
A TILT IN THE PARK HOARD. TWO COlOI-SSIOKRRa CNHAITY. THi: UNFINL-III'.H MADISON AVBNTE IUUIHJK-Iil.- MOWAt-DUM SVMM'.s. Tbe -kirk Commissioners yesterdrv l-eeeived an opinion from the Corporation Counsel that'mir power t(. «Its atoney -ethe Museum of Natural Historv had lapsed, sod Um llnsewB a"*-**!**!" Iidanlof Estimate and amiortloaaftsnt for ftinda. lt th:il, ft* the api>r.»i»Miiti»» for nu r- viviii. and larina out streets and fur surveys, maps an'.l siana for ihe r-enty-third and Twenty-fonrth .Wards liiid i.:. reduced ftfty per eeutlntnepro- visinii.-il estimates, tho ts.itiijti-apliical should inform nil persons under hun that the De¬ partment would nd he responsible for their pay ulur December SI. A lettes waa read compaiums of th.- dirt and shat inm on Um flporol the Arsenal Dnildins;. riolssstsT llickmor. will he asked to ex¬ plain this. r, 1 CS A letter from tho Keystone "Bridge Company. which is- iiiuMin-- the Harlem Birer bride* at Mad- iaon-iiM- «m reed, which said that the long delay in tho work hud been saused by delay m iiinMiing Ihe masonry, nnd the Controller had refused to pay the company according to its contract, 'lins was referred to Um Controller. Mr. Walesproposed that the advice of Frederick Law Olmsted be obtained a* to Um host lands for parks In Uk-mino-od dis¬ trict. This will be discussed at Un-next meeting. Mr. Cummins reported against renewing the license of tlie mini Who had the swines in thc l'urk beCBOSS the swings were used in such a way as to lave, a de¬ moralizing effect. " Did von see, anv Flat bu li bus- taeesf" asked Mr. Wama. Mr. Crinunins dodged Um Question and Um santa t was laid over. Mr. Crimmius exploded a small bomb by a resolution tli;it Petes Geeks. Inspector in OiM-hnn-ured-and- sixty-hfth-st. tic discharged. He said be bad found that Geeks was absent from his work, and he had ordered him suspended, because sasessments would he vacated il woik was nut well done. But UfClU Lad heoii reinstated by sotas one. lTesident u ales MM thal he had reinstated Geeks because the sus¬ pension was illegal aad Um inspector could coiled ins pav lor aver* il.i.v he waa suspended, and be¬ cause property-owners conld hare their sssessmi nts vacated if there waa no Inspector on duly. Then followed a till between Mr. inline and Mr. Crim- niins. Mr. Crinunins wundi red ii be hud any power as a Commissioner anv way. Mr. Odille thought ho bad been bs Um Hoard long enough to know what authority be did haTS and what he did not have. Mr. Ol li u'e said that the inspector had hean iii.-ont onlv a few minutes and that he was hack at Wort while Mr. Crinunins was in another part ol the Street J lie matter \v;;s referred toPr*, [dent "t\ alts for iuTestigation. POLICEMEN ON TRIAL. Pol ii -eniiin Janies Collins of Um Seventh Precinct was tried by the Police Commissioners yesterday, sw a chat ge of being intoxicated on December il. in-was adjudged guilty and promptly dismissed from the fon e. John Fttzsimmous, tue old po'ice- man who fell asleep in ih.- Presbyterian Hospita), on December 12 and permitted s prisoner to escape from the place, admitted that be was guilty of tim charge of neglect of dutv, and the Commtssiouera dismissed lum ai-o. Patrick Quinn, of Brooklyn, appeared a- complainsnl against Policeman Cronin, ol' t in- si\iiitii Precinct; end accused bim of at¬ tempting to shoot John Fiar, of No. 23 Catharine* et., on December 0, Ile said that hs ti»>k ('ronin's pistol away and surrendered it ai Colin- Headquarters, lav t* ,~ i.i..nulli before the Commissioners a-, a \\ itness and be testified thal be :i ssulted the policeman. ll.- -;ii'l be ws drunk nt the time and ne thongbt the ulm er Mas justified in drawing the pistol in self-defence, i roninsaidhe arrested Far, and tbe rriaoncr waa fined in a Pollen Court. Decuiou in he ease was reserved. Eleven policemen ol the Suth Precinct were placed in a row before the Commissioners. They were accused by Sergeant Ryan of disorderly conduct tn the police stat iou while they weis on reserve duty. The Sergeant test-lied that on the afternoon ol December 4, he beard a noise of scuffling in tbs room where Um ineu wets supposed to be asleep, Hs went to the room and found that the dour was obstructed by a gss fixture which had been removed from (he room. Several of the jiolii-eiii'-n were in lied, and the others were quiet in t hi room. Ea-.-h iiiiii. said he did not know now the gas fixture wsa removed. Later in tbe day tbe natue waa restored to its place, and none of the ¦mw would admit knowing who fixedit. Coinmis- sioner Nichols asked each of the men, "Did yon rs* move thc lixtui't-1" aud each of the mon answered "No." "Do you know who did f" Haere was another string of denials. Mi. Nichols, with a audie., said that the charge of Sergeant Byan had not been supported by evidence, and the eleven patrolmen marched it ol' the court-room with grin* of satisfaction oil their l.o -?- FU-VJO .SCHOOL INTERESTS, Ruperiuteuf, -ni Jasper reporte.l yesterday to the" IP nd of Education thal 1 in,si's scholars were registered in tbe public schools,and 10,728 In the evening (schools in November. The av< rags atteud- ance waa 129,79 aud 7,714 respectively. A letter from the Society for Instruction in iir-t Aid to the Injured Baking permission to form classes, mus ro¬ fe:-', d io s committee, William Wood moved to h re the sohoola clo ncxl Monday, bul the h...lion was lot. President WalkeVa action in c'.o-ini* ('rnimnar fl h ol No, H.'l, which had been ie- ported in an unsafe condition, wa approved, in a controversy as to the advisability ol counot ling the Behool buildings with the lin- Headuartera by telegraph wires, Mr. Dcvo, said: "In case of s panic we need a polit eman in the street with a duh, aud not a tire engine.'1 -?- WILL THK ACADEMICIANS OPJECTI At a special meeting of tb. Executive Commits e of tho Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition, held yesterday, the propriety of opening the Exhibition on Sunday for tlie working classes, tit the re¬ duced rate of 23 cents, was diamsand Montague Marks presided, and nil present roted iii the afttrmative gare Mis. Henry Leavitt and Mrs. GjSBtga W. ltallou. Mrs. Leavitt explained her Uisseiii as based upon the had precedent such a course would establish. Ab ~rt critic udd io a ftUBUXB reporter that Um Executive Cot.mittee had not gained the oonseul of the ruling body of the A. .ni. mv of Design. The academicians had alway, respected the Sabbatariau sentiment, he said, uud a Bghl would be made which would uot increase the popularity of the Pedestal Fund. ?- A NEW DANGER IN '.HEATHES. Assistant Foreman Thomas, of Engine Company No. J*, ye8t« to the l-'irt-JCnmniisMoiiorH a re¬ port that excitement wan caused at .Mimi's I heall.-. in the Bowery, on Friday afternoon and evening, by the breaking and falling of glass globes from the chandelier of electric Lights. Just before tho close of the matinee pei foimance the rabbet insulator in one of th« thirty-two incandescent electric lights in the dome of the auditorium was fused by the beat, and the wire support of the glass globs was burned awav hy Um electric current, tbe glass globe falling to the floor with a crash. A cry of 'lire" was raised uud a number of excited persons left the th(-atre; hut order was restored quickly and no our was injured. Two ,-imllar alarms from the Bams cause occurred in the eunlng. Then the electric liichts were turned oil aud they haTS BOt bara used since. _ KILLING HIMSELF TO AVOID ALAWSUIT. F. Z. Mindi, a German, fifty-three fears old, who kent a beer-shop OB the first BOOT of «0. 2S_ East Thirty-sevciith-.t., shot himself through the heart in the place yesterday. Minch kepi a Deer-shop in Twcnty-ninth-Nt., ts tween Sixth andrJeventh aves, several year- age, Mr. Cany, the owner ol that place, recently made a demand for rem amounting to$1.-ino, which he said Milich had not paid. Minch declared thai bs had paid Um rent to Mr. Carey regularly, but he could not hud nil the re- ceipts, and when Mr. Can-y Ix -gas a civil frail the (''.niiau was thrown intos pitiable state of anxiety. HU troubles probably destroyed his reason. Mrs, Minch said that be owned the house in which his Shop wnw and that he was in BO danger of losing tlie suit, .she iluumiit that the imputation east upon Usbusinea Integrity had been the malu cause of his daaparallQ.t -*- NO LONGER A CITIZEN. John Joseph R\ no delivered in person Um follow- tog communication yesterday in Qm Court ol' Cuw- uioii Plena: "X. Y. Mi Lei MltsSBi-St. t\l the of the Court of Common Pleas..Gentlemen: Seeing how Ann-noun citi-.-tts are Btrunx np umie.rvir.illv ,.n llir rali.iw". tn i-.ii-iini.i. .md ii.m Messrs. Whitehead,Curtin, Wilson and GaUasjner, American dttscna, have been, on i.l nc. of a lyiiiK inf.ii inn-, seuteuoed te li"- un ni it. i ei-i..n.t t-itbool Am- .io_:i Interference, I Mab to hare my name erased from the Amr-rtrsn cltlxen- illili mil of yuin- Omst and America at at larKe. Yours truly, John JOSBl- Ri SB, cit! mi of the irish Bepublk.N ^ Lyal) rcturmd his naturali/ation papen with his ti cry u.SB-TB. Ile lu came a ciii-cu un October 13. 1880. OSe OF ADDIE HKKs.VANS RIVALS. Captain Oeorsre J. Gordon; who was con, lott 1 la Jersey i ny on i'ucsdav of having abducted Addie Brosnan from Astoria, L. I., seems to hine had other child sweethearts. Yesterday District At¬ torney winfield came into po-+ich_iou ol the follow¬ ing httor winton to (Jordon : HT Daaa OaoBOfll: I am colnp to lie if-nt to sschool Bt KliishmK until i am LrhtesB fears oki 1 «-i!i >.-o with rou ut am time mi) « i.-i... i;,Ui )l>r (Wt I ike. dont tell ituyiio-ly how I love v.. l. 1 um uomu to a BluU-rs' Hotuc; trj' aili Hud out wUt-ie ii is ami trrand ase bbb bj uU meum. J»o not leave Astoria until i come back. I am yiiars, sud nilly yours. 1 will i-e.n dtoowB my papa lory. m. As a last favor I ask yon that mi u.-v.-r eater ruy house while i am away, nasas i.'uin mis letter. Kroiu your (1-iliaK. Mtui_i li-. To (ieor^e, my dour li unhand. RAILWAY TKACK.S IN iWk HOULEVARD. Corporation Counsel Andrews has withdrawn his BBpotutiou to the laying oi .trct-t railway tiacLn in tlie Boulevard. He did this hf-canse of the Mayor's letter and the request of many residents along tno route. He declined, however, to withdraw tho ap¬ peal to tho (.Jenora 1 lorin from Judge \ au > oral deci.iou, THE ACTION AGAINST THE QBAPH1C. In thc matter of the action brought in tlie Mon¬ treal court* against Ihe (IravkUi Company, to eoni- in 1 it to dose an publishing business m this city. J. W. Hinckley, the maim-jinK director, Mid yest! r- dav that it was duo to the malicious efforts Ol poi¬ sons former!v ronnected with The ([r(,ph'"' ",A b-ndinc- petitioners in tito suit are E. C. Brown, foiiiieily sgeni of the company in t'hioai-o, and a "former employe in the lithoprnphtnif de¬ partment, named Linderhorn. Hrown was dis¬ charged four weeks uko, on tho discovery of large discrepancies in his accounts, and Linder- born was dismissed for incompetency, lneso men, Mr. Hinckley said, were ni ting in con- Junetion with the Goodsell Itiothers, the. former managers of The Graphic, Bo far from their hold¬ ing shares to any amount in the company, he SBlfl. their notes for overdrafts ure held te the amount of $.0,000. The Shares held by Brown and Linder¬ horn are Simply nominal, and none of the Other petitioners hold stock except to » small amount. Slr. Hinckley asserts that tho oompany was never in a more prosperous condition. No trouble is an¬ ticipated from the suit, as the Canadian -stock¬ holders and the Montreal papers aro almost unani¬ mous in their condemnation of the actiou. THE STANDARD THEATRE BENEFIT. The benefit for the mi ile re rs by tho Standard Theatre tire, announced for this day week, promises to lie an ai tract ive ono. Laster Wallack bite offered the use of his theatre, and the niniouinciiieul pom- mittee. consisting of IL E. J. Miles and K. Rice, have been offered the services of the Union r-onato Company, the "Pavements of Paris," "Hazel Kirke," '' Hunch of Revs." " Kief's Surprise Party. McCaull'sOpera,Stetson's Fifth-ave.Theatre,Tony Pastor's ana narry Minor's variety companies. W. S. Sheridan will give a recitation. Tho ganefa] committee consists of David Frohinan. .1. M. ('oi¬ lier. Harry Minor and John Mcfaull. J Lynch atid Samuel Craw are tho Print inp Committee, and Max Freeman and 0. Herbert tho acting mauageis. DYING OF STARVATION ANO NEGLECT. Aphv-i'-ian of Th.- New-York Dispensary yester¬ day senl to the Bureau of Vital Statistics s certifi¬ cate- that Mrs. Marv Cannon, aird forty-five, had died in tim rear tenement house No. 1 L'i Mulberry- st.. on Monday, from the effects of starvation and neglect. I)r. Nagle refn-eil te Issue I burial permit, pending an official investigation. It was learned that Mrs. Cannon was a friendless and destitute Irishwoman, who recently beean, linallie te work on account of sickness. Emm found shelter at No. 121 Mulberry-et., In the rooms of Mrs. Colters, a ho fed mi(l nursed her as well ss sin- could, ont ol charity. The Dispensary physician was called on Friday, but he did not advise the InvslirJ toco to a hospital. Mrs. Colton said, and he san-her only once. -?. NEW BAILING DATA FOB THE GUION LINE, " lin- Arizona will sail on Saturday," displayed on the bulletin in front of tbe Guion Steal Line, whoso vessels Invariably sall on Tuesdays, attracted the attention of merchants and others, who sought an explanation. It waa stated that the Bailing of the Ai isona on Saturday, lustead ol day, was agreed upon In order to sive tbe shore em¬ ployes of tue company s ill holiday on Christina*, ['he Guion Line has made arrangements to eh its weekly sailing day from Tuesday to Saturday, nina about Ihe middle of February, lt is also stat..! thal ih Guinn Line is to have a con I rael for carrying the English mails, unless tbe British Poat- niaster-Geiierul adopts the American plan ol Bend¬ ing tin maila on the fastest steamships. REP UBI WAN REORO IN1ZA I ION. lill'. AMlNliMrNTs- to THE ORlOIWAl rt AV.I C1B« C.'I'Alt HY THK C'oMM Hill. Of BIOHTI Thc Committee of Eighti*on bas Issued a rlr- eul o-i ".Ul lilli ll il.' !.'.! i"ii- .H..'I I' i nu-ilimy t.> tlitj plan ol reorganisation prfuU-. lu lui. Tami ss on Noveui bea 20, ri* Mdutiona Mate thru tin. pi im-i. -. :. i..ii- i..i- iii ... i.i ii County Omi mittee t.liters >>t tie- Al ri Cunnii!.-.--- aud .untiling offlocrs." itiiill be. held, etc. the words icu.'c.I nol liebig lu the origil ul plan." lu spcakln ].ei-oi.'- iiiriii to vote thia m aieui li min. <l: foe! Iii it a i" -oil's name I- ob tl..- roll, aba i.i- /.runt f"cr v i'l.nee of tn- nulli t.. rote, sud la-wind thia bs .hall not be deemed .. na ethe right to vote lu reference to tbe provisions of law governing "prliuart Ol othei wi ..-. ii: ;.->-. lie li., ia .. ... w Itli nie i- io the pl ni uf ri organI- lailon into,m. .| .lune lo. IHH3. In .-mv district taut bas more than 700enrolled roten the polia siuil lt .lin topi a from - ai m. lill io p. to el-e-Aii.-r.- from :: t" Tbe ballot li ronuitvd t.. be "printed on plain white paper, ind without muk ..i !:. -.I--.-nu ut on the outside whereby to tlUUugul .- parasTaph bas i.> eu Inserted: ( olinty Committee shall, annually, hy call to t.< published lu two Republican dally papers for foul its tbe times and place* ol holdlug mn Iii tn tor the election of delegates to all convent! in*, and lo Um election of di State conrcotlons, fla thc of members of such conventions, ami theil ap¬ portionment, assigning, howersr, lo each rUitrli: .i niim- i.ei proportioned I-, ihe K' pul lit .i uti lu trletatthe but preceding State election. Tb mittoe of the Coitnlv C..ii.imf- ut i .i'll Assembly l»i-tn tbe Tweut) lonrth), and cue each from tbe 1 Wards, to lu- -.-I.-. .,-.| te, ihe di from the re pectl *.- «-mbly I H.triets ur \! .: -.- -.-..- i.-l hythe severs! delegation hall have a votlns power proportl mats la lbs reprr en tat lou <.i lbs .i li ration In tbe County Committee. The ..'lu. t- of tbe -. tj nimliH'e niel iii.- chairman >.i lbs standing (.i raittcoi -h..l.t..- exoMci.mi., ri of His executive committee. Tbs executive eouimltto. -I...U have thc gi te rn! milli..'' m.-nt of the uflinnof tbs I minty Com mitt. e. and nhiiil endeavor tosemire and maintain Ihe erttciciii organization of tbe part) In the cit*. and lo pro¬ cure U full iiinl bollOdl \ ..I. at ce. Huhs. At the eh lion fordelegate-, to Uki County Comnditee it la -tated thal an Asieiubl- District commiii.-.- ihull be n. to .-..ii-i-t of forty iiiciiii.ii-. lu c.-u-li ili-trl.-l, eix - copi tm- Twenty fourth, whlcb i* to have t\'..-iit\ rivi mi-i'iliets. Meiubori ol thc Count* Commltt. u ihs ntneiit bm mti. rs of tbs An--u.i.i.i Iii-tii.-t Committee In ile-lr respective ('i-.tnet((. An eurolie.I inter who n.'.ve¬ li..'in oin .¦ii-Mici Into another ls enUUed to a eeriiOe-*.' which lie may present to tbs Inspectors of election in bis new (li-ttt't, "nt leas! ten days previous" 1 primary (lc tlou held before tbe tu-xt enrollment, and le shun be allowed to -un the roll of voters "nponprtwif aattsfactorj to tin majority of (tbe inspector* of election linttlie bsa been a ri-io.-nt of tbe Assembly District foi ti.lrty ila\* sud entitled tocnrol." Toe County Com mittee cannot expel any Diember, "cv opting by .an affirmative vets sf twe-Uurda of all tbs members," FHOTOOBAPHS OF CELEBRITIES. Said a salesman in Win. A. I'oikI'm Art Depart- mut to u Tbtbuks reporter a day or two ago; "i suppose I Iiiim- sol.I between sou ami 1,000 of lt. nu irvfriir'M photographs, tbs picture representins bim lu street dress being the favorite. All o. his pbotographi are iaii*-ii in i.ii'.'ltii.l. (it Miss Terry's photographs I have (-old about 4(>0, lui Ha ticing the favorite character. How do other actors and actresses tell In tba average 1 Booth ls tbe favorite among trairedlans, then McCuuoush. and Barrett aext Mary Anderson loads B-Bamgsefresaes, Miss Behan and Boss Prurhlan follow mg, for a nm.- Lillian Bussell sold marrcUouily irell. Mme. Patti leads amoriK Hie. feminine operatic Rinser* foilo-TKi liv Hllaso-uOcrsier, Bembrlcb aa 1 fte. ile hi. C-iui pHtitnl and Oalassi «eii wilt among the men, Mleollnl in In- relatively poor. (Hour Wlldel Oh, two or throe s mouth, HioiiFh there was a boon when lie returned to New Yoik with als hair cut Adelaide NeUsos ls evidently reroem be red willi favor, as we still sell many pbotographs of her.'' At Pi_rony> a atari said ! "Wt must havr vil.l from .V>00to4,(MM)of Mlm Terry's pietuit-. adelaida Kellson Hill sells weil, of publio men Henry Ward Beecher by a large majority." -*-, IJ USESESS THO IDE ES. Bonan & A on Bernoth, dealers In drees silk-, at No S3 Oreene-et, made an asHiKiiiuent yester¬ day to rYedenek A, Von Beran*., one of the lars-ssi crediton. The Arm has bass tu bnstMM tn New. Vors snout twenty years. A repreaenuUve of the linn mads the followingBtstemeat: ''Thc cauaesofonr trouble are tte-lat k of business and tbe prc-allina; fashions, which sreverv Hinch aualnst our line. We did well In Reptern tn i. Lui since then v.-ii lui..- ilom- almost nothina. We emili not realise on ..ur Moak, niel ...ii. iuii. .1 t.. maka _n ssalrmment OurllaMUUes win i.e niiout i(<i.".o/ms) if weaniK-t-ompelledtoseUourstoch at auetlon lt win piobaMy lirlnif 1130,000. We sjlrepreferencea tor rrTr,- (tOO, wliichla for money borrowed. Half of tnat amount we owe herc, but all our other lialiilitirs bsloai In <..r niauv." The liabilities sf Lonirn lledenbMB, I>-on Bebwab and Leon Hlcdenbac'i. in their asslsmmont lo William mu/ bather, ara the nominal aaseu, is.'iT-i.- i:i4.(i5; tbe actual assets, 9283,135.88. LIABILITIES OF SUSPENDED hems. Tho Khednlea In the aaaienment of V. Mayer A Co. dre the liabilities of thc Brm as B2,7_O,902 44j nominal assets, 11.985.187 5'_; actual assets. 91,769.- ;i7i i;;i There it $281,181 04In rsinUngenl llabllliiei. I he iinlivnlual llaliiillles of l-'.-rilliii.ii.l Mayer ur- BM ooo . Iii. schedules of John ii. Morrel] show Uabllltlea V-":i,<>17 : tiomliiai _i»ei8,1200.287 'X>, ami uetuui saseta $120,847 30. ii" eerUtled list of proved claims Bastes! john p. lUeksy, the silk manufiu-tun-r of Paierstm, IT. J., who railed recently, has bees Hld liv the BS-t-mee, (ts.-ar Beebass. of thu city. The total la 9B0.571 03. li..- Uiw- .-t claim ls that of C Lambert, trustee for Joline, p.ii- a co., tin- mu Urrowstera, whose lospnordon n-j. caused by Mackay'« failure. Thu (tata la iffii.i'TJ 16. .->- ME. HAEM MS ELEPHANT SPECULATION. r.T.r.iii-nunisaid vci-ferdnv: " Ifraajenl haare- cently .ailed tor l.'n.l.uiil tu meet the sacred white lepbsnl aril Ins attendants from Main. I :»_.' premium for msnranee or the life ..r ih.- anim ii on OOO for one raar.M half that premium for half that amount of lutturanoe. yet taara aio no takers. Wi shall have forty el. pliant, the coming aesson. W( boc it-il a marvellous dwarf elephant, 12 rears oid,whlch we eal) Tom Thumb. Bala not half ao terse ss our yountreat baby elephant Be will play clown aeal aranon, and ls taking daily lcssous at my wlutt-r qaSItSBS." -*¦- Hartley Campliell is drnwing nn income of 93,0!K)a week from his plays. It ii Wier to in- righi u playwrlKlit, for instance-than to bo fresldeut..iSew- Oiie.Uis I'ltajruue. HOME NEWS. rROMINFNT ARRIVALS. Albemarle. Hotel..Senator George- F. Ed- mumls, of Vi nnoiit .I'irt-in'ii Hole. Ihe Karl of Cork BndVisconnt Dungarvan, of longland......Tim isaama //-,,/ Senator A. I'.Oornian, of iiarvland; ex-Governor Henry Llppitt, of KhiHle Iiland, nnd V. (Jordon Dexter and Fredi-riok b. Ames, of bolton.... (ii/*-i/ /'on-- (ur roi! E. Smith, of Byramlue; K. Prentiss Hailey, of 1 ti. ¦.?, and CX-t'ongre*tniiin Wllllnm I»iuiMierry. nf Kingston. X. Y St. KirlioUt* Hoe' BlaBon John Kliurp. of Salt Lake City'" Jfr<r<i.'«>/i/(ii(-/''«*'-Dowllt C. I_ttle|olin. I Os- mego *..'(¦».o../Ho-ri-Ths Hov. Dr. W; W. Patton, of WMhtuten. st. Jama __V-/-._.x-tongrcHsnian Ilor- ;.' i. raga, of CalLfuinia. WHAT IS fiOIN<; ON TO-DAY. De Mell divorce mu it before Ju.lire Uum»oy. ('..ii-eiratioiiofihe Kev. WllllttUiC. Walker as Bishop, Calv.iiy ClMtieh, ll a. m- , __, Art reception at William II. Vamlerlillt a Feiiardent lllw'l mit before .lurtge ,-ililpinan. Meeting of the Board of Apportionment. Elevated Hallway mill liefore Jud<o Van Brunt. CapeTS lecture ob "Family the Inundation of the St,ile".it ('lib-ki lin. Hail. john Egan's trial for bribery, te Hewar*. Enitlah bonsai's tavsatigattoB af cruelty on bark Ptar of Funeral nf Oliver E. Wood lu MadKou Square Prc«i>y- terlan Church, 10 a. aa. ¦_¦_ , Delta I'lil Frat.mid Co-tventloti at Wo. 92.i Broadway. Tlie Hov. Dr. C. ll. Fowler's lecture lu Forsjth-it. M. E. Church. NEW-TORI CITY. Tlie Aldermen yesterday appointed fifty-nine ('omitites-oneri of Deeds, Tba American Art Union opened its gallery at No. ¦ii Baal I'onrti¦-¦iitli-st.. last evening. Etea fall i" tlM now building st No. 831 West Si-vent, t-iitti-t-t.. yesterday, Jolm Patanoa, a work¬ man, was killed instantly. Tbs c_ildren of tbe Wilson Industrial -School, at No 120 81. Mark's place, will hare their Christmas tree exercises nt two o'clock to-morrow. The pub¬ lic ls invited. I.l r-Iill V.F. OF THK KIIIN'Clt DBUOATM. Tho f.iiiii.oii delegates front tbs Paris [tades- Unions who have been ia this country'for several weeks investigating tbe condition of the laboring - Mutt. .1 lor Havre yesterday by the hteaw.r Labrador. Illili IH .IiiIIN H. 'I (>M N -KM'''' IIOITSB. A lire in lin- third atoryof John 1). Townaemds house. N... S43 Weal Thlrty-fonrth-st., yesterday ,1 slight los It v i'v ¦tarted uy ;i parlor match. Lieutcnanl rotten, Mr. Townsend's sun-m- tew, hail hit. hands severely scorched, and Mr. Townsend's fool un* cut bj broken -V! ur AS ItRMORY. rho propeTty ocenpied by the Tit Reg!.nt n- an srmory tr many vears, ai Broadway, sixth- aro. and Tbirty-ninth-st., was auld n' auction yesterds In ibe'Exchauge Salesro.a, The sade was ordered in partition Mr. Minnoo, one of the heirs, pnrcbasi <1 the property for $430,000. nt - ..I' un HOWARD Ml' BIO*. The Howard Mission and Home for Little Wan¬ di .. rs, iii No. 10 Nen BoWer , eli cled tin tu loving trusteesycetenlav: A.8. Hatch, (ieorge Page, ll. i;. loin].kin*. William l'h« ps, watson e.D.ord, li. N. Farlee and ll. Vf. Bs dwi). I VIM' (il'-'t'M' K1.KC1 BIO "I'M B*IRI -. The AJdernieu ye-tenlay ameuded the propoer-d ordinance ..iiip.-iliint the eta trie light comp i; (I cir wires undi rpi rn nd, by extendii time in which i li'- companies inti-' do the woik from Biz months to two years. Tbe Health Departinenl ri j...ii..! i"i niau had bet U kui. .1 b STORING ( .RS ON I \ \ ll I> l< The corporation ronni-el saj .' il I ere ls tooth- lng in the s ti lin elevated railroad -lon- c.ii- .-u ifii ii..- ka N \. i'ii- i- ¦. ¦¦ luinka il al lbs Court of Ap a wu I Ihe right, i requested Mr. it in thal court. M-. f p. STAT! Pill \ l'H 'M. A confen in "I prl waahi ld In tbe Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterdsy. In tbe inoniing dress, dut ai-! i Btion were lu the afternoon of prison libraries and schools was timi r (li- riic meeting u.i* lulil in response !¦. an it utive ;. ..I tin- N.iti"i..ii l'i i ¦¦:. A-- i.'ti'.n. I. AIM I- Mil vi --i - |HD nun; t OOH. ii..'- ..t the ship Northern Light n wmto a loiter f" thc I nited Mate* District- .npl .iiiitii- "t the f.I tm ni-lie.I th. ni in tho I.iidlow-st. jail. The) nre held aswitni Mai hal I' found Ina! Ihe com pis al va¬ lli..- a- regards br< fu sud supper, while Ihe dinner a as mu ii Ioi y. if. they were compelled to buy 1.1 -\.th theil own money. Tl HMN'.i HI II!" 'V 111 tl ' lt. John Howard !.' '1 on Di itu _' rn barged aril Ich from fl I Drew lie was discharged mi tho following day, Mi. Dree deelfniug to prosecute ih. case. Mr. h- . d lias tc ..¦ rain«t Mr. 1 iren Ho fad e Itu- - io.ooh dams-res, aud In a . nil', was am (led \ .-nt. I.iv on an order grunted by ludgu Lawn ui s, gave bail lu f"i OOO. in ot ia nos a- io 11 v i. I hi Board of Tue Undi i sri .t. i ree* ti iilii v mad. hang- in Bi ction 7 uf the .chenille if standard rates adopted on November 30. I'. Hoard iiL'ie .1 thal no cl lb re-'uired i.>i in Inned within fonr brick walls of ¦mt lees than twelve inches in thickness, carried np through the roof and suitably coped; or, for eleva¬ tors closed I.'- substantial traps on each tl.h.t. ri'NKRAI Ol BOBI Iii l- I .Ml l-l 11. The funeral of Bolter! Bayard Campbell was held i'.-I.'nial. in trinity Church, Ihe m-hju- being ¦ leii i.i the kV v. hr. Morgan Ute, aasisted by the I,'i v. Mi. Hontgoniery, ol Lakewood, N. .1. Iiit-ie were no pall-bearers. Tbe l unity Church hon -aug the BDthctn "I Heard s Voice from Beaven," from Croft's bnrial service, aud the lu luiiM " N.-ari-r. Hy (Jud lo I lu .." and "Abnie with v('-." Tba burial took place te tbe Bayard family i ault ii. tin- .Inn. Iiyanl. TWO MVlM'll lt- RAIT I'BRI*, p II. M. Black, publisher of faa ManM/aetmrert' aad i:ui'ii,r* Journal, ai No.21 Park-row, learned recent¬ ly thal two is were collecting ¦.tey from patrons of th" nailer. He Issued a warning and by ih" aid of William Scbimpor A Co., ul No. 138 Woo i. i-i.. George L>. Dorusler, aaent. of No. 278 Bowery, and John Moses, collector, of No. 221 -.-co'iil-t., wire arrested resterday. In th.-ir pockets wore found receiptawnich showed thal they luoi swindled about a dasea Braal in tbs i lt) ont of -lin.ill amounts ol money. MASAOII..- Ol 1.11. IN -I1MII..N IOU lill; lil.lMi, The fo lowing managersol Hu. New fork In-ti n- lioB fortbo Blind, al ihirty-fourth-st. and Ninth- (vi-,, were ele< tod yesb rda. : Auaustus s, bell. rb-b ¦I ». 11 ..i.e. li. I, mi \.l am beodorua Hullo v M.. ra, I..lui Treat Irving JaiueeM. MeLean. Bmitn (itt, Uil iain Whitewright, William C. Bobe.irnorn, Charles Do Rham, rrancia A. .stout, \. Kcbenuer- li nu. I'.-i.-i Mu i. lr- il.-i uk Vf. Rhinelander. Kred* trickHbeldon,Chand er Bobbins,Chai esE. ritruug, 1'bilip Bohuyler, femple Prime and Jolm J. Kano. Bl RUM'S ( nun ii - AOAINS1 A Ml lien int. P. ll. Howell A Co. yesterday appealed to tlie Complaint (-ommittee or tbe l-roduQe (.xebangr foi un iiivi-ligation of tin- alleged Irregularitii [leorge L. Hullanl, a latememiiei of tin linn. Tbs Irregtilaritlea include the posting of tho Brm by Mr. Hiilliinl un being nuable to .el their .reautile mgagementa, witbonl consultation with the other ii.-uil.oiM ol tho linn lind without their Unou ledge, uso the drawing of s sheck foi -ri, .tm without au- thority. r^TIKO limn (iiuKK rnn- oim.Tr. Oeorrre I'. fJrafl tbe paying teller of Hu-Wall Streel National Bank ut the tune when that inMi- hition was under tbs banking la"*, pleaded guilt* vesterday bef. Judge Benedict in the I nited Hiafes Criminal Coori to thechargoof i\( r. .ri if \ lag chet ks. Ile was arrested in Novem- iiei and bas bo. ii umlor ball. He certified .flue,non in choi ks fur Cecil, Waul iV Co. jnat before thal nm suspended. Iii* eas.- m i!¦.. firstundertbe imendeii law, iiml ii ia not thought that hut sen- teuoe will be a severe one. He was allowed to re- lew his bail ami will lu sentenced ob Priday, ai.1.1 oi u i i:ii i v io BRITlsn BaiU>RS. Tho British i.bark sim oi -M-otia. lying al Pier SH. K:i-t hiv »r. arrived bi re two weeks ago from alcutta, since which time two distinct complaints if cruel tieatiiieut on the part ol a niau named r\e)sh, who ba- been shipped aslir.-t mat. since tho reasel arrived al this port, have been made to Brit- lahVice-Consul frazer. It is averred bj both sailors ind shipping agents thal Mr. Welsh waa engaged r'"' il"' pur].t discouraging the sailors b> narah treatment and thus inducing them to desert tbs i easel so thal s new cree conld be engaged al lower wages. Tbs present crew signed srticles in Aum- iiuiiaat I.i (about$20) a mouth lor throe yaala, niles-the voyage could be completed in less time, H the present cfe-s should desert and a new crew Mt employed it would make a dill, renee of td per cut in tin-[iay roll-. Vico-l onsul Frazer ordered (u m.. -ligation, which will begin to-day. tin. dbuts Of romeo wnrgg. rh.- body ot Ueorga W. wsnss ot No, dhi; sixth- iTc, Mho was lound dead on a pile of rocka bi ow tba temporal-* sidewalk bi front of the .-nm rosea Apartment building in Pifty-eighth-st., lav in bc.On.f .lames Rollins, ondcrtaker,No. lt.* Wost riliBrfourth-et. yesterday.unvisited by CoronerKen- tedi. Mr-. Tilley Minih, aaiaterof tbs lead man. Iring at No, MM West Twenty sesond st.. said that the ( oroner bini been somawmed aarlj mi Tuesday. When her brothel left bia borne at 6 o'clock on lion- lav evening, be rn ;is pei t ly ^,!.,.r, shs said. Bbs did tot believe timi be bad been assaulted or iou I ly dealt a nh. Inn tb it he fell doun through the ripening m bo witlk. Tba funeral will take place tii-.lav. Hu- police Hay iliat tho walk waa not properly lght.-d or guarded. TiiYiMi io simi. un: ii Ainu nj) suit. Kobert K. iii yo, one of the counsel of ihe Man- lattaii Elevated K.ulway Company, told a linn nk reporter yesterday that efforts were lteing made lo Bettie tbs llariold xuit hy mutual osSMMHakaa. hut lie wiiM not at liberty to explain the nature, of tho (liieeiiiont. The suit was begun hy Major J. T. Harrold, in tbs spring of »H7V, against tho Now- York Elevated Railway Company. Ile claimed *ri(j,00() ns da magi ¦ for injuries received in an ac¬ cident ut Third-ave. and Portyaeeondsi .ho Jury gave Mm $30,000. The case wMoaiTied tothe Court of Appeals, and tbs jiid.iiieiit was aflirmed. The linal verdict was given last Juno and ii BOW suit was begun, which will probably be di.-' 1;- tllllle.l. BKOOKLYX. \Vbile pnttinir pp sign at No. .r>!in Manlwttnn, ave., Roh'-rt Taylor, BgS '_".». of Twenty-n inth-sf.. Hew-Tork, fell yesterday nnd died In s short time. Ifra, Kate Mourner, of Hew York, -OCnrsd ,t war¬ rant on Tuesday for the arrest for bigamy of her hasband, Martin Hosmer, to whoa che was married tliiee months ago,and who deserted her after a week, and then married Miss Josephine Elden, Tho post-mortem examination of Mr«. Marv (Titrion, «f No. 183 Water-st., showed thal death waa due to fatty degeneration of the heart, liver and kidneys, ami that there was not the slightest evidence of malpractice. Samuel B. Shannon pleaded gniltv yesterday in tbs Conn of sessions to nem of the indictments brought against him tor embesxling money from h_ employer, John F. Jones, ¦ real estate dealer. Tba total nnioiitit of Shanuon's emhe-zleuients is about ifur-,000. Mrs. Mary (Jolie, who keepH a boarding-bouse in Wnrion-st., hasnegon a snit to recover |0,OOO uh danurges to tbe reputation of her boase, against Arnold Poehl, who is defendant in thesuit brought by Captain P. W. Wiabman to recorer $8^000 as damages fm alienating hi.* Brita's, affrrtjimt The Presbytery of Brooklyn hold a snnslsl meet* tag yesterday in the Pranklb Avenue Ch.nb. Tho Kev. Andrew shilaml, from tho Presbytery ol Long Island, tbe Ber. James If. Anders m, (rom tbe Prea- byteryof Monmouth, snd tbs Rey. Benjamin staun¬ ton,from tho Hudson River Congregational Associa¬ tion, were received as members. If was arranged to Install the last named »« pastor of the Fort Oreen Presbyterian Chnreb on Sunday. It was feted to ask tho Home Missionary Society to add $."iiM> to tbs 9900 salary offered to Mr. Stanton hy the church. JER8ET (ITV. Dowiti Manes, a brakeman In the employ of tho Ken Voik. I. a'..- Brie and Western Railroad, was brought to St. Francis Hospital yesterday in a dying condition. Re had been run over hy a train. Tba Coroner's Jury, which held an Inquest In the cass of i ranchi Bradley, aged eight, who was killed by a locomotive at the Warren-st. crossing of tue Pennsylvania Railroad, yesterday returned a verdi.! .e.-linne th. railroad company for failing to give proper protection to citizens al tnecroasinas. Mayor Tana lg hasofficially notified to the Board of Aldermen that Ihe Pennsylvania Railroad Com¬ pany ba-given fSO.OOO to tlie citj as a eontribn- Lion to help defra] the municipal espouses. NEW-JERSEY. Haiiwiy.- A pasa-r^ser train ran off the west¬ bound track ol the Pennsylvania Railroad, near A in boy Junction, v.-t. rda* afternoon. No om- vs ab Injun d. and no delaj a ss canst <l to trains. MARINE INIELLIQENGB. kiwi 11 dui alu vs \c Ssa rises, 7 21 .rt', i :ii: Moon rles ll I ,4aSI III'.II "V'Taii to o.r. .( M " Il....'_. oil'.. i- ,- .. _.(I7 FOREIGN STEAM ERA OOM di THIS PORT. TO DAT iv.'i Pram. CAM ml Hill I w) ia . Hilt . Sat toual htal* . ^..w. .Bristol ity till null I. ii ont. vu er i ih. li At. hinm!i Pali rino...., Ports 'i trana ami V|. 1 v'_ .Wm . . Atlas I HI HAY. HI . I Miii-.i! _i. Un i. I VI I I'.IMV Mill.ll ¦_?. .11-. . UBI .Hold i-'._ui .!'...y:il..\.-t_. SHII'PINd Vi ir.. POBT OF KEW-TOBK. I : Ml.. V.ri".ol II. lo \ in -ti ll III il > ii -I .. -. '' 7, Mt.ll . i ttl Hi lull -. ii linn Co] it.- and pas. KUI I.t .? I'.i Ulto I>.i'... Kl ley, N in !'.i--nri/ city I'"' 7. Porto Platj I J. Turk! l-lsttd i. Halvestoii io ii.ij-i, willi ¦lllllr I,, Bcfe !>-..I, ¦«-... , I rm., ll.l. will, m.U-, to n .1 . 110 ilnn. willi tnflie toor- dm rr a. v na liirv i ».t J'.i,m. mu, nnrkmsn, Iqaiqns 93 il_»«. « bars I o (Itali, Ka t..n... r. ¦_ o -. .. f: uk ¦. itu \H ir a .¦-. I;, -r t.. Il ll --w III Bark Tuck Ming, ii,..w|. mi. cn nfoegoa ii <!ur«, wu ii iu'1-w- lo J Ali! l.iirf nrsnloa !foi .ii i .l_v«, willi . v iloi k .'.- Co, v il ... trcaS, Mi, rluuily. At City Uland, fie-l., NK;( toady vi -iii.lay Bari mu- .er', Wetarowaky, ktantla 164 days,wh_ au. ar tn !>r. ml, Morran S ' >. reeeel to .u/o-r Itr ¦«.. Hark Waahin-rfcu. ¦ i dari, wltti ii,.ia- toa H.,» i.. i...i. (.\ii.u. ,.mii!h ii. Mrerpool 00 <l.iyt, willi .oil tn rill., .i ..-, rraarl tn m .-o r. Hark Kurru Kins (»n. TrvgarthSB, Natal .8 day«, wit ti niiKiii t.i'-i, re-sel toiii--i. ' vv Arni-tr. to.-. Alexander, Bl Jolnil, PB 1- i ,1 i.i i. va a tai iii it rous lill. 1 .i- ..nt- '.I N - ll..-. H.-ii.n, l-l l-l.ire, Mart. . ti. -n u to il rro. hodge« som Hetti ii....i.i M-i.t mr Heuiarsrs Sa days,Wita »u.'_t la ".¦'¦ ' i ii.iii.-y. . I.l.MU li .¦i K'li'i.r-t.--. 'i 11, London.K FPlckartag htaamers (Sreciso klousrch (Br), Hrntow, Loudon.Hatton, VI. I.n.t < " rii_inri i-mu-ur, arlSlths, tandan.F W J narai Mmmri city of i.i':..u"..'t. Condron, i.iisri'nti Ala Qaeeaa mun --1... Uisssmr Donall in I. li. \ I*. Urerpoei iimk * Jerona mr*; Huak A Jerona -t...nrr State of Oeorgta vI'-r Moodu. wlu-gow.Auitin Haiti-in A o Mi -mer -.rn,. r-« t Bri. Janu-i. TV H Morgan. ..rr i J lUbsoB(Ar), liiiig, -.sdllawaaeaaBarta Bea fri ll m --la.iiu.-r Oallen (Osr), Ki.tilmi-ln, Hamburg vu Ply in nu Ul A Co hUmdsi Hm Oreads, Lswla, Oslraston c ll Mallory # ci t-traiu.r Nsw.York, Oaks, flss inlsaas Hogan t gin -TiaaaisrTallahsssor. -tabor, Harsons*! -Irssry v..nj.e,jr. ..r i.nil Mii-iii, l-i ni.tiiKtoii, I.ail.ul..u J w (Ja.u- taoI S ¦.». M.'uui.-r Miinhittt-n. Rtrrrsna Nt-wporl New atnl \l .-it I',,ni. Vi ..:.! 11..uiiu!..n Ss ('.. t-tratiifi Oeto ram, Ball non I Krecsa Hi uuitr BuUvaT, CrusimSll, BaJUBhtrS (IBB ll (ilovi-r Hlramet L'OSUBOBWS.tb, Van Kirk, I'lill-tlt-l-ilila- Jolm C Hutu ru BAILI ht. MM '-I'li-i'-tu i, for Uvsrpoolj I-'.llie, lln-nu-n; lail.ra. .I,,i Havre; Hc-lli.-. ItloJauelro: Caracal, l.u.u-i ia. lim i.imi..I.-, rallaiisaaae, Harsunalii Mes york. New. Orirauai ktsakattan. Newport Nowa sod Weal Poul, v». nu. .Miivi.siKMa Of STIfa-fBBH I-.IIU-.ION IMBI i UHmOB, DBS 1'.'.Sailed, iti-ani-r Canada (Bri, n.bluson, fur N. » 1 .ak, Uvasroou nee 10.Arrived,stsaaMTS Iior.trn luwir liri. Wit-on From New. York Dee 4j Iberlaa nut. MaiwelL trotn lioiion Hm Bi Mei.n iBri, Kalrllru. from Nm Vork OSSA QI BBSSIOWa Ort- iii Hailed, ll«-»iiier ('ity nf Monlioal (Hr), Law li noni i.i»fiin'..i lin..' tor New.Tork ULSBOOW, DM lil ArrUtMl, llr_ni«r M.ilillol..n (Ur), Me- Nicol, fron I'!ani1 Hie 7 lt,nt, DeelB vhivimI. itram-r llonttlutt (Br), Weliiti-r, from New-Yerk i>> e li I I.i: 1 IX WHIST: Win ii in doubt.lend tr_tu|n! 1H.I.K 1 IN CHIUSTMAS (il l'i - Wli-n lu itoiiut-thn tiuinniar.l ll a ''liency Hlk; nlvi'li to wife, BBBglltSr, or any leay,ttalwarawtasl Tbs kui i* unfiii, an.t tieri (1 many yearn.for they ai. nai-r lo w. ar out. War- ranted not to "cul'' aSSSSSMB 'gi'i-S-y"!n the loiun-it ler- rice. The gaaataa for ask i.y IAMUXL ii. TIKBT, Na. ll I'.:i-.| 1 ttl- -it. IN HOT WATER cs ."- ts l\ SICK HEADACHE \: I* CURED! SJ Si 2* Bl -i < td M "a tt"S IN THK. SHOKTISI POaaiBUK TIMK, BY m BJ K THIS A.illl.KllH.K, I'lH'l-.ST, WKLI, Till ED JJ «- >j, W ni-: MK DY, -] TAKKN N HOT WAT KR. BLOOD POISON Dre Bean bb! Santa, rsprnseettag ti:.- --ni-t sasetaa Oom. Iisjiv, Aiianu, <ia will lie oi, ted lo ea nil wno un- .uiii-nim »tih Blood Poison. Blood Talai, Mslsrial I'olaoa, uii.-u k.i. Hhiii. nrnuy Hkui iiiimnr, st No. 139 vi em SSAet Coaaulto- Hun llli.l lliilliiltllill free. REMEMBER 18671 t'OUIIOMM-liri, nf *«ll(IK iyr..MI',.MltKK IMiV Itcouiiiii-eiiiK ol HMOKING TOHAico eas Sodatat*/ itore a limititl .jiunlily at rlob, Mellow, brighl Yi^.ulii »ei.-. i.,l from Hie ool.t.-n Leif nutiufu, tuivl in .H.,7 S_ nor nound. U. CULKLI^ Nu. jo. L'UalUam -i.iuaio. Announcements. Go to Brhmmki.l's for your Holiday Can dips. Standard mixed, $1 per .'. pomid box. Fine tton-n<mn am cborolntc- a specialty, ifo cents to SI per pound box. 41( numil-.t. Sti Bwasway. '.yyoui-uvo. Earl &. Wflaont E and W brand of Men's Collars and Cults aro the best. Hold eviTywiic'v. L-ND-tOKO*. ItllENIMI COLOOXB. Btuurae'i Petfeet'Fitti-ffSoalalriB Sacquos, .1.0,117*1,1201*. $ f_flfl. BETA YN rs BKAL8KI5 PALETOTH, DLSTKI18 AND HOLMANS, «.J2", S3J0, S_7., S.10O, S3*,0, VP. BHAYNK/S -I-.ALSKIN CAPS AMI ULOVEH, $10, $12 »;t ano sis. SHA VM"S (IliXflXE OTTKK 8_C(HIRS. .'."SO Slid $-00. BUAYNK'H OTU.': nut.MAN.-. ..'un, $ .ilo, JT.'.O. SII.VYNI 'S KA-ll lON'AKLI-: I-CK-LINK1) (i All.UFNTS, MINK-LINED CIRCULAR,*!, * . ', $100. 11'-'¦"', ai.». C. C. 8l__..s_, Maniilacturir, lui! Priuccst. LP your Bowing Machine rims hard, or is ont af order, 1! Bill pay ron to brvestigate Hie Wttleoi * Oit>~- AiK.MATir, and learn how eaaiiy amt beautifully it will da your work. liCS i'i_.dir_>-, B7. V. "Ronjrh on Coitf-hs," 15c.. 'JV., 80c at Drug¬ gists. Complete cure Cotigbs, Iloarienc-aa, Solo TLroat. IIl'.NKY A. IMN'IKI,-, M. P., H4 Li xlnirton.ave., between Ww and !),itb-its. Doors. 8 to LO to 7. Diwan*-, of tho Nenroiinyttou (liilio-rrliiury Ornum, liupot. .i.-.e and ttteruW. Litak&oi SI ( ( E>*OI.S TO A. T. STEWART & CO. inr.TAiL). REAL LADES. We aro now offering (in the 1J<»- t illida) the largest collect ion of Beal Laces ever exhibited, em¬ bracing many rare and unique hand-worked pieces, matchless in beauty and unequalled in quality, which will he sold AT LESS TIIA.V 183 POINT APPLIQUE SHAWLS At $18.00 to $60.00 Each 1UST REDUCES FK0.1I $10.00 TO $135.00. 155 BLACK THREAD LACE SHAWLS At $50.00 to $100.00, IUST REDUCED FKC1I $120.00 TO $223.00. L25 BLACK THREAD LACE SQUARES $125.00, $200.00, $250.00, JUST REDUCED PROM $275.00, §150.00 IUD $550.00. Tin* ahove garments are all of extremely tine quality, exquisite lesions, and peculiarly adapted to the present style of draping. WV also offer a lino of beautiful Mack Lar.' fichus a* $*.00 to $14.00 each; tdnced fron $19.00 to $30.00. Thread Lace Rtftofl at 73c. to $2.r*0 Karil» ¦educedfrom $.150 to $7.50. Black Thread Lace Flouncin r, 7 1-2, ll and [3inch<'s wide, at $1.50, $5.50 and $7.50 per rani; redaeedfroo $11.00. $12.60and $i7.oo. Yards Thread Trimmliig Laee, 1 1-2 md 2 (lichee wid.*, at Ile. to 33c. per yard; .educed Ironi 35c. to 80c. broadway, -Ith-ave., 0th & 10th st*. " TOP-NOTCH " OVF.nMO.TS. gentlemen wno kind seddev BKHD POI A "EW OVERCOAT ARE INVITED TO EXAMINE THE IXT-U FINK MNKH PBBPABID IOB OUR BOUDAY 'RADE. HKTTKH CI.Oi'Ill.NU CANNOT 111. PRO- IUUSD ANYWHERE I'UK SATIN UbED KOK .I.M.N.l IS l'U-ii: SILK, AND WILL GIVE GOOD iEKVK'E i THE TAIUMUNO IS I'KUFKCTION, AND UK, ITT OF IIOTHOVERSACKS AND SURTOUTS IS .'VERY WAY AOCBPTABLB l'RlC_s FULLY A .'HI I'D ENDER CUSTOM RATES POI SAME GRADE II OOODH. THE LADIES AHE INFORMED THAT MEN'S HOUSE .OATS AND ROUES, FANCY FUIINIHHINO GOODS, *INE UMHRELLAH, CANES, Ac. PERCHAMED IIKII1' .OK PlUUn AUK KXCilANliKA'H.EOll llKTURN. IM m AWTMB chrisi'mas just ah the clothing S, AND WE UNDERTAKE To CARRY OUT CONFI. )ENTIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT SPECIAL DELIV¬ ERY OF PACKAGES- Rogers, Peet & Co., CLOTHES, HATS 1MB Wlt-IB. Mt ff1 IIItOAOWAY, .fffeam METUOPOI.ITAN HOTEL. Unequalled for quality and beauty of form. Exclusively our own manufacture. BREWSTER _ CO. (OF BROOME ST.) ONLY PLACE OP Bl SINES*-, NOADWAT, l/III TO ISTfl ST. Thc public will pirn*** lif.-ir in mi-ell *¦«> bm no li hollie on I'il' .iv«*. or elsi'irhci-c, and no ron- n.'i'liou ililli ii stiiiit (M. I'ihv adv. nilling; n t.imilar naiue. FOR THE HOLIDAYS. no more ram Ol PUUSIBMJ airr cam he make ra tn THE MUSICAL CABUL 1. io r rr AYS EYERVT'IIV'. ANV HOD Y CAN PLAY IT. THE LATEST IMPRoVEI' 0 BOO I NETTE. NO KNOWLE'OE OP MT/BIO RI.OdRED. PRICES, *.-,, JO, $7, M *!» AND IIB KOBIC loxes, Mt.ABO UP. MUSICAL Tops, Tuc. THE WONDERFUL. slNoINO DOLL. $._> f| AND UP> UM A LABOI VARIETY OF MUSICAL NOVEL - Iiluitnitort atai.i^ru. > sent Pre. od Application. THE MECHANICAL ORGUINETTE CO., B81 uno ai ivv.vy, Il.'t. P-'h anil l'lth st. (.»p*n eienlii**', NEW.YORK ,1 J AH ES McCBEEBY & CO., Broadway and 11 lli-st., Oller in their Drc«s t.oods De* partmciit Tor Holiday Present* 3 3,300 fUldrCM !t tilths, which they have placed 011 a separate counter, with price* marked in plain liffnres for the eonven* ienee of cu*_onicr«. Also a Special Bargain of-JOO dress lengths at *.i each, matk« cd from £12 r>0. JAME* McCBEEBY & CO., Broadway and 11 th st. "ItfS CANCALA1SES," Thc beautiful new etching so favorably ir vic ircd in The Tribune of thc I Uh instant, is published by FRED¬ ERICK KEPPEL & CO., 23 East loth St. (Union Square.) PUT YOUR DOME IN A BBALTBPBL CONDITION. SANITARY BUREAU We fa-BBM »__.*_. ami point out ita dohvu. and th. 8(Mi_«ofi._xiM 'r>m -.'.v.r |M| fUTlj-.lo. Iiouio pli'rabliifc 11. _hm-traps aii«l pip<-,« ¦.__ BB-BBB BIB-lMI _i.l iRai'ifo*. tam.; l.nii-l- _>"- ntmt eoTT-ot ba.1 TcutUatlou. Exporlincwl MinlWiy EiiKlnwira. MANHATTAN ANTI-SRWK1. I'AS CO.. 41 Uu.ul. Siiu-rt», Wm. DIAMONDS. HANDEL, IAU-MU & BILLINGS, IMPORTERS AND CUTTERS OF DIAMOND. KANUPACTUBSBB Of DIAMOND JEWELRY". 68 NAS8AU-8T.. AND _!» MA1DENLANE, NEWYORl 1 MT AMlltKWKHT. LONDON. ABSOLUTELY PURE. Baking Powder. V

Transcript of ·...





Tbe -kirk Commissioners yesterdrv l-eeeived anopinion from the Corporation Counsel that'mir

power t(. «Its atoney -ethe Museum of NaturalHistorv had lapsed, sod Um llnsewB a"*-**!**!"Iidanlof Estimate and amiortloaaftsnt for ftinda.

lt th:il, ft* the api>r.»i»Miiti»» for nu r-

viviii. and larina out streets and fur surveys, mapsan'.l siana for ihe r-enty-third and Twenty-fonrth.Wards liiid i.:. reduced ftfty per eeutlntnepro-visinii.-il estimates, tho ts.itiijti-apliical euf-in.crshould inform nil persons under hun that the De¬

partment would nd he responsible for their payulur December SI. A lettes waa read compaiumsof th.- dirt and shat inm on Um flporol the ArsenalDnildins;. riolssstsT llickmor. will he asked to ex¬

plain this. r, 1 CS

A letter from tho Keystone "Bridge Company.which is- iiiuMin-- the Harlem Birer bride* at Mad-iaon-iiM- «m reed, which said that the long delayin tho work hud been saused by delay m iiinMiingIhe masonry, nnd the Controller had refused to paythe company according to its contract, 'lins wasreferred to Um Controller. Mr. Walesproposed thatthe advice of Frederick Law Olmsted be obtaineda* to Um host lands for parks In Uk-mino-od dis¬trict. This will be discussed at Un-next meeting.Mr. Cummins reported against renewingthe licenseof tlie mini Who had the swines in thc l'urk beCBOSSthe swings were used in such a way as to lave, a de¬moralizing effect. " Did von see, anv Flat bu li bus-taeesf" asked Mr. Wama. Mr. Crinunins dodgedUm Question and Um santa t was laid over. Mr.Crimmius exploded a small bomb by a resolutiontli;it Petes Geeks. Inspector in OiM-hnn-ured-and-sixty-hfth-st. tic discharged. He said be bad foundthat Geeks was absent from his work, and he hadordered him suspended, because sasessments wouldhe vacated il woik was nut well done. But UfClULad heoii reinstated by sotas one. lTesident u alesMM thal he had reinstated Geeks because the sus¬

pension was illegal aad Um inspector could coiledins pav lor aver* il.i.v he waa suspended, and be¬cause property-owners conld hare their sssessmi ntsvacated ifthere waa no Inspector on duly. Thenfollowed a till between Mr. inline and Mr. Crim-niins. Mr. Crinunins wundi red ii be hud any poweras a Commissioner anv way. Mr. Odille thought hobad been bs Um Hoard long enough to know whatauthority be did haTS and what he did not have.Mr. Ol liu'e said that the inspector had hean iii.-ontonlv a few minutes and that he was hack at Wortwhile Mr. Crinunins was in another part ol theStreet J lie matter \v;;s referred toPr*, [dent "t\ altsfor iuTestigation.

POLICEMEN ON TRIAL.Pol ii -eniiin Janies Collins of Um Seventh Precinct

was tried by the Police Commissioners yesterday,sw a chatge of being intoxicated on December adjudged guilty and promptly dismissedfrom the fon e. John Fttzsimmous, tue old po'ice-man who fell asleep in ih.- Presbyterian Hospita),on December 12 and permitted s prisonerto escapefrom the place, admitted that be was guilty of timcharge ofneglect of dutv, and the Commtssioueradismissed lum ai-o. Patrick Quinn, of Brooklyn,appeared a- complainsnl against Policeman Cronin,ol' t in- si\iiitii Precinct; end accused bim of at¬

tempting to shoot John Fiar, of No. 23 Catharine*et., on December 0, Ile said thaths ti»>k ('ronin's pistol away andsurrendered it ai Colin- Headquarters, lavt* ,~ i.i..nulli before the Commissioners a-, a \\ itnessand be testified thal be :i ssulted the policeman.ll.- -;ii'l be ws drunk nt the time and ne thongbtthe ulm er Mas justified in drawing the pistol inself-defence, i roninsaidhe arrested Far, and tbe

rriaoncr waa fined in a Pollen Court. Decuiou inhe ease was reserved. Eleven policemen ol theSuth Precinct were placed in a row before theCommissioners. They were accused by SergeantRyan of disorderly conduct tn the police stat iouwhile they weis on reserve duty. The Sergeanttest-lied that on the afternoon ol December 4, hebeard a noise of scuffling in tbs room whereUmineu wets supposed to be asleep, Hs wentto the room and found that thedour was obstructed by a gss fixture whichhad been removed from (he room. Several of thejiolii-eiii'-n were in lied, and the others were quietin t hi room. Ea-.-h iiiiii. said he did not know nowthe gas fixture wsa removed. Later in tbe day tbenatue waa restored to its place, and none of the¦mw would admit knowing who fixedit. Coinmis-sioner Nichols asked each of the men, "Did yon rs*move thc lixtui't-1" aud each of the mon answered"No.""Do you know who did f"Haere was another string of denials.Mi. Nichols, with a audie., said that the charge of

Sergeant Byan had not been supported by evidence,and the eleven patrolmen marched it ol' thecourt-room with grin* of satisfaction oil their l.o


FU-VJO .SCHOOL INTERESTS,Ruperiuteuf, -ni Jasper reporte.l yesterday to the"

IP nd of Education thal 1 in,si's scholars were

registered in tbe public schools,and 10,728 In theevening (schools in November. The av< rags atteud-ance waa 129,79 aud 7,714 respectively. A letterfrom the Society for Instruction in iir-t Aid to theInjured Baking permission to form classes, mus ro¬

fe:-', d io s committee, William Wood moved toh re the sohoola clo ncxl Monday, bul theh...lion was lot. President WalkeVa action inc'.o-ini* ('rnimnar fl h ol No, H.'l, which had been ie-

ported in an unsafe condition, wa approved, in a

controversy as to the advisability ol counot ling theBehool buildings with the lin- Headuartera bytelegraph wires, Mr. Dcvo, said: "In case of spanic we need a polit eman in the street with a duh,aud not a tire engine.'1


WILL THK ACADEMICIANS OPJECTIAt a special meeting of tb. Executive Commits e

of tho Pedestal Fund Art Loan Exhibition, heldyesterday, the propriety of opening the Exhibitionon Sunday for tlie working classes, tit the re¬duced rate of 23 cents, was diamsand MontagueMarks presided, and nil present roted iii theafttrmative gare Mis. Henry Leavitt and Mrs.GjSBtga W. ltallou. Mrs. Leavitt explained herUisseiii as based upon the had precedent sucha course would establish.Ab ~rt critic udd io a ftUBUXB reporter that Um

Executive Cot.mittee had not gained the oonseulof the ruling body of the A. .ni. mv of Design. Theacademicians had alway, respected the Sabbatariausentiment, he said, uud a Bghl would be madewhich would uot increase the popularity of thePedestal Fund.


A NEW DANGER IN '.HEATHES.Assistant Foreman Thomas, of Engine Company

No. J*, ye8t« to the l-'irt-JCnmniisMoiiorH a re¬

port that excitement wan caused at .Mimi's I the Bowery, on Friday afternoon and evening,by the breaking and falling of glass globes from thechandelier of electric Lights. Just before tho closeof the matinee peifoimance the rabbet insulator inone of th« thirty-two incandescent electric lightsin the dome of the auditorium was fused by thebeat, and the wire support of the glass globs wasburned awav hy Um electric current, tbe glass globefalling to the floor with a crash. A cry of 'lire"was raised uud a number of excited persons left theth(-atre; hut order was restored quickly and no our

was injured. Two ,-imllar alarms from the Bamscause occurred in the eunlng. Then the electricliichts were turned oil aud they haTS BOt bara usedsince.


KILLING HIMSELF TO AVOID ALAWSUIT.F. Z. Mindi, a German, fifty-three fears old, who

kent a beer-shop OB the first BOOT of «0. 2S_ EastThirty-sevciith-.t., shot himself through the heartin the place yesterday. Minch kepi a Deer-shop inTwcnty-ninth-Nt., ts tween Sixth andrJeventh aves,several year- age, Mr. Cany, the owner ol thatplace, recently made a demand for rem amountingto$1.-ino, which he said Milich had not paid.Minch declared thai bs had paid Um rent to Mr.Carey regularly, but he could not hud nil the re-ceipts, and when Mr. Can-y Ix -gas a civil frail the(''.niiau was thrown intos pitiablestateof anxiety.HU troubles probably destroyed his reason. Mrs,Minch said that be owned the house in which hisShop wnw and that he was in BO danger oflosing tliesuit, .she iluumiit that the imputation east uponUsbusinea Integrity hadbeen the malu cause ofhis daaparallQ.t


NO LONGER A CITIZEN.John Joseph R\ no delivered in person Um follow-

tog communication yesterday in Qm Court ol' Cuw-uioii Plena:"X. Y. Mi Lei MltsSBi-St. t\l the of

the Court of Common Pleas..Gentlemen: Seeing howAnn-noun citi-.-tts are Btrunx np umie.rvir.illv ,.n llirrali.iw". tn i-.ii-iini.i. .md ii.m Messrs. Whitehead,Curtin,Wilson and GaUasjner, American dttscna, have been, on

i.l nc. of a lyiiiK inf.ii inn-, seuteuoed te li"- ni it. i ei-i..n.t t-itbool Am- .io_:i Interference, IMab to hare myname erased from the Amr-rtrsn cltlxen-illili mil of yuin- Omst and America at at larKe. Yourstruly, John JOSBl- Ri SB, cit! mi of the irish Bepublk.N^Lyal) rcturmd his naturali/ation papen with his

ticry u.SB-TB. Ile lu came a ciii-cu un October 13.1880.

OSe OF ADDIE HKKs.VANS RIVALS.Captain Oeorsre J. Gordon; who was con, lott 1 la

Jersey i ny on i'ucsdav of having abducted AddieBrosnan from Astoria, L. I., seems to hine hadother child sweethearts. Yesterday District At¬torney winfield came into po-+ich_iou ol the follow¬ing httor winton to (Jordon :

HT Daaa OaoBOfll: I am colnp to lie if-nt to sschoolBt KliishmK until i am LrhtesB fears oki 1 «-i!i >.-o withrou ut am time mi) « i.-i... i;,Ui )l>r (Wt I ike. donttell ituyiio-ly how I love v.. l. 1 um uomu to a BluU-rs'Hotuc; trj' aili Hud out wUt-ie ii is ami trrand ase bbbbj uU meum. J»o not leave Astoria until i come back. Iam yiiars, sud nilly yours. 1 will i-e.n dtoowB my papalory. m. As a last favor I ask yon that mi u.-v.-r eaterruy house while i am away, nasas i.'uin mis letter.

Kroiu your (1-iliaK.Mtui_i li-.

To (ieor^e, my dour liunhand.

RAILWAY TKACK.S IN iWk HOULEVARD.Corporation Counsel Andrews has withdrawn his

BBpotutiou to the laying oi .trct-t railway tiacLn in

tlie Boulevard. He did this hf-canse of the Mayor'sletter and the request of many residents along tnoroute. He declined, however, to withdraw tho ap¬peal to tho (.Jenora 1 lorin from Judge \ au > oraldeci.iou,

THE ACTION AGAINST THE QBAPH1C.In thc matter of the action brought in tlie Mon¬

treal court* against Ihe (IravkUi Company, to eoni-

in 1 it to dose an publishing business m this city. J.

W. Hinckley, the maim-jinK director, Mid yest! r-

dav that it was duo to the malicious efforts Ol poi¬sons former!v ronnected with The ([r(,ph'"' ",Ab-ndinc- petitioners in tito suit are E. C. Brown,foiiiieily sgeni of the company in t'hioai-o,and a "former employe in the lithoprnphtnif de¬

partment, named Linderhorn. Hrown was dis¬charged four weeks uko, on tho discovery of

large discrepancies in his accounts, and Linder-born was dismissed for incompetency, lneso

men, Mr. Hinckley said, were ni ting in con-

Junetion with the Goodsell Itiothers, the. formermanagers of The Graphic, Bo far from their hold¬

ing shares to any amount in the company, he SBlfl.their notes for overdrafts ure held te the amount of

$.0,000. The Shares held by Brown and Linder¬horn are Simply nominal, and none of the Otherpetitioners hold stock except to » small amount.Slr. Hinckley asserts that tho oompany was never

in a more prosperous condition. No trouble is an¬

ticipated from the suit, as the Canadian -stock¬holders and the Montreal papers aro almost unani¬

mous in their condemnation of the actiou.

THE STANDARD THEATRE BENEFIT.The benefit for the mi ile re rs by tho Standard

Theatre tire, announced for this day week, promisesto lie an ai tract ive ono. Laster Wallack bite offeredthe use of his theatre, and the niniouinciiieul pom-mittee. consisting of IL E. J. Miles and K. Rice,have been offered the services of the Union r-onato

Company, the "Pavements of Paris," "HazelKirke," '' Hunch of Revs." " Kief's Surprise Party.McCaull'sOpera,Stetson's Fifth-ave.Theatre,TonyPastor's ana narry Minor's variety companies.W. S. Sheridan will give a recitation. Tho ganefa]committee consists of David Frohinan. .1. M. ('oi¬lier. Harry Minor and John Mcfaull. J Lynchatid Samuel Craw are tho Print inp Committee, andMax Freeman and 0. Herbert tho acting mauageis.

DYING OF STARVATION ANO NEGLECT.Aphv-i'-ian of Th.- New-York Dispensary yester¬

day senl to the Bureau of Vital Statistics s certifi¬cate- that Mrs. Marv Cannon, aird forty-five, haddied in tim rear tenement house No. 1 L'i Mulberry-st.. on Monday, from the effects of starvation andneglect. I)r. Nagle refn-eil te Issue I burial permit,pending an official investigation. It was learnedthat Mrs. Cannon was a friendless and destituteIrishwoman, who recently beean, linallie te workon account of sickness. Emm found shelter at No.121 Mulberry-et., In the rooms of Mrs. Colters, a hofed mi(l nursed her as well ss sin- could, ont olcharity. The Dispensary physician was called on

Friday, but he did not advise the InvslirJ toco toa hospital. Mrs. Colton said, and he san-her onlyonce.


NEW BAILING DATA FOB THE GUION LINE," lin- Arizona will sail on Saturday," displayed

on the bulletin in front of tbe Guion StealLine, whoso vessels Invariably sall on Tuesdays,attracted the attention of merchants and others,who sought an explanation. It waa stated that theBailing of the Ai isona on Saturday, lustead olday, was agreed upon In order to sive tbe shore em¬

ployes of tue company s ill holiday on Christina*,['he Guion Line has made arrangements to ehits weekly sailing day from Tuesday to Saturday,

nina about Ihe middle of February, lt is alsostat..! thal ih Guinn Line is to have a con I rael forcarrying the English mails, unless tbe British Poat-niaster-Geiierul adopts the American plan ol Bend¬ing tin maila on the fastest steamships.


lill'. AMlNliMrNTs- to THE ORlOIWAl rt AV.I C1B«C.'I'Alt HY THK C'oMM Hill. Of BIOHTI

Thc Committee of Eighti*on bas Issued a rlr-eul o-i ".Ul lilli ll il.' !.'.! i"ii- .H..'I I' i

nu-ilimy t.> tlitj plan ol reorganisation prfuU-. lu lui.Tami ss on Noveui bea 20, ri* Mdutiona Mate thrutin. pi im-i. -. :. i..ii- i..i- iii ... i.i ii County Omimittee t.liters >>t tie- Al ri Cunnii!.-.---aud .untiling offlocrs." itiiill be. held, etc. the wordsicu.'c.I nol liebig lu the origil ul plan." lu spcakln].ei-oi.'- iiiriii to vote thia m aieui .¦ li min. <l:

foe! Iii it a i" -oil's name I- ob tl..- roll, abai.i- /.runt f"cr v i'l.nee of tn- nulli t.. rote, sud la-windthia bs .hall not be deemed .. na ethe right to vote lureference to tbe provisions of law governing "prliuart

Ol otheiwi ..-. ii: ;.->-. lie li., ia .. ...

w Itli nie i- io the pl ni uf ri organI-lailon into,m. .| .lune lo. IHH3.

In .-mv district taut bas more than 700enrolled rotenthe polia siuil lt .lin topi a from - ai m. lill io p. toel-e-Aii.-r.- from :: t" Tbe ballot li ronuitvd t..

be "printed on plain white paper, ind without muk ..i

!:. -.I--.-nu ut on the outside whereby to tlUUugul.- parasTaph bas i.> eu Inserted:

( olinty Committee shall, annually, hy call to t.<

published lu two Republican dally papers for foulits tbe times and place* ol holdlug mn Iii tn tor the

election of delegates to all convent! in*, andlo Um election of di State conrcotlons, fla of members of such conventions, ami theil ap¬portionment, assigning, howersr, lo each rUitrli: .i niim-i.ei proportioned I-, ihe K' pul lit .i '¦ uti lutrletatthe but preceding State election. Tb

mittoe of the Coitnlv C..ii.imf-ut i .i'll Assembly l»i-tn

tbe Tweut) lonrth), and cue each from tbe 1Wards, to lu- -.-I.-. .,-.| te, ihe di

from the re pectl *.- «-mbly I H.triets ur \! .:-.- -.-..- i.-l hythe severs! delegation hall have

a votlns power proportl mats la lbs reprr entat lou <.i lbs.i li ration In tbe County Committee. The ..'lu. t- of tbe

-. tj nimliH'e niel iii.- chairman >.i lbs standing(.i raittcoi -h..l.t..- exoMci.mi., ri of His executivecommittee. Tbs executive eouimltto. -I...U have thcgi te rn! milli..'' m.-nt of the uflinnof tbs I minty Committ. e. and nhiiil endeavor tosemire and maintain Iheerttciciii organization of tbe part) In the cit*. and lo pro¬cure U full iiinl bollOdl \ ..I. at ce. Huhs.

At the eh lion fordelegate-, to Uki County Comnditeeit la -tated thal an Asieiubl- District commiii.-.- ihull be

n. to .-..ii-i-t of forty iiiciiii.ii-. lu c.-u-li ili-trl.-l, eix -

copi tm- Twenty fourth, whlcb i* to have t\'..-iit\ rivimi-i'iliets. Meiubori ol thc Count* Commltt. u ihsntneiit bm mti. rs of tbs An--u.i.i.i Iii-tii.-t Committee Inile-lr respective ('i-.tnet((. An eurolie.I inter who n.'.ve¬

li..'in oin .¦ii-Mici Into another ls enUUed to a eeriiOe-*.'which lie may present to tbs Inspectors of election inbis new (li-ttt't, "nt leas! ten days previous" 1primary (lc tlou held before tbe tu-xt enrollment, and leshun be allowed to -un the roll of voters "nponprtwifaattsfactorj to tin majority of (tbe inspector* of electionlinttlie bsa been a ri-io.-nt of tbe Assembly District foiti.lrty ila\* sud entitled tocnrol." Toe County Committee cannot expel any Diember, "cv opting by .anaffirmative vets sf twe-Uurda of all tbs members,"

FHOTOOBAPHS OF CELEBRITIES.Said a salesman in Win. A. I'oikI'm Art Depart-

mut to u Tbtbuks reporter a day or two ago; "isuppose I Iiiim- sol.I between sou ami 1,000 of lt. nuirvfriir'M photographs, tbs picture representins bim lustreet dress being the favorite. All o. his pbotographiare iaii*-ii in i.ii'.'ltii.l. (it Miss Terry's photographs Ihave (-old about 4(>0, lui Ha ticing the favoritecharacter. How do other actors and actresses tell In tbaaverage 1 Booth ls tbe favorite among trairedlans, thenMcCuuoush. and Barrett aext Mary Anderson loadsB-Bamgsefresaes, Miss Behan and Boss Prurhlan followmg, for a nm.- Lillian Bussell sold marrcUouily irell.Mme. Patti leads amoriK Hie. feminine operatic Rinser*foilo-TKi liv Hllaso-uOcrsier, Bembrlcb aa 1 fte. ile hi. C-iuipHtitnl and Oalassi «eii wilt among the men, Mleollnl in In-relatively poor. (Hour Wlldel Oh, two or throe s mouth,HioiiFh there was a boon when lie returned to New Yoikwith als hair cut Adelaide NeUsos ls evidently reroembe red willi favor, as we still sell many pbotographs ofher.''At Pi_rony> a atari said ! "Wt must havr vil.l from

.V>00to4,(MM)of Mlm Terry's pietuit-. adelaida KellsonHill sells weil, of publio men Henry Ward Beecher lea.liby a large majority."



Bonan & A on Bernoth, dealers In dreessilk-, at No S3 Oreene-et, made an asHiKiiiuent yester¬day to rYedenek A, Von Beran*., one of the lars-ssicrediton. The Arm has bass tu bnstMM tn New. Vorssnout twenty years. A repreaenuUve of the linn madsthe followingBtstemeat: ''Thc cauaesofonr trouble arette-lat k of business and tbe prc-allina; fashions, whichsreverv Hinch aualnst our line. We did well In Repterntn i. Lui since then v.-ii lui..- ilom- almost nothina. Weemili not realise on ..ur Moak, niel ...ii. iuii. .1 t.. maka _nssalrmment OurllaMUUes win i.e niiout i(<i.".o/ms) ifweaniK-t-ompelledtoseUourstoch at auetlon lt winpiobaMy lirlnif 1130,000. We sjlrepreferencea tor rrTr,-(tOO, wliichla for money borrowed. Half of tnat amountwe owe herc, but all our other lialiilitirs bsloai In <..rniauv."The liabilities sf Lonirn lledenbMB, I>-on Bebwab and

Leon Hlcdenbac'i. in their asslsmmont lo William mu/bather, ara the nominal aaseu, is.'iT-i.-i:i4.(i5; tbe actual assets, 9283,135.88.


Tho Khednlea In the aaaienment of V. MayerA Co. dre the liabilities of thc Brm as B2,7_O,902 44jnominal assets, 11.985.187 5'_; actual assets. 91,769.-;i7i i;;i There it $281,181 04In rsinUngenl llabllliiei.I he iinlivnlual llaliiillles of l-'.-rilliii.ii.l Mayer ur- BM ooo. Iii. schedules of John ii. Morrel] show UabllltleaV-":i,<>17 : tiomliiai _i»ei8,1200.287 'X>, ami uetuui saseta$120,847 30.

ii" eerUtled list of proved claims Bastes! john p.lUeksy, the silk manufiu-tun-r of Paierstm, IT. J., whorailed recently, has bees Hld liv the BS-t-mee, (ts.-arBeebass. of thu city. The total la 9B0.571 03. li..- Uiw-.-t claim ls that of C Lambert, trustee for Joline, p.ii-a co., tin- mu Urrowstera, whose lospnordon n-j. causedby Mackay'« failure. Thu (tata la iffii.i'TJ 16.


r.T.r.iii-nunisaid vci-ferdnv: " Ifraajenl haare-cently .ailed tor l.'n.l.uiil tu meet the sacred white lepbsnlaril Ins attendants from Main. I :»_.'..ooopremium for msnranee or the life ..r ih.- anim ii onOOO for one raar.M half that premium for half thatamount of lutturanoe. a« yet taara aio no takers. Wishall have forty el. pliant, the coming aesson. W(boc it-il a marvellous dwarf elephant, 12 rears oid,whlchwe eal) TomThumb. Bala not half ao tersess our yountreatbaby elephant Be will play clown aeal aranon, and lstaking daily lcssous at my wlutt-r qaSItSBS."


Hartley Campliell is drnwing nn income of93,0!K)a week from his plays. It ii Wier to in- righiu playwrlKlit, for instance-than to bo fresldeut..iSew-Oiie.Uis I'ltajruue.


Albemarle. Hotel..Senator George- F. Ed-mumls, of Vi nnoiit .I'irt-in'ii Hole. Ihe Karl of Cork

BndVisconnt Dungarvan, of longland......Tim isaama//-,,/ Senator A. I'.Oornian, of iiarvland; ex-GovernorHenry Llppitt, of KhiHle Iiland, nnd V. (Jordon Dexterand Fredi-riok b. Ames, of bolton.... (ii/*-i/ /'on-- (ur

roi! E. Smith, of Byramlue; K. Prentiss Hailey, of 1 ti. ¦.?,

and CX-t'ongre*tniiin Wllllnm I»iuiMierry. nf Kingston. X.

Y St. KirlioUt* Hoe' BlaBon John Kliurp. of Salt Lake

City'" Jfr<r<i.'«>/i/(ii(-/''«*'-Dowllt C. I_ttle|olin. I Os-mego *..'(¦».o../Ho-ri-Ths Hov. Dr. W; W. Patton, ofWMhtuten. st. Jama __V-/-._.x-tongrcHsnian Ilor-;.' i. raga, of CalLfuinia.

WHAT IS fiOIN<; ON TO-DAY.De Mell divorce mu it before Ju.lire Uum»oy.('..ii-eiratioiiofihe Kev. WllllttUiC. Walker as Bishop,

Calv.iiy ClMtieh, ll a. m-, __,

Art reception at William II. Vamlerlillt aFeiiardent lllw'l mit before .lurtge ,-ililpinan.Meeting of the Board of Apportionment.Elevated Hallway mill liefore Jud<o Van Brunt.

CapeTS lecture ob "Family the Inundation of theSt,ile".it ('lib-ki lin. Hail.john Egan's trial for bribery, te Hewar*.Enitlah bonsai's tavsatigattoB af cruelty on bark Ptar of

Funeral nf Oliver E. Wood lu MadKou Square Prc«i>y-terlan Church, 10 a. aa. ¦_¦_ ,

Delta I'lil Frat.mid Co-tventloti at Wo. 92.i Broadway.Tlie Hov. Dr. C. ll. Fowler's lecture lu Forsjth-it. M.

E. Church.

NEW-TORI CITY.Tlie Aldermen yesterday appointed fifty-nine

('omitites-oneri of Deeds,Tba American Art Union opened its gallery at No.

¦ii Baal I'onrti¦-¦iitli-st.. last evening.Etea fall i" tlM now building st No. 831 West

Si-vent, t-iitti-t-t.. yesterday, Jolm Patanoa, a work¬man, was killed instantly.Tbs c_ildren of tbe Wilson Industrial -School, at

No 120 81. Mark's place, will hare their Christmastree exercises nt two o'clock to-morrow. The pub¬lic ls invited.

I.l r-Iill V.F. OF THK KIIIN'Clt DBUOATM.Tho f.iiiii.oii delegates front tbs Paris [tades-

Unions who have been ia this country'for severalweeks investigating tbe condition of the laboring

- Mutt. .1 lor Havre yesterday by the hteaw.r

Labrador.Illili IH .IiiIIN H. 'I (>M N -KM'''' IIOITSB.

A lire in lin- third atoryof John 1). Townaemdshouse. N... S43 Weal Thlrty-fonrth-st., yesterday

,1 slight los It v i'v ¦tarted uy ;i parlormatch. Lieutcnanl rotten, Mr. Townsend's sun-m-

tew, hail hit. hands severely scorched, and Mr.Townsend's fool un* cut bj broken

-V! ur AS ItRMORY.rho propeTty ocenpied by the Tit Reg!.nt

n- an srmory tr many vears, ai Broadway, sixth-aro. and Tbirty-ninth-st., was auld n' auctionyesterds In ibe'Exchauge Salesro.a, The sadewas ordered in partition Mr. Minnoo, one of theheirs, pnrcbasi <1 the property for $430,000.

nt - ..I' un HOWARD Ml' BIO*.The Howard Mission and Home for Little Wan¬

di .. rs, iii No. 10 Nen BoWer , eli cled tin tu lovingtrusteesycetenlav: A.8. Hatch, (ieorge Page, ll.i;. loin].kin*. William l'h« ps, watson e.D.ord, li.N. Farlee and ll. Vf. Bs dwi).

I VIM' (il'-'t'M' K1.KC1 BIO "I'M B*IRI -.

The AJdernieu ye-tenlay ameuded the propoer-dordinance ..iiip.-iliint the eta trie light comp

i; (I cir wires undi rpi rn nd, by extendiitime in which i li'- companies inti-' do the woik fromBiz months to two years. Tbe Health Departinenlri j...ii..! i"i niau had bet U kui. .1 b

STORING ( .RS ON I \ \ ll I> l<The corporation ronni-el saj .' il I ere ls tooth-

lng in the s ti lin elevated railroad-lon- c.ii-

.-u ifii ii..- ka N \. i'ii- i- ¦. ¦¦ luinka il al lbsCourt of Ap a wu I Iheright, i requested Mr.

it in thalcourt.

M-. f p. STAT! Pill \ l'H 'M.A confen in "I prl waahi ld In tbe

Fifth Avenue Hotel yesterdsy. In tbe inoniingdress, dut ai-! i Btion were

lu the afternoon of prison libraries andschools was timi r (li- riic meeting u.i*

lulil in response !¦. an it utive;. .¦ ..I tin- N.iti"i..ii l'i i ¦¦:. A-- i.'ti'.n.

I. AIM I- Mil vi --i - |HD nun; t OOH.ii..'- ..t the ship Northern Light n

wmto a loiter f" thc I nited Mate* District-.npl .iiiitii- "t the f.I tm ni-lie.I th. ni

in tho I.iidlow-st. jail. The) nre held aswitniMai hal I' found Ina! Ihe com pis al va¬

lli..- a- regards br< fu sud supper, while Ihedinner a as mu ii Ioi y. if.they were compelled to buy 1.1 -\.th theil own

money.Tl HMN'.i HI II!" 'V 111 tl ' lt.

John Howard !.' '1 on Di itu _' rn

barged aril Ich from fl IDrew lie was discharged mi tho following day,Mi. Dree deelfniug to prosecute ih. case. Mr. h- . dlias tc ..¦ rain«t Mr. 1 iren Ho fad e Itu-

- io.ooh dams-res, aud In a .

nil', was am (led \ .-nt. I.iv on an order grunted byludgu Lawn ui s, gave bail lu f"i OOO.

in ot ia nos a- io 11 v i.

I hi Board of Tue Undi i sri .t. i ree*ti iilii v mad. hang- in Bi ction 7 uf the .chenilleif standard rates adopted on November 30. I'.Hoard iiL'ie .1 thal no cl lb re-'uired i.> in Inned within fonr brick walls of¦mt lees than twelve inches in thickness, carried npthrough the roof and suitably coped; or, for eleva¬tors closed I.'- substantial traps on each tl.h.t.

ri'NKRAI Ol BOBI Iii l- I .Ml l-l 11.The funeral of Bolter! Bayard Campbell was held

i'.-I.'nial. in trinity Church, Ihe m-hju- being¦ leii i.i the kV v. hr. Morgan Ute, aasisted bythe I,'i v. Mi. Hontgoniery, ol Lakewood, N. .1.Iiit-ie were no pall-bearers. Tbe l unity Churchhon -aug the BDthctn "I Heard s Voice fromBeaven," from Croft's bnrial service, aud thelu luiiM

" N.-ari-r. Hy (Jud lo I lu .." and "Abnie withv('-." Tba burial took place te tbe Bayard familyi ault ii. tin- .Inn. Iiyanl.

TWO MVlM'll lt- RAIT I'BRI*, pII. M. Black, publisher of faa ManM/aetmrert' aad

i:ui'ii,r* Journal, ai No.21 Park-row, learned recent¬ly thal two is were collecting ¦.tey frompatrons of th" nailer. He Issued a warning and byih" aid of William Scbimpor A Co., ul No. 138Woo i. i-i.. George L>. Dorusler, aaent. of No. 278Bowery, and John Moses, collector, of No. 221-.-co'iil-t., wire arrested resterday. In th.-irpockets wore found receiptawnich showed thal theyluoi swindled about a dasea Braal in tbs i lt) ont of-lin.ill amounts ol money.MASAOII..- Ol 1.11. IN -I1MII..N IOU lill; lil.lMi,The fo lowing managersol Hu. New fork In-ti n-

lioB fortbo Blind, al ihirty-fourth-st. and Ninth-(vi-,, were ele< tod yesb rda. : Auaustus s, bell. rb-b¦I ». 11 ..i.e. li. I, mi \.l am beodorua Hullo v M.. ra,I..lui Treat Irving JaiueeM. MeLean. Bmitn (itt,Uil iain Whitewright, William C. Bobe.irnorn,Charles Do Rham, rrancia A. .stout, \. Kcbenuer-li nu. I'.-i.-i Mu i. lr- il.-i uk Vf. Rhinelander. Kred*trickHbeldon,Chand er Bobbins,Chai esE. ritruug,1'bilip Bohuyler, femple Prime and Jolm J. Kano.

Bl RUM'S ( nun ii - AOAINS1 A Ml lien int.P. ll. Howell A Co. yesterday appealed to tlie

Complaint (-ommittee or tbe l-roduQe (.xebangr foiun iiivi-ligation of tin- alleged Irregularitii[leorge L. Hullanl, a latememiiei of tin linn. TbsIrregtilaritlea include the posting of tho Brm by Mr.Hiilliinl un being nuable to .el their .reautilemgagementa, witbonl consultation with the otherii.-uil.oiM ol tho linn lind without their Unou ledge,uso the drawing of s sheck foi -ri, .tm without au-

thority.r^TIKO limn (iiuKK rnn- oim.Tr.

Oeorrre I'. fJrafl tbe paying teller of Hu-WallStreel National Bank ut the tune when that inMi-hition was under tbs banking la"*,pleaded guilt* vesterday bef. Judge Benedict inthe I nited Hiafes Criminal Coori to thechargoofi\( r. .ri if \ lag chet ks. Ile was arrested in Novem-iiei and bas bo. ii umlor ball. He certified .flue,nonin choi ks fur Cecil, Waul iV Co. jnat before thalnm suspended. Iii* eas.- m i!¦.. firstundertbeimendeii law, iiml ii ia not thought that hut sen-teuoe will be a severe one. He was allowed to re-lew his bail ami will lu sentenced ob Priday,

ai.1.1 oi u i i:ii i v io BRITlsn BaiU>RS.Tho British i.bark sim oi -M-otia. lying al Pier

SH. i» K:i-t hiv »r. arrived bi re two weeks ago fromalcutta, since which time two distinct complaints

if cruel tieatiiieut on the part ol a niau namedr\e)sh, who ba- been shipped aslir.-t mat. since thoreasel arrived al this port, have been made to Brit-lahVice-Consul frazer. It is averred bj bothsailorsind shipping agents thal Mr. Welsh waa engagedr'"' il"' pur].t discouraging the sailors b> narahtreatment and thus inducing them to desert tbsi easel so thal s new cree conld be engaged al lowerwages. Tbs present crew signed srticles in Aum-iiuiiaat I.i (about$20) a mouth lor throe yaala,niles-the voyage could be completed in less time,H the present cfe-s should desert and a new crewMt employed it would make a dill, renee of td percut in tin-[iay roll-. Vico-l onsul Frazer ordered(u m.. -ligation, which will begin to-day.

tin. dbuts Of romeo wnrgg.rh.- body ot Ueorga W. wsnss ot No, dhi; sixth-

iTc, Mho was lound dead on a pile of rocka biow tba temporal-* sidewalk bi front of the .-nmrosea Apartment building in Pifty-eighth-st., lav inbc.On.f .lames Rollins, ondcrtaker,No. lt.* WostriliBrfourth-et. yesterday.unvisited by CoronerKen-tedi. Mr-. Tilley Minih, aaiaterof tbs lead man.Iring at No, MM West Twenty sesond st.. said thatthe ( oroner bini been somawmed aarlj mi Tuesday.When her brothel left bia borne at6 o'clock on lion-lav evening, be rn ;is pei f« t ly ^,!.,.r, shs said. Bbs didtot believe timi be bad beenassaulted or iou I ly dealta nh. Inn tb it he fell doun through the ripening mbo witlk. Tba funeral will take place tii-.lav.Hu- police Hay iliat tho walk waa not properlylght.-d or guarded.

TiiYiMi io simi. un: ii Ainu nj) suit.Kobert K. iii yo, one of the counsel of ihe Man-

lattaii Elevated K.ulway Company, told a linn nk

reporter yesterday that efforts were lteing made loBettie tbs llariold xuit hy mutual osSMMHakaa. hutlie wiiM not at liberty to explain the nature, of tho(liieeiiiont. The suit was begun hy Major J. T.Harrold, in tbs spring of »H7V, against tho Now-

York Elevated Railway Company. Ile claimed*ri(j,00() ns da magi ¦ for injuries received in an ac¬

cident ut Third-ave. and Portyaeeondsi .hoJury gave Mm $30,000. The case wMoaiTied totheCourt of Appeals, and tbs jiid.iiieiit was aflirmed.The linal verdict was given last Juno and ii BOWsuit was begun, which will probably be di.-' 1;-


\Vbile pnttinir pp r» sign at No. .r>!in Manlwttnn,ave., Roh'-rt Taylor, BgS '_".». of Twenty-n inth-sf..Hew-Tork, fell yesterday nnd died In s short time.

Ifra, Kate Mourner, of Hew York, -OCnrsd ,t war¬rant on Tuesday for the arrest for bigamy of herhasband, Martin Hosmer, to whoa che was marriedtliiee months ago,and who deserted her after aweek, and then married Miss Josephine Elden,Tho post-mortem examination of Mr«. Marv

(Titrion, «f No. 183 Water-st., showed thal deathwaa due to fatty degeneration of the heart, liverand kidneys, ami that there was not the slightestevidence of malpractice.Samuel B. Shannon pleaded gniltv yesterday in

tbs Conn of sessions to nem of the indictmentsbrought against him tor embesxling money from h_employer, John F. Jones, ¦ real estate dealer. Tbatotal nnioiitit of Shanuon's emhe-zleuients isabout ifur-,000.Mrs. Mary (Jolie, who keepH a boarding-bouse in

Wnrion-st., hasnegon a snit to recover |0,OOO uhdanurges to tbe reputation of her boase, againstArnold Poehl, who is defendant in thesuit broughtby Captain P. W. Wiabman to recorer $8^000 asdamages fm alienating hi.* Brita's, affrrtjimtThe Presbytery of Brooklyn hold a snnslsl meet*

tag yesterday in the Pranklb Avenue Ch.nb. ThoKev. Andrew shilaml, from tho Presbytery ol LongIsland, tbe Ber. James If. Anders m, (rom tbe Prea-byteryof Monmouth, snd tbs Rey. Benjamin staun¬ton,from tho Hudson River Congregational Associa¬tion, were received as members. If was arrangedto Install the last named »« pastor of the Fort OreenPresbyterian Chnreb on Sunday. It was feted toask tho Home Missionary Society to add $."iiM> totbs 9900 salary offered to Mr. Stanton hy thechurch.

JER8ET (ITV.Dowiti Manes, a brakeman In the employ of tho

Ken Voik. I. a'..- Brie and Western Railroad, was

brought to St. Francis Hospital yesterday in adying condition. Re had been run over hy a train.Tba Coroner's Jury, which held an Inquest In the

cass of i ranchi Bradley, aged eight, who was killedby a locomotive at the Warren-st. crossing oftue Pennsylvania Railroad, yesterday returned averdi.! .e.-linne th. railroad company for failingto give proper protection to citizens al tnecroasinas.Mayor Tana lg hasofficially notified to the Board

of Aldermen that Ihe Pennsylvania Railroad Com¬pany ba-given fSO.OOO to tlie citj as a eontribn-Lion to help defra] the municipal espouses.

NEW-JERSEY.Haiiwiy.- A pasa-r^ser train ran off the west¬

bound track ol the Pennsylvania Railroad, nearA in boy Junction, v.-t. rda* afternoon. No om- vs ab

Injun d. and no delaj a ss canst <l to trains.

MARINE 11 dui alu vs \c

Ssa rises,7 21 .rt', i :ii: Moon rles ll I ,4aSIIII'.II "V'Taii to o.r.

.( M " Il....'_. oil'.. i- ,-.. _.(I7


iv.'i Pram. CAMml Hill I w) ia . Hilt

. Sattoualhtal* . ^..w.

.Bristol itytill null

I. ii ont. vu eri ih. liAt. hinm!i Pali rino...., Ports

'i trana ami V|. 1 v'_.Wm . . Atlas

I HI HAY. HI . I Miii-.i! _i.Un


I VI I I'.IMV Mill.ll ¦_?..11-. '¦ .

UBI.Hold i-'._ui .!'...y:il..\.-t_.


Ml.. V.ri".ol II.lo \ in -ti ll III il > ii -I ..

-. '' 7, Mt.ll. i ttl Hi lull -. ii linn

Co]it.- and pas.

KUI I.t .? I'.iUlto I>.i'... Kl ley, N in !'.i--nri/ city I'"' 7.Porto Platj I J. Turk! l-lsttd

i. Halvestoii io ii.ij-i, willi¦lllllr I,,

Bcfe!>-..I, ¦«-... , I rm., ll.l. will, m.U-, to

n .1

. 110 ilnn. willi tnflie toor-dm rra. v na

liirv i ».t J'.i,m. mu, nnrkmsn, Iqaiqns 93il_»«. «

bars I o (Itali, Ka t..n... r. ¦_o -. ..

f: uk ¦. itu \H ir a .¦-. I;, -rt.. Il ll --w III

Bark Tuck Ming, ii,..w|. mi. cn nfoegoa ii <!ur«, wu ii iu'1-w-lo J Ali!

l.iirf nrsnloa !foi .ii i .l_v«, willi. v iloi k .'.- Co, v

il ... trcaS, Mi, rluuily. At CityUland, fie-l., NK;( vi -iii.layBari mu- .er', Wetarowaky, ktantla 164 days,wh_

au. ar tn !>r. ml, Morran S ' >. reeeel to .u/o-r I tr ¦«..

Hark Waahin-rfcu. ¦ i dari, wlttiii,.ia- toai.i..trH.,» i.. i...i. (.\ii.u. ,.mii!h ii. Mrerpool 00 <l.iyt, willi .oil

tn rill., .i ..-, rraarl tn m .-o r.Hark Kurru Kins (»n. TrvgarthSB, Natal .8 day«, wit ti

niiKiii t.i'-i, re-sel toiii--i.' vv Arni-tr. to.-. Alexander, Bl Jolnil, PB 1-

i ,1 i.i i. va a tai iii it rouslill. 1 .i- ..nt- '.I N - ll..-. H.-ii.n, l-l l-l.ire, Mart.

. ti. -n u to il rro. hodge« somHetti ii....i.i M-i.t mr Heuiarsrs Sa days,Wita

»u.'_t la ".¦'¦ ' i ii.iii.-y.. I.l.MU li

.¦i K'li'i.r-t.--. 'i 11, London.K FPlckartaghtaamers (Sreciso klousrch (Br), Hrntow, Loudon.Hatton,

VI. I.n.t < "

rii_inri i-mu-ur, arlSlths, tandan.FW J naraiMmmri city of i.i':..u"..'t. Condron, i.iisri'nti Ala Qaeeaa

mun --1...Uisssmr Donall in I. li. \ I*. Urerpoei iimk * Jerona

mr*; Huak A Jerona-t...nrr State of Oeorgta vI'-r Moodu. wlu-gow.Auitin

Haiti-in A o

Mi -mer -.rn,. r-« t Bri. Janu-i. TV H Morgan...rr i J lUbsoB(Ar), liiiig, -.sdllawaaeaaBarta Bea

fri ll m--la.iiu.-r Oallen (Osr), Ki.tilmi-ln, Hamburg vu Ply in nu Ul A CohUmdsi Hm Oreads, Lswla, Oslraston c ll Mallory # cit-traiu.r Nsw.York, Oaks, flss inlsaas Hogan t

gin-TiaaaisrTallahsssor. -tabor, Harsons*! -Irssry v..nj.e,jr...r i.nil Mii-iii, l-i ni.tiiKtoii, I.ail.ul..u J w (Ja.u-

taoI S ¦.».M.'uui.-r Miinhittt-n. Rtrrrsna Nt-wporl New atnl \l .-it

I',,ni. Vi ..:.! 11..uiiu!..n Ss ('..

t-tratiifi Oetoram, Ball non I KrecsaHi uuitr BuUvaT, CrusimSll, BaJUBhtrS (IBB ll (ilovi-rHlramet L'OSUBOBWS.tb, Van Kirk, I'lill-tlt-l-ilila- Jolm C

Hutu ru BAILIht. MM i» '-I'li-i'-tu i, for Uvsrpoolj I-'.llie, lln-nu-n; lail.ra.

.I,,i Havre; Hc-lli.-. ItloJauelro: Caracal, l.u.u-i ia. limi.imi..I.-, rallaiisaaae, Harsunalii Mes york. New.Orirauai ktsakattan. Newport Nowa sod Weal Poul, v».

nu. .Miivi.siKMa Of STIfa-fBBHI-.IIU-.ION IMBI i

UHmOB, DBS 1'.'.Sailed, iti-ani-r Canada (Bri, n.bluson,fur N. » 1 .ak,Uvasroou nee 10.Arrived,stsaaMTS Iior.trn luwir liri.

Wit-on From New.York Dee 4j Iberlaa nut. MaiwelL trotnlioiion Hm Bi Mei.n iBri, Kalrllru. from Nm Vork OSSAQI BBSSIOWa Ort- iii Hailed, ll«-»iiier ('ity nf Monlioal (Hr),

Law li noni i.i»fiin'..i lin..' tor New.TorkULSBOOW, DM lil ArrUtMl, llr_ni«r M.ilillol..n (Ur), Me-

Nicol, fron I'!ani1 Hie 7lt,nt, DeelB vhivimI. itram-r llonttlutt (Br), Weliiti-r,

from New-Yerk i>> e

li I I.i: 1 IX WHIST: Win ii in doubt.lend

tr_tu|n!1H.I.K 1 IN CHIUSTMAS (il l'i - Wli-n lu itoiiut-thn

tiuinniar.l ll a ''liency Hlk; nlvi'li to wife, BBBglltSr, or any

leay,ttalwarawtasl Tbs kui i* unfiii, an.t

tieri (1 many yearn.for they ai. nai-r lo w. ar out. War-

ranted not to "cul'' aSSSSSMB 'gi'i-S-y"!n the loiun-it ler-

rice. The gaaataa for ask i.y IAMUXL ii. TIKBT,Na. ll I'.:i-.| 1 ttl- -it.


."- ts

l\ SICK HEADACHE \:I* CURED! "¦SJSi 2* Bl -i<td M "att"S IN THK. SHOKTISI POaaiBUK TIMK, BY m BJK THIS A.illl.KllH.K, I'lH'l-.ST, WKLI, Till ED JJ«- >j,W ni-:MKDY,-]


BLOOD POISONDre Bean bb! Santa, rsprnseettag ti:.- --ni-t sasetaa Oom.

Iisjiv, Aiianu, <ia will lie oi, ted lo ea nil wno un- .uiii-nim»tih Blood Poison. Blood Talai, Mslsrial I'olaoa, uii.-u k.i.Hhiii. nrnuy Hkui iiiimnr, st No. 139 vi em SSAet Coaaulto-Hun llli.l .» lliilliiltllill free.

REMEMBER 18671t'OUIIOMM-liri, nf *«ll(IK

iyr..MI',.MltKK IMiVItcouiiiii-eiiiK ol HMOKING TOHAico eas Sodatat*/itore a limititl .jiunlily at rlob, Mellow, brighl Yi^.ulii»ei.-. i.,l from Hie ool.t.-n Leif nutiufu, tuivl in .H.,7 S_ nornound. U. CULKLI^ Nu. jo. L'UalUam -i.iuaio.


Go to Brhmmki.l's for your Holiday Candips. Standard mixed, $1 per .'.pomid box. Fine tton-n<mn amcborolntc- a specialty, ifo cents to SI per pound box. 41(numil-.t. Sti Bwasway. '.yyoui-uvo.

Earl &. Wflaont E and W brand of Men'sCollars and Cults aro the best. Hold eviTywiic'v.


Btuurae'i Petfeet'Fitti-ffSoalalriB Sacquos,.1.0,117*1,1201*. $ f_flfl.


BHAYNK/S -I-.ALSKIN CAPS AMI ULOVEH, $10, $12»;t ano sis.

SHA VM"S (IliXflXE OTTKK 8_C(HIRS. .'."SO Slid $-00.BUAYNK'H OTU.': nut.MAN.-. ..'un, $ .ilo, JT.'.O.SII.VYNI 'S KA-ll lON'AKLI-: I-CK-LINK1) (i All.UFNTS,

MINK-LINED CIRCULAR,*!, * . ', $100. 11'-'¦"', ai.».C. C. 8l__..s_, Maniilacturir, lui! Priuccst.

LP your Bowing Machine rims hard, or is ontaf order, 1! Billpay ron to brvestigate Hie Wttleoi * Oit>~-AiK.MATir, and learn how eaaiiy amt beautifully it will dayour work. liCS i'i_.dir_>-, B7. V.

"Ronjrh on Coitf-hs," 15c.. 'JV., 80c at Drug¬gists. Complete cure Cotigbs, Iloarienc-aa, Solo TLroat.

IIl'.NKY A. IMN'IKI,-, M. P.,H4 Li xlnirton.ave., between Ww and !),itb-its.

Doors. 8 toLO to 7. Diwan*-, of tho Nenroiinyttou(liilio-rrliiury Ornum, liupot. .i.-.e and ttteruW.

Litak&oiSI ( ( E>*OI.S TO

A. T. STEWART & CO.inr.TAiL).

REAL LADES.We aro now offering (in the 1J<»-

t illida) the largest collect ion ofBeal Laces ever exhibited, em¬bracing many rare and uniquehand-worked pieces, matchless inbeauty and unequalled in quality,which will he sold


183 POINT APPLIQUE SHAWLSAt $18.00 to $60.00 Each

1UST REDUCESFK0.1I $10.00 TO $135.00.

155 BLACK THREAD LACE SHAWLSAt $50.00 to $100.00,

IUST REDUCEDFKC1I $120.00 TO $223.00.

L25 BLACK THREAD LACE SQUARES$125.00, $200.00, $250.00,

JUST REDUCEDPROM $275.00, §150.00 IUD $550.00.Tin* ahove garments are all of

extremely tine quality, exquisitelesions, and peculiarly adaptedto the present style of draping.WV also offer a lino of beautiful Mack Lar.' fichus a* $*.00 to $14.00 each;tdnced fron $19.00 to $30.00.Thread Lace Rtftofl at 73c. to $2.r*0 Karil»

¦educedfrom $.150 to $7.50.Black Thread Lace Flouncin r, 7 1-2, ll and

[3inch<'s wide, at $1.50, $5.50 and $7.50 perrani; redaeedfroo $11.00. $12.60and $ Yards Thread Trimmliig Laee, 1 1-2

md 2 (lichee wid.*, at Ile. to 33c. per yard;.educed Ironi 35c. to 80c.

broadway, -Ith-ave., 0th & 10th st*.

" TOP-NOTCH " OVF.nMO.TS.gentlemen wno kind seddev BKHD POI A








IM m AWTMB chrisi'mas just ah the clothing


Rogers, Peet & Co.,CLOTHES, HATS 1MB Wlt-IB.

Mt ff1 IIItOAOWAY,.fffeam


Unequalled forquality and

beauty of form.Exclusivelyour own




NOADWAT, l/III TO ISTfl ST.Thc public will pirn***

lif.-ir in mi-ell *¦«> bm no li hollie on I'il' .iv«*.or elsi'irhci-c, and no ron-

n.'i'liou ililli ii stiiiit (M.I'ihv adv.nilling; n t.imilarnaiue.


airr cam he make ra tnTHE MUSICAL CABUL 1.




PRICES, *.-,, JO, $7, M *!» AND IIBKOBIC loxes, Mt.ABO UP.



Iiluitnitort atai.i^ru. > sent Pre. od Application.THE MECHANICAL ORGUINETTE CO.,

B81 uno ai ivv.vy,Il.'t. P-'h anil l'lth st. (.»p*n eienlii**', NEW.YORK


JAHES McCBEEBY & CO.,Broadway and 11 lli-st.,

Oller in their Drc«s t.oods De*

partmciit Tor Holiday Present* 3

3,300 fUldrCM !t tilths, whichthey have placed 011 a separatecounter, with price* marked

in plain liffnres for the eonven*

ienee of cu*_onicr«.

Also a Special Bargain of-JOO

dress lengths at *.i each, matk«cd from £12 r>0.

JAME* McCBEEBY & CO.,Broadway and 11 th st.

"ItfS CANCALA1SES,"Thc beautiful new etching so

favorably ir vic ircd in TheTribune of thc I Uh instant,is published by FRED¬ERICK KEPPEL & CO.,23 East loth St. (UnionSquare.)


SANITARY BUREAUWe fa-BBM »__.*_. ami point out ita dohvu. and th.

8(Mi_«ofi._xiM 'r>m -.'.v.r |M| fUTlj-.lo. Iiouio pli'rabliifc11. _hm-traps aii«l pip<-,« ¦.__ BB-BBB BIB-lMI _i.l iRai'ifo*.tam.; l.nii-l- _>"- ntmt eoTT-ot ba.1 TcutUatlou.

Exporlincwl MinlWiy EiiKlnwira.MANHATTAN ANTI-SRWK1. I'AS CO..

41 Uu.ul. Siiu-rt», Wm.




