2014 JFS Annual Report



Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services 2014 Annual Report

Transcript of 2014 JFS Annual Report

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3 Message from the Board Chair and President & CEO

4-5 Financial Information

7 Food and Financial Assistance

8 Senior Services

9 Weisman Delray Community Center

10 Counseling & Mental Health

11 Center for Families & Children

12 Career & Employment Services

13 Volunteer Opportunities

14 Board of Directors

15 Staff

16 Giving Societies/Ways to Give

Ruth & Norman RalesJewish Family Services Help. Hope. Humanity.

17-22 Donations

23 Corporate Sponsors

24 Grants

25-27 Endowments

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We are privileged to present you with the 2013-2014 Annual Report for Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (JFS). Our fiscal year ending August 31, 2014 was another milestone year for the agency.

One of the major highlights of the 2013-2014 year was the announcement of the “Center for Families and Children” created with a generous gift from the Norman & Ruth Rales Foundation. This transformative gift allowed JFS to expand its services in the areas of Career & Employment Services, Community Outreach, Domestic Abuse Education and Action and Financial Assistance for families and children. These new and expanded programs enabled JFS to deepen our long-standing relationships with our community partners and has provided the resources to help more families and children get the supports they need to be successful.

The Senior Services department saw an increase in the number of Holocaust Survivors coming to JFS for assistance. In addition to many new clients needing help, the needs of our existing clients continued to increase as they are becoming more and more frail. JFS was fortunate to receive an increase in our funding from the Claims Conference, as well as the State of Florida, which has helped us keep up with the needs as they continue to grow exponentially. Our Meals on Wheels Program successfully completed a full year of operations with the support of funds from the Federation and has provided more volunteer opportunities delivering food to home-bound seniors. And, the Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center continues to amaze and inspire every member who walks through its doors.

At the Jacobson Family Food Pantry we implemented a “customized” ordering system so that even those not able to “shop” at the pantry could place an order for the items they want and have a volunteer personally select and prepare their bag for delivery. We look for bulk purchasing opportunities and continue to drive the cost of food down as a result. Our financial assistance program saw a big jump in funding for seniors through our HOT Senior Assistance Program which enables seniors to receive gift cards for purchases for things like shaving cream, deodorant and other everyday items we take for granted.

We continue to focus on fundraising efforts through Legacy Giving and have secured a number of new donors in our “Visionary” Society which recognizes donors who have left a planned gift to JFS of $100K or more. Rounding out the year was our announcement that due to our sound fiscal management practices and commitment to accountability and transparency, JFS earned a 4-Star rating from Charity Navigator putting us in a very select group of high performing charities of which we are extremely proud.

All of these efforts strengthen our ability to provide innovative programs and services for the community. None of this could ever be accomplished without the efforts of our dedicated board, staff, volunteers and YOU, our supporters. We express heartfelt gratitude to all of you whose generosity helps us provide hope to those living in our community.


Jon S. Kimmel Danielle N. HartmanChair, Board of Directors President & CEO


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8% $733,373

Fundraising Events- Gross

84% $5,568,301

Program Services

7% $481,931General &


9% $590,720



Pledges, Grants &


10% $845,105

Appreciation in Fair Value of


10% $855,644

Federation Allocation

5% $445,717

Contributed Materials &

Services (non-cash)

10% $908,935Program Revenue

20% $1,743,305Restricted for Future

Program Use



1% $97,605Other


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SUPPORTPledges, Grants and Contributions

$2,843,273 $300,000 $3,143,273 $1,593,100 $150,205 $4,886,578

Fundraising Events $733,373 $733,373 $733,373

Federation Allocation

$855,644 $855,644 $855,644

Contributed Facilities and Services

$445,717 $445,717 $445,717

Total Support $4,878,007 $300,000 $5,178,007 $1,593,100 $150,205 $6,921,312

REVENUEProgram Revenue,Net $908,935 $908,935 $908,935

Net (appreciation) in fair value ofinvestments

$240,342 $346,217 $586,559 $258,546 $845,105

Other Revenue $97,605 $97,605 $97,605

Total Revenue $1,246,882 $346,217 $1,593,099 $258,546 $1,851,645

Total Support and Revenue

$6,124,889 $646,217 $6,771,106 $1,851,646 $150,205 $8,772,957

Net Assets Released from Restrictions

$247,627 $247,627 ($247,627)

EXPENSESProgram Services $5,568,301 $5,568,301 $5,568,301

General and Administrative

$481,931 $481,931 $481,931

Fundraising $590,720 $590,720 $590,720

Total Expenses $6,640,952 $6,640,952 $6,640,952

CHANGE IN NET ASSETSChange in net assets* $(268,436) $646,217 $377,781 $1,604,019 $150,205 $2,132,005

Net Assets - Beginning of Year

$5,657,914 $1,295,346 $6,953,260 $1,816,574 $3,049,417 $11,819,251

Transfers $(160,799) $160,799

Net Assets End of Year

$5,228,679 $2,102,362 $7,331,041 $3,420,593 $3,199,622 $13,951,256

ASSETS LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETSCash and Cash Equivalents* $1,235,644 Accounts Payable and

Accrued Liabilities $271,624

Program Receivables, Net $43,583 Deferred Membership Revenue $17,126

Grant and Other Receivables $346,742

Endowments $8,328,436

Prepared Expenses and Other Assets

$117,366 Total Liabilities $288,750

Property and Equipment, Net $4,168,235

NET ASSETS Unrestricted $5,228,679

Unrestricted - Board Designated


Temporarily Restricted $3,420,593

Permanently Restricted $3,199,622

Total Net Assets $13,951,256

Total Assets $14,240,006

Total Liabilities and Net Assets






* Includes funds restricted to the Food Pantry for $323,098

* Increases in market valuation of our endowments, not actual operating income

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Food & Financial assistance


Jacobson Family Food Pantry

HOT Senior Assistance Program

Hebrew Free Loan Society – Interest Free Loans

Jewish Educational Loan Fund – Interest Free College


Case Management for Families and Children in


Information and Referral Services

Meals on Wheels

Jeffrey Turkin Memorial Fund for Affordable Counseling

for Children

Rose Golden Fund for Indigent Care

Silverstein Fund for Senior In-home Care

Cooper Fund for Families with Special Needs Children

Viner Compassionate Care Fund for Children and

Families in Crisis

JFS provides a lifeline to individuals and families in crisis, providing emergency funds for basic necessities and other needs, including families with special needs children. The Jacobson Family Food Pantry provides bi-monthly food packages to qualified seniors, individuals and families. Meals on Wheels Program provides a prepared meal to those seniors no longer able to cook for themselves.

A total of $420,000 in financial assistance was provided

63 Jacobson Family Food Pantry Food Drives were held throughout the year

90,000 pounds of food was distributed through the Jacobson Family Food Pantry


Amy and Paul have two young children ages 1 and 3. Paul worked for a high end hotel in the catering department. He was severely injured on the job. He had to have two surgeries and was on disability for over 6 months. The hotel’s disability insurance only provided 67% of his gross salary. Amy was on maternity leave at the time and while she found a job, it only paid commission with a very small base salary. This distraught couple contacted JFS asking for assistance with food. After paying their bills, they had nothing left for food for their children or themselves. Within 3 hours of their call, the couple was able to shop at the pantry and receive cans of tuna, soup, pasta, sauce, cereal, vegetables, fresh fruit, bread and chicken. After receiving food from the pantry for 4 ½ months they proudly called JFS to say that their lives were put back together and they would not need food from the pantry any longer. They told the Jacobson Family Food Pantry Operations Manager that the Food Pantry saved their lives.

JFS would like to recognize BB&T proud Sponsor of JFS’ Food & Financial Assistance


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Care specialists help seniors age in place safely for as long as possible with dignity and independence. Services include assessment and planning, care coordination, patient advocacy, information and referral, companionship and many socialization opportunities. JFS is a vital link between loved ones living in our community and their families living out of state.

senior services

242 clients received a total of 13,798 hours of companionship through the Senior Companion Program.323 Holocaust Survivors were served through our Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program, with JFS spending more than $1 million dollars providing homecare, personal care, and cleaning services for them.600 Members participated in the Feldman Family Diamond & Adventure Clubs’ programs.Over $47,000 distributed through the HOT Senior Assistance Program


Assessment and Planning

Caregiver Resources & Respite

CareLink –Case Management Services


Counseling and Support Groups

Financial Assistance

Feldman Family Diamond/Adventure Clubs

Friendly Visitors

Holocaust Survivor Assistance

HOT Senior Assistance Program

Information & Referral Services

Jacobson Family Food Pantry

Kibbitz & Ride Volunteer Driving Program

Meals on Wheels

Patient Advocates

Senior Companions

Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center

Socialization Programs

Telephone Reassurance

Rebecca Shapiro, a 96 year old resident of the Shirley H. Gould House (HUD housing for Seniors,) has been an active client of Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (JFS) since 2008. “The services I receive through JFS are a means of

protection. They give me peace of mind and make me feel safe,” said Rebecca in reference to the Friendly Visitor, Emergency Alert Response System, HOT Senior Assistance Program and Food Pantry Programs. Most recently, Rebecca was hospitalized for foot swelling and a toe infection. She was then transferred to a rehabilitation facility for three weeks. Thanks to the Silverstein Fund, Rebecca was able to receive a home health care aide to assist her 7 days a week, for three weeks, post discharge. “My aide helped take the burden off of me, she was wonderful. I am forever grateful for the services I receive through JFS.”

JFS would like to recognize Horizon Nursing Services as the 2014 Senior Services Homecare

Department Sponsor.

The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference), Hands on Tzedakah, NEXT GENERATIONS and Quality Family Care for their support of our Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program. Palm Healthcare Foundation for their support of our Caregiver Resources & Respite ProgramQuality Family Care and Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation as the 2014 Kibbitz & Ride Sponsors. The Retirement Research Foundation for their support of our Senior Companion Program. The Town of Palm Beach United Way for their support of our Subsidized Homecare Program.Zounds as the 2014 Senior Services Hearing Department Sponsor.

JFS would like to recognize:

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shirley & Barton Weisman

delray community center


Art, Cultural, Social and Recreational Classes

Blume Café

Caregiver Resources & Respite

Case Management Services

Computer Classes

Counseling and Support Groups

Educational Lectures

Feldman Family Diamond/Adventure Clubs

Health & Wellness Programs

Information and Referral Services

Kosher Konnection

Movie and Theater Events

On-site Nurse Consultations

Volunteer Opportunities

1,600 MEMBERS enjoy a variety of activities ranging from arts and culture to health and wellness, lectures, movies, entertainment and socialization. Now four years old, the Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center continues to provide a bright, cheery center for those 60 and over, where mind and bodies stay active and friendships are made.

HOurS:Monday & Tuesday

9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Wednesday & Thursday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.

Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

HIGHLIGHTS1,600 members Conducted over 3,100 classesOver 100,000 people visited theWDCC annually (350 daily)137 Volunteers donated their time in a variety of ways at the WDCC

Catherine’s relationship with the Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center (WDCC) began approximately two years ago, shortly after her husband passed away. Her first interaction came when she attended JFS’ Bereavement Support Group. Group Leader and Senior Services Outreach Professional, Howard Horowitz, helped her through many tough days. Catherine’s daughter noticed a significant positive change in Catherine’s attitude and enrolled her as a WDCC member. As Catherine attended more and more classes, she got to know many members and developed new friendships. Catherine felt that this was very remarkable for her. “I thought his was not possible at my stage of life, especially after my husband had passed,” Catherine stated. “Being a part of the WDCC provides me with a wonderful feeling. I appreciate everything that the Center has done for me and for all that it stands for.”

JFS recognizes Boca Home Care

Services as Weisman Delray Community

Center Program Sponsor

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JFS offers counseling to individuals and families (including children), many support groups, workshops, psychiatric assessment and medication management, psychological testing services, mentoring programs and a free drop-in center for adults living with mental illness and/or developmental disabilities (The Welcome Home Program).

counseling & mental health

Over 7,000 sessions of counseling and mental health services were provided to 543 adults and 48 children

2275 total visits to the Welcome Home Program

2010 people called JFS for information and referral services


Community Mentoring Programs

Community Outreach

Domestic Abuse Education & Action Program

Individual and Family Counseling (All Ages)

Information and Referral Services

In-home Counseling Services

Psychiatric Assessment and Medication Management

Psychological Testing

Support Groups

Welcome Home Program


JFS recognizes: Jarden Consumer

Solutions Community Fund

and the Albert E. & Birdie W. Einstein

Foundation for their support of our

Welcome Home Program

The City of Boca Raton and Hands on Tzedakah for

their support of our Counseling & Mental

Health programs

Julie is a 50-year-old single mother of four who came to JFS for therapy to treat anxiety and depression. She had previously managed a successful medical billing business, but it closed because her clients were switching to larger companies. After having been recently fired from a job, she began treatment believing that she could never work outside of her home again. The

thought of applying for a job and being rejected, paralyzed her. Through her counseling sessions, Julie began to understand how her anxiety led her to believe that she was incompetent and incapable, but that it was not true. She slowly began to explore job listings and to apply for jobs, despite feeling anxious. The more Julie practiced applying for jobs and going on interviews the more her anxiety decreased and her self-confidence increased. Her depression began to lift and she eventually was able to find a job in which she feels valued and appreciated.

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center For Families & children


Career & Employment Services

Community Outreach

Domestic Abuse Education & Action

Financial Assistance for Children:

- After-School Childcare

- SAT/ACT Prep

- Summer Camp

- Tutoring

In 2013, as a result of a generous grant from the Rales family, JFS created the Center for Families & Children, which has enabled JFS to reach out and improve the lives of hundreds of families and children in our community.

$195,000 of financial aid distributed

$75,000 in summer camp scholarships enabled

137 children to attend summer camp

$30,000 distributed to 65 victims of domestic abuse

Community Outreach performed 255 assessments at 18 partner organizations


Carol is a 25 year old married mother of one child. When she came to JFS, she was pregnant with her second child and her husband had just beaten her. He told her that he was angry she was pregnant again and that he was under too much stress. He wanted her to have an abortion and she refused. Carol wanted to leave him but felt that she had nowhere to go. Carol worked full time but did not have enough money to pay for first and last month’s rent and a security deposit in order to obtain a new apartment. Through Domestic Abuse Education & Action Program, she received counseling and financial assistance to obtain a new apartment and was put on our food pantry. Carol said “JFS literally saved the life of my unborn child.”

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career & employment services


Comprehensive Career Assessments

Computer Classes

Individual Job Coaching

Mentor Opportunities

Professional Readiness Training

Resources for Furthering Education & Career Training

Resume & Employment Materials Development

Seminars, Workshops & Networking Opportunities

Social Media Enhancement

Strategic Use of Job Seeking Tools

Unlimited Access to Online Job Bank

From first time job seekers to those in career transition, Career & Employment Services (CES) is a free program focusing on clients’ individual strengths and goals. Career strategists create customized action plans to transform clients into job ready candidates aimed towards career success.

100 people enrolled in the program

Over 70 individual coaching sessions provided

43 clients have found employment


Robyn, 45, recently relocated to South Florida and found herself with no job or support network. Robyn was referred to CES by JFS’ Outreach Program. Robyn’s Career Strategist and Outreach Social Worker took a team approach to helping Robyn get the services she needed to be successful. “CES supported me through the whole job search process from resume writing to sharpening interview skills. More than anything, I met others in the program who became my support network and are still in my life today.” Robyn currently works as an account manager at a local company. “The advice that I can give to others is to have perseverance, but listen to your Career Strategist. They are so knowledgeable in these areas and truly want to help.”

Since June, through the end of the year:

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Volunteers remain critical to our success and we would not be able to provide help to as many people in our community without their gift of time and talent. Each year close to 400 individuals and families, including many teens, donate the equivalent of more than 25,000 hours of service to JFS. Our volunteers mentor children and teens, lead religious services at assisted living facilities and nursing homes, provide rides for seniors in need of transportation, provide care to uninsured adults, and reduce the isolation of homebound seniors through daily telephone calls, friendly visits and care packages.

volunteer services

Close to 400 volunteers donated more than 25,000 hours of service

Our Telephone Reassurance and Friendly Visitor Programs serviced over 60 homebound senior clients.

Parachaplains visited the sick, led Shabbat and High Holy Day services at 16 locations in the community.

20 adults volunteered as mentors to young children through our Community Mentoring Program.


Caregiver Resources & Respite Program

Caring Doctors Project

Community Mentoring Programs


Feldman Family Diamond/Adventure Clubs

Friendly Visitors

Jacobson Family Food Pantry

Kibbitz and Ride Volunteer Driver Program

Meals on Wheels

Patient Advocates

Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center

Teen Volunteer Opportunities

Telephone ReassuranceHIGHLIGHTS

Judy Goodman, or as thestaff at the Shirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center (WDCC) refers to her, “Little Judy”, is a giant among people. She volunteers to do everythingincluding registering over500 people for membershiprenewal in two weeks. Judy teaches the art of Mah-Jongg when members feel they are failing at being a senior because they can’t play. She risks life and limbevery week by checking in

the members to Music Appreciation where eighty people are attempting to get into a class for forty. Judy has volunteered to work Sundays, evening and special events, always with an easy going, positive attitude.

Judy gives tours, answers every question, alerts the office to discrepancies, subs for volunteers that are out and never says “No!” She loves being a part of the WDCC having told us many times “I need you as much as you need me.” “Our Little Judy” is a lovely lady with a great big heart.

JFS recognizes the United Way of

Palm Beach County for their support

of our Community Mentoring Program

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OFFICERSJon Kimmel – ChairJudi Donoff – First Vice ChairRon Reshefsky – TreasurerNatalie Pelavin – SecretaryLaurence I. Blair – Immediate Past ChairWendy Legum – Vice Chair-Financial Resource DevelopmentRon Gallatin – Vice Chair-Strategic PlanningLisa Goodman – Vice Chair-Food PantryRobert Marton – Vice Chair-PersonnelBeverly Feurring – Vice Chair-Board Development

2014-2015 Board of Directors

*Past Chair

Joy Binkovitz* Margaret Blume Stephanie Chestnov Jane Cornell Diane Feldman Arnie Friedman Sheila Cohen Furr Jonathan Galler Ivan Gefen*

Al GortzJane Gortz Rebecca Greenspoon Patti Jacobs Norman Jacobson Jodi Katz Talia Klein Marcia Langley Roger Leavy

Rabbi Dan Levin Roxane Frechie Lipton Stephen Mendelsohn Richard Paul Susan Podolsky Kenneth Pritzker Ellen Sarnoff Marvin Schiller David Schimel

Edith Stein Rabbi David Steinhardt Andrew Waldman Vicki Weinstein Bart Weisman



Stan Barry David Katzman Laura Litinsky Marvin Miller Millicent Nathan Amy Ross

Martin Stein Jill Viner Ilene Wohlgemuth*


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Aaryn Gottesfeld, PhD | Senior Psychologist

Aliza Bar-Chaim, LMHC | Therapist

Aliza Schulman, LCSW | Domestic Abuse Program Coordinator

Aser Ones, MSW | Therapist

Audrey Anspach, LCSW | Therapist

Beth Levine | Senior VP/Chief Operating Officer

Bonnie Goldberg | Executive Assistant to President & CEO and Sr. VP & COO

Brady Drazic | Food Pantry Support

Bridgette McCullough | Office Manager/Bookkeeper

Christopher Palmer | Maintenance Technician

Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, JD | Senior VP/Chief Development Officer

Cynthia Lieber | Comptroller

Danielle Hartman, MNM | President & Chief Executive Officer

David Schlagter, LCSW | Clinical Supervisor

Debbie Lipson, LCSW | Holocaust Case Manager

Debra Friedman | Executive Assistant/Financial Resource Development

Diane Tregerman | Front Office Reception - Administrative Assistant

Dianne Matthew, LCSW | VP of Clinical Services

Eileen Lemelman, LCSW | Therapist

Elissa Brown Gregory | Case Manager - Financial Assistance

Ellen H. Ullman, MSW | Holocaust Case Manager

Esther Lupin | Community Outreach Coordinator

Gayle Savage Silverman | Case Manager, Weinberg House

Hannah Klingsberg | Diamond Club and Adventure Club Coordinator

Howard Horowitz, LCSW | Supervisor-Holocaust Survivor Assistance Program, Senior Services Outreach

Isabela Abad-Ramirez | Fiscal Grant Coordinator

Jeremy Lurie | Director of Communications

Jessica Lee | Case Manager, Gould House

Jill Waldman | Director of Special Events

Joe Kenney | Food Pantry Transportation Specialist

Jordana Marquez | Employment Sourcing Specialist

Rabbi Josh Broide | Director of Community Engagement / Chaplaincy

Karina Woodman | Senior VP/Chief Finance Officer

Karry Stackhouse | Jacobson Family Food Pantry Operations Manager

Kira Hays | Receptionist/Office Assistant

Laurie Intondi, LCSW | VP of Senior Services

Leah Gitterman | Food Pantry/Financial Assistance Case Manager

Lexi Mapp | Career & Employment Coordinator

Limor Grinberg | Intake Social Worker

Liz Stadlan, MSW | Geriatric Case Manager

Marisa Hughes, MSW | Geriatric Case Manager

Marissa Gordon | Senior Companion Program Coordinator

Marlene Hess | Administrative Assistant

Martin Laser | Therapist

Mary Axelrud | Case Manager-Financial Assistance, Outreach for Food Pantry

Melissa Marnell | Billing Manager

Nadine Greenberg | Director of Volunteer Services/ Mentoring Program Coordinator

Naomi Shapiro | Caregiver/Resource & Respite Program Coordinator

Natasha Torres | VISTA Program Volunteer

Rachael Silverman, Psy. D | Community Outreach Coordinator

Regina Packer | Front Desk/Night Supervisor

Risa Demato | VP of Weisman Delray Community Center

Rita Gitter | Front Office Support - Administrative Assistant

Robin Stuart | Front Desk - Weisman Delray Community Center

Shari Waknin | VP of Programs - Food Pantry/Financial Assistance

Shelley (Shlomit) Karasik, LCSW | Community Outreach Coordinator

Stella Molina | Staff Accountant

Susan Davis, LCSW | Welcome Home Program Director

Susan Price, MSW | Holocaust Case Manager

Susan Riskin, LCSW | Therapist

Tara Zuckerman, Psy. D | Psychologist

Tom Dauria | Café Manager

Tulla Katehis, LCSW | Clinical Supervisor

Victoria Petruzzo | Director of Grants Management

Vincent Roccanova | Information Systems Director

Whitney Cherner, MSW | VP of Career & Employment Services

Yvette Camulli | Transportation Coordinator/Senior Companion Coordinator

JFS Staff

THANK YOu to our wonderful and dedicated staff for helping to make 2014 so successful!

as of 12/31/2014

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JFS is profoundly grateful for the ongoing commitment of our most generous supporters who ensure our ability to provide quality programs and services to our community. For more information call Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, Chief Development Officer at (561) 852-3279 or [email protected].

Giving Societies

BENEFACTOR - Minimum gift of $5,000 annually

LEADERSHIP - Minimum gift of $1,800 annually

SUPPORTER - Minimum gift $500 annually

FRIEND - Minimum gift $100 annually

CHAI SOCIETY - $18,000 commitment payable over five years ($3,600 per year)

FOUNDER SOCIETY - Recognizes donors who have given at least $5,000 consecutively for at least ten years

For more information contact Cindy Orbach Nimhauser, Chief Development Officer at (561) 852-3279 or [email protected]

Annual GivingEvery contribution helps give hope to the people who need it most. Your annual donation supports the full range of vital programs and services Ruth & Norman Rales Jewish Family Services (JFS) provides to the community.

Memorial and Tribute GiftsGain the satisfaction of giving a truly meaningful gift by honoring a special occasion or making a gift in memory of someone with your tax-deductible tribute to JFS.

Legacy GiftsA legacy commitment is your way to leave financial resources to JFS for the future needs of our community. Legacy commitments will help your family realize their philanthropic vision.

Corporate Sponsorship ProgramsMany opportunities exist to become a corporate sponsor in support of the agency. Packages include support of events, departments, newsletters and more.








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Our Donors

The following list represents gifts made to JFS between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2014. We apologize in advance for any names inadvertently omitted.

$100,000 +

Barton & Shirley Weisman FoundationDiane & Larry FeldmanHands on Tzedakah, Inc.Ruth & Norman Rales Foundation

$50,000 - $99,999

Jane & Alan CornellMeryl & Ron GallatinAnne & Norman JacobsonEstate of Ethel H. SnyderThe Estate of David Woodruff

$25,000 - $49,999

Addison Reserve Country ClubThe Estate of Dorothy & Irving CooperToby & Leon CoopermanElaine & Harold FriedlandEvie & Ronald KrancerThe Estate of Hilda & Eli KrinzmanMazon: A Jewish Response to HungerPalm Healthcare FoundationEdith & Martin SteinJill VinerMarilyn & Jay Weinberg

$10,000 - $24,999

Adolph and Rose Levis FoundationAlbert E. & Birdie W. Einstein FundAngelis - Hero FoundationMarilyn & Stanley BarryBB&TAbbe Dale & Steven BeckerBi-Lo FoundationBJ’s Charitable FoundationBoca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation

Boca West Women’s GroupJeannette & Frederic S. BogartCBIZ MHM, LLCStephanie & Richard ChestnovCity of Boca RatonDanaher FoundationErnst & Gertrude Ticho Charitable FoundationIsabel & Arnold FriedmanMelvyn GoldenGreenberg Traurig, LLPGreenspoon MarderPhyllis & Robert JaffeeBetty & Jon KimmelDebra & Gerald KramerMurray LiebowitzLouis Feil Charitable Lead AnnuityNext GenerationsHelene & Richard PaulPhyllis & Harvey Sandler FoundationQuality Family CareNancy & Marvin SchillerSylvia & Harold SolinskyVelia SweetDiane & Jon VogelVicki & Victor Weinstein

$5,000 - $9,999

Debbie & Howard BelfordArthur BenjaminMichele & Laurence I. BlairBoca Home Care ServicesJudi & Craig DonoffIllana & Samy DwekJean Fibus Family FoundationStanlee & Steve FriedmanLinda B. & Ivan R. GefenLori & Lewis GoldLisa & David GoodmanGutterman’s Inc.Carol & Jim HerscotEllen & Ronald HoffnerHorizon Nursing ServicesJarden Consumer Solutions Fund

Wilma & Howard KayeLawrence A. Sanders FoundationWendy & Wayne LegumMarsha & Howard LipschutzMarvin MillerAnne & Joseph PollackThe Polo Club of Boca RatonLucille & Walter RubinMarilyn SafenowitzAlison & David SchimelMarcia & Albert SchmierWaldman Foundation Inc.The William Marx Foundation


$1,800 - $4,999

Accessible Home Health Care of NPBThe Allegro at Boynton Beach, LLCThe Anikstein Family Foundation, Inc.The Billi Marcus Foundation, Inc.Joy Binkovitz

Saree & Michael BlockB’nai Torah CongregationBoca Raton MausoleumGloria Melman & Barry BroderHerbert CaplanCentury Risk AdvisorsBarbara & David CohenNina & Raphael CohenComForcare Home CareJudy & Sidney DavidKaren & Mark DernPeggy & Phillip DeZwirekJudi & Maurice FalkBarbara & Jeffrey FeingoldCamille & Stephen FishThe Florence Belsky Charitable FoundationMarleen Forkas



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Leslie & Bernard FriedmanJamie & Neil GlachmanSteve GoldsteinBarbara & Ronald GrudbergJewish Women’s FoundationSherry & Lawrence KalishZerlina & Edward KaplanPamela & Thomas KaplanMarcia & Howard KentTalia & Harold KleinHeidi & Mark KleinerJeff KronengoldElyssa & Barry KupferbergDonna & Jeffrey LammApril & Roger LeavyBarbara & Gerald LewinRoxane Frechie & Michael LiptonLaura & Steven LitinskyMark G Anderson Consultants, Inc.Lisa & Robert MartonJune & Monte NathansonLynn & Joseph OuslanderIrving PaulNatalie Pelavin

Dale & David PrattJudith & Maynard RabinowitzAlison & Mitchell RobbinsBarbara & Jeffrey RosenbergRobin & Gary RubinEllen R. SarnoffElisabeth & Angelo ScardinaElaine & Jay SchwartzElaine & Martin SchwartzHelene & Roy SchwedelsonLisa & Rand E ShapiroAmbrogina & Gregory ShugarSign-A-RamaLainie SimonSteinberg GlobalStonebridge Country ClubTemple Beth ElRita ThrasherTown of Palm Beach United WayBarbara & Leonard TureskyDebbie & Andrew WeismanCarol & Steve WinigBette & Paul WohlgemuthIlene & Peter WohlgemuthWollstein Family FoundationWomen’s League of B’nai TorahEtta & Raymond ZimmermanZounds


$500 - $1,799 Ran & Sara AbrahamyLeonard AdlerAlliance of Delray Residental AssocKaren & Lawrence AltschulLinda & Albert AniksteinRichard Appelfeld Donor Advised FundGail M. Asarch Private Charitable FoundationSheila & Michael AshkinCherie & David BaerJoan & Robert BeberBecker & Poliakoff, P.A.Ruth Ann & David BeckermanBarbara & Leonard BergerLorrie & Lloyd BerkowitzRita & Leonard BernsteinRhoda & Henri BertuchBrenda & Harvey BlattJudith & Martin BloomfieldMargaret & Robert BlumeB’nai Israel CongregationBNY Mellon Private Wealth ManagementBoca Raton Resort & ClubKim & Howard BregmanHelene & Elliot BrodyHoward BrownThe Caine Family FoundationMalvina & Leonard CamhiCapital Senior LivingEllen & Jon ChanningMyron CherryHarvey ChestmanSheila & Robert Chestnov

Rachel ClouseDiane & Chuck CohenBarbara & Freeman CohenEvelyn & Jack CohenRichard ComiterCongregation Torah Ohr SisterhoodGladys & Errol M. CookMaxine & Joseph CopulskyShirley & Michael CorbettHelen & Michael CykerLisa DelevieDelray Medical CenterDelray Orthodox SynagogueCarol DererElaine & Richard DesatnickDirect Nursing Care Services Inc.Joanna & Bryan DrowosDonald DwaresJudith & Melvin EinsidlerValerie & Jacob EverBeverly FeurringMargaret & Morton FinkelsteinSusan & Richard FinkelsteinHinda FinstonFirst United Methodist ChurchEllen & Bruce FleisherJudy & Herb FogelPhyllis & Eugene FoxClaire FrankelSheila & Robert FurrVicki & Donald GabayRani GarfinkleHarvey GellerGladstone & Weissman, P.A.Alice & Barry GlassmanThe Gloria & Sidney Danziger Foundation, Inc.Harvey GoldEllen & Raymond GoldbergLeonard GoldmanLinda & Neal GoldmanElaine & Albert GoldsteinSteven GorelickGrand Villa EastGrand Villa WestMichael GrossHonora GrossbardtLaurie & Franklin GutmanIna HaasThe Halperin FoundationGary HaskellJoan & Paul HauserHCR ManorCare Jerry HerbstMichelle HirschLaura & Michael HochbergerMarissa & Jeffrey Hollander

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Karen & Stephen IrwinJ C White Architectural InteriorJaclyn, Inc.Susan & Alan JacobsPatti & Michael JacobsLorita & Jay JacobsonHerbert JaffeeJanitronics Building ServicesHoward JatlowJewish Federation of SPBCJewish Social ClubJoys of Yiddish ClubJP Morgan SecuritiesMarilyn JurickGayle & Steven KammermanBeverly KanigJean & Harvey KarpMarilyn & Harvey KassGail & Daniel KatzJodi & Michael KatzSusan & Randy KatzKatz & AssociatesMichele & David KatzmanJudy KayMyrna KeismanAlice & Ira KentJulie & David KirschnerAnita KohnKosher CaregiversEllen & Richard KrantzKraus Family FoundationCarole & Stuart KrosserMarci & R. Jeffrey LangleyLauren & Jason LazarAdele & Herman LebersfeldCarolann & Steven LefflerLeonard E. Zedeck Charitable FoundationFern & Mac LernerHelena & Leonard LevineBeth & Perry LevineHyla & Stuart LevineEllen & Jerome LevittEdwin LevyBarbara & Irving LevyLinda & Robert LevyBobbi & Paul LibsmanLauren & Gregory LiebmanFrancine & Harvey LiftonMary & Fred LitwinStacey & George Luck

Roberta & William LudwigMake a Difference FoundationMalnove Packing & Packing SolutionsHelen & Carl MarbachLaw Offices of Mary Sue DonohueElizabeth & Sheldon MaschlerBeatrice MayerMeals on Wheels Assoc. of AmericaIsolde & Stephen MedowConnie & Neil MeiselRobert MeiselLisa & Stephen MendelsohnMilton N. Baker TrustBeth & Joseph MishkinSherry & Carl MorgansteinJeannine & Leland MorrisMorris Morgenstern FoundationMyron MoscovitzMSP Enterprises Inc.Toby & Stanley MussMillicent NathanEleanor & Bernard NeffNeiman MarcusVicki & Garry NewmanPaula & Gary NorkinJanice & Abraham ObuchowskiAndrea & James OrleansDaniella OrtizGail & Stefan PasternackSusan & Barry PodolskyAlice PowersRuth PratsikasJeffrey PressMichele & Kenneth PritzkerProskauer Rose, LLPRoz & Abraham RappFerne ReberJoan RiceJodi & Jerry RichDeana & Hyman RichmanVictoria & Bruce RogoffSusan & Arthur RosenLinda & Maxwell RosenbaumLisa & Steven RosenfeldMichelle & Bruce RossMillicent & Arthur RudolphSahn Family Philanthropic FundSaks Fifth Ave.

Shirley SamitJanice & Jeffrey SandelmanElaine & Norton SarnoffGail Asarch & James SatovskyJan SavarickAdrienne SchatzRobyn & Neil SchillerIris & Melvin SchlesingerSusan & Eric SchneiderPatty & Jeffrey SchneiderJohn SchosheimAlison & Andrew SchreierBetsy & Rick SchusterStephanie & Steven SchusterCatherine & Roger SchwartzOlivia & Gerald ShapiroHarriet & Ronald ShapssHally & Mark ShawRobin & Jeffrey SiegalCraig SilverLarry SilverMarlene & Martin SilverEleanor SilversteinSelma & Joseph SitrickCarol & Irv SmoklerScott SolkoffAubrey StrulStuart & Jill Siegel Charitable FoundationMaida & Arnold SureskyLenore TagermanKay & Jerry TamarkinPhyllis & Howard TaranowDoris TaxinFrance Tessier-HermannBeth & Anthony TraneseNanci & Donald TuckLorraine & Dennis Udwin

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United Way of Palm Beach CountyJoan VogelAndru VolinskyLenore & Herbert WachtelIrene WandererArlyne & Myron WeinbergPamela & Robert Weinroth

Steve WeinsteinMaureen & Dennis WeiserKaren & Martin WeisfeldWells Fargo Advisors, LLCSerena & Richard WerberRichard L. & Lois S. Werner Family FoundationJudith & Richard Yusem


$101 - $499

Sheila & Burton AaronsonAberdeen East Jewish Heritage ClubNaomi & Samuel AbramovitzJoan AbramsJoseph AbruzzoEllie AdelmanLiora & Daniel AdlerJaime V. AlaluRoberta AlbertAll Points Personal Transportation

Marianne & Eric AltschulAnne & Lawrence Frisman FoundationElissa AnnunziatoSharon Barrett & Marc AnselmoHenny & Raphael AronsonSandra & Charles BabbushJudy BailynKaren & Jay BakerDana & Scott BallGail & Alan BankKatherine BarbaCandy & Harvey BarbagLinda & Daniel BaronLinda BarronSelma & Leonard BaruchinHalina & Bernard BaumgartenPatty & Louis BeckDiane BehrmanMary Jane & Merv BellJill & Steven BelousMichael BenjaminMichelle & Charlene BergerBonnie & Jay BerkowitzLori BermanDebra & Mark BernhardtJodi BettingerGary BlakeMickey & Bernard BlidenBarbara & Harvey BlochNel & Jonathan BloomMarlene BluesteinHarriett Kogod & Jack BobbE. Miriam & Norman BrandSally & Robert BriskerShelley BrodyThe Brody Family FoundationJudy & Earl BronsteenDenise BrookeJennifer & Gary BudlowSusan BurmanLici CalderonLisa & Roy CamhiBarbara CarneyGina CayneBeth ChassinWhitney ChernerDeborah ChernoffHannah ChestnovRobyn & Richard ChwattAnne CohenErwin CohenMichael CohenIleen & Robert CohenSarell CohenNancy & Ronald ColemanCongregation Shaarei KodeshChad CooklerEstelle & Harvey CooperstoneJoyce & Steven CroftSheryl CutlerStacie & Ron DableCatherine DabulisElisabeth & Robert DalfenSherri & Alan DarverJane DavisIlene & Malcolm DavisSandra Davis

Delray Beach Clergy AssociationJames DillonTami DirectorDollar Financial Group, Inc.Donald & Sylvia Robinson Family FoundationDonna Feldman Philanthropic FundDonna Klein Jewish AcademyMargaret DonnelleyLiz DowneyEstelle & Morris EdelsteinJohn EganBea EisenWendy & Elliott EisenShirley EisenRona & Ron EisenbergDarlene & Warren EisensteinElements JewelryElysa & Scott ElkRuth EnglanderLorraine EpstienKaren & John ErbacherAmy & Jordan EstraValerie EtraF and MWL Enterprises, Inc.Lisa FaraldoFaulk Center for CounselingShirley FeinTobias FeinermanNorma FeldmanRella FeldmanMarshall FelensteinEllen & David FieldHeidi FieldJudith & Robert FiestalMadeline & Wesley FinchLinda FinverSharon & George FontiniHelaine FreedLorraine & Howard FreemanEdith & Irwin FriedmanMark FriedmanMelinda FriedmanRhoda & Leonard FrischerJoan GardeElaine GardnerJune & Ira GelbJoan & Theodore GerrigLisa & Ira GersteinSandra & Martin GillerMarc GillmanGlassman Development Corp.

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Joan & Ronald GoldburgSusan & Richard GoldmanLinda & Robert GoldmarkBonnie & David GoldsteinJoy GoldsteinMilicent J. GoldsteinMartin GoodsteinHarold GordonJudy GordonMarissa GordonCarol & Jerry GrafsteinGregory GrasseMarjorie & Stanley GreenbaumDonna GreenbergEllen GreenfieldSteven GreenwaldCarol Anne & Steven GreenwaldShelly & Larry GrossAmy GrossmanJudith & Stanley GrubmanCandy & Rick HachenburgLynn HahnJoan & Jack HalpernRachelle & Jacob HarrisJoyce & Marvin HartsteinEllen & Michael HartzDebbie HarveySamuel HeeringKaren & William HerbstmanLynne HermleLiliana HerreraAshley & Jeff HertzBarbara & David HoffmanElaine HollanderCarole & Harry HolzwasserHuntington Pointe Single ClubImaging Science Foundation, Inc.InvictaIvy League Study CenterCharlette JaffeMaidy JegerJerusalem UniversityJewish Activities Committee of Abbey DelrayJan & William JilerJennifer & H. George KaganDavid KahanLisa & David KalenBetty & Herbert KaneHannah KaplanElaine & Peter KaplanVictoria KarasinLynn & Marvin KassMarissa & Daniel KatzNicole & Steven KatzMelanie & Jeffrey KatzellMarcelle KaufmanJoan & Myron KaufmanEli KavonJoe KenneySarah Fisher & Elliott KerbisFrances KessnerIssac KierHarriet & Rick KimballShirley KirshnerMiriam & Aaron KleinJoanne & Judah KleinPhyllis Klotz

Brooke & Thomas KochmanElaine & Melvin KofskyWendy & Robert KohanskyDeborah KorashBeverly KornNancy & Bernard KraftDonna & Stephen KrasnerSandy & Benjamin KrauseEvelyn & Herbert KricksteinHarriet KulakoffDeborah & Lawrence KullStacey & Barry LabellPatricia LafferBrenda & Paul LaneMarisa & Howard LaskowJeffrey LeachJoyce LeavittLisa LederJanet & Michael LeedsRuth & Harvey LeFrockCynthia LeinerRachel LennerAudrey & Sam LernerDahlia & Steven LessneJan & Allen LevEllen & Herbert LevittEllen & Bernard LiebmanGlenda Todd & Jake LighterJoan LimanBarbara & Marvin LindenbaumAlyssa & Marc ListLoretta & Loretta LittenAndrew LivingstonLoyal ProgramsMichael & Esther LupinDeena & Jeremy LurieLouise & Morton MacksPauline & Arnold MaerovAlissa & Alissa MaizesPhyllis & Laurence MalmuthSamuel P. Mandell FoundationSusan & Martin MarkowitzGail & Steve MarlowAnn MarmelsteinEleanor & Morton MaslovAdrianne & Henry MautnerLucille & Mortimer MazorDeborah & Lee MeiselPauline & Murray MenkesSara & John MicallefVera & Stanley MillerJanie & Martin MilnerJoanne MindesBonnie & Robert MorensteinEryl MoskowitzDorothy NadolnyMarla & Bruce NagelSeymour NashShelley & Andrew NesbittJackie & Barry NobelIda & Scott NovackMarian OlavarriaJoyce & Martel OrensteinOriole Jewish Center of Delray BeachAnnette & Monroe OstermanElliott PackerPamela Higger Polani, LCCKaren & Peter PearlmanLisa & Martin Pechter

The Pechter Family FoundationPEF Associates, Inc.Dana & Michael PetroverLois & Milton PodolskyEllen & Edward PollockJill PoserGail & Barry PressKevin RaderSandy & Aaron RappaportArline ReinBarbara & Frederic ReitmanSusan RichardJoseph RichmanMyrna & Norman RickenAlix RitchieArlene RitholtzCharlotte & Morris RobinsonDebbie & Howard RocketBilha & Samuel RonRobin RoseSusan RosenbergDina & Aaron RosenblattSandy & Melvin RosenblattHerb RosenstockPhyllis & Stanley RosenstockDaniel RosenthalLisa & Kenneth RosenthalBetty & Herb RossDeborah & Robin RossAlexander RothCarol RothMuriel RothmanKaren & Ronen RubinS & J Wolgin Foundation Inc.Maddi & Steve SackelAllison & Jack SacksJoseph SalesNancy & Luis SalmunLois SchauberPatricia & Mark SchaumDana & Barry Schechter

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Joan ScheppsBarbara ScherrHarriet SchneierIris & Harvey SchoenbrumLaurie SchoenfeldPeter SchosheimMalkah SchulmanMurray SchwartzbaumElana ScolerM. L. & Alvin SegalBenita & Bruce SegalEileen & Lester SeskinBeth & Mitchell ShadowitzBeverly & Alvin ShapiroJay ShapiroSherwood SharfeVictor ShargaiHarriet & Bernard ShavitzLizette & Dan SheinbergSandra & Norman SherLawrence ShermanPhillip ShipkoElaine & Gary ShoreLaverne & Robert SiderBonnie & Bryan SilbermannJason SilbersteinRich SilbertJan SilvermanLois SilvermanMiriam & Leonard SimpsonDavid SingerGloria & Richard SingerFran & Saul SingerDale & Murray SkalaSara & Alex SkoczylasKim SlivkaJoanne SmuklerFlorence & Stephen SobleShirley & Allan B. SolomonDaphne SolomonHadas & Jason StagmanMyrna & Stanley SteinGail & Joseph SteinbergEllyn & Harry SteinbokSteiner & Gelber, PAJo & Norman SternSue & Irwin SunaLyla SuvalWendy & Richard SwartzSusan & Mark TaborAmy & Barry Taney

Arlene & Martin TashRonna & Marc TaubRuth TaubmanStephanie TaylorBernice & Edward TeltserLee TemkinIlyne & Steven TerkSuzanne & Eugene TerryMaria & Stephen TowleTrachten Family FoundationDiane TregermanTuchman Family FoundationRosalyn TuckerJoy & Howard TurinTurkanis Family FoundationStacey & Michael UdineKathleen & Reed UlmerDebbie & Edward VeneziaAna & Andrew WaldmanJill & Scott WaldmanCorina & Stuart WaldmanEnid WallachRobyn & Eric WallbergHelene & Sidney WartelJoseph WaschBonnie & Neal WeinrebBarbara & Morris WeinsteinDeborah WeismanJessica WeismanKaren & Howard WeissMarsha WetmoreGoldie Lang & Alan WexlerMarsha & Marshall WexlerRosalyn WienerEnid & Robert WinikoffDorothy WizerRosalind & Larry WolfeFay & Jeff WolkowiczBernd WollschlaegerWomen of VizcayaWoodfield Country ClubKarina WoodmanJill WrubelVered YaserJudith & David YorraLesley & Bruce ZafranJill & Allan Zucker

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Reach a wide audience while helping the community. We invite you to partner with JFS to align your company with our mission to serve those in need living in our community.

Benefits:- Marketing exposure to a variety of targeted audiences- Community service opportunities thorough hands on volunteer experiences for your employees

Sponsorship Opportunities:Advertising SponsorDepartment SponsorEvent SponsorPremiere Agency SponsorProgram Sponsor

$15,000 plusGreenspoon Marder

$10,000 plusBB&TBJ’s Charitable FoundationBoca Raton Observer MagazineQuality Family Care

$7,500 plusBoca Home Care Services

$5,000 plusAccessible Home Health CareCBIZ, MHM, LLCCentury Risk AdvisorsGutterman’s, Inc.Horizon Nursing ServicesZOUNDS

$2,500 plusComForcare Senior Services

$1,000 plusRegents Park


Corporate Sponsorship Program

Corporate Sponsors

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Albert E. & Birdie W. Einstein Foundation

City of Boca Raton

Hands on Tzedakah (HOT)

Jarden Consumer Solutions Community Fund

United Way of Palm Beach County


Bi-Lo Holdings

BJ’s Charitable Foundation

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Hands on Tzedakah (HOT)

Jewish Women’s Foundation

Lost Tree Village Charitable Foundation

MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Meals on Wheels Association of America


Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/ Treasure Coast

Boca Raton Regional Hospital Foundation

Florida Department of Financial Services

Hands on Tzedakah (HOT)


Palm Healthcare Foundation

State of Florida - Department of Elder Affairs

State of Florida - Department of Financial Services

The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

The Retirement Research Foundation

Town of Palm Beach United Way

$1,654,000.00 in grants in 2014

Thanks to our funding partners, we received over $1,654,000 in grants in 2014. Their generosity makes it possible for JFS to continue many of our programs which help improve the quality of life for so many vulnerable residents living in south Palm Beach County.

A SPECIAL THANk YOU to the Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County

for their many years of steadfast support.

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Planning for the future to help support JFS today

VISIONARY SOCIETY – Imagine creating a lasting testament to the value that you hold most dear. Creating your legacy is not only deeply fulfilling, it also requires far less out-of-pocket funding than you may realize. In fact, legacy gifts come with tax breaks and benefits that make it a smart move for anyone’s estate plans. The JFS Visionary Society recognizes individuals who have secured our future through a planned gift commitment of $100,000 or more. Please join the following donors who have notified us of their plans to include JFS in their estate plans:



















ENDOWMENT FUNDSJack C. Alexander Telephone Reassurance Program Endowment Fund to support the telephone reassurance program.

Anton-Bobick Endowment Fund for assistance to the elderly, including delivery of meals to those unable to leave their homes.

Bernice Schankerman JFS Endowment Fund to be used for the social service and mental health needs of individuals and families.


* of Blessed Memory

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Cooper Fund to support families and children with special needs.

Sara and Herbert Cohn JFS Endowment Fund to support the prescription drug program for the elderly.

The Jane and Alan Cornell Holocaust Survivors Fund to support the needs of Holocaust survivors and those in need of food.

Eisen-Leavy In-Home Support Services Endowment Fund to provide services to enable older adults to remain as fully functioning members of the community while maintaining maximum personal independence.

Forster Family Kosher Food Pantry Fund to serve the programs and services of the food pantry.

Roxane Frechie Phillips JFS Endowment Fund to be used to cover the costs of recognition and awards for volunteers.

Rose Golden Indigent Care Endowment Fund to provide ongoing support or emergency support for Jewish persons in need.

Indigent Care Endowment Fund to provide ongoing support or emergency support for Jewish persons in need.

Gerald and Rochelle Goldstein JFS Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Richard J. Goldstein Memorial JFS Endowment Fund to provide support for seniors in need and to support special holiday food baskets.

Lisa & David Goodman Endowment Fund for general support of the agency.

Edward S. Gould Fund for Special Needs of Gay and Lesbian Clients to provide counseling and care management to elderly lesbians and gay men.

Edward S. Gould Fund for Special Needs of Gay and Lesbian Clients to provide services and counseling to address the special needs of gay and lesbian clients.

Abraham and Rita Hazelcorn Endowment Fund to support the prescription drug program.

Holocaust Survivors Endowment Fund to help elderly Holocaust survivors.

Madeline and Eugene Pargh Kosher Food Pantry Endowment Fund to serve the programs and services of the food pantry.

Jason Pavao Memorial Endowment Fund to provide ongoing support or emergency support for Jewish families with children under 12. Michael Pelavin JFS Staff Endowment Fund to provide funds for staff members to attend the National AJFCA Conference.

David Pollen JFS Fund for use where needed most.

JFS Fund for Children with Rett Syndrome to be used for health services for children with Rett syndrome.

JFS Director’s Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

JFS Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

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JFS Outreach Program to be used for the salary and benefits of a full-time social worker.

JFS Special Projects Fund for use where needed most.

JFS Weisman Delray Community Center Operating Endowment to be used to support the operating expenses related to the Center.

JFS Counseling & Mental Health Fund to be used to support counseling and mental health services provided by the agency.

JFS – Food Pantry Fund to be used to support the food pantry operations.

Michelle Rothholz Memorial Endowment Fund for personal expenses of a college student in financial need.

Dorothy and Sidney Schuman Jewish Family Service Endowment Fund to provide care and services to the elderly.

Julia K. and Harold Segall Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Louis Shapiro JFS Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Sidney and Eleanor Silverstein In-Home Supportive Services Endowment Fund to provide services to enable older adults to continue to be fully functioning members of the community while maintaining maximum personal independence.

Jeffrey Brian Turkin Memorial JFS Endowment Fund to be used for the mental health needs of children and adolescents.

Viner Family Compassionate Care Endowment Fund to provide services to families with children up to 18 years of age.

Edith Wasserbard Endowment Fund to support the Feldman Family Diamond Club

Shirley and Barton Weisman Delray Community Center Fund to support the operations of the Shirley and Barton Weisman Delray Community Center.

Gladys Weinshank Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Morton J. Weinstein Memorial Endowment Fund for the Sight Impaired to assist the needy who are sight impaired or suffering from eye disease.

Sigmund Weiss Memorial Fund to support the Kosher Konnection Program.

Peter and Ilene Wohlgemuth JFS Endowment Fund for use where needed most.

Sidney and Jacqueline Wolgin JFS Emergency Services Endowment Fund to assist needy persons in emergency situations.

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to our dedicated staff, board, volunteers and community who collectively make our work possible.

ThANk you

Artwork produced by participants in the Welcome Home Program

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Ruth & Norman RalesJewish Family Services Help. Hope. Humanity.

21300 Ruth & Baron Coleman Blvd.Boca Raton, FL 33428

MAIN OFFICE21300 Ruth & Baron Coleman BoulevardBoca Raton, FL 33428-1757P: (561) 852-3333 F: (561) 852-3332

SATELLITE OFFICESShirley & Barton Weisman Delray Community Center7091 West Atlantic AvenueDelray Beach, FL 33446P: (561) 558-2100 F: (561) 558-2176

Jacobson Family Food Pantry430 S Congress Ave, Unit 1C Delray Beach P: (561) 274-1940

CONTACT US Like us on


We express our SiNcERE AppREciATioN

to those whose gENERoSiTy enables us to continue

ouR miSSioN of providing

to individuals and families in need. We are only able to accomplish our mission with

your support.