2009 - Canang 2 - English Paper 1

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  • 8/9/2019 2009 - Canang 2 - English Paper 1


    SULIT 014/11




    CANANG 2




    KERTAS 1

    Masa : 50 minit


    Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 11 halaman bercetak






    1. Kertas ini mengandungi 40 soalan.

    2. Jawab semua soalan.

    3. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan pada kertas jawapan.

    4. Tiap-tiap soalan dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan empat pilihan

    jawapan. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik daripada pilihan A, B, C dan D.

    5. Bagi satu soalan, hitamkan satu ruangan sahaja.6.

    Jika kamu hendak menukar jawapan, padamkan tanda yang telahdibuat. Kemudian hitamkan jawapan yang baru.

    014/1 2009 Hak Cipta Jabatan Pelajaran Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus

    [Lihat sebelah






    Kertas 1

    No. Surat Beranak : .. Angka Giliran :

  • 8/9/2019 2009 - Canang 2 - English Paper 1


    SULIT 014/12

    Each question in this paper is followed by four possible answers. Choose the best

    answer from the options marked A , B , C and D. Then on your answer sheet, blacken

    the answer that you have chosen.

    Tiap-tiap soalan di dalam kertas ini diikuti dengan empat pilihan jawapan. Pilih

    jawapan yangterbaik daripada pilihan A , B , C dan D. Hitamkan jawapan yang telah

    anda pilih di kertas jawapan.


    Questions 14

    Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

    Pilih perkataan yang terbaik untuk diisi pada tempat kosong.

    1. Encik Shah uses a pair of ___________ to extract the nail.

    A scissors

    B pincersC shears

    D pliers

    2. The reporters took some photographs of a __________ on the stage.

    A group of singers

    B band of singers

    C choir of singers

    D troupe of singers

    3. The _________ is performing an operation on his patient.

    A shepherd

    B surgeon

    C matron

    D lawyer

    4. To keep food fresh, we store it in the ______________ .

    A box

    B cupboardC refrigerator

    D plastic container

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    SULIT 014/13

    Questions 57

    Study the pictures carefully and choose the best phrase to complete the paragraph.

    Lihat gambar dengan teliti dan pilih rangkai kata yangterbaik bagi melengkapkan

    perenggan di bawah.

    The way animals move is fascinating. A (5) ___________

    swims in the sea. A (6) ____________ flies high in the sky. A

    (7) ________ hops happily. Animals movements are magical.

    5. A team of fish

    B litter of fish

    C flock of fish

    D shoal of fish

    6. A pride of birds

    B flock of birds

    C team of birds

    D herd of birds

    7. A pack of rabbits

    B herd of rabbits

    C nest of rabbits

    D colony of rabbits

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    SULIT 014/14

    Questions 810

    Study the pictures carefully. Then, choose the best answer.

    Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yangterbaik.

    8. A The boys use a pair of oars to row the boat.B The boys are rowing their kayak happily.

    C The boys are boating on the sea.

    D The current is strong so the boat moves


    9. A The boys are sweeping the floor.

    B Two boys are arranging the desks.

    C One of the girls is wiping the window.D The pupils are busy cleaning their


    10.A There are a lot of trees in Azhars backyard.

    B Azhar uses a brush to scrub his shoes.

    C The clothes are hung on the clothes line.D Azhar is washing his clothes.

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    SULIT 014/15


    Questions 1115

    Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.

    Pilih ayat yangterbaik bagi situasi dalam gambar.


    A These books are heavy.

    B Can you give me a hand?

    C Are you sure you dont want this?

    D There are many books in the library.


    A Oh dear! Lets move to the next room.

    B Let me see. Oh! Its just a crack.

    C It rained heavily last night.

    D It is leaking.


    A Lets bring it to the vet.

    B Lets find another bird.

    C I dont like birds.

    D Show it to the class tomorrow.


    A Is it delicious?

    B I dont have time.

    C No, thank you. Im in a hurry.

    D Of course. You need to order another set.


    A Do you like the present?

    B Congratulations! You won.

    C Please take good care of it.

    D Here is your birthday present.



    What happened to

    the roof?

    Would you like to join

    me, Jimmy?

    Very thoughtful of

    you, dad.


    Look! The bird is


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    SULIT 014/16


    Questions 1620

    Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

    Pilih jawapan yangterbaik untuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

    16. The victim was ________ to the hospital in an ambulance.

    A taking

    B taken

    C took

    D take

    17. After having _______ dinner, they watched television.

    A they

    B them

    C theirsD their

    18. You live here, _______ you?

    A did

    B does

    C dont

    D didnt

    19. Gerald _________ his mother for the birthday gift.

    A thanking

    B thanked

    C thank you

    D thanked to

    20. Each child _______ a box of crayons when he registers for the contest.

    A receives

    B received

    C has receivedD had received

    21. _________ is responsible for his or her own things during the trip.

    A Nobody

    B Somebody

    C Everybody

    D No one

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    SULIT 014/17

    Questions 2223

    Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

    Pilih ayat yang mempunyaitanda baca yang betul.

    22. A Please do your revision, said Puan Harlina to her pupils.

    B Please! Do your revision, said Puan Harlina to her pupils.C Please do your revision? said Puan Harlina to her pupils.

    D Please do your revision. Said Puan Harlina to her pupils.

    23. A Aiman is one of the participants for the District Language Quiz.

    B Aiman is one of the Participants for the district language Quiz.

    C Aiman is one of the participants for the District Language Quiz.

    D Aiman is one of the participants for the District Language quiz.

    Questions 24 - 25

    Choose the answer with the correct spelling.Pilih perkataan yang mempunyai ejaanyang betul.

    24. Puan Azi kneads the flour, butter and salt

    water to make _________ for pizza.

    A doh

    B dogh

    C dooh

    D dough


    Encik Zarul bought a beautiful _________

    for his family photo.

    A frem

    B ferem

    C frame

    D fraim

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    SULIT 014/18


    Questions 2630

    Based on the picture, choose the best answer to fill in the blanks in the passage that


    Berdasarkan gambar, pilih jawapan yangterbaik untuk diisikan pada tempat kosongdalam teks yang berikut.

    It has been raining cats and dogs. Kampung Paroi (26) _________ badly

    affected by flood. The water is already (27) ________ the knee level. Many cars have

    been left on the road and some are half covered (28) _________ water. A man is

    holding (29) ___________ umbrella while the other is (30) ________ in the water.

    26. A is

    B are

    C was

    D were

    27. A on

    B at

    C above

    D under

    28. A and

    B with

    C by

    D so

    29. A the

    B an

    C a

    D -

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    SULIT 014/19

    30. A jumping

    B swimming

    C strolling

    D wading


    Questions 3135

    Study the pie chart below carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.Lihat carta pai di bawah. Jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

    31. The pie chart above is mainly about ________ .

    A hobbies

    B ambition

    C favourite subjects

    D favourite tv programmes

    32. What is the most popular activity?

    A readingB cycling

    C playing play station

    D playing computer games

    33. Cycling is liked by some of the pupils because it is _________ .

    A cheap

    B tiring

    C challenging

    D` uninteresting

    Play Station









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    SULIT 014/110

    34. Which of the following hobbies will increase your vocabulary?

    A playing play station

    B playing computer games

    C cycling

    D reading

    35. What is the disadvantage of playing computer games?

    A Save on electricity.

    B More time spent at home.

    C Too much time spent on the games.

    D More time spent on doing revision.

    Questions 3640

    Read the dialogue carefully and answer the questions that follow.

    Baca dialog di bawah dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikutnya.

    Reporter : Congratulations, Andy. You did extremely well in your exams.

    Can you tell us the secret of your success?

    Andy : Thank you, Mr Joseph. Theres no secret actually. I do my

    homework every day and revise the lessons from time to time. I

    pay attention in class to make sure that I understand the lessons,

    especially Mathematics.

    Reporter : Do you read any newspapers, Andy?

    Andy : Yes, I do. I read English and Malay papers alternately. I also

    subscribe to certain magazines.

    Reporter : Thats very good. What is your favourite pasttime?

    Andy : I play tennis twice a week. Sometimes I play football with the

    boys in the evenings.

    Reporter : May I ask you one more question, Andy? What would you like to

    be when you grow up?

    Andy : Well, I think Id like to do what youre doing now.

    Reporter : Oh, Im glad to hearthat. Thank you very much, Andy.

    Andy : Youre welcome, Mr Joseph.Ive to go to the staffroom to see

    my Mathematics teacher.

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    SULIT 014/111

    36. What are the good qualities in Andy?

    A Diligent and intelligent.

    B Arrogant and talkative.

    C Quiet and reserved.

    D Slow and passive.

    37. How does Andy study? He studies _________ .

    A occasionally

    B consistently

    C throughout the night

    D just before the examinations

    38. From the dialogue, we know that Andy likes ___________ .

    A bowlingB music and poetry

    C reading and games

    D watching television series

    39. What is Andys ambition?

    A A medical doctor

    B A civil engineer

    C A legal adviser

    D A journalist

    40. Where did the interview probably take place?

    A On the street.

    B In the school.

    C In Andys house.

    D At The New Straits Times office.

    =================== END OF QUESTION PAPER ==================