2011-2012 Budget Workshop for Mar 29th 2011

Citrus County School District FY 2012 Budget Forward Look

Transcript of 2011-2012 Budget Workshop for Mar 29th 2011

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Citrus County School District

FY 2012Budget

Forward Look

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Current FY 12 Budget Projectionsas Compared to Third Calculation

• Governor’s Budget: $8.2 MM Reduction or 8% which equates to a reduction of $607.97 per student

• House Budget: $8 MM Reduction or 7.7% which equates to a reduction of $415.40 per student (This version takes into account the FTE reduction)

• Senate Budget: $7.2 MM Reduction or 7% which equates to a reduction of $367.34 per student (This version takes into account the FTE reduction)

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FRS Factor

• Current Proposed Budget Reductions do not factor in the proposed employee FRS contribution

• Governor has proposed a 5% employee contribution to FRS

• House has proposed a 3% employee contribution to FRS

• Senate currently has graduated % scale based on salary for the employee contribution to FRS

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Net Proposed Budget Reduction after Employee FRS Contribution

• Governor’s Net Proposed Budget Reduction: $4.9MM or 4.7%

• House Net Proposed Budget Reduction: $6MM or 5.78% (Includes the FTE reduction)

• Senate Net Proposed Budget Reduction: $4.7MM or 4.53%(Includes the FTE reduction)

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The Budget Reduction after the Dust Settles?

• The Belief is that once the House and Senate come together the budget reduction will be around 5%.

• What does that mean to Citrus County School District: $5.2MM reduction or 5%.

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Citrus County School District Plan to Compensate for Budget Reductions

• Planned and prepared for the loss of the Federally funded ARRA (stimulus) funds by reserving $5 MM to help offset the reductions.

• Utilize a strategy over two years to compensate for budget reductions

• Minimize the impact on student learning and success that the District has achieved

• Minimize the impact on employees• No reduction in the Arts, Music and PE offerings,

including Athletics

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FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2011 FY 2011

Actuals Actuals Original Budget Current Budget Forecasted EOY 6/30/11


General Fund 116,615,653.31 111,716,939.91 110,715,847.35 108,791,464.02 108,808,338.24

Transfers from Capital Fund 6,159,565.42 9,296,659.79 12,298,237.87 12,242,170.87 11,242,170.87

Total Revenues $122,775,218.73 $121,013,599.70 $123,014,085.22 $121,033,634.89 $ 120,050,509.11


General Fund 120,831,130.79 119,353,058.28 127,426,242.22 126,992,211.49 119,224,493.43

Total Expenses 120,831,130.79 119,353,058.28 127,426,242.22 126,992,211.49 119,224,493.43

Net Change in Fund Balance 1,944,087.94 1,660,541.42 (4,412,157.00) (5,958,576.60) 826,015.68

Beginning Fund Balance, July 1st 14,094,286.07 16,038,374.01 17,698,915.43 17,698,915.43 17,698,915.43

Ending Fund Balance, June 30th $ 16,038,374.01 $ 17,698,915.43 $ 13,286,758.43 $ 11,740,338.83 $ 18,524,931.11


Assigned - Categorical 2,131,349.58 1,983,956.97 1,262,268.63

Assigned - Other Carryover 2,058,257.96

Restricted (Inventories) 272,783.10 300,380.34 278,664.03

Committed (Encumbrances) 397,441.91 1,049,956.07 710,111.97

Assigned (State Revenue Shortfall) 6,500,000.00 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00

Total Reserves $ 2,801,574.59 $ 3,334,293.38 $ 6,500,000.00 $ 5,000,000.00 $ 9,309,302.58

Undesignated Fund Balance $ 13,236,799.42 $ 14,364,622.05 $ 6,786,758.43 $ 6,740,338.83 $ 9,215,628.53

Undesignated Fund Balance % of Revenue 11.35% 12.86% 6.13% 6.20% 8.47%

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Proposed Budget Reductions at the District Level

• Cost Shift % of TA’s at Elem. and Middle Schools to Food Service

• Reorganization of Purchasing and Finance

• Reorganization of Supt. Staff

• Restructure Phone Lease• Restructure Bus Routes• Keep Route Manager Position

open• P&C Insurance• New WAN bid • RTTT cost shift• Reduce open Transportation

positions• Total District Savings

• $ 400,000

• $ 80,000

• $ 200,000• $ 100,000• $ 150,000• $ 45,000• $ 300,000• $ 200,000• $ 100,000• $ 102,000

• $1,677,000

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Proposed School Based Budget Reductions

• High Schools• 3 Office Clerks ( ARRA funded)• 3 SAI Aides• Reorganize Instructional

Technology Specialist Position• Reorganize Reading Coach

Position• 1 CDE Instructor• Reduce Substitute budget• Eliminate Acceleration Camp

• Total High School

• $ 64,500• $ 52,200• $ 50,000

• $100,000

• $ 36,000• $ 30,000• $ 25,000

• $357,700

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Proposed School Based Budget Reductions

• Middle School• 4 Teacher Aides (ARRA Funded)• 4 SAI Aides• Reorganize Instructional

Technology Specialist Position• Reduce Substitute budget• Eliminate Acceleration Camp

• Total Middle School

• $ 69,600• $ 50,000• $ 50,000

• $ 20,000• $ 25,000

• $214,600

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Proposed School Based Budget Reductions

• Elementary School• 10 Teacher Aides (ARRA Funded)• 10 SAI Aides• Reduce Substitute Budget• Cost Shift TOSA’s to 15% IDEA

• Total Elementary Schools

• Specialty Schools• 1 SAI Aide• Reduce Substitute Budget

• Total Specialty Schools

• $ 174,000• $ 125,000• $ 27,500• $ 103,000

• $ 429,500

• $ 12,500• $ 22,500

• $ 35,000

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Total Proposed Budget Reductions

• District• High Schools• Middle Schools• Elementary Schools• Specialty Schools

• Grand Total

• $1,677,000• $ 357,700• $ 214,600• $ 429,500• $ 35,000

• $2,713,800

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Proposed Budget Reductions in Year 2

• Examine School Schedules –esp. @ High School

• Monitor Class Size Requirements to maximize Student to Teacher ratios

• Continue to evaluate processes and systems to increase efficiencies.

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School Staffing

• Current School Staffing is based on the projected FTE at the beginning of the year. This current school year the enrollment is down approximately 400 students District wide.

• Next school year enrollment is expected to be down approximately 250 students.

• Two year total reduction is approximately 650 student over two years.

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High School Staffing

• LHS• Reduction of 2 units

• CHS• Reduction of 7 units

• CRHS• Reduction of 13 units

FTEFY 11 FY 11 FY 12Projections Actual Projections

1,821 1,713 1,787

1,623 1,552 1,547

1,296 1,176 1,124

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Middle School Staffing

• IMS• Reduction of 3 units

• CRMS• Reduction of 0 units

• LMS• Reduction of 3 units

• CSMS• Reduction of 2 units

FTEFY 11 FY 11 FY 12Projections Actual Projections

1,180 1,115 1,091

838 847 856

734 741 714

836 815 799

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Elementary School Staffing

• CRES• Reduction of 1 unit

• CSES• Gain 1 unit

• CRPS• Reduction of 0 units

• FCES• Reduction of 0 units

FTEFY 11 FY 11 FY 12Projections Actual Projections

775 727 752

687 706 718

639 651 669

369 353 352

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Elementary School Staffing (continued)

• FRES• Reduction of 1.5 units

• HER• Reduction of 1 unit

• HOM• Reduction of 1 unit

• IPS• Reduction of 1 unit

FTEFY 11 FY 11 FY 12Projections Actual Projections

772 723 701

653 606 655

375 355 347

697 723 688

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Elementary School Staffing (continued)

• LPS• Reduction of 1.5 units

• PGES• Reduction of .5 unit

• RCES• Reduction of 2 units

FTEFY 11 FY 11 FY 12Projections Actual Projections

790 780 776

741 702 688

687 637 614

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Specialty School Staffing

• Renaissance Center• Reduction of 0 units

• CREST• Reduction of 0 units

• WTI• Reduction of 2.25 units

FTEFY 11 FY 11 FY 12Projections Actual Projections

160 108 100

103 177 170

64 38 70

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Total Reduction Based on School Staffing

• High Schools $1,016,400

• Middle Schools $ 369,600

• Elementary Schools $ 438,900

• Specialty Schools $ 150,000• Total $1,974,900

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Education Jobs Fund

• Currently employed 56 Term Teacher Aides from the Education Job Funds. These funds will end this Fiscal Year.

• High School 12 Aides $208,800• Middle School 11 Aides $191,400• Elementary School 28 Aides $487,200• Specialty School 5 Aides $ 87,000• Total $974,400

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Summary of Proposed Budget Reductions

• Budget $2,405,700• ARRA $ 308,100• FTE/Staffing $ 1,974,900 • Education Jobs Fund $ 974,400

• Total Proposed Budget Reductions $5,663,100

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