
WE DAY CELEBRITIES NELLY, DESMAN, HANSEN TALK ABOUT WHY IT’S IMPORTANT {pages 9, 10} Weekend, September 23-25, 2011 www.metronews.ca TORONTO News worth sharing. $ 30 $ 30 TONIGHT’S JACKPOT Former MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj, left, welcomes Arjan Tabaj at Pearson airport Thursday after Tabaj and his family arrived in Canada. Wife Anilda and one of the couple’s sons is seen with her. RICK MADONIK/TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE ‘Now … we’re dreaming’ Tabaj family returns to Canada aſter deportation overturned Ordered to leave country two years ago They were just three years old when their family was deported from Canada, but the Tabaj twins, Kristian and Vincenco, now five-years-old, never forgot Canada — the place their parents and sister adopted after fleeing Albania, fearing for their lives. “Now we’re back, and we’re dreaming,” said their mother, Anilda Tabaj as the twins clutched miniature Canadian flags and their older sister, Maria, grinned and said she couldn’t wait to see her friends. Their father, 41-year-old Arjan Tabaj, knelt down and kissed the ground. “For me, for my family, this means future, hope, freedom,” he said, holding back tears. The Tabaj family returned to the coun- try Thursday after two years away. Last month, a judge overturned a June 2009 deportation order that sent them back to Albania. The Tabajs took refuge in Canada after an alleged assassination attempt on Arjan Tabaj’s life in April 2000. According to the family, he was in a vehicle with colleagues from the pro-democracy newspaper where he worked when they were ambushed by machine-gun fire. Two of the occupants in the car were killed, and Tabaj was left partially paralyzed and lost his left foot. In January 2001, the couple and their daughter entered Canada using fake pass- ports. They remained for several years, settling in Etobicoke. But they had problems getting refugee status, due to an abandoned claim made during a brief stay in Canada in the late 1990s. Despite pleas from friends, family and then-MP for the Tabajs’ Etobicoke Cen- tre riding, Borys Wrzesnewskyj, the fam- ily was deported in 2009. They spent the last two years in hiding in Albania, mov- ing from place to place, and not allowing their children to leave, even to go to school. Still, the family says they received death threats and claim they were the victims of another assassi- nation attempt. Arjan Tabaj refused to give details about the assassination attempt or the past two years in hiding. “We want to forget. We want to focus on the future now,” he said. The family was also secretive about their plans, refus- ing to disclose where they will stay. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE WILDE ABOUT HER MAN OLIVIA’S NEW FLAME {page 38} “For me, for my family, this means future, hope, freedom.... We want to forget. We want to focus on the future now.” ARJAN TABAJ



Transcript of 20110923_Toronto

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Weekend, September 23-25, 2011www.metronews.ca


News worth sharing.



Former MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj, left, welcomes Arjan Tabaj at Pearson airport Thursday after

Tabaj and his family arrived in Canada. Wife Anilda and one of the couple’s sons is seen with her.


‘Now … we’re dreaming’Tabaj family returns to Canada after deportation

overturned Ordered to leave country two years ago

They were just three years old when theirfamily was deported from Canada, but theTabaj twins, Kristian and Vincenco, nowfive-years-old, never forgot Canada — theplace their parents and sister adopted afterfleeing Albania, fearing for their lives.

“Now we’re back, and we’re dreaming,”said their mother, Anilda Tabaj as the twinsclutched miniature Canadian flags andtheir older sister, Maria, grinned and saidshe couldn’t wait to see her friends. Theirfather, 41-year-old Arjan Tabaj, knelt downand kissed the ground.

“For me, for my family, this meansfuture, hope, freedom,” he said, holdingback tears.

The Tabaj family returned to the coun-try Thursday after two years away.

Last month, a judge overturned a June2009 deportation order that sent themback to Albania.

The Tabajs took refuge in Canada afteran alleged assassination attempt on ArjanTabaj’s life in April 2000. According to thefamily, he was in a vehicle with colleaguesfrom the pro-democracy newspaper wherehe worked when they were ambushed bymachine-gun fire. Two of the occupantsin the car were killed, and Tabaj was leftpartially paralyzed and lost his left foot.

In January 2001, the couple and theirdaughter entered Canada using fake pass-ports. They remained for several years,

settling in Etobicoke. But they had problems getting refugee

status, due to an abandoned claim madeduring a brief stay in Canada in the late1990s. Despite pleas from friends, familyand then-MP for the Tabajs’ Etobicoke Cen-tre riding, Borys Wrzesnewskyj, the fam-ily was deported in 2009.

They spent the last two years in hidingin Albania, mov-ing from place toplace, and notallowing theirchildren to leave,even to go toschool. Still, thefamily says theyreceived deaththreats andclaim they werethe victims ofanother assassi-nation attempt.

Arjan Tabajrefused to givedetails about the

assassination attempt or the past two yearsin hiding.

“We want to forget. We want to focuson the future now,” he said. The familywas also secretive about their plans, refus-ing to disclose where they will stay.TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE


“For me, for myfamily, thismeans future,hope,freedom.... Wewant to forget.We want tofocus on thefuture now.”ARJAN TABAJ

Page 2: 20110923_Toronto

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Page 3: 20110923_Toronto


03metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011news: toronto

“Red rover, red rover, wecall Doug Ford over,” agroup of snack-brandish-ing kids and parentschanted to the grinningcouncillor during aprotest against city hallbudget cuts.

Ford got a big cheer byfinally being coaxed overfrom his council chamberchair Thursday morning,but he refused juice and acracker, or to “pinkyswear” that he won’t cutsubsidized child-carespaces.

“Can you folks go to theprovince and talk to thepremier” to pressure himto fund 2,000 child-carespaces the city can’t af-ford, Ford asked — beforereturning to his seat to achorus of boos.

More than 100 parentsand babies, toddlers andbigger kids crowded thepublic gallery. They soonhad left-leaning council-

lors, including Pam Mc-Connell and Joe Mihevc,eating out of their snacktrays.

Allies of Mayor RobFord, including DougFord, Paul Ainslie anddeputy mayor Doug Holy-day, watched from theirseats, smiling, as parentsyelled: “What about therest of you? Come join us!Don’t you support childcare?”

Earlier, during a closedcouncil session, a vote toopen it up so the protestcould take place passed16-14. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE

Here’s a cookie, now save child care

Coun. Doug Ford, centre, is coaxed toward parents protesting potential cuts to

subsidized child care during a protest in the city hall council chamber on Thursday.


Doug Ford refuses to ‘pinky swear’at family protest in city hall that he won’t cut subsidized child care spaces

Pam Hundal,

PC candidate

in Brampton.


Brampton candidate’s husband chargedThe husband of a BramptonConservative party candi-date has been charged withsexual assault.

A pretrial hearing in On-tario Superior Court will beheld in Brampton Sept. 29in the case against Gurmeet“Bill” Bhangal, husband ofPam Hundal. The alleged in-cident is said to have takenplace April 15.

Bhangal could not be

reached for comment andno one answered the doorat the family residence inBrampton.

Peel police would notconfirm the charge, but acourt official said someonewith the same name andbirthdate was charged andhad a first appearance incourt May 30, before the up-coming pretrial hearing.

Approached at her cam-

paign office, Hundal, who isrunning in the provincialriding of Brampton-Spring-dale, said only, “I have nocomment.”

Bhangal, 45, worked inthe auto industry before be-coming owner of a numberof Jiffy Lube franchises inOntario. He has helped or-ganize events for Tim Hu-dak in Brampton. TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE

“I just wanteveryone to taketheir cookies and Iwant everybody tosupport my childcare.”AMINA VANCE, 10, ABOUT WHY SHEATTENDED THE CHILD CARE PROTEST

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Page 4: 20110923_Toronto

metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

04 news: toronto

Demand for new condoshas hit record levels inthe 905 region during an

unusually hot August,outstripping sales in thecondo-concentrated 416

area for the first timeever.TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE

New condo demand reaches record


Punk rockers on a missionReleasing their debut full-length album, I Want Revenge, on Oct. 11 and hittingthe road on their Zombie Apocalypse Tour across Canada, Kill Matilda is on thehunt to find, capture and destroy zombies wreaking havoc across the land.

Zombie. Killers

Canadian punk rockers Kill Matilda are back with a vengeance, but this time, when they

play the Hard Luck Bar on Dundas Street West Saturday, it’s not just Matilda they’re after.

The last time Ayan Dahirsaw her 16-year-old son,she thought he was goingto the movies.

Little did she know thatMahamed Abdi Warsame,her first-born, was head-ing to a highrise apart-ment building nearEglinton Avenue East andMarkham Road where hewould be so viciouslykicked and stomped as torender his face unrecog-nizable.

“I never knew he hadfriends there. I gave him$20 from off the fridge. Itold him to take that $20for the movies. That’s thelast time I see him,” saidDahir, in tears.

On Thursday Adrian

Narayan, 22, and AnthonyTaylor, 23, were sentencedto 11 and nine years re-spectively — less time forpre-trial custody — afterpleading guilty to

manslaughter in the May2008 slaying of the Win-ston Churchill Collegiatestudent.

Although others wereinvolved in the prolongedbeating, no one else hasbeen charged.

Dahir said she is happythe two men have beensent to the penitentiarybut would like to see theothers pay for what theydid.

“I’m still very emotion-al inside,” she said. “I havenightmares.”

Homicide Det.-Sgt.Wayne Banks declined tocomment on the othersuspects, but did say theinvestigation is ongoingTORSTAR NEWS SERVICE.

Two men jailed instomping death

Ayan Dahir, mother of

Mahamed Abdi Warsame.


Victim’s liver, spleen were lacerated Upper lip was separated from the jaw and his tongue was almost severed

Mayor Rob Ford is wastingmoney through his insis-tence on burying large partsof the new Eglinton lightrail transit line, says formermayor David Miller.

Miller criticized Ford, theLiberal provincial govern-ment for going along, andLiberals on city council forsupporting the new mayor.

Ford’s decision — withthe province’s blessing — tokill the Finch and SheppardLRT lines was “extremelyunwise,” he said in an ap-pearance on Newstalk 1010

Wednesday morning.Miller said the “genius”

of his Transit City plan isthat it’s much cheaper andcan be built much fasterthan subways, which Fordsupports as a way to sepa-rate transit from cars.

The entire Transit Citynetwork could have beendelivered by 2020 with thefirst line ready by 2015,Miller said.

“The plan is there, theenvironmental assessmentsare done. You could turn iton like a switch. If you

wanted to, you could startconstruction on Finch inabout two months andSheppard probably nextweek.”

Subways don’t work inmany neighbourhoods be-cause there aren’t enoughriders, he said.

“We’d love to have a sub-way in every neighbour-hood but, (a) you can’tafford it, and (b) very fewneighbourhoods in this cityhave the (population) densi-ty that justifies it.”TORSTAR NEWS SERVICE

Former Toronto mayor David Miller.


Offering praise

NDP. David Miller praisedthe provincial New Democ-rats for promising torestore a funding formulathat had the province pay-ing half of the TTC’s oper-ating subsidy every year.

Expenses. A return to thatformula would see morethan $200 million a yearflowing to the city to helppay transit operatingexpenses.

Put Eglinton LRT back on track, David Miller says


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09metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011news: toronto

With Free the Childrenramping up for its annualcharitable extravaganza WeDay in Toronto next week,co-founder Marc Kielburgersat down to talk about whatkeeps him going.

“One is to see the actualimpact of We Day itself,” hesaid. “Last year, we wereable to engage kids andthey were able to fundraise$5-million for local and in-ternational causes of theirchoice.”

Kielburger also points tothe actual experience of be-ing at We Day.

“It is so incredible,” hesays of the daylong event,which will draw 18,000 stu-dent leaders from acrossNorth America to the AirCanada Centre. “We alsohave a few surprises hap-pening throughout the daythat are really going to wowpeople and make a differ-ence in the world,” he adds.

Every year, We Daydraws an impressive rosterof speakers and performers.This year’s event will see

popular Canadian singersand the likes of actor andpolitical activist DannyGlover and Mary Robinson,Ireland’s first female presi-dent and former United Na-tions High Commissioner.

How does Kielburger at-tract high profile namesyear-after-year?

“A lot of individuals whocome to the event are veryactive with social change,”he explains. “Nelly Furtado,for example, is not only in-volved in We Day, but shespent a number of weekswith us in Kenya where we

were able to film a docu-mentary with CTV.

“It’s very cool to see indi-viduals who not only cometo the big splashy event, butwho come and understandthe work we’re doing, get-ting on the ground, gettingtheir hands dirty.”

B.C. songstress hopes young peopleleave We Day ‘energized and brave’

Youth should leave inspired: Furtado

Nelly Furtado was recently in Kenya in support of Artbound and Free The Children.


Free the



Marc Kielburger.


Star wattage will help power youth event

B.C.-born songstress NellyFurtado has come a longway since her first hit, I’mLike a Bird, soared up thecharts around the worldback in 2000.

Despite the fame and for-tune that quickly followed,the Grammy and Junoaward winner still findstime in her hectic schedulefor charitable endeavours.

Furtado will perform onSept. 27 during the We Dayevent at the Air CanadaCentre, hosted by Nina Do-brev, star of the hit seriesThe Vampire Diaries, andmusician Joe Jonas.

“We Day is a fantastic,fresh, modern event with afocus on the future, positiv-ity and youth engagement,”Furtado told Metro. “It’s ameeting ground for thou-

sands of youth that want tochange the world.”

Furtado says that being amom also influenced herto be more involved inevents like We Day.

“The moment I became amother, I felt like I was partof the global tribe of moth-ers, and I believe mothershave so much power as rolemodels for their childrenand also as healers of theplanet.”

Young people attendingWe Day should come awayinspired, adds Furtado.

“I would like the youthat We Day to go home feel-ing energized and brave. Ittakes bravery to be a trueindividual, and it’s a lifelong quest — but theyounger we start the better!” METRO

HEATHER [email protected]

“It’s much morethan just a dayevent. It’s becomethis year-longeducationalinitiative.”MARC KIELBURGER ON WE DAY.

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Page 10: 20110923_Toronto


WEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 201110 news: toronto

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For a man who has inspiredso many, it’s funny to hearRick Hansen talk aboutwhat inspires him. Yetthat’s the word that comesup when he talks about hispast experiences speakingat We Day.

“Being in the room withsuch a tremendous force ofamazing people inspiresme to keep going, to set thebar even higher,” he says.

It’s been 25 years sincethe Paralympian made hishistoric Man in Motion tourin the hopes of making theworld a healthier and moreinclusive place. He’s beenspreading that messageever since and is interrupt-ing a cross-Canada anniver-sary relay to speak at nextweek’s Toronto We Day.

He first heard about theannual Free the Childrenevent from his three daugh-ters, who have all attended.

“They’d come back so ex-cited,” he says. “It’s an in-credible opportunity for

like-minded kids to connectwith each other and withtheir role models.”

Hansen says it amazeshim to see so many youngpeople “not just thinkingand dreaming of what theymight do, but actually do-ing great things.”

His key message for to-day’s youth?

“Express gratitude tothose that have made a dif-ference in your life. By do-ing so, you can move from aplace of frustration and de-spair to optimism andhope; from a sense of isola-tion to connectedness. It’s apowerful force: It makesyou feel like you’re notalone.” LIA GRAINGER

We Day spurs onMan in Motion

Shawn Desman is tellingyouth to take action, now.

“No matter how privi-leged you are, always knowthat there are people thatneed your help. You can al-ways say to yourself, ‘I’ll doit at some point, I’ll do itnext week,’” he says. “Do itright now, right now is thetime to make a change.”

The Juno Award-winningCanadian pop star is usinghis influence to spread WeDay’s message and empow-er young people to createglobal change. He willshare the stage at the AirCanada Centre withrenowned artists like NellyFurtado, Classified and Kar-dinal Offishall, as well as alineup of Nobel Peace Prizelaureates and social ac-tivists at Free the Children’s

We Day event on Tuesday.But Desman says per-

forming is only a small partof it all for him. From

choreographing and creat-ing an instructional videofor the new We Day dance,to visiting schools andspeaking with students,Desman is involved in allaspects of We Day.

“I go around from schoolto school and talk aboutwhat Free the Children isall about and how they canget involved, the adopt-a-village program, and all thestuff that they do,” he says.“I think it adds a lot of val-ue when you have some-body that’s in the publiceye and is a role model insome sense trying to dopositive things.”

More than 18,000 peoplewill be attending Toronto’sWe Day event, with admis-sion free of charge to stu-dents and educators. Inreturn, each student mustcommit to take action onone local and one global is-sue.

‘Time to make a change’ Musician Shawn Desman seeking to empower local youth at We Day

Shawn Desman will be at the Me to We Store,

223 Carlton St., this Saturday for the Free the Children

We Day sneak-peek experience.


[email protected]




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Page 12: 20110923_Toronto

12 metronews.ca


The Liberal Party of On-tario should not be accept-ing donations frompublicly owned or fundedagencies including hydroutilities, the oppositionparties said Thursday.

Elections Ontario docu-ments show Thunder Bay

Hydro donated the maxi-mum amount allowed —$1,244.32 — to the localLiberal riding associationlast year, at a time whenelectricity rates are soar-ing.

“We don’t take thosedonations, and I think Dal-ton McGuinty should dothe same thing,” Progres-sive Conservative LeaderTim Hudak said. NDP

Leader Andrea Horwathsaid she was “shocked andsurprised” the Liberals aretaking donations frompublic utilities after vow-ing to stop the practice.

McGuinty said they did-n’t break any rules. “Thereare stringent rules inplace, and I would fully ex-pect that those ruleswould be observed.” THE CANADIAN PRESS

Liberals under fireover cash from utility

McGuinty says donation rules are being followed

Premier Dalton McGuinty talks to staff at Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto on Thursday.


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Page 13: 20110923_Toronto

Horwath tops online survey for BBQ guest of choiceHudak issues challenge for high noon cook-off

metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011


Ontario’s election cam-paign was looking morelike a Wild West showdownon Thursday, as the leadersgot into a dust-up over whoserves the best barbecue.

It all started with a sur-vey by Ipsos Reid that sug-gested voters would mostlike to invite NDP LeaderAndrea Horwath to a back-yard barbecue.

Them’s fightin’ words, atleast to Tim Hudak, whosaid he has mad skills onthe grill and he’s not afraidto take on any pretenders.

“I am laying down thegauntlet, I am throwing

down the gloves, I’m sayingI’m going to challenge An-drea Horwath and (Premier)Dalton McGuinty to a bar-becue contest,” the Toryleader said during an inter-view on TSN Radio.

“Once they taste my ribs,once they taste my pulled

pork, I think I can turnthem around.”

McGuinty responded byinviting the other leaders tohis house.

“I love burgers,” he said.“Everybody’s welcome tomy place for burgers andbeer.”

Horwath said she wasthrilled to hear she was topchoice in the survey, “aslong as they’re not barbecu-ing me!”

The online poll surveyedmore than 8,000 Ontarioresidents between Sept. 16and 20, and found 37 percent of respondents pickedHorwath, 32 per cent choseHudak and 31 per cent pre-ferred McGuinty.THE CANADIAN PRESS

Leaders fired upover BBQ poll

Tim Hudak



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Page 14: 20110923_Toronto

14 news

An anti-Iranian regime demonstrator gives an interview while holding an effigy of Iranian

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad during a protest outside the 66th UN General

Assembly at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Thursday.

American diplomats led awalkout at the UN GeneralAssembly Thursday asIran’s President MahmoudAhmadinejad issued asweeping attack on theUnited States and majorWest European nations,calling them “arrogantpowers” ruled by greedand eager for military ad-venturism.

The two U.S. diplomats,who specialize in the Mid-dle East, were followed outof the chamber by diplo-mats from more than 30countries. They includedthe 27 European Unionmembers, Australia, NewZealand, Somalia, Liecht-enstein, Monaco, San Mari-no and Macedonia, a UN

diplomat said.Ahmadinejad’s speech

contrasted what he calledthe poverty and unhappi-ness in most countriesagainst the riches and pow-er of the U.S. and unnamedEuropean nations that heaccused of perpetuatingwars, causing the currentglobal economic crisis andinfringing on “the rightsand sovereignty of na-tions.”

He attacked the UnitedStates and European colo-nial powers for abductingtens of millions of Africansand making them slaves,for their readiness “to dropthousands of bombs onother countries,” and fordominating the UN Securi-

ty Council. He singled outthe U.S. for using a nuclearbomb against Japan in theSecond World War and im-posing and supporting mil-itary dictatorships andtotalitarian regimes inAsia, Africa and LatinAmerica.

“It is as lucid as daylightthat the same slave mastersand colonial powers thatonce instigated the twoworld wars have causedwidespread misery and dis-order with far-reaching ef-fects across the globe sincethen,” Ahmadinejad said.“Do these arrogant powersreally have the competenceand ability to run or governthe world?”THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Iranian leader trashtalks, Americans walk

Fiercely anti-U.S. speech by Ahmadinejad at UN headquarters leads to walkout by dozens of nations

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metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011


Little to cobble togetheras Palestinians, Israelishold their ground Israelis and Palestiniansshowed no sign Thursdaythat they were willing tonarrow the gaps that havestalled negotiations foryears, an ominous sign forthe U.S.-led effort to curb aPalestinian statehood bidat the United Nations.

An Israeli official, speak-ing on condition of anony -mity to discuss diplomacy,said there was no talk

about a freeze of construc-tion of Jewish settlements.And a top Palestinian offi-cial said they would notdrop their twin conditionsfor negotiating: That Israelstop building on lands thePalestinians want for a fu-ture state and agree tobase talks on borders asthey existed before the1967 war. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Position hardens

Nabeel Shaath, negotiatorand senior adviser to Pales-tinian President MahmoudAbbas, said the leadershipwas not prepared to giveground. “We made lots ofconcessions over the years.It’s time the Israelis make theconcessions.” Shaath, pictured, ruled out aNew York meeting betweenAbbas and Israeli Prime Min-

ister Benjamin Netanyahu,who had proposed the twosit down together on thesidelines of the UN GeneralAssembly session this week.



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metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

16 news

Kenza Drider’s posters forthe French presidentialrace are ready to go,months before the officialcampaign begins. There sheis, the “freedom candidate,”pictured standing in frontof a line of police — a for-bidden veil hiding her face.

Drider declared her can-didacy Thursday, the sameday a French court finedtwo women who refuse toremove their veils. All threeare among a group of

women mounting an attackon the law that has bannedthe garments from thestreets of France sinceApril, and prompted simi-lar moves in other Euro-pean countries.

“When a woman wantsto maintain her freedom,she must be bold,” Dridertold The Associated Press inan interview.

President NicolasSarkozy strongly disagrees,and says the veil imprisons

women. With Islam the second

religion in France and num-bers of faithful growing,there are worries thatveiled Muslim womencould compromise the na-tion’s secular foundationsand undermine genderequality and women’s dig-nity. There are also con-cerns wearing full veilscould open the door to aradical form of Islam. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Longshot takes veil offFrench presidency bid

Muslim candidate fighting ban on face coverings Most support policy designed to protect equality

Kenza Drider, with posters reading “Freedom for all women,”

announces her candidacy for France’s 2012 presidential election Thursday.


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17metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011news

Renewed violence in theYemeni capital killed atleast 15 people on Thursdayas forces loyal to the regimeand its opponents shelledeach other’s positions fromhills surrounding the city,medical and security offi-

cial said.The latest deaths took to

about 100 the number ofpeople killed in Yemensince Sunday, in the worstbout of bloodshed inmonths. The deaths alsoshattered hope that a cease-

fire negotiated on Tuesdaycould be restored and sig-nificantly diminished thechances for a proposal byYemen’s Gulf Arab neigh-bours to end the crisis.

The shelling has terrifiedresidents and emptied out

city streets. Oil spots cov-ered streets after electricitytransformers took a hit.The shelling also rupturedmany water tanks stored onrooftops of Yemeni homes,inundating the streets be-low. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Shelling shatters truce hopesViolence raises concern Yemen fighting widening, endangering civilians

Pope Benedict XVI ad-dressed Germany’s parlia-ment in the historicReichstag building Thurs-day, warning that politi-cians must not sacrificeethics for power and evok-ing the Nazi excesses of hishomeland as a lesson inhistory.

Amid scattered protestsoutside and a boycott bysome lawmakers, Benedictbegan his first state visit toGermany in a bid to stemthe tide of Catholics leav-ing the church while ac-knowledging the damagecaused by the clerical sex-abuse scandal.

German PresidentChris tian Wulff, himselfCatholic, warmly wel-comed the Pope. But Wulffalso expressed his under-standing of why many Ger-mans can no longer relateto the church.

“It is important for theChurch to remain close tothe people and not to turninward on itself,” Wulffsaid, noting that as a re-married divorcee, he is notallowed to accept com-munion. “Many ask them-selves how mercifully ittreats people who havesuffered breakups.”THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Passersby protect a Somali man, centre, from

anti-government protesters in Sanaa Thursday.

Many believe Somalis are being recruited as snipers.


Pope Benedict arrives at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium

Thursday where he celebrated a mass for 70,000 people.


Pope takes a stabat halting exodus

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Page 18: 20110923_Toronto

18 business WEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011


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Facebook is dramaticallyredesigning its users’ pro-file pages to create whatCEO Mark Zuckerberg saysis a “new way to expresswho you are.”

Zuckerberg introducedthe Facebook “timeline”Thursday in San Franciscoat the company’s f8 confer-ence for some 2,000 entre-preneurs, developers andjournalists.

The timeline is reminis-cent of an online scrap-book, with the mostimportant photos and textthat users have shared onFacebook over the years.It’s Facebook’s attempt atgrowing from an onlinehangout to a homestead,where people express theirreal selves and merge theironline and offline lives.

The timeline can goback to include years be-fore Facebook even exist-ed, so users can add photosand events from, say, 1995when they got married or1970 when they wereborn.

Zuckerberg took thestage after a humorous

skit, in which SaturdayNight Live actor Andy Sam-berg impersonated him.

The real Mark Zucker-berg, looking considerablymore playful and at easethan in past events, saidFacebook also will now letusers connect to thingseven if they don’t want to“like” them.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Facebook CEO Mark

Zuckerberg, left, smiles

at comedian Adam

Samberg of Saturday

Night Live, during the

f8 conference in

San Francisco Thursday.


Story of your real lifeTimeline is Facebook’s bid to get users to merge online and offline lives

Flaherty foretells coming of 2nd crisis Finance Minister Jim Fla-herty is warning of a sec-ond financial meltdownon the scale of 2008 if ac-tion is not taken.

If the issue of a Greekdefault is not dealt with, “Ithink matters will come toa head, quite frankly,” hetold reporters in Ottawa

before flying to Washing-ton to meet with his G20colleagues in an 11th-houreffort to avert a crisis.

Flaherty said Greeceand other massively in-debted nations must bemade to follow throughwith austerity programs tobring down spending, and

Europe must put up thetens of billions of dollarsthat will be needed to en-sure banks don’t fail.

He said Canada remainsrelatively well off, butadded that it already isfeeling the impact of glob-al uncertainty.THE CANADIAN PRESS




Netflix tie-up

Canadians are getting first

crack at a Netflix feature

that ties into Facebook.

Netflix users will be able toshare what they’re watch-ing with their Facebookfriends, or browse through

what others have liked.The feature was to go online yesterday in Canadaand in Latin America butnot in the U.S. where a lawmay prohibit the sharingof users’ viewing habits.In August, Netflix said itsigned up its one-millionthCanadian customer.


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Page 21: 20110923_Toronto

voices 21metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

@wbkenn:Everyone elseworks all sum-mer, should we

cry because Council did,too? #topoli #tocouncil@lorettalouise: Going over@TYFPC councilapplications. So manygreat candidates - thisyear’s council is going tobe amazing!@corvinr: I only justlearned the name of theOLP candidate in my riding(Davenport). I have yet tosee a Liberal campaignsign here. #VoteON#onpoli@RachelLevy84:

@DrEricHoskins #olp com-mitment for mental healthstrategy - Libs only partythat mentions mentalhealth in platform #votelib#onpoli@emacSneakAttack: at the@rnao candidate dialogueon health & social issues.cool to see it live asopposed to reading the ar-ticle tmrw #onpoli#mymomisanrn@Leslie_Wolfe:FANTASTIC! Congrats! RT@studentvote 450 NEWschools register for ourOntario program... notbad, eh guys? #milestones#ONpoli #VoteON

Local tweets

METRO TORONTO • 625 Church St., 6th Floor • Toronto ON • M4Y 2G1 • T: 416-486-4900 • Fax: 416-482-8097 • Advertising: 416-486-4900 ext. 250 • [email protected] • Distribution:

[email protected] • Associate Publisher Irene Patterson, Managing Editor Tarin Elbert, Production Manager Elizabeth Valiaho • METRO CANADA: President & Publisher Bill McDonald,

Editor-in-Chief Charlotte Empey, National Deputy Editor Fernando Carneiro, Managing Editor, News and Business Amber Shortt, Scene/Life Editor Dean Lisk, Managing Editor, Night Production Matt LaForge,

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What do you think aboutDaylight Saving’s Time?

Canadians should rejoicethat a low-life criminalmonster, Clifford Olson,is reportedly days awayfrom kicking the bucketwith terminal cancer. Nocompassion for thisdemented animal.

Should anyone feelsadness over the loss of acostly bottom-feeder seri-al child killer whoshould have been execut-ed long ago? NO! Thistrash person has made amockery of ourMounties, played thecourts for fools andsucked taxpayers for mil-lions during his 30 yearsof incarceration — a fit-ting end for this despica-ble hated human being.

There are many morelike Olson in jail, includ-ing Paul Bernardo, Rob -ert Pickton and RussellWilliams, who need tobe turfed as people likethese undesirables aretaking us to the clean erswith the high costs tokeep them alive in jail.

I do not think manywould shed a tear for thepassing of this slime.

This story is not aboutinsulting good peoplesuffering a malicious dis-ease — cancer. It is aboutcelebrating the end to ahorrific human life whodeserves no mercy. KERWIN MAUDE PITT MEADOWS, B.C.


Cartoon by Michael de Adder


Hey therebutterfingers,you’ve got spamIf you’re prone to mistyping email ad-dresses, here’s a new thing to worryabout: You could be a target for spam-mers trying to sell you a dreamvacation or a diet product by pretend-ing to be one of your friends.

In a clever twist on spam, somewebsites with names that are confus-ingly similar to legitimate sites havebeen set up to reply to any mail sent tothem. The responses are framed as

out-of-office replies, but sneak in men-tions of a new product or service.

Here’s a real-life example of how itworks: An Associated Press reporteraccidentally sent a message to a “veri-zonwireless.co” address instead of theproper “.com” and got this response,ostensibly from his contact “tom”: “Iam out of office right now on a my(sic) dream vacation and will get backto you when I return ... You shouldcheck this site to see how I scored thebest travel deal for my trip.” That’s fol-lowed by a link to a site that advertisesluxury resorts.

The sites are registered by “typo-squatters,” whose goal is to makemoney from advertising as people visitthe sites after mistyping an address intheir browser. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS


It’s that time of the weekagain, when we bring youthe Metro List, the world’smost authoritative review ofhot topics around the watercooler:

1REM disbands after31 years as the rockcritics’ darlings.

What else is there to do after losingyour religion? Everybody hurts.

2Meanwhile Neil Young says he’swriting his memoir. Memoir? Itwas only yesterday that he burst

on the scene with Everybody Knows This is Nowhere.Yesterday, as in May 14, 1969, to be precise. OMG, am Iever old.

3Georgia executes convicted murderer TroyDavis despite intervention from the Pope, Jim-my Carter and P. Diddy. Wonder why they

didn’t listen?

4Two and a Half Men starts the fall season withrecord ratings. Roughly 28.74 million peoplehave nothing better to do with their lives. Noth-

ing is, er, lost as Ashton Kutcher and Charlie Sheen ap-pear to be interchangeable morons.

5Palestinians go to the United Nations and askfor statehood. Can’t hurt to ask.

6In other asking news, the U.S. military finallyabolishes Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, and all the gaygenerals stay in the closet.

7Chaz Bono dances his way into respect on Danc-ing with the Stars. Don’t mean a thing if youain’t got that swing. Not bad for a kid who start-

ed out as Chastity, the daughter of Sonny and Cher.You’ve come a long way, baby.

8Loonie goes below par for the first time sinceJanuary and drowns. Investors everywhere canrelate as we all take a bath. Stocks hit a 13-

month low bringing the year-to-date loss to 16.3 percent. Even gold loses four per cent of its glitter. If thiskeeps up, I’m going to invest “all my money” in dogfood stocks, as that’s all retiring boomers will be ableto afford to eat.

9BieberWatch: It’s a bad week for the future ofthe human race as Justin announces “I want tobe a young dad. By 25 or 26 I want to see

myself, like, married or start looking for a family.”Maybe he can find one in a village in Africa. You knowthe same place where Madonna and Angelina gettheirs. He also has his own perfume fragrance — eaude pablum. Just kidding! It’s called Someday, as insomeday I’ll reach puberty.



Page 22: 20110923_Toronto


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scene 23metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011


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Brad Pitt’s acting is effortless in Moneyball.

Richard: Mark, I liked thismovie. The synopsissounds very dry, but so didThe Social Network beforeyou actually sat down andwatched it. I thought Mon-eyball took what could bethe dry subject of baseballstats and spiced it up withcomplex, interesting char-acters, a compelling hu-man story while leavingthe usual sport’s movieclichés behind. What didyou think?

Mark: I liked it, too. It’s asports movie for peoplewho don’t care aboutsports. What really struckme about it was that whilemost movies have heroeswho believe in intuitionand passion, the Brad Pitt

character sees reason andscience as the path to suc-cess. It’s kind of a RevengeOf The Nerds story, exceptthat Pitt couldn’t looknerdy if he tried. Yourcomparison with The So-cial Network is apt,Richard, but Billy Beane isplayed as a much nicerperson than Mark Zucker-berg.

RC: Maybe so, and betterlooking too. The moviemoves at about half the speed of The SocialNetwork but that’s OK; we’re not dealing withthe fast moving world ofcyber space here but themore relaxed pace ofAmerica’s favourite pas-time. It’s a slow build, but

the seventh inning stretchis exciting.

MB: Yes, two excellent setpieces towards the end ofthe movie: the rapid set ofphone calls as players areswapped and dropped, andthe montage of recordbreaking wins that comeone after the other. Butthere’s an elegiac tone ofmelancholy that perme-ates the picture. For a cou-ple of outsiders who turnout to be right, Pitt and hiscrony, played admirably byJonah Hill, seem to derivelittle pleasure from theirvictories. This is not asports movie in whichguys high five each otherconstantly. They’re all apretty gloomy bunch.

RC: This isn’t a baseballmovie and despite thegame footage, it’s not asports movie either. Pittand Hill, in a rare seriousrole, dominate the moviewith their behind-the-scenes stories. Like The So-cial Network, Moneyballplaces the onus on thecharacters and not thetechnology that drives thestory. We’ve seen baseballmovies before, but we’venever seen the game fromthis angle.

MB: And I can’t say enoughgood things about Pitt’s ef-fortless acting or JonahHill’s wonderful support-ing work. He no longerneeds the Apatow factoryto pay his rent!

Moneyball takes a potentially dry topic — baseball stats — and spices it up with Brad Pitt and Jonah Hill You don’t have to be a sports fan to like this film

A different ball game


Pitt plays Billy Beane, thereal-life General Managerof the Oakland A’s. Facedwith piecing together a proteam with a budget afourth as large as the NewYork Yankees he breakswith tradition — usingscouts, instinct and guts —to find a scientific methodto build a team on thecheap. With a Yale trainedeconomist (Jonah Hill) hecreates sabermetrics, acombination of facts,figures and computer algo-rithms to recruit his team.


Richard: 8118Mark: 8111

Reel Guys

RICHARDCROUSE &[email protected]

Arnold Schwarzeneg-ger has an agreementwith Simon & Schus-ter to publish a mem-oir in October 2012.According to Simon &Schuster, the book’sworking title is TotalRecall: My Unbeliev-ably True Life Story.Schwarzenegger iscollaborating with Pe-ter Petre, who hasworked on bestsellersby former Federal Re-serve Chairman AlanGreenspan and Gen.Norman Schwarzkopf. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Q&A: After going to rehab, 19-year-old DemiLovato releases new CD

Scene in brief

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24 scene





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Faris takes the leadTakes on her first romantic comedy lead in What’s

Your Number? Actress known for kooky, exaggeratedroles longs to come down to earth

Though she’s well knownfor comedy, Anna Fariswould argue that What’sYour Number? is some-thing of a departure forher.

“I had never really donea romantic comedy be-fore,” says the actress, whofirst rose to fame in theScary Movie franchise.

“Usually I get offeredthese roles that are crazyand broad, that don’t seemlike very real characters.And this seemed like avery grounded character.And it was such a strongscript.”

The new film alsomarks the second time (af-

ter 2008’s the House Bun-ny) that Faris has served asexecutive producer on oneof her projects — but shedoesn’t think you shouldread too much into that.

“I came on as an execu-tive producer, which real-ly doesn’t mean much.They pretend to ask youropinion,” she says with alaugh.

“Sometimes they lis-tened and sometimes theydidn’t.” One of the areaswhere they apparently did-n’t listen to Faris was onher character’s look.

“I had a look initiallythat I wanted to present asAlly. I wanted her to be alittle chunky and abrunette and a little justsloppy — like unem-ployed, tennis shoes. Butthen there was a lot of dis-

agreement about that ele-ment,” she says.

“I understand that visu-ally, it’s fun to wear niceclothes and nice heels, andI get that she has a richmom so that’s how we jus-tified her Prada shoes, butI don’t know. I’m sort ofyearning to play the slop-pier characters and to playcharacters that are a littlemore real.”

And it’s becoming morelikely to see those charac-ters on screen, Faris is hap-py to say, thanks to thesurge of female-frontedcomedy led by Brides-maids, the summer’s sur-prise hit.

“Bridesmaids hadwomen pooping in thestreets. The world’s ouroyster now,” she says,laughing proudly.

[email protected]


Anna Faris stars in the romantic comedy What’s Your Number?


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metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011



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Movie reviews

AbductionGenre: ActionDirector: John SingletonStars: Taylor Lautner, LilyCollins, Alfred Molina88

Abduction is supposed tobe Twilight third wheelTaylor Lautner’s break-out role as not only an ac-tor who can headline afilm but also as an actionstar. Unfortunately, hepicked a project that ispoorly written and lazilyexecuted. Lautner is ahigh school studentwhose work on a classproject about missing

persons leads him to awebsite featuring a pho-to of a familiar face: hisown. Soon, a chain ofevents unfolds thatleaves the people hethought were his parentsdead and him and thegirl next door (LilyCollins) on the run.In theory, this should be aterse thriller. But instead,Abduction is a teen angst-ridden film. But any con-cerns about the quality ofthe movie certainly won’tstop his rabid Twilightfans from showing up.


Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom FlameGenre: ActionDirector: Hark TsuiStars: Andy Lau, Chao Deng,Carina Lau 811

Detective Dee is a massivechopsocky epic/whodunit.International action starAndy Lau stars as the titu-lar detective, assigned by acontroversial Empress toinvestigate a series of spon-taneous combustions. Ex-quisitely choreographedfight scenes pile up furi-ously, with the endlessspectacle offering a nicedistraction from the con-voluted plot. Really thismovie is about the actionand visuals.


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See it twice 88888 | See it now 8888 | Worth watching 888

Dolphin TaleGenre: DramaDirector: Charles Martin SmithStars: Harry Connick Jr., Morgan Freeman 8811⁄2

A charming story about ayoung marine animalthat was saved with theuse of a prosthetic afterlosing its tail in a tragicaccident, Dolphin Tale is

as enriching and whole-some as a family moviecomes. But even withthe weight of stars likeMorgan Freeman, direc-tor Charles Martin Smithsmartly allows themovie’s subject and starto upstage the human ac-tors and give the storyadded heft with her in-spirational true story.


Resurrect the Dead: TheMystery Toynbee TilesGenre: DocumentaryDirector: John FoyStars: Justin Duerr, ColinSmith, Steve Weinik81

A study in obsessive peopleobsessed with obsessivepeople, Jon Foy’s Sundanceapproved doc uses 2001: ASpace Odyssey and thenecromantic writings ofhistorian Arthur Toynbeeas a springboard to deci-pher the phenomena ofenigmatic tiles that have

appeared on streets allacross the United States.Foy and his team of con-spiracy sleuths track thesebizarre art installations,trying to figure out whatthey mean, where theycame from etc. but thecentral problem with thepicture is that it’s just notthat interesting a quest tosustain feature length, de-spite Foy’s own relentlessand urgent music scoreand obvious interest in hissubject.


LimelightGenre: DocumentaryDirector: Billy CorbenStars: Moby, Michael Alig, Edward I. Koch 81

The coke-fuelled antics ofNew York’s after-hoursscene is documented inLimelight, which showshow club owner Peter Ga-tien took on Rudolph Gu-liani in a pitched culturewar. The film is caught be-tween showcasing the ap-

peal ofrave cul-ture andtechnomusicand ex-plainingits sub-ject’s fallfromgrace,

but there are still somechoice bits, including inter-views with the likes of Mo-by. ADAM NAYMAN

Higher GroundGenre: DramaDirector: Vera FarmigaStars: Vera Farmiga, John Hawkes 811⁄2

Vera Farmiga’s directorialdebut concerns a devoutMidwestern housewife inthe throes of a spiritualdilemma; taking the leadrole for herself, Farmigathe actress does strong

work even as she fails togenerate much intereston the other side of thecamera. ADAM NAYMAN

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29metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

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Yawn 88 | Don’t bother 8

Killer EliteGenre: ActionDirector: Gary McKendryStars: Jason Stathman, CliveOwen, Robert De Niro88

It should be exciting, real-ly, given the source mate-rial: British ex-militaryofficer Ranulph Fiennes‚supposedly true accountof the SAS’s dirty dealingsin the Middle East in the1980s. Stay with us now:The film follows a merce-nary (Jason Statham)whose mentor (Robert DeNiro) gets him tied upwith an Omani oil mag-nate who wants three re-tired British soldierskilled because theircovert meddling caused

the deaths of his sons. Butwait, there’s more. An-other retired British sol-dier (Clive Owen) istasked by a shadowy se-cret society to keep thetargets alive. It’s... yeah.Ultimately, Killer Elite isweighed down by its ownmoral ambiguity and self-seriousness. NED EHRBAR

Afghan LukeGenre: DramaDirector: Mike ClattenbergStars: Stephen Lobo, AliLiebert, Anousha Alamian811

Nick Stahl is Luke, a re-porter crestfallen when hisstory about an out-of-control Canadian sniper issuppressed by his newspa-per. Determined to bringthe story to light, he andsidekick Tom (NicolasWright) return toAfghanistan to gather

more information and re-port an unsanitized ver-sion of the war. Shot inBritish Columbia and NovaScotia Afghan Luke doesan admirable job in recre-ating the unpredictablefeel of life in a war zone.


StarbuckGenre: ComedyDirector: Ken ScottStars: Patrick Huard, Julie LeBreton, Antoine Bertrand8111⁄2

Patrick Huard plays DavidWozniak, a man-child wholearns commitment andresponsibility after discov-ering that his sperm bankdonations unwittinglymade him the father of

533 chil-dren, 142of whomhave fileda class ac-tion law-suit tolearn their

biological father’s realidentity. Starbuck is an ex-tremely likeable movie,buoyed by Huard’s charm.


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30 scene metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

Facing yourself in filmA battle with cancer leads screenwriter to pen film about his experiences

starring real-life best friend Seth Rogen in role as... best friend

Screenwriter Will Reiserlooks back on his ownbattle with a rare form ofspinal cancer in 50/50,with Joseph Gordon-Levittstanding in for him asAdam, a young radio pro-ducer dealing with a life-changing diagnosis.

But when it came tocasting Adam’s bestfriend, the obvious choicewas Reiser’s real-life bestfriend, Seth Rogen (whoalso serves as a produceron the film).

You were in the unique po-sition of writing a characterbased on your best friendthat would be played by

that same best friend.I’m really proud of theperformance Seth gave. Ithink that he did a reallygreat job. And I think apart of that is Joe — not todiscredit Seth, but Joe isso real and so groundedthat I think that it made itreally easy for Seth to playoff him. It was just a real-ly relaxed set.

The character’s notnecessarily Seth, per se.It’s sort of an extension ofSeth. There are definitelyelements of his personali-ty that I incorporated.Like when we were thatage, I was a neuroticmess, I worried abouteverything. I was reallyuptight, and Seth wouldjust make fun of me. Thatwas our dynamic, andthat’s very much true to

Adam and Kyle.

And you’re not a neuroticmess anymore?I’m a much different per-son. It sounds cliché tosay that, but I think goingthrough that experience,writing about it, I think itbrought me out of myshell a little bit. In themovie, with Joe andSeth’s characters, it’s notlike they sit around andtalk about their feelings.And that’s very much howSeth and I were.

It wasn’t like we dealtwith it by talking abouthow we felt. We just madejokes. We just talkedabout the absurdity of itall. But the actual processof making the movieforced us to talk aboutthose things. Maybe I was

this way, maybe I did docertain things.

Maybe I did push mymother away and putpressure on other peoplewhen I was sick. It wasvery helpful just to seemyself from a differentpoint of view. It’s incredi-bly therapeutic.

So why the title changefrom I’m With Cancer?We tested that along witha bunch of other titles,and we just found thatI’m With Cancer just kindof scared audiences away,just the idea of cancer.Which is interesting be-cause our whole market-ing campaign is reallyabout being honest aboutit and not trying to hide.

I liked the idea of can-cer being in the title. Be-

[email protected]


As well as starring in 50/50 alongside JosephGordon-Levitt, left, Seth Rogen served as one of the film’s producers.


cause, you know, when Iset out to write the movie,I really wanted to chal-lenge the idea of what isacceptable to talk aboutin film.

Cancer is this kind oftaboo subject, and it’s al-most like the movie can’tbe about cancer, it’s got tobe about something elseand then cancer is justthis plot point in the

script. Whereas I reallywanted it to be just ameditation on the experi-ence of illness and just gothrough this journey withthis character and reallyexplore what it’s allabout.

It was hard for a few ofus to let go of [I’m WithCancer] because we wereall really attached to it,but 50/50 works.

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31metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

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506 Bloor St., 416-516-2330

Listings not available at press time.

CARLTON20 Carlton St., 416-494-9371

Bridesmaids (14A) Fri-Thu 9:30 Cave of Forgotten Dreams (G) Fri-Thu1:55-4:30-7:25-9:20 Chasing Madoff (STC) Fri-Sat 2-4:35-7:10-9:40Sun 4:35-9:40 Mon-Thu 2-4:35-7:10-9:40 The Devil’s Double (18A) Fri-Thu 9:10 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Part 2 (PG) Fri-Thu 1:25-4:10-6:50 Horrible Bosses (14A) Fri-Thu 3:50-9 Manhattan Short Film Festival (STC) Sun2-7 One Day (PG) Fri-Thu 1:40-7:05 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri-Thu 1:50-3:55-7:15 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Thu 1:35-6:40 The Tree of Life (PG) Fri-Thu 1:20-4:05-6:45-9:35 The Trip (STC) Fri-Thu 1:30-4:15-7-9:15 Warrior (STC) Fri-Thu 4-9:25 The Whistleblower (STC) Fri-Tue 1:45-4:20-6:55-9:45 Wed 4:20-9:45 Thu 1:45-4:20-9:45

CUMBERLAND CINEMAS159 Cumberland Ave., 416-646-0444

Gainsbourg (STC) Fri-Thu 12:45-3:50-7-10 The Guard (14A) Fri-Thu 1:30-4:45-7:15-9:50 Higher Ground (STC) Fri-Thu 1:10-4-6:45-9:40 Starbuck (STC) Fri-Thu 1:45-4:30-7:30-10:10

SCOTIABANK THEATRE259 Richmond St., 416-368-5600

30 Minutes or Less (14A) Fri-Sat 3:30-5:40-7:50-10:15 Sun-Thu 3:30-5:40-7:50-10:05 Captain America: The First Avenger3D (PG) Fri-Thu 12:50-3:45-6:40-9:30 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Detective Dee and the Mystery of thePhantom Flame (STC) Fri-Sat 1:20-4:30-7:20-10:20 Sun-Thu 1:20-4:30-7:20-10:15 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Thu 1-3:40-6:20-9 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 1:30-2:30-4-5-6:30-7:30-9:10-10:10 Mon 1:30-2:30-4-5-7:30-9:30-10:10Tue-Wed 1:30-2:30-4-5-6:30-7:30-9:10-10:10 Thu1:30-2:30-4-5-7:30-9:30-10:10 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows- Part 2: An IMAX 3D Experience (PG)Fri-Thu 12:50-3:50-6:50-9:50 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Thu 3-6:10-9:20No Passes Fri-Sat 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:30 No PassesSun-Thu 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:20 Red State (STC) Thu 7 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Thu 2-4:40-7:15-9:45 Shark Night 3D (14A) Fri-Sat 2:40-5:10-7:40-10 Sun 5:10-7:40-10 Mon-Wed 2:40-5:10-7:40-10Thu 2:40-4:55-10 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Wed 1:40-2:50-4:20-5:30-7-8:10-9:40 Thu 1:40-2:50-4:20-5:30-8:10-9:40 Warrior (STC) Fri-Thu 3:20-6:45-9:55

MARKET SQUARE80 Front St., 416-494-9371

Contagion (PG) Fri-Sat 1:05-3:35-6:30-9:20-11:30 Sun-Mon 3:35-9:20 Tue 1:05-3:35-6:30-9:20Wed 3:35-9:20 Thu 1:05-3:35-6:30 Sun-Mon 1:05-

6:30 Wed 1:05-6:30 The Debt (14A) Sun-Wed 1:10-3:30-7:15 Thu1:10-3:30 Dolphin Tale (G) Fri-Sat 12:55-3:25-6:50-9:15-11:30 Sun-Thu 12:55-3:25-6:50-9:15 Drive (18A) Fri-Sat 1:15-3:40-7:10-9:25-11:35Sun-Thu 1:15-3:40-7:10-9:25 The Help (PG) Fri-Thu 1-3:45-6:45-9:30 Moneyball (PG) Fri-Sat 12:45-3:50-6:55-9:45Sun-Mon 3:50-9:45 Tue 12:45-3:50-6:55-9:45 Wed3:50-9:45 Thu 3:50-6:55-9:45 Sun-Mon 12:45-6:55Wed 12:45-6:55 Thu 12:45 Warrior (STC) Sun-Wed 9:35

REVUE CINEMA400 Roncesvalles Ave., 416-531-9959

Cars 2 (G) Sat-Sun 2 Cave of Forgotten Dreams (G) Fri 4-7 Sat4:15 Sun 4:15-7 Mon 7 Tue-Wed 9:30 The Journey of Lesra Martin (STC) Thu 7 Midnight in Paris (PG) Fri 2-9 Sat 9:30 Page One: Inside The New York Times(STC) Wed 7 Thu 9:15 Persepolis (14A) Tue 6:45 The Tree of Life (PG) Sun-Mon 9 With Glowing Hearts (STC) Sat 7

THE ROYAL608 College St., 416-466-4400

Cave of Forgotten Dreams (G) Sat 9 Sun-Tue 7 Page One: Inside The New York Times(STC) Fri 9 Resurrect Dead: The Mystery of theToynbee Tiles (STC) Fri-Sat 7 Sun 4:30-9 Mon-Tue 9 Wed-Thu 7-9

VARSITY55 Bloor St. W., 416-961-6304

Contagion (PG) Fri-Thu 1:10-3:50-6:30-9:30 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Thu 1:15-4:05-6:55-9:45 The Debt (14A) Fri-Wed 1:20-4-7-9:40 Thu 1:20-4-9:40 Drive (18A) Fri-Thu 12:50-3:40-7:20-10 Fri-Thu12:35-3:15-6:25-9:05 The Help (PG) Fri-Thu 1:40-5-8:30 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Thu 12:40-3:10-6:20-9 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Thu 1:30-4:10-7:10-10:10Fri-Thu 1:05-3:45-6:45-9:25 Midnight in Paris (PG) Fri-Wed 1-3:20-6:10-9:10 Thu 1-3:20 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Thu 12:30-3:30-6:50-9:50 No Passes Fri 12:55-4:15-7:15-10:05 NoPasses Sat 12:55-7:15-10:05 No Passes Sun-Mon12:55-4:15-7:15-10:05 No Passes Tue 12:55-4:15-10:05 No Passes Wed-Thu 12:55-4:15-7:15-10:05

CANADA SQUARE2200 Yonge St., 416-646-0444

Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri 4:05-7-9:40 Sat-Sun 12:55-4:05-7-9:40 Mon-Thu 4:05-7 The Debt (14A) Fri 4:25-7:10-9:45 Sat-Sun 1:10-4:25-7:10-9:45 Mon-Thu 4:25-7:10 Horrible Bosses (14A) Fri 4:30-7:15-9:35 Sat-Sun 1:35-4:30-7:15-9:35 Mon-Thu 4:30-7:15 Midnight in Paris (PG) Fri 4-7:05-9:25 Sat-Sun 1:20-4-7:05-9:25 Mon-Thu 4-7:05 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri 4:20-7:20-9:30Sat-Sun 1-4:20-7:20-9:30 Mon-Thu 4:20-7:20 Senna (STC) Fri 4:10-6:50-9:15 Sat-Sun 1:05-4:10-6:50-9:15 Mon-Thu 4:10-6:50 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 4:35-7:25-9:55 Sat-Sun1:30-4:35-7:25-9:55 Mon-Thu 4:35-7:25 Warrior (STC) Fri 3:50-6:55-10 Sat-Sun 12:45-3:50-6:55-10 Mon-Thu 3:50-6:55


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32 scene metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

MT. PLEASANT THEATRE675 Mt.Pleasant Rd., 416-489-8484

Bridesmaids (14A) Fri-Sat 9:20 Sun 7 Tue-Thu 7 No Films Showing Today (STC) Mon One Day (PG) Fri-Sat 7 Sun 4:30

REGENT THEATRE551 Mt.Pleasant Rd., 416-480-9884

No Films Showing Today (STC) Mon Wed-Thu Potiche (14A) Sat 9:25 Sun 4:30 The Tree of Life (PG) Fri 6:50-9:25 Sat 6:50 Sun7 Tue 7

YONGE-EGLINTON CENTRE2300 Yonge St., 416-544-1236

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1:50-4:50-7:30-10:10Mon-Thu 1:50-4:50-7:30-10 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 2-4:20-7:40-10:15 Mon-Thu 2-4:20-7:15-9:50 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:50-3:30-6:30-9:20 No Passes Mon-Thu 12:50-3:30-6:35-9:20 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:40-7:10-9:50 Mon-Thu1:40-4:40-7:10-9:55 The Help (PG) Fri-Sun 12:30-3:40-6:50-10 Mon2:35-6:30-9:40 Tue-Wed 2:30-6:30-9:40 Thu 2:30-9:40 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Sun 1:10-4:10-7:20-9:40 Mon 1:10-4:10-7:20-9:45Tue 1:10-4:10-7:20-9:40 Wed 4:10-7:20-9:45 Thu 1-4:10-7:20-9:45 Star & Strollers Screening Wed 1 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1-4-6:40-9:30 Mon-Tue1-4-6:50-9:30 Wed-Thu 1:20-4-6:50-9:30 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Tue 1:20-4:30-6:45-9:10 Wed-Thu 1:30-4:30-6:45-9:10 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:40-3:50-7-10:05 No Passes Mon-Tue 12:45-3:50-7-10 No Pass-es Wed 3:50-7-10 No Passes Thu 12:45-3:50-7-10Star & Strollers Screening, No Passes Wed 1

YONGE & DUNDAS 2410 Dundas St East, 416-977-2642

Abduction (PG) Fri 1:45-2:45-4:15-5:15-6:45-7:45-8:45-9:30-10:30 Sat-Sun 11:15-12:15-1:45-2:45-4:15-5:15-6:45-7:45-8:45-9:30-10:30 Mon-Thu1:45-2:45-4:15-5:15-6:45-7:45-8:45-9:30-10:30 Afghan Luke (14A) Fri 2:30-5-7:30-10 Sat-Sun11:45-2:30-5-7:30-10 Mon-Thu 2:30-5-7:30-10 Bridesmaids (14A) Fri 4:35-10:20 Sat-Sun 10:55-

4:35-10:20 Mon-Thu 4:35-10:20 Cave of Forgotten Dreams (G) Fri 2:25-4:50-7:05-9:35 Sat-Sun 11:50-2:25-4:50-7:05-9:35Mon-Thu 2:25-4:50-7:05-9:35 The Change-Up (18A) Fri-Thu 1:55-6:55 Colombiana (14A) Fri 2-4:30-7-9:30 Sat-Sun11:15-2-4:30-7-9:30 Mon-Thu 2-4:30-7-9:30 Contagion (PG) Fri 2-2:45-3:30-4:30-5:30-6:15-7:15-8:15-9:15-10:15-10:45 Sat-Sun 11-11:45-12:45-2-2:45-3:30-4:30-5:30-6:15-7:15-8:15-9:15-10:15-10:45 Mon-Thu 2-2:45-3:30-4:30-5:30-6:15-7:15-8:15-9:15-10:15-10:45 Contagion: The IMAX Experience (PG)Fri 1:30-4-6:45-9:45 Sat-Sun 10:45-1:30-4-6:45-9:45Mon-Thu 1:30-4-6:45-9:45 Cowboys & Aliens (STC) Fri 4:20-9:25 Sat-Sun11:05-4:20-9:25 Mon-Thu 4:20-9:25 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri 2:20-5:05-7:45-10:30 Sat-Sun 11:50-2:20-5:05-7:45-10:30 Mon-Thu2:20-5:05-7:45-10:30 The Debt (14A) Fri 2:15-4:45-7:20-9:50 Sat-Sun11:40-2:15-4:45-7:20-9:50 Mon-Thu 2:15-4:45-7:20-9:50 The Help (PG) Fri 4-7:15-10:15 Sat-Sun 11:35-4-7:15-10:15 Mon-Thu 4-7:15-10:15 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri2:15-4:45-7:10-9:45 Sat-Sun 11:45-2:15-4:45-7:10-9:45 Mon-Thu 2:15-4:45-7:10-9:45 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 2:30-5:30-8:15-11 Sat-Sun10:50-1:30-4:30-7:15-9:15-10 Mon 2:30-5:30-8:15-11 Tue-Thu 2:30-5:30-8:15-10:45 Fri 1:30-4:30-7:15-9:15-10 Sat 11:50-2:30-5:30-8:15-11 Sun11:50-2:30-5:30-8:15-10:45 Mon-Thu 1:30-4:30-7:15-9:15-10 Limelight (STC) Fri 1:45-4:15-7-9:45 Sat-Sun11:10-1:45-4:15-7-9:45 Mon-Thu 1:45-4:15-7-9:45 The Lion King (STC) Sat-Sun 10:45 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 1:30-3:30-5:30-7:45-10 Mausam (PG) Fri 2:30-6-9:25 Sat-Sun 11:05-2:30-6-9:25 Mon-Thu 2:30-6-9:25 Opera Australia: Der Rosenkavalier(STC) Sat 2 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri 2:50-4:55-7:05 Sat-Sun 10:55-2:50-4:55-7:05 Mon-Thu 2:50-4:55-7:05 Sarah’s Key (PG) Fri 2:35-5-7:30-10:15 Sat-Sun11:55-2:35-5-7:30-10:15 Mon-Thu 2:35-5-7:30-10:15 The Smurfs 3D (G) Fri 2:25-5:05-7:35-10:10 Sat11:35-7:35-10:10 Sun 11:35-2:25-5:05-7:35-10:10Mon 2:25-5:05-7:35-10:10 Tue 10:10 Thu 2:25-5:05-7:35-10:10 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (3D) (PG) Fri 1:45-4-6:30 Sat-Sun 11:35-1:45-4-

6:30 Mon-Thu 1:45-4-6:30 X-Men: First Class (PG) Fri-Thu 1:40-7:20

TIFF BELL LIGHTBOX350 King St. West, 416-599-8433

A Matter of Taste: Serving Up PaulLiebrandt (STC) Thu 7:30 No Films Showing Today (STC) Fri-Wed Please Check TIFF.net (STC) Fri-Wed


1530 Albion Rd., 416-742-3456

Dookudu (STC) Sat 1 Khap (STC) Fri 3:45 Sat 4:15 Sun-Thu 3:45 Mausam (PG) Fri 3:30-6:30-9:30 Sat 4-7-10 Sun12:30-3:30-6:30-9:30 Mon-Thu 3:30-6:30-9:30 Yaara O Dildaara (STC) Fri 6:30-9:15 Sat 1:30-7-9:45 Sun 1-6:30-9:15 Mon-Thu 6:30-9:15

QUEENSWAY1025 The Queensway, 416-503-0424

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 12:30-3-5:35-8:15-10:45Mon 2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 Tue 12:30-3-5:35-8:15-10:45 Wed-Thu 2:10-4:40-7:15-9:45 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Colombiana (14A) Fri 1:50-4:35-7:25-10:05 Sat4:35-7:25-10:05 Sun 7:25-10:05 Mon 1:50-4:35-7:30-10 Tue 1:50-4:35-7:25-10:05 Wed 1:50-4:35-7:30-10Thu 1:50-4:35-10 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 2-5-8:05-10:40 Mon 1:40-4:30-7:20-10 Tue 2-5-8:05-10:40 Wed 4:30-7:20-10Thu 1:40-4:30-7:20-10 Star & Strollers ScreeningWed 1 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Sun 1-3:55-6:45-9:30 Mon 1:05-3:55-6:45-9:30 Tue 1-3:55-6:45-9:30Wed-Thu 1:05-3:55-6:45-9:30 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sun 1:45-4:45-7:30-10:25 Mon1-3:45-6:20-9:10 Tue 1:45-4:45-7:30-10:25 Wed-Thu1-3:45-6:20-9:10 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:55-3:40No Passes Mon-Tue 1-3:35 No Passes Wed 3:35 NoPasses Thu 1-3:35 Star & Strollers Screening, NoPasses Wed 1 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 1:40-4:25-7:10-9:55 No Passes Mon 1:45-4:25-7:10-9:55No Passes Tue 1:40-4:25-7:10-9:55 No Passes Wed-Thu 1:45-4:25-7:10-9:55 Drive (18A) Fri-Sat 12:30-3-5:30-8-10:35 Sun 12:30-5:30-8-10:35 Mon 2:25-4:55-7:25-9:50 Tue 12:30-3-

5:30-8-10:35 Wed-Thu 2:25-4:55-7:25-9:50 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Part 2 (PG) Fri-Thu 1:10 The Help (PG) Fri-Sun 12:40-3:50-7:05-10:15 Mon3:15-6:30-9:40 Tue 12:40-3:50-7:05-10:15 Wed-Thu3:15-6:30-9:40 Horrible Bosses (14A) Fri-Thu 4:15-6:50-9:25 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Sun12:40-2:55-5:15-7:45-10 Mon 2-4:20-6:55-9:20 Tue12:40-2:55-5:15-7:45-10 Wed-Thu 2-4:20-6:55-9:20 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sat 1:35-4:30-7:30-10:20 Sun12:55-4:30-7:30-10:20 Mon 1:35-4:30-7:10-9:50 Tue1:35-4:30-7:30-10:20 Wed-Thu 1:35-4:30-7:10-9:50 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 12:30-2:45-5:10-7:35-9:50 Mon 1:35-3:50-6:45-9:05 Tue 12:30-2:45-5:10-7:35-9:50 Wed-Thu 1:35-3:50-6:45-9:05 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 6:40-9:35 NoPasses Mon-Thu 6:10-9:15 No Passes Fri-Sun 12:50-4-7:20-10:45 No Passes Mon 1-4-7-10 No Passes Tue12:50-4-7:20-10:45 No Passes Wed-Thu 1-4-7-10 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri-Sun 1:05-3:20-5:50-8:10-10:30 Mon 1:30-4:15-6:40-9 Tue 1:05-3:20-5:50-8:10-10:30 Wed-Thu 1:30-4:15-6:40-9 Red State (STC) Thu 7 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Sun9:55 Mon 9:30 Tue 9:55 Wed-Thu 9:30 The Smurfs 3D (G) Fri-Sun 12:45-3:05-5:25-7:50Mon 1:45-4:05-6:35 Tue 12:45-3:05-5:25-7:50 Wed-Thu 1:45-4:05-6:35 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (PG) Fri-Sun 12:35-2:50-5:05-7:40 Mon 1:55-4:25-7:05 Tue 12:35-2:50-5:05-7:40 Wed-Thu 1:55-4:25-7:05 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Thu 1:20-4:05-7-9:40 Warrior (STC) Fri-Sun 10:10 Mon 8:50 Tue 10:10Wed-Thu 8:50 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

WOODBINE CENTRE500 Rexdale Blvd., 416-213-1998

Abduction (PG) Fri-Thu 1-4-7:10-9:30 Colombiana (14A) Fri-Thu 6:50-9:20 Contagion (PG) Fri-Thu 1:05-4:05-7-9:25 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Fri-Thu 1:15-4:15-6:55-9:40 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Thu 1:30-4:10-7:05-9:45 Moneyball (PG) Fri-Thu 12:55-3:55-6:45-9:35 The Smurfs (G) Fri-Thu 1:25-4:20 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (PG) Fri-Thu 1:10-3:45 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Thu 1:20-3:50-7:10-9:35 Warrior (STC) Fri-Thu 6:45-9:30

KINGSWAY THEATRE3030 Bloor St. West, 416-232-1939

Captain America: The First Avenger (PG)Fri-Thu 8:45 Cave of Forgotten Dreams (G) Fri-Thu 1:15 Midnight in Paris (PG) Fri-Thu 7 The Trip (STC) Fri-Thu 3 The Whistleblower (STC) Fri-Thu 5


1651 Queen St. E., 416-699-5971

Abduction (PG) Fri 4:20-7:20-10 Sat-Sun 1:15-4:20-7:20-10 Mon-Thu 7:20-10 Contagion (PG) Fri 4:30-7:30-10:15 Sat-Sun1:30-4:30-7:30-10:15 Mon-Thu 7:30-10:15 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri 4-6:50-9:40 No Passes Sat-Sun 1-4-6:50-9:40 No PassesMon-Thu 6:50-9:40 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri4:10-6:40-9:10 Sat-Sun 1:40-4:10-6:40-9:10 Mon-Thu 6:40-9:10 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri 4:40-7:10-9:30Sat-Sun 1:50-4:40-7:10-9:30 Mon-Thu 7:10-9:30 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri 3:50-7-10:10 NoPasses Sat-Sun 12:50-3:50-7-10:10 No PassesMon-Thu 7-10:10

FOX THEATRE2236 Queen St. E., 416-691-7330

Cars 2 (G) Sat-Sun 2 Closed for Renovations (STC) Tue-Thu Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri 7 Sat-Sun 4:15-7 Mon 9 Page One: Inside The New YorkTimes (STC) Sun 9:15 Mon 7 The Tree of Life (PG) Fri-Sat 9:15


4861 Yonge St., 416-590-9974

Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri 3:45-6:40-9:35Sat-Sun 1-3:45-6:40-9:35 Mon-Wed 3:45-6:40-9:35 Thu 3:45-9:35 The Debt (14A) Fri 4:10-7:10-9:50 Sat-Sun12:50-4:10-7:10-9:50 Mon-Thu 4:10-7:10-9:50 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri 3:30-6:20-

9:10 No Passes Sat-Sun 12:20-3:30-6:20-9:10 NoPasses Mon-Thu 3:30-6:20-9:10 The Help (PG) Fri 3:20-6:30-9:40 Sat-Sun12:10-3:20-6:30-9:40 Mon-Thu 3:20-6:30-9:40 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri4:30-7:15-9:45 Sat-Sun 1:50-4:30-7:15-9:45 Mon-Thu 4:30-7:15-9:45 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 4:20-7:30-10:15 Sat-Sun1:20-4:20-7:30-10:15 Mon-Thu 4:20-7:05-9:55 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri 4-6:45-9:20 Sat-Sun 1:30-4-6:45-9:20 Mon-Thu 4-6:45-9:20 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri 3:40-7-10:10 NoPasses Sat-Sun 12:30-3:40-7-10:10 No PassesMon-Thu 3:40-7-10 Red State (STC) Thu 7 Sarah’s Key (PG) Fri 3:50-6:50-9:30 Sat-Sun1:10-3:50-6:50-9:30 Mon-Thu 3:50-6:50-9:30 Sector 7 3D (14A) Fri 4:40-7:20-10 Sat-Sun 2-4:40-7:20-10 Mon-Thu 4:40-7:20-10

EMPRESS WALK5095 Yonge St., 416-223-9550

Abduction (PG) Stadium Seating, No PassesFri-Sun 2-5-7:40-10:15 Stadium Seating, No Pass-es Mon-Thu 5-7:40-10:15 The Change-Up (18A) Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 1:50-4:40-7:15-9:40 Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 4:40-7:15-9:40 Contagion (PG) Stadium Seating, No PassesFri-Sun 2:10-5:10-7:50-10:30 Stadium Seating, NoPasses Mon-Thu 5:10-7:50-10:30 Stadium Seat-ing, No Passes Fri-Sun 1:20-4:20-6:50-9:30 Stadi-um Seating, No Passes Mon-Thu 4:20-6:50-9:30 Drive (18A) Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 3-5:30-8-10:25 Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 5:30-8-10:25 Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows: Part 2 (PG) Stadium Seating Fri-Thu7:20-10:10 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Sta-dium Seating Fri-Sun 1:30-4:10-6:40-9:20 Stadi-um Seating Mon-Thu 4:10-6:40-9:20 Shark Night 3D (14A) Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 2:20-4:50-7:30-9:50 Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 4:50-7:30-9:50 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (PG) Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 1:10-3:15-5:20Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 5:20 Straw Dogs (14A) Stadium Seating Fri-Sun1:40-4:30-7:10-9:45 Stadium Seating Mon-Thu4:30-7:10-9:45 Warrior (STC) Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 1-4-7-10Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 4-7-10

Page 32: 20110923_Toronto

scene 33metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

0% purchase financing offered by GMCL for 48 months on 2011 Chevrolet Cruze. O.A.C by Ally Credit. Rates from other lenders will vary. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, bi-weekly payment is $104 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10.000. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly/Bi-weekly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2011 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order or trade may be required Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.

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SILVERCITY YORKDALE 63401 Dufferin St., 416-444-3456

Abduction (PG) Fri-Thu 1:10-4:10-7-9:50 Colombiana (14A) Fri-Thu 12:50-3:45-6:20-9 Contagion (PG) Fri-Thu 12:40-3:30-6:30-9:20 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Fri-Thu 1 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Thu 3:50-6:40-9:30 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:30-7:15-10 Mon-Thu1:30-4:30-7:15-9:55 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Thu 1:15-4-7:10-9:40 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1:20-4:20-7:20-10:20Mon-Thu 1:20-4:20-7:10-10 The Lion King (STC) Fri-Thu 1:40 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 4:15-6:45-9:15 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:30-3:40-6:50-10:10 No Passes Mon-Thu 12:30-3:40-6:50-10 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sun 1:50-4:40-7:30-10:15 Mon-Thu 1:10-4-6:55-9:45

SILVERCITY FAIRVIEW1800 Sheppard Ace. E., 416-644-7746

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:30-7:20-10Mon-Tue 1:40-4:30-7:20-9:50 Wed 4:30-7:20-9:50 Thu 1:40-4:30-7:20-9:50 Star & StrollersScreening Wed 1 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Contagion (PG) Fri-Thu 1:10-3:50-6:40-9:30 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri 12:45-3:30-6:20-9:20 No Passes Sat 12:45-3:40-6:20-9:20 No Passes Sun 12:45-3:40-6:30-9:20 NoPasses Mon-Thu 12:45-3:30-6:20-9 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:50-7:30-10:10 Mon-Thu 1:30-4:50-7:30-10 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1:20-4:20-7-9:50Mon-Thu 1:20-4:20-7-9:40 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 1:50-4:10-6:50-9:10 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 1-4-7:10-10:20 No Passes Mon-Tue 1-4-7:10-10:10 NoPasses Wed 4-7:10-10:10 No Passes Thu 1-4-7:10-10:10 Star & Strollers Screening, No Passes Wed1 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Sun 9:40 Mon-Thu 9:20 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (3D) (PG) Fri 12:50-3:40-6:30 Sat 3:55-6:30Sun 7:15 Mon-Thu 12:50-3:40-6:30

Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sun 2-4:40-7:40-10:30Mon-Thu 2-4:40-7:40-10:15 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4


300 Borough Dr., 416-290-5217

Abduction (PG) Fri-Thu 12:50-1:20-3:50-4:20-6:40-7:10-9:40-10:10 Contagion (PG) Fri-Thu 1:25-4:25-7:25-10:25 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Thu 4:05-7:05-10:05 Final Destination 5 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 1:30-4-7-9:45 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Thu 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Thu 12:55-3:55-6:55-9:55 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 12:45-3:45-6:45-9:15 Mankatha (PG) Fri-Thu 2-6:10-9:50 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Thu 12:40-3:40-6:50-10 No Passes Fri-Thu 1-4:10-7:20-10:30 Red State (STC) Thu 7 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri1:10-4:30-7:30-10:20 Sat 4:30-7:30-10:20 Sun1:10-7:30-10:20 Mon-Wed 1:10-4:30-7:30-10:20Thu 1:10-4:10-10:20 The Smurfs (G) Fri-Thu 1:05 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

EGLINTON TOWN CENTRE1901 Eglinton Ave. E., 416-752-4494

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1:45-4:45-7:30-10:20Mon-Thu 4:45-7:30-10:20 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Colombiana (14A) Fri-Thu 6:25-9:20 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:40-7:25-10:15Mon-Thu 4:40-7:25-10:15 Star & Strollers Screen-ing Thu 1 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Thu 3:30-6:20-9:05 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sun 1:20-4:25-7:10-9:50Mon-Thu 4:25-7:10-9:50 Detective Dee and the Mystery of thePhantom Flame (STC) Fri-Sun 1:10-4-6:35-9:35 Mon-Thu 4-6:35-9:35 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:45-3:45 No Passes Mon-Thu 3:45

Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 1:15-4:20-7-9:40 No Passes Mon-Thu 4:20-7-9:40 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 12:50-4:05-6:30-9:10 Mon-Thu 4:05-6:30-9:10 Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows: Part 2 (PG) Fri-Sun 12:40 The Help (PG) Fri-Sun 12:30-3:35-6:40-9:45Mon-Thu 3:35-6:40-9:45 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Sun 1:05-4:10-7:05-9:25 Mon-Thu 4:10-7:05-9:25 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:30-7:15-10:10Mon-Thu 4:30-7:15-10:10 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 12:55-3:50-6:50-9:15 Mon-Thu 3:50-6:50-9:15 Mankatha (PG) Fri-Thu 6:15-9:30 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:35-3:40-6:45-10 No Passes Mon-Thu 3:40-6:45-10Star & Strollers Screening, No Passes Thu 1 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri1-4:15-6:55-9:55 Sat 4:15-6:55-9:55 Sun 6:55-9:55 Mon-Thu 4:15-6:55-9:55 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (PG) Fri-Sun 1:25-3:55 Mon-Thu 3:55 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sun 1:35-4:35-7:20-10:05 Mon-Thu 4:35-7:20-10:05 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

401 & MORNINGSIDE785 Milner Ave., 416-281-2226

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sat 2-4:30-7:20-10:05 Sun2-4:30-7:20-9:50 Mon-Thu 4:30-7:15-9:45 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sat 1:50-4:10-6:40-9:30Sun 1:50-4:10-6:40-9:20 Mon-Thu 4:10-6:40-9:20 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 1:20 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sat 4:20-7:10-9:50 No Passes Sun 4:20-7:10-9:45 No Pass-es Mon-Thu 4:20-7:05-9:40 Drive (18A) Fri-Sat 2:30-5-7:50-10:15 Sun 2:30-5-7:40-10 Mon-Thu 5-7:40-10 The Help (PG) Fri-Sat 3:15-6:30-9:40 Sun 3:15-6:30-9:30 Mon-Thu 3:30-6:30-9:30 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Sun 1:40-3:50-6:15-8:45 Mon-Thu 3:50-6:15-8:45 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sat 2:10-4:40-7:30-10:10Sun 2:10-4:40-7:30-10 Mon-Thu 4:40-7:25-9:55 The Lion King (STC) Fri-Sun 1:30 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sat 3:40-6:45-9:15 Sun-Thu 3:40-6:45-9:10 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sat 1:10-4-7-10No Passes Sun 1:10-4-7-9:55 No Passes Mon-Thu

4-6:55-9:50 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Thu 9 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (PG) Fri-Sun 1:15-3:30-6:20 Mon-Thu 3:35-6:20 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sat 2:20-4:50-7:40-10:15 Sun 2:20-4:50-7:35-10 Mon-Thu 4:50-7:35-10

KENNEDY COMMONS 2033 William Kitchen Rd., 416-335-5323

Apollo 18 (PG) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun 10:45-4:15-10:15 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 4:15-10:15 Bodyguard (PG) SDDS Digital, Sub-Titled Fri-Thu 6:55-9:55 Bol (14A) SDDS Digital, Sub-Titled Fri-Thu 2:05-5:45-9:30 Colombiana (14A) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun11:30-2:25-5:05-7:45-10:25 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 2:25-5:05-7:45-10:25 Cowboys & Aliens (STC) SDDS Digital Fri-Thu 4:30-9:55 The Debt (14A) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun 11:25-2:10-4:50-7:35-10:25 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu2:10-4:50-7:35-10:25 Dolphin Tale (G) SDDS Digital, Special En-gagement Fri-Sun 10:30-1:20-4:10-7-9:50 SDDSDigital, Special Engagement Mon-Thu 1:20-4:10-7-9:50 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) SDDS Digital, SpecialEngagement Fri-Sun 11-1:50-4:40-7:30-10:20SDDS Digital, Special Engagement Mon-Thu1:50-4:40-7:30-10:20 Drive (18A) SDDS Digital, Special EngagementFri-Sun 11:05-1:40-4:15-7:25-10 SDDS DigitalMon-Thu 1:40-4:15-7:25-10 The Guard (14A) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun 11:20-1:45-4:25-7:20-9:50 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 1:45-4:25-7:20-9:50 Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows: Part 2: 3D (PG) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun 10:55-1:50-4:35-7:25-10:20 SDDS DigitalMon-Thu 1:50-4:35-7:25-10:20 The Help (PG) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun 11:15-12:30-2:30-3:45-5:45-7-9-10:05 SDDS DigitalMon-Thu 2:30-3:45-5:45-7-9-10:05 Horrible Bosses (14A) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun12:45-3:10-5:30-7:50-10:15 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 3:10-5:30-7:50-10:15 Love in Space (STC) SDDS Digital, Sub-TitledFri-Thu 1:55-7:05

Mausam (PG) SDDS Digital, Sub-Titled Fri-Sun11-2:30-6:15-9:45 SDDS Digital, Sub-Titled Mon-Thu 2:30-6:15-9:45 Midnight in Paris (PG) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun11:45-2-4:20-7:10-9:25 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 2-4:20-7:10-9:25 My Kingdom (STC) SDDS Digital, Sub-TitledFri-Sun 11:10-4:30-9:40 SDDS Digital, Sub-TitledMon-Thu 4:30-9:40 Opera Australia: Der Rosenkavalier(STC) SDDS Digital, Sub-Titled Sat 2 Sarah’s Key (PG) SDDS Digital, Sub-Titled Fri-Sun 11:40-2:15-4:55-7:40-10:10 SDDS Digital,Sub-Titled Mon-Thu 2:15-4:55-7:40-10:10 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (3D) (PG) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun 11:50-2:20-4:35 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 2:20-4:35 Straw Dogs (14A) SDDS Digital, Special En-gagement Fri 11:35-2:25-5-7:40-10:30 SDDS Digi-tal, Special Engagement Sat 11:35-7:40-10:30SDDS Digital, Special Engagement Sun 11:35-2:25-5-7:40-10:30 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 2:25-5-7:40-10:30 Vanthaan Vendraan (STC) SDDS Digital Fri-Thu 1:30-5-8:15 Warrior (STC) SDDS Digital Fri-Thu 1:15-6:55 The Whistleblower (STC) SDDS Digital Fri-Sun 11:05-1:45-7:15 SDDS Digital Mon-Thu 1:45-7:15

WOODSIDE CINEMAS1571 Sandhurst Circle, 416-299-3456

Dookudu (STC) Sun 1 Khap (STC) Fri 3:45-6:30 Sat 1-3:30-6:30 Sun3:30-6:30 Mon-Thu 3:45-6:30 Mausam (PG) Fri 3:45-6:45-9:45 Sat-Sun12:45-3:45-6:45-9:45 Mon-Thu 3:45-6:45-9:45 Mere Brother Ki Dulhan (PG) Fri 4 Sat-Sun 12:30-4 Mon-Thu 4


377 Burnhamthorpe Rd. E.,905-290-2401

Captain America: The First Avenger(PG) Fri 1-3:10-7-9:30 Sat-Sun 1:35-3:40-7:25-9:35Mon-Thu 1:20-3:40-5:50-8:10 The Change-Up (18A) Fri 1:05-4:25-7:50-9:30 Sat-Sun 12-4:15-7:45-9:20 Mon-Thu 1-2:40-7-8:35

Cowboys & Aliens (STC) Fri 3:10 Sat-Sun9:10 Mon-Thu 1-3:05 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (14A) Fri9:10 Mon-Thu 8:40 Friends With Benefits (14A) Fri 1:15-5:15-7:10 Sat-Sun 5:50-9 Mon-Thu 1:15-6:45-8:40 Kung Fu Panda 2 (PG) Fri 3:40-5:20-8 Sat-Sun 12-1:35-3:10-5:50-7:30 Mon-Thu 5:10 Mr. Popper’s Penguins (G) Sat-Sun 12 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (PG)Fri 1-5:15 Sat-Sun 1:35-4:45 Mon-Thu 4:15 Zookeeper (G) Fri 2:40-6 Sat-Sun 12-1:45-3:30-5:20-7:10 Mon-Thu 1-2:40-7-8:35

COLISEUM 10309 Rathburn Rd., 905-275-3456

30 Minutes or Less (14A) Fri-Sat 2:10-4:50-7:45-10:20 Sun 4:50-7:45-10:05 Mon-Thu 2:10-4:50-7:45-10:05 Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 12:40-1:35-3:20-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10 Mon-Tue 1-1:35-3:45-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10 Wed1:35-3:45-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10 Thu 1-1:35-3:45-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10 Star & StrollersScreening Wed 1 Apollo 18 (PG) Fri-Thu 9 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:40-7:30-10:30Mon-Tue 1:30-4:40-7:30-10:15 Wed 4:40-7:30-10:15 Thu 1:30-4:40-7:30-10:15 Star & StrollersScreening Wed 1 Contagion: The IMAX Experience (PG)Fri-Thu 1-4-7-9:50 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 2-4:45-7:40-10:25 Mon-Thu2-4:45-7:40-10:15 Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows: Part 2 (PG) Fri-Sun 12:30-3:35-6:40-9:40 Mon-Thu 3:30-6:40-9:40 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 1:45-4:10-6:50-9:30 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Thu 1:40-4:20-7:15-10:10 Shark Night 3D (14A) Fri-Sun 2:30-5-7:50-10:15 Mon-Wed 2:30-5-7:50-10:10 Thu 2:30-5-10:10 The Smurfs 3D (G) Fri-Sun 12:50-3:40-6:20Mon-Thu 1:15-3:40-6:20 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (PG) Fri-Thu 1:10-3:50 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Thu 1:20-4:30-7:20-10:05 Warrior (STC) Fri-Thu 6:25-9:35

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34 scene

The Tradition ContinuesPlease visit www.vinylcafe.ca for ticket information.

And the Vinyl Cafe Christmas Tour• December 9 & 10, 2011 – 7:30PM & December 11, 2011 – 2:30PM• Toronto – Sony Centre for The Performing Arts

Stuart McLean & the Vinyl Cafe Tour Live on StageWednesday, October 19 @ 7:00 pm • Mississauga – Living Arts Centre

COLISEUM 10309 Rathburn Rd., 905-275-3456

30 Minutes or Less (14A) Fri-Sat 2:10-4:50-7:45-10:20 Sun 4:50-7:45-10:05 Mon-Thu 2:10-4:50-7:45-10:05 Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 12:40-1:35-3:20-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10 Mon-Tue1-1:35-3:45-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10Wed 1:35-3:45-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10Thu 1-1:35-3:45-4:25-6:30-7:10-9:20-10:10Star & Strollers Screening Wed 1 Apollo 18 (PG) Fri-Thu 9 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:40-7:30-10:30 Mon-Tue 1:30-4:40-7:30-10:15 Wed4:40-7:30-10:15 Thu 1:30-4:40-7:30-10:15Star & Strollers Screening Wed 1 Contagion: The IMAX Experience(PG) Fri-Thu 1-4-7-9:50 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 2-4:45-7:40-10:25Mon-Thu 2-4:45-7:40-10:15 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hal-lows: Part 2 (PG) Fri-Sun 12:30-3:35-6:40-9:40 Mon-Thu 3:30-6:40-9:40 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 1:45-4:10-6:50-9:30 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG)Fri-Thu 1:40-4:20-7:15-10:10 Shark Night 3D (14A) Fri-Sun 2:30-5-7:50-10:15 Mon-Wed 2:30-5-7:50-10:10

Thu 2:30-5-10:10 The Smurfs 3D (G) Fri-Sun 12:50-3:40-6:20 Mon-Thu 1:15-3:40-6:20 Spy Kids: All the Time in theWorld in 4D (PG) Fri-Thu 1:10-3:50 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Thu 1:20-4:30-7:20-10:05 Warrior (STC) Fri-Thu 6:25-9:35

COURTNEY PARK 16110 Courtney Park Dr., 905-362-


Abduction (PG) Special Engagement Fri1:35-4:20-7:05-9:45 Special EngagementSat-Sun 11:05-1:35-4:20-7:05-9:45 SpecialEngagement Mon-Thu 1:35-4:20-7:05-9:45 Colombiana (14A) Fri 2:15-4:45-7:15-9:50 Sat 11:15-7:15-9:50 Sun 11:15-2:15-4:45-7:15-9:50 Mon-Thu2:15-4:45-7:15-9:50 Contagion (PG) Fri 2:05-4:30-7-9:30Sat-Sun 11:20-2:05-4:30-7-9:30 Mon-Thu2:05-4:30-7-9:30 Contagion: The IMAX Experience(PG) Fri-Sun 11:55-2:40-5:10-7:40-10:10Mon-Thu 2:40-5:10-7:40-10:10 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Sun11:45-2:30-5-7:25-9:55 Mon-Thu 2:30-5-7:25-9:55 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sun 11:50-2:35-5:15-7:50-10:25 Mon-Thu 2:35-5:15-7:50-10:25 Dolphin Tale (G) Special EngagementSat-Sun 11:30 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Special Engage-ment Fri-Thu 2-4:30-7:20-10 Drive (18A) Special Engagement Fri-Sat11:50-2:25-4:55-7:40-10:10 SpecialEngagement Sun 2:25-4:55-7:40-10:10Mon-Thu 2:25-4:55-7:40-10:10 The Help (PG) Fri-Thu 1-4:05-7:20-10:25 I Don’t Know How She Does It(PG) Special Engagement Fri 1:20-3:30-5:40-7:50-10:05 Special Engagement Sat-Sun 11:10-1:20-3:30-5:40-7:50-10:05Mon-Thu 1:20-3:30-5:40-7:50-10:05 Killer Elite (14A) Special EngagementFri-Sun 11:55-2:45-5:20-8-10:45 SpecialEngagement Mon-Thu 2:45-5:20-8-10:45 The Lion King (STC) Sat-Sun 11 The Lion King 3D (STC) SpecialEngagement Fri-Sun 1:05-3:10-5:15-7:30-9:45 Mon-Thu 1:05-3:10-5:15-7:30-9:45

Moneyball (PG) Special EngagementFri 1:15-2:05-4:15-5-7:15-8-10:15-11 Spe-cial Engagement Sat 11-1:15-2:05-4:15-5-7:15-8-10:15-11 Special Engagement Sun11-1:15-2:05-4:15-5-7:15-8-10:15 SpecialEngagement Mon-Thu 1:15-2:05-4:15-5-7:15-8-10:15 Opera Australia: Der Rosenkava-lier (STC) Sat 2 Rise of the Planet of the Apes(PG) Fri-Thu 2:40-8:05 Straw Dogs (14A) Special EngagementFri-Sun 11:50-2:25-5:05-7:35-10:05 Mon-Thu 2:25-5:05-7:35-10:05 Warrior (STC) Fri-Sun 11:45-5:05-10:35Mon-Thu 5:05-10:35

ORION GATE GRANDE20 Biscayne Cr., 905-455-1590

Abduction (PG) Fri 4:30-7:15-9:55 Sat-Sun 1:50-4:30-7:15-9:55 Mon-Thu 4:30-7:15-9:55 Colombiana (14A) Fri 4:20-7:30-10:05Sat-Sun 1:40-4:20-7:30-10:05 Mon-Thu4:20-7:25-10 Contagion (PG) Fri 4-6:35-9:30 Sat-Sun1-4-6:35-9:30 Mon-Thu 4-6:35-9:30 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri3:35-6:15-9:05 No Passes Sat-Sun 12:40-3:20-6:15-9:05 No Passes Mon 3:30-6:15-9No Passes Tue-Thu 3:40-6:25-9:10 Drive (18A) Fri 4:40-7:10-9:40 Sat-Sun 2-4:40-7:10-9:40 Mon-Thu 4:40-7:10-9:35 The Help (PG) Fri 3:40-6:50-10 Sat-Sun12:30-3:40-6:50-10 Mon-Thu 3:30-6:40-9:50 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 4:25-7:20-10:15Sat-Sun 1:30-4:25-7:20-10:15 Mon-Thu4:15-7-9:45 The Lion King (STC) Sat-Sun 1:10 Star& Strollers Screening Wed 1 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 4-6:45-9:15 Mon 4-6:45-9:05 Tue-Thu 4:10-6:55-9:15 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri 3:50-7-10:10 No Passes Sat-Sun 12:40-3:50-7-10:10 No Passes Mon-Thu 3:50-6:50-10Star & Strollers Screening, No Passes Wed1 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 3:55-6:45-9:45Sat-Sun 1:10-3:55-6:45-9:45 Mon-Thu3:55-6:45-9:20

Page 34: 20110923_Toronto

scene 35metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

0% purchase financing offered by GMCL for 48 months on 2011 Chevrolet Equinox. O.A.C by Ally Credit. Rates from other lenders will vary. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, bi-weekly payment is $104 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10.000. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly/Bi-weekly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2011 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order or trade may be required Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.

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SILVERCITY BRAMPTON50 Great Lakes, 905-789-6797

Abduction (PG) Fri 4:15-7:30-10:25 Sat-Sun1:05-4:15-7:30-10:25 Mon-Thu 4:15-7:30-10:10 Bodyguard (PG) Fri 2:55-6:05-9:15 Sat 11:55-2:55-6:05-9:15 Sun 12-2:55-6:05-9:15 Mon-Thu3:15-6:15-9:15 Colombiana (14A) Fri-Sun 6:15-9 Mon-Wed6:10-9 Thu 9 Contagion (PG) Fri 3:40-7:10-10:05 Sat-Sun12:45-3:40-7:10-10:05 Mon-Thu 4:35-7:10-10:15 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Sat-Sun 12:20 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 3-6:40-9:20 No Passes Mon-Thu 3:55-6:40-9:20 Drive (18A) Fri 4:10-7:25-10:10 Sat-Sun 1:40-4:10-7:25-10:10 Mon-Thu 4:10-7:25-9:55 The Help (PG) Fri-Sat 3:10-6:30-9:45 Sun 12-6:30-9:45 Mon-Thu 3:20-6:30-9:40 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri4:20-7:05-9:35 Sat-Sun 1:25-4:20-7:05-9:35 Mon-Thu 4:20-7:05-9:30 Khap (STC) Fri 3:30-6:35-9:40 Sat 12:35-3:30-6:35-9:40 Sun 12:30-3:30-6:35-9:40 Mon 3:30-6:35-9:40 Tue 3:30-6:35-9:35 Wed 3:30-6:30-9:30Thu 3:30-6:35-9:35 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 4-7:15-10:15 Sat 12-4-7:15-10:15 Sun 12-3:20-7:15-10:15 Mon-Wed 4-7:15-10Thu 4-6:10-10 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri 3:50-6:45-9:10 Sat-Sun 1:15-3:50-6:45-9:10 Mon-Thu 3:50-6:45-9:05 Mausam (STC) Fri 6:10-9:50 Sat-Sun 2:30-6:10-9:50 Mon-Thu 4:45-8:50 Mere Brother Ki Dulhan (PG) Fri 3:15-6:20-9:25 Sat-Sun 12:10-3:15-6:20-9:25 Mon-Thu 3:15-6:20-9:25 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri 3:45-7-10:20 NoPasses Sat-Sun 12:40-3:45-7-10:20 No Passes Mon-Thu 3:45-7-10:05 Red State (STC) Thu 7 The Smurfs (G) Fri 3:25 Sat-Sun 12:50-3:25Mon-Thu 3:25 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 4:30-7:40-10:30 Sat-Sun1:30-4:30-7:40-10:30 Mon-Thu 4:30-7:40-10:15 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4 Yaara O Dildaara (STC) Fri 3:05-6:50-10 Sat-Sun 12:05-3:05-6:50-10 Mon-Thu 3:40-6:50-9:50

SILVERCITY MISSISSAUGA3055 Vega Blvd., 905-569-3373

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:50-7:20-10:05Mon-Thu 4:50-7:20-9:55 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Wed 6:40-9:40Thu 9:40 The Debt (14A) Fri 1:10-4:10-7:30-10:10 Sat4:10-7:30-10:10 Sun 1:10-7:30-10:10 Mon-Thu4:10-6:55-9:35 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:50-3:50No Passes Mon-Thu 3:50 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 1:30-4:20-7:10-9:50 No Passes Mon-Thu 4:20-7:10-9:50 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 1:50-4:40-7:40-10:15 Mon-Thu 4:40-7:30-10 The Help (PG) Fri-Sun 12:30-3:40-6:50-9:30Mon-Thu 3:40-6:50-9:30 Horrible Bosses (14A) Fri-Thu 10 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Sun 2-4:30-7:50-10:10 Mon-Thu 4:30-7:15-9:45 The Lion King (STC) Fri-Sun 1 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Thu 3:30-7-9:20 Red State (STC) Thu 7 The Smurfs (G) Fri-Sun 12:40-3:20-6:20-9 Mon-Thu 3:20-6:20-9 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (3D) (PG) Fri-Sun 1:20-4-6:30 Mon-Thu 4-6:30 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

SQUARE ONE100 City Centre Dr., 905-275-2640

Bodyguard (PG) Digital, Stadium Seating, Dol-by Stereo Digital Fri-Thu 3:30-6:30-9:30 Bol (14A) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital, StadiumSeating Fri-Sun 2-5:45-9:15 Digital, Dolby StereoDigital, Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 5:45-9:15 Colombiana (14A) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digi-tal, Stadium Seating Fri-Thu 9:40 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Digital, StadiumSeating, Dolby Stereo Digital Fri-Sun 1:10-3:50-6:40 Digital, Stadium Seating, Dolby Stereo DigitalMon-Thu 3:50-6:40 Dolphin Tale (G) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital,Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 1 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Dolby Stereo Digital,Stadium Seating Fri-Thu 3:45-6:35-9:30 The Help (PG) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital,Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 12:45-3:45-6:45-9:45Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital, Stadium SeatingMon-Thu 3:45-6:45-9:45 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Digi-

tal, Dolby Stereo Digital, Stadium Seating Fri-Sun1:30-4-6:50-9:55 Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital,Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 4-6:50-9:55 Killer Elite (14A) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital,Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 1:20-4:30-7:20-10:10Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital, Stadium SeatingMon-Thu 4:30-7:20-10:10 Mausam (PG) Digital, Dolby Stereo Digital,Stadium Seating Fri-Thu 2:15-6-9:20 Moneyball (PG) Dolby Stereo Digital, Digital,Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 12:50-3:55-7-10 DolbyStereo Digital, Digital, Stadium Seating Mon-Thu3:55-7-10 Yaara O Dildaara (STC) Digital, Dolby StereoDigital, Stadium Seating Fri-Sun 1:45-5:30-9 Digi-tal, Dolby Stereo Digital, Stadium Seating Mon-Thu 5:30-9


2331 Ninth Line, 905-257-8272

Abduction (PG) Fri-Thu 7:30 Contagion (PG) Fri-Thu 7:35 Drive (18A) Fri-Thu 9:20 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Thu 7:40 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Thu 9:25 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Thu 9:35

AURORA CINEMAS15460 Bayview Ave., 905-841-1789

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:20-7:15-10 Mon-Thu 7:15-9:55 Star & Strollers Screening Thu 1 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 1:10-3:45-6:40-9:30Mon-Thu 6:45-9:20 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri 12:50-3:30-6:30-9:20 Sat 3:30-6:40-9:20 Sun 12:50-6:40-9:20Mon-Thu 6:35-9:15 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 1:30-4:10-7:10-9:45 No Passes Mon-Thu 7-9:30 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 2-4:30-7:20-9:50 Mon-Thu7:20-9:45 The Help (PG) Fri-Sun 2-6:50-10:05 Mon-Thu6:30-9:35 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 2:10-4:50-7:40-10:20Mon-Thu 7:10-9:50 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 1:20-3:50-6:45-9:10 Mon-Thu 6:50-9:10 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 1-4-7-10:10

No Passes Mon-Thu 6:40-9:40 Star & StrollersScreening, No Passes Thu 1 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sun 1:50-4:40-7:30-10:15Mon-Thu 7:30-10 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

COLOSSUS 193555 Hwy 7 West, 905-851-1001

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:20Mon-Thu 4:50-7:40-10:10 Captain America: The First Avenger(PG) Fri 1:05-3:55-6:55-9:35 Sat-Sun 1:05-3:55-6:55-9:40 Mon-Thu 3:55-6:55-9:35 Colombiana (14A) Fri 1:25-4:35-7:25-10 Sat4:35-7:25-10 Sun 1:25-7:25-10 Mon-Thu 4:25-7:25-10 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:25-7:20-10:05Mon-Thu 4:20-7:20-10:05 Contagion: The IMAX Experience (PG)Fri-Sun 1-4-7-9:50 Mon-Thu 4-7-9:50 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:30-3:20-6-8:50 No Passes Mon-Thu 3:30-6-8:50 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sat 1:10-4-6:40-9:30 No Passes Sun 1:10-4:05-6:40-9:30 NoPasses Mon-Thu 4:05-6:40-9:30 Drive (18A) Fri 1:45-4:45-7:45-10:25 Sat 1:45-4:45-7:35-10:25 Sun 1:45-4:45-7:20-9:45 Mon-Thu4:45-7:10-9:45 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Part 2: 3D (PG) Fri-Sat 12:35-3:35-6:35-9:45 Sun12:35-3:35-6:35-9:40 Mon-Thu 3:35-6:35-9:40 Horrible Bosses (14A) Fri-Sun 12:50-3:30-6:25-9:25 Mon-Thu 3:30-6:25-9:25 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1:15-4:15-7:15-10:15Mon-Thu 4:15-7:15-10:15 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 1:20-4:10-6:45-9:15 Mon-Thu 4:10-6:45-9:15 Mankatha (PG) Fri-Sat 2:15-6:15-10 Sun 2:15-6:15-9:50 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:30-3:30-6:40-9:50 No Passes Mon-Thu 3:40-6:40-9:40 NoPasses Fri-Sun 1-4:10-7:20-10:30 No Passes Mon-Thu 4:10-7:15-10:20 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Sun 12:55-3:40-6:30-9:20 Mon-Thu 3:40-6:30-9:20 Shark Night 3D (14A) Fri-Thu 9 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (3D) (PG) Fri-Sun 12:45-3-5:50 Mon-Thu3:45-6:10 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sun 1:35-4:20-7:10-9:55

Mon-Thu 4:20-7:05-9:55 Warrior (STC) Fri-Sun 12:40-3:45-7:05-10:10 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

ELGIN MILLS 1010909 Yonge St., 905-770-6998

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1-3:30-6-8:30 Mon-Thu5:30-8:30 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 12:50-3:20-6:10-8:40Mon-Thu 6:30-9 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sun 1:30-3:50-6:20-8:50Mon-Thu 6:20-9:10 Dolphin Tale (G) Fri-Sun 1:10 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Fri-Sun 3:50-6:30-9 Mon-Thu 5:40-8:20 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 2-4:40-7:20-10 Mon-Thu 7-9:30 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1:50-4:30-7:10-9:50Mon-Thu 6:40-9:20 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 12:30-2:40-4:50-7-9:10 Mon-Thu 6-8:10 Moneyball (PG) Fri-Sun 12:40-3:40-6:40-9:40Mon-Thu 5:50-8:50 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri-Sun 1:20-4-7:30Mon-Thu 6:50 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Sun 9:30 Mon-Thu 9:15 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:10-6:50-9:20Mon-Thu 6:10-8:40

FIRST MARKHAM PLACE3275 Hwy 7 E., 905-474-5101

Abduction (PG) Fri 4:10-7:10-9:40 Sat-Sun1:10-4:10-7:10-9:40 Mon-Thu 7-9:30 Contagion (PG) Fri 4:15-7:15-9:50 Sat-Sun 1:15-4:15-7:15-9:50 Mon-Thu 7:10-9:45 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri 3:30-6:40-9:20 No Passes Sat-Sun 12:40-3:30-6:40-9:20 NoPasses Mon-Thu 6:40-9:20 Drive (18A) Fri 4:30-7:30-9:55 Sat-Sun 1:30-4:30-7:30-9:55 Mon-Thu 7:30-9:55 The Help (PG) Fri 3:40-6:50-10 Sat-Sun 12:30-3:40-6:50-10 Mon-Thu 6:30-9:40 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 4:20-7:20-10:10 Sat-Sun1:20-4:20-7:20-10:10 Mon-Thu 7:20-10 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri 3:50-6:45-9:10 Sat-Sun 12:50-3:50-6:45-9:10 Mon-Thu 6:45-9:10 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri 4-7-10:05 NoPasses Sat-Sun 1-4-7-10:05 No Passes Mon-Thu

6:50-9:50 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri3:45-6:30-9:30 Sat-Sun 12:45-3:45-6:30-9:30 Mon-Thu 7:05-9:35 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 4:40-7:40-10:15 Sat-Sun1:40-4:40-7:40-10:15 Mon-Thu 7:15-9:50

INTERCHANGE 3030 Interchange Way, 905-760-1911

30 Minutes or Less (14A) Fri-Thu 7:25-9:40 Apollo 18 (PG) Fri 4:55-10 Sat-Sun 11:35-4:55-10Mon-Thu 4:55-10 Cave of Forgotten Dreams (G) Fri 4:25-7:05-9:35 Sat-Sun 11:40-2-4:25-7:05-9:35 Mon-Thu4:25-7:05-9:35 The Change-Up (18A) Fri 4:10-7:10-9:55 Sat7:10-9:55 Sun 1:25-4:10-7:10-9:55 Mon-Thu 4:10-7:10-9:55 Cowboys & Aliens (STC) Fri 7:15 Sat-Sun 2:10-7:15 Mon-Thu 7:15 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri 4-7-9:50 Sat-Sun1:10-4-7-9:50 Mon-Thu 4-7-9:50 The Debt (14A) Fri 4:05-7-9:45 Sat-Sun 1:20-4:05-7-9:45 Mon-Thu 4:05-7-9:45 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (14A) Fri 4:50-9:50 Sat-Sun 11:45-4:50-9:50 Mon-Thu 4:50-9:50 Final Destination 5 3D (STC) Fri 7:30 Sat-Sun2:15-7:30 Mon-Thu 7:30 Friends With Benefits (14A) Fri-Thu 7:15-9:55 Fright Night 3D (STC) Fri 4:45-10 Sat-Sun11:40-4:45-10 Mon-Thu 4:45-10 The Help (PG) Fri 6:30-9:50 Sat-Sun 11:50-3:10-6:30-9:50 Mon-Thu 6:30-9:50 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri4:40-7:10-9:35 Sat 11:45-2:15-4:40-7:10-9:35 Sun2:15-4:40-7:10-9:35 Mon-Thu 4:40-7:10-9:35 Midnight in Paris (PG) Fri 7:20 Sat-Sun 2:05-7:20 Mon-Thu 7:20 One Day (PG) Fri 4:20-9:45 Sat-Sun 11:35-4:20-9:45 Mon-Thu 4:20-9:45 Opera Australia: Der Rosenkavalier(STC) Sat 2 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri 7:25 Sat-Sun 2:25-7:25 Mon-Thu 7:25 Sarah’s Key (PG) Fri 4:15-7:05-9:40 Sat-Sun1:40-4:15-7:05-9:40 Mon-Thu 4:15-7:05-9:40 The Smurfs (G) Fri 4:35 Sat-Sun 11:30-2-4:35Mon-Thu 4:35 Zookeeper (G) Fri 4:35 Sat-Sun 11:30-1:55-4:35Mon-Thu 4:35

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36 metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011LOVE TO

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PROMENADE MALL1 Promenade Circle, 416-494-9371

Abduction(PG) Fri-Thu 1-3:50-7:05-9:30 Contagion(PG) Fri-Thu 1:20-3:45-7:10-9:20 Dolphin Tale 3D(G) Fri-Thu 1:10-4:10-7-9:15 Drive(18A) Fri-Thu 1:30-4:15-6:55-9:05 I Don’t Know How She Does It(PG) Fri-Thu1:15-4:20-7:15-9:25 Moneyball(PG) Fri-Sun 12:50-4-6:50-9:35 Mon 4-6:50-9:35 Tue-Thu 12:50-4-6:50-9:35 Mon 1

SILVERCITY NEWMARKET18151 Yonge St., 905-953-2792

Abduction (PG) Fri 3:15-7:40-10:10 Sat-Sun 12:35-3:15-7:40-10:10 Mon-Tue 3:15-7:40-10:10 Wed 3:30-7:40-10:10 Thu 3:15-7:40-10:10 Star & StrollersScreening Wed 1 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Contagion (PG) Fri 4-7:25-10:30 Sat-Sun 12:50-4-7:25-10:30 Mon-Thu 4-7:25-10:05 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sat 3:55-6:40-9:40 Sun 12:45-6:40-9:40 Mon 3:55-9:40 Tue-Thu 3:55-6:40-9:40 Star& Strollers Screening Wed 1 Dolphin Tale (G) Sat-Sun 1 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Fri-Tue 4:05-7-9:45 Wed4:50-7:35-10:05 Thu 4:05-7-9:45 Drive (18A) Fri 5-7:45-10:20 Sat-Sun 2:05-5-7:45-10:20Mon-Thu 5-7:45-10:10 The Help (PG) Fri 3:40-6:50-10 Sat-Sun 12:30-3:40-6:50-10 Mon 3:40-10 Tue-Thu 3:40-6:50-10 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri 4:20-7:10-9:35 Sat-Sun 1:40-4:20-7:10-9:35 Mon-Tue 4:20-7:10-9:35 Wed 5-7:10-9:35 Thu 4:20-7:10-9:35 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 4:30-7:35-10:15 Sat-Sun 1:30-4:30-7:35-10:15 Mon-Tue 4:30-7:35-10:15 Wed 4:55-7:35-10:15 Thu 4:30-7:35-10:15 The Lion King (STC) Sat-Sun 1:10 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Tue 4:15-7:15-10:05Wed 4:55-7:15-10:05 Thu 4:15-7:15-10:05 Moneyball (PG) Fri 3:50-6:55-9:55 Sat-Sun 12:55-3:50-6:55-9:55 Mon-Thu 3:50-6:55-9:55 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri-Tue 9:30 Wed 10:15Thu 9:30 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri 4:10-6:45-9:20 Sat-Sun 1:20-4:10-6:45-9:20 Mon-Tue 4:10-6:45-9:20 Wed 4:45-7:25-9:55 Thu 4:10-6:45-9:20 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in 4D(3D) (PG) Fri 3:30-6:20 Sat 12:40-3:30-6:20 Sun 3:45-6:40 Mon-Tue 3:30-6:20 Wed 4:50-7:35 Thu 3:30-6:20 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 4:40-7:30-10:25 Sat-Sun 1:15-4:40-7:30-10:25 Mon-Thu 4:40-7:30-10 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In the Round

(STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

SILVERCITY RICHMOND HILL8771 Yonge St., 905-709-3199

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1-3:50-6:50-9:45 Mon-Thu3:50-6:50-9:45 Star & Strollers Screening Thu 1 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:20 Mon-Thu 4:30-7:25-10:10 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Thu 3:55-6:40-9:40 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sun 12:55-3:30-6:30-9:20 Mon-Thu 3:30-6:30-9:20 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Fri-Sun 12:45-3:45-6:45-9:30Mon-Thu 3:45-6:45-9:30 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:20-7:20-10:30 Mon-Thu4:20-7:20-10:15 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Part 2 (PG) Fri-Sun 12:35 The Help (PG) Fri 12:30-3:40-6:55-10 Sat 3:40-6:55-10 Sun 12:30-6:55-10 Mon-Wed 3:40-6:55-10 Thu3:40-10 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Sun1:50-4:10-7:40-10:10 Mon-Thu 4:10-7:40-10:05 Star &Strollers Screening Thu 1 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1:10-4:05-7:15-10:30 Mon-Thu 4:05-7:15-10:10 The Lion King (STC) Fri-Sun 12:40 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 3:20-6:50-9:10Mon-Thu 3:40-6:50-9:10 Moneyball (PG) Fri-Sun 12:50-4-7:10-10:15 Mon-Wed 4-7-10:15 Thu 4-7-10 Red State (STC) Thu 7 Shark Night 3D (14A) Fri-Sat 2-4:40-7:50-10:25Sun 4:40-7:50-10:25 Mon-Wed 4:40-7:10-9:55 Thu4:40-10:15 The Smurfs (G) Fri-Sun 1:05-3:35-6:35 Mon-Thu3:35-6:35 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri-Sun 1:20-4:15-7-9:50 Mon-Thu 4:15-7:05-9:50 Warrior (STC) Fri-Thu 9:35 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In the Round(STC) Sat 1 Sun 4


1175 Maple Ave., 905-864-1666

Abduction (PG) Fri 6:35-9:25 Sat-Sun 1:05-3:40-6:35-9:25 Mon-Thu 7:10-9:55 Contagion (PG) Fri 7:10-9:55 Sat-Sun 1:10-4-7:10-9:55 Mon-Thu 6:45-9:20

Dolphin Tale (G) Sat-Sun 1:15 Star & StrollersScreening, Thu 1 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Fri 6:30-9:10 Sat-Sun 3:50-6:30-9:10 Mon-Thu 7-9:35 Drive (18A) Fri 7:15-9:45 Sat 4:15-7:15-9:45 Sun12:45-4:15-7:15-9:45 Mon-Thu 7:15-9:45 The Help (PG) Fri 6:55-10:05 Sat 12:40-3:45-6:55-10:05 Sun 12:40-6:55-10:05 Mon-Thu 6:30-9:40 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 6:50-9:35 Sat-Sun 1:20-4:05-6:50-9:35 Mon-Thu 7:20-10 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri 6:45-9:20 Sat-Sun12:55-3:30-6:45-9:20 Mon-Thu 6:50-9:10 Moneyball (PG) Fri 7-10:10 Sat-Sun 12:50-3:55-7-10:10 Mon-Thu 6:40-9:50 Star & Strollers Screen-ing, Thu 1 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

SILVERCITY BURLINGTON 81250 Brant St., 416-646-0444

Abduction (PG) Fri 4:10-7:05-9:35 Sat-Sun 1:20-4:10-7:05-9:35 Mon-Thu 7:05-9:35 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Contagion (PG) Fri 4:15-7:05-10:05 Sat-Sun 1:15-4:15-7:05-10:05 Mon-Thu 7:05-9:40 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sat 4-7-9:40 Sun 1:20-4-7-9:40Mon-Thu 7-9:30 Dolphin Tale (G) Sat-Sun 1 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Fri-Sun 3:45-6:40-9:20Mon-Thu 6:40-9:20 Drive (18A) Fri 4:40-7:40-10:15 Sat 1:45-4:40-7:40-10:15 Sun 4:40-7:40-10:15 Mon-Thu 7:20-9:50 The Help (PG) Fri 3:50-6:50-10 Sat-Sun 12:50-3:50-6:50-10 Mon-Thu 6:50-10 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri4:30-7:30-9:50 Sat 1:30-4:30-7:30-9:50 Sun 1:30-7:30-9:50 Mon-Thu 7:10-9:20 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 4-7:10-10:10 Sat-Sun 1:10-4-7:10-10:10 Mon-Thu 7:10-9:50 The Lion King (STC) Sat-Sun 1:15 Star & StrollersScreening Wed 1 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 3:30-6:30-9Mon-Thu 6:30-9 Moneyball (PG) Fri 3:45-6:45-10 Sat-Sun 12:45-3:45-6:45-10 Mon-Thu 6:45-9:45 Star & StrollersScreening, Wed 1 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri 3:30-7:25-9:45 Sat-Sun 1:10-3:30-7:25-9:45 Mon-Thu 7:25-9:45 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 4:30-7:30-10:20 Sat-Sun1:40-4:30-7:30-10:20 Mon-Thu 7:30-10 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

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scene 37metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

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0% purchase financing offered by GMCL for 48 months on 2011 Chevrolet Cruze and Equinox. O.A.C by Ally Credit. Rates from other lenders will vary. Example: $10,000 at 0% APR, bi-weekly payment is $104 for 48 months. Cost of borrowing is $0, total obligation is $10.000. Down payment and/or trade may be required. Monthly/Bi-weekly payment and cost of borrowing will vary depending on amount borrowed and down payment/trade. Insurance, licence, PPSA, dealer fees and applicable taxes not included. Offers apply as indicated to 2011 new or demonstrator models of the vehicle equipped as described. Offers apply to qualified retail customers in the Ontario Chevrolet Dealer Marketing Association area only (including Outaouais). Dealers are free to set individual prices. Dealer order or trade may be required Limited time offers which may not be combined with other offers. GMCL may modify, extend or terminate offers in whole or in part at any time without notice. Conditions and limitations apply. See dealer for details.

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SILVERCITY OAKVILLE3531 Wyecroft Road, 905 827-7173

Abduction (PG) Fri-Sun 1:05-3:40-6:40-9:40Mon-Thu 7:05-9:55 Star & Strollers ScreeningWed 1 Citizen Kane (STC) Sun 1 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 1:25-4:15-7:20-10:20Mon-Thu 7-9:50 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri-Sun 1:15-4-6:50-9:30 No Passes Mon-Thu 6:35-9:15 Drive (18A) Fri-Sun 1:45-4:45-7:40-10:30 Mon-Thu 7:30-10:10 The Help (PG) Fri-Sat 12:55-3:55-6:55-9:50 Sun12:55-6:55-9:50 Mon-Wed 6:30-9:25 Thu 9:25 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri-Sun 1:40-4:30-7:30-9:55 Mon-Thu 7:10-9:35 Killer Elite (14A) Fri-Sun 1:10-4:10-7:10-10:10Mon-Wed 6:50-9:45 Thu 6:30-9:45 Fri-Sun 1:15-4:15-7:10-10:10 Mon-Thu 7-9:50 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri-Sun 1:30-4:20-6:45-9:10 Mon-Thu 6:45-9:10 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri-Sun 12:50-3:55-7-10 No Passes Mon-Thu 6:40-9:40 No Passes Fri-Sun 12:45-3:45-6:40-9:40 No Passes Mon-Thu6:30-9:30 Star & Strollers Screening, No PassesWed 1 Red State (STC) Thu 7 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 1:20-3:50-6:30-9:20 Sat-Sun 3:50-6:30-9:20 Mon-Thu 6:55-9:30 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

WINSTON CHURCHILL2081 Winston Park Dr.,Oakville, 905-829-2009

30 Minutes or Less (14A) Fri 2:15-4:15-6:40-9:15 Sat-Sun 12-2:15-4:15-6:40-9:15 Mon-Thu2:15-4:15-6:40-9:15 Bodyguard (PG) Fri 3:05-9:15 Sat-Sun 11:40-3:05-9:15 Mon-Thu 3:05-9:15 Bol (14A) Fri-Thu 6:05 The Change-Up (18A) Fri 2:25-5:20-8-10:30Sat-Sun 10:35-2:25-5:20-8-10:30 Mon-Thu 2:25-5:20-8-10:30 Colombiana (14A) Fri 3:10-5:35-8:05-10:30Sat-Sun 12:35-3:10-5:35-8:05-10:30 Mon-Thu3:10-5:35-8:05-10:30 Contagion (PG) Fri 2:35-5-7:30-10:20 Sat-Sun11:45-3-5:30-8:05-10:45 Mon-Thu 3-5:30-8:05-10:45 Fri 3-5:30-8:05-10:45 Sat-Sun 10:45-2:35-5-7:30-10:20 Mon-Thu 2:35-5-7:30-10:20

Cowboys & Aliens (STC) Fri-Thu 2:40-7:45 Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark (14A) Fri 5:10-10:10 Sat-Sun 12:15-5:10-10:10 Mon-Thu 5:10-10:10 Friends With Benefits (14A) Fri 2-7 Sat-Sun11:30-2-7 Mon-Thu 2-7 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Part 2 (PG) Fri 2:50-5:45-8:35 Sat-Sun 11:05-2:50-5:45-8:35 Mon-Thu 2:50-5:45-8:35 Killer Elite (14A) Special Engagement Fri 3:50-4:30-6:45-7:15-9:30-10 Special Engagement Sat-Sun 10:30-11:55-1:40-3:50-4:30-6:45-7:15-9:30-10Special Engagement Mon 3:50-4:30-6:45-7:15-9:30-10 Tue-Thu 3:50-4:30-6:45-7:15-9:30-10 Mausam (PG) Special Engagement Fri 2:40-6-9:20 Special Engagement Sat-Sun 10:40-2:40-6-9:20 Special Engagement Mon 2:40-6-9:20Tue-Thu 2:40-6-9:20 Mere Brother Ki Dulhan (PG) Fri 2:10-5:15-8:40 Sat-Sun 11:10-2:10-5:15-8:40 Mon-Thu 2:10-5:15-8:40 Midnight in Paris (PG) Fri 2:30-5-7:10-9:30Sat-Sun 12:20-2:30-5-7:10-9:30 Mon-Thu 2:30-5-7:10-9:30 Moneyball (PG) Special Engagement Fri 2-4:40-5:05-7:40-8:15-10:35 Special EngagementSat-Sun 11-12:40-2-4:40-5:05-7:40-8:15-10:35 Spe-cial Engagement Mon 2-4:40-5:05-7:40-8:15-10:35Tue-Thu 2-4:40-5:05-7:40-8:15-10:35 Opera Australia: Der Rosenkavalier(STC) Special Engagement Sat 2 Our Idiot Brother (14A) Fri-Thu 4:35-9:35 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri2:55-5:25-7:55-10:40 Sat-Sun 12:10-2:55-5:25-7:55-10:40 Mon-Thu 2:55-5:25-7:55-10:40 Sarah’s Key (PG) Fri 4:40-7:40-10:25 Sat-Sun1:30-4:40-7:40-10:25 Mon-Thu 4:40-7:40-10:25 Shark Night 3D (14A) Fri 2:45-5:20-7:45-10:15Sat-Sun 12:30-2:45-5:20-7:45-10:15 Mon-Thu 2:45-5:20-7:45-10:15 Straw Dogs (14A) Special Engagement Fri2:30-5:15-8-10:35 Special Engagement Sat 8-10:35 Special Engagement Sun 2:30-5:15-8-10:35Mon-Thu 2:30-5:15-8-10:35 Special EngagementFri 2:05-4:45-7:30-10:05 Special Engagement Sat-Sun 11:25-2:05-4:45-7:30-10:05 Mon-Thu 2:05-4:45-7:30-10:05 Transformers: Dark of the Moon 3D(PG) Fri 2:20-6-9:25 Sat-Sun 10:50-2:20-6-9:25Mon-Thu 2:20-6-9:25 Warrior (STC) Special Engagement Fri 3:30-6:35-9:45 Sat-Sun 11:50-3:30-6:35-9:45 Mon-Thu



248 Kingston Rd. E, 905-426-7772

Abduction (PG) Fri 7:05-9:20 Sat 12:40-3:45-7:05-9:20 Sun 1:30-3:45-7:05-9:20 Mon-Thu 7:05-9:20 Contagion (PG) Fri 6:50-9:30 Sat-Sun 1:20-4-6:50-9:30 Mon-Thu 6:50-9:30 Dolphin Tale (G) No Passes Sat-Sun 12:45 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri 6:45-9:10No Passes Sat-Sun 3:20-6:45-9:10 No Passes Mon-Thu 6:45-9:10 Drive (18A) Fri 7:10-9:45 Sat-Sun 1:15-4:10-7:10-9:45 Mon-Thu 7:10-9:45 The Help (PG) Fri 6:30-9:35 Sat 3:10-6:30-9:35Sun-Thu 6:30-9:35 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Fri6:55-9:05 Sat-Sun 1:05-3:50-6:55-9:05 Mon-Thu6:55-9:05 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 7:15-9:50 Sat-Sun 12:55-3:35-7:15-9:50 Mon-Thu 7:15-9:50

The Lion King (STC) Star & Strollers ScreeningThu 1 The Lion King 3D (STC) Fri 7-9:25 Sat-Sun 1-3:25-7-9:25 Mon-Thu 7-9:25 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri 6:35-9:40 NoPasses Sat-Sun 12:50-3:40-6:35-9:40 No PassesMon-Thu 6:35-9:40 Star & Strollers Screening, NoPasses Thu 1 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 6:40-9:15 Sat-Sun 1:10-4:05-6:40-9:15 Mon-Thu 6:40-9:15 The Wiggles: Greatest Hits, In theRound (STC) Sat 1 Sun 4

PICKERING 81355 Kingston Rd., 416-646-0444

Abduction (PG) Fri 7:30-10:15 Sat-Sun 1:30-4:30-7:30-10:15 Mon-Thu 6-9 Contagion (PG) Fri 6:40-9:35 Sat-Sun 1:05-3:40-6:40-9:35 Mon-Thu 5:50-8:50 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri 6:30-9:25 Sat-Sun 1:15-3:55-6:30-9:25 Mon-Thu 5:20-8:10 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) No Passes Fri 6:50-9:40No Passes Sat-Sun 1:10-3:50-6:50-9:40 No PassesMon-Thu 5:30-8:15

Drive (18A) Fri 7:20-9:55 Sat-Sun 1:45-4:20-7:20-9:55 Mon-Thu 6:10-8:40 Killer Elite (14A) Fri 7:10-10:10 Sat-Sun 1:20-4:10-7:10-10:10 Mon-Thu 5:40-8:30 Moneyball (PG) No Passes Fri 7-10 No PassesSat-Sun 1-4-7-10 No Passes Mon-Thu 5:15-8:20 Straw Dogs (14A) Fri 6:55-9:30 Sat-Sun 1:40-4:15-6:55-9:30 Mon-Thu 5:35-8

WHITBY 2475 Consumers Dr., 905-665-7210

30 Minutes or Less (14A) Fri-Thu 7:10-9:15 Abduction (PG) Special Engagement Fri-Sat10:30-12:10-1-2:30-3:30-5-6-7:30-8:30-10-11 Spe-cial Engagement Sun 10:30-12:10-1-2:30-3:30-5-6-7:30-8:20-10-10:40 Special Engagement Mon-Thu1-2:30-3:30-5-6-7:30-8:20-10-10:40 The Change-Up (18A) Fri-Sun 11:35-2:10-4:40-7:15-9:50 Mon-Thu 2:10-4:40-7:15-9:50 Colombiana (14A) Fri 11:45-2:25-4:55-7:30-10:25 Sat 11:45-7:30-10:25 Sun 11:45-2:25-4:55-7:30-10:25 Mon-Thu 2:25-4:55-7:30-10:25 Contagion (PG) Fri-Sun 10:45-1:15-4:30-7-9:45Mon-Thu 2:15-5-7:30-10:15 Sun 11:45-2:15-5-7:30-

10:15 Mon-Thu 1:15-4:30-7-9:45 Contagion: The IMAX Experience (PG)Fri-Sat 11:45-2:15-5-7:30-10:15 Crazy, Stupid, Love. (PG) Fri-Sun 11:30-5:10-10:25 Mon-Thu 5:10-10:25 The Debt (14A) Fri-Sun 11:20-1:50-4:25-7:10-9:45 Mon-Thu 1:50-4:25-7:10-9:45 Dolphin Tale 3D (G) Special Engagement Fri-Sun 11:30-2-4:45-7:30-10:15 Special EngagementMon-Thu 2-4:45-7:30-10:15 Drive (18A) Special Engagement Fri-Sat 10:45-1-3:25-5:45-8:15-10:45 Sun 10:45-1-3:25-5:45-8:15-10:45 Mon-Thu 1-3:25-5:45-8:15-10:45 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows:Part 2 (PG) Fri-Thu 2:20-7:40 The Help (PG) Fri-Sun 10:40-1:35-4:35-7:35-10:30 Mon-Thu 1:35-4:35-7:35-10:30 Horrible Bosses (14A) Fri-Sun 10:50-1:10-3:25-5:50-8:10-10:25 Mon-Thu 1:10-3:25-5:50-8:10-10:25 I Don’t Know How She Does It (PG) Spe-cial Engagement Fri-Sat 10:40-12:45-3-5:15-7:45-10 Sun 10:40-12:45-3-5:15-7:45-10 Mon-Thu3-5:15-7:45-10 Killer Elite (14A) Special Engagement Fri-Sun11-12:15-1:45-2:45-4:30-5:30-7:15-8:15-10-10:50Special Engagement Mon-Thu 1:45-2:45-4:30-5:30-7:15-8:15-10-10:50 The Lion King (STC) Special Engagement Fri10:30 Sat-Sun 10:30 The Lion King 3D (STC) Special EngagementFri-Sat 12:45-3:15-5:30-7:45-10:15 Sun 12:45-3:15-5:30-7:45-10:15 Mon-Thu 1-3:15-5:30-7:45-10:15 The Marriage of Figaro from the Syn-dey Opera House (STC) Special EngagementSat 2 Moneyball (PG) Special Engagement Fri-Sun10:30-11-1:25-2-4:15-5-7:15-8-10:15-11 SpecialEngagement Mon-Thu 1:25-2-4:15-5-7:15-8-10:15-11 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (PG) Fri-Sun 12:20-2:40-5:10-7:25-9:55 Mon-Thu 2:40-5:10-7:25-9:55 The Smurfs (G) Fri-Sun 11:25-1:55-4:35 Mon-Thu 1:55-4:35 Spy Kids: All the Time in the World in4D (3D) (PG) Fri-Sun 10:35-12:40-2:40-5:05-7:20-9:40 Mon-Wed 2:40-5:05-7:20-9:40 Thu 2-4 Straw Dogs (14A) Special Engagement Fri-Sat11-12:30-1:30-3-4:15-5:30-7-8-9:30-10:30 Sun 11-12:30-1:30-3-4:15-5:30-7-8-9:30-10:30 Mon-Thu1:30-3-4:15-5:30-7-8-9:30-10:30

Ryan Gosling stars in the new thriller Drive.


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38 dish metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011




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At this point, Brad Pitt isprobably sorry he openedhis mouth at all.

The Moneyball star isstill on damage controlfor comments he madeabout his marriage to ex-wife Jennifer Aniston.

“I don’t know what

was pieced together orput together. All I know isthat my point was, thebest thing I’d done as a fa-ther is be sure that mykids have a good mother.That’s all I was, or am,trying to say. It has no ref-erence to the past,” Pitt

says in an interview withMatt Lauer for the Todayshow, referencing partnerAngelina Jolie.

“I think it’s a shamethat I can’t say somethingnice about Angie withoutJen being drug in. Youknow, she doesn’t

Olivia Wilde is off themarket.

When asked byBritain’s OK magazine ifshe’s dating anyone, theactress gives a simple re-sponse: “Yeah.”

While she’s not reveal-ing the identity of hernew suitor, she hints thathe certainly knows howto impress her.

“I like it if the guy pos-

sesses creativity and does-n’t take me to a boringrestaurant or a boringwhatever but comes upwith an interesting loca-tion. I like to be surprised,for sure,” she says.

Coincidentally, Wildehas been spotted spend-ing time with RyanReynolds — and the pairlooked anything butbored. METRO

Brad Pitt

Olivia keepingquiet about hernew boyfriend

Actress reveals that she’s seeingsomeone but won’t say who

Let the guessing games begin...Could it be Ryan Reynolds?

Brad Pitt still tryingto explain himself

Olivia Wilde


Oh Charlie...Charlie Sheen says he’schanging. “A couple ofthings I don’t do well —marriage and drinking. SoI’ve quit both,” he says inan interview with Wendy

Williams. “Why would I[marry again]? That’s not tosay I couldn’t have asubstantial relationshipone day, but to ordain itwith a piece of paper justfeels like it makes thingsworse...” METRO

deserve it.” METRO

Page 38: 20110923_Toronto


food 39metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

Holiday meaning

The foods of RoshHashanah haveemblematic value— apples and hon-ey to represent asweet year tocome. They alsoare intentionallyseasonal for thesymbolic and prac-tical reasons ofwanting to cele-brate new begin-nings by usingwhat you have onhand in early fall.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Jerusalem artichoke: Under-appreciated, easy to grow and

in need of a better name.

With Rosh Hashanahnext week, the sales ofkosher wines are sureto increase. Kosherwines are made withSabbath-observant Jewspresent during all as-pects of the wine’s cre-ation. To be approved asa kosher wine for con-sumption duringPassover, the same ap-plies but there can’t beany dough, bread orgrain near the winery.

With these rules,you’d think kosherwines would wind uptasting processed. In thepast, many did. Inferiorgrapes were often usedto make wines thatwere simple, sweet andinevitably more drink-able by a wider audi-ence of orthodox Jews.

Times have changed,with Israel a leader inkosher wine. Israeliwines are rich and tex-tured, with the Yarden2009 Mount HermonRed ($16.95 - $22.00) aNew World inspiredtriple-blend that bal-ances its berry burstwith a nice undercur-rent of ripe tannin.

As good as Israeliwines are, kosher winesare made around theworld. PRICES REFLECT THERANGE ACROSS CANADA. SOMEPRODUCTS MAY NOT BE AVAIL-ABLE IN ALL PROVINCES.

PETER [email protected]: @THEREALWINEGUY

Wine’skosher sideJewish eats — Mazel tov!

Rosh Hashanah is around the corner In keeping with tradition, thisHoney-Thyme Glazed Chicken with Cider Gravy uses seasonal ingredients


1 Heat oven to 220 C (425F); oven rack should bemiddle of oven.

2 Pat chickens dry and rub15 ml (1 tbsp) of oil overeach. Sprinkle insideand outside with salt,pepper and 5 ml (1 tsp)each of the thyme. Stuffeach with 2 onion quar-ters. Tuck wings behindback and tie legs togeth-er kitchen twine.

3 Arrange chickens, breastside down, on V-rack setinside roasting pan.Roast until golden,about 45 mins. Removeroasting pan from ovenand carefully, using pa-per towels, flip chickensbreast side up. Raiseoven temp to 230 C (450F). Pour wine and waterinto roasting pan.Return pan to oven androast until thigh meat

registers 74 to 77 C (165to 170 F), about 1 hour.If pan dries out, addmore water 125 ml (1/2

cup) at a time.

4 Glaze: In saucepan overmedium heat, combinebutter and 10 ml (2 tsp)of thyme. Melt butterand cook, stirring, 5mins. Add honey and125 ml (1/2 cup) of ap-ple cider, simmer untilglaze thickens andreduces, about 10 mins.Stir in 15 ml (1 tbsp) oflemon juice; set aside.

5 Remove roasting panfrom oven and brush

chickens with thick layerof glaze and continue toroast until glaze is gold-en brown, about 10mins. Transfer chickensto cutting board, brushwith the remainingglaze and let rest for 15mins. before cutting.

6 Cider gravy: Whisk 125ml (1/2 cup) chickenbroth, flour in a bowluntil smooth. Set aside.

7 Set roasting pan over 2burners on medium-high heat. Add remain-ing cider and bring toboil. Cook, scraping upbits from pan, until liq-uid reduced by abouthalf, about 5 mins. Addremaining 375 ml (1 1/2cups) broth. Increaseheat to high and returnto a boil, whisk often.Boil until liquid reducedby about half, 5 mins.

8 Whisk reserved flour-broth mix into pan. Boil,whisking constantly, un-til gravy thickens, 3mins. Remove from heatand pour through sieveinto large measuringcup. Stir in remaining 15ml (1 tbsp) lemon juiceand season with salt andpepper, to taste. ServeChicken with cider gravy.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Ingredients:• 2 whole chickens (each 1.8to 2.2 kg or 4 to 5 pounds),giblets discarded• 30 ml (2 tbsp) olive oil• Kosher salt, to taste• Black pepper, to taste• 20 ml (4 tsp) dried thyme• 1 large yellow onion,quartered

• 180 ml (3/4 cup) dry white wine• 180 ml (3/4 cup) water• 60 ml (4 tbsp) butter • 125 ml (1/2 cup) honey• 375 ml (1 1/2 cups) applecider, divided• 30 ml (2 tbsp) lemon juice• 500 ml (2 cups) chickenbroth• 45 ml (3 tbsp) flour

This recipe serves 10.


Page 39: 20110923_Toronto

40 going away metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

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Robotica: Three to BeStems of Hope GalaOn Saturday night theKool Haus is the placeto be for the 2nd Annu-al Stems of Hope Gala,Robotica, in support ofthe Three To Be fund atSick Kids and HollandBloorview Kids Reha-bilitation Hospitals.Featuring great DJsand a live performanceby the BarenakedLadies, this is one galaand after-party you donot want to miss.

Melody Bar at the Glad-stone HotelThe Gladstone Hotel(1214 Queen StreetWest) was slipping be-cause of its lack of agreat lounge/resto anddrink spot, but aftersome much neededand serious renova-tions, the Melody Barrelaunched this weekto patron fanfare. Thespace has been reinvig-orated by local design-ers and artists, and ison-track to becomingan after-work hotspotfor cocktails and bites.

The Clothing ShowThe Fall Clothing Showkicks off tonight andwill see a bevy of localand national designersout to showcase theirlatest fashions and cre-ations. This huge drawfor fashion-obsessedTorontonians sprawlsover the floor at Exhi-bition Place’s QueenElizabeth Building,and runs through Sun-day.

Have a few gaps in your fall schedule you’re looking to fill? Whether you’relooking to schmooze, shake your thing or savour the city’s sweetest grub, check outthese hot upcoming events courtesy of Notable.ca To get even more info on these

Notable happenings make sure to check out Notable.ca/metro/Sept23



2 4 5 6

Cinq-a-Sept at The BoweryThe Bowery at 55 Col-borne Lane has joineda host of other hotToronto restaurantsand lounges who haveadopted the Cinq-a-Sept Montrealmoniker, which is basi-cally a double happyhour. $5 drinks willabound, and daily appspecials like musselsand frites to poutineand even riblets will bepushed out of theopen-concept kitchen.

F’Amelia RistoranteAnother Italian restau-rant just hit Toronto’sscene, and while wemay already be over-sat-urated with purveyorsof fine pastas and thin-crust pizzas, F’AmeliaRistorante at 12 AmeliaStreet promises to serveup the traditionalfavourites with uniquetwists and a focus onsustainable ingredients.Plus, the kicker here isthe build up of casual,family-style fine diningin Cabbagetown.

Anti-Social at theNorman Felix GalleryThe Norman FelixGallery (192 SpadinaAve.) will host their an-nual Anti-Social eventon Thursday the 29th,celebrating the finestpaintings, photogra-phy and sculpture byemerging Canadianartists. This openingreception will seesome of TO’s most cre-ative YPs out to toast tothe works that are put-ting Canada on the in-ternational arts map.

1 3

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sports 41metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

Jays get one for the road

Edwin Encarnacion led offthe bottom of the 12th in-ning with a home run offreliever Garrett Richards asthe Toronto Blue Jays endedtheir home schedule onThursday with a 4-3 winover the Los Angeles An-gels.

Encarnacion’s 17thhomer of the season cameon a 3-2 pitch and sailedover the left-field fence.

The Blue Jays finished11-0 in extra-inning gamesplayed at Rogers Centre andimproved their homerecord to 42-39. They splitthe four-game series withthe Angels, who are still incontention for a playoffberth.

Richards (0-2) took overwith one out in the bottomof the 11th. Shawn Camp(5-3) pitched the top of the12th for the win.

Angels starter Ervin San-tana took a 3-1 lead into theseventh but Eric Thamesended his outing by leadingoff the inning with his 12thhomer of the season.

Bobby Cassevah tookover and walked JoseBautista. First baseman

Mark Trumbo was chargedwith an error when hecouldn’t handle AdamLind’s hard liner.

The ball bounced intocentre field and Peter Bour-jos threw to second whereLind was called out. Lindand Blue Jays manager JohnFarrell argued the call.

Bautista moved to thirdon Lind’s liner and scoredthe tying run on a wildpitch.

Santana allowed six hits,five walks and two runswhile striking out five in sixinnings.

The two runs in the sev-enth took Blue Jays rookie

starter Henderson Alvarezoff the hook for the loss.The 21-year-old, who waspromoted from double-ANew Hampshire in August,continued to impress in his

ninth major-league start.He allowed seven hits, nowalks and three runs inseven innings.

After the Blue Jays leftthe bases loaded in the first,

the Angels took the leadwith one out in the secondon the sixth homer of theseason for Alberto Callaspo.

Alvarez retired the nextfive batters before BobbyAbreu led off the fourthwith a single.

Santana allowed a lead-off single and two walks inthe first, a two-out doubleto Bautista in the third anda one-out walk in thefourth.

But he could not over-come a two-out double byThames in the fifth. WhenBautista followed with asingle, the Jays were even at1-1. THE CANADIAN PRESS

Edwin Encarnacion rounds the bases after hitting

a game-winning home run in the bottom of the 12th.


Toronto wins last home game of the year with 12th-inning homer by Encarnacion

Sports in brief

President BarackObama is showingsome love for hishometown ChicagoBears.

A White Houseofficial says thepresident is invitingmembers of theBears 1985 SuperBowl championshipteam to the WhiteHouse on Oct. 7.

Super Bowlchampions are tra-ditionally honouredwith a visit to theWhite House. Butplans for the 1985Bears to come toWashington werescrapped when thespace shuttle Chal-lenger explodedjust days after theirvictory in January1986.THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

The race

The Tampa Bay Rays

avoided a four-game

sweep and pulled within

two games on idle Boston

in the AL wild-card race.

Matt Moore struck out 11in five innings of his firstmajor-league start and the

Rays unloaded on the wa-tered-down Yankees for a15-8 victory Thursday.The defeat in Torontodropped the Angels threegames back of Boston.Tampa Bay hosts the Jayson Friday, while the Angelsplay Oakland in Anaheim.Boston starts a three-gameseries at New York on Fri-day.


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Page 41: 20110923_Toronto

42 sports metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

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When doesa CFL teamNOT want ahome play-off game?When thatteam is theCalgary

Stampeders, of course.Although the Stamped-

ers have enjoyed a tremen-dous home record is recentseasons and despite beingtied for first in the Westthis year, Calgary has beenawful on home turf.Through some unexplainedquirk, Calgary has a 2-4record at McMahon Stadi-um but is undefeated onthe road (5-0). Keep playingthat well out of a suitcaseand the Stampeders couldend up getting what theyapparently don’t want — ahome playoff game.

The phenomenon seemsto have permeated the en-tire league this season, withroad teams winning as of-ten as home sides throughWeek 12.Enthusiasm on the ebb inYear 2 of Maritime experi-ment:Touchdown Atlantic couldrun aground if ticket salesare any indication.

While last year’s Touch-down Atlantic sold out in aday, this weekend’s gamebetween Calgary andHamilton at Moncton Stadi-um still has good seats re-maining in the facility thathas been expanded to20,000 seats.

Could it be the novelty ofCFL football has alreadyworn thin on Maritimerswho have been asked toshell out good money to siton wonky temporarybleachers and watch twoteams with no connectionto their home turf?

That has to be a factor,but if Atlantic Canadawants to be considered for aCFL franchise, the fans willhave to buck up, even if thesituation is less than ideal.

In reality, someone withdeep pockets will have topartner with local govern-ment to build a real profootball stadium before

they’ll be taken seriously.Problem is, how can any-one invest in building a full-fledged CFL stadium andcourt an expansion fran-chise if fans won’t opentheir wallets once a season?Riders and Lions roar tolife:It’s fun to speculate aboutpossible crossover playoffberths, and early on thisseason we were doing plen-ty hypothesizing about anEastern team finally steal-ing a West team’s spotcome November.

Well, not so fast. With both the B.C. Lions

(5-6) and SaskatchewanRoughriders (4-7) sparkingback to life in recent weeks,the fourth-place West teamcould again slip into the No.3 spot in the East.

At 5-6, Hamilton is thepotential victim, althoughplenty of games remain toclimb out of that hole.

Road to victory leadsaway from home in 2011CFL EXTRA

POINTSDAN [email protected]

Henry Burris and the Stampeders carry a perfect road

record into Moncton, N.B., for CFL Touchdown Atlantic

on Sunday.


Vickreturns topractice

Philadelphia Eagles quarter-back Michael Vick returnedto practice Thursday, justfour days after suffering aconcussion against the At-lanta Falcons.

Vick’s participationshowed he’s been clearedby the NFL’s concussion pol-icy that allows a player to“return to football activi-ties.” THE ASSOCIATED PRESS

Page 42: 20110923_Toronto

sports 43metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011


W L Pct GBx-New York 95 60 .613 —Boston 88 68 .564 71/2Tampa Bay 85 70 .548 10Toronto 78 77 .503 17Baltimore 65 90 .419 30


x-Detroit 90 65 .581 —Cleveland 76 78 .494 131/2Chicago 76 79 .490 14Kansas City 68 88 .436 221/2Minnesota 60 95 .387 30


Texas 90 66 .577 —Los Angeles 85 70 .548 41/2Oakland 70 86 .449 20Seattle 66 90 .423 24


W L Pct GBx-Philadelphia 98 57 .632 —Atlanta 88 68 .564 101/2Washington 75 79 .487 221/2New York 73 82 .471 25Florida 71 85 .455 271/2

CENTRAL DIVISIONMilwaukee 91 65 .583 —St. Louis 86 69 .555 41/2Cincinnati 76 80 .487 15Chicago 69 87 .442 22Pittsburgh 69 87 .442 22Houston 53 102 .342 371/2

WEST DIVISIONArizona 90 66 .577 —San Francisco 84 71 .542 51/2Los Angeles 77 77 .500 12Colorado 70 85 .452 191/2San Diego 68 88 .436 22

Yesterday’s resultsMinnesota 3 Seattle 2Oakland 4 Texas 3Baltimore at DetroitChicagoWhite Sox at ClevelandTampa Bay at N.Y. YankeesL.A. Angels at TorontoWednesday’s resultsL.A. Angels 7 Toronto 2Baltimore 6 Boston 4ChicagoWhite Sox 8 Cleveland 4Texas 3 Oakland 2Seattle 5Minnesota 4N.Y. Yankees 4-4 Tampa Bay 2-2Detroit 6 Kansas City 3Tonight’s gamesAll times EasternBaltimore (Simon 4-9) at Detroit (Porcello14-9), 7:05 p.m.Boston (Lester 15-8) at N.Y. Yankees(F.Garcia 11-8), 7:05 p.m.Minnesota (Pavano 8-13) at Cleveland (Mas-terson 12-10), 7:05 p.m.Toronto (Morrow 10-11) at Tampa Bay (Price12-12), 7:10 p.m.Seattle (A.Vasquez 1-4) at Texas (M.Harrison13-9), 8:05 p.m.Kansas City (Chen 11-8) at ChicagoWhiteSox (Z.Stewart 2-5), 8:10 p.m.Oakland (G.Gonzalez 14-12) at L.A. Angels(Weaver 18-7), 10:05 p.m.

AL LEADERSRuns—Granderson, NY, 134; Kinsler, Tex., 115;Ellsbury, Bos., 114; AdGonzalez, Bos., 107;Bautista, Toronto, 103.RBI—Granderson, NY, 119; Cano, NY, 116; Ad-Gonzalez, Bos., 116; Teixeira, NY, 104;MiY-oung, Tex., 104; Konerko, Chi., 103;Bautista,Toronto, 100.HomeRuns—Bautista, Tor., 42;Granderson,NY, 41; Teixeira, NY, 37;MarReynolds, Bal., 36.Stolen Bases—Gardner, NY, 46; Crisp, Oak., 43;ISuzuki, Sea., 40; Ellsbury, Bos., 37; Andrus,Tex., 35;RDavis, Toronto, 34;Revere,Min., 33.Pitching—Verlander, Det., 24-5; Sabathia, NY,19-8;Weaver, LA, 18-7; Nova, NY, 16-4; CWil-son, Tex., 16-7; Haren, LA, 16-9; DHolland, Tex.,15-5; Lester, Bos., 15-8;RRomero, Tor., 15-10.Saves—Valverde, Det., 47;MaRivera, NY, 44;League, Sea., 36; CPerez, Cle., 35.Yesterday’s games not included

Yesterday’s resultsN.Y.Mets at St. LouisWashington at PhiladelphiaColorado at HoustonSan Francisco at L.A. DodgersWednesday’s resultsSan Francisco 8 L.A. Dodgers 5Arizona 8 Pittsburgh 5St. Louis 6 N.Y.Mets 5Florida 4 Atlanta 0Cincinnati 2 Houston 0San Diego 4 Colorado 0Chicago Cubs 7Milwaukee 1Washington 7 Philadelphia 5Tonight’s gamesAll times EasternAtlanta (T.Hudson 15-10) atWashington(Strasburg 0-0), 7:05 p.m.Cincinnati (Volquez 5-6) at Pittsburgh (Locke0-2), 7:05 p.m.Philadelphia (Hamels 14-9) at N.Y.Mets(Dickey 8-13), 7:10 p.m.Colorado (Pomeranz 1-0) at Houston (Myers6-13), 8:05 p.m.Florida (Volstad 5-12) atMilwaukee (Gallardo17-10), 8:10 p.m.Chicago Cubs (Dempster 10-13) at St. Louis(C.Carpenter 10-9), 8:15 p.m.San Francisco (Surkamp 2-0) at Arizona (Coll-menter 9-10), 9:40 p.m.L.A. Dodgers (Lilly 10-14) at San Diego(LeBlanc 4-5), 10:05 p.m.

NL LEADERSRuns—Kemp, LA, 106; Braun,Mil., 104; JUp-ton, Arz., 103; Pujols, StL, 101; Votto, Cin., 98.RBI—Kemp, LA, 116; Howard, Phi., 113; Field-er, Mil., 112; Tulowitzki, Col., 105; Braun,Mil.,104; Votto, Cin., 98; Pujols, StL, 97.Hits—SCastro, Chi., 199; Bourn, Atl., 187;Kemp, LA, 184; Pence, Phi., 183; Braun,Mil.,180; Votto, Cin., 179; BPhillips, Cin., 175.Doubles—Beltran, SF, 39; JUpton, Arz., 39;Pence, Phi., 38; Votto, Cin., 37; CYoung,Arz., 37.Triples—JosReyes, NY, 16; Fowler, Col., 15;Victorino, Phi., 15; Bourn, Atl., 10HomeRuns—Pujols, StL, 36; Kemp, LA, 35; Ug-gla, Atl., 35; Fielder,Mil., 34; Stanton, Fla., 34.Stolen Bases—Bourn, Atl., 56; Kemp, LA, 40;Bonifacio, Fla., 39;Maybin, SD, 38.Yesterday’s games not included





GP W L T PF PA PtWinnipeg 11 8 3 0 265 252 16Montreal 11 6 5 0 340 276 12Hamilton 11 5 6 0 296 308 10Toronto 11 2 9 0 226 320 4

WEST DIVISIONEdmonton 11 7 4 0 267 250 14Calgary 11 7 4 0 288 290 14B.C. 11 5 6 0 292 244 10Saskatchewan 11 4 7 0 267 303 8WEEK 13Tonight’s gameAll times EasternMontreal at Edmonton, 9 p.m.Tomorrow’s gamesB.C. at Saskatchewan, 4 p.m.Winnipeg at Toronto, 7 p.m.Sunday’s gameCalgary at Hamilton, 1 p.m.


W L T Pct PF PANew England 2 0 0 1.000 73 45Buffalo 2 0 0 1.000 79 42N.Y. Jets 2 0 0 1.000 59 27Miami 0 2 0 .000 37 61


Houston 2 0 0 1.000 57 20Jacksonville 1 1 0 .500 19 46Tennessee 1 1 0 .500 40 29Indianapolis 0 2 0 .000 26 61


Cincinnati 1 1 0 .500 49 41Baltimore 1 1 0 .500 48 33Cleveland 1 1 0 .500 44 46Pittsburgh 1 1 0 .500 31 35


Oakland 1 1 0 .500 58 58San Diego 1 1 0 .500 45 52Denver 1 1 0 .500 44 45Kansas City 0 2 0 .000 10 89


W L T Pct PF PAWashington 2 0 0 1.000 50 35Philadelphia 1 1 0 .500 62 48Dallas 1 1 0 .500 51 51N.Y. Giants 1 1 0 .500 42 44


New Orleans 1 1 0 .500 64 55Tampa Bay 1 1 0 .500 44 47Atlanta 1 1 0 .500 47 61Carolina 0 2 0 .000 44 58


Green Bay 2 0 0 1.000 72 57Detroit 2 0 0 1.000 75 23Chicago 1 1 0 .500 43 42Minnesota 0 2 0 .000 37 48


San Francisco 1 1 0 .500 57 44Arizona 1 1 0 .500 49 43St. Louis 0 2 0 .000 29 59Seattle 0 2 0 .000 17 57

WEEK THREESunday’s gamesHouston at NewOrleans, 1 p.m.Denver at Tennessee, 1 p.m.Detroit atMinnesota, 1 p.m.San Francisco at Cincinnati, 1 p.m.NewEngland at Buffalo, 1 p.m.N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia, 1 p.m.Miami at Cleveland, 1 p.m.Jacksonville at Carolina, 1 p.m.Kansas City at San Diego, 4:05 p.m.N.Y. Jets at Oakland, 4:05 p.m.Baltimore at St. Louis, 4:05 p.m.Arizona at Seattle, 4:15 p.m.Green Bay at Chicago, 4:15 p.m.Atlanta at Tampa Bay, 4:15 p.m.Pittsburgh at Indianapolis, 8:20 p.m.Monday’s gameWashington at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.

x—clinched playoff berthz— clinched playoff berth

x—clinched playoff berthz— clinched playoff berth


PRE-SEASONLast night’s resultsChicago at PittsburghDetroit vs. PhiladelphiaMinnesota at St. LouisColorado at DallasVancouver at EdmontonWednesday’s resultsToronto 4 Philadelphia 2Ottawa 2 Boston 1 (OT)Pittsburgh 3 Detroit 2Columbus 4Washington 3 (OT)Buffalo 3Montreal 1Phoenix (ss) 2 Los Angeles (ss) 1 (SO)St. Louis 4 Tampa Bay 3New Jersey 2 N.Y. Rangers 1 (OT)San Jose 6 Anaheim 1Los Angeles (ss) 3, Phoenix (ss) 2Tonight’s gamesN.Y. Islanders at Boston, 7 p.m.Buffalo at Toronto, 7 p.m.Nashville at Carolina, 7 p.m.N.Y. Rangers at New Jersey, 7 p.m.Philadelphia at Detroit, 7:30 p.m.Florida at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m.Montreal at Ottawa, 7:30 p.m.Washington at Chicago, 8 p.m.Columbus atMinnesota, 8 p.m.St. Louis at Colorado, 9 p.m.Anaheim at San Jose, 10:30 p.m.


W L T Pt GF GAColumbus 11 10 8 41 35 37Kansas City 10 9 10 40 43 37Philadelphia 9 7 12 39 36 30Houston 9 9 12 39 38 39New York 7 7 15 36 44 41D.C. 8 8 11 35 39 40Chicago 5 8 15 30 33 37Toronto FC 6 12 12 30 32 52New England 5 12 12 27 32 46WESTERNCONFERENCE

W L T Pt GF GAx-Los Angeles 16 3 10 58 43 22Salt Lake 15 7 6 51 41 23Seattle 14 6 9 51 46 31FC Dallas 13 9 7 46 36 32Colorado 10 9 11 41 40 39Portland 10 12 7 37 37 42Chivas USA 7 12 11 32 36 38San Jose 6 11 12 30 31 38Vancouver 4 14 10 22 28 46Note: Three points for victory, 1 point for tie.x- clinched playoff berthWednesday’s resultsD.C. United 2 Chivas USA 2Real Salt Lake 3 NewYork 1Portland 1 San Jose 1Tonight’s gamePhiladelphia at Kansas City, 8:30 p.m.Tomorrow’s gamesHouston at FC Dallas, 4 p.m.Portland at NewYork, 7:30 p.m.Real Salt Lake at D.C. United, 7:30 p.m.Los Angeles at Columbus, 7:30 p.m.San Jose at Colorado, 9 p.m.Toronto FC at Chivas USA, 10:30 p.m.Seattle FC at Vancouver, 10:30 p.m.Sunday’s gameNewEngland at Chicago, 4 p.m.

WEDNESDAYANGELS 7, BLUE JAYS 2Los Angeles ab r h bi Toronto ab r h biMIzturs 2b 5 0 3 2 McCoy ss 4 0 0 0Aybar ss 4 0 2 0 EThms lf 4 1 1 1BAreu dh 5 0 0 0 Bautist rf 4 0 1 0TrHntr rf 5 1 1 0 Loewen pr 0 1 0 0Trumo 1b 5 1 1 0 Lind 1b 3 0 1 0Callasp 3b 4 1 2 0 Encrnc 3b 4 0 1 0V.Wells lf 5 1 2 4 KJhnsn 2b 3 0 2 1Bourjos cf 4 3 3 1 Arencii c 4 0 0 0Mathis c 4 0 0 0 Rasms cf 3 0 0 0Cooper dh 3 0 0 0Totals 41 7 14 7 Totals 32 2 6 2Los Angeles 001 012 030 7Toronto 000 001 001 2E—Arencibia (6). DP—Los Angeles 1. LOB—Los Angeles 9, Toronto 5. 2B—Aybar (33),Tor.Hunter (22), Trumbo (31), K.Johnson 2 (3).3B—Bourjos (10). HR—V.Wells (24), Bourjos(12), E.Thames (11). SB—M.Izturis (9), Bour-jos (22).

IP H R ER BB SOLos AngelesHarenW,16-9 8 4 1 1 2 4Takahashi 1 2 1 1 0 1TorontoMcGowan L,0-1 5 5 2 2 0 8Litsch 1 3 2 2 1 1L.Perez 2-3 1 0 0 0 1Camp 1-3 0 0 0 0 0Janssen 2-3 4 3 3 0 1C.Villanueva 1-3 0 0 0 1 0Beck 1 1 0 0 0 2T—2:51. A—14,784 (49,260).


Bautista 492 103148 42 100 .301Lawrie 150 26 44 9 25 .293Molina 158 19 46 3 15 .291Escobar 513 77149 11 48 .290Encarnacion 466 69129 16 54 .277Johnson 89 13 24 2 7 .270Thames 334 55 90 11 34 .269Lind 485 56124 26 86 .256Loewen 20 4 5 1 3 .250Davis 320 44 76 1 29 .238Arencibia 423 45 93 23 78 .220Cooper 55 7 12 2 9 .218McCoy 170 21 36 1 9 .212Rasmus 112 14 22 3 13 .196Teahen 149 13 28 4 13 .188Wise 27 3 3 1 1 .111Woodward 9 3 0 0 0 .000PITCHERS W L SV IP SO ERA

McCoy 0 0 0 1.0 0 0.00Beck 0 0 0 1.1 2 0.00Carreno 1 0 0 13.2 12 1.32Janssen 6 0 2 52.2 49 2.39Romero 15 10 0217.1 173 2.98Alvarez 1 2 0 49.2 30 3.62Francisco 1 4 16 48.2 51 3.70Villanueva 6 4 0105.0 67 4.11Camp 4 3 1 63.0 29 4.43Litsch 6 3 1 71.2 62 4.52Cecil 4 10 0120.1 86 4.56Rauch 5 4 11 52.0 36 4.85Morrow 10 11 0166.1 187 4.98Perez 3 3 0 63.0 53 5.14Drabek 4 5 0 77.2 51 6.03McGowan 0 1 0 17.0 17 6.35Lewis 0 0 0 5.0 5 9.00Mills 1 2 0 18.1 18 9.82Farquhar 0 0 0 1.2 0 16.20Last night’s game not included

ATPMOSELLEOPENAt Metz, FranceSingles — Second RoundJo-Wilfried Tsonga (1), France, def.MathieuRodrigues, France, 6-3, 6-4.Richard Gasquet (2), France, def. OlivierRochus, Belgium, 6-2, 6-1.XavierMalisse (6), Belgium, def. Igor Kunit-syn, Russia, 6-4, 6-2.Igor Sijsling, Netherlands, def. PhilippKohlschreiber (7), Germany, 6-4, 7-5.NicolasMahut, France, def. Arnaud Clement,France, 3-6, 7-5, 6-3.Doubles — Quarter-finalsColin Fleming and Ross Hutchins (4), Britain,def.Adil Shamasdin, Pickering, Ont., and IgorZelenay, Slovakia, 6-4, 7-5.

BRDNASTASE TIRIAC TROPHYAt Bucharest, RomaniaSingles — Second RoundFlorianMayer (2), Germany, def. CarlosBerlocq, Argentina, 6-2, 0-6, 6-4.Filippo Volandri, Italy, def. Marcel Granollers(3), Spain, 6-1, 6-3.Pablo Andujar (4), Spain, def.Marius Copil,Romania, 6-2, 6-3.Joao Souza, Brazil, def. Adrian Ungur, Roma-nia, 4-6, 7-6 (6), 6-1.Albert Ramos, Spain, def. Pere Riba, Spain, 2-6, 6-4, 7-5.Alessandro Giannessi, Italy, def. Frederico Gil,Portugal, 7-6 (2), 0-6, 6-3.

WTAWANLIMAGUANGZHOUINTERNATIONALOPENAt Guanzhou, ChinaSingles — Quarter-finalsMaria Kirilenko (1), Russia, def. TetianaLuzhanska, Ukraine, 6-1, 7-5.Zheng Jie, China, def. PetraMartic (4), Croat-ia, 1-6, 6-4, 6-3.Chanelle Scheepers (7), South Africa, def.Urszula Radwanska, Poland, 4-6, 7-6 (6), 6-3.Magdalena Rybarikova (8), Slovakia, def.Jarmila Gajdosova (2), Australia, 6-4, 6-3.

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44 sports metronews.caWEEKEND, SEPTEMBER 23-25, 2011

Service DirectoryTo advertise contact Ian March at 416-443-4388

1977-1996 1997-2002 2003 2004-2011 2012?

Blastfromthe past for Jays?

The Toronto Blues Jays areapparently going retro.

Internet sites haveleaked what they claim tobe the new Blue Jays’ logo, asleeker version of the birdthe team sported in its earlyyears.

The Blue Jays’ logo leakcomes less than a week af-

ter the new third jerseys forthe Toronto Maple Leafsand Ottawa Senators wererevealed prematurely.

Team spokesman JayStenhouse declined to com-ment on the story whenreached by The CanadianPress.THE CANADIAN PRESS



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Community Events Community Events

Community Events


If you are an Aboriginal person living in the GTA and have diabetes, are pre-diabetic or had diabetes while pregnant, you may be able to participate in our upcoming events.

We need people to help organize statements about living with diabetes and to fill out a questionnaire. We are also looking for people to participate in an art-based activity.

Sessions start last week of September, through October and November.

Eligible participants will receive a $50 gift certificate, alongwith other incentives.

To get more information or get involved please contact:

Urban Aboriginal Diabetes Research Team

www.aboriginaldiabetes.comEmail: [email protected]: 416-920-2605 x 293



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1 Four qts.4 One of Hollywood’sWilson brothers8 Back12 “I” strain?13 Exceptional14 Therefore15 Affectionate parrot17 Panorama18 Tend a text19 Flexes20 Smaller map22 Twosome24 Benefit25 Biblical tales29 Hostel30 Foe of Rocky andBullwinkle31 Eggs32 Reduced from AAAto AA+34 Declare35 Differently36 Sports venue37 Place40 Admitting cus-tomers41 Covers42 Settee for two46 Jason’s ship47 Basin accessory48 Yon maiden49 Hammerhead part50 Say it isn’t so51 April 15 payment


1 Solidify2 Past3 Serenade, often4 Trip around theworld?5 Tarry

6 Bungle7 Homer’s neighbor8 Echo, for short9 Green land?10 On in years11 Joins the crew?16 Paradise19 Prejudice20 Footnote abbr.21 Zilch22 “Gay” city23 Saharan25 Spacecraft com-partments26 Trysting venue27 Tied

28 Detective writerParetsky30 Hairless33 Cause34 War god36 Mimic’s forte37 Rebuff a masher38 Grow weary39 Advantage40 Microwave, e.g.42 Started43 Have bills44 “Eureka!”45 Cowboy nickname


How to playFill in the grid, so that everyrow, every column andevery 3x3 box contains thedigits 1-9. There is no mathinvolved. You solve the puzzle with reasoning andlogic.

Yesterday’s answer

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You can now post your kiss,and read even more kisses,online atmetronews.ca/kiss.

Irish Boy I don't know a life in whichyou don't hug me everydayor smile at me during class.I hope that, that neverchanges and I get to keepyou for ever. I am so proudof you in every way. Loveyou. NO MIDDLE NAME

Rory, It's been two yearssince we met, and there hasnot been one day where Icannot imagine myselfwithout you. These yearshave been filled with noth-ing but amazing memories.I love you shona. LOOPLINES

Mizz:Juliet, There is onlyone happiness in life,to loveand be loved. I love You soomuchh and Missing Youalot. YOUR LOVE ZJ

my heart, sunshine i wantyou to know that when ileave the house i say to my-self I love you, I miss you, Icant wait to kiss you. youare my heart GAREN


Yesterday’s answer

Today’s horoscope

You write it!

Write a funny caption forthe image above and send itto [email protected] — the winning caption will bepublished in tomorrow’sMetro.


SAKCHAI LALIT/ THE ASSOCIATED PRESSFor today’s crossword answersand for expanded horoscopes, go to metronews.ca

“Hey,mime your

own business”SOPHIA


Aries March 21-April 20 Al-most everyone you deal with todaywill be more demanding.

Taurus April 21-May 21 Youhave been pushing yourself hard.The next few days are importantfor your health and wellbeing.

Gemini May 22-June 21 Oneof the best times of the year beginstoday as the Sun moves into yourfellow Air sign of Libra.

Cancer June 22-July 22 Youneed to go a bit easier on yourselfthan you have done recently. Youneed a period of rest and recovery.

Leo July 23-Aug.23 The cosmicclimate is beginning to change andlife in general will be fun again.Start making travel plans.

Virgo Aug. 24- Sept. 22 Whatyou have accomplished recently isjust the beginning. Now, you mustset your sights even higher.

Libra Sept. 23-Oct. 23 Theplans you make now will transformyour life in so many ways.

Scorpio Oct. 24-Nov. 22 Yourtime would be better spent think-ing than doing today. Give morethought to where you want to go.

Sagittarius Nov. 23-Dec. 21 Give yourself permission todream and don’t be surprisedwhen those dreams come true.

Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 20As a Capricorn, you were born toreach the top of your chosen pro-fession. So start climbing.

Aquarius Jan. 21-Feb. 18 It’sone of the best times of the year toexplore new avenues of creativity.

Pisces Feb. 19-March 20.With the Sun moving into yourchart’s wealth area, you’ll think ofyour income. SALLY BROMPTON

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