2011 Project Focus

profitable for the company and out growers. It will also have a huge impact on the fish industry in Kenya and across the region. About 1 million fingerings are being produced every month of which about 800,000 of these are being sold to the government for distribution to small scale farmers across Kenya. This is a partnership with the Ministry of Fisheries where the company is supplying fingerlings to support the Government’s program which is designed to establish 200 fishponds in every district in Kenya. Dominion Farms is developing a large scale commercial tilapia business in Western Kenya that will benefit the company, employees, small holder farmers and consumers. The project is a highly innovative, latest technology, aquaculture project that will be a first in East Africa. The project will produce large quantities of Tilapia for domestic and export sales. Over 6,000 smallholders will benefit from the project as suppliers of feed and purchasing high quality sexed tilapia fingerlings. In addition, the project will provide fish stocks, training and other inputs that have the potential to radically change the fish farming sector in Kenya and possibly the region. This project introduces a highly innovative mechanism for fish production in Kenya and the region which has the potential to be very Aquaculture practice in Western Kenya. Milk production in Tanzania. Tanga Fresh Limited have invested U.S. $4.5 m in a new milk processing plant that has increased their capacity to process raw milk from 20,000 50,000 liters per day. This program includes upgrading milk collection centers to improve milk quality, a new Dairy Farmers Information System to improve production levels per cow and a partnership with others to increase the number and quality of dairy cows in the area. Tanga Fresh is in full swing building new milk collecting centers. A lot of thinking was put in the design of the centers, keeping them as simple and practical as possible. Tanga Fresh is happy to share the design with others. The project team constantly tries to identify untapped milk pockets. An agent simply starts to collect milk in cans and when the quantity proves to be enough an investment in cooling facilities can follow. The Nairobi based company, Virtual City (another AECF grantee) came to study the `Weigh and Pay’ Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, Project focus edition. Project Focus Edition Inside this issue; Dominion FarmKenya 1 Tanga FreshTanzania 12 Bennimix Food companySierra Leone 2 Splash Mobile MoneySierra Leone 3 Rift Valley ProductsKenya Ltd. 3 Project focus edition What is the AECF. T he Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund is a US$ 50100 million private sector fund, backed by some of the biggest names In development finance and hosted by the Alliance for a Greener Revolution in Africa (AGRA). Our aim is to encourage private sector companies to compete for investment support for their new and innovative ideas.


AECF's October 2011 newsletter focussed on its projects.

Transcript of 2011 Project Focus

Page 1: 2011 Project Focus

profitable for the company 

and out growers. It will also 

have a huge impact on the fish 

industry in Kenya and across 

the region. About 

1 million finger‐

ings are being 

produced every 

month of which 

about 800,000 of 

these are being 

sold to the gov‐

ernment for 

distribution to 

small scale farm‐

ers across Kenya. 

This is a partner‐

ship with the 

Ministry of Fish‐

eries where the 

company is sup‐

plying fingerlings to support 

the Government’s program 

which is designed to establish 

200 fishponds in every district 

in Kenya.                  

Dominion Farms is develop‐

ing a large scale commercial 

tilapia business in Western 

Kenya that will benefit the 

company, employees, 

small holder farmers 

and consumers. 

The project is a highly 

innovative, latest 

technology, aquacul‐

ture project that will 

be a first in East Af‐

rica. The project will 

produce large quanti‐

ties of Tilapia for 

domestic and export 

sales. Over 6,000 

smallholders will 

benefit from the pro‐

ject as suppliers of 

feed and purchasing high 

quality sexed tilapia finger‐

lings. In addition, the project 

will provide fish stocks, train‐

ing and other inputs that have 

the potential to radically 

change the fish farming sector 

in Kenya and possibly the 

region. This project introduces 

a highly innovative mecha‐

nism for fish production in 

Kenya and the region which 

has the potential to be very 

Aquaculture practice in Western Kenya. 

Milk production in Tanzania. 

Tanga Fresh Limited have 

invested U.S. $4.5 m in a new 

milk processing plant that has 

increased their capacity to 

process raw milk from 20,000 

‐ 50,000 liters per day. This 

program includes upgrading 

milk collection centers to 

improve milk quality, a new 

Dairy Farmers Information 

System to improve production 

levels per cow and a partner‐

ship with others to increase 

the number and quality of 

dairy cows in the area. Tanga 

Fresh is in full swing building 

new milk collecting centers. A 

lot of thinking was put in the 

design of the centers, keeping 

them as simple and practical 

as possible. Tanga Fresh is 

happy to share the design with 

others. The project team con‐

stantly tries to identify un‐

tapped milk pockets. An agent 

simply starts to collect milk in 

cans and when the quantity 

proves to be enough an invest‐

ment in cooling facilities can 

follow. The Nairobi based 

company, Virtual City 

(another AECF grantee) came 

to study the `Weigh and Pay’  

Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund, Project focus edition.

Project Focus Edition 



Inside this issue; 

Dominion Farm‐


Tanga Fresh‐Tanzania  1‐2 

Bennimix Food com‐

pany‐Sierra Leone 

Splash Mobile Money‐

Sierra Leone 

Rift Valley Products‐

Kenya Ltd. 


Project focus edition 

What is the AECF. 


T he Africa Enterprise Chal‐lenge Fund is a US$ 50‐100 

million private sector fund, 

backed by some of the biggest 

names In development finance 

and hosted by the Alliance for a 

Greener Revolution in Africa 

(AGRA). Our aim is to encourage 

private sector companies to com‐

pete for investment support for 

their new and innovative ideas. 

Page 2: 2011 Project Focus

 System of the bigger milk collecting centers of Tanga Fresh Ltd. Many 

improvements are possible and Virtual City will start a pilot program 

soon. Although the weather conditions have not been too favorable, the 

milk supply increase to the Tanga Fresh Factory this year is exceeding the 

15% target increase. The project team invited all operators and coopera‐

tive leaders of the milk collecting centers to the factory. Training was 

given in how to make maximum use of the new communication system 

by telephone messages. The system now reaches about 2,900 farmers.  

Page 2 Project Focus Edition 


Number of chil‐

dren who bene‐

fitted from Ben‐

nimix in it’s first 


Legume production In Sierra Leone 

Bennimix Food Company aims to improve incomes for legume producers in Sierra Leone by linking them to Ben‐

nimix Supply Chain (whose production capacity is set to increase from 60 to 800 MT in 3 years). As a result of the 

recently ended civil war, Sierra Leone still struggles to feed her own population. The country relies heavily on imports 

and donor aid to meet the nutritional needs of the vulnerable groups, especially children. Bennimix Food Company 

sees a business opportunity in the current crisis and would like to expand production, increasing its supply of Ben‐

nimix products to the World Food Programme and others, who in turn distribute these highly nutritious products to 

the feeding centers. The project has made progress with upgrading the factory, purchasing new machinery and equip‐

ment and employing new staff. 

A new Board has been constituted and met for the first time. A mentoring program is being put in place.  


                              Swahili quote: 

`Kwa mkoa wa Tanga, afadhali ng’ombe wa maziwa kwa wa‐

jane badala ya mume, kwa wanajipatia kipato ambacho was‐

inge pata kwa mume` 

`A heifer in Tanga is like a husband to a widow’ End product of Tanga Fresh. 

Images showing advertising and packaging process of Bennimix end products. 

Page 3: 2011 Project Focus

Splash Mobile Money facilitates instant secure 

and cheap payments over long distances by mo‐

bile/cell phone banking. Banking the unbanked is 

a core focus area for the AECF and thus this project 

has a good fit with AECF ‘s aims and objectives. A 

pilot launch was undertaken in early 2010 and was 

adjudged successfully with the company register‐

ing more than 14,000 customers through 25 agents 

across 4 towns. Splash has started the roll‐out 

process and by September 2010 had over 60,000 

customers with numbers growing fast. The chal‐

lenge now will be for Splash to raise additional 

finance to grow the program to real scale in Sierra 

Leone and elsewhere. The company has employed 

a well qualified CEO with over 15 years experience 

in senior management roles with mobile network 

operators across Europe, Africa and the Middle 


Transactional banking services to the unbanked in Sierra Leone. 

performance of the cotton indus‐

try requires that those responsi‐

ble for the growing, marketing, 

processing, manufacturing, re‐

search and extension be inte‐

grated to complement each 

other . In Kenya, the institutions 

responsible for some of these 

activities operate in isolation. 

This has therefore impacted 

negatively on the growth of the 

industry. Rift Valley Products, 

who run the Salawa ginnery, 

are implementing a project to 

increase the production of cot‐

ton in the Kerio Valley, where 

the ginnery is located, and have 

secured commitments from key 

stakeholders involved in the 

Cotton Industry. Cotton is an 

important crop in poverty re‐

duction as it is a major cash 

crop in regions where other 

crops perform poorly. Progress 

during the first year was 

seriously affected by the 

drought conditions in 

Kenya in 2009  ‐ farmers 

achieved low yields and 

low returns. However, 

2009/10 was an excellent 

year with good progress in 

all aspects of the project.  

Reviving the cotton industry in the Kerio Valley 

Rift Valley Products Ltd aims 

to revive the cotton industry in 

the Kerio Valley and then in 

Kenya more widely. 8,000 small‐

holder farmers have been con‐

tracted to grow cotton in an area 

where cotton growing has de‐

clined over many years. New 

extension and other systems 

have been used to revitalize the 

cotton industry. The project has 

formed a steering committee 

consisting of all stakeholders 



and input 



providers ) 

that will 

direct the 



Page 3 Project focus edition 


$ 2,668,240 

Total size of the 




Number of Splash 

customers by Sep‐

tember 2010. 

Page 4: 2011 Project Focus

The Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund 


Equatorial Fidelity Centre, 

Opposite New Safaricom House, 

Behind Shell Petrol station, 

3rd Floor 

Waiyaki Way 



P.O. BOX 13459‐00100GPO 

Nairobi ‐ Kenya 


O: +254 20 2699137/8/9 

Contact AECF 

We’re on the web! 


General e‐mail: [email protected] 

For any information regarding a particular business idea/project submission 

e‐mail: [email protected]