2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.:...

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 Responsible Official: Stephanie Downs, Director DFC SerVI'c enter I Signe Report for 20 12 US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region Denver Federal Center (DFC) Permittee Information Permittee: United States General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Mailing Address: DFC Service Center 1 Denver Federal Center Gate 2, building 41, Dock E 17A, Room 177 P.O. Box 25546 Denver, CO 80225-0546 Contact Phone Number: (303) 236-2547 Permit No.: CO-R 042004 Have any areas been added to the MS4 (annexation/other legal means)? DYES If YES, include an updated map. Note: The acreage of the DFC was listed in th e Stateme nt of Basis/MS4 Permit, signed October 20, 2011, as "abo ut 670 acres." Portions of the property were transferred to th e Ci ty of Lakewood/ St Anthony's J losp ita l in September 2007. Based on an ex terior perimete r survey co ncln cted August 1 7, 20 12, th e tot al acreage of th e DFC is 6 11 .5 acres. Reporting Period: 1 - December 31, 2012 Construction Program Contact Have you assigned an appropriate contact person/work unit to address questions regarding your municipality's construction and post-construction requirements? ONO If Yes: Bill Fieselman Position/work group title: Environmental Programs Group Contact phone number: (303) 236-2516 Email: [email protected]

Transcript of 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.:...

Page 1: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Responsible Official Stephanie Downs Director DFC SerVIc enter I


Report for 20 12

US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region Denver Federal Center (DFC)

Permittee Information Permittee United States General Services Administration

Public Buildings Service Mailing Address DFC Service Center

1 Denver Federal Center Gate 2 building 41 Dock E 17A Room 177 PO Box 25546 Denver CO 80225-0546

Contact Phone Number (303) 236-2547

Permit No CO-R 042004

Have any areas been added to the MS4 (annexationother legal means) DYES ~NO If YES include an updated map

Note The acreage of the DFC was listed in the Statement of BasisMS4 Permit signed October 20 2011 as about 670 acres Portions of t he property were transferred to the City of LakewoodSt Anthonys J lospital in September 2007 Based on an exterior perimeter survey conclncted August 17 20 12 the total acreage of the DFC is 611 5 acres

Reporting Period Janua1~y 1 - December 31 2012

Construction Program Contact Have you assigned an appropriate contact personwork unit to address questions regarding your municipalitys construction and post-construction requirements ~YES ONO If Yes Bill Fieselman Positionwork group title Environmental Programs Group Contact phone number (303) 236-2516 Email williamfieselmangsagov

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Permit Annual Report

Below are the annual rep01t requirements as listed in the permit (by section number) in black text followed by the DFC response to the requirement ii1 red text

10 Monthly ~nspection Results

13 3 2 The monthly inspection results taken during the first permit year and the annual sampling results shall be repotted in the MS4 Annual Report described in Part 33

Exhibit A provides a summary of the monthly inspection results Based on the monthly inspections it was determined that one of the outfalls that has historically been monitored is not actually and outfall but rather it is a groundwater seep Therefore this seep will no longer be included in any stormwater outfall monitoring

The monthly inspection results show that Sof the 13 outfalls monitored discharge non-stormwater Beginning in the second yea r of this permit DFC will monitor these 5 outfa lls for the constituents listed in Section 1331 of the Permit

20 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)

21 General Requirements

211 The permittee must continue to develop implement and enforce a SWMP The SWMP must include management practices control techniques system design engineering methods and other provisions the permittee or EPA determines appropriate for the control of pollutants in discharges from the MS4

A ne SWMP has been developed and has been undergo ing review finalization and initial implementation during this fi rst year of the permit

212 The permittee must fully implement the SWMP including meeting its measurable goals Implementation should take place in approximate equal intervals throughout the permit and progress will be tracked in the annual report (see Part 3 3)

A new SWMP has been developed and has been undergoing review fi nalization and initial implemcmiddotntation during this first year of the permit

213 The SWMP must include each of the minimum control measures ofParts 22-27

The new SWMP includes sections on each of the minimum control measures Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts Pmiddotublic Involvement and Part iCipation Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control Post-construction Stormwatcr Management for New Development and Redevelopment and Pollut ion Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Mun icipal Operations

214 The permittee must conduct an annual review of the SWMP in conjunction with preparation of

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

the annual report required under Part 33

The new SVMP has been undergoing review finalization and initia l implementation during this first year of the permit Annual review ofthe SWMP will commence with the second year ofthe permit and be conducted annually for the remaining permit term

22 Public Education and Outreach on Stormwatctmiddot Impacts

227 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to public education and outreach

The annua l report documents the public education and outreach program

2271 A description of the methods frequency type and target audience of storm water outreach performed during the permit term

GSA outreach in year one of the perm it term included providing information to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan The outreach was performed by participating in the City of Lakewood Green Earth Day Event on April 2012 Methods included informational poster displayed at the event booth and handout materials The target audience was GSA tenants attend ing the event and City of Lakewood residents

2272 A copy or representation ofpublilt outreach materials provided to the target auclience(s)

See Exhibit B - Earth Day photo

2273 An estimation of the number of people expected to be reached by the program over each year of the permit term

It is estimated that approximately 300 people participated in the event

2274 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the stonnwater public education and outreach program

Bill Fieselman Environmenta l Scientist Stonnwatcr Specia list

23 Public Involvement and Participation

235 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to public involvementparticipation

The DFC is110t a municipa lity but rather a federal office park which is fenced and has 24-hourday 7shydayweek armed security that controls access to the facility Participation of the public outside of the perimeter fence does not take place For the DFC public middotrcfcrs to the personnel working inside of the fence for all of the different agencies

23 51 Documentation of any events or other activities to clean up MS4 receiving waters

No events or other act ivities to clean up MS4 receiving waters took place during the 2012 permit year In

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

20 I 0 a project thamiddott completely re-designed the upper reach and a portion of the lower reach of Mcintyre Gulch on the DFC was completed This included installation ofdrop structures stilling basins and erosion control

23 52 Documentation of any volunteer activities conducted to help actively engage residents and personnel at the Denver Federal Center in understanding water resources and how their activities can affect water quality

During the summer months GSA sponsors a Fanners Market on the DFC one day per week The Fanners Market is open to the genera l public as well as all personnel working on the DFC GSA has a booth at the Farmers Market which is staffed by vo lunteers to disseminate pertinent information about the DFC to interested parties The same information is distributed at the Farmers Market as that described in Section 227 1 above

2353 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the stormwater public education and outreach program

Bill Fieselman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

24 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

241 0 The annual rep011 (See Pmt 33) must document the following information related to illicit discharge detection and elimination

24101 A description ofthe program used to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 including procedures for detection identification of sources and removal of non stormwater discharges from the storm sewer system

The BMPs implemented to help detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 include

Maintain Existing Storm Sewer Map Plug or Reroute Floor Drains Connected to the Storm Sewer as they are discovered Perform Annual Dry-Weather Screening Survey on Stann Sewer Outfalls for the pres~ncc ofnonshy

stormwater discharges Develop Contract Language Prohibiting Non-Storm Water Discharges Assess Non-Storm Water Discharges Provide public education and brochures (sec Section 22 Public Education and Outreach on

Stormwater Impacts above and Exhibit B- Earth Day photo and Stormwater brochure)

241 02 A description of the location and method of dry weather screening performed

The dry weather screening is performed by physically visiting each stormwater outfal l where it discharges to Mcintyre Gulch The screening is normally conducted in Augitst of each year after a minimum of no measurable precipitation event 96 hours prior to the screening event At each outfall the discharge rate (if any) is estimated and dissolved oxygen conductivity temperatme pH salinity and turbidity are measured using portable field instrumentation Exhibit A-Dry Weather Screening Resulls presents the results of this screening

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

241 03 A description of illicit discharges located and all actions taken to eliminate sources of illicit discharges

In the past as part of compliance with the CDPHE Compliance on Consent Order and the previous DFC MS4 permit (CO-R04202f) all known connections oftloor drains etc to the storm sewer system have been identified and the connecti on severed and reconnected to the sanitary sewer system

DFC is in the process of eva luating the constant flow from two ofthe storm sewer out falls One is Outfall No 020UT IOOSC (Exhi bit) The flow has been traced upstream to an area on the west side of Building 20 This storm sewer line was video surveyed in 2009 but proved to be inconclusive as flow was still observed at a point where the video camera could no longer advance up the line It is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the observed tlow is actually groundwater Investi gation into this flow continues

The second incidence of constant flow from a storm sewer outfall is Outfall No 020UT l 009C (Exhibit A) The majority of flow at this outfal l is due to discharge from the onsite groundwater treatment system (which is covered under a separate NPDES permit) However it appears that there is more flow at the outfal l than is being discharged by the treatment system gain it is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the additional observed fl ow is comprised of groundwater DFC is presently evaluating the difference between discharge from the treatment system and flow at the outfall to determine the sou rce of the discrepancy

At this time there are no other known illicit discharges to the MS4

24104 A description of training materials used and the frequency at which training was provided to the target audience(s) on how to respond to reports of illicit discharges

See Exhibit D

24105 A description or citation ofthe established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4

1s negotiated between GSA and EPA in the new DFC permit (CO-R 042004) Section 242 of the permit states Effectively prohibit through regulatory mechanisms available to GSA to prohibit illici t discharges and illegal dumping to the MS4 which includes but is not limited to notifying EPA and entering into a r ederal Facility Compli ance Agreements with the federal agencies The purpose for thi s type of regulatory mechani sm to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 is because GSA has no means of enacting enforcement actions on its tenants (ie other government agencies) If illicit discharges are identified by GSA the responsi ble party will be required (through contractual methods) to appropriately respond to the discharge lfthat party does not respond EPA will be notified

241 06 A copy or excerpt fimiddotom the information management system used to track illicit discharges

This tracking system within the SEMS (information management system) is currently under development

24107 A description ofthe categories ofnon-stormwater discharges evaluated as potentially being significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4 and any local controls placed on these discharges

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Work on this requirement was not undertaken during the first year of this permit term Evaluation methodologies are currently under development

241 08 A description of the schedule andor progress in creating a complete storm sewer map in the Denver Federal Center GIS middot

A complete storm sewer map has been developed However parts of the map are contained in electronic CAD files and parts of the map are contained in electronic GIS files Work is ongoing to merge these two sets of files into one GIS based storm sewer map for the entire facil ity

25 Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control

25 9 The annual rep01t (See Patt 33) must document the following information related to construction site storm water runoff control

25 91 A description of construction activities which disturbed greater than or equal to 5000 square feet of land at the DFC during the term of this permit

September 2012- Jn an approximately 170 x 205 area near Gate 2 of the DFC the sod layer was removed and clean fill dirt and compost was imported Plants trees and shrubs were also planted to create a Xeriscape garden area

October 2012 -An area approximately 300 x 435 near the southwest corner of the DFC was lightly graded to level the ground surface and then crushed gravel up to approximately 1-foot in depth was spread over the entire area and compacted The purpose of this gravel placement was to construct an area where snow removed from the streets and parking lots of the DFC facility could be piled The purpose of the gravel layer is to provide a surface that dump trucks can traverse without getting stuck Crushed gravel was used so snowmelt could infiltrate into the underlying soi l to the maximum extent possible Add it ionally an engineered stormwater catchment basin was constructed at the downstream end of this snow yard to collect any snowmelt that may runoff from the area

259 2 A description or citation of the established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to require erosion and sediment controls

The GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedme (See Exhibit C) is included as a requirement in every DFC contract that has the potential to distmb greater than 5000 square feet of land surface and impact stormwater runoff The DFC Dig Permit procedure is required for all projects that disturb any amount ofsoil As part of this Dig Permit procedure appropriate erosion control BMPs are also required for soil disturbance of less than 5000 square feet

2593 A description of the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms the DFC uses to ensure that construction activities disturbing equal to or greater than 5000 square feet of land are in compliance with the terms of the COP

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stonnwatcr Management Environmental Procedure Also the stormwater runoff controls are included in the contract For appropriate size contracts the contractor must apply for EPA Notice of Intent (NOl) If the contractor does not comply with contract requirements a show cause letter or termination of the contract may lake place

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

2594 A description of the procedures for site plan review including the review ofpreshyconshmiddotuction site plans which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and applicable contract language

For projects distmbing greater than 5000 square feet of land surface GSA requi res that EISA requirements apply The entire DPC stormwater flow regime has been modeled to assist with this When cont ractors submit design documents to GSA the design review incorporates evaluat ion of the MS4stonnwater design For projects where the design exceeds GSA DPC in-house expertise an independent third-party is contracted to review the des ign

2595 A description of the procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the Public

An emergency response hotline (303-236-29 11) already exists at the DFC for reporting spills security issues or anything else deemed worthy of investigation GSA EPG personnel educate DFC employees through use of the storm water brochure that the existing hotline can also be used for reporting situations of concern with respect to storm water management at the DFC When a hotlinc call is received security personnel are ltJ ispatched to investigate In addition security personnel wil l be inst ructed to contact GSA EPG personnel regarding any calls received to the l10tline that pertain to environmental issues such as dumping erosion problems leaking vehicles etc Each call to the hotline is documented and GSA EPG personnel wi ll follow up on each call

2596 A description of the procedures for site inspection including how sites will be prioritized for inspection including documentation of the frequency of site inspections and methods for prioritizing site inspections

GSA personnel have developed procedures to prioritize sites for inspection and ass ign responsibility for inspections of construction sites to ensure that contractors are correctly and fully implementing the BMPs in their approved EampSC plans It should be noted that there is usually not enough construction activity taking place at one time to warrant prioritizing their inspection Rather inspections are performed on the one (or occasionally more than one) construction site(s) as necessary All inspections arc documented and completed inspection forms are maintained so that they are read ily avai lable for review The Construction Site Inspection Form is used to document inspections Completed forms are maintained within the SWMP the Stonnwater electronic files and work is underway to incorporate the Stormwater electronic fi les into the SEMS

2597 Doctnnentation of annual training provided to contracting office representatives regarding the inaintenance and installation of BMPs for construction stormwater control and the terms of the construction stormwater permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of Annual Training

2598 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the construction site runoff control program

Bill Fieselman Envi ronmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

26 Post-construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

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Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

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Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

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Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




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YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

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Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


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d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

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Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

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ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

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Page 2: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Permit Annual Report

Below are the annual rep01t requirements as listed in the permit (by section number) in black text followed by the DFC response to the requirement ii1 red text

10 Monthly ~nspection Results

13 3 2 The monthly inspection results taken during the first permit year and the annual sampling results shall be repotted in the MS4 Annual Report described in Part 33

Exhibit A provides a summary of the monthly inspection results Based on the monthly inspections it was determined that one of the outfalls that has historically been monitored is not actually and outfall but rather it is a groundwater seep Therefore this seep will no longer be included in any stormwater outfall monitoring

The monthly inspection results show that Sof the 13 outfalls monitored discharge non-stormwater Beginning in the second yea r of this permit DFC will monitor these 5 outfa lls for the constituents listed in Section 1331 of the Permit

20 Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)

21 General Requirements

211 The permittee must continue to develop implement and enforce a SWMP The SWMP must include management practices control techniques system design engineering methods and other provisions the permittee or EPA determines appropriate for the control of pollutants in discharges from the MS4

A ne SWMP has been developed and has been undergo ing review finalization and initial implementation during this fi rst year of the permit

212 The permittee must fully implement the SWMP including meeting its measurable goals Implementation should take place in approximate equal intervals throughout the permit and progress will be tracked in the annual report (see Part 3 3)

A new SWMP has been developed and has been undergoing review fi nalization and initial implemcmiddotntation during this first year of the permit

213 The SWMP must include each of the minimum control measures ofParts 22-27

The new SWMP includes sections on each of the minimum control measures Public Education and Outreach on Stormwater Impacts Pmiddotublic Involvement and Part iCipation Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control Post-construction Stormwatcr Management for New Development and Redevelopment and Pollut ion Prevention and Good Housekeeping for Mun icipal Operations

214 The permittee must conduct an annual review of the SWMP in conjunction with preparation of

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

the annual report required under Part 33

The new SVMP has been undergoing review finalization and initia l implementation during this first year of the permit Annual review ofthe SWMP will commence with the second year ofthe permit and be conducted annually for the remaining permit term

22 Public Education and Outreach on Stormwatctmiddot Impacts

227 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to public education and outreach

The annua l report documents the public education and outreach program

2271 A description of the methods frequency type and target audience of storm water outreach performed during the permit term

GSA outreach in year one of the perm it term included providing information to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan The outreach was performed by participating in the City of Lakewood Green Earth Day Event on April 2012 Methods included informational poster displayed at the event booth and handout materials The target audience was GSA tenants attend ing the event and City of Lakewood residents

2272 A copy or representation ofpublilt outreach materials provided to the target auclience(s)

See Exhibit B - Earth Day photo

2273 An estimation of the number of people expected to be reached by the program over each year of the permit term

It is estimated that approximately 300 people participated in the event

2274 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the stonnwater public education and outreach program

Bill Fieselman Environmenta l Scientist Stonnwatcr Specia list

23 Public Involvement and Participation

235 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to public involvementparticipation

The DFC is110t a municipa lity but rather a federal office park which is fenced and has 24-hourday 7shydayweek armed security that controls access to the facility Participation of the public outside of the perimeter fence does not take place For the DFC public middotrcfcrs to the personnel working inside of the fence for all of the different agencies

23 51 Documentation of any events or other activities to clean up MS4 receiving waters

No events or other act ivities to clean up MS4 receiving waters took place during the 2012 permit year In

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

20 I 0 a project thamiddott completely re-designed the upper reach and a portion of the lower reach of Mcintyre Gulch on the DFC was completed This included installation ofdrop structures stilling basins and erosion control

23 52 Documentation of any volunteer activities conducted to help actively engage residents and personnel at the Denver Federal Center in understanding water resources and how their activities can affect water quality

During the summer months GSA sponsors a Fanners Market on the DFC one day per week The Fanners Market is open to the genera l public as well as all personnel working on the DFC GSA has a booth at the Farmers Market which is staffed by vo lunteers to disseminate pertinent information about the DFC to interested parties The same information is distributed at the Farmers Market as that described in Section 227 1 above

2353 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the stormwater public education and outreach program

Bill Fieselman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

24 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

241 0 The annual rep011 (See Pmt 33) must document the following information related to illicit discharge detection and elimination

24101 A description ofthe program used to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 including procedures for detection identification of sources and removal of non stormwater discharges from the storm sewer system

The BMPs implemented to help detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 include

Maintain Existing Storm Sewer Map Plug or Reroute Floor Drains Connected to the Storm Sewer as they are discovered Perform Annual Dry-Weather Screening Survey on Stann Sewer Outfalls for the pres~ncc ofnonshy

stormwater discharges Develop Contract Language Prohibiting Non-Storm Water Discharges Assess Non-Storm Water Discharges Provide public education and brochures (sec Section 22 Public Education and Outreach on

Stormwater Impacts above and Exhibit B- Earth Day photo and Stormwater brochure)

241 02 A description of the location and method of dry weather screening performed

The dry weather screening is performed by physically visiting each stormwater outfal l where it discharges to Mcintyre Gulch The screening is normally conducted in Augitst of each year after a minimum of no measurable precipitation event 96 hours prior to the screening event At each outfall the discharge rate (if any) is estimated and dissolved oxygen conductivity temperatme pH salinity and turbidity are measured using portable field instrumentation Exhibit A-Dry Weather Screening Resulls presents the results of this screening

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

241 03 A description of illicit discharges located and all actions taken to eliminate sources of illicit discharges

In the past as part of compliance with the CDPHE Compliance on Consent Order and the previous DFC MS4 permit (CO-R04202f) all known connections oftloor drains etc to the storm sewer system have been identified and the connecti on severed and reconnected to the sanitary sewer system

DFC is in the process of eva luating the constant flow from two ofthe storm sewer out falls One is Outfall No 020UT IOOSC (Exhi bit) The flow has been traced upstream to an area on the west side of Building 20 This storm sewer line was video surveyed in 2009 but proved to be inconclusive as flow was still observed at a point where the video camera could no longer advance up the line It is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the observed tlow is actually groundwater Investi gation into this flow continues

The second incidence of constant flow from a storm sewer outfall is Outfall No 020UT l 009C (Exhibit A) The majority of flow at this outfal l is due to discharge from the onsite groundwater treatment system (which is covered under a separate NPDES permit) However it appears that there is more flow at the outfal l than is being discharged by the treatment system gain it is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the additional observed fl ow is comprised of groundwater DFC is presently evaluating the difference between discharge from the treatment system and flow at the outfall to determine the sou rce of the discrepancy

At this time there are no other known illicit discharges to the MS4

24104 A description of training materials used and the frequency at which training was provided to the target audience(s) on how to respond to reports of illicit discharges

See Exhibit D

24105 A description or citation ofthe established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4

1s negotiated between GSA and EPA in the new DFC permit (CO-R 042004) Section 242 of the permit states Effectively prohibit through regulatory mechanisms available to GSA to prohibit illici t discharges and illegal dumping to the MS4 which includes but is not limited to notifying EPA and entering into a r ederal Facility Compli ance Agreements with the federal agencies The purpose for thi s type of regulatory mechani sm to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 is because GSA has no means of enacting enforcement actions on its tenants (ie other government agencies) If illicit discharges are identified by GSA the responsi ble party will be required (through contractual methods) to appropriately respond to the discharge lfthat party does not respond EPA will be notified

241 06 A copy or excerpt fimiddotom the information management system used to track illicit discharges

This tracking system within the SEMS (information management system) is currently under development

24107 A description ofthe categories ofnon-stormwater discharges evaluated as potentially being significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4 and any local controls placed on these discharges

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Work on this requirement was not undertaken during the first year of this permit term Evaluation methodologies are currently under development

241 08 A description of the schedule andor progress in creating a complete storm sewer map in the Denver Federal Center GIS middot

A complete storm sewer map has been developed However parts of the map are contained in electronic CAD files and parts of the map are contained in electronic GIS files Work is ongoing to merge these two sets of files into one GIS based storm sewer map for the entire facil ity

25 Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control

25 9 The annual rep01t (See Patt 33) must document the following information related to construction site storm water runoff control

25 91 A description of construction activities which disturbed greater than or equal to 5000 square feet of land at the DFC during the term of this permit

September 2012- Jn an approximately 170 x 205 area near Gate 2 of the DFC the sod layer was removed and clean fill dirt and compost was imported Plants trees and shrubs were also planted to create a Xeriscape garden area

October 2012 -An area approximately 300 x 435 near the southwest corner of the DFC was lightly graded to level the ground surface and then crushed gravel up to approximately 1-foot in depth was spread over the entire area and compacted The purpose of this gravel placement was to construct an area where snow removed from the streets and parking lots of the DFC facility could be piled The purpose of the gravel layer is to provide a surface that dump trucks can traverse without getting stuck Crushed gravel was used so snowmelt could infiltrate into the underlying soi l to the maximum extent possible Add it ionally an engineered stormwater catchment basin was constructed at the downstream end of this snow yard to collect any snowmelt that may runoff from the area

259 2 A description or citation of the established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to require erosion and sediment controls

The GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedme (See Exhibit C) is included as a requirement in every DFC contract that has the potential to distmb greater than 5000 square feet of land surface and impact stormwater runoff The DFC Dig Permit procedure is required for all projects that disturb any amount ofsoil As part of this Dig Permit procedure appropriate erosion control BMPs are also required for soil disturbance of less than 5000 square feet

2593 A description of the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms the DFC uses to ensure that construction activities disturbing equal to or greater than 5000 square feet of land are in compliance with the terms of the COP

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stonnwatcr Management Environmental Procedure Also the stormwater runoff controls are included in the contract For appropriate size contracts the contractor must apply for EPA Notice of Intent (NOl) If the contractor does not comply with contract requirements a show cause letter or termination of the contract may lake place

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

2594 A description of the procedures for site plan review including the review ofpreshyconshmiddotuction site plans which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and applicable contract language

For projects distmbing greater than 5000 square feet of land surface GSA requi res that EISA requirements apply The entire DPC stormwater flow regime has been modeled to assist with this When cont ractors submit design documents to GSA the design review incorporates evaluat ion of the MS4stonnwater design For projects where the design exceeds GSA DPC in-house expertise an independent third-party is contracted to review the des ign

2595 A description of the procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the Public

An emergency response hotline (303-236-29 11) already exists at the DFC for reporting spills security issues or anything else deemed worthy of investigation GSA EPG personnel educate DFC employees through use of the storm water brochure that the existing hotline can also be used for reporting situations of concern with respect to storm water management at the DFC When a hotlinc call is received security personnel are ltJ ispatched to investigate In addition security personnel wil l be inst ructed to contact GSA EPG personnel regarding any calls received to the l10tline that pertain to environmental issues such as dumping erosion problems leaking vehicles etc Each call to the hotline is documented and GSA EPG personnel wi ll follow up on each call

2596 A description of the procedures for site inspection including how sites will be prioritized for inspection including documentation of the frequency of site inspections and methods for prioritizing site inspections

GSA personnel have developed procedures to prioritize sites for inspection and ass ign responsibility for inspections of construction sites to ensure that contractors are correctly and fully implementing the BMPs in their approved EampSC plans It should be noted that there is usually not enough construction activity taking place at one time to warrant prioritizing their inspection Rather inspections are performed on the one (or occasionally more than one) construction site(s) as necessary All inspections arc documented and completed inspection forms are maintained so that they are read ily avai lable for review The Construction Site Inspection Form is used to document inspections Completed forms are maintained within the SWMP the Stonnwater electronic files and work is underway to incorporate the Stormwater electronic fi les into the SEMS

2597 Doctnnentation of annual training provided to contracting office representatives regarding the inaintenance and installation of BMPs for construction stormwater control and the terms of the construction stormwater permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of Annual Training

2598 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the construction site runoff control program

Bill Fieselman Envi ronmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

26 Post-construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

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15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

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15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

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3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

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Page 3: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

the annual report required under Part 33

The new SVMP has been undergoing review finalization and initia l implementation during this first year of the permit Annual review ofthe SWMP will commence with the second year ofthe permit and be conducted annually for the remaining permit term

22 Public Education and Outreach on Stormwatctmiddot Impacts

227 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to public education and outreach

The annua l report documents the public education and outreach program

2271 A description of the methods frequency type and target audience of storm water outreach performed during the permit term

GSA outreach in year one of the perm it term included providing information to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan The outreach was performed by participating in the City of Lakewood Green Earth Day Event on April 2012 Methods included informational poster displayed at the event booth and handout materials The target audience was GSA tenants attend ing the event and City of Lakewood residents

2272 A copy or representation ofpublilt outreach materials provided to the target auclience(s)

See Exhibit B - Earth Day photo

2273 An estimation of the number of people expected to be reached by the program over each year of the permit term

It is estimated that approximately 300 people participated in the event

2274 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the stonnwater public education and outreach program

Bill Fieselman Environmenta l Scientist Stonnwatcr Specia list

23 Public Involvement and Participation

235 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to public involvementparticipation

The DFC is110t a municipa lity but rather a federal office park which is fenced and has 24-hourday 7shydayweek armed security that controls access to the facility Participation of the public outside of the perimeter fence does not take place For the DFC public middotrcfcrs to the personnel working inside of the fence for all of the different agencies

23 51 Documentation of any events or other activities to clean up MS4 receiving waters

No events or other act ivities to clean up MS4 receiving waters took place during the 2012 permit year In

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

20 I 0 a project thamiddott completely re-designed the upper reach and a portion of the lower reach of Mcintyre Gulch on the DFC was completed This included installation ofdrop structures stilling basins and erosion control

23 52 Documentation of any volunteer activities conducted to help actively engage residents and personnel at the Denver Federal Center in understanding water resources and how their activities can affect water quality

During the summer months GSA sponsors a Fanners Market on the DFC one day per week The Fanners Market is open to the genera l public as well as all personnel working on the DFC GSA has a booth at the Farmers Market which is staffed by vo lunteers to disseminate pertinent information about the DFC to interested parties The same information is distributed at the Farmers Market as that described in Section 227 1 above

2353 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the stormwater public education and outreach program

Bill Fieselman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

24 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

241 0 The annual rep011 (See Pmt 33) must document the following information related to illicit discharge detection and elimination

24101 A description ofthe program used to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 including procedures for detection identification of sources and removal of non stormwater discharges from the storm sewer system

The BMPs implemented to help detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 include

Maintain Existing Storm Sewer Map Plug or Reroute Floor Drains Connected to the Storm Sewer as they are discovered Perform Annual Dry-Weather Screening Survey on Stann Sewer Outfalls for the pres~ncc ofnonshy

stormwater discharges Develop Contract Language Prohibiting Non-Storm Water Discharges Assess Non-Storm Water Discharges Provide public education and brochures (sec Section 22 Public Education and Outreach on

Stormwater Impacts above and Exhibit B- Earth Day photo and Stormwater brochure)

241 02 A description of the location and method of dry weather screening performed

The dry weather screening is performed by physically visiting each stormwater outfal l where it discharges to Mcintyre Gulch The screening is normally conducted in Augitst of each year after a minimum of no measurable precipitation event 96 hours prior to the screening event At each outfall the discharge rate (if any) is estimated and dissolved oxygen conductivity temperatme pH salinity and turbidity are measured using portable field instrumentation Exhibit A-Dry Weather Screening Resulls presents the results of this screening

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

241 03 A description of illicit discharges located and all actions taken to eliminate sources of illicit discharges

In the past as part of compliance with the CDPHE Compliance on Consent Order and the previous DFC MS4 permit (CO-R04202f) all known connections oftloor drains etc to the storm sewer system have been identified and the connecti on severed and reconnected to the sanitary sewer system

DFC is in the process of eva luating the constant flow from two ofthe storm sewer out falls One is Outfall No 020UT IOOSC (Exhi bit) The flow has been traced upstream to an area on the west side of Building 20 This storm sewer line was video surveyed in 2009 but proved to be inconclusive as flow was still observed at a point where the video camera could no longer advance up the line It is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the observed tlow is actually groundwater Investi gation into this flow continues

The second incidence of constant flow from a storm sewer outfall is Outfall No 020UT l 009C (Exhibit A) The majority of flow at this outfal l is due to discharge from the onsite groundwater treatment system (which is covered under a separate NPDES permit) However it appears that there is more flow at the outfal l than is being discharged by the treatment system gain it is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the additional observed fl ow is comprised of groundwater DFC is presently evaluating the difference between discharge from the treatment system and flow at the outfall to determine the sou rce of the discrepancy

At this time there are no other known illicit discharges to the MS4

24104 A description of training materials used and the frequency at which training was provided to the target audience(s) on how to respond to reports of illicit discharges

See Exhibit D

24105 A description or citation ofthe established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4

1s negotiated between GSA and EPA in the new DFC permit (CO-R 042004) Section 242 of the permit states Effectively prohibit through regulatory mechanisms available to GSA to prohibit illici t discharges and illegal dumping to the MS4 which includes but is not limited to notifying EPA and entering into a r ederal Facility Compli ance Agreements with the federal agencies The purpose for thi s type of regulatory mechani sm to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 is because GSA has no means of enacting enforcement actions on its tenants (ie other government agencies) If illicit discharges are identified by GSA the responsi ble party will be required (through contractual methods) to appropriately respond to the discharge lfthat party does not respond EPA will be notified

241 06 A copy or excerpt fimiddotom the information management system used to track illicit discharges

This tracking system within the SEMS (information management system) is currently under development

24107 A description ofthe categories ofnon-stormwater discharges evaluated as potentially being significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4 and any local controls placed on these discharges

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Work on this requirement was not undertaken during the first year of this permit term Evaluation methodologies are currently under development

241 08 A description of the schedule andor progress in creating a complete storm sewer map in the Denver Federal Center GIS middot

A complete storm sewer map has been developed However parts of the map are contained in electronic CAD files and parts of the map are contained in electronic GIS files Work is ongoing to merge these two sets of files into one GIS based storm sewer map for the entire facil ity

25 Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control

25 9 The annual rep01t (See Patt 33) must document the following information related to construction site storm water runoff control

25 91 A description of construction activities which disturbed greater than or equal to 5000 square feet of land at the DFC during the term of this permit

September 2012- Jn an approximately 170 x 205 area near Gate 2 of the DFC the sod layer was removed and clean fill dirt and compost was imported Plants trees and shrubs were also planted to create a Xeriscape garden area

October 2012 -An area approximately 300 x 435 near the southwest corner of the DFC was lightly graded to level the ground surface and then crushed gravel up to approximately 1-foot in depth was spread over the entire area and compacted The purpose of this gravel placement was to construct an area where snow removed from the streets and parking lots of the DFC facility could be piled The purpose of the gravel layer is to provide a surface that dump trucks can traverse without getting stuck Crushed gravel was used so snowmelt could infiltrate into the underlying soi l to the maximum extent possible Add it ionally an engineered stormwater catchment basin was constructed at the downstream end of this snow yard to collect any snowmelt that may runoff from the area

259 2 A description or citation of the established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to require erosion and sediment controls

The GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedme (See Exhibit C) is included as a requirement in every DFC contract that has the potential to distmb greater than 5000 square feet of land surface and impact stormwater runoff The DFC Dig Permit procedure is required for all projects that disturb any amount ofsoil As part of this Dig Permit procedure appropriate erosion control BMPs are also required for soil disturbance of less than 5000 square feet

2593 A description of the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms the DFC uses to ensure that construction activities disturbing equal to or greater than 5000 square feet of land are in compliance with the terms of the COP

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stonnwatcr Management Environmental Procedure Also the stormwater runoff controls are included in the contract For appropriate size contracts the contractor must apply for EPA Notice of Intent (NOl) If the contractor does not comply with contract requirements a show cause letter or termination of the contract may lake place

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

2594 A description of the procedures for site plan review including the review ofpreshyconshmiddotuction site plans which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and applicable contract language

For projects distmbing greater than 5000 square feet of land surface GSA requi res that EISA requirements apply The entire DPC stormwater flow regime has been modeled to assist with this When cont ractors submit design documents to GSA the design review incorporates evaluat ion of the MS4stonnwater design For projects where the design exceeds GSA DPC in-house expertise an independent third-party is contracted to review the des ign

2595 A description of the procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the Public

An emergency response hotline (303-236-29 11) already exists at the DFC for reporting spills security issues or anything else deemed worthy of investigation GSA EPG personnel educate DFC employees through use of the storm water brochure that the existing hotline can also be used for reporting situations of concern with respect to storm water management at the DFC When a hotlinc call is received security personnel are ltJ ispatched to investigate In addition security personnel wil l be inst ructed to contact GSA EPG personnel regarding any calls received to the l10tline that pertain to environmental issues such as dumping erosion problems leaking vehicles etc Each call to the hotline is documented and GSA EPG personnel wi ll follow up on each call

2596 A description of the procedures for site inspection including how sites will be prioritized for inspection including documentation of the frequency of site inspections and methods for prioritizing site inspections

GSA personnel have developed procedures to prioritize sites for inspection and ass ign responsibility for inspections of construction sites to ensure that contractors are correctly and fully implementing the BMPs in their approved EampSC plans It should be noted that there is usually not enough construction activity taking place at one time to warrant prioritizing their inspection Rather inspections are performed on the one (or occasionally more than one) construction site(s) as necessary All inspections arc documented and completed inspection forms are maintained so that they are read ily avai lable for review The Construction Site Inspection Form is used to document inspections Completed forms are maintained within the SWMP the Stonnwater electronic files and work is underway to incorporate the Stormwater electronic fi les into the SEMS

2597 Doctnnentation of annual training provided to contracting office representatives regarding the inaintenance and installation of BMPs for construction stormwater control and the terms of the construction stormwater permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of Annual Training

2598 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the construction site runoff control program

Bill Fieselman Envi ronmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

26 Post-construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

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bull RctdlwCC ~ ~-middot~~~ bull 0 4-CS I ~ ~

middot ~ _ - --~--- -~ middot I middotfa -~ --~ J -~ ---~ ~ ~ ~~ bullCieor-n~ j

t J ~ rJ~$1middotbullltLmiddotmiddot ~ SOC f bull ~ ~ r middotmiddot-=-= __ir ~ C - middotr-r--p-- -~- o- _~~-- --- t -~s~k-middot~ ~-~~- ---~7

t --rPmiddot ~~---0 ~ middot_ ~ --- I - -- ~ - _- __ ~ bull i7 ~-~-~ - -~ --middot - - middot~-~ ~-t I bull bull -~d- _ -~ ~-middot bull t ~ - __ middotmiddotA~ -0middotI ~ - ---~- I ~ -bull l -lt~ ~ -~_--

US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

t-_middot~--~ - middotmiddot j~--~~ - lt(~

middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

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Page 4: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

20 I 0 a project thamiddott completely re-designed the upper reach and a portion of the lower reach of Mcintyre Gulch on the DFC was completed This included installation ofdrop structures stilling basins and erosion control

23 52 Documentation of any volunteer activities conducted to help actively engage residents and personnel at the Denver Federal Center in understanding water resources and how their activities can affect water quality

During the summer months GSA sponsors a Fanners Market on the DFC one day per week The Fanners Market is open to the genera l public as well as all personnel working on the DFC GSA has a booth at the Farmers Market which is staffed by vo lunteers to disseminate pertinent information about the DFC to interested parties The same information is distributed at the Farmers Market as that described in Section 227 1 above

2353 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the stormwater public education and outreach program

Bill Fieselman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

24 Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination

241 0 The annual rep011 (See Pmt 33) must document the following information related to illicit discharge detection and elimination

24101 A description ofthe program used to detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 including procedures for detection identification of sources and removal of non stormwater discharges from the storm sewer system

The BMPs implemented to help detect and eliminate illicit discharges into the MS4 include

Maintain Existing Storm Sewer Map Plug or Reroute Floor Drains Connected to the Storm Sewer as they are discovered Perform Annual Dry-Weather Screening Survey on Stann Sewer Outfalls for the pres~ncc ofnonshy

stormwater discharges Develop Contract Language Prohibiting Non-Storm Water Discharges Assess Non-Storm Water Discharges Provide public education and brochures (sec Section 22 Public Education and Outreach on

Stormwater Impacts above and Exhibit B- Earth Day photo and Stormwater brochure)

241 02 A description of the location and method of dry weather screening performed

The dry weather screening is performed by physically visiting each stormwater outfal l where it discharges to Mcintyre Gulch The screening is normally conducted in Augitst of each year after a minimum of no measurable precipitation event 96 hours prior to the screening event At each outfall the discharge rate (if any) is estimated and dissolved oxygen conductivity temperatme pH salinity and turbidity are measured using portable field instrumentation Exhibit A-Dry Weather Screening Resulls presents the results of this screening

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

241 03 A description of illicit discharges located and all actions taken to eliminate sources of illicit discharges

In the past as part of compliance with the CDPHE Compliance on Consent Order and the previous DFC MS4 permit (CO-R04202f) all known connections oftloor drains etc to the storm sewer system have been identified and the connecti on severed and reconnected to the sanitary sewer system

DFC is in the process of eva luating the constant flow from two ofthe storm sewer out falls One is Outfall No 020UT IOOSC (Exhi bit) The flow has been traced upstream to an area on the west side of Building 20 This storm sewer line was video surveyed in 2009 but proved to be inconclusive as flow was still observed at a point where the video camera could no longer advance up the line It is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the observed tlow is actually groundwater Investi gation into this flow continues

The second incidence of constant flow from a storm sewer outfall is Outfall No 020UT l 009C (Exhibit A) The majority of flow at this outfal l is due to discharge from the onsite groundwater treatment system (which is covered under a separate NPDES permit) However it appears that there is more flow at the outfal l than is being discharged by the treatment system gain it is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the additional observed fl ow is comprised of groundwater DFC is presently evaluating the difference between discharge from the treatment system and flow at the outfall to determine the sou rce of the discrepancy

At this time there are no other known illicit discharges to the MS4

24104 A description of training materials used and the frequency at which training was provided to the target audience(s) on how to respond to reports of illicit discharges

See Exhibit D

24105 A description or citation ofthe established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4

1s negotiated between GSA and EPA in the new DFC permit (CO-R 042004) Section 242 of the permit states Effectively prohibit through regulatory mechanisms available to GSA to prohibit illici t discharges and illegal dumping to the MS4 which includes but is not limited to notifying EPA and entering into a r ederal Facility Compli ance Agreements with the federal agencies The purpose for thi s type of regulatory mechani sm to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 is because GSA has no means of enacting enforcement actions on its tenants (ie other government agencies) If illicit discharges are identified by GSA the responsi ble party will be required (through contractual methods) to appropriately respond to the discharge lfthat party does not respond EPA will be notified

241 06 A copy or excerpt fimiddotom the information management system used to track illicit discharges

This tracking system within the SEMS (information management system) is currently under development

24107 A description ofthe categories ofnon-stormwater discharges evaluated as potentially being significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4 and any local controls placed on these discharges

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Work on this requirement was not undertaken during the first year of this permit term Evaluation methodologies are currently under development

241 08 A description of the schedule andor progress in creating a complete storm sewer map in the Denver Federal Center GIS middot

A complete storm sewer map has been developed However parts of the map are contained in electronic CAD files and parts of the map are contained in electronic GIS files Work is ongoing to merge these two sets of files into one GIS based storm sewer map for the entire facil ity

25 Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control

25 9 The annual rep01t (See Patt 33) must document the following information related to construction site storm water runoff control

25 91 A description of construction activities which disturbed greater than or equal to 5000 square feet of land at the DFC during the term of this permit

September 2012- Jn an approximately 170 x 205 area near Gate 2 of the DFC the sod layer was removed and clean fill dirt and compost was imported Plants trees and shrubs were also planted to create a Xeriscape garden area

October 2012 -An area approximately 300 x 435 near the southwest corner of the DFC was lightly graded to level the ground surface and then crushed gravel up to approximately 1-foot in depth was spread over the entire area and compacted The purpose of this gravel placement was to construct an area where snow removed from the streets and parking lots of the DFC facility could be piled The purpose of the gravel layer is to provide a surface that dump trucks can traverse without getting stuck Crushed gravel was used so snowmelt could infiltrate into the underlying soi l to the maximum extent possible Add it ionally an engineered stormwater catchment basin was constructed at the downstream end of this snow yard to collect any snowmelt that may runoff from the area

259 2 A description or citation of the established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to require erosion and sediment controls

The GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedme (See Exhibit C) is included as a requirement in every DFC contract that has the potential to distmb greater than 5000 square feet of land surface and impact stormwater runoff The DFC Dig Permit procedure is required for all projects that disturb any amount ofsoil As part of this Dig Permit procedure appropriate erosion control BMPs are also required for soil disturbance of less than 5000 square feet

2593 A description of the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms the DFC uses to ensure that construction activities disturbing equal to or greater than 5000 square feet of land are in compliance with the terms of the COP

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stonnwatcr Management Environmental Procedure Also the stormwater runoff controls are included in the contract For appropriate size contracts the contractor must apply for EPA Notice of Intent (NOl) If the contractor does not comply with contract requirements a show cause letter or termination of the contract may lake place

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

2594 A description of the procedures for site plan review including the review ofpreshyconshmiddotuction site plans which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and applicable contract language

For projects distmbing greater than 5000 square feet of land surface GSA requi res that EISA requirements apply The entire DPC stormwater flow regime has been modeled to assist with this When cont ractors submit design documents to GSA the design review incorporates evaluat ion of the MS4stonnwater design For projects where the design exceeds GSA DPC in-house expertise an independent third-party is contracted to review the des ign

2595 A description of the procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the Public

An emergency response hotline (303-236-29 11) already exists at the DFC for reporting spills security issues or anything else deemed worthy of investigation GSA EPG personnel educate DFC employees through use of the storm water brochure that the existing hotline can also be used for reporting situations of concern with respect to storm water management at the DFC When a hotlinc call is received security personnel are ltJ ispatched to investigate In addition security personnel wil l be inst ructed to contact GSA EPG personnel regarding any calls received to the l10tline that pertain to environmental issues such as dumping erosion problems leaking vehicles etc Each call to the hotline is documented and GSA EPG personnel wi ll follow up on each call

2596 A description of the procedures for site inspection including how sites will be prioritized for inspection including documentation of the frequency of site inspections and methods for prioritizing site inspections

GSA personnel have developed procedures to prioritize sites for inspection and ass ign responsibility for inspections of construction sites to ensure that contractors are correctly and fully implementing the BMPs in their approved EampSC plans It should be noted that there is usually not enough construction activity taking place at one time to warrant prioritizing their inspection Rather inspections are performed on the one (or occasionally more than one) construction site(s) as necessary All inspections arc documented and completed inspection forms are maintained so that they are read ily avai lable for review The Construction Site Inspection Form is used to document inspections Completed forms are maintained within the SWMP the Stonnwater electronic files and work is underway to incorporate the Stormwater electronic fi les into the SEMS

2597 Doctnnentation of annual training provided to contracting office representatives regarding the inaintenance and installation of BMPs for construction stormwater control and the terms of the construction stormwater permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of Annual Training

2598 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the construction site runoff control program

Bill Fieselman Envi ronmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

26 Post-construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

~ _ - middot-shy~~~- - -

yen --__ ~--~ _-- - ~ --z-

L~~--_lr -- ~-r ~t t~- t-~~7copy1 ~

~~~----=-~-- ~~- A _ ~ =~~ -yl=middot~ - - middot~~~middot~ - r-c- ~~

bull RctdlwCC ~ ~-middot~~~ bull 0 4-CS I ~ ~

middot ~ _ - --~--- -~ middot I middotfa -~ --~ J -~ ---~ ~ ~ ~~ bullCieor-n~ j

t J ~ rJ~$1middotbullltLmiddotmiddot ~ SOC f bull ~ ~ r middotmiddot-=-= __ir ~ C - middotr-r--p-- -~- o- _~~-- --- t -~s~k-middot~ ~-~~- ---~7

t --rPmiddot ~~---0 ~ middot_ ~ --- I - -- ~ - _- __ ~ bull i7 ~-~-~ - -~ --middot - - middot~-~ ~-t I bull bull -~d- _ -~ ~-middot bull t ~ - __ middotmiddotA~ -0middotI ~ - ---~- I ~ -bull l -lt~ ~ -~_--

US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

t-_middot~--~ - middotmiddot j~--~~ - lt(~

middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 5: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

241 03 A description of illicit discharges located and all actions taken to eliminate sources of illicit discharges

In the past as part of compliance with the CDPHE Compliance on Consent Order and the previous DFC MS4 permit (CO-R04202f) all known connections oftloor drains etc to the storm sewer system have been identified and the connecti on severed and reconnected to the sanitary sewer system

DFC is in the process of eva luating the constant flow from two ofthe storm sewer out falls One is Outfall No 020UT IOOSC (Exhi bit) The flow has been traced upstream to an area on the west side of Building 20 This storm sewer line was video surveyed in 2009 but proved to be inconclusive as flow was still observed at a point where the video camera could no longer advance up the line It is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the observed tlow is actually groundwater Investi gation into this flow continues

The second incidence of constant flow from a storm sewer outfall is Outfall No 020UT l 009C (Exhibit A) The majority of flow at this outfal l is due to discharge from the onsite groundwater treatment system (which is covered under a separate NPDES permit) However it appears that there is more flow at the outfal l than is being discharged by the treatment system gain it is believed that the storm sewer line may be encountering the groundwater table and the additional observed fl ow is comprised of groundwater DFC is presently evaluating the difference between discharge from the treatment system and flow at the outfall to determine the sou rce of the discrepancy

At this time there are no other known illicit discharges to the MS4

24104 A description of training materials used and the frequency at which training was provided to the target audience(s) on how to respond to reports of illicit discharges

See Exhibit D

24105 A description or citation ofthe established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4

1s negotiated between GSA and EPA in the new DFC permit (CO-R 042004) Section 242 of the permit states Effectively prohibit through regulatory mechanisms available to GSA to prohibit illici t discharges and illegal dumping to the MS4 which includes but is not limited to notifying EPA and entering into a r ederal Facility Compli ance Agreements with the federal agencies The purpose for thi s type of regulatory mechani sm to prohibit illicit discharges into the MS4 is because GSA has no means of enacting enforcement actions on its tenants (ie other government agencies) If illicit discharges are identified by GSA the responsi ble party will be required (through contractual methods) to appropriately respond to the discharge lfthat party does not respond EPA will be notified

241 06 A copy or excerpt fimiddotom the information management system used to track illicit discharges

This tracking system within the SEMS (information management system) is currently under development

24107 A description ofthe categories ofnon-stormwater discharges evaluated as potentially being significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4 and any local controls placed on these discharges

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Work on this requirement was not undertaken during the first year of this permit term Evaluation methodologies are currently under development

241 08 A description of the schedule andor progress in creating a complete storm sewer map in the Denver Federal Center GIS middot

A complete storm sewer map has been developed However parts of the map are contained in electronic CAD files and parts of the map are contained in electronic GIS files Work is ongoing to merge these two sets of files into one GIS based storm sewer map for the entire facil ity

25 Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control

25 9 The annual rep01t (See Patt 33) must document the following information related to construction site storm water runoff control

25 91 A description of construction activities which disturbed greater than or equal to 5000 square feet of land at the DFC during the term of this permit

September 2012- Jn an approximately 170 x 205 area near Gate 2 of the DFC the sod layer was removed and clean fill dirt and compost was imported Plants trees and shrubs were also planted to create a Xeriscape garden area

October 2012 -An area approximately 300 x 435 near the southwest corner of the DFC was lightly graded to level the ground surface and then crushed gravel up to approximately 1-foot in depth was spread over the entire area and compacted The purpose of this gravel placement was to construct an area where snow removed from the streets and parking lots of the DFC facility could be piled The purpose of the gravel layer is to provide a surface that dump trucks can traverse without getting stuck Crushed gravel was used so snowmelt could infiltrate into the underlying soi l to the maximum extent possible Add it ionally an engineered stormwater catchment basin was constructed at the downstream end of this snow yard to collect any snowmelt that may runoff from the area

259 2 A description or citation of the established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to require erosion and sediment controls

The GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedme (See Exhibit C) is included as a requirement in every DFC contract that has the potential to distmb greater than 5000 square feet of land surface and impact stormwater runoff The DFC Dig Permit procedure is required for all projects that disturb any amount ofsoil As part of this Dig Permit procedure appropriate erosion control BMPs are also required for soil disturbance of less than 5000 square feet

2593 A description of the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms the DFC uses to ensure that construction activities disturbing equal to or greater than 5000 square feet of land are in compliance with the terms of the COP

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stonnwatcr Management Environmental Procedure Also the stormwater runoff controls are included in the contract For appropriate size contracts the contractor must apply for EPA Notice of Intent (NOl) If the contractor does not comply with contract requirements a show cause letter or termination of the contract may lake place

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

2594 A description of the procedures for site plan review including the review ofpreshyconshmiddotuction site plans which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and applicable contract language

For projects distmbing greater than 5000 square feet of land surface GSA requi res that EISA requirements apply The entire DPC stormwater flow regime has been modeled to assist with this When cont ractors submit design documents to GSA the design review incorporates evaluat ion of the MS4stonnwater design For projects where the design exceeds GSA DPC in-house expertise an independent third-party is contracted to review the des ign

2595 A description of the procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the Public

An emergency response hotline (303-236-29 11) already exists at the DFC for reporting spills security issues or anything else deemed worthy of investigation GSA EPG personnel educate DFC employees through use of the storm water brochure that the existing hotline can also be used for reporting situations of concern with respect to storm water management at the DFC When a hotlinc call is received security personnel are ltJ ispatched to investigate In addition security personnel wil l be inst ructed to contact GSA EPG personnel regarding any calls received to the l10tline that pertain to environmental issues such as dumping erosion problems leaking vehicles etc Each call to the hotline is documented and GSA EPG personnel wi ll follow up on each call

2596 A description of the procedures for site inspection including how sites will be prioritized for inspection including documentation of the frequency of site inspections and methods for prioritizing site inspections

GSA personnel have developed procedures to prioritize sites for inspection and ass ign responsibility for inspections of construction sites to ensure that contractors are correctly and fully implementing the BMPs in their approved EampSC plans It should be noted that there is usually not enough construction activity taking place at one time to warrant prioritizing their inspection Rather inspections are performed on the one (or occasionally more than one) construction site(s) as necessary All inspections arc documented and completed inspection forms are maintained so that they are read ily avai lable for review The Construction Site Inspection Form is used to document inspections Completed forms are maintained within the SWMP the Stonnwater electronic files and work is underway to incorporate the Stormwater electronic fi les into the SEMS

2597 Doctnnentation of annual training provided to contracting office representatives regarding the inaintenance and installation of BMPs for construction stormwater control and the terms of the construction stormwater permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of Annual Training

2598 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the construction site runoff control program

Bill Fieselman Envi ronmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

26 Post-construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

~ _ - middot-shy~~~- - -

yen --__ ~--~ _-- - ~ --z-

L~~--_lr -- ~-r ~t t~- t-~~7copy1 ~

~~~----=-~-- ~~- A _ ~ =~~ -yl=middot~ - - middot~~~middot~ - r-c- ~~

bull RctdlwCC ~ ~-middot~~~ bull 0 4-CS I ~ ~

middot ~ _ - --~--- -~ middot I middotfa -~ --~ J -~ ---~ ~ ~ ~~ bullCieor-n~ j

t J ~ rJ~$1middotbullltLmiddotmiddot ~ SOC f bull ~ ~ r middotmiddot-=-= __ir ~ C - middotr-r--p-- -~- o- _~~-- --- t -~s~k-middot~ ~-~~- ---~7

t --rPmiddot ~~---0 ~ middot_ ~ --- I - -- ~ - _- __ ~ bull i7 ~-~-~ - -~ --middot - - middot~-~ ~-t I bull bull -~d- _ -~ ~-middot bull t ~ - __ middotmiddotA~ -0middotI ~ - ---~- I ~ -bull l -lt~ ~ -~_--

US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

t-_middot~--~ - middotmiddot j~--~~ - lt(~

middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 6: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Work on this requirement was not undertaken during the first year of this permit term Evaluation methodologies are currently under development

241 08 A description of the schedule andor progress in creating a complete storm sewer map in the Denver Federal Center GIS middot

A complete storm sewer map has been developed However parts of the map are contained in electronic CAD files and parts of the map are contained in electronic GIS files Work is ongoing to merge these two sets of files into one GIS based storm sewer map for the entire facil ity

25 Construction Site Storm water Runoff Control

25 9 The annual rep01t (See Patt 33) must document the following information related to construction site storm water runoff control

25 91 A description of construction activities which disturbed greater than or equal to 5000 square feet of land at the DFC during the term of this permit

September 2012- Jn an approximately 170 x 205 area near Gate 2 of the DFC the sod layer was removed and clean fill dirt and compost was imported Plants trees and shrubs were also planted to create a Xeriscape garden area

October 2012 -An area approximately 300 x 435 near the southwest corner of the DFC was lightly graded to level the ground surface and then crushed gravel up to approximately 1-foot in depth was spread over the entire area and compacted The purpose of this gravel placement was to construct an area where snow removed from the streets and parking lots of the DFC facility could be piled The purpose of the gravel layer is to provide a surface that dump trucks can traverse without getting stuck Crushed gravel was used so snowmelt could infiltrate into the underlying soi l to the maximum extent possible Add it ionally an engineered stormwater catchment basin was constructed at the downstream end of this snow yard to collect any snowmelt that may runoff from the area

259 2 A description or citation of the established ordinance or other regulatory mechanism used to require erosion and sediment controls

The GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedme (See Exhibit C) is included as a requirement in every DFC contract that has the potential to distmb greater than 5000 square feet of land surface and impact stormwater runoff The DFC Dig Permit procedure is required for all projects that disturb any amount ofsoil As part of this Dig Permit procedure appropriate erosion control BMPs are also required for soil disturbance of less than 5000 square feet

2593 A description of the sanctions and enforcement mechanisms the DFC uses to ensure that construction activities disturbing equal to or greater than 5000 square feet of land are in compliance with the terms of the COP

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stonnwatcr Management Environmental Procedure Also the stormwater runoff controls are included in the contract For appropriate size contracts the contractor must apply for EPA Notice of Intent (NOl) If the contractor does not comply with contract requirements a show cause letter or termination of the contract may lake place

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

2594 A description of the procedures for site plan review including the review ofpreshyconshmiddotuction site plans which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and applicable contract language

For projects distmbing greater than 5000 square feet of land surface GSA requi res that EISA requirements apply The entire DPC stormwater flow regime has been modeled to assist with this When cont ractors submit design documents to GSA the design review incorporates evaluat ion of the MS4stonnwater design For projects where the design exceeds GSA DPC in-house expertise an independent third-party is contracted to review the des ign

2595 A description of the procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the Public

An emergency response hotline (303-236-29 11) already exists at the DFC for reporting spills security issues or anything else deemed worthy of investigation GSA EPG personnel educate DFC employees through use of the storm water brochure that the existing hotline can also be used for reporting situations of concern with respect to storm water management at the DFC When a hotlinc call is received security personnel are ltJ ispatched to investigate In addition security personnel wil l be inst ructed to contact GSA EPG personnel regarding any calls received to the l10tline that pertain to environmental issues such as dumping erosion problems leaking vehicles etc Each call to the hotline is documented and GSA EPG personnel wi ll follow up on each call

2596 A description of the procedures for site inspection including how sites will be prioritized for inspection including documentation of the frequency of site inspections and methods for prioritizing site inspections

GSA personnel have developed procedures to prioritize sites for inspection and ass ign responsibility for inspections of construction sites to ensure that contractors are correctly and fully implementing the BMPs in their approved EampSC plans It should be noted that there is usually not enough construction activity taking place at one time to warrant prioritizing their inspection Rather inspections are performed on the one (or occasionally more than one) construction site(s) as necessary All inspections arc documented and completed inspection forms are maintained so that they are read ily avai lable for review The Construction Site Inspection Form is used to document inspections Completed forms are maintained within the SWMP the Stonnwater electronic files and work is underway to incorporate the Stormwater electronic fi les into the SEMS

2597 Doctnnentation of annual training provided to contracting office representatives regarding the inaintenance and installation of BMPs for construction stormwater control and the terms of the construction stormwater permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of Annual Training

2598 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the construction site runoff control program

Bill Fieselman Envi ronmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

26 Post-construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















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Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

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bull RctdlwCC ~ ~-middot~~~ bull 0 4-CS I ~ ~

middot ~ _ - --~--- -~ middot I middotfa -~ --~ J -~ ---~ ~ ~ ~~ bullCieor-n~ j

t J ~ rJ~$1middotbullltLmiddotmiddot ~ SOC f bull ~ ~ r middotmiddot-=-= __ir ~ C - middotr-r--p-- -~- o- _~~-- --- t -~s~k-middot~ ~-~~- ---~7

t --rPmiddot ~~---0 ~ middot_ ~ --- I - -- ~ - _- __ ~ bull i7 ~-~-~ - -~ --middot - - middot~-~ ~-t I bull bull -~d- _ -~ ~-middot bull t ~ - __ middotmiddotA~ -0middotI ~ - ---~- I ~ -bull l -lt~ ~ -~_--

US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

t-_middot~--~ - middotmiddot j~--~~ - lt(~

middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 7: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

2594 A description of the procedures for site plan review including the review ofpreshyconshmiddotuction site plans which incorporate consideration of potential water quality impacts and applicable contract language

For projects distmbing greater than 5000 square feet of land surface GSA requi res that EISA requirements apply The entire DPC stormwater flow regime has been modeled to assist with this When cont ractors submit design documents to GSA the design review incorporates evaluat ion of the MS4stonnwater design For projects where the design exceeds GSA DPC in-house expertise an independent third-party is contracted to review the des ign

2595 A description of the procedures for receipt and consideration of information submitted by the Public

An emergency response hotline (303-236-29 11) already exists at the DFC for reporting spills security issues or anything else deemed worthy of investigation GSA EPG personnel educate DFC employees through use of the storm water brochure that the existing hotline can also be used for reporting situations of concern with respect to storm water management at the DFC When a hotlinc call is received security personnel are ltJ ispatched to investigate In addition security personnel wil l be inst ructed to contact GSA EPG personnel regarding any calls received to the l10tline that pertain to environmental issues such as dumping erosion problems leaking vehicles etc Each call to the hotline is documented and GSA EPG personnel wi ll follow up on each call

2596 A description of the procedures for site inspection including how sites will be prioritized for inspection including documentation of the frequency of site inspections and methods for prioritizing site inspections

GSA personnel have developed procedures to prioritize sites for inspection and ass ign responsibility for inspections of construction sites to ensure that contractors are correctly and fully implementing the BMPs in their approved EampSC plans It should be noted that there is usually not enough construction activity taking place at one time to warrant prioritizing their inspection Rather inspections are performed on the one (or occasionally more than one) construction site(s) as necessary All inspections arc documented and completed inspection forms are maintained so that they are read ily avai lable for review The Construction Site Inspection Form is used to document inspections Completed forms are maintained within the SWMP the Stonnwater electronic files and work is underway to incorporate the Stormwater electronic fi les into the SEMS

2597 Doctnnentation of annual training provided to contracting office representatives regarding the inaintenance and installation of BMPs for construction stormwater control and the terms of the construction stormwater permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of Annual Training

2598 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the construction site runoff control program

Bill Fieselman Envi ronmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

26 Post-construction Stonnwater Management for New Development and Redevelopment

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

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Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




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utunt U11-Un1

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s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

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a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

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M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 8: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

269 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to postshyconstruction site stonnwater runoff control

2691 A description of the program to ensme that hydrologic endpoints are evaluated for new development and re-development projects as required in Part 261 and the mechanism used to review the adequacy of permanent stormwater control measures

See Exhibit C- GSA Region 8 Stormwater Mnnagement Environmental Procedure (Section 63)

2692 A description of the review procedures and the assumptions provided to ensme the long-term operation and maintenance of permanent stormwater control measmes including an excerpt from any data management system that iticludes maintenance requirements and schedules for permanent stormwater control measures installed during the year middot

Sec Exhibit Cmiddot GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Section 63j)

2693 A description of the process used to ensure that all DFC contracts initiated after the effective date ofthe permit contain language which requires the installation of permanent stormwater control measuimiddotes and an excerpt ofapplicable contract language

When a GSA scope of work (SOW) is developed for a project the Contracting Officer is required to attach all applicable procedures to the SOW When the project is awarded the SOW and all attachments become part of the contract requ irements For projects that disturb soil or in any way have the potential to impact stormwater discharge the GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure (Exhibit C) is included This process was in itiated in 20 10 and continues to be updated as needed (latest update is February 20 1l Section 63 of the Stonmvater Management Environmental Procedure discusses construction site storm water design ru noff control and post construction storm water management

GSA has no control over contracting performed by other agencies

2694 A description ofany activities to include requirements or planning for permanent storm water control measures in the natural resource plan

The DFC does not have a natural resource plan rt does have a sitewide Master Plan which has gone through NEPA review as an EJ Th is plan documents the fu ture development of the site and includes storm water control

2695 The name or title of the person(s) responsible for coordination and implementation of the postshyconstruction stonnwater management program

Bill Fiese lman Environmental Scientist Stormwater Specialist

27 Pollution Prevention and Good Housellteeping for Municipal Operations

279 Evaluate the activities at the Army Reserve Unit to determine whether industrial permitting is necessary

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

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Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 9: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004

Evaluation of the Army Reserve Unit was not performed during the 20 12 permit year This evaluation is scheduled for early in the 20 13 permit year and wi II be reported in the 2013 Annual Report

Note that the Army Reserve Unit is not under the control of GSA and they will be responsi ble for their own program(s)

2711 The annual report (See Part 33) must document the following information related to pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations

27111 A description of the contents and frequency of the training program (see Part 271) for municipal personnel and a list of the personnel or positions trained during the term of the permit

See Exhibit D - Documentation of annual training

27112 A description of the evaluation performed on the street cleaning operations catch basin cleaning operations and street sandingsalt practices and any measmes taken as a result of the evaluation to minimize negative impacts to water quality

The DFC grounds maintenance contract in effect dming the 2012 permit year included twice annual street sweeping application of spray de-icer as needed and pesticideherbicide application as needed The contract did not requ ire documentation of the street sweeping documentation of de-icer applicationstreet sanding and training for their application or documentation of pesticideherbicide application training be submitted to GSA However the DFC grounds maintenance contractor kept their own records of these activities copies of which are provided in Exhibit E

The DFC grounds maintenance contract will be re-competed and awarded in the first half of the 2013 permit year The new contract will require that the contractor

o Perform street sweeping of the entire DFC twice per year o Clean out all storm water catch basins in need of cleaning once per year with an option to

perform a second cleaning per year if needed o Conduct annual training amongst their employees for street sand ingde-icer application and

pesticideherbicide application and o Submit records of the street sweeping and catch basin cleaning events and the street sandingdeshy

icer and pesticideherbicide application tra ining events to the DFC Contracting Officers Representative (COR) who will provide them to the Environmental Programs Group (EPG) for inclusion in the MS4 file documentation

27 113 A description of how maintenance activities are tracked for permanent storm water control measures

See response to Section 27 1 1 2 above

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

~ _ - middot-shy~~~- - -

yen --__ ~--~ _-- - ~ --z-

L~~--_lr -- ~-r ~t t~- t-~~7copy1 ~

~~~----=-~-- ~~- A _ ~ =~~ -yl=middot~ - - middot~~~middot~ - r-c- ~~

bull RctdlwCC ~ ~-middot~~~ bull 0 4-CS I ~ ~

middot ~ _ - --~--- -~ middot I middotfa -~ --~ J -~ ---~ ~ ~ ~~ bullCieor-n~ j

t J ~ rJ~$1middotbullltLmiddotmiddot ~ SOC f bull ~ ~ r middotmiddot-=-= __ir ~ C - middotr-r--p-- -~- o- _~~-- --- t -~s~k-middot~ ~-~~- ---~7

t --rPmiddot ~~---0 ~ middot_ ~ --- I - -- ~ - _- __ ~ bull i7 ~-~-~ - -~ --middot - - middot~-~ ~-t I bull bull -~d- _ -~ ~-middot bull t ~ - __ middotmiddotA~ -0middotI ~ - ---~- I ~ -bull l -lt~ ~ -~_--

US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

t-_middot~--~ - middotmiddot j~--~~ - lt(~

middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 10: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No CO-R 042004


Exhibit A

Summary of the monthly outfall inspection results Dry weather screening results

Exhibit B

Earth Day photo and emai l Copy of Stormwater brochmc

Exhibit C

GSA Region 8 Stormwater Management Environmental Procedure

ExhiiJit D

Documentation of annual training

DFC MS4 Permit Training floodplains Wetlands Stonnwater amp Endangered Species Training SEMS Training

Exhibit E

Document_ation of grounds maintenance activities


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















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Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

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) i

Q - shy ~ l



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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 11: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been


MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

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chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

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~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

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1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

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-- IJ I _

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AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 12: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

MSlt Pcnnlt No CO-R 042004 Mdntyto Gulch Storm sewerOutCOJIIs - Oenver Federol Center

Summary ofMonthly CMsch3100 Monitoring nnd lnpoctlon Occombor201 1 -November 2012


















middot shy

OKmiddot11 J~12 Feb-12 Myen-12

lnJet to tlawrw1g R ot ~1 CIOINrd Trlcklo Trlcklo Trlddo 15 middot-Nortn bank d Mcintyre Cukh NldO ot the fM~ee

Trk~Jo Trlcklo TrlciOO Trlcklo JWt belorelt con undor Klplllg St

Nortt1 bank CIA Mcintyre Oulch ~Y between 8bull 8bull 8bull 8bullKipling ~t t Moln Avenue croscng

Nol1h baniC CIA Mcintyre OWoh WHt of Moll1 t NA NA NA NA bndge 50UtIIIOCI dJnJ $tp~

NQI1tt biJnl( of Mcintyre GuJch WHt of ~ulturaiOttchDQUOductolll2dkarnet Tnekle TrlckJo Tricldo 025 eoncteto ~raquoPe

OUJJII itMncwllwMiclthe~St bndge (Bnclge to~) tklect bridpo 1 1 1 125 ra1t1 bank ot MdnC)re Culch crdlametlaquo ppe

lnlidoolnontlbciCCAvtrturldetifhtbfldo-NA NA NA NA

~toN~o) notVIoamp

Nonh bMk of Me~middot QAct ~end of Glh 10 10 10 4gtt pAIfeCbOn 48 ctllmeiW plpt

SoiChweatcometol~of7lhSttridge MdMeWyre QCh aultllode ol ~- OW

NA 2 2 02 mwVI) WM eampong tolde of 7th St nonhof BldA 7 10

$ouCh bMk ct Melnyro QJeh nor1h ot ~ NA NA NA NA


Nonn tide of MciCyfe G~ befweon Joppt end NA NA NA NA ~L~~r yetdt nMrl otthe no~tCOInef

Oul1olllanortnof Ooor Nmiddot26 of Bldg 6 10 NA NA NA NA

~ampIt norttact Door Nmiddot250f Bldg810 ettho s Soo Sco Trlclltloln ComiTIGflts Comment- Common~ mantaolo

Tndltle TncldoOirety not1t1 ol Doot N-15 of 91do 610 Wid NA (r~ldual (residual

Trleklo ln _ mJ~ntIOiobullnowmeltl -)

Ohcttr not1t1 of Ooort N-9N-10of Bldg Soe Sec Sec Soe 810 Comments Commonts Commonb Commonts

Outfal dwealynorth from bull pont hlllffty NA NA NA NA

~ 0oorNmiddot5MdN-7of Badg610

Ohe1ty north ot ol bull hllfway between Door Tncldo

N-31W1d N-Sol Bklg 610 NA Oty rcoldual NA

Avcrogc Flow Rate galstmln

Apr-12 May-12 JIA-12 Aut-t

15 lt 15 bull20 - 10 15

Trlcklo Trlcldo Trkldo Tncklo TncXJe

15 15 12 12 bull NA NA NA NA NA

025 025 02 02 05

125 2 15 15 2


bull 5 bull12 -12 18

1 1 NA NA NA




Tneklom Tncklo In Trieklo In manhole manholo Ttlclde In Trlcklo In manhole (morothan (mOIothan manhoCo manhole

utunt U11-Un1

Trldcloln Trlellttoln Trtckloln TricXIeln Triddo In monhdo monholo mD~nholo - monholo

s s s Soe s Commont Commonts Commants Com Commonts




Octmiddot12 NoYmiddot12 - VI c_

YIN -viN

1 1 1 N N

Trlcklo Tflckle Trlcklo N N Not enough flow to mo~tsn Thb etppe111rw to be a oopmtller tNtn IWI outftll

a 7 7 N N

NA NA NA NA NA Ouctall de5troyed e note below

05 05 033 N N

3 3 125 N N


14 13 8 N N TwbullIN~oulfalrorthoeBldg~~-treotmentbull~




Outfall dllclwgm 1he amptofmwalltr retcltrtiorl bnln located between Ooof Nmiddot26and NA NA NA NA NA Mclntyro Guleh The atonnwatltl r11tclntlon bosoln doM not dcaehDge unkKs -tbullr Ja ltl-p

enough In h bnln to reach tho dn1ln appreraquoamately 1~ deep

OutiOoJI dec~ bullattnsame levelllrothoWIItii(W~ Mc$ntyre Cukh thefoto It~ not Trtckloln Tnckloln Tricklo1n

NA NA ~ 10 delllfmlno If ftow Ia ddchbullrglg from 1M outtal The outfID lit oonnectod to II

manholo manholo manholo montao~e20rttotiMIIOIIItwest Thotn~~Molers~contIOC1CtdM Widetground ~-to a maohol ~ 20 fMt tiOth olttle ~genetttor

M_r- bull trtkle 1t flow~ tM manhole 1mm t1w 50Uih IMkft bull go- unto heastlllldbulllatsttleiTIIIrlholetDtheonl Theflow1ravetsJ06lOMtlnan

Trickloln Tncldokl Tnckloln NA ~ pope to another mantde FlowINn tt mannoampa to the rww1heMt manhofe manhole manhole and~ 10oulfaloOUT101JC FlowbullDtna tM 020UT1015C mnhola deft

not dJKNrge dirocdy to an OIJlflll on Mac~tyra CcJat lt-~tor outfall

Sec s s Ourtal d~Ktwgt-CtM5lllr _ tlwWIIt in~ QAch ttwfotellla not

Commonts Commonts Commom NA poMI)Ia to dMenNrwif lbw-diKhllfglng frcm 1he OUhl That bull flO manhOle

~ DUhl aotd Bldg 810


Mwlrde between cutfalMd BkJg 810 Moo dty (~ ft IIOI1n ot north odgeNA NA NA N N

d the pawtnDnt)

--shy -shy --------


Dumo theampllrTVnal ol 2011 h bonks of Mclntvro OUch warbull recontloured where the OIAch cma- M11lnAve Thoawork- IIOfllwcln~gtMtdthe OFC-Wide ~ lnfrMtructure Prolect (UlP) Dunne thosMiflt Outtal No crQUT100X -bull clntrOYed ~los beiMYed tNtthle outtat-PM of1M old DFC 5Qmsnrmend-no IOnoef OCWDtOnDI ~orebullbull -~~ notnt()laced FlQIN had not been noted at ehl5 ouda dunnCI the AMI Orv Webullthor ZIJrvev alnce Jultv of007

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

~ _ - middot-shy~~~- - -

yen --__ ~--~ _-- - ~ --z-

L~~--_lr -- ~-r ~t t~- t-~~7copy1 ~

~~~----=-~-- ~~- A _ ~ =~~ -yl=middot~ - - middot~~~middot~ - r-c- ~~

bull RctdlwCC ~ ~-middot~~~ bull 0 4-CS I ~ ~

middot ~ _ - --~--- -~ middot I middotfa -~ --~ J -~ ---~ ~ ~ ~~ bullCieor-n~ j

t J ~ rJ~$1middotbullltLmiddotmiddot ~ SOC f bull ~ ~ r middotmiddot-=-= __ir ~ C - middotr-r--p-- -~- o- _~~-- --- t -~s~k-middot~ ~-~~- ---~7

t --rPmiddot ~~---0 ~ middot_ ~ --- I - -- ~ - _- __ ~ bull i7 ~-~-~ - -~ --middot - - middot~-~ ~-t I bull bull -~d- _ -~ ~-middot bull t ~ - __ middotmiddotA~ -0middotI ~ - ---~- I ~ -bull l -lt~ ~ -~_--

US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

fC~-s _- ~nolt ) 3middot~-a~ ~_ _ c ~- -- v _ shy

Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

t-_middot~--~ - middotmiddot j~--~~ - lt(~

middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

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Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 13: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Avg Fiow Survey Rato

Out11llno YeM dolo Comm~ntl

mldmiddotamptrPlm 01 R31101 NA I 768 004

Inlet to Downing Rtgtgtervotr ot southwost comer 1oOUT3001C ofrMamprvolr I 01 ]8311011 1 5 I 8 53 194 17R I 798 00~ I 60

OOUT901GC Not Oflouoh flow to miMuro Thlt ~OOI)rtfl to bltl n fl(lo()1) rlthnr th~n ~n outfrrll

OOUT1005C 6A

North bank of Mcintyre Gulch ~t of Main St 101 IB131no1d I I I I Outfoll dootrovod Sro not middot1 be-lowOOUT100~C Ibrtdgo rovth nnd of 3rd St Erotactlon I NA NA NA NA NA NA NA

North bank of Mclntyro Gulch wo-t of

OOUT1001C Agncuttural Ditch aqueduct 42 dtamctotIconcrMo pipe I 01 181311011 05 I OR I 14 7 I 815 I 00

Outfaii iG ln tho north W1nJ walt of tho 5th St bndgo Bridge to NoltNhcro) W(Yt Oido of bridge

OOUT1011C north bnnllt o f Mrlntvm Culch 4 dlnmotor oloo 01 R311701 764 14R 1S6 80lt 000

lnoldo or north boJC culvert undo-r 5th St brldgo OOUT9008C (Brldon to Nowf1nro north wt~ll 012 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA I NA INo low

North bank o f Mcintyre Gulch gtOUh ond of6th 020UT1000C St prolfldkH1 4fr dlomcteor pleo 01 R3 101 18 6l1 1 5~ 18 788 007

SouthwtYt eomor of lnt~octJ()n of 7th St tlrlogo and Mc1ntyro Gu1ch south s~do of gulch Ornlntgt

OOUT1017C ~ ~t~rshy nrca olong WIYlt sldo of 7th St north of Bldo71 0 0 lm1ml NA I NA I NA I NA l NA I NA l NA INo11ew

South ban)C of McintyreCulch north of the 01 1 83101d NA l l l l NA l NA l NA lNo nowOOOUT0003C northWMI cornor or Bldg 71 0 NA NA NA

North sldo ofMc1ntyro Gulch botwoon Joppa

10UT1 001C omd BLM ~torago yardo north of tho northoaot

lcorrmrofBdg810 I 10 lm1ml NA I




NA INo flow

Outfall dlampchorgos tho ~tormw1tor rctont ion baoln located botwoon Door N-28 ond

Ioutfall s north of Ooot Nmiddot28 ofBldq810 I 01 18131101I NA I I I I NA J NA l Mcintyre Gulch Tho tgttormw1tor rotontlon basin docs not dl~hago unlost~ Wltltor Is doop 00UT1014C NA NA NA NA ooou~h In tho batln to rcnch tho drnln gtO roxlmatotv 18-lnchm~ doreg

Outfall dlampchogo Is at tho u~mo 10lel no tho watCT In McltyroCulch thcrCgtforo It 1gt not polslblo to determine If rtow It~ dlt~charglng frem tho outfall Tho outfa1l1s connected to a monholo 29ft to tho ~outhw~t Tho mnholo igt gtubscquently conncctod vD

NA I I I I I I underground pipe to a manhole approxmototy 20 foot north of tho omorgcncy gonorotor

I~utfort 1 north of Door Nmiddot25 Of Bldg 810 at tho I I 71 sttucturo on the north Ide of Bldg 810 (~outfall 020UT1015C eommonts) OOUT1013C WJP~ odq 01 8131101

Monholo has a tflcklo In lt Flew Mtorn tho manhole from tho touth mn)Cos n gobull turn to tho ongtt and CraquoCitgt tho manhole to tho eort Tho flow trnvclto 300ft onst In an underground pipe to another mnnholo Flow thon melts thii manhole to tho northcust nnd dtschogos to outfoll 020UT1013C Flow exl11ng tho 020UT1015C mnnhOiodocs not

~ ~lroctly north of Door Nmiddot15 of Bldg 810 and diJChnrgo d1roctly to an outfn 11 on Mctntyrltt Gulch(~ commcts for outfal1

OOUT1015C lltlcnerotor bfdQ 01 813101 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 020UT1013C)

Outfall dlschago 1gt ot tMo samltt 10lol a~ tho water In Mcintyre Gulch thoroforo It Is not

Clractly north of Doors Nmiddot9 and Nmiddot10 of Bldg po-Gampiblo to dotlttrmlnltt If flow Iamp dlcharglng from tho outfall Thoro Is no manhole

OOUTsIOOF 810 01 N31f701 NA bltwoon outfnl1 and Bldg 810

Outfall directly north from a paint halfway NA I I I I NA I NA I NA INoflowOutfall Door N-5 N-7 M twoon Door N-5 ond N-7 or Bldq 810 012 813H01 NA NA NA

Cbullrectly north of of a point hlllfway botwoon NA l l l l NA l NA l JManhoto botwoon outfall and Bldg 810 olso dry (monhOio Is 14 tt north of tho north Cltlgo

020UT1016C Door N-3 and N-5 ofB ldQ 810 gt01 8131101 NA NA NA NA o f the pQvomcnt)

Mcintyre GulcM whero t ontoro tho DFC on tho m ld-stronm WOit sllfo MoOiuromont tnJcnn from mtd-trnnm l 01 8131nm 7 1 NA I 709 067El 175 I 7 51 002 I 11

1 bull Curing tho t~ummor of 2011 tho banks of MclntyroGulch wore rceonfbullgurod whore tho gulch cr~s~ Main Avo This work was pcrtormod os part of tho DFCwldo UtJ1ttrty lntrnstructuro Project (UIP) During this work Outfall No 020UT1003C wns dostroyod n ts bollovod tha t this outfall was part of the okl OFC storm ~gtaY~Cr syttllITI t~nd wot no longer operatioal Thoroforo Itwas not replaced Flow hod not boon notod at this outfal l during the Annual Dry Wc3ther Survoy ~lncoJully of2007



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

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chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

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Page 14: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been



B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

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Page 15: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

B812 GSAgov ~Jailmiddot Fwd

I 1 111 to

Fwd I tt~ - P

Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1015 AM To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

Hopefully this one will come through Anne

middotmiddotmiddot-middotmiddotmiddotmiddot- Forwarded message -middot-------shyFrom Anne Laporta (8P2PM) ltannelaportagsagoVgt Date Mon Apr 23 2012 at 1213 PM Subject Fwd To William Fieselman (8PSD-C) ltwilliamfieselmangsagoVgt

HI Bill - here Is the photo from City of Lakewood Spring Into Green Earth Day Event Saturday April 21 2012 at the Lalltewood Heritage Center 801 S Yarrow Street Lakewood

Photo-Sue Damour GSA Regional Administrator Rocky Mtn Region GSA outreach Included providing lnfonnation to the public about the DFC Stormwater Management Plan (poster In background)

Have a wonderful day

Anne K LaP01ta (8P2PM) Sustain ability Program Specialist US General Services Administration Public Buildings Service Rocky Mountain Region (R8) Phone (303) 236-2072 Mobile (303) 552-4067 Fax (303) 236-HOS I nn nclnpottagsagov wwwgsagovr8 wwwfaccbookcom1denverfederalcentcr

httpsmailgooglecommallu0ui~2ampik ~e67f3 331daampv lew ~ptampq~annelaporta4Ogsa gov ampqs trueamp

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

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middot~ ~ ~ middot~ ~- middot middot~middot _~X~ ~ - -4~

J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 16: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

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US General Services Administration

Protecting Storm Water

At the Denver Federal Center

Public Build ing Services Region 8


DD~TE~m~ llillmlli ~

Where Storm Water Goes After the Curb Inlet

US General Services Administration

Public Building Services

DFC Environmental Programs Group

Building 41 Room 240 PO Box 25546

Denver CO 80225-0546

For-More Information call I 303-236-8000

John Kleinschmidt x 5030 I Bill Fieselman x 2344

Revised 4 272010

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 17: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

n lI Rainwater f lows over parkshying lots _awns sidewalks

I picking up debris chemishyi cals dirt and other pollutshyl ants Storm water can flow

into a storm drain system or directly into a lake or stream A nything that enshyters this system f lows unshytreated into water bodies that we use as drinking washyter sources for swimming and fishing and that nat ure uses as its habitat

Mcintyre Guich flows across the Denver Federal Center

(DFC) and converges with Lakewood Gulch and then flows into the South Platte River Wildlife use Mcntyre Gulch the Agricultural Ditch Downing Reservoir and a storm water pond on the DFC as water sources Downshystream the Platte River supshyports fisheries and other comshymunity uses

Polluted runoff is precipitation that captures pollution from agricultural lands urban streets parking lots and suburban lawns and transshyports it to rivers lakes or oceans

The DFCs storm drain system collects rain and snow melt from drain inlets and

middot flows directiy into Mcintyre Gulch Any DFC contaminants that enter the Gulch and the South Platte River compromise water widlife fish and downstream washyter supplies Care must be taken to enshysure that DFC runoff does not degrade water quality

The DFC has an EPA Munici9al Sepashyrate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit to discharge storm water into Mcintyre Gulch A storm water management plan outiines what measures the DFC will take to protect storm water quality and

middot compiy with the permit requirements

The DFC has implemented a storm washyter management plan which includes ~n active construction site inspection program to ensure that storm drains are protected from construction sedishyments The DFC has aiso placed dsshytinct markers near storm drains on the campus to increase public awareness

eese 02-a~~~ -~~-e 0~C ~o-~~e --~ -0e -~~~_ Ctf-__ il l_- -~--C~-o- -- shy- - _-_ _ c-middot __ middot-- - middot middot- middot middot - --middot

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Ifwe do our part to maintam the -integrity and natural beauty ofour waterways they will continue to provide clean water for fish wildlife and humans

Water Pollution Facts

- 1 pint of used motor oil can expand to cover over 1 acre ofwatermiddotsurface - 1 gallon of gasoline can contaminate 7501 000 gallons of water - Antifreeze is poisonous to wildlife -Trash can plug storm drains and endanger fish and other wildlife - Soil runoff from construction sites get in the gills of fish

HoVIi You Can Help

- Check vehicles for leaks and spills Make repairs as soon as possible - Clean up spilled fluids with absorbent mashyterial dont rinse -spis into a nearby storm drain - Clean paint brushes in a sink not outdoors - Properly dispose of excess paints through a household hazardous waste collection proshygram - Cover piles of dirt and mulch being used in landscaping projects to prevent these mateshyrials from blowing or washing into local water bodies - Cover trash containers especially dumpshysters so rain cant enter them and wash mashyterial into gutters and stonn drains - Dont flush wash water f rom equipment down storm drains

- middot- middot ~middotj~l

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J S Glton=lSeori= Administration

For More Inf ormat ion call 303-236-8000 JohnmiddotKleinschmidt x 5030 Bill Fieselman x 2344


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 18: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been


Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

~flampgt~~v ~avd (~~fgtl- ~ ~WOgt W~ltlj t I

rl()I[ampOv middotrampb L~IA-(ttgt_~riJ Jac~~ ChVI~ fa- tfer

middotGkl i e e-tcrt1jen

-n s-1n middottn-vve s

middot~r~ s to n sk) 0-~ middot middot ) n cmiddotmiddotrgt tn bull 1-11 ~ bull bull r -rr ~ middot _ ~middot bull middot )

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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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Page 19: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Stormwater Management

Note Section 64 is relevant to contracts where accidental or deliberate discharge may occur or be observed Sections 61 through 63 are relevant to outdoor construction projects and activities

10 Purpose and Scope

The purpose of this procedure is to protect the Nations waterways and wetland areas into which storm sewers ultimately drain This is achieved by requiring the use of protective

-~~~m~e-asare-s~to-preventco-ntaminate-u-stoTm-watero-nJthertypes of wa1er--whtch-may-cmiddotontainmiddot-~~shy

chemicals silts or soils generated during projects from entering waterways and wetland areas

Sections 2 0 Activities and Depattments Affected 3 0 Exclusions 4 0 Forms Used and Permits Required 5 0 Acronyms Abbreviations and Definitions and 7 0 Records Management are not included for all information is found in the Procedure Section 6 0

60 Procedure

61 Stormwater Regulations and Contracting

o Comply with all federal regulations and where applicable state regulations and local ordinances Where required obtain permits and comply with reporting requirements

o Follow requirements set forth in any Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that may exist issued by the State andor EPA where required The Denver Federal Center (DFC) has its own MS4 permit follow this permit at the DFC

o Incorporate language reqUinng adherence to all Stormwater environmental requirements into all GSA contracts where the potential exists to impact the Storm Sewer System

o GSA Project Managers and Contracting Officer Representatives (CORs) are responsible for overseeing contractors performance and compliance

o The signature of the COR or Project Manager on the Receiving Report contained in the contract file implies that all contract requirements relating to this Stormwater Environmental Procedure have been met

62 Stormwater Awareness and Training

o Contractors are responsible for knowing that only rainwater may go down a stormwater sewer drain Contractors train their staff in Stormwater compliance measures required by law their contracts and defined by this GSA SEMS Environmental Procedure

o CORs are responsible for overseeing that this has been completed and is effective

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

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i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

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~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

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Page 20: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

o The SEMS Project Team is responsible for disseminating Stormwater Awareness information throughout GSA Region 8

posters training modules newsletters brochures huddle topics presentations

o GSA is responsible for placing curb markers beside each storm drain catch basin

o The SEMS Action Team Lead for Stormwater is responsible for reviewing updating reporting and implementing at least annually all federal state and local regulatory requirements

o The DFC EPG Stormwater Program Manager will ensure that the DFC Storm Sewer System Map is current showing the location of all outfalls

63 Construction Site Stormwater Design Runoff Control and Post Construction Stormwater Management

a Project Managers will assess proposed new projects for their potential to impact stormwater whether by soil disturbance or discharge

Employ design and construction strategies that reduce stormwater runoff and discharges of polluted site water runoff (Guid ing Principles for Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings [Federal Leadership in High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Memorandum of Understanding January 2006 High Performance and Sustainable Buildings Guidance Interagency Sustainability Working Group (ISWG) Dec 2008] GSA Region 8 Sustainability Requirements for High Performance Green Buildings middot_ New Construction Major Renovations and Existing Buildings Environmental Procedure)

Federal agencies are instructed to use site planning design construction and maintenance strategies for the property to maintain or restore to the maximum extent technically feasible the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature rate for any project with a footprint that exceeds 5000 square feet approximately 71 feet by 71 feet (Section 438 of Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) EPA Technical Guidance on Implementing the Stormwater Runoff Requirements for Federal Projects under Section 438 of the Energy Independence ahd Security Act EPA 841-B-09-001 December 2009) Promote the use of decentralized stormwater management design strategies to maintain or restore site hydrology to pre-development conditions and promote watershyefficient landscaping and irrigation strategies

If stormwater impact potential exists appropriate contracting documents need to address this concern

o The Scope of Work for construction projects bull The Performance Work Statement for service contracts such as the

Grounds Maintenance and Snow Removal contract If needed this information will be placed into any Change Request for Modification if a contract needs modified

b Project Managers will include an Erosion Control Plan where storm drains could be

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

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Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

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I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

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cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 21: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

impacted This plan is required for DFC projects and may be applicable for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) projects An Erosion Control Plan is part of the DFC Excavation Permit commonly called the DFC Dig Permit and is required for DFC projects See GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure

All excavations and associated dirt handling activities internal or external to a building shall require a permit from the EPG prior to the commencement of excavation activities

Exclusions to the DFC Dig Permit bull Landscaping work associated with removal of old landscapes constructing

new landscapes planting flowers and bushes repairing and installing new sprinkler heads lines and other activities that do not exceed 18 inches in depth

bull Paving and 8-10 inch road base under-pavement bull Existing RCRA Facility Investigation projects do not require a Dig Permit (ie

the DFC environmental investigations pursuant to Consent Orders issued by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE)

The DFC Dig Permit documents the project title purpose date contractor and GSA Project Manager number and extent of excavations material handling methods erosion control plan and map location (ie DFC)

c The GSA Project Manager is responsible for the following aspects relating to the DFC Dig Permit

bull Submitting a completed Excavation Permit Request Form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure) to the EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator prior to the disturbance of any earth

bull Conveying the information in the DFC Dig Permit to the contractor performing the excavation work and all other parties who may be involved with the excavation

bull Delivering a copy of the DFC Dig Permit to the Contracting Officer for the Contracting Project files

d The EPG DFC Dig Permit coordinator will research and assess the potential for soil and groundwater contamination and then prepare the permit detailing the depth to water and any necessary precautions The permit is assigned a number logged in the database filed and a copy is provided to the GSA Project Manager

e Once it is determined that a project will disturb soils of any amount the Contractor is required to initiate precautionary measures as detailed in the Erosion Control Plan to prevent discharge of potentially contaminated storm water or other non-storm related waters directly into a storm drain Precautionary measures include but are not limited to the installation of silt fencing absorbent material such as fiber rolls straw bales gravel bags (see examples at the EPA National Menu of Stormwater Best Management Practices website Attachment B)

Projects involving soil disturbance of one acre or more require that the Contractor prepare a stormwater management plan and submit the Notice of Intent (NOI) form to the EPA The Contractor must comply with the NOI requirements including the

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

---middot J ~lV l fttvvi s

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~QJIl ~~~ tfl middot

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~0((~~middot11 f (~

3+~middot(l(ti e 0 )wVgt

0 bmiddotltty~--~- () M~l Vl ~


Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 22: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Stormwater Prevention Plan for the duration of the project The contractor is required to submit the NOI number to the SEMS Project Team for recording EPG will conduct and record inspections of these projects on a regular basis

f Discharged water shall be directed away from all curbs and other areas where storm drains may exist

g Discharging non-storm water to lawn areas open areas or into a Baker tank truck is considered acceptable practice However the contractor must install protection around all of the storm drains which could be impacted

h GSA Project Managers will maintain oversight and conduct weekly inspections on any project requiring storm drain protection measures to check the integrity of the protective measures and to ensure at the completion of the project that any observable material is removed from the storm drain area Inspections are documented on the EPG Excavation Permit Excavation Inspection Report form (see GSA Region 8 Excavation Dig Permit Environmental Procedure)

i Upon completion of the project requiring the discharge of water storm drain protection should be removed and it should be noted in the project file

j Contractors are required to adhere to the project design criteria for the control retention and detention of post construction runoff during storms and the removal of suspended solids from runoff

64 Accidental and Deliberate Discharge Detection and Elimination

a Contract language dictates the preventive measures required to be implemented by Contractors working at GSA facilities in order to avoid non-storm water discharges entering the storm sewer system

b The Contractor is responsible for ensuring that their personnel are appropriately trained and compliant with these requirements GSA Project Managers and CORs are responsible for monitoring contractors performance and compliance

c Prevention of discharges o Deliberate dumping into the stormwater system is illegal under the Federal

Clean Water Act and is punishable by law o The Building Manager or assigned Contractor or individual inspects every

mechanical room of all buildings monthly If any spills or discharges are discovered the Building Manager is notified and then the EPG is notified of any problems or potential problems

o Security measures are maintained at federal facilities This reduces the potential for accidental or deliberate spills

d Contractors are governed by the Green Buildings and Grounds Maintenance elements of the SEMS thereby reducing the use of hazardous chemicals which can impact the Storm Sewers

e Detection measures for non-stormwater discharges are performed

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

---middot J ~lV l fttvvi s

Jok ( ut1gt()1 io-1shy

~QJIl ~~~ tfl middot

3(3 -~o~ ~256

JD8 --J tJ--middott)lJD4shy

~0((~~middot11 f (~

3+~middot(l(ti e 0 )wVgt

0 bmiddotltty~--~- () M~l Vl ~


Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

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3J~u middot)~~ -J ~SON t+ ~=~~ (i middot~ Cgt middot



ampJ~ ( Pmiddotvli)

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b Slk- ( wJSt)


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

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lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 23: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

o By being observant o Upon receipt of information from anyone at a federal facility reporting an

observation or something suspicion o As a result of a reported spill o Where an MS4 permit or a Consent Order is in place such as at the DFC

quarterly surface water sampling is performed as part of the Long Term Monitoring Program and o Stormwater outfalls are inspected annually during dry weather for the

presence of non stormwater discharges

-------f- Response-to Accidental-1 illegal-release~---------------middot ----shyln the event of a non-stormwater (ie solvents fuels lubricants dirtsediment from a construction project etc) release indoors or outdoors into a Storm Sewer system notify the Building Manager or Supervisor This material is not permitted to enter a storm drain

At the DFC if no supervisor can be found then call 303-236-2911 The Environmental Procedure for Spill Response is followed for a non-stormwater release into a Storm Sewer system

The level of response varies according to toxicity GSA CORs Project Managers Building and Property Managers all carry the Emergency Spill Cards with contact details The Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan is followed



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

---middot J ~lV l fttvvi s

Jok ( ut1gt()1 io-1shy

~QJIl ~~~ tfl middot

3(3 -~o~ ~256

JD8 --J tJ--middott)lJD4shy

~0((~~middot11 f (~

3+~middot(l(ti e 0 )wVgt

0 bmiddotltty~--~- () M~l Vl ~


Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

~flampgt~~v ~avd (~~fgtl- ~ ~WOgt W~ltlj t I

rl()I[ampOv middotrampb L~IA-(ttgt_~riJ Jac~~ ChVI~ fa- tfer

middotGkl i e e-tcrt1jen

-n s-1n middottn-vve s

middot~r~ s to n sk) 0-~ middot middot ) n cmiddotmiddotrgt tn bull 1-11 ~ bull bull r -rr ~ middot _ ~middot bull middot )

3J~u middot)~~ -J ~SON t+ ~=~~ (i middot~ Cgt middot



ampJ~ ( Pmiddotvli)

amp54 CPwr) u~A (Jfl

0 I 0 o

6~A- JfSC

07c RltJpPP


b6A (r~~n~ amp511


G s q - rvtpsc_

GsA -esc_ GS A c~- middot -middot6(__-r)J middot-WI es c

1 bull

ktA)gt~ ~ ~V~)

b Slk- ( wJSt)


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

4~ s~Vl s Q-- =- N Q_Vj ~ shy

middot1lt~l V~ (J~L-t C()Y

middot12~~ $5 Glr-ry

J ~ttAt ~t~f ~JSrClrt middott Cof (t0

toSpound(J (pez

yGvrvA Mu~n

-st- Mc cJtej ~Y~ ~~J1er ~~(ltAU amp~~1 _

tvlicft boLe)~

~t(M~~ shy

)~(_ ~~lr-v --J~r~ 3reJdA factr 2~a-d f-amiddottf~~tA--~

Rolgt~v--t- b-4-tA ~ )citmiddot eMU -1e12J I tt-sU--lt~tA 3an~l) -tk-1lfiA- f3uri~S

1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

~ f S fV_ - fhf f (Cht~S

~PD~~ - f1 t- ICtc-r rrf


~~ 1--

I t

~middot V-


) i

Q - shy ~ l



l3~ SM

S rr pr ~ Vhf Pleilmiddotts

~ PG rtdt~ VVlPtrfVt

Sf$J _ Pli3gtjff7G

ci~ ~~~~ Gs)J - csmiddotc~


I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



~fc ~c~ G-- s 14- cscmiddot

lt( fJiuJS g)SS1 bJ J 8 j)i p-1 -c_ fgtl T--~ ~5-t




lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 24: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been



This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

---middot J ~lV l fttvvi s

Jok ( ut1gt()1 io-1shy

~QJIl ~~~ tfl middot

3(3 -~o~ ~256

JD8 --J tJ--middott)lJD4shy

~0((~~middot11 f (~

3+~middot(l(ti e 0 )wVgt

0 bmiddotltty~--~- () M~l Vl ~


Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

~flampgt~~v ~avd (~~fgtl- ~ ~WOgt W~ltlj t I

rl()I[ampOv middotrampb L~IA-(ttgt_~riJ Jac~~ ChVI~ fa- tfer

middotGkl i e e-tcrt1jen

-n s-1n middottn-vve s

middot~r~ s to n sk) 0-~ middot middot ) n cmiddotmiddotrgt tn bull 1-11 ~ bull bull r -rr ~ middot _ ~middot bull middot )

3J~u middot)~~ -J ~SON t+ ~=~~ (i middot~ Cgt middot



ampJ~ ( Pmiddotvli)

amp54 CPwr) u~A (Jfl

0 I 0 o

6~A- JfSC

07c RltJpPP


b6A (r~~n~ amp511


G s q - rvtpsc_

GsA -esc_ GS A c~- middot -middot6(__-r)J middot-WI es c

1 bull

ktA)gt~ ~ ~V~)

b Slk- ( wJSt)


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

4~ s~Vl s Q-- =- N Q_Vj ~ shy

middot1lt~l V~ (J~L-t C()Y

middot12~~ $5 Glr-ry

J ~ttAt ~t~f ~JSrClrt middott Cof (t0

toSpound(J (pez

yGvrvA Mu~n

-st- Mc cJtej ~Y~ ~~J1er ~~(ltAU amp~~1 _

tvlicft boLe)~

~t(M~~ shy

)~(_ ~~lr-v --J~r~ 3reJdA factr 2~a-d f-amiddottf~~tA--~

Rolgt~v--t- b-4-tA ~ )citmiddot eMU -1e12J I tt-sU--lt~tA 3an~l) -tk-1lfiA- f3uri~S

1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

~ f S fV_ - fhf f (Cht~S

~PD~~ - f1 t- ICtc-r rrf


~~ 1--

I t

~middot V-


) i

Q - shy ~ l



l3~ SM

S rr pr ~ Vhf Pleilmiddotts

~ PG rtdt~ VVlPtrfVt

Sf$J _ Pli3gtjff7G

ci~ ~~~~ Gs)J - csmiddotc~


I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



~fc ~c~ G-- s 14- cscmiddot

lt( fJiuJS g)SS1 bJ J 8 j)i p-1 -c_ fgtl T--~ ~5-t




lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 25: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been


This training was a 4-hour meeting where the General Services Administration (GSA)

Denver Federal Center (DFC) management and Environmental Programs Group (EPG)

personnel went through the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit line by-line The purpose of this

training was help all DFC management and compliance personnel understand the

terms requirements and implications of the new 2011 DFC MS4 Permit

---middot J ~lV l fttvvi s

Jok ( ut1gt()1 io-1shy

~QJIl ~~~ tfl middot

3(3 -~o~ ~256

JD8 --J tJ--middott)lJD4shy

~0((~~middot11 f (~

3+~middot(l(ti e 0 )wVgt

0 bmiddotltty~--~- () M~l Vl ~


Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

~flampgt~~v ~avd (~~fgtl- ~ ~WOgt W~ltlj t I

rl()I[ampOv middotrampb L~IA-(ttgt_~riJ Jac~~ ChVI~ fa- tfer

middotGkl i e e-tcrt1jen

-n s-1n middottn-vve s

middot~r~ s to n sk) 0-~ middot middot ) n cmiddotmiddotrgt tn bull 1-11 ~ bull bull r -rr ~ middot _ ~middot bull middot )

3J~u middot)~~ -J ~SON t+ ~=~~ (i middot~ Cgt middot



ampJ~ ( Pmiddotvli)

amp54 CPwr) u~A (Jfl

0 I 0 o

6~A- JfSC

07c RltJpPP


b6A (r~~n~ amp511


G s q - rvtpsc_

GsA -esc_ GS A c~- middot -middot6(__-r)J middot-WI es c

1 bull

ktA)gt~ ~ ~V~)

b Slk- ( wJSt)


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

4~ s~Vl s Q-- =- N Q_Vj ~ shy

middot1lt~l V~ (J~L-t C()Y

middot12~~ $5 Glr-ry

J ~ttAt ~t~f ~JSrClrt middott Cof (t0

toSpound(J (pez

yGvrvA Mu~n

-st- Mc cJtej ~Y~ ~~J1er ~~(ltAU amp~~1 _

tvlicft boLe)~

~t(M~~ shy

)~(_ ~~lr-v --J~r~ 3reJdA factr 2~a-d f-amiddottf~~tA--~

Rolgt~v--t- b-4-tA ~ )citmiddot eMU -1e12J I tt-sU--lt~tA 3an~l) -tk-1lfiA- f3uri~S

1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

~ f S fV_ - fhf f (Cht~S

~PD~~ - f1 t- ICtc-r rrf


~~ 1--

I t

~middot V-


) i

Q - shy ~ l



l3~ SM

S rr pr ~ Vhf Pleilmiddotts

~ PG rtdt~ VVlPtrfVt

Sf$J _ Pli3gtjff7G

ci~ ~~~~ Gs)J - csmiddotc~


I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



~fc ~c~ G-- s 14- cscmiddot

lt( fJiuJS g)SS1 bJ J 8 j)i p-1 -c_ fgtl T--~ ~5-t




lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 26: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

---middot J ~lV l fttvvi s

Jok ( ut1gt()1 io-1shy

~QJIl ~~~ tfl middot

3(3 -~o~ ~256

JD8 --J tJ--middott)lJD4shy

~0((~~middot11 f (~

3+~middot(l(ti e 0 )wVgt

0 bmiddotltty~--~- () M~l Vl ~


Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

~flampgt~~v ~avd (~~fgtl- ~ ~WOgt W~ltlj t I

rl()I[ampOv middotrampb L~IA-(ttgt_~riJ Jac~~ ChVI~ fa- tfer

middotGkl i e e-tcrt1jen

-n s-1n middottn-vve s

middot~r~ s to n sk) 0-~ middot middot ) n cmiddotmiddotrgt tn bull 1-11 ~ bull bull r -rr ~ middot _ ~middot bull middot )

3J~u middot)~~ -J ~SON t+ ~=~~ (i middot~ Cgt middot



ampJ~ ( Pmiddotvli)

amp54 CPwr) u~A (Jfl

0 I 0 o

6~A- JfSC

07c RltJpPP


b6A (r~~n~ amp511


G s q - rvtpsc_

GsA -esc_ GS A c~- middot -middot6(__-r)J middot-WI es c

1 bull

ktA)gt~ ~ ~V~)

b Slk- ( wJSt)


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

4~ s~Vl s Q-- =- N Q_Vj ~ shy

middot1lt~l V~ (J~L-t C()Y

middot12~~ $5 Glr-ry

J ~ttAt ~t~f ~JSrClrt middott Cof (t0

toSpound(J (pez

yGvrvA Mu~n

-st- Mc cJtej ~Y~ ~~J1er ~~(ltAU amp~~1 _

tvlicft boLe)~

~t(M~~ shy

)~(_ ~~lr-v --J~r~ 3reJdA factr 2~a-d f-amiddottf~~tA--~

Rolgt~v--t- b-4-tA ~ )citmiddot eMU -1e12J I tt-sU--lt~tA 3an~l) -tk-1lfiA- f3uri~S

1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

~ f S fV_ - fhf f (Cht~S

~PD~~ - f1 t- ICtc-r rrf


~~ 1--

I t

~middot V-


) i

Q - shy ~ l



l3~ SM

S rr pr ~ Vhf Pleilmiddotts

~ PG rtdt~ VVlPtrfVt

Sf$J _ Pli3gtjff7G

ci~ ~~~~ Gs)J - csmiddotc~


I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



~fc ~c~ G-- s 14- cscmiddot

lt( fJiuJS g)SS1 bJ J 8 j)i p-1 -c_ fgtl T--~ ~5-t




lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 27: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Environmental and NEPA Training

Floodplains Wetlands Storm Water And Endangered Species

GSA R8 NEPA DFC Environmental Group and ERO Resources Inc a natural resources consulting firm will pres~nt an overview of GSAs approach to floodplains

wetlands storm water and endangered species management for our real estate projects This class will provide an introduction to these natural resource management areas and provide definitionsof terms regulatory requirements GSAs screening and compliance process as well as a general understanding of why and how these natural

resources are protected under Executive Or~ers and Federal Laws

This class is open to everyone and is especially pertinent for Realty Specialists Project

Managers and Building Managers

When Thursday March 8 2012


am - noon

Where Colorado Room

The training session will also be available on Webex Please see your supervisor for an


Please contact Lisa Haskinsmiddotat (303) 2362414 if you have any questions

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

~flampgt~~v ~avd (~~fgtl- ~ ~WOgt W~ltlj t I

rl()I[ampOv middotrampb L~IA-(ttgt_~riJ Jac~~ ChVI~ fa- tfer

middotGkl i e e-tcrt1jen

-n s-1n middottn-vve s

middot~r~ s to n sk) 0-~ middot middot ) n cmiddotmiddotrgt tn bull 1-11 ~ bull bull r -rr ~ middot _ ~middot bull middot )

3J~u middot)~~ -J ~SON t+ ~=~~ (i middot~ Cgt middot



ampJ~ ( Pmiddotvli)

amp54 CPwr) u~A (Jfl

0 I 0 o

6~A- JfSC

07c RltJpPP


b6A (r~~n~ amp511


G s q - rvtpsc_

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1 bull

ktA)gt~ ~ ~V~)

b Slk- ( wJSt)


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

4~ s~Vl s Q-- =- N Q_Vj ~ shy

middot1lt~l V~ (J~L-t C()Y

middot12~~ $5 Glr-ry

J ~ttAt ~t~f ~JSrClrt middott Cof (t0

toSpound(J (pez

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-st- Mc cJtej ~Y~ ~~J1er ~~(ltAU amp~~1 _

tvlicft boLe)~

~t(M~~ shy

)~(_ ~~lr-v --J~r~ 3reJdA factr 2~a-d f-amiddottf~~tA--~

Rolgt~v--t- b-4-tA ~ )citmiddot eMU -1e12J I tt-sU--lt~tA 3an~l) -tk-1lfiA- f3uri~S

1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

~ f S fV_ - fhf f (Cht~S

~PD~~ - f1 t- ICtc-r rrf


~~ 1--

I t

~middot V-


) i

Q - shy ~ l



l3~ SM

S rr pr ~ Vhf Pleilmiddotts

~ PG rtdt~ VVlPtrfVt

Sf$J _ Pli3gtjff7G

ci~ ~~~~ Gs)J - csmiddotc~


I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



~fc ~c~ G-- s 14- cscmiddot

lt( fJiuJS g)SS1 bJ J 8 j)i p-1 -c_ fgtl T--~ ~5-t




lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 28: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

( ~middot middot


US General Services Administtatlon

Signln Form

V(etlands Floodplains StormWater ~anagement and Endangered Species middot Tranung

March 8 2012 830am - 12 pm


-Po~~_+J ~ 11middot~~ Vh

3 epoundc ma~

L~JJ~ Wvp

middot(rgthtlt~ f 5cl~ltff j)avt tl f6errsorshy

~flampgt~~v ~avd (~~fgtl- ~ ~WOgt W~ltlj t I

rl()I[ampOv middotrampb L~IA-(ttgt_~riJ Jac~~ ChVI~ fa- tfer

middotGkl i e e-tcrt1jen

-n s-1n middottn-vve s

middot~r~ s to n sk) 0-~ middot middot ) n cmiddotmiddotrgt tn bull 1-11 ~ bull bull r -rr ~ middot _ ~middot bull middot )

3J~u middot)~~ -J ~SON t+ ~=~~ (i middot~ Cgt middot



ampJ~ ( Pmiddotvli)

amp54 CPwr) u~A (Jfl

0 I 0 o

6~A- JfSC

07c RltJpPP


b6A (r~~n~ amp511


G s q - rvtpsc_

GsA -esc_ GS A c~- middot -middot6(__-r)J middot-WI es c

1 bull

ktA)gt~ ~ ~V~)

b Slk- ( wJSt)


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

4~ s~Vl s Q-- =- N Q_Vj ~ shy

middot1lt~l V~ (J~L-t C()Y

middot12~~ $5 Glr-ry

J ~ttAt ~t~f ~JSrClrt middott Cof (t0

toSpound(J (pez

yGvrvA Mu~n

-st- Mc cJtej ~Y~ ~~J1er ~~(ltAU amp~~1 _

tvlicft boLe)~

~t(M~~ shy

)~(_ ~~lr-v --J~r~ 3reJdA factr 2~a-d f-amiddottf~~tA--~

Rolgt~v--t- b-4-tA ~ )citmiddot eMU -1e12J I tt-sU--lt~tA 3an~l) -tk-1lfiA- f3uri~S

1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

~ f S fV_ - fhf f (Cht~S

~PD~~ - f1 t- ICtc-r rrf


~~ 1--

I t

~middot V-


) i

Q - shy ~ l



l3~ SM

S rr pr ~ Vhf Pleilmiddotts

~ PG rtdt~ VVlPtrfVt

Sf$J _ Pli3gtjff7G

ci~ ~~~~ Gs)J - csmiddotc~


I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



~fc ~c~ G-- s 14- cscmiddot

lt( fJiuJS g)SS1 bJ J 8 j)i p-1 -c_ fgtl T--~ ~5-t




lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 29: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been


Hi~leJ (e_ bt(LlrcJ ~ov-i+ ~C(VUL

4~ s~Vl s Q-- =- N Q_Vj ~ shy

middot1lt~l V~ (J~L-t C()Y

middot12~~ $5 Glr-ry

J ~ttAt ~t~f ~JSrClrt middott Cof (t0

toSpound(J (pez

yGvrvA Mu~n

-st- Mc cJtej ~Y~ ~~J1er ~~(ltAU amp~~1 _

tvlicft boLe)~

~t(M~~ shy

)~(_ ~~lr-v --J~r~ 3reJdA factr 2~a-d f-amiddottf~~tA--~

Rolgt~v--t- b-4-tA ~ )citmiddot eMU -1e12J I tt-sU--lt~tA 3an~l) -tk-1lfiA- f3uri~S

1-davv-- ~-1J ltti-1

~ f S fV_ - fhf f (Cht~S

~PD~~ - f1 t- ICtc-r rrf


~~ 1--

I t

~middot V-


) i

Q - shy ~ l



l3~ SM

S rr pr ~ Vhf Pleilmiddotts

~ PG rtdt~ VVlPtrfVt

Sf$J _ Pli3gtjff7G

ci~ ~~~~ Gs)J - csmiddotc~


I ) I ~~ PSVDr-- WlPS v



~fc ~c~ G-- s 14- cscmiddot

lt( fJiuJS g)SS1 bJ J 8 j)i p-1 -c_ fgtl T--~ ~5-t




lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 30: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been


lOam - llam (Mountain Time)


Thu Mar 29 2012


MESA VERDE Conference Room

Description SEMS Kickoff Week- Project Manager meeting 1888560~8243 passcode 7260078

My Notes


v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM) v Benjamin Harris (8PSCWC) v T Eddie Blanton (8PSMPU) v epetrovsklsgeosynteccom v Jessica Higgins (8P2PM) v Jonathan Bringewatt (8P2PM) v Laura Magee (8PSD) v LisamiddotHaskins (8P2PM) v Marlon Buntyn (8P2PM) v Robert lltirkpatrick (8PSDP) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) v William Fieselman (8PSD-C) 0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD) 0 Tracie Richardson (8P2PQ)

Thomas Record (8P2PM)

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 31: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

() bull I I Building Manager SEIVIS

I I Environmental Procedure Training

Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response v Yes Im going

Time Guests

2pm - 3pm (1lounta in Time) v Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) v Anne Laporta (8P2PM)

v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) v John lltleinschmidt (8PSDW)

Date v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marion Bunlyn (8P2PM)Thu Jul 26 2012 v Michael Gasser 8P-C) ~ Randi Heller (8PSMW) v Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C)

Where v Sharon Malloy-Standbrldge (8P2PM) v Thomas Record (8P2PM)Red Rocks v William Fleselman (8PSD-C) 0 Charles Carruth 8PSDPD)

Ill ba on vacation 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) Description I am out of town that weellt

The following procedures will be presented in this 0 Laura Magee (8PSD) order at the Building Managers training middotmiddotif you are Off-site training

0 Mark Baca (8PSDPD)not listed you do not need to attend 0 Tammy Eatough (8PSMW)

Harold Alkire (8P2PM) Green Purchasing Marion Buntyn Jennifer Martinez (8PSD) Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marion Buntyn Jessica Higgins 8P2PM)

Patrick Haze (8PSD)Facility Solid Waste- Marion Buntyn Construction Demo Waste Marion Buntyn Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Spill Response Mike Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Millte Gasser Stormwater Management - Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Wnderground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser middot Site Remediation - Mike Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Response - Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention - Mark Baca

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 32: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Grounds Maintenance Wateimiddot Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Recotd Energy and Water Management - Andrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality w ComplaintGaramiddotge Tom Record Dririllting Water - Tom Record Sara Title Ill- Tom Record Design Review - Sharon Malloy

My Notes

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 33: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Region 8 SEMS Property Managers Training July 26 2012

200pm - 300 pm

Please sign-in io document your completion of this training

Name Organization S~atp I

_( lCtov-t t ~t~t) 1M ad~~ middot 6$1~ ~ 1~C y_1J~ (C~lN--~L=-bull~-=-bullmiddotbull 1t I LJ~j

-~-- ifAftbVJ PtS

Atu~SWDLsrrJ GSA tgtB3 ~~-r - A

3) hesvu-an 9SA fgs l~_flt-kJ_pkrY~ Jl1111ifcr J)ll hn iL f~t S~ Pl)middot) Jli(I~~J-111 (Ld1shy 1) ~ll lt l - (l ctmiddot middotmiddot ( ) t- l (JJJ S 1( IJ bullbull L~ X I(J _-( l( t ~~J ~ r

cJxXY11 e~ fle)(riovn[) (Jz)-t (JGifl1lU~ltdoVV~J-b (l 1gt~- ( r f1 6 5gt (J lJ)f~ I ~

shy middot~) 1- --middot--

-l rr (l t-1 1nil


6--lt 11 fl-- -v--y ldl-1 ~

IC J-fJl~ ) ltA-z- Amiddot YCtwW-J -~ a s I -~-~~--

Jll11 tlt I fJ f5uYJIVn G smiddotA rJ~(-))-JV~rf-f--middot-_)_


i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 34: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

i ( ) middotmiddot Contracting Officer SEMS

Environmental Procedure Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) middot Your response vYes Im going


9am - lOam (Mountain Time)


Wed Jul18 2012


Colorado Room

Description SEMS Program Managers will present their flowcharts (environmental procedure process) to Contracting Officers at CAM Meeting

We are in the process of determining which Program Managers will present at the specific training sessions for COs PMs Building Managers and Contractors- I am inviting all at this time but will remove your name if you do not need to present for specific sessions

My Notes


Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Charles Rlenhardt (OPSDPD) Usa Haskins (8P2PM) Marion Buntyn (8P2PM) Michael Gasser (OP-C) Patrick Haze (OPSD) Robert Melvin (8P2PM-C) Sharon Malloy-Standbridge (8P2PM) Tammy Eatough (OPSMW) William Fleselman (OPSD-C) John lltleinschmidt (OPSDW) 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Mark Baca (OPSDPD) 0 Randi Heller (OPSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2P~ tAtlne Laporta (8P2PM) ~eo~middotU)

Jessica Higgins (8P2P Laura Magee (OPSD)

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 35: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Region 8 SEMS Contracting Officemiddotr Training July 18 2012

900am -middot1-G-1-e am Jo o

r-r~ 7(8 Igt Please sign-in to document your completion of this training


Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 36: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Name Organization ~

Signature ~ 1 7


o I

bull) middot middotbull middotmiddot Jl -1 middotf

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 37: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

ATTENDANCE LIST updated June 2012

Contracting Associates Meeting Training Subjects Miscellaneous Acquisition Updates and protests )at~ July 18 2012 I I I

(Iuitlrrl by your iC11e to indicate ttttendrmce OJ addyour name ifnot fisted) Name lni Name lni Name In i Aaron Adams i1t) Laura Mag_ee Ga~er Field Office

Ainy Linebercv UY- lmiddot~r--~

Lee Davis North Dakota Field OHce r

Angelica Cohen Ilt~ Len Wilson ctw South Dakota Field Office

Anne LaPorta Lorraine Douglas Utah Field Office -Barbara Marthe - Wyoming Field Office

Benjamin Rissky Mire middotM(l~lliib-Whlttenburg i((~~ Montana f=ield Office

Beverly Carey JJt-shy Miriam Babcock fuj Monica Dlvelbess

Cindy An~fe(sen 1 Monique lucny lbv_ Christopher Cole


Cody Lee Nicole Friesen Christine Steg_er

Courtney R Westlle Orlando Mendez Dan Bush

Dannie Crowder be_ 1-jeidl Sawy_er

Darlene Gonzales amp~yCj Pamela Burley t Joseph Dorsey

David Gatson )~l Pennie Estrada Jltay Thort1pson

David Chavez Raymond Panagulton 1 lltenneth Moore

Dawn Perea Rhonda Nelson MMl~El srnitft__


Jylan White jmiddotdl Robert Collins ~middot Nicole Haines

~6bert lltipper 1f1( Pamela Ballard

Ed Marin v Rod lltelscome Ray Lewis

Gloria Gallegos ~) Roger lltublk Shana Budd Steve Farrin~J ion

Jamie Blue ()b Sarah Huddle Steve Nichols

Jameson Hutton l~~i- Shanon Sweeney -

Susan Brunner

Jane(t Worthy Shantelle L Brungardt 11tll lt(on Atn fl j~)

Jean Schilling $hawna Horvath () Jeffrey Rich Sl)i rle~ Howington JJJJ (t1 1f-c_)middott1e 4Di -Jj)shy-middotmiddot

7 d~fe_) f11V Ii


Jennifer Canfield J Shonita Mueller ~-

Ji 1111 middotf~~J2 f~c I Gmiddot~ ~ ~ middotmiddotmiddot

Jerry Silver Stephen Newton

Jessica Paslcznyllt ) Steve Eckelberg I~iI f l t ) JItlbulll 1l Jessica R Pimentel Susan Protho

middotl-V ( dpound 1Jilllohg middot- lllNtlltL ~J vJueo-

Joan Amend llY Tannis Taylor TT 7

Judy Line JJ1 Tracie Richardson middot 12---shy(

Tracy Troncosa-Maes

ltathy lltirwin William Harlley rWIL lltelly Rimlt-t

Kenya Freeman pound Kristen Feiclltert -

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 38: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

I o o R8 middotsEIVIS DFmiddotC Contractor Training Created by Lisa Haskins (8P2PM)


Sam - 12pm (Mountain Time)


Thu Aug 2 2012


Remington Arms~ Call In 888-595-8957 9525900

Description The following procedures will be presented in this order at the DFC Contractor training -if you are not listed you do not need to attend The presentation will be set up and ready for you so you do not need to bring anything Please be on time so we can start promptly at Bam It is expected we will be there until 10am

Green Purchasing Mark Baca Recycling and Universal Wastes - Marllt Baca Facility Solid Waste- Mark Baca Construction Demo - Waste - Marllt Baca Chemical Storage and Disposal - Mike Gasser Hazardous Waste Management - Mike Gasser Spill Response- Millte Gasser Sanitary Sewage Discharge - Mike Gasser Stormwater Management- Bill Fieselman Asbestos Management - Buddy Alkire Grounds Maintenance- Chemical Usage- Mark Baca Excavation Dig Permit - Mike Gasser Pre-Demolition Inspection middotmiddot Mike Gasser Underground Storage Tanks- Mike Gasser Fugitive Oust- Mike Gasser


i v lltristi Leinen (8PSDPD) J v Lisa Botarelli (8P2PA-C) v Charles Rienhardt (8PSDPD) bull v Laura Magee (8PSD)

Call In v Lisa Haskins (8P2PM) v Marllt Baca (8PSDPD) v Michael Gasser (8P-C) v Patrick Haze (8PSD)

-~middot 0 epetrovskisgeosynteccom 0 Christina Fockler (8PC) 0 Harold Alkire 8P2PM) 0 Jol1n lltleinschrnidt (8PSDW) 0 Marion Buntyn (8P2PM)

bull 0 Randi Heller (8PSMW) 0 Sharon Malloy-Standbridge

(8P2PM) 0 Tammy Eatough 8PSMW) 0 Thomas Record (8P2PM)

~ David Williams (8P2PM) fl Jana Faris 8PSD)

Andrew Olsen (8P2PM-C) Anne Laporta (8P2PM) 1eettlL~vmiddot vJessica Higgins (8P2PM) SftCAl_IL(

Robet1 Melvin (8P2PM-C) William Fieselrnan 8PSD-C)

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 39: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been

Site Remediation - Millte Gasser 90 Day Storage- Spill Responsemiddotmiddot Mike Gasser DBMS ~ Mike Gasser Indoor Water lntrustion middotmiddot Mike Gasser Cross Connection Incident and Prevention ~ Marllt Baca Grounds Maintenance Water Use - Marllt Baca Boiler Emissions- Tom Record Chiller Emissions- Tom Record Energy and Water Management and Metering shyAndrew OlsenCharlie Rienhardt Indoor Air Quality- ComplaintGarage- Tom Record

My Notes


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 40: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been


Region 8 SEMS DFC Contractor Training August 2 2012

800am - 1200 pm

Please sigt in io document your completion of this training

Organization Signature Name

pound ~~~fltu 5$ta__t Xf tMC )~r- middot -Zct-it-8 t -~middotmiddot7poundL-1jr uvk ~71oof1Lel 1tIA7f JldJIIJt)ffJJvvviL

li(-tcf Po rf~ t rtu 1 Plt-Sd--21r~u -Ptf~J1 _r~_~ ampv~-A Ac-)amplR-~~fUo f w

11f J-~ cL1 fOid (j (~llXYJ ~=f 15 c_uA Albullr CfJfgJJUJG~~fr ciP(() f( jlft7acurLJ (ilrn

_q_~ ~J~)tJ 11 middot tit~ ~~ Armiddotci()6gtN IJr-c-t ~ ~~h ~ t1Jv t S W c CJ pound-v~ Q C()~~-middot ~~d ltI bullgt~---middot-Po 1 n-1z c)ltlV~ a ~~~LLF-1 17~r-fV t vtj_

~ ~-r 1 shy ~c-=IMIL - ~__ 0

lf_j_ V~LIIlVIZA- bull gt-bull ~gt---middot-1_r~~AIr-tlD s A rz~ I ---f ------ middotku v e Jh Jr)-ciltSo J ltCoer pound c 1~~---

1JJ (0 p middotshy(y)1

_jJgtVtY middot P CtlrJ _bo__~ 1eJ_fi flf

d~~cr~~~~ r lt7-gt - lt-t middot shy

~ ( ~ ~ J ltAV_n_(l ~ tclvt~--~pound j or--( QQ J 0 vu

))~c- ()_amp___

DtA--lte L rr 1--lLoJA

(JY)_C ~~-Lc-w-k Ctt-t~e-1 _fun~~6 I ~~Q cxi~ICt1k t

(f1h --gt ((2________ _ --~(k fl-( IA ~~ J J lA MU I ~Si -4-c middotgt lv-C middot r--~lrl-~-g~JamptL_L7 1J IH i t)1ILr-

-- IJ I _

vmiddot)~11f wIn I -gt nl IJ I _gt c_____

AT1~- j[()A~--t-1) _ lfJ1t(~ ~~--j Hf MJnt~ middot JLltu~ i ofol a

Rraquo ]Q~f_ (f c 1Vi)Jj_ f) L~ ~ y -v


Page 41: 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 · 2012 MS4 Permit Annual Report Permit No.: CO-R 042004 . the annual report required under Part 3.3. The new S\VMP has been