2013 0316Sa CalBetaInitiation Photos

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Transcript of 2013 0316Sa CalBetaInitiation Photos

  • 7/29/2019 2013 0316Sa CalBetaInitiation Photos


    OCEAN TO OCEAN - PI PHIS ACROSS THE NATIONSan Jose Pi Phis shared a special day togethe

    with Cal Beta Chapter - UC Berkeley at their Initiation on Saturday, March 16, 2013. Beautiful memorie

    were made and new friendships blossomed as we welcomed our new alumna initiate. We topped th

    celebration with lunch at Paragon Restaurant inside the Claremont Hotel Club and Spa in Berkele

    Moments like this are rare, and we are happy to be sharing it with our Pi Phi sisters! Thank you, Pi Phis.

    Pi Beta Phi Fraternity - Friends and Leaders for Life

    San Jose Alumnae Club of Pi Beta Phi www.sjpiphi.org [email protected] Cal Beta's Initiation Spring 2013 Page 1 of 1

    Joni HayesJoni HayesJoni HayesJoni Hayes----LampreyLampreyLampreyLampreyArizona Beta

    Nan BurtonNan BurtonNan BurtonNan BurtonCalifornia Beta

    Kathy BergerKathy BergerKathy BergerKathy BergerVirginia Delta

    Deanna ZimmermanDeanna ZimmermanDeanna ZimmermanDeanna Zimmerman

    Oregon Alpha

    Tracy WhiteheadTracy WhiteheadTracy WhiteheadTracy WhiteheadCalifornia Delta

    Jacqueline VoJacqueline VoJacqueline VoJacqueline VoCalifornia Lambda


    Sisterhood is the essence of all the

    wisdom of the ages, distilled into a

    single word. You cannot see

    sisterhood, neither can you hear it

    nor taste it. But you can feel it a

    hundred times a day. It is a pat onthe back, a smile of

    encouragement. It's someone to

    share with, to celebrate your
