2012 Calendar (Jan - Mar)

oxforddiocese dioceseofoxford www.oxford.anglican.org t 01865 208 200 2012


First installment of a calendar for 2012 from the Oxford Diocese

Transcript of 2012 Calendar (Jan - Mar)

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oxforddiocesedioceseofoxford www.oxford.anglican.orgt 01865 208 200


Page 2: 2012 Calendar (Jan - Mar)

Dear FriendsThank you for sharing with me in the life of the gospel. This is a wonderful diocese to be part of and this calendar is intended to help us all know our way around the central services which support our mission. Let me spell out again how the LIVING FAITH framework is intended to shape and resource our life together.

The VISION of Living Faith is profound. It’s the transformation of all human life under God. No less!

The PURPOSE is to join with God in creating a caring, sustainable and growing Christian presence in every part of the diocese, enabling us all to live and share the love of God, seen in the life of Jesus Christ. Every word of that purpose is significant.

Our PRIORITIES are those five colours in the palette which I hope we’re using to paint something unique and beautiful for God. All the colours matter but we’re introducing resources for each of them year by year to avoid swamping the diocese with too much ‘stuff’. The pictures grow as the paints are applied and people catch more glimpses of the Kingdom.

In 2012 our focus is on making a difference in the world – without which people would be entitled not to take us too seriously. So let’s do it; let’s be a blessing to the communities in which we are set.

Yours in Christ, +John

Who's whoThe Rt Revd John Pritchard Bishop of Oxford e [email protected]

t 01865 208222

The Revd Amanda Bloor Chaplain to the Bishop e [email protected]

t 01865 208221

Christine Lodge PA to the Bishop e [email protected]

t 01865 208222

Debbie Perry Administrative Assistant to the Bishop e [email protected]

t 01865 208223

PRAYER FOR THE YEAR Gracious God, you have given us a world to enjoy and to serve. Thank you for the trust you have placed in us. May we respect your creation, work steadfastily for justice, and make a difference to that bit of the world where you have placed us. We ask this in the name of him who changed the world forever. Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen


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Baptism of Christ

Bank Holiday

Conversion of St Paul

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins. Bucks Archdeaconry Mission & Pastoral Cttee meeting.

Multi-Parish Benefice Day(Tel: 01865 208246)

Homelessness Sunday

Diocesan AdvisoryCommitteemeeting

Mission through Ministry Strategy Group meeting

Board of Mission meeting

Bishop's staff & Senior Management Group meeting

Berks Archdeaconry Mission and Pastoral Cttee meeting. Mission in the World Strategy Group meeting.

Oxford Archdeaconry Mission & Pastoral Cttee meeting

GlebeCommittee meeting

Plough Wednesday(Tel: 01608686749)

Area Deans and Lay ChairsConference

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LENT is approaching - look out for our Pancake Day card. Like previous Easter and Christmas projects, which were widely used in parishes, schools and shopping centres, the card is designed to be given away with pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to help people understand Lent. Hot cross bun and Easter egg cards will also be available subject to demand. Contact the Communications Dept on 01865 208225 for further information.



Our purpose is to create a caring, sustainable and growing Christian presence in every partof the Diocese of Oxford.

Proverbs 16:3Commit your work to the LORD,

and your plans will be established2012January

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Mission in the WorldWHY?Christians are called to make the world a better place. It’s our mission. Church has been called ‘an unlikely coalition of justice-seeking friends’ and such coalitions are at work across the Diocese of Oxford, making a fantastic contribution to the transformation of individuals and communities. The Mission in the World Group celebrates these activities, encourages and resources them, and constantly seeks ways to maximise their impact.

WHAT?The Mission in the World Team (seven officers, all but one of whom are part-time) supports a large network of volunteers, who bring passion and expertise to a vast array of themes, including: rural issues, the environment, mission to work and economic life, disability, mental health and wellbeing, the spiritual care of older people, international development and global issues, pastoral care, and urban life and faith.

Our focus for 2012 is the Living Faith year of ‘Making a Difference’. We are providing resources for theological reflection and for celebratory activities. By the end of the year we aim to have a new network of volunteer ‘Making a Difference’ advocates to help ensure that this aspect of holistic mission has the attention it deserves in our mission planning at all levels.

Susan van Beveren Mission in Work and Economic Life Adviser e [email protected] t 0118 956 6960

Wendy Bryant Disability Adviser e [email protected] t 01275 848934

The Revd Canon Glyn Evans Diocesan Rural Officer e [email protected] t 01608 686749

Matt Freer Environment Officer e [email protected] t 01865 208745

Helen Keely Administrative Assistant e [email protected] t 01865 208214

Maranda St John Nicolle Christian Concern for One World e [email protected] t 01235 850 267

HOW?• Training events and resource days: open to all,

usually for nominal or subsidised fees. • Multi-media resources, including written factsheets

and guides (eg ‘Welcome, Inclusion, Respect’ on disability); an environment blog (see http://earthingfaith.org); a new DVD for 2012, ‘Reaching Out: A Practical Guide to Pastoral Caring’.

• Access to experts on many themes, eg health and social care, world politics, domestic situations.

• Information and support network (e.g. on fair-trade; urban deprivation; older people’s issues; pastoral care challenges).

If you feel we can help you, or if you have something to offer, please contact the Social Responsibility Adviser:

Alison Webster: Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01865 208213

Who's whoPhoto by Elizabeth Perry

Department of Mission

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Earthing Faith Network meeting

Education Sunday

General Synod begins

National Marriage Week begins. Oxford Archdea-conry Glebe & Buildings Sub Cttee meeting.

General Synod Ends

St Valentine's Day

Ash Wednesday(Lent begins).Bucks Archdea-conry Glebe & Buildings Sub Cttee meeting.

Fairtrade Fortnight begins

Bishop's Council/Standing Cttee

Heads of Departments meeting

Berks Archdeaconry Glebe & Buildings Sub Cttee meeting.

Diocesan Advisory Cttee meeting.Diocesan Trustees meeting.

Bishop's Staff meeting

Shrove Tuesday

The Windmill Fairtrade shop in Headington, Oxford. (Photo by KT Bruce)

Order pancake cards which are designed to give out to people to help them understand the meaning of Lent - Go to our website or phone 01865 208225 for details.

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Leap year

'CONFIDENCE IN DISCIPLESHIP' - Training days for Clergy, Licensed Lay Ministers and PCCs: 27 February for 'Urban' Buckinghamshire Deaneries; 28 February for 'Rural' Buckinghamshire Deaneries; 29 February for West Berkshire Deaneries. Details and booking form available from Dept of Mission - Tel: 01865 208252.



Our purpose is to create a caring, sustainable and growing Christian presence in every partof the Diocese of Oxford.

Micah 6.8What does the LORD require of

you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with

your God?2012February

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What we doAt the very end of Matthew’s Gospel, just before he ascends to heaven, Jesus gives to those who follow him his “Great Commission”:

‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’

The Making Disciples team exists to support people, parishes and deaneries around the diocese as they seek to undertake this core task left by Jesus to his Church. We:

• Help Christians reach out to others, enabling people to make beginnings in faith and to be encouraged at all stages in their Christian journey

• Work for a Church where children and young people are valued, nurtured and protected

• Aim to inspire generous living that enables parishes to be well resourced for mission and ministry

• Resource strategic thinking and decision-making at parish and deanery level, helping disciples witness to Jesus through their presence, life and work. Revd Dr Michael Beasley

Director of Mission e [email protected] t 01865 208251

Stephen Barber Safeguarding Children Officer e [email protected] t 01865 208290

Ian Macdonald Diocesan Youth Adviser e [email protected] t 01865 208253

Yvonne Morris Diocesan Children’s Adviser e [email protected] t 01865 208255

Robin Brunner-Ellis Christian Giving and Fundraising Adviser e [email protected] t 01865 208254

Andrew Gear Parish Development Adviser - Bucks e [email protected] t 01865 208256

Olivia Graham Parish Development Adviser - Oxford e [email protected] t 01865 208246

Catherine Morris Parish Development Adviser - Berks e [email protected] t 01865 208296

Melanie Hawgood - Administrator e [email protected] t 01865 208252

Carolyn Main - Administrator e [email protected] t 01865 208288

Jeni Hobbs - Administrator e [email protected] t 01865 208288

Who's who

To see more parishes use the team of Diocesan Missioners, who help churches reach out to their local communities.

To develop and implement a diocesan youth strategy that will help all churches engage better with young people.

To grow recently established networks of deanery 'Parish Stewardship Promoters' who help churches think how they can live generously.

To strengthen the leadership teams of churches so that they can think more effectively about how to go about the task of 'Making Disciples'.


Making Disciples Team

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St David's Day.PACT Trustees meeting

St Patrick'sDay

Mothering Sunday

BritishSummer Time begins

Diocesan Advisory Committee meeting

Diocesan Board of Education meeting

Bishop's staff meeting

Diocesan Mission and Pastoral cttee meeting

Diocesan Council for the Deaf meeting

Planning & Budget subcttee meeting

Board of Mission meeting. Making Disciples Strat-egy Group meeting. Glebe & Buildings Ctteemeeting.

Diocesan Synod

St Mary the Virgin, Speen - one of the churches from the Oxford Diocesan Pilgrimage. More information at http://odbf.co.uk/kHbcoF

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'CONFIDENCE IN DISCIPLESHIP' - Training days for Clergy, Licensed Lay Ministers and PCCs: 1 March for East Berkshire Deaneries; 6 March for North Dorchester Deaneries; 7 March for South Dorchester and Oxford Deaneries. Details and booking form available from Dept of Mission - Tel: 01865 208252.

REMEMBER MOTHERING SUNDAY ON 18 MARCH. Resources and details of 'Make a Mother's Day' campaign from Mother's Union - http://muoxford.org.uk/Tel: 01865 726308


Our purpose is to create a caring, sustainable and growing Christian presence in every partof the Diocese of Oxford.

Matthew 28.19Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son

and of the Holy Spirit.2012March