2011 Gov Fellow App

STATE OF TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION PHIL BREDESEN 6 th FLOOR, ANDREW JOHNSON TOWER BRUCE OPIE GOVERNOR 710 JAMES ROBERTSON PARKWAY COMMISSIONER NASHVILLE, TN 37243-0375 October 11, 2010 Dear Teach Tennessee Candidate: Thank you for your interest in Teach Tennessee. Information about both programs is included in the enclosed application information. The deadline for submitting a portfolio for the Spring, 2011 selection process for both programs is February 28, 2011. Should you have questions, you may contact any of the following: Barbara Floyd, Administrative Assistant 615/253-2590 Barbara.Floyd@ tn.gov Becky Kent, Director, Teach Tennessee 615/532-2815 Becky.Kent@ tn.gov Earlene England, Consultant 615/532-2843 Earlene.England@ tn.gov Again, we appreciate your interest in the teaching profession and look forward to receiving a portfolio from you. Tennessee needs great teachers, and we hope that you will consider teaching as a new career for you!

Transcript of 2011 Gov Fellow App

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NASHVILLE, TN 37243-0375

October 11, 2010

Dear Teach Tennessee Candidate:

Thank you for your interest in Teach Tennessee. Information about both programs is included in the enclosed application information. The deadline for submitting a portfolio for the Spring, 2011 selection process for both programs is February 28, 2011.

Should you have questions, you may contact any of the following:

Barbara Floyd, Administrative Assistant 615/[email protected]

Becky Kent, Director, Teach Tennessee 615/[email protected]

Earlene England, Consultant 615/[email protected]

Again, we appreciate your interest in the teaching profession and look forward to receiving a portfolio from you. Tennessee needs great teachers, and we hope that you will consider teaching as a new career for you!


Becky Kent

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____ Please check here if you would like to be considered for the Commissioner’s Fellows program if not selected as a Governor’s Fellow.



Return completed portfolio to:

Teach Tennessee Office710 James Robertson Parkway

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6th Floor, Andrew Johnson TowerNashville, Tennessee 37243

Teach Tennessee Governor’s Fellows Applicant Timeline

November 15, 2010 Updated information about Teach Tennessee and address for requesting an application is available on the Department’s website www.state.tn.us/education/teachtn or www. teachtennessee.org

February 28, 2011 Portfolio/Application deadline (postmarked date) **

April, 2011 Teach Tennessee information session / interview for those contacted

Early May, 2011 Notification by phone of selection to the Teach Tennessee program

June 6 - 11 and Teach Tennessee Institute in the June 20 - 25, 2011 Nashville area. (Those who cannot attend this (Twelve days total) Institute should wait to apply in the next selection round.)

For updated information please check the website listed above.

** Special Note: All requirements and components of the portfolio (including letters of recommendation, transcripts and work verification) must be postmarked by the February 28, 2011 deadline. Faxes will not be accepted. It is the candidates’ responsibility to assure the portfolio

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is complete. Incomplete portfolios will not be considered. If you wish to check on the contents received, you may contact Barbara Floyd by emailing [email protected].

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TEACH TENNESSEE Governor’s Fellows Selection Criteria and Sequence of Events

Step I - To be considered for selection, the candidate must

hold a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree from a regionally accredited institute of higher education. (Priority is given to those with a major or minor in math, science (chemistry or physics is preferred) or foreign language. Elementary, Special Education, Occupational, and elective course areas are not included in the Teach Tennessee program at this time).

have five or more years of relevant, full time paid work experience in the subject area to be taught (current within three years of application to the program is preferred).

have 24 credit (semester) hours in the subject they are wanting to teach with a GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) OR have passed the Praxis II (Content) exam in the area they are wanting to teach in grades 7-12.

submit a Teach Tennessee Portfolio that includes all required components (requirements will follow).

undergo a federal and state criminal background check (if invited for an interview).

if contacted (meaning candidate has passed the initial screening process), attend a Teach Tennessee information session / interview.

Step 2 - Once selected, participants

may seek employment in Tennessee school systems.

attend a two-week (12 day) Teach Tennessee Institute in the Nashville area. After successful completion of the Institute and it’s requirements, ‘Fellows’ will hold a Transitional License.

Step 3 - Next, Fellows

upon completing the Institute requirements and obtaining a position, successfully teach the first year.

participate in 40 (clock) hours of professional development during the year (in addition to the system’s regularly scheduled in-services and local professional development requirements).

work with an assigned Teach Tennessee mentor for 25 days during the school year.

reflect on their progress by submitting weekly emails to the Teach Tennessee office during the first year of teaching.

study for and pass the Praxis I (or provide the equivalent), and Praxis II (Specialty Area) tests in the endorsement area(s).

Step 4 -The summer following their first year of teaching, Fellows

in cooperation with their mentor/principal/others, begin working toward completing their first Individual Professional Education Plan (IPEP) program of study (which could include up to 12 hours of college coursework and/or a minimum of an additional 40 hours of professional development each of the two years).

attend a wrap-up the school year seminar to assess the first year of teaching and the Teach Tennessee program and begin the process toward renewing the license.

take the Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching exam.

must pass the Praxis I (or equivalent) and Praxis II (Specialty Area) if they have not previously done so.

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are reissued a license upon the recommendation of the school system in accordance with local evaluation procedures and successful completion of all Teach Tennessee and testing requirements.

Step 5 – Progression toward the Professional License (minimum of three years) will require the Fellow to

pass the Praxis Principles of Teaching and Learning exam. complete Individual Professional Education Plan (IPEP) requirements annually.

request a mentor if needed.

attend a wrap up session following the second year of teaching.

submit all required information to the Teach Tennessee office.

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Teach Tennessee Governors’ Fellows Portfolio

Teach Tennessee is looking for exceptional candidates who are mid-career professionals with expertise in specific subject knowledge (especially in math, science and foreign language) and bring an abundance of strengths and talents from their years of work experience using that content knowledge. Candidates are required to submit a portfolio of their knowledge and skills (as described in the application packet) to be considered in the selection process.

The portfolio submitted should be comprehensive, well organized and detailed. Reviewers will be looking for quality, not quantity, so special attention should be given to being selective in its contents. Excess materials/documentation should be avoided and will not be reviewed. All information should be sent to the address below as a single, complete packet (with the exception of the transcripts and letters of recommendation which should come directly from the school or author). Incomplete portfolios will not be considered. It is the candidates’ responsibility to assure the required transcripts and letters have been received by the postmark deadline.

A complete portfolio must include: A cover letter explaining why you are applying to be a Teach Tennessee ‘Governor’s Fellow’ and

your commitment to the program if selected.

A complete and signed Teach Tennessee Application (enclosed).

Documentation of five or more years of successful and relevant full time paid work experience on the Teach Tennessee Prior Employment Verification Form must be notarized (enclosed).

A current resume including mention of any awards, professional achievements or publications written by you or about you, etc. You may determine the format of the resume.

Official transcripts from the postsecondary institutions attended. Transcripts must be submitted directly to the Teach Tennessee Office (address below) in a sealed envelope(s) bearing the seal or signature of the registrar.

Five current reference letters from people (former employers, respected experts in your major field of study, community leaders, and others) who would know your character, leadership skills, work ethic, etc., and could speak to qualities you possess that would make you an effective teacher. The letters should be signed and include contact information. Please have them sent by the author directly to the Teach Tennessee Office at the address below.

The completed Teach Tennessee Performance Assessment Questionnaire 5 page maximum response (enclosed).

Any test scores available (Praxis, ACT, or SAT). Test scores must be submitted as originals (in a sealed envelope from the originator).

A signed Statement of Assurance.

NOTE: Please keep in mind that your paid work experience, and 24 college credit hours OR successful Praxis II Specialty Area exam score, must be in the same content area that you are wishing to teach.

Send completed portfolio to:

Teach Tennessee Office710 James Robertson Parkway

6th Floor, Andrew Johnson TowerNashville, Tennessee 37243

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NAME________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Maiden

ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________________________ Number and Street Apt. #______________________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip

HOME PHONE ______________________________ WORK PHONE _______________________________ Include Area Code Include Area Code

E-MAIL ADDRESS _________________________________FAX #_______________________________________

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER _______-__________-_______ CELL # __________________________________Include Area Code

EDUCATIONCollege or University Degree Date Received Major Minor

Minimum education for licensure is a Bachelor’s degree. Official transcripts must be mailed directly to the Teach Tennessee Office.

AREA OF ENDORSEMENTWhat specific subject/endorsement(s) are you qualified to teach (24 hrs or passing Praxis II in content)? Please list in order of preference.________________________________________________________________________________

Please circle the grade level(s) you are interested in teaching. 7 8 9 10 11 12

Are you willing to relocate? ____yes ____no

List the counties (in order of preference) where you are interested in teaching. ___________________________________________________________________________


When are you available to begin to teaching? ____________________________________________

CURRENT LICENSEDo you currently hold a license to teach: in Tennessee? _______ In another state? ________(Note: Those holding a current or expired license, or an out of state license, will not be selected for the TEACH TENNESSEE program.)

Are you currently enrolled in another teacher licensing program in Tennessee? ____yes _____noIf yes, which program and when enrolled? ___________________________________________________________________________Have you previously been enrolled in another teacher licensing program? If so, when and where? ____________________________________________________________________(Those currently or previously enrolled in another licensure program will not be considered for Teach Tennessee.)Have you recently applied to another teaching licensure program in TN ___yes ___noIf so, where _________________________________

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PAST EMPLOYMENT (A minimum of five years related to the subject area to be taught is required.) Please list most recent first.

Date (from / to) Name of Employer or Firm Responsibilities Reason for Leaving

Have you ever taught in any grade K-12 position? If so, please explain.

HISTORYHave you ever been convicted, forfeited bond, or are you currently on probation for any felony (or any equal offense under military law)? (A felony is defined as an offense punishable by imprisonment for a term of one year or greater.) REQUIRED ANSWER MUST BE RECORDED. ____ yes ____ no

If yes, give details on a separate sheet of paper for each felony offense. Include (1) date, (2) charge, (3) place, (4) court and (5) action taken. You must disclose any felony conviction involving a sentence or suspended sentence. A conviction will not necessarily disqualify you from the job for which you are applying. A conviction will be judged on its own merits with respect to time, circumstances, and seriousness.

SIGNATUREUnder penalty of perjury, I certify that the information I am providing in this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that should investigation show any falsification or material misrepresentation, I will not be considered for the program, or if selected, I will be dismissed and disqualified from future licensure. I hereby authorize the State of Tennessee to make all necessary investigations concerning me or my actions and to receive my academic records or other materials pertinent to my qualification. I further authorize and request former employers, educational institutions, or organizations (including law enforcement agencies) to provide all information that may be sought in connection with this application.

________________________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Applicant Date

NOTE: All applicants shall be considered for the Teach Tennessee program; however, submission of a Teach Tennessee application does not guarantee enrollment in the program or an offer of employment.

The State of Tennessee is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, equal access, and affirmative action. The State of Tennessee does not discriminate against applicants or employees on the basis of race, color, religion, creed,

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age (over 40), national origin, sex, pregnancy, disability, veteran’s status or any other classification protected by federal or state law.

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The following information is for Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative action purposes only. To assist the State of Tennessee in its commitment to equal employment opportunity, applicants are asked to provide voluntarily the following information. The State of Tennessee is authorized under federal law to retain this information for research and statistical reasons. This information will not be used in a selection decision and refusal to provide this information will not affect an applicant’s selection opportunities. Information requested is to be completed on a voluntary basis. Data will be held confidential and only used in accordance with applicable federal law.

ETHNICITY (Please place a check in the applicable category)

____American Indian ____Alaskan Native ____Asian ____Black-non-Hispanic

____White-non-Hispanic ____Hispanic ____Pacific Islander ____Other

(Ethnicity information is used for statistical purposes and to provide information required by the U.S. Department of Education in accordance with applicable federal regulations. Your cooperation in providing this information is appreciated.)


______ Female ______ Male

Note: This page will be detached from the application upon receipt.


_____ Yes _____No _________________ Field of Service


For Teach Tennessee research purposes only:

How did you hear about the Teach Tennessee program?

_______ TV _______ Family, Friend, etc.

_______ Radio _______ Higher Education Institution

_______ Newspaper _______ Website

_______ Other (Please explain ___________________________________________)

**********************************************************************************************************************The State of Tennessee is committed to the principles of equal opportunity, equal access, and affirmative action. The State of Tennessee does not discriminate against applicants or employees on the basis of race, color, religion, creed, age (over 40), national origin, sex, pregnancy, disability, veteran’s status or any other classification protected by federal or state law.

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Please use the section below to report your minimum of five years of paid work experience related to the subject you are wishing to teach. The information must indicate the place of work, the type of work, and the dates of work, including the hours per week. The statement must be signed by the employer and notarized. In lieu of this form, a signed statement by the employer (to include the same information and be notarized) on company letterhead may be submitted. Should you have had several employers over the five years, this form should be duplicated. Five years of relevant full time paid employment verification is required.

NAME OF CANDIDATE __________________________________________________________

COMPANY_____________________________________________________________________ DATES WORKED: FROM____________________________TO: ____________________________ HOURS PER WEEK____________________________________________________________________JOB DESCRIPTION__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________ ___________________ Employer Signature Date

____________________________________________________________________Street Address/ P.O. Box City State Zip

________________________________________work phone number (required)

_____________________________________________________________________ (Employer of Teach Tennessee candidate)

Personally appeared before me, ____________________________, a Notary Public in(Notary)

_______________________________. Sworn and subscribed before me, this ______day County and State.

of _________,20____.

____________________________________________ Place Notary Seal Here Notary Signature


6th Floor, Andrew Johnson Tower, Nashville, TN 37243

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The following original (in a sealed envelope from the originator) test scores are included, if available, in the portfolio:

______ ACT

______ PSAT

______ Praxis I- PPST

______ Praxis II (Content area)

_______ Praxis Teaching and Learning

______ GRE

______ NTE

______ Other

The only test score required in the portfolio is the Praxis II (Specialty Area to be taught) when being used in lieu of the 24 hours of college credit.

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Teach Tennessee Governor’s Fellows Performance Assessment Questionnaire

Effective teaching requires much more than just a thorough understanding of the subject matter you are teaching and good classroom management skills; it requires an ability to understand diverse learning styles and communicate the subject matter in a way that is absorbed and understood by each of the students in your classroom. In Tennessee, we measure a teacher’s professional development against the eleven Tennessee Teacher Licensure Standards, and we are looking for Teach Tennessee candidates who not only demonstrate proficiency in a particular subject matter, but who also possess the ability to effectively instruct students in the subject matters they will teach.

In an essay format, please describe how your own professional and leadership experiences have prepared you to meet the following performance standards. Please be very concise and label each response by simply Standard 1, Standard 2, etc. (you do not need to repeat the specific standard or the questions asked). Please limit your responses to no more than five (5) pages total.

Standard 1

Discipline Taught Candidates know, understand, and use the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the discipline(s) they teach and can create learning experiences that develop student competence in the subject matter.

Please give an example of a time you were responsible for teaching co-workers, peers or a youth group about some aspect of your profession. How did you determine what they needed to be taught in order to understand the broad concepts of your lesson? How did you present the information? Were there any learning tools you employed that were especially effective, or are there tools you wish you had employed to make the learning experience more interesting to participants?

Standard 2

Student Learning and Development Candidates understand how students learn and develop and provide learning opportunities that support student intellectual, social and personal development.

Please give an example of a time you worked alongside someone who had a dramatically different way of learning than you have. What were the physical, social, emotional, moral and cognitive differences between the ways you each approached the learning process? What were the major differences between how you and the other person constructed knowledge and acquired skills, and how were you able to work together (if at all) to learn the subject matter presented to you?

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Standard 3

Diverse Learners Candidates understand how students differ in their approaches to learning and create instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners.

Using that same example or a different one, please explain your experience identifying a situation when you were responsible for teaching skills or knowledge to a diverse learner (or group of diverse learners), and how you designed and adapted instructional techniques to meet the learning needs of your audience.

Standard 4

Teaching Strategies Candidates understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage development of critical thinking, problem solving and performance skills in students.

Please give an example of how you have taught co-workers, peers or youth groups how to develop critical thinking, writing and problem-solving skills they would need to meet instructional goals and objectives? What were the skills or the knowledge they were expected to learn? How did you set short-term and long-term learning goals for the group and/or individuals within the group? How best would you describe the role(s) you took in the teaching process – instructor, facilitator, coach, participant, or some combination – and why was this effective or not effective?

Standard 5

Learning Environment Candidates use an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.

Please give an example of your experience creating a productive learning environment that was respectful of the different skills of the participants, and which supported positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and opportunities for self-motivation. How were you able to organize and manage resources such as time, space, facilities, technology and participants to maximize the amount of time spent on productive learning?

Standard 6

Communication Candidates use knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration and supportive interaction in the classroom.

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Please give an example of how you have applied a variety of communication techniques – including verbal, non-verbal and media communication tools such as audio, video and interactive media – to engage an audience of co-workers, professional peers, or youth in collaboration on a project. What communication techniques did you use, and why do or why don’t you think they were effective with members of your audience?

Standard 7

Planning Candidates plan instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals.

Please give an example of a situation in which you were responsible for developing instructions or formal curriculum that you or someone else used to teach a specific subject? What was the subject, and who was the audience? What existing materials or resources did you draw from while developing your instructional plan? What strategies were employed to ensure the instructions or curriculum could be used by many different people to help them learn the subject matter?

Standard 8

Assessment and Evaluation Candidates know, understand and use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and ensure the continuing intellectual, social and physical development of the learner.

Please give examples of the formal and informal performance assessments your supervisors have used to gauge your job performance and skills. In your opinion, what types of performance assessment tools and tests were most appropriate for evaluating your professional development? Were you ever responsible for assessing the performance of people who reported to you? If so, what kind of assessment tools have you used to gauge their performance? How did you combine informal and formal assessment strategies to compile useful records to document their performance?

Standard 9

Reflective Practitioner Candidates are reflective practitioners who continually evaluate the effects of their choices and actions on others (students, parents and other professionals in the learning community) and who actively seek out opportunities to grow professionally.

Please give several examples of the ways you have pro-actively sought opportunities to grow within your profession. What resources (professional literature, industry colleagues, trade or professional organizations, government agencies, etc.) did you utilize for your professional growth? How did you assess your professional growth to ensure your skills were increasing at a pace and in a direction consistent with the way your industry was progressing?

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Standard 10

Colleagues, Parents, and Community Candidates foster relationships with school colleagues, parents and agencies in the larger community to support students’ learning and well-being.

Please describe any experience you have working with youth other than your own children, or with new members of your profession, during which you were responsible for collaborating with community agencies, parents or religious organizations to advocate on behalf of the youth or new colleagues. What issues or problems did you have to address, and what resolution were you able to reach?

Standard 11


11.a. Candidates use technology and technology-based resources to facilitate developmentally appropriate student learning.

11.b. Candidates use technology to enhance their professional growth and productivity.11.c. Candidates effectively use and manage all technology available to them and explore uses

of emerging resources. They promote the equitable, ethical and legal use of technology resources.

Please give an example of a time you used technology to guide the learning process for a group or individual you were responsible for instructing at your work or in your community activities. What technology-based resources did you use, and how did you become familiar with those resources? How was the technology integrated with other learning strategies (such as hands-on instruction, lectures, reading assignments, etc.)?

In your own profession, how have you used technology to continue your professional development, and what tools do you rely on to help you compile data and present it to co-workers and peers? How do you keep up with new technology resources and the legal issues surrounding them?

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Teach Tennessee Governor’s Fellows Statement of Assurance

As a selected Teach Tennessee ‘Governor’s Fellow’, I, _____________________________________, understand that there are requirements and expectations of me for continued inclusion in the Teach Tennessee program. These include, but are not limited to the following:

I agree to attend and complete the requirements of the intensive two week Teach Tennessee Institute in Nashville.

I agree to complete the Teach Tennessee licensure program.

I agree to seek employment as a teacher in my endorsement area after completing the Institute.

I agree that I will only accept a position teaching courses allowed in my area of endorsement and in grades 7-12 until I obtain a Professional License.

I agree to notify the Teach Tennessee office and the Mentor Coordinator as soon as I am employed by a school system.

I agree that mentoring is a program requirement and that a Teach Tennessee mentor will work with me for twenty-five days during the first year of teaching.

I understand that the mentor’s role is to assist me in my goal of being a successful teacher and that I will consider and act upon their suggestions and recommendations as a means to achieving that goal.

I agree to reflect on my first year of teaching by completing weekly emails to the Teach Tennessee office regarding my progress.

I agree to maintain contact with the Teach Tennessee office relative to providing updated contact information as well as for answers to questions about program requirements.

I agree to complete any Teach Tennessee office requests for information, evaluations, surveys, etc. in a timely fashion.

I agree that it is my responsibility to notify the Teach Tennessee office that Praxis test dates have been scheduled and results will be forthcoming.

I understand that during the progression from the Transitional License to a Professional License (a minimum of three years), I will be required to complete 40 hours of Professional Development the first year, then two Individual Professional Education Plan(s) (IPEP) programs of study (which could include up to 12 hours of college coursework and/or a minimum of 40 additional hours of professional development) the following two years.

I understand that it is my responsibility to file all appropriate licensure paperwork with the Teach Tennessee office.

I agree to attend two (first year and second year) “end of year meetings” in Nashville to advance my license.

I agree to stay in contact with the Teach Tennessee office for the first five years of teaching.

I agree that should I leave the teaching profession within the first five years I will contact the Teach Tennessee office and complete required paperwork.

_____________________________________ ___________________________________ Signature Date

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