2010 04 14 Newsletter 2 personnel use - vgt.nl · 1 © ADDE 2010 Newsletter 2/10 Gümligen,...

1 © ADDE 2010 N N e e w w s s l l e e t t t t e e r r 2 2 / / 1 1 0 0 Gümligen, 2.6.2010 UW/gm List of Contents From the president’s desk 1 Vienna Annual General Meeting 2010 2 Technical Committee I/2010 3 Brussels event 2010 4 EU-News 4 European Standards 5 Events 6 Economic mirror in France 6 FDA Reaffirms Amalgam Safety 7 Company law in Switzerland 7 Irish Dental Association moved! 8 Cavete Collegae! 8 Short news 8 Calendar of ADDE-Events 8 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK Our organisation “ADDE” deserves its place in Europe In the past few weeks, Europe attracted the full attention of the press, albeit not always in a positive way. - There are serious financial problems in the south of Europe: Greece, Spain, Portugal… - Support measures taken by other Euro- pean member states were not always very efficient - The European stock markets came un- der tremendous pressure - The euro as a currency came under tremendous pressure - The European project itself came under intense scrutiny Europe itself is being questioned and yet we must realize that Europe has played a major role in the past few decades in forging our legal and economic systems and bridging gaps between all European countries. This entente must also exist within our Euro- pean organization between the different member countries; Countries that show many differences in their dental distribution approach. To share experiences, on a European level, to participate in the de- bate and to join forces should be the motto of ADDE. Together with my administration, we have taken quite a few measures in the past few weeks. - In spite of the Icelandic volcanic activ- ity, the AGM in Vienna was very suc- cessful, and many ADDE-members were present. Beside the official part of the AGM, we were able to share our ex- periences on the occasion of this lovely and well organized programme, offered by our Austrian hosts. We also wel- comed some new countries. Sponsoring members – our suppliers – were pre- pared to share their experiences and to ADDE General Secretary Moosstrasse 2 CH-3073 Gümligen 0041 (0) 31 952 78 92 0041 (0) 31 952 76 83 [email protected] For personnel use only

Transcript of 2010 04 14 Newsletter 2 personnel use - vgt.nl · 1 © ADDE 2010 Newsletter 2/10 Gümligen,...

1 © ADDE 2010

NNeewwsslleetttteerr 22//1100Gümligen, 2.6.2010 UW/gm

List of Contents

From the president’s desk 1 Vienna Annual General Meeting 2010 2 Technical Committee I/2010 3 Brussels event 2010 4 EU-News 4 European Standards 5 Events 6 Economic mirror in France 6 FDA Reaffirms Amalgam Safety 7 Company law in Switzerland 7 Irish Dental Association moved! 8 Cavete Collegae! 8 Short news 8 Calendar of ADDE-Events 8


Our organisation “ADDE” deserves its place in Europe

In the past few weeks, Europe attracted the

full attention of the press, albeit not always in

a positive way.

- There are serious financial problems in

the south of Europe: Greece, Spain,


- Support measures taken by other Euro-

pean member states were not always

very efficient

- The European stock markets came un-

der tremendous pressure

- The euro as a currency came under

tremendous pressure

- The European project itself came under

intense scrutiny

Europe itself is being questioned and yet we

must realize that Europe has played a major

role in the past few decades in forging our

legal and economic systems and bridging

gaps between all European countries.

This entente must also exist within our Euro-

pean organization between the different

member countries; Countries that show

many differences in their dental distribution

approach. To share experiences, on a

European level, to participate in the de-

bate and to join forces should be the motto

of ADDE.

Together with my administration, we have

taken quite a few measures in the past few


- In spite of the Icelandic volcanic activ-

ity, the AGM in Vienna was very suc-

cessful, and many ADDE-members were

present. Beside the official part of the

AGM, we were able to share our ex-

periences on the occasion of this lovely

and well organized programme, offered

by our Austrian hosts. We also wel-

comed some new countries. Sponsoring

members – our suppliers – were pre-

pared to share their experiences and to

ADDE General Secretary

Moosstrasse 2

CH-3073 Gümligen

℡ 0041 (0) 31 952 78 92

� 0041 (0) 31 952 76 83

[email protected]

For personnel use only

2 © ADDE 2010

elaborate on the matters that are dear to

us Europeans. (cf. infra). This effort was

tremendously appreciated by all. “A bril-

liant, informative and active AGM” was

heard everywhere.

- May 5th was the day when we had our

voice heard for the very first time in the

European Community. We were invited in

Brussels by Dr. Ulmer, a German MEP and

physician to witness a keynote speech on

the dental world and its needs. This

speech was given together with our col-

leagues from FIDE. It related to those

points where we presently focus our at-

tention on in the dental world:

o Medical Devices and the relevant

Notified Bodies

o Radiology, contribution by the

European Commission

o Distribution of pharmaceuticals in

the dental sector

o Standards for hygiene and sterili-

zation in the dental sector.

The attendants, MEP’s, European dele-

gates of numerous organisations, guests

from the entire dental world and our-

selves, did not only enjoy the possibility to

meet and exchange views, but a number

of concrete actions will be taken in the

coming weeks.

As president of ADDE, I made a number of

appointments with European decision mak-

ers in Brussels. I would like to keep you in-

formed on these talks in the coming News-


The talks, the in-depth exploration, but first

and foremost our presence in the medical,

and more specifically the dental field, have

taken place.

In the mean time, a press release about this

meeting on May 5th was sent to all European

MP’s, European journalists and organisations.

ADDE has thrown a stone in the European

puddle and the waves are getting bigger

and bigger.

“ADDE deserves its place and voice in


Your president

Dominique Deschietere


Growth despite tough economic climate

The ADDE AGM brought two new active

members (Hungary and Romania), an as-

sociate member (Tbilisi Dental, Georgia)

and quite some sponsor members. Already

for this reason the event can be qualified

as successful and we wish those new mem-

bers a warm welcome on board of ADDE.

In addition our hosts (the Austrian dental

trade association) offered us a perfectly

well arranged programme for the business

and the social part as well. Imperial Vienna

was worth this event and we are most

thankful for those unforgettable days at the

blue Danube and around St. Stevens Ca-


Dr. U. Wanner

3 © ADDE 2010


As announced at the last Annual General

Meeting, ADDE shall edit – for each Newslet-

ter issue – a particular page including reports

on technical matters from the Technical

Committee of ADDE. It is obvious that such a

report can reveal only some particular ar-

guments and the conclusions and indeed

not go into details. The ADDE members and

other interested readers are invited to give a

feed back to those reports.

* * *

Instrument numbering

In the UK the Chief Dental officer of England

stated some time ago that “where instru-

ments are difficult to clean, single use instru-

ments should be used wherever possible.” He

is particularly targeting endodontic treat-


Currently available technologies allow to

write data 2x2mm on instruments to be read

by a scanner and stored electronically on

patients’ files.

* * *


This communication system for B2B applica-

tions (manufacturers to dental dealers) is

advancing. A new Web Site for this particular

theme has been installed. It should offer 3

different items, to say a) a list of actors on

suppliers’ and dealers’ side; b) a description

of EDI-Dent handling; c) a short description of

advantages of EDI-Dent.

Please refer to www.edident.info. Your

comments to be sent to Dr. Pavel Smazik

([email protected]) are most welcome.

* * *

Warranty rules on dental trade activities

According to current legislation the war-

ranty lasts 6 month in a business contract

B2B, but two years between supplier and

end-user (consumer protection!) This situa-

tion provokes discussions whether the den-

tist is to be qualified as end-user or business


In addition there are warranty rules on

spare parts valid for 12 months in some

countries, covering the costs of material to

be replaced, while the technical work

should be charged to the distributor. This

situation is not satisfying, since the margins

of the trade are by far not sufficient to

cover those costs. The ADDE Board is exam-

ining, together with the FIDE leadership, this


* * *

List of TC-members as of June 1st, 2010

* * *

Next TC-meeting: November 24th, 2010,


Dr. U. Wanner

A.N.C.A.D., Dr. Maurizio Quaranta

Association of Bul-garian Dental Dealers

Margarita Toteva,

Peter Bosakov

c/o W+H Bulgaria Ltd

British Dental Trade Ass.

Tony Reed


Barbara Kienle, BVD

Lutz Müller

c/o Deppe Dental


Chairman Dr. U. Wanner

Greek Association Nikos Sarmas

Anthos Hellas/N.


Österreichischer Dentalverb.


Swiss Dental Trade Association

Achilles Burkhardt

c/o Dema Dent AG


Daniel Viard

c/o Comident

Jean Martin-Dondoz

c/o Sogim Grimouille

Unifodent Frank Bruggeman

c/o Denta n.v.

V.G.T. Ed Kolsteeg

4 © ADDE 2010

BRUSSELS EVENT 2010 Europe – we are coming!

As announced several times, ADDE organ-

ized a joint meeting ADDE/FIDE with mem-

bers of the European Parliament and repre-

sentatives of the European Commission. De-

spite of some complications in the organisa-

tion due to ashe/flight problems, Dominique

Deschietere could welcome some 30 people

from the European Parliament, the EU-

administration, the industry, trade and some

associations close to our

branch. After a short

introduction and facts and

figures about the European

dental market given by the

ADDE Chairman and Dr.

Heibach (FIDE), Dr. Wanner as the editor and

Simon Gambold from the industry side pre-

sented the results of the 2010 Survey on the

European dental trade. During this business

lunch D. Deschietere wanted to mention

some major challenges for the branch and

particularly the European dental market. Fi-

nally it was up to Dr. Bischoff-Everding as a

delegate of the European Commission (Di-

rectorate-General Health, unit “Cosmetics

and Medical Devices”) to give an overview

of current legislation projects regarding the

Medical Device Directive. He underlined in

his closing remarks that his office is willing to

tackle particular items from the dental

branch and that he is prepared to continue

this dialogue.

* * *

We are thankful to Dr. Ulmer and his assistant

to help us to organize this appointment.

* * *

We are aware that all beginning is difficult.

We cannot expect from a first lobbying ten-

tative to welcome all 170 MEPs belonging to

the Parliament-group of “Health”. However

ADDE can be proud of the success of this

adventure. One thing is clear: We need to

continue those efforts, with other words “sus-

tainability” is required. Maybe next time 35

people will listen to our presentations. As the

delegate of the EU-commission concluded:

The dialogue must go on!

One final remark: ADDE sent out, shortly

after this meeting, a press release to 170

editors of magazines. From this we also ex-

pect an additional start-up of ADDE lobby-

ing activities. (see our press release on the

ADDE Web Site)

Dr. U. Wanner


How good is EU health care?

The EU is supporting a new investigation into

the performance of health care systems

across its Member States. The € 3.99 million

study will first be carried out in 7 EU coun-

tries, with more expected to follow during

the project's 4-year lifespan. The EUROHOPE

(European health care outcomes, per-

formance and efficiency) project received

EUR 3 million in funding under the Health

Theme of the EU's Seventh Framework Pro-

gramme (FP7) and is being coordinated by

the Centre for Health and Social Economics

at Finland's National Institute for Health and

Welfare (THL).

EU-funded researchers uncover origins of skin cancer

EU-founded researchers have identified the

cells that are at the origin of the most com-

mon form of skin cancer. Writing in the jour-

nal Nature Cell Biology, the researchers

explain that basal cell carcinoma arises in

the skin cells between hair follicles, and not

in the hair follicles themselves, as was pre-

viously assumed. The findings not only shed

light on the origins of skin cancer, but high-

light the difficulties faced by researchers

5 © ADDE 2010

seeking to uncover the roots of other kinds of


EU research identifies gene linked with ir-regular heartbeat A partially EU-funded team of researchers

has identified the location of a gene that

may have an important influence on the risk

of atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat). The

study was published in the journal Nature

Genetics. The researchers hope their findings

will lead to the development of new and

more specific drugs for the treatment of atrial

fibrillation. The study was part of two EU-

funded projects: ECOGENE (Unlocking the

European Union convergence region poten-

tial in genetics), and OPENGENE (Opening

Estonian genome project for European Re-

search Area).

School-based exercise gives students major health boost

Children can strengthen their fitness level

and lose body fat if they participate in a

structured physical activity programme, a

new European research study has found.

Presented in the British Medical Journal

(BMJ), the study's findings could encourage

schools across Europe to kick-start such pro-

grammes, effectively improving the health

and fitness of youngsters and setting them on

the road to a healthy adulthood.

Health Researchers have discovered how old and

damaged mother cells are able to produce

healthy new daughter cells, a process which

has been a mystery to scientists until now.

The ground-breaking research was partly

funded by the EU and is published in the

journal Cell.

The "Healthy Work" project supports SMEs

"Healthy Work" is the title and subject of a

project funded by the German Federal

Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS)

and the New Quality of Work Initiative

(INQA). The project serves small and me-

dium-sized enterprises through the creation

of contact points, whose service is free of

charge, guide the SMEs through diverse

functions, services and responsibilities of

statutory accident, health and pension in-

surance institutions and private service pro-

viders in all issues relating to "work and


Further information: www.gesunde-



CEN has produced a draft guide which is

intended to provide assistance in the crea-

tion of standards governing services. It is

considered indicative of the direction to be

taken by future service standards, and is

intended for any party – not only those with

experience in standardization – with an

interest in standardizing their services.

The EU Services Directive, 2006/123/EC, en-

courages the preparation of European

standards by which the comparability and

quality of services and the provision of in-

formation to their recipients can be im-

proved. This intent, and the promotion of

the sector by the standards organizations

themselves and by European and national

policy, has led to a growth in the number of

service standards. These cover all services,

from e-commerce, through cosmetics, fu-

nerary services and engineering, to safety

systems. Inevitably, the standards also im-

pact upon the persons providing the ser-

vices concerned. Service standards may

consequently contain requirements con-

cerning the protection of these persons.

Service standards are certainly of potential

benefit for the quality of services, for exam-

ple where consume safety is concerned.

The guide also describes interfaces to

management systems, including OSH man-

agement systems. The primary function of

6 © ADDE 2010

these systems is that of assuring the safety

and health of the employees. As a matter of

principle, their application is voluntary. The

standardization of OSH management sys-

tems at European and international level

would inevitably lead to their being certified.

Other stakeholders, also believe, that service

standards are in principle useful, whilst like-

wise pointing out that developers of service

standards must be conscious of their limits.

Where aspects are already regulated or

standards would limit entrepreneurial free-

dom (for example in the area of manage-

ment), they are not the proper instrument.


International Expo Dental will be held in

Rome from 7th to 9th October 2010 in the new

exhibition grounds of Fiera Roma.

For further information please see


Great Britain:

Pavilion at Showcase 2010

You will be able to see the dental associa-

tions representing the major occupational

groups within the dental team on one pavil-

ion at Showcase this year.

The pavilion, spanning more than 50 square

metres, and containing a communal lounge

area will be located just inside the entrance

of the hall giving you and your team conven-

ient access to the personnel and services

offered by each Association, encouraging

interaction and providing a practical exam-

ple of working together for the benefit of the


The professional dental associations that will

feature on the pavilion are: BADN, DPA, DLA,


Tony Reed, Executive Director of the BDTA,

comments, “We are delighted to be able to

offer this facility to our fellow association. It

fits in perfectly with our “Working in Har-

mony” theme and provides a platform for

the associations which reflects the impor-

tance of the role that they play in the work

of the dental team”

Reserve your complimentary ticket now!

BDTA Dental Showcase 2010 takes place

October 14-16 2010 Excel London. To regis-

ter in advance for your complimentary

ticket visit www.dentalshowcase.com/visit,

call the registration hotline on +44 (0) 14 94

72 99 59 or text your name, address, occu-

pation and GDC number to 07786 206 276.

Advance registration closes October 1st

2010. On-the-day registration: £10 per per-



The French dental trade association “Co-

mident” has started an economic inquiry to

be conducted 4 times a year. The member

companies of Comident get every quarter

an indication regarding the economic

situation. This “entrepreneurial instrument”

set up for the first time in IV quarter of 2009

with a consistent activity in the dental trade

area, shows – for the first quarter of 2010 –

an increase of 0.5% compared with the

previous reporting period. The statistics re-

veal a significant difference of values due

to the size of the companies. In average

there is a slight decrease (0.5%) for equip-

ment and material while sundries sales in-

creased by 1%. But once again, there are

quite important varieties depending on the

size of the reporting companies.

By the way, the relevant French legislation

requires from now on to mention the price

7 © ADDE 2010

for prostheses in the offers from dentists to


Jean Martin-Dondoz


After years of careful investigation and the

review of some 200 scientific studies, the U.S.

Food and Drug Administration reaffirmed its

view that dental amalgam is a safe, effec-

tive material for use in dental restorations.

The FDA ruling classifies encapsulated amal-

gam as a class II medical device, which

places it in the same class as gold and com-

posite fillings. The ADA has supported a class

II designation for amalgam since the FDA first

proposed it in 2002.

"The best available scientific evidence sup-

ports the conclusion the patients with dental

amalgam fillings are not at risk for mercury-

associated adverse health effects," said Dr.

Runner, acting director of the agency's Divi-

sion of Anaesthesiology, General Hospital,

Infection Control and Dental Devices, FDA's

Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

She went on to say that "long-term clinical

studies in adults and children aged 6 and

older with dental amalgam fillings have not

established a causal link between dental

amalgam and adverse health effects."

Dr. Runner noted, too, that the FDA explored

potential health effects of dental amalgam

in developing fetuses, breast-fed infants and

children under age six. Although the re-

search on these populations is more limited,

she said: "The scientific evidence that is avail-

able suggests that these populations also are

not at risk."

Some patients, she noted, have an allergy or

sensitivity to the mercury or other metal in

dental amalgam. Such patients may de-

velop "contact reactions" within the oral cav-


To address the needs of these patients, said

Dr. Runner, the FDA is placing special con-

trols on dental amalgam to help provide

"reasonable assurance" of its safety and ef-

fectiveness. These special controls include

recommended performance tests to en-

sure that essential information is provided to

the FDA when devices are submitted for


The special controls also instruct manufac-

turers to add language to their product

labelling that:

• Warns against the use of amalgam

in patients with mercury allergies;

• Advises dental professionals to use

adequate ventilation when hand-

ling amalgam, and

• Reviews the benefits and risks of



According to a press information a good

number of London domiciled companies

are prepared to jump: not only just over the

Channel but to choose a location in Swit-

zerland. The number of German smaller

and medium sized companies, notably in

the services’ sector, is seeking for office

space in Switzerland as well.

These news ask for an opportunity to pro-

vide to English speaking entrepreneurs and

practitioners with an overview of the fun-

damentals of Swiss company law. The pub-

lication mentioned in the title explains in its

first part the various types and characters

of companies which exist under Swiss law in

combination of audit rules, financial ac-

counting and reporting regulations.

The publication mentions Swiss merger op-

tions, international restructurings and, of

course, includes a brief overview of the

relevant Swiss tax law system which a cov-

ers the cantonal and federal regulations in

this field.

8 © ADDE 2010

In a second part the publication reveals the

main characteristics of the various kinds of

companies to start with the corporations

(“AG”= Aktiengesellschaft) and companies

with limited liabilities (“GmbH”). The book

brings a consistent (but not authorized) trans-

lation of the most relevant parts of the Code

of Obligations.

The publication is not particularly addressed

to lawyers but to people from outside Switzer-

land to learn more about company law in a

very transparent kind of presentation.

Daniel Lengauer, Martin Schaad, Therese Amstutz;

Company law in Switzerland, Schulthess edition, Zurich

2009, ISBN 978-3-7255-5732-5


The Association of the Irish Dental Industry

Ltd. has a new address:

AIDI Association of the Irish Dental Industry


Mrs. Clare Deane

Roscreea Road, Shinrone, Birr

County Offaly

IE-Ireland ℡ +353 (0) 86 400 20 30

[email protected] � www.aidi.ie


During a recent ADDE meeting member

stated that a company under the designa-

tion of “Medical Dental Technology” com-

pany got money for a substantial order, but

did never send the ordered and paid instru-

ments. Legal steps have proven that this

company still functions and maybe waits for

a next “victim”.

So far this information. ADDE is not able to

certify this report. But regarding

Medical Dental Technology, v. Ponte Boldo

nv. 10 c/o Airport Center

Cap 37069 Villafranca di Verona, Italy

we recommend to act carefully and to get

in touch with the ADDE secretariat for fur-

ther details, if needed.


• 39% of people in the UK have had to pay

for dental bills using credit cards, accord-

ing to a survey conducted by the private

insurance firm Simplyhealth.


• Researchers at Rice University in Huston,

Texas have developed a toothbrush sized

instrument that uses a nano-bio-chip to

detect oral cancer. The device is 97%

sensitive and 93% specific.

• Dental Hypotheses This is the name of a new dental journal to

be launched these times. It is supposed to

be an independent, international, open

access journal supporting academic free-

dom for presentation and criticism of new

challenging and thought provoking ideas

in the field of dental sciences. See

www.dentalhypotheses.com for further in-



TC-meeting 24.11.2010 Paris Board-meeting

25.11.2010 Paris

EDBC-meeting 25.11.2010 Paris

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