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THE WASHIWTOX TIMES 5TXIUT TAXTABT 23 1010 i g F < = ROOf HI JOIN Senor to Serve on Baum gerPincfaot Invcstigat mig CoouBfttee MEMBERS INDULGE- IN SKIRMISHING laqtMskieH ViU Not Extend Deeper Tla Surface for Several Weeks It cajt b state nutharttalUHj th- Seaator ie c oC Yew Tork the BaaMNgcrPtacbot Mveatigmoa- coa mtt a raganUcflB f reports that Ma afapeorm e before Hapue- tritHinal a counsel for the United SUiee in the Xewfouadiaod 2teb ri s arbitration case wilt require Much of the thom RhicJt he would otberw be dsvti to tko tevestigatioit cotmatttee Vice President Stteraaa is the Author Sty for the attemeBfc that Secitor Root would serve on the committee In Ms- cuwin the patter the Vice FresMent said Senator Root was appointed of course after it was understood that he would give the committee the beneftt of his service and if you should hazard- a guess that he will not remain a member oC the committee as the reports suggest I should say that you would make a very bad guess Senator Nelson chairman of the said practically the sane thing It had become currently reported that the New York Senators acceptance of the Presidents commission to appear in the important fisheries arbitration case would take him to Europe just at a time when his committee at home was Deepest in the inquiry wver the merits of the Pinchot charge The commit- tee would have undoubtedly been if tide had proven the case The real investigation of the Pinchot charges wH be determined upon at the meeting ot the Joint committee on It will be some weeks before the Inquisition extends deeper then the sur- face phases of the situation and it is even now predicted that the committees work will not be concluded much before the latter part of the coming summer This will certainly be the case if the body adjourns to Alaska for a first- hand view of the property over which the dispute arose Senator Nelson chairman of the com- mittee will confer on Monday with Secretary Ballinger GiKord Pinchot illavie Shaw and Price over the pre- liminaries sad will report to his eoi Icapueg on Tuesday as to the time need ed by the parties to the controversy for of their briefs state- ments and testimony Many witnesses nil be brought to Washington by both sides and some of those who will testify win come all the way from Alaska un- less the committee decides at the outset that it will KO to the mountain rather than hav the mountain come to it The political skirmishIng which nan been indulged in by both Democrats and Republicans In the makeup of the SnvestigaUnc committee has kept inter- est keen In the controversy This in- terest will be oven mote aroused when the facts bejrfn to develop at the hear of the committee These wilt be open and the country will be iven the opportunity of reaching con- clusions of own as to merits of the contentions submitted INQUIRY THOROUGH SAYS OLLIE JAMES ro may be sure that investi gaLlon into the Bellinger Pinchot controversy will be most thorough std Representative James ORe of the members of the Joint in- vestigating commIttee today In cussing the proablr outcome of the inquiry to be set vnder way this weekOf course it would be improper for me to discuss any of Issues Involved because I am sitting on the jury I do not know what my Re- publican associates on this committee from either house will do but I for one shall call for every witness that- I think can shed any light at all on the situation ocratic members of the committee will try to play politics with the in- quiry Well it has also been that the Republican members want only to do the Administrations bidding so I guess that as constituted- the committee ought fo be able to get at thefacts without playing any politics The committee has organized and elected of Minnesota- as chairman and Representative Mc Call of Massachusetts as vice chair- man It decided to employ stenog- raphers and a clerk who shall be an expert land attorney The committee will sit again Tues- day to decide upon a course to be pursued and former Forester Pinehot with hs assistants Price and Shaw to be present It is under- stood they will be accompanied by attorneys Witnesses necessary to start the Inquiry will be summoned at that injr of testimony will be begun about Friday HUNDRED PRESENT- AT New Home of BIon ingdate Club Opened MemVers of the Bloomin dale Club being congratulated today upon the yueees of a smoker and warmin their new Ito 241 Florida avenue northwest last evening About IM guests were pres- ent cttHhous has furnished in an attractive manner entire first floor being thrown pen Into one targ assembly room On the second are the reading room li- brary boOed room and secretarys offlee The third floor is devoted to card and pool rooms LECTURES FOR BLIND- IN READING ROOM In the T OBI for the blind at the Library of ConsresK the foBowrag volunteer numbers will be given duo the week Tuesday address by E I Temple on European Thursday piano Frauteia- Hermtoe leaders Saturday Gold Min Aitstralia There is a limited seating capacity in the reading room which will acramnto date only fifty persons besides the Wind end their escorts The first fifty cam jog will be given seats and after that the doors will be closed INQUIRING BUOY Iii will n Oft the TIM work CO- Mmittee prep Inca th the die the It has beeR that the m ator AreInvited time and it Is that the tak Aus- piciously are boone given t Tie been the the part of the the guests were entertained in the after which a luncheon was served in Travel foe Experiences In the Early Days ha weak- ened Tues- day Thg House charged sug- gested HOUSEWARMING During early even- ing assembly room but et ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THAT AE1TEB SEEING YOUR AND GOING HOME DETER YOU ARE ALWAYS AWAKEHED PARTy BY YOUR WIFES TRY WHO IS AVERSE TO SLEEPING LATE SAFELY TO AND WHO HAS THE ATVTFi VIEWS JS REGARD TO EARLY ES IS f meR UNCLE FROM THE COUN MINED TO SLEEP TILL D1fNER RICH AUNT WHO HAS COME TO tAKE YOU A LONG VISIT TIME uv4V IlfG 4S YOJmu1iCLE1- mSTBAIN iAV IT BROTHERS KEEPER I HIS Syn Chapters Already Published Mark and Hugh Lee brothers love Hilda Graves daughter of their employer Hugh thinks Hilda loves Mark and re- nounces her Carl Vaughn a fellowem ploys Insults Mark at a bawiwet and Mark confesses to hush that be hac taken 4MOM In boa from the arms safe to put up ae security in a deal aa tL Vaughn knows of It Mash horrined goes to the Arms office m PhUadetphia with the bond invetooe finds that a Mibatltation has bees made The scene shifts to Baltimore Cart Vanahn bursts in on the two him tress the home Hush in trytns to recover bonds rt a package of VaoKbas love letters and Just escapes arrest for burglary He Cnds his brother a pier Sad to taking hm- tecUve Toe next day the amaamiers say that Carl Vanteha has bees foimd dead off the pier where Hughs brother was bead Hilda Graves calls at the Lee home what b Mark that be win himself shoulder tie lujpaasibillty for the murder andU to WneMngton He visits Teiesa Ferrl are addressed sad tells te dead She sermon throws her and Hilda Graves whoso room was seems the hail walk m CHAPTER XI- I BECAME FATES FAWN it was a atra g9 K not in tableau that have a attracted by tn prima donnas wild cry she hurried from her room across the hall and pause t the threshold of the private reception room open doo- rI the man who ht Baltimore a few Hours ao had seized her hand and look that carried nothing less than utter adoration I was standing middle of the reception room a Itttle snowstorm of open love letters around- my feet same beautiful woman was sobbing her heart out upon my shoulder- A pretty 5C ne And one that I defy any man to explain satisfactorily to awkwardly across at her over the opera head the coil o waves over her shoulders my eyes Hilda And I have Known no bttter mettt In aM my life I sweet face Jl founded then unutterably scornful and Hilda I out awkwardly enough as the a new presence In the room loosene the door I I paused What I beg your pardon did not mean to Intrude She was gone I sprang to the to set myself right In her esteem But the closing of her door m yer pie attracted to the spot by Sbrnorfna Ferris shriek I could not hammer at Hildas door and bellow explanation through the keyhole in the presence motley crowd o hallboys and guests I turned on my heels and eluding several curious mouiries as to the cause of the turmoil I made my way downstairs to the lobby T was resolved Just to leave Washington ington until I should have made Hilda understand So much at least I owed to mv own selfrespect and to her of I but bnJIthfts Mark t by PItCIIOId a de Msb her to in ue pJIt then opera er to VUb5 bin neck and weeps ots are Iw YES Itself Hilda caves had gazed into her with a In tile and beautiful womans arms da aboUt neck wilDe that any woman hookIng Dlvebladt had come undone tile paroxyJllll and poured lit dark Met than when her frlght stWef into prima donna aware of her sp and turned toward was there to say came lIfkIas retort the silver voice cold as Ice I cor- ridor and across It In Impotent yearnI- ng brought me to dead halt The corridor already full or pro a UM ROt nor indeed the Ar and Pur the en bone is receniM mba beliere in has and an WbO lose let- ters bee Vaughn rsa- inued es bin shesi- 4Sf atarond the peemon muSt tO glorious eyeS a say gipingIy singers durtfl great me saw pained recognition strangling may face a was ¬ ¬ ¬ > registered jdeazn of sanity enabled me to instant arrest by concealing by own identity and signing myself Mark Hay ward On the same column of the rexistrv book a few lines above my own false signature were the names of Hilda and her What I had ftrst taken for a nuracul ous irony of fate was after all the most natural in the world Franklin I Gravest usually Sopwd at the Arlington drtnar his frequent trips to Washington Hilda this very day had told me she was onher way with him to the apital That w two had foregathered here In Just th way we dW was no mystery nor even an odd coincidence I was asstene to a room Before I went to it I scrfbtled a line on a card enveloped and adresssed it and sent it bv a bellboy to the Graves suite Back raffle the answer within two minutes Miss Graves was not at home Despairing I went to my room washed away the stairs of travel and made each dinner toilet as I might- A stubborn resolve gripped me would not leave that hotel without just seeing Hilda and forcing hr to listen to me- lt was bad enough to wreck my life for nv Iwther without being forced to throwaway Hildas respect for the sake of a inpestuous ultratempera mental star As I dressed I laboriously and dis- gustedly went over the details of my easer stormv Interview with Signorina Ferri And out of the wreck and con- fusion of it all came one clear bit of ftfl5Olaitl The prima donna was expecting Broeck By telegrams and perhaps other means as well he had gottea In touch with her and had made an appointment for that evening wy task was fulfilled I had come te Washington to find Broeck All I had to do was to stay in this verv hotel for a few hours would come to walk straight into the trap that chance bad set for him I would have felt a miserable joy in this promise of easy and early set- tlement of affair and bad not my whole hart mind and soul been bound up in the selfish desire of putting myself aright agate with HUda the end of the corridor on which were the rooms of both Hilda Graves and the prima donna There I took my station half hidden by a clump- of palms and waited In a few minutes Signorina Ford ap- parently quite recovered from her hys- terics though stiR and shaken passed by on her way to dinner A maid followed carrying wraps The prima was evidently going straight from dinner to the theater I wondered somewhat that she should fat in a public dining room Instead of in her own apartments But sweet are the uses of advertisements She saw mt as she swept by former I went to the desk and A th OIera 11 So halt and be mewould I dressed and went down to the foyer- at donna and on- o o ¬ ¬ ¬ ALBERT PAYSON TERHUNE- doing so she averted her face with something TjKe a shudder Then I t ok up my weary waKing once more Fifteen minutes passed be fore Hilda and her father emerged from their suite I stepped forward and confronted them Mr Graves seemed amazed there but greeted me and paaaed on Hilda dark na dowed eyes had grown cold and br Ice pools on sight of me and rfco- Uon moved forward to follow Mm But I turned her way Hilda i urged desperately lower my voice that Xr Graves might not overbear me Hilda You must listen to me Isnt it sufficient I have your she asked in weary scorn I must bear a Yes I declared vehemently you must in common fairness Youve known me for years And a man dots not change whole nature in a single hour NoT she queried coldly un- fcrtunately It seems possible to know a man for years and then 1 cover on moment what manner of man You have no right tr say that Was You e Yes interrupted I saw You can believe me or sot saM I but I never in my life saw Stgaortna untH an hour ago She had even beard of me total strangers to throw their same w weep oa your explain that I protested I I her vou will not trouWe It really to no affair of mine nor would such a story interest roe She was for passing on But again almost rudely J barred her pot Hilda I pleaded I have ever lied to you Nor do I lie to any You ought to know that And you must be- lieve me when I say the whole idiotic scene you witnessed WAS a miserable blunder It It was she agreed Th door should have been shut Not ajar for every psvsserby to look in That is unworthy of I de declared If it hda been a love scene do you suppose I should have behaved as I did Or be explaining as I am now far she you have laired nothing A hundred sentences rushed to my lips only to die there IVhat could 1 say Could I tell why I had gone to see Signorma Fern That It was part of my plan in the bond hunt That she had been writing love letters to Karl Vaughn who had at the same time been making love to Hilda herself The one explanation would have in- volved Mark and betrayed his thefts the other would have struck an unwar ranted blow to Hildas own pride and tack on a dead man And even were I to bring myself to tell of the dues that had led me to the prima donna I must still involve Mark What could I say A clever man to whom I cr told this story called me stupid for not promptly hating found a way out of his latest and most poign ant of my riany difficulties I asked him how he tiuld have extricated him self from the same situation He and hewed and finally answered with uneasy vagueness Oh in any of a doaen ways But he did not men- tion one of the dozen nor I think reader can you At any rate normal thick headed Hugh Le could find no And I looked down at Hilda in By see nc pt- as had no word not or reeoni In seen well his Yet t- In be really In elmer I tried another tack Is It women who are I about your neck can j cue You Thus would have beeR An equaUy unfair at hem- med Ipoor an- swer I to one given sign is she desperation lrrl never customary for and aboulder- I ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = dumb She waited for a minute me with eager expectancy I had broken through her armor ef scorn She was actually giving me a chance to set my- self right And without ruining my brothers prospects of winning her I could not avail myself of that chance So helpless I watched the light of half hope in hot gray eyes die away and place to her former scorn- ful disbelief Women are strange Mere man I believe cannot at best under- stand them If I had told Hilda I was a forger au embezzler or even that I was the slayer of Karl Vaughn the iyine pity in her heart would probably have find some excuse for mi But when a few hours after all my soul had looked from my eyes Into her own she saw me with another wom ans arms about my neck she was as hardened against me as the nether she who aroke painful silence between us said she steadying her sweet voice with a visible effort when I saw vou in Boston told me you were In trouble Again this very day your face as well as words told me that that trouble had tightened its bold on you and was crushing you I longed to help you You would not let me I hurried from your mothers house- to the station to meet my father and catch the Washington train There I met Marie He was buying a ticket for Philadelphia I asked him frankly what was distressing you You know it was not out of idle curiosity that I m spite of yoursel- fI know I said And I thank you T Mark confessed What That you were In great trouble Bat he would not tell what it was He said he could not But I got this stuck out or him That the person for your worries was in seek that person When next I saw you you Bad was not Signorina Fern I came here to meet I protested I cannot tell you who it was nor why But It was not she Oh cant you believe me Cant yOU trust me I could believe you i could trust you against all the evidence in the world except that of niy own EveR now her dear voice softening I am and eager to have you prove I am I know It to not easy to explain away such a sight But if you are sincere in it Wont you Hugh I shook ray head fn despair I could not speak She drew a nearer to me and laid her iittk white hand gently almost ap peaiin Iy on my attn give ma- her mill- stone It wax the asked but with the you lid that you were on your way here to foundher- It eyes readyyes I saw wanting ste to you ou Vcas ex- plain V eyeing Hugh responsible Washington as step ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Hugh she breathed I want so to believe in Tell mc I I groaned 1 At least ran you tell me that this this woman is in no way conected with the trouble you are in j I cant even tell you that Yet you WIld Just now she unshed mur a n It was two days you first told me you were in distress And in the face of sucii a contradiction you expect me to believe that you always tell nx truth I did expect it said I I expected- it because because I wanted to and because I would have believed it of you m like conditions Hilda I saw her eyes waver and soften But almost at once they slew steely once more as logic overcame Ute pleadings of her gentle soul In her eyes I stood a selfconvicted- liar at the a man who had unworthily played upon her sympathy and who caught had tried to rape from an embarrassing predica- ment by an untruth It needed no further words from her to show me the verdict believe the worst of me Hilda I said gently And soon you will hear what will make think still more f me The best I can ask is that you will forgive me for the chagrin try We shall not meet again Do not Judge Mark by his We east In different molds he and I That is all Good night Thank you for giving TO a chance I could iH She was gazing inscrutably at me Ac- I conned her lips suddenly parted to speak But I could endure 70 more- I turned on my heel and left her standing there pale fragile wholly lovely among the palms Yes I fled like a coward om the of my defeat Buffets and mis haps I could stand from fate and from my fellow man But the scorn of the girl whom I would blithely have laM down my life was more than I could bear Back to my room I went stunned sick unutterably weary of everything Hope was fled Nothing remained but to play a losing game as best I might to the near and bitter flnteh At 11 Broerk was to call on the prima donna And I would confront him either going to her reception room or else returning thither Or if no lit opportunity presented It- self then for me to see hint alone and uninterrupted I would follow him to the dark streets and make him by sheer force disgorge the bonds Sending these to Mark I would flee I somewhere into the country there to i the police as long as I might until every suspicion of Marks com iplietty in the Vaughn should have shifted to my fugitive self It would not do to be taken for a i few days at least Otherwise the j chauffeur of our taxicab or tome one else who might have seen both of at Whipptngers Dock would perhaps toad the police 4 to link Marks name with th ease I finally passed down into the lobby- to kill time strolling back j d forth there until Signorina Fern slId re turn from the theater and meet Brooch I saw no sign of the man In the foyer But I knew he would not be likely to appear much ahead of time As I passed the desk in ore of my rounds of the lobby a bellboy was ar- guing with the night clerk Yessirr the lad was sayfr Miss i Graves she give me thin note and she told me to be sure to take IT right t Mr Lees roots tad if he was out I was to leave It here at the desk for him Thats tight Mr Hugh Fair- fax Lee- I tell you reiterated the clerk j theres no one of that name here No such name on the register Clear out j and tell her se- i She and old Xr Graves left by the- I oclock tram for some place or I objected the boy I cant i A letter from Hilda And because of on antI that you even Hr until au ago A You I have you and that you will to ever Irrew me dod U 1 on- to oth- er nevor saw the bitterly caused forget you are take averse 31 I I I i I ¬ > ¬ the accursed alias of Hayward that I had signed on the register I could not claim it It was like a draught of cold water raised to a dying mans lips only to be struck away again For Marks sake I dared not reveal my own name here The police were no doubt already look trig for me But what had Hilda writ- ten And why- I gtarced at the clock The hands pointed to U2S I felt a thrill of com My nights work was at hand The Continuation of This Story Will He Found In TamorroTTx- Insuc of The Times WARNING TO PARENTS The Milk Conference appointed by the District Commissioners in view of the HANT DANGERS OF RAW MILK advised the HOME PASTEURIZING Of all unpasteurized milk by bringing- it to the boiling point then withdraw cool and keep cold covered until used Parents are particularly warned against the erroneous held by some pasteurizing affects either the digestibility or nutritive value of the or that as a rule it produces any harmful effects whatso ever SOCITBTY FOR PREVENTION OF SICKNESS hid Columbia Berliner We fever a stringent Jaw prohibiting- the sale or use In ICE CREAM of any CARE OF BABIES Printing TVB ARE In or os TuUdieg 13fe at 2 W with Btle fvMtttes for getting out MALL WORK XCLUS1VELY LE IS M THAYER m st K K I I I canons not P4IRt rHK Ai THEIR FOOD free on OW iIi itCh Phone Main II- nde7Sutuftt road- S applica- tion ti a ¬ ¬ ¬ TIMES WANTS AND OTHBR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS- Class A Wanted Agents Wanted Help Wasted Salesmen Wasted Sltaatloaa jtc a LIne Wasted Rooms or Beard Boarding For Rent Rooms Rooms slid Beatd Lost and Foist j- Clafig B- AM other dasisftriHluai IS eonts a 3 M mats 4 Inn minimum I a- PerBoasJs 1 cot a Una say anm ir Six words to a line The Washington Times Makes spo ciiil cashinHdraace rates for Clas- sified Advertising Class A One rest a word each insertion XtataMwa charge tf cents 2 lla Class B Three tines within one week 91 cst a tins 7 tints coneecativeiy M coma a Mae Mtemtnm spac S limo Help CHOCOLATE bonbon coatera MOBAXS- o 14th at X W Ja33t- CHAMBERXAItXwhlte wages US stay neSts can U 12th S B aRc COOKFlrst daM J general honsnamihti MODEL BUREAU R 1C W Itc COOK Good for small boardins- Xasa ave X W EXFERIXKCKD waist and Mrt hands and helpers m Uth X w M2S3te- GTRI Colored K yeses old to la- X W ito OIRL Good re after S p m OM- OIRLOolored for general Spring road X W 4 215tc CAXVASSKRS Two mission M7 Pa X W Ask tor M R lEGAL It LADY STENOGRAPH- imcton fi per weak to cmnmenee Apply BEN B PAXNTBTT Ottawa Ontario Ja3tt at borne making shields material fnmMied reliable women C han dred stamped envelope parttcutara WATXE SUPPLY CO Dept 141 Detroit Mlrh It SKIRT CinTKR Fbt after p m MRS iiEXDKStaOX VK 13th- t X W teS2f SKIRT HAXD6 sad helpers at sacs MM H X W lie SKIRT KAXI Experienced at Xn- RBICHARO H 1M st S 8 laHJr SIX WArrRSaeBS Coed say linen free MARYLAND QUICIC LUNCH IMt Pa ave WAITRESSES Tea white hotel H melds also storerooin women tM city and jco South Apply at once DICKS HOTEL iah and Pa ave JaS tc WOKAXCotored to cook and do general housework cant stay Meats 7 Ca- brMge pi Georgetfiwn JaJ- WOMAX Wbh jr colored bourn GrIt ref 25 O St X W Ja223t- WAXTKDa ir 4 lisndjoaM stytisn girls who can look act and dims She arstclass cabin paseeagers oa an ocean teamshlp sailing from New York In summer Apply stage door COLOMBIA ThEATER It a m Monday it Help Wanted Male can start a profitable mail order business at horns eveamas HEA Lockport N Satr- ASPfeTAXT arSWARD tastde- young nod quick sot nmch experte ed HEXSHAW 1417 X T ave 3 tIII c- ue e- Cu n WantedFemale toIL l lit tee lie Apply oil P GJRLSBI1 mat 14 fill awe door good laY cIIIIIIee fur Apply to H W SCIIAUB with OOLlIDfBERGs Rh sad X X W JdIIt family Call t tisi LADY mary sad corn wodt In QuI LADIES 1Ig pay Call I 3a3t AGE CY t light ASK XE how you COCK T must M n In- jaZ I I y seem bsme moat asewOrk ynor as messengers and promotion thras in Wailacis PLB5tC ave t Wash ged ones I need > ¬ > = > BRICKLAYERS at once Apply THOJaP SONSTAKRETT CO 3d and E X W JaX2ftc BOY Briaht with wheel as special and permanent position Apply to H 8CHATJB with 7th and K pea X W Ja33i- EOYSBrlant active M yours of age ac bundle collectors good pay and ivntnanent positions Apply to H W SCHACTB with 7 BOY in candy factory HOBA TS 14th 1st X W Ja233t- EOT Large ROYAL GLUE CO 2 X SW BRIGHT BOYS can era soofi leg after school hours Apply BOX Washington Times sel2tr BOYS with wheels IS to SN week DIME dente BUSHELXEX Two Apply SHATRIOS after i oclock ItSDU st X W Itc- BUSHELJtAN r mens good per- manent position Apply to MANAGER HECHT CO HtSlfrHT 7th st It BRICK CLEANERS elms inside WIL LIASC GIFFORD SK 1Kb X W Ja3W CANVASSERS bustlers energetic won dressed bustoeas and hems to house men 9 to Monday morning HARPER BLDG 3d floor If COMPOSITOR Experienced la ob printing Apply H st X E Ja2I LUNCH t Kh rt laSJt CATARRH asthma u enjs eend nan 9 and address for free ute of a liquid that cures to stay cared dds T GOR HAM Battle Creek Mich it DRIYJBR Tlrstclaas for xro xry stare one capable of taking care of bones and orders CHAS COLVIX CO 27 14th st X W jantte EARN 5W TO 5 a week during spare time we as manufacturers start you and furnish everything no 3 simple suc easeful mail order ptens to keep our fac- tories busy w reach you and show you new to get bwmeas you par M in a months and Biak Me profits spare time start write today far positive prost PEASE MFG CO BW Pease Bldg Buffalo X Y FEW MEN WANTED Cash weekly made at t dms to our advertising material for your locality no canvasolnc Dept 23 PANDORA MPG CO London Oat it FEW MORE live men to sell a new accident insurance small pemlum bis commlscion to hustlers experience not necessary H C SMITH Ice 1 W F at Loekwood Bids Ja 2t LADIES TAILOR nrstclase long to rbebt party HU 14th JeI77te MAN Mt DOT CwMte ie drive milk wa tm milk cows a4 make trefttl about small place R F GATES Tatoma Park D C a2 3t arch white H OIl see 51 pay GOLD BICItGS OOLDE BERGS X ste W It lot ja2Z3tc money 15 I SERVJiVE 12ZI H th clothing lit I It I COOKSAt once at MARYLAND QUICK tI I e I jCwS1aUt- I I J yeses saern5 W and l work MESSENGER aIS S me your solicit- ing 31 canvassing masse hI melt ¬ < > Help Wanted Male tT YOU ARK OUT of a aosiuea or x l tins meetS Ut pr Mn T aa- sr caaannr ra utr 4 ttsjkt to twal- waskB con less than mm months salary H n you con pay after SH AUTOMOBILE COUJstUI Off OTOM O C4- Mi Ml st x W The Largest of AutssnsMfce Sawh MEN WAKTKD Expartenca UM steml stamp State aae wetatlt btl bt RAIL- WAY A38OCIATIOX cars Times odce- XKN Two active juims Call betw C 9 m 2I Eye at TT 1 only few niifcii required wagec after first month steady po- sition guaranteed write for tatals m- MOLER8 BARBER COLLBGE 2K Bowery Sew York city Ja35t PORTER gents rarsdah sends store permanent aoaltlon LOUIS HIRSrL 2 N W It STOCK BOYa bundle arinpaers wagon service must be M years old or over good sammy psiiaaiii tit postttoM and chance for advancement Ap- Ply to C O Xorrts at LA BUR H ft BRO 43 to 49 7th st X W Ja32t tftol Nserly betS Ute an u or School Jas I saJakl are or cnfl5 1IrtaiI- IJt liai sent to Isat JIIS h N XEIl10 lttD trade for pen for Ed por m sunonsini saissrna Tim yes rndIs nod a pi p full istsrmetise on rss B B- xTcL cy nod ssryj lawmen on aonrby safironds ac- count buMiss as ass SlHi asatidy Prlsn mes psdtiess in foss S- and ber F- et bcie floor = ¬ > WOODWORKER Carrlaa and wagoa to JNO W SUXXKRS CO Alexaadrta Va JaaMe- WAXTEDS or X young well dressed men wise caa leek and act HIre Aesteiasc coSts ismiaorin on an ooeaa steamship milieu teem New York ht miinmn Apply stage dope COLUMBIA THEATER I a m WAXTED Kleetric light Hnemrn to work In stolidly of PMIad lpahi good wagea steady employment for pod sass Report to AWASB COUNTY ELJECTK1C COMPANY Xorton Pa taa2fW- AXTKD Aetlve ambttloua young baseball the place of players dratted by the major leagues Address BOX ML Rochester N men who can cunis well recommended to prepare for i antomobUe satesinea for one or tIM largest sales rasoaajue to Washing- ton pssinuns gnanuuaed to those having satletactory jef roc Application must b film before Febrvary 1 For fall partfcnlaL- rsei on or adores B B XYCB aey TUB AUTCJaOBHUB CXILJJBGB OF WAKHIXGTOX INC a 6 Mth st X W JaUUt Ap- ply It DEL for IRO minor teams to taR WK or young hidudey yeTu 155gm T- It WANT urteon twenty positiss ¬ < < Help Wanted Male sad Feaaale MAN OR WOXAX- factory owner We tell you how to make big money you con start at borne eaay work all you need Is a sewing machine we apply canvas and ovwposent Tree CREKRT MPG CO Toledo Onto to Mc- Ljwrreac ave JaSfe a nih EVENING WORKV cTBment desk of good address wanted t month Mate residence AOKXTS We manufacture and control M Tam setters no other firm handles them big illustrated catalog of S spertaKies tree samples furnished every housewife a pnr 1 spring T TEASE MPG V Y JatsSoMt WE PAY M a morn salary sad fnmttt rig and an expenses io introduce poultry and stork powders new plan steadr work BIGLER CO X T4 Springfield ilL OUR SPECIALTIES will maSts you to write today rlJBKT WALKER CO M Harlem ave Baltimore ML It AGENTS wasted for a Ugh dac beastttfotir printed and Illustrated dlar year w dollar m Write for agents Pose AMERICAN HOMES MONTHLY 27 spruce st New York eUroSu as act tied specialty propeelUon vacancy after February lot cotnmfar ions with SS weekly for expenses THE CONTINENTAL CO Cleveland Ohio If1- TANTEI Firstclass salesman for District Coimntria territory to sell staple line oa- abpolotcr new sad exceptional terms one SavIng successful specialty experience pre leered attractive contract for DIe containIng liberal weekly advance clans lefeiyacea- raqnired MILES F BIXUER CO Clove land Ohio It 8ALBfMA to cover Virginia with lIne HM iBsinns with SUt monthly advafcc reraaaent position to right nan JESS H SUTTH CO Detroit Much Situations Wanted Female BT FIRSTCLASS laundress all kinds of washing to take home moderate J N W It BT RESPECTABLS white woman chamber work sad plain ewwc Please can CS John Marshall pL X V X IflK It EXPERIENCED wfaes sick nursing of any deecrlptlrn Address or phone XTRSE M O N W JaSJt MAIL ORDER CLERK wants position 2 yeses experience MISS E X H O G S W J3 t can help to a and saittuis ready Wzlto nt Ii INFANT con core and mUll Ja y to BOX 4 U and wbsse BOX Tae WantedAgents lIP co It M to deity boot work s C M on seek outfit WantedSalesmen 8ALESMAXEzpPTiereed in ay ue to peera1 trade la x1and and VirgInia JEW- ELRY fill CAPABLE staple SIgh It prices I I yea be gloves to- SW pte gloves intoratie instruettone bass idbsro brnt modsent oulpt1os G4in Ms mepIo ul ei cmo- sjellB itco Dept E Ba maIn 510 far four boess mematan mmtsslon cents mine soP an Nat won n at > < ¬ Situations PO8ITIOX in evenings man with thorough k of business best reference BOX S4 TIm office It ClairvoyantsM- RS R iOSSr try systematic card reaato s- Foferences as to ability given posittvet- Ia e5 only II a m to SJi m 9K New York ave X W eltf PROF LEON DEVOUX Hindoo Clairvoyant and Palmist From tile land of mystic lore He tells you whom and when you will marry Is yow or wife untrue Dues another snare the love that is rightfully yours Have you Da you want PROF LEON DE VOUX NATIVE HINDOO PALMIST CD F SC X W Roam IS a7t CASTRO Clairvoyant and Palmist Xakes troubles disappoints Tells all yon wteh to know Succeeds where others fail Low fee Open M to S Dont ring walk in MI X W one door from theater Ja2 tf Sec MADAME CATHERINE lM Palmist slot Card Reader tells aH you wish to know concerning business or love affairs jet tth st N W jalltf- MXE MARCIA Astrologer K ac X W clairvoyant advises on all affairs of Ills satisfaction guaranteed 15 years successful practice OC99C Spiritualism and Sunday 8 p ra Tuesday after noose 2 J Private Interview 7S 8th ct- X W teI71fn3 MMK CORXISH GIFTED MEDIUM reads life correctly gives names facts Sally an Sonday Ml M st X K cor F Sear ValoR Station Ladies only ytf Palmists READSC1EXTIFIC PALMIST PSYCHIC CARD READING TAXGHT FREE READINGS PROPHECIES 54 12th st MW- Jaa7f Law and CollectionsA- LL CASES lections U S Leyal Corp ate Bond Bd WantedMale and had lost your lover or sweetheart to set them back If so ti- Ter Kilt WHITES SEAXCE Friday all cours service Cot noStZ p eon ins every Wdneeday your secret m Fer Rot Rooms J 11 If C T x W hats boys ut II W r Jdfit- G 1fT X W 0 fu- Ih G n N W so two nice f with H ST X 1nsa- acs bBat tc- R IT W rw JdZit- It ST X W Iron IIPt C u- L ST x W lID 7 PA I1ca airy 1J17 jef NOTES WUT PIa Ine X W sits RVAVL5US PZ8JIAXJllCT TBA MODEB te- L ST r suitable for IUIII wit ot ceo P- 1ja3te MASS lVK x W nrJ second hw front Twe large front osem- wad hssIad peroslain bt VV je2r- c rrnu roes f tg ba sa uiid y VIVkllj accs4 StEit Plat or hapo e- jamit I L SThma f complete B MiOrnissOis aici dilTa omrnunhnL mono ksikiiin she ime lar5e Y Zru ra AVE lEflinei os sm- ano 10 a me pa Si me OW SIENT IREAONVAS1a N W M0Dsa front r non geutbon ZVui Ist JSEh 3 ST N W ZM Two O ST X W MM second floor lust rEMIt AVE I K toted roams for light IMC vale family white enamel gas raag tot kttebea larr meshy fur to pr 2D ST W 29 Aooms nconl floor beat gas and hath one hail room Ja2ZJr 3D T X W a XJcely ranilsbed r H5 tt sad TH ST E 32i Two msnmunlcatinj rooms second floor furnished for sit p- inc 14 Ja2S3t N B COR 21ST AND H STB N W T co nicely fnrsjfabed roams OB third south ex asm heat poe bath for aeaxlem price i For Rent Rooms TJafvnusbed ps cooking It IIr pbo- nJa2It JaTw8 water an l N s P JaZZ ai JeTH ST N E aApart of two o three roosm fm furnace U bIe Jat ms az light a- In iIiFr Emsa envies sink poet cony tot room terms rbie jamit cemplotely twaishot house haptag beat goxV deer era on THE ASTORIA Thfc and G sin X W Omar Pensioa- OsSee electric elevator best hot ktar neat free iiganr sad op SEE JANITOR ea Tare biaatlfiJ TUX XXMtCHBSTZIt- 33th ana Ma ave S W OBOrf VCt k Scot sod IsWC WBABT stationary washtubs and jets cmthes drying ylslioiai 1 and 2 ISSSSB with classes newly papered sad patotad- S and M per month Ga cuaainloc for usililnt slot caa motor It SEE JANITOR N K 22 mon light bousekeepu H ST X W M aafamisned namt firs floor beth on same floor also one large roorr oa eooad floor foratsb beat sad yas laS2f K ST N K S Three vafaraich rooms small family goal etgbbartaeod- X ST N W 93S TTrpc ale rooms light housekeeping heat and gas 32 1ST ST X E 413 Second floor 2 rooms an hash 8 ussr Union Station jaC 21 JST X w 41 2- Itaa St8 month 2 for- TH ST X E 7S Two rooms for light lioaaekeepinc heat aad gas nil For Rent Rooms and Board G HT N W CKComfertabto roMM w good Dome board and fC week r breakfast quiet house 1127 L ST X W l 3 Lar8e nicety fwriis room rhaap for two superior oeok ULZ passed tare JalSt- XJ AVE X 1 rUHXlSHKD RTT BOARD transients accommodated reae able Ja22ii DINING ROOX sad Kitchen fin alrpjuT in change its beard leeatlea aoi boarders te home BOX 25 TT aOtre- WAXTSO Oa or two yoaaf sod baar la private famllr m Teems BOX 2X 11TH ST X W 11M Xtotfr famtanod rooms and boned phone X Jttt Jfc33v- OXS OR TWO Own can have room an lamed private family Jill lid sc X W and Board WAXTBD Sonny room and two meals In- Kckiagtoa or beyond K per mouth by a bachelor BOX Times omee If It C ST x E 7 E sine lB dteap jelllie parlor al ell JIt Rooms and UJl l oe w rates jell for Xt PIeesan ref T adk14 oJ Ja23Zc WantedRooms 38 1 sad ominunt- cotmu r Insmkeplng assabI- jaan2 The sissies Sb 2 jsll3t sic for muons hont 411 jaiit Fnriebed ci c downtown men Times > > WAXTET Room and board by young couple Mtnttaem exposure between Thud S Khib Pa ave and I street northwest lowest P O Wanted Rooms BOX SI Times ogrt3t2tc Storage STORAGE MAULED FRBS Lowest Rates in the City Estimates Cheerfully Given H BAUM A SOX 2 Pa ave X W Phone Slain UM Jaatf GET OUR ESTIMATE on absotuMty packing UNITED STATES STORAGE CO 4U3 JKh St X W Main 2 tr Floor Oils- C T SANITARY CSTKILT clean an 1- 3c Kl r delivered Phone Main 5456 Omee II Pa ave X W GOOD FOR YOUR FVRXl TURE TRY IT Jaa t Window Gleaning HOW ABOCT THOSE DIRTY WINDOWS T White kelp and moderate prices L- CAHOOX Acme Window Cleaning Co re- X W Phone X H5 TypewritersRE- BUILT 1 C Smiths Tjaderwood Rem Premier good ag new for f- le and zest at lowest pricos Typewriter x w M ft- itr Pianos and General Hauling PIAXO AND GENERAL HAULING Expert tao movers Hauling t- Ina and shipping S2Sloati s and ISIS 4th Phone M SetS Coal and Wood WOOD COAL CEMENT Os coal Pull weight Lowest pri- Cud aad spttt wood of an kinds ATLAS CEXKNTKC ANT CAXTITY RINALDI BROS riU 7th St 2 W ITl n Nnrrv 4 terme BOX 45 Jsxaais aDd 1Iatk Congress Per Load Per Mondi proof mow IllS FLOOR OIL the flours t them polNihed finish LEO to na G Ja4JOt la8t and oNCe Supply Co U G st sse Furniture moth tf L Vsje31zv wiNrVEDTwo rooms 4saig acs- sion St 1515 9l flr 5t5S ag BUNTERS ING keeps moved js2 3aSuwfsZ > =

Transcript of… ·  ·...



g F

< =


Senor to Serve on BaumgerPincfaot Invcstigat

mig CoouBfttee


laqtMskieH ViU Not Extend Deeper

Tla Surface for SeveralWeeks

It cajt b state nutharttalUHj th-

Seaator ie c oC Yew Torkthe BaaMNgcrPtacbot Mveatigmoa-

coa mtt a raganUcflB f reportsthat Ma afapeorm e before Hapue-tritHinal a counsel for the UnitedSUiee in the Xewfouadiaod 2teb ri sarbitration case wilt require Much ofthe thom RhicJt he would otberw bedsvti to tko tevestigatioit cotmatttee

Vice President Stteraaa is the AuthorSty for the attemeBfc that Secitor Rootwould serve on the committee In Ms-

cuwin the patter the Vice FresMentsaid

Senator Root was appointed ofcourse after it was understood thathe would give the committee the benefttof his service and if you should hazard-a guess that he will not remain amember oC the committee as the reportssuggest I should say that you wouldmake a very bad guess

Senator Nelson chairman of thesaid practically the sane thing

It had become currently reported thatthe New York Senators acceptance ofthe Presidents commission to appear inthe important fisheries arbitration casewould take him to Europe just at atime when his committee at home wasDeepest in the inquiry wver the meritsof the Pinchot charge The commit-tee would have undoubtedly been

if tide had proven the caseThe real investigation of the Pinchot

charges wH be determined upon at themeeting ot the Joint committee on

It will be some weeks before theInquisition extends deeper then the sur-face phases of the situation and it iseven now predicted that the committeeswork will not be concluded much beforethe latter part of the coming summerThis will certainly be the case if thebody adjourns to Alaska for a first-hand view of the property over whichthe dispute arose

Senator Nelson chairman of the com-mittee will confer on Monday withSecretary Ballinger GiKord Pinchotillavie Shaw and Price over the pre-liminaries sad will report to his eoiIcapueg on Tuesday as to the time needed by the parties to the controversy for

of their briefs state-ments and testimony Many witnessesnil be brought to Washington by bothsides and some of those who will testifywin come all the way from Alaska un-less the committee decides at the outsetthat it will KO to the mountain ratherthan hav the mountain come to it

The political skirmishIng which nanbeen indulged in by both Democratsand Republicans In the makeup of theSnvestigaUnc committee has kept inter-est keen In the controversy This in-terest will be oven mote aroused whenthe facts bejrfn to develop at the hear

of the committee Thesewilt be open and the country will be

iven the opportunity of reaching con-clusions of own as to merits ofthe contentions submitted


ro may be sure that investigaLlon into the Bellinger Pinchotcontroversy will be most thoroughstd Representative James ORe ofthe members of the Joint in-vestigating commIttee today Incussing the proablr outcome of theinquiry to be set vnder way thisweekOf course it would be improperfor me to discuss any of IssuesInvolved because I am sitting on thejury I do not know what my Re-publican associates on this committeefrom either house will do but I forone shall call for every witness that-I think can shed any light at all onthe situationocratic members of the committeewill try to play politics with the in-quiry Well it has also been

that the Republican memberswant only to do the Administrationsbidding so I guess that as constituted-the committee ought fo be able toget at thefacts without playing anypolitics

The committee has organized andelected of Minnesota-as chairman and Representative McCall of Massachusetts as vice chair-man It decided to employ stenog-raphers and a clerk who shall be anexpert land attorney

The committee will sit again Tues-day to decide upon a course to bepursued and former Forester Pinehotwith hs assistants Price and Shawto be present It is under-stood they will be accompanied byattorneys Witnesses necessary to startthe Inquiry will be summoned at thatinjr of testimony will be begun aboutFriday


New Home of BIon ingdateClub Opened

MemVers of the Bloomin dale Clubbeing congratulated today uponthe yueees of a smoker andwarmin their new Ito241 Florida avenue northwest lastevening About IM guests were pres-ent

cttHhous has furnishedin an attractive manner entirefirst floor being thrown pen Intoone targ assembly room On thesecond are the reading room li-brary boOed room and secretarysofflee The third floor is devoted tocard and pool rooms


In the T OBI for the blind atthe Library of ConsresK the foBowragvolunteer numbers will be given duo

the week Tuesday address by EI Temple on EuropeanThursday piano Frauteia-Hermtoe leaders Saturday Gold MinAitstralia

There is a limited seating capacity inthe reading room which will acramntodate only fifty persons besides the Windend their escorts The first fifty camjog will be given seats and after thatthe doors will be closed



will nOft










It has beeR that the m



time and it Is that the tak



areboonegiven t

Tie beenthe

the part of thethe guests were entertained in

the after which aluncheon was served


foe Experiences In the Early Days ha








During early even-ing

assembly room butet

























BROTHERS KEEPER IHISSyn Chapters Already Published

Mark and Hugh Lee brothers loveHilda Graves daughter of their employerHugh thinks Hilda loves Mark and re-

nounces her Carl Vaughn a fellowemploys Insults Mark at a bawiwet andMark confesses to hush that be hac taken4MOM In boa from the arms safeto put up ae security in a deal aa tLVaughn knows of It Mash horrinedgoes to the Arms office m PhUadetphiawith the bond invetooe finds that aMibatltation has bees made The sceneshifts to Baltimore Cart Vanahn burstsin on the twohim tress the home Hush in trytns torecover bonds rt a package ofVaoKbas love letters and Just escapesarrest for burglary He Cnds his brother

a pier Sad to taking hm-

tecUve Toe next day the amaamierssay that Carl Vanteha has bees foimddead off the pier where Hughs brotherwas bead Hilda Graves calls at theLee homewhat b

Mark that be win himself shouldertie lujpaasibillty for the murder andUto WneMngton He visits Teiesa Ferrl

are addressed sad tellste dead She sermon throws her

and Hilda Graves whoso room was seemsthe hail walk m


it was a atra g9 K not intableau that have

a attracted by tn primadonnas wild cry she hurried from herroom across the hall and pause t thethreshold of the private reception roomopen doo-

rI the man who ht Baltimore a few

Hours ao had seized her hand and

look that carried nothing less thanutter adoration I was standingmiddle of the reception room a Itttlesnowstorm of open love letters around-my feetsame beautiful woman was sobbing herheart out upon my shoulder-

A pretty 5C ne And one that I defyany man to explain satisfactorily to

awkwardlyacross at her over the operahead the coil o

waves over hershoulders my eyes Hilda

And I have Known no btttermettt In aM my life Isweet face Jlfounded then unutterably scornful and

Hilda I out awkwardlyenough as thea new presence In the room loosene

the door II paused What

I beg your pardon

did not mean to IntrudeShe was gone I sprang to the

to set myself right In her esteemBut the closing of her door m yer

pie attracted to the spot by SbrnorfnaFerris shriek I could not hammer atHildas door and bellow explanationthrough the keyhole in the presence

motley crowd o hallboys and guestsI turned on my heels and eluding

several curious mouiries as to thecause of the turmoil I made my waydownstairs to the lobby

T was resolved Just toleave Washingtonington until I should have made Hildaunderstand So much at least I owedto mv own selfrespect and to her



bnJIthfts Mark

t by PItCIIOId a de

Msb her toin ue pJIt then

opera er to VUb5bin neck and weeps

ots are Iw

YES Itself Hilda caves

had gazed into her witha In tile

and beautiful womans armsda aboUt neck wilDe that

any womanhookIng

Dlvebladt hadcome undone tile paroxyJllll andpoured lit dark


than when herfrlght stWef into

prima donna aware of

her sp and turned toward

was there to saycame lIfkIas

retort the silver voice cold as Ice Icor-

ridor and across It In Impotent yearnI-ng

brought me to dead haltThe corridor already full or pro


UM ROtnor indeed the Ar

and Pur


enbone is receniM

mba beliere inhas and

anWbO lose let-

ters bee Vaughnrsa-

inued es bin shesi-4Sf atarond the peemon


glorious eyeS





pained recognition



face awas





registeredjdeazn of sanity enabled me toinstant arrest by concealing by ownidentity and signing myself Mark Hayward On the same column of therexistrv book a few lines above myown false signature were the namesof Hilda and her

What I had ftrst taken for a nuraculous irony of fate was after all the mostnatural in the world Franklin I

Gravest usually Sopwd at the Arlingtondrtnar his frequent trips to Washington

Hilda this very day had told me shewas onher way with him to the apitalThat w two had foregathered here InJust th way we dW was no mysterynor even an odd coincidence

I was asstene to a room Before Iwent to it I scrfbtled a line on a cardenveloped and adresssed it and sent itbv a bellboy to the Graves suite Backraffle the answer within two minutes

Miss Graves was not at homeDespairing I went to my room

washed away the stairs of travel andmade each dinner toilet as I might-A stubborn resolve gripped me wouldnot leave that hotel without just seeingHilda and forcing hr to listen to me-

lt was bad enough to wreck my lifefor nv Iwther without being forced tothrowaway Hildas respect for the sakeof a inpestuous ultratemperamental star

As I dressed I laboriously and dis-gustedly went over the details of myeaser stormv Interview with SignorinaFerri And out of the wreck and con-

fusion of it all came one clear bit offtfl5Olaitl

The prima donna was expectingBroeck By telegrams and perhapsother means as well he had gotteaIn touch with her and had made anappointment for that evening

wy task was fulfilled I hadcome te Washington to find BroeckAll I had to do was to stay in thisverv hotel for a few hourswould come to walk straightinto the trap that chance bad set forhim

I would have felt a miserable joyin this promise of easy and early set-tlement of affair and bad not mywhole hart mind and soul been boundup in the selfish desire of putting myselfaright agate with HUda

the end of the corridor on whichwere the rooms of both Hilda Gravesand the prima donna There I took

my station half hidden by a clump-of palms and waited

In a few minutes Signorina Ford ap-parently quite recovered from her hys-terics though stiR and shakenpassed by on her way to dinner A maidfollowed carrying wraps The prima

was evidently going straightfrom dinner to the theater

I wondered somewhat that she shouldfat in a public dining room Instead ofin her own apartments But sweet arethe uses of advertisements

She saw mt as she swept by

formerI went to the desk and A




So halt

and bemewould

I dressed and went down to the foyer-at


and on-







doing so she averted her face withsomething TjKe a shudder

Then I t ok up my weary waKingonce more Fifteen minutes passed before Hilda and her father emergedfrom their suite

I stepped forward and confrontedthem

Mr Graves seemed amazedthere but greeted me andpaaaed on Hilda dark nadowed eyes had grown cold and br

Ice pools on sight of me and rfco-

Uon moved forward to follow MmBut I turned her wayHilda i urged desperately lower

my voice that Xr Graves mightnot overbear me Hilda You mustlisten to me

Isnt it sufficient I have yourshe asked in weary scorn I mustbear a

Yes I declared vehemently youmust in common fairness Youveknown me for years And a man dotsnot change whole nature in a singlehour

NoT she queried coldly un-fcrtunately It seems possible to knowa man for years and then 1 cover

on moment what manner of man

You have no right tr say thatWas You e

Yes interrupted I saw

You can believe me or sot saMI but I never in my life saw Stgaortna

untH an hour ago She hadeven beard of me

total strangers to throw their samew weep oa your

explain that I protestedI

I her vou will not trouWe It reallyto no affair of mine nor would such astory interest roe

She was for passing on But againalmost rudely J barred her pot

Hilda I pleaded I have ever liedto you Nor do I lie to any Youought to know that And you must be-lieve me when I say the whole idioticscene you witnessed WAS a miserableblunder It

It was she agreed Th doorshould have been shut Not ajar forevery psvsserby to look in

That is unworthy of I dedeclared If it hda been a love scene doyou suppose I should have behaved as Idid Or be explaining as I am now

far she you havelaired nothing

A hundred sentences rushed to mylips only to die there IVhat could 1say Could I tell why I had gone tosee Signorma Fern That It was partof my plan in the bond hunt That shehad been writing love letters to KarlVaughn who had at the same time beenmaking love to Hilda herself

The one explanation would have in-

volved Mark and betrayed his theftsthe other would have struck an unwarranted blow to Hildas own pride and

tack on a dead man And even were Ito bring myself to tell of the dues thathad led me to the prima donna I muststill involve Mark

What could I say A clever man towhom I cr told this story called mestupid for not promptly hating founda way out of his latest and most poignant of my riany difficulties I askedhim how he tiuld have extricated himself from the same situation He

and hewed and finally answeredwith uneasy vagueness Oh in anyof a doaen ways But he did not men-tion one of the dozen nor I thinkreader can you

At any rate normal thickheaded Hugh Le could find no

And I looked down at Hilda in


see nc

pt-ashad no word not or reeoni






Inbe really

In elmer I tried anothertack

Is It women who areIabout your neck






would have beeR An equaUy unfair at







given sign



lrrl never

customary forand










dumbShe waited for a minute me

with eager expectancy I had brokenthrough her armor ef scorn She wasactually giving me a chance to set my-self right And without ruining mybrothers prospects of winning her Icould not avail myself of that chance

So helpless I watched the light ofhalf hope in hot gray eyes die awayand place to her former scorn-ful disbelief Women are strange Mereman I believe cannot at best under-stand them

If I had told Hilda I was a forgerau embezzler or even that I was theslayer of Karl Vaughn the iyine pityin her heart would probably have

find some excuse for miBut when a few hours after all my

soul had looked from my eyes Into herown she saw me with another womans arms about my neck she was ashardened against me as the nether

she who aroke painfulsilence between us

said she steadying her sweetvoice with a visible effort when Isaw vou in Boston told me youwere In trouble Again this very dayyour face as well as words toldme that that trouble had tightened itsbold on you and was crushing you Ilonged to help you You would not letme I hurried from your mothers house-to the station to meet my father andcatch the Washington train There Imet Marie He was buying a ticketfor Philadelphia I asked him franklywhat was distressing you You know itwas not out of idle curiosity that Im spite of yoursel-

fI know I said And I thank youT

Mark confessedWhatThat you were In great trouble Bat

he would not tell what it was He saidhe could not But I got this stuck outor him That the personfor your worries was in

seek that person When next I sawyou you Bad

was not Signorina Fern I camehere to meet I protested I cannottell you who it was nor why But Itwas not she Oh cant you believe meCant yOU trust me

I could believe you i could trustyou against all the evidence in theworld except that of niy ownEveR now her dear voice softening

I am and eager to haveyou prove I am I know It tonot easy to explain away such a sight

But if you are sincere in

it Wont you HughI shook ray head fn despair I could

not speakShe drew a nearer to me and laid

her iittk white hand gently almost appeaiin Iy on my attn




It wax the

asked but with the you

lid that you were on your way here to




I sawwanting ste to you ou Vcas ex-plain











Hugh she breathed I want so tobelieve in Tell mc

I I groaned 1

At least ran you tell me that thisthis woman is in no way conected withthe trouble you are in j

I cant even tell you thatYet you WIld Just now she unshed

mur a n It was two days youfirst told me you were in distress Andin the face of sucii a contradiction youexpect me to believe that you alwaystell nx truthI did expect it said I I expected-it because because I wanted to andbecause I would have believed it of youm like conditions Hilda

I saw her eyes waver andsoften But almost at once they slewsteely once more as logic overcame Utepleadings of her gentle soul

In her eyes I stood a selfconvicted-liar at the a man who hadunworthily played upon her sympathyand who caught had tried torape from an embarrassing predica-ment by an untruthIt needed no further words from herto show me the verdict

believe the worst of me HildaI said gently And soon you will hearwhat will make think still moref me The best I can ask is

that you will forgive me for the chagrintry

We shallnot meet again Do not Judge Mark byhis We east In differentmolds he and I That is all Goodnight Thank you for giving TO achance I could iHShe was gazing inscrutably at me Ac-I conned her lips suddenly parted tospeak But I could endure 70 more-

I turned on my heel and left herstanding there pale fragile whollylovely among the palms

Yes I fled like a coward om theof my defeat Buffets and mishaps I could stand from fate and frommy fellow man But the scorn ofthe girl whom I would blithely have laM

down my life was more than I couldbear

Back to my room I went stunnedsick unutterably weary of everythingHope was fled Nothing remained butto play a losing game as best I mightto the near and bitter flnteh

At 11 Broerk was to call on theprima donna And I would confronthim either going to her reception roomor else returning thither

Or if no lit opportunity presented It-self then for me to see hint alone anduninterrupted I would follow him to thedark streets and make him by sheerforce disgorge the bonds

Sending these to Mark I would fleeI somewhere into the country there toi the police as long as I mightuntil every suspicion of Marks com

iplietty in the Vaughn shouldhave shifted to my fugitive self

It would not do to be taken for ai few days at least Otherwise thej chauffeur of our taxicab or tome oneelse who might have seen both ofat Whipptngers Dock would perhapstoad the police 4 to link Marks namewith th ease

I finally passed down into the lobby-to kill time strolling back j d forththere until Signorina Fern slId return from the theater and meet BroochI saw no sign of the man In the foyerBut I knew he would not be likely toappear much ahead of time

As I passed the desk in ore of myrounds of the lobby a bellboy was ar-guing with the night clerk

Yessirr the lad was sayfr Missi Graves she give me thin note and she

told me to be sure to take IT rightt Mr Lees roots tad if he was out

I was to leave It here at the desk forhim Thats tight Mr Hugh Fair-fax Lee-

I tell you reiterated the clerkj theres no one of that name here No

such name on the register Clear outj and tell her se-i She and old Xr Graves left by the-

I oclock tram for some place orI objected the boy I canti A letter from Hilda And because of


that you even Hr until auago



I have you and that you willto ever Irrew me






nevor saw



causedforget you












the accursed alias of Hayward that Ihad signed on the register I could notclaim it

It was like a draught of cold waterraised to a dying mans lips only to bestruck away again For Marks sake Idared not reveal my own name hereThe police were no doubt already looktrig for me But what had Hilda writ-ten And why-

I gtarced at the clock The handspointed to U2S I felt a thrill of com

My nights work was at hand

The Continuation of This Story WillHe Found In TamorroTTx-

Insuc of The Times

WARNING TO PARENTSThe Milk Conference appointed by the

District Commissioners in view of theHANT DANGERS OF RAW MILKadvised the

HOME PASTEURIZINGOf all unpasteurized milk by bringing-it to the boiling point then withdrawcool and keep cold covered untilused

Parents are particularly warnedagainst the erroneous held bysome pasteurizing affectseither the digestibility or nutritivevalue of the or that as a rule itproduces any harmful effects whatsoeverSOCITBTY FOR PREVENTION OF

SICKNESShid Columbia

BerlinerWe fever a stringent Jaw prohibiting-

the sale or use In ICE CREAM of any


PrintingTVB ARE

In or os TuUdieg 13fe at 2 W withBtle fvMtttes for getting out






canons notP4IRt rHK

Ai THEIR FOOD free on


itCh Phone Main II-nde7Sutuftt










Class AWanted AgentsWanted HelpWasted SalesmenWasted Sltaatloaa jtc a LIneWasted Rooms or BeardBoardingFor Rent RoomsRooms slid BeatdLost and Foist j-

Clafig B-AM other dasisftriHluai IS eonts a

3 M mats 4 Inn minimum I a-PerBoasJs 1 cot a Una say anm irSix words to a line

The Washington Times Makes spociiil cashinHdraace rates for Clas-sified Advertising

Class AOne rest a word each insertion XtataMwa

charge tf cents 2 lla

Class BThree tines within one week 91 cst a

tins 7 tints coneecativeiy M coma a MaeMtemtnm spac S limo

HelpCHOCOLATE bonbon coatera MOBAXS-o 14th at X W Ja33t-

CHAMBERXAItXwhlte wages US stayneSts can U 12th S B aRcCOOKFlrst daM J general honsnamihti


COOK Good for small boardins-Xasa ave X WEXFERIXKCKD waist and Mrt hands andhelpers m Uth X w M2S3te-

GTRI Colored K yeses old to la-X W ito

OIRL Good reafter S p m OM-

OIRLOolored for generalSpring road X W 4 215tc

CAXVASSKRS Twomission M7 Pa X W Ask tor M RlEGAL ItLADY STENOGRAPH-imcton fi per weak to cmnmenee ApplyBEN B PAXNTBTT Ottawa Ontario

Ja3ttat borne making shields

material fnmMied reliable women C handred stamped envelope parttcutara WATXESUPPLY CO Dept 141 Detroit Mlrh ItSKIRT CinTKR Fbtafter p m MRS iiEXDKStaOX VK 13th-t X W teS2f

SKIRT HAXD6 sad helpers at sacs MM HX W lieSKIRT KAXI Experienced at Xn-RBICHARO H 1M st S 8 laHJrSIX WArrRSaeBS Coed say linen freeMARYLAND QUICIC LUNCH IMt Pa ave

WAITRESSES Tea white hotel H meldsalso storerooin women tM city and jcoSouth Apply at once DICKS HOTEL

iah and Pa ave JaS tcWOKAXCotored to cook and do generalhousework cant stay Meats 7 Ca-brMge pi Georgetfiwn JaJ-WOMAX Wbh jr colored bourn

GrIt ref 25 O St X W Ja223t-

WAXTKDa ir 4 lisndjoaM stytisn girlswho can look act and dims She arstclasscabin paseeagers oa an ocean teamshlpsailing from New York In summer Applystage door COLOMBIA ThEATER It a mMonday it

Help Wanted Malecan start a profitable mail

order business at horns eveamas HEALockport N Satr-

ASPfeTAXT arSWARD tastde-young nod quick sot nmch experteed HEXSHAW 1417 X T ave 3


c-ue e-Cu



toIL l lit


Apply oil PGJRLSBI1 mat 14 fill awedoor good laY cIIIIIIee furApply to H W SCIIAUB withOOLlIDfBERGs Rh sad X X W

JdIItfamily Call

t tisiLADY mary sad corn

wodt In



pay CallI




ASK XE how you

COCK Tmust M

n In-








ynor asmessengers andpromotion

thras inWailacis PLB5tC


t Wash











JaX2ftcBOY Briahtwith wheel as specialand permanent position Apply to H8CHATJB with 7th and Kpea X W Ja33i-EOYSBrlant active M yours of age acbundle collectors good pay and ivntnanentpositions Apply to H W SCHACTB with


BOY in candy factory HOBA TS 14th1st X W Ja233t-EOT Large ROYAL GLUE CO 2 X SW

BRIGHT BOYS can era soofileg after school hours Apply BOXWashington Times sel2trBOYS with wheels IS to SN week DIME

denteBUSHELXEX Two Apply SHATRIOSafter i oclock ItSDU st X W Itc-

BUSHELJtAN r mens good per-manent position Apply to MANAGERHECHT CO HtSlfrHT 7th st ItBRICK CLEANERS elms inside WILLIASC GIFFORD SK 1Kb X W Ja3WCANVASSERS bustlers energetic wondressed bustoeas and hems to house men 9to Monday morning HARPER BLDG3d floor IfCOMPOSITOR Experienced la ob printingApply H st X E Ja2I

LUNCH t Kh rt laSJtCATARRH asthma u enjs eendnan 9 and address for free ute of a liquidthat cures to stay cared dds T GORHAM Battle Creek Mich itDRIYJBR Tlrstclaas for xro xry stare onecapable of taking care of bones and

orders CHAS COLVIX CO 27 14thst X W jantteEARN 5W TO 5 a week during spare timewe as manufacturers start you and furnisheverything no 3 simple suceaseful mail order ptens to keep our fac-tories busy w reach you and show younew to get bwmeas you par M in a monthsand Biak Me profits spare time startwrite today far positive prost PEASEMFG CO BW Pease Bldg Buffalo X Y

FEW MEN WANTED Cash weekly made att dms to our advertising material for yourlocality no canvasolnc Dept 23 PANDORAMPG CO London Oat itFEW MORE live men to sell a new accidentinsurance small pemlum bis commlscion tohustlers experience not necessary H CSMITH Ice 1 W F at Loekwood Bids

Ja 2t

LADIES TAILOR nrstclase longto rbebt party HU 14th JeI77teMAN Mt DOT CwMte ie drive milk wa tmmilk cows a 4 make trefttl aboutsmall place R F GATES Tatoma ParkD C a2 3t

arch white H OIl see51 pay














I jCwS1aUt-






and l





me your





hI melt




Help Wanted MaletT YOU ARK OUT of a aosiuea or x ltins meetS Ut pr Mn T aa-

sr caaannr ra utr 4 ttsjkt to twal-waskB con less than mm months salary

H n you con pay after


Mi Ml st x WThe Largest of AutssnsMfce Sawh

MEN WAKTKD Expartenca

UM stemlstamp State aae wetatlt btl bt RAIL-WAY A38OCIATIOX cars Times odce-

XKN Two active juims Call betwC 9 m 2I Eye at TT 1

only few niifciirequired wagec after first month steady po-

sition guaranteed write for tatals m-MOLER8 BARBER COLLBGE 2K BowerySew York city Ja35tPORTER gents rarsdah sends storepermanent aoaltlon LOUIS HIRSrL 2

N W ItSTOCK BOYa bundle arinpaers wagon

service must beM years old or over good sammy psiiaaiii titpostttoM and chance for advancement Ap-Ply to C O Xorrts at LA BUR H ftBRO 43 to 49 7th st X W Ja32t

tftolNserly betS Ute anu or

SchoolJas I saJakl

are orcnfl5 1IrtaiI-

IJt liaisent to Isat


XEIl10 lttD trade


pen for

Ed por msunonsini saissrna


yes rndIs nod a pi pfull istsrmetise on rss B B-xTcL cy


ssryjlawmen on aonrby safironds ac-

count buMiss as assSlHi asatidy Prlsn mespsdtiess in foss





bcie floor




WOODWORKER Carrlaa and wagoato JNO W SUXXKRS CO Alexaadrta

Va JaaMe-WAXTEDS or X young well dressed menwise caa leek and act HIre Aesteiasc coStsismiaorin on an ooeaa steamship milieuteem New York ht miinmn Apply stagedope COLUMBIA THEATER I a m

WAXTED Kleetric light Hnemrn to work Instolidly of PMIad lpahi good wagea steadyemployment for pod sass Report toAWASB COUNTY ELJECTK1C COMPANYXorton Pa taa2fW-

AXTKD Aetlve ambttloua young baseball

the place of players dratted by the majorleagues Address BOX ML Rochester N

men whocan cunis well recommended to prepare for

i antomobUe satesinea for oneor tIM largest sales rasoaajue to Washing-ton pssinuns gnanuuaed to those havingsatletactory jef roc Application must bfilm before Febrvary 1 For fall partfcnlaL-rsei on or adores B B XYCB aey






for IRO minor teams to taR

WK or young


yeTu 155gm


ItWANT urteon twenty



Help WantedMale sad Feaaale

MAN OR WOXAX-factory owner We tell you how to makebig money you con start at borne eaaywork all you need Is a sewing machine weapply canvas

and ovwposent TreeCREKRT MPG COToledo Onto

to Mc-Ljwrreac aveJaSfe a nih

EVENING WORKV cTBment desk of goodaddress wanted t month Mate residence

AOKXTS We manufacture and control MTam setters no other firm handles them bigillustrated catalog of S spertaKies treesamples furnished every housewife a pnr

1 spring T TEASE MPGV Y JatsSoMt

WE PAY M a morn salary sad fnmttt rigand an expenses io introduce poultry andstork powders new plan steadr workBIGLER CO X T4 Springfield ilLOUR SPECIALTIES will maSts you to

write today rlJBKT WALKER CO MHarlem ave Baltimore M L ItAGENTS wasted for a Ugh dac beastttfotirprinted and Illustrated dlar year w

dollar m Write for agents PoseAMERICAN HOMES MONTHLY 27

spruce st New York eUroSu

as act tied specialty propeelUon vacancy afterFebruary lot cotnmfar ions with SS weeklyfor expenses THE CONTINENTAL

CO Cleveland Ohio If1-

TANTEI Firstclass salesman for DistrictCoimntria territory to sell staple line oa-

abpolotcr new sad exceptional terms oneSavIng successful specialty experience preleered attractive contract for DIe containIngliberal weekly advance clans lefeiyacea-raqnired MILES F BIXUER CO Cloveland Ohio It

8ALBfMA to cover Virginiawith lIne HM iBsinns with SUtmonthly advafcc reraaaent position to rightnan JESS H SUTTH CO Detroit Much

Situations Wanted FemaleBT FIRSTCLASS laundress all kinds ofwashing to take home moderate

J N W ItBT RESPECTABLS white woman chamberwork sad plain ewwc Please can CS JohnMarshall pL X V X IflK ItEXPERIENCED wfaes sick nursingof any deecrlptlrn Address or phoneXTRSE M O N W JaSJtMAIL ORDER CLERK wants position 2yeses experience MISS E X H O G

S W J3 t

can help to a

and saittuis readyWzlto ntIi

INFANT con core andmUll Ja y toBOX 4 U

and wbsse BOX Tae




M to deity boot work

sC M on seek


WantedSalesmen8ALESMAXEzpPTiereed in ay ue topeera1 trade la x1and and VirgInia



CAPABLEstaple SIgh





yea be

gloves to-SW pte gloves intoratie instruettone

bass idbsro brntmodsent oulpt1osG4in Ms

mepIo ul ei cmo-sjellB

itcoDept E Ba

maIn510 far four boess

mematan mmtsslon centsmine



won n





SituationsPO8ITIOX in evenings man with thoroughk of business best reference BOXS4 TIm office It


RS R iOSSrtry systematic card reaato s-

Foferences as to ability given posittvet-Ia e5 only II a m to SJi m 9K NewYork ave X W eltfPROF LEON DEVOUX

Hindoo Clairvoyant and PalmistFrom tile land of mystic lore He tells youwhom and when you will marry Is yow

or wife untrue Dues another snarethe love that is rightfully yours Have you

Da you want


CD F SC X W Roam ISa7t

CASTROClairvoyant and Palmist Xakes troubles

disappoints Tells all yon wteh toknow Succeeds where others fail Low feeOpen M to S Dont ring walk in MIX W one door from theater Ja2 tfSec MADAME CATHERINE lMPalmist slot Card Reader tells aH you wishto know concerning business or love affairsjet tth st N W jalltf-

MXE MARCIAAstrologer K ac X W clairvoyantadvises on all affairs of Ills satisfactionguaranteed 15 years successful practice



and Sunday 8 p ra Tuesday afternoose 2J Private Interview 7S 8th ct-X W teI71fn3MMK CORXISH GIFTED MEDIUM reads

life correctly gives names facts Sallyan Sonday Ml M st X K cor F SearValoR Station Ladies only ytf




Law and CollectionsA-

LL CASESlections U S Leyal Corp ate Bond Bd



hadlost your lover or sweetheartto set them back If so




all cours service Cot





every Wdneeday




Fer Rot RoomsJ 11 If

C T x Whats boys

ut II W rJdfit-

G 1fT X W 0 fu-Ih

G n N W so two nicef with

H ST X 1nsa-acs bBattc-

R IT Wrw JdZit-It ST X W Iron


u-L ST x W lID 7PA I1caairy 1J17 jefNOTES WUT PIa Ine X Wsits RVAVL5US PZ8JIAXJllCT TBA


L ST rsuitable for IUIII wit ot ceo P-1ja3te

MASS lVK x W nrJsecond hw front

Twe large front osem-wad hssIad peroslain bt VVje2r-c rrnu roes f tgba

sauiid y VIVklljaccs4 StEitPlat or

hapo e-

jamitIL SThma fcomplete

B MiOrnissOis aici

dilTa omrnunhnLmono ksikiiin she ime

lar5eY Zru raAVE lEflinei os sm-

ano 10 a me pa Sime OW


N W M0Dsa front rnon geutbon

ZVui IstJSEh3 ST N W ZM Two

O ST X WMM second floor lust

rEMIt AVE I Ktoted roams for light IMCvale family white enamelgas raag tot kttebea larr

meshy furto pr

2D ST W 29 Aooms nconl floor beatgas and hath one hail room Ja2ZJr3D T X W a XJcely ranilsbed rH5 tt sadTH ST E 32i Two msnmunlcatinjrooms second floor furnished for sit p-

inc 14 Ja2S3t

N B COR 21ST AND H STB N W T conicely fnrsjfabed roams OB third south

ex asm heat poe bath for aeaxlemprice i

For Rent RoomsTJafvnusbed

ps cooking ItIIr


JaTw8water an l




JeTH ST N E aApart of two othree roosm fm

furnace U

bIe Jat

ms az light a-In

iIiFr Emsaenvies

sinkpoet cony totroom terms rbie jamit

cemplotely twaishot househaptag beat goxVdeer


THE ASTORIAThfc and G sin X W Omar Pensioa-OsSee electric elevator best hot

ktar neat free iiganr sad opSEE JANITOR

ea Tare biaatlfiJ


33th ana Ma ave S WOBOrf VCt k Scot sod IsWC WBABT

stationary washtubs and jets cmthesdrying ylslioiai 1 and 2 ISSSSB withclasses newly papered sad patotad-S and M per month Ga cuaainloc

for usililnt slot caa motorIt SEE JANITOR

N K 22 mon light bousekeepu

H ST X W M aafamisned namt firsfloor beth on same floor also one large roorroa eooad floor foratsb beat sad yas

laS2fK ST N K S Three vafaraichrooms small family goal etgbbartaeod-

X ST N W 93S TTrpc ale roomslight housekeeping heat and gas 321ST ST X E 413 Second floor 2 rooms anhash 8 ussr Union Station jaC21 JST X w 41 2-

Itaa St8 month 2 for-

TH ST X E 7S Two roomsfor light lioaaekeepinc heat aad gas nil

For Rent

Rooms and BoardG HT N W CKComfertabto roMM wgood Dome board and fC week rbreakfast quiet house 1127L ST X W l 3 Lar8e nicety fwriisroom rhaap for two superior oeok ULZpassed tare JalSt-XJ AVE X 1 rUHXlSHKD RTTBOARD transients accommodated reaeable Ja22iiDINING ROOX sad Kitchen fin alrpjuT inchange its beard leeatlea aoiboarders te home BOX 25 TT aOtre-

WAXTSO Oa or two yoaafsod baar la private famllr mTeems BOX 2X

11TH ST X W 11M Xtotfr famtanod roomsand boned phone X Jttt Jfc33v-OXS OR TWO Own can have room anlamed private family Jill lid sc X W

and BoardWAXTBD Sonny room and two meals In-Kckiagtoa or beyond K per mouth by abachelor BOX Times omee If


C ST x E7

Esine lB



parlor al


and UJll




Xt PIeesanref T adk14 oJ






ominunt-cotmu r Insmkeplng assabI-jaan2

The sissies

Sb 2 jsll3t



muons hont411 jaiit








WAXTET Room and board by young coupleMtnttaem exposure between Thud S KhibPa ave and I street northwest lowest


Wanted Rooms

BOX SI Times ogrt3t2tc

StorageSTORAGE MAULED FRBSLowest Rates in the City

Estimates Cheerfully GivenH BAUM A SOX 2 Pa ave X W

Phone Slain UM JaatfGET OUR ESTIMATE on absotuMty


Floor Oils-


3c Kl r

delivered Phone Main 5456 Omee II Paave X W GOOD FOR YOUR FVRXlTURE TRY IT Jaa t


White kelp and moderate prices L-

CAHOOX Acme Window Cleaning Co re-X W Phone X H5


BUILT 1 C Smiths Tjaderwood RemPremier good ag new for f-

le and zest at lowest pricos Typewriterx w M ft-itr

Pianos and General HaulingPIAXO AND GENERAL HAULING

Expert tao movers Hauling t-

Ina and shipping S2Sloati sand ISIS 4th Phone M SetS

Coal and WoodWOOD COAL CEMENTOs coal Pull weight Lowest pri-

Cud aad spttt wood of an kindsATLAS CEXKNTKC ANT CAXTITY

RINALDI BROSriU 7th St 2 W ITl n Nnrrv 4

terme BOX 45 Jsxaais

aDd 1IatkCongress

Per Load Per Mondi

proof mow


FLOOR OIL the flourst them polNihed finish


to na GJa4JOt


and oNCe Supply Co U G st


moth tf



wiNrVEDTwo rooms 4saig acs-

sion St



flr5t5S ag





