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  • 8/10/2019 20111003 Druckversion - Bad News From Athens_ Greek Budget Figures Complicate Bailout Efforts - SPIEGEL ONLI


    10/03/2011 03:26 PM

    Bad News from Athens

    Greek Budget Figures Complicate Bailout Efforts

    The Greek economy is still shrinking -- and will continue to do so through next year, thecountry's Finance Ministry announced on Monday. In addition to missing its deficit targets, the

    continued contraction has multiplied doubts as to the wisdom of saving Greece at all.

    Just last week, international markets were buoyed by hopes that Europe, finally, had decided to

    throw the kitchen s ink at the euro crisis. On Thursday, Germany's parliament seemed to justify

    those hopes by approving its share of the expanded European Financial Stability Facility(EFSF).

    What a difference a weekend makes. On Sunday, Greece announced that its 2011 budget deficit

    will be 8.5 percent of gross domestic product, well higher than the 7.6 percent it targeted last

    year as part of its ambitious plan to return to fiscal health. And on Monday, new figures indicate

    that the country's economy will contract by 2.5 percent in 2012 instead of the hoped for growth of

    0.6 percent. Stock markets around the world plunged as a result.

    The figures have been made public as officials in Athens struggle to put together a budget for

    2012 amid growing doubts that the country will be able to avoid insolvency. The country is also

    anxiously awa iting a report by officials from the European Union, the European Central Bank and

    the International Monetary Fund -- a group known as the "troika" -- which will determine whether

    Athens is eligible for the next, 8 billion payment from the ongoing 110 billion bailout passed in


    In an effort to satisfy austerity demands made by the troika, Greek Finance Minister Evangelos

    Venizelos announced this weekend that 30,000 public sector jobs were to be cut by Christmas.

    The cuts, Venizelos hopes, will help lower the country's budget deficit to 6.8 percent of GDP in

    2012, which is still higher than the 6.5 percent originally envisioned. He a lso says that the movewill return the budget to surplus status once debt-service payments are factored out.

    "The 2012 budget completes an intense and difficult effort of fiscal adjustment, reaching a primary

    surplus of 3.2 billion in 2012 from a primary deficit of 24 billion in 2009," he said in a statement.

    Particularly Ominous

    The new numbers are particularly ominous given that European Union leaders, when they initially

    agreed in July to a second, 109 billion ba ilout package for Greece, assumed a growth rate of 0.6

    percent. With the recession now set to continue for at least another year, the country will likely

    need significantly more funding. Germany's parliament is set to vote on that ba ilout package this


    In addition, European banks, which agreed in July to a 21 percent writedown in the value of their

    Greek debt holdings, may end up suffering much larger losses. "Greece is bankrupt," said Michael

    Fuchs, deputy floor leader in parliament for Merkel's Christian Democrats, in comments to the daily

    Rheinische Post. "Probably there is no other way for us other than to accept at least a 50 percent

    haircut on its debt."

    Deutsche Bank head Josef Ackermann, however, warned against revisiting the voluntary

    agreement. "If we reopen the voluntary accord of July 21, we will not only lose precious time, but

    quite possibly also private-sector support," Ackermann told the Greek daily Kathimerini.

    Last week, markets rose on hopes that Europe was preparing to vastly expand the EFSF beyond

    the 440 billion it has already committed to. Alternately, there was ta lk of "leveraging" the fundby using its current assets as collateral to borrow up to 2 trillion. Several denials from Germany

    in particular would seem to have put a damper on such hopes. But according to Olli Rehn,

    Europe's commissioner for economics and monetary affairs, finance ministers meeting on Monday

    in Brussels are set to discuss ways to leverage the fund, suggesting that Germany's "nein" has

    not been unconditional.

  • 8/10/2019 20111003 Druckversion - Bad News From Athens_ Greek Budget Figures Complicate Bailout Efforts - SPIEGEL ONLI



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    Europe, Rehn said on Monday, faced a three-pronged challenge of "sta lling growth, stressed

    sovereigns and still vulnerable banks." Euro-zone ministers were not expected to make any

    decisions on Monday.

    A Complete Standstill

    Still, many remain convinced that Europe needs to take drastic action to get its debt crisis under

    control. Austan Goolsbee, the chairman of Barack Obama's Council of Economic Advisors who

    recently resigned, told SPIEGEL in an interviewthat Europe needed to focus on rapidly

    recapitalizing European banks to avoid a deep financial crisis once Greece defaults. "If Europe

    does not deal with the problem of undercapitalized banks, it could easily blow up and turn into

    another worldwide conflagration," he said.

    Magnifying the problem are indications that the euro-zone economy is already suffering w ith a

    steep drop in export demand hitting several economies hard. According to the Manufacturing

    Purchasing Managers Index, a survey carried out by Markit of euro-zone purchasing managers

    and an important measure of factory activity, manufacturing shrank last month at a pace not seen

    since the middle of 2009. Germany too has seen a significant slowdown with manufacturing

    growth having all but come to a complete standstill.

    cgh -- with wire reports




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