2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme.

2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme

Transcript of 2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme.

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2014 to 2020 European Structural and Investment Funds

Growth Programme

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Dr Carol Sweetenham

Head of ERDF

Department for Communities and Local Government

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Delivery: roles and responsibilities

• Delivery will hinge on close working between MA and local partners coordinated initially by LEPs: therefore essential to define roles and responsibilities of all parties.

• Partners have been involved in ongoing discussions around roles and the results of these are reflected in the Partnership Agreement and Operational Programmes.

• LEPs will coordinate local partners and drive the production and delivery of a strategy reflecting the wider goals outlined in the areas’ Strategic Economic Plan.

• The Managing Authority is responsible for managing the OP in accordance with the principles of sound financial management.

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Outline Application against Call Specification

Local Implementation

Plan(Scope and

Timing of Calls

Full Application

Publish Call

Funding Agreement


Managing Authority

European Structural & Investment Fund 2014-20 High Level Standard Business Process –

Inception to Funding Agreement(excluding Opt-Ins, CLLD, Fis, SUD) 11 July 2014

Promote and

Publicise Call

Assess Application

against ESIF, call

specification and Prioritise

Assess Outline (Gateway &

Core Selection Criteria)

Full Technical Appraisal

(Core Selection Criteria)

Assess Full application and review technical

appraisal against ESIF and prioritise

LEP Area ESIF Committee

ESIF Strategies (set out local

strategic priorities)

Call Specification

ERDF / ESF Operational


Selection into


Discuss and

endorse selection

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Thematic Objectives

1. Strengthening research, technological development & innovation

2. Enhancing access to, and use and quality of, ICT

3. Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs

4. Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors

5. Promoting climate change adaptation, risk prevention and management

6. Preserving and Protecting the Environment and promoting Resource Efficiency

7. Promoting sustainable transport and removing bottlenecks in key network infrastructures

8. Promoting Employment and Supporting Labour Mobility

9. Promoting social inclusion and combating poverty

10. Investing in Education, Skills and Lifelong Learning

11. Enhancing Institutional Capacity and an Efficient Public Administration

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Community Led Local Development (CLLD)

•Both Programmes for England in 2014-20 have built in an element of CLLD.

•LEP areas have incorporated CLLD projects in their ESIF Strategies. Indicative LEP ESIF proposals:

c20 LEPs c69 Local Action Groups c£124m (of which identified c£63.5m ESF/ £46m ERDF/£14.9m EAFRD)

•The Commission want a much stronger narrative around the rationale for CLLD, including evidence of demand/need; an analysis of CLLD compared against other mainstream funding options available; plus a clearer position on added value, and how CLLD offers value for money (given costs).

•Working with LEP areas to build narrative and also consider whether CLLD is the best route through in all cases.

•From July onwards more detailed guidance and implementation arrangements will be developed.

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Community Led Local Development (CLLD)Next steps……

•EU Commission feedback integrated and where possible addressed in drafting of intervention logic and content of the ESF/ERDF and EAFRD programming documents (July)

•Agreement of CLLD within Partnership Agreement and Operational Programmes (last towards end of 2014/Jan 2015)

•Finalisation of ESIF assessment and agreement of CLLD within ESIFs ongoing (to Jan 2015)

•Launch and operationalisation of CLLD from January 2015

Further guidance to local partners will be issued in the Summer

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Cross-Cutting Themes

• Sustainable development envisages economic growth that is inclusive and environmentally sound to build shared prosperity, deliver immediate and long-term benefits, and meet the needs of future generations.

• Equalities: All ESI funds should promote equality in accordance with EU and domestic legislative and regulatory requirements. The 2010 Equality Act protects nine characteristics – age, disability, gender reassignment, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.

• The public sector Equality Duty also applies in the delivery of European funding, and means that delivery of the Programme should consider the needs of all individuals and have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different people when carrying out their activities.

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Timing Activity July Information to LEPs and partners on:

Specific issues that arise during discussion with the EC on UK Partnership Agreement and Operational Programmes

End July Information to LEPs and partners on: Calls Process - Management of the first round of calls Implementation Plan Eligibility Rules Initial guidance on Financial Instruments Guidance on next steps in CLLD Technical Assistance Performance Management Arrangements Definition of Outputs Terms of Reference and establishment of local ESI Fund committees (if finalised)

July / Aug / Sept

Local teams work with local ESI Funds Committee on ESI Funds Implementation Plans and developing the project pipeline

September New 2014-20 ESI Funds section of Gov.uk Website goes live with content on: Business process (Documents produced to date) Policy papers Governance On-line handbook (Information available to date)

From Sept GPB Sub-Committees meet to discuss draft Implementation Plans MA works with Partners to develop CLLD proposals


ESF & EAFRD Operational Programmes expected to be adopted

ESF & EAFRD Implementation Plan content agreed by HMG Information to LEPs and Partners on Application process:

Outline and Full application forms Application guidance Appraisal guidance

Training and capacity building for local MA teams, partners and applicants on application process.

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October / November / December

Designation of the formal Programme Monitoring Committees (PMC) for the ESI Funds in the Growth Programme. After designation the PMCs will formally approve(depending on the Fund)

Respective Programme Monitoring Committees (PMC) formally constituted and approve (depending on the Fund):

Selection Criteria (Structural Funds and EAFRD PMCs) Sub-committees’ Terms of Reference (Structural Funds and EAFRD PMCs) Technical Assistance Strategy (Structural Funds PMC) Selection of criteria for Opt-In Organisations (Structural Funds PMC)

Opt-In organisations apply for funding and MA carries out appraisal

Local ESI Fund Committees Agree final Implementation Plan Considers MA Funding Agreement with Opt-In Organisations

December ERDF Operational Programme expected to be adopted ERDF Implementation Plan content agreed by HMG

January Calls opened For operations as specified For first wave of CLLD activity For first wave of Opt-in activity

February Information to LEPs, Partners and potential applicants on contract management processes:

Project Initiation Visit Monitoring and verifications procedures - Claims Checks & On-the-spot visits Irregularities reporting On-line Handbook

February Structural Funds IT system goes live Spring 2015 First expected investments on the ground, including through Opt-ins

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• Government is aligning the process for implementation of the 2014-2020 ESI Funds as far as possible, particularly for ESF and ERDF.

• Managing Authorities for individual funds still need to report to the EU at a national level on each fund and there are therefore 2 separate Operational Programmes for ESF and ERDF.

• Government established a Growth Programme Board (GPB) to act as a shadow national Programme Monitoring Committee (PMC) for the England Growth Programme. Once the Programme moves into an operational phase the GPB will act as the PMC for both the ERDF and ESF ESI Funds.

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Governance (Sub-committees and EAFRD)

•The GPB/ PMC is chaired by the Managing Authority for the Programmes. It will be supported by a number of functional and cross cutting thematic sub-committees (for example on communications, equalities and sustainability).

•The PMC will be supported by 39 Local Sub-Committees – or [LEP area] ESIF Committees - one for each Local Enterprise Partnership area, chaired by Partners. Government will ask Local Enterprise Partnerships to co-ordinate the Local Sub-Committee and partners in their area in accordance with the EC Code of Conduct on Partnership.

•The Rural Development Programme will be overseen by an EAFRD PMC. The GPB will advise the EAFRD PMC on issues concerning growth.

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