2012 Self Assessment

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    2200 Wilson Boulevard Suite 601 Arlington, VA 22201 United States

    Tel.: 703-243-0970 Fax: 703-243-8247

    Email: [email protected]


    Production Facility Self-Assessment Package

    Submit 1 copy of the completed package to the monitoring company selected to conduct the audit, and 1 copy to WRAP

    2012 Edition

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Document name: Facility Profile Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011





    WRAP ID#


    Name of Production Facility:

    Manufacturer ID number. This number is either the official tax number or manufacturer/industry

    identification number issued to the facility by the appropriate government authority.



    Physical Location Address:

    Mailing Address:

    Telephone #: Fax #:

    Contact Person:

    Contacts Title:

    E-mail Address:

    Year Facility Established:

    Name of Facility Manager:

    Telephone #: Fax #:

    E-mail Address:

    Articles Produced:

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Document name: Facility Profile Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011


    Total No. of Employees at this Facility:

    Full time contracted employees:

    Short term contract employees: Please state length of contract

    Agency supplied and paid employees

    Language(s) spoken by management and workers at the facility:

    Street Address of Dormitories (if applicable):


    Name: Title:

    Signature: Date:

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 1. Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations: Facilities will complywith laws and regulations in all locations where they conduct business.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedure supporting all WRAP principles.


    1.1 Does your facility obtain current information on local and national laws and regulations

    concerning each of the Principles? Do you promptly incorporate this information in its business


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    Do you have policies and procedures for current information on national and local laws and

    regulations on each of the WRAP Principles?

    Wages and hours Freedom of association and collective bargaining Minimum ages for employment and related restrictions Health and safety standards Environmental standards and compliance Employment discrimination General labor law Relevant international trade law SecurityPlease give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.2 Do you have a qualified person responsible for informing the facility of changes to laws and

    regulations, or access to current publications on national and local labor laws?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    1.3 On a timely basis does the facility updates its practices to incorporate revision to existing laws

    and regulations.

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.4 Does the facility undertake internal monitoring of its management system (internal audits) to

    satisfy itself that the written procedures and processes are meeting the requirements of local law andWRAP principles?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.______________________________________________________________________________________



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.5 During the previous two years has the facility has had any notices of noncompliance levied

    against the facility, including any legal proceedings or outstanding allegations concerning the

    facilities operations.

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.6 Does the facility have a program to train relevant individuals regarding the changes for any new

    laws or revisions to existing laws and regulations?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________



    1.7 Does the facility sub-contract any of its production operations?

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


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    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Note: Sub-contracting could be but not limited to: Part of the primary production processes or services offered as

    an end result by the facility.

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.8 Does the facility sub-contract any other operations?

    Note: Sub-contracting could be but not limited to: factory cleaning services, canteen services, worker

    accommodation, goods shipping, home workers, employment agencies or security services.

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.9 How has the facility informed the sub-contractor of their obligations under the local labor law

    and WRAP Principle requirements?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.10 Does the facility keep evidence of how any sub-contractor has been made aware of these


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.11 Does the facility keep receipt of sub-contractor acknowledgement of these requirements?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    1.12 Does the facility regularly review its list of sub-contractors to make sure it is up to date?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 2. Prohibition of Forced Labor: Facilities will not use involuntary, forced ortrafficked labor.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    2.1 Are all employees working at the facility voluntarily?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.2 Are employees movements restricted?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.3 What security measures or logistics are being employed in the facility?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.4 Do your security personnel act in a non-threatening manner?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.5 Are security guards posted for normal security reasons?

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.6 Are the doors and gates of the facility only locked for normal business and housing security

    reasons in compliance with applicable local and national fire codes?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.7 Does the facility prohibits all relevant individuals, including any person under the facility'sdirection, such as security guards, form coercing employees in any way, or unnecessarily limiting

    employees' freedom of movements. Is employees freedom of movement unimpeded upon their shift's


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.8 Does the facility require all hiring documents, such as an employment application or contract to,

    1) include a statement affirming that applicants are seeking employment voluntarily and are not

    under threat of any penalty, 2) be signed by each applicant, and 3) be maintained in the employeespersonnel file?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.9 Does the facility obtain proof that anyone seeking employment is legally entitled to work in thecountry of manufacture in accordance with national immigration laws?

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.10 Does the facility obtain an executed statement from all labor brokers/agents used by the facility

    stating that the brokers/agents are not supplying labor that is involuntary or forced and has the right

    to work in this country?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.11 Does the facility have a qualified person responsible for communicating, deploying and

    monitoring the practices of effectively prohibiting involuntary or forced labor?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    2.12 Does the facility have a program and materials used to train relevant individuals, including all

    individuals responsible for the hiring process, on the facilitys policies and procedures prohibiting

    forced or involuntary labor?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.13 Do the job descriptions or individual contracts for security employees limit their tasks to normal

    security matters such as protection of facility property or facility personnel?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.14 Does the facility issues wages/compensation directly to employees, in an unambiguous systemthat clearly shows that the employee controls the destination of his/her wages, and access to his/her


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.15 Does the facility hold identification papers, travel documents or passports of their employees? If

    so, is it at the request of their employee with the employee maintaining complete access?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    2.16 What is the facilitys policy on use/non-use of prison labor with regard to local or national law

    and industry standard?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 3. Prohibition of Child Labor: Facilities will not hire any employee under the

    age of 14 or under the minimum age established by law for employment, whichever is

    greater, or any employee whose employment would interfere with compulsoryschooling.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    3.1 Does the facility obtain proof of age documentation from all potential workers prior to hiring and

    review the documentation for authenticity?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.2 Does the facility manage the hiring practice, documenting the age of potential employees with

    official country specific documents (e.g., birth certificates, identification cards, school records and/orimmigration papers, medical records)?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.3 Does the facility obtain and retain proof of age for each employee? Does the facility maintain

    information in the employee personnel file regarding how long the employee has been working at the


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.4 Does the facility assess the authenticity of age documentation and make comparisons with sample


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.5 Does the facility ascertain the employees stated age through the interview process?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.6 Does the facility document the existence of an employment interview (e.g. a checklist indicating

    that the required questions were asked of the applicant)?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.7 Does the facility require a completed and signed employment application or contract that

    includes the date of birth (inclusive of the employee signature, employee identification number andsignature date)?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.8 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for

    communicating, deploying and monitoring child labor practices as they relate to the above


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    3.9 Does the responsible person ensure that employees assigned tasks are appropriate for their age,

    where applicable?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 4. Prohibition of Harassment or Abuse: Facilities will provide a workenvironment free of supervisory or co-worker harassment or abuse, and free of

    corporal punishment in any form.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    4.1 Does the facility have a compliant written policy on the prohibition of harassment, abuse and

    corporal punishment?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    4.2 Does the policy include reasonable punitive repercussions for non-conformance and repeated

    non-conformance? The policy must apply to the behavior of all employees with special emphasisplaced upon supervisory personnel.

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4.3 Does the facility have signed statements by the facilitys management affirming their

    understanding of the facilitys anti-harassment and abuse policies.

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    4.4 Does the facility effectively prohibit all forms of harassment, abuse and corporal punishment inwritten policies and procedures?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    4.5 Does the facility communicate the policy on the prohibition of harassment and abuse to workers,

    and third party services (e.g., security guards, kitchen services) that will have significant contact with

    facility employees?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    4.6 Does the facility encourage employees to report instances of harassment or abuse, without fear ofretribution?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    4.7 Is there an effective and mandatory program to train relevant individuals, including all

    individuals responsible for the supervision of workers, on the facilitys policies and procedures

    prohibiting all forms of harassment, abuse and corporal punishment?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 5. Compensation and Benefits: Facilities will pay at least the minimum total

    compensation required by local law, including all mandated wages, allowances &


    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    5.1 Does the facility have practices to ensure employees are compensated consistent with their terms

    of employment and in accordance with local laws and regulations?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.2 Does the lowest record of payment by the facility meet the legal minimum compensation?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.3 Does the facility post legal minimum wage rates, benefit policies, and additional payment

    information in the native language(s) of the facility workers?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.4 Does the facility utilize and maintain an organized system of record keeping?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    5.5 Does the facility produce and retain payroll records to support compensation, including


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.6 Does the facility provide all employees with a pay record or stub which lists the components of the

    wages paid?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.______________________________________________________________________________________



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.7 Are all legally mandated withholdings - e.g., taxes, social security, etc. - remitted to the


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.8 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility forcommunicating, deploying and monitoring the payroll and benefit system and ensuring that the wage

    rates and compensation calculations are adequately communicated to all workers in the facility?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.9 Does the facility have a written and coherent policy on piece rate compensation that ensures thepiece rate compensation at least satisfies the minimum compensation prescribed by law?

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.10 Are employees provided with adequate communication of their legally mandated minimumcompensation rights and do they sign off on material counts or random independent recounts for

    piece rate systems?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    5.11 Does communication include a detailed description of the employees compensation and benefits

    at the time of employment; with both a written and verbal explanation of wage calculations providedat the time of employment; and changes to compensation rates or methods of wage calculations

    communicated timely and effectively?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 6. Hours of Work: Hours worked each day, and days worked each week, shall

    not exceed the limitations of the countrys law. Facilities will provide at least one day

    off in every seven-day period, except as required to meet urgent business needs.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    6.1 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for

    communicating, deploying and monitoring that no employee works more hours per day, per week

    than the legal limits?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    6.2 Does the facility have a program and relevant materials to train all individuals, including all

    individuals responsible for production coordination and scheduling, to ensure that employees workno more than the legal maximum, including overtime ceilings?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    6.3 At the time of hiring, are employees made aware of facility policies and procedures, specificallythe legal limitations on the maximum hours of work per day, week and month, both regular and

    overtime, and the maximum number of consecutive days they can legally be required to work?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    6.4 Does your facility retains time records that reflect the day and date employees worked, the

    number of hours worked each day, and the employees acknowledgements?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    6.5 Does the facility have a written, rational and well communicated policy defining "urgent business


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    6.6 Are notifications of maximum regular and overtime hour policies visibly posted in the native

    language(s) of the facility's workers and management personnel?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    6.7 Does your facility require that all new workers, at the time of hiring, be made aware of thefacilitys policies on required hours of labor?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 7. Prohibition of Discrimination: Facilities will employ, pay, promote, and

    terminate workers on the basis of their ability to do the job, rather than on the basis of

    personal characteristics or beliefs.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    7.1 Does the facility have a written policy that explicitly prohibits discrimination?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    7.2 Does the facility have procedures and practices to ensure compliance and remediation with the

    facility policy?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    7.3 Does the facility have a written policy visibly posted in the language(s) of the employees and

    management personnel?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    7.4 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for

    communicating, deploying, and monitoring the non-discrimination policy?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    7.5 Does the facility have an effective program and materials used to train relevant individuals,

    including all individuals responsible for the supervisions of workers and for the hiring process, onthe discrimination practices?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    7.6 Does the facility effectively communicate in writing the requirements of this Principle to third

    parties (industrial parks, export processing zones, free trade zones, sub-contractors etc.) that may

    recruit and screen applicants on its behalf?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    7.7 Does the facility explicitly prohibit mandatory pregnancy testing as a condition of employment or

    continued employment?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    7.8 Do employees sign statements (statements may be included in and employment application orcontract), written in the native language(s) of the employees, affirming their receipt and

    understanding of the facilitys anti- discrimination practices?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.______________________________________________________________________________________


    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 8. Health and Safety: Facilities will provide a safe and healthy work

    environment. Where residential housing is provided for workers, facilities will provide

    safe and healthy housing.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.

    8.1 Does the facility have all local and national government health and safety certificates/permits,

    insurance policies and any relevant correspondence or documents from government officials?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.2 Does the facility tracks health and safety incidents?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.3 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility for

    communicating, deploying and monitoring all compliant Health & Safety policies and practices?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.4 Does the facility have a program and materials to train relevant individuals, including allindividuals responsible for the supervision of workers, on all of the relevant occupational safety andhealth issues?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.5 Does the facility verify by physical inspection that the workplace is operated and maintained in a

    safe and healthy manner, including any canteen/cafeteria areas and crche/child-care areas?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.6 Does the facility ensure that exits are not locked during times when the facility is occupied to

    allow free, unobstructed exit from the facility?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.7 Does the facility have a written safety program, including a fire safety plan?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.8 Does the facility maintains first aid supplies as recommended by a local medical provider or

    required by law?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.9 Are first aid supplies are available and accessible to all areas of the facility?

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


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    Issue Date: November 2011

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.10 Is employee training conducted for first aid and safety?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.11 Are first aid responders/emergency safety personnel identified and properly trained?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.12 Is there clean drinking water and is it easily accessible at the facility?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.13 If applicable, is there clean drinking water that is easily accessible in the dormitories?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.______________________________________________________________________________________


    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.14 Is drinking water provided at no cost to employees?

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.15 Does the facility maintain a safety committee comprised of workers and management, which

    holds quarterly meetings and keeps minutes of proceedings?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    8.16 Does the facility have a chemical safety program, if required?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.17 Does the facility properly store hazardous/toxic materials?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.18 Are employees trained on chemical safety?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.______________________________________________________________________________________



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

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    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    8.19 Does the facility maintain documentation for chemical labeling, chemical usage warnings, andproper handling instructions?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.20 Does the facility have a written emergency procedure to handle natural disasters, fire

    emergencies, and industrial accidents?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.21 Have employees been trained on the proper use of fire extinguishers?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.22 Does the facility have an emergency evacuation plan in the native language posted in view of the

    facility's workers?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.23 Does the facility conduct semi-annual (at least) emergency evacuation drills?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.24 Does the facility have adequate numbers and locations of unimpeded emergency exits?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.25 Does the facility conduct hazard assessments to determine if any personal protective equipmentis required?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.26 If personal protective equipment is required, is it provided to affected employees, at no cost?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.27 Does the facility conduct regular occupational health check for hazardous job duties?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.______________________________________________________________________________________



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.28 Does the facility have a policy to maintain safe and orderly work conditions?

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.29 Is trash properly disposed of both inside and outside the facility?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    8.30 Is trash properly disposed of in the dormitory facilities?

    Objective evidence reviewed





  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 9. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining: Facilities will recognize

    and respect the right of employees to exercise their lawful rights of free association and

    collective bargaining.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    9.1 Does the facility have written policies and procedures that recognize and respect the right of

    employees to exercise their lawful rights of free association?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.



    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    9.2 Does the facility have a designated qualified person with responsibility for communicating,deploying and monitoring the freedom of association practices as prescribed by labor law?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    9.3 Does the facility have a union, association or collective representation of employees?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    9.4 Are there formal communication procedures between worker representatives and management?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________

  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011


    9.5 Does the facility enter into discussions with the workers representatives in an open manner andwithin the terms of local law?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    9.6 Are minutes of facility / worker representative meetings documented and available to the


    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    9.7 Does the facility communicate its policies and practices pertaining to this Principle to all facility

    employees and third parties (e.g., free zone office services, employment agencies) that may perform

    recruitment or screening of applicants?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Self Assessment


    Worldwide Responsible Accredited Production

    Certification Program

    Facility Questionnaire

    Document Name: Facility Program Questionnaire

    Issue Date: November 2011

    Principle 10. Environment: Facilities will comply with environmental rules, regulationsand standards applicable to their operations, and will observe environmentally

    conscious practices in all locations where they operate.

    Note: The facility must have documented policies and procedures supporting all WRAP principles.


    10.1 Does the facility have an environmental management system relevant to its industry?

    Please give a summary of your objective evidence to support this question.




    If No, please explain:_____________________________________________________________________


    10.2 Does the facility have a formally designated qualified person with responsibility forcommunicating, deploying,