2013-14 ASC Board Member Application Materials FINAL - Supplemental Round

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  • 7/27/2019 2013-14 ASC Board Member Application Materials FINAL - Supplemental Round




    The American Association of State Service Commissions (ASC) seeks applicants for its Board ofDirectors. As a membership organization, ASC advances service and volunteerism in the statesthrough a national network of state service commissions representative of all streams of nationaland community service. The ASC Board of Directors provides oversight and counsel onplanning and policy development, financial oversight and development, as well as associated

    member services. Information regarding Board member expectations and application materialsare detailed in this document.


    Terms of OfficeThe members of the Board of Directors are elected for three-year terms. Board members mayserve two consecutive terms. In special circumstances, Board members may serve additionalyears based on the recommendation of the Nominating Committee and approval by the Board ofDirectors.

    Board of Directors Meetings1. In-person meetings (typically two-three hours each):

    a. Annual Meeting in September Washington DC in conjunction with AmeriCorpsGrantee Meeting

    b. First quarter of calendar year depends on needs of ASC, typically in WashingtonDC

    c. June usually held in conjunction with the Conference on Volunteering and Service2. Conference calls:

    a. Full Board calls two hours each, typically occur quarterly

    Committee RequirementsBeyond participation in Board meetings (in-person and conference calls), each Board member isexpected to be an active participant in one of the standing or ad hoc committees (typical timecommitment of 2-5 hours per month, depending on the committee). Board members may beresponsible for outside project work in support of the committee, such as drafting documents forreview or communicating with commissions and/or other stakeholders regarding the work ofASC.

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    Anticipated committees for 2013-14 include:

    Executive Committee composed of Board officers

    Finance/Audit Committee oversees ASC financial statements and annual spending

    Membership Committee provides training and technical assistance support to state

    service commissions Nominating Committee manages the Board nomination process

    Public Policy Committee guides ASCs public policy efforts, including advocating for

    national service funding

    Resource Development Committee designs and executes communications strategies

    in addition to developing plans to secure financial resources for ASC, including planningfundraising events and drafting grant requests

    Travel Requirements/ReimbursementRegular travel expenses related to meeting attendance are not reimbursed by ASC; however,members may request reimbursement from their respective commissions (subject to availablefunding). Teleconference calls are also not reimbursed by ASC. Some Board members that alsoserve as commissioners donate their individual travel expenses to their state commission asin-kind match.

    Financial Contribution RequirementAll Board members are expected to provide financial contributions in support of the work ofASC. Board members are encouraged to provide a minimum gift of $150 (individualmembership in ASC) and $300 of additional funding (two individual memberships or equallevel) on an annual basis. Youth Commissioners are encouraged to donate an appropriateamount based on their financial circumstances.


    Overall Board CompositionASC Bylaws allow for a total of 23 Board members. Board members should include a mix ofstaff members employed by state service commissions as well as commissioners serving on stateservice commissions. Priority for staff member appointments will be given to state servicecommission executive directors, but other staff members will also be considered. At least one ofthe commissioners should be a Youth Commissioner (age 17-24). Further, ASC seeks to ensuregeographic diversity by including four representatives from each of five geographic clusters (seeGeographic Diversity below for more information).

    In addition, up to three members of the Board may be filled by at-large Board members individuals who represent organizations or networks that work closely with state servicecommissions around the country.

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    Geographic DiversityASC seeks four new Board members based on current and expected vacancies on the Board ofDirectors. Board members selected through this process will join the 2013-14 slate of candidatesalready approved by the ASC Board for consideration at the ASC Annual Meeting in September2013. Applications are encouraged from all states, by priority in selection will be given to

    applicants from states that are not currently represented on the ASC Board. Targets bygeographic cluster are:

    Atlantic (CT, DC, DE, MA, MD, ME, NH, NJ, NY, PA, PR, RI, VT)

    One Board member

    South (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, SC, TN, VA, WV)

    No Board vacancies expected at this time, but interested applicants are encouraged to

    apply for future consideration

    North Central (IA, IL, IN, MI, MN, ND, NE, OH, SD, WI)

    One Board member

    Southwest (AR, AZ, CO, KS, LA, MO, NM, OK, TX)

    No Board vacancies expected at this time, but interested applicants are encouraged to

    apply for future consideration

    Pacific (AK, AS, CA, GU, HI, ID, MT, NV, OR, UT, WA, WY)

    One Board member


    One Board member

    *One or more of these positions may be filled by Youth Commissioners up to a maximum ofthree Youth Commissioners.

    Skills and InterestsAlthough general interest and support of the work of state service commissions is the primarycriteria for selection of Board members, ASC also seeks Board members who demonstrate thefollowing skills and interests:

    Public Policy experience and skills in advocating for public resources in support ofnational service programming

    Finance/Administration individuals with experience in budgeting, accounting, and

    financial management

    Resource Development demonstrated experience in fundraising, including event

    planning and/or success securing private grants in support of associations; expertise indeveloping and executing social media and other communications strategies

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    Selection ProcessIndividuals interested in Board membership must submit completed application materials to ASCExecutive Director, Tom Branen, by 5:00 p.m. ET on August 14, 2013 tbranen@asc-


    Applications received by the deadline will be reviewed by the ASC Nominating Committee.Members of the Nominating Committee may contact candidates for additional information. TheNominating Committee will prepare a slate of candidates for review by the ASC Board. Onceadopted by the Board, the slate will be distributed to the ASC Membership no later than 30 daysprior to the upcoming ASC Annual Meeting (Tuesday, September 17, Washington DC timeTBD). The Nominating Committee will present an overview of the slate and process utilized todevelop the slate at the Annual Meeting for adoption by the ASC Membership. Candidatesrecommended as part of the slate are strongly encouraged to attend the ASC Annual Meeting.

    All candidates will be notified of the status of their application no later than Friday, August 16.

    Selection TimelineWednesday, July 31 Board Application Materials Available

    Wednesday, August 14 Board Application Materials Due to Tom Branen, Executive Director,ASC by 5:00 p.m. ET [email protected]

    August 15 Initial Review of Applications by ASC Nominating Committee

    August 15 Potential Follow-up with Candidates/Preparation of Candidate Slate

    for Board Review

    August 16 Board Reviews Slate of Candidates

    August 16 Slate of Candidates Finalized for Distribution to ASC Membership

    Friday, August 17 Board Applicants Notified of Status/Slate Distributed to ASCMembership for Adoption at ASC Annual Meeting

    Tuesday, September 17 Slate Adopted at ASC Annual Meeting in Washington DC

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    For additional information regarding the selection process, please contact:

    Tom Branen

    Executive [email protected](202) 729-8179 (Eastern Time Zone)


    Kaira EsgateChairASC Nominating [email protected]

    (916) 402-2008 (Pacific Time Zone)

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    Due Wednesday, August l4, 2013 by 5:00 p.m. ET

    Submit to Tom Branen [email protected]

    Application InstructionsIn no more than two pages, complete the Candidate Overview, Candidate Reference, andCandidate Narrative questions. Submit these two pages. You may also attach a resume in

    support of your application.


    Candidate Name:



    Street Address:

    City, State, Zip Code

    E-mail Address:

    Phone Number:

    State Commission:

    Years Affiliated with

    State Commission:

    Candidate Type:

    (please check one)Commissioner Youth CommissionerCommission Staff Member


    Leadership Positions:

    (Commissioners Only)

    ASC Committee


    (please check one)

    Public Policy Resource DevelopmentFinance/Audit Membership

    CANDIDATE REFERENCE (should be a state commission staff member or commissioner):




    E-mail Address:

    Phone Number:

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    1. Why are you interested in serving as a member of the ASC Board of Directors?

    2. Describe the length and depth of your affiliation with your state service commission. Forstaff members, length of employment, positions held, other relevant professional experience.For commissioners, length of appointment, leadership positions held, other relevantprofessional experience. If applying as an at-large Board member, please describe yourexperience interfacing with state service commissions and relevant professional experience.

    3. What unique skills or abilities would your membership bring to the ASC Board of Directors,including relevant experience in public policy, finance/administration and/or resourcedevelopment?