2008 Fresno County 4-HFestive Faire - UCANR

2008 Fresno County 4H Festive Faire

Transcript of 2008 Fresno County 4-HFestive Faire - UCANR


Fresno County





DAIRY FOODS Celebrating Autumn Cheese Balls Junior, Gold Medal Callie Carbajal, Harmony Hills 2 (8oz.) pkg. cream cheese, softened 8 oz. Finely shredded cheddar cheese 1 tsp. Garlic powder Pinch of pepper 1 1/2 tsp. Worcestshire sauce 1/3 cup jarred roasted red pepper, drained, chopped 1/2 cup fresh parsley Mix all ingredients together. Shape into desired shape. Roll in parsley. Refrigerate until serving.

Molasses Cowboy Cookies Junior, Silver Medal Lauren Costa, Reedley 1 cup sugar 1 egg 1/4 cup molasses 3/4 cup butter 2 1/4 cups flour 1/2 tsp. Cloves 1/2 tsp. Ginger 1/2 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 tsp. Baking soda Mix the butter and sugar together, then add the egg and molasses. In a separate bowl add cloves, ginger, salt cinnamon, and baking soda to the flour. Roll into a ball. Chill. Roll in sugar. Place on a cookie sheet. Bake at 350° for 8-10 minutes. Enjoy!

Lucky Leprechaun Twisted Lime Pie Junior, Bronze Medal Jonathon Huerta, Blossom Trail 1/3 cup boiling water 1 pkg. Lime jello 2 8oz. Lime yogurts 1/2 oz. Pkg. Of cool whip Dissolve Jello in boiling water. Stir in lime yogurt until well blended. Fold in cool whip. Pour mixture into piecrust. Garnishing Pie Cut a lime into thin slices. Dip in sugar and place on pie.


Salmon Cheese Ball Intermediate, Gold Medal Amanda Imfeld, Lone Star 8 oz. Cream cheese 8 oz. Smoked salmon 50 pistachios Using a food processor blend cream cheese until smooth. Break up salmon and put in food processor. Blend until mixture is smooth and there is no chunks of salmon. Spoon onto large piece of plastic keeping it tall rather than wide. Take all sides and wrap together.


Christmas Caramels Intermediate, Silver Medal Kristen Kahain, Fowler 1 cup butter 1 cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar 1 cup light corn syrup 14 oz. Sweetened condensed milk 1 dash of salt Combine in heavy pan. Cook med. Heat, stirring constantly with wooden spoon. Keep at a rolling boil and cook for 15 min. Pour into 9x9 in. buttered pan. Ut into squares and cool. Wrap. —makes 75 pieces—

Cheese Balls Intermediate, Bronze Medal Carson King, Fowler Your favorite cheese spread or cream cheese Finely chopped nuts Crackers Take a small spoonful and roll into a ball. Cover the ball with the finely chopped nuts. Chill and serve with your crackers.


DAIRY FOODS East India Trading Company Spice Cookies Senior, Gold Medal Nicolas Tabutol, Reedley 3/4 butter 1/4 tsp. Salt 1 cup sugar 2 tsp. Baking soda 1/4 cup light molasses 1 tsp. Cinnamon 1 beaten egg 1 tsp. Cloves 1 cup flour 1 tsp. Ginger Cream butter and sugar, add molasses and egg. Beat well and ass sifted dry ingredients and mix. Roll into small balls and roll in sugar. Place 2” apart on cookie sheet. Bake at 375° for 12– 15 minutes. —makes 4 dozen—

Spitzbuebe “Bad Boys” Senior, Silver Medal Sonia Vargas, Fowler 12 Tbsp. Unsalted butter, softened 3/4 cup of confectioners’ sugar Pinch of salt 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 cups all purpose flour 3/4 cup seedless black cherry jam for finishing Confectioners’ sugar for sprinkling 2 cookie sheets or jelly roll pans covered with parchment or foil 1. To make dough beat together the butter and the 3/4 cup of confectioners sugar until

soft and smooth. Beat in salt and vanilla. Add in flour. 2. Scrape the dough onto a piece of plastic wrap and form into a square about 1/2 in.

thick. Wrap and chill until firm, several hours to several days. 3. Cut the dough in half and refrigerate one part. Place the other on a floured surface

and flour it lightly. Press and pound the dough with a rolling pin to soften it, then roll the dough out to about 3/16 in. thick. Use a flower shaped cookie cutter to cut out the cookies and place them on the prepared sheets.

4. Take out the other half of the dough and repeat step 3 but use a small round cutter to cut the center out of the cookies. Chill the cookies s they will hold their shape while baking.


“Bad Boys” Cont. 5. Preheat over to 350°. Bake the cookies for about 15 min. or until they are a very pale golden color. Set them out to cool. Be careful they are fragile!!! 6. To prepare jam for filling Bring the jam to a simmer in a small saucepan over low heat, stirring occasionally . Let the jam reduce until it thickens slightly, about 5 minutes. 7. After the cookies have cooled dust the ones with holes in the lightly with the confec-tioners sugar. Invert the non-pierced cookies and spread each with about 1/3 tsp. Of reduced jam. Top with the pierces cookies, sugar side up. 8. Store the finished cookies between sheets of parcment or max papering in a tin or plastic container. Enjoy!!


Chocolate Cheese Fudge Senior, Bronze Medal Craig Deiner, Rural Route 1/2 lb Velveeta cheese, sliced 1 cup butter 1 tsp. Pure vanilla extract 1 cup chopped nuts (optional) 2 (16 oz.) boxes of confectioners sugar 1/2 cup cocoa powder Lightly spray the bottom of a 9x2 in. square pan with nonstick spray. In saucepan over medium heat, melt the cheese and butter together, stirring constantly until smooth. Remove from heat and ad the vanilla and nuts, if using nuts. In a large bowl sift together the sugar and cocoa. Pour the cheese mixture into the sugar and cocoa mixture and stir until completely mixed. The candy with be very still. Using your hands, remove candy from bowl and press evenly and firmly into pan. Because of the amount of butter in this recipe, pat the top of the candy with a paper towel to remove excess oil. Place pan in refrigerator until candy is firm. To serve candy, cut into squares.



Pecan Chews with Orange-Lemon Frosting Junior, Gold Medal Alisa Pipkin, Sierra 3/4 cup powdered sugar 3/4 cup butter softened 1 1/2 cups all purpose or whole wheat flour 2 eggs 1 cup packed brown sugar 2 Tbsp. flour 1/2 tsp. Baking powder 1/2 tsp. Salt 1/2 tsp. Vanilla 1 cup chopped pecans Heat oven to 350°. Mix powdered sugar and shortening. Stir in 1 1/2 cups flour. Press in ungreased oblong pan, 13x9x2 in. Bake 12-15 min. or until golden brown. Mix re-maining ingredients. Spread over baked layer. Bake 20 min. cool. Frost with Orange-Lemon frosting if desired. Cut into bars, about 3x1 in. —makes 32 cookies— Orange-Lemon Frosting Mix 1 1/2 cups powdered sugar, 2 Tbsp. Margarine or butter, melted, 3 Tbsp. Or-ange juice and 1 tsp. Lemon juice.

Independence Day Bar Cookies Junior, Gold Medal Callie Carbajal, Harmony Hills 1/2 cup butter(no margarine) 1 1/2 cup graham cracker crumbs 1 can sweetened condensed milk 1 cup chocolate chips 1 cup shredded coconut 1 cup walnuts Heat oven to 350°. Melt butter in 13x9 in. cake pan. Pour graham crackers evenly over butter. Pour sweetened condensed milk evenly over graham crackers. Add remaining ingredients in order. Press down with fork. Cook for 25-30 min, until brown.



Pumpkin Sugar Cookies Intermediate, Bronze Medal Mikayla Mangrum, Centerville 1 cup pure cane sugar 1 egg 1 cup butter 3 cups flour 3 Tbsp. Milk 1 1/2 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Cinnamon 1/2 tsp. Baking powder 1 tsp. Vanilla 1 pkg. Of pumpkin spread Mix together sugar, flour, salt, baking powder, cinnamon in one bowl. Mix butter, milk, vanilla, and the egg together in a separate bowl. Mix both bowls together. Put batter on a piece of aluminum foil. Wrap it up and chill for 1 hour. After chilling roll out batter and cut out shapes. Cook for 10 min. at 350°. Spread pumpkin spread on the cookie tops. For a touch of sweetness, sprinkle powdered sugar on top.

Baby Back Ribs Intermediate, Gold Medal Jacob Hayhurst, Reedley 1 or more rack of baby back ribs Garlic salt Seasoned pepper Meat seasoning Clean ribs with cool water to rinse away packaging residue. Coat and rub each side of the rack with garlic salt, seasoned pepper, and other meat seasoning. BBQ over a hot well prepared grill (mesquite wood works the best to give that great flavor.) Ribs should be cooked evenly and turned often to eliminate burning. Turn approx. every 5-7 min. Re-move ribs from the grill when meat is white when cut. Cut the ribs along rib bones and serve directly off the grill.



Pecan Tarts Intermediate, Gold Medal Amanda Imfeld Lone Star 3 oz. Cream cheese, softened 1/2 cup butter or margarine 1 cup white flour FILLING 1 egg 3/4 brown sugar 1 Tbsp. Butter 1 tsp. Vanilla 2/3 chopped pecans In a mixing bowl beat cream cheese and butter, blend in flour and salt. Chill for 1 hour. Shape into 1 in. balls and press into mini muffin cups. For filling beat the eggs in a small bowl. Add brown sugar, butter, and vanilla, mix well. Stir in pecans. Spoon into shells. Cook at 325° for 25-30 min. —makes 20—

See’s Fudge Intermediate, Bronze Medal Kristien Kahaian, Fowler 4 cups sugar 1 tall can evaporated milk 4 pkgs. Of 6 oz. Chocolate chips 3 cups walnuts 1/2 lb marshmallows 1/2 lb butter 3 tsp. Vanilla Stir chocolate chips, walnuts, butter, marshmallows, and vanilla together over heat until everything is melted together. Pour mixture into a buttered pan. Mix sugar and evapo-rated milk in a pan. Heat to a rolling boil. Boil mixture for 6 minutes and then pour over mixture in the pan.



Grandma Linda’s Poppycock Senior, Gold Medal Miranda Barile, Fowler 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup butter 1/2 cup corn syrup 1/4 tsp. Cream of tartar 1/2 tsp. Baking soda 16 cups popped popcorn Nuts as desired Mix brown sugar, butter and corn syrup together in a saucepan. Heat to boil and boil for 5 min. Remove from heat and add cream of tartar and baking soda. It will foam up. Put the popcorn and nuts on a cookie sheet. Pour the sugar mixture over. Bake at 300° for 1 hour, stirring every 15 min. Remove from the oven, cool, and break apart.

Greek Crescent Cookies (Kourambiethes) Senior, Silver Medal Beca Corona, Renegades 1 cup butter, softened 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1 egg yolk 4 tsp. Ouzo (anise-flavored liqueur) or brandy 1 tsp. Almond extract 2 1/4 cups all– purpose flour Powdered sugar Mix butter, 1/2 cup powdered sugar, the egg yolk, ouzo, and almond extract; stir in flour. Shape dough by teaspoonfuls into crescent shapes. Place about 1 in. apart in ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in 350° oven until light brown on bottom, 12-15 min. Sprinkle with pow-dered sugar while hot. Cool on wire racks. —makes about 48 cookies—


TRADITIONAL Barbie Birthday Cake Senior, Bronze Medal Nichole Heady, Fowler 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 2/3 cup sugar 2/3 cup shortening 1 1/4 tsp. Baking powder 1 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Vanilla 5 egg whites Frosting Barbie doll (naked) 1. Heat oven to 350°. Grease bottom and sides of 2 round pans one 8 in. and one 9 in. pans with shortening; lightly flour. 2. In a large bowl, beat all ingredients except egg whites, frosting, and barbie, with an electric mixer on low speed for 30 seconds, scraping bowl constantly. Beat in egg white, beat on high 2 min. , scraping bowl occasionalyy. Pour batter into pans. 3. Bake for 25-35 min. until toothpick in the center comes out clean or until cake springs back when touched lightly in center. Cool 10 min. then remove from pans to a wire rack. Let cook on rack for at least 1 1/2 hours. 4. Place the barbie doll up to her waist into the stacked cakes (8 in. ontop of 9in.) 5. Use cake decorating supplies to make a top for barbie and use frosting to decorate bottom part of the dress


Pretzel Wreaths Junior, Gold Medal Kristy Pahel, Harmony Hills 72 small round pretzels 3 oz. Butter Powdered sugar 10 oz. Chocolate chips Twizzlers Separate Twizzlers into individual ropes and tie into six small bows. Melt chocolate chips and butter in double broiler. Make circle with six chocolate dipped pretzels. Alternate chocolate dipped pretzels on second layer to form wreath. Dust each wreath with pow-dered sugar. Press bow into chocolate on each wreath. —Makes 6—-



Peppermint Bark Junior, Silver Medal Samantha Golden, Renegades 8 oz. Milk chocolate 8 oz. White chocolate Miniature candy canes Break up the miniature candy canes and pour them into a bowl. Use a microwave to melt the milk and white chocolate in separate measuring cups. Microwave 1 min. at a time until chocolate is fully melted. Put plastic wrap in a cookie sheet and pour the chocolate (one type at a time) onto each other. Use a spoon to spread them evenly onto it. Take a knife and criss-cross through them to make swirls. Then sprinkle the broken candy canes on top of it. Refrigerate and then serve.

Kristina’s Candied Whole Walnuts Junior, Bronze Medal Kristina Copeland 1 cup sugar 1 Tbsp. Cinnamon 5 Tbsp water 1 Tbsp. Vanilla 3 cups walnuts Boil the sugar, cinnamon, and water slowly for 7 min. Add walnuts and vanilla. Dip nuts and put on waxed paper to cool. Put in container to keep them fresh.

Truffles Intermediate, Gold Medal Kristen Kahian, Fowler 1 pkg. Oreo cookies 1 8 oz. Pkg. Cream cheese 1 12 oz. Pkg. Dipping chocolate Grind oreos in a food processor. Blend in cream cheese until doughy. Form into table-spoon-size balls and cool for about 5 min. Melt dipping chocolate and dip chocolate balls. —–makes about 40 truffles—–



Truffles Intermediate, Silver Medal Kaitlin Buletti 6oz. Semisweet chocolate chips 1/4 cup butter, cut into pieces 1 egg yolk, beaten 3 Tbsp. Whipping cream Chocolate sprinkles In a heavy saucepan combine chocolate, butter, and 3 Tbsp. Cream. Cook and stir con-stantly over low heat until melted. Gradually stir in about half of the hot mixture into the egg yolk; return entire mixture to saucepan. Cook and stir over medium heat for 2 min. Remove from heat. Stir in remaining 3 Tbsp. Cream. Transfer to a small bowl, chill about 1 hour, stirring occasionally. With an electric mixer, beat cooled mixture on medium speed for 1 min. or until color lightens and mixture is slightly fluffy. Chill about 30 more min. Chill about 30 more min. Or until mixture holds its shape. Using a small cookie dough scoop, make 1 in. balls. Place on baking sheet lined with wax paper, refrigerate until firm. Roll balls in sprinkles if desired.

Candy Canes Bark Intermediate, Bronze Medal Megan Henry, Dry Creek 2 bags of premier White Morsels 1 box candy canes Put candy canes into a plastic bag and crush with a roll pin for chunk pieces. Using a dou-ble broiler, pour in one bag of premier white morsels. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Once the morsels are melted and smooth add second bag. Then add chunk pieces of candy canes to the mixture. Immediately pour mixture into trays; smooth top. Refrigerate for 30 min. Break into pieces and enjoy.



White Chocolate Truffles Senior, Gold Medal Lydia Jen, Golden Tri C 2 Tbsp unsalted butter 5 Tbsp heavy cream 8 oz. Good-quality Swiss white chocolate 3 1/2 oz. White chocolate (to finish) 1. Line jelly roll pan with a sheet of baking parchment. 2. Place the butter and cream in a small pan and bring slowly to a boil, stirring constantly.

Boil the mixture for 1 min. then remove the pan from the heat. 3. Break the chocolate into pieces and add to the cream 4. Pour into the prepared pan and chill for about 2 hours, until firm. 5. Break off pieces of the truffle mixture and roll them into balls. Chill for another 30

min. before finishing the truffles. 6. To finish, melt the white chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of gently simmering water.

Dip the balls in the chocolate, allowing the excess to drip back into the bowl. Place on non-stick baking parchment, swirl the chocolate with the tongs of a fork, and let harden.

Chocolate, Raisin, and Almond Candy Senior, Silver Medal Christina Gerardi, Renegades 11 1/2 oz. (one pkg.) milk chocolate chips 1 Tbsp. Shortening 1/2 cup almonds 1/2 cup raisins Microwave the chocolate chips and shortening together in a microwave safe bowl for 1 to 2 min. or until melted. Add almonds and raisins and mix together. Drop mixture by the teaspoon-ful on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper. Refrigerate until set.



Papaya-Seed Dressing Senior, Gold Medal Samantha Vargas, Fowler 1 cup sugar 2 tsp. Salt 1 tsp. Dry mustard 1 cup vinegar 1 small onion 2 cups oil 3 Tbsp. Papaya seeds Chop onion and papaya seed in a food processor. Add the sugar, salt, dry mustard and vinegar with the machine still running add the oil slowly until all mixed. —makes 2 cups of dressing—

Pecan Lime Cookies Senior, Silver Medal Sonia Vargas, Fowler 2 cups all purpose flour 1 tsp. Baking powder Pinch of salt 12 Tbsp. Unsalted butter, softened 1 cup sugar 4 Tbsp. Strained lime juice 3 oz (about 3/4 cup) pecans, chopped not ground Sugar for rolling the cookies in before baking 2 cookie sheets or jelly roll pans, covered with parchment or foil. 1. In a bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, and salt; stir well to mix. 2. In another bowl, beat together the butter and sugar until light on medium speed.

Lower the speed and beat in half the lime juice, then half the flour mixture. Scrape the bowl and beater. Beat in the remaining flour. Use a large rubber spatula to finish mixing dough.

3. Place the sugar for rolling the cookies in a shallow bowl. Use an ice-cream scoop or measuring spoon to scoop the dough into equal pieces. Roll onto the palms of your hands to form a ball and then roll in the sugar.

4. Bake for 15-20 min. or until they are golden brown and firm. 5. Store cooled cookies between sheets of parchment or wax paper in a tin or plastic

container with a tight fitting lid. 6. ENJOY!!



Chocolate Gingerbread Hugs Junior, Gold Medal Jesse Miller, Reedley 3 squares (1 oz. Each) semisweet chocolate 2 Tbsp. Butter 1 box (14.5 oz.) gingerbread cake and cookie mix 1 Tbsp. All purpose flour 1/4 cup hot water 1/2 cup granulated sugar 30 Hershey’s Hugs, unwrapped Heat oven to 375°. Place chocolate and butter in a small microwave safe bowl. Microwave high 1-2 min. until melted. Stir until well blended and smooth. Stir together gingerbread mix, chocolate mix-ture, flour, and hot water with rubber spatula until blended. Put sugar in a small bowl. With floured hands, shape scant Tbsp. Of dough into 1 in. plus balls. Roll in sugar to coat. Place 1 in. apart on ungreased baking sheet. Bake 10-12 min. until tops crack slightly but are still soft to touch. Place baking sheet on a wire rack. Immediately press a Hug in center of each cookie. Transfer cookies from baking sheet to rack to cool completely.

Cake & Frosting Junior, Silver Medal Leana Marino, Fowler Cake 1 box of Betty Crocker Super Moist Party Rainbow Chip 1/3 cup Vegetable Oil 1 1/4 cups of water 3 eggs 1/2 mini chocolate chips Heat oven to 350°. Bake cake accordingly. Let cool. Once cake has cooled put frosting on and decorate. Frosting 3 cups powdered sugar 1/3 cup Land O Lakes butter, soft 1 tsp. Vanilla 2-3 Tbsp. Milk Food coloring



Spiced Pumpkin Softies Junior, Gold Medal Jesse Miller, Reedley 3/4 cup golden raisins 2 sticks butter, softened 1/2 cup each packed brown sugar and granulated sugar 1 Tbsp. Pumpkin pie spice 2 tsp. Vanilla extract 3/4/tsp. Baking soda 1 egg 3/4 cup canned pumpkin 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour Frosting 2 1/2 cup confectioners sugar 6 Tbsp cream cheese softened 1 Tbsp. Milk 1/2 tsp. Orange extract Orange food coloring (optional) 1. Place raisins in small bowl; fill with hot water to cover. Let stand 10 min. to soften;

drain and reserve raisins. 2. Heat oven to 350°. Lightly coat baking sheets with non-stick spray. 3. Beat butter, sugars, spice, vanilla, and baking soda in a large bowl with mixer on me-

dium speed 3 minutes or until fluffy. Beat in egg and pumpkin until well blended. 4. On low speed, gradually beat in flour until just blended. Stir in Raisins. 5. Drop level tablespoons of dough 1 in. apart onto greased baking sheet. Bake 14-16 min-

utes, until golden brown. Remove to rack to cool completely. Frosting Beat ingredients in medium bowl with mixer on medium speed until smooth; tint with food coloring. Spread 1 1/1 tsp. Frosting on each cookie.



Honey Nut Granola Junior, Silver Medal Annalise Buletti, Foothill 2 1/2 cup oats, uncooked 1/4 cup unprocessed bran 1/2 cup brown sugar 1 tsp. Cinnamon 1/2 cup chopped almonds 1 tsp. Vanilla 1/3 cup honey 1/2 cup dried fruit 1/3 cup butter, melted 1/4 cup coconut, optional Preheat oven to 325°. Mix all ingredients except fruit into a large mixing bowl. Melt butter, honey, vanilla, brown sugar, and cinnamon in saucepan. Combine dry and wet mixtures and stir thoroughly. Divide into 2 or 3 9x13 in. lightly greased pans. Bake 20-25 min. stirring occasionally. Add fruit after cool.

Reindeer Surprise Junior, Bronze Medal Elizabeth Hicks, Kingsburg 3 cups popped popcorn 3 cups nacho cheese grips 2 cups pretzel sticks 1 cup Cheerios cereal 1/3 cup butter, melted 1/2 tsp. Chili powder 1/4 tsp. Garlic powder Heat oven to 300°. Mix popcorn, snacks, pretzels, and cereal. Mix remaining ingredients; drizzle over popcorn mixture. Spread n an ungreased cookie sheet. Bake uncovered for 15 minutes. Cool and enjoy.



Muddie Buddies Intermediate, Gold Medal Emily Luna, Lonestar 9 cups Chex cereal (wheat) 1 cup Carob chocolate chips 1 tsp. Vanilla 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1/2 cup peanut butter 1 cup powdered sugar Measure the cereal into a large bowl and set it aside. In 1-quart microwavable bowl, microwave chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter un-covered on high 1 min. Stir and microwave 30 sec. Longer or until mixture can be stirred smooth. Stir in vanilla Pour chocolate mixture over cereal, stirring until evenly coated. Pour into a 2 gallon food-storage plastic bag. Add powdered sugar. Seal bag and shake until well coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool, about 30 min. Store in airtight container in refrigerator.

Peanut Butter No-Bakes Intermediate, Silver Medal Kristen Kahian, Fowler 1 1/2 cup sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla 3 Tbsp. Cocoa 1 1/2 Tbsp. Butter 1/2 cup milk 1 cup chunky peanut butter 2 1/2 cups quick oatmeal Mix cocoa and sugar in saucepan stir in milk. Add butter. Bring to a boil. Boil for 1 1/2 min. Add remaining ingredients– peanut butter first (to melt). Drop by tsp. Onto wax paper. —–makes 3 dozen—–



Carrot Cake Intermediate, Bronze Medal Amber Donat, Dry Creek 2 cups flour 2 tsp. Baking soda 2 tsp. Cinnamon 1/2 tsp. Salt 3 eggs 3/4 cup butter 3/4 cup buttermilk 2 cups sugar 2 tsp. Vanilla 2 cups grated carrots 1 small can crushed pineapple well drained 3 1/2 oz. Coconut 1 cup chopped walnuts Preheat oven 350°. Sift dry ingredients together. Beat eggs and set aside. Mix butter, buttermilk and sugar together well. Add eggs and vanilla and dry ingredients; mixing well. Stir in pineapple, carrots, nuts and coconut. Pour into lightly greased and floured pan (s). Bake for approx. 55 min. Cream Cheese Frosting 1 pkg. (9 oz.) cream cheese, softened 1 Tbsp. Milk 1 tsp. Vanilla 4 cups powdered sugar Beat cream cheese, milk and vanilla with mixer. Add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time and beat until smooth.



Papa’s Birthday Rum Cake Junior, Bronze Medal Elizabeth Huerta, Blossom Trail 1/2 - 1 cup chopped walnuts or pecans 4 eggs 1 pkg. Yellow cake mix 1 3 oz. Pkg. Instant Vanilla Pudding 1/2 cup oil 1/2 cup cold water 1/2 cup dark rum Preheat oven to 375°. Grease bottom of Bundt or tube pan. Fill bottom with walnuts or pecans. Set aside. Beat cake mix, pudding, oil, eggs, water, and rum in a large bowl with electric mixer for 3 min. Pour batter carefully over nuts. Bake 1 hour or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Cool 10 min. Turnout cake onto a wire rack. Prick all over with a fork. Drizzle warm glaze over cake. RUM GLAZE 1 stick butter 1 cup sugar 1/4 cup water 1/4– 1/2 cup rum Melt together in heavy sauce pan. Simmer 7 min. Take off heat. Add rum and mix well. Drizzle warm glaze over warm cake.


MADE FROM A MIX Twisted Peppermint Swirl Cake Intermediate, Gold Medal Leslie Miller, Reedley 1 bag M&M’S® Brand Milk Chocolate Candies for the Holidays 1 bag MILKY WAY® Brand Mint Minis 1 18.25 oz. Box Devil’s food cake mix 1/2 tsp. Peppermint extract 1 (16 oz. Can) vanilla frosting 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Grease and flour two cake pans. 2. Prepare the cake mix according to the pkg. Directions. Roughly chop 15 MILKY WAY® brand

mint minis and fold them into the batter. Divide the batter evenly between the prepared cake pans.

3. Bake for 25-30 min. or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Remove from the oven, transfer to a wire rack, and let cool completely.

4. While the cake is cooling, mix peppermint extract into the frosting. 5. Place one cake on a serving platter. Spread frosting on tops and sides. 6. Using a toothpick, divide the cake into 8 equal parts. Then gently drag the tip of the toothpick

through the frosting to create a swirl effect. Decorate with M&M’S® Brand Milk Chocolate Candies for the Holidays, leaving white spaces in between the two colors.

7. Gather a piece of cellophane around a candy cane stick and tie it closed with red ribbon. Make two of these and insert on opposite sides of the cake to look like a mint candy wrapper. —–makes 12 servings—–

Quick Crescent Baklava Intermediate, Silver Medal Leah Hatayama, Lonestar 2 cans Pillsbury refrigerated crescent dinner rolls 3-4 cups walnuts, finely chopped 3/4 cup sugar 1 tsp. Ground cinnamon 1/2 cup honey 2 Tbsp. Butter 2 tsp. Lemon juice Heat oven to 350°. Unroll 1 can of dough and separate into 2 long rectangles. Place in ungreased 13x9 pan. Press all around the pan and sides. Bake 5 min. In large bowl, mix walnuts, 1/2 cup of the sugar and the cinnamon. Spoon walnut mixture evenly over crust. Put remaining can of dough into 2 long rectangles. Place over walnuts. In a pan, mix remaining 1/4 cup sugar, honey, butter, and lemon juice. Heat to a boil. Remove from heat, spoon half of sugar mixture evenly over dough. Bake 25-30 min. until golden brown. Spoon remaining sugar over hot baklava. Cool for 1 hour. Refrigerate.


MADE FROM A MIX Peppermint Profiteroles Intermediate, Bronze Medal Robert Miller, Reedley 1 Pepperidge Farm Puff Pastry Mini Shells (bake accordingly) 1 Jar of milk chocolate ice cream topping, warmed as label directs 2 cups peppermint ice cream Crushed candy canes 1. Cut cookies in half crosswise. Dip tops in topping, then dip in crushed candy canes (if desired) 2. Spoon ice cream into puff bottoms, replace tops. Place on baking sheet and freeze at least 2 hours

until ice cream is hard. 3. To serve: place profiteroles in a platter or serving plates. Serve extra topping on the side.

—–makes 24—–

German Chocolate Cake Senior, Gold Medal Victoria Alatorre, Fowler 1 (18.25) pkg. Chocolate cake mix 1 cup water 3 eggs 1/2 cup vegetable oil 1 (14 oz.) can Eagle Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk 3 Tbsp. Butter 1 egg yolk 1/3 chopped pecans 1/3 cup flaked coconut 1 tsp. Vanilla extract 1. Preheat oven to 350°. Grease and flour 13x9 in. baking pan. In large mixing bowl combine cake mix,

water, 3 eggs, oil and 1/3 cup Eagle Brand. Beat at low speed until moistened; beat at high 2 min. 2. Pour into prepared pan. Bake 40-45 min. or until a wooden toothpick is inserted near center comes

out clean. 3. In small saucepan over medium heat, combine remaining Eagle Brand, butter and egg yolk. Cook and

stir until thickened, about 6 min. Add pecans, coconut, and vanilla; spread over warm cake. Store covered in refrigerator.


HOLIDAY DECORATIONS Junior Gold Medal Hannah Van Vleet, American Union Junior Silver Medal Kristy Pahel, Harmony Hills Junior Bronze Medal Emily Imfeld, Lonestar Intermediate Gold Medal Carson King, Fowler Intermediate Silver Medal Leah Hatayama, Lonestar Senior Gold Medal Mark Safreno, Kerman


GOLD MEDAL Melinda Boletti, Foothill SILVER MEDAL Ann Sclobohm, Reedley BRONZE MEDAL Jan Schlobohm, Reedley




Our programs are open to all potential participants. Please contact the Fresno County UCCE office (two weeks before the “scheduled” activity) at 559-456-7285 if you have any barriers to participation requiring any special accommodations. The University of California prohibits discrimination or harassment of any person on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy (including childbirth, and medical conditions related to pregnancy or childbirth), physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or status as a covered veteran (covered veterans are special disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, Vietnam era veterans, or any other veterans who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized) in any of its programs or activities. University policy is intended to be consistent with the provisions of applicable State and Federal laws. Inquiries regarding the University’s nondiscrimination policies may be directed to the Affirmative Action/Staff Personnel Services Director, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, 300 Lakeside Drive, 6th Floor, Oakland, CA 94612-3550, (510) 987-0096.

Melanie Curtis 4-H Program Coordinator

University of California Cooperative Extension Fresno County 4-H

1720 South Maple Ave. – Fresno, CA 93702 (559) 456-7285


Thank you to all of our sponsors, judges, volunteers,

and participants who made the 2008 Festive Faire a success!