2008 Diploma inrebhp.org/pdfs/Trainee Handbook.pdfThe Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy...

Diploma in Cognitive- Behavioural Hypnotherapy Candidate Information Pack NCFE Level 4 Customised Award No. C0982. Mapped against the National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy. Candidate Details Candidate Name: Candidate Number: Centre Name: The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd. Centre Number: 003944 Tutor Name: Course Start Date: Signatures Dates Candidate: Assessor: Internal Verifier: External Verifier: 2008 Donald Robertson The Register for Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy (REBHP) 7/19/2008

Transcript of 2008 Diploma inrebhp.org/pdfs/Trainee Handbook.pdfThe Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy...

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Candidate Information Pack

Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

Level 4 NCFE Customised Award No C0982 Copyright © Donald Robertson, 2008

Awarding Centre: The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd.

Mapped against the National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy.

Candidate Details Candidate Name:

Candidate Number:

Centre Name: The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd.

Centre Number: 003944

Tutor Name:

Course Start Date:

Signatures Date Candidate:


Internal Verifier:

External Verifier:

Copyright © 2008

Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy Candidate Information Pack NCFE Level 4 Customised Award No. C0982. Mapped against the National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy.

Candidate Details Candidate Name:

Candidate Number:

Centre Name: The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd.

Centre Number: 003944

Tutor Name:

Course Start Date:

Signatures Dates Candidate:


Internal Verifier:

External Verifier:


Donald Robertson The Register for Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy (REBHP)


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The Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

The UK College of

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd.

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Table of Contents Introduction to the Award Scheme .................................................................................................................................. 7

Introduction to the UK College ........................................................................................................................................10

Hypno-CBT® & Hypno-Psychotherapy ..............................................................................................................................11

Recommended Reading List ............................................................................................................................................12

Awarding Centre Policies ................................................................................................................................................14

Unit 01 (C0982/001): Assess the client’s needs ...............................................................................................................17

Respond appropriately to initial requests for hypno-psychotherapy. (CH-H1.1) ..........................................................17

Prepare to formally assess the client during the initial consultation. (CH-H1.2) ...........................................................17

Formally assess the client. (CH-H1.3)...........................................................................................................................18

Agree action with the client. (CH-H1.4) .......................................................................................................................18

Unit 02 (C0982/002): Conduct the treatment ..................................................................................................................20

Plan the hypno-psychotherapy treatment with the client. (CH-H2.1) ..........................................................................20

Provide hypno-psychotherapeutic treatment. (CH-H2.2) .............................................................................................20

Evaluate the effectiveness of the hypno-psychotherapeutic treatment. (CH-H2.3) ......................................................20

Unit 03 (C0982/003): Train & educate the client in self-care ...........................................................................................22

Prepare to advise and educate the client about self-care. (CH-H3.1) ...........................................................................22

Enable the client to implement the self-care treatment plan. (CH-H3.2) ......................................................................22

Review and evaluate the effectiveness of the self-care treatment plan. (CH-H3.3) ......................................................22

Unit 04 (C0982/004): Understand professional issues in treatment .................................................................................24

Understand their legal and professional role. ..............................................................................................................24

Unit 05 (C0982/005): Apply theory to treatment .............................................................................................................25

Understand issues relating to client health and communication. .................................................................................25

Understand issues relating to hypno-psychotherapy theory. .......................................................................................25

Test Paper 4 Final Home Study Stage: .............................................................................................................................27

Student Portfolio Cover Page ..........................................................................................................................................29

Student Assessment Form: Index of Portfolio Contents ...................................................................................................30

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Introduction to the Award Scheme 7

Introduction to the Award Scheme This information pack is yours to keep, and a place to record your progress. Scheme Overview The Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy has been developed by the UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd. to provide candidates with a progression route toward full professional status as a hypnotherapist. The diploma consists of the following mandatory units: Unit 1 (C0982/001): Assessment. Assess the client‘s needs. Unit 2 (C0982/002): Treatment. Conduct the treatment. Unit 3 (C0982/003): Self-care. Train & educate the client in self-care. Unit 4 (C0982/004): Professionalism. Understand professional issues. Unit 5 (C0982/005): Knowledge. Apply theory to treatment. The National Occupational Standards for Hypnotherapy (NOS) This award has been based upon and mapped to the National Occupational Standards for ―hypnotherapy‖ published by Skills for Health, the sector skills council for the UK health sector. Each unit opens with a clear indication of the unit which it is based upon from the NOS, and individual learning outcomes have been designed to directly correlate with the elements of the NOS, as indicated in the unit specifications below. The NOS have been correlated with the NHS Knowledge & Skills Framework by Skills for Health as follows, NHS Knowledge & Skills Framework Level 3: Assess health and wellbeing needs and develop, monitor and review care plans to meet specific needs. Unit CH-CH1: Health & Well-Being HWB2 Assessment and care planning to meet people's health and wellbeing needs Unit CH-CH2: Health & Well-Being HWB5 Provision of care to meet health and wellbeing needs. Unit CH-CH3: Health & Well-Being HWB4 Enablement to address health and wellbeing needs. Aims of the Award The overall aim of the diploma is to provide professional training in evidence-based hypnotherapy, through which you will acquire both a sound theoretical framework and the practitioner skills and techniques required to work safely and effectively with clients. 1. To provide a safe and challenging environment for the study of hypnotherapy and psychotherapy theory and practice. 2. To teach a core model of hypnotherapy/psychotherapy theory and practice. 3. To teach a basic understanding of comparative models of psychotherapy. 4. To teach an appropriate understanding of research methods and evidence-based practice in relation to hypnotherapy. 5. To encourage and prepare students for the use of clinical supervision and reflective practice in hypnotherapy or

psychotherapy. 6. To prepare students for registration with the Register for Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy (REBHP)

and relevant therapy accreditation bodies. Why use this information pack? This trainee handbook will help you keep track of the work you have done and the work you still need to do to finish your portfolio. It will also help your Tutors, Assessors, and Verifiers check your portfolio. Once you have completed your portfolio, your Tutor will sign the front of the information pack, to show it has been completed to his satisfaction. The Internal & External Verifiers After your Assessor has marked your work, another member of staff, the Internal Verifier, will confirm his assessment. An External Verifier, employed by NCFE, will visit your awarding centre (the College) and may wish to discuss the content of the course and the work you are doing with you and the other candidates. The External Verifier‘s role is to ensure your work has been assessed in accordance with NCFE‘s requirements. The Internal and/or External Verifier will also sign the front of the handbook, if your portfolio is one of those selected.

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8 Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

Assessment Procedures The College require students to complete a range of written questions and classroom practical-based assessments during training. Each stage of training leads to an award which is issued upon successful completion of a classroom-based written test. Tests are closed-book format, usually last 90 minutes, and take place on the last afternoon of each stage. The College will aim to mark test papers within 28 days. The minimum pass mark for classroom tests is 60% of the total mark. Students who score less than 60% have one subsequent opportunity to resubmit answers. More detailed written answers to every question scored ―0‖, ―1‖ or ―2‖ (failed) should be submitted. Resubmitted questions must be at portfolio standard to pass, i.e., achieving at least ―4‖ or ―5‖ marks each. This work can contribute substantially to the evidence for your portfolio submission. Students who have completed the initial stages of training using different assessment methods at an earlier date will find their existing work relevant and can produce the required evidence by completion of home-study test questions and other assessment methods. Unfortunately, due to the volume of assessment, at this stage only minimal feedback can be given by the College on classroom tests, although more detailed feedback is available on subsequent draft portfolio submissions. However, each test question is marked on a scale from 0-5 and this gives an approximate guideline regarding the work needed for the portfolio as follows:

Fail Test / Portfolio Pass Test Pass Portfolio

0 Extremely Poor

1 Very Poor

2 Poor

3 Good

4 Very Good

5 Extremely Good

Irrelevant answer. Very seriously flawed answer.

Seriously incomplete answer. Major flaws in answer.

Several significant omissions or errors.

Some significant omissions or errors.

Evidence of evaluation or analysis. Minor omissions or errors. Possibly sufficient for the portfolio with minor improvements.

Evidence of evaluation or analysis. Flawless and complete answer. Probably sufficient for the portfolio.

Coursework marked ―5‖ will probably be sufficient to meet the portfolio standards but your assessor may provide additional comments on submission of the portfolio. Coursework marked ―4‖ may possibly be sufficient to meet the portfolio standards but the College recommend that you make some additions or improvements before submission. Coursework marked ―0‖ to ―3‖ is not sufficient to meet the portfolio standards and requires significant additions or changes before submissions will be accepted for the portfolio. Important: Portfolio of Evidence Students may submit one draft copy of their portfolio of evidence before the final submission for assessment. It is strongly recommended that you take advantage of this opportunity for feedback from your tutor/assessor. The College require up to 56 days for marking draft portfolio submissions. A further 56 days may be required to mark your final submission. Written sections of portfolios must be submitted, where possible, in double line-spaced, black, Arial, 11 point typeface. You must include a front page with the details requested on the cover page of this handbook and the date of the submission. The College will add your candidate number for NCFE. You must include your name and the page number on the header of each page. You must also submit all work in the correct sequence and clearly indicate the learning outcome which your evidence relates to, as shown later in this handbook. When answering a written question, the text of the question must be included. Answers to individual test questions must be between 300 and 500 words in length. Portfolios may be submitted by email or in hard copy. If providing a hard copy please ensure that you send photocopies only of any evidence submitted and retain the originals for your own reference. We recommend that in either case, you consider typing up material that is handwritten. Handwritten evidence that is not clearly legible will not be marked. If you wish to submit handwritten evidence electronically, this can be scanned and emailed but should be embedded in a single document if possible alongside the rest of your submission. Referencing Sources Any work completed outside of the classroom which employs quotations from or refers to other texts should be clearly referenced. Award of Diploma Once you have built up your portfolio of evidence to the satisfaction of your Assessor and the Internal and External Verifier, and successfully completed any additional requirements, you will be awarded the Diploma. When your portfolio has been completed and signed off by your awarding centre (the College) and the External Verifier, your awarding centre (the College) will return a signed Certificate Claim Form to NCFE. Your diploma will be despatched to your awarding centre (the College) within 15 working days of receipt of this form. Your awarding centre (the College) will then forward the diploma to your designated postal address.

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Introduction to the Award Scheme 9

Professional Registration (REBHP) This award is designed to meet the training requirement for membership of the Register for Evidence-Based Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy™ (REBHP). Additional registration requirements, such as hours of clinical supervision, may be stipulated by the Register, and these must be confirmed with them directly. See the website below for details, REBHP www.REBHP.org The National Council for Hypnotherapy (NCH) Since July 2008, NCH have officially recognised the Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy as equivalent to their Hypnotherapy Practitioner Diploma (HPD) for accreditation purposes.

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10 Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

Introduction to the UK College The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd. is a hypnotherapy and psychotherapy training provider specialising in modern evidence-based, cognitive-behavioural theory and practice. It is a private limited company listed in the Department for Education & Skills‘ UK Register of Learning Providers (UKPRN 10008042).

Mission Statement

To innovate by continually researching and developing the most effective and evidence-based approaches to clinical hypnotherapy and psychotherapy.

To provide the best quality and most enjoyable training in hypnotic psychotherapy available anywhere in the world.

To deal with students fairly and supportively, nurturing their talent for the therapeutic arts.

History of the UK College The College was founded in April 2003 when the HypnoSynthesis

® trademark (2329434) was officially registered as the

brand name for the training in self-hypnosis and personal development being taught by Donald Robertson at that time, after teaching smaller workshops and seminars for several years. After becoming an incorporated company in July 2005 (Company No. 05499462), it assumed its current name, The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Limited, while retaining the brand trading name of HypnoSynthesis


The trademark Hypno-CBT® (2398937) was registered in 2005 as the brand name for the proprietary system of

cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy developed by Donald Robertson following the publication of his philosophical critique of traditional cognitive-behavioural therapy in The Journal of Practical Philosophy, November 2000.

College Staff Donald Robertson. College Principal and Executive Director. Appointed Person (First Aid) Amanda Robertson. Company Secretary & Student Support Director. Associate trainers and teaching staff. The college employ a number of experienced trainers on a contractual basis.

Board of Advisors Henry Whitfield MSc CTF Counsellor & Trauma Specialist Cognitive-behavioural therapy and REBT advisor. Simon Clarke UKCP Registered Hypno-Psychotherapist Internal Verifier

UK College Contact Details The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd. Suite 127, 17 Piries Place, Horsham, RH12 1BF Telephone: 01403 248 266 Email: [email protected] Website: www.UKhypnosis.com

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Hypno-CBT® & Hypno-Psychotherapy 11

Hypno-CBT® & Hypno-Psychotherapy The House of Lords Science & Technology Select Committee report (1999) defines hypnotherapy as follows,

―Hypnotherapy — The use of hypnosis in treating behavioural disease and dysfunction, principally mental disorders.‖

We believe that hypnotherapy was the original modality of modern psychotherapy. Nowadays, however, a distinction is made between,

1. Hypnotherapy. Classed as a branch of Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) following a House of Lords report. Within this sector there are several organisations which voluntarily self-regulate the practice of hypnotherapy. 2. Hypno-psychotherapy. Which is recognised by umbrella bodies like the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP), and World Council for Psychotherapy (WCP) as designating a core modality of psychotherapy.

Hypno-Psychotherapy Almost all modern hypnotherapy inevitably draws upon concepts and techniques from the wider culture of psychotherapy. However, some forms of hypnotherapy do this to a minimal degree, while others do so to a greater extent and in a more sophisticated manner. As one contemporary authority on the subject writes,

A century ago, hypnotherapy often consisted of a hypnotic induction, followed by suggestions of symptom removal. Consequently, hypnotherapy has been viewed by some writers as a mode of therapy that might be compared with psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioural, or other therapeutic approaches. However, suggestions for symptom relief play a relatively minor role in contemporary hypnotherapy. Instead, hypnotherapy generally consists of the addition of hypnosis to some recognised form of psychotherapy. (Kirsch et al., 1995: 214)

Modern hypnosis is not just about ―hypnotising people and telling them they will feel better‖, though direct suggestion does play a role in therapy. The diploma training programme places hypnotherapy squarely within the context of modern psychotherapy. It places special emphasis upon the cognitive-behavioural theory and practice of hypnosis. We select techniques for integration within a hypnotic psychotherapy framework based upon a philosophy of evidence-based (technical) eclecticism, which endorses therapeutic techniques mainly on the basis of their support from the best independent research evidence available. Hypno-CBT


Our own proprietary system of cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy is called Hypno-CBT® and we consider it to represent

the future of evidence-based practice in the field of hypnotic psychotherapy. Cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy (CBH) is a popular topic of research in current scientific journals in the field of hypnotherapy. Students will be progressively introduced to the core concepts and techniques of Hypno-CBT

® through the later stages of their training as a natural

development of the basic hypnotherapy covered in stage one.

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12 Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

Recommended Reading List We strongly recommend that all students subscribe to The International Journal for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (IJCEH) the leading research journal in the field of hypnosis. IJCEH subscription is free with registration for REBHP members. Other leading journals in the field are the American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis (AJCH) and the British journal Contemporary Hypnosis. We have marked the most important books below with an asterisk (*). Many important books on hypnosis are out of print or difficult to obtain. Abe Books is probably the largest marketplace for books on the internet and the best place to look for copies of old textbooks. www.Abebooks.co.uk

1. General Hypnotherapy * Hartland's Medical and Dental Hypnosis: Fourth Edition (2001) Michael Heap & Kottiyattil K. Aravind This is the main general-purpose textbook we recommend for clinical hypnotherapy. * Handbook of Hypnotic Suggestions and Metaphors (1990) D. Corydon Hammond This is the best collection of scripts and techniques, containing excerpts from many different respected authors. The Practice of Hypnotism: Second Edition (2000) André M. Weitzenhoffer A well-respected textbook giving an overview of hypnotherapy. Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis: In Medicine, Dentistry, and Psychology, Second Revised Edition (2007) William S. Kroger A traditional clinical textbook by well-respected author with a broadly behavioural orientation. DSM-IV-TR: Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: 4

th Edition (2000)

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) The main reference book classifying psychiatric conditions. The New Encyclopaedia of Stage Hypnotism (1996) Ormond McGill The main textbook of stage hypnosis, not recommended except as an example of this approach to hypnosis. 2. Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy * Cognitive Hypnotherapy: An Integrated Approach to the Treatment of Emotional Disorders (2008) Assen Alladin A recent textbook by a well-respected authority on cognitive hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy: A New Approach (1987) William L. Golden, E. Thomas Dowd & F. Friedberg A small book providing a good introduction to a cognitive-behavioural approach. Cognitive Hypnotherapy (2000). E. Thomas Dowd A good overview of Dowd‘s approach which combines Beck‘s cognitive therapy with hypnosis. They Call it Hypnosis (1990). Robert A. Baker An excellent, very readable book, on the cognitive-behavioural theory of hypnotism; not a clinical textbook.

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Recommended Reading List 13

* The Clinical Use of Hypnosis in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (2006) Robin A. Chapman (ed.) A collection of articles by different authors. Hypnosis & Behaviour Modification: Imagery Conditioning (1976) William S. Kroger & William D. Fezler An early textbook on behavioural hypnotherapy. Hypnotism: Imagination, and Human Potentialities (1974) T.X. Barber, N.P. Spanos, & J.F. Chaves A seminal review of the research supporting a cognitive-behavioural (non-state) theory of hypnosis. Clinical Hypnosis & Self-Regulation: Cognitive Behavioural Perspectives (1999) Irving Kirsch, Antonio Capafons, Etzel Cardeña-Buelna & Salvador Amigó An important collection of articles on cognitive-behavioural approaches to hypnosis and self-hypnosis training. 3. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy for Dummies (2006)

R. Wilson A simple overview and introduction. Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (1980)

David Burns A popular self-help book based on Aaron Beck‘s cognitive therapy. * Cognitive Therapy & the Emotional Disorders (1976) Aaron Beck A seminal textbook giving an overview of Beck‘s cognitive therapy in the treatment of different conditions. Rational-Emotive Behaviour Therapy: A Therapist’s Guide (1998) Albert Ellis & Catherine MacLaren This short book provides a good introduction to Ellis‘ REBT approach. * The Practice of Behaviour Therapy, Fourth Revised Edition (1990) Joseph Wolpe The principal textbook of behaviour therapy. Particularly relevant to hypnotherapy given the similarities with Wolpe‘s systematic desensitisation. The Practice of Multimodal Therapy (1981) Arnold A. Lazarus A key textbook outlining Lazarus‘ Multimodal Therapy (MMT).

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14 Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

Awarding Centre Policies Admissions Policy

Students attending the Diploma are expected to meet the following requirements, 1. Students should have no history of criminal convictions or sanctions by professional organisations which

might reflect upon their suitability to practice as a therapist. 2. Students should be sufficiently fluent in spoken English to work effectively with English-speaking clients. 3. Students must be in suitable mental health for training, e.g., without a history of psychotic symptoms or

current mental health problems. 4. Students who currently suffer from a general medical condition or psychological condition which might

affect their safety or in any way impinge upon their ability to study are responsible for informing their Tutor before commencing training. For example, students who suffer from panic attacks or clinical depression are required to notify their Tutor in writing, so that relevant details can be logged in their file.

5. Students wishing to pursue professional registration as hypno-psychotherapists rather than hypnotherapists should possess a university degree or otherwise be able to demonstrate a post-graduate level of competence at commencement of training.

6. Students should have, or are advised to obtain, suitable experience of working with other people in a relevant professional role, e.g., in medicine, psychotherapy, counselling, or social work.

Equal Opportunities 1. The Awarding Centre fully supports the principle of equal opportunities and opposes all unlawful or unfair

discrimination on the grounds of gender, colour, racial origin, nationality, disability, age, creed, sexual orientation, marital status and social background.

2. The Awarding Centre aims to ensure that equality of opportunity is promoted and that unlawful or unfair discrimination, whether direct or indirect, is eliminated both in its own employment practices, and in access to its qualifications.

3. This does not contradict the Awarding Centre‘s duty to exclude students from training where a psychiatric or general medical condition might present a risk or otherwise render them unsuitable for training in hypno-psychotherapy.

Disability & Additional Support

1. We recognise that you might require additional support in order to achieve your Diploma; for example, if you have a permanent, or temporary, disability, medical condition or specific learning need.

2. We promise to make reasonable adjustment to accommodate your needs, insofar as it is possible and appropriate to do so.

3. Your Tutor will discuss the best methods of support to meet your needs and will notify NCFE of the support they are going to give you.

Appeals Policy & Enquiries about Results

1. Students who wish to appeal against the Awarding Centre‘s marking decisions have the right to do so by contacting the College in writing within 28 days of the original decision. At the discretion of the College, the Assessor may be asked to re-assess the work in question, which will be checked by the Internal Verifier. Appeals against the second decision of the Assessor may be made in writing within 28 days of their decision to the College. If the College considers it appropriate, a different Assessor may be appointed to re-assess the work independently of the first.

2. If you are still not satisfied with the Assessor‘s decision, or wish to challenge the decision of the External Verifier, you have the right to raise an appeal with NCFE directly. This must take place within 28 days of the preceding verification decision. There is a charge for this service, which is refunded if the appeal is upheld and your result is changed. Please bear in mind that re-marking can result in a negative result change, as well as positive and that the re-checked mark will be used for your overall result.

3. For more information your Tutor will be able to provide you with a full copy of NCFE‘s Appeals and Enquiries about Results Policy, or you can download it from: www.ncfe.org.uk.

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Awarding Centre Policies 15

Student Satisfaction Policy & Complaints Procedure

1. Complaints must be submitted in writing to the Student Support Coordinator at the Awarding Centre within 28 days of the incident in question. See the front of this handbook for staff details and the address.

2. The Awarding Centre will respond in writing to complaints within 28 days of receipt, where possible. 3. If you are unhappy with the Awarding Centre‘s response you may appeal in writing to the Register‘s

executive committee within 28 days. Contact the Register for details; see above for details. 4. If you are unhappy with the Register‘s response, you may appeal to NCFE. NCFE will act upon reports of

suspected or actual cases of malpractice or misconduct received from candidates and other parties about a centre‘s activities or centre personnel which may affect the integrity of the scheme(s) and quality assurance systems. NCFE‘s decision will be treated as final.

Course Structure & Professional Accreditation

1. The normal number of classroom contact hours is 224, which can be divided across a series of modules; the total anticipated number of study hours, including homework, is 500 hours.

2. Training for the diploma is normally divided across modules delivered over a minimum period of 18 months, though this may vary depending upon students‘ circumstances and needs.

3. Upon completion of the diploma, students will be eligible to join REBHP at Clinical Hypnotherapist (Licentiate) grade.

4. Upon completion of an additional period of supervised clinical practice, in accord with the Register‘s requirements, students may be eligible to upgrade to Clinical Hypnotherapist (Accredited) grade.

5. Students seeking professional registration with REBHP as a ―hypno-psychotherapist‖ must meet additional requirements.

6. These criteria are subject to change. Please check with REBHP for current requirements. Assessment Policy & Student Misconduct

1. Students must be able to provide evidence of attending at least 90% of the designated classroom hours to be eligible for this award.

2. If students miss a classroom exercise that is required for assessment they must either make arrangements with the Awarding Centre to attend at another date, if possible, or provide alternative evidence, such as submission of a recording, at the discretion of the Academic Board of the Register.

3. Students who enrol for the award must submit their portfolio within 12 months of completing the final stage of training.

4. Reminders for unfinished work will be sent to your designated postal address by the Awarding Centre‘s administrator.

5. If your awarding centre (the College) suspects you have been involved in malpractice or misconduct (e.g. cheating) your award will not be issued during the course of the investigation. If the case is proven you may have a part of your assessment disallowed or, in serious cases, your final results may be void. For more information your Tutor will be able to provide you with a full copy of NCFE‘s Malpractice and Misconduct Policy, or you can download it from: www.ncfe.org.uk.

Quality Assurance Policy

1. Student work is marked by a qualified Assessor in accord with NCFE requirements. 2. The portfolios marked by the Assessor are subsequently checked by the Awarding Centre‘s In ternal

Verifier, who samples randomly from them to assure quality of assessment and work submitted. 3. The portfolios are also checked periodically by NCFE‘s appointed External Verifier. 4. At least one student representative is appointed from the Awarding Centre‘s current cohort of students in

training to represent student feedback to the Register. 5. Written qualitative and quantitative course feedback is collected from all students, where possible, and

reviewed by the Awarding Centre administrator. Data Protection Policy

The Awarding Centre is registered under the Data Protection Act (Registration Number Z9662484), as are NCFE, and both are committed to maintaining the highest possible standards when handling personal information.

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16 Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

Health & Safety Policy A. General Statement of Health & Safety Policy

1. The Awarding Centre aims to provide and maintain, insofar as is reasonable and practicable, a safe and healthy working environment and to enlist the support of its staff and students toward achieving these ends.

2. The Awarding Centre accepts that employers, employees, and other parties covered by health and safety legislation, have a collective duty to take action preventative of work-related injury, including work-related stress, insofar as this is reasonable and practicable.

B. Organization of Health & Safety Duties 1. Health and safety within the organization, and risk assessment, is primarily the responsibility of the health

and safety officer whose details can be found in the student handbook. 2. All staff and students have a collective duty to identify and prevent risks insofar as it is reasonable and

practicable for them to do so. The health and safety officer should be informed immediately of any information relating to potential or actual risks in respect of the Awarding Centre‘s premises or activities.

C. Arrangements for Implementation

1. The health and safety officer is responsible for risk assessment of the premises and activities of the Awarding Centre in accord with standard UK health and safety legislation.

2. Where appropriate, records will be maintained by the health and safety officer in accord with the relevant legislation.

3. Risk assessments will be reviewed on an annual basis, or where changes to the environment render it appropriate to re-assess new or existing risk factors.

Company Insurance The Awarding Centre carries company insurance and full cover for the activities which it undertakes.

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Unit 01 (C0982/001): Assess the client‘s needs


Unit 01 (C0982/001): Assess the client’s needs Summary of Corresponding NOS Unit (CH-H1) This unit describes the role of the practitioner in assessing clients‘ needs which affect their health, effective functioning and well-being. This involves evaluating requests for hypnotherapy and the initial information received on the client, whether it is provided by the client him/herself or comes from another source, such as a referral. In doing this the practitioner needs to consider whether it is appropriate to work with the client or not. The evaluation will include determining the urgency of the client‘s needs and the overall caseload of the practitioner, together with making the necessary arrangements for the assessment to take place. If the decision is made to see the client, the nature and purpose of the assessment is agreed with them and their needs identified. Some clients may be accompanied by a companion(s). Where this occurs the practitioner is expected to interact with the companion(s) in ways that are appropriate to the needs of the client and the needs of the practitioner. The subsequent assessment aims to determine the nature and extent of the client‘s needs and to agree a course of action with them. This may be to refer the client to another healthcare practitioner or to develop a hypnotherapy treatment programme or to decide that hypnotherapy is not appropriate for the client. Learning Outcomes:

The learner will:

Respond appropriately to initial requests for hypno-psychotherapy. (CH-H1.1)

The learner can:

1.1. Explain his sphere of professional competence. 1.2. Evaluate the suitability of requests for hypno-psychotherapy. 1.3. Explain the basic terms of the treatment contract. 1.4. Evaluate the need for a client chaperone or escort in the sessions.

Range (explanation)

Sphere of professional competence. The range of presenting problems, etc., which the therapist is, or will be, competent to treat. Requests. The initial contact made by a client or a third party acting on their behalf in order to enquire about treatment. This may be by telephone, email, etc. Treatment Contract. Should contain details of fees, cancellation policy, contact details, confidentiality, etc.

The learner will:

Prepare to formally assess the client during the initial consultation. (CH-H1.2)

The learner can:

1.5. Evaluate the suitability of the environment, i.e., consulting room, for the initial consultation. 1.6. Agree the session agenda and with the client. 1.7. Explain the role of the client in therapy. 1.8. Explain the role of the therapist. 1.9. Explain the nature of hypno-psychotherapy in a manner appropriate to the client. 1.10. Explain confidentiality and the therapeutic contract to the client. 1.11. Demonstrate the core qualities of a positive therapeutic [counselling] relationship, i.e., rapport with the client. 1.12. Confirm client contact details, and other relevant information, which is recorded in the consultation form. 1.13. Evaluate the therapist‘s duty of care and any requirement for informed consent.

Range (explanation)

Prepare. This outcome refers, e.g., to preparation during the opening phase of the initial consultation, during which the therapist may obtain basic client information, build rapport, and explain the session agenda.

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Session Agenda. The therapist provides an overview of the whole initial consultation and confirms this with the client, answering any questions before commencing. Role. The therapist explains the therapeutic relationship and the attitudes and qualities which contribute to effective therapy on the part of both therapist and client. Therapeutic contract. A written or verbal contract which specifies, e.g., the scope of confidentiality, session fees, payment policy, cancellation policy, complaints procedure, therapist contact details and procedures, etc.

The learner will:

Formally assess the client. (CH-H1.3)

The learner can:

1.14. Identify and evaluate the client‘s presenting problem(s) in relation to standard diagnostic categories. 1.15. Evaluate the client‘s presenting problem(s) in relation to multiple dimensions of their life. 1.16. Evaluate the client‘s previous experience of hypno-psychotherapy and other relevant treatments. 1.17. Evaluate client contra-indications, or risk factors, for treatment or specific interventions. 1.18. Evaluate the client‘s current physical and mental health in a manner relevant to treatment. 1.19. Evaluate the client‘s ability to comply with homework and employ self-care, e.g., self-hypnosis techniques. 1.20. Evaluate the client‘s ability to respond to hypno-psychotherapy interventions and employ subjective strategies in

treatment. 1.21. Record (assessment) information in a suitable format.

Range (explanation)

Assess. This refers primarily to the assessment of a client during the initial consultation process before commencing treatment. Multiple dimensions. For example, behaviour, affect, cognition, somatic, inter-personal, and cognitive dimensions (multi-modal assessment). Subjective Strategies. The client‘s ability to respond may be evaluated by teaching self-hypnosis, using suggestion tests or scales, and similar techniques.

The learner will:

Agree action with the client. (CH-H1.4)

The learner can:

1.22. Explain the therapist‘s initial conclusions and observations to the client. 1.23. Evaluate the suitability of hypno-psychotherapy and take appropriate action if treatment is unsuitable. 1.24. Evaluate the suitability of different hypno-psychotherapy [approaches] for the client‘s needs. 1.25. Agree an initial course of action. 1.26. Record the information (on any initial action) in a suitable format.

Range (explanation)

Initial Conclusions. The outcome of the preceding assessment is explained in suitable terms. Evaluate the suitability. By reference to evidence-based literature, therapist sphere of competence, client needs and preferences, etc.

Internal Assessment Guidance – Unit 01:

Learning Outcome:

Number Type of evidence Additional information (if applicable)

1.1-1.4 Written response to several sample initial enquiry transcripts.

1.5 Written analysis of treatment environment.

1.6-1.13 Written evaluation by student following ―initial

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Unit 01 (C0982/001): Assess the client‘s needs


consultation‖ role-play exercise.

1.12 Completed copies of initial consultation form from role-play exercise.

1.14-1.21 Written evaluation by student following ―initial consultation‖ role-play exercise.

1.14-1.17 Completed copies of initial consultation form from role-play exercise.

1.15 Completed multi-modal assessment form from role-play exercise.

1.17-1.18 Completed health questionnaire form from role-play.

1.19-1.20 Evaluation form: hypnotic skills training exercise.

1.22-1.26 Four written treatment plans for case study vignettes.

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Unit 02 (C0982/002): Conduct the treatment Summary of Corresponding NOS Unit (CH-H2) This unit describes standards for planning, implementing, monitoring and reviewing hypnotherapy treatment programmes for clients. The actions which the practitioner takes should be planned and evaluated with the clients concerned. Learning Outcomes:

The learner will:

Plan the hypno-psychotherapy treatment with the client. (CH-H2.1)

The learner can:

2.1. Evaluate the suitability of [specific] hypno-psychotherapy interventions for the client‘s needs. 2.2. Collaboratively develop and agree a suitable treatment plan with the client, including staged goals. 2.3. Explain the treatment plan in terms appropriate to the client, including any risks or practical implications such as

estimated number of sessions. 2.4. Discuss and evaluate the client‘s understanding of the treatment plan. 2.5. Prepare and explain the evaluation of outcomes in a manner suited to the client‘s needs. 2.6. Record the treatment plan and other information in a suitable format.

Range (explanation)

Hypno-psychotherapy interventions. These include techniques and strategies typically incorporated within a hypno-psychotherapy framework, e.g., cognitive, behavioural, or psychodynamic interventions, such as thought-stopping, habit reversal, desensitisation, graded exposure, cognitive restructuring, etc. Understanding of the treatment plan. The client‘s understanding and agreement constitute the basis of ―informed consent.‖

The learner will:

Provide hypno-psychotherapeutic treatment. (CH-H2.2)

The learner can:

2.7. Evaluate and maintain the suitability of the clinical environment for treatment. 2.8. Deliver hypnotic treatment interventions safely and effectively. 2.9. Deliver other evidence-based psychotherapeutic treatment interventions safely and effectively. 2.10. Identify and respond appropriately to unintended reactions to treatment. 2.11. Ensure client well-being and safety throughout treatment.

Range (explanation)

Suitability (of environment). Including the consulting room, furniture, seating of therapist in relation to client, etc. Treatment interventions. Including hypnotic skills training, self-hypnosis, hypnotic induction, and therapeutic techniques. Unintended reactions. Includes clients reacting with distress to interventions, emerging spontaneously from hypnosis, become panicked, failing to respond to interventions, etc.

The learner will:

Evaluate the effectiveness of the hypno-psychotherapeutic treatment. (CH-H2.3)

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Unit 02 (C0982/002): Conduct the treatment


The learner can:

2.12. Evaluate the outcome of the treatment systematically and appropriately. 2.13. Review treatment with client and modify treatment plan accordingly. 2.14. Record the outcomes of treatment appropriately. 2.15. Evaluate the lessons to be learned from the treatment process.

Range (explanation)

Evaluate the outcome. Evaluation of techniques during sessions, at subsequent sessions, immediately post-treatment, and at follow-up after treatment has finished. Record the outcomes. In the form of session notes or evaluation forms, etc. Lessons to be learned. Reflective practice involves the therapist continually monitoring and reviewing their own skills and the effectiveness of their interventions.

Internal Assessment Guidance – Unit 02:

Learning Outcome: (list one after the other)

Number Type of evidence Additional information (if applicable)

2.1-2.6 Written evaluation of treatment planning exercise. Should include evaluation of treatment plan discussion, proposed graded behavioural assignments and initial treatment.

2.6 Written session notes for initial treatment session and discussion of treatment plan.

2.7-2.11 Written evaluation of risk factors in treatment and issues relating to treatment environment and client safety.

2.8 Written analysis of peer-evaluation of three hypnotic interventions from classroom exercises.

This should include reflection on feedback and the candidate‘s proposed response, i.e., action plan.

2.9 Written analysis of peer-evaluation of three non-hypnotic interventions from classroom exercises.

This should include reflection on feedback and the candidate‘s proposed response, i.e., action plan.

2.12-2.15 Written evaluation of role-play exercise, following-up client outcomes from initial treatment session and reviewing treatment plan.

2.14 Record of outcome forms and session notes for role-play exercise following-up initial treatment session.

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Unit 03 (C0982/003): Train & educate the client in self-care Summary of Corresponding NOS Unit (CH-H3) This unit describes standards for planning, implementing and evaluating sessions designed to enable the client to adopt self-care procedure(s). Learning Outcomes:

The learner will:

Prepare to advise and educate the client about self-care. (CH-H3.1)

The learner can:

3.1. Evaluate the suitability of different self-care techniques for the client. 3.2. Design a self-care treatment plan for the client. 3.3. Explain the self-care treatment plan to the client and discuss it with them collaboratively. 3.4. Agree a system for the evaluation and plan review of self-care.

Range (explanation)

Self-care. This is a generic term covering client-administered techniques and strategies used between sessions or following treatment. This typically includes the use of self-hypnosis, other coping skills, and behavioural assignments such as real world (in vivo) exposure to feared situations.

The learner will:

Enable the client to implement the self-care treatment plan. (CH-H3.2)

The learner can:

3.5. Explain the role of the client and the factors contributing to success in the use of self-care techniques. 3.6. Explain the rationale behind self-hypnosis in a manner appropriate to the client. 3.7. Train the client in the use of self-hypnosis. 3.8. Explain the rationale behind other self-care techniques in a manner appropriate to the client. 3.9. Train the client in the use of other self-care techniques. 3.10. Inform the client about possible risks in relation to safe use of self-care techniques. 3.11. Teach the client how to use self-monitoring and recording techniques to evaluate the outcome of self-care

techniques effectively.

Range (explanation)

Self-care. This is a generic term covering client-administered techniques and strategies used between sessions or following treatment. This typically includes the use of self-hypnosis, other coping skills, and behavioural assignments such as real world (in vivo) exposure to feared situations.

The learner will:

Review and evaluate the effectiveness of the self-care treatment plan. (CH-H3.3)

The learner can:

3.12. Evaluate the outcome of self-care. 3.13. Review the self-care plan collaboratively with the client. 3.14. Modify the self-care plan appropriately. 3.15. Record the details of the review appropriately.

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Unit 03 (C0982/003): Train & educate the client in self-care


Range (explanation)

Evaluate the outcome. Using qualitative feedback from clients and suitable quantitative measures, e.g., SUD scales, thought forms, etc.

Internal Assessment Guidance – Unit 03:

Learning Outcome: (list one after the other)

Number Type of evidence Additional information (if applicable)

3.1-3.4 Written evaluation of classroom practical sessions on teaching self-hypnosis and hypnotic skills training.

Must include planning of self-care and schedule for real world (in vivo) application and outcome measurement.

3.5-3.11 Written evaluation of classroom practical sessions on teaching self-hypnosis and hypnotic skills training.

3.12-3.15 Written evaluation of classroom exercise on follow-up self-care session, reviewing outcomes and adapting treatment plan.

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Unit 04 (C0982/004): Understand professional issues in treatment Summary of Corresponding NOS Unit [This unit corresponds to the more generic elements in the NOS ―knowledge and understanding‖ section.] Learning Outcomes:

The learner will:

Understand their legal and professional role.

The learner can:

4.1. Evaluate their obligations in relation to relevant professional codes. 4.2. Make use of clinical supervision in relation to hypno-psychotherapy. 4.3. Evaluate the implications of relevant legislation for their practice. 4.4. Evaluate their relationship with relevant organisations. 4.5. Evaluate the role of confidentiality in relation to treatment. 4.6. Understand the role of informed consent in relation to treatment. 4.7. Understand their professional duty of care in relation to running a clinical practice. 4.8. Reflect on appropriate issues in applied ethics in relation to hypno-psychotherapy.

Range (explanation)

Relevant Legislation. Including the Data Protection Act, Children‘s Acts, Health & Safety Acts, civil duty of care, etc. Relevant Organisations. Including the therapist‘s professional register, but also other regulatory or umbrella bodies in their field.

Internal Assessment Guidance – Unit 04:

Learning Outcome: (list one after the other)

Number Type of evidence Additional information (if applicable)

4.1-4.8 Essay on legal and professional issues, or answers to structured home-study question paper.

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Unit 05 (C0982/005): Apply theory to treatment


Unit 05 (C0982/005): Apply theory to treatment Summary of Corresponding NOS Unit [This unit corresponds to the more generic elements in the NOS ―knowledge and understanding‖ section. It also encompasses psychotherapeutic theory, and issues in relation to developmental and descriptive psychopathology, research methods, evidence-based practice, and applied ethics.] Learning Outcomes:

The learner will:

Understand issues relating to client health and communication.

The learner can:

5.1. Evaluate the implications for treatment of the client‘s current health. 5.2. Understand the relevant concepts in descriptive and developmental psychopathology as relevant to their practice. 5.3. Understand relevant theories in developmental psychology in relation to hypno-psychotherapy. 5.4. Evaluate the role of communication [counselling] skills in the therapeutic setting. 5.5. Evaluate the role of reflective practice and research evidence in relation to hypno-psychotherapy.

Range (explanation)

Current Health. Including physical and mental health. Relevant Concepts (in psychopathology). Including diagnostic classifications and criteria relevant to the therapist‘s sphere of competence.

The learner will:

Understand issues relating to hypno-psychotherapy theory.

The learner can:

5.6. Understand an appropriate range of psychotherapeutic techniques employed in hypno-psychotherapy. 5.7. Critically evaluate the differences between comparative psychotherapeutic models employed in hypno-

psychotherapy. 5.8. Explain the principles of evidence-based practice in relation to hypno-psychotherapy. 5.9. Interpret contemporary research on hypno-psychotherapy through an understanding of relevant concepts in

contemporary research methods. 5.10. Analyse the historical development of the practice of hypno-psychotherapy. 5.11. Evaluate the ―state versus nonstate‖ debate in the theory of hypnosis. 5.12. Evaluate the range of factors contributing to hypnotic responsiveness. 5.13. Understand the role of suggestion in hypno-psychotherapy. 5.14. Understand an appropriate range of theoretical concepts employed in hypno-psychotherapy. 5.15. Critically evaluate the relationship between comedy or stage hypnosis and clinical hypno-psychotherapy. 5.16. Analyse the key factors in successful psychotherapy. 5.17. Evaluate the relevance of hypnotic responsiveness and suggestibility scales for clinical practice.

Range (explanation)

Comparative psychotherapeutic models. Including psychodynamic, humanistic, cognitive, and behavioural models of therapy, and Ericksonian hypnosis. Relevant concepts in contemporary research methods. Including good research design, confirmation bias, measurement effects, placebo and no-treatment controlled studies, non-specific factors in treatment, and statistical significance.

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Internal Assessment Guidance – Unit 05:

Learning Outcome: (list one after the other)

Number Type of evidence Additional information (if applicable)

5.1-5.17 Answer set home-study test questions on hypno-psychotherapy theory.

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Test Paper 4 Final Home Study Stage:


Test Paper 4 Final Home Study Stage: Guidance These questions should be completed at home and answers included with your final portfolio of evidence submitted for the diploma award. Word limit: 300-800 words per question. Please state clearly the full question which you are answering. Please provide typed answers in 12 point double-spaced Arial font. Ensure pages are numbered and include your name and the date of submission on each page‘s header. Learning Outcomes

1.11. Demonstrate the core Qualities of a positive therapeutic [counselling] relationship, i.e., rapport with the client. 5.4. Evaluate the role of communication [counselling] skills in the therapeutic setting.

QUESTION 1: Briefly summarise the role of communication and listening skills in counselling and how these relate to your use of hypnotherapy. Recommended Resources: Stage 1 Manual: ―Humanistic Counselling Skills & Hypnotherapy.‖ Learning Outcomes

1.13. Evaluate the therapist‘s duty of care and any reQuestionuirement for informed consent. 4.6. Understand the role of informed consent in relation to treatment. 4.7. Understand their professional duty of care in relation to running a clinical practice.

QUESTION 2: Explain your professional duty of care, including the role of informed consent, in relation to treatment. Evaluate three specific scenarios where these obligations might raise difficulties for the therapist. Recommended Resources: Stage 1 Manual: ―Professionalism & Ethics.‖ Learning Outcomes

1.14. Identify and evaluate the client‘s presenting problem(s) in relation to standard diagnostic categories.

QUESTION 3: Explain the major categories of anxiety disorder codified in DSM IV, the differences between them, and how these might be treated differently in hypnotherapy. Recommended Resources: Stage 1 Manual: ―The Psychopathology of Common Anxiety Disorders.‖ Learning Outcomes 2.10. Identify and respond appropriately to unintended reactions to treatment.

QUESTION 4: Evaluate the concepts of re-traumatisation and false memory syndrome in relation to hypnotherapy, and discuss how you would minimise any connected risk to clients. Recommended Resources: Stage 1 Manual: ―Regression Safety: Abreaction.‖, ―Regression Safety: False Memory Syndrome.‖ Learning Outcomes

4.1. Evaluate their obligations in relation to relevant professional codes.

QUESTION 5: What is the professional code of ethics for? Review and evaluate three of the main rules imposed by the REBHP code of ethics and code of practice. Recommended Resources: REBHP Website (www.REBHP.org)

Learning Outcomes

4.4. Evaluate their relationship with relevant organisations.

QUESTION 6: Discuss and evaluate your relationship with your professional register. What benefits do they offer you and your clients? What obligations do you have to them? Recommended Resources: REBHP Website (www.REBHP.org)

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Learning Outcomes

4.3. Evaluate the implications of relevant legislation for their practice.

QUESTION 7: What are the main pieces of legislation relevant to the practice of hypnotherapy, and how do they affect your work? Recommended Resources: Stage 1 Manual: ―Hypnotherapy & the Law.‖ Learning Outcomes 4.8. Reflect on appropriate issues in applied ethics in relation to hypno-psychotherapy.

QUESTION 8: Describe three of the main ethical dilemmas which you think you may or have faced as a hypnotherapist and evaluate the issues involved. Recommended Resources: Stage 1 Manual: ―Professionalism & Ethics.‖ Learning Outcomes

5.5. Evaluate the role of reflective practice and research evidence in relation to hypno-psychotherapy.

QUESTION 9: Briefly summarise and evaluate the role both of reflective practice and empirical research in relation to evidence-based practice in hypnotherapy. Stage 1 Manual: ―Professionalism & Ethics.‖ REBHP Guidance Leaflet on Evidence-Based Practice. Learning Outcomes

5.9. Interpret contemporary research on hypno-psychotherapy through an understanding of relevant concepts in contemporary research methods.

QUESTION 10: Provide a brief review and evaluation of a recent research study published in a peer-reviewed hypnotherapy research journal, such as IJCEH. Recommended Resources: The International Journal for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (www.IJCEH.com). Copies of IJCEH are available to registrants of REBHP or can be purchased directly from Taylor Francis Ltd.

Alternatively, the PDF copy of a recent (major) meta-analysis of hypnotherapy outcomes can be found at the link below, http://www.hypnose-kikh.de/metaanalyse/Flammer2004Metaanalysis.PDF Erschienen in Contemporary Hypnosis (2003), 179 – 197. ‗ON THE EFFICACY OF HYPNOSIS: A META-ANALYTIC STUDY‘ Erich Flammer and Walter Bongartz Department of Politics and Management, University of Konstanz, Germany Department of Psychology, University of Konstanz, Germany Abstract From 444 studies published until 2002 that investigated the efficacy of hypnosis, 57 randomised clinical studies were selected that compared patients treated exclusively by hypnosis to an untreated control group (or to a group of patients treated by conventional medical procedures). The 57 studies were integrated into a meta-analysis that yielded a weighted average post-treatment effect size of d = 0.56 (medium effect size). For hypnotic treatment of ICD-10 codable disorders (32 studies) the calculation of the weighted mean effect size resulted in d = 0.63. These estimates are conservative since all variables of a given study were used. Most of the studies employed methods of the classic approach to hypnosis. In order to obtain an estimate to which extent non-clinical factors (design-quality, way of comparison of dependent variables) have an influence on the effect sizes, effect sizes were computed for all studies of the original 444 studies that reported the necessary statistical information (N = 133). For those studies with an average effect size of d = 1.07 a massive influence of non-clinical factors was demonstrated with a range from d = 0.56 for randomised studies with group comparisons to d = 2.29 for non-randomised studies using pre-postcomparisons. Out of the 57 randomised studies, only 6 studies reported numerical values for the correlation between hypnotic suggestibility and treatment outcome with a mean correlation of r = .44.

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Student Portfolio Cover Page


Student Portfolio Cover Page

The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

Portfolio Cover Page

Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

NCFE Level 4 Customised Award No. C0982

(Students should complete the boxes below to show their name, candidate number, and course start date. Sign below and enter the date of your portfolio submission.)

Candidate/Student Details Candidate/Student Name:

Candidate Number:

Centre Name:

The UK College of Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy Ltd.

Centre Number:


Tutor Name:

Course Start Date (Stage 1):

Print Name & Sign Date of Signature Candidate:

(Date portfolio submitted)


Internal Verifier:

External Verifier:

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Student Assessment Form: Index of Portfolio Contents Please submit a copy of the form below along with your final portfolio of evidence for the diploma award. Make sure you number the pages of all evidence clearly for the assessor and verifiers and write the correct page number in the index forms below. Every learning outcome must be referenced against the correct page number before your submission for the diploma award can be accepted so that your evidence can be easily located. Additional or alternative sources of evidence may be considered with the prior approval of your tutor. Your portfolio must contain evidence which proves that you have met each of the individual learning outcomes below. By submitting your portfolio you are confirming that you have checked the contents against the learning outcomes shown and are satisfied that you have provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate competence in each area.

Learning Outcome Source(s) of Evidence Page(s) Unit 1 Test 1 Q1 1.27. Explain his sphere of professional competence. Test 1 Q2

Test 2 Q3 Test 3 Q3

1.28. Evaluate the suitability of requests for hypno-psychotherapy. Test 2 Q3 Test 1 Q2

1.29. Explain the basic terms of the treatment contract. Initial Consultation Forms Test 1 Q4

1.30. Evaluate the need for a client chaperone or escort in the sessions. Test 2 Q3

1.31. Evaluate the suitability of the environment, i.e., consulting room, for the initial consultation.

Test 2 Q2

1.32. Agree the session agenda and with the client. Initial Consultation Feedback Form

1.33. Explain the role of the client in therapy. Test 1 Q4

1.34. Explain the role of the therapist. Test 1 Q4

1.35. Explain the nature of hypno-psychotherapy in a manner appropriate to the client.

Test 1 Q5 Test 2 Q1

1.36. Explain confidentiality and the therapeutic contract to the client. Test 3 Q2

1.37. Demonstrate the core qualities of a positive therapeutic [counselling] relationship, i.e., rapport with the client.

Initial Consultation Feedback Form

Test 4 Q1

1.38. Confirm client contact details, and other relevant information, which is recorded in the consultation form.

Initial Consultation Forms Initial Consultation

Feedback Form

1.39. Evaluate the therapist‘s duty of care and any requirement for informed consent.

Test 4 Q2

1.40. Identify and evaluate the client‘s presenting problem(s) in relation to standard diagnostic categories.

Test 4 Q3

1.41. Evaluate the client‘s presenting problem(s) in relation to multiple dimensions of their life.

BASIC Assessment Form Test 1 Q9 Test 2 Q9 Test 3 Q9

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Student Assessment Form: Index of Portfolio Contents


Learning Outcome Source(s) of Evidence Page(s) 1.42. Evaluate the client‘s previous experience of hypno-psychotherapy

and other relevant treatments. Initial Consultation Forms Initial Consultation

Feedback Form

1.43. Evaluate client contra-indications, or risk factors, for treatment or specific interventions.

Test 1 Q3 TPF

1.44. Evaluate the client‘s current physical and mental health in a manner relevant to treatment.

Initial Consultation Forms (Health

Questionnaire) Test 1 Q3

1.45. Evaluate the client‘s ability to comply with homework and employ self-care, e.g., self-hypnosis techniques.

Test 2 Q1

1.46. Evaluate the client‘s ability to respond to hypno-psychotherapy interventions and employ subjective strategies in treatment.

Test 2 Q1

1.47. Record information [on initial assessment] in a suitable format. Test 1 Q9 Test 2 Q9 Test 2 Q9

1.48. Explain the therapist‘s initial conclusions and observations [on treatment goals] to the client.

Test 1 Q9 Test 2 Q9 Test 3 Q9

1.49. Evaluate the suitability of hypno-psychotherapy and take appropriate action if treatment is unsuitable.

Test 1 Q3

1.50. Evaluate the suitability of different hypno-psychotherapy [approaches] for the client‘s needs.

TPF Test 3 Q1 Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

1.51. Agree an initial course of action. TPF Test 3 Q1

1.52. Record the information [on any initial action] in a suitable format. TPF

Unit 2 Test 3 Q1

2.16. Evaluate the suitability of [specific] hypno-psychotherapy interventions for the client‘s needs.

TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10 Test 2 Q4

2.17. Collaboratively develop and agree a suitable treatment plan with the client, including staged goals.

TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

2.18. Explain the treatment plan in terms appropriate to the client, including any risks or practical implications such as estimated number of sessions.

TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

2.19. Discuss and evaluate the client‘s understanding of the treatment plan.

TPF Test 3 Q1

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Learning Outcome Source(s) of Evidence Page(s) 2.20. Prepare and explain the evaluation of outcomes in a manner suited

to the client‘s needs. TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

2.21. Record the treatment plan and other information in a suitable format. TPF

2.22. Evaluate and maintain the suitability of the clinical environment for treatment.

Test 2 Q2 Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

2.23. Deliver hypnotic treatment interventions safely and effectively. TPF Test 1 Q5

2.24. Deliver other evidence-based psychotherapeutic treatment interventions safely and effectively.


2.25. Identify and respond appropriately to unintended reactions to treatment.

Test 4 Q4

2.26. Ensure client well-being and safety throughout treatment. TPF Test 1 Q3

2.27. Evaluate the outcome of the treatment systematically and appropriately.


2.28. Review treatment with client and modify treatment plan accordingly. TPF

2.29. Record the outcomes of treatment appropriately. TPF

2.30. Evaluate the lessons to be learned from the treatment process. TPF Test 3 Q1

Unit 3 Test 2 Q1

Test 3 Q1

3.16. Evaluate the suitability of different self-care techniques for the client.

TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

3.17. Design a self-care treatment plan for the client. TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

3.18. Explain the self-care treatment plan to the client and discuss it with them collaboratively.

TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

3.19. Agree a system for the evaluation and plan review of self-care. TPF Test 1 Q10 Test 2 Q10 Test 3 Q10

3.20. Explain the role of the client and the factors contributing to success in the use of self-care techniques.

TPF Test 1 Q4

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Student Assessment Form: Index of Portfolio Contents


Learning Outcome Source(s) of Evidence Page(s) 3.21. Explain the rationale behind self-hypnosis in a manner appropriate

to the client. Test 1 Q5

3.22. Train the client in the use of self-hypnosis. TPF Test 2 Q1

3.23. Explain the rationale behind other self-care techniques in a manner appropriate to the client.


3.24. Train the client in the use of other self-care techniques. TPF

3.25. Inform the client about possible risks in relation to safe use of self-care techniques.

TPF Test 1 Q3

3.26. Teach the client how to use self-monitoring and recording techniques to evaluate the outcome of self-care techniques effectively.


3.27. Evaluate the outcome of self-care. TPF

3.28. Review the self-care plan collaboratively with the client. TPF

3.29. Modify the self-care plan appropriately. TPF

3.30. Record the details of the review appropriately. TPF

Unit 4

4.9. Evaluate their obligations in relation to relevant professional codes. Test 4 Q5

4.10. Make use of clinical supervision in relation to hypno-psychotherapy. Test 2 Q8

4.11. Evaluate the implications of relevant legislation for their practice. Test 4 Q7

4.12. Evaluate their relationship with relevant organisations. Test 4 Q6

4.13. Evaluate the role of confidentiality in relation to treatment. Test 3 Q2

4.14. Understand the role of informed consent in relation to treatment. Test 4 Q2

4.15. Understand their professional duty of care in relation to running a clinical practice.

Test 4 Q2

4.16. Reflect on appropriate issues in applied ethics in relation to hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 4 Q8

Unit 5

5.18. Evaluate the implications for treatment of the client‘s current health. Test 1 Q3

5.19. Understand the relevant concepts in descriptive and developmental psychopathology as relevant to their practice.

Test 3 Q3

5.20. Understand relevant theories in developmental psychology in relation to hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 3 Q4

5.21. Evaluate the role of communication skills in the therapeutic setting. Test 4 Q1

5.22. Evaluate the role of reflective practice and research evidence in relation to hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 4 Q9

5.23. Understand an appropriate range of psychotherapeutic techniques employed in hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 2 Q4 Test 2 Q1

5.24. Critically evaluate the differences between comparative psychotherapeutic models employed in hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 3 Q5

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34 Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy

Learning Outcome Source(s) of Evidence Page(s) 5.25. Explain the principles of evidence-based practice in relation to

hypno-psychotherapy. Test 3 Q6

5.26. Interpret contemporary research on hypno-psychotherapy through an understanding of relevant concepts in contemporary research methods.

Test 4 Q10

5.27. Analyse the historical development of the practice of hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 2 Q5 Test 1 Q7

5.28. Evaluate the ―state versus nonstate‖ debate in the theory of hypnosis.

Test 1 Q7 Test 1 Q8 Test 2 Q6

5.29. Evaluate the range of factors contributing to hypnotic responsiveness.

Test 1 Q5 Test 1 Q8 Test 2 Q1 Test 2 Q6

5.30. Understand the role of suggestion in hypno-psychotherapy. Test 1 Q6 Test 2 Q1

5.31. Understand an appropriate range of theoretical concepts employed in hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 2 Q6 Test 1 Q8

5.32. Critically evaluate the relationship between comedy or stage hypnosis and clinical hypno-psychotherapy.

Test 2 Q7

5.33. Analyse the key factors in successful psychotherapy. Test 3 Q7 Test 1 Q8 Test 2 Q6

5.34. Evaluate the relevance of hypnotic responsiveness and suggestibility scales for clinical practice.

Test 3 Q8

Key Test 1 – Stage 1 classroom test paper Test 2 - Stage 2 classroom test paper Test 3 - Stage 3 classroom test paper Test 4 – Home Study Test Question paper TPF – Treatment Planning exercise forms (stage 3) Initial Consultation Forms – from Stage 1 practical Initial Consultation Feedback Form – from Stage 1 practical