2014 land your-first_patch_neutron

Land your first Neutron patch Rossella Sblendido <[email protected]>

Transcript of 2014 land your-first_patch_neutron

Land your first Neutron patch

Rossella Sblendido <[email protected]>




After this talk...

Getting familiar with Neutron


What's Neutron?

• Neutron is an OpenStack project to provide “networking as a service” between interface devices (e.g., vNICs) managed by other OpenStack services (e.g., Nova)

• Provides a powerful API to define the network connectivity


Modular architecture

• Neutron-server: expose the API

• Plugin: custom back-end implementation of the Networking API

• Several agents:‒ plug-in agent (L2 agent): runs on each hypervisor to

perform local vSwitch configuration

‒ dhcp agent: Provides DHCP services to tenant networks

‒ l3 agent: Provides L3/NAT forwarding to provide external network access for VMs on tenant network


I want to know more...

• Read the networking admin guide here

• Explore the code:

git clone [email protected]:openstack/neutron.git

Tip: PyCharm can make your life easier‒ Navigate to Class Ctrl+N

‒ Navigate to File Ctrl+Shift+N

‒ Navigate to Declaration Ctrl+B


Use Devstack to crack it open

• Script to build a complete stack

• To set it up only few steps:‒ git clone https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git

‒ cd devstack; ./stack.sh

• Resume the screen session to check what's going on: screen -x

• You can use pdb to set breakpoints


Devstack – Config file tips

disable_service n-net

enable_service q-svc

enable_service q-agt

enable_service q-dhcp

enable_service q-l3

enable_service q-meta








Inspecting the networking configuration

• ip link

• ip netns list

• ip netns exec <namespace> <command>

• ovs-vsctl show

• iptables -S


Questions... Where to ask?

• IRC freenode #openstack-neutron

• openstack - general questions

• openstack-dev - dev related questions

• openstack-operators

Follow the mailing list etiquette

Writing your first patchFix a bug or add a new feature


Launchpad launchpad.net/neutron



• Bugs

• Blueprints

• Milestones/Releases

• It handles authentication for other websites (eg. Gerrit)



• Look for "low-hanging-fruit" tag

• Pick one and assign it to you


How to fix a bug

• Try to reproduce it

• Debug the issue (add log statement or you can use a debugger if you are on Devstack)

• Write a patch

• Test it

• Write a unit test if that's appropriate to avoid regressions


Blueprint + Spec workflow

• Register blueprint in Launchpad

• Upload a design specification to Gerrit to specs/<release> folder in neutron-specs

• Use specs/template.srt from Neutron specs repo

• Specs follow the same Gerrit workflow as patches

• Project drivers will approve blueprint

Testing your patch


Style check

• Based on flake8 and hacking


How to run unittests

• run_tests.sh script

• tox

Run one test:

• ./run_tests.sh neutron.tests.unit.test_api_v2.JSONV2TestCase


• tox -e py27 neutron.tests.unit.test_api_v2.JSONV2TestCase


Debugging unitests

• ./run_tests.sh -d [test module path]

• tox -e venv -- python -m testtools.run [test module path]

See here for more info

Submitting your first patch



Git is the tool used for managing the code

‒ git clone (clone Neutron repo)

‒ git checkout -b topic-branch

‒ apply your changes

‒ git add

‒ git commit

‒ git review -> you need to install it

‒ git commit --amend -> create a new patch Set

‒ git review


Gerrit review.openstack.org



• You can review other people code, your code get reviewed

• Automatic Gatekeeper


Gerrit – Code-Review and Workflow


‒+1, -1 everybody

‒+2, -2 core reviewers


‒Workflow +1 , only core reviewers (usually after it got 2x +2)

‒Workflow -1, WIP


Gerrit – Verified

• Every patch is tested and gets a

‒+1 Verified

‒-1 Failed

• Style checker + unit tests + functional tests + integration tests (Tempest) + upgrade tests (Grenade)

• Test are run by the OpenStack CI and for some project by third party CI

• Logs are accessible, you can check why a test failed

Get your patch merged


Code - Best practices

• Check spelling

• Add comments if needed

• Run flake8 and test before you submit

• Create small patches

• Do one logical change per patch. Don't mixup different fixes

• Try to avoid dependent patches if possible -> rebase hell


Commit messages – best practices

• Explain the how and the why, not the what

• Use special tags in commit messages (i.e. "Closes-Bug: #1234567") , they are matched by automation scripts

• For needed documentation changes, use DocImpact flag

• See here for more info


Getting reviews - Best practices

• Be polite

• Try to be specific regarding what you will address and what not.

• Reply 'Done' if you are gonna change the patch according to the comment.

• Explain why you are not gonna address a comment

• The best way to get reviews is to be involved


Reviewing - Best practices

• Be polite

• Ask questions

• Show examples when you give some suggestion

• If you give a "-1" make sure to check if the submitter answered. A '-1' can block a patch

• Quality vs quantity

• It takes time to review but you will learn a lot!

Thank you.



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