2011 09 newsletter

Volume 35 Issue 9 September 2011 Newsletter Frome Canoe Club Frome Canoe Club is affiliated to the British Canoe Union and is a Registered Charity (Number 1104728) Surf’s been big this year! Nick Kent here on the club’s surfing trip, with waves of 5 ft.



Transcript of 2011 09 newsletter

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Volume 35 Issue 9 September 2011

Newsletter F


e C





Frome Canoe Club is affiliated to the British Canoe Union and is a Registered Charity (Number 1104728)

Surf’s been big this year!

Nick Kent here on the club’s surfing trip, with waves of 5 ft.

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Send articles for the next issue to [email protected] by 26th September



Graham Warnecke

Vice Presidents

Richard and Jane Arney

Jim and Catharine Croft


Andy Bell

Vice Chairman

Rich Carter


John Kent


Pam Dixon

16 Blagdon Walk, Frome, BA11 2YH

Committee Members

Debbie Ashdown

Howard Charlesworth

Sam Charlesworth

Mandy James

Alun Jones

Gareth McGiveron

Karl Waldeck

Sara Withall

Jack Smiles (Youth voice)

Kit Officer

Tim Smiles

In this issue

3 Calendar in brief

4 River Frome/Avon

4 River Wye

5 Tiverton training weekend

6 Pool sessions

8 Monthly Wednesdays

8 Monthly Sundays

9 Trip to Cardiff White Water Centre

10 Cardboard Challenge and BBQ

12 Lee Valley

13 Cardington

14 Nene

14 Caption Corner

15 Water wise quiz

16 Regional events

19 Coppernose clip points

CALENDAR: details




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Calendar 2011

Date Event Standard Contact


9 Last Friday session Adults John K

11 River Frome or Avon Passport or 1 Star John K



25 River Wye Passport or 1 Star Alun J


2 Sunday morning session All Pam D

8/9 Moving water training Passport or 1 Star Pam D

19 Wednesday DVD night All Pam D

23 River Barle 2 Star Alun J

30 River Frome Passport or 1 Star Rich C


7 Sunday morning session All Pam D

12/13 Dart Training weekend One Star + Pam D

16 Wednesday DVD night All Pam D

27 River Tavy Two Star + Alun J


The next Newsletter will be available over the weekend of 1st/2nd October. So come to the Pool Session on 30th September or the Sunday Morning Paddle on 2nd October to pick up your copy, and save the club some postage.

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Calendar in detail - day trips


The River Frome or Avon 11th September Meet 9am at the Clubhouse Cost £3 Organiser - John Kent

This trip will be good for you if you have just got your Passport or One Star qualification this year. And the hopefully Two Star paddlers will be joining us today as part of their course.

Our local trips are always good fun. If there is water, we do the River Frome and get to have fun on the weirs and play in the stoppers.

Meet at the normal time for local trips - 9am at the clubhouse. Bring change of clothes, lunch and paddling gear. You can borrow boats, helmets, buoyancy aids etc if you don’t have your own ones. We sort that out on the morning.

We should know in the week running up to the paddle which river we can do: it depends on rain. If we have had a dry spell we will be doing the Avon as it is not much fun walking the River Frome. So it’s a wait an see affair!

The River Wye 25th September Meet 8am at the Clubhouse Cost £13

The river Wye is the one we paddled at Biblins. A gentle wide river with a good play spot on the rapids near Symonds Yat. Bring a change of clothes, lunch and sort out the paddling gear you need to borrow on the morning of the trip.

The River Barle 23rd October Meet 8am at the Clubhouse Cost £13 Organiser - Alun Jones

The Barle is a great little river, steep and running thought a high sided val-ley, it is sometimes likened to an alpine river. A perfect progression from the Tiver-ton moving water training. You will be able to put the skills you learned into practice. In north Exmoor, it has near continu-ous grade 2 water, which is crystal clear, unless in flood. You will need warm paddling gear, sensible thermals and lots of energy food.

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Calendar in detail - Moving water training



The list for Tiverton Training is in the booking file, clearly labelled, on the desk at every club session. You may want to talk to Pam, Rich, John or Arthur before you sign up for this one. Tiverton has a very specific function of training. It is a catered weekend and we discourage day trippers. To book onto this weekend trip, a non returnable deposit (£10) needs to be paid in advance. Or we can take the payment in full.

Remember your name is only on the list when some money is paid up front.

Tiverton Training weekend 8th/9th October Meet 8.30 am at the Clubhouse Cost £37

This is your chance to learn/develop/polish your white water skills including:

breaking in and out of the flow, surfing stopper work rapid running eddy-hopping

We paddle the River Exe on both days, working in very small groups.

Overnight we stay in the Youth Centre in Tiverton. You need to bring overnight things and any paddling stuff you have. Also a pillow, sleeping bag and mat be-cause we sleep on the floor. Food is provided and you are expected to help with some of the domestic chores like washing up, cleaning up at the end.

You can pick up the paddling gear that

you want to borrow from the club on the Saturday morning.

Minimum age limit for this activity is 10 years.

This trip is really planned for begin-ners and so priority will be given to our less experienced paddlers.

Booking a place is essential and the cost of £37 includes transport, training, accommodation and food.

See below for booking arrange-ments.

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Calendar in detail - Pool sessions


FRIDAYS, 8-9pm

A painless way to practise capsizes, rolling, braces and rescues because when you fall in, as you do, it’s warm and clean. But be

warned we don’t do all the crazy stuff you see above.

Hey! – who needs that muddy cold water and the scratchy brambles on bank side? We don’t!

Come to a pool session instead.

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Calendar in detail - Pool sessions


POOL SESSIONS START 23rdSEPTEMBER Cost £2.50 for Youth members and £3 for Adults

What are pool sessions for? They are good for practising capsizes, for learning support strokes or learning to roll and you can start coming to grips with playboating (freestyle) in the two S6s we have there. Or you can just paddle about and be sociable.

Who are pool sessions for? They are for everyone!

What do I need to bring? All you need to bring is a swimming costume, towel and money. We provide the boats and paddles and spray decks. You don’t wear helmets and buoy-ancy aids in pool sessions. It’s easy.

Who can I ask if I don’t know what to do? Look for the person in the yellow T-shirt. He or she is the supervisor and will help you find a boat or explain what is going on. The person in the green T-shirt is the instructor and he or she will help you with capsizing, rolling etc.

Can I bring my own boat? Yes, but it must be very clean and you should bring it in through the fire exit door. Please make sure you have washed away the leaves and slugs and sand from your boat. It does not endear us to the pool staff if we leave a trail of debris behind!

Coloured wrist bands - what are they about? We have a system of coloured wrist bands in place to ensure that you get a fair and scheduled time in a kayak. Sessions are 20 minutes long and the order is displayed on the table at the start of the session. When you are not paddling you can swim in the small pool or chat to other members on pool-side. Please wear the coloured bands on your wrist not ankle.

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Calendar in detail - monthly winter sessions


Manoeuvre of the month: Sara gets ready for her cardboard race.

Well it could work. Couldn’t it? Perhaps not!

Sunday: Once a Month Morning Paddle First Sunday each month ... At the Clubhouse 10am-noon

Once a month on a Sunday we will meet at the clubhouse at 10am and will either have a gentle paddle in and around the gates or just mess about together doing what we like most. Everyone is welcome. Last year these sessions were an ideal opportunity to stay in touch and get the gossip about what was going on in the club!

October 2nd is the first one.

Wednesday: Once a Month DVD night Third Wednesday each month ... At the Clubhouse 7pm

Once a month, when the Wednesday paddling sessions cease, we gather to watch a canoeing DVD, preferably those scary white water ones.

The plan is to schedule the third Wednesday every month for this event so people can plan for it. Viewing commences about 7.30pm. Tea, coffee, cakes and soft drinks will be available from 7pm. Do come – the sessions were great fun last year.

October 19th is the first one.

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Reports - CIWW


Continued on back page

Our First Trip to the White Water Centre in Cardiff By Andy Bell

It was a bright day, Louise and I ar-rived at the club, later than we should. It does seem to take longer to get ready nowadays, helping to tie shoes etc. I guess it will get even more difficult in a month’s time! How late will I turn up then?

Anyway as the organiser of our trip I was glad to be at the club by about 8.20 and managed to organise all the trans-port and boats needed in record time. Well there was only Rich there and he had given up waiting and was leaving to go home! All the others had the good sense to skip the Market Yard morn-ing meet and go there independently.

So, Rich, Lou and I got in my car with his boat and mine on the roof. Last time Rich and I made the trip to Car-diff, I as usual put my whole faith in the Tom Tom. This time no way. Pre-viously John Lewis in the city centre wasn’t up for paddling down the es-calators. So we followed the signs, as we have been told they are very clear and we only missed one junction. (If anyone wants a lift in the future

please know where we are going!)

So we met up with the club mem-bers who had already made the pil-grimage to the course in Cardiff as they were taking advantage of the 4 cumec level released early in the morning. Every respect to Lia who didn’t look keen but gave it a go, swam and even with only one shoe, gave it another go and survived.

It was a bit odd getting off a low level river, going for coffee then

when back on the water discover-ing that you were now really getting your hair wet. Rich commented on how ‘neat’ my roll was and pressured Tim into the same hole with ‘Well Andy’s done it!’ We

know Tim’s a big boy and so that’s not really bullying.

Most impressive of the day was how Jack provided rescue cover but felt so confident in his abilities that he performed this service having left his paddle at the top and hand pad-dling, and rolling (many times), and swimming (once), down the course. The debate is left open: should you get points if you forgot your paddle? I know Sam has forgot-ten it in the past but wasn’t confi-dent enough to run the Loop. May be in future he will be? Or Jack?

The debate is:

Should you get points for forgetting

your paddle?

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The BBQ, Try-a-boat-day and Cardboard Challenge


Talk about drama! Gallons of it on the BBQ day. With the weather chucking torrential rain and thunder at us, cardboard canoes arriving by Chi-nook, and stunning numbers of club members turning up for this event, we were all set for a fantastic day.

The cardboard canoe race was of course the highlight of the day but we have to mention before that, our special canoe club chefs who grilled everything to perfec-tion so that we had juicy sausages, and tender chicken. They said they enjoyed the cooking but I find that hard to believe. Stand-ing near the furnace which Tim created for us this year so that the chefs could cook with-out smoke and petrol fumes, must have been eyebrow-singeing. I need to check if Arthur and Gareth have any eyebrows left and Tim too! Thank you all three for the sterling job done.

And we were able to eat it in the warm sunshine, because the rain held

off till we had almost finished the puds.

So back to racing: 12 teams en-tered. More would have if the tape hadn’t run out on the day, but so be it. The boats ranged from the simple to the extreme. Sara for example used one of the packing

boxes she had around because she is moving house and had one spare. Carol and George brought the most elegantly crafted canoe, glistening with glossy paper and looking very cool. Others were made with love and care and all were protected fiercely from the torrential rain till just that

moment when they were required to be placed in the water.

And so it started! Accompanied by copious amounts of shouting, hol-lering and waving from the cover of umbrellas on the bank, which did nothing to keep boats afloat

With just under 100 members turning up for this event, it was going to be a magnificent day. And it was!

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Cardboard Challenge continued


(but felt good), they were off.

We did have a record broken today. Kyra and Gine’s boat did more than two complete circuits, in the loop from weir though bridge and back to weir.

Said Megan, one of the judges “It was a good competition this year. The boats were of a better quality than last year and a lot of people had put con-siderable thought and effort into their designs. “

Our thanks for such a successful day must go to the army of helpers who set up (and took down) the site, to Jack and Megan for doing miles of bunting, Vicki, Jack and Megan for doing the judging, Rich for collecting boats and looking after everyone on the water, to the people who brought boats for others to try, to Megan for crafting the spectacular puddings, Sally and Jackie for doing the rest of the food, to Bev on the door, and of course to our 96 members, and families who turned up.


Design: Summer (front page),

Distance travelled: Kyra and Gine, Sheer Perseverance: Nathan (bottom right)

Thank you everyone. Roll on next year! Pam.

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Reports - Lee Valley

Div 2 K1, which was good consider-ing his long lay off. Judging by the number of swimmers and 50s (missed gates) this course was more of a Div 1/2 standard.

I was glad I experienced this new site. However, the idea of the Leg-acy course is that it will continue to provide a facility for community use. At a hire charge of £200 per hour though it is likely to be a long time before we have another inter-mediate slalom there. - John Kent

Ed: Well done Nick! Considering Nick has not paddled for a year, he did do well, coming 9th out of 40.

Two FCC members visit Lee Valley White Water Centre

The newly constructed Lee Valley White Water Centre, just off the M25, North of London is to be the venue for the Olympic slalom next year. There are two white water courses, the Olympic course with a drop of 5.5m and flow of 13.5 cu-mecs, and the Legacy Loop which is of an intermediate standard and with a 1.6m drop and 10.5 cumecs flow.

A few weeks ago an International slalom was held on the Olympic course to test arrangements for next year. On 6th August a Division 2/3 race was held on the Legacy course.

In the week leading up to it I had studied YouTube clips to try and find out what to expect. The day confirmed my observations: it is similar to Cardiff CIWW at the top, and towards the bottom the fea-tures were more spread out and there was a shallower gradient. No less difficult though with the course that was set in the fast flowing water.

I took a practice run, managing to stay upright but missing several gates, but in the end it was only Nick who raced, coming in 9th in

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Support crews had the usual re-quirements: camping chairs, picnics and the family dog.

Water levels were back to the nor-mal level approximately 1 foot higher than in July last year. The sluice from the River Ouse was opened for official practice at 10am with 1 practice run each.

The water was held back in the course by damming up the last drop on the course bar a small space for a boat This made a big difference to the consis-tency of the level throughout the course.

With 30 competitors in the division 2 K1 Mens event, Ben Nicol enjoyed the benefit of lots of training by coming 14th. He also competed in the division 3 C1 Mens event and came 1st.

Andrew Lyall came 5th and won the Masters trophy for competitors over the age of 35. His second run was 2.6 seconds faster which caused, Jim Croft


Reports - Cardington Slalom

to tannoy for him to come to con-trol where he jokingly asked him if he had greased his boat.

After an enjoyable day we came home, leaving Ben to compete again in Sunday's K1 and C1 sla-loms. Ben achieved 15th in divi-sion 2 K1 mens and came 1st in division 3 C1 mens.

The 1st places in C1 gained Ben sufficient points for promotion to division 2 for future C1 competi-tions.

Ed: An inspiration to us all, Ben deserves his C1 and K1 promotions to Div2 this year. Congratulations Ben.

Cardington Slalom, 2nd July

By Lorraine Lyall

This is one of the events celebrating 50 years of Viking Kayak Club. Glorious sunshine and 21°C greeted participants at Priory Country Park just outside Bedford.

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Reports - Nene slalom







• Location Northamptonshire, 3 hours from Frome.

• Artificial slalom course built in 1999 with pumped water like level 4 at CIWW.

• 44 people in Div 2 K1 mens so very popular.

• Unofficial practice 8am to 10.30am.

• 25 people milling around in pool so only 1 unofficial practise run.

• Tight technical course with lots of drops (largest 5 feet).

• 18 gates with a separate 10 gate warm up area on the river.

• Winning time 102 seconds so this is a short course (compared to Llandysul at132 seconds).

• Some of the down streams were not in the main flow which made it difficult especially with limited practice.

• Club house is adjacent to course with café, toilets and showers. • Easy access as there are proper pathways. • I managed 113 seconds clear on my first run (10th place) and 116 seconds clear on

my second run giving a finish position of 14th out of 44. • Enjoyment factor 8/10. I would go again. Andrew Lyall.

Isi: I do not want to swim. My eyes already look like panda


Or Isi: I say, this is fun! Kyra: Yes but you’re not the

one in the front.

Or “Hey Isi, is a 5 ft drop easy? “Yes Kyra. It is. Just keep your

mouth closed at the bottom.

Andrew’s visit to the Nene Slalom, a Div 2/3 competition.

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A quizz for you


Are You Water Wise? QUIZ

1. Why is open water so dangerous to swim in? Give at least three reasons.

2. What do the signs in the picture mean?

3. Why is it safer to go to a swimming pool than to swim in open water? Give

at least three reasons.

4. How can cold water affect your swimming ability?

5. Why is diving into shallow water dangerous?

6. How can people doing water sports stay safe?

7. What could you throw to someone in the water to help them float? Give

three things.

8. Why is it a bad idea to jump in to try to save someone?

9. How can you get help in an emergency?

10. How could vandalism lead to someone being in danger in open water?

Answers on P 18


Last month we invited you to comment on our calendar and let us know if you wanted the committee to organise anything different. Rich reports that from the responses he has had, people seem to be happy with the programme that we arrange and no one had any moans or suggestions.

It’s great to get positive feedback. Keep it coming everyone. Rich.

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Regional events

The Big Paddle

When: 2nd October 2011 Where: Exeter

What: A Tour and a Race suitable for any

and all abilities.

For the beginner a leisurely paddle down the historic Exeter Ship Canal and for the more adventurous a paddle down the River Exe shoot-ing the two weirs then a short portage and back

up the canal.

The event will be suitable for all types of boats

from Sit-on-Tops to Racing Boats so put the date in your diary.

Poole Harbour Race Sunday 11th September

Different distances to suit age and ability. Short course runs along the shore. Long courses go round Brownsea Island.

All welcome: Sea kayak (classic and racing), K1, K2, Ski, Wavehopper,

WWR and General purpose. Burgers, cakes and tea for competitors on your return. Check in from 9:30. More information http://www.phcc.org.uk/activities/harbourrace.htm

River Dart Race Sunday 16th October

A race to accommodate different levels of ability.

Ability level A : Newbridge to Holne Bridge (The Loop), then paddle to the start of next section. Ability Level B: Top end of Holne Park to Buckfast Weir, mandatory portage of the weir and paddle to start of next section. Ability Level C: Buckfast Weir to Steam Railway, portage the weir to start of next

section. Ability level D: Buckfastleigh Weir to Staverton. Any Rudderless craft can enter. Separate classes catered for.

Contact Jon Finch for further details [email protected]

The South West Canoe Show Saturday 1st Oct 2011

Returning to Exeter for its 8th year in a row. The SWCS is the perfect oppor-tunity to see all the best equipment on offer from the worlds leading paddle

sport manufacturers and suppliers.

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Bits and Pieces


MINI SLALOM SERIES: Jack Smiles overall winner! Our other winners are:

The flood for the event is provided by the Electricity Supply Board by releasing water from its upstream reservoirs. The ESB has however recently advised the Irish Canoe Union that reservoir levels are cur-rently at a 35 year low and it will not be in a position to release water to facilitate this year’s event in Septem-ber. Hence the date change.

Liffey Descent 2011 postponed until 8th October due to lack of water

Mens J12 Ailbhe O’Neill

J14 William Jones

J16 Rowan Avery

S Terry O’Neill

C1 Ben Nicol

C2 Andy Avery and Andy Vowell

Womens J14 Kyra Brake

J18 Vicki Bennett

S Liz Kelly

John, the organiser said “It’s been a great series this

year although the weather hasn’t been on our side!

What has been good is the enthusiasm shown by

everyone. Thank you to the people who helped and of

course the competitors who made it all worthwhile.”

Jack and Vicki here, judging the 2011Cardboard Challenge

I wonder if cardboard would fare a little better on the steep creeks of Scotland than my white water kayak?...

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Bits and pieces


How did you do? 10/10 Well done - you are ‘Water Wise’.

7/10 Time to brush up on those rescue skills - see Rich or

Pam for details of the next FSRT course.

4/10 Have you forgotten where you left your armbands?

Are You Water Wise? - Answers 1. Very deep water; very cold water; hidden obstacles; strong currents; no lifeguards; difficult to

be rescued; murky water; high banks; fast watercraft, etc.

2. (a) No Running( b) Danger Deep Water( c) No Swimming (d) No Diving (e) Lifejackets must

be worn

3. The water is warm; the water is clear; you know the depths; there are no hidden obstacles

under the water; there is a lifeguard to watch you; there is someone to rescue you, etc.

4. It is harder to swim: you can get cramp; it takes your breath away,

5. You could hit your head on the bottom and damage your neck, or even become paralysed.

6. Wear a buoyancy aid; join a club to learn safely; never go without an adult; don’t muck

around, etc.

7. Anything that floats - lifebuoy; football; inflated armband; empty sealed plastic drink bottle, etc.

8. What caused the problem for the victim may well cause the same problem for the rescuer

(e.g. cold, currents); the victim may pull you under; the victim may be too heavy to tow; there

may not be anyone to help you or the victim climb out of the water, etc.

9. Run for help; dial 999 from the nearest call box or mobile phone.

10. If the fence is broken, a child may fall in; if people cannot read the warning signs they may not

realise how deep the water is or that swimming is not allowed; there may be no lifebuoy in

place to throw to someone in difficulties; the rope on a lifebuoy may be missing, so if the first

throw misses, there will be no second chance, etc.

FOR SALE Open boat, almost brand new. £550 ono. Old Town Discovery Scout, 17ft. Contact Isabella on 07932 428037 or email [email protected]

Calling Coaches

Any one interested in progressing to UKCC Level 2? There is currently some interest in this qualification within our coaching team and so we are trying to find out who else is keen! Let Rich know if it’s a yes.

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What a lot of Coppernose points!


Swim = 3 points Rescue = 2 points Roll = 1 point

Bill Fryer 24

Jack Smiles 22

Jonathan Waldeck 22

Jane Thomas 21

Miles Benjafield 17

Sam Charlesworth 17

Rich Carter 17

Jonny Bevan 16

Arthur Belbin 15

Tim Cottle 14

Becki Fryer 12

Chris Harvey 12

Karl Waldeck 12

Andrew Francis 12

Ellie Howell 12

Alun Jones 9

Ian Jones 9

Jaz Shillabeer 9

Mike Bullen 9

Alex Nicol 8

Bob Barr 8

Joe Gregory 8

Veronica Francis 8

Bex Tanti 8

Hazel Cottle 8

Lia Hobbs 8

Jonathan Howell 7

Ben Miles 6

Fred Hobbs 6

Jon Cox 6

Peter Thomas 6

Alex Waldeck 6

Ben Lemon 6

Terry O'Neill 6

Kyra Brake 6

Nathan Howell 6

Mandy James 5

Neil Dixon 5

Stuart Miles 5

Isi Miles 5

Howard C 4

Lily Charlesworth 4

Alan Carpenter 3

Andrew Lyall 3

Gareth McGiveron 3

Jack Kimber 3

James Munn 3

John Kent 3

Kate Johnson 3

Mark Baines 3

Nadine Robson 3

Julia Rowley 3

Nathan Howell 3

Andrew Lyall 3

Nick Mayell 3

Bee Thomas 3

India Thomas 3

Philippa Thomas 3

Julia Rowley 3

Vicki Bennett 3

Linz Kimber 3

Tom Kimber 3

Danny O'Gorman 2

Hilary Pound 2

Katie Hobbs 2

Kurt Doel 2

Max Charlesworth 2

Sam Nicol 2

Debbie Ashdown 2

Robert Francis 2

Rich Norman 2

Carl Gilder 1

George McGiveron 1

Matt Norman 1

Sam Bloodworth 1

Andy Bell 1

Jack Hobbs 1

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Chairman: Andy Bell 07966 203309

Vice Chair: Rich Carter 01373 864623 [email protected]

Treasurer: John Kent 01225 765168 [email protected]

Secretary: Pam Dixon 01373 473836 [email protected]

Youth Voice: Jack Smiles [email protected]

Canoeing and kayaking are “Assumed risk” – “Water contact sports” that may carry attendant risks. Participants should be aware of and accept these risks, and be responsible for their own action and involvement.

Get all your canoeing

things from the Family

Adventure Store at

Hilperton. BA14 7PJ

Check out the photos of club events or put a comment on the message board!

A great day was had by all, even the baby mind-ers, who went for a swim at the adjacent pool, it turned out to be a great day for paddlers and families - looked like the Nicols were planning on staying for the week.

Cardiff is an exciting course which can cater for different abilities with the lower water level in the morning, but watch out, when they turn up the pumps up you will see 5 or 6 swimmers in the river at once.

Participants and Points Girls: Ellie (3), Lia H (3) and Summer V. Boys: Ben L, Ben N, Jack H (1), Jack S (3) and Rich N(2). Ladies: Emma S, Hazel C (6), Julie M, Linz K (3), Louise B, Sam N and Vicky (3). Men: Alex N, Andy B (1), Andy V, James S, Jonathan H (4), Peter N, Rich C (3), Terry O (3), Tim C (2) and Tom K (3). Guests: Martin Croucher and Simon Neenan.

Ed: Andy and Lou are expecting a new arrival in the next week or so - hence the comment about tying shoe laces. We all wish you well and hope it goes according to plan. Be sure to let us know when baby arrives.

CIWW continued from page 9


The Surfing

weekend in
