2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

The 8 th ANNUAL PAWSFORPRAYER BREAKFAST Hosted by Phyllis Ann Weaks Sanders (PAWS)


8th Annual PAWS4Prayer Breakfast Booklet - 2013

Transcript of 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

Page 1: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

The 8th ANNUAL


Hosted by Phyllis Ann Weaks Sanders


Page 2: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


March 9, 2013

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with

your entire mind.”—Matthew 22:37

Greetings to Each of You This Morning!

Although it is early morning, we must still rejoice and be glad in it. I can

imagine God smiling on each of your lives for the sacrifice that you made to

come out on a busy Saturday to focus on your spiritual development in our

2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast.

Ladies who continue to return every year, my heart is filled with joy and

gratitude. Ladies who are coming for the first time, my spirit is warmed by

your presence, and we all welcome you. All of you who helped make this day

possible with your hours of planning and preparation, thank you for the

sweet transition from being a guest to being God’s servant for this day.

I believed God planned this time long before I was born and through many

journeys that we all have taken. I am thankful that we landed here today.

The PAWS4Prayer breakfast journey began eight years ago with only five

people sitting at the table: Sarah Chiles, Cheryl Coleman, Joyce Lewis,

Charlotte Thomas and me, Phyllis Sanders. We met in my home. We

started out with only the Bible, a sheet of paper and a breakfast consisting

of bacon, eggs and grits.

Today you have added to that group of five, and the prayer breakfast has

developed a deeper meaning, a different menu, and because of its continuous

growth, it has moved from my home to several additional locations: William

Brice Stadium (The Letterman’s Club, 2011), Korean Presbyterian Church

Retreat Center(2012), and now, the Lake Carolina Lake House, 2013—ONLY


We are here to celebrate the joy of learning, the value of sharing, and the

blessing of living for God as we focus on Prayer and the Soul Sisters God

placed in our lives. Rejoice and Enjoy!

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“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

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Background and Story

The PAWS for Prayer Breakfast was first held in my home in January 2005.

This year marks the 8th year of the PAWS for Prayer Breakfast and third

year outside of my home.

The Story

One month from my one year anniversary on my first job in South

Carolina at the SC Department of Education, I was diagnosed with a

tumor in my spinal cord. The tumor turned out to be benign, and I was

not paralyzed, as this type of surgery had left many others. The recovery

time was a time for praying, praising, and thanking God for another

chance at a quality life. Being confined in my apartment for seven weeks

was an opportunity to reflect and review my life’s journey. I realized that

the apartment was great for me as a student, but I knew that I wanted

someday to purchase a home.

When the doctor released me to drive, I made my first trip to a bank. All I

wanted to do was to inquire about the steps I should take for preparing

to buy a house. I could not remember the details from my first purchase

of a house many years earlier. Though I knew I was not financially ready

to even look for a house, during the recovery period, my life flashed by

with the urgency to accomplish much.

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“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

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The banker, at what was then called First Union Bank, and now Wells

Fargo, told me in so many words that my chances for purchasing a house

were slim to none. His exact words were, “You might be able to get a 20

or 30 thousand dollar house.” Leaving the bank, after just going there to

inquire about the preparation steps for purchasing house, I thought to

myself, “Why did I give any of my personal information?” As I walked to

my car, I sought the face of Jesus and the determination of my own spirit

to trust God and prove the banker wrong. I whispered to myself, “I’ll

show you, Mister; my God is bigger than a bank and a banker. He will

supply all of my needs according to His riches in Glory through Christ

Jesus because I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me.”

In 2004, I purchased a house that exceeded the expectations of the

banker. During the first year I was in my home, the Holy Spirit placed on

my heart to host a prayer breakfast honoring God for His great works in

helping me to purchase a house that exceeded the low, low expectations

of the banker. Because I prayed without ceasing for God’s Will to buy a

house, HE answered my prayer. I hosted my first prayer breakfast in 2005,

one year after purchasing my home. Matthew 21:13 reads, “Jesus said,

‘My house will be a house of prayer’, and I said, “Mine too”.

Since that time, many individuals and groups have come to my home to

engage in prayer and Bible study. I thank God for eight years of honoring

Him for His blessing to me and for giving me the opportunity to share

with others about the importance of prayer, the need for faith, and the

persistent studying of God’s Word. PAWS for Prayer has now become an

inspiring ministry to me and others.

Page 5: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

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PAWS The letters P.A.W.S are the initials of Phyllis Ann Weaks Sanders, who is

from the state of North Carolina and who currently resides in Columbia,

South Carolina. She is a person of faith, a seeker of wisdom, and warrior

for prayer. She has not and will never live a perfect life because it just

does not exist within the human flesh. She does, however, seek to

improve her life by growing more and more in her knowledge of the

Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It is a day-to-day challenge to walk

down the path of righteousness for His name sake because she, like other

children of God, is tempted on every side. Being a Christian is a beautiful

journey with some difficult challenges. She has learned to ask for

strength from the Father for everything she does. She has her own

personalized group of Soul Sisters who surround her with prayer, spiritual

reminders and Godly advice, whether she wants to hear it or not. Her

greatest accomplishment in life is being ordained as an Elder at St. James

Presbyterian Church in North Carolina and having her dad, the late James

D. Weaks, present to lay hands on her during her ordination. She was

blessed to see her Dad model and serve as a committed Elder at her

home church, Cedar Grove Presbyterian Church. Her mother, Doris H.

Weaks, a Trustee at Cedar Grove Presbyterian Church, was joyfully

present at her ordination as she witnessed a major event in the life of

their daughter. Other major accomplishments for Phyllis include learning

to surrender all to Christ, learning to listen to His calling, learning to

align her will with His Will, and learning that each one is a life-long

process. Phyllis’s family, especially her two children, Maurice, Jr. and

Phylisha, and her granddaughter Tiara, are at the center of her heart.

Page 6: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

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PAWS’s Favorite Scripture: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens


PAWS’s Favorite Hymn: “It Is Well With My Soul.”

The Inspiring PAWS for Prayer Ministry:

The Vision: The vision of the PAWS for Prayer Breakfast is to create prayer

groups around the world for the purpose of building God’s kingdom, studying

God’s word and promoting God’s power in transforming lives from ordinary to

extraordinary to supernatural.

The Mission: The mission of the PAWS for Prayer Breakfast is to inspire

individuals to trust God to govern, guide and guard their lives through faithful



To invite, involve and engage a cadre of individuals in holy conversations

through Bible study and prayers on the power of prayer and the supreme power

of God to answer prayers.

To build a community of faith-filled, praying women who can promote, teach,

and demonstrate how the mighty power of God can work in every person’s life.

To create a network of prayer partners who can bolster the faith for life’s

journey from the ordinary to extraordinary to supernatural through the supreme

power of prayer.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and

not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. ~Jeremiah 29:1

Page 7: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


The Blessing:

Praying Over Our Food

Look at the two blessings below. Do you say a similar blessing over your food?

The Blessings: Read and share yours if it different.

“Bless us, O Lord, and these Thy gifts,

which we are about to receive from

Thy bounty, through Christ our Lord.


“Gracious Lord, we thank You for this

food that we are about to receive, to

nourish and strengthen our bodies;

pardon and forgive us of our sins,

For Christ’s sake


Table Talk

Do you always bless your food before you eat? Why?

Do you bless your food when you are eating out with friends? What about with your

professional colleagues? Are you comfortable when you are the only one praying over

your food in a group setting?

You may want to be more conscious of blessing your food when you think of the process

before it reaches your plate. Just think about the bread alone. God provides us seeds for


The Bread Process

1. A seed was planted in earth.

2. Somehow, that seed grew into a stalk of wheat.

3. Someone harvested the wheat, ground it up and baked it.

4. It took a season of growing, human care and effort to turn the wheat into bread.

5. A whole chain of people packaged and delivered that bread to a store. The bread

was bought, taken home, or to your favorite dining place and finally, you were the

blessed recipient of that bread on your plate.

The process and involvement alone are worthy of prayer and thanksgiving. Do you see

God’s involvement and provision in the bread? What are your thoughts? As you

continue eating, briefly discuss your thoughts on what actually goes into our meals.

Page 8: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.



Every year my heart expands with thanksgiving, love and appreciation for the ladies who

step forth to help plan and support this occasion with one purpose in mind: To work to

the glory of God to make this PAWS4PRAYER Breakfast an enriching spiritual

experience in the name of Jesus. It is not about the host or about them. They ensure that

God’s purpose remains at the forefront of all decisions and planning.

The planning team this year consisted of the following ladies: Carmen P. Banks, Sarah

Chiles, Roberta Jackson, Gwen Jordan, Joan Mobley, Judy Murphy, Audrey

Ratchford, Gayle Ricks and Phyllis Sanders. There are three words that can briefly

describe the work of this team: Faithful, Prayerful, and Giving. They put the “C” in the

word Commitment and the “D” in the word Dedication as they worked diligently to

prepare and share a morning fellowship with other women of God.

God’s blessings and gifts of giving were clearly seen in those He sent with pure hearts to

assist and support this annual event through time, space, money or other gifts. Those

ladies include the following: Rev. Dr. Alice Ridgill, Karen Alexander, Carmen P.

Banks, Sarah Chiles, Gwen Jordan, Shirley Mack, Linda Southerland, Judy

Murphy, Audrey Ratchford, Gayle Ricks, Karen Williams, Roberta Jackson, Linda

Wilson and Manager Rico Snell of PNC Bank of Columbia.

With God being the CEO of the PAWS4PRAYER Breakfast, He found it necessary to

develop leaders to serve as His facilitators for the 2013 Prayer Breakfast. They include

Audrey Ratchford and Gayle Ricks, with dual roles as facilitators and team leaders of

the following facilitators vested in God’s word: Cheryl Coleman, Gwen Jordan,

Ramona Mack, and Karen Williams. They came together, prayed together, and

studied together in Jesus’ name.

I thank God for placing all of these ladies among the PAWS4PRAYER Breakfast

Treasures. Their value is immeasurable. I am extremely grateful to my family

members who are present and supportive of my work. I love you.

To all of you who came to this event today, thank you for choosing this day to serve

the Lord in Columbia, SC at the Lake Carolina Lake House.

“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each

of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within

us.” — Albert Schweitzer

Thank you for monitoring my flame and rekindling it when it grows dim. You rekindle it by showing your genuine love and support for me and the prayer breakfast vision.


Page 9: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

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Page 10: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


Look carefully at the 3 “O” words. Review each of the basic meanings of His words.

Each person should look up one of the scriptures that provide an example of the power

behind the meaning of the words and phrases. At your table, discuss what they mean to


Lifting or Raising of Hands

1Timothy 2:8; Psalm 135:2; Ezra 9:5; Nehemiah 8:6

Psalm 4:1 “Lord, You Are Holy”

1 Timothy1:12-13

Mercy is





or harm.

Omnipotent: God is

infinitely powerful and

able to do all things

within the confines of

his nature. The Revelation 19:6


Omniscient means

having and being

fully aware of all

knowledge of all

things, actual and

possible, in every

realm of life.

Psalm 132:4

Matt: 10: 29-30

Omnipresent: God is

present everywhere at

the same time.

Psalm 139:7-10

Psalm: 33:13

Holy means separate or cut off from

everything that is sinful and evil. God is


John 3:20; Psalm 139:4; 1 Kings 8:39

Page 11: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.



P. R. A. Y. is a model for praying or writing your prayers to God. This model is often

used when individuals want to increase and develop their comfort level in praying both

orally and silently. You can use this model to teach someone to pray or practice this

model for yourself.

P = Praise: Tell God you love Him and thank Him. (Psalm 69:30, “I will praise God’s

name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving”). Lord, today, I magnify….

R = Repent: Confess any sin. (Acts 3:19-20, “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that

your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord”).

Lord, I know that I am not ….

A = Ask: Ask God to help you in the three areas; name them in your prayer. (1 John

5:14: “This is the confidence we have in approaching God, that if we ask

anything according to his will, He hears us”). Lord, you know the desires of

my heart and my needs, even before I ask. Because you are my Omnipotent

God, I bring before you….)

Y = Yield: Pause and listen to God’s word. (Psalm 130:5, “I wait for the LORD, my

soul waits, and in His word I put my hope). Lord, I totally depend on You to…


A.C.T.S. is another model for praying or writing your prayers to God.

A= Adoration: When you adore someone you love them. You love who they are

and what they do. God is love. God loves you, and you reverence,

respect and honor God for his power. (Think about the 3 O’s).

C=Confession: When you think about His Almighty power, humble yourself and

confess your sins, mistakes, ill intentions, omissions and seek

forgiveness. Acknowledge to God your wrong doings and why

they were wrong. He knows but He wants you to remove the pride

and confess them.

T=Thanksgiving: Give thanks and go beyond what He has done just for you and

yours. Consider the 5 senses that you can never take for granted;

the earth on which you live; the world that God created and the

awesome features He put into His creation to help us live.

He has given you a desire to want to learn more about Him and

how to serve Him and for His presence, give thanks.

S=Supplication: Supplicate means to ask. Now you are ready to ask God for the

desires of your heart, His intervention power, provisions and

any concerns that you have about self, others and circumstances.

Page 12: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


Your Personal Prayer Life

Think about your personal life. You don’t have to share your answers, but reflect on

these questions and respond accordingly.

1. How many times during the course of a day do you typically pray?_________

2. Do you find yourself praying for others more than you do yourself?________

Write why?_______________________________________________________



3. Do you think some things or issues are too small to take to God? __________

Remember, if nothing is too big for God, then certainly nothing is too small

for Him. Have you ever asked Him to help you locate something? _____

4. All things are possible with God. List two needs you want met that only God

can do because you are too weak, you don’t know how, or you feel helpless in

the matter.



5. Have you ever fallen asleep while praying? ________ God knows your

heart! Wake up and start all over or pick up where you left off.

6. Are you comfortable praying in the presence of others, like at church or a

meeting? _________________

The prayer models will guide you as you honor God for the privilege of prayer

and the desire to engage in a dialogue with Him in the presence of others.

Establish some quiet time for practicing these models. Once you have selected

one to use as a guide, pray it out loud. After you have said, “Amen”, then just sit

quietly and meditate on the three O’s, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and

Omniscient, and how they describe a mighty God who clearly tells us that

nothing is impossible for those who believe.



Page 13: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


Example of P.R.A.Y. Models

PRAISE (ex. His name, power, sovereignty)

REPENT (ex. Confess or acknowledge your frailties, weaknesses, wrongdoings)

ASK (ex. For the desires of your heart, needs, wants,)

YEILD (ex. Let go of my will, my pride, my need to prove, my need to control; yield my

needs to God and be still and let God be God all by HIMSELF)

The A.C.T.S. Model

ADORATION (ex. His love, reverence, honor)

CONFESSION (Admit, be specific, acknowledge why you were wrong or sinned)

THANKSGIVING (Be humbly grateful for grace, mercy, and specific blessings and


SUPPLICATION (Ask for specific provisions, interventions and desires of your heart)

Write your prayer below. You do not have to share your prayer. Pray your prayer

for seven days. Count today as day one. “Seven days without prayer makes one

weak. (Keep your thoughts, attitude and motives pure during this week of prayer).

My Personal Prayer to God

REMEMBER: "It matters little what form of prayer we adopt… or how many words we use. What matters is the faith which lays hold on God, knowing that He knows our needs before we even ask Him. That is what gives Christian prayer its boundless confidence and its joyous certainty."- Dietrich Bonhofer

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

(Hebrews 11:1).

Page 14: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


Assemble in your birthday month category-Jan.- April, May-August, Sept.-Dec.

Give your name, birthday month and day and tell your favorite season of the year.

Write the name (s) of anyone in your group who matches the descriptions below.

Sings in church or community choir

Officer in a church

Drove over 75 miles for the prayer breakfast

Traveled outside USA in last 2 years

Has one of these letters in her first or last name: Z Q V J U F.

If your group has a name (s) in each bulleted category, be the first to applaud and say,

“Go Sistas!” Then in all groups, discuss the difference between “sista” and “sister” as

related to relationship?

“God shapes the world by prayer. The more prayer there is in the world, the better the world will be, the

mightier the forces against evil …”

~E.M. Bounds

Page 15: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


We hear the word “sister” in all types of conversations: biological sister, sister girl, sister

in Christ and soul sister, all of which carry their own value and unique relationship.

Today we are going to explore the concept of “Soul Sister” and then we, the 2013

PAWS4PRAYER women, will define our own meaning of soul sister.

Read and have a five minute (total) discussion on each of the quotes listed below. You

may want to jot down notes to capture some profound thoughts, powerful words or

related scriptures that may be helpful as you work to define the meaning of “Soul Sister.”

The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode but the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. ~Audrey Hepburn

The soul, like the body, lives by what it feeds on. ~Josiah Gilbert Holland

What might be some divine qualities of a “Soul Sister?” Add five more qualities to the


1. Christ-like 1.

2. Humble 2.

3. Supportive 3.

4. Non-judgmental 4.

5. Faithful 5.

Page 16: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


Discuss and Define “Soul Sister.” Use the first section of this page to (1) wordsmith and

jot down essential points and ideas from your discussion; (2) draw a symbol or logo

representing your meaning of a “Soul Sister”. Use the second half to (1) Write your

table’s final definition. (2) Come to a consensus on your symbol or logo. (3)Use the chart

paper to write and share with the whole group. (4)Select someone from your table to

explain your table’s meaning of “Soul Sister,” explaining how you arrived at your

definition and how it relates to your symbol or logo. During your discussion, PAWS will

be passing through with snapshots of new information to expand your thinking. Be on the

look out for PAWS!


Page 17: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


Thoughts to Share and Discuss

Jesus intentionally developed His prayer life through prayer: :

1. He prayed often.

2. He prayed early in the morning, late at night, all through the night.

3. He prayed before critical events in His life.

4. He prayed as He ministered to others.

5. He prayed before His miracles.

6. He prayed for others.

If communicating with His Father was that important to Jesus, shouldn’t it be a priority

for us?

Jesus had a life of circumstances and conditions which caused Him to pray.

Some are listed below:

1. Before choosing the twelve apostles (Luke 6:12).

2. Before questioning the apostles concerning His identity (Luke9:18).

3. When all the people were baptized and Jesus was baptized too (Luke3:21).

4. At His transfiguration at the mountain with Peter, James and John (Luke 9:29).

5. On the Cross. First words: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.

And they divided His garments and cast lots.” (Luke 23:34). Last words: “Father,

into Your hands I commit My Spirit. Having said this, He breathed His last.”

(Luke 23:46).

If Jesus prayed for His circumstances and conditions, shouldn’t we make it a priority to

pray for ours rather than trying to handle them ourselves and by ourselves?

Jesus respected and valued women. He honored them as people God

loved, and He did not assign them a level of worth as defined by the

culture around them. See below how Jesus respected and valued women.

1. He had female students. (Luke 19:38-39).

2. He accepted women as friends and ministry supporters. (Luke 8:1-3)

3. He ignored ritual impurity laws to help a woman of faith. (Mark 5:25-34)

4. He applied the same rules of divorce to women as He did to men. Mark 10:11-12.

5. He asked women to help share the good news after the resurrection, and He did it

in a culture that rejected women. (Matthew 29:5-7; Luke 24:5-11).

If Jesus respected and valued women, shouldn’t we, as women of faith, make it a priority

to respect and value each other as a model for all men and women? Jealousy, control,

competition, comparison, and confusion should be replaced with cheers, communication,

collaboration and cooperation in Jesus’ name.

"Prayer is not monologue, but dialogue. God’s voice in response to mine is its most essential part." ~Andrew Murray

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“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.


Prayer Verbs for Having a Conversation with God

As you work to strengthen your own prayers, allow these verbs to help you with

your conversation with God. This list is not exhaustive; it is a start for those who

can benefit from their use. This practice is only helpful to those of us who are still

learning or want to learn to have an increased and stronger prayer life.

For example, look at the verbs in the prayer below.

“Today heavenly Father, I praise you for Your omnipotent power. I humble myself

before you, seeking your forgiveness for my sins. I give thanks to you for magnifying

Your presence in my life through the Holy Spirit. I ask, dear God, that You breathe

a breath of energy into me that I may be refreshed with your power to complete the

tasks and challenges that I am facing. Guard my heart and direct my steps in Your

word. Mold me and anoint me as I use my spiritual gifts, and protect me from other

people’s pollutions of life so that “No weapon formed against me will prosper.” Bless

the peoples of the world and reveal to them an understanding that Your

omnipresence exists no matter the distance of this earth. Help all of us to take

responsibility for leading people to Christ and revealing to them the Good News of

Jesus Christ, in whose Name we pray”. Amen

Praise Keep Make Allow Help

Build Give Use Forgive Hear

Bless Guard Reveal Speak Send

Provide Restore Refresh Breathe Come

Teach Magnify Draw Seek Remove

Protect Direct Humble Let Instill

Lead Mold Ask Anoint Save

Grant Show Comfort Sanctify Increase

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in

heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” ~Matthew 11:28-29

“I want men (women) everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer without

anger or disputing”. ~1Timothy 2:8

“So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is

seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal”. ~2 Corinthians 4:18

Page 19: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

Copyright © 2013 By PAUSE4TRAINING All rights reserved. No use, duplication

replication or copying in partial or in its entirety.




James D. Weaks (2010), Mary Louise Graham (2010),

Father of Phyllis W. Sanders Mother, of Karen Alexander

Pictured in our hearts are the following ladies:

Christine McNair attended the 2012 breakfast and had planned to return this year.

She passed in 2012. Chris is the late sister of Mary Braswell and the

PAWS4PRAYER sisters.

Aunt Pauline was looking forward to joining us for the prayer breakfast in 2013.

She passed in 2013. Aunt Pauline is the late motherly Aunt of Claudia Goodson and

an aunt to Claudia’s PAWS4PRAYER sisters.

Chris and Aunt Pauline were Supporters and Friends of the PAWS4PRAYER

Breakfast, and we dedicate this prayer breakfast to both of them.

To All Of Our Family In Heaven:

Your memories Live On

in the smiles that you still bring to our faces,

but also in the tears that still race down our cheeks,

reminding us that we painfully miss you

but joyfully celebrate your new home

in heaven with the Lord and the family of Christ.

PAWS, Family and Friends

Page 20: 2013 PAWS4Prayer Breakfast

“I will increase my joy in the Lord; I will rejoice in the Holy One of Israel" (Isa. 29:19).

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