2012 Engineering Text Catalogue

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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Engineering Mathematics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Engineering Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Mechanical Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Chemical and Biomedical Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Fire Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Materials Science . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Bioengineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Biomedical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Civil Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

Environmental Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Operations Management, Manufacture and Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

Electrical & Electronics Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Circuit Analysis and Digital Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Power Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Control Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

RF / Microwave Theory & Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Signal Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

Systems Engineering & Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Introduction to Engineering, Modeling and Problem Solving2nd EditionJay Brockman, University of Notre DameCraig Lent, University of Notre DamMark Somerville, Olin College 978-0-470-56518-6, October 2012

Now in its second edition, Brockman’s text helps students acquire the engineering mindset, providing them with the core knowledge and skills all engineers need to succeed. Through clear explanations and real-world examples—like how to provide water for rural communities in developing nations—Introduction to Engineering teaches students to see the world through the eyes of an engineer, looking at how engineers apply science and technology to solve problems facing society today. Introduction to Engineering grew out of a course the author helped develop over the past decade at Notre Dame, and this approach has been field-tested and developed into a model for other schools.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPart I: The Engineering Mindset; Engineering and Society; Organization and Representation of Engineering Systems; Learning and Problem Solving. Part II: Model-Based Design; Laws of Nature and Theoretical Models; Data Analysis and Empirical Models; Modeling Interrelationships in Systems: Lightweight Structures; Modeling Interrelationships in Systems: Digital Electronic Circuits; Modeling Change in Systems. Part III: Problem Solving with MATLAB; Getting Started with MATLAB; Vector Operations in MATLAB; Matrix Operations in MATLAB; Introduction to Algorithms and Programming in MATLAB; Appendix A: Problem Solving Process; Appendix B: Bloom's Taxonomy: Levels of Understanding; Appendix C: Engineering Societies and Professional Organizations; Appendix D: Systems of Units

Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC18F1st EditionM. Rafiquzzaman, California State Polytechnic University and Rafi Systems, Inc. 978-0-470-94769-2, February 2011

Rafiquzzaman's Microcontroller Theory and Applications with the PIC 18F has been designed for a one-semester or one-quarter course in microcontrollers taught at the undergraduate level in electrical/computer engineering and computer science departments. The students are expected to have a background in C language and digital logic (both combinational and sequential) design. Practitioners of microcontroller-based applications will find more simplified explanations, together with examples and comparisons considerations, than are found in manufacturers' manuals.

FEATuRES• Realworldapplication:FocusesonthePICmicrocontroller

which has displaced HC11/12 in industrial practice. PIC is more powerful and less expensive than HC, and it is only a matter of time before it is displaced in teaching as well.

• Comprehensivepedagogy:ThefirstPICmicrocontrollertextthat provides thorough coverage of fundamental concepts rather than simply providing operational detail.

• Balancedframework:Includescoverageofmicrocontrollerprogramming in C, as favored in industry, and in assembly, which still prevails in the classroom.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Microcontrollers; Microcontroller Basics; Introduction to Programming Languages; Microcontroller Memory and Input/Output (I/O); PIC18F Architecture and Addressing Modes; Assembly Language Programming with the PIC18F: Part 1; Assembly Language Programming with the PIC18F: Part 2; PIC18F Hardware and Interfacing: Part 1; PIC18F Hardware and Interfacing: Part 2; Basics of Programming the PIC18F Using C.

Introduction to Engineering, Modeling and Problem Solving


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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

A Guide to Writing as an Engineer3rd Edition David F. Beer, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Texas at AustinDavid A. McMurrey, Austin Community College 978-0-470-41701-0, February 2009

Discover how to become a technical writing expert with this brief, easy-to-read guide.

This new title takes an “engineering approach” to technical communication that features practical examples and situations from today’s industry.

FEATuRES• Introducingtheconceptofnoiseincommunicationrather

than focusing on errors and poor writing.

• Examplesfromrealengineeringwritingfocusontheengineering discipline.

• Coverageofethics,EngineeringCodesofEthicsareintroduced (IEEE and ABET).

TABLE OF CONTENTSEngineers and Writing; Eliminating Sporadic Noise in Engineering Writing; Guidelines for Writing Noise-Free Engineering Documents; Letters, Memoranda, Email, and Other Media for Engineers; Writing Common Engineering Documents; Writing an Engineering Report; Constructing Engineering Tables and Graphics; Accessing Engineering Information; Engineering Your Speaking; Writing to Get an Engineering Job; Ethics and Documentation In Engineering Writing.

PIC ProjectsA Practical Approach1st EditionHassan Parchizadeh, University Of Portsmouth, Branislay Vuksanovic, University of Portsmouth978-0-470-69461-9, April 2009

This book is a collection of projects based around various microcontrollers from the PIC family. The reader is carefully guided through the book, from very simple to more complex projects in order to gradually build their knowledge about PIC microcontrollers and digital electronics in general. On completion of this book, the reader should be able to design and build their own projects and solve other practical problems in digital electronics.


approach of completing PIC based projects, rather than theory.

• Allprojectsinthebookarefullytested,andarecompletewith detailed explanations and schematics to help the student assemble and test the program..

• Allprogramsaregivenintwolanguages,Candassembler.This helps the reader obtain an easier understanding of these programs and various PIC features.

• AnumberofdifferenttypesofPICmicrocontrollerofvaryingcomplexity are used for the projects in the book.

• AsupportingwebsiteprovidesthediagramsandPCBlayoutsfor the circuits used in the book, as well as links to all the support software required for assembly of the projects.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction PICs used in this book MPLAB programming environment Basic assembler programming for PIC Basic C programming for PIC; Simple Interfaces Flashing LED Flashing LED with a pushbutton Two flashing LEDs with a pushbutton Displaying segments on a single seven-segment display Displaying numbers on a single seven-segment display Simple up-down counter using seven-segment display and two pushbuttons; Advanced Displays and Keyboards 4-digit seven segment display interface 4-digit seven-segment display with matrix keyboard interface LCD interface LCD with matrix segment keyboard interface; Analogue Interfaces Measurement system using ADC and 4-digit seven-segment display Audio signal reader and playback system using ADC and R-2R ladder DAC Control system using ADC and of-the-shelf DAC; More PIC Projects Function generator Moving average filter Audio echo effect generator

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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis5th Edition John A. White, University of ArkansasKenneth E. Case, Oklahoma State Univ. David B. Pratt, Oklahoma State Univ.978-0-470-11396-7, January 2009

Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis, 5e provides a unified treatment of economic analysis principles and techniques from a cash flow perspective. This approach has been proven in the classroom and has been very successful in practice. The fifth edition has been updated to include sample FE exam questions as well as shorter examples so that students can clearly understand the concepts. Additionally, the text includes more use of spreadsheet software and more information on personal finance, helping students become even more familiar with the essentials an engineer needs to know when solving problems in the real world.

TABLE OF CONTENTSEngineering Economic Analysis; Time Value of Money; Borrowing, Lending, and Investing; Establishing the Planning Horizon and the Minimum Attractive Rate of Return; Present Worth Analysis; Future Worth Analysis; Annual Worth Analysis; Rate of Return Analysis; Depreciation Methods; After-Tax Economic Analysis; Replacement Analysis; Inflation Effects; Supplementary Analysis; Economic Analysis in the Public and Regulated Sectors; Capital Budgeting; Obtaining and Estimating Cash Flows; Appendix A: Discrete Compound Interest Tables; Appendix B: Continuous Compound Interest Tables

Introduction to Service Engineering1st EditionGavriel Salvendy, Purdue Univ.Waldemar Karwowski978-0-470-38241-7, December 2009

The book introduces students to the fundamentals of the theory and practice of service engineering, covering the characteristics of service enterprises, service design and operations, customer service and service quality, web-based services, and innovations in service systems. With chapters written by fifty-seven specialists and edited by bestselling authors Gavriel Salvendy and Waldemar Karwowski, Introduction to Service Engineering uses numerous examples, problems, and real-world case studies to help readers master the knowledge and the skills required to succeed in service engineering.

FEATuRES• Canbeusedasatextbookaswellasthereference.

• Thefirstbooktogloballybringtogetherexpertsonallaspects of service engineering.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Service Enterprises; Service Design; Service Operations; Customer Service and Service Quality; Web Services; Innovation in Service Systems.

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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials5th EditionRichard W. Hertzberg, Lehigh Univ.978-0-470-52780-1, October 2012

Hertzberg's 5th edition of Deformation & Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials offers several new features including a greater number and variety of homework problems using more computational software; more "real world" applications of theories, case studies; and less coverage of metals. Furthermore, this edition has more focus shifted toward emerging technologies (nanotechnology, micro mechanical systems), dislocations, macroscale plasticity; nanomaterials, biomaterials, smart materials and a new chapter on products liability/recall - supported by vast majority of survey respondents.

Engineering Design GraphicsSketching, Modeling, and Visualization2nd EditionJames Leake, University of Illinois978-1-118-07888-4, January 2012

James Leake's 2nd Edition of Engineering Design Graphics builds upon the previous text with more in-depth and enhanced information on projection theory that provides instructional framework and freehand sketching for learning important graphical concepts. Furthermore, the text provides clear, concise information about topics addressed in modern engineering design graphics as well as hundreds of additional sketching problems, all serving to develop sketching skills for ideation and communication and to develop critical spatial visualization skills.

Architectural Graphics5th EditionFrancis D. K. Ching 978-0-470-39911-8, October 2009

Architectural Graphics offers the essential drawing tools, principles, and techniques designers use to communicate architectural ideas. In this Fifth Edition, Francis D.K. Ching expands upon the wealth of illustrations and instructions that have made this book a classic, and guides readers through the subtleties of translating architectural ideas into vivid visual representations.

Readers learn Ching’s renowned methods through:

• Coverageofmultiviewdrawings,paralinedrawings,andperspective drawings.

• Techniquesfordrawingsectionviewsofbuildinginteriors.

• Strategiesforrenderingtonalvalue,enhancingpictorialdepth, and conveying the illumination of spatial environments.

• Approachesfordevelopingthelayoutofarchitecturalpresentations.

• Freehandsketchinganddiagramming.

• Andmuchmore.

This beautiful fifth edition of Architectural Graphics clearly presents the complexity of architectural concepts in an intuitive graphic manner.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Drawing Tools and Materials; Architectural Drafting; Architectural Drawing Systems; Multiview Drawings; Paraline Drawings; Perspective Drawings; Rendering Tonal Values; Rendering Context; Architectural Presentations; Freehand Drawing. Index.

Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials


Engineering Design Graphics: Sketching,

Modeling, and Visualization


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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Design Drawing2nd EditionFrancis D. K. ChingSteven P. Juroszek, AIA 978-0-470-53369-7, November 2010

Author and architecture educator Frank D.K. Ching shares his unique command of the visual language in this revised guide to drawing principles and techniques. Design Drawing is a comprehensive introduction to drawing and more—its innovative book-plus-CD-ROM package sheds new light on the relationship between perception, drawing, and design.

FEATuRES• Coverstheprinciples,media,andtechniquesofdrawing,but

also places these within the context of what and why designers draw.

• Containsmorethan1,500hand-rendereddrawings

• SupplementalCD-ROMcontainstwelvenewmodulesandavideo of the author demonstrating freehand techniques in a step-by-step manner.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Drawing from Observation; Line and Shape; Tone and Texture; Form and Structure; Space and Depth. Drawing Systems; Pictorial Systems; Multiview Drawings; Paraline Drawings; Perspective Drawings. Drawing from the Imagination; Speculative Drawing; Diagraming; Drawing Composition; Presentation Drawing; Index; Preface to CD-ROM

DrawingA Creative Process1st EditionFrancis D. K. Ching 978-0-471-28968-5, September 1989

TABLE OF CONTENTSDrawing: Process and Product; Line: The Essence of Drawing; Shape: The Definition of Form; Depth: The Art of Illusion; Envisioning: Drawing From Imagination; Speculation: Drawing and Creativity; Bibliography; Index.

An Introduction to Architectural Theory1968 to the Present1st EditionHarry Francis Mallgrave, Illinois Institute of Technology, USADavid Goodman, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA 978-1-4051-8062-7, March 2011

An Introduction to Architectural Theory is the first comprehensive and critical history of architectural theory over the last fifty years. It surveys the intellectual history of architecture since 1968, including criticisms of high modernism, the rise of postmodern and poststructural theory, critical regionalism and tectonics. The book also offers a comprehensive overview of the significant changes that architectural thinking has undergone in the past fifteen years and includes an analysis of where architecture stands and where it will likely move in the coming years.

TABLE OF CONTENTSListofIllustrationsPrelude:The1960s

PartI:1970s:ParsDestruens:19681973;TheCrisisofMeaning;Early Postmodernism; Modernism Abides

PartII:1980s:PostmodernismandCriticalRegionalism;Traditionalism and New Urbanism; Gilded Age of Theory; Deconstruction

PartIII:1990sandPresent:WakeoftheStorm;Pragmatismand Post-Criticality; Minimalisms; Sustainability and Beyond Notes Acknowledgments Index

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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Community PlanningIntegrating Social and Physical Environments1st EditionPhil Heywood, Department of Urban And Regional Planning, Queensland University of Technology, Australia 978-1-4051-9887-5, April 2011

This key planning textbook on designing healthy and sustainable communities informs planners about community life and the processes of planning. It equips readers with the essential knowledge and skills they need to organise change and improve the quality of urban living. The book is organized into two main parts: after the first three chapters have established the interests and scope of community planning, the next six each move from an account of issues and theoretical concerns, through a review of case studies, to summaries of leading practice. This positive approach is intended to encourage readers to develop their own capacities for effective participation and action. The concluding chapter draws together the contributions of preceding ones to demonstrate the integrity of the community planning process.

Readings in Planning Theory3rd EditionSusan S. Fainstein, Harvard University Graduate School of Design, USA Scott Campbell, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Michigan, USA978-1-4443-3080-9, August 2011

This third edition of Readings in Planning Theory features 13 new readings that define current debates and presents works that constitute the main focus of the field. It examines the current state of planning theory and new directions it has taken in recent years. There is expanded focus on international planning, globalization and the theories of development; new readings on planning theory; critique of the modernist roots of centralized planning; re-emphasis on space in planning and a discussion of the difficulty of sustainable development. New case studies of global planning successes and failures are included, making this title the ultimate choice as the primary text for urban planning courses.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction: The Structure and Debates of Planning Theory; Foundationsof20thCenturyPlanningTheory;Planning:Justifications and Critiques; Planning Types/Normative frameworks; Planning in Action: Successes, Failures, and Strategies; Race, Gender and City Planning; Conflicting Priorities; Planning in a Globalized World

Autodesk Revit Architecture 2012 Essentials1st Edition Phil ReadEddy KrygielJames Vandezande 978-1-118-01683-1, April 2011

This beautiful, task-based, full-colour Autodesk Official Training Guide thoroughly covers the fundamentals of Revit Architecture. By following the book's clear explanations, practical tutorials, and step-by-step exercises, students will cover all the essentials of a typical design workflow. Topics include how to best use the interface, creating floor plans, adding walls and curtain walls, generating color fill plans, preparing documentation, as well as annotating, collaborating, and more.

FEATuRES• Presentedinfull-colour

• Containsstraightforwardexplanationsandreal-world,hands-on exercises and tutorials.

• PreparesstudentsfortheRevitArchitectureAssociateandProfessional certification exams

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Introducing Revit and the User Interface; Schematic Design; Walls and Curtain Walls; Floors, Roofs, and Ceilings; Stairs, Ramps, and Railings; Adding Families; Modif ying Families; Groups and Phasing; Rooms and Color Fill Plans; Worksharing; Details and Annotations; Creating Drawing Sets; Workf low and Other Revit Essentials; Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting; Appendix Revit Certification.

This key planning textbook on designing healthy and


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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction


along with increased attention to sustainability and GIS applications.

• Integratesupdatedcasestudies—plus4newcasestudies—throughout the chapters.

• IncludesanewchapteronSystem-BasedPlanningandplaces greater emphasis on systems to highlight how to create truly sustainable landscapes.


• Includesanewsynthesisingfinalchapterdescribinganapproach to building framework plans for landscape design and land use.

• Offersacollectionofbestmanagementpractices,whichcanbe applied in the field.

TABLE OF CONTENTS1 An Introduction to the Book, the Field, and some


2 Landscape Planning: Roots, Problems, and Content

3 The Physiographic Framework of the United States and Canada

4 Landscape Form and Function in Planning and Design

5 Topography, Slopes, and Land Use Planning

6 Assessing Soil for Land Use Planning and Waste Disposal 6. Site, Soils, and Wastewater Disposal Systems

7 Groundwater Systems, Land Use Planning, and Aquifer Protection

8 Runoff and Stormwater Management in a Changing Landscape

9 Watersheds, Drainage Nets, and Land Use Planning

10 Streamflow,Floodplains,FloodHazard,andLandUsePlanning

11 Water Quality and Runoff Considerations in Landscape Management

12 Soil Erosion, Stream Sedimentation, and Landscape Management

13 Best Management Practices, Local Watersheds, and Development Sites

14 The Riparian Landscape: Streams, Channel Forms, and Valley Floors

15 The Coastal Landscape: Shoreline Systems, Landforms, and Management Considerations

16 Solar Climate near the Ground: Landscape and the Environment

17 Microclimate, Climate Change, and the Urban Landscape

18 Ground Frost, Permafrost, Land Use, and Environment

19 Vegetation, Land Use, and Environmental Assessment

20 LandscapeEcology,LandUse,andHabitatConservationPlanning

21 Wetlands, Habitat, and Land Use Planning

22 Framing the Land Use Plan: a Systems Approach

Landscape PlanningEnvironmental Applications5th EditionWilliam M. Marsh, Univ. of Michigan 978-0-470-57081-4, June 2010

With its wide variety of topics and up-to-date coverage, Landscape Planning Fifth Edition is an excellent resource for students in a variety of disciplines including landscape planning, geography and environmental studies. It focuses on environmental problems associated with land planning, landscape design, and land use. New coverage is included on adaptive planning as an approach necessary to build a sustainable landscape. Greater emphasis is placed on systems and updated case studies are integrated throughout the chapters. This edition also arms the student with a collection of the best management practices, which can be applied in the field.

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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Construction Management4th Edition International Student VersionDaniel W. Halpin, Georgia Institute of Technology, Bolivar A. Senior, Colorado State University 978-0-470-50593-9, June 2011

This text covers a wide range of subjects needed to understand the dynamics of this large and complex industry.

This edition introduces extended coverage in the scheduling area to address more advanced and practice oriented procedures such as Start to Start, Finish to Finish, and similar relationship between activities in a network schedule. It also provides increased coverage of topics related to the financial side of the house, two new chapters have been added addressing the impact of taxes on the operation of a company and the evaluation of borrowing, lending, and other financial opportunities using the mathematical concepts of engineering economy.

TABLE OF CONTENTSHistory and Basic Concepts; Preparing the Bid Package; Issues During Construction Phase; Construction Contracts; Legal Structure; Impact of Taxes; Project Planning; Project Scheduling; Scheduling – PERT Networks and Linear Operations; The Mathematics of Money; Project Cash Flow; Project Funding; Equipment Ownership; Equipment Productivity; Construction Labor; Estimating Process; Cost Control; Materials Management; Safety; Construction Operations; Appendices A – L.

Olin’s ConstructionPrinciples, Materials, and Methods9th EditionH. Leslie Simmons 978-0-470-54740-3, November 2011

Established as one of the leading books on the materials and methods of construction, the Ninth Edition of Construction was renamed Olin's Construction to reflect the brand identity that Harold Olin brought to this standard text. The most comprehensive text on the subject, Olin's Construction cover not only the materials and methods of building construction, but also building systems and equipment, utilities, properties of materials, and current design and contracting requirements.

FEATuRES• Extensivecoverageofthemetricsystemofmeasurement.

• Includesmorethan1800illustrations,175newtothiseditionandmorethan200revisedtobringthemuptodate.

• Providesvitaldescriptive information on how to design buildings, detail components, specify materials & product, and avoid common pitfalls.

TABLE OF CONTENTSDesign and Contracting Requirements; Existing Conditions; Concrete; Masonry; Metals; Wood, Plastics, and Composites; Thermal and Moisture Protection; Openings; Finishes; Specialties; Furnishings; Special Construction; Conveying Systems; Fire Suppression; Plumbing; Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning; Electrical; Communications; Electronic Safety and Security; Earthwork; Exterior Improvements; Utilities; Properties of Materials; The Metric system of Measurement.


Established as one of the leading books on the materials and


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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Fundamentals of Building ConstructionMaterials and Methods5th EditionEdward AllenJoseph Iano978-0-470-07468-8, November 2008

Now in its Fifth Edition, this essential textbook has been used by thousands of students annually in schools of architecture, engineering, and construction technology. Using the latest building codes, standards, and developments in materials and technologies as its basis, Fundamentals of Building Construction covers the complete range of construction activities—from excavating and foundations to cladding and interior finishes—and examines common construction systems such as light wood frame, masonry bearing wall, steel frame, and reinforced concrete construction.

FEATuRES• Updatedandexpandedchaptersidebarsonconsiderationsof


• Fullyandextensivelyupdatedcoverageofallmajorbuildingmaterials.

• Includesover1,200descriptivephotosandillustrations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Making Buildings; Foundations; Wood; Heavy Timber Frame Construction; Wood Light Frame Construction; Exterior Finishes for Wood Light Frame Construction; Interior Finishes for Wood Light Frame Construction; Brick Masonry; Stone and Concrete Masonry; Masonry Wall; Steel Frame Construction; Light Gauge Steel Frame Construction; Concrete Construction; Sitecast Concrete Framing Systems; Precast Concrete Framing Systems; Roofing; Glass and Glazing; Windows and Doors; Cladding with Masonry and Concrete; Cladding with Metal and Glass; Selecting Interior Finishes; Interior Walls and Partitions; Finish Ceilings and Floors; Appendix; Glossary; Index.

Building Construction Illustrated4th EditionFrancis D. K. Ching 978-0-470-08781-7, February 2008

Francis D.K. Ching’s classic, bestselling guide to building construction now revised and updated!

FEATuRES• Thereferenceofchoiceforarchitects,builders,designers,

drafters, students, and anyone who needs to know how buildings are constructed.

• Illustratedthroughoutwithclearandaccuratedrawingsthatpresent the state of the art in construction processes and materials.

•Updatedandrevisedtoincludethelatestknowledgeonsustainability, incorporation of building systems, and use of new materials.

TABLE OF CONTENTSThe Building Site; The Building; Foundation Systems; Floor Systems; Wall Systems; Roof Systems; Moisture and Thermal Protection; Doors and Windows; Special Construction; Finish Work; Mechanical and Electrical Systems; Notes on Materials; Appendix; Bibliography; Index.

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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

A Theory of Construction Management1st EditionMilan Radosavljevic, University of ReadingJohn Bennett, University of Reading978-0-470-65609-9, March 2012

The construction industry has become a truly global network of interconnected stakeholders making demands which require the involvement of skilled workforces from all over the world. A Theory of Construction Management sets the foundations for understanding and managing construction's inherent complexity and uniqueness. It establishes clear definitions of commonly accepted terms like built environment, construction, civil engineering, etc. which are often given confusing and conflicting interpretations.

FEATuRES• Offersarobustandconsistenttheoreticalbasistoexplainthe

performance of the main approaches to construction management.

• Describescorporateandprojectmanagementinconstructionas an integrated whole.

• Providesthebasictoolkitastudentneedstothinkthroughthe practical situations they will later face.

•Helpsbringthetheoryofconstructionmanagementtointernational students who struggle to find a solid grounding in this complex and fragmented subject.

• Includesacompanionwebsitefeaturingawealthofeasytouse case studies and directly transferable examples for students, as well as PPT slides and topic discussion ideas for lecturers.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface The Authors Acknowledgements; Introduction and Background; The Built Environment; Construction Concepts; Theory of Construction Management; Traditional Construction; Design Build; Management Approaches; Partnering; Total Construction Service; Implications for Industry; The Future for Construction Management; Appendix: Theory of Construction Management Propositions; Glossary; Index.

Research Methods for Construction3rd EditionRichard F. Fellows, formerly University of BathAnita M. M. Liu, University of Hong Kong 978-1-4051-7790-0, August 2008

Research Methods in Construction is one of the few books to provide guidance on research formulation, methodologies, and methods specifically for construction students. The third edition has been updated throughout and extended in scope to cover many areas of concern in quantitative and qualitative research, including research ethics. Three main sections - producing a proposal; executing the research; and reporting the results - discuss the key issues in research and examine the primary approaches, both qualitative and quantitative. The methods adopted for scientific and engineering experiments, model building and simulations are discussed, as well as those employed for research into management, social and economic issues. This book will be of value to construction, surveying, architecture and civil engineering students undertaking research for bachelors and masters degree dissertations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface to Third Edition; Preface to Second Edition

Part 1 Producing a Proposal: Introduction; Topic for Study.

Part 2 Executing the Research: Initial Research; Approaches to Empirical Work; Hypotheses; Data Collection; Data Analysis;Ethics in Research

Part 3 Reporting the Results: Results, Inferences and Conclusions; Reports and Presentations.



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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Construction Practice1st EditionBrian Cooke978-1-4443-3668-9, March 2011

Provides students with a comprehensive overview of practical construction technology.

Based around a series of full colour photographic sequences, augmented by carefully chosen line illustrations and text, the sequences follow a logical progression through the subject and includes contemporary and established practice, as well as modern methods of construction.

FEATuRES• Arrangedinarationalandlogicalprogression,followingthe

construction sequence.

• Includescontemporaryandestablishedpractice,aswellasmodern methods of construction.

• IncludessomeexamplesofcontinentalEuropeanconstruction methods where these differ from established UK practice.

TABLE OF CONTENTSEstablishing the Site; Materials Management; Demolition and Excavation; Foundations and Piling; Earth Support and Basements; Handling Concrete; Building Frames; Steel Structures and Roofs; Formwork in Construction; Floor Construction; Cladding Buildings; Timber Frame Construction; Domestic Housing Construction.

Building Structures3rd EditionJames Ambrose, Univ. of Southern CaliforniaPatrick Tripeny978-0-470-54260-6, September 2011

Building Structures takes a conceptual approach without complicated mathematics. Looking at the role of the structure as a building subsystem, it offers the fundamentals of computational methods for design of wood, steel, and reinforced concrete structures. Profusely illustrated throughout with drawings and photographs, and featuring new case studies,this book is perfect for helping non-engineers to understand and visualize structural design.

FEATuRES •UpdatedtoincludeconsiderationoftheLRFDMethodof

design, sustainable construction and integration of BIM.

• Includesnewcasestudiesandprofuselyillustratedthroughout with drawings and photographs.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Basic Concepts; Investigation of Structures; Structural Elements; Wood Structures; Steel Structures;General Concerns for Concrete; Masonry Structures; Building Foundations and Site Structures; Lateral-Force Effects; Building Structures Design Examples; Appendices; References; Index.


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General Engineering, Architecture and Construction

Basic Structures2nd EditionPhilip Garrison, School of the Built Environment, Leeds Metropolitan University 978-1-4443-3616-0, June 2011

Students of construction, architecture and civil engineering have to be confident in their understanding of structures, but many find the basic concepts difficult to understand and apply. Basic Structures provides the student with a clear explanation of structural concepts, using many analogies and examples. Real examples and case studies show the concepts in use, and the book is well illustrated with full colour photographs and many line illustrations, giving the student a thorough grounding in the fundamentals and a 'feel' for the way buildings behave structurally. Three new chapters are added to this revised edition, two of which serve as an introduction to the design process by describing the principles and processes on which structural design is based; showing the range of designs that can be achieved with modern methods. In addition, the concepts of deflection are introduced in a third new chapter. With many worked examples and tutorial questions, the book serves as an ideal introduction to the subject.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction Acknowledgements

2 What is structural engineering?

3 Learn the language: a simple explanation of terms used by structural engineers

4 How do structures (and parts of structures) behave?

5 Force, mass and weight

6 Loading dead or alive

7 Equilibrium a balanced approach

8 More about forces: resultants and components

9 Moments

10 Reactions

11 Different types of support and whats a pin?

12 A few words about stability

13 Introduction to the analysis of pin-jointed frames

14 Method of resolution at joints

15 Method of sections 15 Graphical method

16 Shear force and bending moments

17 This thing called stress

18 Direct (and shear) stress

19 Bending stress

20 Combinedbendingandaxialstress

21 Structural materials: concrete, steel, timber and masonry

22 More on materials

23 How far can I span?

24 Calculating those loads

25 An introduction to structural design

26 More on structural types and forms

27 An introduction to deflection

28 Further reading

29 Appendices Index


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Engineering Mathematics

FEATuRES• Simpleexamples.

• Independentchaptersprovideflexibilityintailoringcoursesto special needs.

• Self-Containedpresentation.

•ModernStandardNotationhelpsstudentswithothercourses,modern books and mathematical and engineering journals.

• Thiseditionincludesanextensiverevisionoftheproblemsets, making them even more effective, useful, and up-to-date.

• ChapterIntroductionshavebeenwrittentobeaccessibleandhelpful to students.

• Somematerialhasbeenrewrittenspecificallytobetterhelpstudents draw conclusions and tackle more advanced material.

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework.The power of

WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work.

WileyPLUS for Advanced Engineering Mechanics includes: A complete online version of the textbook, Maple Manual, Mathematica Manual, Student Solutions Manual, A “Link-to-text” feature that allows students to access specific portions of their online text for immediate, contextual help as they are working,1000End-of-sectionquestions–approximately100%algorithmic, Instructor’s Solutions Manual, PowerPointTM Lecture Notes to summarize chapter content.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPART A: Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs)

1 First-Order ODEs

2 Second-Order Linear ODEs

3 Higher Order Linear ODEs

4 Systems of ODEs. Phase Plane. Qualitative Methods

5 Series Solutions of ODEs. Special Functions

6 Laplace Transforms.

PART B: Linear Algebra. Vector Calculus

7 Linear Algebra: Matrices, Vectors, Determinants. Linear Systems

8 Linear Algebra: Matrix Eigenvalue Problems

9 Vector Differential Calculus. Grad, Div, Curl

10 VectorIntegralCalculus.IntegralTheorems.

PART C: Fourier Analysis. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs)

11 Fourier Series, Integrals, and Transforms

12 Partial Differential Equations (PDEs).

PART D: Complex Analysis

13 Complex Numbers and Functions

14 Complex Integration

15 Power Series, Taylor Series

16 Laurent Series. Residue Integration

17 Conformal Mapping

18 Complex Analysis and Potential Theory.

PART E: Numeric Analysis Software

19 Numerics in General

20 NumericLinearAlgebra

21 Numerics for ODEs and PDEs

PART F: Optimization, Graphs

22 Unconstrained Optimization. Linear Programming

23 Graphs. Combinatorial Optimization

PART G: Probability, Statistics

24 Data Analysis. Probability Theory

25 Mathematical Statistics

Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10thEditionInternationalStudentVersionErwin Kreyszig, Ohio State University 978-0-470-64613-7, April 2011

This market-leading text is known for its comprehensive coverage, careful and correct mathematics, outstanding exercises, and self contained subject matter parts for maximum flexibility.

Provides instructors and students with a comprehensive and up-to-date resource for teaching and learning engineering mathematics.

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Engineering Mathematics

Probability and Random ProcessesAdvanced Theory and Engineering1st EditionJohn J. Shynk 978-0-470-24209-4, March 2012

Probability is ubiquitous in every branch of science and engineering. This text on probability and random processes assumes basic prior knowledge of the subject at the undergraduate level. Targeted for first and second-year graduate students in engineering, the book provides a more rigorous understanding of probability via measure theory and fields and random processes, with extensive coverage of correlation and its usefulness. The book also provides the background necessary for the study of such topics as digital communications, information theory, adaptive filtering, linear and nonlinear estimation and detection, and more.

FEATuRES• Afirstyeargraduatetextbookinprobabilityandstochastic

processes designed specifically for engineering students.

• Thematerialispresentedinsuchamannerthattheimportant points are clearly explained, and key examples are presented with graphical interpretations.

• Containsaseparatechapteroncorrelation,oneofthemostimportant statistics used in signal processing and communications.

• Includesawideselectionofapplicationsandrelevantexamples in both the text and the accompanying problems.

Linear and Nonlinear Multivariable Feedback ControlA Classical Approach1st EditionOleg Gasparyan, State Engineering University of Armenia 978-0-470-06104-6, January 2008

Providing a holistic approach to multivariable control theory, Linear and Nonlinear Multivariable Feedback Control: A Classical Approach demonstrates how the classical (frequency-domain and root) engineering methods look in a multidimensional case, and how a practicing engineer or researcher can apply them to the analysis and design of linear and nonlinear MIMO systems. All theoretical statements of the book are illustrated by numerous worked examples of different practical MIMO systems. The numerical calculations are accomplished with the help of MATLAB.

FEATuRES • Afreshapproachtoclassicalmultivariablecontroltheories

that bridges the existing gap between the modern and classical approaches.

• Presentslinearandnon-linearcontroltheoriesasadirectand natural extension of classical multivariable control theory.

• Coverslimitcycleprediction,forcedoscillationsanalysis,generalized frequency-response characteristics, performance analysis, and design of harmonically linearized stable feedback systems, not covered in other multivariable control texts.

• Accompanyingwebsiteprovidespracticalexamplesandworked MATLAB problems and solutions to aid researchers, lecturers, and students.

• Includesproblems,exercises,andquestionsonallthemainthemes.

Probability and Random Processes


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Engineering Mathematics

FEATuRES• Presentsthekeyconceptsandtopicsalongwithengaging

and contemporary applications.

• Reorganizesthechapterstoexposereaderstosomeofthemore abstract topics and make the material more accessible.

• Integratesmoretheoreticalexercisesatalllevelsofdifficultythroughout the pages.

• Providesnewmarginalnotestoofferafullerexplanationwhen new methods and complex logical steps are included in proofs.

• Incorporatesnewsmall-scaleapplicationstoshowhowconcepts are applied.

TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Systems of Linear Equations and Matrices

2 Determinants

3 Euclidean Vector Spaces

4 General Vector Spaces

5 Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

6 Inner Product Spaces

7 Diagonalization and Quadratic Forms

8 Linear Transformations

9 Numerical Methods

10 ApplicationsofLinearAlgebra

11 Appendix A: How To Read Theorems

12 Appendix B: Complex Numbers

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of

WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work.

WileyPLUS for Elementary Linear Algebra includes:

• Acompleteonlineversionofthetext(eBook).

• InstructorandStudentSolutionsManual.

• TechnologyExercises.


• SupplementaryModules.

• A“Link-to-text”featurethatallowsstudentstoaccessspecific portions of their online text for immediate, contextual help as they are working.

• 200NEWend-of-sectionalgorithmichomeworkquestions.

• 670Correlatedend-of-sectionandend-of-chapteralgorithmic homework questions from the ninth edition.

• ProficiencyExams(1pertopic).

• PrintedTestBanks.

• PowerPointPresentations.

Elementary Linear Algebra with Supplemental Applications 10thEditionInternationalStudentVersionHoward Anton, Drexel Univ.Chris Rorres, Drexel Univ.978-0-470-56157-7, August 2010

A more accessible and engaging approach to linear algebra.

When it comes to learning linear algebra, engineers trust Anton. The tenth edition presents the key concepts and topics along with engaging and contemporary applications. The chapters have been reorganized to bring up some of the more abstract topics and make the material more accessible. More theoretical exercises at all levels of difficulty are integrated throughout the pages, including true/false questions that address conceptual ideas. New marginal notes provide a fuller explanation when new methods and complex logical steps are included in proofs. Small-scale applications also show how concepts are applied to help engineers develop their mathematical reasoning.

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Engineering Mathematics

FEATuRES• Aflexibleapproachtocontent.Self-containedchaptersallow

instructors to customize the selection, order, and depth of chapters.

• Aflexibleapproachtotechnology.Boyce/DiPrimaisadaptable to courses having various levels of computer involvement, ranging from little or none to intensive. More than450problemsaremarkedwithatechnologyicontoindicate those that are considered to be technology intensive.

• Outstandingexercisesets.Boyce/DiPrimaremainsunrivaledin quantity, variety, and range providing great flexibility in homework assignments.

• AppliedProblems.Manyproblemsaskthestudentnotonlytosolve a differential equation but also to draw conclusions from the solution, reflecting the usual situation in scientific or engineering applications.

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of

WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work.

WileyPLUS for Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems includes: A complete online version of the textbook (ebook), Instructor and Student Solutions Manual, Chapter Review Sheets for self study, ODE Architecttool,A“Link-to-text”feature,Approximately110NEW End-of-Section and End-of-Chapter homework questions,80GOTM Tutorial Problems – Tutorial-like assignment questions that offer an advanced, interactive learning sequence for students to help them master key conceptsfromthetext.10perchapter,PowerPointTM Lecture Notes to summarize chapter content, This title contains WileyPLUS/Quickstart assignments for the entire course created by a subject expert.


2 First Order Differential Equations

3 Second Order Linear Equations

4 Higher Order Linear Equations

5 Series Solutions of Second Order Linear Equations

6 The Laplace Transform

7 Systems of First Order Linear Equations

8 Numerical Methods

9 Nonlinear Differential Equations and Stability

10 PartialDifferentialEquationsandFourierSeries

11 Appendix A: Derivation of the Heat Conduction Equation

12 Appendix B: Derivation of the Wave Equation

13 Appendix C: Boundary Value Problems and Sturm-Liouville Theory

14 Answers to Problems

15 Index

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems 9th Edition International Student VersionWilliam E. Boyce, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 978-0-470-39873-9, February 2009

The bestselling resource for learning about differential equations.

Written primarily for undergraduate students of mathematics, science, or engineering, who typically take a course on differential equations during their first or second year of study.

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Engineering Mathematics

Statistical Quality ControlA Modern Introduction6th Edition International Student VersionDouglas C. Montgomery, Georgia Institute of Technology 978-0-470-23397-9, May 2008

The sixth edition provides a comprehensive treatment of the major aspects of using statistical methodology for quality control and improvement.

Both traditional and modern methods are presented, including state-of-the-art techniques for statistical process monitoring and control and statistically designed experiments for process characterization, optimization, and process robustness studies.

FEATuRES• Emphasisonstatisticaltechniques,aswellasastrong

engineering and management orientation.

• AnewchapterontheDMAIC(Define,measure,analyze,improve and control) project implementation process.

• Includesnewexamplesandexercisesthatillustratequalityimprovement activities in service and transactional organizations.

•Newdevelopmentsintheareaofmeasurementsystemsanalysis are included.

• IncorporationofthenewfeaturesinMinitabV15.

TABLE OF CONTENTSQuality Improvement in the Modern Business Environment; The DMAIC Process. Part II: Statistical Methods Useful in Quality Control and Improvement; Modeling Process Quality; Inferences about Process Quality. Part III: Basic Methods of Statistical Process Control and Capability Analysis; Methods and Philosophy of Statistical Process Control; Control Charts for Variables; Control Charts for Attributes; Process and Measurement System Capability Analysis. Part IV: Other Statistical Process-Monitoring and Control Techniques; Cumulative Sum and Exponentially Weighted Moving Average Control Charts; Other Univariate Statistical Process Monitoring and Control Techniques; Multivariate Process Monitoring and Control; Engineering Process Control and SPC. Part V: Process Design and Improvement with Designed Experiments; Factorial and Fractional Experiments for Process Design and Improvements; Process Optimization and Designed Experiments. Part VI: Acceptance Sampling; Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling for Attributes; Other Acceptance Sampling Techniques; Appendices.

MATLABAn Introduction with Applications4th Edition SI VersionAmos Gilat, The Ohio State University 978-0-470-87373-1, April 2011

Now in its fourth edition this book is used by more students than any other MATLAB text or reference. This concise book is known for its just-in-time learning approach, giving students the information when they need it. The new edition presents the latest MATLAB functionality gradually and in detail. The book is generously illustrated through computer screen shots and step-by-step tutorials, with abundant and motivating applications to problems in mathematics, science and engineering.


• Homeworkproblemshavebeenupdatedtocoverawiderrange of applications.

• Exampleshavebeenupdatedtoensurecoverageisconsistent with the latest version of MATLAB.

TABLE OF CONTENTSStarting with MATLAB 5; Creating Arrays 33; Mathematical Operations with Arrays; Using Script Files and Managing Data; Two- Dimensional Plots; User-Defined Functions and Function Files; Programming in MATLAB; Polynomials, Curve Fitting, and Interpolation; Three- Dimensional Plots; Applications in Numerical Analysis; Symbolic Math.

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Engineering Mathematics

Numerical Methods with MATLAB2nd Edition SI VersionAmos Gilat, The Ohio State Univ. 978-0-470-87374-8, February 2011

Gilat's text presents the fundamentals of numerical methods with emphasis on the most essential and widely used methods. Students enhance their programming skills using the MATLAB environment to implement algorithms. The goals of the book’s problems are three-fold: to improve the understanding of numerical methods, to provide the opportunity to improve programming skills, and to use MATLAB as a tool for solving realistic problems in engineering and science.

FEATuRES• Concisepresentationofnumericalmethodswrittenforthe


• Textincludesmanyexamplesandend-of-chapterproblemsto help students learn numerical methods.

• Flexibleformataddressesneedsofvarioustypesofcoursesand students.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Solving Nonlinear Equations; Solving a System of Linear Equations; Curve Fitting and Interpolation; Numerical Differentiation; Numerical Integration; Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial-Value Problems; Ordinary Differential Equations: Boundary-Value Problems; Appendix A Introductory MATLAB; Appendix B MATLAB Programs; Index.

Design and Analysis of Experiments8th Edition International Student VersionDouglas C. Montgomery, Georgia Institute of Technology 978-1-118-09793-9, August 2012

The seventh edition of this best selling text continues to help senior and graduate students in industrial engineering, business, and statistics as well as working practitioners to design and analyze experiments for improving the quality and efficiency of working systems. The seventh edition maintains its comprehensive coverage by including new examples, exercises, and problems and expanding the material on optimal designs and robust design. Continuing to place a strong focus on the use of the computer, the new edition includes more software examples taken from the four most dominant programs in the field: Design-Expert, Minitab, JMP, and SAS.

FEATuRES• Theneweditionincludesmoresoftwareexamplestakenfrom

the four most dominant programs in the field: Design-Expert, Minitab, JMP, and SAS.

• Expandedchapteronrobustdesigntocorrespondwithcomputer software implementation and new developments in the area.

• Chapterontwo-levelandmixed-leveldesignsisnowreorganized as a general chapter on factorial designs including the introduction of optimal design.

• Addedmaterialonmaterialoncoveringarraysanddiscussion of how they are used in computer software testing

•Newexamplesandexercisesthatillustratetheuseofdesigned experiments in service and transactional organizations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Designed Experiments; Basic Statistical Methods; Analysis of Variance; Experiments with Blocking Factors; Factorial Experiments; Two-Level Factorial Designs; Blocking and Confounding Systems for Two-Level Factorials; Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs; Other Topics on Factorial and Fractional Factorial Designs; Regression Modeling; Response Surface Methodology; Robust Design; Random Effects Models; Experiments with Nested Factors and Hard-to-Change Factors; Other Topics.


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Engineering Statistics

Engineering Statistics5th Edition SI VersionDouglas C. Montgomery, Georgia Institute of TechnologyGeorge C. Runger, Rensselaer Polytechnic InstituteNorma F. Hubele, Arizona State University’ 978-0-470-64607-6, October 2011

Montgomery, Runger, and Hubele provide modern coverage of engineering statistics, focusing on how statistical tools are integrated into the engineering problem-solving process. All major aspects of engineering statistics are covered, including descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, statistical test and confidence intervals for one and two samples, building regression models, designing and analyzing engineering experiments, and statistical process control.


of statistics to engineering.

• Designofexperimentscontentrevisedandinclusionofadditional material helps students to better interpret computer software output related to ANOVA.

•NewexamplesdemonstratecalculatingprobabilityinExcel(Chapter 3).

• Practicalinterpretationsinexampleproblemsprovideimproved linking of statistical conclusions to the actual engineering decision outcome.

• Approximately80newexercisesrelatedtobiologyandhealthcare (in most chapters).

TABLE OF CONTENTSThe Role of Statistics in Engineering; Data Summary and Presentation; Random Variables and Probability Distributions; Decision Making for a Single Sample; Decision Making for Two Samples; Building Empirical Models; Design of Engineering Experiments; Statistical Process Control.

Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers5th Edition International Student VersionDouglas C. Montgomery, Georgia Institute of Technology 978-0-470-50578-6, June 2010

Montgomery and Runger’s best-selling engineering statistics text provides a practical approach oriented to engineering as well as chemical and physical sciences. By providing unique problem sets that reflect realistic situations, students learn how the material will be relevant in their careers.

All major aspects of engineering statistics are covered, including descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, statistical test and confidence intervals for one and two samples, building regression models, designing and analyzing engineering experiments, and statistical process control.

Suitable for a one or two-term course in probability and statistics.

TABLE OF CONTENTSThe Role of Statistics in Engineering; Probability; Discrete Random Variables and Probability Distributions; Continuous Random Variables and Probability Distributions; Joint Probability Distributions; Random Sampling and Data Description; Point Estimation of Parameters; Statistical Intervals for a Single Sample; Tests of Hypotheses for a Single Sample; Statistical Inference for Two Samples; Simple Linear Regression and Correlation; Multiple Linear Regression; Design and Analysis of Single-Factor Experiments: The Analysis of Variance; Design of Experiments with Several Factors; Nonparametric Statistics; Statistical Quality Control; Appendicies A – C.

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. It includes:

Instructors and Student solution manual, Art Powerpoints, Image gallery and Lecture Powerpoints, WileyPLUS/Quickstart presentations for the entire course created by a subjectexpert,750algorithmicallygeneratedproblems,A“Link-to-text” feature that allows students to access specific portionsoftheironlinetext,750algorithmicallygeneratedproblems.


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Meriam Engineering MechanicsDynamics7th Edition SI VersionJ. L. Meriam 978-1-118-08345-1, October 2012

Known for its accuracy, clarity, and dependability, Meriam & Kraige's Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics has provided a solid foundationofmechanicsprinciplesformorethan60years.Now in its seventh edition, the text continues to help students develop their problem-solving skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to engineering design. More than 50%ofthehomeworkproblemsarenew,andtherearealsoanumber of new sample problems. To help students build necessary visualization and problem-solving skills, the text strongly emphasizes drawing free-body diagrams-the most important skill needed to solve mechanics problems.

FEATuRES• Texthasbeenthoroughlyrevisedtomaximizerigor,clarity,

readability and approachability.

• KeyConceptsthroughoutthebookhavebeenspeciallymarked and highlighted.

• ChapterReviewsattheendofeachchapterarehighlightedand provide itemized summaries of all key material.

• Approximately40percentofthehomeworkproblemsarenewto this seventh edition. All new problems have been independently solved in order to ensure a high degree of accuracy.

•NewSampleProblemshavebeenadded,includingproblemswith computer-oriented solutions.

•Newphotographsreinforcestudentsunderstandingofhowthe concepts relate to the real world.

Engineering MechanicsStatics7th Edition SI VersionJ. L. Meriam 978-1-118-16499-0, February 2012

Known for its accuracy, clarity, and dependability, Meriam & Kraige's Engineering Mechanics: Statics has provided a solid foundationofmechanicsprinciplesformorethan60years.Now in its seventh edition, the text continues to help students develop their problem-solving skills with an extensive variety of engaging problems related to engineering design. More than 50%ofthehomeworkproblemsarenew,andtherearealsoanumber of new sample problems. To help students build necessary visualization and problem-solving skills, the text strongly emphasizes drawing free-body diagrams-the most important skill needed to solve mechanics problems.

FEATuRES• Texthasbeenthoroughlyrevisedtomaximizerigor,clarity,

readability and approachability

• KeyConceptsthroughoutthebookhavebeenspeciallymarked and highlighted

• ChapterReviewsattheendofeachchapterarehighlightedand provide itemized summaries of all key material

• Approximately50percentofthehomeworkproblemsarenewto this seventh edition. All new problems have been independently solved in order to ensure a high degree of accuracy.

•NewSampleProblemshavebeenadded,includingproblemswith computer-oriented solutions.

•Newphotographsreinforcestudentsunderstandingofhowthe concepts relate to the real world

Meriam Engineering Mechanics


Engineering Mechanics


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Dynamics Engineering Mechanics 2nd Edition SI VersionBenson H. Tongue, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, Sheri D. Sheppard, Stanford University 978-0-470-55304-6, January 2010

Providing a conceptual understanding of how statistics is applied in the field.

Builds on readers problem-solving skills with new problems with a wider variety of difficulty levels and applications have been added. This text has been written with the student explicitly in mind. Engineers will benefit from the numerous new worked problems, algorithmic problems, and multi-part GO problems.


to direct students to relevant examples of key concepts.

•Updated“JusttheFacts”chaptersummarieswithkeyconcept highlights and important equations for improved student understanding.

• Theimportanceofcommunicatingsolutionsthroughgraphics is continuously emphasized with a focus on drawing correct free body diagrams and inertial response diagrams.

TABLE OF CONTENTSBackground and Roadmap; Motion of Translating Bodies; Inertial Response of Translating Bodies; Energetics of Translating Bodies; Multi-Body Systems; Kinematics of Rigid Bodies Undergoing Planar Motion; Kinetics of Rigid Bodies Undergoing Two-Dimensional Motion; Kinematics and Kinetics of Rigid Bodies in Three-Dimensional Motion; Vibratory Motions.

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. It includes:

Instructors solution manual, Art Powerpoints, Image gallery and Summary Powerpoints, Test bank, A complete online version of the textbook, ADAMS based animations, A “Link-to-text” feature, Guided multi-part questions, Free-body diagram problems, Dynamic links to interactive simulations.

Mechanics of Materials3rd EditionRoy R. Craig, Univ. of Texas at Austin 978-0-470-48181-3, January 2011

Maintains its signature clear focus on core concepts while showing students how to approach and solve problems with his four-step problem solving methodology.

The core concepts of equilibrium, force-temperature-deformation behavior of materials, and geometry of deformation are central to a student’s understanding of mechanics of materials.

With newly revised and updated homework problems, this edition brings on an award-winning software program, md solids, to reinforce visualization using animations, tutorials, and examples. In addition, new chapter summary tables help readers check their understanding of key concepts and key equations to increase student retention.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Mechanics of Materials; Stress and Strain: Design; Axial Deformation; Torsion; Equilibrium of Beams; Stresses in Beams; Deflection of Beams; Transformations of Stress and Strain; Mohr’s circle; Pressure Vessels; Stresses Due to Comblined Loading; Buckling of Columns; Energy Methods; Special Topics Related to Design.

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Mechanical Engineering

Introduction to RoboticsAnalysis, Control, Applications1st EditionSaeed B. Niku 978-0-470-60446-5, August 2010

Providing an accessible approach and wide variety of applications that motivate and engage students and practicing engineers.

Designed to meet the needs of mechanical, electrical, and computer engineers. This text covers forward and inverse kinematics of robots, differential motions and velocity analysis, analysis of robot dynamics (with Lagrangian mechanics), methods of path and trajectory planning, fundamentals and application of control theory, actuators and mechatronics, sensors, vision sytems, and fuzzy logic. This text also integrates design project ideas, from analysis to design, which are continued and build through the book. Robotic simulation is covered, with the use of a free widely-available software package.

TABLE OF CONTENTSFundamentals; Kinematics of Robots: Position Analysis; Differential Motions and Velocities; Dynamic Analysis and Forces; Trajectory Planning; Motion Control Systems; Actuators and Drive Systems; Sensors; Image Processing and Analysis with Vision Systems; Fuzzy Logic Control; Appendix A: Review of Matrix Algebra and Trigonometry; Appendix B: Image Acquisition Systems; Appendix C: Root Locus and Bode Diagram with MATLABTM; Appendix D: Simulation of Robots with Commercial Software; Index.

Robot Modeling and Control1st EditionMark W. Spong, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignSeth Hutchinson, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignM. Vidyasagar, Tata Consultancy Services 978-0-471-64990-8, July 2005

Robot Modeling and Control introduces the fundamentals of robot modeling and control and provides background material on terminology, linear algebra, dynamical systems and stability theory, followed by detailed coverage of forward and inverse kinematics, Jacobians, Lagrangian dynamics, motion planning, robust and adaptive motion and force control, and computer vision.


and step-by- step computational approach to kinematics.

• Visionandvisualservocontrolprovideaselfcontainedintroduction to the basics of computer vision as applied to robot manipulator. Students will be able to program robots to manipulate objects sensed by cameras.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Rigid Motions and Homogeneous Transformations; Forward and Inverse Kinematics; Velocity Kinematics – The Jacobian; Path and Trajectory Planning; Dynamics; Independent Joint Control; Multivariable Control; Force Control; Geometric Non-Linear Control; Computer Vision; Vision-Based Control; Appendix A: Trigonometry; Appendix B: Linear Algebra; Appendix C: State Space Representation of Dynamical Systems; Appendix D: Lyapunov Stability; References; Index.

Page 27: 2012 Engineering Text Catalogue

27For general enquiries, please email: [email protected]

Mechanical Engineering

Machine Component Design5th Edition International Student VersionRobert C. Juvinall, University of MichiganKurt M. Marshek, University of Texas at Austin 978-1-118-09226-2, January 2012

Considered a standard in the course, Juvinall and Marshek's, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design continues to focus on the fundamentals of component design – free body diagrams, force flow concepts, failure theories, and fatigue design, with applications to fasteners, springs, bearings, gears, clutches, and brakes. The fifth edition includes additional coverage of composites, the material selection process, and wear/wear theory, along with new and updated examples and homework problems.


homework problems outline real world safety issues adapted from actual case studies. Homework questions which help the student research, outline, and write on issues which confront the modern engineer are scattered throughout the text.• Composites-Anewsectionispresentedtointroduce

composite materials and their properties to the student. New references provide the student with a foundation of information regarding composite materials.• Engineeringmaterialselectionprocess-Ashby'smaterial

selection charts are reviewed and discussed and are available as an aid to students in learning more about engineering materials. • Three-dimensionalstress-Anewsampleproblemgivesthe

student a powerful tool to analyze complex stress states, and new related homework problems give opportunity for the student to polish analysis skills.

TABLE OF CONTENTSMechanical Engineering design in Broad Perspective; Load Analysis; Materials; Static Body Stresses; Elastic strain, Deflection, and Stability; Failure Theories, Safety Factors, and Reliability; Impact; Fatigue; Surface Damage, Threaded Fasteners and Power Screws; Rivets, Welding, and Bonding; Springs; Lubrication and Sliding Bearings; Rolling-Element Bearings; Spur Gears; Helical, Bevel, and Worm Gears; Shafts and Associated Parts; Clutches and Brakes; Miscellaneous Machine Components; Appendix A Units; Appendix B Properties of Sections and Solids; Appendix C Material Properties and Uses; Appendix D Shear, Moment, and Deflection Equations for Beams; Appendix E Fits and Tolerances; Appendix F MIL-HDBK-5J, Department of Defense Handbook: Metallic Materials and Elements For Aerospace Vehicle Structures; Appendix G Force Equilibrium: A Vectorial Approach; Appendix H Normal Distributions; Appendix I SN-Formula; Appendix J Gear Terminology and Contact-Ratio Analysis

Mechanical Design of Machine Elements and Machines2nd EditionJack A. Collins, The Ohio State Univ.Henry R. Busby, The Ohio State Univ.George H. Staab, The Ohio State University 978-0-470-41303-6, September 2009

Taking a failure prevention perspective, this book provides engineers with a balance between analysis and design. The new edition presents a treatment of stress analysis and fatigue and integrates the use of computer tools to provide a more current view of the field.

FEATuRES• Photosorimagesareincludednexttodescriptionsofthe

types and uses of common materials.

• Thebookhasbeenupdatedwiththemostcomprehensivecoverage of possible failure modes and how to design with each in mind.

TABLE OF CONTENTSKeystones of Design: Materials Selection and Geometry Determination; The Failure Prevention Perspective; Materials Selection; Response of Machine Elements to Loads and Environments; Stress Strain, and Energy Parameters; Failure Theories; Geometry Determination; Design- Stage Integration of Manufacturing and Maintenance Requirements; Power Transmission Shafting; Couplings, Keys, and Splines; Pressurized Cylinders; Interference Fits; Plain Bearings and Lubrication; Rolling Element Bearings; Power Screw Assemblies; Machine Joints and Fastening Methods; Springs; Gears and Systems of Gears; Brakes and Clutches; Belts, Chains, Wire Rope, and Flexible Shafts; Flywheels and High-Speed Rotors; Cranks and Crankshafts; Completing the Machine; Appendices.

Machine Component Design


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Heat Transfer6th Edition International Student VersionTheodore L. Bergman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of ConnecticutAdrienne S. Lavine, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles, David P. DeWitt, Purdue UniversityFrank P. Incropera, Purdue University978-0-470-64616-8, January 2012

Heat Transferisthegoldstandardofheattransferpedagogyformorethan30years,withacommitment to continuous improvement by the authors. Written for courses that exclude coverage of mass transfer, the sixth edition of this text maintains its foundation in the four central learning objectives for students. With examples and problems that reveal the richness and beauty of this discipline, this text teaches students how to become efficient problem-solvers through the use of the rigorous and systematic problem-solving methodology pioneered by the authors. Fundamental concepts have received further emphasis in this new edition, making the text even more accessible while providing a bridge from those ideas to critical applications in areas such as energy and the environment.

Heat Transfer


Mechanical Engineering

FEATuRES• Richnessoftheproblemsandexamples–numerous

contemporary applications have been added, especially in the area of ‘energy and the environment,’ including topics such as solar energy systems, renewable energy systems, and new manufacturing processes

• Additionalfocusonandtailoringcoveragedowntothecorefundamental concepts, while clearly indicating content that is either optional and/or more appropriate for a second course

•Modernizationandstreamliningoftheconvectioncorrelations helps students focus on the most useful correlations instead of getting lost or confused by the vast quantity of correlations

•NewversionofInteractiveHeatTransfersoftware-Problemsinvolving complex models and/or exploratory, what-if, and parameter sensitivity considerations can efficiently and accurately be addressed using a computational equation-solving package. IHT has been designed for that specific purpose, and this new version provides a new Quickstart companion guide as well as a new, easier to use navigation scheme


2 Introduction to Conduction

3 One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

4 Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

5 Transient Conduction

6 Introduction to Convection

7 External Flow

8 Internal Flow

9 Free Convection

10 BoilingandCondensation

11 Heat Exchangers

12 Radiation Processes and Properties

13 Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces

14 Appendix A: Thermophysical Properties of Matter

15 Appendix B: Mathematical Relations and Functions

16 Appendix C: Thermal Conditions Associated with Uniform Energy Generation in One-Dimensional, Steady-State Systems

17 Appendix D: Gauss-Seidel Iteration

18 Appendix E: The Convection Transfer Equations

19 Appendix F: Boundary Layer Equations for Turbulent Flow

20 AppendixG:AnIntegralLaminarBoundaryLayerSolutionfor Parallel Flow over a Flat Plate

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29For general enquiries, please email: [email protected]

Heat and Mass Transfer7th Edition International Student VersionTheodore L. Bergman, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of ConnecticutAdrienne S. Lavine, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department, University of California, Los AngelesDavid P. DeWitt, Purdue UniversityFrank P. Incropera, Purdue University978-0-470-64615-1, January 2012

Heat and Mass Transferisthegoldstandardofheattransferpedagogyformorethan30years,withacommitment to continuous improvement by the authors. Using a rigorous and systematic problem-solving methodology pioneered by this text, it is abundantly filled with examples and problems that reveal the richness and beauty of the discipline. This edition maintains its foundation in the four central learning objectives for students and also makes heat and mass transfer more approachable with an additional emphasis on the fundamental concepts, as well as highlighting the relevance of those ideas with exciting applications to the most critical issues of today and the coming decades: energy and the environment.

Heat and Mass Transfer


Mechanical Engineering

FEATuRES• Richnessoftheproblemsandexamples–numerous

contemporary applications have been added, especially in the area of ‘energy and the environment,’ including topics such as solar energy systems, renewable energy systems, and new manufacturing processes

• Additionalfocusonandtailoringcoveragedowntothecorefundamental concepts, while clearly indicating content that is either optional and/or more appropriate for a second course

•Modernizationandstreamliningoftheconvectioncorrelations helps students focus on the most useful correlations instead of getting lost or confused by the vast quantity of correlations

•NewversionofInteractiveHeatTransfersoftware–Problems involving complex models and/or exploratory, what-if, and parameter sensitivity considerations can efficiently and accurately be addressed using a computational equation-solving package. IHT has been designed for that specific purpose, and this new version provides a new Quickstart companion guide as well as a new, easier to use navigation scheme


2 Introduction to Conduction

3 One-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

4 Two-Dimensional, Steady-State Conduction

5 Transient Conduction

6 Introduction to Convection

7 External Flow

8 Internal Flow

9 Free Convection

10 BoilingandCondensation

11 Heat Exchangers

12 Radiation Processes and Properties

13 Radiation Exchange Between Surfaces

14 Diffusion Mass Transfer

15 Appendix A: Thermophysical Properties of Matter

16 Appendix B: Mathematical Relations and Functions

17 Appendix C: Thermal Conditions Associated with Uniform Energy Generation in One-Dimensional, Steady-State Systems

18 Appendix D: Gauss-Seidel Iteration

19 Appendix E: The Convection Transfer Equations

20 AppendixF:BoundaryLayerEquationsforTurbulentFlow

21 Appendix G: An Integral Laminar Boundary Layer Solution for Parallel Flow over a Flat Plate

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Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning1st EditionJohn W. Mitchell, James E. Braun 978-0-470-62457-9, January 2012

Principles of HVAC in Buildings by J. W. Mitchell and J. E. Braun provides foundational knowledge for the behavior and analysis of HVAC systems and related devices. The emphasis is on the application of engineering principles, and features a tight integration of physical descriptions with a software program that allows performance to be directly calculated, with results that provide insight into actual behavior. The textbook provides a foundation for students and practicing engineers to design HVAC systems for buildings. In addition, there is extensive supplemental on-line material that provides more in-depth and comprehensive treatment of equipment and component modeling and performance that is geared towards current and future equipment design engineers.

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning


Mechanical Engineering

FEATuRES• Applicationoffundamentalprinciplestodevelop

performance relations for HVAC systems and equipment that provides insight and understanding of actual behavior.

• Broadcoverageofloads,systems,andequipmentthatprepares students for careers in many varied aspects of the HVAC field.

• Readilyimplementedbuildingloadcalculationprocedurethatcapture dynamics and facilitates HVAC system analysis

• Realisticdesignexamplesandproblemsthatreflectcurrentengineering practice.

• Examplesandproblemsolutionsimplementedwithaninterpretive language equation solver (EES) that allows students to focus on physical descriptions and results.

TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Introduction to Air-Conditioning Systems

2 System Analysis Techniques and the Use of EES

3 Thermodynamics and Fluid Flow in HVAC Applications

4 Heat Transfer in HVAC Applications

5 Psychrometrics for HVAC Applications

6 Overview of HVAC Systems

7 Thermal Comfort and Air Quality

8 Weather Data, Statistics, and Processing

9 Components of Building Heat Loss and Gain

10 HeatingandCoolingLoads

11 Air Distribution Systems; Liquid Distribution Systems

12 Heat Exchangers for Heating and Cooling Applications

13 Cooling Towers and Desiccant Systems

14 Vapor-Compression Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Systems

15 Heat Pump Systems

16 Thermal Storage

17 Building and HVAC Energy Use

18 HVAC Control Principles

19 Supervisory Control

20 EngineeringDesignProblems.

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Mechanical Engineering


• Anincreasedemphasisonhowthermodynamicsprinciplesare related to some of the most important issues of today and the coming decade around energy resource use and environmental engineering.

• Integratedcoverageofcontemporaryapplicationsforthermodynamics in the fields of biomedicine and bioengineering.

•Newanimation-baseddemonstrationsreinforcetheconceptsin real-world situations.


• Awealthofnewandrevisedhomeworkproblems(approximately30%),refreshingtheextensiveselectionofproblems in every chapter, organized to help students develop engineering skills in three modes: conceptual, skill building, and design/open ended problems.

• Focusondesignconcepts,whichareinterwoventhroughthebook along with a set of newly revised and augmented questions on design and open-ended issues that are part of each set of end of chapter problems.

TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Getting Started: Introductory Concepts and Definitions

2 Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics

3 Evaluating Properties

3 Control Volume Analysis Using Energy

4 The Second Law of Thermodynamics

5 Using Entropy

6 Exergy Analysis

7 Vapor Power Systems

8 Gas Power Systems

9 Refrigeration and Heat Pump Systems

10 ThermodynamicRelations

11 Ideal Gas Mixture and Psychrometric Applications

12 Reacting Mixtures and Combustion

13 Chemical and Phase Equilibrium

Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics7th Edition SI VersionMichael J. Moran, The Ohio State Univ.Howard N. Shapiro, Iowa State Univ. of Science and TechnologyDaisie D. Boettner, Colonel, United States ArmyMargaret B. Bailey, Rochester Institute of Technology978-0-470-91801-2, November 2011

Now in a Seventh Edition, Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics continues to set the standard for teaching readers how to be effective problem solvers, emphasizing the authors’ signature methodologies that have taught over a half million students worldwide. This new edition provides a student-friendly approach that emphasizes the relevance of thermodynamics principles to some of the most critical issues of today and coming decades, including a wealth of integrated coverage of energy and the environment, biomedical/bioengineering, as well as emerging technologies. Visualization skills are developed and basic principles demonstrated through a complete set of animations that have been interwoven throughout. This edition also introduces co-authors Daisie Boettner and Margaret Bailey, who bring their rich backgrounds of success in teaching and research in thermodynamics to the text.


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Mechanical Engineering

Fundamentals of Thermodynamics7th EditionClaus Borgnakke, University of Michigan Richard E. Sonntag, University of Michigan978-0-470-17157-8, November 2008

Now in its seventh edition, Fundamentals of Thermodynamics continues to offer a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of classical thermodynamics, while retaining an engineering perspective. With concise, applications-oriented discussion of topics and self-test problems the text encourages students to monitor their own comprehension. The seventh edition is updated with additional examples, homework problems, and illustrations to increase student understanding.

The text lays the groundwork for subsequent studies in fields such as fluid mechanics, heat transfer and statistical thermodynamics, and prepares students to effectively apply thermodynamics in the practice of engineering.

FEATuRES• Gainthefoundationtosucceedinengineeringpracticewith

the most trusted author team in the field.

• Integratesnewengineeringapplicationsthroughoutthechapters.

• Detailswheneachmaterialwasfirstdiscoveredorusedtoprovide a historical perspective.

• Emphasizesthetransferandstorageofenergyindifferentsituations.

• Incorporatesthemostadvancedanalysisofprocessesincluding multi-component mixtures with phase change.

• DescribestheinfluenceofTandPinequilibriumreactions.

INTENDED AuDIENCEEngineers, Students and Instructors of Engineering Thermodynamics.


2 Control Volumes and Units

3 Pure Substance Behavior

4 Energy Transfers

5 Energy Equation for a Control Mass

6 Energy Equation For a Control Volume

7 The Classical Second Law of Thermodynamics

8 Entropy for a Control Mass

9 Entropy Equation for a Control Volume

10 Availability

11 Power and Refrigeration Systemswith Phase Change

12 Power and Refrigeration SystemsGaseous Working Fluids

13 Ideal Gas Mixtures

14 Thermodynamic Property Relations

15 Combustion

16 Phase and Chemical Equilibrium

17 Compressible Flow

18 Appendix A. SI Units: Single-State Properties

19 Appendix B. SI Untis: Thermodynamic Tables

20 AppendixC.Ideal-GasSpecificHeat

21 Appendix D. Equations of State

22 Appendix E. Figures Answers to Selected Problems Index

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Mechanical Engineering

Thermal DesignHeat Sinks, Thermoelectrics, Heat Pipes, Compact Heat Exchangers, and Solar Cells1st EditionH. S. Lee, Western Michigan University 978-0-470-49662-6, October 2010

Thermal Design covers modern thermal devices such as heat sinks, thermoelectric generators and coolers, heat pipes, and heat exchangers as design components in larger systems. The graphical presentation in Thermal Design provides students with the rich and flexible solutions toward achieving the optimal design.

FEATuRES • Thoroughcoverageofdesignandoptimizationtheory,

techniques, and applications of thermal systems.

• Providesthederivativeprocessofeachequation,plottedinfigures which can be easily followed by students.

• Detailedexamplesprovidedthroughoutdemonstratethethermal devices design and optimization process.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Heat Sinks; Thermoelectrics; Heat Pipes; Compact Heat Exchangers; Solar Cells; Appendices; Index.

Design for Thermal Stresses1st EditionRandall F. Barron, Louisiana Tech UniversityBrian R. Barron, Louisiana Tech University978-0-470-62769-3, September 2011

Design for Thermal Stresses provides an accessible and balanced resource geared towards real-world applications. Presenting both the analysis and synthesis needed for accurate design, the book emphasizes key principles, techniques, and approaches for solving thermal stress problems.

FEATuRES • Includesnumeroussampleproblemsdemonstrating

concepts at work.

• AppendicesincludeimportantSIunits,relevantmaterialproperties, and mathematical functions such as Bessel and Kelvin functions, as well as characteristics of matrices and determinants required for designing plates and shells.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Thermal Stresses in Bars; Thermal Bending; Thermal Stresses in Trusses and Frames; Basic Equations of Thermoelasticity; Plane Stress; Bending Thermal Stresses in Plates; Thermal Stresses in Shells; Thick-Walled Cylinders and Spheres; Thermoelastic Stability. Appendices. Index.


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Fluid Mechanics8th Edition SI VersionRobert W. Fox, Purdue UniversityAlan T. McDonald, Purdue UniversityPhilip J. Pritchard, Manhattan College 978-1-118-02641-0, October 2011

One of the bestselling texts in the field, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics continues to provide students with a balanced and comprehensive approach to mastering critical concepts. The new eighth edition once again incorporates a proven problem solving methodology that will help students develop an orderly plan to finding the right solution. It starts with basic equations, then clearly states assumptions, and finally, relates results to expected physical behavior. Many of the steps involved in analysis are simplified by using Excel.


Mechanical Engineering

FEATuRES• DemonstrationVideos:TheclassicNCFMFvideoreferences

from the previous edition have all been retained and supplemented with new videos from a variety of sources. The videos provide visual aids for many of the concepts covered in the text, and are available on the student and instructor sections of the book website.

• CFD:Thesectiononbasicconceptsofcomputationalfluiddynamics in Chapter 5 now includes material on using the spreadsheet for numerical analysis of simple 1D and 2D flows; it includes an introduction to the Euler method.

•ManyRestructuredandUpdatedChapters:Includingthosechapters relating to Fluid Machinery, Open-Channel Flow, and Compressible Flow.

•NewHomeworkProblems:Over500oftheroughly1700problems are new or modified for this edition, some created by a panel of instructors and subject matter experts. End-of-chapter homework problems are now grouped and labeled according to text sections.


2 Fundamental Concepts

3 Fluid Statics

4 Basic Equations In Integral Form For A Control Volume

5 Introduction To Differential Analysis Of Fluid Motion

6 Incompressible Inviscid Flow

7 Dimensional Analysis And Similitude

8 Internal Incompressible Viscous Flow

9 External Incompressible Viscous Flow

10 FluidMachinery

11 Flow In Open Channels

12 Introduction To Compressible Flow

13 Compressible Flow

14 Appendix A Fluid Property Data

15 Appendix B Equations Of Motion In Cylindrical Coordinates

16 Appendix C Videos For Fluid Mechanics

17 Appendix D Selected Performance Curves For Pumps And Fans

18 Appendix E Flow Functions For Computation Of Compressible Flow

19 Appendix F Analysis Of Experimental Uncertainty

20 AppendixGSiUnits,Prefixes,AndConversionFactors

21 Appendix H A Brief Review Of Microsoft Excel (On The Web).

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Mechanical Engineering

FEATuRES• Illustrations:Morethan200newillustrationsandgraphs.

These range from simple ones that help illustrate a basic concept or equation to more complex ones that illustrate practical applications of fluid mechanics in our everyday lives.

• Photographs:Morethan200newphotoshelpthereaderseefluid mechanics concepts in common everyday situations, as well as new and novel situations.

• Videos:Thevideolibraryhasbeensignificantlyenhancedbytheadditionof70newvideosegmentsrelateddirectlytothetextmaterial.Over140totalvideosnowillustratemanyoftheinteresting and practical applications of real-world fluid phenomena.

• Equationsummary:Eachchapterendswithanewsummaryof the most important equations in the chapter, for easy reference.


2 Fluid Statics

3 Elementary Fluid Dynamics—The Bernoulli Equation

4 Fluid Kinematics

5 Finite Control Volume Analysis

6 Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow

7 Similitude, Dimensional Analysis, and Modeling

8 Viscous Flow in Pipes

9 Flow Over Immersed Bodies

10 Open-ChannelFlow

11 Turbomachines

12 Appendix A: Computational Fluid Dynamics and FlowLab

13 Appendix B: Physical Properties of Fluids

14 Appendix C: Properties of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere

15 Appendix D: Reynolds Transport Theorem

16 Appendix E: Comprehensive Table of Conversion Factors (online)

17 Appendix F: Video Library (online)

18 Appendix G: Review Problems (online)

19 Appendix H: Laboratory Problems (online)

20 AppendixI:CFDDrivenCavityExample(online)

21 Appendix J: FlowLab Tutorial and User’s Guide (online)

22 Appendix K: FlowLab Problems (online) Answers Index.

Introduction To Fluid Mechanics5th Edition SI VersionDonald F. Young, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering MechanicsBruce R. Munson, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering MechanicsTheodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State Univ.Ames, Wade W. Huebsch, West Virginia University, Morgantown978-0-470-90215-8, October 2011

Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, 5th Edition is designed to cover the standard topics in a basic fluid mechanics course in a streamlined manner that meets the learning needs of today’s student better than the dense, encyclopedic manner of traditional texts. This approach helps students connect the math and theory to the physical world and practical applications and apply these connections to solving problems. The text lucidly presents basic analysis techniques and addresses practical concerns and applications, such as pipe flow, open-channel flow, flow measurement, and drag and lift. It offers a strong visual approach with photos, illustrations, and videos included in the text, examples and homework problems to emphasize the practical application of fluid mechanics principles.


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Mechanical Engineering

Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics6th Edition SI VersionBruce R. Munson, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering MechanicsDonald F. Young, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering MechanicsTheodore H. Okiishi, Iowa State UniversityAmes, Wade W. Huebsch, West Virginia University, Morgantown978-0-470-39881-4, June 2009

Connect the theory to the physical world with this revised and updated edition.

This number one text in the field, is respected for its comprehensive topical coverage. Continuing its tradition of extensive real-world applications, helps generate student interest in the topic.

The new edition includes “Fluids in the News” case study boxes in each chapter, to help generate student interest in the topic. New homework problems have been created associated with these stories. Example problems have also been updated to include graphs illustrating the effects of changing parameter values.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Fluid Statics; Elementary Fluid Dynamics – The Bernoulli Equation; Fluid Kinematics; Finite Control Volume Analysis; Differential Analysis of Fluid Flow; Dimensional Analysis, Similitude, and Modeling; Viscous Flow in Pipes; Flow Over Immersed Bodies; Open-Channel Flow; Compressible Flow; Turbomachines; Appendices: Computational Fluid Dynamics and Flowlab. Physical Properties of Fluids. Properties of the U.S. Standard Atmosphere. Compressible Flow Data for an Ideal Gas. Comprehensive Table of Conversion Factors. Additional appendixes are available on the book companion site.

An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics by Example1st EditionSedat Biringen, University of ColoradoChuen-Yen Chow, University of Colorado 978-0-470-10226-8, March 2011

Originally published in 1979, C. Y. Chow’s introduction to computational fluid mechanics is one of the classic text/references in the field. This long-awaited Second Edition offers numerous examples of applications to a broader range of industries such as civil engineering and the biosciences.

FEATuRES • Thoroughlyupdatedwiththenewestalgorithmsincorporated

into the solution techniques.

• Applicationsarebroadenedfrommechanicalandaerospaceinto civil and bioengineering disciplines.

• beenexpandedwithadditionalup-to-datesolutionmethodsfor the Navier-Stokes equations, including fractional step time-advancement, and pseudo-spectral methods.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Flow Topics Governed by Ordinary Differential Equations: Initial-Value Problems; Inviscid Fluid Flows; Viscous Fluid Flows; Numerical Solution of the Incompressible Navier Stokes Equations; Bibliography; Index.

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Mechanical Engineering

Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements5th Edition International Student VersionRichard S. FigliolaDonald E. Beasley, Clemson Univ. 978-0-470-64618-2, January 2011

This market-leading book provides mechanical engineers with the most up-to-date coverage of mechanical measurements.

Sound theory is highlighted by rich and current practical applications. New chapter-opening learning objectives and outcomes explore the critical concepts that will be discussed, augmenting the text’s approachable writing style. The text also includes updated coverage on probability and statistics and uncertainty analysis to include new international and US standards on the classification of errors in measurements. Readers can also learn how to utilize software tools with access to LABVIEW files for self-tutorials on critical concepts and MATLAB files for system analysis.

TABLE OF CONTENTSBasic Concepts of Measurement Methods; Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Signals; Measurement System Behavior; Probability and Statistics; Uncertainty Analysis; Analog Electrical Devices and Measurements; Sampling, Digital Devices, and Data Acquisition; Temperature Measurements; Pressure and Velocity Measurements; Flow Measurements; Strain Measurement; Mechatronics: Sensors, Actuators and Controls; Appendix A: A Guide for Technical Writing.

Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics3rd EditionArthur P. Boresi, University of Wyoming at LaramieKen Chong, James D. Lee 978-0-470-40255-9 December 2010

This updated edition presents a classic approach to engineering elasticity. Written by accomplished experts in the field, Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics, Third Edition provides new coverage of nano- and bio- mechanics and elastodynamics to bring the content up-to-date with current applications. Real-world examples and problem-solving exercises help to deliver the most common elasticity solutions, along with appendixes covering advanced topics such as complex variables and couple-stress theory. This book builds upon its reputation as a reliable resource for knowledge pertaining to this field.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introductory Concepts And Mathematics; Theory of Deformation; Theory of Stress; Three-Dimensional Equations of Elasticity; Plane Theory of Elasticity in Rectangular Cartesian Coordinates; Plane Elasticity in Polar Coordinates; Prismatic Bar Subjected to End Load; General Solutions of Elasticity; References; Bibliography; Index.

Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics

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Mechanical Engineering

Aircraft DynamicsFrom Modeling to Simulation1st EditionMarcello Napolitano, ’West Virginia University 978-0-470-62667-2, October 2011

The 1st edition of Aircraft Dynamics: From Modeling to Simulation by Marcello R. Napolitano is an innovative textbook with specific features for assisting, motivating and engaging aeronautical/aerospace engineering students in the challenging task of understanding the basic principles of aircraft dynamics and the necessary skills for the modeling of the aerodynamic and thrust forces and moments. Additionally the textbook provides a detailed introduction to the development of simple but very effective simulation environments for today demanding students as well as professionals. The book contains an abundance of real life students sample problems and problems along with very useful Matlab® codes.

FEATuRES• Strongemphasison‘highlevel’synthesisfollowingdetailed

description of the key concepts of the discipline (aircraft equations of motion, modeling of aerodynamic forces and moments, and solution of the aircraft dynamics).

• RiticalchapterdedicatedtothecriticalskillsofdevelopingaMatlab®/Simulink based simulation environment for realistic aircraft dynamic simulations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSAircraft Equations of Motion; Review of Basic Concepts Of Aerodynamic Modeling; Modeling of Longitudinal Aerodynamic Forces and Moments; Modeling of Lateral Directional Aerodynamic Forces and Moments; Review of Basic Aircraft Performance and Modeling of Thrust Forces and Moments; Aircraft Static Stability and Design for Trimming Conditions; Solution of the Aircraft Equations of Motion Based on Laplace Transformations and Transfer Functions; State Variable Modeling of the Aircraft Dynamics; Development of Aircraft Simulation Models; Handling Qualities and Flying Requirements; Appendix A: Review of Math and Dynamics; AppendixB:DataforDifferentAircraft(10);AppendixC:Detailed Drawings for Different Aircraft (25)

AstronauticsThe Physics of Space Flight2nd Editionulrich Walter978-3-527-41035-4, November 2011

As a crewmember of the D-2 shuttle mission and a full professor of astronautics at the Technical University in Munich, Ulrich Walter is an acknowledged expert in the field. He is also the author of a number of popular science books on space flight.

The revised textbook is based on extensive teaching and his work with students, backed by numerous examples drawn from his own experience. With its end-of-chapter examples and problems, this work is suitable for graduate level and undergraduate courses in space flight.

TABLE OF CONTENTSRocket Fundamentals; Rocket Flight; Rocket Staging; Thermal Propulsion; Electric Propulsion; Ascent Flight; Orbits; Orbit Transitions; Interplanetary Flight; Reentry; Three-Body Problem; Orbit Perturbations; Coordinate Systems; Orbit Determination; Rigid Body Dynamics; Space Rendezvous


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Mechanical Engineering

Fundamentals of Turbulent and Multi-Phase Combustion1st EditionKenneth Kuan-yun Kuo, Pennsylvania State Univ.Ragini Acharya 978-0-470-22622-3, December 2011

This book is a follow-on to the author’s bestseller, Principles of Combustion, Second Editionpublishedin2005.Thetextcoversadvanced topics of combustion and flame that are not covered anywhere else. Kuo provides a multiphase systems approach beginning with more common topics and moving to higher level applications such as reacting boundary layer flows, ignition of homogeneous mixtures, flame extinction phenomena, and detonation processes in condensed phase materials.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction and Conservation Equations; Premixed Laminar Flames; Laminar Non-Premixed Flames; Background in Turbulent Flows; Turbulent Premixed Flames; Non-Premixed Turbulent Flames; Background in Multiphase flow with Reactions; Spray Atomization and Combustion; Appendices. References.

Mechanics of Aircraft Structures2nd EditionC. T. Sun 978-0-471-69966-8, April 2006

Mechanics of Aircraft Structures, Second Edition covers the materials and analysis tools used for aircraft structural design and mechanics. The text builds students' understanding of commercial finite element codes and their impact on structural analysis.

FEATuRES • Coversfracturemechanicsanditsrelationtothestudyof

aircraft structure damage tolerance and durability analysis.

• Providesanalysisofhowadvancedcompositematerialsarebeing used in aircraft structures.

• Includesexpandedexamplesandhomeworkproblemsplusmore detailed derivations of key equations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface. 1 Characteristics of Aircraft Structures and Materials. 2 Introduction to Elasticity. 3 Torsion. 4 Bending and Flexural Shear. 5 Flexural Shear Flow in Thin-Walled Sections. 6 Failure Criteria for Isotropic Materials. 7 Elastic Buckling. 8 Analysis of Composite Laminates. Problems. Index.

This book is a follow-on to the author’s bestseller,


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Mechanical Engineering

Mechanics of Flight2nd EditionWarren F. Phillips, Utah State University 978-0-470-53975-0, October 2009

This new second edition of Mechanics of Flight will enhance student understanding through a combination of theory and applications. By progressively building on the formulation and solution of simpler problems associated with aircraft performance, static stability, and control, the author guides readers from fundamental principles to the development of the general equations of motion and continues through dynamic stability, aircraft handling qualities, and flight simulation.

FEATuRES •Second edition of the market leading textbook offering the

most comprehensive and student-friendly coverage of mechanics of flight available.

• Fullyupdatedtoincludethelatestresearchanddevelopments in flight mechanics plus new coverage of the asymetrical power problem.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Acknowledgments; Overview of Aerodynamics; Overview of Propulsion; Aircraft Performance; Longitudinal Static Stability and Trim; Lateral Static Stability and Trim; Aircraft Controls and Maneuverability; Aircraft Equations of Motion; Linearized Longitudinal Dynamics; Linearized Lateral Dynamics; Aircraft Handling Qualities and Control Response; Aircraft Flight Simulation; Bibliography; Appendices; Nomenclature; Index.

Advanced DynamicsRigid Body, Multibody, and Aerospace Applications1st EditionReza N. Jazar 978-0-470-39835-7, March 2011

Modern mechanical and aerospace systems are often very complex and consist of many rigid components interconnected by joints and force elements. Advanced Dynamics bridges the gap between rigid body, multi-body, and spacecraft dynamics for graduate students and specialists in mechanical and aerospace engineering. Coverage of special applications highlight the different aspects of dynamics and provide understanding of advanced systems across all related disciplines.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Part I Fundamentals; Fundamentals of Kinematics; Fundamentals of Dynamics. Part II Geometric Kinematics; Coordinate Systems; Rotation Kinematics; Orientation Kinematics; Motion Kinematics; Multibody Kinematics. Part III Derivative Kinematics; Velocity Kinematics; Acceleration Kinematics; Constraints. Part IV Dynamics; Rigid Body and Mass Moment; Rigid-Body Dynamics; Lagrange Dynamics; References; Index.

Applications of Turbulent and Multi-Phase Combustion1st EditionKenneth Kuan-yun Kuo, Pennsylvania State Univ.Ragini Acharya 978-1-118-12756-8, January 2012

This book is the second of two follow-on volumes to the author’s bestseller, Principles of Combustion, Second Edition. This text focuses on applications, with coverage not available elsewhere, including solid propellants, burning behavior, and chemical boundary layer flows. Kuo provides a multiphase systems approach beginning with more common topics and moving to higher level applications.

This new second edition of

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Mechanical Engineering

Medical Instrumentation Application and Design4th EditionJohn G. Webster, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison 978-0-471-67600-3, January 2009

Completely updated with the latest information in the field, the new fourth edition of this successful book provides a comprehensive overview of the basic concepts of medical instrumentation and clearly shows the interdisciplinary nature of bioinstrumentation.

FEATuRES• Adetailedreferenceforprofessionalsinthemedical

instrumentation area.

• Describestheprinciples,applicationsanddesignofthemedical instrumentation most commonly used in hospitals.

• Stressesfundamentalprinciplesofoperationandgeneraltypes of equipment.

• Providesexcellent,well-groundedexamplesusingrealmedical devices such as the analysis of an electrocardiograph.

• Offersagoodbalancebetweenchemistry,physiologyandbiomedical instruments.

• Presentsenoughinformationsothatascientistcandesigninstruments that may not be commercially available.

TABLE OF CONTENTSBasic Concepts of Medical Instrumentation; Basic Sensors and Principles; Amplifiers and Signal Processing; The Origin of Biopotentials; Biopotential Electrodes; Biopotential Amplifiers; Blood Pressure and Sound; Measurement of Flow and Volume of Blood; Measurements of the Respiratory System; Chemical Biosensors; Clinical Laboratory Instrumentation; Medical Imaging Systems; Therapeutic and Prosthetic Devices; Electrical Safety; Appendix; Index.

Rocket Propulsion Elements8th EditionGeorge P. Sutton, Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryOscar Biblarz, Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California978-0-470-080245, January 2010

For nearly sixty years, this seminal text has been regarded as the single most authoritative sourcebook on rocket propulsion technology. Comprehensive and coherently organized, Rocket Propulsion Elements guides readers evenhandedly through basic principles, the various physical mechanisms and designs, and the application of propulsion to flying vehicles.

FEATuRES • Combinesthebasicfundamentalsandapplicationsofall

aspects of rocket propulsion.

•Updatedtoincludethelatestadvancesinthefield:changesinmaterials, systems design, analytical simulations, propellants, applications and manufacturing technologies.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Classification; Definitions and Fundamentals; Nozzle Theory and Thermodynamic Relations; Flight Performance; Chemical Rocket Propellant Performance Analysis; Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine Fundamentals; Thrust Chambers; Liquid Propellant Combustion and Its Stability; Turbopumps and Their Gas Supplies; Engine Systems, Controls, and Integration; Solid Propellant Rocket Fundamentals; Solid Propellants; Solid Propellant Combustion and Its Stability; Solid Rocket Components and Motor Design; Hybrid Propellant Rockets; Electric Propulsion; Thrust Vector Control; Selection of Rocket Propulsion Systems; Rocket Exhaust Plumes; Rocket Testing; Appendices; Index.

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Mechanical Engineering

Engineering Design MethodsStrategies for Product Design4th EditionNigel Cross, The Open University 978-0-470-51926-4, April 2008

This important and integral engineering design textbook contains new case studies, examples, and problems as well as a significant new chapter presenting the User Scenarios Method. It fills the gap in the current symmetrical problem/solution model of the design process linking ‘Overall problem’ and ‘Overall solution’.

It presents a procedure and examples for investigating potential product user wants and needs, including the development of user profiles, personae and scenarios, and culminating in a clear statement (a design brief) that identifies an opportunity for developing a new product concept.


broadening the appeal and relevance of the book from engineering design into product design.


• Acompanionwebsiteprovidespower-pointslidesoffiguresfor instructors.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPart One: Understanding Design; The Nature of Design; Design Ability; The Design Process. Part Two: Doing Design; New Design Procedures; Identifying Opportunities; Clarifying Objectives; Establishing Functions; Setting Requirements; Determining Characteristics; Generating Alternatives; Evaluating Alternatives; Improving Details. Part Three: Managing Design; Design Strategies; Product Development. References; Index.

Analysis of StructuresAn Introduction Including Numerical Methods1st EditionJoe G. Eisley, University of MichiganAntony M. Waas, University of Michigan978-0-470-97762-0, September 2011

Analysis of Structures offers invaluable guidance and understanding to senior level and graduate students studying courses in stress and deformation analysis as part of aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering degrees. It helps students become more familiar with how numerical methods such as the finite element method are used in industry and includes analytical development alongside the computational equivalent, providing students with the understanding that is necessary to interpret and use solutions that are obtained using software based on the finite element method. These methods are extended to the analysis of solid and structural components that are used in modern aerospace, mechanical and civil engineering applications.

The book is accompanied by a companion website www.wiley.com/go/waas housing exercises and examples that use modern software to generate colour contour plots of deformation and internal stress.


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Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Chemical Reactor Analysis and Design3rd EditionGilbert F. Froment, Texas A&M UniversityKenneth B. Bischoff, Univ. of DelawareJuray De Wilde, Universite Catholique de Louvain978-0-470-56541-4, August 2010

The standard in chemical reaction engineering.

Retaining emphasis on the real world of chemical reaction engineering, this widely recognized text includes many industrial examples and authors’ insights, where they comment on the relative merits of different models throughout the text.

FEATuRES• Focusesonreal-worldaspectsofindustrialprocesses.

• Presentsrealisticandrigorousguidetotheanalysisanddesign of chemical reactors.

• Referencestoscholarlypublicationsencourageprogressiveprofessional habits.

TABLE OF CONTENTSElements of Reaction Kinetics; Kinetics of Heterogeneous Catalytic Reactions; Transport Processes with Reactions Catalyzed by Solids; Noncatalytic Gas-Solid Reactions; Catalyst Deactivation; Gas-Liquid Reactions; The Modeling of Chemical Reactors; The Batch and Semibatch Reactors; The Plug Flow Reactor; The Perfectly Mixed Flow Reactor; Fixed Bed Catalytic Reactors; Complex Flow Patterns; Fluidized Bed and Transport Reactors; Multiphase Flow Reactors.

Separation Process Principles3rd Edition International Student VersionErnest J. Henley, Univ. of HoustonJ. D. Seader, Univ. of UtahD. Keith Roper, University of Arkansas978-0-470-64611-3, March 2011

The most comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of separation operations in the chemical industry.

Provides review chapters on thermo and mass transfer, comprehensive discussion of many separation processes, photos, diagrams, and descriptions of process equipment, and challenging, realistic problems. Improved clarity, study questions, and boxed equations and examples are especially helpful for students encountering separation processes for the first time.

TABLE OF CONTENTSSeparation Processes; Thermodynamics of Separation Operations; Mass Transfer and Diffusion; Single Equilibrium Stages and Flash Calculations; Cascades and Hybrid Systems; Absorption and Stripping of Dilute Mixtures; Distillation of Binary Mixtures; Liquid–Liquid Extraction with Ternary Systems; Approximate Methods for Multicomponent; Multistage Separations; Equilibrium-Based Methods for Multicomponent Absorption; Stripping; Enhanced Distillation and Supercritical Extraction; Rate-Based Models for Vapor-Liquid Separation Operations; Batch Distillation; Membrane Separations; Adsorption; Ion Exchange; Chromatography and Electrophoresis; Leaching and Washing; Crystallization; Desublimation and Evaporation; Drying of Solids; Mechanical Phase Separations.

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Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Process Dynamics and Control3rd Edition International Student VersionDale E. Seborg, University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, Duncan A. Mellichamp University of CaliforniaSanta Barbara, Thomas F. Edgar, University of Texas, AustinFrancis J. Doyle III, University of California, Santa Barbara978-0-470-64610-6, January 2011

The text emphasizes process control techniques that are used in practice and provides detailed mathematical analysis only when it is essential for understanding the material. Key theoretical concepts are illustrated with numerous examples and simulations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPart One: Introduction To Process Control; Introduction to Process Control; Theoretical Models of Chemical Processes.

Part Two: Dynamic Behavior of Processes; Laplace Transforms; Transfer Function and State-Space Models; Dynamic Behavior of First-Order and Second-Order Processes; Dynamic Response Characteristics of More Complicated Processes; Development of Empirical Dynamic Models from Process Data.

Part Three: Control System Design and Analysis; Feedback Controllers; Control System Instrumentation; Process Safety and Process Control; Dynamic Behavior and Stability of Closed-Loop Control Systems; PID Controller Design, Tuning, and Troubleshooting; Control at the Process Unit Level; Frequency Response Analysis and Control System Design; Feedforward and Ratio Control.

Part Four: Advanced Process Control; Enhanced Single-Loop Control Strategies; Digital Sampling, Filtering, and Control; Multiloop and Multivariable Control; Real-Time Optimization; Model Predictive Control; Process Monitoring; Batch Process Control.

Part Five: Applications to Biological Systems; Biosystems Control Design; Dynamics and Control of Biological Systems.

Introduction to Chemical EngineeringTools for Today and Tomorrow5th EditionKenneth A. Solen, Brigham Young UniversityJohn Harb, Brigham Young University978-0-470-88572-7, August 2010

A broad and highly motivational introduction for first-year engineering students to the exciting of field of chemical engineering.

The content helps beginning students develop problem-solving skills. Students are led step-by-step through a chemical engineering design project, and perform a variety of design calculations as a basis for design decisions. Homework Problems and Assessment, Practice and Self-Study Resources help students learn the concepts and skills presented.

Case Studies give students the opportunity to apply what they’ve learned in a number of areas. The text provides an integrated, holistic view of the chemical engineering discipline.

TABLE OF CONTENTSWhat is Chemical Engineering?; The Role of Chemical Processing; Solving Engineering Problems (What Shall We Do?); Describing Physical Quantities; Material Balances (How Much Base Do We Need?); Spreadsheets (Calculating the Cost of the Base); Fluid Flow (Bringing the Base to the Acid); Mass Transfer (Mixing the Acid and the Base); Reaction Engineering (What Size Reactor?); Heat Transfer (Cooling Down the Product); Materials (An Important Equipment Feature); Controlling the Process; Economics (Is it all Worth it?); Case Studies (Integrating it all Together).

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Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

Radiation Detection and Measurement4th EditionGlenn F. Knoll, Univ. of MichiganAnn Arbor 978-0-470-13148-0, August 2010

This classic text provides students and instructors with the most complete coverage available.

This invaluable resource incorporates the latest developments and cutting-edge technologies to make this the most up-to- date guide to the field available.

FEATuRES• Coversmanynewmaterialsthatareemergingas


• PresentsnewmaterialonROCcurves,micropatterngasdetectors, thick film semiconductors, and digital techniques in detector pulse processing.

TABLE OF CONTENTSRadiation Sources; Radiation Interactions; Counting Statistics and Error Prediction; General Properties of Radiation Detectors; Ionization Chambers; Proportional Counters; Geiger–Mueller Counters; Scintillation Detector Principles; Photomultiplier Tubes and Photodiodes; Radiation Spectroscopy with Scintillators; Germanium Gamma-Ray Detectors; Other Solid-State Detectors; Slow Neutron Detection Methods; Fast Neutron Detection and Spectroscopy; Pulse Processing; Pulse Shaping; Counting and Timing; Multichannel Pulse Analysis; Miscellaneous Detector Types; Background and Detector Shielding.

Product and Process Design PrinciplesSynthesis, Analysis and Design3rd Edition International Student VersionWarren D. Seider, Univ. of PennsylvaniaJ. D. Seader, Univ. of UtahDaniel R. Lewin, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Soemantri Widagdo978-0-470-41441-5, April 2009

A complete package that describes modern strategies for the design of chemical products and processes, with an emphasis on a systematic approach.

FEATuRES• Processsimulators,steadystate,dynamic,andbatch,are

used throughout the textbook.

• Emphasizestheimportanceofassessingplant-widecontrollability.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Chemical Product Design; Product-Development Process; Materials Technology for Basic Chemicals: Molecular-Structure Design; Process Creation for Basic Chemicals; Simulation to Assist in Process Creation; Heuristics for Process Synthesis; Reactor Design and Synthesis of Networks Containing Reactors; Synthesis of Separation Trains; Heat and Power Integration; Mass Integration; Optimal Design and Scheduling of Batch Processes; Plantwide Controllability Assessment; Basic Chemicals Product Design Case Studies; Materials and Process/Manufacturing Technologies for Industrial Chemical Products; Industrial Chemicals Product Design Case Studies; Materials, Process/Manufacturing, and Product Technologies for Configured Consumer Products; Configured Consumer Product Design Case Studies; Heat Exchanger Design; Separation Tower Design; Pumps, Compressors, and Expanders; Polymer Compounding; Cost Accounting and Capital Cost Estimation; Annual Costs, Earnings, and Profitability Analysis; Design Optimization; Six-Sigma Design Strategies; Written Reports and Oral Presentations; Appendices.

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Materials ScienceFire Engineering

DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in Manufacturing11th Edition International Student VersionJ T. Black and Ron Kohser978-0-470-87375-5, February 2012

Now in its eleventh edition, DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing has been a market-leading text on manufacturing and manufacturing processes courses for more than fifty years. Authors J T. Black and Ron Kohser have continued this book's long and distinguished tradition of exceedingly clear presentation and highly practical approach to materials and processes, presenting mathematical models and analytical equations only when they enhance the basic understanding of the material. Completely revised and updated to reflect all current practices, standards, and materials, the eleventh edition has new coverage of additive manufacturing, lean engineering, and processes related to ceramics, polymers, and plastics.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in Manufacturing; Manufacturing Systems Design; Properties of Materials; Nature of Metals and Alloys; Equilibrium Phase Diagrams and the Iron-Carbon System; Heat Treatment; Ferrous Metals and Alloys; Nonferrous Metals and Alloys; Nonmetallic Materials: Plastics, Elastomers, Ceramics, and Composites; Material Selection; Fundamentals of Casting; Expendable-Mold Casting Processes; Multiple-Use-Mold Casting Processes; Fabrication of Plastics, Ceramics, and Composites; Fundamentals of Metal Forming; Bulk-Forming Processes; Sheet-Forming Processes; Powder Metallurgy; Additive Processes: Rapid Prototyping and Direct-Digital Manufacturing; Fundamentals of Machining/Orthogonal Machining; Cutting Tools for Machining; Turning and Boring Processes; Drilling and Related Hole-Making Processes; Milling; Sawing, Broaching, and Other Machining Processes; Abrasive Machining Processes; Workholding Devices for Machine Tools; Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes; Lean Engineering; Fundamentals of Joining; Gas Flame and Arc Processes; Resistance- and Solid-State Welding Processes; Other Welding Processes, Brazing, and Soldering; Adhesive Bonding, Mechanical Fastening, and Joining of Nonmetals; Measurement and Inspection; Quality Engineering; Surface Engineering; Micro/Meso/Nano Fabrication Processes; Manufacturing Automation; NC/CNC Processes and Adaptive Control: A(4) and A(5) Levels of Automation; (web-based) Microelectric Manufacturing and Assembly;(web-based) Thread and Gear Manufacturing; (web-based) Nondestructive Inspection and Testing; (web-based)The Enterprise (Production Systems); Selected References for Additional Study

DeGarmo’s Materials and Processes in



An Introduction to Fire Dynamics3rd EditionDougal Drysdale, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK 978-0-470-31903-1, August 2011

Essential reading for anyone involved in the field.

This book is unique in that it identifies fire science and fire dynamics and provides the scientific background necessary to the development of fire safety engineering as a professional discipline. The new edition includes changes to all chapters, as well as a significant increase in the number of problems and solutions.

FEATuRES• After21yearsasabestseller,Drysdale’sclassicintroduction

has been brought up-to-date with the latest data and research in a third edition.

• Featuresnumericalproblemswithanswersillustratingthequantitative applications of the concepts presented.

• Includesquantitativeexperimentaldataregardingmaterialproperties.


TABLE OF CONTENTSFire Science and Combustion; Heat Transfer; Limits of Flammability and Premixed Flames; Diffusion Flames and Fire Plumes; Steady Burning of Liquids and Solids; Ignition: The Initiation of Flaming Combustion; Spread of Flame; Spontaneous Ignition within Solids and Smouldering Combustion; The Pre-flashover Compartment Fire; The Post-flashover Compartment Fire; The Production and Movement of Smoke; References; Indexes.


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Materials Science

Fundamentals of Materials Science and EngineeringAn Integrated Approach4th EditionWilliam D. Callister, Univ. of UtahDavid G. Rethwisch, Univ. of Iowa 978-1-118-06160-2, March 2012

Callister and Rethwisch's Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering 4th Edition continues to take the integrated approach to the organization of topics. That is, one specific structure, characteristic, or property type at a time is discussed for all three basic material types – metals, ceramics, and polymeric materials. This order of presentation allows for the early introduction of non-metals and supports the engineer's role in choosing materials based upon their characteristics.

FEATuRES• Amorecomprehensivediscussionontheconstructionofcrystallographicdirectionsin

hexagonal unit cells-also of conversion from the three-index scheme to four-index (Section 3.13).

• PSPP(Processing,Structure,Properties,Performance)ConceptMapsattheendofeachchapter help students see the relationships among processing, structure, properties, and performance components for steels, glass-ceramics, polymer fibers, and silicon semiconductors throughout the book.

• End-of-chapterSummarieshavebeenrevisedtoreflectanswers/responsestotheextendedlearning objectives, to better serve students as a study guide.

•NewEnd-of-ChapterEquationSummariesprovidestudentswithaquickreferenceandguideto where in the chapter to find the most important equations.


•Newchapter-openerphotosandlayouts,focusingonapplicationsofmaterialssciencetohelpengage students and motivate a desire to learn more about materials science.


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Materials Science

FEATuRES• Thediscussionoftheconstructionofcrystallographic

directions in hexagonal unit cells is expanded.

• Thistextclearlyconveysmaterialsscienceandengineeringconcepts at an appropriate level to ensure student understanding.

•Maintainsitsextensive,introductorylevelcoverageofmechanical properties and failure.

• ConceptCheckquestionsthroughoutthechapters,withanswers provided on the student companion site.

• Theapproximate500figuresincludealargenumberofphotographs that show the microstructure of various materials.

WileyPLUS is a web-based application that assists instructors in preparing for classes and lectures and automates the process of assigning and grading homework. The power of

WileyPLUS is that each problem is linked to the relevant section of the interactive book. It allows students to complete their homework online and receive instant feedback on their work.

WileyPLUS for Materials Science includes: Instructors solution manual, Art Powerpoints, Image gallery and Lecture Powerpoints, Demonstrations and experiments, Sample syllabi, Quickstart course prepared by subject matter expert, A complete online version of the text (ebook), VMSE (Virtual Materials Science and Engineering) interactive animations, Guided Online (stepped-out) problems with tutorials, Self-assessment exercises, Web resources, Extended learning objectives, Index to learning styles, “Link-to- text” feature that allows students to access specific portions of their online text for immediate, contextual help as they are working, Whiteboard (show work) feature allows instructors to see how students worked through a problem, VMSE (Virtual Materials Science and Engineering) interactive animations, 500algorithmicallygeneratedproblems,GuidedOnline(stepped-out) problems with tutorials, Self-assessment exercises.


2 Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding

3 The Structure of Crystalline Solids

4 Imperfections in Solids

5 Diffusion

6 Mechanical Properties of Metals

7 Dislocations and Strengthening Mechanisms.

8 Failure

9 Phase Diagrams

10 PhaseTransformationsinMetals:DevelopmentofMicrostructure and Alteration of Mechanical Properties

11 Applications and Processing of Metal Alloys

12 Structures and Properties of Ceramics.

13 Applications and Processing of Ceramics

14 Polymer Structures.

15 Characteristics, Applications, and Processing of Polymers

16 Composites.

17 Corrosion and Degradation of Materials

18 Electrical Properties

19 Thermal Properties

20 MagneticProperties

21 Optical Properties (Web Site)

22 Materials Selection and Design Consideration

23 Economic, Environmental, and Societal Issues in Materials Science and Engineering

24 Appendix A: The International System of Units (Si)

25 Appendix B: Properties of Selected Engineering Materials

26 Appendix C: Costs and Relative Costs for Selected Engineering Materials

27 Appendix D: Repeat Unit Structures for Common Polymers

28 Appendix E: Glass Transition and Melting Temperatures for Common Polymeric Materials.

Materials Science and Engineering 8th Edition International Student VersionWilliam D. Callister, Univ. of Utah 978-0-470-50586-1, April 2010

Building on the success of previous editions, this book continues to provide engineers with a strong understanding of the three primary types of materials and composites.

Continuing to promote student understanding of the three primary types of materials (metals, ceramics, and polymers) and composites, as well as the relationships that exist between the structural elements of materials and their properties.

The relationships among processing, structure, properties, and performance components for steels, glass-ceramics, polymer fibers, and silicon semiconductors are explored throughout the chapters.

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Materials Science

An Introduction to Applied Statistical Thermodynamics1st EditionStanley I. Sandler, Univ. of Delaware978-0-470-91347-5, October 2010

Readers will develop an appreciation for the beauty and utility of statistical mechanics.

With the present emphasis on nano and bio technologies, molecular level descriptions and understandings offered by statistical mechanics are of increasing interest and importance. This text emphasizes how statistical thermodynamics is and can be used by chemical engineers and physical chemists. The text shows readers the path from molecular level approximations to the applied, macroscopic thermodynamic models engineers use, and introduces them to molecular-level computer simulation.

FEATuRES• Anappliedapproach,introducingStatisticalThermodynamics

in practice: The author presents the ways in which statistical thermodynamics are used directly in engineering and scientific calculations, and also to give insights into the molecular level basis of the empirical models commonly used by engineers and scientists in practice.

• Appropriateforagraduatelevelthermodynamicscourse:Developed by the author for part of his graduate level thermodynamics course, to introduce first-year graduate students to the fundamental ideas and engineering uses of statistical thermodynamics.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Statistical Thermodynamics; The Canonical Partition Function; Ideal Polyatomic Gas; Chemical Reactions in Ideal Gases; Other Partition Functions; Interacting Molecules in a Gas; Intermolecular Potentials and the Evaluation of the Second Virial Coefficient; Monatomic Crystals; Simple Lattice Models of Fluids; Interacting Molecules in a Dense Fluid; Configurational Distribution Functions; Integral Equation Theories for the Radial Distribution Function; Computer Simulation; Perturbation Theory; Debye-Hückel Theory of Electrolyte Solutions; The Derivation of Thermodynamic Models from the Generalized van der Waals.

Biomimetic, Bioresponsive, and Bioactive MaterialsAn Introduction to Integrating Materials with Tissues1st EditionMatteo SantinGary J. Phillips 978-0-470-05671-4, January 2012

This comprehensive introduction to biomaterials discusses how materials are selected, designed, and modified for integration with living tissue. Biomaterials have applications in tissue engineering, medical devices, orthopedics, and other areas. This guide examines the physico-chemical properties of widely used biomaterials and cites examples of their uses in different clinical applications. Topics covered include soft and hard tissue replacement; biointeractive metals, polymers, and ceramics; and in vitro, in vivo, and ex vivo biocompatibility tests and clinical trials. This text is for students as well as professionals new to the field.

FEATuRES • Providesexamplesoftheclinicalapplicationofavarietyof

biomaterials in soft and hard tissue replacement.

•Highlightsallaspectsofabiomaterial'sclinicalperformanceby examining it in terms of its physico-chemical properties as well as its use in different applications.

•Writteninastudent-friendlystyle,thetextprovidesaneasilyaccessible entry point for those seeking a foundation in this rapidly growing area.

• Includesexercisequestionsattheendofeachchapterforextra practice.

• Solutionsmanualforinstructorsonly.

• Includesinformationonbasicmaterialsscienceforstudentswho require additional background.


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Biomedical Bioengineering

Functional Imaging by Controlled Nonlinear Optical Phenomena1st Edition Kazuyoshi ItohKeisuke IsobeWataru Watanabe978-1-118-09144-9, February 2012

This book gives an overview of the nonlinear optical process by ultrafast laser pulses and explains how the basics of nonlinear optical microscopy led to the most advanced techniques of photo-controlled nonlinear optical microscopy. Suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate students, the book includes:

• Anintroductiononthekeybasicsofnonlinearopticalphenomena and ultrafast laser optics required for nonlinear optical microscopy

• Adetailedreviewofcurrentnonlinearopticalmicroscopy,from two-photon absorption microscopy to nonresonant four-wave mixing microscopy and everything in between

• Anexplorationoffunctionalimagingbasedonmolecularcontrol in nonlinear microscopy

• Anexplanationofbiologicalapplicationssuchasnanosurgery and transfection.

Biomedical Devices and Technology1st Edition Hua Lee, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana, Martin Culjat 978-0-470-54918-6, May 2012

Biomedical Devices and Technology is a textbook for an introductory seminar course on biomedical devices and technology. The book covers devices and systems in diagnostic, surgical, and implant procedures, prepared by the much-respected faculty members at the UCLA School of Medicine. Technical contents are presented in a comprehensive manner, consistent with first-year students' background level in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology. The chapters are written and organized in the form of independent modules, such that lectures can be configured with a high degree of flexibility from year to year.

Functional Imaging by Controlled Nonlinear Optical Phenomena


Biomedical Devices and Technology


Computer Modeling in BioengineeringTheoretical Background, Examples and Software1st EditionMilo Koji, Harvard School of Public Health, USANenad Filipovi, University of KragujevacBoban Stojanovi, University of KragujevacNikola Koji, Harvard-MIT, USA978-0-470-06035-3, May 2008

Computer Modeling in Bioengineering offers a comprehensive reference for a large number of bioengineering topics, presenting important computer modeling problems and solutions for research and medical practice. Starting with basic theory and fundamentals, the book progresses to more advanced methods and applications, allowing the reader to become familiar with different topics to the desired extent. It includes unique and original topics alongside classical computational modeling methods, and each application is structured to explain the physiological background, phenomena that are to be modeled, the computational methods used in the model, and solutions of typical cases. The accompanyingsoftwarecontainsover80examples,enablingthe reader to study a topic using the theory and examples, then run the software to solve the same, or similar examples, varying the model parameters within a given range in order to investigate the problem at greater depth. Tutorials guide the user in further exploring the modeled problem. These features promote easier learning and will help lecturers with presentations.

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Civil Engineering

Engineering Fluid Mechanics9th Edition SI VersionClayton T. Crowe, Washington State University, Pullman 978-0-470-40943-5, February 2009

A visual approach to fluid mechanics that helps engineers connect the math and theory to practical applications.

The newest edition of a book long admired within the academic and engineering communities for its reader-friendly text, dynamic visuals, and impeccable accuracy.

FEATuRES• Visualization:Thetextusesphotos,linedrawings,and

animations to describe fluid flow phenomena and to illustrate problems.

• Examples:Historicallydominatedbycivilengineeringapplications, these have been retained while adding material appropriate for other engineering disciplines as well.

•Updatedsolutions:Thetextincludesmorethan1100end-of-chapter problems.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Fluid Properties; Fluid Statics; Flowing Fluids and Pressure Variation; Control Volume Approach and Continuity Equation; Momentum Equation; The Energy Equation; Dimensional Analysis and Similitude; Surface Resistance; Flow in Conduits; Drag and Lift; Compressible Flow; Flow Measurements; Turbomachinery; Flow in Open Channels; Appendix A-1; Answers A-11; Index I-1.

Unified Design of Steel Structures2nd EditionLouis F. Geschwindner 978-0-470-44403-0, October 2012

unified Design of Steel Structures, 2nd edition, presents a fresh look at steel design that is based, from its inception, on the concepts used by the Specification Committee to develop the unified provisions. The text is designed primarily for use in a single course in basic steel design, but may also be used in a second, building oriented course in steel design, depending on the coverage in the first course.

Thistextisbasedonthe2010AISCSpecification for Structural Steel Buildings. It addresses in a consistent way both LRFD and ASD design philosophies.

FEATuRES• ExampleProblemsforANSI/AISC360-10:Allexampleshave

been updated to the new specification and the new table of member properties, as well as being revised to improve clarity of intent.

•NewHomeworkProblems:60%morehomeworkproblemshave been added, including problems that carry over from one chapter to another so that an opportunity exists to link concepts of design to one or two specific structures.

• IntegratedDesignProject:AbuildingispresentedinChapter1 that is used as an Integrated Design Project throughout the book. This project is different from typical homework problems in that it is a relatively open-ended design project. The Integrated Design Project is available in Chapters 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, and 13. It is presented at the end of the Homework Problems.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Loads, Load Factors, and Load Combinations; Steel Building Materials; Tension Members; Compression Members; Bending Members; Plate Girders; Beam-Columns and Frame Behavior; Composite Construction; Connection Elements; Simple Connections; Moment Connections; Steel Systems for Seismic Resistance.


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Civil Engineering

Cold-Formed Steel Design4th EditionWei-Wen YuRoger A. LaBoube 978-0-470-46245-4, September 2010

No other book provides such exhaustive coverage of both the theory and practice of cold-formed steel construction. Updated and expanded to reflect all the important developments that have occurred in the field over the past decade, this Third Edition of the classic text provides you with more of the detailed, up-to-the-minute technical information and expert guidance you need to make optimum use of this incredibly versatile material for building construction.

FEATuRES •UsesbothASD(allowablestressdesign)andLRFD(loadand

resistance factor design) methods.


•Newcoverageofdistortionalbucklingstrengthofopen-section columns and bracing requirements of compression members.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Materials Used in Cold-Formed Steel Construction; Strength of Thin Elements And Design Criteria; Flexural Members; Compression Members; Combined Axial Load and Bending; Closed Cylindrical Tubular Members; Connections; Shear Diaphragms and Roof Structures; Corrugated Sheets; Composite Design; Introduction to Stainless Steel Design; Light-Frame Construction; Computer-Aided Design; Direct-Strength Method; Appendices; Nomenclature; Acronyms and Abbreviations; Conversion Table; References; Index.

Surveying6th EditionJack C. McCormac, Clemson University 978-0-470-49661-9, October 2012

Surveying 6e is designed to cover the standard topics in a basic surveying course in a STREAMLINED manner that meets the learning needs of today's student better than the dense, encyclopedic manner of traditional texts. This text provides comprehensive yet concise coverage of the essential skills necessary in surveying and civil engineering, such as measurement, distance corrections, leveling, angles, area computation, computer calculations, topographic surveying, electronic distance measuring instruments, and construction surveying. The text includes photos and diagrams, lists of useful addresses and degree programs, surveying tables, and formulas.


a fresh perspective to this classic text.

• Expandedcoverageofmodernsurveyinginstruments,particularly total stations.

• Coverageofthelatesttechnologies,includinglaserscanning,and new developments in Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and enhanced coverage of Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

• Additionalexampleproblemshelpstrengthenstudentcomprehension of important concepts.

• Revisedhomeworkproblemsineverychapterreinforceacquisition and retention of surveying techniques.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Introduction to Measurements; Distance Measurement; Distance Corrections; Electronic Distance Measuring Instruments (EDMs); Introduction to Leveling; Differential Leveling; Leveling, Continued; Angles and Directions; Measuring Angle and Directions With Total Stations; Miscellaneous Angle Discussion; Traverse Adjustment and Area Computation; Computer Calculations and Omitted Measurements; Topographic Surveying; The Global Positioning System (GPS); GPS Field Applications; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); GIS, Continued; Construction Surveying; Volumes; Land Surveying or Property Surveying; Horizontal Curves; Vertical Curves; Surveying-the Profession; Appendix A: Some Useful Addresses; Appendix B: Baccalaureate Degree Programs in Surveying; Appendix C: Some Useful Formulas.

Cold-Formed Steel Design



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Civil Engineering

Design of Reinforced Concrete8th EditionJack C. McCormac, Clemson UniversityRussell Brown, Clemson University 978-0-470-27927-4, October 2008

An accessible introduction that takes a real-world perspective.

The new edition of the best-selling text continues the successful tradition of earlier editions, by introducing the fundamentals of reinforced concrete design in a clear and understandable manner.

FEATuRES• Conformstothe2008buildingcodeoftheAmericanConcreteInstitute(ACI318-08).

• Offersnewspreadsheetsthatarmthereaderwithtoolstoanalyze and design reinforced concrete elements quickly to compare alternative solutions.

• Includesanewmaterialssectionthatprovidesdetailsandexamples on how to design shear walls for combined axial load and bending moment.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Flexural Analysis of Beams; Strength Analysis of Beams According to ACI Code; Design of Rectangular Beams and One-Way Slabs; Analysis and Design of T Beams and Doubly Reinforced Beams; Serviceability; Bond, Development Lenths, and Splices; Shear and Diagonal Tension; Introduction to Columns; Design of Short Columns Subject to Axial Load and Bending; Slender Columns; Footings; Retaining Walls; Continuous Reinforced Concrete Structures; Torsion; Two-Way Slabs, Direct Design Method; Two-Way Slabs, Equivalent Frame Method; Walls; Prestressed Concrete; Formwork; Concrete Building; Appendix Tables and Graphs: U.S. Customary Units B. 2 Tables in SI Units C. The Strut-and-Tie Method of Design Glossary Index.

Advanced Concrete Technology1st EditionZongjin Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology 978-0-470-43743-8, January 2011

Over the past two decades concrete has enjoyed a renewed level of research and testing, resulting in the development of many new types of concrete. New theories, models and testing techniques have also been developed to push the envelope of concrete as a building material. This book will bridge the gap between the traditional concrete technologies and the emerging state-of-the-art technologies which are gaining wider use.

FEATuRES• Focusedonadvanced,state-of-the-artconcrete


• Coversthenewestnon-destructivetestingmethods

• Emphasisamaterialsdesignphilosophybasedonthefinalapplication of the materials.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction to Concrete; Materials for Making Concrete; Fresh Concrete; Structure of Concrete; Hardened Concrete; Advanced Cementitious Composites; Concrete Fracture Mechanics; Nondestructive Testing in Concrete Engineering; The Future and Development Trends of Concrete; Index.

Structural ConcreteTheory and Design5th EditionM. Nadim Hassoun, South Dakota State University 978-1-118-13134-3, March 2012

Emphasizing a conceptual understanding of concrete design and analysis, this revised and updated edition builds the student’s understanding by presenting design methods in an easy to understand manner supported with the use of numerous examples and problems. Written in intuitive, easy-to-understand language, it includes SI unit examples in all chapters, equivalent conversion factors from US customary to SI throughout the book, and SI unit design tables. In addition, the coverage has been completely updated to reflect the latest ACI 318-11 code.


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Civil Engineering

Soil Mechanics Lab Manual2nd EditionMichael E. Kalinski, University of Kentucky 978-0-470-55683-2, January 2011

Soil Mechanics Lab Manual prepares readers to enter the field with a collection of the most common soil mechanics tests. The procedures for all of these tests are written in accordance with applicable American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standards.

Video demonstrations for each experiment available on the website prepare readers before going into the lab, so they know what to expect and will be able to complete the tests with more confidence and efficiency. Laboratory exercises and data sheets for each test are included in the Soil Mechanics Lab Manual.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Measurement of Moisture Content; Measurement of Specific Gravity of Soil Solids; Measurement of Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit; Analysis of Grain Size Distribution; Laboratory Classification of Soil; Field Classification of Soil; Laboratory Soil Compaction; Field Measurement of Dry Unit Weight and Moisture Content; Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Granular Soil Using a Fixed-Wall Permeameter; One-Dimensional Consolidation Test of Cohesive Soil; Direct Shear Strength Test of Granular Soil; Unconfined Compressive Strength Test of Cohesive Soil. 14. Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Shear Strength Test of Cohesive Soil. Appendix A. Laboratory Data Sheets.

Soil Mechanics and Foundations3rd EditionMuni Budhu, University of Arizona 978-0-470-55684-9, December 2010

The text’s student-friendly style maintains technical rigor while presenting topics thoroughly and systematically to elucidate the basic concepts and fundamental principles.

This new edition presents the basic concepts and principles of soil mechanics and foundations in the context of basic mechanics, physics, and mathematics.

Presenting topics thoroughly and systematically without diluting technical rigor, and gives students confidence by clearly defining what they should learn from this text, and providing tools to help them organize and assess their own learning.

It supports active learning and self-assessment by defining learning outcomes and objectives. Web-based applications include interactive animations, interactive problem solving, interactive step-by-step examples, virtual soils laboratory, e-quizzes,andmore!Thetextiswrittenusing100%SIUnits.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Soil Mechanics and Foundations; Geological Characteristics of Soils and Particle Sizes of Soils; Soils Investigation; Physical Soil Parameters and Soil Classification; Soil Compaction; One-Dimensional Flow of Water through Soils; Stresses, Strains, and Elastic Deformations of Soils; Stress Path; One-Dimensional Consolidation Settlement of Fine-Grained Soils; Shear Strength of Soils; A Critical State Model to Interpret Soil Behaviour; Bearing of Capacity of Soils and Settlement of Shallow Foundations; Pile Foundations; Two-Dimensional Flow of Water through Soils; Stability of Earth Retaining Structures; Slope Stability.

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Civil Engineering

Fundamentals of Soil Mechanics for Sedimentary and Residual Soils1st EditionLaurence D. Wesley 978-0-470-37626-3, August 2009

This is the first textbook to provide equal treatment to both sedimentary and residual soils, and the unique engineering properties of both. It presents the fundamentals of soil mechanics from a geotechnical engineering perspective, pointing to the similarities between soil types and, more importantly, the differences. Numerous worked problems demonstrate the differences between sedimentary and residual soil, while numerous end of chapter exercises provide hands-on practice.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Soil Formation, Composition, and Basic Concepts; Basic Definitions and Phase Relationships; Basic Index Tests, Soil Classification and Description; Stress and Pore Pressure State in the Ground; Stresses in the Ground From Applied Loads; Principle of Effective Stress; Permeability and Seepage; Compressibility, Consolidation and Settlement; Shear Strength of Soils; Site Investigations, field Testing, and Paramter Correlations; Stability Concepts and Failure Mechanisms; Bearing Capacity and Foundation Design; Earth Pressure and Retaining Walls; Stability of Slopes; Soil Compaction; Special Soil Types; Index.

Ground and Surface Water Hydrology1st EditionLarry W. Mays, Arizona State Univ., Tempe 978-0-470-16987-2, July 2011

From best-selling and well-respected author Larry Mays, Ground and Surface Water Hydrology provides balanced coverage of surface and groundwater hydrology. The text includes current and emerging topics such as sustainability, climate change, GIS, and new models and data sources, so readers will gain a complete and current understanding of hydrology.

FEATuRES• Balancedcoverageofgroundwaterhydrologyandsurface

water hydrology.

•Numerousphotosandillustrationsthroughoutthebookcommunicate concepts and information, and engage students with the author's trademark visual approach to the subject.

TABLE OF CONTENTSHydrology, Climate Change, and Sustainability; Occurrence of Groundwater; Groundwater Movement; Groundwater and Well Hydraulics; Artificial Recharge, Stormwater Infiltration, and Saltwater Intrusion Prevention; Groundwater Flow Modeling; Hydrologic Processes; Surface Runoff; Reservoir and Stream Flow Routing; Probability, Risk, and Uncertainty Analysis for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design; Hydrologic Design and Floodplain Analysis; Hydrologic Measurement; Hydrology of Specific Climates; Appendix A Control Volume Approach for Hydrosystems; Appendix B NWS Precipitation Frequency Documents; Appendix C U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-HMS; Appendix D U.S. Army Corps of Engineers HEC-RAS.


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Civil Engineering

Principles of Water ResourcesHistory, Development, Management, and Policy3rd EditionThomas V. Cech, Colorado State University 978-0-470-13631-7, August 2009

Principles of Water Resources has been written with the non-technical student in mind. The text integrates a wide variety of water resources topics all under one cover, and breaks down complex topics into short, understandable, and interesting explanations. This new edition presents a comprehensive and timely presentation, covering water history, surface and groundwater hydrology, water law, water use and development, economics, environmental issues, water management, policy, and more.


names in their field

• Both“CloserLook”and“SidebarDiscussion”sectionshavebeen updated and added to reflect current trends and issues in water resources.

• Chapter5includesanewsectiononselenium.

•Mapsandimageshavebeenupdatedandaddedthroughoutthe text.

• TheTransportandDepositionsectionhasbeenmovedtotheend of Chapter 3 to improve the sequence of the material.

TABLE OF CONTENTSHistorical Perspective Of Water Use And Development; The Hydrologic Cycle, Climate, And Weather; Surface Water Hydrology;Groundwater Hydrology; Water Quality; Municipal And Irrigation Water Development; Dams; Water Allocation Law; Federal Water Agencies; Local, Regional, State, And Multistate Water Management Agencies; Drinking Water And Wastewater Treatment; Water, Fish, And Wildlife; The Economics Of Water; Water Use Conflicts; Emerging Water Issues; Appendix; Photo And Illustration Credits. Glossary; Index.

Toward More Sustainable InfrastructureProject Evaluation for Planners and Engineers1st EditionCarl D. Martland 978-0-470-44876-2, February 2011

Providing a framework for understanding and evaluating infrastructure projects.

Taking into account not only the financial and economic issues, but also the social and environmental impacts that affect the sustainability of infrastructure.

Demonstrating how to apply the basic methods of engineering economics in evaluating major infrastructure projects and also demonstrates how these same techniques can be useful with many routine business and personal decisions.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Part I Building Infrastructure to Serve the Needs of Society; System Performance; Basic Economic Concepts; Public Perspective: Economic, Environmental and Social Concerns; Comparing Strategies for Improving System Performance; Panama Canal Case Study. Part II Comparing Economic and Financial Impacts Over the Life of Proposed Projects; Equivalence of Cash Flows; Choice of Discount Rate; Financial Assessment; Rules of the Game: Taxes, Depreciation and Regulation. Part III Developing Projects and Programs to Deal with Problems and Opportunities; Developing a Strategy to Deal with a Problem; Public Private Partnerships; Dealing with Risks and Uncertainties; Managing Projects and Programs; Toward More Sustainable Infrastructure; Final Thoughts and Further Reading; Appendicies A – B.

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Civil Engineering

Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis5th EditionFred L. Mannering, Univ. of WashingtonScott S. Washburn, University of FloridaWalter P. Kilareski, Pennsylvania State Univ.978-1-118-12014-9, January 2012

Focused exclusively on highway transportation, Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis, 5e provides the depth of coverage necessary to solve the highway-related problems that are most likely to be encountered in engineering practice. The focus on highway transportation is natural in light of the dominance of the highway mode in the U.S. and available employment opportunities. Instructors can be confident their students are learning the fundamentals needed to undertake upper-level transportation courses, enter transportation employment with a basic knowledge of highway and traffic engineering, and answer transportation-related questions on the Fundamentals of Civil Engineering and Professional Engineering exams. The new 5th edition is updated with the most recent Highway Capacity Manual and AASHTO Green book.

FEATuRES• Aconciseapproachthathelpsinstructorscoverthe

fundamental concepts in one semester.

• FE-Stylequestions:multiple-choicequestionsinthestyleofFE exam questions help familiarize students with the content and format of the FE exam.

• Roadvehicleperformance(Ch.2)thanincompetingtexts.

• Fundamentalsoftrafficflowandqueuingtheory(Ch.5)aremade fully accessible to students.

• Balancedcoverageofsignalcontrolconceptsincludingfundamentals of actuated and coordinated signal systems, signal analysis theory, and practical analysis of signals (Ch. 7).

Adjustment ComputationsSpatial Data Analysis5th EditionCharles D. Ghilani, Pennsylvania State Univ. 978-0-470-46491-5, March 2010

Adjustment Computations updates a classic, definitive text on surveying with the latest methodologies and tools for analyzing and adjusting errors with a focus on least squares adjustments, the most rigorous methodology available and the one on which accuracy standards for surveys are based.

FEATuRES • Coversthebasictermsandfundamentalsoferrorsand

methods of analyzing them and progresses to specific adjustment computations and spatial information analysis.

• Easy-to-understandlanguageandanemphasisonreal-worldapplications

• Thelatestinformationonadvancedtopicssuchasthetaucriterion used in post-adjustment statistical blunder detection

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Introduction; Observations and Their Analysis; Random Error Theory; Confidence Intervals; Statistical Testing; Propagation of Random Errors in Indirectly Measured Quantities; Error Propagation in Angle and Distance Observations; Error Propagation in Traverse Surveys; Error Propagation in Elevation Determination; Weights of Observations; Principles of Least Squares; Adjustment of Level Nets; Precisions of Indirectly Determined Quantities; Adjustment of Horizontal Surveys: Trilateration; Adjustment of Horizontal Surveys: Triangulation; Adjustment of Horizontal Surveys: Traverses and Horizontal Networks; Adjustment of GNSS Networks; Coordinate Transformations; Error Ellipse; Constraint Equations; Blunder Detection in Horizontal Networks; General Least Squares Method and Its Application to Curve Fitting and Coordinate; Combining GPS and Terrestrial Observations; Analysis of Adjustments; Computer Optimization; Appendices; Bibliography; Index.

Principles of Highway Engineering and Traffic Analysis


Adjustment Computations

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Civil Engineering

AutoCAD Civil 3D 2012 Essentials1st EditionEric Chappell 978-1-118-01678-7, May 2011

Civil 3D Essentials is a unique learning resource that features concise, straightforward explanations and real-world, hands-on exercises and tutorials to teach new users the software’s core features and functions. Each chapter opens with a quick discussion of concepts and learning goals and then briskly moves into an approachable hands-on exercise that readers can follow to gain confidence using the software. Each chapter features compelling full-colour screenshots to illustrate tutorial steps, and chapters conclude with a related and more open-ended project to further reinforce the chapter’s lessons.

FEATuRES• Presentedinfull-colour.

• PreparesstudentsfortheAutoCADCivil3DCertifiedAssociate and Certified Professional exams.

TABLE OF CONTENTSNavigating the Civil 3D User Interface; Leveraging a Dynamic Environment; Establishing Existing Conditions Using Survey Data; Modeling the Existing Terrain Using Surfaces; Designing in 2D Using Alignments; Displaying and Annotating Alignments; Designing Vertically Using Profiles; Displaying and Annotating Profiles; Designing in 3D Using Corridors; Creating Cross Sections of the Design; Displaying and Annotating Cross Sections; Designing and Analyzing Boundaries using Parcels; Displaying and Annotating Parcels; Designing and Analyzing Pipe Networks; Displaying and Annotating Pipe Networks; Designing New Terrain; Analyzing, Displaying, and Annotating Surfaces; From Design to Construction.

Willis’s Elements of Quantity Surveying11st EditionSandra LeeDavis Langdon LLP, Abu Dhabi, UAEWilliam Trench, Associate Tutor for the College of Estate Management, ReadingAndrew Willis, Managing Director, Franklin and Andrews978-1-4443-3500-2, April 2011

Willis’s Elements of Quantity Surveying has become a standard text in the teaching of building measurement – a core part of the curriculum for quantity surveyors. This new edition is fully updated to recognise the introduction of the New Rules of Measurement (NRM) by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), which reflect the way the modern QS works and provide a standard set of measurement rules that are understandable by all those involved in a construction project.

FEATuRES• Firstpublishedin1935,hasbeenusedbymanygenerations

of quantity surveyors and lecturers


• Revisershaveextensiveexperienceofteachingthesubjectthrough College of Estate Management courses

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Environmental Engineering

Fair, Geyer, and Okun’s, Water and Wastewater EngineeringWater Supply and Wastewater Removal3rd EditionNazih K. Shammas, Lenox Institute of Water TechnologyLawrence K. Wang, Lenox Institute of Water Technology978-0-470-41192-6, October 2010

This classic text grounds readers in both the science and art of water and wastewater engineering that global engineers need to service their customers and communities.

The book includes new designs using both U.S. and SI systems equations, examples and problems as well as new operating procedures.

FEATuRES• Areliableproblemsolvingexperienceforstudentsiscarried

throughout the text and demonstrated in every example problem to reinforce best practices.

• PhotosandIllustrationsareusedthroughoutthetexttoclarify infrastructure systems and show examples of built and constructed water supply and wastewater collection features.

• CurrentWaterandWastewaterInfrastructureIssues.

• ExampleProblemswithbothU.S.andSIUnits.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Water Systems; Water Sources: Surface Water; Water Sources: Groundwater; Quantities of Water and Wastewater Flows; Water Hydraulics; Water Distribution Systems; Water Distribution Systems: Modeling and Computer Applications; Pumping Storage and Dual Water Systems; Cross Connection Control; Introduction to Wastewater Systems; Hydrology Rainfall and Runoff; Urban Runoff and Combined Sewer Overflow Management; Hydraulics of Sewer Systems; Design of Sewer Systems; Sewerage Systems Modeling and Computer Applications; Sewer Material, Appurtenances, and Maintenance; Trenchless Technology and Sewer System Rehabilitation; Alternative Wastewater Collection Systems; Engineering Projects Management; Prevention through Design and System Safety.

Water Resources Engineering2nd EditionLarry W. Mays, Arizona State Univ., Tempe978-0-470-46064-1, May 2010

The leading resource in the field on the principles and practice of water resources engineering.

Providing Environmental engineers with the most up-to-date information along with a remarkable range and depth of coverage.

FEATuRES• Thedesignproblemsarepresentedindetailandarerelevant

to the practice of hydrology, hydraulics and water resources.

•Newandupdatedgraphicshavebeenintegratedthroughoutthe chapters.

• Additionalend-of-chapterquestionshavebeenadded.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Water Resources Sustainability; Principles of Flow and Flow Processes, Hydrosystems, and Hydrostatic Forces;Hydraulic Processes: Pressurized Pipe Flow; Hydraulic Processes: Open Channel Flow; Hydraulic Processes: Groundwater Flow; Hydraulic Processes; Surface Runoff; Reservoir and Streamflow Routing; Probability, Risk, and Uncertainty Analysis for Hydrologic and Hydraulic Design; Water Withdrawals and Uses; Water Distribution; Water for Hydroelectric Generation; Flood Control; Stormwater Control: Storm Sewers and Detention; Stormwater Control: Street and Highway Drainage and Culverts; Design of Hydraulic Structures for Flood Control Storage Systems; Sedimentation and Erosion Hydraulics; Water Resources: Management for Sustainability.

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Environmental Engineering

Environmental EngineeringFundamentals, Sustainability, Design1st EditionJames R. Mihelcic, University of South FloridaJulie B. Zimmerman, Yale University978-0-470-16505-8, June 2009

A text that follows a unique approach to learning the principles of environmental engineering.

Civil engineers are introduced to chemistry and biology through a mass and energy balance approach with this book. The modules include rich content such as animations, audio, video, interactive problem solving and links to explorations. Civil engineers will also gain a global perspective so they can take a leadership role in sustainable development.

FEATuRES• Afocusonsustainabledesign.

• Thebookprovidesarigorousdevelopmentofmassandenergy and mass balance concepts with numerous easy-to-follow example problems.

•WebModulesIconsinthemarginindicatewhenWebmodulesare available on the book Web site.

•Modulesincludeanimations,videoclips,spreadsheets,document and PDF files, and executables.

TABLE OF CONTENTSEngineering and Sustainable Development; Environmental Measurements; Chemistry; Physical Processes; Biology; Environmental Risk; Green Engineering. 8 Water Quality; Water Supply, Distribution, and Wastewater Collection; Drinking Water Treatment; Wastewater Treatment; Air Resources Engineering; Solid Waste Management; Built Environment.

Alternative Energy Systems1st EditionB. K. Hodge, Mechanical Engineering Department, Mississippi State University 978-0-470-14250-9, March 2009

A quantitative approach to alternate energy sources and alternate applications of existing energy sources.

This new text presents an engineering- oriented discussion of alternative energy sources.

FEATuRES• Theauthortakesaquantitativeapproachtoalternative

energy sources and applications of existing sources.

• AlternativeEnergySourcesandApplicationssectionscoverawide range of topics. Engineers will learn how to apply these concepts to find new solutions.

• Illustrations,andphotosareintergratedwithmoretechnicalcontent to motivate students.

TABLE OF CONTENTSEnergy Usage in the United States; Fundamentals of Turbomachinery; Hydropower; Wind Energy; Combustion Turbines; Solar Energy Fundamentals; Active Solar Thermal; Passive Solar Energy; Photovoltaic Systems; Fuel Cells; Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Systems; Biomass; Geothermal Energy; Ocean Energy; Nuclear Energy.

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Operations Management, Manufacture and Design

Operations Management4th Edition International Student VersionJack R. Meredith, Univ. of Cincinnati978-0-470-52457-2, March 2010

Operations Management provides an introduction to the basic concepts with a strategic, conceptual, and contemporary approach. Specifically written with the needs of MBA students in mind, current topics such as supply chain management, the balanced scorecard, and yield management, as well as those specific to marketing, finance and other majors are explained.

FEATuRES• Completelyreorganizedwithafocusonthecurrentthrustsof

operations management: strategy, six sigma, lean, and supply chain management.

• Severalcasestudieshavebeenaddedtoshowhowtheconcepts are applied on the job.

• Presentedintwocolourstoenhancetheimagesandexhibits.

•Minimizestheheavierquantitativematerialtojustthediscussions and examples that illustrate a particular concept.

TABLE OF CONTENTSCompetitive Operations for the Global Arena; Designing the Transformation System; Monitoring and Controlling the Transformation System; Six Sigma for Improving the Transformation System; Lean Operations Improve Transformation System Value; Project Management and the Transformation System; Managing Supply Chain Logistics and Inventories; Capacity Management Through Location and Scheduling.

Operations Management An Integrated Approach4th Edition International Student VersionR. Dan Reid, Univ. of New HampshireNada R. Sanders, Wright State Univ.978-0-470-52458-9, January 2010

Adopting an integrated approach Operations Management (OM), fourth Edition continues to demonstrate the critical impact OM has in today’s business environments and shows how OM relates to every department in an organization. While the goal has always been to provide balanced coverage of quantitative and qualitative topics, the new edition has an even greater business focus, along with integrated problem-solving to help students navigate the OM course and their future careers more successfully.

FEATuRES INCLuDE•New and expanded coverage of supply chain and services in

every chapter.

•New exercises and cases per chapter, including elementary exercises those for less experienced students.

•More problems with solutions for analysis and practice.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Operations Management; Operations Strategy and Competitiveness; Product Design and Process Selection; Supply Chain Management; Total Quality Management; Statistical Quality Control; Just-in-time and Lean Systems; Forecasting; Capacity Planning and Facility Location; Facility Layout; Work System Design; Independent Demand Inventory Management; Aggregate Planning; Resource Planning; Scheduling; Project Management.

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Facilities Planning4th EditionJames A. Tompkins, Tompkins Associates, Inc.978-0-470-44404-7, January 2010

A guide on how to approach facilities planning with creativity and precision.

The new edition continues to guide engineers through each step in the planning process. The updated material includes more discussions on economics, the supply chain, and ports of entry.

It takes a more global perspective while incorporating new case studies to show how the information is applied in the field.


with their creativity and precision.

• Provideshistoricalperspectivesandcontemporaryviewsonfacilitiesplanning.

• ThechapteronQuantitativeModelsgivesthemostcomprehensiveandin-depthtreatmentoffacilities planning models.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPart One Defining Requirements:

1 Introduction

2 Product, Process, and Schedule Design

3 Flow Systems, Activity Relationships, and Space Requirements

4 Personnel Requirements.

Part Two Developing Alternatives:

5 Concepts and Techniques

6 Material Handling

7 Layout Planning Models and Design Algorithms.

Part Three Facility Design for Various Facilities Functions

8 Warehouse Operations

9 Manufacturing Systems

10 FacilitiesSystems.

Part Four Developing Alternatives:

11 Quantitative Approaches

12 Quantitative Facilities Planning Models.

Part Five Evaluating, Selecting, Preparing, Presenting, Implementing, and Maintaining

13 Evaluating and Selecting The Facilities Plan

14 Preparing, Presenting, Implementing, and Maintaining The Facilities Plan.

Operations Management, Manufacture and Design

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Project Management in Practice4th Edition International Student VersionSamuel J. Mantel Jr., University of Cincinnati Jack R. Meredith, University of CincinnatiScott M. Shafer, Wake Forest UniversityMargaret M. Sutton, Project Management Consultant978-0-470-64620-5, December 2010

Offering streamlined coverage with an applied approach, focusing on the technical aspects of project management that are directly related to practice. This concise, hands-on text is ideal for a one semester, or brief module on project management. The textbook is organized around the project management life cycle and it provides students with essential project management concepts, with a focus on PMBOK, the Project Management Body of Knowledge.

FEATuRES• Practical,hands-onapproach,usingMicrosoftProject2007

and Crystal Ball trial versions (risk analysis software) packaged with book.

• Clearandaccessiblewritingstyle.Onereviewersaid“Oneofthe best written textbooks I have read.

• Itshouldbeahitwiththestudentswhoinmanytextsareconfused by unclear presentation.”

• Organizationofthebookfollowsprojectmanagementlifecycle, mirroring the way a real-world project would be executed.

• IconsthathighlightreferencestoPMBOK.

• Author-preparedsupplements.

TABLE OF CONTENTSThe World of Project Management; The Manager, the Organization, and the Team; Planning the Project; Budgeting the Project; Scheduling the Project; Allocating Resources to the Project; Monitoring and Controlling the Project; Valuating and Terminating the Project.

Project ManagementA Managerial Approach8th Edition International Student VersionJack R. Meredith, University of Cincinnati 978-1-118-09373-3, November 2011

As the use of project management to accomplish organizational goals continues to grow, skills related to understanding human behavior, evaluating organizational issues, and using quantitative methods are all necessary for successful project management.

Meredith and Mantel have drawn from experiences in the workplace to develop a text that teaches the reader how to build skills necessary for selecting, initiating, operating, and controlling all types of projects.

FEATuRES• SignificantlyRevisedChapter6:Thechapter,nowtitled

Project Activity and Risk Planning, combines most of the risk discussion and techniques into a single chapter.

• SimulatingCostswithCrystalBall:Discussionofsimulatingcosts with Crystal Ball has been moved from Chapter 2 to Chapter 7 in order to give the student more time to process the subject.

• PMBOKCoverage:IncreaseddiscussionofProjectManagement Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and identification of where in PMBOK certain topics are covered.

TABLE OF CONTENTSProjects in Contemporary Organizations; Strategic Management and Project Selection; The Project Manager; Managing Conflict and the Art of Negotiation; The Project in the Organizational Structure; Project Activity and Risk Planning; Budgeting: Estimating Costs and Risks; Scheduling; Resource Allocation; Monitoring and Information Systems; Project Control; Project Auditing; Project Termination.


Operations Management, Manufacture and Design

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Operations Management, Manufacture and Design

FEATuRES •Newsectionsonscopechanges,exitingaproject,collective

belief, and managing virtual teams.

•Morethantwenty-fivecasestudies,includinganewcaseonthe Iridium Project covering all aspects of project management.


2 Overview

3 Project Management Growth: Concepts And Definitions

4 Organizational Structures

5 Organizing And Staffing The Project Office And Team

6 Management Functions

7 Management Of Your Time And Stress

8 Conflicts

9 Special Topics

10 TheVariablesForSuccess

11 Working With Executives

12 Planning

13 Network Scheduling Techniques

14 Project Graphics

15 Pricing And Estimating

16 Cost Control

17 Trade-Off Analysis In A Project Environment

18 Risk Management

19 Learning Curves

20 ContractManagement

21 Quality Management

22 Modern Developments Project Management

23 The Business Of Scope Changes

24 The Project Office

25 Managing Crisis Projects

26 The Rise, Fall, And Resurrection Of Iridium: A Project Management Perspective

27 Appendices

28 Index.

Project ManagementA Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling10thEditionHarold Kerzner, International Institute for Learning, New York, NY 978-0-470-27870-3, March 2009

Now in its Tenth Edition, this industry-leading project management "bible" aligns its streamlined approach to the latest release of the Project Management Institute's Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMI's PMBOK® Guide), the new mandatory source of training for the Project Management Professional (PMP®) Certification Exam. This outstanding edition gives students and professionals a profound understanding of project management with insights from one of the best-known and respected authorities on the subject.

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Operations Management, Manufacture and Design

Managing, Controlling, and Improving Quality1st EditionDouglas C. Montgomery, Arizona State University Cheryl L. Jennings, Bank of America, USAMichele E. Pfund, Arizona State University 978-0-471-69791-6, March 2010

A new resource that uncovers quality management techniques that are critical in today’s business world.

This book follows an organized approach to give students the tools to understand quality management. Focus is placed on both the management structure and the statistical and analytical tools used in this undertaking.

FEATuRES• Businessmanagerswilllearnaboutthebasicconceptsof

reliability in designing new products or improving existing ones.

• ImportanttoolssuchasParetocharts,cause-and-effectanalysis, and scatter diagrams are covered.

• Controlchartsformeasurementsdataareexploredaswellas techniques for lot-by-lot acceptance sampling.

• TheneweditiondetailssixsigmaandtheDMAICprocessforquality improvement.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction to Quality; Management Aspects of Quality; Tools and Techniques for Quality Control and Improvement; Statistical Inference about Product and Process Quality; Control Charts for Variables; Control Charts for Attributes; Lot-by-Lot Acceptance Sampling Procedures; Process Design and Improvement with Designed Experiments; Reliability. References; Glossary; Appendix Tables; Answers to Selected Exercises; Index.

Introduction to Manufacturing Processes1st EditionMikell P. Groover 978-0-470-63228-4, September 2011

Mikell Groover, author of the leading text in manufacturing processes, has developed Introduction to Manufacturing Processes as a more navigable and student-friendly text paired with a strong suite of additional tools and resources online to help instructors drive positive student outcomes.

Focusing mainly on processes, tailoring down the typical coverage of both materials and systems. The emphasis on manufacturing science and mathematical modeling of processes is an important attribute of the new book.

FEATuRES• RetainsthehallmarkofGroover'sengineering-oriented

approach, while focusing more closely on the most important manufacturing processes – creating a more student-friendly resource.

• Realworld/designcasestudiesintegratedwithfundamentals- process videos provide students with a chance to experience being ‘on the floor' in a manufacturing facility, followed by case studies that provide individual students or groups of students to dig into larger/more design-oriented problems.

• Includescoverageofmicrofabricationandnanofabricationtechnologies.

•Numerousexampleproblemsinthetexttoillustrateuseofthe mathematical models that describe the various manufacturing processes.


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Operations Management, Manufacture and Design

FEATuRES• Providesmoreequationsandnumericalproblemexercises

than other books in the field.

• Introducesmoremoderntopics,includingnewmaterials,processes and systems.

• Offersthoroughlyrevisedendofchapterproblems.

• Severalimagesenhancedtosignificantlyimprovetheartwork.

• Focusesonmanufacturingprocessesasanobjectivesciencerather than a descriptive art.

•Morethan750end-of-chapterreviewquestionsandalmost500multiple-choicequizquestionswithmanynewandrevised review questions and multiple-choice quizzes for all chapters.

• ADVD,basedontheSMEFundamentalManufacturingProcesses series, showing action videos of many of the manufacturing processes is included free with the book.

• Quantitativeproblemsappearineverymainsectionofthetext. These problems offer good, assignable homework opportunities and provide balance to the more descriptive material in the text.

• OffersaGuidetoProcessingsectionineachofthefourchapters on engineering materials which identifies the principal manufacturing processes used for that particular material type. Chapters and articles in the text are listed where these processes are described.

• OffersProductDesignConsiderationswhichpresentguidelinesondesignandnearly40HistoricalNotesofparticular manufacturing technology origins.

TABLE OF CONTENTS1 Introduction and Overview of Manufacturing2 The Nature of Materials3 Mechanical Properties of Materials4 Physical Properties of Materials5 Dimensions, Surfaces, and Their Measurement6 Metals7 Ceramics.

8 Polymers and Composite Materials. 9 Fundamentals of Casting10 MetalCastingProcesses 11 Glassworking 12 Shaping Processes for Polymers 13 Shaping Processes for Rubbers and Polymer Matrix Composites14 Powder Metallurgy 15 Processing of Ceramics and Cermets 16 Fundamentals of Metal Forming. 17 Bulk Deformation Processes in Metal Working. 18 Sheet Metalworking 19 Theory of Metal Cutting20 MachiningOperationsandMachineTools 21 Cutting Tool Technology. 22 Economic and Product Design Considerations in Machining 23 Grinding and Other Abrasive Processes 24 Nontraditional Machining and Thermal Cutting Processes 25 Heat Treatment of Metals 26 Surface Processing Operations. 27 Fundamentals of Welding 28 Welding Processes 29 Brazing, Soldering, and Adhesive Bonding30 MechanicalAssembly 31 Rapid Prototyping 32 Processing of Integrated Circuits. 33 Electronics Assembly and Packaging. 34 Microfabrication and Nanofabrication Processes 35 Automation Technologies for Manufacturing Systems 36 Integrated Manufacturing Systems 37 Manufacturing Engineering 38 Production Planning and Control. 39 Quality Control and Inspection.

Principles of Modern Manufacturing4th EditionMikell P. Groover, Lehigh University 978-0-470-50592-2, April 2010

Groover not only takes a modern, all inclusive look at manufacturing processes but also provides substantial coverage of engineering materials and product systems.

Engineers rely on Groover because of the book’s quantitative and engineering- oriented approach that provides more equations and numerical problem exercises. The fourth edition introduces more modern topics, including new materials, processes and systems. End of chapter problems are also thoroughly revised to make the material more relevant. Several figures have been enhanced to significantly improve the quality of artwork. All of these changes will help engineers better understand the topic and how they apply it in the field.

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Operations Management, Manufacture and Design

Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Inventor LT 2012 Essentials1st EditionThom Tremblay 978-1-118-01680-0, April 2011

Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Inventor LT 2012 Essentials features concise, straightforward explanations and real-world, hands-on exercises and tutorials to teach new users the software’s core features and functions. Each chapter opens with a quick discussion of concepts and learning goals and then briskly moves into an approachable hands-on exercise that readers can follow to gain confidence using the software. Each chapter features compelling full-colour screenshots to illustrate tutorial steps, and chapters conclude with a related and more open-ended project to further reinforce the chapter’s lessons.

FEATuRES • Presentedinfull-colour.

• PreparesstudentsfortheAutodeskInventorCertifiedAssociate and Professional exams.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Connecting to Inventor’s Interface; Creating 2D Drawings from 3D Data; Learning the Essentials of Part Modeling; Putting Things in Place with Assemblies; Customizing Styles and Templates; Creating Advanced Drawings and Detailing; Advanced Part Modeling Features; Advanced Assembly and Engineering Tools; Creating Plastic Parts.10WorkingwithSheetMetalParts;BuildingwiththeFrame Generator; The Weldment Environment; Creating Images and Animation from Your Design Data; Working with Non-Inventor Data; Automating the Design Process and Table-Driven Components; Appendix; Index.

Solid State Engineering1st EditionElliott R. Brown, University of California, Santa Barbara 978-0-471-43965-3, June 2012

Addressing all key issues in a comprehensive fashion, Solid State Engineering for the Twenty-First Century is the only solid state book aimed at electrical and mechanical engineering students. The text educates readers in the fundamental concepts, from semiconducting and metalic electrical transport to ferroelectricity and ferromagnetics, without losing sight of the integration. The focus on integration sets this book apart from existing texts, which focus on just one or a few aspects of the integration. An accompanying instructors’ guide and solutions manual provide additional resources for lecturers. This comprehensive reference is an invaluable text for students in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials science courses.

FEATuRES • Addressesallthekeyissuesinacomprehensivefashion.

• Theonlysolidstatebookaimedatelectricalandmechanicalengineering students.

• AccompaniedbyInstructorsGuideandSolutionsManual

• Thisistheonlybookconcentratingontheintegrationoftechnologies, an important but rarely addressed concept

Solid State Engineering


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Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Introduction to Flat Panel Displays1st EditionJiun-Haw Lee, National Taiwan UniversityDavid N. Liu, Industrial Technology Research InstituteShin-Tson Wu, University of Central Florida, USA 978-0-470-51693-5, November 2008

Introduction to Flat Panel Displays describes the fundamental sciences behind each display technology: LCD, PDP, LED, OLED and FED including carbon nanotubes. It contains a comparative analysis of the different display technologies with detailed overviews of each technology that are linked to provide a comprehensive reference for students and display engineers, alike. Solved problems as well as homework problems are provided in each chapter to help consolidate students' reading, as well as solutions hosted on an accompanying website.

FEATuRES• Classificationsandspecificationsofdisplaytechnologiesas

guidelines for developing a display and judging their performances;

• Principlesfordesigningcolordisplayswithgoodcolorsaturation and wide color gamut;

• Basicoperatingprinciplesofthin-filmtransistors(TFTs)andtheir applications to state-of-the-art TFT-LCD and TFT-OLED;

• AnoverviewofFEDfundamentalscomprisingthephysicsoffield emission, as well as FED structure and display mechanism.

InductanceLoop and Partial1st EditionClayton R. Paul, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 978-0-470-46188-4, November 2009

Inductance is an unprecedented text, thoroughly discussing "loop" inductance as well as the increasingly important "partial" inductance. These concepts and their proper calculation are crucial in designing modern high-speed digital systems. World-renowned leader in electromagnetic, Clayton Paul provides the knowledge and tools necessary to understand and calculate inductance. Unlike other texts, this book provides all the details about the derivations of the inductances of various inductors, as well as:

• Fillstheneedforpracticalknowledgeofpartialinductance,which is essential to the prediction of power rail collapse and ground bounce problems in high-speed digital systems

• Providesaneededrefresheronthetopicsofmagneticfields

• Addressesamissinglink:thecalculationofthevaluesofthevarious physical constructions of inductors–both intentional inductors and unintentional inductors–from basic electromagnetic principles and laws

• Featuresthedetailedderivationoftheloopandpartialinductances of numerous configurations of current-carrying conductors


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Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields1st EditionJian-Ming Jin, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor 978-0-470-53359-8, October 2010

This book is intended to serve as a textbook for an entry level graduate course on electromagnetics (first seven chapters) and for an advanced level graduate course on computational electromagnetics (last five chapters). While there are several textbooks available for the graduate electromagnetics course, no textbook is available for the advanced course on computational electromagnetics. This book is intended to fill this void and presents electromagnetic theory in a systematic manner so that students can advance from the first course to the second without much difficulty. Even though the first part of the book covers the standard basic electromagnetic theory, the coverage is different from that in existing textbooks. The book covers fundamental theories like vector analysis, Maxwell’s equations and boundary conditions, transmission line theory, as well as advanced topics such as wave transformation, addition theorems, and scattering by a layered sphere.

Digital Color Image Processing1st EditionAndreas KoschanMongi Abidi 978-0-470-14708-5, April 2008

Intended for first and second year students in electrical and computer engineering or computer science, this book is an introduction to colour in three-dimensional image processing and the emerging area of multi-spectral image processing.

FEATuRES • Twoapplicationchapters,namelyonassistingscreenersin

luggage inspection in airports and video surveillance of high security facilities, address recent problems of high importance to current safety and security issues.

• Thechapteronmulti-spectralimageprocessingaddressesavery new and emerging area in the field of image processing that is not yet covered in detail in textbooks.

• Containsproblemsetsandasolutionsmanualforlecturers.

• Includesafour-colorinsert.

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Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Image Processing and Pattern RecognitionFundamentals and Techniques1st EditionFrank Y. Shih, New Jersey Institute of Technology 978-0-470-40461-4, April 2010

Containing the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition presents clear explanations of the fundamentals as well as the most recent applications. It explains the essential principles so readers will not only be able to easily implement the algorithms and techniques, but also lead themselves to discover new problems and applications. Unlike other books on the subject, this volume presents numerous fundamental and advanced image processing algorithms and pattern recognition techniques to illustrate the framework.

Scores of graphs and examples,technical assistance, and practical tools illustrate the basic principles and help simplify the problems, allowing students to easily grasp even complicated theories. It also features unique coverage of the most interesting developments and updated techniques, such as image watermarking, digital steganography, document processing and classification, solar image processing and event classification, 3-D Euclidean distance transformation, shortest path planning, soft morphology, recursive morphology, regulated morphology, and sweep morphology. Additional topics include enhancement and segmentation techniques, active learning, feature extraction, neural networks, and fuzzy logic. Designed for undergraduates and graduate students, additional supplementary materials are available for instructors and students.

Still Image and Video Compression with MATLAB1st EditionK. S. Thyagarajan978-0-470-48416-6, November 2010

This book describes the principles of image and video compression techniques and introduces current and popular compression standards, such as the MPEG series. Derivations of relevant compression algorithms are developed in an easy-to-follow fashion. Numerous examples are provided in each chapter to illustrate the concepts. The book includes complementary software written in MATLAB SIMULINK to give readers hands-on experience in using and applying various video compression methods. Readers can also enhance the software by including their own algorithms.

Practical Image and Video Processing Using MATLAB 1st EditionOge Marques, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, FL 978-0-470-04815-3, September 2011

This is the first book to combine image and video processing with a practical MATLAB’®-oriented approach in order to demonstrate the most important image and video techniques and algorithms. Utilizing minimal math, the contents are presented in a clear, objective manner, emphasizing and encouraging experimentation. This accessible text is ideal for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in digital image and video processing courses.

FEATuRES • Offersacombinationofimageprocessing,videoprocessing,

and a non-rigorous MATLAB-oriented approach for experimenting with image and video algorithms and techniques.

• Containsmorethan50MATLABtutorials,whichconsistofstep-by-step guides to exploring image and video processing techniques using MATLAB.

• Providescomplete,up-to-date,technicallyaccurate,andpractical coverage of essential topics in image and video processing techniques.

• Adoptsa"JustEnoughMath"philosophy.

Containing the latest state-of-the-art developments in the field, This book describes the principles of image and video

Still Image and Video Compression with


This is the first book to combine image and video processing


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Electrical & Electronics Engineering

The Art and Science of HDR Imaging1st EditionJohn J. McCann, Consultant, McCann Imaging, USA, Alessandro Rizzi, Universität; degli Studi di Milano, Italy 978-0-470-66622-7, October 2011

The Art and Science of HDR Imaging presents a unique scientific HDR approach derived from artists' understanding of painting, emphasizing spatial information in electronic imaging.

Illustrated in full colour throughout, including examples of fine-art paintings, HDR photography, and multiple exposure scenes; this book uses techniques to study the HDR properties of entire scenes, and measures the range of light of scenes and the range that cameras capture. It describes how electronic image processing has been used to render HDR scenes since 1967 and examines the great variety of HDR algorithms used today. Showing how spatial processes are used to mimic vision and render scenes as artists do, the book also:

• GivesthehistoryofHDRfromartists'spatialtechniquestoscientific image processing

•MeasuresanddescribesthelimitsofHDRscenes,HDRcamera images, and the range of HDR appearances

• OffersauniquereviewoftheentirefamilyofRetineximageprocessing algorithms

• DescribestheconsiderableoverlapofHDRandColorConstancy: two sides of the same coin

• Explainstheadvantagesofalgorithmsthatreplicatehumanvision in the processing of HDR scenes

• Providesextensivedatatotestalgorithmsandmodelsofvision on an accompanying website, www.wiley.com/go/mccannhdr

Computational Intelligence and Feature SelectionRough and Fuzzy Approaches1st EditionRichard Jensen, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, UKQiang Shen978-0-470-22975-0, September 2008

Computational Intelligence and Feature Selection is an ideal resource for undergraduates and postgraduates. It’s straightforward presentation of the underlying concepts makes the book meaningful to newcomers and those already familiar to the subject.

FEATuRES • Afundamentalintroductiontofeatureselectionswithan

emphasis on rough and fuzzy sets.

• Providesacriticalreviewoffeatureselectionmethods,withparticular emphasis on their current limitations.

• Programfilesimplementingmajoralgorithmscoveredinthebook, together with the necessary instructions and datasets, will be available on the Web.

• Systematicallypresentstheleadingmethodsreviewedinaconsistent algorithmic framework.


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Electrical & Electronics Engineering

An Introduction to Practical Formal Methods Using Temporal Logic1st EditionMichael Fisher, University of Liverpool, UK 978-0-470-02788-2, April 2011

An Introduction to Practical Formal Methods using Temporal Logic is a systematic introduction to temporal logic and its application in the development and analysis of reliable computational software systems. The text is aimed at senior undergraduate and graduate students taking courses on formal methods in the fields of Engineering, Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems.

FEATuRES • Analyzeshowtemporallogicensurestheaccuracyand

reliability of a range of engineering applications in the areas of robotics, railway signalling, hardware design, ubiquitous computing, intelligent agents, and information security.

• Demonstrateshowtemporallogiccanbeusedtospecifyavariety of computational systems.

• Describes,indetail,formalmethodsusingtemporalspecifications, providing information on basic and advanced techniques, and system implementation issues.

• IncludesPrologcode,allowingthereadertofurtherunderstand and experiment with computational techniques for handling temporal logics.

• Presentsexercisesandpointerstofurtherstudyineachchapter, as well as an accompanying Web site providing links to additional systems based upon temporal logic.

Laser Diodes and Their Applications to Communications and Information Processing1st EditionTakahiro Numai978-0-470-53668-1, October 2010

This book thoroughly teaches the fundamental physics currently applied to the development of photonics devices such as energy bands of semiconductors, optical transitions, optical waveguides, and semiconductor junctions. The book also reviews the characteristics of laser diodes, optical filters, and optical functional devices, which have been developed based on the above physics. These photonic devices have been demonstrated in system applications, and several experimental results are described.

FEATuRES• Bridgesthelargegapbetweenjournalpapersandtextbooks,

giving readers a working understanding so that they can comprehend the latest, most intricate journal papers and research in the field.

• GivestheaudienceanalyticaltoolsforFabry-PerotLDs,DFB-LDs, and VCSELs, including equations to follow.

• Explainsthepotentialsandusesoflaserdiodesinphotonicdevices, such as optical filters and optical functional devices.

• Delineatesdifferencesinspecificationsrequiredforlightsources and for optical filters and optical functional devices.

• Outlinesactualexperimentalresultsforsystemapplicationsof laser diodes, optical filters, and optical functional devices.

• Discusseschallengesinthefieldtobeovercomeinthefuture, acting as stimulus for future development in photonics technology.

An Introduction to Practical Formal Methods Using Temporal Logic

Laser Diodes and Their Applications

to Communications and Information


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

Electrical & Electronics Engineering

Engineering Circuit Analysis10thEditionInternationalStudent VersionJ. David IrwinRobert M. Nelms978-0-470-87377-9, March 2011

This has long been regarded as the most dependable textbook for students.

The new edition continues to develop the most complete set of pedagogical tools available and thus provide the highest level of support for students entering into this complex subject.

FEATuRES• Detailed,flexiblecoverageofthemostpopularproblem-

solving software – Pspice, MATLAB, and LabView.

• EverychapterincludesFEExamProblems,whichcloselymatch the standardized test.

• Thereareapproximately1400problems,includinghundredsof new problems of all levels of difficulty.

TABLE OF CONTENTSBasic Concepts; Resistive Circuits; Nodal and Loop Analysis Techniques; Operational Amplifiers; Additional Analysis Techniques; Capacitance and Inductance; First- and Second-Order Transient Circuits; Ac Steady-State Analysis; Steady-State Power Analysis; Magnetically Coupled Networks; Polyphase Circuits; Variable-Frequency Network Performance; The Laplace Transform; Application of the Laplace Transform to Circuit Analysis; Fourier Analysis Techniques; Two-Port Networks; Appendix: Complex Numbers; Index.

Applied Optics Using MathematicaBen Ovryn

1st Edition978-0-471-41434-6, January 2012

Applied Optics using Mathematica is the first book to integrate both print and electronic versions, and the first and only book to be written entirely within Mathematica. Targeted at third and fourth year undergraduates, the book presents a tight integration between the words and mathematics so readers can easily understand the definitions and examples of mathematical prerequisites.

FEATuRES • Suitableforauniversitytextaswellasforselfstudy.

• Theprintversioncanstandaloneandsatisfiesallexistingcourses.

• Includesmanyexamplesfrombioengineeringandcontemporary applied optics.

• DoesnotrequireanypreviousexperiencewithMathematica.

• Thebookcoversallfundamentaltopicsrequiredinopticscourses and applications.

Electro-Optic Materials1st Edition M. Schlesinger, T. E. Schlesinger978-0-471-39569-0, June 2012

Electro-Optic Materials is the technology associated with components, devices, and systems that are designed to interact between the electromagnetic (optical) and the electric (electronic) state. This book, written by recognized experts in the electro-optic field, presents the fundamentals and applications of optoelectronic materials, giving an overview of the topic and then delving into the main classes of materials. This is followed by a discussion of the physics and fabrication involved in making devices from the materials. It provides readers with a well-rounded balance between theory and modern applications, and offers instructors and students the additional resources they need to gain a good understanding of electro-optic materials.

Applied Optics Using Mathematica


Electro-Optic Materials


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

Introduction to Electric Circuits8th Edition International Student VersionRichard C. Dorf, Univ. of California James A. Svoboda, Clarkson Univ.978-0-470-55302-2, March 2010

Builds on the quality and quantity of problem sets and strong problem-solving methodology.

Electrical engineers have come to trust the quality and quantity of problem sets along with the clear problem-solving methodology that Dorf’s book provides.

In the new edition, they’ll find a more effective implementation of circuit design and evaluation problems.

FEATuRES• Throughoutthebook,emphasisisplacedondesign,

implemented through examples, problems, and the How Can We Check feature.

• Eachchapterandsectionalsoincorporateslearningobjectives to help electrical engineers gain a stronger understanding of the material.

• Includeshundredsofexercisesandproblemstoreinforcematerial, with liberally provided hints and answers.

TABLE OF CONTENTSElectric Circuit Variables; Circuit Elements; Resistive Circuits; Methods of Analysis of Resistive Circuits; Circuit Theorems; The Operational Amplifier; Energy Storage Elements; The Complete Response of RL and RC Circuits; The Complete Response of Circuits with two Energy Storage Elements; Sinusoidals Steady-State Analysis; AC Steady-State Power; Three-Phase Circuits; Frequency Response; The Laplace Transform; Fourier Series and Fourier Transform; Filter Circuits; Two-Port and Three-Port Networks.

Circuit Simulation1st EditionFarid N. Najm, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 978-0-470-538715, January 2010

Circuit Simulation gives a clear description of the numerical techniques and algorithms that are part of modern circuit simulators, with a focus on the most commonly used simulation modes: DC analysis and transient analysis. Tested in a graduate course on circuit simulation at the University of Toronto, this unique text provides the reader with sufficient detail and mathematical rigor to write his/her own basic circuit simulator. The book includes detailed coverage of mathematical and numerical techniques that are the basis for the various simulation topics.

FEATuRES• Coverageofnetworkequationformulation,withemphasison

modified nodal analysis

• Comprehensivetreatmentofthemostrelevantaspectsoflinear and nonlinear system solution techniques

• Statesalltheoremswithoutproofinordertomaintainthefocus on the end-goal of providing coverage of practical simulation methods

• Providesamplereferencesforfurtherstudy

• Enablesnewcomerstocircuitsimulationtounderstandthematerial in a concrete and holistic manner

• Problemsetsandcomputerprojectsattheendofeverychapter

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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

Introductory Circuits1st EditionRobert Spence, Imperial College London 978-0-470-77971-2, September 2008

Compact but comprehensive, this textbook presents the essential concepts of electronic circuit theory. As well as covering classical linear theory involving resistance, capacitance and inductance it treats practical nonlinear circuits containing components such as operational amplifiers, Zener diodes and exponential diodes. The book's straightforward approach highlights the similarity between the equations describing direct current (DC), alternating current (AC) and small-signal nonlinear behaviour, thus making the analysis of these circuits easier to comprehend.

FEATuRES• ThelawsandanalysisofDCcircuits.

• ACcircuits,focusingoncomplexcurrentsandvoltages,andwith extension to frequency domain performance.

• Opampcircuits,includingtheiruseinamplifiersandswitches.

• Changebehaviourwithincircuits.

• Problemsareprovidedattheendofeachchapter,rangingindifficulty from the simple to the more challenging.

TABLE OF CONTENTSCircuit Design; Electrical Variables. Overview: DC Circuits; Circuit Laws and Equivalence; Circuit Analysis; Voltage-Controlled Current Sources and Nonlinear Components. Overview: Operational Amplifiers (opamps); Opamp Characteristics, Large Signal Operation; Linear Operation of the Opamp; Mixed Linear and Nonlinear Operation. Overview: AC Circuits; Components and Relations; Phasor Diagrams; Complex Currents and Voltages; AC Circuit Analysis; Similarity to DC Behavior; Frequency Domain Behavior. Overview: The Analysis of Change; Zener Diode Stabilization of Voltage; Laws Governing Change Behavior; Small Changes in Nonlinear Circuits; Systematic Analysis.

Semiconductor DevicesPhysics and Technology3rd Edition International Student VersionSimon M. Sze, Bell Laboratories, Inc.978-0-470-873670, December 2011

The awaited revision offers more than fifty percent new or revised material that reflects a multitude of important discoveries and advances in device physics and integrated circuit processing.

Offering a basic introduction to physical principles of modern semiconductor devices and their advanced fabrication technology, the third edition presents students with theoretical and practical aspects of every step in device characterizations and fabrication, with an emphasis on integrated circuits.

FEATuRES• Eachchapterispresentedinalogicalmannerenabling

students to learn all important devices from a single source.

• Thesecondeditioncovershistoricaldevelopmentsofdevicesandtechnologyinthelast100years.

• Therevisionofthissuccessfultexthastripledtheworked-out examples and doubled the end-of-chapter problems.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Energy Bands and Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium; Carrier Transport Phenomena; p-n junction; Bipolar Transistor and Related Devices; MOS Diode and MOSFET; Advanced MOSFET and Related Devices; MESFET and Related Devices; Microwave Diodes, Quantum-Effect, and Hot-Electron Devices; LEDs and Lasers; Photo detectors and Solar Cells; Crystal Growth and Epitaxy; Film Formation; Lithography and Etching; Impurity Doping; Integrated Devices.


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

Introductory Semiconductor Device Physics for Chip Design and Manufacturing1st EditionRobert W. Keyes, Mary Y. Lanzerotti 978-0-470-62454-8, June 2012

This text is written within the context of the increasingly interdisciplinary scientific and technical physics/EE environment that challenges today’s graduate and advanced senior students. The book thoroughly discusses fundamental semiconductor physics of devices and wires for physicists, linking these concepts to engineering applications and case studies of actual computer chips. As an added bonus, the book provides a novel textbook treatment of Rent’s Rule, which can be used to estimate power dissipation in interconnects. The final chapter discusses nanotechnology, novel materials and nanodevices, and it also offers a comparison of traditional and non-traditional concepts of devices and architectures.

FEATuRES• Providesphysicaldescriptionsandillustrations/data

visualizations to maximize intuitive understanding of semiconductor physics, devices and wires

• IncludesRent'smemosalongwithadiscussionofthemeaning and how to apply

• Balancestheoreticalphysicstreatmentwithengineeringapplications and real case studies

• Offersasummaryofconcepts,studentexercises,andglossary at the end of every chapter.

• SolutionsManualavailableuponrequest

Digital Design with RTL Design, Verilog and VHDL 2nd EditionFrank Vahid, University of California, Riverside, USA. 978-0-470-53108-2, February 2010

“Thank you very much for this wonderful textbook. It is the best textbook I have ever seen. The students like it so much.” —MAHAMED G. H. OMRAN, Gulf University for Science & Technology

This title focuses on a modern perspective and quickly progresses through the low- levels of design, making a clear distinction between design and gate-level minimization. It also emphasizes how one of the key uses of digital design today is

to build high-performance alternatives to software in addition to glue logic.

FEATuRES• Extensiveuseofexamples,includingbasiconestoteachnew

concepts, and applications such as pacemakers and cell phones to demonstrate relevance.

•HDLNeutralSynthesizableVHDL,Verilog,andSystemCcoverage all appear in the last chapter, with subsections corresponding to earlier chapters, allowing early or late HDL introduction, without cluttering main concepts.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Combinational Logic Design; Sequential Logic Design Controllers; Datapath Components; Register Transfer Level (RTL) Design; Optimizations and Tradeoffs; Physical Implementation; Programmable Processors; Hardware Description Languages; Appendix A: Boolean Algebras; Appendix B: Additional Topics in Binary Number Systems; Appendix C: Extended RTL Design Example. Index.

Introductory Semiconductor

Device Physics for Chip Design and Manufacturing


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits5th Edition International Student VersionPaul R. Gray, University of California, BerkeleyPaul J. Hurst, University of California, DavisStephen H. LewisRobert G. Meyer, University of California, Berkeley978-0-470-39877-7, April 2009

The only comprehensive book in the market covering CMOS, bipolar technologies, and biCMOS integrated circuits.

Providing a comprehensive treatment of analog integrated circuit analysis and design, starting from the basics and through current industrial practices.

FEATuRES• Theauthorscombinebipolar,CMOSandBiCMOSanalog

integrated-circuit design into a unified treatment that stresses their commonalities and highlights their differences.

• ExtensiveuseofSPICEcomputerprogramsandisanintegralpart of may examples in the problem sets.

• Streamlinedandup-to-datecoverage.

TABLE OF CONTENTSModels for Integrated-Circuit Active Devices; Bipolar, MOS, and BiCMOS Integrated-Circuit Technology; Single-Transistor and Multiple-Transistor Amplifiers; Current Mirrors, Active Loads, and References; Output Stages; Operational Amplifiers with Single- Ended Outputs; Frequency Response of Integrated Circuits; Feedback; Frequency Response and Stability of Feedback Amplifiers; Nonlinear Analog Circuits; Noise in Integrated Circuits; Fully Differential Operational Amplifiers.

Analog Integrated Circuit Design2nd Edition International Student VersionChan CarusoneDavid A. JohnsKenneth W. Martin 978-1-118-09233-0, February 2012

When first published in 1996, this text by David Johns and Kenneth Martin quickly became a leading textbook for the advanced course on Analog IC Design. This new edition has been thoroughly revised and updated by Tony Chan Carusone, a University of Toronto colleague of Drs. Johns and Martin. Dr. Chan Carusone is a specialist in analog and digital IC design in communications and signal processing.


has been updated and expanded to reflect technical innovations.

• Coveragehasbeenaddedonseveraltypesofcircuitsthathave increased in importance in the past decade, voltage regulators, and 1.5b-per-stage pipelined A/D converters.

• CMOSdevicesandcircuitshavebeengivengreateremphasis;BiCMOS and bipolar coverage has been consolidated.

• Twonewchaptershavebeenaddedtomakethebookmoreaccessible to beginners in the field:

• Reflectingthefactthatphase-lockedloopshavebecomeabasic building block of most analog and mostly digital IC’s, the chapter on PLLs has been greatly expanded.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntegrated Circuit Devices and Modeling; Processing and Layout; Basic Current Mirrors and Single-Stage Amplifiers 123; Frequency Response of Electronic Circuits; Feedback Amplifiers; Basic Opamp Design and Compensation; Biasing, References, and Regulators; Bipolar Devices and Circuits; Noise and Linearity Analysis and Modeling; Comparators; Sample-and-Holds and Translinear Circuits; Continuous-Time Filters; Discrete-Time Signals; Switched-Capacitor Circuits; Data Converter Fundamentals; Nyquist-Rate D/A Converters; Nyquist-Rate A/D Converters; Oversampling Converters; Phase Locked Loops

Analog Integrated Circuit Design


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

Advanced Engineering and Electromagnetics2nd EditionConstantine A. Balanis, Arizona State Univ.978-0-470-58948-9, December 2011

Balanis’ second edition of Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics–aglobalbest-sellerforover20years–covers the advanced knowledge engineers involved in electromagnetic need to know, particularly as the topic relates to the fast-moving, continually evolving, and rapidly expanding field of wireless communications. The immense interest in wireless communications and the expected increase in wireless communications systems projects (antenna, microwave and wireless communication) points to an increase in the number of engineers needed to specialize in this field.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Time-Varying and Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields; Electrical Properties of Matter; Wave Equation and Its Solutions; Wave Propagation and Polarization; Reflection and Transmission; Auxiliary Vector Potentials, Construction of Solutions, and Radiation and Scattering Equations; Electromagnetic Theorems and Principles; Rectangular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities; Circular Cross-Section Waveguides and Cavities; Spherical Transmission Lines and Cavities; Scattering; Integral Equations and the Moment Method; Geometrical Theory of Diffraction; Greens Functions; Appendix I. Identities; Appendix II. Vector Analysis; Appendix III. Fresnel Integrals; Appendix IV. Bessel Functions; Appendix V. Legendre Polynomials and Functions; Appendix VI. The Method of Steepest Descent (Saddle-Point Method).

Understanding MicroelectronicsA Top-Down ApproachFranco Maloberti, University of Pavia, Italy978-0-470-74555-7, November 2011

For today’s students, the most beneficial approach to learning is a top-down method that demonstrates a global view of electronics before going into the specifics. The author uses this approach to explain the fundamentals of electronics such as processing functions, signals and their properties. This book presents a helpful balance of theory, examples, and verification of results, while keeping mathematics and signal processing theory to a minimum.

FEATuRES• Presentsanewlearningapproachthatwillgreatlyimprove

students' ability to retain key concepts in electronics studies

•MatchtheevolutionofComputerAidedDesign(CAD)whichfocuses increasingly on high-level design

• Coverssub-functionsaswellasbasiccircuitsandbasiccomponents

• Providesreal-worldexamplestoinspireathoroughunderstanding of global issues, before going into the detail of components and devices

• Discussespowerconversionandmanagement;animportantarea that is missing in other books on the subject

• End-of-chapterproblemsandself-trainingsectionssupportthe reader in exploring systems and understanding them at increasing levels of complexity

• Asupportingwebsitepresentstheinteractivestudentlab,ElvisLAB, where students can conduct virtual experiments on circuits together with PowerPoint slides for lecturers.


For today’s students, the most beneficial approach to learning


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

The Analysis and Design of Linear Circuits7th EditionRoland E. Thomas, Emeritus, United States Air Force AcademyAlbert J. Rosa, University of DenverGregory J. Toussaint, Air Force Institute of Technology 978-1-118-06558-7, October 2012

As an introduction to the analysis, design, and evaluation of Electric Circuits, this text focuses on developing the student's design intuition and emphasizes the use of computers to assist in design and evaluation. Early introduction to circuit design motivates the student to create circuit solutions and optimize designs based on real-world constraints.

FEATuRES• Continuedemphasisontheuseofcomputertoolstosolve

problems - Examples, exercises and homework problems that emphasize MATLAB and OrCAD/PSPICE.

• Solutions/Problems:Addsmoreskill-buildingexamples,exercises, and associated homework problems, which enable students to gain confidence prior to tackling more challenging problems.

• Two-PortNetworks:Previouslyweb-based,Chapter17ontwo-port networks is now in the printed text.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction; Basic Circuit Analysis; Circuit Analysis Techniques; Active Circuits; Signal Waveforms; Capacitance and Inductance; First- and Second-Order Circuits; Sinusoidal Steady-State Response; LaPlace Transforms; s-Domain Circuit Analysis; Network Functions; Frequency Response; Fourier Analysis; Active Filter Design; Mutual Inductance and Transformers; AC Power Systems; Two-Port Networks; Appendix A - Complex Numbers Answers to Selected Problems Web Appendix A - Solution of Linear Equations Web; Appendix B - Butterworth and Chebychev Poles. Web Appendix C Computational Tools

The Spice Book2nd EditionAndrei Vladimirescu, University of California-Berkeley 978-0-470-37923-3, January 2012

Following a unique perspective, this book clearly shows engineers how to apply simulation to electronic circuits. The second edition includes updated circuit examples with an emphasis on CMOS circuits and other technologies as well as updated result interpretation through state-of-the-art graphic output displays. Two new chapters have been added to reflect the latest advances in SPICE technology. New examples are presented on model parameter extraction and usage for discrete components and Integrated Circuits. Engineers will also discover the main capabilities of the industrial-strength commercial SPICE simulators, HSPICE, Spectre, and Eldo. design processes.


The Spice Book


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

Micro and Smart Systems1st EditionGondi AnanthasureshK. J. Vinoy, S. Gopalakrishnan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, IndiaK. N. Bhat, V. Kasudev Aatre, Ministry of Defense, India. Formerly with Nova Scotia Technical College, Canada978-0-470-91939-2, December 2011

Microsystems are systems that integrate, on a chip or a package, one or more of many different categories of microdevices. As the past few decades were dominated by the development and rapid miniaturization of circuitry, the current and coming decades are witnessing a similar revolution in the miniaturization of sensors, actuators, and electronics; and communication, control and power devices. Applications ranging from biomedicine to warfare are driving rapid innovation and growth in the field, which is pushing this topic into graduate and undergraduate curricula in electrical, mechanical, and biomedical engineering.

FEATuRES• Thefirstself-containedtextbooktreatmentofMEMS

(microelectromechanical systems) written specifically for undergraduate course use with emphasis on modeling, both analytical and numerical.

•Unifiedtreatmentofmicro-andsmartsystemsintermsofapplications and modeling.

•Writtenwithoutassumingpriorbackgroundinelectricalormechanical engineering but without shortchanging rigor.

• Theauthorsareallleadingresearchersinthefieldataworld-class research university. They hold Ph.D. degrees from Michigan, Penn State, Purdue, IIT Madras, and Waterloo, respectively.

• Thebookisfilledwithcurrentexamplesandapplicationsfrom modern industrial practice.

•Numeroussolvedexamples,unsolvedproblems,andthought-provoking "your turn" teasers.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction; Microsensors, Actuators, Systems, and Smart Materials: An Overview; Micromachining Technologies; Mechanics of Slender Solids in Microsystems; Finite Element Method; Modeling of Coupled Electromechanical Systems; Electronics Circuits and Control for Micro and Smart Systems; Integration of Micro and Smart systems; Scaling Effects in Microsystems; Simulation of Microsystems using FEA Software

Kalman FilteringTheory and Practice Using MATLAB1st EditionMohinder S. Grewal, College of Engineering and Computer Science, California State Univ. at FullertonAngus P. Andrews, Rockwell Science Center, Thousand Oaks, California978-0-470-17366-4, August 2008

This book provides readers with a solid introduction to the theoretical and practical aspects of Kalman filtering. It is updated with the latest developments in the implementation and application of Kalman filtering, including adaptations for nonlinear filtering, more robust smoothing methods, and developing applications in navigation. All software is provided in MATLAB, giving readers the opportunity to discover how the Kalman filter works in action and to consider the practical arithmetic needed to preserve the accuracy of results.

FEATuRES • Includesreal-worldproblemsandsolutionsthattheauthors

have developed over many years.

• IncludesachapteronOptimalSmoothers.

• ThebookisaccompaniedbyanInstructor’sManualandMATLAB programs are available on a Wiley ftp site.

Introduction to Random Signals and Applied Kalman Filtering with Matlab Exercises and Solutions4th EditionRobert Grover Brown, Iowa State Univ.Patrick Y. C. Hwang, Rockwell International Corporation978-0-470-60969-9, January 2012

Advances in computers and personal navigation systems have greatly expanded the applications of Kalman filters. A Kalman filter uses information about noise and system dynamics to reduce uncertainty from noisy measurements. Common applications of Kalman filters include such fast-growing fields as autopilot systems, battery state of charge (SoC) estimation, brain-computer interface, dynamic positioning, inertial guidance systems, radar tracking, and satellite navigation systems.


Introduction to Random Signals

and Applied Kalman Filtering with Matlab

Exercises and Solutions


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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

CMOSMixed-Signal Circuit Design2nd EditionR. Jacob Baker, Boise State University and Micron Technology, Inc. 978-0-470-29026-2, November 2008

Analog signal processing circuit blocks implemented in mixed-signal systems utilize more digital signal processing where the quality of the analog components can be reduced at the cost of digital system complexity. Discussing these design techniques from a circuit designer’s point of view, CMOS is an advanced guide to mixed-signal circuit design that will bring designers rapidly up to speed. This revised edition features additional examples and more, smaller chapters to make the information more accessible to graduate students as well as professionals who want to improve their skills in this area. The book is supported by an author maintained web-site (http://CMOSedu.com) that provides solutions to the homework problems, net lists, and simulations.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPreface; Signals, Filters, and Tools; Sinusoidal Signals; Comb Filters; Representing Signals; Sampling and Aliasing; Sampling; Circuits; Analog Filters; Integrator Building Blocks; Filtering Topologies; Digital Filters; SPICE Models for DACs and ADCs; Sinc-Shaped Digital Filters; Filtering Topologies; Data Converter SNR; Quantization Noise; Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR); Improving SNR using Averaging; Using Feedback to Improve SNR; Data Converter Design Basics; Passive Noise-Shaping; Improving SNR and Linearity; Noise-Shaping Data Converters; First-Order Noise Shaping; Second-Order Noise-Shaping; Noise-Shaping Topologies; Bandpass Data Converters; Continuous-Time Bandpass Noise-Shaping; Switched-Capacitor Bandpass Noise-Shaping; A High-Speed Data Converter; The Topology; Practical Implementation; Conclusion; Index.

Introduction to Microsystem TechnologyA Guide for Students1st EditionGerald Gerlach, Dresden University of Technology, Germany Wolfram Dotzel, Chemnitz University of Technology, Germany978-0-470-05861-9, March 2008

Microsensors are one of the most important fields, used in medical applications and micromechanics. Microfluidic systems are also a significant area, most commonly used in ink-jet printer heads. This textbook focuses on the essentials of microsystems technology, providing a knowledgeable grounding and a clear path through this well-established scientific discipline. With a methodical, student-orientated approach, the book covers the following:

•Microsystemmaterials(includingsilicon,polymersandthinfilms), and the scaling effects of going micro;

• Fabricationtechniquesbasedondifferentmaterialproperties, descriptions of their limitations and functional and shape elements produced by these techniques;

• Sensorsandactuatorsbasedonelementssuchasmechanical, fluidic, and thermal (yaw rate sensor components are described)

There are problems end of chapter problems to test readers’ understanding of the key concepts, with full solutions provided on an accompanying website. Practical examples and case studies are provided as well.

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Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

The Physics and Chemistry of Nanosolids1st EditionFrank J. Owens, ARDEC Energetics Material LaboratoryNJ Charles P. Poole Jr., Univ. of South Carolina978-0-470-06740-6, March 2008

The first multidisciplinary coursebook on the subject, the previous edition has been thoroughly revised to make the content more accessible as a textbook for advanced undergraduate courses on the fascinating field of nanotechnology and nanoscience. Based on the highly acclaimed2003WileytitleIntroduction to Nanotechnology, the new textbook takes a pedagogical approach to the subject and assumes only an introductory understanding of the physics and chemistry of macroscopic solids and models developed to explain properties, such as the theory of phonon and lattice vibrations and electronic band structure. The authors describe how properties depend on size in the nanometer regime and explain why these changes occur using relatively simple models of the physics and chemistry of the solid state.

FEATuRES• Providesanintroductoryoverviewofthebasicprinciplesof


• Describesthevariousmethodsusedtomeasuretheproperties of nanosolids

• Explainshowandwhypropertieschangewhenreducingthesize of solids to nano-dimensions, and what they predict when one or more dimensions of a solid has a nano-length

• Presentsdataonhowvariouspropertiesofsolidsareaffected by nanosizing and examines why these changes occur

• Containsachapterentirelydevotedtotheimportanceofcarbon nanostructured materials and the potential applications of carbon nanostructures

• Completewithaseriesofexercisesattheendofeachchapter for readers to enhance their understanding of the material presented, making this an ideal textbook for students.

Smart Sensor Systems1st EditionGerard Meijer, Delft University of Technology and SensArt, the Netherlands 978-0-470-86691-7, September 2008

Providing a comprehensive review of recent developments in the field of smart sensor systems, Smart Sensor Systems discusses all of the important aspects of sensor systems, measurement techniques, microcontrollers, and testing and identification. Written with an applications focus by an internationally recognized team of contributors, the book presents a number of case studies along with a set of problems at the end of each chapter that enhance the book's appeal.

FEATuRES • Providesacomprehensivereviewofrecentdevelopmentsin

the field of smart sensor systems.

• Detailedcoverageofsensorprinciplesandcharacterization,measurement and signal processing techniques.

• Eachchapterincludesasetofproblemstotestthereadersunderstanding of the concepts described.

• Anaccompanyingsolutionsmanualisavailabletoprofessorsand trainers.

Quantum NanoelectronicsAn Introduction to Electronic Nanotechnology and Quantum Computing1st EditionEdward L. Wolf, Polytechnic Institute of New York University978-3-527-40749-1, March 2009

This textbook is the first to handle the important areas not covered in existing books on nanoelectronics, such as quantum computing and alternative energy technology. It is written for students with two years of calculus-based college physics, with corresponding fundamental knowledge in mathematics, computing and chemistry. The author introduces the current situation and presents a guide to the new possibilities for computing technology.

Providing a comprehensive review of recent developments in

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Digital CommunicationsA Modern Introduction1st EditionSimon Haykin, McMaster Univ.978-0-471-64735-5, January 2012

This new text offers the most complete, up-to-date coverage available, focusing on core principals and relating theory to practice wherever possible. Topics include the sampling process, digital modulation techniques, error-control coding, robust quantization for pulse-code modulation, coding speech at low bit radio, information theoretic concepts, coding and computer communication. Because the book covers a broad range of topics in digital communications, it should satisfy a variety of backgrounds and interests.





TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; The Chapter on Fourier Analysis; The Chapter on Probability Theory; Stochastic Processes; Information Theory; Conversion of Analog Signals into Coded Digital Sequences; Signaling over AWGN Channels; Signaling over Band-limited Channels; Signaling over Fading Channels; Multiple Access Schemes; Error-control Coding; Multiuser Communications; Dynamic Spectrum Management; Fundamentals of Secure Communications; Cellular Network Standards (DECT/GSM/IS-95/WCDMA/ WLAN/ WiFi/ WiMax/ LTE/ Femtocells; Appendix 1: Series Solution of Bessel’s Equation; Appendix 2: Chi-squared Distribution; Appendix 3: Bounds on the Q-function; Appendix 4: Information Capacity of MIMO Channels; Appendix 5: Diversity Multiplexing Trade-off; Appendix 6: Sphere Decoding and Channel Equalization; Appendix 7: Mathematical Tables; Appendix 8: Glossary.

Digital Communications



Engineering Quantum Mechanics1st EditionDoyeol AhnSeoung-Hwan Park 978-0-470-10763-8, July 2011

There has been growing interest in the model of semiconductor lasers with non-Markovian relaxation. This book introduces senior and graduate students to quantum mechanics concepts, which are fast becoming an essential tool in modern engineering. It develops a non-Markovian model for the optical gain of semiconductor, taking into account the rigorous electronic band-structure and the non-Markovian relaxation using the quantum statistical reduced-density operator formalism. Example programs based on Fortran 77 are provided for band-structures of zinc-blende and wurtzite quantum wells.


Circuit Analysis and Digital Design

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Communication Systems5th Edition International Student VersionSimon Haykin, McMaster University 978-0-470-16996-4, April 2009

The latest edition in this best-selling, easy to read, communication systems book.

Now in its fifth edition, this best-selling communication systems text continues to include the most comprehensive coverage of digital communications at undergraduate level. In addition to being the most up-to-date communications text available, Haykin has added more MATLAB computer experiments and improved examples and problems throughout.



• Themedexamplesshowmodernapplications,suchaswireless modulation techniques.

•Newintroductionchapterthatincludesupdatedexamplesand homework problems.

TABLE OF CONTENTSFourier Analysis of Signals and Systems; Analog Modulation Theory; Probability Theory; Random Processes; Noise in Analog Modulation Systems; Information Theory; Analog to Digital Conversion and Data Compression; Signaling Over AWGN Channels; Synchronization; Signaling Over Band-Limited Channels; Multichannel Modulation; Signaling Over Fading Channels; Spread Spectrum Modulation; Error Control Coding; Multiuser Communications; Appendix 1: Bessel Functions; Appendix 2: Method of Lagrange Multipliers; Appendix 3: Bounds on the Q-function; Appendix 4: Cryptography; Appendix 5: List of Tables.

Principles of Communications6th Edition International Student VersionRodger E. ZiemerWilliam H. Tranter978-0-470-39878-4, March 2009

An up-to-date guide that provides in-depth coverage of digital data transmission.

Ziemer and Tranter provide a thorough treatment of the principles of communications.

FEATuRES• Examplesillustratingkeypointsinthetextincludedineach


• Providesstudentwithillustrationsonhowtoapplytheorydeveloped in the text.

• Assiststheinstructorindevelopmentofmaterialtobeusedin future chapters.

• ComputationalComputerExamplesincludedineachchapter.Illustrates the use of the computer for calculation of various performance curves.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Signal and Linear System Analysis; Basic Modulation Techniques; Principles of Baseband Digital Data Transmission; Overview of Probability and Random Variables; Random Signals and Noise; Noise in Modulation Systems; Principles of Data Transmission in Noise; Advanced Data Communications Topics; Optimum Receivers and Signal Space Concepts; Information Theory and Coding; Appendices.

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Principles of Communications Networks and Systems1st EditionNevio Benvenuto, University of Padova Michele Zorzi, University of Padova978-0-470-74431-4, September 2011

This book is a comprehensive introduction to communications systems and networks, addressing both network and transmission topics. The focus is to present the material in an integrated and systematic fashion so that students will have a clear view of all the principal aspects and of how they interconnect with each other.

FEATuRES• Structuredforeffectivelearning,withbasicprinciplesand

technologies being introduced before more advanced ones are explained

• Featuresexamplesofexistingsystemsandrecentstandardsas well as advanced digital modulation techniques such as CDMA and OFDM

• Containstoolstohelpthereaderinthedesignandperformance analysis of modern communications systems

• Providesproblemsattheendofeachchapter,withanswerson an accompanying website

Wireless Communications2nd EditionAndreas F. Molisch, Fellow, IEEE 978-0-470-74186-3, November 2010

Wireless Communications, Second Edition has been fully updated throughout with new material including three new chapters on ad-hoc networks, WiMAX and LTE. It provides a self-contained all-encompassing current treatment of the area, covering topics such as directional channel modelling, multi-user detection, MIMO systems, and 3G standards. In addition, the author has combined mathematical derivations with intuitive explanations of the physical facts in order to help students (including self-study readers) to acquire a deeper understanding of the facts.

FEATuRES• Combinesmathematicaldescriptionswithintuitive

explanations of the physical facts, enabling readers to acquire a deep understanding of the subject.

• Includesnewchaptersoncognitiveradio,cooperativecommunications and relaying, video coding, 3GPP Long Term Evolution, and WiMax; plus significant new sections on multi-userMIMO,802.11n,andinformationtheory.

• Companionwebsitefeaturing:supplementarymaterialon'DECT', solutions manual and presentation slides for instructors, appendices, list of abbreviations and other useful resources.

TABLE OF CONTENTSPart I Introduction. Applications and Requirements of Wireless Services; Technical Challenges of Wireless Communications; Noise- and Interference-Limited Systems.

Part II Wireless Propagation Channels. Propagation Mechanisms; Statistical Description of the Wireless Channel; Wideband and Directional Channel Characterization; Channel Models; 8 Channel Sounding; Antennas.

Part III Transceivers and Signal Processing. Structure of a Wireless Communication Link; Modulation Formats; Demodulation; Diversity; Channel Coding and Information Theory; Speech Coding; Equalizers.

Part IV Multiple Access and Advanced Transceiver Schemes. Multiple Access and the Cellular Principle; Spread Spectrum Systems; Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM); Multiantenna Systems; Cognitive Radio; Relaying, Multi-Hop, and Cooperative Communications; Video Coding; GSM – Global SystemforMobileCommunications;IS-95andCDMA2000;WCDMA/UMTS 635; 3GPP Long-Term Evolution; WiMAX/IEEE 802.16;WirelessLocalAreaNetworks;Exercises.


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Microwave Engineering4th EditionDavid M. Pozar, Univ. of Massachusetts at Amherst 978-0-470-63155-3, October 2012

The 4th edition of this classic text provides a thorough coverage of RF and microwave engineering concepts, starting from fundamental principles of electrical engineering, with applications to microwave circuits and devices of practical importance. Coverage includes microwave network analysis, impedance matching, directional couplers and hybrids, microwave filters, ferrite devices, noise, nonlinear effects, and the design of microwave oscillators, amplifiers, and mixers. Material on microwave and RF systems includes wireless communications, radar, radiometry, and radiation hazards. A large number of examples and end-of-chapter problems test the reader's understanding of the material. The 4th edition includes new and updated material on systems, noise, active devices and circuits, power waves, transients, RF CMOS circuits, and more.


systems, and how components are linked to system performance (e.g., noise figure, effect on Bit Error Rate, link margin, cell phones, etc.)

•Morecoverageofactivecircuitshasbeenincluded(CMOScircuits, SiGe circuits, Power Added Efficiency, Gilbert cell mixer, etc.)

• Additionaltopics(powerwaves,transients,frequencydependent effects of microstrip line, and more) and more open-ended EOC problems have been added.

•Numerousneworrevisedexamplesandproblemshavebeenadded, with many of these related to practical design problems involving planar circuits and components.

TABLE OF CONTENTS Electromagnetic Theory; Transmission Line Theory; Transmission Lines and Waveguides; Microwave Network Analysis; Impedance Matching and Tuning; Microwave Resonators; Power Dividers and Directional Couplers; Microwave Filters; Theory and Design of Ferromagnetic Components; Noise and Active RF Components; Microwave Amplifier Design. Active RF and Microwave Devices; Oscillators and Mixers Microwave Amplifier Design; Introduction to Microwave Systems Oscillators and Mixers; Introduction to Microwave Systems; Appendix A. Prefixes; Appendix B. Vector Analysis; Appendix C. Bessel Functions; Appendix D. Other Mathematical Results; Appendix E. Physical Constants; Appendix F. Conductivities for Some Materials; Appendix G. Dielectric Constants and Loss Tangents for Some Materials; Appendix H. Properties of Some Microwave Ferrite Materials; Appendix I. Standard Rectangular Waveguide Data; Appendix J. Standard Coaxial Cable Data Answer to Selected Problems Index

Antenna Theory and Design3rd EditionWarren L. Stutzman, Virginia TechGary A. Thiele, University of Dayton978-0-470-57664-9, October 2012

This introduction to antenna theory and design is suitable for senior undergraduate and graduate courses on the subject. Its emphasis on both principles and design makes it perfect both as a college text and as a reference to the practicing engineer. The final three chapters on computational electromagnetics for antennas are suitable for graduate work. Stutzman provides more of a pedagogical approach than its competitors, placing a greater emphasis on a concise easily understandable presentation of fundamentals and applications as well as computational methods.


exciting to undergraduates and more relevant to practicing engineers. (Examples: Chapter 4 on systems, Chapter 11 on low-profile elements, and Chapter 12 on base station antennas). In addition, a new chapter (Chapter 1) is devoted to an overview of antennas and their application with emphasis on motivating the student.

• Someorganizationalchangeshavebeenmadetoimproveunderstanding and college course flow. (Examples: The array chapter is moved to later in the book and system material combined and moved earlier).

•Moredetailshavebeenaddedtoselectedimportanttopics.(Example: microstrip antennas, arrays).

• Thetopicofmeasurementshasbeenexpandedintoafullchapter (Chapter 13).

TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction; Antenna Fundamentals; Simple Radiating Systems; System Applications for Antennas; Line Sources; Wire Antennas; Broadband Antennas; Array Antennas; Aperture Antennas; Antenna Synthesis; Low Profile Antennas and Personal Communication Antennas; Terminal and Base Station Antennas for Wireless Applications; Antenna Measurements; CEM for Antennas: The Method of Moments; CEM for Antennas: Finite Difference Time Domain Method; CEM for Antennas: High-Frequency Methods; Appendices List of Symbols References Problems.


Antenna Theory and Design


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Principles of Broadband Switching and Networking1st EditionSoung C. LiewTony T. Lee 978-0-471-13901-0, March 2010

Principles of Broadband Switching and Networking is written for senior undergraduate and first-year postgraduate students with a solid background in probability theory. It explains the design and analysis of switch architectures suitable for broadband integrated services networks, emphasizing packet-switched interconnection networks with distributed routing algorithms. The text examines the mathematical properties of these networks rather than on specific implementation technologies. Although the pedagogical explanations in this book are in the context of switches, many of the fundamental principles are relevant to other communication networks with regular topologies.

FEATuRES• Focusesonthedesignandanalysisofswitcharchitectures

suitable for broad-band integrated networks. In particular, the emphasis is on packet-switched interconnection networks with distributed routing algorithms.

• Examinesthemathematicalpropertiesofnetworks,ratherthan specific implementation technologies

• Providesastrongmathematicalbasisforthestudyandresearch of broadband integrated networks.

•Movesseamlesslyfromdiscussionofbasicdesignprinciplesto advanced switch design principles

• Givesreader-accessibleparallelsbetweenbroadbandintegrated networks and other systems.

Radiowave PropagationPhysics and Applications1st EditionCurt LevisJoel T. JohnsonFernando L. Teixeira978-0-470-54295-8, May 2010

Radiowave Propagation provides an overview of the physical mechanisms governing electromagnetic wave propagation in the Earth’s troposphere and ionosphere. With an accessible and student-oriented approach, this textbook explores a wide range of topics in a combination of physical and empirical descriptions. Class tested at Ohio State University, this source presents current empirical information, helping students to strengthen their electromagnetic physics skills. Both engineers and students will find the balance of physical and empirical models provides the basic physical insight as well as practical means for the computations needed in system design.

FEATuRES • Coversallprimarywavepropagationmechanismsinthe

Earth’s troposphere and ionosphere. • Provides“firstprinciples”developmentofphysicalmodelsfor

mechanisms described. • Incorporatescurrentempiricalinformation,helpingstudents

to reviewand strengthen electromagnetic physics skills. • Containsapplicationsinremotesensing.

Hashing in Computer ScienceFifty Years of Slicing and Dicing1st EditionAlan G. Konheim, IBM978-0-470-3447-6, May 2010

Written by one of the developers of the technology, this book is both a historical document on the development of hashing and an analysis of the applications of hashing in a society increasingly concerned with security. The material in the book is based on courses taught by the author, and key points are reinforced in sample problems and an accompanying instructor’s manual. Students in mathematics, cryptography and security will benefit from this overview of hashing and the complicated mathematics that it requires.

Principles of Broadband Switching and Networking

Radiowave Propagation

Hashing in Computer Science

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Speech and Audio Signal ProcessingProcessing and Perception of Speech and Music2nd EditionBen Gold, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNelson Morgan, University of California at BerkeleyDan Ellis, Columbia University978-0-470-19536-9, August 2011

WiththeadventoftheiPodin2001,thefieldofdigitalaudioandmusic has exploded. Now in a new and thoroughly updated Second Edition, Speech and Audio Signal Processing: Processing and Perception of Speech and Music offers a wide coverage of speech and audio signal processing with special emphasis on music processing. New coverage includes the enabling technologies of digital music distribution (most significantly the MP3) and a range of exciting new research areas in automatic music content processing, making this a timely resource for researchers, professionals, graduate and senior-level undergraduate students.

FEATuRES• Thisbookspanstheentirefieldofaudioprocessing.The

links and influences between these topics make for a natural integrated treatment of topics like speech recognition and music transcription.

• Itwillreviseabookthatwasonceprimarilyatextbookintoabook for both scientists and music enthusiasts.

• Theshort,manageablechaptersmakeiteasytosegmentthestudy of the topics.

Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography1st EditionSong Y. Yan 978-1-118-18858-3, May 2012

The only book to provide a unified view of the interplay between computationalnumber theory and cryptography

Computational number theory and modern cryptography are two of the most important and fundamental research fields in information security. This book not only introduces the basic concepts and results in the two fields, but also introduces many advanced topics. Mathematical ideas are presented first, thereupon treating cryptography as an immediate application of the mathematical ideas. The author covers topics from number theory which are relevant for applications in public-key cryptography.

The book also covers modern topics, such as coding and lattice based cryptography, which are relevant for so-called post-quantum cryptography. The author goes over the basics in the first six chapters, followed by application to the most common cryptographic algorithms in the following three chapters. Finally areas of current research are touched in the last three chapters. Serious mathematical problems behind these applications will be explained at the level accessible to computer scientists and engineers.


scientists and engineers

• BasedonclassroomtestedmaterialsusedintheUS,UKandChina

• Exercisesincludedineverychapter

• Instructorresourcesavailableonthebook’sCompanionWebsite


Computational Number Theory and

Modern Cryptography


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Power Engineering

Electric Machines and Drives1st EditionNed Mohan, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis978-1-118-07481-7, December 2011

This book emphasizes applications of electric machines and drives that are essential for wind turbines and electric and hybrid-electric vehicles. The approach taken is unique in the following respects:

• Asystemsapproach,whereElectricMachinesarecoveredinthe context of the overall drives with applications that students can appreciate and get enthusiastic about;

• Afundamentalandphysics-basedapproachthatnotonlyteaches the analysis of electric machines and drives, but also prepares students for learning how to control them in a graduate level course;

•Useofthespace-vector-theorythatismadeeasytounderstand. They are introduced in this book in such a way that students can appreciate their physical basis;

• Auniquewaytodescribeinductionmachinesthatclearlyshows how they go from the motoring-mode to the generating-mode, for example in wind and electric vehicle applications, and how they ought to be controlled for the most efficient operation.

First Course on Power Systems1st EditionNed Mohan, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis 978-1-118-07479-4, December 2011

This book is part of a three-book series for the sequence of electric power electives taught in most large universities' Electrical Engineering departments. After a generation of decline, power topics are hot and undergraduate enrollments are growing. Advances in hybrid-electric cars and alternative energy systems, coupled with the severe environmental problems associated with hydrocarbon-based fuels, are driving renewed interest in the electric energy systems (EES) curriculum at the Undergraduate level. Ned Mohan has been a leader in EES education and research for decades, as author of the best-selling text/reference Power Electronics with Wiley and a series of textbooks self-published under the MNPERE imprint.

FEATuRES• Concise,balancedandfundamentals-basedcoverageofa

broad range of topics.

• Designedforundergraduates,forindustryprofessionals,and/or graduate research.

•Updatedwithmodernapplicationexamplesrelevanttorenewable energy and the ‘smart grid'.

• Supplementedwithawiderangeofdigitalresources–slides,video clips, software-based laboratory exercises and the lab manual.

• Adoptsasystemsapproach,whichputsotherwisedrytechnical detail in the context of applications that motivate students (energy efficiency, hybrid cars, wind turbines, etc.).

• Brieferandmoresuitableforanundergraduateaudiencethan the competition.


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Power Engineering

Electric Power Systems5th EditionBrian Weedy Nick Jenkins, UMIST, Manchester, UK, Gordon Strbac, UMIST978-0-470-68268-5, June 2012

Electric Power Systems has been an essential book in power systems engineering for over thirty years. Bringing the content firmly up-to-date whilst still retaining the flavour of the original, this revised edition is expanded to cover increasingly important topics like climate change and renewable power generation. Updated material includes an analysis of today's markets and an examination of the current economic state of power generation. The physical limits of power systems equipment - currently being tested by the huge demand for power - is explored, and greater attention is paid to power electronics, voltage source and power system components, amongst a host of other updates and revisions.


management issues and extended coverage of power system components.

• Expandedinformationonpowerelectronicsandvoltagesource, including VSC HVDC and FACTS.

• Providesanaccountofthechallengesposedbydifferentworld markets with attention on up-to-date renewable power generation methods such as wind power.

•Modernizedpresentationwithgreateruseofexamplestoappeal to today's students.

• Endofchapterquestionstoassistwiththelearningprocessand application of calculation techniques.

First Course on Power Electronics1st EditionNed Mohan, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis 978-1-118-07480-0, September 2011

This book is part of a three-book series for the sequence of electric power electives taught in most large universities' Electrical Engineering departments. After a generation of decline, power topics are hot and undergraduate enrollments are growing. Advances in hybrid-electric cars and alternative energy systems, coupled with the severe environmental problems associated with hydrocarbon-based fuels, are driving renewed interest in the electric energy systems (EES) curriculum at the Undergraduate level. Ned Mohan has been a leader in EES education and research for decades, as author of the best-selling text/reference Power Electronics with Wiley and a series of textbooks self-published under the MNPERE imprint.

FEATuRES• Concise,balancedandfundamentals-basedcoverageofa

broad range of topics

•Updatedwithmodernapplicationexamplesrelevanttorenewable energy and the ‘smart grid'

• Supplementedwithawiderangeofdigitalresources–slides,video clips, software-based laboratory exercises and the lab manual

• Adoptsasystemsapproach,whichputsotherwisedrytechnical detail in the context of applications that motivate students (energy efficiency, hybrid cars, wind turbines, photovoltaics, etc.)

• Brieferandmoresuitableforanundergraduateaudience

TABLE OF CONTENTSPower Electronics: An Enabling Technology; Design of Switching Power-Pole; Switch-Mode DC-DC Converters: Switching Analysis, Topology Selection and Design; Designing Feedback Controllers in Switch-Mode DC Power Supplies; Rectification of Utility Input Using Diode Rectifiers; Power-Factor-Correction (PFC) Circuits and Designing the Feedback Controller; Magnetic Circuit Concepts; Switch-Mode DC Power Supplies; Design of High-Frequency Inductors and Transformers; Soft-Switching In DC-DC Converters and Inverters for Induction Heating and Compact Fluorescent Lamps; Applications of Switch-Mode Power Electronics in Motor Drives, Uninterruptible Power Supplies and Power Systems; Synthesis of DC and Low-Frequency Sinusoidal AC Voltages for Motor Drives and UPS; Thyristor Converters; Utility Applications of Power Electronics.

Electric Power Systems


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Power Engineering

Renewable Energy in Power Systems1st EditionLeon Freris, Loughborough UniversityDavid Infield, University Of Strathclyde, UK 978-0-470-01749-4, July 2008

Based on existing study notes supporting a series of lectures on the module, Integration of Renewables, Renewable Energy in Power Systems discusses the integration of renewable energy into the modern electricity market. The variable nature of most renewable energy sources needs special consideration when integrating such sources into traditional networks.

Efficient power system operation requires that a number of activities be undertaken over wide time scales ranging from days to milliseconds. These activities include forecast demand, generation scheduling, security analysis, optimum economic dispatch and finally protection activities during system maloperation. These concepts are explained and the impact on the operation procedures of introducing increasing amounts of renewable energy are presented.

FEATuRES• Considerstheoperationandstructureofamodernelectricity

market, highlighting the differences between a centrally planned and operated system and a fully deregulated one.

• Includesmanytables,diagrams,workedexamples,tutorialquestions, model answers and case studies to aid the learning process.

• Presentsanintroductiontosolid-stateswitchesandthewaythese switches are combined into AC/DC, DC/AC and AC/AC converters.

• Discussestheregionalandlocaloperationalbenefits/problems that may result in the distribution network due to the injection of energy from renewables.

• Presentsacriticalanalysisofthesellingpricesofelectricity.

TABLE OF CONTENTSEnergy and Electricity; Features of Conventional and Renewable Generation; Power Balance/ Frequency Control; Electrical Power Generation and Conditioning; Power System Analysis; Renewable Energy Generation in Power Systems; Power System Economics and the Electricity Market; The Future – Towards a Sustainable Electricity Supply System; Appendix: Basic Electric Power Engineering Concepts.

Wind Energy ExplainedTheory, Design and Application2nd EditionJames F. Manwell, University of MassachusettsJon G. McGowan, University of MassachusettsAnthony L. Rogers, University of Massachusetts978-0-470-01500-1, December 2009

Now fully revised, this second edition of Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application builds on its highly successful predecessor, now the leading textbook for wind energy degree courses. The author team draws on substantial practical experience to provide a highly accessible introduction to the cross-disciplinary field of wind engineering.

After an introductory chapter covering the wind turbine's history and modern structures, there are clear chapter headings giving a comprehensive overview of wind characteristics, aerodynamics, mechanics and electronics, sitting, and economical and environmental assessments. New sections have been added on the aerodynamics of vertical axis wind turbines, turbine testing, electrical grid-related issues and current and future applications of wind turbines.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction: Modern Wind Energy and its Origins; Wind Characteristics and Resources; Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines; Mechanics and Dynamics; Electrical Aspects of Wind Turbines; Wind Turbine Materials and Components; Wind Turbine Design and Testing; Wind Turbine Control; Wind Turbine Siting, System Design, and Integration; Wind Energy Applications; Wind Energy System Economics; Wind Energy Systems: Environmental Aspects and Impacts; References; Appendices.

Voltage-Sourced Converters in Power Systems 1st EditionAmirnaser YazdaniReza Iravani 978-0-470-52156-4, January 2010

This comprehensive text is an ideal text for senior undergraduate and graduate students in power engineering programs. It presents effective techniques for mathematical modeling and control design, and helps readers understand the procedures and analysis steps. Detailed simulation case studies are included to highlight the salient points and verify the designs.

This comprehensive text is an ideal text for senior undergraduate

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Power Engineering

Introduction to Modern Power Electronics2nd EditionAndrzej M. Trzynadlowski, Univ. of Nevada, Reno, Nevada 978-0-470-40103-3, March 2010

This updated edition of Introduction to Modern Power Electronics provides comprehensive coverage of everything from the basic principles and methods of electronic power conversion to the latest developments in the field. More concise and user-friendly than other textbooks on the subject, this streamlined guide presents essential material that can be covered easily in a one-semester course. Ideal for undergraduate students specializing in electrical engineering, industrial engineering, or renewable energy, it defines the basic types of power conversion and control, presents the electronic converters that process power for a variety of applications, and describes the various semiconductor power switches and complimentary components and systems of the converters.

• In-depthdiscussionsofallpowerconversiontypes:ac-to-dc,ac-to-ac, dc-to-dc, and dc-to-ac

• Anoverviewofadvancedcontrolmethodsusedintoday'spower electronic converters

• Anewchapterontheapplicationsofpowerelectronicsinclean energy systems

• Anextensivebodyofexamples,exercises,computerassignments, and simulations

• AnInstructor'sManualwithsolutionstoallproblems

• Companionsetofforty-eightPSpicetextfilesoftypicalpower conversion circuits on website, constituting a virtual laboratory of power electronics.

Resonant Power Converters2nd EditionMarian K. Kazimierczuk, Wright State Univ.Dariusz Czarkowski, Univ. of Florida978-0-470-90538-8, March 2011

Resonant power conversion technology is now a very hot area and in the center of the renewable energy and energy harvesting technologies. This book is devoted to resonant energy conversion in power electronics. It is a practical, systematic guide to the analysis and design of various dc-dc resonant inverters, high-frequency rectifiers, and dc-dc resonant converters that are building blocks of many of today’s high-frequency energy processors. Designed to function as both a superior senior-to-graduate level textbook for electrical engineering courses, it provides students with a solid grasp of existing high-frequency technology, while acquainting them with a number of easy-to-use tools for the analysis and design of resonant power circuits.

Smart Grid Communications1st EditionLars T. BergerKrzysztof Iniewski, University of Alberta in Edmonton 978-1-118-00439-5, February 2012

Smart grids represent what many believe to be the next big technological revolution since the internet. Governments are pumping large sums of money into smart grid research, development and deployments. With the potential to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, increase reliability of electricity supply, and increase the efficiency of our energy infrastructure, it is clear that the advancement of these smart grids is an important and inevitable conclusion. This text provides insight into power electronics sensing, monitoring and control technologies, as well as deeply exploring the communication aspects of smart grids.

This updated edition of


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Control Engineering

Automatic Control Systems9th EditionFarid Golnaraghi, Simon Fraser UniversityBenjamin C. Kuo, University of Illinois 978-0-470-04896-2, June 2009

A comprehensive package for learning control systems that includes an actual physical lab.

This text provides engineers with a fresh approach that places special emphasis on mechatronics.

FEATuRES• Readerswillfindauthoritativecoverageofmoderndesign

tools and examples.

• Theneweditioncontainscurrentmechatronicsapplicationsthat build motivation to learn the material.

• Extensiveuseofvirtuallabsoftwareisintegratedthroughoutthe chapters.

•UpgradedACSYSsoftware–theuniquegraphicalinterfaceofACSYS enables students to apply MATLAB to control problems more intuitively. This means they spend less time programming and more time applying concepts and evaluating results.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Theoretical Foundation and Background Material: Modeling of Dynamical Systems; Complex Variables, Differential Equations, Laplace Transform; Block Diagrams, Signal Flow Graphs and State Diagrams; Modeling of Physical Systems: Mixed Systems; Stability of Linear Control Systems; Time-Domain Analysis of Control Systems; Root Locus Techniques; Frequency Response; Design of Control Systems: Time and Frequency Domain.

Control Systems Engineering6th Edition International Student VersionNorman S. Nise, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 978-0-470-64612-0, April 2011

Highly regarded for its accessible writing and practical case studies, Control Systems Engineering is the most widely adopted textbook for this core course in Mechanical and Electrical engineering programs.

Thisnewsixtheditionhasbeenrevisedandupdatedwith20%new problems and greater emphasis on computer-aided design. In addition, the text is now supported by ten virtual experiments, which enable students to implement the design-simulate-prototype workflow of practicing engineers. Powered by LabVIEW software and simulations of Quanser’s lab plants, the virtual labs enable students to apply concepts to virtual systems, implement control solutions and evaluate their results. The virtual labs deepen the homework learning experience and prepare students to make more effective use of their time in the lab.

FEATuRES• Generallyregardedasthebestwrittencontroltextbook,

noted for clear writing and accessible presentation.

• Real-worldcasestudiesarebuiltupgraduallythroughoutthechapters to demonstrate the analysis and design process.

• 10newVirtualLabexperimentsenablestudentstomanipulate simulated lab plants and view realistic response behavior.

• 20%newend-of-chapterproblemsthathighlightbiomedical,robotics, or other engineering applications including a new progressive analysis and design problem – a hybrid electric vehicle.

• Greateremphasisoncomputer-aidedanalysisanddesign,including MATLAB®, LabVIEW, and Simulink.

TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction; Modeling in the Frequency Domain; Modeling in the Time Domain; Time Response; Reduction of Multiple Subsystems; Stability; Steady State Errors; Root Locus Techniques; Design via Root Locus; Frequency Response Techniques; Design via Frequency Response; Design via State Space; Digital Control Systems.

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Signal ProcessingRF / Microwave Theory & Techniques

Adaptive Filters1st EditionAli H. Sayed, Univ. of California, Los Angeles 978-0-470-25388-5, April 2008

Based on an earlier publication entitled Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering, this new book is a condensed version primarily devoted to teaching adaptive filters without the inclusion of more advanced material. Aimed at introductory courses in adaptive filtering for undergraduate seniors and first year graduate students in communications, digital, wireless and circuits, the book includes:

• Geometricconstructions,physicalintuition,linear-algebraicconcepts, and vector notation.

• Examplesofsolvedpracticalcomputerprojectsthatillustrate how the material developed in the textbook can be used to solve real problems.

•Numeroustables,figures,problems,computersimulations,a bibliography, and appendices on both basic and advanced concepts.

• SeveraldetailedcomputerprojectswithMATLABsolutionsavailable to all readers and a complete solutions manual for the problems is also available for instructors.

RF Power AmplifiersMarian K. Kazimierczuk, Wright State Univ.

1st Edition978-0-470-77946-0, October 2008

Wireless communications is destined to become a dominant communications technology. Brimming with practical examples with summaries, review questions, end-of-chapter problems, and a solutions manual, RF Power Amplifiers presents accessible coverage of the complex principles of operation of RF power amplifiers and radio power systems.

FEATuRES• AcomprehensivetextcoveringthefundamentalsofRFpower

amplifiers and their range of applications in radio and TV broadcasting, wireless communications and radars.

• Presentsaccessiblecoverageofthecomplexprinciplesofoperation of RF power amplifiers and radio power systems.

• Introducesthefundamentaldesigntechniquesandprocedures for practitioners for RF power amplifiers.’

• Allchapterscontainexamplesanddesignproceduresthroughout, with review questions and problems at the end of each chapter.

• Asolutionsmanualisavailableforinstructorsuponrequest.

CMOS RFIC Engineering1st EditionCam Nguyen, Texas A&M University 978-0-471-39820-2, March 2012

Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) is a technology for constructing integrated circuits. This book thoroughly discusses the theory, analysis, design, and high-frequency/high-speed characteristics and applications of printed-circuit transmission lines used in integrated circuits and systems. It discusses applications in all areas of high-frequency technology, including wireless communications, optical engineering, and computers. Accompanied by a solutions manual, this text is ideal for senior and advanced undergraduate students in related courses.

CMOS RFIC Engineering


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Systems Engineering & ManagementSignal Processing

Systems Engineering Principles and Practice2nd EditionAlexander KossiakoffWilliam N. SweetSam SeymourSteven M. Biemer 978-0-470-40548-2, March 2011

Systems Engineering Principles and Practice is a national standard textbook for the study of traditional systems engineering for undergraduate and graduate students. It addresses the need for an introductory overview for the development and acquisition of complex technical systems. The material is well organized, readable and fundamental to learning how to think like a systems engineer and carry out best practices in the field. Systems engineering is still a developing discipline and new concepts and practices have emergedsincethetextwasfirstpublishedin2003.Thisrevisedsecond edition is updated by colleagues of the original authors to maintain its relevance and currency in this rapidly changing and demanding field.

Economic Systems Analysis and AssessmentIntensive Systems, Organizations,and Enterprises1st EditionAndrew P. Sage, George Mason University William B. Rouse, Georgia Institute of Technology 978-0-470-13795-6, March 2011

This important book fills the need for a textbook on economic systems analysis and assessment, providing extensive coverage on various topics including microeconomic systems and assessment, cost effectiveness, cost estimation for software and systems, strategic investments, and valuation methods. It serves as an effective textbook for senior undergraduate and first-year graduate courses in economic systems analysis and assessment, as well as a valuable reference for engineers and managers involved in information technology intensive systems.

Economic Systems Analysis and Assessment

Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB for Students and ResearchersJohn W. Leis

1st Edition978-0-470-88091-3, July 2011

With its active, hands-on learning approach, Adaptive Filters enables readers to master the underlying principles of digital signal processing and its many applications in industries such as digital television, mobile and broadband communications, and medical/scientific devices. Each chapter begins with chapter objectives and an introduction. A summary at the end of each chapter ensures that one has mastered all the key concepts and techniques before progressing on to the next topics. Appendices listing selected web resources, research papers, and related textbooks allows for the investigation of individual topics in greater depth.

Carefully developed MATLAB examples throughout the text illustrate the mathematical concepts and use of digital signal processing algorithms. Readers will develop a deeper understanding of how to apply the algorithms by manipulating the codes in the examples to see their effect. In addition, plenty of exercises help to put knowledge into practice through solving real-world signal processing challenges.

Subsurface Sensing1st EditionAhmet S. TurkKoksal A. HocaogluAlexey A. Vertiy 978-0-470-13388-0, July 2011

This book provides readers with a solid understanding of the capabilities and limitations of the techniques used for buried object detection. Presenting theory along with applications and the existing technology, it covers the most recent developments in hardware and software technologies of sensor systems with a focus on primary sensors such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) and auxiliary sensors such as Nuclear Quadruple Resonance (NQR). It is essential reading for students involved in the design and implementation of buried object detection sensors.



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Systems Engineering & Management

Risk AssessmentTheory, Methods, and Applications1st EditionMarvin Rausand, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology978-0-470-63764-7, August 2011

Risk Assessment Methods and Applications carefully describes the most relevant methods for risk assessment, including preliminary hazard analysis, HAZOP, fault tree analysis, and event tree analysis. Each method is accompanied by a self-contained description as well as workflow diagrams and worksheets that illustrate the use of discussed techniques. Important problem areas in risk assessment, such as barriers and barrier analysis, human errors, and human reliability, are discussed along with uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Each chapter concludes with a listing of resources for further study of the topic, and detailed appendices outline main results from probability and statistics, related formulas, and a listing of key terms used in risk assessment. A related website features problems that allow readers to test their comprehension of the presented material and supplemental slides to facilitate the learning process. This text is aimed at students taking courses on risk analysis and risk assessment at the upper-undergraduate and graduate levels.

Real-Time Systems Design and AnalysisTools for the Practitioner4th EditionPhillip A. Laplante, BCC/JIT Technology and Engineering CenterSeppo J. Ovaska, Helsinki University of Technology (Finland)978-0-470-76864-8, October 2011

This book offers an introduction and overview of real-time systems: systems where timeliness is a crucial part of the correctness of the system. It contains a pragmatic overview of key topics (computer architecture and organization, operating systems, software engineering, programming languages, and compiler theory) from the perspective of the real-time systems designer and is organized into chapters that are essentially self-contained.

The text is self-contained, enabling instructors and readers to focus on the material that is most important to their needs and interests. Suggestions for additional readings guide readers to more in-depth discussions on each individual topic. In addition, each chapter features exercises ranging from simple to challenging to help readers progressively build and fine-tune their ability to design their own real-time software programs.

Systems Engineering and Operations with Multiple Objectives 1st EditionBehnam Malakooti, Case Western Reserve University 978-0-470-03732-4, December 2011

This textbook is the first comprehensive approach to combine, in a unified way, the three fields of Systems Engineering, Operations, and MCDM. All traditional application problems in System Engineering and Operations Systems are formulated and solved using unique MCDM approaches. For each problem example, a sample spreadsheet is also provided to make the use of methods easy for all students and practitioners.

FEATuRES • Eachapplicationproblemisfirstsolvedbytraditional

methods for single objective, and then by discrete multiple criteria decision making and/or multiple objective optimization

• Foreachproblemexample,asamplespreadsheetisalsoprovided to make the use of methods easy for all students and practitioners

• TheauthorsincludeseveralrobustmethodsforsolvingMCDM and MOO problems



Systems Engineering and Operations with Multiple Objectives


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A Guide to Writing As An Engineer, 3E Beer, McMurrey 9780470417010 6 86.00

A Theory of Construction Management Radosavljevic, Bennett 9780470656099 14 64.99

Adaptive Filters Sayed 9780470253885 94 145.00

Adjustment Computations: Spatial Data Analysis, 5E Ghilani 9780470464915 57 170.00

Advanced Concrete Technology Li 9780470437438 53 140.00

Advanced Dynamics: Rigid Body, Multibody, and Aerospace Applications

Jazar 9780470398357 40 150.00

Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics, 2E Balanis 9780470589489 78 261.00

AdvancedEngineeringMathematics,10EInternational Student Version

Kreyszig 9780470646137 17 76.00

Aircraft Dynamics Napolitano 9780470626672 38 80.00

Alternative Energy Systems and Applications Hodge 9780470142509 60 72.00

An Introduction to Applied Statistical Thermodynamics

Sandler 9780470913475 49 72.00

An Introduction to Architectural Theory: 1968 to The Present

Mallgrave, Goodman 9781405180627 9 32.50

An Introduction to Computational Fluid Mechanics By Example

Biringen, Chow 9780470102268 36 130.00

An Introduction to Fire Dynamics, 3E Drysdale 9780470319031 46 80.00

An Introduction to Practical Formal Methods Using Temporal Logic

Fisher 9780470027882 72 130.00

Analog Integrated Circuit Design 2E International Student Version

Carusone, Johns, Martin 9781118092330 77 85.00

Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, 5E International Student Version

Gray, Hurst, Lewis, Meyer 9780470398777 77 76.00

Analysis of Structures: An Introduction Including Numerical Methods

Eisley, Waas 9780470977620 42 105.00

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Kuo, Acharya 9781118127568 40 175.00

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Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 5E SI Version

Montgomery 9780470505786 23 80.00

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Astronautics: The Physics of Space Flight, Enlarged and Improved, 2E

Walter 9783527410354 38 95.00

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AutoDeskInventorandInventorLtEssentials2012 Tremblay 9781118016800 67 49.99

AutoDeskRevitArchitecture2012Essentials Read, Krygiel, Vandezande 9781118016831 10 49.99

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Santin, Phillips 9780470056714 49 99.95

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Engineering 2012For Library Recommendation

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Cold-Formed Steel Design, 4E Yu, LaBoube 9780470462454 52 150.00

Communication Systems, 5E International Student Version

Haykin 9780470169964 84 76.00

Community Planning: Integrating Social and Physical Environments

Heywood 9781405198875 10 65.00

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Jensen, Shen 9780470229750 71 128.99

Computational Number Theory and Modern Cryptography

Yan 9781118188583 88 TBA

Computer Modeling in Bioengineering: Theoretical Background, Examples and Software

Koji, Filipovi, Stojanovi, Koji 9780470060353 50 160.00

Construction Management, 4E International Student Version

Halpin 9780470505939 12 80.00

Construction Practice Cooke 9781444336689 15 50.00

Control Systems Engineering, 6E International Student Version

Nise 9780470646120 93 80.00

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Hertzberg 9780470527801 8 214.00

Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8E International Student Version

Montgomery 9781118097939 22 80.00

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Digital Color Image Processing Koschan, Abidi 9780470147085 69 161.95

Digital Communications: A Modern Introduction Haykin 9780471647355 83 77.00

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Digital Signal Processing Using Matlab for Students and Researchers

Leis 9780470880913 95 95.00

Drawing: A Creative Process Ching 9780471289685 9 45.00

Dynamics: Engineering Mechanics 2E SI Version Tongue, Sheppard 9780470553046 25 80.00

Economic Systems Analysis and Assessment: Intensive Systems, Organizations, And Enterprises

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Electric Machines and Drives: A First Course Mohan 9781118074817 89 64.00

Electric Power Systems, 5E Weedy, Jenkins 9780470682685 90 75.00

Electric Power Systems: A First Course Mohan 9781118074794 89 64.00

Electro-Optic Materials Schlesinger & Schlesinger 9780471395690 73 95.00

Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems, Ninth Edition International Student Version

Boyce 9780470398739 20 80.00

Elementary Linear Algebra With Supplemental Applications, Tenth Edition International Student Version

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EngineeringCircuitAnalysis,10EInternationalStudent Version

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Leake 9781118078884 8 76.00

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Environmental Engineering: Fundamentals, Sustainability, Design, 1E

Mihelcic, Zimmerman 9780470165058 60 79.00

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