2010-02-24 - Minutes of Special Meeting/Budget Workshop of Woodbridge Board of Education

155 February 24, 2010 A Special Meeting/Budget Workshop of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, was held on February 24, 2010, at 6:30 p.m., at Avenel Middle School, Woodbine Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey. The meeting opened with the Salute to the Flag and a moment of silence. The President, Brian Molnar presided. Board members present: Diane Acquisto, Thomas “Skip” Garley, Judy Leidner, Lawrence Miloscia, Brian Small, Ezio Tamburello, George Yuhasz, Brian Molnar. Lewis Huber was absent Board personnel present: Dr. John Crowe, Dennis DeMarino, Lois Rotella, Angela Korodan, Rita Miller, Barbara DeRollo. Newspaper Reporters Present: Sergio Bichao, Home News Tribune Ryan Hutchins, The Star Ledger Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Dennis DeMarino, read the following statement regarding the Open Public Meetings Law: "The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Board of Education had caused notice of these meetings to be published by having the date, time and place, thereof, posted as follows: February 8, 2010 E-mailed to the Home News Tribune and the Star Ledger Hand delivered to Municipal Clerk’s Office Posted in Avenel Middle School and the Board of Education Administration Building." Mr. Molnar welcomed the public to the 2 nd budget workshop reminding them that this is a budget workshop not a regular Board of Education meeting. Dr. Crowe explained that the Central Office Administrators have been working on two budget scenarios. He stated the Administration has tried to reflect the comments of the Board in formulating the budget. Mr. DeMarino and Dr. Crowe reviewed the proposed cuts for both scenarios. Dr. Crowe reminded the public that the cuts discussed are the Superintendent’s recommendations. Dr. Crowe stated the Board will need to look at the presented cuts and consider how much in surplus they want the Administration to apply. Dr. Crowe further commented that if the Governor should impose a 15% cut it would be so devastating as to almost not even warrant discussion. He stated there would be no discussion as to what had to go in and out of the budget. Dr. Crowe asked for comments on the first round of cuts at flat funding. Mr. Tamburello thanked the volunteers and parents who attended the budget focus group meeting, coordinated by Mr. Small, on Sunday night. Mr. Tamburello stated the group discussed several items listed on the cut sheets. He assured the group that their suggestions would be passed along to Dr. Crowe. Mr. Tamburello asked if the district is counting on revenue from the sale of the Outlook Avenue property. Dr. Crowe stated it will be difficult to count on the money from the sale of property in next year’s budget since the closing of that facility will be a process. Mr. Tamburello asked how the Administration arrived at the transportation decrease. Mr. DeMarino stated they are based on forced efficiencies. Mr. Molnar asked if the transportation decrease is also a fall out of courtesy busing being eliminated. Mr. DeMarino stated some of the courtesy bus routes were contracted out. He stated he is going to attempt to shift as many routes to our employees as possible to reduce the contracted costs. Mr. Yuhasz asked if transportation overtime was taken into consideration. Mr. DeMarino stated the overtime on the athletic runs will need to be curtailed. Mr. Miloscia asked if there will be any cuts to middle and high school teachers. Dr. Crowe state he believes cutting teaching staff must be the very last thing to be cut since teachers have the most direct impact on student achievement. Mr. Miloscia asked for the rationale on cutting the 6 elementary teachers. Dr. Crowe explained that is based on the projected population.


A Special Meeting/Budget Workshop of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, was held on February 24, 2010, at 6:30 p.m., at Avenel Middle School, Woodbine Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey.

Transcript of 2010-02-24 - Minutes of Special Meeting/Budget Workshop of Woodbridge Board of Education


February 24, 2010

A Special Meeting/Budget Workshop of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, was held on February 24, 2010, at 6:30 p.m., at Avenel Middle School, Woodbine Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey.

The meeting opened with the Salute to the Flag and a moment of silence. The President, Brian Molnar presided.

Board members present: Diane Acquisto, Thomas “Skip” Garley, Judy Leidner, Lawrence Miloscia, Brian Small, Ezio Tamburello, George Yuhasz, Brian Molnar. Lewis Huber was absent

Board personnel present: Dr. John Crowe, Dennis DeMarino, Lois Rotella, Angela Korodan, Rita Miller, Barbara DeRollo.

Newspaper Reporters Present: Sergio Bichao, Home News Tribune Ryan Hutchins, The Star Ledger

Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Dennis DeMarino, read the following statement regarding the Open Public Meetings Law:

"The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Board of Education had caused notice of these meetings to be published by having the date, time and place, thereof, posted as follows:

February 8, 2010 E-mailed to the Home News Tribune and the Star Ledger Hand delivered to Municipal Clerk’s Office Posted in Avenel Middle School and the Board of Education Administration Building."

Mr. Molnar welcomed the public to the 2nd budget workshop reminding them that this is a budget workshop not a regular Board of Education meeting.

Dr. Crowe explained that the Central Office Administrators have been working on two budget scenarios. He stated the Administration has tried to reflect the comments of the Board in formulating the budget.

Mr. DeMarino and Dr. Crowe reviewed the proposed cuts for both scenarios.

Dr. Crowe reminded the public that the cuts discussed are the Superintendent’s recommendations.

Dr. Crowe stated the Board will need to look at the presented cuts and consider how much in surplus they want the Administration to apply. Dr. Crowe further commented that if the Governor should impose a 15% cut it would be so devastating as to almost not even warrant discussion. He stated there would be no discussion as to what had to go in and out of the budget. Dr. Crowe asked for comments on the first round of cuts at flat funding.

Mr. Tamburello thanked the volunteers and parents who attended the budget focus group meeting, coordinated by Mr. Small, on Sunday night. Mr. Tamburello stated the group discussed several items listed on the cut sheets. He assured the group that their suggestions would be passed along to Dr. Crowe. Mr. Tamburello asked if the district is counting on revenue from the sale of the Outlook Avenue property. Dr. Crowe stated it will be difficult to count on the money from the sale of property in next year’s budget since the closing of that facility will be a process.

Mr. Tamburello asked how the Administration arrived at the transportation decrease. Mr. DeMarino stated they are based on forced efficiencies.

Mr. Molnar asked if the transportation decrease is also a fall out of courtesy busing being eliminated. Mr. DeMarino stated some of the courtesy bus routes were contracted out. He stated he is going to attempt to shift as many routes to our employees as possible to reduce the contracted costs.

Mr. Yuhasz asked if transportation overtime was taken into consideration. Mr. DeMarino stated the overtime on the athletic runs will need to be curtailed.

Mr. Miloscia asked if there will be any cuts to middle and high school teachers. Dr. Crowe state he believes cutting teaching staff must be the very last thing to be cut since teachers have the most direct impact on student achievement. Mr. Miloscia asked for the rationale on cutting the 6 elementary teachers. Dr. Crowe explained that is based on the projected population.


February 24, 2010

Ms. Leidner asked if the cost of the unemployment expense has been included in the budget in the event all the staff listed is cut. Mr. DeMarino stated there is $5,000 budgeted in current year. He further stated in the 2010-11 budget that line was increased to $1,000,000. Mr. DeMarino explained under New Jersey and Federal laws, individuals are entitled to 46 weeks of unemployment benefits.

Mr. Yuhasz asked if the cuts made to personnel will help the district with the compensation premiums. Mr. DeMarino stated it would depend on the actual cuts made. Mr. DeMarino stated for example, a reduction in trades personnel resulting in vans being taken off the road may reduce the premiums.

Ms. Acquisto asked for the total amount of positions being considered to cut. Mr. DeMarino stated he will need to advise her the figure. Ms. Acquisto stated doing a rough calculation, she sees approximately 100 people being cut. Ms. Korodan stated it is approximately 100 which does not include funded positions.

Mr. DeMarino stated he received a call from the auditor regarding the food service deficit. He stated the total deficit with benefits may be $420,000.

Ms. Leidner stated if food service needed to be contracted out, she sympathizes with the current employees of that department specifically with the staff that are nearing retirement. She asked if there will be any accommodations made for these individuals. Dr. Crowe stated he asked Mr. DeMarino to look into that. Mr. DeMarino stated the district could possibly put together a plan for individuals that are close to retirement, stating there would need to be a cut off date. Mr. DeMarino stated the food service RFP is presently under attorney review. He further stated he believes there can be an accommodation where we can eliminate the deficit while accommodating some of the employees that put in a lot of time for us. Ms. Leidner made additional comments regarding the compromising that the food service department has already made.

Ms. Leidner stated at the Key Communicators’ meeting there were over 30 parents in attendance. Ms. Leidner stated she asked how they would feel about eliminating courtesy busing. She stated for the most part, the parents would accept it as long as it did not directly affect the classroom. Ms. Leidner stated the parents asked why there are no cuts to sports. Mr. DeMarino stated all freshman sports are on the cut list. Ms. Korodan stated there is a savings of approximately $195,000 by eliminating the freshman sports program.

Ms. Leidner advised that the Key Communicators suggested the parents pay for all sports’ uniforms as they do with ice hockey. Dr. Crowe asked how much of a savings there would actually be.

Mr. DeMarino stated that there is a law in Title 18A regarding courtesy busing which states if an elementary school is within 2 miles, transportation does not have to be provided. Mr. DeMarino stated the district also has hazardous busing which, although the children are within 2 miles, the route is deemed too dangerous. Mr. DeMarino stated the courtesy bus routes were discussed with Sergeant Neslon of the Woodbridge Police Department.

Mr. Tamburello asked under what scenario are freshmen sports eliminated. Dr. Crowe responded it would be an administrative recommendation to eliminate freshmen sports if funding remains flat. Ms. Korodan stated there are approximately 28 freshmen coaches.

Mr. Molnar questioned if there will be a reduction in coaches for football. Ms. Korodan stated there will be a reduction of three coaches at two schools and two coaches at one school.

Mr. Molnar stated he’s been asked since the cut list appears to be the “little people”, what about the Administrators. Dr. Crowe stated the district is already low on administrators. Mr. Molnar asked the ratio of administrator to employee. Ms. Leidner asked that the entire Board receive that information. Ms. Rotella clarified that Mr. Molnar means the student/administrator ratio. Mr. Molnar agreed. Ms. Rotella stated it is approximately 231 to 1 as compared to many districts who’s ratio is 100 to 1. Ms. Acquisto asked for a comparison of the ratio to other districts.

Mr. Tamburello commented on the special education out of district transportation being eliminated, asking if these students are able to be brought back into the district. Mr. DeMarino stated if some of the courtesy runs are eliminated, runs for out of district special education would be brought back in-house.

Ms. Leidner stated at last night’s meeting, Victoria Romanienko stated she gave the administration a list of possible cuts for PACE. Ms. Korodan stated the plan that Ms. Romanienko discussed was one that Mr. Patten had forwarded through Ms. Miller for review by Central Administration.


February 24, 2010

Mr. Small questioned the elimination of the middle school and high school security. Dr.Crowe stated this is only the day to day security and does not include athletic events. Mr. DeMarino affirmed Dr. Crowe’s response. Mr. Small asked what the cost of security for special events is. Mr. DeMarino stated he will look in the current budget to see what the cost is.

Ms. Acquisto asked for clarification on the food service benefits since earlier it was stated that the amount listed is incorrect. Mr. DeMarino stated he believes the $420,000 deficit included $300,000 for benefits.

Ms. Leidner asked the total amount that the food service department pay into benefits. Mr. DeMarino explained they pay the same as everyone else. Ms. Korodan stated the food service employees pay the same contributions as everyone else but are only entitled to single benefits.

Ms. Leidner asked if representatives from the district will be attending a meeting hosted by NJSBA, where Brett Schundler and other education legislators are slated to be in attendance. Ms. Leidner stated there are two meetings scheduled, Harrison and Glassboro. Dr. Crowe stated he will be attending the meeting in Glassboro and Ms. Korodan is attending the meeting on March 6th in Harrison.

Mr. Tamburello asked for the timeline on the cafeteria RFP. Mr. DeMarino stated he expects it back from the Board attorney the week of March 8, advertised the week of March 15 and hopefully have Board action on March 31st.

The Board President opened the meeting to the public. During this portion, T. Maras, announced is intention to run as a candidate for the school board. Mr. Maras complimented Dr. Crowe for his honesty in presenting the budget. He made comments regarding the district being underfunded for so many years. Mr. Molnar responded by stating the Board has contacted local legislators for several years asking that Woodbridge receive their share of funding. He further stated due to the perseverance of this Board and its predecessors, the funding formula was changed. Mr. Molnar followed up on Mr. Maras’ comment regarding Mayor/Governor McGreevey. He stated Mayor McGreevey cut millions of dollars from the school district budget when it was defeated by the voters of Woodbridge. Mr. DeMarino stated the community had voted down the budget for 30 years. He stated Mayor McGreevey took approximately 10 million dollars from the budgets when presented to the Town Council. Mr. Miloscia added that the Mayor’s ideal was that there shall be no tax rate of more than $100 a year. Ms. Leidner stated when Mayor McGreevey became Governor McGreevey, he really did not care about Woodbridge. She stated she spoke to both Governor Whitman and Governor McGreevey but received no satisfaction. Mr. Maras thanked the members for their explanation commenting, “That’s old news.” Mr. Molnar continued that the Board got the state funding formula changed and for one year the state fulfilled their promise. He stated the following year, the district received only 5%. Mr. Maras acknowledged the limited amount of power the school board has. Mr. Miloscia stated he was in a meeting with Assemblyman Vas, Assemblyman Wisniewski and Senator Vitale where it was stated that there weren’t enough voters in Woodbridge to count.

Mr. Maras stated he is opposed to allocating money for lawsuits or tying to take over the Colonia Country Club. Mr. Molnar asked Mr. Maras to direct his comments to education only. Mr. Miloscia stated he feels Mr. Maras’ comments are well justified but pointed in the wrong direction. Mr. Maras asked if Roberts Rules are used at meetings.

Mr. Maras asked if the 180 days the children are required to attend school is based on hours or physical days. Dr. Crowe advised both, 180 days and a certain amount of instructional hours. Mr. Maras asked what would prevent the district from going to a 4 day work week, increasing the hours of operation per day. He stated you could then increase the use of the schools for outside organizations thereby generating income. Dr. Crowe stated whether hours were added to the school day or not, the requirement of 180 days would still exist. Mr. Maras suggested the state should consider amending that requirement.

Mr. Maras inquired about the possibility of using a private security company instead of Woodbridge police. Dr. Crowe stated he has already proposed those cuts. Mr. Maras asked what the cost is per hour for a policeman to sit at the school. Mr. Small responded that the officer is doing much more than just sitting there. Mr. Maras again asked what the cost is. Mr. Small stated the cost per hour is $35.00. Mr. Maras asked what an outside security agency would cost. Mr. Small stated that would have to be looked into. He further stated he was the police off-duty coordinator last year and speaking with many companies who called and inquired about the rates, the cost for an officer is quite similar to a private company for an unarmed security guard. Mr. Maras asked for definitive numbers. Mr. DeMarino stated he will look into it.


February 24, 2010

Ms. Leidner asked in the last 20 years how many times, on behalf of the Board of Education or school district as a whole has he contacted his governors and legislators regarding the inequity in the funding. Mr. Maras responded, several times.

Ms. Cheslow verified the ratio of students to administrators of 231 to 1. Ms. Cheslow agreed with the Board regarding the comments on the high priced administrators. She stated she checked salaries in Woodbridge Township and the highest paid employees are primarily in education in classroom roles. Ms. Cheslow asked if the benefits for the cafeteria workers are listed in the general fund. Mr. DeMarino stated the benefits were always in the hospitalization line. He stated the cafeteria has to be self-sufficient. Mr. DeMarino explained the single benefits cost approximately $300,000.00 and $120,000 in revenue shortfall to cover food costs, etc. He further explained that would justify the projected deficit of $420,000.00.

Ms. Cheslow asked for an explanation of budgeting $1,000,000 next year in unemployment. Mr. DeMarino stated, depending on what the Board decides, depending on the number of people who are on unemployment from the district, they will receive $300.00 a week and with the extension get 42 weeks. Ms. Cheslow asked additional questions regarding unemployment.

Ms. Cheslow stated the hockey parents suggested that the school district no longer provide transportation to take the children to the Community Center for local hockey games which would be cost saving. Ms. Cheslow asked if this is possible under our current insurance regulations. Dr. Crowe asked if any teams are bused to home games. Ms. Rotella stated transportation is provided to home games. Mr. Molnar stated he spoke to Mr. DeMarino on the same issue. Mr. Small stated St. Joe’s parents drive their children to the Community Center which is considered their home rink. Mr. DeMarino cautioned there is a liability issue. Mr. DeMarino stated he will check with the Board Attorney for advice.

Ms. Cheslow questioned any leased vehicles the district may have, other than buses. Mr. DeMarino stated there are no leases to be carried over into the new year. Mr. DeMarino stated recently he has been purchasing buses on a cash basis.

Ms. Cheslow questioned the line which budgets $20,000 for periodicals. Ms. Rotella stated that has always been part of the secondary program.

Ms. Cheslow commented on the stipend paid to waive health benefits. Mr. DeMarino stated employees who waive their health insurance provides a tremendous savings to the district.

Ms. Leidner asked if the benefit audit has proven beneficial. Mr. DeMarino stated following the audit 47 individuals were removed from benefits.

Ms. Cheslow commented on the sale of the Colonia Country Club, noting if housing is put up, there will be 100’s more children coming into the district.

S. Brescher, Colonia, asked if other hospitalization options have been considered. Dr. Crowe explained all hospitalization goes through negotiations so any changes must be equal to, or better than, what is currently being provided.

Mr. Brescher asked if any thought was given to renting/leasing Buildings 2&16. Dr. Crowe explained Building #2 is in such bad condition that it would be too costly to renovate.

Mr. Breshcer commented on the high school guidance supervisor. Ms. Korodan stated that was a change in the job description.

Mr. Brescher asked if the Administration foresees any major increases in funding. Dr. Crowe stated the district will not stop fighting for additional funding, noting there has been some indication that the Department of Education, the Treasury Department and the Senate realize the inequities that have been taking place in funding.

Mr. Brescher asked if the $5,000,000 shortfall this year will be basically the same for next year. Dr. Crowe stated it depends on the funding the district receives from the state.

L. Bradshaw, Woodbridge, expressed concerns over the elimination of instrumental music.

A. Barnett asked how the changes to special education funding will affect student IEPs. Dr. Crowe stated all IEP’s will be followed. Ms. Miller also stated the district will meet all IEP requirements even with the reduction of a Child Study Team.


February 24, 2010

Mr. Barnett asked if the district is allowed to use a reverse auction when purchasing supplies. Mr. DeMarino responded

J. Vateric, Woodbridge, stated he feels privatizing cafeteria is very dangerous. Dr. Crowe stated the private company will have to go through the same process as if they were hired as employees in the district. Mr. DeMarino made additional comments. Mr. Molnar asked if the Cafeteria Specialist will participate in the hiring process. Mr. DeMarino stated it will be a priority of the company to hire the current food service employees. Dr. Crowe asked if the districts that have already privatized, have a food service specialist. Mr. DeMarino stated normally everything is turned over to the private company.

Ms. Leidner stated she shares the same concerns regarding safety for the cafeterias and also bringing in an outside company for security, stating the Woodbridge Police know our students.

Mr. Vateric made additional comments regarding privatizing services.

E. Apple, Fords, expressed concerns over proposed budget cuts, specifically the arts. Mr. Apple also stated he feels there needs to be better notification of these types of meetings. He asked if the township has in-house trades personnel and if so, can the school district share those services. Dr. Crowe stated they will look into an additional shared service agreement. Mr. Small advised that the township does not have in-house trades personnel. Mr. Molnar stated Town Hall has a B&G department which handles most of their custodial work. Mr. Molnar stated Town Hall has only 4 or 5 buildings to care for whereas the school district as 26. Mr. Apple commented on the sale of the Colonia golf course. Dr. Crowe commented on the impact additional housing would have on the school district.

A. Donnelly, Colonia, asked the cost of football equipment. Mr. DeMarino stated he will have the cost for her tomorrow. Ms. Donnelly asked additional questions regarding athletic equipment. Mr. DeMarino responded. Ms. Donnelly asked if there is a certain number of coaches required for each sport. Ms. Rotella responded there are requirements for secondary school sports.

K. Cozzola, Colonia, asked that the parents present at the meeting go back to their respective schools and explain what they have learned at tonight’s meeting. Ms. Cozzola reiterated there have been over 30 years of defeated budgets. She stated you cannot blame the Board for the lack of funding.

Mr. Molnar stated this is the first time the Board is seeing the cut list. Ms. Cozzola stated this year’s process has been the most open budget process. She further stated this Board is the most approachable Board in many years.

Ms. Rotella state she feels the town will pass the budget because this town has always supported the children in the district despite the fact that Trenton has not.

J. Cheslow, Colonia, thanked the Board and Administration for the openness of the meetings and the budget process. She stated there is a tremendous amount of information from other school districts on the Internet regarding outsourcing services. Ms. Cheslow then asked questions regarding specific line items.

D. Pagnosi, Colonia, asked what locals the contractors doing the building checks belong to. Dr. Crowe responded the Supervising Custodian Association. Ms. Pagnosi asked if there is any flexibility in changing the work week. Mr. DeMarino stated that would have to be negotiated. She stated a 4 day student school week is not practical for parents. Ms. Pagnosi commented on the food service deficit. Mr. Molnar and Mr. DeMarino responded.

T. Maras, Fords, asked if the School Board sets the menu. Mr. DeMarino stated menu development is done in-house following the state guidelines.

T. Contala stated he feels the Board election should be held at the same time as the general election. Mr. Contala further stated private security is less expensive than paying the Woodbridge Police. He commented on the 2&16 facility. Dr. Crowe stated that facility is not used for children. Mr. Contala made additional comments regarding the Colonia Country Club. He suggested to look at the teachers’ calendar which allows for an abundance of days off.

J. Vataric stated the Board should not consider selling any schools.

D. Ponnic, Sewaren, stated she feels it is inconceivable to eliminate security in the middle schools and high schools.


February 24, 2010

S. Doolan asked if early retirement is being offered to the staff. Dr. Crowe stated, as a public school district, early retirement cannot be offered. Ms. Doolan asked if retirements will be filled. Ms. Korodan stated if the position needs to be filled someone will be hired to fill it. Ms. Doolan commented on children with developmental disabilities. Ms. Miller responded.

J. Cheslow, Colonia, commented on the absence of Board member Lewis Huber. Mr. Molnar stated Mr. Huber has resigned his position on the school board due to his successful bid as Fire Commissioner. Ms. Cheslow asked how Mr. Huber’s resignation affects the Board between now and the end of his term. Mr. Molnar stated according to district policy and law, if the position is not filled within 65 days, the County Commissioner will appoint someone to the seat. Mr. Molnar stated the Board’s Reorganization meeting is scheduled on April 26 which is approximately 62 days from now. Ms. Cheslow expressed concern over an even number of Board members. Mr. Miloscia stated he feels this should be tabled since his information states Mr. Huber can hold both positions. Mr. Molnar stated the information we received came from our Board Attorney and the Administration was contacted by the Town Clerk alerting them to the fact that once Mr. Huber is sworn in he is a dual office holder. Mr. DeMarino stated the Fire Commissioner’s Attorney agreed with the Board Attorney’s findings. Mr. Miloscia reiterated that he disagrees with the attorneys’ findings. Ms. Cheslow again questioned the vacancy.

K. Cozzola, Colonia, discussed the criteria the Board uses to appoint a Board member.

Ms. Cheslow stated the only thing the public is asking for is a plan for the vacant seat.

J. Vataric stated he spoke to Mr. Huber who indicated he was going to seek a seat on the School Board in the April election.

There being no further business, and on a motion by Ms. Acquisto, seconded by Mr. Yuhasz and carried, the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:25 p.m. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I, Dennis DeMarino, Business Administrator and Secretary of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the Minutes taken at the Special Board of Education meeting/Budget Workshop held February 24, 2010.

Dennis DeMarino d April 15, 2010