2012 Laporan Berkesinambungan - Dream Design · PDF fileof the Code of Conduct and the...

2012 Laporan Berkesinambungan Sustainability Commitment Card 159 BAKRIELAND • Annual Report 2012

Transcript of 2012 Laporan Berkesinambungan - Dream Design · PDF fileof the Code of Conduct and the...

159BAKRIELAND • Annual Report 2012

2012Laporan BerkesinambunganSustainability Commitment Card

159BAKRIELAND • Annual Report 2012

160BAKRIELAND • Laporan Tahunan 2012

Sustainable Economic Performance & Growth

Ethical Business Practices

Sustainable Return for Our Shareholders

Proyek Sentul Nirwana melakukan prosedur Analisa Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) sejak sebelum pembangunan dimulai hingga menjadi bagian dari pertimbangan perencanaannya ke depan.

The Sentul Nirwana project conducts environmental impact analysis prior to construction and becomes part of the considerations for future plans.

51% audit di unit usaha dilakukan untuk aspek kinerja penjualan, marketing, operasional dan finansial.

51% of the audit process in business units concentrates on sales, marketing, operational and financial performance.

100% karyawan, mitra kerja, partner bisnis dan supplier telah menerima sosialisasi materi Code of Conduct dan mekanisme Whistleblowing.

100% of employees, business associates, business partners and suppliers have been made aware of the Code of Conduct and the Whistleblowing mechanism.

Rata-rata marjin EBITDA sampai dengan tahun 2012, telah mencapai di atas 20%.

The average EBITDA margin by 2012 is above 20%.

Pada tahun 2015, 100% business plan dan risk assessment mempertimbangkan dampak operasional terhadap lingkungan dan komunitas sosial pada tahap perencanaan proyek paling awal.

In 2015, 100% of the business plan and risk assessment pays heed to the impact of operations on the environment and communities from the outset of project planning.

Pada tahun 2020, pekerjaan audit berbasis risiko akan dilakukan ke seluruh unit usaha (100%), yang penilaiannya akan meliputi: anti-korupsi, risiko finansial, dampak lingkungan, dampak sosial dan hak asasi manusia.

In 2020, risk-based audit shall be conducted for all business units (100%) of which assessment shall cover: anti-corruption, financial risk, environmental impact, social impact and human rights.

Pada tahun 2012, 100% karyawan, mitra usaha dan pemasok sudah disosialisasikan Code of Conduct dan mekanisme Whistleblowing.

In 2012, 100% of employees, business partners and suppliers have been made aware of the Code of Conduct and Whistleblowing mechanism.

Marjin EBITDA > 20% setiap tahunnya.

EBITDA margin > 20% per year.

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Want to Be

Where We Want to Be



Perlu peningkatanNeed improvement

Sesuai rencanaOn track


161BAKRIELAND • Annual Report 2012

Delivery & Performance

Contributing to Indonesia National Economy

Sesuai jadwal, proyek Sentra Timur Residence mulai serah terima pada akhir Desember 2012.

In accordance with the schedule, the Sentra Timur Residence project has begun handing over units by the end of December 2012.

2012, Sentra Timur kembali menyelesaikan 1 menara sehingga total sudah 3 dari 11 menara yang direncanakan.

In 2012, Sentra Timur completed 1 more tower, making it a total of 3 towers from the 11 towers planned.

Di Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana, 100% material yang digunakan diperoleh dari pemasok lokal.

In Pullman Bali Legian Nirwana, “100% of materials used” are obtained from local suppliers.

Secara keseluruhan 99,66% karyawan Bakrieland adalah warga negara Indonesia.

Overall, 99.66% of Bakrieland employees are Indonesian nationals.

Serah terima dan/atau penyelesaian proyek 100% tepat waktu sesuai dengan kontrak dengan konsumen.

100% timely project delivery and/or completion according to the agreed contract with customers.

Berkontribusi dalam pemenuhan backlog hunian terjangkau bagi masyarakat menengah di perkotaan setiap tahun.

Contributes in fulfilling backlogs of affordable housing for the middle-income urban population each year.

Pada tahun 2015, minimal 70% dari total besaran belanja kebutuhan material untuk konstruksi dan operasional di masing-masing proyek berasal dari pemasok yang berdomisili di daerah lokal setempat dan/atau nasional Indonesia.

By 2015, at least 70% of total expenditure for construction materials and operations in respective projects are sourced from suppliers domiciled locally and/or nationally in Indonesia.

Pada tahun 2012, penyerapan tenaga kerja dari masyarakat lokal di setiap proyek kami dengan komposisi sebesar minimal 70% karyawan adalah masyarakat lokal.

By 2012, labor absorption from the local population in each of our project accounts for at least 70% of the workforce.

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Want to Be

Where We Want to Be



162BAKRIELAND • Laporan Tahunan 2012

Green Through and Through

Sustainable Design & Responsible Construction

100% proyek properti Bakrieland memiliki Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) sesuai dengan perijinan.

100% of Bakrieland project properties have open green space as part of the building permit requirements.

Rata-rata dari seluruh proyek properti Bakrieland mencapai 43% RTH dari total luas lahan dimana sampai dengan tahun 2012 luas ruang terbuka hijau ini mencapai 8.885 ha dengan 91.379 pohon, 15 ha sawah dan 30 ha hutan bakau yang secara keseluruhan mampu menyerap 425.909 ton gas CO2 per tahun.

Open green space account for an average of 43% from total landbank whereby until 2012, open green space has reached 8,885 hectares with 91,379 trees, 15 hectares of rice fields and 30 hectares of mangrove forests that in overall absorb 425,909 tons of CO2 each year.

Pembangunan proyek Sentul Nirwana menjamin bahwa seluruh material kayu yang digunakan berasal dari sumber yang bertanggungjawab (non-illegal logging).

The construction of the Sentul Nirwana project guarantees the use of timber that is not sourced from illegal logging.

60% jenis tanaman yang digunakan untuk lanskap kawasan properti Bakrieland adalah species tanaman asli Indonesia.

60% of vegetation used for landscape in Bakrieland projects are of Indonesian native species.

SITE DESIGN: ECO-LANDSCAPING: Luas area Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) minimal harus sesuai dengan perijinan yang diperoleh pada masing-masing proyek.

SITE DESIGN: ECO-LANDSCAPING: The size of open green space should be at least in accordance with the permit secured by the respective project.

SITE DESIGN: ECO-LANDSCAPING: Optimalisasi vegetasi yang mampu menyerap CO2 untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas udara di kawasan proyek properti.

SITE DESIGN: ECO-LANDSCAPING: Optimization of vegetation capable of absorbing CO2 to help improve air quality around property project areas.

SITE DESIGN: GREEN BUILDING DESIGN: Mengiventaris green material yang digunakan untuk material konstruksi dan perabotan di seluruh proyek properti.

SITE DESIGN: GREEN BUILDING DESIGN: Inventory of green materials for construction and furniture crafting for all property projects.

BIODIVERSITY & CULTURAL HERITAGE: Menggunakan tanaman lokal dan budidaya lokal sebesar 60% dari jumlah tanaman/luas tajuk.

BIODIVERSITY & CULTURAL HERITAGE: The use of local species vegetation in landscape accounts for 60% of the total crop/canopy area.

Where We Are Now (2012) Where We Want to Be Status

163BAKRIELAND • Annual Report 2012

Green Operation

Konsumsi energi Bakrieland di 2012 dari proyek-proyek dalam ruang lingkup laporan ini adalah 35.443.729 KWH energi listrik, 39.040 liter bensin, 496.723 liter solar dan 176.910 kg gas LPG.

Bakrieland’s energy consumption in 2012 for projects within the scope of this report totals 35,443,729 KWH of electricity, 39,040 liters of fuel, 496,723 liters of diesel and 176,910 kg of LPG.

33.075 ton emisi gas CO2 dihasilkan dari penggunaan energi, namun belum mencakup keseluruhan proyek Bakrieland dan aktivitas transportasi dan logistik.

33,075 tons of CO2 gas emission is produced from energy consumption, not including transportation and logistic activities.

1.082.219 m3 total konsumsi air di tahun 2012, dimana 22% dari total konsumsi air tersebut adalah air hasil daur ulang.

1,082,219 m3 of total water consumption in 2012 from which 22% are drawn from recycled water.

2.265 kg sampah domestik dan organik diolah dan digunakan kembali menjadi pupuk.

2,265 kg of domestic and organic waste is processed and reused as fertilizer.

Seluruh proyek properti Bakrieland memiliki mekanisme pemilahan sampah berdasarkan jenisnya, termasuk untuk limbah B3, air kotor, dan air hitam.

All Bakrieland property projects develop their own waste treatment mechanism based on the type of waste, including for hazardous and toxic substances, waste water and black water.

ENERGY: Mengukur dasar penggunaan energi di masing-masing proyek untuk dijadikan dasar inisiatif efisiensi energi di tahun-tahun berikutnya.

ENERGY: Measuring energy consumption in each project to be used as baseline for energy efficiency initiatives in coming years.

CARBON FOOT PRINT: Masing-masing unit usaha mengetahui dasar emisi CO2, penyebab efek rumah kaca (greenhouse gas/GHG) dari kegiatan operasional masing-masing unit.

CARBON FOOT PRINT: Each business unit is aware of their CO2 emissions and causes of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from its operational activities.

WATER: Menentukan dasar penggunaan air untuk masing-masing proyek properti untuk selanjutnya digunakan sebagai acuan program efisiensi air.

WATER: Determining the basis for water consumption for each property project to serve as reference for energy efficiency programs.

WASTE: Semua unit proyek Bakrieland melakukan program Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.

WASTE: All Bakrieland projects conduct the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle program.

WASTE: 100% kegiatan konstruksi dan operasional Bakrieland memiliki rencana manajemen sampah konstruksi, limbah cair dan padat.

WASTE: 100% of Bakrieland’s construction and operational activities strictly abide by a construction, as well as solid and liquid waste management plan.

Where We Are Now (2012) Where We Want to Be Status

164BAKRIELAND • Laporan Tahunan 2012

Nol insiden terkait praktik tenaga kerja di seluruh operasional Bakrieland selama tahun 2012.

Zero-incident in labour practice in Bakrieland’s entire operations in 2012.

100% karyawan Bakrieland di seluruh wilayah operasional menerima performance review di tahun 2012.

100% of Bakrieland employees in all operating areas are subject to a performance review in 2012.

Di tahun 2012 lebih dari 95% karyawan menerima pelatihan formal.

In 2012, more than 95% of employees have undergone formal training.

80% proyek properti sudah menjalankan program edukasi tentang kebersihan, pemilahan sampah, hidup sehat dan ramah lingkungan yang diperuntukkan bagi masyarakat penghuni, pengunjung dan komunitas sekitar.

80% of property projects have initiated educational programs related to waste segregation, healthy living and eco-friendly systems intended for the residential community, visitors and nearby communities.

100% dari proyek properti Bakrieland memiliki program pengembangan perekonomian masyarakat.

100% of Bakrieland’s property projects have introduced community economic empowerment programs.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Nol keluhan dan insiden dari internal ataupun eksternal terkait diskriminasi dan pelanggaran hak asasi manusia di tempat kerja.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: Zero-complaint and zero-incident internally and externally with regard to discrimination and human rights violation at the workplace.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: 100% karyawan menerima annual performance review dengan menggunakan sistem Key Performance Index (KPI).

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY: 100% of employees undergo an annual performance review by applying the Key Performance Index (KPI) system.

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: Seluruh karyawan menerima pelatihan formal minimal 1 kali dalam 1 tahun.

TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT: All employees receive formal training at least once a year.

PROMOTING GREEN & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: Pada tahun 2015, program edukasi kebersihan, pemilihan sampah, hidup sehat dan ramah lingkungan di seluruh kawasan proyek properti Bakrieland yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan wawasan dan partisipasi penghuni, pengunjung, dan komunitas sekitar.

PROMOTING GREEN & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: By 2015, campaign on sanitation, waste segregation, healthy living and eco-friendly systems in all Bakrieland property projects aim to broaden horizons and promote the participation of residents, visitors and nearby communities.

PROMOTING GREEN & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: Pada tahun 2015, masing-masing proyek properti Bakrieland memiliki program pengembangan perekonomian masyarakat minimal satu program UKM binaan.

PROMOTING GREEN & HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: By 2015, each Bakrieland property project shall have its own community economic empowerment program, at least one micro and small-scale enterprise development scheme.

It's About The People

Empowering Our Human Capital

Nurturing the Community

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Want to Be

Where We Want to Be



165BAKRIELAND • Annual Report 2012

Green Office Guideline dan format campaign dalam pematangan konsep dan penyusunan untuk disosialisasikan dan diimplementasikan oleh keseluruhan Bakrieland.

Green Office Guideline and campaign template in relation to conceptual development and formulation is informed and implemented across Bakrieland.

Program sosialisasi Green Office minimal 1 program per 3 bulan.

Green Office awareness-building program, at least one program in three months.

Nurturing the Community

Where We Are Now (2012) Where We Want to Be Status


Inspiring The Future Generation

Selama tahun 2012, speaking engagement sebagai bagian dari program Bakrieland Goes to Campus (BGtC) terlaksana sebanyak 12 kali di universitas-universitas Jakarta dan Bandung.

Throughout 2012, speaking engagement, as part of Bakrieland Goes to Campus (BGtC) program, took place on 12 separate occasions in universities located in Jakarta and Bandung.

Sampai dengan tahun 2012, BLD memiliki 2 Taman Cerdas.

By 2012, BLD has established 2 learning centers known as Taman Cerdas.

Sampai dengan tahun 2012, BLD telah mendonasikan 34.674 buku ke institusi pendidikan dan yatim piatu di seluruh wilayah operasional Bakrieland.

By 2012, BLD has donated 34,674 books to educational institutions and orphanages in all Bakrieland operating areas.

Sampai dengan tahun 2012, BLD sudah memberikan 38 beasiswa untuk siswa berprestasi. Saat ini rata-rata 9 paket beasiswa per tahun sejak tahun 2007.

By 2012, BLD has awarded 38 scholarships to high-achieving students. To date, an average of 9 scholarship packages has been granted each year since 2007.

Sampai dengan tahun 2012, jumlah pelajar/ mahasiswa yang mengunjungi proyek-proyek Bakrieland mencapai 273 orang.

By 2012, the number of students visiting Bakrieland projects has reached 273 people.

BAKRIELANDGOESTOCAMPUS:Pada tahun 2015, menjangkau universitas-universitas di wilayah operasional Bakrieland (Jakarta, Bogor, Lampung, Balikpapan, Bali)

BAKRIELANDGOESTOCAMPUS: By 2015, the program shall extend across universities in Bakrieland operating areas (Jakarta, Bogor, Lampung, Balikpapan, Bali).

TAMANCERDAS: Pada tahun 2015, Bakrieland memiliki 5 Taman Cerdas.

TAMANCERDAS: By 2015, Bakrieland establish 5 Taman Cerdas.

SATUJUTABUKU: Pada tahun 2020, mendonasikan 1.000.000 buku untuk institusi-institusi yang membutuhkan di seluruh wilayah operasional Bakrieland di Indonesia.

ONEMILLIONBOOKS: By 2020, some 1,000,000 books will be donated to institutions in need throughout Bakrieland operating areas in Indonesia.

SCHOLARSHIP: Pada tahun 2015, Mendistribusikan minimal 10 paket beasiswa untuk siswa berprestasi per tahun.

SCHOLARSHIP: By 2015, distributed at least 10 scholarship packages to academically outstanding students each year.

STUDENTVISIT: Pada tahun 2015, Bakrieland menerima kunjungan dari total 500 orang pelajar di proyek properti Bakrieland.

STUDENTVISIT: By 2015, Bakrieland has welcomed a total of 500 students to its property project locations.

Where We Are Now (2012) Where We Want to Be

166BAKRIELAND • Laporan Tahunan 2012

Best Practice & Compliance

Adopting Best Practices and Compliances

Bakrie Tower saat ini sedang dalam proses sertifikasi Green Building dari Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) ; Properti Bakrieland lainnya mengikuti prinsip dan ketentuan Green Building; Properti2 Bakrieland yang merupakan bangunan lama, sedang direncanakan untuk refurbishment agar sesuai dengan prinsip dan ketentuan Green Building.

Bakrie Tower is currently in the process of securing its Green Building certification from the Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI); other Bakrieland property projects also adhere to Green Building principles and requirements; Bakrieland properties with old buildings shall be refurbished according to the Green Building principles and requirements.

100% unit usaha Bakrieland menerapkan manajemen lingkungan.

100% of Bakrieland business units have established environmental management systems.

40% dari unit usaha Bakrieland sudah tersertifikasi ISO 9001

40% of Bakrieland business units have earned their ISO 9001 certification.

Unit usaha City Property telah tersertifikasi OHSAS 18000 dan seluruh kontraktor yang bekerjasama dalam pembangunan proyek Sentra Timur Residences diharuskan memiliki sertifikasi OHSAS 18000.

City Property business unit has obtained its OHSAS 18000 certification and all hired contractors working for the development of Sentra Timur Residences must be OHSAS 18000 certified.

Sertifikasi Green Building atau adopsi prinsip dan ketentuan Green Building untuk seluruh high-rise building di proyek properti Bakrieland.

Green Building certification or the adoption of the Green Building principles and requirements for all high-rise buildings on Bakrieland property projects.

Penerapan standar internasional terkait manajemen lingkungan untuk seluruh properti Bakrieland.

Application of international standards related to environmental management for all Bakrieland properties.

Sistem Manajemen Mutu, ISO 9001 diterapkan di kantor pusat dan di seluruh unit usaha.

Quality Management System, ISO 9001 is applied at the head office and in all business units.

Standar kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja, OHSAS 18001 diterapkan di seluruh proyek properti Bakrieland.

Occupational health and safety standards, OHSAS 18001is applied in all Bakrieland property projects.

Where We Are Now (2012) Where We Want to BeStatus

167BAKRIELAND • Annual Report 2012

Research & Innovation

Compliance to Law & Regulation

Jungleland: akan dikembangkan menjadi Green Theme Park terbesar se-Indonesia.

Jungleland: to be developed into the largest Green Theme Park in Indonesia.

Nol litigasi dan pelanggaran hukum; seluruh operasional dan pembangunan kawasan memiliki Analisis Mengenai Dampak Lingkungan (AMDAL) dan seluruh perijinan yang diwajibkan.

Zero-litigation and no violation of the law; all project operations and development have conducted an environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) and secured the required permits.

Inisiasi dan berkontribusi dalam penelitian serta implementasi teknologi mutakhir terkait material dan teknik konstruksi yang ramah lingkungan setiap tahun.

Initiation and contribution to research as well as the implementation of cutting-edge technology related to eco-friendly construction materials and techniques each year.

Nol keluhan, insiden, laporan dan tuntutan akibat pelanggaran peraturan hukum dan perundang-undangan.

Zero-complaint, zero-incident, and no reported cases and lawsuits on the violation of the law and regulation.

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Are Now (2012)

Where We Want to Be

Where We Want to Be

