20091006-SS-Pp165-182-Applying Integrated Ecological Planning and ALIT

Conclusion , 165


Applying Integrated Ecological Planning and Adaptive Landscape Evaluation Tool for Developing Countries in the Framework of Sustainable Spatial Planning and Development, Study Case Bintan Island, IndonesiaPPT Part 10 from 10 Written by:1 Tanuwidjaja, Gunawan. & 2Malone-Lee, Lai Choo.1 MSc. Environmental Management (NUS), S.T. (ITB)Urban Planner & Researcher, Green Impact Indonesia, Integrated Urban, Drainage and Environmental Planning and Design ConsultantMobile: +62 812 212 20842Web: http://greenimpactindo.wordpress.com/Email: [email protected] Ph.D. (Tokyo), Masters Urban Planning (Sydney), B.Sc Real Estate (NUS)Director of Centre for Sustainable Asian CitiesSchool of Design and Environment, National University of SingaporePresented in: Positioning Planning in the Global Crises International Seminar, held by Planning Department, School of Architecture Planning and Policy Development, Bandung Institute of Technology, 2009.Abstract. Developing countries, like Indonesia, face great development pressure due to economic development for great number of populations. Various environmental problems later emerge due to unplanned, uncontrolled and unsustainable land use development as well as severe environmental destructions. The need for integrated ecological planning actually emerges from this concern. The integrated ecological planning could be defined as “Planning process that consider the ecological condition, environmental carrying capacity, and other social economy that affect the location. Later on, integration of infrastructure planning such as water management, mass transportation, waste management, energy conservation, etc. Involvement of stakeholders would be integrated in the process application. “The real ecological planning application face constraints such as the lack of political will, lack of expertise, tools, research, and funding in government as well as consultants. But still the integrated ecological planning should be applied to achieve the more sustainable development as well as to conserve of strategic or important ecological areas. One of the important steps of ecological planning is the landscape evaluation methodology. The evaluation method research was started in 2005, for National University of Singapore, MSc Environmental Management program. Later through real application, we redefine the method with real application in other planning projects in other countries. Our research involves identifying the key elements of all evaluation methods, which were later distilled and refined to build on Adaptive Landscape Evaluation Tool or ”ALiT”. The strengths of system lie mainly in establishing evaluation methods, adaptive list of data, and scoring thresholds that embraces sustainable land development principles. The method was validated in Bintan Buyu, Bintan Island, Indonesia and proven to be applicable for local government. While the criteria and other scoring system would need to be adjusted to each different cases. The proposed system is comprehensive yet manageable and practicable. It encompasses four important elements as part of the development and evaluation process, namely, initial secondary data collection, rapid survey to verify critical data, multi-disciplinary analysis with Geographic Information System (GIS), and lastly, stakeholders’ inputs. The authors believe that ALiT can be a very useful tool for reducing environmental destruction while accommodating economic development in developing countries.We understands that there are constrains in method application due to lack of political will as well as limited funding to gather all environmental, social and economical aspects. Because of that, the vision for developing Sustainable Spatial Planning must be made first between stakeholders of the region comprising Public, People and Private (Government, the People and the Private sector). And Integrated Spatial Planning with Focus on Ecological Approach would be the near-future tre

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Conclusion (1)

Landscape evaluation process is an important step to the sustainable land development. The evaluation of the previous methods revealed the importance of selecting the evaluation criteria, proper weighting, rapid survey, multi-disciplinary and stakeholders approach in solving the problem.

ALiT (Adaptive Landscape Evaluation Tool) has been made specifically for such contexts. The tool’s strengths could be found at five distinguishing stages. The first is the criteria (factors) selection. This is important to achieve effective comprehensive evaluation. The second is the expert consultation for setting scores and weights for the factors. This step actually validates the biases from subjective analysis.


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Conclusion (1)

The third is rapid survey to complete the absent of data, with multidisciplinary team. The fourth is the stakeholders’ evaluation. The authors believed that participation of the people, public and private sectors would guarantee better realisation of the development. Lastly, the method also reduces result bias by using three data sets for evaluation, which are ecological, natural and socio-economic factors.

Implementation of ALiT should not eliminate further detailed researches for development suitability. For example, the loading test might be required to evaluate foundation strength of particular area after site selection. This also applies to ecology, hydrology, and pollution control studies.


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Acknowledgment & Bibliography



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We express our highest appreciation for:

• Team of experts:

•Prof Han Sun Sheng, Dr. Ho Hua Chew,

•Dr Simon Yanuar Putra,

•Mr Benjamin Lee,

•Mrs Joyce Martha Widjaya,

•Mr Alfrendo Satyanaga

•Ms Anbarasi Boopal.

• Scientific Officer and Ex-Director of Spatial Planning Directorate II, Ministry of Public Works, Indonesia: Dr,Ir.I.F.Poernomosidhi Poerwo,M.Sc,MCIT,MIHT

• Bintan’s Government Agencies’ staffs: Ms Yanti, Mr Ahmad, Mr Buyung, Mr Khaerudin.

• Bintan People: Mr Udin, Mr Bun Seng, Mr Bobby.

• Banyan Tree Hotels and Resort: Mr Michael Kwee, Mr. Mirza Pedju.

• Jurong Consultants Pte Ltd: Mr Yuen Heng Mun, Mr Allister Yong Winston, Mr Loh Kwok Pheng, Mrs Noorliza and Ms Amanda Ong.

• Research Assistants: Mr Deny St, Mr Septian Hornas and Mr Agus Sudarman.


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