2009-03-16 - Minutes of Special Meeting of Woodbridge Board of Education

202 March 16, 2009 A Special Meeting of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, was held on March 16, 2009 2009, at 7:00 p.m., at Avenel Middle School, Woodbine Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey. The meeting opened with the Salute to the Flag and a moment of silence. The President, Brian Molnar presided. Board members present: Diane Acquisto, Thomas “Skip” Garley, Judy Leidner, Lawrence Miloscia, Brian Small, George Yuhasz, Brian Molnar. Pat Hardiman and Lewis Huber were absent. Board personnel present: John Crowe, Dennis DeMarino, Lois Rotella, Angela Korodan, Rita Miller, Barbara DeRollo. Newspaper Reporters Present: None Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Dennis DeMarino, read the following statement regarding the Open Public Meetings Law: "The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Board of Education had caused notice of these meetings to be published by having the date, time and place, thereof, posted as follows: February 27, 2009 Faxed to Home News Tribune and Star Ledger Hand delivered to Municipal Clerk Posted in Avenel Middle School. and the Board of Education Administration Building." Dr. Crowe stated this year’s budget presented the school district with the “perfect storm” of budgets. He explained the state of the economy needs no explanation. He stated in addition to that there is a decrease of ratables in the town and a reduction in the percentage of increase of State Aid, which went from 20% last year to 5% this year. Dr. Crowe further explained this is the first year the district does not have money from the bond referendum from which to draw interest. Dr. Crowe stated the Finance Committee showed unremitting dedication to not only reviewing the budget but also working towards creating the budget. He explained the Committee along with the Board President worked deciduously to create a budget which meets the requirements of a thorough and efficient education but is robust in what it provides the students and came in at the 4% cap, the amount allowed by law. Dr. Crowe stated, although the budget comes in at 4%, it remains below the state average and is below the level of adequacy set forth by the state. Dr. Crowe stated the fixed costs have increased significantly. Dr. Crowe announced the total budget is $184,539,975. He explained the town will be voting on the tax levy, $148,358,548. Dr. Crowe stated the State Aid numbers were received this past Thursday. He stated because of the 5% increase the positions of elementary guidance counselors and the middle school substance awareness coordinator were saved. In addition, he stated $500,000 was added in technology at the high schools, which speaks of the Board’s commitment to technology and meeting the needs of the students. Dr. Crowe acknowledged there will be reductions. He stated thanks to the dedication of the Finance Committee and the modest increase in State Aid, reductions were minimized. Dr. Crowe advised that the state has also come out with greater efficiency and accountability regulations. He explained that due to the new regulations the district is no longer able to fund certain positions that were funded in the past. Dr. Crowe stated he believes that this budget is an appropriate budget. Mr. Molnar called for Committee reports. The Finance and Insurance Committee, on recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary, presented the following: 1. That the Board of Education adopt the tentative proposed 2009-2010 school year budget, in the amount of $184,539,975.00 for submission to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools, as required by law.


A Special Meeting of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, was held on March 16, 2009, at 7:00 p.m., at Avenel Middle School, Woodbine Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey.

Transcript of 2009-03-16 - Minutes of Special Meeting of Woodbridge Board of Education


March 16, 2009

A Special Meeting of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, was held on March 16, 2009 2009, at 7:00 p.m., at Avenel Middle School, Woodbine Avenue, Avenel, New Jersey. The meeting opened with the Salute to the Flag and a moment of silence. The President, Brian Molnar presided. Board members present: Diane Acquisto, Thomas “Skip” Garley, Judy Leidner, Lawrence Miloscia, Brian Small, George Yuhasz, Brian Molnar. Pat Hardiman and Lewis Huber were absent. Board personnel present: John Crowe, Dennis DeMarino, Lois Rotella, Angela Korodan, Rita Miller, Barbara DeRollo. Newspaper Reporters Present: None Business Administrator/Board Secretary, Dennis DeMarino, read the following statement regarding the Open Public Meetings Law: "The New Jersey Open Public Meetings Law was enacted to insure the right of the public to have advance notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon. In accordance with the provisions of this act, the Board of Education had caused notice of these meetings to be published by having the date, time and place, thereof, posted as follows:

February 27, 2009 Faxed to Home News Tribune and Star Ledger Hand delivered to Municipal Clerk Posted in Avenel Middle School. and the Board of Education Administration Building."

Dr. Crowe stated this year’s budget presented the school district with the “perfect storm” of budgets. He explained the state of the economy needs no explanation. He stated in addition to that there is a decrease of ratables in the town and a reduction in the percentage of increase of State Aid, which went from 20% last year to 5% this year. Dr. Crowe further explained this is the first year the district does not have money from the bond referendum from which to draw interest. Dr. Crowe stated the Finance Committee showed unremitting dedication to not only reviewing the budget but also working towards creating the budget. He explained the Committee along with the Board President worked deciduously to create a budget which meets the requirements of a thorough and efficient education but is robust in what it provides the students and came in at the 4% cap, the amount allowed by law. Dr. Crowe stated, although the budget comes in at 4%, it remains below the state average and is below the level of adequacy set forth by the state. Dr. Crowe stated the fixed costs have increased significantly. Dr. Crowe announced the total budget is $184,539,975. He explained the town will be voting on the tax levy, $148,358,548. Dr. Crowe stated the State Aid numbers were received this past Thursday. He stated because of the 5% increase the positions of elementary guidance counselors and the middle school substance awareness coordinator were saved. In addition, he stated $500,000 was added in technology at the high schools, which speaks of the Board’s commitment to technology and meeting the needs of the students. Dr. Crowe acknowledged there will be reductions. He stated thanks to the dedication of the Finance Committee and the modest increase in State Aid, reductions were minimized. Dr. Crowe advised that the state has also come out with greater efficiency and accountability regulations. He explained that due to the new regulations the district is no longer able to fund certain positions that were funded in the past. Dr. Crowe stated he believes that this budget is an appropriate budget.

Mr. Molnar called for Committee reports.

The Finance and Insurance Committee, on recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools and the Business Administrator/Board Secretary, presented the following:

1. That the Board of Education adopt the tentative proposed 2009-2010 school year budget, in the amount of $184,539,975.00 for submission to the Executive County Superintendent of Schools, as required by law.


March 16, 2009

2. That the Board of Education approve the following date for a special meeting as follows:

March 30, 2008 7:00 p.m. Public Budget Hearing and Final Adoption Avenel Middle School.

3. That the Board of Education approve the following resolution regarding travel and expense reimbursement for the 2009-10 school year.

WHEREAS, School District Policy #621, Reimbursement of Travel Related Expenses, and N.J.A.C. 6A:23B-1.2 (b) provides that the Board of Education shall establish in the annual school budget a maximum expenditure amount that may be allotted for such travel and expense reimbursement for the 2009-10 school year; and

WHEREAS, the district established a travel reimbursement maximum of $150,000.00 for the 2008-09 school year; and

WHEREAS, disbursements, to date, for the 2008-09 school year are $39,824.00.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, County of Middlesex, New Jersey, that the Woodbridge Township Board of Education hereby establishes the school district travel maximum for the 2009-10 school year at the sum of $219,500.00, disbursed as follows:

Board Members $13,500.00

Superintendent $1,000.00

Board Office $1,000.00

Administrators (other than Superintendent & Business Administrator) $39,000.00

Funded $165,000.00

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the School Business Administrator shall track and record these costs to insure that the maximum amount is not exceeded.

Ms. Leidner moved for the adoption of the Finance and Insurance recommendations, seconded by Mr. Garley. There were no comments or questions from the Board or public. With all Board members present voting in favor, the foregoing was adopted. During roll call Ms. Acquisto thanked the Finance Committee and Administration for the countless hours that they put into formulating the budget. Mr. Garley stated he agrees with Ms. Acquisto and congratulated the Board and Administration. Ms. Leidner thanked Mr. Small for his invaluable input at the last Finance Committee meeting. Mr. Yuhasz stressed the difficult times and commended the Finance Committee and the Administration for the tremendous job on the budget. Mr. Molnar extended sincere thanks to the Finance Committee, including Mr. Huber who was absent and Mr. Small for sitting in for him when he was not available, noting he personally saw the long hours and hard work that the Finance Committee put into the budget. There being no further business, and on a motion by Ms. Acquisto, seconded by Mr. Yuhasz and carried, the meeting adjourned at approximately 7:10 p.m. I, Dennis DeMarino, Business Administrator and Secretary of the Board of Education, Township of Woodbridge, hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and exact copy of the Minutes taken at the Special Board of Education meeting held March 16, 2009.

Dennis DeMarino d


March 16, 2009

April 7, 2009