2012-Apprentissage-Statistique-M2-partie2.ppt [Mode … · Cas général, X et Y peuvent avoir une...

Apprentissage Statistique Master IAD - Université Paris 6 P. Gallinari [email protected] http://www-connex.lip6.fr/~gallinar/ Année 2012-2013 Partie 2

Transcript of 2012-Apprentissage-Statistique-M2-partie2.ppt [Mode … · Cas général, X et Y peuvent avoir une...

Apprentissage Statistique

Master IAD - Université Paris 6P. Gallinari

[email protected]://www-connex.lip6.fr/~gallinar/

Année 2012-2013Partie 2

Apprentissage dans les données structurées

IntroductionModèles discriminantsClassification dans les graphes : réseaux sociaux

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 3

Machine learning and structured data

Different types of problems Model, classify, cluster structured data Predict structured outputs Learn to associate structured representations

Structured data and applications in many domains chemistry, biology, natural language, web, social networks,

data bases, etc

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 4

Sequence labeling: Part Of Speech Tagging (POS)

This Workshop brings together scientists and engineersDT NN VBZ RB NNS CC NNS

interested in recent developments in exploiting MassiveVBN IN JJ NNS IN VBG JJdata setsNP NP

determiner noun Verb 3rd pers adverb Noun pluralCoord. Conj.

adjective Verb gerund

Verb plural

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 5

PENN tag set

1. CC Coordinating conjunction 25.TO to 2. CD Cardinal number 26.UH Interjection 3. DT Determiner 27.VB Verb, base form 4. EX Existential there 28.VBD Verb, past tense 5. FW Foreign word 29.VBG Verb, gerund/present participle 6. IN Preposition/subord. 30.VBN Verb, past participle 7. JJ Adjective 31.VBP Verb, non-3rd ps. sing. present 8. JJR Adjective, comparative 32.VBZ Verb, 3rd ps. sing. present 9. JJS Adjective, superlative 33.WDT wh-determiner 10.LS List item marker 34.WP wh-pronoun 11.MD Modal 35.WP Possessive wh-pronoun 12.NN Noun, singular or mass 36.WRB wh-adverb 13.NNS Noun, plural 37. # Pound sign 14.NNP Proper noun, singular 38. $ Dollar sign 15.NNPS Proper noun, plural 39. . Sentence-final punctuation 16.PDT Predeterminer 40. , Comma 17.POS Possessive ending 41. : Colon, semi-colon 18.PRP Personal pronoun 42. ( Left bracket character 19.PP Possessive pronoun 43. ) Right bracket character 20.RB Adverb 44. " Straight double quote 21.RBR Adverb, comparative 45. ` Left open single quote 22.RBS Adverb, superlative 46. " Left open double quote 23.RP Particle 47. ' Right close single quote 24.SYM Symbol 48. " Right close double quote

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 6

Segmentation + labeling: syntactic chunking (Washington Univ. tagger)

This Workshop brings together scientists and engineersNP VP ADVP NP

interested in recent developments inVP IN NP PNP

exploiting Massive data setsNP

Noun Phrase Verb Phrase Noun Phraseadverbial Phrase

Noun Phrase

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 7

Segmentation + labeling: Named Entity Recognition Entities locations, persons, organizations Time expressions: dates, times Numeric expression: $ amount, percentages

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Goldman Sachs Group Inc. agreed on Thursday to pay $9.3 million to settle charges related to a former economist …. Goldman's GS.N settlement with securities regulators stemmed from charges that it failed to properly oversee John Youngdahl, a one-time economist …. James Comey, U.S.Attorney for the Southern District of New York, announced on Thursday a seven-count indictment of Youngdahl for insider trading, making false statements, perjury, and other charges. Goldman agreed to pay a $5 million fine and disgorge $4.3 million from illegal trading profits.

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Information Extraction

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Syntaxic Parsing (Stanford Parser)

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Document mapping problem

Problem: query heterogeneous XML databases or collections Need to know the correspondence between the structured representations

uually made by hand Learn the correspondence between the different sources

Labeled tree mapping problem

<Restaurant><Name>La cantine</Name><Adress>

65 rue des pyrénées, Paris,19ème, FRANCE</Adress><Specialities>

Canard à l’orange, Lapin aumiel</ Specialities ></Restaurant>

<Restaurant><Name>La cantine</Name><Adress><City>Paris</City><Stree>pyrénées</Street><Num>65</Num></Adress><Dishes>

Canard à l’orange</Dishes><Dishes>

Lapin au miel</Dishes></Restaurant>

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 11


Taxonomies Social networks Adversial computing: Webspam, Blogspam, … Translation Biology…..

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 12

Is structure really useful ?Can we make use of structure ? Yes Evidence from many domains or applications Mandatory for many problems e.g. 10 K classes classification problem

Yes but Complex or long term dependencies often correspond to

rare events Practical evidence for large size problems

Simple models sometimes offer competitive results Information retrievalSpeech recognition, etc

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 13

Structured algorithms differ by: Feature encoding Hypothesis on the output structure Hypothesis on the cost function

Apprentissage dans les données structurées

IntroductionModèles discriminants pour les séquences

Conditional random fieldsRéseaux récurrents

Classification dans les graphes : réseaux sociaux

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 15

X, Y variables aléatoires, Y prend ses valeurs dans un alphabet fini

X, Y sont structurés e.g. séquences, arbres, etc

CRF : modélise P(Y | X) Dans la plupart des travaux actuels X : séquence d’observations Y : séquence d’étiquettes

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 16

Modèle discriminant Le conditionnement est fait sur X entier Pas d’hypothèse d’indépendance sur les composantes de

X Permet de prendre en compte des composantes globales

de la séquence X et donc (en principe) de modéliser des dépendances quelconques

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 17

CRF : définitioncas des séquences

X et Y deux séquences aléatoires X = (X1, …, Xn), Y = (Y1, …, Yn)

G = (V,E) graphe non orienté défini sur Y (Y = (Yv)vV). (X,Y) est un CRF si on a la propriété Markovienne

suivante :

Remarques Si Y est une séquence, V = {1,…,m} et E = {(i, i+1)} On s’intéresse aux probabilités conditionnelles P(Y | X) Cas général, X et Y peuvent avoir une structure de graphe

),(),( G dans i de voisinsYXYPYXYP iiVi

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 18

Forme des probabilités conditionnelles : théorème de Hammersley - Clifford Pour un CRF la probabilité conditionnelle suit un modèle


c : clique maximale du graphe G C : ensemble des cliques maximales de G x, y : séquences yc : points de G dans la clique max de y Les fk sont des fonctions réelles, elles sont fixées à l’avance

Ce sont des caractéristiques simples des données d’entrée et de sortie – elles sont souvent à valeurs dans 0/ 1 (cf exemple)

Les k sont des paramètres à apprendreOn aura donc une somme linéaire de caractérisques simples

Cc kckk


Cc kckk







Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 19

Pour le cas des séquences on a :




xZxyp ),(),,(exp

)(1)( 1

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 20

Apprentissage et inférence dans les CRF

Critère d’apprentissage Cas du MV (log(MV)) :

p(x,y) distribution empirique des exemples p(y|x) modèle conditionnel

Algorithmes : méthodes de gradients du 2nd ordre, gradients adaptatifs

Inférence Programmation dynamique (algorithme à la Viterbi)














Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 21

Exemple CRFEtiquetage morpho-syntaxique Caractéristiques fyi,yi+1 = 1 si (yi ,yi+1 ) est dans D (ens. d’apprentissage), 0

sinon gxj,yi = 1 si (xj ,yi ) est dans D, 0 sinon Autres caractéristiques 1 si mot commençant par une majuscule, un chiffre 1 si terminaison –ing, -ed, -ly, -ies, etc On peut ajouter toutes les caractéristiques que l’on veut qui

sont des fonctions des x et y. Vecteur global de caractéristiques Vecteur binaire de grande taille et creux chaque composante correspond à une des caractéristiques


Apprentissage dans les données structurées

IntroductionModèles discriminants

Conditional random fieldsRéseaux récurrents

Classification dans les graphes : réseaux sociaux

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 23

Réseaux récurrents

Dynamique limitée dans le temps non limitée à état stable, cycle limite, ...

Entrée x : x(t0), x(t) = 0, t t0 x(t) = x(t0), t x(t) : séquence

Supervision définie sur {1,...T} x {unités} chaque pas fin de la séquence, ...

Les réseaux récurrents sont des modèles dynamiques non linéaires et continus




Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 24

Deux types de modèles :

Entrée - sortie

Modèle d'état

Algorithmes Deux cas :

Récurrences locales Généraux

))(()( txfty

c t f c t x ty t g c t( ) ( ( ), ( ))( ) ( ( ))

1 1

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 25

Réseaux récurrents simples

Connexions récurrentes fixées

2 modes d'utilisation : x fixe génération de séquences x séquence classification






Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 26

Réseaux localement récurrents

Apprentissage de connexions récurrentes simples

Apprentissage : Rétro-propagation pour les séquences Critère :

T : instants de supervision

Propriétés : Comportement d'oubli à mémoire court terme : Apprentissage de séquences de taille fixe jusqu'à la précision désirée Séquences de taille inconnue : limitations, e.g. compter le nombre d'occurrences

dans une séquence de longueur quelconque.




t-2e.g. si retard = 1

))(1 )(()( j

jijiiii txwtxwftx

Tt pi

iit tdtyQ







Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 27

Réseaux totalement récurrents

Apprentissage Sorties spécifiées à certains temps

Séquences quelconques : algorithmes généraux, complexité en temps mémoire O(n4) si n unités

x01 x02


ijiji txtxwftx ))()((1)( 0


Séquences de taille limitée :

Déploiement spatial du réseau récurrent

Algorithme : Back propagation through time


t = 1

t = 3

t = 2


w11 w22




Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 28

Exemple : apprentissage de trajectoire(Pearlmutter, 1995, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks)

Réseau totalement récurrent : 2 unités de sortie, pas d’unité d’entrée

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 29

Réseau récurrent avec 2 unités d’entrée (sin q, cos q), 30 unités cachées, et 2 unités de sortie (x,y) :

But : apprendre une trajectoire variable en fonction des entrées. (Pearlmutter, 1995, IEEE Trans. on Neural Networks)







Apprentissage dans les données structurées

IntroductionModèles discriminants

Conditional random fieldsRéseaux récurrents

Classification dans les graphes : réseaux sociaux

Mining Content Information Networks

[email protected]é Pierre et Marie Curie – Paris 6

Content Information Networks

Web Hyperlinks

Social networks Friends, comments, tags, metadata (date, geo-localization, etc.)…

Bibliographical networks Authors, co-authors, conferences, editor site, metadata,…

Blogs Comments, messages, backlinks Micro blogging: followers

E-mails To, from, subject, date, etc.

Any collection of content elements with relations Images, video, texts, … Implicit relations based on similarities

Collaborative recommendation networks Collaboration networks

32Mining Content Information Networks



Enron e-mail

11 K Web hosts -Webspam

Wikipedia themes classification

Flickr Friendship network

Mining Content Information Networks

Social Networks are Heterogeneous Network

34Mining Content Information Networks

Affiliation, recommendation network

Mining Content Information Networks 35

Users Items, groups

Transaction network

Mining Content Information Networks 36

Buyers Transaction Sellers

Foes and friends network

Mining Content Information Networks 37




U1 U




Large scale Tweeter (June 2010) > 65 M tweets / day > 100 M users, 300 K new user / day

Facebook > 500 M users

Complexity Heterogeneity (nodes and relations) Rich data (multiple media)

Dynamic Structure Information

Mining Content Information Networks 38

Large graph analysis

Analysis of network Well developed (since end of 90s) Describe statistical properties of large networks Examples Power laws Static characteristics and measurements Centrality, betweeness, hubs, flows, …

Structure Small word effect, scale free, preferential attachment Communities

Dynamics Information propagation Diffusion process Viral marketing

Understand the creation and evolution of the networks, i.e. models of networks Global, local

Mining Content Information Networks 39

Mining and machine learning

Inference (predictions) on networks Content information + structure HeterogeneityMulti-modal information

Mining Content Information Networks 40


Recommendation E-commerce: products / social networks: friends

Marketing Consumer targeting for new product

Social search Thematic People Sentiment

Annotation Image, video

Advertising Click prediction

Security Fraud detection Spamming

Mining Content Information Networks 41

Learning in content networks

Generic problems Compute scores on graph nodes Classification, ranking Annotation, influence, popularity, recommendation

Compute scores for links Link existence Friend recommendation

Group detection Dynamics of information, diffusion

Mining Content Information Networks 42

Classification and ranking on networked data

IntroductionRegularization based methods

Mining Content Information Networks 44

Machine learning on graph data Mainly classification Different approaches Here regularization framework

May take into account both content and connectivity

Classification and Ranking on networked data

Problem Classification and ranking are two important generic

problems for Machine learning Mainly developed for vectorial and sequential data

Classification/ Ranking on graphs Some data points are labeled Infer labels of other nodes

Specificity of graph data Node interdependency The labels inferred at a given node will depend on their neighbors

Mining Content Information Networks 45




Mining Content Information Networks 46

Example : webspam detection

WebSpam challenge 2007

11 K hosts 7 K labeled 26 % spam Partial view of the

host graph Black : spam White : non spam

Exemple Blog Spam (Courtesy from BlogSpirit)

47Mining Content Information Networks

Mining Content Information Networks 48

Graph labeling with regularization

Initial framework comes from semi-supervised learning Later extended to other situations Classification on graphs Ranking

Formalize the problem as the optimization of a cost function

Classification framework

Classical setting for classification is inductive learning Training set of labeled data

Mining Content Information Networks 49

Learn a classification function F

Infer on new data




Semi-supervised learning

Motivation Labeling data is expensive while unlabeled data is often

available in large quantities Often the case for e.g. web applications

Train classifiers using both (few) labeled data and unlabeled data. All data (labeled + unlabeled) are available at once

Mining Content Information Networks 50

Mining Content Information Networks 51

Using data consistency (Zhou et al. 2003)

Context: semi-supervised learning (SSL) SSL rely on local (neighbors share the same label) and global (data

structure) data consistency

Fig. from Zhou et al. 2003

Mining Content Information Networks 52

Graph methods for semi-supervised learning general idea Given A similarity matrix W between nodes Defines a weighted undirected graph G = (V, E) on data points Encodes local similarity between points

A set of labeled nodes on G Propagate observed labels to unlabeled nodes using local


Regularization view of the algorithm

Mining Content Information Networks 53

Mining Content Information Networks 54

Mining Content Information Networks 55



Multiclass Ranking Node ranking Label ranking

Content + link Information Propagation methods do not consider directly the content of the different nodes Content only appears through the similarity or kernel matrix

It is possible to use the graph regularization idea together with content based classifiers

Directed graphsMultiple relations

Mining Content Information Networks 56

Mining Content Information Networks 57

Ranking model for image annotation in a social network (Denoyer 2009)

Problem Automatic annotation of images in large social networks

(e.g. Flickr) Consider simultaneously Explicit relations (authorship, friendship) Implicit relations (similarity) Different types of content Text, image

Mining Content Information Networks 58

Approach Regularization based method

Results Importance of social links Authors, friendship Large improvement over non relational (classical) label

ranking methods Few improvement with implicit relations

Mining Content Information Networks 59


3 corpora extracted from Flickr

Mining Content Information Networks 60


Ranking on multi-graphs with learned relations (Jacobs et al 2011)

Relations on Flickr Friendship, Comment,

Same monthStill better Considering

simultaneously multiple relations

Learning the strength of relations

Mining Content Information Networks 61

Graph kernels


Graph Kernels allow to define similarities between nodes in a graph, based on the graph structure e.g. # paths connecting two nodes, mean weight of paths,

etc Complex similarity measures Large variety of similarity measures

Similarities allow defining distances between nodes Graph nodes may be mapped onto a metric space Clustering, classification, visualization

Mining Content Information Networks 63

Link with regularization based approaches Some graph kernels may be obtained as solutions to the

optimization of loss functions Link with random walks Some graph kernels may be defined in terms of random

walks on the graph

Mining Content Information Networks 64


Kernels are “similarity” functions K(x,x’) s.t. K(x,x’) can be computed via an inner product of some

transformation of x and x’ in a feature space Definition K: X x X R is a kernel function if for all x, z in X, K(x,z) = <

Φ(x), Φ(z)> where Φ is a mapping from X onto an inner product feature space

(Hilbert space)

Mining Content Information Networks 65

Initial motivations in machine learning Non linear classification

Mining Content Information Networks 66



K(x, x’)

Similarity between graph nodes

Graph “Metric” Space

Mining Content Information Networks 67

How to define meaningful kernels on graphs

Mining Content Information Networks 68

Example: kernels based on adjacency matrix

Mining Content Information Networks 69




# paths of length 2

Diffusion kernels on graphs (Shawe-Taylor et al. 2004)

Mining Content Information Networks 70





Von Neumann diffusion kernel

Mining Content Information Networks 71

Random walk with restart kernel (Gori et al. 2006))

Mining Content Information Networks 72

Using graph kernels for recommendation

Collaborative filtering U a set of users I a set of items Each user rates some of the items User-item matrix - sparse

Collaborative filtering Recommend items for users Usually based on the user similarity of ratings Predict the missing ratings for users Many different techniques

Mining Content Information Networks 73



1 2 3 4

1 5 3


3 3


5 1 2



1 2 3 4

1 5 ? ? 32 ? ? ? ?3 ? 3 ? ?4 ? ? ? ?

5 1 2 ? ?

Popular challenges on movie recommendation CAMRa2010, 2011 NetFlix Prize (http://www.netflixprize.com) On September 21, 2009 we awarded the $1M Grand Prize to

team “BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos”. There are currently 51051 contestants on 41305 teams from

186 different countries. We have received 44014 valid submissions from 5169 different teams;

Mining Content Information Networks 74

Using graph kernels for recommendation

Let G = (V, E) be the user-item bipartite graph Nodes V are users and items Links A adjacency matrix aij = 1 if user i has rated item I aij = 0 otherwise

Bipartite graph

Mining Content Information Networks 75

Using graph kernels for recommendation

Mining Content Information Networks 76

Using graph kernels for recommendation

Mining Content Information Networks 77

Using graph kernels for recommendation

Mining Content Information Networks 78

Using graph kernels for classification

Kernels may be used for semi-supervised classification Given a Kernel matrix K (nxn), a simple rule for

classification is: Let yc be an nx1 vector s.t. yc,I = 1 if node i is from class c and

0 otherwise (unknown or other class) K. yc is the vector of class c scores for the graph nodes It computes the similarity of any node with the labeled nodes from

class c Finally, a node may be classified into the class with highest

score This is similar to what we did with regularization based

approaches Note Other, more sophisticated classification rules might be used

Mining Content Information Networks 79


Statistical tools for relational learning in graphs Different families which share many relations Still limited to relatively simple tasks Challenges E.g. tools for community management

Mining Content Information Networks 80


Zhou D, Bousquet O, Lal TN, Weston J, Schölkopf B. Learning with local and global consistency. In: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16: Proceedings of the 2003 Conference.Vol 1.; 2004:595–602.

Zhu X, Ghahramani Z. Semi-supervised learning using gaussian fields and harmonic functions. MACHINE LEARNING-. 2003;20(2):912.

Abernethy J, Chapelle O, Castillo C. Graph regularization methods for Web spam detection. Machine Learning. 2010;81(2):207-225.

Shawe-Taylor J., Cristianini N., Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 2004

Yen L, Pirotte A, Saerens M. An Experimental Investigation of Graph Kernels on Collaborative Recommendation and Semisupervised Classification. Submitted. 2009:1-39.

81Mining Content Information Networks

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 82

Stages 2013http://www-connex.lip6.fr/~gallinar/Stages/Stages.html Très grandes masses de données Apprendre avec un budget restreint et processus séquentiels (apprentissage par

renforcement) Réseaux sociaux Apprendre un agent sur Twitter Réseaux hétérogènes

Apprentissage de représentations sémantiques Réseau de neurones profonds Sentiments Processus de décision séquentiels

Recommandation sociale

Apprentissage Statistique - P. Gallinari 83

Quelques liens utiles

Livres Cornuéjols, A and Miclet L.: Apprentissage Artificiel. Concepts et

algorithmes (2nd Ed.with revisions and additions - 2006 Eyrolles, 650 p Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning,

Springer (2006). David Barber, 2012, Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning,

Cambridge Univ. Press. Software General Weka 3: Data Mining Software in Java

http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/ Lush (Leon Bottou)

http://lush.sourceforge.net) SVM http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/libsvm/


Test sets UCI machine learning repository …..