2013 SA Engineering Excellence Awards



Showcase booklet for 2013 South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards

Transcript of 2013 SA Engineering Excellence Awards

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SPONSORSEngineers Australia South Australia would like to thank and acknowledge our sponsors for the 2013 South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards.



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TSChief Judge’s Message 04 - 05

About the Awards and Recognition 07

2013 Judges 07

About Malcolm Kinnaird 08

Finalists 09 - 19

Commendations 20 - 25

Excellence Awards 26 - 27

Malcolm Kinnaird Engineering Excellence Award 28 - 29

2013 South Australian Young Professional Engineer of the Year 30

2013 South Australian Professional Engineer of the Year 31

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Our annual Engineering Excellence Awards provide an insight into the wide range of engineering endeavours undertaken in South Australia. This year the juries considered entries ranging from large infrastructure projects to monitoring systems and electronic devices.

The juries identified excellence and awarded commendations across the wide range of entries. They included: several infrastructure projects that are significant for South Australia; a specialised control system for the mining industry; complex and difficult repairs to the Northern Power Station at Port Augusta; and a challenging and exquisitely engineered repair to the main propulsion motor on board a submarine.

The overall winner of the Malcolm Kinnaird Engineering Excellence Award for 2013 is the Matua Marlborough Winery Wastewater Treatment Plant. South Australian ingenuity and ongoing development has resulted in a package plant which has been exported and set to work at a Treasury Wine Estates in New Zealand. While wastewater treatment plants are routinely installed at wineries, the jury was impressed with the efficiency of this plant.

The company, Factor UTB, has developed the expertise to tailor and optimise the treatment process to deal with the particular waste stream of each customer. The jury also noted the potential for the future, both in Australia and for export, as environmental standards tighten up for wine producers worldwide.

The Goodwood Junction Grade Separation Project entered by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, as well as Leighton Contractors’ Temporary Works Platform, developed for the Whyalla Port Expansion Project, both received Excellence Awards.

Those which have won an Excellence Award have the opportunity to go forward to the National Engineering Excellence Awards competition later in the year and I wish them the best of luck.

It requires significant work to put together and present an entry for the Engineering Excellence Awards. On behalf of the South Australia Division of Engineers Australia, I thank all entrants for their efforts. The enthusiasm shown reflects the healthy state of engineering in South Australia.

I think it would be beneficial if the South Australian community could see and appreciate just what is happening and being achieved here in our State. Just how this might be done is currently being considered by Engineers Australia.

Separately, I particularly thank all those who volunteered their time to sit on the various juries and provide their experience to the task of judging the entries.

This is my last year as Chief Judge and I particularly want to acknowledge the professionalism of Caroline and her team at our South Australia Division. In particular I wish to thank Sharryn Fensom, who has coordinated the last three Engineering Excellence Awards programs with dedication and efficiency.

Ross Milton FIEAust CPEng (Ret)Chief Judge 2013


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Why enter? This is your chance to promote the outstanding work undertaken by your engineering team and market capability!

Engineers add real value to our communities. Small to medium size organisations produce excellent engineering, so be assured that a “small” project can produce engineering excellence as well as the larger projects.

The Engineering Excellence Awards recognise the highest level of achievement in the engineering field. They provide peer recognition of outstanding engineering work, be it a large or small project.

As well as identifying the leaders within the engineering profession, the Awards provide an opportunity to showcase and celebrate the invaluable contribution the engineering profession makes to the community.

Recognition is given by the awarding of an Engineering Excellence Award. This is the major award for the category. Projects that have achieved high scores, but not to the degree as above, may be awarded a Commendation.

The best overall project, as determined by the judges, is given recognition by the awarding of the Malcolm Kinnaird Engineering Excellence Award.

Winners of a South Australian Engineering Excellence Award are eligible and encouraged to enter the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards in the same year. We wish the South Australian Excellence Awards winners the best of luck for the Australian Engineering Excellence Awards.

CHIEF JUDGERoss Milton FIEAust CPEng (Ret)


PROJECT MANAGEMENTJack Atkinson FIEAust CPEng EngExecAnthony Mew MIEAust

INNOVATION / RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTDr Don Sinnott FIEAust CPEng (Ret)Prof Andrew Downing HonFIEAust CPEngSQNLDR Fernando Gonzalez MIEAust CPEng

ENVIRONMENTJerome Argue MIEAust CPEngDr Nadine Kilsby MIEAust

BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURESLeo Noicos FIEAust CPEngPeter Koukourou FIEAust CPEng (Ret)

PROJECT INFRASTRUCTUREPhillip Campbell OAM FRAeS CEng FIEAust CPEng EngExecJohn Shepherd FIEAust CPEng (Ret)Michael de Heus MIEAust CPEng










2013 JUD



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About Malcolm Kinnaird:

Malcolm Kinnaird AC DUniv FTSE HonFIEAust was born in Adelaide and educated at the University of Adelaide where he graduated as a civil engineer in 1958.

Upon graduation Mr Kinnaird was employed as a Research Assistant in the Civil Engineering Department of the University of Adelaide. In 1960 he left the University to found the consulting engineering firm of Kinnaird Hill de Rohan and Young, which became Kinhill Pty Ltd. From the inception of the original practice, Mr Kinnaird was the Executive Chairman of the Board and was at the forefront of Kinhill’s development.

Kinhill was acquired by Brown and Root Inc in July 1997 and changed its name to Brown and Root Services Asia Pacific Pty Ltd in June 2000. Following the acquisition, Mr Kinnaird retired as an executive of the company and held the positions of non-executive Chairman of Kinhill Pty Ltd and Director of Brown and Root Pty Ltd. He retired from these positions in late 1999.

In 1991, Mr Kinnaird was made an Officer in the General Division of the Order of Australia for his services to engineering and the community. He was awarded the French decoration of Chevalier de l’Ordre de la Légion d’Honneur in 1998. Mr Kinnaird was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of the University by the University of South Australia in 2000. In 2002 Mr Kinnaird was awarded the Centenary Medal for Service to Australian Society through Business and in 2003 he was recognised for his contributions to the field of engineering and the development of the State of South Australia by being named as South Australian of the Year.

Malcolm Kinnaird has been a member of the Engineers Australia South Australia Division Hall of Fame since its inaugural year in 2006. Mr Kinnaird has been a Fellow and Chartered Professional Engineer since 1959 and was admitted as an Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia in 1991, a title awarded to only 150 highly esteemed Engineers Australia current members at any time.

The Malcolm Kinnaird Excellence Award:

The overall award, formerly known as the Engineering South Australia Excellence Award, has been named the Malcolm Kinnaird Engineering Excellence Award. This is in recognition of Mr Kinnaird’s strong passion for South Australia, his vision, leadership and drive to deliver many major developments, including the Adelaide-Darwin rail link and the West Lakes Development. Mr Kinnaird epitomised the key function of the engineering profession, to identify and deliver solutions.

The Malcolm Kinnaird Engineering Excellence Award will be given to the most outstanding entry and will be considered from the winners across all categories.


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LISTSBUILDINGS AND STRUCTURESAdelaide Airport Landside Infrastructure ProjectSubmitted by: AECOM Australia Pty Ltd and Wallbridge & Gilbert Consulting Engineers

Engineering firms AECOM and Wallbridge & Gilbert have combined with Adelaide Airport Limited (AAL) to successfully provide engineering services design for the recently opened car park and public plaza at the Adelaide Airport.

The design team has created an exciting, world-standard gateway to the city. Interpreting metaphors of Adelaide’s plains and open skies, the Adelaide Airport Landside Infrastructure Project is vast. The project is a showcase for a functioning civic space with elements of public art, conceived as a dynamic architectural statement to capture the public imagination.

Located adjacent the existing terminal building is its key feature - a public plaza. Surrounding and defining this space is a large sculptural steel screen. At 14 metres high and hovering 4 metres above the ground, the structure twists around itself dynamically and will be illuminated at night in evocative ways. Exhibiting large scale and aerodynamic qualities, it is comparable with major projects around the world. The public will identify with it as unique to Adelaide, and together with the plaza, it creates a distinctive point of entry into the city.

The development also consists of a multi-level 2000 vehicle car park with a sweeping link bridge, and other plaza canopies, connecting back to the terminal. The plaza is a multi-functional flexible space, which is already being utilised by AAL for public and corporate use.


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STBUILDINGS AND STRUCTURESCity Central Tower8Submitted by: Aurecon

Tower8 is the latest addition to the City Central site in the centre of Adelaide’s CBD. At over 50,000m2 over 18 levels, it houses the Australian Taxation Office and Australia Post in a purpose designed facility. The building has an open floor layout, and effectively unobstructed views to the North, East and South.

Aurecon provided structural, civil and acoustic engineering services for the recently completed project, and provided design solutions including:

• Feature earthquake brace• Economical construction• Enhanced floor layout with transfer structures to maximise space• Transportable Green Wall structure• Prefabricated plant room on Level 18 and external stairs• Design for a 5 star Greenstar rating• Underpinning of the heritage Darling Building

Tower8 has continued Aurecon’s involvement with the Aspen developments and the City Central site, after designing Tower 1 (now known as ANZ House) and Tower 2 (now known as the Ernst & Young Building), and currently designing the Electra House refurbishment.

The City Central Tower8 Building is a successful project which Aurecon is proud to have been involved with.


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LISTENVIRONMENTSam Stevenson - Environmental Excellence, Whyalla Port Expansion Project Permanent Bulk Products BerthSubmitted by: Leighton Contractors

In September 2012, Leighton Contractors commenced construction of the Permanent BulkProducts Berth project, a new 80m long sheet-piled berth complete with ore handling conveyor systems integrated with a travelling shiploader, within Arrium Mining’s operational Whyalla Steelworks and Port facility.

The wharf extension was constructed using a system of interlocking sheet piles to create a wall which would be later backfilled to form a platform for the new travelling shiploader and conveyor system. Following the successful construction of the sheet piles, the projectenvironment transitioned to an enclosed area from which approximately 6000 cubic metres of marine sludge was required to be removed by means of dredging the sea bed.

Leighton Contractors’ Site Engineer, Sam Stevenson, proposed an innovative solution for the sound environmental management of the dredged material in the form of pumping the sludge into land based geofabric dewatering tubes which contained the material in a solid state and allowed residual seawater to be extracted and contained in lined trenches before being returned hydraulically to the area contained within the sheet piles. This process eliminated any risk of release of turbid or contaminated water into the marine environment or delicate subsoil profiles, and also enabled the safe carting and disposal of the dried sludge material.

The Permanent Bulk Products Berth project was delivered a month ahead of schedule andunder the original project budget.


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STINNOVATION / RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTAcoustic Wellbore Pressure & Temperature Gauge ProjectSubmitted by: Acoustic Data Pty Ltd

The Acoustic Data Group submission for Innovation/Research and Development in the South Australian Engineering Excellence Awards showcases how ‘innovative ideas are applied individually or as a team, including reviewing existing engineering knowledge, formulating new engineering ideas and concepts and testing and developing them by analysis or experiment‘.

The group, led by Mark Tolley, a South Australian engineer, has been responsible for the concept, engineering research and development of the AD250 well bore pressure and temperature monitoring system.

Traditionally, real time measurement of wellbore pressure and temperature in oil and gas wells is performed using Permanent Down Hole Gauges (PDHG) mounted on the tubing and connected to surface by cables or tubes strapped to the tubing; or is gathered periodically (usually once per year) by lowering memory gauges into the well on wireline to perform short term pressure surveys. The cost and logistical effort related to these methods are significant and both have a considerable carbon footprint.

In November 2012 Acoustic Data successfully completed a 15-month $370,000 project to develop and commercialise the AD250 system that provides a simple and ‘green’ solution for obtaining wellbore pressure and temperature in real time using acoustic telemetry technology. It challenges acoustic/wireless systems developed by Halliburton, EXPRO and Metrol, world-class oil field service companies.

After Acoustic Data released its first AD250 systems for sale, a major South Australian conventional, and unconventional gas explorer and producer purchased four systems. The units were deployed in Coal Seam Gas wells in December 2012 and decoded signal data obtained from the wells in May 2013 confirms that the units are operating as expected with excellent signal to noise ratio and signal clarity. After 136 days of service with hourly data transmissions, 3330 acoustic packets were sent with no decoding errors.


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LISTINNOVATION / RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTInnovation in Energy Capture, Measurement & Optimisation for Commercial BuildingsSubmitted by: System Solutions Engineering Pty Ltd

System Solutions Engineering is an Adelaide company specialising in the design of building services and the optimisation of energy systems in Commercial, Health, Industrial and Educational facilities.

When designing the new Building Management System for 55 Currie Street, System Solutions Engineering was given a brief which included:

• Negotiation with the Green Building Fund for retention of a Green Building Fund Grant, which had been obtained by the building vendor, but had not been acted upon, leaving only a few months before the expiry date of the grant to obtain a plant upgrade designed, documented and completed.

• Design of a mechanical plant and building management system which would raise the buildings NABERS rating from the existing 3.0 Star NABERS rating to 4 stars in the first stage, 4.5 following tuning and follow-up modifications, then to develop a plan to raise the building rating to 5.0 in the medium term, 3 to 5 years.

• Implementation of state of the art technologies which will put 55 Currie Street ahead of all other commercial buildings.

The result has been the full upgrade of the chilled water plant with the following technologies included:

• Installation of new centrifugal chillers using magnetic bearing, oil free compressor technology;

• Primary and secondary pumping systems with flow measurement and variable primary and secondary flows;

• Parallel connection of the existing cooling towers with variable speed condenser water pumps and cooling tower fans;

• Air handling systems with variable airflow, CO2 air quality control;• Energy recording of the heating and cooling energy via flow meters and temperature

sensing;• Energy recording of all fans and pumps via the high level interface to the variable

speed drives;• Optimised start and soft shut down.

All works have been completed in just six months, on time and on budget.


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STINNOVATION / RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTCook to Merrimelia PipelineSubmitted by: Santos Ltd and Lean Field Developments

Santos and its contract partner Lean Field Developments have commissioned the longest reinforced thermoplastic oil pipeline in Australia. The Cook to Merrimelia Oil Pipeline connects the remote Cook oilfield in far west Queensland to Merrimelia in South Australia, from where an existing pipeline allows the oil to be exported from Port Bonython on Spencer Gulf.

The 171 km pipeline introduces reinforced thermoplastic pipe as a mainstream product for oil transportation in Australia. This pipe is delivered on large spools each containing 640 metres of pipe. After laying out on the ground and making the joints, the pipe is able to be directly buried in the ground through a plough like chute on a special “spider plough” construction vehicle. In an innovative step, the pipe, fibre optic cable and marker tape were all laid in one pass on this project. Taking only 95 days for construction and laying up to 9 km of pipe in a day, the Cook to Merrimelia Oil Pipeline has set new productivity benchmarks for the industry.

From an environmental standpoint, the pipeline was able to be constructed with much less impact than traditional trenching techniques. There was no grading of soil that usually disturbs roots and the seed bed. The absence of a trench removed the threat to animals that often fall in and get trapped. Furthermore, the pipeline is much safer than the alternative method of exporting by trucks. In the event of a leak, the pipeline is fitted with the most advanced leak detection available.

During the construction Santos and Lean Field Developments, with the pipe supplier Flexpipe Systems, had to solve a difficult technical problem. Water had wicked its way into some pipe ends during transportation which reduced the strength of the reinforcing fibre wrap. This was discovered during testing and a rigorous engineering investigation had to be done to find the cause. The project team developed an innovative solution adapting a measuring device normally used to measure the moisture content of wood to locate and remove any further weakened joints.

The Cook to Merrimelia Pipeline will extend the life of the Cook oilfield providing a real contribution to the Australia economy whilst at the same time reducing the ongoing operational costs, and removing the safety and environmental risks, of road tanker transport.


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LISTINNOVATION / RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTPRED9X LED Scope Mounted LightSubmitted by: Lightforce Australia

The PRED9X was released in April 2013 and it has since been flying off shelves both in Australia and internationally. The PRED9X has been received an abundance of positive reviews and plenty of great feedback. In addition to this, the PRED9X has been recognised on the global stage when it was named winner of the Sports and Leisure category at the Australian International Design Awards held in May.

The PRED9X is designed for medium range hunting or hunting on foot. The lightweight build and compact size means it fits snugly to the rifle, and offers optimum balance when mounted. Premium hi-tech polymers have been incorporated into its design to ensure the light features strength and durability but still remains lightweight.

Unique to the PRED9X is the silent click remote operating switch. The switch can be attached to the side of a scope or rifle, allowing the user to switch the light on and off without moving their hands from the rifle.

The light has a high colour rendering index (CRI) LED to improve contrast and clarity when hunting prey; this allows users to see a brown fox through brown undergrowth. The inbuilt shroud controls spill light, producing a tight spot which lines up directly with your scope, giving you better range than regular LEDs. This allows you to see beyond 200 yards. The high CRI LED reduces eye shine and aids in species definition when hunting.

The PRED9X is designed, engineered and manufactured in Australia and features a recoil protected design and quick release cam mounts designed for Picatinny and weaver rail mounts. The universal scope mount ring fits 25mm, 1 inch and 30mm tubes, allowing the hunter to use the PRED9X with their existing scope equipment and rifles.


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STPRODUCTS AND MANUFACTURING FACILITIESCement Mill No 7Submitted by: Parsons Brinckerhoff and Adelaide Brighton

Parsons Brinckerhoff applied clever engineering solutions to the expansion of Adelaide Brighton’s Birkenhead cement plant – a $60M process plant and materials handling infrastructure upgrade project in South Australia.

With the addition of the Cement Mill No. 7 plant, the site can now produce an additional 750,000 tonnes of cement products per year for Adelaide Brighton. This means Adelaide Brighton can maintain its capacity to supply the future demand in South Australia and Victoria, but it also has a positive effect on income and productivity for this State.

Parsons Brinckerhoff delivered concept and detailed engineering design for the project including the raw materials feed system, cement milling circuit, all ancillary systems, provided construction phase services support, construction management and commissioning support.

One of the main challenges included the compact nature of the project site. Parsons Brinckerhoff delivered a functional arrangement of the raw feed and cement milling process plant and ancillary equipment within the limited space available on site whilst maintaining adequate access for operations and maintenance. The tight project timeframe meant that project construction was staged to allow installation of the new mill and gearbox well after the main structural elements of the mill building were installed. This was achieved by designing the structure to support above ground platform levels with the main columns removed during the mill installation.

Innovation and technology was an important aid to the design, manufacturing and construction process. Parsons Brinckerhoff designed and laid out the entire plant using Inventor 3D, 12D and ProSteel software packages. The 3D models provided a visual picture for client design review meetings, HAZOP, Safety in Design Workshops and enabled efficient decision making and resolution of design issues.

Every step of the project was a positive collaboration between Parsons Brinckerhoff and Adelaide Brighton, with the final result being a highly successful project delivered on budget and on time.


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LISTPROJECT MANAGEMENTMcLaren Vale OverpassSubmitted by: Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

McLaren Vale, one of the world's premier wine regions, is a showcase of South Australian food, wine and hospitality. Yet its entrance, the infamous Main Road - Victor Harbor Road junction, was notorious for its tragic crash rate. For this reason the Government commissioned a project to improve the junction's safety and capacity.

The project was successfully delivered ahead of schedule and well under the $18m budget. The completed overpass exceeded all project objectives, in harmony with the environment and the local community.

Transformation of the junction into a safe, grade separated interchange that seamlessly integrates into the rural landscape is another testimony to excellence in engineering and project management by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.


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STPROJECT MANAGEMENTWhyalla Port Expansion Project, Rail Network ExtensionSubmitted by: Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd and Arrium Mining

Leighton Contractors was engaged by Arrium Mining as Design and Construct Contractor for the Rail Network Extension which comprised construction of 6.5km of standard gauge and 6.5km of narrow gauge rail, construction of two new bridges, overhead service diversions and signalling works.

As construction was undertaken within the live operating environment of Arrium Mining’s Whyalla Steelworks and Port, the Arrium-Leighton team undertook extensive planning and maintained constant, open communication between client and contractor to ensure that construction works did not affect Arrium Mining’s steelmaking operations. Critical works, including a service cut-over for the overhead service diversions, were programmed to take place within two scheduled maintenance shutdowns of Arrium’s blast furnace, which avoided any unnecessary interruptions.

With the Whyalla Steelworks and Port site being over 100 years old, the majority of underground services were not mapped. During construction of the Rail Network Extension, over 70 unmapped underground services were uncovered. The Arrium-Leighton team worked together with the designer to negate the need to relocate services, introducing protection slabs over existing services.

The project inspired many innovative solutions from the Arrium-Leighton team to address various construction and safety risks, including working with the designer to develop the bridge designs from multi to single-span, removing the risk of work over water as the new bridges were constructed on land adjacent to the existing waterway, with the waterway diverted under the new bridges once complete.

The Arrium-Leighton team was able to reuse 250,000bcm of slag material which was excavated from the reclaimed land area by placing it in the road and rail fill embankments. Metal fines which were another by-product of the steel production process were also used for construction of access roads so that material did not need to be imported into the site.

Construction commenced in January 2012 and practical completion was achieved in November 2012, two days ahead of the contract schedule, and within the original budget for the works.


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LISTREPORTS, PROCEDURES AND SYSTEMSHolding Back the Flood - Integrating Planning and Stormwater ManagementTonkin Consulting, City of Marion Bay and City of Holdfast Bay

The Cities of Marion and Holdfast Bay aspire to be water sensitive cities. To this end they have cooperated in an integrated Stormwater Management Plan across their catchment. The Cities of Marion and Holdfast Bay have always had a close relationship in relation to stormwater runoff, as a significant proportion of the Marion Catchment runs through the City of Holdfast Bay.

The catchment has been identified in the 30 year plan for greater Adelaide as a significant growth area. Future development within the catchment of the two local government areas will place additional strain upon the existing drainage system, and therefore, the need to plan for and manage stormwater run-off will be intensified.

An innovative approach was required due to the catchment’s highly urbanised, impervious nature and the integration of planning policy and flood risk assessment created a unique opportunity for Tonkin to pursue the water sensitive city vision.

Implementation of the plan will realise major benefits to the community by minimising flood risk and the inventive approach to runoff quality and quantity management means considerable improvements in the coastal environment, regeneration of seagrass meadows and additional environmental landscaping in the existing streetscape will constitute an immeasurable benefit to the community.

This project leads the way in stormwater management and planning policy as a model for other councils.


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Underground Control SystemsSubmitted by: SAGE Automation

Global providers of explosives products and blasting services, Orica, recently called on the services of SAGE to develop an underground delivery control system that would provide control and data transfer for “standard” and “premium” explosive delivery systems. Through the innovation of the LOADPlus U control system, Orica is now able to be in full control of inhole delivery procedures.

Specialised functions make the LOADPlus U particularly reliable and cost effective over the full product life cycle. The inclusion of the award winning protective cover makes the overall control system that more attractive. Following on from the requirements outlined in user requirement specifications, a conceptual process took place where new ideas emerged. Some of the specialised features allow for global usage, measurement unit adjustments, data storage, and real time feedback.

The jury was impressed with the originality and ingenuity of the control system, which came down to the reliability of the system and the simplicity of the programming.


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NINNOVATION / RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTSubmarine In-Situ Main Propulsion Motor Banding ReplacementSubmitted by: ASC Pty Ltd

Since delivery of the Collins Class Submarines to the Royal Australian Navy, ASC has continued to maintain the submarines in sustaining the operational capability, and to show an increasing Australian independence in the ongoing maintenance and repair support.

To support the return to service of capable submarines in a cost effective and timely manner, ASC has had to be innovative in its maintenance and repair methods.

A serious problem emerged across the submarine fleet when the main propulsion motor developed a defect, originating from manufacture, where deterioration of the fibreglass bands that constrained the motor windings was observed. The problem that had emerged after more than 10 years of submarine operations had the potential to cause catastrophic failure of the submarines’ main propulsion system.

The main propulsion motor is essential for propelling, diving and surfacing the submarine and that if it were to fail the consequences could be serious, not only from lack of propulsion at critical depths but in the worst case a potential fire hazard created.

The Submarine Main Motor In-Situ Repair Project, through novel methods and processes, found an efficient and effective solution to a most difficult and potentially safety-critical problem. In the process, the project has provided a significantly improved understanding of the propulsion motor design and demonstrated an increasing degree of independence through the repair in–country of one of the most complex systems on the Collins Class submarine.


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Northern Power Station Port Augusta Asset Performance ImprovementSubmitted by: Alinta Energy

Alinta Energy is an Australia wide electricity and gas provider. During 2011 and 2012 Alinta Energy undertook major works spending a total $36.54 million across three major outages in an 18 month period in order to improve reliability at its Northern Power Station located in Port Augusta SA.

Northern PS is a 28 year old coal fired power station which in recent years has experienced up to 18 forced outages per year. The work done during 2011 and 2012 restored boiler pressure parts to a condition that resulted in attaining world’s best practice for the reliability of boiler tubes with zero forced outages in the first quarter of 2013.

In addition to providing significant employment for the local Port Augusta community, the outage work brought together many parts of Alinta Energy’s operations and delivered significant benefits to South Australia in terms of security of electricity generation during the 2013 peak Summer demand period.

Through the application of sound engineering principles the company inspected over 90,000 potential wear points in its two boilers covering a total of 716 kilometers of tubing in order to identify where problems were likely to occur. The company thanks its employees and main contractors (Alstom Power and ALS Global in 2011, and RCR Energy and Adelaide Inspection Services in 2012) for the incredible amount of work done during the outages, in which a total of 4110 boiler tubes received maintenance attention.


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NPROJECT INFRASTRUCTURESeaford Rail ExtensionSubmitted by: McConnell Dowell, Thiess Pty Ltd, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Sinclair Knight Merz and Aurecon

The Seaford Rail Extension is part of the SA Government’s network-wide 10-year plan to revitalise Adelaide’s passenger transport system.

The first major extension of the Adelaide rail network in over 35 years, the project involved a 5.7 kilometre extension of the dual track rail line from Noarlunga Centre to Seaford and associated infrastructure.

This $291.2 million project will significantly improve public transport rail services for the community in the rapidly expanding southern suburbs, well into the future.Said Project Director, David Bartlett: “It will be the first section of the rail network to provide for an electrified rail service. It also provides an ideal track to test and commission the new electric railcars and train the drivers in their use”.

A stand-out feature of the project is the iconic 1,125 metre rail bridge over the environmentally sensitive Onkaparinga River estuary, which was constructed using an innovative incrementally launched bridge methodology from both ends.

The rail extension includes the provision of stations at Seaford Meadows and Seaford as well as a commissioning/railcar stabling depot. The three road bridges over the rail line provide for a completely grade separated track. The numerous well placed connections for pedestrians and cyclists along and across the rail corridor allow for a socially inclusive result.

A joint venture team of highly experienced contractors Thiess and McConnell Dowell, combined with the design expertise of Parsons Brinckerhoff, Sinclair Knight Merz, Aurecon and Hassell provided the client, Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, with an excellent design and construct outcome.


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Adelaide Desalination ProjectSubmitted by: SA Water, Aurecon and Adelaide Aqua D&C Consortium

The Adelaide Desalination Project (ADP) is the largest water infrastructure project ever completed in South Australia.

It is capable of delivering up to 50% of Adelaide’s drinking water from a climate-independent source, and is the State’s insurance policy against future droughts.

The Plant delivers groundbreaking energy efficiency and uses renewable energy for 100% of the power consumed by its operations.

The ADP’s construction showcases engineering excellence, outstanding build quality, superb environmental features, collaborative delivery of project objectives and stakeholder engagement.

The Plant is the most capital efficient in Australia – it has the lowest operating cost per megalitre of desalinated drinking water produced.

The ADP delivers water for residents and businesses, supporting the future economic growth and development of South Australia.

It also reduces Adelaide’s reliance on the River Murray and enables 6 GL of environmental water entitlement to be returned every year. Over a 10 year rolling period, 120 GL of water will be secured to assist in restoring the health of the River Murray.

The ADP has actively embraced learnings from other projects and encouraged innovation at every stage of the project.

The ADP addresses the greatest challenge of our generation i.e. climate change and converts it into a bold vision to secure our water supply for decades.

This world class project was delivered 19 days ahead of the original approved timeline of end December 2012 and within the original approved budget of $1.824 billion.


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NPROJECT MANAGEMENTInterconnection: The Transformation of Adelaide’s Water NetworkSubmitted by: SA Water and Parsons Brinckerhoff

Interconnection is the most significant augmentation of Adelaide’s water supply system ever undertaken. The North South Interconnection System Project (NSISP) has completely transformed the way in which SA Water’s entire metropolitan water network functions and operates – a large, complex and incredibly challenging proposition. This $403 million project was delivered on time and to budget, despite timelines being pared back by 18 months.

Adelaide’s water supply network primarily operated as two separate systems – north and south. Each had its own water storage facilities, separately augmented by pipelines from the River Murray. NSISP links these water sources to deliver a single integrated supply network, combining new and existing infrastructure and integrating bulk water transfer into the same water distribution network that delivers to homes and businesses across an entire city.

SA Water’s core business of water delivery to the customer tap is given surety and security with NSISP. NSISP makes it possible – for the first time – to take advantage of water availability, wherever that happens to be. It delivers previously unheard of levels of flexibility and reliability of water supply essential to meeting existing and future demand through to 2050, while also ensuring water security during events such as prolonged drought.

NSISP has achieved over 1.8 million hours worked with zero Lost Time Injury (LTI), an outstanding result. It has delivered a water industry first for Australia across multiple project components, attracting national and international acclaim and recognition for outstanding deliverables in stakeholder engagement, urban infrastructure design, technological innovation and the significant long-term performance of SA Water’s services to the public.


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RDINNOVATION / RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTTemporary Works Platform, Whyalla Port Expansion Project Permanent Bulk Products BerthSubmitted by: Leighton Contractors Pty Ltd

Leighton won a competitive tender for this work from Arrium Mining as part of Arrium’s doubling of Whyalla Port’s bulk loading capacity from 6 million to 12 million tonnes per annum.

Innovative aspects that the jury praised included:

• construction of the temporary bridge deck to isolate crane operations from tidal and sea condition effects that made use of conventional barge systems questionable, with close attention to cost, safety and environmental impact;

• pump dredging with the use of land-based dewatering tubes to ensure sub-50 micron turbidity release into the water and resulting pollution levels of less than 20% of specified limits;

• travelling formwork used in the permanent dock; and,• evidence of strong engagement, teamwork and communication with the client, dock

users and the community that delivered an excellent safety outcome despite the site presenting many potential hazards.

The Permanent Bulk Products Berth project was delivered a month ahead of schedule and under the original project budget.


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PROJECT MANAGEMENTGoodwood Junction Grade SeparationSubmitted by: Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

The judges saw the Goodwood Junction Grade Separation as an example of excellence in engineering and project management of highest achievement.

The Goodwood Junction Grade Separation Project involves the grade separation by a rail overpass of the existing freight and Belair passenger lines from the Seaford (formerly Noarlunga) line.

Successfully managed by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, the grade separation delivers significant rail freight improvements with typically 20% less journeys to be required to transport the same tonnage of freight. It also negates potential delays for freight trains when improved passenger train frequencies are introduced on the Seaford Line.

The project was successfully delivered ahead of schedule and under budget, a highlight of excellence in engineering and project management by the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure.


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RD a
















RD “This project represents a fine example of local ingenuity in design, integrated manufacturing using local suppliers and export potential realised through a world-class technological solution to a universal issue.”

Jerome Argue MIEAust CPEngHead Judge, Environment Category


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ENVIRONMENTMatua Marlborough Winery Wastewater Treatment PlantSubmitted by: Factor UTB

Winery wastewater treatment poses a complex and challenging set of problems for professional design engineers. Winery wastewater varies hugely in its nature, volume and load on an hourly and daily basis. It is subject to very high seasonal peaks as the different wine making and bottling process stages are undertaken.

Factor UTB from South Australia has designed and built 36 waste water treatment plants since 2001 with several plants treating winery waste. Each plant uses the same base control and process technology. Its small staff including three professional engineers and water science professional have designed and built each plant. They are supported by three specialist contractors and selected specialist suppliers.

The 25,000 tonne crush Matua Marlborough Winery is located in New Zealand’s South Island region famous for Sauvignon Blanc wines. The waste water load from Matua during vintage is equal to that of the sewage flow from a town of 23,500 people. The treatment plant was required to fit within the constraints of the existing winery, squeezed into an area less than 1,500m2.

The solution offered included a two into one, two-stage design based on a highly controlled Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) which together achieves the removal efficiency and load balancing capacity required. In 22 weeks from order the design, Council approval, manufacturing, construction and commissioning were completed with waste treated in automatic mode in mid April 2013.


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Daniel is a Chartered civil engineer with over 5 years’ experience involving project engineer, project management and site engineer on major resource and infrastructure projects throughout South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia.

During Daniel’s consulting engineer career, he has worked on a number of different projects in a variety of roles including; project manager, design manager, discipline lead, technical reviewer and designer. Daniel has gained the respect of his colleagues and managers, and as a result has been given the opportunity to take on more senior roles, which he continues to execute successfully.

Since 2008 Daniel has worked as a Civil Engineer in the Buildings and Infrastructure business unit of SKM Adelaide. During that time he has worked on a variety of Civil and Rail projects. These include Dry Creek Rail Depot Relocation Project, detailed design of the Parafield Pedestrian Crossing, detailed design of the Gawler mainline between Cormack Road and Port Wakefield Road overpass and a range of rail mine to port projects in Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia.

Daniel’s engineering work has had a significant impact in the growth and sustainability of SKM’s infrastructure business, in particular the rail group.

Additionally to Daniel’s technically focussed innovations, he was also instrumental in the development of the SKM Young Professionals Group. Daniel is a founding member and Chairman of the SKM YPG. This group was inaugurated this year and aims to connect the “under 35’s” within SKM Adelaide to facilitate greater cross business unit working and integration, by providing these individuals with opportunities to get together, get to know each other and network. This group is the first of its kind within SKM globally, and demonstrates a proactive approach to identifying areas for improvement within the business and leadership from the younger generation of professionals within SKM.

DANIEL RICHTER MIEAust CPEngSinclair Knight Merz

This Award is proudly sponsored by GHD Pty Ltd


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DARYLL PAIN FIEAust CPEngSinclair Knight Merz

Daryll has over 40 years’ experience as a civil/structural engineer, the last 22 with Sinclair Knight Merz in South Australia. His background covers construction, construction supervision, concept and detail design and design review, design management, project management and project direction of industrial, water, power, road, rail and marine infrastructure projects as well as technology consultancy practice management.

Daryll’s extensive experience includes:

• Dam construction and dam safety reviews

• Structural steelwork and reinforced concrete design in industry and infrastructure

• Rural and urban road and drainage design

• Superintendent’s representative on maritime, civil and environmental projects

• Environmental investigation and remediation projects

• Hydraulics and marine offshore screens and diffusers for seawater intakes and outlets

• Riverbank collapse investigations and recommendations

• Wind farm access roads, substations structures and wind turbine footings

• Training and mentoring staff in engineering and project management

As one of the most senior professionals and the longest standing member of the Adelaide office, Daryll has had a focus developing younger engineers and mentoring them into technical and professional leadership positions. One of the ways he does that is to lead the facilitation of SKM’s PM1 (Project Management 1) program. This internal two-day program is run regularly for all staff who are either new to SKM’s processes and systems or are new to Project Management.

Through his focus on mentoring and knowledge transfer, Daryll has been a key reason for SKM’s growth and success in the Buildings and Infrastructure sector and the office’s continued growth from a team of 5 to over 200 members of staff. Daryll serves as an excellent example of our most senior engineers giving back to the profession through active knowledge transfer and support of our younger engineers.

As part of his pending planned retirement, SKM intends to bring him back in a part time role to continue leading and training our younger engineers and acting in key technical review roles.


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