2010 MBLEx Review & Study Guide

Question 1: What is Anatomy? Answer: A study of the structure of the body. Question 2: What is Physiology? Answer: A study of the functions of the body. Question 3: Name and locate the vital force which controls all body functions. Answer: The brain is the vital force which controls all the body functions. Question 4: Name the upper and lower extremities. Answer: The upper extremities are shoulders, arms, forearms and hands, the lower extremities are thighs, legs, and feet Question 5: Cartilage is from what kind soft tissue? Answer: Connective tissue Question 6: Name the three fundamental movements of Swedish massage. Answer: Effleurage, Tapotement, and Petrissage Question 7: What movement is always used in general body massage? Answer: Effleurage Question 8: Briefly discuss the therapeutic effects of Effleurage. Answer: Helps with fatigue and insomnia, reduces swelling and congestion, helps with sprains, and stimulates circulation. Question 9: What type of massage is especially useful in insomnia? Answer: Effleurage Question 10: Should massage ever cause the client discomfort? Answer: No Question 11: Name the four general classifications of bones and give one example of each. Answer: Long = Femur, Short = carpals / tarsals, Irregular = Vertebrae, and Flat = Scapula Question 12: Name at least three important functions of the skeleton. Answer: Protection of organs, framework for body's means of locomotion, and source for attachment of muscles

Transcript of 2010 MBLEx Review & Study Guide

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Question 1: What is Anatomy? Answer: A study of the structure of the body. Question 2: What is Physiology? Answer: A study of the functions of the body. Question 3: Name and locate the vital force which controls all body functions. Answer: The brain is the vital force which controls all the body functions. Question 4: Name the upper and lower extremities. Answer: The upper extremities are shoulders, arms, forearms and hands, the lower extremities are thighs, legs, and feet Question 5: Cartilage is from what kind soft tissue? Answer: Connective tissue Question 6: Name the three fundamental movements of Swedish massage. Answer: Effleurage, Tapotement, and Petrissage Question 7: What movement is always used in general body massage? Answer: Effleurage Question 8: Briefly discuss the therapeutic effects of Effleurage. Answer: Helps with fatigue and insomnia, reduces swelling and congestion, helps with sprains, and stimulates circulation. Question 9: What type of massage is especially useful in insomnia? Answer: Effleurage Question 10: Should massage ever cause the client discomfort? Answer: No Question 11: Name the four general classifications of bones and give one example of each. Answer: Long = Femur, Short = carpals / tarsals, Irregular = Vertebrae, and Flat = Scapula Question 12: Name at least three important functions of the skeleton. Answer: Protection of organs, framework for body's means of locomotion, and source for attachment of muscles

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Question 13: How many named bones are found in an adult skeleton? Answer: 206 Question 4: What is periosteum and what are the functions of periosteum? Answer: Periosteum is the fibrous membrane that covers practically all bones in the body, acting both as a means of blood supply for the bones, and an attachment for many of the muscles of the body. Question 15: What vital force activates all muscle function in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)? Answer: Prana Question 16: Briefly describe Petrissage manipulation. Answer: Use a kneading motion by grasping your client's skin with your hands and intermittent compression against the underlying bony surface. The purpose is for stimulating underlying tissue and muscles. Pressure should always be applied in an upward direction and always in line with the bone. You don't twist the muscles. Question 17: How does Petrissage differ from Effleurage? Answer: Effleurage does not aim to move or manipulate tissues or muscles like petrissage does; Effleurage is to soothe and relax muscles and improve circulation. Question 18: Which is most stimulating to the tissues petrissage or effleurage? Answer: Petrissage Question 19: Why is petrissage valuable in the after treatment of fractures? Answer: It draws additional nutrition to the area and gives the maximum effect in emptying and refilling the blood vessels and lymph spaces and channels. Question 20: Name and briefly describe the 3 types of muscle found in the body? Answer: a. Voluntary muscles (striated or cross striped) are skeletal muscles and are found attached to bones. b. Involuntary muscles (non-striated or smooth) are found in the walls of blood vessels in the alimentary, genital and urinary systems, and control the movements of the stomach and intestines. c. Cardiac muscles are intermediate in character between the voluntary and involuntary. Question 21: What type of muscle controls the size of the pupil of the eye? Answer: Involuntary Question 22: What is muscle tone? Answer: When muscle fibers are constantly in a state of slight contraction.

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Question 23: Do the muscles of an athlete contain more muscle fibers than the person who does not exercise? Answer: No, the muscle just increases in size. Question 24: What structural unit forms all the material in the body? Answer: Cells Question 25: What is tissue? Answer: A group or collection of cells which act together in the performance of a particular function. Question 26: What are the four primary tissues? Answer: Epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous Question 27: Name the organs of special sense. Answer: Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin Question 28: Name the principal systems of the body. Answer: Cardio, nervous, respiratory, internal secretion, endocrine, skeletal, muscular, reproductive, digestive & integumentary, lymphatic and urinary. Question 29: What kind of tissue separates the thorax from the abdomen? Answer: Muscle, the diaphragm Question 30: What are the most important "tools" of the massage therapist? Answer: Their hands Question 31: Why is the nervous system referred to as the master system of the body? Answer: Because it is the regulating power in the human body and controls the functions of all organs of the body. Question 32: Name five main parts of the brain and indicate which is the largest. Answer: Cerebrum (the largest), Cerebellum, The Mid Brain, Pons Varolii (Pons Medulla Oblongata) Question 33: Name the 2 main divisions of the nervous system. Answer: a. Sympathetic and parasympathetic system - Central nervous system (CNS) b. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Question 34: What is another name for the central and peripheral systems?

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Answer: The nervous system Question 35: How many spinal nerves are found in the normal human body? Answer: 31 pair, from vertebrae Question 36: What is meant by the statement that the two systems which make up the autonomic nervous system are antagonistic? Answer: a. Sympathetic - stimulates various organs while depressing others in order to deal with the 'situation' b. Parasympathetic returns the body to its normal resting functionality. Question 37: What are the two types of tissues making up the brain, and where are each found? Answer: a. Grey matter is found on the outside b. White matter is on the inside. Question 38: Name the kneading manipulations performed in massage therapy. Answer: Petrissage and friction Question 39: Describe the proper friction massage of the upper extremities. Answer: Rolling motion with the palms of hands. In performing the friction manipulations, you should never feel the skin of the client sliding between your hands, but you should feel as though the clients body part is part of your hands, while the muscles and tissues underneath the skin can be felt moving as well as rolling between your palms as your apply the friction manipulations. Question 40: Describe the therapeutic effect of rolling manipulation massage on the thigh. Answer: Stimulates deep muscles, stimulates nerves and blood circulation. Question 41: Of what value is knowledge of anatomy and physiology in the profession of massage therapy? Answer: It gives you an overall understanding of the theory behind what you are practicing. Question 42: Name at least two functions of the circulatory system. Answer: Carries oxygen to cells of the body, and removes waste products from cells of the body. Question 43: What regulates the beat of the heart? Answer: The nervous system. Question 44: What is the difference between blood and plasma? Answer: Plasma is the thin yellow liquid portion of the blood, whereas blood contains the red blood cells, etc. As well as the plasma.

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Question 45: What are erythrocytes and their function? Answer: Erythrocytes are red blood cells, and their function is to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. Question 46: Compare arteries and veins. Answer: a. Arteries carry blood away from the heart (not all arteries carry oxygenated blood - pulmonary arteries). b. Veins are much thinner than arteries and they carry blood to the heart (pulmonary veins carry oxygenated blood to the heart from the lungs). Question 47: What is another word used for applying tapotement? Answer: Percussion Question 48: Why should the massage therapist avoid hacking transversely across muscle? Answer: Transverse hacking should not cause any damage if applied correctly. Question 49: How do we govern the amount of pressure used in applying massage? Answer: As much pressure as client can stand without causing pain, and more pressure to heavily muscled areas. Question 50: Is percussion massage used on the body generally? Answer: Percussion can be used on almost every area of the body. Question 51: What is one important physiological effect of tapotement? Answer: Stimulates nerves, restores weak muscles, and is therapeutic. Question 52: What is lymph? Answer: Lymph is a body alkaline transparent colorless fluid found in the lymphatic vessels. It may appear milky in color in vessels draining the intestines because of presence of absorbed fats. Question 53: What moves lymph through the body? Answer: The amount of fluid in the lymph vessels, the heart beating and changes in pressure in thoracic and abdominal cavities all have roles to play in the movement of lymph. Question 54: Does lymph travel through the body as fast as blood? Answer: No Question 55: How is lymph formed?

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Answer: By plasma and white blood cells escaping through the walls of the capillaries. Lymph is the excess interstitial fluid and protein that does not return to the blood system in the tissues. Question 56: What is the function of the lymphatic system? Answer: Carries digested fats from intestinal area to bloodstream and filters out pus and foreign matter. Question 57: What is meant by the term superficial lymphaticus? Answer: Those near the skin. Question 58: What is the function of lymphatic valves? Answer: To keep the lymph flowing in one direction. Question 59: What are the functions of lymph nodes? Answer: Lymph nodes produce lymphocytes and monocytes. They act as filters keeping particulate matter i.e. Bacteria from gaining entrance to the blood stream. Question 60: How is massage helpful in keeping the lymphatic system functioning properly? Answer: It stimulates the flow of lymph. Question 61: What should be the reactions of the client during the massage treatment? Answer: A pleasant relaxed feeling of euphoria Question 62: In what order should massage manipulations be applied in giving a general body massage? Answer: Effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement and nerve strokes. Question 63: Names the three principal classifications of joint movements. Answer: Synarthrosis, amphiarthrosis, and diarthrosis. Question 64: Name and describe one example of each classification of joint movement. Answer: a. Synarthrosis joint - immovable joint - in skull, b. Amphiarthrosis joint - limited range - spinal column. c. Diarthrosis joint - freely moveable joint - gliding, hinge, ball and socket joints - wrists and ankles. Question 65: Are all joints moveable? Answer: No. Question 66: What are the functions of intervertebral discs?

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Answer: To absorb shock and allow limited movement. Question 67: Where is articular fluid found? Answer: In the synovial cavity. Question 68: What is the purpose of articular fluid? Answer: To eliminate much of the friction that would otherwise result when bones are brought in contact with each other during movement. Question 69: What is bursa and what is the function of a bursa? Answer: Bursa is a tiny sac sometimes referred to a "tiny oil can" that is found is all diarthrosis joints, and also found between some of the muscles and underneath some of the muscle structures. The function of a bursa is to release some of their fluid which acts as a lubricant. Question 70: What is meant by sanitation? Answer: Cleanliness Question 71: Why should massage therapists fingernails not extend beyond the pads of their fingers? Answer: So as not to scratch their clients. Question 72: Is sanitation in the massage area good business as well as being healthful for the therapist and clients? Answer: Yes Question 73: Why is a knowledge of anatomy necessary before one can become a truly scientific massage therapist? Answer: The massage therapist needs to know the theory behind what they are applying. Question 74: Names the structures which form the upper extremities. Answer: Shoulders, arms, forearms, and hands. Question 75: How many bones are found in the upper arm and give their names. Answer: One, humerus Question 76: How many bones are found in the forearm and give their names. Answer: Two, the ulna and the radius. Question 77: How many bones form the wrist and what are their names. Answer: Eight bones form the wrist. Their names are Carpal.

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Question 78: The brachial artery terminates by forming what other arteries? Answer: Radial and Ulnar Question 79: The radius articulates with what other bones? Answer: The Ulna, Humerus, for the articulation or hinge joint of the elbow as well as articulation at the wrist. Question 80: What is the main purpose or function of all muscles in the arm? Answer: Articulation or movement. Question 81: Why is the triceps muscle so named? Answer: It has 3 heads, or 3 points of contact with bones. Question 82: If you "make a fist" with your hands what type of muscles are active - flexors or extensors? Answer: Flexors Question 83: In massage of the upper limb what is the first type of manipulation? Answer: Effleurage Question 84: In a general massage, the manipulations are repeated how many times? Answer: Three Question 85: Name the longest bone in the body. Answer: Femur Question 86: How many bones are found in the upper leg and give their names? Answer: One, femur pronounced . Question 87: How many bones are found in lower part of your leg and give their names? Answer: Two, Tibia and fibula Question 88: How many tarsal bones are found in the normal human body? Answer: 14 = 7 each side Question 89: Name the largest bone in the lower leg. Answer: Tibia

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Question 90: How many muscles make up the hamstring muscles and give their names? Answer: Three, the semimembranous, semitendinous and biceps femoris. Question 91: What is the largest artery in the lower extremities? Answer: The Femoral artery. Question 92: What are the connecting links between arteries and veins? Answer: Capillaries Question 93: In massage of the lower extremities, the manipulations are applied in what sequence? Answer: Effleurage, tapotement, friction, nerve strokes Question 94: Why should hacking never be used directly over the tibia? Answer: There is nothing between tibia and skin Question 95: Tapotement consists of what five types of manipulation? Answer: Hacking, cupping, tapping, beating w/loose fists, slapping Question 96: Name the main organs located in the thoracic cavity? Answer: Trachea, lungs, esophagus, thymus and the heart. Question 97: What structures join the lungs to the trachea? Answer: Bronchii Question 98: Why is the blood in the veins darker than in the arteries? Answer: It contains more waste matter and carbon dioxide. Question 99: Name the valves located between the atria and ventricles of the heart. Answer: Tricuspid - the valve on the right side of the heart has three little flaps. Bicuspid - the valve on the left side of the heart has two little flaps. Question 100: The head receives its main blood supply from what two arteries? Answer: The left and right common carotid arteries. Question 101: Name the main muscles concerned with respiration (muscles of inspiration and expiration. Answer: The Diaphragm, intercostals. When the need for more forcible action exists, the powerful muscles of forced inspiration come into play.

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Question 102: Why is massage of the chest muscles beneficial? Answer: You will be helping the muscles that assist in respiration, and in this way you will also indirectly be helping the lungs to perform their function. Massage of the chest will also activate muscles that assist the movements of the arm, as well as that of the shoulders. Question 103: Where does the last friction manipulation of the chest end? Answer: At the base of the sternum. Question 104: In hacking, what part of the operators hands should come in contact with the patron? Answer: Fingers only. Question 105: Are nerve strokes stimulating? Answer: They can be. It has been found that this movement has a soothing effect on the mind, following other more vigorous massage manipulations. It is used in many nervous conditions, and should never be omitted. Question 106: How are nerve strokes performed? Answer: By placing both your hands flat on the client's shoulder, and drawing them down to the wrist with very little pressure, the pressure being such as you might use while stroking a fine fur. Question 107: What muscle separates the abdomen from the thorax? Answer: Diaphragm Question 108: Is the stomach larger than the liver? Answer: No Question 109: What is the function of the stomach valves? Answer: Keeps food from reversing direction and keeps food in the stomach for the proper length of time. Question 110: Where is bile stored in the body? Answer: Gall Bladder Question 111: Name two functions of the pancreas. Answer: Produces pancreatic juice and insulin. Question 112: Food passes from the mouth to the stomach through what structure? Answer: Esophagus

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Question 113: Name the three parts of the small intestine. Answer: Duodenojejunal, jejunum, & ileum or sometimes called Duodenum, jejunum & ileum Question 114: Name the parts of the large intestine. Answer: The ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and the sigmoid colon. Question 115: Name some of the conditions which benefit by the skillful application of abdominal massage. Answer: Improves abdominal muscle tone, and stimulates muscle fibers of intestines thus relieving chronic constipation. Question 116: Why should the client's knees be flexed for abdominal massage? Answer: To relax the abdominal muscles. Question 117: Name the outer layer of the skin. Answer: Epidermis Question 118: What is the name of the layer of cells forming the epidermis of the skin? Answer: Epithelium Question 119: What is the purpose of the subcutaneous fat below the skin? Answer: For Protection and warmth - Forms an insulating layer which prevents loss of heat Question 120: Describe the methods by which the skin helps control body temperature. Answer: Brings blood to the surface in order that it may cool off, and thus lose heat; By secreting moisture (sweat) which it can bring to the surface, where it is evaporated, cooling the area, and by providing insulation in the form of hair. Question 121: What are the two layers of the skin called? Answer: The epidermis, and the derma (also called dermis & derm). Question 122: Why is massage beneficial to the hair? Answer: It loosens the tissues of the scalp and brings fresh blood to the area thus benefiting in the treatment of any conditions of poor hair growth. Question 123: What areas of the body have the thickest skin? Answer: Palms of hands and the soles of feet. Question 124: What are the 5 ways lymph can be moved through the body?

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Answer: 1) Gravity, 2) muscle contractions, 3) alternating hot and cold hydrotherapy applications, 4) deep breathing, 5) massage. Question 125: What parts of the operator's hands exert pressure when applying effleurage to the back of the legs? Answer: Palms Question 126: What is a "Charley Horse?" Answer: It is an uncontrolled contraction of the muscle and produces a sharp pain that can be very intense and they can develop in several areas of the body such as the calf, hamstrings and back. Question 127: What is the function or purpose of sebaceous glands? Answer: Keeps the outer layer of the skin soft and pliable as well as acting more or less as a water-proofing. Question 128: How much pressure should be applied in friction of the thigh muscles? Answer: Enough pressure to move the underlying muscles. Question 129: Name five divisions of the spine. Answer: Cervical Vertebrae, Thoracic Vertebrae, Lumbar Vertebrae, Sacrum Vertebrae, and the Coccygeal (Coccyx) Vertebrae. Question 130: What is the purpose of the obturator foramen? Answer: Allows for passing of nerves and blood vessels into the legs. Question 131: What does the Splenius Capitis muscle do? Answer: Assists in rotating and extending the head at the neck. Question 132: Where does the Latisimus Dorsi muscle originate? Answer: ilium, posterior crest, sacrum (posterior), vertebral column (lateral surface), lumbar vertebrae (L5), thoracic vertebrae (t12), ribs (posterior, lower 3 or 4 ribs ) Question 133: What is the action of the pectoralis major? Answer: At the clavicular head it flexes the humerus, and at the sternocostal head it extends the humerus as a whole, adducts and medially rotates the humerus and draws the scapula. Question 134: How does massage of the back help improve the air capacity of the lungs? Answer: By massaging the muscles that correct stooped shoulders. Question 135: Describe in detail the petrissage of the neck.

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Answer: With the pads of the first three fingers of both hands, place them on each side of the spine at the base of the neck, with the client's neck raised with your hands (the head being relaxed) just high enough to allow room for your hands between the massage table and the neck. The fingers then slide down each side of the upper portion of the spine, so that they are in line with the shoulders. You should then start the petrissage manipulation by performing semi-circles alternately with each hand on each side of the spine, with constant pressure, slowing moving up to the hair line. Question 136: List Some Endangerment Sites on the Anterior Triangle of the Neck. Answer: 1) Common Carotid Artery, 2) Jugular Vein, 3) Trachea, 4) Thyroid Cartilage, 5) Thyroid Gland, 6) Xiphoid Process Question 137: What type of manipulation is used in massage of the trapezius muscle? Answer: Petrissage Question 138: Should hacking over the lungs be light or heavy? Answer: Cupping is the preferred method of tapotement over the lungs. Question 139: How does massage applied to the spinal area improve the bodily functions? Answer: The manipulations you apply to the spinal area activate the nerves and bring fresh blood to stimulate and nourish the nerves, which, branching out from this area, are the means used by the brain to carry messages throughout the body. Question 140: What is another name for Tapotement? Answer: Percussion Question 141: How does general body massage benefit cases of slow metabolism such as in gout or diabetes? Answer: Stimulates blood and lymph flow which benefits metabolism Question 142: Is it always necessary to give a general body massage? Give reasons. Answer: No. Treatment could be confined to an area in which there is a local condition that would be helped by massage. Question 143: Name at least 3 contra-indications for massage. Answer: Inflammation, skin problems i.e. Boils; varicose veins (massage directly over varicose veins can worsen the problem. However, if you apply a very light massage next to the problem, always in a direction toward the heart, it can be very beneficial and hernias. Question 144: Give two reasons for having needed supplies within easy reach before starting the application of a general body massage. Answer: Less time expenditure and it is best not to disturb the client by interruptions.

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Question 145: True or False? Friction to the front of the leg is applied three times from ankle to hip and back to ankle without stopping. Answer: False Question 146: How are the bones of the head benefited by massage? Answer: Stimulates the nerves and activates the blood supply that nourishes the bones. Question 147: What is the Mastoid process and what is contained in its cavities? Answer: The part of the temporal bone that goes down behind the lower part of the ear. In its cavities are mastoid cells or sinuses. Question 148: Which arteries furnish the blood supply to the thyroid glands? Answer: External carotid arteries Question 149: How are the capillaries of the head formed? Answer: The same way they are formed in the entire body, from smaller to smaller arteries Question 150: List things to consider when you are looking for a space to have your office for massage therapy. Answer: a. Do other professionals work in the same building or nearby? b. Does your space provide privacy, waiting room, restroom, etc? c. What type of insurance coverage are you going to have? d. Is the building in a safe neighborhood with lots of lighting for evening clients? e. Is there adequate parking space? Question 151: Contraction of what muscles causes the skin of the forehead to fold into lines or wrinkles? Answer: Frontalis muscle Question 152: What muscle sometimes appears cord-like on each side of the neck? Answer: Sternocleidomastoid muscle Question 153: True or False? Does stimulating the sebaceous glands of the scalp cause "Dandruff"? Answer: False Question 154: How can massage of the scalp assist in relieving both dry and oily scalps? Answer: Restores normal conditions to the scalp.

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Question 155: What treatment helps in the stimulation, activation, and rehabilitation of muscles, nerves and blood vessels of the head? Answer: Massage therapy. Question 156: Why is a facial, and scalp massage more than a beauty treatment? Answer: It is good for common type of headaches, and helps in other nervous conditions. Question 157: True or false? When pressure is applied on any nerve it can inhibit muscles and cause discomfort to your client. Answer: True Question 158: What is the action of the erector spinae? Answer: Extends the verterbral column. Question 159: Why is pressure applied in petrissage of the face instead of letting fingers slide freely over the skin? Answer: Petrissage is a kneading stroke ... Not gliding. Question 160: True or false? Facial massage is not ordinarily a part of body massage but is a separate treatment giving many special benefits. Answer: True Question 161: What is meant by the therapeutic field in hydrotherapy? Answer: Treatment of condition by use of water. Question 162: What is meant by the prophylactic field in hydrotherapy? Answer: Prevention of disease by use of water. Question 163: How can the use of hydrotherapy give opposite reactions in the treatment of the same conditions? Answer: By using water of different temperatures. Question 164: When the application of hydrotherapy causes a reaction such as heating or chilling on the skin surface, what reaction will be caused in the organs having nerves in the same area? Answer: The same reaction. Question 165: True or False. The use of cold water applications is recommended forboth chronic and acute conditions? Answer: True Question 166: Name two ways in which hot applications increase elimination.

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Answer: Increases respiratory rate in some cases, and increases perspiration/increased elimination through the skin and through general circulatory elimination. Question 167: True or false? Cold applications are used to reduce inflammation. Answer: True Question 168: When applying the salt glow treatment, can friction be used? Answer: Yes, however, friction is not the only stroke used and if you use it, it should be very light. Question 169: Whart are 3 variations of fungal infections of the skin. Answer: 1) Body and head ringworm, 2) jock itch, 3) athlete's foot Question 170: True or false? Five to thirty minutes is the usual length of treatment in a vapor or steam cabinet type of bath. Answer: True Question 171: The Saline bath is prepared with: (a) bicarbonate of soda, (b) pine needle oil, or (c) common salt? Answer: Common salt. Question 172: Why are infrared rays so named? Answer: From the Latin word "infra" meaning below. Question 173: What is a third degree sunburn? Answer: One in which tissues below the skin are damaged. Question 174: True or false? Deep therapy lamps emit ultraviolet rays. Answer: True. All emit, but some are screened. Question 175: What is the range of power in carbon and tungsten filament bulbs used in infrared radiation? Answer: 200 to1500 watts. Question 176: What effect does infrared radiation have on the muscles? Answer: Heats the superficial muscles. Question 177: How do ultraviolet rays produce tanning of the skin? Answer: Chemical combinations - rays stimulate cells to produce pigment

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Question 178: What type of lamp would you use to apply heat into subcutaneous tissue with the addition of a small amount of ultraviolet radiation? Answer: Deep therapy. Question 179: What is another term used to describe a Tonic Dose of ultraviolet radiation? Answer: First degree erythema. Question 180: What important benefits come from producing vitamin D in the skin tissues through ultraviolet radiation? Answer: Prevention of rickets, and assists absorption of calcium and phosphorous. Question 181: True or False? The most important function of the gastrointestinal system is that of elimination. Answer: False Question 182: True or false? The large accumulation of liquids found along with excess fat in the tissues may be reduced by heat treatments. Answer: False. You can't reduce fat by heat or massage. Question 183: What material besides liquids is removed from the body through the pores during treatment in a steam or heat type of cabinet? Answer: Sebaceous oil Question 184: What is the action of the abdominal internal oblique? Answer: Compresses the abdomen & rotates the verterbral column Question 185: Name two advantages of a needle spray following a heat treatment? Answer: It takes off the oily, fatty substances and keeps the client warm. Question 186: In what forms are excess fat found in the body? Answer: Tiny fat globules & liquid. Question 187: What effect does a Swedish Massage have on the muscles? Answer: It stimulates the muscles and activates the flow of blood. Question 188: In performing the circular manipulation in petrissage of the right gluteal area, what is done to help activate the three crossing layers of thick muscles? Answer: The skin rather than the fingers are moved, and the left hand is placed on top of the right for additional pressure. It stimulates the muscles and activates the flow of blood.

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Question 189: How is a twisting manipulation applied to muscles? Answer: By placing both hands next to each other, then pushing the tissues forward with the palm of one hand as the fingers of the other hand pull the tissues back. Question 190: With what weight should the cupping manipulation be given in the region of the scapula? Answer: Light - just weight of relaxed hand Question 191: True or False? Proper coordination in performing combined cupping and friction requires that the separate movements be first practiced quickly. Answer: False Question 192: In manipulating the spinal column, why is it necessary that the two fingers placed on the spinous processes be in a straight line? Answer: This is out of the Scope of Practice for Massage Therapists. Question 193: Why should massage therapists not place people on specific diets? What can be recommended instead? Answer: Because they are not doctors. Recommend that they go see a physician or food specialists. Question 194: In applying remedial exercises, why is it necessary that the massage therapist know the types of movement each joint is capable of performing? Answer: In order to avoid straining a joint. Question 195: Why are proteins needed in the diet? Answer: They help in rebuilding and repairing muscles, glands, nerves, etc. Question 196: In Oriental or Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) , what two organs are related to the earth element? Answer: Spleen and Pancreas Question 197: Name other classifications of foods other than protein Answer: Carbohydrates, fats, minerals, and vitamins. Question 198: What is one of the special functions of all vitamins? Answer: To assist the body to make use of the foods in which they are found. Question 199: What is flaccid paralysis? Answer: It is the weakness or loss of muscle tone resulting from disease of the nerves innervating muscles and loss of muscle tone from some type of injury.

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Question 200: Describe Therapeutic Massage. Answer: A technique of manipulations that relieves a specific pathological condition in the body. Question 201: Describe Physiological Massage. Answer: A technique of manipulations that assists in keeping the body in a healthy condition. Question 202: What type of massage is usually given in private practice? Answer: Swedish Question 203: What determines the type of treatment to be given in therapeutic massage? Answer: The physician's recommendations. Question 204: What is the difference between massage as usually applied in a hospital and massage in institutions that function as rest homes? Answer: The former is almost all therapeutic, often under direct medical supervision, while the latter is sometimes physiological as well. Question 205: Define "remedial exercises". Answer: Scientific application of bodily movements designed to maintain or restore normal muscle and joint function. Question 206: What is the action of the abdominal external oblique? Answer: Rotates the torso. Question 207: What are passive movements and how do they differ from active movements? Answer: 1) Passive movements are those performed solely by the therapist without assistance or resistance being offered by the client. 2) Active movements are those performed by the client with the assistance of the therapist or without the therapist. Question 208: Name the nine classifications of joint movements and explanations of the movements. Answer: 1) Abduction is movement away from the body, such as in lifting the arm out to the side of the body. 2) Adduction is movement toward the body, as in bringing the arm back to the side. 3) Flexion is the closing of a hinge joint, such as lifting the forearm. 4) Extension is to straighten a joint, such as bringing the forearm straight with the arm. 5) Retraction is backward movement, such as pulling back the shoulders. 6) Protraction is forward movement, such as pulling forward the shoulders. 7) Circumduction is circular movement, such as when the foot or the hand, held straight out, performs a circle moving the whole limb. 8) Supination is to turn the anterior side upward, such as turning up the palm of the hand. 9) Pronation is to turn the anterior side downward, such as turning the palm of the hand down. Question 209: Of the nine possible joint movements, the shoulder can perform seven. Name the two movements the shoulder cannot perform.

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Answer: 1) Supination and 2) pronation. Question 210: What are four therapeutic effects of remedial exercises? Answer: 1) Assist in maintaining nerve power by stimulation through stretching and shortening of the muscles, 2) Increases suppleness of joints, 3) Improve the lymph circulation and hastens the return of the venous blood by muscular compression and joint movement, 4) Assist in preventing the shortening of muscles and formation of adhesions. Question 211: Why should passive movements be applied before active movements? Answer: In some instances they should not particularly if you are assessing a contracture and in some cases they prepare muscle structures for the more strenuous active exercises. Question 212: In what manner and order should both passive and active remedial exercises be performed? Answer: In a smooth, slow, even rhythm; not jerky. Passive performed before active. Question 213: How does the massage therapist learn what resistance to offer in exercising and stimulating joints and muscles without causing strain or fatigue? Answer: By practicing on client's and by asking their client's for feedback on any pain that they might be experiencing. Question 214: What harm can be caused by over stimulation of a weak muscle? Answer: Muscle strain and could create some toxic poison. Question 215: In massaging, when passive movements are applied without being followed by the active movements, what is the last manipulation performed? Answer: Effleurage of the lower limbs Question 216: What three relationships are involved in the code of ethics of the massage therapist? Answer: Medical profession, clients, and other therapists. Question 217: How does the massage therapist benefit from having patients referred to them by doctors aside from getting more business? Answer: Readily available medical advice on any problem. Question 218: Name three advantages of using a written statement on a printed form to acknowledge referred cases. Answer: a) The doctor knows that the patient has shown up. b) It is a courtesy to the doctor. c) Double checks the accuracy of the doctor's instructions. Question 219: Why does the massage therapist inform the doctor of the progress made with treatments being given to referred patients? Answer: Because the doctor has the responsibility for the patient's health.

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Question 220: If the referring physician leaves the choice of treatment to you, what should you do? Answer: Let him know how and why you plan to treat the patient. Question 221: What do you answer if a client speaks disparagingly of treatments received from some other professional person? Answer: Tactfully allow the matter to be dropped. Question 222: True or False? Friendliness and true concern for the client's recovery and welfare are a form of beneficial treatment. Answer: True Question 223: What is the action of the transverses abdominis? Answer: Compresses the ribs & viscera, thoracic & pelvic stability. Question 224: True or False? The impressions which people form of you from your therapy room, advertising and every phase of your business have much to do in determining how your business will prosper. Answer: True Question 225: What methods can the massage therapist follow to advertise their business and inform people of the services they offer? Answer: Business cards, newspaper advertisements, letters to physicians, announcements health clubs. Question 226: What is the duty of the massage operator with regard to following the doctor's instructions for treatment to a referred patient? Answer: Must follow recommendations exactly. Check with the doctor is unclear on specifics and check to see if the treatment is contraindicated. Question 227: Define a trigger point. Answer: It is a small area of hypertonicity within a muscle/so Question 228: Can steam baths increase blood pressure? Answer: Yes (A steam bath vasodilates --then decreasing blood pressure.) The stress of the heat may increase it for those prone to stress-induced high blood pressure. Question 229: What is the action of the rectus abdominis? Answer: Flexion of trunk/lumbar vertebrae.

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Question 230: What is the longest muscle in the body? Answer: Sartorius Question 231: Where is the sartorius muscle located? Answer: In the leg - thigh. Question 232: Do all chakras have energy? Answer: Yes, they are wheels of energy each having its own vibration or frequency. Question 233: What are some contraindications on using ice in therapy? Answer: Not on areas of paralysis - cardiac disorder & do NOT use frozen gel pack directly on skin Question 234: Define what a bone is. Answer: A bone is a form of dense connective tissue which supports the muscles of the body and protects delicate internal structures, and produces blood cells. Question 235: What are the 3 separate bones of the hip bone? Answer: Ilium, ischium, and pubis Question 236: What are wrist bones called? Answer: Carpals Question 237: What are hand bones called? Answer: Metacarpal Question 238: Which is the higher reading, diastolic or systolic? Answer: Systolic Question 239: Define ligament. Answer: Connective tissue connecting bones Question 240: Where does the afferent nerve transmit its impulses to? The brain, head, arms, or legs. Answer: Brain Question 241: Where does the inferior vena cava collect blood from? The head, neck, arms, or legs? Answer: Legs

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Question 242: What is a catheter? Answer: A tube for fluids Question 243: How do you give a paralytic a massage? Answer: From Doctor's orders or treat him yourself? From doctor's orders. Question 244: Name some muscles pertaining to the shoulder. Answer: Pectoralis minor, pectoralis major, serratus magnus is a synonym for serratus anterior, deltoideus, infraspinatus, subclavius, subscapularis, supraspinatus, teres major, and teres minor. Question 245: Name four organs that would benefit from massage in the abdominal region. Answer: Liver, large intestine, stomach, and gall bladder Question 246: What does the diaphragm divide? Answer: Abdomen from the thoracic cavity and ventral (abdominal) Question 247: The fastest form of heat loss is from what? Answer: Perspiration/sweating. Question 248: Discuss the difference between a thrombus and an embolus. Answer: A thrombus is a blood clot obstructing a blood vessel and embolus is undissolved matter (gas, liquid, or solid) blocking a blood vessel. Question 249: Give at least five ethics pertaining to massage therapy. Answer: Have a knowledge of massage therapy, have a belief in massage therapy, obey the code of ethics and requirements for a massage therapist, keep appointments, do not take advantage of a client. Question 250: What is one effect that ultra-violet light has on the body? Answer: Tans the body. Question 251: What is the action of the trapezius? Answer: Retraction of scapula. Question 252: What is the action of the levator scapulae? Answer: elevates scapula, tilts the glenoid cavity. Question 253: Discuss in detail neurosis.

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Answer: Neurosis is a mental or physic disorder. Neurosis manifest themselves as bodily disturbances without structural abnormality or as mental disturbances quiet distinct from psychoses. Question 254: What is the destroying of micro organisms? Antiseptic, disinfection, or first aid? Answer: Disinfection Question 255: What is epistaxis? Answer: A nose bleed. Question 256: What is one benefit of Epsom salts? Answer: Stimulates circulation Question 257: If you massage an old person who is active what type of massage do you do? A light effleurage, light vibration, light friction, or all of the listed types? Answer: All of those listed. Question 258: Why do you apply oil when massaging? Answer: It prevents irritation of skin and it won't pull the hair on the client's body. Question 259: If too much oil is applied what happens? Answer: You will give an improper massage and the manipulations will be difficult. Question 260: If the body is in water that is 110 degrees for too long what can happen? Answer: It could raise the blood pressure. Question 261: Give four functions of bones. Answer: Protection of organs, structural support, levers permitting motion, and manufacture of blood cells. Question 262: What is the most effective form of self-massage? Answer: Foot and hand massages. Question 263: What is peristalsis? Answer: It is a wave like motion in smooth muscles. Question 264: What is the All or None principle? Answer: Muscle fibers of a nerve cell (motor unit) will contract to their fullest extent or will not contract at all.

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Question 265: What is Treppe Contraction? Answer: When the muscle contracts more forcefully after it has contracted several times. Question 266: What is Tetanic Contraction? Answer: When two stimuli are applied and the second is delayed until the refractory period is over. The skeletal muscle will respond to both stimuli. Question 267: What is Tonic Contraction? Answer: Sustained partial contraction of some of a skeletal muscle in response to stretch receptors is called tone, or tonic contraction. Question 268: What is refractory period? Answer: Rest period that a muscle takes to rejuvenate. Question 269: What is Isotonic? Answer: Having the same tension, tone or pressure. Muscle contraction in which the tension developed is less than resistance of load, therefore the muscle shortens. Question 270: What is isometric contraction? Answer: It is the contraction of a muscle in which shortening of the muscle is prevented, tension is developed and does not result in body movement. Question 271: Give a description of the vertebral column. Answer: The vertebral column is a flexible column formed of a series of bones called vertebrae which form a strong pillar for the support of the cranium and trunk. Question 272: Name the bones in the lower extremities. Answer: Pelvic, femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsus, metatarsus, phalanges. Question 273: What are the 6 classes of bones when classified by shapes? Answer: Flat, long, short, irregular, sutural and sesamoid Question 274: Give an example of a flat, long, short, and irregular bone. Answer: Flat bone is a skull bone. Short bones are tarsals and carpals. Long bone is femur. Irregular bone is a vertebrae bone.

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Question 275: Is acupressure a modified version of acupuncture? Answer: Yes as it substitutes pressure for needle insertion. Question 276: Ayurveda is a system of health and medicine. Where was this originally developed? Answer: India Question 277: Define Anatomy Answer: Anatomy deals with the gross structure of the body. Question 278: Does Shiatsu penetrate deep tissue muscle? Answer: Yes Question 279: Define Physiology Answer: Physiology is concerned with the normal functions performed by the various cells, tissues, organs, and systems in the body. Question 280: Define Pathology. Answer: Pathology is the study of the nature and causes of disease which involves changes In structure and function. Question 281: Give a detailed description of bone. Answer: A bone is the hardest connective tissue that forms the framework of the body. A bone gives shape to and supports the body. They also serve as a storage place for mineral salts and play an important role in the formation of blood cells. Bones also protect some vital organs and give points of attachment for the muscles. Question 282: Chronic illness is defined as what? Answer: A disease, injury or syndrome that shows no improvement or slow improvement Question 283: Name the two parts of the head. Answer: Cranium and face. Question 284: Name the three parts of the trunk. Answer: Chest and abdomen Question 285: Which is the largest bone of the two forearm bones? Answer: Ulna Question 286: Name the bones in the cranium.

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Answer: Occipital, parietal, frontal, temporal, ethmoid sphenoid Question 287: What are the 4 main purposes that bones serve in the body? Answer: Gives shape to the body, strength to the body, stores calcium, makes red and white corpuscles. Question 288: How many pairs of ribs are there and where are they located? Answer: 12 pairs. The first seven pair attach in the front of the body via cartilage to the long, flat breastbone, or sternum. These ribs are called true ribs. The next three pair of ribs, called false ribs, do not attach to the sternum. They are connected by cartilage to the ribs above them. The lower two pair of ribs that do not attach in the front are called floating ribs. The function of the ribs is to give shape to the chest and support and protect the body's major organs, such as the heart and lungs. The rib cage also provides attachment points for connective tissue, to help hold organs in place. Question 289: Where is the Innominate Bone and what are the three parts of it? Answer: The Innominate bone is at the pelvic girdle, and the three parts of it are the ilium, ischium, and pubis. Question 290: What is the longest and largest bone of the upper extremity? Answer: Humerus Question 291: Name the bones in the wrist, in the hand, and in the fingers. Answer: Carpals are the wrist bones; metacarpal are the hand bones, and phalanges are the finger bones. Question 292: What is the name of the largest bone in the lower limb? Answer: The femur. Question 293: What are the 3 arches in the foot called? Answer: Transverse arch, medial longitudinal arch, and lateral arch. Some books say only two arches which they call longitudinal and transverse but others say three just pay attention to the exact question Question 294: How many bones are in the skull (including the face) and how many are immovable? Answer: There are 22 total bones in the skull (including the cranium 8 bones, face 14 bones) and only one bone is movable which is the jaw bone. There are 6 bones in the ears. Question 295: What is the action of the adductor muscles of the hip? Answer: Adduction of the hip. Question 296: What is the name of the bone in the foot that correspond to the Carpus? Answer: Tarsus

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Question 297: What is the action of the adductor hallucis? Answer: Adducts the great toe and moves it toward the midline Question 298: Name three kinds of joints and give the joint movements (for exercise). Answer: 1) movable [diarthrodial = fingers 2) immovable [synarthrodial] = skull 3) slightly movable[amphidiarthrodial] = spine Question 299: Describe what happens in a dislocation. Answer: A bone becomes removed from its normal position in a joint. Question 300: Are acupuncture points similar to marmas? Answer: Yes Question 301: What is the action of the fibularis (peroneus) longus? Answer: Plantar flexes and everts the foot Question 302: Name the bones around the Sinus area. Answer: Sphenoid, and Ethmoid, Frontal, Maxilla Question 303: What sets a muscle in motion? What are two forms of attachment for a muscle? Answer: The will and sympathetic nervous system sets muscles in motion. The two forms of attachment for muscles are origin and insertion points. Question 304: Name the four characteristics of muscles. Answer: Can contract or shorten; possesses the properties of elasticity, irritability, and conductivity. Question 305: What muscles enclose the cranium? Answer: Frontalis, temporalis, occipitalis Question 306: What muscle is located in the cheek and helps with our mastication? Answer: Masseter Question 307: About how many muscles approximately are there in the body? Answer: Muscles in the body number over 650. Question 308: What is the name of the muscle that is the major shoulder and back muscle?

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Answer: Trapezius. Question 309: What muscle is a large flat muscle covering most of the back and attaching into the upper arm? Answer: Latissimus Dorsi. Question 310: What muscle extends up the back and is strictly a back muscle? Answer: Erector Spinae Muscles Question 311: What is the large triangular muscle that covers the upper front part of the Thorax and in swimmers is very well developed? Answer: Pectoralis Major Question 312: What are the largest arteries in the body called? Answer: Aorta. Question 313: Name the chambers of the heart. Answer: Right and left Atrium; right and left Ventricle. Question 314: What muscle flexes and crosses the leg? Answer: Sartorius Question 315: What is the action of the quadriceps femoris? Answer: Knee extension and hip flexion. Question 316: What are the 3 muscles of the buttock? Answer: Gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus. Question 317: What 4 muscles adduct the thigh? Answer: Adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, and gracilus. Question 318: What is the straw-colored fluid in blood called? Answer: Plasma Question 319: Where are the red blood cells manufactured? Answer: In the bones.

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Question 320: What is the main purpose of the white blood cells? Answer: To destroy bacteria. Question 321: What is the action of the tibialis anterior? Answer: Dorsi flexes and inverts the foot Question 322: Name three types of blood vessels. Answer: Arteries, veins, and capillaries. Question 323: Where does lymph collect? Answer: All lymph is gathered into small vessels which carry it centrally. All lymph eventually enters into either the thoracic duct or right lymph duct, each terminating at the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins where the lymph reenters the blood stream. Question 324: What is the purpose of the lymph nodes? Answer: They act as filters keeping particular matter, especially bacteria from gaining entrance to the blood stream. Question 325: Name the 5 basic physiologic effects of massage? Answer: Connective tissue, circulation, ANS (autonomic nervous system), neuromuscular, electrical-chemical or electrical-magnetic effects. Question 326: Approximately how long is the small intestine? Answer: 20 Feet Question 327: Name one function of the pituitary. Answer: Secretes hormones which regulates many bodily processes i.e., growth and reproduction. Question 328: What is the action of the rhomboids? Answer: Retracts the scapula, rotates it to depress the glenoid cavity, fixes the scapula to the thoracic wall. Question 329: Fear, flight and fight describe what? Answer: The Sympathetic ANS functions. Question 330: Name the 3 main types of body fluids. Answer: Serous, synovial tissue, and water. Question 331: Give the location of the Oblique.

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Answer: Oblique is the eye and abdomen Question 332: Give the location of the Teres major and minor. Answer: Teres major and minor are in the scapula region. Question 333: Give the location of the Serratus. Answer: Serratus is in the lateral thoracic region. Question 334: Give the location of the Psoas. Answer: Psoas in the iliac region lower extremity. Question 335: Define Ligament. Answer: A Ligament is a band of strong, fibrous connective tissue connecting the articular ends of bones serving to bind them together and to facilitate or limit motion. They help to support bones at joints. Question 336: Define Tendon. Answer: A Tendon is fibrous connective tissue serving for the attachment of muscles to bones and other parts. Question 337: What chakra is posterior to the heart? Answer: The 4th Chakra Question 338: Define Cartilage. Answer: A Cartilage is dense connective tissue that serves as a cushioning of the bones. Question 339: Define Sesamoid Bone. Answer: A Sesamoid Bone is an oval nodule of bone or fibrocartilage in a tendon playing over a bony structure. Question 340: What part of the body would you be massaging on the Anconeus. Answer: Forearm. Question 341: What part of the body would you be massaging on the Xiphoid. Answer: Lowest point of sternum. Question 342: What part of the body would you be massaging on the Bells Palsy, Bells Palsy Answer: (face), Question 343: What part of the body would you be massaging on the Sigmoid Colon?

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Answer: Lower part of descending colon). Question 344: What is meant by indication? Answer: An Indication indicates proper treatment. Question 345: What is meant by contraindication? Answer: ContraiIndication is a symptom indicating the inappropriateness of a form of treatment. Question 346: True or False. Massage Therapists should avoid using their thumbs and fingers for compression. Answer: True Question 347: What type of lubricants are used in massage? Answer: Oils, powders and creams Question 348: How does a muscle contract? Answer: Within the sarcomere, the actin slides over the myosin filaments, shortening the muscle by one third. Question 349: Name some of the muscles in the back. Answer: Rhomboideus Major and Minor, Teres Major and Minor, Serratus Posterior Inferior, Serratua posterior superior, Levator Scapulae, Splenius Capitis, Supraspinatus, Semispinalis, Latissimus Dorsi, iliocostalis thoracis, and trapezius. Question 350: Name two type of fractures. Answer: Simple and Compound Question 351: What is a compound dislocation? Answer: A joint exposed to the air. Question 352: What is a depressed fracture? Answer: A piece of bone driven inward. Question 353: What is a fracture sprain? Answer: A separation of a tendon or ligament from its insertion point. Question 354: What is a compound fracture? Answer: The bone is broken and there is an external wound leading down to the site of the fracture.

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Question 355: What is Claustrophobia? Answer: Fear of being confined in a space. Question 356: Define a Hernia and tell where located. Answer: A Hernia is a protrusion or projection of an organ or part of an organ through the wall of the cavity which normally contains it. It can be in several places for example, abdominal bladder and brain. Question 357: Give an example of what would take place if you had Rheumatoid Arthritis. Answer: Inflammation, stiffness, swelling, and pain of joints. Question 358: Give the accessory organs of the Digestive System. Answer: Teeth, tongue, salivary glands, gallbladder, pancreas, liver and vermiform appendix. Question 359: Describe Lymph. Answer: Lymph is a yellowish fluid formed by the filtering of some of the blood plasma through the capillary walls and lymph carries on constant interchange with the blood. Question 360: When does a muscle contract? Answer: When the nerve impulses activate them. Question 361: What is the action of the brachioradialis? Answer: Flexion of forearm. Question 362: Muscles are well supplied with what? Answer: Blood. Question 363: What does the pulmonary vein do? Answer: Returns the arterial blood from the lungs to the left auricle of the heart. Question 364: What bones form the curve of the cheek? Answer: The malar bones or zygomatic. Question 365: What 2 bones are under the eye? Answer: Zygomatic and Maxilla. Question 366: What is a dosha?

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Answer: It is your body type. Question 367: How many doshas are there? Answer: There are three doshas. They are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Question 368: What is the bone located at the base of the skull? Answer: Sphenoid Question 369: What 2 bones make up the greater part of the skull? Answer: Occipital and Parietal. Question 370: What bone forms the forehead? Answer: Frontal Question 371: What is agoraphobia? Answer: Dread of crowds of people. Question 372: What is an Adhesion? Answer: An abnormal joining of parts to each other. Question 373: Where would you find the Oblique Muscles? Answer: In the eye, abdominals and capitas. Question 374: Approximately how many red cells in one cubic millimeter of blood? Answer: 4 1/2 million Question 375: What is the action of the pronator teres? Answer: Pronation of forearm, flexes elbow. Question 376: What is the ratio of white cells to red cells. Answer: Red outnumber the white by approximately 700 to 1. Question 377: Where are Lymph nodes located? Answer: Along blood vessels of abdomen and pelvis, back of knee and groin, back of head, around neck muscles, under lower jaw, bend of elbow, under armpit, under pectoral muscles. Question 378: Name a form of waste from the lungs?

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Answer: Carbon dioxide Question 379: Name a form of waste from the kidneys. Answer: Urine Question 380: Name a form of waste from the skin. Answer: Perspiration Question 381: What is the normal temperature of a whirlpool bath for the whole body? Answer: 100 degrees Fareinheit. Question 382: Name some types of water treatments. Answer: Hot bath, sitz bath, and contrast baths. Question 383: How does the body react to hot water applications? Answer: Slows the pulse, gives off toxic material through perspiration, and stimulates elimination. Question 384: What does Isometric mean? Answer: Having equal dimensions. Question 385: What is the pronated position? Answer: Downward. Question 386: What is one of the functions of the diaphragm? Answer: It contracts with each inspiration flattening out downward, permitting the descent of the bases of the lungs. Question 387: What is another name for the Hyoid bone? Answer: Lingual Bone Question 388: If a client was preparing to participate in an athletic event, what type of massage should he get? Answer: Sports and athletic massage. Question 389:What is Epithelial Tissue? Answer: Cells which form the outer surface of the body and line the body cavities. Question 390:What is the function of the Medulla Oblongata?

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Answer: It contains the nerve centers and other functions over which the Will has no control. Question 391:What is Chyme? Answer: A soft semi-liquid mass. Question 392:What is the Duodenum? Answer: The first ten inches of the small intestines. Question 393: Contrary to popular belief, food is not entirely digested in the stomach. Most of the food is digested where? Answer: In the Small Intestines. Question 394: Name three organs which benefit from massage of the abdomen. Answer: Intestines, gall bladder, liver, and stomach. Question 395: What is the Peritoneum? Answer: It is a closed sac composed of a thin sheet of elastic and fibrous tissue that lines the abdominal cavity. Question 396: Name the four divisions of the colon. Answer: Ascending, Transverse, Descending, and Sigmoid. Question 397: What does the liver store? Answer: Glycogen and fat Question 398: Name two things that the pancreas produces. Answer: Pancreatic juice and insulin. Question 399: Name the bones in the hip. Answer: Ilium, ischium, and pubic. Question 400: What is the Periosteum? Answer: Membrane covering the bones. Question 401: Is it necessary for the massage therapist to tell their clients what their procedures are going to be before the massage? Answer: Yes, because it will remove any anxiety that the client may have and the client will be more relaxed if they have an idea of the procedures.

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Question 402: Name and number the bones of the spine. Answer: 7 Cervical, 12 Thoracic, 5 Lumbar, 1 Sacrum, and 1 Coccyx. Question 403: What is normal body temperature? Answer: 98.6 degrees Fareinheit. Question 404:What is normal external skin temperature? Answer: 92 degrees Fareinheit. Question 405: Where is the Sympathetic Nervous System located? Answer: Along each side of the spinal column. Question 406: What organs are supplied by the Sympathetic Nervous System? Answer: Involuntary Muscles, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Intestines, and Blood Vessels. Question 407: Name the nine systems of the body . Answer: 1) Skeletal System, 2) Muscular System, 3) Nervous System, 4) Circulatory System, 5) Endocrine System, 6) Excretory System. 7) Respiratory System, 8) Reproductive System, 9) Digestive System Question 408: What is the action of the triceps brachii? Answer: Extends the forearm and adducts shoulder Question 409: What is the action of the brachialis? Answer: Flexion at elbow joint. Question 410: What is protoplasm? Answer: It is a jelly like substance within the cell and contains fat, protein, carbohydrate, and mineral salts. Question 411: What is an assessment and why should the massage therapist perform an assessment? Answer: An assessment is the collecting of information from a client and the therapist interprets the assessment in order to decide if the client needs to go to a medical professional before getting a certain type of massage. Question 412: Name 4 types of tissues. Answer: Epithelial, connective, muscular, and nerve. Question 413: Where are the Pectoralis Major muscles located?

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Answer: - in the front upper extremity under the collar bone, and cartilages of 1st to 6th ribs. Question 414: Where are the Levator Scapulae muscles located? Answer: in the back upper extremity shoulder and up the back of the neck. Question 415: Where are the Anterior Neck Flexors located? Answer: along the side of the neck Question 416: Where are the Posterior Neck Extensors located? Answer: upper back of the neck. Question 417: Where are the Brachioradialis muscles located? Answer: front forearm below elbow and above. Question 418: Where does the heart meridian begin and end? Answer: It begins under the arm and ends at the little finger. Question 419: Where are the Latissimus Dorsi muscles located? Answer: longest muscle wrapping around the back (swimmers muscle). Question 420: Where are the Middle Trapezius muscles located? Answer: upper part of back Question 421: Where are the Opponens Pollicis muscles located? Answer: muscle on inside of the hand, thick part of the thumb. Question 422: Where are the Subscapularis muscles located? Answer: in the front, behind the shoulder blade, and can't be seen. Question 423: Where are the Quadricep muscles located? Answer: Front of upper leg above the knee. Question 424: Where are the Abdominal muscles located? Answer: Front, along the front of the abdomen.

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Question 425: Where are the Peroneus muscles located? Answer: The long muscle on the side of the leg (outside part of the lower leg). Question 426: Where are the Sacrospinalis muscles located? Answer: The group of muscles along the spine length. Question 427: Where are the Anterior Tibial muscles located? Answer: On the front of the leg, just below knee Question 428: Where are the Posterior Tibial muscles located? Answer: On the back of the leg from back of knee down. Question 429: Where are the Psoas muscles located? Answer: The muscle in the lower back over the kidneys. Question 430: Where are the Upper Trapezius muscles located? Answer: Across the top of shoulder and going toward the back. Question 431: Where are the Iliacus muscles located? Answer: On the anterior of the pelvic bones (iliac fossa) to lesser trochanter on femur. Question 432: Where are the Gluteus Medius muscles located? Answer: Butt muscle - pulls the thigh outward. Question 433: Where are the Adductors muscles located? Answer: Inside the upper leg, the part where you would clamp on when horseback riding. Question 434: Where are the Piriformis muscles located? Answer: hip muscle, abducts and rotates thigh outward. Question 435: Where are the Gluteus Maximus muscles located? Answer: butt muscle Question 436: Where are the Teres Minor muscles located? Answer: shoulder muscle that rotates the arm back.

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Question 437: Where are the Sartorius muscles located? Answer: the longest muscle on the inside of the leg. Question 438: Where are the following muscles located? Answer: Gracilis - thigh muscle that works with the sartorius and hamstrings. Soleus - Back calf muscle, flexes the foot. Question 439: Where are the following muscles located? Answer: Gastrocnemius - part of the calf muscle also at the back of the leg. Question 440: What are the 6 types of synovial joints? Answer: 1) Ball and socket, 2) Hinge, 3) Saddle, 4) Ellipsoid, 5) Pivot, 6) Gliding Question 441:What does median mean? Answer: Central, middle or lying on the midline plane dividing the body into left and right halves. Question 442: What does sagittal mean? Answer: The plane dividing the body into unequal left and right parts and parallel to the median plane. Question 443: What is coronal frontal plane? Answer: The plane dividing the body into equal and unequal front and back parts. The terms anterior and posterior relate to this plane. Question 444: Tsubos are also referred to as what, in the Western World? Answer: Trigger Points. Question 445: What does cross or transverse mean? Answer: Cross or transverse sections are perpendicular to the long axis of the body or other structure and may not be horizontal. Question 446: What does horizontal plane mean? Answer: The horizontal plane divides the body into upper (cranial) and lower (caudal) parts. Question 447: What do the terms cranial or superior mean? Answer: These refer to a structure being closer to the head or higher than another structure of the body. Question 448: What does caudal or inferior mean?

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Answer: This refers to a structure that is closer to the feet or lower than another structure in the body. Question 449: What does posterior or dorsal mean? Answer: This refers to a structure being more in the back than another structure in the body. Question 450: What does medial mean? Answer: This is closer to the median plane than another structure in the body. Question 451: What is lateral? Answer: This is further away from the median plane than another structure in the body. Question 452: What is proximal? Answer: The part of muscle is closest to it’s origin. Question 453: In TCM, whart are the four directions of Qi? Answer: 1) ascending, 2) descending, 3) entering, 4) leaving Question 454: What is distal? Answer: The part of muscle is closest to it’s insertion. Question 455:What is another name for the Digestive System? Answer: Gastrointestinal System including the Alimentary Canal. Question 456: What are the temperature ranges in hydrotherapy in the following: cold water, tepid water, warm or neutral water, hot water, and very hot water (steaming)? Answer: Cold water = 40 to 65 degrees Fareinheit Cool water = 65 to 70 degrees Fareinheit Tepid water = 80 to 90 degrees Fareinheit Warm or neutral water = 92 to 97 degrees Fareinheit Hot water = 97 to 105 degrees Fareinheit Very hot water (steaming) = 105 to 212 degrees Fareinheit Question 457: True or False. Hydrotherapy helps to dissolve and disperse some of the products of inflammation in joints, muscles and tendons? Answer: True Question 458: Although hydrotherapy literally means the treatment of the body with water for therapeutic purposes, what else does hydrotherapy make use of? Answer: Hot paraffin or clay, hot air and chemicals, carbon dioxide, and salt.

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Question 459: What is a Sitz Bath? Answer: The sitz bath, or local bath, is one that is given in a tub, containing just enough water to reach the client's umbilicus when he/she is sitting in the tub. Sitz baths are given either hot or cold, depending on the reaction desired. Question 460: What is the action of the biceps brachii? Answer: Flexes elbow and supinates forearm. Question 461: What is fomentation? Answer: It is the application of moist heat, lotions, by means of cloths; thus, fomentations are simply hot compresses, and a type of wet compress. Question 462: What are some hydrotherapy methods? Answer: Wet compresses/fomentations/wet packs, mud or clay packs, hot air or vapor baths, sprays, baths, shampoos. Question 463: A difference of (blank) to (blank) degrees may cause failure of a treatment, as even such a small variation in the temperature of the water may have an adverse effect. Answer: 5 to I 0 degrees Question 464: Is there a decrease or increase in both the red and white blood cells following a hot bath? Answer: Both are increased. Question 465: While prolonged applications of heat (15 to 20 minutes) will relax the muscles, brief, very hot applications do what to the muscles? Answer: Stimulate and contract both the voluntary and involuntary muscles. Question 466: A brief hot bath of three to five minutes duration will relieve what? Answer: Fatigue caused by muscular exertion, driving the toxins of fatigue from the muscle area and stimulating the muscles. Question 467: The application of moist heat to the whole body, such as in the hot blanket pack, vapor bath, etc. Tends to increase or decrease the rate of respiration? Answer: Increase Question 468: Local applications of heat to the skin in areas of the pancreas, spleen, liver, stomach or intestines will assist what? Answer: Their functional activities by helping to relieve congestion in these areas.

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Question 469: True or False. Prolonged heat treatment will cause danger of heat prostration to the patient. Answer: True Question 470: Application of heat, such as vapor, hot air, full bath, etc. If continued for more than three minutes will raise or lower the temperature of the blood and all of the tissues? Answer: Raise the temperature. Question 471: What are some of the physiological effects of cold versus hot in hydrotherapy? Answer: Cold baths, treatments, etc. Tend to increase the activity of the heart by stimulating the cardiac centers, and increasing the viscosity of the blood. Also the application of cold in the form of baths, etc. Stimulates bodily functions, reduces inflammation and the pains of congestion by drawing the blood away from the congested areas of the body, and increases the blood cells in the circulatory system. Question 472: What are the effects of cold upon respiration? Answer: It will cause quick, superficial respiration, followed by a slow, deep respiration when the body tolerance is established, increasing the amount of oxygen taken into the lungs, and entering the blood. Question 473: What are the effects of cold upon the muscles? Answer: Applications of cold for short periods (three to five minutes) stimulate both the voluntary and involuntary muscles, thus increasing their activity. Question 474: What are the effects of cold upon the skin? Answer: There is an increase in perspiration when the cold is removed. The cold first causes contraction of the capillaries, thus forcing the blood away from the area. When the cold is removed, the capillaries become dilated with blood, giving a feeling of additional warmth to the area. Question 475: What are the effects of cold upon the metabolism? Answer: Cold baths increase the oxidation of carbohydrates taken into the body in the form of food, as well as assist in the production and elimination of body heat, and stimulate the elimination of urea, uric acid and ammonia from the body. Question 476: The application of cold therapy to the cranium or head does what? Answer: Relieves cerebral congestion caused by excitement. Question 477: If application of cold therapy is used five minutes or longer to the cranium or head what effects does this produce? Answer: Tends to diminish mental excitement. Question 478: What is one of the first things that you should do before you begin hydrotherapeutic treatments? Answer: Check the client's pulse.

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Question 479: In TCM yang channel flows in what direction? Answer: Down Question 480: What is the normal pulse in men, and the normal pulse in women? Answer: Normal pulse for men is between 65 and 75 beats per minute, and normal pulse for women is 70 to 80 beats per minutes. Question 481: In some cases, in very healthy individuals, the pulse rate may be as slow as (blank) or as high as (blank). Answer: As slow as 55 beats per minute up to 90 beats per minute. Question 482: What is the highest temperature range used in the whirlpool bath? Answer: 100 degrees Fareinheit. Question 483: How long should your client stay in the whirlpool bath? Answer: 15 to 20 minutes. Question 484: Name some types of chemical baths. Answer: Saline, alkaline, eucalyptus. Question 485: What household remedy is an excellent additive to be used in a hot foot bath and what are the beneficial results? Answer: 4 ounces of dry mustard to a hot foot bath prior to placing the feet in the bath is beneficial in catarrhal inflammation of the nasal membrane. Question 486: Name two types of packs. Answer: Local packs, used mostly on the extremities, or on localized body areas, and full body packs, which cover either the trunk or the entire body. Question 487: Who is considered to be the father of Swedish Massage? Answer: P. H. Ling Question 488: What is the action of the deltoid? Answer: Abduction of shoulder, flexion and extension. Question 489: Who is considered the father of medicine? Answer: Hippocrates

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Question 490: If you have a client who seems to be having an anxiety attack and they say there chest seems to have a vise on it, should you call 911? Answer: Yes, Immediately Question 491: True or False. Are the size and length of the fingernails important in massage therapy? Answer: True Question 492: With the client properly draped, and lying on the massage table, what is the first massage manipulation applied to the upper limb? Answer: Effleurage Question 493: What is the type of manipulation on the hands? Answer: Petrissage Question 494: What type of manipulation is done on the inside of the elbow? Answer: Effleurage Question 495: Would you use friction manipulation on the arms? Answer: Yes Question 496: Would you use tapotement (hacking) on the arm? Answer: Yes Question 497: Where are acupuncture points located on the body? Answer: They lie in between muscles near the insertion and origin of the muscle. Question 498: When are nerve strokes used? Answer: They are used in many nervous conditions and should be performed in conjunction with all other manipulations during the massage treatment. Question 499: In massage of the front of the legs, what type of sequence of manipulations would be applied and list them in order. Answer: You would use the same sequence as applied to the upper extremities i.e., effleurage, petrissage, friction, tapotement and nerve strokes. Question 500: Would you apply tapotement (hacking) on the back of the leg? Answer: YES

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Question 501: Would you use a petrissage manipulation around the spine? Answer: YES Question 502: Which bodywork movement tones the muscles and stimulates circulation? Answer: Percussion. Question 503: Where is the peroneal nerve located? Answer: Behind the knee. Question 504: What does the arrectores pilorum do and what is the origin and the insertion? Answer: Elevates hairs of skin. The origin is papillary layer of skin and the insertion is hair follicles. Question 505: List some common types of Cancer. Answer: Breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, cervical cancer, skin cancer. Question 506: Which bodywork movement is used to help break down the adhesions of a well-healed scar? Answer: Friction Question 507: What is Lordosis? Answer: There are several definitions of Lordosis. An exaggerated, concave curve of the lumbar spine, a forward curvature of the spine, producing a hollow in the back, an abnormal inward (forward) curvature of the vertebral column, and according to Robert Vos LMT: Lordosis is the natural concave cure of both the cervical and lumbar spine. Question 508: For which of the following is massage contraindicated? Answer: Hematoma, sprain, facial paralysis, or strain. (This applies to all listed) Question 509: The Iliopsoas is a flexor of the (blank)? Answer: Hip. Question 510: What is a muscle of expiration in the respiration process? Answer: Diaphragm Question 511: What type of application is used in the treatment of tendonitis. Answer: Cold Application Question 512: How groups of tissues are there? Answer: Four groups

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Question 513: What does HIV mean? Answer: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Question 514: Name two functions of the connective tissues. Answer: 1) connects skin to other tissues and 2) helps to store energy throughout the body . Question 515: What is a ligament? Answer: A band or sheet of strong fibrous connective tissue connecting the articular end of bones serving to bind them together to facilitate or limit motion. Question 516: What is membrane? Answer: A thin soft pliable layer of tissue which lines the tube or cavity, covers an organ or structure, or separates one part from another. Question 517: What is the action of the iliopsoas? Answer: Flexion of the hip. Question 518: What attaches muscles to bones? Answer: Tendons Question 519: What is the outstanding characteristic of muscle tissue? Answer: Its ability to shorten or to contract Question 520: Muscle tissues possess what three properties? Answer: Irritability, conductivity, elasticity Question 521: In TCM, yang channel flows in what direction? Answer: Down Question 522: What does TMJ mean? Answer: Temporomandibular joint (dysfunction) Question 523: What are the three types of muscles? Answer: Smooth, Straited, Cardiac Question 524: Name the thirteen muscles of the chest and abdominal wall.

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Answer: 1) Sternocleidomastoid, 2) Trapezius, 3) Pectoralis Major, 4) Pectoralis Minor, 5) Deltoids, 6) Biceps Brachii, 7) Serratus Anterior, 8) External Abdominal Oblique, 9) Coracobrachialis, 10) Latissimus Dorsi, 11) Internal Abdominal Oblique, 12) Rectus Abdominis, 13) Pyramidalis Question 525: What are the muscles of the neck, shoulder and back? Answer: 1) Sternocleidomastoid, 2) Trapezius, 3) Deltoid, 4) Teres Major, 5) Teres Minor, 6) Latissimus Dorsi, 7) External Abdominal Oblique, 8) Splenius Capitus, 9) Cervicis, 10) Lavator Seapulae, 11) Rhomboideus Major, 12) Rhomboideus Minor, 13) Triceps Brachii, 14) Serratus Posterior Inferior Question 526: What is the function of the rhomboid muscle? Answer: It helps to keep the scapulae in line with the rib cage. Question 527: How many muscles does it take to move the upper arm? Answer: It depends upon the movement Question 528: What is the largest muscle in the back? Answer: Latissimus Dorsi Question 529: What is the largest muscle in the body? Answer: Gluteus Maximus Question 530: What is tendonitis? Answer: An inflammation of a tendon's synovial sheath. Question 531: What is fibromyalgia? Answer: A debilitating chronic syndrome characterized by diffuse and/or specific muscle, joint, fatigue, or bone pain, and sleep disturbances. Question 532: What is the difference between a strain and a sprain? Answer: A strain is when a muscle is stretched beyond its capacity; involve tendon and/or muscle and a sprain is damage to ligaments and can be partially or completely tom due to sudden stretching. Question 533: How many types of contra indications are there and name them? Answer: Three: Regional, Conditional, and Absolute. Question 534: What is pharmacology? Answer: The study of drugs, their origin, their nature, their properties and their effects upon living organisms.

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Question 535: Does the liver store vitamin C? Answer: No Question 536: What does the gallbladder store? Answer: Bile Question 537: What is perimysium? Answer: Connective tissue sheath that envelops each primary bundle of muscle fibers. Question 538: What vessel is the reservoir for all yin energy? Answer: Conception Question 539: What is endomyium? Answer: A thin sheath of connective tissue consisting principally of rectangular fibers. Question 540: What is epimysium? Answer: The connective tissue that wraps around a muscle that is continuous with tendons. Question 541: Is a skeletal muscle striated? Answer: Yes Question 542: What is osteoblast? Answer: A cell of mesodermal origin which is concerned with the formation of bone. Question 543: What is osteoclast? Answer: A device for fracturing bones for therapeutic purposes; it is also a cell which breaks down the bone matrix. Question 544: Are capillaries a part of the epidermis or dermis? Answer: Capillaries are found in the dermis. Question 545: Does the hypodermis contain blood vessels? Answer: Yes Question 546: What are Meissner's Corpuscles? Answer: An encapsulated end organ of touch found in dermal papillae close to the epidermis.

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Question 547: What is papillae dermis? Answer: The layer of the corium which adjoins the epidermis. Question 548: Is fibroblast responsible for the production of collagen? Answer: Yes Question 549: What vessel is the reservoir of yang energy? Answer: Governing Question 550: Define metabolism. Answer: The sum of all physical and chemical changes which takes place within an organism, all energy and material transformation which occur within living cells. Question 551: What is the Reproductive System? Answer: It includes the male and female genital systems. Males produces sperm (spermatozoon) to fuse with the egg (ovum) produced and housed by the female to produce new life. Question 552: What is the parasagittal plane? Answer: Parasagittal misses the midline dividing right and left unequally. Question 553: Is the somatic nervous system part of the peripheral nervous system? Answer: Yes Question 554: True or False. The sensory nervous system controls smooth muscle and gland activity. Answer: False Question 555: True or False. The endocrine system can alter the gene activity of cells. Answer: True Question 556: True or False. Plasma is a part of the blood that includes clotting. Answer: True Question 557: What is the action of the latissimus dorsi? Answer: Pulls the forelimb dorsally and caudally. Question 558: Do the majority of nerves contain efferent and afferent fibers? Answer: Yes

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Question 559: True or False. The human egg and sperm have the same number of chromosomes? Answer: True Question 560: What main hormone is produced by granulosa cells? Answer: Estrogen Question 561: What cells secret insulin in the pancreas? Answer: Beta Question 562: Is the inferior/superior vena cava part of the circulatory system? Answer: Yes Question 563: True or False. Connective tissue and epithelium are tissue types found in large blood vessels. Answer: True Question 564: Are artery walls thicker than veins? Answer: Yes Question 565: True or False. The majority of absorption of digestive nutrients occur in the small intestine. Answer: True Question 566: True or False. The jejunum is the second portion of the small intestine and is about 8 feet in length. Answer: True Question 567: Can the dermis and hypodermis both contain hair? Answer: Yes Question 568: What is included in the urogenital system? Answer: The sex organs, the urinary system and the excretion of vertebrae. Question 569: What is the insertion of the zygomaticus major? Answer: Zygomatic bone Question 570: What is the insertion of the adductor magnus? Answer: Linea aspera of femur

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Question 571: What is the insertion of the levator scapula? Answer: Superior angle of scapula Question 572: What is the insertion of the tibialis anterior? Answer: First cuneiform and the first metatarsal Question 573: What is the origin of the temporalis? Answer: Temporal bone Question 574: What is the insertion of the trapezius Answer: Base of spine of scapula, clavicle, and acromion Question 575: What is the insertion of the spinalis thoracis? Answer: Spines of middle and upper thoracic vertebrae Question 576: What is the insertion of the vastus medialis? Answer: Common tendon of quadriceps femoris also referred to as tibial tuberosity Question 577: What is the action of the vastus medialis? Answer: Extends leg and draws patella inward Question 578: What is the insertion of the adductor brevis? Answer: Pectineal line and linea aspera (deep to pectineus and adductor longus mm.) Question 579: What is the insertion of the tensor fascia late? Answer: Iliotibial band of fascia lata Question 580: What is the insertion of the extensor digitorum brevis? Answer: To Iast phalanx of great toe and the tendons of extensor digitorum longus Question 581: What is the insertion of the semimembranosus? Answer: Posterior medial condyle of the tibia Question 582: What is the insertion of the pectineus? Answer: Pectineal line of femur

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Question 583: What is the insertion of the soleus? Answer: Calcaneus, by way of the Achilles tendon Question 584: What is the insertion of the depressor angulioris? Answer: Angle of mouth Question 585: What is the insertion of the buccinator? Answer: Orbicularis oris Question 586: What is the insertion of the brachial is? Answer: Ulnar tuberosity Question 587: What is the insertion of the teres minor? Answer: Inferior facet on greater tuberosity of humerus Question 588: What is the origin of the teres minor? Answer: Axillary border of scapula Question 589: What is the action of the teres minor? Answer: Rotates arm outward Question 590: What is the action of the teres major? Answer: Rotates arm inward, draws it down and back Question 591: What is the insertion of the teres major? Answer: Medial lip of the bicipital groove of the humerus Question 592: What is the origin of the teres major? Answer: Inferior angle of the scapula Question 593: What is action of the pectoralis major? Answer: Flexes, adducts and rotates arm Question 594: What is the origin of the pectoralis major? Answer: Sternum, clavicle, and cartilages of 1st through 6th ribs

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Question 595: What is the insertion of the pectoralis major? Answer: Bicipital groove of humerus Question 596: What is the insertion of the pectoralis minor? Answer: Coracoid process of scapula Question 597: What is the insertion of the supraspinatus? Answer: Greater tubercle of the humerus Question 598: What is the action of the infraspinatus? Answer: Extension of humerus and lateral rotation Question 599: What is the insertion of the coracobrachialis? Answer: Middle of inner border of humerus Question 600: What is the origin of the coracobrachialis? Answer: Coracoid process of scapula (flexion of shoulder) Question 601: What is the insertion of the brachioradialis? Answer: Styloid process of radius Question 602: What is the origin of the brachioradialis? Answer: Brachioradialis originates from the proximal two thirds of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus, and the anterior surface of the lateral intermuscular septum supracondylar ridge of humerus; sometimes called the shaft of the humerus Question 603: What is the action of the brachioradialis? Answer: Flexes the forearm at the elbow Question 604: What is the action of the serratus anterior? Answer: Elevates ribs, and rotates scapula Question 605: What is the origin of the serratus anterior? Answer: Upper 8 or 9 ribs Question 606: What is the insertion of the serratus anterior?

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Answer: Angles and vertebral border of scapula Question 607: The triceps brachii is the only posterior upper arm muscle which consists of three heads (long, lateral, and medial). Name the three origins. Answer: 1) infraglenoid tubercle of scapula 2) humerus below radial groove 3) posterior surface of humerus below great tubercle Question 608: What are the origins of the posterior, middle, and anterior deltoid's and please answer in that order? Answer: Spine of scapula, acromion, lateral clavicle Question 609: What is the action of the peroneus tertius? Answer: Assists in dorsiflexion and eversion of foot Question 610: What is the insertion of the peroneus tertius? Answer: Fifth metatarsal bone Question 611: What is the origin of the peroneus longus? Answer: Upper fibula and external condyle of tibia Question 612: What does the Excretory (Urinary) System include? Answer: kidneys, bladder, ureters, urethra Question 613: What is the insertion of the peroneus brevis? Answer: Base of 5th metatarsal bone Question 614: What is the origin of the vastus lateralis? Answer: Linea aspera to greater trochanter Question 615: What is the insertion of the vastus intermedius? Answer: Common tendon of quadriceps femoris Question 616: What is the insertion of the lumbricales manus? Answer: First phalanx and extensor tendon Question 617: What is the action of the abductor pollicis longus? Answer: Abducts and assists in extending the thumb

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Question 618: What is the action of the gluteus maximus? Answer: Extends and rotates thigh Question 619: What is the origin of the gluteus maximus? Answer: Superior curved iliac line and crest, coccyx and sacrum Question 620: What is the insertion of the gluteus minimus? Answer: Greater trochanter Question 621: What is the action of the gluteus medius? Answer: Abducts and rotates the thigh Question 622: What is the origin of the gracilis? Answer: Symphysis pubis and pubic arch Question 623: What is the action of the psoas major? Answer: Flexes hip, lateral rotation Question 624: What is the insertion of the psoas minor? Answer: Iliac fascia and iliopectineal tuberosity Question 625: What is the origin of the psoas major? Answer: Last thoracic and all of the lumbar vertebrae Question 626: What is the origin of the vastus lateralis? Answer: Linea aspera to greater trochanter Question 627: What is the insertion of the vastus lateralis? Answer: Common tendon of the quadriceps femoris Question 628: In TCM what is the primary meridian in the back? Answer: Bladder Meridian Question 629: What is the action of the vastus lateral is? Answer: Extends the knee

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Question 630: What is the action of the buccinator? Answer: Compresses cheek, and retracts angle of mouth Question 631: What is the action of the constrictor pharyngis inferior, medius, and superior? Answer: Narrows the pharynx, as in swallowing Question 632: What is the origin of the masseter? Answer: Zygomatic arch and malar process of superior maxilla Question 633: What is the action of the mentalis? Answer: Elevates and protrudes the lower lip Question 634: What is the insertion of the mentalis? Answer: Integument of chin Question 635: What is the action of the iliocostalis cervicis? Answer: Extends cervical spine Question 636: What is the origin of the iliocostalis cervicis? Answer: Angles of 3rd to 6th ribs Question 637: What is the action of the iliocostalis lumborum? Answer: Extends lumbar spine Question 638: What is the insertion of the iliocostalis lumborum? Answer: In angles of 5th to 12th ribs Question 639: What is the action of interspinales? Answer: Supports and extends vertebral column Question 640: What is the action of the intertransversarii? Answer: Lateral flexion Question 641: What is the action of the rectus capitis posterior major? Answer: Rotates and draws head backward

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Question 642: What is the origin of the rectus capitis posterior minor? Answer: Posterior tubercle of atlas Question 643: What is the insertion of the rectus capitis posterior major? Answer: Inferior curved line of the occipital bone Question 644: What is the action of the rectus capitis posterior minor? Answer: Rotates and draws the head backward Question 645: True or False. It is relatively easy to observe and discern whether your client's breathing is functional or dysfunctional. Answer: True Question 646: What is the action of the cricothyroideus? Answer: Tightens the vocal cords Question 647: What is the action of the obliquus extemus abdominis? Answer: Contracts abdomen and viscera; flexion and rotation of the vertebral column Question 648: What is the action of the obliquus intemus abdominis? Answer: Obliquus intemus abdominus flexes the lumbar vertebral column. Obliquus intemus abdominus rotates the lumbar vertebral column to the ipsilateral side. Question 649: What is the action of the quadratus lumborum? Answer: Lateral flexion only; not forward Question 650: What is the insertion of the quadratus lumborum? Answer: Twelfth rib and the upper lumbar vertebrae Question 651: What is the origin of the coccygeus? Answer: Ischial spine and sacrospinous ligament Question 652: What is the action of the coccygeus? Answer: Supports coccyx, and closes pelvic outlet Question 653: What is the insertion of the coccygeus?

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Answer: Coccyx and lowest portion of sacrum Question 654: What is the action of the sphincter ani externus? Answer: Closes anus Question 655: What is the origin of the piriformis? Answer: Margins of anterior sacral foramina and great sacrosciatic notch of ilium Question 656: What is the action of the rectus femoris? Answer: Extends the knee and assists with flexion of hip Question 657: What is the function of the lung meridian? Answer: It governs the respiratory system, skin, perspiration, and energy and body temperature regulation. Question 658: What is the origin of the rectus femoris? Answer: Iliac spine, upper margin of acetabulum Question 659: What is the insertion of the rectus femoris? Answer: Base of patella Question 660: What is the action of the tensor fasciae late? Answer: Flexes and rotates the thigh Question 661: What is the action of the arrectores pilorum? Answer: Elevates hairs of the skin as in "goosebumps" Question 662: What is the origin of arrectores pilorum? Answer: Papillary layer of skin Question 663: What is the action of the sternocleidomastoid muscles? Answer: They flex neck (bilateral). Unilateral, flex neck to same side and rotate head to opposite side. Question 664: What is the action of the platysma? Answer: Wrinkles skin of neck and chest, and depresses jaw and lower lip Question 665: What does the Endocrine System do?

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Answer: Its organs manufacture hormones for thyroid, pituitary, and reproductive purposes. Question 666: What is the origin of the medial pterygoid? Answer: Pterygoid plate part of sphenoid bone Question 667: What is the action of the hyoglossus? Answer: Depresses side of tongue and retracts tongue Question 668: What is the action of the salpingopharyngeus? Answer: Elevates nasopharynx (the soft palate) Question 669: What is the insertion of the salpingopharyngeus? Answer: The posterior portion of the pharyngopalatinus Question 670: What is the action of the aryepiglotticus? Answer: Closes glottis opening back of tongue Question 671: What is the insertion of the rhomboids minor? Answer: Proximal portion of spine of scapula Question 672: What is the insertion of the spinalis cervicis? Answer: Axis and occasionally the two vertebrae below Question 673: What does innervation of muscles mean? Answer: The stimulation of a part of the muscle through the action of nerves or the nerve supply of the muscle. Question 674: Define hydrotherapy. Answer: Hydrotherapy is the application of water in any of its three forms (vapor, ice, water) to the body for therapeutic purposes. Question 675: What is the purpose of the Russian bath and what are some of the benefits? Answer: The purpose is for causing perspiration as it is a full body steam bath and the benefits are improved metabolism, relaxation and cleansing. Question 676: What is the average time or duration for a cold bath, sitz bath/shower? Answer: Approximately three to five minutes

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Question 677: True or False. It is important for massage therapists to understand how pharmaceutical medications might interact with massage therapy. Answer: True Question 678: What is cryotherapy? Answer: Application of ice for therapeutic purposes Question 679: What is the action of the gluteus maximus? Answer: External rotation and extension of the hip joint. Question 680: What are three things cold applications do that are beneficial to the body? Answer: Stimulate nerve, increase activity of body cells, and improves circulation. Question 681: Why would you not endure long periods of cold applications? Answer: Because they can produce depressing effects Question 682: What is a contrast bath and what are some of the benefits of a contrast bath? Answer: A contrast bath is alternating the application of hot and cold baths to a certain part of the body, and they help to increase local circulation. This causes an alternating vasoconstriction and vasodilatation of the blood vessels in the area being worked on. Question 683: Describe was an application of heat would cause and what a local application of heat would cause. Answer: The application of heat causes an increase in pulse rate, circulation, and white blood cell count. The local application of heat causes relaxation of local musculature and slight analgesia, increased metabolism and leukocyte migration to the area where heat is being applied. Question 684: What is a slight analgesia? Answer: It is a neurologic state in which painful stimuli are so moderated that, though still perceived, they are no longer painful. Question 685: True or False. It is possible to drink too much water. Answer: True Question 686: Give two objectives of hydrotherapy baths. Answer: Stimulation of bodily functions and external cleanliness. Question 687: What are three benefits of having a cabinet bath treatment?

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Answer: Cleansing procedure, induce perspiration and relaxation. Question 688: Name the three classifications of effects of hydrotherapy on the body. Answer: Chemical, mechanical and thermal Question 689: Give some reasons why the application of ice is beneficial. Answer: Reduces pain, causes vasoconstriction to limit swelling, acts as an analgesic to reduce pain and is generally beneficial on swollen, inflamed and painful areas. Question 690: You should NEVER give hot or cold applications when a person has these contraindications. Answer: diabetes, lung disease kidney infection - in some cases kidney infection & lung disease can be helped with hydrotherapy infectious skin condition, cardiac impairment, or extremely high or low blood pressure. Question 691: True or False. Hot water applications improve the condition of the skin by promoting perspiration and by Answer: increasing the circulation of the blood to the surface of the skin. Answer: True Question 692: What is the action of the semitendinosus? Answer: Flexes the knee and extends the hip joint. Question 693: What is moxibustion? Answer: It is a method of heating by using an herb, artemesia vulgaris. Question 694: What is the action of the semimembranosus? Answer: Hip extension and knee flexion. Question 695: In both Fareinheit and Celsius degrees, what would the temperature of a warm bath and what would the temperature of a hot bath? Answer: A warm bath is 95 to 100 degrees Fareinheit, or 35 to 37.7 degrees Celsius, and a hot bath is 100 to 115 degrees Fareinheit, or 37.7 to 43.3 degrees Celsius. Question 696: What are the three main benefits of a whirlpool bath? Answer: Soothes the nerves, relaxes the muscles, and increases the blood circulation Question 697: Define a Swedish Shampoo. Answer: It is a body bath that cleans the body using either a brush or bath mitten solution of mild soap and warm water and is then followed by rinsing and drying the body. Question 698: Is it okay to leave a client alone for long periods of time while they are in a cabinet bath?

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Answer: No, you should always be near your client during water treatments. Question 699: When is a salt rub usually given? Answer: After a cabinet bath or a hot bath, or as a separate treatment. Question 700: What does the Circulatory System do? Answer: brings in nourishment and takes away waste. Question 701: Hydrotherapy baths are controlled by three things. What are they? Answer: Proper temperatures, pressure and duration of the treatments Question 702: If a person said they have had depression for a long time and they think getting this massage will cure them, what should you do as a massage therapist? Answer: Suggest counseling and do the massage Question 703: What hormone stimulates the thyroid? Answer: TSH Question 704: What do tendons do? Answer: Attach skeletal muscle to bones Question 705: Is testosterone a steroid hormone? Answer: Yes Question 706: What do you do if you are working on a client and he/she complains of pain in the area where you are massage? Answer: Release the pressure until they tell you they are comfortable Question 707: What are the sense organs? Answer: Touch, taste, smell, sight and sound Question 708: Name three of the dense connective tissues. Answer: Tendons, ligaments, and joint capsules. Question 709: What is the name of the spongy layer just below the skin? Answer: Superficial Fascia

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Question 710: How do you differentiate superficial fascia from muscles? Answer: Superficial fascia is fatty in substance and lies under the skin forming a lining that separates the skin from the deep fascia which usually unsheathes muscles. Question 711: What is Orthopedic Massage? Answer: Techniques for understanding, assessing, and treating musculoskeletal pain and injury. Question 712: What is the action of the biceps femoris? Answer: Flexes and laterally rotates the knee joint and it also extends the hip joint. Question 713: What is found directly under superficial fascia and what does it cover? Answer: Deep Fascia. It covers all the muscles and bones blending into ligaments and joint capsules and wrapping organs. Question 714: True or False. Most cases of muscle spasms are actually the result of an injury of some other tissue. Answer: True Question 715: True or False. Muscles are a major source of pain and injury. Answer: True Question 716: True or False. Chronic pain results when an injury heals improperly. Answer: True Question 717: What is secreted by the ovaries? Answer: Estrogen Question 718: What is responsible for the cardiovascular blood flow? Answer: The Pulmonary Circulation Question 719: Would you perform massage if the client has Thrombophlebitis? Answer: No Question 720: Is the Meisner Corpuscle sensitive to touch? Answer: Yes Question 721: Is it okay to lie on your massage brochure? Give reason why.

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Answer: No, you want to build trust in your business Question 722: What type of disease is rheumatoid arthritis? Answer: A systemic Disease that affects connective tissue Question 723: If a client tells you something in confidence is it okay to tell another therapist? Answer: No Question 724: Name the most movable joint in the body. Answer: Shoulder joint Question 725: If your client has pain in their back or in the hip area where would you put the pillow? Answer: Under the knees if the person is on their back, between the knees if they are on their side. Question 726: True or False. The most frequently moveable joint in the body is Glenohumeral. Answer: True, it is also referred to as the shoulder joint Question 727: What movement is most commonly the cause of a lateral side ankle sprain? Answer: Rolling the ankle laterally Question 728: What is connected to the hypothalamus? Answer: Pituitary gland Question 729: True or False. In many cases pain is referred from the source of energy to another part of the body. Answer: True Question 730: What is the definition of the Five Element Theory? Answer: It is one of the major systems of thought within TCM. Question 731: What does the Digestive System include? Answer: mouth, stomach, intestines. Question 732: In TCM, what does the spleen nourish? Answer: Lungs - The spleen extracts food Qi and sends it up to the lungs. Question 733: In TCM what is the function of the Liver?

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Answer: The main functions are to store blood and to ensure the smooth flow and direction of Qi in the body. Question 734: What does histamine do? Answer: It exerts a pharmacologic action when released from injured cells which includes dilatation of capillaries, and constriction of smooth muscles Question 735: What is holistic health? Answer: Medical care involving the treatment of the whole person: body/mind/spirit Question 736: True or False. The shoulders, neck, thorax, low back, sacrum, buttocks, and hip joints are significant sources of referred pain. Answer: True Question 737: If a client tells you they recently found out they had been sexually abused in their youth what would you do? Answer: Refer them to a therapist who treats those conditions Question 738: What is Flexion-Addiction and what does it promote? Answer: It is prolonged sitting, couch potatoes, sitting at long hours at computer, sleeping in flexed positions that promotes the following: length-tension, m balances resulting in tight\short hip flexors; and neurologically weakened hip extensors. Question 739: What muscles are shortened due to prolonged flexed sitting and sleeping? Answer: The iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles Question 740: What is the action of the gastrocenemius? Answer: Plantar flexion and flexion of knee. Question 741: If someone has a seizure what would you do first? Answer: Stay calm and make sure the area is safe so the person will not be injured and stay with the person until the seizure passes. Do not put anything in their mouth. Question 742: When someone has gout could this mean they have high levels of uric acid? Answer: Yes Question 743: What part of the colon passes through the pelvic outlet? Answer: Sigmoid Question 744: How do you stretch pectoralis major?

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Answer: Stand at end of wall or in doorway facing perpendicular to wall. Place inside of bent arm on surface of wall. Position bent elbow shoulder height. Turn body away from positioned arm. Hold stretch. Repeat with opposite arm. Question 745: True or False. In giving CPR the head-tilt chin-lift maneuver would prevent the tongue from blocking the airway passage. Answer: True Question 746: What organ is located posterior to xiphoid process? Answer: Liver Question 747: Where are plantar warts located? Answer: On the soles of the feet Question 748: If a client is in 3rd trimester what position is okay for them to be in? Answer: Semi recumbent or side lying. Question 749: What part of the body would you massage if the client has constipation? Answer: Abdomen Question 750: When the thumb performs circumduction what part of the body could you be massaging? Answer: Any part Question 751: What is Somatic Resonance? Answer: It is when the therapist is being grounded in their bodily awareness and experience. Question 752: When both the hips and the knees are flexed simultaneously, what is shortened? Answer: The hamstrings and rectus femoris are shortened. Question 753: When you are performing ROM and come across resistance what do you do? Answer: Stop Question 754: What tissue covers all organs? Answer: Epithelial Question 755: True or False. If you are giving resuscitation you would stop when breathing returns. Answer: True

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Question 756: Visceral is part of what system? Answer: Viseral pertains to the viscera which includes most internal organs and glands. Question 757: What is the sense organ associated with the gallbladder and liver? Answer: Eyes Question 758: What are ethics? Answer: Motivations based on ideas of right and wrong Question 759: Yes or No. Urine storage and output is associated with the bladder? Answer: Yes Question 760: When flexing the elbow, what muscle is involved? Answer: Brachialis and brachioradialis Question 761: Where do you find pulmonary semilunar valve? Answer: Between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery. Question 762: Parkinson's disease may start with a slight (blank). Answer: Tremor Question 763: Is the gluteus maximus synergist to periformis? Answer: Yes Question 764: True or False. Deoxygenated blood is returned from the body into the right atrium. Answer: True Question 765: What muscle would you suggest to stretch for someone who has kyphosis? Answer: Pectoralis Question 766: What muscle (flexor) is involved in flexing the forearm? Answer: Biceps brachii is one and is not the only elbow (forearm) flexor Question 767: Where is the sperm manufactured? Answer: In the testes; it is matured and stored in the epididymis, which is part of the male reproductive system.

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Question 768: A client is having pain when trying to put on her sweater. What muscles could be causing the problem? Answer: Rhomboids and supraspinatus - of course any number of muscles depending on where the pain is and at what point the pain is felt. Question 769: Name two muscles that don't tire easily. Answer: Rectus Femoris and Periformis Question 770: What is Ischemia? Answer: Decreased blood flow Question 771: What is excess fluid build-up in the tissues called? Answer: Edema Question 772: If a new client is hesitant about filling out an intake form, what should you do? Answer: First ask them why, then tell them you will help them fill it out Question 773: A client wants to give you a hug after a massage session and you don't feel comfortable about it. What would this be an example of? Answer: Personal Boundaries Question 774: When a physician writes out a comfort order, what is this usually for? Answer: A terminally ill patient. Question 775: The kneecap is another word for what? Answer: Patella Question 776: What glad is the heart chakra associated with? Answer: The thymus gland Question 777: The collar bone is another term for what? Answer: Clavicle Question 778: The thigh bone is another word for what? Answer: Femur Question 779: What is comprised primarily of dense fibrous tissue? Answer: Tendons and ligaments

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Question 780: Voluntary movements of the skeletal muscles are controlled primarily by Answer: The Somatic nervous system Question 781: What is the action of the tibialis posterior? Answer: inverts the foot, plantar flexion of the foot at ankle. Question 782: A client, who seems to be depressed, tells you she thinks massage can cure her depression. What should you do? Answer: First you tell her you do not cure anyone however suggest to her that she seek professional help and you can still perform massage therapy Question 783: When there is fluid build-up in the lungs, what condition is tapotement good for? Answer: Chronic Bronchitis Question 784: What is the name of the condition that is characterized by softening of the bone, and is called rickets in young children? Answer: Osteomalacia Question 785: Why should massage on an infant be short in duration and light to the touch? Answer: The nervous systems of infants are not yet developed Question 786: Where are epinephron and norepinephron secreted from? Answer: Adrenal medulla Question 787: What is bioenergetics? Answer: Bioenergetics is the subject of a field of biochemistry that concerns energy flow through living systems Question 788: A client visits your office and is injured as a result of some kind of negligence. What insurance protects the massage practitioner/therapist? Answer: Personal Liability Question 789: If the client is in the supine position with the hip laterally rotated, what muscle is shortened? Answer: Could be any of the lateral rotators. Question 790: What does the Nervous System do? Answer: nerve tissues carry messages to and from organs and coordinate bodily functions.

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Question 791: What muscles(s) are implicated if the shoulder girdle is elevated? Answer: Levator scapula and trapezius Question 792: What is the action of the soleus? Answer: Plantar flexion Question 793: The nuchal ligament makes what area difficult to palpate? Answer: Posterior neck Question 794: What is located at the base of the spine and is referred to as muladhara? Answer: The 1st chakra or Root Chakra Question 795: True or False. Palpation is a primary form of assessment and when palpating soft tissue it can help the therapist determine the client's normal soft tissue and detect lesions or pathology in the tissue. Answer: True Question 796: What muscle contracts during inspiration? Answer: Diaphragm Question 797: When you are running downhill, what muscle eccentrically contracts to resist gravity? Answer: Quadriceps Question 798: True or False. Synovial joints are movable joints. Answer: True Question 799: What does the Circulatory System include? Answer: heart, blood vessels, blood and lymph system. Question 780: What is the name of the tubes that carry urine from the kidney to the bladder? Answer: Ureters Question 781: True or False. The inferior attachment of the levator scapula is the superior medial border of the scapula. Answer: True Question 782: What organ is protected by the sternum and vertebral column?

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Answer: Heart Question 783: What emotion is associated with the large intestine? Answer: Grief Question 784: If someone comes into your office and they have pain down arm, bluish lips, shortness of breath, and pain in their chest., what would you do? Answer: Call 911 immediately as they may be having a heart attack, and make them as comfortable as possible Question 785: What comprises an endangerment site? Answer: It is where you would compress blood vessels or nerves Question 786: If a person has cystitis, would they normally need to use the restroom more often? Answer: Yes Question 787: What is a keloid? Answer: It is a scar with excessive tissue build-up and sometimes appears like a thick ropy texture. It also indicates abnormal cell growth. Question 788: What are the four stages of rehabilitation? Answer: Calm spasms restore flexibility restore strength restore endurance Question 789: True or False. Thai massage uses pressure on the meridian lines to open sens or energy lines in the body. Answer: True Question 790: How much income is reported to the IRS? Answer: All of it Question 791: What is the definition of Kinesiology? Answer: The study of motion of the human body. Question 792: In the 5 Element Theory what taste is associated with the Earth? Answer: Sweet Question 793: When a client does not want to disrobe, what should the massage therapist say? Answer: I will be glad to work through the clothing as best as possible.

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Question 794: Is the term 'diaper draping' used only for infant massages? Answer: No Question 795: Is one of the first things a massage therapist does before starting a massage is to wash their hands? Answer: Yes Question 796: When would a client's record/s not be confidential? Answer: When the client requests them and also if there was a case involved with a subpoena Question 797: If you notice your client is having quick breaths and rapid heartbeats could this possibly be a sign of anxiety? Answer: Yes Question 798: By shaking your client’s legs would this help in relaxing the muscles in the leg? Answer: Yes Question 799: Name at least three things that could result from sleep deprivation. Answer: Fatigue, reduced mental capacity and reducing the healing process time Question 800: How many tarsal bones are there? Answer: Seven Question 801: By having a diversified clientele would this help ensure a successful practice? Answer: Yes Question 802: What is considered to be the center of gravity for massage therapists? Answer: The pelvis Question 803: Is it important for the massage therapist to use their body weight when applying certain massage movements? Answer: Yes Question 804: Could the under estimate of capital and expenses cause a business to fail? Answer: Yes Question 805: What does Tao mean? Answer: The law of the universe.

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Question 806: Which leg muscles are shortened by wearing high heel shoes? Answer: Gastrocnemius and soleus Question 807: What does the talas articulate with? Answer: The medial malleolus of the tibia and the lateral malleolus of the fibula to form the ankle mortise joint Question 808: If a client came to you and they recently had major surgery, should you give them a massage? What would be a reason/s why you should be cautious? Answer: Massage can be excellent after surgery BUT DO NOT massage an individual who is on immunosuppressant drugs or who has blood clots and it depends upon how long ago they had their surgery. In this case you would want a Drs. Report. Immunosuppressant drugs are associated with patients who've had cancer surgery or organ transplants. Wait until they are off of their drugs and have in writing from their physician permission for massage. Question 809: What is nadi? Answer: Nadis are not nerves but channels for the flow of consciousness. The literal meaning of the word nadi is 'flow.' Question 810: If a client needs your help in sitting up after a massage or for any other reason how would the therapist help the client sit up? Answer: The client would turn on their side and the therapist would place one hand under the neck and the other behind the knees and assist the client into a seated position. Question 811: Is a Code of Ethics important for a therapist's business? Answer: Yes Question 812: What is the action of the tibialis anterior? Answer: Dorsiflex and inverts the foot Question 813: True or False. There are three stages of injury: Acute, Sub-Acute and Chronic. Sub-Acute is from 72 hours to eight weeks after an injury. Swelling in under control and healing is taking place. Answer: True Question 814: True or False. The cervical vertebrae are different from all the other vertebrae (thoracic, lumbar, sacral & coccygeal) because they possess transverse foramina in order for the vertebral arteries to pass through on their way to the foramen magnum, (which is one of the several circular apertures in the base of the skull through which the medulla oblongata enters and exists the skull.) Answer: True Question 815: What are two signs of a disease?

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Answer: Fever and abnormal skin color Question 816: In Swedish massage are most movements directed toward the heart? Answer: Yes Question 817: What does the Muscular System do? Answer: covers and shapes skeleton, provides motion (contraction and extension). Question 818: What element would a person, who is laughing uncontrollably and talking rapidly, be in excess of? Answer: Fire Element Question 819: Name 4 reasons why a therapist's license could be canceled. Answer: 1) Prostitution, 2) Felony conviction, 3) negligence toward their own and their client's health, 4) drug addiction. Question 820: Define where heavy, light, vigorous and gentle movements are applied during a massage session. Answer: Heavy movements: over thick tissues and flesh parts Light movements: over bony parts and think tissues Vigorous movements: shoulders and in sports massage Gentle movements: relaxing slow movements - face Question 821: Name the largest bone in the foot. Answer: Calcaneus Question 822: What muscle everts the foot? Answer: Fibularis (Peroneus) tertius Question 823: What is the origin of the quadratus plantae? Answer: Anterior portion of calcaneus & long plantar ligament Question 824: How many responses are there to pain? Answer: 2, physical and psychological Question 825: Define Anatomy Answer: A branch of morphology that deals with the structure of organisms Question 826: Define Histology Answer: A branch of anatomy that deals with the minute structure of animal and plant tissues as discernible with the microscope

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Question 827: Define Pathology Answer: The study of the essential nature of diseases and especially of the structural and functional changes produced by them and the anatomic and physiological deviations from the normal that constitute disease or characterize a particular disease Question 828: Define Physiology Answer: A branch of biology that deals with the functions and activities of life or of living matter i.e. Organs, tissues, or cells, and of the physical and chemical phenomena involved and it is also the organic processes and phenomena of an organism or any of its parts or of a particular bodily process Question 829: List some massage modalities and techniques. Answer: Aroma, Swedish, Tsubo, Manual Lymph Drainage, Shiatsu, Deep Transverse Friction Massage, Sports Massage, Polarity Therapy, The Trager Method, Reflexology, Rolfing, Touch For Health Kinesiology, Ayurvedic Massage, Acupressure Question 830: Is the femur the longest bone in the body? Answer: Yes Question 831: Why is personal hygiene and dress code important for the therapist? Answer: It lets clients know the therapist is health conscious and professional. Question 832: What direction do the thumbs point in the proper anatomical position? Answer: Laterally Question 833: Name the four systems of excretion. Answer: Respiratory, skin, gastrointestinal [digestion], kidneys [urinary]. Question 834: True or False. In Oriental Medicine the examinations are usually done at the initial interview which includes looking at the tongue and taking the pulse. Answer: True Question 835: Define the following terms: prime mover and agonist. Answer: Prime mover is a primary muscle responsible for a particular movement. Agonist is also a primary muscle responsible for a particular movement. Question 836: What are the four chambers of the heart? Answer: Right and left atrium and the right and left ventricle Question 837: Name the three components of motion.

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Answer: Rotation, abduction/adduction, and extension/flexion Question 838: What nerve helps to regulate the heart beat? Answer: The vagus nerve Question 839: True or False. Diathrotic joints are not moveable. Answer: False Question 840: True or False. Synarthrotic joints are immovable. Answer: True Question 841: What attaches muscles to bones? Answer: Tendons Question 842: What is epistaxis? Answer: A nose bleed Question 843: Define isotonic muscle contraction. Answer: There is movement because the ends of the muscle changes. Question 844: Define isometric muscle contraction. Answer: The ends of the muscle don't change because it is a static contraction and there isn't any movement. Question 845: Define Meridians and what they do. Answer: Meridians are channels that form a network in the body, through which Qi (energy) flows. If they become blocked it may cause pain or illness. The flow of Qi can be restored by using pressure, acupuncture needles, suction, or heat at various points along the meridians. Question 846: What does the Skeletal System do? Answer: serves as protection and support. Question 847: What is antagonist? Answer: It is a muscle that relaxes while another contracts i.e. When bending the elbow the triceps are antagonist. Question 848: What are the 3 layers of connective tissue that are part of each muscle? Answer: Epimysium, perimysium, endomyseum

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Question 849: True or False. A muscle has tone if it is firm. Answer: True Question 850: What is a fracture? Answer: A rupture or break in a bone Question 851: What is metabolism? Answer: It is the sum of all chemical reactions in the body. Question 852: What lubricates joints? Answer: Synovial fluid Question 853: What happens to the triceps when you flex the elbow? Answer: It becomes antagonist Question 854: What is the difference between active and passive exercise of muscles? Answer: Passive is done by the therapist on the client and active is done by the client/individual. Question 855: Name the Japanese system using finger pressure on energy points? Answer: Shiatsu Question 856: What massage technique is generally used when athletes have sore muscles and/or injuries? Answer: Sports Massage Question 857: Are the oriental modalities similar in nature by using meridians and certain energy points? Answer: Yes Question 858: Should massage therapists understand the rules, law, regulations concerning massage? Answer: Yes Question 859: What is a symptom? Answer: A symptom is caused by a disease and is a definite message to the person that something is wrong and out of balance. Question 860: What is the name of the main artery? Answer: Aorta

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Question 861: What is the origin of a muscle? Answer: It is normally the most stable or fixed of the muscle attachments. Question 862: What is the action of the longus? Answer: Plantar flexion and eversion. Question 863: Where is the insertion of a muscle? Answer: It is where muscles are attached to the skin and other muscles. Question 864: Is the buccai region inferior to the popliteal region? Answer: No, it is superior. Question 865: What are srotas in Ayurvedic medicine? Answer: They are channels in the body through which nutrients and waste flow for body function. Question 866: What is the normal body temperature? Answer: 98.6 degrees Fareinheit Question 867: What are the functions of the red blood cells? Answer: Carry oxygen from the lungs to the cells and carry carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs Question 868: What is the function of the white blood cells? Answer: To protect the body against disease Question 869: Name three causes for disease. Answer: Stress, trauma and malnutrition Question 870: How many phalanges are in the foot? Answer: 14, 2 in big toe, 3 in other 4 toes. Question 872: Name one thing that could be included in a business start-up cost. Answer: Business License, Massage Table, and Money. Question 873: What IRS Form would a subcontractor use? Answer: IRS Form 1099-MISC

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Question 874: What IRS Form would you use to declare your expenses? Answer: IRS Form Schedule C Question 875: What muscle is synergist with the latissimus dorsi? Answer: Teres major Question 876: True or False. The Teres minor rotates the arm medially. Answer: False. It is laterally. Question 877: Define local infection. Answer: It is where micro-organisms are confined to a small area. Question 878: True or false. The pectoralis major and latissimus dorsi adduct the arm. They are antagonists to the deltoid. Answer: True Question 879: What is Sushumna nadi in Ayurvedic medicine? Answer: It is the main energy channel in yoga, in the centre of the spinal cord through which kundalini shakti flows Question 880: True of False. The subclavian artery, axillary artery and brachial artery are the same vessel. Answer: True Question 881: What is the primary function of pain? Answer: It is a sign that something is wrong in the body. Question 882: What does the proximal humerus articulate with to form the glenohumeral joint? Answer: The glenoid fossa of the scapula Question 883: Name the three fossii or depressions that the scapula contains. Answer: Infraspinous, supraspinous and subscapular Question 884: What is the acromion and where is it located? Answer: It is the lateral extension of the spine of the scapula and is located at the top of the shoulder. Question 885: Where is the greater tubercle located?

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Answer: It is on the humerus. Question 886: The deltoid fibers can be divided into three groups. What are these three groups and what do they do? Answer: The three groups are the anterior, middle and posterior fibers. They abduct the humerus, but the anterior and posterior fibers are antagonists in flexion/extension and medial/lateral rotation. Question 887: What is the action of the upper fibers of the trapezius? Answer: They extend the head and neck and elevate and rotate the scapula. Question 888: What is the action of the latissimus dorsi? Answer: Extend, adduct and medially rotate the shoulder joint. Question 889: What makes up the rotator cuff muscles? Answer: Teres minor - subscapularis - supraspinatus Question 890: What is the action of the supraspinatus? Answer: Abducts the humerus and stabilizes the head of the humerus in glenoid cavity Question 891: Where are the rhomboid muscles located? Answer: Between the scapula and vertebral column Question 892: What is the action of the rotator cuff? Answer: Lateral rotation, medial rotation and abduction. Question 893: Where is the levator scapula located? Answer: Along the lateral land posterior sides of the neck. Question 894: Where is the serratus anterior located? Answer: 1t lies along the posterior and lateral ribcage. Question 895: Where is the pectoralis major and minor located? Answer: On the chest Question 896: In TCM the Diagnostic Methods of Examinations are what? Answer: Questioning (History Taking), Inspection, Listening, Smelling and Palpation Question 897: What is the action of the entire pectoralis major?

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Answer: It adducts, medially rotates the shoulder joint and assists in elevating the thorax in forced inspiration. Question 898: What is ischemia? Answer: A decrease in the blood supply to a bodily organ, tissue, or part caused by constriction or obstruction of the blood vessels Question 899: Where is the subclavius located? Answer: Underneath the clavicle Question 900: Define systemic infection. Answer: It is where micro-organisms spread throughout the body. Question 901: Define inflammation. Answer: It is a protective response when tissue is damaged and characterized by heat, swelling and pain. Question 902: Name the four walls of the arm pit (axilla). Answer: Lateral, posterior, anterior and medial walls Question 903: What comprises the hamstring muscles? Answer: Semitendinosus - semimembranous - biceps femoris Question 904: What comprises the gluteals? Answer: Gluteus Maximus - Gluteus medius - gluteus minimus Question 905: Name the muscles in the adductor group. Answer: Adductor magnus - adductor longus - adductor brevis - pectineus - gracilis Question 906: What is the action of the muscles in the adductor group? Answer: They all adduct and medially rotate the hip. Question 907: Does the gracilis assist to flex the hip? Answer: Yes Question 908: Where is the iliotibial tract located? Answer: It is located along the lateral side of the thigh.

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Question 909: What is the action of the iliotibial tract? Answer: The iliotibial tract acts as a lateral brace for the knee when ambulatory and balancing on one leg. Other actions are assisting actions. Question 910: What is the longest muscle in the body and what is the action of this muscle? Answer: Sartorius. It flexes, laterally rotates and abducts the hip Question 911: These muscles are called "deep six" and are located deep to the gluteus maximus. What are these muscles called? Answer: Lateral rotators of the hip Question 912: What is the name of the major hip flexors? Answer: Iliopsoas Question 913: The inguinal ligament is an attachment site for ? Answer: The external oblique muscle Question 914: The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body. Where is it located? Answer: It passes through the greater sciatic notch, between the ischial tuberosity and greater trochanter and extends down the posterior thigh. Question 915: When the knee is flexed is the gastrocnemius muscle shortened or lengthened? Answer: Shortened Question 916: Yes or No. Is it okay to use cold/ice applications for long periods of time? Answer: No Question 917: What doesPosterior mean? Answer: Behind or in back of Question 918: What does Inferior mean? Answer: situated lower toward the feet Question 919: What does Anterior mean? Answer: before or in front of Question 920: What does Superior mean?

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Answer: Above, closer to the head Question 921: What does Distal mean? Answer: farther from the center or medial line Question 922: What does Proximal mean? Answer: nearer to the center or medial line Question 923: What does Depressor mean? Answer: that which presses or draws down Question 924: What does Anguli mean? Answer: at an angle Question 925: What does Levator mean? Answer: that which lifts Question 926: What does Dialator mean? Answer: that which expands or enlarges Question 927: What does Dorsal mean? Answer: behind or in back of Question 928: Where is hara (the center of gravity) located? Answer: Just below and behind the navel Question 929: What is Zero Balancing? Answer: It is a modality that helps relieve physical and mental symptoms and improves the ability to deal with life stresses thereby promoting the sense of wholeness and well being. Organizes vibratory fields. Question 930: What does Medial mean? Answer: to the middle or center Question 931: What does Superficial mean? Answer: closer to the body's surface

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Question 932: What does Deep mean? Answer: Structure deeper in the body Question 933: What IRS Form would you use for wages? Answer: IRS Form W-2 Question 934: The name keloid pertains to a heavy scar tissue. What type of massage can help scar reduce scar tissue? Answer: Cross fiber friction Question 935: References temperatures: What temperature should you keep your therapy room when giving massages? Answer: Around 74 degrees Fareinheit Question 936: How to determine if a person is an employee vs. Self-employed. Answer: They have hours set for them by an employer. Must submit progress reports. Question 937: True or False. Product Liability Insurance would protect the therapist against a malpractice suit. Answer: False. It would be a Professional Liability Insurance policy Question 938: What are the eccrine glands? Answer: Eccrine glands product sweat and are located deep in the dermis. Question 939: Define connective tissue and an example of a form of connective tissue. Answer: Connective tissue is made up of fibers forming a framework and supports structure for body tissues and organs, and it surrounds many organs. Cartilage and bone are specialized forms of connective tissue. Question 940: True or False. The nervous system includes the brain. Answer: True Question 941: What does palpation mean? Answer: It means to examine by touching either an organ or area of the body in order to become knowledgeable of its characteristics to assess the condition in order to treat it. Question 942: What forms the myofascia system? Answer: Muscle and fascia Question 943: What are some of the things the therapist uses as tools in Myofascial Release method?

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Answer: Their elbows, knuckles and other tools Question 944: What is the indirect method of Myofascial Release? Answer: This method uses a gentle stretch with only a light pressure that lets the fascia unwind itself. Question 945: Where did this indirect technique originate from? Answer: Osteopathy schools and from Andrew Taylor Still who was the founder of osteopathic medicine. Question 946: What system is referred to as the fight or flight response? Answer: Sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system Question 947: True or False. Percussion of the muscles causes the blood vessels to contract. Answer: True Question 948: What are the two neurotransmitters that massage can help to increase? Answer: Serotonin and dopamine Question 949: When would passive joint movement be performed by the therapist? Answer: When the client's body is in a non-stressful state or a relaxed state. Question 950: Why would a therapist use heat application? Answer: To stimulate circulation and to alleviate Question 951: What is anabolism and what is another name for anabolism? Answer: Anabolism is the building up of complex chemical compounds from simpler compound usually with the use of energy. Biosynthesis is the formation of a chemical compound by enzymes. Question 952: What vitamin helps to strengthen bones and protect against muscle weakness? Answer: Vitamin D Question 953: What does the Respiratory System do? Answer: the lungs intake oxygen (respiration), passing it into the blood for circulation and then the returning blood passes back through the lungs where carbon dioxide is removed and expelled (expiration). Question 954: What is Zero Balancing? Answer: It is a modality that helps relieve mental and physical symptoms. It helps to improve the ability to deal with life stresses and to organize vibratory fields that promotes the sense of well being.

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Question 955: What should the massage therapist avoid wearing during a session? Answer: Perfumes Question 956: Is Russian Medical Massage the same as Swedish Massage? Answer: No Question 957: Would the same strokes and pressure be applied to bring about relief of a specific condition in Russian Medical Massage as in Swedish Massage? Answer: No Question 958: Reiki is based on the principles of Chi. What is another name for Chi? Answer: Energy Question 959: What should you do as a therapist when you have a client who has either an allergy or oncoming cold, they toss a Kleenex tissue into the waste basket in the therapy room and didn't bother washing their hands? Answer: First you should disinfect the door knob and any other objects that the client may have touched in the treatment room. Most people are aware that door knobs carry more germs than just about any other object. Also you would need to change the sheet, disinfect the face cradle after the client leaves. Question 960: Name at least five types of Boundaries in massage therapy. Answer: Intellectual, Sexual, Energetic, Emotional and Physical boundaries. Question 961: What are some of the things you should be aware of in these boundaries? Answer: Don't criticize someone's belief systems, don't have any sexual relationships with clients, be aware of the emotional and mental states of your clients and don't reveal your feelings or talk about personal issues with a client and dress appropriately during a session. Question 962: What is Somatic Resonance? Answer: It is where the therapist is grounded in their bodily awareness and experience. Question 963: What is Chi Nei Tsang? Answer: A Chinese system of deep healing of the use of energy to the five major systems in the body which are: 1) vascular, 2) lymphatic, 3) nervous, and 4) tendon/muscle, 5) Chi meridians. Question 964: What traits are associated with the Fire Element? Answer: Intuition, Joy ,and Peace Question 965: List some of the signs of transference.

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Answer: Your client asks you personal questions, asks you to help solve problems, discusses details of their personal life, they show extra attention to you in several says. Question 966: True or False. Sexual talk, relations, acts and activities, or being involved with your therapist or client is always considered to be unethical. Answer: True Question 967: True or False. When there is kinesthetic dysfunction, you can not accurately sense whether certain muscles are relaxed or tense. Answer: True Question 968: True or False. An autoclave will sterilize equipment. Answer: True Question 969: True or False. If you have extended compression of the radial nerve, this can often result in radial nerve palsy. Answer: True Question 970: In TCM where does the governing vessel begin? Answer: At the coccyx, travels upward the midline of the back over the crown of the head to the roof of the mouth. It connects with the conception vessel at this point. Question 971: Why do I need to drink water after a massage? Answer: Massage will increase the circulation of blood and lymph while hastening the removal of cellular debris (toxins) and water will give your body the hydration it needs to sustain this cleansing process. Question 972: How often should I receive massage? Answer: Most people in reasonable good health receive massage once every 1 to 4 weeks. The frequency usually depends upon the desired results. Question 973: What improvements can I expect to see after my massage? Answer: That would depend on what issues you are looking to address. Stress reduction is often a big factor that moves someone to seek a massage treatment. In terms of relaxation or the 'relaxation response', measurable improvement is mostly dependent upon a good relationship between the therapist and the client. As to more serious issues such as; chronic muscle spasm, soft tissue inflammation, or any other soft tissue injury, improvement is more dependent upon the therapist Question 974: Can massage done with clothes? Answer: Yes. There are many types of massage. Some forms are done fully clothed while other forms use cream or oil, which does require getting undressed. Your massage should always performed according to your comfort level.

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Question 975: I have never had massage before, what should I expect? Answer: Massage in the US is often performed in a dimly lit room. Most of the time the default massage service is Swedish massage which uses lotions, oils or cream, so you will be expected to disrobe. You should always feel comfortable, in control, and at ease. Of course your first massage may make you feel a bit strange if your not use to physical contact. Massage can be strong or soft and may include some active or passive movement. A good therapist will elicit your communication so as to allow you to guide the treatment according to what you are ok with. As a woman, you should not typically have your breasts massaged. Question 976: What are the proven benefits of massage therapy? Answer: a. relaxes the whole body * loosens tight muscles b. relieves tired and aching muscles c. increases flexibility and range of motion * diminishes chronic pain d. calms the nervous system e. lowers blood pressure f. lowers heart rate g. enhances skin tone h. assists in recovery from injuries and illness * strengthens the immune system i. reduces tension headaches j. reduces mental stress k. improves concentration * promotes restful sleep l. aids in mental relaxation Question 977: Why do I feel pain in some spots during my massage? Answer: Pain is very common, and is for the most part it is the result of toxicity in the tissue. Lactic acid, uric acid, and other metabolic waist accumulates in areas that have poor circulation. In order to restore optimal tissue health the sore areas need to be nourished and cleansed with fresh blood and lymph. There are many factors that may be the cause of this pain problem. Nerve compression from the misalignment of bones, poor posture habits, myofascial strain, tissue toxicity, and poor nutrition are among the most common reasons. Question 978: What is the difference between spa massage and Therapeutic Massage? Answer: Typically, though not always, "spa massage" is done in a general manner, with standard movements that are done the same way on every person. Many spas have strict guide lines that massage therapists must follow, and often they have tight schedules that keep them moving as if on a conveyor belt. In Massage Therapy Centers on the other hand, (though not always), you are more likely to find therapists who control more of their own schedules and who can perform more 'person specific sessions'. This usually ensures a "better" massage, Why? Because each person's needs are so specific, we look at, and access each person as the unique individual they are. Unlike standardized medicine, the foundation of massage therapy is rooted in caring for each individual. This means that there is no "standard protocol". Question 979: How it is even possible that massage is useful for so many different medical condition? Answer: In as few words as possible ... Basically, no matter what disease or symptom you are suffering from, there are a few common components; be it pain, muscle aches, gastric problems, immune disorders, heart diseases, and even some cancers, there is most certainly an accumulation of toxicity; cellular oxygen depletion, cellular malnutrition, lymphatic congestion and often a hormonal and chemical imbalance that causes suppression of the "normal" healthy dynamic state of our body. You should also know that stress is in fact a contributing to all of those conditions. - Massage can help cleanse your tissue at the cellular level; assist in expelling toxic waste, circulating nutrition to healthy cells, and all the while providing relaxation and an increase of natural endorphin's, making you feel just great. (There is a lot of research these days that clearly proves that stress causes genetic break down, this causes premature breakdown and aging. More concerning however, is that current research also points out that genetic

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mutation brings to life certain types of cancer cells. So in light of that, tension and stress is more deadly than once previously thought.) Question 980: What does before the Event Sports Massage do? Answer: Pre-event sports massage will warm and invigorate the body - preparing it for the work load of the sports event. Given approximately an hour before the event, the massage is short and broadly focused. Opening joints and soft tissue may help to prevent injury. Sports massage will also improve the plyability of soft tissue, prepare the body for future events by speeding recovery through increase flow of nourishing blood and expelling cellular waist. Question 981: What does after the Event Sports Massage do? Answer: Post-Event Sports Massage will assist your body in healing and recovery. By increasing blood circulation in exhausted muscles massage helps to flush out metabelic waste and provide the much needed oxygen and nutrients. Post-event soreness and inflammation may be significantly reduced. Depending on the specific event and the person's specific needs, modifications are made to provide effective therapy for every type of athlete. Question 982: What are boundaries'? Answer: Boundaries separate humans from their environment and from other humans. They are elusive yet personally discemable lines that distinguish you from everything and everyone around you. They define your personal space - the area you occupy which you appropriately feel is under your control. Boundaries help you to sense how close or far away you want people - both physically and emotionally. Question 983: What are types of boundaries Answer: The Physical Boundary, The Emotional Boundary, The Intellectual Boundary, The Sexual Boundary, and The Energetic Boundary Question 984: What are the 3 Stages of Recovery? Answer: Stage 1 is Safety. This stage of recovery is about the person’s physical and psychological safety Stage 2 is Remembrance and Mourning. This stage of recovery can be profoundly painful and prolonged as the person relives the pains and horror of the trauma and experiences the accompanying grief and loss. It has a timeless quality that is frightening. Stage 3 is Reconnection. This third stage of recovery the survivor begins to look to the future and image a whole, intact self. The survivor recognizes his or her trauma, but is not possessed by it. Question 985: What is the lymphatic system and its purpose? Answer: It is composed of several organs, yellow liquid called lymph, small microscopic vessels called lymphatics and lymph nodes. These structures perform many functions throughout the body such as draining interstitial fluid which escapes from capillaries and transporting it back to the heart. Lymphatic vessels carry fats from the intestines to the blood. Lymphatic tissue also assists the body's immune system to defend against foreign cells, microbes and cancer cells. Question 986: What are some of the benefits oflymphatic massage and what are some of the pathology of the lymphatic system? Answer: The massage helps to improve and increase the flow of lymph and also moves lymphatic waste for elimination as it promotes the circulation of lymph to act as a detoxification

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Question 987: Would you do deep pressure massage on the legs of someone who is pregnant and if so why? Answer: No, you would not because pregnant women are prone to having blood clots. It is very important for you to examine to see if there is any swelling on the legs, calves, and redness/like rashes, etc. On the legs and you would suggest they go see their physician and you would NOT massage them. A V OID DEEP TISSUE massage!! Question 988: How would you place the pregnant woman on the massage table? Answer: You would place them in a semi-reclined position after the 22nd week of pregnancy, making sure that they are facing forward; not having their face looking to the right or left. You don't want them to be in a position too high where they would be looking up at the ceiling. Between the 13-22nd week you can place them in the prone position face up but make sure that you place a pillow on their right side. You would do this because you want to make sure that the baby rolls off of the vena cava because that is a very important vein in the body. Question 989: List some things that a pregnant woman should do before AND after a massage: Answer: Ask their physician if they can have massages BEFORE you massage them. The therapist should help the pregnant women slowly raise up from the massage table because massage always increased the flow of the blood and you don't want her to become dizzy and faint. You should help her down offthe table and it the table in high be sure and have a step for her. Advise her to drink plenty of water because metabolic waste is in the tissues and is released during the massage and drinking lots of water helps to flush the waste from the tissues. Have your client try to use the bathroom and NOT resist the urge to "hold it" because that could possibly cause a bladder and/or kidney infection. Advise her to shower to rid the outside of dead cells when she gets home, and to rest and take it easy the rest of the day and evening. Question 990: During a massage does the flow of blood pass through the muscles or around the muscles? Answer: Through the muscles during massage, exercise, or exertion. Question 991: What is manual lymphatic drainage is best for? Answer: Removing waste Question 992: What are some things that Trigger Point Therapy is good for, and what is another name for trigger points and what causes them? Answer: It can identify tender places on the muscle tissues that refer pain to other parts of the body and it breaks up adhesions in the tissue thereby allowing the flow of lymph and blood in the area. Another name for trigger points is "knots." These knots can be caused from an injury or the muscle tissue being starved for nutrients, and the reason these knots feel like bumps in the muscle is because the there is waste material that has become ensnared in the tissue. Question 993: If your client has shortened muscles how would you try and correct this? Answer: Stretch and lengthen the muscle/s Question 994: What is the name of a muscle which is the major contributor in generating a movement? Answer: Prime Mover Question 995: What is at either end of the muscle that attaches the muscle to a bone?

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Answer: Tendon Question 996: Does each muscle have an origin and insertion? Answer: Yes Question 997: The origin is the attachment to the more stationary bone. Answer: True Question 998: The insertion is the connection to the more mobile bone. Answer: True Question 999: What is the prime mover when abducting the shoulder? Answer: Deltoid Question 1000: What are synergists? Answer: Muscles that work together to create an action and assist the prime mover. Question 1001: What is the name of a muscle which creates the opposite action to the prime mover and synergists? Answer: Antagonist Question 1002: How many named muscles are there in the human body? Answer: 639 Question 1003: What are the names of the blood vessels of the cardiovascular system? Answer: Veins and arteries Question 1004: What is the function of the walls of the capillaries? Answer: They serve as nutrient and waste exchange sites between the boly tissues and the blood. Question 1005: What carries blood away from the heart? Answer: Arteries Question 1006: What is the function of the nervous system? Answer: It senses, interprets and responds to the body's needs in order to maintain equilibrium or homeostasis (is the ability of the human body to maintain a constant internal environment even though the external environment changes. Question 1007: What is Bell's Palsy?

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Answer: It is a form of temporary facial paralysis, resulting from trauma to one of the two facial nerves. With or without any kind of treatment the person usually gets better within two weeks and can recover completely within three to six months. Question 1008: Melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma are types of cancer cells. What does melanoma usually begin with? Answer: Begins as a dark brown or black patch with irregular borders and is characterized by the uncontrolled growth of pigment-producing tanning cells. It may appear anywhere on the body without warning or start near a mole. It has a tendency to spread, making it essential to treat it right away. Question 1009: If a client comes for a session and you notice they have severe scoliosis what would you do? Answer: Refer them to an MD Question 1010: Would cocoa butter be good to put on a burn? Answer: Yes Question 1011: True or False. There are 5 techniques on Swedish massage. Answer: True Question 1012: Define anatomy. Answer: It is the study of the structures, or morphology, of the body. Question 1013: In which group of people is the body the least efficient? Answer: The elderly Question 1014: The smallest unit that can maintain life and reproduce? Answer: Cell Question 1015: The fingers are what to the elbow? Answer: Distal Question 1016: What is the function of bones? Answer: Support, protection, assisting in movement, storage of minerals, production of blood cells, and storage of chemical energy Question 1018: What is the approximate length of the intestines? Answer: The length of the entire human intestine can range from 25 to 28 feet. The small intestine is about 20 to 23 feet long and the large intestine is only about 5 feet long.

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Question 1019: True or False. A thrombocyte is a platelet and tiny bits of protoplasm found in vertebrate blood and is essential for blood clotting. Answer: True Question 1020: Are osteoclasts cells that break down the bone? Answer: Yes NOTE: This question and this word has different meanings and can be a trick question. Question 1021: What is osteitis and what is another name for osteitis? Answer: Osteitis is a general term for inflammation of bone. More specifically, it can refer to any of the following conditions: Osteitis fibrosa cystica or Von Recklinghausen's disease of bone, Osteitis deformans or Paget's disease of bone, or Osteitis pubis also referred to as Pott's disease. Question: What is hyperkyphosis? Answer: It is an increase in the normal thoracic kyphotic curve, with protracted capulae and head-forward posture. Question: What is stroking and what is a contraindication of stroking? Answer: It is among the lightest techniques used for massage. And stroking is not used over uncovered open or contagious skin lesions. Question: What is MLD and what are some contraindications of MLD? Answer: Manual Lymphatic Drainage and some of the contra indications to MLD include chronic heart failure, acute conditions due to bacterial or viral infection Question 1022: Name 7 heat applications used in hydrotherapy. Answer: 1) Compresses, 2) foot and arm baths, 3) wax or paraffin baths, 4) thermophore, 5) hydrocollator, 6) full body baths (Epson salts baths), 7) steam inhalation Question 1023: What are some of the contraindications of heat applications in hydrotherapy? Answer: Acute injuries, circulatory pathologies, infections and burns Question 1024: What is another term for cold applications in hydrotherapy and what are the ames of some of the applications? Answer: Cryotherapy, and some of the applications are ice packs, compresses, ice massage Question 1025: What are some of the contraindications of cryotherapy? Answer: If your client's hands and feet feel cold don't use cryotherapy, and also if they have Raynaud's disease. Question 1026: List 4 respiratory pathologies. Answer: Sinusitis, Chronic bronihitis, Emphysema, and Asthma Question 1027: List circulatory pathologies.

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Answer: Hypotension, hypertension, congestive heart failure, raynaud's phenomenon, thrombophlebitis, and varicose veins Question 1028: List some gastrointestinal concerns. Answer: a. Constipation - autointoxication, elimination - laxatives b. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) also known as spastic colon c. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (used to identify 2 conditions: ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease)