2014 gift catalog - Back2Back Ministries


Transcript of 2014 gift catalog - Back2Back Ministries

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2014 gift catalog

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give a life-changing gift to an orphan in need! Remind them that they are not forgotten. choose from dozens of gifts to meet the needs of orphans around the world. Select from vital items like vitamins for students in Nigeria, uniforms for children in india, and fresh fruit for a children’s home.

through Back2Back’s 5-Point child Development Plan, we provide deep holistic care, an approach to orphan care ministry that addresses spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs – five crucial areas of child development. Your partnership in one of these key areas will help us provide holistic orphan care and make a lasting impact in the lives of the children we serve!

Back2Back’s gift catalog offers meaningful giving opportunities for special occasions throughout the year, such as birthdays, Mother’s Day, father’s Day and christmas. families, churches, organizations, and small groups can get involved in orphan care by adopting a project to bring hope to a child in need.

Thank you for joining this movement! Your partnership will communicate support to orphan children across borders and languages, reminding them that they are deeply loved. thank you for your participation and enthusiasm and for the stories that will come from your giving.

celeBRate with a

child bY givNg a gift







Social items are representative of the gift category in which they are listed, and donations will be utilized to provide care where it is needed most within that category or to address a similar need.


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feed a child for a month

$100 (#gcP1)

Most of the children’s homes that we serve lack the funds to purchase meat, fruits and vegetables. as a result, the children’s diets lack essential vitamins and nutrients that are found in meat and produce. Your gift will provide a child with balanced and nutritious meals for a month, supporting their growth, health, and development.

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isabel (left) visits with Back2Back staff member, ana, and ana’s son, Kael.


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at Back2Back, we’re committed to helping each child understand the love and protection of their heavenly father. through opportunities for spiritual growth, such as discipleship and Bible study, we empower children like isabel to not only discover their tremendous significance as an individual, but to also realize their unique purpose in the grand story that god is writing. isabel regularly meets with her mentor, Back2Back staff member, ana for Bible study, discipleship and relationship building. ana’s goal is for isabel to understand her identity and tremendous worth as god’s child.

ana says, “i am trying to help shift the old mind-set of thinking that she is not smart enough, good enough, or pretty enough to achieve her goals. i want isabel to believe that god has given her the abilities to become whatever she wants to be. i want her to learn to dream big and trust that god will support her dreams.”

contribute to the spiritual development of a child like isabel. choose from items such

as a new Bible or discipleship materials to promote spiritual growth.

craft supplies for spiritual development

$10 for a month (#gcSP1)

children’s bible camp$50 (#gcSP2)

bible $10 (#gcSP3)

discipleship package Bible study, books, journal

$30 (#gcSP4)

discipleship materials $40 (#gcSP5)

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the hostel is busy with activity as anusha awaits a nutritious meal. Back2Back understands that eating a healthy and nutritious meal is essential to growing strong bodies and developing minds and so we work to ensure the children at Peace home in india receive healthy meals that include protein, fruit and dairy. Back2Back partners with children’s homes around the world to improve the quality of care for children like anusha, meeting needs such as medical and dental care, nutritious meals, warm sweaters, clean drinking water and safe shelter, providing opportunities for each child to thrive. anusha is just one of the 163 million orphaned children in our world. But unlike many other orphans, anusha will wake up tomorrow knowing that her heavenly father cares for her.

Make a difference in the life of a child like anusha. choose from items such as fresh

produce and vitamin kits to help meet the physical needs of orphaned children around the world.

fresh produce$30 for a day at a children’s home (#gcP2)

meat$100 for a week at a children’s home (#gcP3)

personal hygiene kit $25 for a girl (#gcP4)

Deodorant, feminine products, comb/brush, shower gel, dental care

$15 for a boy (#gcP5) Deodorant, soap, dental care, comb

medicine kit $25 (#gcP6)tylenol, malaria prevention, cough medicine,

parasite medication

vitamin kit $25 (#gcP7)Multivitamins, calcium, vitamin c, etc.

electricity $50 for a month (#gcP8)

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in developing nations, education is critical to success. education is especially vital for orphans who often fall behind academically due to the absence of familial support. each day at our education center in Jos, Nigeria, staff tutor children, like Joseph, offering them tools to learn english, their national language, so they can ultimately succeed academically. this knowledge will give Joseph a clear advantage in Nigeria, as those who are fluent in English have more opportunities for schooling, expanding their job options in the future. Joseph is now excelling at a private school. he and his classmates are learning english, writing skills, math and even creative arts. through the care of Back2Back, Joseph is thriving and well on his way to reaching his goals for a brighter tomorrow.

choose from items such as tutoring and school supplies to support the academic

development of children like Joseph.

tutor for one child $3 for an hour (#gceD1)

literacy book package$40 for five books (#gceD2)

school uniform$30 (#gceD3)

school supply kit Paper, notebooks, crayons, glue

$5 (#gceD4)

tutor for a children’s home $125 for a week (#gceD5)

education costs$100 - $500 a month (#gceD6)

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twelve-year old Maria lost her parents as a young girl and moved between different family members until her arrival at floreser children’s home in Mazatlan, Mexico two years ago. Since her arrival at floreser, Maria’s life has changed drastically. floreser has helped provide an education for Maria and she now receives nutritious balanced meals. Not only has this home been a safe refuge for her by meeting her physical needs, but for the first time in her life, she has had the opportunity to address her emotional needs. Maria is able to work through the painful experiences from her past through counseling with a professional psychologist. Maria is growing stronger, now that her spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs are met by individuals who invest in her daily.

give the gift of hope to a child in need. choose from items such as counseling and

social worker visits to support the emotional development of children like Maria.

Welcome kit $25 for a child (#gceM1)

Stuffed animal or blanket, small toy, Bible

$25 for a pre-teen/teen (#gceM2) hygiene kit, photo album, Bible, lunch-out coupon

psychologist visit for one child $20 for an hour (#gceM3)

salary for the caregivers $150 for a week (#gceM4)

counseling for a children’s home$125 for a week (#gceM5)

full-time social Worker at a home $200 for a week (#gceM6)

lunch out for caretakers$20 (#gceM7)

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fifteen-year old, wendy, recently celebrated her quinceañera, a latin american tradition that commemorates a girl becoming a woman. this milestone is marked by festivities, which are laden with deep cultural significance. it is a key rite of passage in the social development of a girl in Mexico. wendy, who grew up in a children’s home, had quietly dreamed of having a quinceañera but she had never actually attended one. Mentors, sponsors, caregivers, family and Back2Back staff worked diligently to make her dreams a reality – decorating the auditorium, cooking the dinner and presenting the symbolic gifts. on that warm day in mid-october, a timid, teenage girl transformed into a stunning, confident young woman as she stood on the stage, surrounded by a family of individuals who had supported her throughout her journey. “thank you, thank you. You made my dream come true!,” said Wendy, at the conclusion of the ceremony. a distant dream became a reality, which was sealed both by wendy’s words of thanks and our prayers that wendy would never stop dreaming.

Your support can help us to empower children like wendy to achieve their dreams. choose from items

such as extracurricular activities or a quinceañera to support orphan care.

birthday partyBirthday cake, present, decorations

$75 (#gcSc1)

sports, music or art lessons$60 private lessons for a month (#gcSc2)$40 for group lessons for a week (#gcSc3)

field trip$100 (#gcSc4)

game package games and puzzles for group activities

$30 (#gcSc5)

Quinceañera flowers, photos, dress, shoes, meal

$50 (#gcSc6)

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hoPe foR toMoRRow

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leo grew up in a children’s home in Monterrey, Mexico. Now, through the hope education Program, leo is in college, studying graphic design with dreams of one day starting his own business. “i’m grateful to the hope Program,” says leo. “it has allowed me to continue my studies, so that i can reach my dreams and have better opportunities.” through the hope Program, leo is living in a family setting for the first time and learning vital life skills. the hope Program house parents provide holistic orphan care, which has brought about a change in the way leo interacts with others. Just this past summer, leo served as an intern with Back2Back in Mazatlan. Now, he serves orphaned children who are in the same situation that he once was; he leads worship at a children’s home and uses his testimony to minister to other boys. leo is a bright student, who is using his gifts to make a positive impact on his community.

Spark hope through holistic orphan care! Support a child like leo by contributing toward the hope education Program in Monterrey, Mexico. choose from items such as college tuition or tutoring for students. Your support will equip hope Program students to flourish.

one month of tuition high School $150 (#gchoPe1)

college $250 (#gchoPe2)

neW clothes $35 (#gchoPe3)

extra-curricular activity $50 (#gchoPe4)

youth retreat $50 (#gchoPe5)

tutor for a teen home $100 for a week (#gchoPe6)

meal out for teen home$200 (#gchoPe7)hoPe foR


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SPoNSoR a chilD

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as a young boy, 9-year old gervens lost his sight due to

a common illness. gervens endured hardships as a sight-

impaired child. in many developing countries, such as haiti,

children with disabilities are especially vulnerable to abuse

and neglect. today, gervens lives at a Back2Back sponsored

children’s home; not only is he safe, but he is thriving

thanks to the specialized care there. through Back2Back’s

child Sponsorship Program, gervens has been matched

with a loving sponsor. Krista, a student at ohio University,

contributes toward holistic orphan care for gervens, by

assisting us in meeting his spiritual, physical, educational,

emotional and social needs.

“i’m now sponsoring gervens through the Back2Back

child Sponsorship Program and i continue to share his

story with anyone who asks. i am so thankful i am able to

have an impact on a little boy who has impacted me more

than he will ever know,” Krista says.

MaKe a laStiNg DiffeReNce iN the life

of a chilDthere are many children, just like gervens, who are waiting for a loving sponsor. Sponsors have the opportunity to build a meaningful personal relationship with their child through letters, quarterly updates, prayers and even visits to their children’s home, should they choose to take part in a Back2Back mission trip.

sponsor a child to learn more about sponsoring a child like gervens, visit www.back2back.org/sponsor

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Staff SUPPoRt

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Back2Back staff stand back to back with children’s home

directors and national staff, serving daily in children’s homes

around the world. Staff come alongside children’s homes

with physical, financial and human resources, discipleship,

encouragement, prayer, and training, by modeling Paul’s

teaching “that we are delighted to share not only the

gospel, but our lives as well.” By leveraging partnerships

with U.S. and local churches, corporations, organizations

and individuals, staff bridge the gap between orphans in

need and those with resources. Whether on the field or

in our home office, staff work diligently to provide holistic

orphan care, meeting the spiritual, physical, educational,

emotional and social needs of each child. Ultimately, they

serve as an advocate for the orphan, recognizing that

without a strong advocate they will likely suffer from

oppression, abuse and injustice.

PaRtNeR with Staff to aDvocate foR the

oRPhaN chilDall Back2Back staff members raise their full salary through the support of individuals who believe in their cause. consider a special donation of $25, $50 or $100. You can multiply your impact by joining the monthly or annual support team of one or more of our staff members who make it possible for Back2Back to provide “care for today, hope for tomorrow” to orphans around the world.

to contribute to a staff member’s support, please indicate the staff member’s name and your donation amount when

completing the form on the back inside cover. (#gcStaff - name) Staff SUPPoRt

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our kid’s corner is filled

with fun and practical gifts at

an affordable price, making it easy for young

children to participate in


KiD’S coRNeR

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Many children we serve don’t have access to books and struggle to learn to read. thanks to the generosity of our donors, we have built libraries at most of the children’s homes in Monterrey, Mexico, helping hundreds of children to discover the joy of reading. in 2013, we hired a literacy specialist to tutor the children and we opened a library on the campus of Manantial de amor children’s home. Now, the children are eager to explore the world through the joy of reading!

“the children were so excited to go into the library for the first time. They shouted, ‘look at all the books!’ and ‘i can’t believe this is for us!’ They are thrilled to have a library space to call their own,” says back2back field staff, hope garcia. focusing on developing reading skills will help the children academically.

choose from items such as a new book or writing materials and help a child discover the joy of reading and writing!

bible $10 (#gcSP3)

school supply kit Paper, notebooks, crayons, glue

$5 (#gceD4)

clean Water projects in haiti & nigeria

$15 (#gcP9)

backpack $25 (#gceD7)

book in spanish$8 (#gceD2)

shoes for a child $30 (#gcP10)

tutor for one child $3 for an hour (#gceD1)

KiD’S coRNeR

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who’S oN

Your gift liSt?

give a gift in honor ofsomeone you love

Back2Back’s gift catalog offers meaningful giving opportunities

for special occasions throughout the year. celebrate birthdays, mother’s day, father’s day, and christmas by giving a special gift in honor of a family member, friend, co-worker or teacher! Simply select an item. then list their mailing info and the item number on the return form

and we’ll do the rest! we’ll notify them of the gift given in their honor with a personalized card. <<<

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gift item _____________________________________

gift code ____________________________________

Price $____________ Qty _______ total $_________

if you would like to give this gift in honor of someone, complete information below.

Name of person to receive card: __________________


Mailing address: _______________________________



To donate online by credit card, select a gift(s) and visit http://donations.back2back.org. Select “general” in the box under gift information. Please note the gift item(s) code and the words “gift catalog” in the Donation Memo box. To pay by check, select a gift(s) and complete the form below. Make checks payable to Back2Back Ministries. Please tear off this form and send with your check to Back2Back Ministries, P.O. Box 70, Mason, OH 45040. Please contact our uS office at 513-754-0300, ext 1707 or [email protected] with any questions.

Your Name___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


email ________________________________________________________________ Phone (__________)______________________________________

all contributions to Back2Back are tax-deductible in the US and according to iRS regulations, no goods or services were received in exchange for this donation. con-tributions are solicited with the understanding that Back2Back Ministries has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. Donation Total $______________________

i would like to give to the back2back general fund or end of year gift $_______________

YES!i would like

to give a life-changing gift to a child

in need!

gift item _____________________________________

gift code ____________________________________

Price $____________ Qty _______ total $_________

if you would like to give this gift in honor of someone, complete information below.

Name of person to receive card: __________________


Mailing address: _______________________________



gift item _____________________________________

gift code ____________________________________

Price $____________ Qty _______ total $_________

if you would like to give this gift in honor of someone, complete information below.

Name of person to receive card: __________________


Mailing address: _______________________________



items are representative of the gift category in which they are listed, and donations will be utilized to provide care where it is needed most within that category or to address a similar need.

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P.o. Box 70, Mason, oh 45040

www.back2back.orgp.o. box 70, mason, oh 45040

513.754.0300KeeP the SPiRit of giviNg all

YEAr loNgBack2Back’s gift catalog offers meaningful giving opportunities for special occasions throughout the year. celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, Mother’s Day, father’s Day or christmas by giving a special gift in honor of a family member, friend, co-worker or a teacher!