2014 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2014 ...

The CENTRE for EDUCATION in MATHEMATICS and COMPUTING Le CENTRE d’ ´ EDUCATION en MATH ´ EMATIQUES et en INFORMATIQUE www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca 2014 Results Fryer Contest (Grade 9) Galois Contest (Grade 10) Hypatia Contest (Grade 11) 2014 esultats Concours Fryer (9 e ann´ ee – Sec. III) Concours Galois (10 e ann´ ee – Sec. IV) Concours Hypatie (11 e ann´ ee – Sec. V) c 2014 Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing

Transcript of 2014 Results Fryer Contest Galois Contest Hypatia Contest 2014 ...

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en MATHEMATIQUES et en INFORMATIQUEwww.cemc.uwaterloo.ca


Fryer Contest(Grade 9)

Galois Contest(Grade 10)

Hypatia Contest(Grade 11)


Concours Fryer(9e annee – Sec. III)

Concours Galois(10e annee – Sec. IV)

Concours Hypatie(11e annee – Sec. V)

c©2014 Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing

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Competition Organization Organisation du Concours

Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computing Faculty and Staff /Personnel du Centre d’education en mathematiques et informatique

Ed Anderson Conrad HewittJeff Anderson Angie HildebrandTerry Bae Carrie KnollSteve Brown Judith KoellerErsal Cahit Joanne KursikowskiAlison Cornthwaite Bev MarshmanHeather Culham Mike MiniouSerge D’Alessio Dean MurrayFrank DeMaio Jen NissenJennifer Doucet J.P. PrettiFiona Dunbar Kim SchnarrMike Eden Carolyn SedoreBarry Ferguson Ian VanderBurghJudy Fox Troy VasigaSteve Furino JoAnn VincentJohn Galbraith Tim ZhouSandy Graham

Problems Committee / Comite des problemes

Judith Koeller (Chair / presidente), University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ONLino Demasi, Waterloo, ONRad dePeiza, Toronto, ONSandy Emms Jones, Forest Heights C.I., Kitchener, ONRob Gleeson, Kincardine D.S.S., Kincardine, ONShawn Godin, Cairine Wilson S.S., Orleans, ONAndre Ladouceur, Gloucester, ONPeter O’Hara, London, ONPaul Ottaway, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BCJudy Shanks, Pickering H.S., Ajax, ONTyler Somer, Kitchener, ONPatricia van Donkelaar, Charles P. Allen H.S., Bedford, NS


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Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

Overall CommentsThe year 2014 marked the twelfth writings of the Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Contests. The FGH Contests aredesigned to give students in Grades 9, 10 and 11 an additional mathematical challenge during the school year,and one that requires full written solutions. Being able to do mathematics is an important skill; being able tocommunicate one’s findings (in mathematics or in any other field) is also very important.

We were very pleased this year to see another healthy increase in the number of participants in these Contests.In general, many students writing these Contests are doing a better job each year of writing clear solutions to theproblems. That being said, there is always work that can be done to help them improve these skills. Some studentsreduced their scores because they gave answers rather than solutions or presented untidy or illegible solutions.

The averages on the Fryer, Galois and Hypatia Contests this year were 22.7, 24.0 and 26.1, respectively. Wewill continue to try to keep the averages on these papers in this range. Here are some specific comments on theproblems.

Fryer Contest

1. Average: 6.0This problem was not particularly well done for a problem 1. In parts (a) and (b), many students had troublecounting the number of 2- and 3-digit numbers (for example, saying that there are 89 numbers in the list 10to 99). Mistakes in (a) and (b) left to troubles calculating the answer to part (c).

2. Average: 8.3This question was very well done. In part (c), some solutions were not very well written, but our markerswere generous here. Part (d) was poorly done by some students who used the diagram from part (c) andmade inferences based on that diagram.

3. Average: 5.6This question required careful marking due to the amount of reading needed as the game strategies werediscussed. In both parts (b) and (c), many students did not discuss what happens when the point moves onto the y-axis.

4. Average: 2.7This problem was the hardest problem on this paper and required the most care. In part (a), the fact thattwo subsets had a sum of 3 was often missed, and many students were confused and added the sum of thesums up to get 24. In part (b), full marks were given for a well-defined list of sets, their sums and the totalsum. Many students only looked at one- and two-element sets to get an answer of 75 or looked at 1-, 2- and5-element sets to get 90 (missing the 3- and 4-element sets). Students who had success in part (c) tended touse remainders, modular arithmetic or brute force.

Galois Contest

1. Average: 8.0This question was very well done. In part (d), the biggest difficulty was misreading the question andanswering how many medals were added to the trophy case.

2. Average: 7.2Parts (a) and (b) were well done. In part (c), most students came to a conclusion in a way similar tothat in the posted solution. However, some students chose to solve a system of equations to come up witha contradiction. In part (d), the most common mistake was not checking all cases. Many students onlychecked one case and would state that $142 must come from 5 × $20 + 6 × $7. We saw alternate solutionsto this question that solved the problem by examining the units digit of 142.

3. Average: 6.2Parts (a) and (b) were very well done. Part (c) was done fairly well; however, when mistakes were made


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Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

there was often very little or no work for the markers to grade. Part (d) was not done as well as the earlierparts. Students who made a good attempt at the problem but were not able to find all four solutions oftenhad two of the four solutions and were just missing one piece of the argument. They would often only findthe solutions when one lets a be as small as possible (67 and 68), or the two solutions when S is even (68,84) or when S is odd (67, 85).

4. Average: 2.5Part (a) was well done. In part (b), the most common mistake was to incorrectly assume that the centres ofthe circles are collinear. We did see some students make this mistake in part (b), but not in part (c). Thesestudents were still able to make a reasonable attempt part (c). A common mistake in part (c) was assumingthat the points of tangency are collinear and that the line through these points is horizontal.

Hypatia Contest

1. Average: 8.7This problem was well done. In (d), the most common error was to determine only one of the two solutions,k = 0 and k = 5, often because of using a trial and error solution, or by “crossing out” a k from both sidesof the equation k2 = 5k to get k = 5 (thus missing the possibility that k = 0).

2. Average: 8.2This question was well done. In (c), students were expected to justify their answers for the last week thesong was in the top 200. That could be done by graphing or describing the parabola, or comparing thevalues of P (14) and P (15).

3. Average: 6.5Part (a) was well done. Many students approached (b) and (c) by adding points to the diagram andcalculating some resulting lengths of line segments. Typical errors included constructions that were notwell-explained, or assumptions made about angles and ratios of resulting constructions.

4. Average: 2.7Part (a) was well done. In (b), many students examined the area of one or two specific triangles, rather thanusing a general expression for side lengths x, y, z. In (c), some students missed the requirements that x > 1and y > 1.

Please visit our website at www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca to download the 2014 Fryer, Galois and HypatiaContests, plus full solutions.


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Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

Commentaires generauxL’annee 2014 est la douzieme edition des concours Fryer, Galois et Hypatie. Les concours de FGH ont ete creespour donner aux etudiants de 9e, 10e et 11e annee (sec. III, IV et V) un defi mathematique supplementairependant l’annee scolaire qui exige des solutions ecrites completes. Etre capable de faire des mathematiques estune aptitude importante. Pouvoir communiquer ses conclusions (en mathematiques ou autres domaines) est aussitres important.

Nous sommes ravis cette annee de constater une croissance du nombre de participants a ces concours. Engeneral, plusieurs des etudiants participant a ces concours s’ameliorent d’annee en annee en ce qui concerneecrire des solutions claires. Cependant, il y a toujours du travail a faire pour les aider a developper leurs aptitudes.Certains des etudiants ont eu des notes plus basses car ils presentaient uniquement des reponses au lieu de solutionsou des solutions non soignees ou illisibles.

Cette annee, les moyennes des concours Fryer, Galois et Hypatie etaient de 22,7, 24,0 et 26,1 respectivement.Nous tenterons de continuer a conserver cette gamme pour les moyennes de ces examens. Voici quelques commen-taires specifiques sur les problemes de ces examens.

Concours Fryer

1. Moyenne: 6,0Tenant compte qu’il s’agit d’une question 1, ce probleme n’a pas ete tellement bien reussi. Dans les parties(a) et (b), bon nombre d’eleves ont eprouve de la difficulte a compter le nombre de nombres de 2 ou 3 chiffres(par exemple en disant qu’il y avait 89 entiers de 10 a 99). Ces erreurs dans les parties (a) et (b) ont menea des difficultes dans la partie (c).

2. Moyenne: 8,3Cette question a ete tres bien reussie. Dans la partie (c), certaines solutions manquaient de rigueur, mais ona accorde le benefice du doute. Certains eleves ont utilise la figure de la partie (c) pour resoudre la partie(d), tout en utilisant a tort des proprietes de cette figure.

3. Moyenne: 5,6La notation de cette question exigeait beaucoup de soin, a cause des strategies decrites par les eleves. Dansles parties (b) et (c), bon nombre d’eleves n’ont pas discute de ce qui arrive lorsque le point se meut surl’axe des ordonnees.

4. Moyenne: 2,7Ce probleme etait le plus difficile et il exigeait beaucoup d’attention. Dans la partie (a), bon nombre d’elevesn’ont pas vu que deux sous-ensembles avaient une somme de 3. D’autres ont additionne les sommes pourobtenir une reponse de 24. Dans la partie (b), on a accorde le maximum de points a ceux qui ont donne uneliste de sous-ensembles, leur somme et la somme des sous-ensembles. Bon nombre d’eleves n’ont examineque les sous-ensembles de 1 ou 2 elements pour obtenir une somme de 75. D’autres n’ont examine que lessous-ensembles de 1, 2 ou 5 elements pour obtenir une somme de 90 (oubliant les sous-ensembles de 3 ou 4elements). Ceux qui on connu du succes dans la partie (c) ont utilise des restes, l’arithmetique modulaireou beaucoup de perseverance.

Concours Galois

1. Moyenne: 8,0Cette question a ete tres bien reussie. Dans la partie (d), bon nombre d’eleves ont mal lu la question et ontrepondu en donnant le nombre de medailles qui ont ete ajoutees.

2. Moyenne: 7,2Les parties (a) et (b) ont ete bien reussies. Dans la partie (c), la plupart des eleves ont donne une solutionsemblable a celle publiee dans les Solutions du concours. Certains eleves ont utilise un systeme d’equations


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Comments on the Papers Commentaires sur les epreuves

pour obtenir une contradiction. Dans la partie (d), beaucoup d’eleves n’ont pas considere tous les caspossibles. Bon nombre d’entre eux n’ont considere qu’un cas, affirmant que 142 $ doit provenir de 5× 20 $ +6 × 7 $. Certains eleves ont resolu le probleme en examinant le chiffre des unites du nombre 142.

3. Moyenne: 6,2Les parties (a) et (b) ont ete tres bien reussies. La partie (c) a ete assez bien reussie. Les solutions erroneeslaissaient peu de traces et il etait difficile de leur attribuer des points. La partie (d) n’a pas ete aussi bienreussie. Bon nombre d’eleves ont pris une approche prometteuse, tout en n’obtenant que deux des quatrereponses. Par exemple, ils ont obtenu les reponses 67 et 68 lorsque a prend une valeur minimale, les reponses68 et 84 lorsque S est pair ou les reponses 67 et 85 lorsque S est impair.

4. Moyenne: 2,5La partie (a) a ete bien reussie. Dans la partie (b), bon nombre d’eleves ont suppose, a tort, que les centresdes cercles etaient alignes. Ces memes eleves n’ont pas commis cette erreur dans la partie (c) ou ils ont reussia presenter un travail raisonnable. Dans la partie (c), bon nombre d’eleves ont suppose, a tort, que la droitequi contient les deux points de contact est horizontale.

Concours Hypatie

1. Moyenne: 8,7Cette question a ete bien reussie. Dans la partie (d), bon nombre d’eleves n’ont obtenu qu’une des deuxreponses, k = 0 et k = 5, en utilisant une approche par tatonnements ou en eliminant k de chaque membrede l’equation k2 = 5k pour obtenir k = 5 (ce qui elimine la possibilite que k = 0).

2. Moyenne: 8,2Cette question a ete bien reussie. Dans la partie (c), les eleves devaient justifier leur choix de la dernieresemaine ou la chanson paraissait sur la liste des 200 chansons les plus populaires. Ils pouvaient le faire entracant ou en decrivant la parabole ou en comparant les valeurs de P (14) et P (15).

3. Moyenne: 6,5La partie (a) a ete bien reussie. Dans les parties (b) et (c), beaucoup d’eleves ont ajoute des points a lafigure et ont calcule la longueur des nouveaux segments de droites. Certaines constructions n’etaient pasbien expliquees et certains eleves ont attribue des proprietes a des angles ou a des rapports sans justification.

4. Moyenne: 2,7La partie (a) a ete bien reussie. Dans la partie (b), bon nombre d’eleves ont examine l’aire d’un ou deuxtriangles, plutot que d’utiliser une expression pour l’aire en fonction de x, y et z. Dans la partie (c), certainseleves n’ont pas tenu compte des restrictions x > 1 et y > 1.

Veuillez visiter notre site Web a www.cemc.uwaterloo.ca pour telecharger les concours Fryer, Galoiset Hypatie 2014, avec solutions completes.


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Enrollment Inscription

Number of schools registered by province /Nombre d’ecoles inscrit par province

Pascal Cayley FermatAB 24 20 22BC 73 71 69MB 14 13 14NB 5 7 7NL 1 3 4NS 8 6 8NT 0 0 1ON 313 330 320PE 0 1 1QC 11 12 11SK 9 8 5YT 1 1 1International 74 122 118

Total 533 594 581

Number of students registered by province /Nombre d’etudiants inscrit par province

Pascal Cayley FermatAB 397 168 181BC 624 618 604MB 146 112 106NB 108 84 68NL 5 17 18NS 67 62 65NT 0 0 66ON 2907 2702 2556PE 0 23 6QC 130 119 98SK 56 40 27YT 8 5 4International 1003 2592 2074

Total 5451 6542 5813

Total number of students enrolled / Nombre d’inscriptions individuelles: 17806


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Student Rankings Classements des eleves

Hypatia/Fryer Galois Hypatie

Score/ Rank/ Rank/ Rank/Note Position Position Position

40 1 1 139 11 4 1238 23 14 2037 38 28 3936 65 50 7535 107 77 13034 175 117 20433 257 154 32532 371 220 52631 500 301 76330 660 456 110629 830 733 147928 1028 1142 189227 1233 1663 224626 1453 2127 257825 1696 2669 291424 1938 3074 321223 2211 3472 343422 2451 3823 366221 2661 4041 384520 2876 4291 400319 3049 4474 413218 3247 4665 427217 3416 4799 437216 3565 4915 445515 3686 5029 452814 3800 5108 459013 3886 5192 464312 3982 5267 469111 4042 5318 472410 4116 5387 47429 4166 5421 47638 4216 5450 47767 4257 5483 47886 4281 5499 47935 4314 5511 47984 4344 5528 48003 4363 5535 48052 4383 5547 48061 4404 5552 48080 4412 5557

N.B. These rankings pertain to official contestants only. /N.B. Ces rangs ne s’appliquent qu’aux concurrents officiels.


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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Team Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'équipes

Rank/Rang School/École City/Ville Score/Note1 Marc Garneau C.I. North York 1861 University of Toronto Schools Toronto 1863 Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 1814 Bell H.S. Nepean 1755 St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 1745 Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 1747 Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 1737 Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 1739 Crofton House School Vancouver 1729 Earl Haig S.S. North York 17211 Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 17111 Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 17113 Havergal College North York 17014 Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 16914 William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 16914 Zion Heights Jr. H.S. North York 16917 Appleby College Oakville 16817 Tom Baines School Calgary 16819 Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 16719 Vernon Barford School Edmonton 16721 Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 16622 Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 16523 Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H.S. Hamilton 16423 Markville S.S. Markham 16423 Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 16423 Westdale S.S. Hamilton 16427 St. Bonaventure J.H.S. Calgary 16328 Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 16228 St. George's School Vancouver 16228 The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 16228 Toronto French School North York 16232 Academy for Gifted Children-PACE Richmond Hill 16133 Crescent School North York 16033 Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 16033 St. Andrew's College Aurora 16036 Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam 15936 Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 15938 Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 15839 Acadia Jr. H.S. Winnipeg 15739 Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough 15741 Longfields-Davidson Heights S.S Nepean 15641 Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke 15641 Sir Winston Churchill C.V.I. Thunder Bay 15641 Southridge School Surrey 15645 Branton J.H.S. Calgary 15545 London Central S.S. London 15545 Markham District H.S. Markham 15548 Sentinel S.S. West Vancouver 15448 St. Clement's School Toronto 15450 Earl of March S.S. Kanata 15350 South Carleton H.S. Richmond 15350 Tanenbaum CHAT Maple 153

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Name/Nom School/École Location/Endroit Grade/Niveau

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 40 - 40GENG JOSH Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 9LEE STEVEN Westdale S.S. Hamilton 9LI MICHAEL North York 9ROLSTON JIBRAEL Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 9TIAN EDWARD University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9WU PETER St. Andrew's College Aurora 9

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 39 - 38CHEN JAY Sir Winston Churchill C.V.I. Thunder Bay 9FENG LEO Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 9GUO KEVIN Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 9JONES SHULI University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9KIM ANDREW Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 9KONG TIGER Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 9LIU LUCY Crofton House School Vancouver 9NATHAN ZACK Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 9NGUYEN SANDRA The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 9PANG LAWRENCE Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9RONG VICTOR North York 9TSAI DANNY St. George's School Vancouver 9WANG YIJIE The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 9WEN SHIHAN Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 9WU JASON Mississauga 9YAO CHENLONG North York 9

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 37 - 36BAI RONG ZHUO London 9BENNETT JESSICA King's-Edgehill School Windsor 9CHA JAEYOON Olds Koinonia Christian School Olds 9CHAN AMBROSE Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 9CHANG BRANDON Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 9CHEN IVAN North York 9CHEN TERRY Jonathan Liu Markham 9CHEN VICTOR David Thompson S.S. Vancouver 9CHEN ZHONGQI North York 9DAI MICHAEL Earl of March S.S. Kanata 9DAI MIKE North York 9FERCH ALEXANDER St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 9GANDHI RUSHALI Longfields-Davidson Heights S. Nepean 9HUANG YUSHU LILA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9IM SAM Walnut Grove S.S. Langley 9JANG SUMYUNG Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 9JIANG EDWARD Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 9KE DANNY Bell H.S. Nepean 9KIM BORIS Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam 9KOO MARTIN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9LEI CHANDLER Earl Haig S.S. North York 9LI BINGRAN Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9LI SOPHIA Branksome Hall Toronto 9LI VINCENT Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 37 - 36LIM JOSEPH B.C. Christian Academy Port Coquitlam 9LIN ANDREW Vancouver 9LIN CHENG Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9LIN JUSTIN St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 9LIN PAUL Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 9LIU SOPHIA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9LU QIANGE Havergal College North York 9MITRO ALLEN Zion Heights Jr. H.S. North York 9NICHOLSON LUCAS St. Mary C.S.S. Pickering 9PARK DANIEL White Oaks S.S. Oakville 9POLLARD JACOB Cawthra Park S.S. Mississauga 9PROCHAZKA PATRICK Pickering College Newmarket 9REN CYNTHIA Etobicoke 9SCOTT SARAH Sarnia Northern C.I. and V.S. Sarnia 9SINTU TUDOR Bell H.S. Nepean 9SOANES JUSTIN Markham District H.S. Markham 9SULLIVAN NICHOLAS Ottawa 8TAI ANGUS Academy for Gifted Children-PA Richmond Hill 9THOMPSON RILEY Assumption R.C.S.S. Burlington 9TSE EDWIN Markville S.S. Markham 9WANG COCO Havergal College North York 9WANG DANIEL Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 9XIE JERRY University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9XIONG RUIMING Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 9XU CHENG Burnaby 9ZHU SABRINA London Central S.S. London 9ZHU YITIAN R.E. Mountain S.S. Langley 9ZU TONY Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 9

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 35 - 35ALAZZAM SAMIR Sir Winston Churchill S.S. St Catharines 9BARLTROP MAX Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 9BISWAS SOURAV Sir John A. Macdonald S.S. Waterloo 9CHANG AMY Crofton House School Vancouver 9CHEN JARJAY Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 9CHEN TIGGY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9CHEUNG THOMAS Markville S.S. Markham 9CHONG KIT JUSTIN Toronto French School North York 8CHOPRA PARTH Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 9FANG CHARLIE Etobicoke 9FORD NOAH Bell H.S. Nepean 9FUNG JESSICA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9GAO DAVID Appleby College Oakville 9GAO MAX North York 9GU WENYUE Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 9GUI YINGNING Earl Haig S.S. North York 9HE JERRY Centennial Collegiate Saskatoon 9HOTZ JOEY Forest Hill Jr. & Sr. P.S Toronto 9HUANG GEORGE Guelph C. and V.I. Guelph 9JAIN SIDDHANT Pickering H.S. Ajax 9JIN DANIEL Zion Heights Jr. H.S. North York 9JIN LINDSEY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9JO SUHWA Rocky Lake J.H.S. Bedford 9KIM LUCY Tom Baines School Calgary 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 35 - 35LAU ZACHARY Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 9LI JOHN William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 9LI WEINING The Prestige School North York 9LIN CHIUNGTING Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9LIN DEREK Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 9LIU AMY Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 9LIZOGUBENKO NIKITA William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 9LUO TIAN St. George's School Vancouver 9MERALI NOAH University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9MORISSETTE ROBERT West Carleton S.S. Dunrobin 9MOSELEY CALLUM Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 9MUN DANIEL Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam 9NGUYEN MINH DUC Ecole la Voie Montreal 9PENG JANET University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9QU JIARUI Sentinel S.S. West Vancouver 9SIDHU TAYLOR Southridge School Surrey 9TAN JEFFERY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9VASILA ANDREW Don Mills 9WANG ERIC Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H. Hamilton 9WANG VIC St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 9WEN WILLIAM University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9WONG BENNY Eric Hamber S.S. Vancouver 9XIE ANGELYN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9XIE MICHAEL Tom Baines School Calgary 9YUAN KEVIN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9YUAN WEI HANG Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 9ZAMANI NIKKI Branton J.H.S. Calgary 9ZHANG FANGMING Walnut Grove S.S. Langley 9ZHOU MICHAEL Appleby College Oakville 9

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 34 - 33AKBARPOUR BRAD Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 9ALVEAR ANDREAS University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9ANDERSON JAKOB Markham District H.S. Markham 9BANSAL RISHI Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 9BECKLEY THOMAS Academy for Gifted Children-PA Richmond Hill 9BUCK SHANNON Sir Allan MacNab S.S. Hamilton 9CHAN ETHAN Longfields-Davidson Heights S. Nepean 9CHANG BETTY Crofton House School Vancouver 9CHANG MAGGIE Burnaby 9CHAY ANDREW St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 9CHEEMA KARMAN Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 9CHEN AMANDA West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 9CHEN JACK Vernon Barford School Edmonton 9CHEN SALLY Crofton House School Vancouver 9CHEN YIFEI Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 9CHENG CLARABB Earl Haig S.S. North York 9CHEUNG CHI CHUNG Bell H.S. Nepean 9CHIANG MATTHEW Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9COLBOURNE NATHALIED St. Clement's School Toronto 9CUI CINDY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9CUI GORDON William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 9DALY ANDREW Cathedral H.S. Hamilton 9DAO ANDRE Father Bressani C.H.S. Woodbridge 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 34 - 33DE SILVA THINULA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9DELORME JULIAN Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 9DIN EEN ALEXANDER Cathedral H.S. Hamilton 9DING BRYAN Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 9DING KEVIN Appleby College Oakville 9DING YU HAO Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 9DOHRING JAN Academie Ste. Cecile Int'l Windsor 9DONG KEVIN Etobicoke 9DOU AARON University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9DU BOBBY New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 9DUNCAN ZOE St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 9EASTERBROOK TOBY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9FLYNN MANON Loretto Abbey C.S.S. North York 9FRASER CONNOR St. Bonaventure J.H.S. Calgary 9GE ZE ZHUANG Burnaby 9GODKHINDI PARNIKA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9GOVAN ESME University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9GRAHAM OLIVIA Toronto French School North York 9GREENWOOD RYAN Kevin Honey Mission 9HABIB RAFIQ Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9HALL KYLE St. Bonaventure J.H.S. Calgary 9HAN JAMES Vernon Barford School Edmonton 9HE HANNAH Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9HE LUCY Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 9HIRJI RUQAYYA University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9HODGKINSON BRET Crescent School North York 9HUAHON ANTHONY Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 9JEONG AUGUSTINE Holy Cross Reg. H.S. Surrey 9JIANG AUSTIN St. Augustine C.H.S. Markham 9JIANG JAMES Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 9KABIR NIKITA Don Mills C.I. North York 9KANNAPPAN SUNAND Tom Baines School Calgary 9KHAN ALINA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 9KHAN MAHWISH Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 9KIM JOSHUA Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 9KOLAR BRONTE All Saints C.S.S. Whitby 9KONG BO YUAN North York 9KUO KARI University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9LAL ERIKA The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 9LAM EMILY Bell H.S. Nepean 9LAU GLORIA St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill 9LI DERRY St. Michael's Univ. School Victoria 9LI ERNEST University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9LI GORDONN Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 9LI JASON Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 9LI KAREN North York 9LI MAX Thornhill S.S. Thornhill 9LI YANTONG Appleby College Oakville 9LIANG YU HSUAN Burnaby 9LIM JAN Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 9LIU DAVID Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 9LIU EDWARD John Fraser S.S. Mississauga 9LIU GEORGE West Carleton S.S. Dunrobin 9LIU RICHARD Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 9MAH RICHARD Vernon Barford School Edmonton 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 34 - 33MAHONEY BLAKE St. Bonaventure J.H.S. Calgary 9MARSHALL KENJI Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H. Hamilton 9NGO FREDERICK Marc Garneau C.I. North York 9NIE MARK Vernon Barford School Edmonton 9OGUNTALA JULIANAH William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 9PARK ANDREW Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 9QIN BILL Zion Heights Jr. H.S. North York 9QISHENG XIA Clarkson S.S. Mississauga 9QUINN OLIVIA St. Bonaventure J.H.S. Calgary 9RAJANI TULSI Toronto 9RIPSMAN RYAN Tanenbaum CHAT Maple 9ROOKE CLAYTON University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9SAFAR AIDAN Blyth - Burlington Burlington 9SAHLOL MHD TAISIR Saunders S.S. London 9SAVA RACHEL University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9SEO YEONJI Collingwood School West Vancouver 9SHAH JAY Marion M. Graham C.I. Saskatoon 9SHAO NATHAN Meadowridge School Maple Ridge 9SHEN BRENDA Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 9SHER GABRIEL Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 9SHETH NEEL St. Augustine C.H.S. Markham 9SO LAWRENCE Henry Kelsey Sr. P.S. Scarborough 9SONG JULIE Vernon Barford School Edmonton 9STEINER MAYMAN SAMANTHA Northern S.S. Toronto 9SUN SUSAN Bishop Allen Academy Etobicoke 9SYED FURQAN Pickering H.S. Ajax 9SZTO ANDREA Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 9TRIPATHI VINAY Bluevale C.I. Waterloo 9TUONG EDMOND Londonderry Jr. H.S. Edmonton 9VANDERMEULEN SARAH St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 9VENN DANIEL Johnston Heights Jr. S.S. Surrey 9VIJ SHIVANSH Southpointe Academy Delta 9WANG GRACE Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 9WANG JIAWEN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 9WANG POPLAR Vernon Barford School Edmonton 9WANGEN STEVEN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9WEI RUIHAN Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H. Hamilton 9WEINTRAUB DANIEL University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9WEN ERIC Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 9WILLIAM XIAN Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville 9WINTER MAX St. David C.S.S. Waterloo 9WONG ERIC Eric Hamber S.S. Vancouver 9WONG ERIN Havergal College North York 9WU PETER Francis Libermann C.H.S. Scarborough 9XIA CECILIA North York 9XIE JENNIFER Earl Haig S.S. North York 9YIN DEREK Acadia Jr. H.S. Winnipeg 9YOO HUBERT Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 9YUAN DOROTHY Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 9YUN MICHAELLA Highland S.S. Comox 9ZHANG ELWYN Crescent School North York 9ZHANG LILY Earl Haig S.S. North York 9ZHANG XIAOYU St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 9ZHANG ZACK Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 9ZHONG JADE Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 34 - 33ZHOU DAVIDD Westdale S.S. Hamilton 9ZHOU YIE Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 9ZHU ANGELA William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 9ZHU JILIN Sir John A. Macdonald S.S. Waterloo 9ZHU SHIYUN Southridge School Surrey 9

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Team Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'équipes

Rank/Rang School/École City/Ville Score/Note1 Marc Garneau C.I. North York 1772 Western Canada H.S. Calgary 1723 Don Mills C.I. North York 1713 St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 1715 Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 1696 York Mills C.I. North York 1677 Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 1668 The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 1639 Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 16210 Earl Haig S.S. North York 16010 Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 16010 Markville S.S. Markham 16010 Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 16010 Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 16010 St. George's School Vancouver 16016 Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 15916 Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough 15916 Bur Oak S.S. Markham 15916 Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 15916 University of Toronto Schools Toronto 15921 Havergal College North York 15821 Kelvin H.S. Winnipeg 15821 Pickering H.S. Ajax 15824 Halifax West H.S. Halifax 15624 King's-Edgehill School Windsor 15626 Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 15526 Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 15528 Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 15428 Markham District H.S. Markham 15430 Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 15330 Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 15330 Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 15330 Seaquam S.S. Delta 15330 Trinity College School Port Hope 15330 White Oaks S.S. Oakville 15336 Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 15237 Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 15137 Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 15139 Crescent School North York 15039 Crofton House School Vancouver 15039 London Central S.S. London 15039 St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill 15039 Tom Baines School Calgary 15044 St. Clement's School Toronto 14945 Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H.S. Hamilton 14845 Humberside C.I. Toronto 14845 Lawrence Park C.I. Toronto 14845 Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke 14845 New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 14850 A.N. Myer S.S. Niagara Falls 14750 Forest Heights C.I. Kitchener 14750 Lower Canada College Montreal 14750 St. Michael's Univ. School Victoria 14750 Thornhill S.S. Thornhill 14750 William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 147

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Name/Nom School/École Location/Endroit Grade/Niveau

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 40 - 39CHOW RICHARD Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough 10FAN SENBO A.N. Myer S.S. Niagara Falls 10HAN KAIBING Glebe Collegiate Institute Ottawa 10MANSOURI PARSA St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10WANG SHUOLIN York Mills C.I. North York 10

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 38 - 36BAEK JUNHYUK Kennebecasis Valley H.S. Rothesay 10CEN ZINAN Kelvin H.S. Winnipeg 10CHENG RUIZHE Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 10DING YOYO Crofton House School Vancouver 10HE JULIEN Holy Trinity C.H.S. Kanata 10HE YAN Earl Marriott S.S. Surrey 10JIN JIACHENG Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 9JOHNSON EVAN St. George's School Vancouver 10KIM SUE MIN Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 10LIU MENGFEI Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 10LOO NOEL Western Canada H.S. Calgary 10LU RYAN Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 10MA JEFF ZIZHENG Burnaby 10MA YIXIAO Bur Oak S.S. Markham 10QIULA SHELA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10SHI JANE Tom Baines School Calgary 9VERKHOVSKAYA ANNA Western Canada H.S. Calgary 10WANG YING York Mills C.I. North York 10WONG JOEL Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 10WONG REBECCA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10XIA HENG Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 10XU YIZHOU Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 10ZHANG LILLIAN Markville S.S. Markham 10ZHANG ZHIRUI Don Mills C.I. North York 10ZHOU ZEHAO North York 9ZHU HANYU Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 10

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 35 - 34BI DONGQI Westmount H.S. Westmount 10DING STEVEN Pickering H.S. Ajax 10FENG AMY St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10FRIESEN GODWIN Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 10GUO THOMAS North York 9HOGANNPAUL NAOMI Halifax West H.S. Halifax 10KIM MICHAEL Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10KO ELINA Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10KUMANAN VAISHALI Sir John A. Macdonald S.S. Waterloo 9LEE JAMES Semiahmoo S.S. Surrey 10LI DAILIN Don Mills C.I. North York 10LIANG AILEEN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10LIU IVON Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 10MA EMILY Tecumseh Vista Academy Tecumseh 10MACDONALD ALEXANDRE Colonel Gray Sr. H.S Charlottetown 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 35 - 34MIAO YUCHEN Clarkson S.S. Mississauga 10MOGILNY DANIEL Holy Trinity School Richmond Hill 10OGDEN SHANNON Stelly's School Saanichton 10OUYANG LEON Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10PAN ANGELINA Havergal College North York 10RAITA ALEX Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10SOH GREGORY Thornhill S.S. Thornhill 10SONG CHIHYUN Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 10SUH SOWON Kennebecasis Valley H.S. Rothesay 10TANCE VINCENT The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10THROM NICHOLAS St. Patrick H.S. Thunder Bay 10TIAN TINA The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10WADEHRA AAYUSH Pickering H.S. Ajax 10WEN WILLIAM North York 9XU BINHAN St. Andrew's College Aurora 10XU BONNIE Trinity College School Port Hope 10YU SIYUE Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10YU VICTOR Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10ZENG CINDY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10ZHANG GEMMA Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10ZHANG WALEY New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 10ZOU JOHNNY Western Canada H.S. Calgary 10

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 33 - 32ABEDINI ANITA Earl Haig S.S. North York 10CANETE ANTHONY King's-Edgehill School Windsor 10CAO YUSHI Markham District H.S. Markham 10CHANG JONATHAN Don Mills C.I. North York 10CHEN LILLIAN Seaquam S.S. Delta 10CHEN YUANHAO Stephen Leacock C.I. Scarborough 10CHRISTOFFERSEN PHILLIP University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9COOKSON SAM Kennebecasis Valley H.S. Rothesay 10CUI KARL LIZHE Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 10FAN JINGYAO St. Andrew's College Aurora 10FANG COLIN St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill 10GI AARON Terry Fox Secondary Port Coquitlam 10GOOD NICHOLAS St. George's School Vancouver 10GREGORIAN CHRISTOPHER Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10GUAN ZHENDONG Claremont S.S. Victoria 10GUO FELIX Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10HALLIGAN LIAM Kelvin H.S. Winnipeg 10HAN CHONG HAO A.B. Lucas S.S. London 10HAQUE SAMINUL The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10HE ZHENGJIANG St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10HOSSEINNEJAD SHERVIN Carson Graham S.S. North Vancouver 10HU H ZOEY King's-Edgehill School Windsor 10JIA KEVIN Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 10JUNG JOSH Richmond Green S.S. Richmond Hill 10KANG CATHERINE Milliken Mills H.S. Markham 10KE YANSONG Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10KIM AMY University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9KIM BRANDON Glenlawn C.I. Winnipeg 10KIM DONGHYUN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10KIM MINSOO St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 33 - 32KIM SEJINN William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 10KIM YONG HYUN Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 10LAI ELBERT Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 10LAM MATTHEW Academy for Gifted Children-PA Richmond Hill 10LEE LILY King's-Edgehill School Windsor 10LEI CHEN XU Don Mills C.I. North York 10LEI LEON Trinity College School Port Hope 10LI RICHARD Western Canada H.S. Calgary 10LI STELLA Havergal College North York 10LI YIKUAN Don Mills C.I. North York 10LIN YUN ZHI Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10LIU EVA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10LU BOMENG Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 10LUO JULIA London Central S.S. London 10MAGANTI KAUSHAL Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10MCDONALD LUCAS Collingwood C.I. Collingwood 10QI MINGHAO White Oaks S.S. Oakville 10QIAN ARIA Havergal College North York 10SHAN TOM Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 9SHEN ERIC North York 9SHENG HAOYU Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 10SHI XIRAN Appleby College Oakville 10SONG JEONG UNG Harry Ainlay H.S. Edmonton 10SONG MARIE Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10SUN BILL Earl Haig S.S. North York 10TANG XUEXIN Ross Sheppard Comp. H.S. Edmonton 10TIANQI HUANG Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 9TO DEIFILIA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10VENGA AMAR London 10WANG ALAN Collingwood School West Vancouver 10WANG BILL Markville S.S. Markham 10WANG KEVIN Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 10WIECZOREK NATHAN St. Joseph's H.S. Edmonton 10WU GEORGE Markville S.S. Markham 10XIANG LUCY Agincourt C.I. Scarborough 10XU HANYU Centennial Collegiate Saskatoon 10ZHANG AGNES Earl Haig S.S. North York 10ZHANG BOYA White Oaks S.S. Oakville 10ZHANG JIACHENG Bur Oak S.S. Markham 10ZHANG JING Heritage Woods Secondary Port Moody 10ZHANG SHERRY Holy Trinity School Richmond Hill 10ZHAO CAI Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 10ZHAO JEFFERY Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10ZHAO YANSONG Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 10ZHOU JENNY Pickering H.S. Ajax 10ZHOU JIERUI H.B. Beal S.S. London 10ZHU YILIN Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30ABDELMALEK MOHAMMED Halifax West H.S. Halifax 10AHIMSA KUGAN Weston C.I. Toronto 10AL SHAMALI HUDA Edmonton Islamic School Edmonton 10ALTSHULLER MARIA Bishop Strachan School Toronto 10AN KEVIN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30ANDERSON SAMUEL Vincent Massey Collegiate Winnipeg 10BAE SEOYEON Carson Graham S.S. North Vancouver 10BAI CHARLES Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10BAI ZHELUN York Mills C.I. North York 10BAKI SHAUMIK Academie Ste. Cecile Int'l Windsor 10BARIBEAU OWEN Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 10BEELEN LUKE St. Michael's College School York 10BELL ERIC Lawrence Park C.I. Toronto 10BENNETT RYAN Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H. Hamilton 10BHATTAL HARVIR Southpointe Academy Delta 10BI BILL Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 9BLADES JESSICA Halifax West H.S. Halifax 10BRAR HARJAAP Seaquam S.S. Delta 10BRIATICOKIRWIN PATRICK Assumption R.C.S.S. Burlington 10BRKIC ISIDOR Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10BUSSMANN NOAH The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10BUTLER MATTHEW Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 10CANELLARI ELONA Humberside C.I. Toronto 10CAO CHELSEA University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9CAO JERRY Francis Libermann C.H.S. Scarborough 10CAO RICHARD Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 10CHAN CHRISTOPHER St. George's School Vancouver 10CHAN DARREN Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10CHEN CAYENNE Seaquam S.S. Delta 9CHEN KANYII Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H. Hamilton 10CHEN PATRICK Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 9CHEN ZEQI Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10CHENG YUYI Markham District H.S. Markham 10CHEUNG BENEDICT North York 9CHEUNG DARREN Kenner C.V.I. Peterborough 10CHEUNG STEVEN Northern S.S. Toronto 10CHOI SAMUEL Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10CHOW RONALD Crescent School North York 10CIRONE DOMENICA Earl Haig S.S. North York 10COMSA EMILIA Newmarket H.S. Newmarket 10CONN BRIANNA White Oaks S.S. Oakville 10CORY HE Clarkson S.S. Mississauga 10DAIGLE SPENCER Miramichi Valley H.S. Miramichi 10DATTA AMEYA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10DEERY JACOB Bishop P. F. Reding S.S. Milton 10DEH AN MANSOUR Humberside C.I. Toronto 10DESOUZA NINA Woodstock C.I. Woodstock 10DHALLA SURAYA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10DI PAOLA DAVID The Country Day School King City 10DING CINDY Lawrence Park C.I. Toronto 10DJUKIC JELENA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10DOBBIN CLARE Branksome Hall Toronto 10DONAT ZACHARY Forest Heights C.I. Kitchener 10DOWLING MICHAEL Sacred Heart C.H.S. Newmarket 10EATON SYDNEY Kelvin H.S. Winnipeg 10EMANUEL ZACCHARI Forest Heights C.I. Kitchener 10ERWIN MATHEW Elmira D.S.S. Elmira 10ESGUERRA JOHN Kelvin H.S. Winnipeg 10EVERETT BRAYDEN Leo Hayes H.S. Fredericton 10FENG HELEN Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30FENG ZIYI St. Michael's Univ. School Victoria 10FETSCH BEN Sacred Heart H.S. Yorkton 10FOK JONATHAN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10FRIEDEL MARCUS Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 10FU JAMY Earl Haig S.S. North York 10GAFFNEY JOEY Queen Elizabeth S.S. Surrey 10GAO ELAINE Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10GARG SARTHAK Seaquam S.S. Delta 9GARRIE OWIN Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 10GENEREUX KEVIN St. Ignatius H.S. Thunder Bay 10GODIN ELISE E.S. Nepisiguit Bathurst 10GOYAL ARYAN Tom Baines School Calgary 9GOYAL SHREESHAA Lord Tweedsmuir Sr. S.S. Surrey 10GRAHAM CHASE Kingston C.V.I. Kingston 10GU FRANK Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10GUAN VINCE Lower Canada College Montreal 10GUOO YUNING Harry Ainlay H.S. Edmonton 10HAM EMILY The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10HAN SAMUEL Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 10HARRS RYAN Crescent School North York 10HE ALAN Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10HEIEIS JOSHUA Seaquam S.S. Delta 10HODGE JARYD Tom Baines School Calgary 9HOGAN JAMES University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9HOLLAND SYDNEY Kwalikum S.S. Qualicum Beach 10HONG RYAN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9HOSEGOOD KAYLA Vincent Massey Collegiate Winnipeg 10HUANG MELODY Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 10HUO MICHAEL Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10HURKA ALEX Bloor C.I. Toronto 10ILANGOMARAN ADHARSHINI Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10IRFAN SAIM Sir William Mulock S.S. Newmarket 10JANOWSKI CHRISTOPHER St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 10JIAN RAY LIN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10JIAN TIGER Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 10JING LUCY Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10JO BRANDON King's Christian Collegiate Oakville 10JOHNSON JENNIFER Louis St. Laurent H.S. Edmonton 10JOO MARTIN Burnaby Central S.S. Burnaby 10JU LI Western Canada H.S. Calgary 10KHADEM KASRA St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10KI SPENCER Senator O'Connor College Schoo North York 10KILLACKY ANNA King's-Edgehill School Windsor 10KIM PATRICK University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9KOO YEEUN Halifax West H.S. Halifax 10KRISTJANSON SPENCER Westgate Mennonite C.I. Winnipeg 10KUNITOMO MICHAEL Francis Libermann C.H.S. Scarborough 10LAM MEGAN St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill 10LANG HANNAH Aurora H.S. Aurora 10LAO ROBERT Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10LE SHINING Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 10LEE FIONA University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9LEE HENRY Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 10LEE THOMAS Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10LEIGHTON MATTHEWW Kitsilano S.S. (English) Vancouver 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30LEUNG NATHAN Bell H.S. Nepean 10LI BENJAMIN Markham District H.S. Markham 10LI CENXIAO Henry Wise Wood Sr. H.S Calgary 10LI CHENGSI Ridley College St Catharines 10LI MICHAEL Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10LI ROBERT Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough 10LI XIUYAN Pretty River Academy Collingwood 10LIANG EUGENIA David Thompson S.S. Vancouver 10LIAO ELIZABETH Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke 10LIM CHENG YEN Aurora H.S. Aurora 10LIN BETTY Claremont S.S. Victoria 10LIN STEVEN Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10LIP PEIZHEN Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 10LIU HELEN Seaquam S.S. Delta 9LIU JOHNNY University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9LIU RUIHAN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10LIU XURAN Bishop Allen Academy Etobicoke 10LONG FRANK Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10LUO ELLEN London Central S.S. London 10LUO JAMES Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough 10MA AYLIN Cardinal Carter Academy North York 10MA RYAN Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 10MA THOMAS Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 10MALTMAN CAMERON Lakefield College School Lakefield 10MANG DAE HO Kelvin H.S. Winnipeg 10MARK CONNOR St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10MATTEKATT JOE Port Credit S.S. Mississauga 10MAUTI BRANDON Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke 10MCLEAN EMMA Sacred Heart Girls School-Hali Halifax 10MEI MICHELLE Earl Haig S.S. North York 10MENG YISHU Senator O'Connor College Schoo North York 10MIDRONI JACKIE St. Clement's School Toronto 10MIKULIAK JALEN Central C.I. Moose Jaw 10MOHAMED ZAEEM Markham District H.S. Markham 10MONTREUIL HALEY Iroquois Falls S.S. Iroquois Falls 10MORALES NEYRA ALINA Gordon Graydon Memorial S.S. Mississauga 10MORIN AMANDA University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9MORIN EMILIE St. Clement's School Toronto 10MOSSERI JACOB Lower Canada College Montreal 10MOTA JOSHUA Port Credit S.S. Mississauga 10MOU JUNLIN Markville S.S. Markham 10MUDRINIC MICHAEL St. Michael's College School York 10MURPHY CLAIRE Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 10NAING EMILY Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10NELSON ANIKA Westgate Mennonite C.I. Winnipeg 10NG NICOLE St. Clement's School Toronto 10NG SHELBY Clarington Central S.S. Bowmanville 10NGUYEN LINA Templeton S.S. Vancouver 10NIKOLOPOULOS ANDREW A.B. Lucas S.S. London 10NITU VLAD University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9NIU JEFF Newmarket H.S. Newmarket 10NORONHA KENNETH Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10PAPANGELAKIS GEORGIOS St. Thomas Aquinas H.S. Oakville 10PARK JINWOO St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill 10PARK KEVIN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30PATEL CHINMAY Gordon Graydon Memorial S.S. Mississauga 10PATEL PARTHA Mississauga 10PATKI SHREYA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10PETERMAN TESS Philemon Wright H.S. Gatineau 10PETHRICK CAROLYN Henry Wise Wood Sr. H.S Calgary 10PETROPOLIS ALEXANDROS Charles P. Allen H.S. Bedford 10PONNUDURAI JAKHAN Cornwall C.I. and V. S. Cornwall 10POPLOVE NOAH Sir Robert Borden H.S. Nepean 10PRESEAULT JUSTIN College Notre-Dame Sudbury 10QIN FRANCIS Bur Oak S.S. Markham 10RAMMO MOSTAPHA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10RAMPURE SURAJ Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10REN YUJIA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10RICHARDSON NICHOLAS Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H. Hamilton 10ROGER SHI North York 10ROSSITER PAYTON St. Francis H.S. Calgary 10SADUL ERIK Thornhill S.S. Thornhill 10SANTOS KYNE St. Mary's H.S. Kitchener 10SEO YEONJI Port Moody 8SEVASTYANOV SERGEY Humberside C.I. Toronto 10SHAH DARSH Glenlawn C.I. Winnipeg 10SHARMA ALISHA Trinity College School Port Hope 9SHEN ZITING Branksome Hall Toronto 10SHENG WEIZHEN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10SHI ALEX North Toronto Christian School North York 10SHI PETER Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10SINCLAIR TORSTEN Fountain Academy of the Sacred Halifax 10SOTHIVANNAN AMIRTHAN Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 10SU ERIC Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10SUN YUXUAN Sir John A. Macdonald S.S. Waterloo 10SUNAVSKY ADAM Bishop Ryan C.S.S. Hannon 10SUNWOO ANTONY Burnaby 10SURENDRAN VITHUSHAN The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10SWIFT SAM University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9TAILOR JAY Harold M. Brathwaite S.S. Brampton 10TAJWAR NOAH Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 10TALBOT JEFFREY Elmira D.S.S. Elmira 10TAN BOYUAN The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10TANG JENNIFER St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10TANG JERRY Bur Oak S.S. Markham 10TANG PHILIP Martingrove C.I. Etobicoke 10TANG RAE Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10TENG JIMMY St. George's School Vancouver 10TIAN HAOYUAN Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 10TSE EDISON St. George's School Vancouver 10TSUI SILAS Eric Hamber S.S. Vancouver 10UZELAC MILA Earl Haig S.S. North York 10VAN DER VEEN JOSCELYN Bell H.S. Nepean 10VAN VOORST JACOB Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 10VENUGOPAL NAINIKA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10VERSLOOT JOSIE Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 10VINCENT WANG Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 10VUONG SAMANTHA Vancouver Tech. S.S. Vancouver 10WADDELL SOPHIA Charles P. Allen H.S. Bedford 10WANG AUSTIN David Thompson S.S. Vancouver 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30WANG DANIEL Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10WANG DANTONG St. Michael's Univ. School Victoria 10WANG KEVIN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9WANG MARY Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 10WANG YESHENG Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10WANGN KEVIN Don Mills C.I. North York 10WILLIAMSON JACK Crescent School North York 10WINCH GORDON Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10WONG SUNYIUSAMU Markham District H.S. Markham 10WONITOWY QUINN Miles Macdonell C.I. Winnipeg 10WU ALEX Northern S.S. Toronto 10WU JUSTIN Markham District H.S. Markham 10WU VICTORIA Bell H.S. Nepean 10XIANG TOMMY York Mills C.I. North York 10XIAO YIN Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 10XIONG VICTOR Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 10XU CATHERINE Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10XU RICHARD Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10XU TOM Robert Bateman H.S. Burlington 10XU VIC Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 10YAN SAM Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 10YANG JERRY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10YANG SOPHIE A.R. MacNeill S.S. Richmond 10YU XI Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10YUAN KEVIN College St. Louis Lachine 10YUEN JILL Queen Elizabeth H.S. Calgary 10ZAITSEVA DASHA University of Toronto Schools Toronto 9ZHANG ANNIE Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10ZHANG BRANDON Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 10ZHANG BRIAN Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10ZHANG CHRYSTAL Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10ZHANG DAVID Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 10ZHANG HAN Centennial C. and V.I. Guelph 10ZHANG HANA Earl Haig S.S. North York 10ZHANG HELEN Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 10ZHANG KEVIN Lisgar C.I. Ottawa 10ZHANG SHEREE The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 10ZHANG SHUNSHI North York 10ZHANG STEVEN William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 10ZHANG VICKY Earl Haig S.S. North York 10ZHAO JERRY Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 10ZHOU ALLEN Western Canada H.S. Calgary 10ZHOU DAVID London Central S.S. London 9ZHOU JIAYI Markham 10ZHOU OLIVIA St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 10ZHOU YI Cameron Heights C.I. Kitchener 10ZHU KATE Burnaby 10ZHU MING YU Lawrence Park C.I. Toronto 10ZUPU ANA Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 10

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Team Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'équipes

Rank/Rang School/École City/Ville Score/Note1 Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 1882 Marc Garneau C.I. North York 1873 University of Toronto Schools Toronto 1793 Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 1795 Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 1756 Don Mills C.I. North York 1736 New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 1738 Earl Haig S.S. North York 1729 Western Canada H.S. Calgary 17110 Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 17011 Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 16912 Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 16812 Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 16812 West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 16815 Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 16716 Havergal College North York 16616 William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 16618 White Oaks S.S. Oakville 16519 St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 16419 The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 16421 Halifax West H.S. Halifax 16321 Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 16323 Bell H.S. Nepean 16223 Branksome Hall Toronto 16223 Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 16223 Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 16223 York Mills C.I. North York 16228 Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville 16129 Centennial Collegiate Saskatoon 16030 Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 15930 Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 15930 St. George's School Vancouver 15930 Unionville H.S. Markham 15934 Collingwood School West Vancouver 15834 Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 15834 Markville S.S. Markham 15837 Appleby College Oakville 15737 Markham District H.S. Markham 15739 Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 15639 Centennial C. and V.I. Guelph 15639 Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 15639 Loretto Abbey C.S.S. North York 15639 Newmarket H.S. Newmarket 15639 Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 15645 Longfields-Davidson Heights S.S Nepean 15545 Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 15545 Ross Sheppard Comp. H.S. Edmonton 15545 St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 15549 Academie Ste. Cecile Int'l Windsor 15449 Cowichan Sr. S.S. Duncan 15449 Crescent School North York 15449 St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill 154

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Name/Nom School/École Location/Endroit Grade/Niveau

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 40 - 39ABBASI SINA Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11CHOW STEVEN Albert Campbell C.I. Scarborough 9DU RICHARD Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11ZHOU DANIEL Centennial Collegiate Saskatoon 9ZHOU JOHN Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 10

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 38 - 37CHEN SHIMENG Don Mills C.I. North York 11CHEN TONY Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11CHO HEUNG RYEOL Western Canada H.S. Calgary 11DING TOM White Oaks S.S. Oakville 11HE MU Earl Haig S.S. North York 11KANG HANSON West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 11KAPUSTIN NIKITA Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11KIM DONGHWAN St. Andrew's College Aurora 11LI ANDREW Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11LIN HANZHEN Markham District H.S. Markham 11LUO GABRIEL Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 10PANG MICHAEL Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 11PURCELL SEAN Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11REN JIANGHUAI Earl Marriott S.S. Surrey 11RONG FRIEDA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11SOHN YOUNGIHN Semiahmoo S.S. Surrey 11TIAN DI Gloucester H.S. Gloucester 11TIEU PAUL Central Technical School Toronto 11ZHAO MENGXUE Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11ZHAO QIYI Havergal College North York 11ZHOU JOHN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11ZOU ZHILING Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 36 - 35BALAMOU MICHEL Mother Teresa H.S. Nepean 11CHEN LIHENG New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 10COHN DAVID The Country Day School King City 11DIAO SHUO Earl Haig S.S. North York 11DOAD JAGROOP Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11DONG HUAYAN New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 11FAN ZI YING Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 11FANG YU LIANG University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11FENG PETER Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11FRANCIS DAVID University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11GRAVES BRAYDEN King's-Edgehill School Windsor 11GUO DANIEL North York 11GUO JENNIFER Marc Garneau C.I. North York 10HE HENRY Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 11HUANG JIAYIN Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11ILYAS ANDREW Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 10JIANG ANDREW Applewood Heights S.S. Mississauga 11KIM BILL Collingwood School West Vancouver 11KIM YOUNG NAM R.E. Mountain S.S. Langley 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 36 - 35KO JUNGHOON Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11LAMSHINCHEUNG JEFFREY St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S. Richmond Hill 11LI JIERUI Halifax West H.S. Halifax 11LIM SEOKHO Halifax West H.S. Halifax 11LIPPAI CHRISTIAN London 11LIU BETTY Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11LIU CHEN Markville S.S. Markham 11LU HENRY Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11LY HENDERSON Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11MA XURAN Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 11POPOVIC ALEX Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11QI TOM Leamington D.S.S. Leamington 11SEO DEREK University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10SHEN SI CHEN Centennial C. and V.I. Guelph 11SHI CHUYUAN Trinity College School Port Hope 11SHI DYLAN Eric Hamber S.S. Vancouver 11SHIM KYUSUNG Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11THOMPSON FLASH Longfields-Davidson Heights S. Nepean 11UPADHYAYA TWESH Bear Creek S.S. Barrie 11WANG DENNIS St. George's School Vancouver 11WANG FENGYANG Sir John A. Macdonald S.S. Waterloo 11WANG KATIE Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 11WANG SHURAN North York 11WANG XINYU Don Mills C.I. North York 11WONG JONATHAN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11XIA LOUISE Delphi Sec. Alt School Scarborough 11XIONG MICHAEL Western Canada H.S. Calgary 11XU FREDDY Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11YIN DAVID J New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 11YING CHENGLIANG Cowichan Sr. S.S. Duncan 11YUAN XINYI West Carleton S.S. Dunrobin 11ZHANG EDWARD Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11ZHANG KE COCO Branksome Hall Toronto 11ZHANG RUBY University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11ZHAO STEPHEN The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 11ZHOU XINCHEN Centennial Collegiate Saskatoon 11

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 34 - 33AMATSUJI BERRY MAX Kenner C.V.I. Peterborough 11ANUJ OPAL Cameron Heights C.I. Kitchener 11BABUL SHAZIA AYN Sentinel S.S. West Vancouver 10BAI JAMES Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11BO YURAN Western Canada H.S. Calgary 11BUMBULIS ERIK Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11CHANG AI CHING Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11CHE XINTONG SERE Birchmount Park C.I. Scarborough 11CHEN ELIZABETH Earl Haig S.S. North York 11CHEN KAIYANG York Mills C.I. North York 11CHEN RAY Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville 11CHEN RICHAN Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 11CHEN SIMON Terry Fox Secondary Port Coquitlam 11CHEUNG KINTON Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 11CHO YOUNG Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 11CODY XU Unionville H.S. Markham 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 34 - 33CREADO NATHAN St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 11CUI ALEXANDER University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10CULLEN RYAN Philemon Wright H.S. Gatineau 11DING DANA North York 11DIVIC STEFAN Riverdale C.I. Toronto 11DOUBOV SASHA Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville 11DU JENNIFER Unionville H.S. Markham 11DU ZHUANGJIN The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 11ELDER GEOFFREY Bell H.S. Nepean 11FAN XIULE Fountain Academy of the Sacred Halifax 11FANG YIHUI Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11FEI CHENG New Oriental Int'l College Scarborough 11FENG TONGLE The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 11GAO JIANGXINYU Havergal College North York 11GAO YAN PENG Forest Heights C.I. Kitchener 11GASNER NADAV Bnei Akiva School North York 11GOLD ADAM Lower Canada College Montreal 11GUO BENSON William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 11HE HELEN Appleby College Oakville 11HII CLARE Little Flower Academy Vancouver 11HO JACKIE Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11HUANG BRYAN York Mills C.I. North York 11HUANG PETER William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 11IONESCU EDUARD Don Mills C.I. North York 11JIA BILL University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11JIANG SHENGZHUO Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11JOHNSTON DECLAN Aurora H.S. Aurora 11KARAPETYAN ALEX Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11KIM ANDREW University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11KIM PETER Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 11KIM REBEKAH William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 11KUANG RYAN Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 11LAI ROYCE Markville S.S. Markham 11LE ASHLEY St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 11LEE DO HOO West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 11LEONG ALWIN Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 11LEUNG DEREK Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11LEUNG HILLMAN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11LEUNG SEAN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11LI LIN Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11LI MELISSA Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11LI MOLLY Don Mills C.I. North York 11LI YIFAN York Mills C.I. North York 11LIAO HENRY Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 11LIU HAN Trinity College School Port Hope 11LIU STEPHEN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 10LIU VICKY Newmarket H.S. Newmarket 11LIU YITONG St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 11LIU ZHEN HE Mississauga 11LOUGHEED DAVID Loyalist C. and V.I. Kingston 11LU WENSI New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 11LUCHEN SEAN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10MA HIRAM Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11MANALAD JAMES ALFR E.S. St. Luc Montreal 11MIN TIM Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 34 - 33NAUGLER EVAN Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 11NGUYEN ANDREW University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10NING XIN ER Crofton House School Vancouver 11NINGS JAMES Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville 11OHASHI YOTA Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11PARAMONOV DIMA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11PENG CLAIRE Centennial C. and V.I. Guelph 11PINEAULT AUSTIN Colonel By S.S. Gloucester 11QIU AMY Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11QUAN SUNSHINE Appleby College Oakville 11SEONG JOHN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11SHADAREVIAN JOHN New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 11SHEN EUGENE Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11SHU MICHELLE Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11SUGIURA IBUKI Lakefield College School Lakefield 11SUN AUGUSTIN Centennial Collegiate Saskatoon 11SUN RICHARD Collingwood School West Vancouver 11SUN ROSIE Branksome Hall Toronto 11SYROKA BART St. Thomas More C.S.S. Hamilton 11TAN YILUN Burnaby Central S.S. Burnaby 11TANG JAMES Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11TIAN JIANYU Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11TRINH ERIK William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 11TU CINDY Matthew McNair S.S. Richmond 11VO BACH St. Joseph's H.S. Edmonton 11WANG ALLAN Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 11WANG EVAN St. David C.S.S. Waterloo 10WANG HAONAN The Westside School Vancouver 10WANG JEFFREY Halifax West H.S. Halifax 11WANG KRISTEN Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11WANG MINGYUE West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 11WANG NANCY XIYUAN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11WANG SAMUEL Toronto French School North York 10WANG SHENGJIN Colonel By S.S. Gloucester 11WANG YINONG Rosseau Lake College Rosseau 11WANG ZIYANG Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 11WENG JAMESON Bell H.S. Nepean 11WOO KEVIN Cowichan Sr. S.S. Duncan 11WU DANA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11XING TIGER Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 11XING WINSTON Crescent School North York 11XU AURORA Loretto Abbey C.S.S. North York 11XU FERRAN Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 11XU JUNRAN Aurora H.S. Aurora 10XU SIHAN Yarmouth Consol. Memorial H.S. Yarmouth 11XUE SIWEN St. Robert C.H.S. Thornhill 11YAMAMURA AIRIN Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 11YANG ANQI Walter Murray C.I. Saskatoon 11YANG STEVEN Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 11YE TYLER Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11YU YILUN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11YUE MIKE Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 11ZHAI XINGQI Albert College Belleville 11ZHAN ALBERT Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 9ZHANG RUOXI Stephen Leacock C.I. Scarborough 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 34 - 33ZHANG SHIYUE Branksome Hall Toronto 11ZHANG SIWEI Francis Libermann C.H.S. Scarborough 11ZHAO BECKY Loretto Abbey C.S.S. North York 11ZHAO DANIEL Western Canada H.S. Calgary 11ZHONG JOHN Earl Haig S.S. North York 11ZHOU ANNIE Vancouver 10ZHOU WANYING Gloucester H.S. Gloucester 11ZHU TONGQI White Oaks S.S. Oakville 11ZOU JASMINE West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 11

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 31AGGARWAL AKANKSHA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11AHARONY NOGA Earl of March S.S. Kanata 11AHN JOEL Dr. Charles Best S.S. Coquitlam 11AKBARY ROYA Winston Churchill H.S. Lethbridge 11ALIZADEH CAMY University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11ALONSO ELBA Thousand Islands S.S. Brockville 11BAI MAX University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10BAIK TERA West Vancouver S.S. West Vancouver 11BAN KIM MATTHEW University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10BAO ELAINE Don Mills C.I. North York 11BEGY SEAN Resurrection C.S.S. Kitchener 11BHOOLATON ASHNI Newmarket H.S. Newmarket 11BLACKMORE TIMOTHY Leo Hayes H.S. Fredericton 11BLIDARU TEODORA Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11BOTMA HASHEM St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 11BULGIN JOSH Bell H.S. Nepean 11CAI JENNIFER William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 11CAO JESSICA Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11CHAN CHRISTABEL Bishop Strachan School Toronto 11CHANDGADKAR SIDDHANT White Oaks S.S. Oakville 11CHANG BENJAMIN Meadowridge School Maple Ridge 11CHANG RAY St. George's School Vancouver 11CHEANG CHIN KAI Francis Libermann C.H.S. Scarborough 11CHEN DARY Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11CHEN JEFFREY Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11CHEN JESSICA Academie Ste. Cecile Int'l Windsor 11CHEN MUYAO Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam 11CHEN PENG YUN White Oaks S.S. Oakville 11CHEN WENYING Philopateer Christian College Mississauga 11CHENG JIN Lawrence Park C.I. Toronto 11CHENG JOYCE Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11CHIU JENNICA Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11CHOI HYO WON Appleby College Oakville 11CHOI YUNJI Havergal College North York 11CHOW KEARRO Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11CHUM DICKSON Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11CHURCHILL SHEA Gander Collegiate Gander 11CONSTANTINESCU ANDREW Streetsville S.S. Mississauga 11CRANT IOANA Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11CUI BOSHEN Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11DAI YVONNE St. Margaret's School Victoria 11DANGELO ANTHONY Cardinal Newman C.S.S. Stoney Creek 11DAVIS JOHN University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 31DEANS ALEXANDER Academie Ste. Cecile Int'l Windsor 11DING BOWEN Western Canada H.S. Calgary 11DING GUANGHAN Elmwood School Rockcliffe 11DOLEZAL THOMAS Central Technical School Toronto 11DONG JIA NIAN North York 11DU JAMES Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11FAN ROSIE Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11FANG AMERALD George S. Henry Academy North York 11FENG CYNTHIA The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 11FENG JENNY Milliken Mills H.S. Markham 11FENG CHEN JENNY Royal Crown Academic School North York 11FIROOZI FEDERICO Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 11FORMENTO KAIXIN Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11GAN TED Colonel By S.S. Gloucester 11GAO GAVIN Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11GAO JINGWEI Georges Vanier S.S. North York 11GILLIES RYAN Mother Teresa C.S.S. London 11GONG QIN Glebe Collegiate Institute Ottawa 11GONZAGA PATRICK North Park S.S. Brampton 11GUENTNER KARI St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 11GUI SHANNON Don Mills C.I. North York 11HANG JONATHAN Oakville Trafalgar H.S. Oakville 10HAYDAROGLU ALI Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 11HE HENRY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11HE YUGE John Polanyi C.I. North York 11HO WILSON St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 11HOANG PAUL Stephen Leacock C.I. Scarborough 11HONG GEORGIA Newmarket H.S. Newmarket 11HU DAMHEE Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11HU QIMING St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 11HUANG DIANA Unionville H.S. Markham 11HUANG EMILY Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 11HUANG JOHN Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 11HUANG VERONICA Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11HUI DOMINGO Semiahmoo S.S. Surrey 11HWANG STEPHANIE Lower Canada College Montreal 11HYUN SEOKHO Mississauga 11ILKHANI NIAYESH Academy for Gifted Children-PA Richmond Hill 11IWASE YUUKI St. Patrick's C.H.S. Sarnia 11JACKSON JACOB University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11JAMALDEEN AHAMED David Thompson S.S. Vancouver 11JI ARIEL Earl Haig S.S. North York 11JIANG LYDIA Crofton House School Vancouver 11JIE ANKAI Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11JIN HYERANG Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 11JU YIZHOU Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11JUNG STEVEN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11KALRA AGASTYA Bell H.S. Nepean 11KANG HEECHAN Newton's Grove School Etobicoke 11KANG HYUNGU University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10KANG SHAWN Earl Haig S.S. North York 11KE JACKIE Earl Haig S.S. North York 11KHAITAN VAIBHAV Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11KHESIN ANDREY Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11KIM IRIS Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 31KIM JINHO Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11KIM MATTEO Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville 11KIM MELODIE Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11KIM SANGBIN White Oaks S.S. Oakville 11KIM SEAN North Toronto Christian School North York 11KIM SUNG KYU Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11KIM TAYLOR Earl Marriott S.S. Surrey 11KIM WILLIAM Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 11KIM YOUNG Cardinal Carter Academy North York 11KING TESS Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11KNOX CHRISTOPHER University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11KNYAZHEVSKIY TIMOFEY St. Theresa of Lisieux C.H.S. Richmond Hill 11KOO MARGARET Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11KUANG YUNYU Ross Sheppard Comp. H.S. Edmonton 11LAKHANI SHAKIR Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 11LAPPALAINEN BENJAMIN Holy Trinity School Richmond Hill 11LEE AMY St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 11LEE JORDAN Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11LEE SEUNG MIN Semiahmoo S.S. Surrey 11LI BINHUIZHUO Pickering College Newmarket 11LI HAN YU Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 11LI JINGTIAN Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 11LI KUILIANG Collingwood School West Vancouver 11LI LINGYI Resurrection C.S.S. Kitchener 11LI RAN Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 11LI RIDDLE Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11LI XIAOYANG Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11LI ZELIN St. George's School Vancouver 11LIANG PETER Ross Sheppard Comp. H.S. Edmonton 11LIN ALICE Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 11LIN ANDY Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 11LIN MINDY Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 11LINY TONY Burnaby 11LISSINNA CALLIE Ross Sheppard Comp. H.S. Edmonton 11LIU BECKY Claremont S.S. Victoria 11LIU WANDI Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11LIU YU JIA Bear Creek S.S. Barrie 11LU ALBA Pickering College Newmarket 11LU ALEX Kitsilano S.S. (English) Vancouver 11LU DAVID Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11MARONOWSKI ROBERT St. Thomas Aquinas S.S. Brampton 11MARTIN CAMERON University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11MATHUR ANUBHAV White Oaks S.S. Oakville 11MCCAULEY HUGH Crescent School North York 11MEZIANE MIRAM Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11MILOSLAVOV IVAN College St. Louis Lachine 11MIN SALLY Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11MINZHE CHEN New Westminster S.S. New Westminster 11MOAYYEDI ALEXANDER Hillfield-Strathallan Coll. H. Hamilton 11MOUZ SARA E.S. Dorval Jean XXIII - Dawso Dorval 11NGUYEN MINH TAM University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10PAN KE Academie Ste. Cecile Int'l Windsor 11PARK CHANCE Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11PARK KYUYOUNG Southridge School Surrey 11PARK PETER Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatia

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 31PARK SUNHO Havergal College North York 11PATCHELL GREGORY Sir John A. Macdonald School Upper Tantallon 11PEARCE JONATHAN Crescent School North York 11PEET MICHAEL Forest Heights C.I. Kitchener 11PENG SIJIE Don Mills C.I. North York 11PRESTA DANIEL Cathedral H.S. Hamilton 11RAMOS RODNEY Bishop Allen Academy Etobicoke 11ROBERTSON LEANNE Jacob Hespeler S.S. Cambridge 11ROCHON FREDERIC College Notre-Dame Sudbury 11ROSTAMI BARDIA Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11SAFADI YUSUF Abbey Park H.S. Oakville 11SAYEED YASIEN The Woodlands Sec. School Mississauga 11SENRA INDRANIL London 11SEWLOCHAN CELINA Riverside S.S. Port Coquitlam 11SHEN ANDREW Emily Carr Woodbridge 11SHI KEVIN Iroquois Ridge H.S. Oakville 11SHU HE MICHAEL Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11SMITH DEREK Earl of March S.S. Kanata 11SMITH JACOB Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11SOETEMANS KEVIN North Lambton S. S. Forest 11SONG ZIJIAO Stamford C. and V.I. Niagara Falls 11SOTHIRATNAM STEIN St. Francis Xavier S.S. Mississauga 11ST LAURENT TRISTAN Philemon Wright H.S. Gatineau 11SUN JIAZE Southridge School Surrey 11SUN KELLY Lawrence Park C.I. Toronto 10SUN RUOMOU Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11SUN SHIYI Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11SZETO ANSON Cawthra Park S.S. Mississauga 11TAN YANGFAN York Mills C.I. North York 11TAY EVANGELINE Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11TER CHEAM ALICIA Bell H.S. Nepean 11TING JAMES University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10TRAN KENNETH William Lyon Mackenzie C.I. North York 11TSE ANITA Lord Byng S.S. Vancouver 11UTSIN GEORGE Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11VICTORIO JOSHUA KENT St. Martin S.S. Mississauga 11VLASOV CATHERINE University of Toronto Schools Toronto 11WAN BENSON Marc Garneau C.I. North York 11WAN STEVEN London Central S.S. London 11WANG ANDI Vincent Massey S.S. Windsor 11WANG CAROLINE Branksome Hall Toronto 11WANG HAN QI Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 11WANG JUSTIN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11WANG KEVIN Bell H.S. Nepean 11WANG LEFAN Ross Sheppard Comp. H.S. Edmonton 11WANG NEIL Pinetree S.S. Coquitlam 11WANG SARA St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 11WANG TING Earl Haig S.S. North York 11WANG YIZHEN Ridley College St Catharines 11WEI BEN North York 9WEI WEI Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough 11WHITE TIMOTHY Sir Wilfrid Laurier S.S. Orleans 11WONG ALAN St. George's School Vancouver 11WONG KEVIN Templeton S.S. Vancouver 11WONG SUSANNA Sir John A. Macdonald C.I. Scarborough 11

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Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiants

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 31WU DIANA Havergal College North York 11WU JENNIFER Unionville H.S. Markham 11WU STEPHANIE Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 11XIA JONSON Lakefield College School Lakefield 11XIAO JEFFREY University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10XIE DAVE University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10XIN WANYUE Pickering College Newmarket 11XU HARRISON St. Michael's Univ. School Victoria 11XU MICHELLE Holy Trinity School Richmond Hill 11XU RICHARD Markham District H.S. Markham 11XU WENTAO Clarkson S.S. Mississauga 11YAN ALICE Northern S.S. Toronto 11YAN DENISE Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11YANG MING Royal Crown Academic School North York 11YANG TOM Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11YANG WENHAN Fredericton H.S. Fredericton 11YANG YINGFAN Sentinel S.S. West Vancouver 11YAO YINGJIAO Clinton Int'l College Toronto 11YE MATTHEW Upper Can Col-Upper School Toronto 11YE RUNZHOU College St. Louis Lachine 11YE XINMING Prince of Wales S.S. Vancouver 11YIN JIAHAO Burnaby Central S.S. Burnaby 11YIN MICHAEL Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11YOON SEONGJAE Clarence Fulton Vernon 11YU ALLY Dr. Norman Bethune C.I. Scarborough 11YU CELYNA St. John's-Ravenscourt School Winnipeg 11YU FRANK Fort Richmond C.I. Winnipeg 11ZAROUBO ALEXEI Burnaby Central S.S. Burnaby 11ZENG JIN HAN Markville S.S. Markham 10ZENG YUFAN Centennial C. and V.I. Guelph 11ZHANG DADI Sir Winston Churchill S.S. Vancouver 11ZHANG JOHN Western Canada H.S. Calgary 11ZHANG LILY Moscrop S.S. Burnaby 11ZHANG MICHAEL Burnaby South S.S. Burnaby 11ZHANG SIMI Don Mills C.I. North York 11ZHANG TING WEI E.S. St. Luc Montreal 11ZHAO GEORGE Glenforest S.S. Mississauga 11ZHOU IVY Richmond Hill H.S. Richmond Hill 11ZHOU JASON University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10ZHOU JEFF University of Toronto Schools Toronto 10ZHOU MELINDA Waterloo C.I. Waterloo 11ZHOU RYAN Earl Haig S.S. North York 11ZHOU ZHENGTAO St. Andrew's College Aurora 11ZHU JACK Carihi S.S. Campbell River 11ZHU JACKY Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11ZHU JIEYI Bur Oak S.S. Markham 11ZHU STEVEN Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11ZHUANG TREVOR Gleneagle S.S. Coquitlam 11ZHUGY TONGYI White Oaks S.S. Oakville 11ZHV JIMMY Earl Haig S.S. North York 11ZOU YINING Walnut Grove S.S. Langley 11ZUO AMY Bayview S.S. Richmond Hill 11ZUO YIHAN St. David C.S.S. Waterloo 11

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Team Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'équipesInternational

Rank/Rang School/École City/Ville Score/Note1 ICAE Troy 1972 Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City 1933 Shanghai World Foreign Language M.S. Shanghai 1814 Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 1795 Bina Bangsa School Jakarta 1675 Ozel Yamanlar Egitim Kurumlari Izmir 1675 UWC South East Asia East Campus Singapore 1678 Welham Girls School Dehradun 1669 Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 16210 Dubai American Academy Dubai 16110 Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 16112 Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 15913 Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 15813 Surya Institute Tangerang 15815 Welham Boys' School Dehradun 15716 Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 15517 Canadian Int'l School of Beijing Beijing 15317 Tevitol H.S. Gebze 15317 Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 15320 Tarsus American College Tarsus/Mersin 15221 American Collegiate Institute Izmir 15121 New English School Hawally 15123 Internationella Engelska Skolan Linköping Linkoping 14924 Kuwait English School Salmiya 14425 Int'l School of Amsterdam Amstelveen 14326 Int'l Sch. Manila Taguig City 14227 Isikkent Egitim Kampusu Izmir 14128 Int'l Comm. School Addis Addis Ababa 14029 Canada Maple Int'l School Incheon 13830 Boren Sino-Canadian School Jiangmen Guangdong 13731 Guangzhou Foreign Lang. Sch. att'd Sun Yat Sen Guangzhou 13431 Hisar School Istanbul 13433 Esoterica Math and Science Club Cresskill 13234 Canadian Int'l School Tokyo 12735 Bilkent Lab and Int'l School Ankara 12635 Gimnasio La Montana Bogota 12637 DPS International School New Delhi 12538 Lahore Grammar School - Main Gulberg Lahore Punjar 12439 Fuyuan School Shenzhen Guangdong 12340 Hillcrest S.S. Nairobi 12240 Transitions Lab Prep School Hyderabad 12242 Colegio Calasanz Cucuta Cucuta 12043 The Cambridge H.S. Abu Dhabi 9244 Sunway International School Selangor Darul Ehsan 9045 Wagor Int'l School of Excellence Taichung 68

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Name/Nom School/École Location/Endroit Grade/Niveau

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 40 - 39AGARWAL ARAV ICAE Troy 9ARORA AJAY ICAE Troy 9BHATTACHARYA ANKAN ICAE Troy 9DULAY KYLE Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9LIU SPENCER ICAE Troy 9PATUPAT ALBERT JOHN Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 8TSAI TERENCE Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9WU TIMOTHY ICAE Troy 9ZHAO FREDDIE ICAE Troy 9ZHAO HONGXIANG ICAE Troy 9

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 38 - 37ANG CLYDE WESLEY Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9BASWA TANAY Kuwait English School Salmiya 9BERNARDO LUKE Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9CAO ENJIA Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9CHENG CHRISTOPHER Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9CHUNG KATHERINE Dubai American Academy Dubai 9FANG CHUYUE Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9KONDURU SHIVANI ICAE Troy 9LEE JUSTIN ICAE Troy 9LI JAMES ICAE Troy 9QUE SHAQUILLE Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9SAI YIN CHEN BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Subang Jaya 9SONI PRATHAM ICAE Troy 9WIDJAJA VIMALASIRI Bina Bangsa School Jakarta 9YU YING NGAI Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 36 - 34ALEXANDER KAI UWC South East Asia East Campu Singapore 9ANDERSSON SAMUEL Internationella Engelska Skola Linkoping 9BANZON CHRISTOPHER Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 8BHADANGE MIHIR ICAE Troy 9BOLAT DENIZCAN Tarsus American College Tarsus/Mersin 9CHENG JESSICA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9CHENG JOEY Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9CHUA ALYANA ZOIE Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9CO MIKO JOHNSON Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9DEDIGIDOGRU OZGESU Tarsus American College Tarsus/Mersin 9DOGRA SAHIL ICAE Troy 9DURSUN MUSTAFA UGUR Tevitol H.S. Gebze 9EFFENDI KELLY Bina Bangsa School Jakarta 9GOZEGIR NAZ American Collegiate Institute Izmir 9GUPTA PAVANI Welham Girls School Dehradun 9GWEN GABRIELLA Surya Institute Tangerang 9HOSKINSON XANDER UWC South East Asia East Campu Singapore 9ISIDRO MATTHEW Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9JUNG JAEHO Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 9KIM GIJUN Dubai American Academy Dubai 9LAU ANNE Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 36 - 34LI SOPHIE Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9LU ZINIU Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9MIZRAHI MOSE Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 9MODI EKSHA Welham Girls School Dehradun 9POGUMIRSKIS MAKSIMS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 9REGE RAVIRAJ ICAE Troy 9RUAN KEJIA Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9SHAHANE KUVAM ICAE Troy 9SOMA TAISEI Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 9SONG KRISTINA Canada Maple Int'l School Incheon 9SRIRAM ANANTA ICAE Troy 9STANTON ANGELA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9SUN YIHANG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9TAN CHARMAINE Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 9TUMMALA SANATH ICAE Troy 9UZMAN CAHITCAN Tarsus American College Tarsus/Mersin 9VANGIPURAM ASHWIN ICAE Troy 9VILLALUZ RAPHAEL Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9WEERASINGHE NITHIN ICAE Troy 9WONG TAK HO Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 9YENCE FERAY LINA Ozel Yamanlar Egitim Kurumlari Izmir 9YEOH CHIN YEW UWC South East Asia East Campu Singapore 9YEUNG CALVIN Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9YILMAZ ZEYNEP Ozel Yamanlar Egitim Kurumlari Izmir 9YOO WOO JUNG Int'l School of Wuxi New District Wuxi 9ZHANG VICTORIA ICAE Troy 9ZHANG ZHENGHAO Yantai Yew Wah Int'l Education Yantai Shangdong 9ZHENG STEVEN Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 9ZHOU NANZHE Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 33 - 32ASLAN ALPBILGE Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 9BATRA PRABHAPAAR Welham Boys' School Dehradun 9BEKCI ZEYNEP American Collegiate Institute Izmir 9CHAN ADAM Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9CHING JAYMI MAE Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9CHOW MATHEW Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9DAMA ELIF RANA Ozel Yamanlar Egitim Kurumlari Izmir 9ECNOMON ARI Int'l School of Amsterdam Amstelveen 9EUN JEONG HONG Raffles International Christia Jakarta Selatan 9FILIZ SUDE Ozel Yamanlar Egitim Kurumlari Izmir 9GUMMADI BHAVIKA ICAE Troy 9GUPTA RIYA Welham Girls School Dehradun 9HAMOUR BISHOY New English School Hawally 9HARAGUCHI MIYU Int'l School of Amsterdam Amstelveen 9HINGAN JOHN ARIES Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9HOWARD KENT Surya Institute Tangerang 9HUANG CYNTHIA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9HUANG YIMIN Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 9JIANG CHENNY Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 9KAMPE ROBERTS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 9KANNIKESWARAN SANJANA ICAE Troy 9KHAN MALAK Vienna Int'l. School Vienna 9KIM YUNSOO Cheongna Dalton School Seo-gu Incheon 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 33 - 32KULESH MARIA Internationella Engelska Skola Linkoping 9LEE MIMMY Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 9LI DANIEL ICAE Troy 9LIU POCHUN Yantai Yew Wah Int'l Education Yantai Shangdong 9MA YUNFEI ICAE Troy 9MAKHIJA SAAKSHAR Welham Boys' School Dehradun 9MEHROTRA RUNIK ICAE Troy 9MEKA PRANAV ICAE Troy 9MENG CHRISTINA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9MICHELLE D CAROLINE Bina Bangsa School Jakarta 9MISRA SHREYAM UWC South East Asia East Campu Singapore 9MITAL ROHIT ICAE Troy 6MUHAMMAD DZAKI Surya Institute Tangerang 9MUKHERJI MALINI ICAE Troy 9ORHAN BORA Isikkent Egitim Kampusu Izmir 9PIETILAINEN OLLI Canadian Int'l School of Beiji Beijing 9RIMBA CANDICE Bina Bangsa School Jakarta 9SATO LEON Canadian Int'l School Tokyo 9SEKER MERVE Ozel Yamanlar Egitim Kurumlari Izmir 9SHAH NAMAN Welham Boys' School Dehradun 9SHI KENNETH Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 8SIN KELVIN International School of Macao Taipa 9SONI BRINDA Welham Girls School Dehradun 9TAN GENESIS Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9TAYE TEIGIST Hillcrest S.S. Nairobi 9TOGAY BENGU Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 9VELURU NIKITH ICAE Troy 9VIJAY SIDHARTH Int'l Comm. School Addis Addis Ababa 9WANG MATTHEW ICAE Troy 9WONG MING HEI Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 9YANG MADELEINE ICAE Troy 9YASAR IREM P Ozel Yamanlar Egitim Kurumlari Izmir 9YOU BYOUNGHYUN Canadian Int'l School of Beiji Beijing 9YOU VANESSA Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 9ZHENG JIAYI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9ZOU SHILIN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 9

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30TANYA Welham Girls School Dehradun 9

AGARWAL RADHIKA Welham Girls School Dehradun 9AYDIN YUNUS Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 9AYTAC BERKE Tevitol H.S. Gebze 9CAPANOGLU ALP Int'l School of Amsterdam Amstelveen 9CETIN GULCIN Tevitol H.S. Gebze 9CHAN PAK HEI Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 9CHEN AMANDA Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 9CHEN SHI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9CHEOK VANESSA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9CHOUDHARY MANINI Welham Girls School Dehradun 9CUADRO JESSICA Int'l Sch. Manila Taguig City 9DILLON TSANG Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 9ELADL MARWAN Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 9FADDA SAMAA New English School Hawally 9FOK CHERYL Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9

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2014Fryer Contest/Concours Fryer

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 31 - 30FOZDAR SHAILY ICAE Troy 9GEREN ECE Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 9GHION YOSIAS Int'l Comm. School Addis Addis Ababa 9GOEL ISHA Welham Girls School Dehradun 9GULER ALP Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 9GUO ZIHAO JAMES Canadian Int'l School Tokyo 9GUYANDI JUDITH Bina Bangsa School Jakarta 9HUA YUNXING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9ISLAMOGLU KARYA Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 9JEON HYUNJINJULIE Dubai American Academy Dubai 9JORDAN THOMSON Maple Leaf Inter. School Petit Valley 9KANDPAL TARIT Welham Boys' School Dehradun 9KILINC ECE Isikkent Egitim Kampusu Izmir 9KIRTY YASH Welham Boys' School Dehradun 9KOCAMAN KADIR KAAN Tevitol H.S. Gebze 9KOKNEVICS UKO Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 9KULAKSIZOGLU EFE Hisar School Istanbul 9L EE SUNGJAE Yantai Yew Wah Int'l Education Yantai Shangdong 9LEE BONNIE Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9LEE ISAAC Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 9LI YUXIN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9LITAROWICZ JEREMI UWC South East Asia East Campu Singapore 9LIU HANMING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9LO JOANNA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9LUNG AILENE Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9MAHENDRAN ANISH ICAE Troy 9MEDARAMETLA DHATRI ICAE Troy 9MULDER STEFANIE Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 9NAIR ASHWATI Dubai American Academy Dubai 9NAM EMMY Int'l Sch. Manila Taguig City 9NARAYANAN ROHIT ICAE Troy 9NATALIA KEISHA GLORI Surya Institute Tangerang 9NOTT DHRUV Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 9NOUREDDINE YOUSIF New English School Hawally 9OWEN PATRICK Bina Bangsa School Jakarta 9PAN JUNZHOU Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9PARK MINGYU Boren Sino-Canadian School Jiangmen Guangdong 9RIESCHEL EMILIA Internationella Engelska Skola Linkoping 9SHI ELAINE Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 9SINGH VIKRAM Welham Boys' School Dehradun 9TUMMA NEEHAL ICAE Troy 9TURANOGLU HATICE Kultur2000 College Buyukcekmece/Istanbu 9XU DONG MATTHEW Raffles International Christia Jakarta Selatan 9YEE HILLARY Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 9YU KERRY Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 9YU MARY Canadian Int'l School of Beiji Beijing 9ZHOU XINYANG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 9ZHU JASON Shanghai United Int'l School Shanghai 9

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Team Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'équipesInternational

Rank/Rang School/École City/Ville Score/Note1 Shanghai World Foreign Language M.S. Shanghai 1901 Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l Center Ningbo 1903 Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 1894 Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 1885 Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City 1866 Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Education Shenzhen Guangdong 1787 Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 1718 Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada Beijing 1709 Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 16810 Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 16610 Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 16612 National Institute of Technology Beijing 16213 Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School-Boys' CampusDalian Jinshitan 16113 Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Province 16113 Ningbo Univ. Z.J.J.C. A-LEVEL Ctr NINGBO ZHEJIANG 16116 Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 15917 Zhengzhou Foreign Language School Henan Zhengzhou 15818 Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 15719 Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School - Girls CampusDalian Jinshitan 15619 ICAE Troy 15619 Young Mathematician Association Tehran 15622 BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Subang Jaya 15222 DPS International School New Delhi 15222 English School (Guangdong Univ of Foreign StudiesGuangzhou 15225 British Columbia Academy Nanjing 15125 Nantong Cambridge Int'l Exam Center Nantong Jiangsu 15125 Shenzhen Concord College of Sino-Canada Nashan District Shenzhen 15128 Canada Weifang S.S. Weifang City 15028 Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 15030 Beijing No. 25 Middle School Beijing 14930 Int'l Sch. Manila Taguig City 14930 Sino-Canadian Program Changchun Exp. H.S. Changchun 14930 Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf Int'l School Teda 14934 Daqing Cambridge Int'l Centre Daqing 14834 Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 14834 Shanghai Gold Apple School Shanghai 14837 Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 14737 Maple Leaf Int'l Sch. – Shanghai Fengjing shanghai 14737 Wagor Int'l School of Excellence Taichung 14740 Maple Leaf Int'l School - Zhenjiang Zhenjiang 14640 Welham Girls School Dehradun 14642 Int'l Comm. School Addis Addis Ababa 14542 Tevitol H.S. Gebze 14544 Kuwait English School Salmiya 14445 Shanghai Yang Jing H.S. Cambridge Int'l CenterShanghai 14345 Surya Institute Tangerang 14347 Canada Shandong S.S. Taian 14247 Xi'an Tie Yi High School Xi'an 14247 Yantai Yew Wah Int'l Education School Yantai Shangdong 14250 Bilkent Lab and Int'l School Ankara 14150 Canada Hefei No. 1 S. S. (BC offshore school)Hefei 14150 Hillcrest S.S. Nairobi 14150 Int'l School of Amsterdam Amstelveen 141

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Name/Nom School/École Location/Endroit Grade/Niveau

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 40 - 39ANG GUOHAO Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10GONG ZICHUAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10JICHU YANG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10LV RUNHE Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 9MEDARAMETLA DHRUV ICAE Troy 10PAN LINGZI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10WU FARRELL ELDR Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9ZHANG YIMING Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 38 - 37CHEN JIAXUAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10CHEN JIAYU Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10CHEN SAINAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10DZERINS ROBERTS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10FUJITO ALVIN Surya Institute Tangerang 9GU XINGJIAN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10HUA LIUTING Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10HUANG QIJIA Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10KONG YIZHEN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10LI JUNNEL Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10LU HAOQI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10PAN QIAN Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 10PAN TENG Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 10QIN SHAOQUAN Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 10SY ANDREW Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9TAN ISABELLA Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9TONG GEGE Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10WANG CHUNZHEN Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 10XU XINHAO Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10YE QIHANG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10YUNQING TANG Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10ZHANG CHIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10ZHANG XIWEN Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 10ZHOU MINGYUAN Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 10

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 36 - 35BUTANI ANSHUL DPS International School New Delhi 10CHEN SITIAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10FADRI RAYMOND Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9FAN JIXIAN National Institute of Technolo Beijing 10GAO YONGJIE Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10GUO JIYANG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10HE YUNONG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10HO CHING Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10HU BOYUAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10JIANG BOYYU Sino-Canadian Program Changchu Changchun 10LAU WANG NGAI Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 10LI HENGJING Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10LI JIAHUI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10LIU BOWEN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 36 - 35LIU BUSHANGQIN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10LU CHANG Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10LUO YINGSI Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 10SHEN XI Ningbo Univ. Z.J.J.C. A-LEVEL NINGBO ZHEJIANG 10SONG JEONGWON Canadian Int'l School Tokyo 10SONG XIAOMING Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10TANNO GEN MARK Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9WANG YIHANG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10WANG ZHENG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10XU DUOHAO National Institute of Technolo Beijing 10XU YINING Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10YIN SIHAO Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10ZHANG CHIYU Shanghai Gold Apple School Shanghai 10ZHANG YIQUAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10ZHANG ZEWEI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10ZHANGG JINGWEI Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10ZHAO IAN Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10ZHU YIRUI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10ZHU ZHEMIN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 34 - 33BHASKAR SHRIHARI ICAE Troy 10CHEN HAO Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10CHEN NANNAN Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10CHEN XINYUAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10DONG JIABAO Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 10DUAN RUI QING Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 10FEI YUNQING Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 10GAO MENGHAN Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10GENG SHIXIAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10GRASE GERDA Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10HUANG TIANXIAO Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10JABA ANDREA Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9JIAN YIFAN Beijing No. 25 Middle School Beijing 10JIANG HUIMEI Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10JOHN QIAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10KHAJAVIAN ALI Young Mathematician Associatio Tehran 10KIVANCCI IBRAHIM EMRE Bornava Anadolu Lisesi Izmir 10KUZNECOVS MARTINS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10LEE DAI WEI BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Subang Jaya 10LI CHUNG YAN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 10LI DANIEL Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10LI JOHN Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10LIU CAORUI Nantong Cambridge Int'l Exam C Nantong Jiangsu 10LU JIAYI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10LYU TU Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 10POPOVS ALEKSEJS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10SAMIEE ALIREZA Young Mathematician Associatio Tehran 10SATHYANARAYANA RAAMAMURTHY BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Subang Jaya 10SEBRIS HELVIJS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10SHAN XINYI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10TANG ZEZHENG Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 10TENG SHUTING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10WANG JIAYI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 34 - 33WANG LINGYIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10WANG YILIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10WANG ZIKAI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10WU WEILI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10WU YUEMES Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10XI YUEZHI British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10XIA MINGYUAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10XIA ZHONGTIAN Soochow University H. S - Sino Suzhou 10XU RUOYANG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10XU WEIJIEE Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10YANG RUNZE Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 10YE LINSHEN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10YING ALICIA Canada Weifang S.S. Weifang City 10YING ZHENNAN Maple Leaf Int'l School - Zhen Zhenjiang 10YU TIANZONG Daqing Cambridge Int'l Centre Daqing 10YU XUEQING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10YUE ZISHANG Zhengzhou Foreign Language Sch Henan Zhengzhou 10YUNG UAN JINGYUAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10ZHAN JAMES Chongqing Maple Leaf Int'l Sch CHongqing 10ZHANG CHENYU Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10ZHANG JIAKUI Zhengzhou Foreign Language Sch Henan Zhengzhou 10ZHANG YAQIAO Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10ZHOU JIAQI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 30AGARWAL KANAEE Welham Girls School Dehradun 10AKGUN ALKIM Tevitol H.S. Gebze 10ALDEMIR ASLI Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 10ALPAN HAKAN Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 10BAI MIKE Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10BANSIL MOHIT ICAE Troy 10BAO XIANGYU Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10BLEZURS VALTS HARIJS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10CAO XINCHENG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10CAO YUQING Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10CELIMLI MEHMET American Collegiate Institute Izmir 10CHANG LUWEN Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 10CHANGE MICHAEL Wagor Int'l School of Excellen Taichung 10CHEN ALEX Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10CHEN FEIFAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10CHEN JUNHAO Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10CHEN TRACY Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10CHEN WENZHE Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10CHEN YINSHU British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10CHEN YIZHE Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 10CHEN YUFAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10CHEN YUKUN Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10CHEN YUQI Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 10CHEN YUXI Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10CHEN ZIWEI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10CHOW CUTHBERT Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10CHU SAMANTHA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10CORNELATTI LEONARDO Int'l School of Amsterdam Amstelveen 10CUHADAR BERKAY Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 30DEVETTE ARDA Tarsus American College Tarsus/Mersin 10DING CHUCK English School (Guangdong Univ Guangzhou 10DING ZHICHENG Canada Hefei No. 1 S. S. (BC o Hefei 10DINGENC HAKAN Tevitol H.S. Gebze 10DU JIAMENG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10FAN LIWEN Ningbo Univ. Z.J.J.C. A-LEVEL NINGBO ZHEJIANG 10FANG ZHENG Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10FENG SI Zhengzhou Foreign Language Sch Henan Zhengzhou 10GANUR ALICIA N A Surya Institute Tangerang 10GE YUXIN Nantong Cambridge Int'l Exam C Nantong Jiangsu 10GUL BIS EMILS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10GULSEREN CAN Bilkent Lab and Int'l School Ankara 10GUO TIANXIANG Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10HAIJING LIN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10HAJIALILOO SOLMAZ Young Mathematician Associatio Tehran 10HARLLEY KENNETH SOS-Hermann Gmeiner In't Col. Tema 10HE CHANGJIAN Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 10HENG BETHAN Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 10HOU JOE Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10HSUEH AILIN Wagor Int'l School of Excellen Taichung 10HU SHU National Institute of Technolo Beijing 10HU SHUONING Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 10HU YIMI Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10HUANG CHUYUE Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10HUANG JUSTINE English School (Guangdong Univ Guangzhou 10HUANG RIMING Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10HUANG SHENGQIAN Nantong Cambridge Int'l Exam C Nantong Jiangsu 10HUANG SIJING Hillcrest S.S. Nairobi 10HUANG TIANYOU Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10JANG DONG HAE UWC South East Asia East Campu Singapore 10JI PENGYU Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10JI XINYUE Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10JIA YIZHEN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10JIAJIE WANG Ningbo Univ. Z.J.J.C. A-LEVEL NINGBO ZHEJIANG 10JIANG YITING Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 10JUNG HAEWON Dubai American Academy Dubai 10KARACA CAN Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 10KEH SEDRICK Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9KIM JAE Int'l Comm. School Addis Addis Ababa 10KOK TEE XUAN LUKE BrainBuilder - Dr Fong Maths Subang Jaya 10KULSHRESHA SHREYANS DPS International School New Delhi 10KUMAR NIDHI The Cambridge H.S. Abu Dhabi 10LEE JAE HOON Kuwait English School Salmiya 10LEI REVE Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10LI BEICHEN Xi'an Tie Yi High School Xi'an 10LI BERNETTA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10LI HANAN Dulwich College Shanghai Shanghai 10LI LARRY Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10LI LIANG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10LI SHANA Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10LI SONGYIN Zhengzhou Foreign Language Sch Henan Zhengzhou 10LI TIANZHU Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf Int'l Teda 10LI TONY Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10LI YANGYUAN Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 10LI YUANLU Ningbo Univ. Z.J.J.C. A-LEVEL NINGBO ZHEJIANG 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 30LIM TIMOTHY Int'l Sch. Manila Taguig City 10LIN XIAOYUE Maple Leaf Int'l Sch. – Shangh Fengjing shanghai 10LING JIAN YUN Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 10LIU AGNES Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10LIU CHERRIN English School (Guangdong Univ Guangzhou 10LIU CIDER Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10LIU JIAHONG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10LIU JIYU Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10LIU SHANGZAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10LIU YAQI Soochow University H. S - Sino Suzhou 10LIU YICHUN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10LIU YISHI Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 10LIU YUANSHAN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10LO CHEUK HEI Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 10LOCMELE EVITA Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10LU BRUCE Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10LU TIANYIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10LUO HAOAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10LUOG XIN YING XIN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 10LUVETA JOCELYN SPH Int'l Lippo Village Tangerang 10MA LIJIAO Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10MEZINSKIS JEKABS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10NIU ZIQI Zhengzhou Foreign Language Sch Henan Zhengzhou 10OZGE GORKEM Tevitol H.S. Gebze 10PARK SEIRYUNG Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 10QIAN JILIANG Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10QIAN ZILING Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10RAO BILLY British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10RIJKURIS AKSELS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10SEZER ORKAN Hisar School Istanbul 10SHAHKARAMI PARMIDA Young Mathematician Associatio Tehran 10SHEN HANMING Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10SHEN TIAN QI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10SHI FRANK Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10SHI SHUYANG National Institute of Technolo Beijing 10SHI ZEWEI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10SHIYI CHEN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10SONG HWANKYU Esoterica Math and Science Clu Cresskill 9SOU HUGO International School of Macao Taipa 10SUBOTJALO ARTURS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10SUN ADAM Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10TAN HAOZHE Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10TANG FENGWEI Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 10TANG YUMI Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10TANG YURONG Changsha Concord College of Si Hunan Changsha 10TIAN JERRY Canada Weifang S.S. Weifang City 10TONG JIAYUN Ningbo Univ. Z.J.J.C. A-LEVEL NINGBO ZHEJIANG 10USEROVSKIS MIKS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 10WANG ANNIE YENNIE Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10WANG AUDREE Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 10WANG CHENCHEN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10WANG JIACHENGYUE Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10WANG SHAONAN Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10WANG WENXIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10WANG YUHAO Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10

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2014Galois Contest/Concours Galois

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 32 - 30WANG YUMENG Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10WANG YUYANG Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10WU MENGWEI Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf Int'l Teda 10WU YITONG Beijing No. 25 Middle School Beijing 10XIONG RICK Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10XU LING NUO Maple Leaf Int'l Sch. – Shangh Fengjing shanghai 10XU MENGYUAN Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 10XU SHUNCHAO Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10XU XIN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10XU YANHUA Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10YAN BRYAN Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10YAO ANDREW Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10YAO YUHENG Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10YIMING IU Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10YIN QIU YI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10YINING LIU Fuyuan School Shenzhen Guangdong 10YOU JINGRAN Shanghai Yang Jing H.S. Cambri Shanghai 10YOU ZIHUA Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10YU TONY Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10YUAN ZHENDONG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10YULUG AYDIN ALP Bilkent Lab and Int'l School Ankara 10YUN TIANNUO Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10Z ZEXIN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10ZAMANI MOHAMMAD Young Mathematician Associatio Tehran 10ZENG CHRISTINE English School (Guangdong Univ Guangzhou 10ZENG SHIYUAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10ZHANG DECIBEL Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10ZHANG DI Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 10ZHANG JIUZHI Int'l Sch. Manila Taguig City 10ZHANG KEYI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 10ZHANG LIHAN Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 10ZHANG QIQI Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10ZHANG QIRUI Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10ZHANG SHUO Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 10ZHANG TIANWEI Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 10ZHANG WEIQI Daqing Cambridge Int'l Centre Daqing 10ZHANG WEITONG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10ZHANG YUTAO Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10ZHANG YUXUAN Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10ZHAO HANG Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 10ZHAO HEXIAN Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 10ZHAO SHENGYU Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10ZHAO XINHUI Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10ZHENG KE Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 10ZHENG YUYANG Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10ZHONG ZHAO YANG Sino-Canadian Program Changchu Changchun 10ZHU SIZHE Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 10ZHU SOPHIA Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 10ZHU TINGXUAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 10ZHU XINRU Shanghai Yang Jing H.S. Cambri Shanghai 10ZIYANG WANG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10ZOU CHUYU Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 10ZOU HAOYANG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 10

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatie

Team Honour Rolls/Palmarès d'équipesInternational

Rank/Rang School/École City/Ville Score/Note1 British Columbia Academy Nanjing 1921 Math Trainers Guild of Philippines Zamboanga City 1923 Hangzhou Foreign Language School Hangzhou 1894 Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 1875 Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 1846 WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language School Jianghan District Wuhan 1836 Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 1838 Shanghai World Foreign Language M.S. Shanghai 1819 National Institute of Technology Beijing 1799 Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Education Shenzhen Guangdong 1799 Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l Center Ningbo 17912 Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 17813 Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 17713 Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Province 17713 Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 17716 Shanghai Guanghua College-Fudan Campus Shanghai 17617 CIE Centre at Shanghai Experimental SchoolShanghai 17118 Beijing Concord College of Sino-Canada Beijing 17019 Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School-Boys' CampusDalian Jinshitan 16819 Ulink College of Suzhou Industrial Park Suzhou Jiansu 16821 Xi'an Tie Yi High School Xi'an 16721 Yang Zhou M.S. Int'l Dept. Yang Zhou 16723 Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 16624 Shenzhen Concord College of Sino-Canada Nashan District Shenzhen 16524 Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf Int'l School Teda 16526 Nanjing - Bond Int'l College Nanjing 16427 Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 16328 Boren Sino-Canadian School Jiangmen Guangdong 16228 Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 16230 Fuyuan School Shenzhen Guangdong 16131 Canada Weifang S.S. Weifang City 16032 Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School - Girls CampusDalian Jinshitan 15933 New English School Hawally 15633 Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 15635 American Collegiate Institute Izmir 15535 Canada Qingdao S. S. Qingdao 15537 Canada Hefei No. 1 S. S. (BC offshore school)Hefei 15437 Kuwait English School Salmiya 15439 Bilkent Lab and Int'l School Ankara 15340 Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 15141 Sino-Canadian Program Luoyang No 1 H.S Luoyang 14842 Chongqing Maple Leaf Int'l School CHongqing 14742 Daqing Cambridge Int'l Centre Daqing 14742 Ozel Ege Lisesi Bornova Izmir 14745 Cheongna Dalton School Seo-gu Incheon 14646 Colegio Calasanz Cucuta Cucuta 14546 DPS International School New Delhi 14546 Dubai American Academy Dubai 14549 Hisar School Istanbul 14449 Maple Leaf Int'l School - Zhenjiang Zhenjiang 14449 Shanghai Gold Apple School Shanghai 144

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatie

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Name/Nom School/École Location/Endroit Grade/Niveau

Group I/Groupe I Scores/Notes 40 - 40HU TIANCI British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10HU ZHONGYI Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11JIA YIFAN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 11LIM TIONG SOON KELSEY Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9MA ZHENGZHENG China - UK College Shenzhen 11XINYI ZHANG Guangdong Experimental H.S. Guangzhou 11YAO YUE British Columbia Academy Nanjing 11

Group II/Groupe II Scores/Notes 39 - 38AMBAR SUTANDAR VANESSA Surya Institute Tangerang 11BALETE NATHANAEL Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 10CHENG ZHUOYANG Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 11HAO ZHANG Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11HUANG TAOWEN China - UK College Shenzhen 11JIANG ZHILING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 11LIN ZIRUN British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10NGUYEN LE THUYDUONG Tran Dai Nghia H. S. for the G Ho Chi Minh 11UY HARVEY Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 10WAN YAJIE British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10WANG XIHENG Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11WANG YAQII WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 11XU ZIHAO Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11YAO KAYE JANELLE Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 10ZHAO KEQIN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10ZHAO MARTIN Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 11ZUO YUE Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 11

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 37 - 36AN LIN Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10BAO JIE Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11CAI TOM Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10CAKMAK BULUT Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 11CARRANCEJA JASON CARLO Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 10CHAN TAT CHUN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11CHEN MINGYUAN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10CHEN XIAOMI National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11CHENG YANQING Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11GU DIAN Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 11HE XIAOHAN Ulink College of Suzhou Indust Suzhou Jiansu 11HE XUTONG Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 10HU DONG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11HUANG KEXIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11HUANG SICHENG WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 10KHURANA SANAT Transitions Lab Prep School Hyderabad 11LAI MOFAN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10LI ERQING National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11LI HANG National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11LI YUJIA Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11LI ZELIANG WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 10LIANG ZIMIN Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatie

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group III/Groupe III Scores/Notes 37 - 36LOU SIYU Shanghai Guanghua College-Fuda Shanghai 10LU SHUHAN Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11LU YAN National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11MAI KAKA Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 10QIU CHENYUN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10QIU SIYI Shanghai Guanghua College-Fuda Shanghai 10REN YI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11SANTOSO IVAN Surya Institute Tangerang 9SHEN MUYI Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11SUN ZHENLI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11SZETO ETHAN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11TAO ZHIYU Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11WANG HAORAN WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 10WANG JACK Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10WANG JIAPING British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10WANG JIREN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10WANG XUEQI Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 11WANG YULAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11WENG ZHENGYANG Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10WU YUTI N Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11XICHEN HU Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 11XU CHUYANG Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11XU WENXI Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11XU YUAN Shanghai Guanghua College-Fuda Shanghai 10YIK WAI PAN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11ZHANG CHENCHEN Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11ZHAO KEJIE Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 11ZHAO PEIYING Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10ZHAO ZEHONG Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10ZHU HAORAN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10ZHU WENYUE Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11ZIXUAN CHA Guangdong Experimental H.S. Guangzhou 11ZUO TIANYI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 35 - 34BAI XIAOYU Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf Int'l Teda 11CAO CHUKANG China - UK College Shenzhen 11CHAN MING HO Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11CHEN MINZHI Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11CHEN XUANYUN Shanghai Guanghua College-Fuda Shanghai 10CHEN YUWEI National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11CHEN YUXIN Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 11CHEN ZI Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 11CHRISTOPHER EDWARD Surya Institute Tangerang 9DING HEDI National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11DONG CHENGLIN National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11DU RUOFEIG WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 10FAN JIAWEI Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 11FEI QIANG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11FENG XINRONG Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 11FENG XUEYUE WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 10FONG HOSING Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11FU ZIPENG CIE Centre at Shanghai Experim Shanghai 11GAN YUANZHI CIE Centre at Shanghai Experim Shanghai 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatie

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 35 - 34GAN ZONGLIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11GAO HANG Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10GUO HONGMING Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11HAICHAO SON G Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10HAORAN LI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11HE SONGYANG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11HE ZHENGYU Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11HO GEORGE Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 11HU QIHUI WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 11HU YIXUAN WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 11HU ZHIHAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11JIANG YUTAO Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11JIN HANGSHI Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11JIN JINING Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10JIN YUMING Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11LAN HUI Yantai Yew Wah Int'l Education Yantai Shangdong 11LEE HIU YEUNG Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11LEE HO LUN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11LI HAOWEI Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10LI JIAYUE Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11LI JING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 11LI LIFAN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10LI YUNQI British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10LI ZEWEI Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10LIANG JUNHAO Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11LIBEN ZHU Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11LIN RUIXING Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10LIN YILEI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11LIU CHENGFENG Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10LIU YUYANG CIE Centre at Shanghai Experim Shanghai 11LIU ZHUOLANG Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11LU DIWEN Xi'an Tie Yi High School Xi'an 11LU SHIRUI Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11MEN YUSEN Xi'an Tie Yi High School Xi'an 11MIA O ZHUN Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 11MING ZIMENG Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 11NAZLI KUTAY American Collegiate Institute Izmir 11NI YUZE Sino-Canadian Program Luoyang Luoyang 11OZARSLAN BORA Uskudar American Academy Istanbul 11PAN YUNCHENG Shanghai Gold Apple School Shanghai 11PANG YUNZE National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11PARK JINHWAN Yantai Yew Wah Int'l Education Yantai Shangdong 10QIAN JIANYI Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11QIAN YINLONG Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11QIU LUYU Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11SAID OMAR New English School Hawally 11SHEN HANG Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 11SHI QINYAN British Columbia Academy Nanjing 11SHI WENTAO Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11SHI YIFAN Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11SMOLINS MIHAILS Riga State Gymnasium No 1 Riga 11SONG ZIYU Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 10SUN YANGZE Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11SY ADRIAN Math Trainers Guild of Philipp Zamboanga City 9TANG YUJING Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatie

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group IV/Groupe IV Scores/Notes 35 - 34TAO JUNYU National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11TAO ZUI Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10WANG MICHAEL Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10WANG QIUYU Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11WANG SHANGLING Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10WANG WEIZHUO Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11WANG XIAOXIAO CIE Centre at Shanghai Experim Shanghai 11WANG XIAOYU CIE Centre at Shanghai Experim Shanghai 11WANG XINGSHENG Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10WANG YICHI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11WANG ZIHAO Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10WANG ZILUN Boren Sino-Canadian School Jiangmen Guangdong 11WEI HAN Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10WEI DI FENG Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11WU RUI HENRY British Columbia Academy Nanjing 11WU ZHENGYU Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11WU ZHIHAO Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11XING HAIYI Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11XU XINYI Yang Zhou M.S. Int'l Dept. Yang Zhou 11XU ZHUYUN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11XU ZIYA Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11XUE FEIRAN National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11XUE LUYAO Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10XUEYAN ZHANG Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 11YANG PEILIN Boren Sino-Canadian School Jiangmen Guangdong 11YANG YILIN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11YE BINGQIAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11YIN SHENMENG Nanjing - Bond Int'l College Nanjing 11YOU ZENGYING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 11YU WENYU Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11YUAN RUOFENG Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11YUE MAN HON Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11YUN TIAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11ZHANG DIXIN National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11ZHANG SIFENG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11ZHANG XIN YUN Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10ZHANG YITING Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11ZHANG ZHONGTIAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11ZHOU XINRUI WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 11ZHOU YI Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 11ZHOU YINGJIA Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11ZHOU YUHAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11ZHUO YUNQI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 33 - 34BI HAOCHENG Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 11BIAN SHUAII Yang Zhou M.S. Int'l Dept. Yang Zhou 10CAI QING Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 11CHALLENGE WANG Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 11CHEN AO Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 11CHEN QINGYI Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 11CHEN WEIYI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11CHEUNG PAK LUN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11CHI XU British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatie

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 33 - 34CUI YIFAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11DIAO ZHIYUAN Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf Int'l Teda 11DING ECHO Canada Weifang S.S. Weifang City 11FADDA SHIHAB New English School Hawally 11FANG HAORAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11FEI RUOYU Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10FEI TIANYANG Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 11FENG XIAN HENG Ulink College of Suzhou Indust Suzhou Jiansu 11FENG YIWEI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11GAO ZHENGBOWEN Nanjing - Bond Int'l College Nanjing 11GONG KAI Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11GUO JINGQI Ulink College of Suzhou Indust Suzhou Jiansu 11GUO YAXIN Xi'an Tie Yi High School Xi'an 11GURBEY KEREM Tevitol H.S. Gebze 11HAN RUOYU Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10HAN YIXIAO Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11HU HANWEN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10HUANG YIHUI Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 11HUI YILI Yang Zhou M.S. Int'l Dept. Yang Zhou 11IK TAK SANG Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11JI YILE Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 11KIM JUNG HYUN Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11KUANG JUEFEI British Columbia Academy Nanjing 10LAI YUYING Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10LAU KIN HEI Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11LEI SHUANG Canadian Int'l High School Singapore 11LEUNG CHEUK CHI Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11LEUNG SHEK HIN Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11LI ZEWEI Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 10LIN JIANAN Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 11LIN XIN National Institute of Technolo Beijing 11LIN ZEHAOTIAN Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10LIU BINQQING Vienna Int'l. School Vienna 11LIU JIE Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11LIU LIANGLI Yang Zhou M.S. Int'l Dept. Yang Zhou 10LIU YUNQI Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10LOU SOPHIE Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 12LU ZIYI Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11LYUU SIYU Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11MA JINGRU Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11MA XIAOKUN WHBC of Wuhan Foreign Language Jianghan District Wu 10MA YUXIN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10MAO ANDER Dalian Maple Leaf Int'l School Dalian Jinshitan 11MENG CHARLES Chinese Int'l School Braemar Hill 11MO CHENGLIN Shanghai World Foreign Languag Shanghai 11MUQING ZHENG Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11MURALI ANUSHA Shaker Road School Concord 9QIN FENGDI Shanghai Guanghua College Shanghai 11QIU ZHENYU Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 11SANG TIAN Canada Hefei No. 1 S. S. (BC o Hefei 11SONG HYUNGJIN Canadian Int'l School Tokyo 11TAI LAI YING Pui Ching M.S. Kowloon City 11TANG HU CIE Centre at Shanghai Experim Shanghai 11TANG MING Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 11TANG SANPU Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11

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2014Hypatia Contest/Concours Hypatie

Student Honour Roll/Palmarès d'étudiantsInternational

Group V/Groupe V Scores/Notes 33 - 34UNUVAR Q EGE Kultur2000 College Buyukcekmece/Istanbu 11WANG CHAOYI Shenzhen M.S. Shenzhen 10WANG CHEN Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 11WANG KEHAO Jiangsu Tianyi H.S. Wuxi Jiangsu 11WANG SHUYUAN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11WANG YUE Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11WANG YUJUE Shanghai United Int'l School-J Shanghai 11WEI JIAYI Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 11WU JISHENG Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 11WU MINGRUI Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11WU YU Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 11XIANG SHIWEN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11XU JIAYI NG Nanjing - Bond Int'l College Nanjing 11XU SHIWEN Nanchang No 2 High School Nanchang 11XU XINYI Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11XU YIJIA Yang Zhou M.S. Int'l Dept. Yang Zhou 11YAN SHUNXIANG Yang Zhou M.S. Int'l Dept. Yang Zhou 10YAN ZICHENG Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11YANG QIANFAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11YANG TIANYANG Tianjin Teda Maple Leaf Int'l Teda 11YANG XINGYI Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10YANG YISHU Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 11YE SHUNJIA Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10YILUN WU Beijing Concord College of Sin Beijing 11YU DIAN Ulink College of Suzhou Indust Suzhou Jiansu 11YU LINHAN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11YU SHENGZHAO Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 11YU SUMING Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11YU TEDSHENGWU British Columbia Academy Nanjing 11YUE XIN YI Henan Experimental High School Zhengzhou-Henan Prov 11ZENG YUJIA Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 11ZHANG BO Ulink College of Suzhou Indust Suzhou Jiansu 11ZHANG TAILAI Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11ZHANG WANYI Ulink College of Suzhou Indust Suzhou Jiansu 11ZHANG ZHE Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11ZHANG ZHIQING Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11ZHANG ZIXIN Shenzhen Concord College of Si Nashan District Shen 11ZHENKUN TAO Fuyuan School Shenzhen Guangdong 11ZHOU KAIYAN Wuhan Maple Leaf Int'l School Wuhan Hubei 11ZHOU XUANYU Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 12ZHOU ZIJIN Zhenhai H.S. Cambridge Int'l C Ningbo 11ZHOUG ASHIEY Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10ZHU HAO TIAN Shenzhen Col. of Inter. Educat Shenzhen Guangdong 11ZHU JIACHEN Hangzhou Foreign Language Scho Hangzhou 10ZHU KAIHENG Guangdong Country Garden Sch. Foshan City 11ZHU YUELIN Wuxi No1 H.S Wuxi Jiangsu 11