2013 Annual Report - Prison FellowshipThe annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to...

2013 Annual Report

Transcript of 2013 Annual Report - Prison FellowshipThe annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to...

Page 1: 2013 Annual Report - Prison FellowshipThe annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things . God is doing through Prison Fellowship Ministries

2013 Annual Report

Page 2: 2013 Annual Report - Prison FellowshipThe annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things . God is doing through Prison Fellowship Ministries

Dear Friend, We don’t need to look very far to know that the world is not the way God intended it to be. But there’s good news: We have a God who fixes, restores, revives, and redeems! And there’s even more good news: He has chosen to use you and me to bring His Kingdom wherever we find brokenness around us. The annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things God is doing through Prison Fellowship Ministries – Prison Fellowship, Justice Fellowship, and The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview – in partnership with stewards like you, who believe in His promise to “make all things new.” (Rev. 21:5) When I think of God’s restoring work, one moment immediately leaps to mind. There’s a bright, successful young woman named Christina. This past spring I saw her at a graduation ceremony for prisoners who had completed a rigorous Christian leadership program. Christina’s dad, Derrick, was one of the graduates. Christina has no memories of her father outside of prison; he began to serve a lengthy sentence when she was just 3 years old. But through years of separation, Derrick reached out to his daughter through Angel Tree, an action that laid the ground for future forgiveness and restoration of their relationship. Today, even through prison walls, Christina and Derrick are united by a mutual love for each other and for Jesus Christ. That’s restoration in action: A young woman fulfilling her God-given potential. A father loving and serving even from behind bars. A relationship healed. Heaven brought down to earth. Restoration like this happens when God’s people step out in faith, believing that He will use our meager offerings of time, talent, and treasure to do more than we could ask or imagine. It’s beautiful to see. Thank you for celebrating with me as we look back at this last year of service together.

For His Kingdom,

Jim LiskePresident and CEO


A Note from Jim Liske

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JULYAngel Tree® CampingPrison Fellowship® provided 3,965 children of incarcerated parents with scholarships to attend summer camps. Camping is a ministry opportunity that helps churches stay connected with the Angel Tree families they serve at Christmastime. Children get a week away from home that challenges them and exposes them to the message of Christ’s love.

DECEMBERAngel Tree ChristmasThis year, Angel Tree Christmas reached 364,198 children of incarcerated parents thanks to partners like you. These children received a gift on behalf of their parent and a presentation of the Good News of Jesus Christ at Christmas. Thousands of churches and organizations joined forces to buy and deliver presents to kids all over the country.

MARCHEaster in PrisonCarrying on Chuck Colson’s legacy of spending every Resurrection Sunday worshiping with prisoners, Chuck’s wife, Patty Colson, along with Prison Fellowship President and CEO, Jim Liske, visited a correctional facility in Florida to celebrate Easter with the inmates. Meanwhile, former Prison Fellowship President Garland Hunt visited a prison in Texas on Easter. During the service, 41 prisoners gave their hearts to Christ.

JUNEInside Journal ExpandsInside Journal is Prison Fellowship’s newspaper for America’s prisoners. Chockfull of biblical advice articles and a presentation of the Gospel that prisoners can relate to, Inside Journal is a valuable, cost-effective prison ministry resource. Inside Journal now reaches prisons in all 50 states, and this past spring, Prison Fellowship printed its first Spanish version of the publication. One prisoner wrote in, “I wish to shout Hallelujah to you and your staff for having the Inside Journal published in Spanish. Enclosed you will find signatures from other sisters who wish to express their thanks, too.” The letter included 46 signatures.

JUNEThe Welcome Back Pack ProjectPrison Fellowship began a program to help supply newly released ex-prisoners with the things they need as they reenter society. Program participants purchase items, such as toothpaste, deodorant, bandages, and more. Prison Fellowship packages the items, along with a Bible, in a drawstring backpack and delivers them to halfway houses, parole offices, and local churches that minister to ex-prisoners.

JUNEColson Legacy Center DedicationOn June 20, a new 600-square-foot space within the Prison Fellowship national headquarters was dedicated to the late Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship. The space is intended to honor Chuck and also to provide a place for new employees, volunteers, and guests who never met Chuck to understand how God used his life to begin a movement that continues to this day. The room holds some of Chuck’s memorabilia, photographs of his journey, and inspiring quotations on the walls.

2012 2013NOVEMBERColson Center MeetingsIn November, The Colson Center co-hosted, along with Focus on the Family, a roundtable discussion on education reform at Prison Fellowship’s national office, and in April, representatives of 50 national ministries attended a Colson Center sponsored meeting focusing on changing local communities. Representatives from 20 ministries joined the discussion on parental empowerment, local control, moral education, disparity in educational opportunities, and church empowerment. Through these events, The Colson Center has further developed its reputation for bringing together organizations of various viewpoints.

5APRILWilberforce WeekendHis Eminence, Timothy Cardinal Dolan, a tireless defender for the sacredness of human life, the centrality of marriage, and the value of children to culture, received the Wilberforce Award at Wilberforce Weekend, an annual Christian worldview conference organized by The Chuck Colson Center™ for Christian Worldview. The Wilberforce Weekend, inspired by the courage and perseverance of 18th century British statesman and social reformer William Wilberforce, is a tradition that honors exceptional advocates for Christian values and rights in the public square.

FEBRUARYCharles Colson Task ForceThe U.S. House Appropriations Committee set aside funds in the FY2014 spending bill to establish the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections to make recommendations to increase public safety, improve criminal accountability, reduce recidivism, address victims’ services, and control costs. Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA) says, “Chuck made arguably one of the biggest impacts on prison reform following his own incarceration, and his kind heart, strong Christian values, and committed work will live on through the Colson Task Force at a time when it’s needed most.”

MAYMother’s Day CardsThe Prison Fellowship team traveled to two women’s facilities, including the Baby and Mother Bonding Initiative (BAMBI) unit in Texas, where, with appropriate supervision and guidance, incarcerated mothers are allowed to care for their infant children. The team took beautiful Mother’s Day cards signed by Prison Fellowship partners and gave them to the mothers. When reading the Bible verse on the card, some women smiled and some tried to hold back tears of happiness.

Page 4: 2013 Annual Report - Prison FellowshipThe annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things . God is doing through Prison Fellowship Ministries

Jeffrey Leonard never expected to be free from a lifelong cycle of crime and addiction. He envisioned himself going back behind the walls every time he was released. “The first thing I’d do when I left prison was buy a gun,” he confesses.

But the forgery, drinking and driving, and parole violations kept him bouncing back and forth between Texas and Louisiana prisons.

Jeffrey didn’t think he could ever change his ways – and he was right. Only God could change his stubborn heart ... even if it would take two decades and 13 parole rejections.

Ready to jump on any opportunity that could get him closer to freedom, Jeffrey enrolled in one of Prison Fellowship’s in-prison discipleship programs.

He always considered himself a Christian. But through the in-prison ministry that you help make possible, Jeffrey learned that it would take more than just believing in God for his ways to change. So he made the commitment to give up his life of crime entirely to follow Christ.

He even created and memorized his own mission statement to reflect his restored life: “The Lord is the navigator of my heart. I will follow His lead and do His will,” he shares.

Thanks to your support, a stubborn man found the one answer to life he always needed but wasn’t looking for: Jesus Christ. “Before I was addicted to alcohol, now I’m addicted to the Lord,” he says.

Jeffrey graduated from the program after two years. And then a miracle happened: He was granted parole. At 65 years old, Jeffrey discovered that it’s never too late for a second chance with Jesus ... he has new life thanks to the grace of God and the help of friends like you.


Renewed and Restored

“But just as you excel in everything — in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us — see that you also excel in the grace of giving.” - 2 Corinthians 8:7


What God expects us to attempt He also enables us to achieve, and committed Christians have proved it throughout the centuries. So let us take heart in knowing that the grace of giving is also the grace for giving.

- Stephen F. Olford (1918-2004)


Page 5: 2013 Annual Report - Prison FellowshipThe annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things . God is doing through Prison Fellowship Ministries





6,594prisoners made decisions/re-commitments to Christ

OSL events223 47,150

Bibles delivered to prisoners

27,631prisoners attended

yard events

497,000copies of Inside Journal®



“I recently turned my life over to the Lord. While in this little cell for segregation I became overwhelmed with my life and cried and asked God to take all the pain and hate from me. The guy in the cell next to me heard me and passed his Bible to me and ... gave me the address to Inside Journal to ask for a Bible and Bible studies. I truly want them so I can learn more about Jesus.”

– Ron, prisoner

“Thank you for loving the Lord Jesus and caring for the ones the rest of the world has forgotten.”

– Nick, prisoner, Bonifay, Fla.

“I thank you brothers and sisters in Christ for caring for people who ended up in prison. Thank you for all of the volunteers who take time out of their everyday lives to help someone in prison. Thanks again for your loving support and in opening my mind to the true blessings of what God has in store for me.”

– Kris, prisoner, Live Oak, Fla.

Page 6: 2013 Annual Report - Prison FellowshipThe annual report you have in your hands is an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful things . God is doing through Prison Fellowship Ministries

Sara will tell you her dad was like Jonah from the Bible.

As her father cycled in and out of prison, Sara was too young to understand the decisions he was making. “We told her that he’s not well and he’s making poor choices, just like Jonah,” Sara’s mom, Gwen, says.

But that didn’t stop Sara from crying out for him when she felt lonely. “I love you, Daddy, and I miss you,” she’d tell him whenever she visited him behind bars.

Thanks to support from friends like you, Sara felt her father’s love through the gifts and the Gospel you helped Angel Tree deliver.

Sara cherishes every Angel Tree present you made possible because they were sent from the dad she missed so much. She still holds on to a pair of monkey pajamas – her very first Angel Tree gift she received when she was 5 years old. “Angel Tree made her feel so much closer to him,” Gwen remembers.

Sara also received a book of Bible stories that helped her to learn that God loves her, too.

Now released, Sara’s dad has been able to restore his relationship with his precious daughter. “Thanks to Angel Tree, it’s been a lot easier than I thought to reconnect with her,” he says.

Your support for Angel Tree helps a child through the hard times because they have a hope to hold on to. Thank you for remembering Sara and the hundreds of thousands of children like her at Christmas. It starts with a gift and leads to families restored through Jesus Christ!


A Family Restored

“When God saw what they did and how they turned from their evil ways, He had compassion and did not bring upon them the destruction He had threatened.” - Jonah 3:10


The book of Jonah should give us all pause. When we look upon the sin and debauchery that surrounds us – when we look into the eyes of an individual or into the soul of a nation’s culture – is our first response to recoil and turn our backs? Or do we respond with God’s message of mercy and compassion?

- Stewardship Study Bible, p. 1167


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participatedchildren went

to Angel Tree camp

3,965new churches recruited1,952

churches participated

7,801 364,198children served

“All of the toys in the world would not have meant more than the ones they received on behalf of their father.”

– Niccole, Angel Tree caregiver (parent)

“Angel Tree has taught me that God is there. That God is enough for me.”

– Gavin, Angel Tree child

“Angel Tree is one of the most important ministries I’ve ever encountered. Our job is to teach kids as much [as we can] about Christ in one week. Angel Tree does work. Angel Tree changes lives. It’s changed my life and it changes these kids’ lives for the better.”

– Nick, former Angel Tree child, now Angel Tree camp counselor

“Because of Angel Tree, my children smile at Christmas, they know that God loves them, and that someone besides their parents loves them.”

– Erin, Angel Tree caregiver (parent)

201,119prisoners signed up for Angel Tree Christmas

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For years, prisoners’ families have paid exorbitant rates and fees to talk on the phone with their loved ones. Phone companies have enjoyed monopolies over this business, feeling free to raise their usual rates and pay large “commissions” to state governments.

For many families already living on a razor-thin margin, those costs have been an unbearable burden. As a result, families talk less, and fragile relationships get even weaker. These weak family relationships lead to increased recidivism rates and decreased public safety.

But that’s changing, thanks in part to your support of Justice Fellowship.

In a concerted effort with grassroots activists and community organizations, Justice Fellowship has strongly advocated changes to policies that unjustly punish prisoners’ families.

• Your prayers and financial support enabled us to submit expert testimony, along with thousands of petitions from Prison Fellowship Ministries supporters, urging the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to establish policies that promote affordable phone rates.

• Because of you, we were able to speak with two different FCC commissioners to explain how reasonable phone rates promote public safety and keep families connected.

• You helped us keep local advocates informed and engaged.

The result? In 2013 the FCC released rules that will dramatically reduce the cost of interstate phone calls between prisoners and their loved ones. Families will now face one less obstacle on the road to restoration and reconciliation.

As we celebrate this victory God has brought about through your prayers and financial support, Justice Fellowship is also gearing up to promote fair phone rates at the state level, so that families can afford to stay connected and communities will be safer.


One Less Obstacle


“Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.” - Romans 14:19


In his sermon on Romans 15:2, theologian and pastor John Wesley (1703-1791) explains what it means to be Christlike and build up one’s neighbor:Let the gentleness of your disposition appear in the whole tenor of your conversation … Remember, likewise that advice of St. Peter: As an addition to your gentleness, be merciful; “be courteous;” be pitiful; be tenderly compassionate to all that are in distress; to all that are under any affliction of mind, body, or estate. Let “The various scenes of human woe excite your softest sympathy!”


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states passed criminal justice reforms supported by JF

13PFM volunteers lobbied to implement

JF-endorsed legislation

1,267JF Advocates signed a

petition to the FCC

4,26722,000+Justice Fellowship


“I am pleased to see the legacy of a great friend continue through the prison reform provisions in this year’s Commerce-Justice-Science spending legislation in what will be known as the Charles Colson Task Force on Federal Corrections. Chuck made arguably one of the biggest impacts on prison reform following his own incarceration, and his kind heart, strong Christian values and committed work will live on through the Colson Task Force at a time when it’s needed most. Our prisons are overpopulated, dangerous, expensive and violent, but by channeling Chuck’s impactful work and focusing on the differences made through Prison Fellowship and Justice Fellowship, we are bound to see positive change in our prison system.”

– Congressman Frank Wolf (R-VA)

“Justice Fellowship and other leading conservative and Christian organizations have stepped up to support the Smarter Sentencing Act, demonstrating that being smart on crime rather than throwing more dollars at corrections actually leads to safer communities and better use of limited resources.”

– Senator Mick Lee (R-UT)

27,299JF Facebook fans

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Leigh Littrell always had a tender heart toward “the least of these,” but when she felt God calling her to start a transitional home for women in need of restoration, she needed some extra support to get started.

Leigh found the courage she needed when she was accepted into the Centurions Program, the Colson Center’s year-long biblical worldview study program that helps Christians apply God’s Word to bring healing to their homes, churches, and communities.

“Although I’ve had a relationship with the Lord,” Leigh explains, “the [Centurions] program changed my daily rhythms completely. … It gave me the wisdom and courage I needed to know that God’s Word is sufficient, and that I should boldly and courageously live by it and share it, but in a ‘winsome’ sort of way, as Chuck [Colson] would say!”

Leigh founded Refuge of Grace, a faith-based, holistic transitional home for struggling women and their children, shortly before she was commissioned as a Centurion.

“Prison Fellowship [Ministries] has been very instrumental in encouraging me to walk forward where the Lord is calling,” she adds. “When I shared the vision with [President and CEO Jim Liske] … he believed in Refuge of Grace and said that ‘we,’ meaning Prison Fellowship [Ministries], would be there to support and partner with us in any way we needed!”


Walking Where the Lord Is Calling

“Joshua told the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do amazing things among you.’” – Joshua 3:5


Chinese evangelist and martyr Watchman Nee (1903-1972) explains what it means to be consecrated for God’s holy use:I give myself over wholly to Christ: that is holiness. Presenting myself to God implies a recognition that I am altogether His. This giving of myself is a definite thing, just as definite as reckoning. There must be a day in my life when I pass out of my own hands into His, and from that day forward I belong to Him and no longer to myself.


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stations air BreakPoint This Week

356 900Centurion alumni

779stations air The Point® with John Stonestreet

1,372outlets air BreakPoint®

radio nationwide

“I have been strengthened by the BreakPoint ministry. I have also softened some of my once strident views as well. You are a fine example of what Jesus came to do, and that is to bring GRACE and TRUTH (law). You have a fine balance of both. Thank you BreakPoint.”

– Ray B., supporter

“When I was a child, my father would turn on the BreakPoint radio spots every time we were home for lunch from school. We were to listen in absolute silence so we didn’t miss a thing. Now I teach worldview and culture classes at church and am a classical musician, one brother is a pastor, and another a conservative history teacher in the public school system. I’d say the lessons certainly took (not to mention worldview studies in general at home). Thanks BreakPoint!”

– Aaron H., supporter

“The ministry of BreakPoint has not only helped me understand the political process [but also] how ethics plays a huge part in the political scheme of things.”

– Shiffon G., supporter

“The Colson Center truly allows me to see things with a Christian perspective. It reports on things I would otherwise not hear from other media equipping me to combat the onslaught of cultural attacks on Christian value.”

– Jasmine N., supporter

93commissioned Centurions

in 2012-2013

5,000copies of “Doing the Right

Thing” distributed


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Rosita isn’t your typical kindergartner. She has no toys to cherish, no one she can call her best friend ... her childhood dreams are nightmares.

Conceived in a common area of a Bolivian prison where male and female prisoners are allowed to socialize, little Rosita’s first cries echoed off the concrete walls of the San Pedro Prison nine months later.

She shares a dirty, infested cell with her mom, her 3-year-old brother, and 3-month-old sister. Rosita has no protection from the prisoners. Abuse and neglect run rampant in the San Pedro prison yard, and this little girl is left alone, struggling to protect herself from harm.

Rosita has only ever known a life saturated with loneliness and steeped in fear.

But a glimmer of hope comes to Rosita when she hears the news that she’s old enough to attend school – and a volunteer from Prison Fellowship Bolivia will escort her there every day.

And after school, Rosita will attend PF Bolivia’s Angel Tree Centre, a day shelter that takes care of prisoners’ children all the way through their teenage years.

Surrounded by warmth she’s never felt, Rosita listens to the Prison Fellowship International volunteers tell her the Good News about Jesus, His love for her, and how He can give her a hope and a future!

The road ahead is long for Rosita and not without its challenges. But she’s excelling in school and at Prison Fellowship Bolivia’s Angel Tree Centre ... improving her chances that she’ll one day leave those prison bars behind her once and for all.

Thank you for partnering with Prison Fellowship International. Your help goes beyond borders to reach out to the weary souls the world doesn’t see – the prisoners and their children behind bars who need the restoration and healing of our Savior’s love.

PFI.ORG : 19

Restoration Beyond our Borders

“After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his prosperity and doubled his previous possessions.” - Job 42:10


Pastor and author Gordon MacDonald concludes from the book of Job:Prosperity is not always a coincidence, nor the result of hard work. In this case at least, God showered prosperity upon a man because the man had demonstrated his faithfulness … {We must always}remember that there are others who work hard without gaining material prosperity. We must never forget that a grace-filled heart does more to trigger God’s kindness than all the more visible things a person can do.


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20 : PFI.ORG PFI.ORG : 21

100victims participatingcountries

27countries129 203


prisoners participating

“We are in prison, OK, but our children shouldn’t have to suffer.”

– Participant, PF Zimbabwe daycare center

“The Sycamore Tree Project® really makes you think. It’s not like any other course I’ve been on. It makes you think about feelings. It’s about what’s inside. It changes how you feel about victims ... I’ve done the ETS [Enhanced Thinking Skills] and that’s easy. You know all the answers before you go in there. That doesn’t change anything. STP is different because it’s about what’s in here.”

– Prisoner, England and Wales

“After serving my jail term, I had plans of going back to those who brought me here – the victims and the police – and teach them a lesson. But after going through the lessons on this programme, I came to realize that I should be responsible for my actions.”

– Anonymous

100countries participate

in Angel Tree

64prisons running

with and inSycamore Tree Program in

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Staff PhotoLeadership Team

of Prison Fellowship Ministries

Craig DeRochePresidentJustice Fellowship

Jim LiskePresident and CEOPrison Fellowship Ministries

Sam DyeSenior Vice PresidentPrison Fellowship

Tim RobisonSenior Vice PresidentAdministration

Wes WillmerSenior Vice PresidentAdvancement

Alan Terwilleger PresidentThe Chuck Colson Center for

Christian Worldview

Board of Directors

Terry L. Van Der Aa Chairman of the Board Chairman, Providence Bank Hinsdale, IL

Jim LiskePresident and CEO Prison Fellowship Ministries Lansdowne, VA

Paul S. CauwelsTreasurer Cauwels & Stuve Realty &

Development Advisors, LLCAlbuquerque, NM

Mark D. Wilkerson Secretary/Chairman of Executive

Committee Wilkerson and Bryan, P.C. Montgomery, AL

Henry J. Abeyta Executive DirectorEmmaus Journey MinistryAlbuquerque, NM

Dr. W. Brian Byrd Founder and President Texas Hospice Fort Worth, TX

N. Burl Cain WardenLouisiana State PenitentiaryAngola, LA

Christian B. Colson Vice PresidentT.D. BankCharleston, SC

Carl F. Dill, Jr.Managing Director and FounderTriCour PartnersNaples, FL

Dr. David S. Dockery PresidentUnion UniversityJackson, TN

Ida D. DramehPrincipal Ida Drameh and AssociatesBanjul, The Gambia

Dr. Timothy F. GeorgeDeanBeeson Divinity SchoolSamford UniversityBirmingham, AL

Erika N. Harold Burke, Warren, MacKay &

Serritella, P.C. Miss America 2003 Chicago, IL

Marten S. Hoekstra CEOEmerging Global Advisors New York, NY

Heidi A. HuizengaFamily Consultant Oakbrook, IL

Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr.Senior Pastor, Hope Christian ChurchFounder and President, High Impact

Leadership CoalitionBeltsville, MD

Bishop Jerry W. Macklin Founder and Pastor Glad Tidings Church of God in Christ Hayward, CA

Thomas E. Mader CEOGuardity Technologies, Inc.Plano, TX

Peter M. Mahon, Jr. Investment ResearchMinneapolis, MN

Robert S. Milligan Founder and Chairman Nature’s Variety, Inc.Lincoln, NE

Edwin J. SimcoxPresident Indiana Energy Association Indianapolis, IN

Philippe G. VallerandFounderPGV GroupSnohomish, WA

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Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (in Thousands)(Unaudited)




































June 30,

Assets Cash and cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents held for long-term use


Assets held in charitable remainder trusts

Total Investments

Contributions receivable, net Program advances and other receivables Prepaid expenses and other assets Inventory of publications and supplies Beneficial interest in trusts Cash surrender value of life insurance policies Property, buildings and equipment, net

Total Assets

Liabilities and Net AssetsLiabilities Accounts payable and accrued expenses Accrued salaries and benefits Deferred revenue Annuities payable Liability under trust agreements

Total Liabilities

Net Assets

Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

Total Net Assets

Total Liabilities and Net Assets

For additional financial information, please go to our website at prisonfellowship.org/financials


Consolidated Statements of Activities and Changes in Net Assets (in Thousands)(Unaudited) For the Year Ended June 30, 2013

Support and revenue Contributions Investment return Loss on sale of property Other revenue In-kind contributions Net assets released from restrictions

Total support and revenue

ExpensesProgram services: Program ministry Public education International prison ministry

Total program services

Supporting services: Management and general Fundraising

Total supporting services

Total Expenses

Change in net assets from operations

Unrealized net market gain on investments Change in value of split-interest agreements

Change in net assets

Net assets, beginning of year

Net assets, end of year



























2013 Total


























2013 Total





























Managementand General











$ 12,464








InternationalPrison Ministry

$ —




















Salaries and related expenses

Other Expenses Consulting Donations Materials and supplies Occupancy Other Postage Printing Professional fees Repair and maintenance Telephone Travel

Depreciation and amortization

Total Expenses

Program Services

Consolidated Statements of Functional Expenses (in Thousands)(Unaudited)

Supporting Services


For the Year Ended June 30, 2013

2012 Total















2012 Total









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Prison Fellowship Ministries is an expression of the Church bringing peace to a broken world through works of grace, acts of justice, and words of truth.

Prison Fellowship lives out this mission by serving and equipping the Church to fulfill the Great Commission among prisoners, ex-prisoners, and their families.

Justice Fellowship lives out this mission by advocating for the reform of the justice system so communities are safer, victims are respected, and offenders are transformed.

The Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview lives out this mission by building and resourcing a movement of Christians committed to living and defending the Christian worldview.

44180 Riverside Parkway, Lansdowne, VA 20176