2011 Autumn Messenger

St Mark’s Messenger Autumn 2011 A Congregation of the Aberdeen City Centre Grouping The Kirk of St Nicholas Uniting Queen Street Church St Mark's Church Aberdeen St Mark's Church of Scotland is a registered Scottish charity No SC015451


2011 Autumn St Mark's Messenger

Transcript of 2011 Autumn Messenger

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St Mark’s Messenger

Autumn 2011

A Congregation of the Aberdeen City Centre Grouping The Kirk of St Nicholas Uniting Queen Street Church St Mark's Church Aberdeen St Mark's Church of Scotland is a registered Scottish charity No SC015451

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A New Season and a New Look

As most of you will probably know Lynn, our Editor, and Colin Thomson have recently completed a new house on the Orkney island of Westray. For the meantime they will spend part of their time there and part in Aberdeen. Lynn and Colin will remain members of St Mark’s and Lynn will keep on her position as magazine editor, thanks to the wonders of modern technology. However not everything can be done through the benefits of our electronic age and so Lynn has adopted an assistant who will be the human contact between Westray and Aberdeen. The St Mark’s webmaster, Alex McConochie will help ensure that the Messenger still goes to print on time.

Index to the Autumn 2011 Issue

Autumn 2011 Index 2 Malawi Committee Report 20

Letter from the Manse 3 Guild of Friendship 22

General Assembly 2011 5 Men’s Club 23

A People Place 6 Standing Orders 24

Stewardship Report 7 The Drama Group 26

A Note from the Treasurer 8 Egg Box Appeal 27

St Mark’s Ramblers 11 Roll Changes 27

The Strollers 12 Readers’ Rota 28

Circle of Care 12 Leaf Puzzle Answers 28

Cross Reach 12 What does ‘Church’ mean? 29

Leaf Puzzle 13 The Shortbread makers 30

St Mark’s Guild 14 Kid’s Korner 31

Sunday School 15 Kid’s Word Search 32

Projects Committee 16 Flower List 33

Scottish Country Dancers 17 It Makes you think 34

The Worship Calendar 18 Recipe 35

Winter Magazine Deadline 19 Office Bearers’ Contact List 36

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Letter from the Manse Dear Friends, In the book, “The word became fresh” Dale Ralph Davies records a story told by Donald Grey Barnhouse. The Story is of a man who lost a good watch somewhere in thick sawdust. He offered a huge reward for it and many people combed the area with rakes but to no avail. When all the searchers had gone for lunch a young boy went to try his luck and minutes later appeared with the watch! When asked how he found it, the boy replied that he'd just laid down and listened for the ticking! God generally doesn't roar at us, ‘this what I' m doing in your daily lives’ often we have to stop and observe where God's grace is working quietly. David and myself have been part of St Mark's now for almost a year (give or take a month or two!) In many ways it has passed so quickly. So what quiet yet amazing grace have we observed? Lots! To name a few, Dave is now working further north and is enjoying himself. We are both delighted to be part of such a lovely Church family. Dave and I love the bacon rolls always on offer at the Oak Cafe or the summer Saturday coffee mornings and we both admire the hard work of the volunteers who make mornings so agreeable throughout the year for so many people. Thank you! On another matter some people may have noticed the decorating that is taking place around the Church. The Ladies room has been refurbished and is truly a place of peace for all people to enjoy! The office is now a fresh yellow colour that, as the first encounter many people have with St Mark's, will

(Con�nued on page 4)

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reflect our positive attitude and warm welcome. I am sure you will join with me in thanking everyone concerned for all their time and effort to make these projects so successful. So what have I been up to during these months beside preparing and conducting worship? Lots! Well I have started the process of getting to know people. I have and will continue to visit people's homes, hospitals, and sheltered housing. I have attended lots of meetings and had discussions with people in Aberdeen about all sorts of things connected to St Mark's, including the Parish Grouping to which we all belong. I am part of the Chaplaincy team of Aberdeen Grammar, plus I am on a Presbytery prayer group as well as being the Malawi Presbytery Partnership Convenor. God often communicates with us through other people. Which is why, in future months, Session and myself want to listen to how we as St Mark's can serve each other and other people in Christ's name. We're interested in people’s views as to the way they consider God is guiding St Mark's forward into the future. If you have any positive ideas let us know! Until I write again, may you know God’s grace working gently in your life. God Bless you.

Diane Diane Diane Diane Did I read the sign correctly?

On a repair shop door:

We can repair anything. (Please knock hard on the door - the bell doesn’t work.)

(Con�nued from page 3)

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Impressions of our First Visit as Commissioners to the General Assembly of The Church of Scotland

This was our first visit to the General Assembly as Commissioners. We had been before, but as visitors to the public gallery. Instead of entering from the High Street, we entered from the impressive gates on the Mound.

It is only a 126 flight of stairs from Princess Street, so that was our keep-fit twice a day. The Debating Chamber has changed in the last year. The balustrade round the platform area has been removed, as has the pulpit. The Moderator is no longer six foot above contradiction but never-the-less conducted a very full and lively Assembly. Some of the wood which was removed has been used to fashion the Moderator’s desk and also the two lecterns for Conveners to submit their Reports and Deliverances.

As first time Commissioners we were given a tour of the building and told how microphones and voting machines worked. The Assembly was described as a committee with 600 members. As we were to find out a few of the Commissioners liked the sound of their own voices and just repeated what had been said. This was discouraged by the Moderator as sessions finishing at 6.00pm and 7.00pm made the 9.30am start seem very distant.

The debates were many and various and all speakers were listened to with courtesy and dignity. There are many views within our church and all were given a hearing. The Committees of the General Assembly had done a great deal of work to bring forward Reports which Assembly could accept or change. On Assembly Sunday we attended the Assembly Service in a

(Con�nued on page 6)

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very full St Giles’ Cathedral. This was followed, in the afternoon, by ‘Roll Away the Stone’ in Princess Street Gardens which attracted a large crowd. We had a look at some of the stalls, listened to some of the Praise bands and were among the 2,500 people who entered St Cuthbert’s Church for tea or to listen to the young organists and Youth Choirs. At 5.00pm we had a closing service where the congregation filled the Ross Bandstand and surrounding area. This was a party in the Gardens, instead of a garden Party.

The debate on the future of Presbyteries was almost as heated as the same-sex relationship debate but the media made the most of the latter. Now that the Assembly is broadcast on the internet many can follow the proceedings but we did not see any coverage in news reports.

If anyone has any specific questions they can ask us later and we will try to answer them.

Betty and Malcolm Steel

A People Place

If this is not a place where tears are understood, Where can I go to cry? If this is not a place where my spirit can take wings, Where can I go to fly? If this is not a place where my questions can be asked, Where can I go to seek? If this is not a place where my feelings can be heard, Where can I go to speak? If this is not a place where you will accept me as I am, Where can I go to be? And if this is not a place where I can try to learn and grow Where do I just be me?

‘Time for Ac�on’ published by Churches Together in Northern Ireland

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The Stewardship Committee has been planning a strategy to visit members who have been unable, for various reasons, to attend St Mark's on a regular basis.

The committee felt that it was very important to contact these members, especially as Diane had now been in post for over a year. Invitations had been sent to encourage folk to come and “Meet the Minister” on Friday 9 September at 7pm in the church hall. Unfortunately the response was very disappointing. 69 invites were sent out and only 11 responses were received. 3 of these were positive whilst 8 were unable to attend.

The decision was taken to cancel the social and Diane invited the 3 positive respondees to the manse for an informal get together. Regrettably for personal reasons two subsequently sent apologies and Diane arranged to visit the remaining member at home.

A training session on Stewardship Visitation has been arranged for Thursday 15 September for all Office Bearers. It is hoped to visit as many “lapsed” members as possible over the coming months.

St Mark's Church plays a vibrant part in the life of Aberdeen City Centre. Please come along and be part of the future of your church. David Yacamini Convenor

Did I read the sign correctly?

Message on a leaflet:

If you cannot read, This leaflet will tell you how to get lessons.

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A Note from the Treasurer

As this edition of the Messenger is circulated to members we are into the second six months of 2011 and I can let everyone know how we did against our budget in the first six months. There was some concern among Office Bearers when I presented a forecast for this year of a deficit of over £9,000. But with rising costs and no real growth in income that is where we are heading - unless you can help.

Budgeted Income 2011 Actual Notes

Offerings Six months

FWO and Gi� Aid 60,000 30,577

Tax on Gi� Aid Dona�ons 10,500 *1

Ordinary Offerings (Open Plate) 2,000 875

Other Offerings, Dona�ons etc. 5,800 5,015 Inc Legacy

Other Ordinary General Income

Contribu�ons from Organisa�ons 2,650 550 *2

Regular Fund Raising Events 8,000 2,138 *3

Interest and Dividends 1,500 354 *4

Use of Premises 8,500 4,107

Other Income 300 47

Total Ordinary General Income 99,250 43,663 (44%)

Expenditure - See page 9

Total Ordinary Expenditure 108,379 48,619 (45%)

Surplus (Deficit) for year/half (9,129) (4,955) (54%)

*1 Tax is re-claimed a�er April 2012.

*2 Dona�ons normally made in second six months.

*3 Most Summer Coffee shops excluded.

*4 True picture only available at year end.

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Budgeted Expenditure 2011

Ministries and Mission Alloca�on 57,093

Presbytery Dues 950

Local Staffing Costs

Minister's Travelling Expenses 5,000

Minister's Telephone etc 400

Pulpit Supply 200

Other Salaries and Related Costs 11,000

Building Costs

Fabric Repairs and Maintenance 2,000

Hea�ng and Ligh�ng 11,000

Water Charges 2,000

Insurance 7,078

Manse Council Tax 2,258

Cleaning Materials and Others 1,700

Other Local Costs

Telephone/Post/Print/Sta�onery 3,500

Other Expenditure 4,200

Total Ordinary General Expenditure 108,379
















Six months





*1 One off payment fixed by Presbytery a�er Budget determined.

*2 Paid through 121 in arrears.

Whilst every effort is made to reduce expenditure on an on-going basis (and I have had some successes) we still need to improve our income. You will see that almost 80% of it comes from you via FWO, Gift Aid and other donations. In 2008 we gave £78,500, in 2009, £76,752, in 2010, £77,221 and for this year I have budgeted £78,300, less than we raised three years ago! Please help to prove me wrong. Only by regular committed giving will we succeed.

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Autumn leaves are falling

and so is St Mark’s Offering

We need to be Evergreen

Give like it’s Christmas every Sunday

There is an opportunity to give by Standing Order on Page 24

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Wednesday 26th October Clachnaben - Hill walk

Monday 14th November A daunder round town - an easy

walk and open to all abilities

Wednesday 30th November Castle Street, Footdee and along

the prom

St Mark’s Rambling and Walking Group

Some of the recent walks undertaken have been:-

10th May. Eight walkers enjoyed a bus trip to Newtonhill and a walk back to Cove along the coastal path.

19th May was the date for a walk from Aden Country Park to the observatory at Pitfour. We only had four walkers for this lovely day out with the weather staying dry.

7th June. A bus ride to Drumoak and then a walk to Crathes Castle and grounds where we had a lunch break, we then continued onto Banchory before getting the bus back. It was a little wet but not enough to dampen spirits.

16th June. A hill walk at Bennachie that ended up being a bit of a marathon, also despite the weather being very wet towards the end the four walkers were able to smile about it later.

The planned walks to Loch Muick, Portsoy, Clachnaben, Cairnwell, and the Culter to Duthie Park had to be postponed due to bereavement, weather and work commitments but will be rescheduled at a later date.

Future walks

For more information contact Ian Lord 321882, mobile 07929720846. The group would like to encourage you to come and join us on some of the walks.

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The Strollers

One of our Saturday strolls was along the Beach Prom; taking part in the Scottish Bible Society’s Sponsored Walk. As a group we raised £234 and we thank all who contributed. The dates for our forthcoming outings are listed below and you will be made most welcome if you care to join us.

Circle of Care The afternoon Communion on Sunday 16 October will again be held in the hall, to be followed by tea and ‘fine pieces’, provided by members of the

Social Committee and Circle of Care visitors. As always we are indebted to them for all their hard work as we are to the drivers who provide transport. It is much appreciated by our older members who are glad to have the opportunity to meet and worship together.

Margaret Donald

Church of Scotland Social Care

The Mallard in Glasgow has provided long and short term care and support to children with disabilities and their families since 1995. Many of the children also have sensory impairments and communication difficulties plus social and emotional difficulties.

October November December

Tuesday 10.00am 11 22 13

Saturday 2.00pm 1 22 12 3

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Two other schools at Ballikinrain, near Balfron and Geilsland in Beith provide services for children with difficult behaviour to help them develop as good citizens. Many of them seek to help others by taking part in events such as the Great Scottish Run and Red Nose Day. Two young people from these schools participated in a Scottish - India exchange with ‘Who Cares? Scotland’ where they stayed and worked in Udayan Children’s Village.

(Taken from the 2010 CrossReach Review: Children’s Services)

Margaret Donald

Leaf Puzzle Can you identify the trees from the letters within the leaves?

Answers on Page28

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St Mark’s Guild

The new session of the Guild commences on October 3rd and we look forward to seeing all our members again but it would be lovely to welcome new members. The syllabus for the first half of the session is as follows:- October 3rd Theme – Called to Walk Humbly with God. Mrs A. Grant. October 17th Talk on the Work of the R.L.N.I. Mr Bill Deans. (With Men’s Club) October 24th Beetle Drive - Invitation from the Men’s Club. November 7th Talk on the Work of Sue Ryder Bring and Buy Sale. November 28th ‘Sweet Things’ Mrs M. Lord. December 5th Joint Christmas Party with Men’s Club.

President Mrs H. McKenzie Tel. 740776

Secretary Mrs A. Donaldson Tel. 575663

Did I read that sign correctly?

In a London department store:

Bargain basement upstairs

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St Mark’s Sunday School We hope you enjoyed our shortbread at the promotional service. The children had a great time making the shortbread with help from our

expert Grannies. It was amazing how many people drifted into the kitchen for a sample having followed the delicious smell. You were lucky there was enough left over to share.

Our new session is under way and we are looking forward to the year ahead. We recently purchased some bats, balls and outdoor resources that should see us out in the park on the finer days. David has already given Glen some professional badminton coaching.

In September our older children and young adults are meeting up with our Queen Street friends for lunch and a game of bowling. We have plans to have an outing in October with Diane and all the children and we have already booked our seats to see Aladdin in December.

It had been decided that we are going to change our display board and the children are very keen to do something about Joseph and his amazing coat. We think that the drama club has inspired them. So keep an eye on the back wall it should start to show some signs of change.

Our Harvest sweet bags were well received last year so we intend to make them up again. If you have someone in your district who can’t make it to church feel free to collect a bag at the end of the harvest service. Similarly, if you have a friend or neighbour who would appreciate being thought of at Harvest time please collect one.

Jo Donaldson For pictures of the shortbread makers see page 30

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St Mark’s Projects Committee.

Due to the torrential rain on the days leading up to Sunday 17th July Alex’s Garden Party was held in the hall, it was very unfortunate this had to be as Alex had put a lot of time and hard work into making sure the garden was looking its best. He had also put a lot of time and thought into the Quizzes, Calendars, Notelets etc. There was also a raffle, ice cream and crushed strawberries and baking stall.

Everyone who attended enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea plus a Mediterranean section, and after the hall was cleared up Alex could go home to a very tidy house and sit with his feet up and enjoy looking out to his tidy unspoilt garden.

Many thanks to all who attended, supplied food, baking and raffle prizes and especially to Alex who had worked so hard in his house, garden and in the hall. The amazing sum of £644 was raised on the day.

Jewellery, Handbags and Scarves Evening. On Friday 11th November we are having another evening of “Jewellery, Handbags and Scarves” in the hall at 7.30 pm. The last one was a very enjoyable social evening so why not come along, get the Christmas shopping done and have a relaxing evening at the same time.

Tickets price £3 including refreshments will be on sale soon.

Charity Shop. At the time of writing this we are busy sorting through our “stock” for the shop and when you read this it will have taken place.

Thanks to all who donated goods and gave their time before and during the week of the shop.

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Christmas Coffee Shops. Our Christmas Coffee Shops will be held on the 3rd, 10th and 17th December from 10am - 1 pm. We would be very grateful for donations of home baking, raffle prizes etc, but would especially like to see you there with your friends.

This is the last fund raiser of the year, please come and help the Treasurer balance the books and put a smile on his face! Anne Donaldson Projects Convenor

The St Mark’s Scottish Country Dance Class The class has resumed its fortnightly meetings in the church hall at 7.30pm on Wednesday evenings.

It is a social class and you will be warmly welcomed. The dancing is good exercise for mind and body and is fun! Our dates for 2011 are:-

Margaret Brown

Did I read the sign correctly?

Spotted in a safari park: (I sure hope so)

Elephants please stay in your car

September October November December

Wednesdays 7th & 21st 5th & 19th 2nd, 16th & 30th 7th Party Night

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2nd October 11am Morning Worship Rev Andrew Christie

9th October

11am Morning Worship Does God talk to us? 3pm Union Terrace Gardens (Church as backup) ‘Songs in the Gardens’ on behalf of Mental Health Aberdeen with the Salvation Army Band, Rev K Petrie, Rev D Hobson & Cate Adams 6.30pm OAK Evening Service Crown Terrace Methodist Church

16th October 11am Celebration of Holy Communion 2pm Circle of Care Communion Service Followed by afternoon tea

23rd October 11am Morning Worship “You’re called and you’re chosen” Question and Answer time after service. (Bring a packed lunch)

30th October 11am Morning Worship Harvest Festival Service

6th November 11am Morning Worship Grouping Service at The Kirk of St Nicholas Uniting

Worship Calendar

Please note that all Sunday morning services at St Mark’s normally start at 11am. Any

changes will be intimated in the Pew Leaflet

Further details of the services will be available on the Church website or Pew leaflet

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18th December Fourth Sunday in Advent 11am Sunday School Nativity Service of Nine Readings and Carols

25th December 10.30am Christmas Day Family Service Followed by informal Holy Communion

Saturday 24th December

10.45pm Carol Singing and fun! 11.30pm Watchnight Service with Tea & Mince Pies after, served in the hall

Deadline for Winter Magazine

The deadline for the Winter magazine is Sunday

13 November 2011. If anyone has ‘something’

they would like to submit for publication please

email [email protected], leave in the

Deacon’s Room or give to Lynn or Alex McConochie on a

Sunday morning; you do not have to wait for the deadline!

4th December 11am Morning Worship (2nd Sunday in Advent) “Patience for Christ”

11th December 11am Morning Worship (3rd Sunday in Advent) Christingle Sunday - “Joy for Christ” 6.30pm OAK Evening Service Crown Terrace Methodist Church

27th November 11am Morning Worship (1st Sunday in Advent) 2.30pm St Andrew’s Afternoon, Light and Carol Service

13th November 10.50am Morning Worship Remembrance Service 6.30pm OAK Evening Service Crown Terrace Methodist Church

20th November 11am Morning Worship “Christ the King”

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The St Mark's Malawi Committee The St Mark's Malawi Committee continues to keep in close contact with our friends at Mpachika. Rev Master Jumbe, Mary, Rose and Lasmore send their best wishes to our congregation and they remember us in their prayers. They ask that you pray for them at this time as there is quite a bit of social unrest in their country and they hope that soon things will return to normal. Our Minister, Diane, is now chair of the Aberdeen Presbytery Malawi Committee and she is enjoying the new responsibilities which this committee brings. St Mark's still supports the building and development of the Margaret Donald kitchen and we can report that work has been progressing as can be seen by the most recent photographs which are displayed in the church hall (and on the page opposite). However, in a recent email from Lasmore work on the kitchen has presently stalled as funds have run out and our friends from Mpachika are fund raising once again! The next phase for the kitchen will be the doors and the windows. They also have a Church Offices/Bell Tower project running concurrently with the kitchen. On Sunday 21 August we had an informal breakfast where we shared fellowship with members of our congregation. It was well supported. Our Malawi friends had been informed about the breakfast and they, too, remembered us on that morning. Please continue to support us in our on-going work in Malawi. David Yacamini Convenor

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The Mpachika Kitchen Project

The Mpachika Offices and Bell Tower Project

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Guild of Friendship

As I write this, I have just completed the syllabus for our coming session (first half shown below). We start on MONDAY 3rd OCTOBER in the church hall. We look forward to seeing all the old faces and hopefully one or two ‘new’ faces as well.


October 03 Mrs Marion Dey

10 Rev Diane Hobson

17 ‘Sounds Familiar’ Music

24 Jim & Marsha Addison Music

31 Beetle Drive

November 07 Mr Ian Lord Slides

14 ‘Showtime’ Music

21 Bring & Buy Sale

28 ‘Serenata’ Music

December 05 Beacon Singers Choir

12 Christmas Party

Any further information may be had by telephoning me.

Pat Skene (01224) 642293

Did I read the sign correctly?

Notice in a farmer's field:

The farmer allows walkers to cross the field for free but the bull charges.

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Meetings for the Winter Session

3rd October Welcome and Games Night

17th October Talk about lifeboats; a joint evening with the Guild

24th October Beetle drive with the Guild and open to anyone

31st October Games night

7th November Games night

28th November Quiz night

5th December Christmas party with the Guild


16th January Games night

The meetings are usually in the hall at 7.30pm and finish with a cup of tea. We would give new members a warm welcome and we can be contacted:- President Graeme Low 01569 731389 Vice president Milton Montgomery 486839 Secretary Ian Lord 321882 Treasurer Derek Caie 317978 Did I read the sign correctly?

Notice in a Health Food shop window

Closed due to illness

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Bank Standing Order Mandate

To the Manager Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of your Bank) Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of your Branch) Branch Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch Sort Code . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .

Please pay by Standing Order (payment details) Amount £ . . . . . . . (and in words) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commencing on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (date) and weekly/monthly* thereafter, until cancelled. (*please delete as appropriate) Quoting Reference . . . . . . . . . . . (To be completed by the church)

Pay to St Mark's Church of Scotland at Bank of Scotland 1 Mid Stocket Road Aberdeen AB15 5JL. Sort Code 80 - 05 - 19 Account No. 06000363

Pay from (your details) Account Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Account Name(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please pay the Standing Order as detailed above Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . Please note that Banks may decline to accept instructions to charge Standing Orders

to certain types of accounts other than Current accounts.

Please return to the Treasurer, St Mark's Church in the first instance.

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Bank Standing Order Mandate Amended Instruction

To the Manager Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(Name of your Bank) Branch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Name of your Branch) Branch Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Post Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . Branch Sort Code . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . .

Please amend my Standing Order payable to:-

St Mark's Church of Scotland at Bank of Scotland 1 Mid Stocket Road Aberdeen AB15 5JL. Sort Code 80 - 05 - 19 Account No. 06000363

To Amount £ . . . . . . . (and in words) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commencing on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (date) and weekly/monthly* thereafter, until cancelled quoting the existing reference number.

(*Please delete as appropriate)

Pay from (your details) Account Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Account Name(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Please pay the Standing Order as detailed above. Please note this supersedes my previous instruction relating to St Mark's Church.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . .

Please send this form directly to your Bank.

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“Hilarious”, “The best one yet”, “Where does he get the ideas from?” These were just some of the comments made by audience members as they left the hall after the Spring Play “Where There’s a Will”. Another successful production by the Players from the pen of Garry Watson. As the director of the play I can take no real credit for that success, it was down to a very funny and original script and to the performances of the entire cast which I had little influence upon. Like all of our shows, it was a team effort and everyone involved should be congratulated for the part they played. That was way back in May and my piece in the Summer Messenger was written even before the play was performed so now I have had time to report what actually happened and it all went very well. So too did “Tonight’s Gonna be a Good Night” the June production by Stage Door, the younger members of the Players. From solo performances, Junior Stage Door, the girls on their own, “Jim and Bob - a pair o’ mannies” the quality from the entire company was first class. “They get better every time!”, “Fabulous singing”, “Another great show”, were among the comments made as the audiences went home after two great nights of entertainment. “A musical extravaganza” to be sure!!

Past Performances by ‘Break-a-leg’

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Egg Box Appeal

As many of you will know by now Colin and I have completed our new house on the Orkney Island of Westray and plans for living there (most of the time) are well in hand. One thing I have discovered about island life is that some things we take for granted in Aberdeen don’t happen. There is, for example, a shortage of half-dozen egg boxes on Westray and so I am appealing to you to help out by saving up your egg boxes and donating them to the island. If anyone has egg boxes they can 'donate' to me. I would be happy to collect them on a Sunday at church.

I hope you can help. Thanks Lynn Thomson

Roll Changes (10 May - 9 August 2011)

Change of Address Mr & Mrs John & Hilda Laing Cornhill to Ashgrove

Disjunction Mr & Mrs David & Margaret Wright Findon

Deaths 8 May Mr George Chalmers Cults 29 June Mrs Jackie Sharp Tillydrone

Owing to Data Protection issues full address details are no longer provided in relation to Roll Changes. Further details are available to members from the office.

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Readers' Rota

Would all readers ensure they know on what day they are reading. If you are unable to carry out your duty please change with someone and change the list in the office. You should contact Elspeth on a Thursday morning. Please read at least once before Sunday morning.

2nd October Kay Montgomery

9th October Sheena Henry

16th October Elsa Black (am Communion)

23rd October Anne Donaldson

30th October Alex McConochie

6th November Jean Black

13th November David Yacamini

20th November Margaret Donald

27th November Muriel Fraser

4th December Sheila Main

11th December Gail Hogg

18th December Sunday School Nativity Service

25th December Jean Yacamini

Jean Yacamini (pm Communion)

Leaf Puzzle Answers from Page 13

1. Rowan 2. Poplar 3. Willow 4. Cypress

5. Sycamore 6. Laburnum 7. Chestnut

8. Hawthorn 9. Mahogany 10. Eucalyptus

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What does ‘Church’ mean to you? This is a question I’ll be exploring over the next few months as I take part in a course called ‘Mission-shaped Ministry’, aimed at equipping people to plant and sustain fresh expressions of church in the local community. Many of us are comfortable with the idea of an 11am service on a Sunday, with five hymns, a children’s address, a couple of prayers and a 20-minute sermon. But for many others the prospect of walking through church doors on a Sunday morning is about as appealing as a visit to the dentist for root canal treatment. Hopefully the course will explore alternative forms of worship that might be more attractive to the ‘great unchurched’ out there, especially those living in the Parish of St Mark’s. In their book Mission-shaped Parish (traditional church in a changing context), Paul Bayes and Tim Sledge state that “commitment to the long-established parish system is commitment to mission. . . a family of families, stretching far beyond Sunday”. They add: “It’s not the Church of God that has a mission in the world, but the God of mission who has a Church in the world. To build a parish church’s life on mission values is not just to change the look of it - it is to change everything.” Living out the full meaning of the word ‘parish’ means recognising other partners, agencies and individuals with whom we can work and “do Kingdom business”.

(Con�nued on page 30)

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Steps are already being taken to try and reconnect with the local community. For example, Dianne Morrison is St Mark’s representative on the steering group for the ‘Growing Rosemount’ initiative. But more needs to be done on the “listening” front. With that goes a mind-set, an attitude that our church does have a mission in the community and is called to be engaged. That, in turn, means being open to whatever the call might be. I hope everyone in St Mark’s has their ‘listening ears’ on! Ian McIver Community Outreach Worker 07890 932677 [email protected] From Page 15 - The Shortbread makers

Matthew, Chloe & Marjorie

Glen, Jamie & Alison

(Con�nued from page 29)

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Hello, and welcome to a new page for the younger members of the

St Mark’s family. This page is designed for your ideas to brighten

up the Messenger. Holiday stories, favourite after school snack

recipes, pictures, puzzles, in fact anything you want to send in.

There’s more information on the next page.

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This time around there are two things for you to do. First of all

you can colour in the picture of Joseph on the previous page and

hand it in to Sunday School by 30th October. There will be a

prize for the best one which will also be put on to the website so

that it can be seen all over the world and you can try the

Wordsearch, just for fun. Try it yourself before asking for an

adult’s help!

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat is this year’s

November production by the St Mark’s Players and is also the

Sunday School Theme for the new session.

Anything you want to submit for the Messenger can be handed in

at Sunday School. You can also find Kids Korner on the website.

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Date Supply Distribution

2nd Oct Mrs I Sutherland Mrs Sutherland

9th Oct Mrs E Leslie Mrs Christie

16th Oct Mrs & Miss Morrison Mrs Munro

23rd Oct Mrs L Watson Mrs Yacamini

30th Oct Mr A McConochie Mr McConochie

6th Nov Grouping Service at St Nicholas

13th Nov Mrs K McBain Mrs Fraser

20th Nov Mrs E Lennox Mrs McDonald

27th Nov Miss K Annand Mrs Donaldson

4th Dec Miss S Strachan Mrs Lord

11th Dec Miss A McDonald

18th Dec Mrs Pamela McDonald

25th Dec Miss M Donald For the Minister

There are no vacancies for the supply of flowers on this list

but there are some vacancies for next year. There is a

desperate need for more people to volunteer to distribute

the flowers after the service.

For details of dates for either supply or distribution telephone

(Assistant Editor) Alex McConochie 01224 703200.

OR Speak to

Mrs Babs Coull in church on a Sunday about helping with distribution of the flowers

Page 34: 2011 Autumn Messenger


It Makes You Think

If God Had Voice Mail - from a service in May

We have all learned to live with ‘voice mail’ as a necessary part of modern

life. But have you wondered what it would be like if God decided to install

voice mail? Imagine praying and hearing this:

� Thank you for calling My Father’s House. Please select one of the

following options: ♦ Press 1 for Requests

♦ Press 2 for Confession

♦ Press 3 for Complaints

♦ Press 4 for all Other Inquiries

� What if God used the familiar excuse:

♦ “I’m sorry all of our angels are busy helping other saints right

now. However, your Prayer is important to us and will be

answered in the order it was received, so please stay on the line.”

� Can you imagine getting these responses as you call God in Prayer:

♦ If you would like to speak to

• Gabriel, Press 1

• Michael, Press 2

• For a directory of other angels, Press 3

• If you would like to hear King David sing a psalm

while you are holding, please Press 4

� Dial 118 118 for reservations at ‘My Father’s House,’ followed by

P-E-T-E-R. For answers to nagging questions about dinosaurs, the age of the earth and where Noah’s Ark is, please wait until you arrive


� Our computers show that you have already prayed once today. Please

hang up and try again tomorrow so that others may have a chance to get through.

� This office is closed for the weekend to observe a religious holiday.

� Please try again Monday after 9.30am. If you need emergency

assistance when this office is closed please contact your local Minister.

Page 35: 2011 Autumn Messenger



Cup Cakes are very popular so this combines the old favourite, Carrot

Cake and Cupcakes.

Carrot and Cream Cheese Cupcakes

� 175g brown muscovado sugar

� 100g wholemeal self-raising flour

� 100g self-raising flour

� 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda

� 2 tsp mixed spice

� zest 1 orange

� 2 eggs

� 150ml sunflower oil

� 200g carrots , grated

� orange coloured sprinkles , to decorate

� 100g buCer , so�ened

� 300g so� cheese

� 100g icing sugar , si�ed

� 1 tsp vanilla extract


Heat oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4 and line a 12-hole muffin �n with

cases. In a large mixing bowl, mix the sugar, flours, bicarbonate of

soda, mixed spice and orange zest. Whisk together the eggs and oil,

then s�r into the dry ingredients with the grated carrot. Divide the

mixture between cases and bake for 20-22 minutes un�l a skewer

poked in comes out clean. Cool on a wire rack before icing.


For the icing, beat the buCer un�l really so�, then beat in the so�

cheese, icing sugar and vanilla. Use a paleCe or cutlery knife to swirl

the icing on top of the cakes, then sprinkle with decora�ons.

Page 36: 2011 Autumn Messenger


St Mark's Church

Minister Rev Diane Hobson 65 Mile End Avenue


Session Clerk

Mr Ian and Mrs Marjorie Lord 27 Hazelhead Road


Clerk to The Board

Mrs Helen McKenzie 28 Blackhills Court, Westhill


Treasurer Mr Alex McConochie 21 Woodcroft Road



Treasurer Miss Dianne Morrison 45 Bonnymuir Place


Gift Aid Convener

Mrs Lynn Low 6 St John’s Walk, Newtonhill

01569 731389

Organist Mrs Kathleen Anderson 15 Countesswells Terrace


Church Secretary

Mrs Elspeth Mogendorff St Mark's Church Rosemount Viaduct AB25 1JY


Church Office Down steps between the Church and Library. Open 9.00 am to 12.00 noon Monday to Friday. Answering machine operates when the office is closed. Leave name, message and contact number.

Editor Mrs Lynn Thomson: [email protected]



Alex McConochie: [email protected]