2014 07

Cople News July 2014


Cople village magazine

Transcript of 2014 07

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Cople Lower School News

We are delighted that our new school hall is now complete and being used enthusiastically by children and staff alike. After a lot of hard work by a lot of people, it was wonderful to celebrate the official opening on Friday 13th June, by the Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire, Helen Nellis. The occasion was shared by pupils, parents, supporters and friends of the school and we were blessed with beautiful weather.

The wooden building and the new landscaping, completed brilliantly by local business Coopers Landscaping, blend beautifully into the school environment.

The hall will make a huge difference to us at Cople Lower, providing as it does a much needed whole school space. Assemblies have already become more creative and expansive occasions; PE, drama and other activities can be more spontaneous; and we are looking forward to the kitchen being completed very soon so that the children can eat their lunch in the hall and the classrooms can remain as classrooms all day.

I would like to thank everyone in the community who has supported us in helping us to achieve this fabulous enhancement to our learning environment for our current pupils and many more Cople children in the future.

Helen Johnson Headteacher

Helen Johnson and the teaching staff of Cople Lower School

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Editor’s Notes July is a busy month. The friends of Cople Lower School have organised a Family Fun day on the 11th and there is the annual Barn Dance at Oak Farm on the 19th. Preparations are in full swing for the Music Festival on the 1st and 2nd of August.

Zoe Soul is moving away from Cople and I would like to thank her for distributing the magazine in Rye Crescent. If some one in the Crescent would be prepared to deliver 28 copies of the magazine to their neighbours, I would be very pleased if they gave me a call on 838379.

The Parish Council voted 6 to 1 to object to the plan submitted by the Girls High School to use the land behind Grange Lane and Willington Road for playing fields. Lesley Cole has written a report on pages 34 and 35 in which she spells out the reasons. With the exception of concerns about the access, the reasons are specious. They even objected to something that had not been proposed ie flood lighting. The council appears to have been unduly swayed by the concerns of one individual and has lost sight of the wider picture. However, planning consent is given or refused by the Borough and not the parish. The majority of villagers that I have spoken to think this is an excellent project and deserves full support. Our councillors should be careful about what they wish for because this is prime development land and, if the Girls School walk away, we can expect a major housing development. Leaving it derelict is not an option and has no amenity value to the community. Let the parish council or the borough council have your opinion by telephone, letter or email or turn up at the next meeting on 21st July in Cople Village Hall. The access concerns will be addressed by the highways staff at the Borough Council and hopefully we will see a more considered ruling on the project when it comes before the Bedford Borough planning committee probably in July or August.

Cople Lower School now has its own assembly hall which was opened by the Lord Lieutenant on Friday 13th June. Ged Peeke

Front cover. Helen Nellis, Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire, opens the new hall at Cople Lower School

Cople News

Editor : Ged Peeke 39 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TH. Tel 01234 838379

Email: [email protected]

Deadline for copy and advertising 15th of every month

Advertising Rates Annual Charges. Full Page £96. Half Page £48

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month Circulation 360 copies

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All Saints Church Churchwardens

June Shanahan Mike Vacher 34 Grange Lane 91 Willington Road Cople Cople Tel: 01234 831705 Tel: 01234 831207 [email protected] [email protected]

Churchwardens’ Letter

By the time you are reading this letter the Church Fete will have taken place. This event relies heavily on a small number of dedicated people to plan and run. Our heartfelt thanks to them and to all of you who support us in this, our principal fund raising event of the year which goes a long way to financing the insurance bill, one of the biggest we have to pay annually and one we cannot afford to ignore.

The new small south door is nearing completion and is a testament to the fact that a skilled tradesman can still produce a beautiful piece of solid oak traditional joinery which will last as long if not longer than the original. We were fortunate in being able to find a locksmith who was able to make keys for the original lock which had to be re used. Craftsmen like the locksmith are still out there but for how long who knows? Our grateful thanks to the friends of All Saints Church for their financial support in getting this work done.

On Saturday May 28th we held our first Heritage Open Church morning which in spite of getting off to a slow start finished with a good number of visitors sampling the delights of this beautiful and historic building. Visitors climbed the tower, saw the bells and recently repaired clock and enjoyed home made cakes, teas, coffee and the Fairtade stall. We are hoping to operate the Fairtrade Stall at all future family services. Again, many thanks to the volunteers who make the Heritage days possible.

The monthly Sunday evening Songs of Praise services will not be held again until the Autumn. These services have been both interesting and enjoyable for both the participants and the congregation. The origin of some of our favourite hymns can be quite a surprise and it helps us to appreciate them even more.

Special thanks really must go to Marilyn Southgate who selected themes, researched and chose poems and designed the order of service. Without her help we would have struggled to have had such an interesting and varied service each month. Our appreciation also goes to the members of the congregation who participated and read poetry and introductions. Last but not least our thanks to John the organist who played every month.

We wish everyone a very enjoyable (and sunny) summer. June Shanahan and Mike Vacher.

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Christian Aid Week.

We raised £431.74 in the village collection. Our thanks to all who gave and to those volunteers who distributed and collected the envelopes. June Shanahan and Mike Vacher

Mothers Union At our meeting last month, members listened to a talk by Judith Howard about the Howard family and the many “hats” she has worn and still wears.

Judith began her talk with the history of the Howard Group. Many of us remember the name CAEC Howard of Bedford. This company grew over the years and of course Brian took over the company many years ago. The company is now based in Cambridge and is still run by the Howard family.

Brian was appointed High sheriff of Bedfordshire in 1994 and we heard what this ceremonial office involves and the procedure undertaken when a High sheriff is appointed.

Judith was appointed a Deputy Lieutenant of Bedfordshire in 2003 and attends many events such as a citizenship ceremony and voluntary service awards. As well as this, Judith is involved with St Pauls Church Bedford, is Chair of Governors at Cople School and for many years was churchwarden at Cople Church and on the Parish Council.

Judith was thanked for her hospitality and for an interesting and informative insight into her life and was presented with a small gift.

Our next meeting on the 14th July will be held in Moggerhanger Church at 2pm. Liz Buck

Prayer We pray for our families, our friends, and all whom we meet day by day. May they ever be conscious of your love round about them, and receive blessing according to their particular needs. (Heaven and Charing Cross)

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Louise Daldry (nee Owens) 1970 – 2014

Jean, Danny, and Simon would like to offer our sincere thanks after the passing of our beautiful daughter Louise, wife of Simon and sister to David to the following people whose time and effort was gratefully appreciated :-Val, Ann, Angela, Marie, Annabel, Fiona, and Jeanette. Also to Chris, Tony and Ben who ran the bar. Our very special thanks to all of you. To all our friends in the village for their support and cards of condolence. We thank you.

Jean Lynch

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Cople Music Festival: A History It started as a conversation between two childhood friends – as a way to avoid having to play a gig all night indoors on what was looking like being a hot weekend. How about doing it outside, getting some other people involved and therefore freeing up more time for beer!? Within 24 hours they had a couple more bands, the church choir, a few poetry readers and a bit of Rule Britannia at the end - and the first Cople Proms was born. The brain child of Graham Ebbs & Simon Tedder. With the help of many, the first Cople Proms took place in August 2008, just 2 weeks after that first conversation. It was such a success they decided to do it again. Sadly Simon passed away unexpectedly in the spring of 2009. In his memory the planning for the Cople Proms continued and at that year’s event, attended by the many bands Simon was friends with, a collection was taken for his charity. Another successful event and the Cople Music Festival was on its way to becoming a summer calendar fixture. Growing in popularity the event changed from the Cople Proms to the Cople Music Festival to encompass a week of music events that stated with a ‘Classic Proms’ - instrumental groups, young performers, choirs, lunch and a cream tea on Sunday afternoon, music quiz in the pub mid week, music at the sports and social Friday night and the ‘Proms’ on Saturday. While aspects of the festival change, some things remain the same. The final song of the evening - Run For home - in memory of Simon, the commitment of the festival to be a family friendly event and raising funds for charity. During the past five years over £5000 has been raised by the festival and donated to charity. Keech Hospice, British Heart Foundation, Roy Castle Fund, Bedford Food Bank, Save the Children, St Johns Hospice and various village organization have all benefited from the generosity of all those who participate in the festival whether by attending, advertising or donating their time or services. A village playing field, live music, food, drink, good friends, raising funds for charity; all the ingredients needed for a great British summer afternoon and evening. And this year we’ve got an even bigger marquee, so we don’t even have to worry about the weather! We hope you can join us on the 2nd August 4-10pm to be a part of this great Cople event. Cindy Stephens

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Telephone: 01234 838240

Newspaper & magazine delivery to Cardington, Cople, Willington and Moggerhanger

Fresh bread and cakes from local bakery and decorated cakes for

special occasions.

Fruit & vegetable baskets

made up for special occasions.

Home delivery on purchases over £10.00

Gas and Electric key


Post Office counter for: Banking & Foreign

currency Car tax phone & broadband services

Savings, Insurance, Mail

Shop Opening Hours

Monday – Friday 6.30am to 6.00pm Saturday 7.00am to 6.00pm Sunday 8.00am to 12 noon

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Friendly advice available Mon, Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat, 10 am – 6 pm,

Please phone: 01234 831058

Photos, Prints, Textiles, Objects,

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original art on paper or board,


Framing from budget to

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[email protected]

Cople Village Hall and Playing


Available for Hire for

Private Functions, Children’s Parties,

Weddings, Conferences

and other bookings by arrangement

Hire Charge from £ 9 per hour

Please Contact

Bookings Officer: David Reardon

Telephone : 01234 838987

Cople Village Trust 200 Club

Prize winners for June 2014

1st Prize of £60 266 Number not sold. 2nd Prize of £30 171 Philip Myles 3rd Prize of £10 221 Marilyn Southgate

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£15 p/h

Call Heather on 01767 627161 [email protected]

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Wild about Cople

Things that go ‘churr’ in the nigh. Summer is here and our wildlife and countryside is full, busy and verdant with life and rearing families. But, already some birds, such as the cuckoo (at least one was around Cople this spring) are ceasing to sing and it won’t be long before the adults are preparing for their long flight back to Africa. We’ve just had a few days break in North Norfolk in the camper van and the campsite, close to heaths and the sea, was also close to a much-loved bird that was once much more frequent in Bedfordshire but is now gone or very rarely occurs and is now a dream-haunter and the stuff of legend. Imagine it is dusk after a long hot day and the heathland is suffused with the heat and scent of pine resin, bracken and heather. The sun dips below the horizon and the sky turns gold and crimson as a silence settles over the brooding heath. Then, in the distance, you catch a strange sound coming from the heath; a mechanical-sounding churring, fading and increasing in intensity and going on and on for minutes at a time. It sounds an old sound, almost as if it is coming from the heath itself; as if it the land is breathing, with an electronic, throbbing intensity. The song is otherworldly, haunting, ventriloquial, and ancient and it makes you stop and wonder as to what it could be. A recording can be heard here: https://www.rspb.org.uk/wildlife/birdguide/name/n/nightjar/ and here: http://sounds.bl.uk/Environment/British-wildlife-recordings/022M-W1CDR0001526-2300V0#_ There is also a call, a quiet, but distinct, ‘cru-ick’, usually given in flight. The sound is produced by a bird – and what a bird – and that bird is the nightjar. A bird the colour of an old Scots pine log, speckled with lichen-like patterns, vermiculations and mottling and when it perches in an old pine to produce its churring song the camouflage is complete. The names and folklore surrounding the nightjar is vast and the stuff of legends by itself Eve Churr, Evejar, Wheel Bird, Razor Grinder, Jar Owl, Heath-Jar, Dor Hawk, Goatsucker, Goat Owl, Puckeridge, Fen Owl, Lich Fowl, Night Crow, Moth Owl and Gabble Ratchet, to name but a few. Many of its names refer to the churring song, others to the (mistaken) belief that the nightjar used to steal the milk from goat’s udders, others to the owl-like colouring, still others to Puck, the spirit of the dark. The Victorian poet, George Meredith wrote this marvellous couplet about the nightjar: Lone on the fir branch his rattle notes unvaried Brooding o’er the gloom spins the brown eve-jar. The nightjar is a summer migrant from Africa and haunts heaths and recently-cleared conifer plantations on sandy soils – the bird is rather hawk-like in appearance with long, pointed wings – it is crepuscular/

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nocturnal and is a real ‘spirit of the place’ bird. I used to work for the RSPB on the Dorset heaths and the nightjars would sit on the warm, narrow, dusty roads after dusk enjoying the heat radiating back from the tarmac at night! The male has white flashes on his wings and tail which he uses to display to the female (and show up well in the night) and he also has an unusual display where he cracks his wings over his back creating a whiplash sound. Nightjars eat night flying moths and other insects and lay two eggs on the ground well hidden by bracken and heather. Nightjars used to be found relatively frequently in Bedfordshire, mainly on the Greensand heathlands but are now very rare in the county. However, the RSPB at Sandy have cleared large areas of conifer plantation to re-create heathland in the hope that many heathland birds will return and that the beautiful and enigmatic gabble-ratchet will once again haunt our heathlands with its unearthly song. And I, for one, can’t wait to hear it Finally, just a reminder that the Bedfordshire Natural History Society is still running its survey of orchids – this is the final summer and your last chance to report any sightings that you may have. Records can be reported here: http://www.bnhs.co.uk/ (click on ‘Orchid Survey’). Steve Halton

[email protected]

© Graham Catley

European nightjar

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Architectural Design

Stephen Funge Architectural Design

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Tuesday Club

Steve Halton is a Senior Project Officer Concerned with Ecology and the Community. The Tuesday Club had a perfect Summer evening to be enlightened and Educated into the wonders of our surroundings. We were lucky to hear many different species of birds well Steve did! I think it must take a lot of practice to differentiate on from another!

There are yellow tipped Wagtails in the field behind Woodlands Close 3 or 4p pairs of only about 40 in the Country. We heard and saw Sky larks, Buntings, song Thrushes, Chaffinches, Bull Finches and many more!

As beautiful bird song is it also has a purpose. Singing influences the females reproductive cycle and nest building, also they are guarding their territories and mates from competition . Mostly it's the male who sings but birds do sing to each other.

We closed the evening with a glass of wine and nibbles at Joy's house Thankyou for your hospitality Joy. Next meeting - Hitchin Lavender Fields July 8th meet at Cople Church 6.40pm prompt. several members of the committee have offered to drive. ALL welcome. If you have not signed up! Or need more information Contact Jane B 838004 or Joy 838407.

Eithne Dandy

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Free next day delivery in Bedfordshire on orders over £40.00.

Dumpy bag of soft wood logs £60.00. Dumpy bag of hard wood logs £75.00.

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FOR THE GARDEN 6- 50L bags of organic compost £10.00

3- 70L bags of bark chippings £10.00

70L play bark £5.99 a bag

Mini digger and skip loader hire also available.

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9 Bedford Road Cople

MK44 3TP

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July Diary

Tuesday 1st

10:00am to 12:00 Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 2nd

7:30pm to 10:00 Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 3rd (Orange Bin)

10:00am to 11:30 Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Friday 4th

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

Monday 7th

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

6:15pm Junior Choir Cople Church

Tuesday 8th

2:30pm Over 60s Club Sports and Social

7:15pm Tuesday Club. Visit to the Hitchin Lavender Fields

Meet at All Saints Church Cople 6:40pm

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 9th

7:30pm to 10:00 Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 10th (Green Bin)

10:00am to 11:30 Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Friday 11th

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

3:30 pm to 8pm Family Fun Day organised by Friends of Cople School

Village Hall and sports field

July Church Services at Cople All Saints

6th 11:15am Family Service

13th 09:00am 09:45am

Holy Communion Sunday School

20th 0945am 11:15am

Sunday School All age Communion

27th 11:15am Sung Communion.

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Monday 14th

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

2:00pm Mothers Union Moggerhanger

6:15pm Junior Choir Cople Church

7:00pm Benefice Choir Cople Church

Tuesday 15th

10:00am to 12:00 Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 16th

7:30pm to 10:00 Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 17th (Orange Bin)

10:00am to 11:30 Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Friday 18th

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

Saturday 19th

7:30pm Friends Barn Dance Oak Farm

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Monday 21st

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

12:30pm Luncheon Club Cople Church

6:15pm Junior Choir Cople Church

7:00pm Senior Choir Cople Church

7:30pm Cople Parish Council Meeting Village Hall

Tuesday 22nd

10:00am to 12:00 Coffee morning Village Hall

2:30pm Over 60s Club Sports and Social

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 23rd

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls Village Hall

7:45pm Parish Church Council Glebe House

Thursday 24th (Green Bin)

10:00am to 11:30 Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Friday 27th

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

Saturday 26th

10:30am to 12:30pm Heritage Day Cople Church

Evening Caribbean Night Sports and Social

Monday 28th

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

Tuesday 29th

10:00am to 12:00 Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 30th

7:30pm to 10:00 Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 31st (Orange Bin)

10:00am to 11:30 Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

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Telephone: Barrie Taylor 01234 - 838 676 Mobile 07979 - 928 186

Cople Carpet Bowls Club

Have you ever thought of playing bowls. If so why not come along and join in a game of carpet bowls which is played indoors on a 30 ft carpet in Cople Village Hall on Wednesday evenings 7:30 to 10:00 pm Any enquir-ies contact Pauline on 01234 838102.

Pauline Baynes.

Mobile Library for July

Wednesday 2nd, 16th and 30th

10:00 to 10:20am All Saints Road 10:25 to 10:45am Water End 10:50 to 11:10am Outside Five Bells

Cople Sports and Social Club

The world cup is in play we will be supporting the groups throughout the tournament. If you fancy watching a game come and join us, Dave will keep you updated with what is on through his regular email to all members.

The Caribbean evening has been rescheduled to the 26th July.

Cricket season is in play now through to September on most weekends and Wednesday mid week, come along and support your local cricket club and enjoy refreshments at the club. For all fixtures visit Cople website: www.cople.org.uk

There is a regular email sent out to all members in regard of what sports events will be shown and up and coming events. If you wish to become a member please enquire on details below or visit us at CS&SC.

Jeanette Skipsey

Telephone: 01234 831473 Mobile: 07749 272249 Email:[email protected]

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Friends of Cople Church



SATURDAY, JULY 19th 2014

7.30 pm



(by kind permission of Paul & Heather Walsh)



TICKETS £13.50


TEL: (01234) 838714



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Gardening in July Strong sun and hard rain means that everything in the garden is currently growing like topsy although, I have also noticed amongst my many clients some very dry baskets, window boxes and containers lately so be sure to keep an eye on them. Heavy rain often bounces right off the canopy of foliage so be sure to aim your watering can or hose into the roots as this is where plants take their moisture. Now is a good time to carry out remedial works on lawns and should you have any bare patches, seed or turf will soon fill the gaps. If you are using seed, get yourself a large bucket, add top soil (the best option is to buy it in bags as it is sterilized and screened and is readily available from all our local garden centres), and grass seed and mix thoroughly by hand. Then, rake the surface of the area to be patched removing as much detritus as possible, moss, thatch etc. Using a hand fork or garden fork, break up the surface and then add the seed and soil mix. I prefer to do this by using a gloved hand as one can then smooth level. If you have elected to go with turf, the preparation is the same as above but it might be necessary to ‘bring the level up’ so add top soil and then place a piece of turf over the whole area. Cut round using a turf iron or even a bread knife and Bob’s your auntie! The aftercare regime of both methods is exactly the same: water, water and more water. In no time at all, it should blend in and merge with the existing sword. Needing to build some shelves or staging in a glasshouse recently, for an inexpensive solution, I used an old wooden bed discarded by my brother. All I needed to do, was cut some legs and support struts from thick-ish timber and before you can say, ‘skin-flint’, I had myself some very cheap, very effective shelves! Other jobs this month include, deadheading, feeding (tomato fertiliser is ideal for all baskets, boxes and containers whether fruit or flowers), and be sure to keep an eye out for slugs and snails which appear to be everywhere at the moment. Many options are available including, wool, copper coins, gravel, egg shell, coffee grounds, and even bran but do steer clear of non-organic slug pellets. These are eaten by slugs who are then eaten by birds and so one application kills twice! The answer to last month’s just for fun question is, the word palmate appears in the names of many plants and it means, hand-like. This month’s question, what are ‘fairy rings’?. As usual, please contact me with any gardening tasks or queries you may have, [email protected] or tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855. Lawn Doctor

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Lawn Doctor Garden Services Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance

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Cople Parish Council

The Parish Council met on Monday 18th May, this meeting included both the normal bi-monthly meeting as well as the Annual Meeting of the Parish council. Also in attendance at this meeting were Councillor Stephen Moon and Stewart Briggs & Andrew Prigmore from Bedford Borough Council Highways department. In addition to this representatives from Bedford Girls School attended to enable them to take questions from the public regarding the planning application for land to the rear of Grange Lane, Cople.

The first part of the meeting covered the Annual meeting in which the chairman was appointed - David Hughes continues to fill this role. The Vice Chairman was appointed, Steven Smith will continue in the role. All remaining members of the Parish Council were re-elected - these being David Whitehead, Mike Vacher, Tony Fisher, Steve Halton & Lesley Cole . Contact details for all Parish Councillors can be found on the Cople website.

Once this meeting was concluded the normal Parish Council meeting commenced with the floor being open to members of the public. Various issues and questions were raised by the public attending regarding the planning application made by the Bedford Girls School and considerable discussion took place regarding this - the main points of which were all issues brought up in the consultation exercise that the Girls School undertook at the end of March and which were included in the planning application.

Because of the number of people attending the meeting who were interested in the planning application for the Girls School playing field this item was moved up in the agenda and the Parish Council discussed this at some length to enable them to respond to the planning application. It was agreed that in principle the Parish Council is broadly in favour of the scheme however as proposed we have expressed our concerns by way of an objection to the planning application on the following grounds, many of which were drawn to the school's attention during the public meetings held in the village. In summary the following points have been submitted in the Parish Council's response by way of an objection –

a) Concerns re access and traffic impact on Grange Lane specifically and the whole village in general b) Road system inadequate to cope with large volume of traffic Prejudicing highway safety c) Inconvenience increased danger to pedestrians, cyclists and horse

riders travelling towards and from Cardington – the road has no footpath

and raised verges on either side d) Concerns re generation of increased parking on Grange Lane e) Proximity of access point to existing bridleway f) Noise generation from viewing galleries of clubhouse if sited according to plans - realigning the clubhouse and resiting the 'show' pitches would alleviate this problem g) Noise generated from 'show' pitches at weekends - these are the pitches are presently situated closest to houses in Willington Road and will

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be used at weekends thereby maximising inconvenience/disturbance. Show pitches ought to be situated on the western side of the site h) Concerns re introduction of flood lighting and usage of facilities/clubhouse for other purposes than those specified in future i) Loss of important wildlife habitats. At this point in time nothing further has been heard regarding the Planning Authority's decision on this application.

Councillor Moon provided an update as part of his Borough Councillors report, although things were very quiet at the moment, issues still continue regarding the installation of improved Broadband connections throughout Bedfordshire and work continues to rectify these.

Stewart Briggs and Andrew Prigmore attended the meeting to provide feedback as to the progress of various issues that had been passed to Highways to deal with and reported back that the majority of the issues raised had now been satisfactorily rectified, although there continues to be problems regarding overgrown vegetation affecting various area on Water End - these will be progressed through Highways with feedback being given to the Parish Council.

Various other planning applications were discussed.

The Village Trust are continuing to obtain quotes to update the play equipment on the playing field and the Parish Council are considering providing some support for this, it is anticipated that the slide will be replaced with a more suitable one.

As reported previously the Parish Council have had considerable support from villagers in their proposal to take over the management of the Millenium Wood in Water End and discussions are now ongoing with the owners of this to enable us to take this forward. Many thanks to all those who have volunteered to support the Parish Council in this project, if anyone would like to volunteer their services or find out more regarding this then please contact Steve Halton.

It was agreed that the Parish Council would provide a grant to the Village

Trust of £1000 for the ongoing maintenance of the village playing field.

No details have as yet been provided by the police with regard to the traffic monitoring that was carried out in the village earlier this year, the clerk will obtain these as soon as possible. It was proposed that the Parish Council carry out another Speedwatch exercise in the near future - this exercise has in fact now been carried out resulted in a number of vehicles being identified as exceeding the speed limit at various points in the village. Information has been submitted to Bedfordshire Police.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday 21 July 2014, at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

Lesley Cole

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Police Update There was one crime in during May in Cople which was a theft of van from Willington Road, this took place overnight between the 13th and 14th. If anyone saw anything suspicious in relation to this please contact Bedfordshire Police on 101.

Our wildlife priorities are: Badger persecution - to improve and increase reporting of incidents and intelligence. Bat persecution - to raise awareness of responsibilities and criminal offences against bats. Control of endangered species - in particular ivory, tortoise and traditional medicines trading (increase the number of disruption activities and detections in illegal trade of CITIES priority species. Criminality affecting Fresh water pearl mussels - facilitate intelligence and incident reporting leading to increased prevention and enforcement). Poaching issues of deer, fish and hare - increase level of awareness of poaching and hare coursing, leading to increased prevention intelligence and enforcement success. Raptor persecution - including poisoning, egg and chick theft, taking from the wild and nest disturbance, raise awareness to facilitate intelligence and incident reporting to increase prevention and enforcement

If there is a crime taking progress involving wildlife crime, please contact our Force Control Room on 101. Paul Jones PCSO 4760

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Tracy Herrick 76 Willington Rd. Cople 01234 831079

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LANDLINE 01234 838274

MOBILE 07773 077042

EMAIL: [email protected]


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Willingtots Pre-school Peace Memorial Hall

Church Road Willington

Telephone 07972 148085

E-mail [email protected] Website www.willingtots.co.uk

Fundraising www.buy.at/willingtots

Sessional care for children aged 2 to school age during term time

FREE PLACES for eligible 3 and 4 yr olds

09.15-12.15 Monday to Friday £9.75 per session

Lunch Club daily 12.15-13.15 (£3.25)

Registered Charity No. 1035672 Member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and registered with OFSTED

“We are totally committed to safeguarding children”

37, Ridge Road Kempston, Beds MK43 9BS

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Cople Baby & Toddler Group

Has opened its doors again

Every Thursday (Inclusive of school holidays)

10.00am-11.30am At the Cople Village Hall (off Grange Lane)

First session free, £2 per family thereafter Adults with one child under 7 months £1

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Sally’s Tax Corner I do hope you have all been enjoying the lovely summer weather that we have had – I have decided this week to talk about tax enquiries and investigations – so I hope you are feeling cheerful as I doubt this will add to it.

HMRC have a penalty regime now that is all based on tax payer behaviour. So if you discover a mistake on your tax return then the very best course of action is to tell HMRC straight away and correct the return. You have 12 months to amend a previously submitted return, if you discover you owe more tax and its beyond the due date then HMRC will charge interest on the outstanding amount of tax owed.

Penalties will start to kick in if they make an enquiry or investigation into you and its upheld. It is your personal duty as a tax payer to take “reasonable care” over preparing your tax records. If they discover an error, they will try to establish whether it was a “careless”, “deliberate” or “deliberate and concealed”. (I personally don’t think there is much difference between deliberate and deliberate and concealed – as surely if it was deliberate then it was deliberately concealed - that is tax statute for you). There are different levels of penalty applied depending on the behaviour with the worst penalty being a fine of up to 100% of the tax outstanding

If the tax office do open an enquiry into a return they will first of all write to you and give you some time to respond to them - often in the first instance they just want to see some back up evidence of your figures so it may be quite straight forward.

Tax fact

HMRC do not publish figures of how many tax returns they look into in any one tax year. They can randomly check ones and pick ones out that look odd for one reason or another.

I hope you find this helpful this month, please do get in touch with any questions.

Sally Cobban FCCA

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Volunteer Car Drivers Needed in Cople

Do you have some time you would be willing to spare, to help people in rural areas to get to the doctor, dentist, or shops?

Would you like to help people in your village who don’t have family or friends, to help them with essential journeys?

How Does the Scheme Work? The Wheels in Motion project is a new community transport scheme that aims to increase the wellbeing and quality of life of older and disabled people living in rural Bedford. It has lottery funding and is administered by the Bedfordshire Rural Communities Charity (BRCC).

You can decide what times you are available All journeys are pre-booked through a central BRCC office

You will be paid expenses for journeys and parking You will receive training and support

Additional information Applicants will be required to undertake a DBS (CRB) check and to provide MOT/ insurance information and documentation as required Training will be provided in MiDAS (Minibus Driver Awareness Scheme) and PATs (Passenger Assistant Training Scheme) Volunteers must have access to a reliable and safe vehicle Drivers must be over 21 and have held a full license for more than 2 years

For an application form or more information, contact Amy Baker – Community Transport Development Officer on 01234 345558 or email [email protected]

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Village Hall Bookings: David Reardon 01234 838987

Over 60's Club Secretary : Hazel Shreeves Tel : 838817

Mothers Union Contact: Jill Ebbs Tel : 838659

Cople Lower School Headteacher : Helen Johnson Tel : 838827

Cople Village Trust Chair : Sandra Thacker Tel : 831344

Royal British Legion Chair: Max McMurdo Tel: 01767 680624 Welfare: David Hansen Tel : 01767 226020

Police PC Paul Jones Riseley Police Station Tel : 01234 - 842864

Carpet Bowls Secretary : Pauline Baynes Tel : 838102

Willingtots Pre-School Group Tel: 07972– 148085

Before & After School Club At Cople Lower School Tel: 07592 - 012249

Brownies (Willington) Amanda Briscoe, Tel: 07504 299994

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts Contact Emma Whiterod Tel: 07908 167356

Friends of Cople Church Chair: Vaughan Southgate Tel: 838714

Cople Sports & Social Club Chair: David Hughes Tel : 838669

Tuesday Club Joy Duthie Tel : 838407

Cricket Cople Argus Cricket Club Chris Gregory 01234 838396

Biggleswade Chronicle Village Correspondent: Jill Ebbs Tel: 838659

Cople Web Site Ian Whiting Tel : 838347 Email: [email protected] Web Site :www.cople.org.uk

Cople Baby and Toddler Contact Kylie Dougall Tel: 01234 740745 07999 257165

Just Ask Wendy Worgan 0800 039 1234

Cople Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Jeanne Pope 42 Wingfield Road, Bromham, Beds. MK43 8JY Tel: 01234 823 297 [email protected]

Yoga Classes Freda 01767 627611

Pilates Classes Julie Crawford www.forwardfitness.co.uk Mobile 0794 6067266

Village Contacts

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