To get started, select MATLAB Help or Demos from the Help menu. The element type "name" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</name>". Could not parse the file: c:\matlab7\toolbox\ccslink\ccslink\info.xml >> s=pi*5^2 s = 78.5398 >> v=s*10 v = 785.3982 >> qiuhe(9) ans = 1.0000 >> qiuhe(9) ans = 1.0000 >> qiuhe(9) ans = 2.8290 >> qiuhe(-9) ans = -9



Transcript of 20100528

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    To get started, select MATLAB Help or Demos from the Help menu.   The element type "name" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</name>". Could not parse the file: c:\matlab7\toolbox\ccslink\ccslink\info.xml >> s=pi*5^2   s =      78.5398   >> v=s*10   v =     785.3982   >> qiuhe(9)   ans =       1.0000   >> qiuhe(9)   ans =       1.0000   >> qiuhe(9)   ans =       2.8290   >> qiuhe(-9)   ans =       -9   >> zs(3) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 5 Column: 10 Missing variable or function.   >> zs(3) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 This statement is incomplete.   >> zs(3) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 5 This statement is incomplete.

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  >> zs(3) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 This statement is incomplete.   >> zs(3) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 7 Column: 8 This statement is incomplete.   >> zs(3)   ans =        1   >> zs(19)   ans =        1   >> zs(1:19) >> zs(1:19) >> zs(3,19) ??? Error using ==> zs Too many input arguments.   >> isprime(3)   ans =        1   >> help prime   prime.m not found.   Use the Help browser Search tab to search the documentation, or type "help help" for help command options, such as help for methods.   >> prime(3:19) ??? Undefined command/function 'prime'.   >> mod(1:9,3)   ans =        1     2     0     1     2     0     1     2     0   >> zs(3:9)   ans =

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       1   >> zs(4:9)   ans =        1   >> zs(4:9)   ans =        1   >> help mod MOD    Modulus after division.     MOD(x,y) is x - n.*y where n = floor(x./y) if y ~= 0.  If y is not an     integer and the quotient x./y is within roundoff error of an integer,     then n is that integer.  By convention, MOD(x,0) is x.  The input     x and y must be real arrays of the same size, or real scalars.       The statement "x and y are congruent mod m" means mod(x,m) == mod(y,m).       MOD(x,y) has the same sign as y while REM(x,y) has the same sign as x.     MOD(x,y) and REM(x,y) are equal if x and y have the same sign, but     differ by y if x and y have different signs.       See also rem.       Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)        help sym/mod.m       Reference page in Help browser        doc mod       >> zs(8)   ans =        0   >> zs(8)   ans =        0   >> zs(8)  

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ans =        0   >> zs(8)   ans =        0   >> zs(8) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.   >> zs(8) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.   >> zs(8) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.   >> zs(8) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.   >> showzs(8) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.   Error in ==> showzs at 5     if zs(i)   >> showzs(8) ??? Error: File: C:¥Documents and Settings¥Administrator¥桌面¥test¥zs.m Line: 8 Column: 8 The expression to the left of the equals sign is not a valid target for an assignment.   Error in ==> showzs at 5     if zs(i)   >> zs(8)   ans =        0   >> zs(8)   ans =        0

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  >> showzs(8)   ans =        2     3     5     7   >> showzs(100)   ans =     Columns 1 through 14        2     3     5     7    11    13    17    19    23    29    31    37    41    43     Columns 15 through 25       47    53    59    61    67    71    73    79    83    89    97   >> y=[1;2;3]   y =        1      2      3   >> y=[y;9]   y =        1      2      3      9   >> A=[1 2; 3 4]   A =        1     2      3     4   >> A=[A;[5 6]]   A =        1     2      3     4      5     6   >> A=[A [7;8;9]]

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  A =        1     2     7      3     4     8      5     6     9       >> A   A =        1     2     7      3     4     8      5     6     9   >> A=[1 2; 3 4]   A =        1     2      3     4   >> A=[A [7;8];[5 6 9]]   A =        1     2     7      3     4     8      5     6     9   >> %-- 09-2-19  上午 10:58 --% >> A=[2 5;9 7]   A =        2     5      9     7   >> B=[9 6;3 1]   B =        9     6      3     1   >> A*B   ans =       33    17

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   102    61   >> I=[1 0;0 1]   I =        1     0      0     1   >> A*I   ans =        2     5      9     7   >> B*I   ans =       9     6      3     1   >> C=A^(-1)   C =      -0.2258    0.1613     0.2903   -0.0645   >> A*C   ans =       1.0000         0     0.0000    1.0000   >> %  C为A的逆矩阵 >> D=[2 3;4 6]   D =        2     3      4     6   >> D^(-1) Warning: Matrix is singular to working precision.   ans =      Inf   Inf    Inf   Inf

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  >> B^(-1)   ans =      -0.1111    0.6667     0.3333   -1.0000   >> A = [2 3 -1; 1 -12 8; 6 5 -11]; >> b = [6;12;1]; >> x = A^(-1)*b   x =       3.1690     0.5106     1.8697   >> A   A =        2     3    -1      1   -12     8      6     5   -11   >> A(2,5)=0   A =        2     3    -1     0     0      1   -12     8     0     0      6     5   -11     0     0   >> size(A)   ans =        3     5   >> X=1:6   X =        1     2     3     4     5     6   >> X(:)   ans =        1      2

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     3      4      5      6   >> help sort SORT   Sort in ascending or descending order.     For vectors, SORT(X) sorts the elements of X in ascending order.     For matrices, SORT(X) sorts each column of X in ascending order.     For N-D arrays, SORT(X) sorts the along the first non-singleton     dimension of X. When X is a cell array of strings, SORT(X) sorts     the strings in ASCII dictionary order.       Y = SORT(X,DIM,MODE)     has two optional parameters.      DIM selects a dimension along which to sort.     MODE selects the direction of the sort        'ascend' results in ascending order        'descend' results in descending order     The result is in Y which has the same shape and type as X.       [Y,I] = SORT(X,DIM,MODE) also returns an index matrix I.     If X is a vector, then Y = X(I).      If X is an m-by-n matrix and DIM=1, then         for j = 1:n, Y(:,j) = X(I(:,j),j); end       When X is complex, the elements are sorted by ABS(X).  Complex     matches are further sorted by ANGLE(X).       When more than one element has the same value, the order of the     elements are preserved in the sorted result and the indexes of     equal elements will be ascending in any index matrix.       Example: If X = [3 7 5                      0 4 2]       then sort(X,1) is [0 4 2  and sort(X,2) is [3 5 7                        3 7 5]                   0 2 4];       See also issorted, sortrows, min, max, mean, median.       Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)        help cell/sort.m        help sym/sort.m        help xregdesign/sort.m        help sweepset/sort.m       Reference page in Help browser        doc sort     To get started, select MATLAB Help or Demos from the Help menu.  

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The element type "name" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</name>". Could not parse the file: c:\matlab7\toolbox\ccslink\ccslink\info.xml >> A=[2 5 1;3.5 9 8;-2 3 6]   A =       2.0000    5.0000    1.0000     3.5000    9.0000    8.0000    -2.0000    3.0000    6.0000   >> format short >> A   A =       2.0000    5.0000    1.0000     3.5000    9.0000    8.0000    -2.0000    3.0000    6.0000   >> x=9; >> y=pi/6; >> A=[2,5,cos(y);sin(y),x^2,8;x/2 3 6]   A =       2.0000    5.0000    0.8660     0.5000   81.0000    8.0000     4.5000    3.0000    6.0000   >> A(3 3)=0 ??? A(3 3)=0         | Error: Missing MATLAB operator.   >> A(3,3)=0   A =       2.0000    5.0000    0.8660     0.5000   81.0000    8.0000     4.5000    3.0000         0   >> help sort SORT   Sort in ascending or descending order.     For vectors, SORT(X) sorts the elements of X in ascending order.     For matrices, SORT(X) sorts each column of X in ascending order.     For N-D arrays, SORT(X) sorts the along the first non-singleton     dimension of X. When X is a cell array of strings, SORT(X) sorts     the strings in ASCII dictionary order.       Y = SORT(X,DIM,MODE)     has two optional parameters. 

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    DIM selects a dimension along which to sort.     MODE selects the direction of the sort        'ascend' results in ascending order        'descend' results in descending order     The result is in Y which has the same shape and type as X.       [Y,I] = SORT(X,DIM,MODE) also returns an index matrix I.     If X is a vector, then Y = X(I).      If X is an m-by-n matrix and DIM=1, then         for j = 1:n, Y(:,j) = X(I(:,j),j); end       When X is complex, the elements are sorted by ABS(X).  Complex     matches are further sorted by ANGLE(X).       When more than one element has the same value, the order of the     elements are preserved in the sorted result and the indexes of     equal elements will be ascending in any index matrix.       Example: If X = [3 7 5                      0 4 2]       then sort(X,1) is [0 4 2  and sort(X,2) is [3 5 7                        3 7 5]                   0 2 4];       See also issorted, sortrows, min, max, mean, median.       Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)        help cell/sort.m        help sym/sort.m        help xregdesign/sort.m        help sweepset/sort.m       Reference page in Help browser        doc sort       >> A(2,5)=1   A =       2.0000    5.0000    0.8660         0         0     0.5000   81.0000    8.0000         0    1.0000     4.5000    3.0000         0         0         0   >> A(1)   ans =        2   >> A(0)

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??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.   >> size(A)   ans =        3     5   >> length(A)   ans =        5   >> x=1:6   x =        1     2     3     4     5     6   >> y=reshape(x,2,3)   y =        1     3     5      2     4     6   >> y(:)   ans =        1      2      3      4      5      6   >> R=[1 5 8;3 9 -6]   R =        1     5     8      3     9    -6   >> S=[3.2 5 6;-1 0 3]; >> F=R+S*i   F =      1.0000 + 3.2000i   5.0000 + 5.0000i   8.0000 + 6.0000i    3.0000 - 1.0000i   9.0000            -6.0000 + 3.0000i

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  >> t=0:3:10   t =        0     3     6     9   >> s=0:5:-18   s =      Empty matrix: 1-by-0   >> s=0:-5:-18   s =        0    -5   -10   -15   >> t=0:5   t =        0     1     2     3     4     5   >>>> A=[1 4 7 10;2 5 8 11;3 6 9 12]   A =        1     4     7    10      2     5     8    11      3     6     9    12   >> B=[13 23 5 4 12;16 -24 -21 -18 10;14 0 28 -43 33;25 -3 -16 -1 11;13 -32 10 -20 -12]   B =       13    23     5     4    12     16   -24   -21   -18    10     14     0    28   -43    33     25    -3   -16    -1    11     13   -32    10   -20   -12   >> A(8,3)=5   A =        1     4     7    10      2     5     8    11      3     6     9    12      0     0     0     0      0     0     0     0

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     0     0     0     0      0     0     0     0      0     0     5     0   >> B=[13 23 5 4 12;16 -24 -21 -18 10;14 0 28 -43 33;25 -3 -16 -1 11;13 -32 10 -20 -12]   B =       13    23     5     4    12     16   -24   -21   -18    10     14     0    28   -43    33     25    -3   -16    -1    11     13   -32    10   -20   -12   >> A=[1 4 7 10;2 5 8 11;3 6 9 12]   A =        1     4     7    10      2     5     8    11      3     6     9    12   >> A(3,8)=5   A =        1     4     7    10     0     0     0     0      2     5     8    11     0     0     0     0      3     6     9    12     0     0     0     5   >> x=1:8   x =        1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8   >> A=(x,2,4) ??? A=(x,2,4)         | Error: Incomplete or misformed expression or statement.   >> A=reshape(x,2,4)   A =        1     3     5     7      2     4     6     8   >> x=1:8   x =  

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     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8   >> A=(1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8) ??? A=(1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8)          | Error: Missing MATLAB operator.   >> A=[1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8]   A =        1     2     3     4      5     6     7     8   >> size(A)   ans =        2     4   >> A(6)   ans =        7   >> A=[1 2 3 4;5 6 7 8]   A =        1     2     3     4      5     6     7     8   >> A(6)   ans =        7   >> x=[1,2,3]   x =        1     2     3   >> y=[1;2;3]   y =        1      2      3

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  >> size(x)   ans =        1     3   >> size(y)   ans =        3     1   >> length(x)   ans =        3   >> length(y)   ans =        3   >> x=1:30   x =     Columns 1 through 11        1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10    11     Columns 12 through 22       12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19    20    21    22     Columns 23 through 30       23    24    25    26    27    28    29    30   >> x=1:30; >> A=reshape(x,5,6)   A =        1     6    11    16    21    26      2     7    12    17    22    27      3     8    13    18    23    28      4     9    14    19    24    29      5    10    15    20    25    30  

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>> R=[1 2 3 4 5 6]   R =        1     2     3     4     5     6   >> S=[1 2 3 4 5 6]; >> A=R+s*i ??? Error using ==> plus Matrix dimensions must agree.   >> S   S =        1     2     3     4     5     6   >> A=R+S*i   A =     Columns 1 through 4      1.0000 + 1.0000i   2.0000 + 2.0000i   3.0000 + 3.0000i   4.0000 + 4.0000i     Columns 5 through 6      5.0000 + 5.0000i   6.0000 + 6.0000i   >> A'   ans =      1.0000 - 1.0000i    2.0000 - 2.0000i    3.0000 - 3.0000i    4.0000 - 4.0000i    5.0000 - 5.0000i    6.0000 - 6.0000i   >> A'*A   ans =        2     4     6     8    10    12      4     8    12    16    20    24      6    12    18    24    30    36      8    16    24    32    40    48     10    20    30    40    50    60     12    24    36    48    60    72   >> x=1:2:20

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  x =        1     3     5     7     9    11    13    15    17    19   >> length(x)   ans =       10   >> x=0.2:0.3:3.5   x =     Columns 1 through 7       0.2000    0.5000    0.8000    1.1000    1.4000    1.7000    2.0000     Columns 8 through 12       2.3000    2.6000    2.9000    3.2000    3.5000   >> y=sin(x)   y =     Columns 1 through 7       0.1987    0.4794    0.7174    0.8912    0.9854    0.9917    0.9093     Columns 8 through 12       0.7457    0.5155    0.2392   -0.0584   -0.3508   >> max(y)   ans =       0.9917   >> length(y)   ans =       12   >> sum(y)/length(y)   ans =       0.5220

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  >> help mean MEAN   Average or mean value.     For vectors, MEAN(X) is the mean value of the elements in X. For     matrices, MEAN(X) is a row vector containing the mean value of     each column.  For N-D arrays, MEAN(X) is the mean value of the     elements along the first non-singleton dimension of X.       MEAN(X,DIM) takes the mean along the dimension DIM of X.       Example: If X = [0 1 2                      3 4 5]       then mean(X,1) is [1.5 2.5 3.5] and mean(X,2) is [1                                                       4]       Class support for input X:        float: double, single       See also median, std, min, max, cov.       Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)        help fints/mean.m        help sweepset/mean.m       Reference page in Help browser        doc mean       >> mean(y)   ans =       0.5220   >> help max MAX    Largest component.     For vectors, MAX(X) is the largest element in X. For matrices,     MAX(X) is a row vector containing the maximum element from each     column. For N-D arrays, MAX(X) operates along the first     non-singleton dimension.       [Y,I] = MAX(X) returns the indices of the maximum values in vector I.     If the values along the first non-singleton dimension contain more     than one maximal element, the index of the first one is returned.       MAX(X,Y) returns an array the same size as X and Y with the     largest elements taken from X or Y.  Either one can be a scalar.       [Y,I] = MAX(X,[],DIM) operates along the dimension DIM.  

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    When complex, the magnitude MAX(ABS(X)) is used, and the angle     ANGLE(X) is ignored.  NaN's are ignored when computing the maximum.       Example: If X = [2 8 4   then max(X,[],1) is [7 8 9],                      7 3 9]           max(X,[],2) is [8    and max(X,5) is [5 8 5                         9],                   7 5 9].       See also min, median, mean, sort.       Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)        help quantizer/max.m        help fints/max.m        help localpspline/max.m        help localpoly/max.m       Reference page in Help browser        doc max       >> [Y,y] = MAX(X) ??? Undefined function or variable 'X'.   >> man(Y,y) ??? Undefined function or variable 'Y'.   >> man(y) ??? Undefined command/function 'man'.   >> max(y)   ans =       0.9917   >> find(y==max(y))   ans =        6   >> x=rand(5,1)   x =       0.9501     0.2311     0.6068     0.4860     0.8913

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  >> sort(x)   ans =       0.2311     0.4860     0.6068     0.8913     0.9501   >> help sort SORT   Sort in ascending or descending order.     For vectors, SORT(X) sorts the elements of X in ascending order.     For matrices, SORT(X) sorts each column of X in ascending order.     For N-D arrays, SORT(X) sorts the along the first non-singleton     dimension of X. When X is a cell array of strings, SORT(X) sorts     the strings in ASCII dictionary order.       Y = SORT(X,DIM,MODE)     has two optional parameters.      DIM selects a dimension along which to sort.     MODE selects the direction of the sort        'ascend' results in ascending order        'descend' results in descending order     The result is in Y which has the same shape and type as X.       [Y,I] = SORT(X,DIM,MODE) also returns an index matrix I.     If X is a vector, then Y = X(I).      If X is an m-by-n matrix and DIM=1, then         for j = 1:n, Y(:,j) = X(I(:,j),j); end       When X is complex, the elements are sorted by ABS(X).  Complex     matches are further sorted by ANGLE(X).       When more than one element has the same value, the order of the     elements are preserved in the sorted result and the indexes of     equal elements will be ascending in any index matrix.       Example: If X = [3 7 5                      0 4 2]       then sort(X,1) is [0 4 2  and sort(X,2) is [3 5 7                        3 7 5]                   0 2 4];       See also issorted, sortrows, min, max, mean, median.       Overloaded functions or methods (ones with the same name in other directories)        help cell/sort.m        help sym/sort.m        help xregdesign/sort.m        help sweepset/sort.m

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      Reference page in Help browser        doc sort       >> sort(x,ascend) ??? Undefined function or variable 'ascend'.   >> sort(x,ascending) ??? Undefined function or variable 'ascending'.   >> sort(x,'ascending') ??? Error using ==> sort sorting direction must be 'ascend' or 'descend'.   >> sort(x,descend) ??? Undefined function or variable 'descend'.   >> -sort(-x)   ans =       0.9501     0.8913     0.6068     0.4860     0.2311   >> -x   ans =      -0.9501    -0.2311    -0.6068    -0.4860    -0.8913   >> a=-x   a =      -0.9501    -0.2311    -0.6068    -0.4860    -0.8913   >> sort(a)   ans =

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     -0.9501    -0.8913    -0.6068    -0.4860    -0.2311   >> -sort(-x)   ans =       0.9501     0.8913     0.6068     0.4860     0.2311   >> sort(-x)   ans =      -0.9501    -0.8913    -0.6068    -0.4860    -0.2311   >> -sort(-a)   ans =      -0.2311    -0.4860    -0.6068    -0.8913    -0.9501   >>