2014 Publicity Club of New England Bell Ringer Entry Tips

Todd Van Hoosear Karen Reynolds @vanhoosear @LeGallo #BellWorthy @PubClubofNE


Slideshow accompanied February 2014 webinar on how to submit a #Bellworthy public relations communications entry to the annual Publicity Club of New England's Bell Ringer awards.

Transcript of 2014 Publicity Club of New England Bell Ringer Entry Tips

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Todd Van Hoosear Karen Reynolds@vanhoosear @LeGallo

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Revere Hotel June 9, 2014 Host…TBA…Soon!

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

Rolling out the Red Carpet

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Special Awards

Student Grant Striker Ringer Crystal Bell http://pubclub.org/bellringer-awards-guideline


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Student Grant: Who Should Enter

Junior or senior student

Studying in an accredited journalism, public relations or communications program at a New England college

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Student Grant: How to Enter Complete application form on pubclub.org Prepare a short PR & Marketing plan proposal

on how to attract more students to the Pub Club using social media

A recommendation by an internship/work supervisor or faculty member who has extensive knowledge of your abilities, work ethic and anticipated career path is required

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Student Grant: Important Details

For more information on how to apply for the William M. Cavanaugh Student Grant, please email : [email protected]

Submissions due: March 28, 5 pm

No cost for students to enter

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Striker Award: Eligibility Candidates must have completed their first

year of fulltime public relations employment no earlier than 2011 (having been in the PR industry for three years or fewer)

Candidates must have successfully completed specified goals within a corporate communications department or agency

Candidates must be employed in New England as of application deadline time

Candidates may not be a current member of the Publicity Club Board of Directors

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Striker Award: Application Process Nomination by supervisor, peer, client or

member of the media Nomination must include goals set by

nominee's company/agency and how the nominee met those goals and evidence of outstanding achievement in their company/agency

Nominee must also include a 300-word statement on why they chose to work in PR, what their career goals are and why they deserve this award

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Striker Award: Key details

Entry fee of $75 for Publicity Club members; $100 for non-members

Nomination deadline: Friday, May 2, 2014

Submit nominations to: Megan Noonan, [email protected]

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Ringer Award: Eligibility

Candidates must have between 5-12 years of experience in the field of public relations, and should have joined the New England public relations community no less than three years ago (2011)

Candidates must have successfully completed specified goals within a corporate communications department or agency

Candidates must be employed in New England as of the application deadline

Candidates may not be a current member of the Pub Club Board of Directors

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Ringer Award: Application Process

Nomination by supervisor, peer, client or member of the media

Nomination must include goals set by nominee's company/agency and how the nominee met those goals and evidence of outstanding achievement in their company/agency

Nominee must include a 300-word statement on why the nominee chose to work in PR, what their most significant accomplishments are to date and why they deserve this award

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Ringer Award: Key details

Entry fee: $100 for Publicity Club members; $125 for non-members

Nomination deadline: Friday, May 2, 2014

Submit nominations to: Megan Noonan, [email protected]

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Striker and Ringer:Lessons Learned from Oscar

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Striker and Ringer:Lessons Learned from Oscar

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Crystal Bell Award: Eligibility

To be eligible, a nominee from New England must have demonstrated

exemplary professional competency and conduct throughout their careers, including advancements to the field of

public relations. The winner will need to be present at the Bell Ringers

ceremony in June.

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Crystal Bell Award : Application Process

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Crystal Bell Award: How to Apply and Deadline

To be considered, completed nominations must be submitted to [email protected] no later than 5 p.m. ET, May 2, 2014.

If you have any questions regarding the Crystal Bell Award, please direct all inquiries to [email protected].

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#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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How are the Judges Selected?

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Entry Narrative Guidelines Single item submission narratives must not

exceed TWO pages. Campaign submission narratives must not

exceed THREE pages. Be concise; use short sentences and bullets

whenever possible. A budget line is recommended but not

mandatory. If budget played a significant role, we strongly advise that you include it (budget information will remain confidential).

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Entry Narrative Guidelines

Excessive typos and general sloppiness will result in point loss and may eliminate your entry from consideration.

Important note: Entries that do not include narratives will immediately be disqualified without notice.

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Science of the Scorecard

Situation Analysis: up to 20 pts

Statement of Objectives: up to 20 pts

Program Planning and Strategy: up to 20 pts

Results Documentation: up to 30 pts

Quality of Entry (i.e. following instructions, detailed, lack of errors, etc.): up to 10 pts

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Situation Analysis (20 points)

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

Describe the factors in the marketplace or organization that created the need for this project. Explain the problem(s) and opportunity/opportunities pertaining to this project. Avoid industry jargon, and explain the project in language the judges (who do not necessarily work in your industry) will understand.

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Situation Analysis (20 points)

From the judges…

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

However, the situation analysis needed a bit more background on the target audience and data showing that the old (product) was no longer effective. It would have been helpful to include more information about the values and personality of the organization as well..

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Statement of Objectives (20 points)

Provide a specific, detailed explanation of the objectives/goals that guided the development of the project.

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Statement of Objectives (20 points)

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

A solid entry. A clearer overview of the objectives and more detail on how the campaign exceeded expectations would have been helpful. It would also have been useful to gain insight into how the campaign impacted the business.

From the judges…

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Program Planning and Strategy (20 points)

Discuss the techniques, methods and approaches you used to achieve the objectives stated above and solve the problem. Single-item entries should include enough explanation of strategic and tactical considerations so that the context from which the piece evolved is clear.

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Results Documentation(30 points)

Provide both quantitative and qualitative documentation of the success of the project, such as inquiries or sales generated, press clippings or positive feedback from management or client contacts that demonstrate the goals were achieved. The results documentation must contain factual information (not impressions) and should confirm achievement of the set goals. All supporting materials should be attached and should not be included in your entry narrative.

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Results Documentation(30 points)

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

Results documentation was heavy on media coverage but thin on impact. What was the business impact beyond media coverage?

From the judges…

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Quality of Entry (10 Points)


Great results! Points off for multiple typos, inconsistent tense - felt as though the entry was rushed. Objectives should have been more specific.

Grammatical errors were distracting. Average PR work.

Is the entry narrative missing? Based on the documentation that was submitted, I am giving this a low score: there is no situation analysis, no objectives, nothing about the program planning/strategy.

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Quality of Entry (10 Points)

A few typos in the presentation, was one reason for the lower score.

Couple minor typos dinged the score. Excessive awkward phrasings, parallelism

problems in the writing and multiple typos and wrong word usage.

It's a shame they spent so much time laying this entry out so nicely but not proofreading it. Several typos and awkward phrases throughout

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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This was the only entrant in this category that did something new and fresh - delivering both a traditional and a "mobile" strategy - and the applicants did a great job at explaining how they arrived at this strategy. The entry was clear, easy to read - but at times, too jargon-y. The applicants could have better demonstrated how they tied their results to their objectives. Having quotes from their audience was a nice touch for the Results Documentation; a quote from a member of their external audience, too, would have been ideal. Overall - nice job.#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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The situation analysis clearly described the issues facing the company; the goals section included hard numbers and tangible results; the planning sections described what was to be done and why; and the results section brought it all together. The incorporation of visual elements into the narrative helped to tell a complete story.

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Super Bell Judging

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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From a veteran judge

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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#10 – Think like a judge: Prove it! If you are discussing a campaign,

provide the supporting press releases, blog post, etc.

Don't just say you wrote it. Let us see it!

Audacious goals are great, but… Did you achieve your objectives? If not, why? How did you manage expectations?

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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#9 – Think like a reporter: What’s the lede?

Don’t bury your lede Need help? Sticky note your key


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#8 – Sometimes less is more The “thud factor” of a great submission

can make an impression, but… Filler material can detract from your

submission Too much info makes it harder to review

your submission Be concise (but thorough) and summarize

the campaign as well as the results Otherwise, a judge might miss some

really important points

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#7 – Get a designer’s eye

Don’t try to cram 8 pages of narrative into two or three pages

Move what you can to supporting materials

Get a designer’s eye on both the narrative and supporting materials documents

Use visuals whenever possible

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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#6 – Use bullet points

While narrative is helpful, it only goes so far

Bullet points help judges delineate and distinguish critical points

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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#5 – Watch the jargon

Your judges will probably not be in your industry

They may not even be from our region

Speak human

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#4 – Read the directions

I shouldn’t have to say this But I shouldn’t have to remind folks

to not just trust Microsoft’s spell check either

But I do…

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#3 – Don’t procrastinate

Get started now Don’t miss the deadline Don’t wait to write the

mandatory (and very important) entry narrative

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#2 – Match results to objectives Judges will be checking for this Every metric you share should be

tied to a particular objective Orphan metrics actually detract from

the perceived value of your submission

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#1 – Spell gud

Treat your Bell Ringer application like any press release: Do a read-through with fresh eyes and

ears Double-check all your links

Some writing tips from Prof. Todd Remember the Rule of Three “Is” and “has” are weak words Agreement is imperative

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BONUS – Don’t just go for the gold! Go for the Super Bell! What stands out to Super Bell judges

1. Big reach (awareness)2. Big impact (on business or community)3. Strategic impact on the reputation or

valuation of PR as an industry

In other words, numbers aren’t everything

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We were the only winner in the category, but we got a silver. Can you explain?

Should we include the budget of our project in our situation analysis?

We’re not sure what category we belong in…can you help?

#BellWorthy @PubClubofNE

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Deadline Reminders

Regular Deadline: Friday, March 14, 5 pm Deadline with Late Fee: Friday, March 21, 5




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Deadline Reminders

Student Grant: Friday, March 28, 5 pm Ringer and Striker: Friday, May 2, 2014 Crystal Bell: Friday, May 2, 2014



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We Want to Thank…

Cast and Crew: Pub Club Board The Academy: The Judges Our agents and managers: Megan Noonan The Fans: Attendees

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