途遙遠為避免回家途中飢餓放學時會發放點心飲品 本人負責擬菜單及向菜商訂菜同時請廚媽協助與校長監督校長要求少油少鹽無


菜切菜除了減輕廚媽工作量之外也讓家長有機會參與原聲大家庭的活動 衣 勸導學生應愛惜制服或書包發放制服時要求學生在制服裏襯名條上寫名字以便在


中制服及黑包的尺寸不合及脫色損舊 住

學生住宿於羅娜國小 2 樓三四五六年級教室因此 4 間教室為木地板又因兩側


服務志工也會陪學生一同就寢可就近進行夜間照護幫助很大我或 Uli 老師也會輪流值

夜留守以因應突發狀況 目前羅娜國小可供使用的浴室共有 9 間男用 3 間女用 6 間稍嫌不足又因衛浴熱


用擦身的方式以免學生受涼此實有待改善 行 今年度增加 1 台中型巴士共 4 台學生專車接送學生上下學2015 年預計招收仁愛鄉國

小學生可能需增訂 1 台專車 目前學生專車皆包租員林客運專車其中 3 台路線分別為東埔線陳有蘭溪線及雙龍地

利人和線以上為水里站發車另 1 台為潭南線是由員林客運總站發車此乃因交通部從

2014 年起將潭南線路權劃歸豐榮客運以致我們需用比學生專車費用更高的遊覽車資來租

用此台專車 受贈物資 原聲三不五時會收到食品衣物小禮物文具書籍等物資捐贈者有企業愛心團

體學校原聲老師甚至學生家長等 食品類有糖果餅乾健康食品蔬果等糖果和餅乾必須在食用期限內發給學生健

康食品目前有維他命 C 錠在學生午休後每人發兩粒蔬果則暫放冰箱以供午餐或晚餐用 衣物及其他物資類會先清點後登入捐物系統再請示校長如何處理原聲每學期末有拍


- 16 -


1 專場音樂會日程

2 公益活動日程

5 獻詩日程

日期 活動名稱 地點 124(五) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 125(六) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 315(六) 第 5 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 412(六) 「看見台灣聽見原聲」音樂會 誠品松菸館表演廳 81 (五) 「玉山天籟」日本音樂會 東京新宿文化中心 89(六) 「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會 花蓮原住民文化館 822-23(五-六) 「台中心動」影像音樂會 台中圓滿戶外劇場 1115(六) 台大 86 週年校慶音樂會 台大活動中心大禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 223(日) 兆如老人安養護中心義演 台北市文山區 81(五) 王園特別養護中心義演 王園特別養護中心 82(六) 白金之森特別養護老人之家義演 老人之家 84(一) 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

故宮神品至寶開展演出 群馬縣廳 東京博物館

85(二) 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院義演 橫濱中華學院 88(五) 門諾醫院公益演唱 門諾醫院壽豐分院 89(六) 慈濟醫院公益演唱 花蓮慈濟醫院大廳 109(四) 雙連安養中心義演 雙連安養中心 1210 (三) 東元生命藝術體驗營演出 南投縣立文化局演藝廳 1225(四) 南投縣長就職典禮演唱 南投縣政府禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 413(日) 台北華山救世主天主堂獻詩 華山救世主天主堂 720(日) 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 武界基督長老教會 720(日) 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩 曲冰基督長老教會 84(一) 橫濱基督長老教會獻詩 橫濱基督長老教會 914(日) 廈門街浸信會獻詩 廈門街浸信會

- 17 -


1 總課表 序 日期 11 年級(高二) 10 年級(高一) 9 年級(國三) 8(國二)~3 年級

1 77-711 夏令營-原聲建中成長營 2 714-717 各校輔導課 數學學習營 數學學習營 3 721-724 國際志工英語營 4 728-731 國際志工英語營 國際志工英語營 5 731-86 放假 東京國際兒童合唱節

6 88-15




導課(Jessica 教室)花蓮海洋營

2國三課表(728-815) 時間 0800-0850 0900-1150 1150-1300 1300-1550 1600-1650 1700-1850 1900-2150728-81 84-88

數學 自習


早餐 打掃


午餐 午休



晚餐 運動


日期 星期 上午(3 節) 教師姓名 下午(3 節) 教師姓名 晚上(3 節) 7 月 28 日 一 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 7 月 29 日 二 歷史 張凌琳 地理 侯曉潔 7 月 30 日 三 公民 彭偵艷 作文 吳書君 7 月 31 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 理化 王維聰 8 月 1 日 五 數學 曾明德 自習 自習


8 月 4 日 一 數學 曾明德 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 5 日 二 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 8 月 6 日 三 數學 曾明德 公民 彭偵艷 8 月 7 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 自習 自習


8 月 8 日 五 自習 自習 理化 王維聰 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 11 日 一 公民 彭偵艷 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 12 日 二 自習 自習 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 13 日 三 國文 林芳如 理化 王維聰


8 月 14 日 四 國文 林芳如 作文 吳書君 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 15 日 五 國文 林芳如 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟)

- 18 -

3 原聲建中成長營課表(77-711)

7 月 7 日 7 月 8 日 7 月 9 日 7 月 10 日 7 月 11 日 日期時間 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五

起床號 0700-0800 內務整理環境打掃早餐

醫療小常識 眼睛的幻術 幾何

幾何 認識世界 醫療小常識 壓力與生活 宇宙的奧秘 吃軟不吃硬

0810-1000 學員報到 開幕典禮

吃軟不吃硬 能源 壓力與生活


吃軟不吃硬 壓力與生活

壓力與生活 吃軟不吃硬

醫療小常識 幾何 1000-1150

相見歡 (小隊凝聚)


團康活動 小隊時間


成果展 結業典禮 合影留念 (全體)

1200-1250 午餐 1250-1320 午間小憩

宇宙的奧秘 能源

認識世界 1330-1420



合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)


能源 認識世界 宇宙的奧秘 眼睛的幻術 眼睛的幻術 能源

1620-1710 給未來的信 (全體)

認識世界 宇宙的奧秘


1720-1800 小隊時間 晚餐

1810-2000 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐


才藝晚會 (全體)


學員返家 服務志工 部落巡禮 體驗學習


2000-2010 星光夜語

2010-2110 盥洗

2140~ 進入夢鄉

洗澎澎 (2100-2200) 進入夢鄉



備註建國中學志工團隊於 7 月 6 日下午進駐並完成在地場布準備12 日上午收拾行李


- 19 -

4 英語學習營課表(721-724)

時間日期 721 Mon 722Tue 723 Wed 724 Thur

0530-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐

0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃 0800-0830 健康時間 0840-0920 0930-1010

美國生活影片 英文教學

1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110

1120-1200 英文教學 Halloween Craft Ballroom Dance

3 art projects (Loom Lanyard

Bracelet) 1200-1240 午餐 1240-1320 午休 1330-1500 1510-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴 1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

打掃時間 放學 (1730)

1800-1840 晚餐


相見歡晚會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

Halloween Party 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 志工盥洗

2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

師資慧智文教基金會甄選美國高中及大學生為教學志工 領隊教師吳翠萍Chen Brian 陳伯恩(共 9 女 8 男) 林德馨 Lam Der-Hsin Andrea 李珣安 Li Shane 劉亮言Liu Liang Yen林艾妮 Lin Diane Amy 張皓瑄 Chang Megan 陳琬元 Chen Sophie 陳寬 Chan Andrew Marcus 蔣承祐 Chiang Eugene 何珞宇 Ho Roy 陳可馨 Chen Kexin Carrie 連凱文 Lian Kevin 于凱如 Yu Crystal 鄭豫婷 Zheng Yuting Rebecca 杜昕芳 Du H Justine 孫楷 Swen D Kye

- 20 -

5 英語學習營課表(728-731) 時間日期 728 Mon 729 Tue 730 Wed 731 Thur 0630-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐 0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃

0800-0830 健康時間

0840-0920 0930-1010


1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110 1120-1200

Science Project Food ProjectBallroom Dance 英文教學

1200-1240 午餐

1240-1320 午休 1330-1410 1420-1500 1510-1550 1600-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

打掃時間 放學 志工物資行李總


1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴

1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

1800-1840 晚餐


才藝表演 小品音樂會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

惜別餐會 成果展 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

- 21 -


學生經由合唱練習和表演所建立的自信心明顯表現於其課業學習如下 1 國三升學成績8 位國中畢業生

姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校 姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校

幸琳茹 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 谷皓傑 男 民和國中 國立清水高中

全心潔 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史凱文 男 同富國中 曾文農工

全雅安 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史志祥 男 同富國中 埔里高工

幸念緹 女 水里國中 長庚護校 謝韶翔 男 同富國中 鶯歌工商

2 小二至國二生學習成效90小學生成績居全班前 1460國中生成績居全班前 12


1 辦理親職教育2014 年已舉行 4 次(111315628913)家長出席率達 90 2 以部落為單位選出 8 位家長委員組成家長會並輪流至學校擔任餐廚志工

序 部落 委員 身分 子女 職務 1 潭南 林佳文 母 幸琳茹幸美茹幸明仁幸明山 委員 2 地利 松能武 父 松昱希松昱蕎 副會長 3 雙龍人和 幸美花 母 司曄恩司曄宇 委員 4 明德三十甲 全昊妤 母 田有宏田祈宏 委員 5 新鄉豐丘 松定安 父 松瑋恩 委員 6 羅娜 伍錦紅 母 李羽妃李謙 委員 7 望鄉久美 史添發 父 史庭伍瀚史灝 委員 8 東埔 伍順良 父 伍恩 會長

- 22 - 台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作紀事

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

119 Bukut 校長於遠雄人壽公司及臺北大學體育館演講(Nuskin) 阿蠻小呂藍

蔚阿貫 120-25 9 年級學生 7 人至台北 Jessica 老師教室集中課輔 聖堯胤哲 121-22 於羅娜國小實施寒假合唱及打擊樂課 124-27 於台南樹谷園區舉行冬令營

124 1900-2030 於樹谷演藝廳舉行專場音樂會 125 1400-1500 於樹谷演藝廳為南科台積電員工公益演出 126 獨木舟探索活動 127 參觀港香蘭生技製藥公司及蘭花園區

24 原聲+阿布電影公司+慧智文教基金會討論「看見台灣」美國


212 拜訪建中校長商借場地舉行會員大會 214 參加北海扶輪社捐款感謝聚會 小呂藍蔚阿貫


215 原聲開課南投中興新村燈會 215 與信義鄉農會總幹事討論贊助玉山星空音樂會 215 1800-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會部落工

作協調會議 215 2030-2200 於 Aziman 家討論東光布農合唱團演出事宜 216 0930-1030 草坪頭茶園 216 1100-1200 與望鄉部落合作社松芳古洽談日本仙台大專

生訪問交流行程 216 1300-1400 二年級新生家長座談會 1400-1600 舊生家長座談會 216 1500-1700 內湖實踐家教育集團演講(阿貫)




217 玉山星空音樂會技術籌備會天作之合劇場辦公室(八德路 2段 203 號 4 樓)飛陽音響黃逢斯薛翔中


呂藍蔚阿貫 219 與 Teddy 理事討論玉山星空音樂會海報邀請函主視覺設計

台大服務課志工期初分享會台大生科館 和道Teddy小

呂藍蔚阿貫 221 至建中「夢紅樓」展演廳場勘及借器材(指示牌) 小呂藍蔚阿貫

222 於建中「夢紅樓」召開第 3 屆第 1 次會員大會選舉理監事 第 3 屆新任理監事舉行第 1 次理監事聯席會議選舉理事長

223 1000-1100 於兆如老人安養護中心義演(陳姿伶指揮) 1100-1200 參觀政大於學生餐廳午餐

224-25 日本仙台大專生望鄉及東埔部落之旅 與全淵能主任討論日本仙台高中生參訪地利部落行程


- 23 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

227 台大服務課志工鍾昭慶拿電子報照片 阿貫 31 至大稻埕扶輪社演講 小呂阿貫 33-4 上山

向族人解說申請販賣公益彩券辦法 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 2 次部落工作協調會


38-9 上山

二年級新生入學 雅云指導玉山星空音樂會主持人司婷


311 玉山星空音樂會台大志工工作會議 美智小呂藍蔚

312 至木新路 2 段 156-1 號表演 36 房拜訪景文高中優人表演藝術

班陳麗娟主任 小呂去中天電視台溫攝影師處拿「中天夢想驛站」訪問原聲影





313 玉山星空音樂會舞台完工(黃逢斯未依圖施工) 1900-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 3 次部落工

作協調會 314 「看見台灣」於地利國小感恩放映(阿布電影公司) 1600-2000 天作之合劇場抵達走位及彩排 1700~攝影組志工張育銘團隊抵達 舞台組志工及主持人司婷確認 rundown 315 1230-1630 於梅子夢工廠演講 3 場美國嘉賓團台北

嘉賓團磊山保經團(阿貫) 1500-1730 羅娜圓環風味餐(美智藍蔚) 1830-2130 玉山星空音樂會 2200-2330 校長家感恩飛鼠哄啪 316 0900-1130 拜會新竹企經團達谷蘭 1130-1430 與贊助人在喜覺支午餐 1430-2030 與聯奇公司企劃徐香華至達瑪巒部落場勘


321 1000-1200 UNITY 拜會原民會 1600-1800 帶資訊工程師志工 Richard amp Hank 至信義國中羅

娜國小東埔國小場勘網路環境 1330-1500 順發吳董夫婦及女兒上山瞭解原聲志工服務內容




1300-1600 台灣公益團體自律聯盟第 3 屆第 3 次會員大會 324 1330-1530 與台大生科王俊能師及生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書

長討論部落生態復育(阿貫) 1330-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談(藍蔚) 1830-2030 感謝玉山星空音樂會聚餐

325 1400-1600 輔大偏鄉課輔計畫分享會智融基金會 1830-2030 與 Stanley 嚴及鳳文邀請聚餐討論原民遊學辦法亞都麗緻飯店




- 24 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

326 1530-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談 藍蔚 326-27上山

日本仙台高中生達瑪巒部落之旅 台灣生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書長至東埔國小環境調查


328 國三生琳茹雅安心潔皓傑凱文韶翔及高一生景文來台北參

加景優班術科甄選考試 Jessica聖堯胤

哲 329 琳茹雅安心潔皓傑景文至景文高中參加優人表演藝術班術

科甄選考試凱文韶翔陪考 Jessica小呂藍

蔚阿貫 41 1500-1700 信義鄉史強鄉長訪冶鑄建築師事務所瞭解建校規畫




42 1430-1600 天下文化未來兒童創刊茶會(拍手歌授權) 阿貫 43 1400-1600 國泰世華銀行倪秀金周嘉祺經理來訪討論贊助信

義鄉國小早餐事宜 阿貫

44 合唱團加課練習確認聘請李彩霞擔任行政秘書 藍蔚 46 赴屏東牡丹鄉參加原住民醫學會華國媛理事長父親追思禮拜 阿貫 48 1300-1530 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-一籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長等) 1600-1700 晶仁國際公司負責人文鑑宇及行銷部專案經理洪嘉

慧來訪討論明年 11 月公益演出事宜


411 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1000-1200 至武陵高中演講


412 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1430-1530 合唱團於磊山保經群英會演唱 1900-2000 合唱團於誠品松菸表演廳演出專場音樂會



413 0900-1130 於華山救世天主堂參加聖枝主日敬拜獻詩及午餐 奧地利上奧邦(Upper Austria)之邦立衛爾音樂學校

(Landes-MusikschuleWeyer)校長舒茲爾 Johannes Sulzer 聖樂合

唱分享由普羅藝術家樂團廖嘉弘教授主持 交通大學喀報記者陳佩瑄訪問 Bukut 校長



415 1430-1530 公益團體自律聯盟訪視 1530-1730 阿布電影公司來訪討論「看見台灣」台中音樂會


416 1230-1330 台大原聲社團會議 寄出東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫給中國國際商銀


藍蔚 阿貫

417-18 邀請德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校資深音樂教

師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss 於草屯國小辦理音樂研習


419 馬可思 Marcus s 指導原聲合唱團 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 1 次籌備會建中



- 25 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

424 1300-1700 理查漢克贊助並裝置 2 台電腦桌機於協會辦公室 1700-2100 參訪輔大遠距課輔現場輔大聖言樓 SF305

425 參觀中研院植物所彭鏡毅研究員秋海棠溫室 小呂阿貫 426 1000-1200 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台北場 小呂阿貫 428 1400-1500 與睿智理事討論原聲協助家長投保微型保險 藍蔚 429 0900-1000 拜訪台大師培中心田芳華教授

1400-1500 輔大遠距教學 JOINNET 平台使用訓練 藍蔚阿貫

430 1000-1100 至冶鑄建築設計事務所討論校舍校園規劃平面圖 1430-1700 和中華電信基金會執行長三元拜訪華新扶輪社社長

新北市淡水區興華村北新路 26-1 號


51 行政秘書李彩霞到任 52-3 上山


小教職員宿舍無線網路 53 1000-1200 阿貫於雄中資優班人文教育演講 53 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台中場


54 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-高雄場 Bukut阿滿 56 1000-1200 赴北安路拜訪李宜靜討論日本音樂會

1300-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-二籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長王梅等)



57 赴台南與和聲兒童合唱學園負責人 Vicky 討論日本行程 藍蔚阿貫 59 布農族射耳祭台東 515 自律聯盟會計讀書會第三章 1-3 節 藍蔚 516 0830-2230 東元原住民兒童之夜舞台組志工報到及服務

0730-2200 觀賞東元原住民兒童之夜演出 小呂藍蔚阿貫

Bukut阿滿 517-18上山

517 理查漢克建置羅娜國小各班無線網路環境 517 1700-1800 召開校務會議討論暑期行程 518 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書館手機借還書系統 518 1100-1200 勘查羅娜村司山生司山秀房屋火災受損狀況


519 1300-1400 華新扶輪社演講大直典華 1500-2000 藍蔚陪同蘇老師拜訪關西國中


蔚阿貫 521 1400-1630 嚴長壽總裁至信義國中演講

1210-1330 於奕青酒莊午餐 小呂彩霞藍


522 0930-1130 拜訪張榮發基金會討論日本機位及機票 藍蔚阿貫 524 召開第 3 屆第 2 次理監事會聯席會議 525 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 2 次籌備會建中

1800-2100 日本行籌備會議(with 李宜靜會長) 春木藍蔚阿


- 26 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

526 1000-1200 復旦中學演講 阿貫小呂 528 1430-1830 亞太產經研究會演講大直典華 阿貫小呂彩霞

62 0930-1130 原聲建中成長營住宿規劃協調會 藍蔚阿貫 64 1700-1945 台大志工期末分享會(UliBalan 參加) 藍蔚小呂彩

霞阿貫 66-8 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書管理系統及輔大遠距課輔系統安

裝及設定 理查漢克

66 0730-0830 台大晨行人捐款儀式台大司令台(小呂阿貫) 1215-1315 拜會台大師培中心賴進貴主任(藍蔚阿貫)

613 2030-2230 遠距教學系統架構技術討論會北辦 理查漢克睆

文彩霞 613-15 上山

宜靜會長訪視原聲 小呂阿貫

617 1200-1500 與日本深澤直樹及宜靜會面討論音樂會相關事宜 與 Teddy 理事討論日本音樂會海報及 DM 設計 1500-1800 至新竹 Amy 及竹北 Lisa 處載運物資(小呂阿貫)



618 1530-1630 至千業印刷印刷日本音樂會海報及 DM 阿貫 619 1030-1200 載運及清點物資(小呂彩霞)

1200-1430 城東扶輪社演講華漾飯店(阿貫小呂彩霞) 1430-1530 Balan史偉華至台北搬運物資上山 1530-1630 至千業印刷日本音樂會海報改版(阿貫) 2200-2230 至千業印刷載新舊版日本演出海報送至宜靜家(阿貫小呂)

621-22 上山

621 庶古公司副總吳明榮探視認養受助生 621 1330-1500 原聲建中成長營原聲志工培訓會(藍蔚春木

凱翔) 621 1700-1730「桃蛙源記」電影首映演唱等相關事宜討論(阿滿BukutPaul慧菁) 622 1030-1130 日本行最後名單確認(Bukut阿滿慧菁) 622 1230-1330 升國三生暑期輔導課程討論(Jessica聖堯胤



624 2200-2300 至尤監事家載運物資Balan史偉華至台北搬運物

資上山 阿貫小呂

625-26 花蓮

0900-1000 太平洋聽玉山唱歌花蓮記者會 1030-1130 門諾醫院壽豐分院場勘 1400-1500 慈濟大愛廣播台花蓮台專訪 1500-1600 慈濟醫院場勘 1600-1700 花蓮原民文化館場勘



- 27 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

72-3 合唱團加課 73 遠距課輔北辦測試及討論(理查漢克睆文) 73~5 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 3 次籌備會建中 75 訪日合唱團加課 1500-1600 副總統訪視原聲


76-12 上山

原聲建中成長營(戴志清師督導) 76 1200-1640 抵達午餐場地佈置 79 1830-1930 小品音樂會-排灣族林文表演 710 1900-2100 成長營晚會 711 0900-1100 成長營結訓典禮 1300-1700 部落巡禮 1700-1830 建中與原聲志工球類友誼賽 712 0800-1200 繳作業環境復原返回建中


77-78 台視「熱線追蹤」記者上山採訪 77 1000-1200 日本演出及交流行程討論(宜靜曾碧卿Vicky


78 德國公共廣播聯盟特派員上山採訪 711 0900-1030 竹光國中演講沙里仙飯店 小呂阿貫 714 花蓮 1400-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-三籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長蘇帆海洋基金會林向揆王梅等) 藍蔚彩霞阿貫

714-17 暑期學習營第 1 週mdash數學學習營 716-717上山

討論暑期事務 藍蔚小呂阿貫

718 0900-1000 富邦人壽演講 1500-1700 Teddy 節目手冊製作討論


霞阿貫 719-20上山

美國慧智文教基金會國際志工上山 順發 3C 女兒 Jenny 和綸有女兒亦萱上山擔任志工 2 週

0830-1230 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 1330-1500 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩


721-24 暑期學習營第 2 週-國際志工英語課程 722 1900-1930 小品音樂會-原聲打擊樂團 724 1300-1600 合唱團去南投文化局演藝廳模擬演出


728~31 暑期學習營第 3 週-國際志工英語課程 729-30上山

730 0930-1030 日本行前家長說明會 藍蔚小呂阿貫

728-815 國三生至台北暑期課輔 Jessica

- 28 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

731-86 參加日本東京國際兒童合唱節 81 1025-1040 王園特別養護中心演出 1900-2100 玉山天籟音樂會新宿文化中心 82 1115-1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出 1400-1800 戶崎大師音樂工作坊洗足學園音樂大學 83 1100-1720 東京國際兒童合唱節音樂會昭和女子大學 84 1210-1300 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出 1630-1700 東京博物館演出 85 1030-1100 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院演出


88-15 花蓮海洋學習營國中畢業生壯遊 88 1900-2000 花蓮門諾會醫院壽豐分院義演 88 國中畢業生參訪茂林鄉多納部落 89 830-1130 慈濟精舍及靜思堂參訪 1500-1530 慈濟醫院義演花蓮慈濟醫院 1900-2100 花蓮原住民文化館音樂會 89 國中畢業生參訪霧台鄉神山部落 810~813 花蓮海洋學習營 810~813 國中畢業生參加內本鹿生態文化體驗營 814 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

819 合唱團加課 822-24 822 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場

823 1130-1300 紅敞牛排館品嘗牛排 1500-1700 參觀自然科學博物館 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場 824 1000-1500 遊覽后里區麗寶樂園

826 1300-1700 新竹市竹光國中演講 小呂彩霞阿貫

827 車埕國小場勘(阿蠻Bukut) 小呂阿貫 830 理查漢克建置羅娜國小遠距課輔系統安裝及設定

召開第 3 屆第 3 次理監事會聯席會議

96-7 中秋節連假原聲加課 913-14 913 1200-1600 「桃蛙源記」首映會台北市立動物園

1600-1730 遊覽動物園 1800-2000 邱董宴請晚餐 914 0900-1300 廈門街浸信會獻詩



917 1200-1330 台大服務課期初說明會 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 918 1330-1700 原聲阿卡開課討論會 阿貫小呂鳯


- 29 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

922 探視鳳文討論訪歐行程及阿卡課程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

923 1100-1330 原聲第 3 份專輯討論會(阿貫阿滿藍蔚Bukut天豪小呂彩霞) 1330-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚阿貫彩霞) 1600-1800 校長夫婦探視鳳文

924 赴阿布電影公司拜訪 藍蔚阿貫小呂

925 0900-1230 赴雙連安養中心場勘 1230-1330 赴汐止梵斯製衣看運動服樣衣



926 1800-1900 桃蛙源記科博館放映 927 1400-1600 家長座談會 929 拜訪親愛國小


101 1030-1200 晶仁公司-公益媽媽手札活動企劃會議 藍蔚阿貫小呂

102 1000-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan103 1230-1430 明門扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

104 1900-2230「看見台灣」跨界音樂會 阿貫藍蔚小呂

108-9 「四海同心」聯歡會及雙連安養中心 108 1300-1430 四海同心聯歡會彩排小巨蛋 1500-1800 合唱團練習建中資源大樓 5F 1400-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚) 109 0800-1300 雙連安養中心參訪義演 1530-1600 四海同心聯歡會演出



1010 0830-1130 劉水池老師和三位高中生初見面 1000-1200 玉山星空音樂會籌備會 1長安東路


呂和道美智 1017 1330-1530 原住民遊學方案討論會議

1530-1730 原聲專輯 MV 拍攝討論 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道美智 1018 1730-1900 奧地利代表會面 1930-2130 高一阿卡團上課 阿貫藍蔚小呂

1020 快樂髮廊義剪 1023-24 去台南拜訪全樹曦及 Vicky

1023 至善化拜訪全樹曦 1024 去台南市拜訪 Vicky 阿貫藍蔚和道

1025 五~七年級老部落尋根之旅 小呂和道 1026 1430-1630 維也納少年合唱團音樂會台中 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道鳳文 1027 1830-2030 數位學伴研習會 藍蔚彩霞 1029-31 上山

1030 0900-1300 旅英布農藝術家優席夫amp比勇演講信義國

中 1400-1600 去親愛部落 1031 1330-1400 曲冰部落-萬豐國小 1530-1730 桃米社區-紙教堂-新故鄉基金會-廖嘉展


- 30 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1102 和丰診所義診 1104 0730-1200 新竹市綜合活動領域演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1104-06 1105 赴花蓮參加 PriDoc 太平洋原住民醫學會文化之夜 1105 1400-1530 台中洲際棒球場場勘


BukutTiang 1107-08上山

1107 1800-2100 21U 世界棒球錦標賽開幕演出 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1111 上

山 親愛+萬豐國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1113 0930-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan1114 1630-1830 原住民海外遊學會議 阿貫藍蔚 1115-16 台大校慶音樂會

1115 1400-1800 合唱團及打擊樂團練習及彩排活大 1900-2100 台大校慶音樂會演出 1116 0800-1000 原聲小音樂家的臺大課程體驗 0900-1000 歌聲夢想的起點原住民教育座談會 1000-1210 臺大校園歷史建築導覽



1120 上

山 豐丘+新鄉國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂美智 1121 1900-2100 北辦網路拉線及線路調整 彩霞漢克理查

1122 1530-1730 Suzzan 討論專輯贊助 阿貫藍蔚 1123 1430-1600 曦爵公司--討論歐洲行程 阿貫藍蔚和

道鳯文 1127 0900-1130 三重欣明製衣公司--東埔國小衣褲尺寸及數量 阿貫藍蔚Ben1128 1200-1400 芝山扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1129 1630-2200 原聲阿卡赴苗栗欣賞 Voco Novo 演出 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1202 0900-1130 去三重欣明製衣-東埔國小及親愛愛樂制服製作 阿貫藍蔚 1203-05 台東踩線場勘之旅 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1206-07 上山

綸有Teddy陳慧玲上山 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1208 0930-1130 高雄衛武營榕園場勘

1130-1400 拜訪傳承基金會阮女芳總經理 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂黑導 1210 東元藝術體驗營 1010-1015 合唱團彩排

1140-1200 原聲禮讚演出 阿貫藍蔚小


- 31 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1219 1200-1400 陳皓玫mdash討論華航機票優惠 阿貫藍蔚和

道黑導 1220 召開第 3 屆第 4 次理監事會聯席會議 1221 1200-1400 胡卓君mdash討論香港演出事宜 阿貫和道黑導

1225 南投縣長就職典禮演出 阿滿BukutUliBalan小呂

1226 0900-1100 聚點影視公司與藏傳佛教協會理事長討論贊助原

聲事宜 藍蔚阿貫小呂

1229 1220-1310 台大志工期末分享會(藍蔚阿貫小呂Uli 彩霞) 1900-2100 共乘即時通技術討論會議協辦(藍蔚小呂漢


101 1400-1630 星空志工amp網頁更新會議(美智漢克理查宗

佑宜蕙文鴻敬恆羅揚) 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 103 1130-1300 原聲學生社團成立會議 藍蔚阿貫

Jessica 109 1100-1330 與姒元忠鳳文討論歐洲行程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

110 去高雄拜訪贊助人-吳老闆 阿貫小呂 112 1600-1700 台北新辦公室場勘 淑媛藍蔚彩霞

113 1000-1200 八方雲集公司拍照募款 藍蔚阿貫小呂

114 1430-1630 振興醫院場勘 藍蔚阿貫小呂

121 1400-1630 徐匯中學+蘆洲功學社場勘及簽約 藍蔚阿貫小


124 召開第 3 屆第 5 次理監事會聯席會議 經常性工作 1 每月 1 日支付辦公室租金(轉帳) 2 每月 18 日信用卡捐款授權日 3 每月 30 日支付教師授課鐘點費(轉帳)員林客運學生專車費(支票)及餐點菜金 4 每週統計學生出席率及作業繳交情形每月底繳交工作日誌 5 志工上山前一日辦理旅遊平安險

- 32 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年工作計畫

前言 台灣原聲音樂學校是一所體制外假日住宿學校為社團法人台灣原聲教育協會於 2008 年

5 月在南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳成立目前借用信義鄉羅娜國小及東埔國小校舍上課每年 2月在信義鄉招收各部落小學二年級的原住民學童(6 成多為布農族籍)其中近 9 成來自低收



擁有選擇未來人生的能力和權利直到他們大學畢業 原聲音樂學校下設原聲童聲合唱團A cappella(阿卡貝拉)人聲樂團及打擊樂團以音



會員大會 136 人

理事會 15 人 監事會 5 人


洪春滿 監事會主席

黃 生

行政組 音樂學校 125 人









高二 7 人高一 8 人 國三 12 人國二 14 人

國一 16 人小六 21 人

小五 16 人小四 17 人

小三 14 人








A cappella 團






馬聖堯蕭淑敏 馬胤哲

- 33 -

服務對象南投縣信義鄉水里鄉仁愛箱各部落原住民學生 1 人數2014 年 12 月小三至高二為 125 人(高中 15 人國中 42 人國小 68 人)

20085 第 1 次招生錄取小二~四 42 人(20148 升 9~11 年級餘 26 人留校率 62) 20092 第 2 次招生錄取小二 21 人(20148 升八年級餘 14 人留校率 67) 20102 第 3 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升七年級餘 16 人留校率 57) 20112 第 4 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升六年級餘 21 人留校率 75) 20122 第 5 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 升五年級餘 16 人留校率 80) 20132 第 6 次招生錄取小二 25 人(20148 升四年級餘 18 人留校率 72) 20142 第 7 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 生三年級餘 14 人留校率 70) 20152 第 8 次招生預計錄取小二 20 人

2 學生名單

3 學生性別

性別 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 女 5 4 11 8 13 11 7 9 6 74 男 2 4 1 6 3 10 9 8 8 51 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125

人數 年級 學生姓名

7 十一 谷佳芳 司侑宗 松瑋恩 田景文 史婉容 伊部塔給鹿敦 謝孟庭

8 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 幸念緹 全心潔 全雅安 史志祥 史凱文 謝韶翔 司念祖 松皓淵 幸詩涵 司季璇 王卉軒 司莉君

12 九 司孟奾 史 庭 松夢葶 松夢筑 田雨卉 伍冠因 田芷恆 田芷婷 幸于辰 幸雪芬 松昱希 全襄柔 司季欣

14 八 松憓婷 松雅各 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶 幸美茹 松昱蕎 幸雪芳 申 薇 全襄娃 司 美 全芷芸 全唯芯

16 七 李羽妃 石伯華 何瑞耘 全 芊 松慈媗 伍主兒 伍宇欣 方 政 幸明仁 全雅平 松詠婕 申雨軒 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 全家榆 松鈺婷

田鎞鎷 松雅德 伍雨晨 伍承琳 伍邵恩 尤蘇諾乃家納 全文祥 21 六

何家程 林郁家 松慈芸 伍 恩 伍明威 釀恩塔給鹿敦

谷巧玟 全郁華 金芊璦 賴念慈 幸聖君 司曄宇 田有宏 全亞恩 16 五

全聖煜 伍恩婕 史俊祥 李 謙 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍主恩 伍約翰

幸明山 松冠銘 谷 薰 金家儀 田祈宏 全光榮 司若庭 向 萱 呂宇澤17 四

陽詠智 林采萱 馬妤芯 史 灝 方 琪 方 圓 伍書韓 伍皓詳

辜歆菲 呂啓佑 松毓傑 司曄恩 金佑翊 全若綺 史念恩 14 三

史祥恩 松耀祖 史玥兒 王 讓 馬沛羽 林凡羽 伍奇浩

- 34 - 2 學生背景所屬部落族群家庭環境

(1)所屬部落 部落 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 潭南 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 14 雙龍 1 2 1 3 1 1 9 地利 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 12 人和 1 2 3 明德 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 12 豐丘 3 1 1 3 8 新鄉 1 2 1 1 5 羅娜 3 2 2 3 3 5 2 20 久美 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 12 望鄉 2 2 1 2 1 8 東埔 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 22 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


族群 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 布農 5 6 9 10 8 16 10 9 9 82

布農漢 1 2 2 4 3 1 5 2 20

布農泰雅 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9

布農鄒 1 1 1 1 4

布農太魯閣 1 1 1 1 4

布農賽德克 1 1 1 3

布農阿美 1 1 2

泰雅漢 1 1

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


家境 高二 高一 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計

低收入 5 7 10 11 12 16 13 14 12 100 80

小康 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 25 20

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125 100

- 35 -


南投縣政府於民國 102 年 10 月公布「南投縣縣立中小學實驗教育學校設置要點」信義

鄉羅娜國小於 103 年 8 月據以向南投縣政府申請開辦實驗教育學校已獲南投縣政府於 103年 11 月 17 日「府教學字第 1030226302 號」函告審查通過讓原聲音樂學校實體化進度向前

邁進一大步期望於 2016 年成立實體學校以下為 2015 年目標重點 培養原住民典範人才 一 與信義鄉各部落國小溝通協調尋覓最適學校開辦實驗教育規劃校園建築配置設計

校舍及景觀 二 使用中華電信基金會提供之 Joinnet 視訊平台實施互動式遠距教學初期由 7 年級英文及

9 年級數學課開始試用 三 支援信義國中「數位學伴」支援台大學生利用 Joinnet 視訊平台擔任信義國中學生每週

晚自習課之遠距家教 四 高國中部皆設班級導師國中學生身心成長迅速需請具專業素養瞭解布農文化且

深富愛心耐心之老師來陪伴和協助孩子 五 針對高中生量身打造個別輔導課


補與平地學生間之學習落差 六 輔導國三學生生涯探索適當選擇升學進路九年級 12 位學生於 2015 年暑假將邁入下


力選擇適當志願 七 擬訂並執行原住民師生海外遊學辦法與公益平台文化基金會合作辦理 八 支援信義鄉同富國中信義國中及仁愛鄉親愛國小教學資源 九 支援部落文化活動舉辦玉山星空音樂會族語闖關比賽布農詩歌比賽等活動支援

全國原住民運動會開幕表演 讓世界聽見玉山唱歌 一錄製音樂專輯傳揚來自玉山的純淨天籟作為贈送贊助者之禮物 二赴歐洲巡演預定於 2015 年 8 月底至 9 月初赴德國波蘭奧地利三國巡演擬於法蘭

克福柏林波茲南 Poznań維也納等城市演出並與維也納少年合唱團同台演唱交流

- 36 -



1 學期中數學英文及國文依年級分班合唱課分為一二團兩班

高一二每週六上午數學下午 A capella(在台北上課)

國二三每週二三晚數位學伴遠距課業輔導 2 寒暑假 寒假1 週冬令營 (台北白金錄音室錄製音樂專輯) 暑假1 週夏令營(與台北市建國中學人文社會資優班長期合作辦理) 暑假6 週學習營每週全日上課 4 天實施數學英語國文及合唱打擊樂教學出

國演唱 2 週 二合唱團及打擊樂團 1 合唱團(一團)指揮mdash馬彼得鋼琴伴奏mdash趙慧菁 (1)十八姑娘(客語) (2)火金姑叼位去(台語) (3)酒矸倘賣無(國語) (4)愛情樹(國語) (5)快樂天堂(國語) (6)原住民組曲(族語) 2 打擊樂團指導老師mdash陳姿伶

新生小鼓基本練習木琴基本練習Mickey Mouse March 就地取材打擊Stinkinrsquo Garbagekipahpah imaLittle star 人身打擊Our Favorite Son 舊生合奏曲 Tijuana SambaEine Kleine TischmusikLidsThe William Tell Overture

星期六 國二三 國一 國小 0830-1200 數學 1200-1320 午餐午休

1320-1610 理化 合唱 生物(1 次月)

合唱 打擊樂

1620-1710 作業時間 1710-2000 沐浴晚餐閱讀打掃 2000-2130 少年團契小品音樂會電影欣賞

2130~ 就寢

星期日 國二三 國一 國小 0700-0800 起床早餐運動

0810-1000 國文社會 語文閱讀

1010-1200 作業時間 合唱

1200-1250 午餐午休

1300-1550 英文 1550-1610 打掃放學

(7) Palis angelicus(拉丁語) (8) Mozart Alleluia(拉丁語) (9) Ode an die Freude(德語) (10) Edelweiss(英語) (11) Adieu sweet amaryllis(英語) (12) Hymm to Freedom(英語)

- 37 -

3 A cappella 合唱團指導老師mdash劉郁如

(1)基礎樂理音感節奏感讀譜訓練 (2)練習 A cappella 曲目 (3)練習 A cappella 簡易編曲 (4)練習 Beat-box 人聲伴奏

三師資 1 行政人員

校長洪春滿mdash負責校務及語文閱讀課程 秘書Uli 馬慧如mdash負責學校教務學務輔導及家長聯絡事宜 秘書Balan 梁賜輝mdash負責學校庶務財務及志工事宜 秘書李彩霞mdash負責協會行政業務及出納

2 學科教師

數學劉水池(北一女退休教師)曾明德(台北南門國中教師) 陳清河(新竹德霖技術學院教授)林宜城(南投漳興國小校長) 林麗敏蕭玉鳳林麗娟林紀穎(漳興國小及中寮國小教師) 英文陳聞詩姚淑美(建中退休教師)葉芳吟(台北國中英文教師輔導團) 陳怡帆蕭慧鈞(台大外文系畢國中實習教師) 劉原良張藝寶(靜宜大學應用英語系教授及研究生) 蕭淑敏(麥偲克補習班英語教師)楊鈞堯(羅娜國小英文專長替代役) 理化黃錦珠(國中理化退休教師)生物薛如娟(北一女退休教師) 社會馬聖堯(台中教育大學)馬胤哲(台北教育大學) 合唱馬彼得(羅娜國小校長)趙慧菁(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 打擊樂陳姿伶(國立台灣交響樂團管樂團團員) A cappella劉郁如(Voco Novo 團長) 四校外教學及演出 1 表演活動結合校外教學參觀等豐富多元學習活動以拓展視野薰陶素養 2 年度專場演出次數 8 場以不影響課程及學生作息為原則 3 參加公益活動以教導學生感恩回饋

高一二 9 年級 8 年級 7 年級 6 年級 5 年級 4 年級 3 年級 2 年級 數學 劉水池 曾明德 陳清河 馬聖堯 林麗敏 林宜城 蕭玉鳳 林麗娟 林紀穎 英文 陳聞詩 蕭淑敏 陳怡帆 葉芳吟 楊鈞堯 劉原良 姚淑美 張藝寶 蕭慧鈞 導師 馬聖堯 蕭淑敏 馬胤哲 馬聖堯 -- -- -- -- --

- 38 - 預定活動


1 辦理親職教育及家長讀書會 (1) 2015 年預定召開 4~6 次座談會期許家長作孩子榜樣(戒酒努力工作等)並請家

長互相分享教養心得及相互勉勵 (2)每雙月舉行家長讀書會由健康飲食親子教育心理行為等類書為始鼓勵家長

閱讀學習並以身教做孩子榜樣 2 舉辦玉山星空音樂會

預定 3 月 21 日晚間於羅娜國小運動場舉辦預定邀請 Voco Novo 合唱團阿美族歌手以

莉高露以及在地的布農族古謠合唱團和原聲童聲合唱團原聲 A cappella 團共同演出

日期(星期) 活動名稱 地點 主辦單位 128-30(三-五) 原聲音樂學校冬令營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園廣場 衛武營藝術文化中

心籌備處 2224(一三) 原聲童聲合唱團寒訓營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 26(五) HTC 尾牙感恩音樂會 南港展覽館 飛虹公關整合行銷 27(六) 原聲會員大會成果發表 建國中學 原聲教育協會 29-13(日-五) 錄製音樂專輯 功學社音樂廳 原聲教育協會 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 328-29(六-日) 全國原住民運動會開幕式 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台鐵大樓 竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 76-11(一-六) 原聲建中成長營(夏令營) 東埔國小 建國中學 713-16(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 720-23(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 727-30(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 731(五) 原聲長榮聯合音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保經公司 83-6(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 810-13 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 卡度基督長老教會 原聲教育協會 817-20 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 828-910(五-四) 歐洲巡演 德國波蘭奧地利 Vocal Asia 1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 111(日) 南松山天主堂獻詩 南松山天主堂 原聲教育協會 125(六) 原聲親愛音樂會 新竹市立演藝廳 心築愛樂 1212(六) 原聲親子運動會 羅娜國小運動場 原聲教育協會

- 39 -

3 舉辦布農詩歌合唱比賽

預定於 12 月農閒時期舉辦提供優厚獎金以鼓勵族人傳承發揚布農歌謠提供各部落


音樂會表演 4 引介資源

(1)引介扶輪社為東埔國小及親愛國小學生製作制服 (2)引介統一星巴客咖啡提供設備及協助信義國中實施職涯探索咖啡特色課程 (3)引介雅丰診所至信義鄉義診 (4)快樂麗康髮廊每月上山義剪 (5)推介日本仙台大專生訪台行腳至望鄉及東埔部落進行認識布農生態文化之旅 (6)關懷生命協會林雅哲醫師團隊至信義鄉實施貓犬義務絕育活動

5 教會詩歌見證預定赴仁愛鄉教會獻詩


一九年級升學成績12 位畢業生預期 6 人升入高中6 人進入高職 二二年級至九年級學習成效

項目 效益 指標 知識 知道好的學習

行為 90孩子至少理解三項正確的學習行為(準時上學完成作業

認真閱讀) 行為 實行好的學習

行為 留校率達 90全勤率達 50閱讀課外優良讀物平均達到 40本最少者不低於 20 本

成績 好的學習成就 80小學生成績居全班前 1470國中生成績居全班前 12 三合唱團練習成效複習 50 首舊曲目學會 12 首新曲目 四打擊樂團練習成效學會 4~5 首打擊樂曲 五A cappella 團成效學會 4~5 首心曲目 六學科學習成效以教師上課紀錄志工觀課札記學生成長日誌及學習回饋單評量

日期 教會名稱 日期 教會名稱 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 111(日) 南松山天主堂

- 40 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年收支預算表 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日

科 目 年度 2014 年 2015 年說 明 款項目 名稱 預算數 預算數 1 本會收入 26360600 23358900 1-1 入會費 0 0不收新會員 1-2 常年會費 136000 1360001000人136 1-3 捐款 25352600 21932000 1-4 補助收入 780000 1200000申請政府補助 1-5 其他收入 92000 90900存款利息 2 本會支出 26360600 23358900 2-1 人事費 382200 436800 2-2 辦公費 324600 294700 2-3 業務費 16098500 14207000 2-3-1 課業輔導費 4123500 4742000 2-3-2 教材教具講義費 1047000 747000 2-3-3 餐點營養費 864000 700000 2-3-4 交通旅運費 1485000 1800000 2-3-5 獎助學金 793200 753200 2-3-6 假期營隊活動 790000 320000冬令營及夏令營 2-3-7 教學及演出活動費 2660000 6520000含歐洲巡演旅費 2-3-8 其他業務費 240500 229000

2-3-9 部落服務活動費 3020000 2080000玉山星空音樂會部落

古謠比賽等 2-3-10 業務推展費 1075300 2575800合唱專輯製作等 2-4 購置費 0 0 2-5 折舊 0 0 2-6 專案-建校基金 8300000 1000000建校規劃

2-7 提撥基金 1255300 1160400收入 5 3 本期餘絀 0 0

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

- 41 -


一收入 2015 年所需經費劇增募款壓力亦加重本協會仍將以捐款贈送音樂專輯方式努力推

展小額募款不但可宣揚原聲教育理念且可收聚沙成塔眾志成城之功2014 年單位捐款

迄今為 604 萬元較 2013 年的 655 萬元略有衰退或因高雄氣爆事件使善款較為集中於彼

惟根據歷年經驗工商行號於年底結算若有盈餘時亦會尋找特定目標贊助 二支出

2015 年預定至德國法蘭克福柏林波蘭的波茲南奧地利的維也納等地巡演且開始


726 萬元之鉅約占全年支出總預算之 13 社團法人台灣原聲教育協會工作人員待遇表

2015 年 1 月 1 日

職 稱 姓名 性別 到職日 月支薪資 備 註

秘 書 長 孫蘭芳 女 9771 15000 專職(全數捐回協會)

教務執行秘書 馬慧如 女 102831 25300 專職

總務執行秘書 梁賜輝 男 10261 25300 專職

出納及行政 李彩霞 女 10351 33000 專職

攝影紀錄 呂克勝 男 10291 20000 兼職

合 計 118600

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

- 42 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

一月 二月 三月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

11-4 新年放假 117 電子報出刊(11~12 月) 124 第 3 屆 5th 理監事會議 127 休業日 128-30 寒假學習營

21 高雄衛武營榕園音樂會 22 24 合唱團上課 26 HTC 感恩音樂會 27 原聲會員大會及成果發

表會 28 振興醫院公益演唱 29-13 合唱團錄音(國三生

上課) 215-23 放假(218 除夕 219春節) 224 開學日 227-28 二二八紀念日連假

31 二二八紀念日連假 37 原聲始業 38 家長座談會

314 電子報出刊(1~2 月號) 314 第 3 屆 6th 理監事會議 321 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會

325-26 日本仙台高中生參訪

望鄉東埔部落 328 全國原住民運動會開幕

表演 329 全國原住民運動會音樂

四月 五月 六月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

31 43 合唱團上課 43-6 婦幼節及清明節放假 45 復活節 411 台鐵大樓慈善音樂會 412 桃園中正扶輪社音樂會


52 微熱山丘總店市集演出

(其他學生照常上課) 58 布農日 510 母親節 516 電子報出刊(3~4 月號)530 監察院舍百年紀念音樂

613 第 3 屆 7th 理監事會議 620-21 端午節連假 628 原聲休業及家長座談會

630 休業日

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日

- 43 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

七月 八月 九月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30

30 31 75-11 原聲建中成長營 713-16 語文學習營 718 電子報出刊(5~6 月號) 720-23 727-30 英文學習營

(國際志工服務) 731 原聲長榮聯合音樂會


81 磊山保經感恩音樂會(華山文創) 83-6 810-13 數學學習營 817-20 合唱團集訓及補課 822 第 3 屆 8th 理監事會議

828-31 歐洲巡演 831 開學日

91-11 歐洲巡演 919 電子報出刊(7~8 月號) 919 原聲始業 920 家長座談會 926-28 連假(927 中秋節)

十月 十一月 十二月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

109-11 國慶放假 1031 幸福親子公益音樂會


111 台北南松山天主堂獻詩

1120 電子報出刊(9~10 月

號) 1126 感恩節

125 原聲親愛音樂會(新竹演

藝廳) 1212 族語闖關親子運動

會才藝表演晚會 1220 國中生母語認證考試 1219 第 3 屆 9th 理監事會議

1219-2026-27 聖誕節放假

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日 2015 年原聲上課日數78 日

1 月 10-1117-1824-2528-30 9 7 月 6-1013-1620-2327-30 17 2 月 24 2 8 月 3-610-1317-20 12 3 月 7-814-15 4 9 月 19-20 2 4 月 318-1925-26 5 10 月 3-417-1824-25 6 5 月 316-1723-24 5 11 月 7-814-1521-2228-29 8 6 月 6-713-1427-28 6 12 月 12-13 2

- 44 -

2014 年台灣原聲教育協會推展原住民族國際交流合作計畫 一計畫名稱美國「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」交流參訪 二計畫緣起

1 「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」去年獲邀前往美國出席「2013 UNITY( United National Indian Tribal Youth ) Conference 印地安原住民青年聯盟年會」開幕獻唱為加強聯繫交流爰

邀請「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」參加本年 3 月於南投縣信義鄉舉辦之「玉


並吸取該團辦理及培訓原住民青年組織經驗 2 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」總部設於美國奧克拉荷馬州為美加地區原住民青


地與學習成為向美國與世界發聲的原住民代表本年將由UNITY執行長Mary Kim Titla及 1 位協會工作幹部帶領 6 名美國各州印第安學生代表組成「UNITY-印地安原住民青

年聯盟代表團」參訪台灣原住民文化 3 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」擬邀請我國原住民團體代表出席該會 2014 年 7 月於

西雅圖年會活動並參與擔任該組織友邦團體 三計畫目標藉由交流互動分享部落成長經驗學習國際培育原住民青年組織經驗

建立國際交流管道 四指導及辦理單位 指導單位行政院原住民族委員會外交部

主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 協辦單位慧智文教基金會美國加州舊金山灣區志工 五計畫實施期間103 年 3 月 13 日(星期四)至 22 日(星期六) 六計畫實施地點南投縣花蓮縣台東縣屏東縣台北市 七計畫內容

(一)資源分析 台灣原聲教育協會 httpvoxnativaorg 負責活動規劃行程安排 慧智文教基金會 httpwwwwceoprogramorg及舊金山志工負責經費籌措及落地接待 南投縣信義鄉公所主辦「玉山星空音樂會」 行程承攬為姊妹旅行社(桃園市萬壽路 3 段 156 號 1 樓03-3340928)

(二)人員參與情形 「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」8 人 1 Mary Kim Titla Executive Director UNITY

2 Christine Porter Mohawk is the Youth Council Coordinator with the Ft McDowell Education Division on Ft McDowell Yavapai Reservation

3 Tyler Owens president for the Akimel OrsquoodhamPee-Posh Youth Council Chairperson for the Inter-Tribal Youth Council of Arizonarsquos planning committee

4 Simon Montelongo He belongs to the Eastern Band Cherokee tribe and is from Cherokee North Carolina He is a returning member of the Executive Committee as the Southeast Area Representative and is looking forward to yet another successful year for UNITY

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5 Santana Little Bear Johnson Southern Plains Representative for this years Executive Committee (EC)

6 Aaron Leaureaux member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Treasurer and founding members of the Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council

7 Alex Toledo UNITY Regions Representative for the Southwest Region 8 Carrie Hood comes from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation located in Phoenix Arizona Shersquos currently the 2013-2014 Miss Fort McDowell


(四)計畫進度 102 年 12 月底前完成訪團邀請行程規劃地點探勘經費預算 103 年 1 月完成訪團名單確認各組工作分配(活動組行政組公關組總務組 接待組) 103 年 2 月完成經費籌募計畫演練 103 年 3 月計畫執行 103 年 4 月完成經費結報與計畫檢討

(五)人力分工(參與計畫工作人員名單現職及其負責人之工作項目) 姓名 職稱 工作分配 洪春滿 原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 活動組 馬彼得 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 活動組 孫藍蔚 原聲教育協會秘書長 行政組

日期 活動內容 3 月 13 日(四) 抵達桃園國際機場 3 月 14 日(五) 前往日月潭(邵族)

3 月 15 日(六) 1拜會南投縣信義鄉 2參訪原住民文創產業-梅子夢工廠 3出席 2014 年玉山星空音樂會(布農族)

3 月 16 日(日) 1拜會原住民學校-羅娜國小參訪「原聲音樂專業學校」校址預定

地及簡報建校計畫 2前往屏東參觀原住民族文化園區(排灣族)

3 月 17 日(一) 1參訪屏東霧台部落(魯凱族) 2前往台東住宿布農部落休閒農場

3 月 18 日(二) 1參觀台東布農部落與蝴蝶谷(布農族) 2參觀台東史前文化博物館與卑南文化公園

3 月 19 日(三) 1參訪吉籟獵人學校(阿美族) 2前往太魯閣國家公園

3 月 20 日(四) 1參訪太魯閣國家公園 2經宜蘭返回台北

3 月 21 日(五) 1拜會原住民族委員會及僑務委員會 3 月 22 日(六) 1參觀故宮中正紀念堂101 大樓


- 46 -

廖阿貫 原聲教育協會理事長 行政組 馬慧如 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 行政組 梁賜輝 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 行政組 全秋雄 南投縣信義鄉鄉公所觀光所所長 公關組 賴美智 慧智文教基金會執行長 總務組 車和道 原聲教育協會海外代表 接待組 何台光 石氏基金會執行長 接待組

(六)文宣方式報紙電視社群網站社團動員 八預期效益 1 藉由交流互動學習營造原住民社群與組織 2 建立原住民對話管道為台灣在國際發聲 3 培育原住民國際觀傳承發展原住民青年領導能力 4 促進文化交流提升台灣能見度 九經費預算表 UNITY 團8 人出席行程9 天 8 夜領隊車和道

經費項目 單價 數量 總價 計算方式及說明 1人事費 小計 (1)機票費 $50000人 8 $400000 內陸及國際航程機票 (2)餐費 $500日人 98 $36000 9 天餐費

$300日人 98 $21600 租用遊覽車費 $75人 8 $600 環島過路費停車費 $450人 8 $3600 入管制山區接駁車費用

(3)交通費 (含遊覽車停車費

接駁車船費) $125人 8 $1000 船費(日月潭遊船) 小計 旅館費 8 夜

3住宿費 $1800日人 88 $115200 住宿日月潭雲品飯店東埔沙里仙渡假




4雜支 小計 (1)食宿費 $2000日人 91 $18000 英語導覽員餐點及住宿費 (2)導覽費 $3000日人 81 $24000 英語導覽員每日 3 千元


$2945人 8 $23560 門票含原住民文化園區梅子夢工廠台




租借台北 101 大樓觀景台

(3)保險費 $100日人 98 $7200 9 日旅遊平安保險費 (4)其他 $600日人 93 $16200 司機領隊食宿及小費 總計 $666960 元

- 47 -

左 1 為原聲海外代表車和道左 2 為 UNITY 理事會秘書 Christine Porter Mohawk 2014315 於信義鄉羅娜村

UNITY 團員合影留念右 1 為信義鄉史強鄉長左 1 為 UNITY 執行長 Mayr Kim Titla(頭戴史鄉長贈


- 48 -

2014 年台灣原聲音樂學校國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

一 目的讀萬卷書行萬里路他山之石可以攻錯

二 日期2014 年 8 月 8 日(星期五)至 8 月 15 日(星期五)

三 主辦單位台灣原聲教育協會

四 協辦單位內本鹿人文工作室

五 參加人員

學生8 人(4 女 4 男)


師長志工4 人(3 男 1 女)


六 乘車資訊員林客運 20 人座中型巴士(8~10 日)

0730 東埔國小(谷皓傑史凱文謝韶翔)rarr0755 晨軒梅莊(馬聖堯馬胤哲馬胤

凱吳松儒吳璠)rarr0805 信義鄉公所rarr0820 玉山國家公園管理處(幸念緹全心潔

全雅安幸琳茹)rarr0850 竹山交流道rarr經國道三號rarr1050 高雄rarr高雄茂林鄉

七 活動地點

88(五) 南投東埔rarr高雄茂林鄉

89(六) 高雄茂林鄉rarr屏東縣霧台鄉

810(日) 屏東縣霧台鄉rarr台東縣延平鄉桃源村內本鹿「布農山林文化體驗營」

813(三) 台東縣桃源鄉rarr花蓮市海星高中

814(四) 花蓮市海星高中rarr太魯閣國家公園rarr花蓮市海星高中

815(五) 花蓮海星高中rarr南投縣信義鄉東埔

八 住宿

88(星期五)多娜民宿負責人馬秀玉 0910-708089 兩間團體房男女各 1 間 15002


89(星期六)撒拉伯民宿 負責人柯啟川 salabu巴佳英 lailai

902 屏東縣霧台鄉霧台村神山巷 14-6 號 08-790-2277 0921-003590



四人房2 間2000 6 人房12500(含 810 早餐)

89 晚餐 200人(可在附近吃完再去民宿)


傍晚兵分兩路遊覽車載 9 人到桃源村另再載聖堯胤哲松儒 3 人到台東鹿野車站

1台東桃源村 內本鹿人文工作室辦理的[布農山林文化體驗營]

活動時間2014810~13(共 4 天)810 下午 5 點到桃源村813 下午 5 點至鹿野車站

2 花蓮海洋營馬聖堯馬胤哲吳松儒

- 49 -


十經費概算 項目 內容 金額 備註

遊覽車(8~10 三天) 27000 9000天 車資 火車票_台東鹿野-花蓮 2768 1815~莒光 23912

住宿 高雄茂林多娜民宿 3000 全棟 2 大間房 屏東霧台撒拉布民宿 6500 4 人房 2 間6 人房 1 間 活動 台東布農山林文化體驗營 31500 35009 餐費 88 中餐+89 中晚餐+810 中餐 7800 150134 總計 78568

時間 內容 早餐 自理 上午 東埔rarr高雄市茂林區 中餐 自理 下午 打獵體驗 晚餐 多娜民宿供應美食

8 月 8 日 (星期五)

晚上 自由活動

早餐 民宿供應

上午 出發到屏東縣霧台社區

中餐 自理

下午 霧台社區文化部落的洗禮---石板部落屋群魯凱文物館卡拉瓦之家


晚餐 自理

8 月 9 日 (星期六)

晚上 住宿霧台部落撒拉伯民宿 早餐 民宿供應

上午 Sabaw 霧台--再見雲豹的故鄉rarr台東市

中餐 自理 下午 參觀國立臺灣史前文化博物館臺東市博物館路 1 號rarr台東桃源鄉

8 月 10 日 (星期日)

晚餐 參加布農山林文化體驗營

8 月 11 日

-13 日 (星期一)



8 月 14 日

(星期四) 全天


8 月 15 日

(星期五) 全天


- 50 - 布農山林文化體驗營

一 集散時間810下午 5點來到桃源村813下午 5點送至鹿野車站結束

二 活動費用每人 3500 元(含講師費食宿活動糧食旅平險車站接駁)

三 聯絡人katu(柯俊雄) 0911‐334448

四 課程大綱

前一天 810 第一天 811 第二天 812 第三天 13













































二攜帶裝備 如不需帶上山的物品或衣物可協助保管於下山後領取

項目 說明

穿著裝備 T恤長袖長褲 (衣褲以輕便易乾排汗的材質為佳)

揹負裝備 背式背包(需協助背負公裝與公糧)

吃飯裝備 碗筷(鋼杯為佳)

走路裝備 本次路線泥土與石子路穿著雨鞋尤佳搭配厚襪可準備拖鞋於營地使用

照明裝備 因有夜間狩獵體驗行程建議使用頭燈出門前檢查是否夠亮需攜帶備用電池

禦寒裝備 厚外套(晚上睡覺以穿著保暖外套作為睡袋)

遮陽裝備 鴨舌帽或頭巾防曬乳視個人需求

雨衣裝備 輕便雨衣即可(上下兩段式為佳)

水壺 每日所需之行動水

糖果餅乾 建議可帶巧克力乾糧牛奶糖咖啡包可可亞等

個人藥品 請視個人身體狀況準備

文具 小本筆記本與筆 1隻衛生紙垃圾袋(自己垃圾自己帶回)

備用衣物 下山後更換的衣物

- 51 -

2014 年原聲音樂學校花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫


蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會於 2011 年選擇在太平洋左岸的美麗小漁村鹽寮設立扮演推展



有正確的認識與觀念相信透過認識海洋親近海洋能夠讓下一代更深刻的愛上海洋臺灣 當蘇帆碰到了原聲玉山連結了太平洋山上的布農族孩子有了在太平洋划獨木舟的機


蓮海星中學一起籌辦 海星中學推動原住民教育不遺餘力設立有原住民音樂與文化專班培養學生多元能力



活動日程 一門諾會醫院義演88(五)1900-2000 二慈濟醫參訪及義演89(六)0820-1530 三「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會89(六)1900-2100 四海洋學習營810(日)~813(三) 五太魯閣國家公園之旅814(四)

活動地點 一 基督教門諾會醫院壽豐分院(花蓮縣壽豐鄉共和村魚池 52 號) 二 天主教海星中學(花蓮縣新城鄉嘉新村嘉新路 36 號03-8223116) 三 慈濟精舍靜思小築(花蓮縣新城鄉康樂村精舍街 88 巷 1 號) 四 慈濟醫院靜思堂(花蓮市中央路 3 段 703 號) 五 花蓮縣台灣原住民族文化館(花蓮市北興路 460 號) 六 蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會(花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村鹽寮 148 號) 七 國立東華大學(花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路 2 段 1 號)

- 52 -

學生名單86+7人(50 女 43 男)

人數 年級 姓 名

7 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 全心潔 全雅安 幸念緹 史凱文 謝韶翔

8 八 幸于辰 松昱希 全襄柔 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶

七 伍宇欣 伍主兒 方 政 松慈媗 全 芊 李羽妃 石伯華 全芷芸 15

七 司 美 全襄娃 幸雪芳 松昱蕎 幸美茹 申 薇 全唯芯 何瑞耘

六 伍 恩 伍明威 松慈芸 林郁家 何家程 全文祥 尤蘇諾 六 伍承琳 伍邵恩 伍雨晨 松雅德 全家榆 松鈺婷 19 六 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 申雨軒 全雅平 幸明仁 松詠婕 五 伍約翰 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍恩婕 王凱嚴 史俊祥 全聖煜 田有宏

14 五 賴念慈 谷巧玟 伍主恩 金芊璦 全郁華 司曄宇

四 方 琪 伍皓詳 史 灝 林采萱 向 萱 何恩淑 伍書韓 呂宇澤 16

四 司若庭 全光榮 田祈宏 金家儀 谷 薰 幸明山 松冠銘 陽詠智

三 伍奇浩 林凡羽 馬沛羽 史玥兒 松耀祖 史祥恩 史念恩 14

三 全若綺 呂啓佑 松毓傑 辜歆菲 金佑翊 司曄恩 王 讓

說明事項十年級參加壯遊於 813 傍晚會合於花蓮

師長志工名單 師長12+2人 Bukut 團長慧菁(伴奏)姿伶(打擊樂)Uli(教導)Balan(總務)彩霞(行政)黑導(舞台總

監)小呂(攝影)藍蔚師阿貫師聖堯胤哲富州程瀚程芸 志工4+3人 田景文黃敬恆柳宜蕙鍾昭慶吳 璠吳松儒馬胤凱 參加壯遊

- 53 -


88 (星期五) 時間 活動內容 備註

0730~1700 東埔rarr花蓮縣壽豐鄉門諾分院 高雄或屏東午餐 1700~1800 走位彩排 門諾分院大廳 1800~1850 晚餐 門諾招待飯捲 1850~1900 準備 1900~2000 『禮讚門諾敬頌上帝』義演 門諾分院大廳

2000~2020 門諾分院rarr海星中學 2020~2050 Check in 及認識環境 海星中學學生宿舍

2050~2130 沐浴洗衣

2130~ 進入夢鄉

89 (星期六) 時間 活動內容 備註

0630~0700 起床盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳 0800~0830 海星中學rarr慈濟精舍靜思小築 0830~0930 參訪精舍 分高中低年級 3 組 0930~1000 靜思小築rarr慈濟醫院靜思堂 醫院正門下車 1000~1130 靜思堂參訪(先看慈濟簡介影片) 靜思堂 B2 220 講堂 1130~1230 午餐 同心圓餐廳

1230~1240 慈濟醫院rarr海星中學 經大學人文教室至大喜館停車場

1240~1430 午休 1430~1445 海星中學rarr慈濟醫院 醫院正門下車 1445~1500 走位 慈濟醫院大廳 1500~1530 義演 原下午茶時段 1530~1545 慈濟醫院rarr原住民族文化館 1545~1745 彩排 1745~1820 晚餐 1820~1850 更衣準備 原民館 1900~2100 『太平洋聽玉山唱歌』音樂會原民館 2100~2120 原民館rarr海星中學 2120~2200 沐浴洗衣

2200~ 進入夢鄉

- 54 -

810-13 (星期日-三)

810(日) 811(一) 812(二) 813(三) ~0630 起床 0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐海星 0800~0850 閱讀寫作業 0900~0950 1000~1050 1100~1150

高海泳 中引導教育 低參訪東華

高參訪東華 中翡翠谷溯溪 低海泳

高獨木舟默契 中參訪東華 低翡翠谷溯溪



賞鯨之旅 午餐午休

1150~1350 高蘇帆 中海星 低東華

高東華 中翡翠谷 低蘇帆

高蘇帆 中東華 低翡翠谷

高清水斷崖 中低多羅滿賞

鯨船 1400~1450 1500~1550 1600~1650

高獨木舟基礎 中海泳 低引導教育


中翡翠谷溯溪 低獨木舟基礎

高獨木舟模擬 中獨木舟基礎 低翡翠谷溯溪



1700~1750 沐浴洗衣 1800~1850 晚餐海星 1900~2100 高引導教育 中低影片欣賞 排練晚會節目 2100~ 進入夢鄉 說明事項 1 海泳與獨木舟場地在蘇帆基金會 2 引導教育(冒險教育-心理諮商)場地在海星高中禮堂 3 清水斷崖賞鯨之旅從花蓮港出發 4 清水斷崖獨木舟之旅從崇德沙灘出發


1 需備換洗衣物建議穿著泳裝下水 2 會暈船者請自備暈船藥 3 注意保暖

- 55 -


時間 活動內容 備註 0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐

0800~0900 海星中學rarr太魯閣國家公園

0900~1200 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1200~1250 午餐

1300~1500 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1500~1600 太魯閣國家公園rarr海星中學

1600~1700 準備惜別晚會 海星中學宿舍

1700~1750 沐浴洗衣

1800~1850 晚餐 海星中學餐廳

1900~2100 惜別晚會 海星中學教室

2100~ 進入夢鄉


時間 活動內容 備註 ~0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳

0800~0830 整理環境 海星中學宿舍

0835~0855 前往火車站 新城火車站

0900~0910 快閃 新城火車站

0920~1040 搭乘復興號火車至蘇澳新站

1040~1700 搭乘遊覽車回溫暖的家

- 56 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團衛武營音樂會行程 一日期2015 年 2 月 1 日(星期日)1530~1640 二地點高雄市衛武營榕園藝術廣場(高雄市鳳山區南京路 449-1 號) 三乘車資訊2 月 1 日(星期日)員林客運 938-WW 林介川 0982-988788

0730 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0750 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0800 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0805 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0835 水里玉管處rarr 0920 名間交流道rarr經國道 3rarr 1150 衛武營

四工作人員穿原聲制服或志工背心 阿蠻校長Uli皓玫敬恆伯峰小呂育銘藍蔚阿貫

五演出人員39 人(女 33 男 6) 指揮馬彼得 鋼琴伴奏趙慧菁 擊樂李謙 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣申 薇申雨軒伍承琳伍曉葳全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔向 萱

李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕 松鈺婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 9 男 4) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳幸雪芬 史俊祥田鎞鎷伍卲恩松雅德

六演出曲目 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 6 心肝寶貝(台語) 編曲冉天豪 7 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 8 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 9 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 10 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 11 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 12 We are the world(英語) 曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 13 明天會更好(國語) 編曲冉天豪 安可曲

七活動行程 時間 內容 備註 1150-1400 午餐午休 室內表演場 1400-1520 練習走位(音響確認)更衣 演員休息室 1530-1630 演出 榕園藝術廣場 1630-1700 更衣分發飯盒 演員休息室 1700-2030 衛武營rarr東埔

- 57 -

2015 年原聲音樂學校參加會員大會及義演錄音行程

一 活動目的展現學習成果感恩會員會友為長者演唱學習付出及回饋 二 活動日期2015 年 2 月 6 日至 2 月 14 日(星期五~六) 三 活動地點2 06(星期五)南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號)

2 07(星期六)建國高中夢紅樓二樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 2 08(星期日)振興醫院(台北市北投區振興街 45 號) 2 09(星期一)天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 2 10-13(星期二~五)功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號) 2 14(星期六)郭元益糕餅博物館(台北市士林區文林路 546 號 4 樓) 大黑松小倆口牛軋糖創意博物館(新北市土城區自強街 31-2 號)

四 乘車資訊2 月 6 日(星期五) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 0830 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0850 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0900 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0905 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0935 水里玉管處rarr 1020 名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr 1230南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號) 大巴 (44 人) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 Uli 師Balan 師方 琪伍 恩伍主兒伍宇欣林巧蝶伍約翰松慈芸松慈媗




賴念慈申 薇申雨軒幸明仁 原聲公務車(5 人)

阿蠻校長Bukut 校長伍承琳伍書韓向 萱 2 月 7 日(星期六) 中巴(9 人) 耐斯客運 A4-037 駱界華 0981-385512 0800 羅娜(國小大門)rarr 0805 久美rarr 0815 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0845 水里玉管處rarr 0930名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr1140 徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號)

姿伶師何進榮伍恩婕田有宏尤蘇諾何瑞耘何家程林郁家李 謙 五 台北工作人員

2 6(星期五)皓玫伯峰敬恆小呂藍蔚阿貫 2 7(星期六)皓玫伯峰敬恆宜蕙羅揚威愷柏哖小呂育銘彩霞 2 8(星期日)敬恆小呂彩霞美智仁達藍蔚阿貫

六 住宿地點天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 七 住宿人員

2 月 6 日2 月 8 日至 13 日(需 15 間寢室) 學生 45 人教師 5 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏

慧菁師)大學志工胤凱高中志工念緹皓傑 2 月 7 日 61 人(仍為 15 間寢室) 學生 52 人教師 6 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏


- 58 - 八 打擊樂團學生7 人(女 1 男 6)

尤蘇諾田有宏伍恩婕何家程何瑞耘李 謙林郁家 九 合唱團學生45 人(女 37 男 8)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十 成果發表曲目

打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 天下別無拯救(國語)3rsquo18rdquo 編曲林雲郎 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 乘著氣球上天空(日語)3rsquo05rdquo 編曲平吉毅州 7 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 8 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

十一公益演唱曲目(振興醫院) 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 台北的天空(國語)4rsquo30rdquo 編曲林福裕 4 故鄉(日語)2rsquo55rdquo 編曲田中和音 5 讓生命圓滿(國語)2rsquo40rdquo 編曲冉天豪 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 7 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

- 59 -

十二住宿分配(4 人 1 間)

2 月 6 日至 2 月 13 日 住宿 9 天 8 夜 序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友 1 阿滿校長Bukut 團長 9 佩婷宇欣昱蕎詠捷 2 Uli 師念緹主兒恩婕(27) 10 雪芬唯芯慈媗念慈 3 慧菁師一家姿伶(27) 11 芷芸雪芳慈芸方琪 4 季欣嘉馨雨軒書韓 12 巧蝶伍恩雨晨谷薰 5 襄柔申薇承琳曉葳 13 伯華明仁俊祥光榮 6 全芊襄娃雅平郁華 14 卲恩雅德約翰聖煜 7 羽妃美茹向萱家儀 15 Balan 師胤凱皓傑司機

(27) 8 詠祈司美家榆鈺婷 首位為室長次位為副室長

十三2 月 7 日(星期六) 住宿 1 晚

序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友

1 何爸瑞耘家程 13 尤蘇諾郁家(與伯華等同室)

14 李謙有宏(與卲恩等同室) 十四餐飲供應 日期 26(五) 27(六) 28(日) 29(一) 210(二) 211(三) 212(四) 213(五) 214(六)早餐 自家 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 午餐 自訂 八方 振興 八方 八方 八方 八方 八方 自訂 晚餐 自訂 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 徐匯 自家 十五活動行程(26-27)

2 月 6 日(星期五) 2 月 7 日(星期六) 0830~1230 東埔rarr南港展覽館 1230~1430 午餐(自訂飯盒)午休 1430~1700 練習試音彩排 1700~1800 休息更衣 1800~1830 待機 1830~1845 HTC 尾牙演出 1845~1900 更衣 1900~1930 晚餐(自訂飯盒) 1930~2000 南港展覽館rarr徐匯中學 2000~2100 沐浴 2100~2130 閱讀祈禱就寢

0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~1130 練唱(演藝廳) 0800~1130 羅娜國小rarr徐匯中學(打擊樂團) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1430 練習(演藝廳) 1430~1520 徐匯中學rarr建中資源大樓 5 樓 1530~1600 參加會員大會成果發表演出 1600~1700 建中rarr徐匯中學 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2030 練習(演藝廳) 2030~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢

- 60 - 十六活動行程(28-29)

2 月 8 日(星期日) 2 月 9 日(星期一) 0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~0930 練習(演藝廳) 0930~1000 徐匯中學rarr振興醫院 1000~1020 進場待機 1030~1100 義演(三院圓中心)(送錦旗專輯 1)1100~1115 合影留念 1115-1140 參觀藝術家莊靜雯銅雕展 1140~1230 午餐(第一會議室) 1230~1300 醫療課程--呼吸道感染衛生指導

(小兒科張嘉侃主任授課) 1300~1330 振興醫院rarr徐匯中學(合唱團) 1330~1430 午休(合唱團) 1430~1700 練習(合唱團)(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 1300~1350 振興醫院rarr景文高中(打擊樂團) 1400~1600 欣賞景優班成果發表(打擊樂團) 1600~2000 景文高中rarr信義鄉(打擊樂團)

0800-0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室)

0830~1130 練習(演藝廳) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1700 練習(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 借用演藝廳練習時段 27 上午下午半小時晚間 28 早上 1 小時下午 29 上午下午

十七錄音行程(210-213) 星期時間 210(二) 211 (三) 212 (四) 213 (五) 214 (六)

0700-0800 起床盥洗早餐 0800-1100 赴功學社音樂廳練習 1100-1130 午餐 1130-1300 午休




1300-1700 錄音 1 kipahpah ima拍手歌 2天下別無拯救 3 Take these wings 4更高處

錄音 5如鹿渴慕溪水 6耶和華祝福滿滿

7台北的天空 8我們的桃蛙源

錄音 9讓生命圓滿


11天黑黑 12花樹下

錄音 13ふるさと故鄉 14花兒會開 15乘著氣球上天空 16紅蜻蜓等(3 選 1)

1730-1900 晚餐盥洗 1900-2030 課輔(志工)閱讀 晚會或電影欣賞 2030-2100 消夜晚禱

2100~ 就寢


- 61 -

十八學生自備物品(9 天 8 夜) 『確認後打勾』

序 項 目 數量 確認 備註

1 行李箱 1

2 原聲背包 1

3 文具(鉛筆橡擦等) 1 寫作業用

4 寒假作業課外讀物 2

5 健保卡 1

6 牙刷牙膏毛巾 各 1

7 肥皂洗髮精 各 1

8 環保餐具(杯筷匙) 1 組 耐熱杯

9 中型塑膠袋 2 裝換洗衣物

10 長袖黑帽 T 1

11 長袖白帽 T 1

12 長袖黑圓領 T 1

13 長袖白圓領 T 1

14 長袖 polo 衫 1

15 原聲黑外套 1

16 牛仔褲(藍) 3 含穿 1 條

17 休閒褲 2

18 便服 2

19 內衣+內褲 8 條 含穿 1 套(不含表演用)

20 黑色襪 4 雙 含穿 1 雙

21 球鞋 1 雙 穿著

22 拖鞋 1 雙

23 圍巾 1 條

表演服mdash團服(女) 1 套 頭飾上衣裙斗篷皮鞋24

表演服mdash團服(男) 1 套 頭飾上衣褲斗篷皮鞋

25 黑短安全褲白內衣 2 套 表演用

26 珊瑚絨毯 睡袋 各 1

27 衣架 4 個 十九公用器材原聲錦旗 2專輯 2(以上台北準備)鐘琴鈸團旗 1 吹風機4 喉糖醫藥箱預備團服(男女各 1) 康樂器材(球類)輕便雨衣 2 箱 二十本活動計畫由社團法人台灣原聲教育協會理事長依協會年度工作計畫決行修訂亦同

- 62 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團「我愛唱的歌」專輯製作計畫


曲目錄音並搭配 MV製作成「我愛唱的歌」音樂專輯具體呈現出孩子的自信喜悅

以及想要分享與感恩的心情 二目的公益發行以感恩支持原聲的朋友並作為贊助原聲之禮物 三主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 四贊助單位



有限公司錸德文教基金會傳承文教基金會慧智文教基金會 五日期2015 年 2 月 10 日(二)至 13 日(五)5 天(0800~1100 練習1300~1700 錄音) 六地點錄音mdash功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號 )

住宿mdash天主教徐匯中學(2 月 6 日至 13 日共 8 晚) 七專輯工作人員


呂克勝(攝影及 MV 製作)侯宗佑(視覺設計)梁哲瑋(文案企劃) 八後勤工作人員

洪春滿校長(領隊)李彩霞(聯絡)馬慧如 Uli(教導)梁賜輝 Balan(總務)藍蔚

師(財務)阿貫師(企劃)高一志工幸念緹 九錄音人員45 人(女 37 人男 8 人)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十1 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 天下別無拯救(國語) 詞曲蕭泰然 編曲林雲郎 3 Take these wings(英語) 詞Steve Kupferschmid 曲Don Besig 4 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 5 如鹿渴慕溪水(英語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲Phil Dave 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 編曲游智婷 7 台北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 8 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲編曲林志忠 9 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 曲冉天豪 10 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城等 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 11 天黑黑(台語) 詞臺灣民謠 編曲詹興東 12 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 13 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 63 -

14 花は咲く花開(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 15 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 16 選 1赤とんぼ (日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 明天會更好(華語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

十一經費預算 項目及內容 單價 數量 小計 備註

旅運費(45 萬) 車資(東埔harr板橋) 14500輛天 12 29000 26 及 214

車資(板橋harr台北) 4000趟輛天 212 16000 27 及 28 租公車接送

膳食費 27-14 三餐 210人天 658 109200 早餐 50午晚餐各 80 住宿費 水電及清潔費 200人天 528 83200 徐匯中學宿舍

製作費(843 萬)

專輯音樂製作 -- 1 -- 音樂企劃錄音混音後製等 錄音工程 -- 1 -- 清唱人聲樂器等錄音及混音 鋼琴伴奏 1000時 35 35000 鐘點費 文案企劃 20000人 1 20000 文案撰寫

視覺設計 30000人 1 30000 碟面說明書封套等

平面攝影 4000天 4 16000 側拍封面照宣傳照等

MV 製作 4000分 25 100000 製作 6 曲 MV

歌曲版權費 6000曲 10 60000 公益發行版權費

編曲費 30000曲 4 120000 4 曲重新編曲

錄音場地租金 17000天 4 68000 功學社音樂廳(含鋼琴)

鋼琴調音 4000次 1 4000 印製費(412 萬) 母片製作費 6000片 2 12000 CD+DVD 壓片費 5片 16000 80000 CD+DVD 碟面印刷運費

印刷及包裝費 40份 8000 320000 說明書封套印刷品成型等

業務費(8 萬 920) 聯絡 6000人 1 6000 版權聯絡授權處理

雜支 74920式 1 74920 茶水郵電醫藥費等

總計 1183320 音樂製作及錄音工程費未計入


- 64 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團歐洲演出及參訪行程概要 一活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二邀請單位柏林市立綜合高中維也納合唱學校(Wiener SaumlngerknabenWSK) 三主辦單位Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會 四贊助單位慧智文教基金會(Wisdom Culture amp Edudation Organization WCEO)元大文


傳承教育基金會臺灣期貨交易所 臺灣證券交易所hellip 五活動日期2015 年 8 月 28 日(星期五)至 9 月 11 日(星期五)共計 15 日 六航班中華航空公司

《去》8 月 28 日 CI61 桃園 TPE 法蘭克福 FRA 2330 0650 +1 日 《回》9 月 10 日 CI64 維也納 VIE 桃園 TPE 1135 0605 + 1 日


829~830拜會德國法蘭克福歐洲期貨交易所舉行專場音樂會(旅館 2 晚) 831~901德國得勒斯登(旅館 2 晚) 902~903德國柏林(旅館 2 晚) 904~905拜會波蘭波茲南 Poznań市政府及合唱學校與市立男童及女童合唱團舉行聯

合音樂會(接待家庭 2 晚) 906拜訪德國柏林市立綜合高中 Bettina von Arnim Schule與該校合唱團舉行聯合音樂

會(旅館 1 晚) 907柏林至維也納 參訪奧地利維也納聖彼得教堂於教堂內演出(旅館 3 晚) 908~909參訪維也納合唱學校與該校師生聯誼交流及與維也納少年合唱團聯演

八參訪人員54 人(學生 40 人師長 14 人)

第一聲部 13 人(女 13) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔

向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕松鈺婷

松憓婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 8 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳史俊祥田鎞鎷

全聖煜伍卲恩松雅德 師長14 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長及原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 林宜城 男 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣南投市漳興國小校長) 林麗敏 女 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣中寮鄉中寮國小教師)

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冉天豪 男 原聲音樂學校特約編曲(天作之合劇團藝術總監特約編曲) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 梁賜輝 男 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞台總監(導演) 黃敬恆 女 原聲教育協會助理舞台總監(政大社會系二年級) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影師志工 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事


1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 Hymm to Freedom(英語) 編曲Oscar Peterson 6 We are the world(英語) 編曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 7 Alleluia(拉丁語) 編曲Mozart 8 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 9 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 10 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 11 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 12 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 13 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 14 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 15 永遠讚美耶和華(國語) 編曲馬彼得 16 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 17 pakadaidaz 相親相愛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 18 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 安可曲 19 高山青(國語) 編曲馬彼得 20 Ode an die Freude(德語) 編曲 Beethoven


1 Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會負責聯絡安排行程及活動 2 行程承攬雄獅旅行社(台北市內湖區瑞湖街 111 號 2 樓 02-87932106)

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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團演出行程

2015 年演唱場次已滿額恕不再接受邀請謝謝各界對原聲教育協會暨所屬音樂學校與原



活動名稱 地點 主辦單位

21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園藝術廣場 衛武營藝術文化中心籌

備處 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 329(日) 全國原住民運動會音樂會 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台北火車站台鐵大樓 嘉旺竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 731(五) 原聲+長榮交響樂團音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保險經紀公司 830(日) 「玉山天籟」法蘭克福音樂會 德國歐洲交易所 Vocal Asia 95(六) 「玉山天籟」波蘭音樂會 波蘭 Poznań 音樂學校 Vocal Asia 95(六) 原聲+波茲南音樂學校聯合音

樂會 波蘭 Gods Mother of Sorrows Church

Vocal Asia

96(日) 原聲+柏林市立綜合高中

Bettina von Arnim Schule 聯合


德國 Ernst Reuter Saal Hall

Vocal Asia

98(二) 「玉山天籟」維也納音樂會 奧地利維也納聖彼得

教堂 Vocal Asia

99(三) 原聲+維也納少年合唱團

(WSK)聯合音樂會 奧地利維也納少年合

唱團(WSK)學校 Vocal Asia

1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 125(六) 原聲+親愛愛樂提琴隊音樂會 新竹市立文化中心演

藝廳 心築愛樂

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2016 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團受邀演唱原則 一公益演唱請邀約單位負擔交通及膳宿費 1 國際活動慶典 2 國家活動慶典 3 地方活動慶典僅限南投縣政府所屬單位 4 醫院學校教會監獄慈善及教養機構(安養院育幼院等) 5 回饋贊助及合作者 2014~2015 年團體捐款贊助台幣 50 萬元以上個人捐款 20 萬元以上者 二贊助演唱接受公益基金會協會及民間公益團體(如扶輪社獅子會崇她社等)

邀約 1 邀約單位負擔交通膳宿費 2 邀約單位捐款本協會作為建校基金(贊助費視演唱時間場次方式等相關內容而定) 三受邀注意事項 1 公益及贊助演唱場次兩者合計一年不超過八場為原則以維持團員正常作息及課程實施 2 邀請單位請於預定演出時間之前至少半年提出邀約以利作業安排 3 邀請單位請先以 email(akuanliaogmailcom)與台灣原聲教育協會聯繫

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2014 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日特輯


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一 活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二 邀請單位全日本合唱連盟(Japan Choral Association JCA)及東京國立博物館 三 受邀單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團 四 指導單位文化部外交部(駐日代表處)原民會教育部僑委會 五 主辦單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團東京公演實行委員會 六 協辦單位JCA 全日本合唱連盟東京男聲合唱團 Tokyo Liedertafel 1925 (TLT)台南

大家庭兒童青年合唱團及和聲兒童合唱學園 七 參訪日期2014 年 7 月 31 日(星期四)至 8 月 6 日(星期三) 八 航班長榮航空公司

《去》7 月 31 日 BR190 臺北松山 TSA 東京羽田 HND 1600 1955 《回》8 月 06 日 BR189 東京羽田 HND臺北松山 TSA 1050 1330

九 活動主題 台灣原聲童聲合唱團一行 46 人(團員 35 人師長 11 人)應「JCA 全日本合唱聯盟」

邀請於 7 月 31 日至 8 月 6 日前往日本東京參加 2014 年第 28 屆 JCA Kodomo Chorus Festival 活動以行銷台灣相關交流參訪活動包含 1 於東京新宿文化中心演出「玉山天籟」專場音樂會宣慰僑胞並為日本民眾祈福 2 與歷史悠久蜚聲國際之東京男聲合唱團(1925 成立)同台演出交流 3 於 JCA 國際兒童合唱節壓軸演出(為唯一受邀國外團體)以行銷台灣 4 參加指揮大師工作坊與來自日本各地 14 個兒童合唱團交流切磋 5 參加群馬縣政府「台灣展」演出 6 參加國立故宮博物院「神品至寶」於東京博物館開展演出 7 拜會老人養護中心並義演 8 拜會橫濱中華學校交流演出 9 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)

十 參訪人員46 人 學生35 人(女 29 人男 6 人9 歲 1 人10~12 歲 29 人13 歲 5 人) 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃 全襄柔李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 11 人(女 10 男 1) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全唯芯全家榆松昱蕎松鈺婷松詠婕 松憓婷伍約翰 第三聲部 12 人(女 7 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳方 政石伯華 伍邵恩松雅德釀恩塔給鹿敦 師長11 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長及指揮(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師)

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陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞臺總監(理事) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影志工 王月娥 女 原聲教育協會翻譯志工(台南和聲兒童合唱學園負責人) 曾碧卿 女 原聲教育協會錄影志工

十一住宿 731~83 85 東京大都會飯店 Hotel Metropolitan Edmont【5 晚】 東京都千代田區飯田橋三丁目 10 番 8 號 Tel 03-3237-1111 84 橫濱-玫瑰飯店【1 晚】 神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77 號 Tel 045-681-3311


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)





抵松山機場長榮櫃檯 check inrarrrarr1600航班 BR190rarrrarr1955東京羽田機場


晚餐 飛機餐(旅行社備有三明治飯糰茶水)



晚上 2100機場‐‐‐2145入住大都會飯店 2145~祈禱盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0930旅館‐‐‐1015王園 Kingrsquos Garden特別養護中心

(練馬區早宮 2‐10‐22 Tel 03‐5399‐2201)

1025‐1040 王園特別養護中心演出(演出後離場)

1050王園特別養護中心‐‐‐1120 鳥茶屋

中餐 1130‐1200 鳥茶屋餐廳(親子丼)


1200鳥茶屋‐‐‐旅館 1210

1215‐1400 午休 1400旅館‐‐‐1430新宿文化中心(新宿區新宿 6‐14‐1)

1500‐1700 台灣原聲童聲合唱團彩排 1600‐1700 TLT陸續到場

1730‐1800 東京男聲合唱團(TLT)彩排

晚餐 1730‐1800 飯糰+味噌湯(宜靜姊姊招待)(TLT自備)




1800‐1830 更衣 1830‐1900觀眾入場

1900‐2100 音樂會



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時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


1000旅館‐‐‐1025白金之森特別養護老人之家(港區白金台 5‐20‐5)

1115‐1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出

1130白金之森特別養護老人之家‐‐‐1140 TEREZZA 餐廳

中餐 1200‐1300 TEREZZA 餐廳(港區白金台五丁目)(美青姊姊招待)


1300 TEREZZA 餐廳‐‐‐1340洗足學園音樂大學

(神奈川縣川崎市高津區久本 2‐3‐1)

1340‐1400 於銀山廳報到註冊

1430‐1800 於銀山廳 1F參加Ms Fumiyo Tozaki戶崎文葉大師工作坊

1800洗足學園音樂大學‐‐‐1900 丸龜製麵店(宜靜姊姊招待)

晚餐 1900‐2000 丸龜製麵店(澀谷區代代木 3‐22‐7新宿文化クイントビル 1F)



晚上 2000丸龜製麵店‐‐‐2020旅館 2030~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0920旅館‐‐‐1000昭和女子大學(世田谷區 1minus7minus57)

1000‐1015 於人見記念講堂報到

1030音樂會開場與 14個日本兒童合唱團交流

1100‐1145 JCA合唱節開幕式(各團在座位上表演團呼 30秒)

1155‐1305 第 1段音樂會

中餐 1305‐1405 大學內食堂中華或日式便當(不炸不辣不冷食)午休


1415‐1525 第 2段音樂會(1525‐1545中場休息)

1545‐1705 第 3段音樂會(1625‐1645原聲壓軸演出演出前自介 30秒)

1705‐1720 全體大合唱 ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo 1735‐1745 大合照

1800昭和女大‐‐‐1815微熱山丘東京店(港區南青山 3‐10‐20)03‐3408‐7778

1815‐1900 欣賞微熱山丘建築 1900微熱山丘‐‐‐1920神樂坂春波餐廳

晚餐 1930‐2045 春波餐廳(高麗菜為主的煎餅お好み焼きの夕食)



晚上 2045春波餐廳hellip2100 旅館 2110~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0900旅館‐‐‐1100群馬縣政府(前橋市大手町 1‐1‐1)027‐223‐1111

中餐 1115群馬縣政府招待便當 1140‐1210更衣走位


1220‐1250 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

1310群馬縣政府‐‐‐1530東京博物館(台東區上野公園 13minus9)

1530‐1630 待機 1630‐1700東京博物館演出


1800東京博物館‐‐‐橫濱玫瑰飯店 1840(神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77)

晚餐 1900‐2050 自由行(發晚餐費分 6組6 小孩+2大人組)



晚上 2100~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

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音樂節 SCHEDULE Saturday 2 August at the SenzokuGakuen College of Music Meeting point amp time (on 2 August) 1430 at the lobby of the Silver Mountain Building Atelier (including rehearsal session for the Sing Together) 1500-1800 Break-up 1800 Sunday 3 August at the Showa Womenrsquos University Hitomi Memorial Hall Meeting point amp time (on 3 August) 1015 all singers to be seated in the hall Concert 1100 Opening 1125 Open Singing (warm ups and sing a song directed by Mr Johansson) 1200 Performances 1305 Lunch break 1415 Performances 1535 Meet at the lobby of the hall (our staff will attend your choir until breakup at 1757) 1543-1553 (10 min) dressing room (you can change cloth here)

時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 玫瑰飯店早餐


0900‐1010 橫濱自由行(拉麵博物館)

1015hellip1020 玫瑰飯店hellip橫濱中華學校(中區山下町 142)

1030‐1100 中華學校 1F保育院演出

中餐 1100‐1230 玫瑰飯店午餐


1230玫瑰飯店‐‐‐1320 Hello Kitty Land(東京都澀谷區神宮前 6‐1‐9)

1320‐1630 遊覽 Kitty Land原宿店

1630Kitty Land hellip1645 明治神宮


晚餐 1700‐1745 葵丸進餐廳高級天婦羅套餐




1800‐2000 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)



早餐 0645‐0730 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0745旅館‐‐‐0830羽田機場 0830‐0915長榮櫃檯 check in

搭乘 1030 長榮航班 BR189

中餐 飛機餐







晚餐 溫暖的家

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1600-1610 (10 min) room for last rehearsal 1615 Back stage 1625-1645 Your own performance on stage 1645 Stand by for Atelier performance 1655-1705 the Atelier performance (cond Ms FumiyoTozaki) 1705-1720 Sing Together ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo (your choir will be on stage) 1735 A time for taking photos at the lobby 1745-1755 dressing room for change cloth 1757 Break-up 十三演出曲目(視情況微調) 81(五) 1015-1030 東京都 王園特別養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 81(五) 1900-2100《玉山天籟》音樂會東京新宿文化中心 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 tankaunhanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 臺北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 8 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 中場休息 9 Muss i denn(德國民謡) 演唱TLT 編曲Friedlich Silcher 10 からたちの花(日語) 演唱TLT 曲山田耕筰 11 斎太郎節(日本民謡) 演唱TLT 指揮岩佐義彥 12 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 13 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 14 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 15 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 16 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 17 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 18 明天會更好(國語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 安可曲 19 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 20 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 76 - 82(六) 1115-1130 東京都 白金之森養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 82(六) 1500-1800 洗足學園音樂大學銀山廳戶崎文葉大師班練唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1625-1645 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂演出 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 4 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 83(日) 1655-1705 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂戶崎大師班合唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1705-1720 大合唱 Hymn to freedom(英語)

84(一) 1220-1250 群馬縣廳 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 84(一) 1630-1700 東京博物館

1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得

85(二) 0930-1000 橫濱中華學校

2 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得

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4 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 6 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 十四說明事項

1 行程承攬日本南瓜旅行社(パンプキントラベル) Tel 03‐5367‐2271

東京都新宿區四谷 2‐5‐3 負責人西村勝則 090‐1552‐4986

聯絡單位 李宜靜 台灣原聲童聲合唱團日本公演實行委員會會長 深澤直樹 深澤雅子 Tel +81-3-3350-1141 王月娥 日譯志工 台南大家庭兒童青年合唱團和聲兒童合唱學園 台南市東區 70159 東興路 52 號 2F Tel 06-2385-666 原聲小朋友造訪東京都神奈川縣琦玉縣

- 78 -

台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日紀實 日本公演實行委員會會長 李宜靜





的退休老師知道日本合唱連盟協會邀請『原聲』參加 8 月 2 日3 月日本兒童合唱


流我為了瞭解『原聲』從 YouTube 看到很多關於馬彼得校長的訪問報導馬校長


在海拔 1000 公尺的玉山腳下有這麼一位充滿愛心的小學校長他是位基督徒





















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Bukut 團長 當確定受邀參加東京國際兒童合唱節時我的壓力便開始加身出國演出對孩子們來說








這些訊息都是由台南和聲合唱團的 Vicky 姊姊所聯絡提供她甚至還安排了歷史悠久










為了讓孩子們回家時也能練習還請上山裝置視訊設備的原聲電腦志工 Richard 和 Hank幫忙將每首歌的音檔 po 上網讓學生設法下載練習當孩子們練到相當程度時再請姑姑










- 81 -









抵達日本即在 8 月 1 日於新宿文化中心舉辦了一場專場音樂會而在來到日本的第一夜我



禱告除了為日本 311 大地震受難家屬祈福更為高雄氣爆事件祈福阿蠻校長真誠關懷





因緣巧合8 月 4 日也受邀至東京國立博物館所舉辦的「台北國立故宮博物院神品至寶」













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731 晚上 8 時許抵達羽田機場李宜靜會長及文化部駐日長官接機


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山谷回音 UNITY--印地安原住民青年聯盟訪台代表團團員訪台心得

「UNITY‐印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」一行 8人接受台灣原聲教育協會邀請於 2014

年 3月 13 日來台參加玉山星空音樂會並環島參訪部落 10天於 3 月 22日圓滿返美

5月 9日在 Indian Country Today Media Network (美國最主要的原住民新聞雜誌)

httpenwikipediaorgwikiIndian_Country_Today_Media_Network 刊登了一篇執行長Mary

Kim Titla 寫的文章記述他們 3月來台的見聞文情並茂在文中Mary Kim Titla

提到布農族 ‐ 4次

提到原聲 ‐ 6次

提到原民會(包括副主委)‐ 2次

提到玉山星空音樂會(包括美青姊)‐ 2次

提到日月潭 ‐ 4次

提到東華大學 ‐ 2次

( httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity‐youth‐and‐indigenous‐tribes‐taiw

an‐exchange‐culture‐memories‐154749 )


UNITY Youth and Indigenous Tribes of Taiwan Exchange Culture Memories Mary Kim Titla 592014 The idea that indigenous tribes of Taiwan might benefit from the creation of youth councils led to an amazing overseas exchange between six Native American youth leaders and two chaperones during a 10-day journey in East Asia The six Native youth leaders representing tribes across the US are part of UNITYmdashUnited National Indian Tribal Youth Inc UNITY has a network of 140 youth councils in 35 states The UNITY delegation sponsored by Taiwanrsquos Vox Nativa visited the aboriginal homelands of seven of the 14 indigenous tribes including the Thao Bunun Rukai and Paiwan tribes in the lush and mountainous interior of Taiwan Flying 6500 miles to Taiwan requires a 14-hour plane ride from San Francisco The 14000 square mile island sits more than 100 miles off the southeast coast of mainland China with sub-tropical and tropical weather Taiwanrsquos history is intriguing Between 1626 and today the indigenous tribes experienced colonization with the Spanish Dutch Japanese and Chinese The tribes face challenges similar to those of US tribes with culture language and ancestral land preservation Tribal leaders are battling social ills such as rampant poverty alcoholism and high school drop out rates while striving to build their local economies Indigenous villages some rich with slate rock and nearby marble canyons rely heavily on tourism by performing tribal dances and selling tribal arts and crafts

- 88 - Aside from touring tribal villages by bus and trying indigenous foods like wild boar meat squid duck turnip cakes and rice cooked in bamboo UNITY youth shared their tribal songs friendship dances and their involvement in the National UNITY Council Two special exchanges happened during the pre-show of the annual Jade Mountain Starry Night Concert featuring Vox Nativarsquos youth choir which was attended by Chow Mei- ching the First Lady of Taiwan and with indigenous college students at National Dong Hwa University After Tyler Owens 19 shared an Akimel Orsquoodham friendship dance at the college the Taiwan students spontaneously engaged UNITY youth in one of their friendship dances ldquoTo see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating I enjoyed our time with the students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs and dances from homerdquo said Owens The UNITY delegation toured the country with a group of 15 Chinese American tourists including two indigenous college students who served as translators While visiting the Yanping village a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng through a translator explained how his small village moved from extreme poverty to thriving conditions through the establishment of a foundation to build a tourist village that includes a cultural theater restaurant coffee shop convenience store and weaving shop Interestingly the US based company 7-Eleven which can be found everywhere in Taiwan assisted by encouraging what amounted to millions of dollars in donations to the foundation Bunun which means ldquopeoplerdquo with 40000 to 50000 members is the fourth largest tribe in Taiwan They are known historically for being headhunters ldquoGetting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going through today with trying to keep their languages alive brought me back to some of the struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservationrdquo said Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai According to the Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park website there are two theories to explain the origin of the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan One advocates the indigenous people migrated from the southeast coast of China The other recognizes that Taiwan is the ancient origin of the Austronesian peoples which includes the ethnic groups of Malaysia Philippines and Polynesia Some tribes like the Bunun are patrilineal while others like Amis are matrilineal Unlike most non-indigenous Taiwanese who practice Buddhism more than 90 percent of the indigenous Taiwanese are Christian The dominant languages are three Chinese dialects however many indigenous adults and elders still speak their languages

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The UNITY organization began a relationship with the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in 2013 The choir made up of Bunun tribal youth performed at the National UNITY Conference in Los Angeles California It was the grouprsquos first US tour and first contact with Native Americans specifically Native American youth Vox Nativa then extended an invitation for UNITY youth to travel to Taiwan in mid-March for a cultural exchange and to discuss the concept of a youth council network Vox Nativa is a nonprofit organization dedicated ldquoto achieve social reform within the poverty stricken aboriginal populations and communities through cultivation of gifted aboriginal childrenrdquo and ldquoto preserve and promote aboriginal culture pride and identity through a childrenrsquos choir grouprdquo Vox Nativa runs a weekend magnet and music school in the XinYi Township known for its plum farms The villagersquos annual Starry Night Concert attracts 3000 people Before leaving Taiwan UNITY youth leaders met with Kao Yang-sheng Deputy Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to explain how UNITYrsquos youth council network operates Owens explained the annual elections of the National UNITY Council and how officers are selected from 10 US regions with two co-presidents leading the Executive Committee ldquoYou are excellent Indian youth representatives chosen by states so I see you as the hope of your people Your visit of UNITY and comments will help us improve ourselves hererdquo said Yang-sheng On itswebsite the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan claims to ldquofollow the concepts of upholding national interest with priority given to promoting quality of life among indigenous peoples when formulating policy directions and strategies to enhance the living standards of the pride among Indigenous tribes and to restore their confidence and statusrdquo Five of the six UNITY youth leaders who traveled to Taiwan serve as regional representatives of the National UNITY Council They include Alex Toledo 19 Jemez Pueblo (Southwest Region Representative) Tyler Owens 19 Akimel OrsquoodhamGila River Indian Community (Western Region Representative) Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson 19 Kickapoo (Southern Plains Representative) Aaron Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa (Midwest Region Representative) and Simon Montelongo 16 Eastern Cherokee (Southeast Region Representative) Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai and the current Miss Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation also traveled with the group Mary Kim Titla San Carlos Apache and UNITY Executive Director as well as Christine Porter Mohawk and Ft McDowell Youth Council advisor served as chaperones ldquoI will never forget the amazing indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language We are thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the samerdquo said Porter

- 90 - ldquoI learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Irsquom thankful for this experience I will cherish the memories foreverrdquo said Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa

UNITY and Vox Nativa are planning future exchanges

Read more at httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity-youth-and-indigenous-tribes-taiwan-exchange-culture-memories-154749 UNITY youth leaders and their chaperones pose in front of Taiwans National Concert Hall The National Theater and Concert Hall are two of the first major modern performing arts facilities to be established in Asia On this day a large ceramic panda exhibit was on display Pictured from left in the back are Mary Kim Titla Carrie Hood Tyler Owens Aaron Leaureaux Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson Christine Porter and Simon Montelongo Alex Toledo is in the front These young women are members of the Thao Tribe They posed for a picture in between their performances for tourists at Sun Moon Lake the tribersquos indigenous homeland (Mary Kim Titla)

UNITY in Taiwan Experience (UNITY團員參訪心得分享) Aaron Leaureaux Going to Taiwan was the trip of a lifetime The views were amazing as were the people Their culture was similar to ours and it was amazing to learn that Native Americans are viewed as role models for Taiwan Indigenous natives My favorite part of the trip was visiting the National Dong Hwa University and seeing them perform their traditional dances and songs Another highlight of the trip was meeting with Taiwan Deputy Minister Kao Yang-Sheng and members of the Taiwan Indigenous Council During our stay we experienced a minor earthquake while Tyler Owens Carrie Hood and I were debriefing about our day As a result of the earthquake the very next day we got stuck in a tunnelcave while on our bus as heavy equipment was used to remove loose rock hanging above the roadway My favorite memory is taking the boat tour of Sun Moon Lake and learning about the history of the Thao tribe I learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Thank you so much for this experience I will cherish the memories forever

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Tyler Owens Taiwan was a once in a lifetime trip and was so enlightening If I had the opportunity or the money to go back and do it all over again I would From getting to see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating The locals were so sweet and welcoming that it gave me a home like feel The vibrant colors on all the traditional clothing was exciting and the songs were so beautiful I enjoyed our time with the college students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs from home and got to traditionally dance Throughout the trip we got to try all kinds of food my favorite was the chocolate maugi even though it is not a food more like a dessert The Starry Nights Concert was astounding and we were recognized I felt famous for a moment and was so excited to finally get to take a group picture with the Vox Nativa students From the night market in Taipei to the food we ate on Sun Moon Lake there will never be a trip in my lifetime that could possibly top my ten beautiful days in Taiwan Thank you for this experience Carrie Hood The trip to Taiwan was awesome I wouldnt change anything about it Traveling around the island to visit 7 out of the 14 aboriginal tribes Bonding with all of the indigenous people was something so unforgettable Getting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going though today with trying to keep their languages alive Brought me back to some of struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservation With that being said the indigenous tribes we visited were amazing from the singing dancing and them just embracing us as one of them was such an amazing opportunity to have I can truly say that this was a trip of a lifetime and I would do it again any day 4) Christine Porter From March 12th ndash 22nd I accompanied our Fort McDowell Youth Council President 5 youth from tribes around the Nation and the Executive Director of UNITY on a trip to Taiwan to participate in a cultural exchange with the Indigenous tribes We visited 7 out of the 14 tribes We listened to them sing watched their dances and ate their traditional food We also visited various museums and historical sites I want to thank the Creator for keeping us all safe as we traveled to Taiwan I know the stress of planning a trip for a group of people and I have much respect and appreciation for Herdaw Che a volunteer with Vox Nativa and the others who helped him plan and prepare for this trip The youth and I felt important and special wherever we went whether to a village dinner or a performance Everyone we interacted with was kind and happy to see us

- 92 - When I saw the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in Los Angeles last year at the UNITY Conference I was in awe of their singing I instantly became excited when I saw that they would be performing a concert in Taiwan The highlight of the concert in Taiwan was when we were invited on stage to take a picture with them I already miss Taiwanese food Almost all the food was new to me and I promised myself I would try new things Irsquom so glad I did I ate duck turnip cakes and foods Irsquom uncertain of for the first time One of the highlights of the trip for me was when we visited the college After we heard the students sing Tyler Owens sang a couple songs as we all danced together But just as Tyler finished her song the students immediately took us into their dance and started singing Nothing was said we just danced I will carry that feeling with me forever Taiwan is one of the most beautiful places Irsquove ever been to The hotels were very fancy and I didnrsquot mind the hours on the bus because the view was mesmerizing On this trip I witnessed the love between human beings Each day we would visit an Indigenous village and every single time whether it was for 1 hour or 4 hours we created a bond with the people there We shared and interacted with love and kindness Everyone was sad when it was time for us to leave Our goodbyes were ldquoSee you laterrdquo ldquoCome back to visit us soonrdquo Whatrsquos your Facebook namerdquo We shook hands gave lots of hugs and then waved goodbye until we could no longer see them We spent 9 days on a bus with 15 other people also touring Taiwan In that time we shared snacks laughed took ldquoselfiesrdquo and sang karaoke together We formed friendships that will be cherished forever Last but not least I will cherish the friendships made between us and the interpreters They helped us understand what was going on and what was being said One interpretation was ldquoHe said we just had an earthquakerdquo Good thing it was small We joked together and had so many laughs They taught us and we taught them Irsquom thankful that they were able to spend the time with us and really make an effort to get to know us personally None of this would have happened if not for Vox Nativa and any other sponsors Thank you for this trip of a lifetime I will never forget the amazing Indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language Thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the same

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5) Mary Kim Titla --UNITY Executive Director I will never forget my trip to Taiwan The people of Taiwan were gracious hosts embracing us so wonderfully and throughout treating us like royalty The food was incredible Among many things we ate rice cooked inside bamboo eggs boiled in tea dried mini fish wild pig yellow watermelon wild Indigenous plants The UNITY youth most enjoyed themselves when they were able to engage with the Taiwan Indigenous youth When visiting the Thao tribal village the youth from two different continents played basketball together which is a universal sport and while there was a language barrier it did not prevent a most memorable exchange The UNITY youth brought gifts to share We did protocol gifting with a representative from the Thao Tribe among others Miss Ft McDowell Carrie Hood gave ground Acorn an Apache seasoning and a beautiful silver bolo tie Aaron Leaureaux gave a nice Beach towel with his tribal logo I was very proud of our young people The Starry Night Concert was certainly a highlight especially when we heard the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir Our UNITY group was called on stage to be recognized This was so exciting for everyone especially since the First Lady of Taiwan was present I was very honored to have received a gift from the Bunun village leader The Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park proved to be very educational which is equivalent to our National Museum of the American Indian Our group tried some archery and had fun on a big swing The Indigenous people also do great beadwork We all bought some nice items as souvenirs We were very honored to have met a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng The UNITY Youth presented him with a blanket and a shawl for his wife It was a first exchange he meeting American Indians for the first time and of course us meeting him We enjoyed listening to him talk about his tribe and their struggles to build their local economy Their Indigenous history is similar to ours It made my heart sad a little as he repeated the story of colonization But when I saw the young people the hope in their eyes made my heart happy again When we returned to Taipei we visited the second tallest building in the world 101 which has 101 floors It also has the worldrsquos fasted elevator getting us to the top in 30 seconds We also saw the Changing of the Guard at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall which was very impressive Irsquom so grateful to have started a relationship with Vox Nativa The UNITY organization extended an invitation for Indigenous youth of Taiwan to attend our National Conference in the US sometime in the future We look forward to that and possible future exchanges A big thanks to Herdaw Che for volunteering many hours to organize this trip and to Vox Nativa and other sponsors for giving Native American youth what may be a once-in-a lifetime experience

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山谷回音 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

Larry Liu Monday July 21 2014 This year I didnrsquot have a class to teach and instead worked in the office Although I was unable to learn specifically about on certain class my experience from my constant patrols allowed me to observe the activities of the camp as a whole As expected the youngest classes (2nd and 3rd grade) were the rowdiest and the hardest to control To help improve this the teachers of these classes could implement a randomized seating chart to separate the trouble-making kids and have one teacher up in front teaching and the other two helping out the teachers on the side As of now controlling the classes is definitely the biggest problem What I thought was nicely done was how the teachers would switch off to cover for each other when one of the teachers was out of the classroom Most importantly I believe that we can definitely be more proactive in solving our problems and helping our teammates Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the time seemed to pass by much faster since most of the team was almost over their jet lag However there were still several problems that our team encountered Most importantly our team still lacked control and authority over the students The 2nd grade class was extremely rowdy during homework time the 5th grade class was still asking inappropriate questions and the 3rd grade class still refused to listen to some of their teachers Each of these problems need to be addressed immediately and a strict unyielding way of dealing with instances of inappropriateness is the solution No is and must always be no If we fail to reprimand the students they will soon learn that they can keep on pushing the line and fail to see us as their teachers but rather their peers On the flip side English classes and bachata dance lessons were quite successful The kids were overall much more respectful to their teachers having warmed up to them My favorite part of the day was when I found a successful method to teach the kids bachata splitting them into 4 small groups and having them practice at separate times By applying this method to large group activities I can focus on each group and make sure that no one is left in the back and either not paying attention or struggling to seehear Overall I feel that our performance was equal to yesterdayrsquos performance but could definitely be better Wednesday July 23 2014 Since today was the middle of a typhoon many of the kids were sort of out of it during their lessons Nevertheless we did a much better job at controlling the kids WIth each class either adding new rules or enforcing them more strictly there were less kids wandering about and being rowdy Crafts today were a great success The kids were super focused and on-task constantly trying to improvedecorate their artwork Compared to the previous two days the kids were much more controlled and quiet I suspect this is so because the activities were more party oriented and

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hands-on as opposed to a purely education and lecture-style class However the afternoon meetings definitely still need work WIth so many people at the room at the same time itrsquos hard to not get distracted When one person starts to relax others will soon observe and follow suit I find that this is detrimental to the productivity of the group To solve this problem it would be better to clearly create committeesset a concrete goal with a deadline This would help keep all of us on track Thursday July 24 2014 Due to the change in schedule today class periods 3 and 4 were shorter The change in schedule threw off the pace of many classes causing us to forget when to startstop class I should have patrolled around and went to each class five minutes before in order to remind the teachers Today was our arts and crafts day for lanyards friendship bracelets and rainbow loom bracelets Just like yesterday the kids were extremely well behaved They really enjoy their arts and crafts The best part about them was when the kids wanted to keep on making more for their family members that didnrsquot attend Vox Nativa The fact that these students are not very fortunate yet still worrylook out for their family members first really inspired me They truly have compassionate hearts The most important part of the day was the activity leading period We were given all the time from nap-time to leaving school to take care of the students so we played games and danced In general the children liked dancing over games What we should have done is split the kids in smaller groups according to grade level so that the older kids wouldnrsquot be bored In addition we need to be more proactive and organized so that there are less awkward pauses during activities Otherwise the day ran pretty smoothly Monday July 28 2014 Today half of the team got up at 500am to pick grapes at Uli 老師rsquos house This proved to be quite exhausting because many had slept at 100200 and were sleep deprived throughout the day Because of this many of the teachers napped during classes in front of the kids I feel that it would be a much better idea for teachers to nap inside of our office instead of doing it inside of the classrooms This allows teachers to maintain a sense of professionalism and show the kids that we are not their peers but rather figures of authority that they should respect When the flubber project started today I immediately saw the problem with the younger classes WHen the teachers were going around one by one to give the kids materials other kids who hadnrsquot received materials began talking and playing with them before the teachers explained the project TO mitigate this one teacher should prepare materials for all the kids ahead of time before passing them out at the same time This takes out the awkward pauses during class time during which the class gets out of control Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was without a doubt the busiest day of the trip Right after breakfast the office crew immediately got to work preparing the banquetfood pick up area by sweeping and rearranging tables I was pleased with our productivity we had taken down the Halloween decorations the previous day so that we could immediately start preparing However when it came to the time

- 96 - where we were preparing food for the banquet we lost our previous productivity Because the kitchen had a limited number of knives and cutting boards only a few people worked continuously while others lingered around and just talked We made those we had already finished their job of washing vegetables start practicing the song that we would perform for the show tonight The strategy of splitting up a large group into smaller groups and keeping everyone busy by assigning new jobs is one that keeps the group on track Like always the ending performance was bittersweet What struck me the hardest was the fact that my kids still remembered me from last year even though I hadnrsquot talked to them much during the entire trip Knowing that I was an important figure in the kidsrsquo lives filled me with a sense of accomplishment and provided me with a sense of closure for I knew I had succeeded as a teacher when I touched the hearts of my students last year Wednesday July 30 2014 The best way to describe today would be a day of early farewells Due to their Tokyo performance a bit less than half of the students left today THeir early departure left the school with a sense of emptiness as many of the older kids were gone Seeing my kids from previous years leave also left me with a sense of emptiness as well When it came to the time for group activities it eventually devolved into just movie-watching for the kids I still feel like we should have spent this time more wisely such as teaching more crafts and socializing with the kids in order to learn about their personal circumstances Watching movies should be done only as a last resort Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of the volunteer portion of the trip the official day of farewells Instead of teaching English for the entire day most of the teachers ended up throwing some type of farewell party for the kids I thought that this was appropriate seeing how many of the classes had already taken their final exam the previous day and most of the kids were already in a end-of-school type of mood Again we showed a movie which I think was acceptable but obviously had better alternatives When it came to the time to say our goodbyes many of the kids from the lower grades came to give me a hug I felt appreciative because even though I wasnrsquot their teacher I constantly went into their classrooms to help their teachers control the class to the point where they recognized me as one of their ldquounofficial teacherrdquo Having that sense of belonging despite not teaching a class really was the highlight of my service

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and mostly paid attention Unfortunately the problem with these students are that they donrsquot have enough confidence in my opinion When we asked them to read aloud their mad libs all of the students basically whispered it even when we told them to talk louder I think theyrsquore afraid of pronouncing words wrong Also they donrsquot ask questions even when they need help Instead they just sat there and talked to their friends Hopefully in the next few days the kids can open up to us and not be afraid to ask questions and mispronounce words In addition the lesson plan we had made the day before was not followed as the time we had estimated for the activities were so long In the end we ended up playing games with the vocabulary we taught them For upcoming classes I hope to better plan our activities so we donrsquot have to improv Tuesday July 22 2014 After today I noticed how responsible these kids are Because seventh grade is in the choir room we donrsquot have our own mops Even though breakfast time had already started the students who were in charge of mopping the floor stayed back and finished mopping the floor before they went down to breakfast Although this may be a daily routine for them I still think it is amazing how disciplined and responsible these kids are They donrsquot have any mindset to first eat breakfast and then come back later to mop the floor After letting the students pick their seats yesterday they ended up talking to their friends and therefore did not pay too much attention during class However today after creating a seating chart and interacting with them for a day I realized they help each other a lot talk less and participate more Also they started to speak louder after getting to know us In order to create the environment for them to be speaking English without hesitation we have to let them know that wersquore here to help them improve their English and help them not to laugh at them Because today was the first day of Bachata I didnrsquot know what the expect However I was amazed at how fast they remembered the moves Although they were a bit noisy at first after blowing the whistle and separating the entire group into fours they paid more attention By splitting into groups of four the children danced group by group and it was easier to control them and ensure they are doing the right moves Wednesday July 23 2014 Although the students paid attention during class and did their assigned classwork I still think not all of them were putting 100 into learning We asked them about the typhoon before class started and it seemed as if they were all really worried including their parents Some wanted to go home but couldnt due to the Japan trip and others said they were going to miss us They were getting distracted during their classwork and started talking during read aloud or with someone else was talking by the lightning and the thunder Today I realized how they normally dont have much of a choice when doing something because of the typhoon there was a power outage therefore the quizzes the students were supposed to take couldnt be printed leaving a hole in our schedule We told her class to write a dialogue with the partner on any subject as long as each person said at least five lines each line including one vocab word Before they started they kept confirming with us that the dialogue could be on any topic

- 98 - The concert after dinner was funny and cute Even though the performance with the tunes might have been boring as they started learning just three days ago they made it funny and entertaining to watch I learned that even though you might not be too advanced at playing instruments when giving a performance try your best if it is boring think of something to do to make it entertaining The Halloween party afterwards was pretty exciting as the lightning from the typhoon added to the spookiness Spending the effort of decorating the office and the classrooms was really worth it I think the kids got a feeling of Halloween but they still need to experience the fun of walking around neighborhoods with their friends on Halloween night trick-or-treating Thursday July 24 2014 For some reason every time our class plays games and we tell them to split into teams and create names they come up with the strangest names The team names are all related to one another One team comes up with a name and the other teams find another name related to it For example on the second day two teams name themselves team Jesus and team Lord The last team decided to name them selves team God Yesterday one team name themselves team team so the other two teams name themselves team team number two and team team number three Finally today when we split them into two groups one decided on the name fish power so that the other team decided to name themselves dust power Although Im not really sure how these kids come up with these names Im amazed at their creativity When we did rainbow loom in the second session I thought a lot of the students knew how to do it however I was surprised that they didnt know how to use the loom itself instead the kids used another tool to make their bracelets Since my class is in seventh grade most of my kids left for their tripAfter a week of teaching them I feel like our kids are having more fun during class and opening up to us more however I still think they are afraid to ask those questions answer incorrectly or get laughed at by their friends Monday July 28 2014 Picking grapes at a great plantation was a great experience except for the bugs and tall grass I always love eating Taiwan fruit because it tastes sweeter than the ones in America and there are more kinds Today in class three new students came bringing the total to 12 students Unfortunately we planned a unit 5 to 7 test After the kids finished it and we graded it we realized that the two worst test scores were Ryan and Jacob once again from last week We talked with them and asked why they didnt study Apparently they work on the farm during the weekend and didnt have time to study Therefore we retaught the units and they retook the test Im amazed how hard-working they are even when theyre not at school Unlike students in the US the students in Taiwan work on farms on the weekends Students in the US sleep in on weekends and just hang around the house or with friends Although we decided to combine classes for the talent show when we all gathered we had absolutely no idea what to do Originally my kids didnt want to perform with the sixth graders because six and seventh grade always combine but it was too late We ended up dancing to Best Day of My Life I was pretty surprised how fast they learn the moves just like Bachata I try to get them to send certain parts of the song and exaggerate their moves except it didnt really work

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Hopefully by tomorrow night they can dance more freely Tuesday July 29 2014 Im still surprised at team names the kids come up with today they came up with susu power and gin gin power Every time Crystal and I asked him how they came up with their names they just make a sound and move on After trying a flash card game where there are two teams and each team has a person guessing While the rest of the team describes the card last week we found it pretty effective therefore we decided to play it again today Thinking back on it this game is helpful as you have to know what the word is and what it meansThis relates to what my chemistry teacher said all year you dont really understand something until you can teach someone else and apply it For example if one person on the team did not know what the word meant but everyone else knew and was explaining it to the gas soon then the person who didnt know before would learn it Tonight after the concert to be honest I thought I wouldnt cry Even though I taught my class for only two weeks I didnt bond with my students thats much as I have the oldest class and there are disciplined so I dont have to yell at them or talk to them as muchHowever by the end watching people cry listening to sad music and the kids hugs are you eventually cried For one performance sixth and seventh grade performed best day of my life Since they only danced it for one and a half hours before the performance I was proud of them for dancing and singing on stage Wednesday July 30 2014 Since there was a unit eight test today and a concert the night before we gave the students time to study and review After correcting the tests we realized the worst two scores were once again Ryan and Jacob This happened on Monday to therefore I retaught them the unit with the hope that they would learn it properly this time Since the choir kids had to leave at 11 AM we planned to let the rest of the kids play basketball I threatened the two kids that if they didnt really learn the unit properly they couldnt go out to play When reteaching them I think they know the content they just dont spend the time to study and memorize it The kids dont seem to like studying as much because they have to work on the farms over the weekend and they wont use English that often It was really interesting that the kids in our class we watched our performance from last night and played demons and best day of our life during break time on their phones I dont know whether they already know the songs before hand but I thought it was pretty cute They also started to sing-along and hum the tune Thursday July 31 2014 Because my class is done with the textbook and Justines class only had one student left we decided to combine classes and make rainbow loom bracelets together Although we tried teaching this during class we only got through the simplest design therefore this time we gave them examples and asked them which one they wanted to learnSome kids were amazing at making bracelets while others struggled a little bit Some students made bracelets for a family member while others made bracelets for themselves or their group of friends After a wild we took them out to play basketball

- 100 - however they couldnt find a ball so they went to climb the tree in the back parking lot Unfortunately that tree is a historical tree and they werent supposed to climb it Before I knew it it was time for the kids to go The goodbyes were short and soon the kids left These past two weeks were a really fun and nice experience Comparing last year with this year is really difficult because they are two separate sets of experiences Although its the same concept of teaching English the approach methods and memories are different I am really glad I got to spend two weeks at Vox Nativa helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Rebecca Zheng Monday July 21 2014 Today I was pretty anxious and worried while I was waiting for the students to come in the class I was afraid that they would not listen to me and that we would not be able to teach them properly First the students were very shy and curious about us When we started class I tried my best to project my voice and lead the class We utilized a variety of techniques to teach the students including repeat after me call and answer and fill in the blank I was surprised that the kids proficiency in English was relatively low and we ended up having to use Chinese for most of the class Although most of the kids were not extremely disciplined they were responsible for their age and completed all of their jobs I feel like we had a pretty good first day especially since it was both Kevins and my first time teaching English Tuesday July 22 2014 We used similar techniques to teach class today I felt like the students were getting bored of some of the activities we used and that the students who didnt participate as much were not learning I hope thats we will be able to get these certain students to participate more During lunch it took a long time for the kids to get their meals and to bring the food I need to figure out if this is the normal amount of time needed for the kids to complete their tasks The kids also had a hard time falling asleep Dinner time today was also very chaotic because it seemed like the kids duties werent defined I thought it was impressive that the kids all knew how to ration their portions so everyone had the same amount Homework time was also very hectic The kids did their Hobart but they just went to the back and were playing and goofing off Wednesday July 23 2014 Today there was no power or water for the first half of the day I was worried because I knew it would be harder to teach with no lights We were able to get through our lesson plan but the kids were much sleepier today They were also more board and made the classroom messier because they cannot fool around outside For the Halloween night all of the kids were very excited They probably only got 2 to 5 pieces of candy each but they were very happy We had a problem with cleaning up afterwards because the kids spilled a lots of Jell-O and candy wrappers everywhere It took a while but in the end the class was somewhat orderly again As a whole I think we need to figure out a better way to get the kids to do their jobsSuch as bringing the meals putting away the

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dishes and cleaning the classroom Some kids are not as responsible as others Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had to supervise the kids until 430 PM I figured out that sending a kid to get food with their friends or bribing them by helping them with their projects worked well The kids were very excited to make lanyards today and we were surprising me patient They did not get frustrated when they did not understand how to make the lead beard and all of them eventually learned how to make one We also had to supervise the kids after nap timeWe went to the auditorium and we danced and played a few games The kids seemed a little bored when they were dancing but they liked the games and most of the kids participated At the end of the day the students with hope They looked happy and sad at the same time and I feel like I learned a lot Monday July 28 2014 This morning I had a hard time waking up Some people went to pick grapes and Im glad I didnt get up that early to do so because I was very tired We made flubber today It was a very simple process for the kids but in retrospect I dont think it was a good idea because the kids always play with them during class which is a huge distraction and also created a huge mess English class was okay We worked out a routine where we spend half of the time reviewing and half of the time learning new material We gave out a worksheet and the kids struggles At this day I know everyones name most of the Chinese names and how good their English is I also know who the smart kids are so I will only call on them only when nobody else knows the answer Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we did not have an activity planned for class so we did English class for four periods We gave out a pretty simple test but most of the students were unable to do most of the questions Because of this we had to do review for most of the class offering stickers as incentives I think this review was very beneficial and the students learned a lot I realized how important the review was to the kids because they take a long time to absorb new information We also spent a lot of time preparing for the banquet I decorated the office which didnt take too long I think the kids enjoyed the food but there was no interest among them with the clam chowder We should have served him the chowder with their food The kids really liked the spam musubi and the chocolate fondue Next year I think we should include more protein in the menu Wednesday July 30 2014 This morning I really could not get up But I eventually did We made gingerbread houses today and I think the kids really enjoyed it It wasnt too messy and we had a lots of candy left over We used the candy as incentives during class time We only had one period of English and we used it as a wrap up lesson Many kids are not going to be here tomorrow I found that using the whistle was effective in getting the kids attention I usually blow the whistle to get the kids to light up After class at that time we watched a movie but the kids did not understand what the movie was about because it was all in English After the movie we played with the kids had dinner supervise the

- 102 - kids and cleaned the bathroom Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day I was not sad or sentimental at first because all of my favorite students had left the day before We watched movies for the entire time and we had our last meal together I was happy because the kids prayed for us and thanked us for teaching them Then we assigned the kids their jobs and we yelled at them to do their jobs Most of them were pretty responsible but some of the kids who were asked to do extra because they had simple jobs were very lazy After to clean up we said bye to the students and watch them board the bus The funny thing is that I was more sad about leaving the other classes then my own I cared about my own kids but it is hard for me to make a close bond with young children The sixth and seventh graders felt closer to me than my fourth-graders We rode the bus and the train to Taipei and I wished those kids the best of luck for their future because they are talented helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Andrea Lam Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first team meeting or class of second graders They were all super friendly and kept wanting us to play with them But because of how playful you were it was kind of hard to control them 30 class Something interesting we learned today was that even though all of the kids were in the same grade they had varying skill levels in English A few of the kids were amazing at English while other new on the how to write the uppercase or lowercase letters Because of the difference in skill level it was hard for us to teach because some of the kids who already knew everything would get restless and bored I think something we need to improve on is getting the kids to listen to us and pay attention during class and not fool around as much Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the students were a bit more behaved they listen to us a lot more and actually paid attention in class The Halloween crafts we made today in preparation for our Halloween party tomorrow were extremely interesting for the kids One of the Halloween crafts we had to make was a paper pumpkin The kids were so excited when they found out it would be baking a pumpkin and some kids came up to me to ask about the history of pumpkins in Halloween I was very surprised when the kids came up to me to ask me to help them perfect their pumpkins They hated seeing its lopsided or seeing it have holes in between the paper strips In the end the kids were happy after finishing your paper pumpkin and many of them kept telling me they cannot wait to bring it home to show their parents Wednesday July 23 2014 Even though today was not the first day of class our kids were still very miss behaved at times and required us yelling at them several times before they would quiet down Because of this Megan Marcus and I decided to use a new system to control the kids Our new system was that for each

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Time a kid disobeyed one of our rules they would get their name written on the board and fall Louit offenses would result in checks next to their name If a kid had two checks next to their name then they would be sent to the principals office Surprisingly this new method worked extremely well Once one student got two checks and was sent to the office the other students knew we were serious and quieted down oboist immediately After that the kids were being well behaved for the majority of the class Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had a craft to teach our kids during class We taught the kids how to make bracelets out of seven pieces of string using cardboard circles At first the kids had a hard time grasping how to make the bracelets but eventually the kids got very into it and begin to be able to make them on their own without our help After finishing the first bracelet many of the kids asked for more string to make bracelets for their siblings or parents Overall I think teaching the kids how to make bracelets was a good idea because it was simple enough to keep them quiet for the majority of the time Monday July 28 2014 Today during third and fourth period we taught our class how to make flubber When we first told the kids we would be baking flubber and explain to them what it was they were excited and could not sit still To get all of the students to quiet down we told them that they would not get any of the materials unless they were quiet and sitting down at their desks Eventually they were quiet enough for us to begin the project The kids had so much fun making the flubber After the flubber was done the students started throwing it around like a bouncy ball which made a best in the classroom It was still a very fun experience for the students Tuesday July 29 2014 Tonight was the farewell show that all the kids and all the Connexpedition team performed at The show as funny entertaining and full of memories When our slideshow came on and when some of our members said their speeches Justine Jenny Crystal and I started crying It was so emotional hearing everyone describe their experiences with each of their classes It made me reflect on my own experiences with my 2nd grade class When my kids came up to hug me when I was crying it was incredibly touching and only made me cry harder All the kids were incredibly sweet telling us not to cry and to save our tears for more important times This farewell show was the moment that made me realize how much all of our hardships were worth in the end Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we made graham cracker houses in class It was so extremely messy and many of the kids somehow managed to get the frosting all over their clothes desks and the floors However it was fun to see the kids being creative in decorating their graham cracker houses For the project we divided our class into groups of 2 which forced the two kids to cooperate and work together in order to successfully builddecorate their graham cracker house One pair worked extremely well together

- 104 - They had a whole system of who would ice the graham cracker while the other held the house together It was so satisfying to see the students be able to work together properly and build a beautiful graham cracker house Thursday July 31 2014 Our last day with the kids at Luo Na was incredibly sad I teared up and started crying once I saw my students get on the bus ready to leave us and head home When the buses started to pull away all of the kids opened the windows to wave goodbye Afterwards as I was walking back to the classroom to do a final cleanup I was struck by how empty and quiet the school seemed without the kids Looking into my classroom and seeing how orderly and lifeless it seemed only made me tear up again After getting to know such amazing kids after two weeks the thought of not being able to ever see them again is disheartening I want to be able to see the kids I taught succeed in life and grow up to become adults Hopefully some day in the future I will be able to meet my kids again and see just how much they will have grown helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Shane Li Monday July 21 2014 Today was the first day of our actual service This year I was in a class teaching instead of not teaching I am in charge of the third grade class They are basically the students from Andrearsquos class last year It really isnrsquot that bad but I almost lost my voice today I managed to get my voice back by not talking for four hours There is also a typhoon coming in and I am actually not sure if I want it to come or not I sort of donrsquot like who I am teaching with but I also donrsquot want to leave the kids I guess this just means that I need to suck it up if I have to teach with Roy There were also things I learned about lesson planning I under-planned a lot and I realized that we should always overplan so we will never run out of material Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day of teaching It was a rather better day today but also a tougher day English first period went pretty well I learned new ways of getting the kids to participate I developed a new strategy on what to do to get the most participation from the kids I feel like my lesson planning could have been better though The class sort of fell apart during second period I think partly because I ran out of steam but in the end the class did go better than yesterday I started to get sick today and I had some diarrhea I am really feeling what it is like to have to work a twelve hour day while sick and having a lack of sleep I guess I really did not understand how stressful it was to do this until this trip because culture camp back at US is not anywhere near what I do here Also last year I did not teach a class I need to improve on controlling my kids more and better lesson planning and not bore the students I have a lot to learn before I get anywhere close to a perfect day Wednesday July 23 2014

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Today was the first day I let Roy teach a whole class by himself At first he really took control of the class and actually taught However as the class went on it became obvious he was starting to make things up (on the spot lesson planning) Ping also told me that I should be less mean when speaking to the kids and not yell at them all the time I will try to be softer with all of the students tomorrow and see how that goes Making the faces and costume for the kids were really fun They all extremely enjoyed it I realized today that some of these kids can be very creative Maybe and probably even more than me I find it really saddening that the kids arenrsquot as fortunate as me when it comes to ability to expand their abilities It really touched me today to realize that Vox NAtiva has basically changed these children Sometimes I really wonder where these kids will be without Vox Nativa Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of the week English class was really smooth and nothing really went wrong I gave them a test and half the class did not do so well so Irsquom not really sure if it is my problem or if the kids did not study The other half of the class did really well though The kids really liked dancing to the music THey only like fast-paced music though which I can understand I am going to try to get along with Roy more next week since I feel like it is affecting our class Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of the second week The kids all came into the class extremely tired for some reason It was a good thing since they were all very quiet Today I made Roy teach both classes of English He somewhat struggled because he is not able to make decisions by himself He would constantly look at me and ask me what to do next I feel like having a good voice makes kids listen to you more I always try to have a solid voice and Irsquove realized if you did not have one the students will be less likely to listen to you Instead they will just laugh at your voice and make fun of it We made flubber today as our science project I used a new system in teaching them how to make it I would do it once in front of the whole class then have them come up one by one and get the ingredients This method worked really well and I was able to keep the class clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a pretty tiring day because of the banquet and lack of sleep the day before Today I taught English class and I realized that I love my voice I canrsquot raise my voice anymore because when I do it just sound extremely blank I realized it was easier to speak normally to the kids than shouting I made Roy actually start yelling in class today Honestly it did not work out so well since the kids just laughed at his voice Today was also the goodbye banquet The students had really cute performances especially my own class Those kids were always gone and now I know why - because they were practicing for the performance It really touched me because they prepared for it In the very end after the video we all went up to give speeches and a few of my students started crying I started to tear up as well even though I usually donrsquot cry at all Wednesday July 30 2014

- 106 - In the morning the kids were all really tired today probably because the banquet went really late last night Today Roy kept falling asleep in class This really ticked me off I had to constantly wake him up and every time he goes back to sleep During second period I gave Roy my lesson plan and made him teach It didnrsquot go so well though He was not able to control the class so I had to constantly raise my voice and get them to listen to Roy Next period we made graham cracker houses I thought it was really messy but the kids actually took care of the room I am pretty sure they got into a sugar high after because they ate so much candy Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of our service In the morning all of the lower classes came to our room and we all just watched a movie together I feel the kids donrsquot have the luxury of watching movies because most of them had never seen The Incredibles or Cars After movies the kids ate lunch and went home After thinking about it I have learned a lot of new things on this trip different from last year I learned that you donrsquot always get to work with who you want to work with because life does not work that way Also sometimes i realized I just need to suck it up and do things I donrsquot necessarily like I also found that you have to establish a line with the kids If I am always nice to them they wonrsquot listen to me If I am always mean to them they will not respect me There is a way to balance these two and I feel like I did that fairly well this year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kevin Lian Monday July 21 2014 Going into today I was really excited because it is always exciting meeting new students When they started entering though I did not start interacting with them right away I eventually did start approaching the kids to start talking to them When we started teaching the class was pretty rowdy We ignored them and raised our voices which was not very effective It was not until we started deducting points from their score that they started to listen to us We should have enforced the policy from the beginning From then on we started to threaten them with deducting points to keep them quiet We were not able to learn the kidsrsquo Chinese names because they were harder to read Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll find a way whether it be memorizing pinyin or the characters ANother thing we could improve for tomorrow is preparing a longer lesson plan We planned to spend a lot of time on the introduction part but it went by really quickly Our English lesson included multiple pauses when my partner and I discussed what to do next Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I got a better grasp on the studentsrsquo names I forced myself to remember them by picking on all the kids to participate This way they get practice in English and I was able to learn their names During the arts and crafts portion of the class period I realized that the kids were really needy However that is to be expected because they are young Next time I am going to make the class wait for every student to finish before teaching the next step We tried giving the kids less points during the lesson today but they kept on complaining Also it is hard to keep the point system fair

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because not every kid participates equally While part of the reason may stem from their English level a bigger reason is that theyrsquore too shy to break away from their comfort zone My kid David is usually outgoing during the break times but during class he never participates Looking back Irsquove realized that my class responds well when we yell at them However a kid cried together when we yelled It might have been because we singled her and another kid out when they had books out Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll gain more respect from the kids Wednesday July 23 2014 I really liked how we handled class today The class was really responsive because we included two activities in which the kids were able to get out of their seats instead of just listening to the lecture The class was a bit restless because of the lack of electricity but they still listened to us after a while THe kids complained about us teaching too quickly so I think wersquoll go back to review more in the future Irsquove also bonded really well with the kids now because they talk to me during breaks During breaks the kids tell stories They are stories either about their lives or ghosts so I decided to share my own past with them and how we live life in America I still raise my voice at them when they donrsquot listen but I donrsquot threaten with taking them to the office anymore The Halloween preparation was fun The kids were excited to learn about our tradition probably because they would get candy The classes are passing by quickly unlike the previous classes and more students are participating Thursday July 24 2014 Last day for the first week I really think Irsquove grown as a teacher throughout the week In the beginning I was afraid to use my authority However now Irsquove realized that I need to use that just to get them to listen to me It also helps now that I know their names in English I know the troublemakersrsquo names in Chinese just to make sure they will listen to us The art project was really difficult to start The kids were impatient and we were slow to help them individually Thank goodness Brian Amy and Larry came to help us Next time we should start the lanyards for them before class Overall though I feel like we are consistently improving compared to before Also it is easier to lead the class now that wersquove been here for a week I am looking forward to next week with the students Monday July 28 2014 Seeing the kids again after the weekend was refreshing because the weekend seemed pretty lackluster without them I feel like I yelled at my students a lot more today THe flubber project was hard to manage because we could only help one group of kids at a time Therefore the other kids would talk a lot while waiting Also since we had to get our own water the person in the classroom had to help the class while controlling the sound level at the same time I got really mad at my class after dinner because the students kept switching groups for the talent show THey would prepare with one group then one person would leave and start another This took away from the time they had to prepare Also there was another group of kids who did not want to participate I had to feel them ideas and even then they would not make up their minds I had a personal talk with a student

- 108 - who lost her parents Looking at her I would not have realized that she had such a difficult childhood One quote will stay with me for a while ldquoIf you miss someone just imagine that theyrsquore here with you Then you wonrsquot feel lonelyrdquo Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a difficult day for me I felt unrested so I was impatient with the students I specifically sat next to James and made sure he paid attention in class He often fell asleep and would not participate in discussions I talked to him privately during the break and he was pretty quiet for the rest of the class I think he had trouble paying attention in class because his English is not as good as the other students He also had very little motivation to work hard Getting food during dinner and banquet was difficult because the kids were restless and hungry but they seemed to really enjoy eating the food I thought that the show at night was pretty emotional The kid I yelled at today still came up to me and hugged me I told him ldquoGood luck in the futurerdquo and he smiled at me I really hope that I have changed how he viewed education at school Wednesday July 30 2014 The class president and vice president was not here today These two students were extremely helpful because they would help control the class and distribute work for the rest of the kids Without them the class was unwilling to bring updown the dishes and the meals Also since most of our better behaving students left today there was no balance in the classroom This shows the two extremes in the class I guess I should have noticed earlier but I didnt really mind because the class was still productive If I am in charge of a class in the future I would be a lot stricter in the beginning of the teaching period The most meaningful part of today was when the kids handed us thank you notes I really appreciated how they were thankful for what we had done for them That was a motivating experience because it directly showed how we were able to influence the kidsrsquo lives and futures Thursday July 31 2014 The last day with the kids It was pretty emotional because I really got to know one of the students really well David was one of the kids whose parents helped us out over the weekend His family offered us the pig to each Well after we went to his home he started talking to me a lot more On the last day he really helped out with cleaning the classroom I gave him one of the three rainbow looms He was the only kid sitting quietly and raising his hand The other students rushed and shouted I guess his behavior really showed me how he developed through the class because he used to be one of the kids who wouldnrsquot listen at all This last moment with him really boosted my confidence as a teacher helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kye Swen Monday July 21 2014 Today went surprisingly well considering the first day is usually the hardest Meeting the children

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was a serendipitous experience in the sense that the children were surprisingly and unexpectedly docile English lessons were carried out in a rather organized succession of activities with alternating teacher taking charge of every other activity This cooperative system proved useful and semi-harmonious The children are not exactly the most loquacious kids but they were well-behaved and obedient I learned that life is not the same everywhere and that not all children are born equal Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos class went fairly smoothly Games such as hangman and charades were played to joyous children Although the children were rowdier today than yesterday they still seemed rather attentive and open to teaching All the children were relatively happy but three students were more participative than the rest Perhaps our most important goal is to get more people to participate in class discourse and answer questions The English lessons seem to be getting shorter and shorter as todayrsquos lesson time was subtracted due to Bachata lessons and tomorrowrsquos English lesson time will be cut short by Halloween craft-making I hope to properly cover all the planned material in the limited time allotted for English lessons Wednesday July 23 2014 Throughout all of today the clear highlight of the day had to be the Halloween party After the party the only event that stood out in my mind was Halloween Looking back my memories of the day are a kaleidoscopic array of strobe lights and dismembered mannequins In regards to the teaching of our English class we are beginning to find that our students are showing less and less vigor and vitality in our classes Their participation seems to be lacking and the course of our ENglish lessons do indeed seem to be lacking in luster I think that ramping up and overhauling our point-prize system will increase participation and morale in our classes Thursday July 24 2014 Today went extraordinarily well Almost all of our kids participated a reasonable deal and we have taught a significant portion of English in the first 40-minute half of our first English session After dumping out our prize collection on the front desk to show them to possible rewards for racking up enough point for their respective teams the rate of participation went up The second half of our English session was dedicated to giving out tests to our students A twenty minute test was administered and though our expectations were high the results were massively disappointing The test results were atrocious and with each test I graded the grades seemed to drop lower in some horrible vertiginous descent I hope to talk to the kids that did the worst and find out why their results were so disappointing Monday July 28 2014 I have come to a realization that two periods of English class are the most I will ever get to teach English in a day This epiphany struck me like a lightning bolt in the middle of a typhoon while I was halfway done teaching Unit 5 in my English textbook In an activity-packed day there seems to be less and less time to teach what is vital and more and more time amusing the kids with dance

- 110 - shows and impressing the staff with events While these activities and performances are indeed important I would say that English should remain the top priority If we as a team had the option to place equal amounts of attention to lesson time allotment as we do event planning the breadth and quality of our teaching would rise in scope as well Tuesday July 29 2014 I remember the most of the talent show when I think back to my memories of today English class went by as usual and as the day drew to its inexorable conclusion I began to think more and more about the talent show It was called something along the lines of ldquonight farewell performancerdquo but it was in essence an amalgamation of hastily put-together acts reminiscent of a talent show As the lackluster Master of Ceremonies for that evening my appalling on-stage rambling was accompanied by a lineage of performances some decent and some visual atrocities My sixth and seventh grade classes for example danced to ldquoBest Day of My Liferdquo and had to be led by Justine The actual performance dance though relatively easy to dance to still managed to be exceedingly ugly Wednesday July 30 2014 The sun beat down upon our brows as we stood near the steps watching our students slowly file away into their respective cars and buses Yet as sunny as the day was a perpetual cloud of gloom hung over the heads of my co-teachers Justine and Jenny Red eyed and morose they sobbed as they hugged the children they had yelled at and laughed with for almost two weeks Some of the children cried with them mingling the sadness of parting ways with the warmness of remembrance It was strangely beautiful to see a group of people so utterly different in so many different ways unite as one in heart and temper Yet I felt no sense of sadness as I watched the people I taught leave us It was the same with yesterdayrsquos farewell concert It was as though I could not register the emotions I was supposed to and expected to feel I donrsquot exactly know why I wasnrsquot sad when they left and looking back I can honestly and forthrightly say that I did bond with many students in my class Nearly everyone else called me callous and cold which I suppose was fair for them to say I certainly donrsquot consider myself to be either of those things but based on my apathy who can blame them for thinking I am There I am bidding farewell to James and Anna and Ivy Tears flow yet my eyes remain dry Melancholy is suspended in the air like some invisible gas yet I cannot seem to breathe it in or absorb any of it I know I will miss all of them but I accept the fact that the people we see will become only memories and fade away as we meander onwards and forwards through time Our dearest friends our closest family our favorite teachers and our cherished studentsndashwe will gradually lose contact with them and they will inexorably diminish into a mere idea in the deep recesses of our hearts and minds The people we treasure will fade away into mere memories like ripples dissolving in a pond I fully and unflinchingly accept this perpetual truth and perhaps that is why I never felt the hot pangs of sadness as my children left We cry we wave goodbye and we remember That is all any of us can ever hope do

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the very last day we got to see the students still at the school Brian and Ping Ah Yi told us to take the kids and clean up any trash remaining on the school grounds Crystal and I lead a group of rowdy teenage boys to clean up the front of the school As our motley cleaning crew progressed they talked of subjects that most interested them girls sports and themselves We cut them some slack and allowed them to talk about a broad range of subjects and thus conversations of somewhat phallic and ribald natures ensued I realized then that despite their circumstances they were exactly like me when I was their age Like all of them I was once a hormonal and immature teenage boy No matter how different we may seem we are more similar than any of us will ever realize As we shouldered our bags and stepped onto the bus to leave I took one last look at Balan and the school and I suddenly felt a brief but strong sense of nostalgia It quickly passed however and my mind began to visualize our trip to Taipei The hectic night markets the teeming city the cramped buildings and humid air all appealed to my sense of travel As the green trees and small towns rolled by our window and forever into our pasts I thought of all the memories this powerful experience has left me As the American author John Steinbeck once wrote ldquoWe find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip a trip takes usrdquo As the bus rushed by the surrounding countryside and as I drowsily fell into a long overdue sleep I slowly began to realized that I couldnrsquot agree more helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Roy Ho Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first official day of service for the Connexpedition trip With barely enough sleep I got up at 6AM to prepare for the day that laid ahead of me I was actually excited to get started as this wa the day that we had been preparing for over 6 months to get to My first impression was that they werenrsquot as bad as I had imagined based upon past stories As we were introducing ourselves I finally figured out how clueless these kids are for example they saw a picture of me in a Boy Scouts uniform and thought I was a police officer After that however it started to get tougher We dealt with a girl that was homesick boys that wonrsquot stop hitting each other and kids that showed us absolutely no respect I learned today what it really means to be a teacher It really involved setting a good example and gaining the respect of those you teach A lot of things went wrong today such as flaws in our lesson plan or inability to control our kids but despite all that I have learned a lot in just one day Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was our second day I am starting to get used to this school its rules and its procedures As I get more and more familiar with my students a lot of new experiences meet me but at the same time a lot of problems arise Today was a tough day for me my two other co-teachers and basically everyone on our team For me personally I ran into the problem of two boys asking me inappropriate questions They asked it in Chinese at first not sensing the danger I asked them to explain After understanding it I felt so awkward that instead of lecturing them I just played dumb

- 112 - I think that was just one of my many mistakes today Despite that I continued to learn and grow in my own way and I bonded a lot more with everyone Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day It was my turn to teach the English classes today I feel like I screwed up a lot and had a lot of issues including insufficient Mandarin skills and being unable to get down my student names Starting today we decided to add more rules about asking before leaving class and I was a lot more strict about enforcing rules The results were pretty positive I think the most meaningful part of today was getting to be the main teacher of the class At night we had our Halloween party where we introduced the kids to the American tradition of Halloween It was really fun our students had masks and candy bags and we went to other classes to ask for candy We taught the kids how to say ldquotrick-or-treatrdquo However after the party my kids were way too hyper resulting in me having to shout multiple times and punish the extremely naughty kids Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of our first week Some things I feel accomplished about today was that I finally learned most of my studentrsquos names Throughout this week I bonded a lot with all my students At the beginning I had to raise my voice to get them to do anything however since Irsquove gotten to know the kids better I can get them to listen to me more out of respect rather than fear My favorite experience today was when we tried combining all the classes in the auditorium We started by playing a couple of songs next we danced One of the problems was that we kept messing up the direction of the moves In class today we started with a crossword puzzle and then took a test I was very disappointed however as I graded the tests because the highest score was a 95 and the lowest was 10 The rest got between 40-60 As I watched my kids leave I felt relieved to have an opportunity to rest but at the same time I miss them already Monday July 28 2014 Today was the start of our second week After three days of break it felt like a brand new start My students seemed to be extra quiet today compared to usual Like last week we continued teaching English The project today was flubber I think my kids had fun with it but they were also very messy I started English class today by going over the test they took last week I feel really disappointed with my kids because we reviewed everything on the test multiple times yet the majority still fails the test I feel like I know all the procedures better now as well as the kids Irsquom starting to get a sense of each kidsrsquo personality I am looking forward to a great final week Tuesday July 29 2014 The first thing we were told about today was that it would be very tiring I like to say I was prepared because it honestly was not that bad for me We started a new unit in English today I doubt we will finish it though We were supposed to teach Bachata today but all the lower grade teachers decided that it would be too difficult My class ended up making lanyards It was not easy though because the kids just could not get the concept down and kept messing up As the kids went to choir practice

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all of us gathered in the meeting room and started our preparations for the banquet I was assigned to cooking so the majority of my time was spent in the kitchen However despite our hard work the kids still disliked the food In the evening we had our closing ceremony which I felt would have been better if it had been placed later this week because now I canrsquot stop thinking about the end Regardless it was a very bittersweet evening It made me realize what short time I had with these kids and that therersquos an even shorter time remaining Finally it really touched my heart that the kids actually cried and some came to me to give me a hug Wednesday July 30 2014 The students performing in Japan left today for my class that was actually just one kid The project today was graham cracker houses It was a fun and interesting ldquofinal projectrdquo My kids ended up eating a lot of the material before they were told to but luckily we had a surplus of supplies In the afternoon all the Choir 2 students had class as usual but the CHoir 1 kids all went to the auditorium and we watched a movie Funny thing was that most of the teachers fell asleep and soon after the students did too Tomorrowrsquos the last day I felt restless and kind of anxious I hope it goes smoothly Thursday July 31 2014 Today was our last day at Vox Nativa I woke up this morning to Amy knocking on the door because all of us guys had overslept I then moved on to packing my stuff then went up to my classroom For the morning it was the usual procedure the students cleaned then ate breakfast Except today instead of teaching class we ended up to my surprise watching two movies As a parting gift we gave everyone in my class a bag with a WIsdom culture camp t-shirt candy and some other stuff Finally it was goodbye It has been a tough frustrating and tiring two weeks Yet at the same time it was a fun new and a once-in-a-lifetime experience Seeing the kids go was sad yet relieving at the same time It was bittersweet helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Justine Du Monday July 21 2014 Personally today was an exceptionally good day I expected the students to be rowdy and a bit disrespectful but things turned out pretty well All the children were well-disciplined responsible efficient and they are good at time management They treat their peers and teachers with respect Something new I learned today was that the kids take the bus to get to Luo Na school Though there were many great characteristics of the children they also are pretty noisy and rude to each other sometimes Today a student was teasing another student about being too slow on writing his nametag so that kid pinched him THen the kid started crying and the other kid was reluctant to apologize Eventually I got them to talk their problems out and everything got better Also many kids did not like to speak up so participation issues were huge I think I can improve on controlling the children more

- 114 - Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day with the children from Vox Nativa Something interesting I found out today was that the kids are all very enthusiastic during morning exercises I thought they would be groggy and unwilling to run and play dodgeball but everyone seemed to be having a great time I find the childrenrsquos respect for the teachers and their kindness extremely meaningful to me At lunch one of the girls said to me ldquoJiejie are you done eating I can clean up your dishesrdquo I find that really sweet and cute Also today was the first day of teaching Bachata I was shocked that the children picked up the dance so quickly and they were all paying attention However it was very messy and noisy in the beginning After a while we improved by having only one person explaining so the children we not confused on who to listen to Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day of teaching the Vox Nativa children and things definitely progressed Even though we had a typhoon with high winds and thunderstorms everywhere the kids kept a calm attitude and were still ready to learn However the loud rain sounds also distracted the kids They would work on a worksheet for five minutes then they would avert their attention towards the window We also prepared for the Halloween party today There were some difficulties in the beginning because I could not find any markers in the office and there were many kids in our class Also they were pretty loud and kept playing with the pumpkin strips so it was a challenge trying to get them to pay attention However after a while everything cooled down and we explained how to decorate everything The kids listened attentively and all went well A meaningful aspect of today was bonding with my kids During the breaks I was sitting down monitoring the kids and a group of girls crowded around me and we all got to know each other better sang some songs and shared some stories Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the fourth day and the last day of the first week wersquore here At first during Monday and Tuesday I thought these two weeks would pass by excruciatingly slowly After Wednesday and today I felt like time passed by so quickly We are practically half way done and I feel like we just got here Class went pretty smoothly and since the typhoon was over it warmed my heart seeing all the children smiling while doing their morning exercises today We also gave our first test today Some kids did exceptionally well but some did not I feel we can improve ourselves by paying even more attention to their studying methods A really meaningful aspect of today was when two girls hugged me before they left for Nantou This just showed me that I bonded close with them and it was touching Monday July 28 2014 Here starts a new week The first two periods of today went pretty smoothly The kids were still really respectful and kind The main problem is still participation though Only a certain two or three students always raise their hands and answer the questions However I did attempt to solve that problem by going to each table and listen to them individually They still speak very softly but

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at least I can hear the pronunciations and help fix them if they say the word wrong I always find it really thoughtful and polite of the kids to smile and say ldquoJiejie 你好rdquo They make my day and the little acts of kindness from my kids are the most meaningful aspects of my day During the flubber project however the kids were all so noisy and sometimes troublesome since the seventh grade class joined our class for projects activities and meals the room gets even more compact and noisy Tuesday July 29 2014 I felt that today was one of the best days of the two weeks I have been in Connexpedition My bonds with my children grew even stronger it all started from early this morning during exercise time I was just walking with Megan on the track when all of a sudden two of my kids surprised me with hugs and just those acts from them pretty much kept a smile on my face the whole day Personally I would have assumed 6th grade kids wouldnrsquot have that much affection towards a teacher but it made me really happy that not just girls will spend quality time with me talking but I even became pretty close with the boys from both 6th and 7th grade Through that bond I gained respect from them Also today was the banquet Though tiresome and challenging preparing for the banquet was really fun During the performance it was super adorable and heartwarming to see everyone smiling and dancing The most meaningful aspect of today would definitely be the speeches and songs at the end I was the first one to cry and I cried the hardest the realization of how much these kids meant to me just broke me down in addition the way that the kids would hug and comfort me just made me even more emotional Wednesday July 30 2014 Today was the second to last day of our trip and I canrsquot believe itrsquos almost over already Today went relatively well I felt bad for giving the kids a big final on their last day but they all did well so I thought that was a big breakthrough for me i felt they actually enjoyed learning English from us and they were happy spending quality time with us The climax of today was probably when the kids got called in by Uli laoshi to leave for Japan I cried again today and it was a really meaningful and emotional moment for me My kids came up to me and hugged me while saying ldquoYou better come back next yearrdquo Saying goodbye was really difficult but at the same time I felt really happy for them to have such a great opportunity like this I hope they have an amazing time in Japan Thursday July 31 2014 Today was a pretty sad day for all of us i woke up this morning feeling like ldquoOh itrsquos our last day here at Luona Theyrsquore all leaving todayrdquo Everything was a meaningful moment today spending quality time with my kids while they were cleaning the campus was pretty fun They all told me how much they were going to miss me and how they wanted me to teach them again That moment was extremely touching for me especially because they were my ldquobro grouprdquo I almost cried but I saved that until after cleaning When the kids stuck their hands out the window I felt so sad and reluctant to let them go These 2 weeks have taught me to be a better selfless person and to never take things for granted I am super grateful and thankful to have had this opportunity

- 116 - helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Carrie Chen Monday July 21 2014 Today I learned that being a teacher is very difficult It was not as simple as I thought it would be It was hard to be the studentsrsquo friend and an authoritative figure at the same time It was difficult to draw a boundary line between being the studentsrsquo friend or teacher When I was nice to the students they often take advantage of my kindness in a disrespectful way I also learned that every student in the class varied in their English comprehension skills It made it very difficult to teach the class It also made it hard to decide whether to speak more English or more Chinese Many things went wrong today one of the main reasons was that today was our first day It was difficult to figure out what we can let the kids do and what we canrsquot let the kids do Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos morning class went by pretty well The kids were more comfortable with speaking English in class than the first day It was great when I bonded with the girls during break time I got to know more about their lives and the kids got to know about me I found out it was useful to effectively use the points system The students got very competitive and more kids raised their hands to participate in discussions The evening however was very chaotic The students were very loud during homework time and there was a conflict between me and my teaching partner It was very frustrating to have my partner contradict with what I am saying Wednesday July 23 2014 today the kids took midterms for most of the time We also made pumpkins and decorated the classroom The classes went smoothly today I learned that it is hard to quiet down the kids when they are into their own little conversations but I also learned that stop talking and stop walking would help to quiet down the kids They often realized that teachers were waiting for them to quiet down It was also helpful to ask the class leader for help She knew everyonersquos names At night the Halloween party was a blast The kids were very excited to go ldquotrick-or-treatingrdquo in other gradersquos classrooms They also had fun coming to the office to get more candy and jello Thursday July 24 2014 Today the class was out of control The lessons and quizzes went very well but during breaks the boys were being very inappropriate and noisy Eugene did not do anything about it and that really frustrated me The boys are very smart but they have a hard time understanding the line between teachers and fellow students In the afternoon the games were really well-played and it was very fun The kids seemed to enjoy it very much The dances were also very energetic and the students loved the fast-paced dances we taught them Monday July 28 2014 Today we finished class early Eugene and I did not have anything planned after our lesson plan We

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can improve by planning some lesson related games just in case we finished early again I also learned that if I threatened to send the kids to the office they will most likely quiet down After lessons we taught the kids how to make flubber It made the classroom floor dirty and the students had trouble cleaning up after themselves At night we tried to organize a singing show for the show on Tuesday It was very difficult to find a song everyone knew It was also hard to get the kids to pay attention Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we finished all of our lessons We also played hangman for about 20 minutes It was easier to get the kids to participate when prizes were involved We used laffy taffy to motivate the kids to raise their hands Some of the girls were still very self-conscious They were still afraid of making mistakes in front of the whole class even though we were just playing a game We had a busy afternoon to prepare for the banquet and at night the kids were especially excited to see what we had planned The show at night was great and the kids put on a great show that definitely showed us how much they enjoyed our company and it was very meaningful Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we had finals Most of my kids had to leave at 1100AM Before they left we had a relay race on the track We all had a wonderful time After 1100 we came back and combined with the 4th grade class to play games for 4th period THe choir kids leaving made me realize that hard work paid off It did not matter how much I yelled or got mad at them They still came back and hugged Eugene and I THey also asked us to come back next year I realized that all the preparations really were worth it One of the girls came up to me today and gave me a matching rainbow loom bracelet It was just a little handmade bracelet but it really touched me because before today I thought the kids were all really scared of me but that was not true Thursday July 31 2014 Today the kids watched a movie with the other classes These two weeks were really meaningful to me I learned to step out of my comfort zone I am more capable of making difficult decisions For example when two kids came to me with their problems I had to be able to tell them how to solve the problem I also became more confident over these two weeks I was not capable of raising my voice the first few days but as time passed I was able to become a teacher and take control of the classroom It was really honorable to have had this opportunity Many of the students are incredibly smart even though some of them are really naughty They were all amazing to be with helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Crystal Yu Monday July 21 2014 This morning a village girl approached me and asked where I was from I told her America and the shock on her face seemed unreal She immediately called me a liar and retorted back that if I was from America the she was from India In retrospect this incident is a pretty clear indicator that for

- 118 - them us living in America is probably only something that they could dream of Hence I hope this service trip can help up to motivate the kids to dream bigger and show them a world with more possibilities Later on one of my students saw me writing in my journal and was so intrigued and told me to read aloud what I wrote so he could learn more I thought this attitude was so new to me I donrsquot think Irsquove ever been this active with my learning This gives me hope that the rest of the students will have this attitude because it will also prompt me to want to teach them more than I had anticipated As an activity we gave the kids mad libs to do and it did not turn out that well since most kids had a hard time translating words such as ldquovegetablerdquo to a Chinese vegetable they knew and back to English We also made the kids stand up and read their mad-libs Most students were afraid or shy to speak loudly most likely because of their fear of pronouncing words incorrectly Hopefully by the end of next week they will be more confident Tuesday July 22 2014 Coming into this service trip I expected or hoped that the students would want to do more cultural exchanges I was really excited to ask them questions about their lives but they did not reciprocate with questions of their own I did share some but was overall very surprised that the children seemed to have little to no interest in our lives in America I also wished they interacted with me more because it seems to be just me and Sophie trying to create a relationship while theyrsquore more aloof making it a one-way street Though these kids are much more rowdy than students in the US the sense of responsibility instilled in them is pretty amazing For example Ryan never pays attention in class and is extremely talkative but when it came time for him to clean up he was extremely patient Our room was missing his mop and had to wait for the 6th grade class to finish so we could borrow their mop The 6th graders did not finish until breakfast time but Ryan waited until then did his job nicely with no rush at all and then went to breakfast with no complaints I expected him to whine or to eat breakfast without doing his job but he clearly surprised me showing that I probably should not judge these kids too harshly Another issue arising in our classroom is confidence in speaking in English We have to do more read alouds and dialogues to make them feel more comfortable speaking English Wednesday July 23 2014 We started off class with more energy but the kids seemed to be a little unresponsive and dazed I asked and they were all worried about the lack of water and electricity and started dreaming up the most terrible scenarios Their parents were also constantly checking in on the kids through texts and calls I canrsquot really blame for for being afraid of the whole idea of the typhoon since I was pretty worried myself but the distractions in class did make our jobs harder For a class assignment the kids were told to write a dialogue Sophie and I gave them the freedom of having the dialogue on any subject as long as they used one vocabulary word per sentence and everyone had to speak at least five lines The students were confused by this sense of freedom and gave me the feeling that they usually only have assignments with very strict instructions The result

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of the dialogue assignment was good however since each group created different stories Due to the unfortunate weather the test could not be printed out so the students got to skip a quiz One girl actually forgot there was one which surprised me because I was given the impression the children were very studious However now the electricity is back and I hope the students will remember my reminder about the quiz tomorrow Thursday July 24 2014 Today the students seemed to be in a better mood though they still donrsquot talk to me and Sophie unless we speak first Perhaps the good mood could be attributed to the weather the idea of the weekend ahead them feeling comfortable with us or the fact that therersquos a big bag of candy sitting at the front of the desk Either way Irsquom happy that maybe finally my students and I can connect and hopefully will improve by the time next week rolls around During class the students had a unit 7 test Out of the 8 students 6 finished within reasonable time On the other hand two boys turned in their test with about 3 or 4 out of the 26 questions answered I was so shocked by their attitudes because I thought studying here was taken very seriously I was also even more surprised by one of the two boys since he had received perfect scores on every homework assignment Since I was so disappointed by these scores I made them promise me that if their scores were not much better on Mondayrsquos test I would have to report them to the principal The 6th and 7th graders combined only had 3 students I actually bonded with the boys that were still here and it somewhat reassured me that they might not hate me as much as I think they do and I just have to give them a little time to warm up to me Monday July 28 2014 Today was slightly more chaotic than usual First three new students came to class today and was immediately set upon disrupting class and making a ruckus Second the class schedule was shifted without any warning All classes except mine received the new schedule throwing me and Sophie off track from our lesson plan Thirdly Ryan and Jacob performed way below expectations hence breaking their promise with me from the previous test to do better on this one I asked them why they did so poorly and they responded that they have to work all day on the farms This made me feel sympathetic for them but they need to learn to balance the different aspects of their lives Uli was there when I brought in Jacob and Ryan and made them agree to study and retake the test and if scored poorly would have to speak to the principal This threat immediately whipped the children into shape which resulted in very high test scores This scenario shows me that itrsquos not their varying English skills that caused the low test scores but rather different attitudes towards learning Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was our banquet and ldquotalent showrdquo The banquet was harder to do here in Taiwan than in the United States even though we had the same number of supplies and materials It was probably due to the lack of rest and how exhausted we all were After teaching classes in the morning all my kids and 6th graders were all really excited about the banquet because they wanted to try American food made by real Americans I think their energy really pumped all of us and made us be excited with

- 120 - them For the talent show me and Justin were really worried about our kids performance because they didnrsquot really seem to be interested in the dance When the group went up to perform they did much better than I expected so I was genuinely surprised But in the middle of the dance I noticed all the older boys in the group were missed and spotted them outside the auditorium They ran as soon as they saw me and tried to excuse their behavior by telling me they had to move buckets for the music teacher but the teacher contradicted that statement causing me to be extremely upset with them I planned on yelling at them and giving them a whole lecture but by the end of the show I was too busy and tired from crying that I just planned on sternly lecturing them tomorrow Wednesday July 30 2014 Today the kids have a test on Unit 8 SInce they had no time last night due to the banquet and talent show I gave them time to study during class today and threatened that if their scores were too low they would be sent to the principalrsquos office This threat worked and all of the kids started frantically studying Though they probably arenrsquot motivated to study because they want to learn I am still content with the fact that they are learning regardless of the reason behind it Some kids in my class were watching our performance on their tablets during break and started listening to the song ldquoDemonsrdquo I was elated when I saw that because at least now they can have some tangible memories of our two weeks together It was also nice to see the kids like it so much because the whole point of the show was for the kids and them enjoying it means the world to me Since most of my students left for Japan today I only had five boys left and all of them are troublemakers with the lowest scores in the class But I think I got to know the kids more which makes me sad because I wish I got to know them earlier in the trip We played a form of truth or dare and though it might have not been the most productive it did allow me to bond with the students which is worth it in my mind Thursday July 31 2014 Today most of my children left for Japan and the other ones that were left were the boysThe sixth and seventh grade classes combined for the day since all the boys were friends and the 6th grade class only had one student For the first part of the class we played chubby bunny and did rainbow looms I thought I was able to connect with the boys more because on Thursday I treated them more like friends than students since we were done with our English lessons When we left Vox Nativa on Thursday it seemed like the boys of my class were closer to me considering how much attention I gave them due to low test scores and behavior in class especially compared to the girls On the bus ride to Taipei I thought of how much I wanted to see them in the future five or ten years down the line Some of the children are truly bright like Nick and Apple but might not be able to attend college or even high school due to the circumstances they are in However I feel like I should not pity them because they seem very satisfied with their life and maybe would not want to leave their hometowns But are they only content because they donrsquot know of any other life I think Vox Nativa does help open doors of opportunities for these children and I know itrsquoll help and grow more in the future

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helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Megan Chang Monday July 21 2014 Today a student from our class was crying because she was homesick At first I thought everyone was willing and excited to be here but I forgot about the difficulties even these little kids have Even though they go home on the weekends especially for shyer more introverted kids during the weekdays it is understandable that they miss their parents and their home Also Marcus heard a student being rude and another student asked them why they had no manner and if their mom was a drunkard It just makes me realize how different their lives are from ours and how innocent we were as kids compared to them This makes me more dedicated to teach them and give them a chance at a better life Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I think the main thing that went wrong is losing control of the class In the morning during our English lesson and Halloween project the kids were pretty well behaved For the English lesson we all taught and patrolled the class and when they started playing game I would correct papers while Andrea and Marcus took turns leadingquieting the students For the Halloween project I taught while Andrea and Marcus passed things out and helped those who needed it During lunch time the kids started being too loud and we had to quiet them a few times I feel that since we werenrsquot standing in front of the class in control the kids lost sight of us as teachers We could improve by making the ones that talk stand in front or maybe make a game of the quietestcleanest eater During homework time nearly all the kids had no homework and either played by themselves or with us It was difficult to both control the other kids and the kids talking to us face-to-face asking questions We have installed a new rule of writing names on the board with consequences and will see if it works starting tomorrow Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started using the warning on the board system It worked relatively well except we still need to learn how to write their Chinese names For the most part it worked really well especially since we also told Uli laoshi about it so if we brought someone to the office she would know we already talked to them twice THey were really well-behaved today during the lessons despite our lessons having a sudden change One thing we could change about the lessons is while Andrea and I were discussing the next lesson we forgot to help Marcus keep control of the class However when it got too loud Andrea and I realized and told the class that they had to respect and listen to the teacher during lessons Starting tomorrow we will always have at least one person to help control the class Also during trick-or-treating our class was very separated One of our kids was with his brother and when we needed to tell our class to head back to our room after getting candy we could not find everyone NExt time we will clarify to the kids before we leave to stay together

- 122 - Thursday July 24 2014 Today is the last day of the first week I think we improved immensely We have gained more control of our class by taking turns patrolling giving points writing names and using their old rule of standing up Our kids really enjoyed our worksheets today One thing we have to improve on is properly estimating how long each worksheet is going to take so we can either find games to play or tell them to work faster WHen we were teaching them how to make the bracelets it was hard to get the children interested in making the bracelet The boys did not really want to make it because they kept messing up After they got into the habit of making it they wanted to make one for everyone in their family Next time we need to start the project with clearer instructions so we can use time more efficiently Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of our second week For the most part our kids we well-behaved throughout the day During lesson times it was under control and relatively quiet For the flubber project they were surprisingly quiet because we only passed out the materials to those who were quiet Near the end there was a little chaos because we did not have enough bags and others were popping theirs One big issue was that the kid were either washing their flubber or their bags and trying to either wipe it or blow dry it Cleaning up was again a big problem They were not willing to pick up the smallest pieces and the boysrsquo mopping left a lot of water on the group Next time we will split up and supervise different groups clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was the most tiring day so far Some kids are having a hard time remembering shapes and saying it because their previous teachers did not teach it yet We tried reviewing it different ways and making competitions and having them take notes but they still canrsquot completely remember them Some of them did not want to play the games and play their own We had a lot of extra time today because we did not have enough worksheets to cover two English classes Some of their tests have color so if the printer canrsquot print it we will need to edit and hand color them for tomorrow Yesterday it was kind of a mess practicing for the banquet but today we rehearsed some more and it is kind of coming together I hope the performance tonight will be phenomenal and hope that the students will enjoy it very much Wednesday July 30 2014 I cried when my kids hugged me Today our kids were discussing their religions and one kids said his religion was ldquosui jiaordquo (sleeping) Marcus and I found this super funny and we are glad that the kids were able to keep us entertained Our kids are honestly the cutest and it is so bittersweet to have to say goodbye to them tomorrow Andrea told me that even though itrsquos tiring throughout the weeks yoursquoll want to come back because if you donrsquot you will probably never see them again In these short eight days wersquove become so attached to them and now I wonder how they will turn out in the future and I wish I could still be a part of it

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day with the kids Everything went wrong because I was so sad When we watched a movie in the morning a student caught a lizard and cut off its legs and tail They kept pretending to eat it and were behaving very poorly As the kids left it was so hard for me to say bye and smile because my voice would crack This was honestly such a heartwarming experience and I will never forget the things these kids said and did They have impacted me by making me more grateful and faithful I did not want to say goodbye at all and I really hope I get the chance to come back next year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Jenny Wu Monday July 21 2014 I wasnrsquot really doing anything yesterday I arrived here at afternoon and they were already done with their teaching schedule for today We are going to have talent show tonight and I did practice with them I am not sure whether if I am going to be an audience our performed with them but I am prepare for it I guess Today is my first day of teaching and I am teaching sixth grade It has been a good start but there were also some problems The first problem is that most of the students are really shy and they refused to answer even though they know the answer for the question I solved the problem by telling them to repeat the answer with me and it works The other problem is some students will use their phone under the table during class They were not using it constantly but I think that is not respectful If they are using again next time then we will take away their phone There is one problem just for me personally I think probably because I am the youngest among all the members and I am only two years older than the students so they do not listen to me When both of my partners were gone I was telling them to go to sleep However they kept on talking and ignored me It only happened once when my partners werenrsquot there but they listen to me for most of the time The members of the group are all really nice but it is kind of hard for me to fit into them They have been speaking English throughout their whole life and all of them grow up at California except one Some of them just met each other before the day I came here However they fit in really well I can understand them but I just donrsquot know what to say and a lot of them are going to their junior year or senior year All of them at least have some experience of volunteering or teaching kids It seems like they all know what to do and how to do except me I hope I can overcome these problems by the end of this week and I also hope I can be part of them some how Tuesday July 22 2014 Everyone participates well but few of them are still very shy We realized that some of them are more outgoing than others and they try to answer most of the questions Kye and Justine solved the problem by separate them into groups and allowed student who donrsquot speak up have a chance to answer During lunch they are still loud and very chatty However they quiet down by themselves without us telling them This afternoon I wasnrsquot working with my group I went to the warehouse instead I went to help out

- 124 - for folding counting and separate clothes to piles by sizes I kept on doing the same thing for around three hours and then I came back to the TA classroom During dinner some students were using their phones and iPad but they it away when I told them to do so Other than the technology everything went okay During the summer homework time the students barely ask us questions even though they have questions They use their phones and search it or ask their friends instead Wednesday July 23 2014 Our kids are more outgoing today They interacted with us and they raced their hands more often When we were playing hangman we used some vocabulary that they learned before They can figure out the word right away without their textbook If they donrsquot know the word then they will discuss before then answer The phones are kind of distracting during dinner A lot of girls are using their phones and I had to yell at them to put it away Everyone is very excited for the Halloween party They were keep on asking what are the pumpkins that they made in class for During the party all the kids were eager for the candies and they also helped out for hanging out the candies for little kids Thursday July 24 2014 Before the class started I asked everyone who has phone hand them to the very front of the table I want them to pay attention in class not using their phones under the table We encouraged students to raise their hand by showing them the prizes and they tend to participate and answer more than usual We also gave groups with fewer points more chances I think this gave them confident to speak in English because all of them know how to answer We gave them a test after recess In the middle of the test I separated two kids because they were siting closer and closer to each other I was afraid that they are cheating The test seems hard for two or three students but they were still able to finish it on time Because there are 35 kids who are going to perform this weekend they leave around noon During afternoon we combined kids from 2nd to 7th grade together and we played games and dance with them I am glad we combined all of them together because I can know and hangout with more kids from different grades Some of the students do look like my reflection I helped them by telling them show me their answer and I read it out and let them repeat after me I also them they can get more points and prizes if they answer and both of these solutions work Actually the students are not allowed to keep their phone during class They are supposed to give it to another teacher I told them to put their technologies to our table and we will give it back after class is ended They are not using their phones for researching so I have I think it is better to take it away Their phone really distracts them during breakfast lunch and dinner

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Monday July 28 2014 This morning Justine Kye and I waited outside the door and went in when the bell rang We were trying to let the kid say good morning to us and they did which is good When we were doing 比

手畫腳 some of the kids yelled the answer out instead of raising their hand They didnrsquot stop when the first time I told them but when I told them I would take off their points they listened to me right away We were making flubber for third and fourth period Our students got too chatty so I had to yell at them Well at least they listened to me and quiet down In my opinion every studentrsquo behavior is improving day by day They can be sassy sometimes but they know when to stop It have only been a week but I can see the difference in all of them Tuesday July 29 2014 We gave our students a test today Before I give them the test we told them that we expect them to pass at least 50 13 out of 16 students pass 50 which is a lot better than our previous test I yelled at some of the guys because they were talking inappropriate stuff I kind of feel bad when I yelled at them because I was kind of being too harsh to them There were 5 guys who got into trouble this afternoon because they didnrsquot finish their cards for the Japan trip I was really shock when they were gone because I thought they would be send home Thankfully they didnrsquot got kick out We had a banquet tonight because students who are going to japan are leaving tomorrow I did some mistakes on playing piano but I think our group performance covered my mistakes Over all every one did great in their own performance Some students and teachers cried during the slide show and speeches it was sad that people are leaving However this also proved the unbreakable relationship we made Wednesday July 30 2014 We gave our kids another test today Everyone did great except one but he did improve When we were taking test I was really surprise by how many questions they asked They used to be afraid to ask us question especially the first week Justine and I were very busy during the test but we rather to answer their question than sitting aside and do nothing It was really sad when the students were leaving We have 16 students but 15 of them have performance in Japan which means almost the whole class is gone We combined 6th and 7th grade for the rest of the afternoon since we only have 1 student in my class I am glad that we combined together because I got to know and became closer with kids in 7th grade I thought those 7 guys are going to be loud and disobey when other students left However they listened to me without me yelling It was better than what I imagined I got to know them better by the end of the day and I realize that they are actually sweet and nice I thought they were naughty because they like to joke around with me Thursday July 31 2014 This morning we were chatting instead of cleaning up because we did it last night We didnrsquot do much today We didnrsquot teach our students English we taught them how to make rainbow loom instead Our students picked up trash around the school today They were lazy and didnrsquot want to do it but they still finish their job in time We said bye to them after they finish cleaning Honestly it

- 126 - was even sad for bye to those seven guys than saying bye to my own six grade students It has only been two days but I felt like I know them longer than my six grade students I know I probably will never see them again but what we have been through and our memories will be saved in all of us helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Marcus Chan Monday July 21 2014 Before starting todayrsquos teaching I was really nervous I thought the kids would be really unfriendly and distant so I felt it would be hard to interact with them They were a lot better than I thought As soon as they arrived theyrsquod be willing to talk to us about things like how to say English names They immediately involved us in their games and a girl clung to me everywhere She later cried about being homesick and now Megan is comforting her There is one kid who wanted an English name and I decided to call him Jordan because he is really cute and friendly like a Jordan I know from summer camp He really liked the name I gave him and kept repeating it so I guess that was one of the most meaningful moments of today I learned about how a lot of the parents donrsquot live at home with the students A group of kids were talking about where their mothers lived and they were naming all the different villages in the area Another time two girls started fighting and one of the girls teased the other by asking if her mother was a drunkard Everyone then began to discuss whether or not their parents drank alcohol at home This was a very different experience from what I expected and very different from what would happen in a traditional American classroom Today we couldnrsquot think of any games to play along with our lesson and it was difficult to split the teams fairly to get the less motivated students involved The kids donrsquot really care about points so I canrsquot control them that way Tonight I will try to think of games to play so we donrsquot waste any time tomorrow It was also difficult trying to grasp what their routine was and to not forget We werenrsquot told about the vitamins the kids had to take after meals and I was not sure where to get them Throughout the week I think we will begin to learn the kidsrsquo names and the schoolrsquos procedures and become accustomed to them Tuesday July 22 2014 Irsquom going to start with something that happened yesterday because it happened after I wrote yesterdayrsquos journal During homework time one of the kids drew me pictures Betty wrote ldquoGod helps me I will not be afraidrdquo in English and Chinese It was really cute The pictures the kids drew during homework time last time really showed their affection towards us (Me Megan and Andrea) Some of the students cling to my arms It worries me a little because it means they are too close to me and I must keep my relationship to them as a teacher Irsquom not as strict as Andrea and Megan and those two are much better leaders than I am At summer camps in America I had much more confidence because it was in English so by the end I was able to control the classes better Here I donrsquot have very much confidence in my Chinese so it is a struggle to get out the words

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Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started a new system of writing the studentsrsquo names on the board for a first offense and a check next to their name for each next one After two checks we would send the kid to the principalrsquos office It worked pretty well today and we will continue it tomorrow Today a big trouble was not knowing the kidsrsquo names in Chinese I could not just call them by saying ldquoHey yourdquo I had to know their names because I was their teacher Today I led an activity by myself while Andrea and Megan were preparing the next activity It was kind of hard to think of more to say about the subject of colors I yelled at the kids a lot more today though They were surprised because I had not been as strict before I was extremely impressed with the percussion performance That teacher must have worked so hard My mom is a teacher and when she come home she is always extremely tired and her throat hurts The music teacher must have worked so hard to prepare a performance like that Thursday July 24 2014 Today in the morning Brian came to watch the kids while they were cleaning That helped a lot and they worked more quietly and efficiently We taught the kids how to make friendship bracelets today We started by telling them to follow the pattern of numbers and letters but that was too difficult so we started to teach them to do it by counting three to the right This was still difficult for them and we had to reteach it many times afterwards Today was again hard to keep the kids away from me They get really attached and it is hard to tell them to keep a boundary When they left I was sad that the ones who like me the best did not come to say bye to me Monday July 28 2014 We did the flubber project today We could have planned it better When we ran through the instructions the day before the bowl had begun to wear down and almost break That happened again today and we had to double bowl the water I also had not devised an efficient way of getting warm water from the water dispenser so I wasted a lot of time I also wasted time by not having the amount of water figured out so I had to continuously refer to the instructions I used to be more conscious about making the kids like me but now I donrsquot care as much If I care too much I canrsquot control the children as well for fear of losing their affection I donrsquot understand how Megan and Andrea can be stern with them and at the same time have the kids love them so much Maybe itrsquos that they just donrsquot like boys as much or maybe Irsquom meaner I guess it is a sign of how I am more distant to the kids than Megan and Andrea are Maybe it is a sign that I need to improve my Chinese I prided myself in my Chinese until I came here Now I donrsquot want to speak at all Tuesday July 29 2014 I forgot to write about how yesterday we prepared the performances for today It was so unorganized It was difficult to figure out what the kids were going to perform We werenrsquot clearly told whether the whole class had to perform or not I wished we had been given notice ahead of time so we would have more time to prepare When we finally got the kids into 2 groups we asked if they had anything planned and they said no They wanted to sing the song ldquoLet it Gordquo but they

- 128 - did not know the lyrics Finally they chose some Chinese song that they all knew It does not sound that bad but it was so stressful and difficult I wish we had been warned earlier and had more time to prepare Today after we held the performances most of the kids went to hug Andrea and Megan I donrsquot blame them for liking them better They are better with the kids Maybe it comes more naturally to them Thursday July 31 2014 Today we went to watch a movie in Shanersquos room I was surprised how even with six teachers it took a while to settle the kids I think it was the excitement of seeing the other kids from other classes It was difficult getting the room totally clean so that we could return it to the school It had to be cleaner than usual but the kids werenrsquot less rowdy than usual There were more things to do When the kids let I was able to give them hugs so that was nice It was sad seeing them leave but I did not get as attached to the children as some of the girls did helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

719 國際志工抵達羅娜國小原聲英文學習營舉行營前會議前排左 2 為領隊吳翠萍老師

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山谷回音 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

長期志工 馬胤凱 103 年的暑假是個特別的暑假是個與原聲國三生有著共同回憶的暑假雖然過程中



了解彼此 一 壯遊前天





二 DAY ONE 經過一整夜的翻來覆去後終於到了早上與原聲國三生會面後便踏上了這奇妙的旅




- 130 -




此困難的工作 走訪多納部落後我們認識了魯凱族的傳統文化更深入了解魯凱族中貴族生活所給族


如此保護 到晚上我們品嚐了石板烤肉透過多納部落所出產的石板使我們所烤的肉並不會太



三 DAY TWO 到了第二天因為路途較遙遠所以我們一大早便前往霧台神山到了神山後由於大




是精心設計的 在參觀長老教會的時候外面突然飄起雨來透過長老教會的牧師我們可以下山到下





- 131 -

四 DAY THREE 一樣的我們為了趕路一大早便出發但對我而言我覺得這兩天真是過的太快了離台東



快的我們到了台灣的東部在某個海邊我們一行 12 人留下了在此次壯遊的最後一張團照對




- 132 - 五 DAY FOUR~DAY EIGHT 經過舟車勞頓後我們在第三天的晚上 11 點多到達了花蓮第四天我便加入其他原聲小

朋友的海洋營在海洋營中我與 Uli 老師一起擔任低年級的帶隊老師第四天低年級前往蘇



快感 到了第五天雖然我只有待半天一個早上我非常幸運的可以參加溯溪這是我人生中

的第一次溯溪這一個早上我真的覺得花蓮是個好山好水的地方甚至比南投還要好 10 倍以

上因為在花蓮還有這種溪可以讓我們玩真不愧是世外桃源 經過趕場後在第五天晚上我們又再度回到花蓮我以最有效率的方式與另一個晚會的




有原聲小朋友讓他們可以學習我那不害羞的一面 到了最後的最後我們告別了花蓮海星中學我們帶著小朋友體驗火車之旅雖然只有


非常多的幸福及溫暖使我覺得我們更要懂得去珍惜身邊那些時常給我們幫助的人 這次壯遊是我人生中的第一次壯遊壯遊使我們堅強讓我們學習使我們更珍惜彼此

這不僅是屬於我的壯遊更是屬於我們 12 人的壯遊

- 133 -

長期志工 吳璠

其實這回出發前內心是相當忐忑的 升大二那年我在建中成長營期間認識這一屆的原聲孩子們韶翔皓傑凱文念緹



年前截然不同的風景了那麼對於孩子們呢他們對於世界的想法又是什麼形狀了呢 三年前我和同輩的大學生們出於對原住民文化的欽慕對中華文化中心主義的教育







而未必能帶著他們特殊的資產(原住民文化)走出一條不一樣的路 這些疑問當時曾經提出來與老師校長們討論過事後自己也反省到誠如老師們所




態來繼續投入 沒想到這一抽離就是將近兩年的時光期間自己也經歷了一些波折ndashndash摯愛的親人離世





與憧憬嗎 然而在 Pasnanavan 的森林深處這些疑問都安頓了下來 在部落長大都市求學現在回到部落經營部落文化工作室的 Katu 老師唱了自己創作的

歌曲〈梅子夢〉給我們聽 我有個小女兒名叫 Buni(布農族名)

她嫁到遙遠的 Amalika(美國) 我想說今年梅子開很多花 我開心地打長途電話給她 口白Buni namahtu Dama gusia Amalikana aida inaka suidaijubudes (布農語Buni 爸爸有錢可以去美國看你了日語沒問題的) 忽然有天早上村長廣播 他說今年梅子農會不收 我不知該如何對女兒說 我難過地不知該如何 從稻米到玉米 從李子到梅子 我努力地工作卻不一定有收穫

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我不知道這是甚麼時代 wakalan ne kunna nu zidai wa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) Buni Buni miliskin gasu (布農語Buni Buni 想念著妳) nidumahtu gusia Amalika (布農語沒有辦法過去美國) nidumahtu sadu gasu (布農語沒有辦法過去看妳了) wakalan ne kunna nu zidaiwa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) 我不知道這是甚麼時代


四散到島嶼東南西北求學下次這樣團聚在一起歌唱不知是什麼時候了 Buin 於是老師坐在爐火前面抱著吉他唱起〈Ka Tu 別哭〉與當年準備到都市去求學

工作的 Ka Tu 告別也唱出部落青年離開家鄉到都市的心情「臺北不是我的家」 孩子們因為歌曲中的幽默而笑倒在彼此的懷中



解開了不論是 Dama KatuDama Buin 還是我自己我們都是在與大社會互動的過程當中



能做的就是為他們爭取更多空間與資源讓他們有更多的天地有機會做更多元的選擇 一路上雅安曾經激動的說「我們回去就要找部落的社區發展協會因為保存文化很重




很努力在感受在觀察的 而與布農獵人學習也讓我重新確認了自己對原住民文化的愛從哪裡來 山中第二夜男孩們帶回了山羌



許就能「逃過一劫」ndashndashDama Buin 看出了我的遲疑把內臟推向我說「透過實際的山林探



噁心那就背叛了牠的犧牲屠宰場反而讓這一切對話遠離了我們」 我這才知道該如何描述我熱愛這一切的理由現代文明使我與一切切割開來碎成一片


在肉身的實作中作回一個大地之子 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

長期志工 吳松儒 出發前壓根兒沒想過會有這麼不同凡響的體驗謝謝老師們給我這個機會跟孩子們共



- 135 -
























有 wifi因此孩子們有使用行動上網的需求但進入高中後應該就沒有差了)










記得走上這條路的初衷 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 136 -

長庚護校 幸念緹













helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip 景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全雅安



















- 137 -

景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全心潔























鶯歌工商 謝韶翔














- 138 -

清水高中 谷 Biung

在高中新生訓練第一天的自我介紹中我這麼自敘著「大家好我名叫谷 xx來自南投






























- 139 -

山谷回音 2014 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


舞台總監 楊智麟 我跟原聲的因緣結了有六年這六年裏我學到了一件事 許多偉大的故事在一開始都是一個瘋狂的想法 原聲是玉山星空也是 我記得在拍『唱歌吧』的時候有一天 Bukut 校長跟我說他要去別的部落找小朋友來試


始了嗎就這樣我帶著我的懷疑看著原聲走過了六年 我也還記得五年前莫拉克風災剛肆虐過去就在羅娜國小的校長室Bukut 校長看著[溫布尼森林音樂會]的 DVD邊看邊對我說他覺得我們也可以在部落裏辦這樣的草地音樂


結果就是我們今天在這裏準備舉行第五屆的玉山星空音樂會 這兩件事情讓我學到只要一個滿懷希望的想像再加上一群很容易衝動的人就可以創造

前所未有的局面 於是我們邊走邊整隊邊做邊學習玉山星空音樂會成長到了現在這個規模五年來到


團舞台愈做愈大觀眾愈來愈多名聲也愈來愈響亮 這一切的開始真的就只是五年前我在校長室裏聽到的那一句即使現在想起來也還是很

瘋狂一句話 現在我看到原聲孩子的表現就知道他們一定會越來越好那是因為 Bukut 校長阿蠻校

長以及藍蔚跟阿貫老師都是教育專業所以會把這群孩子教得很好那是理所當然的 但是同樣也是這一群人把玉山星空音樂會做的愈來愈大這就是一件很令人驚訝的事情了 在他們過去的人生中不管是在工作中還是生活中我想跟辦音樂會這種揮霍大量金錢的


在傳播圈打滾這麼久的專業眼光來看根本就是在胡思亂想而已 但也許就是我那打滾太久的專業眼光侷限了我的想像力也是因為他們不專業所以看不



- 140 - 我常常在想一個高雄的樂迷為了一場音樂會專程坐高鐡到國家音樂廳去欣賞真的是


在中正紀念堂下車捷運站的出口就直接是國家音樂廳了 可是玉山星空音樂會卻是要來聽的樂迷們自己想盡辦法跋山涉水的才能來到這個

深山之中的部落小學來享受這一場音樂盛宴國家音樂廳的座位有 2074 個我們今天在操


音樂會從頭到尾都是一個又一個的奇蹟累積起來的 你們都是在學業上很優秀的人也正在跟很多專業和頂尖的人才學習但是我希望各位





做出來的 在那時候你就可以告訴他們這個音樂會是怎麼誕生的是怎麼樣集合大家的力量來完成


一員 這是一個不售票的音樂會因為我們不想讓門票變成門檻來玉山星空音樂會惟一需要的



樂就是這場音樂會最好的回報 今天我想跟各位志工分享這些故事是因為我希望你們知道當你們決定來到山上當音樂



美好記憶 (工作時請叫我黑導)3-14-2014 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 141 -






















Bukut 與阿蠻是孩子們的守護獵人在孩子的教育上何止翻轉何止投入他們告所我




後必須擁有中央山脈 VIP 入山證在我家來去的企業家領袖海哥車大哥台光哥綸有














- 142 -
























綠繡眼 3-17-2014

Dear 綠繡眼



和阿蠻Bukut 兩位校長都是用生命在做原聲的工作加上這回的靜一及許多有才華又願

意付出的志工才有今天的局面 這麼多志工投入這麼多的資源這麼卯著勁辦原以為可以吸引更多的人關心原聲


想到兩位老師經常因為捐款不濟困坐愁城又想到 Bukut 校長阿貫老師的願那麼大未



綸有 3-17-2014

- 143 -

2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫 壹依據 一教育部國民及學前教育署十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質計畫 二南投縣 102 年度十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質整體計畫--部必辦處延

續政策申辦教師音樂專業成長研習 貳研習目標 一為二十一世紀的孩子創造音樂學習之旅 二二十一世紀的孩子需要什麼樣的音樂 三如何為不同年齡及孩子選擇音樂 四如何以音樂滿足孩子所需的挑戰

參研習內容 一以趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂包括音樂遊戲與即興創作等 二提供一至八年級精心挑選的樂曲 三以孩子需求所挑選的歌謠(藉由詮釋音樂內涵的過程)給予孩子適切的挑戰 四以多元文化為重點介紹中古世紀至古典時期音樂 五融合新設計的樂器奧福樂器與直笛創新運用奧福的內涵理念

肆指導單位南投縣政府 伍主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 陸協辦單位草屯國民小學 柒研習對象對華德福音樂教育有興趣之各國中小教師共計 60 人 捌研習日期103 年 4 月 17~18 日(星期四~五) 玖研習地點草屯國民小學承學堂 拾研習講師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss

目前服務於德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校為資深音樂教師此校為華德

福系統中包含特教功能的融合教育學校Marcus 畢業於英國愛默生學院音樂系在北美

洲曾指導多場音樂工作坊Markus 專長在華德福音樂教育及多元文化音樂表演(他對各

種民族的音樂很有涉獵)更擅長於 Werbeck 發聲教學也就是協助每個人排除發聲的

身心阻礙將屬於自己的聲音解放出來用整個人而不僅是某個器官來發聲此外Markus擅長 1~8 年級音樂教學(含特殊兒童)結合打擊樂器與詩歌的演奏中高年級的管絃樂



拾壹研習報名 一請各國民中小學教師即日起至 103 年 4 月 11 日前至全國教師在職進修資訊網報名聯

絡人張淑甚主任049-2362007112 二報名後如確有重大原因未能參加研習者請另函通知協辦單位以免造成訓練資源之

浪費 三為響應環保減少垃圾請自備筷子湯匙及水杯

拾貳研習時數本研習採計研習時數 12 小時參加人員請各服務單位給予公假登記(如有


- 144 - 拾參研習課表 日期 上課時間 課程內容 授課老師

0820~0850 報到 陳恆聰校長 0850~0900 開幕式 黃寶園處長 0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for

warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm focus games body percussion pedagogical issues

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊

第一天 4 月 17 日 (星期四)

1330~1630 1 Singing focus combining rhythm with songs experiencing world music developing creativity in the classroom 2 Finetune our work with songs for further performance

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm advanced deepening of the elements from Day 1

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊 第二天 4 月 18 日 (星期五) 1330~1630 1 Singing advanced bringing the

elements together enhancing the songs through use of rhythm instruments 2 Further songs round-up question answer time reflection

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師 黃寶園處長



一參加研習之教師能運用趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂 二參加研習之教師能配合孩子發展的特定需求選擇音樂 三加研習之教師能鼓勵並引導學生創作自己的歌 四參加研習之教師有 90感覺有收穫

拾陸研習成果 由主辦單位將研習成果(含電子檔)彙整成冊送本府教育處提報敘獎


項目 單價 數量 金額 便當 70 140(2 天) 9800茶水 20 140(2 天) 9800

場地布置費 3000 一式 3000雜支 3000 一式 3000

總計 25600

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一 目的鼓勵各校學童與家長一同學習母語融入生活中透過親子間的學習與互動提


知及應用本土語文的能力 二 主辦單位南投縣政府教育處 三 承辦單位南投縣東埔國民小學羅娜國民小學 四 競賽規則原住民族語【說族語闖天下】比賽


組辦理每位學生各闖關大項至多可各參加兩項 (二)競賽內容每位競賽者依事先公佈題庫進行闖關活動 (三)競賽方式分家長與學童二組進行比賽各自錄取中年級高年級和國中組優勝名

單 (四)競賽內容題庫於賽前一個月由主辦單位公布

五 報名時間 自104年11月20日起至12月4日(以郵戳為憑)請傳真或電子郵件報名 聯絡人東埔國小教導主任蔡榮哲 電話(049)2701340-12

六 競賽日期104年12月12日(週六)上午800-820報到830比賽開始 七 競賽地點南投縣羅娜國民小學 八 獎勵

(一)學生及教師 各組擇優錄取第一名1人第二名2人第三名3人優勝若干名凡成績列前三名及優勝


乙次以資鼓勵餘者則頒給獎狀乙紙以資鼓勵 (二)家長依參賽結果頒發獎狀

九 辦理本次活動之有功人員依本縣教育人員獎勵標準規定核予獎勵 十 附則

(一)各組參賽人員應於賽前30分完成報到手續 (二)各組參賽人員必頇依照規定時間準時到場並於競賽全部結束後始可離場比賽結

束後即進行頒獎 附件一語詞闖關活動內容

項目 活動說明 參賽資格



1依據下列基本三項自自我介紹可自行補充 1(族名)氏族 2家人數多少 3來至於哪裡 評審提問 評審 3 人採四個等級評分給分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名



1參賽者請看 ppt 圖示三個圖片中任選一項並以完

整的族語一分鐘內說出圖中表達的內容 2能說出二至三項者逐條加分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名

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評審 3 人採四個等級給分



1四篇短文賽前 6 分鐘現場抽題目並請以社群正確

語音朗讀完成 1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名




2~3 分鐘為限 家長


項目 活動說明 參賽資格




1布農語(巒郡卓群)國中組 200 字(字音字形各

100 字)國小中高年級組 100 字(字音字形各 50字)華語翻布農語布農語翻華語各半

2原住民語請用教育部與原民會 94 年 12 月頒布「原

住民族語言書寫系統」之拼音用音 3各組每人均限 15 分鐘 4200 字者每字 05 分100 字者每字 1 分塗改不



1國小每校 3 名 2國中每校 5 名





1基本過關 50 字 2進階80 字 3高階100 字 4挑戰150 字以上

1分巒郡卓三群 2每校至多 5 名 3取個人名次




1每校 4 人一組 2選題庫(分 2 組每組 100 題) 3二人以動作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另二人猜

出詞彙 4計時 2 分鐘每答對 1 題得一分(不會可放棄) 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

一組 3國中組二組




1親子兩人一組 2題庫(初級詞彙) 3一人以重作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另一人猜

出詞彙 4計時 1 分半每答對 1 題得 1 分 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

1 組 3每校 5 組


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2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫 壹 緣起

星空下山谷中縈繞耳際的美好樂聲將是您一生中難以忘懷的憶念helliphellip 為了充實部落生活內涵鼓舞學童家長及部落鄉親南投縣信義鄉公所和台灣原聲教育

協會仿效德國溫布尼夏日森林音樂會模式於 2010 年在海拔近千公尺的羅娜國小運動場舉


夜和群山的環繞下能夠聆賞國際級的演出在大自然的懷抱裏輕鬆愜意的欣賞音樂 在信義鄉公所和原聲教育協會的共同努力下星空音樂會已從單純的地方活動發展


外也順便悠閒採梅泡溫泉及欣賞原住民手工藝品體驗布農文化之美2014 年吸引近

三千位民眾上山 2015 年玉山星空音樂會已邁入第六年這一年音樂會特別邀請近八十歲的原住民之友

蘇秋女士蒞臨以及在第 23 屆金曲獎中囊括三項大獎的阿美族歌手以莉高露演出音樂

會開始由原聲打擊樂團以趣味節奏樂開場甫成立一年的原聲 A Cappella 合唱團以及曾

獲得奧地利「2012 vokaltotal International A Cappella Festival」金牌獎的 Voco Novo 爵諾人



中這動人的生命力不易從城市的日常生活中獲得只有您身歷其境才能感受 貳目的



三充實部落生活內涵培育藝術人文素養 參指導單位南投縣政府 肆主辦單位信義鄉公所羅娜國民小學台灣原聲教育協會 伍協辦單位



落會議羅娜基督長老教會羅娜天主堂信義鄉各國民中小學 陸贊助單位八方雲集食品有限公司元大文教基金會中國國際商業銀行文教基金會


智文教基金會 柒演出時間2015年 3 月 21日(星期六)1850~2100(1830入場) 捌演出地點南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小運動場 玖演出單位

一原聲打擊樂團 10rsquo(1900~1910)

二向蘇秋致敬mdash羅娜古謠采風 10rsquo (1910~1920)

三原聲 A Cappella 合唱團 10rsquo (1920~1930)

四Voco Novo爵諾人聲合唱團 20rsquo (1930~1950)

五以莉高露 20rsquo (1950~2010)

六原聲童聲合唱團 50rsquo (2010~2100)

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原住民的這份情緣種下她日後投入原住民文化保存工作的因 蘇秋女士畢業於台南師範深愛藝術半生投身於影像紀錄曾製作多部紀錄片獲獎


原住民的歧視她畢生所做的不在乎能賺多少錢只在乎能為原住民做些什麼 1986 年蘇秋女士來到羅娜部落以影像記錄了羅娜布農人的日常生活祭典及傳統歌謠

當時二十多歲的布農青年老師 Bukut(即今之馬彼得團長)為蘇秋擔任翻譯此後兩人未

再有任何聯繫去年 12 月中華電信基金會林三元執行長提及蘇秋女士傳奇的一生一個美好


會將放映當時紀錄片中珍貴的片段Bukut 會向蘇秋女士獻上最高敬意這場跨世紀跨族


以莉高露 Ilid Kaolo

以莉middot高露是花蓮吉納路安部落阿美族人2011 年發行首張個人創作專輯《輕快的生活》

獲得中華音樂人交流協會年度《十大優良專輯》第 1 屆《音樂推動者大獎》年度專輯大獎

以及第 23 屆金曲獎三項大獎mdash最佳原住民語歌手獎最佳原住民語專輯獎及最佳新人獎 2010 年與先生共同在宜蘭縣南澳鄉投入有機稻米栽植成為左手種稻右手寫歌的音樂

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲合唱團

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲樂團成立於 2009 年演唱技巧純熟曲風多元除了演唱流行與當 代的人聲爵士樂以外無國界的世界音樂及源自生活經驗的創作曲更是 Voco Novo 的一大

特色 歌曲充滿畫面感與原創風格的 Voco Novo 曾榮獲奧地利 2012 年《vokaltotal國際人聲藝

術節》流行組與爵士組雙料金牌並以客家歌曲「花樹下」獲最佳編曲獎2013 年榮獲 CARA美國現代阿卡貝拉《最佳亞洲專輯》獎以及「迢迢牽牛星」獲提名《最佳世界音樂歌曲》

音樂實力深獲國際肯定讓世界各地觀眾愛上這支東方意象獨樹一格的台灣音樂隊伍 Voco Novo 擅長於創作以及將具有台灣特色文化意涵的歌謠改編為充滿畫面感的 A

Cappella 音樂音樂總監劉郁如表示「看得見的音樂」是 Voco Novo 追求的音樂理想要讓

聽眾能從音樂想像台灣之美感受土地的風光 Voco Novo 經常受各機關團體邀請於國家音樂廳及台灣各地演出推廣人聲音樂近幾



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Voco Novo 也致力於編曲教學與創作以及與其他藝術形式合作實現一個最 ldquoVocordquo (源自英文 ldquoVocalrdquo「 人聲」) ldquoNovordquo( 源自拉丁文「創新」)的新人聲合唱音樂願景帶


原聲 A Cappella 合唱團


仍保有對歌唱的熱愛於是在 2013 年 10 月成立 A Cappella 合唱團先後受教於嘉義大學音

樂系張得恩師及 Voco Novo 雙雙團長自 2014 年 10 月開始利用週末下午練習 1 個多小時








台北雙連扶輪社牽成下這個構想真的實現了2012 年 9 月原聲打擊樂團成立 目前打擊樂團有十餘位團員由國立台灣交響樂團資深團員陳姿伶老師指導希望創新



台灣原聲童聲合唱團成立於 2008 年 6 月隸屬「台灣原聲教育協會」羅娜國小校長馬



聲來自心靈深處清澈純淨又和諧彷如天籟 2010 年 5 月應邀赴上海世界博覽會於台灣館開幕典禮中演唱2011 年受邀於百年國慶大

典中以布農語客語台語華語演出「百年禮讚組曲」2013 年 7 月應邀於美國加州 City Fremont 慶祝國慶升旗活動中演唱美國國歌同年 10 月再度受邀於國慶典禮中領唱國歌2014年應「全日本合唱連盟」邀請赴日本參加「東京國際兒童合唱節」並隨榮譽團長周美青女士

於東京博物館「國立故宮博物院神品至寶」開展表演 台灣原聲教育協會希望透過教育培育原住民孩子成為具有使命感的典範以帶動部落


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2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫 壹宗旨 一傳承發揚布農歌謠領悟布農文化之美 二提供各社區教會詩歌交流觀摩提升詩歌演唱水平 三以音樂影響社會教化涵養社區優質生活 四以詩歌頌讚耶穌基督的誕生 貳指導單位行政院原住民委員會行政院文化部南投縣政府 參主辦單位信義鄉公所社團法人台灣原聲教育協會台灣基督長老教會中部布農中會 肆協辦單位信義國中羅娜國小各村辦公室及鄉內各教會 伍比賽項目布農詩歌合唱比賽 陸比賽地點信義國中禮堂 柒比賽日期中華民國 104 年 12 月 11 日(星期五)上午九時起 捌參賽資格


一隊參賽 玖報名

參賽隊伍請於報名截止日 2015 年 12 月 4 日(星期五)前將報名資料以掛號郵寄或親送至 南投縣信義鄉羅娜村信筆巷 73 號(羅娜國小)馬慧如小姐(以郵戳為憑逾期恕不受理) 電話049-2831824

拾比賽辦法 一比賽曲目由大會選擇三首指定曲由參賽隊伍自行選擇一首演唱自選曲則必須

演唱布農古調詩歌不符規定者則不予計分 指定曲如下 (一)Iesu hai maisna dihanin kunastucin(布農聖詩 42 首)唱 12 節 (二)Tensi tahu sinpinaskal(布農聖詩 41 首)唱 12 節 (三)Santaishang bintuhan sia dihanin(布農聖詩 477 首)

二比賽人數每隊至少 20 人(不含伴奏與指揮)最多 40 人不足或多出者每不足

或多一人則扣總平均分數 05 分依此類推 三比賽規則

1 演唱曲目與報名曲目不符者一律不予計分 2 演唱時間以 15 分鐘為限自第一首歌指揮下手式開始計時指揮離開舞台時結


警示時間一到按鈴一長聲逾時即開始扣分逾時每 1 分鐘扣總平均分數 05 分

不滿 1 分鐘以 1 分鐘計依此類推 3 比賽演出人數應與報名表列相同不含指揮伴奏不得超過 40 人最少不低於 20人演出時可依樂曲之實際編制變換隊形 4 本比賽提供鋼琴其他無調性打擊樂器請自行準備若因歌曲特殊需要得以自

行錄製之卡式音樂帶CD 或自備之樂器伴奏 5 比賽將依序進行各隊報到時間請依主辦單位之通知(公布)於報到時間前完成


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6 參賽者應於司儀唱名時立即進入舞臺開始表演若唱名三次未進場者視同棄權 7 評分標準音色 40音準 20演唱技巧 20指揮(伴奏)10整體藝術

表現 10依照分數之高低評定名次比賽結束後當場宣布成績並頒獎 8 車馬費補助凡參加比賽者由大會補助車馬費每隊 5000 元 9 報名隊伍如未達八隊則取消比賽(電話通知各隊)



獎金金額如下 第一名獎金 80000 元 第二名獎金 60000 元 第三名獎金 50000 元 第四名獎金 40000 元 第五名獎金 30000 元 第六名獎金 20000 元 第七名獎金 10000 元2

二獲得第一名之隊伍並於 104 年 3 月辦理之玉山星空音樂會中擔任演唱如第一名隊


音樂會之演出為原則) 拾貳經費本次比賽經費由信義鄉公所及台灣原聲教育協會共同籌措

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200805 台灣原聲音樂學校及台灣原聲童聲合唱團誕生於南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳 200906 公益發行《唱歌吧》專輯入圍第 20 屆傳統藝術類「金曲獎」最佳傳統歌樂專輯獎 201001 接受廈門市台胞及台商聯誼會邀請首次於海外演出 201003 公益發行之《唱歌吧》紀錄片獲第 32 屆「金穗獎」最佳影片首獎 201005 受邀參加上海世界博覽會台灣館開幕典禮演出 201008 Bukut 團長獲選為遠見雜誌『新台灣之光』99 位人物之一 201010 受邀於中央研究院演唱為國內首次專場演出 201012 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201105 於國家音樂廳和國家國樂團聯合演出 201106 與哈佛大學鱷魚合唱團於東埔國小同台演出 201107 參加香港國際青少年合唱比賽獲童聲組金獎及民歌組銀獎 201110 於建國百年國慶大典中演唱「百年禮讚」組曲 201111 公益發行《不只唱歌吧》音樂專輯和紀錄片 201202 受邀於台南奇美博物館演藝廳及樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201203 受邀赴北京柏萊沃古典音樂俱樂部於金融家年會「寶島之夜」專場演出 201208 於新竹縣文化局演藝廳為創世基金會募款專場慈善演出「愛築家園」音樂會 201209 原聲兒童打擊樂團誕生 201211 受邀協助齊柏林導演空拍紀錄片「看見台灣」登玉山主峰於峰頂演出 201211 參加南投縣政府「全民運動會」開幕典禮演出 201212 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201307 受邀出訪美國加州參加國慶領唱國歌及國慶遊行巨人大聯盟球場Children

Discovery MuseumForest Lawn MuseumUNITY ConferenceICICE 全球華文網路

教育研討會Facebook 總部獻唱並於舊金山及洛杉磯劇院演出兩場專場音樂會 201308 受邀於高雄市文化中心至德堂專場演出 201310 受邀參加國慶典禮領唱國歌 201310 原聲A capella合唱團誕生 201311 受邀與長榮交響樂團於中興大學惠蓀堂聯合演出 201312 受邀於總統府「總統文化獎」頒獎典禮演唱 201402 受邀於台南樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201404 受邀於台北誠品松菸表演廳「看見台灣聽見原聲」專場演出 201408 應「全日本合唱連盟(JCA)」邀請赴日本參加第 28 屆東京國際兒童合唱節於新宿


物院「神品至寶」開展演出 201408 受邀於台中市圓滿劇場為「看見台灣-臺中心動影像音樂會」演出 201409 受邀於木柵動物園為台灣自製第一部 3D 動畫長片「桃蛙源記」首映會演唱 201410 受邀於台北小巨蛋參加慶祝國慶「四海同心聯歡大會」演出 201411 受邀於台中洲際棒球場參加「21U 第一屆世界棒球錦標賽」開幕領唱國歌 201411 受邀參加臺灣大學 86 週年校慶音樂會專場演出 201412 受邀參加南投縣長就職典禮演出

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

會議時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 200~430 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數

應出席人數 136 人實際出席人數 83 人(含親自出席 66 人委託出席 17 人) 貳大會開始 參主席致詞略 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告如 2013 年報 p10~22 二監事會監察報告如 2013 年報 p8 伍討論提案 案由一 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案(如

2013 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案業經

本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第 14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核

備 決 議通過 案由二 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2013 年報)提請討論 說 明 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第

14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 陸臨時動議無 柒選舉第 3 屆理事監事 有效選票理事票 83 張監事票 83 張 發票員黃煌蕭淑敏徐德蓮鄺麗君 唱票員楊智麟徐德蓮廖南詩蕭淑敏 監票員鄺麗君邱媛美

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理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠



監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥


捌原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 340~420)

1 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 西北雨直直落(福佬語) 詞葉明龍 曲黃敏 編曲楊耀章 3 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 4 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲林志忠 5 心肝寶貝(福佬語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 如鹿渴慕溪水(國語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲 Phil Dave 8 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

玖散會(下午 430)

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 1 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 400~430 開會地點台北市南海路 56 號夢紅樓二樓會議室 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠

楊智麟廖南詩廖達珊鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 候補理事林恩源江睿智(請假)賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 壹報告事項第 2 屆理監事於 4 月 26 日任期屆滿將移交給第 3 屆理監事會 貳討論提案無 肆選舉第 3 屆監事會主席及理事長

當選名單監事會主席mdash黃生理事長mdash洪春滿 參臨時動議

案由推選廖達珊為執行理事 決議通過


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 5 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200~430 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美(請假)許正瑛洪春滿黃春木

黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩(請假)廖阿貫鄺麗君(請假)羅綸有蘇錦淑(請假) 候補理事林恩源(請假)江睿智賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞(請假)樓海鳥(請假) 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 列席人員禹連泉孫藍蔚李彩霞呂克勝 壹報告事項

一建校規劃報告禹連泉建築師 二執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 5 月工作報告 2 2014 年下半年活動日程 3 2014 年暑期營隊課程及活動 4 2014 年 8 月參訪日本行程及活動 5 「十年樹木百年樹人」計畫-東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫 6 原住民師生美加遊學推薦實施辦法草案

三秘書長報告 1 2014 年 1 月至 4 月財務報告 2 遠距課輔及數位學伴規劃報告

四理事長報告 1 原聲音樂學校現況報告 2 東埔國小及原聲音樂學校親師生比賽及期末點數拍賣會(募集獎項)

貳交接前後任理事長印信文件交接 參討論提案無 肆臨時動議無


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 3 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 8 月 30 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木(請假)黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員馬彼得李彩霞呂克勝羅 揚高達瑋 壹報告事項

一主席報告 1 暑期學習營成果報告

(1) 日本演出及交流活動成果報告 (2) 暑期花蓮海洋營成果報告 (3) 母語推廣活動報告

2 原聲音樂學校學生的優秀表現分享 (1) 孩子在暑假有很多成長 (2) 學長姐與學弟妹分享學習心得mdash鼓勵學弟妹不畏辛苦努力學習

3 成就孩子時自己也被成就 二團長報告

1 建校規劃報告-建校場地相關事宜報告 三執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 8 月財務報告 5 月餘絀 -579070 6 月餘絀 3247291(磊山 220 萬元大 100 萬) 1-6 月餘絀 1538696 7 月餘絀 -1156540 8 月餘絀 -1214827 1-8 月餘絀 -832671

2 2014 年 9~12 月活動日程 貳討論提案 案由一修訂「台灣原聲音樂學校學生接受認養贊助辦法」 說 明受助生升入高中後皆在外地求學每月認養金 1 千元不敷使用且每位受助生狀況

不同需隨個案彈性處理 決 議依個案彈性處理 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 4 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 12 月 20 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興(請假)林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木黃慶忠(請假)楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有(請假)蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員孫藍蔚裘友棣車和道蕭淑敏呂克勝李彩霞柳宜蕙 壹報告事項

一2014 年校務報告阿滿理事長 1 校務現況報告原聲的孩子透過平日的假日學校及暑假活動(日本行花蓮海洋營



的生活教育 2 建校報告

(1) 實驗教育法已通過原聲申請設立實驗學校 20141117 通過現已可掛牌薵備 (2) 原來預定設立地點在羅娜部落的羅娜國小(原因腹地大羅娜部落是全國最大的


召開部落會議溝通若仍有意見再思考更換建校地點 二2014 年度財務報告藍蔚秘書長

1 至 201410 月止本年度餘絀為負 79240 元至 201411 月止本年度餘絀為負 81058元

2 2014 年至 11 月止捐款達成率 529支出達成率約 55支出減少是因建校支出

還未動用 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2015 年「年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」草案 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備並實施 決 議通過 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 5 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2015 年 1 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200-400 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興(請假)林靜一(請假)邱媛美許正瑛黃春木


監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生(請假)楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員裘友棣柳宜蕙 壹報告事項 一2015 年建校進度報告阿滿理事長 二2014 年度財務報告(決算)藍蔚秘書長 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2014 年「年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收

支表」草案(如附件) 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 案由二確定第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會召開日期地點議程 說 明擬於 2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)1400 假台北市南海路 56 號建國高中「夢紅樓」二樓

展演廳舉行 決 議通過 參臨時動議 肆散會

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會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 一 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)編曲馬彼得


同時也鼓勵小朋友早起 kula vali panangausan taki litu vava su-u hongku tasa dusa tau pat ima num pitu vau kula vali panangausan taki litu he he~ he~ he~ he-he

二 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語)編曲Edwin O Excell


農語和國語三種語言來表達 アメイジンググレイス 何と美しい響きか 私のような者も救って下さる さまよう私をお救いになり 今では神の恵みを見て取れる makitvaivi singkadaidaz laduaz inulivan minupungav inkaduanin maimabual minsinghal Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found Was blind but now I see 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見

三 天下別無拯救(國語)詞曲蕭泰然

看哪 我的僕人 我所揀選 我所親愛 看哪 我的僕人 是我心所喜悅 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 因為在天下別無拯救 因為在天下別無拯救 沒有賜下別的名 可靠著得救 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主啊 我的基督啊 願你快快再來 願頌讚與榮耀智慧 願感謝與尊貴權柄 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 哈利路亞讚美主 阿們 阿們 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 阿們 阿們 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主 我的基督 哈利路亞 讚美主 阿們 阿們

四 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 曲游智婷 編曲游智婷

田中的白鷺鷥 無欠缺過甚麼 山頂的百合花 春天現香味 總是全能的上帝 每日賞賜真福氣 使地上發芽結實 顯出愛疼的根據 耶和華祝福滿滿 親像海邊土沙 恩典慈愛 直到萬世代 我要舉手敬拜他 出歡喜的歌聲 讚美稱頌祂名 永不息

五 乘著氣球上天空(気球に乗ってどこまでも)詞東龍男 曲平吉毅州 中譯白蕊




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時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 風に乗って 野原を越えて(野原をこえて) 雲を飛び越え(雲をとびこえ) 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに何かが(そこになにかが) 待っているから(まっているから) 大空に ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン 時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 星を越えて(星をこえて) 宇宙を遥か(宇宙をはるか) 星座の世界へ 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに輝く(そこにかがやく) 夢があるから ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ 乘著氣球上天空(中譯) 有的時候會想起 天空真神秘 有的時候會想起 上天去遊玩 乘著一個大氣球 航向神秘的天空 隨風飄 隨風飄 越過一座座高山 飛過雲霄 飛過雲霄 乘著氣球上天空去 好去看天空上 有多少 神秘光景 啦~~~~~~~ 好去找宇宙中 有多少 多少寶藏 啦~~~~~~~

- 162 - 六花は咲く(日本語) 編曲西條太貴

真っ白な 雪道に 春風香る わたしは なつかしい あの街を 思い出す 叶えたい 夢もあった 変わりたい 自分もいた 今はただ なつかしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの歌が聞こえる 誰かを励ましてる 誰かの笑顔が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 夜空の 向こうの 朝の気配に わたしは なつかしい あの日々を 思い出す 傷ついて 傷つけて 報われず 泣いたりして 今はただ 愛おしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの想いが見える 誰かと結ばれてる 誰かの未来が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか恋する君のために


白雪覆蓋的路上 瀰漫著馥郁的春風 我想起了 懷念的那座城市 曾有著想要實現的夢想 也有著想要改變的自己 如今卻只想起 思念的那個人 聽到有人在唱歌 好像在鼓勵什麼人 看到有人的笑顏 就在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 夜空的另一邊 有著清晨的氣息 我想起了 懷念的那些往日 受傷過 也傷人過 也曾沒得回報而哭泣過 如今卻只思念 所愛的那個人 看到的是誰的思念 跟誰相連在一起 看到的是誰的未來 在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天會戀愛的你啊


這首詩歌曲風為 ABA 形式是露營佈道會最愛選唱的詩歌由原聲孩子清澈純淨的歌聲


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這上山路 我努力跑 一天一天 越跑越高 向前之時 常求我主 求立我腳 在更高處 求舉我起 而容我站 因信在天堂巍巍山 更上一層 我心切慕 求立我腳 在更高處 帶慈悲心 主耶穌來 為尋找我 以賜其愛 雖罪其深 怙惡不改 但恩主拉起我 從禍坑口 祂拉起我 伸憐憫手 祂拉起我 從黑暗夜 到光明界 啊讚美主 祂拉起我 我心所望 非此非彼 唯仰望主 寶血之義 我決不敢 托親托鄰 只完全靠主耶穌名 求舉我起 而容我站(從禍坑口 祂拉起我) 因信在天堂巍巍山(伸憐憫手 祂拉起我) 更上一層 我心切慕(從黑暗夜到光明界 啊 讚美主) 求立我腳 在更高處 在更高處(啊 讚美主 更高處 在更高處)

八kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語民歌) 詞王拓南曲伍欽光編曲Bukut

kipahpah ima kipahpah ima muskunta kipahpah ima 拍拍手 拍拍手 我們一起來拍手 kahuzasa kahuzasa muskunta kahuzas 歌唱吧 歌唱吧 我們一起來歌唱 manaskal saikin sadu mas muu tu taisisan 看見各位弟兄姐妹 我心歡喜快樂 mahtu mapasadu manaskalik(manaskalik) nakahuzas(nakahuzas) 能和各位相見 我心歡喜來歌唱 manaskal(manaskal) manaskal(manaskal) manasasi sang tama kamisama 快樂歡喜 快樂歡喜 歡喜快樂仰望上帝 uka hanimumulan uka kaisalpuan is-ang kaupahanian aluskunan kamisama 沒有憂愁 沒有煩惱 上帝日日與我同在 manaskal(manaskal) matumashing(matumashing) kaupakaupa hanian manaskal 歡喜讚美 日日都快樂歡喜 taisisan(taisisan) kahuzas(kahuzas) muskun kahuzas matumashing 歌唱吧朋友 一起唱歌讚美

九故鄉ふるさと Furusado(日本童謠) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

兔追いしかの山 こぶな釣りしかの川 夢は今もめぐりて 忘れがたき故鄉 如何にいます父母 つつがなしや友がき 雨に風につけても 思いいずる故鄉 こころざしをはたして いつの日にか帰らん 山はあおき故鄉 水は清き故鄉 在山上追逐兔子 在小溪釣小魚 至今我仍常夢到 難忘的故鄉 不知道父母是否安好 不知道朋友是否無恙 就算刮著風下著雨 我仍思念著我的故鄉 希望能夠達成志向 有一天能衣錦還鄉 山巒翠綠的故鄉 水質清澈的故鄉


自 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2014 年 12 月 31 日贊助者名錄如下篇幅為節省版面捐款抬頭為

5 個字以上者另立名錄欄皆依首字母筆劃數排序感恩所有支ldquo原rdquo者

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B02 室 2000 王裕鈞 1500 江亭潔 2000 吳炳昇 2000 宋祥興 40000

丁懷箴 2000 王詩辰 2000 江慶祥 12000 吳美慧 5000 宋隆傑 2000

尤麗惠 2000 王道維 24000 艾惠鵝 2000 吳哲彬 2000 宋德令 2000

尹世鈴 8631 王鈺琪 2000 何 易 1500 吳哲綸 1500 巫晟豪 1500

方思文 1500 王靖文 2000 何宜軒 2000 吳素雲 3500 李友尊 4000

方雅虹 2000 王翠華 2000 何怡君 2000 吳素絹 1400 李世忠 2000

方馨嫺 2000 王語瑄 2000 何明彥 1500 吳國榮 12000 李永勝 2000

毛恆祥 2000 王輝煌 2000 何冠儒 2000 吳婉君 2000 李玉如 5000

毛淑婷 2000 王靜君 5000 何振綱 2000 吳淑女 2000 李志勳 150000

王又 2000 王嶽璽 4000 何敏媛 2000 吳淑蓉 2000 李佳玲 2000

王士榮 2000 王薏蘋 2000 何淑娟 10000 吳清福 10000 李宗榮 3600

王如華 2000 王嬿茹 2000 何進村 2000 吳彭弘 100000 李旻真 3600

王佳華 200 古哲安 2000 何瑜芳 2000 吳敦義 55000 李昇修 2000

王宗鼎 2000 正能千惠 2000 何瓊文 2000 吳舒婷 2000 李明彥 3000

王怡文 2000 田淑嬿 3500 余大全 2000 吳瑪琍 2000 李枝昌 200000

王長婷 2000 田籠範子 1439 余沛婕 3000 吳慧君 2000 李芳禎 2000

王俊惠 2000 白佳欣 2000 余采親 1500 吳潔 2000 李金恭 100000

王俞芳 2000 石東千 2000 吳予仁 2000 吳憲昭 2000 李品欣 1500

王冠雅 2000 石麗珍 2000 吳玉英 2000 吳靜宜 2500 李宣澤 2000

王昭君 6000 仲淵 2000 吳秀娟 2000 吳耀敦 2000 李峙錡 1500

王界欽 2000 任柏叡 1500 吳佾其 2000 呂之華 2000 李昭慧 2000

王美玲 5000 全樹曦 4000 吳孟蓉 2000 呂文香 10000 李昭緣 2000

王美惠 2000 成溪玲 12000 吳旻芬 2000 呂玉華 20000 李修惠 2000

王英宏 2000 曲維正 2000 吳昌政 2000 呂昇祐 2000 李宴昌 2000

王娟卿 2000 朱久光 2000 吳昌錫 6000 呂冠磐 2000 李家媛 2000

王悟生 2000 朱佩珊 2000 吳明昌 2000 呂政明 5000 李婉如 2000

王效婷 2000 朱念慈 2000 吳明榮 6000 呂春桂 2000 李彩珠 2000

王海龍 10000 朱彥縉 2000 吳明錥 2000 呂美莉 2000 李彩嫻 2000

王崇蓉 2500 朱敏諄 2000 吳易縝 2000 呂茂源 2000 李淑芬 2000

王捷輝 2000 江文標 6000 吳秉儒 1500 呂淑貞 2000 李淑娟 2000

王組修 2000 江玉娟 300 吳金萬 2000 呂淑雲 10000 李愛珠 12877

王訢伃 2000 江志龍 2000 吳俊龍 2000 呂淳嫻 1000 李楊鈞 10000

王惠美 600 江奇駿 4000 吳冠陞 2500 呂惠玲 2000 李瑋珊 2000

王開敏 2000 江宜虔 10000 吳建明 100000 呂惠菁 2000 李瑞華 2000

王新立 10000 江青玲 2000 吳政宇 2000 呂琳琳 2000 李嘉哲 2000

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李嘉菊 2000 林玉芳 20000 林芳瑜 2000 林銅城 2000 洪家妮 20000

李嫚珠 2000 林宇哲 2000 林芳瑾 4000 林慧茹 2000 洪素梅 20000

李翠娟 2000 林安瀛 2000 林芷琳 2000 林慶恩 100000 洪富美 12000

李慧鳯 500 林宏明 2000 林金輝 2000 林曉真 10000 洪皖中 2000

李曉雯 2000 林志明 20000 林俊吉 2000 林燕 100000 洪瑜堇 2000

李鎮樟 2000 林杏芝 2000 林俞男 2000 林靜慧 2000 洪筱琍 2000

李耀武 5000 林秀芬 5000 林信子 8631 林麗芳 2000 紀佳緯 13900

李權泰 2000 林秀濤 2000 林冠廷 1500 林麗雪 5000 紀宜君 2000

李歡仁 5000 林育正 1000 林品儀 10000 林麗碧 5000 胡志宏 12000

杜薇 1000 林育如 2000 林品翰 2000 林寶彩 40000 胡秀華 10000

汪玄珠 4000 林育業 18000 林姵君 2000 邱一平 20000 胡芸瑄 2000

沈志宇 1500 林育靖 6000 林昭凱 500 邱玉青 2000 胡信馨 2000

沈岱育 2000 林育德 12000 林昭鳳 2000 邱佳秀 2000 胡秋香 2000

車平道 2000 林良貞 2000 林柏宏 2000 邱傑男 3000 胡夏萍 2000

初郡恩 2000 林辰學 1000 林祈芬 6000 邱媛美 23000 胡祖銘 2000

卓俊諺 2600 林京里 2000 林美玲 2000 邱義桓 2000 胡淑芳 5000

卓晨如 2000 林佩娟 12000 林羿君 2000 邱碩揚 20000 胡語姍 2000

卓儀泙 6000 林佩瑩 2000 林香吟 2000 邵崇榮 2000 范君瑋 2000

周文華 2000 林佳輝 2000 林原豐 2000 長與博典 8631 范志強 1000000

周文鶱 2000 林協進 2000 林家緯 2000 阿部哲夫 2877 范芯語 2000

周志明 2000 林孟辰 2000 林展禾 1500 凃雪玉 6000 范姜群澔 10000

周邦昀 2000 林宛臻 50000 林庭如 2000 姚淑美 11000 范舒涵 2000

周怡禎 2000 林宛霖 2000 林恩源 20000 政敏 2000 范曉恩 2000

周明翰 1500 林宜慧 2000 林財發 2000 施心韻 2000 香草氣球 20850

周美蘭 2000 林宜臻 216165 林啟信 4000 施牧之 1500 候靖柔 2000

周晴禎 900 林幸儒 2000 林國興 2000 施建興 3000 唐世昌 2000

周詩婷 2000 林念竹 2000 林淑惠 6000 施春成 2000 唐怡芳 2000

周蓓蕾 4500 林怡儀 2000 林淑慧 2000 施相如 2000 唐晨瑜 2000

周慧芳 2000 林昀靚 4000 林添樹 2000 施美妏 5000 夏以寧 2000

姒元忠 5000 林昆禾 2000 林森醫院 2000 施堯寬 2000 孫文先 9000

東森電視 2877 林昆慶 2000 林湘評 2000 施鈞凱 2000 孫立銓 2000

松澤寬文 8631 林明和 4000 林紫璿 2000 春山齒科 8631 孫譽真 2000

林乃杞 5000 林明達 2000 林雅玲 2000 柯玉環 2000 徐力克 2000

林三元 12000 林欣儀 2000 林雅容 2000 柯佩雰 2000 徐文輕 2000

林千翔 2000 林武田 10000 林毓文 2000 柯喬馨 2000 徐世禎 100000

林心蘭 2000 林泛俊 4000 林鈺清 2000 段成龍 2000 徐志婷 3070

林文淵 12000 林秉緯 2000 林嘉彥 2000 洪正容 2000 徐妮 2000

- 166 - 林月鈴 2000 林芳如 5400 林榮茂 2000 洪春滿 8500 徐芷唯 2000

林玉枝 2000 林芳如 4000 林維甫 10400 洪柏青 2000 徐復民 10000

徐慧珠 2000 張郁偵 2000 梁榮華 2000 郭盈芬 2000 陳勇洲 3600

秦永悌 10000 張徐庭芝 500 梁靜舒 2000 郭美秀 2000 陳品璇 1500

翁怡涵 2000 張恩瑜 2000 渉谷和典 14385 郭軒綸 1500 陳奕均 2000

翁素蓉 2000 張素華 2000 焉保元 2000 郭瑞意 2000 陳威羽 1500

袁嘉彬 2000 張淑蕙 2000 莊士興 2000 郭榮烈 4000 陳屏萍 2000

馬彼得 100000 張淑櫻 2000 莊秀娥 2000 陳人瑄 500 陳建芳 2000

馬松季 5000 張淨環 2000 莊佳慧 2000 陳大雄 2000 陳彥佑 3600

馬經方 2000 張琇喬 5000 莊惠如 2000 陳小玲 2000 陳彥谷 2000

高天翼 2000 張琇雁 2000 莊漢宗 2000 陳文欣 2000 陳彥豪 2000

高忠義 2000 張翊宸 4000 莊慧文 2000 陳民慶 2000 陳玲涵 2000

高振興 3000 張婷 2000 許文忠 2000 陳永金 111 陳盈謀 3072

高曼玲 30000 張媚 2000 許文龍 50000 陳立苹 2000 陳祈宏 100000

高逸紋 2000 張斯堯 10000 許玉治 2000 陳光誠 9600 陳秋伶 2000

高瑞穎 2000 張智映 2000 許成功 2000 陳安琪 2000 陳秋鳳 2000

高蒂燕 3000 張朝銘 2000 許秀蘭 2000 陳宏正 2000 陳紅蓮 100

高慧玲 15000 張雅筑 2000 許育宏 2000 陳宏瑜 2000 陳美如 2000

高橋功 2877 張楨 433900 許芳 2000 陳希臨 3600 陳美雲 10000

高橋晴美 2877 張瑋哲 2000 許美蓮 2000 陳志方 2000 陳虹陵 2000

崔秀雲 1000 張瑞玲 2000 許修誠 2000 陳志誠 13000 陳貞任 2000

康素珍 11000 張瑞純 2000 許家彰 2000 陳志彰 2000 陳郁文 5500

康瑤華 120000 張義雄 2000 許家榮 3000 陳杉豪 60000 陳淯芳 2200

康銘利 2000 張裕安 2000 許素修 2000 陳秀慧 15000 陳素庈 2000

張仁輔 2000 張裕忠 8400 許素蘭 20000 陳佳祺 3000 陳健生 18000

張文山 2000 張嘉耘 2000 許淑霞 2000 陳孟祺 2000 陳健丞 2000

張文祥 4000 張寧惠 2000 許凱翔 1500 陳孟慧 2000 陳彩秝 3000

張文通 2000 張榮哲 2000 許皓淳 1400 陳昀瑋 1500 陳晨昱 2000

張文靜 2000 張碧芳 2000 許萸晶 4000 陳欣榆 2000 陳梅瑛 2000

張月萌 2000 張肇祺 2000 許盟安 2000 陳玟伶 2000 陳淑君 2000

張玉姍 2000 張鴻章 2000 許嘉鎂 5000 陳玫荃 5000 陳淑宜 4000

張玉瑩 1500 張簡尹佩 2000 許綺紋 10000 陳采秝 2000 陳淑美 2000

張光宇 12000 張繐雅 2000 許慧玲 12000 陳雨航 2000 陳惠玲 2000

張君旭 6000 張馨勻 2000 許蕙宇 1000 陳亮伃 2000 陳焱煌 2000

張廷安 2000 強釖英 2000 許瓊禧 2000 陳俊良 10000 陳菀蓁 2000

張明因 1500 曹彥盛 2000 郭佳憲 2000 陳俐婷 4000 陳逸彥 11000

張明龍 2000 曹雅慧 2000 郭忠吉 2000 陳俐嬛 2000 陳逸穎 2000

- 167 -

張長軾 3000 曹蕙珍 2000 郭怡君 2000 陳俞蓁 4000 陳新宇 2000

張彥偉 2000 梁汝鎮 2000 郭玫君 2000 陳冠維 2000 陳新駿 2000

張春玲 2000 梁惠珠 5000 郭俊驛 1500 陳冠霏 2000 陳嘉彣 2000

張秋森 2000 梁詩屏 2000 郭昱秀 2000 陳勇安 2000 陳壽美 50000

陳旖益 2000 曾子銓 2000 黃克勤 2000 黃靜薰 2000 葉紅 2000

陳榮富 2000 曾克修 10000 黃志祥 6000 黃薰威 6600 葉美琴 4000

陳碧蓮 2877 曾宜謙 1500 黃邦定 3800 黃鐙麒 2500 葉書佑 2000

陳維斌 10000 曾明德 6000 黃忠賢 2000 黃馨儀 1500 葉書村 2000

陳維新 6000 曾俊峯 2000 黃東生 3309 楊大和 3000 葉淑鈺 6000

陳綺芳 2000 曾院介 3600 黃玟瑄 2000 楊仁賢 10000 葉惠盈 2000

陳銘元 2000 曾涵芝 2000 黃秉愷 2000 楊月華 2000 葉鍚東 2000

陳魁 2000 曾淑菁 2000 黃冠閔 12000 楊永昌 1500 董富儒 500

陳鳳怡 2000 曾源裕 1500 黃建誠 2000 楊光 6000 虞濟華 2000

陳鳴鈴 2000 曾鈺智 2000 黃建彰 6000 楊佳勳 1500 詹志鴻 2000

陳慧容 2000 曾嘉盈 2000 黃昭贊 2000 楊宗諭 2000 詹佳寧 2000

陳毅祥 2000 曾碧卿 20000 黃柏偉 2000 楊定諺 2000 詹雪玉 2000

陳蔚綺 2000 游郁欣 2000 黃盈甄 2000 楊宜華 1500 詹琪 2000

陳調鋌 20000 游雪惠 2000 黃若芸 3000 楊明芳 2000 鄒桂雲 2000

陳興海 200000 游貴美 2000 黃郁婷 4000 楊俊岳 2000 雷佳縈 2000

陳靜如 2000 湯秀滿 2000 黃祐鈞 2000 楊素端 10000 頌彥真賢 14385

陳靜宜 2000 湯明璋 2000 黃素娟 2200 楊高融 2500 嘉仁藥房 220

陳靜慧 2000 程延和 2000 黃國銘 2000 楊敕貝 8000 廖文怡 2000

陳膺州 2000 華國媛 6000 黃婉玲 2000 楊淑芬 2000 廖平生 2000

陳駿為 2000 賀志強 4000 黃彫棠 2000 楊淑珍 2877 廖怡鳳 2000

陳鏡安 1500 辜郁純 10000 黃御唐 7000 楊淨雅 2000 廖南詩 1300

陳麗如 2000 間宮內科 8631 黃晨雅 4000 楊連發 138000 廖建華 2000

陳麗姿 2400 飯塚能成 2000 黃清俊 2000 楊勝哲 3000 廖修筠 2000

陳麗秋 2000 馮怡敏 5000 黃清雄 2000 楊博欽 12000 廖書緯 18000

陳麗敏 2000 馮興儒 1500 黃竟修 12000 楊筠芃 8000 廖清佑 2000

陳露施 2000 黃 石 2000 黃創夏 10000 楊靖民 2000 廖湘如 2000

傅榮禎 2000 黃千真 2000 黃惠玲 2000 楊碧玲 2000 廖楓 12000

傅碧如 2000 黃大芪 900 黃智芸 2000 楊熾光 2000 廖達琪 200000

傅應翔 2000 黃子瑜 2000 黃智俐 4000 楊環菁 2000 廖嘉紅 2000

單彥榕 1500 黃介民 2000 黃雅梅 2000 楊韻秋 3000 廖榮山 2000

嵇彭傑 2000 黃文定 2000 黃雅慧 2000 溫孝文 2000 廖維旺 2000

彭沁璘 2000 黃文涼 2000 黃雯綉 2000 溫志中 2000 熊文瑗 2000

彭玟光 2000 黃文鴻 2000 黃源森 200 溫秭翊 2000 趙子佑 2000

- 168 - 彭泰彥 2000 黃世明 2000 黃裕洲 2000 萬瑾璇 2000 趙伊望 2000

彭紫晴 2000 黃令苹 3000 黃鈴淨 2000 葉子平 2000 趙淑琴 2000

彭嘉明 60000 黃玉娟 1000 黃鈺恩 2000 葉妍杏 2000 趙毓美 2000

彭鴻森 2000 黃生 1000 黃慶忠 20000 葉知定 4412 齊藤美弘 2877

景雯霞 2000 黃旭宏 1500 黃憲宇 1000 葉芳吟 18600 劉成 2000

曾于書 2000 黃竹瑄 2000 黃錦梅 10000 葉俊毅 20000 劉光雄 3000

劉有富 4000 蔡孟軒 3600 鄭倩玉 2000 戴志清 5000 魏延豪 2000

劉佩宜 2000 蔡孟琳 3600 鄭振家 2000 薛如娟 2300 魏筱君 2000

劉怡孜 2400 蔡宗立 2000 鄭浩民 2000 薛雅文 2000 龎睿穎 2000

劉明宜 2000 蔡宜廷 2000 鄭純淑 2000 薛雅齡 2000 繩蘇生 4000

劉欣怡 2000 蔡明安 2000 鄭素治 2000 謝一新 2000 羅一新 2000

劉秉怡 2000 蔡俊逵 1500 鄭欵 2000 謝元勳 50000 羅正宏 2000

劉俊宏 20000 蔡盈康 2000 鄭紹東 7000 謝如君 6000 羅宇棠 4000

劉俊茂 2877 蔡張金權 10000 鄭莉玲 2000 謝佩珊 2000 羅佳勳 2000

劉奐岑 2000 蔡淑莉 2000 鄭博仁 2000 謝佳芳 2000 羅金蘭 2000

劉珊如 15000 蔡陸宗 1500 鄭惠娟 4500 謝宛潔 2000 羅倩儀 2000

劉家振 2000 蔡雪美 2000 鄭鳳君 2000 謝宛勳 2000 羅揚 1500

劉晏汝 2000 蔡惠英 500 鄭興 2000 謝昀叡 1500 羅慈為 4000

劉素滿 12000 蔡椏芝 2000 鄭靜怡 2000 謝昌衛 2000 羅綸有 324000

劉淑 2000 蔡菁菁 2000 鄭靜芬 2000 謝政誼 2000 邊野吉 5754

劉淑貞 2000 蔡雅帆 6000 盧怡志 2000 謝炳邦 2000 龐晴 1500

劉博文 2000 蔡聖爵 200 盧崑瑞 2000 謝張芳珠 2877 蘇玉琦 2000

劉詠華 2000 蔡碧珊 2000 盧雅馨 2000 謝逸琦 2000 蘇佩誼 2000

劉瑞敏 4000 蔡維恭 2000 盧蓂朻 1500 謝嘉濬 2000 蘇明慧 2000

劉廖阿鈺 2000 蔡語嫣 1500 穆文誠 2000 謝實毅 2000 蘇秉夆 2000

劉漢倚 2000 蔡銘城 1400 蕭伃真 2000 謝瑩龍 6000 蘇建宏 2000

劉慧敏 2000 蔡德輝 2000 蕭妍庭 2000 謝燕珠 2600 蘇映吟 2000

劉澄豪 2000 蔡歐芳情 2000 蕭家列 2000 謝錫濱 2000 蘇郁雅 2000

劉麗芬 2000 蔡潔葳 2000 蕭淑敏 139000 謝麗燕 2000 蘇容瑾 2000

劉懿嬅 12000 蔡霈榆 4000 蕭登元 2000 鍾明芝 2000 蘇銹燕 2000

歐陽如蘭 2000 蔡耀毅 2000 蕭睆文 2000 鍾道之 2000 蘇曉棠 2000

歐濾德 11000 蔣耿義 2000 蕭劉阿玉 2000 簡劭庭 181500 蘇錦淑 10000

滕蕙蘭 2000 蝸行基金 17600 賴一湉 2000 簡欣華 2000 蘇靜君 2000

潘妤庭 2000 鄧沛雯 2000 賴乙晴 2000 簡湘容 2000 饒珍櫻 2000

潘信宏 2000 鄧依均 2500 賴如足 24000 簡嘉萱 2000 顧正禧 1500

潘威成 2000 鄧鵬 2000 賴建呈 10000 簡銘均 2000 蔡秀芳 2000

潘彥均 1500 鄭文珠 5000 賴素娥 2000 簡慧鍾 2000 蔡佳祝 11000

- 169 -

潘素貞 2000 鄭永玉 2000 賴素鏡 2000 簡薰育 10000 鄭美玲 2000

潘豐富 2000 鄭宇宏 1500 賴國豪 1000 藍文君 2000 鄭美惠 2000

蔡一輝 2000 鄭宇清 2000 賴惠鈴 2000 闕欣男 2000 駱慧君 1800

蔡玉茹 2000 鄭志明 2000 賴慶芳 1500 顏士致 2000 應丞武 2000

蔡宏達 2000 鄭秀足 2000 賴頤珊 1000 顏禾洋 20000 顏惠美 2000

蔡沛潔 2000 鄭宜欣 2000 霍安莉 2000 顏沛霂 2000 顏際隆 2000

006-0000560227844537 12000 兆豐產物保險股份有限公司 20000

0000-130540072691 2000 光友科技股份有限公司 2000

000-0404221176770 21143 艾葳精品婚紗有限公司 2000

004-00000115004038376 6000 利河伯實業有限公司 20000

009-0030105141735801 5000 吳尼可國際有限公司 2000

012-4924960183929900 600 巫葉子設計有限公司 2000

013-06053397 12000 李東陽里金館有限公司 2000

805-0006000400003506 13000 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 100000

808-0000543968111696 30000 和聲合唱團 5000

822-0000347532690803 36000 姊妹旅行社股份有限公司 20000

Lok Wing Lam 2000 旺宏電子(股)公司中華文化研習社 4000

Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 2607887 東京華僑商工聯合會 28770

士筌實業股份有限公司 2000 東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 2877

大可禾文化教育股份有限公司 20000 松山慈惠堂 2000

中央研究院化學研究所 40000 社團法人中華民國亞太產業經營研究會 15000

中正堂会館株式会社 8631 社團法人中華磊山慈愛社 2438000

中玨實業有限公司 2000 長霖寰宇企業有限公司 6000

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 100000 青境工程顧問有限公司 2000

丰雅時尚診所 2000 冠英水電工程有限公司 100

五福創新有限公司 2000 威盈貿易有限公司 6000

元昌投資股份有限公司 100000 恆暘貿易有限公司 8631

太鼓餐飲股份有限公司 2000 星新國際有限公司 2000

以琳內科診所 2000 映畫傳播事業股份有限公司 123800

台北北海扶輪社 20000 看見台灣-日本 SUZUKI amp MAYUMI 14385


北醫學大學 10000 美裝公寓大廈管理維護股份有限公司 10000

台北市城東扶輪社 107000 胡凱閔 黃雅青 2000

台北尚邑扶輪社 10000 苗栗縣物理治療師公會 2000

台北金鷹扶輪社 20000 郁建國際有限公司 4000

- 170 - 台北真善美扶輪社 60000 財金資訊股份有限公司 100000

台北雙和扶輪社 20000 財團法人中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 920000

台北雙連扶輪社 20000 財團法人中華基督教廈門街浸信會 43600

平田法律事務所 17262 財團法人臺灣基督教門諾會 30000

玄啟有限公司 2000 銘久股份有限公司 2000

白宇白米 2000 劉昭宏建築師事務所 14000

財團法人元大文教基金會 1000000 模組電腦實業社 3000

財團法人我們的文化基金會 200000 熱鐸(上海)貿易有限公司 2000

財團法人蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 43847 蔡恆維周英娟 10000

財團法人傳承教育基金會 300000 蔡蕙璟蔡華庭 10000

財團法人臺北市實踐家文教基金會 12000 樹德企業股份有限公司 12000

財團法人慶恩教育基金會 4025 橫濱中山協會 2877

國史館愛心社 3000 橫濱自由華僑婦女協會 2877

國際傑人會日本會 8631 穎珠投資股份有限公司 2000

康軒文教事業股份有限公司 16000 爵色餐飲股份有限公司 2000

康熹文化事業股份有限公司 9000 環通投資有限公司 2000

梁德健(正和航業) 8631 總編輯影像工作室有限公司 3000

牽猴子整合行銷股份有限公司 5000 聯合造形設計工作室 2000

笠源科技股份有限公司 2000 聯奇開發股份有限公司 21000

第一金證券投資信託股份有限公司 20000 聯瑋國際有限公司 2000

翊杰國際有限公司 4000 聯曜企業管理顧問有限公司 2000

陳慧蓮石智良 2000 聲創教育坊 2000

婷維國際有限公司 2000 謝博軒謝宜澄 2000

晶仁國際行銷股份有限公司 3015 鎮宸有限公司 5500

游泰慶蕭悧悧 17262 寶萊祥投資有限公司 2000

華山天主堂聖詠團 6000 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 100000

陽光雪梨投資有限公司 4000 誠品股份有限公司 300000

雲朗觀光股份有限公司高雄分公司 2000 實踐家商業模式顧問有限公司 10000

微熱山丘株式會社 1439 臺大客家研究中心 2000

傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 60000 臺中市中興大學 EMBA 校友會 150000

群馬縣台灣總會 8631 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 300000

悍創運動行銷股份有限公司 30000 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司 300000

桃井美鈴(里水株式會社 ) 8631 無名氏共 16 筆 321387

神腦國際企業股份有限公司 750000

- 171 -

編後語 喧囂波折的一年已接近尾聲 在世事紛擾中 原聲孩子在山裡 仍然絃歌不輟 平安成長 七年前原聲成立時招收的小四 小三學生 如今大致適才適性地就讀高中或高職一二年級

(2008 年原聲成立時招收小學二 三 四年級學生 利用每週六日及寒暑假上課 此後每年寒假僅招收小二生) 這兩屆原聲孩子國中畢業升高一前的暑假 我們都會安排一趟部落壯遊 讓他們去到南部和東部的魯凱 排灣 布農 阿美等部落去觀摩學習 回來後需繳心得報告 下文是其中一位生長在潭南部落的高一孩子所寫 他家境困頓 但今年很努力的考取台中市國立清水高中 新生訓練時 有同學竊竊私語原住民加分的 他寫下了他心中所想hellip但我卻不以為意因為我已經做到初步的自我認同helliphellip






難題我都能夠以布農族的智慧去面對並解決問題 這一兩年 總會有人說你們原聲很棒啊 做得很好啊 我會問好在哪裡呀 回答常常是你們小朋友唱得真好聽啊 是的 在看見台灣之後 更多人聽見原聲 但我們內心始終明白原聲的終極目標不是唱 而是培養出像 Biung 這樣的孩子--有自信 認同自己文化 對部落 對族人 有使命感 從他的字裡行間 您是否已可看到一位未來部落典範的身影 建立信心 自我認同 說起來容易 但絕非一蹴可幾 原聲六年多來 著力最深的就是儘量設法塑造原聲音樂學校的教育氣氛 它不在巍峨校舍裡 也不在先進設備中 而是一群最優秀最熱心的老師 一群認同學校理念 向心力超強的家長 在林宜城 Bukut 阿蠻三位校長帶領下 經由假日課程(數 英 語文 音樂) 讓孩子浸潤在專注 耐性 毅力 恆心的嚴格紀律下 一遍又一遍的聽校長分享困苦的成長經驗 講述布農傳統的智慧 日積月累一點一滴形塑了這樣的學校氛圍 也對孩子產生了深刻的影響 它不會像唱歌那麼迅速地被聽見看見 過程中更有辛勞 挫折 也有無奈 但這是我們真正要做的 是您的支持 鼓勵 和慈愛 陪伴原聲一路勇往直前 向您獻上原聲的歲末感恩 httpyoutubedFzSQ2aYEuk 祝福 您 身心喜樂康泰 行止自在安和

阿貫 2015 初春

- 172 -


2000 元傳播無限能量 2011 年 11 月公益發行的《不只唱歌吧》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 2015 年 7 月公益發行的《我愛唱的歌》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 以上凡捐款 2000 元 即敬贈 1 份專輯(請任選其 1) 等待有緣人 以上皆開列捐款收據 依所得稅法第十七條第 2 項第 2 款「個人對於教育文化公益慈善機構或團體之捐

贈總額最高不超過綜合所得總額百分之二十者得申報為『列舉扣除額』」 依所得稅法第三十六條第 2 款營利事業之捐贈以不超過所得額百分之十為限得列



捐款帳號永豐銀行(807)汀州分行176-001-0038951-6 兆豐國際商業銀行(017)台北復興分行008-10-53083-0 元大銀行(806)景美分行20152000000308 國外捐款帳戶httpgive2asiaorgfunds

Click Search Funds SEARCH BY NAME Click v And you will find Vox Nativa Association DONATE ONLINE


Page 3: 2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

- 3 -

82 學生學習單

85 訪日留影


87 UNITY 團員訪台心得

94 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

129 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

139 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


143 2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫

145 2014 年南投縣信義鄉「說族語闖天下」比賽實施計畫

147 2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫

150 2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫

152 2014 年原聲大事紀


153 第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

155 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 1 次會議紀錄

156 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 2 次會議紀錄 157 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 3 次會議紀錄 158 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 4 次會議紀錄

159 第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議紀錄

160 會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 164 支原者芳名錄

171 編後語

172 支原好康報

- 4 -

關於原聲 原住民文化 一直是真正的台灣本土文化 是充滿著對於自然生活深刻體會與豐沛情感的人文經驗 長久以來 與世界上許多土地原生的傳統文化一樣 受到新時代資本主義主流文化的侵略輕視與壓抑 原住民的歌聲 是他們凝聚生活中所有的體會 並 淬練內心所有深厚感情的真實聲音 在他們傳唱的聲符與嗓音之中 我們可以聽見 內心對生命的悸動 聽見 原本屬於每一個人生命中的真實歌聲 原聲 透過歌唱 讓新一代原住民小朋友 重新感受一直屬於自己血脈的驕傲 從心體會偉大先祖的生命智慧與情韻 同時更透過教育 讓出生在這個時代的原住民新血 可以活在當下 活出自我的真實生命 原聲教育協會相信 原始的生命之歌 可以超越語言文化的藩籬 直達每一個遠離遺忘了內心原鄉的人心之中 更可以重新釋放原住民內心被壓抑束縛已久的奔放靈魂 讓新一代的原住民 可以用自己的驕傲與力量 面對快速變遷的社會大環境 他們的生活哲學 相對於主流文化 不再只是 被研究的標本 或 供賞玩的表演 不再只是資本主義生態下 苟延殘喘的保育類族群 而可以繼承古老的血脈用自己的意志走向下一個時代的里程碑

原聲會員 ndash Jerry

- 5 -


特別感謝 Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 八方雲集食品有限公司 元大文教基金會 元昌投資股份有限公司 千業快速影印社 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 中華電信基金會 中興大學 EMBA 校友會 台北市城東扶輪社 我們的文化基金會 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 柏緯鐵工股份有限公司 神腦國際企業股份有限公司 財金資訊股份有限公司 晶豪科技教育基金會 誠品股份有限公司 傳承教育基金會 傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司











林 燕








張 楨













- 6 -



榮譽團長 美青姊姊

謝謝 您 聆聽原聲 謝謝 您 讓更多人聽見玉山唱歌

您的愛 我們永銘在心



























不二齒科 陳維斌 王貞惠 元大文教基金會 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 台灣新聞 公寓美裝 吳文貴 平田法律事務所 平田 達 正和航業株式会社 梁德健 広瀨耳鼻医院 頌彥 真賢 守谷眼科皮膚科医院 游泰慶 蕭悧悧 全日本合唱連盟(JCA) 男声合唱団東京 1925 東京中華学校校友会 東京台灣商工會議所

東京華僑商工聯合會 東京華僑總会

東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 春山齒科 春山 綋輝 株式会社 中正堂会館 株式会社 里水 桃井 美鈴 國際ビル株式会社 李愛珠 國際傑人会 日本總会 張榮發基金會 間宮內科 間宮 康喜 恆暘貿易有限公司 微熱山丘 SunnyHills







- 7 -



天主教海星中學 台灣基督教門諾會

台灣原住民族文化館 佛教慈濟慈善基金會

蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 國立東華大學

- 8 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會議程 會議時間2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)下午 200~400 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數 貳大會開始 參主席致詞 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告 二監事會監察報告 伍討論提案 案由一本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案(如 2014 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案業經本會第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後

陳報內政部核備 決 議 案由二本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2014 年報)提請討

論 說 明本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 3 屆理監事

聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議 陸臨時動議 柒原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 330~400)

1 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 2 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語) 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 7 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 8 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 9 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明

安可曲 玖散會(下午 400)

- 9 -

會員名錄 會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 1 尤美女 36 章大中 2 毛應騂 37 曾世彬 3 王貫寧 38 童禕珊 4 林靜一 39 賀志強 5 王麗楨 40 黃 生 6 林武田 41 黃春木 7 朱賜麟 42 黃 煌 8 何光明 43 黃憲宇 9 李志勳 44 廖達珊 10 宋祥興 45 廖達琪 11 李錫津 46 劉美珠 12 沈容伊 47 樓海鳥 13 卓娟秀 48 蔡聰池 14 姒元忠 49 謝志松 15 林比亨 50 韓慶仁 16 林礽堂 51 尹秀蓮 17 林晉源 52 羅綸有 18 林基興 53 蘇玉枝 19 林祥源 54 蘇錦淑 20 洪毓廷 55 朱芳琳 21 保美玲 56 吳素絹 22 洪春滿 57 吳清福 23 楊文貞 58 李月霞 24 孫文先 59 李宏學 25 孫蘭芳 60 李麗敏 26 徐正梅 61 林佑璟 27 徐德蓮 62 周筱婷 28 秦永悌 63 林金盾 29 秦美燕 64 林盱生 30 馬彼得 65 林信安 31 高淑瑛 66 林聰慧 32 許正瑛 67 侯嘉珊 33 許建志 68 姚淑美 34 陳海茵 69 徐淑芬 35 陳調鋌 70 馬松季

會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 71 張正華 106 文士豪 72 張 楨 107 熊偉傑 73 曹先進 108 黃慶忠 74 裘友棣 109 薛如娟 75 陳麗瓊 110 曾哲明 76 楊智麟 111 霍幼芬 77 崔秀雲 112 林三元 78 劉玉山 113 陳念萱 79 劉翠華 114 鄺麗君 80 蔡敏麗 115 周志宇 81 蔡銘城 116 李元正

82 鄭湧涇 117 林美鈺 83 黃玉娟 118 高光正 84 賴騰仙 119 車平道 85 繆友勇 120 李秉文 86 謝宜為 121 史秀琴 87 魏宏仁 122 廖惠慶 88 顧長永 123 陳元昭 89 林昭嚴 124 謝孝宗 90 江睿智 125 姜秀瓊 91 許皓淳 126 陳聞詩 92 劉有富 127 王師 93 申爵瑞 128 廖南詩 94 謝燕珠 129 廖楓 95 林恩源 130 張秋娥 96 洪筱琍 131 王國昌 97 歐德濾 132 王涵江 98 李訓帆 133 陳榮枝 99 歐陽魁鴻 134 邱媛美 100 黃昭展 135 薛富州 101 周麗芬 136 王維君 102 吳雨哲 103 蕭淑敏 104 楊佳勳 105 伍懿芳

- 10 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 103 年度 監事會 監察報告書

查本會自民國 103 年 1 月 1 日至 103 年 12 月 31 日止監事會參與理事監事

聯席會議瞭解各項業務決議與推行本會 103 年度財務報表經本監事會審查




第 3 屆監事會

監事會主席 黃生 簽章

104 年 1 月 24 日

- 11 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年收支決算




13958627 693


408300 2 辦公費

274649 14


62490 03



科 目 決算數 占決算收入總計 20137964 100

課業輔導費 4005157 1989 教材教具講義費 734537 365餐點營養費 893324 444交通旅運費 1788878 888 獎助學金 741479 368 假期營隊活動 348526 173 教學及演出活動費 2149689 1068其他業務費 217290 108部落服務活動費 2335087 1160業務推展費 744660 370

業務費 13958627 693 人事費 408300 20

文具紙張印刷費 13791 007郵電費 21598 011車旅膳雜費 5208 003公共關係費 48248 024 租賦費 21105 011其他辦公費 14699 007 辦公室租金 150000 075

辦公費 274649 14 建校規劃 62490 03 提撥基金 1255300 62 建校基金 4178598 208 支出總計 20137964 100

餘絀 0 0

- 12 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作報告


阿蠻 理事長


假期77-711 原聲建中成長營714-717 數學學習營721-731 國際志工擔任教師的英文

學習營731-86 參加東京國際合唱節88-815 海洋學習營另外也安排了國三畢業生的壯

遊課程國二學生到台北的密集暑期課業輔導 原來部落孩子的假期生活乏善可陳家長忙著種田打零工無暇也無力幫孩子規劃暑



下來每個孩子都得到許多的成長和進步 日後我們期望規劃更完整的第三學期課程讓部落家長社區耆老有機會一同來教導自


對他們日後在求學和職場上絕對是有幫助的 山上的孩子普遍早熟國中階段就急著談戀愛想要在朋儕間相互取暖獲得溫情家



越來越窮困同時也衍生許多社區和學校照顧上的問題 馬彼得在部落出生長大他深深知道這些問題不是靠著政府補助或投入經費就可以馬上


好 「改變」是多麼困難的工作在練唱的時候校長一遍又一遍的講述自己當年就讀國中




遍又一遍一個又一個的故事他不厭倦地說了不知多少年 七年來有些孩子吃不了苦放棄離開原聲但也看到許多孩子被薰陶被成就學習變得



個個儼然都是一副小馬彼得的樣子 有時我們會為了孩子的表現和遇到的困難感到沮喪失望有時也會為了某些事情意見不



看到孩子的進步就得著前進的力量 在這裡當然更要感謝原聲的每一位天使因為有您們在背後的支持和幫助我們才能繼



- 13 -

在忙碌中學習 成長

Bukut 團長 初看春花紅轉眼已成冬在忙碌中一年就這樣過去了 回顧一年來的行程足以用「匆匆」兩字形容除了寒暑假固定的營隊活動外今年


這是必然之事問題在於我們如何面對接踵而來的演出壓力如何在忙碌中淬鍊自己成長 我常常跟學生說忙碌是一功課懂得享受忙碌生活才能充實豐美在一連串緊湊的

學習活動與演出中我們的孩子也在學習學習如何運用零碎時間充實自己 暑假從日本回來才休息一天便又匆匆去花蓮途中休息時我把巧蝶叫到身邊問她


洋是陌生的遙遠的難得有這樣的機會去親近它誰都不願放棄 我再問「那功課會不會跟不上」我的話語顯示我的焦慮這焦慮不是沒有道理的巧


的落差還是不免讓我擔心 巧蝶很有自信的回答我「沒有關係我會自己利用時間看書」在花蓮的活動期間我

的確幾次看見巧蝶利用零碎時間看書 11 月 15 日受邀參加台大校慶音樂會演出在休息室裡等待的時刻大部分孩子都在喧



懂事啊」 12 月 13 日舉行親子運動會的上午進行母語闖關比賽巧蝶沒參加比賽她獨自在教


保有優異的成績表現在第二次期中評量中得到全班第一名 不只是巧蝶與景文高一的孩子學會利用時間多次在外出演唱的車上總是會看到幾個

孩子拿起書本把握有限的時間專注看書這樣的孩子在原聲這個團體裡是越來越多了 由於資質性向的差異不可能讓每個孩子都像巧蝶一樣有著優異的成績表現但我們

希望的是每個孩子都有著和巧蝶一樣的態度 我常跟孩子說「聰明的人把握零碎時間愚笨的人製造零碎時間」我們的孩子越


- 14 -


Uli 秘書 今年在教學與師生的溝通了解家長互動上有更多努力的空間與省思以下為工作概要

課程實施 週六早上數學課仍由漳興國小林宜城校長團隊帶領當有老師請假時林校長也會立刻



的學生老師也會利用下課或中午時間留下來特別加強 週日下午是上英文課由於老師都是新聘教師所以前兩個月師生磨合期學生較為躁



其中且也會利用活潑的遊戲方式教習英文 出席率及作業繳交 本年度學生出席率相當理想尤其低年級學生出席踴躍但高年級少部分學生較常請假





並勸導學生爾後應主動及準時繳交作業 家庭訪問 今年度家庭訪問以新生家庭為主訪問部落有雙龍地利潭南人和信義豐丘



聲可能提供的協助 在原聲積極募集資源的協助下期許學生能更懂得珍惜感恩也期盼本人與學生皆能有


- 15 -


Balan 秘書 食 原聲提供學生午餐若有留宿則會提供晚餐以簡單營養的二菜一湯為原則此外因

為大部分學生住家路途遙遠為避免回家途中飢餓放學時會發放點心飲品 本人負責擬菜單及向菜商訂菜同時請廚媽協助與校長監督校長要求少油少鹽無


菜切菜除了減輕廚媽工作量之外也讓家長有機會參與原聲大家庭的活動 衣 勸導學生應愛惜制服或書包發放制服時要求學生在制服裏襯名條上寫名字以便在


中制服及黑包的尺寸不合及脫色損舊 住

學生住宿於羅娜國小 2 樓三四五六年級教室因此 4 間教室為木地板又因兩側


服務志工也會陪學生一同就寢可就近進行夜間照護幫助很大我或 Uli 老師也會輪流值

夜留守以因應突發狀況 目前羅娜國小可供使用的浴室共有 9 間男用 3 間女用 6 間稍嫌不足又因衛浴熱


用擦身的方式以免學生受涼此實有待改善 行 今年度增加 1 台中型巴士共 4 台學生專車接送學生上下學2015 年預計招收仁愛鄉國

小學生可能需增訂 1 台專車 目前學生專車皆包租員林客運專車其中 3 台路線分別為東埔線陳有蘭溪線及雙龍地

利人和線以上為水里站發車另 1 台為潭南線是由員林客運總站發車此乃因交通部從

2014 年起將潭南線路權劃歸豐榮客運以致我們需用比學生專車費用更高的遊覽車資來租

用此台專車 受贈物資 原聲三不五時會收到食品衣物小禮物文具書籍等物資捐贈者有企業愛心團

體學校原聲老師甚至學生家長等 食品類有糖果餅乾健康食品蔬果等糖果和餅乾必須在食用期限內發給學生健

康食品目前有維他命 C 錠在學生午休後每人發兩粒蔬果則暫放冰箱以供午餐或晚餐用 衣物及其他物資類會先清點後登入捐物系統再請示校長如何處理原聲每學期末有拍


- 16 -


1 專場音樂會日程

2 公益活動日程

5 獻詩日程

日期 活動名稱 地點 124(五) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 125(六) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 315(六) 第 5 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 412(六) 「看見台灣聽見原聲」音樂會 誠品松菸館表演廳 81 (五) 「玉山天籟」日本音樂會 東京新宿文化中心 89(六) 「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會 花蓮原住民文化館 822-23(五-六) 「台中心動」影像音樂會 台中圓滿戶外劇場 1115(六) 台大 86 週年校慶音樂會 台大活動中心大禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 223(日) 兆如老人安養護中心義演 台北市文山區 81(五) 王園特別養護中心義演 王園特別養護中心 82(六) 白金之森特別養護老人之家義演 老人之家 84(一) 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

故宮神品至寶開展演出 群馬縣廳 東京博物館

85(二) 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院義演 橫濱中華學院 88(五) 門諾醫院公益演唱 門諾醫院壽豐分院 89(六) 慈濟醫院公益演唱 花蓮慈濟醫院大廳 109(四) 雙連安養中心義演 雙連安養中心 1210 (三) 東元生命藝術體驗營演出 南投縣立文化局演藝廳 1225(四) 南投縣長就職典禮演唱 南投縣政府禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 413(日) 台北華山救世主天主堂獻詩 華山救世主天主堂 720(日) 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 武界基督長老教會 720(日) 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩 曲冰基督長老教會 84(一) 橫濱基督長老教會獻詩 橫濱基督長老教會 914(日) 廈門街浸信會獻詩 廈門街浸信會

- 17 -


1 總課表 序 日期 11 年級(高二) 10 年級(高一) 9 年級(國三) 8(國二)~3 年級

1 77-711 夏令營-原聲建中成長營 2 714-717 各校輔導課 數學學習營 數學學習營 3 721-724 國際志工英語營 4 728-731 國際志工英語營 國際志工英語營 5 731-86 放假 東京國際兒童合唱節

6 88-15




導課(Jessica 教室)花蓮海洋營

2國三課表(728-815) 時間 0800-0850 0900-1150 1150-1300 1300-1550 1600-1650 1700-1850 1900-2150728-81 84-88

數學 自習


早餐 打掃


午餐 午休



晚餐 運動


日期 星期 上午(3 節) 教師姓名 下午(3 節) 教師姓名 晚上(3 節) 7 月 28 日 一 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 7 月 29 日 二 歷史 張凌琳 地理 侯曉潔 7 月 30 日 三 公民 彭偵艷 作文 吳書君 7 月 31 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 理化 王維聰 8 月 1 日 五 數學 曾明德 自習 自習


8 月 4 日 一 數學 曾明德 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 5 日 二 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 8 月 6 日 三 數學 曾明德 公民 彭偵艷 8 月 7 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 自習 自習


8 月 8 日 五 自習 自習 理化 王維聰 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 11 日 一 公民 彭偵艷 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 12 日 二 自習 自習 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 13 日 三 國文 林芳如 理化 王維聰


8 月 14 日 四 國文 林芳如 作文 吳書君 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 15 日 五 國文 林芳如 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟)

- 18 -

3 原聲建中成長營課表(77-711)

7 月 7 日 7 月 8 日 7 月 9 日 7 月 10 日 7 月 11 日 日期時間 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五

起床號 0700-0800 內務整理環境打掃早餐

醫療小常識 眼睛的幻術 幾何

幾何 認識世界 醫療小常識 壓力與生活 宇宙的奧秘 吃軟不吃硬

0810-1000 學員報到 開幕典禮

吃軟不吃硬 能源 壓力與生活


吃軟不吃硬 壓力與生活

壓力與生活 吃軟不吃硬

醫療小常識 幾何 1000-1150

相見歡 (小隊凝聚)


團康活動 小隊時間


成果展 結業典禮 合影留念 (全體)

1200-1250 午餐 1250-1320 午間小憩

宇宙的奧秘 能源

認識世界 1330-1420



合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)


能源 認識世界 宇宙的奧秘 眼睛的幻術 眼睛的幻術 能源

1620-1710 給未來的信 (全體)

認識世界 宇宙的奧秘


1720-1800 小隊時間 晚餐

1810-2000 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐


才藝晚會 (全體)


學員返家 服務志工 部落巡禮 體驗學習


2000-2010 星光夜語

2010-2110 盥洗

2140~ 進入夢鄉

洗澎澎 (2100-2200) 進入夢鄉



備註建國中學志工團隊於 7 月 6 日下午進駐並完成在地場布準備12 日上午收拾行李


- 19 -

4 英語學習營課表(721-724)

時間日期 721 Mon 722Tue 723 Wed 724 Thur

0530-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐

0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃 0800-0830 健康時間 0840-0920 0930-1010

美國生活影片 英文教學

1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110

1120-1200 英文教學 Halloween Craft Ballroom Dance

3 art projects (Loom Lanyard

Bracelet) 1200-1240 午餐 1240-1320 午休 1330-1500 1510-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴 1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

打掃時間 放學 (1730)

1800-1840 晚餐


相見歡晚會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

Halloween Party 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 志工盥洗

2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

師資慧智文教基金會甄選美國高中及大學生為教學志工 領隊教師吳翠萍Chen Brian 陳伯恩(共 9 女 8 男) 林德馨 Lam Der-Hsin Andrea 李珣安 Li Shane 劉亮言Liu Liang Yen林艾妮 Lin Diane Amy 張皓瑄 Chang Megan 陳琬元 Chen Sophie 陳寬 Chan Andrew Marcus 蔣承祐 Chiang Eugene 何珞宇 Ho Roy 陳可馨 Chen Kexin Carrie 連凱文 Lian Kevin 于凱如 Yu Crystal 鄭豫婷 Zheng Yuting Rebecca 杜昕芳 Du H Justine 孫楷 Swen D Kye

- 20 -

5 英語學習營課表(728-731) 時間日期 728 Mon 729 Tue 730 Wed 731 Thur 0630-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐 0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃

0800-0830 健康時間

0840-0920 0930-1010


1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110 1120-1200

Science Project Food ProjectBallroom Dance 英文教學

1200-1240 午餐

1240-1320 午休 1330-1410 1420-1500 1510-1550 1600-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

打掃時間 放學 志工物資行李總


1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴

1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

1800-1840 晚餐


才藝表演 小品音樂會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

惜別餐會 成果展 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

- 21 -


學生經由合唱練習和表演所建立的自信心明顯表現於其課業學習如下 1 國三升學成績8 位國中畢業生

姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校 姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校

幸琳茹 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 谷皓傑 男 民和國中 國立清水高中

全心潔 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史凱文 男 同富國中 曾文農工

全雅安 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史志祥 男 同富國中 埔里高工

幸念緹 女 水里國中 長庚護校 謝韶翔 男 同富國中 鶯歌工商

2 小二至國二生學習成效90小學生成績居全班前 1460國中生成績居全班前 12


1 辦理親職教育2014 年已舉行 4 次(111315628913)家長出席率達 90 2 以部落為單位選出 8 位家長委員組成家長會並輪流至學校擔任餐廚志工

序 部落 委員 身分 子女 職務 1 潭南 林佳文 母 幸琳茹幸美茹幸明仁幸明山 委員 2 地利 松能武 父 松昱希松昱蕎 副會長 3 雙龍人和 幸美花 母 司曄恩司曄宇 委員 4 明德三十甲 全昊妤 母 田有宏田祈宏 委員 5 新鄉豐丘 松定安 父 松瑋恩 委員 6 羅娜 伍錦紅 母 李羽妃李謙 委員 7 望鄉久美 史添發 父 史庭伍瀚史灝 委員 8 東埔 伍順良 父 伍恩 會長

- 22 - 台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作紀事

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

119 Bukut 校長於遠雄人壽公司及臺北大學體育館演講(Nuskin) 阿蠻小呂藍

蔚阿貫 120-25 9 年級學生 7 人至台北 Jessica 老師教室集中課輔 聖堯胤哲 121-22 於羅娜國小實施寒假合唱及打擊樂課 124-27 於台南樹谷園區舉行冬令營

124 1900-2030 於樹谷演藝廳舉行專場音樂會 125 1400-1500 於樹谷演藝廳為南科台積電員工公益演出 126 獨木舟探索活動 127 參觀港香蘭生技製藥公司及蘭花園區

24 原聲+阿布電影公司+慧智文教基金會討論「看見台灣」美國


212 拜訪建中校長商借場地舉行會員大會 214 參加北海扶輪社捐款感謝聚會 小呂藍蔚阿貫


215 原聲開課南投中興新村燈會 215 與信義鄉農會總幹事討論贊助玉山星空音樂會 215 1800-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會部落工

作協調會議 215 2030-2200 於 Aziman 家討論東光布農合唱團演出事宜 216 0930-1030 草坪頭茶園 216 1100-1200 與望鄉部落合作社松芳古洽談日本仙台大專

生訪問交流行程 216 1300-1400 二年級新生家長座談會 1400-1600 舊生家長座談會 216 1500-1700 內湖實踐家教育集團演講(阿貫)




217 玉山星空音樂會技術籌備會天作之合劇場辦公室(八德路 2段 203 號 4 樓)飛陽音響黃逢斯薛翔中


呂藍蔚阿貫 219 與 Teddy 理事討論玉山星空音樂會海報邀請函主視覺設計

台大服務課志工期初分享會台大生科館 和道Teddy小

呂藍蔚阿貫 221 至建中「夢紅樓」展演廳場勘及借器材(指示牌) 小呂藍蔚阿貫

222 於建中「夢紅樓」召開第 3 屆第 1 次會員大會選舉理監事 第 3 屆新任理監事舉行第 1 次理監事聯席會議選舉理事長

223 1000-1100 於兆如老人安養護中心義演(陳姿伶指揮) 1100-1200 參觀政大於學生餐廳午餐

224-25 日本仙台大專生望鄉及東埔部落之旅 與全淵能主任討論日本仙台高中生參訪地利部落行程


- 23 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

227 台大服務課志工鍾昭慶拿電子報照片 阿貫 31 至大稻埕扶輪社演講 小呂阿貫 33-4 上山

向族人解說申請販賣公益彩券辦法 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 2 次部落工作協調會


38-9 上山

二年級新生入學 雅云指導玉山星空音樂會主持人司婷


311 玉山星空音樂會台大志工工作會議 美智小呂藍蔚

312 至木新路 2 段 156-1 號表演 36 房拜訪景文高中優人表演藝術

班陳麗娟主任 小呂去中天電視台溫攝影師處拿「中天夢想驛站」訪問原聲影





313 玉山星空音樂會舞台完工(黃逢斯未依圖施工) 1900-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 3 次部落工

作協調會 314 「看見台灣」於地利國小感恩放映(阿布電影公司) 1600-2000 天作之合劇場抵達走位及彩排 1700~攝影組志工張育銘團隊抵達 舞台組志工及主持人司婷確認 rundown 315 1230-1630 於梅子夢工廠演講 3 場美國嘉賓團台北

嘉賓團磊山保經團(阿貫) 1500-1730 羅娜圓環風味餐(美智藍蔚) 1830-2130 玉山星空音樂會 2200-2330 校長家感恩飛鼠哄啪 316 0900-1130 拜會新竹企經團達谷蘭 1130-1430 與贊助人在喜覺支午餐 1430-2030 與聯奇公司企劃徐香華至達瑪巒部落場勘


321 1000-1200 UNITY 拜會原民會 1600-1800 帶資訊工程師志工 Richard amp Hank 至信義國中羅

娜國小東埔國小場勘網路環境 1330-1500 順發吳董夫婦及女兒上山瞭解原聲志工服務內容




1300-1600 台灣公益團體自律聯盟第 3 屆第 3 次會員大會 324 1330-1530 與台大生科王俊能師及生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書

長討論部落生態復育(阿貫) 1330-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談(藍蔚) 1830-2030 感謝玉山星空音樂會聚餐

325 1400-1600 輔大偏鄉課輔計畫分享會智融基金會 1830-2030 與 Stanley 嚴及鳳文邀請聚餐討論原民遊學辦法亞都麗緻飯店




- 24 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

326 1530-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談 藍蔚 326-27上山

日本仙台高中生達瑪巒部落之旅 台灣生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書長至東埔國小環境調查


328 國三生琳茹雅安心潔皓傑凱文韶翔及高一生景文來台北參

加景優班術科甄選考試 Jessica聖堯胤

哲 329 琳茹雅安心潔皓傑景文至景文高中參加優人表演藝術班術

科甄選考試凱文韶翔陪考 Jessica小呂藍

蔚阿貫 41 1500-1700 信義鄉史強鄉長訪冶鑄建築師事務所瞭解建校規畫




42 1430-1600 天下文化未來兒童創刊茶會(拍手歌授權) 阿貫 43 1400-1600 國泰世華銀行倪秀金周嘉祺經理來訪討論贊助信

義鄉國小早餐事宜 阿貫

44 合唱團加課練習確認聘請李彩霞擔任行政秘書 藍蔚 46 赴屏東牡丹鄉參加原住民醫學會華國媛理事長父親追思禮拜 阿貫 48 1300-1530 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-一籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長等) 1600-1700 晶仁國際公司負責人文鑑宇及行銷部專案經理洪嘉

慧來訪討論明年 11 月公益演出事宜


411 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1000-1200 至武陵高中演講


412 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1430-1530 合唱團於磊山保經群英會演唱 1900-2000 合唱團於誠品松菸表演廳演出專場音樂會



413 0900-1130 於華山救世天主堂參加聖枝主日敬拜獻詩及午餐 奧地利上奧邦(Upper Austria)之邦立衛爾音樂學校

(Landes-MusikschuleWeyer)校長舒茲爾 Johannes Sulzer 聖樂合

唱分享由普羅藝術家樂團廖嘉弘教授主持 交通大學喀報記者陳佩瑄訪問 Bukut 校長



415 1430-1530 公益團體自律聯盟訪視 1530-1730 阿布電影公司來訪討論「看見台灣」台中音樂會


416 1230-1330 台大原聲社團會議 寄出東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫給中國國際商銀


藍蔚 阿貫

417-18 邀請德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校資深音樂教

師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss 於草屯國小辦理音樂研習


419 馬可思 Marcus s 指導原聲合唱團 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 1 次籌備會建中



- 25 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

424 1300-1700 理查漢克贊助並裝置 2 台電腦桌機於協會辦公室 1700-2100 參訪輔大遠距課輔現場輔大聖言樓 SF305

425 參觀中研院植物所彭鏡毅研究員秋海棠溫室 小呂阿貫 426 1000-1200 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台北場 小呂阿貫 428 1400-1500 與睿智理事討論原聲協助家長投保微型保險 藍蔚 429 0900-1000 拜訪台大師培中心田芳華教授

1400-1500 輔大遠距教學 JOINNET 平台使用訓練 藍蔚阿貫

430 1000-1100 至冶鑄建築設計事務所討論校舍校園規劃平面圖 1430-1700 和中華電信基金會執行長三元拜訪華新扶輪社社長

新北市淡水區興華村北新路 26-1 號


51 行政秘書李彩霞到任 52-3 上山


小教職員宿舍無線網路 53 1000-1200 阿貫於雄中資優班人文教育演講 53 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台中場


54 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-高雄場 Bukut阿滿 56 1000-1200 赴北安路拜訪李宜靜討論日本音樂會

1300-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-二籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長王梅等)



57 赴台南與和聲兒童合唱學園負責人 Vicky 討論日本行程 藍蔚阿貫 59 布農族射耳祭台東 515 自律聯盟會計讀書會第三章 1-3 節 藍蔚 516 0830-2230 東元原住民兒童之夜舞台組志工報到及服務

0730-2200 觀賞東元原住民兒童之夜演出 小呂藍蔚阿貫

Bukut阿滿 517-18上山

517 理查漢克建置羅娜國小各班無線網路環境 517 1700-1800 召開校務會議討論暑期行程 518 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書館手機借還書系統 518 1100-1200 勘查羅娜村司山生司山秀房屋火災受損狀況


519 1300-1400 華新扶輪社演講大直典華 1500-2000 藍蔚陪同蘇老師拜訪關西國中


蔚阿貫 521 1400-1630 嚴長壽總裁至信義國中演講

1210-1330 於奕青酒莊午餐 小呂彩霞藍


522 0930-1130 拜訪張榮發基金會討論日本機位及機票 藍蔚阿貫 524 召開第 3 屆第 2 次理監事會聯席會議 525 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 2 次籌備會建中

1800-2100 日本行籌備會議(with 李宜靜會長) 春木藍蔚阿


- 26 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

526 1000-1200 復旦中學演講 阿貫小呂 528 1430-1830 亞太產經研究會演講大直典華 阿貫小呂彩霞

62 0930-1130 原聲建中成長營住宿規劃協調會 藍蔚阿貫 64 1700-1945 台大志工期末分享會(UliBalan 參加) 藍蔚小呂彩

霞阿貫 66-8 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書管理系統及輔大遠距課輔系統安

裝及設定 理查漢克

66 0730-0830 台大晨行人捐款儀式台大司令台(小呂阿貫) 1215-1315 拜會台大師培中心賴進貴主任(藍蔚阿貫)

613 2030-2230 遠距教學系統架構技術討論會北辦 理查漢克睆

文彩霞 613-15 上山

宜靜會長訪視原聲 小呂阿貫

617 1200-1500 與日本深澤直樹及宜靜會面討論音樂會相關事宜 與 Teddy 理事討論日本音樂會海報及 DM 設計 1500-1800 至新竹 Amy 及竹北 Lisa 處載運物資(小呂阿貫)



618 1530-1630 至千業印刷印刷日本音樂會海報及 DM 阿貫 619 1030-1200 載運及清點物資(小呂彩霞)

1200-1430 城東扶輪社演講華漾飯店(阿貫小呂彩霞) 1430-1530 Balan史偉華至台北搬運物資上山 1530-1630 至千業印刷日本音樂會海報改版(阿貫) 2200-2230 至千業印刷載新舊版日本演出海報送至宜靜家(阿貫小呂)

621-22 上山

621 庶古公司副總吳明榮探視認養受助生 621 1330-1500 原聲建中成長營原聲志工培訓會(藍蔚春木

凱翔) 621 1700-1730「桃蛙源記」電影首映演唱等相關事宜討論(阿滿BukutPaul慧菁) 622 1030-1130 日本行最後名單確認(Bukut阿滿慧菁) 622 1230-1330 升國三生暑期輔導課程討論(Jessica聖堯胤



624 2200-2300 至尤監事家載運物資Balan史偉華至台北搬運物

資上山 阿貫小呂

625-26 花蓮

0900-1000 太平洋聽玉山唱歌花蓮記者會 1030-1130 門諾醫院壽豐分院場勘 1400-1500 慈濟大愛廣播台花蓮台專訪 1500-1600 慈濟醫院場勘 1600-1700 花蓮原民文化館場勘



- 27 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

72-3 合唱團加課 73 遠距課輔北辦測試及討論(理查漢克睆文) 73~5 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 3 次籌備會建中 75 訪日合唱團加課 1500-1600 副總統訪視原聲


76-12 上山

原聲建中成長營(戴志清師督導) 76 1200-1640 抵達午餐場地佈置 79 1830-1930 小品音樂會-排灣族林文表演 710 1900-2100 成長營晚會 711 0900-1100 成長營結訓典禮 1300-1700 部落巡禮 1700-1830 建中與原聲志工球類友誼賽 712 0800-1200 繳作業環境復原返回建中


77-78 台視「熱線追蹤」記者上山採訪 77 1000-1200 日本演出及交流行程討論(宜靜曾碧卿Vicky


78 德國公共廣播聯盟特派員上山採訪 711 0900-1030 竹光國中演講沙里仙飯店 小呂阿貫 714 花蓮 1400-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-三籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長蘇帆海洋基金會林向揆王梅等) 藍蔚彩霞阿貫

714-17 暑期學習營第 1 週mdash數學學習營 716-717上山

討論暑期事務 藍蔚小呂阿貫

718 0900-1000 富邦人壽演講 1500-1700 Teddy 節目手冊製作討論


霞阿貫 719-20上山

美國慧智文教基金會國際志工上山 順發 3C 女兒 Jenny 和綸有女兒亦萱上山擔任志工 2 週

0830-1230 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 1330-1500 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩


721-24 暑期學習營第 2 週-國際志工英語課程 722 1900-1930 小品音樂會-原聲打擊樂團 724 1300-1600 合唱團去南投文化局演藝廳模擬演出


728~31 暑期學習營第 3 週-國際志工英語課程 729-30上山

730 0930-1030 日本行前家長說明會 藍蔚小呂阿貫

728-815 國三生至台北暑期課輔 Jessica

- 28 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

731-86 參加日本東京國際兒童合唱節 81 1025-1040 王園特別養護中心演出 1900-2100 玉山天籟音樂會新宿文化中心 82 1115-1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出 1400-1800 戶崎大師音樂工作坊洗足學園音樂大學 83 1100-1720 東京國際兒童合唱節音樂會昭和女子大學 84 1210-1300 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出 1630-1700 東京博物館演出 85 1030-1100 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院演出


88-15 花蓮海洋學習營國中畢業生壯遊 88 1900-2000 花蓮門諾會醫院壽豐分院義演 88 國中畢業生參訪茂林鄉多納部落 89 830-1130 慈濟精舍及靜思堂參訪 1500-1530 慈濟醫院義演花蓮慈濟醫院 1900-2100 花蓮原住民文化館音樂會 89 國中畢業生參訪霧台鄉神山部落 810~813 花蓮海洋學習營 810~813 國中畢業生參加內本鹿生態文化體驗營 814 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

819 合唱團加課 822-24 822 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場

823 1130-1300 紅敞牛排館品嘗牛排 1500-1700 參觀自然科學博物館 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場 824 1000-1500 遊覽后里區麗寶樂園

826 1300-1700 新竹市竹光國中演講 小呂彩霞阿貫

827 車埕國小場勘(阿蠻Bukut) 小呂阿貫 830 理查漢克建置羅娜國小遠距課輔系統安裝及設定

召開第 3 屆第 3 次理監事會聯席會議

96-7 中秋節連假原聲加課 913-14 913 1200-1600 「桃蛙源記」首映會台北市立動物園

1600-1730 遊覽動物園 1800-2000 邱董宴請晚餐 914 0900-1300 廈門街浸信會獻詩



917 1200-1330 台大服務課期初說明會 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 918 1330-1700 原聲阿卡開課討論會 阿貫小呂鳯


- 29 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

922 探視鳳文討論訪歐行程及阿卡課程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

923 1100-1330 原聲第 3 份專輯討論會(阿貫阿滿藍蔚Bukut天豪小呂彩霞) 1330-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚阿貫彩霞) 1600-1800 校長夫婦探視鳳文

924 赴阿布電影公司拜訪 藍蔚阿貫小呂

925 0900-1230 赴雙連安養中心場勘 1230-1330 赴汐止梵斯製衣看運動服樣衣



926 1800-1900 桃蛙源記科博館放映 927 1400-1600 家長座談會 929 拜訪親愛國小


101 1030-1200 晶仁公司-公益媽媽手札活動企劃會議 藍蔚阿貫小呂

102 1000-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan103 1230-1430 明門扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

104 1900-2230「看見台灣」跨界音樂會 阿貫藍蔚小呂

108-9 「四海同心」聯歡會及雙連安養中心 108 1300-1430 四海同心聯歡會彩排小巨蛋 1500-1800 合唱團練習建中資源大樓 5F 1400-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚) 109 0800-1300 雙連安養中心參訪義演 1530-1600 四海同心聯歡會演出



1010 0830-1130 劉水池老師和三位高中生初見面 1000-1200 玉山星空音樂會籌備會 1長安東路


呂和道美智 1017 1330-1530 原住民遊學方案討論會議

1530-1730 原聲專輯 MV 拍攝討論 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道美智 1018 1730-1900 奧地利代表會面 1930-2130 高一阿卡團上課 阿貫藍蔚小呂

1020 快樂髮廊義剪 1023-24 去台南拜訪全樹曦及 Vicky

1023 至善化拜訪全樹曦 1024 去台南市拜訪 Vicky 阿貫藍蔚和道

1025 五~七年級老部落尋根之旅 小呂和道 1026 1430-1630 維也納少年合唱團音樂會台中 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道鳳文 1027 1830-2030 數位學伴研習會 藍蔚彩霞 1029-31 上山

1030 0900-1300 旅英布農藝術家優席夫amp比勇演講信義國

中 1400-1600 去親愛部落 1031 1330-1400 曲冰部落-萬豐國小 1530-1730 桃米社區-紙教堂-新故鄉基金會-廖嘉展


- 30 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1102 和丰診所義診 1104 0730-1200 新竹市綜合活動領域演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1104-06 1105 赴花蓮參加 PriDoc 太平洋原住民醫學會文化之夜 1105 1400-1530 台中洲際棒球場場勘


BukutTiang 1107-08上山

1107 1800-2100 21U 世界棒球錦標賽開幕演出 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1111 上

山 親愛+萬豐國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1113 0930-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan1114 1630-1830 原住民海外遊學會議 阿貫藍蔚 1115-16 台大校慶音樂會

1115 1400-1800 合唱團及打擊樂團練習及彩排活大 1900-2100 台大校慶音樂會演出 1116 0800-1000 原聲小音樂家的臺大課程體驗 0900-1000 歌聲夢想的起點原住民教育座談會 1000-1210 臺大校園歷史建築導覽



1120 上

山 豐丘+新鄉國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂美智 1121 1900-2100 北辦網路拉線及線路調整 彩霞漢克理查

1122 1530-1730 Suzzan 討論專輯贊助 阿貫藍蔚 1123 1430-1600 曦爵公司--討論歐洲行程 阿貫藍蔚和

道鳯文 1127 0900-1130 三重欣明製衣公司--東埔國小衣褲尺寸及數量 阿貫藍蔚Ben1128 1200-1400 芝山扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1129 1630-2200 原聲阿卡赴苗栗欣賞 Voco Novo 演出 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1202 0900-1130 去三重欣明製衣-東埔國小及親愛愛樂制服製作 阿貫藍蔚 1203-05 台東踩線場勘之旅 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1206-07 上山

綸有Teddy陳慧玲上山 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1208 0930-1130 高雄衛武營榕園場勘

1130-1400 拜訪傳承基金會阮女芳總經理 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂黑導 1210 東元藝術體驗營 1010-1015 合唱團彩排

1140-1200 原聲禮讚演出 阿貫藍蔚小


- 31 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1219 1200-1400 陳皓玫mdash討論華航機票優惠 阿貫藍蔚和

道黑導 1220 召開第 3 屆第 4 次理監事會聯席會議 1221 1200-1400 胡卓君mdash討論香港演出事宜 阿貫和道黑導

1225 南投縣長就職典禮演出 阿滿BukutUliBalan小呂

1226 0900-1100 聚點影視公司與藏傳佛教協會理事長討論贊助原

聲事宜 藍蔚阿貫小呂

1229 1220-1310 台大志工期末分享會(藍蔚阿貫小呂Uli 彩霞) 1900-2100 共乘即時通技術討論會議協辦(藍蔚小呂漢


101 1400-1630 星空志工amp網頁更新會議(美智漢克理查宗

佑宜蕙文鴻敬恆羅揚) 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 103 1130-1300 原聲學生社團成立會議 藍蔚阿貫

Jessica 109 1100-1330 與姒元忠鳳文討論歐洲行程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

110 去高雄拜訪贊助人-吳老闆 阿貫小呂 112 1600-1700 台北新辦公室場勘 淑媛藍蔚彩霞

113 1000-1200 八方雲集公司拍照募款 藍蔚阿貫小呂

114 1430-1630 振興醫院場勘 藍蔚阿貫小呂

121 1400-1630 徐匯中學+蘆洲功學社場勘及簽約 藍蔚阿貫小


124 召開第 3 屆第 5 次理監事會聯席會議 經常性工作 1 每月 1 日支付辦公室租金(轉帳) 2 每月 18 日信用卡捐款授權日 3 每月 30 日支付教師授課鐘點費(轉帳)員林客運學生專車費(支票)及餐點菜金 4 每週統計學生出席率及作業繳交情形每月底繳交工作日誌 5 志工上山前一日辦理旅遊平安險

- 32 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年工作計畫

前言 台灣原聲音樂學校是一所體制外假日住宿學校為社團法人台灣原聲教育協會於 2008 年

5 月在南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳成立目前借用信義鄉羅娜國小及東埔國小校舍上課每年 2月在信義鄉招收各部落小學二年級的原住民學童(6 成多為布農族籍)其中近 9 成來自低收



擁有選擇未來人生的能力和權利直到他們大學畢業 原聲音樂學校下設原聲童聲合唱團A cappella(阿卡貝拉)人聲樂團及打擊樂團以音



會員大會 136 人

理事會 15 人 監事會 5 人


洪春滿 監事會主席

黃 生

行政組 音樂學校 125 人









高二 7 人高一 8 人 國三 12 人國二 14 人

國一 16 人小六 21 人

小五 16 人小四 17 人

小三 14 人








A cappella 團






馬聖堯蕭淑敏 馬胤哲

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服務對象南投縣信義鄉水里鄉仁愛箱各部落原住民學生 1 人數2014 年 12 月小三至高二為 125 人(高中 15 人國中 42 人國小 68 人)

20085 第 1 次招生錄取小二~四 42 人(20148 升 9~11 年級餘 26 人留校率 62) 20092 第 2 次招生錄取小二 21 人(20148 升八年級餘 14 人留校率 67) 20102 第 3 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升七年級餘 16 人留校率 57) 20112 第 4 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升六年級餘 21 人留校率 75) 20122 第 5 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 升五年級餘 16 人留校率 80) 20132 第 6 次招生錄取小二 25 人(20148 升四年級餘 18 人留校率 72) 20142 第 7 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 生三年級餘 14 人留校率 70) 20152 第 8 次招生預計錄取小二 20 人

2 學生名單

3 學生性別

性別 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 女 5 4 11 8 13 11 7 9 6 74 男 2 4 1 6 3 10 9 8 8 51 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125

人數 年級 學生姓名

7 十一 谷佳芳 司侑宗 松瑋恩 田景文 史婉容 伊部塔給鹿敦 謝孟庭

8 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 幸念緹 全心潔 全雅安 史志祥 史凱文 謝韶翔 司念祖 松皓淵 幸詩涵 司季璇 王卉軒 司莉君

12 九 司孟奾 史 庭 松夢葶 松夢筑 田雨卉 伍冠因 田芷恆 田芷婷 幸于辰 幸雪芬 松昱希 全襄柔 司季欣

14 八 松憓婷 松雅各 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶 幸美茹 松昱蕎 幸雪芳 申 薇 全襄娃 司 美 全芷芸 全唯芯

16 七 李羽妃 石伯華 何瑞耘 全 芊 松慈媗 伍主兒 伍宇欣 方 政 幸明仁 全雅平 松詠婕 申雨軒 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 全家榆 松鈺婷

田鎞鎷 松雅德 伍雨晨 伍承琳 伍邵恩 尤蘇諾乃家納 全文祥 21 六

何家程 林郁家 松慈芸 伍 恩 伍明威 釀恩塔給鹿敦

谷巧玟 全郁華 金芊璦 賴念慈 幸聖君 司曄宇 田有宏 全亞恩 16 五

全聖煜 伍恩婕 史俊祥 李 謙 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍主恩 伍約翰

幸明山 松冠銘 谷 薰 金家儀 田祈宏 全光榮 司若庭 向 萱 呂宇澤17 四

陽詠智 林采萱 馬妤芯 史 灝 方 琪 方 圓 伍書韓 伍皓詳

辜歆菲 呂啓佑 松毓傑 司曄恩 金佑翊 全若綺 史念恩 14 三

史祥恩 松耀祖 史玥兒 王 讓 馬沛羽 林凡羽 伍奇浩

- 34 - 2 學生背景所屬部落族群家庭環境

(1)所屬部落 部落 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 潭南 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 14 雙龍 1 2 1 3 1 1 9 地利 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 12 人和 1 2 3 明德 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 12 豐丘 3 1 1 3 8 新鄉 1 2 1 1 5 羅娜 3 2 2 3 3 5 2 20 久美 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 12 望鄉 2 2 1 2 1 8 東埔 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 22 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


族群 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 布農 5 6 9 10 8 16 10 9 9 82

布農漢 1 2 2 4 3 1 5 2 20

布農泰雅 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9

布農鄒 1 1 1 1 4

布農太魯閣 1 1 1 1 4

布農賽德克 1 1 1 3

布農阿美 1 1 2

泰雅漢 1 1

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


家境 高二 高一 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計

低收入 5 7 10 11 12 16 13 14 12 100 80

小康 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 25 20

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125 100

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南投縣政府於民國 102 年 10 月公布「南投縣縣立中小學實驗教育學校設置要點」信義

鄉羅娜國小於 103 年 8 月據以向南投縣政府申請開辦實驗教育學校已獲南投縣政府於 103年 11 月 17 日「府教學字第 1030226302 號」函告審查通過讓原聲音樂學校實體化進度向前

邁進一大步期望於 2016 年成立實體學校以下為 2015 年目標重點 培養原住民典範人才 一 與信義鄉各部落國小溝通協調尋覓最適學校開辦實驗教育規劃校園建築配置設計

校舍及景觀 二 使用中華電信基金會提供之 Joinnet 視訊平台實施互動式遠距教學初期由 7 年級英文及

9 年級數學課開始試用 三 支援信義國中「數位學伴」支援台大學生利用 Joinnet 視訊平台擔任信義國中學生每週

晚自習課之遠距家教 四 高國中部皆設班級導師國中學生身心成長迅速需請具專業素養瞭解布農文化且

深富愛心耐心之老師來陪伴和協助孩子 五 針對高中生量身打造個別輔導課


補與平地學生間之學習落差 六 輔導國三學生生涯探索適當選擇升學進路九年級 12 位學生於 2015 年暑假將邁入下


力選擇適當志願 七 擬訂並執行原住民師生海外遊學辦法與公益平台文化基金會合作辦理 八 支援信義鄉同富國中信義國中及仁愛鄉親愛國小教學資源 九 支援部落文化活動舉辦玉山星空音樂會族語闖關比賽布農詩歌比賽等活動支援

全國原住民運動會開幕表演 讓世界聽見玉山唱歌 一錄製音樂專輯傳揚來自玉山的純淨天籟作為贈送贊助者之禮物 二赴歐洲巡演預定於 2015 年 8 月底至 9 月初赴德國波蘭奧地利三國巡演擬於法蘭

克福柏林波茲南 Poznań維也納等城市演出並與維也納少年合唱團同台演唱交流

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1 學期中數學英文及國文依年級分班合唱課分為一二團兩班

高一二每週六上午數學下午 A capella(在台北上課)

國二三每週二三晚數位學伴遠距課業輔導 2 寒暑假 寒假1 週冬令營 (台北白金錄音室錄製音樂專輯) 暑假1 週夏令營(與台北市建國中學人文社會資優班長期合作辦理) 暑假6 週學習營每週全日上課 4 天實施數學英語國文及合唱打擊樂教學出

國演唱 2 週 二合唱團及打擊樂團 1 合唱團(一團)指揮mdash馬彼得鋼琴伴奏mdash趙慧菁 (1)十八姑娘(客語) (2)火金姑叼位去(台語) (3)酒矸倘賣無(國語) (4)愛情樹(國語) (5)快樂天堂(國語) (6)原住民組曲(族語) 2 打擊樂團指導老師mdash陳姿伶

新生小鼓基本練習木琴基本練習Mickey Mouse March 就地取材打擊Stinkinrsquo Garbagekipahpah imaLittle star 人身打擊Our Favorite Son 舊生合奏曲 Tijuana SambaEine Kleine TischmusikLidsThe William Tell Overture

星期六 國二三 國一 國小 0830-1200 數學 1200-1320 午餐午休

1320-1610 理化 合唱 生物(1 次月)

合唱 打擊樂

1620-1710 作業時間 1710-2000 沐浴晚餐閱讀打掃 2000-2130 少年團契小品音樂會電影欣賞

2130~ 就寢

星期日 國二三 國一 國小 0700-0800 起床早餐運動

0810-1000 國文社會 語文閱讀

1010-1200 作業時間 合唱

1200-1250 午餐午休

1300-1550 英文 1550-1610 打掃放學

(7) Palis angelicus(拉丁語) (8) Mozart Alleluia(拉丁語) (9) Ode an die Freude(德語) (10) Edelweiss(英語) (11) Adieu sweet amaryllis(英語) (12) Hymm to Freedom(英語)

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3 A cappella 合唱團指導老師mdash劉郁如

(1)基礎樂理音感節奏感讀譜訓練 (2)練習 A cappella 曲目 (3)練習 A cappella 簡易編曲 (4)練習 Beat-box 人聲伴奏

三師資 1 行政人員

校長洪春滿mdash負責校務及語文閱讀課程 秘書Uli 馬慧如mdash負責學校教務學務輔導及家長聯絡事宜 秘書Balan 梁賜輝mdash負責學校庶務財務及志工事宜 秘書李彩霞mdash負責協會行政業務及出納

2 學科教師

數學劉水池(北一女退休教師)曾明德(台北南門國中教師) 陳清河(新竹德霖技術學院教授)林宜城(南投漳興國小校長) 林麗敏蕭玉鳳林麗娟林紀穎(漳興國小及中寮國小教師) 英文陳聞詩姚淑美(建中退休教師)葉芳吟(台北國中英文教師輔導團) 陳怡帆蕭慧鈞(台大外文系畢國中實習教師) 劉原良張藝寶(靜宜大學應用英語系教授及研究生) 蕭淑敏(麥偲克補習班英語教師)楊鈞堯(羅娜國小英文專長替代役) 理化黃錦珠(國中理化退休教師)生物薛如娟(北一女退休教師) 社會馬聖堯(台中教育大學)馬胤哲(台北教育大學) 合唱馬彼得(羅娜國小校長)趙慧菁(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 打擊樂陳姿伶(國立台灣交響樂團管樂團團員) A cappella劉郁如(Voco Novo 團長) 四校外教學及演出 1 表演活動結合校外教學參觀等豐富多元學習活動以拓展視野薰陶素養 2 年度專場演出次數 8 場以不影響課程及學生作息為原則 3 參加公益活動以教導學生感恩回饋

高一二 9 年級 8 年級 7 年級 6 年級 5 年級 4 年級 3 年級 2 年級 數學 劉水池 曾明德 陳清河 馬聖堯 林麗敏 林宜城 蕭玉鳳 林麗娟 林紀穎 英文 陳聞詩 蕭淑敏 陳怡帆 葉芳吟 楊鈞堯 劉原良 姚淑美 張藝寶 蕭慧鈞 導師 馬聖堯 蕭淑敏 馬胤哲 馬聖堯 -- -- -- -- --

- 38 - 預定活動


1 辦理親職教育及家長讀書會 (1) 2015 年預定召開 4~6 次座談會期許家長作孩子榜樣(戒酒努力工作等)並請家

長互相分享教養心得及相互勉勵 (2)每雙月舉行家長讀書會由健康飲食親子教育心理行為等類書為始鼓勵家長

閱讀學習並以身教做孩子榜樣 2 舉辦玉山星空音樂會

預定 3 月 21 日晚間於羅娜國小運動場舉辦預定邀請 Voco Novo 合唱團阿美族歌手以

莉高露以及在地的布農族古謠合唱團和原聲童聲合唱團原聲 A cappella 團共同演出

日期(星期) 活動名稱 地點 主辦單位 128-30(三-五) 原聲音樂學校冬令營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園廣場 衛武營藝術文化中

心籌備處 2224(一三) 原聲童聲合唱團寒訓營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 26(五) HTC 尾牙感恩音樂會 南港展覽館 飛虹公關整合行銷 27(六) 原聲會員大會成果發表 建國中學 原聲教育協會 29-13(日-五) 錄製音樂專輯 功學社音樂廳 原聲教育協會 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 328-29(六-日) 全國原住民運動會開幕式 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台鐵大樓 竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 76-11(一-六) 原聲建中成長營(夏令營) 東埔國小 建國中學 713-16(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 720-23(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 727-30(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 731(五) 原聲長榮聯合音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保經公司 83-6(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 810-13 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 卡度基督長老教會 原聲教育協會 817-20 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 828-910(五-四) 歐洲巡演 德國波蘭奧地利 Vocal Asia 1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 111(日) 南松山天主堂獻詩 南松山天主堂 原聲教育協會 125(六) 原聲親愛音樂會 新竹市立演藝廳 心築愛樂 1212(六) 原聲親子運動會 羅娜國小運動場 原聲教育協會

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3 舉辦布農詩歌合唱比賽

預定於 12 月農閒時期舉辦提供優厚獎金以鼓勵族人傳承發揚布農歌謠提供各部落


音樂會表演 4 引介資源

(1)引介扶輪社為東埔國小及親愛國小學生製作制服 (2)引介統一星巴客咖啡提供設備及協助信義國中實施職涯探索咖啡特色課程 (3)引介雅丰診所至信義鄉義診 (4)快樂麗康髮廊每月上山義剪 (5)推介日本仙台大專生訪台行腳至望鄉及東埔部落進行認識布農生態文化之旅 (6)關懷生命協會林雅哲醫師團隊至信義鄉實施貓犬義務絕育活動

5 教會詩歌見證預定赴仁愛鄉教會獻詩


一九年級升學成績12 位畢業生預期 6 人升入高中6 人進入高職 二二年級至九年級學習成效

項目 效益 指標 知識 知道好的學習

行為 90孩子至少理解三項正確的學習行為(準時上學完成作業

認真閱讀) 行為 實行好的學習

行為 留校率達 90全勤率達 50閱讀課外優良讀物平均達到 40本最少者不低於 20 本

成績 好的學習成就 80小學生成績居全班前 1470國中生成績居全班前 12 三合唱團練習成效複習 50 首舊曲目學會 12 首新曲目 四打擊樂團練習成效學會 4~5 首打擊樂曲 五A cappella 團成效學會 4~5 首心曲目 六學科學習成效以教師上課紀錄志工觀課札記學生成長日誌及學習回饋單評量

日期 教會名稱 日期 教會名稱 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 111(日) 南松山天主堂

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年收支預算表 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日

科 目 年度 2014 年 2015 年說 明 款項目 名稱 預算數 預算數 1 本會收入 26360600 23358900 1-1 入會費 0 0不收新會員 1-2 常年會費 136000 1360001000人136 1-3 捐款 25352600 21932000 1-4 補助收入 780000 1200000申請政府補助 1-5 其他收入 92000 90900存款利息 2 本會支出 26360600 23358900 2-1 人事費 382200 436800 2-2 辦公費 324600 294700 2-3 業務費 16098500 14207000 2-3-1 課業輔導費 4123500 4742000 2-3-2 教材教具講義費 1047000 747000 2-3-3 餐點營養費 864000 700000 2-3-4 交通旅運費 1485000 1800000 2-3-5 獎助學金 793200 753200 2-3-6 假期營隊活動 790000 320000冬令營及夏令營 2-3-7 教學及演出活動費 2660000 6520000含歐洲巡演旅費 2-3-8 其他業務費 240500 229000

2-3-9 部落服務活動費 3020000 2080000玉山星空音樂會部落

古謠比賽等 2-3-10 業務推展費 1075300 2575800合唱專輯製作等 2-4 購置費 0 0 2-5 折舊 0 0 2-6 專案-建校基金 8300000 1000000建校規劃

2-7 提撥基金 1255300 1160400收入 5 3 本期餘絀 0 0

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

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一收入 2015 年所需經費劇增募款壓力亦加重本協會仍將以捐款贈送音樂專輯方式努力推

展小額募款不但可宣揚原聲教育理念且可收聚沙成塔眾志成城之功2014 年單位捐款

迄今為 604 萬元較 2013 年的 655 萬元略有衰退或因高雄氣爆事件使善款較為集中於彼

惟根據歷年經驗工商行號於年底結算若有盈餘時亦會尋找特定目標贊助 二支出

2015 年預定至德國法蘭克福柏林波蘭的波茲南奧地利的維也納等地巡演且開始


726 萬元之鉅約占全年支出總預算之 13 社團法人台灣原聲教育協會工作人員待遇表

2015 年 1 月 1 日

職 稱 姓名 性別 到職日 月支薪資 備 註

秘 書 長 孫蘭芳 女 9771 15000 專職(全數捐回協會)

教務執行秘書 馬慧如 女 102831 25300 專職

總務執行秘書 梁賜輝 男 10261 25300 專職

出納及行政 李彩霞 女 10351 33000 專職

攝影紀錄 呂克勝 男 10291 20000 兼職

合 計 118600

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

一月 二月 三月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

11-4 新年放假 117 電子報出刊(11~12 月) 124 第 3 屆 5th 理監事會議 127 休業日 128-30 寒假學習營

21 高雄衛武營榕園音樂會 22 24 合唱團上課 26 HTC 感恩音樂會 27 原聲會員大會及成果發

表會 28 振興醫院公益演唱 29-13 合唱團錄音(國三生

上課) 215-23 放假(218 除夕 219春節) 224 開學日 227-28 二二八紀念日連假

31 二二八紀念日連假 37 原聲始業 38 家長座談會

314 電子報出刊(1~2 月號) 314 第 3 屆 6th 理監事會議 321 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會

325-26 日本仙台高中生參訪

望鄉東埔部落 328 全國原住民運動會開幕

表演 329 全國原住民運動會音樂

四月 五月 六月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

31 43 合唱團上課 43-6 婦幼節及清明節放假 45 復活節 411 台鐵大樓慈善音樂會 412 桃園中正扶輪社音樂會


52 微熱山丘總店市集演出

(其他學生照常上課) 58 布農日 510 母親節 516 電子報出刊(3~4 月號)530 監察院舍百年紀念音樂

613 第 3 屆 7th 理監事會議 620-21 端午節連假 628 原聲休業及家長座談會

630 休業日

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

七月 八月 九月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30

30 31 75-11 原聲建中成長營 713-16 語文學習營 718 電子報出刊(5~6 月號) 720-23 727-30 英文學習營

(國際志工服務) 731 原聲長榮聯合音樂會


81 磊山保經感恩音樂會(華山文創) 83-6 810-13 數學學習營 817-20 合唱團集訓及補課 822 第 3 屆 8th 理監事會議

828-31 歐洲巡演 831 開學日

91-11 歐洲巡演 919 電子報出刊(7~8 月號) 919 原聲始業 920 家長座談會 926-28 連假(927 中秋節)

十月 十一月 十二月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

109-11 國慶放假 1031 幸福親子公益音樂會


111 台北南松山天主堂獻詩

1120 電子報出刊(9~10 月

號) 1126 感恩節

125 原聲親愛音樂會(新竹演

藝廳) 1212 族語闖關親子運動

會才藝表演晚會 1220 國中生母語認證考試 1219 第 3 屆 9th 理監事會議

1219-2026-27 聖誕節放假

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日 2015 年原聲上課日數78 日

1 月 10-1117-1824-2528-30 9 7 月 6-1013-1620-2327-30 17 2 月 24 2 8 月 3-610-1317-20 12 3 月 7-814-15 4 9 月 19-20 2 4 月 318-1925-26 5 10 月 3-417-1824-25 6 5 月 316-1723-24 5 11 月 7-814-1521-2228-29 8 6 月 6-713-1427-28 6 12 月 12-13 2

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2014 年台灣原聲教育協會推展原住民族國際交流合作計畫 一計畫名稱美國「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」交流參訪 二計畫緣起

1 「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」去年獲邀前往美國出席「2013 UNITY( United National Indian Tribal Youth ) Conference 印地安原住民青年聯盟年會」開幕獻唱為加強聯繫交流爰

邀請「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」參加本年 3 月於南投縣信義鄉舉辦之「玉


並吸取該團辦理及培訓原住民青年組織經驗 2 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」總部設於美國奧克拉荷馬州為美加地區原住民青


地與學習成為向美國與世界發聲的原住民代表本年將由UNITY執行長Mary Kim Titla及 1 位協會工作幹部帶領 6 名美國各州印第安學生代表組成「UNITY-印地安原住民青

年聯盟代表團」參訪台灣原住民文化 3 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」擬邀請我國原住民團體代表出席該會 2014 年 7 月於

西雅圖年會活動並參與擔任該組織友邦團體 三計畫目標藉由交流互動分享部落成長經驗學習國際培育原住民青年組織經驗

建立國際交流管道 四指導及辦理單位 指導單位行政院原住民族委員會外交部

主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 協辦單位慧智文教基金會美國加州舊金山灣區志工 五計畫實施期間103 年 3 月 13 日(星期四)至 22 日(星期六) 六計畫實施地點南投縣花蓮縣台東縣屏東縣台北市 七計畫內容

(一)資源分析 台灣原聲教育協會 httpvoxnativaorg 負責活動規劃行程安排 慧智文教基金會 httpwwwwceoprogramorg及舊金山志工負責經費籌措及落地接待 南投縣信義鄉公所主辦「玉山星空音樂會」 行程承攬為姊妹旅行社(桃園市萬壽路 3 段 156 號 1 樓03-3340928)

(二)人員參與情形 「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」8 人 1 Mary Kim Titla Executive Director UNITY

2 Christine Porter Mohawk is the Youth Council Coordinator with the Ft McDowell Education Division on Ft McDowell Yavapai Reservation

3 Tyler Owens president for the Akimel OrsquoodhamPee-Posh Youth Council Chairperson for the Inter-Tribal Youth Council of Arizonarsquos planning committee

4 Simon Montelongo He belongs to the Eastern Band Cherokee tribe and is from Cherokee North Carolina He is a returning member of the Executive Committee as the Southeast Area Representative and is looking forward to yet another successful year for UNITY

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5 Santana Little Bear Johnson Southern Plains Representative for this years Executive Committee (EC)

6 Aaron Leaureaux member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Treasurer and founding members of the Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council

7 Alex Toledo UNITY Regions Representative for the Southwest Region 8 Carrie Hood comes from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation located in Phoenix Arizona Shersquos currently the 2013-2014 Miss Fort McDowell


(四)計畫進度 102 年 12 月底前完成訪團邀請行程規劃地點探勘經費預算 103 年 1 月完成訪團名單確認各組工作分配(活動組行政組公關組總務組 接待組) 103 年 2 月完成經費籌募計畫演練 103 年 3 月計畫執行 103 年 4 月完成經費結報與計畫檢討

(五)人力分工(參與計畫工作人員名單現職及其負責人之工作項目) 姓名 職稱 工作分配 洪春滿 原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 活動組 馬彼得 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 活動組 孫藍蔚 原聲教育協會秘書長 行政組

日期 活動內容 3 月 13 日(四) 抵達桃園國際機場 3 月 14 日(五) 前往日月潭(邵族)

3 月 15 日(六) 1拜會南投縣信義鄉 2參訪原住民文創產業-梅子夢工廠 3出席 2014 年玉山星空音樂會(布農族)

3 月 16 日(日) 1拜會原住民學校-羅娜國小參訪「原聲音樂專業學校」校址預定

地及簡報建校計畫 2前往屏東參觀原住民族文化園區(排灣族)

3 月 17 日(一) 1參訪屏東霧台部落(魯凱族) 2前往台東住宿布農部落休閒農場

3 月 18 日(二) 1參觀台東布農部落與蝴蝶谷(布農族) 2參觀台東史前文化博物館與卑南文化公園

3 月 19 日(三) 1參訪吉籟獵人學校(阿美族) 2前往太魯閣國家公園

3 月 20 日(四) 1參訪太魯閣國家公園 2經宜蘭返回台北

3 月 21 日(五) 1拜會原住民族委員會及僑務委員會 3 月 22 日(六) 1參觀故宮中正紀念堂101 大樓


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廖阿貫 原聲教育協會理事長 行政組 馬慧如 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 行政組 梁賜輝 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 行政組 全秋雄 南投縣信義鄉鄉公所觀光所所長 公關組 賴美智 慧智文教基金會執行長 總務組 車和道 原聲教育協會海外代表 接待組 何台光 石氏基金會執行長 接待組

(六)文宣方式報紙電視社群網站社團動員 八預期效益 1 藉由交流互動學習營造原住民社群與組織 2 建立原住民對話管道為台灣在國際發聲 3 培育原住民國際觀傳承發展原住民青年領導能力 4 促進文化交流提升台灣能見度 九經費預算表 UNITY 團8 人出席行程9 天 8 夜領隊車和道

經費項目 單價 數量 總價 計算方式及說明 1人事費 小計 (1)機票費 $50000人 8 $400000 內陸及國際航程機票 (2)餐費 $500日人 98 $36000 9 天餐費

$300日人 98 $21600 租用遊覽車費 $75人 8 $600 環島過路費停車費 $450人 8 $3600 入管制山區接駁車費用

(3)交通費 (含遊覽車停車費

接駁車船費) $125人 8 $1000 船費(日月潭遊船) 小計 旅館費 8 夜

3住宿費 $1800日人 88 $115200 住宿日月潭雲品飯店東埔沙里仙渡假




4雜支 小計 (1)食宿費 $2000日人 91 $18000 英語導覽員餐點及住宿費 (2)導覽費 $3000日人 81 $24000 英語導覽員每日 3 千元


$2945人 8 $23560 門票含原住民文化園區梅子夢工廠台




租借台北 101 大樓觀景台

(3)保險費 $100日人 98 $7200 9 日旅遊平安保險費 (4)其他 $600日人 93 $16200 司機領隊食宿及小費 總計 $666960 元

- 47 -

左 1 為原聲海外代表車和道左 2 為 UNITY 理事會秘書 Christine Porter Mohawk 2014315 於信義鄉羅娜村

UNITY 團員合影留念右 1 為信義鄉史強鄉長左 1 為 UNITY 執行長 Mayr Kim Titla(頭戴史鄉長贈


- 48 -

2014 年台灣原聲音樂學校國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

一 目的讀萬卷書行萬里路他山之石可以攻錯

二 日期2014 年 8 月 8 日(星期五)至 8 月 15 日(星期五)

三 主辦單位台灣原聲教育協會

四 協辦單位內本鹿人文工作室

五 參加人員

學生8 人(4 女 4 男)


師長志工4 人(3 男 1 女)


六 乘車資訊員林客運 20 人座中型巴士(8~10 日)

0730 東埔國小(谷皓傑史凱文謝韶翔)rarr0755 晨軒梅莊(馬聖堯馬胤哲馬胤

凱吳松儒吳璠)rarr0805 信義鄉公所rarr0820 玉山國家公園管理處(幸念緹全心潔

全雅安幸琳茹)rarr0850 竹山交流道rarr經國道三號rarr1050 高雄rarr高雄茂林鄉

七 活動地點

88(五) 南投東埔rarr高雄茂林鄉

89(六) 高雄茂林鄉rarr屏東縣霧台鄉

810(日) 屏東縣霧台鄉rarr台東縣延平鄉桃源村內本鹿「布農山林文化體驗營」

813(三) 台東縣桃源鄉rarr花蓮市海星高中

814(四) 花蓮市海星高中rarr太魯閣國家公園rarr花蓮市海星高中

815(五) 花蓮海星高中rarr南投縣信義鄉東埔

八 住宿

88(星期五)多娜民宿負責人馬秀玉 0910-708089 兩間團體房男女各 1 間 15002


89(星期六)撒拉伯民宿 負責人柯啟川 salabu巴佳英 lailai

902 屏東縣霧台鄉霧台村神山巷 14-6 號 08-790-2277 0921-003590



四人房2 間2000 6 人房12500(含 810 早餐)

89 晚餐 200人(可在附近吃完再去民宿)


傍晚兵分兩路遊覽車載 9 人到桃源村另再載聖堯胤哲松儒 3 人到台東鹿野車站

1台東桃源村 內本鹿人文工作室辦理的[布農山林文化體驗營]

活動時間2014810~13(共 4 天)810 下午 5 點到桃源村813 下午 5 點至鹿野車站

2 花蓮海洋營馬聖堯馬胤哲吳松儒

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十經費概算 項目 內容 金額 備註

遊覽車(8~10 三天) 27000 9000天 車資 火車票_台東鹿野-花蓮 2768 1815~莒光 23912

住宿 高雄茂林多娜民宿 3000 全棟 2 大間房 屏東霧台撒拉布民宿 6500 4 人房 2 間6 人房 1 間 活動 台東布農山林文化體驗營 31500 35009 餐費 88 中餐+89 中晚餐+810 中餐 7800 150134 總計 78568

時間 內容 早餐 自理 上午 東埔rarr高雄市茂林區 中餐 自理 下午 打獵體驗 晚餐 多娜民宿供應美食

8 月 8 日 (星期五)

晚上 自由活動

早餐 民宿供應

上午 出發到屏東縣霧台社區

中餐 自理

下午 霧台社區文化部落的洗禮---石板部落屋群魯凱文物館卡拉瓦之家


晚餐 自理

8 月 9 日 (星期六)

晚上 住宿霧台部落撒拉伯民宿 早餐 民宿供應

上午 Sabaw 霧台--再見雲豹的故鄉rarr台東市

中餐 自理 下午 參觀國立臺灣史前文化博物館臺東市博物館路 1 號rarr台東桃源鄉

8 月 10 日 (星期日)

晚餐 參加布農山林文化體驗營

8 月 11 日

-13 日 (星期一)



8 月 14 日

(星期四) 全天


8 月 15 日

(星期五) 全天


- 50 - 布農山林文化體驗營

一 集散時間810下午 5點來到桃源村813下午 5點送至鹿野車站結束

二 活動費用每人 3500 元(含講師費食宿活動糧食旅平險車站接駁)

三 聯絡人katu(柯俊雄) 0911‐334448

四 課程大綱

前一天 810 第一天 811 第二天 812 第三天 13













































二攜帶裝備 如不需帶上山的物品或衣物可協助保管於下山後領取

項目 說明

穿著裝備 T恤長袖長褲 (衣褲以輕便易乾排汗的材質為佳)

揹負裝備 背式背包(需協助背負公裝與公糧)

吃飯裝備 碗筷(鋼杯為佳)

走路裝備 本次路線泥土與石子路穿著雨鞋尤佳搭配厚襪可準備拖鞋於營地使用

照明裝備 因有夜間狩獵體驗行程建議使用頭燈出門前檢查是否夠亮需攜帶備用電池

禦寒裝備 厚外套(晚上睡覺以穿著保暖外套作為睡袋)

遮陽裝備 鴨舌帽或頭巾防曬乳視個人需求

雨衣裝備 輕便雨衣即可(上下兩段式為佳)

水壺 每日所需之行動水

糖果餅乾 建議可帶巧克力乾糧牛奶糖咖啡包可可亞等

個人藥品 請視個人身體狀況準備

文具 小本筆記本與筆 1隻衛生紙垃圾袋(自己垃圾自己帶回)

備用衣物 下山後更換的衣物

- 51 -

2014 年原聲音樂學校花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫


蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會於 2011 年選擇在太平洋左岸的美麗小漁村鹽寮設立扮演推展



有正確的認識與觀念相信透過認識海洋親近海洋能夠讓下一代更深刻的愛上海洋臺灣 當蘇帆碰到了原聲玉山連結了太平洋山上的布農族孩子有了在太平洋划獨木舟的機


蓮海星中學一起籌辦 海星中學推動原住民教育不遺餘力設立有原住民音樂與文化專班培養學生多元能力



活動日程 一門諾會醫院義演88(五)1900-2000 二慈濟醫參訪及義演89(六)0820-1530 三「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會89(六)1900-2100 四海洋學習營810(日)~813(三) 五太魯閣國家公園之旅814(四)

活動地點 一 基督教門諾會醫院壽豐分院(花蓮縣壽豐鄉共和村魚池 52 號) 二 天主教海星中學(花蓮縣新城鄉嘉新村嘉新路 36 號03-8223116) 三 慈濟精舍靜思小築(花蓮縣新城鄉康樂村精舍街 88 巷 1 號) 四 慈濟醫院靜思堂(花蓮市中央路 3 段 703 號) 五 花蓮縣台灣原住民族文化館(花蓮市北興路 460 號) 六 蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會(花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村鹽寮 148 號) 七 國立東華大學(花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路 2 段 1 號)

- 52 -

學生名單86+7人(50 女 43 男)

人數 年級 姓 名

7 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 全心潔 全雅安 幸念緹 史凱文 謝韶翔

8 八 幸于辰 松昱希 全襄柔 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶

七 伍宇欣 伍主兒 方 政 松慈媗 全 芊 李羽妃 石伯華 全芷芸 15

七 司 美 全襄娃 幸雪芳 松昱蕎 幸美茹 申 薇 全唯芯 何瑞耘

六 伍 恩 伍明威 松慈芸 林郁家 何家程 全文祥 尤蘇諾 六 伍承琳 伍邵恩 伍雨晨 松雅德 全家榆 松鈺婷 19 六 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 申雨軒 全雅平 幸明仁 松詠婕 五 伍約翰 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍恩婕 王凱嚴 史俊祥 全聖煜 田有宏

14 五 賴念慈 谷巧玟 伍主恩 金芊璦 全郁華 司曄宇

四 方 琪 伍皓詳 史 灝 林采萱 向 萱 何恩淑 伍書韓 呂宇澤 16

四 司若庭 全光榮 田祈宏 金家儀 谷 薰 幸明山 松冠銘 陽詠智

三 伍奇浩 林凡羽 馬沛羽 史玥兒 松耀祖 史祥恩 史念恩 14

三 全若綺 呂啓佑 松毓傑 辜歆菲 金佑翊 司曄恩 王 讓

說明事項十年級參加壯遊於 813 傍晚會合於花蓮

師長志工名單 師長12+2人 Bukut 團長慧菁(伴奏)姿伶(打擊樂)Uli(教導)Balan(總務)彩霞(行政)黑導(舞台總

監)小呂(攝影)藍蔚師阿貫師聖堯胤哲富州程瀚程芸 志工4+3人 田景文黃敬恆柳宜蕙鍾昭慶吳 璠吳松儒馬胤凱 參加壯遊

- 53 -


88 (星期五) 時間 活動內容 備註

0730~1700 東埔rarr花蓮縣壽豐鄉門諾分院 高雄或屏東午餐 1700~1800 走位彩排 門諾分院大廳 1800~1850 晚餐 門諾招待飯捲 1850~1900 準備 1900~2000 『禮讚門諾敬頌上帝』義演 門諾分院大廳

2000~2020 門諾分院rarr海星中學 2020~2050 Check in 及認識環境 海星中學學生宿舍

2050~2130 沐浴洗衣

2130~ 進入夢鄉

89 (星期六) 時間 活動內容 備註

0630~0700 起床盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳 0800~0830 海星中學rarr慈濟精舍靜思小築 0830~0930 參訪精舍 分高中低年級 3 組 0930~1000 靜思小築rarr慈濟醫院靜思堂 醫院正門下車 1000~1130 靜思堂參訪(先看慈濟簡介影片) 靜思堂 B2 220 講堂 1130~1230 午餐 同心圓餐廳

1230~1240 慈濟醫院rarr海星中學 經大學人文教室至大喜館停車場

1240~1430 午休 1430~1445 海星中學rarr慈濟醫院 醫院正門下車 1445~1500 走位 慈濟醫院大廳 1500~1530 義演 原下午茶時段 1530~1545 慈濟醫院rarr原住民族文化館 1545~1745 彩排 1745~1820 晚餐 1820~1850 更衣準備 原民館 1900~2100 『太平洋聽玉山唱歌』音樂會原民館 2100~2120 原民館rarr海星中學 2120~2200 沐浴洗衣

2200~ 進入夢鄉

- 54 -

810-13 (星期日-三)

810(日) 811(一) 812(二) 813(三) ~0630 起床 0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐海星 0800~0850 閱讀寫作業 0900~0950 1000~1050 1100~1150

高海泳 中引導教育 低參訪東華

高參訪東華 中翡翠谷溯溪 低海泳

高獨木舟默契 中參訪東華 低翡翠谷溯溪



賞鯨之旅 午餐午休

1150~1350 高蘇帆 中海星 低東華

高東華 中翡翠谷 低蘇帆

高蘇帆 中東華 低翡翠谷

高清水斷崖 中低多羅滿賞

鯨船 1400~1450 1500~1550 1600~1650

高獨木舟基礎 中海泳 低引導教育


中翡翠谷溯溪 低獨木舟基礎

高獨木舟模擬 中獨木舟基礎 低翡翠谷溯溪



1700~1750 沐浴洗衣 1800~1850 晚餐海星 1900~2100 高引導教育 中低影片欣賞 排練晚會節目 2100~ 進入夢鄉 說明事項 1 海泳與獨木舟場地在蘇帆基金會 2 引導教育(冒險教育-心理諮商)場地在海星高中禮堂 3 清水斷崖賞鯨之旅從花蓮港出發 4 清水斷崖獨木舟之旅從崇德沙灘出發


1 需備換洗衣物建議穿著泳裝下水 2 會暈船者請自備暈船藥 3 注意保暖

- 55 -


時間 活動內容 備註 0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐

0800~0900 海星中學rarr太魯閣國家公園

0900~1200 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1200~1250 午餐

1300~1500 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1500~1600 太魯閣國家公園rarr海星中學

1600~1700 準備惜別晚會 海星中學宿舍

1700~1750 沐浴洗衣

1800~1850 晚餐 海星中學餐廳

1900~2100 惜別晚會 海星中學教室

2100~ 進入夢鄉


時間 活動內容 備註 ~0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳

0800~0830 整理環境 海星中學宿舍

0835~0855 前往火車站 新城火車站

0900~0910 快閃 新城火車站

0920~1040 搭乘復興號火車至蘇澳新站

1040~1700 搭乘遊覽車回溫暖的家

- 56 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團衛武營音樂會行程 一日期2015 年 2 月 1 日(星期日)1530~1640 二地點高雄市衛武營榕園藝術廣場(高雄市鳳山區南京路 449-1 號) 三乘車資訊2 月 1 日(星期日)員林客運 938-WW 林介川 0982-988788

0730 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0750 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0800 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0805 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0835 水里玉管處rarr 0920 名間交流道rarr經國道 3rarr 1150 衛武營

四工作人員穿原聲制服或志工背心 阿蠻校長Uli皓玫敬恆伯峰小呂育銘藍蔚阿貫

五演出人員39 人(女 33 男 6) 指揮馬彼得 鋼琴伴奏趙慧菁 擊樂李謙 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣申 薇申雨軒伍承琳伍曉葳全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔向 萱

李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕 松鈺婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 9 男 4) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳幸雪芬 史俊祥田鎞鎷伍卲恩松雅德

六演出曲目 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 6 心肝寶貝(台語) 編曲冉天豪 7 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 8 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 9 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 10 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 11 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 12 We are the world(英語) 曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 13 明天會更好(國語) 編曲冉天豪 安可曲

七活動行程 時間 內容 備註 1150-1400 午餐午休 室內表演場 1400-1520 練習走位(音響確認)更衣 演員休息室 1530-1630 演出 榕園藝術廣場 1630-1700 更衣分發飯盒 演員休息室 1700-2030 衛武營rarr東埔

- 57 -

2015 年原聲音樂學校參加會員大會及義演錄音行程

一 活動目的展現學習成果感恩會員會友為長者演唱學習付出及回饋 二 活動日期2015 年 2 月 6 日至 2 月 14 日(星期五~六) 三 活動地點2 06(星期五)南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號)

2 07(星期六)建國高中夢紅樓二樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 2 08(星期日)振興醫院(台北市北投區振興街 45 號) 2 09(星期一)天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 2 10-13(星期二~五)功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號) 2 14(星期六)郭元益糕餅博物館(台北市士林區文林路 546 號 4 樓) 大黑松小倆口牛軋糖創意博物館(新北市土城區自強街 31-2 號)

四 乘車資訊2 月 6 日(星期五) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 0830 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0850 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0900 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0905 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0935 水里玉管處rarr 1020 名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr 1230南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號) 大巴 (44 人) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 Uli 師Balan 師方 琪伍 恩伍主兒伍宇欣林巧蝶伍約翰松慈芸松慈媗




賴念慈申 薇申雨軒幸明仁 原聲公務車(5 人)

阿蠻校長Bukut 校長伍承琳伍書韓向 萱 2 月 7 日(星期六) 中巴(9 人) 耐斯客運 A4-037 駱界華 0981-385512 0800 羅娜(國小大門)rarr 0805 久美rarr 0815 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0845 水里玉管處rarr 0930名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr1140 徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號)

姿伶師何進榮伍恩婕田有宏尤蘇諾何瑞耘何家程林郁家李 謙 五 台北工作人員

2 6(星期五)皓玫伯峰敬恆小呂藍蔚阿貫 2 7(星期六)皓玫伯峰敬恆宜蕙羅揚威愷柏哖小呂育銘彩霞 2 8(星期日)敬恆小呂彩霞美智仁達藍蔚阿貫

六 住宿地點天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 七 住宿人員

2 月 6 日2 月 8 日至 13 日(需 15 間寢室) 學生 45 人教師 5 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏

慧菁師)大學志工胤凱高中志工念緹皓傑 2 月 7 日 61 人(仍為 15 間寢室) 學生 52 人教師 6 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏


- 58 - 八 打擊樂團學生7 人(女 1 男 6)

尤蘇諾田有宏伍恩婕何家程何瑞耘李 謙林郁家 九 合唱團學生45 人(女 37 男 8)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十 成果發表曲目

打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 天下別無拯救(國語)3rsquo18rdquo 編曲林雲郎 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 乘著氣球上天空(日語)3rsquo05rdquo 編曲平吉毅州 7 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 8 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

十一公益演唱曲目(振興醫院) 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 台北的天空(國語)4rsquo30rdquo 編曲林福裕 4 故鄉(日語)2rsquo55rdquo 編曲田中和音 5 讓生命圓滿(國語)2rsquo40rdquo 編曲冉天豪 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 7 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

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十二住宿分配(4 人 1 間)

2 月 6 日至 2 月 13 日 住宿 9 天 8 夜 序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友 1 阿滿校長Bukut 團長 9 佩婷宇欣昱蕎詠捷 2 Uli 師念緹主兒恩婕(27) 10 雪芬唯芯慈媗念慈 3 慧菁師一家姿伶(27) 11 芷芸雪芳慈芸方琪 4 季欣嘉馨雨軒書韓 12 巧蝶伍恩雨晨谷薰 5 襄柔申薇承琳曉葳 13 伯華明仁俊祥光榮 6 全芊襄娃雅平郁華 14 卲恩雅德約翰聖煜 7 羽妃美茹向萱家儀 15 Balan 師胤凱皓傑司機

(27) 8 詠祈司美家榆鈺婷 首位為室長次位為副室長

十三2 月 7 日(星期六) 住宿 1 晚

序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友

1 何爸瑞耘家程 13 尤蘇諾郁家(與伯華等同室)

14 李謙有宏(與卲恩等同室) 十四餐飲供應 日期 26(五) 27(六) 28(日) 29(一) 210(二) 211(三) 212(四) 213(五) 214(六)早餐 自家 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 午餐 自訂 八方 振興 八方 八方 八方 八方 八方 自訂 晚餐 自訂 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 徐匯 自家 十五活動行程(26-27)

2 月 6 日(星期五) 2 月 7 日(星期六) 0830~1230 東埔rarr南港展覽館 1230~1430 午餐(自訂飯盒)午休 1430~1700 練習試音彩排 1700~1800 休息更衣 1800~1830 待機 1830~1845 HTC 尾牙演出 1845~1900 更衣 1900~1930 晚餐(自訂飯盒) 1930~2000 南港展覽館rarr徐匯中學 2000~2100 沐浴 2100~2130 閱讀祈禱就寢

0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~1130 練唱(演藝廳) 0800~1130 羅娜國小rarr徐匯中學(打擊樂團) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1430 練習(演藝廳) 1430~1520 徐匯中學rarr建中資源大樓 5 樓 1530~1600 參加會員大會成果發表演出 1600~1700 建中rarr徐匯中學 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2030 練習(演藝廳) 2030~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢

- 60 - 十六活動行程(28-29)

2 月 8 日(星期日) 2 月 9 日(星期一) 0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~0930 練習(演藝廳) 0930~1000 徐匯中學rarr振興醫院 1000~1020 進場待機 1030~1100 義演(三院圓中心)(送錦旗專輯 1)1100~1115 合影留念 1115-1140 參觀藝術家莊靜雯銅雕展 1140~1230 午餐(第一會議室) 1230~1300 醫療課程--呼吸道感染衛生指導

(小兒科張嘉侃主任授課) 1300~1330 振興醫院rarr徐匯中學(合唱團) 1330~1430 午休(合唱團) 1430~1700 練習(合唱團)(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 1300~1350 振興醫院rarr景文高中(打擊樂團) 1400~1600 欣賞景優班成果發表(打擊樂團) 1600~2000 景文高中rarr信義鄉(打擊樂團)

0800-0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室)

0830~1130 練習(演藝廳) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1700 練習(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 借用演藝廳練習時段 27 上午下午半小時晚間 28 早上 1 小時下午 29 上午下午

十七錄音行程(210-213) 星期時間 210(二) 211 (三) 212 (四) 213 (五) 214 (六)

0700-0800 起床盥洗早餐 0800-1100 赴功學社音樂廳練習 1100-1130 午餐 1130-1300 午休




1300-1700 錄音 1 kipahpah ima拍手歌 2天下別無拯救 3 Take these wings 4更高處

錄音 5如鹿渴慕溪水 6耶和華祝福滿滿

7台北的天空 8我們的桃蛙源

錄音 9讓生命圓滿


11天黑黑 12花樹下

錄音 13ふるさと故鄉 14花兒會開 15乘著氣球上天空 16紅蜻蜓等(3 選 1)

1730-1900 晚餐盥洗 1900-2030 課輔(志工)閱讀 晚會或電影欣賞 2030-2100 消夜晚禱

2100~ 就寢


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十八學生自備物品(9 天 8 夜) 『確認後打勾』

序 項 目 數量 確認 備註

1 行李箱 1

2 原聲背包 1

3 文具(鉛筆橡擦等) 1 寫作業用

4 寒假作業課外讀物 2

5 健保卡 1

6 牙刷牙膏毛巾 各 1

7 肥皂洗髮精 各 1

8 環保餐具(杯筷匙) 1 組 耐熱杯

9 中型塑膠袋 2 裝換洗衣物

10 長袖黑帽 T 1

11 長袖白帽 T 1

12 長袖黑圓領 T 1

13 長袖白圓領 T 1

14 長袖 polo 衫 1

15 原聲黑外套 1

16 牛仔褲(藍) 3 含穿 1 條

17 休閒褲 2

18 便服 2

19 內衣+內褲 8 條 含穿 1 套(不含表演用)

20 黑色襪 4 雙 含穿 1 雙

21 球鞋 1 雙 穿著

22 拖鞋 1 雙

23 圍巾 1 條

表演服mdash團服(女) 1 套 頭飾上衣裙斗篷皮鞋24

表演服mdash團服(男) 1 套 頭飾上衣褲斗篷皮鞋

25 黑短安全褲白內衣 2 套 表演用

26 珊瑚絨毯 睡袋 各 1

27 衣架 4 個 十九公用器材原聲錦旗 2專輯 2(以上台北準備)鐘琴鈸團旗 1 吹風機4 喉糖醫藥箱預備團服(男女各 1) 康樂器材(球類)輕便雨衣 2 箱 二十本活動計畫由社團法人台灣原聲教育協會理事長依協會年度工作計畫決行修訂亦同

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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團「我愛唱的歌」專輯製作計畫


曲目錄音並搭配 MV製作成「我愛唱的歌」音樂專輯具體呈現出孩子的自信喜悅

以及想要分享與感恩的心情 二目的公益發行以感恩支持原聲的朋友並作為贊助原聲之禮物 三主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 四贊助單位



有限公司錸德文教基金會傳承文教基金會慧智文教基金會 五日期2015 年 2 月 10 日(二)至 13 日(五)5 天(0800~1100 練習1300~1700 錄音) 六地點錄音mdash功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號 )

住宿mdash天主教徐匯中學(2 月 6 日至 13 日共 8 晚) 七專輯工作人員


呂克勝(攝影及 MV 製作)侯宗佑(視覺設計)梁哲瑋(文案企劃) 八後勤工作人員

洪春滿校長(領隊)李彩霞(聯絡)馬慧如 Uli(教導)梁賜輝 Balan(總務)藍蔚

師(財務)阿貫師(企劃)高一志工幸念緹 九錄音人員45 人(女 37 人男 8 人)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十1 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 天下別無拯救(國語) 詞曲蕭泰然 編曲林雲郎 3 Take these wings(英語) 詞Steve Kupferschmid 曲Don Besig 4 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 5 如鹿渴慕溪水(英語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲Phil Dave 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 編曲游智婷 7 台北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 8 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲編曲林志忠 9 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 曲冉天豪 10 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城等 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 11 天黑黑(台語) 詞臺灣民謠 編曲詹興東 12 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 13 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

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14 花は咲く花開(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 15 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 16 選 1赤とんぼ (日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 明天會更好(華語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

十一經費預算 項目及內容 單價 數量 小計 備註

旅運費(45 萬) 車資(東埔harr板橋) 14500輛天 12 29000 26 及 214

車資(板橋harr台北) 4000趟輛天 212 16000 27 及 28 租公車接送

膳食費 27-14 三餐 210人天 658 109200 早餐 50午晚餐各 80 住宿費 水電及清潔費 200人天 528 83200 徐匯中學宿舍

製作費(843 萬)

專輯音樂製作 -- 1 -- 音樂企劃錄音混音後製等 錄音工程 -- 1 -- 清唱人聲樂器等錄音及混音 鋼琴伴奏 1000時 35 35000 鐘點費 文案企劃 20000人 1 20000 文案撰寫

視覺設計 30000人 1 30000 碟面說明書封套等

平面攝影 4000天 4 16000 側拍封面照宣傳照等

MV 製作 4000分 25 100000 製作 6 曲 MV

歌曲版權費 6000曲 10 60000 公益發行版權費

編曲費 30000曲 4 120000 4 曲重新編曲

錄音場地租金 17000天 4 68000 功學社音樂廳(含鋼琴)

鋼琴調音 4000次 1 4000 印製費(412 萬) 母片製作費 6000片 2 12000 CD+DVD 壓片費 5片 16000 80000 CD+DVD 碟面印刷運費

印刷及包裝費 40份 8000 320000 說明書封套印刷品成型等

業務費(8 萬 920) 聯絡 6000人 1 6000 版權聯絡授權處理

雜支 74920式 1 74920 茶水郵電醫藥費等

總計 1183320 音樂製作及錄音工程費未計入


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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團歐洲演出及參訪行程概要 一活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二邀請單位柏林市立綜合高中維也納合唱學校(Wiener SaumlngerknabenWSK) 三主辦單位Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會 四贊助單位慧智文教基金會(Wisdom Culture amp Edudation Organization WCEO)元大文


傳承教育基金會臺灣期貨交易所 臺灣證券交易所hellip 五活動日期2015 年 8 月 28 日(星期五)至 9 月 11 日(星期五)共計 15 日 六航班中華航空公司

《去》8 月 28 日 CI61 桃園 TPE 法蘭克福 FRA 2330 0650 +1 日 《回》9 月 10 日 CI64 維也納 VIE 桃園 TPE 1135 0605 + 1 日


829~830拜會德國法蘭克福歐洲期貨交易所舉行專場音樂會(旅館 2 晚) 831~901德國得勒斯登(旅館 2 晚) 902~903德國柏林(旅館 2 晚) 904~905拜會波蘭波茲南 Poznań市政府及合唱學校與市立男童及女童合唱團舉行聯

合音樂會(接待家庭 2 晚) 906拜訪德國柏林市立綜合高中 Bettina von Arnim Schule與該校合唱團舉行聯合音樂

會(旅館 1 晚) 907柏林至維也納 參訪奧地利維也納聖彼得教堂於教堂內演出(旅館 3 晚) 908~909參訪維也納合唱學校與該校師生聯誼交流及與維也納少年合唱團聯演

八參訪人員54 人(學生 40 人師長 14 人)

第一聲部 13 人(女 13) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔

向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕松鈺婷

松憓婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 8 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳史俊祥田鎞鎷

全聖煜伍卲恩松雅德 師長14 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長及原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 林宜城 男 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣南投市漳興國小校長) 林麗敏 女 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣中寮鄉中寮國小教師)

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冉天豪 男 原聲音樂學校特約編曲(天作之合劇團藝術總監特約編曲) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 梁賜輝 男 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞台總監(導演) 黃敬恆 女 原聲教育協會助理舞台總監(政大社會系二年級) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影師志工 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事


1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 Hymm to Freedom(英語) 編曲Oscar Peterson 6 We are the world(英語) 編曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 7 Alleluia(拉丁語) 編曲Mozart 8 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 9 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 10 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 11 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 12 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 13 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 14 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 15 永遠讚美耶和華(國語) 編曲馬彼得 16 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 17 pakadaidaz 相親相愛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 18 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 安可曲 19 高山青(國語) 編曲馬彼得 20 Ode an die Freude(德語) 編曲 Beethoven


1 Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會負責聯絡安排行程及活動 2 行程承攬雄獅旅行社(台北市內湖區瑞湖街 111 號 2 樓 02-87932106)

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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團演出行程

2015 年演唱場次已滿額恕不再接受邀請謝謝各界對原聲教育協會暨所屬音樂學校與原



活動名稱 地點 主辦單位

21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園藝術廣場 衛武營藝術文化中心籌

備處 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 329(日) 全國原住民運動會音樂會 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台北火車站台鐵大樓 嘉旺竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 731(五) 原聲+長榮交響樂團音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保險經紀公司 830(日) 「玉山天籟」法蘭克福音樂會 德國歐洲交易所 Vocal Asia 95(六) 「玉山天籟」波蘭音樂會 波蘭 Poznań 音樂學校 Vocal Asia 95(六) 原聲+波茲南音樂學校聯合音

樂會 波蘭 Gods Mother of Sorrows Church

Vocal Asia

96(日) 原聲+柏林市立綜合高中

Bettina von Arnim Schule 聯合


德國 Ernst Reuter Saal Hall

Vocal Asia

98(二) 「玉山天籟」維也納音樂會 奧地利維也納聖彼得

教堂 Vocal Asia

99(三) 原聲+維也納少年合唱團

(WSK)聯合音樂會 奧地利維也納少年合

唱團(WSK)學校 Vocal Asia

1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 125(六) 原聲+親愛愛樂提琴隊音樂會 新竹市立文化中心演

藝廳 心築愛樂

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2016 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團受邀演唱原則 一公益演唱請邀約單位負擔交通及膳宿費 1 國際活動慶典 2 國家活動慶典 3 地方活動慶典僅限南投縣政府所屬單位 4 醫院學校教會監獄慈善及教養機構(安養院育幼院等) 5 回饋贊助及合作者 2014~2015 年團體捐款贊助台幣 50 萬元以上個人捐款 20 萬元以上者 二贊助演唱接受公益基金會協會及民間公益團體(如扶輪社獅子會崇她社等)

邀約 1 邀約單位負擔交通膳宿費 2 邀約單位捐款本協會作為建校基金(贊助費視演唱時間場次方式等相關內容而定) 三受邀注意事項 1 公益及贊助演唱場次兩者合計一年不超過八場為原則以維持團員正常作息及課程實施 2 邀請單位請於預定演出時間之前至少半年提出邀約以利作業安排 3 邀請單位請先以 email(akuanliaogmailcom)與台灣原聲教育協會聯繫

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2014 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日特輯


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一 活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二 邀請單位全日本合唱連盟(Japan Choral Association JCA)及東京國立博物館 三 受邀單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團 四 指導單位文化部外交部(駐日代表處)原民會教育部僑委會 五 主辦單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團東京公演實行委員會 六 協辦單位JCA 全日本合唱連盟東京男聲合唱團 Tokyo Liedertafel 1925 (TLT)台南

大家庭兒童青年合唱團及和聲兒童合唱學園 七 參訪日期2014 年 7 月 31 日(星期四)至 8 月 6 日(星期三) 八 航班長榮航空公司

《去》7 月 31 日 BR190 臺北松山 TSA 東京羽田 HND 1600 1955 《回》8 月 06 日 BR189 東京羽田 HND臺北松山 TSA 1050 1330

九 活動主題 台灣原聲童聲合唱團一行 46 人(團員 35 人師長 11 人)應「JCA 全日本合唱聯盟」

邀請於 7 月 31 日至 8 月 6 日前往日本東京參加 2014 年第 28 屆 JCA Kodomo Chorus Festival 活動以行銷台灣相關交流參訪活動包含 1 於東京新宿文化中心演出「玉山天籟」專場音樂會宣慰僑胞並為日本民眾祈福 2 與歷史悠久蜚聲國際之東京男聲合唱團(1925 成立)同台演出交流 3 於 JCA 國際兒童合唱節壓軸演出(為唯一受邀國外團體)以行銷台灣 4 參加指揮大師工作坊與來自日本各地 14 個兒童合唱團交流切磋 5 參加群馬縣政府「台灣展」演出 6 參加國立故宮博物院「神品至寶」於東京博物館開展演出 7 拜會老人養護中心並義演 8 拜會橫濱中華學校交流演出 9 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)

十 參訪人員46 人 學生35 人(女 29 人男 6 人9 歲 1 人10~12 歲 29 人13 歲 5 人) 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃 全襄柔李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 11 人(女 10 男 1) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全唯芯全家榆松昱蕎松鈺婷松詠婕 松憓婷伍約翰 第三聲部 12 人(女 7 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳方 政石伯華 伍邵恩松雅德釀恩塔給鹿敦 師長11 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長及指揮(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師)

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陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞臺總監(理事) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影志工 王月娥 女 原聲教育協會翻譯志工(台南和聲兒童合唱學園負責人) 曾碧卿 女 原聲教育協會錄影志工

十一住宿 731~83 85 東京大都會飯店 Hotel Metropolitan Edmont【5 晚】 東京都千代田區飯田橋三丁目 10 番 8 號 Tel 03-3237-1111 84 橫濱-玫瑰飯店【1 晚】 神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77 號 Tel 045-681-3311


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)





抵松山機場長榮櫃檯 check inrarrrarr1600航班 BR190rarrrarr1955東京羽田機場


晚餐 飛機餐(旅行社備有三明治飯糰茶水)



晚上 2100機場‐‐‐2145入住大都會飯店 2145~祈禱盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0930旅館‐‐‐1015王園 Kingrsquos Garden特別養護中心

(練馬區早宮 2‐10‐22 Tel 03‐5399‐2201)

1025‐1040 王園特別養護中心演出(演出後離場)

1050王園特別養護中心‐‐‐1120 鳥茶屋

中餐 1130‐1200 鳥茶屋餐廳(親子丼)


1200鳥茶屋‐‐‐旅館 1210

1215‐1400 午休 1400旅館‐‐‐1430新宿文化中心(新宿區新宿 6‐14‐1)

1500‐1700 台灣原聲童聲合唱團彩排 1600‐1700 TLT陸續到場

1730‐1800 東京男聲合唱團(TLT)彩排

晚餐 1730‐1800 飯糰+味噌湯(宜靜姊姊招待)(TLT自備)




1800‐1830 更衣 1830‐1900觀眾入場

1900‐2100 音樂會



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時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


1000旅館‐‐‐1025白金之森特別養護老人之家(港區白金台 5‐20‐5)

1115‐1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出

1130白金之森特別養護老人之家‐‐‐1140 TEREZZA 餐廳

中餐 1200‐1300 TEREZZA 餐廳(港區白金台五丁目)(美青姊姊招待)


1300 TEREZZA 餐廳‐‐‐1340洗足學園音樂大學

(神奈川縣川崎市高津區久本 2‐3‐1)

1340‐1400 於銀山廳報到註冊

1430‐1800 於銀山廳 1F參加Ms Fumiyo Tozaki戶崎文葉大師工作坊

1800洗足學園音樂大學‐‐‐1900 丸龜製麵店(宜靜姊姊招待)

晚餐 1900‐2000 丸龜製麵店(澀谷區代代木 3‐22‐7新宿文化クイントビル 1F)



晚上 2000丸龜製麵店‐‐‐2020旅館 2030~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0920旅館‐‐‐1000昭和女子大學(世田谷區 1minus7minus57)

1000‐1015 於人見記念講堂報到

1030音樂會開場與 14個日本兒童合唱團交流

1100‐1145 JCA合唱節開幕式(各團在座位上表演團呼 30秒)

1155‐1305 第 1段音樂會

中餐 1305‐1405 大學內食堂中華或日式便當(不炸不辣不冷食)午休


1415‐1525 第 2段音樂會(1525‐1545中場休息)

1545‐1705 第 3段音樂會(1625‐1645原聲壓軸演出演出前自介 30秒)

1705‐1720 全體大合唱 ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo 1735‐1745 大合照

1800昭和女大‐‐‐1815微熱山丘東京店(港區南青山 3‐10‐20)03‐3408‐7778

1815‐1900 欣賞微熱山丘建築 1900微熱山丘‐‐‐1920神樂坂春波餐廳

晚餐 1930‐2045 春波餐廳(高麗菜為主的煎餅お好み焼きの夕食)



晚上 2045春波餐廳hellip2100 旅館 2110~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0900旅館‐‐‐1100群馬縣政府(前橋市大手町 1‐1‐1)027‐223‐1111

中餐 1115群馬縣政府招待便當 1140‐1210更衣走位


1220‐1250 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

1310群馬縣政府‐‐‐1530東京博物館(台東區上野公園 13minus9)

1530‐1630 待機 1630‐1700東京博物館演出


1800東京博物館‐‐‐橫濱玫瑰飯店 1840(神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77)

晚餐 1900‐2050 自由行(發晚餐費分 6組6 小孩+2大人組)



晚上 2100~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

- 74 - 續前

音樂節 SCHEDULE Saturday 2 August at the SenzokuGakuen College of Music Meeting point amp time (on 2 August) 1430 at the lobby of the Silver Mountain Building Atelier (including rehearsal session for the Sing Together) 1500-1800 Break-up 1800 Sunday 3 August at the Showa Womenrsquos University Hitomi Memorial Hall Meeting point amp time (on 3 August) 1015 all singers to be seated in the hall Concert 1100 Opening 1125 Open Singing (warm ups and sing a song directed by Mr Johansson) 1200 Performances 1305 Lunch break 1415 Performances 1535 Meet at the lobby of the hall (our staff will attend your choir until breakup at 1757) 1543-1553 (10 min) dressing room (you can change cloth here)

時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 玫瑰飯店早餐


0900‐1010 橫濱自由行(拉麵博物館)

1015hellip1020 玫瑰飯店hellip橫濱中華學校(中區山下町 142)

1030‐1100 中華學校 1F保育院演出

中餐 1100‐1230 玫瑰飯店午餐


1230玫瑰飯店‐‐‐1320 Hello Kitty Land(東京都澀谷區神宮前 6‐1‐9)

1320‐1630 遊覽 Kitty Land原宿店

1630Kitty Land hellip1645 明治神宮


晚餐 1700‐1745 葵丸進餐廳高級天婦羅套餐




1800‐2000 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)



早餐 0645‐0730 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0745旅館‐‐‐0830羽田機場 0830‐0915長榮櫃檯 check in

搭乘 1030 長榮航班 BR189

中餐 飛機餐







晚餐 溫暖的家

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1600-1610 (10 min) room for last rehearsal 1615 Back stage 1625-1645 Your own performance on stage 1645 Stand by for Atelier performance 1655-1705 the Atelier performance (cond Ms FumiyoTozaki) 1705-1720 Sing Together ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo (your choir will be on stage) 1735 A time for taking photos at the lobby 1745-1755 dressing room for change cloth 1757 Break-up 十三演出曲目(視情況微調) 81(五) 1015-1030 東京都 王園特別養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 81(五) 1900-2100《玉山天籟》音樂會東京新宿文化中心 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 tankaunhanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 臺北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 8 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 中場休息 9 Muss i denn(德國民謡) 演唱TLT 編曲Friedlich Silcher 10 からたちの花(日語) 演唱TLT 曲山田耕筰 11 斎太郎節(日本民謡) 演唱TLT 指揮岩佐義彥 12 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 13 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 14 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 15 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 16 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 17 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 18 明天會更好(國語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 安可曲 19 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 20 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 76 - 82(六) 1115-1130 東京都 白金之森養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 82(六) 1500-1800 洗足學園音樂大學銀山廳戶崎文葉大師班練唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1625-1645 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂演出 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 4 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 83(日) 1655-1705 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂戶崎大師班合唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1705-1720 大合唱 Hymn to freedom(英語)

84(一) 1220-1250 群馬縣廳 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 84(一) 1630-1700 東京博物館

1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得

85(二) 0930-1000 橫濱中華學校

2 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得

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4 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 6 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 十四說明事項

1 行程承攬日本南瓜旅行社(パンプキントラベル) Tel 03‐5367‐2271

東京都新宿區四谷 2‐5‐3 負責人西村勝則 090‐1552‐4986

聯絡單位 李宜靜 台灣原聲童聲合唱團日本公演實行委員會會長 深澤直樹 深澤雅子 Tel +81-3-3350-1141 王月娥 日譯志工 台南大家庭兒童青年合唱團和聲兒童合唱學園 台南市東區 70159 東興路 52 號 2F Tel 06-2385-666 原聲小朋友造訪東京都神奈川縣琦玉縣

- 78 -

台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日紀實 日本公演實行委員會會長 李宜靜





的退休老師知道日本合唱連盟協會邀請『原聲』參加 8 月 2 日3 月日本兒童合唱


流我為了瞭解『原聲』從 YouTube 看到很多關於馬彼得校長的訪問報導馬校長


在海拔 1000 公尺的玉山腳下有這麼一位充滿愛心的小學校長他是位基督徒





















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Bukut 團長 當確定受邀參加東京國際兒童合唱節時我的壓力便開始加身出國演出對孩子們來說








這些訊息都是由台南和聲合唱團的 Vicky 姊姊所聯絡提供她甚至還安排了歷史悠久










為了讓孩子們回家時也能練習還請上山裝置視訊設備的原聲電腦志工 Richard 和 Hank幫忙將每首歌的音檔 po 上網讓學生設法下載練習當孩子們練到相當程度時再請姑姑










- 81 -









抵達日本即在 8 月 1 日於新宿文化中心舉辦了一場專場音樂會而在來到日本的第一夜我



禱告除了為日本 311 大地震受難家屬祈福更為高雄氣爆事件祈福阿蠻校長真誠關懷





因緣巧合8 月 4 日也受邀至東京國立博物館所舉辦的「台北國立故宮博物院神品至寶」













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731 晚上 8 時許抵達羽田機場李宜靜會長及文化部駐日長官接機


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山谷回音 UNITY--印地安原住民青年聯盟訪台代表團團員訪台心得

「UNITY‐印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」一行 8人接受台灣原聲教育協會邀請於 2014

年 3月 13 日來台參加玉山星空音樂會並環島參訪部落 10天於 3 月 22日圓滿返美

5月 9日在 Indian Country Today Media Network (美國最主要的原住民新聞雜誌)

httpenwikipediaorgwikiIndian_Country_Today_Media_Network 刊登了一篇執行長Mary

Kim Titla 寫的文章記述他們 3月來台的見聞文情並茂在文中Mary Kim Titla

提到布農族 ‐ 4次

提到原聲 ‐ 6次

提到原民會(包括副主委)‐ 2次

提到玉山星空音樂會(包括美青姊)‐ 2次

提到日月潭 ‐ 4次

提到東華大學 ‐ 2次

( httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity‐youth‐and‐indigenous‐tribes‐taiw

an‐exchange‐culture‐memories‐154749 )


UNITY Youth and Indigenous Tribes of Taiwan Exchange Culture Memories Mary Kim Titla 592014 The idea that indigenous tribes of Taiwan might benefit from the creation of youth councils led to an amazing overseas exchange between six Native American youth leaders and two chaperones during a 10-day journey in East Asia The six Native youth leaders representing tribes across the US are part of UNITYmdashUnited National Indian Tribal Youth Inc UNITY has a network of 140 youth councils in 35 states The UNITY delegation sponsored by Taiwanrsquos Vox Nativa visited the aboriginal homelands of seven of the 14 indigenous tribes including the Thao Bunun Rukai and Paiwan tribes in the lush and mountainous interior of Taiwan Flying 6500 miles to Taiwan requires a 14-hour plane ride from San Francisco The 14000 square mile island sits more than 100 miles off the southeast coast of mainland China with sub-tropical and tropical weather Taiwanrsquos history is intriguing Between 1626 and today the indigenous tribes experienced colonization with the Spanish Dutch Japanese and Chinese The tribes face challenges similar to those of US tribes with culture language and ancestral land preservation Tribal leaders are battling social ills such as rampant poverty alcoholism and high school drop out rates while striving to build their local economies Indigenous villages some rich with slate rock and nearby marble canyons rely heavily on tourism by performing tribal dances and selling tribal arts and crafts

- 88 - Aside from touring tribal villages by bus and trying indigenous foods like wild boar meat squid duck turnip cakes and rice cooked in bamboo UNITY youth shared their tribal songs friendship dances and their involvement in the National UNITY Council Two special exchanges happened during the pre-show of the annual Jade Mountain Starry Night Concert featuring Vox Nativarsquos youth choir which was attended by Chow Mei- ching the First Lady of Taiwan and with indigenous college students at National Dong Hwa University After Tyler Owens 19 shared an Akimel Orsquoodham friendship dance at the college the Taiwan students spontaneously engaged UNITY youth in one of their friendship dances ldquoTo see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating I enjoyed our time with the students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs and dances from homerdquo said Owens The UNITY delegation toured the country with a group of 15 Chinese American tourists including two indigenous college students who served as translators While visiting the Yanping village a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng through a translator explained how his small village moved from extreme poverty to thriving conditions through the establishment of a foundation to build a tourist village that includes a cultural theater restaurant coffee shop convenience store and weaving shop Interestingly the US based company 7-Eleven which can be found everywhere in Taiwan assisted by encouraging what amounted to millions of dollars in donations to the foundation Bunun which means ldquopeoplerdquo with 40000 to 50000 members is the fourth largest tribe in Taiwan They are known historically for being headhunters ldquoGetting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going through today with trying to keep their languages alive brought me back to some of the struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservationrdquo said Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai According to the Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park website there are two theories to explain the origin of the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan One advocates the indigenous people migrated from the southeast coast of China The other recognizes that Taiwan is the ancient origin of the Austronesian peoples which includes the ethnic groups of Malaysia Philippines and Polynesia Some tribes like the Bunun are patrilineal while others like Amis are matrilineal Unlike most non-indigenous Taiwanese who practice Buddhism more than 90 percent of the indigenous Taiwanese are Christian The dominant languages are three Chinese dialects however many indigenous adults and elders still speak their languages

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The UNITY organization began a relationship with the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in 2013 The choir made up of Bunun tribal youth performed at the National UNITY Conference in Los Angeles California It was the grouprsquos first US tour and first contact with Native Americans specifically Native American youth Vox Nativa then extended an invitation for UNITY youth to travel to Taiwan in mid-March for a cultural exchange and to discuss the concept of a youth council network Vox Nativa is a nonprofit organization dedicated ldquoto achieve social reform within the poverty stricken aboriginal populations and communities through cultivation of gifted aboriginal childrenrdquo and ldquoto preserve and promote aboriginal culture pride and identity through a childrenrsquos choir grouprdquo Vox Nativa runs a weekend magnet and music school in the XinYi Township known for its plum farms The villagersquos annual Starry Night Concert attracts 3000 people Before leaving Taiwan UNITY youth leaders met with Kao Yang-sheng Deputy Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to explain how UNITYrsquos youth council network operates Owens explained the annual elections of the National UNITY Council and how officers are selected from 10 US regions with two co-presidents leading the Executive Committee ldquoYou are excellent Indian youth representatives chosen by states so I see you as the hope of your people Your visit of UNITY and comments will help us improve ourselves hererdquo said Yang-sheng On itswebsite the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan claims to ldquofollow the concepts of upholding national interest with priority given to promoting quality of life among indigenous peoples when formulating policy directions and strategies to enhance the living standards of the pride among Indigenous tribes and to restore their confidence and statusrdquo Five of the six UNITY youth leaders who traveled to Taiwan serve as regional representatives of the National UNITY Council They include Alex Toledo 19 Jemez Pueblo (Southwest Region Representative) Tyler Owens 19 Akimel OrsquoodhamGila River Indian Community (Western Region Representative) Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson 19 Kickapoo (Southern Plains Representative) Aaron Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa (Midwest Region Representative) and Simon Montelongo 16 Eastern Cherokee (Southeast Region Representative) Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai and the current Miss Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation also traveled with the group Mary Kim Titla San Carlos Apache and UNITY Executive Director as well as Christine Porter Mohawk and Ft McDowell Youth Council advisor served as chaperones ldquoI will never forget the amazing indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language We are thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the samerdquo said Porter

- 90 - ldquoI learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Irsquom thankful for this experience I will cherish the memories foreverrdquo said Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa

UNITY and Vox Nativa are planning future exchanges

Read more at httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity-youth-and-indigenous-tribes-taiwan-exchange-culture-memories-154749 UNITY youth leaders and their chaperones pose in front of Taiwans National Concert Hall The National Theater and Concert Hall are two of the first major modern performing arts facilities to be established in Asia On this day a large ceramic panda exhibit was on display Pictured from left in the back are Mary Kim Titla Carrie Hood Tyler Owens Aaron Leaureaux Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson Christine Porter and Simon Montelongo Alex Toledo is in the front These young women are members of the Thao Tribe They posed for a picture in between their performances for tourists at Sun Moon Lake the tribersquos indigenous homeland (Mary Kim Titla)

UNITY in Taiwan Experience (UNITY團員參訪心得分享) Aaron Leaureaux Going to Taiwan was the trip of a lifetime The views were amazing as were the people Their culture was similar to ours and it was amazing to learn that Native Americans are viewed as role models for Taiwan Indigenous natives My favorite part of the trip was visiting the National Dong Hwa University and seeing them perform their traditional dances and songs Another highlight of the trip was meeting with Taiwan Deputy Minister Kao Yang-Sheng and members of the Taiwan Indigenous Council During our stay we experienced a minor earthquake while Tyler Owens Carrie Hood and I were debriefing about our day As a result of the earthquake the very next day we got stuck in a tunnelcave while on our bus as heavy equipment was used to remove loose rock hanging above the roadway My favorite memory is taking the boat tour of Sun Moon Lake and learning about the history of the Thao tribe I learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Thank you so much for this experience I will cherish the memories forever

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Tyler Owens Taiwan was a once in a lifetime trip and was so enlightening If I had the opportunity or the money to go back and do it all over again I would From getting to see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating The locals were so sweet and welcoming that it gave me a home like feel The vibrant colors on all the traditional clothing was exciting and the songs were so beautiful I enjoyed our time with the college students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs from home and got to traditionally dance Throughout the trip we got to try all kinds of food my favorite was the chocolate maugi even though it is not a food more like a dessert The Starry Nights Concert was astounding and we were recognized I felt famous for a moment and was so excited to finally get to take a group picture with the Vox Nativa students From the night market in Taipei to the food we ate on Sun Moon Lake there will never be a trip in my lifetime that could possibly top my ten beautiful days in Taiwan Thank you for this experience Carrie Hood The trip to Taiwan was awesome I wouldnt change anything about it Traveling around the island to visit 7 out of the 14 aboriginal tribes Bonding with all of the indigenous people was something so unforgettable Getting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going though today with trying to keep their languages alive Brought me back to some of struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservation With that being said the indigenous tribes we visited were amazing from the singing dancing and them just embracing us as one of them was such an amazing opportunity to have I can truly say that this was a trip of a lifetime and I would do it again any day 4) Christine Porter From March 12th ndash 22nd I accompanied our Fort McDowell Youth Council President 5 youth from tribes around the Nation and the Executive Director of UNITY on a trip to Taiwan to participate in a cultural exchange with the Indigenous tribes We visited 7 out of the 14 tribes We listened to them sing watched their dances and ate their traditional food We also visited various museums and historical sites I want to thank the Creator for keeping us all safe as we traveled to Taiwan I know the stress of planning a trip for a group of people and I have much respect and appreciation for Herdaw Che a volunteer with Vox Nativa and the others who helped him plan and prepare for this trip The youth and I felt important and special wherever we went whether to a village dinner or a performance Everyone we interacted with was kind and happy to see us

- 92 - When I saw the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in Los Angeles last year at the UNITY Conference I was in awe of their singing I instantly became excited when I saw that they would be performing a concert in Taiwan The highlight of the concert in Taiwan was when we were invited on stage to take a picture with them I already miss Taiwanese food Almost all the food was new to me and I promised myself I would try new things Irsquom so glad I did I ate duck turnip cakes and foods Irsquom uncertain of for the first time One of the highlights of the trip for me was when we visited the college After we heard the students sing Tyler Owens sang a couple songs as we all danced together But just as Tyler finished her song the students immediately took us into their dance and started singing Nothing was said we just danced I will carry that feeling with me forever Taiwan is one of the most beautiful places Irsquove ever been to The hotels were very fancy and I didnrsquot mind the hours on the bus because the view was mesmerizing On this trip I witnessed the love between human beings Each day we would visit an Indigenous village and every single time whether it was for 1 hour or 4 hours we created a bond with the people there We shared and interacted with love and kindness Everyone was sad when it was time for us to leave Our goodbyes were ldquoSee you laterrdquo ldquoCome back to visit us soonrdquo Whatrsquos your Facebook namerdquo We shook hands gave lots of hugs and then waved goodbye until we could no longer see them We spent 9 days on a bus with 15 other people also touring Taiwan In that time we shared snacks laughed took ldquoselfiesrdquo and sang karaoke together We formed friendships that will be cherished forever Last but not least I will cherish the friendships made between us and the interpreters They helped us understand what was going on and what was being said One interpretation was ldquoHe said we just had an earthquakerdquo Good thing it was small We joked together and had so many laughs They taught us and we taught them Irsquom thankful that they were able to spend the time with us and really make an effort to get to know us personally None of this would have happened if not for Vox Nativa and any other sponsors Thank you for this trip of a lifetime I will never forget the amazing Indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language Thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the same

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5) Mary Kim Titla --UNITY Executive Director I will never forget my trip to Taiwan The people of Taiwan were gracious hosts embracing us so wonderfully and throughout treating us like royalty The food was incredible Among many things we ate rice cooked inside bamboo eggs boiled in tea dried mini fish wild pig yellow watermelon wild Indigenous plants The UNITY youth most enjoyed themselves when they were able to engage with the Taiwan Indigenous youth When visiting the Thao tribal village the youth from two different continents played basketball together which is a universal sport and while there was a language barrier it did not prevent a most memorable exchange The UNITY youth brought gifts to share We did protocol gifting with a representative from the Thao Tribe among others Miss Ft McDowell Carrie Hood gave ground Acorn an Apache seasoning and a beautiful silver bolo tie Aaron Leaureaux gave a nice Beach towel with his tribal logo I was very proud of our young people The Starry Night Concert was certainly a highlight especially when we heard the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir Our UNITY group was called on stage to be recognized This was so exciting for everyone especially since the First Lady of Taiwan was present I was very honored to have received a gift from the Bunun village leader The Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park proved to be very educational which is equivalent to our National Museum of the American Indian Our group tried some archery and had fun on a big swing The Indigenous people also do great beadwork We all bought some nice items as souvenirs We were very honored to have met a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng The UNITY Youth presented him with a blanket and a shawl for his wife It was a first exchange he meeting American Indians for the first time and of course us meeting him We enjoyed listening to him talk about his tribe and their struggles to build their local economy Their Indigenous history is similar to ours It made my heart sad a little as he repeated the story of colonization But when I saw the young people the hope in their eyes made my heart happy again When we returned to Taipei we visited the second tallest building in the world 101 which has 101 floors It also has the worldrsquos fasted elevator getting us to the top in 30 seconds We also saw the Changing of the Guard at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall which was very impressive Irsquom so grateful to have started a relationship with Vox Nativa The UNITY organization extended an invitation for Indigenous youth of Taiwan to attend our National Conference in the US sometime in the future We look forward to that and possible future exchanges A big thanks to Herdaw Che for volunteering many hours to organize this trip and to Vox Nativa and other sponsors for giving Native American youth what may be a once-in-a lifetime experience

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山谷回音 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

Larry Liu Monday July 21 2014 This year I didnrsquot have a class to teach and instead worked in the office Although I was unable to learn specifically about on certain class my experience from my constant patrols allowed me to observe the activities of the camp as a whole As expected the youngest classes (2nd and 3rd grade) were the rowdiest and the hardest to control To help improve this the teachers of these classes could implement a randomized seating chart to separate the trouble-making kids and have one teacher up in front teaching and the other two helping out the teachers on the side As of now controlling the classes is definitely the biggest problem What I thought was nicely done was how the teachers would switch off to cover for each other when one of the teachers was out of the classroom Most importantly I believe that we can definitely be more proactive in solving our problems and helping our teammates Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the time seemed to pass by much faster since most of the team was almost over their jet lag However there were still several problems that our team encountered Most importantly our team still lacked control and authority over the students The 2nd grade class was extremely rowdy during homework time the 5th grade class was still asking inappropriate questions and the 3rd grade class still refused to listen to some of their teachers Each of these problems need to be addressed immediately and a strict unyielding way of dealing with instances of inappropriateness is the solution No is and must always be no If we fail to reprimand the students they will soon learn that they can keep on pushing the line and fail to see us as their teachers but rather their peers On the flip side English classes and bachata dance lessons were quite successful The kids were overall much more respectful to their teachers having warmed up to them My favorite part of the day was when I found a successful method to teach the kids bachata splitting them into 4 small groups and having them practice at separate times By applying this method to large group activities I can focus on each group and make sure that no one is left in the back and either not paying attention or struggling to seehear Overall I feel that our performance was equal to yesterdayrsquos performance but could definitely be better Wednesday July 23 2014 Since today was the middle of a typhoon many of the kids were sort of out of it during their lessons Nevertheless we did a much better job at controlling the kids WIth each class either adding new rules or enforcing them more strictly there were less kids wandering about and being rowdy Crafts today were a great success The kids were super focused and on-task constantly trying to improvedecorate their artwork Compared to the previous two days the kids were much more controlled and quiet I suspect this is so because the activities were more party oriented and

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hands-on as opposed to a purely education and lecture-style class However the afternoon meetings definitely still need work WIth so many people at the room at the same time itrsquos hard to not get distracted When one person starts to relax others will soon observe and follow suit I find that this is detrimental to the productivity of the group To solve this problem it would be better to clearly create committeesset a concrete goal with a deadline This would help keep all of us on track Thursday July 24 2014 Due to the change in schedule today class periods 3 and 4 were shorter The change in schedule threw off the pace of many classes causing us to forget when to startstop class I should have patrolled around and went to each class five minutes before in order to remind the teachers Today was our arts and crafts day for lanyards friendship bracelets and rainbow loom bracelets Just like yesterday the kids were extremely well behaved They really enjoy their arts and crafts The best part about them was when the kids wanted to keep on making more for their family members that didnrsquot attend Vox Nativa The fact that these students are not very fortunate yet still worrylook out for their family members first really inspired me They truly have compassionate hearts The most important part of the day was the activity leading period We were given all the time from nap-time to leaving school to take care of the students so we played games and danced In general the children liked dancing over games What we should have done is split the kids in smaller groups according to grade level so that the older kids wouldnrsquot be bored In addition we need to be more proactive and organized so that there are less awkward pauses during activities Otherwise the day ran pretty smoothly Monday July 28 2014 Today half of the team got up at 500am to pick grapes at Uli 老師rsquos house This proved to be quite exhausting because many had slept at 100200 and were sleep deprived throughout the day Because of this many of the teachers napped during classes in front of the kids I feel that it would be a much better idea for teachers to nap inside of our office instead of doing it inside of the classrooms This allows teachers to maintain a sense of professionalism and show the kids that we are not their peers but rather figures of authority that they should respect When the flubber project started today I immediately saw the problem with the younger classes WHen the teachers were going around one by one to give the kids materials other kids who hadnrsquot received materials began talking and playing with them before the teachers explained the project TO mitigate this one teacher should prepare materials for all the kids ahead of time before passing them out at the same time This takes out the awkward pauses during class time during which the class gets out of control Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was without a doubt the busiest day of the trip Right after breakfast the office crew immediately got to work preparing the banquetfood pick up area by sweeping and rearranging tables I was pleased with our productivity we had taken down the Halloween decorations the previous day so that we could immediately start preparing However when it came to the time

- 96 - where we were preparing food for the banquet we lost our previous productivity Because the kitchen had a limited number of knives and cutting boards only a few people worked continuously while others lingered around and just talked We made those we had already finished their job of washing vegetables start practicing the song that we would perform for the show tonight The strategy of splitting up a large group into smaller groups and keeping everyone busy by assigning new jobs is one that keeps the group on track Like always the ending performance was bittersweet What struck me the hardest was the fact that my kids still remembered me from last year even though I hadnrsquot talked to them much during the entire trip Knowing that I was an important figure in the kidsrsquo lives filled me with a sense of accomplishment and provided me with a sense of closure for I knew I had succeeded as a teacher when I touched the hearts of my students last year Wednesday July 30 2014 The best way to describe today would be a day of early farewells Due to their Tokyo performance a bit less than half of the students left today THeir early departure left the school with a sense of emptiness as many of the older kids were gone Seeing my kids from previous years leave also left me with a sense of emptiness as well When it came to the time for group activities it eventually devolved into just movie-watching for the kids I still feel like we should have spent this time more wisely such as teaching more crafts and socializing with the kids in order to learn about their personal circumstances Watching movies should be done only as a last resort Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of the volunteer portion of the trip the official day of farewells Instead of teaching English for the entire day most of the teachers ended up throwing some type of farewell party for the kids I thought that this was appropriate seeing how many of the classes had already taken their final exam the previous day and most of the kids were already in a end-of-school type of mood Again we showed a movie which I think was acceptable but obviously had better alternatives When it came to the time to say our goodbyes many of the kids from the lower grades came to give me a hug I felt appreciative because even though I wasnrsquot their teacher I constantly went into their classrooms to help their teachers control the class to the point where they recognized me as one of their ldquounofficial teacherrdquo Having that sense of belonging despite not teaching a class really was the highlight of my service

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and mostly paid attention Unfortunately the problem with these students are that they donrsquot have enough confidence in my opinion When we asked them to read aloud their mad libs all of the students basically whispered it even when we told them to talk louder I think theyrsquore afraid of pronouncing words wrong Also they donrsquot ask questions even when they need help Instead they just sat there and talked to their friends Hopefully in the next few days the kids can open up to us and not be afraid to ask questions and mispronounce words In addition the lesson plan we had made the day before was not followed as the time we had estimated for the activities were so long In the end we ended up playing games with the vocabulary we taught them For upcoming classes I hope to better plan our activities so we donrsquot have to improv Tuesday July 22 2014 After today I noticed how responsible these kids are Because seventh grade is in the choir room we donrsquot have our own mops Even though breakfast time had already started the students who were in charge of mopping the floor stayed back and finished mopping the floor before they went down to breakfast Although this may be a daily routine for them I still think it is amazing how disciplined and responsible these kids are They donrsquot have any mindset to first eat breakfast and then come back later to mop the floor After letting the students pick their seats yesterday they ended up talking to their friends and therefore did not pay too much attention during class However today after creating a seating chart and interacting with them for a day I realized they help each other a lot talk less and participate more Also they started to speak louder after getting to know us In order to create the environment for them to be speaking English without hesitation we have to let them know that wersquore here to help them improve their English and help them not to laugh at them Because today was the first day of Bachata I didnrsquot know what the expect However I was amazed at how fast they remembered the moves Although they were a bit noisy at first after blowing the whistle and separating the entire group into fours they paid more attention By splitting into groups of four the children danced group by group and it was easier to control them and ensure they are doing the right moves Wednesday July 23 2014 Although the students paid attention during class and did their assigned classwork I still think not all of them were putting 100 into learning We asked them about the typhoon before class started and it seemed as if they were all really worried including their parents Some wanted to go home but couldnt due to the Japan trip and others said they were going to miss us They were getting distracted during their classwork and started talking during read aloud or with someone else was talking by the lightning and the thunder Today I realized how they normally dont have much of a choice when doing something because of the typhoon there was a power outage therefore the quizzes the students were supposed to take couldnt be printed leaving a hole in our schedule We told her class to write a dialogue with the partner on any subject as long as each person said at least five lines each line including one vocab word Before they started they kept confirming with us that the dialogue could be on any topic

- 98 - The concert after dinner was funny and cute Even though the performance with the tunes might have been boring as they started learning just three days ago they made it funny and entertaining to watch I learned that even though you might not be too advanced at playing instruments when giving a performance try your best if it is boring think of something to do to make it entertaining The Halloween party afterwards was pretty exciting as the lightning from the typhoon added to the spookiness Spending the effort of decorating the office and the classrooms was really worth it I think the kids got a feeling of Halloween but they still need to experience the fun of walking around neighborhoods with their friends on Halloween night trick-or-treating Thursday July 24 2014 For some reason every time our class plays games and we tell them to split into teams and create names they come up with the strangest names The team names are all related to one another One team comes up with a name and the other teams find another name related to it For example on the second day two teams name themselves team Jesus and team Lord The last team decided to name them selves team God Yesterday one team name themselves team team so the other two teams name themselves team team number two and team team number three Finally today when we split them into two groups one decided on the name fish power so that the other team decided to name themselves dust power Although Im not really sure how these kids come up with these names Im amazed at their creativity When we did rainbow loom in the second session I thought a lot of the students knew how to do it however I was surprised that they didnt know how to use the loom itself instead the kids used another tool to make their bracelets Since my class is in seventh grade most of my kids left for their tripAfter a week of teaching them I feel like our kids are having more fun during class and opening up to us more however I still think they are afraid to ask those questions answer incorrectly or get laughed at by their friends Monday July 28 2014 Picking grapes at a great plantation was a great experience except for the bugs and tall grass I always love eating Taiwan fruit because it tastes sweeter than the ones in America and there are more kinds Today in class three new students came bringing the total to 12 students Unfortunately we planned a unit 5 to 7 test After the kids finished it and we graded it we realized that the two worst test scores were Ryan and Jacob once again from last week We talked with them and asked why they didnt study Apparently they work on the farm during the weekend and didnt have time to study Therefore we retaught the units and they retook the test Im amazed how hard-working they are even when theyre not at school Unlike students in the US the students in Taiwan work on farms on the weekends Students in the US sleep in on weekends and just hang around the house or with friends Although we decided to combine classes for the talent show when we all gathered we had absolutely no idea what to do Originally my kids didnt want to perform with the sixth graders because six and seventh grade always combine but it was too late We ended up dancing to Best Day of My Life I was pretty surprised how fast they learn the moves just like Bachata I try to get them to send certain parts of the song and exaggerate their moves except it didnt really work

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Hopefully by tomorrow night they can dance more freely Tuesday July 29 2014 Im still surprised at team names the kids come up with today they came up with susu power and gin gin power Every time Crystal and I asked him how they came up with their names they just make a sound and move on After trying a flash card game where there are two teams and each team has a person guessing While the rest of the team describes the card last week we found it pretty effective therefore we decided to play it again today Thinking back on it this game is helpful as you have to know what the word is and what it meansThis relates to what my chemistry teacher said all year you dont really understand something until you can teach someone else and apply it For example if one person on the team did not know what the word meant but everyone else knew and was explaining it to the gas soon then the person who didnt know before would learn it Tonight after the concert to be honest I thought I wouldnt cry Even though I taught my class for only two weeks I didnt bond with my students thats much as I have the oldest class and there are disciplined so I dont have to yell at them or talk to them as muchHowever by the end watching people cry listening to sad music and the kids hugs are you eventually cried For one performance sixth and seventh grade performed best day of my life Since they only danced it for one and a half hours before the performance I was proud of them for dancing and singing on stage Wednesday July 30 2014 Since there was a unit eight test today and a concert the night before we gave the students time to study and review After correcting the tests we realized the worst two scores were once again Ryan and Jacob This happened on Monday to therefore I retaught them the unit with the hope that they would learn it properly this time Since the choir kids had to leave at 11 AM we planned to let the rest of the kids play basketball I threatened the two kids that if they didnt really learn the unit properly they couldnt go out to play When reteaching them I think they know the content they just dont spend the time to study and memorize it The kids dont seem to like studying as much because they have to work on the farms over the weekend and they wont use English that often It was really interesting that the kids in our class we watched our performance from last night and played demons and best day of our life during break time on their phones I dont know whether they already know the songs before hand but I thought it was pretty cute They also started to sing-along and hum the tune Thursday July 31 2014 Because my class is done with the textbook and Justines class only had one student left we decided to combine classes and make rainbow loom bracelets together Although we tried teaching this during class we only got through the simplest design therefore this time we gave them examples and asked them which one they wanted to learnSome kids were amazing at making bracelets while others struggled a little bit Some students made bracelets for a family member while others made bracelets for themselves or their group of friends After a wild we took them out to play basketball

- 100 - however they couldnt find a ball so they went to climb the tree in the back parking lot Unfortunately that tree is a historical tree and they werent supposed to climb it Before I knew it it was time for the kids to go The goodbyes were short and soon the kids left These past two weeks were a really fun and nice experience Comparing last year with this year is really difficult because they are two separate sets of experiences Although its the same concept of teaching English the approach methods and memories are different I am really glad I got to spend two weeks at Vox Nativa helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Rebecca Zheng Monday July 21 2014 Today I was pretty anxious and worried while I was waiting for the students to come in the class I was afraid that they would not listen to me and that we would not be able to teach them properly First the students were very shy and curious about us When we started class I tried my best to project my voice and lead the class We utilized a variety of techniques to teach the students including repeat after me call and answer and fill in the blank I was surprised that the kids proficiency in English was relatively low and we ended up having to use Chinese for most of the class Although most of the kids were not extremely disciplined they were responsible for their age and completed all of their jobs I feel like we had a pretty good first day especially since it was both Kevins and my first time teaching English Tuesday July 22 2014 We used similar techniques to teach class today I felt like the students were getting bored of some of the activities we used and that the students who didnt participate as much were not learning I hope thats we will be able to get these certain students to participate more During lunch it took a long time for the kids to get their meals and to bring the food I need to figure out if this is the normal amount of time needed for the kids to complete their tasks The kids also had a hard time falling asleep Dinner time today was also very chaotic because it seemed like the kids duties werent defined I thought it was impressive that the kids all knew how to ration their portions so everyone had the same amount Homework time was also very hectic The kids did their Hobart but they just went to the back and were playing and goofing off Wednesday July 23 2014 Today there was no power or water for the first half of the day I was worried because I knew it would be harder to teach with no lights We were able to get through our lesson plan but the kids were much sleepier today They were also more board and made the classroom messier because they cannot fool around outside For the Halloween night all of the kids were very excited They probably only got 2 to 5 pieces of candy each but they were very happy We had a problem with cleaning up afterwards because the kids spilled a lots of Jell-O and candy wrappers everywhere It took a while but in the end the class was somewhat orderly again As a whole I think we need to figure out a better way to get the kids to do their jobsSuch as bringing the meals putting away the

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dishes and cleaning the classroom Some kids are not as responsible as others Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had to supervise the kids until 430 PM I figured out that sending a kid to get food with their friends or bribing them by helping them with their projects worked well The kids were very excited to make lanyards today and we were surprising me patient They did not get frustrated when they did not understand how to make the lead beard and all of them eventually learned how to make one We also had to supervise the kids after nap timeWe went to the auditorium and we danced and played a few games The kids seemed a little bored when they were dancing but they liked the games and most of the kids participated At the end of the day the students with hope They looked happy and sad at the same time and I feel like I learned a lot Monday July 28 2014 This morning I had a hard time waking up Some people went to pick grapes and Im glad I didnt get up that early to do so because I was very tired We made flubber today It was a very simple process for the kids but in retrospect I dont think it was a good idea because the kids always play with them during class which is a huge distraction and also created a huge mess English class was okay We worked out a routine where we spend half of the time reviewing and half of the time learning new material We gave out a worksheet and the kids struggles At this day I know everyones name most of the Chinese names and how good their English is I also know who the smart kids are so I will only call on them only when nobody else knows the answer Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we did not have an activity planned for class so we did English class for four periods We gave out a pretty simple test but most of the students were unable to do most of the questions Because of this we had to do review for most of the class offering stickers as incentives I think this review was very beneficial and the students learned a lot I realized how important the review was to the kids because they take a long time to absorb new information We also spent a lot of time preparing for the banquet I decorated the office which didnt take too long I think the kids enjoyed the food but there was no interest among them with the clam chowder We should have served him the chowder with their food The kids really liked the spam musubi and the chocolate fondue Next year I think we should include more protein in the menu Wednesday July 30 2014 This morning I really could not get up But I eventually did We made gingerbread houses today and I think the kids really enjoyed it It wasnt too messy and we had a lots of candy left over We used the candy as incentives during class time We only had one period of English and we used it as a wrap up lesson Many kids are not going to be here tomorrow I found that using the whistle was effective in getting the kids attention I usually blow the whistle to get the kids to light up After class at that time we watched a movie but the kids did not understand what the movie was about because it was all in English After the movie we played with the kids had dinner supervise the

- 102 - kids and cleaned the bathroom Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day I was not sad or sentimental at first because all of my favorite students had left the day before We watched movies for the entire time and we had our last meal together I was happy because the kids prayed for us and thanked us for teaching them Then we assigned the kids their jobs and we yelled at them to do their jobs Most of them were pretty responsible but some of the kids who were asked to do extra because they had simple jobs were very lazy After to clean up we said bye to the students and watch them board the bus The funny thing is that I was more sad about leaving the other classes then my own I cared about my own kids but it is hard for me to make a close bond with young children The sixth and seventh graders felt closer to me than my fourth-graders We rode the bus and the train to Taipei and I wished those kids the best of luck for their future because they are talented helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Andrea Lam Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first team meeting or class of second graders They were all super friendly and kept wanting us to play with them But because of how playful you were it was kind of hard to control them 30 class Something interesting we learned today was that even though all of the kids were in the same grade they had varying skill levels in English A few of the kids were amazing at English while other new on the how to write the uppercase or lowercase letters Because of the difference in skill level it was hard for us to teach because some of the kids who already knew everything would get restless and bored I think something we need to improve on is getting the kids to listen to us and pay attention during class and not fool around as much Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the students were a bit more behaved they listen to us a lot more and actually paid attention in class The Halloween crafts we made today in preparation for our Halloween party tomorrow were extremely interesting for the kids One of the Halloween crafts we had to make was a paper pumpkin The kids were so excited when they found out it would be baking a pumpkin and some kids came up to me to ask about the history of pumpkins in Halloween I was very surprised when the kids came up to me to ask me to help them perfect their pumpkins They hated seeing its lopsided or seeing it have holes in between the paper strips In the end the kids were happy after finishing your paper pumpkin and many of them kept telling me they cannot wait to bring it home to show their parents Wednesday July 23 2014 Even though today was not the first day of class our kids were still very miss behaved at times and required us yelling at them several times before they would quiet down Because of this Megan Marcus and I decided to use a new system to control the kids Our new system was that for each

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Time a kid disobeyed one of our rules they would get their name written on the board and fall Louit offenses would result in checks next to their name If a kid had two checks next to their name then they would be sent to the principals office Surprisingly this new method worked extremely well Once one student got two checks and was sent to the office the other students knew we were serious and quieted down oboist immediately After that the kids were being well behaved for the majority of the class Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had a craft to teach our kids during class We taught the kids how to make bracelets out of seven pieces of string using cardboard circles At first the kids had a hard time grasping how to make the bracelets but eventually the kids got very into it and begin to be able to make them on their own without our help After finishing the first bracelet many of the kids asked for more string to make bracelets for their siblings or parents Overall I think teaching the kids how to make bracelets was a good idea because it was simple enough to keep them quiet for the majority of the time Monday July 28 2014 Today during third and fourth period we taught our class how to make flubber When we first told the kids we would be baking flubber and explain to them what it was they were excited and could not sit still To get all of the students to quiet down we told them that they would not get any of the materials unless they were quiet and sitting down at their desks Eventually they were quiet enough for us to begin the project The kids had so much fun making the flubber After the flubber was done the students started throwing it around like a bouncy ball which made a best in the classroom It was still a very fun experience for the students Tuesday July 29 2014 Tonight was the farewell show that all the kids and all the Connexpedition team performed at The show as funny entertaining and full of memories When our slideshow came on and when some of our members said their speeches Justine Jenny Crystal and I started crying It was so emotional hearing everyone describe their experiences with each of their classes It made me reflect on my own experiences with my 2nd grade class When my kids came up to hug me when I was crying it was incredibly touching and only made me cry harder All the kids were incredibly sweet telling us not to cry and to save our tears for more important times This farewell show was the moment that made me realize how much all of our hardships were worth in the end Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we made graham cracker houses in class It was so extremely messy and many of the kids somehow managed to get the frosting all over their clothes desks and the floors However it was fun to see the kids being creative in decorating their graham cracker houses For the project we divided our class into groups of 2 which forced the two kids to cooperate and work together in order to successfully builddecorate their graham cracker house One pair worked extremely well together

- 104 - They had a whole system of who would ice the graham cracker while the other held the house together It was so satisfying to see the students be able to work together properly and build a beautiful graham cracker house Thursday July 31 2014 Our last day with the kids at Luo Na was incredibly sad I teared up and started crying once I saw my students get on the bus ready to leave us and head home When the buses started to pull away all of the kids opened the windows to wave goodbye Afterwards as I was walking back to the classroom to do a final cleanup I was struck by how empty and quiet the school seemed without the kids Looking into my classroom and seeing how orderly and lifeless it seemed only made me tear up again After getting to know such amazing kids after two weeks the thought of not being able to ever see them again is disheartening I want to be able to see the kids I taught succeed in life and grow up to become adults Hopefully some day in the future I will be able to meet my kids again and see just how much they will have grown helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Shane Li Monday July 21 2014 Today was the first day of our actual service This year I was in a class teaching instead of not teaching I am in charge of the third grade class They are basically the students from Andrearsquos class last year It really isnrsquot that bad but I almost lost my voice today I managed to get my voice back by not talking for four hours There is also a typhoon coming in and I am actually not sure if I want it to come or not I sort of donrsquot like who I am teaching with but I also donrsquot want to leave the kids I guess this just means that I need to suck it up if I have to teach with Roy There were also things I learned about lesson planning I under-planned a lot and I realized that we should always overplan so we will never run out of material Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day of teaching It was a rather better day today but also a tougher day English first period went pretty well I learned new ways of getting the kids to participate I developed a new strategy on what to do to get the most participation from the kids I feel like my lesson planning could have been better though The class sort of fell apart during second period I think partly because I ran out of steam but in the end the class did go better than yesterday I started to get sick today and I had some diarrhea I am really feeling what it is like to have to work a twelve hour day while sick and having a lack of sleep I guess I really did not understand how stressful it was to do this until this trip because culture camp back at US is not anywhere near what I do here Also last year I did not teach a class I need to improve on controlling my kids more and better lesson planning and not bore the students I have a lot to learn before I get anywhere close to a perfect day Wednesday July 23 2014

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Today was the first day I let Roy teach a whole class by himself At first he really took control of the class and actually taught However as the class went on it became obvious he was starting to make things up (on the spot lesson planning) Ping also told me that I should be less mean when speaking to the kids and not yell at them all the time I will try to be softer with all of the students tomorrow and see how that goes Making the faces and costume for the kids were really fun They all extremely enjoyed it I realized today that some of these kids can be very creative Maybe and probably even more than me I find it really saddening that the kids arenrsquot as fortunate as me when it comes to ability to expand their abilities It really touched me today to realize that Vox NAtiva has basically changed these children Sometimes I really wonder where these kids will be without Vox Nativa Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of the week English class was really smooth and nothing really went wrong I gave them a test and half the class did not do so well so Irsquom not really sure if it is my problem or if the kids did not study The other half of the class did really well though The kids really liked dancing to the music THey only like fast-paced music though which I can understand I am going to try to get along with Roy more next week since I feel like it is affecting our class Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of the second week The kids all came into the class extremely tired for some reason It was a good thing since they were all very quiet Today I made Roy teach both classes of English He somewhat struggled because he is not able to make decisions by himself He would constantly look at me and ask me what to do next I feel like having a good voice makes kids listen to you more I always try to have a solid voice and Irsquove realized if you did not have one the students will be less likely to listen to you Instead they will just laugh at your voice and make fun of it We made flubber today as our science project I used a new system in teaching them how to make it I would do it once in front of the whole class then have them come up one by one and get the ingredients This method worked really well and I was able to keep the class clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a pretty tiring day because of the banquet and lack of sleep the day before Today I taught English class and I realized that I love my voice I canrsquot raise my voice anymore because when I do it just sound extremely blank I realized it was easier to speak normally to the kids than shouting I made Roy actually start yelling in class today Honestly it did not work out so well since the kids just laughed at his voice Today was also the goodbye banquet The students had really cute performances especially my own class Those kids were always gone and now I know why - because they were practicing for the performance It really touched me because they prepared for it In the very end after the video we all went up to give speeches and a few of my students started crying I started to tear up as well even though I usually donrsquot cry at all Wednesday July 30 2014

- 106 - In the morning the kids were all really tired today probably because the banquet went really late last night Today Roy kept falling asleep in class This really ticked me off I had to constantly wake him up and every time he goes back to sleep During second period I gave Roy my lesson plan and made him teach It didnrsquot go so well though He was not able to control the class so I had to constantly raise my voice and get them to listen to Roy Next period we made graham cracker houses I thought it was really messy but the kids actually took care of the room I am pretty sure they got into a sugar high after because they ate so much candy Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of our service In the morning all of the lower classes came to our room and we all just watched a movie together I feel the kids donrsquot have the luxury of watching movies because most of them had never seen The Incredibles or Cars After movies the kids ate lunch and went home After thinking about it I have learned a lot of new things on this trip different from last year I learned that you donrsquot always get to work with who you want to work with because life does not work that way Also sometimes i realized I just need to suck it up and do things I donrsquot necessarily like I also found that you have to establish a line with the kids If I am always nice to them they wonrsquot listen to me If I am always mean to them they will not respect me There is a way to balance these two and I feel like I did that fairly well this year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kevin Lian Monday July 21 2014 Going into today I was really excited because it is always exciting meeting new students When they started entering though I did not start interacting with them right away I eventually did start approaching the kids to start talking to them When we started teaching the class was pretty rowdy We ignored them and raised our voices which was not very effective It was not until we started deducting points from their score that they started to listen to us We should have enforced the policy from the beginning From then on we started to threaten them with deducting points to keep them quiet We were not able to learn the kidsrsquo Chinese names because they were harder to read Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll find a way whether it be memorizing pinyin or the characters ANother thing we could improve for tomorrow is preparing a longer lesson plan We planned to spend a lot of time on the introduction part but it went by really quickly Our English lesson included multiple pauses when my partner and I discussed what to do next Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I got a better grasp on the studentsrsquo names I forced myself to remember them by picking on all the kids to participate This way they get practice in English and I was able to learn their names During the arts and crafts portion of the class period I realized that the kids were really needy However that is to be expected because they are young Next time I am going to make the class wait for every student to finish before teaching the next step We tried giving the kids less points during the lesson today but they kept on complaining Also it is hard to keep the point system fair

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because not every kid participates equally While part of the reason may stem from their English level a bigger reason is that theyrsquore too shy to break away from their comfort zone My kid David is usually outgoing during the break times but during class he never participates Looking back Irsquove realized that my class responds well when we yell at them However a kid cried together when we yelled It might have been because we singled her and another kid out when they had books out Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll gain more respect from the kids Wednesday July 23 2014 I really liked how we handled class today The class was really responsive because we included two activities in which the kids were able to get out of their seats instead of just listening to the lecture The class was a bit restless because of the lack of electricity but they still listened to us after a while THe kids complained about us teaching too quickly so I think wersquoll go back to review more in the future Irsquove also bonded really well with the kids now because they talk to me during breaks During breaks the kids tell stories They are stories either about their lives or ghosts so I decided to share my own past with them and how we live life in America I still raise my voice at them when they donrsquot listen but I donrsquot threaten with taking them to the office anymore The Halloween preparation was fun The kids were excited to learn about our tradition probably because they would get candy The classes are passing by quickly unlike the previous classes and more students are participating Thursday July 24 2014 Last day for the first week I really think Irsquove grown as a teacher throughout the week In the beginning I was afraid to use my authority However now Irsquove realized that I need to use that just to get them to listen to me It also helps now that I know their names in English I know the troublemakersrsquo names in Chinese just to make sure they will listen to us The art project was really difficult to start The kids were impatient and we were slow to help them individually Thank goodness Brian Amy and Larry came to help us Next time we should start the lanyards for them before class Overall though I feel like we are consistently improving compared to before Also it is easier to lead the class now that wersquove been here for a week I am looking forward to next week with the students Monday July 28 2014 Seeing the kids again after the weekend was refreshing because the weekend seemed pretty lackluster without them I feel like I yelled at my students a lot more today THe flubber project was hard to manage because we could only help one group of kids at a time Therefore the other kids would talk a lot while waiting Also since we had to get our own water the person in the classroom had to help the class while controlling the sound level at the same time I got really mad at my class after dinner because the students kept switching groups for the talent show THey would prepare with one group then one person would leave and start another This took away from the time they had to prepare Also there was another group of kids who did not want to participate I had to feel them ideas and even then they would not make up their minds I had a personal talk with a student

- 108 - who lost her parents Looking at her I would not have realized that she had such a difficult childhood One quote will stay with me for a while ldquoIf you miss someone just imagine that theyrsquore here with you Then you wonrsquot feel lonelyrdquo Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a difficult day for me I felt unrested so I was impatient with the students I specifically sat next to James and made sure he paid attention in class He often fell asleep and would not participate in discussions I talked to him privately during the break and he was pretty quiet for the rest of the class I think he had trouble paying attention in class because his English is not as good as the other students He also had very little motivation to work hard Getting food during dinner and banquet was difficult because the kids were restless and hungry but they seemed to really enjoy eating the food I thought that the show at night was pretty emotional The kid I yelled at today still came up to me and hugged me I told him ldquoGood luck in the futurerdquo and he smiled at me I really hope that I have changed how he viewed education at school Wednesday July 30 2014 The class president and vice president was not here today These two students were extremely helpful because they would help control the class and distribute work for the rest of the kids Without them the class was unwilling to bring updown the dishes and the meals Also since most of our better behaving students left today there was no balance in the classroom This shows the two extremes in the class I guess I should have noticed earlier but I didnt really mind because the class was still productive If I am in charge of a class in the future I would be a lot stricter in the beginning of the teaching period The most meaningful part of today was when the kids handed us thank you notes I really appreciated how they were thankful for what we had done for them That was a motivating experience because it directly showed how we were able to influence the kidsrsquo lives and futures Thursday July 31 2014 The last day with the kids It was pretty emotional because I really got to know one of the students really well David was one of the kids whose parents helped us out over the weekend His family offered us the pig to each Well after we went to his home he started talking to me a lot more On the last day he really helped out with cleaning the classroom I gave him one of the three rainbow looms He was the only kid sitting quietly and raising his hand The other students rushed and shouted I guess his behavior really showed me how he developed through the class because he used to be one of the kids who wouldnrsquot listen at all This last moment with him really boosted my confidence as a teacher helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kye Swen Monday July 21 2014 Today went surprisingly well considering the first day is usually the hardest Meeting the children

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was a serendipitous experience in the sense that the children were surprisingly and unexpectedly docile English lessons were carried out in a rather organized succession of activities with alternating teacher taking charge of every other activity This cooperative system proved useful and semi-harmonious The children are not exactly the most loquacious kids but they were well-behaved and obedient I learned that life is not the same everywhere and that not all children are born equal Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos class went fairly smoothly Games such as hangman and charades were played to joyous children Although the children were rowdier today than yesterday they still seemed rather attentive and open to teaching All the children were relatively happy but three students were more participative than the rest Perhaps our most important goal is to get more people to participate in class discourse and answer questions The English lessons seem to be getting shorter and shorter as todayrsquos lesson time was subtracted due to Bachata lessons and tomorrowrsquos English lesson time will be cut short by Halloween craft-making I hope to properly cover all the planned material in the limited time allotted for English lessons Wednesday July 23 2014 Throughout all of today the clear highlight of the day had to be the Halloween party After the party the only event that stood out in my mind was Halloween Looking back my memories of the day are a kaleidoscopic array of strobe lights and dismembered mannequins In regards to the teaching of our English class we are beginning to find that our students are showing less and less vigor and vitality in our classes Their participation seems to be lacking and the course of our ENglish lessons do indeed seem to be lacking in luster I think that ramping up and overhauling our point-prize system will increase participation and morale in our classes Thursday July 24 2014 Today went extraordinarily well Almost all of our kids participated a reasonable deal and we have taught a significant portion of English in the first 40-minute half of our first English session After dumping out our prize collection on the front desk to show them to possible rewards for racking up enough point for their respective teams the rate of participation went up The second half of our English session was dedicated to giving out tests to our students A twenty minute test was administered and though our expectations were high the results were massively disappointing The test results were atrocious and with each test I graded the grades seemed to drop lower in some horrible vertiginous descent I hope to talk to the kids that did the worst and find out why their results were so disappointing Monday July 28 2014 I have come to a realization that two periods of English class are the most I will ever get to teach English in a day This epiphany struck me like a lightning bolt in the middle of a typhoon while I was halfway done teaching Unit 5 in my English textbook In an activity-packed day there seems to be less and less time to teach what is vital and more and more time amusing the kids with dance

- 110 - shows and impressing the staff with events While these activities and performances are indeed important I would say that English should remain the top priority If we as a team had the option to place equal amounts of attention to lesson time allotment as we do event planning the breadth and quality of our teaching would rise in scope as well Tuesday July 29 2014 I remember the most of the talent show when I think back to my memories of today English class went by as usual and as the day drew to its inexorable conclusion I began to think more and more about the talent show It was called something along the lines of ldquonight farewell performancerdquo but it was in essence an amalgamation of hastily put-together acts reminiscent of a talent show As the lackluster Master of Ceremonies for that evening my appalling on-stage rambling was accompanied by a lineage of performances some decent and some visual atrocities My sixth and seventh grade classes for example danced to ldquoBest Day of My Liferdquo and had to be led by Justine The actual performance dance though relatively easy to dance to still managed to be exceedingly ugly Wednesday July 30 2014 The sun beat down upon our brows as we stood near the steps watching our students slowly file away into their respective cars and buses Yet as sunny as the day was a perpetual cloud of gloom hung over the heads of my co-teachers Justine and Jenny Red eyed and morose they sobbed as they hugged the children they had yelled at and laughed with for almost two weeks Some of the children cried with them mingling the sadness of parting ways with the warmness of remembrance It was strangely beautiful to see a group of people so utterly different in so many different ways unite as one in heart and temper Yet I felt no sense of sadness as I watched the people I taught leave us It was the same with yesterdayrsquos farewell concert It was as though I could not register the emotions I was supposed to and expected to feel I donrsquot exactly know why I wasnrsquot sad when they left and looking back I can honestly and forthrightly say that I did bond with many students in my class Nearly everyone else called me callous and cold which I suppose was fair for them to say I certainly donrsquot consider myself to be either of those things but based on my apathy who can blame them for thinking I am There I am bidding farewell to James and Anna and Ivy Tears flow yet my eyes remain dry Melancholy is suspended in the air like some invisible gas yet I cannot seem to breathe it in or absorb any of it I know I will miss all of them but I accept the fact that the people we see will become only memories and fade away as we meander onwards and forwards through time Our dearest friends our closest family our favorite teachers and our cherished studentsndashwe will gradually lose contact with them and they will inexorably diminish into a mere idea in the deep recesses of our hearts and minds The people we treasure will fade away into mere memories like ripples dissolving in a pond I fully and unflinchingly accept this perpetual truth and perhaps that is why I never felt the hot pangs of sadness as my children left We cry we wave goodbye and we remember That is all any of us can ever hope do

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the very last day we got to see the students still at the school Brian and Ping Ah Yi told us to take the kids and clean up any trash remaining on the school grounds Crystal and I lead a group of rowdy teenage boys to clean up the front of the school As our motley cleaning crew progressed they talked of subjects that most interested them girls sports and themselves We cut them some slack and allowed them to talk about a broad range of subjects and thus conversations of somewhat phallic and ribald natures ensued I realized then that despite their circumstances they were exactly like me when I was their age Like all of them I was once a hormonal and immature teenage boy No matter how different we may seem we are more similar than any of us will ever realize As we shouldered our bags and stepped onto the bus to leave I took one last look at Balan and the school and I suddenly felt a brief but strong sense of nostalgia It quickly passed however and my mind began to visualize our trip to Taipei The hectic night markets the teeming city the cramped buildings and humid air all appealed to my sense of travel As the green trees and small towns rolled by our window and forever into our pasts I thought of all the memories this powerful experience has left me As the American author John Steinbeck once wrote ldquoWe find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip a trip takes usrdquo As the bus rushed by the surrounding countryside and as I drowsily fell into a long overdue sleep I slowly began to realized that I couldnrsquot agree more helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Roy Ho Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first official day of service for the Connexpedition trip With barely enough sleep I got up at 6AM to prepare for the day that laid ahead of me I was actually excited to get started as this wa the day that we had been preparing for over 6 months to get to My first impression was that they werenrsquot as bad as I had imagined based upon past stories As we were introducing ourselves I finally figured out how clueless these kids are for example they saw a picture of me in a Boy Scouts uniform and thought I was a police officer After that however it started to get tougher We dealt with a girl that was homesick boys that wonrsquot stop hitting each other and kids that showed us absolutely no respect I learned today what it really means to be a teacher It really involved setting a good example and gaining the respect of those you teach A lot of things went wrong today such as flaws in our lesson plan or inability to control our kids but despite all that I have learned a lot in just one day Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was our second day I am starting to get used to this school its rules and its procedures As I get more and more familiar with my students a lot of new experiences meet me but at the same time a lot of problems arise Today was a tough day for me my two other co-teachers and basically everyone on our team For me personally I ran into the problem of two boys asking me inappropriate questions They asked it in Chinese at first not sensing the danger I asked them to explain After understanding it I felt so awkward that instead of lecturing them I just played dumb

- 112 - I think that was just one of my many mistakes today Despite that I continued to learn and grow in my own way and I bonded a lot more with everyone Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day It was my turn to teach the English classes today I feel like I screwed up a lot and had a lot of issues including insufficient Mandarin skills and being unable to get down my student names Starting today we decided to add more rules about asking before leaving class and I was a lot more strict about enforcing rules The results were pretty positive I think the most meaningful part of today was getting to be the main teacher of the class At night we had our Halloween party where we introduced the kids to the American tradition of Halloween It was really fun our students had masks and candy bags and we went to other classes to ask for candy We taught the kids how to say ldquotrick-or-treatrdquo However after the party my kids were way too hyper resulting in me having to shout multiple times and punish the extremely naughty kids Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of our first week Some things I feel accomplished about today was that I finally learned most of my studentrsquos names Throughout this week I bonded a lot with all my students At the beginning I had to raise my voice to get them to do anything however since Irsquove gotten to know the kids better I can get them to listen to me more out of respect rather than fear My favorite experience today was when we tried combining all the classes in the auditorium We started by playing a couple of songs next we danced One of the problems was that we kept messing up the direction of the moves In class today we started with a crossword puzzle and then took a test I was very disappointed however as I graded the tests because the highest score was a 95 and the lowest was 10 The rest got between 40-60 As I watched my kids leave I felt relieved to have an opportunity to rest but at the same time I miss them already Monday July 28 2014 Today was the start of our second week After three days of break it felt like a brand new start My students seemed to be extra quiet today compared to usual Like last week we continued teaching English The project today was flubber I think my kids had fun with it but they were also very messy I started English class today by going over the test they took last week I feel really disappointed with my kids because we reviewed everything on the test multiple times yet the majority still fails the test I feel like I know all the procedures better now as well as the kids Irsquom starting to get a sense of each kidsrsquo personality I am looking forward to a great final week Tuesday July 29 2014 The first thing we were told about today was that it would be very tiring I like to say I was prepared because it honestly was not that bad for me We started a new unit in English today I doubt we will finish it though We were supposed to teach Bachata today but all the lower grade teachers decided that it would be too difficult My class ended up making lanyards It was not easy though because the kids just could not get the concept down and kept messing up As the kids went to choir practice

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all of us gathered in the meeting room and started our preparations for the banquet I was assigned to cooking so the majority of my time was spent in the kitchen However despite our hard work the kids still disliked the food In the evening we had our closing ceremony which I felt would have been better if it had been placed later this week because now I canrsquot stop thinking about the end Regardless it was a very bittersweet evening It made me realize what short time I had with these kids and that therersquos an even shorter time remaining Finally it really touched my heart that the kids actually cried and some came to me to give me a hug Wednesday July 30 2014 The students performing in Japan left today for my class that was actually just one kid The project today was graham cracker houses It was a fun and interesting ldquofinal projectrdquo My kids ended up eating a lot of the material before they were told to but luckily we had a surplus of supplies In the afternoon all the Choir 2 students had class as usual but the CHoir 1 kids all went to the auditorium and we watched a movie Funny thing was that most of the teachers fell asleep and soon after the students did too Tomorrowrsquos the last day I felt restless and kind of anxious I hope it goes smoothly Thursday July 31 2014 Today was our last day at Vox Nativa I woke up this morning to Amy knocking on the door because all of us guys had overslept I then moved on to packing my stuff then went up to my classroom For the morning it was the usual procedure the students cleaned then ate breakfast Except today instead of teaching class we ended up to my surprise watching two movies As a parting gift we gave everyone in my class a bag with a WIsdom culture camp t-shirt candy and some other stuff Finally it was goodbye It has been a tough frustrating and tiring two weeks Yet at the same time it was a fun new and a once-in-a-lifetime experience Seeing the kids go was sad yet relieving at the same time It was bittersweet helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Justine Du Monday July 21 2014 Personally today was an exceptionally good day I expected the students to be rowdy and a bit disrespectful but things turned out pretty well All the children were well-disciplined responsible efficient and they are good at time management They treat their peers and teachers with respect Something new I learned today was that the kids take the bus to get to Luo Na school Though there were many great characteristics of the children they also are pretty noisy and rude to each other sometimes Today a student was teasing another student about being too slow on writing his nametag so that kid pinched him THen the kid started crying and the other kid was reluctant to apologize Eventually I got them to talk their problems out and everything got better Also many kids did not like to speak up so participation issues were huge I think I can improve on controlling the children more

- 114 - Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day with the children from Vox Nativa Something interesting I found out today was that the kids are all very enthusiastic during morning exercises I thought they would be groggy and unwilling to run and play dodgeball but everyone seemed to be having a great time I find the childrenrsquos respect for the teachers and their kindness extremely meaningful to me At lunch one of the girls said to me ldquoJiejie are you done eating I can clean up your dishesrdquo I find that really sweet and cute Also today was the first day of teaching Bachata I was shocked that the children picked up the dance so quickly and they were all paying attention However it was very messy and noisy in the beginning After a while we improved by having only one person explaining so the children we not confused on who to listen to Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day of teaching the Vox Nativa children and things definitely progressed Even though we had a typhoon with high winds and thunderstorms everywhere the kids kept a calm attitude and were still ready to learn However the loud rain sounds also distracted the kids They would work on a worksheet for five minutes then they would avert their attention towards the window We also prepared for the Halloween party today There were some difficulties in the beginning because I could not find any markers in the office and there were many kids in our class Also they were pretty loud and kept playing with the pumpkin strips so it was a challenge trying to get them to pay attention However after a while everything cooled down and we explained how to decorate everything The kids listened attentively and all went well A meaningful aspect of today was bonding with my kids During the breaks I was sitting down monitoring the kids and a group of girls crowded around me and we all got to know each other better sang some songs and shared some stories Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the fourth day and the last day of the first week wersquore here At first during Monday and Tuesday I thought these two weeks would pass by excruciatingly slowly After Wednesday and today I felt like time passed by so quickly We are practically half way done and I feel like we just got here Class went pretty smoothly and since the typhoon was over it warmed my heart seeing all the children smiling while doing their morning exercises today We also gave our first test today Some kids did exceptionally well but some did not I feel we can improve ourselves by paying even more attention to their studying methods A really meaningful aspect of today was when two girls hugged me before they left for Nantou This just showed me that I bonded close with them and it was touching Monday July 28 2014 Here starts a new week The first two periods of today went pretty smoothly The kids were still really respectful and kind The main problem is still participation though Only a certain two or three students always raise their hands and answer the questions However I did attempt to solve that problem by going to each table and listen to them individually They still speak very softly but

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at least I can hear the pronunciations and help fix them if they say the word wrong I always find it really thoughtful and polite of the kids to smile and say ldquoJiejie 你好rdquo They make my day and the little acts of kindness from my kids are the most meaningful aspects of my day During the flubber project however the kids were all so noisy and sometimes troublesome since the seventh grade class joined our class for projects activities and meals the room gets even more compact and noisy Tuesday July 29 2014 I felt that today was one of the best days of the two weeks I have been in Connexpedition My bonds with my children grew even stronger it all started from early this morning during exercise time I was just walking with Megan on the track when all of a sudden two of my kids surprised me with hugs and just those acts from them pretty much kept a smile on my face the whole day Personally I would have assumed 6th grade kids wouldnrsquot have that much affection towards a teacher but it made me really happy that not just girls will spend quality time with me talking but I even became pretty close with the boys from both 6th and 7th grade Through that bond I gained respect from them Also today was the banquet Though tiresome and challenging preparing for the banquet was really fun During the performance it was super adorable and heartwarming to see everyone smiling and dancing The most meaningful aspect of today would definitely be the speeches and songs at the end I was the first one to cry and I cried the hardest the realization of how much these kids meant to me just broke me down in addition the way that the kids would hug and comfort me just made me even more emotional Wednesday July 30 2014 Today was the second to last day of our trip and I canrsquot believe itrsquos almost over already Today went relatively well I felt bad for giving the kids a big final on their last day but they all did well so I thought that was a big breakthrough for me i felt they actually enjoyed learning English from us and they were happy spending quality time with us The climax of today was probably when the kids got called in by Uli laoshi to leave for Japan I cried again today and it was a really meaningful and emotional moment for me My kids came up to me and hugged me while saying ldquoYou better come back next yearrdquo Saying goodbye was really difficult but at the same time I felt really happy for them to have such a great opportunity like this I hope they have an amazing time in Japan Thursday July 31 2014 Today was a pretty sad day for all of us i woke up this morning feeling like ldquoOh itrsquos our last day here at Luona Theyrsquore all leaving todayrdquo Everything was a meaningful moment today spending quality time with my kids while they were cleaning the campus was pretty fun They all told me how much they were going to miss me and how they wanted me to teach them again That moment was extremely touching for me especially because they were my ldquobro grouprdquo I almost cried but I saved that until after cleaning When the kids stuck their hands out the window I felt so sad and reluctant to let them go These 2 weeks have taught me to be a better selfless person and to never take things for granted I am super grateful and thankful to have had this opportunity

- 116 - helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Carrie Chen Monday July 21 2014 Today I learned that being a teacher is very difficult It was not as simple as I thought it would be It was hard to be the studentsrsquo friend and an authoritative figure at the same time It was difficult to draw a boundary line between being the studentsrsquo friend or teacher When I was nice to the students they often take advantage of my kindness in a disrespectful way I also learned that every student in the class varied in their English comprehension skills It made it very difficult to teach the class It also made it hard to decide whether to speak more English or more Chinese Many things went wrong today one of the main reasons was that today was our first day It was difficult to figure out what we can let the kids do and what we canrsquot let the kids do Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos morning class went by pretty well The kids were more comfortable with speaking English in class than the first day It was great when I bonded with the girls during break time I got to know more about their lives and the kids got to know about me I found out it was useful to effectively use the points system The students got very competitive and more kids raised their hands to participate in discussions The evening however was very chaotic The students were very loud during homework time and there was a conflict between me and my teaching partner It was very frustrating to have my partner contradict with what I am saying Wednesday July 23 2014 today the kids took midterms for most of the time We also made pumpkins and decorated the classroom The classes went smoothly today I learned that it is hard to quiet down the kids when they are into their own little conversations but I also learned that stop talking and stop walking would help to quiet down the kids They often realized that teachers were waiting for them to quiet down It was also helpful to ask the class leader for help She knew everyonersquos names At night the Halloween party was a blast The kids were very excited to go ldquotrick-or-treatingrdquo in other gradersquos classrooms They also had fun coming to the office to get more candy and jello Thursday July 24 2014 Today the class was out of control The lessons and quizzes went very well but during breaks the boys were being very inappropriate and noisy Eugene did not do anything about it and that really frustrated me The boys are very smart but they have a hard time understanding the line between teachers and fellow students In the afternoon the games were really well-played and it was very fun The kids seemed to enjoy it very much The dances were also very energetic and the students loved the fast-paced dances we taught them Monday July 28 2014 Today we finished class early Eugene and I did not have anything planned after our lesson plan We

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can improve by planning some lesson related games just in case we finished early again I also learned that if I threatened to send the kids to the office they will most likely quiet down After lessons we taught the kids how to make flubber It made the classroom floor dirty and the students had trouble cleaning up after themselves At night we tried to organize a singing show for the show on Tuesday It was very difficult to find a song everyone knew It was also hard to get the kids to pay attention Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we finished all of our lessons We also played hangman for about 20 minutes It was easier to get the kids to participate when prizes were involved We used laffy taffy to motivate the kids to raise their hands Some of the girls were still very self-conscious They were still afraid of making mistakes in front of the whole class even though we were just playing a game We had a busy afternoon to prepare for the banquet and at night the kids were especially excited to see what we had planned The show at night was great and the kids put on a great show that definitely showed us how much they enjoyed our company and it was very meaningful Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we had finals Most of my kids had to leave at 1100AM Before they left we had a relay race on the track We all had a wonderful time After 1100 we came back and combined with the 4th grade class to play games for 4th period THe choir kids leaving made me realize that hard work paid off It did not matter how much I yelled or got mad at them They still came back and hugged Eugene and I THey also asked us to come back next year I realized that all the preparations really were worth it One of the girls came up to me today and gave me a matching rainbow loom bracelet It was just a little handmade bracelet but it really touched me because before today I thought the kids were all really scared of me but that was not true Thursday July 31 2014 Today the kids watched a movie with the other classes These two weeks were really meaningful to me I learned to step out of my comfort zone I am more capable of making difficult decisions For example when two kids came to me with their problems I had to be able to tell them how to solve the problem I also became more confident over these two weeks I was not capable of raising my voice the first few days but as time passed I was able to become a teacher and take control of the classroom It was really honorable to have had this opportunity Many of the students are incredibly smart even though some of them are really naughty They were all amazing to be with helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Crystal Yu Monday July 21 2014 This morning a village girl approached me and asked where I was from I told her America and the shock on her face seemed unreal She immediately called me a liar and retorted back that if I was from America the she was from India In retrospect this incident is a pretty clear indicator that for

- 118 - them us living in America is probably only something that they could dream of Hence I hope this service trip can help up to motivate the kids to dream bigger and show them a world with more possibilities Later on one of my students saw me writing in my journal and was so intrigued and told me to read aloud what I wrote so he could learn more I thought this attitude was so new to me I donrsquot think Irsquove ever been this active with my learning This gives me hope that the rest of the students will have this attitude because it will also prompt me to want to teach them more than I had anticipated As an activity we gave the kids mad libs to do and it did not turn out that well since most kids had a hard time translating words such as ldquovegetablerdquo to a Chinese vegetable they knew and back to English We also made the kids stand up and read their mad-libs Most students were afraid or shy to speak loudly most likely because of their fear of pronouncing words incorrectly Hopefully by the end of next week they will be more confident Tuesday July 22 2014 Coming into this service trip I expected or hoped that the students would want to do more cultural exchanges I was really excited to ask them questions about their lives but they did not reciprocate with questions of their own I did share some but was overall very surprised that the children seemed to have little to no interest in our lives in America I also wished they interacted with me more because it seems to be just me and Sophie trying to create a relationship while theyrsquore more aloof making it a one-way street Though these kids are much more rowdy than students in the US the sense of responsibility instilled in them is pretty amazing For example Ryan never pays attention in class and is extremely talkative but when it came time for him to clean up he was extremely patient Our room was missing his mop and had to wait for the 6th grade class to finish so we could borrow their mop The 6th graders did not finish until breakfast time but Ryan waited until then did his job nicely with no rush at all and then went to breakfast with no complaints I expected him to whine or to eat breakfast without doing his job but he clearly surprised me showing that I probably should not judge these kids too harshly Another issue arising in our classroom is confidence in speaking in English We have to do more read alouds and dialogues to make them feel more comfortable speaking English Wednesday July 23 2014 We started off class with more energy but the kids seemed to be a little unresponsive and dazed I asked and they were all worried about the lack of water and electricity and started dreaming up the most terrible scenarios Their parents were also constantly checking in on the kids through texts and calls I canrsquot really blame for for being afraid of the whole idea of the typhoon since I was pretty worried myself but the distractions in class did make our jobs harder For a class assignment the kids were told to write a dialogue Sophie and I gave them the freedom of having the dialogue on any subject as long as they used one vocabulary word per sentence and everyone had to speak at least five lines The students were confused by this sense of freedom and gave me the feeling that they usually only have assignments with very strict instructions The result

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of the dialogue assignment was good however since each group created different stories Due to the unfortunate weather the test could not be printed out so the students got to skip a quiz One girl actually forgot there was one which surprised me because I was given the impression the children were very studious However now the electricity is back and I hope the students will remember my reminder about the quiz tomorrow Thursday July 24 2014 Today the students seemed to be in a better mood though they still donrsquot talk to me and Sophie unless we speak first Perhaps the good mood could be attributed to the weather the idea of the weekend ahead them feeling comfortable with us or the fact that therersquos a big bag of candy sitting at the front of the desk Either way Irsquom happy that maybe finally my students and I can connect and hopefully will improve by the time next week rolls around During class the students had a unit 7 test Out of the 8 students 6 finished within reasonable time On the other hand two boys turned in their test with about 3 or 4 out of the 26 questions answered I was so shocked by their attitudes because I thought studying here was taken very seriously I was also even more surprised by one of the two boys since he had received perfect scores on every homework assignment Since I was so disappointed by these scores I made them promise me that if their scores were not much better on Mondayrsquos test I would have to report them to the principal The 6th and 7th graders combined only had 3 students I actually bonded with the boys that were still here and it somewhat reassured me that they might not hate me as much as I think they do and I just have to give them a little time to warm up to me Monday July 28 2014 Today was slightly more chaotic than usual First three new students came to class today and was immediately set upon disrupting class and making a ruckus Second the class schedule was shifted without any warning All classes except mine received the new schedule throwing me and Sophie off track from our lesson plan Thirdly Ryan and Jacob performed way below expectations hence breaking their promise with me from the previous test to do better on this one I asked them why they did so poorly and they responded that they have to work all day on the farms This made me feel sympathetic for them but they need to learn to balance the different aspects of their lives Uli was there when I brought in Jacob and Ryan and made them agree to study and retake the test and if scored poorly would have to speak to the principal This threat immediately whipped the children into shape which resulted in very high test scores This scenario shows me that itrsquos not their varying English skills that caused the low test scores but rather different attitudes towards learning Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was our banquet and ldquotalent showrdquo The banquet was harder to do here in Taiwan than in the United States even though we had the same number of supplies and materials It was probably due to the lack of rest and how exhausted we all were After teaching classes in the morning all my kids and 6th graders were all really excited about the banquet because they wanted to try American food made by real Americans I think their energy really pumped all of us and made us be excited with

- 120 - them For the talent show me and Justin were really worried about our kids performance because they didnrsquot really seem to be interested in the dance When the group went up to perform they did much better than I expected so I was genuinely surprised But in the middle of the dance I noticed all the older boys in the group were missed and spotted them outside the auditorium They ran as soon as they saw me and tried to excuse their behavior by telling me they had to move buckets for the music teacher but the teacher contradicted that statement causing me to be extremely upset with them I planned on yelling at them and giving them a whole lecture but by the end of the show I was too busy and tired from crying that I just planned on sternly lecturing them tomorrow Wednesday July 30 2014 Today the kids have a test on Unit 8 SInce they had no time last night due to the banquet and talent show I gave them time to study during class today and threatened that if their scores were too low they would be sent to the principalrsquos office This threat worked and all of the kids started frantically studying Though they probably arenrsquot motivated to study because they want to learn I am still content with the fact that they are learning regardless of the reason behind it Some kids in my class were watching our performance on their tablets during break and started listening to the song ldquoDemonsrdquo I was elated when I saw that because at least now they can have some tangible memories of our two weeks together It was also nice to see the kids like it so much because the whole point of the show was for the kids and them enjoying it means the world to me Since most of my students left for Japan today I only had five boys left and all of them are troublemakers with the lowest scores in the class But I think I got to know the kids more which makes me sad because I wish I got to know them earlier in the trip We played a form of truth or dare and though it might have not been the most productive it did allow me to bond with the students which is worth it in my mind Thursday July 31 2014 Today most of my children left for Japan and the other ones that were left were the boysThe sixth and seventh grade classes combined for the day since all the boys were friends and the 6th grade class only had one student For the first part of the class we played chubby bunny and did rainbow looms I thought I was able to connect with the boys more because on Thursday I treated them more like friends than students since we were done with our English lessons When we left Vox Nativa on Thursday it seemed like the boys of my class were closer to me considering how much attention I gave them due to low test scores and behavior in class especially compared to the girls On the bus ride to Taipei I thought of how much I wanted to see them in the future five or ten years down the line Some of the children are truly bright like Nick and Apple but might not be able to attend college or even high school due to the circumstances they are in However I feel like I should not pity them because they seem very satisfied with their life and maybe would not want to leave their hometowns But are they only content because they donrsquot know of any other life I think Vox Nativa does help open doors of opportunities for these children and I know itrsquoll help and grow more in the future

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helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Megan Chang Monday July 21 2014 Today a student from our class was crying because she was homesick At first I thought everyone was willing and excited to be here but I forgot about the difficulties even these little kids have Even though they go home on the weekends especially for shyer more introverted kids during the weekdays it is understandable that they miss their parents and their home Also Marcus heard a student being rude and another student asked them why they had no manner and if their mom was a drunkard It just makes me realize how different their lives are from ours and how innocent we were as kids compared to them This makes me more dedicated to teach them and give them a chance at a better life Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I think the main thing that went wrong is losing control of the class In the morning during our English lesson and Halloween project the kids were pretty well behaved For the English lesson we all taught and patrolled the class and when they started playing game I would correct papers while Andrea and Marcus took turns leadingquieting the students For the Halloween project I taught while Andrea and Marcus passed things out and helped those who needed it During lunch time the kids started being too loud and we had to quiet them a few times I feel that since we werenrsquot standing in front of the class in control the kids lost sight of us as teachers We could improve by making the ones that talk stand in front or maybe make a game of the quietestcleanest eater During homework time nearly all the kids had no homework and either played by themselves or with us It was difficult to both control the other kids and the kids talking to us face-to-face asking questions We have installed a new rule of writing names on the board with consequences and will see if it works starting tomorrow Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started using the warning on the board system It worked relatively well except we still need to learn how to write their Chinese names For the most part it worked really well especially since we also told Uli laoshi about it so if we brought someone to the office she would know we already talked to them twice THey were really well-behaved today during the lessons despite our lessons having a sudden change One thing we could change about the lessons is while Andrea and I were discussing the next lesson we forgot to help Marcus keep control of the class However when it got too loud Andrea and I realized and told the class that they had to respect and listen to the teacher during lessons Starting tomorrow we will always have at least one person to help control the class Also during trick-or-treating our class was very separated One of our kids was with his brother and when we needed to tell our class to head back to our room after getting candy we could not find everyone NExt time we will clarify to the kids before we leave to stay together

- 122 - Thursday July 24 2014 Today is the last day of the first week I think we improved immensely We have gained more control of our class by taking turns patrolling giving points writing names and using their old rule of standing up Our kids really enjoyed our worksheets today One thing we have to improve on is properly estimating how long each worksheet is going to take so we can either find games to play or tell them to work faster WHen we were teaching them how to make the bracelets it was hard to get the children interested in making the bracelet The boys did not really want to make it because they kept messing up After they got into the habit of making it they wanted to make one for everyone in their family Next time we need to start the project with clearer instructions so we can use time more efficiently Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of our second week For the most part our kids we well-behaved throughout the day During lesson times it was under control and relatively quiet For the flubber project they were surprisingly quiet because we only passed out the materials to those who were quiet Near the end there was a little chaos because we did not have enough bags and others were popping theirs One big issue was that the kid were either washing their flubber or their bags and trying to either wipe it or blow dry it Cleaning up was again a big problem They were not willing to pick up the smallest pieces and the boysrsquo mopping left a lot of water on the group Next time we will split up and supervise different groups clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was the most tiring day so far Some kids are having a hard time remembering shapes and saying it because their previous teachers did not teach it yet We tried reviewing it different ways and making competitions and having them take notes but they still canrsquot completely remember them Some of them did not want to play the games and play their own We had a lot of extra time today because we did not have enough worksheets to cover two English classes Some of their tests have color so if the printer canrsquot print it we will need to edit and hand color them for tomorrow Yesterday it was kind of a mess practicing for the banquet but today we rehearsed some more and it is kind of coming together I hope the performance tonight will be phenomenal and hope that the students will enjoy it very much Wednesday July 30 2014 I cried when my kids hugged me Today our kids were discussing their religions and one kids said his religion was ldquosui jiaordquo (sleeping) Marcus and I found this super funny and we are glad that the kids were able to keep us entertained Our kids are honestly the cutest and it is so bittersweet to have to say goodbye to them tomorrow Andrea told me that even though itrsquos tiring throughout the weeks yoursquoll want to come back because if you donrsquot you will probably never see them again In these short eight days wersquove become so attached to them and now I wonder how they will turn out in the future and I wish I could still be a part of it

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day with the kids Everything went wrong because I was so sad When we watched a movie in the morning a student caught a lizard and cut off its legs and tail They kept pretending to eat it and were behaving very poorly As the kids left it was so hard for me to say bye and smile because my voice would crack This was honestly such a heartwarming experience and I will never forget the things these kids said and did They have impacted me by making me more grateful and faithful I did not want to say goodbye at all and I really hope I get the chance to come back next year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Jenny Wu Monday July 21 2014 I wasnrsquot really doing anything yesterday I arrived here at afternoon and they were already done with their teaching schedule for today We are going to have talent show tonight and I did practice with them I am not sure whether if I am going to be an audience our performed with them but I am prepare for it I guess Today is my first day of teaching and I am teaching sixth grade It has been a good start but there were also some problems The first problem is that most of the students are really shy and they refused to answer even though they know the answer for the question I solved the problem by telling them to repeat the answer with me and it works The other problem is some students will use their phone under the table during class They were not using it constantly but I think that is not respectful If they are using again next time then we will take away their phone There is one problem just for me personally I think probably because I am the youngest among all the members and I am only two years older than the students so they do not listen to me When both of my partners were gone I was telling them to go to sleep However they kept on talking and ignored me It only happened once when my partners werenrsquot there but they listen to me for most of the time The members of the group are all really nice but it is kind of hard for me to fit into them They have been speaking English throughout their whole life and all of them grow up at California except one Some of them just met each other before the day I came here However they fit in really well I can understand them but I just donrsquot know what to say and a lot of them are going to their junior year or senior year All of them at least have some experience of volunteering or teaching kids It seems like they all know what to do and how to do except me I hope I can overcome these problems by the end of this week and I also hope I can be part of them some how Tuesday July 22 2014 Everyone participates well but few of them are still very shy We realized that some of them are more outgoing than others and they try to answer most of the questions Kye and Justine solved the problem by separate them into groups and allowed student who donrsquot speak up have a chance to answer During lunch they are still loud and very chatty However they quiet down by themselves without us telling them This afternoon I wasnrsquot working with my group I went to the warehouse instead I went to help out

- 124 - for folding counting and separate clothes to piles by sizes I kept on doing the same thing for around three hours and then I came back to the TA classroom During dinner some students were using their phones and iPad but they it away when I told them to do so Other than the technology everything went okay During the summer homework time the students barely ask us questions even though they have questions They use their phones and search it or ask their friends instead Wednesday July 23 2014 Our kids are more outgoing today They interacted with us and they raced their hands more often When we were playing hangman we used some vocabulary that they learned before They can figure out the word right away without their textbook If they donrsquot know the word then they will discuss before then answer The phones are kind of distracting during dinner A lot of girls are using their phones and I had to yell at them to put it away Everyone is very excited for the Halloween party They were keep on asking what are the pumpkins that they made in class for During the party all the kids were eager for the candies and they also helped out for hanging out the candies for little kids Thursday July 24 2014 Before the class started I asked everyone who has phone hand them to the very front of the table I want them to pay attention in class not using their phones under the table We encouraged students to raise their hand by showing them the prizes and they tend to participate and answer more than usual We also gave groups with fewer points more chances I think this gave them confident to speak in English because all of them know how to answer We gave them a test after recess In the middle of the test I separated two kids because they were siting closer and closer to each other I was afraid that they are cheating The test seems hard for two or three students but they were still able to finish it on time Because there are 35 kids who are going to perform this weekend they leave around noon During afternoon we combined kids from 2nd to 7th grade together and we played games and dance with them I am glad we combined all of them together because I can know and hangout with more kids from different grades Some of the students do look like my reflection I helped them by telling them show me their answer and I read it out and let them repeat after me I also them they can get more points and prizes if they answer and both of these solutions work Actually the students are not allowed to keep their phone during class They are supposed to give it to another teacher I told them to put their technologies to our table and we will give it back after class is ended They are not using their phones for researching so I have I think it is better to take it away Their phone really distracts them during breakfast lunch and dinner

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Monday July 28 2014 This morning Justine Kye and I waited outside the door and went in when the bell rang We were trying to let the kid say good morning to us and they did which is good When we were doing 比

手畫腳 some of the kids yelled the answer out instead of raising their hand They didnrsquot stop when the first time I told them but when I told them I would take off their points they listened to me right away We were making flubber for third and fourth period Our students got too chatty so I had to yell at them Well at least they listened to me and quiet down In my opinion every studentrsquo behavior is improving day by day They can be sassy sometimes but they know when to stop It have only been a week but I can see the difference in all of them Tuesday July 29 2014 We gave our students a test today Before I give them the test we told them that we expect them to pass at least 50 13 out of 16 students pass 50 which is a lot better than our previous test I yelled at some of the guys because they were talking inappropriate stuff I kind of feel bad when I yelled at them because I was kind of being too harsh to them There were 5 guys who got into trouble this afternoon because they didnrsquot finish their cards for the Japan trip I was really shock when they were gone because I thought they would be send home Thankfully they didnrsquot got kick out We had a banquet tonight because students who are going to japan are leaving tomorrow I did some mistakes on playing piano but I think our group performance covered my mistakes Over all every one did great in their own performance Some students and teachers cried during the slide show and speeches it was sad that people are leaving However this also proved the unbreakable relationship we made Wednesday July 30 2014 We gave our kids another test today Everyone did great except one but he did improve When we were taking test I was really surprise by how many questions they asked They used to be afraid to ask us question especially the first week Justine and I were very busy during the test but we rather to answer their question than sitting aside and do nothing It was really sad when the students were leaving We have 16 students but 15 of them have performance in Japan which means almost the whole class is gone We combined 6th and 7th grade for the rest of the afternoon since we only have 1 student in my class I am glad that we combined together because I got to know and became closer with kids in 7th grade I thought those 7 guys are going to be loud and disobey when other students left However they listened to me without me yelling It was better than what I imagined I got to know them better by the end of the day and I realize that they are actually sweet and nice I thought they were naughty because they like to joke around with me Thursday July 31 2014 This morning we were chatting instead of cleaning up because we did it last night We didnrsquot do much today We didnrsquot teach our students English we taught them how to make rainbow loom instead Our students picked up trash around the school today They were lazy and didnrsquot want to do it but they still finish their job in time We said bye to them after they finish cleaning Honestly it

- 126 - was even sad for bye to those seven guys than saying bye to my own six grade students It has only been two days but I felt like I know them longer than my six grade students I know I probably will never see them again but what we have been through and our memories will be saved in all of us helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Marcus Chan Monday July 21 2014 Before starting todayrsquos teaching I was really nervous I thought the kids would be really unfriendly and distant so I felt it would be hard to interact with them They were a lot better than I thought As soon as they arrived theyrsquod be willing to talk to us about things like how to say English names They immediately involved us in their games and a girl clung to me everywhere She later cried about being homesick and now Megan is comforting her There is one kid who wanted an English name and I decided to call him Jordan because he is really cute and friendly like a Jordan I know from summer camp He really liked the name I gave him and kept repeating it so I guess that was one of the most meaningful moments of today I learned about how a lot of the parents donrsquot live at home with the students A group of kids were talking about where their mothers lived and they were naming all the different villages in the area Another time two girls started fighting and one of the girls teased the other by asking if her mother was a drunkard Everyone then began to discuss whether or not their parents drank alcohol at home This was a very different experience from what I expected and very different from what would happen in a traditional American classroom Today we couldnrsquot think of any games to play along with our lesson and it was difficult to split the teams fairly to get the less motivated students involved The kids donrsquot really care about points so I canrsquot control them that way Tonight I will try to think of games to play so we donrsquot waste any time tomorrow It was also difficult trying to grasp what their routine was and to not forget We werenrsquot told about the vitamins the kids had to take after meals and I was not sure where to get them Throughout the week I think we will begin to learn the kidsrsquo names and the schoolrsquos procedures and become accustomed to them Tuesday July 22 2014 Irsquom going to start with something that happened yesterday because it happened after I wrote yesterdayrsquos journal During homework time one of the kids drew me pictures Betty wrote ldquoGod helps me I will not be afraidrdquo in English and Chinese It was really cute The pictures the kids drew during homework time last time really showed their affection towards us (Me Megan and Andrea) Some of the students cling to my arms It worries me a little because it means they are too close to me and I must keep my relationship to them as a teacher Irsquom not as strict as Andrea and Megan and those two are much better leaders than I am At summer camps in America I had much more confidence because it was in English so by the end I was able to control the classes better Here I donrsquot have very much confidence in my Chinese so it is a struggle to get out the words

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Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started a new system of writing the studentsrsquo names on the board for a first offense and a check next to their name for each next one After two checks we would send the kid to the principalrsquos office It worked pretty well today and we will continue it tomorrow Today a big trouble was not knowing the kidsrsquo names in Chinese I could not just call them by saying ldquoHey yourdquo I had to know their names because I was their teacher Today I led an activity by myself while Andrea and Megan were preparing the next activity It was kind of hard to think of more to say about the subject of colors I yelled at the kids a lot more today though They were surprised because I had not been as strict before I was extremely impressed with the percussion performance That teacher must have worked so hard My mom is a teacher and when she come home she is always extremely tired and her throat hurts The music teacher must have worked so hard to prepare a performance like that Thursday July 24 2014 Today in the morning Brian came to watch the kids while they were cleaning That helped a lot and they worked more quietly and efficiently We taught the kids how to make friendship bracelets today We started by telling them to follow the pattern of numbers and letters but that was too difficult so we started to teach them to do it by counting three to the right This was still difficult for them and we had to reteach it many times afterwards Today was again hard to keep the kids away from me They get really attached and it is hard to tell them to keep a boundary When they left I was sad that the ones who like me the best did not come to say bye to me Monday July 28 2014 We did the flubber project today We could have planned it better When we ran through the instructions the day before the bowl had begun to wear down and almost break That happened again today and we had to double bowl the water I also had not devised an efficient way of getting warm water from the water dispenser so I wasted a lot of time I also wasted time by not having the amount of water figured out so I had to continuously refer to the instructions I used to be more conscious about making the kids like me but now I donrsquot care as much If I care too much I canrsquot control the children as well for fear of losing their affection I donrsquot understand how Megan and Andrea can be stern with them and at the same time have the kids love them so much Maybe itrsquos that they just donrsquot like boys as much or maybe Irsquom meaner I guess it is a sign of how I am more distant to the kids than Megan and Andrea are Maybe it is a sign that I need to improve my Chinese I prided myself in my Chinese until I came here Now I donrsquot want to speak at all Tuesday July 29 2014 I forgot to write about how yesterday we prepared the performances for today It was so unorganized It was difficult to figure out what the kids were going to perform We werenrsquot clearly told whether the whole class had to perform or not I wished we had been given notice ahead of time so we would have more time to prepare When we finally got the kids into 2 groups we asked if they had anything planned and they said no They wanted to sing the song ldquoLet it Gordquo but they

- 128 - did not know the lyrics Finally they chose some Chinese song that they all knew It does not sound that bad but it was so stressful and difficult I wish we had been warned earlier and had more time to prepare Today after we held the performances most of the kids went to hug Andrea and Megan I donrsquot blame them for liking them better They are better with the kids Maybe it comes more naturally to them Thursday July 31 2014 Today we went to watch a movie in Shanersquos room I was surprised how even with six teachers it took a while to settle the kids I think it was the excitement of seeing the other kids from other classes It was difficult getting the room totally clean so that we could return it to the school It had to be cleaner than usual but the kids werenrsquot less rowdy than usual There were more things to do When the kids let I was able to give them hugs so that was nice It was sad seeing them leave but I did not get as attached to the children as some of the girls did helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

719 國際志工抵達羅娜國小原聲英文學習營舉行營前會議前排左 2 為領隊吳翠萍老師

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山谷回音 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

長期志工 馬胤凱 103 年的暑假是個特別的暑假是個與原聲國三生有著共同回憶的暑假雖然過程中



了解彼此 一 壯遊前天





二 DAY ONE 經過一整夜的翻來覆去後終於到了早上與原聲國三生會面後便踏上了這奇妙的旅




- 130 -




此困難的工作 走訪多納部落後我們認識了魯凱族的傳統文化更深入了解魯凱族中貴族生活所給族


如此保護 到晚上我們品嚐了石板烤肉透過多納部落所出產的石板使我們所烤的肉並不會太



三 DAY TWO 到了第二天因為路途較遙遠所以我們一大早便前往霧台神山到了神山後由於大




是精心設計的 在參觀長老教會的時候外面突然飄起雨來透過長老教會的牧師我們可以下山到下





- 131 -

四 DAY THREE 一樣的我們為了趕路一大早便出發但對我而言我覺得這兩天真是過的太快了離台東



快的我們到了台灣的東部在某個海邊我們一行 12 人留下了在此次壯遊的最後一張團照對




- 132 - 五 DAY FOUR~DAY EIGHT 經過舟車勞頓後我們在第三天的晚上 11 點多到達了花蓮第四天我便加入其他原聲小

朋友的海洋營在海洋營中我與 Uli 老師一起擔任低年級的帶隊老師第四天低年級前往蘇



快感 到了第五天雖然我只有待半天一個早上我非常幸運的可以參加溯溪這是我人生中

的第一次溯溪這一個早上我真的覺得花蓮是個好山好水的地方甚至比南投還要好 10 倍以

上因為在花蓮還有這種溪可以讓我們玩真不愧是世外桃源 經過趕場後在第五天晚上我們又再度回到花蓮我以最有效率的方式與另一個晚會的




有原聲小朋友讓他們可以學習我那不害羞的一面 到了最後的最後我們告別了花蓮海星中學我們帶著小朋友體驗火車之旅雖然只有


非常多的幸福及溫暖使我覺得我們更要懂得去珍惜身邊那些時常給我們幫助的人 這次壯遊是我人生中的第一次壯遊壯遊使我們堅強讓我們學習使我們更珍惜彼此

這不僅是屬於我的壯遊更是屬於我們 12 人的壯遊

- 133 -

長期志工 吳璠

其實這回出發前內心是相當忐忑的 升大二那年我在建中成長營期間認識這一屆的原聲孩子們韶翔皓傑凱文念緹



年前截然不同的風景了那麼對於孩子們呢他們對於世界的想法又是什麼形狀了呢 三年前我和同輩的大學生們出於對原住民文化的欽慕對中華文化中心主義的教育







而未必能帶著他們特殊的資產(原住民文化)走出一條不一樣的路 這些疑問當時曾經提出來與老師校長們討論過事後自己也反省到誠如老師們所




態來繼續投入 沒想到這一抽離就是將近兩年的時光期間自己也經歷了一些波折ndashndash摯愛的親人離世





與憧憬嗎 然而在 Pasnanavan 的森林深處這些疑問都安頓了下來 在部落長大都市求學現在回到部落經營部落文化工作室的 Katu 老師唱了自己創作的

歌曲〈梅子夢〉給我們聽 我有個小女兒名叫 Buni(布農族名)

她嫁到遙遠的 Amalika(美國) 我想說今年梅子開很多花 我開心地打長途電話給她 口白Buni namahtu Dama gusia Amalikana aida inaka suidaijubudes (布農語Buni 爸爸有錢可以去美國看你了日語沒問題的) 忽然有天早上村長廣播 他說今年梅子農會不收 我不知該如何對女兒說 我難過地不知該如何 從稻米到玉米 從李子到梅子 我努力地工作卻不一定有收穫

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我不知道這是甚麼時代 wakalan ne kunna nu zidai wa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) Buni Buni miliskin gasu (布農語Buni Buni 想念著妳) nidumahtu gusia Amalika (布農語沒有辦法過去美國) nidumahtu sadu gasu (布農語沒有辦法過去看妳了) wakalan ne kunna nu zidaiwa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) 我不知道這是甚麼時代


四散到島嶼東南西北求學下次這樣團聚在一起歌唱不知是什麼時候了 Buin 於是老師坐在爐火前面抱著吉他唱起〈Ka Tu 別哭〉與當年準備到都市去求學

工作的 Ka Tu 告別也唱出部落青年離開家鄉到都市的心情「臺北不是我的家」 孩子們因為歌曲中的幽默而笑倒在彼此的懷中



解開了不論是 Dama KatuDama Buin 還是我自己我們都是在與大社會互動的過程當中



能做的就是為他們爭取更多空間與資源讓他們有更多的天地有機會做更多元的選擇 一路上雅安曾經激動的說「我們回去就要找部落的社區發展協會因為保存文化很重




很努力在感受在觀察的 而與布農獵人學習也讓我重新確認了自己對原住民文化的愛從哪裡來 山中第二夜男孩們帶回了山羌



許就能「逃過一劫」ndashndashDama Buin 看出了我的遲疑把內臟推向我說「透過實際的山林探



噁心那就背叛了牠的犧牲屠宰場反而讓這一切對話遠離了我們」 我這才知道該如何描述我熱愛這一切的理由現代文明使我與一切切割開來碎成一片


在肉身的實作中作回一個大地之子 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

長期志工 吳松儒 出發前壓根兒沒想過會有這麼不同凡響的體驗謝謝老師們給我這個機會跟孩子們共



- 135 -
























有 wifi因此孩子們有使用行動上網的需求但進入高中後應該就沒有差了)










記得走上這條路的初衷 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 136 -

長庚護校 幸念緹













helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip 景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全雅安



















- 137 -

景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全心潔























鶯歌工商 謝韶翔














- 138 -

清水高中 谷 Biung

在高中新生訓練第一天的自我介紹中我這麼自敘著「大家好我名叫谷 xx來自南投






























- 139 -

山谷回音 2014 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


舞台總監 楊智麟 我跟原聲的因緣結了有六年這六年裏我學到了一件事 許多偉大的故事在一開始都是一個瘋狂的想法 原聲是玉山星空也是 我記得在拍『唱歌吧』的時候有一天 Bukut 校長跟我說他要去別的部落找小朋友來試


始了嗎就這樣我帶著我的懷疑看著原聲走過了六年 我也還記得五年前莫拉克風災剛肆虐過去就在羅娜國小的校長室Bukut 校長看著[溫布尼森林音樂會]的 DVD邊看邊對我說他覺得我們也可以在部落裏辦這樣的草地音樂


結果就是我們今天在這裏準備舉行第五屆的玉山星空音樂會 這兩件事情讓我學到只要一個滿懷希望的想像再加上一群很容易衝動的人就可以創造

前所未有的局面 於是我們邊走邊整隊邊做邊學習玉山星空音樂會成長到了現在這個規模五年來到


團舞台愈做愈大觀眾愈來愈多名聲也愈來愈響亮 這一切的開始真的就只是五年前我在校長室裏聽到的那一句即使現在想起來也還是很

瘋狂一句話 現在我看到原聲孩子的表現就知道他們一定會越來越好那是因為 Bukut 校長阿蠻校

長以及藍蔚跟阿貫老師都是教育專業所以會把這群孩子教得很好那是理所當然的 但是同樣也是這一群人把玉山星空音樂會做的愈來愈大這就是一件很令人驚訝的事情了 在他們過去的人生中不管是在工作中還是生活中我想跟辦音樂會這種揮霍大量金錢的


在傳播圈打滾這麼久的專業眼光來看根本就是在胡思亂想而已 但也許就是我那打滾太久的專業眼光侷限了我的想像力也是因為他們不專業所以看不



- 140 - 我常常在想一個高雄的樂迷為了一場音樂會專程坐高鐡到國家音樂廳去欣賞真的是


在中正紀念堂下車捷運站的出口就直接是國家音樂廳了 可是玉山星空音樂會卻是要來聽的樂迷們自己想盡辦法跋山涉水的才能來到這個

深山之中的部落小學來享受這一場音樂盛宴國家音樂廳的座位有 2074 個我們今天在操


音樂會從頭到尾都是一個又一個的奇蹟累積起來的 你們都是在學業上很優秀的人也正在跟很多專業和頂尖的人才學習但是我希望各位





做出來的 在那時候你就可以告訴他們這個音樂會是怎麼誕生的是怎麼樣集合大家的力量來完成


一員 這是一個不售票的音樂會因為我們不想讓門票變成門檻來玉山星空音樂會惟一需要的



樂就是這場音樂會最好的回報 今天我想跟各位志工分享這些故事是因為我希望你們知道當你們決定來到山上當音樂



美好記憶 (工作時請叫我黑導)3-14-2014 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 141 -






















Bukut 與阿蠻是孩子們的守護獵人在孩子的教育上何止翻轉何止投入他們告所我




後必須擁有中央山脈 VIP 入山證在我家來去的企業家領袖海哥車大哥台光哥綸有














- 142 -
























綠繡眼 3-17-2014

Dear 綠繡眼



和阿蠻Bukut 兩位校長都是用生命在做原聲的工作加上這回的靜一及許多有才華又願

意付出的志工才有今天的局面 這麼多志工投入這麼多的資源這麼卯著勁辦原以為可以吸引更多的人關心原聲


想到兩位老師經常因為捐款不濟困坐愁城又想到 Bukut 校長阿貫老師的願那麼大未



綸有 3-17-2014

- 143 -

2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫 壹依據 一教育部國民及學前教育署十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質計畫 二南投縣 102 年度十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質整體計畫--部必辦處延

續政策申辦教師音樂專業成長研習 貳研習目標 一為二十一世紀的孩子創造音樂學習之旅 二二十一世紀的孩子需要什麼樣的音樂 三如何為不同年齡及孩子選擇音樂 四如何以音樂滿足孩子所需的挑戰

參研習內容 一以趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂包括音樂遊戲與即興創作等 二提供一至八年級精心挑選的樂曲 三以孩子需求所挑選的歌謠(藉由詮釋音樂內涵的過程)給予孩子適切的挑戰 四以多元文化為重點介紹中古世紀至古典時期音樂 五融合新設計的樂器奧福樂器與直笛創新運用奧福的內涵理念

肆指導單位南投縣政府 伍主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 陸協辦單位草屯國民小學 柒研習對象對華德福音樂教育有興趣之各國中小教師共計 60 人 捌研習日期103 年 4 月 17~18 日(星期四~五) 玖研習地點草屯國民小學承學堂 拾研習講師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss

目前服務於德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校為資深音樂教師此校為華德

福系統中包含特教功能的融合教育學校Marcus 畢業於英國愛默生學院音樂系在北美

洲曾指導多場音樂工作坊Markus 專長在華德福音樂教育及多元文化音樂表演(他對各

種民族的音樂很有涉獵)更擅長於 Werbeck 發聲教學也就是協助每個人排除發聲的

身心阻礙將屬於自己的聲音解放出來用整個人而不僅是某個器官來發聲此外Markus擅長 1~8 年級音樂教學(含特殊兒童)結合打擊樂器與詩歌的演奏中高年級的管絃樂



拾壹研習報名 一請各國民中小學教師即日起至 103 年 4 月 11 日前至全國教師在職進修資訊網報名聯

絡人張淑甚主任049-2362007112 二報名後如確有重大原因未能參加研習者請另函通知協辦單位以免造成訓練資源之

浪費 三為響應環保減少垃圾請自備筷子湯匙及水杯

拾貳研習時數本研習採計研習時數 12 小時參加人員請各服務單位給予公假登記(如有


- 144 - 拾參研習課表 日期 上課時間 課程內容 授課老師

0820~0850 報到 陳恆聰校長 0850~0900 開幕式 黃寶園處長 0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for

warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm focus games body percussion pedagogical issues

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊

第一天 4 月 17 日 (星期四)

1330~1630 1 Singing focus combining rhythm with songs experiencing world music developing creativity in the classroom 2 Finetune our work with songs for further performance

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm advanced deepening of the elements from Day 1

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊 第二天 4 月 18 日 (星期五) 1330~1630 1 Singing advanced bringing the

elements together enhancing the songs through use of rhythm instruments 2 Further songs round-up question answer time reflection

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師 黃寶園處長



一參加研習之教師能運用趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂 二參加研習之教師能配合孩子發展的特定需求選擇音樂 三加研習之教師能鼓勵並引導學生創作自己的歌 四參加研習之教師有 90感覺有收穫

拾陸研習成果 由主辦單位將研習成果(含電子檔)彙整成冊送本府教育處提報敘獎


項目 單價 數量 金額 便當 70 140(2 天) 9800茶水 20 140(2 天) 9800

場地布置費 3000 一式 3000雜支 3000 一式 3000

總計 25600

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一 目的鼓勵各校學童與家長一同學習母語融入生活中透過親子間的學習與互動提


知及應用本土語文的能力 二 主辦單位南投縣政府教育處 三 承辦單位南投縣東埔國民小學羅娜國民小學 四 競賽規則原住民族語【說族語闖天下】比賽


組辦理每位學生各闖關大項至多可各參加兩項 (二)競賽內容每位競賽者依事先公佈題庫進行闖關活動 (三)競賽方式分家長與學童二組進行比賽各自錄取中年級高年級和國中組優勝名

單 (四)競賽內容題庫於賽前一個月由主辦單位公布

五 報名時間 自104年11月20日起至12月4日(以郵戳為憑)請傳真或電子郵件報名 聯絡人東埔國小教導主任蔡榮哲 電話(049)2701340-12

六 競賽日期104年12月12日(週六)上午800-820報到830比賽開始 七 競賽地點南投縣羅娜國民小學 八 獎勵

(一)學生及教師 各組擇優錄取第一名1人第二名2人第三名3人優勝若干名凡成績列前三名及優勝


乙次以資鼓勵餘者則頒給獎狀乙紙以資鼓勵 (二)家長依參賽結果頒發獎狀

九 辦理本次活動之有功人員依本縣教育人員獎勵標準規定核予獎勵 十 附則

(一)各組參賽人員應於賽前30分完成報到手續 (二)各組參賽人員必頇依照規定時間準時到場並於競賽全部結束後始可離場比賽結

束後即進行頒獎 附件一語詞闖關活動內容

項目 活動說明 參賽資格



1依據下列基本三項自自我介紹可自行補充 1(族名)氏族 2家人數多少 3來至於哪裡 評審提問 評審 3 人採四個等級評分給分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名



1參賽者請看 ppt 圖示三個圖片中任選一項並以完

整的族語一分鐘內說出圖中表達的內容 2能說出二至三項者逐條加分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名

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評審 3 人採四個等級給分



1四篇短文賽前 6 分鐘現場抽題目並請以社群正確

語音朗讀完成 1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名




2~3 分鐘為限 家長


項目 活動說明 參賽資格




1布農語(巒郡卓群)國中組 200 字(字音字形各

100 字)國小中高年級組 100 字(字音字形各 50字)華語翻布農語布農語翻華語各半

2原住民語請用教育部與原民會 94 年 12 月頒布「原

住民族語言書寫系統」之拼音用音 3各組每人均限 15 分鐘 4200 字者每字 05 分100 字者每字 1 分塗改不



1國小每校 3 名 2國中每校 5 名





1基本過關 50 字 2進階80 字 3高階100 字 4挑戰150 字以上

1分巒郡卓三群 2每校至多 5 名 3取個人名次




1每校 4 人一組 2選題庫(分 2 組每組 100 題) 3二人以動作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另二人猜

出詞彙 4計時 2 分鐘每答對 1 題得一分(不會可放棄) 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

一組 3國中組二組




1親子兩人一組 2題庫(初級詞彙) 3一人以重作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另一人猜

出詞彙 4計時 1 分半每答對 1 題得 1 分 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

1 組 3每校 5 組


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2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫 壹 緣起

星空下山谷中縈繞耳際的美好樂聲將是您一生中難以忘懷的憶念helliphellip 為了充實部落生活內涵鼓舞學童家長及部落鄉親南投縣信義鄉公所和台灣原聲教育

協會仿效德國溫布尼夏日森林音樂會模式於 2010 年在海拔近千公尺的羅娜國小運動場舉


夜和群山的環繞下能夠聆賞國際級的演出在大自然的懷抱裏輕鬆愜意的欣賞音樂 在信義鄉公所和原聲教育協會的共同努力下星空音樂會已從單純的地方活動發展


外也順便悠閒採梅泡溫泉及欣賞原住民手工藝品體驗布農文化之美2014 年吸引近

三千位民眾上山 2015 年玉山星空音樂會已邁入第六年這一年音樂會特別邀請近八十歲的原住民之友

蘇秋女士蒞臨以及在第 23 屆金曲獎中囊括三項大獎的阿美族歌手以莉高露演出音樂

會開始由原聲打擊樂團以趣味節奏樂開場甫成立一年的原聲 A Cappella 合唱團以及曾

獲得奧地利「2012 vokaltotal International A Cappella Festival」金牌獎的 Voco Novo 爵諾人



中這動人的生命力不易從城市的日常生活中獲得只有您身歷其境才能感受 貳目的



三充實部落生活內涵培育藝術人文素養 參指導單位南投縣政府 肆主辦單位信義鄉公所羅娜國民小學台灣原聲教育協會 伍協辦單位



落會議羅娜基督長老教會羅娜天主堂信義鄉各國民中小學 陸贊助單位八方雲集食品有限公司元大文教基金會中國國際商業銀行文教基金會


智文教基金會 柒演出時間2015年 3 月 21日(星期六)1850~2100(1830入場) 捌演出地點南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小運動場 玖演出單位

一原聲打擊樂團 10rsquo(1900~1910)

二向蘇秋致敬mdash羅娜古謠采風 10rsquo (1910~1920)

三原聲 A Cappella 合唱團 10rsquo (1920~1930)

四Voco Novo爵諾人聲合唱團 20rsquo (1930~1950)

五以莉高露 20rsquo (1950~2010)

六原聲童聲合唱團 50rsquo (2010~2100)

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原住民的這份情緣種下她日後投入原住民文化保存工作的因 蘇秋女士畢業於台南師範深愛藝術半生投身於影像紀錄曾製作多部紀錄片獲獎


原住民的歧視她畢生所做的不在乎能賺多少錢只在乎能為原住民做些什麼 1986 年蘇秋女士來到羅娜部落以影像記錄了羅娜布農人的日常生活祭典及傳統歌謠

當時二十多歲的布農青年老師 Bukut(即今之馬彼得團長)為蘇秋擔任翻譯此後兩人未

再有任何聯繫去年 12 月中華電信基金會林三元執行長提及蘇秋女士傳奇的一生一個美好


會將放映當時紀錄片中珍貴的片段Bukut 會向蘇秋女士獻上最高敬意這場跨世紀跨族


以莉高露 Ilid Kaolo

以莉middot高露是花蓮吉納路安部落阿美族人2011 年發行首張個人創作專輯《輕快的生活》

獲得中華音樂人交流協會年度《十大優良專輯》第 1 屆《音樂推動者大獎》年度專輯大獎

以及第 23 屆金曲獎三項大獎mdash最佳原住民語歌手獎最佳原住民語專輯獎及最佳新人獎 2010 年與先生共同在宜蘭縣南澳鄉投入有機稻米栽植成為左手種稻右手寫歌的音樂

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲合唱團

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲樂團成立於 2009 年演唱技巧純熟曲風多元除了演唱流行與當 代的人聲爵士樂以外無國界的世界音樂及源自生活經驗的創作曲更是 Voco Novo 的一大

特色 歌曲充滿畫面感與原創風格的 Voco Novo 曾榮獲奧地利 2012 年《vokaltotal國際人聲藝

術節》流行組與爵士組雙料金牌並以客家歌曲「花樹下」獲最佳編曲獎2013 年榮獲 CARA美國現代阿卡貝拉《最佳亞洲專輯》獎以及「迢迢牽牛星」獲提名《最佳世界音樂歌曲》

音樂實力深獲國際肯定讓世界各地觀眾愛上這支東方意象獨樹一格的台灣音樂隊伍 Voco Novo 擅長於創作以及將具有台灣特色文化意涵的歌謠改編為充滿畫面感的 A

Cappella 音樂音樂總監劉郁如表示「看得見的音樂」是 Voco Novo 追求的音樂理想要讓

聽眾能從音樂想像台灣之美感受土地的風光 Voco Novo 經常受各機關團體邀請於國家音樂廳及台灣各地演出推廣人聲音樂近幾



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Voco Novo 也致力於編曲教學與創作以及與其他藝術形式合作實現一個最 ldquoVocordquo (源自英文 ldquoVocalrdquo「 人聲」) ldquoNovordquo( 源自拉丁文「創新」)的新人聲合唱音樂願景帶


原聲 A Cappella 合唱團


仍保有對歌唱的熱愛於是在 2013 年 10 月成立 A Cappella 合唱團先後受教於嘉義大學音

樂系張得恩師及 Voco Novo 雙雙團長自 2014 年 10 月開始利用週末下午練習 1 個多小時








台北雙連扶輪社牽成下這個構想真的實現了2012 年 9 月原聲打擊樂團成立 目前打擊樂團有十餘位團員由國立台灣交響樂團資深團員陳姿伶老師指導希望創新



台灣原聲童聲合唱團成立於 2008 年 6 月隸屬「台灣原聲教育協會」羅娜國小校長馬



聲來自心靈深處清澈純淨又和諧彷如天籟 2010 年 5 月應邀赴上海世界博覽會於台灣館開幕典禮中演唱2011 年受邀於百年國慶大

典中以布農語客語台語華語演出「百年禮讚組曲」2013 年 7 月應邀於美國加州 City Fremont 慶祝國慶升旗活動中演唱美國國歌同年 10 月再度受邀於國慶典禮中領唱國歌2014年應「全日本合唱連盟」邀請赴日本參加「東京國際兒童合唱節」並隨榮譽團長周美青女士

於東京博物館「國立故宮博物院神品至寶」開展表演 台灣原聲教育協會希望透過教育培育原住民孩子成為具有使命感的典範以帶動部落


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2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫 壹宗旨 一傳承發揚布農歌謠領悟布農文化之美 二提供各社區教會詩歌交流觀摩提升詩歌演唱水平 三以音樂影響社會教化涵養社區優質生活 四以詩歌頌讚耶穌基督的誕生 貳指導單位行政院原住民委員會行政院文化部南投縣政府 參主辦單位信義鄉公所社團法人台灣原聲教育協會台灣基督長老教會中部布農中會 肆協辦單位信義國中羅娜國小各村辦公室及鄉內各教會 伍比賽項目布農詩歌合唱比賽 陸比賽地點信義國中禮堂 柒比賽日期中華民國 104 年 12 月 11 日(星期五)上午九時起 捌參賽資格


一隊參賽 玖報名

參賽隊伍請於報名截止日 2015 年 12 月 4 日(星期五)前將報名資料以掛號郵寄或親送至 南投縣信義鄉羅娜村信筆巷 73 號(羅娜國小)馬慧如小姐(以郵戳為憑逾期恕不受理) 電話049-2831824

拾比賽辦法 一比賽曲目由大會選擇三首指定曲由參賽隊伍自行選擇一首演唱自選曲則必須

演唱布農古調詩歌不符規定者則不予計分 指定曲如下 (一)Iesu hai maisna dihanin kunastucin(布農聖詩 42 首)唱 12 節 (二)Tensi tahu sinpinaskal(布農聖詩 41 首)唱 12 節 (三)Santaishang bintuhan sia dihanin(布農聖詩 477 首)

二比賽人數每隊至少 20 人(不含伴奏與指揮)最多 40 人不足或多出者每不足

或多一人則扣總平均分數 05 分依此類推 三比賽規則

1 演唱曲目與報名曲目不符者一律不予計分 2 演唱時間以 15 分鐘為限自第一首歌指揮下手式開始計時指揮離開舞台時結


警示時間一到按鈴一長聲逾時即開始扣分逾時每 1 分鐘扣總平均分數 05 分

不滿 1 分鐘以 1 分鐘計依此類推 3 比賽演出人數應與報名表列相同不含指揮伴奏不得超過 40 人最少不低於 20人演出時可依樂曲之實際編制變換隊形 4 本比賽提供鋼琴其他無調性打擊樂器請自行準備若因歌曲特殊需要得以自

行錄製之卡式音樂帶CD 或自備之樂器伴奏 5 比賽將依序進行各隊報到時間請依主辦單位之通知(公布)於報到時間前完成


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6 參賽者應於司儀唱名時立即進入舞臺開始表演若唱名三次未進場者視同棄權 7 評分標準音色 40音準 20演唱技巧 20指揮(伴奏)10整體藝術

表現 10依照分數之高低評定名次比賽結束後當場宣布成績並頒獎 8 車馬費補助凡參加比賽者由大會補助車馬費每隊 5000 元 9 報名隊伍如未達八隊則取消比賽(電話通知各隊)



獎金金額如下 第一名獎金 80000 元 第二名獎金 60000 元 第三名獎金 50000 元 第四名獎金 40000 元 第五名獎金 30000 元 第六名獎金 20000 元 第七名獎金 10000 元2

二獲得第一名之隊伍並於 104 年 3 月辦理之玉山星空音樂會中擔任演唱如第一名隊


音樂會之演出為原則) 拾貳經費本次比賽經費由信義鄉公所及台灣原聲教育協會共同籌措

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200805 台灣原聲音樂學校及台灣原聲童聲合唱團誕生於南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳 200906 公益發行《唱歌吧》專輯入圍第 20 屆傳統藝術類「金曲獎」最佳傳統歌樂專輯獎 201001 接受廈門市台胞及台商聯誼會邀請首次於海外演出 201003 公益發行之《唱歌吧》紀錄片獲第 32 屆「金穗獎」最佳影片首獎 201005 受邀參加上海世界博覽會台灣館開幕典禮演出 201008 Bukut 團長獲選為遠見雜誌『新台灣之光』99 位人物之一 201010 受邀於中央研究院演唱為國內首次專場演出 201012 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201105 於國家音樂廳和國家國樂團聯合演出 201106 與哈佛大學鱷魚合唱團於東埔國小同台演出 201107 參加香港國際青少年合唱比賽獲童聲組金獎及民歌組銀獎 201110 於建國百年國慶大典中演唱「百年禮讚」組曲 201111 公益發行《不只唱歌吧》音樂專輯和紀錄片 201202 受邀於台南奇美博物館演藝廳及樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201203 受邀赴北京柏萊沃古典音樂俱樂部於金融家年會「寶島之夜」專場演出 201208 於新竹縣文化局演藝廳為創世基金會募款專場慈善演出「愛築家園」音樂會 201209 原聲兒童打擊樂團誕生 201211 受邀協助齊柏林導演空拍紀錄片「看見台灣」登玉山主峰於峰頂演出 201211 參加南投縣政府「全民運動會」開幕典禮演出 201212 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201307 受邀出訪美國加州參加國慶領唱國歌及國慶遊行巨人大聯盟球場Children

Discovery MuseumForest Lawn MuseumUNITY ConferenceICICE 全球華文網路

教育研討會Facebook 總部獻唱並於舊金山及洛杉磯劇院演出兩場專場音樂會 201308 受邀於高雄市文化中心至德堂專場演出 201310 受邀參加國慶典禮領唱國歌 201310 原聲A capella合唱團誕生 201311 受邀與長榮交響樂團於中興大學惠蓀堂聯合演出 201312 受邀於總統府「總統文化獎」頒獎典禮演唱 201402 受邀於台南樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201404 受邀於台北誠品松菸表演廳「看見台灣聽見原聲」專場演出 201408 應「全日本合唱連盟(JCA)」邀請赴日本參加第 28 屆東京國際兒童合唱節於新宿


物院「神品至寶」開展演出 201408 受邀於台中市圓滿劇場為「看見台灣-臺中心動影像音樂會」演出 201409 受邀於木柵動物園為台灣自製第一部 3D 動畫長片「桃蛙源記」首映會演唱 201410 受邀於台北小巨蛋參加慶祝國慶「四海同心聯歡大會」演出 201411 受邀於台中洲際棒球場參加「21U 第一屆世界棒球錦標賽」開幕領唱國歌 201411 受邀參加臺灣大學 86 週年校慶音樂會專場演出 201412 受邀參加南投縣長就職典禮演出

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

會議時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 200~430 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數

應出席人數 136 人實際出席人數 83 人(含親自出席 66 人委託出席 17 人) 貳大會開始 參主席致詞略 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告如 2013 年報 p10~22 二監事會監察報告如 2013 年報 p8 伍討論提案 案由一 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案(如

2013 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案業經

本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第 14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核

備 決 議通過 案由二 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2013 年報)提請討論 說 明 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第

14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 陸臨時動議無 柒選舉第 3 屆理事監事 有效選票理事票 83 張監事票 83 張 發票員黃煌蕭淑敏徐德蓮鄺麗君 唱票員楊智麟徐德蓮廖南詩蕭淑敏 監票員鄺麗君邱媛美

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理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠



監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥


捌原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 340~420)

1 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 西北雨直直落(福佬語) 詞葉明龍 曲黃敏 編曲楊耀章 3 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 4 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲林志忠 5 心肝寶貝(福佬語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 如鹿渴慕溪水(國語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲 Phil Dave 8 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

玖散會(下午 430)

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 1 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 400~430 開會地點台北市南海路 56 號夢紅樓二樓會議室 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠

楊智麟廖南詩廖達珊鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 候補理事林恩源江睿智(請假)賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 壹報告事項第 2 屆理監事於 4 月 26 日任期屆滿將移交給第 3 屆理監事會 貳討論提案無 肆選舉第 3 屆監事會主席及理事長

當選名單監事會主席mdash黃生理事長mdash洪春滿 參臨時動議

案由推選廖達珊為執行理事 決議通過


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 5 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200~430 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美(請假)許正瑛洪春滿黃春木

黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩(請假)廖阿貫鄺麗君(請假)羅綸有蘇錦淑(請假) 候補理事林恩源(請假)江睿智賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞(請假)樓海鳥(請假) 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 列席人員禹連泉孫藍蔚李彩霞呂克勝 壹報告事項

一建校規劃報告禹連泉建築師 二執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 5 月工作報告 2 2014 年下半年活動日程 3 2014 年暑期營隊課程及活動 4 2014 年 8 月參訪日本行程及活動 5 「十年樹木百年樹人」計畫-東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫 6 原住民師生美加遊學推薦實施辦法草案

三秘書長報告 1 2014 年 1 月至 4 月財務報告 2 遠距課輔及數位學伴規劃報告

四理事長報告 1 原聲音樂學校現況報告 2 東埔國小及原聲音樂學校親師生比賽及期末點數拍賣會(募集獎項)

貳交接前後任理事長印信文件交接 參討論提案無 肆臨時動議無


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 3 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 8 月 30 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木(請假)黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員馬彼得李彩霞呂克勝羅 揚高達瑋 壹報告事項

一主席報告 1 暑期學習營成果報告

(1) 日本演出及交流活動成果報告 (2) 暑期花蓮海洋營成果報告 (3) 母語推廣活動報告

2 原聲音樂學校學生的優秀表現分享 (1) 孩子在暑假有很多成長 (2) 學長姐與學弟妹分享學習心得mdash鼓勵學弟妹不畏辛苦努力學習

3 成就孩子時自己也被成就 二團長報告

1 建校規劃報告-建校場地相關事宜報告 三執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 8 月財務報告 5 月餘絀 -579070 6 月餘絀 3247291(磊山 220 萬元大 100 萬) 1-6 月餘絀 1538696 7 月餘絀 -1156540 8 月餘絀 -1214827 1-8 月餘絀 -832671

2 2014 年 9~12 月活動日程 貳討論提案 案由一修訂「台灣原聲音樂學校學生接受認養贊助辦法」 說 明受助生升入高中後皆在外地求學每月認養金 1 千元不敷使用且每位受助生狀況

不同需隨個案彈性處理 決 議依個案彈性處理 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 4 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 12 月 20 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興(請假)林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木黃慶忠(請假)楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有(請假)蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員孫藍蔚裘友棣車和道蕭淑敏呂克勝李彩霞柳宜蕙 壹報告事項

一2014 年校務報告阿滿理事長 1 校務現況報告原聲的孩子透過平日的假日學校及暑假活動(日本行花蓮海洋營



的生活教育 2 建校報告

(1) 實驗教育法已通過原聲申請設立實驗學校 20141117 通過現已可掛牌薵備 (2) 原來預定設立地點在羅娜部落的羅娜國小(原因腹地大羅娜部落是全國最大的


召開部落會議溝通若仍有意見再思考更換建校地點 二2014 年度財務報告藍蔚秘書長

1 至 201410 月止本年度餘絀為負 79240 元至 201411 月止本年度餘絀為負 81058元

2 2014 年至 11 月止捐款達成率 529支出達成率約 55支出減少是因建校支出

還未動用 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2015 年「年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」草案 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備並實施 決 議通過 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 5 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2015 年 1 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200-400 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興(請假)林靜一(請假)邱媛美許正瑛黃春木


監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生(請假)楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員裘友棣柳宜蕙 壹報告事項 一2015 年建校進度報告阿滿理事長 二2014 年度財務報告(決算)藍蔚秘書長 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2014 年「年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收

支表」草案(如附件) 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 案由二確定第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會召開日期地點議程 說 明擬於 2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)1400 假台北市南海路 56 號建國高中「夢紅樓」二樓

展演廳舉行 決 議通過 參臨時動議 肆散會

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會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 一 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)編曲馬彼得


同時也鼓勵小朋友早起 kula vali panangausan taki litu vava su-u hongku tasa dusa tau pat ima num pitu vau kula vali panangausan taki litu he he~ he~ he~ he-he

二 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語)編曲Edwin O Excell


農語和國語三種語言來表達 アメイジンググレイス 何と美しい響きか 私のような者も救って下さる さまよう私をお救いになり 今では神の恵みを見て取れる makitvaivi singkadaidaz laduaz inulivan minupungav inkaduanin maimabual minsinghal Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found Was blind but now I see 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見

三 天下別無拯救(國語)詞曲蕭泰然

看哪 我的僕人 我所揀選 我所親愛 看哪 我的僕人 是我心所喜悅 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 因為在天下別無拯救 因為在天下別無拯救 沒有賜下別的名 可靠著得救 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主啊 我的基督啊 願你快快再來 願頌讚與榮耀智慧 願感謝與尊貴權柄 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 哈利路亞讚美主 阿們 阿們 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 阿們 阿們 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主 我的基督 哈利路亞 讚美主 阿們 阿們

四 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 曲游智婷 編曲游智婷

田中的白鷺鷥 無欠缺過甚麼 山頂的百合花 春天現香味 總是全能的上帝 每日賞賜真福氣 使地上發芽結實 顯出愛疼的根據 耶和華祝福滿滿 親像海邊土沙 恩典慈愛 直到萬世代 我要舉手敬拜他 出歡喜的歌聲 讚美稱頌祂名 永不息

五 乘著氣球上天空(気球に乗ってどこまでも)詞東龍男 曲平吉毅州 中譯白蕊




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時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 風に乗って 野原を越えて(野原をこえて) 雲を飛び越え(雲をとびこえ) 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに何かが(そこになにかが) 待っているから(まっているから) 大空に ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン 時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 星を越えて(星をこえて) 宇宙を遥か(宇宙をはるか) 星座の世界へ 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに輝く(そこにかがやく) 夢があるから ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ 乘著氣球上天空(中譯) 有的時候會想起 天空真神秘 有的時候會想起 上天去遊玩 乘著一個大氣球 航向神秘的天空 隨風飄 隨風飄 越過一座座高山 飛過雲霄 飛過雲霄 乘著氣球上天空去 好去看天空上 有多少 神秘光景 啦~~~~~~~ 好去找宇宙中 有多少 多少寶藏 啦~~~~~~~

- 162 - 六花は咲く(日本語) 編曲西條太貴

真っ白な 雪道に 春風香る わたしは なつかしい あの街を 思い出す 叶えたい 夢もあった 変わりたい 自分もいた 今はただ なつかしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの歌が聞こえる 誰かを励ましてる 誰かの笑顔が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 夜空の 向こうの 朝の気配に わたしは なつかしい あの日々を 思い出す 傷ついて 傷つけて 報われず 泣いたりして 今はただ 愛おしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの想いが見える 誰かと結ばれてる 誰かの未来が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか恋する君のために


白雪覆蓋的路上 瀰漫著馥郁的春風 我想起了 懷念的那座城市 曾有著想要實現的夢想 也有著想要改變的自己 如今卻只想起 思念的那個人 聽到有人在唱歌 好像在鼓勵什麼人 看到有人的笑顏 就在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 夜空的另一邊 有著清晨的氣息 我想起了 懷念的那些往日 受傷過 也傷人過 也曾沒得回報而哭泣過 如今卻只思念 所愛的那個人 看到的是誰的思念 跟誰相連在一起 看到的是誰的未來 在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天會戀愛的你啊


這首詩歌曲風為 ABA 形式是露營佈道會最愛選唱的詩歌由原聲孩子清澈純淨的歌聲


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這上山路 我努力跑 一天一天 越跑越高 向前之時 常求我主 求立我腳 在更高處 求舉我起 而容我站 因信在天堂巍巍山 更上一層 我心切慕 求立我腳 在更高處 帶慈悲心 主耶穌來 為尋找我 以賜其愛 雖罪其深 怙惡不改 但恩主拉起我 從禍坑口 祂拉起我 伸憐憫手 祂拉起我 從黑暗夜 到光明界 啊讚美主 祂拉起我 我心所望 非此非彼 唯仰望主 寶血之義 我決不敢 托親托鄰 只完全靠主耶穌名 求舉我起 而容我站(從禍坑口 祂拉起我) 因信在天堂巍巍山(伸憐憫手 祂拉起我) 更上一層 我心切慕(從黑暗夜到光明界 啊 讚美主) 求立我腳 在更高處 在更高處(啊 讚美主 更高處 在更高處)

八kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語民歌) 詞王拓南曲伍欽光編曲Bukut

kipahpah ima kipahpah ima muskunta kipahpah ima 拍拍手 拍拍手 我們一起來拍手 kahuzasa kahuzasa muskunta kahuzas 歌唱吧 歌唱吧 我們一起來歌唱 manaskal saikin sadu mas muu tu taisisan 看見各位弟兄姐妹 我心歡喜快樂 mahtu mapasadu manaskalik(manaskalik) nakahuzas(nakahuzas) 能和各位相見 我心歡喜來歌唱 manaskal(manaskal) manaskal(manaskal) manasasi sang tama kamisama 快樂歡喜 快樂歡喜 歡喜快樂仰望上帝 uka hanimumulan uka kaisalpuan is-ang kaupahanian aluskunan kamisama 沒有憂愁 沒有煩惱 上帝日日與我同在 manaskal(manaskal) matumashing(matumashing) kaupakaupa hanian manaskal 歡喜讚美 日日都快樂歡喜 taisisan(taisisan) kahuzas(kahuzas) muskun kahuzas matumashing 歌唱吧朋友 一起唱歌讚美

九故鄉ふるさと Furusado(日本童謠) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

兔追いしかの山 こぶな釣りしかの川 夢は今もめぐりて 忘れがたき故鄉 如何にいます父母 つつがなしや友がき 雨に風につけても 思いいずる故鄉 こころざしをはたして いつの日にか帰らん 山はあおき故鄉 水は清き故鄉 在山上追逐兔子 在小溪釣小魚 至今我仍常夢到 難忘的故鄉 不知道父母是否安好 不知道朋友是否無恙 就算刮著風下著雨 我仍思念著我的故鄉 希望能夠達成志向 有一天能衣錦還鄉 山巒翠綠的故鄉 水質清澈的故鄉


自 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2014 年 12 月 31 日贊助者名錄如下篇幅為節省版面捐款抬頭為

5 個字以上者另立名錄欄皆依首字母筆劃數排序感恩所有支ldquo原rdquo者

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B02 室 2000 王裕鈞 1500 江亭潔 2000 吳炳昇 2000 宋祥興 40000

丁懷箴 2000 王詩辰 2000 江慶祥 12000 吳美慧 5000 宋隆傑 2000

尤麗惠 2000 王道維 24000 艾惠鵝 2000 吳哲彬 2000 宋德令 2000

尹世鈴 8631 王鈺琪 2000 何 易 1500 吳哲綸 1500 巫晟豪 1500

方思文 1500 王靖文 2000 何宜軒 2000 吳素雲 3500 李友尊 4000

方雅虹 2000 王翠華 2000 何怡君 2000 吳素絹 1400 李世忠 2000

方馨嫺 2000 王語瑄 2000 何明彥 1500 吳國榮 12000 李永勝 2000

毛恆祥 2000 王輝煌 2000 何冠儒 2000 吳婉君 2000 李玉如 5000

毛淑婷 2000 王靜君 5000 何振綱 2000 吳淑女 2000 李志勳 150000

王又 2000 王嶽璽 4000 何敏媛 2000 吳淑蓉 2000 李佳玲 2000

王士榮 2000 王薏蘋 2000 何淑娟 10000 吳清福 10000 李宗榮 3600

王如華 2000 王嬿茹 2000 何進村 2000 吳彭弘 100000 李旻真 3600

王佳華 200 古哲安 2000 何瑜芳 2000 吳敦義 55000 李昇修 2000

王宗鼎 2000 正能千惠 2000 何瓊文 2000 吳舒婷 2000 李明彥 3000

王怡文 2000 田淑嬿 3500 余大全 2000 吳瑪琍 2000 李枝昌 200000

王長婷 2000 田籠範子 1439 余沛婕 3000 吳慧君 2000 李芳禎 2000

王俊惠 2000 白佳欣 2000 余采親 1500 吳潔 2000 李金恭 100000

王俞芳 2000 石東千 2000 吳予仁 2000 吳憲昭 2000 李品欣 1500

王冠雅 2000 石麗珍 2000 吳玉英 2000 吳靜宜 2500 李宣澤 2000

王昭君 6000 仲淵 2000 吳秀娟 2000 吳耀敦 2000 李峙錡 1500

王界欽 2000 任柏叡 1500 吳佾其 2000 呂之華 2000 李昭慧 2000

王美玲 5000 全樹曦 4000 吳孟蓉 2000 呂文香 10000 李昭緣 2000

王美惠 2000 成溪玲 12000 吳旻芬 2000 呂玉華 20000 李修惠 2000

王英宏 2000 曲維正 2000 吳昌政 2000 呂昇祐 2000 李宴昌 2000

王娟卿 2000 朱久光 2000 吳昌錫 6000 呂冠磐 2000 李家媛 2000

王悟生 2000 朱佩珊 2000 吳明昌 2000 呂政明 5000 李婉如 2000

王效婷 2000 朱念慈 2000 吳明榮 6000 呂春桂 2000 李彩珠 2000

王海龍 10000 朱彥縉 2000 吳明錥 2000 呂美莉 2000 李彩嫻 2000

王崇蓉 2500 朱敏諄 2000 吳易縝 2000 呂茂源 2000 李淑芬 2000

王捷輝 2000 江文標 6000 吳秉儒 1500 呂淑貞 2000 李淑娟 2000

王組修 2000 江玉娟 300 吳金萬 2000 呂淑雲 10000 李愛珠 12877

王訢伃 2000 江志龍 2000 吳俊龍 2000 呂淳嫻 1000 李楊鈞 10000

王惠美 600 江奇駿 4000 吳冠陞 2500 呂惠玲 2000 李瑋珊 2000

王開敏 2000 江宜虔 10000 吳建明 100000 呂惠菁 2000 李瑞華 2000

王新立 10000 江青玲 2000 吳政宇 2000 呂琳琳 2000 李嘉哲 2000

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李嘉菊 2000 林玉芳 20000 林芳瑜 2000 林銅城 2000 洪家妮 20000

李嫚珠 2000 林宇哲 2000 林芳瑾 4000 林慧茹 2000 洪素梅 20000

李翠娟 2000 林安瀛 2000 林芷琳 2000 林慶恩 100000 洪富美 12000

李慧鳯 500 林宏明 2000 林金輝 2000 林曉真 10000 洪皖中 2000

李曉雯 2000 林志明 20000 林俊吉 2000 林燕 100000 洪瑜堇 2000

李鎮樟 2000 林杏芝 2000 林俞男 2000 林靜慧 2000 洪筱琍 2000

李耀武 5000 林秀芬 5000 林信子 8631 林麗芳 2000 紀佳緯 13900

李權泰 2000 林秀濤 2000 林冠廷 1500 林麗雪 5000 紀宜君 2000

李歡仁 5000 林育正 1000 林品儀 10000 林麗碧 5000 胡志宏 12000

杜薇 1000 林育如 2000 林品翰 2000 林寶彩 40000 胡秀華 10000

汪玄珠 4000 林育業 18000 林姵君 2000 邱一平 20000 胡芸瑄 2000

沈志宇 1500 林育靖 6000 林昭凱 500 邱玉青 2000 胡信馨 2000

沈岱育 2000 林育德 12000 林昭鳳 2000 邱佳秀 2000 胡秋香 2000

車平道 2000 林良貞 2000 林柏宏 2000 邱傑男 3000 胡夏萍 2000

初郡恩 2000 林辰學 1000 林祈芬 6000 邱媛美 23000 胡祖銘 2000

卓俊諺 2600 林京里 2000 林美玲 2000 邱義桓 2000 胡淑芳 5000

卓晨如 2000 林佩娟 12000 林羿君 2000 邱碩揚 20000 胡語姍 2000

卓儀泙 6000 林佩瑩 2000 林香吟 2000 邵崇榮 2000 范君瑋 2000

周文華 2000 林佳輝 2000 林原豐 2000 長與博典 8631 范志強 1000000

周文鶱 2000 林協進 2000 林家緯 2000 阿部哲夫 2877 范芯語 2000

周志明 2000 林孟辰 2000 林展禾 1500 凃雪玉 6000 范姜群澔 10000

周邦昀 2000 林宛臻 50000 林庭如 2000 姚淑美 11000 范舒涵 2000

周怡禎 2000 林宛霖 2000 林恩源 20000 政敏 2000 范曉恩 2000

周明翰 1500 林宜慧 2000 林財發 2000 施心韻 2000 香草氣球 20850

周美蘭 2000 林宜臻 216165 林啟信 4000 施牧之 1500 候靖柔 2000

周晴禎 900 林幸儒 2000 林國興 2000 施建興 3000 唐世昌 2000

周詩婷 2000 林念竹 2000 林淑惠 6000 施春成 2000 唐怡芳 2000

周蓓蕾 4500 林怡儀 2000 林淑慧 2000 施相如 2000 唐晨瑜 2000

周慧芳 2000 林昀靚 4000 林添樹 2000 施美妏 5000 夏以寧 2000

姒元忠 5000 林昆禾 2000 林森醫院 2000 施堯寬 2000 孫文先 9000

東森電視 2877 林昆慶 2000 林湘評 2000 施鈞凱 2000 孫立銓 2000

松澤寬文 8631 林明和 4000 林紫璿 2000 春山齒科 8631 孫譽真 2000

林乃杞 5000 林明達 2000 林雅玲 2000 柯玉環 2000 徐力克 2000

林三元 12000 林欣儀 2000 林雅容 2000 柯佩雰 2000 徐文輕 2000

林千翔 2000 林武田 10000 林毓文 2000 柯喬馨 2000 徐世禎 100000

林心蘭 2000 林泛俊 4000 林鈺清 2000 段成龍 2000 徐志婷 3070

林文淵 12000 林秉緯 2000 林嘉彥 2000 洪正容 2000 徐妮 2000

- 166 - 林月鈴 2000 林芳如 5400 林榮茂 2000 洪春滿 8500 徐芷唯 2000

林玉枝 2000 林芳如 4000 林維甫 10400 洪柏青 2000 徐復民 10000

徐慧珠 2000 張郁偵 2000 梁榮華 2000 郭盈芬 2000 陳勇洲 3600

秦永悌 10000 張徐庭芝 500 梁靜舒 2000 郭美秀 2000 陳品璇 1500

翁怡涵 2000 張恩瑜 2000 渉谷和典 14385 郭軒綸 1500 陳奕均 2000

翁素蓉 2000 張素華 2000 焉保元 2000 郭瑞意 2000 陳威羽 1500

袁嘉彬 2000 張淑蕙 2000 莊士興 2000 郭榮烈 4000 陳屏萍 2000

馬彼得 100000 張淑櫻 2000 莊秀娥 2000 陳人瑄 500 陳建芳 2000

馬松季 5000 張淨環 2000 莊佳慧 2000 陳大雄 2000 陳彥佑 3600

馬經方 2000 張琇喬 5000 莊惠如 2000 陳小玲 2000 陳彥谷 2000

高天翼 2000 張琇雁 2000 莊漢宗 2000 陳文欣 2000 陳彥豪 2000

高忠義 2000 張翊宸 4000 莊慧文 2000 陳民慶 2000 陳玲涵 2000

高振興 3000 張婷 2000 許文忠 2000 陳永金 111 陳盈謀 3072

高曼玲 30000 張媚 2000 許文龍 50000 陳立苹 2000 陳祈宏 100000

高逸紋 2000 張斯堯 10000 許玉治 2000 陳光誠 9600 陳秋伶 2000

高瑞穎 2000 張智映 2000 許成功 2000 陳安琪 2000 陳秋鳳 2000

高蒂燕 3000 張朝銘 2000 許秀蘭 2000 陳宏正 2000 陳紅蓮 100

高慧玲 15000 張雅筑 2000 許育宏 2000 陳宏瑜 2000 陳美如 2000

高橋功 2877 張楨 433900 許芳 2000 陳希臨 3600 陳美雲 10000

高橋晴美 2877 張瑋哲 2000 許美蓮 2000 陳志方 2000 陳虹陵 2000

崔秀雲 1000 張瑞玲 2000 許修誠 2000 陳志誠 13000 陳貞任 2000

康素珍 11000 張瑞純 2000 許家彰 2000 陳志彰 2000 陳郁文 5500

康瑤華 120000 張義雄 2000 許家榮 3000 陳杉豪 60000 陳淯芳 2200

康銘利 2000 張裕安 2000 許素修 2000 陳秀慧 15000 陳素庈 2000

張仁輔 2000 張裕忠 8400 許素蘭 20000 陳佳祺 3000 陳健生 18000

張文山 2000 張嘉耘 2000 許淑霞 2000 陳孟祺 2000 陳健丞 2000

張文祥 4000 張寧惠 2000 許凱翔 1500 陳孟慧 2000 陳彩秝 3000

張文通 2000 張榮哲 2000 許皓淳 1400 陳昀瑋 1500 陳晨昱 2000

張文靜 2000 張碧芳 2000 許萸晶 4000 陳欣榆 2000 陳梅瑛 2000

張月萌 2000 張肇祺 2000 許盟安 2000 陳玟伶 2000 陳淑君 2000

張玉姍 2000 張鴻章 2000 許嘉鎂 5000 陳玫荃 5000 陳淑宜 4000

張玉瑩 1500 張簡尹佩 2000 許綺紋 10000 陳采秝 2000 陳淑美 2000

張光宇 12000 張繐雅 2000 許慧玲 12000 陳雨航 2000 陳惠玲 2000

張君旭 6000 張馨勻 2000 許蕙宇 1000 陳亮伃 2000 陳焱煌 2000

張廷安 2000 強釖英 2000 許瓊禧 2000 陳俊良 10000 陳菀蓁 2000

張明因 1500 曹彥盛 2000 郭佳憲 2000 陳俐婷 4000 陳逸彥 11000

張明龍 2000 曹雅慧 2000 郭忠吉 2000 陳俐嬛 2000 陳逸穎 2000

- 167 -

張長軾 3000 曹蕙珍 2000 郭怡君 2000 陳俞蓁 4000 陳新宇 2000

張彥偉 2000 梁汝鎮 2000 郭玫君 2000 陳冠維 2000 陳新駿 2000

張春玲 2000 梁惠珠 5000 郭俊驛 1500 陳冠霏 2000 陳嘉彣 2000

張秋森 2000 梁詩屏 2000 郭昱秀 2000 陳勇安 2000 陳壽美 50000

陳旖益 2000 曾子銓 2000 黃克勤 2000 黃靜薰 2000 葉紅 2000

陳榮富 2000 曾克修 10000 黃志祥 6000 黃薰威 6600 葉美琴 4000

陳碧蓮 2877 曾宜謙 1500 黃邦定 3800 黃鐙麒 2500 葉書佑 2000

陳維斌 10000 曾明德 6000 黃忠賢 2000 黃馨儀 1500 葉書村 2000

陳維新 6000 曾俊峯 2000 黃東生 3309 楊大和 3000 葉淑鈺 6000

陳綺芳 2000 曾院介 3600 黃玟瑄 2000 楊仁賢 10000 葉惠盈 2000

陳銘元 2000 曾涵芝 2000 黃秉愷 2000 楊月華 2000 葉鍚東 2000

陳魁 2000 曾淑菁 2000 黃冠閔 12000 楊永昌 1500 董富儒 500

陳鳳怡 2000 曾源裕 1500 黃建誠 2000 楊光 6000 虞濟華 2000

陳鳴鈴 2000 曾鈺智 2000 黃建彰 6000 楊佳勳 1500 詹志鴻 2000

陳慧容 2000 曾嘉盈 2000 黃昭贊 2000 楊宗諭 2000 詹佳寧 2000

陳毅祥 2000 曾碧卿 20000 黃柏偉 2000 楊定諺 2000 詹雪玉 2000

陳蔚綺 2000 游郁欣 2000 黃盈甄 2000 楊宜華 1500 詹琪 2000

陳調鋌 20000 游雪惠 2000 黃若芸 3000 楊明芳 2000 鄒桂雲 2000

陳興海 200000 游貴美 2000 黃郁婷 4000 楊俊岳 2000 雷佳縈 2000

陳靜如 2000 湯秀滿 2000 黃祐鈞 2000 楊素端 10000 頌彥真賢 14385

陳靜宜 2000 湯明璋 2000 黃素娟 2200 楊高融 2500 嘉仁藥房 220

陳靜慧 2000 程延和 2000 黃國銘 2000 楊敕貝 8000 廖文怡 2000

陳膺州 2000 華國媛 6000 黃婉玲 2000 楊淑芬 2000 廖平生 2000

陳駿為 2000 賀志強 4000 黃彫棠 2000 楊淑珍 2877 廖怡鳳 2000

陳鏡安 1500 辜郁純 10000 黃御唐 7000 楊淨雅 2000 廖南詩 1300

陳麗如 2000 間宮內科 8631 黃晨雅 4000 楊連發 138000 廖建華 2000

陳麗姿 2400 飯塚能成 2000 黃清俊 2000 楊勝哲 3000 廖修筠 2000

陳麗秋 2000 馮怡敏 5000 黃清雄 2000 楊博欽 12000 廖書緯 18000

陳麗敏 2000 馮興儒 1500 黃竟修 12000 楊筠芃 8000 廖清佑 2000

陳露施 2000 黃 石 2000 黃創夏 10000 楊靖民 2000 廖湘如 2000

傅榮禎 2000 黃千真 2000 黃惠玲 2000 楊碧玲 2000 廖楓 12000

傅碧如 2000 黃大芪 900 黃智芸 2000 楊熾光 2000 廖達琪 200000

傅應翔 2000 黃子瑜 2000 黃智俐 4000 楊環菁 2000 廖嘉紅 2000

單彥榕 1500 黃介民 2000 黃雅梅 2000 楊韻秋 3000 廖榮山 2000

嵇彭傑 2000 黃文定 2000 黃雅慧 2000 溫孝文 2000 廖維旺 2000

彭沁璘 2000 黃文涼 2000 黃雯綉 2000 溫志中 2000 熊文瑗 2000

彭玟光 2000 黃文鴻 2000 黃源森 200 溫秭翊 2000 趙子佑 2000

- 168 - 彭泰彥 2000 黃世明 2000 黃裕洲 2000 萬瑾璇 2000 趙伊望 2000

彭紫晴 2000 黃令苹 3000 黃鈴淨 2000 葉子平 2000 趙淑琴 2000

彭嘉明 60000 黃玉娟 1000 黃鈺恩 2000 葉妍杏 2000 趙毓美 2000

彭鴻森 2000 黃生 1000 黃慶忠 20000 葉知定 4412 齊藤美弘 2877

景雯霞 2000 黃旭宏 1500 黃憲宇 1000 葉芳吟 18600 劉成 2000

曾于書 2000 黃竹瑄 2000 黃錦梅 10000 葉俊毅 20000 劉光雄 3000

劉有富 4000 蔡孟軒 3600 鄭倩玉 2000 戴志清 5000 魏延豪 2000

劉佩宜 2000 蔡孟琳 3600 鄭振家 2000 薛如娟 2300 魏筱君 2000

劉怡孜 2400 蔡宗立 2000 鄭浩民 2000 薛雅文 2000 龎睿穎 2000

劉明宜 2000 蔡宜廷 2000 鄭純淑 2000 薛雅齡 2000 繩蘇生 4000

劉欣怡 2000 蔡明安 2000 鄭素治 2000 謝一新 2000 羅一新 2000

劉秉怡 2000 蔡俊逵 1500 鄭欵 2000 謝元勳 50000 羅正宏 2000

劉俊宏 20000 蔡盈康 2000 鄭紹東 7000 謝如君 6000 羅宇棠 4000

劉俊茂 2877 蔡張金權 10000 鄭莉玲 2000 謝佩珊 2000 羅佳勳 2000

劉奐岑 2000 蔡淑莉 2000 鄭博仁 2000 謝佳芳 2000 羅金蘭 2000

劉珊如 15000 蔡陸宗 1500 鄭惠娟 4500 謝宛潔 2000 羅倩儀 2000

劉家振 2000 蔡雪美 2000 鄭鳳君 2000 謝宛勳 2000 羅揚 1500

劉晏汝 2000 蔡惠英 500 鄭興 2000 謝昀叡 1500 羅慈為 4000

劉素滿 12000 蔡椏芝 2000 鄭靜怡 2000 謝昌衛 2000 羅綸有 324000

劉淑 2000 蔡菁菁 2000 鄭靜芬 2000 謝政誼 2000 邊野吉 5754

劉淑貞 2000 蔡雅帆 6000 盧怡志 2000 謝炳邦 2000 龐晴 1500

劉博文 2000 蔡聖爵 200 盧崑瑞 2000 謝張芳珠 2877 蘇玉琦 2000

劉詠華 2000 蔡碧珊 2000 盧雅馨 2000 謝逸琦 2000 蘇佩誼 2000

劉瑞敏 4000 蔡維恭 2000 盧蓂朻 1500 謝嘉濬 2000 蘇明慧 2000

劉廖阿鈺 2000 蔡語嫣 1500 穆文誠 2000 謝實毅 2000 蘇秉夆 2000

劉漢倚 2000 蔡銘城 1400 蕭伃真 2000 謝瑩龍 6000 蘇建宏 2000

劉慧敏 2000 蔡德輝 2000 蕭妍庭 2000 謝燕珠 2600 蘇映吟 2000

劉澄豪 2000 蔡歐芳情 2000 蕭家列 2000 謝錫濱 2000 蘇郁雅 2000

劉麗芬 2000 蔡潔葳 2000 蕭淑敏 139000 謝麗燕 2000 蘇容瑾 2000

劉懿嬅 12000 蔡霈榆 4000 蕭登元 2000 鍾明芝 2000 蘇銹燕 2000

歐陽如蘭 2000 蔡耀毅 2000 蕭睆文 2000 鍾道之 2000 蘇曉棠 2000

歐濾德 11000 蔣耿義 2000 蕭劉阿玉 2000 簡劭庭 181500 蘇錦淑 10000

滕蕙蘭 2000 蝸行基金 17600 賴一湉 2000 簡欣華 2000 蘇靜君 2000

潘妤庭 2000 鄧沛雯 2000 賴乙晴 2000 簡湘容 2000 饒珍櫻 2000

潘信宏 2000 鄧依均 2500 賴如足 24000 簡嘉萱 2000 顧正禧 1500

潘威成 2000 鄧鵬 2000 賴建呈 10000 簡銘均 2000 蔡秀芳 2000

潘彥均 1500 鄭文珠 5000 賴素娥 2000 簡慧鍾 2000 蔡佳祝 11000

- 169 -

潘素貞 2000 鄭永玉 2000 賴素鏡 2000 簡薰育 10000 鄭美玲 2000

潘豐富 2000 鄭宇宏 1500 賴國豪 1000 藍文君 2000 鄭美惠 2000

蔡一輝 2000 鄭宇清 2000 賴惠鈴 2000 闕欣男 2000 駱慧君 1800

蔡玉茹 2000 鄭志明 2000 賴慶芳 1500 顏士致 2000 應丞武 2000

蔡宏達 2000 鄭秀足 2000 賴頤珊 1000 顏禾洋 20000 顏惠美 2000

蔡沛潔 2000 鄭宜欣 2000 霍安莉 2000 顏沛霂 2000 顏際隆 2000

006-0000560227844537 12000 兆豐產物保險股份有限公司 20000

0000-130540072691 2000 光友科技股份有限公司 2000

000-0404221176770 21143 艾葳精品婚紗有限公司 2000

004-00000115004038376 6000 利河伯實業有限公司 20000

009-0030105141735801 5000 吳尼可國際有限公司 2000

012-4924960183929900 600 巫葉子設計有限公司 2000

013-06053397 12000 李東陽里金館有限公司 2000

805-0006000400003506 13000 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 100000

808-0000543968111696 30000 和聲合唱團 5000

822-0000347532690803 36000 姊妹旅行社股份有限公司 20000

Lok Wing Lam 2000 旺宏電子(股)公司中華文化研習社 4000

Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 2607887 東京華僑商工聯合會 28770

士筌實業股份有限公司 2000 東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 2877

大可禾文化教育股份有限公司 20000 松山慈惠堂 2000

中央研究院化學研究所 40000 社團法人中華民國亞太產業經營研究會 15000

中正堂会館株式会社 8631 社團法人中華磊山慈愛社 2438000

中玨實業有限公司 2000 長霖寰宇企業有限公司 6000

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 100000 青境工程顧問有限公司 2000

丰雅時尚診所 2000 冠英水電工程有限公司 100

五福創新有限公司 2000 威盈貿易有限公司 6000

元昌投資股份有限公司 100000 恆暘貿易有限公司 8631

太鼓餐飲股份有限公司 2000 星新國際有限公司 2000

以琳內科診所 2000 映畫傳播事業股份有限公司 123800

台北北海扶輪社 20000 看見台灣-日本 SUZUKI amp MAYUMI 14385


北醫學大學 10000 美裝公寓大廈管理維護股份有限公司 10000

台北市城東扶輪社 107000 胡凱閔 黃雅青 2000

台北尚邑扶輪社 10000 苗栗縣物理治療師公會 2000

台北金鷹扶輪社 20000 郁建國際有限公司 4000

- 170 - 台北真善美扶輪社 60000 財金資訊股份有限公司 100000

台北雙和扶輪社 20000 財團法人中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 920000

台北雙連扶輪社 20000 財團法人中華基督教廈門街浸信會 43600

平田法律事務所 17262 財團法人臺灣基督教門諾會 30000

玄啟有限公司 2000 銘久股份有限公司 2000

白宇白米 2000 劉昭宏建築師事務所 14000

財團法人元大文教基金會 1000000 模組電腦實業社 3000

財團法人我們的文化基金會 200000 熱鐸(上海)貿易有限公司 2000

財團法人蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 43847 蔡恆維周英娟 10000

財團法人傳承教育基金會 300000 蔡蕙璟蔡華庭 10000

財團法人臺北市實踐家文教基金會 12000 樹德企業股份有限公司 12000

財團法人慶恩教育基金會 4025 橫濱中山協會 2877

國史館愛心社 3000 橫濱自由華僑婦女協會 2877

國際傑人會日本會 8631 穎珠投資股份有限公司 2000

康軒文教事業股份有限公司 16000 爵色餐飲股份有限公司 2000

康熹文化事業股份有限公司 9000 環通投資有限公司 2000

梁德健(正和航業) 8631 總編輯影像工作室有限公司 3000

牽猴子整合行銷股份有限公司 5000 聯合造形設計工作室 2000

笠源科技股份有限公司 2000 聯奇開發股份有限公司 21000

第一金證券投資信託股份有限公司 20000 聯瑋國際有限公司 2000

翊杰國際有限公司 4000 聯曜企業管理顧問有限公司 2000

陳慧蓮石智良 2000 聲創教育坊 2000

婷維國際有限公司 2000 謝博軒謝宜澄 2000

晶仁國際行銷股份有限公司 3015 鎮宸有限公司 5500

游泰慶蕭悧悧 17262 寶萊祥投資有限公司 2000

華山天主堂聖詠團 6000 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 100000

陽光雪梨投資有限公司 4000 誠品股份有限公司 300000

雲朗觀光股份有限公司高雄分公司 2000 實踐家商業模式顧問有限公司 10000

微熱山丘株式會社 1439 臺大客家研究中心 2000

傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 60000 臺中市中興大學 EMBA 校友會 150000

群馬縣台灣總會 8631 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 300000

悍創運動行銷股份有限公司 30000 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司 300000

桃井美鈴(里水株式會社 ) 8631 無名氏共 16 筆 321387

神腦國際企業股份有限公司 750000

- 171 -

編後語 喧囂波折的一年已接近尾聲 在世事紛擾中 原聲孩子在山裡 仍然絃歌不輟 平安成長 七年前原聲成立時招收的小四 小三學生 如今大致適才適性地就讀高中或高職一二年級

(2008 年原聲成立時招收小學二 三 四年級學生 利用每週六日及寒暑假上課 此後每年寒假僅招收小二生) 這兩屆原聲孩子國中畢業升高一前的暑假 我們都會安排一趟部落壯遊 讓他們去到南部和東部的魯凱 排灣 布農 阿美等部落去觀摩學習 回來後需繳心得報告 下文是其中一位生長在潭南部落的高一孩子所寫 他家境困頓 但今年很努力的考取台中市國立清水高中 新生訓練時 有同學竊竊私語原住民加分的 他寫下了他心中所想hellip但我卻不以為意因為我已經做到初步的自我認同helliphellip






難題我都能夠以布農族的智慧去面對並解決問題 這一兩年 總會有人說你們原聲很棒啊 做得很好啊 我會問好在哪裡呀 回答常常是你們小朋友唱得真好聽啊 是的 在看見台灣之後 更多人聽見原聲 但我們內心始終明白原聲的終極目標不是唱 而是培養出像 Biung 這樣的孩子--有自信 認同自己文化 對部落 對族人 有使命感 從他的字裡行間 您是否已可看到一位未來部落典範的身影 建立信心 自我認同 說起來容易 但絕非一蹴可幾 原聲六年多來 著力最深的就是儘量設法塑造原聲音樂學校的教育氣氛 它不在巍峨校舍裡 也不在先進設備中 而是一群最優秀最熱心的老師 一群認同學校理念 向心力超強的家長 在林宜城 Bukut 阿蠻三位校長帶領下 經由假日課程(數 英 語文 音樂) 讓孩子浸潤在專注 耐性 毅力 恆心的嚴格紀律下 一遍又一遍的聽校長分享困苦的成長經驗 講述布農傳統的智慧 日積月累一點一滴形塑了這樣的學校氛圍 也對孩子產生了深刻的影響 它不會像唱歌那麼迅速地被聽見看見 過程中更有辛勞 挫折 也有無奈 但這是我們真正要做的 是您的支持 鼓勵 和慈愛 陪伴原聲一路勇往直前 向您獻上原聲的歲末感恩 httpyoutubedFzSQ2aYEuk 祝福 您 身心喜樂康泰 行止自在安和

阿貫 2015 初春

- 172 -


2000 元傳播無限能量 2011 年 11 月公益發行的《不只唱歌吧》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 2015 年 7 月公益發行的《我愛唱的歌》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 以上凡捐款 2000 元 即敬贈 1 份專輯(請任選其 1) 等待有緣人 以上皆開列捐款收據 依所得稅法第十七條第 2 項第 2 款「個人對於教育文化公益慈善機構或團體之捐

贈總額最高不超過綜合所得總額百分之二十者得申報為『列舉扣除額』」 依所得稅法第三十六條第 2 款營利事業之捐贈以不超過所得額百分之十為限得列



捐款帳號永豐銀行(807)汀州分行176-001-0038951-6 兆豐國際商業銀行(017)台北復興分行008-10-53083-0 元大銀行(806)景美分行20152000000308 國外捐款帳戶httpgive2asiaorgfunds

Click Search Funds SEARCH BY NAME Click v And you will find Vox Nativa Association DONATE ONLINE


Page 4: 2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

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關於原聲 原住民文化 一直是真正的台灣本土文化 是充滿著對於自然生活深刻體會與豐沛情感的人文經驗 長久以來 與世界上許多土地原生的傳統文化一樣 受到新時代資本主義主流文化的侵略輕視與壓抑 原住民的歌聲 是他們凝聚生活中所有的體會 並 淬練內心所有深厚感情的真實聲音 在他們傳唱的聲符與嗓音之中 我們可以聽見 內心對生命的悸動 聽見 原本屬於每一個人生命中的真實歌聲 原聲 透過歌唱 讓新一代原住民小朋友 重新感受一直屬於自己血脈的驕傲 從心體會偉大先祖的生命智慧與情韻 同時更透過教育 讓出生在這個時代的原住民新血 可以活在當下 活出自我的真實生命 原聲教育協會相信 原始的生命之歌 可以超越語言文化的藩籬 直達每一個遠離遺忘了內心原鄉的人心之中 更可以重新釋放原住民內心被壓抑束縛已久的奔放靈魂 讓新一代的原住民 可以用自己的驕傲與力量 面對快速變遷的社會大環境 他們的生活哲學 相對於主流文化 不再只是 被研究的標本 或 供賞玩的表演 不再只是資本主義生態下 苟延殘喘的保育類族群 而可以繼承古老的血脈用自己的意志走向下一個時代的里程碑

原聲會員 ndash Jerry

- 5 -


特別感謝 Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 八方雲集食品有限公司 元大文教基金會 元昌投資股份有限公司 千業快速影印社 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 中華電信基金會 中興大學 EMBA 校友會 台北市城東扶輪社 我們的文化基金會 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 柏緯鐵工股份有限公司 神腦國際企業股份有限公司 財金資訊股份有限公司 晶豪科技教育基金會 誠品股份有限公司 傳承教育基金會 傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司











林 燕








張 楨













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榮譽團長 美青姊姊

謝謝 您 聆聽原聲 謝謝 您 讓更多人聽見玉山唱歌

您的愛 我們永銘在心



























不二齒科 陳維斌 王貞惠 元大文教基金會 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 台灣新聞 公寓美裝 吳文貴 平田法律事務所 平田 達 正和航業株式会社 梁德健 広瀨耳鼻医院 頌彥 真賢 守谷眼科皮膚科医院 游泰慶 蕭悧悧 全日本合唱連盟(JCA) 男声合唱団東京 1925 東京中華学校校友会 東京台灣商工會議所

東京華僑商工聯合會 東京華僑總会

東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 春山齒科 春山 綋輝 株式会社 中正堂会館 株式会社 里水 桃井 美鈴 國際ビル株式会社 李愛珠 國際傑人会 日本總会 張榮發基金會 間宮內科 間宮 康喜 恆暘貿易有限公司 微熱山丘 SunnyHills







- 7 -



天主教海星中學 台灣基督教門諾會

台灣原住民族文化館 佛教慈濟慈善基金會

蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 國立東華大學

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會議程 會議時間2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)下午 200~400 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數 貳大會開始 參主席致詞 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告 二監事會監察報告 伍討論提案 案由一本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案(如 2014 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案業經本會第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後

陳報內政部核備 決 議 案由二本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2014 年報)提請討

論 說 明本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 3 屆理監事

聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議 陸臨時動議 柒原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 330~400)

1 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 2 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語) 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 7 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 8 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 9 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明

安可曲 玖散會(下午 400)

- 9 -

會員名錄 會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 1 尤美女 36 章大中 2 毛應騂 37 曾世彬 3 王貫寧 38 童禕珊 4 林靜一 39 賀志強 5 王麗楨 40 黃 生 6 林武田 41 黃春木 7 朱賜麟 42 黃 煌 8 何光明 43 黃憲宇 9 李志勳 44 廖達珊 10 宋祥興 45 廖達琪 11 李錫津 46 劉美珠 12 沈容伊 47 樓海鳥 13 卓娟秀 48 蔡聰池 14 姒元忠 49 謝志松 15 林比亨 50 韓慶仁 16 林礽堂 51 尹秀蓮 17 林晉源 52 羅綸有 18 林基興 53 蘇玉枝 19 林祥源 54 蘇錦淑 20 洪毓廷 55 朱芳琳 21 保美玲 56 吳素絹 22 洪春滿 57 吳清福 23 楊文貞 58 李月霞 24 孫文先 59 李宏學 25 孫蘭芳 60 李麗敏 26 徐正梅 61 林佑璟 27 徐德蓮 62 周筱婷 28 秦永悌 63 林金盾 29 秦美燕 64 林盱生 30 馬彼得 65 林信安 31 高淑瑛 66 林聰慧 32 許正瑛 67 侯嘉珊 33 許建志 68 姚淑美 34 陳海茵 69 徐淑芬 35 陳調鋌 70 馬松季

會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 71 張正華 106 文士豪 72 張 楨 107 熊偉傑 73 曹先進 108 黃慶忠 74 裘友棣 109 薛如娟 75 陳麗瓊 110 曾哲明 76 楊智麟 111 霍幼芬 77 崔秀雲 112 林三元 78 劉玉山 113 陳念萱 79 劉翠華 114 鄺麗君 80 蔡敏麗 115 周志宇 81 蔡銘城 116 李元正

82 鄭湧涇 117 林美鈺 83 黃玉娟 118 高光正 84 賴騰仙 119 車平道 85 繆友勇 120 李秉文 86 謝宜為 121 史秀琴 87 魏宏仁 122 廖惠慶 88 顧長永 123 陳元昭 89 林昭嚴 124 謝孝宗 90 江睿智 125 姜秀瓊 91 許皓淳 126 陳聞詩 92 劉有富 127 王師 93 申爵瑞 128 廖南詩 94 謝燕珠 129 廖楓 95 林恩源 130 張秋娥 96 洪筱琍 131 王國昌 97 歐德濾 132 王涵江 98 李訓帆 133 陳榮枝 99 歐陽魁鴻 134 邱媛美 100 黃昭展 135 薛富州 101 周麗芬 136 王維君 102 吳雨哲 103 蕭淑敏 104 楊佳勳 105 伍懿芳

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 103 年度 監事會 監察報告書

查本會自民國 103 年 1 月 1 日至 103 年 12 月 31 日止監事會參與理事監事

聯席會議瞭解各項業務決議與推行本會 103 年度財務報表經本監事會審查




第 3 屆監事會

監事會主席 黃生 簽章

104 年 1 月 24 日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年收支決算




13958627 693


408300 2 辦公費

274649 14


62490 03



科 目 決算數 占決算收入總計 20137964 100

課業輔導費 4005157 1989 教材教具講義費 734537 365餐點營養費 893324 444交通旅運費 1788878 888 獎助學金 741479 368 假期營隊活動 348526 173 教學及演出活動費 2149689 1068其他業務費 217290 108部落服務活動費 2335087 1160業務推展費 744660 370

業務費 13958627 693 人事費 408300 20

文具紙張印刷費 13791 007郵電費 21598 011車旅膳雜費 5208 003公共關係費 48248 024 租賦費 21105 011其他辦公費 14699 007 辦公室租金 150000 075

辦公費 274649 14 建校規劃 62490 03 提撥基金 1255300 62 建校基金 4178598 208 支出總計 20137964 100

餘絀 0 0

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台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作報告


阿蠻 理事長


假期77-711 原聲建中成長營714-717 數學學習營721-731 國際志工擔任教師的英文

學習營731-86 參加東京國際合唱節88-815 海洋學習營另外也安排了國三畢業生的壯

遊課程國二學生到台北的密集暑期課業輔導 原來部落孩子的假期生活乏善可陳家長忙著種田打零工無暇也無力幫孩子規劃暑



下來每個孩子都得到許多的成長和進步 日後我們期望規劃更完整的第三學期課程讓部落家長社區耆老有機會一同來教導自


對他們日後在求學和職場上絕對是有幫助的 山上的孩子普遍早熟國中階段就急著談戀愛想要在朋儕間相互取暖獲得溫情家



越來越窮困同時也衍生許多社區和學校照顧上的問題 馬彼得在部落出生長大他深深知道這些問題不是靠著政府補助或投入經費就可以馬上


好 「改變」是多麼困難的工作在練唱的時候校長一遍又一遍的講述自己當年就讀國中




遍又一遍一個又一個的故事他不厭倦地說了不知多少年 七年來有些孩子吃不了苦放棄離開原聲但也看到許多孩子被薰陶被成就學習變得



個個儼然都是一副小馬彼得的樣子 有時我們會為了孩子的表現和遇到的困難感到沮喪失望有時也會為了某些事情意見不



看到孩子的進步就得著前進的力量 在這裡當然更要感謝原聲的每一位天使因為有您們在背後的支持和幫助我們才能繼



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在忙碌中學習 成長

Bukut 團長 初看春花紅轉眼已成冬在忙碌中一年就這樣過去了 回顧一年來的行程足以用「匆匆」兩字形容除了寒暑假固定的營隊活動外今年


這是必然之事問題在於我們如何面對接踵而來的演出壓力如何在忙碌中淬鍊自己成長 我常常跟學生說忙碌是一功課懂得享受忙碌生活才能充實豐美在一連串緊湊的

學習活動與演出中我們的孩子也在學習學習如何運用零碎時間充實自己 暑假從日本回來才休息一天便又匆匆去花蓮途中休息時我把巧蝶叫到身邊問她


洋是陌生的遙遠的難得有這樣的機會去親近它誰都不願放棄 我再問「那功課會不會跟不上」我的話語顯示我的焦慮這焦慮不是沒有道理的巧


的落差還是不免讓我擔心 巧蝶很有自信的回答我「沒有關係我會自己利用時間看書」在花蓮的活動期間我

的確幾次看見巧蝶利用零碎時間看書 11 月 15 日受邀參加台大校慶音樂會演出在休息室裡等待的時刻大部分孩子都在喧



懂事啊」 12 月 13 日舉行親子運動會的上午進行母語闖關比賽巧蝶沒參加比賽她獨自在教


保有優異的成績表現在第二次期中評量中得到全班第一名 不只是巧蝶與景文高一的孩子學會利用時間多次在外出演唱的車上總是會看到幾個

孩子拿起書本把握有限的時間專注看書這樣的孩子在原聲這個團體裡是越來越多了 由於資質性向的差異不可能讓每個孩子都像巧蝶一樣有著優異的成績表現但我們

希望的是每個孩子都有著和巧蝶一樣的態度 我常跟孩子說「聰明的人把握零碎時間愚笨的人製造零碎時間」我們的孩子越


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Uli 秘書 今年在教學與師生的溝通了解家長互動上有更多努力的空間與省思以下為工作概要

課程實施 週六早上數學課仍由漳興國小林宜城校長團隊帶領當有老師請假時林校長也會立刻



的學生老師也會利用下課或中午時間留下來特別加強 週日下午是上英文課由於老師都是新聘教師所以前兩個月師生磨合期學生較為躁



其中且也會利用活潑的遊戲方式教習英文 出席率及作業繳交 本年度學生出席率相當理想尤其低年級學生出席踴躍但高年級少部分學生較常請假





並勸導學生爾後應主動及準時繳交作業 家庭訪問 今年度家庭訪問以新生家庭為主訪問部落有雙龍地利潭南人和信義豐丘



聲可能提供的協助 在原聲積極募集資源的協助下期許學生能更懂得珍惜感恩也期盼本人與學生皆能有


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Balan 秘書 食 原聲提供學生午餐若有留宿則會提供晚餐以簡單營養的二菜一湯為原則此外因

為大部分學生住家路途遙遠為避免回家途中飢餓放學時會發放點心飲品 本人負責擬菜單及向菜商訂菜同時請廚媽協助與校長監督校長要求少油少鹽無


菜切菜除了減輕廚媽工作量之外也讓家長有機會參與原聲大家庭的活動 衣 勸導學生應愛惜制服或書包發放制服時要求學生在制服裏襯名條上寫名字以便在


中制服及黑包的尺寸不合及脫色損舊 住

學生住宿於羅娜國小 2 樓三四五六年級教室因此 4 間教室為木地板又因兩側


服務志工也會陪學生一同就寢可就近進行夜間照護幫助很大我或 Uli 老師也會輪流值

夜留守以因應突發狀況 目前羅娜國小可供使用的浴室共有 9 間男用 3 間女用 6 間稍嫌不足又因衛浴熱


用擦身的方式以免學生受涼此實有待改善 行 今年度增加 1 台中型巴士共 4 台學生專車接送學生上下學2015 年預計招收仁愛鄉國

小學生可能需增訂 1 台專車 目前學生專車皆包租員林客運專車其中 3 台路線分別為東埔線陳有蘭溪線及雙龍地

利人和線以上為水里站發車另 1 台為潭南線是由員林客運總站發車此乃因交通部從

2014 年起將潭南線路權劃歸豐榮客運以致我們需用比學生專車費用更高的遊覽車資來租

用此台專車 受贈物資 原聲三不五時會收到食品衣物小禮物文具書籍等物資捐贈者有企業愛心團

體學校原聲老師甚至學生家長等 食品類有糖果餅乾健康食品蔬果等糖果和餅乾必須在食用期限內發給學生健

康食品目前有維他命 C 錠在學生午休後每人發兩粒蔬果則暫放冰箱以供午餐或晚餐用 衣物及其他物資類會先清點後登入捐物系統再請示校長如何處理原聲每學期末有拍


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1 專場音樂會日程

2 公益活動日程

5 獻詩日程

日期 活動名稱 地點 124(五) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 125(六) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 315(六) 第 5 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 412(六) 「看見台灣聽見原聲」音樂會 誠品松菸館表演廳 81 (五) 「玉山天籟」日本音樂會 東京新宿文化中心 89(六) 「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會 花蓮原住民文化館 822-23(五-六) 「台中心動」影像音樂會 台中圓滿戶外劇場 1115(六) 台大 86 週年校慶音樂會 台大活動中心大禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 223(日) 兆如老人安養護中心義演 台北市文山區 81(五) 王園特別養護中心義演 王園特別養護中心 82(六) 白金之森特別養護老人之家義演 老人之家 84(一) 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

故宮神品至寶開展演出 群馬縣廳 東京博物館

85(二) 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院義演 橫濱中華學院 88(五) 門諾醫院公益演唱 門諾醫院壽豐分院 89(六) 慈濟醫院公益演唱 花蓮慈濟醫院大廳 109(四) 雙連安養中心義演 雙連安養中心 1210 (三) 東元生命藝術體驗營演出 南投縣立文化局演藝廳 1225(四) 南投縣長就職典禮演唱 南投縣政府禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 413(日) 台北華山救世主天主堂獻詩 華山救世主天主堂 720(日) 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 武界基督長老教會 720(日) 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩 曲冰基督長老教會 84(一) 橫濱基督長老教會獻詩 橫濱基督長老教會 914(日) 廈門街浸信會獻詩 廈門街浸信會

- 17 -


1 總課表 序 日期 11 年級(高二) 10 年級(高一) 9 年級(國三) 8(國二)~3 年級

1 77-711 夏令營-原聲建中成長營 2 714-717 各校輔導課 數學學習營 數學學習營 3 721-724 國際志工英語營 4 728-731 國際志工英語營 國際志工英語營 5 731-86 放假 東京國際兒童合唱節

6 88-15




導課(Jessica 教室)花蓮海洋營

2國三課表(728-815) 時間 0800-0850 0900-1150 1150-1300 1300-1550 1600-1650 1700-1850 1900-2150728-81 84-88

數學 自習


早餐 打掃


午餐 午休



晚餐 運動


日期 星期 上午(3 節) 教師姓名 下午(3 節) 教師姓名 晚上(3 節) 7 月 28 日 一 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 7 月 29 日 二 歷史 張凌琳 地理 侯曉潔 7 月 30 日 三 公民 彭偵艷 作文 吳書君 7 月 31 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 理化 王維聰 8 月 1 日 五 數學 曾明德 自習 自習


8 月 4 日 一 數學 曾明德 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 5 日 二 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 8 月 6 日 三 數學 曾明德 公民 彭偵艷 8 月 7 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 自習 自習


8 月 8 日 五 自習 自習 理化 王維聰 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 11 日 一 公民 彭偵艷 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 12 日 二 自習 自習 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 13 日 三 國文 林芳如 理化 王維聰


8 月 14 日 四 國文 林芳如 作文 吳書君 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 15 日 五 國文 林芳如 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟)

- 18 -

3 原聲建中成長營課表(77-711)

7 月 7 日 7 月 8 日 7 月 9 日 7 月 10 日 7 月 11 日 日期時間 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五

起床號 0700-0800 內務整理環境打掃早餐

醫療小常識 眼睛的幻術 幾何

幾何 認識世界 醫療小常識 壓力與生活 宇宙的奧秘 吃軟不吃硬

0810-1000 學員報到 開幕典禮

吃軟不吃硬 能源 壓力與生活


吃軟不吃硬 壓力與生活

壓力與生活 吃軟不吃硬

醫療小常識 幾何 1000-1150

相見歡 (小隊凝聚)


團康活動 小隊時間


成果展 結業典禮 合影留念 (全體)

1200-1250 午餐 1250-1320 午間小憩

宇宙的奧秘 能源

認識世界 1330-1420



合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)


能源 認識世界 宇宙的奧秘 眼睛的幻術 眼睛的幻術 能源

1620-1710 給未來的信 (全體)

認識世界 宇宙的奧秘


1720-1800 小隊時間 晚餐

1810-2000 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐


才藝晚會 (全體)


學員返家 服務志工 部落巡禮 體驗學習


2000-2010 星光夜語

2010-2110 盥洗

2140~ 進入夢鄉

洗澎澎 (2100-2200) 進入夢鄉



備註建國中學志工團隊於 7 月 6 日下午進駐並完成在地場布準備12 日上午收拾行李


- 19 -

4 英語學習營課表(721-724)

時間日期 721 Mon 722Tue 723 Wed 724 Thur

0530-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐

0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃 0800-0830 健康時間 0840-0920 0930-1010

美國生活影片 英文教學

1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110

1120-1200 英文教學 Halloween Craft Ballroom Dance

3 art projects (Loom Lanyard

Bracelet) 1200-1240 午餐 1240-1320 午休 1330-1500 1510-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴 1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

打掃時間 放學 (1730)

1800-1840 晚餐


相見歡晚會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

Halloween Party 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 志工盥洗

2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

師資慧智文教基金會甄選美國高中及大學生為教學志工 領隊教師吳翠萍Chen Brian 陳伯恩(共 9 女 8 男) 林德馨 Lam Der-Hsin Andrea 李珣安 Li Shane 劉亮言Liu Liang Yen林艾妮 Lin Diane Amy 張皓瑄 Chang Megan 陳琬元 Chen Sophie 陳寬 Chan Andrew Marcus 蔣承祐 Chiang Eugene 何珞宇 Ho Roy 陳可馨 Chen Kexin Carrie 連凱文 Lian Kevin 于凱如 Yu Crystal 鄭豫婷 Zheng Yuting Rebecca 杜昕芳 Du H Justine 孫楷 Swen D Kye

- 20 -

5 英語學習營課表(728-731) 時間日期 728 Mon 729 Tue 730 Wed 731 Thur 0630-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐 0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃

0800-0830 健康時間

0840-0920 0930-1010


1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110 1120-1200

Science Project Food ProjectBallroom Dance 英文教學

1200-1240 午餐

1240-1320 午休 1330-1410 1420-1500 1510-1550 1600-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

打掃時間 放學 志工物資行李總


1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴

1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

1800-1840 晚餐


才藝表演 小品音樂會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

惜別餐會 成果展 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

- 21 -


學生經由合唱練習和表演所建立的自信心明顯表現於其課業學習如下 1 國三升學成績8 位國中畢業生

姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校 姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校

幸琳茹 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 谷皓傑 男 民和國中 國立清水高中

全心潔 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史凱文 男 同富國中 曾文農工

全雅安 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史志祥 男 同富國中 埔里高工

幸念緹 女 水里國中 長庚護校 謝韶翔 男 同富國中 鶯歌工商

2 小二至國二生學習成效90小學生成績居全班前 1460國中生成績居全班前 12


1 辦理親職教育2014 年已舉行 4 次(111315628913)家長出席率達 90 2 以部落為單位選出 8 位家長委員組成家長會並輪流至學校擔任餐廚志工

序 部落 委員 身分 子女 職務 1 潭南 林佳文 母 幸琳茹幸美茹幸明仁幸明山 委員 2 地利 松能武 父 松昱希松昱蕎 副會長 3 雙龍人和 幸美花 母 司曄恩司曄宇 委員 4 明德三十甲 全昊妤 母 田有宏田祈宏 委員 5 新鄉豐丘 松定安 父 松瑋恩 委員 6 羅娜 伍錦紅 母 李羽妃李謙 委員 7 望鄉久美 史添發 父 史庭伍瀚史灝 委員 8 東埔 伍順良 父 伍恩 會長

- 22 - 台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作紀事

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

119 Bukut 校長於遠雄人壽公司及臺北大學體育館演講(Nuskin) 阿蠻小呂藍

蔚阿貫 120-25 9 年級學生 7 人至台北 Jessica 老師教室集中課輔 聖堯胤哲 121-22 於羅娜國小實施寒假合唱及打擊樂課 124-27 於台南樹谷園區舉行冬令營

124 1900-2030 於樹谷演藝廳舉行專場音樂會 125 1400-1500 於樹谷演藝廳為南科台積電員工公益演出 126 獨木舟探索活動 127 參觀港香蘭生技製藥公司及蘭花園區

24 原聲+阿布電影公司+慧智文教基金會討論「看見台灣」美國


212 拜訪建中校長商借場地舉行會員大會 214 參加北海扶輪社捐款感謝聚會 小呂藍蔚阿貫


215 原聲開課南投中興新村燈會 215 與信義鄉農會總幹事討論贊助玉山星空音樂會 215 1800-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會部落工

作協調會議 215 2030-2200 於 Aziman 家討論東光布農合唱團演出事宜 216 0930-1030 草坪頭茶園 216 1100-1200 與望鄉部落合作社松芳古洽談日本仙台大專

生訪問交流行程 216 1300-1400 二年級新生家長座談會 1400-1600 舊生家長座談會 216 1500-1700 內湖實踐家教育集團演講(阿貫)




217 玉山星空音樂會技術籌備會天作之合劇場辦公室(八德路 2段 203 號 4 樓)飛陽音響黃逢斯薛翔中


呂藍蔚阿貫 219 與 Teddy 理事討論玉山星空音樂會海報邀請函主視覺設計

台大服務課志工期初分享會台大生科館 和道Teddy小

呂藍蔚阿貫 221 至建中「夢紅樓」展演廳場勘及借器材(指示牌) 小呂藍蔚阿貫

222 於建中「夢紅樓」召開第 3 屆第 1 次會員大會選舉理監事 第 3 屆新任理監事舉行第 1 次理監事聯席會議選舉理事長

223 1000-1100 於兆如老人安養護中心義演(陳姿伶指揮) 1100-1200 參觀政大於學生餐廳午餐

224-25 日本仙台大專生望鄉及東埔部落之旅 與全淵能主任討論日本仙台高中生參訪地利部落行程


- 23 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

227 台大服務課志工鍾昭慶拿電子報照片 阿貫 31 至大稻埕扶輪社演講 小呂阿貫 33-4 上山

向族人解說申請販賣公益彩券辦法 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 2 次部落工作協調會


38-9 上山

二年級新生入學 雅云指導玉山星空音樂會主持人司婷


311 玉山星空音樂會台大志工工作會議 美智小呂藍蔚

312 至木新路 2 段 156-1 號表演 36 房拜訪景文高中優人表演藝術

班陳麗娟主任 小呂去中天電視台溫攝影師處拿「中天夢想驛站」訪問原聲影





313 玉山星空音樂會舞台完工(黃逢斯未依圖施工) 1900-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 3 次部落工

作協調會 314 「看見台灣」於地利國小感恩放映(阿布電影公司) 1600-2000 天作之合劇場抵達走位及彩排 1700~攝影組志工張育銘團隊抵達 舞台組志工及主持人司婷確認 rundown 315 1230-1630 於梅子夢工廠演講 3 場美國嘉賓團台北

嘉賓團磊山保經團(阿貫) 1500-1730 羅娜圓環風味餐(美智藍蔚) 1830-2130 玉山星空音樂會 2200-2330 校長家感恩飛鼠哄啪 316 0900-1130 拜會新竹企經團達谷蘭 1130-1430 與贊助人在喜覺支午餐 1430-2030 與聯奇公司企劃徐香華至達瑪巒部落場勘


321 1000-1200 UNITY 拜會原民會 1600-1800 帶資訊工程師志工 Richard amp Hank 至信義國中羅

娜國小東埔國小場勘網路環境 1330-1500 順發吳董夫婦及女兒上山瞭解原聲志工服務內容




1300-1600 台灣公益團體自律聯盟第 3 屆第 3 次會員大會 324 1330-1530 與台大生科王俊能師及生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書

長討論部落生態復育(阿貫) 1330-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談(藍蔚) 1830-2030 感謝玉山星空音樂會聚餐

325 1400-1600 輔大偏鄉課輔計畫分享會智融基金會 1830-2030 與 Stanley 嚴及鳳文邀請聚餐討論原民遊學辦法亞都麗緻飯店




- 24 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

326 1530-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談 藍蔚 326-27上山

日本仙台高中生達瑪巒部落之旅 台灣生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書長至東埔國小環境調查


328 國三生琳茹雅安心潔皓傑凱文韶翔及高一生景文來台北參

加景優班術科甄選考試 Jessica聖堯胤

哲 329 琳茹雅安心潔皓傑景文至景文高中參加優人表演藝術班術

科甄選考試凱文韶翔陪考 Jessica小呂藍

蔚阿貫 41 1500-1700 信義鄉史強鄉長訪冶鑄建築師事務所瞭解建校規畫




42 1430-1600 天下文化未來兒童創刊茶會(拍手歌授權) 阿貫 43 1400-1600 國泰世華銀行倪秀金周嘉祺經理來訪討論贊助信

義鄉國小早餐事宜 阿貫

44 合唱團加課練習確認聘請李彩霞擔任行政秘書 藍蔚 46 赴屏東牡丹鄉參加原住民醫學會華國媛理事長父親追思禮拜 阿貫 48 1300-1530 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-一籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長等) 1600-1700 晶仁國際公司負責人文鑑宇及行銷部專案經理洪嘉

慧來訪討論明年 11 月公益演出事宜


411 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1000-1200 至武陵高中演講


412 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1430-1530 合唱團於磊山保經群英會演唱 1900-2000 合唱團於誠品松菸表演廳演出專場音樂會



413 0900-1130 於華山救世天主堂參加聖枝主日敬拜獻詩及午餐 奧地利上奧邦(Upper Austria)之邦立衛爾音樂學校

(Landes-MusikschuleWeyer)校長舒茲爾 Johannes Sulzer 聖樂合

唱分享由普羅藝術家樂團廖嘉弘教授主持 交通大學喀報記者陳佩瑄訪問 Bukut 校長



415 1430-1530 公益團體自律聯盟訪視 1530-1730 阿布電影公司來訪討論「看見台灣」台中音樂會


416 1230-1330 台大原聲社團會議 寄出東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫給中國國際商銀


藍蔚 阿貫

417-18 邀請德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校資深音樂教

師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss 於草屯國小辦理音樂研習


419 馬可思 Marcus s 指導原聲合唱團 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 1 次籌備會建中



- 25 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

424 1300-1700 理查漢克贊助並裝置 2 台電腦桌機於協會辦公室 1700-2100 參訪輔大遠距課輔現場輔大聖言樓 SF305

425 參觀中研院植物所彭鏡毅研究員秋海棠溫室 小呂阿貫 426 1000-1200 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台北場 小呂阿貫 428 1400-1500 與睿智理事討論原聲協助家長投保微型保險 藍蔚 429 0900-1000 拜訪台大師培中心田芳華教授

1400-1500 輔大遠距教學 JOINNET 平台使用訓練 藍蔚阿貫

430 1000-1100 至冶鑄建築設計事務所討論校舍校園規劃平面圖 1430-1700 和中華電信基金會執行長三元拜訪華新扶輪社社長

新北市淡水區興華村北新路 26-1 號


51 行政秘書李彩霞到任 52-3 上山


小教職員宿舍無線網路 53 1000-1200 阿貫於雄中資優班人文教育演講 53 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台中場


54 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-高雄場 Bukut阿滿 56 1000-1200 赴北安路拜訪李宜靜討論日本音樂會

1300-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-二籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長王梅等)



57 赴台南與和聲兒童合唱學園負責人 Vicky 討論日本行程 藍蔚阿貫 59 布農族射耳祭台東 515 自律聯盟會計讀書會第三章 1-3 節 藍蔚 516 0830-2230 東元原住民兒童之夜舞台組志工報到及服務

0730-2200 觀賞東元原住民兒童之夜演出 小呂藍蔚阿貫

Bukut阿滿 517-18上山

517 理查漢克建置羅娜國小各班無線網路環境 517 1700-1800 召開校務會議討論暑期行程 518 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書館手機借還書系統 518 1100-1200 勘查羅娜村司山生司山秀房屋火災受損狀況


519 1300-1400 華新扶輪社演講大直典華 1500-2000 藍蔚陪同蘇老師拜訪關西國中


蔚阿貫 521 1400-1630 嚴長壽總裁至信義國中演講

1210-1330 於奕青酒莊午餐 小呂彩霞藍


522 0930-1130 拜訪張榮發基金會討論日本機位及機票 藍蔚阿貫 524 召開第 3 屆第 2 次理監事會聯席會議 525 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 2 次籌備會建中

1800-2100 日本行籌備會議(with 李宜靜會長) 春木藍蔚阿


- 26 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

526 1000-1200 復旦中學演講 阿貫小呂 528 1430-1830 亞太產經研究會演講大直典華 阿貫小呂彩霞

62 0930-1130 原聲建中成長營住宿規劃協調會 藍蔚阿貫 64 1700-1945 台大志工期末分享會(UliBalan 參加) 藍蔚小呂彩

霞阿貫 66-8 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書管理系統及輔大遠距課輔系統安

裝及設定 理查漢克

66 0730-0830 台大晨行人捐款儀式台大司令台(小呂阿貫) 1215-1315 拜會台大師培中心賴進貴主任(藍蔚阿貫)

613 2030-2230 遠距教學系統架構技術討論會北辦 理查漢克睆

文彩霞 613-15 上山

宜靜會長訪視原聲 小呂阿貫

617 1200-1500 與日本深澤直樹及宜靜會面討論音樂會相關事宜 與 Teddy 理事討論日本音樂會海報及 DM 設計 1500-1800 至新竹 Amy 及竹北 Lisa 處載運物資(小呂阿貫)



618 1530-1630 至千業印刷印刷日本音樂會海報及 DM 阿貫 619 1030-1200 載運及清點物資(小呂彩霞)

1200-1430 城東扶輪社演講華漾飯店(阿貫小呂彩霞) 1430-1530 Balan史偉華至台北搬運物資上山 1530-1630 至千業印刷日本音樂會海報改版(阿貫) 2200-2230 至千業印刷載新舊版日本演出海報送至宜靜家(阿貫小呂)

621-22 上山

621 庶古公司副總吳明榮探視認養受助生 621 1330-1500 原聲建中成長營原聲志工培訓會(藍蔚春木

凱翔) 621 1700-1730「桃蛙源記」電影首映演唱等相關事宜討論(阿滿BukutPaul慧菁) 622 1030-1130 日本行最後名單確認(Bukut阿滿慧菁) 622 1230-1330 升國三生暑期輔導課程討論(Jessica聖堯胤



624 2200-2300 至尤監事家載運物資Balan史偉華至台北搬運物

資上山 阿貫小呂

625-26 花蓮

0900-1000 太平洋聽玉山唱歌花蓮記者會 1030-1130 門諾醫院壽豐分院場勘 1400-1500 慈濟大愛廣播台花蓮台專訪 1500-1600 慈濟醫院場勘 1600-1700 花蓮原民文化館場勘



- 27 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

72-3 合唱團加課 73 遠距課輔北辦測試及討論(理查漢克睆文) 73~5 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 3 次籌備會建中 75 訪日合唱團加課 1500-1600 副總統訪視原聲


76-12 上山

原聲建中成長營(戴志清師督導) 76 1200-1640 抵達午餐場地佈置 79 1830-1930 小品音樂會-排灣族林文表演 710 1900-2100 成長營晚會 711 0900-1100 成長營結訓典禮 1300-1700 部落巡禮 1700-1830 建中與原聲志工球類友誼賽 712 0800-1200 繳作業環境復原返回建中


77-78 台視「熱線追蹤」記者上山採訪 77 1000-1200 日本演出及交流行程討論(宜靜曾碧卿Vicky


78 德國公共廣播聯盟特派員上山採訪 711 0900-1030 竹光國中演講沙里仙飯店 小呂阿貫 714 花蓮 1400-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-三籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長蘇帆海洋基金會林向揆王梅等) 藍蔚彩霞阿貫

714-17 暑期學習營第 1 週mdash數學學習營 716-717上山

討論暑期事務 藍蔚小呂阿貫

718 0900-1000 富邦人壽演講 1500-1700 Teddy 節目手冊製作討論


霞阿貫 719-20上山

美國慧智文教基金會國際志工上山 順發 3C 女兒 Jenny 和綸有女兒亦萱上山擔任志工 2 週

0830-1230 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 1330-1500 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩


721-24 暑期學習營第 2 週-國際志工英語課程 722 1900-1930 小品音樂會-原聲打擊樂團 724 1300-1600 合唱團去南投文化局演藝廳模擬演出


728~31 暑期學習營第 3 週-國際志工英語課程 729-30上山

730 0930-1030 日本行前家長說明會 藍蔚小呂阿貫

728-815 國三生至台北暑期課輔 Jessica

- 28 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

731-86 參加日本東京國際兒童合唱節 81 1025-1040 王園特別養護中心演出 1900-2100 玉山天籟音樂會新宿文化中心 82 1115-1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出 1400-1800 戶崎大師音樂工作坊洗足學園音樂大學 83 1100-1720 東京國際兒童合唱節音樂會昭和女子大學 84 1210-1300 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出 1630-1700 東京博物館演出 85 1030-1100 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院演出


88-15 花蓮海洋學習營國中畢業生壯遊 88 1900-2000 花蓮門諾會醫院壽豐分院義演 88 國中畢業生參訪茂林鄉多納部落 89 830-1130 慈濟精舍及靜思堂參訪 1500-1530 慈濟醫院義演花蓮慈濟醫院 1900-2100 花蓮原住民文化館音樂會 89 國中畢業生參訪霧台鄉神山部落 810~813 花蓮海洋學習營 810~813 國中畢業生參加內本鹿生態文化體驗營 814 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

819 合唱團加課 822-24 822 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場

823 1130-1300 紅敞牛排館品嘗牛排 1500-1700 參觀自然科學博物館 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場 824 1000-1500 遊覽后里區麗寶樂園

826 1300-1700 新竹市竹光國中演講 小呂彩霞阿貫

827 車埕國小場勘(阿蠻Bukut) 小呂阿貫 830 理查漢克建置羅娜國小遠距課輔系統安裝及設定

召開第 3 屆第 3 次理監事會聯席會議

96-7 中秋節連假原聲加課 913-14 913 1200-1600 「桃蛙源記」首映會台北市立動物園

1600-1730 遊覽動物園 1800-2000 邱董宴請晚餐 914 0900-1300 廈門街浸信會獻詩



917 1200-1330 台大服務課期初說明會 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 918 1330-1700 原聲阿卡開課討論會 阿貫小呂鳯


- 29 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

922 探視鳳文討論訪歐行程及阿卡課程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

923 1100-1330 原聲第 3 份專輯討論會(阿貫阿滿藍蔚Bukut天豪小呂彩霞) 1330-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚阿貫彩霞) 1600-1800 校長夫婦探視鳳文

924 赴阿布電影公司拜訪 藍蔚阿貫小呂

925 0900-1230 赴雙連安養中心場勘 1230-1330 赴汐止梵斯製衣看運動服樣衣



926 1800-1900 桃蛙源記科博館放映 927 1400-1600 家長座談會 929 拜訪親愛國小


101 1030-1200 晶仁公司-公益媽媽手札活動企劃會議 藍蔚阿貫小呂

102 1000-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan103 1230-1430 明門扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

104 1900-2230「看見台灣」跨界音樂會 阿貫藍蔚小呂

108-9 「四海同心」聯歡會及雙連安養中心 108 1300-1430 四海同心聯歡會彩排小巨蛋 1500-1800 合唱團練習建中資源大樓 5F 1400-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚) 109 0800-1300 雙連安養中心參訪義演 1530-1600 四海同心聯歡會演出



1010 0830-1130 劉水池老師和三位高中生初見面 1000-1200 玉山星空音樂會籌備會 1長安東路


呂和道美智 1017 1330-1530 原住民遊學方案討論會議

1530-1730 原聲專輯 MV 拍攝討論 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道美智 1018 1730-1900 奧地利代表會面 1930-2130 高一阿卡團上課 阿貫藍蔚小呂

1020 快樂髮廊義剪 1023-24 去台南拜訪全樹曦及 Vicky

1023 至善化拜訪全樹曦 1024 去台南市拜訪 Vicky 阿貫藍蔚和道

1025 五~七年級老部落尋根之旅 小呂和道 1026 1430-1630 維也納少年合唱團音樂會台中 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道鳳文 1027 1830-2030 數位學伴研習會 藍蔚彩霞 1029-31 上山

1030 0900-1300 旅英布農藝術家優席夫amp比勇演講信義國

中 1400-1600 去親愛部落 1031 1330-1400 曲冰部落-萬豐國小 1530-1730 桃米社區-紙教堂-新故鄉基金會-廖嘉展


- 30 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1102 和丰診所義診 1104 0730-1200 新竹市綜合活動領域演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1104-06 1105 赴花蓮參加 PriDoc 太平洋原住民醫學會文化之夜 1105 1400-1530 台中洲際棒球場場勘


BukutTiang 1107-08上山

1107 1800-2100 21U 世界棒球錦標賽開幕演出 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1111 上

山 親愛+萬豐國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1113 0930-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan1114 1630-1830 原住民海外遊學會議 阿貫藍蔚 1115-16 台大校慶音樂會

1115 1400-1800 合唱團及打擊樂團練習及彩排活大 1900-2100 台大校慶音樂會演出 1116 0800-1000 原聲小音樂家的臺大課程體驗 0900-1000 歌聲夢想的起點原住民教育座談會 1000-1210 臺大校園歷史建築導覽



1120 上

山 豐丘+新鄉國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂美智 1121 1900-2100 北辦網路拉線及線路調整 彩霞漢克理查

1122 1530-1730 Suzzan 討論專輯贊助 阿貫藍蔚 1123 1430-1600 曦爵公司--討論歐洲行程 阿貫藍蔚和

道鳯文 1127 0900-1130 三重欣明製衣公司--東埔國小衣褲尺寸及數量 阿貫藍蔚Ben1128 1200-1400 芝山扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1129 1630-2200 原聲阿卡赴苗栗欣賞 Voco Novo 演出 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1202 0900-1130 去三重欣明製衣-東埔國小及親愛愛樂制服製作 阿貫藍蔚 1203-05 台東踩線場勘之旅 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1206-07 上山

綸有Teddy陳慧玲上山 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1208 0930-1130 高雄衛武營榕園場勘

1130-1400 拜訪傳承基金會阮女芳總經理 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂黑導 1210 東元藝術體驗營 1010-1015 合唱團彩排

1140-1200 原聲禮讚演出 阿貫藍蔚小


- 31 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1219 1200-1400 陳皓玫mdash討論華航機票優惠 阿貫藍蔚和

道黑導 1220 召開第 3 屆第 4 次理監事會聯席會議 1221 1200-1400 胡卓君mdash討論香港演出事宜 阿貫和道黑導

1225 南投縣長就職典禮演出 阿滿BukutUliBalan小呂

1226 0900-1100 聚點影視公司與藏傳佛教協會理事長討論贊助原

聲事宜 藍蔚阿貫小呂

1229 1220-1310 台大志工期末分享會(藍蔚阿貫小呂Uli 彩霞) 1900-2100 共乘即時通技術討論會議協辦(藍蔚小呂漢


101 1400-1630 星空志工amp網頁更新會議(美智漢克理查宗

佑宜蕙文鴻敬恆羅揚) 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 103 1130-1300 原聲學生社團成立會議 藍蔚阿貫

Jessica 109 1100-1330 與姒元忠鳳文討論歐洲行程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

110 去高雄拜訪贊助人-吳老闆 阿貫小呂 112 1600-1700 台北新辦公室場勘 淑媛藍蔚彩霞

113 1000-1200 八方雲集公司拍照募款 藍蔚阿貫小呂

114 1430-1630 振興醫院場勘 藍蔚阿貫小呂

121 1400-1630 徐匯中學+蘆洲功學社場勘及簽約 藍蔚阿貫小


124 召開第 3 屆第 5 次理監事會聯席會議 經常性工作 1 每月 1 日支付辦公室租金(轉帳) 2 每月 18 日信用卡捐款授權日 3 每月 30 日支付教師授課鐘點費(轉帳)員林客運學生專車費(支票)及餐點菜金 4 每週統計學生出席率及作業繳交情形每月底繳交工作日誌 5 志工上山前一日辦理旅遊平安險

- 32 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年工作計畫

前言 台灣原聲音樂學校是一所體制外假日住宿學校為社團法人台灣原聲教育協會於 2008 年

5 月在南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳成立目前借用信義鄉羅娜國小及東埔國小校舍上課每年 2月在信義鄉招收各部落小學二年級的原住民學童(6 成多為布農族籍)其中近 9 成來自低收



擁有選擇未來人生的能力和權利直到他們大學畢業 原聲音樂學校下設原聲童聲合唱團A cappella(阿卡貝拉)人聲樂團及打擊樂團以音



會員大會 136 人

理事會 15 人 監事會 5 人


洪春滿 監事會主席

黃 生

行政組 音樂學校 125 人









高二 7 人高一 8 人 國三 12 人國二 14 人

國一 16 人小六 21 人

小五 16 人小四 17 人

小三 14 人








A cappella 團






馬聖堯蕭淑敏 馬胤哲

- 33 -

服務對象南投縣信義鄉水里鄉仁愛箱各部落原住民學生 1 人數2014 年 12 月小三至高二為 125 人(高中 15 人國中 42 人國小 68 人)

20085 第 1 次招生錄取小二~四 42 人(20148 升 9~11 年級餘 26 人留校率 62) 20092 第 2 次招生錄取小二 21 人(20148 升八年級餘 14 人留校率 67) 20102 第 3 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升七年級餘 16 人留校率 57) 20112 第 4 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升六年級餘 21 人留校率 75) 20122 第 5 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 升五年級餘 16 人留校率 80) 20132 第 6 次招生錄取小二 25 人(20148 升四年級餘 18 人留校率 72) 20142 第 7 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 生三年級餘 14 人留校率 70) 20152 第 8 次招生預計錄取小二 20 人

2 學生名單

3 學生性別

性別 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 女 5 4 11 8 13 11 7 9 6 74 男 2 4 1 6 3 10 9 8 8 51 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125

人數 年級 學生姓名

7 十一 谷佳芳 司侑宗 松瑋恩 田景文 史婉容 伊部塔給鹿敦 謝孟庭

8 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 幸念緹 全心潔 全雅安 史志祥 史凱文 謝韶翔 司念祖 松皓淵 幸詩涵 司季璇 王卉軒 司莉君

12 九 司孟奾 史 庭 松夢葶 松夢筑 田雨卉 伍冠因 田芷恆 田芷婷 幸于辰 幸雪芬 松昱希 全襄柔 司季欣

14 八 松憓婷 松雅各 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶 幸美茹 松昱蕎 幸雪芳 申 薇 全襄娃 司 美 全芷芸 全唯芯

16 七 李羽妃 石伯華 何瑞耘 全 芊 松慈媗 伍主兒 伍宇欣 方 政 幸明仁 全雅平 松詠婕 申雨軒 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 全家榆 松鈺婷

田鎞鎷 松雅德 伍雨晨 伍承琳 伍邵恩 尤蘇諾乃家納 全文祥 21 六

何家程 林郁家 松慈芸 伍 恩 伍明威 釀恩塔給鹿敦

谷巧玟 全郁華 金芊璦 賴念慈 幸聖君 司曄宇 田有宏 全亞恩 16 五

全聖煜 伍恩婕 史俊祥 李 謙 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍主恩 伍約翰

幸明山 松冠銘 谷 薰 金家儀 田祈宏 全光榮 司若庭 向 萱 呂宇澤17 四

陽詠智 林采萱 馬妤芯 史 灝 方 琪 方 圓 伍書韓 伍皓詳

辜歆菲 呂啓佑 松毓傑 司曄恩 金佑翊 全若綺 史念恩 14 三

史祥恩 松耀祖 史玥兒 王 讓 馬沛羽 林凡羽 伍奇浩

- 34 - 2 學生背景所屬部落族群家庭環境

(1)所屬部落 部落 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 潭南 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 14 雙龍 1 2 1 3 1 1 9 地利 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 12 人和 1 2 3 明德 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 12 豐丘 3 1 1 3 8 新鄉 1 2 1 1 5 羅娜 3 2 2 3 3 5 2 20 久美 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 12 望鄉 2 2 1 2 1 8 東埔 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 22 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


族群 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 布農 5 6 9 10 8 16 10 9 9 82

布農漢 1 2 2 4 3 1 5 2 20

布農泰雅 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9

布農鄒 1 1 1 1 4

布農太魯閣 1 1 1 1 4

布農賽德克 1 1 1 3

布農阿美 1 1 2

泰雅漢 1 1

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


家境 高二 高一 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計

低收入 5 7 10 11 12 16 13 14 12 100 80

小康 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 25 20

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125 100

- 35 -


南投縣政府於民國 102 年 10 月公布「南投縣縣立中小學實驗教育學校設置要點」信義

鄉羅娜國小於 103 年 8 月據以向南投縣政府申請開辦實驗教育學校已獲南投縣政府於 103年 11 月 17 日「府教學字第 1030226302 號」函告審查通過讓原聲音樂學校實體化進度向前

邁進一大步期望於 2016 年成立實體學校以下為 2015 年目標重點 培養原住民典範人才 一 與信義鄉各部落國小溝通協調尋覓最適學校開辦實驗教育規劃校園建築配置設計

校舍及景觀 二 使用中華電信基金會提供之 Joinnet 視訊平台實施互動式遠距教學初期由 7 年級英文及

9 年級數學課開始試用 三 支援信義國中「數位學伴」支援台大學生利用 Joinnet 視訊平台擔任信義國中學生每週

晚自習課之遠距家教 四 高國中部皆設班級導師國中學生身心成長迅速需請具專業素養瞭解布農文化且

深富愛心耐心之老師來陪伴和協助孩子 五 針對高中生量身打造個別輔導課


補與平地學生間之學習落差 六 輔導國三學生生涯探索適當選擇升學進路九年級 12 位學生於 2015 年暑假將邁入下


力選擇適當志願 七 擬訂並執行原住民師生海外遊學辦法與公益平台文化基金會合作辦理 八 支援信義鄉同富國中信義國中及仁愛鄉親愛國小教學資源 九 支援部落文化活動舉辦玉山星空音樂會族語闖關比賽布農詩歌比賽等活動支援

全國原住民運動會開幕表演 讓世界聽見玉山唱歌 一錄製音樂專輯傳揚來自玉山的純淨天籟作為贈送贊助者之禮物 二赴歐洲巡演預定於 2015 年 8 月底至 9 月初赴德國波蘭奧地利三國巡演擬於法蘭

克福柏林波茲南 Poznań維也納等城市演出並與維也納少年合唱團同台演唱交流

- 36 -



1 學期中數學英文及國文依年級分班合唱課分為一二團兩班

高一二每週六上午數學下午 A capella(在台北上課)

國二三每週二三晚數位學伴遠距課業輔導 2 寒暑假 寒假1 週冬令營 (台北白金錄音室錄製音樂專輯) 暑假1 週夏令營(與台北市建國中學人文社會資優班長期合作辦理) 暑假6 週學習營每週全日上課 4 天實施數學英語國文及合唱打擊樂教學出

國演唱 2 週 二合唱團及打擊樂團 1 合唱團(一團)指揮mdash馬彼得鋼琴伴奏mdash趙慧菁 (1)十八姑娘(客語) (2)火金姑叼位去(台語) (3)酒矸倘賣無(國語) (4)愛情樹(國語) (5)快樂天堂(國語) (6)原住民組曲(族語) 2 打擊樂團指導老師mdash陳姿伶

新生小鼓基本練習木琴基本練習Mickey Mouse March 就地取材打擊Stinkinrsquo Garbagekipahpah imaLittle star 人身打擊Our Favorite Son 舊生合奏曲 Tijuana SambaEine Kleine TischmusikLidsThe William Tell Overture

星期六 國二三 國一 國小 0830-1200 數學 1200-1320 午餐午休

1320-1610 理化 合唱 生物(1 次月)

合唱 打擊樂

1620-1710 作業時間 1710-2000 沐浴晚餐閱讀打掃 2000-2130 少年團契小品音樂會電影欣賞

2130~ 就寢

星期日 國二三 國一 國小 0700-0800 起床早餐運動

0810-1000 國文社會 語文閱讀

1010-1200 作業時間 合唱

1200-1250 午餐午休

1300-1550 英文 1550-1610 打掃放學

(7) Palis angelicus(拉丁語) (8) Mozart Alleluia(拉丁語) (9) Ode an die Freude(德語) (10) Edelweiss(英語) (11) Adieu sweet amaryllis(英語) (12) Hymm to Freedom(英語)

- 37 -

3 A cappella 合唱團指導老師mdash劉郁如

(1)基礎樂理音感節奏感讀譜訓練 (2)練習 A cappella 曲目 (3)練習 A cappella 簡易編曲 (4)練習 Beat-box 人聲伴奏

三師資 1 行政人員

校長洪春滿mdash負責校務及語文閱讀課程 秘書Uli 馬慧如mdash負責學校教務學務輔導及家長聯絡事宜 秘書Balan 梁賜輝mdash負責學校庶務財務及志工事宜 秘書李彩霞mdash負責協會行政業務及出納

2 學科教師

數學劉水池(北一女退休教師)曾明德(台北南門國中教師) 陳清河(新竹德霖技術學院教授)林宜城(南投漳興國小校長) 林麗敏蕭玉鳳林麗娟林紀穎(漳興國小及中寮國小教師) 英文陳聞詩姚淑美(建中退休教師)葉芳吟(台北國中英文教師輔導團) 陳怡帆蕭慧鈞(台大外文系畢國中實習教師) 劉原良張藝寶(靜宜大學應用英語系教授及研究生) 蕭淑敏(麥偲克補習班英語教師)楊鈞堯(羅娜國小英文專長替代役) 理化黃錦珠(國中理化退休教師)生物薛如娟(北一女退休教師) 社會馬聖堯(台中教育大學)馬胤哲(台北教育大學) 合唱馬彼得(羅娜國小校長)趙慧菁(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 打擊樂陳姿伶(國立台灣交響樂團管樂團團員) A cappella劉郁如(Voco Novo 團長) 四校外教學及演出 1 表演活動結合校外教學參觀等豐富多元學習活動以拓展視野薰陶素養 2 年度專場演出次數 8 場以不影響課程及學生作息為原則 3 參加公益活動以教導學生感恩回饋

高一二 9 年級 8 年級 7 年級 6 年級 5 年級 4 年級 3 年級 2 年級 數學 劉水池 曾明德 陳清河 馬聖堯 林麗敏 林宜城 蕭玉鳳 林麗娟 林紀穎 英文 陳聞詩 蕭淑敏 陳怡帆 葉芳吟 楊鈞堯 劉原良 姚淑美 張藝寶 蕭慧鈞 導師 馬聖堯 蕭淑敏 馬胤哲 馬聖堯 -- -- -- -- --

- 38 - 預定活動


1 辦理親職教育及家長讀書會 (1) 2015 年預定召開 4~6 次座談會期許家長作孩子榜樣(戒酒努力工作等)並請家

長互相分享教養心得及相互勉勵 (2)每雙月舉行家長讀書會由健康飲食親子教育心理行為等類書為始鼓勵家長

閱讀學習並以身教做孩子榜樣 2 舉辦玉山星空音樂會

預定 3 月 21 日晚間於羅娜國小運動場舉辦預定邀請 Voco Novo 合唱團阿美族歌手以

莉高露以及在地的布農族古謠合唱團和原聲童聲合唱團原聲 A cappella 團共同演出

日期(星期) 活動名稱 地點 主辦單位 128-30(三-五) 原聲音樂學校冬令營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園廣場 衛武營藝術文化中

心籌備處 2224(一三) 原聲童聲合唱團寒訓營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 26(五) HTC 尾牙感恩音樂會 南港展覽館 飛虹公關整合行銷 27(六) 原聲會員大會成果發表 建國中學 原聲教育協會 29-13(日-五) 錄製音樂專輯 功學社音樂廳 原聲教育協會 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 328-29(六-日) 全國原住民運動會開幕式 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台鐵大樓 竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 76-11(一-六) 原聲建中成長營(夏令營) 東埔國小 建國中學 713-16(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 720-23(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 727-30(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 731(五) 原聲長榮聯合音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保經公司 83-6(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 810-13 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 卡度基督長老教會 原聲教育協會 817-20 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 828-910(五-四) 歐洲巡演 德國波蘭奧地利 Vocal Asia 1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 111(日) 南松山天主堂獻詩 南松山天主堂 原聲教育協會 125(六) 原聲親愛音樂會 新竹市立演藝廳 心築愛樂 1212(六) 原聲親子運動會 羅娜國小運動場 原聲教育協會

- 39 -

3 舉辦布農詩歌合唱比賽

預定於 12 月農閒時期舉辦提供優厚獎金以鼓勵族人傳承發揚布農歌謠提供各部落


音樂會表演 4 引介資源

(1)引介扶輪社為東埔國小及親愛國小學生製作制服 (2)引介統一星巴客咖啡提供設備及協助信義國中實施職涯探索咖啡特色課程 (3)引介雅丰診所至信義鄉義診 (4)快樂麗康髮廊每月上山義剪 (5)推介日本仙台大專生訪台行腳至望鄉及東埔部落進行認識布農生態文化之旅 (6)關懷生命協會林雅哲醫師團隊至信義鄉實施貓犬義務絕育活動

5 教會詩歌見證預定赴仁愛鄉教會獻詩


一九年級升學成績12 位畢業生預期 6 人升入高中6 人進入高職 二二年級至九年級學習成效

項目 效益 指標 知識 知道好的學習

行為 90孩子至少理解三項正確的學習行為(準時上學完成作業

認真閱讀) 行為 實行好的學習

行為 留校率達 90全勤率達 50閱讀課外優良讀物平均達到 40本最少者不低於 20 本

成績 好的學習成就 80小學生成績居全班前 1470國中生成績居全班前 12 三合唱團練習成效複習 50 首舊曲目學會 12 首新曲目 四打擊樂團練習成效學會 4~5 首打擊樂曲 五A cappella 團成效學會 4~5 首心曲目 六學科學習成效以教師上課紀錄志工觀課札記學生成長日誌及學習回饋單評量

日期 教會名稱 日期 教會名稱 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 111(日) 南松山天主堂

- 40 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年收支預算表 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日

科 目 年度 2014 年 2015 年說 明 款項目 名稱 預算數 預算數 1 本會收入 26360600 23358900 1-1 入會費 0 0不收新會員 1-2 常年會費 136000 1360001000人136 1-3 捐款 25352600 21932000 1-4 補助收入 780000 1200000申請政府補助 1-5 其他收入 92000 90900存款利息 2 本會支出 26360600 23358900 2-1 人事費 382200 436800 2-2 辦公費 324600 294700 2-3 業務費 16098500 14207000 2-3-1 課業輔導費 4123500 4742000 2-3-2 教材教具講義費 1047000 747000 2-3-3 餐點營養費 864000 700000 2-3-4 交通旅運費 1485000 1800000 2-3-5 獎助學金 793200 753200 2-3-6 假期營隊活動 790000 320000冬令營及夏令營 2-3-7 教學及演出活動費 2660000 6520000含歐洲巡演旅費 2-3-8 其他業務費 240500 229000

2-3-9 部落服務活動費 3020000 2080000玉山星空音樂會部落

古謠比賽等 2-3-10 業務推展費 1075300 2575800合唱專輯製作等 2-4 購置費 0 0 2-5 折舊 0 0 2-6 專案-建校基金 8300000 1000000建校規劃

2-7 提撥基金 1255300 1160400收入 5 3 本期餘絀 0 0

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

- 41 -


一收入 2015 年所需經費劇增募款壓力亦加重本協會仍將以捐款贈送音樂專輯方式努力推

展小額募款不但可宣揚原聲教育理念且可收聚沙成塔眾志成城之功2014 年單位捐款

迄今為 604 萬元較 2013 年的 655 萬元略有衰退或因高雄氣爆事件使善款較為集中於彼

惟根據歷年經驗工商行號於年底結算若有盈餘時亦會尋找特定目標贊助 二支出

2015 年預定至德國法蘭克福柏林波蘭的波茲南奧地利的維也納等地巡演且開始


726 萬元之鉅約占全年支出總預算之 13 社團法人台灣原聲教育協會工作人員待遇表

2015 年 1 月 1 日

職 稱 姓名 性別 到職日 月支薪資 備 註

秘 書 長 孫蘭芳 女 9771 15000 專職(全數捐回協會)

教務執行秘書 馬慧如 女 102831 25300 專職

總務執行秘書 梁賜輝 男 10261 25300 專職

出納及行政 李彩霞 女 10351 33000 專職

攝影紀錄 呂克勝 男 10291 20000 兼職

合 計 118600

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

一月 二月 三月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

11-4 新年放假 117 電子報出刊(11~12 月) 124 第 3 屆 5th 理監事會議 127 休業日 128-30 寒假學習營

21 高雄衛武營榕園音樂會 22 24 合唱團上課 26 HTC 感恩音樂會 27 原聲會員大會及成果發

表會 28 振興醫院公益演唱 29-13 合唱團錄音(國三生

上課) 215-23 放假(218 除夕 219春節) 224 開學日 227-28 二二八紀念日連假

31 二二八紀念日連假 37 原聲始業 38 家長座談會

314 電子報出刊(1~2 月號) 314 第 3 屆 6th 理監事會議 321 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會

325-26 日本仙台高中生參訪

望鄉東埔部落 328 全國原住民運動會開幕

表演 329 全國原住民運動會音樂

四月 五月 六月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

31 43 合唱團上課 43-6 婦幼節及清明節放假 45 復活節 411 台鐵大樓慈善音樂會 412 桃園中正扶輪社音樂會


52 微熱山丘總店市集演出

(其他學生照常上課) 58 布農日 510 母親節 516 電子報出刊(3~4 月號)530 監察院舍百年紀念音樂

613 第 3 屆 7th 理監事會議 620-21 端午節連假 628 原聲休業及家長座談會

630 休業日

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

七月 八月 九月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30

30 31 75-11 原聲建中成長營 713-16 語文學習營 718 電子報出刊(5~6 月號) 720-23 727-30 英文學習營

(國際志工服務) 731 原聲長榮聯合音樂會


81 磊山保經感恩音樂會(華山文創) 83-6 810-13 數學學習營 817-20 合唱團集訓及補課 822 第 3 屆 8th 理監事會議

828-31 歐洲巡演 831 開學日

91-11 歐洲巡演 919 電子報出刊(7~8 月號) 919 原聲始業 920 家長座談會 926-28 連假(927 中秋節)

十月 十一月 十二月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

109-11 國慶放假 1031 幸福親子公益音樂會


111 台北南松山天主堂獻詩

1120 電子報出刊(9~10 月

號) 1126 感恩節

125 原聲親愛音樂會(新竹演

藝廳) 1212 族語闖關親子運動

會才藝表演晚會 1220 國中生母語認證考試 1219 第 3 屆 9th 理監事會議

1219-2026-27 聖誕節放假

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日 2015 年原聲上課日數78 日

1 月 10-1117-1824-2528-30 9 7 月 6-1013-1620-2327-30 17 2 月 24 2 8 月 3-610-1317-20 12 3 月 7-814-15 4 9 月 19-20 2 4 月 318-1925-26 5 10 月 3-417-1824-25 6 5 月 316-1723-24 5 11 月 7-814-1521-2228-29 8 6 月 6-713-1427-28 6 12 月 12-13 2

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2014 年台灣原聲教育協會推展原住民族國際交流合作計畫 一計畫名稱美國「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」交流參訪 二計畫緣起

1 「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」去年獲邀前往美國出席「2013 UNITY( United National Indian Tribal Youth ) Conference 印地安原住民青年聯盟年會」開幕獻唱為加強聯繫交流爰

邀請「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」參加本年 3 月於南投縣信義鄉舉辦之「玉


並吸取該團辦理及培訓原住民青年組織經驗 2 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」總部設於美國奧克拉荷馬州為美加地區原住民青


地與學習成為向美國與世界發聲的原住民代表本年將由UNITY執行長Mary Kim Titla及 1 位協會工作幹部帶領 6 名美國各州印第安學生代表組成「UNITY-印地安原住民青

年聯盟代表團」參訪台灣原住民文化 3 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」擬邀請我國原住民團體代表出席該會 2014 年 7 月於

西雅圖年會活動並參與擔任該組織友邦團體 三計畫目標藉由交流互動分享部落成長經驗學習國際培育原住民青年組織經驗

建立國際交流管道 四指導及辦理單位 指導單位行政院原住民族委員會外交部

主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 協辦單位慧智文教基金會美國加州舊金山灣區志工 五計畫實施期間103 年 3 月 13 日(星期四)至 22 日(星期六) 六計畫實施地點南投縣花蓮縣台東縣屏東縣台北市 七計畫內容

(一)資源分析 台灣原聲教育協會 httpvoxnativaorg 負責活動規劃行程安排 慧智文教基金會 httpwwwwceoprogramorg及舊金山志工負責經費籌措及落地接待 南投縣信義鄉公所主辦「玉山星空音樂會」 行程承攬為姊妹旅行社(桃園市萬壽路 3 段 156 號 1 樓03-3340928)

(二)人員參與情形 「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」8 人 1 Mary Kim Titla Executive Director UNITY

2 Christine Porter Mohawk is the Youth Council Coordinator with the Ft McDowell Education Division on Ft McDowell Yavapai Reservation

3 Tyler Owens president for the Akimel OrsquoodhamPee-Posh Youth Council Chairperson for the Inter-Tribal Youth Council of Arizonarsquos planning committee

4 Simon Montelongo He belongs to the Eastern Band Cherokee tribe and is from Cherokee North Carolina He is a returning member of the Executive Committee as the Southeast Area Representative and is looking forward to yet another successful year for UNITY

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5 Santana Little Bear Johnson Southern Plains Representative for this years Executive Committee (EC)

6 Aaron Leaureaux member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Treasurer and founding members of the Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council

7 Alex Toledo UNITY Regions Representative for the Southwest Region 8 Carrie Hood comes from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation located in Phoenix Arizona Shersquos currently the 2013-2014 Miss Fort McDowell


(四)計畫進度 102 年 12 月底前完成訪團邀請行程規劃地點探勘經費預算 103 年 1 月完成訪團名單確認各組工作分配(活動組行政組公關組總務組 接待組) 103 年 2 月完成經費籌募計畫演練 103 年 3 月計畫執行 103 年 4 月完成經費結報與計畫檢討

(五)人力分工(參與計畫工作人員名單現職及其負責人之工作項目) 姓名 職稱 工作分配 洪春滿 原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 活動組 馬彼得 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 活動組 孫藍蔚 原聲教育協會秘書長 行政組

日期 活動內容 3 月 13 日(四) 抵達桃園國際機場 3 月 14 日(五) 前往日月潭(邵族)

3 月 15 日(六) 1拜會南投縣信義鄉 2參訪原住民文創產業-梅子夢工廠 3出席 2014 年玉山星空音樂會(布農族)

3 月 16 日(日) 1拜會原住民學校-羅娜國小參訪「原聲音樂專業學校」校址預定

地及簡報建校計畫 2前往屏東參觀原住民族文化園區(排灣族)

3 月 17 日(一) 1參訪屏東霧台部落(魯凱族) 2前往台東住宿布農部落休閒農場

3 月 18 日(二) 1參觀台東布農部落與蝴蝶谷(布農族) 2參觀台東史前文化博物館與卑南文化公園

3 月 19 日(三) 1參訪吉籟獵人學校(阿美族) 2前往太魯閣國家公園

3 月 20 日(四) 1參訪太魯閣國家公園 2經宜蘭返回台北

3 月 21 日(五) 1拜會原住民族委員會及僑務委員會 3 月 22 日(六) 1參觀故宮中正紀念堂101 大樓


- 46 -

廖阿貫 原聲教育協會理事長 行政組 馬慧如 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 行政組 梁賜輝 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 行政組 全秋雄 南投縣信義鄉鄉公所觀光所所長 公關組 賴美智 慧智文教基金會執行長 總務組 車和道 原聲教育協會海外代表 接待組 何台光 石氏基金會執行長 接待組

(六)文宣方式報紙電視社群網站社團動員 八預期效益 1 藉由交流互動學習營造原住民社群與組織 2 建立原住民對話管道為台灣在國際發聲 3 培育原住民國際觀傳承發展原住民青年領導能力 4 促進文化交流提升台灣能見度 九經費預算表 UNITY 團8 人出席行程9 天 8 夜領隊車和道

經費項目 單價 數量 總價 計算方式及說明 1人事費 小計 (1)機票費 $50000人 8 $400000 內陸及國際航程機票 (2)餐費 $500日人 98 $36000 9 天餐費

$300日人 98 $21600 租用遊覽車費 $75人 8 $600 環島過路費停車費 $450人 8 $3600 入管制山區接駁車費用

(3)交通費 (含遊覽車停車費

接駁車船費) $125人 8 $1000 船費(日月潭遊船) 小計 旅館費 8 夜

3住宿費 $1800日人 88 $115200 住宿日月潭雲品飯店東埔沙里仙渡假




4雜支 小計 (1)食宿費 $2000日人 91 $18000 英語導覽員餐點及住宿費 (2)導覽費 $3000日人 81 $24000 英語導覽員每日 3 千元


$2945人 8 $23560 門票含原住民文化園區梅子夢工廠台




租借台北 101 大樓觀景台

(3)保險費 $100日人 98 $7200 9 日旅遊平安保險費 (4)其他 $600日人 93 $16200 司機領隊食宿及小費 總計 $666960 元

- 47 -

左 1 為原聲海外代表車和道左 2 為 UNITY 理事會秘書 Christine Porter Mohawk 2014315 於信義鄉羅娜村

UNITY 團員合影留念右 1 為信義鄉史強鄉長左 1 為 UNITY 執行長 Mayr Kim Titla(頭戴史鄉長贈


- 48 -

2014 年台灣原聲音樂學校國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

一 目的讀萬卷書行萬里路他山之石可以攻錯

二 日期2014 年 8 月 8 日(星期五)至 8 月 15 日(星期五)

三 主辦單位台灣原聲教育協會

四 協辦單位內本鹿人文工作室

五 參加人員

學生8 人(4 女 4 男)


師長志工4 人(3 男 1 女)


六 乘車資訊員林客運 20 人座中型巴士(8~10 日)

0730 東埔國小(谷皓傑史凱文謝韶翔)rarr0755 晨軒梅莊(馬聖堯馬胤哲馬胤

凱吳松儒吳璠)rarr0805 信義鄉公所rarr0820 玉山國家公園管理處(幸念緹全心潔

全雅安幸琳茹)rarr0850 竹山交流道rarr經國道三號rarr1050 高雄rarr高雄茂林鄉

七 活動地點

88(五) 南投東埔rarr高雄茂林鄉

89(六) 高雄茂林鄉rarr屏東縣霧台鄉

810(日) 屏東縣霧台鄉rarr台東縣延平鄉桃源村內本鹿「布農山林文化體驗營」

813(三) 台東縣桃源鄉rarr花蓮市海星高中

814(四) 花蓮市海星高中rarr太魯閣國家公園rarr花蓮市海星高中

815(五) 花蓮海星高中rarr南投縣信義鄉東埔

八 住宿

88(星期五)多娜民宿負責人馬秀玉 0910-708089 兩間團體房男女各 1 間 15002


89(星期六)撒拉伯民宿 負責人柯啟川 salabu巴佳英 lailai

902 屏東縣霧台鄉霧台村神山巷 14-6 號 08-790-2277 0921-003590



四人房2 間2000 6 人房12500(含 810 早餐)

89 晚餐 200人(可在附近吃完再去民宿)


傍晚兵分兩路遊覽車載 9 人到桃源村另再載聖堯胤哲松儒 3 人到台東鹿野車站

1台東桃源村 內本鹿人文工作室辦理的[布農山林文化體驗營]

活動時間2014810~13(共 4 天)810 下午 5 點到桃源村813 下午 5 點至鹿野車站

2 花蓮海洋營馬聖堯馬胤哲吳松儒

- 49 -


十經費概算 項目 內容 金額 備註

遊覽車(8~10 三天) 27000 9000天 車資 火車票_台東鹿野-花蓮 2768 1815~莒光 23912

住宿 高雄茂林多娜民宿 3000 全棟 2 大間房 屏東霧台撒拉布民宿 6500 4 人房 2 間6 人房 1 間 活動 台東布農山林文化體驗營 31500 35009 餐費 88 中餐+89 中晚餐+810 中餐 7800 150134 總計 78568

時間 內容 早餐 自理 上午 東埔rarr高雄市茂林區 中餐 自理 下午 打獵體驗 晚餐 多娜民宿供應美食

8 月 8 日 (星期五)

晚上 自由活動

早餐 民宿供應

上午 出發到屏東縣霧台社區

中餐 自理

下午 霧台社區文化部落的洗禮---石板部落屋群魯凱文物館卡拉瓦之家


晚餐 自理

8 月 9 日 (星期六)

晚上 住宿霧台部落撒拉伯民宿 早餐 民宿供應

上午 Sabaw 霧台--再見雲豹的故鄉rarr台東市

中餐 自理 下午 參觀國立臺灣史前文化博物館臺東市博物館路 1 號rarr台東桃源鄉

8 月 10 日 (星期日)

晚餐 參加布農山林文化體驗營

8 月 11 日

-13 日 (星期一)



8 月 14 日

(星期四) 全天


8 月 15 日

(星期五) 全天


- 50 - 布農山林文化體驗營

一 集散時間810下午 5點來到桃源村813下午 5點送至鹿野車站結束

二 活動費用每人 3500 元(含講師費食宿活動糧食旅平險車站接駁)

三 聯絡人katu(柯俊雄) 0911‐334448

四 課程大綱

前一天 810 第一天 811 第二天 812 第三天 13













































二攜帶裝備 如不需帶上山的物品或衣物可協助保管於下山後領取

項目 說明

穿著裝備 T恤長袖長褲 (衣褲以輕便易乾排汗的材質為佳)

揹負裝備 背式背包(需協助背負公裝與公糧)

吃飯裝備 碗筷(鋼杯為佳)

走路裝備 本次路線泥土與石子路穿著雨鞋尤佳搭配厚襪可準備拖鞋於營地使用

照明裝備 因有夜間狩獵體驗行程建議使用頭燈出門前檢查是否夠亮需攜帶備用電池

禦寒裝備 厚外套(晚上睡覺以穿著保暖外套作為睡袋)

遮陽裝備 鴨舌帽或頭巾防曬乳視個人需求

雨衣裝備 輕便雨衣即可(上下兩段式為佳)

水壺 每日所需之行動水

糖果餅乾 建議可帶巧克力乾糧牛奶糖咖啡包可可亞等

個人藥品 請視個人身體狀況準備

文具 小本筆記本與筆 1隻衛生紙垃圾袋(自己垃圾自己帶回)

備用衣物 下山後更換的衣物

- 51 -

2014 年原聲音樂學校花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫


蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會於 2011 年選擇在太平洋左岸的美麗小漁村鹽寮設立扮演推展



有正確的認識與觀念相信透過認識海洋親近海洋能夠讓下一代更深刻的愛上海洋臺灣 當蘇帆碰到了原聲玉山連結了太平洋山上的布農族孩子有了在太平洋划獨木舟的機


蓮海星中學一起籌辦 海星中學推動原住民教育不遺餘力設立有原住民音樂與文化專班培養學生多元能力



活動日程 一門諾會醫院義演88(五)1900-2000 二慈濟醫參訪及義演89(六)0820-1530 三「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會89(六)1900-2100 四海洋學習營810(日)~813(三) 五太魯閣國家公園之旅814(四)

活動地點 一 基督教門諾會醫院壽豐分院(花蓮縣壽豐鄉共和村魚池 52 號) 二 天主教海星中學(花蓮縣新城鄉嘉新村嘉新路 36 號03-8223116) 三 慈濟精舍靜思小築(花蓮縣新城鄉康樂村精舍街 88 巷 1 號) 四 慈濟醫院靜思堂(花蓮市中央路 3 段 703 號) 五 花蓮縣台灣原住民族文化館(花蓮市北興路 460 號) 六 蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會(花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村鹽寮 148 號) 七 國立東華大學(花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路 2 段 1 號)

- 52 -

學生名單86+7人(50 女 43 男)

人數 年級 姓 名

7 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 全心潔 全雅安 幸念緹 史凱文 謝韶翔

8 八 幸于辰 松昱希 全襄柔 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶

七 伍宇欣 伍主兒 方 政 松慈媗 全 芊 李羽妃 石伯華 全芷芸 15

七 司 美 全襄娃 幸雪芳 松昱蕎 幸美茹 申 薇 全唯芯 何瑞耘

六 伍 恩 伍明威 松慈芸 林郁家 何家程 全文祥 尤蘇諾 六 伍承琳 伍邵恩 伍雨晨 松雅德 全家榆 松鈺婷 19 六 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 申雨軒 全雅平 幸明仁 松詠婕 五 伍約翰 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍恩婕 王凱嚴 史俊祥 全聖煜 田有宏

14 五 賴念慈 谷巧玟 伍主恩 金芊璦 全郁華 司曄宇

四 方 琪 伍皓詳 史 灝 林采萱 向 萱 何恩淑 伍書韓 呂宇澤 16

四 司若庭 全光榮 田祈宏 金家儀 谷 薰 幸明山 松冠銘 陽詠智

三 伍奇浩 林凡羽 馬沛羽 史玥兒 松耀祖 史祥恩 史念恩 14

三 全若綺 呂啓佑 松毓傑 辜歆菲 金佑翊 司曄恩 王 讓

說明事項十年級參加壯遊於 813 傍晚會合於花蓮

師長志工名單 師長12+2人 Bukut 團長慧菁(伴奏)姿伶(打擊樂)Uli(教導)Balan(總務)彩霞(行政)黑導(舞台總

監)小呂(攝影)藍蔚師阿貫師聖堯胤哲富州程瀚程芸 志工4+3人 田景文黃敬恆柳宜蕙鍾昭慶吳 璠吳松儒馬胤凱 參加壯遊

- 53 -


88 (星期五) 時間 活動內容 備註

0730~1700 東埔rarr花蓮縣壽豐鄉門諾分院 高雄或屏東午餐 1700~1800 走位彩排 門諾分院大廳 1800~1850 晚餐 門諾招待飯捲 1850~1900 準備 1900~2000 『禮讚門諾敬頌上帝』義演 門諾分院大廳

2000~2020 門諾分院rarr海星中學 2020~2050 Check in 及認識環境 海星中學學生宿舍

2050~2130 沐浴洗衣

2130~ 進入夢鄉

89 (星期六) 時間 活動內容 備註

0630~0700 起床盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳 0800~0830 海星中學rarr慈濟精舍靜思小築 0830~0930 參訪精舍 分高中低年級 3 組 0930~1000 靜思小築rarr慈濟醫院靜思堂 醫院正門下車 1000~1130 靜思堂參訪(先看慈濟簡介影片) 靜思堂 B2 220 講堂 1130~1230 午餐 同心圓餐廳

1230~1240 慈濟醫院rarr海星中學 經大學人文教室至大喜館停車場

1240~1430 午休 1430~1445 海星中學rarr慈濟醫院 醫院正門下車 1445~1500 走位 慈濟醫院大廳 1500~1530 義演 原下午茶時段 1530~1545 慈濟醫院rarr原住民族文化館 1545~1745 彩排 1745~1820 晚餐 1820~1850 更衣準備 原民館 1900~2100 『太平洋聽玉山唱歌』音樂會原民館 2100~2120 原民館rarr海星中學 2120~2200 沐浴洗衣

2200~ 進入夢鄉

- 54 -

810-13 (星期日-三)

810(日) 811(一) 812(二) 813(三) ~0630 起床 0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐海星 0800~0850 閱讀寫作業 0900~0950 1000~1050 1100~1150

高海泳 中引導教育 低參訪東華

高參訪東華 中翡翠谷溯溪 低海泳

高獨木舟默契 中參訪東華 低翡翠谷溯溪



賞鯨之旅 午餐午休

1150~1350 高蘇帆 中海星 低東華

高東華 中翡翠谷 低蘇帆

高蘇帆 中東華 低翡翠谷

高清水斷崖 中低多羅滿賞

鯨船 1400~1450 1500~1550 1600~1650

高獨木舟基礎 中海泳 低引導教育


中翡翠谷溯溪 低獨木舟基礎

高獨木舟模擬 中獨木舟基礎 低翡翠谷溯溪



1700~1750 沐浴洗衣 1800~1850 晚餐海星 1900~2100 高引導教育 中低影片欣賞 排練晚會節目 2100~ 進入夢鄉 說明事項 1 海泳與獨木舟場地在蘇帆基金會 2 引導教育(冒險教育-心理諮商)場地在海星高中禮堂 3 清水斷崖賞鯨之旅從花蓮港出發 4 清水斷崖獨木舟之旅從崇德沙灘出發


1 需備換洗衣物建議穿著泳裝下水 2 會暈船者請自備暈船藥 3 注意保暖

- 55 -


時間 活動內容 備註 0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐

0800~0900 海星中學rarr太魯閣國家公園

0900~1200 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1200~1250 午餐

1300~1500 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1500~1600 太魯閣國家公園rarr海星中學

1600~1700 準備惜別晚會 海星中學宿舍

1700~1750 沐浴洗衣

1800~1850 晚餐 海星中學餐廳

1900~2100 惜別晚會 海星中學教室

2100~ 進入夢鄉


時間 活動內容 備註 ~0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳

0800~0830 整理環境 海星中學宿舍

0835~0855 前往火車站 新城火車站

0900~0910 快閃 新城火車站

0920~1040 搭乘復興號火車至蘇澳新站

1040~1700 搭乘遊覽車回溫暖的家

- 56 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團衛武營音樂會行程 一日期2015 年 2 月 1 日(星期日)1530~1640 二地點高雄市衛武營榕園藝術廣場(高雄市鳳山區南京路 449-1 號) 三乘車資訊2 月 1 日(星期日)員林客運 938-WW 林介川 0982-988788

0730 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0750 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0800 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0805 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0835 水里玉管處rarr 0920 名間交流道rarr經國道 3rarr 1150 衛武營

四工作人員穿原聲制服或志工背心 阿蠻校長Uli皓玫敬恆伯峰小呂育銘藍蔚阿貫

五演出人員39 人(女 33 男 6) 指揮馬彼得 鋼琴伴奏趙慧菁 擊樂李謙 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣申 薇申雨軒伍承琳伍曉葳全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔向 萱

李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕 松鈺婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 9 男 4) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳幸雪芬 史俊祥田鎞鎷伍卲恩松雅德

六演出曲目 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 6 心肝寶貝(台語) 編曲冉天豪 7 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 8 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 9 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 10 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 11 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 12 We are the world(英語) 曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 13 明天會更好(國語) 編曲冉天豪 安可曲

七活動行程 時間 內容 備註 1150-1400 午餐午休 室內表演場 1400-1520 練習走位(音響確認)更衣 演員休息室 1530-1630 演出 榕園藝術廣場 1630-1700 更衣分發飯盒 演員休息室 1700-2030 衛武營rarr東埔

- 57 -

2015 年原聲音樂學校參加會員大會及義演錄音行程

一 活動目的展現學習成果感恩會員會友為長者演唱學習付出及回饋 二 活動日期2015 年 2 月 6 日至 2 月 14 日(星期五~六) 三 活動地點2 06(星期五)南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號)

2 07(星期六)建國高中夢紅樓二樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 2 08(星期日)振興醫院(台北市北投區振興街 45 號) 2 09(星期一)天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 2 10-13(星期二~五)功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號) 2 14(星期六)郭元益糕餅博物館(台北市士林區文林路 546 號 4 樓) 大黑松小倆口牛軋糖創意博物館(新北市土城區自強街 31-2 號)

四 乘車資訊2 月 6 日(星期五) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 0830 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0850 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0900 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0905 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0935 水里玉管處rarr 1020 名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr 1230南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號) 大巴 (44 人) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 Uli 師Balan 師方 琪伍 恩伍主兒伍宇欣林巧蝶伍約翰松慈芸松慈媗




賴念慈申 薇申雨軒幸明仁 原聲公務車(5 人)

阿蠻校長Bukut 校長伍承琳伍書韓向 萱 2 月 7 日(星期六) 中巴(9 人) 耐斯客運 A4-037 駱界華 0981-385512 0800 羅娜(國小大門)rarr 0805 久美rarr 0815 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0845 水里玉管處rarr 0930名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr1140 徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號)

姿伶師何進榮伍恩婕田有宏尤蘇諾何瑞耘何家程林郁家李 謙 五 台北工作人員

2 6(星期五)皓玫伯峰敬恆小呂藍蔚阿貫 2 7(星期六)皓玫伯峰敬恆宜蕙羅揚威愷柏哖小呂育銘彩霞 2 8(星期日)敬恆小呂彩霞美智仁達藍蔚阿貫

六 住宿地點天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 七 住宿人員

2 月 6 日2 月 8 日至 13 日(需 15 間寢室) 學生 45 人教師 5 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏

慧菁師)大學志工胤凱高中志工念緹皓傑 2 月 7 日 61 人(仍為 15 間寢室) 學生 52 人教師 6 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏


- 58 - 八 打擊樂團學生7 人(女 1 男 6)

尤蘇諾田有宏伍恩婕何家程何瑞耘李 謙林郁家 九 合唱團學生45 人(女 37 男 8)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十 成果發表曲目

打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 天下別無拯救(國語)3rsquo18rdquo 編曲林雲郎 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 乘著氣球上天空(日語)3rsquo05rdquo 編曲平吉毅州 7 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 8 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

十一公益演唱曲目(振興醫院) 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 台北的天空(國語)4rsquo30rdquo 編曲林福裕 4 故鄉(日語)2rsquo55rdquo 編曲田中和音 5 讓生命圓滿(國語)2rsquo40rdquo 編曲冉天豪 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 7 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

- 59 -

十二住宿分配(4 人 1 間)

2 月 6 日至 2 月 13 日 住宿 9 天 8 夜 序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友 1 阿滿校長Bukut 團長 9 佩婷宇欣昱蕎詠捷 2 Uli 師念緹主兒恩婕(27) 10 雪芬唯芯慈媗念慈 3 慧菁師一家姿伶(27) 11 芷芸雪芳慈芸方琪 4 季欣嘉馨雨軒書韓 12 巧蝶伍恩雨晨谷薰 5 襄柔申薇承琳曉葳 13 伯華明仁俊祥光榮 6 全芊襄娃雅平郁華 14 卲恩雅德約翰聖煜 7 羽妃美茹向萱家儀 15 Balan 師胤凱皓傑司機

(27) 8 詠祈司美家榆鈺婷 首位為室長次位為副室長

十三2 月 7 日(星期六) 住宿 1 晚

序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友

1 何爸瑞耘家程 13 尤蘇諾郁家(與伯華等同室)

14 李謙有宏(與卲恩等同室) 十四餐飲供應 日期 26(五) 27(六) 28(日) 29(一) 210(二) 211(三) 212(四) 213(五) 214(六)早餐 自家 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 午餐 自訂 八方 振興 八方 八方 八方 八方 八方 自訂 晚餐 自訂 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 徐匯 自家 十五活動行程(26-27)

2 月 6 日(星期五) 2 月 7 日(星期六) 0830~1230 東埔rarr南港展覽館 1230~1430 午餐(自訂飯盒)午休 1430~1700 練習試音彩排 1700~1800 休息更衣 1800~1830 待機 1830~1845 HTC 尾牙演出 1845~1900 更衣 1900~1930 晚餐(自訂飯盒) 1930~2000 南港展覽館rarr徐匯中學 2000~2100 沐浴 2100~2130 閱讀祈禱就寢

0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~1130 練唱(演藝廳) 0800~1130 羅娜國小rarr徐匯中學(打擊樂團) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1430 練習(演藝廳) 1430~1520 徐匯中學rarr建中資源大樓 5 樓 1530~1600 參加會員大會成果發表演出 1600~1700 建中rarr徐匯中學 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2030 練習(演藝廳) 2030~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢

- 60 - 十六活動行程(28-29)

2 月 8 日(星期日) 2 月 9 日(星期一) 0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~0930 練習(演藝廳) 0930~1000 徐匯中學rarr振興醫院 1000~1020 進場待機 1030~1100 義演(三院圓中心)(送錦旗專輯 1)1100~1115 合影留念 1115-1140 參觀藝術家莊靜雯銅雕展 1140~1230 午餐(第一會議室) 1230~1300 醫療課程--呼吸道感染衛生指導

(小兒科張嘉侃主任授課) 1300~1330 振興醫院rarr徐匯中學(合唱團) 1330~1430 午休(合唱團) 1430~1700 練習(合唱團)(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 1300~1350 振興醫院rarr景文高中(打擊樂團) 1400~1600 欣賞景優班成果發表(打擊樂團) 1600~2000 景文高中rarr信義鄉(打擊樂團)

0800-0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室)

0830~1130 練習(演藝廳) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1700 練習(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 借用演藝廳練習時段 27 上午下午半小時晚間 28 早上 1 小時下午 29 上午下午

十七錄音行程(210-213) 星期時間 210(二) 211 (三) 212 (四) 213 (五) 214 (六)

0700-0800 起床盥洗早餐 0800-1100 赴功學社音樂廳練習 1100-1130 午餐 1130-1300 午休




1300-1700 錄音 1 kipahpah ima拍手歌 2天下別無拯救 3 Take these wings 4更高處

錄音 5如鹿渴慕溪水 6耶和華祝福滿滿

7台北的天空 8我們的桃蛙源

錄音 9讓生命圓滿


11天黑黑 12花樹下

錄音 13ふるさと故鄉 14花兒會開 15乘著氣球上天空 16紅蜻蜓等(3 選 1)

1730-1900 晚餐盥洗 1900-2030 課輔(志工)閱讀 晚會或電影欣賞 2030-2100 消夜晚禱

2100~ 就寢


- 61 -

十八學生自備物品(9 天 8 夜) 『確認後打勾』

序 項 目 數量 確認 備註

1 行李箱 1

2 原聲背包 1

3 文具(鉛筆橡擦等) 1 寫作業用

4 寒假作業課外讀物 2

5 健保卡 1

6 牙刷牙膏毛巾 各 1

7 肥皂洗髮精 各 1

8 環保餐具(杯筷匙) 1 組 耐熱杯

9 中型塑膠袋 2 裝換洗衣物

10 長袖黑帽 T 1

11 長袖白帽 T 1

12 長袖黑圓領 T 1

13 長袖白圓領 T 1

14 長袖 polo 衫 1

15 原聲黑外套 1

16 牛仔褲(藍) 3 含穿 1 條

17 休閒褲 2

18 便服 2

19 內衣+內褲 8 條 含穿 1 套(不含表演用)

20 黑色襪 4 雙 含穿 1 雙

21 球鞋 1 雙 穿著

22 拖鞋 1 雙

23 圍巾 1 條

表演服mdash團服(女) 1 套 頭飾上衣裙斗篷皮鞋24

表演服mdash團服(男) 1 套 頭飾上衣褲斗篷皮鞋

25 黑短安全褲白內衣 2 套 表演用

26 珊瑚絨毯 睡袋 各 1

27 衣架 4 個 十九公用器材原聲錦旗 2專輯 2(以上台北準備)鐘琴鈸團旗 1 吹風機4 喉糖醫藥箱預備團服(男女各 1) 康樂器材(球類)輕便雨衣 2 箱 二十本活動計畫由社團法人台灣原聲教育協會理事長依協會年度工作計畫決行修訂亦同

- 62 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團「我愛唱的歌」專輯製作計畫


曲目錄音並搭配 MV製作成「我愛唱的歌」音樂專輯具體呈現出孩子的自信喜悅

以及想要分享與感恩的心情 二目的公益發行以感恩支持原聲的朋友並作為贊助原聲之禮物 三主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 四贊助單位



有限公司錸德文教基金會傳承文教基金會慧智文教基金會 五日期2015 年 2 月 10 日(二)至 13 日(五)5 天(0800~1100 練習1300~1700 錄音) 六地點錄音mdash功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號 )

住宿mdash天主教徐匯中學(2 月 6 日至 13 日共 8 晚) 七專輯工作人員


呂克勝(攝影及 MV 製作)侯宗佑(視覺設計)梁哲瑋(文案企劃) 八後勤工作人員

洪春滿校長(領隊)李彩霞(聯絡)馬慧如 Uli(教導)梁賜輝 Balan(總務)藍蔚

師(財務)阿貫師(企劃)高一志工幸念緹 九錄音人員45 人(女 37 人男 8 人)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十1 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 天下別無拯救(國語) 詞曲蕭泰然 編曲林雲郎 3 Take these wings(英語) 詞Steve Kupferschmid 曲Don Besig 4 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 5 如鹿渴慕溪水(英語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲Phil Dave 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 編曲游智婷 7 台北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 8 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲編曲林志忠 9 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 曲冉天豪 10 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城等 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 11 天黑黑(台語) 詞臺灣民謠 編曲詹興東 12 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 13 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

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14 花は咲く花開(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 15 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 16 選 1赤とんぼ (日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 明天會更好(華語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

十一經費預算 項目及內容 單價 數量 小計 備註

旅運費(45 萬) 車資(東埔harr板橋) 14500輛天 12 29000 26 及 214

車資(板橋harr台北) 4000趟輛天 212 16000 27 及 28 租公車接送

膳食費 27-14 三餐 210人天 658 109200 早餐 50午晚餐各 80 住宿費 水電及清潔費 200人天 528 83200 徐匯中學宿舍

製作費(843 萬)

專輯音樂製作 -- 1 -- 音樂企劃錄音混音後製等 錄音工程 -- 1 -- 清唱人聲樂器等錄音及混音 鋼琴伴奏 1000時 35 35000 鐘點費 文案企劃 20000人 1 20000 文案撰寫

視覺設計 30000人 1 30000 碟面說明書封套等

平面攝影 4000天 4 16000 側拍封面照宣傳照等

MV 製作 4000分 25 100000 製作 6 曲 MV

歌曲版權費 6000曲 10 60000 公益發行版權費

編曲費 30000曲 4 120000 4 曲重新編曲

錄音場地租金 17000天 4 68000 功學社音樂廳(含鋼琴)

鋼琴調音 4000次 1 4000 印製費(412 萬) 母片製作費 6000片 2 12000 CD+DVD 壓片費 5片 16000 80000 CD+DVD 碟面印刷運費

印刷及包裝費 40份 8000 320000 說明書封套印刷品成型等

業務費(8 萬 920) 聯絡 6000人 1 6000 版權聯絡授權處理

雜支 74920式 1 74920 茶水郵電醫藥費等

總計 1183320 音樂製作及錄音工程費未計入


- 64 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團歐洲演出及參訪行程概要 一活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二邀請單位柏林市立綜合高中維也納合唱學校(Wiener SaumlngerknabenWSK) 三主辦單位Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會 四贊助單位慧智文教基金會(Wisdom Culture amp Edudation Organization WCEO)元大文


傳承教育基金會臺灣期貨交易所 臺灣證券交易所hellip 五活動日期2015 年 8 月 28 日(星期五)至 9 月 11 日(星期五)共計 15 日 六航班中華航空公司

《去》8 月 28 日 CI61 桃園 TPE 法蘭克福 FRA 2330 0650 +1 日 《回》9 月 10 日 CI64 維也納 VIE 桃園 TPE 1135 0605 + 1 日


829~830拜會德國法蘭克福歐洲期貨交易所舉行專場音樂會(旅館 2 晚) 831~901德國得勒斯登(旅館 2 晚) 902~903德國柏林(旅館 2 晚) 904~905拜會波蘭波茲南 Poznań市政府及合唱學校與市立男童及女童合唱團舉行聯

合音樂會(接待家庭 2 晚) 906拜訪德國柏林市立綜合高中 Bettina von Arnim Schule與該校合唱團舉行聯合音樂

會(旅館 1 晚) 907柏林至維也納 參訪奧地利維也納聖彼得教堂於教堂內演出(旅館 3 晚) 908~909參訪維也納合唱學校與該校師生聯誼交流及與維也納少年合唱團聯演

八參訪人員54 人(學生 40 人師長 14 人)

第一聲部 13 人(女 13) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔

向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕松鈺婷

松憓婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 8 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳史俊祥田鎞鎷

全聖煜伍卲恩松雅德 師長14 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長及原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 林宜城 男 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣南投市漳興國小校長) 林麗敏 女 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣中寮鄉中寮國小教師)

- 65 -

冉天豪 男 原聲音樂學校特約編曲(天作之合劇團藝術總監特約編曲) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 梁賜輝 男 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞台總監(導演) 黃敬恆 女 原聲教育協會助理舞台總監(政大社會系二年級) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影師志工 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事


1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 Hymm to Freedom(英語) 編曲Oscar Peterson 6 We are the world(英語) 編曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 7 Alleluia(拉丁語) 編曲Mozart 8 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 9 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 10 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 11 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 12 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 13 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 14 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 15 永遠讚美耶和華(國語) 編曲馬彼得 16 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 17 pakadaidaz 相親相愛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 18 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 安可曲 19 高山青(國語) 編曲馬彼得 20 Ode an die Freude(德語) 編曲 Beethoven


1 Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會負責聯絡安排行程及活動 2 行程承攬雄獅旅行社(台北市內湖區瑞湖街 111 號 2 樓 02-87932106)

- 66 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團演出行程

2015 年演唱場次已滿額恕不再接受邀請謝謝各界對原聲教育協會暨所屬音樂學校與原



活動名稱 地點 主辦單位

21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園藝術廣場 衛武營藝術文化中心籌

備處 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 329(日) 全國原住民運動會音樂會 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台北火車站台鐵大樓 嘉旺竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 731(五) 原聲+長榮交響樂團音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保險經紀公司 830(日) 「玉山天籟」法蘭克福音樂會 德國歐洲交易所 Vocal Asia 95(六) 「玉山天籟」波蘭音樂會 波蘭 Poznań 音樂學校 Vocal Asia 95(六) 原聲+波茲南音樂學校聯合音

樂會 波蘭 Gods Mother of Sorrows Church

Vocal Asia

96(日) 原聲+柏林市立綜合高中

Bettina von Arnim Schule 聯合


德國 Ernst Reuter Saal Hall

Vocal Asia

98(二) 「玉山天籟」維也納音樂會 奧地利維也納聖彼得

教堂 Vocal Asia

99(三) 原聲+維也納少年合唱團

(WSK)聯合音樂會 奧地利維也納少年合

唱團(WSK)學校 Vocal Asia

1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 125(六) 原聲+親愛愛樂提琴隊音樂會 新竹市立文化中心演

藝廳 心築愛樂

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2016 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團受邀演唱原則 一公益演唱請邀約單位負擔交通及膳宿費 1 國際活動慶典 2 國家活動慶典 3 地方活動慶典僅限南投縣政府所屬單位 4 醫院學校教會監獄慈善及教養機構(安養院育幼院等) 5 回饋贊助及合作者 2014~2015 年團體捐款贊助台幣 50 萬元以上個人捐款 20 萬元以上者 二贊助演唱接受公益基金會協會及民間公益團體(如扶輪社獅子會崇她社等)

邀約 1 邀約單位負擔交通膳宿費 2 邀約單位捐款本協會作為建校基金(贊助費視演唱時間場次方式等相關內容而定) 三受邀注意事項 1 公益及贊助演唱場次兩者合計一年不超過八場為原則以維持團員正常作息及課程實施 2 邀請單位請於預定演出時間之前至少半年提出邀約以利作業安排 3 邀請單位請先以 email(akuanliaogmailcom)與台灣原聲教育協會聯繫

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2014 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日特輯


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一 活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二 邀請單位全日本合唱連盟(Japan Choral Association JCA)及東京國立博物館 三 受邀單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團 四 指導單位文化部外交部(駐日代表處)原民會教育部僑委會 五 主辦單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團東京公演實行委員會 六 協辦單位JCA 全日本合唱連盟東京男聲合唱團 Tokyo Liedertafel 1925 (TLT)台南

大家庭兒童青年合唱團及和聲兒童合唱學園 七 參訪日期2014 年 7 月 31 日(星期四)至 8 月 6 日(星期三) 八 航班長榮航空公司

《去》7 月 31 日 BR190 臺北松山 TSA 東京羽田 HND 1600 1955 《回》8 月 06 日 BR189 東京羽田 HND臺北松山 TSA 1050 1330

九 活動主題 台灣原聲童聲合唱團一行 46 人(團員 35 人師長 11 人)應「JCA 全日本合唱聯盟」

邀請於 7 月 31 日至 8 月 6 日前往日本東京參加 2014 年第 28 屆 JCA Kodomo Chorus Festival 活動以行銷台灣相關交流參訪活動包含 1 於東京新宿文化中心演出「玉山天籟」專場音樂會宣慰僑胞並為日本民眾祈福 2 與歷史悠久蜚聲國際之東京男聲合唱團(1925 成立)同台演出交流 3 於 JCA 國際兒童合唱節壓軸演出(為唯一受邀國外團體)以行銷台灣 4 參加指揮大師工作坊與來自日本各地 14 個兒童合唱團交流切磋 5 參加群馬縣政府「台灣展」演出 6 參加國立故宮博物院「神品至寶」於東京博物館開展演出 7 拜會老人養護中心並義演 8 拜會橫濱中華學校交流演出 9 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)

十 參訪人員46 人 學生35 人(女 29 人男 6 人9 歲 1 人10~12 歲 29 人13 歲 5 人) 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃 全襄柔李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 11 人(女 10 男 1) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全唯芯全家榆松昱蕎松鈺婷松詠婕 松憓婷伍約翰 第三聲部 12 人(女 7 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳方 政石伯華 伍邵恩松雅德釀恩塔給鹿敦 師長11 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長及指揮(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師)

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陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞臺總監(理事) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影志工 王月娥 女 原聲教育協會翻譯志工(台南和聲兒童合唱學園負責人) 曾碧卿 女 原聲教育協會錄影志工

十一住宿 731~83 85 東京大都會飯店 Hotel Metropolitan Edmont【5 晚】 東京都千代田區飯田橋三丁目 10 番 8 號 Tel 03-3237-1111 84 橫濱-玫瑰飯店【1 晚】 神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77 號 Tel 045-681-3311


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)





抵松山機場長榮櫃檯 check inrarrrarr1600航班 BR190rarrrarr1955東京羽田機場


晚餐 飛機餐(旅行社備有三明治飯糰茶水)



晚上 2100機場‐‐‐2145入住大都會飯店 2145~祈禱盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0930旅館‐‐‐1015王園 Kingrsquos Garden特別養護中心

(練馬區早宮 2‐10‐22 Tel 03‐5399‐2201)

1025‐1040 王園特別養護中心演出(演出後離場)

1050王園特別養護中心‐‐‐1120 鳥茶屋

中餐 1130‐1200 鳥茶屋餐廳(親子丼)


1200鳥茶屋‐‐‐旅館 1210

1215‐1400 午休 1400旅館‐‐‐1430新宿文化中心(新宿區新宿 6‐14‐1)

1500‐1700 台灣原聲童聲合唱團彩排 1600‐1700 TLT陸續到場

1730‐1800 東京男聲合唱團(TLT)彩排

晚餐 1730‐1800 飯糰+味噌湯(宜靜姊姊招待)(TLT自備)




1800‐1830 更衣 1830‐1900觀眾入場

1900‐2100 音樂會



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時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


1000旅館‐‐‐1025白金之森特別養護老人之家(港區白金台 5‐20‐5)

1115‐1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出

1130白金之森特別養護老人之家‐‐‐1140 TEREZZA 餐廳

中餐 1200‐1300 TEREZZA 餐廳(港區白金台五丁目)(美青姊姊招待)


1300 TEREZZA 餐廳‐‐‐1340洗足學園音樂大學

(神奈川縣川崎市高津區久本 2‐3‐1)

1340‐1400 於銀山廳報到註冊

1430‐1800 於銀山廳 1F參加Ms Fumiyo Tozaki戶崎文葉大師工作坊

1800洗足學園音樂大學‐‐‐1900 丸龜製麵店(宜靜姊姊招待)

晚餐 1900‐2000 丸龜製麵店(澀谷區代代木 3‐22‐7新宿文化クイントビル 1F)



晚上 2000丸龜製麵店‐‐‐2020旅館 2030~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0920旅館‐‐‐1000昭和女子大學(世田谷區 1minus7minus57)

1000‐1015 於人見記念講堂報到

1030音樂會開場與 14個日本兒童合唱團交流

1100‐1145 JCA合唱節開幕式(各團在座位上表演團呼 30秒)

1155‐1305 第 1段音樂會

中餐 1305‐1405 大學內食堂中華或日式便當(不炸不辣不冷食)午休


1415‐1525 第 2段音樂會(1525‐1545中場休息)

1545‐1705 第 3段音樂會(1625‐1645原聲壓軸演出演出前自介 30秒)

1705‐1720 全體大合唱 ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo 1735‐1745 大合照

1800昭和女大‐‐‐1815微熱山丘東京店(港區南青山 3‐10‐20)03‐3408‐7778

1815‐1900 欣賞微熱山丘建築 1900微熱山丘‐‐‐1920神樂坂春波餐廳

晚餐 1930‐2045 春波餐廳(高麗菜為主的煎餅お好み焼きの夕食)



晚上 2045春波餐廳hellip2100 旅館 2110~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0900旅館‐‐‐1100群馬縣政府(前橋市大手町 1‐1‐1)027‐223‐1111

中餐 1115群馬縣政府招待便當 1140‐1210更衣走位


1220‐1250 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

1310群馬縣政府‐‐‐1530東京博物館(台東區上野公園 13minus9)

1530‐1630 待機 1630‐1700東京博物館演出


1800東京博物館‐‐‐橫濱玫瑰飯店 1840(神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77)

晚餐 1900‐2050 自由行(發晚餐費分 6組6 小孩+2大人組)



晚上 2100~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

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音樂節 SCHEDULE Saturday 2 August at the SenzokuGakuen College of Music Meeting point amp time (on 2 August) 1430 at the lobby of the Silver Mountain Building Atelier (including rehearsal session for the Sing Together) 1500-1800 Break-up 1800 Sunday 3 August at the Showa Womenrsquos University Hitomi Memorial Hall Meeting point amp time (on 3 August) 1015 all singers to be seated in the hall Concert 1100 Opening 1125 Open Singing (warm ups and sing a song directed by Mr Johansson) 1200 Performances 1305 Lunch break 1415 Performances 1535 Meet at the lobby of the hall (our staff will attend your choir until breakup at 1757) 1543-1553 (10 min) dressing room (you can change cloth here)

時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 玫瑰飯店早餐


0900‐1010 橫濱自由行(拉麵博物館)

1015hellip1020 玫瑰飯店hellip橫濱中華學校(中區山下町 142)

1030‐1100 中華學校 1F保育院演出

中餐 1100‐1230 玫瑰飯店午餐


1230玫瑰飯店‐‐‐1320 Hello Kitty Land(東京都澀谷區神宮前 6‐1‐9)

1320‐1630 遊覽 Kitty Land原宿店

1630Kitty Land hellip1645 明治神宮


晚餐 1700‐1745 葵丸進餐廳高級天婦羅套餐




1800‐2000 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)



早餐 0645‐0730 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0745旅館‐‐‐0830羽田機場 0830‐0915長榮櫃檯 check in

搭乘 1030 長榮航班 BR189

中餐 飛機餐







晚餐 溫暖的家

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1600-1610 (10 min) room for last rehearsal 1615 Back stage 1625-1645 Your own performance on stage 1645 Stand by for Atelier performance 1655-1705 the Atelier performance (cond Ms FumiyoTozaki) 1705-1720 Sing Together ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo (your choir will be on stage) 1735 A time for taking photos at the lobby 1745-1755 dressing room for change cloth 1757 Break-up 十三演出曲目(視情況微調) 81(五) 1015-1030 東京都 王園特別養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 81(五) 1900-2100《玉山天籟》音樂會東京新宿文化中心 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 tankaunhanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 臺北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 8 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 中場休息 9 Muss i denn(德國民謡) 演唱TLT 編曲Friedlich Silcher 10 からたちの花(日語) 演唱TLT 曲山田耕筰 11 斎太郎節(日本民謡) 演唱TLT 指揮岩佐義彥 12 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 13 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 14 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 15 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 16 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 17 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 18 明天會更好(國語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 安可曲 19 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 20 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 76 - 82(六) 1115-1130 東京都 白金之森養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 82(六) 1500-1800 洗足學園音樂大學銀山廳戶崎文葉大師班練唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1625-1645 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂演出 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 4 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 83(日) 1655-1705 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂戶崎大師班合唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1705-1720 大合唱 Hymn to freedom(英語)

84(一) 1220-1250 群馬縣廳 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 84(一) 1630-1700 東京博物館

1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得

85(二) 0930-1000 橫濱中華學校

2 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得

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4 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 6 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 十四說明事項

1 行程承攬日本南瓜旅行社(パンプキントラベル) Tel 03‐5367‐2271

東京都新宿區四谷 2‐5‐3 負責人西村勝則 090‐1552‐4986

聯絡單位 李宜靜 台灣原聲童聲合唱團日本公演實行委員會會長 深澤直樹 深澤雅子 Tel +81-3-3350-1141 王月娥 日譯志工 台南大家庭兒童青年合唱團和聲兒童合唱學園 台南市東區 70159 東興路 52 號 2F Tel 06-2385-666 原聲小朋友造訪東京都神奈川縣琦玉縣

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台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日紀實 日本公演實行委員會會長 李宜靜





的退休老師知道日本合唱連盟協會邀請『原聲』參加 8 月 2 日3 月日本兒童合唱


流我為了瞭解『原聲』從 YouTube 看到很多關於馬彼得校長的訪問報導馬校長


在海拔 1000 公尺的玉山腳下有這麼一位充滿愛心的小學校長他是位基督徒





















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Bukut 團長 當確定受邀參加東京國際兒童合唱節時我的壓力便開始加身出國演出對孩子們來說








這些訊息都是由台南和聲合唱團的 Vicky 姊姊所聯絡提供她甚至還安排了歷史悠久










為了讓孩子們回家時也能練習還請上山裝置視訊設備的原聲電腦志工 Richard 和 Hank幫忙將每首歌的音檔 po 上網讓學生設法下載練習當孩子們練到相當程度時再請姑姑










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抵達日本即在 8 月 1 日於新宿文化中心舉辦了一場專場音樂會而在來到日本的第一夜我



禱告除了為日本 311 大地震受難家屬祈福更為高雄氣爆事件祈福阿蠻校長真誠關懷





因緣巧合8 月 4 日也受邀至東京國立博物館所舉辦的「台北國立故宮博物院神品至寶」













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731 晚上 8 時許抵達羽田機場李宜靜會長及文化部駐日長官接機


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山谷回音 UNITY--印地安原住民青年聯盟訪台代表團團員訪台心得

「UNITY‐印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」一行 8人接受台灣原聲教育協會邀請於 2014

年 3月 13 日來台參加玉山星空音樂會並環島參訪部落 10天於 3 月 22日圓滿返美

5月 9日在 Indian Country Today Media Network (美國最主要的原住民新聞雜誌)

httpenwikipediaorgwikiIndian_Country_Today_Media_Network 刊登了一篇執行長Mary

Kim Titla 寫的文章記述他們 3月來台的見聞文情並茂在文中Mary Kim Titla

提到布農族 ‐ 4次

提到原聲 ‐ 6次

提到原民會(包括副主委)‐ 2次

提到玉山星空音樂會(包括美青姊)‐ 2次

提到日月潭 ‐ 4次

提到東華大學 ‐ 2次

( httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity‐youth‐and‐indigenous‐tribes‐taiw

an‐exchange‐culture‐memories‐154749 )


UNITY Youth and Indigenous Tribes of Taiwan Exchange Culture Memories Mary Kim Titla 592014 The idea that indigenous tribes of Taiwan might benefit from the creation of youth councils led to an amazing overseas exchange between six Native American youth leaders and two chaperones during a 10-day journey in East Asia The six Native youth leaders representing tribes across the US are part of UNITYmdashUnited National Indian Tribal Youth Inc UNITY has a network of 140 youth councils in 35 states The UNITY delegation sponsored by Taiwanrsquos Vox Nativa visited the aboriginal homelands of seven of the 14 indigenous tribes including the Thao Bunun Rukai and Paiwan tribes in the lush and mountainous interior of Taiwan Flying 6500 miles to Taiwan requires a 14-hour plane ride from San Francisco The 14000 square mile island sits more than 100 miles off the southeast coast of mainland China with sub-tropical and tropical weather Taiwanrsquos history is intriguing Between 1626 and today the indigenous tribes experienced colonization with the Spanish Dutch Japanese and Chinese The tribes face challenges similar to those of US tribes with culture language and ancestral land preservation Tribal leaders are battling social ills such as rampant poverty alcoholism and high school drop out rates while striving to build their local economies Indigenous villages some rich with slate rock and nearby marble canyons rely heavily on tourism by performing tribal dances and selling tribal arts and crafts

- 88 - Aside from touring tribal villages by bus and trying indigenous foods like wild boar meat squid duck turnip cakes and rice cooked in bamboo UNITY youth shared their tribal songs friendship dances and their involvement in the National UNITY Council Two special exchanges happened during the pre-show of the annual Jade Mountain Starry Night Concert featuring Vox Nativarsquos youth choir which was attended by Chow Mei- ching the First Lady of Taiwan and with indigenous college students at National Dong Hwa University After Tyler Owens 19 shared an Akimel Orsquoodham friendship dance at the college the Taiwan students spontaneously engaged UNITY youth in one of their friendship dances ldquoTo see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating I enjoyed our time with the students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs and dances from homerdquo said Owens The UNITY delegation toured the country with a group of 15 Chinese American tourists including two indigenous college students who served as translators While visiting the Yanping village a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng through a translator explained how his small village moved from extreme poverty to thriving conditions through the establishment of a foundation to build a tourist village that includes a cultural theater restaurant coffee shop convenience store and weaving shop Interestingly the US based company 7-Eleven which can be found everywhere in Taiwan assisted by encouraging what amounted to millions of dollars in donations to the foundation Bunun which means ldquopeoplerdquo with 40000 to 50000 members is the fourth largest tribe in Taiwan They are known historically for being headhunters ldquoGetting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going through today with trying to keep their languages alive brought me back to some of the struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservationrdquo said Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai According to the Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park website there are two theories to explain the origin of the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan One advocates the indigenous people migrated from the southeast coast of China The other recognizes that Taiwan is the ancient origin of the Austronesian peoples which includes the ethnic groups of Malaysia Philippines and Polynesia Some tribes like the Bunun are patrilineal while others like Amis are matrilineal Unlike most non-indigenous Taiwanese who practice Buddhism more than 90 percent of the indigenous Taiwanese are Christian The dominant languages are three Chinese dialects however many indigenous adults and elders still speak their languages

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The UNITY organization began a relationship with the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in 2013 The choir made up of Bunun tribal youth performed at the National UNITY Conference in Los Angeles California It was the grouprsquos first US tour and first contact with Native Americans specifically Native American youth Vox Nativa then extended an invitation for UNITY youth to travel to Taiwan in mid-March for a cultural exchange and to discuss the concept of a youth council network Vox Nativa is a nonprofit organization dedicated ldquoto achieve social reform within the poverty stricken aboriginal populations and communities through cultivation of gifted aboriginal childrenrdquo and ldquoto preserve and promote aboriginal culture pride and identity through a childrenrsquos choir grouprdquo Vox Nativa runs a weekend magnet and music school in the XinYi Township known for its plum farms The villagersquos annual Starry Night Concert attracts 3000 people Before leaving Taiwan UNITY youth leaders met with Kao Yang-sheng Deputy Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to explain how UNITYrsquos youth council network operates Owens explained the annual elections of the National UNITY Council and how officers are selected from 10 US regions with two co-presidents leading the Executive Committee ldquoYou are excellent Indian youth representatives chosen by states so I see you as the hope of your people Your visit of UNITY and comments will help us improve ourselves hererdquo said Yang-sheng On itswebsite the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan claims to ldquofollow the concepts of upholding national interest with priority given to promoting quality of life among indigenous peoples when formulating policy directions and strategies to enhance the living standards of the pride among Indigenous tribes and to restore their confidence and statusrdquo Five of the six UNITY youth leaders who traveled to Taiwan serve as regional representatives of the National UNITY Council They include Alex Toledo 19 Jemez Pueblo (Southwest Region Representative) Tyler Owens 19 Akimel OrsquoodhamGila River Indian Community (Western Region Representative) Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson 19 Kickapoo (Southern Plains Representative) Aaron Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa (Midwest Region Representative) and Simon Montelongo 16 Eastern Cherokee (Southeast Region Representative) Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai and the current Miss Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation also traveled with the group Mary Kim Titla San Carlos Apache and UNITY Executive Director as well as Christine Porter Mohawk and Ft McDowell Youth Council advisor served as chaperones ldquoI will never forget the amazing indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language We are thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the samerdquo said Porter

- 90 - ldquoI learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Irsquom thankful for this experience I will cherish the memories foreverrdquo said Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa

UNITY and Vox Nativa are planning future exchanges

Read more at httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity-youth-and-indigenous-tribes-taiwan-exchange-culture-memories-154749 UNITY youth leaders and their chaperones pose in front of Taiwans National Concert Hall The National Theater and Concert Hall are two of the first major modern performing arts facilities to be established in Asia On this day a large ceramic panda exhibit was on display Pictured from left in the back are Mary Kim Titla Carrie Hood Tyler Owens Aaron Leaureaux Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson Christine Porter and Simon Montelongo Alex Toledo is in the front These young women are members of the Thao Tribe They posed for a picture in between their performances for tourists at Sun Moon Lake the tribersquos indigenous homeland (Mary Kim Titla)

UNITY in Taiwan Experience (UNITY團員參訪心得分享) Aaron Leaureaux Going to Taiwan was the trip of a lifetime The views were amazing as were the people Their culture was similar to ours and it was amazing to learn that Native Americans are viewed as role models for Taiwan Indigenous natives My favorite part of the trip was visiting the National Dong Hwa University and seeing them perform their traditional dances and songs Another highlight of the trip was meeting with Taiwan Deputy Minister Kao Yang-Sheng and members of the Taiwan Indigenous Council During our stay we experienced a minor earthquake while Tyler Owens Carrie Hood and I were debriefing about our day As a result of the earthquake the very next day we got stuck in a tunnelcave while on our bus as heavy equipment was used to remove loose rock hanging above the roadway My favorite memory is taking the boat tour of Sun Moon Lake and learning about the history of the Thao tribe I learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Thank you so much for this experience I will cherish the memories forever

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Tyler Owens Taiwan was a once in a lifetime trip and was so enlightening If I had the opportunity or the money to go back and do it all over again I would From getting to see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating The locals were so sweet and welcoming that it gave me a home like feel The vibrant colors on all the traditional clothing was exciting and the songs were so beautiful I enjoyed our time with the college students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs from home and got to traditionally dance Throughout the trip we got to try all kinds of food my favorite was the chocolate maugi even though it is not a food more like a dessert The Starry Nights Concert was astounding and we were recognized I felt famous for a moment and was so excited to finally get to take a group picture with the Vox Nativa students From the night market in Taipei to the food we ate on Sun Moon Lake there will never be a trip in my lifetime that could possibly top my ten beautiful days in Taiwan Thank you for this experience Carrie Hood The trip to Taiwan was awesome I wouldnt change anything about it Traveling around the island to visit 7 out of the 14 aboriginal tribes Bonding with all of the indigenous people was something so unforgettable Getting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going though today with trying to keep their languages alive Brought me back to some of struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservation With that being said the indigenous tribes we visited were amazing from the singing dancing and them just embracing us as one of them was such an amazing opportunity to have I can truly say that this was a trip of a lifetime and I would do it again any day 4) Christine Porter From March 12th ndash 22nd I accompanied our Fort McDowell Youth Council President 5 youth from tribes around the Nation and the Executive Director of UNITY on a trip to Taiwan to participate in a cultural exchange with the Indigenous tribes We visited 7 out of the 14 tribes We listened to them sing watched their dances and ate their traditional food We also visited various museums and historical sites I want to thank the Creator for keeping us all safe as we traveled to Taiwan I know the stress of planning a trip for a group of people and I have much respect and appreciation for Herdaw Che a volunteer with Vox Nativa and the others who helped him plan and prepare for this trip The youth and I felt important and special wherever we went whether to a village dinner or a performance Everyone we interacted with was kind and happy to see us

- 92 - When I saw the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in Los Angeles last year at the UNITY Conference I was in awe of their singing I instantly became excited when I saw that they would be performing a concert in Taiwan The highlight of the concert in Taiwan was when we were invited on stage to take a picture with them I already miss Taiwanese food Almost all the food was new to me and I promised myself I would try new things Irsquom so glad I did I ate duck turnip cakes and foods Irsquom uncertain of for the first time One of the highlights of the trip for me was when we visited the college After we heard the students sing Tyler Owens sang a couple songs as we all danced together But just as Tyler finished her song the students immediately took us into their dance and started singing Nothing was said we just danced I will carry that feeling with me forever Taiwan is one of the most beautiful places Irsquove ever been to The hotels were very fancy and I didnrsquot mind the hours on the bus because the view was mesmerizing On this trip I witnessed the love between human beings Each day we would visit an Indigenous village and every single time whether it was for 1 hour or 4 hours we created a bond with the people there We shared and interacted with love and kindness Everyone was sad when it was time for us to leave Our goodbyes were ldquoSee you laterrdquo ldquoCome back to visit us soonrdquo Whatrsquos your Facebook namerdquo We shook hands gave lots of hugs and then waved goodbye until we could no longer see them We spent 9 days on a bus with 15 other people also touring Taiwan In that time we shared snacks laughed took ldquoselfiesrdquo and sang karaoke together We formed friendships that will be cherished forever Last but not least I will cherish the friendships made between us and the interpreters They helped us understand what was going on and what was being said One interpretation was ldquoHe said we just had an earthquakerdquo Good thing it was small We joked together and had so many laughs They taught us and we taught them Irsquom thankful that they were able to spend the time with us and really make an effort to get to know us personally None of this would have happened if not for Vox Nativa and any other sponsors Thank you for this trip of a lifetime I will never forget the amazing Indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language Thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the same

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5) Mary Kim Titla --UNITY Executive Director I will never forget my trip to Taiwan The people of Taiwan were gracious hosts embracing us so wonderfully and throughout treating us like royalty The food was incredible Among many things we ate rice cooked inside bamboo eggs boiled in tea dried mini fish wild pig yellow watermelon wild Indigenous plants The UNITY youth most enjoyed themselves when they were able to engage with the Taiwan Indigenous youth When visiting the Thao tribal village the youth from two different continents played basketball together which is a universal sport and while there was a language barrier it did not prevent a most memorable exchange The UNITY youth brought gifts to share We did protocol gifting with a representative from the Thao Tribe among others Miss Ft McDowell Carrie Hood gave ground Acorn an Apache seasoning and a beautiful silver bolo tie Aaron Leaureaux gave a nice Beach towel with his tribal logo I was very proud of our young people The Starry Night Concert was certainly a highlight especially when we heard the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir Our UNITY group was called on stage to be recognized This was so exciting for everyone especially since the First Lady of Taiwan was present I was very honored to have received a gift from the Bunun village leader The Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park proved to be very educational which is equivalent to our National Museum of the American Indian Our group tried some archery and had fun on a big swing The Indigenous people also do great beadwork We all bought some nice items as souvenirs We were very honored to have met a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng The UNITY Youth presented him with a blanket and a shawl for his wife It was a first exchange he meeting American Indians for the first time and of course us meeting him We enjoyed listening to him talk about his tribe and their struggles to build their local economy Their Indigenous history is similar to ours It made my heart sad a little as he repeated the story of colonization But when I saw the young people the hope in their eyes made my heart happy again When we returned to Taipei we visited the second tallest building in the world 101 which has 101 floors It also has the worldrsquos fasted elevator getting us to the top in 30 seconds We also saw the Changing of the Guard at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall which was very impressive Irsquom so grateful to have started a relationship with Vox Nativa The UNITY organization extended an invitation for Indigenous youth of Taiwan to attend our National Conference in the US sometime in the future We look forward to that and possible future exchanges A big thanks to Herdaw Che for volunteering many hours to organize this trip and to Vox Nativa and other sponsors for giving Native American youth what may be a once-in-a lifetime experience

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山谷回音 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

Larry Liu Monday July 21 2014 This year I didnrsquot have a class to teach and instead worked in the office Although I was unable to learn specifically about on certain class my experience from my constant patrols allowed me to observe the activities of the camp as a whole As expected the youngest classes (2nd and 3rd grade) were the rowdiest and the hardest to control To help improve this the teachers of these classes could implement a randomized seating chart to separate the trouble-making kids and have one teacher up in front teaching and the other two helping out the teachers on the side As of now controlling the classes is definitely the biggest problem What I thought was nicely done was how the teachers would switch off to cover for each other when one of the teachers was out of the classroom Most importantly I believe that we can definitely be more proactive in solving our problems and helping our teammates Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the time seemed to pass by much faster since most of the team was almost over their jet lag However there were still several problems that our team encountered Most importantly our team still lacked control and authority over the students The 2nd grade class was extremely rowdy during homework time the 5th grade class was still asking inappropriate questions and the 3rd grade class still refused to listen to some of their teachers Each of these problems need to be addressed immediately and a strict unyielding way of dealing with instances of inappropriateness is the solution No is and must always be no If we fail to reprimand the students they will soon learn that they can keep on pushing the line and fail to see us as their teachers but rather their peers On the flip side English classes and bachata dance lessons were quite successful The kids were overall much more respectful to their teachers having warmed up to them My favorite part of the day was when I found a successful method to teach the kids bachata splitting them into 4 small groups and having them practice at separate times By applying this method to large group activities I can focus on each group and make sure that no one is left in the back and either not paying attention or struggling to seehear Overall I feel that our performance was equal to yesterdayrsquos performance but could definitely be better Wednesday July 23 2014 Since today was the middle of a typhoon many of the kids were sort of out of it during their lessons Nevertheless we did a much better job at controlling the kids WIth each class either adding new rules or enforcing them more strictly there were less kids wandering about and being rowdy Crafts today were a great success The kids were super focused and on-task constantly trying to improvedecorate their artwork Compared to the previous two days the kids were much more controlled and quiet I suspect this is so because the activities were more party oriented and

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hands-on as opposed to a purely education and lecture-style class However the afternoon meetings definitely still need work WIth so many people at the room at the same time itrsquos hard to not get distracted When one person starts to relax others will soon observe and follow suit I find that this is detrimental to the productivity of the group To solve this problem it would be better to clearly create committeesset a concrete goal with a deadline This would help keep all of us on track Thursday July 24 2014 Due to the change in schedule today class periods 3 and 4 were shorter The change in schedule threw off the pace of many classes causing us to forget when to startstop class I should have patrolled around and went to each class five minutes before in order to remind the teachers Today was our arts and crafts day for lanyards friendship bracelets and rainbow loom bracelets Just like yesterday the kids were extremely well behaved They really enjoy their arts and crafts The best part about them was when the kids wanted to keep on making more for their family members that didnrsquot attend Vox Nativa The fact that these students are not very fortunate yet still worrylook out for their family members first really inspired me They truly have compassionate hearts The most important part of the day was the activity leading period We were given all the time from nap-time to leaving school to take care of the students so we played games and danced In general the children liked dancing over games What we should have done is split the kids in smaller groups according to grade level so that the older kids wouldnrsquot be bored In addition we need to be more proactive and organized so that there are less awkward pauses during activities Otherwise the day ran pretty smoothly Monday July 28 2014 Today half of the team got up at 500am to pick grapes at Uli 老師rsquos house This proved to be quite exhausting because many had slept at 100200 and were sleep deprived throughout the day Because of this many of the teachers napped during classes in front of the kids I feel that it would be a much better idea for teachers to nap inside of our office instead of doing it inside of the classrooms This allows teachers to maintain a sense of professionalism and show the kids that we are not their peers but rather figures of authority that they should respect When the flubber project started today I immediately saw the problem with the younger classes WHen the teachers were going around one by one to give the kids materials other kids who hadnrsquot received materials began talking and playing with them before the teachers explained the project TO mitigate this one teacher should prepare materials for all the kids ahead of time before passing them out at the same time This takes out the awkward pauses during class time during which the class gets out of control Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was without a doubt the busiest day of the trip Right after breakfast the office crew immediately got to work preparing the banquetfood pick up area by sweeping and rearranging tables I was pleased with our productivity we had taken down the Halloween decorations the previous day so that we could immediately start preparing However when it came to the time

- 96 - where we were preparing food for the banquet we lost our previous productivity Because the kitchen had a limited number of knives and cutting boards only a few people worked continuously while others lingered around and just talked We made those we had already finished their job of washing vegetables start practicing the song that we would perform for the show tonight The strategy of splitting up a large group into smaller groups and keeping everyone busy by assigning new jobs is one that keeps the group on track Like always the ending performance was bittersweet What struck me the hardest was the fact that my kids still remembered me from last year even though I hadnrsquot talked to them much during the entire trip Knowing that I was an important figure in the kidsrsquo lives filled me with a sense of accomplishment and provided me with a sense of closure for I knew I had succeeded as a teacher when I touched the hearts of my students last year Wednesday July 30 2014 The best way to describe today would be a day of early farewells Due to their Tokyo performance a bit less than half of the students left today THeir early departure left the school with a sense of emptiness as many of the older kids were gone Seeing my kids from previous years leave also left me with a sense of emptiness as well When it came to the time for group activities it eventually devolved into just movie-watching for the kids I still feel like we should have spent this time more wisely such as teaching more crafts and socializing with the kids in order to learn about their personal circumstances Watching movies should be done only as a last resort Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of the volunteer portion of the trip the official day of farewells Instead of teaching English for the entire day most of the teachers ended up throwing some type of farewell party for the kids I thought that this was appropriate seeing how many of the classes had already taken their final exam the previous day and most of the kids were already in a end-of-school type of mood Again we showed a movie which I think was acceptable but obviously had better alternatives When it came to the time to say our goodbyes many of the kids from the lower grades came to give me a hug I felt appreciative because even though I wasnrsquot their teacher I constantly went into their classrooms to help their teachers control the class to the point where they recognized me as one of their ldquounofficial teacherrdquo Having that sense of belonging despite not teaching a class really was the highlight of my service

helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Sophie Chen Monday July 21 2014 Although today was the first day it turned out better than I expected Last year the first day at Taitung didnrsquot go very smoothly because they are athletes the students arenrsquot used to sitting through lectures and they canrsquot pay attention as well However the students in my class were quiet

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and mostly paid attention Unfortunately the problem with these students are that they donrsquot have enough confidence in my opinion When we asked them to read aloud their mad libs all of the students basically whispered it even when we told them to talk louder I think theyrsquore afraid of pronouncing words wrong Also they donrsquot ask questions even when they need help Instead they just sat there and talked to their friends Hopefully in the next few days the kids can open up to us and not be afraid to ask questions and mispronounce words In addition the lesson plan we had made the day before was not followed as the time we had estimated for the activities were so long In the end we ended up playing games with the vocabulary we taught them For upcoming classes I hope to better plan our activities so we donrsquot have to improv Tuesday July 22 2014 After today I noticed how responsible these kids are Because seventh grade is in the choir room we donrsquot have our own mops Even though breakfast time had already started the students who were in charge of mopping the floor stayed back and finished mopping the floor before they went down to breakfast Although this may be a daily routine for them I still think it is amazing how disciplined and responsible these kids are They donrsquot have any mindset to first eat breakfast and then come back later to mop the floor After letting the students pick their seats yesterday they ended up talking to their friends and therefore did not pay too much attention during class However today after creating a seating chart and interacting with them for a day I realized they help each other a lot talk less and participate more Also they started to speak louder after getting to know us In order to create the environment for them to be speaking English without hesitation we have to let them know that wersquore here to help them improve their English and help them not to laugh at them Because today was the first day of Bachata I didnrsquot know what the expect However I was amazed at how fast they remembered the moves Although they were a bit noisy at first after blowing the whistle and separating the entire group into fours they paid more attention By splitting into groups of four the children danced group by group and it was easier to control them and ensure they are doing the right moves Wednesday July 23 2014 Although the students paid attention during class and did their assigned classwork I still think not all of them were putting 100 into learning We asked them about the typhoon before class started and it seemed as if they were all really worried including their parents Some wanted to go home but couldnt due to the Japan trip and others said they were going to miss us They were getting distracted during their classwork and started talking during read aloud or with someone else was talking by the lightning and the thunder Today I realized how they normally dont have much of a choice when doing something because of the typhoon there was a power outage therefore the quizzes the students were supposed to take couldnt be printed leaving a hole in our schedule We told her class to write a dialogue with the partner on any subject as long as each person said at least five lines each line including one vocab word Before they started they kept confirming with us that the dialogue could be on any topic

- 98 - The concert after dinner was funny and cute Even though the performance with the tunes might have been boring as they started learning just three days ago they made it funny and entertaining to watch I learned that even though you might not be too advanced at playing instruments when giving a performance try your best if it is boring think of something to do to make it entertaining The Halloween party afterwards was pretty exciting as the lightning from the typhoon added to the spookiness Spending the effort of decorating the office and the classrooms was really worth it I think the kids got a feeling of Halloween but they still need to experience the fun of walking around neighborhoods with their friends on Halloween night trick-or-treating Thursday July 24 2014 For some reason every time our class plays games and we tell them to split into teams and create names they come up with the strangest names The team names are all related to one another One team comes up with a name and the other teams find another name related to it For example on the second day two teams name themselves team Jesus and team Lord The last team decided to name them selves team God Yesterday one team name themselves team team so the other two teams name themselves team team number two and team team number three Finally today when we split them into two groups one decided on the name fish power so that the other team decided to name themselves dust power Although Im not really sure how these kids come up with these names Im amazed at their creativity When we did rainbow loom in the second session I thought a lot of the students knew how to do it however I was surprised that they didnt know how to use the loom itself instead the kids used another tool to make their bracelets Since my class is in seventh grade most of my kids left for their tripAfter a week of teaching them I feel like our kids are having more fun during class and opening up to us more however I still think they are afraid to ask those questions answer incorrectly or get laughed at by their friends Monday July 28 2014 Picking grapes at a great plantation was a great experience except for the bugs and tall grass I always love eating Taiwan fruit because it tastes sweeter than the ones in America and there are more kinds Today in class three new students came bringing the total to 12 students Unfortunately we planned a unit 5 to 7 test After the kids finished it and we graded it we realized that the two worst test scores were Ryan and Jacob once again from last week We talked with them and asked why they didnt study Apparently they work on the farm during the weekend and didnt have time to study Therefore we retaught the units and they retook the test Im amazed how hard-working they are even when theyre not at school Unlike students in the US the students in Taiwan work on farms on the weekends Students in the US sleep in on weekends and just hang around the house or with friends Although we decided to combine classes for the talent show when we all gathered we had absolutely no idea what to do Originally my kids didnt want to perform with the sixth graders because six and seventh grade always combine but it was too late We ended up dancing to Best Day of My Life I was pretty surprised how fast they learn the moves just like Bachata I try to get them to send certain parts of the song and exaggerate their moves except it didnt really work

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Hopefully by tomorrow night they can dance more freely Tuesday July 29 2014 Im still surprised at team names the kids come up with today they came up with susu power and gin gin power Every time Crystal and I asked him how they came up with their names they just make a sound and move on After trying a flash card game where there are two teams and each team has a person guessing While the rest of the team describes the card last week we found it pretty effective therefore we decided to play it again today Thinking back on it this game is helpful as you have to know what the word is and what it meansThis relates to what my chemistry teacher said all year you dont really understand something until you can teach someone else and apply it For example if one person on the team did not know what the word meant but everyone else knew and was explaining it to the gas soon then the person who didnt know before would learn it Tonight after the concert to be honest I thought I wouldnt cry Even though I taught my class for only two weeks I didnt bond with my students thats much as I have the oldest class and there are disciplined so I dont have to yell at them or talk to them as muchHowever by the end watching people cry listening to sad music and the kids hugs are you eventually cried For one performance sixth and seventh grade performed best day of my life Since they only danced it for one and a half hours before the performance I was proud of them for dancing and singing on stage Wednesday July 30 2014 Since there was a unit eight test today and a concert the night before we gave the students time to study and review After correcting the tests we realized the worst two scores were once again Ryan and Jacob This happened on Monday to therefore I retaught them the unit with the hope that they would learn it properly this time Since the choir kids had to leave at 11 AM we planned to let the rest of the kids play basketball I threatened the two kids that if they didnt really learn the unit properly they couldnt go out to play When reteaching them I think they know the content they just dont spend the time to study and memorize it The kids dont seem to like studying as much because they have to work on the farms over the weekend and they wont use English that often It was really interesting that the kids in our class we watched our performance from last night and played demons and best day of our life during break time on their phones I dont know whether they already know the songs before hand but I thought it was pretty cute They also started to sing-along and hum the tune Thursday July 31 2014 Because my class is done with the textbook and Justines class only had one student left we decided to combine classes and make rainbow loom bracelets together Although we tried teaching this during class we only got through the simplest design therefore this time we gave them examples and asked them which one they wanted to learnSome kids were amazing at making bracelets while others struggled a little bit Some students made bracelets for a family member while others made bracelets for themselves or their group of friends After a wild we took them out to play basketball

- 100 - however they couldnt find a ball so they went to climb the tree in the back parking lot Unfortunately that tree is a historical tree and they werent supposed to climb it Before I knew it it was time for the kids to go The goodbyes were short and soon the kids left These past two weeks were a really fun and nice experience Comparing last year with this year is really difficult because they are two separate sets of experiences Although its the same concept of teaching English the approach methods and memories are different I am really glad I got to spend two weeks at Vox Nativa helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Rebecca Zheng Monday July 21 2014 Today I was pretty anxious and worried while I was waiting for the students to come in the class I was afraid that they would not listen to me and that we would not be able to teach them properly First the students were very shy and curious about us When we started class I tried my best to project my voice and lead the class We utilized a variety of techniques to teach the students including repeat after me call and answer and fill in the blank I was surprised that the kids proficiency in English was relatively low and we ended up having to use Chinese for most of the class Although most of the kids were not extremely disciplined they were responsible for their age and completed all of their jobs I feel like we had a pretty good first day especially since it was both Kevins and my first time teaching English Tuesday July 22 2014 We used similar techniques to teach class today I felt like the students were getting bored of some of the activities we used and that the students who didnt participate as much were not learning I hope thats we will be able to get these certain students to participate more During lunch it took a long time for the kids to get their meals and to bring the food I need to figure out if this is the normal amount of time needed for the kids to complete their tasks The kids also had a hard time falling asleep Dinner time today was also very chaotic because it seemed like the kids duties werent defined I thought it was impressive that the kids all knew how to ration their portions so everyone had the same amount Homework time was also very hectic The kids did their Hobart but they just went to the back and were playing and goofing off Wednesday July 23 2014 Today there was no power or water for the first half of the day I was worried because I knew it would be harder to teach with no lights We were able to get through our lesson plan but the kids were much sleepier today They were also more board and made the classroom messier because they cannot fool around outside For the Halloween night all of the kids were very excited They probably only got 2 to 5 pieces of candy each but they were very happy We had a problem with cleaning up afterwards because the kids spilled a lots of Jell-O and candy wrappers everywhere It took a while but in the end the class was somewhat orderly again As a whole I think we need to figure out a better way to get the kids to do their jobsSuch as bringing the meals putting away the

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dishes and cleaning the classroom Some kids are not as responsible as others Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had to supervise the kids until 430 PM I figured out that sending a kid to get food with their friends or bribing them by helping them with their projects worked well The kids were very excited to make lanyards today and we were surprising me patient They did not get frustrated when they did not understand how to make the lead beard and all of them eventually learned how to make one We also had to supervise the kids after nap timeWe went to the auditorium and we danced and played a few games The kids seemed a little bored when they were dancing but they liked the games and most of the kids participated At the end of the day the students with hope They looked happy and sad at the same time and I feel like I learned a lot Monday July 28 2014 This morning I had a hard time waking up Some people went to pick grapes and Im glad I didnt get up that early to do so because I was very tired We made flubber today It was a very simple process for the kids but in retrospect I dont think it was a good idea because the kids always play with them during class which is a huge distraction and also created a huge mess English class was okay We worked out a routine where we spend half of the time reviewing and half of the time learning new material We gave out a worksheet and the kids struggles At this day I know everyones name most of the Chinese names and how good their English is I also know who the smart kids are so I will only call on them only when nobody else knows the answer Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we did not have an activity planned for class so we did English class for four periods We gave out a pretty simple test but most of the students were unable to do most of the questions Because of this we had to do review for most of the class offering stickers as incentives I think this review was very beneficial and the students learned a lot I realized how important the review was to the kids because they take a long time to absorb new information We also spent a lot of time preparing for the banquet I decorated the office which didnt take too long I think the kids enjoyed the food but there was no interest among them with the clam chowder We should have served him the chowder with their food The kids really liked the spam musubi and the chocolate fondue Next year I think we should include more protein in the menu Wednesday July 30 2014 This morning I really could not get up But I eventually did We made gingerbread houses today and I think the kids really enjoyed it It wasnt too messy and we had a lots of candy left over We used the candy as incentives during class time We only had one period of English and we used it as a wrap up lesson Many kids are not going to be here tomorrow I found that using the whistle was effective in getting the kids attention I usually blow the whistle to get the kids to light up After class at that time we watched a movie but the kids did not understand what the movie was about because it was all in English After the movie we played with the kids had dinner supervise the

- 102 - kids and cleaned the bathroom Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day I was not sad or sentimental at first because all of my favorite students had left the day before We watched movies for the entire time and we had our last meal together I was happy because the kids prayed for us and thanked us for teaching them Then we assigned the kids their jobs and we yelled at them to do their jobs Most of them were pretty responsible but some of the kids who were asked to do extra because they had simple jobs were very lazy After to clean up we said bye to the students and watch them board the bus The funny thing is that I was more sad about leaving the other classes then my own I cared about my own kids but it is hard for me to make a close bond with young children The sixth and seventh graders felt closer to me than my fourth-graders We rode the bus and the train to Taipei and I wished those kids the best of luck for their future because they are talented helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Andrea Lam Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first team meeting or class of second graders They were all super friendly and kept wanting us to play with them But because of how playful you were it was kind of hard to control them 30 class Something interesting we learned today was that even though all of the kids were in the same grade they had varying skill levels in English A few of the kids were amazing at English while other new on the how to write the uppercase or lowercase letters Because of the difference in skill level it was hard for us to teach because some of the kids who already knew everything would get restless and bored I think something we need to improve on is getting the kids to listen to us and pay attention during class and not fool around as much Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the students were a bit more behaved they listen to us a lot more and actually paid attention in class The Halloween crafts we made today in preparation for our Halloween party tomorrow were extremely interesting for the kids One of the Halloween crafts we had to make was a paper pumpkin The kids were so excited when they found out it would be baking a pumpkin and some kids came up to me to ask about the history of pumpkins in Halloween I was very surprised when the kids came up to me to ask me to help them perfect their pumpkins They hated seeing its lopsided or seeing it have holes in between the paper strips In the end the kids were happy after finishing your paper pumpkin and many of them kept telling me they cannot wait to bring it home to show their parents Wednesday July 23 2014 Even though today was not the first day of class our kids were still very miss behaved at times and required us yelling at them several times before they would quiet down Because of this Megan Marcus and I decided to use a new system to control the kids Our new system was that for each

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Time a kid disobeyed one of our rules they would get their name written on the board and fall Louit offenses would result in checks next to their name If a kid had two checks next to their name then they would be sent to the principals office Surprisingly this new method worked extremely well Once one student got two checks and was sent to the office the other students knew we were serious and quieted down oboist immediately After that the kids were being well behaved for the majority of the class Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had a craft to teach our kids during class We taught the kids how to make bracelets out of seven pieces of string using cardboard circles At first the kids had a hard time grasping how to make the bracelets but eventually the kids got very into it and begin to be able to make them on their own without our help After finishing the first bracelet many of the kids asked for more string to make bracelets for their siblings or parents Overall I think teaching the kids how to make bracelets was a good idea because it was simple enough to keep them quiet for the majority of the time Monday July 28 2014 Today during third and fourth period we taught our class how to make flubber When we first told the kids we would be baking flubber and explain to them what it was they were excited and could not sit still To get all of the students to quiet down we told them that they would not get any of the materials unless they were quiet and sitting down at their desks Eventually they were quiet enough for us to begin the project The kids had so much fun making the flubber After the flubber was done the students started throwing it around like a bouncy ball which made a best in the classroom It was still a very fun experience for the students Tuesday July 29 2014 Tonight was the farewell show that all the kids and all the Connexpedition team performed at The show as funny entertaining and full of memories When our slideshow came on and when some of our members said their speeches Justine Jenny Crystal and I started crying It was so emotional hearing everyone describe their experiences with each of their classes It made me reflect on my own experiences with my 2nd grade class When my kids came up to hug me when I was crying it was incredibly touching and only made me cry harder All the kids were incredibly sweet telling us not to cry and to save our tears for more important times This farewell show was the moment that made me realize how much all of our hardships were worth in the end Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we made graham cracker houses in class It was so extremely messy and many of the kids somehow managed to get the frosting all over their clothes desks and the floors However it was fun to see the kids being creative in decorating their graham cracker houses For the project we divided our class into groups of 2 which forced the two kids to cooperate and work together in order to successfully builddecorate their graham cracker house One pair worked extremely well together

- 104 - They had a whole system of who would ice the graham cracker while the other held the house together It was so satisfying to see the students be able to work together properly and build a beautiful graham cracker house Thursday July 31 2014 Our last day with the kids at Luo Na was incredibly sad I teared up and started crying once I saw my students get on the bus ready to leave us and head home When the buses started to pull away all of the kids opened the windows to wave goodbye Afterwards as I was walking back to the classroom to do a final cleanup I was struck by how empty and quiet the school seemed without the kids Looking into my classroom and seeing how orderly and lifeless it seemed only made me tear up again After getting to know such amazing kids after two weeks the thought of not being able to ever see them again is disheartening I want to be able to see the kids I taught succeed in life and grow up to become adults Hopefully some day in the future I will be able to meet my kids again and see just how much they will have grown helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Shane Li Monday July 21 2014 Today was the first day of our actual service This year I was in a class teaching instead of not teaching I am in charge of the third grade class They are basically the students from Andrearsquos class last year It really isnrsquot that bad but I almost lost my voice today I managed to get my voice back by not talking for four hours There is also a typhoon coming in and I am actually not sure if I want it to come or not I sort of donrsquot like who I am teaching with but I also donrsquot want to leave the kids I guess this just means that I need to suck it up if I have to teach with Roy There were also things I learned about lesson planning I under-planned a lot and I realized that we should always overplan so we will never run out of material Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day of teaching It was a rather better day today but also a tougher day English first period went pretty well I learned new ways of getting the kids to participate I developed a new strategy on what to do to get the most participation from the kids I feel like my lesson planning could have been better though The class sort of fell apart during second period I think partly because I ran out of steam but in the end the class did go better than yesterday I started to get sick today and I had some diarrhea I am really feeling what it is like to have to work a twelve hour day while sick and having a lack of sleep I guess I really did not understand how stressful it was to do this until this trip because culture camp back at US is not anywhere near what I do here Also last year I did not teach a class I need to improve on controlling my kids more and better lesson planning and not bore the students I have a lot to learn before I get anywhere close to a perfect day Wednesday July 23 2014

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Today was the first day I let Roy teach a whole class by himself At first he really took control of the class and actually taught However as the class went on it became obvious he was starting to make things up (on the spot lesson planning) Ping also told me that I should be less mean when speaking to the kids and not yell at them all the time I will try to be softer with all of the students tomorrow and see how that goes Making the faces and costume for the kids were really fun They all extremely enjoyed it I realized today that some of these kids can be very creative Maybe and probably even more than me I find it really saddening that the kids arenrsquot as fortunate as me when it comes to ability to expand their abilities It really touched me today to realize that Vox NAtiva has basically changed these children Sometimes I really wonder where these kids will be without Vox Nativa Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of the week English class was really smooth and nothing really went wrong I gave them a test and half the class did not do so well so Irsquom not really sure if it is my problem or if the kids did not study The other half of the class did really well though The kids really liked dancing to the music THey only like fast-paced music though which I can understand I am going to try to get along with Roy more next week since I feel like it is affecting our class Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of the second week The kids all came into the class extremely tired for some reason It was a good thing since they were all very quiet Today I made Roy teach both classes of English He somewhat struggled because he is not able to make decisions by himself He would constantly look at me and ask me what to do next I feel like having a good voice makes kids listen to you more I always try to have a solid voice and Irsquove realized if you did not have one the students will be less likely to listen to you Instead they will just laugh at your voice and make fun of it We made flubber today as our science project I used a new system in teaching them how to make it I would do it once in front of the whole class then have them come up one by one and get the ingredients This method worked really well and I was able to keep the class clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a pretty tiring day because of the banquet and lack of sleep the day before Today I taught English class and I realized that I love my voice I canrsquot raise my voice anymore because when I do it just sound extremely blank I realized it was easier to speak normally to the kids than shouting I made Roy actually start yelling in class today Honestly it did not work out so well since the kids just laughed at his voice Today was also the goodbye banquet The students had really cute performances especially my own class Those kids were always gone and now I know why - because they were practicing for the performance It really touched me because they prepared for it In the very end after the video we all went up to give speeches and a few of my students started crying I started to tear up as well even though I usually donrsquot cry at all Wednesday July 30 2014

- 106 - In the morning the kids were all really tired today probably because the banquet went really late last night Today Roy kept falling asleep in class This really ticked me off I had to constantly wake him up and every time he goes back to sleep During second period I gave Roy my lesson plan and made him teach It didnrsquot go so well though He was not able to control the class so I had to constantly raise my voice and get them to listen to Roy Next period we made graham cracker houses I thought it was really messy but the kids actually took care of the room I am pretty sure they got into a sugar high after because they ate so much candy Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of our service In the morning all of the lower classes came to our room and we all just watched a movie together I feel the kids donrsquot have the luxury of watching movies because most of them had never seen The Incredibles or Cars After movies the kids ate lunch and went home After thinking about it I have learned a lot of new things on this trip different from last year I learned that you donrsquot always get to work with who you want to work with because life does not work that way Also sometimes i realized I just need to suck it up and do things I donrsquot necessarily like I also found that you have to establish a line with the kids If I am always nice to them they wonrsquot listen to me If I am always mean to them they will not respect me There is a way to balance these two and I feel like I did that fairly well this year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kevin Lian Monday July 21 2014 Going into today I was really excited because it is always exciting meeting new students When they started entering though I did not start interacting with them right away I eventually did start approaching the kids to start talking to them When we started teaching the class was pretty rowdy We ignored them and raised our voices which was not very effective It was not until we started deducting points from their score that they started to listen to us We should have enforced the policy from the beginning From then on we started to threaten them with deducting points to keep them quiet We were not able to learn the kidsrsquo Chinese names because they were harder to read Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll find a way whether it be memorizing pinyin or the characters ANother thing we could improve for tomorrow is preparing a longer lesson plan We planned to spend a lot of time on the introduction part but it went by really quickly Our English lesson included multiple pauses when my partner and I discussed what to do next Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I got a better grasp on the studentsrsquo names I forced myself to remember them by picking on all the kids to participate This way they get practice in English and I was able to learn their names During the arts and crafts portion of the class period I realized that the kids were really needy However that is to be expected because they are young Next time I am going to make the class wait for every student to finish before teaching the next step We tried giving the kids less points during the lesson today but they kept on complaining Also it is hard to keep the point system fair

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because not every kid participates equally While part of the reason may stem from their English level a bigger reason is that theyrsquore too shy to break away from their comfort zone My kid David is usually outgoing during the break times but during class he never participates Looking back Irsquove realized that my class responds well when we yell at them However a kid cried together when we yelled It might have been because we singled her and another kid out when they had books out Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll gain more respect from the kids Wednesday July 23 2014 I really liked how we handled class today The class was really responsive because we included two activities in which the kids were able to get out of their seats instead of just listening to the lecture The class was a bit restless because of the lack of electricity but they still listened to us after a while THe kids complained about us teaching too quickly so I think wersquoll go back to review more in the future Irsquove also bonded really well with the kids now because they talk to me during breaks During breaks the kids tell stories They are stories either about their lives or ghosts so I decided to share my own past with them and how we live life in America I still raise my voice at them when they donrsquot listen but I donrsquot threaten with taking them to the office anymore The Halloween preparation was fun The kids were excited to learn about our tradition probably because they would get candy The classes are passing by quickly unlike the previous classes and more students are participating Thursday July 24 2014 Last day for the first week I really think Irsquove grown as a teacher throughout the week In the beginning I was afraid to use my authority However now Irsquove realized that I need to use that just to get them to listen to me It also helps now that I know their names in English I know the troublemakersrsquo names in Chinese just to make sure they will listen to us The art project was really difficult to start The kids were impatient and we were slow to help them individually Thank goodness Brian Amy and Larry came to help us Next time we should start the lanyards for them before class Overall though I feel like we are consistently improving compared to before Also it is easier to lead the class now that wersquove been here for a week I am looking forward to next week with the students Monday July 28 2014 Seeing the kids again after the weekend was refreshing because the weekend seemed pretty lackluster without them I feel like I yelled at my students a lot more today THe flubber project was hard to manage because we could only help one group of kids at a time Therefore the other kids would talk a lot while waiting Also since we had to get our own water the person in the classroom had to help the class while controlling the sound level at the same time I got really mad at my class after dinner because the students kept switching groups for the talent show THey would prepare with one group then one person would leave and start another This took away from the time they had to prepare Also there was another group of kids who did not want to participate I had to feel them ideas and even then they would not make up their minds I had a personal talk with a student

- 108 - who lost her parents Looking at her I would not have realized that she had such a difficult childhood One quote will stay with me for a while ldquoIf you miss someone just imagine that theyrsquore here with you Then you wonrsquot feel lonelyrdquo Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a difficult day for me I felt unrested so I was impatient with the students I specifically sat next to James and made sure he paid attention in class He often fell asleep and would not participate in discussions I talked to him privately during the break and he was pretty quiet for the rest of the class I think he had trouble paying attention in class because his English is not as good as the other students He also had very little motivation to work hard Getting food during dinner and banquet was difficult because the kids were restless and hungry but they seemed to really enjoy eating the food I thought that the show at night was pretty emotional The kid I yelled at today still came up to me and hugged me I told him ldquoGood luck in the futurerdquo and he smiled at me I really hope that I have changed how he viewed education at school Wednesday July 30 2014 The class president and vice president was not here today These two students were extremely helpful because they would help control the class and distribute work for the rest of the kids Without them the class was unwilling to bring updown the dishes and the meals Also since most of our better behaving students left today there was no balance in the classroom This shows the two extremes in the class I guess I should have noticed earlier but I didnt really mind because the class was still productive If I am in charge of a class in the future I would be a lot stricter in the beginning of the teaching period The most meaningful part of today was when the kids handed us thank you notes I really appreciated how they were thankful for what we had done for them That was a motivating experience because it directly showed how we were able to influence the kidsrsquo lives and futures Thursday July 31 2014 The last day with the kids It was pretty emotional because I really got to know one of the students really well David was one of the kids whose parents helped us out over the weekend His family offered us the pig to each Well after we went to his home he started talking to me a lot more On the last day he really helped out with cleaning the classroom I gave him one of the three rainbow looms He was the only kid sitting quietly and raising his hand The other students rushed and shouted I guess his behavior really showed me how he developed through the class because he used to be one of the kids who wouldnrsquot listen at all This last moment with him really boosted my confidence as a teacher helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kye Swen Monday July 21 2014 Today went surprisingly well considering the first day is usually the hardest Meeting the children

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was a serendipitous experience in the sense that the children were surprisingly and unexpectedly docile English lessons were carried out in a rather organized succession of activities with alternating teacher taking charge of every other activity This cooperative system proved useful and semi-harmonious The children are not exactly the most loquacious kids but they were well-behaved and obedient I learned that life is not the same everywhere and that not all children are born equal Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos class went fairly smoothly Games such as hangman and charades were played to joyous children Although the children were rowdier today than yesterday they still seemed rather attentive and open to teaching All the children were relatively happy but three students were more participative than the rest Perhaps our most important goal is to get more people to participate in class discourse and answer questions The English lessons seem to be getting shorter and shorter as todayrsquos lesson time was subtracted due to Bachata lessons and tomorrowrsquos English lesson time will be cut short by Halloween craft-making I hope to properly cover all the planned material in the limited time allotted for English lessons Wednesday July 23 2014 Throughout all of today the clear highlight of the day had to be the Halloween party After the party the only event that stood out in my mind was Halloween Looking back my memories of the day are a kaleidoscopic array of strobe lights and dismembered mannequins In regards to the teaching of our English class we are beginning to find that our students are showing less and less vigor and vitality in our classes Their participation seems to be lacking and the course of our ENglish lessons do indeed seem to be lacking in luster I think that ramping up and overhauling our point-prize system will increase participation and morale in our classes Thursday July 24 2014 Today went extraordinarily well Almost all of our kids participated a reasonable deal and we have taught a significant portion of English in the first 40-minute half of our first English session After dumping out our prize collection on the front desk to show them to possible rewards for racking up enough point for their respective teams the rate of participation went up The second half of our English session was dedicated to giving out tests to our students A twenty minute test was administered and though our expectations were high the results were massively disappointing The test results were atrocious and with each test I graded the grades seemed to drop lower in some horrible vertiginous descent I hope to talk to the kids that did the worst and find out why their results were so disappointing Monday July 28 2014 I have come to a realization that two periods of English class are the most I will ever get to teach English in a day This epiphany struck me like a lightning bolt in the middle of a typhoon while I was halfway done teaching Unit 5 in my English textbook In an activity-packed day there seems to be less and less time to teach what is vital and more and more time amusing the kids with dance

- 110 - shows and impressing the staff with events While these activities and performances are indeed important I would say that English should remain the top priority If we as a team had the option to place equal amounts of attention to lesson time allotment as we do event planning the breadth and quality of our teaching would rise in scope as well Tuesday July 29 2014 I remember the most of the talent show when I think back to my memories of today English class went by as usual and as the day drew to its inexorable conclusion I began to think more and more about the talent show It was called something along the lines of ldquonight farewell performancerdquo but it was in essence an amalgamation of hastily put-together acts reminiscent of a talent show As the lackluster Master of Ceremonies for that evening my appalling on-stage rambling was accompanied by a lineage of performances some decent and some visual atrocities My sixth and seventh grade classes for example danced to ldquoBest Day of My Liferdquo and had to be led by Justine The actual performance dance though relatively easy to dance to still managed to be exceedingly ugly Wednesday July 30 2014 The sun beat down upon our brows as we stood near the steps watching our students slowly file away into their respective cars and buses Yet as sunny as the day was a perpetual cloud of gloom hung over the heads of my co-teachers Justine and Jenny Red eyed and morose they sobbed as they hugged the children they had yelled at and laughed with for almost two weeks Some of the children cried with them mingling the sadness of parting ways with the warmness of remembrance It was strangely beautiful to see a group of people so utterly different in so many different ways unite as one in heart and temper Yet I felt no sense of sadness as I watched the people I taught leave us It was the same with yesterdayrsquos farewell concert It was as though I could not register the emotions I was supposed to and expected to feel I donrsquot exactly know why I wasnrsquot sad when they left and looking back I can honestly and forthrightly say that I did bond with many students in my class Nearly everyone else called me callous and cold which I suppose was fair for them to say I certainly donrsquot consider myself to be either of those things but based on my apathy who can blame them for thinking I am There I am bidding farewell to James and Anna and Ivy Tears flow yet my eyes remain dry Melancholy is suspended in the air like some invisible gas yet I cannot seem to breathe it in or absorb any of it I know I will miss all of them but I accept the fact that the people we see will become only memories and fade away as we meander onwards and forwards through time Our dearest friends our closest family our favorite teachers and our cherished studentsndashwe will gradually lose contact with them and they will inexorably diminish into a mere idea in the deep recesses of our hearts and minds The people we treasure will fade away into mere memories like ripples dissolving in a pond I fully and unflinchingly accept this perpetual truth and perhaps that is why I never felt the hot pangs of sadness as my children left We cry we wave goodbye and we remember That is all any of us can ever hope do

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the very last day we got to see the students still at the school Brian and Ping Ah Yi told us to take the kids and clean up any trash remaining on the school grounds Crystal and I lead a group of rowdy teenage boys to clean up the front of the school As our motley cleaning crew progressed they talked of subjects that most interested them girls sports and themselves We cut them some slack and allowed them to talk about a broad range of subjects and thus conversations of somewhat phallic and ribald natures ensued I realized then that despite their circumstances they were exactly like me when I was their age Like all of them I was once a hormonal and immature teenage boy No matter how different we may seem we are more similar than any of us will ever realize As we shouldered our bags and stepped onto the bus to leave I took one last look at Balan and the school and I suddenly felt a brief but strong sense of nostalgia It quickly passed however and my mind began to visualize our trip to Taipei The hectic night markets the teeming city the cramped buildings and humid air all appealed to my sense of travel As the green trees and small towns rolled by our window and forever into our pasts I thought of all the memories this powerful experience has left me As the American author John Steinbeck once wrote ldquoWe find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip a trip takes usrdquo As the bus rushed by the surrounding countryside and as I drowsily fell into a long overdue sleep I slowly began to realized that I couldnrsquot agree more helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Roy Ho Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first official day of service for the Connexpedition trip With barely enough sleep I got up at 6AM to prepare for the day that laid ahead of me I was actually excited to get started as this wa the day that we had been preparing for over 6 months to get to My first impression was that they werenrsquot as bad as I had imagined based upon past stories As we were introducing ourselves I finally figured out how clueless these kids are for example they saw a picture of me in a Boy Scouts uniform and thought I was a police officer After that however it started to get tougher We dealt with a girl that was homesick boys that wonrsquot stop hitting each other and kids that showed us absolutely no respect I learned today what it really means to be a teacher It really involved setting a good example and gaining the respect of those you teach A lot of things went wrong today such as flaws in our lesson plan or inability to control our kids but despite all that I have learned a lot in just one day Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was our second day I am starting to get used to this school its rules and its procedures As I get more and more familiar with my students a lot of new experiences meet me but at the same time a lot of problems arise Today was a tough day for me my two other co-teachers and basically everyone on our team For me personally I ran into the problem of two boys asking me inappropriate questions They asked it in Chinese at first not sensing the danger I asked them to explain After understanding it I felt so awkward that instead of lecturing them I just played dumb

- 112 - I think that was just one of my many mistakes today Despite that I continued to learn and grow in my own way and I bonded a lot more with everyone Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day It was my turn to teach the English classes today I feel like I screwed up a lot and had a lot of issues including insufficient Mandarin skills and being unable to get down my student names Starting today we decided to add more rules about asking before leaving class and I was a lot more strict about enforcing rules The results were pretty positive I think the most meaningful part of today was getting to be the main teacher of the class At night we had our Halloween party where we introduced the kids to the American tradition of Halloween It was really fun our students had masks and candy bags and we went to other classes to ask for candy We taught the kids how to say ldquotrick-or-treatrdquo However after the party my kids were way too hyper resulting in me having to shout multiple times and punish the extremely naughty kids Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of our first week Some things I feel accomplished about today was that I finally learned most of my studentrsquos names Throughout this week I bonded a lot with all my students At the beginning I had to raise my voice to get them to do anything however since Irsquove gotten to know the kids better I can get them to listen to me more out of respect rather than fear My favorite experience today was when we tried combining all the classes in the auditorium We started by playing a couple of songs next we danced One of the problems was that we kept messing up the direction of the moves In class today we started with a crossword puzzle and then took a test I was very disappointed however as I graded the tests because the highest score was a 95 and the lowest was 10 The rest got between 40-60 As I watched my kids leave I felt relieved to have an opportunity to rest but at the same time I miss them already Monday July 28 2014 Today was the start of our second week After three days of break it felt like a brand new start My students seemed to be extra quiet today compared to usual Like last week we continued teaching English The project today was flubber I think my kids had fun with it but they were also very messy I started English class today by going over the test they took last week I feel really disappointed with my kids because we reviewed everything on the test multiple times yet the majority still fails the test I feel like I know all the procedures better now as well as the kids Irsquom starting to get a sense of each kidsrsquo personality I am looking forward to a great final week Tuesday July 29 2014 The first thing we were told about today was that it would be very tiring I like to say I was prepared because it honestly was not that bad for me We started a new unit in English today I doubt we will finish it though We were supposed to teach Bachata today but all the lower grade teachers decided that it would be too difficult My class ended up making lanyards It was not easy though because the kids just could not get the concept down and kept messing up As the kids went to choir practice

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all of us gathered in the meeting room and started our preparations for the banquet I was assigned to cooking so the majority of my time was spent in the kitchen However despite our hard work the kids still disliked the food In the evening we had our closing ceremony which I felt would have been better if it had been placed later this week because now I canrsquot stop thinking about the end Regardless it was a very bittersweet evening It made me realize what short time I had with these kids and that therersquos an even shorter time remaining Finally it really touched my heart that the kids actually cried and some came to me to give me a hug Wednesday July 30 2014 The students performing in Japan left today for my class that was actually just one kid The project today was graham cracker houses It was a fun and interesting ldquofinal projectrdquo My kids ended up eating a lot of the material before they were told to but luckily we had a surplus of supplies In the afternoon all the Choir 2 students had class as usual but the CHoir 1 kids all went to the auditorium and we watched a movie Funny thing was that most of the teachers fell asleep and soon after the students did too Tomorrowrsquos the last day I felt restless and kind of anxious I hope it goes smoothly Thursday July 31 2014 Today was our last day at Vox Nativa I woke up this morning to Amy knocking on the door because all of us guys had overslept I then moved on to packing my stuff then went up to my classroom For the morning it was the usual procedure the students cleaned then ate breakfast Except today instead of teaching class we ended up to my surprise watching two movies As a parting gift we gave everyone in my class a bag with a WIsdom culture camp t-shirt candy and some other stuff Finally it was goodbye It has been a tough frustrating and tiring two weeks Yet at the same time it was a fun new and a once-in-a-lifetime experience Seeing the kids go was sad yet relieving at the same time It was bittersweet helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Justine Du Monday July 21 2014 Personally today was an exceptionally good day I expected the students to be rowdy and a bit disrespectful but things turned out pretty well All the children were well-disciplined responsible efficient and they are good at time management They treat their peers and teachers with respect Something new I learned today was that the kids take the bus to get to Luo Na school Though there were many great characteristics of the children they also are pretty noisy and rude to each other sometimes Today a student was teasing another student about being too slow on writing his nametag so that kid pinched him THen the kid started crying and the other kid was reluctant to apologize Eventually I got them to talk their problems out and everything got better Also many kids did not like to speak up so participation issues were huge I think I can improve on controlling the children more

- 114 - Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day with the children from Vox Nativa Something interesting I found out today was that the kids are all very enthusiastic during morning exercises I thought they would be groggy and unwilling to run and play dodgeball but everyone seemed to be having a great time I find the childrenrsquos respect for the teachers and their kindness extremely meaningful to me At lunch one of the girls said to me ldquoJiejie are you done eating I can clean up your dishesrdquo I find that really sweet and cute Also today was the first day of teaching Bachata I was shocked that the children picked up the dance so quickly and they were all paying attention However it was very messy and noisy in the beginning After a while we improved by having only one person explaining so the children we not confused on who to listen to Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day of teaching the Vox Nativa children and things definitely progressed Even though we had a typhoon with high winds and thunderstorms everywhere the kids kept a calm attitude and were still ready to learn However the loud rain sounds also distracted the kids They would work on a worksheet for five minutes then they would avert their attention towards the window We also prepared for the Halloween party today There were some difficulties in the beginning because I could not find any markers in the office and there were many kids in our class Also they were pretty loud and kept playing with the pumpkin strips so it was a challenge trying to get them to pay attention However after a while everything cooled down and we explained how to decorate everything The kids listened attentively and all went well A meaningful aspect of today was bonding with my kids During the breaks I was sitting down monitoring the kids and a group of girls crowded around me and we all got to know each other better sang some songs and shared some stories Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the fourth day and the last day of the first week wersquore here At first during Monday and Tuesday I thought these two weeks would pass by excruciatingly slowly After Wednesday and today I felt like time passed by so quickly We are practically half way done and I feel like we just got here Class went pretty smoothly and since the typhoon was over it warmed my heart seeing all the children smiling while doing their morning exercises today We also gave our first test today Some kids did exceptionally well but some did not I feel we can improve ourselves by paying even more attention to their studying methods A really meaningful aspect of today was when two girls hugged me before they left for Nantou This just showed me that I bonded close with them and it was touching Monday July 28 2014 Here starts a new week The first two periods of today went pretty smoothly The kids were still really respectful and kind The main problem is still participation though Only a certain two or three students always raise their hands and answer the questions However I did attempt to solve that problem by going to each table and listen to them individually They still speak very softly but

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at least I can hear the pronunciations and help fix them if they say the word wrong I always find it really thoughtful and polite of the kids to smile and say ldquoJiejie 你好rdquo They make my day and the little acts of kindness from my kids are the most meaningful aspects of my day During the flubber project however the kids were all so noisy and sometimes troublesome since the seventh grade class joined our class for projects activities and meals the room gets even more compact and noisy Tuesday July 29 2014 I felt that today was one of the best days of the two weeks I have been in Connexpedition My bonds with my children grew even stronger it all started from early this morning during exercise time I was just walking with Megan on the track when all of a sudden two of my kids surprised me with hugs and just those acts from them pretty much kept a smile on my face the whole day Personally I would have assumed 6th grade kids wouldnrsquot have that much affection towards a teacher but it made me really happy that not just girls will spend quality time with me talking but I even became pretty close with the boys from both 6th and 7th grade Through that bond I gained respect from them Also today was the banquet Though tiresome and challenging preparing for the banquet was really fun During the performance it was super adorable and heartwarming to see everyone smiling and dancing The most meaningful aspect of today would definitely be the speeches and songs at the end I was the first one to cry and I cried the hardest the realization of how much these kids meant to me just broke me down in addition the way that the kids would hug and comfort me just made me even more emotional Wednesday July 30 2014 Today was the second to last day of our trip and I canrsquot believe itrsquos almost over already Today went relatively well I felt bad for giving the kids a big final on their last day but they all did well so I thought that was a big breakthrough for me i felt they actually enjoyed learning English from us and they were happy spending quality time with us The climax of today was probably when the kids got called in by Uli laoshi to leave for Japan I cried again today and it was a really meaningful and emotional moment for me My kids came up to me and hugged me while saying ldquoYou better come back next yearrdquo Saying goodbye was really difficult but at the same time I felt really happy for them to have such a great opportunity like this I hope they have an amazing time in Japan Thursday July 31 2014 Today was a pretty sad day for all of us i woke up this morning feeling like ldquoOh itrsquos our last day here at Luona Theyrsquore all leaving todayrdquo Everything was a meaningful moment today spending quality time with my kids while they were cleaning the campus was pretty fun They all told me how much they were going to miss me and how they wanted me to teach them again That moment was extremely touching for me especially because they were my ldquobro grouprdquo I almost cried but I saved that until after cleaning When the kids stuck their hands out the window I felt so sad and reluctant to let them go These 2 weeks have taught me to be a better selfless person and to never take things for granted I am super grateful and thankful to have had this opportunity

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can improve by planning some lesson related games just in case we finished early again I also learned that if I threatened to send the kids to the office they will most likely quiet down After lessons we taught the kids how to make flubber It made the classroom floor dirty and the students had trouble cleaning up after themselves At night we tried to organize a singing show for the show on Tuesday It was very difficult to find a song everyone knew It was also hard to get the kids to pay attention Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we finished all of our lessons We also played hangman for about 20 minutes It was easier to get the kids to participate when prizes were involved We used laffy taffy to motivate the kids to raise their hands Some of the girls were still very self-conscious They were still afraid of making mistakes in front of the whole class even though we were just playing a game We had a busy afternoon to prepare for the banquet and at night the kids were especially excited to see what we had planned The show at night was great and the kids put on a great show that definitely showed us how much they enjoyed our company and it was very meaningful Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we had finals Most of my kids had to leave at 1100AM Before they left we had a relay race on the track We all had a wonderful time After 1100 we came back and combined with the 4th grade class to play games for 4th period THe choir kids leaving made me realize that hard work paid off It did not matter how much I yelled or got mad at them They still came back and hugged Eugene and I THey also asked us to come back next year I realized that all the preparations really were worth it One of the girls came up to me today and gave me a matching rainbow loom bracelet It was just a little handmade bracelet but it really touched me because before today I thought the kids were all really scared of me but that was not true Thursday July 31 2014 Today the kids watched a movie with the other classes These two weeks were really meaningful to me I learned to step out of my comfort zone I am more capable of making difficult decisions For example when two kids came to me with their problems I had to be able to tell them how to solve the problem I also became more confident over these two weeks I was not capable of raising my voice the first few days but as time passed I was able to become a teacher and take control of the classroom It was really honorable to have had this opportunity Many of the students are incredibly smart even though some of them are really naughty They were all amazing to be with helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Crystal Yu Monday July 21 2014 This morning a village girl approached me and asked where I was from I told her America and the shock on her face seemed unreal She immediately called me a liar and retorted back that if I was from America the she was from India In retrospect this incident is a pretty clear indicator that for

- 118 - them us living in America is probably only something that they could dream of Hence I hope this service trip can help up to motivate the kids to dream bigger and show them a world with more possibilities Later on one of my students saw me writing in my journal and was so intrigued and told me to read aloud what I wrote so he could learn more I thought this attitude was so new to me I donrsquot think Irsquove ever been this active with my learning This gives me hope that the rest of the students will have this attitude because it will also prompt me to want to teach them more than I had anticipated As an activity we gave the kids mad libs to do and it did not turn out that well since most kids had a hard time translating words such as ldquovegetablerdquo to a Chinese vegetable they knew and back to English We also made the kids stand up and read their mad-libs Most students were afraid or shy to speak loudly most likely because of their fear of pronouncing words incorrectly Hopefully by the end of next week they will be more confident Tuesday July 22 2014 Coming into this service trip I expected or hoped that the students would want to do more cultural exchanges I was really excited to ask them questions about their lives but they did not reciprocate with questions of their own I did share some but was overall very surprised that the children seemed to have little to no interest in our lives in America I also wished they interacted with me more because it seems to be just me and Sophie trying to create a relationship while theyrsquore more aloof making it a one-way street Though these kids are much more rowdy than students in the US the sense of responsibility instilled in them is pretty amazing For example Ryan never pays attention in class and is extremely talkative but when it came time for him to clean up he was extremely patient Our room was missing his mop and had to wait for the 6th grade class to finish so we could borrow their mop The 6th graders did not finish until breakfast time but Ryan waited until then did his job nicely with no rush at all and then went to breakfast with no complaints I expected him to whine or to eat breakfast without doing his job but he clearly surprised me showing that I probably should not judge these kids too harshly Another issue arising in our classroom is confidence in speaking in English We have to do more read alouds and dialogues to make them feel more comfortable speaking English Wednesday July 23 2014 We started off class with more energy but the kids seemed to be a little unresponsive and dazed I asked and they were all worried about the lack of water and electricity and started dreaming up the most terrible scenarios Their parents were also constantly checking in on the kids through texts and calls I canrsquot really blame for for being afraid of the whole idea of the typhoon since I was pretty worried myself but the distractions in class did make our jobs harder For a class assignment the kids were told to write a dialogue Sophie and I gave them the freedom of having the dialogue on any subject as long as they used one vocabulary word per sentence and everyone had to speak at least five lines The students were confused by this sense of freedom and gave me the feeling that they usually only have assignments with very strict instructions The result

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of the dialogue assignment was good however since each group created different stories Due to the unfortunate weather the test could not be printed out so the students got to skip a quiz One girl actually forgot there was one which surprised me because I was given the impression the children were very studious However now the electricity is back and I hope the students will remember my reminder about the quiz tomorrow Thursday July 24 2014 Today the students seemed to be in a better mood though they still donrsquot talk to me and Sophie unless we speak first Perhaps the good mood could be attributed to the weather the idea of the weekend ahead them feeling comfortable with us or the fact that therersquos a big bag of candy sitting at the front of the desk Either way Irsquom happy that maybe finally my students and I can connect and hopefully will improve by the time next week rolls around During class the students had a unit 7 test Out of the 8 students 6 finished within reasonable time On the other hand two boys turned in their test with about 3 or 4 out of the 26 questions answered I was so shocked by their attitudes because I thought studying here was taken very seriously I was also even more surprised by one of the two boys since he had received perfect scores on every homework assignment Since I was so disappointed by these scores I made them promise me that if their scores were not much better on Mondayrsquos test I would have to report them to the principal The 6th and 7th graders combined only had 3 students I actually bonded with the boys that were still here and it somewhat reassured me that they might not hate me as much as I think they do and I just have to give them a little time to warm up to me Monday July 28 2014 Today was slightly more chaotic than usual First three new students came to class today and was immediately set upon disrupting class and making a ruckus Second the class schedule was shifted without any warning All classes except mine received the new schedule throwing me and Sophie off track from our lesson plan Thirdly Ryan and Jacob performed way below expectations hence breaking their promise with me from the previous test to do better on this one I asked them why they did so poorly and they responded that they have to work all day on the farms This made me feel sympathetic for them but they need to learn to balance the different aspects of their lives Uli was there when I brought in Jacob and Ryan and made them agree to study and retake the test and if scored poorly would have to speak to the principal This threat immediately whipped the children into shape which resulted in very high test scores This scenario shows me that itrsquos not their varying English skills that caused the low test scores but rather different attitudes towards learning Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was our banquet and ldquotalent showrdquo The banquet was harder to do here in Taiwan than in the United States even though we had the same number of supplies and materials It was probably due to the lack of rest and how exhausted we all were After teaching classes in the morning all my kids and 6th graders were all really excited about the banquet because they wanted to try American food made by real Americans I think their energy really pumped all of us and made us be excited with

- 120 - them For the talent show me and Justin were really worried about our kids performance because they didnrsquot really seem to be interested in the dance When the group went up to perform they did much better than I expected so I was genuinely surprised But in the middle of the dance I noticed all the older boys in the group were missed and spotted them outside the auditorium They ran as soon as they saw me and tried to excuse their behavior by telling me they had to move buckets for the music teacher but the teacher contradicted that statement causing me to be extremely upset with them I planned on yelling at them and giving them a whole lecture but by the end of the show I was too busy and tired from crying that I just planned on sternly lecturing them tomorrow Wednesday July 30 2014 Today the kids have a test on Unit 8 SInce they had no time last night due to the banquet and talent show I gave them time to study during class today and threatened that if their scores were too low they would be sent to the principalrsquos office This threat worked and all of the kids started frantically studying Though they probably arenrsquot motivated to study because they want to learn I am still content with the fact that they are learning regardless of the reason behind it Some kids in my class were watching our performance on their tablets during break and started listening to the song ldquoDemonsrdquo I was elated when I saw that because at least now they can have some tangible memories of our two weeks together It was also nice to see the kids like it so much because the whole point of the show was for the kids and them enjoying it means the world to me Since most of my students left for Japan today I only had five boys left and all of them are troublemakers with the lowest scores in the class But I think I got to know the kids more which makes me sad because I wish I got to know them earlier in the trip We played a form of truth or dare and though it might have not been the most productive it did allow me to bond with the students which is worth it in my mind Thursday July 31 2014 Today most of my children left for Japan and the other ones that were left were the boysThe sixth and seventh grade classes combined for the day since all the boys were friends and the 6th grade class only had one student For the first part of the class we played chubby bunny and did rainbow looms I thought I was able to connect with the boys more because on Thursday I treated them more like friends than students since we were done with our English lessons When we left Vox Nativa on Thursday it seemed like the boys of my class were closer to me considering how much attention I gave them due to low test scores and behavior in class especially compared to the girls On the bus ride to Taipei I thought of how much I wanted to see them in the future five or ten years down the line Some of the children are truly bright like Nick and Apple but might not be able to attend college or even high school due to the circumstances they are in However I feel like I should not pity them because they seem very satisfied with their life and maybe would not want to leave their hometowns But are they only content because they donrsquot know of any other life I think Vox Nativa does help open doors of opportunities for these children and I know itrsquoll help and grow more in the future

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helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Megan Chang Monday July 21 2014 Today a student from our class was crying because she was homesick At first I thought everyone was willing and excited to be here but I forgot about the difficulties even these little kids have Even though they go home on the weekends especially for shyer more introverted kids during the weekdays it is understandable that they miss their parents and their home Also Marcus heard a student being rude and another student asked them why they had no manner and if their mom was a drunkard It just makes me realize how different their lives are from ours and how innocent we were as kids compared to them This makes me more dedicated to teach them and give them a chance at a better life Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I think the main thing that went wrong is losing control of the class In the morning during our English lesson and Halloween project the kids were pretty well behaved For the English lesson we all taught and patrolled the class and when they started playing game I would correct papers while Andrea and Marcus took turns leadingquieting the students For the Halloween project I taught while Andrea and Marcus passed things out and helped those who needed it During lunch time the kids started being too loud and we had to quiet them a few times I feel that since we werenrsquot standing in front of the class in control the kids lost sight of us as teachers We could improve by making the ones that talk stand in front or maybe make a game of the quietestcleanest eater During homework time nearly all the kids had no homework and either played by themselves or with us It was difficult to both control the other kids and the kids talking to us face-to-face asking questions We have installed a new rule of writing names on the board with consequences and will see if it works starting tomorrow Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started using the warning on the board system It worked relatively well except we still need to learn how to write their Chinese names For the most part it worked really well especially since we also told Uli laoshi about it so if we brought someone to the office she would know we already talked to them twice THey were really well-behaved today during the lessons despite our lessons having a sudden change One thing we could change about the lessons is while Andrea and I were discussing the next lesson we forgot to help Marcus keep control of the class However when it got too loud Andrea and I realized and told the class that they had to respect and listen to the teacher during lessons Starting tomorrow we will always have at least one person to help control the class Also during trick-or-treating our class was very separated One of our kids was with his brother and when we needed to tell our class to head back to our room after getting candy we could not find everyone NExt time we will clarify to the kids before we leave to stay together

- 122 - Thursday July 24 2014 Today is the last day of the first week I think we improved immensely We have gained more control of our class by taking turns patrolling giving points writing names and using their old rule of standing up Our kids really enjoyed our worksheets today One thing we have to improve on is properly estimating how long each worksheet is going to take so we can either find games to play or tell them to work faster WHen we were teaching them how to make the bracelets it was hard to get the children interested in making the bracelet The boys did not really want to make it because they kept messing up After they got into the habit of making it they wanted to make one for everyone in their family Next time we need to start the project with clearer instructions so we can use time more efficiently Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of our second week For the most part our kids we well-behaved throughout the day During lesson times it was under control and relatively quiet For the flubber project they were surprisingly quiet because we only passed out the materials to those who were quiet Near the end there was a little chaos because we did not have enough bags and others were popping theirs One big issue was that the kid were either washing their flubber or their bags and trying to either wipe it or blow dry it Cleaning up was again a big problem They were not willing to pick up the smallest pieces and the boysrsquo mopping left a lot of water on the group Next time we will split up and supervise different groups clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was the most tiring day so far Some kids are having a hard time remembering shapes and saying it because their previous teachers did not teach it yet We tried reviewing it different ways and making competitions and having them take notes but they still canrsquot completely remember them Some of them did not want to play the games and play their own We had a lot of extra time today because we did not have enough worksheets to cover two English classes Some of their tests have color so if the printer canrsquot print it we will need to edit and hand color them for tomorrow Yesterday it was kind of a mess practicing for the banquet but today we rehearsed some more and it is kind of coming together I hope the performance tonight will be phenomenal and hope that the students will enjoy it very much Wednesday July 30 2014 I cried when my kids hugged me Today our kids were discussing their religions and one kids said his religion was ldquosui jiaordquo (sleeping) Marcus and I found this super funny and we are glad that the kids were able to keep us entertained Our kids are honestly the cutest and it is so bittersweet to have to say goodbye to them tomorrow Andrea told me that even though itrsquos tiring throughout the weeks yoursquoll want to come back because if you donrsquot you will probably never see them again In these short eight days wersquove become so attached to them and now I wonder how they will turn out in the future and I wish I could still be a part of it

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day with the kids Everything went wrong because I was so sad When we watched a movie in the morning a student caught a lizard and cut off its legs and tail They kept pretending to eat it and were behaving very poorly As the kids left it was so hard for me to say bye and smile because my voice would crack This was honestly such a heartwarming experience and I will never forget the things these kids said and did They have impacted me by making me more grateful and faithful I did not want to say goodbye at all and I really hope I get the chance to come back next year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Jenny Wu Monday July 21 2014 I wasnrsquot really doing anything yesterday I arrived here at afternoon and they were already done with their teaching schedule for today We are going to have talent show tonight and I did practice with them I am not sure whether if I am going to be an audience our performed with them but I am prepare for it I guess Today is my first day of teaching and I am teaching sixth grade It has been a good start but there were also some problems The first problem is that most of the students are really shy and they refused to answer even though they know the answer for the question I solved the problem by telling them to repeat the answer with me and it works The other problem is some students will use their phone under the table during class They were not using it constantly but I think that is not respectful If they are using again next time then we will take away their phone There is one problem just for me personally I think probably because I am the youngest among all the members and I am only two years older than the students so they do not listen to me When both of my partners were gone I was telling them to go to sleep However they kept on talking and ignored me It only happened once when my partners werenrsquot there but they listen to me for most of the time The members of the group are all really nice but it is kind of hard for me to fit into them They have been speaking English throughout their whole life and all of them grow up at California except one Some of them just met each other before the day I came here However they fit in really well I can understand them but I just donrsquot know what to say and a lot of them are going to their junior year or senior year All of them at least have some experience of volunteering or teaching kids It seems like they all know what to do and how to do except me I hope I can overcome these problems by the end of this week and I also hope I can be part of them some how Tuesday July 22 2014 Everyone participates well but few of them are still very shy We realized that some of them are more outgoing than others and they try to answer most of the questions Kye and Justine solved the problem by separate them into groups and allowed student who donrsquot speak up have a chance to answer During lunch they are still loud and very chatty However they quiet down by themselves without us telling them This afternoon I wasnrsquot working with my group I went to the warehouse instead I went to help out

- 124 - for folding counting and separate clothes to piles by sizes I kept on doing the same thing for around three hours and then I came back to the TA classroom During dinner some students were using their phones and iPad but they it away when I told them to do so Other than the technology everything went okay During the summer homework time the students barely ask us questions even though they have questions They use their phones and search it or ask their friends instead Wednesday July 23 2014 Our kids are more outgoing today They interacted with us and they raced their hands more often When we were playing hangman we used some vocabulary that they learned before They can figure out the word right away without their textbook If they donrsquot know the word then they will discuss before then answer The phones are kind of distracting during dinner A lot of girls are using their phones and I had to yell at them to put it away Everyone is very excited for the Halloween party They were keep on asking what are the pumpkins that they made in class for During the party all the kids were eager for the candies and they also helped out for hanging out the candies for little kids Thursday July 24 2014 Before the class started I asked everyone who has phone hand them to the very front of the table I want them to pay attention in class not using their phones under the table We encouraged students to raise their hand by showing them the prizes and they tend to participate and answer more than usual We also gave groups with fewer points more chances I think this gave them confident to speak in English because all of them know how to answer We gave them a test after recess In the middle of the test I separated two kids because they were siting closer and closer to each other I was afraid that they are cheating The test seems hard for two or three students but they were still able to finish it on time Because there are 35 kids who are going to perform this weekend they leave around noon During afternoon we combined kids from 2nd to 7th grade together and we played games and dance with them I am glad we combined all of them together because I can know and hangout with more kids from different grades Some of the students do look like my reflection I helped them by telling them show me their answer and I read it out and let them repeat after me I also them they can get more points and prizes if they answer and both of these solutions work Actually the students are not allowed to keep their phone during class They are supposed to give it to another teacher I told them to put their technologies to our table and we will give it back after class is ended They are not using their phones for researching so I have I think it is better to take it away Their phone really distracts them during breakfast lunch and dinner

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Monday July 28 2014 This morning Justine Kye and I waited outside the door and went in when the bell rang We were trying to let the kid say good morning to us and they did which is good When we were doing 比

手畫腳 some of the kids yelled the answer out instead of raising their hand They didnrsquot stop when the first time I told them but when I told them I would take off their points they listened to me right away We were making flubber for third and fourth period Our students got too chatty so I had to yell at them Well at least they listened to me and quiet down In my opinion every studentrsquo behavior is improving day by day They can be sassy sometimes but they know when to stop It have only been a week but I can see the difference in all of them Tuesday July 29 2014 We gave our students a test today Before I give them the test we told them that we expect them to pass at least 50 13 out of 16 students pass 50 which is a lot better than our previous test I yelled at some of the guys because they were talking inappropriate stuff I kind of feel bad when I yelled at them because I was kind of being too harsh to them There were 5 guys who got into trouble this afternoon because they didnrsquot finish their cards for the Japan trip I was really shock when they were gone because I thought they would be send home Thankfully they didnrsquot got kick out We had a banquet tonight because students who are going to japan are leaving tomorrow I did some mistakes on playing piano but I think our group performance covered my mistakes Over all every one did great in their own performance Some students and teachers cried during the slide show and speeches it was sad that people are leaving However this also proved the unbreakable relationship we made Wednesday July 30 2014 We gave our kids another test today Everyone did great except one but he did improve When we were taking test I was really surprise by how many questions they asked They used to be afraid to ask us question especially the first week Justine and I were very busy during the test but we rather to answer their question than sitting aside and do nothing It was really sad when the students were leaving We have 16 students but 15 of them have performance in Japan which means almost the whole class is gone We combined 6th and 7th grade for the rest of the afternoon since we only have 1 student in my class I am glad that we combined together because I got to know and became closer with kids in 7th grade I thought those 7 guys are going to be loud and disobey when other students left However they listened to me without me yelling It was better than what I imagined I got to know them better by the end of the day and I realize that they are actually sweet and nice I thought they were naughty because they like to joke around with me Thursday July 31 2014 This morning we were chatting instead of cleaning up because we did it last night We didnrsquot do much today We didnrsquot teach our students English we taught them how to make rainbow loom instead Our students picked up trash around the school today They were lazy and didnrsquot want to do it but they still finish their job in time We said bye to them after they finish cleaning Honestly it

- 126 - was even sad for bye to those seven guys than saying bye to my own six grade students It has only been two days but I felt like I know them longer than my six grade students I know I probably will never see them again but what we have been through and our memories will be saved in all of us helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Marcus Chan Monday July 21 2014 Before starting todayrsquos teaching I was really nervous I thought the kids would be really unfriendly and distant so I felt it would be hard to interact with them They were a lot better than I thought As soon as they arrived theyrsquod be willing to talk to us about things like how to say English names They immediately involved us in their games and a girl clung to me everywhere She later cried about being homesick and now Megan is comforting her There is one kid who wanted an English name and I decided to call him Jordan because he is really cute and friendly like a Jordan I know from summer camp He really liked the name I gave him and kept repeating it so I guess that was one of the most meaningful moments of today I learned about how a lot of the parents donrsquot live at home with the students A group of kids were talking about where their mothers lived and they were naming all the different villages in the area Another time two girls started fighting and one of the girls teased the other by asking if her mother was a drunkard Everyone then began to discuss whether or not their parents drank alcohol at home This was a very different experience from what I expected and very different from what would happen in a traditional American classroom Today we couldnrsquot think of any games to play along with our lesson and it was difficult to split the teams fairly to get the less motivated students involved The kids donrsquot really care about points so I canrsquot control them that way Tonight I will try to think of games to play so we donrsquot waste any time tomorrow It was also difficult trying to grasp what their routine was and to not forget We werenrsquot told about the vitamins the kids had to take after meals and I was not sure where to get them Throughout the week I think we will begin to learn the kidsrsquo names and the schoolrsquos procedures and become accustomed to them Tuesday July 22 2014 Irsquom going to start with something that happened yesterday because it happened after I wrote yesterdayrsquos journal During homework time one of the kids drew me pictures Betty wrote ldquoGod helps me I will not be afraidrdquo in English and Chinese It was really cute The pictures the kids drew during homework time last time really showed their affection towards us (Me Megan and Andrea) Some of the students cling to my arms It worries me a little because it means they are too close to me and I must keep my relationship to them as a teacher Irsquom not as strict as Andrea and Megan and those two are much better leaders than I am At summer camps in America I had much more confidence because it was in English so by the end I was able to control the classes better Here I donrsquot have very much confidence in my Chinese so it is a struggle to get out the words

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Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started a new system of writing the studentsrsquo names on the board for a first offense and a check next to their name for each next one After two checks we would send the kid to the principalrsquos office It worked pretty well today and we will continue it tomorrow Today a big trouble was not knowing the kidsrsquo names in Chinese I could not just call them by saying ldquoHey yourdquo I had to know their names because I was their teacher Today I led an activity by myself while Andrea and Megan were preparing the next activity It was kind of hard to think of more to say about the subject of colors I yelled at the kids a lot more today though They were surprised because I had not been as strict before I was extremely impressed with the percussion performance That teacher must have worked so hard My mom is a teacher and when she come home she is always extremely tired and her throat hurts The music teacher must have worked so hard to prepare a performance like that Thursday July 24 2014 Today in the morning Brian came to watch the kids while they were cleaning That helped a lot and they worked more quietly and efficiently We taught the kids how to make friendship bracelets today We started by telling them to follow the pattern of numbers and letters but that was too difficult so we started to teach them to do it by counting three to the right This was still difficult for them and we had to reteach it many times afterwards Today was again hard to keep the kids away from me They get really attached and it is hard to tell them to keep a boundary When they left I was sad that the ones who like me the best did not come to say bye to me Monday July 28 2014 We did the flubber project today We could have planned it better When we ran through the instructions the day before the bowl had begun to wear down and almost break That happened again today and we had to double bowl the water I also had not devised an efficient way of getting warm water from the water dispenser so I wasted a lot of time I also wasted time by not having the amount of water figured out so I had to continuously refer to the instructions I used to be more conscious about making the kids like me but now I donrsquot care as much If I care too much I canrsquot control the children as well for fear of losing their affection I donrsquot understand how Megan and Andrea can be stern with them and at the same time have the kids love them so much Maybe itrsquos that they just donrsquot like boys as much or maybe Irsquom meaner I guess it is a sign of how I am more distant to the kids than Megan and Andrea are Maybe it is a sign that I need to improve my Chinese I prided myself in my Chinese until I came here Now I donrsquot want to speak at all Tuesday July 29 2014 I forgot to write about how yesterday we prepared the performances for today It was so unorganized It was difficult to figure out what the kids were going to perform We werenrsquot clearly told whether the whole class had to perform or not I wished we had been given notice ahead of time so we would have more time to prepare When we finally got the kids into 2 groups we asked if they had anything planned and they said no They wanted to sing the song ldquoLet it Gordquo but they

- 128 - did not know the lyrics Finally they chose some Chinese song that they all knew It does not sound that bad but it was so stressful and difficult I wish we had been warned earlier and had more time to prepare Today after we held the performances most of the kids went to hug Andrea and Megan I donrsquot blame them for liking them better They are better with the kids Maybe it comes more naturally to them Thursday July 31 2014 Today we went to watch a movie in Shanersquos room I was surprised how even with six teachers it took a while to settle the kids I think it was the excitement of seeing the other kids from other classes It was difficult getting the room totally clean so that we could return it to the school It had to be cleaner than usual but the kids werenrsquot less rowdy than usual There were more things to do When the kids let I was able to give them hugs so that was nice It was sad seeing them leave but I did not get as attached to the children as some of the girls did helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

719 國際志工抵達羅娜國小原聲英文學習營舉行營前會議前排左 2 為領隊吳翠萍老師

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山谷回音 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

長期志工 馬胤凱 103 年的暑假是個特別的暑假是個與原聲國三生有著共同回憶的暑假雖然過程中



了解彼此 一 壯遊前天





二 DAY ONE 經過一整夜的翻來覆去後終於到了早上與原聲國三生會面後便踏上了這奇妙的旅




- 130 -




此困難的工作 走訪多納部落後我們認識了魯凱族的傳統文化更深入了解魯凱族中貴族生活所給族


如此保護 到晚上我們品嚐了石板烤肉透過多納部落所出產的石板使我們所烤的肉並不會太



三 DAY TWO 到了第二天因為路途較遙遠所以我們一大早便前往霧台神山到了神山後由於大




是精心設計的 在參觀長老教會的時候外面突然飄起雨來透過長老教會的牧師我們可以下山到下





- 131 -

四 DAY THREE 一樣的我們為了趕路一大早便出發但對我而言我覺得這兩天真是過的太快了離台東



快的我們到了台灣的東部在某個海邊我們一行 12 人留下了在此次壯遊的最後一張團照對




- 132 - 五 DAY FOUR~DAY EIGHT 經過舟車勞頓後我們在第三天的晚上 11 點多到達了花蓮第四天我便加入其他原聲小

朋友的海洋營在海洋營中我與 Uli 老師一起擔任低年級的帶隊老師第四天低年級前往蘇



快感 到了第五天雖然我只有待半天一個早上我非常幸運的可以參加溯溪這是我人生中

的第一次溯溪這一個早上我真的覺得花蓮是個好山好水的地方甚至比南投還要好 10 倍以

上因為在花蓮還有這種溪可以讓我們玩真不愧是世外桃源 經過趕場後在第五天晚上我們又再度回到花蓮我以最有效率的方式與另一個晚會的




有原聲小朋友讓他們可以學習我那不害羞的一面 到了最後的最後我們告別了花蓮海星中學我們帶著小朋友體驗火車之旅雖然只有


非常多的幸福及溫暖使我覺得我們更要懂得去珍惜身邊那些時常給我們幫助的人 這次壯遊是我人生中的第一次壯遊壯遊使我們堅強讓我們學習使我們更珍惜彼此

這不僅是屬於我的壯遊更是屬於我們 12 人的壯遊

- 133 -

長期志工 吳璠

其實這回出發前內心是相當忐忑的 升大二那年我在建中成長營期間認識這一屆的原聲孩子們韶翔皓傑凱文念緹



年前截然不同的風景了那麼對於孩子們呢他們對於世界的想法又是什麼形狀了呢 三年前我和同輩的大學生們出於對原住民文化的欽慕對中華文化中心主義的教育







而未必能帶著他們特殊的資產(原住民文化)走出一條不一樣的路 這些疑問當時曾經提出來與老師校長們討論過事後自己也反省到誠如老師們所




態來繼續投入 沒想到這一抽離就是將近兩年的時光期間自己也經歷了一些波折ndashndash摯愛的親人離世





與憧憬嗎 然而在 Pasnanavan 的森林深處這些疑問都安頓了下來 在部落長大都市求學現在回到部落經營部落文化工作室的 Katu 老師唱了自己創作的

歌曲〈梅子夢〉給我們聽 我有個小女兒名叫 Buni(布農族名)

她嫁到遙遠的 Amalika(美國) 我想說今年梅子開很多花 我開心地打長途電話給她 口白Buni namahtu Dama gusia Amalikana aida inaka suidaijubudes (布農語Buni 爸爸有錢可以去美國看你了日語沒問題的) 忽然有天早上村長廣播 他說今年梅子農會不收 我不知該如何對女兒說 我難過地不知該如何 從稻米到玉米 從李子到梅子 我努力地工作卻不一定有收穫

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我不知道這是甚麼時代 wakalan ne kunna nu zidai wa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) Buni Buni miliskin gasu (布農語Buni Buni 想念著妳) nidumahtu gusia Amalika (布農語沒有辦法過去美國) nidumahtu sadu gasu (布農語沒有辦法過去看妳了) wakalan ne kunna nu zidaiwa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) 我不知道這是甚麼時代


四散到島嶼東南西北求學下次這樣團聚在一起歌唱不知是什麼時候了 Buin 於是老師坐在爐火前面抱著吉他唱起〈Ka Tu 別哭〉與當年準備到都市去求學

工作的 Ka Tu 告別也唱出部落青年離開家鄉到都市的心情「臺北不是我的家」 孩子們因為歌曲中的幽默而笑倒在彼此的懷中



解開了不論是 Dama KatuDama Buin 還是我自己我們都是在與大社會互動的過程當中



能做的就是為他們爭取更多空間與資源讓他們有更多的天地有機會做更多元的選擇 一路上雅安曾經激動的說「我們回去就要找部落的社區發展協會因為保存文化很重




很努力在感受在觀察的 而與布農獵人學習也讓我重新確認了自己對原住民文化的愛從哪裡來 山中第二夜男孩們帶回了山羌



許就能「逃過一劫」ndashndashDama Buin 看出了我的遲疑把內臟推向我說「透過實際的山林探



噁心那就背叛了牠的犧牲屠宰場反而讓這一切對話遠離了我們」 我這才知道該如何描述我熱愛這一切的理由現代文明使我與一切切割開來碎成一片


在肉身的實作中作回一個大地之子 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

長期志工 吳松儒 出發前壓根兒沒想過會有這麼不同凡響的體驗謝謝老師們給我這個機會跟孩子們共



- 135 -
























有 wifi因此孩子們有使用行動上網的需求但進入高中後應該就沒有差了)










記得走上這條路的初衷 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 136 -

長庚護校 幸念緹













helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip 景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全雅安



















- 137 -

景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全心潔























鶯歌工商 謝韶翔














- 138 -

清水高中 谷 Biung

在高中新生訓練第一天的自我介紹中我這麼自敘著「大家好我名叫谷 xx來自南投






























- 139 -

山谷回音 2014 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


舞台總監 楊智麟 我跟原聲的因緣結了有六年這六年裏我學到了一件事 許多偉大的故事在一開始都是一個瘋狂的想法 原聲是玉山星空也是 我記得在拍『唱歌吧』的時候有一天 Bukut 校長跟我說他要去別的部落找小朋友來試


始了嗎就這樣我帶著我的懷疑看著原聲走過了六年 我也還記得五年前莫拉克風災剛肆虐過去就在羅娜國小的校長室Bukut 校長看著[溫布尼森林音樂會]的 DVD邊看邊對我說他覺得我們也可以在部落裏辦這樣的草地音樂


結果就是我們今天在這裏準備舉行第五屆的玉山星空音樂會 這兩件事情讓我學到只要一個滿懷希望的想像再加上一群很容易衝動的人就可以創造

前所未有的局面 於是我們邊走邊整隊邊做邊學習玉山星空音樂會成長到了現在這個規模五年來到


團舞台愈做愈大觀眾愈來愈多名聲也愈來愈響亮 這一切的開始真的就只是五年前我在校長室裏聽到的那一句即使現在想起來也還是很

瘋狂一句話 現在我看到原聲孩子的表現就知道他們一定會越來越好那是因為 Bukut 校長阿蠻校

長以及藍蔚跟阿貫老師都是教育專業所以會把這群孩子教得很好那是理所當然的 但是同樣也是這一群人把玉山星空音樂會做的愈來愈大這就是一件很令人驚訝的事情了 在他們過去的人生中不管是在工作中還是生活中我想跟辦音樂會這種揮霍大量金錢的


在傳播圈打滾這麼久的專業眼光來看根本就是在胡思亂想而已 但也許就是我那打滾太久的專業眼光侷限了我的想像力也是因為他們不專業所以看不



- 140 - 我常常在想一個高雄的樂迷為了一場音樂會專程坐高鐡到國家音樂廳去欣賞真的是


在中正紀念堂下車捷運站的出口就直接是國家音樂廳了 可是玉山星空音樂會卻是要來聽的樂迷們自己想盡辦法跋山涉水的才能來到這個

深山之中的部落小學來享受這一場音樂盛宴國家音樂廳的座位有 2074 個我們今天在操


音樂會從頭到尾都是一個又一個的奇蹟累積起來的 你們都是在學業上很優秀的人也正在跟很多專業和頂尖的人才學習但是我希望各位





做出來的 在那時候你就可以告訴他們這個音樂會是怎麼誕生的是怎麼樣集合大家的力量來完成


一員 這是一個不售票的音樂會因為我們不想讓門票變成門檻來玉山星空音樂會惟一需要的



樂就是這場音樂會最好的回報 今天我想跟各位志工分享這些故事是因為我希望你們知道當你們決定來到山上當音樂



美好記憶 (工作時請叫我黑導)3-14-2014 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 141 -






















Bukut 與阿蠻是孩子們的守護獵人在孩子的教育上何止翻轉何止投入他們告所我




後必須擁有中央山脈 VIP 入山證在我家來去的企業家領袖海哥車大哥台光哥綸有














- 142 -
























綠繡眼 3-17-2014

Dear 綠繡眼



和阿蠻Bukut 兩位校長都是用生命在做原聲的工作加上這回的靜一及許多有才華又願

意付出的志工才有今天的局面 這麼多志工投入這麼多的資源這麼卯著勁辦原以為可以吸引更多的人關心原聲


想到兩位老師經常因為捐款不濟困坐愁城又想到 Bukut 校長阿貫老師的願那麼大未



綸有 3-17-2014

- 143 -

2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫 壹依據 一教育部國民及學前教育署十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質計畫 二南投縣 102 年度十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質整體計畫--部必辦處延

續政策申辦教師音樂專業成長研習 貳研習目標 一為二十一世紀的孩子創造音樂學習之旅 二二十一世紀的孩子需要什麼樣的音樂 三如何為不同年齡及孩子選擇音樂 四如何以音樂滿足孩子所需的挑戰

參研習內容 一以趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂包括音樂遊戲與即興創作等 二提供一至八年級精心挑選的樂曲 三以孩子需求所挑選的歌謠(藉由詮釋音樂內涵的過程)給予孩子適切的挑戰 四以多元文化為重點介紹中古世紀至古典時期音樂 五融合新設計的樂器奧福樂器與直笛創新運用奧福的內涵理念

肆指導單位南投縣政府 伍主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 陸協辦單位草屯國民小學 柒研習對象對華德福音樂教育有興趣之各國中小教師共計 60 人 捌研習日期103 年 4 月 17~18 日(星期四~五) 玖研習地點草屯國民小學承學堂 拾研習講師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss

目前服務於德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校為資深音樂教師此校為華德

福系統中包含特教功能的融合教育學校Marcus 畢業於英國愛默生學院音樂系在北美

洲曾指導多場音樂工作坊Markus 專長在華德福音樂教育及多元文化音樂表演(他對各

種民族的音樂很有涉獵)更擅長於 Werbeck 發聲教學也就是協助每個人排除發聲的

身心阻礙將屬於自己的聲音解放出來用整個人而不僅是某個器官來發聲此外Markus擅長 1~8 年級音樂教學(含特殊兒童)結合打擊樂器與詩歌的演奏中高年級的管絃樂



拾壹研習報名 一請各國民中小學教師即日起至 103 年 4 月 11 日前至全國教師在職進修資訊網報名聯

絡人張淑甚主任049-2362007112 二報名後如確有重大原因未能參加研習者請另函通知協辦單位以免造成訓練資源之

浪費 三為響應環保減少垃圾請自備筷子湯匙及水杯

拾貳研習時數本研習採計研習時數 12 小時參加人員請各服務單位給予公假登記(如有


- 144 - 拾參研習課表 日期 上課時間 課程內容 授課老師

0820~0850 報到 陳恆聰校長 0850~0900 開幕式 黃寶園處長 0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for

warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm focus games body percussion pedagogical issues

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊

第一天 4 月 17 日 (星期四)

1330~1630 1 Singing focus combining rhythm with songs experiencing world music developing creativity in the classroom 2 Finetune our work with songs for further performance

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm advanced deepening of the elements from Day 1

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊 第二天 4 月 18 日 (星期五) 1330~1630 1 Singing advanced bringing the

elements together enhancing the songs through use of rhythm instruments 2 Further songs round-up question answer time reflection

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師 黃寶園處長



一參加研習之教師能運用趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂 二參加研習之教師能配合孩子發展的特定需求選擇音樂 三加研習之教師能鼓勵並引導學生創作自己的歌 四參加研習之教師有 90感覺有收穫

拾陸研習成果 由主辦單位將研習成果(含電子檔)彙整成冊送本府教育處提報敘獎


項目 單價 數量 金額 便當 70 140(2 天) 9800茶水 20 140(2 天) 9800

場地布置費 3000 一式 3000雜支 3000 一式 3000

總計 25600

- 145 -


一 目的鼓勵各校學童與家長一同學習母語融入生活中透過親子間的學習與互動提


知及應用本土語文的能力 二 主辦單位南投縣政府教育處 三 承辦單位南投縣東埔國民小學羅娜國民小學 四 競賽規則原住民族語【說族語闖天下】比賽


組辦理每位學生各闖關大項至多可各參加兩項 (二)競賽內容每位競賽者依事先公佈題庫進行闖關活動 (三)競賽方式分家長與學童二組進行比賽各自錄取中年級高年級和國中組優勝名

單 (四)競賽內容題庫於賽前一個月由主辦單位公布

五 報名時間 自104年11月20日起至12月4日(以郵戳為憑)請傳真或電子郵件報名 聯絡人東埔國小教導主任蔡榮哲 電話(049)2701340-12

六 競賽日期104年12月12日(週六)上午800-820報到830比賽開始 七 競賽地點南投縣羅娜國民小學 八 獎勵

(一)學生及教師 各組擇優錄取第一名1人第二名2人第三名3人優勝若干名凡成績列前三名及優勝


乙次以資鼓勵餘者則頒給獎狀乙紙以資鼓勵 (二)家長依參賽結果頒發獎狀

九 辦理本次活動之有功人員依本縣教育人員獎勵標準規定核予獎勵 十 附則

(一)各組參賽人員應於賽前30分完成報到手續 (二)各組參賽人員必頇依照規定時間準時到場並於競賽全部結束後始可離場比賽結

束後即進行頒獎 附件一語詞闖關活動內容

項目 活動說明 參賽資格



1依據下列基本三項自自我介紹可自行補充 1(族名)氏族 2家人數多少 3來至於哪裡 評審提問 評審 3 人採四個等級評分給分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名



1參賽者請看 ppt 圖示三個圖片中任選一項並以完

整的族語一分鐘內說出圖中表達的內容 2能說出二至三項者逐條加分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名

- 146 -

評審 3 人採四個等級給分



1四篇短文賽前 6 分鐘現場抽題目並請以社群正確

語音朗讀完成 1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名




2~3 分鐘為限 家長


項目 活動說明 參賽資格




1布農語(巒郡卓群)國中組 200 字(字音字形各

100 字)國小中高年級組 100 字(字音字形各 50字)華語翻布農語布農語翻華語各半

2原住民語請用教育部與原民會 94 年 12 月頒布「原

住民族語言書寫系統」之拼音用音 3各組每人均限 15 分鐘 4200 字者每字 05 分100 字者每字 1 分塗改不



1國小每校 3 名 2國中每校 5 名





1基本過關 50 字 2進階80 字 3高階100 字 4挑戰150 字以上

1分巒郡卓三群 2每校至多 5 名 3取個人名次




1每校 4 人一組 2選題庫(分 2 組每組 100 題) 3二人以動作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另二人猜

出詞彙 4計時 2 分鐘每答對 1 題得一分(不會可放棄) 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

一組 3國中組二組




1親子兩人一組 2題庫(初級詞彙) 3一人以重作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另一人猜

出詞彙 4計時 1 分半每答對 1 題得 1 分 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

1 組 3每校 5 組


- 147 -

2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫 壹 緣起

星空下山谷中縈繞耳際的美好樂聲將是您一生中難以忘懷的憶念helliphellip 為了充實部落生活內涵鼓舞學童家長及部落鄉親南投縣信義鄉公所和台灣原聲教育

協會仿效德國溫布尼夏日森林音樂會模式於 2010 年在海拔近千公尺的羅娜國小運動場舉


夜和群山的環繞下能夠聆賞國際級的演出在大自然的懷抱裏輕鬆愜意的欣賞音樂 在信義鄉公所和原聲教育協會的共同努力下星空音樂會已從單純的地方活動發展


外也順便悠閒採梅泡溫泉及欣賞原住民手工藝品體驗布農文化之美2014 年吸引近

三千位民眾上山 2015 年玉山星空音樂會已邁入第六年這一年音樂會特別邀請近八十歲的原住民之友

蘇秋女士蒞臨以及在第 23 屆金曲獎中囊括三項大獎的阿美族歌手以莉高露演出音樂

會開始由原聲打擊樂團以趣味節奏樂開場甫成立一年的原聲 A Cappella 合唱團以及曾

獲得奧地利「2012 vokaltotal International A Cappella Festival」金牌獎的 Voco Novo 爵諾人



中這動人的生命力不易從城市的日常生活中獲得只有您身歷其境才能感受 貳目的



三充實部落生活內涵培育藝術人文素養 參指導單位南投縣政府 肆主辦單位信義鄉公所羅娜國民小學台灣原聲教育協會 伍協辦單位



落會議羅娜基督長老教會羅娜天主堂信義鄉各國民中小學 陸贊助單位八方雲集食品有限公司元大文教基金會中國國際商業銀行文教基金會


智文教基金會 柒演出時間2015年 3 月 21日(星期六)1850~2100(1830入場) 捌演出地點南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小運動場 玖演出單位

一原聲打擊樂團 10rsquo(1900~1910)

二向蘇秋致敬mdash羅娜古謠采風 10rsquo (1910~1920)

三原聲 A Cappella 合唱團 10rsquo (1920~1930)

四Voco Novo爵諾人聲合唱團 20rsquo (1930~1950)

五以莉高露 20rsquo (1950~2010)

六原聲童聲合唱團 50rsquo (2010~2100)

- 148 - 簡介





原住民的這份情緣種下她日後投入原住民文化保存工作的因 蘇秋女士畢業於台南師範深愛藝術半生投身於影像紀錄曾製作多部紀錄片獲獎


原住民的歧視她畢生所做的不在乎能賺多少錢只在乎能為原住民做些什麼 1986 年蘇秋女士來到羅娜部落以影像記錄了羅娜布農人的日常生活祭典及傳統歌謠

當時二十多歲的布農青年老師 Bukut(即今之馬彼得團長)為蘇秋擔任翻譯此後兩人未

再有任何聯繫去年 12 月中華電信基金會林三元執行長提及蘇秋女士傳奇的一生一個美好


會將放映當時紀錄片中珍貴的片段Bukut 會向蘇秋女士獻上最高敬意這場跨世紀跨族


以莉高露 Ilid Kaolo

以莉middot高露是花蓮吉納路安部落阿美族人2011 年發行首張個人創作專輯《輕快的生活》

獲得中華音樂人交流協會年度《十大優良專輯》第 1 屆《音樂推動者大獎》年度專輯大獎

以及第 23 屆金曲獎三項大獎mdash最佳原住民語歌手獎最佳原住民語專輯獎及最佳新人獎 2010 年與先生共同在宜蘭縣南澳鄉投入有機稻米栽植成為左手種稻右手寫歌的音樂

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲合唱團

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲樂團成立於 2009 年演唱技巧純熟曲風多元除了演唱流行與當 代的人聲爵士樂以外無國界的世界音樂及源自生活經驗的創作曲更是 Voco Novo 的一大

特色 歌曲充滿畫面感與原創風格的 Voco Novo 曾榮獲奧地利 2012 年《vokaltotal國際人聲藝

術節》流行組與爵士組雙料金牌並以客家歌曲「花樹下」獲最佳編曲獎2013 年榮獲 CARA美國現代阿卡貝拉《最佳亞洲專輯》獎以及「迢迢牽牛星」獲提名《最佳世界音樂歌曲》

音樂實力深獲國際肯定讓世界各地觀眾愛上這支東方意象獨樹一格的台灣音樂隊伍 Voco Novo 擅長於創作以及將具有台灣特色文化意涵的歌謠改編為充滿畫面感的 A

Cappella 音樂音樂總監劉郁如表示「看得見的音樂」是 Voco Novo 追求的音樂理想要讓

聽眾能從音樂想像台灣之美感受土地的風光 Voco Novo 經常受各機關團體邀請於國家音樂廳及台灣各地演出推廣人聲音樂近幾



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Voco Novo 也致力於編曲教學與創作以及與其他藝術形式合作實現一個最 ldquoVocordquo (源自英文 ldquoVocalrdquo「 人聲」) ldquoNovordquo( 源自拉丁文「創新」)的新人聲合唱音樂願景帶


原聲 A Cappella 合唱團


仍保有對歌唱的熱愛於是在 2013 年 10 月成立 A Cappella 合唱團先後受教於嘉義大學音

樂系張得恩師及 Voco Novo 雙雙團長自 2014 年 10 月開始利用週末下午練習 1 個多小時








台北雙連扶輪社牽成下這個構想真的實現了2012 年 9 月原聲打擊樂團成立 目前打擊樂團有十餘位團員由國立台灣交響樂團資深團員陳姿伶老師指導希望創新



台灣原聲童聲合唱團成立於 2008 年 6 月隸屬「台灣原聲教育協會」羅娜國小校長馬



聲來自心靈深處清澈純淨又和諧彷如天籟 2010 年 5 月應邀赴上海世界博覽會於台灣館開幕典禮中演唱2011 年受邀於百年國慶大

典中以布農語客語台語華語演出「百年禮讚組曲」2013 年 7 月應邀於美國加州 City Fremont 慶祝國慶升旗活動中演唱美國國歌同年 10 月再度受邀於國慶典禮中領唱國歌2014年應「全日本合唱連盟」邀請赴日本參加「東京國際兒童合唱節」並隨榮譽團長周美青女士

於東京博物館「國立故宮博物院神品至寶」開展表演 台灣原聲教育協會希望透過教育培育原住民孩子成為具有使命感的典範以帶動部落


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2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫 壹宗旨 一傳承發揚布農歌謠領悟布農文化之美 二提供各社區教會詩歌交流觀摩提升詩歌演唱水平 三以音樂影響社會教化涵養社區優質生活 四以詩歌頌讚耶穌基督的誕生 貳指導單位行政院原住民委員會行政院文化部南投縣政府 參主辦單位信義鄉公所社團法人台灣原聲教育協會台灣基督長老教會中部布農中會 肆協辦單位信義國中羅娜國小各村辦公室及鄉內各教會 伍比賽項目布農詩歌合唱比賽 陸比賽地點信義國中禮堂 柒比賽日期中華民國 104 年 12 月 11 日(星期五)上午九時起 捌參賽資格


一隊參賽 玖報名

參賽隊伍請於報名截止日 2015 年 12 月 4 日(星期五)前將報名資料以掛號郵寄或親送至 南投縣信義鄉羅娜村信筆巷 73 號(羅娜國小)馬慧如小姐(以郵戳為憑逾期恕不受理) 電話049-2831824

拾比賽辦法 一比賽曲目由大會選擇三首指定曲由參賽隊伍自行選擇一首演唱自選曲則必須

演唱布農古調詩歌不符規定者則不予計分 指定曲如下 (一)Iesu hai maisna dihanin kunastucin(布農聖詩 42 首)唱 12 節 (二)Tensi tahu sinpinaskal(布農聖詩 41 首)唱 12 節 (三)Santaishang bintuhan sia dihanin(布農聖詩 477 首)

二比賽人數每隊至少 20 人(不含伴奏與指揮)最多 40 人不足或多出者每不足

或多一人則扣總平均分數 05 分依此類推 三比賽規則

1 演唱曲目與報名曲目不符者一律不予計分 2 演唱時間以 15 分鐘為限自第一首歌指揮下手式開始計時指揮離開舞台時結


警示時間一到按鈴一長聲逾時即開始扣分逾時每 1 分鐘扣總平均分數 05 分

不滿 1 分鐘以 1 分鐘計依此類推 3 比賽演出人數應與報名表列相同不含指揮伴奏不得超過 40 人最少不低於 20人演出時可依樂曲之實際編制變換隊形 4 本比賽提供鋼琴其他無調性打擊樂器請自行準備若因歌曲特殊需要得以自

行錄製之卡式音樂帶CD 或自備之樂器伴奏 5 比賽將依序進行各隊報到時間請依主辦單位之通知(公布)於報到時間前完成


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6 參賽者應於司儀唱名時立即進入舞臺開始表演若唱名三次未進場者視同棄權 7 評分標準音色 40音準 20演唱技巧 20指揮(伴奏)10整體藝術

表現 10依照分數之高低評定名次比賽結束後當場宣布成績並頒獎 8 車馬費補助凡參加比賽者由大會補助車馬費每隊 5000 元 9 報名隊伍如未達八隊則取消比賽(電話通知各隊)



獎金金額如下 第一名獎金 80000 元 第二名獎金 60000 元 第三名獎金 50000 元 第四名獎金 40000 元 第五名獎金 30000 元 第六名獎金 20000 元 第七名獎金 10000 元2

二獲得第一名之隊伍並於 104 年 3 月辦理之玉山星空音樂會中擔任演唱如第一名隊


音樂會之演出為原則) 拾貳經費本次比賽經費由信義鄉公所及台灣原聲教育協會共同籌措

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200805 台灣原聲音樂學校及台灣原聲童聲合唱團誕生於南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳 200906 公益發行《唱歌吧》專輯入圍第 20 屆傳統藝術類「金曲獎」最佳傳統歌樂專輯獎 201001 接受廈門市台胞及台商聯誼會邀請首次於海外演出 201003 公益發行之《唱歌吧》紀錄片獲第 32 屆「金穗獎」最佳影片首獎 201005 受邀參加上海世界博覽會台灣館開幕典禮演出 201008 Bukut 團長獲選為遠見雜誌『新台灣之光』99 位人物之一 201010 受邀於中央研究院演唱為國內首次專場演出 201012 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201105 於國家音樂廳和國家國樂團聯合演出 201106 與哈佛大學鱷魚合唱團於東埔國小同台演出 201107 參加香港國際青少年合唱比賽獲童聲組金獎及民歌組銀獎 201110 於建國百年國慶大典中演唱「百年禮讚」組曲 201111 公益發行《不只唱歌吧》音樂專輯和紀錄片 201202 受邀於台南奇美博物館演藝廳及樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201203 受邀赴北京柏萊沃古典音樂俱樂部於金融家年會「寶島之夜」專場演出 201208 於新竹縣文化局演藝廳為創世基金會募款專場慈善演出「愛築家園」音樂會 201209 原聲兒童打擊樂團誕生 201211 受邀協助齊柏林導演空拍紀錄片「看見台灣」登玉山主峰於峰頂演出 201211 參加南投縣政府「全民運動會」開幕典禮演出 201212 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201307 受邀出訪美國加州參加國慶領唱國歌及國慶遊行巨人大聯盟球場Children

Discovery MuseumForest Lawn MuseumUNITY ConferenceICICE 全球華文網路

教育研討會Facebook 總部獻唱並於舊金山及洛杉磯劇院演出兩場專場音樂會 201308 受邀於高雄市文化中心至德堂專場演出 201310 受邀參加國慶典禮領唱國歌 201310 原聲A capella合唱團誕生 201311 受邀與長榮交響樂團於中興大學惠蓀堂聯合演出 201312 受邀於總統府「總統文化獎」頒獎典禮演唱 201402 受邀於台南樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201404 受邀於台北誠品松菸表演廳「看見台灣聽見原聲」專場演出 201408 應「全日本合唱連盟(JCA)」邀請赴日本參加第 28 屆東京國際兒童合唱節於新宿


物院「神品至寶」開展演出 201408 受邀於台中市圓滿劇場為「看見台灣-臺中心動影像音樂會」演出 201409 受邀於木柵動物園為台灣自製第一部 3D 動畫長片「桃蛙源記」首映會演唱 201410 受邀於台北小巨蛋參加慶祝國慶「四海同心聯歡大會」演出 201411 受邀於台中洲際棒球場參加「21U 第一屆世界棒球錦標賽」開幕領唱國歌 201411 受邀參加臺灣大學 86 週年校慶音樂會專場演出 201412 受邀參加南投縣長就職典禮演出

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

會議時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 200~430 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數

應出席人數 136 人實際出席人數 83 人(含親自出席 66 人委託出席 17 人) 貳大會開始 參主席致詞略 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告如 2013 年報 p10~22 二監事會監察報告如 2013 年報 p8 伍討論提案 案由一 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案(如

2013 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案業經

本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第 14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核

備 決 議通過 案由二 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2013 年報)提請討論 說 明 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第

14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 陸臨時動議無 柒選舉第 3 屆理事監事 有效選票理事票 83 張監事票 83 張 發票員黃煌蕭淑敏徐德蓮鄺麗君 唱票員楊智麟徐德蓮廖南詩蕭淑敏 監票員鄺麗君邱媛美

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理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠



監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥


捌原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 340~420)

1 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 西北雨直直落(福佬語) 詞葉明龍 曲黃敏 編曲楊耀章 3 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 4 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲林志忠 5 心肝寶貝(福佬語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 如鹿渴慕溪水(國語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲 Phil Dave 8 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

玖散會(下午 430)

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 1 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 400~430 開會地點台北市南海路 56 號夢紅樓二樓會議室 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠

楊智麟廖南詩廖達珊鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 候補理事林恩源江睿智(請假)賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 壹報告事項第 2 屆理監事於 4 月 26 日任期屆滿將移交給第 3 屆理監事會 貳討論提案無 肆選舉第 3 屆監事會主席及理事長

當選名單監事會主席mdash黃生理事長mdash洪春滿 參臨時動議

案由推選廖達珊為執行理事 決議通過


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 5 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200~430 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美(請假)許正瑛洪春滿黃春木

黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩(請假)廖阿貫鄺麗君(請假)羅綸有蘇錦淑(請假) 候補理事林恩源(請假)江睿智賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞(請假)樓海鳥(請假) 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 列席人員禹連泉孫藍蔚李彩霞呂克勝 壹報告事項

一建校規劃報告禹連泉建築師 二執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 5 月工作報告 2 2014 年下半年活動日程 3 2014 年暑期營隊課程及活動 4 2014 年 8 月參訪日本行程及活動 5 「十年樹木百年樹人」計畫-東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫 6 原住民師生美加遊學推薦實施辦法草案

三秘書長報告 1 2014 年 1 月至 4 月財務報告 2 遠距課輔及數位學伴規劃報告

四理事長報告 1 原聲音樂學校現況報告 2 東埔國小及原聲音樂學校親師生比賽及期末點數拍賣會(募集獎項)

貳交接前後任理事長印信文件交接 參討論提案無 肆臨時動議無


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 3 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 8 月 30 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木(請假)黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員馬彼得李彩霞呂克勝羅 揚高達瑋 壹報告事項

一主席報告 1 暑期學習營成果報告

(1) 日本演出及交流活動成果報告 (2) 暑期花蓮海洋營成果報告 (3) 母語推廣活動報告

2 原聲音樂學校學生的優秀表現分享 (1) 孩子在暑假有很多成長 (2) 學長姐與學弟妹分享學習心得mdash鼓勵學弟妹不畏辛苦努力學習

3 成就孩子時自己也被成就 二團長報告

1 建校規劃報告-建校場地相關事宜報告 三執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 8 月財務報告 5 月餘絀 -579070 6 月餘絀 3247291(磊山 220 萬元大 100 萬) 1-6 月餘絀 1538696 7 月餘絀 -1156540 8 月餘絀 -1214827 1-8 月餘絀 -832671

2 2014 年 9~12 月活動日程 貳討論提案 案由一修訂「台灣原聲音樂學校學生接受認養贊助辦法」 說 明受助生升入高中後皆在外地求學每月認養金 1 千元不敷使用且每位受助生狀況

不同需隨個案彈性處理 決 議依個案彈性處理 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 4 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 12 月 20 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興(請假)林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木黃慶忠(請假)楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有(請假)蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員孫藍蔚裘友棣車和道蕭淑敏呂克勝李彩霞柳宜蕙 壹報告事項

一2014 年校務報告阿滿理事長 1 校務現況報告原聲的孩子透過平日的假日學校及暑假活動(日本行花蓮海洋營



的生活教育 2 建校報告

(1) 實驗教育法已通過原聲申請設立實驗學校 20141117 通過現已可掛牌薵備 (2) 原來預定設立地點在羅娜部落的羅娜國小(原因腹地大羅娜部落是全國最大的


召開部落會議溝通若仍有意見再思考更換建校地點 二2014 年度財務報告藍蔚秘書長

1 至 201410 月止本年度餘絀為負 79240 元至 201411 月止本年度餘絀為負 81058元

2 2014 年至 11 月止捐款達成率 529支出達成率約 55支出減少是因建校支出

還未動用 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2015 年「年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」草案 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備並實施 決 議通過 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 5 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2015 年 1 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200-400 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興(請假)林靜一(請假)邱媛美許正瑛黃春木


監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生(請假)楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員裘友棣柳宜蕙 壹報告事項 一2015 年建校進度報告阿滿理事長 二2014 年度財務報告(決算)藍蔚秘書長 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2014 年「年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收

支表」草案(如附件) 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 案由二確定第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會召開日期地點議程 說 明擬於 2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)1400 假台北市南海路 56 號建國高中「夢紅樓」二樓

展演廳舉行 決 議通過 參臨時動議 肆散會

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會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 一 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)編曲馬彼得


同時也鼓勵小朋友早起 kula vali panangausan taki litu vava su-u hongku tasa dusa tau pat ima num pitu vau kula vali panangausan taki litu he he~ he~ he~ he-he

二 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語)編曲Edwin O Excell


農語和國語三種語言來表達 アメイジンググレイス 何と美しい響きか 私のような者も救って下さる さまよう私をお救いになり 今では神の恵みを見て取れる makitvaivi singkadaidaz laduaz inulivan minupungav inkaduanin maimabual minsinghal Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found Was blind but now I see 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見

三 天下別無拯救(國語)詞曲蕭泰然

看哪 我的僕人 我所揀選 我所親愛 看哪 我的僕人 是我心所喜悅 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 因為在天下別無拯救 因為在天下別無拯救 沒有賜下別的名 可靠著得救 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主啊 我的基督啊 願你快快再來 願頌讚與榮耀智慧 願感謝與尊貴權柄 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 哈利路亞讚美主 阿們 阿們 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 阿們 阿們 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主 我的基督 哈利路亞 讚美主 阿們 阿們

四 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 曲游智婷 編曲游智婷

田中的白鷺鷥 無欠缺過甚麼 山頂的百合花 春天現香味 總是全能的上帝 每日賞賜真福氣 使地上發芽結實 顯出愛疼的根據 耶和華祝福滿滿 親像海邊土沙 恩典慈愛 直到萬世代 我要舉手敬拜他 出歡喜的歌聲 讚美稱頌祂名 永不息

五 乘著氣球上天空(気球に乗ってどこまでも)詞東龍男 曲平吉毅州 中譯白蕊




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時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 風に乗って 野原を越えて(野原をこえて) 雲を飛び越え(雲をとびこえ) 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに何かが(そこになにかが) 待っているから(まっているから) 大空に ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン 時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 星を越えて(星をこえて) 宇宙を遥か(宇宙をはるか) 星座の世界へ 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに輝く(そこにかがやく) 夢があるから ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ 乘著氣球上天空(中譯) 有的時候會想起 天空真神秘 有的時候會想起 上天去遊玩 乘著一個大氣球 航向神秘的天空 隨風飄 隨風飄 越過一座座高山 飛過雲霄 飛過雲霄 乘著氣球上天空去 好去看天空上 有多少 神秘光景 啦~~~~~~~ 好去找宇宙中 有多少 多少寶藏 啦~~~~~~~

- 162 - 六花は咲く(日本語) 編曲西條太貴

真っ白な 雪道に 春風香る わたしは なつかしい あの街を 思い出す 叶えたい 夢もあった 変わりたい 自分もいた 今はただ なつかしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの歌が聞こえる 誰かを励ましてる 誰かの笑顔が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 夜空の 向こうの 朝の気配に わたしは なつかしい あの日々を 思い出す 傷ついて 傷つけて 報われず 泣いたりして 今はただ 愛おしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの想いが見える 誰かと結ばれてる 誰かの未来が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか恋する君のために


白雪覆蓋的路上 瀰漫著馥郁的春風 我想起了 懷念的那座城市 曾有著想要實現的夢想 也有著想要改變的自己 如今卻只想起 思念的那個人 聽到有人在唱歌 好像在鼓勵什麼人 看到有人的笑顏 就在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 夜空的另一邊 有著清晨的氣息 我想起了 懷念的那些往日 受傷過 也傷人過 也曾沒得回報而哭泣過 如今卻只思念 所愛的那個人 看到的是誰的思念 跟誰相連在一起 看到的是誰的未來 在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天會戀愛的你啊


這首詩歌曲風為 ABA 形式是露營佈道會最愛選唱的詩歌由原聲孩子清澈純淨的歌聲


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這上山路 我努力跑 一天一天 越跑越高 向前之時 常求我主 求立我腳 在更高處 求舉我起 而容我站 因信在天堂巍巍山 更上一層 我心切慕 求立我腳 在更高處 帶慈悲心 主耶穌來 為尋找我 以賜其愛 雖罪其深 怙惡不改 但恩主拉起我 從禍坑口 祂拉起我 伸憐憫手 祂拉起我 從黑暗夜 到光明界 啊讚美主 祂拉起我 我心所望 非此非彼 唯仰望主 寶血之義 我決不敢 托親托鄰 只完全靠主耶穌名 求舉我起 而容我站(從禍坑口 祂拉起我) 因信在天堂巍巍山(伸憐憫手 祂拉起我) 更上一層 我心切慕(從黑暗夜到光明界 啊 讚美主) 求立我腳 在更高處 在更高處(啊 讚美主 更高處 在更高處)

八kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語民歌) 詞王拓南曲伍欽光編曲Bukut

kipahpah ima kipahpah ima muskunta kipahpah ima 拍拍手 拍拍手 我們一起來拍手 kahuzasa kahuzasa muskunta kahuzas 歌唱吧 歌唱吧 我們一起來歌唱 manaskal saikin sadu mas muu tu taisisan 看見各位弟兄姐妹 我心歡喜快樂 mahtu mapasadu manaskalik(manaskalik) nakahuzas(nakahuzas) 能和各位相見 我心歡喜來歌唱 manaskal(manaskal) manaskal(manaskal) manasasi sang tama kamisama 快樂歡喜 快樂歡喜 歡喜快樂仰望上帝 uka hanimumulan uka kaisalpuan is-ang kaupahanian aluskunan kamisama 沒有憂愁 沒有煩惱 上帝日日與我同在 manaskal(manaskal) matumashing(matumashing) kaupakaupa hanian manaskal 歡喜讚美 日日都快樂歡喜 taisisan(taisisan) kahuzas(kahuzas) muskun kahuzas matumashing 歌唱吧朋友 一起唱歌讚美

九故鄉ふるさと Furusado(日本童謠) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

兔追いしかの山 こぶな釣りしかの川 夢は今もめぐりて 忘れがたき故鄉 如何にいます父母 つつがなしや友がき 雨に風につけても 思いいずる故鄉 こころざしをはたして いつの日にか帰らん 山はあおき故鄉 水は清き故鄉 在山上追逐兔子 在小溪釣小魚 至今我仍常夢到 難忘的故鄉 不知道父母是否安好 不知道朋友是否無恙 就算刮著風下著雨 我仍思念著我的故鄉 希望能夠達成志向 有一天能衣錦還鄉 山巒翠綠的故鄉 水質清澈的故鄉


自 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2014 年 12 月 31 日贊助者名錄如下篇幅為節省版面捐款抬頭為

5 個字以上者另立名錄欄皆依首字母筆劃數排序感恩所有支ldquo原rdquo者

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B02 室 2000 王裕鈞 1500 江亭潔 2000 吳炳昇 2000 宋祥興 40000

丁懷箴 2000 王詩辰 2000 江慶祥 12000 吳美慧 5000 宋隆傑 2000

尤麗惠 2000 王道維 24000 艾惠鵝 2000 吳哲彬 2000 宋德令 2000

尹世鈴 8631 王鈺琪 2000 何 易 1500 吳哲綸 1500 巫晟豪 1500

方思文 1500 王靖文 2000 何宜軒 2000 吳素雲 3500 李友尊 4000

方雅虹 2000 王翠華 2000 何怡君 2000 吳素絹 1400 李世忠 2000

方馨嫺 2000 王語瑄 2000 何明彥 1500 吳國榮 12000 李永勝 2000

毛恆祥 2000 王輝煌 2000 何冠儒 2000 吳婉君 2000 李玉如 5000

毛淑婷 2000 王靜君 5000 何振綱 2000 吳淑女 2000 李志勳 150000

王又 2000 王嶽璽 4000 何敏媛 2000 吳淑蓉 2000 李佳玲 2000

王士榮 2000 王薏蘋 2000 何淑娟 10000 吳清福 10000 李宗榮 3600

王如華 2000 王嬿茹 2000 何進村 2000 吳彭弘 100000 李旻真 3600

王佳華 200 古哲安 2000 何瑜芳 2000 吳敦義 55000 李昇修 2000

王宗鼎 2000 正能千惠 2000 何瓊文 2000 吳舒婷 2000 李明彥 3000

王怡文 2000 田淑嬿 3500 余大全 2000 吳瑪琍 2000 李枝昌 200000

王長婷 2000 田籠範子 1439 余沛婕 3000 吳慧君 2000 李芳禎 2000

王俊惠 2000 白佳欣 2000 余采親 1500 吳潔 2000 李金恭 100000

王俞芳 2000 石東千 2000 吳予仁 2000 吳憲昭 2000 李品欣 1500

王冠雅 2000 石麗珍 2000 吳玉英 2000 吳靜宜 2500 李宣澤 2000

王昭君 6000 仲淵 2000 吳秀娟 2000 吳耀敦 2000 李峙錡 1500

王界欽 2000 任柏叡 1500 吳佾其 2000 呂之華 2000 李昭慧 2000

王美玲 5000 全樹曦 4000 吳孟蓉 2000 呂文香 10000 李昭緣 2000

王美惠 2000 成溪玲 12000 吳旻芬 2000 呂玉華 20000 李修惠 2000

王英宏 2000 曲維正 2000 吳昌政 2000 呂昇祐 2000 李宴昌 2000

王娟卿 2000 朱久光 2000 吳昌錫 6000 呂冠磐 2000 李家媛 2000

王悟生 2000 朱佩珊 2000 吳明昌 2000 呂政明 5000 李婉如 2000

王效婷 2000 朱念慈 2000 吳明榮 6000 呂春桂 2000 李彩珠 2000

王海龍 10000 朱彥縉 2000 吳明錥 2000 呂美莉 2000 李彩嫻 2000

王崇蓉 2500 朱敏諄 2000 吳易縝 2000 呂茂源 2000 李淑芬 2000

王捷輝 2000 江文標 6000 吳秉儒 1500 呂淑貞 2000 李淑娟 2000

王組修 2000 江玉娟 300 吳金萬 2000 呂淑雲 10000 李愛珠 12877

王訢伃 2000 江志龍 2000 吳俊龍 2000 呂淳嫻 1000 李楊鈞 10000

王惠美 600 江奇駿 4000 吳冠陞 2500 呂惠玲 2000 李瑋珊 2000

王開敏 2000 江宜虔 10000 吳建明 100000 呂惠菁 2000 李瑞華 2000

王新立 10000 江青玲 2000 吳政宇 2000 呂琳琳 2000 李嘉哲 2000

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李嘉菊 2000 林玉芳 20000 林芳瑜 2000 林銅城 2000 洪家妮 20000

李嫚珠 2000 林宇哲 2000 林芳瑾 4000 林慧茹 2000 洪素梅 20000

李翠娟 2000 林安瀛 2000 林芷琳 2000 林慶恩 100000 洪富美 12000

李慧鳯 500 林宏明 2000 林金輝 2000 林曉真 10000 洪皖中 2000

李曉雯 2000 林志明 20000 林俊吉 2000 林燕 100000 洪瑜堇 2000

李鎮樟 2000 林杏芝 2000 林俞男 2000 林靜慧 2000 洪筱琍 2000

李耀武 5000 林秀芬 5000 林信子 8631 林麗芳 2000 紀佳緯 13900

李權泰 2000 林秀濤 2000 林冠廷 1500 林麗雪 5000 紀宜君 2000

李歡仁 5000 林育正 1000 林品儀 10000 林麗碧 5000 胡志宏 12000

杜薇 1000 林育如 2000 林品翰 2000 林寶彩 40000 胡秀華 10000

汪玄珠 4000 林育業 18000 林姵君 2000 邱一平 20000 胡芸瑄 2000

沈志宇 1500 林育靖 6000 林昭凱 500 邱玉青 2000 胡信馨 2000

沈岱育 2000 林育德 12000 林昭鳳 2000 邱佳秀 2000 胡秋香 2000

車平道 2000 林良貞 2000 林柏宏 2000 邱傑男 3000 胡夏萍 2000

初郡恩 2000 林辰學 1000 林祈芬 6000 邱媛美 23000 胡祖銘 2000

卓俊諺 2600 林京里 2000 林美玲 2000 邱義桓 2000 胡淑芳 5000

卓晨如 2000 林佩娟 12000 林羿君 2000 邱碩揚 20000 胡語姍 2000

卓儀泙 6000 林佩瑩 2000 林香吟 2000 邵崇榮 2000 范君瑋 2000

周文華 2000 林佳輝 2000 林原豐 2000 長與博典 8631 范志強 1000000

周文鶱 2000 林協進 2000 林家緯 2000 阿部哲夫 2877 范芯語 2000

周志明 2000 林孟辰 2000 林展禾 1500 凃雪玉 6000 范姜群澔 10000

周邦昀 2000 林宛臻 50000 林庭如 2000 姚淑美 11000 范舒涵 2000

周怡禎 2000 林宛霖 2000 林恩源 20000 政敏 2000 范曉恩 2000

周明翰 1500 林宜慧 2000 林財發 2000 施心韻 2000 香草氣球 20850

周美蘭 2000 林宜臻 216165 林啟信 4000 施牧之 1500 候靖柔 2000

周晴禎 900 林幸儒 2000 林國興 2000 施建興 3000 唐世昌 2000

周詩婷 2000 林念竹 2000 林淑惠 6000 施春成 2000 唐怡芳 2000

周蓓蕾 4500 林怡儀 2000 林淑慧 2000 施相如 2000 唐晨瑜 2000

周慧芳 2000 林昀靚 4000 林添樹 2000 施美妏 5000 夏以寧 2000

姒元忠 5000 林昆禾 2000 林森醫院 2000 施堯寬 2000 孫文先 9000

東森電視 2877 林昆慶 2000 林湘評 2000 施鈞凱 2000 孫立銓 2000

松澤寬文 8631 林明和 4000 林紫璿 2000 春山齒科 8631 孫譽真 2000

林乃杞 5000 林明達 2000 林雅玲 2000 柯玉環 2000 徐力克 2000

林三元 12000 林欣儀 2000 林雅容 2000 柯佩雰 2000 徐文輕 2000

林千翔 2000 林武田 10000 林毓文 2000 柯喬馨 2000 徐世禎 100000

林心蘭 2000 林泛俊 4000 林鈺清 2000 段成龍 2000 徐志婷 3070

林文淵 12000 林秉緯 2000 林嘉彥 2000 洪正容 2000 徐妮 2000

- 166 - 林月鈴 2000 林芳如 5400 林榮茂 2000 洪春滿 8500 徐芷唯 2000

林玉枝 2000 林芳如 4000 林維甫 10400 洪柏青 2000 徐復民 10000

徐慧珠 2000 張郁偵 2000 梁榮華 2000 郭盈芬 2000 陳勇洲 3600

秦永悌 10000 張徐庭芝 500 梁靜舒 2000 郭美秀 2000 陳品璇 1500

翁怡涵 2000 張恩瑜 2000 渉谷和典 14385 郭軒綸 1500 陳奕均 2000

翁素蓉 2000 張素華 2000 焉保元 2000 郭瑞意 2000 陳威羽 1500

袁嘉彬 2000 張淑蕙 2000 莊士興 2000 郭榮烈 4000 陳屏萍 2000

馬彼得 100000 張淑櫻 2000 莊秀娥 2000 陳人瑄 500 陳建芳 2000

馬松季 5000 張淨環 2000 莊佳慧 2000 陳大雄 2000 陳彥佑 3600

馬經方 2000 張琇喬 5000 莊惠如 2000 陳小玲 2000 陳彥谷 2000

高天翼 2000 張琇雁 2000 莊漢宗 2000 陳文欣 2000 陳彥豪 2000

高忠義 2000 張翊宸 4000 莊慧文 2000 陳民慶 2000 陳玲涵 2000

高振興 3000 張婷 2000 許文忠 2000 陳永金 111 陳盈謀 3072

高曼玲 30000 張媚 2000 許文龍 50000 陳立苹 2000 陳祈宏 100000

高逸紋 2000 張斯堯 10000 許玉治 2000 陳光誠 9600 陳秋伶 2000

高瑞穎 2000 張智映 2000 許成功 2000 陳安琪 2000 陳秋鳳 2000

高蒂燕 3000 張朝銘 2000 許秀蘭 2000 陳宏正 2000 陳紅蓮 100

高慧玲 15000 張雅筑 2000 許育宏 2000 陳宏瑜 2000 陳美如 2000

高橋功 2877 張楨 433900 許芳 2000 陳希臨 3600 陳美雲 10000

高橋晴美 2877 張瑋哲 2000 許美蓮 2000 陳志方 2000 陳虹陵 2000

崔秀雲 1000 張瑞玲 2000 許修誠 2000 陳志誠 13000 陳貞任 2000

康素珍 11000 張瑞純 2000 許家彰 2000 陳志彰 2000 陳郁文 5500

康瑤華 120000 張義雄 2000 許家榮 3000 陳杉豪 60000 陳淯芳 2200

康銘利 2000 張裕安 2000 許素修 2000 陳秀慧 15000 陳素庈 2000

張仁輔 2000 張裕忠 8400 許素蘭 20000 陳佳祺 3000 陳健生 18000

張文山 2000 張嘉耘 2000 許淑霞 2000 陳孟祺 2000 陳健丞 2000

張文祥 4000 張寧惠 2000 許凱翔 1500 陳孟慧 2000 陳彩秝 3000

張文通 2000 張榮哲 2000 許皓淳 1400 陳昀瑋 1500 陳晨昱 2000

張文靜 2000 張碧芳 2000 許萸晶 4000 陳欣榆 2000 陳梅瑛 2000

張月萌 2000 張肇祺 2000 許盟安 2000 陳玟伶 2000 陳淑君 2000

張玉姍 2000 張鴻章 2000 許嘉鎂 5000 陳玫荃 5000 陳淑宜 4000

張玉瑩 1500 張簡尹佩 2000 許綺紋 10000 陳采秝 2000 陳淑美 2000

張光宇 12000 張繐雅 2000 許慧玲 12000 陳雨航 2000 陳惠玲 2000

張君旭 6000 張馨勻 2000 許蕙宇 1000 陳亮伃 2000 陳焱煌 2000

張廷安 2000 強釖英 2000 許瓊禧 2000 陳俊良 10000 陳菀蓁 2000

張明因 1500 曹彥盛 2000 郭佳憲 2000 陳俐婷 4000 陳逸彥 11000

張明龍 2000 曹雅慧 2000 郭忠吉 2000 陳俐嬛 2000 陳逸穎 2000

- 167 -

張長軾 3000 曹蕙珍 2000 郭怡君 2000 陳俞蓁 4000 陳新宇 2000

張彥偉 2000 梁汝鎮 2000 郭玫君 2000 陳冠維 2000 陳新駿 2000

張春玲 2000 梁惠珠 5000 郭俊驛 1500 陳冠霏 2000 陳嘉彣 2000

張秋森 2000 梁詩屏 2000 郭昱秀 2000 陳勇安 2000 陳壽美 50000

陳旖益 2000 曾子銓 2000 黃克勤 2000 黃靜薰 2000 葉紅 2000

陳榮富 2000 曾克修 10000 黃志祥 6000 黃薰威 6600 葉美琴 4000

陳碧蓮 2877 曾宜謙 1500 黃邦定 3800 黃鐙麒 2500 葉書佑 2000

陳維斌 10000 曾明德 6000 黃忠賢 2000 黃馨儀 1500 葉書村 2000

陳維新 6000 曾俊峯 2000 黃東生 3309 楊大和 3000 葉淑鈺 6000

陳綺芳 2000 曾院介 3600 黃玟瑄 2000 楊仁賢 10000 葉惠盈 2000

陳銘元 2000 曾涵芝 2000 黃秉愷 2000 楊月華 2000 葉鍚東 2000

陳魁 2000 曾淑菁 2000 黃冠閔 12000 楊永昌 1500 董富儒 500

陳鳳怡 2000 曾源裕 1500 黃建誠 2000 楊光 6000 虞濟華 2000

陳鳴鈴 2000 曾鈺智 2000 黃建彰 6000 楊佳勳 1500 詹志鴻 2000

陳慧容 2000 曾嘉盈 2000 黃昭贊 2000 楊宗諭 2000 詹佳寧 2000

陳毅祥 2000 曾碧卿 20000 黃柏偉 2000 楊定諺 2000 詹雪玉 2000

陳蔚綺 2000 游郁欣 2000 黃盈甄 2000 楊宜華 1500 詹琪 2000

陳調鋌 20000 游雪惠 2000 黃若芸 3000 楊明芳 2000 鄒桂雲 2000

陳興海 200000 游貴美 2000 黃郁婷 4000 楊俊岳 2000 雷佳縈 2000

陳靜如 2000 湯秀滿 2000 黃祐鈞 2000 楊素端 10000 頌彥真賢 14385

陳靜宜 2000 湯明璋 2000 黃素娟 2200 楊高融 2500 嘉仁藥房 220

陳靜慧 2000 程延和 2000 黃國銘 2000 楊敕貝 8000 廖文怡 2000

陳膺州 2000 華國媛 6000 黃婉玲 2000 楊淑芬 2000 廖平生 2000

陳駿為 2000 賀志強 4000 黃彫棠 2000 楊淑珍 2877 廖怡鳳 2000

陳鏡安 1500 辜郁純 10000 黃御唐 7000 楊淨雅 2000 廖南詩 1300

陳麗如 2000 間宮內科 8631 黃晨雅 4000 楊連發 138000 廖建華 2000

陳麗姿 2400 飯塚能成 2000 黃清俊 2000 楊勝哲 3000 廖修筠 2000

陳麗秋 2000 馮怡敏 5000 黃清雄 2000 楊博欽 12000 廖書緯 18000

陳麗敏 2000 馮興儒 1500 黃竟修 12000 楊筠芃 8000 廖清佑 2000

陳露施 2000 黃 石 2000 黃創夏 10000 楊靖民 2000 廖湘如 2000

傅榮禎 2000 黃千真 2000 黃惠玲 2000 楊碧玲 2000 廖楓 12000

傅碧如 2000 黃大芪 900 黃智芸 2000 楊熾光 2000 廖達琪 200000

傅應翔 2000 黃子瑜 2000 黃智俐 4000 楊環菁 2000 廖嘉紅 2000

單彥榕 1500 黃介民 2000 黃雅梅 2000 楊韻秋 3000 廖榮山 2000

嵇彭傑 2000 黃文定 2000 黃雅慧 2000 溫孝文 2000 廖維旺 2000

彭沁璘 2000 黃文涼 2000 黃雯綉 2000 溫志中 2000 熊文瑗 2000

彭玟光 2000 黃文鴻 2000 黃源森 200 溫秭翊 2000 趙子佑 2000

- 168 - 彭泰彥 2000 黃世明 2000 黃裕洲 2000 萬瑾璇 2000 趙伊望 2000

彭紫晴 2000 黃令苹 3000 黃鈴淨 2000 葉子平 2000 趙淑琴 2000

彭嘉明 60000 黃玉娟 1000 黃鈺恩 2000 葉妍杏 2000 趙毓美 2000

彭鴻森 2000 黃生 1000 黃慶忠 20000 葉知定 4412 齊藤美弘 2877

景雯霞 2000 黃旭宏 1500 黃憲宇 1000 葉芳吟 18600 劉成 2000

曾于書 2000 黃竹瑄 2000 黃錦梅 10000 葉俊毅 20000 劉光雄 3000

劉有富 4000 蔡孟軒 3600 鄭倩玉 2000 戴志清 5000 魏延豪 2000

劉佩宜 2000 蔡孟琳 3600 鄭振家 2000 薛如娟 2300 魏筱君 2000

劉怡孜 2400 蔡宗立 2000 鄭浩民 2000 薛雅文 2000 龎睿穎 2000

劉明宜 2000 蔡宜廷 2000 鄭純淑 2000 薛雅齡 2000 繩蘇生 4000

劉欣怡 2000 蔡明安 2000 鄭素治 2000 謝一新 2000 羅一新 2000

劉秉怡 2000 蔡俊逵 1500 鄭欵 2000 謝元勳 50000 羅正宏 2000

劉俊宏 20000 蔡盈康 2000 鄭紹東 7000 謝如君 6000 羅宇棠 4000

劉俊茂 2877 蔡張金權 10000 鄭莉玲 2000 謝佩珊 2000 羅佳勳 2000

劉奐岑 2000 蔡淑莉 2000 鄭博仁 2000 謝佳芳 2000 羅金蘭 2000

劉珊如 15000 蔡陸宗 1500 鄭惠娟 4500 謝宛潔 2000 羅倩儀 2000

劉家振 2000 蔡雪美 2000 鄭鳳君 2000 謝宛勳 2000 羅揚 1500

劉晏汝 2000 蔡惠英 500 鄭興 2000 謝昀叡 1500 羅慈為 4000

劉素滿 12000 蔡椏芝 2000 鄭靜怡 2000 謝昌衛 2000 羅綸有 324000

劉淑 2000 蔡菁菁 2000 鄭靜芬 2000 謝政誼 2000 邊野吉 5754

劉淑貞 2000 蔡雅帆 6000 盧怡志 2000 謝炳邦 2000 龐晴 1500

劉博文 2000 蔡聖爵 200 盧崑瑞 2000 謝張芳珠 2877 蘇玉琦 2000

劉詠華 2000 蔡碧珊 2000 盧雅馨 2000 謝逸琦 2000 蘇佩誼 2000

劉瑞敏 4000 蔡維恭 2000 盧蓂朻 1500 謝嘉濬 2000 蘇明慧 2000

劉廖阿鈺 2000 蔡語嫣 1500 穆文誠 2000 謝實毅 2000 蘇秉夆 2000

劉漢倚 2000 蔡銘城 1400 蕭伃真 2000 謝瑩龍 6000 蘇建宏 2000

劉慧敏 2000 蔡德輝 2000 蕭妍庭 2000 謝燕珠 2600 蘇映吟 2000

劉澄豪 2000 蔡歐芳情 2000 蕭家列 2000 謝錫濱 2000 蘇郁雅 2000

劉麗芬 2000 蔡潔葳 2000 蕭淑敏 139000 謝麗燕 2000 蘇容瑾 2000

劉懿嬅 12000 蔡霈榆 4000 蕭登元 2000 鍾明芝 2000 蘇銹燕 2000

歐陽如蘭 2000 蔡耀毅 2000 蕭睆文 2000 鍾道之 2000 蘇曉棠 2000

歐濾德 11000 蔣耿義 2000 蕭劉阿玉 2000 簡劭庭 181500 蘇錦淑 10000

滕蕙蘭 2000 蝸行基金 17600 賴一湉 2000 簡欣華 2000 蘇靜君 2000

潘妤庭 2000 鄧沛雯 2000 賴乙晴 2000 簡湘容 2000 饒珍櫻 2000

潘信宏 2000 鄧依均 2500 賴如足 24000 簡嘉萱 2000 顧正禧 1500

潘威成 2000 鄧鵬 2000 賴建呈 10000 簡銘均 2000 蔡秀芳 2000

潘彥均 1500 鄭文珠 5000 賴素娥 2000 簡慧鍾 2000 蔡佳祝 11000

- 169 -

潘素貞 2000 鄭永玉 2000 賴素鏡 2000 簡薰育 10000 鄭美玲 2000

潘豐富 2000 鄭宇宏 1500 賴國豪 1000 藍文君 2000 鄭美惠 2000

蔡一輝 2000 鄭宇清 2000 賴惠鈴 2000 闕欣男 2000 駱慧君 1800

蔡玉茹 2000 鄭志明 2000 賴慶芳 1500 顏士致 2000 應丞武 2000

蔡宏達 2000 鄭秀足 2000 賴頤珊 1000 顏禾洋 20000 顏惠美 2000

蔡沛潔 2000 鄭宜欣 2000 霍安莉 2000 顏沛霂 2000 顏際隆 2000

006-0000560227844537 12000 兆豐產物保險股份有限公司 20000

0000-130540072691 2000 光友科技股份有限公司 2000

000-0404221176770 21143 艾葳精品婚紗有限公司 2000

004-00000115004038376 6000 利河伯實業有限公司 20000

009-0030105141735801 5000 吳尼可國際有限公司 2000

012-4924960183929900 600 巫葉子設計有限公司 2000

013-06053397 12000 李東陽里金館有限公司 2000

805-0006000400003506 13000 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 100000

808-0000543968111696 30000 和聲合唱團 5000

822-0000347532690803 36000 姊妹旅行社股份有限公司 20000

Lok Wing Lam 2000 旺宏電子(股)公司中華文化研習社 4000

Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 2607887 東京華僑商工聯合會 28770

士筌實業股份有限公司 2000 東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 2877

大可禾文化教育股份有限公司 20000 松山慈惠堂 2000

中央研究院化學研究所 40000 社團法人中華民國亞太產業經營研究會 15000

中正堂会館株式会社 8631 社團法人中華磊山慈愛社 2438000

中玨實業有限公司 2000 長霖寰宇企業有限公司 6000

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 100000 青境工程顧問有限公司 2000

丰雅時尚診所 2000 冠英水電工程有限公司 100

五福創新有限公司 2000 威盈貿易有限公司 6000

元昌投資股份有限公司 100000 恆暘貿易有限公司 8631

太鼓餐飲股份有限公司 2000 星新國際有限公司 2000

以琳內科診所 2000 映畫傳播事業股份有限公司 123800

台北北海扶輪社 20000 看見台灣-日本 SUZUKI amp MAYUMI 14385


北醫學大學 10000 美裝公寓大廈管理維護股份有限公司 10000

台北市城東扶輪社 107000 胡凱閔 黃雅青 2000

台北尚邑扶輪社 10000 苗栗縣物理治療師公會 2000

台北金鷹扶輪社 20000 郁建國際有限公司 4000

- 170 - 台北真善美扶輪社 60000 財金資訊股份有限公司 100000

台北雙和扶輪社 20000 財團法人中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 920000

台北雙連扶輪社 20000 財團法人中華基督教廈門街浸信會 43600

平田法律事務所 17262 財團法人臺灣基督教門諾會 30000

玄啟有限公司 2000 銘久股份有限公司 2000

白宇白米 2000 劉昭宏建築師事務所 14000

財團法人元大文教基金會 1000000 模組電腦實業社 3000

財團法人我們的文化基金會 200000 熱鐸(上海)貿易有限公司 2000

財團法人蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 43847 蔡恆維周英娟 10000

財團法人傳承教育基金會 300000 蔡蕙璟蔡華庭 10000

財團法人臺北市實踐家文教基金會 12000 樹德企業股份有限公司 12000

財團法人慶恩教育基金會 4025 橫濱中山協會 2877

國史館愛心社 3000 橫濱自由華僑婦女協會 2877

國際傑人會日本會 8631 穎珠投資股份有限公司 2000

康軒文教事業股份有限公司 16000 爵色餐飲股份有限公司 2000

康熹文化事業股份有限公司 9000 環通投資有限公司 2000

梁德健(正和航業) 8631 總編輯影像工作室有限公司 3000

牽猴子整合行銷股份有限公司 5000 聯合造形設計工作室 2000

笠源科技股份有限公司 2000 聯奇開發股份有限公司 21000

第一金證券投資信託股份有限公司 20000 聯瑋國際有限公司 2000

翊杰國際有限公司 4000 聯曜企業管理顧問有限公司 2000

陳慧蓮石智良 2000 聲創教育坊 2000

婷維國際有限公司 2000 謝博軒謝宜澄 2000

晶仁國際行銷股份有限公司 3015 鎮宸有限公司 5500

游泰慶蕭悧悧 17262 寶萊祥投資有限公司 2000

華山天主堂聖詠團 6000 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 100000

陽光雪梨投資有限公司 4000 誠品股份有限公司 300000

雲朗觀光股份有限公司高雄分公司 2000 實踐家商業模式顧問有限公司 10000

微熱山丘株式會社 1439 臺大客家研究中心 2000

傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 60000 臺中市中興大學 EMBA 校友會 150000

群馬縣台灣總會 8631 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 300000

悍創運動行銷股份有限公司 30000 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司 300000

桃井美鈴(里水株式會社 ) 8631 無名氏共 16 筆 321387

神腦國際企業股份有限公司 750000

- 171 -

編後語 喧囂波折的一年已接近尾聲 在世事紛擾中 原聲孩子在山裡 仍然絃歌不輟 平安成長 七年前原聲成立時招收的小四 小三學生 如今大致適才適性地就讀高中或高職一二年級

(2008 年原聲成立時招收小學二 三 四年級學生 利用每週六日及寒暑假上課 此後每年寒假僅招收小二生) 這兩屆原聲孩子國中畢業升高一前的暑假 我們都會安排一趟部落壯遊 讓他們去到南部和東部的魯凱 排灣 布農 阿美等部落去觀摩學習 回來後需繳心得報告 下文是其中一位生長在潭南部落的高一孩子所寫 他家境困頓 但今年很努力的考取台中市國立清水高中 新生訓練時 有同學竊竊私語原住民加分的 他寫下了他心中所想hellip但我卻不以為意因為我已經做到初步的自我認同helliphellip






難題我都能夠以布農族的智慧去面對並解決問題 這一兩年 總會有人說你們原聲很棒啊 做得很好啊 我會問好在哪裡呀 回答常常是你們小朋友唱得真好聽啊 是的 在看見台灣之後 更多人聽見原聲 但我們內心始終明白原聲的終極目標不是唱 而是培養出像 Biung 這樣的孩子--有自信 認同自己文化 對部落 對族人 有使命感 從他的字裡行間 您是否已可看到一位未來部落典範的身影 建立信心 自我認同 說起來容易 但絕非一蹴可幾 原聲六年多來 著力最深的就是儘量設法塑造原聲音樂學校的教育氣氛 它不在巍峨校舍裡 也不在先進設備中 而是一群最優秀最熱心的老師 一群認同學校理念 向心力超強的家長 在林宜城 Bukut 阿蠻三位校長帶領下 經由假日課程(數 英 語文 音樂) 讓孩子浸潤在專注 耐性 毅力 恆心的嚴格紀律下 一遍又一遍的聽校長分享困苦的成長經驗 講述布農傳統的智慧 日積月累一點一滴形塑了這樣的學校氛圍 也對孩子產生了深刻的影響 它不會像唱歌那麼迅速地被聽見看見 過程中更有辛勞 挫折 也有無奈 但這是我們真正要做的 是您的支持 鼓勵 和慈愛 陪伴原聲一路勇往直前 向您獻上原聲的歲末感恩 httpyoutubedFzSQ2aYEuk 祝福 您 身心喜樂康泰 行止自在安和

阿貫 2015 初春

- 172 -


2000 元傳播無限能量 2011 年 11 月公益發行的《不只唱歌吧》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 2015 年 7 月公益發行的《我愛唱的歌》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 以上凡捐款 2000 元 即敬贈 1 份專輯(請任選其 1) 等待有緣人 以上皆開列捐款收據 依所得稅法第十七條第 2 項第 2 款「個人對於教育文化公益慈善機構或團體之捐

贈總額最高不超過綜合所得總額百分之二十者得申報為『列舉扣除額』」 依所得稅法第三十六條第 2 款營利事業之捐贈以不超過所得額百分之十為限得列



捐款帳號永豐銀行(807)汀州分行176-001-0038951-6 兆豐國際商業銀行(017)台北復興分行008-10-53083-0 元大銀行(806)景美分行20152000000308 國外捐款帳戶httpgive2asiaorgfunds

Click Search Funds SEARCH BY NAME Click v And you will find Vox Nativa Association DONATE ONLINE


Page 5: 2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

- 5 -


特別感謝 Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 八方雲集食品有限公司 元大文教基金會 元昌投資股份有限公司 千業快速影印社 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 中華電信基金會 中興大學 EMBA 校友會 台北市城東扶輪社 我們的文化基金會 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 柏緯鐵工股份有限公司 神腦國際企業股份有限公司 財金資訊股份有限公司 晶豪科技教育基金會 誠品股份有限公司 傳承教育基金會 傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司











林 燕








張 楨













- 6 -



榮譽團長 美青姊姊

謝謝 您 聆聽原聲 謝謝 您 讓更多人聽見玉山唱歌

您的愛 我們永銘在心



























不二齒科 陳維斌 王貞惠 元大文教基金會 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 台灣新聞 公寓美裝 吳文貴 平田法律事務所 平田 達 正和航業株式会社 梁德健 広瀨耳鼻医院 頌彥 真賢 守谷眼科皮膚科医院 游泰慶 蕭悧悧 全日本合唱連盟(JCA) 男声合唱団東京 1925 東京中華学校校友会 東京台灣商工會議所

東京華僑商工聯合會 東京華僑總会

東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 春山齒科 春山 綋輝 株式会社 中正堂会館 株式会社 里水 桃井 美鈴 國際ビル株式会社 李愛珠 國際傑人会 日本總会 張榮發基金會 間宮內科 間宮 康喜 恆暘貿易有限公司 微熱山丘 SunnyHills







- 7 -



天主教海星中學 台灣基督教門諾會

台灣原住民族文化館 佛教慈濟慈善基金會

蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 國立東華大學

- 8 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會議程 會議時間2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)下午 200~400 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數 貳大會開始 參主席致詞 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告 二監事會監察報告 伍討論提案 案由一本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案(如 2014 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案業經本會第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後

陳報內政部核備 決 議 案由二本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2014 年報)提請討

論 說 明本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 3 屆理監事

聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議 陸臨時動議 柒原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 330~400)

1 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 2 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語) 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 7 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 8 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 9 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明

安可曲 玖散會(下午 400)

- 9 -

會員名錄 會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 1 尤美女 36 章大中 2 毛應騂 37 曾世彬 3 王貫寧 38 童禕珊 4 林靜一 39 賀志強 5 王麗楨 40 黃 生 6 林武田 41 黃春木 7 朱賜麟 42 黃 煌 8 何光明 43 黃憲宇 9 李志勳 44 廖達珊 10 宋祥興 45 廖達琪 11 李錫津 46 劉美珠 12 沈容伊 47 樓海鳥 13 卓娟秀 48 蔡聰池 14 姒元忠 49 謝志松 15 林比亨 50 韓慶仁 16 林礽堂 51 尹秀蓮 17 林晉源 52 羅綸有 18 林基興 53 蘇玉枝 19 林祥源 54 蘇錦淑 20 洪毓廷 55 朱芳琳 21 保美玲 56 吳素絹 22 洪春滿 57 吳清福 23 楊文貞 58 李月霞 24 孫文先 59 李宏學 25 孫蘭芳 60 李麗敏 26 徐正梅 61 林佑璟 27 徐德蓮 62 周筱婷 28 秦永悌 63 林金盾 29 秦美燕 64 林盱生 30 馬彼得 65 林信安 31 高淑瑛 66 林聰慧 32 許正瑛 67 侯嘉珊 33 許建志 68 姚淑美 34 陳海茵 69 徐淑芬 35 陳調鋌 70 馬松季

會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 71 張正華 106 文士豪 72 張 楨 107 熊偉傑 73 曹先進 108 黃慶忠 74 裘友棣 109 薛如娟 75 陳麗瓊 110 曾哲明 76 楊智麟 111 霍幼芬 77 崔秀雲 112 林三元 78 劉玉山 113 陳念萱 79 劉翠華 114 鄺麗君 80 蔡敏麗 115 周志宇 81 蔡銘城 116 李元正

82 鄭湧涇 117 林美鈺 83 黃玉娟 118 高光正 84 賴騰仙 119 車平道 85 繆友勇 120 李秉文 86 謝宜為 121 史秀琴 87 魏宏仁 122 廖惠慶 88 顧長永 123 陳元昭 89 林昭嚴 124 謝孝宗 90 江睿智 125 姜秀瓊 91 許皓淳 126 陳聞詩 92 劉有富 127 王師 93 申爵瑞 128 廖南詩 94 謝燕珠 129 廖楓 95 林恩源 130 張秋娥 96 洪筱琍 131 王國昌 97 歐德濾 132 王涵江 98 李訓帆 133 陳榮枝 99 歐陽魁鴻 134 邱媛美 100 黃昭展 135 薛富州 101 周麗芬 136 王維君 102 吳雨哲 103 蕭淑敏 104 楊佳勳 105 伍懿芳

- 10 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 103 年度 監事會 監察報告書

查本會自民國 103 年 1 月 1 日至 103 年 12 月 31 日止監事會參與理事監事

聯席會議瞭解各項業務決議與推行本會 103 年度財務報表經本監事會審查




第 3 屆監事會

監事會主席 黃生 簽章

104 年 1 月 24 日

- 11 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年收支決算




13958627 693


408300 2 辦公費

274649 14


62490 03



科 目 決算數 占決算收入總計 20137964 100

課業輔導費 4005157 1989 教材教具講義費 734537 365餐點營養費 893324 444交通旅運費 1788878 888 獎助學金 741479 368 假期營隊活動 348526 173 教學及演出活動費 2149689 1068其他業務費 217290 108部落服務活動費 2335087 1160業務推展費 744660 370

業務費 13958627 693 人事費 408300 20

文具紙張印刷費 13791 007郵電費 21598 011車旅膳雜費 5208 003公共關係費 48248 024 租賦費 21105 011其他辦公費 14699 007 辦公室租金 150000 075

辦公費 274649 14 建校規劃 62490 03 提撥基金 1255300 62 建校基金 4178598 208 支出總計 20137964 100

餘絀 0 0

- 12 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作報告


阿蠻 理事長


假期77-711 原聲建中成長營714-717 數學學習營721-731 國際志工擔任教師的英文

學習營731-86 參加東京國際合唱節88-815 海洋學習營另外也安排了國三畢業生的壯

遊課程國二學生到台北的密集暑期課業輔導 原來部落孩子的假期生活乏善可陳家長忙著種田打零工無暇也無力幫孩子規劃暑



下來每個孩子都得到許多的成長和進步 日後我們期望規劃更完整的第三學期課程讓部落家長社區耆老有機會一同來教導自


對他們日後在求學和職場上絕對是有幫助的 山上的孩子普遍早熟國中階段就急著談戀愛想要在朋儕間相互取暖獲得溫情家



越來越窮困同時也衍生許多社區和學校照顧上的問題 馬彼得在部落出生長大他深深知道這些問題不是靠著政府補助或投入經費就可以馬上


好 「改變」是多麼困難的工作在練唱的時候校長一遍又一遍的講述自己當年就讀國中




遍又一遍一個又一個的故事他不厭倦地說了不知多少年 七年來有些孩子吃不了苦放棄離開原聲但也看到許多孩子被薰陶被成就學習變得



個個儼然都是一副小馬彼得的樣子 有時我們會為了孩子的表現和遇到的困難感到沮喪失望有時也會為了某些事情意見不



看到孩子的進步就得著前進的力量 在這裡當然更要感謝原聲的每一位天使因為有您們在背後的支持和幫助我們才能繼



- 13 -

在忙碌中學習 成長

Bukut 團長 初看春花紅轉眼已成冬在忙碌中一年就這樣過去了 回顧一年來的行程足以用「匆匆」兩字形容除了寒暑假固定的營隊活動外今年


這是必然之事問題在於我們如何面對接踵而來的演出壓力如何在忙碌中淬鍊自己成長 我常常跟學生說忙碌是一功課懂得享受忙碌生活才能充實豐美在一連串緊湊的

學習活動與演出中我們的孩子也在學習學習如何運用零碎時間充實自己 暑假從日本回來才休息一天便又匆匆去花蓮途中休息時我把巧蝶叫到身邊問她


洋是陌生的遙遠的難得有這樣的機會去親近它誰都不願放棄 我再問「那功課會不會跟不上」我的話語顯示我的焦慮這焦慮不是沒有道理的巧


的落差還是不免讓我擔心 巧蝶很有自信的回答我「沒有關係我會自己利用時間看書」在花蓮的活動期間我

的確幾次看見巧蝶利用零碎時間看書 11 月 15 日受邀參加台大校慶音樂會演出在休息室裡等待的時刻大部分孩子都在喧



懂事啊」 12 月 13 日舉行親子運動會的上午進行母語闖關比賽巧蝶沒參加比賽她獨自在教


保有優異的成績表現在第二次期中評量中得到全班第一名 不只是巧蝶與景文高一的孩子學會利用時間多次在外出演唱的車上總是會看到幾個

孩子拿起書本把握有限的時間專注看書這樣的孩子在原聲這個團體裡是越來越多了 由於資質性向的差異不可能讓每個孩子都像巧蝶一樣有著優異的成績表現但我們

希望的是每個孩子都有著和巧蝶一樣的態度 我常跟孩子說「聰明的人把握零碎時間愚笨的人製造零碎時間」我們的孩子越


- 14 -


Uli 秘書 今年在教學與師生的溝通了解家長互動上有更多努力的空間與省思以下為工作概要

課程實施 週六早上數學課仍由漳興國小林宜城校長團隊帶領當有老師請假時林校長也會立刻



的學生老師也會利用下課或中午時間留下來特別加強 週日下午是上英文課由於老師都是新聘教師所以前兩個月師生磨合期學生較為躁



其中且也會利用活潑的遊戲方式教習英文 出席率及作業繳交 本年度學生出席率相當理想尤其低年級學生出席踴躍但高年級少部分學生較常請假





並勸導學生爾後應主動及準時繳交作業 家庭訪問 今年度家庭訪問以新生家庭為主訪問部落有雙龍地利潭南人和信義豐丘



聲可能提供的協助 在原聲積極募集資源的協助下期許學生能更懂得珍惜感恩也期盼本人與學生皆能有


- 15 -


Balan 秘書 食 原聲提供學生午餐若有留宿則會提供晚餐以簡單營養的二菜一湯為原則此外因

為大部分學生住家路途遙遠為避免回家途中飢餓放學時會發放點心飲品 本人負責擬菜單及向菜商訂菜同時請廚媽協助與校長監督校長要求少油少鹽無


菜切菜除了減輕廚媽工作量之外也讓家長有機會參與原聲大家庭的活動 衣 勸導學生應愛惜制服或書包發放制服時要求學生在制服裏襯名條上寫名字以便在


中制服及黑包的尺寸不合及脫色損舊 住

學生住宿於羅娜國小 2 樓三四五六年級教室因此 4 間教室為木地板又因兩側


服務志工也會陪學生一同就寢可就近進行夜間照護幫助很大我或 Uli 老師也會輪流值

夜留守以因應突發狀況 目前羅娜國小可供使用的浴室共有 9 間男用 3 間女用 6 間稍嫌不足又因衛浴熱


用擦身的方式以免學生受涼此實有待改善 行 今年度增加 1 台中型巴士共 4 台學生專車接送學生上下學2015 年預計招收仁愛鄉國

小學生可能需增訂 1 台專車 目前學生專車皆包租員林客運專車其中 3 台路線分別為東埔線陳有蘭溪線及雙龍地

利人和線以上為水里站發車另 1 台為潭南線是由員林客運總站發車此乃因交通部從

2014 年起將潭南線路權劃歸豐榮客運以致我們需用比學生專車費用更高的遊覽車資來租

用此台專車 受贈物資 原聲三不五時會收到食品衣物小禮物文具書籍等物資捐贈者有企業愛心團

體學校原聲老師甚至學生家長等 食品類有糖果餅乾健康食品蔬果等糖果和餅乾必須在食用期限內發給學生健

康食品目前有維他命 C 錠在學生午休後每人發兩粒蔬果則暫放冰箱以供午餐或晚餐用 衣物及其他物資類會先清點後登入捐物系統再請示校長如何處理原聲每學期末有拍


- 16 -


1 專場音樂會日程

2 公益活動日程

5 獻詩日程

日期 活動名稱 地點 124(五) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 125(六) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 315(六) 第 5 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 412(六) 「看見台灣聽見原聲」音樂會 誠品松菸館表演廳 81 (五) 「玉山天籟」日本音樂會 東京新宿文化中心 89(六) 「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會 花蓮原住民文化館 822-23(五-六) 「台中心動」影像音樂會 台中圓滿戶外劇場 1115(六) 台大 86 週年校慶音樂會 台大活動中心大禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 223(日) 兆如老人安養護中心義演 台北市文山區 81(五) 王園特別養護中心義演 王園特別養護中心 82(六) 白金之森特別養護老人之家義演 老人之家 84(一) 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

故宮神品至寶開展演出 群馬縣廳 東京博物館

85(二) 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院義演 橫濱中華學院 88(五) 門諾醫院公益演唱 門諾醫院壽豐分院 89(六) 慈濟醫院公益演唱 花蓮慈濟醫院大廳 109(四) 雙連安養中心義演 雙連安養中心 1210 (三) 東元生命藝術體驗營演出 南投縣立文化局演藝廳 1225(四) 南投縣長就職典禮演唱 南投縣政府禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 413(日) 台北華山救世主天主堂獻詩 華山救世主天主堂 720(日) 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 武界基督長老教會 720(日) 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩 曲冰基督長老教會 84(一) 橫濱基督長老教會獻詩 橫濱基督長老教會 914(日) 廈門街浸信會獻詩 廈門街浸信會

- 17 -


1 總課表 序 日期 11 年級(高二) 10 年級(高一) 9 年級(國三) 8(國二)~3 年級

1 77-711 夏令營-原聲建中成長營 2 714-717 各校輔導課 數學學習營 數學學習營 3 721-724 國際志工英語營 4 728-731 國際志工英語營 國際志工英語營 5 731-86 放假 東京國際兒童合唱節

6 88-15




導課(Jessica 教室)花蓮海洋營

2國三課表(728-815) 時間 0800-0850 0900-1150 1150-1300 1300-1550 1600-1650 1700-1850 1900-2150728-81 84-88

數學 自習


早餐 打掃


午餐 午休



晚餐 運動


日期 星期 上午(3 節) 教師姓名 下午(3 節) 教師姓名 晚上(3 節) 7 月 28 日 一 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 7 月 29 日 二 歷史 張凌琳 地理 侯曉潔 7 月 30 日 三 公民 彭偵艷 作文 吳書君 7 月 31 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 理化 王維聰 8 月 1 日 五 數學 曾明德 自習 自習


8 月 4 日 一 數學 曾明德 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 5 日 二 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 8 月 6 日 三 數學 曾明德 公民 彭偵艷 8 月 7 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 自習 自習


8 月 8 日 五 自習 自習 理化 王維聰 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 11 日 一 公民 彭偵艷 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 12 日 二 自習 自習 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 13 日 三 國文 林芳如 理化 王維聰


8 月 14 日 四 國文 林芳如 作文 吳書君 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 15 日 五 國文 林芳如 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟)

- 18 -

3 原聲建中成長營課表(77-711)

7 月 7 日 7 月 8 日 7 月 9 日 7 月 10 日 7 月 11 日 日期時間 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五

起床號 0700-0800 內務整理環境打掃早餐

醫療小常識 眼睛的幻術 幾何

幾何 認識世界 醫療小常識 壓力與生活 宇宙的奧秘 吃軟不吃硬

0810-1000 學員報到 開幕典禮

吃軟不吃硬 能源 壓力與生活


吃軟不吃硬 壓力與生活

壓力與生活 吃軟不吃硬

醫療小常識 幾何 1000-1150

相見歡 (小隊凝聚)


團康活動 小隊時間


成果展 結業典禮 合影留念 (全體)

1200-1250 午餐 1250-1320 午間小憩

宇宙的奧秘 能源

認識世界 1330-1420



合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)


能源 認識世界 宇宙的奧秘 眼睛的幻術 眼睛的幻術 能源

1620-1710 給未來的信 (全體)

認識世界 宇宙的奧秘


1720-1800 小隊時間 晚餐

1810-2000 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐


才藝晚會 (全體)


學員返家 服務志工 部落巡禮 體驗學習


2000-2010 星光夜語

2010-2110 盥洗

2140~ 進入夢鄉

洗澎澎 (2100-2200) 進入夢鄉



備註建國中學志工團隊於 7 月 6 日下午進駐並完成在地場布準備12 日上午收拾行李


- 19 -

4 英語學習營課表(721-724)

時間日期 721 Mon 722Tue 723 Wed 724 Thur

0530-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐

0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃 0800-0830 健康時間 0840-0920 0930-1010

美國生活影片 英文教學

1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110

1120-1200 英文教學 Halloween Craft Ballroom Dance

3 art projects (Loom Lanyard

Bracelet) 1200-1240 午餐 1240-1320 午休 1330-1500 1510-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴 1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

打掃時間 放學 (1730)

1800-1840 晚餐


相見歡晚會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

Halloween Party 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 志工盥洗

2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

師資慧智文教基金會甄選美國高中及大學生為教學志工 領隊教師吳翠萍Chen Brian 陳伯恩(共 9 女 8 男) 林德馨 Lam Der-Hsin Andrea 李珣安 Li Shane 劉亮言Liu Liang Yen林艾妮 Lin Diane Amy 張皓瑄 Chang Megan 陳琬元 Chen Sophie 陳寬 Chan Andrew Marcus 蔣承祐 Chiang Eugene 何珞宇 Ho Roy 陳可馨 Chen Kexin Carrie 連凱文 Lian Kevin 于凱如 Yu Crystal 鄭豫婷 Zheng Yuting Rebecca 杜昕芳 Du H Justine 孫楷 Swen D Kye

- 20 -

5 英語學習營課表(728-731) 時間日期 728 Mon 729 Tue 730 Wed 731 Thur 0630-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐 0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃

0800-0830 健康時間

0840-0920 0930-1010


1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110 1120-1200

Science Project Food ProjectBallroom Dance 英文教學

1200-1240 午餐

1240-1320 午休 1330-1410 1420-1500 1510-1550 1600-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

打掃時間 放學 志工物資行李總


1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴

1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

1800-1840 晚餐


才藝表演 小品音樂會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

惜別餐會 成果展 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

- 21 -


學生經由合唱練習和表演所建立的自信心明顯表現於其課業學習如下 1 國三升學成績8 位國中畢業生

姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校 姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校

幸琳茹 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 谷皓傑 男 民和國中 國立清水高中

全心潔 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史凱文 男 同富國中 曾文農工

全雅安 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史志祥 男 同富國中 埔里高工

幸念緹 女 水里國中 長庚護校 謝韶翔 男 同富國中 鶯歌工商

2 小二至國二生學習成效90小學生成績居全班前 1460國中生成績居全班前 12


1 辦理親職教育2014 年已舉行 4 次(111315628913)家長出席率達 90 2 以部落為單位選出 8 位家長委員組成家長會並輪流至學校擔任餐廚志工

序 部落 委員 身分 子女 職務 1 潭南 林佳文 母 幸琳茹幸美茹幸明仁幸明山 委員 2 地利 松能武 父 松昱希松昱蕎 副會長 3 雙龍人和 幸美花 母 司曄恩司曄宇 委員 4 明德三十甲 全昊妤 母 田有宏田祈宏 委員 5 新鄉豐丘 松定安 父 松瑋恩 委員 6 羅娜 伍錦紅 母 李羽妃李謙 委員 7 望鄉久美 史添發 父 史庭伍瀚史灝 委員 8 東埔 伍順良 父 伍恩 會長

- 22 - 台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作紀事

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

119 Bukut 校長於遠雄人壽公司及臺北大學體育館演講(Nuskin) 阿蠻小呂藍

蔚阿貫 120-25 9 年級學生 7 人至台北 Jessica 老師教室集中課輔 聖堯胤哲 121-22 於羅娜國小實施寒假合唱及打擊樂課 124-27 於台南樹谷園區舉行冬令營

124 1900-2030 於樹谷演藝廳舉行專場音樂會 125 1400-1500 於樹谷演藝廳為南科台積電員工公益演出 126 獨木舟探索活動 127 參觀港香蘭生技製藥公司及蘭花園區

24 原聲+阿布電影公司+慧智文教基金會討論「看見台灣」美國


212 拜訪建中校長商借場地舉行會員大會 214 參加北海扶輪社捐款感謝聚會 小呂藍蔚阿貫


215 原聲開課南投中興新村燈會 215 與信義鄉農會總幹事討論贊助玉山星空音樂會 215 1800-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會部落工

作協調會議 215 2030-2200 於 Aziman 家討論東光布農合唱團演出事宜 216 0930-1030 草坪頭茶園 216 1100-1200 與望鄉部落合作社松芳古洽談日本仙台大專

生訪問交流行程 216 1300-1400 二年級新生家長座談會 1400-1600 舊生家長座談會 216 1500-1700 內湖實踐家教育集團演講(阿貫)




217 玉山星空音樂會技術籌備會天作之合劇場辦公室(八德路 2段 203 號 4 樓)飛陽音響黃逢斯薛翔中


呂藍蔚阿貫 219 與 Teddy 理事討論玉山星空音樂會海報邀請函主視覺設計

台大服務課志工期初分享會台大生科館 和道Teddy小

呂藍蔚阿貫 221 至建中「夢紅樓」展演廳場勘及借器材(指示牌) 小呂藍蔚阿貫

222 於建中「夢紅樓」召開第 3 屆第 1 次會員大會選舉理監事 第 3 屆新任理監事舉行第 1 次理監事聯席會議選舉理事長

223 1000-1100 於兆如老人安養護中心義演(陳姿伶指揮) 1100-1200 參觀政大於學生餐廳午餐

224-25 日本仙台大專生望鄉及東埔部落之旅 與全淵能主任討論日本仙台高中生參訪地利部落行程


- 23 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

227 台大服務課志工鍾昭慶拿電子報照片 阿貫 31 至大稻埕扶輪社演講 小呂阿貫 33-4 上山

向族人解說申請販賣公益彩券辦法 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 2 次部落工作協調會


38-9 上山

二年級新生入學 雅云指導玉山星空音樂會主持人司婷


311 玉山星空音樂會台大志工工作會議 美智小呂藍蔚

312 至木新路 2 段 156-1 號表演 36 房拜訪景文高中優人表演藝術

班陳麗娟主任 小呂去中天電視台溫攝影師處拿「中天夢想驛站」訪問原聲影





313 玉山星空音樂會舞台完工(黃逢斯未依圖施工) 1900-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 3 次部落工

作協調會 314 「看見台灣」於地利國小感恩放映(阿布電影公司) 1600-2000 天作之合劇場抵達走位及彩排 1700~攝影組志工張育銘團隊抵達 舞台組志工及主持人司婷確認 rundown 315 1230-1630 於梅子夢工廠演講 3 場美國嘉賓團台北

嘉賓團磊山保經團(阿貫) 1500-1730 羅娜圓環風味餐(美智藍蔚) 1830-2130 玉山星空音樂會 2200-2330 校長家感恩飛鼠哄啪 316 0900-1130 拜會新竹企經團達谷蘭 1130-1430 與贊助人在喜覺支午餐 1430-2030 與聯奇公司企劃徐香華至達瑪巒部落場勘


321 1000-1200 UNITY 拜會原民會 1600-1800 帶資訊工程師志工 Richard amp Hank 至信義國中羅

娜國小東埔國小場勘網路環境 1330-1500 順發吳董夫婦及女兒上山瞭解原聲志工服務內容




1300-1600 台灣公益團體自律聯盟第 3 屆第 3 次會員大會 324 1330-1530 與台大生科王俊能師及生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書

長討論部落生態復育(阿貫) 1330-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談(藍蔚) 1830-2030 感謝玉山星空音樂會聚餐

325 1400-1600 輔大偏鄉課輔計畫分享會智融基金會 1830-2030 與 Stanley 嚴及鳳文邀請聚餐討論原民遊學辦法亞都麗緻飯店




- 24 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

326 1530-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談 藍蔚 326-27上山

日本仙台高中生達瑪巒部落之旅 台灣生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書長至東埔國小環境調查


328 國三生琳茹雅安心潔皓傑凱文韶翔及高一生景文來台北參

加景優班術科甄選考試 Jessica聖堯胤

哲 329 琳茹雅安心潔皓傑景文至景文高中參加優人表演藝術班術

科甄選考試凱文韶翔陪考 Jessica小呂藍

蔚阿貫 41 1500-1700 信義鄉史強鄉長訪冶鑄建築師事務所瞭解建校規畫




42 1430-1600 天下文化未來兒童創刊茶會(拍手歌授權) 阿貫 43 1400-1600 國泰世華銀行倪秀金周嘉祺經理來訪討論贊助信

義鄉國小早餐事宜 阿貫

44 合唱團加課練習確認聘請李彩霞擔任行政秘書 藍蔚 46 赴屏東牡丹鄉參加原住民醫學會華國媛理事長父親追思禮拜 阿貫 48 1300-1530 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-一籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長等) 1600-1700 晶仁國際公司負責人文鑑宇及行銷部專案經理洪嘉

慧來訪討論明年 11 月公益演出事宜


411 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1000-1200 至武陵高中演講


412 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1430-1530 合唱團於磊山保經群英會演唱 1900-2000 合唱團於誠品松菸表演廳演出專場音樂會



413 0900-1130 於華山救世天主堂參加聖枝主日敬拜獻詩及午餐 奧地利上奧邦(Upper Austria)之邦立衛爾音樂學校

(Landes-MusikschuleWeyer)校長舒茲爾 Johannes Sulzer 聖樂合

唱分享由普羅藝術家樂團廖嘉弘教授主持 交通大學喀報記者陳佩瑄訪問 Bukut 校長



415 1430-1530 公益團體自律聯盟訪視 1530-1730 阿布電影公司來訪討論「看見台灣」台中音樂會


416 1230-1330 台大原聲社團會議 寄出東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫給中國國際商銀


藍蔚 阿貫

417-18 邀請德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校資深音樂教

師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss 於草屯國小辦理音樂研習


419 馬可思 Marcus s 指導原聲合唱團 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 1 次籌備會建中



- 25 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

424 1300-1700 理查漢克贊助並裝置 2 台電腦桌機於協會辦公室 1700-2100 參訪輔大遠距課輔現場輔大聖言樓 SF305

425 參觀中研院植物所彭鏡毅研究員秋海棠溫室 小呂阿貫 426 1000-1200 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台北場 小呂阿貫 428 1400-1500 與睿智理事討論原聲協助家長投保微型保險 藍蔚 429 0900-1000 拜訪台大師培中心田芳華教授

1400-1500 輔大遠距教學 JOINNET 平台使用訓練 藍蔚阿貫

430 1000-1100 至冶鑄建築設計事務所討論校舍校園規劃平面圖 1430-1700 和中華電信基金會執行長三元拜訪華新扶輪社社長

新北市淡水區興華村北新路 26-1 號


51 行政秘書李彩霞到任 52-3 上山


小教職員宿舍無線網路 53 1000-1200 阿貫於雄中資優班人文教育演講 53 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台中場


54 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-高雄場 Bukut阿滿 56 1000-1200 赴北安路拜訪李宜靜討論日本音樂會

1300-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-二籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長王梅等)



57 赴台南與和聲兒童合唱學園負責人 Vicky 討論日本行程 藍蔚阿貫 59 布農族射耳祭台東 515 自律聯盟會計讀書會第三章 1-3 節 藍蔚 516 0830-2230 東元原住民兒童之夜舞台組志工報到及服務

0730-2200 觀賞東元原住民兒童之夜演出 小呂藍蔚阿貫

Bukut阿滿 517-18上山

517 理查漢克建置羅娜國小各班無線網路環境 517 1700-1800 召開校務會議討論暑期行程 518 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書館手機借還書系統 518 1100-1200 勘查羅娜村司山生司山秀房屋火災受損狀況


519 1300-1400 華新扶輪社演講大直典華 1500-2000 藍蔚陪同蘇老師拜訪關西國中


蔚阿貫 521 1400-1630 嚴長壽總裁至信義國中演講

1210-1330 於奕青酒莊午餐 小呂彩霞藍


522 0930-1130 拜訪張榮發基金會討論日本機位及機票 藍蔚阿貫 524 召開第 3 屆第 2 次理監事會聯席會議 525 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 2 次籌備會建中

1800-2100 日本行籌備會議(with 李宜靜會長) 春木藍蔚阿


- 26 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

526 1000-1200 復旦中學演講 阿貫小呂 528 1430-1830 亞太產經研究會演講大直典華 阿貫小呂彩霞

62 0930-1130 原聲建中成長營住宿規劃協調會 藍蔚阿貫 64 1700-1945 台大志工期末分享會(UliBalan 參加) 藍蔚小呂彩

霞阿貫 66-8 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書管理系統及輔大遠距課輔系統安

裝及設定 理查漢克

66 0730-0830 台大晨行人捐款儀式台大司令台(小呂阿貫) 1215-1315 拜會台大師培中心賴進貴主任(藍蔚阿貫)

613 2030-2230 遠距教學系統架構技術討論會北辦 理查漢克睆

文彩霞 613-15 上山

宜靜會長訪視原聲 小呂阿貫

617 1200-1500 與日本深澤直樹及宜靜會面討論音樂會相關事宜 與 Teddy 理事討論日本音樂會海報及 DM 設計 1500-1800 至新竹 Amy 及竹北 Lisa 處載運物資(小呂阿貫)



618 1530-1630 至千業印刷印刷日本音樂會海報及 DM 阿貫 619 1030-1200 載運及清點物資(小呂彩霞)

1200-1430 城東扶輪社演講華漾飯店(阿貫小呂彩霞) 1430-1530 Balan史偉華至台北搬運物資上山 1530-1630 至千業印刷日本音樂會海報改版(阿貫) 2200-2230 至千業印刷載新舊版日本演出海報送至宜靜家(阿貫小呂)

621-22 上山

621 庶古公司副總吳明榮探視認養受助生 621 1330-1500 原聲建中成長營原聲志工培訓會(藍蔚春木

凱翔) 621 1700-1730「桃蛙源記」電影首映演唱等相關事宜討論(阿滿BukutPaul慧菁) 622 1030-1130 日本行最後名單確認(Bukut阿滿慧菁) 622 1230-1330 升國三生暑期輔導課程討論(Jessica聖堯胤



624 2200-2300 至尤監事家載運物資Balan史偉華至台北搬運物

資上山 阿貫小呂

625-26 花蓮

0900-1000 太平洋聽玉山唱歌花蓮記者會 1030-1130 門諾醫院壽豐分院場勘 1400-1500 慈濟大愛廣播台花蓮台專訪 1500-1600 慈濟醫院場勘 1600-1700 花蓮原民文化館場勘



- 27 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

72-3 合唱團加課 73 遠距課輔北辦測試及討論(理查漢克睆文) 73~5 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 3 次籌備會建中 75 訪日合唱團加課 1500-1600 副總統訪視原聲


76-12 上山

原聲建中成長營(戴志清師督導) 76 1200-1640 抵達午餐場地佈置 79 1830-1930 小品音樂會-排灣族林文表演 710 1900-2100 成長營晚會 711 0900-1100 成長營結訓典禮 1300-1700 部落巡禮 1700-1830 建中與原聲志工球類友誼賽 712 0800-1200 繳作業環境復原返回建中


77-78 台視「熱線追蹤」記者上山採訪 77 1000-1200 日本演出及交流行程討論(宜靜曾碧卿Vicky


78 德國公共廣播聯盟特派員上山採訪 711 0900-1030 竹光國中演講沙里仙飯店 小呂阿貫 714 花蓮 1400-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-三籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長蘇帆海洋基金會林向揆王梅等) 藍蔚彩霞阿貫

714-17 暑期學習營第 1 週mdash數學學習營 716-717上山

討論暑期事務 藍蔚小呂阿貫

718 0900-1000 富邦人壽演講 1500-1700 Teddy 節目手冊製作討論


霞阿貫 719-20上山

美國慧智文教基金會國際志工上山 順發 3C 女兒 Jenny 和綸有女兒亦萱上山擔任志工 2 週

0830-1230 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 1330-1500 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩


721-24 暑期學習營第 2 週-國際志工英語課程 722 1900-1930 小品音樂會-原聲打擊樂團 724 1300-1600 合唱團去南投文化局演藝廳模擬演出


728~31 暑期學習營第 3 週-國際志工英語課程 729-30上山

730 0930-1030 日本行前家長說明會 藍蔚小呂阿貫

728-815 國三生至台北暑期課輔 Jessica

- 28 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

731-86 參加日本東京國際兒童合唱節 81 1025-1040 王園特別養護中心演出 1900-2100 玉山天籟音樂會新宿文化中心 82 1115-1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出 1400-1800 戶崎大師音樂工作坊洗足學園音樂大學 83 1100-1720 東京國際兒童合唱節音樂會昭和女子大學 84 1210-1300 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出 1630-1700 東京博物館演出 85 1030-1100 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院演出


88-15 花蓮海洋學習營國中畢業生壯遊 88 1900-2000 花蓮門諾會醫院壽豐分院義演 88 國中畢業生參訪茂林鄉多納部落 89 830-1130 慈濟精舍及靜思堂參訪 1500-1530 慈濟醫院義演花蓮慈濟醫院 1900-2100 花蓮原住民文化館音樂會 89 國中畢業生參訪霧台鄉神山部落 810~813 花蓮海洋學習營 810~813 國中畢業生參加內本鹿生態文化體驗營 814 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

819 合唱團加課 822-24 822 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場

823 1130-1300 紅敞牛排館品嘗牛排 1500-1700 參觀自然科學博物館 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場 824 1000-1500 遊覽后里區麗寶樂園

826 1300-1700 新竹市竹光國中演講 小呂彩霞阿貫

827 車埕國小場勘(阿蠻Bukut) 小呂阿貫 830 理查漢克建置羅娜國小遠距課輔系統安裝及設定

召開第 3 屆第 3 次理監事會聯席會議

96-7 中秋節連假原聲加課 913-14 913 1200-1600 「桃蛙源記」首映會台北市立動物園

1600-1730 遊覽動物園 1800-2000 邱董宴請晚餐 914 0900-1300 廈門街浸信會獻詩



917 1200-1330 台大服務課期初說明會 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 918 1330-1700 原聲阿卡開課討論會 阿貫小呂鳯


- 29 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

922 探視鳳文討論訪歐行程及阿卡課程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

923 1100-1330 原聲第 3 份專輯討論會(阿貫阿滿藍蔚Bukut天豪小呂彩霞) 1330-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚阿貫彩霞) 1600-1800 校長夫婦探視鳳文

924 赴阿布電影公司拜訪 藍蔚阿貫小呂

925 0900-1230 赴雙連安養中心場勘 1230-1330 赴汐止梵斯製衣看運動服樣衣



926 1800-1900 桃蛙源記科博館放映 927 1400-1600 家長座談會 929 拜訪親愛國小


101 1030-1200 晶仁公司-公益媽媽手札活動企劃會議 藍蔚阿貫小呂

102 1000-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan103 1230-1430 明門扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

104 1900-2230「看見台灣」跨界音樂會 阿貫藍蔚小呂

108-9 「四海同心」聯歡會及雙連安養中心 108 1300-1430 四海同心聯歡會彩排小巨蛋 1500-1800 合唱團練習建中資源大樓 5F 1400-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚) 109 0800-1300 雙連安養中心參訪義演 1530-1600 四海同心聯歡會演出



1010 0830-1130 劉水池老師和三位高中生初見面 1000-1200 玉山星空音樂會籌備會 1長安東路


呂和道美智 1017 1330-1530 原住民遊學方案討論會議

1530-1730 原聲專輯 MV 拍攝討論 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道美智 1018 1730-1900 奧地利代表會面 1930-2130 高一阿卡團上課 阿貫藍蔚小呂

1020 快樂髮廊義剪 1023-24 去台南拜訪全樹曦及 Vicky

1023 至善化拜訪全樹曦 1024 去台南市拜訪 Vicky 阿貫藍蔚和道

1025 五~七年級老部落尋根之旅 小呂和道 1026 1430-1630 維也納少年合唱團音樂會台中 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道鳳文 1027 1830-2030 數位學伴研習會 藍蔚彩霞 1029-31 上山

1030 0900-1300 旅英布農藝術家優席夫amp比勇演講信義國

中 1400-1600 去親愛部落 1031 1330-1400 曲冰部落-萬豐國小 1530-1730 桃米社區-紙教堂-新故鄉基金會-廖嘉展


- 30 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1102 和丰診所義診 1104 0730-1200 新竹市綜合活動領域演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1104-06 1105 赴花蓮參加 PriDoc 太平洋原住民醫學會文化之夜 1105 1400-1530 台中洲際棒球場場勘


BukutTiang 1107-08上山

1107 1800-2100 21U 世界棒球錦標賽開幕演出 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1111 上

山 親愛+萬豐國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1113 0930-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan1114 1630-1830 原住民海外遊學會議 阿貫藍蔚 1115-16 台大校慶音樂會

1115 1400-1800 合唱團及打擊樂團練習及彩排活大 1900-2100 台大校慶音樂會演出 1116 0800-1000 原聲小音樂家的臺大課程體驗 0900-1000 歌聲夢想的起點原住民教育座談會 1000-1210 臺大校園歷史建築導覽



1120 上

山 豐丘+新鄉國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂美智 1121 1900-2100 北辦網路拉線及線路調整 彩霞漢克理查

1122 1530-1730 Suzzan 討論專輯贊助 阿貫藍蔚 1123 1430-1600 曦爵公司--討論歐洲行程 阿貫藍蔚和

道鳯文 1127 0900-1130 三重欣明製衣公司--東埔國小衣褲尺寸及數量 阿貫藍蔚Ben1128 1200-1400 芝山扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1129 1630-2200 原聲阿卡赴苗栗欣賞 Voco Novo 演出 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1202 0900-1130 去三重欣明製衣-東埔國小及親愛愛樂制服製作 阿貫藍蔚 1203-05 台東踩線場勘之旅 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1206-07 上山

綸有Teddy陳慧玲上山 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1208 0930-1130 高雄衛武營榕園場勘

1130-1400 拜訪傳承基金會阮女芳總經理 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂黑導 1210 東元藝術體驗營 1010-1015 合唱團彩排

1140-1200 原聲禮讚演出 阿貫藍蔚小


- 31 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1219 1200-1400 陳皓玫mdash討論華航機票優惠 阿貫藍蔚和

道黑導 1220 召開第 3 屆第 4 次理監事會聯席會議 1221 1200-1400 胡卓君mdash討論香港演出事宜 阿貫和道黑導

1225 南投縣長就職典禮演出 阿滿BukutUliBalan小呂

1226 0900-1100 聚點影視公司與藏傳佛教協會理事長討論贊助原

聲事宜 藍蔚阿貫小呂

1229 1220-1310 台大志工期末分享會(藍蔚阿貫小呂Uli 彩霞) 1900-2100 共乘即時通技術討論會議協辦(藍蔚小呂漢


101 1400-1630 星空志工amp網頁更新會議(美智漢克理查宗

佑宜蕙文鴻敬恆羅揚) 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 103 1130-1300 原聲學生社團成立會議 藍蔚阿貫

Jessica 109 1100-1330 與姒元忠鳳文討論歐洲行程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

110 去高雄拜訪贊助人-吳老闆 阿貫小呂 112 1600-1700 台北新辦公室場勘 淑媛藍蔚彩霞

113 1000-1200 八方雲集公司拍照募款 藍蔚阿貫小呂

114 1430-1630 振興醫院場勘 藍蔚阿貫小呂

121 1400-1630 徐匯中學+蘆洲功學社場勘及簽約 藍蔚阿貫小


124 召開第 3 屆第 5 次理監事會聯席會議 經常性工作 1 每月 1 日支付辦公室租金(轉帳) 2 每月 18 日信用卡捐款授權日 3 每月 30 日支付教師授課鐘點費(轉帳)員林客運學生專車費(支票)及餐點菜金 4 每週統計學生出席率及作業繳交情形每月底繳交工作日誌 5 志工上山前一日辦理旅遊平安險

- 32 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年工作計畫

前言 台灣原聲音樂學校是一所體制外假日住宿學校為社團法人台灣原聲教育協會於 2008 年

5 月在南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳成立目前借用信義鄉羅娜國小及東埔國小校舍上課每年 2月在信義鄉招收各部落小學二年級的原住民學童(6 成多為布農族籍)其中近 9 成來自低收



擁有選擇未來人生的能力和權利直到他們大學畢業 原聲音樂學校下設原聲童聲合唱團A cappella(阿卡貝拉)人聲樂團及打擊樂團以音



會員大會 136 人

理事會 15 人 監事會 5 人


洪春滿 監事會主席

黃 生

行政組 音樂學校 125 人









高二 7 人高一 8 人 國三 12 人國二 14 人

國一 16 人小六 21 人

小五 16 人小四 17 人

小三 14 人








A cappella 團






馬聖堯蕭淑敏 馬胤哲

- 33 -

服務對象南投縣信義鄉水里鄉仁愛箱各部落原住民學生 1 人數2014 年 12 月小三至高二為 125 人(高中 15 人國中 42 人國小 68 人)

20085 第 1 次招生錄取小二~四 42 人(20148 升 9~11 年級餘 26 人留校率 62) 20092 第 2 次招生錄取小二 21 人(20148 升八年級餘 14 人留校率 67) 20102 第 3 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升七年級餘 16 人留校率 57) 20112 第 4 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升六年級餘 21 人留校率 75) 20122 第 5 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 升五年級餘 16 人留校率 80) 20132 第 6 次招生錄取小二 25 人(20148 升四年級餘 18 人留校率 72) 20142 第 7 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 生三年級餘 14 人留校率 70) 20152 第 8 次招生預計錄取小二 20 人

2 學生名單

3 學生性別

性別 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 女 5 4 11 8 13 11 7 9 6 74 男 2 4 1 6 3 10 9 8 8 51 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125

人數 年級 學生姓名

7 十一 谷佳芳 司侑宗 松瑋恩 田景文 史婉容 伊部塔給鹿敦 謝孟庭

8 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 幸念緹 全心潔 全雅安 史志祥 史凱文 謝韶翔 司念祖 松皓淵 幸詩涵 司季璇 王卉軒 司莉君

12 九 司孟奾 史 庭 松夢葶 松夢筑 田雨卉 伍冠因 田芷恆 田芷婷 幸于辰 幸雪芬 松昱希 全襄柔 司季欣

14 八 松憓婷 松雅各 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶 幸美茹 松昱蕎 幸雪芳 申 薇 全襄娃 司 美 全芷芸 全唯芯

16 七 李羽妃 石伯華 何瑞耘 全 芊 松慈媗 伍主兒 伍宇欣 方 政 幸明仁 全雅平 松詠婕 申雨軒 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 全家榆 松鈺婷

田鎞鎷 松雅德 伍雨晨 伍承琳 伍邵恩 尤蘇諾乃家納 全文祥 21 六

何家程 林郁家 松慈芸 伍 恩 伍明威 釀恩塔給鹿敦

谷巧玟 全郁華 金芊璦 賴念慈 幸聖君 司曄宇 田有宏 全亞恩 16 五

全聖煜 伍恩婕 史俊祥 李 謙 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍主恩 伍約翰

幸明山 松冠銘 谷 薰 金家儀 田祈宏 全光榮 司若庭 向 萱 呂宇澤17 四

陽詠智 林采萱 馬妤芯 史 灝 方 琪 方 圓 伍書韓 伍皓詳

辜歆菲 呂啓佑 松毓傑 司曄恩 金佑翊 全若綺 史念恩 14 三

史祥恩 松耀祖 史玥兒 王 讓 馬沛羽 林凡羽 伍奇浩

- 34 - 2 學生背景所屬部落族群家庭環境

(1)所屬部落 部落 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 潭南 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 14 雙龍 1 2 1 3 1 1 9 地利 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 12 人和 1 2 3 明德 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 12 豐丘 3 1 1 3 8 新鄉 1 2 1 1 5 羅娜 3 2 2 3 3 5 2 20 久美 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 12 望鄉 2 2 1 2 1 8 東埔 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 22 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


族群 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 布農 5 6 9 10 8 16 10 9 9 82

布農漢 1 2 2 4 3 1 5 2 20

布農泰雅 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9

布農鄒 1 1 1 1 4

布農太魯閣 1 1 1 1 4

布農賽德克 1 1 1 3

布農阿美 1 1 2

泰雅漢 1 1

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


家境 高二 高一 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計

低收入 5 7 10 11 12 16 13 14 12 100 80

小康 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 25 20

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125 100

- 35 -


南投縣政府於民國 102 年 10 月公布「南投縣縣立中小學實驗教育學校設置要點」信義

鄉羅娜國小於 103 年 8 月據以向南投縣政府申請開辦實驗教育學校已獲南投縣政府於 103年 11 月 17 日「府教學字第 1030226302 號」函告審查通過讓原聲音樂學校實體化進度向前

邁進一大步期望於 2016 年成立實體學校以下為 2015 年目標重點 培養原住民典範人才 一 與信義鄉各部落國小溝通協調尋覓最適學校開辦實驗教育規劃校園建築配置設計

校舍及景觀 二 使用中華電信基金會提供之 Joinnet 視訊平台實施互動式遠距教學初期由 7 年級英文及

9 年級數學課開始試用 三 支援信義國中「數位學伴」支援台大學生利用 Joinnet 視訊平台擔任信義國中學生每週

晚自習課之遠距家教 四 高國中部皆設班級導師國中學生身心成長迅速需請具專業素養瞭解布農文化且

深富愛心耐心之老師來陪伴和協助孩子 五 針對高中生量身打造個別輔導課


補與平地學生間之學習落差 六 輔導國三學生生涯探索適當選擇升學進路九年級 12 位學生於 2015 年暑假將邁入下


力選擇適當志願 七 擬訂並執行原住民師生海外遊學辦法與公益平台文化基金會合作辦理 八 支援信義鄉同富國中信義國中及仁愛鄉親愛國小教學資源 九 支援部落文化活動舉辦玉山星空音樂會族語闖關比賽布農詩歌比賽等活動支援

全國原住民運動會開幕表演 讓世界聽見玉山唱歌 一錄製音樂專輯傳揚來自玉山的純淨天籟作為贈送贊助者之禮物 二赴歐洲巡演預定於 2015 年 8 月底至 9 月初赴德國波蘭奧地利三國巡演擬於法蘭

克福柏林波茲南 Poznań維也納等城市演出並與維也納少年合唱團同台演唱交流

- 36 -



1 學期中數學英文及國文依年級分班合唱課分為一二團兩班

高一二每週六上午數學下午 A capella(在台北上課)

國二三每週二三晚數位學伴遠距課業輔導 2 寒暑假 寒假1 週冬令營 (台北白金錄音室錄製音樂專輯) 暑假1 週夏令營(與台北市建國中學人文社會資優班長期合作辦理) 暑假6 週學習營每週全日上課 4 天實施數學英語國文及合唱打擊樂教學出

國演唱 2 週 二合唱團及打擊樂團 1 合唱團(一團)指揮mdash馬彼得鋼琴伴奏mdash趙慧菁 (1)十八姑娘(客語) (2)火金姑叼位去(台語) (3)酒矸倘賣無(國語) (4)愛情樹(國語) (5)快樂天堂(國語) (6)原住民組曲(族語) 2 打擊樂團指導老師mdash陳姿伶

新生小鼓基本練習木琴基本練習Mickey Mouse March 就地取材打擊Stinkinrsquo Garbagekipahpah imaLittle star 人身打擊Our Favorite Son 舊生合奏曲 Tijuana SambaEine Kleine TischmusikLidsThe William Tell Overture

星期六 國二三 國一 國小 0830-1200 數學 1200-1320 午餐午休

1320-1610 理化 合唱 生物(1 次月)

合唱 打擊樂

1620-1710 作業時間 1710-2000 沐浴晚餐閱讀打掃 2000-2130 少年團契小品音樂會電影欣賞

2130~ 就寢

星期日 國二三 國一 國小 0700-0800 起床早餐運動

0810-1000 國文社會 語文閱讀

1010-1200 作業時間 合唱

1200-1250 午餐午休

1300-1550 英文 1550-1610 打掃放學

(7) Palis angelicus(拉丁語) (8) Mozart Alleluia(拉丁語) (9) Ode an die Freude(德語) (10) Edelweiss(英語) (11) Adieu sweet amaryllis(英語) (12) Hymm to Freedom(英語)

- 37 -

3 A cappella 合唱團指導老師mdash劉郁如

(1)基礎樂理音感節奏感讀譜訓練 (2)練習 A cappella 曲目 (3)練習 A cappella 簡易編曲 (4)練習 Beat-box 人聲伴奏

三師資 1 行政人員

校長洪春滿mdash負責校務及語文閱讀課程 秘書Uli 馬慧如mdash負責學校教務學務輔導及家長聯絡事宜 秘書Balan 梁賜輝mdash負責學校庶務財務及志工事宜 秘書李彩霞mdash負責協會行政業務及出納

2 學科教師

數學劉水池(北一女退休教師)曾明德(台北南門國中教師) 陳清河(新竹德霖技術學院教授)林宜城(南投漳興國小校長) 林麗敏蕭玉鳳林麗娟林紀穎(漳興國小及中寮國小教師) 英文陳聞詩姚淑美(建中退休教師)葉芳吟(台北國中英文教師輔導團) 陳怡帆蕭慧鈞(台大外文系畢國中實習教師) 劉原良張藝寶(靜宜大學應用英語系教授及研究生) 蕭淑敏(麥偲克補習班英語教師)楊鈞堯(羅娜國小英文專長替代役) 理化黃錦珠(國中理化退休教師)生物薛如娟(北一女退休教師) 社會馬聖堯(台中教育大學)馬胤哲(台北教育大學) 合唱馬彼得(羅娜國小校長)趙慧菁(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 打擊樂陳姿伶(國立台灣交響樂團管樂團團員) A cappella劉郁如(Voco Novo 團長) 四校外教學及演出 1 表演活動結合校外教學參觀等豐富多元學習活動以拓展視野薰陶素養 2 年度專場演出次數 8 場以不影響課程及學生作息為原則 3 參加公益活動以教導學生感恩回饋

高一二 9 年級 8 年級 7 年級 6 年級 5 年級 4 年級 3 年級 2 年級 數學 劉水池 曾明德 陳清河 馬聖堯 林麗敏 林宜城 蕭玉鳳 林麗娟 林紀穎 英文 陳聞詩 蕭淑敏 陳怡帆 葉芳吟 楊鈞堯 劉原良 姚淑美 張藝寶 蕭慧鈞 導師 馬聖堯 蕭淑敏 馬胤哲 馬聖堯 -- -- -- -- --

- 38 - 預定活動


1 辦理親職教育及家長讀書會 (1) 2015 年預定召開 4~6 次座談會期許家長作孩子榜樣(戒酒努力工作等)並請家

長互相分享教養心得及相互勉勵 (2)每雙月舉行家長讀書會由健康飲食親子教育心理行為等類書為始鼓勵家長

閱讀學習並以身教做孩子榜樣 2 舉辦玉山星空音樂會

預定 3 月 21 日晚間於羅娜國小運動場舉辦預定邀請 Voco Novo 合唱團阿美族歌手以

莉高露以及在地的布農族古謠合唱團和原聲童聲合唱團原聲 A cappella 團共同演出

日期(星期) 活動名稱 地點 主辦單位 128-30(三-五) 原聲音樂學校冬令營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園廣場 衛武營藝術文化中

心籌備處 2224(一三) 原聲童聲合唱團寒訓營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 26(五) HTC 尾牙感恩音樂會 南港展覽館 飛虹公關整合行銷 27(六) 原聲會員大會成果發表 建國中學 原聲教育協會 29-13(日-五) 錄製音樂專輯 功學社音樂廳 原聲教育協會 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 328-29(六-日) 全國原住民運動會開幕式 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台鐵大樓 竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 76-11(一-六) 原聲建中成長營(夏令營) 東埔國小 建國中學 713-16(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 720-23(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 727-30(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 731(五) 原聲長榮聯合音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保經公司 83-6(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 810-13 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 卡度基督長老教會 原聲教育協會 817-20 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 828-910(五-四) 歐洲巡演 德國波蘭奧地利 Vocal Asia 1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 111(日) 南松山天主堂獻詩 南松山天主堂 原聲教育協會 125(六) 原聲親愛音樂會 新竹市立演藝廳 心築愛樂 1212(六) 原聲親子運動會 羅娜國小運動場 原聲教育協會

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3 舉辦布農詩歌合唱比賽

預定於 12 月農閒時期舉辦提供優厚獎金以鼓勵族人傳承發揚布農歌謠提供各部落


音樂會表演 4 引介資源

(1)引介扶輪社為東埔國小及親愛國小學生製作制服 (2)引介統一星巴客咖啡提供設備及協助信義國中實施職涯探索咖啡特色課程 (3)引介雅丰診所至信義鄉義診 (4)快樂麗康髮廊每月上山義剪 (5)推介日本仙台大專生訪台行腳至望鄉及東埔部落進行認識布農生態文化之旅 (6)關懷生命協會林雅哲醫師團隊至信義鄉實施貓犬義務絕育活動

5 教會詩歌見證預定赴仁愛鄉教會獻詩


一九年級升學成績12 位畢業生預期 6 人升入高中6 人進入高職 二二年級至九年級學習成效

項目 效益 指標 知識 知道好的學習

行為 90孩子至少理解三項正確的學習行為(準時上學完成作業

認真閱讀) 行為 實行好的學習

行為 留校率達 90全勤率達 50閱讀課外優良讀物平均達到 40本最少者不低於 20 本

成績 好的學習成就 80小學生成績居全班前 1470國中生成績居全班前 12 三合唱團練習成效複習 50 首舊曲目學會 12 首新曲目 四打擊樂團練習成效學會 4~5 首打擊樂曲 五A cappella 團成效學會 4~5 首心曲目 六學科學習成效以教師上課紀錄志工觀課札記學生成長日誌及學習回饋單評量

日期 教會名稱 日期 教會名稱 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 111(日) 南松山天主堂

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年收支預算表 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日

科 目 年度 2014 年 2015 年說 明 款項目 名稱 預算數 預算數 1 本會收入 26360600 23358900 1-1 入會費 0 0不收新會員 1-2 常年會費 136000 1360001000人136 1-3 捐款 25352600 21932000 1-4 補助收入 780000 1200000申請政府補助 1-5 其他收入 92000 90900存款利息 2 本會支出 26360600 23358900 2-1 人事費 382200 436800 2-2 辦公費 324600 294700 2-3 業務費 16098500 14207000 2-3-1 課業輔導費 4123500 4742000 2-3-2 教材教具講義費 1047000 747000 2-3-3 餐點營養費 864000 700000 2-3-4 交通旅運費 1485000 1800000 2-3-5 獎助學金 793200 753200 2-3-6 假期營隊活動 790000 320000冬令營及夏令營 2-3-7 教學及演出活動費 2660000 6520000含歐洲巡演旅費 2-3-8 其他業務費 240500 229000

2-3-9 部落服務活動費 3020000 2080000玉山星空音樂會部落

古謠比賽等 2-3-10 業務推展費 1075300 2575800合唱專輯製作等 2-4 購置費 0 0 2-5 折舊 0 0 2-6 專案-建校基金 8300000 1000000建校規劃

2-7 提撥基金 1255300 1160400收入 5 3 本期餘絀 0 0

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

- 41 -


一收入 2015 年所需經費劇增募款壓力亦加重本協會仍將以捐款贈送音樂專輯方式努力推

展小額募款不但可宣揚原聲教育理念且可收聚沙成塔眾志成城之功2014 年單位捐款

迄今為 604 萬元較 2013 年的 655 萬元略有衰退或因高雄氣爆事件使善款較為集中於彼

惟根據歷年經驗工商行號於年底結算若有盈餘時亦會尋找特定目標贊助 二支出

2015 年預定至德國法蘭克福柏林波蘭的波茲南奧地利的維也納等地巡演且開始


726 萬元之鉅約占全年支出總預算之 13 社團法人台灣原聲教育協會工作人員待遇表

2015 年 1 月 1 日

職 稱 姓名 性別 到職日 月支薪資 備 註

秘 書 長 孫蘭芳 女 9771 15000 專職(全數捐回協會)

教務執行秘書 馬慧如 女 102831 25300 專職

總務執行秘書 梁賜輝 男 10261 25300 專職

出納及行政 李彩霞 女 10351 33000 專職

攝影紀錄 呂克勝 男 10291 20000 兼職

合 計 118600

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

一月 二月 三月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

11-4 新年放假 117 電子報出刊(11~12 月) 124 第 3 屆 5th 理監事會議 127 休業日 128-30 寒假學習營

21 高雄衛武營榕園音樂會 22 24 合唱團上課 26 HTC 感恩音樂會 27 原聲會員大會及成果發

表會 28 振興醫院公益演唱 29-13 合唱團錄音(國三生

上課) 215-23 放假(218 除夕 219春節) 224 開學日 227-28 二二八紀念日連假

31 二二八紀念日連假 37 原聲始業 38 家長座談會

314 電子報出刊(1~2 月號) 314 第 3 屆 6th 理監事會議 321 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會

325-26 日本仙台高中生參訪

望鄉東埔部落 328 全國原住民運動會開幕

表演 329 全國原住民運動會音樂

四月 五月 六月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

31 43 合唱團上課 43-6 婦幼節及清明節放假 45 復活節 411 台鐵大樓慈善音樂會 412 桃園中正扶輪社音樂會


52 微熱山丘總店市集演出

(其他學生照常上課) 58 布農日 510 母親節 516 電子報出刊(3~4 月號)530 監察院舍百年紀念音樂

613 第 3 屆 7th 理監事會議 620-21 端午節連假 628 原聲休業及家長座談會

630 休業日

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

七月 八月 九月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30

30 31 75-11 原聲建中成長營 713-16 語文學習營 718 電子報出刊(5~6 月號) 720-23 727-30 英文學習營

(國際志工服務) 731 原聲長榮聯合音樂會


81 磊山保經感恩音樂會(華山文創) 83-6 810-13 數學學習營 817-20 合唱團集訓及補課 822 第 3 屆 8th 理監事會議

828-31 歐洲巡演 831 開學日

91-11 歐洲巡演 919 電子報出刊(7~8 月號) 919 原聲始業 920 家長座談會 926-28 連假(927 中秋節)

十月 十一月 十二月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

109-11 國慶放假 1031 幸福親子公益音樂會


111 台北南松山天主堂獻詩

1120 電子報出刊(9~10 月

號) 1126 感恩節

125 原聲親愛音樂會(新竹演

藝廳) 1212 族語闖關親子運動

會才藝表演晚會 1220 國中生母語認證考試 1219 第 3 屆 9th 理監事會議

1219-2026-27 聖誕節放假

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日 2015 年原聲上課日數78 日

1 月 10-1117-1824-2528-30 9 7 月 6-1013-1620-2327-30 17 2 月 24 2 8 月 3-610-1317-20 12 3 月 7-814-15 4 9 月 19-20 2 4 月 318-1925-26 5 10 月 3-417-1824-25 6 5 月 316-1723-24 5 11 月 7-814-1521-2228-29 8 6 月 6-713-1427-28 6 12 月 12-13 2

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2014 年台灣原聲教育協會推展原住民族國際交流合作計畫 一計畫名稱美國「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」交流參訪 二計畫緣起

1 「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」去年獲邀前往美國出席「2013 UNITY( United National Indian Tribal Youth ) Conference 印地安原住民青年聯盟年會」開幕獻唱為加強聯繫交流爰

邀請「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」參加本年 3 月於南投縣信義鄉舉辦之「玉


並吸取該團辦理及培訓原住民青年組織經驗 2 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」總部設於美國奧克拉荷馬州為美加地區原住民青


地與學習成為向美國與世界發聲的原住民代表本年將由UNITY執行長Mary Kim Titla及 1 位協會工作幹部帶領 6 名美國各州印第安學生代表組成「UNITY-印地安原住民青

年聯盟代表團」參訪台灣原住民文化 3 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」擬邀請我國原住民團體代表出席該會 2014 年 7 月於

西雅圖年會活動並參與擔任該組織友邦團體 三計畫目標藉由交流互動分享部落成長經驗學習國際培育原住民青年組織經驗

建立國際交流管道 四指導及辦理單位 指導單位行政院原住民族委員會外交部

主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 協辦單位慧智文教基金會美國加州舊金山灣區志工 五計畫實施期間103 年 3 月 13 日(星期四)至 22 日(星期六) 六計畫實施地點南投縣花蓮縣台東縣屏東縣台北市 七計畫內容

(一)資源分析 台灣原聲教育協會 httpvoxnativaorg 負責活動規劃行程安排 慧智文教基金會 httpwwwwceoprogramorg及舊金山志工負責經費籌措及落地接待 南投縣信義鄉公所主辦「玉山星空音樂會」 行程承攬為姊妹旅行社(桃園市萬壽路 3 段 156 號 1 樓03-3340928)

(二)人員參與情形 「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」8 人 1 Mary Kim Titla Executive Director UNITY

2 Christine Porter Mohawk is the Youth Council Coordinator with the Ft McDowell Education Division on Ft McDowell Yavapai Reservation

3 Tyler Owens president for the Akimel OrsquoodhamPee-Posh Youth Council Chairperson for the Inter-Tribal Youth Council of Arizonarsquos planning committee

4 Simon Montelongo He belongs to the Eastern Band Cherokee tribe and is from Cherokee North Carolina He is a returning member of the Executive Committee as the Southeast Area Representative and is looking forward to yet another successful year for UNITY

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5 Santana Little Bear Johnson Southern Plains Representative for this years Executive Committee (EC)

6 Aaron Leaureaux member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Treasurer and founding members of the Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council

7 Alex Toledo UNITY Regions Representative for the Southwest Region 8 Carrie Hood comes from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation located in Phoenix Arizona Shersquos currently the 2013-2014 Miss Fort McDowell


(四)計畫進度 102 年 12 月底前完成訪團邀請行程規劃地點探勘經費預算 103 年 1 月完成訪團名單確認各組工作分配(活動組行政組公關組總務組 接待組) 103 年 2 月完成經費籌募計畫演練 103 年 3 月計畫執行 103 年 4 月完成經費結報與計畫檢討

(五)人力分工(參與計畫工作人員名單現職及其負責人之工作項目) 姓名 職稱 工作分配 洪春滿 原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 活動組 馬彼得 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 活動組 孫藍蔚 原聲教育協會秘書長 行政組

日期 活動內容 3 月 13 日(四) 抵達桃園國際機場 3 月 14 日(五) 前往日月潭(邵族)

3 月 15 日(六) 1拜會南投縣信義鄉 2參訪原住民文創產業-梅子夢工廠 3出席 2014 年玉山星空音樂會(布農族)

3 月 16 日(日) 1拜會原住民學校-羅娜國小參訪「原聲音樂專業學校」校址預定

地及簡報建校計畫 2前往屏東參觀原住民族文化園區(排灣族)

3 月 17 日(一) 1參訪屏東霧台部落(魯凱族) 2前往台東住宿布農部落休閒農場

3 月 18 日(二) 1參觀台東布農部落與蝴蝶谷(布農族) 2參觀台東史前文化博物館與卑南文化公園

3 月 19 日(三) 1參訪吉籟獵人學校(阿美族) 2前往太魯閣國家公園

3 月 20 日(四) 1參訪太魯閣國家公園 2經宜蘭返回台北

3 月 21 日(五) 1拜會原住民族委員會及僑務委員會 3 月 22 日(六) 1參觀故宮中正紀念堂101 大樓


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廖阿貫 原聲教育協會理事長 行政組 馬慧如 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 行政組 梁賜輝 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 行政組 全秋雄 南投縣信義鄉鄉公所觀光所所長 公關組 賴美智 慧智文教基金會執行長 總務組 車和道 原聲教育協會海外代表 接待組 何台光 石氏基金會執行長 接待組

(六)文宣方式報紙電視社群網站社團動員 八預期效益 1 藉由交流互動學習營造原住民社群與組織 2 建立原住民對話管道為台灣在國際發聲 3 培育原住民國際觀傳承發展原住民青年領導能力 4 促進文化交流提升台灣能見度 九經費預算表 UNITY 團8 人出席行程9 天 8 夜領隊車和道

經費項目 單價 數量 總價 計算方式及說明 1人事費 小計 (1)機票費 $50000人 8 $400000 內陸及國際航程機票 (2)餐費 $500日人 98 $36000 9 天餐費

$300日人 98 $21600 租用遊覽車費 $75人 8 $600 環島過路費停車費 $450人 8 $3600 入管制山區接駁車費用

(3)交通費 (含遊覽車停車費

接駁車船費) $125人 8 $1000 船費(日月潭遊船) 小計 旅館費 8 夜

3住宿費 $1800日人 88 $115200 住宿日月潭雲品飯店東埔沙里仙渡假




4雜支 小計 (1)食宿費 $2000日人 91 $18000 英語導覽員餐點及住宿費 (2)導覽費 $3000日人 81 $24000 英語導覽員每日 3 千元


$2945人 8 $23560 門票含原住民文化園區梅子夢工廠台




租借台北 101 大樓觀景台

(3)保險費 $100日人 98 $7200 9 日旅遊平安保險費 (4)其他 $600日人 93 $16200 司機領隊食宿及小費 總計 $666960 元

- 47 -

左 1 為原聲海外代表車和道左 2 為 UNITY 理事會秘書 Christine Porter Mohawk 2014315 於信義鄉羅娜村

UNITY 團員合影留念右 1 為信義鄉史強鄉長左 1 為 UNITY 執行長 Mayr Kim Titla(頭戴史鄉長贈


- 48 -

2014 年台灣原聲音樂學校國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

一 目的讀萬卷書行萬里路他山之石可以攻錯

二 日期2014 年 8 月 8 日(星期五)至 8 月 15 日(星期五)

三 主辦單位台灣原聲教育協會

四 協辦單位內本鹿人文工作室

五 參加人員

學生8 人(4 女 4 男)


師長志工4 人(3 男 1 女)


六 乘車資訊員林客運 20 人座中型巴士(8~10 日)

0730 東埔國小(谷皓傑史凱文謝韶翔)rarr0755 晨軒梅莊(馬聖堯馬胤哲馬胤

凱吳松儒吳璠)rarr0805 信義鄉公所rarr0820 玉山國家公園管理處(幸念緹全心潔

全雅安幸琳茹)rarr0850 竹山交流道rarr經國道三號rarr1050 高雄rarr高雄茂林鄉

七 活動地點

88(五) 南投東埔rarr高雄茂林鄉

89(六) 高雄茂林鄉rarr屏東縣霧台鄉

810(日) 屏東縣霧台鄉rarr台東縣延平鄉桃源村內本鹿「布農山林文化體驗營」

813(三) 台東縣桃源鄉rarr花蓮市海星高中

814(四) 花蓮市海星高中rarr太魯閣國家公園rarr花蓮市海星高中

815(五) 花蓮海星高中rarr南投縣信義鄉東埔

八 住宿

88(星期五)多娜民宿負責人馬秀玉 0910-708089 兩間團體房男女各 1 間 15002


89(星期六)撒拉伯民宿 負責人柯啟川 salabu巴佳英 lailai

902 屏東縣霧台鄉霧台村神山巷 14-6 號 08-790-2277 0921-003590



四人房2 間2000 6 人房12500(含 810 早餐)

89 晚餐 200人(可在附近吃完再去民宿)


傍晚兵分兩路遊覽車載 9 人到桃源村另再載聖堯胤哲松儒 3 人到台東鹿野車站

1台東桃源村 內本鹿人文工作室辦理的[布農山林文化體驗營]

活動時間2014810~13(共 4 天)810 下午 5 點到桃源村813 下午 5 點至鹿野車站

2 花蓮海洋營馬聖堯馬胤哲吳松儒

- 49 -


十經費概算 項目 內容 金額 備註

遊覽車(8~10 三天) 27000 9000天 車資 火車票_台東鹿野-花蓮 2768 1815~莒光 23912

住宿 高雄茂林多娜民宿 3000 全棟 2 大間房 屏東霧台撒拉布民宿 6500 4 人房 2 間6 人房 1 間 活動 台東布農山林文化體驗營 31500 35009 餐費 88 中餐+89 中晚餐+810 中餐 7800 150134 總計 78568

時間 內容 早餐 自理 上午 東埔rarr高雄市茂林區 中餐 自理 下午 打獵體驗 晚餐 多娜民宿供應美食

8 月 8 日 (星期五)

晚上 自由活動

早餐 民宿供應

上午 出發到屏東縣霧台社區

中餐 自理

下午 霧台社區文化部落的洗禮---石板部落屋群魯凱文物館卡拉瓦之家


晚餐 自理

8 月 9 日 (星期六)

晚上 住宿霧台部落撒拉伯民宿 早餐 民宿供應

上午 Sabaw 霧台--再見雲豹的故鄉rarr台東市

中餐 自理 下午 參觀國立臺灣史前文化博物館臺東市博物館路 1 號rarr台東桃源鄉

8 月 10 日 (星期日)

晚餐 參加布農山林文化體驗營

8 月 11 日

-13 日 (星期一)



8 月 14 日

(星期四) 全天


8 月 15 日

(星期五) 全天


- 50 - 布農山林文化體驗營

一 集散時間810下午 5點來到桃源村813下午 5點送至鹿野車站結束

二 活動費用每人 3500 元(含講師費食宿活動糧食旅平險車站接駁)

三 聯絡人katu(柯俊雄) 0911‐334448

四 課程大綱

前一天 810 第一天 811 第二天 812 第三天 13













































二攜帶裝備 如不需帶上山的物品或衣物可協助保管於下山後領取

項目 說明

穿著裝備 T恤長袖長褲 (衣褲以輕便易乾排汗的材質為佳)

揹負裝備 背式背包(需協助背負公裝與公糧)

吃飯裝備 碗筷(鋼杯為佳)

走路裝備 本次路線泥土與石子路穿著雨鞋尤佳搭配厚襪可準備拖鞋於營地使用

照明裝備 因有夜間狩獵體驗行程建議使用頭燈出門前檢查是否夠亮需攜帶備用電池

禦寒裝備 厚外套(晚上睡覺以穿著保暖外套作為睡袋)

遮陽裝備 鴨舌帽或頭巾防曬乳視個人需求

雨衣裝備 輕便雨衣即可(上下兩段式為佳)

水壺 每日所需之行動水

糖果餅乾 建議可帶巧克力乾糧牛奶糖咖啡包可可亞等

個人藥品 請視個人身體狀況準備

文具 小本筆記本與筆 1隻衛生紙垃圾袋(自己垃圾自己帶回)

備用衣物 下山後更換的衣物

- 51 -

2014 年原聲音樂學校花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫


蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會於 2011 年選擇在太平洋左岸的美麗小漁村鹽寮設立扮演推展



有正確的認識與觀念相信透過認識海洋親近海洋能夠讓下一代更深刻的愛上海洋臺灣 當蘇帆碰到了原聲玉山連結了太平洋山上的布農族孩子有了在太平洋划獨木舟的機


蓮海星中學一起籌辦 海星中學推動原住民教育不遺餘力設立有原住民音樂與文化專班培養學生多元能力



活動日程 一門諾會醫院義演88(五)1900-2000 二慈濟醫參訪及義演89(六)0820-1530 三「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會89(六)1900-2100 四海洋學習營810(日)~813(三) 五太魯閣國家公園之旅814(四)

活動地點 一 基督教門諾會醫院壽豐分院(花蓮縣壽豐鄉共和村魚池 52 號) 二 天主教海星中學(花蓮縣新城鄉嘉新村嘉新路 36 號03-8223116) 三 慈濟精舍靜思小築(花蓮縣新城鄉康樂村精舍街 88 巷 1 號) 四 慈濟醫院靜思堂(花蓮市中央路 3 段 703 號) 五 花蓮縣台灣原住民族文化館(花蓮市北興路 460 號) 六 蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會(花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村鹽寮 148 號) 七 國立東華大學(花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路 2 段 1 號)

- 52 -

學生名單86+7人(50 女 43 男)

人數 年級 姓 名

7 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 全心潔 全雅安 幸念緹 史凱文 謝韶翔

8 八 幸于辰 松昱希 全襄柔 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶

七 伍宇欣 伍主兒 方 政 松慈媗 全 芊 李羽妃 石伯華 全芷芸 15

七 司 美 全襄娃 幸雪芳 松昱蕎 幸美茹 申 薇 全唯芯 何瑞耘

六 伍 恩 伍明威 松慈芸 林郁家 何家程 全文祥 尤蘇諾 六 伍承琳 伍邵恩 伍雨晨 松雅德 全家榆 松鈺婷 19 六 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 申雨軒 全雅平 幸明仁 松詠婕 五 伍約翰 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍恩婕 王凱嚴 史俊祥 全聖煜 田有宏

14 五 賴念慈 谷巧玟 伍主恩 金芊璦 全郁華 司曄宇

四 方 琪 伍皓詳 史 灝 林采萱 向 萱 何恩淑 伍書韓 呂宇澤 16

四 司若庭 全光榮 田祈宏 金家儀 谷 薰 幸明山 松冠銘 陽詠智

三 伍奇浩 林凡羽 馬沛羽 史玥兒 松耀祖 史祥恩 史念恩 14

三 全若綺 呂啓佑 松毓傑 辜歆菲 金佑翊 司曄恩 王 讓

說明事項十年級參加壯遊於 813 傍晚會合於花蓮

師長志工名單 師長12+2人 Bukut 團長慧菁(伴奏)姿伶(打擊樂)Uli(教導)Balan(總務)彩霞(行政)黑導(舞台總

監)小呂(攝影)藍蔚師阿貫師聖堯胤哲富州程瀚程芸 志工4+3人 田景文黃敬恆柳宜蕙鍾昭慶吳 璠吳松儒馬胤凱 參加壯遊

- 53 -


88 (星期五) 時間 活動內容 備註

0730~1700 東埔rarr花蓮縣壽豐鄉門諾分院 高雄或屏東午餐 1700~1800 走位彩排 門諾分院大廳 1800~1850 晚餐 門諾招待飯捲 1850~1900 準備 1900~2000 『禮讚門諾敬頌上帝』義演 門諾分院大廳

2000~2020 門諾分院rarr海星中學 2020~2050 Check in 及認識環境 海星中學學生宿舍

2050~2130 沐浴洗衣

2130~ 進入夢鄉

89 (星期六) 時間 活動內容 備註

0630~0700 起床盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳 0800~0830 海星中學rarr慈濟精舍靜思小築 0830~0930 參訪精舍 分高中低年級 3 組 0930~1000 靜思小築rarr慈濟醫院靜思堂 醫院正門下車 1000~1130 靜思堂參訪(先看慈濟簡介影片) 靜思堂 B2 220 講堂 1130~1230 午餐 同心圓餐廳

1230~1240 慈濟醫院rarr海星中學 經大學人文教室至大喜館停車場

1240~1430 午休 1430~1445 海星中學rarr慈濟醫院 醫院正門下車 1445~1500 走位 慈濟醫院大廳 1500~1530 義演 原下午茶時段 1530~1545 慈濟醫院rarr原住民族文化館 1545~1745 彩排 1745~1820 晚餐 1820~1850 更衣準備 原民館 1900~2100 『太平洋聽玉山唱歌』音樂會原民館 2100~2120 原民館rarr海星中學 2120~2200 沐浴洗衣

2200~ 進入夢鄉

- 54 -

810-13 (星期日-三)

810(日) 811(一) 812(二) 813(三) ~0630 起床 0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐海星 0800~0850 閱讀寫作業 0900~0950 1000~1050 1100~1150

高海泳 中引導教育 低參訪東華

高參訪東華 中翡翠谷溯溪 低海泳

高獨木舟默契 中參訪東華 低翡翠谷溯溪



賞鯨之旅 午餐午休

1150~1350 高蘇帆 中海星 低東華

高東華 中翡翠谷 低蘇帆

高蘇帆 中東華 低翡翠谷

高清水斷崖 中低多羅滿賞

鯨船 1400~1450 1500~1550 1600~1650

高獨木舟基礎 中海泳 低引導教育


中翡翠谷溯溪 低獨木舟基礎

高獨木舟模擬 中獨木舟基礎 低翡翠谷溯溪



1700~1750 沐浴洗衣 1800~1850 晚餐海星 1900~2100 高引導教育 中低影片欣賞 排練晚會節目 2100~ 進入夢鄉 說明事項 1 海泳與獨木舟場地在蘇帆基金會 2 引導教育(冒險教育-心理諮商)場地在海星高中禮堂 3 清水斷崖賞鯨之旅從花蓮港出發 4 清水斷崖獨木舟之旅從崇德沙灘出發


1 需備換洗衣物建議穿著泳裝下水 2 會暈船者請自備暈船藥 3 注意保暖

- 55 -


時間 活動內容 備註 0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐

0800~0900 海星中學rarr太魯閣國家公園

0900~1200 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1200~1250 午餐

1300~1500 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1500~1600 太魯閣國家公園rarr海星中學

1600~1700 準備惜別晚會 海星中學宿舍

1700~1750 沐浴洗衣

1800~1850 晚餐 海星中學餐廳

1900~2100 惜別晚會 海星中學教室

2100~ 進入夢鄉


時間 活動內容 備註 ~0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳

0800~0830 整理環境 海星中學宿舍

0835~0855 前往火車站 新城火車站

0900~0910 快閃 新城火車站

0920~1040 搭乘復興號火車至蘇澳新站

1040~1700 搭乘遊覽車回溫暖的家

- 56 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團衛武營音樂會行程 一日期2015 年 2 月 1 日(星期日)1530~1640 二地點高雄市衛武營榕園藝術廣場(高雄市鳳山區南京路 449-1 號) 三乘車資訊2 月 1 日(星期日)員林客運 938-WW 林介川 0982-988788

0730 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0750 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0800 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0805 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0835 水里玉管處rarr 0920 名間交流道rarr經國道 3rarr 1150 衛武營

四工作人員穿原聲制服或志工背心 阿蠻校長Uli皓玫敬恆伯峰小呂育銘藍蔚阿貫

五演出人員39 人(女 33 男 6) 指揮馬彼得 鋼琴伴奏趙慧菁 擊樂李謙 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣申 薇申雨軒伍承琳伍曉葳全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔向 萱

李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕 松鈺婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 9 男 4) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳幸雪芬 史俊祥田鎞鎷伍卲恩松雅德

六演出曲目 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 6 心肝寶貝(台語) 編曲冉天豪 7 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 8 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 9 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 10 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 11 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 12 We are the world(英語) 曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 13 明天會更好(國語) 編曲冉天豪 安可曲

七活動行程 時間 內容 備註 1150-1400 午餐午休 室內表演場 1400-1520 練習走位(音響確認)更衣 演員休息室 1530-1630 演出 榕園藝術廣場 1630-1700 更衣分發飯盒 演員休息室 1700-2030 衛武營rarr東埔

- 57 -

2015 年原聲音樂學校參加會員大會及義演錄音行程

一 活動目的展現學習成果感恩會員會友為長者演唱學習付出及回饋 二 活動日期2015 年 2 月 6 日至 2 月 14 日(星期五~六) 三 活動地點2 06(星期五)南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號)

2 07(星期六)建國高中夢紅樓二樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 2 08(星期日)振興醫院(台北市北投區振興街 45 號) 2 09(星期一)天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 2 10-13(星期二~五)功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號) 2 14(星期六)郭元益糕餅博物館(台北市士林區文林路 546 號 4 樓) 大黑松小倆口牛軋糖創意博物館(新北市土城區自強街 31-2 號)

四 乘車資訊2 月 6 日(星期五) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 0830 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0850 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0900 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0905 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0935 水里玉管處rarr 1020 名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr 1230南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號) 大巴 (44 人) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 Uli 師Balan 師方 琪伍 恩伍主兒伍宇欣林巧蝶伍約翰松慈芸松慈媗




賴念慈申 薇申雨軒幸明仁 原聲公務車(5 人)

阿蠻校長Bukut 校長伍承琳伍書韓向 萱 2 月 7 日(星期六) 中巴(9 人) 耐斯客運 A4-037 駱界華 0981-385512 0800 羅娜(國小大門)rarr 0805 久美rarr 0815 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0845 水里玉管處rarr 0930名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr1140 徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號)

姿伶師何進榮伍恩婕田有宏尤蘇諾何瑞耘何家程林郁家李 謙 五 台北工作人員

2 6(星期五)皓玫伯峰敬恆小呂藍蔚阿貫 2 7(星期六)皓玫伯峰敬恆宜蕙羅揚威愷柏哖小呂育銘彩霞 2 8(星期日)敬恆小呂彩霞美智仁達藍蔚阿貫

六 住宿地點天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 七 住宿人員

2 月 6 日2 月 8 日至 13 日(需 15 間寢室) 學生 45 人教師 5 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏

慧菁師)大學志工胤凱高中志工念緹皓傑 2 月 7 日 61 人(仍為 15 間寢室) 學生 52 人教師 6 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏


- 58 - 八 打擊樂團學生7 人(女 1 男 6)

尤蘇諾田有宏伍恩婕何家程何瑞耘李 謙林郁家 九 合唱團學生45 人(女 37 男 8)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十 成果發表曲目

打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 天下別無拯救(國語)3rsquo18rdquo 編曲林雲郎 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 乘著氣球上天空(日語)3rsquo05rdquo 編曲平吉毅州 7 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 8 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

十一公益演唱曲目(振興醫院) 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 台北的天空(國語)4rsquo30rdquo 編曲林福裕 4 故鄉(日語)2rsquo55rdquo 編曲田中和音 5 讓生命圓滿(國語)2rsquo40rdquo 編曲冉天豪 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 7 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

- 59 -

十二住宿分配(4 人 1 間)

2 月 6 日至 2 月 13 日 住宿 9 天 8 夜 序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友 1 阿滿校長Bukut 團長 9 佩婷宇欣昱蕎詠捷 2 Uli 師念緹主兒恩婕(27) 10 雪芬唯芯慈媗念慈 3 慧菁師一家姿伶(27) 11 芷芸雪芳慈芸方琪 4 季欣嘉馨雨軒書韓 12 巧蝶伍恩雨晨谷薰 5 襄柔申薇承琳曉葳 13 伯華明仁俊祥光榮 6 全芊襄娃雅平郁華 14 卲恩雅德約翰聖煜 7 羽妃美茹向萱家儀 15 Balan 師胤凱皓傑司機

(27) 8 詠祈司美家榆鈺婷 首位為室長次位為副室長

十三2 月 7 日(星期六) 住宿 1 晚

序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友

1 何爸瑞耘家程 13 尤蘇諾郁家(與伯華等同室)

14 李謙有宏(與卲恩等同室) 十四餐飲供應 日期 26(五) 27(六) 28(日) 29(一) 210(二) 211(三) 212(四) 213(五) 214(六)早餐 自家 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 午餐 自訂 八方 振興 八方 八方 八方 八方 八方 自訂 晚餐 自訂 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 徐匯 自家 十五活動行程(26-27)

2 月 6 日(星期五) 2 月 7 日(星期六) 0830~1230 東埔rarr南港展覽館 1230~1430 午餐(自訂飯盒)午休 1430~1700 練習試音彩排 1700~1800 休息更衣 1800~1830 待機 1830~1845 HTC 尾牙演出 1845~1900 更衣 1900~1930 晚餐(自訂飯盒) 1930~2000 南港展覽館rarr徐匯中學 2000~2100 沐浴 2100~2130 閱讀祈禱就寢

0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~1130 練唱(演藝廳) 0800~1130 羅娜國小rarr徐匯中學(打擊樂團) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1430 練習(演藝廳) 1430~1520 徐匯中學rarr建中資源大樓 5 樓 1530~1600 參加會員大會成果發表演出 1600~1700 建中rarr徐匯中學 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2030 練習(演藝廳) 2030~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢

- 60 - 十六活動行程(28-29)

2 月 8 日(星期日) 2 月 9 日(星期一) 0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~0930 練習(演藝廳) 0930~1000 徐匯中學rarr振興醫院 1000~1020 進場待機 1030~1100 義演(三院圓中心)(送錦旗專輯 1)1100~1115 合影留念 1115-1140 參觀藝術家莊靜雯銅雕展 1140~1230 午餐(第一會議室) 1230~1300 醫療課程--呼吸道感染衛生指導

(小兒科張嘉侃主任授課) 1300~1330 振興醫院rarr徐匯中學(合唱團) 1330~1430 午休(合唱團) 1430~1700 練習(合唱團)(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 1300~1350 振興醫院rarr景文高中(打擊樂團) 1400~1600 欣賞景優班成果發表(打擊樂團) 1600~2000 景文高中rarr信義鄉(打擊樂團)

0800-0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室)

0830~1130 練習(演藝廳) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1700 練習(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 借用演藝廳練習時段 27 上午下午半小時晚間 28 早上 1 小時下午 29 上午下午

十七錄音行程(210-213) 星期時間 210(二) 211 (三) 212 (四) 213 (五) 214 (六)

0700-0800 起床盥洗早餐 0800-1100 赴功學社音樂廳練習 1100-1130 午餐 1130-1300 午休




1300-1700 錄音 1 kipahpah ima拍手歌 2天下別無拯救 3 Take these wings 4更高處

錄音 5如鹿渴慕溪水 6耶和華祝福滿滿

7台北的天空 8我們的桃蛙源

錄音 9讓生命圓滿


11天黑黑 12花樹下

錄音 13ふるさと故鄉 14花兒會開 15乘著氣球上天空 16紅蜻蜓等(3 選 1)

1730-1900 晚餐盥洗 1900-2030 課輔(志工)閱讀 晚會或電影欣賞 2030-2100 消夜晚禱

2100~ 就寢


- 61 -

十八學生自備物品(9 天 8 夜) 『確認後打勾』

序 項 目 數量 確認 備註

1 行李箱 1

2 原聲背包 1

3 文具(鉛筆橡擦等) 1 寫作業用

4 寒假作業課外讀物 2

5 健保卡 1

6 牙刷牙膏毛巾 各 1

7 肥皂洗髮精 各 1

8 環保餐具(杯筷匙) 1 組 耐熱杯

9 中型塑膠袋 2 裝換洗衣物

10 長袖黑帽 T 1

11 長袖白帽 T 1

12 長袖黑圓領 T 1

13 長袖白圓領 T 1

14 長袖 polo 衫 1

15 原聲黑外套 1

16 牛仔褲(藍) 3 含穿 1 條

17 休閒褲 2

18 便服 2

19 內衣+內褲 8 條 含穿 1 套(不含表演用)

20 黑色襪 4 雙 含穿 1 雙

21 球鞋 1 雙 穿著

22 拖鞋 1 雙

23 圍巾 1 條

表演服mdash團服(女) 1 套 頭飾上衣裙斗篷皮鞋24

表演服mdash團服(男) 1 套 頭飾上衣褲斗篷皮鞋

25 黑短安全褲白內衣 2 套 表演用

26 珊瑚絨毯 睡袋 各 1

27 衣架 4 個 十九公用器材原聲錦旗 2專輯 2(以上台北準備)鐘琴鈸團旗 1 吹風機4 喉糖醫藥箱預備團服(男女各 1) 康樂器材(球類)輕便雨衣 2 箱 二十本活動計畫由社團法人台灣原聲教育協會理事長依協會年度工作計畫決行修訂亦同

- 62 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團「我愛唱的歌」專輯製作計畫


曲目錄音並搭配 MV製作成「我愛唱的歌」音樂專輯具體呈現出孩子的自信喜悅

以及想要分享與感恩的心情 二目的公益發行以感恩支持原聲的朋友並作為贊助原聲之禮物 三主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 四贊助單位



有限公司錸德文教基金會傳承文教基金會慧智文教基金會 五日期2015 年 2 月 10 日(二)至 13 日(五)5 天(0800~1100 練習1300~1700 錄音) 六地點錄音mdash功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號 )

住宿mdash天主教徐匯中學(2 月 6 日至 13 日共 8 晚) 七專輯工作人員


呂克勝(攝影及 MV 製作)侯宗佑(視覺設計)梁哲瑋(文案企劃) 八後勤工作人員

洪春滿校長(領隊)李彩霞(聯絡)馬慧如 Uli(教導)梁賜輝 Balan(總務)藍蔚

師(財務)阿貫師(企劃)高一志工幸念緹 九錄音人員45 人(女 37 人男 8 人)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十1 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 天下別無拯救(國語) 詞曲蕭泰然 編曲林雲郎 3 Take these wings(英語) 詞Steve Kupferschmid 曲Don Besig 4 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 5 如鹿渴慕溪水(英語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲Phil Dave 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 編曲游智婷 7 台北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 8 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲編曲林志忠 9 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 曲冉天豪 10 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城等 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 11 天黑黑(台語) 詞臺灣民謠 編曲詹興東 12 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 13 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 63 -

14 花は咲く花開(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 15 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 16 選 1赤とんぼ (日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 明天會更好(華語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

十一經費預算 項目及內容 單價 數量 小計 備註

旅運費(45 萬) 車資(東埔harr板橋) 14500輛天 12 29000 26 及 214

車資(板橋harr台北) 4000趟輛天 212 16000 27 及 28 租公車接送

膳食費 27-14 三餐 210人天 658 109200 早餐 50午晚餐各 80 住宿費 水電及清潔費 200人天 528 83200 徐匯中學宿舍

製作費(843 萬)

專輯音樂製作 -- 1 -- 音樂企劃錄音混音後製等 錄音工程 -- 1 -- 清唱人聲樂器等錄音及混音 鋼琴伴奏 1000時 35 35000 鐘點費 文案企劃 20000人 1 20000 文案撰寫

視覺設計 30000人 1 30000 碟面說明書封套等

平面攝影 4000天 4 16000 側拍封面照宣傳照等

MV 製作 4000分 25 100000 製作 6 曲 MV

歌曲版權費 6000曲 10 60000 公益發行版權費

編曲費 30000曲 4 120000 4 曲重新編曲

錄音場地租金 17000天 4 68000 功學社音樂廳(含鋼琴)

鋼琴調音 4000次 1 4000 印製費(412 萬) 母片製作費 6000片 2 12000 CD+DVD 壓片費 5片 16000 80000 CD+DVD 碟面印刷運費

印刷及包裝費 40份 8000 320000 說明書封套印刷品成型等

業務費(8 萬 920) 聯絡 6000人 1 6000 版權聯絡授權處理

雜支 74920式 1 74920 茶水郵電醫藥費等

總計 1183320 音樂製作及錄音工程費未計入


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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團歐洲演出及參訪行程概要 一活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二邀請單位柏林市立綜合高中維也納合唱學校(Wiener SaumlngerknabenWSK) 三主辦單位Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會 四贊助單位慧智文教基金會(Wisdom Culture amp Edudation Organization WCEO)元大文


傳承教育基金會臺灣期貨交易所 臺灣證券交易所hellip 五活動日期2015 年 8 月 28 日(星期五)至 9 月 11 日(星期五)共計 15 日 六航班中華航空公司

《去》8 月 28 日 CI61 桃園 TPE 法蘭克福 FRA 2330 0650 +1 日 《回》9 月 10 日 CI64 維也納 VIE 桃園 TPE 1135 0605 + 1 日


829~830拜會德國法蘭克福歐洲期貨交易所舉行專場音樂會(旅館 2 晚) 831~901德國得勒斯登(旅館 2 晚) 902~903德國柏林(旅館 2 晚) 904~905拜會波蘭波茲南 Poznań市政府及合唱學校與市立男童及女童合唱團舉行聯

合音樂會(接待家庭 2 晚) 906拜訪德國柏林市立綜合高中 Bettina von Arnim Schule與該校合唱團舉行聯合音樂

會(旅館 1 晚) 907柏林至維也納 參訪奧地利維也納聖彼得教堂於教堂內演出(旅館 3 晚) 908~909參訪維也納合唱學校與該校師生聯誼交流及與維也納少年合唱團聯演

八參訪人員54 人(學生 40 人師長 14 人)

第一聲部 13 人(女 13) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔

向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕松鈺婷

松憓婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 8 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳史俊祥田鎞鎷

全聖煜伍卲恩松雅德 師長14 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長及原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 林宜城 男 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣南投市漳興國小校長) 林麗敏 女 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣中寮鄉中寮國小教師)

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冉天豪 男 原聲音樂學校特約編曲(天作之合劇團藝術總監特約編曲) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 梁賜輝 男 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞台總監(導演) 黃敬恆 女 原聲教育協會助理舞台總監(政大社會系二年級) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影師志工 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事


1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 Hymm to Freedom(英語) 編曲Oscar Peterson 6 We are the world(英語) 編曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 7 Alleluia(拉丁語) 編曲Mozart 8 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 9 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 10 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 11 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 12 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 13 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 14 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 15 永遠讚美耶和華(國語) 編曲馬彼得 16 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 17 pakadaidaz 相親相愛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 18 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 安可曲 19 高山青(國語) 編曲馬彼得 20 Ode an die Freude(德語) 編曲 Beethoven


1 Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會負責聯絡安排行程及活動 2 行程承攬雄獅旅行社(台北市內湖區瑞湖街 111 號 2 樓 02-87932106)

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2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團演出行程

2015 年演唱場次已滿額恕不再接受邀請謝謝各界對原聲教育協會暨所屬音樂學校與原



活動名稱 地點 主辦單位

21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園藝術廣場 衛武營藝術文化中心籌

備處 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 329(日) 全國原住民運動會音樂會 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台北火車站台鐵大樓 嘉旺竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 731(五) 原聲+長榮交響樂團音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保險經紀公司 830(日) 「玉山天籟」法蘭克福音樂會 德國歐洲交易所 Vocal Asia 95(六) 「玉山天籟」波蘭音樂會 波蘭 Poznań 音樂學校 Vocal Asia 95(六) 原聲+波茲南音樂學校聯合音

樂會 波蘭 Gods Mother of Sorrows Church

Vocal Asia

96(日) 原聲+柏林市立綜合高中

Bettina von Arnim Schule 聯合


德國 Ernst Reuter Saal Hall

Vocal Asia

98(二) 「玉山天籟」維也納音樂會 奧地利維也納聖彼得

教堂 Vocal Asia

99(三) 原聲+維也納少年合唱團

(WSK)聯合音樂會 奧地利維也納少年合

唱團(WSK)學校 Vocal Asia

1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 125(六) 原聲+親愛愛樂提琴隊音樂會 新竹市立文化中心演

藝廳 心築愛樂

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2016 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團受邀演唱原則 一公益演唱請邀約單位負擔交通及膳宿費 1 國際活動慶典 2 國家活動慶典 3 地方活動慶典僅限南投縣政府所屬單位 4 醫院學校教會監獄慈善及教養機構(安養院育幼院等) 5 回饋贊助及合作者 2014~2015 年團體捐款贊助台幣 50 萬元以上個人捐款 20 萬元以上者 二贊助演唱接受公益基金會協會及民間公益團體(如扶輪社獅子會崇她社等)

邀約 1 邀約單位負擔交通膳宿費 2 邀約單位捐款本協會作為建校基金(贊助費視演唱時間場次方式等相關內容而定) 三受邀注意事項 1 公益及贊助演唱場次兩者合計一年不超過八場為原則以維持團員正常作息及課程實施 2 邀請單位請於預定演出時間之前至少半年提出邀約以利作業安排 3 邀請單位請先以 email(akuanliaogmailcom)與台灣原聲教育協會聯繫

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2014 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日特輯


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- 71 -


一 活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二 邀請單位全日本合唱連盟(Japan Choral Association JCA)及東京國立博物館 三 受邀單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團 四 指導單位文化部外交部(駐日代表處)原民會教育部僑委會 五 主辦單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團東京公演實行委員會 六 協辦單位JCA 全日本合唱連盟東京男聲合唱團 Tokyo Liedertafel 1925 (TLT)台南

大家庭兒童青年合唱團及和聲兒童合唱學園 七 參訪日期2014 年 7 月 31 日(星期四)至 8 月 6 日(星期三) 八 航班長榮航空公司

《去》7 月 31 日 BR190 臺北松山 TSA 東京羽田 HND 1600 1955 《回》8 月 06 日 BR189 東京羽田 HND臺北松山 TSA 1050 1330

九 活動主題 台灣原聲童聲合唱團一行 46 人(團員 35 人師長 11 人)應「JCA 全日本合唱聯盟」

邀請於 7 月 31 日至 8 月 6 日前往日本東京參加 2014 年第 28 屆 JCA Kodomo Chorus Festival 活動以行銷台灣相關交流參訪活動包含 1 於東京新宿文化中心演出「玉山天籟」專場音樂會宣慰僑胞並為日本民眾祈福 2 與歷史悠久蜚聲國際之東京男聲合唱團(1925 成立)同台演出交流 3 於 JCA 國際兒童合唱節壓軸演出(為唯一受邀國外團體)以行銷台灣 4 參加指揮大師工作坊與來自日本各地 14 個兒童合唱團交流切磋 5 參加群馬縣政府「台灣展」演出 6 參加國立故宮博物院「神品至寶」於東京博物館開展演出 7 拜會老人養護中心並義演 8 拜會橫濱中華學校交流演出 9 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)

十 參訪人員46 人 學生35 人(女 29 人男 6 人9 歲 1 人10~12 歲 29 人13 歲 5 人) 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃 全襄柔李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 11 人(女 10 男 1) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全唯芯全家榆松昱蕎松鈺婷松詠婕 松憓婷伍約翰 第三聲部 12 人(女 7 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳方 政石伯華 伍邵恩松雅德釀恩塔給鹿敦 師長11 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長及指揮(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師)

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陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞臺總監(理事) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影志工 王月娥 女 原聲教育協會翻譯志工(台南和聲兒童合唱學園負責人) 曾碧卿 女 原聲教育協會錄影志工

十一住宿 731~83 85 東京大都會飯店 Hotel Metropolitan Edmont【5 晚】 東京都千代田區飯田橋三丁目 10 番 8 號 Tel 03-3237-1111 84 橫濱-玫瑰飯店【1 晚】 神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77 號 Tel 045-681-3311


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)





抵松山機場長榮櫃檯 check inrarrrarr1600航班 BR190rarrrarr1955東京羽田機場


晚餐 飛機餐(旅行社備有三明治飯糰茶水)



晚上 2100機場‐‐‐2145入住大都會飯店 2145~祈禱盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0930旅館‐‐‐1015王園 Kingrsquos Garden特別養護中心

(練馬區早宮 2‐10‐22 Tel 03‐5399‐2201)

1025‐1040 王園特別養護中心演出(演出後離場)

1050王園特別養護中心‐‐‐1120 鳥茶屋

中餐 1130‐1200 鳥茶屋餐廳(親子丼)


1200鳥茶屋‐‐‐旅館 1210

1215‐1400 午休 1400旅館‐‐‐1430新宿文化中心(新宿區新宿 6‐14‐1)

1500‐1700 台灣原聲童聲合唱團彩排 1600‐1700 TLT陸續到場

1730‐1800 東京男聲合唱團(TLT)彩排

晚餐 1730‐1800 飯糰+味噌湯(宜靜姊姊招待)(TLT自備)




1800‐1830 更衣 1830‐1900觀眾入場

1900‐2100 音樂會



- 73 -


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


1000旅館‐‐‐1025白金之森特別養護老人之家(港區白金台 5‐20‐5)

1115‐1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出

1130白金之森特別養護老人之家‐‐‐1140 TEREZZA 餐廳

中餐 1200‐1300 TEREZZA 餐廳(港區白金台五丁目)(美青姊姊招待)


1300 TEREZZA 餐廳‐‐‐1340洗足學園音樂大學

(神奈川縣川崎市高津區久本 2‐3‐1)

1340‐1400 於銀山廳報到註冊

1430‐1800 於銀山廳 1F參加Ms Fumiyo Tozaki戶崎文葉大師工作坊

1800洗足學園音樂大學‐‐‐1900 丸龜製麵店(宜靜姊姊招待)

晚餐 1900‐2000 丸龜製麵店(澀谷區代代木 3‐22‐7新宿文化クイントビル 1F)



晚上 2000丸龜製麵店‐‐‐2020旅館 2030~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0920旅館‐‐‐1000昭和女子大學(世田谷區 1minus7minus57)

1000‐1015 於人見記念講堂報到

1030音樂會開場與 14個日本兒童合唱團交流

1100‐1145 JCA合唱節開幕式(各團在座位上表演團呼 30秒)

1155‐1305 第 1段音樂會

中餐 1305‐1405 大學內食堂中華或日式便當(不炸不辣不冷食)午休


1415‐1525 第 2段音樂會(1525‐1545中場休息)

1545‐1705 第 3段音樂會(1625‐1645原聲壓軸演出演出前自介 30秒)

1705‐1720 全體大合唱 ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo 1735‐1745 大合照

1800昭和女大‐‐‐1815微熱山丘東京店(港區南青山 3‐10‐20)03‐3408‐7778

1815‐1900 欣賞微熱山丘建築 1900微熱山丘‐‐‐1920神樂坂春波餐廳

晚餐 1930‐2045 春波餐廳(高麗菜為主的煎餅お好み焼きの夕食)



晚上 2045春波餐廳hellip2100 旅館 2110~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0900旅館‐‐‐1100群馬縣政府(前橋市大手町 1‐1‐1)027‐223‐1111

中餐 1115群馬縣政府招待便當 1140‐1210更衣走位


1220‐1250 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

1310群馬縣政府‐‐‐1530東京博物館(台東區上野公園 13minus9)

1530‐1630 待機 1630‐1700東京博物館演出


1800東京博物館‐‐‐橫濱玫瑰飯店 1840(神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77)

晚餐 1900‐2050 自由行(發晚餐費分 6組6 小孩+2大人組)



晚上 2100~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

- 74 - 續前

音樂節 SCHEDULE Saturday 2 August at the SenzokuGakuen College of Music Meeting point amp time (on 2 August) 1430 at the lobby of the Silver Mountain Building Atelier (including rehearsal session for the Sing Together) 1500-1800 Break-up 1800 Sunday 3 August at the Showa Womenrsquos University Hitomi Memorial Hall Meeting point amp time (on 3 August) 1015 all singers to be seated in the hall Concert 1100 Opening 1125 Open Singing (warm ups and sing a song directed by Mr Johansson) 1200 Performances 1305 Lunch break 1415 Performances 1535 Meet at the lobby of the hall (our staff will attend your choir until breakup at 1757) 1543-1553 (10 min) dressing room (you can change cloth here)

時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 玫瑰飯店早餐


0900‐1010 橫濱自由行(拉麵博物館)

1015hellip1020 玫瑰飯店hellip橫濱中華學校(中區山下町 142)

1030‐1100 中華學校 1F保育院演出

中餐 1100‐1230 玫瑰飯店午餐


1230玫瑰飯店‐‐‐1320 Hello Kitty Land(東京都澀谷區神宮前 6‐1‐9)

1320‐1630 遊覽 Kitty Land原宿店

1630Kitty Land hellip1645 明治神宮


晚餐 1700‐1745 葵丸進餐廳高級天婦羅套餐




1800‐2000 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)



早餐 0645‐0730 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0745旅館‐‐‐0830羽田機場 0830‐0915長榮櫃檯 check in

搭乘 1030 長榮航班 BR189

中餐 飛機餐







晚餐 溫暖的家

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1600-1610 (10 min) room for last rehearsal 1615 Back stage 1625-1645 Your own performance on stage 1645 Stand by for Atelier performance 1655-1705 the Atelier performance (cond Ms FumiyoTozaki) 1705-1720 Sing Together ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo (your choir will be on stage) 1735 A time for taking photos at the lobby 1745-1755 dressing room for change cloth 1757 Break-up 十三演出曲目(視情況微調) 81(五) 1015-1030 東京都 王園特別養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 81(五) 1900-2100《玉山天籟》音樂會東京新宿文化中心 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 tankaunhanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 臺北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 8 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 中場休息 9 Muss i denn(德國民謡) 演唱TLT 編曲Friedlich Silcher 10 からたちの花(日語) 演唱TLT 曲山田耕筰 11 斎太郎節(日本民謡) 演唱TLT 指揮岩佐義彥 12 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 13 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 14 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 15 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 16 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 17 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 18 明天會更好(國語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 安可曲 19 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 20 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 76 - 82(六) 1115-1130 東京都 白金之森養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 82(六) 1500-1800 洗足學園音樂大學銀山廳戶崎文葉大師班練唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1625-1645 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂演出 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 4 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 83(日) 1655-1705 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂戶崎大師班合唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1705-1720 大合唱 Hymn to freedom(英語)

84(一) 1220-1250 群馬縣廳 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 84(一) 1630-1700 東京博物館

1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得

85(二) 0930-1000 橫濱中華學校

2 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得

- 77 -

4 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 6 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 十四說明事項

1 行程承攬日本南瓜旅行社(パンプキントラベル) Tel 03‐5367‐2271

東京都新宿區四谷 2‐5‐3 負責人西村勝則 090‐1552‐4986

聯絡單位 李宜靜 台灣原聲童聲合唱團日本公演實行委員會會長 深澤直樹 深澤雅子 Tel +81-3-3350-1141 王月娥 日譯志工 台南大家庭兒童青年合唱團和聲兒童合唱學園 台南市東區 70159 東興路 52 號 2F Tel 06-2385-666 原聲小朋友造訪東京都神奈川縣琦玉縣

- 78 -

台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日紀實 日本公演實行委員會會長 李宜靜





的退休老師知道日本合唱連盟協會邀請『原聲』參加 8 月 2 日3 月日本兒童合唱


流我為了瞭解『原聲』從 YouTube 看到很多關於馬彼得校長的訪問報導馬校長


在海拔 1000 公尺的玉山腳下有這麼一位充滿愛心的小學校長他是位基督徒





















- 79 -






















- 80 -


Bukut 團長 當確定受邀參加東京國際兒童合唱節時我的壓力便開始加身出國演出對孩子們來說








這些訊息都是由台南和聲合唱團的 Vicky 姊姊所聯絡提供她甚至還安排了歷史悠久










為了讓孩子們回家時也能練習還請上山裝置視訊設備的原聲電腦志工 Richard 和 Hank幫忙將每首歌的音檔 po 上網讓學生設法下載練習當孩子們練到相當程度時再請姑姑










- 81 -









抵達日本即在 8 月 1 日於新宿文化中心舉辦了一場專場音樂會而在來到日本的第一夜我



禱告除了為日本 311 大地震受難家屬祈福更為高雄氣爆事件祈福阿蠻校長真誠關懷





因緣巧合8 月 4 日也受邀至東京國立博物館所舉辦的「台北國立故宮博物院神品至寶」













- 82 -


- 83 -

- 84 -

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731 晚上 8 時許抵達羽田機場李宜靜會長及文化部駐日長官接機


- 86 -



- 87 -

山谷回音 UNITY--印地安原住民青年聯盟訪台代表團團員訪台心得

「UNITY‐印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」一行 8人接受台灣原聲教育協會邀請於 2014

年 3月 13 日來台參加玉山星空音樂會並環島參訪部落 10天於 3 月 22日圓滿返美

5月 9日在 Indian Country Today Media Network (美國最主要的原住民新聞雜誌)

httpenwikipediaorgwikiIndian_Country_Today_Media_Network 刊登了一篇執行長Mary

Kim Titla 寫的文章記述他們 3月來台的見聞文情並茂在文中Mary Kim Titla

提到布農族 ‐ 4次

提到原聲 ‐ 6次

提到原民會(包括副主委)‐ 2次

提到玉山星空音樂會(包括美青姊)‐ 2次

提到日月潭 ‐ 4次

提到東華大學 ‐ 2次

( httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity‐youth‐and‐indigenous‐tribes‐taiw

an‐exchange‐culture‐memories‐154749 )


UNITY Youth and Indigenous Tribes of Taiwan Exchange Culture Memories Mary Kim Titla 592014 The idea that indigenous tribes of Taiwan might benefit from the creation of youth councils led to an amazing overseas exchange between six Native American youth leaders and two chaperones during a 10-day journey in East Asia The six Native youth leaders representing tribes across the US are part of UNITYmdashUnited National Indian Tribal Youth Inc UNITY has a network of 140 youth councils in 35 states The UNITY delegation sponsored by Taiwanrsquos Vox Nativa visited the aboriginal homelands of seven of the 14 indigenous tribes including the Thao Bunun Rukai and Paiwan tribes in the lush and mountainous interior of Taiwan Flying 6500 miles to Taiwan requires a 14-hour plane ride from San Francisco The 14000 square mile island sits more than 100 miles off the southeast coast of mainland China with sub-tropical and tropical weather Taiwanrsquos history is intriguing Between 1626 and today the indigenous tribes experienced colonization with the Spanish Dutch Japanese and Chinese The tribes face challenges similar to those of US tribes with culture language and ancestral land preservation Tribal leaders are battling social ills such as rampant poverty alcoholism and high school drop out rates while striving to build their local economies Indigenous villages some rich with slate rock and nearby marble canyons rely heavily on tourism by performing tribal dances and selling tribal arts and crafts

- 88 - Aside from touring tribal villages by bus and trying indigenous foods like wild boar meat squid duck turnip cakes and rice cooked in bamboo UNITY youth shared their tribal songs friendship dances and their involvement in the National UNITY Council Two special exchanges happened during the pre-show of the annual Jade Mountain Starry Night Concert featuring Vox Nativarsquos youth choir which was attended by Chow Mei- ching the First Lady of Taiwan and with indigenous college students at National Dong Hwa University After Tyler Owens 19 shared an Akimel Orsquoodham friendship dance at the college the Taiwan students spontaneously engaged UNITY youth in one of their friendship dances ldquoTo see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating I enjoyed our time with the students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs and dances from homerdquo said Owens The UNITY delegation toured the country with a group of 15 Chinese American tourists including two indigenous college students who served as translators While visiting the Yanping village a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng through a translator explained how his small village moved from extreme poverty to thriving conditions through the establishment of a foundation to build a tourist village that includes a cultural theater restaurant coffee shop convenience store and weaving shop Interestingly the US based company 7-Eleven which can be found everywhere in Taiwan assisted by encouraging what amounted to millions of dollars in donations to the foundation Bunun which means ldquopeoplerdquo with 40000 to 50000 members is the fourth largest tribe in Taiwan They are known historically for being headhunters ldquoGetting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going through today with trying to keep their languages alive brought me back to some of the struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservationrdquo said Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai According to the Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park website there are two theories to explain the origin of the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan One advocates the indigenous people migrated from the southeast coast of China The other recognizes that Taiwan is the ancient origin of the Austronesian peoples which includes the ethnic groups of Malaysia Philippines and Polynesia Some tribes like the Bunun are patrilineal while others like Amis are matrilineal Unlike most non-indigenous Taiwanese who practice Buddhism more than 90 percent of the indigenous Taiwanese are Christian The dominant languages are three Chinese dialects however many indigenous adults and elders still speak their languages

- 89 -

The UNITY organization began a relationship with the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in 2013 The choir made up of Bunun tribal youth performed at the National UNITY Conference in Los Angeles California It was the grouprsquos first US tour and first contact with Native Americans specifically Native American youth Vox Nativa then extended an invitation for UNITY youth to travel to Taiwan in mid-March for a cultural exchange and to discuss the concept of a youth council network Vox Nativa is a nonprofit organization dedicated ldquoto achieve social reform within the poverty stricken aboriginal populations and communities through cultivation of gifted aboriginal childrenrdquo and ldquoto preserve and promote aboriginal culture pride and identity through a childrenrsquos choir grouprdquo Vox Nativa runs a weekend magnet and music school in the XinYi Township known for its plum farms The villagersquos annual Starry Night Concert attracts 3000 people Before leaving Taiwan UNITY youth leaders met with Kao Yang-sheng Deputy Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to explain how UNITYrsquos youth council network operates Owens explained the annual elections of the National UNITY Council and how officers are selected from 10 US regions with two co-presidents leading the Executive Committee ldquoYou are excellent Indian youth representatives chosen by states so I see you as the hope of your people Your visit of UNITY and comments will help us improve ourselves hererdquo said Yang-sheng On itswebsite the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan claims to ldquofollow the concepts of upholding national interest with priority given to promoting quality of life among indigenous peoples when formulating policy directions and strategies to enhance the living standards of the pride among Indigenous tribes and to restore their confidence and statusrdquo Five of the six UNITY youth leaders who traveled to Taiwan serve as regional representatives of the National UNITY Council They include Alex Toledo 19 Jemez Pueblo (Southwest Region Representative) Tyler Owens 19 Akimel OrsquoodhamGila River Indian Community (Western Region Representative) Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson 19 Kickapoo (Southern Plains Representative) Aaron Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa (Midwest Region Representative) and Simon Montelongo 16 Eastern Cherokee (Southeast Region Representative) Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai and the current Miss Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation also traveled with the group Mary Kim Titla San Carlos Apache and UNITY Executive Director as well as Christine Porter Mohawk and Ft McDowell Youth Council advisor served as chaperones ldquoI will never forget the amazing indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language We are thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the samerdquo said Porter

- 90 - ldquoI learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Irsquom thankful for this experience I will cherish the memories foreverrdquo said Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa

UNITY and Vox Nativa are planning future exchanges

Read more at httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity-youth-and-indigenous-tribes-taiwan-exchange-culture-memories-154749 UNITY youth leaders and their chaperones pose in front of Taiwans National Concert Hall The National Theater and Concert Hall are two of the first major modern performing arts facilities to be established in Asia On this day a large ceramic panda exhibit was on display Pictured from left in the back are Mary Kim Titla Carrie Hood Tyler Owens Aaron Leaureaux Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson Christine Porter and Simon Montelongo Alex Toledo is in the front These young women are members of the Thao Tribe They posed for a picture in between their performances for tourists at Sun Moon Lake the tribersquos indigenous homeland (Mary Kim Titla)

UNITY in Taiwan Experience (UNITY團員參訪心得分享) Aaron Leaureaux Going to Taiwan was the trip of a lifetime The views were amazing as were the people Their culture was similar to ours and it was amazing to learn that Native Americans are viewed as role models for Taiwan Indigenous natives My favorite part of the trip was visiting the National Dong Hwa University and seeing them perform their traditional dances and songs Another highlight of the trip was meeting with Taiwan Deputy Minister Kao Yang-Sheng and members of the Taiwan Indigenous Council During our stay we experienced a minor earthquake while Tyler Owens Carrie Hood and I were debriefing about our day As a result of the earthquake the very next day we got stuck in a tunnelcave while on our bus as heavy equipment was used to remove loose rock hanging above the roadway My favorite memory is taking the boat tour of Sun Moon Lake and learning about the history of the Thao tribe I learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Thank you so much for this experience I will cherish the memories forever

- 91 -

Tyler Owens Taiwan was a once in a lifetime trip and was so enlightening If I had the opportunity or the money to go back and do it all over again I would From getting to see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating The locals were so sweet and welcoming that it gave me a home like feel The vibrant colors on all the traditional clothing was exciting and the songs were so beautiful I enjoyed our time with the college students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs from home and got to traditionally dance Throughout the trip we got to try all kinds of food my favorite was the chocolate maugi even though it is not a food more like a dessert The Starry Nights Concert was astounding and we were recognized I felt famous for a moment and was so excited to finally get to take a group picture with the Vox Nativa students From the night market in Taipei to the food we ate on Sun Moon Lake there will never be a trip in my lifetime that could possibly top my ten beautiful days in Taiwan Thank you for this experience Carrie Hood The trip to Taiwan was awesome I wouldnt change anything about it Traveling around the island to visit 7 out of the 14 aboriginal tribes Bonding with all of the indigenous people was something so unforgettable Getting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going though today with trying to keep their languages alive Brought me back to some of struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservation With that being said the indigenous tribes we visited were amazing from the singing dancing and them just embracing us as one of them was such an amazing opportunity to have I can truly say that this was a trip of a lifetime and I would do it again any day 4) Christine Porter From March 12th ndash 22nd I accompanied our Fort McDowell Youth Council President 5 youth from tribes around the Nation and the Executive Director of UNITY on a trip to Taiwan to participate in a cultural exchange with the Indigenous tribes We visited 7 out of the 14 tribes We listened to them sing watched their dances and ate their traditional food We also visited various museums and historical sites I want to thank the Creator for keeping us all safe as we traveled to Taiwan I know the stress of planning a trip for a group of people and I have much respect and appreciation for Herdaw Che a volunteer with Vox Nativa and the others who helped him plan and prepare for this trip The youth and I felt important and special wherever we went whether to a village dinner or a performance Everyone we interacted with was kind and happy to see us

- 92 - When I saw the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in Los Angeles last year at the UNITY Conference I was in awe of their singing I instantly became excited when I saw that they would be performing a concert in Taiwan The highlight of the concert in Taiwan was when we were invited on stage to take a picture with them I already miss Taiwanese food Almost all the food was new to me and I promised myself I would try new things Irsquom so glad I did I ate duck turnip cakes and foods Irsquom uncertain of for the first time One of the highlights of the trip for me was when we visited the college After we heard the students sing Tyler Owens sang a couple songs as we all danced together But just as Tyler finished her song the students immediately took us into their dance and started singing Nothing was said we just danced I will carry that feeling with me forever Taiwan is one of the most beautiful places Irsquove ever been to The hotels were very fancy and I didnrsquot mind the hours on the bus because the view was mesmerizing On this trip I witnessed the love between human beings Each day we would visit an Indigenous village and every single time whether it was for 1 hour or 4 hours we created a bond with the people there We shared and interacted with love and kindness Everyone was sad when it was time for us to leave Our goodbyes were ldquoSee you laterrdquo ldquoCome back to visit us soonrdquo Whatrsquos your Facebook namerdquo We shook hands gave lots of hugs and then waved goodbye until we could no longer see them We spent 9 days on a bus with 15 other people also touring Taiwan In that time we shared snacks laughed took ldquoselfiesrdquo and sang karaoke together We formed friendships that will be cherished forever Last but not least I will cherish the friendships made between us and the interpreters They helped us understand what was going on and what was being said One interpretation was ldquoHe said we just had an earthquakerdquo Good thing it was small We joked together and had so many laughs They taught us and we taught them Irsquom thankful that they were able to spend the time with us and really make an effort to get to know us personally None of this would have happened if not for Vox Nativa and any other sponsors Thank you for this trip of a lifetime I will never forget the amazing Indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language Thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the same

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5) Mary Kim Titla --UNITY Executive Director I will never forget my trip to Taiwan The people of Taiwan were gracious hosts embracing us so wonderfully and throughout treating us like royalty The food was incredible Among many things we ate rice cooked inside bamboo eggs boiled in tea dried mini fish wild pig yellow watermelon wild Indigenous plants The UNITY youth most enjoyed themselves when they were able to engage with the Taiwan Indigenous youth When visiting the Thao tribal village the youth from two different continents played basketball together which is a universal sport and while there was a language barrier it did not prevent a most memorable exchange The UNITY youth brought gifts to share We did protocol gifting with a representative from the Thao Tribe among others Miss Ft McDowell Carrie Hood gave ground Acorn an Apache seasoning and a beautiful silver bolo tie Aaron Leaureaux gave a nice Beach towel with his tribal logo I was very proud of our young people The Starry Night Concert was certainly a highlight especially when we heard the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir Our UNITY group was called on stage to be recognized This was so exciting for everyone especially since the First Lady of Taiwan was present I was very honored to have received a gift from the Bunun village leader The Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park proved to be very educational which is equivalent to our National Museum of the American Indian Our group tried some archery and had fun on a big swing The Indigenous people also do great beadwork We all bought some nice items as souvenirs We were very honored to have met a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng The UNITY Youth presented him with a blanket and a shawl for his wife It was a first exchange he meeting American Indians for the first time and of course us meeting him We enjoyed listening to him talk about his tribe and their struggles to build their local economy Their Indigenous history is similar to ours It made my heart sad a little as he repeated the story of colonization But when I saw the young people the hope in their eyes made my heart happy again When we returned to Taipei we visited the second tallest building in the world 101 which has 101 floors It also has the worldrsquos fasted elevator getting us to the top in 30 seconds We also saw the Changing of the Guard at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall which was very impressive Irsquom so grateful to have started a relationship with Vox Nativa The UNITY organization extended an invitation for Indigenous youth of Taiwan to attend our National Conference in the US sometime in the future We look forward to that and possible future exchanges A big thanks to Herdaw Che for volunteering many hours to organize this trip and to Vox Nativa and other sponsors for giving Native American youth what may be a once-in-a lifetime experience

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山谷回音 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

Larry Liu Monday July 21 2014 This year I didnrsquot have a class to teach and instead worked in the office Although I was unable to learn specifically about on certain class my experience from my constant patrols allowed me to observe the activities of the camp as a whole As expected the youngest classes (2nd and 3rd grade) were the rowdiest and the hardest to control To help improve this the teachers of these classes could implement a randomized seating chart to separate the trouble-making kids and have one teacher up in front teaching and the other two helping out the teachers on the side As of now controlling the classes is definitely the biggest problem What I thought was nicely done was how the teachers would switch off to cover for each other when one of the teachers was out of the classroom Most importantly I believe that we can definitely be more proactive in solving our problems and helping our teammates Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the time seemed to pass by much faster since most of the team was almost over their jet lag However there were still several problems that our team encountered Most importantly our team still lacked control and authority over the students The 2nd grade class was extremely rowdy during homework time the 5th grade class was still asking inappropriate questions and the 3rd grade class still refused to listen to some of their teachers Each of these problems need to be addressed immediately and a strict unyielding way of dealing with instances of inappropriateness is the solution No is and must always be no If we fail to reprimand the students they will soon learn that they can keep on pushing the line and fail to see us as their teachers but rather their peers On the flip side English classes and bachata dance lessons were quite successful The kids were overall much more respectful to their teachers having warmed up to them My favorite part of the day was when I found a successful method to teach the kids bachata splitting them into 4 small groups and having them practice at separate times By applying this method to large group activities I can focus on each group and make sure that no one is left in the back and either not paying attention or struggling to seehear Overall I feel that our performance was equal to yesterdayrsquos performance but could definitely be better Wednesday July 23 2014 Since today was the middle of a typhoon many of the kids were sort of out of it during their lessons Nevertheless we did a much better job at controlling the kids WIth each class either adding new rules or enforcing them more strictly there were less kids wandering about and being rowdy Crafts today were a great success The kids were super focused and on-task constantly trying to improvedecorate their artwork Compared to the previous two days the kids were much more controlled and quiet I suspect this is so because the activities were more party oriented and

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hands-on as opposed to a purely education and lecture-style class However the afternoon meetings definitely still need work WIth so many people at the room at the same time itrsquos hard to not get distracted When one person starts to relax others will soon observe and follow suit I find that this is detrimental to the productivity of the group To solve this problem it would be better to clearly create committeesset a concrete goal with a deadline This would help keep all of us on track Thursday July 24 2014 Due to the change in schedule today class periods 3 and 4 were shorter The change in schedule threw off the pace of many classes causing us to forget when to startstop class I should have patrolled around and went to each class five minutes before in order to remind the teachers Today was our arts and crafts day for lanyards friendship bracelets and rainbow loom bracelets Just like yesterday the kids were extremely well behaved They really enjoy their arts and crafts The best part about them was when the kids wanted to keep on making more for their family members that didnrsquot attend Vox Nativa The fact that these students are not very fortunate yet still worrylook out for their family members first really inspired me They truly have compassionate hearts The most important part of the day was the activity leading period We were given all the time from nap-time to leaving school to take care of the students so we played games and danced In general the children liked dancing over games What we should have done is split the kids in smaller groups according to grade level so that the older kids wouldnrsquot be bored In addition we need to be more proactive and organized so that there are less awkward pauses during activities Otherwise the day ran pretty smoothly Monday July 28 2014 Today half of the team got up at 500am to pick grapes at Uli 老師rsquos house This proved to be quite exhausting because many had slept at 100200 and were sleep deprived throughout the day Because of this many of the teachers napped during classes in front of the kids I feel that it would be a much better idea for teachers to nap inside of our office instead of doing it inside of the classrooms This allows teachers to maintain a sense of professionalism and show the kids that we are not their peers but rather figures of authority that they should respect When the flubber project started today I immediately saw the problem with the younger classes WHen the teachers were going around one by one to give the kids materials other kids who hadnrsquot received materials began talking and playing with them before the teachers explained the project TO mitigate this one teacher should prepare materials for all the kids ahead of time before passing them out at the same time This takes out the awkward pauses during class time during which the class gets out of control Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was without a doubt the busiest day of the trip Right after breakfast the office crew immediately got to work preparing the banquetfood pick up area by sweeping and rearranging tables I was pleased with our productivity we had taken down the Halloween decorations the previous day so that we could immediately start preparing However when it came to the time

- 96 - where we were preparing food for the banquet we lost our previous productivity Because the kitchen had a limited number of knives and cutting boards only a few people worked continuously while others lingered around and just talked We made those we had already finished their job of washing vegetables start practicing the song that we would perform for the show tonight The strategy of splitting up a large group into smaller groups and keeping everyone busy by assigning new jobs is one that keeps the group on track Like always the ending performance was bittersweet What struck me the hardest was the fact that my kids still remembered me from last year even though I hadnrsquot talked to them much during the entire trip Knowing that I was an important figure in the kidsrsquo lives filled me with a sense of accomplishment and provided me with a sense of closure for I knew I had succeeded as a teacher when I touched the hearts of my students last year Wednesday July 30 2014 The best way to describe today would be a day of early farewells Due to their Tokyo performance a bit less than half of the students left today THeir early departure left the school with a sense of emptiness as many of the older kids were gone Seeing my kids from previous years leave also left me with a sense of emptiness as well When it came to the time for group activities it eventually devolved into just movie-watching for the kids I still feel like we should have spent this time more wisely such as teaching more crafts and socializing with the kids in order to learn about their personal circumstances Watching movies should be done only as a last resort Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of the volunteer portion of the trip the official day of farewells Instead of teaching English for the entire day most of the teachers ended up throwing some type of farewell party for the kids I thought that this was appropriate seeing how many of the classes had already taken their final exam the previous day and most of the kids were already in a end-of-school type of mood Again we showed a movie which I think was acceptable but obviously had better alternatives When it came to the time to say our goodbyes many of the kids from the lower grades came to give me a hug I felt appreciative because even though I wasnrsquot their teacher I constantly went into their classrooms to help their teachers control the class to the point where they recognized me as one of their ldquounofficial teacherrdquo Having that sense of belonging despite not teaching a class really was the highlight of my service

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and mostly paid attention Unfortunately the problem with these students are that they donrsquot have enough confidence in my opinion When we asked them to read aloud their mad libs all of the students basically whispered it even when we told them to talk louder I think theyrsquore afraid of pronouncing words wrong Also they donrsquot ask questions even when they need help Instead they just sat there and talked to their friends Hopefully in the next few days the kids can open up to us and not be afraid to ask questions and mispronounce words In addition the lesson plan we had made the day before was not followed as the time we had estimated for the activities were so long In the end we ended up playing games with the vocabulary we taught them For upcoming classes I hope to better plan our activities so we donrsquot have to improv Tuesday July 22 2014 After today I noticed how responsible these kids are Because seventh grade is in the choir room we donrsquot have our own mops Even though breakfast time had already started the students who were in charge of mopping the floor stayed back and finished mopping the floor before they went down to breakfast Although this may be a daily routine for them I still think it is amazing how disciplined and responsible these kids are They donrsquot have any mindset to first eat breakfast and then come back later to mop the floor After letting the students pick their seats yesterday they ended up talking to their friends and therefore did not pay too much attention during class However today after creating a seating chart and interacting with them for a day I realized they help each other a lot talk less and participate more Also they started to speak louder after getting to know us In order to create the environment for them to be speaking English without hesitation we have to let them know that wersquore here to help them improve their English and help them not to laugh at them Because today was the first day of Bachata I didnrsquot know what the expect However I was amazed at how fast they remembered the moves Although they were a bit noisy at first after blowing the whistle and separating the entire group into fours they paid more attention By splitting into groups of four the children danced group by group and it was easier to control them and ensure they are doing the right moves Wednesday July 23 2014 Although the students paid attention during class and did their assigned classwork I still think not all of them were putting 100 into learning We asked them about the typhoon before class started and it seemed as if they were all really worried including their parents Some wanted to go home but couldnt due to the Japan trip and others said they were going to miss us They were getting distracted during their classwork and started talking during read aloud or with someone else was talking by the lightning and the thunder Today I realized how they normally dont have much of a choice when doing something because of the typhoon there was a power outage therefore the quizzes the students were supposed to take couldnt be printed leaving a hole in our schedule We told her class to write a dialogue with the partner on any subject as long as each person said at least five lines each line including one vocab word Before they started they kept confirming with us that the dialogue could be on any topic

- 98 - The concert after dinner was funny and cute Even though the performance with the tunes might have been boring as they started learning just three days ago they made it funny and entertaining to watch I learned that even though you might not be too advanced at playing instruments when giving a performance try your best if it is boring think of something to do to make it entertaining The Halloween party afterwards was pretty exciting as the lightning from the typhoon added to the spookiness Spending the effort of decorating the office and the classrooms was really worth it I think the kids got a feeling of Halloween but they still need to experience the fun of walking around neighborhoods with their friends on Halloween night trick-or-treating Thursday July 24 2014 For some reason every time our class plays games and we tell them to split into teams and create names they come up with the strangest names The team names are all related to one another One team comes up with a name and the other teams find another name related to it For example on the second day two teams name themselves team Jesus and team Lord The last team decided to name them selves team God Yesterday one team name themselves team team so the other two teams name themselves team team number two and team team number three Finally today when we split them into two groups one decided on the name fish power so that the other team decided to name themselves dust power Although Im not really sure how these kids come up with these names Im amazed at their creativity When we did rainbow loom in the second session I thought a lot of the students knew how to do it however I was surprised that they didnt know how to use the loom itself instead the kids used another tool to make their bracelets Since my class is in seventh grade most of my kids left for their tripAfter a week of teaching them I feel like our kids are having more fun during class and opening up to us more however I still think they are afraid to ask those questions answer incorrectly or get laughed at by their friends Monday July 28 2014 Picking grapes at a great plantation was a great experience except for the bugs and tall grass I always love eating Taiwan fruit because it tastes sweeter than the ones in America and there are more kinds Today in class three new students came bringing the total to 12 students Unfortunately we planned a unit 5 to 7 test After the kids finished it and we graded it we realized that the two worst test scores were Ryan and Jacob once again from last week We talked with them and asked why they didnt study Apparently they work on the farm during the weekend and didnt have time to study Therefore we retaught the units and they retook the test Im amazed how hard-working they are even when theyre not at school Unlike students in the US the students in Taiwan work on farms on the weekends Students in the US sleep in on weekends and just hang around the house or with friends Although we decided to combine classes for the talent show when we all gathered we had absolutely no idea what to do Originally my kids didnt want to perform with the sixth graders because six and seventh grade always combine but it was too late We ended up dancing to Best Day of My Life I was pretty surprised how fast they learn the moves just like Bachata I try to get them to send certain parts of the song and exaggerate their moves except it didnt really work

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Hopefully by tomorrow night they can dance more freely Tuesday July 29 2014 Im still surprised at team names the kids come up with today they came up with susu power and gin gin power Every time Crystal and I asked him how they came up with their names they just make a sound and move on After trying a flash card game where there are two teams and each team has a person guessing While the rest of the team describes the card last week we found it pretty effective therefore we decided to play it again today Thinking back on it this game is helpful as you have to know what the word is and what it meansThis relates to what my chemistry teacher said all year you dont really understand something until you can teach someone else and apply it For example if one person on the team did not know what the word meant but everyone else knew and was explaining it to the gas soon then the person who didnt know before would learn it Tonight after the concert to be honest I thought I wouldnt cry Even though I taught my class for only two weeks I didnt bond with my students thats much as I have the oldest class and there are disciplined so I dont have to yell at them or talk to them as muchHowever by the end watching people cry listening to sad music and the kids hugs are you eventually cried For one performance sixth and seventh grade performed best day of my life Since they only danced it for one and a half hours before the performance I was proud of them for dancing and singing on stage Wednesday July 30 2014 Since there was a unit eight test today and a concert the night before we gave the students time to study and review After correcting the tests we realized the worst two scores were once again Ryan and Jacob This happened on Monday to therefore I retaught them the unit with the hope that they would learn it properly this time Since the choir kids had to leave at 11 AM we planned to let the rest of the kids play basketball I threatened the two kids that if they didnt really learn the unit properly they couldnt go out to play When reteaching them I think they know the content they just dont spend the time to study and memorize it The kids dont seem to like studying as much because they have to work on the farms over the weekend and they wont use English that often It was really interesting that the kids in our class we watched our performance from last night and played demons and best day of our life during break time on their phones I dont know whether they already know the songs before hand but I thought it was pretty cute They also started to sing-along and hum the tune Thursday July 31 2014 Because my class is done with the textbook and Justines class only had one student left we decided to combine classes and make rainbow loom bracelets together Although we tried teaching this during class we only got through the simplest design therefore this time we gave them examples and asked them which one they wanted to learnSome kids were amazing at making bracelets while others struggled a little bit Some students made bracelets for a family member while others made bracelets for themselves or their group of friends After a wild we took them out to play basketball

- 100 - however they couldnt find a ball so they went to climb the tree in the back parking lot Unfortunately that tree is a historical tree and they werent supposed to climb it Before I knew it it was time for the kids to go The goodbyes were short and soon the kids left These past two weeks were a really fun and nice experience Comparing last year with this year is really difficult because they are two separate sets of experiences Although its the same concept of teaching English the approach methods and memories are different I am really glad I got to spend two weeks at Vox Nativa helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Rebecca Zheng Monday July 21 2014 Today I was pretty anxious and worried while I was waiting for the students to come in the class I was afraid that they would not listen to me and that we would not be able to teach them properly First the students were very shy and curious about us When we started class I tried my best to project my voice and lead the class We utilized a variety of techniques to teach the students including repeat after me call and answer and fill in the blank I was surprised that the kids proficiency in English was relatively low and we ended up having to use Chinese for most of the class Although most of the kids were not extremely disciplined they were responsible for their age and completed all of their jobs I feel like we had a pretty good first day especially since it was both Kevins and my first time teaching English Tuesday July 22 2014 We used similar techniques to teach class today I felt like the students were getting bored of some of the activities we used and that the students who didnt participate as much were not learning I hope thats we will be able to get these certain students to participate more During lunch it took a long time for the kids to get their meals and to bring the food I need to figure out if this is the normal amount of time needed for the kids to complete their tasks The kids also had a hard time falling asleep Dinner time today was also very chaotic because it seemed like the kids duties werent defined I thought it was impressive that the kids all knew how to ration their portions so everyone had the same amount Homework time was also very hectic The kids did their Hobart but they just went to the back and were playing and goofing off Wednesday July 23 2014 Today there was no power or water for the first half of the day I was worried because I knew it would be harder to teach with no lights We were able to get through our lesson plan but the kids were much sleepier today They were also more board and made the classroom messier because they cannot fool around outside For the Halloween night all of the kids were very excited They probably only got 2 to 5 pieces of candy each but they were very happy We had a problem with cleaning up afterwards because the kids spilled a lots of Jell-O and candy wrappers everywhere It took a while but in the end the class was somewhat orderly again As a whole I think we need to figure out a better way to get the kids to do their jobsSuch as bringing the meals putting away the

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dishes and cleaning the classroom Some kids are not as responsible as others Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had to supervise the kids until 430 PM I figured out that sending a kid to get food with their friends or bribing them by helping them with their projects worked well The kids were very excited to make lanyards today and we were surprising me patient They did not get frustrated when they did not understand how to make the lead beard and all of them eventually learned how to make one We also had to supervise the kids after nap timeWe went to the auditorium and we danced and played a few games The kids seemed a little bored when they were dancing but they liked the games and most of the kids participated At the end of the day the students with hope They looked happy and sad at the same time and I feel like I learned a lot Monday July 28 2014 This morning I had a hard time waking up Some people went to pick grapes and Im glad I didnt get up that early to do so because I was very tired We made flubber today It was a very simple process for the kids but in retrospect I dont think it was a good idea because the kids always play with them during class which is a huge distraction and also created a huge mess English class was okay We worked out a routine where we spend half of the time reviewing and half of the time learning new material We gave out a worksheet and the kids struggles At this day I know everyones name most of the Chinese names and how good their English is I also know who the smart kids are so I will only call on them only when nobody else knows the answer Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we did not have an activity planned for class so we did English class for four periods We gave out a pretty simple test but most of the students were unable to do most of the questions Because of this we had to do review for most of the class offering stickers as incentives I think this review was very beneficial and the students learned a lot I realized how important the review was to the kids because they take a long time to absorb new information We also spent a lot of time preparing for the banquet I decorated the office which didnt take too long I think the kids enjoyed the food but there was no interest among them with the clam chowder We should have served him the chowder with their food The kids really liked the spam musubi and the chocolate fondue Next year I think we should include more protein in the menu Wednesday July 30 2014 This morning I really could not get up But I eventually did We made gingerbread houses today and I think the kids really enjoyed it It wasnt too messy and we had a lots of candy left over We used the candy as incentives during class time We only had one period of English and we used it as a wrap up lesson Many kids are not going to be here tomorrow I found that using the whistle was effective in getting the kids attention I usually blow the whistle to get the kids to light up After class at that time we watched a movie but the kids did not understand what the movie was about because it was all in English After the movie we played with the kids had dinner supervise the

- 102 - kids and cleaned the bathroom Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day I was not sad or sentimental at first because all of my favorite students had left the day before We watched movies for the entire time and we had our last meal together I was happy because the kids prayed for us and thanked us for teaching them Then we assigned the kids their jobs and we yelled at them to do their jobs Most of them were pretty responsible but some of the kids who were asked to do extra because they had simple jobs were very lazy After to clean up we said bye to the students and watch them board the bus The funny thing is that I was more sad about leaving the other classes then my own I cared about my own kids but it is hard for me to make a close bond with young children The sixth and seventh graders felt closer to me than my fourth-graders We rode the bus and the train to Taipei and I wished those kids the best of luck for their future because they are talented helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Andrea Lam Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first team meeting or class of second graders They were all super friendly and kept wanting us to play with them But because of how playful you were it was kind of hard to control them 30 class Something interesting we learned today was that even though all of the kids were in the same grade they had varying skill levels in English A few of the kids were amazing at English while other new on the how to write the uppercase or lowercase letters Because of the difference in skill level it was hard for us to teach because some of the kids who already knew everything would get restless and bored I think something we need to improve on is getting the kids to listen to us and pay attention during class and not fool around as much Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the students were a bit more behaved they listen to us a lot more and actually paid attention in class The Halloween crafts we made today in preparation for our Halloween party tomorrow were extremely interesting for the kids One of the Halloween crafts we had to make was a paper pumpkin The kids were so excited when they found out it would be baking a pumpkin and some kids came up to me to ask about the history of pumpkins in Halloween I was very surprised when the kids came up to me to ask me to help them perfect their pumpkins They hated seeing its lopsided or seeing it have holes in between the paper strips In the end the kids were happy after finishing your paper pumpkin and many of them kept telling me they cannot wait to bring it home to show their parents Wednesday July 23 2014 Even though today was not the first day of class our kids were still very miss behaved at times and required us yelling at them several times before they would quiet down Because of this Megan Marcus and I decided to use a new system to control the kids Our new system was that for each

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Time a kid disobeyed one of our rules they would get their name written on the board and fall Louit offenses would result in checks next to their name If a kid had two checks next to their name then they would be sent to the principals office Surprisingly this new method worked extremely well Once one student got two checks and was sent to the office the other students knew we were serious and quieted down oboist immediately After that the kids were being well behaved for the majority of the class Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had a craft to teach our kids during class We taught the kids how to make bracelets out of seven pieces of string using cardboard circles At first the kids had a hard time grasping how to make the bracelets but eventually the kids got very into it and begin to be able to make them on their own without our help After finishing the first bracelet many of the kids asked for more string to make bracelets for their siblings or parents Overall I think teaching the kids how to make bracelets was a good idea because it was simple enough to keep them quiet for the majority of the time Monday July 28 2014 Today during third and fourth period we taught our class how to make flubber When we first told the kids we would be baking flubber and explain to them what it was they were excited and could not sit still To get all of the students to quiet down we told them that they would not get any of the materials unless they were quiet and sitting down at their desks Eventually they were quiet enough for us to begin the project The kids had so much fun making the flubber After the flubber was done the students started throwing it around like a bouncy ball which made a best in the classroom It was still a very fun experience for the students Tuesday July 29 2014 Tonight was the farewell show that all the kids and all the Connexpedition team performed at The show as funny entertaining and full of memories When our slideshow came on and when some of our members said their speeches Justine Jenny Crystal and I started crying It was so emotional hearing everyone describe their experiences with each of their classes It made me reflect on my own experiences with my 2nd grade class When my kids came up to hug me when I was crying it was incredibly touching and only made me cry harder All the kids were incredibly sweet telling us not to cry and to save our tears for more important times This farewell show was the moment that made me realize how much all of our hardships were worth in the end Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we made graham cracker houses in class It was so extremely messy and many of the kids somehow managed to get the frosting all over their clothes desks and the floors However it was fun to see the kids being creative in decorating their graham cracker houses For the project we divided our class into groups of 2 which forced the two kids to cooperate and work together in order to successfully builddecorate their graham cracker house One pair worked extremely well together

- 104 - They had a whole system of who would ice the graham cracker while the other held the house together It was so satisfying to see the students be able to work together properly and build a beautiful graham cracker house Thursday July 31 2014 Our last day with the kids at Luo Na was incredibly sad I teared up and started crying once I saw my students get on the bus ready to leave us and head home When the buses started to pull away all of the kids opened the windows to wave goodbye Afterwards as I was walking back to the classroom to do a final cleanup I was struck by how empty and quiet the school seemed without the kids Looking into my classroom and seeing how orderly and lifeless it seemed only made me tear up again After getting to know such amazing kids after two weeks the thought of not being able to ever see them again is disheartening I want to be able to see the kids I taught succeed in life and grow up to become adults Hopefully some day in the future I will be able to meet my kids again and see just how much they will have grown helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Shane Li Monday July 21 2014 Today was the first day of our actual service This year I was in a class teaching instead of not teaching I am in charge of the third grade class They are basically the students from Andrearsquos class last year It really isnrsquot that bad but I almost lost my voice today I managed to get my voice back by not talking for four hours There is also a typhoon coming in and I am actually not sure if I want it to come or not I sort of donrsquot like who I am teaching with but I also donrsquot want to leave the kids I guess this just means that I need to suck it up if I have to teach with Roy There were also things I learned about lesson planning I under-planned a lot and I realized that we should always overplan so we will never run out of material Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day of teaching It was a rather better day today but also a tougher day English first period went pretty well I learned new ways of getting the kids to participate I developed a new strategy on what to do to get the most participation from the kids I feel like my lesson planning could have been better though The class sort of fell apart during second period I think partly because I ran out of steam but in the end the class did go better than yesterday I started to get sick today and I had some diarrhea I am really feeling what it is like to have to work a twelve hour day while sick and having a lack of sleep I guess I really did not understand how stressful it was to do this until this trip because culture camp back at US is not anywhere near what I do here Also last year I did not teach a class I need to improve on controlling my kids more and better lesson planning and not bore the students I have a lot to learn before I get anywhere close to a perfect day Wednesday July 23 2014

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Today was the first day I let Roy teach a whole class by himself At first he really took control of the class and actually taught However as the class went on it became obvious he was starting to make things up (on the spot lesson planning) Ping also told me that I should be less mean when speaking to the kids and not yell at them all the time I will try to be softer with all of the students tomorrow and see how that goes Making the faces and costume for the kids were really fun They all extremely enjoyed it I realized today that some of these kids can be very creative Maybe and probably even more than me I find it really saddening that the kids arenrsquot as fortunate as me when it comes to ability to expand their abilities It really touched me today to realize that Vox NAtiva has basically changed these children Sometimes I really wonder where these kids will be without Vox Nativa Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of the week English class was really smooth and nothing really went wrong I gave them a test and half the class did not do so well so Irsquom not really sure if it is my problem or if the kids did not study The other half of the class did really well though The kids really liked dancing to the music THey only like fast-paced music though which I can understand I am going to try to get along with Roy more next week since I feel like it is affecting our class Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of the second week The kids all came into the class extremely tired for some reason It was a good thing since they were all very quiet Today I made Roy teach both classes of English He somewhat struggled because he is not able to make decisions by himself He would constantly look at me and ask me what to do next I feel like having a good voice makes kids listen to you more I always try to have a solid voice and Irsquove realized if you did not have one the students will be less likely to listen to you Instead they will just laugh at your voice and make fun of it We made flubber today as our science project I used a new system in teaching them how to make it I would do it once in front of the whole class then have them come up one by one and get the ingredients This method worked really well and I was able to keep the class clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a pretty tiring day because of the banquet and lack of sleep the day before Today I taught English class and I realized that I love my voice I canrsquot raise my voice anymore because when I do it just sound extremely blank I realized it was easier to speak normally to the kids than shouting I made Roy actually start yelling in class today Honestly it did not work out so well since the kids just laughed at his voice Today was also the goodbye banquet The students had really cute performances especially my own class Those kids were always gone and now I know why - because they were practicing for the performance It really touched me because they prepared for it In the very end after the video we all went up to give speeches and a few of my students started crying I started to tear up as well even though I usually donrsquot cry at all Wednesday July 30 2014

- 106 - In the morning the kids were all really tired today probably because the banquet went really late last night Today Roy kept falling asleep in class This really ticked me off I had to constantly wake him up and every time he goes back to sleep During second period I gave Roy my lesson plan and made him teach It didnrsquot go so well though He was not able to control the class so I had to constantly raise my voice and get them to listen to Roy Next period we made graham cracker houses I thought it was really messy but the kids actually took care of the room I am pretty sure they got into a sugar high after because they ate so much candy Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of our service In the morning all of the lower classes came to our room and we all just watched a movie together I feel the kids donrsquot have the luxury of watching movies because most of them had never seen The Incredibles or Cars After movies the kids ate lunch and went home After thinking about it I have learned a lot of new things on this trip different from last year I learned that you donrsquot always get to work with who you want to work with because life does not work that way Also sometimes i realized I just need to suck it up and do things I donrsquot necessarily like I also found that you have to establish a line with the kids If I am always nice to them they wonrsquot listen to me If I am always mean to them they will not respect me There is a way to balance these two and I feel like I did that fairly well this year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kevin Lian Monday July 21 2014 Going into today I was really excited because it is always exciting meeting new students When they started entering though I did not start interacting with them right away I eventually did start approaching the kids to start talking to them When we started teaching the class was pretty rowdy We ignored them and raised our voices which was not very effective It was not until we started deducting points from their score that they started to listen to us We should have enforced the policy from the beginning From then on we started to threaten them with deducting points to keep them quiet We were not able to learn the kidsrsquo Chinese names because they were harder to read Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll find a way whether it be memorizing pinyin or the characters ANother thing we could improve for tomorrow is preparing a longer lesson plan We planned to spend a lot of time on the introduction part but it went by really quickly Our English lesson included multiple pauses when my partner and I discussed what to do next Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I got a better grasp on the studentsrsquo names I forced myself to remember them by picking on all the kids to participate This way they get practice in English and I was able to learn their names During the arts and crafts portion of the class period I realized that the kids were really needy However that is to be expected because they are young Next time I am going to make the class wait for every student to finish before teaching the next step We tried giving the kids less points during the lesson today but they kept on complaining Also it is hard to keep the point system fair

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because not every kid participates equally While part of the reason may stem from their English level a bigger reason is that theyrsquore too shy to break away from their comfort zone My kid David is usually outgoing during the break times but during class he never participates Looking back Irsquove realized that my class responds well when we yell at them However a kid cried together when we yelled It might have been because we singled her and another kid out when they had books out Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll gain more respect from the kids Wednesday July 23 2014 I really liked how we handled class today The class was really responsive because we included two activities in which the kids were able to get out of their seats instead of just listening to the lecture The class was a bit restless because of the lack of electricity but they still listened to us after a while THe kids complained about us teaching too quickly so I think wersquoll go back to review more in the future Irsquove also bonded really well with the kids now because they talk to me during breaks During breaks the kids tell stories They are stories either about their lives or ghosts so I decided to share my own past with them and how we live life in America I still raise my voice at them when they donrsquot listen but I donrsquot threaten with taking them to the office anymore The Halloween preparation was fun The kids were excited to learn about our tradition probably because they would get candy The classes are passing by quickly unlike the previous classes and more students are participating Thursday July 24 2014 Last day for the first week I really think Irsquove grown as a teacher throughout the week In the beginning I was afraid to use my authority However now Irsquove realized that I need to use that just to get them to listen to me It also helps now that I know their names in English I know the troublemakersrsquo names in Chinese just to make sure they will listen to us The art project was really difficult to start The kids were impatient and we were slow to help them individually Thank goodness Brian Amy and Larry came to help us Next time we should start the lanyards for them before class Overall though I feel like we are consistently improving compared to before Also it is easier to lead the class now that wersquove been here for a week I am looking forward to next week with the students Monday July 28 2014 Seeing the kids again after the weekend was refreshing because the weekend seemed pretty lackluster without them I feel like I yelled at my students a lot more today THe flubber project was hard to manage because we could only help one group of kids at a time Therefore the other kids would talk a lot while waiting Also since we had to get our own water the person in the classroom had to help the class while controlling the sound level at the same time I got really mad at my class after dinner because the students kept switching groups for the talent show THey would prepare with one group then one person would leave and start another This took away from the time they had to prepare Also there was another group of kids who did not want to participate I had to feel them ideas and even then they would not make up their minds I had a personal talk with a student

- 108 - who lost her parents Looking at her I would not have realized that she had such a difficult childhood One quote will stay with me for a while ldquoIf you miss someone just imagine that theyrsquore here with you Then you wonrsquot feel lonelyrdquo Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a difficult day for me I felt unrested so I was impatient with the students I specifically sat next to James and made sure he paid attention in class He often fell asleep and would not participate in discussions I talked to him privately during the break and he was pretty quiet for the rest of the class I think he had trouble paying attention in class because his English is not as good as the other students He also had very little motivation to work hard Getting food during dinner and banquet was difficult because the kids were restless and hungry but they seemed to really enjoy eating the food I thought that the show at night was pretty emotional The kid I yelled at today still came up to me and hugged me I told him ldquoGood luck in the futurerdquo and he smiled at me I really hope that I have changed how he viewed education at school Wednesday July 30 2014 The class president and vice president was not here today These two students were extremely helpful because they would help control the class and distribute work for the rest of the kids Without them the class was unwilling to bring updown the dishes and the meals Also since most of our better behaving students left today there was no balance in the classroom This shows the two extremes in the class I guess I should have noticed earlier but I didnt really mind because the class was still productive If I am in charge of a class in the future I would be a lot stricter in the beginning of the teaching period The most meaningful part of today was when the kids handed us thank you notes I really appreciated how they were thankful for what we had done for them That was a motivating experience because it directly showed how we were able to influence the kidsrsquo lives and futures Thursday July 31 2014 The last day with the kids It was pretty emotional because I really got to know one of the students really well David was one of the kids whose parents helped us out over the weekend His family offered us the pig to each Well after we went to his home he started talking to me a lot more On the last day he really helped out with cleaning the classroom I gave him one of the three rainbow looms He was the only kid sitting quietly and raising his hand The other students rushed and shouted I guess his behavior really showed me how he developed through the class because he used to be one of the kids who wouldnrsquot listen at all This last moment with him really boosted my confidence as a teacher helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kye Swen Monday July 21 2014 Today went surprisingly well considering the first day is usually the hardest Meeting the children

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was a serendipitous experience in the sense that the children were surprisingly and unexpectedly docile English lessons were carried out in a rather organized succession of activities with alternating teacher taking charge of every other activity This cooperative system proved useful and semi-harmonious The children are not exactly the most loquacious kids but they were well-behaved and obedient I learned that life is not the same everywhere and that not all children are born equal Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos class went fairly smoothly Games such as hangman and charades were played to joyous children Although the children were rowdier today than yesterday they still seemed rather attentive and open to teaching All the children were relatively happy but three students were more participative than the rest Perhaps our most important goal is to get more people to participate in class discourse and answer questions The English lessons seem to be getting shorter and shorter as todayrsquos lesson time was subtracted due to Bachata lessons and tomorrowrsquos English lesson time will be cut short by Halloween craft-making I hope to properly cover all the planned material in the limited time allotted for English lessons Wednesday July 23 2014 Throughout all of today the clear highlight of the day had to be the Halloween party After the party the only event that stood out in my mind was Halloween Looking back my memories of the day are a kaleidoscopic array of strobe lights and dismembered mannequins In regards to the teaching of our English class we are beginning to find that our students are showing less and less vigor and vitality in our classes Their participation seems to be lacking and the course of our ENglish lessons do indeed seem to be lacking in luster I think that ramping up and overhauling our point-prize system will increase participation and morale in our classes Thursday July 24 2014 Today went extraordinarily well Almost all of our kids participated a reasonable deal and we have taught a significant portion of English in the first 40-minute half of our first English session After dumping out our prize collection on the front desk to show them to possible rewards for racking up enough point for their respective teams the rate of participation went up The second half of our English session was dedicated to giving out tests to our students A twenty minute test was administered and though our expectations were high the results were massively disappointing The test results were atrocious and with each test I graded the grades seemed to drop lower in some horrible vertiginous descent I hope to talk to the kids that did the worst and find out why their results were so disappointing Monday July 28 2014 I have come to a realization that two periods of English class are the most I will ever get to teach English in a day This epiphany struck me like a lightning bolt in the middle of a typhoon while I was halfway done teaching Unit 5 in my English textbook In an activity-packed day there seems to be less and less time to teach what is vital and more and more time amusing the kids with dance

- 110 - shows and impressing the staff with events While these activities and performances are indeed important I would say that English should remain the top priority If we as a team had the option to place equal amounts of attention to lesson time allotment as we do event planning the breadth and quality of our teaching would rise in scope as well Tuesday July 29 2014 I remember the most of the talent show when I think back to my memories of today English class went by as usual and as the day drew to its inexorable conclusion I began to think more and more about the talent show It was called something along the lines of ldquonight farewell performancerdquo but it was in essence an amalgamation of hastily put-together acts reminiscent of a talent show As the lackluster Master of Ceremonies for that evening my appalling on-stage rambling was accompanied by a lineage of performances some decent and some visual atrocities My sixth and seventh grade classes for example danced to ldquoBest Day of My Liferdquo and had to be led by Justine The actual performance dance though relatively easy to dance to still managed to be exceedingly ugly Wednesday July 30 2014 The sun beat down upon our brows as we stood near the steps watching our students slowly file away into their respective cars and buses Yet as sunny as the day was a perpetual cloud of gloom hung over the heads of my co-teachers Justine and Jenny Red eyed and morose they sobbed as they hugged the children they had yelled at and laughed with for almost two weeks Some of the children cried with them mingling the sadness of parting ways with the warmness of remembrance It was strangely beautiful to see a group of people so utterly different in so many different ways unite as one in heart and temper Yet I felt no sense of sadness as I watched the people I taught leave us It was the same with yesterdayrsquos farewell concert It was as though I could not register the emotions I was supposed to and expected to feel I donrsquot exactly know why I wasnrsquot sad when they left and looking back I can honestly and forthrightly say that I did bond with many students in my class Nearly everyone else called me callous and cold which I suppose was fair for them to say I certainly donrsquot consider myself to be either of those things but based on my apathy who can blame them for thinking I am There I am bidding farewell to James and Anna and Ivy Tears flow yet my eyes remain dry Melancholy is suspended in the air like some invisible gas yet I cannot seem to breathe it in or absorb any of it I know I will miss all of them but I accept the fact that the people we see will become only memories and fade away as we meander onwards and forwards through time Our dearest friends our closest family our favorite teachers and our cherished studentsndashwe will gradually lose contact with them and they will inexorably diminish into a mere idea in the deep recesses of our hearts and minds The people we treasure will fade away into mere memories like ripples dissolving in a pond I fully and unflinchingly accept this perpetual truth and perhaps that is why I never felt the hot pangs of sadness as my children left We cry we wave goodbye and we remember That is all any of us can ever hope do

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the very last day we got to see the students still at the school Brian and Ping Ah Yi told us to take the kids and clean up any trash remaining on the school grounds Crystal and I lead a group of rowdy teenage boys to clean up the front of the school As our motley cleaning crew progressed they talked of subjects that most interested them girls sports and themselves We cut them some slack and allowed them to talk about a broad range of subjects and thus conversations of somewhat phallic and ribald natures ensued I realized then that despite their circumstances they were exactly like me when I was their age Like all of them I was once a hormonal and immature teenage boy No matter how different we may seem we are more similar than any of us will ever realize As we shouldered our bags and stepped onto the bus to leave I took one last look at Balan and the school and I suddenly felt a brief but strong sense of nostalgia It quickly passed however and my mind began to visualize our trip to Taipei The hectic night markets the teeming city the cramped buildings and humid air all appealed to my sense of travel As the green trees and small towns rolled by our window and forever into our pasts I thought of all the memories this powerful experience has left me As the American author John Steinbeck once wrote ldquoWe find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip a trip takes usrdquo As the bus rushed by the surrounding countryside and as I drowsily fell into a long overdue sleep I slowly began to realized that I couldnrsquot agree more helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Roy Ho Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first official day of service for the Connexpedition trip With barely enough sleep I got up at 6AM to prepare for the day that laid ahead of me I was actually excited to get started as this wa the day that we had been preparing for over 6 months to get to My first impression was that they werenrsquot as bad as I had imagined based upon past stories As we were introducing ourselves I finally figured out how clueless these kids are for example they saw a picture of me in a Boy Scouts uniform and thought I was a police officer After that however it started to get tougher We dealt with a girl that was homesick boys that wonrsquot stop hitting each other and kids that showed us absolutely no respect I learned today what it really means to be a teacher It really involved setting a good example and gaining the respect of those you teach A lot of things went wrong today such as flaws in our lesson plan or inability to control our kids but despite all that I have learned a lot in just one day Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was our second day I am starting to get used to this school its rules and its procedures As I get more and more familiar with my students a lot of new experiences meet me but at the same time a lot of problems arise Today was a tough day for me my two other co-teachers and basically everyone on our team For me personally I ran into the problem of two boys asking me inappropriate questions They asked it in Chinese at first not sensing the danger I asked them to explain After understanding it I felt so awkward that instead of lecturing them I just played dumb

- 112 - I think that was just one of my many mistakes today Despite that I continued to learn and grow in my own way and I bonded a lot more with everyone Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day It was my turn to teach the English classes today I feel like I screwed up a lot and had a lot of issues including insufficient Mandarin skills and being unable to get down my student names Starting today we decided to add more rules about asking before leaving class and I was a lot more strict about enforcing rules The results were pretty positive I think the most meaningful part of today was getting to be the main teacher of the class At night we had our Halloween party where we introduced the kids to the American tradition of Halloween It was really fun our students had masks and candy bags and we went to other classes to ask for candy We taught the kids how to say ldquotrick-or-treatrdquo However after the party my kids were way too hyper resulting in me having to shout multiple times and punish the extremely naughty kids Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of our first week Some things I feel accomplished about today was that I finally learned most of my studentrsquos names Throughout this week I bonded a lot with all my students At the beginning I had to raise my voice to get them to do anything however since Irsquove gotten to know the kids better I can get them to listen to me more out of respect rather than fear My favorite experience today was when we tried combining all the classes in the auditorium We started by playing a couple of songs next we danced One of the problems was that we kept messing up the direction of the moves In class today we started with a crossword puzzle and then took a test I was very disappointed however as I graded the tests because the highest score was a 95 and the lowest was 10 The rest got between 40-60 As I watched my kids leave I felt relieved to have an opportunity to rest but at the same time I miss them already Monday July 28 2014 Today was the start of our second week After three days of break it felt like a brand new start My students seemed to be extra quiet today compared to usual Like last week we continued teaching English The project today was flubber I think my kids had fun with it but they were also very messy I started English class today by going over the test they took last week I feel really disappointed with my kids because we reviewed everything on the test multiple times yet the majority still fails the test I feel like I know all the procedures better now as well as the kids Irsquom starting to get a sense of each kidsrsquo personality I am looking forward to a great final week Tuesday July 29 2014 The first thing we were told about today was that it would be very tiring I like to say I was prepared because it honestly was not that bad for me We started a new unit in English today I doubt we will finish it though We were supposed to teach Bachata today but all the lower grade teachers decided that it would be too difficult My class ended up making lanyards It was not easy though because the kids just could not get the concept down and kept messing up As the kids went to choir practice

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all of us gathered in the meeting room and started our preparations for the banquet I was assigned to cooking so the majority of my time was spent in the kitchen However despite our hard work the kids still disliked the food In the evening we had our closing ceremony which I felt would have been better if it had been placed later this week because now I canrsquot stop thinking about the end Regardless it was a very bittersweet evening It made me realize what short time I had with these kids and that therersquos an even shorter time remaining Finally it really touched my heart that the kids actually cried and some came to me to give me a hug Wednesday July 30 2014 The students performing in Japan left today for my class that was actually just one kid The project today was graham cracker houses It was a fun and interesting ldquofinal projectrdquo My kids ended up eating a lot of the material before they were told to but luckily we had a surplus of supplies In the afternoon all the Choir 2 students had class as usual but the CHoir 1 kids all went to the auditorium and we watched a movie Funny thing was that most of the teachers fell asleep and soon after the students did too Tomorrowrsquos the last day I felt restless and kind of anxious I hope it goes smoothly Thursday July 31 2014 Today was our last day at Vox Nativa I woke up this morning to Amy knocking on the door because all of us guys had overslept I then moved on to packing my stuff then went up to my classroom For the morning it was the usual procedure the students cleaned then ate breakfast Except today instead of teaching class we ended up to my surprise watching two movies As a parting gift we gave everyone in my class a bag with a WIsdom culture camp t-shirt candy and some other stuff Finally it was goodbye It has been a tough frustrating and tiring two weeks Yet at the same time it was a fun new and a once-in-a-lifetime experience Seeing the kids go was sad yet relieving at the same time It was bittersweet helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Justine Du Monday July 21 2014 Personally today was an exceptionally good day I expected the students to be rowdy and a bit disrespectful but things turned out pretty well All the children were well-disciplined responsible efficient and they are good at time management They treat their peers and teachers with respect Something new I learned today was that the kids take the bus to get to Luo Na school Though there were many great characteristics of the children they also are pretty noisy and rude to each other sometimes Today a student was teasing another student about being too slow on writing his nametag so that kid pinched him THen the kid started crying and the other kid was reluctant to apologize Eventually I got them to talk their problems out and everything got better Also many kids did not like to speak up so participation issues were huge I think I can improve on controlling the children more

- 114 - Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day with the children from Vox Nativa Something interesting I found out today was that the kids are all very enthusiastic during morning exercises I thought they would be groggy and unwilling to run and play dodgeball but everyone seemed to be having a great time I find the childrenrsquos respect for the teachers and their kindness extremely meaningful to me At lunch one of the girls said to me ldquoJiejie are you done eating I can clean up your dishesrdquo I find that really sweet and cute Also today was the first day of teaching Bachata I was shocked that the children picked up the dance so quickly and they were all paying attention However it was very messy and noisy in the beginning After a while we improved by having only one person explaining so the children we not confused on who to listen to Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day of teaching the Vox Nativa children and things definitely progressed Even though we had a typhoon with high winds and thunderstorms everywhere the kids kept a calm attitude and were still ready to learn However the loud rain sounds also distracted the kids They would work on a worksheet for five minutes then they would avert their attention towards the window We also prepared for the Halloween party today There were some difficulties in the beginning because I could not find any markers in the office and there were many kids in our class Also they were pretty loud and kept playing with the pumpkin strips so it was a challenge trying to get them to pay attention However after a while everything cooled down and we explained how to decorate everything The kids listened attentively and all went well A meaningful aspect of today was bonding with my kids During the breaks I was sitting down monitoring the kids and a group of girls crowded around me and we all got to know each other better sang some songs and shared some stories Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the fourth day and the last day of the first week wersquore here At first during Monday and Tuesday I thought these two weeks would pass by excruciatingly slowly After Wednesday and today I felt like time passed by so quickly We are practically half way done and I feel like we just got here Class went pretty smoothly and since the typhoon was over it warmed my heart seeing all the children smiling while doing their morning exercises today We also gave our first test today Some kids did exceptionally well but some did not I feel we can improve ourselves by paying even more attention to their studying methods A really meaningful aspect of today was when two girls hugged me before they left for Nantou This just showed me that I bonded close with them and it was touching Monday July 28 2014 Here starts a new week The first two periods of today went pretty smoothly The kids were still really respectful and kind The main problem is still participation though Only a certain two or three students always raise their hands and answer the questions However I did attempt to solve that problem by going to each table and listen to them individually They still speak very softly but

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at least I can hear the pronunciations and help fix them if they say the word wrong I always find it really thoughtful and polite of the kids to smile and say ldquoJiejie 你好rdquo They make my day and the little acts of kindness from my kids are the most meaningful aspects of my day During the flubber project however the kids were all so noisy and sometimes troublesome since the seventh grade class joined our class for projects activities and meals the room gets even more compact and noisy Tuesday July 29 2014 I felt that today was one of the best days of the two weeks I have been in Connexpedition My bonds with my children grew even stronger it all started from early this morning during exercise time I was just walking with Megan on the track when all of a sudden two of my kids surprised me with hugs and just those acts from them pretty much kept a smile on my face the whole day Personally I would have assumed 6th grade kids wouldnrsquot have that much affection towards a teacher but it made me really happy that not just girls will spend quality time with me talking but I even became pretty close with the boys from both 6th and 7th grade Through that bond I gained respect from them Also today was the banquet Though tiresome and challenging preparing for the banquet was really fun During the performance it was super adorable and heartwarming to see everyone smiling and dancing The most meaningful aspect of today would definitely be the speeches and songs at the end I was the first one to cry and I cried the hardest the realization of how much these kids meant to me just broke me down in addition the way that the kids would hug and comfort me just made me even more emotional Wednesday July 30 2014 Today was the second to last day of our trip and I canrsquot believe itrsquos almost over already Today went relatively well I felt bad for giving the kids a big final on their last day but they all did well so I thought that was a big breakthrough for me i felt they actually enjoyed learning English from us and they were happy spending quality time with us The climax of today was probably when the kids got called in by Uli laoshi to leave for Japan I cried again today and it was a really meaningful and emotional moment for me My kids came up to me and hugged me while saying ldquoYou better come back next yearrdquo Saying goodbye was really difficult but at the same time I felt really happy for them to have such a great opportunity like this I hope they have an amazing time in Japan Thursday July 31 2014 Today was a pretty sad day for all of us i woke up this morning feeling like ldquoOh itrsquos our last day here at Luona Theyrsquore all leaving todayrdquo Everything was a meaningful moment today spending quality time with my kids while they were cleaning the campus was pretty fun They all told me how much they were going to miss me and how they wanted me to teach them again That moment was extremely touching for me especially because they were my ldquobro grouprdquo I almost cried but I saved that until after cleaning When the kids stuck their hands out the window I felt so sad and reluctant to let them go These 2 weeks have taught me to be a better selfless person and to never take things for granted I am super grateful and thankful to have had this opportunity

- 116 - helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Carrie Chen Monday July 21 2014 Today I learned that being a teacher is very difficult It was not as simple as I thought it would be It was hard to be the studentsrsquo friend and an authoritative figure at the same time It was difficult to draw a boundary line between being the studentsrsquo friend or teacher When I was nice to the students they often take advantage of my kindness in a disrespectful way I also learned that every student in the class varied in their English comprehension skills It made it very difficult to teach the class It also made it hard to decide whether to speak more English or more Chinese Many things went wrong today one of the main reasons was that today was our first day It was difficult to figure out what we can let the kids do and what we canrsquot let the kids do Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos morning class went by pretty well The kids were more comfortable with speaking English in class than the first day It was great when I bonded with the girls during break time I got to know more about their lives and the kids got to know about me I found out it was useful to effectively use the points system The students got very competitive and more kids raised their hands to participate in discussions The evening however was very chaotic The students were very loud during homework time and there was a conflict between me and my teaching partner It was very frustrating to have my partner contradict with what I am saying Wednesday July 23 2014 today the kids took midterms for most of the time We also made pumpkins and decorated the classroom The classes went smoothly today I learned that it is hard to quiet down the kids when they are into their own little conversations but I also learned that stop talking and stop walking would help to quiet down the kids They often realized that teachers were waiting for them to quiet down It was also helpful to ask the class leader for help She knew everyonersquos names At night the Halloween party was a blast The kids were very excited to go ldquotrick-or-treatingrdquo in other gradersquos classrooms They also had fun coming to the office to get more candy and jello Thursday July 24 2014 Today the class was out of control The lessons and quizzes went very well but during breaks the boys were being very inappropriate and noisy Eugene did not do anything about it and that really frustrated me The boys are very smart but they have a hard time understanding the line between teachers and fellow students In the afternoon the games were really well-played and it was very fun The kids seemed to enjoy it very much The dances were also very energetic and the students loved the fast-paced dances we taught them Monday July 28 2014 Today we finished class early Eugene and I did not have anything planned after our lesson plan We

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can improve by planning some lesson related games just in case we finished early again I also learned that if I threatened to send the kids to the office they will most likely quiet down After lessons we taught the kids how to make flubber It made the classroom floor dirty and the students had trouble cleaning up after themselves At night we tried to organize a singing show for the show on Tuesday It was very difficult to find a song everyone knew It was also hard to get the kids to pay attention Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we finished all of our lessons We also played hangman for about 20 minutes It was easier to get the kids to participate when prizes were involved We used laffy taffy to motivate the kids to raise their hands Some of the girls were still very self-conscious They were still afraid of making mistakes in front of the whole class even though we were just playing a game We had a busy afternoon to prepare for the banquet and at night the kids were especially excited to see what we had planned The show at night was great and the kids put on a great show that definitely showed us how much they enjoyed our company and it was very meaningful Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we had finals Most of my kids had to leave at 1100AM Before they left we had a relay race on the track We all had a wonderful time After 1100 we came back and combined with the 4th grade class to play games for 4th period THe choir kids leaving made me realize that hard work paid off It did not matter how much I yelled or got mad at them They still came back and hugged Eugene and I THey also asked us to come back next year I realized that all the preparations really were worth it One of the girls came up to me today and gave me a matching rainbow loom bracelet It was just a little handmade bracelet but it really touched me because before today I thought the kids were all really scared of me but that was not true Thursday July 31 2014 Today the kids watched a movie with the other classes These two weeks were really meaningful to me I learned to step out of my comfort zone I am more capable of making difficult decisions For example when two kids came to me with their problems I had to be able to tell them how to solve the problem I also became more confident over these two weeks I was not capable of raising my voice the first few days but as time passed I was able to become a teacher and take control of the classroom It was really honorable to have had this opportunity Many of the students are incredibly smart even though some of them are really naughty They were all amazing to be with helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Crystal Yu Monday July 21 2014 This morning a village girl approached me and asked where I was from I told her America and the shock on her face seemed unreal She immediately called me a liar and retorted back that if I was from America the she was from India In retrospect this incident is a pretty clear indicator that for

- 118 - them us living in America is probably only something that they could dream of Hence I hope this service trip can help up to motivate the kids to dream bigger and show them a world with more possibilities Later on one of my students saw me writing in my journal and was so intrigued and told me to read aloud what I wrote so he could learn more I thought this attitude was so new to me I donrsquot think Irsquove ever been this active with my learning This gives me hope that the rest of the students will have this attitude because it will also prompt me to want to teach them more than I had anticipated As an activity we gave the kids mad libs to do and it did not turn out that well since most kids had a hard time translating words such as ldquovegetablerdquo to a Chinese vegetable they knew and back to English We also made the kids stand up and read their mad-libs Most students were afraid or shy to speak loudly most likely because of their fear of pronouncing words incorrectly Hopefully by the end of next week they will be more confident Tuesday July 22 2014 Coming into this service trip I expected or hoped that the students would want to do more cultural exchanges I was really excited to ask them questions about their lives but they did not reciprocate with questions of their own I did share some but was overall very surprised that the children seemed to have little to no interest in our lives in America I also wished they interacted with me more because it seems to be just me and Sophie trying to create a relationship while theyrsquore more aloof making it a one-way street Though these kids are much more rowdy than students in the US the sense of responsibility instilled in them is pretty amazing For example Ryan never pays attention in class and is extremely talkative but when it came time for him to clean up he was extremely patient Our room was missing his mop and had to wait for the 6th grade class to finish so we could borrow their mop The 6th graders did not finish until breakfast time but Ryan waited until then did his job nicely with no rush at all and then went to breakfast with no complaints I expected him to whine or to eat breakfast without doing his job but he clearly surprised me showing that I probably should not judge these kids too harshly Another issue arising in our classroom is confidence in speaking in English We have to do more read alouds and dialogues to make them feel more comfortable speaking English Wednesday July 23 2014 We started off class with more energy but the kids seemed to be a little unresponsive and dazed I asked and they were all worried about the lack of water and electricity and started dreaming up the most terrible scenarios Their parents were also constantly checking in on the kids through texts and calls I canrsquot really blame for for being afraid of the whole idea of the typhoon since I was pretty worried myself but the distractions in class did make our jobs harder For a class assignment the kids were told to write a dialogue Sophie and I gave them the freedom of having the dialogue on any subject as long as they used one vocabulary word per sentence and everyone had to speak at least five lines The students were confused by this sense of freedom and gave me the feeling that they usually only have assignments with very strict instructions The result

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of the dialogue assignment was good however since each group created different stories Due to the unfortunate weather the test could not be printed out so the students got to skip a quiz One girl actually forgot there was one which surprised me because I was given the impression the children were very studious However now the electricity is back and I hope the students will remember my reminder about the quiz tomorrow Thursday July 24 2014 Today the students seemed to be in a better mood though they still donrsquot talk to me and Sophie unless we speak first Perhaps the good mood could be attributed to the weather the idea of the weekend ahead them feeling comfortable with us or the fact that therersquos a big bag of candy sitting at the front of the desk Either way Irsquom happy that maybe finally my students and I can connect and hopefully will improve by the time next week rolls around During class the students had a unit 7 test Out of the 8 students 6 finished within reasonable time On the other hand two boys turned in their test with about 3 or 4 out of the 26 questions answered I was so shocked by their attitudes because I thought studying here was taken very seriously I was also even more surprised by one of the two boys since he had received perfect scores on every homework assignment Since I was so disappointed by these scores I made them promise me that if their scores were not much better on Mondayrsquos test I would have to report them to the principal The 6th and 7th graders combined only had 3 students I actually bonded with the boys that were still here and it somewhat reassured me that they might not hate me as much as I think they do and I just have to give them a little time to warm up to me Monday July 28 2014 Today was slightly more chaotic than usual First three new students came to class today and was immediately set upon disrupting class and making a ruckus Second the class schedule was shifted without any warning All classes except mine received the new schedule throwing me and Sophie off track from our lesson plan Thirdly Ryan and Jacob performed way below expectations hence breaking their promise with me from the previous test to do better on this one I asked them why they did so poorly and they responded that they have to work all day on the farms This made me feel sympathetic for them but they need to learn to balance the different aspects of their lives Uli was there when I brought in Jacob and Ryan and made them agree to study and retake the test and if scored poorly would have to speak to the principal This threat immediately whipped the children into shape which resulted in very high test scores This scenario shows me that itrsquos not their varying English skills that caused the low test scores but rather different attitudes towards learning Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was our banquet and ldquotalent showrdquo The banquet was harder to do here in Taiwan than in the United States even though we had the same number of supplies and materials It was probably due to the lack of rest and how exhausted we all were After teaching classes in the morning all my kids and 6th graders were all really excited about the banquet because they wanted to try American food made by real Americans I think their energy really pumped all of us and made us be excited with

- 120 - them For the talent show me and Justin were really worried about our kids performance because they didnrsquot really seem to be interested in the dance When the group went up to perform they did much better than I expected so I was genuinely surprised But in the middle of the dance I noticed all the older boys in the group were missed and spotted them outside the auditorium They ran as soon as they saw me and tried to excuse their behavior by telling me they had to move buckets for the music teacher but the teacher contradicted that statement causing me to be extremely upset with them I planned on yelling at them and giving them a whole lecture but by the end of the show I was too busy and tired from crying that I just planned on sternly lecturing them tomorrow Wednesday July 30 2014 Today the kids have a test on Unit 8 SInce they had no time last night due to the banquet and talent show I gave them time to study during class today and threatened that if their scores were too low they would be sent to the principalrsquos office This threat worked and all of the kids started frantically studying Though they probably arenrsquot motivated to study because they want to learn I am still content with the fact that they are learning regardless of the reason behind it Some kids in my class were watching our performance on their tablets during break and started listening to the song ldquoDemonsrdquo I was elated when I saw that because at least now they can have some tangible memories of our two weeks together It was also nice to see the kids like it so much because the whole point of the show was for the kids and them enjoying it means the world to me Since most of my students left for Japan today I only had five boys left and all of them are troublemakers with the lowest scores in the class But I think I got to know the kids more which makes me sad because I wish I got to know them earlier in the trip We played a form of truth or dare and though it might have not been the most productive it did allow me to bond with the students which is worth it in my mind Thursday July 31 2014 Today most of my children left for Japan and the other ones that were left were the boysThe sixth and seventh grade classes combined for the day since all the boys were friends and the 6th grade class only had one student For the first part of the class we played chubby bunny and did rainbow looms I thought I was able to connect with the boys more because on Thursday I treated them more like friends than students since we were done with our English lessons When we left Vox Nativa on Thursday it seemed like the boys of my class were closer to me considering how much attention I gave them due to low test scores and behavior in class especially compared to the girls On the bus ride to Taipei I thought of how much I wanted to see them in the future five or ten years down the line Some of the children are truly bright like Nick and Apple but might not be able to attend college or even high school due to the circumstances they are in However I feel like I should not pity them because they seem very satisfied with their life and maybe would not want to leave their hometowns But are they only content because they donrsquot know of any other life I think Vox Nativa does help open doors of opportunities for these children and I know itrsquoll help and grow more in the future

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helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Megan Chang Monday July 21 2014 Today a student from our class was crying because she was homesick At first I thought everyone was willing and excited to be here but I forgot about the difficulties even these little kids have Even though they go home on the weekends especially for shyer more introverted kids during the weekdays it is understandable that they miss their parents and their home Also Marcus heard a student being rude and another student asked them why they had no manner and if their mom was a drunkard It just makes me realize how different their lives are from ours and how innocent we were as kids compared to them This makes me more dedicated to teach them and give them a chance at a better life Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I think the main thing that went wrong is losing control of the class In the morning during our English lesson and Halloween project the kids were pretty well behaved For the English lesson we all taught and patrolled the class and when they started playing game I would correct papers while Andrea and Marcus took turns leadingquieting the students For the Halloween project I taught while Andrea and Marcus passed things out and helped those who needed it During lunch time the kids started being too loud and we had to quiet them a few times I feel that since we werenrsquot standing in front of the class in control the kids lost sight of us as teachers We could improve by making the ones that talk stand in front or maybe make a game of the quietestcleanest eater During homework time nearly all the kids had no homework and either played by themselves or with us It was difficult to both control the other kids and the kids talking to us face-to-face asking questions We have installed a new rule of writing names on the board with consequences and will see if it works starting tomorrow Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started using the warning on the board system It worked relatively well except we still need to learn how to write their Chinese names For the most part it worked really well especially since we also told Uli laoshi about it so if we brought someone to the office she would know we already talked to them twice THey were really well-behaved today during the lessons despite our lessons having a sudden change One thing we could change about the lessons is while Andrea and I were discussing the next lesson we forgot to help Marcus keep control of the class However when it got too loud Andrea and I realized and told the class that they had to respect and listen to the teacher during lessons Starting tomorrow we will always have at least one person to help control the class Also during trick-or-treating our class was very separated One of our kids was with his brother and when we needed to tell our class to head back to our room after getting candy we could not find everyone NExt time we will clarify to the kids before we leave to stay together

- 122 - Thursday July 24 2014 Today is the last day of the first week I think we improved immensely We have gained more control of our class by taking turns patrolling giving points writing names and using their old rule of standing up Our kids really enjoyed our worksheets today One thing we have to improve on is properly estimating how long each worksheet is going to take so we can either find games to play or tell them to work faster WHen we were teaching them how to make the bracelets it was hard to get the children interested in making the bracelet The boys did not really want to make it because they kept messing up After they got into the habit of making it they wanted to make one for everyone in their family Next time we need to start the project with clearer instructions so we can use time more efficiently Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of our second week For the most part our kids we well-behaved throughout the day During lesson times it was under control and relatively quiet For the flubber project they were surprisingly quiet because we only passed out the materials to those who were quiet Near the end there was a little chaos because we did not have enough bags and others were popping theirs One big issue was that the kid were either washing their flubber or their bags and trying to either wipe it or blow dry it Cleaning up was again a big problem They were not willing to pick up the smallest pieces and the boysrsquo mopping left a lot of water on the group Next time we will split up and supervise different groups clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was the most tiring day so far Some kids are having a hard time remembering shapes and saying it because their previous teachers did not teach it yet We tried reviewing it different ways and making competitions and having them take notes but they still canrsquot completely remember them Some of them did not want to play the games and play their own We had a lot of extra time today because we did not have enough worksheets to cover two English classes Some of their tests have color so if the printer canrsquot print it we will need to edit and hand color them for tomorrow Yesterday it was kind of a mess practicing for the banquet but today we rehearsed some more and it is kind of coming together I hope the performance tonight will be phenomenal and hope that the students will enjoy it very much Wednesday July 30 2014 I cried when my kids hugged me Today our kids were discussing their religions and one kids said his religion was ldquosui jiaordquo (sleeping) Marcus and I found this super funny and we are glad that the kids were able to keep us entertained Our kids are honestly the cutest and it is so bittersweet to have to say goodbye to them tomorrow Andrea told me that even though itrsquos tiring throughout the weeks yoursquoll want to come back because if you donrsquot you will probably never see them again In these short eight days wersquove become so attached to them and now I wonder how they will turn out in the future and I wish I could still be a part of it

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day with the kids Everything went wrong because I was so sad When we watched a movie in the morning a student caught a lizard and cut off its legs and tail They kept pretending to eat it and were behaving very poorly As the kids left it was so hard for me to say bye and smile because my voice would crack This was honestly such a heartwarming experience and I will never forget the things these kids said and did They have impacted me by making me more grateful and faithful I did not want to say goodbye at all and I really hope I get the chance to come back next year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Jenny Wu Monday July 21 2014 I wasnrsquot really doing anything yesterday I arrived here at afternoon and they were already done with their teaching schedule for today We are going to have talent show tonight and I did practice with them I am not sure whether if I am going to be an audience our performed with them but I am prepare for it I guess Today is my first day of teaching and I am teaching sixth grade It has been a good start but there were also some problems The first problem is that most of the students are really shy and they refused to answer even though they know the answer for the question I solved the problem by telling them to repeat the answer with me and it works The other problem is some students will use their phone under the table during class They were not using it constantly but I think that is not respectful If they are using again next time then we will take away their phone There is one problem just for me personally I think probably because I am the youngest among all the members and I am only two years older than the students so they do not listen to me When both of my partners were gone I was telling them to go to sleep However they kept on talking and ignored me It only happened once when my partners werenrsquot there but they listen to me for most of the time The members of the group are all really nice but it is kind of hard for me to fit into them They have been speaking English throughout their whole life and all of them grow up at California except one Some of them just met each other before the day I came here However they fit in really well I can understand them but I just donrsquot know what to say and a lot of them are going to their junior year or senior year All of them at least have some experience of volunteering or teaching kids It seems like they all know what to do and how to do except me I hope I can overcome these problems by the end of this week and I also hope I can be part of them some how Tuesday July 22 2014 Everyone participates well but few of them are still very shy We realized that some of them are more outgoing than others and they try to answer most of the questions Kye and Justine solved the problem by separate them into groups and allowed student who donrsquot speak up have a chance to answer During lunch they are still loud and very chatty However they quiet down by themselves without us telling them This afternoon I wasnrsquot working with my group I went to the warehouse instead I went to help out

- 124 - for folding counting and separate clothes to piles by sizes I kept on doing the same thing for around three hours and then I came back to the TA classroom During dinner some students were using their phones and iPad but they it away when I told them to do so Other than the technology everything went okay During the summer homework time the students barely ask us questions even though they have questions They use their phones and search it or ask their friends instead Wednesday July 23 2014 Our kids are more outgoing today They interacted with us and they raced their hands more often When we were playing hangman we used some vocabulary that they learned before They can figure out the word right away without their textbook If they donrsquot know the word then they will discuss before then answer The phones are kind of distracting during dinner A lot of girls are using their phones and I had to yell at them to put it away Everyone is very excited for the Halloween party They were keep on asking what are the pumpkins that they made in class for During the party all the kids were eager for the candies and they also helped out for hanging out the candies for little kids Thursday July 24 2014 Before the class started I asked everyone who has phone hand them to the very front of the table I want them to pay attention in class not using their phones under the table We encouraged students to raise their hand by showing them the prizes and they tend to participate and answer more than usual We also gave groups with fewer points more chances I think this gave them confident to speak in English because all of them know how to answer We gave them a test after recess In the middle of the test I separated two kids because they were siting closer and closer to each other I was afraid that they are cheating The test seems hard for two or three students but they were still able to finish it on time Because there are 35 kids who are going to perform this weekend they leave around noon During afternoon we combined kids from 2nd to 7th grade together and we played games and dance with them I am glad we combined all of them together because I can know and hangout with more kids from different grades Some of the students do look like my reflection I helped them by telling them show me their answer and I read it out and let them repeat after me I also them they can get more points and prizes if they answer and both of these solutions work Actually the students are not allowed to keep their phone during class They are supposed to give it to another teacher I told them to put their technologies to our table and we will give it back after class is ended They are not using their phones for researching so I have I think it is better to take it away Their phone really distracts them during breakfast lunch and dinner

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Monday July 28 2014 This morning Justine Kye and I waited outside the door and went in when the bell rang We were trying to let the kid say good morning to us and they did which is good When we were doing 比

手畫腳 some of the kids yelled the answer out instead of raising their hand They didnrsquot stop when the first time I told them but when I told them I would take off their points they listened to me right away We were making flubber for third and fourth period Our students got too chatty so I had to yell at them Well at least they listened to me and quiet down In my opinion every studentrsquo behavior is improving day by day They can be sassy sometimes but they know when to stop It have only been a week but I can see the difference in all of them Tuesday July 29 2014 We gave our students a test today Before I give them the test we told them that we expect them to pass at least 50 13 out of 16 students pass 50 which is a lot better than our previous test I yelled at some of the guys because they were talking inappropriate stuff I kind of feel bad when I yelled at them because I was kind of being too harsh to them There were 5 guys who got into trouble this afternoon because they didnrsquot finish their cards for the Japan trip I was really shock when they were gone because I thought they would be send home Thankfully they didnrsquot got kick out We had a banquet tonight because students who are going to japan are leaving tomorrow I did some mistakes on playing piano but I think our group performance covered my mistakes Over all every one did great in their own performance Some students and teachers cried during the slide show and speeches it was sad that people are leaving However this also proved the unbreakable relationship we made Wednesday July 30 2014 We gave our kids another test today Everyone did great except one but he did improve When we were taking test I was really surprise by how many questions they asked They used to be afraid to ask us question especially the first week Justine and I were very busy during the test but we rather to answer their question than sitting aside and do nothing It was really sad when the students were leaving We have 16 students but 15 of them have performance in Japan which means almost the whole class is gone We combined 6th and 7th grade for the rest of the afternoon since we only have 1 student in my class I am glad that we combined together because I got to know and became closer with kids in 7th grade I thought those 7 guys are going to be loud and disobey when other students left However they listened to me without me yelling It was better than what I imagined I got to know them better by the end of the day and I realize that they are actually sweet and nice I thought they were naughty because they like to joke around with me Thursday July 31 2014 This morning we were chatting instead of cleaning up because we did it last night We didnrsquot do much today We didnrsquot teach our students English we taught them how to make rainbow loom instead Our students picked up trash around the school today They were lazy and didnrsquot want to do it but they still finish their job in time We said bye to them after they finish cleaning Honestly it

- 126 - was even sad for bye to those seven guys than saying bye to my own six grade students It has only been two days but I felt like I know them longer than my six grade students I know I probably will never see them again but what we have been through and our memories will be saved in all of us helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Marcus Chan Monday July 21 2014 Before starting todayrsquos teaching I was really nervous I thought the kids would be really unfriendly and distant so I felt it would be hard to interact with them They were a lot better than I thought As soon as they arrived theyrsquod be willing to talk to us about things like how to say English names They immediately involved us in their games and a girl clung to me everywhere She later cried about being homesick and now Megan is comforting her There is one kid who wanted an English name and I decided to call him Jordan because he is really cute and friendly like a Jordan I know from summer camp He really liked the name I gave him and kept repeating it so I guess that was one of the most meaningful moments of today I learned about how a lot of the parents donrsquot live at home with the students A group of kids were talking about where their mothers lived and they were naming all the different villages in the area Another time two girls started fighting and one of the girls teased the other by asking if her mother was a drunkard Everyone then began to discuss whether or not their parents drank alcohol at home This was a very different experience from what I expected and very different from what would happen in a traditional American classroom Today we couldnrsquot think of any games to play along with our lesson and it was difficult to split the teams fairly to get the less motivated students involved The kids donrsquot really care about points so I canrsquot control them that way Tonight I will try to think of games to play so we donrsquot waste any time tomorrow It was also difficult trying to grasp what their routine was and to not forget We werenrsquot told about the vitamins the kids had to take after meals and I was not sure where to get them Throughout the week I think we will begin to learn the kidsrsquo names and the schoolrsquos procedures and become accustomed to them Tuesday July 22 2014 Irsquom going to start with something that happened yesterday because it happened after I wrote yesterdayrsquos journal During homework time one of the kids drew me pictures Betty wrote ldquoGod helps me I will not be afraidrdquo in English and Chinese It was really cute The pictures the kids drew during homework time last time really showed their affection towards us (Me Megan and Andrea) Some of the students cling to my arms It worries me a little because it means they are too close to me and I must keep my relationship to them as a teacher Irsquom not as strict as Andrea and Megan and those two are much better leaders than I am At summer camps in America I had much more confidence because it was in English so by the end I was able to control the classes better Here I donrsquot have very much confidence in my Chinese so it is a struggle to get out the words

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Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started a new system of writing the studentsrsquo names on the board for a first offense and a check next to their name for each next one After two checks we would send the kid to the principalrsquos office It worked pretty well today and we will continue it tomorrow Today a big trouble was not knowing the kidsrsquo names in Chinese I could not just call them by saying ldquoHey yourdquo I had to know their names because I was their teacher Today I led an activity by myself while Andrea and Megan were preparing the next activity It was kind of hard to think of more to say about the subject of colors I yelled at the kids a lot more today though They were surprised because I had not been as strict before I was extremely impressed with the percussion performance That teacher must have worked so hard My mom is a teacher and when she come home she is always extremely tired and her throat hurts The music teacher must have worked so hard to prepare a performance like that Thursday July 24 2014 Today in the morning Brian came to watch the kids while they were cleaning That helped a lot and they worked more quietly and efficiently We taught the kids how to make friendship bracelets today We started by telling them to follow the pattern of numbers and letters but that was too difficult so we started to teach them to do it by counting three to the right This was still difficult for them and we had to reteach it many times afterwards Today was again hard to keep the kids away from me They get really attached and it is hard to tell them to keep a boundary When they left I was sad that the ones who like me the best did not come to say bye to me Monday July 28 2014 We did the flubber project today We could have planned it better When we ran through the instructions the day before the bowl had begun to wear down and almost break That happened again today and we had to double bowl the water I also had not devised an efficient way of getting warm water from the water dispenser so I wasted a lot of time I also wasted time by not having the amount of water figured out so I had to continuously refer to the instructions I used to be more conscious about making the kids like me but now I donrsquot care as much If I care too much I canrsquot control the children as well for fear of losing their affection I donrsquot understand how Megan and Andrea can be stern with them and at the same time have the kids love them so much Maybe itrsquos that they just donrsquot like boys as much or maybe Irsquom meaner I guess it is a sign of how I am more distant to the kids than Megan and Andrea are Maybe it is a sign that I need to improve my Chinese I prided myself in my Chinese until I came here Now I donrsquot want to speak at all Tuesday July 29 2014 I forgot to write about how yesterday we prepared the performances for today It was so unorganized It was difficult to figure out what the kids were going to perform We werenrsquot clearly told whether the whole class had to perform or not I wished we had been given notice ahead of time so we would have more time to prepare When we finally got the kids into 2 groups we asked if they had anything planned and they said no They wanted to sing the song ldquoLet it Gordquo but they

- 128 - did not know the lyrics Finally they chose some Chinese song that they all knew It does not sound that bad but it was so stressful and difficult I wish we had been warned earlier and had more time to prepare Today after we held the performances most of the kids went to hug Andrea and Megan I donrsquot blame them for liking them better They are better with the kids Maybe it comes more naturally to them Thursday July 31 2014 Today we went to watch a movie in Shanersquos room I was surprised how even with six teachers it took a while to settle the kids I think it was the excitement of seeing the other kids from other classes It was difficult getting the room totally clean so that we could return it to the school It had to be cleaner than usual but the kids werenrsquot less rowdy than usual There were more things to do When the kids let I was able to give them hugs so that was nice It was sad seeing them leave but I did not get as attached to the children as some of the girls did helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

719 國際志工抵達羅娜國小原聲英文學習營舉行營前會議前排左 2 為領隊吳翠萍老師

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山谷回音 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

長期志工 馬胤凱 103 年的暑假是個特別的暑假是個與原聲國三生有著共同回憶的暑假雖然過程中



了解彼此 一 壯遊前天





二 DAY ONE 經過一整夜的翻來覆去後終於到了早上與原聲國三生會面後便踏上了這奇妙的旅




- 130 -




此困難的工作 走訪多納部落後我們認識了魯凱族的傳統文化更深入了解魯凱族中貴族生活所給族


如此保護 到晚上我們品嚐了石板烤肉透過多納部落所出產的石板使我們所烤的肉並不會太



三 DAY TWO 到了第二天因為路途較遙遠所以我們一大早便前往霧台神山到了神山後由於大




是精心設計的 在參觀長老教會的時候外面突然飄起雨來透過長老教會的牧師我們可以下山到下





- 131 -

四 DAY THREE 一樣的我們為了趕路一大早便出發但對我而言我覺得這兩天真是過的太快了離台東



快的我們到了台灣的東部在某個海邊我們一行 12 人留下了在此次壯遊的最後一張團照對




- 132 - 五 DAY FOUR~DAY EIGHT 經過舟車勞頓後我們在第三天的晚上 11 點多到達了花蓮第四天我便加入其他原聲小

朋友的海洋營在海洋營中我與 Uli 老師一起擔任低年級的帶隊老師第四天低年級前往蘇



快感 到了第五天雖然我只有待半天一個早上我非常幸運的可以參加溯溪這是我人生中

的第一次溯溪這一個早上我真的覺得花蓮是個好山好水的地方甚至比南投還要好 10 倍以

上因為在花蓮還有這種溪可以讓我們玩真不愧是世外桃源 經過趕場後在第五天晚上我們又再度回到花蓮我以最有效率的方式與另一個晚會的




有原聲小朋友讓他們可以學習我那不害羞的一面 到了最後的最後我們告別了花蓮海星中學我們帶著小朋友體驗火車之旅雖然只有


非常多的幸福及溫暖使我覺得我們更要懂得去珍惜身邊那些時常給我們幫助的人 這次壯遊是我人生中的第一次壯遊壯遊使我們堅強讓我們學習使我們更珍惜彼此

這不僅是屬於我的壯遊更是屬於我們 12 人的壯遊

- 133 -

長期志工 吳璠

其實這回出發前內心是相當忐忑的 升大二那年我在建中成長營期間認識這一屆的原聲孩子們韶翔皓傑凱文念緹



年前截然不同的風景了那麼對於孩子們呢他們對於世界的想法又是什麼形狀了呢 三年前我和同輩的大學生們出於對原住民文化的欽慕對中華文化中心主義的教育







而未必能帶著他們特殊的資產(原住民文化)走出一條不一樣的路 這些疑問當時曾經提出來與老師校長們討論過事後自己也反省到誠如老師們所




態來繼續投入 沒想到這一抽離就是將近兩年的時光期間自己也經歷了一些波折ndashndash摯愛的親人離世





與憧憬嗎 然而在 Pasnanavan 的森林深處這些疑問都安頓了下來 在部落長大都市求學現在回到部落經營部落文化工作室的 Katu 老師唱了自己創作的

歌曲〈梅子夢〉給我們聽 我有個小女兒名叫 Buni(布農族名)

她嫁到遙遠的 Amalika(美國) 我想說今年梅子開很多花 我開心地打長途電話給她 口白Buni namahtu Dama gusia Amalikana aida inaka suidaijubudes (布農語Buni 爸爸有錢可以去美國看你了日語沒問題的) 忽然有天早上村長廣播 他說今年梅子農會不收 我不知該如何對女兒說 我難過地不知該如何 從稻米到玉米 從李子到梅子 我努力地工作卻不一定有收穫

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我不知道這是甚麼時代 wakalan ne kunna nu zidai wa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) Buni Buni miliskin gasu (布農語Buni Buni 想念著妳) nidumahtu gusia Amalika (布農語沒有辦法過去美國) nidumahtu sadu gasu (布農語沒有辦法過去看妳了) wakalan ne kunna nu zidaiwa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) 我不知道這是甚麼時代


四散到島嶼東南西北求學下次這樣團聚在一起歌唱不知是什麼時候了 Buin 於是老師坐在爐火前面抱著吉他唱起〈Ka Tu 別哭〉與當年準備到都市去求學

工作的 Ka Tu 告別也唱出部落青年離開家鄉到都市的心情「臺北不是我的家」 孩子們因為歌曲中的幽默而笑倒在彼此的懷中



解開了不論是 Dama KatuDama Buin 還是我自己我們都是在與大社會互動的過程當中



能做的就是為他們爭取更多空間與資源讓他們有更多的天地有機會做更多元的選擇 一路上雅安曾經激動的說「我們回去就要找部落的社區發展協會因為保存文化很重




很努力在感受在觀察的 而與布農獵人學習也讓我重新確認了自己對原住民文化的愛從哪裡來 山中第二夜男孩們帶回了山羌



許就能「逃過一劫」ndashndashDama Buin 看出了我的遲疑把內臟推向我說「透過實際的山林探



噁心那就背叛了牠的犧牲屠宰場反而讓這一切對話遠離了我們」 我這才知道該如何描述我熱愛這一切的理由現代文明使我與一切切割開來碎成一片


在肉身的實作中作回一個大地之子 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

長期志工 吳松儒 出發前壓根兒沒想過會有這麼不同凡響的體驗謝謝老師們給我這個機會跟孩子們共



- 135 -
























有 wifi因此孩子們有使用行動上網的需求但進入高中後應該就沒有差了)










記得走上這條路的初衷 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 136 -

長庚護校 幸念緹













helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip 景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全雅安



















- 137 -

景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全心潔























鶯歌工商 謝韶翔














- 138 -

清水高中 谷 Biung

在高中新生訓練第一天的自我介紹中我這麼自敘著「大家好我名叫谷 xx來自南投






























- 139 -

山谷回音 2014 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


舞台總監 楊智麟 我跟原聲的因緣結了有六年這六年裏我學到了一件事 許多偉大的故事在一開始都是一個瘋狂的想法 原聲是玉山星空也是 我記得在拍『唱歌吧』的時候有一天 Bukut 校長跟我說他要去別的部落找小朋友來試


始了嗎就這樣我帶著我的懷疑看著原聲走過了六年 我也還記得五年前莫拉克風災剛肆虐過去就在羅娜國小的校長室Bukut 校長看著[溫布尼森林音樂會]的 DVD邊看邊對我說他覺得我們也可以在部落裏辦這樣的草地音樂


結果就是我們今天在這裏準備舉行第五屆的玉山星空音樂會 這兩件事情讓我學到只要一個滿懷希望的想像再加上一群很容易衝動的人就可以創造

前所未有的局面 於是我們邊走邊整隊邊做邊學習玉山星空音樂會成長到了現在這個規模五年來到


團舞台愈做愈大觀眾愈來愈多名聲也愈來愈響亮 這一切的開始真的就只是五年前我在校長室裏聽到的那一句即使現在想起來也還是很

瘋狂一句話 現在我看到原聲孩子的表現就知道他們一定會越來越好那是因為 Bukut 校長阿蠻校

長以及藍蔚跟阿貫老師都是教育專業所以會把這群孩子教得很好那是理所當然的 但是同樣也是這一群人把玉山星空音樂會做的愈來愈大這就是一件很令人驚訝的事情了 在他們過去的人生中不管是在工作中還是生活中我想跟辦音樂會這種揮霍大量金錢的


在傳播圈打滾這麼久的專業眼光來看根本就是在胡思亂想而已 但也許就是我那打滾太久的專業眼光侷限了我的想像力也是因為他們不專業所以看不



- 140 - 我常常在想一個高雄的樂迷為了一場音樂會專程坐高鐡到國家音樂廳去欣賞真的是


在中正紀念堂下車捷運站的出口就直接是國家音樂廳了 可是玉山星空音樂會卻是要來聽的樂迷們自己想盡辦法跋山涉水的才能來到這個

深山之中的部落小學來享受這一場音樂盛宴國家音樂廳的座位有 2074 個我們今天在操


音樂會從頭到尾都是一個又一個的奇蹟累積起來的 你們都是在學業上很優秀的人也正在跟很多專業和頂尖的人才學習但是我希望各位





做出來的 在那時候你就可以告訴他們這個音樂會是怎麼誕生的是怎麼樣集合大家的力量來完成


一員 這是一個不售票的音樂會因為我們不想讓門票變成門檻來玉山星空音樂會惟一需要的



樂就是這場音樂會最好的回報 今天我想跟各位志工分享這些故事是因為我希望你們知道當你們決定來到山上當音樂



美好記憶 (工作時請叫我黑導)3-14-2014 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 141 -






















Bukut 與阿蠻是孩子們的守護獵人在孩子的教育上何止翻轉何止投入他們告所我




後必須擁有中央山脈 VIP 入山證在我家來去的企業家領袖海哥車大哥台光哥綸有














- 142 -
























綠繡眼 3-17-2014

Dear 綠繡眼



和阿蠻Bukut 兩位校長都是用生命在做原聲的工作加上這回的靜一及許多有才華又願

意付出的志工才有今天的局面 這麼多志工投入這麼多的資源這麼卯著勁辦原以為可以吸引更多的人關心原聲


想到兩位老師經常因為捐款不濟困坐愁城又想到 Bukut 校長阿貫老師的願那麼大未



綸有 3-17-2014

- 143 -

2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫 壹依據 一教育部國民及學前教育署十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質計畫 二南投縣 102 年度十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質整體計畫--部必辦處延

續政策申辦教師音樂專業成長研習 貳研習目標 一為二十一世紀的孩子創造音樂學習之旅 二二十一世紀的孩子需要什麼樣的音樂 三如何為不同年齡及孩子選擇音樂 四如何以音樂滿足孩子所需的挑戰

參研習內容 一以趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂包括音樂遊戲與即興創作等 二提供一至八年級精心挑選的樂曲 三以孩子需求所挑選的歌謠(藉由詮釋音樂內涵的過程)給予孩子適切的挑戰 四以多元文化為重點介紹中古世紀至古典時期音樂 五融合新設計的樂器奧福樂器與直笛創新運用奧福的內涵理念

肆指導單位南投縣政府 伍主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 陸協辦單位草屯國民小學 柒研習對象對華德福音樂教育有興趣之各國中小教師共計 60 人 捌研習日期103 年 4 月 17~18 日(星期四~五) 玖研習地點草屯國民小學承學堂 拾研習講師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss

目前服務於德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校為資深音樂教師此校為華德

福系統中包含特教功能的融合教育學校Marcus 畢業於英國愛默生學院音樂系在北美

洲曾指導多場音樂工作坊Markus 專長在華德福音樂教育及多元文化音樂表演(他對各

種民族的音樂很有涉獵)更擅長於 Werbeck 發聲教學也就是協助每個人排除發聲的

身心阻礙將屬於自己的聲音解放出來用整個人而不僅是某個器官來發聲此外Markus擅長 1~8 年級音樂教學(含特殊兒童)結合打擊樂器與詩歌的演奏中高年級的管絃樂



拾壹研習報名 一請各國民中小學教師即日起至 103 年 4 月 11 日前至全國教師在職進修資訊網報名聯

絡人張淑甚主任049-2362007112 二報名後如確有重大原因未能參加研習者請另函通知協辦單位以免造成訓練資源之

浪費 三為響應環保減少垃圾請自備筷子湯匙及水杯

拾貳研習時數本研習採計研習時數 12 小時參加人員請各服務單位給予公假登記(如有


- 144 - 拾參研習課表 日期 上課時間 課程內容 授課老師

0820~0850 報到 陳恆聰校長 0850~0900 開幕式 黃寶園處長 0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for

warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm focus games body percussion pedagogical issues

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊

第一天 4 月 17 日 (星期四)

1330~1630 1 Singing focus combining rhythm with songs experiencing world music developing creativity in the classroom 2 Finetune our work with songs for further performance

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm advanced deepening of the elements from Day 1

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊 第二天 4 月 18 日 (星期五) 1330~1630 1 Singing advanced bringing the

elements together enhancing the songs through use of rhythm instruments 2 Further songs round-up question answer time reflection

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師 黃寶園處長



一參加研習之教師能運用趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂 二參加研習之教師能配合孩子發展的特定需求選擇音樂 三加研習之教師能鼓勵並引導學生創作自己的歌 四參加研習之教師有 90感覺有收穫

拾陸研習成果 由主辦單位將研習成果(含電子檔)彙整成冊送本府教育處提報敘獎


項目 單價 數量 金額 便當 70 140(2 天) 9800茶水 20 140(2 天) 9800

場地布置費 3000 一式 3000雜支 3000 一式 3000

總計 25600

- 145 -


一 目的鼓勵各校學童與家長一同學習母語融入生活中透過親子間的學習與互動提


知及應用本土語文的能力 二 主辦單位南投縣政府教育處 三 承辦單位南投縣東埔國民小學羅娜國民小學 四 競賽規則原住民族語【說族語闖天下】比賽


組辦理每位學生各闖關大項至多可各參加兩項 (二)競賽內容每位競賽者依事先公佈題庫進行闖關活動 (三)競賽方式分家長與學童二組進行比賽各自錄取中年級高年級和國中組優勝名

單 (四)競賽內容題庫於賽前一個月由主辦單位公布

五 報名時間 自104年11月20日起至12月4日(以郵戳為憑)請傳真或電子郵件報名 聯絡人東埔國小教導主任蔡榮哲 電話(049)2701340-12

六 競賽日期104年12月12日(週六)上午800-820報到830比賽開始 七 競賽地點南投縣羅娜國民小學 八 獎勵

(一)學生及教師 各組擇優錄取第一名1人第二名2人第三名3人優勝若干名凡成績列前三名及優勝


乙次以資鼓勵餘者則頒給獎狀乙紙以資鼓勵 (二)家長依參賽結果頒發獎狀

九 辦理本次活動之有功人員依本縣教育人員獎勵標準規定核予獎勵 十 附則

(一)各組參賽人員應於賽前30分完成報到手續 (二)各組參賽人員必頇依照規定時間準時到場並於競賽全部結束後始可離場比賽結

束後即進行頒獎 附件一語詞闖關活動內容

項目 活動說明 參賽資格



1依據下列基本三項自自我介紹可自行補充 1(族名)氏族 2家人數多少 3來至於哪裡 評審提問 評審 3 人採四個等級評分給分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名



1參賽者請看 ppt 圖示三個圖片中任選一項並以完

整的族語一分鐘內說出圖中表達的內容 2能說出二至三項者逐條加分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名

- 146 -

評審 3 人採四個等級給分



1四篇短文賽前 6 分鐘現場抽題目並請以社群正確

語音朗讀完成 1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名




2~3 分鐘為限 家長


項目 活動說明 參賽資格




1布農語(巒郡卓群)國中組 200 字(字音字形各

100 字)國小中高年級組 100 字(字音字形各 50字)華語翻布農語布農語翻華語各半

2原住民語請用教育部與原民會 94 年 12 月頒布「原

住民族語言書寫系統」之拼音用音 3各組每人均限 15 分鐘 4200 字者每字 05 分100 字者每字 1 分塗改不



1國小每校 3 名 2國中每校 5 名





1基本過關 50 字 2進階80 字 3高階100 字 4挑戰150 字以上

1分巒郡卓三群 2每校至多 5 名 3取個人名次




1每校 4 人一組 2選題庫(分 2 組每組 100 題) 3二人以動作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另二人猜

出詞彙 4計時 2 分鐘每答對 1 題得一分(不會可放棄) 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

一組 3國中組二組




1親子兩人一組 2題庫(初級詞彙) 3一人以重作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另一人猜

出詞彙 4計時 1 分半每答對 1 題得 1 分 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

1 組 3每校 5 組


- 147 -

2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫 壹 緣起

星空下山谷中縈繞耳際的美好樂聲將是您一生中難以忘懷的憶念helliphellip 為了充實部落生活內涵鼓舞學童家長及部落鄉親南投縣信義鄉公所和台灣原聲教育

協會仿效德國溫布尼夏日森林音樂會模式於 2010 年在海拔近千公尺的羅娜國小運動場舉


夜和群山的環繞下能夠聆賞國際級的演出在大自然的懷抱裏輕鬆愜意的欣賞音樂 在信義鄉公所和原聲教育協會的共同努力下星空音樂會已從單純的地方活動發展


外也順便悠閒採梅泡溫泉及欣賞原住民手工藝品體驗布農文化之美2014 年吸引近

三千位民眾上山 2015 年玉山星空音樂會已邁入第六年這一年音樂會特別邀請近八十歲的原住民之友

蘇秋女士蒞臨以及在第 23 屆金曲獎中囊括三項大獎的阿美族歌手以莉高露演出音樂

會開始由原聲打擊樂團以趣味節奏樂開場甫成立一年的原聲 A Cappella 合唱團以及曾

獲得奧地利「2012 vokaltotal International A Cappella Festival」金牌獎的 Voco Novo 爵諾人



中這動人的生命力不易從城市的日常生活中獲得只有您身歷其境才能感受 貳目的



三充實部落生活內涵培育藝術人文素養 參指導單位南投縣政府 肆主辦單位信義鄉公所羅娜國民小學台灣原聲教育協會 伍協辦單位



落會議羅娜基督長老教會羅娜天主堂信義鄉各國民中小學 陸贊助單位八方雲集食品有限公司元大文教基金會中國國際商業銀行文教基金會


智文教基金會 柒演出時間2015年 3 月 21日(星期六)1850~2100(1830入場) 捌演出地點南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小運動場 玖演出單位

一原聲打擊樂團 10rsquo(1900~1910)

二向蘇秋致敬mdash羅娜古謠采風 10rsquo (1910~1920)

三原聲 A Cappella 合唱團 10rsquo (1920~1930)

四Voco Novo爵諾人聲合唱團 20rsquo (1930~1950)

五以莉高露 20rsquo (1950~2010)

六原聲童聲合唱團 50rsquo (2010~2100)

- 148 - 簡介





原住民的這份情緣種下她日後投入原住民文化保存工作的因 蘇秋女士畢業於台南師範深愛藝術半生投身於影像紀錄曾製作多部紀錄片獲獎


原住民的歧視她畢生所做的不在乎能賺多少錢只在乎能為原住民做些什麼 1986 年蘇秋女士來到羅娜部落以影像記錄了羅娜布農人的日常生活祭典及傳統歌謠

當時二十多歲的布農青年老師 Bukut(即今之馬彼得團長)為蘇秋擔任翻譯此後兩人未

再有任何聯繫去年 12 月中華電信基金會林三元執行長提及蘇秋女士傳奇的一生一個美好


會將放映當時紀錄片中珍貴的片段Bukut 會向蘇秋女士獻上最高敬意這場跨世紀跨族


以莉高露 Ilid Kaolo

以莉middot高露是花蓮吉納路安部落阿美族人2011 年發行首張個人創作專輯《輕快的生活》

獲得中華音樂人交流協會年度《十大優良專輯》第 1 屆《音樂推動者大獎》年度專輯大獎

以及第 23 屆金曲獎三項大獎mdash最佳原住民語歌手獎最佳原住民語專輯獎及最佳新人獎 2010 年與先生共同在宜蘭縣南澳鄉投入有機稻米栽植成為左手種稻右手寫歌的音樂

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲合唱團

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲樂團成立於 2009 年演唱技巧純熟曲風多元除了演唱流行與當 代的人聲爵士樂以外無國界的世界音樂及源自生活經驗的創作曲更是 Voco Novo 的一大

特色 歌曲充滿畫面感與原創風格的 Voco Novo 曾榮獲奧地利 2012 年《vokaltotal國際人聲藝

術節》流行組與爵士組雙料金牌並以客家歌曲「花樹下」獲最佳編曲獎2013 年榮獲 CARA美國現代阿卡貝拉《最佳亞洲專輯》獎以及「迢迢牽牛星」獲提名《最佳世界音樂歌曲》

音樂實力深獲國際肯定讓世界各地觀眾愛上這支東方意象獨樹一格的台灣音樂隊伍 Voco Novo 擅長於創作以及將具有台灣特色文化意涵的歌謠改編為充滿畫面感的 A

Cappella 音樂音樂總監劉郁如表示「看得見的音樂」是 Voco Novo 追求的音樂理想要讓

聽眾能從音樂想像台灣之美感受土地的風光 Voco Novo 經常受各機關團體邀請於國家音樂廳及台灣各地演出推廣人聲音樂近幾



- 149 -

Voco Novo 也致力於編曲教學與創作以及與其他藝術形式合作實現一個最 ldquoVocordquo (源自英文 ldquoVocalrdquo「 人聲」) ldquoNovordquo( 源自拉丁文「創新」)的新人聲合唱音樂願景帶


原聲 A Cappella 合唱團


仍保有對歌唱的熱愛於是在 2013 年 10 月成立 A Cappella 合唱團先後受教於嘉義大學音

樂系張得恩師及 Voco Novo 雙雙團長自 2014 年 10 月開始利用週末下午練習 1 個多小時








台北雙連扶輪社牽成下這個構想真的實現了2012 年 9 月原聲打擊樂團成立 目前打擊樂團有十餘位團員由國立台灣交響樂團資深團員陳姿伶老師指導希望創新



台灣原聲童聲合唱團成立於 2008 年 6 月隸屬「台灣原聲教育協會」羅娜國小校長馬



聲來自心靈深處清澈純淨又和諧彷如天籟 2010 年 5 月應邀赴上海世界博覽會於台灣館開幕典禮中演唱2011 年受邀於百年國慶大

典中以布農語客語台語華語演出「百年禮讚組曲」2013 年 7 月應邀於美國加州 City Fremont 慶祝國慶升旗活動中演唱美國國歌同年 10 月再度受邀於國慶典禮中領唱國歌2014年應「全日本合唱連盟」邀請赴日本參加「東京國際兒童合唱節」並隨榮譽團長周美青女士

於東京博物館「國立故宮博物院神品至寶」開展表演 台灣原聲教育協會希望透過教育培育原住民孩子成為具有使命感的典範以帶動部落


- 150 -

2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫 壹宗旨 一傳承發揚布農歌謠領悟布農文化之美 二提供各社區教會詩歌交流觀摩提升詩歌演唱水平 三以音樂影響社會教化涵養社區優質生活 四以詩歌頌讚耶穌基督的誕生 貳指導單位行政院原住民委員會行政院文化部南投縣政府 參主辦單位信義鄉公所社團法人台灣原聲教育協會台灣基督長老教會中部布農中會 肆協辦單位信義國中羅娜國小各村辦公室及鄉內各教會 伍比賽項目布農詩歌合唱比賽 陸比賽地點信義國中禮堂 柒比賽日期中華民國 104 年 12 月 11 日(星期五)上午九時起 捌參賽資格


一隊參賽 玖報名

參賽隊伍請於報名截止日 2015 年 12 月 4 日(星期五)前將報名資料以掛號郵寄或親送至 南投縣信義鄉羅娜村信筆巷 73 號(羅娜國小)馬慧如小姐(以郵戳為憑逾期恕不受理) 電話049-2831824

拾比賽辦法 一比賽曲目由大會選擇三首指定曲由參賽隊伍自行選擇一首演唱自選曲則必須

演唱布農古調詩歌不符規定者則不予計分 指定曲如下 (一)Iesu hai maisna dihanin kunastucin(布農聖詩 42 首)唱 12 節 (二)Tensi tahu sinpinaskal(布農聖詩 41 首)唱 12 節 (三)Santaishang bintuhan sia dihanin(布農聖詩 477 首)

二比賽人數每隊至少 20 人(不含伴奏與指揮)最多 40 人不足或多出者每不足

或多一人則扣總平均分數 05 分依此類推 三比賽規則

1 演唱曲目與報名曲目不符者一律不予計分 2 演唱時間以 15 分鐘為限自第一首歌指揮下手式開始計時指揮離開舞台時結


警示時間一到按鈴一長聲逾時即開始扣分逾時每 1 分鐘扣總平均分數 05 分

不滿 1 分鐘以 1 分鐘計依此類推 3 比賽演出人數應與報名表列相同不含指揮伴奏不得超過 40 人最少不低於 20人演出時可依樂曲之實際編制變換隊形 4 本比賽提供鋼琴其他無調性打擊樂器請自行準備若因歌曲特殊需要得以自

行錄製之卡式音樂帶CD 或自備之樂器伴奏 5 比賽將依序進行各隊報到時間請依主辦單位之通知(公布)於報到時間前完成


- 151 -

6 參賽者應於司儀唱名時立即進入舞臺開始表演若唱名三次未進場者視同棄權 7 評分標準音色 40音準 20演唱技巧 20指揮(伴奏)10整體藝術

表現 10依照分數之高低評定名次比賽結束後當場宣布成績並頒獎 8 車馬費補助凡參加比賽者由大會補助車馬費每隊 5000 元 9 報名隊伍如未達八隊則取消比賽(電話通知各隊)



獎金金額如下 第一名獎金 80000 元 第二名獎金 60000 元 第三名獎金 50000 元 第四名獎金 40000 元 第五名獎金 30000 元 第六名獎金 20000 元 第七名獎金 10000 元2

二獲得第一名之隊伍並於 104 年 3 月辦理之玉山星空音樂會中擔任演唱如第一名隊


音樂會之演出為原則) 拾貳經費本次比賽經費由信義鄉公所及台灣原聲教育協會共同籌措

- 152 -


200805 台灣原聲音樂學校及台灣原聲童聲合唱團誕生於南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳 200906 公益發行《唱歌吧》專輯入圍第 20 屆傳統藝術類「金曲獎」最佳傳統歌樂專輯獎 201001 接受廈門市台胞及台商聯誼會邀請首次於海外演出 201003 公益發行之《唱歌吧》紀錄片獲第 32 屆「金穗獎」最佳影片首獎 201005 受邀參加上海世界博覽會台灣館開幕典禮演出 201008 Bukut 團長獲選為遠見雜誌『新台灣之光』99 位人物之一 201010 受邀於中央研究院演唱為國內首次專場演出 201012 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201105 於國家音樂廳和國家國樂團聯合演出 201106 與哈佛大學鱷魚合唱團於東埔國小同台演出 201107 參加香港國際青少年合唱比賽獲童聲組金獎及民歌組銀獎 201110 於建國百年國慶大典中演唱「百年禮讚」組曲 201111 公益發行《不只唱歌吧》音樂專輯和紀錄片 201202 受邀於台南奇美博物館演藝廳及樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201203 受邀赴北京柏萊沃古典音樂俱樂部於金融家年會「寶島之夜」專場演出 201208 於新竹縣文化局演藝廳為創世基金會募款專場慈善演出「愛築家園」音樂會 201209 原聲兒童打擊樂團誕生 201211 受邀協助齊柏林導演空拍紀錄片「看見台灣」登玉山主峰於峰頂演出 201211 參加南投縣政府「全民運動會」開幕典禮演出 201212 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201307 受邀出訪美國加州參加國慶領唱國歌及國慶遊行巨人大聯盟球場Children

Discovery MuseumForest Lawn MuseumUNITY ConferenceICICE 全球華文網路

教育研討會Facebook 總部獻唱並於舊金山及洛杉磯劇院演出兩場專場音樂會 201308 受邀於高雄市文化中心至德堂專場演出 201310 受邀參加國慶典禮領唱國歌 201310 原聲A capella合唱團誕生 201311 受邀與長榮交響樂團於中興大學惠蓀堂聯合演出 201312 受邀於總統府「總統文化獎」頒獎典禮演唱 201402 受邀於台南樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201404 受邀於台北誠品松菸表演廳「看見台灣聽見原聲」專場演出 201408 應「全日本合唱連盟(JCA)」邀請赴日本參加第 28 屆東京國際兒童合唱節於新宿


物院「神品至寶」開展演出 201408 受邀於台中市圓滿劇場為「看見台灣-臺中心動影像音樂會」演出 201409 受邀於木柵動物園為台灣自製第一部 3D 動畫長片「桃蛙源記」首映會演唱 201410 受邀於台北小巨蛋參加慶祝國慶「四海同心聯歡大會」演出 201411 受邀於台中洲際棒球場參加「21U 第一屆世界棒球錦標賽」開幕領唱國歌 201411 受邀參加臺灣大學 86 週年校慶音樂會專場演出 201412 受邀參加南投縣長就職典禮演出

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

會議時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 200~430 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數

應出席人數 136 人實際出席人數 83 人(含親自出席 66 人委託出席 17 人) 貳大會開始 參主席致詞略 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告如 2013 年報 p10~22 二監事會監察報告如 2013 年報 p8 伍討論提案 案由一 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案(如

2013 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案業經

本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第 14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核

備 決 議通過 案由二 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2013 年報)提請討論 說 明 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第

14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 陸臨時動議無 柒選舉第 3 屆理事監事 有效選票理事票 83 張監事票 83 張 發票員黃煌蕭淑敏徐德蓮鄺麗君 唱票員楊智麟徐德蓮廖南詩蕭淑敏 監票員鄺麗君邱媛美

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理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠



監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥


捌原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 340~420)

1 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 西北雨直直落(福佬語) 詞葉明龍 曲黃敏 編曲楊耀章 3 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 4 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲林志忠 5 心肝寶貝(福佬語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 如鹿渴慕溪水(國語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲 Phil Dave 8 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

玖散會(下午 430)

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 1 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 400~430 開會地點台北市南海路 56 號夢紅樓二樓會議室 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠

楊智麟廖南詩廖達珊鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 候補理事林恩源江睿智(請假)賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 壹報告事項第 2 屆理監事於 4 月 26 日任期屆滿將移交給第 3 屆理監事會 貳討論提案無 肆選舉第 3 屆監事會主席及理事長

當選名單監事會主席mdash黃生理事長mdash洪春滿 參臨時動議

案由推選廖達珊為執行理事 決議通過


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 5 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200~430 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美(請假)許正瑛洪春滿黃春木

黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩(請假)廖阿貫鄺麗君(請假)羅綸有蘇錦淑(請假) 候補理事林恩源(請假)江睿智賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞(請假)樓海鳥(請假) 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 列席人員禹連泉孫藍蔚李彩霞呂克勝 壹報告事項

一建校規劃報告禹連泉建築師 二執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 5 月工作報告 2 2014 年下半年活動日程 3 2014 年暑期營隊課程及活動 4 2014 年 8 月參訪日本行程及活動 5 「十年樹木百年樹人」計畫-東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫 6 原住民師生美加遊學推薦實施辦法草案

三秘書長報告 1 2014 年 1 月至 4 月財務報告 2 遠距課輔及數位學伴規劃報告

四理事長報告 1 原聲音樂學校現況報告 2 東埔國小及原聲音樂學校親師生比賽及期末點數拍賣會(募集獎項)

貳交接前後任理事長印信文件交接 參討論提案無 肆臨時動議無


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 3 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 8 月 30 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木(請假)黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員馬彼得李彩霞呂克勝羅 揚高達瑋 壹報告事項

一主席報告 1 暑期學習營成果報告

(1) 日本演出及交流活動成果報告 (2) 暑期花蓮海洋營成果報告 (3) 母語推廣活動報告

2 原聲音樂學校學生的優秀表現分享 (1) 孩子在暑假有很多成長 (2) 學長姐與學弟妹分享學習心得mdash鼓勵學弟妹不畏辛苦努力學習

3 成就孩子時自己也被成就 二團長報告

1 建校規劃報告-建校場地相關事宜報告 三執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 8 月財務報告 5 月餘絀 -579070 6 月餘絀 3247291(磊山 220 萬元大 100 萬) 1-6 月餘絀 1538696 7 月餘絀 -1156540 8 月餘絀 -1214827 1-8 月餘絀 -832671

2 2014 年 9~12 月活動日程 貳討論提案 案由一修訂「台灣原聲音樂學校學生接受認養贊助辦法」 說 明受助生升入高中後皆在外地求學每月認養金 1 千元不敷使用且每位受助生狀況

不同需隨個案彈性處理 決 議依個案彈性處理 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 4 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 12 月 20 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興(請假)林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木黃慶忠(請假)楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有(請假)蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員孫藍蔚裘友棣車和道蕭淑敏呂克勝李彩霞柳宜蕙 壹報告事項

一2014 年校務報告阿滿理事長 1 校務現況報告原聲的孩子透過平日的假日學校及暑假活動(日本行花蓮海洋營



的生活教育 2 建校報告

(1) 實驗教育法已通過原聲申請設立實驗學校 20141117 通過現已可掛牌薵備 (2) 原來預定設立地點在羅娜部落的羅娜國小(原因腹地大羅娜部落是全國最大的


召開部落會議溝通若仍有意見再思考更換建校地點 二2014 年度財務報告藍蔚秘書長

1 至 201410 月止本年度餘絀為負 79240 元至 201411 月止本年度餘絀為負 81058元

2 2014 年至 11 月止捐款達成率 529支出達成率約 55支出減少是因建校支出

還未動用 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2015 年「年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」草案 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備並實施 決 議通過 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 5 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2015 年 1 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200-400 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興(請假)林靜一(請假)邱媛美許正瑛黃春木


監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生(請假)楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員裘友棣柳宜蕙 壹報告事項 一2015 年建校進度報告阿滿理事長 二2014 年度財務報告(決算)藍蔚秘書長 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2014 年「年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收

支表」草案(如附件) 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 案由二確定第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會召開日期地點議程 說 明擬於 2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)1400 假台北市南海路 56 號建國高中「夢紅樓」二樓

展演廳舉行 決 議通過 參臨時動議 肆散會

- 160 -

會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 一 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)編曲馬彼得


同時也鼓勵小朋友早起 kula vali panangausan taki litu vava su-u hongku tasa dusa tau pat ima num pitu vau kula vali panangausan taki litu he he~ he~ he~ he-he

二 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語)編曲Edwin O Excell


農語和國語三種語言來表達 アメイジンググレイス 何と美しい響きか 私のような者も救って下さる さまよう私をお救いになり 今では神の恵みを見て取れる makitvaivi singkadaidaz laduaz inulivan minupungav inkaduanin maimabual minsinghal Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found Was blind but now I see 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見

三 天下別無拯救(國語)詞曲蕭泰然

看哪 我的僕人 我所揀選 我所親愛 看哪 我的僕人 是我心所喜悅 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 因為在天下別無拯救 因為在天下別無拯救 沒有賜下別的名 可靠著得救 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主啊 我的基督啊 願你快快再來 願頌讚與榮耀智慧 願感謝與尊貴權柄 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 哈利路亞讚美主 阿們 阿們 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 阿們 阿們 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主 我的基督 哈利路亞 讚美主 阿們 阿們

四 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 曲游智婷 編曲游智婷

田中的白鷺鷥 無欠缺過甚麼 山頂的百合花 春天現香味 總是全能的上帝 每日賞賜真福氣 使地上發芽結實 顯出愛疼的根據 耶和華祝福滿滿 親像海邊土沙 恩典慈愛 直到萬世代 我要舉手敬拜他 出歡喜的歌聲 讚美稱頌祂名 永不息

五 乘著氣球上天空(気球に乗ってどこまでも)詞東龍男 曲平吉毅州 中譯白蕊




- 161 -

時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 風に乗って 野原を越えて(野原をこえて) 雲を飛び越え(雲をとびこえ) 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに何かが(そこになにかが) 待っているから(まっているから) 大空に ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン 時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 星を越えて(星をこえて) 宇宙を遥か(宇宙をはるか) 星座の世界へ 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに輝く(そこにかがやく) 夢があるから ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ 乘著氣球上天空(中譯) 有的時候會想起 天空真神秘 有的時候會想起 上天去遊玩 乘著一個大氣球 航向神秘的天空 隨風飄 隨風飄 越過一座座高山 飛過雲霄 飛過雲霄 乘著氣球上天空去 好去看天空上 有多少 神秘光景 啦~~~~~~~ 好去找宇宙中 有多少 多少寶藏 啦~~~~~~~

- 162 - 六花は咲く(日本語) 編曲西條太貴

真っ白な 雪道に 春風香る わたしは なつかしい あの街を 思い出す 叶えたい 夢もあった 変わりたい 自分もいた 今はただ なつかしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの歌が聞こえる 誰かを励ましてる 誰かの笑顔が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 夜空の 向こうの 朝の気配に わたしは なつかしい あの日々を 思い出す 傷ついて 傷つけて 報われず 泣いたりして 今はただ 愛おしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの想いが見える 誰かと結ばれてる 誰かの未来が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか恋する君のために


白雪覆蓋的路上 瀰漫著馥郁的春風 我想起了 懷念的那座城市 曾有著想要實現的夢想 也有著想要改變的自己 如今卻只想起 思念的那個人 聽到有人在唱歌 好像在鼓勵什麼人 看到有人的笑顏 就在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 夜空的另一邊 有著清晨的氣息 我想起了 懷念的那些往日 受傷過 也傷人過 也曾沒得回報而哭泣過 如今卻只思念 所愛的那個人 看到的是誰的思念 跟誰相連在一起 看到的是誰的未來 在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天會戀愛的你啊


這首詩歌曲風為 ABA 形式是露營佈道會最愛選唱的詩歌由原聲孩子清澈純淨的歌聲


- 163 -

這上山路 我努力跑 一天一天 越跑越高 向前之時 常求我主 求立我腳 在更高處 求舉我起 而容我站 因信在天堂巍巍山 更上一層 我心切慕 求立我腳 在更高處 帶慈悲心 主耶穌來 為尋找我 以賜其愛 雖罪其深 怙惡不改 但恩主拉起我 從禍坑口 祂拉起我 伸憐憫手 祂拉起我 從黑暗夜 到光明界 啊讚美主 祂拉起我 我心所望 非此非彼 唯仰望主 寶血之義 我決不敢 托親托鄰 只完全靠主耶穌名 求舉我起 而容我站(從禍坑口 祂拉起我) 因信在天堂巍巍山(伸憐憫手 祂拉起我) 更上一層 我心切慕(從黑暗夜到光明界 啊 讚美主) 求立我腳 在更高處 在更高處(啊 讚美主 更高處 在更高處)

八kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語民歌) 詞王拓南曲伍欽光編曲Bukut

kipahpah ima kipahpah ima muskunta kipahpah ima 拍拍手 拍拍手 我們一起來拍手 kahuzasa kahuzasa muskunta kahuzas 歌唱吧 歌唱吧 我們一起來歌唱 manaskal saikin sadu mas muu tu taisisan 看見各位弟兄姐妹 我心歡喜快樂 mahtu mapasadu manaskalik(manaskalik) nakahuzas(nakahuzas) 能和各位相見 我心歡喜來歌唱 manaskal(manaskal) manaskal(manaskal) manasasi sang tama kamisama 快樂歡喜 快樂歡喜 歡喜快樂仰望上帝 uka hanimumulan uka kaisalpuan is-ang kaupahanian aluskunan kamisama 沒有憂愁 沒有煩惱 上帝日日與我同在 manaskal(manaskal) matumashing(matumashing) kaupakaupa hanian manaskal 歡喜讚美 日日都快樂歡喜 taisisan(taisisan) kahuzas(kahuzas) muskun kahuzas matumashing 歌唱吧朋友 一起唱歌讚美

九故鄉ふるさと Furusado(日本童謠) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

兔追いしかの山 こぶな釣りしかの川 夢は今もめぐりて 忘れがたき故鄉 如何にいます父母 つつがなしや友がき 雨に風につけても 思いいずる故鄉 こころざしをはたして いつの日にか帰らん 山はあおき故鄉 水は清き故鄉 在山上追逐兔子 在小溪釣小魚 至今我仍常夢到 難忘的故鄉 不知道父母是否安好 不知道朋友是否無恙 就算刮著風下著雨 我仍思念著我的故鄉 希望能夠達成志向 有一天能衣錦還鄉 山巒翠綠的故鄉 水質清澈的故鄉


自 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2014 年 12 月 31 日贊助者名錄如下篇幅為節省版面捐款抬頭為

5 個字以上者另立名錄欄皆依首字母筆劃數排序感恩所有支ldquo原rdquo者

- 164 -


B02 室 2000 王裕鈞 1500 江亭潔 2000 吳炳昇 2000 宋祥興 40000

丁懷箴 2000 王詩辰 2000 江慶祥 12000 吳美慧 5000 宋隆傑 2000

尤麗惠 2000 王道維 24000 艾惠鵝 2000 吳哲彬 2000 宋德令 2000

尹世鈴 8631 王鈺琪 2000 何 易 1500 吳哲綸 1500 巫晟豪 1500

方思文 1500 王靖文 2000 何宜軒 2000 吳素雲 3500 李友尊 4000

方雅虹 2000 王翠華 2000 何怡君 2000 吳素絹 1400 李世忠 2000

方馨嫺 2000 王語瑄 2000 何明彥 1500 吳國榮 12000 李永勝 2000

毛恆祥 2000 王輝煌 2000 何冠儒 2000 吳婉君 2000 李玉如 5000

毛淑婷 2000 王靜君 5000 何振綱 2000 吳淑女 2000 李志勳 150000

王又 2000 王嶽璽 4000 何敏媛 2000 吳淑蓉 2000 李佳玲 2000

王士榮 2000 王薏蘋 2000 何淑娟 10000 吳清福 10000 李宗榮 3600

王如華 2000 王嬿茹 2000 何進村 2000 吳彭弘 100000 李旻真 3600

王佳華 200 古哲安 2000 何瑜芳 2000 吳敦義 55000 李昇修 2000

王宗鼎 2000 正能千惠 2000 何瓊文 2000 吳舒婷 2000 李明彥 3000

王怡文 2000 田淑嬿 3500 余大全 2000 吳瑪琍 2000 李枝昌 200000

王長婷 2000 田籠範子 1439 余沛婕 3000 吳慧君 2000 李芳禎 2000

王俊惠 2000 白佳欣 2000 余采親 1500 吳潔 2000 李金恭 100000

王俞芳 2000 石東千 2000 吳予仁 2000 吳憲昭 2000 李品欣 1500

王冠雅 2000 石麗珍 2000 吳玉英 2000 吳靜宜 2500 李宣澤 2000

王昭君 6000 仲淵 2000 吳秀娟 2000 吳耀敦 2000 李峙錡 1500

王界欽 2000 任柏叡 1500 吳佾其 2000 呂之華 2000 李昭慧 2000

王美玲 5000 全樹曦 4000 吳孟蓉 2000 呂文香 10000 李昭緣 2000

王美惠 2000 成溪玲 12000 吳旻芬 2000 呂玉華 20000 李修惠 2000

王英宏 2000 曲維正 2000 吳昌政 2000 呂昇祐 2000 李宴昌 2000

王娟卿 2000 朱久光 2000 吳昌錫 6000 呂冠磐 2000 李家媛 2000

王悟生 2000 朱佩珊 2000 吳明昌 2000 呂政明 5000 李婉如 2000

王效婷 2000 朱念慈 2000 吳明榮 6000 呂春桂 2000 李彩珠 2000

王海龍 10000 朱彥縉 2000 吳明錥 2000 呂美莉 2000 李彩嫻 2000

王崇蓉 2500 朱敏諄 2000 吳易縝 2000 呂茂源 2000 李淑芬 2000

王捷輝 2000 江文標 6000 吳秉儒 1500 呂淑貞 2000 李淑娟 2000

王組修 2000 江玉娟 300 吳金萬 2000 呂淑雲 10000 李愛珠 12877

王訢伃 2000 江志龍 2000 吳俊龍 2000 呂淳嫻 1000 李楊鈞 10000

王惠美 600 江奇駿 4000 吳冠陞 2500 呂惠玲 2000 李瑋珊 2000

王開敏 2000 江宜虔 10000 吳建明 100000 呂惠菁 2000 李瑞華 2000

王新立 10000 江青玲 2000 吳政宇 2000 呂琳琳 2000 李嘉哲 2000

- 165 -

李嘉菊 2000 林玉芳 20000 林芳瑜 2000 林銅城 2000 洪家妮 20000

李嫚珠 2000 林宇哲 2000 林芳瑾 4000 林慧茹 2000 洪素梅 20000

李翠娟 2000 林安瀛 2000 林芷琳 2000 林慶恩 100000 洪富美 12000

李慧鳯 500 林宏明 2000 林金輝 2000 林曉真 10000 洪皖中 2000

李曉雯 2000 林志明 20000 林俊吉 2000 林燕 100000 洪瑜堇 2000

李鎮樟 2000 林杏芝 2000 林俞男 2000 林靜慧 2000 洪筱琍 2000

李耀武 5000 林秀芬 5000 林信子 8631 林麗芳 2000 紀佳緯 13900

李權泰 2000 林秀濤 2000 林冠廷 1500 林麗雪 5000 紀宜君 2000

李歡仁 5000 林育正 1000 林品儀 10000 林麗碧 5000 胡志宏 12000

杜薇 1000 林育如 2000 林品翰 2000 林寶彩 40000 胡秀華 10000

汪玄珠 4000 林育業 18000 林姵君 2000 邱一平 20000 胡芸瑄 2000

沈志宇 1500 林育靖 6000 林昭凱 500 邱玉青 2000 胡信馨 2000

沈岱育 2000 林育德 12000 林昭鳳 2000 邱佳秀 2000 胡秋香 2000

車平道 2000 林良貞 2000 林柏宏 2000 邱傑男 3000 胡夏萍 2000

初郡恩 2000 林辰學 1000 林祈芬 6000 邱媛美 23000 胡祖銘 2000

卓俊諺 2600 林京里 2000 林美玲 2000 邱義桓 2000 胡淑芳 5000

卓晨如 2000 林佩娟 12000 林羿君 2000 邱碩揚 20000 胡語姍 2000

卓儀泙 6000 林佩瑩 2000 林香吟 2000 邵崇榮 2000 范君瑋 2000

周文華 2000 林佳輝 2000 林原豐 2000 長與博典 8631 范志強 1000000

周文鶱 2000 林協進 2000 林家緯 2000 阿部哲夫 2877 范芯語 2000

周志明 2000 林孟辰 2000 林展禾 1500 凃雪玉 6000 范姜群澔 10000

周邦昀 2000 林宛臻 50000 林庭如 2000 姚淑美 11000 范舒涵 2000

周怡禎 2000 林宛霖 2000 林恩源 20000 政敏 2000 范曉恩 2000

周明翰 1500 林宜慧 2000 林財發 2000 施心韻 2000 香草氣球 20850

周美蘭 2000 林宜臻 216165 林啟信 4000 施牧之 1500 候靖柔 2000

周晴禎 900 林幸儒 2000 林國興 2000 施建興 3000 唐世昌 2000

周詩婷 2000 林念竹 2000 林淑惠 6000 施春成 2000 唐怡芳 2000

周蓓蕾 4500 林怡儀 2000 林淑慧 2000 施相如 2000 唐晨瑜 2000

周慧芳 2000 林昀靚 4000 林添樹 2000 施美妏 5000 夏以寧 2000

姒元忠 5000 林昆禾 2000 林森醫院 2000 施堯寬 2000 孫文先 9000

東森電視 2877 林昆慶 2000 林湘評 2000 施鈞凱 2000 孫立銓 2000

松澤寬文 8631 林明和 4000 林紫璿 2000 春山齒科 8631 孫譽真 2000

林乃杞 5000 林明達 2000 林雅玲 2000 柯玉環 2000 徐力克 2000

林三元 12000 林欣儀 2000 林雅容 2000 柯佩雰 2000 徐文輕 2000

林千翔 2000 林武田 10000 林毓文 2000 柯喬馨 2000 徐世禎 100000

林心蘭 2000 林泛俊 4000 林鈺清 2000 段成龍 2000 徐志婷 3070

林文淵 12000 林秉緯 2000 林嘉彥 2000 洪正容 2000 徐妮 2000

- 166 - 林月鈴 2000 林芳如 5400 林榮茂 2000 洪春滿 8500 徐芷唯 2000

林玉枝 2000 林芳如 4000 林維甫 10400 洪柏青 2000 徐復民 10000

徐慧珠 2000 張郁偵 2000 梁榮華 2000 郭盈芬 2000 陳勇洲 3600

秦永悌 10000 張徐庭芝 500 梁靜舒 2000 郭美秀 2000 陳品璇 1500

翁怡涵 2000 張恩瑜 2000 渉谷和典 14385 郭軒綸 1500 陳奕均 2000

翁素蓉 2000 張素華 2000 焉保元 2000 郭瑞意 2000 陳威羽 1500

袁嘉彬 2000 張淑蕙 2000 莊士興 2000 郭榮烈 4000 陳屏萍 2000

馬彼得 100000 張淑櫻 2000 莊秀娥 2000 陳人瑄 500 陳建芳 2000

馬松季 5000 張淨環 2000 莊佳慧 2000 陳大雄 2000 陳彥佑 3600

馬經方 2000 張琇喬 5000 莊惠如 2000 陳小玲 2000 陳彥谷 2000

高天翼 2000 張琇雁 2000 莊漢宗 2000 陳文欣 2000 陳彥豪 2000

高忠義 2000 張翊宸 4000 莊慧文 2000 陳民慶 2000 陳玲涵 2000

高振興 3000 張婷 2000 許文忠 2000 陳永金 111 陳盈謀 3072

高曼玲 30000 張媚 2000 許文龍 50000 陳立苹 2000 陳祈宏 100000

高逸紋 2000 張斯堯 10000 許玉治 2000 陳光誠 9600 陳秋伶 2000

高瑞穎 2000 張智映 2000 許成功 2000 陳安琪 2000 陳秋鳳 2000

高蒂燕 3000 張朝銘 2000 許秀蘭 2000 陳宏正 2000 陳紅蓮 100

高慧玲 15000 張雅筑 2000 許育宏 2000 陳宏瑜 2000 陳美如 2000

高橋功 2877 張楨 433900 許芳 2000 陳希臨 3600 陳美雲 10000

高橋晴美 2877 張瑋哲 2000 許美蓮 2000 陳志方 2000 陳虹陵 2000

崔秀雲 1000 張瑞玲 2000 許修誠 2000 陳志誠 13000 陳貞任 2000

康素珍 11000 張瑞純 2000 許家彰 2000 陳志彰 2000 陳郁文 5500

康瑤華 120000 張義雄 2000 許家榮 3000 陳杉豪 60000 陳淯芳 2200

康銘利 2000 張裕安 2000 許素修 2000 陳秀慧 15000 陳素庈 2000

張仁輔 2000 張裕忠 8400 許素蘭 20000 陳佳祺 3000 陳健生 18000

張文山 2000 張嘉耘 2000 許淑霞 2000 陳孟祺 2000 陳健丞 2000

張文祥 4000 張寧惠 2000 許凱翔 1500 陳孟慧 2000 陳彩秝 3000

張文通 2000 張榮哲 2000 許皓淳 1400 陳昀瑋 1500 陳晨昱 2000

張文靜 2000 張碧芳 2000 許萸晶 4000 陳欣榆 2000 陳梅瑛 2000

張月萌 2000 張肇祺 2000 許盟安 2000 陳玟伶 2000 陳淑君 2000

張玉姍 2000 張鴻章 2000 許嘉鎂 5000 陳玫荃 5000 陳淑宜 4000

張玉瑩 1500 張簡尹佩 2000 許綺紋 10000 陳采秝 2000 陳淑美 2000

張光宇 12000 張繐雅 2000 許慧玲 12000 陳雨航 2000 陳惠玲 2000

張君旭 6000 張馨勻 2000 許蕙宇 1000 陳亮伃 2000 陳焱煌 2000

張廷安 2000 強釖英 2000 許瓊禧 2000 陳俊良 10000 陳菀蓁 2000

張明因 1500 曹彥盛 2000 郭佳憲 2000 陳俐婷 4000 陳逸彥 11000

張明龍 2000 曹雅慧 2000 郭忠吉 2000 陳俐嬛 2000 陳逸穎 2000

- 167 -

張長軾 3000 曹蕙珍 2000 郭怡君 2000 陳俞蓁 4000 陳新宇 2000

張彥偉 2000 梁汝鎮 2000 郭玫君 2000 陳冠維 2000 陳新駿 2000

張春玲 2000 梁惠珠 5000 郭俊驛 1500 陳冠霏 2000 陳嘉彣 2000

張秋森 2000 梁詩屏 2000 郭昱秀 2000 陳勇安 2000 陳壽美 50000

陳旖益 2000 曾子銓 2000 黃克勤 2000 黃靜薰 2000 葉紅 2000

陳榮富 2000 曾克修 10000 黃志祥 6000 黃薰威 6600 葉美琴 4000

陳碧蓮 2877 曾宜謙 1500 黃邦定 3800 黃鐙麒 2500 葉書佑 2000

陳維斌 10000 曾明德 6000 黃忠賢 2000 黃馨儀 1500 葉書村 2000

陳維新 6000 曾俊峯 2000 黃東生 3309 楊大和 3000 葉淑鈺 6000

陳綺芳 2000 曾院介 3600 黃玟瑄 2000 楊仁賢 10000 葉惠盈 2000

陳銘元 2000 曾涵芝 2000 黃秉愷 2000 楊月華 2000 葉鍚東 2000

陳魁 2000 曾淑菁 2000 黃冠閔 12000 楊永昌 1500 董富儒 500

陳鳳怡 2000 曾源裕 1500 黃建誠 2000 楊光 6000 虞濟華 2000

陳鳴鈴 2000 曾鈺智 2000 黃建彰 6000 楊佳勳 1500 詹志鴻 2000

陳慧容 2000 曾嘉盈 2000 黃昭贊 2000 楊宗諭 2000 詹佳寧 2000

陳毅祥 2000 曾碧卿 20000 黃柏偉 2000 楊定諺 2000 詹雪玉 2000

陳蔚綺 2000 游郁欣 2000 黃盈甄 2000 楊宜華 1500 詹琪 2000

陳調鋌 20000 游雪惠 2000 黃若芸 3000 楊明芳 2000 鄒桂雲 2000

陳興海 200000 游貴美 2000 黃郁婷 4000 楊俊岳 2000 雷佳縈 2000

陳靜如 2000 湯秀滿 2000 黃祐鈞 2000 楊素端 10000 頌彥真賢 14385

陳靜宜 2000 湯明璋 2000 黃素娟 2200 楊高融 2500 嘉仁藥房 220

陳靜慧 2000 程延和 2000 黃國銘 2000 楊敕貝 8000 廖文怡 2000

陳膺州 2000 華國媛 6000 黃婉玲 2000 楊淑芬 2000 廖平生 2000

陳駿為 2000 賀志強 4000 黃彫棠 2000 楊淑珍 2877 廖怡鳳 2000

陳鏡安 1500 辜郁純 10000 黃御唐 7000 楊淨雅 2000 廖南詩 1300

陳麗如 2000 間宮內科 8631 黃晨雅 4000 楊連發 138000 廖建華 2000

陳麗姿 2400 飯塚能成 2000 黃清俊 2000 楊勝哲 3000 廖修筠 2000

陳麗秋 2000 馮怡敏 5000 黃清雄 2000 楊博欽 12000 廖書緯 18000

陳麗敏 2000 馮興儒 1500 黃竟修 12000 楊筠芃 8000 廖清佑 2000

陳露施 2000 黃 石 2000 黃創夏 10000 楊靖民 2000 廖湘如 2000

傅榮禎 2000 黃千真 2000 黃惠玲 2000 楊碧玲 2000 廖楓 12000

傅碧如 2000 黃大芪 900 黃智芸 2000 楊熾光 2000 廖達琪 200000

傅應翔 2000 黃子瑜 2000 黃智俐 4000 楊環菁 2000 廖嘉紅 2000

單彥榕 1500 黃介民 2000 黃雅梅 2000 楊韻秋 3000 廖榮山 2000

嵇彭傑 2000 黃文定 2000 黃雅慧 2000 溫孝文 2000 廖維旺 2000

彭沁璘 2000 黃文涼 2000 黃雯綉 2000 溫志中 2000 熊文瑗 2000

彭玟光 2000 黃文鴻 2000 黃源森 200 溫秭翊 2000 趙子佑 2000

- 168 - 彭泰彥 2000 黃世明 2000 黃裕洲 2000 萬瑾璇 2000 趙伊望 2000

彭紫晴 2000 黃令苹 3000 黃鈴淨 2000 葉子平 2000 趙淑琴 2000

彭嘉明 60000 黃玉娟 1000 黃鈺恩 2000 葉妍杏 2000 趙毓美 2000

彭鴻森 2000 黃生 1000 黃慶忠 20000 葉知定 4412 齊藤美弘 2877

景雯霞 2000 黃旭宏 1500 黃憲宇 1000 葉芳吟 18600 劉成 2000

曾于書 2000 黃竹瑄 2000 黃錦梅 10000 葉俊毅 20000 劉光雄 3000

劉有富 4000 蔡孟軒 3600 鄭倩玉 2000 戴志清 5000 魏延豪 2000

劉佩宜 2000 蔡孟琳 3600 鄭振家 2000 薛如娟 2300 魏筱君 2000

劉怡孜 2400 蔡宗立 2000 鄭浩民 2000 薛雅文 2000 龎睿穎 2000

劉明宜 2000 蔡宜廷 2000 鄭純淑 2000 薛雅齡 2000 繩蘇生 4000

劉欣怡 2000 蔡明安 2000 鄭素治 2000 謝一新 2000 羅一新 2000

劉秉怡 2000 蔡俊逵 1500 鄭欵 2000 謝元勳 50000 羅正宏 2000

劉俊宏 20000 蔡盈康 2000 鄭紹東 7000 謝如君 6000 羅宇棠 4000

劉俊茂 2877 蔡張金權 10000 鄭莉玲 2000 謝佩珊 2000 羅佳勳 2000

劉奐岑 2000 蔡淑莉 2000 鄭博仁 2000 謝佳芳 2000 羅金蘭 2000

劉珊如 15000 蔡陸宗 1500 鄭惠娟 4500 謝宛潔 2000 羅倩儀 2000

劉家振 2000 蔡雪美 2000 鄭鳳君 2000 謝宛勳 2000 羅揚 1500

劉晏汝 2000 蔡惠英 500 鄭興 2000 謝昀叡 1500 羅慈為 4000

劉素滿 12000 蔡椏芝 2000 鄭靜怡 2000 謝昌衛 2000 羅綸有 324000

劉淑 2000 蔡菁菁 2000 鄭靜芬 2000 謝政誼 2000 邊野吉 5754

劉淑貞 2000 蔡雅帆 6000 盧怡志 2000 謝炳邦 2000 龐晴 1500

劉博文 2000 蔡聖爵 200 盧崑瑞 2000 謝張芳珠 2877 蘇玉琦 2000

劉詠華 2000 蔡碧珊 2000 盧雅馨 2000 謝逸琦 2000 蘇佩誼 2000

劉瑞敏 4000 蔡維恭 2000 盧蓂朻 1500 謝嘉濬 2000 蘇明慧 2000

劉廖阿鈺 2000 蔡語嫣 1500 穆文誠 2000 謝實毅 2000 蘇秉夆 2000

劉漢倚 2000 蔡銘城 1400 蕭伃真 2000 謝瑩龍 6000 蘇建宏 2000

劉慧敏 2000 蔡德輝 2000 蕭妍庭 2000 謝燕珠 2600 蘇映吟 2000

劉澄豪 2000 蔡歐芳情 2000 蕭家列 2000 謝錫濱 2000 蘇郁雅 2000

劉麗芬 2000 蔡潔葳 2000 蕭淑敏 139000 謝麗燕 2000 蘇容瑾 2000

劉懿嬅 12000 蔡霈榆 4000 蕭登元 2000 鍾明芝 2000 蘇銹燕 2000

歐陽如蘭 2000 蔡耀毅 2000 蕭睆文 2000 鍾道之 2000 蘇曉棠 2000

歐濾德 11000 蔣耿義 2000 蕭劉阿玉 2000 簡劭庭 181500 蘇錦淑 10000

滕蕙蘭 2000 蝸行基金 17600 賴一湉 2000 簡欣華 2000 蘇靜君 2000

潘妤庭 2000 鄧沛雯 2000 賴乙晴 2000 簡湘容 2000 饒珍櫻 2000

潘信宏 2000 鄧依均 2500 賴如足 24000 簡嘉萱 2000 顧正禧 1500

潘威成 2000 鄧鵬 2000 賴建呈 10000 簡銘均 2000 蔡秀芳 2000

潘彥均 1500 鄭文珠 5000 賴素娥 2000 簡慧鍾 2000 蔡佳祝 11000

- 169 -

潘素貞 2000 鄭永玉 2000 賴素鏡 2000 簡薰育 10000 鄭美玲 2000

潘豐富 2000 鄭宇宏 1500 賴國豪 1000 藍文君 2000 鄭美惠 2000

蔡一輝 2000 鄭宇清 2000 賴惠鈴 2000 闕欣男 2000 駱慧君 1800

蔡玉茹 2000 鄭志明 2000 賴慶芳 1500 顏士致 2000 應丞武 2000

蔡宏達 2000 鄭秀足 2000 賴頤珊 1000 顏禾洋 20000 顏惠美 2000

蔡沛潔 2000 鄭宜欣 2000 霍安莉 2000 顏沛霂 2000 顏際隆 2000

006-0000560227844537 12000 兆豐產物保險股份有限公司 20000

0000-130540072691 2000 光友科技股份有限公司 2000

000-0404221176770 21143 艾葳精品婚紗有限公司 2000

004-00000115004038376 6000 利河伯實業有限公司 20000

009-0030105141735801 5000 吳尼可國際有限公司 2000

012-4924960183929900 600 巫葉子設計有限公司 2000

013-06053397 12000 李東陽里金館有限公司 2000

805-0006000400003506 13000 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 100000

808-0000543968111696 30000 和聲合唱團 5000

822-0000347532690803 36000 姊妹旅行社股份有限公司 20000

Lok Wing Lam 2000 旺宏電子(股)公司中華文化研習社 4000

Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 2607887 東京華僑商工聯合會 28770

士筌實業股份有限公司 2000 東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 2877

大可禾文化教育股份有限公司 20000 松山慈惠堂 2000

中央研究院化學研究所 40000 社團法人中華民國亞太產業經營研究會 15000

中正堂会館株式会社 8631 社團法人中華磊山慈愛社 2438000

中玨實業有限公司 2000 長霖寰宇企業有限公司 6000

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 100000 青境工程顧問有限公司 2000

丰雅時尚診所 2000 冠英水電工程有限公司 100

五福創新有限公司 2000 威盈貿易有限公司 6000

元昌投資股份有限公司 100000 恆暘貿易有限公司 8631

太鼓餐飲股份有限公司 2000 星新國際有限公司 2000

以琳內科診所 2000 映畫傳播事業股份有限公司 123800

台北北海扶輪社 20000 看見台灣-日本 SUZUKI amp MAYUMI 14385


北醫學大學 10000 美裝公寓大廈管理維護股份有限公司 10000

台北市城東扶輪社 107000 胡凱閔 黃雅青 2000

台北尚邑扶輪社 10000 苗栗縣物理治療師公會 2000

台北金鷹扶輪社 20000 郁建國際有限公司 4000

- 170 - 台北真善美扶輪社 60000 財金資訊股份有限公司 100000

台北雙和扶輪社 20000 財團法人中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 920000

台北雙連扶輪社 20000 財團法人中華基督教廈門街浸信會 43600

平田法律事務所 17262 財團法人臺灣基督教門諾會 30000

玄啟有限公司 2000 銘久股份有限公司 2000

白宇白米 2000 劉昭宏建築師事務所 14000

財團法人元大文教基金會 1000000 模組電腦實業社 3000

財團法人我們的文化基金會 200000 熱鐸(上海)貿易有限公司 2000

財團法人蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 43847 蔡恆維周英娟 10000

財團法人傳承教育基金會 300000 蔡蕙璟蔡華庭 10000

財團法人臺北市實踐家文教基金會 12000 樹德企業股份有限公司 12000

財團法人慶恩教育基金會 4025 橫濱中山協會 2877

國史館愛心社 3000 橫濱自由華僑婦女協會 2877

國際傑人會日本會 8631 穎珠投資股份有限公司 2000

康軒文教事業股份有限公司 16000 爵色餐飲股份有限公司 2000

康熹文化事業股份有限公司 9000 環通投資有限公司 2000

梁德健(正和航業) 8631 總編輯影像工作室有限公司 3000

牽猴子整合行銷股份有限公司 5000 聯合造形設計工作室 2000

笠源科技股份有限公司 2000 聯奇開發股份有限公司 21000

第一金證券投資信託股份有限公司 20000 聯瑋國際有限公司 2000

翊杰國際有限公司 4000 聯曜企業管理顧問有限公司 2000

陳慧蓮石智良 2000 聲創教育坊 2000

婷維國際有限公司 2000 謝博軒謝宜澄 2000

晶仁國際行銷股份有限公司 3015 鎮宸有限公司 5500

游泰慶蕭悧悧 17262 寶萊祥投資有限公司 2000

華山天主堂聖詠團 6000 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 100000

陽光雪梨投資有限公司 4000 誠品股份有限公司 300000

雲朗觀光股份有限公司高雄分公司 2000 實踐家商業模式顧問有限公司 10000

微熱山丘株式會社 1439 臺大客家研究中心 2000

傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 60000 臺中市中興大學 EMBA 校友會 150000

群馬縣台灣總會 8631 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 300000

悍創運動行銷股份有限公司 30000 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司 300000

桃井美鈴(里水株式會社 ) 8631 無名氏共 16 筆 321387

神腦國際企業股份有限公司 750000

- 171 -

編後語 喧囂波折的一年已接近尾聲 在世事紛擾中 原聲孩子在山裡 仍然絃歌不輟 平安成長 七年前原聲成立時招收的小四 小三學生 如今大致適才適性地就讀高中或高職一二年級

(2008 年原聲成立時招收小學二 三 四年級學生 利用每週六日及寒暑假上課 此後每年寒假僅招收小二生) 這兩屆原聲孩子國中畢業升高一前的暑假 我們都會安排一趟部落壯遊 讓他們去到南部和東部的魯凱 排灣 布農 阿美等部落去觀摩學習 回來後需繳心得報告 下文是其中一位生長在潭南部落的高一孩子所寫 他家境困頓 但今年很努力的考取台中市國立清水高中 新生訓練時 有同學竊竊私語原住民加分的 他寫下了他心中所想hellip但我卻不以為意因為我已經做到初步的自我認同helliphellip






難題我都能夠以布農族的智慧去面對並解決問題 這一兩年 總會有人說你們原聲很棒啊 做得很好啊 我會問好在哪裡呀 回答常常是你們小朋友唱得真好聽啊 是的 在看見台灣之後 更多人聽見原聲 但我們內心始終明白原聲的終極目標不是唱 而是培養出像 Biung 這樣的孩子--有自信 認同自己文化 對部落 對族人 有使命感 從他的字裡行間 您是否已可看到一位未來部落典範的身影 建立信心 自我認同 說起來容易 但絕非一蹴可幾 原聲六年多來 著力最深的就是儘量設法塑造原聲音樂學校的教育氣氛 它不在巍峨校舍裡 也不在先進設備中 而是一群最優秀最熱心的老師 一群認同學校理念 向心力超強的家長 在林宜城 Bukut 阿蠻三位校長帶領下 經由假日課程(數 英 語文 音樂) 讓孩子浸潤在專注 耐性 毅力 恆心的嚴格紀律下 一遍又一遍的聽校長分享困苦的成長經驗 講述布農傳統的智慧 日積月累一點一滴形塑了這樣的學校氛圍 也對孩子產生了深刻的影響 它不會像唱歌那麼迅速地被聽見看見 過程中更有辛勞 挫折 也有無奈 但這是我們真正要做的 是您的支持 鼓勵 和慈愛 陪伴原聲一路勇往直前 向您獻上原聲的歲末感恩 httpyoutubedFzSQ2aYEuk 祝福 您 身心喜樂康泰 行止自在安和

阿貫 2015 初春

- 172 -


2000 元傳播無限能量 2011 年 11 月公益發行的《不只唱歌吧》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 2015 年 7 月公益發行的《我愛唱的歌》專輯(含 CD 及 DVD 各 1) 以上凡捐款 2000 元 即敬贈 1 份專輯(請任選其 1) 等待有緣人 以上皆開列捐款收據 依所得稅法第十七條第 2 項第 2 款「個人對於教育文化公益慈善機構或團體之捐

贈總額最高不超過綜合所得總額百分之二十者得申報為『列舉扣除額』」 依所得稅法第三十六條第 2 款營利事業之捐贈以不超過所得額百分之十為限得列



捐款帳號永豐銀行(807)汀州分行176-001-0038951-6 兆豐國際商業銀行(017)台北復興分行008-10-53083-0 元大銀行(806)景美分行20152000000308 國外捐款帳戶httpgive2asiaorgfunds

Click Search Funds SEARCH BY NAME Click v And you will find Vox Nativa Association DONATE ONLINE


Page 6: 2014 voxnativa annual report 150205 - WordPress.com

- 6 -



榮譽團長 美青姊姊

謝謝 您 聆聽原聲 謝謝 您 讓更多人聽見玉山唱歌

您的愛 我們永銘在心



























不二齒科 陳維斌 王貞惠 元大文教基金會 中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 中華磊山慈愛社 台灣新聞 公寓美裝 吳文貴 平田法律事務所 平田 達 正和航業株式会社 梁德健 広瀨耳鼻医院 頌彥 真賢 守谷眼科皮膚科医院 游泰慶 蕭悧悧 全日本合唱連盟(JCA) 男声合唱団東京 1925 東京中華学校校友会 東京台灣商工會議所

東京華僑商工聯合會 東京華僑總会

東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 春山齒科 春山 綋輝 株式会社 中正堂会館 株式会社 里水 桃井 美鈴 國際ビル株式会社 李愛珠 國際傑人会 日本總会 張榮發基金會 間宮內科 間宮 康喜 恆暘貿易有限公司 微熱山丘 SunnyHills







- 7 -



天主教海星中學 台灣基督教門諾會

台灣原住民族文化館 佛教慈濟慈善基金會

蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 國立東華大學

- 8 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會議程 會議時間2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)下午 200~400 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數 貳大會開始 參主席致詞 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告 二監事會監察報告 伍討論提案 案由一本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案(如 2014 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明本會「2014 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」

案業經本會第 3 屆理監事聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後

陳報內政部核備 決 議 案由二本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2014 年報)提請討

論 說 明本會「2015 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 3 屆理監事

聯席會第 5 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議 陸臨時動議 柒原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 330~400)

1 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 2 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語) 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 7 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 8 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 9 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明

安可曲 玖散會(下午 400)

- 9 -

會員名錄 會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 1 尤美女 36 章大中 2 毛應騂 37 曾世彬 3 王貫寧 38 童禕珊 4 林靜一 39 賀志強 5 王麗楨 40 黃 生 6 林武田 41 黃春木 7 朱賜麟 42 黃 煌 8 何光明 43 黃憲宇 9 李志勳 44 廖達珊 10 宋祥興 45 廖達琪 11 李錫津 46 劉美珠 12 沈容伊 47 樓海鳥 13 卓娟秀 48 蔡聰池 14 姒元忠 49 謝志松 15 林比亨 50 韓慶仁 16 林礽堂 51 尹秀蓮 17 林晉源 52 羅綸有 18 林基興 53 蘇玉枝 19 林祥源 54 蘇錦淑 20 洪毓廷 55 朱芳琳 21 保美玲 56 吳素絹 22 洪春滿 57 吳清福 23 楊文貞 58 李月霞 24 孫文先 59 李宏學 25 孫蘭芳 60 李麗敏 26 徐正梅 61 林佑璟 27 徐德蓮 62 周筱婷 28 秦永悌 63 林金盾 29 秦美燕 64 林盱生 30 馬彼得 65 林信安 31 高淑瑛 66 林聰慧 32 許正瑛 67 侯嘉珊 33 許建志 68 姚淑美 34 陳海茵 69 徐淑芬 35 陳調鋌 70 馬松季

會員號 姓名 會員號 姓名 71 張正華 106 文士豪 72 張 楨 107 熊偉傑 73 曹先進 108 黃慶忠 74 裘友棣 109 薛如娟 75 陳麗瓊 110 曾哲明 76 楊智麟 111 霍幼芬 77 崔秀雲 112 林三元 78 劉玉山 113 陳念萱 79 劉翠華 114 鄺麗君 80 蔡敏麗 115 周志宇 81 蔡銘城 116 李元正

82 鄭湧涇 117 林美鈺 83 黃玉娟 118 高光正 84 賴騰仙 119 車平道 85 繆友勇 120 李秉文 86 謝宜為 121 史秀琴 87 魏宏仁 122 廖惠慶 88 顧長永 123 陳元昭 89 林昭嚴 124 謝孝宗 90 江睿智 125 姜秀瓊 91 許皓淳 126 陳聞詩 92 劉有富 127 王師 93 申爵瑞 128 廖南詩 94 謝燕珠 129 廖楓 95 林恩源 130 張秋娥 96 洪筱琍 131 王國昌 97 歐德濾 132 王涵江 98 李訓帆 133 陳榮枝 99 歐陽魁鴻 134 邱媛美 100 黃昭展 135 薛富州 101 周麗芬 136 王維君 102 吳雨哲 103 蕭淑敏 104 楊佳勳 105 伍懿芳

- 10 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 103 年度 監事會 監察報告書

查本會自民國 103 年 1 月 1 日至 103 年 12 月 31 日止監事會參與理事監事

聯席會議瞭解各項業務決議與推行本會 103 年度財務報表經本監事會審查




第 3 屆監事會

監事會主席 黃生 簽章

104 年 1 月 24 日

- 11 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年收支決算




13958627 693


408300 2 辦公費

274649 14


62490 03



科 目 決算數 占決算收入總計 20137964 100

課業輔導費 4005157 1989 教材教具講義費 734537 365餐點營養費 893324 444交通旅運費 1788878 888 獎助學金 741479 368 假期營隊活動 348526 173 教學及演出活動費 2149689 1068其他業務費 217290 108部落服務活動費 2335087 1160業務推展費 744660 370

業務費 13958627 693 人事費 408300 20

文具紙張印刷費 13791 007郵電費 21598 011車旅膳雜費 5208 003公共關係費 48248 024 租賦費 21105 011其他辦公費 14699 007 辦公室租金 150000 075

辦公費 274649 14 建校規劃 62490 03 提撥基金 1255300 62 建校基金 4178598 208 支出總計 20137964 100

餘絀 0 0

- 12 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作報告


阿蠻 理事長


假期77-711 原聲建中成長營714-717 數學學習營721-731 國際志工擔任教師的英文

學習營731-86 參加東京國際合唱節88-815 海洋學習營另外也安排了國三畢業生的壯

遊課程國二學生到台北的密集暑期課業輔導 原來部落孩子的假期生活乏善可陳家長忙著種田打零工無暇也無力幫孩子規劃暑



下來每個孩子都得到許多的成長和進步 日後我們期望規劃更完整的第三學期課程讓部落家長社區耆老有機會一同來教導自


對他們日後在求學和職場上絕對是有幫助的 山上的孩子普遍早熟國中階段就急著談戀愛想要在朋儕間相互取暖獲得溫情家



越來越窮困同時也衍生許多社區和學校照顧上的問題 馬彼得在部落出生長大他深深知道這些問題不是靠著政府補助或投入經費就可以馬上


好 「改變」是多麼困難的工作在練唱的時候校長一遍又一遍的講述自己當年就讀國中




遍又一遍一個又一個的故事他不厭倦地說了不知多少年 七年來有些孩子吃不了苦放棄離開原聲但也看到許多孩子被薰陶被成就學習變得



個個儼然都是一副小馬彼得的樣子 有時我們會為了孩子的表現和遇到的困難感到沮喪失望有時也會為了某些事情意見不



看到孩子的進步就得著前進的力量 在這裡當然更要感謝原聲的每一位天使因為有您們在背後的支持和幫助我們才能繼



- 13 -

在忙碌中學習 成長

Bukut 團長 初看春花紅轉眼已成冬在忙碌中一年就這樣過去了 回顧一年來的行程足以用「匆匆」兩字形容除了寒暑假固定的營隊活動外今年


這是必然之事問題在於我們如何面對接踵而來的演出壓力如何在忙碌中淬鍊自己成長 我常常跟學生說忙碌是一功課懂得享受忙碌生活才能充實豐美在一連串緊湊的

學習活動與演出中我們的孩子也在學習學習如何運用零碎時間充實自己 暑假從日本回來才休息一天便又匆匆去花蓮途中休息時我把巧蝶叫到身邊問她


洋是陌生的遙遠的難得有這樣的機會去親近它誰都不願放棄 我再問「那功課會不會跟不上」我的話語顯示我的焦慮這焦慮不是沒有道理的巧


的落差還是不免讓我擔心 巧蝶很有自信的回答我「沒有關係我會自己利用時間看書」在花蓮的活動期間我

的確幾次看見巧蝶利用零碎時間看書 11 月 15 日受邀參加台大校慶音樂會演出在休息室裡等待的時刻大部分孩子都在喧



懂事啊」 12 月 13 日舉行親子運動會的上午進行母語闖關比賽巧蝶沒參加比賽她獨自在教


保有優異的成績表現在第二次期中評量中得到全班第一名 不只是巧蝶與景文高一的孩子學會利用時間多次在外出演唱的車上總是會看到幾個

孩子拿起書本把握有限的時間專注看書這樣的孩子在原聲這個團體裡是越來越多了 由於資質性向的差異不可能讓每個孩子都像巧蝶一樣有著優異的成績表現但我們

希望的是每個孩子都有著和巧蝶一樣的態度 我常跟孩子說「聰明的人把握零碎時間愚笨的人製造零碎時間」我們的孩子越


- 14 -


Uli 秘書 今年在教學與師生的溝通了解家長互動上有更多努力的空間與省思以下為工作概要

課程實施 週六早上數學課仍由漳興國小林宜城校長團隊帶領當有老師請假時林校長也會立刻



的學生老師也會利用下課或中午時間留下來特別加強 週日下午是上英文課由於老師都是新聘教師所以前兩個月師生磨合期學生較為躁



其中且也會利用活潑的遊戲方式教習英文 出席率及作業繳交 本年度學生出席率相當理想尤其低年級學生出席踴躍但高年級少部分學生較常請假





並勸導學生爾後應主動及準時繳交作業 家庭訪問 今年度家庭訪問以新生家庭為主訪問部落有雙龍地利潭南人和信義豐丘



聲可能提供的協助 在原聲積極募集資源的協助下期許學生能更懂得珍惜感恩也期盼本人與學生皆能有


- 15 -


Balan 秘書 食 原聲提供學生午餐若有留宿則會提供晚餐以簡單營養的二菜一湯為原則此外因

為大部分學生住家路途遙遠為避免回家途中飢餓放學時會發放點心飲品 本人負責擬菜單及向菜商訂菜同時請廚媽協助與校長監督校長要求少油少鹽無


菜切菜除了減輕廚媽工作量之外也讓家長有機會參與原聲大家庭的活動 衣 勸導學生應愛惜制服或書包發放制服時要求學生在制服裏襯名條上寫名字以便在


中制服及黑包的尺寸不合及脫色損舊 住

學生住宿於羅娜國小 2 樓三四五六年級教室因此 4 間教室為木地板又因兩側


服務志工也會陪學生一同就寢可就近進行夜間照護幫助很大我或 Uli 老師也會輪流值

夜留守以因應突發狀況 目前羅娜國小可供使用的浴室共有 9 間男用 3 間女用 6 間稍嫌不足又因衛浴熱


用擦身的方式以免學生受涼此實有待改善 行 今年度增加 1 台中型巴士共 4 台學生專車接送學生上下學2015 年預計招收仁愛鄉國

小學生可能需增訂 1 台專車 目前學生專車皆包租員林客運專車其中 3 台路線分別為東埔線陳有蘭溪線及雙龍地

利人和線以上為水里站發車另 1 台為潭南線是由員林客運總站發車此乃因交通部從

2014 年起將潭南線路權劃歸豐榮客運以致我們需用比學生專車費用更高的遊覽車資來租

用此台專車 受贈物資 原聲三不五時會收到食品衣物小禮物文具書籍等物資捐贈者有企業愛心團

體學校原聲老師甚至學生家長等 食品類有糖果餅乾健康食品蔬果等糖果和餅乾必須在食用期限內發給學生健

康食品目前有維他命 C 錠在學生午休後每人發兩粒蔬果則暫放冰箱以供午餐或晚餐用 衣物及其他物資類會先清點後登入捐物系統再請示校長如何處理原聲每學期末有拍


- 16 -


1 專場音樂會日程

2 公益活動日程

5 獻詩日程

日期 活動名稱 地點 124(五) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 125(六) 「玉山天籟」樹谷音樂會 樹谷園區演藝廳 315(六) 第 5 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 412(六) 「看見台灣聽見原聲」音樂會 誠品松菸館表演廳 81 (五) 「玉山天籟」日本音樂會 東京新宿文化中心 89(六) 「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會 花蓮原住民文化館 822-23(五-六) 「台中心動」影像音樂會 台中圓滿戶外劇場 1115(六) 台大 86 週年校慶音樂會 台大活動中心大禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 223(日) 兆如老人安養護中心義演 台北市文山區 81(五) 王園特別養護中心義演 王園特別養護中心 82(六) 白金之森特別養護老人之家義演 老人之家 84(一) 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

故宮神品至寶開展演出 群馬縣廳 東京博物館

85(二) 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院義演 橫濱中華學院 88(五) 門諾醫院公益演唱 門諾醫院壽豐分院 89(六) 慈濟醫院公益演唱 花蓮慈濟醫院大廳 109(四) 雙連安養中心義演 雙連安養中心 1210 (三) 東元生命藝術體驗營演出 南投縣立文化局演藝廳 1225(四) 南投縣長就職典禮演唱 南投縣政府禮堂

日期 活動名稱 地點 413(日) 台北華山救世主天主堂獻詩 華山救世主天主堂 720(日) 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 武界基督長老教會 720(日) 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩 曲冰基督長老教會 84(一) 橫濱基督長老教會獻詩 橫濱基督長老教會 914(日) 廈門街浸信會獻詩 廈門街浸信會

- 17 -


1 總課表 序 日期 11 年級(高二) 10 年級(高一) 9 年級(國三) 8(國二)~3 年級

1 77-711 夏令營-原聲建中成長營 2 714-717 各校輔導課 數學學習營 數學學習營 3 721-724 國際志工英語營 4 728-731 國際志工英語營 國際志工英語營 5 731-86 放假 東京國際兒童合唱節

6 88-15




導課(Jessica 教室)花蓮海洋營

2國三課表(728-815) 時間 0800-0850 0900-1150 1150-1300 1300-1550 1600-1650 1700-1850 1900-2150728-81 84-88

數學 自習


早餐 打掃


午餐 午休



晚餐 運動


日期 星期 上午(3 節) 教師姓名 下午(3 節) 教師姓名 晚上(3 節) 7 月 28 日 一 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 7 月 29 日 二 歷史 張凌琳 地理 侯曉潔 7 月 30 日 三 公民 彭偵艷 作文 吳書君 7 月 31 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 理化 王維聰 8 月 1 日 五 數學 曾明德 自習 自習


8 月 4 日 一 數學 曾明德 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 5 日 二 數學 曾明德 理化 王維聰 8 月 6 日 三 數學 曾明德 公民 彭偵艷 8 月 7 日 四 歷史 張凌琳 自習 自習


8 月 8 日 五 自習 自習 理化 王維聰 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 11 日 一 公民 彭偵艷 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 12 日 二 自習 自習 地理 侯曉潔 8 月 13 日 三 國文 林芳如 理化 王維聰


8 月 14 日 四 國文 林芳如 作文 吳書君 英文(葉芳吟) 8 月 15 日 五 國文 林芳如 自習 自習 英文(葉芳吟)

- 18 -

3 原聲建中成長營課表(77-711)

7 月 7 日 7 月 8 日 7 月 9 日 7 月 10 日 7 月 11 日 日期時間 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五

起床號 0700-0800 內務整理環境打掃早餐

醫療小常識 眼睛的幻術 幾何

幾何 認識世界 醫療小常識 壓力與生活 宇宙的奧秘 吃軟不吃硬

0810-1000 學員報到 開幕典禮

吃軟不吃硬 能源 壓力與生活


吃軟不吃硬 壓力與生活

壓力與生活 吃軟不吃硬

醫療小常識 幾何 1000-1150

相見歡 (小隊凝聚)


團康活動 小隊時間


成果展 結業典禮 合影留念 (全體)

1200-1250 午餐 1250-1320 午間小憩

宇宙的奧秘 能源

認識世界 1330-1420



合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)

合唱 (全體)


能源 認識世界 宇宙的奧秘 眼睛的幻術 眼睛的幻術 能源

1620-1710 給未來的信 (全體)

認識世界 宇宙的奧秘


1720-1800 小隊時間 晚餐

1810-2000 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐

寫功課 晚餐


才藝晚會 (全體)


學員返家 服務志工 部落巡禮 體驗學習


2000-2010 星光夜語

2010-2110 盥洗

2140~ 進入夢鄉

洗澎澎 (2100-2200) 進入夢鄉



備註建國中學志工團隊於 7 月 6 日下午進駐並完成在地場布準備12 日上午收拾行李


- 19 -

4 英語學習營課表(721-724)

時間日期 721 Mon 722Tue 723 Wed 724 Thur

0530-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐

0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃 0800-0830 健康時間 0840-0920 0930-1010

美國生活影片 英文教學

1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110

1120-1200 英文教學 Halloween Craft Ballroom Dance

3 art projects (Loom Lanyard

Bracelet) 1200-1240 午餐 1240-1320 午休 1330-1500 1510-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴 1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

打掃時間 放學 (1730)

1800-1840 晚餐


相見歡晚會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

Halloween Party 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 志工盥洗

2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

師資慧智文教基金會甄選美國高中及大學生為教學志工 領隊教師吳翠萍Chen Brian 陳伯恩(共 9 女 8 男) 林德馨 Lam Der-Hsin Andrea 李珣安 Li Shane 劉亮言Liu Liang Yen林艾妮 Lin Diane Amy 張皓瑄 Chang Megan 陳琬元 Chen Sophie 陳寬 Chan Andrew Marcus 蔣承祐 Chiang Eugene 何珞宇 Ho Roy 陳可馨 Chen Kexin Carrie 連凱文 Lian Kevin 于凱如 Yu Crystal 鄭豫婷 Zheng Yuting Rebecca 杜昕芳 Du H Justine 孫楷 Swen D Kye

- 20 -

5 英語學習營課表(728-731) 時間日期 728 Mon 729 Tue 730 Wed 731 Thur 0630-0700 起床盥洗志工起床準備早餐 0700-0730 早餐 0730-0800 打掃

0800-0830 健康時間

0840-0920 0930-1010


1010-1030 健康時間 0930-1200 志工準備午餐 1030-1110 1120-1200

Science Project Food ProjectBallroom Dance 英文教學

1200-1240 午餐

1240-1320 午休 1330-1410 1420-1500 1510-1550 1600-1640

合唱團練唱打擊樂課程(小三~國一) 國中生課程(國二三)

打掃時間 放學 志工物資行李總


1650-1800 學員盥洗沐浴

1510-1800 志工準備晚餐

1800-1840 晚餐


才藝表演 小品音樂會 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

暑假作業 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

惜別餐會 成果展 志工盥洗 多媒體製作 日記記錄 明日準備

2100 學員晚安 2110-2130 志工分享會議 2130-2200 晚安

- 21 -


學生經由合唱練習和表演所建立的自信心明顯表現於其課業學習如下 1 國三升學成績8 位國中畢業生

姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校 姓名 性別 畢業國中 錄取學校

幸琳茹 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 谷皓傑 男 民和國中 國立清水高中

全心潔 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史凱文 男 同富國中 曾文農工

全雅安 女 水里國中 景文高中優人表演藝術班 史志祥 男 同富國中 埔里高工

幸念緹 女 水里國中 長庚護校 謝韶翔 男 同富國中 鶯歌工商

2 小二至國二生學習成效90小學生成績居全班前 1460國中生成績居全班前 12


1 辦理親職教育2014 年已舉行 4 次(111315628913)家長出席率達 90 2 以部落為單位選出 8 位家長委員組成家長會並輪流至學校擔任餐廚志工

序 部落 委員 身分 子女 職務 1 潭南 林佳文 母 幸琳茹幸美茹幸明仁幸明山 委員 2 地利 松能武 父 松昱希松昱蕎 副會長 3 雙龍人和 幸美花 母 司曄恩司曄宇 委員 4 明德三十甲 全昊妤 母 田有宏田祈宏 委員 5 新鄉豐丘 松定安 父 松瑋恩 委員 6 羅娜 伍錦紅 母 李羽妃李謙 委員 7 望鄉久美 史添發 父 史庭伍瀚史灝 委員 8 東埔 伍順良 父 伍恩 會長

- 22 - 台灣原聲教育協會 2014 年工作紀事

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

119 Bukut 校長於遠雄人壽公司及臺北大學體育館演講(Nuskin) 阿蠻小呂藍

蔚阿貫 120-25 9 年級學生 7 人至台北 Jessica 老師教室集中課輔 聖堯胤哲 121-22 於羅娜國小實施寒假合唱及打擊樂課 124-27 於台南樹谷園區舉行冬令營

124 1900-2030 於樹谷演藝廳舉行專場音樂會 125 1400-1500 於樹谷演藝廳為南科台積電員工公益演出 126 獨木舟探索活動 127 參觀港香蘭生技製藥公司及蘭花園區

24 原聲+阿布電影公司+慧智文教基金會討論「看見台灣」美國


212 拜訪建中校長商借場地舉行會員大會 214 參加北海扶輪社捐款感謝聚會 小呂藍蔚阿貫


215 原聲開課南投中興新村燈會 215 與信義鄉農會總幹事討論贊助玉山星空音樂會 215 1800-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會部落工

作協調會議 215 2030-2200 於 Aziman 家討論東光布農合唱團演出事宜 216 0930-1030 草坪頭茶園 216 1100-1200 與望鄉部落合作社松芳古洽談日本仙台大專

生訪問交流行程 216 1300-1400 二年級新生家長座談會 1400-1600 舊生家長座談會 216 1500-1700 內湖實踐家教育集團演講(阿貫)




217 玉山星空音樂會技術籌備會天作之合劇場辦公室(八德路 2段 203 號 4 樓)飛陽音響黃逢斯薛翔中


呂藍蔚阿貫 219 與 Teddy 理事討論玉山星空音樂會海報邀請函主視覺設計

台大服務課志工期初分享會台大生科館 和道Teddy小

呂藍蔚阿貫 221 至建中「夢紅樓」展演廳場勘及借器材(指示牌) 小呂藍蔚阿貫

222 於建中「夢紅樓」召開第 3 屆第 1 次會員大會選舉理監事 第 3 屆新任理監事舉行第 1 次理監事聯席會議選舉理事長

223 1000-1100 於兆如老人安養護中心義演(陳姿伶指揮) 1100-1200 參觀政大於學生餐廳午餐

224-25 日本仙台大專生望鄉及東埔部落之旅 與全淵能主任討論日本仙台高中生參訪地利部落行程


- 23 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

227 台大服務課志工鍾昭慶拿電子報照片 阿貫 31 至大稻埕扶輪社演講 小呂阿貫 33-4 上山

向族人解說申請販賣公益彩券辦法 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 2 次部落工作協調會


38-9 上山

二年級新生入學 雅云指導玉山星空音樂會主持人司婷


311 玉山星空音樂會台大志工工作會議 美智小呂藍蔚

312 至木新路 2 段 156-1 號表演 36 房拜訪景文高中優人表演藝術

班陳麗娟主任 小呂去中天電視台溫攝影師處拿「中天夢想驛站」訪問原聲影





313 玉山星空音樂會舞台完工(黃逢斯未依圖施工) 1900-2000 於羅娜村辦公室舉行玉山星空音樂會第 3 次部落工

作協調會 314 「看見台灣」於地利國小感恩放映(阿布電影公司) 1600-2000 天作之合劇場抵達走位及彩排 1700~攝影組志工張育銘團隊抵達 舞台組志工及主持人司婷確認 rundown 315 1230-1630 於梅子夢工廠演講 3 場美國嘉賓團台北

嘉賓團磊山保經團(阿貫) 1500-1730 羅娜圓環風味餐(美智藍蔚) 1830-2130 玉山星空音樂會 2200-2330 校長家感恩飛鼠哄啪 316 0900-1130 拜會新竹企經團達谷蘭 1130-1430 與贊助人在喜覺支午餐 1430-2030 與聯奇公司企劃徐香華至達瑪巒部落場勘


321 1000-1200 UNITY 拜會原民會 1600-1800 帶資訊工程師志工 Richard amp Hank 至信義國中羅

娜國小東埔國小場勘網路環境 1330-1500 順發吳董夫婦及女兒上山瞭解原聲志工服務內容




1300-1600 台灣公益團體自律聯盟第 3 屆第 3 次會員大會 324 1330-1530 與台大生科王俊能師及生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書

長討論部落生態復育(阿貫) 1330-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談(藍蔚) 1830-2030 感謝玉山星空音樂會聚餐

325 1400-1600 輔大偏鄉課輔計畫分享會智融基金會 1830-2030 與 Stanley 嚴及鳳文邀請聚餐討論原民遊學辦法亞都麗緻飯店




- 24 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

326 1530-1430 與應徵協會行政秘書者面談 藍蔚 326-27上山

日本仙台高中生達瑪巒部落之旅 台灣生物多樣性學會魯丁慧秘書長至東埔國小環境調查


328 國三生琳茹雅安心潔皓傑凱文韶翔及高一生景文來台北參

加景優班術科甄選考試 Jessica聖堯胤

哲 329 琳茹雅安心潔皓傑景文至景文高中參加優人表演藝術班術

科甄選考試凱文韶翔陪考 Jessica小呂藍

蔚阿貫 41 1500-1700 信義鄉史強鄉長訪冶鑄建築師事務所瞭解建校規畫




42 1430-1600 天下文化未來兒童創刊茶會(拍手歌授權) 阿貫 43 1400-1600 國泰世華銀行倪秀金周嘉祺經理來訪討論贊助信

義鄉國小早餐事宜 阿貫

44 合唱團加課練習確認聘請李彩霞擔任行政秘書 藍蔚 46 赴屏東牡丹鄉參加原住民醫學會華國媛理事長父親追思禮拜 阿貫 48 1300-1530 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-一籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長等) 1600-1700 晶仁國際公司負責人文鑑宇及行銷部專案經理洪嘉

慧來訪討論明年 11 月公益演出事宜


411 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1000-1200 至武陵高中演講


412 理查漢克上山建置信義國中圖書資訊管理系統 1430-1530 合唱團於磊山保經群英會演唱 1900-2000 合唱團於誠品松菸表演廳演出專場音樂會



413 0900-1130 於華山救世天主堂參加聖枝主日敬拜獻詩及午餐 奧地利上奧邦(Upper Austria)之邦立衛爾音樂學校

(Landes-MusikschuleWeyer)校長舒茲爾 Johannes Sulzer 聖樂合

唱分享由普羅藝術家樂團廖嘉弘教授主持 交通大學喀報記者陳佩瑄訪問 Bukut 校長



415 1430-1530 公益團體自律聯盟訪視 1530-1730 阿布電影公司來訪討論「看見台灣」台中音樂會


416 1230-1330 台大原聲社團會議 寄出東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫給中國國際商銀


藍蔚 阿貫

417-18 邀請德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校資深音樂教

師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss 於草屯國小辦理音樂研習


419 馬可思 Marcus s 指導原聲合唱團 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 1 次籌備會建中



- 25 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

424 1300-1700 理查漢克贊助並裝置 2 台電腦桌機於協會辦公室 1700-2100 參訪輔大遠距課輔現場輔大聖言樓 SF305

425 參觀中研院植物所彭鏡毅研究員秋海棠溫室 小呂阿貫 426 1000-1200 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台北場 小呂阿貫 428 1400-1500 與睿智理事討論原聲協助家長投保微型保險 藍蔚 429 0900-1000 拜訪台大師培中心田芳華教授

1400-1500 輔大遠距教學 JOINNET 平台使用訓練 藍蔚阿貫

430 1000-1100 至冶鑄建築設計事務所討論校舍校園規劃平面圖 1430-1700 和中華電信基金會執行長三元拜訪華新扶輪社社長

新北市淡水區興華村北新路 26-1 號


51 行政秘書李彩霞到任 52-3 上山


小教職員宿舍無線網路 53 1000-1200 阿貫於雄中資優班人文教育演講 53 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-台中場


54 1400-1600 Bukut 團長於磊山人文講堂演講-高雄場 Bukut阿滿 56 1000-1200 赴北安路拜訪李宜靜討論日本音樂會

1300-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-二籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長Teddy 理事蘇帆海洋基金會蘇達貞董事長王梅等)



57 赴台南與和聲兒童合唱學園負責人 Vicky 討論日本行程 藍蔚阿貫 59 布農族射耳祭台東 515 自律聯盟會計讀書會第三章 1-3 節 藍蔚 516 0830-2230 東元原住民兒童之夜舞台組志工報到及服務

0730-2200 觀賞東元原住民兒童之夜演出 小呂藍蔚阿貫

Bukut阿滿 517-18上山

517 理查漢克建置羅娜國小各班無線網路環境 517 1700-1800 召開校務會議討論暑期行程 518 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書館手機借還書系統 518 1100-1200 勘查羅娜村司山生司山秀房屋火災受損狀況


519 1300-1400 華新扶輪社演講大直典華 1500-2000 藍蔚陪同蘇老師拜訪關西國中


蔚阿貫 521 1400-1630 嚴長壽總裁至信義國中演講

1210-1330 於奕青酒莊午餐 小呂彩霞藍


522 0930-1130 拜訪張榮發基金會討論日本機位及機票 藍蔚阿貫 524 召開第 3 屆第 2 次理監事會聯席會議 525 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 2 次籌備會建中

1800-2100 日本行籌備會議(with 李宜靜會長) 春木藍蔚阿


- 26 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

526 1000-1200 復旦中學演講 阿貫小呂 528 1430-1830 亞太產經研究會演講大直典華 阿貫小呂彩霞

62 0930-1130 原聲建中成長營住宿規劃協調會 藍蔚阿貫 64 1700-1945 台大志工期末分享會(UliBalan 參加) 藍蔚小呂彩

霞阿貫 66-8 理查漢克建置信義國中圖書管理系統及輔大遠距課輔系統安

裝及設定 理查漢克

66 0730-0830 台大晨行人捐款儀式台大司令台(小呂阿貫) 1215-1315 拜會台大師培中心賴進貴主任(藍蔚阿貫)

613 2030-2230 遠距教學系統架構技術討論會北辦 理查漢克睆

文彩霞 613-15 上山

宜靜會長訪視原聲 小呂阿貫

617 1200-1500 與日本深澤直樹及宜靜會面討論音樂會相關事宜 與 Teddy 理事討論日本音樂會海報及 DM 設計 1500-1800 至新竹 Amy 及竹北 Lisa 處載運物資(小呂阿貫)



618 1530-1630 至千業印刷印刷日本音樂會海報及 DM 阿貫 619 1030-1200 載運及清點物資(小呂彩霞)

1200-1430 城東扶輪社演講華漾飯店(阿貫小呂彩霞) 1430-1530 Balan史偉華至台北搬運物資上山 1530-1630 至千業印刷日本音樂會海報改版(阿貫) 2200-2230 至千業印刷載新舊版日本演出海報送至宜靜家(阿貫小呂)

621-22 上山

621 庶古公司副總吳明榮探視認養受助生 621 1330-1500 原聲建中成長營原聲志工培訓會(藍蔚春木

凱翔) 621 1700-1730「桃蛙源記」電影首映演唱等相關事宜討論(阿滿BukutPaul慧菁) 622 1030-1130 日本行最後名單確認(Bukut阿滿慧菁) 622 1230-1330 升國三生暑期輔導課程討論(Jessica聖堯胤



624 2200-2300 至尤監事家載運物資Balan史偉華至台北搬運物

資上山 阿貫小呂

625-26 花蓮

0900-1000 太平洋聽玉山唱歌花蓮記者會 1030-1130 門諾醫院壽豐分院場勘 1400-1500 慈濟大愛廣播台花蓮台專訪 1500-1600 慈濟醫院場勘 1600-1700 花蓮原民文化館場勘



- 27 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

72-3 合唱團加課 73 遠距課輔北辦測試及討論(理查漢克睆文) 73~5 原聲建中成長營服務志工第 3 次籌備會建中 75 訪日合唱團加課 1500-1600 副總統訪視原聲


76-12 上山

原聲建中成長營(戴志清師督導) 76 1200-1640 抵達午餐場地佈置 79 1830-1930 小品音樂會-排灣族林文表演 710 1900-2100 成長營晚會 711 0900-1100 成長營結訓典禮 1300-1700 部落巡禮 1700-1830 建中與原聲志工球類友誼賽 712 0800-1200 繳作業環境復原返回建中


77-78 台視「熱線追蹤」記者上山採訪 77 1000-1200 日本演出及交流行程討論(宜靜曾碧卿Vicky


78 德國公共廣播聯盟特派員上山採訪 711 0900-1030 竹光國中演講沙里仙飯店 小呂阿貫 714 花蓮 1400-1600 討論 8 月花蓮海洋營行程-三籌(海星中學孔令堅校

長蘇帆海洋基金會林向揆王梅等) 藍蔚彩霞阿貫

714-17 暑期學習營第 1 週mdash數學學習營 716-717上山

討論暑期事務 藍蔚小呂阿貫

718 0900-1000 富邦人壽演講 1500-1700 Teddy 節目手冊製作討論


霞阿貫 719-20上山

美國慧智文教基金會國際志工上山 順發 3C 女兒 Jenny 和綸有女兒亦萱上山擔任志工 2 週

0830-1230 仁愛鄉武界基督長老教會獻詩 1330-1500 仁愛鄉喜瑪恩基督長老教會獻詩


721-24 暑期學習營第 2 週-國際志工英語課程 722 1900-1930 小品音樂會-原聲打擊樂團 724 1300-1600 合唱團去南投文化局演藝廳模擬演出


728~31 暑期學習營第 3 週-國際志工英語課程 729-30上山

730 0930-1030 日本行前家長說明會 藍蔚小呂阿貫

728-815 國三生至台北暑期課輔 Jessica

- 28 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

731-86 參加日本東京國際兒童合唱節 81 1025-1040 王園特別養護中心演出 1900-2100 玉山天籟音樂會新宿文化中心 82 1115-1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出 1400-1800 戶崎大師音樂工作坊洗足學園音樂大學 83 1100-1720 東京國際兒童合唱節音樂會昭和女子大學 84 1210-1300 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出 1630-1700 東京博物館演出 85 1030-1100 橫濱中華學院 1F 保育院演出


88-15 花蓮海洋學習營國中畢業生壯遊 88 1900-2000 花蓮門諾會醫院壽豐分院義演 88 國中畢業生參訪茂林鄉多納部落 89 830-1130 慈濟精舍及靜思堂參訪 1500-1530 慈濟醫院義演花蓮慈濟醫院 1900-2100 花蓮原住民文化館音樂會 89 國中畢業生參訪霧台鄉神山部落 810~813 花蓮海洋學習營 810~813 國中畢業生參加內本鹿生態文化體驗營 814 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

819 合唱團加課 822-24 822 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場

823 1130-1300 紅敞牛排館品嘗牛排 1500-1700 參觀自然科學博物館 1900-2130 台中心動影像音樂會台中圓滿劇場 824 1000-1500 遊覽后里區麗寶樂園

826 1300-1700 新竹市竹光國中演講 小呂彩霞阿貫

827 車埕國小場勘(阿蠻Bukut) 小呂阿貫 830 理查漢克建置羅娜國小遠距課輔系統安裝及設定

召開第 3 屆第 3 次理監事會聯席會議

96-7 中秋節連假原聲加課 913-14 913 1200-1600 「桃蛙源記」首映會台北市立動物園

1600-1730 遊覽動物園 1800-2000 邱董宴請晚餐 914 0900-1300 廈門街浸信會獻詩



917 1200-1330 台大服務課期初說明會 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 918 1330-1700 原聲阿卡開課討論會 阿貫小呂鳯


- 29 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

922 探視鳳文討論訪歐行程及阿卡課程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

923 1100-1330 原聲第 3 份專輯討論會(阿貫阿滿藍蔚Bukut天豪小呂彩霞) 1330-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚阿貫彩霞) 1600-1800 校長夫婦探視鳳文

924 赴阿布電影公司拜訪 藍蔚阿貫小呂

925 0900-1230 赴雙連安養中心場勘 1230-1330 赴汐止梵斯製衣看運動服樣衣



926 1800-1900 桃蛙源記科博館放映 927 1400-1600 家長座談會 929 拜訪親愛國小


101 1030-1200 晶仁公司-公益媽媽手札活動企劃會議 藍蔚阿貫小呂

102 1000-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan103 1230-1430 明門扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

104 1900-2230「看見台灣」跨界音樂會 阿貫藍蔚小呂

108-9 「四海同心」聯歡會及雙連安養中心 108 1300-1430 四海同心聯歡會彩排小巨蛋 1500-1800 合唱團練習建中資源大樓 5F 1400-1600 辦理印鑑更換(阿滿藍蔚) 109 0800-1300 雙連安養中心參訪義演 1530-1600 四海同心聯歡會演出



1010 0830-1130 劉水池老師和三位高中生初見面 1000-1200 玉山星空音樂會籌備會 1長安東路


呂和道美智 1017 1330-1530 原住民遊學方案討論會議

1530-1730 原聲專輯 MV 拍攝討論 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道美智 1018 1730-1900 奧地利代表會面 1930-2130 高一阿卡團上課 阿貫藍蔚小呂

1020 快樂髮廊義剪 1023-24 去台南拜訪全樹曦及 Vicky

1023 至善化拜訪全樹曦 1024 去台南市拜訪 Vicky 阿貫藍蔚和道

1025 五~七年級老部落尋根之旅 小呂和道 1026 1430-1630 維也納少年合唱團音樂會台中 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道鳳文 1027 1830-2030 數位學伴研習會 藍蔚彩霞 1029-31 上山

1030 0900-1300 旅英布農藝術家優席夫amp比勇演講信義國

中 1400-1600 去親愛部落 1031 1330-1400 曲冰部落-萬豐國小 1530-1730 桃米社區-紙教堂-新故鄉基金會-廖嘉展


- 30 - 日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1102 和丰診所義診 1104 0730-1200 新竹市綜合活動領域演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1104-06 1105 赴花蓮參加 PriDoc 太平洋原住民醫學會文化之夜 1105 1400-1530 台中洲際棒球場場勘


BukutTiang 1107-08上山

1107 1800-2100 21U 世界棒球錦標賽開幕演出 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1111 上

山 親愛+萬豐國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂和道 1113 0930-1200 搬運台師大汰舊課桌椅及辦公家具上山 藍蔚彩霞Balan1114 1630-1830 原住民海外遊學會議 阿貫藍蔚 1115-16 台大校慶音樂會

1115 1400-1800 合唱團及打擊樂團練習及彩排活大 1900-2100 台大校慶音樂會演出 1116 0800-1000 原聲小音樂家的臺大課程體驗 0900-1000 歌聲夢想的起點原住民教育座談會 1000-1210 臺大校園歷史建築導覽



1120 上

山 豐丘+新鄉國小講故事 阿貫藍蔚小

呂美智 1121 1900-2100 北辦網路拉線及線路調整 彩霞漢克理查

1122 1530-1730 Suzzan 討論專輯贊助 阿貫藍蔚 1123 1430-1600 曦爵公司--討論歐洲行程 阿貫藍蔚和

道鳯文 1127 0900-1130 三重欣明製衣公司--東埔國小衣褲尺寸及數量 阿貫藍蔚Ben1128 1200-1400 芝山扶輪社演講 阿貫小呂彩霞

1129 1630-2200 原聲阿卡赴苗栗欣賞 Voco Novo 演出 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1202 0900-1130 去三重欣明製衣-東埔國小及親愛愛樂制服製作 阿貫藍蔚 1203-05 台東踩線場勘之旅 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1206-07 上山

綸有Teddy陳慧玲上山 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂 1208 0930-1130 高雄衛武營榕園場勘

1130-1400 拜訪傳承基金會阮女芳總經理 阿貫藍蔚和

道小呂黑導 1210 東元藝術體驗營 1010-1015 合唱團彩排

1140-1200 原聲禮讚演出 阿貫藍蔚小


- 31 -

日 期 工 作 項 目 備 註

1219 1200-1400 陳皓玫mdash討論華航機票優惠 阿貫藍蔚和

道黑導 1220 召開第 3 屆第 4 次理監事會聯席會議 1221 1200-1400 胡卓君mdash討論香港演出事宜 阿貫和道黑導

1225 南投縣長就職典禮演出 阿滿BukutUliBalan小呂

1226 0900-1100 聚點影視公司與藏傳佛教協會理事長討論贊助原

聲事宜 藍蔚阿貫小呂

1229 1220-1310 台大志工期末分享會(藍蔚阿貫小呂Uli 彩霞) 1900-2100 共乘即時通技術討論會議協辦(藍蔚小呂漢


101 1400-1630 星空志工amp網頁更新會議(美智漢克理查宗

佑宜蕙文鴻敬恆羅揚) 藍蔚阿貫小

呂彩霞 103 1130-1300 原聲學生社團成立會議 藍蔚阿貫

Jessica 109 1100-1330 與姒元忠鳳文討論歐洲行程 藍蔚阿貫小呂

110 去高雄拜訪贊助人-吳老闆 阿貫小呂 112 1600-1700 台北新辦公室場勘 淑媛藍蔚彩霞

113 1000-1200 八方雲集公司拍照募款 藍蔚阿貫小呂

114 1430-1630 振興醫院場勘 藍蔚阿貫小呂

121 1400-1630 徐匯中學+蘆洲功學社場勘及簽約 藍蔚阿貫小


124 召開第 3 屆第 5 次理監事會聯席會議 經常性工作 1 每月 1 日支付辦公室租金(轉帳) 2 每月 18 日信用卡捐款授權日 3 每月 30 日支付教師授課鐘點費(轉帳)員林客運學生專車費(支票)及餐點菜金 4 每週統計學生出席率及作業繳交情形每月底繳交工作日誌 5 志工上山前一日辦理旅遊平安險

- 32 -

台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年工作計畫

前言 台灣原聲音樂學校是一所體制外假日住宿學校為社團法人台灣原聲教育協會於 2008 年

5 月在南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳成立目前借用信義鄉羅娜國小及東埔國小校舍上課每年 2月在信義鄉招收各部落小學二年級的原住民學童(6 成多為布農族籍)其中近 9 成來自低收



擁有選擇未來人生的能力和權利直到他們大學畢業 原聲音樂學校下設原聲童聲合唱團A cappella(阿卡貝拉)人聲樂團及打擊樂團以音



會員大會 136 人

理事會 15 人 監事會 5 人


洪春滿 監事會主席

黃 生

行政組 音樂學校 125 人









高二 7 人高一 8 人 國三 12 人國二 14 人

國一 16 人小六 21 人

小五 16 人小四 17 人

小三 14 人








A cappella 團






馬聖堯蕭淑敏 馬胤哲

- 33 -

服務對象南投縣信義鄉水里鄉仁愛箱各部落原住民學生 1 人數2014 年 12 月小三至高二為 125 人(高中 15 人國中 42 人國小 68 人)

20085 第 1 次招生錄取小二~四 42 人(20148 升 9~11 年級餘 26 人留校率 62) 20092 第 2 次招生錄取小二 21 人(20148 升八年級餘 14 人留校率 67) 20102 第 3 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升七年級餘 16 人留校率 57) 20112 第 4 次招生錄取小二 28 人(20148 升六年級餘 21 人留校率 75) 20122 第 5 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 升五年級餘 16 人留校率 80) 20132 第 6 次招生錄取小二 25 人(20148 升四年級餘 18 人留校率 72) 20142 第 7 次招生錄取小二 20 人(20148 生三年級餘 14 人留校率 70) 20152 第 8 次招生預計錄取小二 20 人

2 學生名單

3 學生性別

性別 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 女 5 4 11 8 13 11 7 9 6 74 男 2 4 1 6 3 10 9 8 8 51 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125

人數 年級 學生姓名

7 十一 谷佳芳 司侑宗 松瑋恩 田景文 史婉容 伊部塔給鹿敦 謝孟庭

8 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 幸念緹 全心潔 全雅安 史志祥 史凱文 謝韶翔 司念祖 松皓淵 幸詩涵 司季璇 王卉軒 司莉君

12 九 司孟奾 史 庭 松夢葶 松夢筑 田雨卉 伍冠因 田芷恆 田芷婷 幸于辰 幸雪芬 松昱希 全襄柔 司季欣

14 八 松憓婷 松雅各 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶 幸美茹 松昱蕎 幸雪芳 申 薇 全襄娃 司 美 全芷芸 全唯芯

16 七 李羽妃 石伯華 何瑞耘 全 芊 松慈媗 伍主兒 伍宇欣 方 政 幸明仁 全雅平 松詠婕 申雨軒 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 全家榆 松鈺婷

田鎞鎷 松雅德 伍雨晨 伍承琳 伍邵恩 尤蘇諾乃家納 全文祥 21 六

何家程 林郁家 松慈芸 伍 恩 伍明威 釀恩塔給鹿敦

谷巧玟 全郁華 金芊璦 賴念慈 幸聖君 司曄宇 田有宏 全亞恩 16 五

全聖煜 伍恩婕 史俊祥 李 謙 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍主恩 伍約翰

幸明山 松冠銘 谷 薰 金家儀 田祈宏 全光榮 司若庭 向 萱 呂宇澤17 四

陽詠智 林采萱 馬妤芯 史 灝 方 琪 方 圓 伍書韓 伍皓詳

辜歆菲 呂啓佑 松毓傑 司曄恩 金佑翊 全若綺 史念恩 14 三

史祥恩 松耀祖 史玥兒 王 讓 馬沛羽 林凡羽 伍奇浩

- 34 - 2 學生背景所屬部落族群家庭環境

(1)所屬部落 部落 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 潭南 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 14 雙龍 1 2 1 3 1 1 9 地利 3 1 2 2 2 1 1 12 人和 1 2 3 明德 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 12 豐丘 3 1 1 3 8 新鄉 1 2 1 1 5 羅娜 3 2 2 3 3 5 2 20 久美 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 12 望鄉 2 2 1 2 1 8 東埔 4 2 2 1 3 4 2 3 1 22 合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


族群 十一 十 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計 布農 5 6 9 10 8 16 10 9 9 82

布農漢 1 2 2 4 3 1 5 2 20

布農泰雅 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 9

布農鄒 1 1 1 1 4

布農太魯閣 1 1 1 1 4

布農賽德克 1 1 1 3

布農阿美 1 1 2

泰雅漢 1 1

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125


家境 高二 高一 九 八 七 六 五 四 三 合計

低收入 5 7 10 11 12 16 13 14 12 100 80

小康 2 1 2 3 4 5 3 3 2 25 20

合計 7 8 12 14 16 21 16 17 14 125 100

- 35 -


南投縣政府於民國 102 年 10 月公布「南投縣縣立中小學實驗教育學校設置要點」信義

鄉羅娜國小於 103 年 8 月據以向南投縣政府申請開辦實驗教育學校已獲南投縣政府於 103年 11 月 17 日「府教學字第 1030226302 號」函告審查通過讓原聲音樂學校實體化進度向前

邁進一大步期望於 2016 年成立實體學校以下為 2015 年目標重點 培養原住民典範人才 一 與信義鄉各部落國小溝通協調尋覓最適學校開辦實驗教育規劃校園建築配置設計

校舍及景觀 二 使用中華電信基金會提供之 Joinnet 視訊平台實施互動式遠距教學初期由 7 年級英文及

9 年級數學課開始試用 三 支援信義國中「數位學伴」支援台大學生利用 Joinnet 視訊平台擔任信義國中學生每週

晚自習課之遠距家教 四 高國中部皆設班級導師國中學生身心成長迅速需請具專業素養瞭解布農文化且

深富愛心耐心之老師來陪伴和協助孩子 五 針對高中生量身打造個別輔導課


補與平地學生間之學習落差 六 輔導國三學生生涯探索適當選擇升學進路九年級 12 位學生於 2015 年暑假將邁入下


力選擇適當志願 七 擬訂並執行原住民師生海外遊學辦法與公益平台文化基金會合作辦理 八 支援信義鄉同富國中信義國中及仁愛鄉親愛國小教學資源 九 支援部落文化活動舉辦玉山星空音樂會族語闖關比賽布農詩歌比賽等活動支援

全國原住民運動會開幕表演 讓世界聽見玉山唱歌 一錄製音樂專輯傳揚來自玉山的純淨天籟作為贈送贊助者之禮物 二赴歐洲巡演預定於 2015 年 8 月底至 9 月初赴德國波蘭奧地利三國巡演擬於法蘭

克福柏林波茲南 Poznań維也納等城市演出並與維也納少年合唱團同台演唱交流

- 36 -



1 學期中數學英文及國文依年級分班合唱課分為一二團兩班

高一二每週六上午數學下午 A capella(在台北上課)

國二三每週二三晚數位學伴遠距課業輔導 2 寒暑假 寒假1 週冬令營 (台北白金錄音室錄製音樂專輯) 暑假1 週夏令營(與台北市建國中學人文社會資優班長期合作辦理) 暑假6 週學習營每週全日上課 4 天實施數學英語國文及合唱打擊樂教學出

國演唱 2 週 二合唱團及打擊樂團 1 合唱團(一團)指揮mdash馬彼得鋼琴伴奏mdash趙慧菁 (1)十八姑娘(客語) (2)火金姑叼位去(台語) (3)酒矸倘賣無(國語) (4)愛情樹(國語) (5)快樂天堂(國語) (6)原住民組曲(族語) 2 打擊樂團指導老師mdash陳姿伶

新生小鼓基本練習木琴基本練習Mickey Mouse March 就地取材打擊Stinkinrsquo Garbagekipahpah imaLittle star 人身打擊Our Favorite Son 舊生合奏曲 Tijuana SambaEine Kleine TischmusikLidsThe William Tell Overture

星期六 國二三 國一 國小 0830-1200 數學 1200-1320 午餐午休

1320-1610 理化 合唱 生物(1 次月)

合唱 打擊樂

1620-1710 作業時間 1710-2000 沐浴晚餐閱讀打掃 2000-2130 少年團契小品音樂會電影欣賞

2130~ 就寢

星期日 國二三 國一 國小 0700-0800 起床早餐運動

0810-1000 國文社會 語文閱讀

1010-1200 作業時間 合唱

1200-1250 午餐午休

1300-1550 英文 1550-1610 打掃放學

(7) Palis angelicus(拉丁語) (8) Mozart Alleluia(拉丁語) (9) Ode an die Freude(德語) (10) Edelweiss(英語) (11) Adieu sweet amaryllis(英語) (12) Hymm to Freedom(英語)

- 37 -

3 A cappella 合唱團指導老師mdash劉郁如

(1)基礎樂理音感節奏感讀譜訓練 (2)練習 A cappella 曲目 (3)練習 A cappella 簡易編曲 (4)練習 Beat-box 人聲伴奏

三師資 1 行政人員

校長洪春滿mdash負責校務及語文閱讀課程 秘書Uli 馬慧如mdash負責學校教務學務輔導及家長聯絡事宜 秘書Balan 梁賜輝mdash負責學校庶務財務及志工事宜 秘書李彩霞mdash負責協會行政業務及出納

2 學科教師

數學劉水池(北一女退休教師)曾明德(台北南門國中教師) 陳清河(新竹德霖技術學院教授)林宜城(南投漳興國小校長) 林麗敏蕭玉鳳林麗娟林紀穎(漳興國小及中寮國小教師) 英文陳聞詩姚淑美(建中退休教師)葉芳吟(台北國中英文教師輔導團) 陳怡帆蕭慧鈞(台大外文系畢國中實習教師) 劉原良張藝寶(靜宜大學應用英語系教授及研究生) 蕭淑敏(麥偲克補習班英語教師)楊鈞堯(羅娜國小英文專長替代役) 理化黃錦珠(國中理化退休教師)生物薛如娟(北一女退休教師) 社會馬聖堯(台中教育大學)馬胤哲(台北教育大學) 合唱馬彼得(羅娜國小校長)趙慧菁(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 打擊樂陳姿伶(國立台灣交響樂團管樂團團員) A cappella劉郁如(Voco Novo 團長) 四校外教學及演出 1 表演活動結合校外教學參觀等豐富多元學習活動以拓展視野薰陶素養 2 年度專場演出次數 8 場以不影響課程及學生作息為原則 3 參加公益活動以教導學生感恩回饋

高一二 9 年級 8 年級 7 年級 6 年級 5 年級 4 年級 3 年級 2 年級 數學 劉水池 曾明德 陳清河 馬聖堯 林麗敏 林宜城 蕭玉鳳 林麗娟 林紀穎 英文 陳聞詩 蕭淑敏 陳怡帆 葉芳吟 楊鈞堯 劉原良 姚淑美 張藝寶 蕭慧鈞 導師 馬聖堯 蕭淑敏 馬胤哲 馬聖堯 -- -- -- -- --

- 38 - 預定活動


1 辦理親職教育及家長讀書會 (1) 2015 年預定召開 4~6 次座談會期許家長作孩子榜樣(戒酒努力工作等)並請家

長互相分享教養心得及相互勉勵 (2)每雙月舉行家長讀書會由健康飲食親子教育心理行為等類書為始鼓勵家長

閱讀學習並以身教做孩子榜樣 2 舉辦玉山星空音樂會

預定 3 月 21 日晚間於羅娜國小運動場舉辦預定邀請 Voco Novo 合唱團阿美族歌手以

莉高露以及在地的布農族古謠合唱團和原聲童聲合唱團原聲 A cappella 團共同演出

日期(星期) 活動名稱 地點 主辦單位 128-30(三-五) 原聲音樂學校冬令營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園廣場 衛武營藝術文化中

心籌備處 2224(一三) 原聲童聲合唱團寒訓營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 26(五) HTC 尾牙感恩音樂會 南港展覽館 飛虹公關整合行銷 27(六) 原聲會員大會成果發表 建國中學 原聲教育協會 29-13(日-五) 錄製音樂專輯 功學社音樂廳 原聲教育協會 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 328-29(六-日) 全國原住民運動會開幕式 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台鐵大樓 竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 76-11(一-六) 原聲建中成長營(夏令營) 東埔國小 建國中學 713-16(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 720-23(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 727-30(一-四) 暑期學習營(國際志工服務) 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 731(五) 原聲長榮聯合音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保經公司 83-6(一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 810-13 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 卡度基督長老教會 原聲教育協會 817-20 (一-四) 暑期學習營 羅娜國小 原聲教育協會 828-910(五-四) 歐洲巡演 德國波蘭奧地利 Vocal Asia 1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 111(日) 南松山天主堂獻詩 南松山天主堂 原聲教育協會 125(六) 原聲親愛音樂會 新竹市立演藝廳 心築愛樂 1212(六) 原聲親子運動會 羅娜國小運動場 原聲教育協會

- 39 -

3 舉辦布農詩歌合唱比賽

預定於 12 月農閒時期舉辦提供優厚獎金以鼓勵族人傳承發揚布農歌謠提供各部落


音樂會表演 4 引介資源

(1)引介扶輪社為東埔國小及親愛國小學生製作制服 (2)引介統一星巴客咖啡提供設備及協助信義國中實施職涯探索咖啡特色課程 (3)引介雅丰診所至信義鄉義診 (4)快樂麗康髮廊每月上山義剪 (5)推介日本仙台大專生訪台行腳至望鄉及東埔部落進行認識布農生態文化之旅 (6)關懷生命協會林雅哲醫師團隊至信義鄉實施貓犬義務絕育活動

5 教會詩歌見證預定赴仁愛鄉教會獻詩


一九年級升學成績12 位畢業生預期 6 人升入高中6 人進入高職 二二年級至九年級學習成效

項目 效益 指標 知識 知道好的學習

行為 90孩子至少理解三項正確的學習行為(準時上學完成作業

認真閱讀) 行為 實行好的學習

行為 留校率達 90全勤率達 50閱讀課外優良讀物平均達到 40本最少者不低於 20 本

成績 好的學習成就 80小學生成績居全班前 1470國中生成績居全班前 12 三合唱團練習成效複習 50 首舊曲目學會 12 首新曲目 四打擊樂團練習成效學會 4~5 首打擊樂曲 五A cappella 團成效學會 4~5 首心曲目 六學科學習成效以教師上課紀錄志工觀課札記學生成長日誌及學習回饋單評量

日期 教會名稱 日期 教會名稱 816(日) 卡度基督長老教會 111(日) 南松山天主堂

- 40 -

社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年收支預算表 2015 年 1 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日

科 目 年度 2014 年 2015 年說 明 款項目 名稱 預算數 預算數 1 本會收入 26360600 23358900 1-1 入會費 0 0不收新會員 1-2 常年會費 136000 1360001000人136 1-3 捐款 25352600 21932000 1-4 補助收入 780000 1200000申請政府補助 1-5 其他收入 92000 90900存款利息 2 本會支出 26360600 23358900 2-1 人事費 382200 436800 2-2 辦公費 324600 294700 2-3 業務費 16098500 14207000 2-3-1 課業輔導費 4123500 4742000 2-3-2 教材教具講義費 1047000 747000 2-3-3 餐點營養費 864000 700000 2-3-4 交通旅運費 1485000 1800000 2-3-5 獎助學金 793200 753200 2-3-6 假期營隊活動 790000 320000冬令營及夏令營 2-3-7 教學及演出活動費 2660000 6520000含歐洲巡演旅費 2-3-8 其他業務費 240500 229000

2-3-9 部落服務活動費 3020000 2080000玉山星空音樂會部落

古謠比賽等 2-3-10 業務推展費 1075300 2575800合唱專輯製作等 2-4 購置費 0 0 2-5 折舊 0 0 2-6 專案-建校基金 8300000 1000000建校規劃

2-7 提撥基金 1255300 1160400收入 5 3 本期餘絀 0 0

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

- 41 -


一收入 2015 年所需經費劇增募款壓力亦加重本協會仍將以捐款贈送音樂專輯方式努力推

展小額募款不但可宣揚原聲教育理念且可收聚沙成塔眾志成城之功2014 年單位捐款

迄今為 604 萬元較 2013 年的 655 萬元略有衰退或因高雄氣爆事件使善款較為集中於彼

惟根據歷年經驗工商行號於年底結算若有盈餘時亦會尋找特定目標贊助 二支出

2015 年預定至德國法蘭克福柏林波蘭的波茲南奧地利的維也納等地巡演且開始


726 萬元之鉅約占全年支出總預算之 13 社團法人台灣原聲教育協會工作人員待遇表

2015 年 1 月 1 日

職 稱 姓名 性別 到職日 月支薪資 備 註

秘 書 長 孫蘭芳 女 9771 15000 專職(全數捐回協會)

教務執行秘書 馬慧如 女 102831 25300 專職

總務執行秘書 梁賜輝 男 10261 25300 專職

出納及行政 李彩霞 女 10351 33000 專職

攝影紀錄 呂克勝 男 10291 20000 兼職

合 計 118600

理事長 秘書長 會計 製表

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

一月 二月 三月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 31

11-4 新年放假 117 電子報出刊(11~12 月) 124 第 3 屆 5th 理監事會議 127 休業日 128-30 寒假學習營

21 高雄衛武營榕園音樂會 22 24 合唱團上課 26 HTC 感恩音樂會 27 原聲會員大會及成果發

表會 28 振興醫院公益演唱 29-13 合唱團錄音(國三生

上課) 215-23 放假(218 除夕 219春節) 224 開學日 227-28 二二八紀念日連假

31 二二八紀念日連假 37 原聲始業 38 家長座談會

314 電子報出刊(1~2 月號) 314 第 3 屆 6th 理監事會議 321 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會

325-26 日本仙台高中生參訪

望鄉東埔部落 328 全國原住民運動會開幕

表演 329 全國原住民運動會音樂

四月 五月 六月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30

31 43 合唱團上課 43-6 婦幼節及清明節放假 45 復活節 411 台鐵大樓慈善音樂會 412 桃園中正扶輪社音樂會


52 微熱山丘總店市集演出

(其他學生照常上課) 58 布農日 510 母親節 516 電子報出刊(3~4 月號)530 監察院舍百年紀念音樂

613 第 3 屆 7th 理監事會議 620-21 端午節連假 628 原聲休業及家長座談會

630 休業日

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日

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台灣原聲教育協會 2015 年度行事曆

七月 八月 九月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30

30 31 75-11 原聲建中成長營 713-16 語文學習營 718 電子報出刊(5~6 月號) 720-23 727-30 英文學習營

(國際志工服務) 731 原聲長榮聯合音樂會


81 磊山保經感恩音樂會(華山文創) 83-6 810-13 數學學習營 817-20 合唱團集訓及補課 822 第 3 屆 8th 理監事會議

828-31 歐洲巡演 831 開學日

91-11 歐洲巡演 919 電子報出刊(7~8 月號) 919 原聲始業 920 家長座談會 926-28 連假(927 中秋節)

十月 十一月 十二月 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 日 一 二 三 四 五 六

1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 29 30 27 28 29 30 31

109-11 國慶放假 1031 幸福親子公益音樂會


111 台北南松山天主堂獻詩

1120 電子報出刊(9~10 月

號) 1126 感恩節

125 原聲親愛音樂會(新竹演

藝廳) 1212 族語闖關親子運動

會才藝表演晚會 1220 國中生母語認證考試 1219 第 3 屆 9th 理監事會議

1219-2026-27 聖誕節放假

說明 原聲上課或校外活動日 2015 年原聲上課日數78 日

1 月 10-1117-1824-2528-30 9 7 月 6-1013-1620-2327-30 17 2 月 24 2 8 月 3-610-1317-20 12 3 月 7-814-15 4 9 月 19-20 2 4 月 318-1925-26 5 10 月 3-417-1824-25 6 5 月 316-1723-24 5 11 月 7-814-1521-2228-29 8 6 月 6-713-1427-28 6 12 月 12-13 2

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2014 年台灣原聲教育協會推展原住民族國際交流合作計畫 一計畫名稱美國「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」交流參訪 二計畫緣起

1 「台灣原聲童聲合唱團」去年獲邀前往美國出席「2013 UNITY( United National Indian Tribal Youth ) Conference 印地安原住民青年聯盟年會」開幕獻唱為加強聯繫交流爰

邀請「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」參加本年 3 月於南投縣信義鄉舉辦之「玉


並吸取該團辦理及培訓原住民青年組織經驗 2 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」總部設於美國奧克拉荷馬州為美加地區原住民青


地與學習成為向美國與世界發聲的原住民代表本年將由UNITY執行長Mary Kim Titla及 1 位協會工作幹部帶領 6 名美國各州印第安學生代表組成「UNITY-印地安原住民青

年聯盟代表團」參訪台灣原住民文化 3 UNITY「印地安原住民青年聯盟」擬邀請我國原住民團體代表出席該會 2014 年 7 月於

西雅圖年會活動並參與擔任該組織友邦團體 三計畫目標藉由交流互動分享部落成長經驗學習國際培育原住民青年組織經驗

建立國際交流管道 四指導及辦理單位 指導單位行政院原住民族委員會外交部

主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 協辦單位慧智文教基金會美國加州舊金山灣區志工 五計畫實施期間103 年 3 月 13 日(星期四)至 22 日(星期六) 六計畫實施地點南投縣花蓮縣台東縣屏東縣台北市 七計畫內容

(一)資源分析 台灣原聲教育協會 httpvoxnativaorg 負責活動規劃行程安排 慧智文教基金會 httpwwwwceoprogramorg及舊金山志工負責經費籌措及落地接待 南投縣信義鄉公所主辦「玉山星空音樂會」 行程承攬為姊妹旅行社(桃園市萬壽路 3 段 156 號 1 樓03-3340928)

(二)人員參與情形 「UNITY-印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」8 人 1 Mary Kim Titla Executive Director UNITY

2 Christine Porter Mohawk is the Youth Council Coordinator with the Ft McDowell Education Division on Ft McDowell Yavapai Reservation

3 Tyler Owens president for the Akimel OrsquoodhamPee-Posh Youth Council Chairperson for the Inter-Tribal Youth Council of Arizonarsquos planning committee

4 Simon Montelongo He belongs to the Eastern Band Cherokee tribe and is from Cherokee North Carolina He is a returning member of the Executive Committee as the Southeast Area Representative and is looking forward to yet another successful year for UNITY

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5 Santana Little Bear Johnson Southern Plains Representative for this years Executive Committee (EC)

6 Aaron Leaureaux member of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan Treasurer and founding members of the Saginaw Chippewa Youth Council

7 Alex Toledo UNITY Regions Representative for the Southwest Region 8 Carrie Hood comes from the Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation located in Phoenix Arizona Shersquos currently the 2013-2014 Miss Fort McDowell


(四)計畫進度 102 年 12 月底前完成訪團邀請行程規劃地點探勘經費預算 103 年 1 月完成訪團名單確認各組工作分配(活動組行政組公關組總務組 接待組) 103 年 2 月完成經費籌募計畫演練 103 年 3 月計畫執行 103 年 4 月完成經費結報與計畫檢討

(五)人力分工(參與計畫工作人員名單現職及其負責人之工作項目) 姓名 職稱 工作分配 洪春滿 原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 活動組 馬彼得 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 活動組 孫藍蔚 原聲教育協會秘書長 行政組

日期 活動內容 3 月 13 日(四) 抵達桃園國際機場 3 月 14 日(五) 前往日月潭(邵族)

3 月 15 日(六) 1拜會南投縣信義鄉 2參訪原住民文創產業-梅子夢工廠 3出席 2014 年玉山星空音樂會(布農族)

3 月 16 日(日) 1拜會原住民學校-羅娜國小參訪「原聲音樂專業學校」校址預定

地及簡報建校計畫 2前往屏東參觀原住民族文化園區(排灣族)

3 月 17 日(一) 1參訪屏東霧台部落(魯凱族) 2前往台東住宿布農部落休閒農場

3 月 18 日(二) 1參觀台東布農部落與蝴蝶谷(布農族) 2參觀台東史前文化博物館與卑南文化公園

3 月 19 日(三) 1參訪吉籟獵人學校(阿美族) 2前往太魯閣國家公園

3 月 20 日(四) 1參訪太魯閣國家公園 2經宜蘭返回台北

3 月 21 日(五) 1拜會原住民族委員會及僑務委員會 3 月 22 日(六) 1參觀故宮中正紀念堂101 大樓


- 46 -

廖阿貫 原聲教育協會理事長 行政組 馬慧如 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 行政組 梁賜輝 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 行政組 全秋雄 南投縣信義鄉鄉公所觀光所所長 公關組 賴美智 慧智文教基金會執行長 總務組 車和道 原聲教育協會海外代表 接待組 何台光 石氏基金會執行長 接待組

(六)文宣方式報紙電視社群網站社團動員 八預期效益 1 藉由交流互動學習營造原住民社群與組織 2 建立原住民對話管道為台灣在國際發聲 3 培育原住民國際觀傳承發展原住民青年領導能力 4 促進文化交流提升台灣能見度 九經費預算表 UNITY 團8 人出席行程9 天 8 夜領隊車和道

經費項目 單價 數量 總價 計算方式及說明 1人事費 小計 (1)機票費 $50000人 8 $400000 內陸及國際航程機票 (2)餐費 $500日人 98 $36000 9 天餐費

$300日人 98 $21600 租用遊覽車費 $75人 8 $600 環島過路費停車費 $450人 8 $3600 入管制山區接駁車費用

(3)交通費 (含遊覽車停車費

接駁車船費) $125人 8 $1000 船費(日月潭遊船) 小計 旅館費 8 夜

3住宿費 $1800日人 88 $115200 住宿日月潭雲品飯店東埔沙里仙渡假




4雜支 小計 (1)食宿費 $2000日人 91 $18000 英語導覽員餐點及住宿費 (2)導覽費 $3000日人 81 $24000 英語導覽員每日 3 千元


$2945人 8 $23560 門票含原住民文化園區梅子夢工廠台




租借台北 101 大樓觀景台

(3)保險費 $100日人 98 $7200 9 日旅遊平安保險費 (4)其他 $600日人 93 $16200 司機領隊食宿及小費 總計 $666960 元

- 47 -

左 1 為原聲海外代表車和道左 2 為 UNITY 理事會秘書 Christine Porter Mohawk 2014315 於信義鄉羅娜村

UNITY 團員合影留念右 1 為信義鄉史強鄉長左 1 為 UNITY 執行長 Mayr Kim Titla(頭戴史鄉長贈


- 48 -

2014 年台灣原聲音樂學校國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊計畫

一 目的讀萬卷書行萬里路他山之石可以攻錯

二 日期2014 年 8 月 8 日(星期五)至 8 月 15 日(星期五)

三 主辦單位台灣原聲教育協會

四 協辦單位內本鹿人文工作室

五 參加人員

學生8 人(4 女 4 男)


師長志工4 人(3 男 1 女)


六 乘車資訊員林客運 20 人座中型巴士(8~10 日)

0730 東埔國小(谷皓傑史凱文謝韶翔)rarr0755 晨軒梅莊(馬聖堯馬胤哲馬胤

凱吳松儒吳璠)rarr0805 信義鄉公所rarr0820 玉山國家公園管理處(幸念緹全心潔

全雅安幸琳茹)rarr0850 竹山交流道rarr經國道三號rarr1050 高雄rarr高雄茂林鄉

七 活動地點

88(五) 南投東埔rarr高雄茂林鄉

89(六) 高雄茂林鄉rarr屏東縣霧台鄉

810(日) 屏東縣霧台鄉rarr台東縣延平鄉桃源村內本鹿「布農山林文化體驗營」

813(三) 台東縣桃源鄉rarr花蓮市海星高中

814(四) 花蓮市海星高中rarr太魯閣國家公園rarr花蓮市海星高中

815(五) 花蓮海星高中rarr南投縣信義鄉東埔

八 住宿

88(星期五)多娜民宿負責人馬秀玉 0910-708089 兩間團體房男女各 1 間 15002


89(星期六)撒拉伯民宿 負責人柯啟川 salabu巴佳英 lailai

902 屏東縣霧台鄉霧台村神山巷 14-6 號 08-790-2277 0921-003590



四人房2 間2000 6 人房12500(含 810 早餐)

89 晚餐 200人(可在附近吃完再去民宿)


傍晚兵分兩路遊覽車載 9 人到桃源村另再載聖堯胤哲松儒 3 人到台東鹿野車站

1台東桃源村 內本鹿人文工作室辦理的[布農山林文化體驗營]

活動時間2014810~13(共 4 天)810 下午 5 點到桃源村813 下午 5 點至鹿野車站

2 花蓮海洋營馬聖堯馬胤哲吳松儒

- 49 -


十經費概算 項目 內容 金額 備註

遊覽車(8~10 三天) 27000 9000天 車資 火車票_台東鹿野-花蓮 2768 1815~莒光 23912

住宿 高雄茂林多娜民宿 3000 全棟 2 大間房 屏東霧台撒拉布民宿 6500 4 人房 2 間6 人房 1 間 活動 台東布農山林文化體驗營 31500 35009 餐費 88 中餐+89 中晚餐+810 中餐 7800 150134 總計 78568

時間 內容 早餐 自理 上午 東埔rarr高雄市茂林區 中餐 自理 下午 打獵體驗 晚餐 多娜民宿供應美食

8 月 8 日 (星期五)

晚上 自由活動

早餐 民宿供應

上午 出發到屏東縣霧台社區

中餐 自理

下午 霧台社區文化部落的洗禮---石板部落屋群魯凱文物館卡拉瓦之家


晚餐 自理

8 月 9 日 (星期六)

晚上 住宿霧台部落撒拉伯民宿 早餐 民宿供應

上午 Sabaw 霧台--再見雲豹的故鄉rarr台東市

中餐 自理 下午 參觀國立臺灣史前文化博物館臺東市博物館路 1 號rarr台東桃源鄉

8 月 10 日 (星期日)

晚餐 參加布農山林文化體驗營

8 月 11 日

-13 日 (星期一)



8 月 14 日

(星期四) 全天


8 月 15 日

(星期五) 全天


- 50 - 布農山林文化體驗營

一 集散時間810下午 5點來到桃源村813下午 5點送至鹿野車站結束

二 活動費用每人 3500 元(含講師費食宿活動糧食旅平險車站接駁)

三 聯絡人katu(柯俊雄) 0911‐334448

四 課程大綱

前一天 810 第一天 811 第二天 812 第三天 13













































二攜帶裝備 如不需帶上山的物品或衣物可協助保管於下山後領取

項目 說明

穿著裝備 T恤長袖長褲 (衣褲以輕便易乾排汗的材質為佳)

揹負裝備 背式背包(需協助背負公裝與公糧)

吃飯裝備 碗筷(鋼杯為佳)

走路裝備 本次路線泥土與石子路穿著雨鞋尤佳搭配厚襪可準備拖鞋於營地使用

照明裝備 因有夜間狩獵體驗行程建議使用頭燈出門前檢查是否夠亮需攜帶備用電池

禦寒裝備 厚外套(晚上睡覺以穿著保暖外套作為睡袋)

遮陽裝備 鴨舌帽或頭巾防曬乳視個人需求

雨衣裝備 輕便雨衣即可(上下兩段式為佳)

水壺 每日所需之行動水

糖果餅乾 建議可帶巧克力乾糧牛奶糖咖啡包可可亞等

個人藥品 請視個人身體狀況準備

文具 小本筆記本與筆 1隻衛生紙垃圾袋(自己垃圾自己帶回)

備用衣物 下山後更換的衣物

- 51 -

2014 年原聲音樂學校花蓮海洋學習營活動計畫


蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會於 2011 年選擇在太平洋左岸的美麗小漁村鹽寮設立扮演推展



有正確的認識與觀念相信透過認識海洋親近海洋能夠讓下一代更深刻的愛上海洋臺灣 當蘇帆碰到了原聲玉山連結了太平洋山上的布農族孩子有了在太平洋划獨木舟的機


蓮海星中學一起籌辦 海星中學推動原住民教育不遺餘力設立有原住民音樂與文化專班培養學生多元能力



活動日程 一門諾會醫院義演88(五)1900-2000 二慈濟醫參訪及義演89(六)0820-1530 三「太平洋聽玉山唱歌」音樂會89(六)1900-2100 四海洋學習營810(日)~813(三) 五太魯閣國家公園之旅814(四)

活動地點 一 基督教門諾會醫院壽豐分院(花蓮縣壽豐鄉共和村魚池 52 號) 二 天主教海星中學(花蓮縣新城鄉嘉新村嘉新路 36 號03-8223116) 三 慈濟精舍靜思小築(花蓮縣新城鄉康樂村精舍街 88 巷 1 號) 四 慈濟醫院靜思堂(花蓮市中央路 3 段 703 號) 五 花蓮縣台灣原住民族文化館(花蓮市北興路 460 號) 六 蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會(花蓮縣壽豐鄉鹽寮村鹽寮 148 號) 七 國立東華大學(花蓮縣壽豐鄉志學村大學路 2 段 1 號)

- 52 -

學生名單86+7人(50 女 43 男)

人數 年級 姓 名

7 十 谷皓傑 幸琳茹 全心潔 全雅安 幸念緹 史凱文 謝韶翔

8 八 幸于辰 松昱希 全襄柔 司佩婷 史勇祥 甘詠祈 伍 瀚 林巧蝶

七 伍宇欣 伍主兒 方 政 松慈媗 全 芊 李羽妃 石伯華 全芷芸 15

七 司 美 全襄娃 幸雪芳 松昱蕎 幸美茹 申 薇 全唯芯 何瑞耘

六 伍 恩 伍明威 松慈芸 林郁家 何家程 全文祥 尤蘇諾 六 伍承琳 伍邵恩 伍雨晨 松雅德 全家榆 松鈺婷 19 六 史嘉馨 伍曉葳 申雨軒 全雅平 幸明仁 松詠婕 五 伍約翰 林芷柔 松慈霖 伍恩婕 王凱嚴 史俊祥 全聖煜 田有宏

14 五 賴念慈 谷巧玟 伍主恩 金芊璦 全郁華 司曄宇

四 方 琪 伍皓詳 史 灝 林采萱 向 萱 何恩淑 伍書韓 呂宇澤 16

四 司若庭 全光榮 田祈宏 金家儀 谷 薰 幸明山 松冠銘 陽詠智

三 伍奇浩 林凡羽 馬沛羽 史玥兒 松耀祖 史祥恩 史念恩 14

三 全若綺 呂啓佑 松毓傑 辜歆菲 金佑翊 司曄恩 王 讓

說明事項十年級參加壯遊於 813 傍晚會合於花蓮

師長志工名單 師長12+2人 Bukut 團長慧菁(伴奏)姿伶(打擊樂)Uli(教導)Balan(總務)彩霞(行政)黑導(舞台總

監)小呂(攝影)藍蔚師阿貫師聖堯胤哲富州程瀚程芸 志工4+3人 田景文黃敬恆柳宜蕙鍾昭慶吳 璠吳松儒馬胤凱 參加壯遊

- 53 -


88 (星期五) 時間 活動內容 備註

0730~1700 東埔rarr花蓮縣壽豐鄉門諾分院 高雄或屏東午餐 1700~1800 走位彩排 門諾分院大廳 1800~1850 晚餐 門諾招待飯捲 1850~1900 準備 1900~2000 『禮讚門諾敬頌上帝』義演 門諾分院大廳

2000~2020 門諾分院rarr海星中學 2020~2050 Check in 及認識環境 海星中學學生宿舍

2050~2130 沐浴洗衣

2130~ 進入夢鄉

89 (星期六) 時間 活動內容 備註

0630~0700 起床盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳 0800~0830 海星中學rarr慈濟精舍靜思小築 0830~0930 參訪精舍 分高中低年級 3 組 0930~1000 靜思小築rarr慈濟醫院靜思堂 醫院正門下車 1000~1130 靜思堂參訪(先看慈濟簡介影片) 靜思堂 B2 220 講堂 1130~1230 午餐 同心圓餐廳

1230~1240 慈濟醫院rarr海星中學 經大學人文教室至大喜館停車場

1240~1430 午休 1430~1445 海星中學rarr慈濟醫院 醫院正門下車 1445~1500 走位 慈濟醫院大廳 1500~1530 義演 原下午茶時段 1530~1545 慈濟醫院rarr原住民族文化館 1545~1745 彩排 1745~1820 晚餐 1820~1850 更衣準備 原民館 1900~2100 『太平洋聽玉山唱歌』音樂會原民館 2100~2120 原民館rarr海星中學 2120~2200 沐浴洗衣

2200~ 進入夢鄉

- 54 -

810-13 (星期日-三)

810(日) 811(一) 812(二) 813(三) ~0630 起床 0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐海星 0800~0850 閱讀寫作業 0900~0950 1000~1050 1100~1150

高海泳 中引導教育 低參訪東華

高參訪東華 中翡翠谷溯溪 低海泳

高獨木舟默契 中參訪東華 低翡翠谷溯溪



賞鯨之旅 午餐午休

1150~1350 高蘇帆 中海星 低東華

高東華 中翡翠谷 低蘇帆

高蘇帆 中東華 低翡翠谷

高清水斷崖 中低多羅滿賞

鯨船 1400~1450 1500~1550 1600~1650

高獨木舟基礎 中海泳 低引導教育


中翡翠谷溯溪 低獨木舟基礎

高獨木舟模擬 中獨木舟基礎 低翡翠谷溯溪



1700~1750 沐浴洗衣 1800~1850 晚餐海星 1900~2100 高引導教育 中低影片欣賞 排練晚會節目 2100~ 進入夢鄉 說明事項 1 海泳與獨木舟場地在蘇帆基金會 2 引導教育(冒險教育-心理諮商)場地在海星高中禮堂 3 清水斷崖賞鯨之旅從花蓮港出發 4 清水斷崖獨木舟之旅從崇德沙灘出發


1 需備換洗衣物建議穿著泳裝下水 2 會暈船者請自備暈船藥 3 注意保暖

- 55 -


時間 活動內容 備註 0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐

0800~0900 海星中學rarr太魯閣國家公園

0900~1200 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1200~1250 午餐

1300~1500 太魯閣國家公園健行遊覽

1500~1600 太魯閣國家公園rarr海星中學

1600~1700 準備惜別晚會 海星中學宿舍

1700~1750 沐浴洗衣

1800~1850 晚餐 海星中學餐廳

1900~2100 惜別晚會 海星中學教室

2100~ 進入夢鄉


時間 活動內容 備註 ~0630 起床

0630~0700 盥洗整理內務 0700~0750 早餐 海星中學餐廳

0800~0830 整理環境 海星中學宿舍

0835~0855 前往火車站 新城火車站

0900~0910 快閃 新城火車站

0920~1040 搭乘復興號火車至蘇澳新站

1040~1700 搭乘遊覽車回溫暖的家

- 56 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團衛武營音樂會行程 一日期2015 年 2 月 1 日(星期日)1530~1640 二地點高雄市衛武營榕園藝術廣場(高雄市鳳山區南京路 449-1 號) 三乘車資訊2 月 1 日(星期日)員林客運 938-WW 林介川 0982-988788

0730 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0750 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0800 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0805 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0835 水里玉管處rarr 0920 名間交流道rarr經國道 3rarr 1150 衛武營

四工作人員穿原聲制服或志工背心 阿蠻校長Uli皓玫敬恆伯峰小呂育銘藍蔚阿貫

五演出人員39 人(女 33 男 6) 指揮馬彼得 鋼琴伴奏趙慧菁 擊樂李謙 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣申 薇申雨軒伍承琳伍曉葳全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔向 萱

李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕 松鈺婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 9 男 4) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳幸雪芬 史俊祥田鎞鎷伍卲恩松雅德

六演出曲目 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 6 心肝寶貝(台語) 編曲冉天豪 7 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 8 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 9 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 10 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 11 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 12 We are the world(英語) 曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 13 明天會更好(國語) 編曲冉天豪 安可曲

七活動行程 時間 內容 備註 1150-1400 午餐午休 室內表演場 1400-1520 練習走位(音響確認)更衣 演員休息室 1530-1630 演出 榕園藝術廣場 1630-1700 更衣分發飯盒 演員休息室 1700-2030 衛武營rarr東埔

- 57 -

2015 年原聲音樂學校參加會員大會及義演錄音行程

一 活動目的展現學習成果感恩會員會友為長者演唱學習付出及回饋 二 活動日期2015 年 2 月 6 日至 2 月 14 日(星期五~六) 三 活動地點2 06(星期五)南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號)

2 07(星期六)建國高中夢紅樓二樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 2 08(星期日)振興醫院(台北市北投區振興街 45 號) 2 09(星期一)天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 2 10-13(星期二~五)功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號) 2 14(星期六)郭元益糕餅博物館(台北市士林區文林路 546 號 4 樓) 大黑松小倆口牛軋糖創意博物館(新北市土城區自強街 31-2 號)

四 乘車資訊2 月 6 日(星期五) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 0830 東埔停車場(東埔)rarr 0850 玉山消防隊(望鄉)rarr 0900 晨軒梅莊(久美羅娜新鄉)rarr 0905 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0935 水里玉管處rarr 1020 名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr 1230南港展覽館(台北市南港區經貿二路 1 號) 大巴 (44 人) 豐榮客運 417-UU 王鴻翔 0980-026776 Uli 師Balan 師方 琪伍 恩伍主兒伍宇欣林巧蝶伍約翰松慈芸松慈媗




賴念慈申 薇申雨軒幸明仁 原聲公務車(5 人)

阿蠻校長Bukut 校長伍承琳伍書韓向 萱 2 月 7 日(星期六) 中巴(9 人) 耐斯客運 A4-037 駱界華 0981-385512 0800 羅娜(國小大門)rarr 0805 久美rarr 0815 信義鄉公所(信義)rarr 0845 水里玉管處rarr 0930名間交流道rarr 經 3 號國道 rarr1140 徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號)

姿伶師何進榮伍恩婕田有宏尤蘇諾何瑞耘何家程林郁家李 謙 五 台北工作人員

2 6(星期五)皓玫伯峰敬恆小呂藍蔚阿貫 2 7(星期六)皓玫伯峰敬恆宜蕙羅揚威愷柏哖小呂育銘彩霞 2 8(星期日)敬恆小呂彩霞美智仁達藍蔚阿貫

六 住宿地點天主教徐匯中學(新北市蘆洲區中山一路 1 號) 七 住宿人員

2 月 6 日2 月 8 日至 13 日(需 15 間寢室) 學生 45 人教師 5 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏

慧菁師)大學志工胤凱高中志工念緹皓傑 2 月 7 日 61 人(仍為 15 間寢室) 學生 52 人教師 6 人(阿蠻校長Bukut 團長教務秘書 Uli總務秘書 Balan伴奏


- 58 - 八 打擊樂團學生7 人(女 1 男 6)

尤蘇諾田有宏伍恩婕何家程何瑞耘李 謙林郁家 九 合唱團學生45 人(女 37 男 8)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十 成果發表曲目

打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 天下別無拯救(國語)3rsquo18rdquo 編曲林雲郎 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 乘著氣球上天空(日語)3rsquo05rdquo 編曲平吉毅州 7 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 8 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

十一公益演唱曲目(振興醫院) 打擊樂團Our Favorite Son 1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)1rsquo36rdquo 編曲馬彼得 2 Jubilate Sing Out a New Song(拉丁語)2rsquo30rdquo 編曲Dave amp Jean Perry 3 台北的天空(國語)4rsquo30rdquo 編曲林福裕 4 故鄉(日語)2rsquo55rdquo 編曲田中和音 5 讓生命圓滿(國語)2rsquo40rdquo 編曲冉天豪 5 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語)4rsquo20rdquo 編曲游智婷 6 花兒會開(日語)4rsquo46rdquo 編曲西條太貴 7 更高處(國語)3rsquo15rdquo 編曲吳博明 安可曲

- 59 -

十二住宿分配(4 人 1 間)

2 月 6 日至 2 月 13 日 住宿 9 天 8 夜 序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友 1 阿滿校長Bukut 團長 9 佩婷宇欣昱蕎詠捷 2 Uli 師念緹主兒恩婕(27) 10 雪芬唯芯慈媗念慈 3 慧菁師一家姿伶(27) 11 芷芸雪芳慈芸方琪 4 季欣嘉馨雨軒書韓 12 巧蝶伍恩雨晨谷薰 5 襄柔申薇承琳曉葳 13 伯華明仁俊祥光榮 6 全芊襄娃雅平郁華 14 卲恩雅德約翰聖煜 7 羽妃美茹向萱家儀 15 Balan 師胤凱皓傑司機

(27) 8 詠祈司美家榆鈺婷 首位為室長次位為副室長

十三2 月 7 日(星期六) 住宿 1 晚

序 房號 室友 序 房號 室友

1 何爸瑞耘家程 13 尤蘇諾郁家(與伯華等同室)

14 李謙有宏(與卲恩等同室) 十四餐飲供應 日期 26(五) 27(六) 28(日) 29(一) 210(二) 211(三) 212(四) 213(五) 214(六)早餐 自家 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 自訂 午餐 自訂 八方 振興 八方 八方 八方 八方 八方 自訂 晚餐 自訂 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 同興 徐匯 自家 十五活動行程(26-27)

2 月 6 日(星期五) 2 月 7 日(星期六) 0830~1230 東埔rarr南港展覽館 1230~1430 午餐(自訂飯盒)午休 1430~1700 練習試音彩排 1700~1800 休息更衣 1800~1830 待機 1830~1845 HTC 尾牙演出 1845~1900 更衣 1900~1930 晚餐(自訂飯盒) 1930~2000 南港展覽館rarr徐匯中學 2000~2100 沐浴 2100~2130 閱讀祈禱就寢

0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~1130 練唱(演藝廳) 0800~1130 羅娜國小rarr徐匯中學(打擊樂團) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1430 練習(演藝廳) 1430~1520 徐匯中學rarr建中資源大樓 5 樓 1530~1600 參加會員大會成果發表演出 1600~1700 建中rarr徐匯中學 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2030 練習(演藝廳) 2030~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢

- 60 - 十六活動行程(28-29)

2 月 8 日(星期日) 2 月 9 日(星期一) 0800~0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室) 0830~0930 練習(演藝廳) 0930~1000 徐匯中學rarr振興醫院 1000~1020 進場待機 1030~1100 義演(三院圓中心)(送錦旗專輯 1)1100~1115 合影留念 1115-1140 參觀藝術家莊靜雯銅雕展 1140~1230 午餐(第一會議室) 1230~1300 醫療課程--呼吸道感染衛生指導

(小兒科張嘉侃主任授課) 1300~1330 振興醫院rarr徐匯中學(合唱團) 1330~1430 午休(合唱團) 1430~1700 練習(合唱團)(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 1300~1350 振興醫院rarr景文高中(打擊樂團) 1400~1600 欣賞景優班成果發表(打擊樂團) 1600~2000 景文高中rarr信義鄉(打擊樂團)

0800-0830 起床盥洗早餐(6 樓教室)

0830~1130 練習(演藝廳) 1130~1400 午餐(6 樓教室)午休 1400~1700 練習(演藝廳) 1700~1800 休息沐浴 1800~1900 晚餐(6 樓教室) 1900~2100 閱讀祈禱就寢 借用演藝廳練習時段 27 上午下午半小時晚間 28 早上 1 小時下午 29 上午下午

十七錄音行程(210-213) 星期時間 210(二) 211 (三) 212 (四) 213 (五) 214 (六)

0700-0800 起床盥洗早餐 0800-1100 赴功學社音樂廳練習 1100-1130 午餐 1130-1300 午休




1300-1700 錄音 1 kipahpah ima拍手歌 2天下別無拯救 3 Take these wings 4更高處

錄音 5如鹿渴慕溪水 6耶和華祝福滿滿

7台北的天空 8我們的桃蛙源

錄音 9讓生命圓滿


11天黑黑 12花樹下

錄音 13ふるさと故鄉 14花兒會開 15乘著氣球上天空 16紅蜻蜓等(3 選 1)

1730-1900 晚餐盥洗 1900-2030 課輔(志工)閱讀 晚會或電影欣賞 2030-2100 消夜晚禱

2100~ 就寢


- 61 -

十八學生自備物品(9 天 8 夜) 『確認後打勾』

序 項 目 數量 確認 備註

1 行李箱 1

2 原聲背包 1

3 文具(鉛筆橡擦等) 1 寫作業用

4 寒假作業課外讀物 2

5 健保卡 1

6 牙刷牙膏毛巾 各 1

7 肥皂洗髮精 各 1

8 環保餐具(杯筷匙) 1 組 耐熱杯

9 中型塑膠袋 2 裝換洗衣物

10 長袖黑帽 T 1

11 長袖白帽 T 1

12 長袖黑圓領 T 1

13 長袖白圓領 T 1

14 長袖 polo 衫 1

15 原聲黑外套 1

16 牛仔褲(藍) 3 含穿 1 條

17 休閒褲 2

18 便服 2

19 內衣+內褲 8 條 含穿 1 套(不含表演用)

20 黑色襪 4 雙 含穿 1 雙

21 球鞋 1 雙 穿著

22 拖鞋 1 雙

23 圍巾 1 條

表演服mdash團服(女) 1 套 頭飾上衣裙斗篷皮鞋24

表演服mdash團服(男) 1 套 頭飾上衣褲斗篷皮鞋

25 黑短安全褲白內衣 2 套 表演用

26 珊瑚絨毯 睡袋 各 1

27 衣架 4 個 十九公用器材原聲錦旗 2專輯 2(以上台北準備)鐘琴鈸團旗 1 吹風機4 喉糖醫藥箱預備團服(男女各 1) 康樂器材(球類)輕便雨衣 2 箱 二十本活動計畫由社團法人台灣原聲教育協會理事長依協會年度工作計畫決行修訂亦同

- 62 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團「我愛唱的歌」專輯製作計畫


曲目錄音並搭配 MV製作成「我愛唱的歌」音樂專輯具體呈現出孩子的自信喜悅

以及想要分享與感恩的心情 二目的公益發行以感恩支持原聲的朋友並作為贊助原聲之禮物 三主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 四贊助單位



有限公司錸德文教基金會傳承文教基金會慧智文教基金會 五日期2015 年 2 月 10 日(二)至 13 日(五)5 天(0800~1100 練習1300~1700 錄音) 六地點錄音mdash功學社音樂廳(新北市蘆洲區中山二路 162 號 )

住宿mdash天主教徐匯中學(2 月 6 日至 13 日共 8 晚) 七專輯工作人員


呂克勝(攝影及 MV 製作)侯宗佑(視覺設計)梁哲瑋(文案企劃) 八後勤工作人員

洪春滿校長(領隊)李彩霞(聯絡)馬慧如 Uli(教導)梁賜輝 Balan(總務)藍蔚

師(財務)阿貫師(企劃)高一志工幸念緹 九錄音人員45 人(女 37 人男 8 人)

第一聲部 15 人(女 15) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇申雨軒伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓伍曉葳全 芊全雅平 全襄娃全襄柔向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 15 人(女 12男 3 人) 司美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全郁華全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松鈺婷 松詠婕賴念慈伍約翰全光榮幸明仁 第三聲部 15 人(女 10 男 5) 方 琪谷 薰伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳幸雪芬 石伯華史俊祥伍邵恩全聖煜松雅德

十1 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 天下別無拯救(國語) 詞曲蕭泰然 編曲林雲郎 3 Take these wings(英語) 詞Steve Kupferschmid 曲Don Besig 4 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 5 如鹿渴慕溪水(英語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲Phil Dave 6 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 編曲游智婷 7 台北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 8 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲編曲林志忠 9 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 曲冉天豪 10 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城等 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 11 天黑黑(台語) 詞臺灣民謠 編曲詹興東 12 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 13 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

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14 花は咲く花開(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 15 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 16 選 1赤とんぼ (日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 明天會更好(華語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

十一經費預算 項目及內容 單價 數量 小計 備註

旅運費(45 萬) 車資(東埔harr板橋) 14500輛天 12 29000 26 及 214

車資(板橋harr台北) 4000趟輛天 212 16000 27 及 28 租公車接送

膳食費 27-14 三餐 210人天 658 109200 早餐 50午晚餐各 80 住宿費 水電及清潔費 200人天 528 83200 徐匯中學宿舍

製作費(843 萬)

專輯音樂製作 -- 1 -- 音樂企劃錄音混音後製等 錄音工程 -- 1 -- 清唱人聲樂器等錄音及混音 鋼琴伴奏 1000時 35 35000 鐘點費 文案企劃 20000人 1 20000 文案撰寫

視覺設計 30000人 1 30000 碟面說明書封套等

平面攝影 4000天 4 16000 側拍封面照宣傳照等

MV 製作 4000分 25 100000 製作 6 曲 MV

歌曲版權費 6000曲 10 60000 公益發行版權費

編曲費 30000曲 4 120000 4 曲重新編曲

錄音場地租金 17000天 4 68000 功學社音樂廳(含鋼琴)

鋼琴調音 4000次 1 4000 印製費(412 萬) 母片製作費 6000片 2 12000 CD+DVD 壓片費 5片 16000 80000 CD+DVD 碟面印刷運費

印刷及包裝費 40份 8000 320000 說明書封套印刷品成型等

業務費(8 萬 920) 聯絡 6000人 1 6000 版權聯絡授權處理

雜支 74920式 1 74920 茶水郵電醫藥費等

總計 1183320 音樂製作及錄音工程費未計入


- 64 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團歐洲演出及參訪行程概要 一活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二邀請單位柏林市立綜合高中維也納合唱學校(Wiener SaumlngerknabenWSK) 三主辦單位Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會 四贊助單位慧智文教基金會(Wisdom Culture amp Edudation Organization WCEO)元大文


傳承教育基金會臺灣期貨交易所 臺灣證券交易所hellip 五活動日期2015 年 8 月 28 日(星期五)至 9 月 11 日(星期五)共計 15 日 六航班中華航空公司

《去》8 月 28 日 CI61 桃園 TPE 法蘭克福 FRA 2330 0650 +1 日 《回》9 月 10 日 CI64 維也納 VIE 桃園 TPE 1135 0605 + 1 日


829~830拜會德國法蘭克福歐洲期貨交易所舉行專場音樂會(旅館 2 晚) 831~901德國得勒斯登(旅館 2 晚) 902~903德國柏林(旅館 2 晚) 904~905拜會波蘭波茲南 Poznań市政府及合唱學校與市立男童及女童合唱團舉行聯

合音樂會(接待家庭 2 晚) 906拜訪德國柏林市立綜合高中 Bettina von Arnim Schule與該校合唱團舉行聯合音樂

會(旅館 1 晚) 907柏林至維也納 參訪奧地利維也納聖彼得教堂於教堂內演出(旅館 3 晚) 908~909參訪維也納合唱學校與該校師生聯誼交流及與維也納少年合唱團聯演

八參訪人員54 人(學生 40 人師長 14 人)

第一聲部 13 人(女 13) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃全襄柔

向 萱李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 14 人(女 12 男 2) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全家榆全唯芯金家儀松昱蕎松詠婕松鈺婷

松憓婷賴念慈伍約翰幸明仁 第三聲部 13 人(女 8 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸谷 薰松慈芸松慈媗林巧蝶幸雪芳史俊祥田鎞鎷

全聖煜伍卲恩松雅德 師長14 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長及原聲音樂學校校長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 林宜城 男 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣南投市漳興國小校長) 林麗敏 女 原聲音樂學校數學老師(南投縣中寮鄉中寮國小教師)

- 65 -

冉天豪 男 原聲音樂學校特約編曲(天作之合劇團藝術總監特約編曲) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師) 陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 梁賜輝 男 原聲音樂學校總務秘書 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞台總監(導演) 黃敬恆 女 原聲教育協會助理舞台總監(政大社會系二年級) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影師志工 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事


1 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 Take these wings(英語) 編曲Don Besig 5 Hymm to Freedom(英語) 編曲Oscar Peterson 6 We are the world(英語) 編曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie 7 Alleluia(拉丁語) 編曲Mozart 8 乘著氣球上天空(日語) 編曲平吉毅州 9 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 10 讓生命圓滿(國語) 編曲冉天豪 11 天下別無拯救(國語) 編曲林雲郎 12 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 編曲游智婷 13 更高處(國語) 編曲吳博明 14 花開(日語) 編曲西條太貴 15 永遠讚美耶和華(國語) 編曲馬彼得 16 kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 17 pakadaidaz 相親相愛(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 18 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 安可曲 19 高山青(國語) 編曲馬彼得 20 Ode an die Freude(德語) 編曲 Beethoven


1 Vocal Asia 中華暢聲亞洲音樂協會負責聯絡安排行程及活動 2 行程承攬雄獅旅行社(台北市內湖區瑞湖街 111 號 2 樓 02-87932106)

- 66 -

2015 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團演出行程

2015 年演唱場次已滿額恕不再接受邀請謝謝各界對原聲教育協會暨所屬音樂學校與原



活動名稱 地點 主辦單位

21(日) 「玉山天籟」高雄音樂會 衛武營榕園藝術廣場 衛武營藝術文化中心籌

備處 321(六) 第 6 屆玉山星空音樂會 羅娜國小運動場 信義鄉公所 329(日) 全國原住民運動會音樂會 南投縣立運動場 南投縣政府 411(六) 嘉旺竹巴法王慈善音樂會 台北火車站台鐵大樓 嘉旺竹巴協會 412(日) 中正扶輪社慈善音樂會 桃園市婦女館 桃園中正扶輪社 52(六) 微熱山丘慈恩音樂會 南投微熱山丘總店 寶田股份有限公司 530(六) 監察院廳百年紀念音樂會 監察院禮堂 監察院 731(五) 原聲+長榮交響樂團音樂會 中興大學惠蓀堂 第一銀行 81(六) 磊山保經慈善音樂會 華山文創園區 磊山保險經紀公司 830(日) 「玉山天籟」法蘭克福音樂會 德國歐洲交易所 Vocal Asia 95(六) 「玉山天籟」波蘭音樂會 波蘭 Poznań 音樂學校 Vocal Asia 95(六) 原聲+波茲南音樂學校聯合音

樂會 波蘭 Gods Mother of Sorrows Church

Vocal Asia

96(日) 原聲+柏林市立綜合高中

Bettina von Arnim Schule 聯合


德國 Ernst Reuter Saal Hall

Vocal Asia

98(二) 「玉山天籟」維也納音樂會 奧地利維也納聖彼得

教堂 Vocal Asia

99(三) 原聲+維也納少年合唱團

(WSK)聯合音樂會 奧地利維也納少年合

唱團(WSK)學校 Vocal Asia

1031(六) 幸福親子公益音樂會 誠品松菸表演廳 晶仁國際股份公司 125(六) 原聲+親愛愛樂提琴隊音樂會 新竹市立文化中心演

藝廳 心築愛樂

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2016 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團受邀演唱原則 一公益演唱請邀約單位負擔交通及膳宿費 1 國際活動慶典 2 國家活動慶典 3 地方活動慶典僅限南投縣政府所屬單位 4 醫院學校教會監獄慈善及教養機構(安養院育幼院等) 5 回饋贊助及合作者 2014~2015 年團體捐款贊助台幣 50 萬元以上個人捐款 20 萬元以上者 二贊助演唱接受公益基金會協會及民間公益團體(如扶輪社獅子會崇她社等)

邀約 1 邀約單位負擔交通膳宿費 2 邀約單位捐款本協會作為建校基金(贊助費視演唱時間場次方式等相關內容而定) 三受邀注意事項 1 公益及贊助演唱場次兩者合計一年不超過八場為原則以維持團員正常作息及課程實施 2 邀請單位請於預定演出時間之前至少半年提出邀約以利作業安排 3 邀請單位請先以 email(akuanliaogmailcom)與台灣原聲教育協會聯繫

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2014 年台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日特輯


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一 活動目的為培育原住民菁英人才促進國際文化交流並行銷台灣 二 邀請單位全日本合唱連盟(Japan Choral Association JCA)及東京國立博物館 三 受邀單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團 四 指導單位文化部外交部(駐日代表處)原民會教育部僑委會 五 主辦單位台灣原聲童聲合唱團東京公演實行委員會 六 協辦單位JCA 全日本合唱連盟東京男聲合唱團 Tokyo Liedertafel 1925 (TLT)台南

大家庭兒童青年合唱團及和聲兒童合唱學園 七 參訪日期2014 年 7 月 31 日(星期四)至 8 月 6 日(星期三) 八 航班長榮航空公司

《去》7 月 31 日 BR190 臺北松山 TSA 東京羽田 HND 1600 1955 《回》8 月 06 日 BR189 東京羽田 HND臺北松山 TSA 1050 1330

九 活動主題 台灣原聲童聲合唱團一行 46 人(團員 35 人師長 11 人)應「JCA 全日本合唱聯盟」

邀請於 7 月 31 日至 8 月 6 日前往日本東京參加 2014 年第 28 屆 JCA Kodomo Chorus Festival 活動以行銷台灣相關交流參訪活動包含 1 於東京新宿文化中心演出「玉山天籟」專場音樂會宣慰僑胞並為日本民眾祈福 2 與歷史悠久蜚聲國際之東京男聲合唱團(1925 成立)同台演出交流 3 於 JCA 國際兒童合唱節壓軸演出(為唯一受邀國外團體)以行銷台灣 4 參加指揮大師工作坊與來自日本各地 14 個兒童合唱團交流切磋 5 參加群馬縣政府「台灣展」演出 6 參加國立故宮博物院「神品至寶」於東京博物館開展演出 7 拜會老人養護中心並義演 8 拜會橫濱中華學校交流演出 9 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)

十 參訪人員46 人 學生35 人(女 29 人男 6 人9 歲 1 人10~12 歲 29 人13 歲 5 人) 第一聲部 12 人(女 12) 司季欣史嘉馨申 薇伍主兒伍承琳伍書韓全 芊全雅平全襄娃 全襄柔李羽妃幸美茹 第二聲部 11 人(女 10 男 1) 司 美司佩婷甘詠祈伍宇欣全唯芯全家榆松昱蕎松鈺婷松詠婕 松憓婷伍約翰 第三聲部 12 人(女 7 男 5) 伍 恩伍雨晨全芷芸林巧蝶松慈芸松慈媗幸雪芳方 政石伯華 伍邵恩松雅德釀恩塔給鹿敦 師長11 人 洪春滿 女 原聲教育協會理事長(南投縣信義鄉東埔國小校長) 馬彼得 男 原聲童聲合唱團團長及指揮(南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小校長) 趙慧菁 女 原聲童聲合唱團伴奏老師(台中市北屯國小音樂教師)

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陳姿伶 女 原聲打擊樂團指導老師(國立台灣交響樂團團員) 馬慧如 女 原聲音樂學校教務秘書 孫藍蔚 女 原聲教育協會秘書長 廖阿貫 女 原聲教育協會執行理事 楊智麟 男 原聲教育協會舞臺總監(理事) 呂克勝 男 原聲教育協會攝影志工 王月娥 女 原聲教育協會翻譯志工(台南和聲兒童合唱學園負責人) 曾碧卿 女 原聲教育協會錄影志工

十一住宿 731~83 85 東京大都會飯店 Hotel Metropolitan Edmont【5 晚】 東京都千代田區飯田橋三丁目 10 番 8 號 Tel 03-3237-1111 84 橫濱-玫瑰飯店【1 晚】 神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77 號 Tel 045-681-3311


時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)





抵松山機場長榮櫃檯 check inrarrrarr1600航班 BR190rarrrarr1955東京羽田機場


晚餐 飛機餐(旅行社備有三明治飯糰茶水)



晚上 2100機場‐‐‐2145入住大都會飯店 2145~祈禱盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0930旅館‐‐‐1015王園 Kingrsquos Garden特別養護中心

(練馬區早宮 2‐10‐22 Tel 03‐5399‐2201)

1025‐1040 王園特別養護中心演出(演出後離場)

1050王園特別養護中心‐‐‐1120 鳥茶屋

中餐 1130‐1200 鳥茶屋餐廳(親子丼)


1200鳥茶屋‐‐‐旅館 1210

1215‐1400 午休 1400旅館‐‐‐1430新宿文化中心(新宿區新宿 6‐14‐1)

1500‐1700 台灣原聲童聲合唱團彩排 1600‐1700 TLT陸續到場

1730‐1800 東京男聲合唱團(TLT)彩排

晚餐 1730‐1800 飯糰+味噌湯(宜靜姊姊招待)(TLT自備)




1800‐1830 更衣 1830‐1900觀眾入場

1900‐2100 音樂會



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時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


1000旅館‐‐‐1025白金之森特別養護老人之家(港區白金台 5‐20‐5)

1115‐1130 白金之森特別養護老人之家演出

1130白金之森特別養護老人之家‐‐‐1140 TEREZZA 餐廳

中餐 1200‐1300 TEREZZA 餐廳(港區白金台五丁目)(美青姊姊招待)


1300 TEREZZA 餐廳‐‐‐1340洗足學園音樂大學

(神奈川縣川崎市高津區久本 2‐3‐1)

1340‐1400 於銀山廳報到註冊

1430‐1800 於銀山廳 1F參加Ms Fumiyo Tozaki戶崎文葉大師工作坊

1800洗足學園音樂大學‐‐‐1900 丸龜製麵店(宜靜姊姊招待)

晚餐 1900‐2000 丸龜製麵店(澀谷區代代木 3‐22‐7新宿文化クイントビル 1F)



晚上 2000丸龜製麵店‐‐‐2020旅館 2030~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳


0920旅館‐‐‐1000昭和女子大學(世田谷區 1minus7minus57)

1000‐1015 於人見記念講堂報到

1030音樂會開場與 14個日本兒童合唱團交流

1100‐1145 JCA合唱節開幕式(各團在座位上表演團呼 30秒)

1155‐1305 第 1段音樂會

中餐 1305‐1405 大學內食堂中華或日式便當(不炸不辣不冷食)午休


1415‐1525 第 2段音樂會(1525‐1545中場休息)

1545‐1705 第 3段音樂會(1625‐1645原聲壓軸演出演出前自介 30秒)

1705‐1720 全體大合唱 ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo 1735‐1745 大合照

1800昭和女大‐‐‐1815微熱山丘東京店(港區南青山 3‐10‐20)03‐3408‐7778

1815‐1900 欣賞微熱山丘建築 1900微熱山丘‐‐‐1920神樂坂春波餐廳

晚餐 1930‐2045 春波餐廳(高麗菜為主的煎餅お好み焼きの夕食)



晚上 2045春波餐廳hellip2100 旅館 2110~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

早餐 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0900旅館‐‐‐1100群馬縣政府(前橋市大手町 1‐1‐1)027‐223‐1111

中餐 1115群馬縣政府招待便當 1140‐1210更衣走位


1220‐1250 群馬縣廳「台灣展」演出

1310群馬縣政府‐‐‐1530東京博物館(台東區上野公園 13minus9)

1530‐1630 待機 1630‐1700東京博物館演出


1800東京博物館‐‐‐橫濱玫瑰飯店 1840(神奈川縣橫濱市中區山下町 77)

晚餐 1900‐2050 自由行(發晚餐費分 6組6 小孩+2大人組)



晚上 2100~祈禱閱讀寫作盥洗好眠

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音樂節 SCHEDULE Saturday 2 August at the SenzokuGakuen College of Music Meeting point amp time (on 2 August) 1430 at the lobby of the Silver Mountain Building Atelier (including rehearsal session for the Sing Together) 1500-1800 Break-up 1800 Sunday 3 August at the Showa Womenrsquos University Hitomi Memorial Hall Meeting point amp time (on 3 August) 1015 all singers to be seated in the hall Concert 1100 Opening 1125 Open Singing (warm ups and sing a song directed by Mr Johansson) 1200 Performances 1305 Lunch break 1415 Performances 1535 Meet at the lobby of the hall (our staff will attend your choir until breakup at 1757) 1543-1553 (10 min) dressing room (you can change cloth here)

時間 內容(hellip步行‐‐‐遊覽車rarrrarr飛機)

早餐 玫瑰飯店早餐


0900‐1010 橫濱自由行(拉麵博物館)

1015hellip1020 玫瑰飯店hellip橫濱中華學校(中區山下町 142)

1030‐1100 中華學校 1F保育院演出

中餐 1100‐1230 玫瑰飯店午餐


1230玫瑰飯店‐‐‐1320 Hello Kitty Land(東京都澀谷區神宮前 6‐1‐9)

1320‐1630 遊覽 Kitty Land原宿店

1630Kitty Land hellip1645 明治神宮


晚餐 1700‐1745 葵丸進餐廳高級天婦羅套餐




1800‐2000 參觀新東京鐵塔(東京晴空塔)



早餐 0645‐0730 旅館內「維京人」餐廳

上午 0745旅館‐‐‐0830羽田機場 0830‐0915長榮櫃檯 check in

搭乘 1030 長榮航班 BR189

中餐 飛機餐







晚餐 溫暖的家

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1600-1610 (10 min) room for last rehearsal 1615 Back stage 1625-1645 Your own performance on stage 1645 Stand by for Atelier performance 1655-1705 the Atelier performance (cond Ms FumiyoTozaki) 1705-1720 Sing Together ldquoHymn to freedomrdquo (your choir will be on stage) 1735 A time for taking photos at the lobby 1745-1755 dressing room for change cloth 1757 Break-up 十三演出曲目(視情況微調) 81(五) 1015-1030 東京都 王園特別養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 81(五) 1900-2100《玉山天籟》音樂會東京新宿文化中心 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 tankaunhanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 4 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 5 臺北的天空(國語) 詞陳克華 曲陳復明 編曲林福裕 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 更高處(國語) 詞劉德義譯 曲Boersna 編曲吳博明 8 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 中場休息 9 Muss i denn(德國民謡) 演唱TLT 編曲Friedlich Silcher 10 からたちの花(日語) 演唱TLT 曲山田耕筰 11 斎太郎節(日本民謡) 演唱TLT 指揮岩佐義彥 12 天黑黑(台語) 編曲詹興東 13 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 14 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 15 心肝寶貝(台語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 16 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 17 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 18 明天會更好(國語) 詞羅大佑 曲羅大佑等 編曲冉天豪 安可曲 19 気球に乗ってどこまでも(日語) 詞東龍男 曲編曲平吉毅州 20 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

- 76 - 82(六) 1115-1130 東京都 白金之森養護中心義演 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 赤とんぼ(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 82(六) 1500-1800 洗足學園音樂大學銀山廳戶崎文葉大師班練唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1625-1645 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂演出 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 4 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 83(日) 1655-1705 昭和女子大學人見記念講堂戶崎大師班合唱 1 Utaetakarakani 大聲唱歌(日語) 2 Sport march 運動進行曲(日語) 3 Song of Winter 冬之歌(保加利亞語) 83(日) 1705-1720 大合唱 Hymn to freedom(英語)

84(一) 1220-1250 群馬縣廳 1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 84(一) 1630-1700 東京博物館

1 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 2 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 3 Amazing Grace(日語+布農語+英語+國語) 詞John Newton 編曲Edwin O Excell 4 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 5 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 6 花は咲く(日語) 詞岩井俊二 曲菅野洋子 編曲西條太貴 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得

85(二) 0930-1000 橫濱中華學校

2 kulavali 太陽快出來(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 3 kipahpahima 拍手歌(布農語) 詞王拓南 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得

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4 赤とんぼ紅蜻蜓(日語) 詞三木露風 曲山田耕筰 編曲若松正司 5 ふるさと故鄉(日語) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音 6 叫做台灣的搖籃(台語) 詞謝安通 曲張炫文 編曲冉天豪 7 pislahi 獵祭(布農語) 編曲馬彼得 十四說明事項

1 行程承攬日本南瓜旅行社(パンプキントラベル) Tel 03‐5367‐2271

東京都新宿區四谷 2‐5‐3 負責人西村勝則 090‐1552‐4986

聯絡單位 李宜靜 台灣原聲童聲合唱團日本公演實行委員會會長 深澤直樹 深澤雅子 Tel +81-3-3350-1141 王月娥 日譯志工 台南大家庭兒童青年合唱團和聲兒童合唱學園 台南市東區 70159 東興路 52 號 2F Tel 06-2385-666 原聲小朋友造訪東京都神奈川縣琦玉縣

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台灣原聲童聲合唱團訪日紀實 日本公演實行委員會會長 李宜靜





的退休老師知道日本合唱連盟協會邀請『原聲』參加 8 月 2 日3 月日本兒童合唱


流我為了瞭解『原聲』從 YouTube 看到很多關於馬彼得校長的訪問報導馬校長


在海拔 1000 公尺的玉山腳下有這麼一位充滿愛心的小學校長他是位基督徒





















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Bukut 團長 當確定受邀參加東京國際兒童合唱節時我的壓力便開始加身出國演出對孩子們來說








這些訊息都是由台南和聲合唱團的 Vicky 姊姊所聯絡提供她甚至還安排了歷史悠久










為了讓孩子們回家時也能練習還請上山裝置視訊設備的原聲電腦志工 Richard 和 Hank幫忙將每首歌的音檔 po 上網讓學生設法下載練習當孩子們練到相當程度時再請姑姑










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抵達日本即在 8 月 1 日於新宿文化中心舉辦了一場專場音樂會而在來到日本的第一夜我



禱告除了為日本 311 大地震受難家屬祈福更為高雄氣爆事件祈福阿蠻校長真誠關懷





因緣巧合8 月 4 日也受邀至東京國立博物館所舉辦的「台北國立故宮博物院神品至寶」













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731 晚上 8 時許抵達羽田機場李宜靜會長及文化部駐日長官接機


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山谷回音 UNITY--印地安原住民青年聯盟訪台代表團團員訪台心得

「UNITY‐印地安原住民青年聯盟代表團」一行 8人接受台灣原聲教育協會邀請於 2014

年 3月 13 日來台參加玉山星空音樂會並環島參訪部落 10天於 3 月 22日圓滿返美

5月 9日在 Indian Country Today Media Network (美國最主要的原住民新聞雜誌)

httpenwikipediaorgwikiIndian_Country_Today_Media_Network 刊登了一篇執行長Mary

Kim Titla 寫的文章記述他們 3月來台的見聞文情並茂在文中Mary Kim Titla

提到布農族 ‐ 4次

提到原聲 ‐ 6次

提到原民會(包括副主委)‐ 2次

提到玉山星空音樂會(包括美青姊)‐ 2次

提到日月潭 ‐ 4次

提到東華大學 ‐ 2次

( httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity‐youth‐and‐indigenous‐tribes‐taiw

an‐exchange‐culture‐memories‐154749 )


UNITY Youth and Indigenous Tribes of Taiwan Exchange Culture Memories Mary Kim Titla 592014 The idea that indigenous tribes of Taiwan might benefit from the creation of youth councils led to an amazing overseas exchange between six Native American youth leaders and two chaperones during a 10-day journey in East Asia The six Native youth leaders representing tribes across the US are part of UNITYmdashUnited National Indian Tribal Youth Inc UNITY has a network of 140 youth councils in 35 states The UNITY delegation sponsored by Taiwanrsquos Vox Nativa visited the aboriginal homelands of seven of the 14 indigenous tribes including the Thao Bunun Rukai and Paiwan tribes in the lush and mountainous interior of Taiwan Flying 6500 miles to Taiwan requires a 14-hour plane ride from San Francisco The 14000 square mile island sits more than 100 miles off the southeast coast of mainland China with sub-tropical and tropical weather Taiwanrsquos history is intriguing Between 1626 and today the indigenous tribes experienced colonization with the Spanish Dutch Japanese and Chinese The tribes face challenges similar to those of US tribes with culture language and ancestral land preservation Tribal leaders are battling social ills such as rampant poverty alcoholism and high school drop out rates while striving to build their local economies Indigenous villages some rich with slate rock and nearby marble canyons rely heavily on tourism by performing tribal dances and selling tribal arts and crafts

- 88 - Aside from touring tribal villages by bus and trying indigenous foods like wild boar meat squid duck turnip cakes and rice cooked in bamboo UNITY youth shared their tribal songs friendship dances and their involvement in the National UNITY Council Two special exchanges happened during the pre-show of the annual Jade Mountain Starry Night Concert featuring Vox Nativarsquos youth choir which was attended by Chow Mei- ching the First Lady of Taiwan and with indigenous college students at National Dong Hwa University After Tyler Owens 19 shared an Akimel Orsquoodham friendship dance at the college the Taiwan students spontaneously engaged UNITY youth in one of their friendship dances ldquoTo see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating I enjoyed our time with the students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs and dances from homerdquo said Owens The UNITY delegation toured the country with a group of 15 Chinese American tourists including two indigenous college students who served as translators While visiting the Yanping village a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng through a translator explained how his small village moved from extreme poverty to thriving conditions through the establishment of a foundation to build a tourist village that includes a cultural theater restaurant coffee shop convenience store and weaving shop Interestingly the US based company 7-Eleven which can be found everywhere in Taiwan assisted by encouraging what amounted to millions of dollars in donations to the foundation Bunun which means ldquopeoplerdquo with 40000 to 50000 members is the fourth largest tribe in Taiwan They are known historically for being headhunters ldquoGetting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going through today with trying to keep their languages alive brought me back to some of the struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservationrdquo said Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai According to the Taiwan Indigenous Culture Park website there are two theories to explain the origin of the Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan One advocates the indigenous people migrated from the southeast coast of China The other recognizes that Taiwan is the ancient origin of the Austronesian peoples which includes the ethnic groups of Malaysia Philippines and Polynesia Some tribes like the Bunun are patrilineal while others like Amis are matrilineal Unlike most non-indigenous Taiwanese who practice Buddhism more than 90 percent of the indigenous Taiwanese are Christian The dominant languages are three Chinese dialects however many indigenous adults and elders still speak their languages

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The UNITY organization began a relationship with the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in 2013 The choir made up of Bunun tribal youth performed at the National UNITY Conference in Los Angeles California It was the grouprsquos first US tour and first contact with Native Americans specifically Native American youth Vox Nativa then extended an invitation for UNITY youth to travel to Taiwan in mid-March for a cultural exchange and to discuss the concept of a youth council network Vox Nativa is a nonprofit organization dedicated ldquoto achieve social reform within the poverty stricken aboriginal populations and communities through cultivation of gifted aboriginal childrenrdquo and ldquoto preserve and promote aboriginal culture pride and identity through a childrenrsquos choir grouprdquo Vox Nativa runs a weekend magnet and music school in the XinYi Township known for its plum farms The villagersquos annual Starry Night Concert attracts 3000 people Before leaving Taiwan UNITY youth leaders met with Kao Yang-sheng Deputy Minister of the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to explain how UNITYrsquos youth council network operates Owens explained the annual elections of the National UNITY Council and how officers are selected from 10 US regions with two co-presidents leading the Executive Committee ldquoYou are excellent Indian youth representatives chosen by states so I see you as the hope of your people Your visit of UNITY and comments will help us improve ourselves hererdquo said Yang-sheng On itswebsite the Council of Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan claims to ldquofollow the concepts of upholding national interest with priority given to promoting quality of life among indigenous peoples when formulating policy directions and strategies to enhance the living standards of the pride among Indigenous tribes and to restore their confidence and statusrdquo Five of the six UNITY youth leaders who traveled to Taiwan serve as regional representatives of the National UNITY Council They include Alex Toledo 19 Jemez Pueblo (Southwest Region Representative) Tyler Owens 19 Akimel OrsquoodhamGila River Indian Community (Western Region Representative) Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson 19 Kickapoo (Southern Plains Representative) Aaron Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa (Midwest Region Representative) and Simon Montelongo 16 Eastern Cherokee (Southeast Region Representative) Carrie Hood 20 Yavapai and the current Miss Ft McDowell Yavapai Nation also traveled with the group Mary Kim Titla San Carlos Apache and UNITY Executive Director as well as Christine Porter Mohawk and Ft McDowell Youth Council advisor served as chaperones ldquoI will never forget the amazing indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language We are thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the samerdquo said Porter

- 90 - ldquoI learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Irsquom thankful for this experience I will cherish the memories foreverrdquo said Leaureaux 20 Saginaw Chippewa

UNITY and Vox Nativa are planning future exchanges

Read more at httpindiancountrytodaymedianetworkcom20140509unity-youth-and-indigenous-tribes-taiwan-exchange-culture-memories-154749 UNITY youth leaders and their chaperones pose in front of Taiwans National Concert Hall The National Theater and Concert Hall are two of the first major modern performing arts facilities to be established in Asia On this day a large ceramic panda exhibit was on display Pictured from left in the back are Mary Kim Titla Carrie Hood Tyler Owens Aaron Leaureaux Santana ldquoSonnyrdquo Johnson Christine Porter and Simon Montelongo Alex Toledo is in the front These young women are members of the Thao Tribe They posed for a picture in between their performances for tourists at Sun Moon Lake the tribersquos indigenous homeland (Mary Kim Titla)

UNITY in Taiwan Experience (UNITY團員參訪心得分享) Aaron Leaureaux Going to Taiwan was the trip of a lifetime The views were amazing as were the people Their culture was similar to ours and it was amazing to learn that Native Americans are viewed as role models for Taiwan Indigenous natives My favorite part of the trip was visiting the National Dong Hwa University and seeing them perform their traditional dances and songs Another highlight of the trip was meeting with Taiwan Deputy Minister Kao Yang-Sheng and members of the Taiwan Indigenous Council During our stay we experienced a minor earthquake while Tyler Owens Carrie Hood and I were debriefing about our day As a result of the earthquake the very next day we got stuck in a tunnelcave while on our bus as heavy equipment was used to remove loose rock hanging above the roadway My favorite memory is taking the boat tour of Sun Moon Lake and learning about the history of the Thao tribe I learned many things while in Taiwan and Irsquom looking forward to going back and visiting again someday Thank you so much for this experience I will cherish the memories forever

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Tyler Owens Taiwan was a once in a lifetime trip and was so enlightening If I had the opportunity or the money to go back and do it all over again I would From getting to see different ways that indigenous tribes in Taiwan are similar to the indigenous tribes in America was captivating The locals were so sweet and welcoming that it gave me a home like feel The vibrant colors on all the traditional clothing was exciting and the songs were so beautiful I enjoyed our time with the college students at the National Dong Hwa University where we shared our songs from home and got to traditionally dance Throughout the trip we got to try all kinds of food my favorite was the chocolate maugi even though it is not a food more like a dessert The Starry Nights Concert was astounding and we were recognized I felt famous for a moment and was so excited to finally get to take a group picture with the Vox Nativa students From the night market in Taipei to the food we ate on Sun Moon Lake there will never be a trip in my lifetime that could possibly top my ten beautiful days in Taiwan Thank you for this experience Carrie Hood The trip to Taiwan was awesome I wouldnt change anything about it Traveling around the island to visit 7 out of the 14 aboriginal tribes Bonding with all of the indigenous people was something so unforgettable Getting to know about what theyve been though and the struggles they are going though today with trying to keep their languages alive Brought me back to some of struggles with keeping our language alive on my reservation With that being said the indigenous tribes we visited were amazing from the singing dancing and them just embracing us as one of them was such an amazing opportunity to have I can truly say that this was a trip of a lifetime and I would do it again any day 4) Christine Porter From March 12th ndash 22nd I accompanied our Fort McDowell Youth Council President 5 youth from tribes around the Nation and the Executive Director of UNITY on a trip to Taiwan to participate in a cultural exchange with the Indigenous tribes We visited 7 out of the 14 tribes We listened to them sing watched their dances and ate their traditional food We also visited various museums and historical sites I want to thank the Creator for keeping us all safe as we traveled to Taiwan I know the stress of planning a trip for a group of people and I have much respect and appreciation for Herdaw Che a volunteer with Vox Nativa and the others who helped him plan and prepare for this trip The youth and I felt important and special wherever we went whether to a village dinner or a performance Everyone we interacted with was kind and happy to see us

- 92 - When I saw the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir in Los Angeles last year at the UNITY Conference I was in awe of their singing I instantly became excited when I saw that they would be performing a concert in Taiwan The highlight of the concert in Taiwan was when we were invited on stage to take a picture with them I already miss Taiwanese food Almost all the food was new to me and I promised myself I would try new things Irsquom so glad I did I ate duck turnip cakes and foods Irsquom uncertain of for the first time One of the highlights of the trip for me was when we visited the college After we heard the students sing Tyler Owens sang a couple songs as we all danced together But just as Tyler finished her song the students immediately took us into their dance and started singing Nothing was said we just danced I will carry that feeling with me forever Taiwan is one of the most beautiful places Irsquove ever been to The hotels were very fancy and I didnrsquot mind the hours on the bus because the view was mesmerizing On this trip I witnessed the love between human beings Each day we would visit an Indigenous village and every single time whether it was for 1 hour or 4 hours we created a bond with the people there We shared and interacted with love and kindness Everyone was sad when it was time for us to leave Our goodbyes were ldquoSee you laterrdquo ldquoCome back to visit us soonrdquo Whatrsquos your Facebook namerdquo We shook hands gave lots of hugs and then waved goodbye until we could no longer see them We spent 9 days on a bus with 15 other people also touring Taiwan In that time we shared snacks laughed took ldquoselfiesrdquo and sang karaoke together We formed friendships that will be cherished forever Last but not least I will cherish the friendships made between us and the interpreters They helped us understand what was going on and what was being said One interpretation was ldquoHe said we just had an earthquakerdquo Good thing it was small We joked together and had so many laughs They taught us and we taught them Irsquom thankful that they were able to spend the time with us and really make an effort to get to know us personally None of this would have happened if not for Vox Nativa and any other sponsors Thank you for this trip of a lifetime I will never forget the amazing Indigenous people of Taiwan I wish them all the best at restoring their culture and language Thousands of miles apart yet we are very much the same

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5) Mary Kim Titla --UNITY Executive Director I will never forget my trip to Taiwan The people of Taiwan were gracious hosts embracing us so wonderfully and throughout treating us like royalty The food was incredible Among many things we ate rice cooked inside bamboo eggs boiled in tea dried mini fish wild pig yellow watermelon wild Indigenous plants The UNITY youth most enjoyed themselves when they were able to engage with the Taiwan Indigenous youth When visiting the Thao tribal village the youth from two different continents played basketball together which is a universal sport and while there was a language barrier it did not prevent a most memorable exchange The UNITY youth brought gifts to share We did protocol gifting with a representative from the Thao Tribe among others Miss Ft McDowell Carrie Hood gave ground Acorn an Apache seasoning and a beautiful silver bolo tie Aaron Leaureaux gave a nice Beach towel with his tribal logo I was very proud of our young people The Starry Night Concert was certainly a highlight especially when we heard the Vox Nativa Childrenrsquos Choir Our UNITY group was called on stage to be recognized This was so exciting for everyone especially since the First Lady of Taiwan was present I was very honored to have received a gift from the Bunun village leader The Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Cultural Park proved to be very educational which is equivalent to our National Museum of the American Indian Our group tried some archery and had fun on a big swing The Indigenous people also do great beadwork We all bought some nice items as souvenirs We were very honored to have met a pastor and tribal leader of the Bunun Tribe the Rev Pai Kwang Sheng The UNITY Youth presented him with a blanket and a shawl for his wife It was a first exchange he meeting American Indians for the first time and of course us meeting him We enjoyed listening to him talk about his tribe and their struggles to build their local economy Their Indigenous history is similar to ours It made my heart sad a little as he repeated the story of colonization But when I saw the young people the hope in their eyes made my heart happy again When we returned to Taipei we visited the second tallest building in the world 101 which has 101 floors It also has the worldrsquos fasted elevator getting us to the top in 30 seconds We also saw the Changing of the Guard at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall which was very impressive Irsquom so grateful to have started a relationship with Vox Nativa The UNITY organization extended an invitation for Indigenous youth of Taiwan to attend our National Conference in the US sometime in the future We look forward to that and possible future exchanges A big thanks to Herdaw Che for volunteering many hours to organize this trip and to Vox Nativa and other sponsors for giving Native American youth what may be a once-in-a lifetime experience

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山谷回音 暑期英文學習營國際志工服務日誌

Larry Liu Monday July 21 2014 This year I didnrsquot have a class to teach and instead worked in the office Although I was unable to learn specifically about on certain class my experience from my constant patrols allowed me to observe the activities of the camp as a whole As expected the youngest classes (2nd and 3rd grade) were the rowdiest and the hardest to control To help improve this the teachers of these classes could implement a randomized seating chart to separate the trouble-making kids and have one teacher up in front teaching and the other two helping out the teachers on the side As of now controlling the classes is definitely the biggest problem What I thought was nicely done was how the teachers would switch off to cover for each other when one of the teachers was out of the classroom Most importantly I believe that we can definitely be more proactive in solving our problems and helping our teammates Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the time seemed to pass by much faster since most of the team was almost over their jet lag However there were still several problems that our team encountered Most importantly our team still lacked control and authority over the students The 2nd grade class was extremely rowdy during homework time the 5th grade class was still asking inappropriate questions and the 3rd grade class still refused to listen to some of their teachers Each of these problems need to be addressed immediately and a strict unyielding way of dealing with instances of inappropriateness is the solution No is and must always be no If we fail to reprimand the students they will soon learn that they can keep on pushing the line and fail to see us as their teachers but rather their peers On the flip side English classes and bachata dance lessons were quite successful The kids were overall much more respectful to their teachers having warmed up to them My favorite part of the day was when I found a successful method to teach the kids bachata splitting them into 4 small groups and having them practice at separate times By applying this method to large group activities I can focus on each group and make sure that no one is left in the back and either not paying attention or struggling to seehear Overall I feel that our performance was equal to yesterdayrsquos performance but could definitely be better Wednesday July 23 2014 Since today was the middle of a typhoon many of the kids were sort of out of it during their lessons Nevertheless we did a much better job at controlling the kids WIth each class either adding new rules or enforcing them more strictly there were less kids wandering about and being rowdy Crafts today were a great success The kids were super focused and on-task constantly trying to improvedecorate their artwork Compared to the previous two days the kids were much more controlled and quiet I suspect this is so because the activities were more party oriented and

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hands-on as opposed to a purely education and lecture-style class However the afternoon meetings definitely still need work WIth so many people at the room at the same time itrsquos hard to not get distracted When one person starts to relax others will soon observe and follow suit I find that this is detrimental to the productivity of the group To solve this problem it would be better to clearly create committeesset a concrete goal with a deadline This would help keep all of us on track Thursday July 24 2014 Due to the change in schedule today class periods 3 and 4 were shorter The change in schedule threw off the pace of many classes causing us to forget when to startstop class I should have patrolled around and went to each class five minutes before in order to remind the teachers Today was our arts and crafts day for lanyards friendship bracelets and rainbow loom bracelets Just like yesterday the kids were extremely well behaved They really enjoy their arts and crafts The best part about them was when the kids wanted to keep on making more for their family members that didnrsquot attend Vox Nativa The fact that these students are not very fortunate yet still worrylook out for their family members first really inspired me They truly have compassionate hearts The most important part of the day was the activity leading period We were given all the time from nap-time to leaving school to take care of the students so we played games and danced In general the children liked dancing over games What we should have done is split the kids in smaller groups according to grade level so that the older kids wouldnrsquot be bored In addition we need to be more proactive and organized so that there are less awkward pauses during activities Otherwise the day ran pretty smoothly Monday July 28 2014 Today half of the team got up at 500am to pick grapes at Uli 老師rsquos house This proved to be quite exhausting because many had slept at 100200 and were sleep deprived throughout the day Because of this many of the teachers napped during classes in front of the kids I feel that it would be a much better idea for teachers to nap inside of our office instead of doing it inside of the classrooms This allows teachers to maintain a sense of professionalism and show the kids that we are not their peers but rather figures of authority that they should respect When the flubber project started today I immediately saw the problem with the younger classes WHen the teachers were going around one by one to give the kids materials other kids who hadnrsquot received materials began talking and playing with them before the teachers explained the project TO mitigate this one teacher should prepare materials for all the kids ahead of time before passing them out at the same time This takes out the awkward pauses during class time during which the class gets out of control Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was without a doubt the busiest day of the trip Right after breakfast the office crew immediately got to work preparing the banquetfood pick up area by sweeping and rearranging tables I was pleased with our productivity we had taken down the Halloween decorations the previous day so that we could immediately start preparing However when it came to the time

- 96 - where we were preparing food for the banquet we lost our previous productivity Because the kitchen had a limited number of knives and cutting boards only a few people worked continuously while others lingered around and just talked We made those we had already finished their job of washing vegetables start practicing the song that we would perform for the show tonight The strategy of splitting up a large group into smaller groups and keeping everyone busy by assigning new jobs is one that keeps the group on track Like always the ending performance was bittersweet What struck me the hardest was the fact that my kids still remembered me from last year even though I hadnrsquot talked to them much during the entire trip Knowing that I was an important figure in the kidsrsquo lives filled me with a sense of accomplishment and provided me with a sense of closure for I knew I had succeeded as a teacher when I touched the hearts of my students last year Wednesday July 30 2014 The best way to describe today would be a day of early farewells Due to their Tokyo performance a bit less than half of the students left today THeir early departure left the school with a sense of emptiness as many of the older kids were gone Seeing my kids from previous years leave also left me with a sense of emptiness as well When it came to the time for group activities it eventually devolved into just movie-watching for the kids I still feel like we should have spent this time more wisely such as teaching more crafts and socializing with the kids in order to learn about their personal circumstances Watching movies should be done only as a last resort Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of the volunteer portion of the trip the official day of farewells Instead of teaching English for the entire day most of the teachers ended up throwing some type of farewell party for the kids I thought that this was appropriate seeing how many of the classes had already taken their final exam the previous day and most of the kids were already in a end-of-school type of mood Again we showed a movie which I think was acceptable but obviously had better alternatives When it came to the time to say our goodbyes many of the kids from the lower grades came to give me a hug I felt appreciative because even though I wasnrsquot their teacher I constantly went into their classrooms to help their teachers control the class to the point where they recognized me as one of their ldquounofficial teacherrdquo Having that sense of belonging despite not teaching a class really was the highlight of my service

helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Sophie Chen Monday July 21 2014 Although today was the first day it turned out better than I expected Last year the first day at Taitung didnrsquot go very smoothly because they are athletes the students arenrsquot used to sitting through lectures and they canrsquot pay attention as well However the students in my class were quiet

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and mostly paid attention Unfortunately the problem with these students are that they donrsquot have enough confidence in my opinion When we asked them to read aloud their mad libs all of the students basically whispered it even when we told them to talk louder I think theyrsquore afraid of pronouncing words wrong Also they donrsquot ask questions even when they need help Instead they just sat there and talked to their friends Hopefully in the next few days the kids can open up to us and not be afraid to ask questions and mispronounce words In addition the lesson plan we had made the day before was not followed as the time we had estimated for the activities were so long In the end we ended up playing games with the vocabulary we taught them For upcoming classes I hope to better plan our activities so we donrsquot have to improv Tuesday July 22 2014 After today I noticed how responsible these kids are Because seventh grade is in the choir room we donrsquot have our own mops Even though breakfast time had already started the students who were in charge of mopping the floor stayed back and finished mopping the floor before they went down to breakfast Although this may be a daily routine for them I still think it is amazing how disciplined and responsible these kids are They donrsquot have any mindset to first eat breakfast and then come back later to mop the floor After letting the students pick their seats yesterday they ended up talking to their friends and therefore did not pay too much attention during class However today after creating a seating chart and interacting with them for a day I realized they help each other a lot talk less and participate more Also they started to speak louder after getting to know us In order to create the environment for them to be speaking English without hesitation we have to let them know that wersquore here to help them improve their English and help them not to laugh at them Because today was the first day of Bachata I didnrsquot know what the expect However I was amazed at how fast they remembered the moves Although they were a bit noisy at first after blowing the whistle and separating the entire group into fours they paid more attention By splitting into groups of four the children danced group by group and it was easier to control them and ensure they are doing the right moves Wednesday July 23 2014 Although the students paid attention during class and did their assigned classwork I still think not all of them were putting 100 into learning We asked them about the typhoon before class started and it seemed as if they were all really worried including their parents Some wanted to go home but couldnt due to the Japan trip and others said they were going to miss us They were getting distracted during their classwork and started talking during read aloud or with someone else was talking by the lightning and the thunder Today I realized how they normally dont have much of a choice when doing something because of the typhoon there was a power outage therefore the quizzes the students were supposed to take couldnt be printed leaving a hole in our schedule We told her class to write a dialogue with the partner on any subject as long as each person said at least five lines each line including one vocab word Before they started they kept confirming with us that the dialogue could be on any topic

- 98 - The concert after dinner was funny and cute Even though the performance with the tunes might have been boring as they started learning just three days ago they made it funny and entertaining to watch I learned that even though you might not be too advanced at playing instruments when giving a performance try your best if it is boring think of something to do to make it entertaining The Halloween party afterwards was pretty exciting as the lightning from the typhoon added to the spookiness Spending the effort of decorating the office and the classrooms was really worth it I think the kids got a feeling of Halloween but they still need to experience the fun of walking around neighborhoods with their friends on Halloween night trick-or-treating Thursday July 24 2014 For some reason every time our class plays games and we tell them to split into teams and create names they come up with the strangest names The team names are all related to one another One team comes up with a name and the other teams find another name related to it For example on the second day two teams name themselves team Jesus and team Lord The last team decided to name them selves team God Yesterday one team name themselves team team so the other two teams name themselves team team number two and team team number three Finally today when we split them into two groups one decided on the name fish power so that the other team decided to name themselves dust power Although Im not really sure how these kids come up with these names Im amazed at their creativity When we did rainbow loom in the second session I thought a lot of the students knew how to do it however I was surprised that they didnt know how to use the loom itself instead the kids used another tool to make their bracelets Since my class is in seventh grade most of my kids left for their tripAfter a week of teaching them I feel like our kids are having more fun during class and opening up to us more however I still think they are afraid to ask those questions answer incorrectly or get laughed at by their friends Monday July 28 2014 Picking grapes at a great plantation was a great experience except for the bugs and tall grass I always love eating Taiwan fruit because it tastes sweeter than the ones in America and there are more kinds Today in class three new students came bringing the total to 12 students Unfortunately we planned a unit 5 to 7 test After the kids finished it and we graded it we realized that the two worst test scores were Ryan and Jacob once again from last week We talked with them and asked why they didnt study Apparently they work on the farm during the weekend and didnt have time to study Therefore we retaught the units and they retook the test Im amazed how hard-working they are even when theyre not at school Unlike students in the US the students in Taiwan work on farms on the weekends Students in the US sleep in on weekends and just hang around the house or with friends Although we decided to combine classes for the talent show when we all gathered we had absolutely no idea what to do Originally my kids didnt want to perform with the sixth graders because six and seventh grade always combine but it was too late We ended up dancing to Best Day of My Life I was pretty surprised how fast they learn the moves just like Bachata I try to get them to send certain parts of the song and exaggerate their moves except it didnt really work

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Hopefully by tomorrow night they can dance more freely Tuesday July 29 2014 Im still surprised at team names the kids come up with today they came up with susu power and gin gin power Every time Crystal and I asked him how they came up with their names they just make a sound and move on After trying a flash card game where there are two teams and each team has a person guessing While the rest of the team describes the card last week we found it pretty effective therefore we decided to play it again today Thinking back on it this game is helpful as you have to know what the word is and what it meansThis relates to what my chemistry teacher said all year you dont really understand something until you can teach someone else and apply it For example if one person on the team did not know what the word meant but everyone else knew and was explaining it to the gas soon then the person who didnt know before would learn it Tonight after the concert to be honest I thought I wouldnt cry Even though I taught my class for only two weeks I didnt bond with my students thats much as I have the oldest class and there are disciplined so I dont have to yell at them or talk to them as muchHowever by the end watching people cry listening to sad music and the kids hugs are you eventually cried For one performance sixth and seventh grade performed best day of my life Since they only danced it for one and a half hours before the performance I was proud of them for dancing and singing on stage Wednesday July 30 2014 Since there was a unit eight test today and a concert the night before we gave the students time to study and review After correcting the tests we realized the worst two scores were once again Ryan and Jacob This happened on Monday to therefore I retaught them the unit with the hope that they would learn it properly this time Since the choir kids had to leave at 11 AM we planned to let the rest of the kids play basketball I threatened the two kids that if they didnt really learn the unit properly they couldnt go out to play When reteaching them I think they know the content they just dont spend the time to study and memorize it The kids dont seem to like studying as much because they have to work on the farms over the weekend and they wont use English that often It was really interesting that the kids in our class we watched our performance from last night and played demons and best day of our life during break time on their phones I dont know whether they already know the songs before hand but I thought it was pretty cute They also started to sing-along and hum the tune Thursday July 31 2014 Because my class is done with the textbook and Justines class only had one student left we decided to combine classes and make rainbow loom bracelets together Although we tried teaching this during class we only got through the simplest design therefore this time we gave them examples and asked them which one they wanted to learnSome kids were amazing at making bracelets while others struggled a little bit Some students made bracelets for a family member while others made bracelets for themselves or their group of friends After a wild we took them out to play basketball

- 100 - however they couldnt find a ball so they went to climb the tree in the back parking lot Unfortunately that tree is a historical tree and they werent supposed to climb it Before I knew it it was time for the kids to go The goodbyes were short and soon the kids left These past two weeks were a really fun and nice experience Comparing last year with this year is really difficult because they are two separate sets of experiences Although its the same concept of teaching English the approach methods and memories are different I am really glad I got to spend two weeks at Vox Nativa helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Rebecca Zheng Monday July 21 2014 Today I was pretty anxious and worried while I was waiting for the students to come in the class I was afraid that they would not listen to me and that we would not be able to teach them properly First the students were very shy and curious about us When we started class I tried my best to project my voice and lead the class We utilized a variety of techniques to teach the students including repeat after me call and answer and fill in the blank I was surprised that the kids proficiency in English was relatively low and we ended up having to use Chinese for most of the class Although most of the kids were not extremely disciplined they were responsible for their age and completed all of their jobs I feel like we had a pretty good first day especially since it was both Kevins and my first time teaching English Tuesday July 22 2014 We used similar techniques to teach class today I felt like the students were getting bored of some of the activities we used and that the students who didnt participate as much were not learning I hope thats we will be able to get these certain students to participate more During lunch it took a long time for the kids to get their meals and to bring the food I need to figure out if this is the normal amount of time needed for the kids to complete their tasks The kids also had a hard time falling asleep Dinner time today was also very chaotic because it seemed like the kids duties werent defined I thought it was impressive that the kids all knew how to ration their portions so everyone had the same amount Homework time was also very hectic The kids did their Hobart but they just went to the back and were playing and goofing off Wednesday July 23 2014 Today there was no power or water for the first half of the day I was worried because I knew it would be harder to teach with no lights We were able to get through our lesson plan but the kids were much sleepier today They were also more board and made the classroom messier because they cannot fool around outside For the Halloween night all of the kids were very excited They probably only got 2 to 5 pieces of candy each but they were very happy We had a problem with cleaning up afterwards because the kids spilled a lots of Jell-O and candy wrappers everywhere It took a while but in the end the class was somewhat orderly again As a whole I think we need to figure out a better way to get the kids to do their jobsSuch as bringing the meals putting away the

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dishes and cleaning the classroom Some kids are not as responsible as others Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had to supervise the kids until 430 PM I figured out that sending a kid to get food with their friends or bribing them by helping them with their projects worked well The kids were very excited to make lanyards today and we were surprising me patient They did not get frustrated when they did not understand how to make the lead beard and all of them eventually learned how to make one We also had to supervise the kids after nap timeWe went to the auditorium and we danced and played a few games The kids seemed a little bored when they were dancing but they liked the games and most of the kids participated At the end of the day the students with hope They looked happy and sad at the same time and I feel like I learned a lot Monday July 28 2014 This morning I had a hard time waking up Some people went to pick grapes and Im glad I didnt get up that early to do so because I was very tired We made flubber today It was a very simple process for the kids but in retrospect I dont think it was a good idea because the kids always play with them during class which is a huge distraction and also created a huge mess English class was okay We worked out a routine where we spend half of the time reviewing and half of the time learning new material We gave out a worksheet and the kids struggles At this day I know everyones name most of the Chinese names and how good their English is I also know who the smart kids are so I will only call on them only when nobody else knows the answer Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we did not have an activity planned for class so we did English class for four periods We gave out a pretty simple test but most of the students were unable to do most of the questions Because of this we had to do review for most of the class offering stickers as incentives I think this review was very beneficial and the students learned a lot I realized how important the review was to the kids because they take a long time to absorb new information We also spent a lot of time preparing for the banquet I decorated the office which didnt take too long I think the kids enjoyed the food but there was no interest among them with the clam chowder We should have served him the chowder with their food The kids really liked the spam musubi and the chocolate fondue Next year I think we should include more protein in the menu Wednesday July 30 2014 This morning I really could not get up But I eventually did We made gingerbread houses today and I think the kids really enjoyed it It wasnt too messy and we had a lots of candy left over We used the candy as incentives during class time We only had one period of English and we used it as a wrap up lesson Many kids are not going to be here tomorrow I found that using the whistle was effective in getting the kids attention I usually blow the whistle to get the kids to light up After class at that time we watched a movie but the kids did not understand what the movie was about because it was all in English After the movie we played with the kids had dinner supervise the

- 102 - kids and cleaned the bathroom Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day I was not sad or sentimental at first because all of my favorite students had left the day before We watched movies for the entire time and we had our last meal together I was happy because the kids prayed for us and thanked us for teaching them Then we assigned the kids their jobs and we yelled at them to do their jobs Most of them were pretty responsible but some of the kids who were asked to do extra because they had simple jobs were very lazy After to clean up we said bye to the students and watch them board the bus The funny thing is that I was more sad about leaving the other classes then my own I cared about my own kids but it is hard for me to make a close bond with young children The sixth and seventh graders felt closer to me than my fourth-graders We rode the bus and the train to Taipei and I wished those kids the best of luck for their future because they are talented helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Andrea Lam Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first team meeting or class of second graders They were all super friendly and kept wanting us to play with them But because of how playful you were it was kind of hard to control them 30 class Something interesting we learned today was that even though all of the kids were in the same grade they had varying skill levels in English A few of the kids were amazing at English while other new on the how to write the uppercase or lowercase letters Because of the difference in skill level it was hard for us to teach because some of the kids who already knew everything would get restless and bored I think something we need to improve on is getting the kids to listen to us and pay attention during class and not fool around as much Tuesday July 22 2014 Today the students were a bit more behaved they listen to us a lot more and actually paid attention in class The Halloween crafts we made today in preparation for our Halloween party tomorrow were extremely interesting for the kids One of the Halloween crafts we had to make was a paper pumpkin The kids were so excited when they found out it would be baking a pumpkin and some kids came up to me to ask about the history of pumpkins in Halloween I was very surprised when the kids came up to me to ask me to help them perfect their pumpkins They hated seeing its lopsided or seeing it have holes in between the paper strips In the end the kids were happy after finishing your paper pumpkin and many of them kept telling me they cannot wait to bring it home to show their parents Wednesday July 23 2014 Even though today was not the first day of class our kids were still very miss behaved at times and required us yelling at them several times before they would quiet down Because of this Megan Marcus and I decided to use a new system to control the kids Our new system was that for each

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Time a kid disobeyed one of our rules they would get their name written on the board and fall Louit offenses would result in checks next to their name If a kid had two checks next to their name then they would be sent to the principals office Surprisingly this new method worked extremely well Once one student got two checks and was sent to the office the other students knew we were serious and quieted down oboist immediately After that the kids were being well behaved for the majority of the class Thursday July 24 2014 Today we had a craft to teach our kids during class We taught the kids how to make bracelets out of seven pieces of string using cardboard circles At first the kids had a hard time grasping how to make the bracelets but eventually the kids got very into it and begin to be able to make them on their own without our help After finishing the first bracelet many of the kids asked for more string to make bracelets for their siblings or parents Overall I think teaching the kids how to make bracelets was a good idea because it was simple enough to keep them quiet for the majority of the time Monday July 28 2014 Today during third and fourth period we taught our class how to make flubber When we first told the kids we would be baking flubber and explain to them what it was they were excited and could not sit still To get all of the students to quiet down we told them that they would not get any of the materials unless they were quiet and sitting down at their desks Eventually they were quiet enough for us to begin the project The kids had so much fun making the flubber After the flubber was done the students started throwing it around like a bouncy ball which made a best in the classroom It was still a very fun experience for the students Tuesday July 29 2014 Tonight was the farewell show that all the kids and all the Connexpedition team performed at The show as funny entertaining and full of memories When our slideshow came on and when some of our members said their speeches Justine Jenny Crystal and I started crying It was so emotional hearing everyone describe their experiences with each of their classes It made me reflect on my own experiences with my 2nd grade class When my kids came up to hug me when I was crying it was incredibly touching and only made me cry harder All the kids were incredibly sweet telling us not to cry and to save our tears for more important times This farewell show was the moment that made me realize how much all of our hardships were worth in the end Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we made graham cracker houses in class It was so extremely messy and many of the kids somehow managed to get the frosting all over their clothes desks and the floors However it was fun to see the kids being creative in decorating their graham cracker houses For the project we divided our class into groups of 2 which forced the two kids to cooperate and work together in order to successfully builddecorate their graham cracker house One pair worked extremely well together

- 104 - They had a whole system of who would ice the graham cracker while the other held the house together It was so satisfying to see the students be able to work together properly and build a beautiful graham cracker house Thursday July 31 2014 Our last day with the kids at Luo Na was incredibly sad I teared up and started crying once I saw my students get on the bus ready to leave us and head home When the buses started to pull away all of the kids opened the windows to wave goodbye Afterwards as I was walking back to the classroom to do a final cleanup I was struck by how empty and quiet the school seemed without the kids Looking into my classroom and seeing how orderly and lifeless it seemed only made me tear up again After getting to know such amazing kids after two weeks the thought of not being able to ever see them again is disheartening I want to be able to see the kids I taught succeed in life and grow up to become adults Hopefully some day in the future I will be able to meet my kids again and see just how much they will have grown helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Shane Li Monday July 21 2014 Today was the first day of our actual service This year I was in a class teaching instead of not teaching I am in charge of the third grade class They are basically the students from Andrearsquos class last year It really isnrsquot that bad but I almost lost my voice today I managed to get my voice back by not talking for four hours There is also a typhoon coming in and I am actually not sure if I want it to come or not I sort of donrsquot like who I am teaching with but I also donrsquot want to leave the kids I guess this just means that I need to suck it up if I have to teach with Roy There were also things I learned about lesson planning I under-planned a lot and I realized that we should always overplan so we will never run out of material Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day of teaching It was a rather better day today but also a tougher day English first period went pretty well I learned new ways of getting the kids to participate I developed a new strategy on what to do to get the most participation from the kids I feel like my lesson planning could have been better though The class sort of fell apart during second period I think partly because I ran out of steam but in the end the class did go better than yesterday I started to get sick today and I had some diarrhea I am really feeling what it is like to have to work a twelve hour day while sick and having a lack of sleep I guess I really did not understand how stressful it was to do this until this trip because culture camp back at US is not anywhere near what I do here Also last year I did not teach a class I need to improve on controlling my kids more and better lesson planning and not bore the students I have a lot to learn before I get anywhere close to a perfect day Wednesday July 23 2014

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Today was the first day I let Roy teach a whole class by himself At first he really took control of the class and actually taught However as the class went on it became obvious he was starting to make things up (on the spot lesson planning) Ping also told me that I should be less mean when speaking to the kids and not yell at them all the time I will try to be softer with all of the students tomorrow and see how that goes Making the faces and costume for the kids were really fun They all extremely enjoyed it I realized today that some of these kids can be very creative Maybe and probably even more than me I find it really saddening that the kids arenrsquot as fortunate as me when it comes to ability to expand their abilities It really touched me today to realize that Vox NAtiva has basically changed these children Sometimes I really wonder where these kids will be without Vox Nativa Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of the week English class was really smooth and nothing really went wrong I gave them a test and half the class did not do so well so Irsquom not really sure if it is my problem or if the kids did not study The other half of the class did really well though The kids really liked dancing to the music THey only like fast-paced music though which I can understand I am going to try to get along with Roy more next week since I feel like it is affecting our class Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of the second week The kids all came into the class extremely tired for some reason It was a good thing since they were all very quiet Today I made Roy teach both classes of English He somewhat struggled because he is not able to make decisions by himself He would constantly look at me and ask me what to do next I feel like having a good voice makes kids listen to you more I always try to have a solid voice and Irsquove realized if you did not have one the students will be less likely to listen to you Instead they will just laugh at your voice and make fun of it We made flubber today as our science project I used a new system in teaching them how to make it I would do it once in front of the whole class then have them come up one by one and get the ingredients This method worked really well and I was able to keep the class clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a pretty tiring day because of the banquet and lack of sleep the day before Today I taught English class and I realized that I love my voice I canrsquot raise my voice anymore because when I do it just sound extremely blank I realized it was easier to speak normally to the kids than shouting I made Roy actually start yelling in class today Honestly it did not work out so well since the kids just laughed at his voice Today was also the goodbye banquet The students had really cute performances especially my own class Those kids were always gone and now I know why - because they were practicing for the performance It really touched me because they prepared for it In the very end after the video we all went up to give speeches and a few of my students started crying I started to tear up as well even though I usually donrsquot cry at all Wednesday July 30 2014

- 106 - In the morning the kids were all really tired today probably because the banquet went really late last night Today Roy kept falling asleep in class This really ticked me off I had to constantly wake him up and every time he goes back to sleep During second period I gave Roy my lesson plan and made him teach It didnrsquot go so well though He was not able to control the class so I had to constantly raise my voice and get them to listen to Roy Next period we made graham cracker houses I thought it was really messy but the kids actually took care of the room I am pretty sure they got into a sugar high after because they ate so much candy Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day of our service In the morning all of the lower classes came to our room and we all just watched a movie together I feel the kids donrsquot have the luxury of watching movies because most of them had never seen The Incredibles or Cars After movies the kids ate lunch and went home After thinking about it I have learned a lot of new things on this trip different from last year I learned that you donrsquot always get to work with who you want to work with because life does not work that way Also sometimes i realized I just need to suck it up and do things I donrsquot necessarily like I also found that you have to establish a line with the kids If I am always nice to them they wonrsquot listen to me If I am always mean to them they will not respect me There is a way to balance these two and I feel like I did that fairly well this year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kevin Lian Monday July 21 2014 Going into today I was really excited because it is always exciting meeting new students When they started entering though I did not start interacting with them right away I eventually did start approaching the kids to start talking to them When we started teaching the class was pretty rowdy We ignored them and raised our voices which was not very effective It was not until we started deducting points from their score that they started to listen to us We should have enforced the policy from the beginning From then on we started to threaten them with deducting points to keep them quiet We were not able to learn the kidsrsquo Chinese names because they were harder to read Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll find a way whether it be memorizing pinyin or the characters ANother thing we could improve for tomorrow is preparing a longer lesson plan We planned to spend a lot of time on the introduction part but it went by really quickly Our English lesson included multiple pauses when my partner and I discussed what to do next Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I got a better grasp on the studentsrsquo names I forced myself to remember them by picking on all the kids to participate This way they get practice in English and I was able to learn their names During the arts and crafts portion of the class period I realized that the kids were really needy However that is to be expected because they are young Next time I am going to make the class wait for every student to finish before teaching the next step We tried giving the kids less points during the lesson today but they kept on complaining Also it is hard to keep the point system fair

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because not every kid participates equally While part of the reason may stem from their English level a bigger reason is that theyrsquore too shy to break away from their comfort zone My kid David is usually outgoing during the break times but during class he never participates Looking back Irsquove realized that my class responds well when we yell at them However a kid cried together when we yelled It might have been because we singled her and another kid out when they had books out Hopefully tomorrow wersquoll gain more respect from the kids Wednesday July 23 2014 I really liked how we handled class today The class was really responsive because we included two activities in which the kids were able to get out of their seats instead of just listening to the lecture The class was a bit restless because of the lack of electricity but they still listened to us after a while THe kids complained about us teaching too quickly so I think wersquoll go back to review more in the future Irsquove also bonded really well with the kids now because they talk to me during breaks During breaks the kids tell stories They are stories either about their lives or ghosts so I decided to share my own past with them and how we live life in America I still raise my voice at them when they donrsquot listen but I donrsquot threaten with taking them to the office anymore The Halloween preparation was fun The kids were excited to learn about our tradition probably because they would get candy The classes are passing by quickly unlike the previous classes and more students are participating Thursday July 24 2014 Last day for the first week I really think Irsquove grown as a teacher throughout the week In the beginning I was afraid to use my authority However now Irsquove realized that I need to use that just to get them to listen to me It also helps now that I know their names in English I know the troublemakersrsquo names in Chinese just to make sure they will listen to us The art project was really difficult to start The kids were impatient and we were slow to help them individually Thank goodness Brian Amy and Larry came to help us Next time we should start the lanyards for them before class Overall though I feel like we are consistently improving compared to before Also it is easier to lead the class now that wersquove been here for a week I am looking forward to next week with the students Monday July 28 2014 Seeing the kids again after the weekend was refreshing because the weekend seemed pretty lackluster without them I feel like I yelled at my students a lot more today THe flubber project was hard to manage because we could only help one group of kids at a time Therefore the other kids would talk a lot while waiting Also since we had to get our own water the person in the classroom had to help the class while controlling the sound level at the same time I got really mad at my class after dinner because the students kept switching groups for the talent show THey would prepare with one group then one person would leave and start another This took away from the time they had to prepare Also there was another group of kids who did not want to participate I had to feel them ideas and even then they would not make up their minds I had a personal talk with a student

- 108 - who lost her parents Looking at her I would not have realized that she had such a difficult childhood One quote will stay with me for a while ldquoIf you miss someone just imagine that theyrsquore here with you Then you wonrsquot feel lonelyrdquo Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was a difficult day for me I felt unrested so I was impatient with the students I specifically sat next to James and made sure he paid attention in class He often fell asleep and would not participate in discussions I talked to him privately during the break and he was pretty quiet for the rest of the class I think he had trouble paying attention in class because his English is not as good as the other students He also had very little motivation to work hard Getting food during dinner and banquet was difficult because the kids were restless and hungry but they seemed to really enjoy eating the food I thought that the show at night was pretty emotional The kid I yelled at today still came up to me and hugged me I told him ldquoGood luck in the futurerdquo and he smiled at me I really hope that I have changed how he viewed education at school Wednesday July 30 2014 The class president and vice president was not here today These two students were extremely helpful because they would help control the class and distribute work for the rest of the kids Without them the class was unwilling to bring updown the dishes and the meals Also since most of our better behaving students left today there was no balance in the classroom This shows the two extremes in the class I guess I should have noticed earlier but I didnt really mind because the class was still productive If I am in charge of a class in the future I would be a lot stricter in the beginning of the teaching period The most meaningful part of today was when the kids handed us thank you notes I really appreciated how they were thankful for what we had done for them That was a motivating experience because it directly showed how we were able to influence the kidsrsquo lives and futures Thursday July 31 2014 The last day with the kids It was pretty emotional because I really got to know one of the students really well David was one of the kids whose parents helped us out over the weekend His family offered us the pig to each Well after we went to his home he started talking to me a lot more On the last day he really helped out with cleaning the classroom I gave him one of the three rainbow looms He was the only kid sitting quietly and raising his hand The other students rushed and shouted I guess his behavior really showed me how he developed through the class because he used to be one of the kids who wouldnrsquot listen at all This last moment with him really boosted my confidence as a teacher helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Kye Swen Monday July 21 2014 Today went surprisingly well considering the first day is usually the hardest Meeting the children

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was a serendipitous experience in the sense that the children were surprisingly and unexpectedly docile English lessons were carried out in a rather organized succession of activities with alternating teacher taking charge of every other activity This cooperative system proved useful and semi-harmonious The children are not exactly the most loquacious kids but they were well-behaved and obedient I learned that life is not the same everywhere and that not all children are born equal Tuesday July 22 2014 Todayrsquos class went fairly smoothly Games such as hangman and charades were played to joyous children Although the children were rowdier today than yesterday they still seemed rather attentive and open to teaching All the children were relatively happy but three students were more participative than the rest Perhaps our most important goal is to get more people to participate in class discourse and answer questions The English lessons seem to be getting shorter and shorter as todayrsquos lesson time was subtracted due to Bachata lessons and tomorrowrsquos English lesson time will be cut short by Halloween craft-making I hope to properly cover all the planned material in the limited time allotted for English lessons Wednesday July 23 2014 Throughout all of today the clear highlight of the day had to be the Halloween party After the party the only event that stood out in my mind was Halloween Looking back my memories of the day are a kaleidoscopic array of strobe lights and dismembered mannequins In regards to the teaching of our English class we are beginning to find that our students are showing less and less vigor and vitality in our classes Their participation seems to be lacking and the course of our ENglish lessons do indeed seem to be lacking in luster I think that ramping up and overhauling our point-prize system will increase participation and morale in our classes Thursday July 24 2014 Today went extraordinarily well Almost all of our kids participated a reasonable deal and we have taught a significant portion of English in the first 40-minute half of our first English session After dumping out our prize collection on the front desk to show them to possible rewards for racking up enough point for their respective teams the rate of participation went up The second half of our English session was dedicated to giving out tests to our students A twenty minute test was administered and though our expectations were high the results were massively disappointing The test results were atrocious and with each test I graded the grades seemed to drop lower in some horrible vertiginous descent I hope to talk to the kids that did the worst and find out why their results were so disappointing Monday July 28 2014 I have come to a realization that two periods of English class are the most I will ever get to teach English in a day This epiphany struck me like a lightning bolt in the middle of a typhoon while I was halfway done teaching Unit 5 in my English textbook In an activity-packed day there seems to be less and less time to teach what is vital and more and more time amusing the kids with dance

- 110 - shows and impressing the staff with events While these activities and performances are indeed important I would say that English should remain the top priority If we as a team had the option to place equal amounts of attention to lesson time allotment as we do event planning the breadth and quality of our teaching would rise in scope as well Tuesday July 29 2014 I remember the most of the talent show when I think back to my memories of today English class went by as usual and as the day drew to its inexorable conclusion I began to think more and more about the talent show It was called something along the lines of ldquonight farewell performancerdquo but it was in essence an amalgamation of hastily put-together acts reminiscent of a talent show As the lackluster Master of Ceremonies for that evening my appalling on-stage rambling was accompanied by a lineage of performances some decent and some visual atrocities My sixth and seventh grade classes for example danced to ldquoBest Day of My Liferdquo and had to be led by Justine The actual performance dance though relatively easy to dance to still managed to be exceedingly ugly Wednesday July 30 2014 The sun beat down upon our brows as we stood near the steps watching our students slowly file away into their respective cars and buses Yet as sunny as the day was a perpetual cloud of gloom hung over the heads of my co-teachers Justine and Jenny Red eyed and morose they sobbed as they hugged the children they had yelled at and laughed with for almost two weeks Some of the children cried with them mingling the sadness of parting ways with the warmness of remembrance It was strangely beautiful to see a group of people so utterly different in so many different ways unite as one in heart and temper Yet I felt no sense of sadness as I watched the people I taught leave us It was the same with yesterdayrsquos farewell concert It was as though I could not register the emotions I was supposed to and expected to feel I donrsquot exactly know why I wasnrsquot sad when they left and looking back I can honestly and forthrightly say that I did bond with many students in my class Nearly everyone else called me callous and cold which I suppose was fair for them to say I certainly donrsquot consider myself to be either of those things but based on my apathy who can blame them for thinking I am There I am bidding farewell to James and Anna and Ivy Tears flow yet my eyes remain dry Melancholy is suspended in the air like some invisible gas yet I cannot seem to breathe it in or absorb any of it I know I will miss all of them but I accept the fact that the people we see will become only memories and fade away as we meander onwards and forwards through time Our dearest friends our closest family our favorite teachers and our cherished studentsndashwe will gradually lose contact with them and they will inexorably diminish into a mere idea in the deep recesses of our hearts and minds The people we treasure will fade away into mere memories like ripples dissolving in a pond I fully and unflinchingly accept this perpetual truth and perhaps that is why I never felt the hot pangs of sadness as my children left We cry we wave goodbye and we remember That is all any of us can ever hope do

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the very last day we got to see the students still at the school Brian and Ping Ah Yi told us to take the kids and clean up any trash remaining on the school grounds Crystal and I lead a group of rowdy teenage boys to clean up the front of the school As our motley cleaning crew progressed they talked of subjects that most interested them girls sports and themselves We cut them some slack and allowed them to talk about a broad range of subjects and thus conversations of somewhat phallic and ribald natures ensued I realized then that despite their circumstances they were exactly like me when I was their age Like all of them I was once a hormonal and immature teenage boy No matter how different we may seem we are more similar than any of us will ever realize As we shouldered our bags and stepped onto the bus to leave I took one last look at Balan and the school and I suddenly felt a brief but strong sense of nostalgia It quickly passed however and my mind began to visualize our trip to Taipei The hectic night markets the teeming city the cramped buildings and humid air all appealed to my sense of travel As the green trees and small towns rolled by our window and forever into our pasts I thought of all the memories this powerful experience has left me As the American author John Steinbeck once wrote ldquoWe find after years of struggle that we do not take a trip a trip takes usrdquo As the bus rushed by the surrounding countryside and as I drowsily fell into a long overdue sleep I slowly began to realized that I couldnrsquot agree more helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Roy Ho Monday July 21 2014 Today was our first official day of service for the Connexpedition trip With barely enough sleep I got up at 6AM to prepare for the day that laid ahead of me I was actually excited to get started as this wa the day that we had been preparing for over 6 months to get to My first impression was that they werenrsquot as bad as I had imagined based upon past stories As we were introducing ourselves I finally figured out how clueless these kids are for example they saw a picture of me in a Boy Scouts uniform and thought I was a police officer After that however it started to get tougher We dealt with a girl that was homesick boys that wonrsquot stop hitting each other and kids that showed us absolutely no respect I learned today what it really means to be a teacher It really involved setting a good example and gaining the respect of those you teach A lot of things went wrong today such as flaws in our lesson plan or inability to control our kids but despite all that I have learned a lot in just one day Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was our second day I am starting to get used to this school its rules and its procedures As I get more and more familiar with my students a lot of new experiences meet me but at the same time a lot of problems arise Today was a tough day for me my two other co-teachers and basically everyone on our team For me personally I ran into the problem of two boys asking me inappropriate questions They asked it in Chinese at first not sensing the danger I asked them to explain After understanding it I felt so awkward that instead of lecturing them I just played dumb

- 112 - I think that was just one of my many mistakes today Despite that I continued to learn and grow in my own way and I bonded a lot more with everyone Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day It was my turn to teach the English classes today I feel like I screwed up a lot and had a lot of issues including insufficient Mandarin skills and being unable to get down my student names Starting today we decided to add more rules about asking before leaving class and I was a lot more strict about enforcing rules The results were pretty positive I think the most meaningful part of today was getting to be the main teacher of the class At night we had our Halloween party where we introduced the kids to the American tradition of Halloween It was really fun our students had masks and candy bags and we went to other classes to ask for candy We taught the kids how to say ldquotrick-or-treatrdquo However after the party my kids were way too hyper resulting in me having to shout multiple times and punish the extremely naughty kids Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the last day of our first week Some things I feel accomplished about today was that I finally learned most of my studentrsquos names Throughout this week I bonded a lot with all my students At the beginning I had to raise my voice to get them to do anything however since Irsquove gotten to know the kids better I can get them to listen to me more out of respect rather than fear My favorite experience today was when we tried combining all the classes in the auditorium We started by playing a couple of songs next we danced One of the problems was that we kept messing up the direction of the moves In class today we started with a crossword puzzle and then took a test I was very disappointed however as I graded the tests because the highest score was a 95 and the lowest was 10 The rest got between 40-60 As I watched my kids leave I felt relieved to have an opportunity to rest but at the same time I miss them already Monday July 28 2014 Today was the start of our second week After three days of break it felt like a brand new start My students seemed to be extra quiet today compared to usual Like last week we continued teaching English The project today was flubber I think my kids had fun with it but they were also very messy I started English class today by going over the test they took last week I feel really disappointed with my kids because we reviewed everything on the test multiple times yet the majority still fails the test I feel like I know all the procedures better now as well as the kids Irsquom starting to get a sense of each kidsrsquo personality I am looking forward to a great final week Tuesday July 29 2014 The first thing we were told about today was that it would be very tiring I like to say I was prepared because it honestly was not that bad for me We started a new unit in English today I doubt we will finish it though We were supposed to teach Bachata today but all the lower grade teachers decided that it would be too difficult My class ended up making lanyards It was not easy though because the kids just could not get the concept down and kept messing up As the kids went to choir practice

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all of us gathered in the meeting room and started our preparations for the banquet I was assigned to cooking so the majority of my time was spent in the kitchen However despite our hard work the kids still disliked the food In the evening we had our closing ceremony which I felt would have been better if it had been placed later this week because now I canrsquot stop thinking about the end Regardless it was a very bittersweet evening It made me realize what short time I had with these kids and that therersquos an even shorter time remaining Finally it really touched my heart that the kids actually cried and some came to me to give me a hug Wednesday July 30 2014 The students performing in Japan left today for my class that was actually just one kid The project today was graham cracker houses It was a fun and interesting ldquofinal projectrdquo My kids ended up eating a lot of the material before they were told to but luckily we had a surplus of supplies In the afternoon all the Choir 2 students had class as usual but the CHoir 1 kids all went to the auditorium and we watched a movie Funny thing was that most of the teachers fell asleep and soon after the students did too Tomorrowrsquos the last day I felt restless and kind of anxious I hope it goes smoothly Thursday July 31 2014 Today was our last day at Vox Nativa I woke up this morning to Amy knocking on the door because all of us guys had overslept I then moved on to packing my stuff then went up to my classroom For the morning it was the usual procedure the students cleaned then ate breakfast Except today instead of teaching class we ended up to my surprise watching two movies As a parting gift we gave everyone in my class a bag with a WIsdom culture camp t-shirt candy and some other stuff Finally it was goodbye It has been a tough frustrating and tiring two weeks Yet at the same time it was a fun new and a once-in-a-lifetime experience Seeing the kids go was sad yet relieving at the same time It was bittersweet helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Justine Du Monday July 21 2014 Personally today was an exceptionally good day I expected the students to be rowdy and a bit disrespectful but things turned out pretty well All the children were well-disciplined responsible efficient and they are good at time management They treat their peers and teachers with respect Something new I learned today was that the kids take the bus to get to Luo Na school Though there were many great characteristics of the children they also are pretty noisy and rude to each other sometimes Today a student was teasing another student about being too slow on writing his nametag so that kid pinched him THen the kid started crying and the other kid was reluctant to apologize Eventually I got them to talk their problems out and everything got better Also many kids did not like to speak up so participation issues were huge I think I can improve on controlling the children more

- 114 - Tuesday July 22 2014 Today was the second day with the children from Vox Nativa Something interesting I found out today was that the kids are all very enthusiastic during morning exercises I thought they would be groggy and unwilling to run and play dodgeball but everyone seemed to be having a great time I find the childrenrsquos respect for the teachers and their kindness extremely meaningful to me At lunch one of the girls said to me ldquoJiejie are you done eating I can clean up your dishesrdquo I find that really sweet and cute Also today was the first day of teaching Bachata I was shocked that the children picked up the dance so quickly and they were all paying attention However it was very messy and noisy in the beginning After a while we improved by having only one person explaining so the children we not confused on who to listen to Wednesday July 23 2014 Today was the third day of teaching the Vox Nativa children and things definitely progressed Even though we had a typhoon with high winds and thunderstorms everywhere the kids kept a calm attitude and were still ready to learn However the loud rain sounds also distracted the kids They would work on a worksheet for five minutes then they would avert their attention towards the window We also prepared for the Halloween party today There were some difficulties in the beginning because I could not find any markers in the office and there were many kids in our class Also they were pretty loud and kept playing with the pumpkin strips so it was a challenge trying to get them to pay attention However after a while everything cooled down and we explained how to decorate everything The kids listened attentively and all went well A meaningful aspect of today was bonding with my kids During the breaks I was sitting down monitoring the kids and a group of girls crowded around me and we all got to know each other better sang some songs and shared some stories Thursday July 24 2014 Today was the fourth day and the last day of the first week wersquore here At first during Monday and Tuesday I thought these two weeks would pass by excruciatingly slowly After Wednesday and today I felt like time passed by so quickly We are practically half way done and I feel like we just got here Class went pretty smoothly and since the typhoon was over it warmed my heart seeing all the children smiling while doing their morning exercises today We also gave our first test today Some kids did exceptionally well but some did not I feel we can improve ourselves by paying even more attention to their studying methods A really meaningful aspect of today was when two girls hugged me before they left for Nantou This just showed me that I bonded close with them and it was touching Monday July 28 2014 Here starts a new week The first two periods of today went pretty smoothly The kids were still really respectful and kind The main problem is still participation though Only a certain two or three students always raise their hands and answer the questions However I did attempt to solve that problem by going to each table and listen to them individually They still speak very softly but

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at least I can hear the pronunciations and help fix them if they say the word wrong I always find it really thoughtful and polite of the kids to smile and say ldquoJiejie 你好rdquo They make my day and the little acts of kindness from my kids are the most meaningful aspects of my day During the flubber project however the kids were all so noisy and sometimes troublesome since the seventh grade class joined our class for projects activities and meals the room gets even more compact and noisy Tuesday July 29 2014 I felt that today was one of the best days of the two weeks I have been in Connexpedition My bonds with my children grew even stronger it all started from early this morning during exercise time I was just walking with Megan on the track when all of a sudden two of my kids surprised me with hugs and just those acts from them pretty much kept a smile on my face the whole day Personally I would have assumed 6th grade kids wouldnrsquot have that much affection towards a teacher but it made me really happy that not just girls will spend quality time with me talking but I even became pretty close with the boys from both 6th and 7th grade Through that bond I gained respect from them Also today was the banquet Though tiresome and challenging preparing for the banquet was really fun During the performance it was super adorable and heartwarming to see everyone smiling and dancing The most meaningful aspect of today would definitely be the speeches and songs at the end I was the first one to cry and I cried the hardest the realization of how much these kids meant to me just broke me down in addition the way that the kids would hug and comfort me just made me even more emotional Wednesday July 30 2014 Today was the second to last day of our trip and I canrsquot believe itrsquos almost over already Today went relatively well I felt bad for giving the kids a big final on their last day but they all did well so I thought that was a big breakthrough for me i felt they actually enjoyed learning English from us and they were happy spending quality time with us The climax of today was probably when the kids got called in by Uli laoshi to leave for Japan I cried again today and it was a really meaningful and emotional moment for me My kids came up to me and hugged me while saying ldquoYou better come back next yearrdquo Saying goodbye was really difficult but at the same time I felt really happy for them to have such a great opportunity like this I hope they have an amazing time in Japan Thursday July 31 2014 Today was a pretty sad day for all of us i woke up this morning feeling like ldquoOh itrsquos our last day here at Luona Theyrsquore all leaving todayrdquo Everything was a meaningful moment today spending quality time with my kids while they were cleaning the campus was pretty fun They all told me how much they were going to miss me and how they wanted me to teach them again That moment was extremely touching for me especially because they were my ldquobro grouprdquo I almost cried but I saved that until after cleaning When the kids stuck their hands out the window I felt so sad and reluctant to let them go These 2 weeks have taught me to be a better selfless person and to never take things for granted I am super grateful and thankful to have had this opportunity

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can improve by planning some lesson related games just in case we finished early again I also learned that if I threatened to send the kids to the office they will most likely quiet down After lessons we taught the kids how to make flubber It made the classroom floor dirty and the students had trouble cleaning up after themselves At night we tried to organize a singing show for the show on Tuesday It was very difficult to find a song everyone knew It was also hard to get the kids to pay attention Tuesday July 29 2014 Today we finished all of our lessons We also played hangman for about 20 minutes It was easier to get the kids to participate when prizes were involved We used laffy taffy to motivate the kids to raise their hands Some of the girls were still very self-conscious They were still afraid of making mistakes in front of the whole class even though we were just playing a game We had a busy afternoon to prepare for the banquet and at night the kids were especially excited to see what we had planned The show at night was great and the kids put on a great show that definitely showed us how much they enjoyed our company and it was very meaningful Wednesday July 30 2014 Today we had finals Most of my kids had to leave at 1100AM Before they left we had a relay race on the track We all had a wonderful time After 1100 we came back and combined with the 4th grade class to play games for 4th period THe choir kids leaving made me realize that hard work paid off It did not matter how much I yelled or got mad at them They still came back and hugged Eugene and I THey also asked us to come back next year I realized that all the preparations really were worth it One of the girls came up to me today and gave me a matching rainbow loom bracelet It was just a little handmade bracelet but it really touched me because before today I thought the kids were all really scared of me but that was not true Thursday July 31 2014 Today the kids watched a movie with the other classes These two weeks were really meaningful to me I learned to step out of my comfort zone I am more capable of making difficult decisions For example when two kids came to me with their problems I had to be able to tell them how to solve the problem I also became more confident over these two weeks I was not capable of raising my voice the first few days but as time passed I was able to become a teacher and take control of the classroom It was really honorable to have had this opportunity Many of the students are incredibly smart even though some of them are really naughty They were all amazing to be with helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Crystal Yu Monday July 21 2014 This morning a village girl approached me and asked where I was from I told her America and the shock on her face seemed unreal She immediately called me a liar and retorted back that if I was from America the she was from India In retrospect this incident is a pretty clear indicator that for

- 118 - them us living in America is probably only something that they could dream of Hence I hope this service trip can help up to motivate the kids to dream bigger and show them a world with more possibilities Later on one of my students saw me writing in my journal and was so intrigued and told me to read aloud what I wrote so he could learn more I thought this attitude was so new to me I donrsquot think Irsquove ever been this active with my learning This gives me hope that the rest of the students will have this attitude because it will also prompt me to want to teach them more than I had anticipated As an activity we gave the kids mad libs to do and it did not turn out that well since most kids had a hard time translating words such as ldquovegetablerdquo to a Chinese vegetable they knew and back to English We also made the kids stand up and read their mad-libs Most students were afraid or shy to speak loudly most likely because of their fear of pronouncing words incorrectly Hopefully by the end of next week they will be more confident Tuesday July 22 2014 Coming into this service trip I expected or hoped that the students would want to do more cultural exchanges I was really excited to ask them questions about their lives but they did not reciprocate with questions of their own I did share some but was overall very surprised that the children seemed to have little to no interest in our lives in America I also wished they interacted with me more because it seems to be just me and Sophie trying to create a relationship while theyrsquore more aloof making it a one-way street Though these kids are much more rowdy than students in the US the sense of responsibility instilled in them is pretty amazing For example Ryan never pays attention in class and is extremely talkative but when it came time for him to clean up he was extremely patient Our room was missing his mop and had to wait for the 6th grade class to finish so we could borrow their mop The 6th graders did not finish until breakfast time but Ryan waited until then did his job nicely with no rush at all and then went to breakfast with no complaints I expected him to whine or to eat breakfast without doing his job but he clearly surprised me showing that I probably should not judge these kids too harshly Another issue arising in our classroom is confidence in speaking in English We have to do more read alouds and dialogues to make them feel more comfortable speaking English Wednesday July 23 2014 We started off class with more energy but the kids seemed to be a little unresponsive and dazed I asked and they were all worried about the lack of water and electricity and started dreaming up the most terrible scenarios Their parents were also constantly checking in on the kids through texts and calls I canrsquot really blame for for being afraid of the whole idea of the typhoon since I was pretty worried myself but the distractions in class did make our jobs harder For a class assignment the kids were told to write a dialogue Sophie and I gave them the freedom of having the dialogue on any subject as long as they used one vocabulary word per sentence and everyone had to speak at least five lines The students were confused by this sense of freedom and gave me the feeling that they usually only have assignments with very strict instructions The result

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of the dialogue assignment was good however since each group created different stories Due to the unfortunate weather the test could not be printed out so the students got to skip a quiz One girl actually forgot there was one which surprised me because I was given the impression the children were very studious However now the electricity is back and I hope the students will remember my reminder about the quiz tomorrow Thursday July 24 2014 Today the students seemed to be in a better mood though they still donrsquot talk to me and Sophie unless we speak first Perhaps the good mood could be attributed to the weather the idea of the weekend ahead them feeling comfortable with us or the fact that therersquos a big bag of candy sitting at the front of the desk Either way Irsquom happy that maybe finally my students and I can connect and hopefully will improve by the time next week rolls around During class the students had a unit 7 test Out of the 8 students 6 finished within reasonable time On the other hand two boys turned in their test with about 3 or 4 out of the 26 questions answered I was so shocked by their attitudes because I thought studying here was taken very seriously I was also even more surprised by one of the two boys since he had received perfect scores on every homework assignment Since I was so disappointed by these scores I made them promise me that if their scores were not much better on Mondayrsquos test I would have to report them to the principal The 6th and 7th graders combined only had 3 students I actually bonded with the boys that were still here and it somewhat reassured me that they might not hate me as much as I think they do and I just have to give them a little time to warm up to me Monday July 28 2014 Today was slightly more chaotic than usual First three new students came to class today and was immediately set upon disrupting class and making a ruckus Second the class schedule was shifted without any warning All classes except mine received the new schedule throwing me and Sophie off track from our lesson plan Thirdly Ryan and Jacob performed way below expectations hence breaking their promise with me from the previous test to do better on this one I asked them why they did so poorly and they responded that they have to work all day on the farms This made me feel sympathetic for them but they need to learn to balance the different aspects of their lives Uli was there when I brought in Jacob and Ryan and made them agree to study and retake the test and if scored poorly would have to speak to the principal This threat immediately whipped the children into shape which resulted in very high test scores This scenario shows me that itrsquos not their varying English skills that caused the low test scores but rather different attitudes towards learning Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was our banquet and ldquotalent showrdquo The banquet was harder to do here in Taiwan than in the United States even though we had the same number of supplies and materials It was probably due to the lack of rest and how exhausted we all were After teaching classes in the morning all my kids and 6th graders were all really excited about the banquet because they wanted to try American food made by real Americans I think their energy really pumped all of us and made us be excited with

- 120 - them For the talent show me and Justin were really worried about our kids performance because they didnrsquot really seem to be interested in the dance When the group went up to perform they did much better than I expected so I was genuinely surprised But in the middle of the dance I noticed all the older boys in the group were missed and spotted them outside the auditorium They ran as soon as they saw me and tried to excuse their behavior by telling me they had to move buckets for the music teacher but the teacher contradicted that statement causing me to be extremely upset with them I planned on yelling at them and giving them a whole lecture but by the end of the show I was too busy and tired from crying that I just planned on sternly lecturing them tomorrow Wednesday July 30 2014 Today the kids have a test on Unit 8 SInce they had no time last night due to the banquet and talent show I gave them time to study during class today and threatened that if their scores were too low they would be sent to the principalrsquos office This threat worked and all of the kids started frantically studying Though they probably arenrsquot motivated to study because they want to learn I am still content with the fact that they are learning regardless of the reason behind it Some kids in my class were watching our performance on their tablets during break and started listening to the song ldquoDemonsrdquo I was elated when I saw that because at least now they can have some tangible memories of our two weeks together It was also nice to see the kids like it so much because the whole point of the show was for the kids and them enjoying it means the world to me Since most of my students left for Japan today I only had five boys left and all of them are troublemakers with the lowest scores in the class But I think I got to know the kids more which makes me sad because I wish I got to know them earlier in the trip We played a form of truth or dare and though it might have not been the most productive it did allow me to bond with the students which is worth it in my mind Thursday July 31 2014 Today most of my children left for Japan and the other ones that were left were the boysThe sixth and seventh grade classes combined for the day since all the boys were friends and the 6th grade class only had one student For the first part of the class we played chubby bunny and did rainbow looms I thought I was able to connect with the boys more because on Thursday I treated them more like friends than students since we were done with our English lessons When we left Vox Nativa on Thursday it seemed like the boys of my class were closer to me considering how much attention I gave them due to low test scores and behavior in class especially compared to the girls On the bus ride to Taipei I thought of how much I wanted to see them in the future five or ten years down the line Some of the children are truly bright like Nick and Apple but might not be able to attend college or even high school due to the circumstances they are in However I feel like I should not pity them because they seem very satisfied with their life and maybe would not want to leave their hometowns But are they only content because they donrsquot know of any other life I think Vox Nativa does help open doors of opportunities for these children and I know itrsquoll help and grow more in the future

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helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Megan Chang Monday July 21 2014 Today a student from our class was crying because she was homesick At first I thought everyone was willing and excited to be here but I forgot about the difficulties even these little kids have Even though they go home on the weekends especially for shyer more introverted kids during the weekdays it is understandable that they miss their parents and their home Also Marcus heard a student being rude and another student asked them why they had no manner and if their mom was a drunkard It just makes me realize how different their lives are from ours and how innocent we were as kids compared to them This makes me more dedicated to teach them and give them a chance at a better life Tuesday July 22 2014 Today I think the main thing that went wrong is losing control of the class In the morning during our English lesson and Halloween project the kids were pretty well behaved For the English lesson we all taught and patrolled the class and when they started playing game I would correct papers while Andrea and Marcus took turns leadingquieting the students For the Halloween project I taught while Andrea and Marcus passed things out and helped those who needed it During lunch time the kids started being too loud and we had to quiet them a few times I feel that since we werenrsquot standing in front of the class in control the kids lost sight of us as teachers We could improve by making the ones that talk stand in front or maybe make a game of the quietestcleanest eater During homework time nearly all the kids had no homework and either played by themselves or with us It was difficult to both control the other kids and the kids talking to us face-to-face asking questions We have installed a new rule of writing names on the board with consequences and will see if it works starting tomorrow Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started using the warning on the board system It worked relatively well except we still need to learn how to write their Chinese names For the most part it worked really well especially since we also told Uli laoshi about it so if we brought someone to the office she would know we already talked to them twice THey were really well-behaved today during the lessons despite our lessons having a sudden change One thing we could change about the lessons is while Andrea and I were discussing the next lesson we forgot to help Marcus keep control of the class However when it got too loud Andrea and I realized and told the class that they had to respect and listen to the teacher during lessons Starting tomorrow we will always have at least one person to help control the class Also during trick-or-treating our class was very separated One of our kids was with his brother and when we needed to tell our class to head back to our room after getting candy we could not find everyone NExt time we will clarify to the kids before we leave to stay together

- 122 - Thursday July 24 2014 Today is the last day of the first week I think we improved immensely We have gained more control of our class by taking turns patrolling giving points writing names and using their old rule of standing up Our kids really enjoyed our worksheets today One thing we have to improve on is properly estimating how long each worksheet is going to take so we can either find games to play or tell them to work faster WHen we were teaching them how to make the bracelets it was hard to get the children interested in making the bracelet The boys did not really want to make it because they kept messing up After they got into the habit of making it they wanted to make one for everyone in their family Next time we need to start the project with clearer instructions so we can use time more efficiently Monday July 28 2014 Today was the first day of our second week For the most part our kids we well-behaved throughout the day During lesson times it was under control and relatively quiet For the flubber project they were surprisingly quiet because we only passed out the materials to those who were quiet Near the end there was a little chaos because we did not have enough bags and others were popping theirs One big issue was that the kid were either washing their flubber or their bags and trying to either wipe it or blow dry it Cleaning up was again a big problem They were not willing to pick up the smallest pieces and the boysrsquo mopping left a lot of water on the group Next time we will split up and supervise different groups clean Tuesday July 29 2014 Today was the most tiring day so far Some kids are having a hard time remembering shapes and saying it because their previous teachers did not teach it yet We tried reviewing it different ways and making competitions and having them take notes but they still canrsquot completely remember them Some of them did not want to play the games and play their own We had a lot of extra time today because we did not have enough worksheets to cover two English classes Some of their tests have color so if the printer canrsquot print it we will need to edit and hand color them for tomorrow Yesterday it was kind of a mess practicing for the banquet but today we rehearsed some more and it is kind of coming together I hope the performance tonight will be phenomenal and hope that the students will enjoy it very much Wednesday July 30 2014 I cried when my kids hugged me Today our kids were discussing their religions and one kids said his religion was ldquosui jiaordquo (sleeping) Marcus and I found this super funny and we are glad that the kids were able to keep us entertained Our kids are honestly the cutest and it is so bittersweet to have to say goodbye to them tomorrow Andrea told me that even though itrsquos tiring throughout the weeks yoursquoll want to come back because if you donrsquot you will probably never see them again In these short eight days wersquove become so attached to them and now I wonder how they will turn out in the future and I wish I could still be a part of it

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Thursday July 31 2014 Today was the last day with the kids Everything went wrong because I was so sad When we watched a movie in the morning a student caught a lizard and cut off its legs and tail They kept pretending to eat it and were behaving very poorly As the kids left it was so hard for me to say bye and smile because my voice would crack This was honestly such a heartwarming experience and I will never forget the things these kids said and did They have impacted me by making me more grateful and faithful I did not want to say goodbye at all and I really hope I get the chance to come back next year helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Jenny Wu Monday July 21 2014 I wasnrsquot really doing anything yesterday I arrived here at afternoon and they were already done with their teaching schedule for today We are going to have talent show tonight and I did practice with them I am not sure whether if I am going to be an audience our performed with them but I am prepare for it I guess Today is my first day of teaching and I am teaching sixth grade It has been a good start but there were also some problems The first problem is that most of the students are really shy and they refused to answer even though they know the answer for the question I solved the problem by telling them to repeat the answer with me and it works The other problem is some students will use their phone under the table during class They were not using it constantly but I think that is not respectful If they are using again next time then we will take away their phone There is one problem just for me personally I think probably because I am the youngest among all the members and I am only two years older than the students so they do not listen to me When both of my partners were gone I was telling them to go to sleep However they kept on talking and ignored me It only happened once when my partners werenrsquot there but they listen to me for most of the time The members of the group are all really nice but it is kind of hard for me to fit into them They have been speaking English throughout their whole life and all of them grow up at California except one Some of them just met each other before the day I came here However they fit in really well I can understand them but I just donrsquot know what to say and a lot of them are going to their junior year or senior year All of them at least have some experience of volunteering or teaching kids It seems like they all know what to do and how to do except me I hope I can overcome these problems by the end of this week and I also hope I can be part of them some how Tuesday July 22 2014 Everyone participates well but few of them are still very shy We realized that some of them are more outgoing than others and they try to answer most of the questions Kye and Justine solved the problem by separate them into groups and allowed student who donrsquot speak up have a chance to answer During lunch they are still loud and very chatty However they quiet down by themselves without us telling them This afternoon I wasnrsquot working with my group I went to the warehouse instead I went to help out

- 124 - for folding counting and separate clothes to piles by sizes I kept on doing the same thing for around three hours and then I came back to the TA classroom During dinner some students were using their phones and iPad but they it away when I told them to do so Other than the technology everything went okay During the summer homework time the students barely ask us questions even though they have questions They use their phones and search it or ask their friends instead Wednesday July 23 2014 Our kids are more outgoing today They interacted with us and they raced their hands more often When we were playing hangman we used some vocabulary that they learned before They can figure out the word right away without their textbook If they donrsquot know the word then they will discuss before then answer The phones are kind of distracting during dinner A lot of girls are using their phones and I had to yell at them to put it away Everyone is very excited for the Halloween party They were keep on asking what are the pumpkins that they made in class for During the party all the kids were eager for the candies and they also helped out for hanging out the candies for little kids Thursday July 24 2014 Before the class started I asked everyone who has phone hand them to the very front of the table I want them to pay attention in class not using their phones under the table We encouraged students to raise their hand by showing them the prizes and they tend to participate and answer more than usual We also gave groups with fewer points more chances I think this gave them confident to speak in English because all of them know how to answer We gave them a test after recess In the middle of the test I separated two kids because they were siting closer and closer to each other I was afraid that they are cheating The test seems hard for two or three students but they were still able to finish it on time Because there are 35 kids who are going to perform this weekend they leave around noon During afternoon we combined kids from 2nd to 7th grade together and we played games and dance with them I am glad we combined all of them together because I can know and hangout with more kids from different grades Some of the students do look like my reflection I helped them by telling them show me their answer and I read it out and let them repeat after me I also them they can get more points and prizes if they answer and both of these solutions work Actually the students are not allowed to keep their phone during class They are supposed to give it to another teacher I told them to put their technologies to our table and we will give it back after class is ended They are not using their phones for researching so I have I think it is better to take it away Their phone really distracts them during breakfast lunch and dinner

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Monday July 28 2014 This morning Justine Kye and I waited outside the door and went in when the bell rang We were trying to let the kid say good morning to us and they did which is good When we were doing 比

手畫腳 some of the kids yelled the answer out instead of raising their hand They didnrsquot stop when the first time I told them but when I told them I would take off their points they listened to me right away We were making flubber for third and fourth period Our students got too chatty so I had to yell at them Well at least they listened to me and quiet down In my opinion every studentrsquo behavior is improving day by day They can be sassy sometimes but they know when to stop It have only been a week but I can see the difference in all of them Tuesday July 29 2014 We gave our students a test today Before I give them the test we told them that we expect them to pass at least 50 13 out of 16 students pass 50 which is a lot better than our previous test I yelled at some of the guys because they were talking inappropriate stuff I kind of feel bad when I yelled at them because I was kind of being too harsh to them There were 5 guys who got into trouble this afternoon because they didnrsquot finish their cards for the Japan trip I was really shock when they were gone because I thought they would be send home Thankfully they didnrsquot got kick out We had a banquet tonight because students who are going to japan are leaving tomorrow I did some mistakes on playing piano but I think our group performance covered my mistakes Over all every one did great in their own performance Some students and teachers cried during the slide show and speeches it was sad that people are leaving However this also proved the unbreakable relationship we made Wednesday July 30 2014 We gave our kids another test today Everyone did great except one but he did improve When we were taking test I was really surprise by how many questions they asked They used to be afraid to ask us question especially the first week Justine and I were very busy during the test but we rather to answer their question than sitting aside and do nothing It was really sad when the students were leaving We have 16 students but 15 of them have performance in Japan which means almost the whole class is gone We combined 6th and 7th grade for the rest of the afternoon since we only have 1 student in my class I am glad that we combined together because I got to know and became closer with kids in 7th grade I thought those 7 guys are going to be loud and disobey when other students left However they listened to me without me yelling It was better than what I imagined I got to know them better by the end of the day and I realize that they are actually sweet and nice I thought they were naughty because they like to joke around with me Thursday July 31 2014 This morning we were chatting instead of cleaning up because we did it last night We didnrsquot do much today We didnrsquot teach our students English we taught them how to make rainbow loom instead Our students picked up trash around the school today They were lazy and didnrsquot want to do it but they still finish their job in time We said bye to them after they finish cleaning Honestly it

- 126 - was even sad for bye to those seven guys than saying bye to my own six grade students It has only been two days but I felt like I know them longer than my six grade students I know I probably will never see them again but what we have been through and our memories will be saved in all of us helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip Marcus Chan Monday July 21 2014 Before starting todayrsquos teaching I was really nervous I thought the kids would be really unfriendly and distant so I felt it would be hard to interact with them They were a lot better than I thought As soon as they arrived theyrsquod be willing to talk to us about things like how to say English names They immediately involved us in their games and a girl clung to me everywhere She later cried about being homesick and now Megan is comforting her There is one kid who wanted an English name and I decided to call him Jordan because he is really cute and friendly like a Jordan I know from summer camp He really liked the name I gave him and kept repeating it so I guess that was one of the most meaningful moments of today I learned about how a lot of the parents donrsquot live at home with the students A group of kids were talking about where their mothers lived and they were naming all the different villages in the area Another time two girls started fighting and one of the girls teased the other by asking if her mother was a drunkard Everyone then began to discuss whether or not their parents drank alcohol at home This was a very different experience from what I expected and very different from what would happen in a traditional American classroom Today we couldnrsquot think of any games to play along with our lesson and it was difficult to split the teams fairly to get the less motivated students involved The kids donrsquot really care about points so I canrsquot control them that way Tonight I will try to think of games to play so we donrsquot waste any time tomorrow It was also difficult trying to grasp what their routine was and to not forget We werenrsquot told about the vitamins the kids had to take after meals and I was not sure where to get them Throughout the week I think we will begin to learn the kidsrsquo names and the schoolrsquos procedures and become accustomed to them Tuesday July 22 2014 Irsquom going to start with something that happened yesterday because it happened after I wrote yesterdayrsquos journal During homework time one of the kids drew me pictures Betty wrote ldquoGod helps me I will not be afraidrdquo in English and Chinese It was really cute The pictures the kids drew during homework time last time really showed their affection towards us (Me Megan and Andrea) Some of the students cling to my arms It worries me a little because it means they are too close to me and I must keep my relationship to them as a teacher Irsquom not as strict as Andrea and Megan and those two are much better leaders than I am At summer camps in America I had much more confidence because it was in English so by the end I was able to control the classes better Here I donrsquot have very much confidence in my Chinese so it is a struggle to get out the words

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Wednesday July 23 2014 Today we started a new system of writing the studentsrsquo names on the board for a first offense and a check next to their name for each next one After two checks we would send the kid to the principalrsquos office It worked pretty well today and we will continue it tomorrow Today a big trouble was not knowing the kidsrsquo names in Chinese I could not just call them by saying ldquoHey yourdquo I had to know their names because I was their teacher Today I led an activity by myself while Andrea and Megan were preparing the next activity It was kind of hard to think of more to say about the subject of colors I yelled at the kids a lot more today though They were surprised because I had not been as strict before I was extremely impressed with the percussion performance That teacher must have worked so hard My mom is a teacher and when she come home she is always extremely tired and her throat hurts The music teacher must have worked so hard to prepare a performance like that Thursday July 24 2014 Today in the morning Brian came to watch the kids while they were cleaning That helped a lot and they worked more quietly and efficiently We taught the kids how to make friendship bracelets today We started by telling them to follow the pattern of numbers and letters but that was too difficult so we started to teach them to do it by counting three to the right This was still difficult for them and we had to reteach it many times afterwards Today was again hard to keep the kids away from me They get really attached and it is hard to tell them to keep a boundary When they left I was sad that the ones who like me the best did not come to say bye to me Monday July 28 2014 We did the flubber project today We could have planned it better When we ran through the instructions the day before the bowl had begun to wear down and almost break That happened again today and we had to double bowl the water I also had not devised an efficient way of getting warm water from the water dispenser so I wasted a lot of time I also wasted time by not having the amount of water figured out so I had to continuously refer to the instructions I used to be more conscious about making the kids like me but now I donrsquot care as much If I care too much I canrsquot control the children as well for fear of losing their affection I donrsquot understand how Megan and Andrea can be stern with them and at the same time have the kids love them so much Maybe itrsquos that they just donrsquot like boys as much or maybe Irsquom meaner I guess it is a sign of how I am more distant to the kids than Megan and Andrea are Maybe it is a sign that I need to improve my Chinese I prided myself in my Chinese until I came here Now I donrsquot want to speak at all Tuesday July 29 2014 I forgot to write about how yesterday we prepared the performances for today It was so unorganized It was difficult to figure out what the kids were going to perform We werenrsquot clearly told whether the whole class had to perform or not I wished we had been given notice ahead of time so we would have more time to prepare When we finally got the kids into 2 groups we asked if they had anything planned and they said no They wanted to sing the song ldquoLet it Gordquo but they

- 128 - did not know the lyrics Finally they chose some Chinese song that they all knew It does not sound that bad but it was so stressful and difficult I wish we had been warned earlier and had more time to prepare Today after we held the performances most of the kids went to hug Andrea and Megan I donrsquot blame them for liking them better They are better with the kids Maybe it comes more naturally to them Thursday July 31 2014 Today we went to watch a movie in Shanersquos room I was surprised how even with six teachers it took a while to settle the kids I think it was the excitement of seeing the other kids from other classes It was difficult getting the room totally clean so that we could return it to the school It had to be cleaner than usual but the kids werenrsquot less rowdy than usual There were more things to do When the kids let I was able to give them hugs so that was nice It was sad seeing them leave but I did not get as attached to the children as some of the girls did helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

719 國際志工抵達羅娜國小原聲英文學習營舉行營前會議前排左 2 為領隊吳翠萍老師

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山谷回音 國中畢業生暑期部落壯遊心得

長期志工 馬胤凱 103 年的暑假是個特別的暑假是個與原聲國三生有著共同回憶的暑假雖然過程中



了解彼此 一 壯遊前天





二 DAY ONE 經過一整夜的翻來覆去後終於到了早上與原聲國三生會面後便踏上了這奇妙的旅




- 130 -




此困難的工作 走訪多納部落後我們認識了魯凱族的傳統文化更深入了解魯凱族中貴族生活所給族


如此保護 到晚上我們品嚐了石板烤肉透過多納部落所出產的石板使我們所烤的肉並不會太



三 DAY TWO 到了第二天因為路途較遙遠所以我們一大早便前往霧台神山到了神山後由於大




是精心設計的 在參觀長老教會的時候外面突然飄起雨來透過長老教會的牧師我們可以下山到下





- 131 -

四 DAY THREE 一樣的我們為了趕路一大早便出發但對我而言我覺得這兩天真是過的太快了離台東



快的我們到了台灣的東部在某個海邊我們一行 12 人留下了在此次壯遊的最後一張團照對




- 132 - 五 DAY FOUR~DAY EIGHT 經過舟車勞頓後我們在第三天的晚上 11 點多到達了花蓮第四天我便加入其他原聲小

朋友的海洋營在海洋營中我與 Uli 老師一起擔任低年級的帶隊老師第四天低年級前往蘇



快感 到了第五天雖然我只有待半天一個早上我非常幸運的可以參加溯溪這是我人生中

的第一次溯溪這一個早上我真的覺得花蓮是個好山好水的地方甚至比南投還要好 10 倍以

上因為在花蓮還有這種溪可以讓我們玩真不愧是世外桃源 經過趕場後在第五天晚上我們又再度回到花蓮我以最有效率的方式與另一個晚會的




有原聲小朋友讓他們可以學習我那不害羞的一面 到了最後的最後我們告別了花蓮海星中學我們帶著小朋友體驗火車之旅雖然只有


非常多的幸福及溫暖使我覺得我們更要懂得去珍惜身邊那些時常給我們幫助的人 這次壯遊是我人生中的第一次壯遊壯遊使我們堅強讓我們學習使我們更珍惜彼此

這不僅是屬於我的壯遊更是屬於我們 12 人的壯遊

- 133 -

長期志工 吳璠

其實這回出發前內心是相當忐忑的 升大二那年我在建中成長營期間認識這一屆的原聲孩子們韶翔皓傑凱文念緹



年前截然不同的風景了那麼對於孩子們呢他們對於世界的想法又是什麼形狀了呢 三年前我和同輩的大學生們出於對原住民文化的欽慕對中華文化中心主義的教育







而未必能帶著他們特殊的資產(原住民文化)走出一條不一樣的路 這些疑問當時曾經提出來與老師校長們討論過事後自己也反省到誠如老師們所




態來繼續投入 沒想到這一抽離就是將近兩年的時光期間自己也經歷了一些波折ndashndash摯愛的親人離世





與憧憬嗎 然而在 Pasnanavan 的森林深處這些疑問都安頓了下來 在部落長大都市求學現在回到部落經營部落文化工作室的 Katu 老師唱了自己創作的

歌曲〈梅子夢〉給我們聽 我有個小女兒名叫 Buni(布農族名)

她嫁到遙遠的 Amalika(美國) 我想說今年梅子開很多花 我開心地打長途電話給她 口白Buni namahtu Dama gusia Amalikana aida inaka suidaijubudes (布農語Buni 爸爸有錢可以去美國看你了日語沒問題的) 忽然有天早上村長廣播 他說今年梅子農會不收 我不知該如何對女兒說 我難過地不知該如何 從稻米到玉米 從李子到梅子 我努力地工作卻不一定有收穫

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我不知道這是甚麼時代 wakalan ne kunna nu zidai wa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) Buni Buni miliskin gasu (布農語Buni Buni 想念著妳) nidumahtu gusia Amalika (布農語沒有辦法過去美國) nidumahtu sadu gasu (布農語沒有辦法過去看妳了) wakalan ne kunna nu zidaiwa (日語我不知道這是甚麼時代) 我不知道這是甚麼時代


四散到島嶼東南西北求學下次這樣團聚在一起歌唱不知是什麼時候了 Buin 於是老師坐在爐火前面抱著吉他唱起〈Ka Tu 別哭〉與當年準備到都市去求學

工作的 Ka Tu 告別也唱出部落青年離開家鄉到都市的心情「臺北不是我的家」 孩子們因為歌曲中的幽默而笑倒在彼此的懷中



解開了不論是 Dama KatuDama Buin 還是我自己我們都是在與大社會互動的過程當中



能做的就是為他們爭取更多空間與資源讓他們有更多的天地有機會做更多元的選擇 一路上雅安曾經激動的說「我們回去就要找部落的社區發展協會因為保存文化很重




很努力在感受在觀察的 而與布農獵人學習也讓我重新確認了自己對原住民文化的愛從哪裡來 山中第二夜男孩們帶回了山羌



許就能「逃過一劫」ndashndashDama Buin 看出了我的遲疑把內臟推向我說「透過實際的山林探



噁心那就背叛了牠的犧牲屠宰場反而讓這一切對話遠離了我們」 我這才知道該如何描述我熱愛這一切的理由現代文明使我與一切切割開來碎成一片


在肉身的實作中作回一個大地之子 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

長期志工 吳松儒 出發前壓根兒沒想過會有這麼不同凡響的體驗謝謝老師們給我這個機會跟孩子們共



- 135 -
























有 wifi因此孩子們有使用行動上網的需求但進入高中後應該就沒有差了)










記得走上這條路的初衷 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 136 -

長庚護校 幸念緹













helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip 景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全雅安



















- 137 -

景文高中 優人表演藝術班 全心潔























鶯歌工商 謝韶翔














- 138 -

清水高中 谷 Biung

在高中新生訓練第一天的自我介紹中我這麼自敘著「大家好我名叫谷 xx來自南投






























- 139 -

山谷回音 2014 玉山星空音樂會感動分享


舞台總監 楊智麟 我跟原聲的因緣結了有六年這六年裏我學到了一件事 許多偉大的故事在一開始都是一個瘋狂的想法 原聲是玉山星空也是 我記得在拍『唱歌吧』的時候有一天 Bukut 校長跟我說他要去別的部落找小朋友來試


始了嗎就這樣我帶著我的懷疑看著原聲走過了六年 我也還記得五年前莫拉克風災剛肆虐過去就在羅娜國小的校長室Bukut 校長看著[溫布尼森林音樂會]的 DVD邊看邊對我說他覺得我們也可以在部落裏辦這樣的草地音樂


結果就是我們今天在這裏準備舉行第五屆的玉山星空音樂會 這兩件事情讓我學到只要一個滿懷希望的想像再加上一群很容易衝動的人就可以創造

前所未有的局面 於是我們邊走邊整隊邊做邊學習玉山星空音樂會成長到了現在這個規模五年來到


團舞台愈做愈大觀眾愈來愈多名聲也愈來愈響亮 這一切的開始真的就只是五年前我在校長室裏聽到的那一句即使現在想起來也還是很

瘋狂一句話 現在我看到原聲孩子的表現就知道他們一定會越來越好那是因為 Bukut 校長阿蠻校

長以及藍蔚跟阿貫老師都是教育專業所以會把這群孩子教得很好那是理所當然的 但是同樣也是這一群人把玉山星空音樂會做的愈來愈大這就是一件很令人驚訝的事情了 在他們過去的人生中不管是在工作中還是生活中我想跟辦音樂會這種揮霍大量金錢的


在傳播圈打滾這麼久的專業眼光來看根本就是在胡思亂想而已 但也許就是我那打滾太久的專業眼光侷限了我的想像力也是因為他們不專業所以看不



- 140 - 我常常在想一個高雄的樂迷為了一場音樂會專程坐高鐡到國家音樂廳去欣賞真的是


在中正紀念堂下車捷運站的出口就直接是國家音樂廳了 可是玉山星空音樂會卻是要來聽的樂迷們自己想盡辦法跋山涉水的才能來到這個

深山之中的部落小學來享受這一場音樂盛宴國家音樂廳的座位有 2074 個我們今天在操


音樂會從頭到尾都是一個又一個的奇蹟累積起來的 你們都是在學業上很優秀的人也正在跟很多專業和頂尖的人才學習但是我希望各位





做出來的 在那時候你就可以告訴他們這個音樂會是怎麼誕生的是怎麼樣集合大家的力量來完成


一員 這是一個不售票的音樂會因為我們不想讓門票變成門檻來玉山星空音樂會惟一需要的



樂就是這場音樂會最好的回報 今天我想跟各位志工分享這些故事是因為我希望你們知道當你們決定來到山上當音樂



美好記憶 (工作時請叫我黑導)3-14-2014 helliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphelliphellip

- 141 -






















Bukut 與阿蠻是孩子們的守護獵人在孩子的教育上何止翻轉何止投入他們告所我




後必須擁有中央山脈 VIP 入山證在我家來去的企業家領袖海哥車大哥台光哥綸有














- 142 -
























綠繡眼 3-17-2014

Dear 綠繡眼



和阿蠻Bukut 兩位校長都是用生命在做原聲的工作加上這回的靜一及許多有才華又願

意付出的志工才有今天的局面 這麼多志工投入這麼多的資源這麼卯著勁辦原以為可以吸引更多的人關心原聲


想到兩位老師經常因為捐款不濟困坐愁城又想到 Bukut 校長阿貫老師的願那麼大未



綸有 3-17-2014

- 143 -

2014 年南投縣國民中小學音樂教育教師研習實施計畫 壹依據 一教育部國民及學前教育署十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質計畫 二南投縣 102 年度十二年國民基本教育精進國民中小學教學品質整體計畫--部必辦處延

續政策申辦教師音樂專業成長研習 貳研習目標 一為二十一世紀的孩子創造音樂學習之旅 二二十一世紀的孩子需要什麼樣的音樂 三如何為不同年齡及孩子選擇音樂 四如何以音樂滿足孩子所需的挑戰

參研習內容 一以趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂包括音樂遊戲與即興創作等 二提供一至八年級精心挑選的樂曲 三以孩子需求所挑選的歌謠(藉由詮釋音樂內涵的過程)給予孩子適切的挑戰 四以多元文化為重點介紹中古世紀至古典時期音樂 五融合新設計的樂器奧福樂器與直笛創新運用奧福的內涵理念

肆指導單位南投縣政府 伍主辦單位社團法人台灣原聲教育協會 陸協辦單位草屯國民小學 柒研習對象對華德福音樂教育有興趣之各國中小教師共計 60 人 捌研習日期103 年 4 月 17~18 日(星期四~五) 玖研習地點草屯國民小學承學堂 拾研習講師馬可思懷茲 Marcus J Weiss

目前服務於德國 Waldorfschule Emmendingen 華德福學校為資深音樂教師此校為華德

福系統中包含特教功能的融合教育學校Marcus 畢業於英國愛默生學院音樂系在北美

洲曾指導多場音樂工作坊Markus 專長在華德福音樂教育及多元文化音樂表演(他對各

種民族的音樂很有涉獵)更擅長於 Werbeck 發聲教學也就是協助每個人排除發聲的

身心阻礙將屬於自己的聲音解放出來用整個人而不僅是某個器官來發聲此外Markus擅長 1~8 年級音樂教學(含特殊兒童)結合打擊樂器與詩歌的演奏中高年級的管絃樂



拾壹研習報名 一請各國民中小學教師即日起至 103 年 4 月 11 日前至全國教師在職進修資訊網報名聯

絡人張淑甚主任049-2362007112 二報名後如確有重大原因未能參加研習者請另函通知協辦單位以免造成訓練資源之

浪費 三為響應環保減少垃圾請自備筷子湯匙及水杯

拾貳研習時數本研習採計研習時數 12 小時參加人員請各服務單位給予公假登記(如有


- 144 - 拾參研習課表 日期 上課時間 課程內容 授課老師

0820~0850 報到 陳恆聰校長 0850~0900 開幕式 黃寶園處長 0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for

warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm focus games body percussion pedagogical issues

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊

第一天 4 月 17 日 (星期四)

1330~1630 1 Singing focus combining rhythm with songs experiencing world music developing creativity in the classroom 2 Finetune our work with songs for further performance

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

0900~1200 1 vocal exercises and songs for warming-up the voice 2 Rhythm advanced deepening of the elements from Day 1

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師

1200~1330 午餐休息 草屯國小團隊 第二天 4 月 18 日 (星期五) 1330~1630 1 Singing advanced bringing the

elements together enhancing the songs through use of rhythm instruments 2 Further songs round-up question answer time reflection

講師Marcus J Weiss翻譯賴彥塵老師 助教潘憶蘅老師 黃寶園處長



一參加研習之教師能運用趣味盎然的方式在課堂中使用音樂 二參加研習之教師能配合孩子發展的特定需求選擇音樂 三加研習之教師能鼓勵並引導學生創作自己的歌 四參加研習之教師有 90感覺有收穫

拾陸研習成果 由主辦單位將研習成果(含電子檔)彙整成冊送本府教育處提報敘獎


項目 單價 數量 金額 便當 70 140(2 天) 9800茶水 20 140(2 天) 9800

場地布置費 3000 一式 3000雜支 3000 一式 3000

總計 25600

- 145 -


一 目的鼓勵各校學童與家長一同學習母語融入生活中透過親子間的學習與互動提


知及應用本土語文的能力 二 主辦單位南投縣政府教育處 三 承辦單位南投縣東埔國民小學羅娜國民小學 四 競賽規則原住民族語【說族語闖天下】比賽


組辦理每位學生各闖關大項至多可各參加兩項 (二)競賽內容每位競賽者依事先公佈題庫進行闖關活動 (三)競賽方式分家長與學童二組進行比賽各自錄取中年級高年級和國中組優勝名

單 (四)競賽內容題庫於賽前一個月由主辦單位公布

五 報名時間 自104年11月20日起至12月4日(以郵戳為憑)請傳真或電子郵件報名 聯絡人東埔國小教導主任蔡榮哲 電話(049)2701340-12

六 競賽日期104年12月12日(週六)上午800-820報到830比賽開始 七 競賽地點南投縣羅娜國民小學 八 獎勵

(一)學生及教師 各組擇優錄取第一名1人第二名2人第三名3人優勝若干名凡成績列前三名及優勝


乙次以資鼓勵餘者則頒給獎狀乙紙以資鼓勵 (二)家長依參賽結果頒發獎狀

九 辦理本次活動之有功人員依本縣教育人員獎勵標準規定核予獎勵 十 附則

(一)各組參賽人員應於賽前30分完成報到手續 (二)各組參賽人員必頇依照規定時間準時到場並於競賽全部結束後始可離場比賽結

束後即進行頒獎 附件一語詞闖關活動內容

項目 活動說明 參賽資格



1依據下列基本三項自自我介紹可自行補充 1(族名)氏族 2家人數多少 3來至於哪裡 評審提問 評審 3 人採四個等級評分給分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名



1參賽者請看 ppt 圖示三個圖片中任選一項並以完

整的族語一分鐘內說出圖中表達的內容 2能說出二至三項者逐條加分

1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名

- 146 -

評審 3 人採四個等級給分



1四篇短文賽前 6 分鐘現場抽題目並請以社群正確

語音朗讀完成 1國小中年級每校 2 名

2國小高年級每校 2 名

3國中每校 2 名




2~3 分鐘為限 家長


項目 活動說明 參賽資格




1布農語(巒郡卓群)國中組 200 字(字音字形各

100 字)國小中高年級組 100 字(字音字形各 50字)華語翻布農語布農語翻華語各半

2原住民語請用教育部與原民會 94 年 12 月頒布「原

住民族語言書寫系統」之拼音用音 3各組每人均限 15 分鐘 4200 字者每字 05 分100 字者每字 1 分塗改不



1國小每校 3 名 2國中每校 5 名





1基本過關 50 字 2進階80 字 3高階100 字 4挑戰150 字以上

1分巒郡卓三群 2每校至多 5 名 3取個人名次




1每校 4 人一組 2選題庫(分 2 組每組 100 題) 3二人以動作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另二人猜

出詞彙 4計時 2 分鐘每答對 1 題得一分(不會可放棄) 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

一組 3國中組二組




1親子兩人一組 2題庫(初級詞彙) 3一人以重作身體比手畫腳(不能說話)由另一人猜

出詞彙 4計時 1 分半每答對 1 題得 1 分 5答對最多題者優勝

1分巒郡卓三群 2每群每校中高年級

1 組 3每校 5 組


- 147 -

2015 年南投縣信義鄉玉山星空音樂會實施計畫 壹 緣起

星空下山谷中縈繞耳際的美好樂聲將是您一生中難以忘懷的憶念helliphellip 為了充實部落生活內涵鼓舞學童家長及部落鄉親南投縣信義鄉公所和台灣原聲教育

協會仿效德國溫布尼夏日森林音樂會模式於 2010 年在海拔近千公尺的羅娜國小運動場舉


夜和群山的環繞下能夠聆賞國際級的演出在大自然的懷抱裏輕鬆愜意的欣賞音樂 在信義鄉公所和原聲教育協會的共同努力下星空音樂會已從單純的地方活動發展


外也順便悠閒採梅泡溫泉及欣賞原住民手工藝品體驗布農文化之美2014 年吸引近

三千位民眾上山 2015 年玉山星空音樂會已邁入第六年這一年音樂會特別邀請近八十歲的原住民之友

蘇秋女士蒞臨以及在第 23 屆金曲獎中囊括三項大獎的阿美族歌手以莉高露演出音樂

會開始由原聲打擊樂團以趣味節奏樂開場甫成立一年的原聲 A Cappella 合唱團以及曾

獲得奧地利「2012 vokaltotal International A Cappella Festival」金牌獎的 Voco Novo 爵諾人



中這動人的生命力不易從城市的日常生活中獲得只有您身歷其境才能感受 貳目的



三充實部落生活內涵培育藝術人文素養 參指導單位南投縣政府 肆主辦單位信義鄉公所羅娜國民小學台灣原聲教育協會 伍協辦單位



落會議羅娜基督長老教會羅娜天主堂信義鄉各國民中小學 陸贊助單位八方雲集食品有限公司元大文教基金會中國國際商業銀行文教基金會


智文教基金會 柒演出時間2015年 3 月 21日(星期六)1850~2100(1830入場) 捌演出地點南投縣信義鄉羅娜國小運動場 玖演出單位

一原聲打擊樂團 10rsquo(1900~1910)

二向蘇秋致敬mdash羅娜古謠采風 10rsquo (1910~1920)

三原聲 A Cappella 合唱團 10rsquo (1920~1930)

四Voco Novo爵諾人聲合唱團 20rsquo (1930~1950)

五以莉高露 20rsquo (1950~2010)

六原聲童聲合唱團 50rsquo (2010~2100)

- 148 - 簡介





原住民的這份情緣種下她日後投入原住民文化保存工作的因 蘇秋女士畢業於台南師範深愛藝術半生投身於影像紀錄曾製作多部紀錄片獲獎


原住民的歧視她畢生所做的不在乎能賺多少錢只在乎能為原住民做些什麼 1986 年蘇秋女士來到羅娜部落以影像記錄了羅娜布農人的日常生活祭典及傳統歌謠

當時二十多歲的布農青年老師 Bukut(即今之馬彼得團長)為蘇秋擔任翻譯此後兩人未

再有任何聯繫去年 12 月中華電信基金會林三元執行長提及蘇秋女士傳奇的一生一個美好


會將放映當時紀錄片中珍貴的片段Bukut 會向蘇秋女士獻上最高敬意這場跨世紀跨族


以莉高露 Ilid Kaolo

以莉middot高露是花蓮吉納路安部落阿美族人2011 年發行首張個人創作專輯《輕快的生活》

獲得中華音樂人交流協會年度《十大優良專輯》第 1 屆《音樂推動者大獎》年度專輯大獎

以及第 23 屆金曲獎三項大獎mdash最佳原住民語歌手獎最佳原住民語專輯獎及最佳新人獎 2010 年與先生共同在宜蘭縣南澳鄉投入有機稻米栽植成為左手種稻右手寫歌的音樂

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲合唱團

Voco Novo 爵諾人聲樂團成立於 2009 年演唱技巧純熟曲風多元除了演唱流行與當 代的人聲爵士樂以外無國界的世界音樂及源自生活經驗的創作曲更是 Voco Novo 的一大

特色 歌曲充滿畫面感與原創風格的 Voco Novo 曾榮獲奧地利 2012 年《vokaltotal國際人聲藝

術節》流行組與爵士組雙料金牌並以客家歌曲「花樹下」獲最佳編曲獎2013 年榮獲 CARA美國現代阿卡貝拉《最佳亞洲專輯》獎以及「迢迢牽牛星」獲提名《最佳世界音樂歌曲》

音樂實力深獲國際肯定讓世界各地觀眾愛上這支東方意象獨樹一格的台灣音樂隊伍 Voco Novo 擅長於創作以及將具有台灣特色文化意涵的歌謠改編為充滿畫面感的 A

Cappella 音樂音樂總監劉郁如表示「看得見的音樂」是 Voco Novo 追求的音樂理想要讓

聽眾能從音樂想像台灣之美感受土地的風光 Voco Novo 經常受各機關團體邀請於國家音樂廳及台灣各地演出推廣人聲音樂近幾



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Voco Novo 也致力於編曲教學與創作以及與其他藝術形式合作實現一個最 ldquoVocordquo (源自英文 ldquoVocalrdquo「 人聲」) ldquoNovordquo( 源自拉丁文「創新」)的新人聲合唱音樂願景帶


原聲 A Cappella 合唱團


仍保有對歌唱的熱愛於是在 2013 年 10 月成立 A Cappella 合唱團先後受教於嘉義大學音

樂系張得恩師及 Voco Novo 雙雙團長自 2014 年 10 月開始利用週末下午練習 1 個多小時








台北雙連扶輪社牽成下這個構想真的實現了2012 年 9 月原聲打擊樂團成立 目前打擊樂團有十餘位團員由國立台灣交響樂團資深團員陳姿伶老師指導希望創新



台灣原聲童聲合唱團成立於 2008 年 6 月隸屬「台灣原聲教育協會」羅娜國小校長馬



聲來自心靈深處清澈純淨又和諧彷如天籟 2010 年 5 月應邀赴上海世界博覽會於台灣館開幕典禮中演唱2011 年受邀於百年國慶大

典中以布農語客語台語華語演出「百年禮讚組曲」2013 年 7 月應邀於美國加州 City Fremont 慶祝國慶升旗活動中演唱美國國歌同年 10 月再度受邀於國慶典禮中領唱國歌2014年應「全日本合唱連盟」邀請赴日本參加「東京國際兒童合唱節」並隨榮譽團長周美青女士

於東京博物館「國立故宮博物院神品至寶」開展表演 台灣原聲教育協會希望透過教育培育原住民孩子成為具有使命感的典範以帶動部落


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2015 年南投縣信義鄉布農詩歌合唱比賽實施計畫 壹宗旨 一傳承發揚布農歌謠領悟布農文化之美 二提供各社區教會詩歌交流觀摩提升詩歌演唱水平 三以音樂影響社會教化涵養社區優質生活 四以詩歌頌讚耶穌基督的誕生 貳指導單位行政院原住民委員會行政院文化部南投縣政府 參主辦單位信義鄉公所社團法人台灣原聲教育協會台灣基督長老教會中部布農中會 肆協辦單位信義國中羅娜國小各村辦公室及鄉內各教會 伍比賽項目布農詩歌合唱比賽 陸比賽地點信義國中禮堂 柒比賽日期中華民國 104 年 12 月 11 日(星期五)上午九時起 捌參賽資格


一隊參賽 玖報名

參賽隊伍請於報名截止日 2015 年 12 月 4 日(星期五)前將報名資料以掛號郵寄或親送至 南投縣信義鄉羅娜村信筆巷 73 號(羅娜國小)馬慧如小姐(以郵戳為憑逾期恕不受理) 電話049-2831824

拾比賽辦法 一比賽曲目由大會選擇三首指定曲由參賽隊伍自行選擇一首演唱自選曲則必須

演唱布農古調詩歌不符規定者則不予計分 指定曲如下 (一)Iesu hai maisna dihanin kunastucin(布農聖詩 42 首)唱 12 節 (二)Tensi tahu sinpinaskal(布農聖詩 41 首)唱 12 節 (三)Santaishang bintuhan sia dihanin(布農聖詩 477 首)

二比賽人數每隊至少 20 人(不含伴奏與指揮)最多 40 人不足或多出者每不足

或多一人則扣總平均分數 05 分依此類推 三比賽規則

1 演唱曲目與報名曲目不符者一律不予計分 2 演唱時間以 15 分鐘為限自第一首歌指揮下手式開始計時指揮離開舞台時結


警示時間一到按鈴一長聲逾時即開始扣分逾時每 1 分鐘扣總平均分數 05 分

不滿 1 分鐘以 1 分鐘計依此類推 3 比賽演出人數應與報名表列相同不含指揮伴奏不得超過 40 人最少不低於 20人演出時可依樂曲之實際編制變換隊形 4 本比賽提供鋼琴其他無調性打擊樂器請自行準備若因歌曲特殊需要得以自

行錄製之卡式音樂帶CD 或自備之樂器伴奏 5 比賽將依序進行各隊報到時間請依主辦單位之通知(公布)於報到時間前完成


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6 參賽者應於司儀唱名時立即進入舞臺開始表演若唱名三次未進場者視同棄權 7 評分標準音色 40音準 20演唱技巧 20指揮(伴奏)10整體藝術

表現 10依照分數之高低評定名次比賽結束後當場宣布成績並頒獎 8 車馬費補助凡參加比賽者由大會補助車馬費每隊 5000 元 9 報名隊伍如未達八隊則取消比賽(電話通知各隊)



獎金金額如下 第一名獎金 80000 元 第二名獎金 60000 元 第三名獎金 50000 元 第四名獎金 40000 元 第五名獎金 30000 元 第六名獎金 20000 元 第七名獎金 10000 元2

二獲得第一名之隊伍並於 104 年 3 月辦理之玉山星空音樂會中擔任演唱如第一名隊


音樂會之演出為原則) 拾貳經費本次比賽經費由信義鄉公所及台灣原聲教育協會共同籌措

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200805 台灣原聲音樂學校及台灣原聲童聲合唱團誕生於南投縣信義鄉玉山山腳 200906 公益發行《唱歌吧》專輯入圍第 20 屆傳統藝術類「金曲獎」最佳傳統歌樂專輯獎 201001 接受廈門市台胞及台商聯誼會邀請首次於海外演出 201003 公益發行之《唱歌吧》紀錄片獲第 32 屆「金穗獎」最佳影片首獎 201005 受邀參加上海世界博覽會台灣館開幕典禮演出 201008 Bukut 團長獲選為遠見雜誌『新台灣之光』99 位人物之一 201010 受邀於中央研究院演唱為國內首次專場演出 201012 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201105 於國家音樂廳和國家國樂團聯合演出 201106 與哈佛大學鱷魚合唱團於東埔國小同台演出 201107 參加香港國際青少年合唱比賽獲童聲組金獎及民歌組銀獎 201110 於建國百年國慶大典中演唱「百年禮讚」組曲 201111 公益發行《不只唱歌吧》音樂專輯和紀錄片 201202 受邀於台南奇美博物館演藝廳及樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201203 受邀赴北京柏萊沃古典音樂俱樂部於金融家年會「寶島之夜」專場演出 201208 於新竹縣文化局演藝廳為創世基金會募款專場慈善演出「愛築家園」音樂會 201209 原聲兒童打擊樂團誕生 201211 受邀協助齊柏林導演空拍紀錄片「看見台灣」登玉山主峰於峰頂演出 201211 參加南投縣政府「全民運動會」開幕典禮演出 201212 參加新竹「築愛慈善音樂會」演出 201307 受邀出訪美國加州參加國慶領唱國歌及國慶遊行巨人大聯盟球場Children

Discovery MuseumForest Lawn MuseumUNITY ConferenceICICE 全球華文網路

教育研討會Facebook 總部獻唱並於舊金山及洛杉磯劇院演出兩場專場音樂會 201308 受邀於高雄市文化中心至德堂專場演出 201310 受邀參加國慶典禮領唱國歌 201310 原聲A capella合唱團誕生 201311 受邀與長榮交響樂團於中興大學惠蓀堂聯合演出 201312 受邀於總統府「總統文化獎」頒獎典禮演唱 201402 受邀於台南樹谷園區演藝廳專場演出 201404 受邀於台北誠品松菸表演廳「看見台灣聽見原聲」專場演出 201408 應「全日本合唱連盟(JCA)」邀請赴日本參加第 28 屆東京國際兒童合唱節於新宿


物院「神品至寶」開展演出 201408 受邀於台中市圓滿劇場為「看見台灣-臺中心動影像音樂會」演出 201409 受邀於木柵動物園為台灣自製第一部 3D 動畫長片「桃蛙源記」首映會演唱 201410 受邀於台北小巨蛋參加慶祝國慶「四海同心聯歡大會」演出 201411 受邀於台中洲際棒球場參加「21U 第一屆世界棒球錦標賽」開幕領唱國歌 201411 受邀參加臺灣大學 86 週年校慶音樂會專場演出 201412 受邀參加南投縣長就職典禮演出

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆會員大會第 1 次會議 會議紀錄

會議時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 200~430 會議地點台北市立建國高中夢紅樓 2 樓展演廳(台北市南海路 56 號) 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出列席人員如簽到表 壹報告出席人數

應出席人數 136 人實際出席人數 83 人(含親自出席 66 人委託出席 17 人) 貳大會開始 參主席致詞略 肆報告事項 一理事會工作報告如 2013 年報 p10~22 二監事會監察報告如 2013 年報 p8 伍討論提案 案由一 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案(如

2013 年報及大會所附資料)提請討論 說 明 本會「2013 年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收支」案業經

本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第 14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核

備 決 議通過 案由二 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案(如 2013 年報)提請討論 說 明 本會「2014 年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」案業經本會第 2 屆理監事聯席會第

14 次會議審查通過擬於提請大會討論通過後陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 陸臨時動議無 柒選舉第 3 屆理事監事 有效選票理事票 83 張監事票 83 張 發票員黃煌蕭淑敏徐德蓮鄺麗君 唱票員楊智麟徐德蓮廖南詩蕭淑敏 監票員鄺麗君邱媛美

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理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠



監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥


捌原聲音樂學校學生成果發表曲目(下午 340~420)

1 tankaun hanvang 牽牛(布農語) 曲伍欽光 編曲馬彼得 2 西北雨直直落(福佬語) 詞葉明龍 曲黃敏 編曲楊耀章 3 花樹下(客語) 詞古秀如 曲謝宇威 編曲蔡昱姍 4 我們的桃蛙源(國語) 詞楊仁賢 曲林志忠 5 心肝寶貝(福佬語) 詞李坤城羅大佑 曲羅大佑 編曲冉天豪 6 讓生命圓滿(國語) 詞王友輝 編曲冉天豪 7 如鹿渴慕溪水(國語) 詞Martin J Nystrom 編曲 Phil Dave 8 We are the world(英語) 詞曲Michael Jackson Lionel Richie

玖散會(下午 430)

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 1 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 2 月 22 日(星期六)下午 400~430 開會地點台北市南海路 56 號夢紅樓二樓會議室 主 席廖阿貫 紀 錄孫藍蔚 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛洪春滿黃春木黃慶忠

楊智麟廖南詩廖達珊鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 候補理事林恩源江睿智(請假)賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 壹報告事項第 2 屆理監事於 4 月 26 日任期屆滿將移交給第 3 屆理監事會 貳討論提案無 肆選舉第 3 屆監事會主席及理事長

當選名單監事會主席mdash黃生理事長mdash洪春滿 參臨時動議

案由推選廖達珊為執行理事 決議通過


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 2 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 5 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200~430 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興林靜一邱媛美(請假)許正瑛洪春滿黃春木

黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩(請假)廖阿貫鄺麗君(請假)羅綸有蘇錦淑(請假) 候補理事林恩源(請假)江睿智賀志強(請假) 監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生楊文貞(請假)樓海鳥(請假) 候補監事曾世彬(請假) 列席人員禹連泉孫藍蔚李彩霞呂克勝 壹報告事項

一建校規劃報告禹連泉建築師 二執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 5 月工作報告 2 2014 年下半年活動日程 3 2014 年暑期營隊課程及活動 4 2014 年 8 月參訪日本行程及活動 5 「十年樹木百年樹人」計畫-東埔國小校園植栽及生態教育實施計畫 6 原住民師生美加遊學推薦實施辦法草案

三秘書長報告 1 2014 年 1 月至 4 月財務報告 2 遠距課輔及數位學伴規劃報告

四理事長報告 1 原聲音樂學校現況報告 2 東埔國小及原聲音樂學校親師生比賽及期末點數拍賣會(募集獎項)

貳交接前後任理事長印信文件交接 參討論提案無 肆臨時動議無


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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 3 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 8 月 30 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木(請假)黃慶忠楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員馬彼得李彩霞呂克勝羅 揚高達瑋 壹報告事項

一主席報告 1 暑期學習營成果報告

(1) 日本演出及交流活動成果報告 (2) 暑期花蓮海洋營成果報告 (3) 母語推廣活動報告

2 原聲音樂學校學生的優秀表現分享 (1) 孩子在暑假有很多成長 (2) 學長姐與學弟妹分享學習心得mdash鼓勵學弟妹不畏辛苦努力學習

3 成就孩子時自己也被成就 二團長報告

1 建校規劃報告-建校場地相關事宜報告 三執行理事報告

1 2014 年 1 月至 8 月財務報告 5 月餘絀 -579070 6 月餘絀 3247291(磊山 220 萬元大 100 萬) 1-6 月餘絀 1538696 7 月餘絀 -1156540 8 月餘絀 -1214827 1-8 月餘絀 -832671

2 2014 年 9~12 月活動日程 貳討論提案 案由一修訂「台灣原聲音樂學校學生接受認養贊助辦法」 說 明受助生升入高中後皆在外地求學每月認養金 1 千元不敷使用且每位受助生狀況

不同需隨個案彈性處理 決 議依個案彈性處理 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 4 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2014 年 12 月 20 日(星期六)下午 200~500 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源林基興(請假)林靜一邱媛美許正瑛(請假)洪春滿黃春

木黃慶忠(請假)楊智麟廖南詩廖阿貫鄺麗君羅綸有(請假)蘇錦淑 監 事尤美女曹先進黃生楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員孫藍蔚裘友棣車和道蕭淑敏呂克勝李彩霞柳宜蕙 壹報告事項

一2014 年校務報告阿滿理事長 1 校務現況報告原聲的孩子透過平日的假日學校及暑假活動(日本行花蓮海洋營



的生活教育 2 建校報告

(1) 實驗教育法已通過原聲申請設立實驗學校 20141117 通過現已可掛牌薵備 (2) 原來預定設立地點在羅娜部落的羅娜國小(原因腹地大羅娜部落是全國最大的


召開部落會議溝通若仍有意見再思考更換建校地點 二2014 年度財務報告藍蔚秘書長

1 至 201410 月止本年度餘絀為負 79240 元至 201411 月止本年度餘絀為負 81058元

2 2014 年至 11 月止捐款達成率 529支出達成率約 55支出減少是因建校支出

還未動用 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2015 年「年度工作計畫收支預算及工作人員待遇」草案 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備並實施 決 議通過 參臨時動議無 肆散會

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社團法人台灣原聲教育協會第 3 屆第 5 次理監事聯席會議 會議紀錄

開會時間2015 年 1 月 24 日(星期六)下午 200-400 開會地點台北市市民大道 3 段 208 號 3 樓 主 席洪春滿 紀 錄李彩霞 出席人員(依姓氏筆劃序) 理 事宋祥興林晉源(請假)林基興(請假)林靜一(請假)邱媛美許正瑛黃春木


監 事尤美女(請假)曹先進黃生(請假)楊文貞樓海鳥 列席人員裘友棣柳宜蕙 壹報告事項 一2015 年建校進度報告阿滿理事長 二2014 年度財務報告(決算)藍蔚秘書長 貳討論提案 案由一審查 2014 年「年度工作報告收支決算現金出納資產負債財產目錄及基金收

支表」草案(如附件) 說 明審查後提請本會第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會通過據以陳報內政部核備 決 議通過 案由二確定第 3 屆第 2 次會員大會召開日期地點議程 說 明擬於 2015 年 2 月 7 日(星期六)1400 假台北市南海路 56 號建國高中「夢紅樓」二樓

展演廳舉行 決 議通過 參臨時動議 肆散會

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會員大會演唱曲目及歌詞 一 kula vali 太陽快出來(布農語)編曲馬彼得


同時也鼓勵小朋友早起 kula vali panangausan taki litu vava su-u hongku tasa dusa tau pat ima num pitu vau kula vali panangausan taki litu he he~ he~ he~ he-he

二 Amazing Grace(日語布農語英語國語)編曲Edwin O Excell


農語和國語三種語言來表達 アメイジンググレイス 何と美しい響きか 私のような者も救って下さる さまよう私をお救いになり 今では神の恵みを見て取れる makitvaivi singkadaidaz laduaz inulivan minupungav inkaduanin maimabual minsinghal Amazing grace How sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost but now I am found Was blind but now I see 奇異恩典 何等甘甜 我罪已得赦免 前我失喪 今被尋回 瞎眼今得看見

三 天下別無拯救(國語)詞曲蕭泰然

看哪 我的僕人 我所揀選 我所親愛 看哪 我的僕人 是我心所喜悅 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 祂在地上設立公理 外邦人也仰望祂的名 因為在天下別無拯救 因為在天下別無拯救 沒有賜下別的名 可靠著得救 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主啊 我的基督啊 願你快快再來 願頌讚與榮耀智慧 願感謝與尊貴權柄 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 歸於上帝以及聖羔羊 哈利路亞讚美主 阿們 阿們 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 讚美主 阿們 阿們 我的救主 我的基督 願你快快再來 我的救主 我的基督 哈利路亞 讚美主 阿們 阿們

四 耶和華祝福滿滿(台語) 詞李信儀 曲游智婷 編曲游智婷

田中的白鷺鷥 無欠缺過甚麼 山頂的百合花 春天現香味 總是全能的上帝 每日賞賜真福氣 使地上發芽結實 顯出愛疼的根據 耶和華祝福滿滿 親像海邊土沙 恩典慈愛 直到萬世代 我要舉手敬拜他 出歡喜的歌聲 讚美稱頌祂名 永不息

五 乘著氣球上天空(気球に乗ってどこまでも)詞東龍男 曲平吉毅州 中譯白蕊




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時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 風に乗って 野原を越えて(野原をこえて) 雲を飛び越え(雲をとびこえ) 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに何かが(そこになにかが) 待っているから(まっているから) 大空に ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン ランランラ ランランランラン ランランランラン ランランラ ランランランランラン 時にはなぜか(ときにはなぜか) 大空に 旅して見たく(旅してみたく) なる物さ(なるものさ) 気球に乗って 何処まで行こう(どこまでいこう) 星を越えて(星をこえて) 宇宙を遥か(宇宙をはるか) 星座の世界へ 何処までも行こう(どこまでもいこう) そこに輝く(そこにかがやく) 夢があるから ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ ラララ~ ラララ~ラ~ラ~~ 乘著氣球上天空(中譯) 有的時候會想起 天空真神秘 有的時候會想起 上天去遊玩 乘著一個大氣球 航向神秘的天空 隨風飄 隨風飄 越過一座座高山 飛過雲霄 飛過雲霄 乘著氣球上天空去 好去看天空上 有多少 神秘光景 啦~~~~~~~ 好去找宇宙中 有多少 多少寶藏 啦~~~~~~~

- 162 - 六花は咲く(日本語) 編曲西條太貴

真っ白な 雪道に 春風香る わたしは なつかしい あの街を 思い出す 叶えたい 夢もあった 変わりたい 自分もいた 今はただ なつかしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの歌が聞こえる 誰かを励ましてる 誰かの笑顔が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 夜空の 向こうの 朝の気配に わたしは なつかしい あの日々を 思い出す 傷ついて 傷つけて 報われず 泣いたりして 今はただ 愛おしい あの人を 思い出す 誰かの想いが見える 誰かと結ばれてる 誰かの未来が見える 悲しみの向こう側に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く わたしは何を残しただろう 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか生まれる君に 花は 花は 花は咲く いつか恋する君のために


白雪覆蓋的路上 瀰漫著馥郁的春風 我想起了 懷念的那座城市 曾有著想要實現的夢想 也有著想要改變的自己 如今卻只想起 思念的那個人 聽到有人在唱歌 好像在鼓勵什麼人 看到有人的笑顏 就在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 夜空的另一邊 有著清晨的氣息 我想起了 懷念的那些往日 受傷過 也傷人過 也曾沒得回報而哭泣過 如今卻只思念 所愛的那個人 看到的是誰的思念 跟誰相連在一起 看到的是誰的未來 在悲傷的那一邊 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 我又留下了什麼呢 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天誕生的你 花啊 花啊 花兒會綻放 為了有一天會戀愛的你啊


這首詩歌曲風為 ABA 形式是露營佈道會最愛選唱的詩歌由原聲孩子清澈純淨的歌聲


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這上山路 我努力跑 一天一天 越跑越高 向前之時 常求我主 求立我腳 在更高處 求舉我起 而容我站 因信在天堂巍巍山 更上一層 我心切慕 求立我腳 在更高處 帶慈悲心 主耶穌來 為尋找我 以賜其愛 雖罪其深 怙惡不改 但恩主拉起我 從禍坑口 祂拉起我 伸憐憫手 祂拉起我 從黑暗夜 到光明界 啊讚美主 祂拉起我 我心所望 非此非彼 唯仰望主 寶血之義 我決不敢 托親托鄰 只完全靠主耶穌名 求舉我起 而容我站(從禍坑口 祂拉起我) 因信在天堂巍巍山(伸憐憫手 祂拉起我) 更上一層 我心切慕(從黑暗夜到光明界 啊 讚美主) 求立我腳 在更高處 在更高處(啊 讚美主 更高處 在更高處)

八kipahpah ima 拍手歌(布農語民歌) 詞王拓南曲伍欽光編曲Bukut

kipahpah ima kipahpah ima muskunta kipahpah ima 拍拍手 拍拍手 我們一起來拍手 kahuzasa kahuzasa muskunta kahuzas 歌唱吧 歌唱吧 我們一起來歌唱 manaskal saikin sadu mas muu tu taisisan 看見各位弟兄姐妹 我心歡喜快樂 mahtu mapasadu manaskalik(manaskalik) nakahuzas(nakahuzas) 能和各位相見 我心歡喜來歌唱 manaskal(manaskal) manaskal(manaskal) manasasi sang tama kamisama 快樂歡喜 快樂歡喜 歡喜快樂仰望上帝 uka hanimumulan uka kaisalpuan is-ang kaupahanian aluskunan kamisama 沒有憂愁 沒有煩惱 上帝日日與我同在 manaskal(manaskal) matumashing(matumashing) kaupakaupa hanian manaskal 歡喜讚美 日日都快樂歡喜 taisisan(taisisan) kahuzas(kahuzas) muskun kahuzas matumashing 歌唱吧朋友 一起唱歌讚美

九故鄉ふるさと Furusado(日本童謠) 詞高野辰之 曲岡野貞一 編曲田中和音

兔追いしかの山 こぶな釣りしかの川 夢は今もめぐりて 忘れがたき故鄉 如何にいます父母 つつがなしや友がき 雨に風につけても 思いいずる故鄉 こころざしをはたして いつの日にか帰らん 山はあおき故鄉 水は清き故鄉 在山上追逐兔子 在小溪釣小魚 至今我仍常夢到 難忘的故鄉 不知道父母是否安好 不知道朋友是否無恙 就算刮著風下著雨 我仍思念著我的故鄉 希望能夠達成志向 有一天能衣錦還鄉 山巒翠綠的故鄉 水質清澈的故鄉


自 2014 年 1 月 1 日至 2014 年 12 月 31 日贊助者名錄如下篇幅為節省版面捐款抬頭為

5 個字以上者另立名錄欄皆依首字母筆劃數排序感恩所有支ldquo原rdquo者

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B02 室 2000 王裕鈞 1500 江亭潔 2000 吳炳昇 2000 宋祥興 40000

丁懷箴 2000 王詩辰 2000 江慶祥 12000 吳美慧 5000 宋隆傑 2000

尤麗惠 2000 王道維 24000 艾惠鵝 2000 吳哲彬 2000 宋德令 2000

尹世鈴 8631 王鈺琪 2000 何 易 1500 吳哲綸 1500 巫晟豪 1500

方思文 1500 王靖文 2000 何宜軒 2000 吳素雲 3500 李友尊 4000

方雅虹 2000 王翠華 2000 何怡君 2000 吳素絹 1400 李世忠 2000

方馨嫺 2000 王語瑄 2000 何明彥 1500 吳國榮 12000 李永勝 2000

毛恆祥 2000 王輝煌 2000 何冠儒 2000 吳婉君 2000 李玉如 5000

毛淑婷 2000 王靜君 5000 何振綱 2000 吳淑女 2000 李志勳 150000

王又 2000 王嶽璽 4000 何敏媛 2000 吳淑蓉 2000 李佳玲 2000

王士榮 2000 王薏蘋 2000 何淑娟 10000 吳清福 10000 李宗榮 3600

王如華 2000 王嬿茹 2000 何進村 2000 吳彭弘 100000 李旻真 3600

王佳華 200 古哲安 2000 何瑜芳 2000 吳敦義 55000 李昇修 2000

王宗鼎 2000 正能千惠 2000 何瓊文 2000 吳舒婷 2000 李明彥 3000

王怡文 2000 田淑嬿 3500 余大全 2000 吳瑪琍 2000 李枝昌 200000

王長婷 2000 田籠範子 1439 余沛婕 3000 吳慧君 2000 李芳禎 2000

王俊惠 2000 白佳欣 2000 余采親 1500 吳潔 2000 李金恭 100000

王俞芳 2000 石東千 2000 吳予仁 2000 吳憲昭 2000 李品欣 1500

王冠雅 2000 石麗珍 2000 吳玉英 2000 吳靜宜 2500 李宣澤 2000

王昭君 6000 仲淵 2000 吳秀娟 2000 吳耀敦 2000 李峙錡 1500

王界欽 2000 任柏叡 1500 吳佾其 2000 呂之華 2000 李昭慧 2000

王美玲 5000 全樹曦 4000 吳孟蓉 2000 呂文香 10000 李昭緣 2000

王美惠 2000 成溪玲 12000 吳旻芬 2000 呂玉華 20000 李修惠 2000

王英宏 2000 曲維正 2000 吳昌政 2000 呂昇祐 2000 李宴昌 2000

王娟卿 2000 朱久光 2000 吳昌錫 6000 呂冠磐 2000 李家媛 2000

王悟生 2000 朱佩珊 2000 吳明昌 2000 呂政明 5000 李婉如 2000

王效婷 2000 朱念慈 2000 吳明榮 6000 呂春桂 2000 李彩珠 2000

王海龍 10000 朱彥縉 2000 吳明錥 2000 呂美莉 2000 李彩嫻 2000

王崇蓉 2500 朱敏諄 2000 吳易縝 2000 呂茂源 2000 李淑芬 2000

王捷輝 2000 江文標 6000 吳秉儒 1500 呂淑貞 2000 李淑娟 2000

王組修 2000 江玉娟 300 吳金萬 2000 呂淑雲 10000 李愛珠 12877

王訢伃 2000 江志龍 2000 吳俊龍 2000 呂淳嫻 1000 李楊鈞 10000

王惠美 600 江奇駿 4000 吳冠陞 2500 呂惠玲 2000 李瑋珊 2000

王開敏 2000 江宜虔 10000 吳建明 100000 呂惠菁 2000 李瑞華 2000

王新立 10000 江青玲 2000 吳政宇 2000 呂琳琳 2000 李嘉哲 2000

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李嘉菊 2000 林玉芳 20000 林芳瑜 2000 林銅城 2000 洪家妮 20000

李嫚珠 2000 林宇哲 2000 林芳瑾 4000 林慧茹 2000 洪素梅 20000

李翠娟 2000 林安瀛 2000 林芷琳 2000 林慶恩 100000 洪富美 12000

李慧鳯 500 林宏明 2000 林金輝 2000 林曉真 10000 洪皖中 2000

李曉雯 2000 林志明 20000 林俊吉 2000 林燕 100000 洪瑜堇 2000

李鎮樟 2000 林杏芝 2000 林俞男 2000 林靜慧 2000 洪筱琍 2000

李耀武 5000 林秀芬 5000 林信子 8631 林麗芳 2000 紀佳緯 13900

李權泰 2000 林秀濤 2000 林冠廷 1500 林麗雪 5000 紀宜君 2000

李歡仁 5000 林育正 1000 林品儀 10000 林麗碧 5000 胡志宏 12000

杜薇 1000 林育如 2000 林品翰 2000 林寶彩 40000 胡秀華 10000

汪玄珠 4000 林育業 18000 林姵君 2000 邱一平 20000 胡芸瑄 2000

沈志宇 1500 林育靖 6000 林昭凱 500 邱玉青 2000 胡信馨 2000

沈岱育 2000 林育德 12000 林昭鳳 2000 邱佳秀 2000 胡秋香 2000

車平道 2000 林良貞 2000 林柏宏 2000 邱傑男 3000 胡夏萍 2000

初郡恩 2000 林辰學 1000 林祈芬 6000 邱媛美 23000 胡祖銘 2000

卓俊諺 2600 林京里 2000 林美玲 2000 邱義桓 2000 胡淑芳 5000

卓晨如 2000 林佩娟 12000 林羿君 2000 邱碩揚 20000 胡語姍 2000

卓儀泙 6000 林佩瑩 2000 林香吟 2000 邵崇榮 2000 范君瑋 2000

周文華 2000 林佳輝 2000 林原豐 2000 長與博典 8631 范志強 1000000

周文鶱 2000 林協進 2000 林家緯 2000 阿部哲夫 2877 范芯語 2000

周志明 2000 林孟辰 2000 林展禾 1500 凃雪玉 6000 范姜群澔 10000

周邦昀 2000 林宛臻 50000 林庭如 2000 姚淑美 11000 范舒涵 2000

周怡禎 2000 林宛霖 2000 林恩源 20000 政敏 2000 范曉恩 2000

周明翰 1500 林宜慧 2000 林財發 2000 施心韻 2000 香草氣球 20850

周美蘭 2000 林宜臻 216165 林啟信 4000 施牧之 1500 候靖柔 2000

周晴禎 900 林幸儒 2000 林國興 2000 施建興 3000 唐世昌 2000

周詩婷 2000 林念竹 2000 林淑惠 6000 施春成 2000 唐怡芳 2000

周蓓蕾 4500 林怡儀 2000 林淑慧 2000 施相如 2000 唐晨瑜 2000

周慧芳 2000 林昀靚 4000 林添樹 2000 施美妏 5000 夏以寧 2000

姒元忠 5000 林昆禾 2000 林森醫院 2000 施堯寬 2000 孫文先 9000

東森電視 2877 林昆慶 2000 林湘評 2000 施鈞凱 2000 孫立銓 2000

松澤寬文 8631 林明和 4000 林紫璿 2000 春山齒科 8631 孫譽真 2000

林乃杞 5000 林明達 2000 林雅玲 2000 柯玉環 2000 徐力克 2000

林三元 12000 林欣儀 2000 林雅容 2000 柯佩雰 2000 徐文輕 2000

林千翔 2000 林武田 10000 林毓文 2000 柯喬馨 2000 徐世禎 100000

林心蘭 2000 林泛俊 4000 林鈺清 2000 段成龍 2000 徐志婷 3070

林文淵 12000 林秉緯 2000 林嘉彥 2000 洪正容 2000 徐妮 2000

- 166 - 林月鈴 2000 林芳如 5400 林榮茂 2000 洪春滿 8500 徐芷唯 2000

林玉枝 2000 林芳如 4000 林維甫 10400 洪柏青 2000 徐復民 10000

徐慧珠 2000 張郁偵 2000 梁榮華 2000 郭盈芬 2000 陳勇洲 3600

秦永悌 10000 張徐庭芝 500 梁靜舒 2000 郭美秀 2000 陳品璇 1500

翁怡涵 2000 張恩瑜 2000 渉谷和典 14385 郭軒綸 1500 陳奕均 2000

翁素蓉 2000 張素華 2000 焉保元 2000 郭瑞意 2000 陳威羽 1500

袁嘉彬 2000 張淑蕙 2000 莊士興 2000 郭榮烈 4000 陳屏萍 2000

馬彼得 100000 張淑櫻 2000 莊秀娥 2000 陳人瑄 500 陳建芳 2000

馬松季 5000 張淨環 2000 莊佳慧 2000 陳大雄 2000 陳彥佑 3600

馬經方 2000 張琇喬 5000 莊惠如 2000 陳小玲 2000 陳彥谷 2000

高天翼 2000 張琇雁 2000 莊漢宗 2000 陳文欣 2000 陳彥豪 2000

高忠義 2000 張翊宸 4000 莊慧文 2000 陳民慶 2000 陳玲涵 2000

高振興 3000 張婷 2000 許文忠 2000 陳永金 111 陳盈謀 3072

高曼玲 30000 張媚 2000 許文龍 50000 陳立苹 2000 陳祈宏 100000

高逸紋 2000 張斯堯 10000 許玉治 2000 陳光誠 9600 陳秋伶 2000

高瑞穎 2000 張智映 2000 許成功 2000 陳安琪 2000 陳秋鳳 2000

高蒂燕 3000 張朝銘 2000 許秀蘭 2000 陳宏正 2000 陳紅蓮 100

高慧玲 15000 張雅筑 2000 許育宏 2000 陳宏瑜 2000 陳美如 2000

高橋功 2877 張楨 433900 許芳 2000 陳希臨 3600 陳美雲 10000

高橋晴美 2877 張瑋哲 2000 許美蓮 2000 陳志方 2000 陳虹陵 2000

崔秀雲 1000 張瑞玲 2000 許修誠 2000 陳志誠 13000 陳貞任 2000

康素珍 11000 張瑞純 2000 許家彰 2000 陳志彰 2000 陳郁文 5500

康瑤華 120000 張義雄 2000 許家榮 3000 陳杉豪 60000 陳淯芳 2200

康銘利 2000 張裕安 2000 許素修 2000 陳秀慧 15000 陳素庈 2000

張仁輔 2000 張裕忠 8400 許素蘭 20000 陳佳祺 3000 陳健生 18000

張文山 2000 張嘉耘 2000 許淑霞 2000 陳孟祺 2000 陳健丞 2000

張文祥 4000 張寧惠 2000 許凱翔 1500 陳孟慧 2000 陳彩秝 3000

張文通 2000 張榮哲 2000 許皓淳 1400 陳昀瑋 1500 陳晨昱 2000

張文靜 2000 張碧芳 2000 許萸晶 4000 陳欣榆 2000 陳梅瑛 2000

張月萌 2000 張肇祺 2000 許盟安 2000 陳玟伶 2000 陳淑君 2000

張玉姍 2000 張鴻章 2000 許嘉鎂 5000 陳玫荃 5000 陳淑宜 4000

張玉瑩 1500 張簡尹佩 2000 許綺紋 10000 陳采秝 2000 陳淑美 2000

張光宇 12000 張繐雅 2000 許慧玲 12000 陳雨航 2000 陳惠玲 2000

張君旭 6000 張馨勻 2000 許蕙宇 1000 陳亮伃 2000 陳焱煌 2000

張廷安 2000 強釖英 2000 許瓊禧 2000 陳俊良 10000 陳菀蓁 2000

張明因 1500 曹彥盛 2000 郭佳憲 2000 陳俐婷 4000 陳逸彥 11000

張明龍 2000 曹雅慧 2000 郭忠吉 2000 陳俐嬛 2000 陳逸穎 2000

- 167 -

張長軾 3000 曹蕙珍 2000 郭怡君 2000 陳俞蓁 4000 陳新宇 2000

張彥偉 2000 梁汝鎮 2000 郭玫君 2000 陳冠維 2000 陳新駿 2000

張春玲 2000 梁惠珠 5000 郭俊驛 1500 陳冠霏 2000 陳嘉彣 2000

張秋森 2000 梁詩屏 2000 郭昱秀 2000 陳勇安 2000 陳壽美 50000

陳旖益 2000 曾子銓 2000 黃克勤 2000 黃靜薰 2000 葉紅 2000

陳榮富 2000 曾克修 10000 黃志祥 6000 黃薰威 6600 葉美琴 4000

陳碧蓮 2877 曾宜謙 1500 黃邦定 3800 黃鐙麒 2500 葉書佑 2000

陳維斌 10000 曾明德 6000 黃忠賢 2000 黃馨儀 1500 葉書村 2000

陳維新 6000 曾俊峯 2000 黃東生 3309 楊大和 3000 葉淑鈺 6000

陳綺芳 2000 曾院介 3600 黃玟瑄 2000 楊仁賢 10000 葉惠盈 2000

陳銘元 2000 曾涵芝 2000 黃秉愷 2000 楊月華 2000 葉鍚東 2000

陳魁 2000 曾淑菁 2000 黃冠閔 12000 楊永昌 1500 董富儒 500

陳鳳怡 2000 曾源裕 1500 黃建誠 2000 楊光 6000 虞濟華 2000

陳鳴鈴 2000 曾鈺智 2000 黃建彰 6000 楊佳勳 1500 詹志鴻 2000

陳慧容 2000 曾嘉盈 2000 黃昭贊 2000 楊宗諭 2000 詹佳寧 2000

陳毅祥 2000 曾碧卿 20000 黃柏偉 2000 楊定諺 2000 詹雪玉 2000

陳蔚綺 2000 游郁欣 2000 黃盈甄 2000 楊宜華 1500 詹琪 2000

陳調鋌 20000 游雪惠 2000 黃若芸 3000 楊明芳 2000 鄒桂雲 2000

陳興海 200000 游貴美 2000 黃郁婷 4000 楊俊岳 2000 雷佳縈 2000

陳靜如 2000 湯秀滿 2000 黃祐鈞 2000 楊素端 10000 頌彥真賢 14385

陳靜宜 2000 湯明璋 2000 黃素娟 2200 楊高融 2500 嘉仁藥房 220

陳靜慧 2000 程延和 2000 黃國銘 2000 楊敕貝 8000 廖文怡 2000

陳膺州 2000 華國媛 6000 黃婉玲 2000 楊淑芬 2000 廖平生 2000

陳駿為 2000 賀志強 4000 黃彫棠 2000 楊淑珍 2877 廖怡鳳 2000

陳鏡安 1500 辜郁純 10000 黃御唐 7000 楊淨雅 2000 廖南詩 1300

陳麗如 2000 間宮內科 8631 黃晨雅 4000 楊連發 138000 廖建華 2000

陳麗姿 2400 飯塚能成 2000 黃清俊 2000 楊勝哲 3000 廖修筠 2000

陳麗秋 2000 馮怡敏 5000 黃清雄 2000 楊博欽 12000 廖書緯 18000

陳麗敏 2000 馮興儒 1500 黃竟修 12000 楊筠芃 8000 廖清佑 2000

陳露施 2000 黃 石 2000 黃創夏 10000 楊靖民 2000 廖湘如 2000

傅榮禎 2000 黃千真 2000 黃惠玲 2000 楊碧玲 2000 廖楓 12000

傅碧如 2000 黃大芪 900 黃智芸 2000 楊熾光 2000 廖達琪 200000

傅應翔 2000 黃子瑜 2000 黃智俐 4000 楊環菁 2000 廖嘉紅 2000

單彥榕 1500 黃介民 2000 黃雅梅 2000 楊韻秋 3000 廖榮山 2000

嵇彭傑 2000 黃文定 2000 黃雅慧 2000 溫孝文 2000 廖維旺 2000

彭沁璘 2000 黃文涼 2000 黃雯綉 2000 溫志中 2000 熊文瑗 2000

彭玟光 2000 黃文鴻 2000 黃源森 200 溫秭翊 2000 趙子佑 2000

- 168 - 彭泰彥 2000 黃世明 2000 黃裕洲 2000 萬瑾璇 2000 趙伊望 2000

彭紫晴 2000 黃令苹 3000 黃鈴淨 2000 葉子平 2000 趙淑琴 2000

彭嘉明 60000 黃玉娟 1000 黃鈺恩 2000 葉妍杏 2000 趙毓美 2000

彭鴻森 2000 黃生 1000 黃慶忠 20000 葉知定 4412 齊藤美弘 2877

景雯霞 2000 黃旭宏 1500 黃憲宇 1000 葉芳吟 18600 劉成 2000

曾于書 2000 黃竹瑄 2000 黃錦梅 10000 葉俊毅 20000 劉光雄 3000

劉有富 4000 蔡孟軒 3600 鄭倩玉 2000 戴志清 5000 魏延豪 2000

劉佩宜 2000 蔡孟琳 3600 鄭振家 2000 薛如娟 2300 魏筱君 2000

劉怡孜 2400 蔡宗立 2000 鄭浩民 2000 薛雅文 2000 龎睿穎 2000

劉明宜 2000 蔡宜廷 2000 鄭純淑 2000 薛雅齡 2000 繩蘇生 4000

劉欣怡 2000 蔡明安 2000 鄭素治 2000 謝一新 2000 羅一新 2000

劉秉怡 2000 蔡俊逵 1500 鄭欵 2000 謝元勳 50000 羅正宏 2000

劉俊宏 20000 蔡盈康 2000 鄭紹東 7000 謝如君 6000 羅宇棠 4000

劉俊茂 2877 蔡張金權 10000 鄭莉玲 2000 謝佩珊 2000 羅佳勳 2000

劉奐岑 2000 蔡淑莉 2000 鄭博仁 2000 謝佳芳 2000 羅金蘭 2000

劉珊如 15000 蔡陸宗 1500 鄭惠娟 4500 謝宛潔 2000 羅倩儀 2000

劉家振 2000 蔡雪美 2000 鄭鳳君 2000 謝宛勳 2000 羅揚 1500

劉晏汝 2000 蔡惠英 500 鄭興 2000 謝昀叡 1500 羅慈為 4000

劉素滿 12000 蔡椏芝 2000 鄭靜怡 2000 謝昌衛 2000 羅綸有 324000

劉淑 2000 蔡菁菁 2000 鄭靜芬 2000 謝政誼 2000 邊野吉 5754

劉淑貞 2000 蔡雅帆 6000 盧怡志 2000 謝炳邦 2000 龐晴 1500

劉博文 2000 蔡聖爵 200 盧崑瑞 2000 謝張芳珠 2877 蘇玉琦 2000

劉詠華 2000 蔡碧珊 2000 盧雅馨 2000 謝逸琦 2000 蘇佩誼 2000

劉瑞敏 4000 蔡維恭 2000 盧蓂朻 1500 謝嘉濬 2000 蘇明慧 2000

劉廖阿鈺 2000 蔡語嫣 1500 穆文誠 2000 謝實毅 2000 蘇秉夆 2000

劉漢倚 2000 蔡銘城 1400 蕭伃真 2000 謝瑩龍 6000 蘇建宏 2000

劉慧敏 2000 蔡德輝 2000 蕭妍庭 2000 謝燕珠 2600 蘇映吟 2000

劉澄豪 2000 蔡歐芳情 2000 蕭家列 2000 謝錫濱 2000 蘇郁雅 2000

劉麗芬 2000 蔡潔葳 2000 蕭淑敏 139000 謝麗燕 2000 蘇容瑾 2000

劉懿嬅 12000 蔡霈榆 4000 蕭登元 2000 鍾明芝 2000 蘇銹燕 2000

歐陽如蘭 2000 蔡耀毅 2000 蕭睆文 2000 鍾道之 2000 蘇曉棠 2000

歐濾德 11000 蔣耿義 2000 蕭劉阿玉 2000 簡劭庭 181500 蘇錦淑 10000

滕蕙蘭 2000 蝸行基金 17600 賴一湉 2000 簡欣華 2000 蘇靜君 2000

潘妤庭 2000 鄧沛雯 2000 賴乙晴 2000 簡湘容 2000 饒珍櫻 2000

潘信宏 2000 鄧依均 2500 賴如足 24000 簡嘉萱 2000 顧正禧 1500

潘威成 2000 鄧鵬 2000 賴建呈 10000 簡銘均 2000 蔡秀芳 2000

潘彥均 1500 鄭文珠 5000 賴素娥 2000 簡慧鍾 2000 蔡佳祝 11000

- 169 -

潘素貞 2000 鄭永玉 2000 賴素鏡 2000 簡薰育 10000 鄭美玲 2000

潘豐富 2000 鄭宇宏 1500 賴國豪 1000 藍文君 2000 鄭美惠 2000

蔡一輝 2000 鄭宇清 2000 賴惠鈴 2000 闕欣男 2000 駱慧君 1800

蔡玉茹 2000 鄭志明 2000 賴慶芳 1500 顏士致 2000 應丞武 2000

蔡宏達 2000 鄭秀足 2000 賴頤珊 1000 顏禾洋 20000 顏惠美 2000

蔡沛潔 2000 鄭宜欣 2000 霍安莉 2000 顏沛霂 2000 顏際隆 2000

006-0000560227844537 12000 兆豐產物保險股份有限公司 20000

0000-130540072691 2000 光友科技股份有限公司 2000

000-0404221176770 21143 艾葳精品婚紗有限公司 2000

004-00000115004038376 6000 利河伯實業有限公司 20000

009-0030105141735801 5000 吳尼可國際有限公司 2000

012-4924960183929900 600 巫葉子設計有限公司 2000

013-06053397 12000 李東陽里金館有限公司 2000

805-0006000400003506 13000 佳瑋科技股份有限公司 100000

808-0000543968111696 30000 和聲合唱團 5000

822-0000347532690803 36000 姊妹旅行社股份有限公司 20000

Lok Wing Lam 2000 旺宏電子(股)公司中華文化研習社 4000

Wisdom Culture amp Education Organization 2607887 東京華僑商工聯合會 28770

士筌實業股份有限公司 2000 東京霞ケ関ライオンズ クラブ 2877

大可禾文化教育股份有限公司 20000 松山慈惠堂 2000

中央研究院化學研究所 40000 社團法人中華民國亞太產業經營研究會 15000

中正堂会館株式会社 8631 社團法人中華磊山慈愛社 2438000

中玨實業有限公司 2000 長霖寰宇企業有限公司 6000

中國醫藥大學附設醫院 100000 青境工程顧問有限公司 2000

丰雅時尚診所 2000 冠英水電工程有限公司 100

五福創新有限公司 2000 威盈貿易有限公司 6000

元昌投資股份有限公司 100000 恆暘貿易有限公司 8631

太鼓餐飲股份有限公司 2000 星新國際有限公司 2000

以琳內科診所 2000 映畫傳播事業股份有限公司 123800

台北北海扶輪社 20000 看見台灣-日本 SUZUKI amp MAYUMI 14385


北醫學大學 10000 美裝公寓大廈管理維護股份有限公司 10000

台北市城東扶輪社 107000 胡凱閔 黃雅青 2000

台北尚邑扶輪社 10000 苗栗縣物理治療師公會 2000

台北金鷹扶輪社 20000 郁建國際有限公司 4000

- 170 - 台北真善美扶輪社 60000 財金資訊股份有限公司 100000

台北雙和扶輪社 20000 財團法人中國國際商業銀行文教基金會 920000

台北雙連扶輪社 20000 財團法人中華基督教廈門街浸信會 43600

平田法律事務所 17262 財團法人臺灣基督教門諾會 30000

玄啟有限公司 2000 銘久股份有限公司 2000

白宇白米 2000 劉昭宏建築師事務所 14000

財團法人元大文教基金會 1000000 模組電腦實業社 3000

財團法人我們的文化基金會 200000 熱鐸(上海)貿易有限公司 2000

財團法人蘇帆海洋文化藝術基金會 43847 蔡恆維周英娟 10000

財團法人傳承教育基金會 300000 蔡蕙璟蔡華庭 10000

財團法人臺北市實踐家文教基金會 12000 樹德企業股份有限公司 12000

財團法人慶恩教育基金會 4025 橫濱中山協會 2877

國史館愛心社 3000 橫濱自由華僑婦女協會 2877

國際傑人會日本會 8631 穎珠投資股份有限公司 2000

康軒文教事業股份有限公司 16000 爵色餐飲股份有限公司 2000

康熹文化事業股份有限公司 9000 環通投資有限公司 2000

梁德健(正和航業) 8631 總編輯影像工作室有限公司 3000

牽猴子整合行銷股份有限公司 5000 聯合造形設計工作室 2000

笠源科技股份有限公司 2000 聯奇開發股份有限公司 21000

第一金證券投資信託股份有限公司 20000 聯瑋國際有限公司 2000

翊杰國際有限公司 4000 聯曜企業管理顧問有限公司 2000

陳慧蓮石智良 2000 聲創教育坊 2000

婷維國際有限公司 2000 謝博軒謝宜澄 2000

晶仁國際行銷股份有限公司 3015 鎮宸有限公司 5500

游泰慶蕭悧悧 17262 寶萊祥投資有限公司 2000

華山天主堂聖詠團 6000 萬通影音科技股份有限公司 100000

陽光雪梨投資有限公司 4000 誠品股份有限公司 300000

雲朗觀光股份有限公司高雄分公司 2000 實踐家商業模式顧問有限公司 10000

微熱山丘株式會社 1439 臺大客家研究中心 2000

傳藝寰宇文教有限公司 60000 臺中市中興大學 EMBA 校友會 150000

群馬縣台灣總會 8631 臺灣期貨交易所股份有限公司 300000

悍創運動行銷股份有限公司 30000 臺灣證券交易所股份有限公司 300000

桃井美鈴(里水株式會社 ) 8631 無名氏共 16 筆 321387

神腦國際企業股份有限公司 750000

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編後語 喧囂波折的一年已接近尾聲 在世事紛擾中 原聲孩子在山裡 仍然絃歌不輟 平安成長 七年前原聲成立時招收的小四 小三學生 如今大致適才適性地就讀高中或高職一二年級

(2008 年原聲成立時招收小學二 三 四年級學生 利用每週六日及寒暑假上課 此後每年寒假僅招收小二生) 這兩屆原聲孩子國中畢業升高一前的暑假 我們都會安排一趟部落壯遊 讓他們去到南部和東部的魯凱 排灣 布農 阿美等部落去觀摩學習 回來後需繳心得報告 下文是其中一位生長在潭南部落的高一孩子所寫 他家境困頓 但今年很努力的考取台中市國立清水高中 新生訓練時 有同學竊竊私語原住民加分的 他寫下了他心中所想hellip但我卻不以為意因為我已經做到初步的自我認同helliphellip






難題我都能夠以布農族的智慧去面對並解決問題 這一兩年 總會有人說你們原聲很棒啊 做得很好啊 我會問好在哪裡呀 回答常常是你們小朋友唱得真好聽啊 是的 在看見台灣之後 更多人聽見原聲 但我們內心始終明白原聲的終極目標不是唱 而是培養出像 Biung 這樣的孩子--有自信 認同自己文化 對部落 對族人 有使命感 從他的字裡行間 您是否已可看到一位未來部落典範的身影 建立信心 自我認同 說起來容易 但絕非一蹴可幾 原聲六年多來 著力最深的就是儘量設法塑造原聲音樂學校的教育氣氛 它不在巍峨校舍裡 也不在先進設備中 而是一群最優秀最熱心的老師 一群認同學校理念 向心力超強的家長 在林宜城 Bukut 阿蠻三位校長帶領下 經由假日課程(數 英 語文 音樂) 讓孩子浸潤在專注 耐性 毅力 恆心的嚴格紀律下 一遍又一遍的聽校長分享困苦的成長經驗 講述布農傳統的智慧 日積月累一點一滴形塑了這樣的學校氛圍 也對孩子產生了深刻的影響 它不會像唱歌那麼迅速地被聽見看見 過程中更有辛勞 挫折 也有無奈 但這是我們真正要做的 是您的支持 鼓勵 和慈愛 陪伴原聲一路勇往直前 向您獻上原聲的歲末感恩 httpyoutubedFzSQ2aYEuk 祝福 您 身心喜樂康泰 行止自在安和

阿貫 2015 初春

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